# Copyright 1997 Acorn Computers Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Makefile for BootCommands # # *********************************** # *** C h a n g e L i s t *** # *********************************** # Date Name Description # ---- ---- ----------- # 12th Sep 1994 JC Created. # # # Generic options: # MKDIR = cdir CC = cc -IOS: -fach -wp -DBOOTCMDS CP = copy CPFLAGS = ~cfr~v OBJASM = ObjAsm ${THROWBACK} -depend !Depend -stamp -quit CMHG = CMHG LINK = Link ZM = -zM WIPE = -wipe WFLAGS = ~c~vr RM = remove STUBS = CLib:o.Stubs # # Libraries: # OSLIB = OSLib:OSLib.o RSTUBS = RISC_OSLib:o.romcstubs ABSSYM = RISC_OSLib:o.abssym # # Program specific options: # COMPONENT = BootCmds TARGET = aof.${COMPONENT} RESDIR = .Resources2.BootCmds OBJS = o.files o.header o.main o.Messages o.Repeat o.riscos OBJSD = o.header o.hostfs debug.m debug.main debug.trace \ debug.riscos debug.files o.Repeat o.Messages debug.svc ROM_OBJS = o.files o.header o.main o.Repeat o.riscos ASMS = s.main RESOURCES = o.Messages o.Repeat # # Generic rules {used by top-level build}: # all: rm.${COMPONENT} rom: ${TARGET} @echo BootCmds: rom module built export: @echo BootCmds: export complete install: install_${COMPONENT} install_rom: ${TARGET} ${CP} ${TARGET} ${INSTDIR}.BootCmds ${CPFLAGS} @echo ${COMPONENT}: rom module installed clean: ${WIPE} o.* ${WFLAGS} ${WIPE} rm.* ${WFLAGS} ${WIPE} linked.* ${WFLAGS} ${WIPE} map.* ${WFLAGS} ${RM} Resources.Repeat ${RM} ${TARGET} @echo ${COMPONENT}: cleaned resources: resources-${CMDHELP} @echo BootCmds: Resources copied to Messages module resources_common: ${MKDIR} ${RESDIR} ${CP} LocalRes:Messages ${RESDIR}.Messages ${CPFLAGS} resources-None: resources_common @ resources-: resources_common print LocalRes:CmdHelp { >> ${RESDIR}.Messages } # # ROM target (re-linked at ROM Image build time) # ${TARGET}: ${ROM_OBJS} ${OSLIB} ${RSTUBS} ${LINK} -o $@ -aof ${ROM_OBJS} ${OSLIB} ${RSTUBS} # # Final link for the ROM Image (using given base address) # rom_link: ${LINK} -o linked.BootCmds -rmf -base ${ADDRESS} ${TARGET} ${ABSSYM} ${CP} linked.BootCmds ${LINKDIR}.BootCmds ${CPFLAGS} @echo ${COMPONENT}: rom_link complete # # Extra {development} rules: # asms: ${ASMS} #Internal targets RM.BootCmds: ${OBJS} ${OSLIB} ${STUBS} ${LINK} -rmf -output RM.BootCmds ${OBJS} ${OSLIB} ${STUBS} Access RM.BootCmds WR/R RM.BootCmdsD: ${OBJSD} ${OSLIB} ${STUBS} ${LINK} -rmf -output RM.BootCmdsD ${OBJSD} ${OSLIB} ${STUBS} Access RM.BootCmdsD WR/R o.Messages: LocalRes:Messages ResGen Messages o.Messages LocalRes:Messages Resources.BootCmds.Messages o.Repeat: Resources.Repeat ResGen Repeat o.Repeat Resources.Repeat Resources.BootCmds.Repeat Resources.Repeat: o.repeatcmd ${OSLIB} ${STUBS} ${LINK} -output Resources.Repeat o.repeatcmd ${OSLIB} ${STUBS} o.repeatcmd: c.repeatcmd ${CC} ${THROWBACK} -depend !Depend -c -ff c.repeatcmd debug.trace: h.hostfs #General rules .SUFFIXES: .cmhg .c .debug .o .asm .def .c.o:; ${CC} ${THROWBACK} -depend !Depend -c ${ZM} -ff $< .asm.o:; ${OBJASM} -stamp -quit $< $@ .asm.debug:; ${OBJASM} -pd "TRACE SETL {TRUE}" -pd "STANDALONE SETL {TRUE}" -stamp -quit $< $@ .c.debug:; ${CC} ${THROWBACK} -depend !Depend -c ${ZM} -ff -DTRACE=1 -DSTANDALONE -o $@ $< .cmhg.o:; ${CMHG} -p -depend !Depend $< $@ .c.s:; ${CC} ${THROWBACK} -depend !Depend -s ${ZM} -ff $< .def.o:; DefMod -l -o l.$* < $< LibFile -c -o $@ -via ViaFile Wipe l.$* ~C~FR~V .def.h:; DefMod -h < $< > $@ .def.s:; DefMod -s < $< > $@ # Dynamic dependencies: