• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Removed verbose mode · 8a3f55c4
    Robert Sprowson authored
    With LanManFS in ROM it's not actually possible to enable verbose mode, since it relies on command arguments being passed to it on initialisation. Since RMREINIT doesn't allow that you can't ever pass '-v'. Even the RAM loaded case isn't that useful, since the verbose text is output via printf() which doesn't appear in the desktop (with OmniClient).
    Swap the few uses of verbose mode to route via DebugLib instead, controlled via the 'DEBUG' predefine.
      Makefile ammended so debug version has a rule to make the resources area.
    Built, but not tested.
    Version 2.41. Tagged as 'LanManFS-2_41'
LMVars 1.26 KB