; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Copyright 2016 Castle Technology Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.

; Page table interaction - "short descriptor" format (ARMv3+ 4 bytes per entry)

; logical_to_physical
;       In:     r4 = logical address
;       Out:    r5 corrupt
;               CC => r8,r9 = physical address
;               CS => invalid logical address, r8,r9 corrupted
;       Convert logical address to physical address.
        LDR     r5, =L2PT
        MOV     r9, r4, LSR #12         ; r9 = logical page number
        ADD     r9, r5, r9, LSL #2      ; r9 -> L2PT entry for logical address
        MOV     r8, r9, LSR #12         ; r8 = page offset to L2PT entry for logical address
        LDR     r8, [r5, r8, LSL #2]    ; r8 = L2PT entry for L2PT entry for logical address
      [ MEMM_Type = "ARM600"
        ASSERT  ((L2_SmallPage :OR: L2_ExtPage) :AND: 2) <> 0
        ASSERT  (L2_LargePage :AND: 2) = 0
        ASSERT  L2_SmallPage = 2
        ASSERT  L2_XN = 1               ; Because XN is bit 0, bit 1 is the only bit we can check when looking for small pages
        TST     r8, #2                  ; Check for valid (4K) page.
        BEQ     meminfo_returncs

        LDR     r8, [r9]                ; r8 = L2PT entry for logical address
        TST     r8, #2                  ; Check for valid (4K) page.
        BEQ     meminfo_returncs

      [ NoARMT2
        LDR     r9, =&FFF               ; Valid so
        BIC     r8, r8, r9              ;   mask off bits 0-11,
        AND     r9, r4, r9              ;   get page offset from logical page
        ORR     r8, r8, r9              ;   combine with physical page address.
        BFI     r8, r4, #0, #12         ; Valid, so apply offset within the page
        MOV     r9, #0                  ; 4K pages are always in the low 4GB
        MOV     pc, lr

 [ CacheablePageTables
MakePageTablesCacheable_ShortDesc ROUT
        Entry   "r0,r4-r5,r8-r9"
        BL      GetPageFlagsForCacheablePageTables
        ; Update PageTable_PageFlags
        LDR     r1, =ZeroPage
        STR     r0, [r1, #PageTable_PageFlags]
        ; Adjust the logical mapping of the page tables to use the specified page flags
        LDR     r1, =L1PT
        LDR     r2, =16*1024
        BL      AdjustMemoryPageFlags
        LDR     r1, =L2PT
        LDR     r2, =4*1024*1024
        BL      AdjustMemoryPageFlags
        ; Update the TTBR
        LDR     r4, =L1PT
        BL      logical_to_physical_ShortDesc
        MOV     r0, r8 ; Assume only 32bit address
        LDR     r1, =ZeroPage
        BL      SetTTBR_ShortDesc
        ; Perform a full TLB flush to make sure the new mappings are visible
        ARMop   TLB_InvalidateAll,,,r1

MakePageTablesNonCacheable_ShortDesc ROUT
        Entry   "r0-r1,r4-r5,r8-r9"
        ; Flush the page tables from the cache, so that when we update the TTBR
        ; below we can be sure that the MMU will be seeing the current page
        ; tables
        LDR     r0, =L1PT
        ADD     r1, r0, #16*1024
        LDR     r4, =ZeroPage
        ARMop   Cache_CleanRange,,,r4
        LDR     r0, =L2PT
        ADD     r1, r0, #4*1024*1024
        ARMop   Cache_CleanRange,,,r4
        ; Update the TTBR so the MMU performs non-cacheable accesses
        LDR     r0, =AreaFlags_PageTablesAccess :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable
        STR     r0, [r4, #PageTable_PageFlags]
        LDR     r4, =L1PT
        BL      logical_to_physical_ShortDesc
        MOV     r0, r8 ; Assume only 32bit address
        LDR     r1, =ZeroPage
        BL      SetTTBR_ShortDesc
        ; Perform a full TLB flush just in case
        ARMop   TLB_InvalidateAll,,,r1
        ; Now we can adjust the logical mapping of the page tables to be non-cacheable
        LDR     r0, [r1, #PageTable_PageFlags]
        LDR     r1, =L1PT
        LDR     r2, =16*1024
        BL      AdjustMemoryPageFlags
        LDR     r1, =L2PT
        LDR     r2, =4*1024*1024
        BL      AdjustMemoryPageFlags

;       AllocateBackingLevel2 - Allocate L2 pages for an area
;       Internal routine called by DynArea_Create
; in:   r3 = base address (will be page aligned)
;       r4 = area flags (NB if doubly mapped, then have to allocate for both halves)
;       r5 = size (of each half in doubly mapped areas)
; out:  If successfully allocated pages, then
;         All registers preserved
;         V=0
;       else
;         r0 -> error
;         V=1
;       endif

AllocateBackingLevel2_ShortDesc Entry "r0-r8,r11"
        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped          ; if doubly mapped
        SUBNE   r3, r3, r5                              ; then area starts further back
        MOVNE   r5, r5, LSL #1                          ; and is twice the size

; NB no need to do sanity checks on addresses here, they've already been checked

; now round address range to 4M boundaries

        ADD     r5, r5, r3                              ; r5 -> end
        MOV     r0, #1 :SHL: 22
        SUB     r0, r0, #1
        BIC     r8, r3, r0                              ; round start address down (+ save for later)
        ADD     r5, r5, r0
        BIC     r5, r5, r0                              ; but round end address up

; first go through existing L2PT working out how much we need

        LDR     r7, =L2PT
        ADD     r3, r7, r8, LSR #10                     ; r3 -> start of L2PT for area
        ADD     r5, r7, r5, LSR #10                     ; r5 -> end of L2PT for area +1

        ADD     r1, r7, r3, LSR #10                     ; r1 -> L2PT for r3
        ADD     r2, r7, r5, LSR #10                     ; r2 -> L2PT for r5

        TEQ     r1, r2                                  ; if no pages needed
        BEQ     %FT30

        MOV     r4, #0                                  ; number of backing pages needed
        LDR     r6, [r1], #4                            ; get L2PT entry for L2PT
        TST     r6, #3                                  ; EQ if translation fault
        ADDEQ   r4, r4, #1                              ; if not there then 1 more page needed
        TEQ     r1, r2
        BNE     %BT10

; if no pages needed, then exit

        TEQ     r4, #0
        BEQ     %FT30

; now we need to claim r4 pages from the free pool, if possible; return error if not

        LDR     r1, =ZeroPage
        LDR     r6, [r1, #FreePoolDANode + DANode_PMPSize]
        SUBS    r6, r6, r4                              ; reduce free pool size by that many pages
        BCS     %FT14                                   ; if enough, skip next bit

; not enough pages in free pool currently, so try to grow it by the required amount

        Push    "r0, r1"
        MOV     r0, #ChangeDyn_FreePool
        RSB     r1, r6, #0                              ; size change we want (+ve)
        MOV     r1, r1, LSL #12
        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
        Pull    "r0, r1"
        BVS     %FT90                                   ; didn't manage change, so report error

        MOV     r6, #0                                  ; will be no pages left in free pool after this
        STR     r6, [r1, #FreePoolDANode + DANode_PMPSize] ; if possible then update size

        LDR     r0, [r1, #FreePoolDANode + DANode_PMP]  ; r0 -> free pool page list
        ADD     r0, r0, r6, LSL #2                      ; r0 -> first page we're taking out of free pool

        LDR     lr, =L1PT
        ADD     r8, lr, r8, LSR #18                     ; point r8 at start of L1 we may be updating
        ADD     r1, r7, r3, LSR #10                     ; point r1 at L2PT for r3 again
        LDR     r11, =ZeroPage
        LDR     r11, [r11, #PageTable_PageFlags]        ; access privs (+CB bits)
        LDR     r6, [r1], #4                            ; get L2PT entry again
        TST     r6, #3                                  ; if no fault
        BNE     %FT25                                   ; then skip

        Push    "r1-r2, r4"
        MOV     lr, #-1
        LDR     r2, [r0]                                ; get page number to use
        STR     lr, [r0], #4                            ; remove from PMP
        Push    "r0"
        BL      BangCamUpdate_ShortDesc                 ; Map in to L2PT access window

; now that the page is mapped in we can zero its contents (=> cause translation fault for area initially)
; L1PT won't know about the page yet, so mapping it in with garbage initially shouldn't cause any issues

        ADD     r0, r3, #4096
        MOV     r1, #0
        MOV     r2, #0
        MOV     r4, #0
        MOV     r6, #0
        STMDB   r0!, {r1,r2,r4,r6}                      ; store data
        TEQ     r0, r3
        BNE     %BT15

        ; Make sure the page is seen to be clear before we update L1PT to make
        ; it visible to the MMU

        Pull    "r0-r2, r4"

        LDR     lr, =ZeroPage
        LDR     r6, [lr, #LxPTUsed]
        ADD     r6, r6, #4096
        STR     r6, [lr, #LxPTUsed]

; now update 4 words in L1PT (corresponding to 4M of address space which is covered by the 4K of L2)
; and point them at the physical page we've just allocated (r1!-4 will already hold physical address+bits now!)

        LDR     r6, [r1, #-4]                           ; r6 = physical address for L2 page + other L2 bits
        MOV     r6, r6, LSR #12                         ; r6 = phys.addr >> 12
 [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
        LDR     lr, =L1_Page
        LDR     lr, =L1_Page + L1_U                     ; form other bits to put in L1
        ORR     lr, lr, r6, LSL #12                     ; complete L1 entry
        STR     lr, [r8, #0]                            ; store entry for 1st MB
        ADD     lr, lr, #1024                           ; advance L2 pointer
        STR     lr, [r8, #4]                            ; store entry for 2nd MB
        ADD     lr, lr, #1024                           ; advance L2 pointer
        STR     lr, [r8, #8]                            ; store entry for 3rd MB
        ADD     lr, lr, #1024                           ; advance L2 pointer
        STR     lr, [r8, #12]                           ; store entry for 4th MB
        ADD     r3, r3, #4096                           ; advance L2PT logical address
        ADD     r8, r8, #16                             ; move onto L1 for next 4M

        TEQ     r1, r2
        BNE     %BT20

; Come here if not enough space in free pool to allocate level2

        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_CantAllocateLevel2
  [ International
        BL      TranslateError
        STR     r0, [sp]

;       UpdateL1PTForPageReplacement
; Updates L1PT to point to the right place, if a physical L2PT page has been
; replaced with a substitute.
; In: r0 = log addr of page being replaced
;     r1,r2 = phys addr of replacement page
; Out: r0-r4, r7-r12 can be corrupted
UpdateL1PTForPageReplacement_ShortDesc ROUT
        LDR     r2, =L2PT
        SUBS    r0, r0, r2
        MOVCC   pc, lr                          ; address is below L2PT
        CMP     r0, #4*1024*1024
        MOVCS   pc, lr                          ; address is above L2PT

        LDR     r2, =L1PT
        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSR #(12-4)         ; address in L1 of 4 consecutive words to update
        LDR     r3, [r2]                        ; load 1st L1PT entry
        MOV     r3, r3, LSL #(31-9)             ; junk old phys addr
        ORR     r3, r1, r3, LSR #(31-9)         ; merge in new phys addr
        STR     r3, [r2], #4
        ADD     r3, r3, #&400                   ; advance by 1K for each L1PT word
        STR     r3, [r2], #4
        ADD     r3, r3, #&400
        STR     r3, [r2], #4
        ADD     r3, r3, #&400
        STR     r3, [r2], #4
    [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
        ; In order to guarantee that the result of a page table write is
        ; visible, the ARMv6+ memory order model requires us to perform TLB
        ; maintenance (equivalent to the MMU_ChangingUncached ARMop) after we've
        ; performed the write. Performing the maintenance beforehand (as we've
        ; done traditionally) will work most of the time, but not always.
        LDR     r3, =ZeroPage
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncached,,tailcall,r3
        ; With older architectures there shouldn't be any TLB maintenance
        ; required. But we do potentially need to drain the write buffer to make
        ; sure the CPU actually sees the changes.
      [ CacheablePageTables
        LDR     r3, =ZeroPage
        ARMop   DSB_ReadWrite,,tailcall,r3        
        MOV     pc, lr

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;convert page number in $pnum to L2PT entry (physical address+protection bits),
;using cached PhysRamTable entries for speed
;entry: $ptable -> PhysRamTable, $pbits = protection bits
;       $cache0, $cache1, $cache2 = PhysRamTable cache
;exit:  $temp corrupted
;       $cache0, $cache1, $cache2 updated

        PageNumToL2PT $pnum,$ptable,$cache0,$cache1,$cache2,$pbits,$temp
        SUB     $temp,$pnum,$cache0 ; no. pages into block
        CMP     $temp,$cache2
        BLHS    PageNumToL2PTCache_$ptable._$cache0._$cache1._$cache2._$temp
        ADD     $pnum,$cache1,$temp,LSL #Log2PageSize ; physical address of page
        ORR     $pnum,$pbits,$pnum ; munge in protection bits

        PageNumToL2PTInit $ptable,$cache0,$cache1,$cache2
        ASSERT  $cache2 > $cache1
        LDR     $ptable,=ZeroPage+PhysRamTable
        MOV     $cache0,#0
        LDMIA   $ptable,{$cache1,$cache2}
        MOV     $cache1,$cache1,LSL #12
        MOV     $cache2,$cache2,LSR #12

PageNumToL2PTCache_r4_r5_r6_r7_r12 ROUT
        Entry   "r4"
        ADD     r12,r12,r5 ; Restore page number
        MOV     r5,#0
        LDMIA   r4!,{r6,r7} ; Get PhysRamTable entry
        MOV     r7,r7,LSR #12
        CMP     r12,r7
        SUBHS   r12,r12,r7
        ADDHS   r5,r5,r7
        BHS     %BT10
        MOV     r6,r6,LSL #12
        EXIT    ; r5-r7 = cache entry, r12 = offset into entry

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;updates L2PT for new logical page positions, does not update CAM
; entry:
;       r3  =  new logical address of 1st page
;       r8  =  number of pages
;       r9  =  page flags
;       r10 -> page list
AMB_movepagesin_L2PT_ShortDesc ROUT
        Entry   "r0-r12"

        MOV     r0, #0
        GetPTE  r11, 4K, r0, r9, ShortDesc

        PageNumToL2PTInit r4,r5,r6,r7

        LDR     r9,=L2PT
        ADD     r9,r9,r3,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;r9 -> L2PT for 1st new logical page

        CMP     r8,#4
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r3}         ;next 4 page numbers
        PageNumToL2PT r0,r4,r5,r6,r7,r11,r12
        PageNumToL2PT r1,r4,r5,r6,r7,r11,r12
        PageNumToL2PT r2,r4,r5,r6,r7,r11,r12
        PageNumToL2PT r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r11,r12
        STMIA   r9!,{r0-r3}          ;write 4 L2PT entries
        SUB     r8,r8,#4
        CMP     r8,#4
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        BEQ     %FT35
        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
        PageNumToL2PT r0,r4,r5,r6,r7,r11,r12
        STR     r0,[r9],#4
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;updates L2PT for old logical page positions, does not update CAM
; entry:
;       r3  =  old page flags
;       r4  =  old logical address of 1st page
;       r8  =  number of pages
        Entry   "r0-r8"

        ; Calculate L2PT flags needed to make the pages uncacheable
        ; Assume all pages will have identical flags (or at least close enough)
        LDR     lr,=ZeroPage
        LDR     lr,[lr, #MMU_PCBTrans]
        GetTempUncache_ShortDesc r0, r3, lr, r1
        LDR     r1, =TempUncache_L2PTMask

        LDR     lr,=L2PT
        ADD     lr,lr,r4,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2)    ;lr -> L2PT 1st entry

        CMP     r8,#4
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   lr,{r2-r5}
        BIC     r2,r2,r1
        BIC     r3,r3,r1
        BIC     r4,r4,r1
        BIC     r5,r5,r1
        ORR     r2,r2,r0
        ORR     r3,r3,r0
        ORR     r4,r4,r0
        ORR     r5,r5,r0
        STMIA   lr!,{r2-r5}
        SUB     r8,r8,#4
        CMP     r8,#4
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        BEQ     %FT35
        LDR     r2,[lr]
        BIC     r2,r2,r1
        ORR     r2,r2,r0
        STR     r2,[lr],#4
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30
        FRAMLDR r0,,r4                           ;address of 1st page
        FRAMLDR r1,,r8                           ;number of pages
        LDR     r3,=ZeroPage
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntries,,,r3
        FRAMLDR r4
        FRAMLDR r8
        B       %FT55 ; -> moveuncacheablepagesout_L2PT (avoid pop+push of large stack frame)

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;updates L2PT for old logical page positions, does not update CAM
; entry:
;       r4  =  old logical address of 1st page
;       r8  =  number of pages
55      ; Enter here from movecacheablepagesout
        LDR     lr,=L2PT
        ADD     lr,lr,r4,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2)    ;lr -> L2PT 1st entry

        MOV     r0,#0                             ;0 means translation fault
        MOV     r1,#0
        MOV     r2,#0
        MOV     r3,#0
        MOV     r4,#0
        MOV     r5,#0
        MOV     r6,#0
        MOV     r7,#0

        CMP     r8,#8
        BLT     %FT70
        STMIA   lr!,{r0-r7}                       ;blam! (8 entries)
        SUB     r8,r8,#8
        CMP     r8,#8
        BGE     %BT60
        CMP     r8,#0
        BEQ     %FT85
        STR     r0,[lr],#4
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT80
        FRAMLDR r0,,r4                           ;address of 1st page
        FRAMLDR r1,,r8                           ;number of pages
        LDR     r3,=ZeroPage
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries,,,r3 ;no cache worries, hoorah

 [ AMB_LazyMapIn
; Calculate default page flags
        MOV     R0, #0
        MOV     R1, #0
        GetPTE  R0, 4K, R0, R1, ShortDesc
        STR     R0,AMBPageFlags

; Scan a sparsely mapped dynamic area for the next mapped/unmapped section
; In:
;   r3 = end address
;   r4 = 0 to release, 1 to claim
;   r8 = start address
; Out:
;   r1 = size of found area
;   r8 = start address of found area, or >= r3 if nothing found
;   r5-r7,r9 corrupt
ScanSparse_ShortDesc ROUT
        LDR     r5,=L2PT
        ADD     r5,r5,r8,LSR #10     ;r5 -> L2PT for base (assumes 4k page)
;look for next fragment of region that needs to have mapping change
        CMP     r8,r3
        MOVHS   pc,lr                ;done
        LDR     r6,[r5],#4           ;pick-up next L2PT entry
        CMP     r4,#0                ;if operation is a release...
        CMPEQ   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is 0 (not mapped)...
        ADDEQ   r8,r8,#&1000         ;...then skip page (is ok)
        BEQ     %BT20
        CMP     r4,#0                ;if operation is a claim (not 0)...
        CMPNE   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is non-0 (mapped)...
        ADDNE   r8,r8,#&1000         ;...then skip page (is ok)
        BNE     %BT20
        MOV     r1,#&1000            ;else we need to do a change (1 page so far)
        ADD     r9,r8,r1
        CMP     r9,r3
        MOVHS   pc,lr
        LDR     r6,[r5],#4           ;pick-up next L2PT entry
        CMP     r4,#1                ;if operation is a release (not 1)...
        CMPNE   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is non-0 (mapped)...
        ADDNE   r1,r1,#&1000         ;...then count page as needing change
        BNE     %BT30
        CMP     r4,#1                ;if operation is a claim...
        CMPEQ   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is 0 (not mapped)...
        ADDEQ   r1,r1,#&1000         ;...then count page as needing change
        BEQ     %BT30
        MOV     pc,lr

; Set a page as temporarily uncacheable.
; Doesn't modify the CAM or perform any cache/TLB maintenance.
; In:
;   r0 = address
;   r6 = page flags for r0
;   r8 = page table flags from last call (undefined for first call)
;   r9 = page flags from last call (-1 for first call)
; Out:
;   r8, r9 updated
;   r1, r4, r5 corrupt
MakeTempUncache_ShortDesc ROUT
        ; Calculate required page flags
        CMP     r9, r6
        BEQ     %FT06
        LDR     r1, =ZeroPage
        MOV     r9, r6
        LDR     r1, [r1, #MMU_PCBTrans]
        GetTempUncache_ShortDesc r8, r9, r1, r4
        LDR     r1, =L2PT
        ; Bypass BangCAM and update L2PT directly (avoids CAM gaining any unwanted temp uncacheability flags)
        LDR     r5, =TempUncache_L2PTMask
        LDR     r4, [r1, r0, LSR #10]
        BIC     r4, r4, r5
        ORR     r4, r4, r8
        STR     r4, [r1, r0, LSR #10]
        MOV     pc, lr

$lab    ConstructIOPTE $pte, $phys_mb, $flags, $tmp
        ; $pte (output)                L1 page table entry word
        ; $phys_mb (input, preserved)  physical address, in megabytes
        ;   for vanilla sections:
        ;     bits 0..11 go in bits 20..31
        ;   for supersections:
        ;     bits 0..3 assumed zero
        ;     bits 4..11 go in bits 24..31
        ;     bits 12..15 go in bits 20..23
        ;     bits 16..20 go in bits 5..8
        ; $flags (input, preserved)    page table attribute bits
        ; UBFXNE should be safe pre v6T2, since we won't attempt to use
        ; supersections on such CPUs and they won't trap untaken undefined instructions
        ASSERT  $pte <> $phys_mb
        ASSERT  $pte <> $flags
        ASSERT  $pte <> $tmp
        ASSERT  $tmp <> $phys_mb
        ASSERT  $tmp <> $flags
$lab    ANDS    $tmp, $flags, #L1_SS
        UBFXNE  $tmp, $phys_mb, #32-20, #L1_SSb32Width
        ORR     $pte, $phys_mb, $tmp
        UBFXNE  $tmp, $phys_mb, #36-20, #L1_SSb36Width
        ASSERT  L1_SSb32Shift = 20
        ORR     $pte, $flags, $pte, LSL #L1_SSb32Shift
        ORRNE   $pte, $pte, $tmp, LSL #L1_SSb36Shift

; void *AccessPhysicalAddress(unsigned int flags, uint64_t phys, void **oldp)
; APCS calling convention.
; flags: RISC OS page flags
; phys: Physical address to access
; oldp: Pointer to word to store old state (or NULL)
; On exit: Returns logical address corresponding to 'phys'.
; Arranges for the physical address 'phys' to be (temporarily) mapped into
; logical memory. In fact, at least the whole megabyte containing 'phys' is
; mapped in. All mappings use the same shared logical window; the current state
; of the window will be returned in 'oldp', to allow it to be restored (via
; ReleasePhysicalAddress) once you've finised with it.
; Note: No cache maintenance performed. Assumption is that mappings will be
; non-cacheable.
AccessPhysicalAddress_ShortDesc ROUT
        ; Check physical address is valid on current CPU
        LDR     ip, =ZeroPage
        Push    "a1,v3,lr"
        LDR     v3, [ip, #PhysIllegalMask]
        TST     a3, v3
        BNE     %FT90
        ; Use Get1MPTE to convert DA flags into L1PT section-mapping flags
        MOV     ip, #0
        GetPTE  a1, 1M, ip, a1, ShortDesc
        ; Mapping size (section or supersection) depends on address
        MOV     lr, a2, LSR #20
        ORR     lr, lr, a3, LSL #12                     ; lr = physical megabyte number
        TEQ     a3, #0
        ORRNE   a1, a1, #L1_SS                          ; need to use supersection for such addresses
        BIC     a2, a2, #&FF000000                      ; at most, bits 0-23 are used as offsets into section/supersection
        BICNE   lr, lr, #&F                             ; if address >4GB, round mapped address to 16MB (supersection)
        BICEQ   a2, a2, #&00F00000                      ; else no further rounding needed (section) and bits 20-23 are not used as an offset either
        ConstructIOPTE v3, lr, a1, ip
        LDR     ip, =L1PT + (PhysicalAccess:SHR:18)     ; ip -> L1PT entry
 [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
        ORR     v3, v3, #L1_XN                          ; force non-executable to prevent speculative instruction fetches
        TEQ     a4, #0
        LDRNE   lr, [ip]                                ; read old value (if necessary)
        STRNE   lr, [a4]                                ; put old one in [oldp]
        MOV     a4, #15
        STR     v3, [ip], #4                            ; store first of 16 new L1PT entries
        TST     v3, #L1_SS
        MOVEQ   v3, #0                                  ; if supersection mapped then use 16 duplicate entries, else remaining entries unmapped
10      SUBS    a4, a4, #1
        STR     v3, [ip], #4
        BNE     %BT10

        LDR     a1, =PhysicalAccess
        ORR     a1, a1, a2
        STR     a1, [sp]
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncached                    ; sufficient, cause not cacheable
        Pull    "a1,v3,pc"

90      ; Invalid physical address
        ADD     sp, sp, #1*4
        MOV     a1, #0
        Pull    "v3,pc"

; void ReleasePhysicalAddress(void *old)
; APCS calling convention.
; Call with the 'oldp' value from a previous AccessPhysicalAddress call to
; restore previous physical access window state.
        LDR     ip, =L1PT + (PhysicalAccess:SHR:18)     ; ip -> L1PT entry
        MOV     a4, #15
        STR     a1, [ip], #4                            ; restore first of 16 L1PT entries
        TST     a1, #L1_SS
        MOVEQ   a1, #0                                  ; if supersection mapped then use 16 duplicate entries, else remaining entries unmapped
10      SUBS    a4, a4, #1
        STR     a1, [ip], #4
        BNE     %BT10
        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncached,,tailcall          ; sufficient, cause not cacheable

; In:  a1 = flags  (L1_B,L1_C,L1_TEX)
;           bit 20 set if doubly mapped
;           bit 21 set if L1_AP specified (else default to AP_None)
;      a2 = physical address
;      a3 = size
; Out: a1 = assigned logical address, or 0 if failed (no room)
        MOV     a4, a3
        MOV     a3, #0
        ; drop through...
; In:  a1 = flags  (L1_B,L1_C,L1_TEX)
;           bit 20 set if doubly mapped
;           bit 21 set if L1_AP specified (else default to AP_None)
;      a2,a3 = physical address
;      a4 = size
; Out: a1 = assigned logical address, or 0 if failed (no room)

; Will detect and return I/O space already mapped appropriately, or map and return new space
; For simplicity and speed of search, works on a section (1Mb) granularity

        ASSERT  L1_B = 1:SHL:2
        ASSERT  L1_C = 1:SHL:3
 [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
        ASSERT  L1_AP = 2_100011 :SHL: 10
        ASSERT  L1_TEX = 2_111 :SHL: 12
        ASSERT  L1_AP = 3:SHL:10
        ASSERT  L1_TEX = 2_1111 :SHL: 12

        TST     a1, #MapInFlag_APSpecified
        BICEQ   a1, a1, #L1_AP
        ; For VMSAv6, assume HAL knows what it's doing and requests correct settings for AP_ROM
        ORREQ   a1, a1, #L1_APMult * AP_None
        BIC     a1, a1, #3
 [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
        ORR     a1, a1, #L1_Section+L1_XN               ; force non-executable to prevent speculative instruction fetches
        ORR     a1, a1, #L1_Section
RISCOS_MapInIO_PTE_ShortDesc ; a1 bits 0-19 = L1 section entry flags, bits 20+ = our extra flags
        Entry   "a2,v1-v8"
        LDR     ip, =ZeroPage
        SUB     a4, a4, #1                              ; reduce by 1 so end physical address is inclusive
        ADDS    v1, a2, a4
        ADC     v2, a3, #0                              ; v1,v2 = end physical address
        LDR     v3, [ip, #PhysIllegalMask]
        TST     v2, v3
        MOVNE   a1, #0
        BNE     %FT90                                   ; can't map in physical addresses in this range

        MOVS    v3, v2
        MOVNE   v3, #&F                                 ; v3 = number of MB to use in rounding (0 for sections, 15 for supersections)
        MOV     v4, a2, LSR #20
        ORR     v4, v4, a3, LSL #12
        BIC     v4, v4, v3                              ; v4 = physical start MB to map
        MOV     v5, v1, LSR #20
        ORR     v5, v5, v2, LSL #12
        ADD     v5, v5, #1                              ; make exclusive
        ADD     v5, v5, v3
        BIC     v5, v5, v3                              ; v5 = physical end MB to map
        ANDS    a2, a1, #MapInFlag_DoublyMapped
        SUBNE   a2, v5, v4                              ; a2 = offset of second mapping (in MB) or 0
        LDR     v6, =&FFFFF
        AND     a1, a1, v6                              ; mask out our extra flags
        CMP     v5, #&1000
        ORRHI   a1, a1, #L1_SS                          ; set supersection flag if necessary
        LDR     a3, [ip, #IOAllocPtr]
        MOV     a3, a3, LSR #20
        ADD     a3, a3, v3
        BIC     a3, a3, v3                              ; a3 = logical MB that we're checking for a match
        ConstructIOPTE a4, v4, a1, lr                   ; a4 = first PT entry to match
        ADD     v3, v3, #1                              ; v3 = number of MB to step between sections or supersections
        LDR     v1, =L1PT
        LDR     v2, [ip, #IOAllocTop]
        MOV     v2, v2, LSR #20                         ; v2 = last logical MB to check (exclusive)
        SUB     a3, a3, v3                              ; no increment on first iteration
        ADD     a3, a3, v3                              ; next logical MB to check
        ADD     ip, a3, a2                              ; logical MB of base mapping or second mapping if there is one
        CMP     ip, v2
        BHS     %FT50                                   ; run out of logical addresses to check
        LDR     lr, [v1, a3, LSL #2]                    ; check only or first entry
        TEQ     lr, a4
        LDREQ   lr, [v1, ip, LSL #2]                    ; check only or second entry
        TEQEQ   lr, a4
        BNE     %BT10

        ; Found start of requested IO already mapped, and with required flags
        ; Now check that the remaining secions are all there too
        MOV     v6, v4                                  ; v6 = expected physical MB
        MOV     v7, a3                                  ; v7 = logical MB we expect to find it at
        ADD     v6, v6, v3                              ; next physical MB
        ADD     v7, v7, v3                              ; next logical MB
        ADD     ip, v7, a2                              ; logical MB of base mapping or second mapping if there is one
        CMP     v6, v5
        MOVHS   a4, a3, LSL #20
        BHS     %FT80                                   ; reached end and everything matched
        CMP     ip, v2
        BHS     %FT50                                   ; run out of logical addresses to check
        ConstructIOPTE v8, v6, a1, lr
        LDR     lr, [v1, v7, LSL #2]                    ; check only or first entry
        TEQ     lr, v8
        LDREQ   lr, [v1, ip, LSL #2]                    ; check only or second entry
        TEQEQ   lr, v8
        BEQ     %BT20                                   ; good so far, try next entry
        B       %BT10                                   ; mismatch, continue outer loop

50      ; Request not currently mapped, only partially mapped, or mapped with wrong flags
        LDR     ip, =ZeroPage
        SUB     v8, v3, #1                              ; v8 = number of MB to use in rounding (0 for sections, 15 for supersections)
        LDR     a3, [ip, #IOAllocPtr]
        MOV     a3, a3, LSR #20
        BIC     a3, a3, v8                              ; round down to 1MB or 16MB boundary (some memory may remain unmapped above when we map in a supersection)
        SUB     a4, v5, v4
        ADD     a4, a4, a2                              ; a4 = number of MB required
        SUB     a3, a3, a4
        MOV     a4, a3, LSL #20
        LDR     v6, [ip, #IOAllocLimit]
        CMP     a4, v6                                  ; run out of room to allocate IO?
        MOVLS   a1, #0                                  ; LS is to match previous version of the code - perhaps should be LO?
        BLS     %FT90
        STR     a4, [ip, #IOAllocPtr]
        ConstructIOPTE v8, v4, a1, lr                   ; v8 = page table entry for this (super)section
        MOV     v7, v3                                  ; number of consecutive entries to program the same
        ADD     v6, a3, a2
        STR     v8, [v1, a3, LSL #2]                    ; write only or first entry
        ADD     a3, a3, #1
        STR     v8, [v1, v6, LSL #2]                    ; write only or second entry
        SUBS    v7, v7, #1
        BNE     %BT70
        ADD     v4, v4, v3
        CMP     v4, v5
        BLO     %BT60

        MOV     a2, a1
        PageTableSync                                   ; corrupts a1
        MOV     a1, a2
        LDR     a2, [sp]                                ; retrieve original physical address from stack
        BIC     a2, a2, #&FF000000                      ; distance from 16MB boundary for supersections
        TST     a1, #L1_SS
        BICEQ   a2, a2, #&00F00000                      ; distance from 1MB boundary for sections
        ADD     a1, a4, a2

; Helper for MapIOpermanent / MapIO64permanent
; In:
;   r0 = MapIO flags
;   r1,r2 = phys addr
;   r3 = size
;   r12 = page flags
; Out:
;   r0 = assigned log addr, or 0 if failed (no room)
        ; Convert DA flags to page table entry
        GetPTE  r0, 1M, r0, r12, ShortDesc
   [ MEMM_Type = "VMSAv6"
        ORR     r0, r0, #L1_XN          ; force non-executable to prevent speculative instruction fetches
        ; Map in the region
        B       RISCOS_MapInIO_PTE_ShortDesc

