diff --git a/OldTestSrc/A600tlb b/OldTestSrc/A600tlb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6481c8b3ae56a34333abc2a617bc3efe58a6a586..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/A600tlb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-; A600tlb
-; POST procedure for checking the TLB in A600 MMU.
-; for each of level 1, level 2 small-page, level 2 large-page
-;	construct page table
-; 	flush cache
-; 	start timer
-; 	for 32 addresses (with different mappings)
-;		check address mapping
-; 	save timer
-; 	for same 32 addresses
-;		check address mapping
-; 	compare test times (did 2nd test require table walk ?)
-Use a list of addresses that cover a good mixture of virtual addresses
-Build a page table that maps these to physical RAM addresses in various ways
-Access the addresses in such an order that the cache rotates, scrapping 
-one entry each time through the list, and loading another. So each cache
-entry gets used 31 times, then is lost.
-Choice of physical mapping should ensure that the cache entries contain
-lots of different values of page and section base addresses.
-Choice of virtual test address should ensure that cache tag varies as
-widely as posible, too.  PRBS ?
-Very widely varying values of  cache tag require that a large number
-of mappings exist .. if  these are 2-level mappings, that requires
-a lot of RAM. Page tables should be multiply-mapped.
-RISC OS puts lots of stuff below the 4M mark. Limits App space to 16M
-for backwards compatibility. Probably worth testing outside these 
-limits to ensure Gold doesn't fall over, but failure rates would be
-very low.
-; POST procedure for checking access faults (was PPL test)
-; for each of level 1, level 2 small-page, level 2 large-page
-;	construct page table
-;	for user, supervisor mode
-;		check address alignment fault
-;		check section translation fault
-;		check 
-;		check page translation fault
-;		for 3 domain types
-;			for 16 domains
-;	 			check access permissions
-; POST procedure for checking IDC
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Arm3 b/OldTestSrc/Arm3
deleted file mode 100644
index a385f75f4cbbd089f79c6ac394810fa1b4dd0109..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Arm3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.ARM3
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST ARM version determination
-; Reads ARM3 version register, returns 0 if ARM 2 fitted.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 20-Apr-89     ArtG            Initial version
-A3Cid		CN	0
-A3Cfls		CN	1
-A3Cmod		CN	2
-A3Ccac		CN	3
-A3Cupd		CN	4
-A3Cdis		CN	5
-A3CON		CP	15
-	MOV	r13,lr
-; First, set up an undefined instruction vector to catch an ARM 2 
-; (or a faulty ARM 3 ??) when the copro instruction is run.
-; Only applies on systems where ROM isn't mapped at zero.
- [ CPU_Type = "ARM2" :LOR: CPU_Type = "ARM3"
-	MOV	r0,#0			; set a page at logical 0
-	MOV	r1,r0
-	BL	ts_set_cam
-	ADR	r0,ts_ARM_undefined
-	LDMIA	r0,{r2,r3}
-	MOV	r1,#4
-	STMIA	r1,{r2,r3}		; set the undefined instruction trap
- ]
-; Read ARM3C0 version I.D.
-	MOV	r0, #(-1)		; should always be altered
-	MRC	A3CON,0,r0,A3Cid,A3Cid	; Read control register 0
-	MOV	r12, r0
- [ CPU_Type = "ARM2" :LOR: CPU_Type = "ARM3"
-	MOV	r1,#0
-	BL	ts_set_cam_idle		; remove the vector page again
- ]
-	MOVS 	r0, r12			; return the ID (0 for ARM 2)
-        MOV     pc,r13
-; Trap to be taken when ARM 2 is fitted
-	MOV	r0,#0
-	MOVS	pc,r14_svc
-	ASSERT ((%10 - ts_ARM_undefined) / 4 = 2)
-        END 
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Begin b/OldTestSrc/Begin
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b65b2d128da4c53e8184152d27393c5259a372..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Begin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1428 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Begin
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ Power-On Self-Test
-; Startup code for RISC OS ROM Self-Test.
-; Performs ROM test patterns, determines test strategy and enters
-; external or internal test code.
-; A minimal set of opcodes should be used (ideally, only B, LDR and ADDS)
-; so that a processor test may be validly included in the internal test
-; sequence.
-; History
-; Date          Name    Rel     Comment
-; ----          ----    ---     -------
-; 23-Feb-93     ArtG    2.00    Experimental ARM 600 / Jordan mods
-; 20-Oct-93     ARTG    2.02    Changed to new conditional assembly scheme
-; TS_STATUS should be one of :
-; 'S'   Standalone version (with a2 memory test instead of RISCOS)
-; 'T'   Test build - development only
-TS_STATUS       *       "R"     ;  Medusa POST version 2.0x
-TS_RELEASE      *       20
-TS_CHANGES      *       4
-                GBLL    POSTenabled
-POSTenabled     SETL    {TRUE}          ; don't permit POST for ordinary startup 
-ts_Rom_bits     *       21                              ; Widest ROM address
-ts_Rom_length   *       1 :SHL: ts_Rom_bits             ; Longest ROM 
-ts_highaddr_bit *       1 :SHL: 25                      ; ARM address width
-ts_Alias_bits   *       (1 :SHL: 23)                    ; I/F output bits
-ts_recover_time *       (1 :SHL: 8)                     ; inter-twiddle delay
-ts_pause_time   *       200                             ; Display pause time
-ts_S5_base      *       &3350000                        ; IO register base address
-ts_IOEB_ID      *       (ts_S5_base + &50)              ; IOE_B ASIC identification
-ts_IOEB_ident   *       &5                              ; the value found there
-ts_PCaddress    *       &3010000                        ; PC IO world base address
-ts_ReadyByte_00 *       &90                             ; signal 'Here I am' to ExtIO
-ts_BBRAM        *       &A0                             ; IIC address of clock/ram chip
-ts_RamChunk     *       &2000                           ; gap between data line tests
-ts_MaxRamTest   *       4*1024*1024                     ; Max. DRAM tested on normal reset
-ts_VIDCPhys     *       &3400000                        ; Real location of VIDC
-; Border colours used for self-test indicators
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC1a"
-C_ARMOK         *       &40000000+&70C  ; testing ROM
-C_RAMTEST       *       &40000000+&C70  ; testing RAM
-C_FAULT         *       &40000000+&00F  ; failed tests
-C_PASSED        *       &40000000+&7C0  ; all passed
-C_WARMSTART     *       &40000000+&777  ; not tested
-        ]
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20" 
-C_ARMOK         *       &40000000+&7000C0  ; testing ROM
-C_RAMTEST       *       &40000000+&C07000  ; testing RAM
-C_FAULT         *       &40000000+&0000F0  ; failed tests
-C_PASSED        *       &40000000+&70C000  ; all passed
-C_WARMSTART     *       &40000000+&707070  ; not tested
-        ]
-; Responses to external commands
-ErrorCmd        *       &00FF
-; Control bitmasks used to indicate results of test to RISCOS
-R_SOFT          *       0               ; not a power-on reset
-R_HARD          *       1               ; Self-test run due to POR
-R_EXTERN        *       2               ; external tests performed
-R_TESTED        *       4               ; Self-test run due to test link
-R_MEMORY        *       8               ; Memory has been tested
-R_ARM3          *       &10             ; ARM 3 fitted
-R_MEMSKIP       *       &20             ; long memory test disabled
-R_IOEB          *       &40             ; PC-style IO controller
-R_VRAM          *       &80             ; VRAM present
-R_STATUS        *       &1ff            ; bits that aren't a fault
-R_CHKFAILBIT    *       &100            ; CMOS contents failed checksum
-R_ROMFAILBIT    *       &200            ; ROM failed checksum
-R_CAMFAILBIT    *       &400            ; CAM failed 
-R_PROFAILBIT    *       &800            ; MEMC protection failed
-R_IOCFAILBIT    *       &1000           ; IOC register test failed
-R_INTFAILBIT    *       &2000           ; Cannot clear interrupts
-R_VIDFAILBIT    *       &4000           ; VIDC flyback failure
-R_SNDFAILBIT    *       &8000           ; Sound DMA failure
-R_CMSFAILBIT    *       &10000          ; CMOS unreadable
-R_LINFAILBIT    *       &20000          ; Page zero RAM failure
-R_MEMFAILBIT    *       &40000          ; Main RAM test failure
-R_CACFAILBIT    *       &80000          ; ARM 3 Cache test failure
- [ MorrisSupport
-Kludge * 96
- |
-Kludge * 0
- ]
-        SUBT    Exception vectors
-; These vectors are available for use while the Rom is mapped into
-; low memory addresses. The Reset vector will be copied to low RAM 
-; as part of a software reset sequence : therefore it must perform
-; a fixed operation to ensure compatibility with future versions
-; of RISC-OS.
-        $DoMorrisROMHeader
- [ :LNOT: MorrisSupport
-  [ ResetIndirected
-        LDR     pc,.+ResetIndirection   ; load pc from vector at &118
-  |
-        B       ts_RomPatt + PhysROM    ; Jump to normal ROM space
-  ]
- ]
-        &       ts_Rom_length           ; gets patched by ROM builder
-        &       (ts_ROM_cvectors - ROM) ; pointer to code vector table
-        &       (ts_ROM_dvectors - ROM) ; pointer to data vector table
-        &       (ts_ROM_bvectors - ROM) ; pointer to branch table
-        B       Reset                   ; not currently used
-        B       Reset
-        B       Reset
-ts_ROMSIZE      *       %BT01 - ts_start
-ts_CVECTORS     *       %BT02 - ts_start
-ts_DVECTORS     *       %BT03 - ts_start
-ts_BVECTORS     *       %BT04 - ts_start
-; Selftest version ID
-        ASSERT  %B00 <= (ts_start + &2c + Kludge)
-        %       ((ts_start + &2c + Kludge) - %B00)
-ts_ID   &       ((TS_STATUS :SHL: 24) + (TS_RELEASE :SHL: 16) + TS_CHANGES)
-        =       "SELFTEST"                      ; **DISPLAY_TEXT**
-        =       &89                             ; Cursor position
-        =       TS_STATUS
-        =       ("0" + (TS_RELEASE /     10))
-        =       "."
-        =       ("0" + (TS_RELEASE :MOD: 10))
-        =       ("0" + (TS_CHANGES :MOD: 10))
-        =       0
-; These vector tables permit access by the external (or downloaded) test
-; software to data and code in the POST modules.
-; Find the start of these tables through the 2nd and 3rd vectors at
-; the start of the ROM.
-        &       ts_ID                   ; Selftest identification number
-        &       (ts_ID_text - ROM)      ; Selftest identification text
-; vectors ORd with these flags to assure proper mode when
-; executed by host thro' vector table.
-ts_runflags     *       (I_bit :OR: F_bit :OR: SVC_mode)
-        &       ts_RomPatt              :OR: ts_runflags
-        &       ts_User_startup         :OR: ts_runflags
-        &       ts_Self_test_startup    :OR: ts_runflags
-        &       ts_Dealer_startup       :OR: ts_runflags
-        &       ts_Forced_startup       :OR: ts_runflags
-        &       ts_GetCommand           :OR: ts_runflags
-        &       ts_Softstart            :OR: ts_runflags
-        &       ts_Hardstart            :OR: ts_runflags
-; ROM branch vectors - intended primarily so downloaded programs
-; may use standard subroutines.  This table should be in a fixed place.
-        ASSERT  %B00 <= (ts_start + 128 + Kludge)
-        %       ((ts_start + 128 + Kludge) - %B00)
-        B       ts_RomPatt
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        B       ts_GetByte
-        B       ts_GetWord
-        B       ts_SendText
-        B       ts_MoreText
-        B       ts_SendLCDCmd 
-; Pad out until the location of the ResetIndirection vector
-        ASSERT  .-ROM <= ResetIndirection
-        %       ResetIndirection-(.-ROM)
-        &       ts_RomPatt-ROM+PhysROM
-; ROM test code
-; Note : the register order in ADDS ...pc.. is often critical. 
-; If we want to adjust pc, use ADDS pc,rn,pc so that the PSR is
-; rewritten with it's original value.
-; If we want to do some pc-relative arithmetic, use ADDS rn,pc,rn
-; so that the bits from PSR are NOT used in the address calculation.
-        SUBT    Macros
-        MACRO
-        MODE    $mode_bits
-        TEQP    psr,#($mode_bits :OR: I_bit :OR: F_bit)
-        NOP
-        MEND
-        MACRO   
-        MOV_fiq $dest,$src
-        MODE    FIQ_mode
-        MOV     $dest,$src
-        MODE    SVC_mode
-        MEND
-        MACRO   
-        FAULT   $code
-        MODE    FIQ_mode
-        ORR     r12_fiq,r12_fiq,$code
-        MODE    SVC_mode
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        M32_fiq $dest,$src,$tmp1,$tmp2
-        SetMode FIQ32_mode,$tmp1,$tmp2
-        MOV     $dest,$src
-        msr     AL,CPSR_all,$tmp2
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        FAULT32 $code,$tmp
-        SetMode FIQ32_mode,$tmp
-        ORR     r12_fiq,r12_fiq,$code
-        SetMode SVC32_mode,$tmp
-        MEND
-; Define an area of storage with the required set of data bus patterns
-; These are used both for testing the complete width of the data bus
-; during ROM pattern testing, and will provide a tidy set of patterns
-; if the reset is held, while the ARM increments addresses.
-        SUBT    ROM Address and Data Patterns
-        GBLA    dmask
-dmask   SETA    &80000000
-        DCD     &FFFFFFFF               ; first two : all set
-        DCD     &0                      ;             all clear
-        GBLA    OldOpt                  ; don't list all the walking 
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}                   ; patterns
-        OPT     OptNoList
-        WHILE   dmask > 0               ; then for each bit
-        DCD     &$dmask                 ; set it
-        DCD     :NOT: &$dmask           ; and clear it
-dmask   SETA    dmask :SHR: 1
-        WEND
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        OPT     OptList
-; Read the ROM at a series of addresses
-; such that :   a) all the address lines are exercised individually
-;               b) all the data lines are exercised individually
-; Data and address lines are exercised as walking-0 and walking-1.
-; The test is performed as a series of LDR operations to avoid using
-; a larger instruction set.
-ts_RomPatt ROUT
-        ; Patterns which will exercise most of the data bus.
-        ; All are arbitrary instructions with NV execution
-        DCD     &F0000000               ; walking 1
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}                   ; patterns
-        OPT     OptNoList
-dmask   SETA    &08000000
-        WHILE   dmask > 0
-        DCD     dmask :OR: &F0000000
-dmask   SETA    dmask :SHR: 1
-        WEND 
-        DCD     &FFFFFFFF               ; walking 0
-dmask   SETA    &08000000
-        WHILE   dmask > 0
-        DCD     (:NOT: dmask) :OR: &F0000000
-dmask   SETA    dmask :SHR: 1
-        WEND 
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        ; Now some proper code :
-        ; Initialise address pointer and make MemC safe
-        LDR     r0,%01
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       0                       ; useful constant
-        [ IO_Type = "IOC-A1"            ;;!! unsafe if we execute ROM at zero
-        LDR     r1,%02
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-02                                      ;;!! This remaps MEMC's ROM
-        &       &E000C :OR: MEMCADR     ;;!! addressing if it hasn't
-        STR     r1,[r1]                 ;;!! already happened.
-        ]
-        LDR     r5,%03                  ; Load r5 with a constant which
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc                ; may be added to ROM plus a
-03                                      ; walking-zero bitmask to create
-        &       ts_Rom_length - 3       ; a valid word address in ROM.
-        LDR     r2,%04                  ; Offset from ROM start to here
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       ROM - pcfromstart   
-        ADD     r2,pc,r2                ; pointer to start of ROM
-        ADD     r3,r2,r0                ; pointer to start of ROM
-        ADD     r4,r2,r0                ; pointer to start of ROM
-        ; assembly-time loop - only 32 iterations required
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        GBLA    doffset
-doffset SETA    DataPatterns
-        WHILE   doffset < DEnd
-        LDR     r0,doffset              ; walking 1 data pattern
-        LDR     r1,doffset+4            ; walking 0 data pattern 
-        LDR     r6,[r2]                 ; walking 1 address pattern
-        LDR     r6,[r3]                 ; walking 0 address pattern
-        [ (doffset - DataPatterns) > ((32 - ts_Rom_bits) * 8)
-        [ (doffset - DataPatterns) < (31 * 8)
-        ADD     r2,r4,r0                ; r2 = ROM + walking 1 pattern
-        ADD     r3,r4,r1                ; r3 = ROM + walking 0 pattern
-        ADD     r3,r3,r5                ; adjust to a valid address
-        ]
-        ]
-        OPT     OptNoList
-doffset SETA    doffset + 8
-        WEND
-        ASSERT  (. - doffset < 4095)    ; in range without barrel shift ?
-        OPT     OldOpt
-; External interface drivers - 
-; provides entry points to send byte- and word- and string-sized objects
-; and to receive byte- and word-sized objects   
-; Continue into GetCommand, which determines adapter type (or no adapter)
-; and jumps to an ExtCmd handler, ts_User_startup, ts_Forced_startup or
-; ts_Dealer_startup as appropriate.
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-        GET     TestSrc.ExtIO
-; External command handlers - respond to commands given through the
-; external test interface.
-        GET     TestSrc.ExtCmd
-        SUBT    Selftest
-; There is no attached test interface. Is this a power-on reset ?
-; Addressing IOC will make MEMC1a remap the ROM to high memory if
-; it hasn't already done it, so be careful to ensure that the
-; ARM is addressing normally-addressed ROM when this code runs.
-ts_User_startup    ROUT
-        LDR     r0,%01
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       0
-; IOMD will only access the ROM until a write to IOMD has been made -
-; make this write also switch on refresh so the DRAM has a chance to
-; get running before the memory test starts.
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r1,%02
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       (IOMD_Base+IOMD_VREFCR)
-        LDR     r2,%03
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16
-        STR     r2, [r1,#0]
-        ]
-        [ POSTenabled
-        LDR     r1,%12                  ; load address of IOC IRQ register
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       IOC+IOCIRQSTAA
-        LDR     r1, [r1,#0]             ; Get IRQSTAA register (hence POR bit)
-        LDR     r2, %13
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc                ; Constant to shift por to bit 31
-        &       por_bit :SHL: 1
-14      ADD     r1,r1,r1
-        ADDS    r2,r2,r2
-        BCC     %14                     ; loop until por_bit is at bit 31
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; then shift it into carry
-        BCC     ts_Self_test_end        ; POR bit clear - do soft reset.
-; it's a power-on reset, so assume we can't be in 32-bit mode
-        MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_HARD
-        B       ts_Self_test_startup
-        |
-        B       CONT                    ; if user POST disabled
-        ]
-; Perform self - tests
-; Any distinction between test operation for Power-up, Display-only
-; and Forced tests needs to be made between these three entry points.
-; This is where tests start if a dumb test link is fitted
-; (a diode from A21 to *ROMCS, disabling the ROMs when A21 is high)
-ts_Forced_startup  ROUT
-        MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_TESTED
-        B       ts_Self_test_startup
-; This is where the tests start if an external display adapter is fitted
-ts_Dealer_startup  ROUT
-        MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_EXTERN
-        LDR     r4,%FT02                ; make a pointer to signon string
-01      ADD     r4,pc,r4
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       (ts_himsg - %BT01 - 8)
-        ADD     r14,pc,r0               ; make a return address for this 'call'
-        ASSERT  (.+4 = ts_Self_test_startup)    ; PC must point there already !
-        B       ts_SendText
-ts_Self_test_startup ROUT
-; This is where the power-on test starts (every user gets this)
-; Processor test would go here .... if there was one.
-; From this point on we assume we can safely use all the processor
-; Initialise VIDC : Sync mode 0, border covers screen
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"              ; If POSTbox fitted, ROM may still be mapped everywhere
-        MOV     r2,#IOMD_Base
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16 ; switch on DRAM refresh
-        STR     r0, [r2, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-        ; choose monitor settings from ID bit 0
-        MOV     r1,#ts_VIDCPhys
-        ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB
-        LDR     r0,=IOMD_MonitorType
-        LDR     r0,[r0]
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-        ADDEQ   r2,r2,#(TestVVIDCTAB-TestVIDCTAB)
-        |                               ; not IOMD
-        MOV     r1,#ts_VIDCPhys
-        ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB
-        ]
-10      LDR     r0, [r2],#4
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDR     r0,=C_ARMOK     ; set initial screen colour
-        STR     r0, [r1]
-        B       ts_RomTest
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-; Calculate ROM checksum : display status and calculated checksum.
-        =       "ROM   :",0
-        =       "ROM bad",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "ROM size",&8A,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_ROM_checksum
-        BEQ     %20
-        ADR     r4,%BT2                 ; Failed message
-        FAULT   #R_ROMFAILBIT           ; set ROM bit in r12_fiq
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; calculated checksum
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_ROM_alias            ; Checksum failed :-
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; hunt for first alias
-        MOV     r8,r0, LSL #8
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; and report it.
-        [ IO_Type = "IOC-A1"            ; Don't use RISC OS MemSize
-                                        ; until much later - it sets up
-                                        ; the ARM600 MMU as well. 
-        B       ts_MEMCset
-; Do MEMC setup and memory size determination (the first time).
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        =       "M Size :",0
-        =       "M Size",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     r12,#0
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r1,=(&E000C :OR: MEMCADR)       ; MemSize expects 32k page
-        STR     r1,[r1]
-        BL      MemSize
-; MemSize returns with  r0 = page size   (now in bytes, *NOT* in MEMC control patterns), 
-;                       r1 = memory size (in bytes)  
-;                       r2 = MEMC control value
-; Translate these into a number that looks like :
-;                       mmmm.pp
-; where mmmm is memory size in hex Kbytes, pp is page size in hex Kbytes.
-        MODE    FIQ_mode                        ; Save memory size and 
-        MOV     r11_fiq,r2                      ; MEMC setup value for
-        MOV     r10_fiq,r1                      ; later use
-        MODE    SVC_mode
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSR #2                  ; MemSize now returns actual page size in r0
-        ADD     r8,r8,r1,LSL #6
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ]
-; Test data, address and byte strobe lines.
-; On MEMC systems, this calls MemSize and tests the memory that finds.
-; On IOMD systems, memory sizing is performed along with the data line
-; tests, and that result is used for address line testing.
-        B       ts_LineTest
-                GBLS    tsGetMem1
-tsGetMem1       SETS    "GET TestSrc.Mem1" :CC: MEMC_Type
-                $tsGetMem1
-; Test IOC. 
-; This shuld require vector space to work (for testing interrupts),
-; but the current version just reports the status register contents.
-; Display is    ccaabbff
-;  where cc is the control register
-;        aa is IRQ status register A
-;        bb is IRQ status register B
-;        ff is FIQ status register
-        B       ts_IOCTest
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        =       "IOMD  :",0
-        =       "IOMD-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "IOMD-V"
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff," V.",&ff,0
-        |
-        =       "IOC   :",0
-        =       "IOC-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "IOC"
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ]
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_IOCreg       ; check register integrity
-        BEQ     %FT8
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText     ; report if failure
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_IOCstat
-        BEQ     %FT10           ; fail message only printed if
-        ADR     r4,%BT3         ; ID code unrecognised
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_IOCFAILBIT   ; .. and set error bit if IOMD code is wrong
-        B       %FT11   
-        ADR     r4,%BT4         ; print the status value
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        B       ts_CMOStest
-        |
-        B       ts_IOEBtest
-        ]
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-; Check for presence of IOEB ASIC
-        [ IO_Type = "IOEB"
-        =       "IOEB  :",0
-        =       "IOEB",&88,"exists",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,=ts_IOEB_ID                  ; read an ID register in the IOEB ASIC
-        LDRB    r0, [r0]
-        AND     r0, r0, #&f
-        CMPS    r0, #ts_IOEB_ident              ; if it looks right ( == 5) ..
-        BNE     %10
-        FAULT   #R_IOEB                         ; set that bit in the result word
-        ADR     r4, %BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-10      B       ts_CMOStest
-        ] ; IOEB IO world
-; Read CMOS
-; Check the checksum, read the memory test flag.
-        =       "SRAM  :",0
-        =       "SRAM-F",0
-        =       "SRAM-C",&8e,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        [ ChecksumCMOS
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &4000)
-        MOV     r1,#&C0                 ; Get first RAM area
-        MOV     r2,#CMOSxseed
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %20
-        MOV     r2, r0
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &1000)  ; Accumulate the second RAM area
-        MOV     r1,#&2F
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %20
-        RSB     r2, r0, #0              ; Subtract from the checksum byte
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &3F00)
-        MOV     r1,#1
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %20
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #24
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #&FF            ; A zero result ?
-        MOV     r1, #R_CHKFAILBIT
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; Report checksum failure
-        BNE     %21                     ; failed .. report error
-        ]                               ; end ChecksumCMOS
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &FC00)  ; Read Misc1CMOS byte
-        MOV     r1,#1
-        MOV     r2,#0
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %20
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#&80              ; Test the memory-test-disable bit
-        BEQ     %25     
-        FAULT   #R_MEMSKIP              ; If set, skip the memory test  
-        B       %25
-        MOV     r1,#R_CMSFAILBIT        ; Real fault - set the fault bit
-        ADR     r4,%BT2                 ; Report fault accessing IIC 
-                                        ; (Bitmap & POST display)
-        FAULT   r1
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Report one fault or another
-        B       ts_IOinit
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-; Initialize  various machine registers - e.g, turn off the floppy
-; drive, etc, etc.
-        =       "IOinit:",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ADRL    r2,ts_IOinitab
-        LDR     r0,[r2],#4              ; Get address
-        LDR     r1,[r2],#4              ; Get initialization data
-        CMPS    r0,#(-1)
-        STRNE   r1,[r0]                 ; write to IO port
-        BNE     %10
-        B       Speedset
-; Use the RISC OS MEMC setup code to guess the proper processor / memory
-; configuration. The memory speed can then be set up correctly for 
-; fastest possible working, and the memory array tested in the 
-; configuration RISC OS expects.
-; Display the results of the TimeCPU test as :
-;               ssss.m.r
-; where ssss is the processor speed in hex kHz, 
-;       m    is 0 for MEMC, 1 for MEMC1a
-;       r    is the MEMC rom speed switch setting. 
-        ROUT
-        =       "Speed :",0
-        =       "Speed",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,".",&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r9,#0
-        |
-        MOV_fiq r0, r11_fiq                     ; get MEMC setup
-        MOV     r9,r0                           ; compare IOC and CPU clocks
-        ]
-        BL      TimeCPU
-        MOV     r0,r9
-        MOV_fiq r11_fiq,r0
-        MOV     r8,r7,LSL #16
-        TST     r7, #1 :SHL: 16                 ; test bit 16 of r7 : 
-        ADDNE   r8,r8,#&1000                    ; MEMC1 / MEMC1a detected
-        AND     r9,r9,#&C0                      ; get High ROM access bits
-        ADD     r8,r8,r9, LSL #2
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        B       RAMtest
-; Long RAM test, ideally exercising all memory.
-; In order to keep boot time short, the following scheme is used :
-; Normal power-on boot - test VRAM and up to 4M of first DRAM entry
-; CMOS disable set     - test nothing
-; Test hardware fitted - test entire memory
-        ROUT
-        =       "RAM   :",0
-        =       "RAM bad",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       &89,"skipped",0
-        =       "RAM   :",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-; if (R_MEMSKIP && R_HARD)
-;       skip all the remaining tests
-; if (!R_LINFAILBIT) 
-;       perform the long memory test
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if data line fault
-        AND     r1,r0,#(R_MEMSKIP :OR: R_HARD)  ; or the user didn't want it
-        TEQS    r1,#(R_MEMSKIP :OR: R_HARD)
-        ANDNE   r1,r1,#R_LINFAILBIT
-        TEQNE   r1,#R_LINFAILBIT
-        BNE     %12
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; skipping memory test ....
-        BL      ts_MoreText 
-        B       ts_Report
-        LDR     r1,=C_RAMTEST           ; doing at least part of the long memory test
-        LDR     r0,=ts_VIDCPhys         ; write the border colour
-        STR     r1,[r0]
-        BL      MemSize                 ; Set MMU up, mapping (some) RAM at logical address 0
-                                        ; Note that this returns with the MMU enabled,
-                                        ; the ROM remapped to it's ORGed address,
-        RSB     r4,r4,#PhysROM          ; and r4 the offset from physical to ORGed ROM addresses
-        ADD     r4,r4,#PhysSpace
-        SetMode SVC32_mode,r0           ; Must do this, as PhysSpace is outside 26 bit addressing
-        ADD     pc,pc,r4                ; Jump into the ROM at its image in PhysSpace
-        NOP                             ; this instruction skipped by pc adjustment
-; Modify the PhysRamTable so only VRAM and the first ts_MaxRamTest of DRAM gets tested
-        M32_fiq r0,r12_fiq,r1,r2        ; get the test condition flags
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)
-        BNE     %FT16                   ; do full test if test adapter is present
-        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
-        ADD     r10,r9,#(PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable)
-        LDR     r1,[r9, #4]
-        ADD     r0,r0,r1                ; r0 = running sum of memory sizes
-        SUBS    r2,r0,#ts_MaxRamTest    ; r2 = excess over ts_MaxRamTest
-        SUBHI   r1,r1,r2                ; r1 = current size truncated
-        STRHI   r1,[r9, #4]
-        MOVHI   r0,#ts_MaxRamTest       ; truncate running sum to MaxRamTest
-        ADD     r9,r9,#(DRAMPhysAddrB-DRAMPhysAddrA)
-        CMPS    r9,r10
-        BNE     %BT14
-        FAULT32 #R_MEMORY,r0            ; memory tests were attempted
-        MOV     r9,#VideoPhysAddr
-        LDR     r8,[r9]                 ; report the test address
-        ADRL    r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,[r9]                 ; get VRAM start address and size
-        LDR     r1,[r9,#4]
-        ADD     r0,r0,#PhysSpace
-        BL      ts_RamTest
-        BNE     %FT20                   ; failed - abort ram testing
-; VRAM (or 1st MB of DRAM, if no VRAM fitted) looks OK - move the translation
-; table there so memory tests can proceed without smashing it.
-        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
-        LDR     r0,[r9,#VideoPhysAddr-PhysRamTable]     ; get address of video RAM
-        LDR     r1,[r9,#DRAMPhysAddrA-PhysRamTable]     ; get address of 1st DRAM bank
-        LDR     r3, =DRAMOffset_L2PT
-        ADD     r1, r1, r3              ; make r1 -> L2PT
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3              ; make r0 -> temporary L2PT
-        BL      ts_remap_ttab           ; copy ttab at r1 to r0 and change table base
-; Now run the RAM test at each DRAMPhysAddr until the end of the table or a zero entry
-; is reached. Mark tested entries by setting the PhysSpace address, so a pointer to the
-; next entry need not be kept.
-        MOV     r9,#DRAMPhysAddrA
-        ADD     r10,r9,#(PhysRamTableEnd-DRAMPhysAddrA)
-        CMPS    r9,r10                  ; reached end of table ?
-        LDRNE   r0,[r9]
-        TSTNE   r0,r0                   ; reached unused entries ?
-        LDRNE   r1,[r9,#4]              ; or blanked-out entries ?
-        TSTNE   r1,r1
-        BEQ     %FT21                   ; .. all passed OK
-        TSTS    r0,#PhysSpace
-        ADDNE   r9,r9,#(DRAMPhysAddrB-DRAMPhysAddrA)
-        BNE     %BT19                   ; this entry done .. find the next
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; report address of this block
-        ADRL    r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,[r9]                 ; start testing it
-        ADD     r0,r0,#PhysSpace
-        LDR     r1,[r9, #4]
-        STR     r0,[r9]                 ; mark block so it isn't retested
-        MOV     r2,#PhysRamTable
-        LDMIA   r2,{r3-r14}             ; save the PhysRamTable
-        STMIA   r0,{r3-r14}
-        BL      ts_RamTest
-        LDMIA   r13,{r1-r11,r14}        ; restore the PhysRamTable
-        MOV     r13,#PhysRamTable
-        STMIA   r13,{r1-r11,r14}
-        BEQ     %BT18                   ; if it passed, go look for another block
-        FAULT32 #R_MEMFAILBIT,r2        ; failed - report fault address
-        ADRL    r4,%BT2
-        MOV     r11,r1                  ; Save failed data
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; first failing address
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r4,r12                  ; get fault message
-        MOV     r8,r11                  ; and fault data
-        BL      ts_SendText
- [ MEMM_Type = "MEMC1"
-; Test the CAMs - for each fitted MEMC, go through all the CAM entries
-; remapping logical memory and testing against physical correspondence.
-; Then try out the protection bits in each CAM entry and various 
-; processor modes. 
-; These tests return pointers to their own fault report strings.
-        B       ts_CAMtest
-        ROUT
-        =       "CAMs :",0
-        =       "PPLs :",0
-        =       &89,"skipped",0
-        ALIGN
-        LDR     r4,=%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if memory fault
-        ANDS    r0,r0,r1
-        BEQ     %08
-        LDR     r4,=%BT3
-        BL      ts_MoreText 
-        B       %20
-        BL      ts_CAM
-        BEQ     %10
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r4,=%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if memory fault
-        ANDS    r0,r0,r1
-        BEQ     %18
-        LDR     r4,=%BT3
-        BL      ts_MoreText 
-        B       %20
-        BL      ts_memc_prot
-        BEQ     %20
-        BL      ts_SendText
- ]
-; After testing memory and translation, turn MMU off again before running remainder
-; of tests. This simplifies finishing up (where system must be put back into 26-bit
-; mode before initialising RISCOS) if memory tests were deselected.
-; Take care to poke the real translation table - it's been relocated to video
-; RAM during the memory tests.
-        MOV     r5, pc                          ; obtain current address
-        SUB     r5, r5,#PhysSpace               ; adjust to point to unmapped version
-        MOV     r5, r5, LSR #20                 ; divide by 1MB
-        MOV     r7, r5, LSL #20                 ; r7 = physical address of base of section
-        ORR     r7, r7, #(AP_None * L1_APMult)
-        ORR     r7, r7, #L1_Section
-        MOV     r3, #VideoPhysAddr              ; find the copied translation table
-        LDR     r3, [r3]
-        ADD     r3, r3, #PhysSpace
-        ADD     r3, r3, #DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        STR     r7, [r3, r5, LSL #2]            ; store replacement entry in L1 (not U,C or B)
-        SetCop  r7, CR_IDCFlush                 ; flush cache + TLB just in case
-        SetCop  r7, CR_TLBFlush                 ; (data written is irrelevant)
-; The ROM should now be mapped at the present address less PhysSpace, which is where it
-; would be if the MMU were turned off.
-        MOV     r4,#PhysSpace
-        SUB     pc,pc,r4
-        NOP                             ; this instruction is skipped
-        MOV     r7, #MMUC_D             ; Now turn the MMU off
-        SetCop  r7, CR_Control
-        B       ts_VIDCtest
-; The VIDC tests check vertical blanking frequency in a fixed video
-; mode and measure the time taken for sound DMA.
-        ROUT
-        =       "VIDC  :",0
-        =       "Virq bad",&88,' ',&ff,'.',&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Sirq bad",&8B,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       &8A,"Mid0 ",&ff,0
-        ALIGN 
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r0,=IOMD_MonitorType    ; Indicate monitor ID bit's value
-        LDR     r0,[r0]
-        AND     r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #28
-        ADR     r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        ]
-        BL      ts_VIDC_period
-        BEQ     %10
-        ADR     r4,%B2
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #8
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Display Virq fail msg
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r3,#IOMD_Base           ; skip Sirq test on version 1 IOMD
-        LDRB    r0,[r3,#IOMD_VERSION]
-        CMPS    r0,#1
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        ]       
-        BL      ts_SIRQ_period
-        BEQ     %20
-        ADR     r4,%B3
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #12
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Display Sirq fail msg
-        MOV     r1,#ts_VIDCPhys         ; Restore full-screen
-        ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB          ; border colour.
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r0,=IOMD_MonitorType
-        LDR     r0,[r0]
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-        ADDEQ   r2,r2,#(TestVVIDCTAB-TestVIDCTAB)
-        ]
-30      LDR     r0, [r2],#4
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT30
-        LDR     r0,=C_ARMOK             ; set initial screen colour
-        STR     r0, [r1]
-        B       ts_ARMtype_test
-; Read the ARM3 identification register. 
-; If memory tests failed, this won't be performed since the vector
-; page must exist for error recovery on ARM2 systems.
-        ROUT
-        =       "ARM ID:",0
-        =       "ARM ID",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       &89,"skipped",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if memory fault
-        ANDS    r0,r0,r1
-        BEQ     %05
-        ADR     r4,%BT3
-        BL      ts_MoreText 
-        B       %08                     ; and quit
-        BL      ts_ARM_type
-        MOVS    r8, r0                  ; ready to display ID code
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BEQ     %FT07                   ; ARM 2 : skip cache test
-        FAULT   #R_ARM3                 ; not really a fault, just status
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        B       ts_Report
-; Report the test results to the user
-; If this was a forced test (test adapter fitted) then pause even when 
-; test passed : otherwise, pause only on error.
-        =       "PASS  :",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "FAIL  :",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-ts_R00  &       00
-ts_Report       ROUT
-        MOV_fiq r7,r12_fiq              ; check for fault bits set
-        LDR     r0,=R_STATUS
-        BICS    r0,r7,r0
-        ADREQ   r4, ts_passmsg          ; tests passed
-        LDREQ   r9,=C_PASSED
-        ADRNE   r4, ts_failmsg          ; tests failed
-        LDRNE   r9,=C_FAULT          
-        LDR     r0,=ts_VIDCPhys         ; write the border colour
-        STR     r9,[r0]
-        MOV     r8,r7
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; write the message and fault code
-        ; if the test adapter is present, leave green screen awhile
-        ; otherwise, wait only if there's a fault.
-        LDR     r3,=ts_recover_time
-00      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %B00                    ; - let the adapter recover 
-                                        ; from previous bus activity
-        ADR     r2,ts_R00
-        ORR     r2,r2,#ts_Alias_bits
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        MOV     r2,#-1
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r2
-        BCS     ts_Report_wait
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq
-        LDR     r2,=R_STATUS
-        BICS    r0,r0,r2
-        BEQ     ts_Hardstart
-ts_Report_wait        ROUT
-; Indicate fault found : Set the border to the fault colour and flash 
-; the disk LED, using the fault bitmap in r12_fiq to modulate the flashing.
-ts_oldLED_on       *       &be0000         ; assert SEL0 and INUSE
-ts_oldLED_off      *       &ff0000         ; on machines with 1772 controller
-ts_oldLEDaddr      *       (ts_S5_base :OR: &40)
-ts_710LED_on       *       &100000         ; assert SEL0 and MotorEN0
-ts_710LED_off      *       &110000         ; on machines with 82C710 controller
-ts_710LEDaddr      *       (ts_PCaddress :OR: (&3f2 :SHL: 2))
-ts_665LED_on       *       &10          ; assert SEL0 and MotorEN0
-ts_665LED_off      *       &11          ; on machines with 37665 controller
-                                        ; and Medusa low-byte I/O world
-ts_665LEDaddr      *       (ts_PCaddress :OR: (&3f2 :SHL: 2))
-01      MOV_fiq r6,r12_fiq
-        LDR     r2,=&11111111
-        LDR     r7,=(35000 * 8)         ; 1/4 second pause loop count
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDRNE   r1,=ts_665LEDaddr       ; set up for Medusa disc address
-        MOVNE   r8,#ts_665LED_on
-        MOVNE   r9,#ts_665LED_off
-        |
-        TST     r6, #R_IOEB             ; determine original / 710 disc controller
-        LDREQ   r1,=ts_oldLEDaddr       ; set up for Archimedes disc address
-        MOVEQ   r8,#ts_oldLED_on
-        MOVEQ   r9,#ts_oldLED_off
-        LDRNE   r1,=ts_710LEDaddr       ; set up for Brisbane disc address
-        MOVNE   r8,#ts_710LED_on
-        MOVNE   r9,#ts_710LED_off
-        ]
-02      MOV     r0,r7
-03      SUBS    r0,r0,#1                ; pause for a 1/4 second
-        BNE     %03
-        MOV     r0,r8                   ; turn the LED on
-        STR     r0,[r1]
-        MOV     r0,r7
-04      SUBS    r0,r0,#1                ; pause for a 1/4 second
-        BNE     %04
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; if a '1' is to be written,
-        BCC     %06
-        MOV     r0,r7,LSL #1            ; then pause another 1/2 second
-05      SUBS    r0,r0,#1
-        BNE     %05
-        MOV     r0, r9                  ; turn the LED off
-        STR     r0,[r1]
-; Count down 32 bits. Every 4 bits, insert an extra pause to simplify
-; reading the flashes.
-        ADDS    r2,r2,r2
-        BCC     %08
-        MOV     r0,r7,LSL #2            ; then pause another second
-05      SUBS    r0,r0,#1
-        BNE     %05
-        ANDS    r2,r2,r2                ; all the bits displayed now ?
-        BNE     %02
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED) ; If test adapter present, 
-        BNE     Reset                   ; repeat test forever
-        B       CONT                    ; otherwise, run RISC OS
-        MOVS    r0,#R_HARD              ; and report a hard start
-        B       CONT                    ; to RISC OS
-; Tests skipped : fall into RISC-OS
-        LDR     r1,=C_WARMSTART
-        LDR     r0,=ts_VIDCPhys         ; write the border colour
-        STR     r1,[r0]
-        MOVS    r0,#R_SOFT              ; soft reset indicator
-        B       CONT
-        ROUT
-; This table consists of a series of address/data pairs for IO
-; initialization.
-; Note that these addresses are likely to be in the IO world,
-; and hence the data written is that from the MOST significant
-; 16 bits of the data bus.
-; An 'address' of -1 terminates the table.
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        |
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &10,  &000000         ; Printer port data
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &18,  &000000         ; FDC control & printer strobes
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &40,  &ff0000         ; FDD select lines
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &48,  &000000         ; VIDC clock control
-        ]
-        & (-1)
-        LTORG
-; Include test modules executed by call, rather than inline 
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem2
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem3
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem4
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem5
-        GET     TestSrc.Vidc
-        GET     TestSrc.Ioc
-        GET     TestSrc.Cmos
-        GET     TestSrc.Arm3
-        END
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Cmos b/OldTestSrc/Cmos
deleted file mode 100644
index 610193c5070a152e06e8749a75abfbfa24d333bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Cmos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Cmos
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST battery-backed RAM access
-; A function to read bytes from CMOS, for use in verifying the checksum
-; and reading memory test flag & video modes.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 05-Apr-91     ArtG            Initial version, based on IICMod.
-; in:
-;       R0 = device address          (bit 8 - 15   register address    )
-;       R1 = length of block to read
-;       R2 = initial sum value
-; out:  R0 = sum of all bytes in block
-;       R1 - R13 trashed
-ts_CMOSread     ROUT
-        MOV     R13,R14
-        MOV     R8,R2                   ; initialise accumulator
-        MOV     R7,R1                   ; initialise byte counter
-        MOV     R6,R0                   ; stash register address
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        MOV     R0, #-1                 ; ensure timer is ticking
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LL]     ; (nonzero in input latch)
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LH]
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0GO]     ; load the count registers
-        BL      ts_Start
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; check clock line toggles OK
-        AND     R0, R6, #&FE
-        BL      ts_TXCheckAck           ; transmit device address (write)
-        BVS     %FT30
-        MOV     R0, R6, LSR #8
-        BL      ts_TXCheckAck           ; write register address
-        BVS     %FT30
-        BL      ts_Start                ; Extra START bit to switch modes
-        AND     R0, R6, #&FE
-        ORR     R0, R0, #1
-        BL      ts_TXCheckAck           ; transmit device address (read)
-        BVS     %FT30
-        BL      ts_RXByte               ; read byte from bus
-        ADD     R8, R8, R0              ; accumulate total
-        SUBS    R7, R7, #1              ; is it last byte ?
-        MOVNE   R0, #0                  ; no, then acknowledge with 0 bit
-        MOVEQ   R0, #1                  ; yes, then don't acknowledge
-        BL      ts_ClockData            ; but always send ack clock pulse
-        TEQ     R7, #0                  ; loop, until last byte
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MOVVS   R7, #-1                 ; pass error indicator to caller
-        BL      ts_Stop
-        MOV     R0, R8
-        TEQ     R7, #0                  ; return zero flag if read OK
-        MOV     PC,R13
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TXCheckACK - transmit a byte and wait for slave to ACK
-;  out: Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r9,r10,r11,r12
-;       V bit set on error.
-ts_TXCheckAck ROUT
-        MOV     R12,R14
-        BL      ts_TXByte
-        BL      ts_Acknowledge
-        MOVVC   PC, R12                 ; acknowledged ok, so return
-        ORRS    PC, R12, #V_bit
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetC1C0 - Set clock and data lines to values in R1 and R0 respectively
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r11
-ts_SetC1C0 ROUT
-        MOV     R11, R14
-        BIC     R14, R14, #Z_bit                ; indicate not checking clock
-        ORR     R14, R14, #I_bit                ; disable interrupts
-        TEQP    R14, #0
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSL #1              ; R0 := C0 + C1*2
-        ORR     R0, R0, #&C0                    ; make sure two test bits are
-                                                ; always set to 1 !
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #IOCControl]
-        LDREQB  R1, [R2, #IOCControl]           ; wait for clock
-        TSTEQ   R1, #i2c_clock_bit              ; to read high
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, #10                         ; delay for >= 10/2 microsecs
-; in-line do-micro-delay to save a stack level
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R1, [R2, #Timer0CL]     ; R1 := low output latch
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R14, [R2, #Timer0CL]    ; R14 := low output latch
-        TEQ     R14, R1                 ; unchanged ?
-        MOVNE   R1, R14                 ; copy anyway
-        BEQ     %BT20                   ; then loop
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement count
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; loop if not finished
-; end do-micro-delay
-        MOV     PC, R11
-; Set clock and data lines to R1 and R0 and then wait for clock to be high
-ts_SetC1C0CheckClock ROUT
-        MOV     R11, R14
-        ORR     R14, R14, #Z_bit                ; indicate checking clock
-        B       ts_SetOrCheck
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClockData - Clock a bit of data down the IIC bus
-; in:   R0 = data bit
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r10,r11
-ts_ClockData ROUT
-        MOV     R10,R14
-        MOV     R3, R0                  ; save data
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; clock LO
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     R1, #1                  ; clock HI
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0CheckClock
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; clock LO
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     PC,R10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Start - Send the Start signal
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r9,r11
-;       R0 (and Z flag) indicates state of clock .. should be NZ.
-ts_Start   ROUT
-        MOV     R9,R14
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock HI, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-; Make sure clock really is high (and not shorted to gnd)
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #IOCControl]
-; Delay here must be >= 4.7 microsecs
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock LO, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        ANDS    R0, R3, #i2c_clock_bit
-        MOV     PC,R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Acknowledge - Check acknowledge after transmitting a byte
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r9,r11
-;       V=0 => acknowledge received
-;       V=1 => no acknowledge received
-ts_Acknowledge ROUT
-        MOV     R9,R14
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0CheckClock
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #IOCControl]   ; get the data from IOC
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        TST     R3, #1                  ; should be LO for correct acknowledge
-        MOV     R3, PC
-        BICEQ   R3, R3, #V_bit          ; clear V if correct acknowledge
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #V_bit          ; set V if no acknowledge
-        TEQP    R3, #0
-        MOV     PC,R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Stop - Send the Stop signal
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r9,r11
-ts_Stop    ROUT
-        MOV     R9,R14
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock HI, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     PC,R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TXByte - Transmit a byte
-; in:   R0 = byte to be transmitted
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r9,r10,r11
-ts_TXByte  ROUT
-        MOV     R9, R14
-        MOV     R4, R0                  ; byte goes into R4
-        MOV     R5, #&80                ; 2^7   the bit mask
-        ANDS    R0, R4, R5              ; zero if bit is zero
-        MOVNE   R0, #1
-        BL      ts_ClockData            ; send the bit
-        MOVS    R5, R5, LSR #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     PC, R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RXByte - Receive a byte
-; out:  R0 = byte received
-;       Trashes r1,r2,r3,r4,r9,r11
-ts_RXByte  ROUT
-        MOV     R9, R14
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; byte:=0
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        MOV     R4, #7
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; pulse clock HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0CheckClock
-        LDRB    R1, [R2, #IOCControl]   ; get the data from IOC
-        AND     R1, R1, #1
-        ADD     R3, R1, R3, LSL #1      ; byte:=byte*2+(IOC?0)AND1
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; return clock LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
-        BCS     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; return the result in R0  
-        MOV     PC, R9
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/ExtCmd b/OldTestSrc/ExtCmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 963d2660804f148cac499eb1115b3119699d0fd9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/ExtCmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1019 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.ExtCmd
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST external commands
-; External test commands for RISC OS ROM.
-; Provides functions to read data, write data and execute code using
-; parameters from an external controlling host.
-; A minimal set of opcodes should be used (ideally, only B, LDR and ADDS)
-; so that a processor test may be validly included in the internal test
-; sequence.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 27-Nov-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 06-Dec-89     ArtG            Release 0.2 for integration
-; 30-Mar-90	ArtG		Added NOPs (ADDS r0,r0,r0) after ADDS pc,..
-; 19-Apr-90	ArtG		Speedups for read/write commands.
-; 15-May-90	ArtG		Fixed multiple %13 label in ts_W_FIW
-; 22-May-90	ArtG		Fixed bugs in ts_B_MWW, ts_W_RIB
-; 18-Jun-93	ArtG		Added Arm600 control instructions
-; 1-Jul-93	ArtG		Replaced ADDS pc.. instructions with ADD pc..
-;				for compatibility with SVC32_mode. 
-; All these routines use registers as follows :
-;       r0  - always zero
-;       r1
-;       r2
-;       r3  - undisturbed : used as constant by I/O routine
-;       r4  - return value from I/O routine, parameter to I/O routines
-;       r5
-;       r6
-;       r7  - saved value of command byte on entry
-;       r8  - operation counter
-;       r9  - pointer to data transfer operation
-;       r10 - increment value (0, 1 or 4) to add to pointer in r9
-;       r11 - decrement constant (-1) to add to counter in r8
-;       r12 - checksum accumulator
-;       r13 - pointer to operation code
-;       r14 - return address for calls to I/O routines
-        SUBT    External command handlers
-; Called by vectoring through command_table. 
-; R4 contains command byte (including 3 option bits)
-; Get operation count
-; Get address
-; If single-word data
-;   Get data
-;   Get checksum
-;   Reply with command byte or FF
-;   Do operation
-; Else
-;   For each word
-;     Get data
-;     Do operation 
-;   Get checksum
-;   Reply with command byte or FF
-; Return by branching to GetCommand.
-ts_write_memory    ROUT
-        ADDS    r13,r0,r4               ; save the control byte
-        ADDS    r7,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; setup return address for ..
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; .. get operation count word
-        ADDS    r8, r0, r4              ; r8 is operation count
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r4               ; initialise checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r9 is initial target address
-        ADDS    r9, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r0               ; set initial constants
-        LDR     r11,%01
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     (0 - 1)
-; Check for operations which don't involve reading a block of data.
-; These are acknowledged BEFORE performing the operation.
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13             ; convert operation code to vector 
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13
-        LDR     r4, %02
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_write_cmd_table - %03)
-        ADDS    r4,pc,r4
-        ADDS    r13,r4,r13
-        LDR     r13,[r13]               ; fetch pointer to code
-        LDR     r4,%04
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_write_cmd_table - ts_W_fetch_operations) 
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r13
-        BCS     ts_Write_getdata        ; defer acknowledgement till later
-        ; check the above test was valid, given code layout
-	; Note - this is also required by code near ts_Write_cmd_done
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RSW <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RSB <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RIW <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RIB <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FSW >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FSB >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FIW >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FIB >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-; Fetch the first data word and checksum, and acknowledge
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;get next data word
-        B       ts_GetWord
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ;accumulate checksum
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%06
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_WriteCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r10               ;restore the data word
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r0               ;and the zero in r10
-        B       ts_Write_usedata        ;dive off to do the work
-; Enter the main loop, repeating the operation labelled in r13.
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Write_cmd_ack
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;get next data word
-        B       ts_GetWord
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ;accumulate checksum
-	B	%07
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Write_cmd_done
-        ADD     pc,pc,r13               ;jump back to operations
-        &       0
-; In this table, the operation after any word fetch is vectored by
-; the 3 least significant bits of the command byte to perform some 
-; combination of writing with  : 
-; bit 2 -> 0    R : repeat with same data
-;          1    F : fetch more data for next operation
-; bit 1 -> 0    S : leave address static
-;          1    I : increment address after operation
-; bit 0 -> 0    W : word operation
-;          1    B : byte operation
-        ASSERT  ((ts_write_cmd_table - %07) = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RSW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RSB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RIW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RIB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FSW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FSB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FIW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FIB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-; And here are the trailers that perform these operations.
-; Each is started with the data in r4, address in r9 and completes
-; by returning to Write_getdata (to read another word) or Write_usedata
-; (to repeat with the same data) with r10 = increment value (initially 0)
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, repeat address
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCS     ts_W_RSW
-        B       ts_Write_cmd_done
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, repeat address
-	ADDS	r8,r8,r11
-	BCS	ts_W_RSB
-        B       ts_Write_cmd_done
-        LDR     r10,%11
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     4
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, increment word address
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	%B12
-        B       ts_Write_cmd_done
-	LDR	r10,%13
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     1
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, increment byte address
-	ADDS	r9,r9,r10
-	ADDS	r8,r8,r11
-	BCS	%B14
-	B	ts_Write_cmd_done
-ts_W_fetch_operations                   ;all past here fetch new data
-                                        ;on each loop
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, repeat address
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, repeat address
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, increment word address
-        LDR     r10,%15
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        DCD     4
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, increment byte address
-        LDR     r10,%16
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        DCD     1 
-; Operations completed. Operations that read multiple data words from
-; the host must now checksum and acknowledge the block (even though
-; it's a bit late to do anything about it)
-; Operation involved multiple fetches - only now ready to ACK. 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%25
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%26
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_WriteCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command_table. 
-; R4 contains command byte (including 3 option bits)
-; Get operation count
-; Get address
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-; For each word
-;   Read data
-;   If Verbose option
-;     Send data
-; If Quiet option
-;   Send result of read operation
-; Send checksum of result packet
-; Return by branching to GetCommand.
-ts_read_memory    ROUT
-        ADDS    r13,r0,r4               ; save the control byte
-        ADDS    r7,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; setup return address for ..
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; .. get operation count word
-        ADDS    r8, r0, r4              ; r8 is operation count
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r4               ; initialise checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r9 is initial target address
-        ADDS    r9, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r0               ; set initial constants
-        LDR     r11,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     (0 - 1)
-; Convert the operation options into a code pointer
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13             ; convert operation code to vector 
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13
-        LDR     r4, %02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_read_cmd_table - %03)
-        ADDS    r4,pc,r4
-        ADDS    r13,r4,r13
-        LDR     r13,[r13]               ; fetch pointer to code
-; Fetch the checksum, and acknowledge
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%06
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_ReadCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r0               ;initialise the upload checksum 
-        B       ts_Read_count		;enter the loop
-; Enter the main loop, repeating the operation labelled in r13.
-; This loop is for operations that finish with all data sent
-ts_Read_Txdata                          ;send data to host
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ;accumulate the checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord             ;send this word
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Read_cmd_done
-        B       %07                     ;go off to the jump handler
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        ADD     pc,pc,r13               ;jump back to operations
-        &       0
-; In this table, the operation after any word fetch is vectored by
-; the 2 least significant bits of the command byte to perform some 
-; combination of reading with  : 
-; bit 2 -> 0    Q : read data without reporting it
-;          1    V : Transmit the result of every read operation
-; bit 1 -> 0    S : leave address static
-;          1    I : increment address after operation
-; bit 0 -> 0    W : word operation
-;          1    B : byte operation
-        ASSERT  ((ts_read_cmd_table - %07) = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QSW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QSB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QIW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QIB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VSW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VSB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VIW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VIB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-; And here are the trailers that perform these operations.
-; Each is started with the data in r4, address in r9 and completes
-; by returning to Write_getdata (to read another word) or Write_usedata
-; (to repeat with the same data) with r10 = increment value (initially 0)
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read word, repeat address
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	ts_R_QSW
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read byte, repeat address
-	ADDS	r8,r8,r11
-	BCS	ts_R_QSB
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read
-        LDR     r10,%11
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     4
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read word, increment word address
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	%B12
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        LDR     r10,%13
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     1
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read byte, increment byte address
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	%B14
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx word, repeat address
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx byte, repeat address
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx word, next word address
-        LDR     r10,%15
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        DCD     4
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx byte, next byte address
-        LDR     r10,%16
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        DCD     1 
-; Operations completed. Report final result and checksum back to host.
-; Quiet option only transmits read data here (this is pretty useless
-; except where only one value was read)
-	ADDS	r12,r12,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;send result of 'quiet' read
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        SUBS    r4,r0,r12               ;get overall checksum  - can't think
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;how to do this using only ADDS !
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command table.
-; if option 1 set, read processor mode
-; Read address
-; Read and check checksum
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-; if option 1 set, load SPSR
-; Jump to code
-ts_execute      ROUT
-	ADDS	r12,r0,r0		; initialise checksum adder
-	LDR	r8,%00			; initialise msr-jumper
-	ADD	pc,pc,r0
-	&	4
-	ADDS	r7,r4,r4		; get operation type
-	ADDS	r7,r7,r7
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r7		; jump to pc + (r4 * 4)
-	&	0
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT08
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-08	ADDS	r14,r0,pc		; get new processor mode
-	B	ts_GetWord
-	ADDS	r12,r0,r4
-	ADDS	r8,r0,r0		; kill msr-jumper
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get jump address
-        ADDS    r9,r12,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r9
-        LDR     r5,%11
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r4,r5,r4                ; compare total chex with zero
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error            ; carry set on error
-	LDR	r4,%12
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_ExecuteCmdByte
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc  	        ; echo command byte
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r9                ;return checksum (actually, the
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ; entire message ..)
-        B       ts_SendWord
-; Now jump to the location given in the message, using the given status bits
-	ADD	pc,pc,r8		; jump over the msr instruction
-	&	2_11100001011010011111000000001100 ; 
-	ADDS	r14,pc,r0		; Load the address of %13 into r14
-			           	; to provide a return address
-        ADD     pc,r0,r9		; Do the jump
-        B      ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command table
-; Read operation count
-; Read target addresses
-; Read data
-; Send command byte or FF
-; Send checksum
-; For all operation count
-;   write data 
-;   if read-back option
-;     read data
-; Return by branching to GetCommand
-ts_bus_exercise	ROUT
-        ADDS    r7,r0,r4                ; save the control byte
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; setup return address for ..
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; .. get operation count word
-        ADDS    r8, r0, r4              ; r8 is operation count
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r4               ; initialise checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r9 is first target address
-        ADDS    r9, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r10 is second target address
-        ADDS    r10, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r11 is first data word
-        ADDS    r11, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r13 is second data word
-        ADDS    r13, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-; Fetch the checksum, and acknowledge
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%06
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_BusExCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-	ADDS	r12,r0,r13		; Now addresses are in r9, r10
-					; and data in r11, r12.
-; Convert the operation options into a code pointer
-        ADDS    r13,r7,r7              ; convert operation code to vector 
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13
-        LDR     r4, %02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_busex_cmd_table - %03)
-        ADDS    r4,pc,r4
-        ADDS    r13,r4,r13
-        LDR     r13,[r13]               ; fetch pointer to code
-	LDR	r7, %04			; set up decrementer in r8
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r0
-	DCD	(0 - 1)
-        ADD     pc,pc,r13               ; jump to operation
-	&	0
-; In this table, the operation after any word fetch is vectored by
-; the 3 least significant bits of the command byte to perform some 
-; combination of writing with  : 
-; bit 2 -> 0    S : Perform separate data write ops
-;          1    M : Use STM / LDM instructions 
-; bit 1 -> 0    R : Perform only read operations
-;          1    W : Write before reading
-; bit 0 -> 0    W : word operation
-;          1    B : byte operation
-; Note that byte and multiple operations are mutually
-; exclusive.
-        ASSERT  ((ts_busex_cmd_table - %07) = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SRW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SRB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SWW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SWB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MRW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MRB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MWW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MWB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-	LDR	r11,[r9]		; read-only separate words
-	LDR	r12,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SRW
-	B	ts_B_done
-	LDRB	r11,[r9]		; read-only separate bytes
-	LDRB	r12,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SRB
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STR	r11,[r9]		; write and read separate words
-	STR	r12,[r10]
-	LDR	r1,[r9]
-	LDR	r2,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SWW
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STRB	r11,[r9]		; write and read separate bytes
-	STRB	r12,[r10]
-	LDRB	r1,[r9]
-	LDRB	r2,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SWB
-	B	ts_B_done
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}		; read-only multiple words
-	LDMIA	r10,{r1,r2}
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MRW
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STMIA	r9,{r11,r12}		; write and read multiple words
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}
-	STMIA	r10,{r11,r12}
-	LDMIA	r10,{r1,r2}
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MWW
-	B	ts_B_done
-; Orthogonally, these should be multiple byte operations - we can't do that, 
-; so they actually do a single/multiple mixture.
-; The first address argument is used for word-aligned operations and the
-; second for byte-aligned operations - so set only the second address
-; to a non-word-aligned address.
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}		; read-only multiple words
-	LDRB	r1,[r10]		; then single bytes
-	LDR 	r1,[r9]			; and single words
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MRB
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STMIA	r9,{r11,r12}		; store multiple words
-	STRB	r11,[r10]		; write byte
-	STR	r12,[r9]		; write words
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}
-	LDRB	r1,[r10]
-	LDR	r1,[r9]			; read single and multiple words
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MWB
-;	B	ts_B_done
-	B	ts_GetCommand
-; All commands fall through here to respond with FF if the received
-; message block checksums fail.
-ts_cmd_error    ROUT                    ; error in command
-        LDR     r4, %01                 ; return error response
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     ErrorCmd
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; send response byte to host
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-; generic coprocessor register names
-cpr0	CN	0
-cpr1	CN	1
-cpr2	CN	2
-cpr3	CN	3
-cpr4	CN	4
-cpr5	CN	5
-cpr6	CN	6
-cpr7	CN	7
-cpr8	CN	8
-cpr9	CN	9
-cpr10	CN	10
-cpr11	CN	11
-cpr12	CN	12
-cpr13	CN	13
-cpr14	CN	14
-cpr15	CN	15
-; Called by vectoring through command table.
-; Read transfer value
-; Read and check checksum
-; Extract copro register number
-; Index suitable MRC instruction
-; Perform copro write
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-ts_write_cpr15h	ROUT
-	ADDS	r4,r4,#8		; adjust opcode for high registers
-	ADDS	r7,r0,r4		; save opcode to r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get value for copro
-        ADDS    r9,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r9
-        LDR     r5,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r4,r5,r4                ; compare total chex with zero
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error            ; carry set on error
-	ADDS	r13,r7,r7		; point into instruction table
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r13		; jump to pc + (r7 * 8)
-	&	0
-	SetCop	r9,cpr0			; transfer instructions
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr1
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr2
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr3
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr4
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr5
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr6
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr7
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr8
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr9
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr10
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr11
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr12
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr13
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr14
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr15
-	LDR	r4,%03
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_CPWCmdByte		; build command byte + option
-	ADDS	r4,r4,r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc  	        ; echo command byte
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r9                ; return checksum 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;
-        B       ts_SendWord
-	B	ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command table.
-; Read and check checksum
-; Extract copro register number
-; Index suitable MCR instruction
-; Perform copro read
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-; Send transfer results
-; Send checksum
-ts_read_cpr15h	ROUT
-	ADDS	r4,r4,#8		; adjust opcode for high registers
-	ADDS	r7,r0,r4		; save opcode in r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get checksum to r4
-	ADDS	r9,r0,r4		; copy to r9
-        LDR     r5,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r4,r5,r4                ; compare total chex with zero
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error            ; carry set on error
-	LDR	r4,%02
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_CPRCmdByte		; build command byte + option
-	ADDS	r4,r4,r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc  	        ; echo command byte
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r9                ; return checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-	ADDS	r13,r7,r7		; point into instruction table
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r13		; jump to pc + (r7 * 8)
-	&	0
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr0		; transfer instructions
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr1
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr2
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr3
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr4
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr5
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr6
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr7
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr8
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr9
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr10
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr11
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr12
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr13
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr14
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr15
-	ADDS	r4,r0,r12		; return result
-	ADDS	r14,r0,pc
-	B	ts_SendWord
-	SUBS	r4,r0,r12		; return checksum
-	ADDS	r14,r0,pc
-	B	ts_SendWord
-	B	ts_GetCommand
-        END
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/ExtIO b/OldTestSrc/ExtIO
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef956a201a997890c60749536a7896ac60b7cad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/ExtIO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1089 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.ExtIO
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST external commands
-; External interface for RISC OS ROM.
-; provides entry points to send byte- and word- and string-sized objects
-; and to receive byte- and word-sized objects   
-; A minimal set of opcodes should be used (ideally, only B, LDR and ADDS)
-; so that a processor test may be validly included in the internal test
-; sequence.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 06-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version - split from `Begin`
-;                               Release 0.2 for integration
-; 31-Mar-90     ArtG            Added ts_MoreText, cursor position, hex.
-; 19-Apr-90     ArtG            Added bus exercise commands
-; 09-May-90     ArtG            Changed LCD strobe to 12 pulses
-; 15-May-90     ArtG            Added ReadyByte : improves synchronization
-;                               when ExtCmd execution toggles A21/A22.
-; 18-Jun-90	ArtG		Added CPR15 read/write functions
-        SUBT    Test adapter interface
-; The test adapter senses an access to the ROM with address line A21 high.
-; Current (2M addressing space) ROMs only use address lines A2 to A20,
-; so if A21 to A22 are asserted they will be ignored (the ROMS are aliased
-; into 8M of space). With no test adapter, the aliased ROM location will
-; be read and may be recognised. The test adapter may selectively disable
-; ROMs when A21 is high, causing arbitrary data to be read. This data
-; should be dependent on the previous ROM read operation, and will
-; therefore be predictably not equal to the data read when the ROMs are
-; aliased.
-; The assumption that A21 is unused may be invalidated by a later issue
-; of the PCB. A22 is therefore asserted at the same time : this will then
-; be used on a PCB where A22 is tracked to a test connector and 8Mbit ROMS
-; are used. Machines using larger ROMs than 8 Mbit (4M addressing space) 
-; will require explicit decoding or a new communication scheme.
-; This section determines whether the test interface adapter exists, and 
-; what variety is fitted (dumb, display or external)      
-; 3 read operations are performed (a WS operation): if all of these 
-; find a ROM alias then no adapter is fitted.
-; If an adapter responds, then a RD operation is performed - 4 strobes then
-; clocking 8 bits into r4. These bits may be all zeros (a dumb adapter)
-; or all ones (a display adapter) or some other value (an external
-; adapter)
-ts_GetCommand  ROUT
-        LDR     r0,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        ; delay to make a gap before reading
-        LDR     r3,%02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %03
-        ROUT
-; Load up the registers for the test interface communication -
-        LDR     r0,%01                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0  ;(generally useful constant - especially for skip)
-        &       0
-        LDR     r1,%02                  ; set FFFFFFFF in r1
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0  ;(test value : sets carry when added to non-zero)
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r2,%03                  ; set pointer to test address
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0  ;(points to aliased copy of a zero word)
-        &       (ts_Alias_bits + (%01 - %04))
-        ADDS    r2,pc,r2                ; adjust r2 for ROM-relative address
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; clear output accumulator
-04                                      ; where pc is when added to r2
-        ; do an RD operation (four strobes) to ensure interface cleared
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        ; write a byte (initially, &90) to indicate readiness
-        LDR     r4,%20
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_ReadyByte_00
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ; delay to make a gap between WRS and RD operations
-        LDR     r3,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %06
-        LDR     r5,%07                  ; counter for first 5 bits
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 5)
-        LDR     r6,%08                  ; counter for last 3 bits
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 3)
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; input accumulator initialisation
-; put the test interface into input mode
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; 3 bit lead-in
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        BCC     ts_User_startup         ; abort if no adapter present
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; two more strobes, then waitloop
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-; started input operation : wait for interface to be ready
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read start bit repeatedly
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects RD operation)
-        BCC     %09                     ; loop until interface is ready
-; read the first 5 bits into r5 and the second 3 bits into r4
-10      LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read a bit of the byte
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; .. if the test adapter is present, carry bit set
-        ADCS    r4,r4,r4                ; .. shift left and add in carry
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; loop until 5 bits are read
-        BCC     %10
-        ADDS    r5,r4,r4                ; copy bits 7..3 to r5, bits 5..1 
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; and read the last 3 bits to r4
-11      LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read a bit of the byte
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        ADCS    r4,r4,r4
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; loop until last 3 bits are read
-        BCC     %11
-; Command byte read in (split between r4 and r5)
-; Pass the option bits (r4) to the function identified by r5.
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; index * 2 -> index * 4 
-        LDR     r3,%12                  ; pc-relative ptr to command_table
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_command_table - %13
-        ADDS    r3,pc,r3                ; absolute pointer to command table
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r5
-13      LDR     r3,[r3]                 ; get table entry 
-14      ADD     pc,pc,r3                ; (offset from command_table)
-        &       0                       ; necessary padding : pc must point
-                                        ; to command table when r3 is added.
-; This is the table of offsets to all the built-in functions. 
-; The top 5 bits of the command are used to index, so there are
-; 32 possible entries, mostly illegal.
-; Decoding of the function modifier bits is performed by multiple
-; entries in this table.
-; pc must point here when ADDS pc,r3,pc is executed
-        ASSERT  ((ts_command_table - %14)  = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_Dealer_startup - ts_command_table)   ; display interface
-        DCD     (ts_write_memory   - ts_command_table)   ; external tests
-        DCD     (ts_read_memory    - ts_command_table)
-        DCD     (ts_execute        - ts_command_table)
-        DCD     (ts_bus_exercise   - ts_command_table)
-        DCD     (ts_GetCommand     - ts_command_table)	; dummy entry aligns CPR instructions
-							; to allow 4-bit option field
-	DCD	(ts_write_cpr15l   - ts_command_table)
-	DCD	(ts_write_cpr15h   - ts_command_table)
-	DCD	(ts_read_cpr15l    - ts_command_table)
-	DCD	(ts_read_cpr15h    - ts_command_table)
-        ; pad the table out to 31 entries 
-        ; (leave space for display vector)
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList
-doffset SETA    .
-        WHILE   doffset < (ts_command_table + (31 * 4)) ; illegal entries
-        DCD     (ts_GetCommand     - ts_command_table)
-doffset SETA    doffset + 4
-        WEND
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        DCD     (ts_Forced_startup - ts_command_table)  ; dumb interface
-; The indexes into the above table are needed in ExtCmd ...
-ts_WriteCmdByte         *       ((ts_Windex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_ReadCmdByte          *       ((ts_Rindex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_ExecuteCmdByte       *       ((ts_Eindex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_BusExCmdByte         *       ((ts_Bindex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_CPWCmdByte		*	((ts_CWindex  - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_CPRCmdByte		*	((ts_CRindex  - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-; Primitives for reading data from the external interface
-;               - Get a byte from the interface (into r4)
-;               - Get a (4 byte) word from the interface (into r4)
-; Required register setup is presumed done by a recent ts_GetCommand.
-; r0, r1 and r2 have critical values
-; r14 is the link address
-ts_GetWord      ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for 4 bytes per word
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; (bit set 4 left shifts from Carry)
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 4)
-        B       ts_Getdata
-ts_GetByte      ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for single byte
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 1)
-ts_Getdata      ROUT
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; input accumulator initialisation
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; 3 bit lead-in
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects RD operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-; started input operation : now loop until r6 shifts into Carry
-        LDR     r5,%03                  ; counter for 8 bits per byte
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       2_00000001000000010000000100000001
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read start bit repeatedly
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %04                     ; loop until interface is ready
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read a bit of the byte
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        ADCS    r4,r4,r4                ; SHL r4, add carry bit.
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; loop until byte is read
-        BCC     %05
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; loop until word is read
-        BCC     %04
-        ADD     pc,r0,r14               ; back to the caller
-; Primitives for sending data to the interface
-;               - Send a byte to the interface (from r4 lsb)
-;               - Send a (4 byte) word to the interface (from r4)
-; Required register setup is presumed done by a recent ts_GetCommand.
-; r0, r1 and r2 have critical values
-; r14 is the link address
-ts_SendWord     ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for 4 bytes per word
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; (bit set 4 left shifts from Carry)
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 4)
-        B       ts_Putdata
-ts_SendByte      ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for single byte
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (3 :SHL: 7)
-02      ADDS    r4,r4,r4                ;shift byte into highest 8 bits
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6
-        BCC     %02                     ;stop when byte shifted,
-                                        ;leaving bit 31 set in r6
-ts_Putdata      ROUT
-; Wait - gap between successive WS attempts or successive bytes
-01      LDR     r3,%02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-03      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %03
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %10                     ; skip out if adapter not present
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %01                     ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-        LDR     r5,%04                  ; load bits-per-byte counter
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32-8))
-05      LDR     r3,%06                  ; delay before sending bit
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-07      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %07
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r4                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; repeat until 8 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %05
-; Repeat for all the bytes to be sent (1 or 4)
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6
-        BCC     %01
-; Go to TXRDY to ensure the host sees the transmit request
-        LDR     r3,%08                  ; delay before sending pattern
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-09      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %09
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; dummy - space between pulses
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-; All sent - r14 holds the caller's return address
-        ADD     pc,r0,r14
-; Reporting primitive
-;               - Send the text (nul-terminated, at r4) to the display
-; Interface registers need to be set up : this function is called from test 
-; code rather than external interface code.
-; The display is assumed to be a standard 16 character LCD module using 
-; the Hitachi HD44780 display controller.
-; The 16-digit module uses a single 44780. This is an abnormal use of the
-; controller, and requires it to be set to two-line mode, with the first
-; 8 displayed characters on the first 'line', and the second 8 on the
-; second 'line'. Characters sent to the second line must be written at
-; character position 40 +. In order to permit different modules to be
-; fitted to later adapters, it is suggested that the first 7 characters 
-; be treated as a 'title' line, and the second 8 as a 'comment' line.
-; A space should always be placed at the end of the title line to
-; split the display fields, unless there is no 'comment' line.
-; Do not display characters across the two areas as though they adjoined
-; (even though they do :-) ).
-; The controller is operated in its 4-bit mode, which allows the interface
-; to drive 4 bits of alpha information and 4 bits of control information.
-; The bits in a transmitted byte are assigned as :
-;       bit 0   -       D4  }   4-bit mode data bus
-;           1   -       D5  }  
-;           2   -       D6  }
-;           3   -       D7  }
-;           4   -       RS      Register Select : 0 for control, 1 for data
-;           5   -           }   Unassigned
-;           6   -           }
-;           7   -       CPEN    Interface control :     0 for enable, 
-;                                                       1 for disable
-; For each message sent, the display is first initialised, using the 
-; following sequence (each byte is sent as 2 bytes, high nibble first, 
-; with RS clear in bit 4 of each byte)
-; After each byte, an RD operation is performed : this is used by the
-; interface hardware to strobe the data into the display. 
-; The message addressed by r4 is then sent (data mode : RS set in each byte)
-; until a 0 byte is encountered.
-; This is the command sequence sent to initialise the display
-        =       &30,&30,&30,&20 ; power-up initialisation
-        =       &20,&80         ; 4 bit mode, two line, Font 0
-        =       &00,&C0         ; Display on, no cursor visible
-        =       &00,&60         ; Incrementing display position, no shift
-        =       &80,&00         ; Set DD RAM address 0
-        =       &00,&20         ; Cursor home
-        =       &00,&10         ; Display clear
-        ASSERT  ((ts_initialise_end - ts_initialise) / 2) < 32
-; This is the command sequence sent when continuation text is sent
-        =       &00,&C0         ; Display on, cursor invisible
-        =       &00,&60         ; Incrementing display position, no shift
-        ASSERT  ((ts_extend_end - ts_extend) / 2) < 32
-; One of these commands are sent when offset text is required
-        =       &80,&00         ; Set DD RAM address 0
-        =       &80,&10         ; Set DD RAM address 1
-        =       &80,&20         ; Set DD RAM address 2
-        =       &80,&30         ; Set DD RAM address 3
-        =       &80,&40         ; Set DD RAM address 4
-        =       &80,&50         ; Set DD RAM address 5
-        =       &80,&60         ; Set DD RAM address 6
-        =       &80,&70         ; Set DD RAM address 7
-        =       &C0,&00         ; Set DD RAM address 40
-        =       &C0,&10         ; Set DD RAM address 41
-        =       &C0,&20         ; Set DD RAM address 42
-        =       &C0,&30         ; Set DD RAM address 43
-        =       &C0,&40         ; Set DD RAM address 44
-        =       &C0,&50         ; Set DD RAM address 45
-        =       &C0,&60         ; Set DD RAM address 46
-        =       &C0,&70         ; Set DD RAM address 47
-; This assertion is forced by the code : each sequence assumed 2 bytes.
-        ASSERT  ((ts_offset_table_1 - ts_offset_table) = 2)
-        ALIGN
-; Here starts the code ...
-ts_SendQuit     ROUT                    ; put this code BEFORE %16
-        ADD     pc,r0,r14               ;
-; Entry point for initialising the display and sending r4 text.
-ts_SendText     ROUT
-; Point to the command sequence to setup and clear the display
-        LDR     r0,%10                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        LDR     r7,%11                  ; pointer to init sequence
-	ADDS	r7,pc,r7
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_initialise - .)
-        LDR     r6,%12                  ; length of init sequence
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - (ts_initialise_end - ts_initialise)))
-        B       ts_SendLCDCmd
-; Entry point for adding text to current cursor position
-ts_MoreText     ROUT
-        LDR     r0,%10                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        LDR     r7,%11                  ; pointer to command sequence
-	ADDS	r7,pc,r7
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_extend - .)
-        LDR     r6,%12                  ; length of command sequence
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - (ts_extend_end - ts_extend)))
-        B       ts_SendLCDCmd
-ts_PosText      ROUT
-; Entry point for adding text at a specific cursor position
-; Used iteratively by SendText, etc if cursor position command found.
-; Offset into display is given in r6.
-        LDR     r0,%10                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        LDR     r7,%11                  ; pointer to command sequence
-	ADDS	r7,pc,r7
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_offset_table - .)   ; offset * 2 into table of
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; offset command sequences
-        ADDS    r7,r7,r6
-        LDR     r6,%12                  ; length of command sequence
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - 2))
-; Entry point for writing arbitrary command strings.
-; Set r7 to point to command string, r6 length (as tables above),
-; Set r4 to point to following Data string (null-terminated).
-        LDR     r0,%01                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        LDR     r1,%02                  ; set FFFFFFFF in r1
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0  ;(test value : sets carry when added to non-zero)
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r2,%03                  ; set pointer to test address
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0  ;(points to aliased copy of a zero word)
-        &       (ts_Alias_bits + (%01 - %04))
-        ADDS    r2,pc,r2                ; adjust r2 for ROM-relative address
-        ADDS    r0,r0,r0                ; dummy (to keep labels nearby !)
-04                                      ; where pc points when added to r2
-; Wait - gap between successive WS attempts or successive bytes
-ts_send_command_byte ROUT
-        LDR     r3,%14
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-15      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %15
-        LDR     r1,%16                  ; reload test register
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        BCC     ts_SendQuit             ; skip output : adapter not present
-                                        ; (backward jump helps ensure LDR r3,[r2]
-                                        ; only reads zero when adapter absent
-        LDR     r3,[r2]			; since previous bus data is nonzero)
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     ts_send_command_byte    ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-        LDR     r5,%21                  ; load byte-shift counter ...
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; ... and bits-per-byte counter
-        &       (1 :SHL: 8) + 1         ; 24 shifts + 8 shifts
-        LDRB    r1,[r7]
-22      ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift byte up into m.s.d.
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %22
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-23      LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; and wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%24
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-25      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %25
-        ; repeat until 8 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %23
-        ; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        LDR     r5,%26
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - 12))
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %27
-; Repeat for all the bytes to be sent (ts_initialise_end - ts_initialise)
-        LDR     r3,%33
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1
-        ADDS    r7,r7,r3                ; bump the pointer
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; bump the counter (shift left)
-        BCC     ts_send_command_byte
-; Then send all the display bytes (in 4-bit mode) until a nul-terminator
-; is reached.
-; Send a single character (as two separate 4-bit fields)
-; First, look to see if it's one of :
-;       NUL                     - end of text string
-;       0x80 - 0xfe             - cursor positioning
-;       0xff                    - introduce a hex digit
-ts_send_text_byte       ROUT
-        LDR     r1,%40                  ; reload test register
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDRB    r7,[r4]
-        ADDS    r3,r7,r1                ; test for nul terminator
-        BCC     ts_SendEnd
-; Byte isn't null. Check for >= 0x80.
-        LDR     r6,%42                  ; test for cursor control
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-&80)                  ; &8x means column x.
-        ADDS    r6,r7,r6
-        BCC     ts_printable_char       ; < &80 : write a character
-; Carry set : r6 now holds (value - 0x80). Check for numeric escape (&ff).
-        LDR     r3,%43
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-&7f)
-        ADDS    r3,r6,r3
-        BCC     %47
-; Carry set : fetch a nybble from the top of r8 and display that.
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r6,r6
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r6,r6
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r6,r6
-        LDRB    r7,[pc,r6]
-        B       ts_printable_char
-        =       "0123456789ABCDEF"
-; Not &ff : r6 holds cursor positioning offset (< &80). Skip over
-; the cursor control byte and iterate thro' PosText to move
-; typing position.
-        LDR     r3, %48
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1
-        ADDS    r4,r3,r4
-        B       ts_PosText
-; Character is normal text : write it to the LCD.
-; The shift loop is used to generate the inter-byte delay normally 
-; provided by  ts_recover_time. Always make sure this is long enough.
-        ADDS    r6,r0,r7                ; take a copy of character
-        LDR     r5,%51                  ; load byte-shift counter ...
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; ... and bits-per-byte counter
-51                                      ; as a bitmask of the shift pattern
-        &       (1:SHL:8)+(1:SHL:4)+1   ; 24 shifts + 4 shifts + 4 shifts
-52      ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; shift byte up into m.s.d.
-        ADDS    r0,r0,r0                ; slow this loop down - ensure it's
-        ADDS    r0,r0,r0                ; always slower than ts_recover_time
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %52
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     ts_printable_char       ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%55
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-56      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %56
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; repeat until upper 4 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_tbit_upper
-        ; then send the interface control bits
-        LDR     r1,%57
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (8 :SHL: 28)            ; assert RS control pin
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%58
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-59      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %59
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_cbit_upper
-; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        LDR     r3,%61
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-62      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %62
-        LDR     r5,%63
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - 12))
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %64
-        ; prepare to send the lower 4 bits out
-        LDR     r5,%70                  ; bitcount mask for 4 data bits
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; and 4 interface control bits
-        &       (((1 :SHL: 4) + 1) :SHL: 24)   
-        LDR     r3,%71
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-72      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %72
-        LDR     r1,%73
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     ts_send_text_lower      ; loop back until adapter is ready
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%76
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-77      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %77
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; repeat until lower 4 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_tbit_lower
-        ; then send the interface control bits
-        LDR     r1,%78
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (8 :SHL: 28)            ; assert RS control pin
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%80
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-81      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %81
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_cbit_lower
-; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%82
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-83      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %83
-        LDR     r5,%84
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 12)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %85
-; Repeat for all the bytes to be sent (until nul terminator is found)
-        LDR     r3,%86
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1
-        ADDS    r4,r3,r4                ; bump text pointer
-        B       ts_send_text_byte
-; Wait for about 1 seconds worth of LCD operation delays to
-; permit the operator to read the text. 
-; Use of the interface's monitor allows this delay to be increased 
-; or decreased externally.
-ts_SendEnd      ROUT
-        LDR     r7, %01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_pause_time + 1)     ; must be an odd number
-					; to ensure pairs of zeros
-        ASSERT ((ts_pause_time :AND: 1) = 0)
-        LDR     r3,%03
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-04      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %04
-        LDR     r1,%05                  ; reload test register
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        BCC     ts_SendQuit             ; skip output : adapter not present
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %02                     ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-; Note that each byte is actually 4 bits to the LCD module,
-; so a even number must be sent or the display will get out
-; of sync until the next display reset sequence.
-        LDR     r5,%10                  ; bits-per-byte counter
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: 24)
-        LDR     r3,%11
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0 
-        &       ts_recover_time         ; wait before sending data bits
-12      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; for byte timing.
-        BCC     %12
-        ; Send a single bit : always 2 pulses for 0
-13      LDR     r3,[r2]
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ; and wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%14
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-15      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %15
-        ; repeat until 8 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %13
-        ; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        LDR     r5,%16
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 12)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %17
-        ; repeat until a sufficient number of nuls are done
-        ADDS    r7,r7,r1                ; count down loop counter
-        BCS     %02
-        ADD    pc,r0,r14                ; back to caller
-        END
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Ioc b/OldTestSrc/Ioc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ec8b152fdf554b2189b3c4302c3bfcde1514918..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Ioc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.IOC
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST IO controller
-; This initial IOC test simply reports the content of the IRQ and FIRQ
-; registers, to show any unexpected pending IRQs. 
-; Certain of these should really be cleared, and the effect of an
-; interrupt tested.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 18-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 29-Nov-91     ArtG            Added IOC bus test using mask registers
-; 20-Jun-93     ArtG            Modified for 29-bit IOMD test
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-ts_IObase       *       IOMD_Base
-ts_IOmask       *       &1fffffff
-ts_IOreg1       *       IOMD_VIDCUR
-ts_IOreg2       *       IOMD_VIDSTART
-ts_IObswap      *       32
-ts_IOMD_ID      *       &D4E7
-        |
-ts_IObase       *       IOC
-ts_IOmask       *       &ff0000
-ts_IOreg1       *       IOCIRQMSKA
-ts_IOreg2       *       IOCIRQMSKB
-ts_IObswap      *       16
-        ]
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; zero error accumulator
-        LDR     r3, =ts_IObase
-        MOV     r1,#(1 :SHL: 31)          ; initialise bit-set test mask
-        MVN     r2,r1                   ; make bit-clear test mask
-        ANDS    r4,r1,#ts_IOmask
-        BEQ     %FT1                    ; skip if this bit isn't tested
-        STR     r1,[r3,#ts_IOreg1]
-        STR     r2,[r3,#ts_IOreg2]
-        LDR     r4,[r3,#ts_IOreg1]
-;        EOR     r4, r4, r1, LSR #ts_IObswap     ; check bit-set test was OK
-        EOR     r4, r4, r1           ; check bit-set test was OK
-        ORR     r0, r0, r4              ; accumulate errors in r0
-        LDR     r4,[r3,#ts_IOreg2]
-;        EOR     r4, r4, r2, LSR #ts_IObswap     ; check bit-clear test was OK
-        EOR     r4, r4, r2           ; check bit-clear test was OK
-        ORR     r0, r0, r4              ; accumulate errors in r0
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #1          ; shift mask downwards
-        TEQ     r1,#0
-        BNE     %BT0                    ; and loop until all bits tested
-        ANDS    r8, r0, #ts_IOmask
-        MOV     pc,r14                   ; return error if any bit failed
-        LDR     r3, =ts_IObase
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOMD_ID1]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #(32-24)
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOMD_ID0]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1
-        LDR     r1,=ts_IOMD_ID
-        CMPS    r0,r1                   ; check IOMD identity
-        MOV     r0,r0,LSL #16
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOMD_VERSION]
-        ORR     r8,r0,r1, LSL #12
-        MOV     pc,r14
-        |
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCControl]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #(32 - 8)
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #(32 - 16)
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCIRQSTAB]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #(32 - 24)
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCFIQSTA]
-        ORR     r8,r0,r1
-        ANDS    r1,r1,#0                ; return zero flag (OK)
-        MOV     pc,r14
-        ]
-        END 
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/MEMC1 b/OldTestSrc/MEMC1
deleted file mode 100644
index 847df36843534aee6f4bee0f4244300f5e4bff17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/MEMC1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-; > MEMC1
-; MEMC interface file - MEMC1 version
-; Created by TMD 10-Aug-90
-VInit   * &03600000
-VStart  * &03620000
-VEnd    * &03640000
-CInit   * &03660000
-; SStart  * &03680000
-; SEnd    * &036A0000
-; SPtr    * &036C0000
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetDAG - Program DMA address generator R1 with physical address R0
-; in:   r0 = physical address
-;       r1 = index of DMA address generator to program, as defined in vdudecl
-; out:  All registers preserved, operation ignored if illegal
-        [ {FALSE}
-SetDAG  ENTRY   "r0"
-        CMP     r1, #MEMCDAG_MaxReason
-        EXIT    HI
-        ADR     r14, DAGAddressTable
-        LDR     r14, [r14, r1, LSL #2]          ; load base address in MEMC1
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #4                  ; bottom 4 bits irrelevant
-        CMP     r0, #(1 :SHL: 15)               ; ensure in range
-        ORRCC   r14, r14, r0, LSL #2
-        STRCC   r14, [r14]                      ; any old data will do
-        EXIT
-        GBLA    DAGIndex
-DAGIndex SETA   0
-        MACRO
-        DAGTab  $reason, $address
-        ASSERT  ($reason)=DAGIndex
-        &       $address
-DAGIndex SETA   DAGIndex + 1
-        MEND
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VInit, VInit
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VStart, VStart
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VEnd, VEnd
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_CInit, CInit
-        ]
-; CAM manipulation utility routines
-BangCamUpdate ROUT
-; R2 = CAM entry no
-; R3 = logaddr
-; R9 = current MEMC value
-; R11 = PPL
-; set and update tables
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        LDR     R4, [R4, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        ORR     r0, r3, r11, LSL #28  ; top nibble is PPL
-        STR     r0, [R4, R2, LSL #2]
-; r0 corrupted
-; r1 corrupted
-; R2 = CAM entry no
-; R3 = logaddr
-; r4 corrupted
-; r5 spare!
-; r6 corrupted
-; r7, r8 spare
-; R9 = current MEMC value
-; r10 spare
-; R11 = PPL
-; r12 spare
-        AND     R4, R9, #&C           ; pagesize
-        ADR     R0, PageMangleTable
-        LDR     R0, [R0, R4]          ; load data table pointer
-        MOV     R4, #0
-01      LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        AND     R6, R2, R1
-        LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        RSBMI   R1, R1, #0
-        ORRPL   R4, R4, R6, LSL R1
-        ORRMI   R4, R4, R6, LSR R1
-        B       %BT01
-02      LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        AND     R6, R3, R1
-        LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        RSBMI   R1, R1, #0
-        ORRPL   R4, R4, R6, LSL R1
-        ORRMI   R4, R4, R6, LSR R1
-        B       %BT02
-03      ORR     R4, R4, #CAM
-        ORR     R4, R4, R11, LSL #8     ; stuff in PPL
-        STR     R4, [R4]                ; and write it
-        MOV     PC, LR
-; Data to drive CAM setting
-        &       PageMangle4K
-        &       PageMangle8K
-        &       PageMangle16K
-        &       PageMangle32K
-; For each page size, pairs of masks and shift factors to put the bits in the
-; right place. Two sets: operations on Physical Page Number, operations on
-; Logical Page Number.
-; Shifts are Shift Left values (<<). Each section terminated by -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_011111111
-        &       0                       ; bits in right place
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_1100000000000:SHL:12
-        &       (11-12)-12              ; LPN[12:11] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_0011111111111:SHL:12
-        &       (22-10)-12              ; LPN[10:0 ] -> A[22:12]
-        &      -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7]   -> A[7]
-        &       2_001000000
-        &       0-6                     ; PPN[6]   -> A[0]
-        &       2_000111111
-        &       6-5                     ; PPN[5:0] -> A[6:1]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_110000000000:SHL:13
-        &       (11-11)-13              ; LPN[11:10] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_001111111111:SHL:13
-        &       (22-9)-13               ; LPN[9:0]   -> A[22:13]
-        &       -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7]   -> A[7]
-        &       2_001100000
-        &       1-6                     ; PPN[6:5] -> A[1:0]
-        &       2_000011111
-        &       6-4                     ; PPN[4:0] -> A[6:2]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_11000000000:SHL:14
-        &       (11-10)-14              ; LPN[10:9] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_00111111111:SHL:14
-        &       (22-8)-14               ; LPN[8:0]  -> A[22:14]
-        &       -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_100000000
-        &       12-8                    ; PPN[8] -> A[12]
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7] -> A[7]
-        &       2_001000000
-        &       1-6                     ; PPN[6] -> A[1]
-        &       2_000100000
-        &       2-5                     ; PPN[5] -> A[2]
-        &       2_000010000
-        &       0-4                     ; PPN[4] -> A[0]
-        &       2_000001111
-        &       6-3                     ; PPN[3:0] -> A[6:3]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_1100000000:SHL:15
-        &       (11-9)-15               ; LPN[9:8] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_0011111111:SHL:15
-        &       (22-7)-15               ; LPN[7:0] -> A[22:15]
-        &       -1
-        &       4*1024                  ; 0 is 4K
-        &       8*1024                  ; 4 is 8K
-        &       16*1024                 ; 8 is 16
-        &       32*1024                 ; C is 32
-        =       12, 13, 0, 14           ; 1 2 3 4
-        =       0,  0,  0, 15           ; 5 6 7 8
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_UpdateMEMC: Read/write MEMC1 control register
-        AND     r10, r0, r1
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit+F_bit
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy] ; return old value
-        BIC     r11, r0, r1
-        ORR     r11, r11, R10
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&00F00000
-        ORR     r11, r11, #MEMCADR
-        STR     r11, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        STR     r11, [r11]
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ClearPhysRAM - Routine to clear "all" memory
-; While this routine is running, keyboard IRQs may happen. For this reason
-; it avoids LogRAM 0..31 (where hardware IRQ vector is) and PhysRAM
-; 0..31 where the IRQ workspace is.
-ClearPhysRAM ROUT
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        MOV     R11, #0
-        MOV     R8, #PhysRam
-        CMP     R13, #512*1024
-        ADDEQ   R10, R8, #(512-64)*1024 ; get address that's logram 0
-        ADDNE   R10, R8, #512*1024
-        ADD     R13, R13, #PhysRam      ; end of memory
-        ADD     R8, R8, #4*8            ; skip minimal startup workspace
-10      CMP     R8, R10
-        ADDEQ   R8, R8, #4*8            ; skip physram that's logram 0
-        STMNEIA R8!, {R0-R6, r11}
-        CMP     R8, R13
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SUB     R13, R13, #PhysRam
-        LDR     R0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        MOV     R1, #&80
-        STRB    R1, [R0]                ; flag the fact that RAM cleared
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       InitMEMC - Initialise memory controller
-        LDR     R0, ResetMemC_Value
-        STR     R0, [R0]     ; set ROM access times, refresh on flyback, no DMA
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -> MemSize
-; (non-destructive) algorithm to determine MEMC RAM configuration
-; Dave Flynn and Alasdair Thomas
-; 17-March-87
-; Spooling checkered by NRaine and SSwales !
-; 8MByte check bodged in by APT
-; NOTE: Routines MemSize and TimeCPU are called by the power-on test software,
-; so their specifications MUST not change.
-; Set MEMC for 32-k page then analyse signature of possible
-; external RAM configurations...
-; The configurations are:
-; Ram Size    Page Size    Configuration    (Phys RAM) Signature
-;  16MByte      32k        4*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  16MByte      32k        16*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  12MByte      32k        3*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;  12MByte      32k        12*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;   8MByte      32k        2*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   8MByte      32k         8*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k          32*1Mx1         A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k         4*8*256kx4       A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   2Mbyte      32k    expandable 2*8*256kx4 A13,A20 distinct, A21 fails
-;   2Mbyte ???  16k      fixed 2*8*256kx4    A13,A21 distinct, A20 fails
-;   1Mbyte       8k          32*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k           8*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k          4*8*64kx4       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       8k    expandable 2*8*64kx4  A13,A20,A19 fail, A12,A18 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       4k      fixed 2*8*64kx4     A13,A20,A12 fail, A19,A18 distinct
-; 256Kbyte       4K           8*64kx4        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok  
-; 256Kbyte       4K          32*64kx1        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok  
-Z_Flag     * &40000000
-; MemSize routine... enter with 32K pagesize set
-; R0 returns page size
-; R1 returns memory size
-; R2 returns value set in MEMC
-; uses R3-R7
-MemSize ROUT
-        MOV     r7, lr
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A13
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %10
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A21
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #2048*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #4*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #4*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #8*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #8*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #12*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOV     r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #12*1024*1024
-        MOVEQ   r1, #16*1024*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-10      ADD     r1, r0, #A20
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %20
-        MOV     r0, #Page16K
-        MOV     r1, #2048*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-20      ADD     r1, r0, #A19
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %30
-        MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-30      ADD     r1, r0, #A18
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %40
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #256*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-40      ADD     r1, r0, #A12
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %50
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-50      MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #1024*1024
-        LDR     r2, ResetMemC_Value
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&C
-        ORR     r2, r2, r0
-        STR     r2, [r2]                        ; set MEMC to right state
-        MOV     pc, r7
-; DistinctAddresses routine...
-; r0,r1 are the addresses to check
-; uses r2-5
-; writes interleaved patterns (to prevent dynamic storage...)
-; checks writing every bit low and high...
-; return Z-flag set if distinct
-DistinctAddresses ROUT
-        LDR     r2, [r0] ; preserve
-        LDR     r3, [r1]
-        LDR     r4, Pattern
-        STR     r4, [r0] ; mark first
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r1] ; mark second
-        LDR     r5, [r0]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check first
-        BNE     %10    ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r1] ; check second
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-        BNE     %10
-; now check inverse bit writes
-        STR     r4, [r1] ; mark second
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r0] ; mark first
-        LDR     r5, [r1]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check second
-        BNE     %10   ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r0] ; check first
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-10      STR     r3, [r1] ; restore
-        STR     r2, [r0]
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        BICNE   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        MOVS    pc, lr
-        &       &AAFF5500 ; shiftable bit check pattern
-; init state with masked out page size
-        & &E010C :OR: MEMCADR       ; slugged ROMs + flyback refresh only + 32K page
-; Constants
-A21 * 1:SHL:21
-A20 * 1:SHL:20
-A19 * 1:SHL:19
-A18 * 1:SHL:18
-A13 * 1:SHL:13
-A12 * 1:SHL:12
-Page32K * &C ; in MEMC control reg patterns...
-Page16K * &8
-Page8K  * &4
-Page4K  * &0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0-r6 trashable
-;       r9 = Current MEMC CR
-; Out   r9 MEMC value with slowest ROM speed, correct pagesize
-;       r7 processor speed in kHz, tbs -> MEMC1a
-ncpuloops * 1024 ; don't go longer than 4ms without refresh !
-nmulloops * 128
-        BIC     r9, r9, #3 :SHL: 8
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; turn off refresh for a bit
-; Time CPU/Memory speed
-        LDR     r1, =&7FFE              ; 32K @ 2MHz = ~16ms limit
-        MOV     r3, #IOC
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =ncpuloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT10                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get ncpuloops pipeline breaks
-10      SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-; Time CPU/MEMC Multiply time
-        MOV     r4, #-1                 ; Gives worst case MUL
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =nmulloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT20                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get nmulloops pipeline breaks
-20      MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r4, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r4, r4, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r4, r1, r4              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-        ORR     r9, r9, #1 :SHL: 8      ; set refresh on flyback
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; restore MEMC state a.s.a.p.
-; In ROM - each cpu loop took 4R cycles @ 8/f*500ns/cycle
-        LDR     r0, =4*(8*500/1000)*ncpuloops*1000
-        DivRem  r7, r0, r2, r1          ; r2 preserved
-        MOV     r0, #&80                ; At 8 MHz and below, run fast ROMs
-        LDR     r1, =8050               ; Over 8 MHz, need medium ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&40
-        LDR     r1, =13000              ; Over 13 MHz, need slowest ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&00
-        ORR     r9, r9, r0
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; Set ROM speed appropriately
- ASSERT ncpuloops = 8*nmulloops ; for given ratio cutoff <------------
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSL #10         ; *1024 to get resolution on divide
-        DivRem  r0, r4, r2, r1
-        LDR     r1, =1100               ; Cutoff point; MEMC1 longer than this
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        ORRLO   r7, r7, #1 :SHL: 16     ; Note MEMC1a prescence
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Typical figures give (in ROM at 8MHz):
-; MEMC1  2048 CPU, 2432 MEMC -> MUL ratio 1216
-; MEMC1a 2048       864                    432
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Mem1IOMD b/OldTestSrc/Mem1IOMD
deleted file mode 100644
index f1b6a14ea10f568c6dc3079989535a0db79daa94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Mem1IOMD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Mem1IOMD
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST memory linetest
-; This test code is used to perform basic integrity tests on DRAM.
-; It doesn't test all locations - just walks patterns through data
-; and address lines.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 1-Jun-93      ArtG            Derived from Mem1 for use on Medusa
-; Test the data and address and byte strobe lines for uniqueness.
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        =       "VRAM  :",0
-        =       "VRAM-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "DRAM ",&ff,":",0
-        =       "Data  :",0
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff," MByte",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; Start data line tests on VRAM
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0                                   ; r9-fiq records VRAM or low DRAM address
-        MOV     r12, #IOMD_Base
-        MOV     r2, #IOMD_VREFCR_VRAM_256Kx64 :OR: IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16 ; assume 2 banks of VRAM by default
-        STRB    r2, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-; Find the size, using MemSize's method
-        MOV     r0, #VideoPhysRam                       ; point at VRAM
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A2                             ; test A2
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVEQ   r9, #2                                  ; we've got 2M of VRAM
-        BEQ     %FT21
-        MOV     r2, #IOMD_VREFCR_VRAM_256Kx32 :OR: IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16
-        STRB    r2, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A2                             ; check for any VRAM at all
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVEQ   r9, #1                                  ; we've got 1M of VRAM
-        MOVNE   r9, #0                                  ; no VRAM
-        BNE     %FT22
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0                                   ; record VRAM address
-        FAULT   #R_VRAM                                 ; indicate VRAM present
-; Report size .. if this is non-zero and the data line test fails,
-; RISC OS will have problems.
-        ADR     r4,%BT5                                 ; Add size (in hex Mbyte)
-        MOV     r8,r9, LSL #24                          ; to "VRam : " message
-        BL      ts_MoreText     
-; Worked out what size VRAM is, and set up IOMD register. 
-; Do a data line test on the resulting array, repeated at oddword address to 
-; ensure both banks get tested with walking 0 and walking 1
-        ADR     r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1, #VideoPhysRam
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        ADDEQ   r1,r1,#4
-        BLEQ    ts_Dataline
-        BEQ     %FT25                   ; looks OK - carry on with VRAM test
-; Data line test failed. Report the bitmap that failed, then carry on.
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; report data fault mask
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        B       %FT30
-; If there was some VRAM found here, and it passed the dataline test,
-; do the address and bytestrobe tests on it too.
-        ADRL    r4,%FT75                                ; announce start of address line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,#VideoPhysRam
-        MOV     r0,r9,LSL #20                           ; size in MB determined before dataline test
-        BL      ts_Addrline
-        BEQ     %FT26
-        ADRL    r4,%FT76                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        B       %FT30
-        ADRL    r4,%FT77                                ; announce start of byte test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,#VideoPhysRam
-        BL      ts_Byteword
-        ADDEQ   r1,r1,#4                                ; retest at an oddword boundary
-        BLEQ    ts_Byteword
-        BEQ     %FT27
-        ADRL    r4,%FT78                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #16
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-; Similarly, test each DRAM bank in turn, reporting failures or sizes for each
-        MOV     r11, #IOMD_DRAMCR_DRAM_Large * &55      ; set all banks to be large initially
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRB    r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMCR]
-        MOV     r0,#MMUC_D                              ; enable 32-bit addressing of data
-        SetCop  r0,CR_Control
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ; indicate no RAM found yet
-        MOV     r9, #IOMD_DRAMCR_DRAM_Small             ; bit to OR into DRAMCR
-        MOV     r12, #DRAM0PhysRam
-        MOV     r8,r12,LSL #2                           ; indicate bank under test
-        AND     r8,r8,#(3 :SHL: 28)
-        ADR     r4,%BT3
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r8,#0                                   ; r8 indicates RAM found in this bank
-        MOV     r0, r12
-        ADD     r1, r12, #A10                           ; this should be OK for both configurations
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %FT50                                   ; [no RAM in this bank at all]
-        MOV_fiq r2,r9                                   ; if this is the first bank of DRAM or VRAM,
-        TEQS    r2,#0                                   ; put it's address in r9_fiq
-        BNE     %FT36
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0
-36      ADD     r1, r12, #A11                           ; test for 256K DRAM
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, r9                            ; it is, so select small multiplexing
-        MOVNE   r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRNEB  r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMCR]                ; store new value of DRAMCR, so we can use memory immediately
-        MOVNE   r8, #1024*1024                          ; must be 1Mbyte at this address
-        BNE     %FT50
-; it's bigger than 256K words, so test address lines A21-A25 in sequence
-; we assume that the size of each bank is a power of 2
-        MOV     r8, #A21                                ; now go through address lines A21-A25
-        ADD     r1, r12, r8                             ; see if this address line is unique
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %FT50                                   ; if we've failed then r8 is true size, so exit
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSL #1                          ; else shift up to next
-        TEQ     r8, #A26                                ; only test up to A25
-        BNE     %BT40
-        MOV     r13,r8                                  ; remember size of this bank in bytes
-        MOV     r8,r13,LSL #(24 - 20)                   ; and display it in 2 digits, in MBytes.
-        ADR     r4,%BT5
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        ADRL    r4,%FT73                                ; announce data line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12                                  ; do walking bit test
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        BEQ     %FT55                                   ; looks OK, carry on to next bank
-        ADRL    r4,%FT74                                ; bit test failed, so report it
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; and bit fault mask
-        CMPS    r13,#0                                  ; was any RAM thought to be here ?
-        BEQ     %FT55
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; if so, it's faulty.
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; so ignore it
-; If there was some RAM found here, and it passed the dataline test,
-; do the address and bytestrobe tests on it too.
-        CMPS    r13,#0
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        ADR     r4,%FT75                                ; announce start of address line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12                                  ; test address lines in this block
-        MOV     r0,r13
-        BL      ts_Addrline
-        BEQ     %FT56
-        ADR     r4,%FT76                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; then forget this memory block
-        ADR     r4,%FT77                                ; announce start of byte test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12
-        BL      ts_Byteword
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        ADR     r4,%FT78                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #16
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; then forget this memory block
-; If the RAM found still seems OK, add it's size into the r10 accumulator
-; Working or not, carry on to check the next bank.
-        ADD     r10,r10,r13                             ; accumulate DRAM if any found 
-        ADD     r12, r12, #DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam    ; move onto next bank
-        MOV     r9, r9, LSL #2                          ; shunt up position in DRAMCR
-        CMP     r9, #&100                               ; if more banks to do
-        BCC     %BT35                                   ; then loop
-        ADR     r4,%FT70
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; None found .. print message
-        MOVS    r8,r10,LSL #(24 - 20)                   ; all finished ..
-        ADREQ   r4,%FT71                                ; did we find any DRAM?
-        ADRNE   r4,%FT72
-        BNE     %FT65
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; fault if we didn't
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       ts_endline
-        =       "DRAM",0
-        =       &88,"Failed",0
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff," MByte",0
-        =       "Data  :",0
-        =       "Data-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Addrs :",0
-        =       "Addrs-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Byte  :",0
-        =       "Byte-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-; Data line test.
-; In  : r1  - start address for test
-; Out : r0  - failing data pattern
-;       r1  - address of failure
-; This exercises data lines in attempt to find shorts/opens.
-; It goes something like :
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               *ptr++ =  pattern;
-;               *ptr++ = ~pattern;
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               result |=  pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;               result |= ~pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;       return result and address
-ts_Dataline     ROUT
-; Write all walking-zero, walking-one patterns
-10      MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a write loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse        
-        STMIA   r6!,{r4-r5}             ; write the patterns
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT11                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; Read back and accumulate in r0 any incorrect bits
-        MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a read loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse        
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; accumulate result
-        LDMIA   r6!,{r2-r3}             ; read the patterns
-        EOR     r2,r2,r4
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2                ; OR any failed bits into r0
-        EOR     r3,r3,r5
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT21                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; After all checks at this address group, report back errors
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; check for any result bits set 
-        MOV     pc,r14                  ; return r0 with error map (or 0)
-; Address line test
-; In  : r0  - size of memory block
-;       r1  - start address of memory block
-; Out : r0  - failing address bit mask
-; This exercises address lines in an attempt to find any which don't
-; work (i.e., don't select unique addresses).
-; It works something like :
-; MaxRam = PhysRam | (Memory size - 4); 
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       *(PhysRam ^ pattern) = pattern;
-;       *(MaxRam  ^ pattern) = ~pattern;
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       if (*PhysRam == *(PhysRam ^ pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;       if (*MaxRam == *(MaxRam + pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;  return result
-ts_Addrline     ROUT
-        MOVS    r7,r0                   ; Save memory size
-        SUB     r6,r0,#4                ; Calculate MaxRam
-        ADD     r6,r6,r1                ; (all-bits-set memory address)
-; Mark (walking one, walking 0) addresses with unique patterns
-        LDR     r5,=&5A5AA5A5           ; initialize end markers
-        STR     r5,[r6]
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        MOV     r3,r1
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r3,r5,r1                ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        EOR     r3,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        STR     r5,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %02                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-; Check (walking one, walking 0) addresses for effectivity
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MOV     r3,r1
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r2,r5,r3                ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r3]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        EOR     r2,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r6]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %04                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; any result bits set - return error
-        MOV     pc,r14
-; Byte / word test
-; In  :  r1 - memory start
-; Out :  r0 - Failure indication
-; This test ensures that individual bytes may be written to each part of a word
-; without affecting the other bytes in the word.
-;       for (byte = 0; byte < 4; byte ++)
-;               address[0] = word_signature
-;               address[1] = ~word_signature
-;               address + byte = byte_signature
-;               if (address[0] !=
-;                                 (word_signature & (~ff << byte * 8))
-;                               | (byte_signature        << byte * 8)  )
-;                       result |= (1 << byte)
-;       if (result != 0
-;               result |= address;      /* fail at address, byte(s)     */
-;       return result;                       /* pass */
-ts_Byteword     ROUT
-        LDR     r3,=&AABBCCDD           ; word signature
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MOV     r2,r0
-; byte test loop ( for bytes 0 to 4  ...)
-        MVN     r4,r3
-        STMIA   r1,{r3,r4}              ; write word signature
-        STRB    r2,[r1,r2]              ; write byte (0, 1, 2 or 3)
-        MOV     r4,r2,LSL #3            ; calculate expected result
-        MOV     r5,#&ff     
-        MVN     r5,r5,LSL r4
-        AND     r5,r5,r3                ; word signature, byte removed
-        ORR     r5,r5,r2,LSL r4         ; byte signature inserted
-        LDR     r4,[r1,#4]              ; read (probable) inverse data to precharge bus
-        LDR     r4,[r1]                 ; read modified word
-        CMPS    r4,r5
-        MOV     r5,#1
-        MOV     r4,r2,LSL #2
-        ORRNE   r0,r0,r5,LSL r4         ; fault : set bit in result mask
-; Loop for next byte
-        ADD     r2,r2,#1                ; Bump byte counter
-        CMPS    r2,#4                   ; ... until 4 byte strobes tested 
-        BLO     %BT02
-; byte strobes all tested : check for errors
-        CMPS    r0,#0
-        MOV     pc,r14                  ; Result : return address and fault mask.
-; End of RAM line tests
-        END 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Mem1MEMC1 b/OldTestSrc/Mem1MEMC1
deleted file mode 100644
index 632c9bf2b8e5b33faf87dc5ac37826a43174df3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Mem1MEMC1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Mem1
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST memory linetest
-; This test code is used to perform basic integrity tests on DRAM.
-; It doesn't test all locations - just walks patterns through data
-; and address lines.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 18-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 1-Jun-93	ArtG		Reorganised to allow separate module for Medusa
-; Test the data and address and byte strobe lines for uniqueness.
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        =       "Data :",0
-        =       "Data @",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Data-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Data-P",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Start data line tests
-        MOV_fiq r0,r10_fiq
-        MOV     r1, #PhysRam
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        BEQ     ts_address              ; OK : continue to next test
-; Data line test failed. This probably also means that RISCOS got the
-; configuration wrong, so set it to 32K pages and repeat - otherwise 
-; the data line test result may be garbage.
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        MOV     r11,r0                  ; save data & report fault address
-        MOV     r8,r1,LSL #4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r8,r11
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; report data fault mask
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,=(&E000C :OR: MEMCADR) ; set 32K page size
-        STR     r0,[r0]
-        MOV_fiq r11_fiq,r0
-        MOV     r0,#ts_RamChunk         ; limit test to 1 block
-        MOV     r1,#PhysRam
-        BL      ts_Dataline   
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        ADR     r4,%BT4                 ; ready to report data fault mask
-        B       ts_linefault
-; Start the address line tests
-        ROUT
-        =       "Addrs :",0
-        =       "Addrs",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Byte :",0
-        =       "Byte",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ADR     r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Start address line tests
-        MOV_fiq r0,r10_fiq
-        BL      ts_Addrline
-        ADR     r4,%BT5
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #4
-        BEQ     %30                     ; Failed : report address fault
-        B       %31
-30      ADR     r4,%BT6                 ; Start Byte/Word test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r10_fiq              ; get memory size
-        BL      ts_Byteword
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #4            ; Get result to top of r8 
-        BEQ     %40
-        ADR     r4,%BT7
-31      BL      ts_SendText
-        B       %42
-; Line tests passed. Do a short test on memory that isn't there,
-; in case it's supposed to be and we want to know why it's not ..
-        MOV_fiq r0, r10_fiq             ; if there's less than 16Mbytes ..
-        CMP     r0, #(16 * 1024 * 1024)
-        BCS     %F42
-        ADR     r4, %FT44               ; briefly test the next bit of ram
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; in case it's a duff expansion
-        MOV_fiq r1,r10_fiq
-        ADD     r1,r1,#PhysRam
-        MOV     r0,#ts_RamChunk
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        ADR     r4, %FT45
-        MOV     r11, r0                 ; report the result even if OK
-        MOV     r8,r1,LSL #4
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; report address
-        MOV     r8,r11
-        ADR     r4,%FT46                ; report data fault mask
-        BL      ts_SendText
-; End of line tests
-        B       ts_IOCTest
-        =       "Exp? :",0
-        =       "Exp? @",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Exp?",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-; Data line test.
-; In  : r0  - size of memory
-;       r1  - start address for test
-; Out : r0  - failing data pattern
-;       r1  - address of failure
-; This exercises data lines in attempt to find shorts/opens.
-; It goes something like :
-; for (address = start; address < end of ram; address += ts_RamChunk)
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               *ptr++ =  pattern;
-;               *ptr++ = ~pattern;
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               result |=  pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;               result |= ~pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;       if (result |= 0)
-;               return result and address
-ts_Dataline     ROUT
-        ADD     r7,r1,r0                ; end address
-; Write all walking-zero, walking-one patterns
-10      MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a write loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse        
-        STMIA   r6!,{r4-r5}             ; write the patterns
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT11                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; Read back and accumulate in r0 any incorrect bits
-        MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a read loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse        
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; accumulate result
-        LDMIA   r6!,{r2-r3}             ; read the patterns
-        EOR     r2,r2,r4
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2                ; OR any failed bits into r0
-        EOR     r3,r3,r5
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT21                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; After all checks at this address group, report back errors
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; check for any result bits set 
-        MOVNE   pc,r14                  ; return on error
-; Bump to another address group
-        ADD     r1,r1,#ts_RamChunk
-        CMPS    r1,r7                   ; test for loop end
-        BLO     %10
-        SUBS    r1,r1,#ts_RamChunk      ; no fault - last tested address
-        MOVS    r0,r0
-        MOV     pc,r14                  ; test complete - no failures.
-; Address line test
-; In  : r0  - size of memeory
-; Out : r0  - failing address bit mask
-; This exercises address lines in an attempt to find any which don't
-; work (i.e., don't select unique addresses).
-; It works something like :
-; MaxRam = PhysRam | (Memory size - 4); 
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       *(PhysRam ^ pattern) = pattern;
-;       *(MaxRam  ^ pattern) = ~pattern;
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       if (*PhysRam == *(PhysRam ^ pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;       if (*MaxRam == *(MaxRam + pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;  return result
-ts_Addrline     ROUT
-        MOVS    r7,r0                   ; Save memory size
-        SUB     r6,r0,#4                ; Calculate MaxRam
-        ADD     r6,r6,#PhysRam          ; (all-bits-set memory address)
-; Mark (walking one, walking 0) addresses with unique patterns
-        LDR     r5,=&5A5AA5A5           ; initialize end markers
-        STR     r5,[r6]
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        MOV     r3,#PhysRam
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r3,r5,#PhysRam          ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        EOR     r3,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        STR     r5,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %02                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-; Check (walking one, walking 0) addresses for effectivity
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MOV     r3,#PhysRam
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r2,r5,r3                ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r3]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        EOR     r2,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r6]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %04                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; any result bits set - return error
-        MOV     pc,r14
-; Byte / word test
-; In  :  r0 - memory size
-; Out :  r0 - address of physical ram where failure occured
-; This test ensures (for each of four possible MEMCs fitted)
-; that individual bytes may be written to each part of a word
-; without affecting the other bytes in the word.
-; for (address = PhysRam; address < PhysRam + Memsize; address += 4Mbyte)
-;       for (byte = 0; byte < 4; byte ++)
-;               address[0] = word_signature
-;               address[1] = ~word_signature
-;               address + byte = byte_signature
-;               if (address[0] !=
-;                                 (word_signature & (~ff << byte * 8))
-;                               | (byte_signature        << byte * 8)  )
-;                       result |= (1 << byte)
-;       if (result != 0
-;               result |= address;      /* fail at address, byte(s)     */
-;               return result;
-;  return result;                       /* pass */
-ts_Byteword     ROUT
-        ADD     r7,r0,#PhysRam          ; Set test limit address
-        MOV     r1,#PhysRam             ; Initial test address
-        LDR     r3,=&AABBCCDD           ; word signature
-; MEMC test loop (for addresses 4M, 8M, ...)
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; clear result register
-        MOV     r2,#0                   ; clear byte count
-; byte test loop ( for bytes 0 to 4  ...)
-        MVN     r4,r3
-        STMIA   r1,{r3,r4}              ; write word signature
-        STRB    r2,[r1,r2]              ; write byte
-        MOV     r4,r2,LSL #3            ; calculate expected result
-        MOV     r5,#&ff     
-        MVN     r5,r5,LSL r4
-        AND     r5,r5,r3                ; word signature, byte removed
-        ORR     r5,r5,r2,LSL r4         ; byte signature inserted
-        LDR     r4,[r1,#4]
-        LDR     r4,[r1]                 ; read modified word
-        CMPS    r4,r5
-        MOV     r5,#1
-        ORRNE   r0,r0,r5,LSL r2         ; fault : set bit in result mask
-; Loop for next byte
-        ADD     r2,r2,#1                ; Bump byte counter
-        CMPS    r2,#4                   ; ... until 4 byte strobes tested 
-        BLO     %BT02
-; byte strobes all tested : check for errors
-        CMPS    r0,#0
-        ORRNE   r0,r0,r1
-        MOVNE   pc,r14                  ; Error : return address and fault.
-; Loop for next MEMC
-        ADD     r1,r1,#&400000          ; Bump to next MEMC
-        CMPS    r1,r7
-        BLO     %01
-        MOVS    r0,#0                   ; Passed - return OK
-        MOV     pc,r14
-        END 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Mem2 b/OldTestSrc/Mem2
deleted file mode 100644
index 89f5bc2d3a13a7acf9b701c7cdf5a16209c3fec9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Mem2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-;> MEM2C
-; BRIAN RICE 30-10-89
-; 06-Apr-90     ArtG    0.1     Test variable memory size
-; This file will perform a simple test on all DRAM.
-; The test code for this test was taken from thhe A680 Quick memory 
-; test software. The software was copied straight but the number of times 
-; the test looped arround was cut down to two loops, because of time
-; constraints when testing the memory.
-Test_wks_msize      * &40               ; Space for test block size
-Test_wks_return1    * &44 		; Space for return addresses
-Test_wks_return2    * &48
-Test_code_off       * &4C               ; Where testing starts
-test_size           * 13 * 4            ; Size of test group
-test_mem_rsvd       * Test_code_off+test_mem_template_end-test_mem_template
-; Quick test the RAM (pre boot style)
-ts_RamTest ROUT
-	MOV	r13,r0
-	STR	r14,[r13,#Test_wks_return1]
-	STR	r1,[r13,#Test_wks_msize]
-	LDR    r0, test_quick_pattern
-	BL     test_mem_code
-	ORRS   r0,r0,r0
-	BNE    test_mem_quit
-	LDR    r0, test_quick_pattern
-	MVN    r0, r0		 ; inverse pattern
-	BL     test_mem_code
-	ORRS   r0,r0,r0
-	ADR	r12,%22
-	BEQ     %10
-; If fault detected, exit with zero flag clear, r0 pointing to failing
-; location, r1 containing faulty data and r2 pointing a suitable error
-; message indicating whether all-0 or all-1 data was expected.
-	LDR     r2,[r14]	        ; fetch failing instructiom
-	ANDS    r2,r2,#1	        ; calculate expected data
-	ADREQ   r12,%20	        	; and load suitable message
-	ADRNE   r12,%21
-	MOVS    r0,r0			; with zero flag set for PASS. 
-	LDR	pc,[r13,#Test_wks_return1]
-; Fail messages indicate incorrect data read after WRote 0 or Wrote 1
-; to all bits at that location.
-	=       "WR-0 RD",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-	=       "WR-1 RD",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-	=	"??",0
-test_quick_pattern  & &0f76
-; Large Memory test. Generates the write + test routines in memory
-; then calls them. The routine tests patterns as defined by the bottom
-; 13 bits of r0.
-; N.B. The test start address must be calculated to ensure that
-;      the loops finish exactly with r0 equal to End_memory
-; The routine returns with eq true if the memory is OK.
-	STR	r14, [r13, #Test_wks_return2]
-; Copy the ram test code into low ram, modifying MOV instructions
-; to MVN in accordance with the test pattern. 
-	ADR    r1, test_mem_template
-	ADD    r2, r13,        #Test_code_off
-	LDMIA  r1!, {r3-r4}		; copy initial 2 instrucions
-	STMIA  r2!, {r3-r4}
-	MOV    r4, #1
-0	MOVS   r0, r0,         ROR #1
-	LDR    r3, [r1],       #4
-	ORRCS  r3, r3,         #&00400000 ; Convert MOV => MVN
-	STR     r3, [r2],      #4
-	ADD     r4, r4,        #1
-	CMP     r4, #13
-	BLE     %B0
-; Copy the load loop control and verify start instructions
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r9}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r9}
-; Copy and modify the CMP instructions
-	MOV     r0, r0,        ROR #32-13
-	MOV     r4, #1
-1	MOVS    r0, r0,        ROR #1
-	LDR     r3, [r1],      #4
-	ORRCS   r3, r3,        #&00200000 ; Convert CMP => cmn
-	ORRCS   r3, r3,        #&00000001 ; Convert  #0 =>  #1
-	STR     r3, [r2],      #4
-	ADD     r4, r4,        #1
-	CMP     r4,	  #13
-	BLE     %B1
-; Copy the verify loop control and finishing-up instructions
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r12}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r12}
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r12}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r12}
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r12}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r12}
-; check we've copied enough
-	ASSERT  ((test_mem_stadd - test_mem_chk) = (24 * 4))
-; Calculate the test start and end addresses
-	LDR	r0, [r13, #Test_wks_msize]	; size of test area
-	ADD     r14, r13, r0			; end of test area
-	SUB     r1, r0, #test_mem_rsvd		; testable size
-	MOV     r2, #test_size		; adjust r1 to (r1 / 13*4) * (13*4)
-	DivRem  r3, r1, r2, r4
-	MUL     r1, r3, r2
-	SUB     r0, r14, r1			; rounded test start address
-; Do it.
-	MOV     r1, #Test_code_off
-	ADD     r1, r1, r13			; pointer to copied code
-	MOV     pc, r1
-; The following code is copied  (and modified) into RAM for execution
-	STR     r0, test_mem_stadd      ; save initial RAM address
-	STR	r13, test_mem_base	; save test area base address
-	MOV     r1, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r2, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r3, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r4, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r5, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r6, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r7, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r8, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r9, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r10, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r11, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r12, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r13, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	STMIA   r0!, {r1-r13}
-	CMP     r0, r14
-	BLO     %B0
-	LDR     r0, test_mem_stadd
-	LDMIA   r0!, {r1-r13}
-	CMP     r1, #0		; Converted to cmn   if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r2, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r3, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r4, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r5, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r6, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r7, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r8, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r9, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r10, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r11, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r12, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r13, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	BNE     %F5		; go report fault data
-	CMP     r0, r14
-	BLO     %B1		; else loop for next batch
-	MOVS    r0, #0		; All OK : return with NULL r0
-	LDR	r13,test_mem_base
-	LDR	pc, [r13, #Test_wks_return2]
-; Failed : repeat the last batch of tests one at a time, to determine
-; the first failing address and data.
-; Note that the test instructions are copied to %8 to permit individual
-; execution, and %7 is overwritten with an instruction used to copy
-; the failing data into r1. Change this code very carefully ! 
-	LDR     r14,%2			; Obtain first test in the set
-	STR     r14,%8			; and re-execute it
-	SUB     r0,r0,#(13*4)	   	; adjust pointer to bad data
-	ADR     r14,%2			; point to first test.
-	B       %8		    	; make sure %8 is refetched
-	&       0		     	; redo the test here :
-	BNE     %4		    	; if it failed, exit with
-				    	; r0  =  ptr to memory
-				    	; r1  =  wrongly read data
-				    	; r14 => failing instruction
-	LDR     r1,[r14,#4]!	    	;fetch next instruction
-	AND     r1,r1,#&f0000		;make an instruction 
-	MOV     r1,r1,LSR #16		;to copy the next register 
-	ORR     r1,r1,#&E1000000	;down to r1
-	ORR     r1,r1,#&00A00000	;e.g. CMPEQ r10,#0
-	ORR     r1,r1,#&00001000
-	STR     r1,%7		 	;and put it at %7
-	LDR     r1,[r14]	        ;then copy the next test
-	STR     r1,%8		 	;to %8
-	ADD     r0,r0,#4	        ;bump the fault pointer
-	B       %7		    	;and execute %7 and %8.
-test_mem_stadd				; address of first test location
-	&       0
-	&	0			; address of test block
-; Copy the L2 page table from r1 to r0, then remap the translation table's
-; base address in the MMU to point to an L1 page table within it.
-	MOV	r2,#FixedAreasL2Size
-	ADD	r0,r0,r2		; point to locations in PhysSpace
-	ADD	r0,r0,#PhysSpace
-	ADD	r1,r1,r2
-	ADD	r1,r1,#PhysSpace
-	ASSERT	((FixedAreasL2Size :AND: ((8*4)-1)) = 0)
-	LDMDB	r1!,{r3-r10}		; copy the page & section tables
-	STMDB	r0!,{r3-r10}
-	SUBS	r2,r2,#(8*4)
-	BNE	%BT10
-	SUB	r9,r1,r0		; r9 = offset from original to copy 
-        ADD     r0, r0, #DRAMOffset_L1PT-DRAMOffset_L2PT	; r0 -> copy of L1Phys
-	SUB	r10, r0, #PhysSpace	; keep real address of L1PT for MMU
-	ADD	r2,r0,#((1 :SHL: (32-20))*4)	; size of L1PT - 1 word per meg of memory
-11	LDR	r3,[r0],#4		; check each L1 table entry
-	ANDS	r4,r3,#3
-	CMPS	r4,#L1_Page		; if it's page mapped ..
-	SUBEQ	r3,r3,r9		; adjust the page table base address
-	STREQ	r3,[r0,#-4]
-	CMPS	r0,r2			; repeat for all the level 1 table
-	BNE	%BT11	
-        SetCop  r10, CR_TTabBase	; set up MMU pointer to L1
-        SetCop  r0, CR_IDCFlush		; flush cache + TLB just in case
-        SetCop  r0, CR_TLBFlush		; (data written is irrelevant)
-	MOV	pc,r14
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Mem3 b/OldTestSrc/Mem3
deleted file mode 100644
index 1313275f4a55e6f7eb344e50900cdd97407b5f33..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Mem3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-        ;> RomCheck
-; BRIAN RICE 01-11-89
-; 24.04.90      0.10    ArtG    Added ROM size test
-; 15.05.90      1.00    ArtG    Changed to put checksum at (end - 2 words)
-; 17.05.90      1.01    ArtG    Changed to get ROM length from vectot table
-; This file will perform quick checksum test on the OS ROMS.
-; The test code for this test is a simple additive checksum routine.
-; The software will read eight words from ROM then add the contents from ROM  
-; to a register. When the test is complete the contents of the checksum
-; register is checked by adding the final word in ROM - this should give 
-; zero.
-; The program will be run from ROM, at slowest speed.
-; All except the last two words are checksummed : these hold the numbers
-; that cause each individual ROM to CRC to zero, so they can't simultaneously
-; be included in an all-zero additive checksum.
-ts_CRCsize      *       (2 * 4)
-;r3 is a temporary variable
-        ROUT
-         MOV    r1, #&00                    ; initialise accumulator    
-         LDR    r0, =PhysROM                ; initialise pointer
-         LDR    r2, [r0, #ts_ROMSIZE]       ; initialise endstop
-         ADD    r2, r2, r0                  ; - must be at least 8 words 
-         SUB    r2, r2, #(10 * 4)           ; below the real endpoint
-loop1    LDMIA  r0!, {r4 - r11}             ;LOAD r4 TO r11 WITH THE CONTENTS
-                                            ;OF LOCATIONS POINTED TO BY r0
-                                            ;WHICH IS INCREMEMTED AUTOMATICALLY
-                                            ;TO POINT TO THE NEXT LOCATION
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r4         ;ADD r4  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r5         ;ADD r5  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r6         ;ADD r6  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r7         ;ADD r7  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r8         ;ADD r8  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r9         ;ADD r9  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r10        ;ADD r10 TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r11        ;ADD r11 TO CHECKSUM
-        ASSERT ((%02 - %01) = 32)       ; else r2 won't count down correctly
-         CMPS   r0, r2
-         BCC    loop1                       ;loop until pointer reaches endstop
-         LDMIA  r0!, {r4 - r9}             ; get last 6 words (miss last 2 in ROM)
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r4         ;ADD r4  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r5         ;ADD r5  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r6         ;ADD r6  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r7         ;ADD r7  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r8         ;ADD r8  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r9         ;ADD r9  TO CHECKSUM
-        ASSERT  (((%04 - %03) + (2*4)) =  32) ; Change this if you like - 
-                                            ; but be careful to count nearly
-                                            ; to the top in eights, then add
-                                            ; add in the last few words.
-         MOVS   r0,r1                       ; should be zero if all OK
-         MOV    pc,r14                      ;return with zero flag set on OK
-                                            ;and the calculated sum in r0.
-; ROM alias check.
-; This test looks for an aliased copy of the vector table at varying
-; distances from the start of ROM space.
-; 16K is fairly arbitrary but corresponds approximately with the size of 
-; the POST. If there's an alias below that, we've probably already crashed !
-; This test is only called if the checksum fails, in order to indicate a
-; possible high ROM address line failure.
-ts_ROM_alias    ROUT
-        MOV     r0,#PhysROM             ; get some words from ROM start
-        LDR     r3,[r0, #ts_ROMSIZE]    ; get the ROM length word
-        LDMIA   r0,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
-        MOV     r1,#(16 * 1024)
-01      ADD     r2,r0,r1                ; get some words from possible alias
-        LDMIA   r2,{r8,r9,r10,r11}
-        CMPS    r4,r8
-        CMPNE   r5,r9
-        CMPNE   r6,r10
-        CMPNE   r7,r11
-        BEQ     %10                     ; aliased : found MS ROM address bit
-        MOVS    r1, r1, LSL #1          ; test the next (more significant) bit
-        CMPS    r1, r3                  ; reached the limit yet ?
-        BLT     %01                     ; no - try again.
-10      MOV     r0,r1                   ; reached the end, or an alias.
-        MOV     pc,lr
-  LTORG                     
-  END
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Mem4 b/OldTestSrc/Mem4
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d73e78c45242b07452cbc64e675df452f4b3f7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Mem4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-; 04-Apr-90     ArtG    0.1     Added ts_count_cams, improved reporting
-; 11-Apr-90     ArtG    0.2     Use RISC OS routine BangCams for 
-;                               alternate MEMC configurations.  
-; 17-Apr-90     ArtG    0.3     rationalise page-counting code
-; This file will be called by MEM6x_SCR for the purposes of assembly.
-; This file will perform quick walking bit test on the CAM Entry points.
-; The test code for this test was taken from the A680 test code.
-; The module requires the running of the memory sizing routine used by
-; the OS to set up the page size for this module.
-; This test module was designed to operate on all current and future 
-; machines. The module is designed to handle up to 512 physical pages 
-; which is the maximum number of pages in a 16 MByte FOX.
-; A 16 MB FOX has 4 MEMCs in use, each MEMC is addressed by Bits 7 and
-; 12 of the logical to physical address translator. The use of bit 12
-; does have a problem in that on machines with 0.5MB of memory this is
-; used to define the logical page number. Machine with 1MB or greater bit
-; 12 is not used, therefore this test may hit problems on A305's. The
-; intention is that A305 owners will upgrade to A310's when upgrading to
-; RISC OS 2+.
-; Because FOX can have up to 4 MEMCs fitted the following addressing is
-; used to determine the MEMC accessed, bit 12, bit 7
-;                                        0      0 = Master MEMC  = MEMC 0
-;                                        0      1 = Slave MEMC 1 = MEMC 1
-;                                        1      0 = Slave MEMC 2 = MEMC 2
-;                                        1      1 = Slave MEMC 3 = MEMC 3
-; This test will initialise the CAM entries for up to 512 physical pages.
-; The physical pages will be mapped to logical page 5. Each page will have
-; a copy of test routine vectors and a page marker. The page marker consists
-; of the page number and a code to indicate which MEMC was used. The code for
-; the MEMC used is as follows :- MEMC 0 0001 1110 = &1E
-;                                MEMC 1 0010 1101 = &2D
-;                                MEMC 2 0100 1011 = &4B
-;                                MEMC 3 1000 0111 = &87
-; The page marker is arranged as follows &mm5Apppp
-;                                          |    |
-;                                          |    \-- Page Number &0000 ‰ &01FF.
-;                                          \--------MEMC Code as above.
-; The patterns are chosen so that if two or more MEMCs are accessed
-; together and both RAM outputs get enabled onto the data bus simultaneously,
-; then there is a reasonable chance that the data returned will show the 
-; presence of a fault.
-; When the CAM entries have been initialised the module will then check that
-; all the pages are mapped correctly. A simple walking one pattern is used
-; to check that the page is not present anywhere else in the memory area.
-; This isn't really sufficient, but keeps the test time low.
-; The tests are performed with the memory protection level set to 0.
-; This version uses the "my abort" routine in MEM5x_SCR instead of the
-; ts_dab_exp0 .. 5 method as taken from the A680 code.
-ts_rst_msg      =       "RST",0
-ts_uni_msg      =       "UDF",0
-ts_swi_msg      =       "SWI",0
-ts_pab_msg      =       "PAB",0
-ts_dab_msg      =       "DAB",0
-ts_aex_msg      =       "ADX",0
-ts_irq_msg      =       "IRQ",0
-ts_fiq_msg      =       "FIQ",0
-ts_bxc_msg      =       &85,"@",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-ts_rst                                          ; Unused exception vectors
-        ADR     r4, ts_rst_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_uni_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_swi_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_pab_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_dab_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_aex_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_irq_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_fiq_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        SUBS    r8, r14, #8                     ; remember aborted instruction
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ADR     r4, ts_bxc_msg                  ; display aborted address
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       Reset
-ts_rom_base     *       ROM                     ; Base address of the OS ROMS.
-ts_phys_mem     *       (32*1024*1024)          ; Physical Memory area.
-ts_pagemark     *       &005A0000               ; + phys page number + MEMC code.
-ts_pmark_pos    *       32                      ; Position of page mark (avoiding vectors).
-ts_cam_base     *       &3800000                ; Base address of the CAM table in MEMC.
-ts_vrest        *       &5                      ; Unused page which all pages are mapped to.
-ts_MAX_CAMS     *       512                     ; Most CAMs ever expected
-ts_memc_codes   =       &1E, &2D, &4B, &87      ; List of the memc_codes to be used.
-ts_logpages                                 ; List of Logical pages.
-                 &       &0001
-                 &       &0002
-                 &       &0004
-                 &       &0008
-                 &       &0010
-                 &       &0020
-                 &       &0040
-                 &       &0080
-                 &       &0100
-                 &       &0200
-                 &       &03FF
-                 &       &03FE
-                 &       &03FD
-                 &       &03FB
-                 &       &03F7
-                 &       &03EF
-                 &       &03DF
-                 &       &03BF
-                 &       &037F
-                 &       &02FF
-                 &       &01FF
-                 &       &0000              ; Terminator for the list.
-ts_logpagesend                              ; End of the list.
-; Exception vectors : copied to start of each page to ensure that they will always
-; exist on page zero when arbitrary pages are mapped there.
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_rst
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_uni
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_swi
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_pab
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_dab
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_aex
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_irq
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_fiq
-; ***************************************************************************
-; CAM test (full or partial)
-; Start of the CAM test, all physical pages have a copy of the vectors
-; so they may be mapped as page 0. Then each page is mapped at a series
-; of (walking 1, walking 0) logical pages and tested to be correctly
-; mapped. Other pages are set to an unused logical page by set_cam_idle
-; to prevent any CAM clashes.
-; Copy the test vectors and page marker into all the pages.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r13, lr                     ; Preserve link register in r13.
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs               ; get log2 pagesize
-        MOV     r0, #ts_MAX_CAMS            ; r0 = last page to test
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-0       BL      ts_copy_vectors             ; Gosub ts_vectors.
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #&01                ; bump down to next page
-        BGE     %B0                         ; repeatuntil all pages set.
-; 'C' pseudocode for the test routine.
-;       for (i = &1ff; i >= 0; i--)
-;               set_cam_idle(i);               
-;       find maximum page number.
-;       if (max_page != ts_count_CAMS)
-;               report CAM number error
-;       for (phys = &max_page; phys >= 0; phys--) {
-;               for (logp = &logpages[0]; logp < &logpages[sizof(logpages)]; logp++) {
-;                       if (*logp == 0) {
-;                               set_cam(*logp, phys);
-;                               check_mapped(*logp, phys);
-;                       } else {
-;                               int zphys = (phys + 1) % num_pages;
-;                               set_cam(0, zphys);
-;                               set_cam(*logp, phys);
-;                               check_mapped(*logp, phys);
-;                               set_cam_idle(zphys);
-;                       }
-;               }
-;               set_cam_idle(phys);
-;       }
-; Idle the pages.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r12, #ts_MAX_CAMS           ; always clear all 512 - just in case 4 MEMCs.
-        SUB     r12, r12, #&01              ; Subtract 1 to make max page #.
-0       MOV     r1, r12                     ; r1 = page number.
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #&01              ; bump to next page downwards
-        BGE     %B0                         ; repeatuntil page 0 done
-; We need to find out what the maximum number of pages is, after running the above routine
-; all the pages will have the pagemark programed in to each page. As stated in the intro
-; programing the pages from the top down will ensure that, irrespective of the number of
-; MEMCs available, that the bottom pages are programed correctly. Therefore if we start
-; at the top, read in a page, check it's page number & memc code are correct, if so then
-; that is possibly the maximum page number. If not then subtract 1 from the page number and
-; try again until a possible good page is found.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs               ; get log2 pagesize to r1  
-        MOV     r8, #ts_MAX_CAMS            ; r8= max. number of physical pages.
-0       SUBS    r8, r8, #&01                ; Subtract 1 to make it r8 - 1 Pages.
-        BEQ     ts_bad_CAM_count            ; no pages ? - shouldn't hit this!
-; Calculate the expected page marker, in r4, for the current page, in r8.
-        ADR     r4, ts_memc_codes           ; r4 = address of table with the memc codes.
-        LDRB    r4, [r4, r8, LSR#7]         ; r4 = Loc pointed to by r4 + (r1 >> 7).
-        ORR     r4, r8, r4, LSL #24         ; r4 = page number OR (MEMC code << 24).
-        ORR     r4, r4, #ts_pagemark        ; r4 = page id OR magic number
-; The calculated page marker is now in r4, ref_p_mark.
-; Current page in r8 - convert to physical address in r9.
-; the pagesize power-of-2 is in r1 (from ts_count_CAMs)
-        MOV     r9, r8, LSL r1              ; convert PPN to phys offset
-        ORR     r9, r9, #ts_phys_mem        ; add offset to start of phys mem
-; r9 now has the address of the current page - read the page marker for that page.
-        LDR     r9, [r9, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; r9 = contents of loc pointed to by
-                                            ;      r9 + ts_pmark_pos.
-; Check that read_p_mark is valid. 
-; Either the value read is the expected pagemark, junk (no memory) or an 
-; aliased pagemark - if it's aliased, then either the memory or the MEMC 
-; isn't decoded that far.
-; Bump down and try a bit lower, until it's OK.
-        CMP     r4, r9                      ; Is page-mark expected value ?
-        BNE     %B0
-; Found a pagemarker in the proper place. Check that the number of pages that
-; appear to be present are the same as the number found by ts_count_CAMs
-; (i.e. the memory size / page size).
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1              ; convert count -> max page number
-        CMPS    r0, r8
-        BNE     ts_bad_CAM_count
-; If all is well, we should have the maximum usable page number in r8.
-; Need to reset page 0 in the CAM entries, currently all pages are mapped to page 5.
-; We need to have logical page 0 mapped to physical page 0.
-        MOV      r0, #&00                   ; r0 = &00, the page to map.
-        MOV      r1, #&00                   ; r1 = &00, the page to map to.
-        MOV      r2, #&00                   ; r2 = &00, set the protection level.
-        BL       ts_set_camp
-; Check we can still see the data abort vector at physical page zero
-; - no good continuing if we can't.
-        MOV     r0, #ts_phys_mem
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #(ts_dab_vector - ts_vectors)]
-        LDR     r1, ts_dab_vector
-        CMPS    r0, r1
-        BNE     ts_bad_dab_vector
-; Now lets get on with the testing.
-2       ADRL    r10, ts_logpages            ; logp = &logpages[0]
-3       LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; r0 = page to test
-        CMP     r0, #&00                    ; last entry ?
-        BNE     %F4
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = r8, page under test
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Gosub ts_set_cam.
-        LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; r0 current logical test page
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = current test page
-        BL      ts_check_mapped             ; Gosub ts_check_mapped.
-        B       %F5
-4       ADD     r12, r8, #&01
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs               ; get total number of pages
-        SUB     r0,r0,#1                    ; make a mask for useable page
-        AND     r0,r0,#&7f                  ; numbers - min(128, num_pages)
-        AND     r12, r12, r0                ; r12 -> (r12 + 1) masked 
-        MOV     r0, #&00                    ; to useable page numbers.
-        MOV     r1, r12
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Setup a page for vectors
-        LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; r0 = current logical test page.
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = current physical test page.
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Setup a page to test
-        LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; look up logical page again.
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; recall physical page.
-        BL      ts_check_mapped             ; check the ts_set_cam worked.
-        MOV     r1, r12                     ; unmap the vector page
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle
-5       ADD     r10, r10, #&04              ; next entry in test list.
-        ADRL    r0, ts_logpagesend          ; r0 = ts_logpagesend.
-        CMP     r10, r0                     ; repeat until list of logical
-        BLO     %B3                         ; pages all done.
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; unmap the page we just tested
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle
-        SUBS    r8, r8, #1                  ; bump phys page counter down.
-        ANDS    r8,r8,r8
-        BGE     %B2                         ; If r8 >= 0 Then branch back to 2.
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#0
-        MOV     pc,r13                  ; all done and passed
-; ****************************************************************************
-; Copies the vectors to the physical page in r0 (preserved) also copies
-; pagemark + phypage.
-; Expects r1 (preserved) to hold log2 of pagesize
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        ADR     r2, ts_vectors              ; r2 = source address
-        LDMIA   r2, {r4-r11}                ; r4 - r11 = loc pointed to by r2, post inc.
-        MOV     r3, r0, LSL r1              ; r3 = r0 * 2**r1 .
-        ORR     r3, r3, #ts_phys_mem        ; r3 = r3 OR ts_phys_mem.
-        STMIA   r3, {r4-r11}                ; loc pointed to by r3, post inc = r4 to r11.
-; find out which memc is handling the page (r0), then assign the appropiate memc_code.
-; Add in the page number and pagemark, then store into the required position in the
-; page in question.
-        ADR     r2, ts_memc_codes           ; r2 = address of table with the memc codes.
-        LDRB    r2, [r2, r0, LSR#7]         ; r2 = memc code for this phys page.
-        ORR     r2, r0, r2, LSL #24         ; OR in phys page number.
-        ORR     r2, r2, #ts_pagemark        ; OR in pagemark.
-        STR     r2, [r3, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; loc pointed to by r1 + ts_pmark_pos = pagemark.
-        MOV     pc, lr                      ; Return to caller.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will program the physical page (r1) to the logical page 5, ts_vrest and
-; continue onto the next section ts_set_cam.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r0, #ts_vrest               ; r0 = ts_vrest, = unused logical page.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will program the physical page (r1) to the logical page (r0) at
-; protection mode 0 and continue onto the next section ts_set_camp.
-        MOV     r2, #&00                    ; r2 = &00, memory prot level 0.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will map a range the physical pages (r1) to the logical page (r0) and
-; set the protection mode (r2). This module will return to the location from where
-; either itself or ts_set_cam or ts_set_cam_idle were called from.
-; Corrupts r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r6,r9,r11
-; Calls the RISC OS routine BangCam to do the PPNO, LPNO bit switching.
-; First, jumble the registers to suit BangCam ..
-; r2  = CAM entry (PPNO)
-; r3  = logical address
-; r9  = current MEMC setting (for pagesize)
-; r11 = PPL
-        MOV     r3,r0           ; logical page number
-        MOV     r11,r2          ; protection level 
-        MOV     r2,r1           ; physical page number
-        MOV_fiq r0, r11_fiq     ; MEMC configuration
-        MOV     r9, r0          ; keep a copy in r9
-        MOV     r1, r9, LSR #2
-        AND     r1, r1, #3      ; calculate pagesize shift
-        ADD     r1, r1, #12
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSL r1  ; convert LPN to logaddr
-        B       BangCam         ; return thro' BangCam
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This routine will check that the CAM has been programed correctly and that the required
-; page is responding when asked. A quick test is made to check that other pages are not 
-; responding as well.
-; logical page  in r0,
-; physical page in r1,
-; test that they are the same.
-; No return value : reports faults directly and returns thro' r13
-; Uses (corrupts) r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7
-; Find out which memc is handling the page (r1), then assign the appropiate memc_code.
-; Add in the page number and pagemark, then compare that pagemark with those found
-; in memory at the expected logical and physical addresses.
-; This code assumes that any system with multiple MEMCs will always have 32K pages.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r3, r0                      ; save the current logical pagenumber.
-        MOV     r5, lr                      ; Preserve link register in case of Abort.
-        ADR     r2, ts_memc_codes           ; r2 = address of table with the memc codes.
-        LDRB    r2, [r2, r1, LSR#7]         ; fetch the memc code for this page.
-        ORR     r2, r1, r2, LSL #24         ; build the page number into the pagemark
-        ORR     r2, r2, #ts_pagemark        ; build in the pagemark magic number
-; r2 should now have the page_mark for the current page (r1).
-; calculate the shift to convert page number to memory offset.
-        MODE    FIQ_mode
-        MOV     r4, r11_fiq, LSR #2             ; pagesize / 4K
-        MODE    SVC_mode
-        AND     r4, r4, #3
-        ADD     r4, r4, #12
-; if the mapping failed completely, the test might abort
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; make the pointers and test the contents
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSL r4              ; r0 = LPN * pagesize.
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; r0 = contents of loc in r0  + ts_pmark_pos.
-        CMP     r6, #94                     ; did that fetch abort ?
-        ADREQ   r4, %F14                    ; mapping totally failed
-        BEQ     ts_CAM_fail
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSL r4              ; r1 = PPN * pagesize.
-        ORR     r1, r1, #ts_phys_mem        ; r1 = r1 ORed with ts_phys_mem.
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; r1 = contents of loc in r1  + ts_pmark_pos.
-        CMP     r0, r1                      ; Are the read pagemarks equal ??
-        ADRNE   r4, %F10
-        BNE     ts_CAM_fail                 ; Failed : mapping not equal.
-        CMP     r0, r2                      ; 
-        ADRNE   r4, %F11
-        BNE     ts_CAM_fail                 ; Failed : map equal, but corrupt
-; test that the page doesn't exist anywhere else
-        MOV     r2, #1
-0       EOR     r0, r2, r3                  ; Flip a (walking) bit in the LPN.
-        CMP     r0, #ts_vrest               ; Is r0 = ts_vrest ?? Where all the pages are 
-                                            ; mapped to.
-        BEQ     %F1                         ; If r0 = ts_vrest then branch forward to 1.
-; The following instruction should abort.
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSL r4              ; r0 = LPN * pagesize.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear abort handled flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; get a possible pagemark from this page.
-        CMP     r6, #&94                    ; Did we go thro' the abort handler ?
-        BEQ     %F1                         ; If equal then an abort happened, good !
-; Not aborted - is it page zero, where the vectors live ?
-        TEQS    r2, r3
-        BEQ     %F1                        ; yes - that SHOULDN'T abort
-; Fault - is the page mapped there the same as our test page ?
-        CMP     r0, r1 
-        ADREQ   r4, %F12                   ; Failed : phys page also mapped here
-        ADRNE   r4, %F13                   ; Failed : page not unmapped
-        EOR     r3, r2, r3                 ; remake the duff LPN for the error display
-        B       ts_CAM_fail
-                                            ; If equal then no abort happened, not good !!
-1       MOV     r2, r2, LSL#1               ; bump to next-bit-set page number
-        CMP     r2, #(ts_MAX_CAMS :SHL: 1)  ; Hit number of logical pages ?
-        BLT     %B0                         ; If r2 < maximum number then loop again.
-        MOV     r7, #0                      ; no longer expecting aborts
-        MOV     pc, r5                      ; Return to caller.
-;       Indicate that CAM mapping test failed (PPN is not at LPN)
-;       Display r8, the physical page number and r3, the logical page.
-;    ***This error exit returns to the CALLER of check_mapped, thro' r13***
-        =       "CAM map",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM pmk",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM als",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM unm",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM abo",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     r0, r8, LSL #16         ; physical page #
-        LDR     r1, =&ffff
-        AND     r1, r1, r3
-        ORR     r0, r0, r1              ; add logical page #
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #4
-        MOV     r6, #0                  ; no longer expecting aborts
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; **************************************************************************
-; Routine to return expected number of physical pages in r0. 
-; Uses memory size determination from r10_fiq and page mode from r11_fiq.
-; Returns pagesize as power-of-two in r1, for pagenumber->address calcs.
-        MODE    FIQ_mode
-        MOV     r0,r10_fiq,LSR #12      ; get values determined 
-        MOV     r1,r11_fiq,LSR #2       ; by MemSize
-        MODE    SVC_mode
-        AND     r1,r1,#3                ; memory / pagesize
-        MOV     r0,r0,LSR r1
-        ADD     r1,r1,#12               ; page bit-shift value
-        MOVS    pc,lr
-; **************************************************************************
-        ROUT
-;       Indicate that an unexpected number of CAM pages were found.
-;       Display as "CAM ##    eee.fff"
-;       where eee is the expected maximum page number (r0), fff is the number
-;       of of the highest page actually found (r8).
-        =       "CAM ##",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADD     r8, r8, r0, LSL #12
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSL #8
-        ADR     r4, %B0
-        ORRS    r0, r0 ,#1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; **************************************************************************
-;       Indicate that the DAB vector wasn't visible in physmem
-        =       "CAM vec",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4, %B0
-        EOR     r8,r0,r1                ; indicate which bits are lost
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; **************************************************************************
-;       Routine to indicate that an unexpected abort was found.
-        =       "DAB @",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff, 0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4, %B0
-        SUBS    r8, r14_svc, #8         ; indicate the aborting instruction
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-        LTORG
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Mem5 b/OldTestSrc/Mem5
deleted file mode 100644
index 607a8b8e1d1c47c9ac1c027c522a3acc14133554..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Mem5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-; 04-Apr-90     ArtG    0.1     Use memory size to determine page count
-; 11-Apr-90	ArtG	0.2	Changes to permit use of BangCam
-; This file will be called by MEM6x_SCR for the purposes of assembly.
-; This file requires the assembly of MEM4x_SCR to be perfromed at the
-; same time. The program will call the cam setting routines in the cam
-; test program.
-; This file will test MEMCs ability to assert its protection over
-; logical pages.
-; The test code for this test was taken from the A680 test code.
-; The Arm CPU has three mode of operation, Supervisor, Operating System.
-; and User. Most of the time the machine will operate in user mode, in this.
-; mode the designers do not want the user to have full access to the memory.
-; map, therefore the MEMC(s) will check that the CPU has the appropiate
-; level of authorisation to access specific area of memory.
-; User mode is the lowest mode, allowing limited R/W access to the ram.
-; Operating System is next up the list and is allowed some more access to
-; to the ram than user mode.
-; Supervisor mode this is the highest and the CPU has unlimited access to
-; the entire memory map. 
-; This version has the "my abort" routine in it not the ts_dab_exp0..5 routine as
-; coded from the A680 code.
-; Set up some variables.
-ts_wks_word     *   36                      ; Offset of word for workspace.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will map and assign protection mode 0 to all the pages. The
-; module will then perfrom a read and write operations in supervisor and
-; user modes. This is repeated for the three (four) protection modes.
-; The module will check after every protection mode level that the required
-; responses have been returned.
-; Set up the memory, map and assign protection mode 0.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r13, lr                     ; Preserve the link register.
-        MOV     r12, #&00                   ; r12 = The physical page to test.
-0       ADD     r8, r12, #&01               ; Get a page to use as vectors,
-	BL	ts_count_CAMs		    ; get total number of pages
-	SUB	r0,r0,#1 		    ; make a mask for useable page
-	AND	r0,r0,#&7f		    ; numbers - min(128, num_pages)
-        AND     r8, r8, r0
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = r8,  r1 = physical page 0.
-        MOV     r0, #&00                    ; r0 = &00, r0 = logical page 0.
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Gosub ts_set_cam, set the CAM up.
-; Set protection mode 0 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&00                    ; r2 = &00, r2 = protection mode 0.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-        CMP     r3,#&0F                     ; Is r3 = &0F ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-                                            ;                    O/S   Read/Write ok.
-                                            ;                    User  Read/Write ok.
-	MOV	r2, #0
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &0F Then branch to fail routine.
-; Set protection mode 1 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&01                    ; r2 = &01, r2 = protection mode 1.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-	[ CPU_Type = "ARM600"
-	CMP	r3,#&0f			    ; no ABORT line to ARM600
-	|
-	CMP     r3,#&0B                     ; Is r3 = &0B ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-	]                                   ;                    O/S   Read/Write ok.
-                                            ;                    User  Read only ok.
-	MOV	r2,#1
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &0B Then branch to fail routine.
-; Set protection mode 2 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&02                    ; r2 = &02, r2 = protection mode 2.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-	[ CPU_Type = "ARM600"
-	CMP	r3,#&0f			    ; no ABORT line to ARM600
-	|
-        CMP     r3,#&03                     ; Is r3 = &03 ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-	]                                   ;                    O/S   Read only ok.
-                                            ;                    User  No Access ok. 
-	MOV	r2,#2
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &03 Then branch to fail routine.
-; Set protection mode 3 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&03                    ; r2 = &03, r2 = protection mode 3.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-	[ CPU_Type = "ARM600"
-	CMP	r3,#&0f			    ; no ABORT line to ARM600
-	|
-        CMP     r3, #&03                    ; Is r3 = &03 ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-	]                                   ;                    O/S   Read only ok.
-                                            ;                    User  No Access ok. 
-	MOV	r2,#3
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &03 Then branch to 
-                                            ; fail routine.
-; Reset the page used to idle.
-        MOV     r0, r12                     ; r0 = r12, idle the pages 
-                                            ; being used.
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle             ; Gosub ts_set_cam_idle.
-        MOV     r0, r8                      ; r0 = r8, idle the pages 
-                                            ; being used. 
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle             ; Gosub ts_set_cam_idle.
-; Increment the physical page counter and check that all the pages are 
-; done, else finish.
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs
-        ADD     r12, r12, #&01              ; do the next physical page.
-        CMP     r12, r0                     ; Done all pages ?
-        BLT     %B0                         ; If r12 <= cam_entries, 
-                                            ; branch back to 0.
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #0                  ; set zero flag : test passed
-        MOV     pc, r13                     ; Return to caller.
-; **************************************************************************
-; Branch here when ts_memc_prot fails to get the proper result from
-; ts_mem_prot.
-; At this point, 
-; r3  is a map of permitted ops (user read, user write, sys read, sys write) 
-; r2  is the memc protection mode
-; r12 is the physical page number.
-; This is displayed as :   
-;       PPL bad l.a.pppp
-; where l is the PPL set on that page (0, 1, 2 or 3)
-;       a is a bitmap of the actual operations permitted (ur.uw.or.ow)
-;       p is the physical page number tested
-        =       "PPL bad",&88,&ff,".",&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        AND     r2, r2, #&0f
-        MOV     r0, r2, LSL #20          ; mode bits
-        AND     r3, r3, #&0f
-        ORR     r0, r0, r3, LSL #16     ; permitted ops bits
-        BIC     r12, r12, #&ff000000
-        BIC     r12, r12, #&ff0000
-        ORR     r0, r0, r12             ; current page number
-        ADR     r4, %B0                 ; get fail message  
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #8          ; shift number to suit ts_SendText
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1              ; fail flag
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; This section will test that the physical page referenced in r12 at the set 
-; protection mode. During the operation of this module, aborts are expected to happen.
-; The aborts are handled by the routine ts_dab.
-; The system is running in supervisor mode and thus to check the user mode read / writes
-; the address translator flag is used. The CPU has a signal called -TRANS which when used
-; with MEMC forces the an address translation to be performed, this is not done whilst
-; in supervisor mode because it has unlimited access to the memory map. The address
-; translator falg (T) is used with STR and LDR instructions only, the effective result of
-; adding the (T) to the opcode is to force the instruction to be executed as if the CPU
-; was in user mode, thus unauthorised accesses will cause an abort to occur.
-; IN:
-;       r12 - physical page.
-;       r2  - protection mode.
-; OUT:
-;       r3  - access pattern.
-;             r3 = &0F, Super Read/Write ok, O/S Read/Write ok, User Read/Write ok.
-;             r3 = &0B, Super Read/Write ok, O/S Read/Write ok, User Read only ok.
-;             r3 = &03, Super Read/Write ok, O/S Read only ok,  User No Access ok.
-; Set up data to write and read from memory.
-        MOV     r10, lr                     ; Preserve link register.
-        MOV     r1, r12                     ; r1 = physical page.
-        MOV     r0, #&01                    ; r0 = logical page 1.
-        BL      ts_set_camp 
-        MOV     r3, #&00                    ; Initialise access pattern.
-	MOV_fiq	r5, r11_fiq		    ; get MEMC control
-	AND	r5, r5, #&C
-	ADR	r9, ts_ppl_tptrs
-	LDR	r9, [r9, r5]		    ; get test address for this pagesize
-; Test 1 system mode - write.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        STR     r1, [r9]                    ; Store r1 at loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&01                ; If r6 = &00, Then update r3, access pattern.
-; Test 2 system mode - read.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        LDR     r1, [r9]                    ; Load r1 from loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&02                ; If r6 = &00 Then update r3, access pattern.
-; Test 3 user mode - write.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        STRT    r1, [r9]                    ; Store r1 at loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&04                ; If r6 = &00 Then update r3, access pattern.
-; Test 4 user mode - read.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set expected expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        LDRT    r1, [r9]                    ; Load r1 from loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&08                ; If r6 = &00 Then update r3, access pattern.
-        MOV     pc, r10                     ; Return to caller.
-; addresses (a short way up page 1) to test PPL aborts
-	&	( 4 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-	&	( 8 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-	&	(16 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-	&	(32 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-; This routine provides the handling when a DATA ABORT occurs.
-; The routine will if the abort was DATA cause the program to skip over the instruction
-; that caused the abort first place.
-; Data aborts could come from a variety of sources, in this module we are only concerned
-; about a select group of aborts. This abort routine is called instead of the "usuall"
-; abort routine. All that is required from this abort routine is to set a flag to
-; indicate that an abort occured. Therefore this routine needs to be told that the
-; abort that caused the routine to be called is either one of mine or not, (expected
-; or unexpected). To achive this &94 is placed in r7. The abort routine will check
-; for the presence of &94 in r7, if present then the abort is an expected abort.
-; The abort routine will then copy r7 into r6, which is used as a flag to indicate
-; that an abort occured and that it was an expected abort. Then the routine will
-; return control to the program at the location after the instruction that caused to
-; abort to occur.
-; The return address is stored by the CPU into the link regester lr (r14), sort off.
-; It must be remembered that the PC is always 2 instructions ahead. E.G. if the
-; instruction that causes the abort is at &2000, then the lr will have &2008 in it,
-; but we want to return to the location after the abort instruction, &2004. Therefore to
-; return to the correct location &04 is removed from the lr and this is put into the pc.
-; If the abort was not expected then the routine will jump to the end and another
-; routine will show that an unexpected abort was generated.
-; IN:
-;       r6 - Equals &00, cleared just before the instruction that could cause an abort.
-;       r7 - Equals &94, set just before the instruction that could cause an abort.
-; OUT:
-;       r6 - Equals &94, set if an abort happened and was expected.
-;       r7 - Equals &94, preserved.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-; Check that it is an expected abort and not an unexpected abort.
-        CMP     r7, #&94                    ; Is r7 = &94, abort expected value.
-        BNE     ts_dab_unexp                ; If <> &94, Then branch to unexpected
-                                            ; abort handler.
-; It is an expected  abort, so handle it.
-        MOV     r6, r7                      ; r6 = r7, indicates that an abort happened.
-        SUB     pc, lr, #&04                ; pc = link reg - &04.
-                                            ; Skip over aborting instruction.
-                                            ; By reloading the pc we return to the area
-                                            ; of code where the abort occured but 4
-                                            ; locations further on.
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/TestMain b/OldTestSrc/TestMain
deleted file mode 100644
index 22fcf0d1dada040ca950d51cadf2854ae7a70079..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/TestMain
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-; > TestMain
-; Main assembly file for isolated assembly of machine test software
-MEMCADR         *       &3600000
-ROM		*	&3800000
- [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-VideoPhysRam *  &02000000               ; Amazing - it's in the same place!
-DRAM0PhysRam *  &10000000               ; 4 DRAM banks
-DRAM1PhysRam *  &14000000
-DRAM2PhysRam *  &18000000
-DRAM3PhysRam *  &1C000000
-DRAMBaseAddressMask * &1C000000         ; used to mask off bits after stealing video RAM
-PhysSpaceSize * &20000000               ; IOMD physical map is 512M big
-PhysROM *       &00000000               ; and real ROM starts at 0
-SAMLength *     512*4                   ; SAM length in bytes for 1 bank of VRAM
-EASISpacePhys * &08000000
-EASISpace *     PhysSpace + EASISpacePhys
- |
-VideoPhysRam *  &02000000
-PhysSpaceSize * &04000000               ; MEMC1 physical map is 64M big
-PhysROM *       &03800000
-PhysRamPhys *   &02000000               ; physical space starts here
- ]
-	        GET     TestSrc/Begin
-	        ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB
-		LDR	r0,=IOMD_MonitorType
-		LDR	r0,[r0]
-		ANDS	r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-        	MOV     r0,#ts_VIDCPhys
-08      	LDR     r1, [r2],#4
-        	CMP     r1, #-1
-        	STRNE   r1, [r0]
-        	BNE     %BT08
-		MOV	r9,#0
-		ORR	r9,r9,#&40000000
-        	STR     r9,[r0]         ; write the border colour
-		ADD	r9,r9,#&00000005
-		ADD	r9,r9,#&00000300
-		ADD	r9,r9,#&00010000
-		AND	r9,r9,#&00ffffff
-		MOV	r1,#&10000
-12		ADDS	r1,r1,#(-1)
-		BNE	%BT12
-		B	%BT10
-; The RISC-OS MEMC setup code is re-used to ensure similar 
-; detection of memory configuration. The MEMC1 code is modified only
-; to remove an unnecessary function.
-		GBLL	Module
-Module		SETL	{FALSE}
-		GBLL	AssembleSAtest
-AssembleSAtest	SETL	{FALSE}
-DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped	*    1 :SHL: 6
-DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable	*    1 :SHL: 5
-DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable	*    1 :SHL: 4
-DynAreaFlags_APBits     	*   15 :SHL: 0      ; currently onl
-	        END
diff --git a/OldTestSrc/Vidc b/OldTestSrc/Vidc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aedb0b009aab7548ae66aa3a952f3154fdfa721..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/OldTestSrc/Vidc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.VIDC
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST video controller
-; The video outputs cannot be tested directly, and VIDC permits only
-; write operations on its registers. 
-; This module performs two tests to verify VIDC's operation 
-;       - measure mode 0 FLBK period against IOC timer 
-;       - check that sound DMA occurs (MEMC reports DMA complete)
-; This code contains timing loops affected by gross changes in processor 
-; speed, and will re-initialise MEMC with 4K pages and continous refresh.  
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 18-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 04-Apr-90     ArtG            Use saved MEMC control register setting
-; 20-Jun-93     ArtG            Medusa VIDC20 / IOMD changes
-VIDC_CLOCK_CONTROL      *       ts_S5_base :OR: &0048  ; Fox VIDC clock control
-VIDC_CLOCK_NORMAL       *       &0
-VIDC_VFLYWAIT           *       72000           ; 200mS timeout loop
-VIDC_SOUNDWAIT          *       40000           ; 100mS  timeout loop
-MEMC_Sstart             *       MEMCADR   :OR: &80000
-MEMC_SendN              *       MEMCADR   :OR: &A0000
-MEMC_Sptr               *       MEMCADR   :OR: &C0000
-MEMC_Son                *                      &00800
-ts_Soundbuf             *       &200            ; relative to PhysRam
-ts_Soundbuf_length      *       &400
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-VIDSTIM0                *       &A0000000       ; base VIDC20 register values
-VIDSTIM1                *       &A1000000
-VIDSFR                  *       &B0000000
-VIDSCR                  *       &B1000005
-VIDDMAoff               *       &94000024
-VIDVCOWAIT              *       &5
-VIDVCOFREQ              *       &D0000404
-        |
-VIDSTIM0                *       &60000000       ; base VIDC register values
-VIDSTIM1                *       &64000000
-VIDSFR                  *       &C0000100
-        ]
-        SUBT    FLBK period test
-; This test attempts to validate the video timing system by checking for
-; the proper period from the vertical flyback pulse. To make life easier, 
-; the test is performed only in mode 0 - i.e a 20mS period.
-; This test contains a processor-clock timed loop as an outer limit :
-; it assumes that the processor will never run more than a factor of ten
-; faster than an 8Mhz ARM2.
-; This is valid provided that this code isn't run with an ARM3 cache enabled.
-; Initialise video clock control (for FOX)
-; Initialise VIDC
-; Clear IR interrupt request in IOC
-; Poll IOC until IR appears (if ever)
-; Set IOC timer 0 to 32 mS
-; Clear IR interrupt request in IOC
-; Poll IOC until IR appears (if ever)
-; Check timer 0 has counted down 20 mS (19.8 - 20.2 mS)
-; Return zero flag set on OK, clear on test failure.
-ts_VIDC_period ROUT
-        ; Initialise VIDC clock and VIDC
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC1a"
-        LDR     r3, =VIDC_CLOCK_CONTROL         ; 
-        MOV     r1, #VIDC_CLOCK_NORMAL
-        STRB    r1, [r3]
-        ]
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        MOV     r1, #ts_VIDCPhys
-        ADRL    r6, TestVIDCTAB
-00      LDR     r0, [r6],#4                     ; setup using main table
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT00
-01      LDR     r0, [r6],#4                     ; enable DMA using 2nd table 
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT01
-        ; Wait for the start of a flyback period
-        LDR     r3, =IOC
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r1, [r6]                        ; get FSIZE value from end of TestVIDCTAB
-        STR     r1, [r3, #IOMD_FSIZE]
-        ]
-        MOV     r1, #vsync_bit
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #IOCIRQCLRA]
-        LDR     r2, =VIDC_VFLYWAIT              ; long timeout loop - C 200mS
-05      LDRB    r1, [r3, #IOCIRQSTAA] 
-        ANDS    r1, r1,  #vsync_bit    
-        BNE     %06                    
-        SUBS    r2, r2,#1               
-        BNE     %05                   
-        LDR     r0,=&fffff
-        ORRS    r0, r0,r7, LSL #20              ; Failed : clear 0 flag
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; ... and quit
-        ; Set up IOC timer 0
-        LDR     r1, =(32 * 1000 * 2)            ; 32mS upper limit
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer0LL]
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0LH]
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0GO]             ; start the timer
-        ; clear the IR and T0 bits
-        MOV     r0, #(vsync_bit :OR: timer0_bit)
-        STRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQCLRA]
-        ; wait for what should be a complete vflyback period
-10      LDR     r2, =VIDC_VFLYWAIT              ; timeout loop -  C 200 msec
-11      LDRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQSTAA]
-        TSTS    r0, #vsync_bit
-        BNE     %14                             ; wait for end of vsync
-        TSTS    r0, #timer0_bit                 ; or timer underflow
-        BNE     %13
-12      SUBS    r2, r2, #1                      ; or last-ditch timeout 
-        BNE     %11
-13      ORRS    r0, r0,#1                       ; Failed : clear 0 flag
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; but return a zero
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; ... and quit
-        ; finished in reasonable time : check against margins.
-14      STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0LR]             ; latch the current count
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer0CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2
-        MOV     r0, r2, LSR #1                  ; Vertical flyback time in uS
-        LDR     r1, =19800                      ; inside limits ?
-        SUBS    r2, r0, r1
-        BLE     %F20
-        LDR     r1, =400                        ; 19.8 -> 20.2 mS
-        CMPS    r2, r1
-        BGE     %F20
-        MOV     r1,#0                           ; OK -  0 indicates pass
-        ; After success using the 24MHz reference clock, select the
-        ; VCO clock (also at 24MHz) and ensure the test is passed after
-        ; a few cycles to allow the VCO to settle.
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-        TEQ     r7,#0                           ; if this is the first loop ..
-        BNE     %FT21
-        TEQ     r1,#0                           ; and it passed OK ..
-        BNE     %FT25
-        MOV     r2,#ts_VIDCPhys
-        LDR     r3,=VIDVCOFREQ                  ; set the vco to 24MHz
-        LDR     r4,=&E0000400                   ; and use the vco clock
-        STMIA   r2,{r3,r4}
-        MOV     r7,#VIDVCOWAIT                  ; set the vco test loop count
-        B       %BT04                           ; and run around again
-21      ORR     r0,r0,r7,LSL #20
-        SUBS    r7,r7,#1                        ; if all attempts now made
-        BEQ     %FT25                           ; return final result
-        TEQ     r1,#0                           ; else repeat until passed
-        BNE     %BT04
-        ]
-        ; return with zero flag set if timers were OK
-        ; measured time (in uS) in r0 if flyback was wrong,
-        ; bits 20+ show fail loop - 0 for refclk, 1 for vcoclk.
-        ORRS    r1,r1,r1
-        MOV     pc, r14
-        SUBT    Sound DMA test
-; This test runs the sound DMA system to prove the operation of VIDC and 
-; MEMC's sound DMA control and the operation of the SIRQ sound DMA complete
-; interrupt.
-; To avoid making a noise, set the sound muting bit on.
-; Initialise MEMC sound DMA
-; Initialise VIDC sound channel
-; Initialise timer 0 and timer 1 to guard-band 10mS sound duration
-; Poll IOC until IL1 (SIRQ interrupt) becomes active
-; Check timer 0 has completed and timer 1 has not
-ts_SIRQ_period  ROUT
-        ; set up MEMC to point to a buffer near the start of physical RAM,
-        ; labelled in r9_fiq by the early memory size tests (not MemSize) 
-        ; Registers are set as (address / 16)
-        ; Register bits are (register * 4) in VIDC address mask
-        ; Hence values written to MEMC + register offset + (pointer / 4)    
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r3,#IOMD_Base
-        MOV     r0,#(IOMD_DMA_C_Bit :OR: IOMD_DMA_E_Bit :OR: 16)
-        STR     r0,[r3,#IOMD_SD0CR]
-        MOV_fiq r0,r9                   ; zero the DMA buffer
-        ADD     r1,r0,#ts_Soundbuf_length
-        MOV     r2,#0
-02      STR     r2,[r0],#4
-        CMPS    r0,r1
-        BNE     %BT02
-        |
-        MOV_fiq r0,r11_fiq
-        BIC     r0, r0, #MEMC_Son        ; ensure sound DMA disabled
-        STR     r0, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, =(MEMC_SendN :OR: ((ts_Soundbuf + ts_Soundbuf_length) / 4))
-        STR     r1, [r1]
-        LDR     r2, =(MEMC_Sstart :OR: (ts_Soundbuf / 4))
-        STR     r2, [r2]
-        LDR     r0, =MEMC_Sptr          ; initialise Sptr and set up again ..
-        STR     r0, [r0]
-        STR     r1, [r1]
-        STR     r2, [r2]
-        ]
-        ; Set up VIDC for 8 channels, 10uS (/8) per sample
-        LDR     r0, =ts_VIDCPhys
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-        LDR     r1, =VIDSCR             ; VIDC10 mode, 24Mhz clock
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, =VIDDMAoff
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        ]
-        LDR     r1, =(VIDSTIM0 + 1)     ; channel 0 at 100% left
-        LDR     r2, =((VIDSTIM1 - VIDSTIM0) + 1)
-        MOV     r3, #7
-05      STR     r1, [r0]                ; .. up to 6 at 100% right
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-        BNE     %05
-        SUB     r1, r1, #4              ; finally ch7 at centre again
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, =(VIDSFR + 8)       ; 10uS/byte
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        ; Set up the timer to limit at 20 us (10uS/sample, 1024-16 bytes => 10.08 mS)
-        LDR     r3, =IOC
-        LDR     r1, =(20 * 1000 * 2)        ; 20 mS upper limit
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        MOV     r0, #-1
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #IOCControl]           ; mute sound (on IOC system)
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]             ; start the timer
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r0, #(IOMD_DMA_E_Bit :OR: 16)   ; enable the IOMD DMA
-        STR     r0, [r3,#IOMD_SD0CR]
-        MOV_fiq r0,r9                           ; set the buffer pointers
-        MOV     r4,#((ts_Soundbuf_length/2) - 16)
-        STR     r0,[r3,#IOMD_SD0CURA]
-        STR     r4,[r3,#IOMD_SD0ENDA]
-        LDR     r2,[r3,#IOMD_SD0ST]
-        ORR     r4,r4,#IOMD_DMA_S_Bit
-        STR     r0,[r3,#IOMD_SD0CURB]
-        STR     r4,[r3,#IOMD_SD0ENDB]
-        |
-        MOV_fiq r0, r11_fiq
-        ORR     r0, r0, #MEMC_Son
-        STR     r0, [r0]                        ; enable the MEMC1a DMA
-        ]
-        ; set long timeout, clear the IL1, T0 and T1 bits
-        LDR     r2, =VIDC_SOUNDWAIT             ; lastditch timeout loop
-        LDR     r0, =(timer0_bit :OR: timer1_bit) 
-        STRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQCLRA]
-        ; Wait until sound DMA completes (or up to about 100 mS), 
-        ; then check timers.
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDRB    r0,[r3, #IOMD_SD0ST]
-        AND     r0, r0, #(IOMD_DMA_O_Bit :OR: IOMD_DMA_I_Bit)
-        CMPS    r0, #(IOMD_DMA_O_Bit :OR: IOMD_DMA_I_Bit)
-        BEQ     %12
-        |
-        LDRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQSTAB]
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #sound_IRQ_bit
-        BNE     %12
-        ]
-        LDR     r0, [r3, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ANDS    r0, r0,#timer1_bit              ; timeout if timer 1 expires
-        BNE     %11
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1                      ; or counter reaches zero
-        BNE     %10
-11      ORRS    r0, r0, #1                      ; Failed : clear 0 flag
-        MOV     r2, #0                          ; return a timeout value of 0
-        B       %15                             ; ... and quit
-        ; finished in reasonable time : check time remaining in t1
-        ; Time for DMA should be 10.24ms (1024 bytes at 10us/byte)
-        ; less up to the time to use the final 16-byte transfer, 160us.
-12      STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]             ; latch the current count
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #1                  ; Sound DMA time in uS
-        LDR     r1, =10030                      ; inside limits ?
-        SUBS    r0, r2, r1
-        BLE     %F13
-        LDR     r1, =260                        ; 10.03  -> 10.29 mS
-        CMPS    r0, r1
-        MOVLT   r1,#0                           ; inside limits : set Z flag
-13      ORRS    r1,r1,r1
-        ; return with zero flag set if time (in r2) was within limits
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_DMA_C_Bit
-        STR     r0, [r3,#IOMD_SD0CR]
-        |
-        BIC     r0, r0, #MEMC_Son
-        STR     r0, [r0]
-        ]
-        MOV     r0, r2                          ; return the long time value
-        MOV     pc, r14
-; Data tables: VIDC := mode 0, all palette black
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC1a"
-        & &00000000
-        & &04000000
-        & &08000000
-        & &0C000000
-        & &10000000
-        & &14000000
-        & &18000000
-        & &1C000000
-        & &20000000
-        & &24000000
-        & &28000000
-        & &2C000000
-        & &30000000
-        & &34000000
-        & &38000000
-        & &3C000000
-        & &40000000     ; Border -> black
-        & &44000000     ; Cursor -> black
-        & &48000000
-        & &4C000000     ; Palette programmed (avoid messy screen on reset)
-; standard mode 0 setup (except display area disabled)
-        & &807FC000
-        & &8408C000
-        & &881B0000
-        & &8C1EC000     ; HDSR
-        & &906EC000     ; HDER
-        & &94770000
-        & &9C400000
-        & &A04DC000
-        & &A4008000
-        & &A8050000     ; VBSR
-        & &AC098000     ; VDSR
-        & &B0000000     ; VDER < VDSR to disable screen DMA       B0000000
-        & &B44DC000     ; VBER
-        & &E00000B2
-; Additional setup : cursor blanked, sound frequency test bit set 
-        & &C0000100     ; SFR  NB. TEST BIT! - also DFlynn requested value
-        & &98258000     ; HCSR
-        & &B8004000     ; VCSR
-        & &BC400000     ; VCER
-; don't mess with the stereo image registers: sound code will set them.
-        & &FFFFFFFF     ; That's the lot
-; Further registers to turn screen DMA on again (border all over)
-; Must have a video start register before video end register to get
-; a vertical flyback interrupt.
-        & &B0494000     ; VDER > VDSR to enable screen DMA
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-        ]
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-; This differs from the default RISC OS VIDCTAB in running from
-; the 24MHZ video ref clock. H register contents are increased by 50%.
-; Program Control Register first, to clear power-down bit
-        & &E0000402     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/1, rclk
-        & &E0000402     ; 
-        & &B1000001     ; SCR: sound disabled (+use 24MHz clock)
-; Don't bother programming all 256 palette entries, we'll be here all night
-; Since we're setting up a 1 bit-per-pixel mode, just do colours 0 and 1
-        & &10000000     ; Palette address register = 0
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 0 = black
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 1 = black
-        & &407f7f7f     ; Border colour = grey
-        & &50000000     ; Pointer colour 1 = black
-        & &60000000     ; Pointer colour 2 = black
-        & &70000000     ; Pointer colour 3 = black
-; Get a stable display up so we get stable signals
-        & &800005F8     ; HCR  = 114 + 132 + 144 + 960 + 144 + 42
-        & &8100006A     ; HSWR = 114
-        & &820000EA     ; HBSR = 114 + 132
-        & &83000174     ; HDSR = 114 + 132 + 144
-        & &84000534     ; HDER = 114 + 132 + 144 + 960
-        & &850005CA     ; HBER = 114 + 132 + 144 + 960 + 144
-        & &860000F3     ; HCSR = HDSR
-        & &90000137     ; VCR  = 3 + 19 + 16 + 256 + 16 + 2
-        & &91000002     ; VSWR = 3
-        & &92000015     ; VBSR = 3 + 19
-        & &93000025     ; VDSR = 3 + 19 + 16
-        & &94000024     ; VDER = VDSR -1 to disable sceeen DMA
-        & &95000135     ; VBER = 3 + 19 + 16 + 256 + 16
-        & &96000025     ; VCSR = VDSR
-        & &97000025     ; VCER = VDSR
-        & &C00F1003     ; EREG = comp sync, DACs on, ereg output ext lut
-        & &D000C385     ; FSYNREG, clk = (3+1)/(5+1) * 24MHz = 16MHz
-        & &F0013000     ; DCR: bus D[31:0], Hdisc
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-        & &94000125     ; VDER > VDSR to enable screen DMA
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-                        ; FSIZE is one less than number of rasters in Vflyback
-        & &00000037     ; (3 + 19 + 16 + 0 + 16 + 2) - 1
-        ; Alternate settings for VGA monitor
-        & &E0000402     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/1, rclk
-        & &E0000402     ; 
-        & &B1000001     ; SCR: sound disabled (+use 24MHz clock)
-        & &10000000     ; Palette address register = 0
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 0 = black
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 1 = black
-        & &407f7f7f     ; Border colour = grey
-        & &50000000     ; Pointer colour 1 = black
-        & &60000000     ; Pointer colour 2 = black
-        & &70000000     ; Pointer colour 3 = black
-        & &80000310     ; HCR  = 92 + 45 + 0 + 640 + 0 + 16
-        & &81000054     ; HSWR = 92
-        & &82000080     ; HBSR = 92 + 45
-        & &83000080     ; HDSR = 92 + 45 + 0
-        & &84000300     ; HDER = 92 + 45 + 0 + 640
-        & &85000300     ; HBER = 92 + 45 + 0 + 640 + 0
-        & &86000080     ; HCSR = HDSR
-        & &9000020B     ; VCR  = 2 + 32 + 0 + 480 + 0 + 11
-        & &91000001     ; VSWR = 2
-        & &92000021     ; VBSR = 2 + 32
-        & &93000021     ; VDSR = 2 + 32 + 0
-        & &94000020     ; VDER = VDSR -1 to disable sceeen DMA
-        & &95000201     ; VBER = 2 + 32 + 0 + 480 + 0
-        & &96000021     ; VCSR = VDSR
-        & &97000021     ; VCER = VDSR
-        & &C0051003     ; EREG = sep/inv sync, DACs on, ereg output ext lut
-        & &F0013000     ; DCR: bus D[31:0], Hdisc
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-        ]
-        END 
diff --git a/TestSrc/ExtIO b/TestSrc/ExtIO
index cab813c2cb33f9ec5b08ad09aa2bf10f12c6acff..2aec7cd51ac37aa36fb0e19ec17e8301f9161ce7 100644
--- a/TestSrc/ExtIO
+++ b/TestSrc/ExtIO
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ; External interface for RISC OS ROM.
 ; provides entry points to send byte- and word- and string-sized objects
-; and to receive byte- and word-sized objects   
+; and to receive byte- and word-sized objects
 ; A minimal set of opcodes should be used (ideally, only B, LDR and ADDS)
 ; so that a processor test may be validly included in the internal test
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 ;				running from the 2nd ROM bank, conditioned on
 ;				CanLiveOnROMCard. Needed because 2nd ROM bank
 ;				isn't ghosted on the A23 line like the 1st bank.
+; 04-May-99     KJB             Modified to cope with >8M ROMs.
@@ -35,7 +36,8 @@
 ; The test adapter senses an access to the ROM with address line A23 high.
-; Current (8M addressing space) ROMs only use address lines A2 to A22,
+; 8M addressing space ROMs only use address lines A2 to A22,
 ; so if A23 is asserted it will be ignored (the ROMS are aliased
 ; into 16M of space). With no test adapter, the aliased ROM location will
 ; be read and may be recognised. The test adapter may selectively disable
@@ -43,16 +45,18 @@
 ; should be dependent on the previous ROM read operation, and will
 ; therefore be predictably not equal to the data read when the ROMs are
 ; aliased.
-; The assumption that A23 is unused may be invalidated by a later issue
-; of the PCB. Machines using larger ROMs than 8Mbytes will require explicit
-; decoding or a new communication scheme.
+; On a system with >8M of ROM, A23 is now meaningful, and there is no
+; aliasing of the ROM image. In this case, we read a fixed location at the
+; end of the ROM that always contains zero - if it reads as non-zero, the
+; test adapter is signalling.
-; This section determines whether the test interface adapter exists, and 
-; what variety is fitted (dumb, display or external)      
-; 3 read operations are performed (a WS operation): if all of these 
+; This section determines whether the test interface adapter exists, and
+; what variety is fitted (dumb, display or external)
+; 3 read operations are performed (a WS operation): if all of these
 ; find a ROM alias then no adapter is fitted.
 ; If an adapter responds, then a RD operation is performed - 4 strobes then
@@ -81,8 +85,27 @@ ts_GetCommand  ROUT
-; Load up the registers for the test interface communication -
+; Load up the registers for the test interface communication.
+; If the ROM is >8M, we will use the fixed zero word in the ROM trailer.
+; If not, we use the old scheme (in case someone is using an old ROM joiner
+; that doesn't write the correct trailer.) Because the ROM is >8M, the
+; trailer will be at an address with A23 set, as desired.
+; KJB - note I haven't kept the purity of the minimal instruction set -
+; I feel that it is unlikely that there ever will be a processor test,
+; and if there is, then this won't be the only place where the purity
+; has been broken...
+        ASSERT  ts_Alias_bits = 8*1024*1024
+        MOV     r0,#0
+        LDR     r1,[r0, #ts_ROMSIZE]    ; size of ROM in bank 0
+        CMP     r1,#8*1024*1024
+        SUBHI   r2,r1,#20               ; zero word is at end-20
+        BHI     %42
 ; Point r2 at a word which contains 0 in 0-8MB physical space.
 ; Note that this code doesn't cope with the case where it can't find a zero
 ; word anywhere in the whole ROM. I don't think that this is a problem.
@@ -95,6 +118,7 @@ ts_GetCommand  ROUT
 	BNE	%01
 	ADD	r2, r2, #ts_Alias_bits	; point to zero word in ghost
 	MOV	r1, #-1			; expected below
         ; do an RD operation (four strobes) to ensure interface cleared
@@ -164,7 +188,7 @@ ts_GetCommand  ROUT
         ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; loop until 5 bits are read
         BCC     %10
-        ADDS    r5,r4,r4                ; copy bits 7..3 to r5, bits 5..1 
+        ADDS    r5,r4,r4                ; copy bits 7..3 to r5, bits 5..1
         ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; and read the last 3 bits to r4
 11      LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read a bit of the byte
@@ -179,7 +203,7 @@ ts_GetCommand  ROUT
 ; Pass the option bits (r4) to the function identified by r5.
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; index * 2 -> index * 4 
+        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; index * 2 -> index * 4
         LDR     r3,%12                  ; pc-relative ptr to command_table
         ADD     pc,pc,r0
@@ -187,14 +211,14 @@ ts_GetCommand  ROUT
         ADDS    r3,pc,r3                ; absolute pointer to command table
         ADDS    r3,r3,r5
-13      LDR     r3,[r3]                 ; get table entry 
+13      LDR     r3,[r3]                 ; get table entry
 14      ADD     pc,pc,r3                ; (offset from command_table)
         &       0                       ; necessary padding : pc must point
                                         ; to command table when r3 is added.
-; This is the table of offsets to all the built-in functions. 
+; This is the table of offsets to all the built-in functions.
 ; The top 5 bits of the command are used to index, so there are
 ; 32 possible entries, mostly illegal.
 ; Decoding of the function modifier bits is performed by multiple
@@ -226,7 +250,7 @@ ts_CRindex
 	DCD	(ts_read_cpr15l    - ts_command_table)
 	DCD	(ts_read_cpr15h    - ts_command_table)
-        ; pad the table out to 31 entries 
+        ; pad the table out to 31 entries
         ; (leave space for display vector)
 OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
@@ -415,17 +439,17 @@ ts_Putdata      ROUT
 ;               - Send the text (nul-terminated, at r4) to the display
-; Interface registers need to be set up : this function is called from test 
+; Interface registers need to be set up : this function is called from test
 ; code rather than external interface code.
-; The display is assumed to be a standard 16 character LCD module using 
+; The display is assumed to be a standard 16 character LCD module using
 ; the Hitachi HD44780 display controller.
 ; The 16-digit module uses a single 44780. This is an abnormal use of the
 ; controller, and requires it to be set to two-line mode, with the first
 ; 8 displayed characters on the first 'line', and the second 8 on the
 ; second 'line'. Characters sent to the second line must be written at
 ; character position 40 +. In order to permit different modules to be
-; fitted to later adapters, it is suggested that the first 7 characters 
+; fitted to later adapters, it is suggested that the first 7 characters
 ; be treated as a 'title' line, and the second 8 as a 'comment' line.
 ; A space should always be placed at the end of the title line to
 ; split the display fields, unless there is no 'comment' line.
@@ -437,7 +461,7 @@ ts_Putdata      ROUT
 ; The bits in a transmitted byte are assigned as :
 ;       bit 0   -       D4  }   4-bit mode data bus
-;           1   -       D5  }  
+;           1   -       D5  }
 ;           2   -       D6  }
 ;           3   -       D7  }
@@ -446,14 +470,14 @@ ts_Putdata      ROUT
 ;           5   -           }   Unassigned
 ;           6   -           }
-;           7   -       CPEN    Interface control :     0 for enable, 
+;           7   -       CPEN    Interface control :     0 for enable,
 ;                                                       1 for disable
-; For each message sent, the display is first initialised, using the 
-; following sequence (each byte is sent as 2 bytes, high nibble first, 
+; For each message sent, the display is first initialised, using the
+; following sequence (each byte is sent as 2 bytes, high nibble first,
 ; with RS clear in bit 4 of each byte)
 ; After each byte, an RD operation is performed : this is used by the
-; interface hardware to strobe the data into the display. 
+; interface hardware to strobe the data into the display.
 ; The message addressed by r4 is then sent (data mode : RS set in each byte)
@@ -787,7 +811,7 @@ ts_send_text_byte       ROUT
 ; Character is normal text : write it to the LCD.
-; The shift loop is used to generate the inter-byte delay normally 
+; The shift loop is used to generate the inter-byte delay normally
 ; provided by  ts_recover_time. Always make sure this is long enough.
@@ -887,7 +911,7 @@ ts_send_cbit_upper
         LDR     r5,%70                  ; bitcount mask for 4 data bits
         ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; and 4 interface control bits
-        &       (((1 :SHL: 4) + 1) :SHL: 24)   
+        &       (((1 :SHL: 4) + 1) :SHL: 24)
         LDR     r3,%71
@@ -993,8 +1017,8 @@ ts_send_cbit_lower
 ; Wait for about 1 seconds worth of LCD operation delays to
-; permit the operator to read the text. 
-; Use of the interface's monitor allows this delay to be increased 
+; permit the operator to read the text.
+; Use of the interface's monitor allows this delay to be increased
 ; or decreased externally.
@@ -1038,7 +1062,7 @@ ts_SendEnd      ROUT
         &       (1 :SHL: 24)
         LDR     r3,%11
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0 
+        ADD     pc,pc,r0
         &       ts_recover_time         ; wait before sending data bits
 12      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; for byte timing.
diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM
index ff6ea2ad3aa34147d5820978f399b4c3777158c5..10f67e4cd4b2219495aa9a9049fbd7b90407aa6f 100644
--- a/VersionASM
+++ b/VersionASM
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 			GBLS	Module_MinorVersion
 			GBLS	Module_Date
 			GBLS	Module_FullVersion
-Module_MajorVersion	SETS    "4.76"
-Module_Version          SETA    476
+Module_MajorVersion	SETS    "4.77"
+Module_Version          SETA    477
 Module_MinorVersion	SETS	""
-Module_Date		SETS    "30 Apr 1999"
-Module_FullVersion      SETS    "4.76"
+Module_Date		SETS    "04 May 1999"
+Module_FullVersion      SETS    "4.77"
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 68e950b7422512064e0bc346870f7af0c5dc6ece..7bac36ea6e8c47bce1217ea3df2fab3af4be0726 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-/* (4.76)
+/* (4.77)
  * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
-#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG     	4.76
+#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG     	4.77
 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG	
-#define Module_Date_CMHG      		30 Apr 1999
+#define Module_Date_CMHG      		04 May 1999
-#define Module_MajorVersion     	"4.76"
-#define Module_Version                  476
+#define Module_MajorVersion     	"4.77"
+#define Module_Version                  477
 #define Module_MinorVersion		""
-#define Module_Date      		"30 Apr 1999"
+#define Module_Date      		"04 May 1999"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "4.76"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "4.77"