; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > $.Source.PMF.Key

; ARTHUR keyboard code

; Authors       Tim Dobson, Jon Thackray
; Started       13-Oct-86

; ************************************************************
; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t  (better late than never!)  ***
; ************************************************************

; Date      Who Description
; ----      --- -----------
; 17-Feb-88     Added Sam's code to call the callback vector in RDCH/INKEY
;                idle loop
; 02-Mar-88     Initialise KeyVec to NewKeyStruct before the keyboard has told
;                us its ID, so Sam can call INKEY(-ve) with no keyboard
; 13-Apr-88     Fixed RDCH from RS423 if treating as keyboard, getting NUL+char
;                (didn't try to reenable RTS on 2nd char)
; 11-Jun-88     Put input redirection where it was needed really. SKS
; 12-Aug-88     Read mouse position from buffer forces inside bounding box
; 02-Sep-88     Buffered mouse coords stored in absolute terms, not relative to
;                origin at time of click. Made relative after reading out and
;                clipping to bounding box. Mouse event coords are still relative
;                to origin at time of click.
; 06-Feb-91     LastLED added to stop unnecessary LED transmissions
; 24-Feb-93 SMC Split off Archimedes keyboard driver into file KbdDrA1.
;               Split off mouse stuff into file mouse.
;               Added new interfaces for generic keyboard driver.
; 23-Aug-93 SMC GotKbId now sets KbId but remembers the last in LastKbId.
; 24-Aug-93 SMC Key handler can now get keyboard stuff going.
; 18-Nov-93 SMC Fixed bug in key handler stuff (no handler => KeyVec=-1).
; 25-Nov-93 SMC Key handler and keyboard driver now trigger each other correctly.
; 25-Apr-94 RCM ReadCh modified for Stork's power saving scheme.
; 28-Apr-04 JWB Added magic switch to turn off kernel kbd debounce
;               r2 on KEYV vector 0 = 'NoKd' to disable debounce

        GBLL    MouseBufferFix
MouseBufferFix SETL {TRUE}

; *****************************************************************************
;       Entry point for keyboard code - Initialisation

KeyInit ROUT
        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        Push    R14

        WritePSRc I_bit :OR: SVC_mode, R14

 [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
        BL      A1KeyInit

        MOV     R0, #-1                 ; no default key handler
        STR     R0, KeyVec

        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; indicate no previous keyboard id
        STRB    R0, LastKbId
        STRB    R0, KbId

        BL      ClearKbd

 [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
        BL      A1Reset

        Pull    PC                      ; go back to user

; *****************************************************************************
;       KeyPostInit - Called after modules have initialised

KeyPostInit ROUT
        Push    R14
        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        PHPSEI                          ; disable interrupts round this bit
        Push    R14                     ; save I_bit indication
        LDRB    R1, LastKbId
        TEQ     R1, #&FF                ; if no keyboard initialised yet then
        LDREQB  R1, KbId                ;   try now
        BLEQ    GotKbId
        Pull    R14                     ; restore I_bit indication
        PLP                             ; set I_bit from this

        LDROSB  R1, LastBREAK           ; is it a soft reset ?
        TEQ     R1, #0
        Pull    PC, EQ                  ; if so, then exit

        MOV     R0, #OsbyteSetCountry
        LDROSB  R1, Country
        SWI     XOS_Byte
        Pull    PC

; *****************************************************************************

ClearKbd ROUT
        Push    R14

        MOV     R0, #&FF
        STRB    R0, CurrKey             ; no current key
        STRB    R0, OldKey
        STRB    R0, LastLED

; Set up keyboard table

        MOV     R0, #0                  ; All keys up
        STR     R0, KeysDown            ; zero 160 bits = 5 words
        STR     R0, KeysDown +4
        STR     R0, KeysDown +8
        STR     R0, KeysDown +12
        STR     R0, KeysDown +16

        Pull    PC

; *****************************************************************************
;       UpdateLEDs - Update the LED(s) from the keyboard status byte
; in:   R11 -> keyboard workspace
;       R12 -> IOC
; out:  R0, R1 corrupted

        LDRB    r0, KbId                ; get keyboard id
        TEQ     r0, #&FF                ; if not found yet
        MOVEQ   pc, lr                  ; then exit

        LDROSB  r0, KeyBdStatus         ; Build current LED state byte.
        TST     r0, #KBStat_NoCapsLock
        MOVEQ   r1, #1
        MOVNE   r1, #0
        TST     r0, #KBStat_NoNumLock
        ORREQ   r1, r1, #2
        TST     r0, #KBStat_ScrollLock
        ORRNE   r1, r1, #4

        ; fall through
        ASSERT  . = SetLEDs

; *****************************************************************************
;       SetLEDs - Set the LED(s) to a specific value
; in:   R1 = desired LED state (bit 0 = caps lock, 1 = num lock, 2 = scroll lock)
;       R11 -> keyboard workspace
;       R12 -> IOC
; out:  R0, R1 corrupted

        LDRB    r0, LastLED             ; Only update if different.
        TEQ     r0, r1
        MOVEQ   pc,lr

        STRB    r1, LastLED

        MOV     r0, #3
 [ AssembleKEYV
        Push    "r10-r12,lr"
        MRS     r11, CPSR               ; Save current PSR.
        ORR     r10, r11, #SVC_mode + I32_bit
        MSR     CPSR_c, r10             ; Call KEYV in SVC mode, no IRQs.
        MOV     r10, #KEYV
        Push    "lr"                    ; Save SVC lr.
        BL      CallVector
        Pull    "lr"                    ; Restore SVC lr.
        MSR     CPSR_cf, r11            ; Go back to old mode.
        Pull    "r10-r12,pc"
  [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
        B       A1KeyVec
        MOV     pc, lr

; *****************************************************************************
;       LEDsOn - Turn on all the LEDs
; out:  all registers preserved

LEDsOn  Push    "r0,r1,r11,lr"
        MOV     r1, #7
        LDR     r11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        BL      SetLEDs
        Pull    "r0,r1,r11,pc"

; *****************************************************************************
;       LEDsOff - Restore the LEDs to keyboard status
; out:  all registers preserved

LEDsOff Push    "r0,r1,r11,lr"
        LDR     r11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        BL      UpdateLEDs
        Pull    "r0,r1,r11,pc"

; *****************************************************************************
;       Handle new keyboard id.
;       In:     r1 = keyboard id
;               r2 = magic 'NoKd' to disable kernel debouncing
;               r11 = KeyWorkSpace
;       Out:    preserve flags

        STRB    r1, KbId                ; Store the new keyboard id.

        LDR     r0, KeyVec
        Push    r0                      ; Save old key handler so we know if it's changed.

        LDR     lr, NoKbMagic
        TEQ     r2, lr
        MOVNE   lr, #0
        STRB    lr, NoDebounce          ; remember kernel debounce switch

        LDRB    r8, LastKbId
        TEQ     r8, r1                  ; If we have a different keyboard id then

        BLNE    IssueKeyboardService    ;   issue service.

        LDR     lr, KeyVec              ; Get possibly new key handler.
        Pull    r0                      ; And old handler.
        TEQ     r0, lr                  ; If key handler has not changed then
        BLEQ    KeyboardEnable          ;   handler has not initialised with OS_InstallKeyHandler so we try.


NoKbMagic DCD   &4e6f4b64               ; Magic of NoKd to signal no kernel
                                        ;   debounce

; *****************************************************************************
; Initialise keyboard handler and enable keyboard driver.
; In:   r1 = keyboard id
        Push    lr

        BL      ClearKbd

        LDR     r0, KeyVec
        CMP     r0, #-1                 ; If no key handler
        LDRNEB  r1, KbId                ;     or no keyboard yet then
        TEQNE   r1, #&FF
        Pull    pc, EQ                  ;   can't initialise.

        STRB    r1, LastKbId            ; Remember last keyboard id that initialised.

        LDR     r8, [r0, #KVInit]       ; Initialise key handler.
        ADD     r8, r8, r0
        BL      CallUserKeyCode

        MOV     r0, #4                  ; Initialise keyboard driver.
 [ AssembleKEYV
        MOV     r10, #KEYV
        BL      CallVector
  [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
        BL      A1KeyVec
        Pull    pc

 [ AssembleKEYV
; *****************************************************************************
;       Default KEYV handler (deal with keyboard id, keys up/down).
;       In:     r0 = reason code 0
;               r1 = keyboard id
;               r2 = magic 'NoKd' if kernel debouncing to be disabled
;       or
;               r0 = reason code 1 or 2
;               r1 = key code
KeyVector ROUT
        CMP     r0, #3                  ; If not id/key up/key down then
        Pull    pc, CS                  ;  just claim call.

        Push    "r0-r12"

        LDR     r11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace

        TEQ     r0, #0                  ; If keyboard id then
        BLEQ    GotKbId                 ;   handle it
        Pull    "r0-r12,pc",EQ          ;   and claim call.
        Push    lr

        MOV     r2, r1
        SUB     r1, r0, #1

        CMP     R2, #&A0
        BCS     %FT05
        ADR     R0, KeysDown
        MOV     lr, R2, LSR #5
        LDR     lr, [R0, lr, LSL #2]!   ; load appropriate word
        MOV     R3, #&80000000          ; index 0 is in top bit
        TEQ     r1, #0
        BNE     %FT03

        TST     lr, R3, ROR R2          ; if going up and key already up (keyboard reinitialised) then
        BEQ     %FT50                   ;   nothing to do
        B       %FT04                   ; else clear flag, generate event etc.
        TST     lr, R3, ROR R2          ; if going down and key already down (weird) then
        BNE     %FT50                   ;   nothing to do else...
        EOR     lr, lr, R3, ROR R2      ; switch state of flag
        STR     lr, [R0]                ; store back
        BL      KeyboardEvent           ; generate key up/down event

        BL      CheckForShiftingKey
        BCC     %FT10                   ; [not shifting key]

        BL      CallSpecialReturnNChars
        B       %FT50

        TEQ     r1, #0                  ; if key up then
        BEQ     %FT30                   ;   go and deal with it

        LDRB    R0, CurrKey
        TEQ     R0, #&FF                ; have we got a current key ?
        BEQ     %FT20

        LDRB    R1, OldKey
        TEQ     R1, #&FF                ; have we got an old key ?
        BNE     %FT50                   ; ignore new - we've got 2 down already

        STRB    R0, OldKey              ; make current key old
        STRB    R2, CurrKey             ; update current
        LDRB    r1, NoDebounce          ; check debouncing?
        TEQ     r1, #0
        MOVEQ   R0, #2                  ; Eq.. normal kernel debounce
        MOVNE   R0, #0                  ; NE.. no kernel debounce
        STRB    R0, Debouncing
        LDROSB  R0, KeyRepDelay, NE     ; and load delay
        STRB    R0, AutoRepeatCount     ; generate char after 2 100Hz ticks

        MOVNE   r1,#2                   ; mark as first key
        BLNE    GenerateChar            ; R2 = key number

        B       %FT50

        LDRB    R0, OldKey
        TEQ     R0, R2                  ; is it old key going up ?
        BNE     %FT40

; Old key going up

        LDRB    R0, CurrKey             ; current key is one to ignore in scan
        BL      ScanKeys

        STRPLB  R0, OldKey              ; found key, so current -> old
        BPL     %BT20                   ; and R2 -> current

        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; else mark old key invalid
        STRB    R0, OldKey
        B       %FT50                   ; and return

        LDRB    R1, CurrKey
        TEQ     R1, R2                  ; is it current key going up ?
        BNE     %FT50                   ; not interested if not

        BL      ScanKeys                ; R0 was OldKey
        BPL     %BT20                   ; was a key so make that current

        STRB    R2, CurrKey             ; mark current key up (R2 = -1)

 [ AssembleKEYV
        Pull    "r0-r12,pc"
        Pull    pc

; *****************************************************************************
;       KeyboardEvent - Generate key up/down event
; in:   R1 = 0 for up, 1 for down
;       R2 = key index

KeyboardEvent ROUT
        LDRB    R3, KbId                ; tell event user the keyboard id
        MOV     R0, #Event_Keyboard
        B       OSEVEN

; *****************************************************************************
;       Scan keyboard for keys down, ignoring key number R0 and shifting keys
; in:   R0 = key number to ignore
; out:  N=0 => R2 = key number found
;       N=1 => no key found; R2 = -1
;       R0 preserved

ScanKeys ROUT
        Push    "R0, R14"
        ADR     R1, KeysDown
        MOV     R2, #4
        LDR     R3, [R1, R2, LSL #2]    ; get the word
        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; if any keys in this down, skip
        BNE     %FT20
        SUBS    R2, R2, #1              ; N=1 last time round
        BPL     %BT10
        Pull    "R0, PC"

        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #5          ; multiply by 32
        ADD     R2, R2, #32             ; and add 32
        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; no more bits ?
        MOVEQ   R2, R2, LSR #5          ; then reset R2 to word offset
        BEQ     %BT15                   ; and continue word loop
        SUB     R2, R2, #1              ; decrement key number
        MOVS    R3, R3, LSR #1          ; shift out bit
        BCC     %BT30

        CMP     R2, R0                  ; is it old key (C=1 if it is)
        BLNE    CheckForShiftingKeyR0R3 ; check that it's not shifting key
        BCS     %BT30                   ; C=1 => invalid, so loop

        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; N := 0
        Pull    "R0, PC"

; *****************************************************************************
;       CheckForShiftingKey - either going down or going up
; in:   R2 = key number
; out:  C=1 <=> is shifting key, so don't set current key etc
;       R0 -> key structure
;       R4 = shifting key index, or 0 if not shifting key
;       R3,R5 undefined
;       R1,R2,R6-R12 preserved

CheckForShiftingKeyR0R3 ROUT              ; version that saves R0, for ScanKeys
        Push    "R0,R3,R14"
        BL      CheckForShiftingKey
        Pull    "R0,R3,PC"

CheckForShiftingKey ROUT
        LDR     R0, KeyVec
        CMP     R0, #-1
        MOVEQ   PC, R14
        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVKeyTranSize] ; maximum internal key number +1
        CMP     R2, R3                  ; is it outside table ?
        LDRCC   R3, [R0, #KVKeyTran]    ; no, R3 := offset to keytran
        ADDCC   R3, R3, R0              ; R3 -> keytran
        LDRCC   R3, [R3, R2, LSL #2]    ; R3 = table word for this key
        CMNCC   R3, #1                  ; C=1 <=> outside table or is special
        MOVCC   PC, R14                 ; can't be shifting key

        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVShiftingList] ; R3 = offset to shifting key list
        LDRB    R4, [R3, R0]!           ; R4 = length of shifting key list
        TEQ     R4, #0
        LDRNEB  R5, [R3, R4]
        TEQNE   R5, R2
        SUBNES  R4, R4, #1
        BNE     %BT10

        CMP     R4, #1                  ; C=1 <=> shifting key
        MOV     PC, R14                 ; not one of the shifting keys

; *****************************************************************************
;       CallSpecialCode - Call code for a special key
; in:   R0 -> Key structure
;       R1 = 0 for up, 1 for down (shifting keys); 2 for first, 3 for repeat
;       R2 = key number

CallSpecialCode ROUT
        ADR     R6, NullCharList
        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVSpecialList] ; R3 = offset to special list
        LDRB    R4, [R3, R0]!           ; R4 = length of special list
        TEQ     R4, #0
        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; no special keys, so can't be one
        LDRB    R5, [R3, R4]
        TEQ     R5, R2
        BEQ     %FT20
        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
        BNE     %BT10
        MOV     PC, R14

        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVSpecialCodeTable] ; R3 = offset to special table
        ADD     R3, R3, R0              ; R3 -> special code table
        SUB     R5, R3, #4              ; 0th entry is for 1st special

        LDR     R8, [R5, R4, LSL #2]    ; R8 = offset to code for this special
        ADD     R8, R8, R3              ; R8 = address of code for this special
        ADR     R3, ReturnVector

; and drop thru to ...

CallUserKeyCode ROUT
        Push    R14
        LDROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus
        LDRB    R7, PendingAltType
        Push    R5
        BL      %FT10
        Pull    R12
        STRB    R7, PendingAltType
        TEQ     R5, R12
        BLNE    OfferKeyStatusUpCall
        STROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus, R12
        Pull    R14
        MOV     R12, #IOC
        B       UpdateLEDs

        ADRL    R12, UserKeyWorkSpace
        MOV     PC, R8

        =       0

        B       MouseButtonChange
        B       DoBreakKey

; On entry: R5 = new status, R12 = old
; On exit:  R5 = new new status, R12 corrupt, all other registers preserved
        Entry   "R0-R3,R10,R11"
        MRS     R11, CPSR
        ORR     R10, R11, #SVC_mode + I32_bit
        MSR     CPSR_c, R10
        Push    "R14"
        MOV     R10, #UpCallV
        MOV     R3, R5                        ; new value
        MOV     R2, R12                       ; old value
        MOV     R1, #0                        ; pre-change
        MOV     R0, #UpCall_KeyboardStatus
        BL      CallVector
        MOV     R5, R3                        ; R5 = value, after interference
10      TEQ     R5, R2
        MOVNE   R10, #UpCallV
        MOVNE   R1, #1                        ; post-change
        MOVNE   R0, #UpCall_KeyboardStatus
        BLNE    CallVector
        Pull    "R14"
        MSR     CPSR_cf, R11

        MRS     R11, CPSR
        ORR     R10, R11, #SVC_mode + I32_bit
        MSR     CPSR_c, R10
        Push    "R14"
        MOV     R3, R5
        MOV     R2, R12
        B       %BT10

; *****************************************************************************
;       Centisecond tick routine
; out:  R12 corrupted

CentiSecondTick ROUT
        Push    "R11, R14"
        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        MOV     R12, #IOC

        [ PollMouse
        MOV     R0, #K1rqmp
        STRB    R0, RequestMouse
        TXon    R0

        LDR     R0, InkeyCounter
        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement
        STRCS   R0, InkeyCounter        ; store back unless was frozen at 0

        LDRB    R2, CurrKey
        TEQ     R2, #&FF
        Pull    "R11,PC", EQ            ; no current key, so no auto-repeat

        BL      UpdateLEDs              ; update LEDs from keyboard status

        LDRB    R0, AutoRepeatCount
        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement count (if frozen then C:=0)
        STRHIB  R0, AutoRepeatCount ; store back if now non-zero and not frozen
        Pull    "R11,PC", NE            ; return if non-zero or was frozen

        LDRB    R1, Debouncing          ; get debounce flag
        TEQ     R1, #0

        STRNEB  R0, Debouncing          ; if not zero, zero it
        LDROSB  R0, KeyRepDelay, NE     ; and load delay
        MOVNE   R1, #2                  ; indicate first time

        LDROSB  R0, KeyRepRate, EQ      ; if zero, then load repeat
        MOVEQ   R1, #3                  ; indicate subsequent time

        STRB    R0, AutoRepeatCount     ; in any case, store back

        Push    "R4-R10"                ; save registers
        BL      GenerateChar            ; R2 = key number
        Pull    "R4-R11,PC"

; *****************************************************************************
;       DoBreakKey - Called by key handler when break key up or down
; in:   R0 -> key structure
;       R1 = 0 for up, 1 for down (shouldn't be 2 or 3)
;       R2 = ARM internal key number
;       R3 = address of ReturnVector
;       R4 = special number 1..n
;       R5 = keyboard status
; out:  R6 -> list of chars to return

DoBreakKey ROUT
        TST     R5, #KBStat_ShiftEngaged        ; shift down ?
        MOVEQ   R3, #31
        MOVNE   R3, #29

        TST     R5, #KBStat_CtrlEngaged         ; ctrl down ?
        BICNE   R3, R3, #4

        LDROSB  R2, BREAKvector
        MOVS    R2, R2, LSL R3                  ; put relevant bits in C,N

        MOVCS   PC, R14                         ; 2 or 3 => ignore
        BPL     %FT10                           ; 0 => do a reset

        TEQ     R1, #1                          ; is it key down ?
        ADREQ   R6, EscList                     ; yes, return ESCAPE
        MOV     PC, R14                         ; else just return

        [ AssemblingArthur
        TEQ     R1, #0                          ; is it key up ?
        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; no, then return

; This entry point is used by new SWI OS_Reset (TMD 06-Jan-94)
; If it's break on the keyboard R0 <> the magic 'power off' word,when '&OFF' is
; passed in R0 the power will be turned off assuming the hardware supports it


        Push    R0
        WritePSRc F_bit+I_bit+SVC_mode, R14

        BL      IICAbort                        ; Ensure any CMOS operation aborted
        MOV     R1, #Service_PreReset           ; offer the pre-reset service

        WritePSRc F_bit+I_bit+SVC_mode, R14     ; just in case!
        Pull    R0

        LDR     R1, PowerDownMagic
        TEQ     R0, R1
        BNE     %FT15
        [ :LNOT: HAL
        LDR     r0, =&83900000                  ; Address in IOMD to force power off
        LDR     r0, [r0]
        MOV     a1, #0
        CallHAL HAL_Reset
        B       CONT_Break                      ; If we can't turn the power off,we may end up back here anyway
        MOV     PC, R14                         ; do nowt

        =       1, &1B
        DCD     &46464F26

; *****************************************************************************
;       Generate a character in keyboard buffer, if necessary
; in:   R1 = 2 if first press; 3 if repetition
;       R2 = key number
;       R12 -> IOC

GenerateChar ROUT
        Push    R14
        LDR     R0, KeyVec
        CMP     R0, #-1
        Pull    PC,EQ
        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVKeyTranSize]        ; get size
        CMP     R2, R3                          ; if outside table
        BCS     %FT04                           ; then assume special

        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVKeyTran]            ; R3 = offset to KeyTran
        ADD     R3, R3, R0                      ; R3 -> KeyTran

; now modify for CTRL and SHIFT

        LDROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus

        TST     R5, #KBStat_CtrlEngaged
        ADDNE   R3, R3, #2

        TST     R5, #KBStat_ShiftEngaged
        ADDNE   R3, R3, #1

        LDRB    R3, [R3, R2, LSL #2]            ; get real code

; apply CAPS lock modifying

        BIC     R6, R3, #&20                    ; get upper-case code
        CMP     R6, #"A"
        RSBCSS  R6, R6, #"Z"                    ; is it alphabetic ?
        BCC     %FT20

        TST     R5, #KBStat_ShiftEnable         ; if SHCAPS
        EORNE   R3, R3, #&20                    ; then swap case

        TSTEQ   R5, #KBStat_NoCapsLock          ; else if CAPS
        BICEQ   R3, R3, #&20                    ; force upper case
        TEQ     R3, #&FF                        ; is it a special ?
        BEQ     %FT04                           ; [yes, so skip]

        LDROSB  R6, ESCch                       ; if ESCAPE character
        TEQ     R3, R6
        LDROSB  R6, ESCaction, EQ               ; and normal ESCAPE action
        TEQEQ   R6, #0
        LDROSB  R6, ESCBREAK, EQ                ; and ESCAPE not disabled
        TSTEQ   R6, #1
        BNE     %FT21

        TST     R5, #KBStat_PendingAlt
        BEQ     %FT21
        MOV     R5, R12
        BIC     R5, R5, #KBStat_PendingAlt      ; then cancel pending alt
        BL      OfferPostKeyStatusUpCall        ; don't let them interfere
        STROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus, R6             ; and store back

21      TST     R5, #KBStat_PendingAlt          ; is there a pending Alt ?
        BNE     ProcessPendingAlt

        TEQ     R3, #0                          ; is it NUL ?
        BNE     %FT10                           ; no, so skip

        ADR     R6, NULNULList                  ; then insert NUL NUL
        B       ReturnNChars

        Push    R14
        CMP     R0, #-1
        Pull    PC,EQ
        BL      CallSpecialCode

        LDRB    R3, [R6], #1                    ; R1 = count of characters

; TMD 25-Sep-89: Fix bug which resulted in Break key (acting as Escape) not
; working if buffer was full - only count spaces if more than 1 character going
; into buffer

 [ {TRUE}
        CMP     R3, #1
        Pull    PC, CC                          ; no chars, so exit now
        BEQ     %FT05                           ; only 1 char, don't count
        TEQ     R3, #0                          ; no chars?
        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; then exit now

        MOV     R1, #Buff_Key
        CMP     PC, #0                          ; C=1, V=0 so count spaces
        BL      CnpEntry
        ORR     R1, R1, R2, LSL #8              ; R1 = number of spaces
        CMP     R3, R1                          ; are there enough ?
        Pull    PC, HI                          ; no, then forget them

        LDRB    R2, [R6], #1                    ; send chars
        BL      InsertKeyZCOE                   ; one at a time
        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
        BNE     %BT05
        Pull    PC

        Pull    R14                             ; restore stacked R14
        MOV     R2, R3

; and drop thru to ...

; *****************************************************************************
;       InsertKeyZCOE - Insert key zeroing count on escape
; in:   R2 = character

        LDROSB  R0, KeyBdDisable                ; disable insertion of codes ?
        TEQ     R0, #0
        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; [disabled]
        LDROSB  R0, ESCch                       ; escape character
        TEQ     R0, R2                          ; if is esc char
        LDROSB  R0, ESCaction, EQ
        TEQEQ   R0, #0                          ; and FX229,0

        STREQB  R0, AutoRepeatCount             ; then zero repeat counter

; and drop thru to ...

; *****************************************************************************
;       RDCHS - Insert character into keyboard buffer
; in:   R2 = character

        MOV     R1, #Buff_Key                   ; keyboard buffer id

; Insert character R2 into buffer R1, checking for escape character

        B       DoInsertESC

; *****************************************************************************

NULNULList                                      ; list for returning NUL NUL
        =       2, 0, 0

; *****************************************************************************

        ADR     R6, NullCharList
        LDR     R8, [R0, #KVPendingAltCode]
        ADD     R8, R8, R0
        BL      CallUserKeyCode
        B       ReturnNChars

; *****************************************************************************
;       Read character entry point
; in:   -
; out:  R0 = character
;       C=1 => ESCAPE
;       R1-R13 preserved

        Push    "R1-R4,R11"
        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        MOV     R4, #1                  ; indicate RDCH not INKEY
        BL      RdchInkey
        Pull    "R1-R4,R11,PC"

; *****************************************************************************
;       RDCH/INKEY
; in:   R4 = 0  => INKEY
;       R4 <> 0 => RDCH                 ; *** TMD This changed 25-Apr-91 ***
; out:  V=1 => error (and possibly R0 -> error block if you're lucky!)

RdchInkey Entry

; Enable interrupts so that keyboard can work properly

        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r1

        LDR     r1, =ZeroPage
        LDRB    r1, [r1, #RedirectInHandle]
        TEQ     r1, #0
        BEQ     %FT10

; Tutu doesn't believe that an escape condition should break redirection
; - similar to exec if you turn off escape ack side-effects

        SWI     XOS_BGet                ; get byte from redirection handle
        BVS     RedirectBadExit
        BCC     ReturnChar              ; (C=0)

; EOF, so close redirect file and read from exec file or keyboard

; stop redirecting, BEFORE closing file, in case the CLOSE gets an error

        LDR     r0, =ZeroPage
        ASSERT  (ZeroPage :AND: 255) = 0
        STRB    r0, [r0, #RedirectInHandle] ; Convenient, huh ?
        SWI     XOS_Find                ; close file (R0=0, R1=handle)
        EXIT    VS


; First check for EXEC file

        LDROSB  R1, ExecFileH           ; read EXEC handle
        TEQ     R1, #0
        BEQ     %FT20                   ; no exec file

        SWI     XOS_BGet                ; get byte from exec handle
        BVS     ExecBadExit
        BCC     ReturnChar              ; (C=0)

; EOF, so close exec file and read from keyboard

; stop EXECing, BEFORE closing file, in case the CLOSE gets an error

        ASSERT (ZeroPage :AND: 255) = 0
        STROSB  R0, ExecFileH, R0       ; (STROSB sets temp reg to 0)
      [ ZeroPage <> 0
        MOV     R0, #0
        SWI     XOS_Find                ; close file (R0=0, R1=handle)
        EXIT    VS
        Push    "R5,R6"
        LDR     R5, =ZeroPage
 [ StorkPowerSave
        LDRB    R5, [R5, #PortableFlags] ; 0 if not a portable, else Portable_Features result
        LDRB    R5, [R5, #PortableFlag] ; 0 if want to try issuing SWI, 1 if know it's hopeless

        LDR     R0, =ZeroPage
        LDRB    R0, [R0, #ESC_Status]
        MOVS    R0, R0, LSL #(32-6)     ; shift relevant bit into carry
        MOVCS   R0, #27                 ; escape detected
        BCS     ReturnChar2

        LDROSB  R1, InputStream         ; 0 => keyboard, 1 => RS423
        BL      RDCHG
        BCC     ReturnChar2

; Sam's hack to call the callback vector if appropriate

        [ AssemblingArthur
        LDR     R0, =ZeroPage
        LDRB    R14, [R0, #CallBack_Flag]
        TST     R14, #CBack_VectorReq
        BLNE    process_callback_chain

; here endeth the hack

        TEQ     R4, #0                  ; EQ => inkey, NE => rdch
        LDREQ   R0, InkeyCounter        ; if inkey
        TEQEQ   R0, #0                  ; and count expired
        BEQ     InkeyTimeout

 [ StorkPowerSave
        TST     R5, #PortableFeature_Idle
        SWINE   XPortable_Idle
        TST     R5, #PowerSave
        BNE     RdchLoop                ; if we've gone slow already, then loop
        TST     R5, #PortableFeature_Speed
        BEQ     RdchLoop                ; if speed change doesn't work, then loop
        MOV     R0, #1                  ; go slow
        MOV     R1, #0
        SWI     XPortable_Speed         ; out: R0 = old speed, R1 = new speed
        ORRVC   R5, R5, #PowerSave      ; if OK, indicate power save mode
        MOVVC   R6, R0                  ; and remember old speed
        LDRVS   R5, =ZeroPage           ; if got error, then indicate we don't want to try again
        ASSERT  (ZeroPage :AND: 255) = 0
        STRVSB  R5, [R5, #PortableFlags] ; and store this back for future RDCHs
        CMP     R5, #1                  ; if we've gone slow already (2), or there's no portable module (1), then loop
        BCS     RdchLoop
        MOV     R0, #1                  ; go slow
        MOV     R1, #0                  ; ignore old speed
        SWI     XPortable_Speed         ; out: R0 = old speed, R1 = new speed
        MOVVC   R5, #2                  ; if OK, indicate we've successfully gone slow
        MOVVC   R6, R0                  ; and remember old speed
        LDRVS   R5, =ZeroPage+1         ; if got error, then indicate we don't want to try again
        ASSERT  (ZeroPage :AND: 255) = 0
        STRVSB  R5, [R5, #PortableFlag-1] ; and store this back for future RDCHs
        B       RdchLoop

        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; indicate timeout
        SEC                             ; and set carry
 [ StorkPowerSave
        TST     R5, #PowerSave          ; NB preserves carry
        BLNE    RestoreSpeed
        TEQ     R5, #2                  ; NB preserves carry
        BLEQ    RestoreSpeed
        Pull    "R5,R6"
        CLRPSR  V_bit, R14

RestoreSpeed EntryS "R0"
        MOV     R0, R6                  ; restore old speed
        MOV     R1, #0                  ; AND mask of 0
        SWI     XPortable_Speed
        EXITS                           ; restore R0 and carry

ExecBadExit                             ; got an error from BGET
        Push    R0                      ; save error pointer
        ASSERT (ZeroPage :AND: 255) = 0
        STROSB  R0, ExecFileH, R0       ; (STROSB sets temp reg to 0)
      [ ZeroPage <> 0
        MOV     R0, #0
        SWI     XOS_Find                ; close file (R0=0, R1=handle)
        Pull    "R1, R14"               ; pull registers
        MOVVC   R0, R1                  ; if closed OK, then restore old error
        SETV                            ; still indicate error
        MOV     PC, R14

RedirectBadExit                         ; got an error from BGET
        BL      RemoveOscliCharJobs     ; preserves r0
        SETV                            ; still indicate error
        Pull    "PC"                    ; pull register

; *****************************************************************************
;       RDCHG - Fetch character from input buffer
;       Expand soft keys as necessary
;       Pass cursor control keys to VDU driver
;       Return carry set if character not available
; in:   R1 = input buffer id (0 => keyboard, 1 => RS423)


  [ {FALSE}
  STMFD sp!,{R1-R12,R14}
  MOV a1, #0
  AddressHAL a1
  SUB sp,sp,#4
  MOV a2,sp
  CallHAL HAL_UARTReceiveByte
  LDR a2,[sp],#4
  TST a2,#1
  BNE %FT00
  LDMFD sp!,{R1-R12,PC}
  LDMFD sp!,{R1-R12,PC}
        Push    R14

; insert check here for ECONET interception of RDCH

        LDROSB  R0, SoftKeyLen          ; are we expanding a soft key
        TEQ     R0, #0
        BEQ     RDCHG1                  ; not expanding

        LDROSB  R2, RS423mode
        TST     R1, R2                  ; if RS423 and 8 bit data
        BNE     RDCHG1                  ; ignore soft keys

        LDR     R2, SoftKeyPtr
        LDRB    R2, [R2, -R0]           ; get character out of buffer

        SUB     R0, R0, #1              ; decrement character count
        STROSB  R0, SoftKeyLen, R3      ; store back

        MOV     R0, R2                  ; put character in R0
        CLC                             ; and exit with carry clear
        Pull    PC

        BL      KeyREMOVECheckRS423     ; remove character, if none, exit CS

        LDROSB  R2, RS423mode           ; 0 => treat RS423 as keyboard
        TST     R1, R2                  ; NZ => let RS423 deliver 8-bit codes
        BNE     RDCHGCLC

        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; is it NUL ?
        BNE     %FT10

        BL      KeyREMOVECheckRS423     ; get another char, if none then
                                        ; spurious, so ignore

        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; is it NUL NUL ?
        BNE     RDCHGCLC                ; no, then return this character

      [ ZeroPage <> 0
        LDR     R0, =ZeroPage
        LDRB    R2, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: IPbufferCh]!
                                        ; R0 was 0, so now -> 1st of 8 keybases
        ADD     R3, R0, #8
        TEQ     R2, #2                  ; is this key base = 2 ?
        MOVEQ   R0, #0                  ; if so then return NUL NUL
        BEQ     ReturnNULR0
        LDRB    R2, [R0, #1]!           ; load next key base
        TEQ     R0, R3                  ; if not tried all of them
        BNE     %BT05                   ; then loop
        MOV     R0, #0                  ; no special key bases,
                                        ; so just return NUL
        TST     R0, #&80
        BEQ     RDCHGCLC

; now check for cursor key movement

        AND     R3, R0, #&0F            ; save bottom nybble
        CMP     R3, #&0B                ; is it a cursor key ?
        BCC     NotCursorKey

        TST     R0, #&40                ; don't let Cx-Fx be cursor keys
        BNE     NotCursorKey

        LDROSB  R2, CurEdit             ; FX 4 state
        CMP     R2, #1
        ADDLS   R0, R3, #&87-&0B        ; 0 or 1 => force in range &87-&8B
        BCC     ItsCursorEdit           ; 0 => cursor edit
        BEQ     RDCHGCLC                ; 1 => return these codes

        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #4
        EOR     R0, R0, #&0C            ; 4..7, 0..3
      [ ZeroPage = 0
        LDRB    R2, [R0, #OsbyteVars+IPbufferCh-OSBYTEFirstVar]
        LDR     R2, =ZeroPage+OsbyteVars+IPbufferCh-OSBYTEFirstVar
        LDRB    R2, [R0, R2]
                                        ; get key variable
        CMP     R2, #1                  ; is it 0 (ignore) or 1 (softkey)
        BCC     RDCHG1                  ; get another char if 0

        BEQ     ExpandSoftKey           ; expand soft key if 1

        TEQ     R2, #2                  ; is it special Compact option ?
        EOREQ   R0, R0, #&0C            ; undo that mangling !
        ORREQ   R0, R3, R0, LSL #4      ; if so, then return NUL <code>
        BEQ     ReturnNULR0

        ADD     R0, R2, R3              ; add offset to base
        AND     R0, R0, #&FF            ; make it wrap

        Pull    PC

        LDROSB  R2, WrchDest
        TST     R2, #2                  ; if wrch not to VDU
        BNE     RDCHG1                  ; then ignore character

        Push    "R1,R4-R12"
        [ AssemblingArthur
        VDWS    WsPtr
        BL      DoCursorEdit
        BL      DCE10
        Pull    "R1,R4-R12"

        BCS     RDCHG1                  ; no character yet, so loop
        Pull    PC                      ; NB carry clear - no ESCAPE !

        [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
        MOV     R1, #VduDriver
        ADD     PC, R1, #CursorEdit

; *****************************************************************************
;       ReturnNULR0 - Return NUL followed by R0 from RDCH

        ADR     R2, SoftKeyExpand       ; store code in SoftKeyExpand +0
        STRB    R0, [R2], #1            ; and set ptr to SoftKeyExpand +1
        STR     R2, SoftKeyPtr
        MOV     R2, #1                  ; set key length to 1
        STROSB  R2, SoftKeyLen, R0      ; (sets R0 to 0!)
      [ ZeroPage <> 0
        MOV     R0, #0
        B       RDCHGCLC                ; return NUL as first character

; *****************************************************************************

        Push    R14
        BL      KeyREMOVE
        Pull    "R14, PC", CS           ; pull stacked R14 if CS
        Pull    PC

; *****************************************************************************

        Push    "R10,R12,R14"
        CLRV                                    ; do remove not examine
        MOV     R10, #REMV
        B       GoVec

; expand a soft key as a variable (R3 = key number)

ExpandSoftKey ROUT
        Push    "R1,R4"
        BL      SetupKeyName
        ADR     R1, SoftKeyExpand
        MOV     R2, #255                        ; max length of string
        MOV     R3, #0                          ; no name pointer
        MOV     R4, #VarType_Expanded
        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal

        Pull    "R1,R4", VS
        BVS     RDCHG1                          ; no string or bad

        STROSB  R2, SoftKeyLen, R0              ; store length (may be zero)
        ADD     R1, R1, R2                      ; R1 -> last char+1
        STR     R1, SoftKeyPtr
        Pull    "R1,R4"
        B       RDCHNM                          ; try to expand it

        =       keyprefix,0

; *****************************************************************************
;       SetupKeyName - Set up the name <keyprefix><n><0> in SoftKeyName
; in:   R11 -> KeyWS
;       R3 = key number
; out:  R0 -> SoftKeyName, which contains <keyprefix><n><0>
;       R2-R4 corrupted

SetupKeyName ROUT
        ADR     R2, KeyName
        ADR     R0, SoftKeyName
        LDRB    R4, [R2], #1                    ; copy keyprefix in
        TEQ     R4, #0
        STRNEB  R4, [R0], #1
        BNE     %BT10                           ; now put digits at R0

        ORR     R3, R3, #"0"
        CMP     R3, #"9"+1

        MOVCS   R2, #"1"                        ; if >=10 then put in "1"
        STRCSB  R2, [R0], #1
        SUBCS   R3, R3, #10                     ; and subtract 10

        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
        STRB    R4, [R0]                        ; (R4=0) terminate

        ADR     R0, SoftKeyName
        MOV     PC, R14

; *****************************************************************************
;       DoInkeyOp - Perform INKEY

        TST     R2, #&80                ; INKEY(+ve) ?
        BNE     NewInkeyNeg

        Push    R4
        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        AND     R1, R1, #&FF            ; no funny business
        AND     R2, R2, #&FF            ; ditto
        ORR     R1, R1, R2, LSL #8      ; get combined count
        STR     R1, InkeyCounter

        MOV     R4, #0                  ; indicate inkey not rdch
        BL      RdchInkey

        MOV     R1, R0                  ; make X the character
        MOVCC   R2, #0                  ; Y := 0 if normal exit
        MOVCS   R2, R0                  ; Y := &1B or &FF for ESC or timeout

        Pull    "R4,PC"                 ; return preserving V and R0

        EOR     R1, R1, #&7F            ; invert bits for scan call
        BL      BBCScanKeys
        Pull    PC

; *****************************************************************************
;       BBCScanKeys - Test individual key or scan for key depression
; in:   R1 = 0..&7F => scan keyboard from BBC internal key R1
; out:  C=0 => R1 = BBC internal key found
;       C=1 => R1 = &FF (no key found)
; in:   R1 = &80..&FF => test if BBC internal key (R1 EOR &80) is down
; out:  C=0, R1=R2=&00 => key is up
;       C=1, R1=R2=&FF => key is down

        Push    R11
        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        AND     R1, R1, #&FF            ; trap wallies

        LDR     R2, KeyVec

        TST     R1, #&80                ; >=&80 => test single key
                                        ; < &80 => scan for key
        BEQ     DoBBCScan               ; [is scanning not testing]

        ADD     R0, R2, #1
        CMP     R0, #1                  ; if no key handler then
        MOVCC   R1, #0                  ;   return key up (C=0)
        BCC     ExitBBCScan

        LDR     R0, [R2, #KVInkeyTran]
        ADD     R0, R2, R0              ; R0 -> InkeyTran or InkeyTran2

        ADD     R0, R0, #4 * &FF        ; R0 -> InkeyTran+4*&FF
        LDR     R0, [R0, -R1, LSL #2]   ; get word of indexes into KeysDown
        MOV     R2, #&FF000000
        CMP     R0, #-1                 ; is it all FF's
        MOVEQ   R1, #0                  ; if so then none of keys down
        BEQ     %FT04

        AND     R1, R0, #&FF            ; just get bottom byte
        ADR     R3, KeysDown            ; look up in KeysDown
        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #5
        LDR     R3, [R3, R1, LSL #2]    ; get word of 32 bits
        AND     R1, R0, #31
        MOV     R3, R3, LSL R1          ; put relevant bit into top bit
        MOVS    R1, R3, LSR #31         ; R1 = 0 if up, 1 if down
        ORREQ   R0, R2, R0, LSR #8      ; shift down, putting FF in top byte
        BEQ     %BT02
        CMP     R1, #1                  ; C=1 <=> at least one of keys down
        MOVCC   R1, #0
        MOVCS   R1, #&FF
        MOV     R2, R1
        Pull    R11
        MOV     PC, R14

        CMP     R2, #-1                 ; if no key handler then
        MOVEQ   r1, #&FF                ;   return all keys up (C=1)
        BEQ     ExitBBCScan
        LDR     R0, [R2, #KVInkeyTran]
        ADD     R0, R2, R0              ; R0 -> InkeyTran or InkeyTran2

        Push    "R4, R5"
        ADD     R0, R0, #4 * &7F        ; R0 -> InkeyTran+4*&7F
        MOV     R4, #&FF000000
        LDR     R3, [R0, -R1, LSL #2]   ; get word of indexes into KeysDown
        CMP     R3, #-1                 ; all FFs ?
        BEQ     %FT18                   ; then not one of these keys

        AND     R5, R3, #&FF
        ADR     R2, KeysDown
        MOV     R5, R5, LSR #5
        LDR     R2, [R2, R5, LSL #2]    ; get word of bits
        AND     R5, R3, #31
        MOV     R2, R2, LSL R5          ; put relevant bit into top bit
        MOVS    R5, R2, LSR #31         ; R5 = 0 for up, 1 for down
        BNE     %FT20                   ; [down, so stop]
        ORR     R3, R4, R3, LSR #8      ; up -> shift down putting FF in top
        B       %BT15
        ADD     R1, R1, #1              ; go to next key
        TEQ     R1, #&80                ; if not run out of keys
        BNE     %BT10                   ; then loop
        MOV     R1, #&FF                ; indicate no key
        CMP     R1, #&FF                ; C=0 <=> found key
        Pull    "R4,R5,R11"
        MOV     PC, R14

; *****************************************************************************
;       Write keys down information
; in:   R1 = Current key (in BBC internal key format)
;       R2 = Old key     (------------""------------)
; out:  R1, R2 preserved

WriteKeysDown ROUT
        Push    R14
        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        MOV     R0, R1
        BL      ConvertInternalKey
        STRB    R0, CurrKey
        MOV     R0, R2
        BL      ConvertInternalKey
        STRB    R0, OldKey
        Pull    PC

        TST     R0, #&80                ; if not in range &80..&FF
        MOVEQ   R0, #&FF                ; return value &FF (key not valid)
        MOVEQ   PC, R14

        EOR     R0, R0, #&7F            ; else convert to inkey value
        Push    R4
        LDR     R3, KeyVec
        CMP     R3, #-1                 ; if no key handler then
        MOVEQ   R0, #&FF                ;   return no key
        MOVEQ   PC, R14
        LDR     R4, [R3, #KVInkeyTran]
        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; R3 -> InkeyTran or InkeyTran2
        Pull    R4

        SUB     R3, R3, #&80*4          ; R3 -> InkeyTran-4*&80

        LDRB    R0, [R3, R0, LSL #2]    ; convert to ARM internal key
                                        ; (just get 1st key for this key)
        MOV     PC, R14

; *****************************************************************************
;       InstallKeyHandler - Install user key handler
; in:   R0 = new key handler
;        0 => just read old key handler
;        1 => just read keyboard id
; out:  R0 = old key handler, or
;       R0 = keyboard id if R0 was 1 on entry (&FF => no keyboard id yet)

InstallKeyHandler ROUT
        MRS     R11, CPSR
        ORR     R11, R11, #I32_bit
        MSR     CPSR_c, R11             ; disable IRQs

        LDR     R11, =ZeroPage+KeyWorkSpace
        TEQ     R0, #1                  ; asking for keyboard id ?
        LDREQB  R0, KbId                ; then load it
        ExitSWIHandler EQ               ; and exit

        LDR     R10, KeyVec             ; R10 -> old key handler
        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; if not just reading it
        STRNE   R0, KeyVec              ; then store new one
        MOV     R0, R10                 ; R0 -> old key handler
        ExitSWIHandler EQ               ; exit if just reading

        Push    "R0-R12,LR"
        BL      KeyboardEnable
        Pull    "R0-R12,LR"

; *****************************************************************************
;       IssueKeyboardService - Issue keyboard handler service
; in:   R11 -> KeyWorkSpace
; out:  R0 preserved

        Push    "R0,R14"
        MOV     R1, #Service_KeyHandler
        LDRB    R2, KbId
        Pull    "R0,PC"

