; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > s.memmap

; low level memory mapping

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapIn_Lazy:
; entry:
;   R1 =  first page index in PMP/AMBNode
;   R5 =  no. of pages (must be >0)
;   R7 =  logical offset in pages - must be zero for this variant of routine
;   R10 = DANode
; Lazy task swapping variant of SetMemMapEntries_MapIn
; Performs a lazy map in if lazy task swapping is enabled
AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapIn_Lazy ROUT
  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
        LDR     r7, AMBFlags
        ANDS    r7, r7, #AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
        MOVEQ   pc, lr ; Just exit if laziness enabled
        MOV     r7, #0
        ; Fall through...

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapIn:
; entry:
;   R1 =  first page index in PMP/AMBNode
;   R5 =  no. of pages (must be >0)
;   R7 =  logical offset in pages (zero for standard map in)
;   R10 = DANode
; Must not be used if current slot is mapped lazily
AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapIn ROUT
        Entry   "r3,r8,r9,r10"
      [ AMB_Debug
        DebugReg r1, "MapIn phys start "
        DebugReg r5, "count "
        DebugReg r7, "log offset "
        DebugReg r10, "node "
        ; Update DA logical size prior to R10 being clobbered
        LDR     r3,[r10,#DANode_Size]
        ADD     r3,r3,r5,LSL #Log2PageSize
        STR     r3,[r10,#DANode_Size]

        ; Get correct parameters for the low-level calls
        ADD     r3,r1,r7
        MOV     r3,r3,LSL #Log2PageSize
        ADD     r3,r3,#ApplicationStart

        MOV     r8, r5

        LDR     r9,[r10,#DANode_Flags]
        LDR     lr,=DynAreaFlags_AccessMask
        AND     r9,r9,lr

        LDR     r10,[r10,#DANode_PMP]
        ADD     r10,r10,r1,LSL #2

        ; Map in the pages (assuming area currently unmapped)
        PTOp    AMB_movepagesin_L2PT
        BL      AMB_movepagesin_CAM
      [ PMPParanoid
        BL      ValidatePMPs
      [ AMB_Debug
        DebugTX "<MapIn"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapOut:
; entry:
;   R1 =  first page index in PMP/AMBNode
;   R5 =  no. of pages (must be >0)
;   R7 =  logical offset in pages (zero for standard map out)
;   R10 = DANode
; Must not be used if current slot is mapped lazily
AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapOut ROUT
        Entry   "r3,r4,r8,r9,r10"
      [ AMB_Debug
        DebugReg r1, "MapOut phys start "
        DebugReg r5, "count "
        DebugReg r7, "log offset "
        DebugReg r10, "node "
        ; Update DA logical size prior to R10 being clobbered
        LDR     r3,[r10,#DANode_Size]
        SUB     r3,r3,r5,LSL #Log2PageSize
        STR     r3,[r10,#DANode_Size]

        ; Get correct parameters for the low-level calls
        LDR     r3,[r10,#DANode_Flags]
        LDR     lr,=DynAreaFlags_AccessMask
        AND     r3,r3,lr

        ADD     r4,r1,r7
        MOV     r4,r4,LSL #Log2PageSize
        ADD     r4,r4,#ApplicationStart

        MOV     r8, r5

        MOV     r9, r3

        LDR     r10,[r10,#DANode_PMP]
        ADD     r10,r10,r1,LSL #2

        ; Map out the pages (assuming area currently fully mapped)
        PTOp    AMB_movecacheablepagesout_L2PT
        BL      AMB_movepagesout_CAM
      [ PMPParanoid
        BL      ValidatePMPs
      [ AMB_Debug
        DebugTX "<MapOut"

  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
ptcounter SETA    0
        WHILE   ptcounter < 2
      [ ptcounter = 0 :LAND: ShortDesc
pt      SETS    "ShortDesc"
      ELIF ptcounter = 1 :LAND: LongDesc
pt      SETS    "LongDesc"
pt      SETS    ""
      [ "$pt" <> ""
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapOut_Lazy:
; entry:
;   R1 =  first page index in PMP/AMBNode
;   R5 =  no. of pages (must be >0)
;   R7 =  logical offset in pages - must be zero for this variant of routine
;   R10 = DANode
; Lazy task swapping variant of SetMemMapEntries_MapOut
; Performs a sparse map out if lazy task swapping is enabled
AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapOut_Lazy_$pt ROUT
        LDR     r7, AMBFlags
        TST     r7, #AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
        MOV     r7, #0
        BNE     AMB_SetMemMapEntries_MapOut
        ; Perform a sparse map out via MappedInRegister
        ; Keep track of count of mapped in pages so we can early-exit if we unmap them all
        LDR     r7,[r10,#DANode_Size]
        CMP     r7,#0
        MOVEQ   pc,lr ; Hey, there's already nothing there!
        Entry   "r0-r6,r8-r12"
      [ AMB_Debug
        DebugReg r1, "MapOut_Lazy start "
        DebugReg r5, "count "
        DebugReg r10, "node "
        DebugReg r7, "current log size "

;to do this safely we need to do it in two passes
;first pass makes pages uncacheable
;second pass unmaps them
;n.b. like most of the AMB code, this assumes nothing will trigger an abort-based lazy map in operation while we're in the middle of this processing!

;pass one: make pages uncacheable (preserve bitmap, CAM)
        LDR     r2,=ZeroPage

;decide if we want to do TLB coherency as we go
        ARMop   Cache_RangeThreshold,,,r2         ;returns threshold (bytes) in r0
        CMP     r5,r7,LSR #Log2PageSize
        MOVLO   r6,r5
        MOVHS   r6,r7,LSR #Log2PageSize           ;r6 = max number of pages we'll be unmapping
        SUB     r6,r6,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize        ;r6 < 0 if doing coherency as we go

        ADD     r5,r5,r1                          ;r5 = end of region to unmap

        MOV     r3,r7                             ;r3 = logical size

        ; Get MappedInRegister ptr
        AND     r8,r1,#31
        MOV     r9,#1
        ADR     r7,AMBMappedInRegister
        MOV     r9,r9,LSL r8                      ;r9 = current bit in word
        BIC     r8,r1,#31
        LDR     r8,[r7,r8,LSR #5-2]!              ;r8 = current word, r7 = ptr
        Push    "r7-r9"

        LDR     r0,[r10,#DANode_Flags]
        LDR     r11,[r2,#MMU_PCBTrans]

        MOV     r4,r1                             ;r4 = current index
      [ pt = "LongDesc"
        GetTempUncache_LongDesc r12, r0, r11, lr  ;r12 = temp uncache L2PT flags
        LDR     r11,=LL3PT+(ApplicationStart:SHR:(Log2PageSize-3));r11 -> L3PT, offset by appspace start
        GetTempUncache_ShortDesc r12, r0, r11, lr ;r12 = temp uncache L2PT flags
        LDR     r11,=L2PT+(ApplicationStart:SHR:(Log2PageSize-2));r11 -> L2PT, offset by appspace start
        CMP     r9,#1
        BNE     %FT32
        B       %FT31
        ; Advance to next word
        ADD     r4,r4,#32
        LDR     r8,[r7,#4]!
        CMP     r4,r5
        BHS     %FT39
        ; Check register word
        TEQ     r8,#0
        BEQ     %BT30
        ; Check register bit
        TST     r8,r9
        BEQ     %FT34
        ; Mapped in page found, make uncacheable
      [ pt = "LongDesc"
        ADD     lr,r11,r4,LSL #3
        LDRD    r0,[lr]                           ;Get current L3PT entry
        CMP     r6,#0
        BIC     r0,r0,#TempUncache_L3PTMask
        ORR     r0,r0,r12
        STRD    r0,[lr]                           ;Update L2PT
        LDR     r0,[r11,r4,LSL #2]                ;Get current L2PT entry
        CMP     r6,#0
        BIC     r0,r0,#TempUncache_L2PTMask
        ORR     r0,r0,r12
        STR     r0,[r11,r4,LSL #2]                ;Update L2PT
        BGE     %FT33
        ; Do cache/TLB maintenance
        MOV     r1,r4,LSL #Log2PageSize
        ADD     r0,r1,#ApplicationStart
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntry,,,r2
        SUBS    r3,r3,#PageSize
        ADDEQ   r5,r4,#1                          ;mapped out all pages in slot; set end to current+1
        ; Exit if we've just processed the last page
        ADD     r4,r4,#1
        CMP     r4,r5
        BEQ     %FT40
        ; Advance to next bit of current word
        MOVS    r9,r9,LSL #1
        BCC     %BT32
        ; Finished the word, go back to per-word loop if necessary
        LDR     r8,[r7,#4]!
        MOV     r9,#1
        CMP     r8,#0
        BEQ     %BT30                             ;Next word empty, skip it
        B       %BT32                             ;Not empty, process it

        ; Reached end of region
        LDR     r0,[r10,#DANode_Size]
        CMP     r0,r3
        ADDEQ   sp,sp,#12                         ;Junk stacked r7-r9
        BEQ     %FT95                             ;Nothing in region to map out

        ; Do global maintenance if required
        CMP     r6,#0
        BLT     %FT41
        ARMop   MMU_Changing,,,r2

;pass two: unmap pages (+ clear bitmap + update CAM)
        Pull    "r7-r9"
        FRAMLDR r4,,r1
        STR     r3,[r10,#DANode_Size]             ;Write back new logical size

        LDR     r10,[r10,#DANode_PMP]             ;r10 -> page list
        LDR     r3,[r2,#CamEntriesPointer]
        LDR     r12,=DuffEntry

        CMP     r9,#1
        BNE     %FT52
        B       %FT51
        ; Advance to next word
        ADD     r4,r4,#32
        LDR     r8,[r7,#4]!
        CMP     r4,r5
        BHS     %FT59
        ; Check register word
        TEQ     r8,#0
        BEQ     %BT50
        ; Check register bit
        TST     r8,r9
        BEQ     %FT54
        ; Mapped in page found, unmap it
      [ pt = "LongDesc"
        MOV     r0,#0
        MOV     r1,#0
        ADD     lr,r11,r4,LSL #3
        STRD    r0,[lr]                           ;Zero L3PT
        LDR     lr,[r10,r4,LSL #2]                ;Get page number
        MOV     r0,#0
        LDR     lr,[r10,r4,LSL #2]                ;Get page number
        STR     r0,[r11,r4,LSL #2]                ;Zero L2PT
        BIC     r8,r8,r9
        ASSERT  CAM_LogAddr=0
        STR     r12,[r3,lr,LSL #CAM_EntrySizeLog2] ;Update CAM
        CMP     r6,#0
        BGE     %FT53
        ; Do TLB maintenance
        MOV     r1,r4,LSL #Log2PageSize
        ADD     r0,r1,#ApplicationStart
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry,,,r2    ;flush TLB
        ; Exit if we've just processed the last page
        ADD     r4,r4,#1
        CMP     r4,r5
        BEQ     %FT55
        ; Advance to next bit of current word
        MOVS    r9,r9,LSL #1
        BCC     %BT52
        ; Finished the word, go back to per-word loop if necessary
        STR     r8,[r7]                           ;Writeback new value
        LDR     r8,[r7,#4]!
        MOV     r9,#1
        CMP     r8,#0
        BEQ     %BT50                             ;Next word empty, skip it
        B       %BT52                             ;Not empty, process it

        ; Writeback last bitmap word
        STR     r8,[r7]

        ; Reached end of region

        ; Do global maintenance if required
        CMP     r6,#0
        BLT     %FT95
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncached,,,r2

      [ AMB_Debug
        DebugTX "<MapOut"
        FRAMLDR r10
        LDR     r11,[r10,#DANode_Size]
        DebugReg r11, "new log size "
      [ PMPParanoid
        BL      ValidatePMPs
        MOV     r7,#0

ptcounter SETA ptcounter + 1
pt      SETS ""


  [ AMB_LazyMapIn

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; *Only* for ARMs where the abort handler can restart instructions
; Routine to be used in abort handlers (in abort32 mode), that checks to see if abort
; is expected, and fixes things up if so, ready to restart instruction.
; Fix up consists of mapping in affected page, and updating AMBMappedInRegister. This
; may seem like a lot of work, but remember that the L2PT and CAM updates for each page are
; needed anyway in non-lazy scheme, so there is really only a housekeeping overhead.
; There is no cache clean/flush consideration here, since the map is a map in from Nowhere.
; TLB flush consideration is left to main abort handler code - in fact there may not
; be a TLB flush consideration at all, if ARM TLB can be assumed not to cache an
; entry which is a translation fault, as seems rational.
; entry: r0 = aborting address (data address for data abort, instruction address
;        for prefetch abort), r1-r7 trashable
;        r2 = 1 for prefetch abort, 0 for data abort
;        r6 = FSR (iff data abort)
; exit:  r0 = non-zero (NE status) if abort was expected and fixed up, zero (EQ status) if not
;        FAR,FSR,SPSR_abt,lr_abt preserved
        MOV     r7,r12
        LDR     r12,=ZeroPage+AMBControl_ws
        LDR     r12,[r12]
        CMP     r12,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;not initialised!
        LDR     r1,AMBFlags
        TST     r1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
        BNE     %FT90                                    ;not active
        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode
        CMP     r1,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;no current node
        TEQ     r2,#1                                    ;if data abort
        ANDNE   r3,r6,#&F
        TEQNE   r3,#7                                    ; and not a page translation fault
        BNE     %FT90                                    ; then not a lazy abort (and FAR may be invalid anyway)
        LDR     r2,[r1,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_PMPSize]
        SUBS    r0,r0,#ApplicationStart
        BLO     %FT90                                    ;abort not in current app space
        MOV     r0,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize                  ;address now in terms of pages from ApplicationStart
        CMP     r0,r2
        BHS     %FT90                                    ;abort not in current app space
      [ AMB_Debug
        Push    "lr"
        DebugReg r0, "Lazy "
        Pull    "lr"
; check/update the MappedIn bitmap
        ADR     r2,AMBMappedInRegister
        MOV     r5,#1
        ADD     r2,r2,r0,LSR #5-2
        BIC     r2,r2,#3                                 ;r2 -> bitmap word affected
        AND     r3,r0,#31
        MOV     r5,r5,LSL r3                             ;mask for bit affected in bitmap word
        LDR     r3,[r2]
        LDR     r4,[r1,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_Size]      ;count it
        TST     r3,r5                                    ;if page already mapped in, not a lazy abort
        BNE     %FT90
        ORR     r3,r3,r5                                 ;ok, mark that we are going to map this page in
        STR     r3,[r2]
        ADD     r4,r4,#PageSize
        STR     r4,[r1,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_Size]
        ; Update sparse HWM
        MOV     r3,r0,LSL #Log2PageSize
        LDR     r4,[r1,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_SparseHWM]
        ADD     r3,r3,#ApplicationStart+PageSize
        CMP     r3,r4
        STRHI   r3,[r1,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_SparseHWM]
; now map in the the page that went pop
        LDR     r1,[r1,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_PMP]
        LDR     r2,=ZeroPage+PhysRamTable
        LDR     r3,[r1,r0,LSL #2]                        ;r3 = page involved
        MOV     r6,r3
        LDMIA   r2!,{r4,r5}
        MOV     r5,r5,LSR #12
        CMP     r6,r5
        SUBHS   r6,r6,r5
        BHS     %BT10
        ADD     r4,r4,r6
        MOV     r4,r4,ROR #20                            ;High address packed into low bits for LongDesc
        MOV     r1,#DynAreaFlags_PMP
;here, r0 = page index into appslot, r1 = PPL, r3 = page number of page involved
        ADD     r0,r0,#ApplicationStart:SHR:Log2PageSize ;address now in terms of pages from 0
   [ LongDesc :LAND: ShortDesc
        PTWhich r5
        BNE     %FT50
   [ ShortDesc
        GetPTE  r4,4K,r4,r1,ShortDesc
        LDR     r5,=L2PT
        STR     r4,[r5,r0,LSL #2]                        ;update L2PT
     [ LongDesc
        B       %FT60
   [ LongDesc
        GetPTE  r4,4K,r4,r1,LongDesc
        LDR     r12,=LL3PT
        ADD     r12,r12,r0,LSL #3
        STRD    r4,[r12]                                 ;update L3PT
        LDR     r5,=ZeroPage
        LDR     r5,[r5,#CamEntriesPointer]
        ADD     r5,r5,r3,LSL #CAM_EntrySizeLog2          ;r5 -> CAM entry affected
        MOVS    r0,r0,LSL #Log2PageSize                  ;address is now ordinary again, and must be non-zero
        LDR     r12,[r5,#CAM_PageFlags]
        AND     r12,r12,#StickyPageFlags
        ORR     r1,r1,r12
        ASSERT  CAM_LogAddr=0
        ASSERT  CAM_PageFlags=4
        STMIA   r5,{r0,r1}                               ;update CAM entry
        MOV     r12,r7
        MOV     pc,lr                                    ;r0 is non-zero, NE status
; not our abort
        MOVS    r0,#0
        MOV     r12,r7
        MOV     pc,lr                                    ;r0 is zero, EQ status

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; *Only* for ARMs where the abort handler can restart instructions
; Routine to be used in abort handlers (in abort32 mode), to make sure that application space
; is fully mapped in before passing control to a handler that can't cope with recursive aborts,
; e.g. when passing to the data or prefetch abort environment handlers (which are entered in
; abort32, and may be running from application space).
; Fix up consists of triggering recursive aborts in order to map in each missing page.
; entry: r0-r3, r12 trashable
;        FSR valid for data aborts, unpredictable for prefetch aborts
; exit:  r0-r3, r12 corrupt
;        DFAR,DFSR,SPSR_abt,lr_abt corrupted
AMB_MakeFullyHonest ROUT
        LDR     r12,=ZeroPage+AMBControl_ws
        LDR     r12,[r12]
        CMP     r12,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;not initialised!
        LDR     r1,AMBFlags
        TST     r1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
        BNE     %FT90                                    ;not active
        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode
        CMP     r1,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;no current node
        MOV     r1,#ApplicationStart                     ;good old page walk to provoke lazy fixups
        LDR     r2,AMBMappedInNode
        LDR     r2,[r2,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_PMPSize]
        CMP     r2,#0
        BEQ     %FT90
        MOV     r0,lr                                    ;preserve lr_abort so we can return properly (!)
        LDR     r3,[r1]                                  ;bring that page in by the magic of aborts
        SUBS    r2,r2,#1
        ADD     r1,r1,#PageSize
        BNE     %BT30
        MOV     lr,r0                                    ;restore return address
      [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
        myISB   ,r0 ; Not sure if this is necessary or not; do it just in case
        MOV     pc,lr

  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  [ AMB_LazyMapIn

; If page of given logical address (r0) is in current app space, make sure page is
; 'honest' ie. properly mapped in. This is for things like FindMemMapEntries
; that must return sensible info (and presumably their client needs a consistent
; view of app space mapping, so that laziness is transparent)
AMB_MakeHonestLA  ROUT
        CMP     r0,#AplWorkMaxSize                       ;quick dismiss if definitely not app address
        MOVHS   pc,lr
        Push    "r1,r12,lr"
        LDR     r12,=ZeroPage+AMBControl_ws
        LDR     r12,[r12]
        CMP     r12,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;we're dormant!
        SUBS    r14,r0,#ApplicationStart
        BMI     %FT90                                    ;below app space
        MOV     r14,r14,LSR #Log2PageSize                ;pages from ApplicationStart
        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode
        CMP     r1,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;no node mapped in
        LDR     r1,[r1,#AMBNode_DANode+DANode_PMPSize]
        CMP     r1,r14                                   ;HI if log addr is in current app space
        LDRHIB  r1, [r0,#0]                              ;make honest if necessary (magic of abort fixups!)
        Pull    "r1,r12,pc"

; similar to AMB_MakeHonestLA, but for page of given page number (r0)
AMB_MakeHonestPN  ROUT
        Push    "r1-r3,r12,lr"
        LDR     r14,=ZeroPage
        LDR     r12,[r14,#AMBControl_ws]
        CMP     r12,#0
        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;we're dormant!
        LDR     r1,[r14,#MaxCamEntry]
        CMP     r0,r1
        BHI     %FT90                                    ;invalid page number
        LDR     r1,[r14,#CamEntriesPointer]
        ADD     r1,r1,r0,LSL #CAM_EntrySizeLog2
        ASSERT  CAM_LogAddr = 0
        ASSERT  CAM_PageFlags = 4
        ASSERT  CAM_PMP = 8
        ASSERT  CAM_PMPIndex = 12
        LDMIA   r1,{r1-r3,r14}
        ASSERT  CAM_LogAddr = 0
        TST     r2,#DynAreaFlags_PMP                     ;can't be one of ours if not owned by a PMP
        BEQ     %FT90
        LDR     r2,=Nowhere
        TEQ     r1,r2
        BNE     %FT90                                    ;only a page at Nowhere might be dishonest
        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode                       ;let's check the current node
        ADD     r1,r1,#AMBNode_DANode
        CMP     r3,r1
        BNE     %FT90                                    ;doesn't belong to current node, or there is no current node
        ; r14 is the index within the PMP, and the flat logical<->physical indexing scheme used by AMB means it will also be the logical index into application space
        MOV     r2,#ApplicationStart
        LDRB    r2,[r2,r14,LSL #Log2PageSize]            ;make honest if necessary (magic of abort fixups!)
        Pull    "r1-r3,r12,pc"

  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;update CAM entry for page number in $reg
;entry: r11 -> CAM, r9 = logical addr of page, lr = PPL of page
;exit: $reg = addr of CAM entry
        UpdateCAM $reg,$temp
        ADD     $reg,r11,$reg,LSL #CAM_EntrySizeLog2 ;r0 -> CAM entry for 1st page
        LDR     $temp,[$reg,#CAM_PageFlags]
        AND     $temp,$temp,#StickyPageFlags
        ORR     $temp,$temp,lr
      [ $temp > r9
        ASSERT  CAM_LogAddr=0
        ASSERT  CAM_PageFlags=4
        STMIA   $reg,{r9,$temp}            ;store logical addr,PPL
        STR     r9,[$reg,#CAM_LogAddr]
        STR     $temp,[$reg,#CAM_PageFlags]

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;updates CAM, does not update L2PT
; entry:
;       r3  =  new logical address of 1st page
;       r8  =  number of pages
;       r9  =  PPL for CAM
;       r10 -> page list
AMB_movepagesin_CAM ROUT
        Entry   "r0-r12"

        BIC     lr,r9,#StickyPageFlags
        MOV     r9,r3
        LDR     r11,=ZeroPage
        LDR     r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer]   ;r11 -> CAM

        CMP     r8,#8
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}                   ;next 8 page numbers
        UpdateCAM r0,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize                ;next logical addr
        UpdateCAM r1,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r2,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r3,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r4,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r5,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r6,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r7,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        SUB     r8,r8,#8
        CMP     r8,#8
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        EXIT    EQ
        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
        UpdateCAM r0,r12
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;updates CAM, does not update L2PT
; entry:
;       r8  =  number of pages
;       r9  =  PPL for CAM
;       r10 -> page list
AMB_movepagesout_CAM ROUT
        Entry   "r0-r12"

        BIC     lr,r9,#StickyPageFlags
        LDR     r9,=DuffEntry
        LDR     r11,=ZeroPage
        LDR     r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer]   ;r11 -> CAM

        CMP     r8,#8
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}                   ;next 8 page numbers
        UpdateCAM r0,r12
        UpdateCAM r1,r12
        UpdateCAM r2,r12
        UpdateCAM r3,r12
        UpdateCAM r4,r12
        UpdateCAM r5,r12
        UpdateCAM r6,r12
        UpdateCAM r7,r12
        SUB     r8,r8,#8
        CMP     r8,#8
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        EXIT    EQ
        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
        UpdateCAM r0,r12
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30

