; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; TTL => HeapMan : Heap Allocation SWI ; Interruptible heap SWI. ; Look down the IRQ stack to see if anybody was in a heap operation. ; If they were, then (with IRQs off) the foreground call is done first, by ; picking up info from a fixed block. Patch the IRQ stack so that the heap SWI ; is returned to at a "it happened in the background" fixup routine. Current ; request can then be dealt with! Ta Nick. ; Also has an interlock on the register restore area; otherwise anybody ; with an IRQ process doing heap ops with interrupts enabled will cause ; trouble. GBLL debheap debheap SETL 1=0 [ :LNOT: :DEF: HeapTestbed GBLL HeapTestbed HeapTestbed SETL {FALSE} ] [ DebugHeaps FreeSpaceDebugMask * &04000000 UsedSpaceDebugMask * &08000000 ] Nil * 0 hpd RN r1 ; The punter sees these addr RN r2 size RN r3 work RN r4 HpTemp RN r10 ; But not these tp RN r11 bp RN r12 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + H E A P O R G A N I S A T I O N + ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; A heap block descriptor (hpd) has the form ; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ -+ -+ -+ -+ ; | magic | free | base | end | debug | ; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+- +- +- +- + ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ^ 0, hpd hpdmagic # 4 hpdfree # 4 hpdbase # 4 hpdend # 4 ; Needed for debugging heap, and top end validation [ debheap hpddebug # 4 ; 0 -> No debug, ~0 -> Debug ] hpdsize * @-hpdmagic magic_heap_descriptor * (((((("p":SHL:8)+"a"):SHL:8)+"e"):SHL:8)+"H") ; hpdmagic is a unique identification field ; hpdfree is the offset of the first block in the free space list ; hpdbase is the offset of the byte above the last one used ; hpdend is the offset of the byte above the last one usable ; | hpdbase ; \|/ ; +---+--------------------+--------+ ; low |hpd| heap blocks | unused | high ; +---+--------------------+---------+ ; /|\ /|\� ; | hpdfree | hpdend ; | in here somewhere. ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Blocks in the free space list have the form : ; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ~ -+--+ ; | long link | long size | | ; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ~ -+--+ ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (size-1) ; ; where the link field is an offset to the next free block ^ 0 ; Can't use register relative unfortunately as many regs used frelink # 4 fresize # 4 freblksize # 0 ; The link field is Nil (0) for the last block in the list ; Block sizes must be forced to a minimum of 8 bytes for subsequent link and ; size information to be stored in them if they are disposed of by the user. ; They must also be capable of storing a 4 byte size field while allocated. ; This field is used to size the block to free when FreeArea is called. ; This is the threshold for minimum heap block fragmentation size. Splitting a ; free block won't leave a free block which is <= than the size declared here. ; If by choosing to use a particular free block, allocating a new block would ; leave a free block of this size or less, add it on to the original size request ; to avoid generating lots of silly little blocks that slow things down so much. ; This value must not be too large because non-C callers may extend the block ; piecemeal based on their (now wrong) knowledge of the block size. The C library ; reads the block size straight out of the heap block data, and will thus not ; be fooled. minheapfragsize # 8 ALIGN ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; The Macros ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Check hpd valid MACRO $label ValidateHpd $faildest $label BL ValidateHpdSubr BNE $faildest._badhpd MEND ; Call XOS_Heap SWI MACRO CallXOSHeap [ HeapTestbed BL DoCallXOSHeap | SWI XOS_Heap ] MEND ;**************************************************************************** ; These bits of ExtendBlock are outside the IRQ HeapOp range because they ; don't update the heap structure, so we can safely restore old IRQ status CopyBackwardsInSafeZone LDR work, [stack, #3*4] ; get user link ANDS work, work, #I_bit ; look at I_bit WritePSRc SVC_mode, work, EQ ; if was clear then clear it now ADD bp, bp, #4 ; new block pointer STR bp, [stack] ; return to user ; copy wackbords: HpTemp-4 bytes from addr+4 to bp, in appropriate order! cpe_prev SUBS HpTemp, HpTemp, #4 LDRGT work, [addr, #4]! STRGT work, [bp], #4 BGT cpe_prev WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, work; disable IRQs before we venture back B GoodExtension ; into danger zone ReallocateInSafeZone LDR work, [addr, hpd]! ; get block size, set block addr ADD size, size, work SUB size, size, #4 ; block size to claim ADD addr, addr, #4 MOV bp, addr ; address to copy from Push addr ; save for later freeing MOV R0, #HeapReason_Get CallXOSHeap Pull addr, VS BVS SafeNaffExtension [ debheap LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT06 DREG work, "got new block : copying " 06 ] STR addr, [stack, #4] ; claimed : copy work-4 bytes from bp to addr CopyForExtension SUBS work, work, #4 LDRGT HpTemp, [bp],#4 STRGT HpTemp, [addr],#4 BGT CopyForExtension ; free the old block! [ debheap LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT08 WRLN "freeing old block" 08 ] ; recursive SWI to free old block; we have invalidated any held information MOV R0, #HeapReason_Free Pull addr ; heap block addr CallXOSHeap MOVVC R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit,work ; disable IRQs before we venture back BVC GoodExtension ; into danger zone SafeNaffExtension WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit,work ; disable IRQs before we venture back B NaffExtension ; into danger zone ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Here's the bit that gets returned to if the heap op was done in the ; background. Pick up the registers, look at the saved PSR to see if error ; return or OK. ; This bit musn't be in range of the IRQ Heap Op checking!!! ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ heapopdoneinbackground ROUT LDR R12, =ZeroPage+HeapReturnedReg_R0 LDMIA R12, {R0-R4, R10, R11} MOV stack, R10 MOV R10, #0 STR R10, [R12, #HeapReturnedReg_PSR-HeapReturnedReg_R0] ; clear the interlock TST R11, #V_bit ; look at returned error BEQ GoodHeapExit ; Recover the error from our buffer LDR R0,=HeapBackgroundError LDR R10,[R0] SWI XMessageTrans_CopyError ; Check that it worked - MessageTrans may be dead LDR R11,[R0] TEQ R10,R11 LDRNE R0,=HeapBackgroundError ; Just return our internal buffer if MessageTrans couldn't provide one B NaffHeapExit ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; HeapEntry. SWI level entry ; ========= ; ; Perform actions on the heap block described by r1(hpd) ; In r0 = heap action requested ; r1(hpd) -> heap block ; r2(addr) -> start of block, or required alignment ; r3(size) = size of block ; r4(work) = boundary limitation ; Out VClear -> Action performed ; VSet -> Something terrible has happened, error set ; Rest of universe ok HeapEntry ROUT Push lr SavePSR lr ; hang on to interrupt state ; First check that we aren't in an interrupted Heap Op WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R11 LDR R11, =ZeroPage+IRQsema inspect_IRQ_stack LDR R11, [R11] CMP R11, #0 BEQ iis_end LDR R10, [R11, #4*8] ; Get LR from IRQ stack ADR R12, first_heap_address_to_trap CMP R10, R12 ADRGEL R12, HeapCode_end CMPGE R12, R10 BLT inspect_IRQ_stack ; somebody's in the heap code! Time for perversion. ; Pick up registers, do foreground op, poke IRQstack return address ADRL R10, heapopdoneinbackground STR R10, [R11, #4*8] ; return address zapped LDR R10, [R11, #4*6] ; get stored SPSR BIC R10, R10, #&FF ORR R10, R10, #I32_bit:OR:SVC2632 STR R10, [R11, #4*6] ; return into SVC26/32 mode with IRQs disabled Push "R0-R4, lr" LDR R10, =ZeroPage+HeapSavedReg_R0 ; This can't happen: heap ops are non-interruptible while foreground ops ; are waiting to complete ; LDR R12, [R10, #HeapReturnedReg_PSR-HeapSavedReg_R0] ; CMP R12, #0 ; BNE HeapInUse LDMIA R10, {R0-R4, R11} SWI XOS_Heap ; with interrupts off! LDR R12, =ZeroPage+HeapReturnedReg_R0 ; Could we poke these into the IRQ stack too...? ; would allow interruptible IRQ processes to do heap ops!!! MRS lr, CPSR STMIA R12, {R0-R4, R11, lr} ; Any errors that were generated by the foreground operation may have ended up ; using one of MessageTrans' IRQ buffers. Trouble is, any number of IRQ errors ; could occur between now and when the foreground task gets the error. Avoid ; the error getting clobbered by copying it into a special kernel buffer, and ; then copy it back to a MessageTrans buffer once we're back in the foreground. BVC noheapbackgrounderror LDR R1,=HeapBackgroundError MOV LR,#256 heapbackgrounderrorloop LDMIA R0!,{R2-R4,R12} SUBS LR,LR,#16 STMIA R1!,{R2-R4,R12} BNE heapbackgrounderrorloop noheapbackgrounderror Pull "R0-R4, lr" iis_end ; store the registers in the info block LDR R12, =ZeroPage+HeapSavedReg_R0 STMIA R12, {R0-R4} STR stack, [R12, #5*4] first_heap_address_to_trap ; because register saveblock now set. LDR R12, [R12, #HeapReturnedReg_PSR-HeapSavedReg_R0] CMP R12, #0 RestPSR lr, EQ ; restore callers interrupt state ; only if no foreground waiting to ; complete CMP r0, #MaxHeapCode ; now despatch it. ADDLS pc, pc, r0, LSL #2 ; Tutu : faster & shorter B NaffHeapReason ; Return if unknown call reason HeapJumpTable ; Check reason codes against Hdr:Heap defs assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Init B InitHeap assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Desc B DescribeHeap assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Get B GetArea assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Free B FreeArea assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_ExtendBlock B ExtendBlock assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_ExtendHeap B ExtendHeap assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_ReadBlockSize B ReadBlockSize assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_GetAligned B GetAreaAligned [ debheap B ShowHeap ] MaxHeapCode * (.-HeapJumpTable-4) :SHR: 2 ; Largest valid reason code NaffHeapReason ADR R0, ErrorBlock_HeapBadReason [ International BL TranslateError ] NaffHeapExit ; get here with R0 = error ptr SETV GoodHeapExit ; V cleared on entry to SWI dispatch SETPSR I_bit, R12 ; IRQs off Pull lr ORRVS lr, lr, #V_bit ; VSet Exit [ HeapTestbed MSR CPSR_cxsf, lr ; Fake exit for testbed Pull "r10-r12,pc" | ExitSWIHandler ; Like all good SWI handlers ] ; Errors MakeErrorBlock HeapBadReason MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_Init MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_BadDesc MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_BadLink MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_Alloc MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_NotABlock MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_BadExtend MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_ExcessiveShrink ; MakeErrorBlock HeapFail_HeapLocked ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Subroutine to validate heap pointer ; checks hpd points at existing LogRam ; and also that internal offsets fall into the same block of RAM ValidateHpdSubr Push "R0-R3, lr" SavePSR R3 WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R0 ; interrupts off for validation MOV R0, hpd ADD R1, hpd, #hpdsize+freblksize SWI XOS_ValidateAddress BCS vhpds_fail TST R0, #3 ; check alignment LDREQ HpTemp, =magic_heap_descriptor LDREQ tp, [R0, #:INDEX: hpdmagic] CMPEQ tp, HpTemp BNE vhpds_fail ; failure LDR R1, [R0, #:INDEX: hpdend] ADD R1, R1, R0 SWI XOS_ValidateAddress BCS vhpds_fail ; failure ORR R3, R3, #Z_bit ; success RestPSR R3 Pull "R0-R3, PC" vhpds_fail BIC R3, R3, #Z_bit ; NE returned ; fails RestPSR R3 Pull "R0-R3, PC" ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; InitHeap. Top level HeapEntry ; ======== ; ; Initialise a heap descriptor block ; In : hpd -> block to initialise, size = size of block ; Out : VClear -> Block initialised ; VSet -> Something terrible has happened ; Rest of universe ok ; To initialise (or even reinitialise) a heap descriptor: ; $( ; hpd!magic := magic_heap_descriptor ; hpd!free := Nil ; hpd!base := hpdsize ; hpd!end := size ; $) InitHeap ROUT CMP size,#hpdsize+freblksize BLT NaffHeapInitialise ; can't get hpd and 1 block in Push "R0, R1" MOV R0, hpd ADD R1, hpd, size SWI XOS_ValidateAddress Pull "R0, R1" BCS NaffHeapInitialise [ DebugHeaps ORR lr, hpd, #FreeSpaceDebugMask ; form word to store throughout heap ADD HpTemp, hpd, size ; HpTemp -> end of heap 10 STR lr, [HpTemp, #-4]! ; store word, pre-decrementing TEQ HpTemp, hpd ; until we get to start BNE %BT10 ] LDR HpTemp, =magic_heap_descriptor STR HpTemp, hpdmagic ; hpd!magic := magic_heap_desc MOV HpTemp, #Nil STR HpTemp, hpdfree ; hpd!free := Nil MOV HpTemp, #hpdsize STR HpTemp, hpdbase ; hpd!base := hpdsize STR size, hpdend ; hpd!end := size [ debheap MOV HpTemp, #0 ; No debugging until the punter sets this Word STR HpTemp, hpddebug ] B GoodHeapExit NaffHeapInitialise [ debheap WRLN "Unaligned/too big hpd/size: InitHeap failed" ] ADR R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Init [ International BL TranslateError ] B NaffHeapExit ; VSet exit LTORG ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; DescribeHeap. Top level HeapEntry ; ============ ; ; Return information about the heap whose descriptor is pointed to by hpd ; In : hpd -> heap descriptor ; Out : VClear -> addr = max block size claimable, size = total free store ; VSet -> Something wrong ; Rest of universe ok DescribeHeap ROUT ValidateHpd describefailed [ debheap LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT00 Push link WRLN "DescribeHeap" BL iShowHeap Pull link 00 ] LDR addr, hpdend LDR HpTemp, hpdbase SUB addr, addr, HpTemp ; unused area at base to end MOV size, addr LDR bp, hpdfree ADR tp, hpdfree ADD HpTemp, HpTemp, hpd ; address of end of allocated memory B %FT20 ; Main loop chaining up free space list. size = total, addr = maxvec 15 ADD tp, tp, bp ; get address of next CMP tp, HpTemp BHS describefailed_badlink ; points outside allocated memory LDR bp, [tp, #fresize] ; Size of this block. CMP bp, addr ; if size > maxvec then maxvec := size MOVHI addr, bp ADD size, size, bp ; tfree +:= size LDR bp, [tp, #frelink] ; Get offset to next block 20 CMP bp,#Nil ; we know Nil is 0! BLT describefailed_badlink ; -ve are naff BNE %BT15 CMP addr, #0 SUBGT addr, addr, #4 ; max block claimable B GoodHeapExit ; VClear Exit describefailed_badhpd [ debheap WRLN "Invalid heap descriptor: DescribeHeap failed" ] ADR R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc [ International BL TranslateError ] B NaffHeapExit ; VSet Exit describefailed_badlink [ debheap WRLN "Invalid heap link: DescribeHeap failed" ] ADR R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadLink [ International BL TranslateError ] B NaffHeapExit ; VSet Exit ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; GetArea. Top level HeapEntry ; ======= ; ; Allocate a block of memory from the heap ; This will allocate the first block of sufficiently large size in the free ; list, with an oversize block being split. ; Failure to find a large enough block on the free list will try to claim ; space out of the heap block. ; Fails if requesting size = 0 ; In : hpd -> heap pointer, size = size of block required ; Out : VClear : addr -> got a block ; VSet : addr = 0, couldn't get block ; Rest of universe ok GetArea ROUT Push "size" ValidateHpd garfailed [ debheap ; HpTemp not critical LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT00 Push "r0, link" MOV r0, size DREG r0, "GetArea " BL iShowHeap Pull "r0, link" 00 ] CMP size, #0 ; Can't deallocate 0, so there! BLE garfailed_zero ; And -ve is invalid as well! ; note sizes of many megabytes thrown out by looking. ADD size, size, #3+4 ; Make block size multiple of 4 BIC size, size, #3 ; including header ADR addr, hpdfree-frelink ; addr:= @(hpd!free)-frelink garloop LDR tp, [addr, #frelink] ; tp := addr!fre.link CMP tp, #Nil ; Is this the end of the chain ? BEQ garmore ; - so try main blk ADD addr, addr, tp ; convert offset LDR HpTemp, [addr, #fresize] ; If length < size then no good SUBS HpTemp, HpTemp, size ; In case this works, for below split BLO garloop ; ; Try and stop very small blocks appearing due to fragmentation - if we fitted with ; a minimal amount of overhead, pretend we had an exact match ; CMPNE HpTemp, #minheapfragsize+1 ; set LO if we can salvage this tiny block ADDLO size, size, HpTemp ; increment the size to encompass the block MOVLOS HpTemp, #0 ; pretend we fitted exactly, set EQ ; Now addr -> a block on the free space list that our item will fit in ; If we have an exact fit (or as close as the granularity of the free list will ; allow), unlink this block and return it CMP HpTemp, #freblksize BGE SplitFreeBlock ; Increase allocation size if there wasn't enough space to split the free block ADD size, size, HpTemp [ debheap LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT60 WRLN "Got an exact fit block" 60 ] LDR HpTemp, [addr, #frelink] ; Move this block's link field CMP HpTemp, #Nil ADDNE HpTemp, HpTemp, tp ; convert offset into offset from ; previous block WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr ASSERT frelink=0 STR HpTemp, [addr, -tp] ; store in link of previous block B ResultIsAddrPlus4 SplitFreeBlock ; Need to split the free block, returning the end portion to the caller [ debheap ; HpTemp critical Push HpTemp LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT70 WRLN "Splitting free block" 70 Pull HpTemp ] WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr STR HpTemp, [addr, #fresize] ; Adjust size of free block remaining ADD addr, addr, HpTemp ; addr -> free block just deallocated ResultIsAddrPlus4 [ DebugHeaps ORR lr, hpd, #UsedSpaceDebugMask ; form word to store throughout block ADD HpTemp, addr, size ; HpTemp -> end of block 75 STR lr, [HpTemp, #-4]! ; store word, pre-decrementing TEQ HpTemp, addr BNE %BT75 ] STR size, [addr], #4 ; Store block size and increment addr Pull "size" ; Return original value to the punter ; Note : real size got would be an option! CLRV B GoodHeapExit ; RESULTIS addr ; Got no more free blocks of length >= size, so try to allocate more heap space ; out of the block described by hpd garmore [ debheap ; HpTemp not critical LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT80 WRLN "Trying to get more from main block" 80 ] LDR addr, hpdbase ADD tp, addr, size ; addr := (hpd!base +:= size) LDR HpTemp, hpdend WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr CMP tp, HpTemp ; See if we'd fall out of the bottom STRLS tp, hpdbase ; Only adjust hpdbase if valid alloc ADDLS addr, addr, hpd ; offset conversion BLS ResultIsAddrPlus4 [ debheap STRIM "Not enough room to allocate in main block" ] garfailed ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Alloc [ International BL TranslateError ] [ debheap WRLN " : GetArea failed" ] garfail_common MOV addr, #0 ; addr := 0 if we couldn't allocate Pull "size" ; RESULTIS 0 B NaffHeapExit ; VSet Exit garfailed_badhpd [ debheap STRIM "Invalid heap descriptor" ] ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc [ International BL TranslateError ] B garfail_common [ debheap garfailed_zero STRIM "Can't allocate 0 or less bytes" B garfailed | garfailed_zero * garfailed ] ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; GetAreaAligned. Top level HeapEntry ; ============== ; ; Allocate an aligned block of memory from the heap ; This is the same as GetArea, except it will only allocate areas with the given ; (power-of-two) alignment. ; Fails if requesting size = 0 ; In : hpd -> heap pointer ; size = size of block required ; addr = alignment (power of 2) ; work = boundary (power of 2, 0 for none) ; Out : VClear : addr -> got a block ; VSet : addr = 0, couldn't get block ; Rest of universe ok GetAreaAligned ROUT Push "size,work" ValidateHpd garafailed [ debheap ; HpTemp not critical LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT00 Push "r0, link" MOV r0, size DREG r0, "GetAreaAligned " MOV r0, addr DREG r0, "alignment " MOV r0, work DREG r0, "boundary " BL iShowHeap Pull "r0, link" 00 ] CMP size, #0 ; Can't deallocate 0, so there! BLE garafailed_zero ; And -ve is invalid as well! ; note sizes of many megabytes thrown out by looking. ADD size, size, #3 ; Make block size multiple of 4 BIC size, size, #3 ; excluding header SUB bp, addr, #1 ; Store alignment-1 in bp TST bp, addr BNE garafailed_align ; Must be power of 2! CMP bp, #3 MOVLT bp, #3 ; Minimum alignment is 4 SUB r0, work, #1 ; Store boundary-1 in r0 TST r0, work BNE garafailed_boundary ; Must be power of 2! ADR addr, hpdfree-frelink ; addr:= @(hpd!free)-frelink ; If we have a boundary, it must be >= alignment, and >= size CMP r0, #-1 BEQ garaloop CMP r0, bp CMPHS work, size BLO garafailed_boundary2 garaloop LDR tp, [addr, #frelink] ; tp := addr!fre.link CMP tp, #Nil ; Is this the end of the chain ? BEQ garamore ; - so try main blk ADD addr, addr, tp ; convert offset LDR HpTemp, [addr, #fresize] ; Calculate start and end addresses as if we were to allocate from this block ADD work,addr,#4 ; 4 bytes for storing block size ADD HpTemp,HpTemp,addr ; End of free block ADD work,work,bp garaloop2 BIC work,work,bp ; work = start of user block SUB lr,work,addr CMP lr,#4 BEQ garastartok ; Start alignment is exact CMP lr,#freblksize+4 BGE garastartok ; Enough space to fit a free block at the start ; We need a free block, but there isn't enough space for it. ; Shift 'work' up by one unit of alignment and try again. ADD work,work,bp,LSL #1 B garaloop2 garastartok ; Calculate block end address ADD lr,work,size ; End of user block SUBS lr,HpTemp,lr ; Gap after user block BLO garaloop ; Not big enough ; Check boundary requirement CMP r0,#-1 BEQ garaboundaryok AND lr,work,r0 ; Start offset within boundary ADD lr,lr,size SUB lr,lr,#1 ; Last byte of allocation CMP lr,r0 BLS garaboundaryok ; This allocation crosses a boundary. Shift 'work' up to be boundary aligned. ADD work,work,r0 BIC work,work,r0 B garaloop2 ; Loop back round to recheck everything (with small boundary sizes, we may have created a situation where we can't fit an initial free block) garaboundaryok ; We have a suitable space to allocate from. ADD size,size,#4 ; Correct size to store SUB work,work,#4 ; Correct block start [ debheap LDR lr, hpddebug CMP lr, #0 BEQ %FT60 WRLN "Using existing free block" 60 ] ; Note: bp now being used as scratch ADD bp,work,size ; End of user block SUB bp,HpTemp,bp ; Gap after user block WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr ; Work out if we need a new free block afterwards CMP bp, #freblksize ADDLT size, size, bp ; Not enough space, so enlarge allocated block BLT %FT10 ; Create a new free block that will lie after our allocated block SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, bp STR bp, [HpTemp, #fresize] ; Write size LDR bp, [addr, #frelink] CMP bp, #Nil ADDNE bp, bp, addr SUBNE bp, bp, HpTemp STR bp, [HpTemp, #frelink] ; Write next ptr SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, addr STR HpTemp, [addr, #frelink] ; Fix up link from previous block 10 ; Shrink this free block to take up the space preceeding the allocated block. SUBS bp,work,addr STRNE bp, [addr, #fresize] BNE ResultIsWorkPlus4 ; No space for an initial free block. Get rid of it. ASSERT frelink=0 ; otherwise LDR bp,[addr,#frelink]! LDR bp, [addr] CMP bp, #0 ADDNE bp, bp, tp STR bp, [addr, -tp] B ResultIsWorkPlus4 ; Got no more free blocks of length >= size, so try to allocate more heap space ; out of the block described by hpd garamore [ debheap LDR work, hpddebug CMP work, #0 BEQ %FT80 WRLN "Trying to get more from main block" 80 ] LDR work, hpdbase ADD work, work, hpd ADD tp, work, #4 ADD tp, tp, bp garamoreloop BIC tp, tp, bp ; tp = pointer to return to user ; Make sure there's enough space for a free block if necessary SUB HpTemp, tp, work ; HpTemp = tp-(hpd+hpdbase) CMP HpTemp, #4 BEQ garamoreok CMP HpTemp, #freblksize+4 ADDLT tp, tp, bp, LSL #1 ; Not enough space for free block BLT garamoreloop garamoreok ; Boundary check CMP r0, #-1 BEQ garamoreboundaryok AND HpTemp, tp, r0 ADD HpTemp, HpTemp, size SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, #1 CMP HpTemp, r0 BLS garamoreboundaryok ; Shift 'tp' up to be boundary aligned ADD tp, tp, r0 BIC tp, tp, r0 B garamoreloop garamoreboundaryok ADD HpTemp, tp, size ; New heap end SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, hpd ; New heap size LDR lr, hpdend CMP HpTemp, lr BGT garafailed WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr ; Set up the block to return to the user ADD size, size, #4 STR size, [tp, #-4]! ; Grow the heap STR HpTemp, hpdbase ; Create preceeding free block if necessary SUBS HpTemp, tp, work BEQ ResultIsTpPlus4 ; Write the free block STR HpTemp, [work, #fresize] MOV HpTemp, #Nil STR HpTemp, [work, #frelink] ; Patch up the preceeding block SUB HpTemp, work, addr STR HpTemp, [addr, #frelink] ResultIsTpPlus4 ; Block size is already stored ADD addr, tp, #4 Pull "size,work" MOV r0,#HeapReason_GetAligned CLRV B GoodHeapExit ResultIsWorkPlus4 STR size, [work] ; Store block size ADD addr, work, #4 ; Move to correct return reg & add offset Pull "size,work" MOV r0,#HeapReason_GetAligned CLRV B GoodHeapExit garafailed ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Alloc [ International BL TranslateError ] [ debheap WRLN " : GetAreaAligned failed" ] garafail_common MOV addr, #0 ; addr := 0 if we couldn't allocate Pull "size,work" ; RESULTIS 0 B NaffHeapExit ; VSet Exit garafailed_badhpd [ debheap STRIM "Invalid heap descriptor" ] ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc [ International BL TranslateError ] B garafail_common [ debheap garafailed_zero STRIM "Can't allocate 0 or less bytes" B garafailed garafailed_align STRIM "Alignment not power of 2" B garafailed garafailed_boundary STRIM "Boundary not power of 2" B garafailed garafailed_boundary2 STRIM "Boundary too small" B garafailed | garafailed_zero * garafailed garafailed_align * garafailed garafailed_boundary * garafailed garafailed_boundary2 * garafailed ] ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; FreeArea. Top level HeapEntry ; ======== ; ; Return an area of store to the heap ; In : hpd -> heap descriptor, addr -> block to free ; Out : VClear -> block freed ; VSet -> failed to free block, size invalid ; Rest of universe ok ; The block to be freed is matched against those on the free list and inserted ; in it's correct place, with the list being maintained in ascending address ; order. If possible, the freed block is merged with contigous blocks above ; and below it to give less fragmentation, and if contiguous with main memory, ; is merged with that. If the latter, check to see if there is a block which ; would be made contiguous with main memory by the former's freeing, and if so, ; merge that with main memory too. Phew ! FreeArea ROUT Push "addr, size, work" [ debheap ; HpTemp not critical LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT00 Push "r0, link" STRIM "FreeArea " SUB r0, addr, hpd SUB r0, r0, #4 BL PrintOffsetLine BL iShowHeap Pull "r0, link" 00 ] BL FindHeapBlock BLVC FreeChunkWithConcatenation Pull "addr, size, work" BVC GoodHeapExit B NaffHeapExit ; VSet Exit ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; ExtendBlock. Top level HeapEntry ; =========== ; ; Extend or reallocate existing block ; In : hpd -> heap descriptor, addr -> block, size = size to change by ; Out : VClear -> block freed, addr new block pointer ; VSet -> failed to extend block ; Rest of universe ok ExtendBlock Push "addr, size, work" [ debheap ; HpTemp not critical LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT00 Push "r0, link" DREG size, "ExtendBlock by ",cc STRIM " block at " SUB r0, addr, hpd SUB r0, r0, #4 BL PrintOffsetLine BL iShowHeap Pull "r0, link" 00 ] BL FindHeapBlock BVS NaffExtension ADD size, size, #3 ; round size as appropriate : BICS size, size, #3 ; round up to nearest 4 BEQ GoodExtension ; get the easy case done. BPL MakeBlockBigger RSB size, size, #0 LDR bp, [addr, hpd] ; get block size WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R14 SUB bp, bp, size ; size of block left CMP bp, #4 [ debheap ; HpTemp not critical, GE/LT critical BLE %FT01 LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT01 WRLN "Freeing part of block" 01 CMP bp, #4 ; restore GE/Lt ] MOVLE HpTemp, #-1 ; if discarding block, then STRLE HpTemp, [stack] ; make pointer really naff. BLE GoodShrink ; If we're only shrinking 4 bytes, only allow the shrink to go ahead ; if there's a free block (or hpdbase) after us CMP size, #4 BGT DoShrink LDR HpTemp, [hpd, tp] CMP HpTemp, #Nil ADDNE HpTemp, HpTemp, tp ; Offset of next free block LDREQ HpTemp, hpdbase SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, addr ; Offset from start of this block SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, size ; Apply shrink amount to match bp CMP HpTemp, bp MOVGT size, #0 ; Used block after us. Deny shrink. BGT GoodExtension BLT CorruptExtension ; Heap corrupt! Next free block is before us ; Else there's a free block (or hpdbase) directly after us DoShrink STR bp, [addr, hpd] ; update size of block left ADD addr, addr, bp ; offset of block to free STR size, [addr, hpd] ; construct block for freeing GoodShrink BL FreeChunkWithConcatenation ; work still set from block lookup GoodExtension Pull "addr, size, work" [ DebugHeaps MOVS lr, size ; work out how much we actually extended by BEQ %FT99 ; if zero or negative BMI %FT99 ; then nothing to do LDR HpTemp, [addr, #-4] ; get new block size SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, #4 ; Exclude size word itself ADD HpTemp, addr, HpTemp ; end of new block SUB lr, HpTemp, lr ; start of new extension ORR bp, hpd, #UsedSpaceDebugMask 98 STR bp, [HpTemp, #-4]! ; store word TEQ HpTemp, lr BNE %BT98 99 ] CLRV B GoodHeapExit MakeBlockBigger LDR HpTemp, [addr, hpd] ; get size ADD HpTemp, HpTemp, addr ; block end ; TMD 01-Mar-89: FindHeapBlock now never returns tp=Nil, only tp=hpdfree, ; so no need for check LDR bp, [tp, hpd] ; next free CMP bp, #Nil ADDNE bp, bp, tp LDREQ bp, hpdbase ; bp is potential following block CMP HpTemp, bp BNE try_preceding_block ; now get size available, see if fits LDR HpTemp, hpdbase CMP bp, HpTemp ADDNE HpTemp, bp, hpd LDRNE HpTemp, [HpTemp, #fresize] LDREQ HpTemp, hpdend SUBEQ HpTemp, HpTemp, bp BICEQ HpTemp, HpTemp, #3 ; force it to a sensible blocksize MRS lr, CPSR ; save EQ/NE state CMP HpTemp, size BLT try_add_preceding_block ORR lr, lr, #I32_bit ; disable IRQs MSR CPSR_cf, lr [ debheap ; HpTemp, EQ/NE critical Push "HpTemp,lr" LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT02 STRIM "Extending block into " 02 Pull "HpTemp,lr" msr CPSR_f, lr ] LDR work, [addr, hpd] ; get size back ADD work, work, size ; new size STR work, [addr, hpd] ; block updated ; now see which we're extending into BNE IntoFreeEntry [ debheap Push HpTemp LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT03 WRLN "base-end area" 03 Pull HpTemp ] ADD work, work, addr STR work, hpdbase B GoodExtension IntoFreeEntry [ debheap Push HpTemp LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT04 WRLN "free entry" 04 Pull HpTemp ] SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, size ; new freblk size CMP HpTemp, #4 BGT SplitFreeBlockForExtend ; Not enough space for a free block. Increase the grow amount a bit. ADDEQ work, work, #4 STREQ work, [addr, hpd] ; free entry just right size : remove from free list LDR HpTemp, [bp, hpd] ; free link CMP HpTemp, #Nil ADDNE HpTemp, HpTemp, bp ; offset from heap start SUBNE HpTemp, HpTemp, tp STR HpTemp, [tp, hpd] ; free list updated B GoodExtension SplitFreeBlockForExtend LDR work, [tp, hpd] ADD work, work, size STR work, [tp, hpd] ; prevnode points at right place ADD work, work, tp ; offset of new free entry ADD work, work, hpd STR HpTemp, [work, #fresize] LDR HpTemp, [bp, hpd] CMP HpTemp, #Nil SUBNE HpTemp, HpTemp, size ; reduced offset for free link STR HpTemp, [work, #frelink] B GoodExtension try_preceding_block ; TMD 01-Mar-89: FindHeapBlock now never returns tp=Nil, only tp=hpdfree, ; so no need for check CMP tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree ; no real preceder? BEQ got_to_reallocate ADD bp, tp, hpd LDR bp, [bp, #fresize] ADD bp, bp, tp ; end of preceding block CMP addr, bp BNE got_to_reallocate ; now get size available, see if fits SUB bp, bp, tp ; freblk size SUBS bp, bp, size ; compare, find free size left BLT got_to_reallocate [ debheap Push "HpTemp,lr" LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT10 CMP bp, #0 BEQ %FT11 STRIM "Extending block into previous free" B %FT12 11 STRIM "Previous free perfect fit" 12 SWI XOS_NewLine 10 Pull "HpTemp,lr" ] WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, HpTemp ; IRQs off hack_preceder ; bp is new size of preceding block ; tp is prevfree offset ; work is prevprevfree offset ; size is amount block grows by ; addr is block offset CMP bp, #freblksize ADDGE HpTemp, tp, hpd STRGE bp, [HpTemp, #fresize] ; prevblock shrunk BGE copy_backwards ; free freblk: work is still prevprevblk pointer LDR HpTemp, [tp, hpd] ADDNE size, size, bp ; Increase grow amount by any remainder MOVNE bp, #0 ; And make sure the block does die CMP HpTemp, #Nil ADDNE HpTemp, HpTemp, tp ; offset from heap start SUBNE HpTemp, HpTemp, work STR HpTemp, [work, hpd] ; free list updated copy_backwards ADD bp, bp, tp LDR HpTemp, [addr, hpd]! ; current block size ADD size, HpTemp, size STR size, [bp, hpd]! ; update blocksize [ debheap Push r0 LDR r0, hpddebug CMP r0, #0 BEQ %FT06 DREG HpTemp, "copying -4+",cc STRIM " from " SUB R0, addr, hpd BL PrintOffset STRIM " to " SUB R0, bp, hpd BL PrintOffsetLine 06 Pull r0 ] ; TMD 02-Mar-89: We've finished messing about with the heap structure ; so we can branch outside danger zone and restore IRQ status while doing copy B CopyBackwardsInSafeZone try_add_preceding_block [ {TRUE} ; HpTemp is size of following block CMP tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree ; no real preceder? BEQ got_to_reallocate Push "work, size" ; need prevprevblk ptr SUB size, size, HpTemp ; size still needed ADD HpTemp, tp, hpd LDR HpTemp, [HpTemp, #fresize] ADD HpTemp, HpTemp, tp ; end of preceding block CMP addr, HpTemp BNE got_to_reallocate2 ; now get size available, see if fits SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, tp ; freblk size SUBS HpTemp, HpTemp, size BLT got_to_reallocate2 [ debheap Push "HpTemp,lr" LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT10 Pull HpTemp CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT11 STRIM "Extending block into previous free and block after" B %FT12 11 STRIM "Previous free+nextblock perfect fit" 12 SWI XOS_NewLine 10 Pull "lr" ] WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, work ; IRQs off ; delink block at bp LDR work, hpdbase CMP bp, work ; extend into free, or delink block? BNE ext_delink LDR work, hpdend SUB work, work, bp ; get back real size BIC work, work, #3 ADD work, work, bp STR work, hpdbase ; all free allocated B ext_hack ext_delink LDR work, [bp, hpd] CMP work, #Nil ADDNE work, work, bp SUBNE work, work, tp STR work, [tp, hpd] ; block delinked ext_hack MOV bp, HpTemp Pull "work, size" ; bp is new size of preceding block ; tp is prevfree offset ; work is prevprevfree offset ; size is amount block grows by ; addr is block offset B hack_preceder got_to_reallocate2 Pull "work, size" ] got_to_reallocate ; claim block of new size ; copy data ; Done by recursive SWIs: somewhat inefficient, but simple. [ debheap LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT05 WRLN "reallocating block" 05 ] B ReallocateInSafeZone CorruptExtension ADRL R0,ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadLink [ International BL TranslateError ] NaffExtension Pull "addr, size, work" B NaffHeapExit ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; ExtendHeap. Top level HeapEntry ; ========== ; ; Extend or shrink heap ; In : hpd -> heap descriptor, size = size to change by ; Out : VClear -> heap size changed OK ; VSet -> failed to change by specified amount ; size = amount changed by ExtendHeap ROUT ValidateHpd ExtendHeap CMP r3, #0 ADDMI r3, r3, #3 ; round towards 0 BIC R3, R3, #3 ; ensure word amount LDR HpTemp, hpdend ADD HpTemp, HpTemp, R3 ; HpTemp := new size LDR tp, hpdbase CMP tp, HpTemp BGT ExtendHeap_badshrink WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr Push "R0, R1" MOV R0, hpd ; Ensure heap will be in valid area ADD R1, hpd, HpTemp SWI XOS_ValidateAddress Pull "R0, R1" BCS ExtendHeap_nafforf [ DebugHeaps CMP R3, #0 ; if shrunk or stayed same BLE %FT15 ; then nothing to do ADD tp, hpd, HpTemp ; tp -> end of heap SUB bp, tp, R3 ; bp -> start of new bit ORR lr, hpd, #FreeSpaceDebugMask 10 STR lr, [tp, #-4]! ; store word TEQ tp, bp BNE %BT10 15 ] STR HpTemp, hpdend ; uppy date him B GoodHeapExit ; moved all the size asked for ExtendHeap_badhpd ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc [ International BL TranslateError ] MOV size, #0 B NaffHeapExit ExtendHeap_nafforf ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadExtend [ International BL TranslateError ] MOV size, #0 B NaffHeapExit ExtendHeap_badshrink LDR HpTemp, hpdend STR tp, hpdend ; update heap SUB size, HpTemp, tp ; size managed to change by ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_ExcessiveShrink [ International BL TranslateError ] B NaffHeapExit ; and sort of fail ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ; ReadBlockSize. Top level HeapEntry ; ============= ; ReadBlockSize Push "addr, work" BL FindHeapBlock LDRVC size, [addr, hpd] Pull "addr, work" BVC GoodHeapExit B NaffHeapExit ;************************************************************************** ; Common routines for free/extend FindHeapBlock ROUT ; Convert addr to address ; Validate heap ; check block is an allocated block ; return tp = free list entry before the block (hpdfree if none) ; work = free list before that (if exists) ; corrupts HpTemp, bp Push lr ValidateHpd findfailed SUB addr, addr, hpd ; convert to offset SUB addr, addr, #4 ; real block posn ; Find block in heap by chaining down freelist, stepping through blocks ; TMD 01-Mar-89 ; no need to check explicitly for null free list, code drops thru OK [ debheap LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT03 Push lr WRLN "Scanning freelist" Pull lr 03 ] ; step down free list to find appropriate chunk ; get tp = free block before addr ; HpTemp = " " after " ; work = block before tp MOV tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree StepDownFreeList LDR HpTemp, [hpd, tp] ; link offset CMP HpTemp,#Nil BEQ ListEnded ; EQ state used! ADD HpTemp, HpTemp, tp CMP HpTemp, addr MOVLS work, tp MOVLS tp, HpTemp BLS StepDownFreeList ListEnded LDREQ HpTemp, hpdbase ; if EQ from CMP HpTemp, addr ; then bad block anyway CMP tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree MOVEQ bp, #hpdsize ; is this a fudge I see before me? BEQ ScanAllocForAddr ADD bp, tp, #fresize LDR bp, [hpd, bp] ADD bp, tp, bp ScanAllocForAddr ; bp -> start of allocated chunk ; HpTemp -> end " " " ; scan to find addr, error if no in here Push work ; keep prevlink ptr [ debheap ; HpTemp critical Push "HpTemp, R0, link" LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT02 STRIM "Scan for addr from " MOV R0, bp BL PrintOffset STRIM " to " LDR R0,[stack,#4] ; HpTemp BL PrintOffsetLine 02 Pull "HpTemp, r0, link" ] B CheckForNullAllocn ScanAllocForAddrLoop CMP bp, addr BEQ ValidBlock LDR work, [bp, hpd] ; get size ADD bp, bp, work CheckForNullAllocn CMP bp, HpTemp BLT ScanAllocForAddrLoop [ debheap Push lr STRIM "Given pointer not a block" Pull lr ] ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_NotABlock [ International BL TranslateError | SETV ] Pull "work, pc" ValidBlock ; tp = free link offset, addr = block offset CLRV Pull "work, pc" findfailed_badhpd [ debheap Push lr STRIM "Invalid heap descriptor" Pull lr ] ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc [ International BL TranslateError | SETV ] Pull PC ;**************************************************************************** FreeChunkWithConcatenation ROUT ; in : addr -> block ; tp -> preceding free list entry ; out : block freed, concatenated with any free parts on either side, ; base reduced if can do ; corrupts HpTemp, bp, size, addr ; TMD 01-Mar-89: FindHeapBlock now never returns tp=Nil, only tp=hpdfree, ; so no need for check, code will get there eventually! ; attempt concatenation with free blocks on both/either side [ debheap Push "R0, lr" LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT04 STRIM "concatenation attempt with free ptr " MOV R0,tp BL PrintOffsetLine 04 Pull "R0, lr" ] [ DebugHeaps ORR bp, hpd, #FreeSpaceDebugMask LDR size, [addr, hpd]! ADD HpTemp, addr, size SUB HpTemp, HpTemp, #4 ; HpTemp -> last word of block 10 STR bp, [HpTemp], #-4 ; store word, then go back TEQ HpTemp, addr ; loop until done, but don't overwrite size field BNE %BT10 ; otherwise we might get an IRQ with a duff heap SUB addr, addr, hpd ; make addr an offset again ] LDR size, [addr, hpd] ; block size ADD bp, size, addr ; eob offset LDR HpTemp, [tp, hpd] ; Nil doesn't matter here! ADD HpTemp, HpTemp, tp ; offset of free block after ours CMP HpTemp, bp ; if tp was hpdfree then <> bp BNE NoConcatWithNext ; so will take branch [ debheap Push lr LDR bp, hpddebug CMP bp, #0 BEQ %FT05 WRLN "concatenating with block after" 05 Pull lr ] ADD bp, hpd, HpTemp LDR bp, [bp, #fresize] ADD bp, bp, size WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, size STR bp, [addr, hpd] ; enlarge our block LDR bp, [HpTemp, hpd] ; offset in free list CMP bp, #Nil ADDNE bp, HpTemp, bp ; offset from heap start SUBNE bp, bp, tp ; free list offset STR bp, [tp, hpd] ; free list updated, our block bigger ; - but not in the free list yet! NoConcatWithNext ; tp = free link offset, addr = block offset ; now try for concatenation with previous block CMP tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree ; are we before any real free blocks? BEQ NoConcatenation ; yup ADD HpTemp, tp, hpd LDR size, [HpTemp, #fresize] ADD bp, size, tp CMP bp, addr BNE NoConcatenation [ debheap Push lr LDR bp, hpddebug CMP bp, #0 BEQ %FT06 WRLN "concatenating with block before" STRIM "prevfree = " Push R0 MOV R0, work BL PrintOffsetLine Pull R0 06 Pull lr ] LDR bp, [addr, hpd] ; get block size ADD size, bp, size ; new free block size WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, bp STR size, [HpTemp, #fresize] ; now check for butts against base : work is still prevnode to tp ADD HpTemp, size, tp LDR bp, hpdbase CMP bp, HpTemp BNE %FT06 ; all done : exit keeping IRQs off SUB bp, bp, size STR bp, hpdbase ; step unused bit back MOV bp, #Nil ; this MUST have been last free block! STR bp, [work, hpd] 06 CLRV MOV PC, lr ; Whew! NoConcatenation ; check if block butts against base ; tp = previous freelink offset LDR size, [addr, hpd] ADD HpTemp, size, addr LDR bp, hpdbase CMP bp, HpTemp BNE AddToFreeList SUB bp, bp, size WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, HpTemp STR bp, hpdbase CLRV MOV PC, lr AddToFreeList ; block at addr, previous free at tp [ debheap Push "R0, lr" LDR HpTemp, hpddebug CMP HpTemp, #0 BEQ %FT07 STRIM "add to free list : free link " MOV R0,tp BL PrintOffset STRIM ", block " MOV R0, addr BL PrintOffsetLine 07 Pull "R0, lr" ] LDR size, [addr, hpd]! WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, HpTemp STR size, [addr, #fresize] SUB addr, addr, hpd LDR size, [hpd, tp] ; prevlink CMP size, #Nil SUBNE size, size, addr ADDNE size, size, tp ; form offset if not eolist STR size, [addr, hpd] SUB size, addr, tp STR size, [tp, hpd] CLRV MOV PC, lr ;***************************************************************************** [ debheap ; ; ShowHeap. Top level HeapEntry ; ======== ; ; Dump the heap pointed to by hpd ShowHeap Push link BL iShowHeap ; Needed to fudge link for SVC mode entry Pull link B GoodHeapExit iShowHeap ROUT ; Internal entry point for debugging heap Push "r0, hpd, addr, size, work, bp, tp, link" ValidateHpd showfailed ; debugging heaps won't work interruptibly LDR tp, hpdfree CMP tp, #Nil ADDNE tp, tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree LDR bp, hpdbase MOV addr, #hpdsize LDR work, hpdend SWI OS_NewLine ; Initial blurb about hpd contents DREG hpd, "**** Heap map **** : hpd " STRIM "-> free" MOV r0, tp BL PrintOffset STRIM ", base" MOV r0, bp BL PrintOffsetLine STRIM "-> start" MOV r0, addr BL PrintOffset STRIM ", end" MOV r0, work BL PrintOffsetLine SUB r0, work, bp ; hpdend-hpdbase DREG r0,"Bytes free: ",cc, Word SUB r0, bp, addr ; hpdbase-hpdsize DREG r0,", bytes used: ",, Word SWI XOS_NewLine CMP tp, #Nil ; No free blocks at all ? BNE %FT10 WRLN "No Free Blocks" CMP bp, addr ; Is a block allocated at all ? MOVNE r0, addr ; hpdsize BNE %FT40 WRLN "No Used Blocks" B %FT99 10 CMP tp, addr ; hpdsize ; Allocated block below first free ? BEQ %FT15 MOV r0, addr ; hpdbase BL HexUsedBlk SUB r0, tp, addr ; hpdfree-hpdsize DREG r0 SWI XOS_NewLine ; Main loop chaining up free space list 15 ADD addr, tp, hpd ; convert to address LDR size, [addr, #fresize] ; Size of this block LDR addr, [addr, #frelink] ; offset to next block STRIM "Free Block " MOV r0, tp BL PrintOffset DREG size, ", size " ADD r0, tp, size ; r0 -> eob. Adjacent free blocks don't exist CMP addr, #Nil ; If last block, then must we see if we're = hpdbase BEQ %FT40 ; Used block starts at r0, ends at addr+tp - so size = (addr+tp)-r0 BL HexUsedBlk SUB r0, addr, r0 ; addr-r0 ADD r0, r0, tp ; used block size DREG r0 SWI XOS_NewLine ADD tp, addr, tp ; step down free list B %BT15 ; And loop 40 CMP r0, bp ; Is there any allocated space after this block ? BEQ %FT99 BL HexUsedBlk SUB r0, bp, r0 ; hpdbase-sob DREG r0 SWI XOS_NewLine 99 CLRV Pull "r0, hpd, addr, size, work, bp, tp, pc" showfailed_badhpd WRLN "Invalid heap descriptor : ShowHeap failed" Pull "r0, hpd, addr, size, work, bp, tp, pc" HexUsedBlk Push "lr" STRIM "Used Block " BL PrintOffset STRIM ", size" Pull "lr" MOV PC, R14 PrintOffset Push "r0, lr" DREG r0 CMP R0, #0 ADDNE R0, R0, hpd DREG r0," (",cc STRIM ")" Pull "R0, PC" PrintOffsetLine Push "lr" BL PrintOffset SWI XOS_NewLine Pull "PC" ] HeapCode_end ; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END