; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; ; > s.memmap ; low level memory mapping ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;convert page number in $pnum to L2PT entry (physical address+protection bits), ;using PhysBin table for speed ; ;entry: $ptable -> PhysBin table, $pbits = protection bits ;exit: $temp corrupted ; MACRO PageNumToL2PT $pnum,$ptable,$pbits,$temp BIC $temp,$pnum,#(3:SHL:(AMBPhysBinShift-2)) ;word alignment for PhysBin lookup LDR $temp,[$ptable,$temp,LSR #(AMBPhysBinShift-2)] ;start physical address of bin AND $pnum,$pnum,#AMBPhysBinMask ;no. pages into bin ADD $pnum,$temp,$pnum,LSL #Log2PageSize ;physical address of page ORR $pnum,$pnum,$pbits ;munge in protection bits MEND [ AMB_LazyMapIn ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;AMB_LazyFixUp ; ; *Only* for ARMs where the abort handler can restart instructions ; ; Routine to be used in abort handlers (in abort32 mode), that checks to see if abort ; is expected, and fixes things up if so, ready to restart instruction. ; ; Fix up consists of mapping in affected page, and updating AMBMappedInRegister. This ; may seem like a lot of work, but remember that the L2PT and CAM updates for each page are ; needed anyway in non-lazy scheme, so there is really only a housekeeping overhead. ; ; There is no cache clean/flush consideration here, since the map is a map in from Nowhere. ; TLB flush consideration is left to main abort handler code - in fact there may not ; be a TLB flush consideration at all, if ARM TLB can be assumed not to cache an ; entry which is a translation fault, as seems rational. ; ; entry: r0 = aborting address (data address for data abort, instruction address ; for prefetch abort), r1-r7 trashable, no stack ; r2 = 1 for prefetch abort, 0 for data abort ; FSR valid for data aborts, unpredictable for prefetch aborts ; exit: r0 = non-zero (NE status) if abort was expected and fixed up, zero (EQ status) if not ; FAR,FSR,SPSR_abt,lr_abt preserved ; AMB_LazyFixUp ROUT MOV r7,r12 MOV r12,#AMBControl_ws LDR r12,[r12] CMP r12,#0 BEQ %FT90 ;not initialised! LDR r1,AMBFlags TST r1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend BNE %FT90 ;not active LDR r1,AMBMappedInNode CMP r1,#0 BEQ %FT90 ;no current node ARM_read_FSR r6 ;hang onto FSR in case we have to preserve it TEQ r2,#1 ;if data abort ANDNE r3,r6,#&F TEQNE r3,#7 ; and not a page translation fault BNE %FT20 ; then not a lazy abort (and FAR may be invalid anyway) LDR r2,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages] SUBS r0,r0,#ApplicationStart BLO %FT20 ;abort not in current app space MOV r0,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize ;address now in terms of pages from ApplicationStart CMP r0,r2 BHS %FT20 ;abort not in current app space ; ; check/update the MappedIn bitmap ; ADR r2,AMBMappedInRegister MOV r5,#1 ADD r2,r2,r0,LSR #5-2 BIC r2,r2,#3 ;r2 -> bitmap word affected AND r3,r0,#31 MOV r5,r5,LSL r3 ;mask for bit affected in bitmap word LDR r3,[r2] LDR r4,AMBMappedInNpages ;count it TST r3,r5 ;if page already mapped in, not a lazy abort BNE %FT20 ORR r3,r3,r5 ;ok, mark that we are going to map this page in STR r3,[r2] ADD r4,r4,#1 STR r4,AMBMappedInNpages ; ; now map in the the page that went pop ; ADD r1,r1,#AMBNode_pages ADD r1,r1,r0,LSL #2 ;r1 -> page involved, in node page list LDR r2,AMBPhysBin ; Calculate the L2PT protection bits in a nice way that won't produce broken code if we change MMU model ; This should match the AP_Full entry from the PPLTrans table that gets used by BangCam (plus C+B bits) [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6" MOV r3,#(AP_Full*L2X_APMult)+L2_ExtPage+L2_C+L2_B | ASSERT (AP_Full*L2_APMult)+L2_SmallPage+L2_C+L2_B = &FFE MOV r3,#&FF0 ORR r3,r3,#&E ] LDR r4,[r1] MOV r6,r4 PageNumToL2PT r4,r2,r3,r5 ; ;here, r6 = page number of page involved, r4 = new L2PT entry value to map in page ; ADD r0,r0,#ApplicationStart:SHR:Log2PageSize ;address now in terms of pages from 0 MOV r5,#L2PT STR r4,[r5,r0,LSL #2] ;update L2PT ; MOV r5,#0 LDR r5,[r5,#CamEntriesPointer] ADD r5,r5,r6,LSL #3 ;r5 -> CAM entry affected MOVS r0,r0,LSL #Log2PageSize ;address is now ordinary again, and must be non-zero MOV r1,#0 ;0 = AP for ordinary page STMIA r5,{r0,r1} ;update CAM entry MOV r12,r7 MOV pc,lr ;r0 is non-zero, NE status ; ; not our abort, but is possible that client abort handler is in app space, so force all ; app space pages in now (so that client abort handler does not cause lazy abort, scribbling over original abort details) ; ASSERT No26bitCode ;assumes we have an abort stack! (recursive lazy fixup aborts may occur) 20 MOV r1,#ApplicationStart ;good old page walk to provoke lazy fixups LDR r2,AMBMappedInNode LDR r2,[r2,#AMBNode_Npages] CMP r2,#0 BEQ %FT90 MRS r0,SPSR ;preserve SPSR_abort for original abort details MOV r4,lr ;preserve lr_abort so we can return properly (!) ARM_read_FAR r5 ;preserve FAR in case client abort handler wants to read it ;preserve FSR (already in r6) similarly 30 LDR r3,[r1] ;bring that page in by the magic of aborts SUBS r2,r2,#1 ADD r1,r1,#PageSize BNE %BT30 MSR SPSR_cxsf,r0 ;SPSR for original abort MOV lr,r4 ;restore return address ARM_write_FAR r5 ;restore FAR ARM_write_FSR r6 ;restore FSR [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6" myISB ; Not sure if this is necessary or not; do it just in case ] ; 90 MOVS r0,#0 MOV r12,r7 MOV pc,lr ;r0 is zero, EQ status ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ AMB_LazyMapIn ; ; If page of given logical address (r0) is in current app space, make sure page is ; 'honest' ie. properly mapped in. This is for things like FindMemMapEntries ; that must return sensible info (and presumably their client needs a consistent ; view of app space mapping, so that laziness is transparent) ; AMB_MakeHonestLA ROUT CMP r0,#AbsMaxAppSize ;quick dismiss if definitely not app address MOVHS pc,lr Push "r1,r12,lr" MOV r12,#AMBControl_ws LDR r12,[r12] CMP r12,#0 BEQ %FT90 ;we're dormant! SUBS r14,r0,#ApplicationStart BMI %FT90 ;below app space MOV r14,r14,LSR #Log2PageSize ;pages from ApplicationStart LDR r1,AMBMappedInNode CMP r1,#0 BEQ %FT90 ;no node mapped in LDR r1,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages] CMP r1,r14 ;HI if log addr is in current app space LDRHI r1, [r0,#0] ;make honest if necessary (magic of abort fixups!) 90 Pull "r1,r12,pc" ; similar to AMB_MakeHonestLA, but for page of given page number (r0) ; AMB_MakeHonestPN ROUT Push "r1-r3,r12,lr" MOV r12,#AMBControl_ws LDR r12,[r12] CMP r12,#0 BEQ %FT90 ;we're dormant! MOV r14,#0 LDR r1,[r14,#MaxCamEntry] CMP r0,r1 BHI %FT90 ;invalid page number LDR r1,[r14,#CamEntriesPointer] LDR r1,[r1,r0,LSL #3] ;logical address from CAM LDR r14,=Nowhere TEQ r1,r14 BNE %FT90 ;only a page at Nowhere might be dishonest LDR r1,AMBMappedInNode ;let's check the current node CMP r1,#0 BEQ %FT90 ;no node mapped in LDR r14,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages] MOV r14,r14,LSL #Log2PageSize ADD r14,r14,#ApplicationStart ;top of current app space ADD r1,r1,#AMBNode_pages ;[r1] is page number MOV r2,#ApplicationStart ;r2 is logical address for page 10 CMP r2,r14 BHS %FT90 LDR r3,[r1],#4 ;next page number in node TEQ r3,r0 ;see if its the one that wants to be honest ADDNE r2,r2,#PageSize ;next logical address BNE %BT10 LDR r1,[r2,#0] ;make honest if necessary (magic of abort fixups!) 90 Pull "r1-r3,r12,pc" ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;AMB_movepagesin_L2PT ; ;updates L2PT for new logical page positions, does not update CAM ; ; entry: ; r3 = new logical address of 1st page ; r8 = number of pages ; r10 -> page list ; r11 = protection/control bits for L2PT ; AMB_movepagesin_L2PT ROUT Push "r0-r10,r12,lr" LDR lr,AMBPhysBin ;lr -> PhysBin LDR r9,=L2PT ADD r9,r9,r3,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;r9 -> L2PT for 1st new logical page CMP r8,#8 BLT %FT20 10 LDMIA r10!,{r0-r7} ;next 8 page numbers PageNumToL2PT r0,lr,r11,r12 PageNumToL2PT r1,lr,r11,r12 PageNumToL2PT r2,lr,r11,r12 PageNumToL2PT r3,lr,r11,r12 PageNumToL2PT r4,lr,r11,r12 PageNumToL2PT r5,lr,r11,r12 PageNumToL2PT r6,lr,r11,r12 PageNumToL2PT r7,lr,r11,r12 STMIA r9!,{r0-r7} ;write 8 L2PT entries SUB r8,r8,#8 CMP r8,#8 BGE %BT10 20 CMP r8,#0 BEQ %FT35 30 LDR r0,[r10],#4 PageNumToL2PT r0,lr,r11,r12 STR r0,[r9],#4 SUBS r8,r8,#1 BNE %BT30 35 Pull "r0-r10,r12,pc" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;update CAM entry for page number in $reg ; ;entry: r11 -> CAM, r9 = logical addr of page, lr = PPL of page ;exit: $reg = addr of CAM entry ; MACRO UpdateCAM $reg ADD $reg,r11,$reg,LSL #3 ;r0 -> CAM entry for 1st page STMIA $reg,{r9,lr} ;store logical addr,PPL MEND ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;AMB_movepagesin_CAM ; ;updates CAM, does not update L2PT ; ; entry: ; r3 = new logical address of 1st page ; r8 = number of pages ; r9 = PPL for CAM ; r10 -> page list ; AMB_movepagesin_CAM ROUT Push "r0-r11,lr" MOV lr,r9 MOV r9,r3 MOV r11,#0 LDR r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer] ;r11 -> CAM CMP r8,#8 BLT %FT20 10 LDMIA r10!,{r0-r7} ;next 8 page numbers UpdateCAM r0 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize ;next logical addr UpdateCAM r1 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize UpdateCAM r2 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize UpdateCAM r3 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize UpdateCAM r4 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize UpdateCAM r5 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize UpdateCAM r6 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize UpdateCAM r7 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize SUB r8,r8,#8 CMP r8,#8 BGE %BT10 20 CMP r8,#0 Pull "r0-r11,pc",EQ 30 LDR r0,[r10],#4 UpdateCAM r0 ADD r9,r9,#PageSize SUBS r8,r8,#1 BNE %BT30 Pull "r0-r11,pc" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;AMB_movepagesout_CAM ; ;updates CAM, does not update L2PT ; ; entry: ; r8 = number of pages ; r9 = PPL for CAM ; r10 -> page list ; AMB_movepagesout_CAM ROUT Push "r0-r11,lr" MOV lr,r9 LDR r9,=DuffEntry MOV r11,#0 LDR r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer] ;r11 -> CAM CMP r8,#8 BLT %FT20 10 LDMIA r10!,{r0-r7} ;next 8 page numbers UpdateCAM r0 UpdateCAM r1 UpdateCAM r2 UpdateCAM r3 UpdateCAM r4 UpdateCAM r5 UpdateCAM r6 UpdateCAM r7 SUB r8,r8,#8 CMP r8,#8 BGE %BT10 20 CMP r8,#0 Pull "r0-r11,pc",EQ 30 LDR r0,[r10],#4 UpdateCAM r0 SUBS r8,r8,#1 BNE %BT30 Pull "r0-r11,pc" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;AMB_movepagesout_L2PT ; ;updates L2PT for old logical page positions, does not update CAM ; ; entry: ; r4 = old logical address of 1st page ; r8 = number of pages ; AMB_movepagesout_L2PT ROUT Push "r0-r8,lr" LDR lr,=L2PT ADD lr,lr,r4,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;lr -> L2PT 1st entry MOV r0,#0 ;0 means translation fault MOV r1,#0 MOV r2,#0 MOV r3,#0 MOV r4,#0 MOV r5,#0 MOV r6,#0 MOV r7,#0 CMP r8,#8 BLT %FT20 10 STMIA lr!,{r0-r7} ;blam! (8 entries) SUB r8,r8,#8 CMP r8,#8 BGE %BT10 20 CMP r8,#0 BEQ %FT35 30 STR r0,[lr],#4 SUBS r8,r8,#1 BNE %BT30 35 Pull "r0-r8,pc" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AMB_SetMemMapEntries: ; ; entry: ; R3 = no. of pages ; R4 -> list of page entries (1 word per entry, giving page no.) ; R5 = start logical address of mapping (-1 means 'out of the way') ; R6 = PPL ('page protection level') for mapping ; AMB_SetMemMapEntries ROUT Push "r0-r4,r7-r11,lr" MOVS r8,r3 BEQ AMB_smme_exit CMP r5,#-1 MOVEQ r9,#AP_Duff ;PPL for mapped out pages MOVNE r9,r6 ;PPL for mapped in pages ;get L2PT protection etc. bits, appropriate to PPL in R9, into R11 ADRL r1,PPLTrans AND lr,r9,#3 LDR r11,[r1,lr,LSL #2] TST r9,#DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable TSTEQ r9,#PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits ORREQ r11,r11,#L2_C ;if cacheable (area bit CLEAR + temp count zero), then OR in C bit TST r9,#DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable ORREQ r11,r11,#L2_B ;if bufferable (area bit CLEAR), then OR in B bit MOV r10,r4 ;ptr to next page number LDR r2,[r10] ;page number of 1st page MOV r7,#0 LDR r7,[r7,#CamEntriesPointer] ;r7 -> CAM ADD r1,r7,r2,LSL #3 ;r1 -> CAM entry for 1st page [ AMB_LimpidFreePool LDR r4,[r1] ;fetch old logical addr. of 1st page from CAM LDR r3,[r1,#4] ;fetch old PPL of 1st page from CAM | LDR r4,[r1] ;fetch old logical addr. of 1st page from CAM ] CMP r5,#-1 BEQ AMB_smme_mapout ;map or mapin LDR r1,=DuffEntry CMP r4,r1 BEQ AMB_smme_mapin ;map from somewhere to somewhere (should be App Space <-> Free Pool) ; [ AMB_LimpidFreePool ;can avoid cache clean/flush for moving pages out from FreePool, since FreePool pages are uncacheable ; TST r3, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable ;test PPL of 1st page for not cacheable bit set BEQ AMB_smme_mapnotlimpid ;if clear, must do full map somewhere with cache clean/flush ; ;this should be map FreePool -> App Space then ; MOV r0,r4 ;address of 1st page MOV r1,r8 ;number of pages MOV r3,#0 ARMop MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries,,,r3 ;no cache worries, hoorah MOV r3,r5 BL AMB_movepagesout_L2PT ;unmap 'em from where they are BL AMB_movepagesin_L2PT ;map 'em to where they now be BL AMB_movepagesin_CAM ;keep the bloomin' soft CAM up to date Pull "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc" AMB_smme_mapnotlimpid ] ; MOV r0,r4 ;address of 1st page MOV r1,r8 ;number of pages MOV r3,#0 ARMop MMU_ChangingEntries,,,r3 ; MOV r3,r5 BL AMB_movepagesout_L2PT BL AMB_movepagesin_L2PT BL AMB_movepagesin_CAM Pull "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc" ;all pages sourced from same old logical page Nowhere, ie. pages currently mapped out, no cache worries ; AMB_smme_mapin MOV r0,r4 ;address of 1st page MOV r1,r8 ;number of pages MOV r3,#0 ARMop MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries,,,r3 ;TLB coherency, possibly not needed (TLBs shouldn't cache 0 entries) MOV r3,r5 BL AMB_movepagesin_L2PT BL AMB_movepagesin_CAM Pull "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc" ;all pages destined for same new logical page Nowhere, ie. mapping them out ; AMB_smme_mapout MOV r0,r4 ;address of 1st page MOV r1,r8 ;number of pages MOV r3,#0 ARMop MMU_ChangingEntries,,,r3 ; LDR r3,=DuffEntry BL AMB_movepagesout_L2PT BL AMB_movepagesout_CAM AMB_smme_exit Pull "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc" [ AMB_LazyMapIn ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AMB_SetMemMapEntries_SparseMapOut: ; ; ; entry: ; R3 = no. of pages currently mapped in (0=none) ; R4 -> list of page entries (1 word per entry, giving page no.) ; R5 -> bitmap of pages mapped in (1 bit per page in whole page list) ; R6 = total no. of pages in slot ; AMB_SetMemMapEntries_SparseMapOut ROUT CMP r3,#0 MOVEQ pc,lr Push "r0-r11,lr" MOV r10,r4 ;ptr to page list MOV r7,#0 LDR r7,[r7,#CamEntriesPointer] ;r7 -> CAM MOV r9,#AP_Duff ;permissions for DuffEntry LDR r1,=DuffEntry ;means Nowhere, in CAM MOV r4,#ApplicationStart ;log. address of first page MOV r2,#0 ;r2 is zero during sparse map out ;if the number of pages mapped in is small enough, we'll do cache/TLB coherency on ;just those pages, else global (performance decision, threshold probably not critical) ARMop Cache_RangeThreshold,,,r2 ;returns threshold (bytes) in r0 CMP r3,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize MOVLO r6,#0 ;r6 := 0 if we are to do coherency as we go BLO %FT10 ;let's do it ARMop MMU_Changing,,,r2 ;global coherency B %FT10 ;skip next 32 pages then continue 06 ADD r10,r10,#32*4 ADD r4,r4,#32*PageSize ;find the sparsely mapped pages, map them out, doing coherency as we go if enabled 10 MOV r8,#1 ;initial bitmap mask for new bitmap word LDR r11,[r5],#4 ;next word of bitmap CMP r11,#0 ;if next 32 bits of bitmap clear, skip BEQ %BT06 ;skip loop must terminate if r3 > 0 12 TST r11,r8 ;page is currently mapped in if bit set BEQ %FT16 TEQ r6, #0 BNE %FT14 ;check for coherency as we go MOV r0,r4 ;address of page ARMop MMU_ChangingEntry,,,r2 14 LDR r0,[r10] ;page no. ADD r0,r7,r0,LSL #3 ;r0 -> CAM entry for page STMIA r0,{r1,r9} ;CAM entry for page set to DuffEntry,AP_Duff LDR lr,=L2PT ;lr -> L2PT STR r2,[lr,r4,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2)] ;L2PT entry for page set to 0 (means translation fault) SUBS r3,r3,#1 STREQ r2,[r5,#-4] ;make sure we clear last word of bitmap, and... BEQ %FT20 ;done 16 ADD r10,r10,#4 ;next page no. ADD r4,r4,#PageSize ;next logical address MOVS r8,r8,LSL #1 ;if 32 bits processed... BNE %BT12 STR r2,[r5,#-4] ;zero word of bitmap we've just traversed (r2 is 0) B %BT10 20 Pull "r0-r11,pc" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AMB_MakeUnsparse ; ; entry: r0 = size of area (at top of current slot) to ensure is not sparsely mapped ; ; action: walk over space involved, to force abort handler fix up to map in any ; pages not already there ; AMB_MakeUnsparse ROUT Push "r0-r2,r12,lr" ; Debug AMB,"AMB_MakeUnsparse r0",r0 ADD r0,r0,#PageSize SUB r0,r0,#1 MOVS r0,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize BEQ %FT20 MOV r12,#AMBControl_ws LDR r12,[r12] CMP r12,#0 BEQ %FT20 LDR r1,AMBMappedInNode CMP r1,#0 BEQ %FT20 LDR r2,AMBFlags TST r2,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend BNE %FT20 [ AMB_ChocTrace LDR r2,AMBNmakeunsparse ADD r2,r2,#1 STR r2,AMBNmakeunsparse ] LDR r2,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages] ; Debug AMB,"AMB_MakeUnsparse pages Npages ",r0,r2 CMP r0,r2 MOVHI r0,r2 SUB lr,r2,r0 MOV lr,lr,LSL #Log2PageSize ADD lr,lr,#ApplicationStart ; Debug AMB,"AMB_MakeUnsparse MappedInNode addr pages ",r1,lr,r0 10 LDR r2,[lr] ;tends to wash data cache a bit, but this should be called rarely ADD lr,lr,#PageSize SUBS r0,r0,#1 BNE %BT10 20 Pull "r0-r2,r12,pc" ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AMB_FindMemMapEntries ; ; finds page numbers for pages currently at given logical start address, ; and fills in buffer; pages must exist ; ; (does not have any page number guesses) ; ; entry: ; R3 = no. of pages ; R4 -> buffer for page entries ; R5 = logical address of 1st page ; exit: ; buffer at R4 filled in with page numbers ; AMB_FindMemMapEntries ROUT Push "r0-r11,lr" ;initialise r0,r1,r2 as physical RAM chunk cache for AMB_r11topagenum routine MOV r9,#PhysRamTable LDMIA r9,{r0,r1} ;r0,r1 := phys addr,size of chunk ADD r1,r1,r0 ;r0,r1 := lowest addr,highest addr + 1 of chunk MOV r2,#0 ;r2 := first page number of chunk LDR r10,=L2PT ADD r10,r10,r5,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;r10 -> L2 entry for 1st page CMP r3,#4 ;handle pages in chunks of 4 BLT %FT20 10 LDMIA r10!,{r5-r8} ;next 4 L2PT entries MOV r11,r5,LSR #Log2PageSize ;r11 := phys_addr/page_size BL AMB_r11topagenum MOV r5,r11 MOV r11,r6,LSR #Log2PageSize BL AMB_r11topagenum MOV r6,r11 MOV r11,r7,LSR #Log2PageSize BL AMB_r11topagenum MOV r7,r11 MOV r11,r8,LSR #Log2PageSize BL AMB_r11topagenum STMIA r4!,{r5-r7,r11} ;fill in next 4 page numbers SUB r3,r3,#4 CMP r3,#4 BGE %BT10 20 CMP r3,#0 Pull "r0-r11,pc",EQ 30 LDR r11,[r10],#4 MOV r11,r11,LSR #Log2PageSize BL AMB_r11topagenum STR r11,[r4],#4 SUBS r3,r3,#1 BNE %BT30 Pull "r0-r11,pc" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;AMB_r11topagenum ;entry: ; r0,r1,r2 = lowest addr,highest addr +1,first page no. ; (cached physical RAM chunk) ; r11 = physical_addr/page_size for page ; ;exit: ; r11 = page number of page ; r0,r1,r2 cache updated if necessary ; r9 corrupted ; AMB_r11topagenum ROUT CMP r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize BLO %FT10 CMP r11,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize BHS %FT10 ;cache hit (phys address in range of cached chunk) SUB r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize ;pages into chunk ADD r11,r11,r2 ;page number MOV pc,lr 10 MOV r9,#PhysRamTable MOV r2,#0 ;start at page number 0 20 LDMIA r9!,{r0,r1} ;r0,r1 := phys addr,size of chunk SUB r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize CMP r11,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize ADDHS r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize ADDHS r2,r2,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize BHS %BT20 ADD r1,r1,r0 ADD r11,r11,r2 MOV pc,lr LTORG END