; Copyright 2008 Castle Technology Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; ; This header file is autogenerated from the files maintained by the ; RISC OS allocations manager and should not be edited by anyone else. SUBT Service call info. => &.Hdr.Services OldOpt SETA {OPT} OPT OptNoList+OptNoP1List ; <<<search marker>>> ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; All the service call reason codes ; Name Value Beeb Elk Mast Arc Description ; ==== * === ; ; ; ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service_Serviced * &00 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Terminates processing Service_Static0E00 * &01 ; X ; X ; X ; ; Claim space at &E00 Service_Dynamic0E00 * &02 ; X ; X ; X ; ; Dynamic space above &E00 Service_AutoBoot * &03 ; X ; X ; X ; ; Cause filing system to boot Service_UKCommand * &04 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Do you know what this is?? Service_UnknownIRQ * &05 ; X ; X ; X ; ; Process IRQ Service_Error * &06 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; A 'BRK' has occured, use ErrorV on Archimedes Service_UKByte * &07 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Unknown OSBYTEs go thru here Service_UKWord * &08 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Unknown OSWORDs go thru here Service_Help * &09 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Issued at the start of the *Help Service_Claim0E00 * &0A ; X ; X ; X ; ; Claim the use of space at &E00 Service_ReleaseFIQ * &0B ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Service_ClaimFIQ * &0C ; X ; X ; X ; X ; May only be issued from foreground ! Service_StartROMFS * &0D ; X ; X ; X ; ; Initialise ROM filing system Service_ROMFSGetByte * &0E ; X ; X ; X ; ; ROM filing system get byte Service_ClaimFSVectors * &0F ; X ; X ; X ; ; A new FS has claimed the vectors Service_CloseSpoolExec * &10 ; X ; X ; X ; ; Closeure warning for Spool/Exec files Service_Memory * &11 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Font change, Memory movement Service_StartUpFS * &12 ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Service_RS423Char * &13 ; ; X ; ; ; Character written to RS423 buffer Service_PrinterChar * &14 ; ; X ; ; ; Character written to printer buffer Service_PollingInterupt * &15 ; ; X ; X ; ; Offered every centi-second Service_ExternalBell * &16 ; ; X ; ; ; Offer the bell to external sound Service_ExternalPurge * &17 ; ; X ; ; ; Purge external sound buffers Service_Post_Help * &18 ; ; ; X ; X ; Passed round at the end of the *Help code Service_StaticC000 * &21 ; ; ; X ; ; Static space claim at &C000 Service_DynamicC000 * &22 ; ; ; X ; ; Dynamic workspace claim, above &C000 Service_InformTopOfC000 * &23 ; ; ; X ; ; Inform top of &C000 static space Service_TestDynamicC000 * &24 ; ; ; X ; ; Dynamic space test Service_InformFilingSys * &25 ; ; ; X ; ; Return filing system name, handles, and number Service_ShutAllFiles * &26 ; ; ; X ; ; Shut all files, in response to *Shut Service_Reset * &27 ; ; ; X ; X ; Service_UKConfig * &28 ; ; ; X ; X ; Service_UKStatus * &29 ; ; ; X ; X ; Service_NewApplication * &2A ; ; ; X ; X ; Passed round before application/language is loaded/run Service_DisplayBanner * &2B ; ; ; X ; ; Display startup banner Service_CumanaBackup * &2C ; ; ; X ; ; Cumana removable cartidge drive Service_BondIntKboard1 * &30 ; ; ; X ; ; Indirected international keyboard service (Internat'nl PRB/COM) Service_BondIntKboard2 * &31 ; ; ; X ; ; Reserved for Paul Bond Service_Tube * &FE ; X ; X ; X ; X ; Means "Tube changing state" Service_TubeMainInit * &FF ; X ; X ; X ; ; ; RISC OS specific ones Service_FSRedeclare * &40 ; Add yourselves as Filing Systems again please Service_Print * &41 ; Printer Driver is being turned on/off (R2=0/1) Service_LookupFileType * &42 ; Do you know this file type ? Service_International * &43 ; Translate country/alphabet numbers/names or define set of chars Service_KeyHandler * &44 ; Offered when keyboard id ascertained Service_PreReset * &45 ; Offered after pressing the 'Break Key' Service_ModeChange * &46 ; Offered after a screen MODE change Service_ClaimFIQinBackground * &47 ; Claim if you are FIQ owner and can release FIQ straight away. Service_ReAllocatePorts * &48 ; Econet is being started up again Service_StartWimp * &49 ; Service_StartedWimp * &4A ; Service_StartFiler * &4B ; Service_StartedFiler * &4C ; Service_PreModeChange * &4D ; Offered before mode changes, if claimed then returns if R0=0, else R0 -> error block Service_MemoryMoved * &4E ; Offered at end of ChangeDynamic Service_FilerDying * &4F ; Service_ModeExtension * &50 ; To allow soft modes Service_ModeTranslation * &51 ; For unknown monitor types Service_MouseTrap * &52 ; For non-click mouse warnings Service_WimpCloseDown * &53 ; for trapping Wimp_CloseDown calls Service_Sound * &54 ; Something's happening ... sub-rc's in Hdr.Sound Service_NetFS * &55 ; Either a *Logon or a *Bye has happened, or NetFS has started Service_EconetDying * &56 ; Econet is leaving Abandon all Tx/RxCBs Service_WimpReportError * &57 ; Wimp is opening/closing a ReportError window Service_MIDI * &58 ; MIDI is initialising or dying. Sub reason codes in Hdr.MIDI Service_ResourceFSStarted * &59 ; comes after ResourceFSStarting (for clients) Service_ResourceFSDying * &5A ; when ResourceFS is killed / reloaded Service_CalibrationChanged * &5B ; when the calibration for the screen is changed Service_WimpSaveDesktop * &5C ; when a save desktop to file is requested by the user Service_WimpPalette * &5D ; on every Wimp_SetPalette Service_MessageFileClosed * &5E ; from MessageTrans module Service_NetFSDying * &5F ; NetFS is going to heaven, interceptors beware! Service_ResourceFSStarting * &60 ; when ResourceFS is reloaded / reinited Service_NFS * &61 ; when NFS has mounted/dismounted or just loaded Service_DBoxModuleDying * &62 ; when the DBox module is rmkilled or succesfully tidied Service_DBoxModuleStarting * &63 ; when the DBox module is rmloaded or reinitted Service_TerritoryManagerLoaded * &64 ; when the territory manager is rmloaded or reinitted Service_PDriverStarting * &65 ; when the PDriver sharer module starts up Service_PDumperStarting * &66 ; when the PDumper module starts up Service_PDumperDying * &67 ; when the PDumper module dies Service_CloseFile * &68 ; when somebody wants to open a file (eg FileSwitch or PCEmulator) Service_IdentifyDisc * &69 ; when FileCore wants a disc format to be identified Service_EnumerateFormats * &6A ; when ADFSFiler wants some format submenu entries Service_IdentifyFormat * &6B ; when ADFS wishes to identify a format identifier from a *format command Service_DisplayFormatHelp * &6C ; when ADFS wishes to display the list of available formats Service_ValidateAddress * &6D ; when OS_ValidateAddress called with an apparently invalid address range Service_FontsChanged * &6E ; when Font_ListFonts/Font_FindFont detects new Font$Path Service_BufferStarting * &6F ; when Buffer manager installed (RMReinited, etc..). Service_DeviceFSStarting * &70 ; when devices to register with DeviceFS. Service_DeviceFSDying * &71 ; when DeviceFS is dying. Service_SwitchingOutputToSprite * &72 ; when output switched to sprite or sprite mask or screen (inc. on mode change) Service_PostInit * &73 ; called after all modules have been initialised Service_BASICHelp * &74 ; called before printing BASIC help text ( r2 = Token). Service_TerritoryStarted * &75 ; called when a new territory is starting Service_MonitorLeadTranslation * &76 ; to translate a monitor lead ID to a default monitortype, mode and sync Service_SerialDevice * &77 ; Passing of serial device handle (in r0) to all support module. Service_PDriverGetMessages * &78 ; Get printer driver modules common Messages file info. Service_DeviceDead * &79 ; Device has been killed by DeviceFS, r0 =0, r2 =handle / =0 if all. Service_ScreenBlanked * &7A ; Screen blanked by screen blanker. Service_ScreenRestored * &7B ; Screen restored by screen blanker. Service_DesktopWelcome * &7C ; Desktop about to start, display welcome message. Service_DiscDismounted * &7D ; Disc has just been dismounted - close your viewers etc. Service_ShutDown * &7E ; Switcher is shutting down. Service_PDriverChanged * &7F ; PDriver has changed via PDriver_SelectDriver. Service_ShutDownComplete * &80 ; Switcher has completed the shutdown. Service_DeviceFSCloseRequest * &81 ; Opening a device which already has maximum number of streams open Service_InvalidateCache * &82 ; ColourTrans has invalidated its cache Service_ProtocolDying * &83 ; Tells the world that a protocol is dying Service_FindNetworkDriver * &84 ; Issued when a protocol module is looking for device drivers Service_WimpSpritesMoved * &85 ; Window Managers sprite areas have moved. Service_WimpRegisterFilters * &86 ; Window Manager has defaulted the filter owners. Service_FilterManagerInstalled * &87 ; Please register with the Filter Manager now Service_FilterManagerDying * &88 ; Filter Manager has just disappeared Service_ModeChanging * &89 ; Issued after Service_PreModeChange when a mode change is inevitable Service_Portable * &8A ; Issued when various bits of power are removed or applied Service_NetworkDriverStatus * &8B ; Issued when various driver modules startup or die Service_SyntaxError * &8C ; Issued by OS_CLI if syntax incorrect - for internationalisation Service_EnumerateScreenModes * &8D ; Enumerate which screen modes are available Service_PagesUnsafe * &8E ; Physical memory pages are moving Service_PagesSafe * &8F ; Physical memory pages have moved Service_DynamicAreaCreate * &90 ; Dynamic area just created Service_DynamicAreaRemove * &91 ; Dynamic area just removed Service_DynamicAreaRenumber * &92 ; Dynamic area just renumbered Service_ColourPickerLoaded * &93 ; when the colour picker is rmloaded or reinitted Service_ModeFileChanged * &94 ; when a new mode description file is loaded Service_FreewayStarting * &95 ; Freeway starting Service_FreewayTerminating * &96 ; Freeway terminating Service_ShareDStarting * &97 ; ShareD starting Service_ShareDTerminating * &98 ; ShareD terminating Service_ModulePostInitialisation * &99 ; Notification that a Module has just started Service_ModulePreFinalisation * &9A ; Notification that a Module is about to die Service_EnumerateNetworkDrivers * &9B ; Enumaration of network drivers Service_PCMCIA * &9C ; PCMCIA system parts are starting and/or terminating Service_DCIDriverStatus * &9D ; Issued when DCI 4 driver modules startup or die Service_DCIFrameTypeFree * &9E ; Issued by DCI 4 driver modules when a frame type is relinquished Service_DCIProtocolStatus * &9F ; Issued when DCI 4 protocol modules startup or die Service_MbufManagerStatus * &A2 ; ANT Ltd. / Acorn (DCI 4) Service_SamplerSupport * &A3 ; Jonathan Allin Service_AccessLockKey * &A4 ; Issued when 'Access Lock' key pressed on Stork Service_RedrawManagerInstalled * &A5 ; ART kb Service_RedrawManagerDying * &A6 ; ART kb Service_URI * &A7 ; ART rce Service_NCDialUIStatus * &A8 ; ANC ol Service_ScreenBlanking * &A9 ; ANC ol Service_IRDirectorStarting * &AA ; ANC cb Service_Standby * &AD ; ANC Steve Cormie Service_NCAccessManager * &AE ; ANC Ant Skelton Service_InternetStatus * &B0 ; Issued by Internet module when address is configured Service_Sleeping * &B1 ; Online Media Set-Top Box Service_TimeShare * &B2 ; Alan Glover, Acorn, for SkyNet Service_CDNewDrivePoll * &B3 ; Timothy Roddis, Acorn, for CDFS Service_Dialler * &B4 ; ART Dialler Service_UnknownPlatformFeature * &B5 ; ART WTurner Service_CountATAPIDevices * &B6 ; ART MChallis Service_UKCompression * &B7 ; ART WTurner Service_CacheManager * &B8 ; ART TRoddis Service_ModulePreInit * &B9 ; ART MStephens Service_NCRegistry * &BA ; ANC Ant Skelton Service_SCTransportStarting * &BB ; ANC Rich Buckley Service_NCRegistrySupport * &BC ; ANC Ant Skelton Service_MachineAddress * &BD ; ANC Steve Cormie Service_CSFSStarting * &BE ; ANC Rich Buckley Service_JavaStarting * &BF ; ANC Piers Wombwell Service_PPPTimingOut * &C0 ; ART Ben Laughton Service_IRDirector * &C1 ; Chris Berry Service_PortMan * &C2 ; Neil Turton Service_PCI * &C3 ; William Turner Service_Diallerb * &C4 ; Ben Laughton Service_ManagedAccess * &C5 ; Ant Skelton Service_MIDIMgr * &C6 ; Tim Roddis Service_MPEGControlStarting * &C7 ; Tim Dobson Service_IME * &C8 ; Andrew Hodgkinson Service_SVBmip * &C9 ; Steve Revill Service_VideoControl * &CA ; Andrew Hodgkinson Service_VideoControl_ProtocolModule * &CB ; Andrew Hodgkinson Service_NCMA * &D1 ; Pace Service_USB * &D2 ; Pace Service_PRISM_Core * &D3 ; Pace Service_ConfigUpdate * &D4 ; Pace Service_PRISM_Client * &D5 ; Pace Service_Hardware * &D9 ; RO5 Service_ModulePostInit * &DA ; RO5 Service_ModulePostFinal * &DB ; RO5 Service_NVRAM * &E0 ; Steve Cormie (This used to be isolated, but allocations have now caught up) ; Alias (should not be used) Service_PDriverGetSharedMessagesFile * Service_PDriverGetMessages ; International service sub-reason codes Inter_CNaToCNo * 0 Inter_ANaToANo * 1 Inter_CNoToCNa * 2 Inter_ANoToANa * 3 Inter_CNoToANo * 4 Inter_Define * 5 Inter_Keyboard * 6 Inter_DefineUCS * 7 Inter_UCSTable * 8 Inter_Highest * 9 ; highest reason code +1 ; Sub-reason codes (in r2) for Service_Portable ServicePortable_PowerDown * 0 ; Power about to be removed from some ports ServicePortable_PowerUp * 1 ; Power has been reapplied to some ports ServicePortable_TidyUp * 2 ; Issued by Econet if it can't powerdown due to outstanding RxCBs ServicePortable_Freeze * 3 ; Issued on entry to SWI Portable_Stop ServicePortable_Unfreeze * 4 ; Issued on exit from SWI Portable_Stop ServicePortable_FreezeRequest * 5 ; Preceedes ServicePortable_Freeze ^ &10800 ; ADFS Service calls Service_ADFSPodule # 1 ; &10800 locates ST506 podule Service_ADFSPoduleIDE # 1 ; &10801 locates IDE podule Service_ADFSPoduleIDEDying # 1 ; &10802 tells ADFS podule is dying ^ &20100 ; SCSIDriver Service calls SCSIDriverService # 64 ^ &400c0 Service_ErrorStarting # 1 ; new wimp error extension system Service_ErrorButtonPressed # 1 Service_ErrorEnding # 1 ^ &40100 Service_CM_State_PreSleep # 1 Service_CM_State_PostWake # 1 ^ &40200 Service_NetPrintCheckD1 # 1 ; Used to find the SJ printer server ^ &41200 ; Internet/Networking Service calls Service_Internet # 1 ; &41200 tells the world that Internet is dying ^ &41580 ; Acorn TIP Service calls Service_FindProtocols # 1 ; &41580 Called to find which protocols are available Service_FindProtocolsEnd # 1 ; &41581 Called when all protocols have been found. Service_ProtocolNameToNumber # 1 ; &41582 Called to convert a protocol name to its SWI base. ^ &44EC0 ; Aquarius Toolbox services Service_ToolboxUnused # 1 ; &44EC0 Service_ToolboxStarting # 1 ; &44EC1 Service_ToolboxTaskBorn # 1 ; &44EC2 Service_ToolboxTaskDied # 1 ; &44EC3 Service_ToolboxDying # 1 ; &44EC4 Service_WindowDeleted # 1 ; &44EC5 ^ &4D480 ; ModeFiles Service_SafeAreaChanged # 1 ; &4D480 ; Third party services start at &80000 and they get 64 each ^ &80000 ^ &80540 AcornProtocols # 64 ; &80540, ART rce ^ &82880 ; Aquarius Window services Service_WindowModuleUnused # 1 ; &82880 Service_WindowModuleStarting # 1 ; &82881 Service_WindowModuleDying # 1 ; &82882 Service_GadgetRegistered # 1 ; &82883 Service_GadgetDeregistered # 1 ; &82884 ^ &83E00 URLModuleService # 64 ; &83E00, Acorn, Stewart Brodie OPT OldOpt END