; Copyright 2015 Castle Technology Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; ; Register layout of the PL310 L2 cache controller GET hdr:HALDevice OldOpt SETA {OPT} OPT OptNoList+OptNoP1List PL310_REG0_CACHE_ID * &000 PL310_REG0_CACHE_TYPE * &004 PL310_REG1_CONTROL * &100 PL310_REG1_AUX_CONTROL * &104 PL310_REG1_TAG_RAM_CONTROL * &108 PL310_REG1_DATA_RAM_CONTROL * &10C PL310_REG2_EV_COUNTER_CTRL * &200 PL310_REG2_EV_COUNTER1_CFG * &204 PL310_REG2_EV_COUNTER0_CFG * &208 PL310_REG2_EV_COUNTER1 * &20C PL310_REG2_EV_COUNTER0 * &210 PL310_REG2_INT_MASK * &214 PL310_REG2_INT_MASK_STATUS * &218 PL310_REG2_INT_RAW_STATUS * &21C PL310_REG2_INT_CLEAR * &220 PL310_REG7_CACHE_SYNC * &730 PL310_REG7_CACHE_SYNC_753970 * &740 ; Alternate location suggested in errata 753970 workaround PL310_REG7_INV_PA * &770 PL310_REG7_INV_WAY * &77C PL310_REG7_CLEAN_PA * &7B0 PL310_REG7_CLEAN_INDEX * &7B8 PL310_REG7_CLEAN_WAY * &7BC PL310_REG7_CLEAN_INV_PA * &7F0 PL310_REG7_CLEAN_INV_INDEX * &7F8 PL310_REG7_CLEAN_INV_WAY * &7FC PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN0 * &900 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN0 * &904 PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN1 * &908 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN1 * &90C PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN2 * &910 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN2 * &914 PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN3 * &918 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN3 * &91C PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN4 * &920 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN4 * &924 PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN5 * &928 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN5 * &92C PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN6 * &930 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN6 * &934 PL310_REG9_D_LOCKDOWN7 * &938 PL310_REG9_I_LOCKDOWN7 * &93C PL310_REG9_LOCK_LINE_EN * &950 PL310_REG9_UNLOCK_WAY * &954 PL310_REG12_ADDR_FILTERING_START * &C00 PL310_REG12_ADDR_FILTERING_END * &C04 PL310_REG15_DEBUG_CTRL * &F40 PL310_REG15_PREFETCH_CTRL * &F60 PL310_REG15_POWER_CTRL * &F80 ; PL310 revisions (low 5 bits of CACHE_ID) PL310_R0P0 * 0 PL310_R1P0 * 2 PL310_R2P0 * 4 PL310_R3P0 * 5 PL310_R3P1 * 6 PL310_R3P1_50REL0 * 7 PL310_R3P2 * 8 PL310_R3P3 * 9 OPT OldOpt END