%OP%VS4.13 (28-Apr-92), Tim Dobson, R4001 0202 1006 4799 %OP%FGTrinity.Medium %OP%FS12000 %OP%WC162,1898,210,1494,1,22,0,0 %CO:A,2,0%%CO:B,17,72%Medusa screen modes This spreadsheet gives the horizontal and vertical timings for the Medusa screen modes. For the numbered screen modes, these timings are almost identical to the RISC OS 3 timings. However, on VIDC1 the horizontal front and back porch timings are forced to be an odd number of pixel times, whereas on VIDC20 they have to be even, therefore all horizontal back porch timings have been reduced by one pixel, and front porch timings increased by one pixel. The figures below show that our timings for the 800 x 600 modes differ from the VESA manufacturing guidelines in that we have hsync=100, hbpch=100, whereas they have hsync=72, hbpch=128; ie the total times are the same, and the time from the start of the hsync pulse to the start of the display area is the same, but our sync is wider. It is likely that I will change RISC OS to match the VESA standard - I don't believe this will have an effect on the horizontal position of the display (this is something I will have to check out). It is likely that as well as adding the VESA modes described below, RISC OS will also provide several modes obtained by doubling the dot frequency of standard modes, eg 1280 x 480, 1600 x 600, 2048 x 768. It may also be possible to provide 1280 x 1024 at some pixel depths, although this may involve running VIDC20 and/or the VCO out of specification. I don't have any timing diagrams for 1280 x 1024; if you can get hold of these (is there a VESA standard for this?) it would help establish the feasibility of this (the Taxan 875 Plus LR monitor spec. gives the line frequency for this at 60 and 70Hz frame rates, but not the detailed timings (eg the dot frequency)). Tim (22-Mar-93). Horizontal parameters for Monitortype 1 modes 0,3,4,8,11,12,14,15 1,2,5,6,7,9,10,13 16,17,24 33,34,35,36 (overscan) 18,19,20,21 25,26,27,28 (VGA) 29,30,31 (SVGA) 37,38,39,40 (DTP - ega) 41,42,43 (EGA - pcemu) 44,45,46 (CGA - pcemu) 800 x 600 (56 Hz) VESA guideline 800 x 600 (60 Hz) VESA guideline 800 x 600 (72 Hz) VESA standard 1024 x 768 (60 Hz) VESA guideline 1024 x 768 (70 Hz) VESA standard Vertical parameters 0,1,2,4,5,8,9,10 12,13,15,16,24 3,6,7,11,14,17 33,34,35,36 18,19,20,21 25,26,27,28 29,30,31 37,38,39,40 41,42,43 44,45,46 800 x 600 (56 Hz) VESA guideline 800 x 600 (60 Hz) VESA guideline 800 x 600 (72 Hz) VESA standard 1024 x 768 (60 Hz) VESA guideline 1024 x 768 (70 Hz) VESA standard %CO:C,6,60% sync %V%%R%%D0%72 %V%%R%C34/M34*1000 %V%%R%%D0%36 %V%%R%C37/M37*1000 %V%%R%%D0%108 %V%%R%C40/M40*1000 %V%%R%%D0%76 %V%%R%C43/M43*1000 %V%%R%%D0%56 %V%%R%C46/M46*1000 %V%%R%%D0%96 %V%%R%C49/M49*1000 %V%%R%%D0%100 %V%%R%C52/M52*1000 %V%%R%%D0%118 %V%%R%C55/M55*1000 %V%%R%%D0%76 %V%%R%C58/M58*1000 %V%%R%%D0%72 %V%%R%C61/M61*1000 %V%%R%%D0%72 %V%%R%C64/M64*1000 %V%%R%%D0%128 %V%%R%C67/M67*1000 %V%%R%%D0%120 %V%%R%C70/M70*1000 %V%%R%%D0%136 %V%%R%C73/M73*1000 %V%%R%%D0%136 %V%%R%C76/M76*1000 (rasters) %V%%R%%D0%3 %V%%R%%D0%3 %V%%R%%D0%3 %V%%R%%D0%3 %V%%R%%D0%2 %V%%R%%D0%2 %V%%R%%D0%3 %V%%R%%D0%3 %V%%R%%D0%3 %V%%R%%D0%2 %V%%R%%D0%4 %V%%R%%D0%6 %V%%R%%D0%6 %V%%R%%D0%6 %CO:D,6,48% porch %V%%R%%D0%62 %V%%R%D34/M34*1000 %V%%R%%D0%30 %V%%R%D37/M37*1000 %V%%R%%D0%72 %V%%R%D40/M40*1000 %V%%R%%D0%82 %V%%R%D43/M43*1000 %V%%R%%D0%112 %V%%R%D46/M46*1000 %V%%R%%D0%46 %V%%R%D49/M49*1000 %V%%R%%D0%100 %V%%R%D52/M52*1000 %V%%R%%D0%58 %V%%R%D55/M55*1000 %V%%R%%D0%36 %V%%R%D58/M58*1000 %V%%R%%D0%162 %V%%R%D61/M61*1000 %V%%R%%D0%128 %V%%R%D64/M64*1000 %V%%R%%D0%88 %V%%R%D67/M67*1000 %V%%R%%D0%64 %V%%R%D70/M70*1000 %V%%R%%D0%160 %V%%R%D73/M73*1000 %V%%R%%D0%144 %V%%R%D76/M76*1000 %V%%R%%D0%16 %V%%R%%D0%16 %V%%R%%D0%19 %V%%R%%D0%18 %V%%R%%D0%32 %V%%R%%D0%22 %V%%R%%D0%9 %V%%R%%D0%9 %V%%R%%D0%34 %V%%R%%D0%22 %V%%R%%D0%23 %V%%R%%D0%23 %V%%R%%D0%29 %V%%R%%D0%29 %CO:E,6,36% border %V%%R%%D0%88 %V%%R%E34/M34*1000 %V%%R%%D0%44 %V%%R%E37/M37*1000 %V%%R%%D0%106 %V%%R%E40/M40*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E43/M43*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E46/M46*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E49/M49*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E52/M52*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E55/M55*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E58/M58*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E61/M61*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E64/M64*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E67/M67*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E70/M70*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E73/M73*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%E76/M76*1000 %V%%R%%D0%17 %V%%R%%D0%20 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 %CO:F,6,24% display %V%%R%%D0%640 %V%%R%F34/M34*1000 %V%%R%%D0%320 %V%%R%F37/M37*1000 %V%%R%%D0%1056 %V%%R%F40/M40*1000 %V%%R%%D0%768 %V%%R%F43/M43*1000 %V%%R%%D0%640 %V%%R%F46/M46*1000 %V%%R%%D0%640 %V%%R%F49/M49*1000 %V%%R%%D0%800 %V%%R%F52/M52*1000 %V%%R%%D0%896 %V%%R%F55/M55*1000 %V%%R%%D0%640 %V%%R%F58/M58*1000 %V%%R%%D0%640 %V%%R%F61/M61*1000 %V%%R%%D0%800 %V%%R%F64/M64*1000 %V%%R%%D0%800 %V%%R%F67/M67*1000 %V%%R%%D0%800 %V%%R%F70/M70*1000 %V%%R%%D0%1024 %V%%R%F73/M73*1000 %V%%R%%D0%1024 %V%%R%F76/M76*1000 %V%%R%%D0%256 %V%%R%%D0%250 %V%%R%%D0%288 %V%%R%%D0%512 %V%%R%%D0%480 %V%%R%%D0%600 %V%%R%%D0%352 %V%%R%%D0%352 %V%%R%%D0%200 %V%%R%%D0%600 %V%%R%%D0%600 %V%%R%%D0%600 %V%%R%%D0%768 %V%%R%%D0%768 %CO:G,6,30% border %V%%R%%D0%88 %V%%R%G34/M34*1000 %V%%R%%D0%44 %V%%R%G37/M37*1000 %V%%R%%D0%106 %V%%R%G40/M40*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G43/M43*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G46/M46*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G49/M49*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G52/M52*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G55/M55*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G58/M58*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G61/M61*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G64/M64*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G67/M67*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G70/M70*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G73/M73*1000 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%G76/M76*1000 %V%%R%%D0%17 %V%%R%%D0%20 %V%%R%%D0%0 %V%%R%%D0%0 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