; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; ARM stand alone Macro Assembler Version 2.00 AMBControl_ws at 00000180 ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop at 00000184 SyncCodeA_sema (byte) at 00000188 Oscli_CmdHashSum at 0000018C Oscli_CmdHashLists at 00000190 Serv_SysChains at 00000194 Serv_UsrChains at 00000198 Serv_AwkwardChain at 0000019C VideoPhysAddr held at 000001A0 LCD_Active flag byte held at 00000259 ProcessorType at 0000025B ProcessorFlags at 0000025C Free space after ProcVec = 00000020 Free space after EnvString = 000000E0 Free space after CamMap debug block = 00000024 KeyWorkSpace at 00000590 ChocolateCBBlocks at 00000790 ChocolateSVBlocks at 00000794 ChocolateTKBlocks at 00000798 ChocolateMRBlocks at 0000079C ChocolateMABlocks at 000007A0 ChocolateMSBlocks at 000007A4 Module_List at 000007D0 ModuleSWI_HashTab at 00000C40 SysVars_StickyPtrs at 00000E40 Abort32_dumparea at 00000E6C Help_guard at 00000E84 PCI_status at 00000E98 IOMD_NoInterrupt at 00000E9C **WARNING** compiling in code to trace some SysHeap node statistics (mjsSysHeapNodesTrace TRUE) mjsSHNodesTrace_ws at 00000EAC Label Export_BgEcfOraEor has the value &000004C0 Label Export_FgEcfOraEor has the value &00000480 Label Export_BranchToSWIExit has the value &01F037FC Label Export_DomainId has the value &00000FF8 Label Export_ESC_Status has the value &00000104 Label Export_IRQsema has the value &00000108 Label Export_LatchBSoftCopy has the value &00000105 Label Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy has the value &00000114 Label Export_RedirectInHandle has the value &00000AE1 Label Export_RedirectOutHandle has the value &00000AE2 Label Export_ScratchSpace has the value &00004000 Label ScratchSpaceSize has the value &00004000 Label Export_SoundDMABuffers has the value &01F06000 Label Export_SoundDMABufferSize has the value &00001000 Label Export_SoundWorkSpace has the value &01F04000 Label Export_SVCSTK has the value &01C02000 Label Export_SvcTable has the value &01F033FC Label Export_SysHeapStart has the value &01C02000 Label Export_VduDriverWorkSpace has the value &00001000 Label VDWSSize has the value &00003000 Label ScreenBlankFlag has the value &0000047C Label ScreenBlankDPMSState has the value &0000047D