/* Copyright 1998 Acorn Computers Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
*  Lan Manager client
*  Attr.C --  RISCOS file-type subsystem
*  Versions
*  18-08-94 INH Original

/* System includes */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "kernel.h"
#include "Global/FileTypes.h"

/* Our includes */

#include "stdtypes.h"

#include "attr.h"
#include "smb.h"
#include "xlate.h"
#include "omni.h"
#include "LanMan.h"
#include "LMVars.h"

/* "Default" filetype logic ------------------------------------- */

/* This is used when the file-type logic can't provide
   RISCOS attributes for the given filename (e.g. when they're
   DOS files, or someone's deleted the RISCOS.EA file).

struct ext_type
  char *ext;
  int   type;

static const struct ext_type FTypes[] =
  { "TXT", 0xFFF },  /* Text */
  { "C",   0xFFF },
  { "H",   0xFFF },
  { "ASM", 0xFFF },
  { "JPG", 0xC85 },  /* JPEG */
  { "PS",  0xFF5 },  /* Postscript */
  { NULL,  0     }

/* ---------------- */

static void GetDefaultType ( char *leafname, RISCOS_ATTRIBS *ra )
  const struct ext_type *pET;
  int ftype;
  _kernel_swi_regs rset ;

  /* See if OmniFiler can help us */

  if ( Omni_GetDefaultType(leafname, &ftype) == OK )
    debug2("Omni gave default type %X for '%s'\n", ftype, leafname );
    ra->loadaddr = (ra->loadaddr & 0xFFF000FF) |
                   ((ftype << 8) & 0x000FFF00);

  leafname = strchr(leafname, '.');
  if ( leafname == NULL )  /* No extension */
    debug2("Assuming filetype %03x for '%s' due to no suffix\n", LM_Vars.default_type, leafname );
    ra->loadaddr = (ra->loadaddr & 0xFFF000FF) |
                   (LM_Vars.default_type << 8);

  leafname++;  /* Skip '.' */

  /* Have a look in the mimemap */
  rset.r[0] = MMM_TYPE_DOT_EXTN;
  rset.r[1] = (int)leafname;
  rset.r[2] = MMM_TYPE_RISCOS;
  if (_kernel_swi(MimeMap_Translate, &rset, &rset) == NULL)
    ra->loadaddr = (ra->loadaddr & 0xFFF000FF) |
                   (rset.r[3] << 8);
    debug2("Mimemap gave type %X for '%s'\n", rset.r[3], leafname );

  /* Look through the feable small table */
  for ( pET = FTypes; pET->ext != NULL; pET++ )
    if ( strcmp ( pET->ext, leafname ) == 0 )
      ra->loadaddr = (ra->loadaddr & 0xFFF000FF) |
                     (pET->type << 8);

/* Attribute-file logic --------------------------- */

/* We keep RISCOS attributes in a file "RISCOS.EA" in each
   directory. This consists of one or more 'ATTR_REC'
   structures as defined below.


typedef struct
  char           name[16];

#define ATTR_REC_SIZE sizeof(ATTR_REC)

/* We also keep a cache of the attributes file, to avoid
   continual network traffic when reading a whole directory.

#define CACHE_SIZE 128

/* This is set so that typically a whole RISCOS directory's
   worth (77 files) can be kept in the cache.
   13/6/96: change from 80 to 128 so that it's a whole number of
   disk sectors.

static char     AttrFileName[DOS_NAME_LEN];
                               /* Name of file for which AttrCache
                                  holds entries */
static ATTR_REC AttrCache[CACHE_SIZE];
static int      AttrCacheLen;  /* Number of valid entries in cache */
static int      AttrCacheStart; /* Offset (in records) of first
                                   record in cache */

static bool     AttrAllInCache; /* This is set if the entire attrib file
                                is held in the cache, or if there is no
                                attrib. file. This cuts out a lot of
                                network activity when it is set. */

#define LEAFNAME_SIZE 16
static char AttrLeafName[LEAFNAME_SIZE];

/* ---------------------- */

/* SetFileName makes sure AttrFileName is the name of the
   attribute file for the file name given. If this involves
   a change to AttrFileName, the cache is invalidated.

   The name should always be in upper-case (as supplied by
   the Xlate conversion functions) to ensure the match works.

static err_t SetFileName ( char *name )
  char *tmp;
  int path_len;  /* Length of file's pathname */

  tmp = strrchr(name, '\\'); /* Get pathname */
  if ( tmp == NULL )         /* Shouldn't actually happen! */
    return EBADNAME;

  strcpyn_upper ( AttrLeafName, tmp+1, LEAFNAME_SIZE );
  path_len = (tmp-name)+1; /* Length including last '\' */

  if ( strncmp ( AttrFileName, name, path_len ) == 0 &&
       strcmp ( AttrFileName+path_len, ATTR_FILENAME ) == 0
    return OK;  /* Still in cache! */

  AttrCacheLen=0;  /* Invalidate cache */
  AttrAllInCache = false;

  /* Form filename */
  strncpy ( AttrFileName, name, path_len );
  strcpy ( AttrFileName+path_len, ATTR_FILENAME );
  return OK;

/* ----------------------------------------- */

static int GetEntryPos ( char *name )
  int i;
  char ch = name[0];   /* Used as speedup */

  for ( i=0; i<AttrCacheLen; i++ )
    if ( ch == AttrCache[i].name[0] &&
         strcmp ( name, AttrCache[i].name ) == 0 )
      return i;

  return -1;

/* ----------------------------- */

static int SearchFileForEntry ( int FH, char *name )
  int len, pos;
  AttrCacheStart = 0;
  AttrAllInCache = false;

    len = 0;
    SMB_Read ( FH, AttrCacheStart*ATTR_REC_SIZE,
                     CACHE_SIZE * ATTR_REC_SIZE,
               (BYTE *)AttrCache, &len );

    AttrCacheLen = len / ATTR_REC_SIZE;

    if ( AttrCacheStart == 0 && AttrCacheLen < CACHE_SIZE )
      AttrAllInCache = true;

    pos = GetEntryPos(name);
    if ( pos >= 0 )
      return pos;

    if ( AttrCacheLen < CACHE_SIZE ) /* No more file */
       return -1;

    AttrCacheStart+= AttrCacheLen;

/* --------------------------- */

static bool CacheEmpty ()
  int i;
  for ( i=0; i<AttrCacheLen; i++)
    if (AttrCache[i].name[0] != 0)
      return false;
  return true;

/* --------------------------- */

static void FileDataMove( int FH, int from, int to )
  int req_len;
  int len;

  req_len = (from-to);
  if ( req_len <= 0 ) return;

    len = 0;

    SMB_Read ( FH, from, req_len, (BYTE *)AttrCache, &len );
    if ( len > 0 )
      SMB_Write ( FH, to, len, (BYTE *)AttrCache, NULL );

    from += len;
    to += len;
    while ( len == req_len );

  SMB_Truncate ( FH, to );
  AttrCacheLen = len / ATTR_REC_SIZE;
  AttrAllInCache = false;  /* Can't be sure, so assume not! */

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

/* This routine determines which of the saved attributes are
   read back from the RISCOS.EA file, and which are still
   generated by converting from DOS.

static void InsertAttribs ( RISCOS_ATTRIBS *src, RISCOS_ATTRIBS *dst )
  if ( (src->loadaddr & 0xFFF00000) != 0xFFF00000 )
    /* If it's a load/exec address rather than time/date stamp */
    dst->loadaddr = src->loadaddr;
    dst->execaddr = src->execaddr;
    /* Preserve time & date stamp given by DOS */
    dst->loadaddr = (dst->loadaddr & 0xFFF000FF) |
                    (src->loadaddr & 0x000FFF00);

/* Attr_InvalidateDrive() --------------------------------- */

/* Called when the meaning of a drive letter changes, so that
   we can invalidate the cache.

void Attr_InvalidateDrive( char drvletter )
  (void) drvletter; /* Ignore it */
  AttrCacheLen=0;  /* Invalidate cache */
  AttrAllInCache = false;
  AttrFileName[0] = 0;

/* Attr_GetInfo() ----------------------------------------- */

   This attempts to fill in the RISCOS_ATTRIBS structure
   for the file given in 'filename'. As a convenience to the
   'read-directory' routine, it allows the leaf name to be passed
   in separately.

static err_t Attr_GetInfoX2 ( char *filename, char *leafname,
  char *lastcomma;
  if (Xlt_SplitLeafnameX2 ( leafname?leafname:filename, pRA, &lastcomma ) != OK) {
    /* Something asked using a RISC OS name.  Need to do a lookup
     * for the file.
    //GetDefaultType ( leafname, pRA );
    //return EATTRIBREAD;
  return OK;

err_t Attr_GetInfo ( char *filename, char *leafname,
  int Attr_FH;  /* File handle for attrib file */
  int pos;

  if (SMB_IsLongNameFS(filename))
    return Attr_GetInfoX2 ( filename, leafname, pRA );

  if ( SetFileName(filename) != OK )
    return EBADNAME;

  if ( leafname != NULL )
    strcpyn_upper(AttrLeafName, leafname, LEAFNAME_SIZE);

  /* Is it already in cache? */

  pos = GetEntryPos(AttrLeafName);
  if ( pos >= 0 )
    goto got_pos;

  if ( AttrAllInCache )
    goto get_failed;

  /* Else, try to read from file */

  if ( SMB_Open ( MODE_RD, AttrFileName, &da, &Attr_FH, NULL ) == OK )
    pos = SearchFileForEntry ( Attr_FH, AttrLeafName );
    SMB_Close (Attr_FH, &da);

    if ( pos >= 0 )
      goto got_pos;
    AttrCacheLen = 0;
    AttrAllInCache = true;

  GetDefaultType ( AttrLeafName, pRA );

  InsertAttribs ( &AttrCache[pos].attr, pRA );

  return OK;

/* Note:

   This particular technique will leave behind data in the
   attrib. cache after the file has been closed. Potentially,
   another user could then change the contents of the attrib
   file, and when the cache is next used it will have stale data
   in. I don't think this is too much of a problem, however,
   as most actions will flush the cache, and updates to type
   information are relatively infrequent.


/* ------------------------------------------ */

/* For the 'Delete' and 'Set' calls, we do not make use of data
   in the cache, as it is potentially stale and the consequences
   of using it are more severe.

   'Delete' works as follows:

   First, the block of the .EA file containing the record to be
   deleted is read into the cache. If no such record exists, we
   finish now. The record is then deleted by writing zeros over
   its 'name' field: this change is written back to disk.
   However, if all the entries in this cache block now contain
   zeroed names, the file is compacted by removing the whole
   cache block from the file.

err_t Attr_DeleteInfo ( char *pathname )
  int Attr_FH;  /* File handle for attrib file */
  int pos;

  if (SMB_IsLongNameFS(pathname))
    return OK;

  if ( SetFileName(pathname) != OK )
    return EBADNAME;

  AttrAllInCache = false;

  /* Try to read/write the file */

  if ( SMB_Open ( MODE_RDWR, AttrFileName, &da, &Attr_FH, NULL ) != OK )
    return EATTRIBWRITE;

  /* Find position of entry */

  pos = SearchFileForEntry ( Attr_FH, AttrLeafName );

  if ( pos < 0 ) /* Can't find it: don't worry! */
    goto close_file;

  /* Found entry: zero it out */

  AttrCache[pos].name[0] = 0;

  if ( !CacheEmpty() )   /* Just update this one */
    SMB_Write ( Attr_FH, (AttrCacheStart+pos)*ATTR_REC_SIZE,
               (BYTE *)&AttrCache[pos], NULL );
    FileDataMove ( Attr_FH, (AttrCacheStart+AttrCacheLen) * ATTR_REC_SIZE,
                        AttrCacheStart * ATTR_REC_SIZE );

  SMB_Close(Attr_FH, &da);
  return OK;

/* ---------------------- */

/* Attr_SetInfo():

   Saves the RISCOS attribs for a given file. If the attrib. file
   doesn't exist it is created, & the new data is written to the
   end. Otherwise, we search through the file looking for a 'free'
   slot (with a 0 byte at the start of 'name'), which is filled
extern err_t Attr_SetInfo ( char *pathname, RISCOS_ATTRIBS *pRA )
  err_t err;
  int Attr_FH;  /* File handle for attrib file */
  int pos;

  debug1("SetInfo for '%s'\n", pathname);

  /* Wonderfully ehough, we don't actually need an implementation
   * of this at all!
  if (SMB_IsLongNameFS(pathname))
    return OK;

  if ( SetFileName(pathname) != OK )
    return EBADNAME;

  AttrAllInCache = false;

  /* Try to read/write the file */

  err = SMB_Open ( MODE_RDWR, AttrFileName, &da, &Attr_FH, NULL );

  if ( err == OK )   /* File exists */
    /* Look for existing entry - if there is one, amend it */
    pos = SearchFileForEntry ( Attr_FH, AttrLeafName );
    if ( pos >= 0 )
      debug0("Found existing entry");
      goto write_new;

    /* Look for free entry - if there is one, use it */
    pos = GetEntryPos ( "" );
    if ( pos >= 0 )
      debug0("Found in-cache free entry");
      goto write_new;

    pos = SearchFileForEntry ( Attr_FH, "" );
    if ( pos >= 0 )
      debug0("Found file free entry");
      goto write_new;

    /* Else, add new entry */

    if ( AttrCacheLen == CACHE_SIZE )
      debug0("Adding new block to file");
      pos = 0;
      AttrCacheStart += AttrCacheLen;
      AttrCacheLen = 1;
      debug0("Extending file");
      pos = AttrCacheLen;
    goto write_new;
  /* If attrib file doesn't exist, create one */
  else if ( err == EFILENOTFOUND )
    da.utime = 0;
    da.attr = ATTR_HID | ATTR_NORM | ATTR_ARC;
    da.length = 0;
    err = SMB_Create ( AttrFileName, &da, &Attr_FH );
    debug1("Create attr file, res %d\n", err);
    if ( err == OK )
      AttrCacheStart = 0;   /* Write new info at beginning of file */
      AttrCacheLen = 1;
      pos = 0;
      goto write_new;
    debug2("Open '%s' gave error %d\n", AttrFileName, err);

  /* All attempts have failed! */

  debug2(" - new entry at base %d pos %d", AttrCacheStart, pos );
  AttrAllInCache = false;
  strcpy(AttrCache[pos].name, AttrLeafName);
  AttrCache[pos].attr = *pRA;

  SMB_Write ( Attr_FH, (AttrCacheStart+pos)*ATTR_REC_SIZE,
               (BYTE *)&AttrCache[pos], NULL );

  SMB_Close(Attr_FH, &da);
  return OK;

/* ---------------------------------- */

/* This will remove the RISCOS.EA file from the given
   dir if it's effectively redundant. It's called before
   a 'delete directory' command, to make sure it doesn't
   fail because the RISCOS.EA file is still there!

   It works as follows: we read through RISCOS.EA, to see
   if any of the files it refers to actually exist. If
   none do, RISCOS.EA is deleted.

   Note that we use the 'AttrFileName' buffer for this;
   we clear it after use, because its must stay in step
   with the contents of the cache, as checked by

void Attr_CheckEmptyDir (char *dirname)
  int i, FH, pos, len;
  DOS_ATTRIBS da, da2;

  AttrAllInCache = false;
  AttrCacheLen = 0;

  /* Shouldn't be any RISCOS.EA file present - user must delete it if
   * there is one - we're not hiding it away on long filename shares
  if (SMB_IsLongNameFS(dirname))

  /* Open Attr file */

  sprintf ( AttrFileName, "%s\\%s", dirname, ATTR_FILENAME );

  if ( SMB_Open ( MODE_RD, AttrFileName, &da, &FH, NULL ) != OK )

  pos = 0;

    len = 0;
    SMB_Read ( FH, pos*ATTR_REC_SIZE,
                     CACHE_SIZE * ATTR_REC_SIZE,
               (BYTE *)AttrCache, &len );

    len /= ATTR_REC_SIZE;

    /* Try to find a file which exists */
    for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
      if ( AttrCache[i].name[0] != 0 )
        sprintf ( AttrFileName, "%s\\%s", dirname, AttrCache[i].name );
        if (SMB_GetAttribs ( AttrFileName, &da2 ) == OK )
          SMB_Close ( FH, &da );
          AttrFileName[0] = 0;

    pos += len;
    while ( len == CACHE_SIZE );

  /* If it doesn't, delete the attrib file */

  SMB_Close ( FH, &da );
  sprintf ( AttrFileName, "%s\\%s", dirname, ATTR_FILENAME );
  debug1("Deleting %s", AttrFileName);

  da.utime = 0;
  da.attr  = 0;  /* Reset hidden attribute */
  SMB_SetAttribs ( AttrFileName, &da );
  SMB_Delete ( AttrFileName );
  AttrFileName[0] = 0;