; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
        SUBT    Constants  ==> Hdr:Symbols

OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List

; *******************
; *** Change List ***
; *******************
; 28-Feb-91 DDV Added some new ones.
; 13-Feb-92 BC  Added a couple more.
; 05-Aug-93 BC  Moved VIDC specific symbols to VIDC files

Zero            * 0
One             * 1
Two             * 2
Three           * 3
Four            * 4
Five            * 5
Six             * 6
Seven           * 7
Eight           * 8
Nine            * 9
Ten             * 10
Eleven          * 11
Twelve          * 12

BitZero         * 1 :SHL: 0
BitOne          * 1 :SHL: 1
BitTwo          * 1 :SHL: 2
BitThree        * 1 :SHL: 3
BitFour         * 1 :SHL: 4
BitFive         * 1 :SHL: 5
BitSix          * 1 :SHL: 6
BitSeven        * 1 :SHL: 7
BitEight        * 1 :SHL: 8
BitNine         * 1 :SHL: 9

BitFifteen      * 1 :SHL: 15

BitTwenty       * 1 :SHL: 20

BitTwentyFour   * 1 :SHL: 24

BitTwentySeven  * 1 :SHL: 27

BitTwentyNine   * 1 :SHL: 29
BitThirty       * 1 :SHL: 30
BitThirtyOne    * 1 :SHL: 31

NFlag           * 1 :SHL: 31
ZFlag           * 1 :SHL: 30
CFlag           * 1 :SHL: 29
VFlag           * 1 :SHL: 28
IFlag           * 1 :SHL: 27
FFlag           * 1 :SHL: 26

SR_N            * NFlag
SR_Z            * ZFlag
SR_C            * CFlag
SR_V            * VFlag
SR_I            * IFlag
SR_F            * FFlag

                GBLL    True
True            SETL    1=1

                GBLL    False
False           SETL    1=0

CallerR0        * 0
CallerR1        * 4
CallerR2        * 8
CallerR3        * 12
CallerR4        * 16
CallerR5        * 20
CallerR6        * 24
CallerR7        * 28
CallerR8        * 32
CallerR9        * 36
CallerR10       * 40
CallerR11       * 44
CallerWP        * 48
CallerSP        * 52
CallerLR        * 56

        OPT     OldOpt
