From 3e9f9f3a898a368839d53f952029b9e5cb79df47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ROOL <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 20:18:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] This commit was manufactured by cvs2git to create tag
 'Kernel- 5_35-4_79_2_60'.

Sprout from HAL 2003-04-15 20:18:37 UTC Kevin Bracey <> 'Version increased to dizzy 5.03'
 .gitattributes                     |    4 -
 Docs/HAL/ADisNote                  |   48 -
 Docs/HAL/ARMop_API                 |  441 ---
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 Docs/HAL/MoreEnts                  |  500 ---
 Docs/HAL/NewAPI                    |  235 --
 Docs/HAL/NewCDV                    |   23 -
 Docs/HAL/Notes                     |  109 -
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 s/AMBControl/growp                 |  146 -
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 s/AMBControl/mapsome               |   86 -
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 s/MEMC1                            |  571 ----
 s/MEMC2                            |  713 -----
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 s/Middle                           | 1957 ------------
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 s/MoreComms                        |  574 ----
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 s/Morris                           |   81 -
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 s/NewReset                         | 2337 --------------
 s/Oscli                            | 1500 ---------
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 s/PMF/Def                          |  148 -
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 185 files changed, 114607 deletions(-)
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 delete mode 100644 s/PMF/Def
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 delete mode 100644 s/PMF/oseven
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 delete mode 100644 s/vdu/vdu5
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 delete mode 100644 s/vdu/vdumodes
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 delete mode 100644 s/vdu/vdupal20
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diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index f3d97fc5..d0460a77 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
-hdr/** gitlab-language=armasm linguist-language=armasm linguist-detectable=true
-s/** gitlab-language=armasm linguist-language=armasm linguist-detectable=true
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-*,ffb gitlab-language=bbcbasic linguist-language=bbcbasic linguist-detectable=true
-h/** gitlab-language=c linguist-language=c linguist-detectable=true
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/ADisNote b/Docs/HAL/ADisNote
deleted file mode 100644
index c3cb1bc6..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/ADisNote
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-0 STATE (X)                     0->X (8)
-1 nWAIT                         1->9
-2 BRST                          2->X (2)
-3 nFIQ                          3->X (13)
-4 nIRQ                          4->X (12)
-5 nc (MAS[0])                   5->6
-6 nMREQ           1             6->1
-7 SEQ (X)                       7->0
-8 nRW                           8->3
-9 nBW (MAS[1])                  9->7
-10 LOCK                         10->X (10)
-11 nTRANS (X)                   11->5
-12 nOPC (X)                     12->4
-13 nc                           13->11 (DMA low)
-14 ABE
-15 DBE
-Master clock: (MCLK down)
-0 SEQ                           0->7
-1 nMREQ                         1->6
-2 nEXEC
-Slave clock: (MCLK up)
-3 nRW                          16->8
-4 nOPC                         17->12
-5 nTRANS                       18->11
-6 MAS[0]                       19->5
-7 MAS[1]                       20->9
-9 nWAIT                        22->1
-11 DMA
-13 CS0
-14 CS1
-15 CS2
-16 CS3
-17 CS4
-18 CS5
-19 CS6
-20 CS7
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/ARMop_API b/Docs/HAL/ARMop_API
deleted file mode 100644
index 0321389e..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/ARMop_API
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-mjs   12 Jan 2001   Early Draft
-mjs   14 Feb 2001   XScale survey revised, ARMop reentrancy defined
-RISC OS Kernel ARM core support
-This document is concerned with the design of open ended support for
-multiple ARM cores within the RISC OS kernel, as part of the work loosely
-termed hardware abstraction. Note that the ARM core support is part of the
-OS kernel, and so is not part of the hardware abstraction layer (HAL)
-ARM core support (including caches and MMU) has historically been coded in a
-tailored way for one or two specific variants. Since version 3.7 this has
-meant just two variants; ARM 6/7 and StrongARM SA110. A more generic
-approach is required for the next generation. This aims both to support
-several cores in a more structured way, and to cover minor variants (eg.
-cache size) with the same support code. The natural approach is to set up
-run-time vectors to a set of ARM support routines.
-Note that it is currently assumed that the ARM MMU architecture will not
-change radically in future ARM cores. Hence, the kernel memory management
-algorithms remain largely unchanged. This is believed to be a reasonable
-assumption, since the last major memory management change was with Risc PC
-and ARM 610 (when the on-chip MMU was introduced).
-Note that all ARM support code must be 32-bit clean, as part of the 32-bit
-clean kernel.
-Survey of ARM core requirements
-At present, five broad ARM core types can be considered to be of interest;
-ARM7 (and ARM6), ARM9, ARM10, StrongARM (SA1) and  XScale. These divide
-primarily in terms of cache types, and cache and TLB maintenance
-requirements. They also span a range of defined ARM architecture variants,
-which introduced variants for system operations (primarily coprocessor 15
-The current ARM architecture is version 5. This (and version 4) has some
-open ended definitions to allow code to determine cache size and types from
-CP15 registers. Hence, the design of the support code can hope to be at
-least tolerant of near future variations that are introduced.
-ARM7 cores may be architecture 3 or 4. They differ in required coprocessor
-15 operations for the same cache and TLB control. ARM6 cores are much the
-same as architecture 3 ARM7. The general character of all these cores is of
-unified write-through caches that can only be invalidated on a global basis.
-The TLBs are also unified, and can be invalidated per entry or globally.
-ARM9 cores are architecture 4. We ignore ARM9 variants without an MMU. The
-kernel can read cache size and features. The ARM 920 or 922 have harvard
-caches, with writeback and writethrough capable data caches (on a page or
-section granularity). Data and instruction caches can be invalidated by
-individual lines or globally. The data cache can be cleaned by virtual
-address or cache segment/index, allowing for efficient cache maintenance.
-Data and instruction TLBs can be invalidated by entry or globally.
-ARM 10 is architecture 5. Few details available at present. Likely to be
-similar to ARM9 in terms of cache features and available operations. 
-StrongARM is architecture 4. StrongARMs have harvard caches, the data cache
-being writeback only (no writethrough option). The data cache can only be
-globally cleaned in an indirect manner, by reading from otherwise unused
-address space. This is inefficient because it requires external (to the
-core) reads on the bus. In particular, the minimum cost of a clean, for a
-nearly clean cache, is high. The data cache supports clean and invalidate by
-individual virtual lines, so this is reasonably efficient for small ranges
-of address. The data TLB can be invalidated by entry or globally.
-The instruction cache can only be invalidated globally. This is inefficient
-for cases such as IMBs over a small range (dynamic code). The instruction
-TLB can only be invalidated globally.
-Some StrongARM variants have a mini data cache. This is selected over the
-main cache on a section or page by using the cachable/bufferable bits set to
-C=1,B=0 in the MMU (this is not standard ARM architecture). The mini data
-cache is writeback and must be cleaned in the same manner as the main data
-XScale is architecture 5. It implements harvard caches, the data cache being
-writeback or writethrough (on a page or section granularity). Data and
-instruction caches can be invalidated by individual lines or globally. The
-data cache can be fully cleaned by allocating lines from otherwise unused
-address space. Unlike StrongARM, no external reads are needed for the clean
-operation, so that cache maintenance is efficient.
-XScale has a mini data cache. This is only available by using extension bits
-in the MMU. This extension is not documented in the current manual for
-architecture 5, but will presumably be properly recognised by ARM. It should
-be a reasonably straightforward extension for RISC OS. The mini data cache
-can only be cleaned by inefficient indirect reads as on StrongARM.
-For XScale, the whole mini data cache can be configured as writethrough. The
-most likely use for RISC OS is to map screen memory as mini cacheable, so
-writethrough caching will be selected to prevent problems with delayed
-screen update (and hence intricate screen/cache management code as in Ursula
-for StrongARM). With writethrough configured, most operations can ignore the
-mini cache, because invalidation by virtual address will invalidate mini or
-main cache entries as appropriate. 
-Unfortunately, for global cache invalidatation, things are very awkward.
-RISC OS cannot use the global cache invalidate operation (which globally
-invalidates both data caches), unless it is very careful to 100% clean the
-main cache with all interrupts (IRQs and FIQs) disabled. This is to avoid
-fatal loss of uncleaned lines from the writeback main cache. Disabling
-interrupts for the duration of a main cache clean is an unacceptable
-latency. Therefore, reluctantly, RISC OS must do the equivalent of cleaning
-the mini cache (slow physical reads) in order to globally invalidate it as a
-side effect.
-The instruction and data TLBs can each be invalidated by entry or globally.
-Kernel ARM operations
-This section lists the definitions and API of the set of ARM operations
-(ARMops) required by the kernel for each major ARM type that is to be
-supported. Some operations may be very simple on some ARMs. Others may need
-support from the kernel environment - for example, readable parameters that
-have been determined at boot, or address space available for cache clean
-The general rules for register usage and preservation in calling these
-ARMops iare:
-  - any parameters are passed in r0,r1 etc. as required
-  - r0 may be used as a scratch register
-  - the routines see a valid stack via sp, at least 16 words are available
-  - lr is the return link as required
-  - on exit, all registers except r0 and lr must be preserved
-Note that where register values are given as logical addresses, these are
-RISC OS logical addresses. The equivalent ARM terminology is virtual address
-(VA), or modified virtual address (MVA) for architectures with the fast
-context switch extension.
-Note also that where cache invalidation is required, it is implicit that any
-associated operations for a particular ARM should be performed also. The
-most obvious example is for an ARM with branch prediction, where it may be
-necessary to invalidate a branch cache anywhere where instruction cache
-invalidation is to be performed.
-Any operation that is a null operation on the given ARM should be
-implemented as a single return instruction:
-  MOV pc, lr
-ARMop reentrancy
-In general, the operations will be called from SVC mode with interrupts
-enabled. However, some use of some operations from interrupt mode is
-expected. Notably, it is desirable for the IMB operations to be
-available from interrupt mode. Therefore, it is intended that all
-implementations of all ARMops be reentrant. Most will be so with no
-difficulty. For ARMs with writeback data caches, the cleaning algorithm
-may have to be constructed carefully to handle reentrancy (and to avoid
-turning off interrupts for the duration of a clean).
-Cache ARMops
--- Cache_CleanInvalidateAll
-The cache or caches are to be globally invalidated, with cleaning of any
-writeback data being properly performed. 
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
-Note that any write buffer draining should also be performed by this
-operation, so that memory is fully updated with respect to any writeaback
-The OS only expects the invalidation to be with respect to instructions/data
-that are not involved in any currently active interrupts. In other words, it
-is expected and desirable that interrupts remain enabled during any extended
-clean operation, in order to avoid impact on interrupt latency.
--- Cache_CleanAll
-The unified cache or data cache are to be globally cleaned (any writeback data
-updated to memory). Invalidation is not required.
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
-Note that any write buffer draining should also be performed by this
-operation, so that memory is fully updated with respect to any writeaback
-The OS only expects the cleaning to be with respect to data that are not
-involved in any currently active interrupts. In other words, it is expected
-and desirable that interrupts remain enabled during any extended clean
-operation, in order to avoid impact on interrupt latency.
--- Cache_InvalidateAll
-The cache or caches are to be globally invalidated. Cleaning of any writeback
-data is not to be performed.
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
-This call is only required for special restart use, since it implies that
-any writeback data are either irrelevant or not valid. It should be a very
-simple operation on all ARMs.
--- Cache_RangeThreshold
-Return a threshold value for an address range, above which it is advisable
-to globally clean and/or invalidate caches, for performance reasons. For a
-range less than or equal to the threshold, a ranged cache operation is
-   entry: -
-   exit:  r0 = threshold value (bytes)
-This call returns a value that the kernel may use to select between strategies
-in some cache operations. This threshold may also be of use to some of the
-ARM operations themselves (although they should typically be able to read
-the parameter more directly).
-The exact value is unlikely to be critical, but a sensible value may depend
-on both the ARM and external factors such as memory bus speed.
--- WriteBuffer_Drain
-Any writebuffers are to be drained so that any pending writes are guaranteed
-completed to memory.
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
--- TLB_InvalidateAll
-The TLB or TLBs are to be globally invalidated.
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
--- TLB_InvalidateEntry
-The TLB or TLBs are to be invalidated for the entry at the given logical
-   entry: r0 = logical address of entry to invalidate (page aligned)
-   exit:  -
-The address will always be page aligned (4k).
--- IMB_Full
-A global instruction memory barrier (IMB) is to be performed.
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
-An IMB is an operation that should be performed after new instructions have
-been stored and before they are executed. It guarantees correct operation
-for code modification (eg. something as simple as loading code to be
-On some ARMs, this operation may be null. On ARMs with harvard architecture
-this typically consists of:
-  1) clean data cache
-  2) drain write buffer
-  3) invalidate instruction cache
-There may be other considerations such as invalidating branch prediction
--- IMB_Range
-An instruction memory barrier (IMB) is to be performed over a logical
-address range.
-   entry: r0 = logical address of start of range
-          r1 = logical address of end of range (exclusive)
-          Note that r0 and r1 are aligned on cache line boundaries
-   exit: -
-An IMB is an operation that should be performed after new instructions have
-been stored and before they are executed. It guarantees correct operation
-for code modification (eg. something as simple as loading code to be
-On some ARMs, this operation may be null. On ARMs with harvard architecture
-this typically consists of:
-  1) clean data cache over the range
-  2) drain write buffer
-  3) invalidate instruction cache over the range
-There may be other considerations such as invalidating branch prediction
-Note that the range may be very large. The implementation of this call is
-typically expected to use a threshold (related to Cache_RangeThreshold) to
-decide when to perform IMB_Full instead, being faster for large ranges.
-MMU mapping ARMops
--- MMU_Changing
-The global MMU mapping is about to be changed.
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
-The operation must typically perform the following:
-  1) globally clean and invalidate all caches
-  2) drain write buffer
-  3) globally invalidate TLB or TLBs
-Note that it should not be necessary to disable IRQs. The OS ensures that
-remappings do not affect currently active interrupts.
--- MMU_ChangingEntry
-The MMU mapping is about to be changed for a single page entry (4k).
-   entry: r0 = logical address of entry (page aligned)
-   exit:  -
-The operation must typically perform the following:
-  1) clean and invalidate all caches over the 4k range of the page
-  2) drain write buffer
-  3) invalidate TLB or TLBs for the entry
-Note that it should not be necessary to disable IRQs. The OS ensures that
-remappings do not affect currently active interrupts.
--- MMU_ChangingUncached
-The MMU mapping is about to be changed in a way that globally affects
-uncacheable space.
-   entry: -
-   exit:  -
-The operation must typically globally invalidate the TLB or TLBs. The OS
-guarantees that cacheable space is not affected, so cache operations are not
-required. However, there may still be considerations such as fill buffers
-that operate in uncacheable space on some ARMs.
--- MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry
-The MMU mapping is about to be changed for a single uncacheable page entry
-   entry: r0 = logical address of entry (page aligned)
-   exit:  -
-The operation must typically invalidate the TLB or TLBs for the entry. The
-OS guarantees that cacheable space is not affected, so cache operations are
-not required. However, there may still be considerations such as fill
-buffers that operate in uncacheable space on some ARMs.
--- MMU_ChangingEntries
-The MMU mapping is about to be changed for a contiguous range of page
-entries (multiple of 4k).
-   entry: r0 = logical address of first page entry (page aligned)
-          r1 = number of page entries ( >= 1)
-   exit:  -
-The operation must typically perform the following:
-  1) clean and invalidate all caches over the range of the pages
-  2) drain write buffer
-  3) invalidate TLB or TLBs over the range of the entries
-Note that it should not be necessary to disable IRQs. The OS ensures that
-remappings do not affect currently active interrupts.
-Note that the number of entries may be large. The operation is typically
-expected to use a reasonable threshold, above which it performs a global
-operation instead for speed reasons.
--- MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries
-The MMU mapping is about to be changed for a contiguous range of uncacheable
-page entries (multiple of 4k).
-   entry: r0 = logical address of first page entry (page aligned)
-          r1 = number of page entries ( >= 1)
-   exit:  -
-The operation must typically invalidate the TLB or TLBs over the range of
-the entries. The OS guarantees that cacheable space is not affected, so
-cache operations are not required. However, there may still be
-considerations such as fill buffers that operate in uncacheable space on
-some ARMs.
-Note that the number of entries may be large. The operation is typically
-expected to use a reasonable threshold, above which it performs a global
-operation instead for speed reasons.
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index 3c43b939..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/Entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-RISC OS and the "HAL"
-RISC OS currently is tied to the IOMD20 and VIDC20 peripheral set,
-descendents of the original IOC, MEMC and VIDC devices designed in parallel
-with the original ARM. These devices provide a close fit with RISC OS, and
-their functionality is well suited to general purpose and embedded systems,
-but the continuing drive to reduce cost requires us to support other
-peripheral sets on off-the-shelf ARM system on chips.
-First targets for support are L7205/L7210 for Customer L and CL92xx (the new
-ARM920T based devices) for Customer A. Enclosed are a summary of their
-advantages and disadvantages over the ARM7500FE for our Information
-Appliance designs.
-              L7205                       CL92xx
-            + Faster (50% or so)        + Faster (400%+)
-            + SDRAM support             + SDRAM support
-            + USB                       + USB
-                                        + EIDE interface
-                                        + Lots of GPIO
-            - No hardware cursor
-            - No floating point         - Incompatible floating point
-            - No video DACs             - No video DACs
-            - No PS/2                   - No PS/2
-                                        - Bizarre MS-Windows video system
-To support these devices, and others in the future, a simple HAL is to be
-inserted underneath RISC OS. This will provide two functions. Firstly, it
-will be responsible for initial system bootstrap, much like a PC BIOS, and
-secondly it will provide simple APIs to allow hardware access.
-The HAL APIs are a thin veneer on top of the hardware. They are designed to
-act as replacements for all the hardware knowledge and manipulation performed
-by the RISC OS Kernel, together with some APIs that will allow RISC OS driver
-modules to become more hardware independent. No attempt will be made (at this
-stage) to perform such tasks as separating the video drivers from the Kernel,
-for example.
-One tricky design decision is the amount of abstraction to aim for. Too
-little, and the system is not flexible enough; too much and HAL design is
-needlessly complicated for simple hardware. The present design tries to
-err on the side of too little abstraction. Extra, more abstract APIs can
-always be added later. So, initially, for example, the serial device API
-will just provide discovery, some capability flags and the base address
-of the UART register set. This will be sufficient for the vast majority
-of devices. If new hardware comes along later that isn't UART compatible,
-a new API can be defined. Simple hardware can continue to just report
-UART base addresses.
-The bulk of device driver implementation remains in RISC OS modules - the
-difference is that the HAL will allow many device drivers to no longer
-directly access hardware. For example, PS2Driver can now use HAL calls to
-send and receive bytes through the PS/2 ports, and thus is no longer tied to
-IOMD's PS/2 hardware. Similarly, interrupt masking and unmasking, as
-performed by any device vector claimant, is now a HAL call. Note that HAL
-calls are normally performed via a Kernel SWI - alternatively the Kernel
-can return the address of specific Kernel routines. There is nothing to stop
-specific drivers talking to hardware directly, as long as they accept that
-this will tie them to specific devices.
-This dividing line between the HAL and RISC OS driver modules is crucial. If
-the HAL does everything, then we have achieved nothing - we have just as much
-hardware dependent code - it's just in a different place. It is important to
-place the dividing line as close to the hardware as possible, to make it easy
-to design a HAL and to prevent large amounts of code  duplication between
-HALs for different platforms.
-The Kernel remains responsible for the ARM's MMU and all other aspects of the
-CPU core. The HAL requires no knowledge of details of ARM implementations,
-and thus any HAL implementation should work on any processor from the ARM610
-to the ARM940T or XScale.
-OS independence
-Notionally, the HAL implementation is OS independent. It makes no assumptions
-about the virtual memory map of the OS, and only uses the defined HAL->OS
-entries. The HAL should not call RISC OS SWIs.
-In practice, however, the HALs are unlikely to be used on anything other
-than RISC OS, and many HALs are likely to be written. This makes it sensible
-to place as much intelligence as possible within RISC OS itself, to prevent
-duplicated effort.
-Calling standards
-RISC OS and the HAL are two separate entities, potentially linked separately.
-Thus some simple dynamic linking is required. This occurs via a hybrid of the
-RISC OS module header and Shared C Library stubs. Each RISC OS/HAL entry is
-given a unique (arbitrary) number, starting at 0. The offset to each entry is
-given in an entry table. Calls can be made manually through this table, or
-stubs could be created at run-time to allow high-level language calls.
-Every entry (up to the declared maximum) must exist. If not implemented, a
-failure response must be returned, or the call ignored, as appropriate.
-To permit high-level language use in the future, the procedure call standard
-in both directions is ATPCS, with no use of floating point, no stack limit
-checking, no frame pointers, and no Thumb interworking. HAL code is expected
-to be ROPI and RWPI (hence it is called with its static workspace base in
-sb). The OS kernel is neither ROPI nor RWPI (except for the pre-MMU calls,
-which are ROPI).
-The HAL will always be called in a privileged mode - if called in an
-interrupt mode, the corresponding interrupts will be disabled. The HAL should
-not change mode. HAL code should work in both 26-bit and 32-bit modes (but
-should assume 32-bit configuration).
-Header formats
-The OS is linked to run at a particular base address. At present, the address
-will be at <n>MB + 64KB. This allows a HAL of up to 64K to be placed at the
-bottom of a ROM below the OS, and the whole thing to be section-mapped.
-However, if a different arrangement is used, the system will still work
-(albeit slightly less efficiently).
-The OS starts with a magic word - this aids probing and location of images.
-Following that is a defined header format:
-Word 0: Magic word ("OSIm" - &6D49534F)
-Word 1: Flags (0)
-Word 2: Image size
-Word 3: Offset from base to entry table
-Word 4: Number of entries available
-The HAL itself may have whatever header is required to start the system. For
-example on ARM7500 16->32 bit switch code is required, and on the 9500 parts
-a special ROM header and checksum must be present. Instead of a header,
-a pointer to the HAL descriptor is passed to the OS in the OS_Start call:
-Word 0: Flags
-            bit 0 => uncachable workspace (32K) required
-            bits 1-31 reserved
-Word 1: Offset from descriptor to start of HAL (will be <= 0)
-Word 2: HAL size
-Word 3: Offset from descriptor to entry table
-Word 4: Number of entries available
-Word 5: Static workspace required
-Each of the HAL and the OS must be contiguous within physical memory.
-RISC OS entry points from HAL init
-Entry 0:
-void RISCOS_InitARM(unsigned int flags)
-    flags: reserved - sbz
-On entry:
-  SVC mode
-  MMU and caches off
-  IRQs and FIQs disabled
-  No RAM or stack used
-On exit:
-  Instruction cache may be on
-  This routine must be called once very early on in the HAL start-up, to accelerate the
-  CPU for the rest of HAL initialisation. Typically, it will just enable the instruction
-  cache (if possible on the ARM in use), and ensure that the processor is in 32-bit
-  configuration and mode.
-  Some architecture 4 (and later) ARMs have bits in the control register that affect
-  the hardware layer - eg the iA and nF bits in the ARM920T. These are the HAL's
-  responsibility - the OS will not touch them. Conversely, the HAL should not touch the
-  cache, MMU and core configuration bits (currently bits 0-14).
-  On architecture 3, the control register is write only - the OS will set bits 11-31 to
-  zero.
-  Likewise, such things as the StrongARM 110's register 15 (Test, Clock and Idle Control)
-  are the HAL's responsibility. The OS does not know about the configuration of the
-  system, so cannot program such registers.
-  This entry may not be called after RISCOS_Start.
-Entry 1:
-void *RISCOS_AddRAM(unsigned int flags, void *start, void *end, uintptr_t sigbits, void *ref)
-   flags
-        bit 0: video memory (only first contiguous range will be used)
-        bits 8-11: speed indicator (arbitrary, higher => faster)
-        other bits reserved (SBZ)
-   start
-        start address of RAM (inclusive) (no alignment requirements)
-   end
-        end address of RAM (exclusive) (no alignment requirements, but must be >= start)
-   sigbits
-        significant address bit mask (1 => this bit of addr decoded, 0 => this bit ignored)
-   ref
-        reference handle (NULL for first call)
-Returns ref for next call
-On entry:
-  SVC32 mode
-  MMU and data cache off
-  IRQs and FIQs disabled
-Other notes:
-  This entry point must be the first call from the HAL to RISC OS following a hardware
-  reset. It may be called as many times as necessary to give all enumerate RAM that
-  is available for general purpose use. It should only be called to declare video
-  memory if the video memory may be used as normal RAM when in small video modes.
-  To permit software resets:
-    The HAL must be non-destructive of any declared RAM outside the first 4K of the first
-    block.
-    The stack pointer should be initialised 4K into the first block, or in some non-
-    declared RAM.
-    Must present memory in a fixed order on any given system.
-  Current limitations:
-    The first block must be at least 256K and 16K aligned. (Yuck)
-    Block coalescing only works well if RAM banks are added in ascending address order.
-  RISC OS will use RAM at the start of the first block as initial workspace. Max usage
-  is 16 bytes per block + 32 (currently 8 per block + 4). This limits the number of
-  discontiguous blocks (although RISC OS will concatanate contiguous blocks where
-  possible).
-  This call must not be made after RISCOS_Start.
-Entry 2:
-void RISCOS_Start(unsigned int flags, int *riscos_header, int *hal_entry_table, void *ref)
-   flags
-        bit 0: power on reset
-        bit 1: CMOS reset inhibited (eg protection link on Risc PC)
-        bit 2: perform a CMOS reset (if bit 1 clear and bit 0 set - eg front panel
-                                     button held down on an NC)
-On entry:
-  SVC32 mode
-  MMU and data cache off
-  IRQs and FIQs disabled
-  This routine must be called after all calls to RISCOS_AddRAM have been completed.
-  It does not return. Future calls back to the HAL are via the HAL entry table, after
-  the MMU has been enabled.
-Entry 3:
-void *RISCOS_MapInIO(unsigned int flags, void *phys, unsigned int size)
-   flags: bit 2 => make memory bufferable
-    phys: physical address to map in
-    size: number of bytes of memory to map in
-  This routine is used to map in IO memory for the HAL's usage. Normally it would
-  only be called during HAL_Init(). Once mapped in the IO space cannot be released.
-  It returns the resultant virtual address corresponding to phys, or 0 for failure.
-  Failure can only occur if no RAM is available for page tables, or if the virtual
-  address space is exhausted.
-void *RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress(unsigned int flags, void *phys, void **oldp)
-   flags: bit 2 => make memory bufferable
-          other bits must be zero
-    phys: physical address to access
-    oldp: pointer to location to store old state (or NULL)
-On entry:
-  Privileged mode
-  MMU on
-  FIQs on
-  Re-entrant
-On exit:
-  Returns logical address corresponding to phys
-  Arranges for the physical address phys to be mapped in to logical memory.
-  In fact, the whole megabyte containing "phys" is mapped in (ie if phys =
-  &12345678, then &12300000 to &123FFFFF become available). The memory is
-  supervisor access only, non-cacheable, non-bufferable by default, and will
-  remain available until the next call to RISCOS_Release/AccessPhysicalAddress
-  (although interrupt routines or subroutines may temporarily map in something
-  else).
-  When finished, the user should call RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress.
-void RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress(void *old)
-  old: state returned from a previous call to RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress
-On entry:
-  MMU on
-  FIQs on
-  Re-entrant
-  Call with the a value output from a previous RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress.
-  void *old;
-  unsigned int *addr = (unsigned int *) 0x80005000;
-  unsigned int *addr2 = (unsigned int *) 0x90005000;
-  addr = (unsigned int *) RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress(addr, &old);
-  addr[0] = 3; addr[1] = 5;
-  addr2 = (unsigned int *) RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress(addr2, NULL);
-  *addr2 = 7;
-  RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress(old);
-HAL entries
-void HAL_Start(int *riscos_header)
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index 77b577a9..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/HAL_API
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@@ -1,1078 +0,0 @@
-2001 - a HAL API
-mjs   12 Jan 2001   Early Draft  (mjs,kjb)
-RISC OS Hardware Abstraction
-This document is concerned with low level developments of RISC OS in order
-to support future ARM based platforms. Loosely, this has been considered as
-creating a hardware abstraction layer, or HAL. This term is a useful
-shorthand, but with the following caveats. Firstly, the HAL work is only
-envisaged to provide a modest level of low level abstraction (at least for
-the next OS generation). Secondly, significant non-HAL work, at all levels,
-is required to make a useful next generation RISC OS.
-Note that most of the hardware dependence of the OS is already confined to
-low level code (essentially, the kernel and device drivers). Here we assume
-that the OS is only expected to run on an ARM processor, and with somewhat
-restricted choices of I/O hardware (eg. friendly video pixel formats).
-Up to now (version 4), RISC OS has evolved while closely coupled to an ARM
-processor core and to an Acorn proprietary chip set (video, memory, I/O). It
-has remained highly hardware specific. For the purposes of further
-investment in RISC OS, three key areas of hardware dependence must be
-addressed; 32-bit clean operation, support for new ARM cores, support for
-various video, memory and I/O configurations. Without all of these, the OS
-is essentially useless on forseeable future hardware.
-32-bit clean code
-All RISC OS code must run 32-bit clean on future releases. This is because
-all ARM cores from ARM9 onwards (and also some ARM7 variants) have entirely
-removed support for RISC OS's native 26-bit modes. Note that 32-bit clean
-code is not precluded from working on the older ARM cores (back to ARM 610).
-With more care, 32/26-bit agnostic code can be written to work back to ARM
-2. This may be of interest to module and application code, but note that the
-OS kernel itself is only expected to work back to ARM 610, since an MMU is
-Much of the work required is routine and has been done for the OS itself
-(though long term weeding of consequent bugs is required). A 32-bit
-compatible shared C library has been released in order to encourage
-conversion of application code by third parties. This work is not part of
-hardware abstraction and is not considered further in this document.
-Support for newer ARM cores
-ARM core support (including caches and MMU) has historically been coded in a
-tailored way for one or two specific variants. Since version 3.7 this has
-meant just two variants; ARM 6/7 and StrongARM SA110. A more generic
-approach is required for the next generation. This aims both to support
-several cores in a more structured way, and to cover minor variants (eg.
-cache size) with the same support code. The natural approach is to set up
-run-time vectors to a set of ARM support routines.
-Note that it is currently assumed that the ARM MMU architecture will not
-change radically in future ARM cores. Hence, the kernel memory management
-algorithms remain largely unchanged. This is believed to be a reasonable
-assumption, since the last major memory management change was with Risc PC
-and ARM 610 (when the on-chip MMU was introduced).
-ARM core support is confined almost entirely to the kernel, and is therefore
-not strictly part of the HAL. The HAL will only be concerned with any
-external factors such as clock selection. Only HAL aspects are considered
-further in this document.
-Hardware abstraction layer
-A simple HAL is to be inserted underneath RISC OS. This will provide two
-functions. Firstly, it will be responsible for initial system bootstrap,
-much like a PC BIOS, and secondly it will provide simple APIs to allow
-hardware access.
-The HAL APIs are a thin veneer on top of the hardware. They are designed to
-act as replacements for all the hardware knowledge and manipulation
-performed by the RISC OS Kernel, together with some APIs that will allow
-RISC OS driver modules to become more hardware independent. No attempt will
-be made (at this stage) to perform such tasks as separating the video
-drivers from the Kernel, for example.
-One tricky design decision is the amount of abstraction to aim for. Too
-little, and the system is not flexible enough; too much and HAL design is
-needlessly complicated for simple hardware. The present design tries to err
-on the side of too little abstraction. Extra, more abstract APIs can always
-be added later. So, initially, for example, the serial device API will just
-provide discovery, some capability flags and the base address of the UART
-register set. This will be sufficient for the vast majority of devices. If
-new hardware comes along later that isn't UART compatible, a new API can be
-defined. Simple hardware can continue to just report UART base addresses.
-The bulk of device driver implementation remains in RISC OS modules - the
-difference is that the HAL will allow many device drivers to avoid direct
-access to hardware. For example, PS2Driver can now use HAL calls to send and
-receive bytes through the PS/2 ports, and thus is no longer tied to IOMD's
-PS/2 hardware. Similarly, interrupt masking and unmasking, as performed by
-any device vector claimant, is now a HAL call. Note that HAL calls are
-normally performed via a Kernel SWI - alternatively the Kernel can return
-the address of specific HAL routines. There is nothing to stop specific
-drivers talking to hardware directly, as long as they accept that this will
-tie them to specific devices.
-This dividing line between the HAL and RISC OS driver modules is crucial. If
-the HAL does everything, then we have achieved nothing - we have just as
-much hardware dependent code - it's just in a different place. It is
-important to place the dividing line as close to the hardware as possible,
-to make it easy to design a HAL and to prevent large amounts of code 
-duplication between HALs for different platforms.
-The Kernel remains responsible for the ARM's MMU and all other aspects of
-the CPU core. The HAL requires no knowledge of details of ARM
-implementations, and thus any HAL implementation should work on any
-processor from the ARM610 onwards.
-HAL/OS layout and headers
-The OS is linked to run at a particular base address. Pre-HAL OS's were
-linked to run at <n>MB, that is on a MB alignment to allow efficient MMU
-section mapping. For simplicity, the HAL/OS layout can allow a fixed maximum
-size for the HAL, currently set at 64k. Then the OS base address will be
-<n>MB+64k. This allows a HAL of up to 64K to be placed at the bottom of a
-ROM below the OS, and the HAL/OS combination to still be section-mapped. A
-ROM should be portable to hardware variants merely by replacing the 64k HAL
-A more flexible system would only sacrifice MMU mapping efficiency. The HAL
-and OS could be placed in any desired way, provided that each is contiguous
-in physical memory.
-The OS starts with a header including a magic word - this aids probing and
-location of images. The OS header format is defined as:
-Word 0: Magic word ("OSIm" - &6D49534F)
-Word 1: Flags (currently should be 0)
-Word 2: Image size (bytes)
-Word 3: Offset (bytes) from OS base to table of OS routine entry points
-Word 4: Number of entries in table
-The HAL itself should have whatever header is required to start the system.
-For example on ARM7500 16->32 bit switch code is required, and on the
-9500 parts a special ROM header and checksum must be present. A HAL
-descriptor block, instead of a header, can be placed somewhere in the HAL. A
-pointer to this block is passed by the HAL to the OS in the OS_Start call:
-Word 0: Flags
-            bit 0 => uncachable workspace (32K) required
-            bits 1-31 reserved
-Word 1: Offset (bytes) from descriptor to start of HAL (will be <= 0)
-Word 2: HAL size (bytes)
-Word 3: Offset (bytes) from descriptor to table of HAL routine entry points
-Word 4: Number of entries in table
-Word 5: Size of HAL static workspace required (bytes)
-Calling standards
-RISC OS and the HAL are two separate entities, potentially linked
-separately. The OS and the HAL are each defined with a set of callable
-routines for the OS/HAL interface. Each HAL entry or each OS entry is given
-a unique (arbitrary) number, starting at 0. The offset to each entry is
-given in an entry table. Calls can be made manually through this table, or
-stubs could be created at run-time to allow high-level language calls.
-Every entry (up to the declared maximum) must exist. If not implemented, a
-failure response must be returned, or the call ignored, as appropriate. Note
-that the OS interface for the HAL should not be confused with standard OS
-calls (SWIs) already defined for use in the OS itself.
-To permit high-level language use in the future, the procedure call standard
-in both directions is the ARM-Thumb Procedure Call Standard (ATPCS) as
-defined by ARM, with no use of floating point, no stack limit checking, no
-frame pointers, and no Thumb interworking. HAL code is expected to be ROPI
-and RWPI (ie. all its read-only segments and read-write segments are
-position-independent). Hence the HAL is called with its static workspace
-base (sb) in r9. The OS kernel is neither ROPI nor RWPI (except for the
-pre-MMU calls, which are ROPI). OS calls from the HAL do not use r9 as a
-static base.
-The HAL will always be called in a privileged mode - if called in an
-interrupt mode, the corresponding interrupts will be disabled. The HAL
-should not change mode. HAL code should work in both 26-bit and 32-bit modes
-(but should assume 32-bit configuration).
-Routines can be conveniently specified in C language syntax. Typically they
-will be written in assembler. In detail, the ATPCS register usage for HAL
-calls is as follows:
-  ATPCS  ARM    use                        at exit
-  a1     r0     argument 1/return value    undefined or return value
-  a2     r1     argument 2/return value    undefined or return value
-  a3     r2     argument 3/return value    undefined or return value
-  a4     r3     argument 4/return value    undefined or return value
-  v1     r4     var 1                      preserved
-  v2     r5     var 2                      preserved
-  v3     r6     var 3                      preserved
-  v4     r7     var 4                      preserved
-  v5     r8     var 5                      preserved
-  sb     r9     static workspace base      preserved
-  v7     r10    var 7                      preserved
-  v8     r11    var 8                      preserved
-  ip     r12    scratch                    undefined
-  sp     r13    stack pointer              preserved
-  lr     r14    return link                undefined
-The static workspace base points to the HAL workspace.
-Note that HAL calls must be assumed to corrupt all of r0-r3,r12,r14. A 
-function return value may be in r0, or (less commonly) multiple return
-words in two or more of r0-r3.
-If there are more than 4 arguments to a HAL call, arguments 5 onwards must
-be pushed onto the stack  before the call, and discarded after return. (The
-order of arguments is with argument 5 at top of stack, ie. first to be
-The register usage for the OS entry points is the same, except that r9 is
-not used as a static base (it is preserved).
-When using assembler, the register usage may seem somewhat restricted, and
-cumbersome for more than 4 arguments. However, it is typically a reasonable
-balance for function calls (as a PCS would aim to be), and does not preclude
-implementation in C for example. Old kernel code may require register
-preserving overhead to insert HAL calls easily, but for most calls this is
-insignificant, compared to hardware access costs.
-Initialisation sequence
-After system reset, bootstrap code in the HAL will do minimal hardware
-set-up ... blah blah
-HAL entry points
-These routines are expected to be called from the OS (Kernel). See the
-'Calling standards' section for general information on register usage and so
-The HAL must provide the ability to identify, prioritise and mask IRQs, and the ability
-to mask FIQs. RISC OS supplies the ARM's processor vectors, and on an IRQ calls the HAL
-to request the identity of the highest priority interrupt.
-IRQ and FIQ device numbers are arbitrary, varying from system to system. They should be
-arranged to allow quick mappings to and from hardware registers, and should ideally
-be packed, starting at 0.
-The HAL must supply at least one timer capable of generating periodic
-interrupts. Each timer should generate a separate logical interrupt, and the
-interrupt must be latched. The timers must either be variable rate (period is
-a multiple of a basic granularity), or be fixed rate (period = 1*granularity).
-Optionally, the timer should be capable of reporting the time until the
-next interrupt, in units of the granularity.
-The HAL must supply a counter that varies rapidly, appropriate for use for
-sub-millisecond timing. On many systems, this counter will form part of
-timer 0 - as such it is not required to operate when timer 0 is not running.
-On other systems, the periodic timers may have no readable latch, and a
-separate unit will be required.
-The counter should count down from (period-1) to 0 continuously.
-Non-volatile memory
-The HAL should provide at least 240 bytes of non-volatile memory. If no
-non-volatile memory is available, the HAL may provide fake NVRAM contents
-suitable for RISC OS - however, it is preferable that the HAL just state
-that NVRAM is not available, and RISC OS will act as though a CMOS reset has
-been performed every reset.
-NVRAM is typically implemented as an IIC device, so the calls are permitted
-to be slow, and to enable interrupts. The HAL is not expected to cache
-If the HAL has no particular knowledge of NVMemory, then it may just say
-that "NVMemory is on IIC", and the OS will probe for CMOS/EEPROM devices on
-the IIC bus.
-IIC bus
-Many hardware designs have an IIC bus. Often, it is used only to support
-non-volatile memory, but in other systems TV tuners, TV modulators,
-microcontrollers, and arbitrary expansion cards may be fitted.
-Low-level and high level APIs are defined. An arbitrary number of buses is
-supported, and each can be controlled by either the low or high level API.
-The OS should normally only use one fixed API on each bus - mixing APIs is
-The low-level API requires the OS to control the two lines of the bus
-directly. The high-level API currently covers version 2.1 of the IIC
-protocol, and allows high-level transactions to be performed.
-It is expected that a HAL will always provide the low-level API on each bus,
-where possible in hardware. Using this, the OS can provide Fast mode single
-or multi-master operation. The HAL may wish to provide the high-level API
-where a dedicated IIC port with hardware assistance is available; this will
-further permit High-speed and slave operation.
-As it is possible that some HAL APIs (eg NVMemory), although abstracted at
-this API layer, are still actually an IIC device, a matching set of
-high-level IIC calls are provided in the OS. These give the HAL access to
-the OS IIC engine, which will make low-level HAL calls. This saves the HAL
-from implementing the full IIC protocol. To illustrate this diagramatically:
-    +----------+ NVMem_Read +------------+  NVMemoryRead  +------------+
-    |          | ---------> |            | ------------>  |            |
-    |   App    |            |     OS     |  IICTransmit   |    HAL     |
-    |          |            |            | <------------  |            |
-    |          |            |            |  IICSetLines   |            |
-    |          |            |            | ------------>  |            |
-    +----------+            +------------+                +------------+
-The low-level calls should be fast. Interrupt status may not be altered.
-The following structure is used:
-   typedef struct { int SDA, SCL } IICLines;
-High level API to be defined ...
-The HAL only attempts to abstract the hardware controller aspects of the OS
-video. It does not (yet) consider pixel formats, framestore layout, hardware
-graphics acceleration. All these would affect a great deal of RISC OS
-graphics code that forms much of the value of the OS. This means that the
-envisaged HAL/RISC OS combination makes some specific assumptions about
-graphics framestore layout as follows:
- - memory mapped framestore
- - expected to be contiguous physical memory, can be specific memory (eg. VRAM) 
- - mapped as contiguous logical memory
- - progressive raster scan in logical memory from top left pixel to bottom right
- - start of each raster row must be word aligned
- - number of pixels in a row should be such that row is a whole number of words
- - spacing between start of each row is a constant number of words, possibly
-   greater than row length (via mode variable, LineLength)
- - 1,2,4,8,16 or 32 bits per pixel (bpp)
- - little endian pixel packing for 1,2,4 bpp (least significant bits are
-   leftmost pixels)
- - presence of palette assumed for 1,2,4,8 bpp (8-bits per r,g,b component in
-   each entry)
- - 16 bpp format:
-     bits 0-4       Red
-          5-9       Green
-          10-14     Blue
-          15        Supremacy (0=solid, 1=transparent)
- - 32 bpp format:
-     bits 0-7       Red
-          8-15      Green
-          16-23     Blue
-          24-31     Supremacy (0=solid, 255=transparent)
- - palette words are 32 bits: 
-     bits 0-7       Reserved (0), or Supremacy (0=solid, 255=transparent)
-          8-15      Red
-          16-23     Green
-          24-31     Blue
- - pointer/cursor is assumed supported in hardware, 32x32 pixels,
-   each pixel either transparent or one of 3 paletted colours
- - support for physically interlaced, logically progressive framestore via
-   MMU tricks and use of LineLength mode variable, currently not fully
-   integrated into kernel
-Note that it is possible to support hardware where only some pixel depths
-are available, or only some fit the RISC OS assumptions. Also some hardware
-has some configurability for 'arbitrary' choices like RGB versus BGR
-ordering. Hence, the restrictions are typically much less severe than might
-first be thought.
-Supporting a software only pointer/cursor is feasible (much less work than
-new pixel formats) but not yet considered.
-Aside: RISC OS video interlace trick
-Has been used in NC/STB variants. Makes a physically interlaced framestore
-(two distinct field stores) appear as logically progressive framestore,
-using MMU to map many logical copies, and using freedom to choose a constant
-logical increment between rows in RO mode definition. For 576 rows say, uses
-576M of logical space. Each 1M (section mapped) supports a row and allows
-logical address to increment monotonically, as physical address alternates
-between (increasing rows of) physical field stores. Currently not integrated
-into kernel, so fudges address space allocation and poking of video
-variables. Also has drawback of thrashing data TLBs (one entry per row).
-The trick requires the physical field stores to be separated by 1M plus half
-a row. The logical spacing between rows is also set to 1M plus half a row.
-The 1M logical sections are set to map alternately to the even and odd
-physical fields (the second field being offset by half a row relative to 1M
-alignment). Then the logical incrementing of rows maps alternately between
-fields, incrementing physically by 1 row between visits to the same field.
-Note that the multiple logical mapping implies uncached screen to avoid
-coherency worries, but RO uses uncached screen anyway (with exception of
-Ursula/Phoebe, now defunct). 
-Routines in detail
-[Note, plonking all routines here possibly only temporarily. May want
-routines listed in relevant sections with overview. eg. video routines
-with video section, etc.]
--- HAL_Init(unsigned int *riscos_header, void *uncacheable_ws)
-The OS will call HAL_Init after enabling the MMU, and initialising the HAL
-workspace (filled with 0). At this point any initialisation for the main HAL
-routines (rather than the early bootstrap code in the HAL) can be done.
--- HAL_IRQEnable
--- HAL_IRQDisable
--- HAL_IRQClear
--- HAL_IRQSource
--- HAL_Reset
-This resets the board depending on the value in a1
- a1 = 0  hard reset and turn the power off (ie.just turn the power off)
- a1 = 1  hard reset and leave the power on
- a1 > 1  reserved
-Asking HAL_PlatformInfo will tell you if the hardware allows the power to be turned off by software,if it doesn't then behaviour is per a1 = 1
--- int HAL_Timers(void)
-Returns number of timers. Timers are numbered from 0 upwards. Timer 0 must
--- int HAL_TimerDevice(int timer)
-Returns device number of timer n. A device number refers to the IRQ device
-number for interrupt calls.
--- unsigned int HAL_TimerGranularity(int timer)
-Returns basic granularity of timer n in ticks per second.
--- unsigned int HAL_TimerMaxPeriod(int timer)
-Returns maximum period of the timer, in units of Granularity. Will be 1 for
-a fixed rate timer.
--- void HAL_TimerSetPeriod(int timer, unsigned int period)
-Sets period of timer n. If period > 0, the timer will generate interrupts
-every (period / granularity) seconds. If period = 0, the timer may be
-stopped. This may not be possible on some hardware, so the corresponding
-interrupt should be masked in addition to calling this function with period
-0. If period > maxperiod, behaviour is undefined.
--- unsigned int HAL_TimerPeriod(int timer)
-Reads period of timer n. This should be the actual period in use by the
-hardware, so if for example period 0 was requested and impossible, the
-actual current period should be reported.
--- unsigned int HAL_TimerReadCountdown(int timer)
-Returns the time until the next interrupt in units of granularity, rounded
-down. If not available, 0 is returned.
--- unsigned int HAL_CounterRate(void)
-Returns the rate of the counter in ticks per second. Typically will equal
--- unsigned int HAL_CounterPeriod(void)
-Returns the period of the counter, in ticks. Typically will equal
--- unsigned int HAL_CounterRead(void)
-Reads the current counter value. Typically will equal
--- unsigned void HAL_CounterDelay(unsigned int microseconds)
-Delay for at least the specified number of microseconds.
--- unsigned int HAL_NVMemoryType(void)
-Returns a flags word describing the NVMemory
-      bits 0-7: 0 => no NVMemory available
-                1 => NVMemory may be available on the IIC bus
-                2 => NVMemory is available on the IIC bus, and the
-                     device characteristics are known
-                3 => the HAL provides NVMemory access calls.
-      bit 8:    NVMemory has a protected region at the end
-      bit 9:    Protected region is software deprotectable
-      bit 10:   Memory locations 0-15 are readable
-      bit 11:   Memory locations 0-15 are writeable
-If bits 0-7 are 0 or 1 no other NVMemory calls need be available, and bits
-8-31 should be zero.
-If bits 0-7 are 2, Size, ProtectedSize, Protection and IICAddress calls must
-be available.
-If bits 0-7 are 3, all calls except IICAddress must be available.
--- unsigned int HAL_NVMemorySize(void)
-Returns the number of bytes of non-volatile memory available. Bytes 0-15
-should be included in the count, so for example a Philips PCF8583 CMOS/RTC
-device (as used in the Archimedes and Risc PC) would be described as a
-256-byte device, with locations 0-15 not readable. More complex arrangements
-would have to be abstracted out by the HAL providing its own NVMemory access
-This is to suit the current RISC OS Kernel, which does not use bytes 0-15.
--- unsigned int HAL_NVMemoryProtectedSize(void)
-Returns the number of bytes of NVMemory that are protected. These should be
-at the top of the address space. The OS will not attempt to write to those
-locations without first requesting deprotection (if available). Returns 0 if
-bit 8 of the flags is clear.
--- void HAL_NVMemoryProtection(bool)
-Enables (if true) or disables if (false) the protection of the software
-protectable region. Does nothing if bits 8 and 9 not both set.
--- unsigned int HAL_NVMemoryIICAddress(void)
-Returns a word describing the addressing scheme of the NVRAM.
-      bits 0-7:  IIC address
-This will always be on bus zero.
--- int HAL_NVMemoryRead(unsigned int addr, void *buffer, unsigned int n)
-Reads n bytes of memory from address addr onwards into the buffer supplied.
-Returns the number of bytes successfully read. Under all normal
-circumstances the return value will be n - if it is not, a hardware failure
-is implied. Behaviour is undefined if the address range specified is outside
-the NVMemory, or inside bytes 0-15, if declared unavailable.
--- int HAL_NVMemoryWrite(unsigned int addr, void *buffer, unsigned int n)
-Write n bytes of memory into address addr onwards from the buffer supplied.
-Returns the number of bytes successfully written. Under all normal
-circumstances the return value will be n - if it is not, a hardware failure
-is implied. Behaviour is undefined if the address range specified is outside
-the NVMemory. Writes inside the a protected region should be ignored.
--- int HAL_IICBuses(void)
-Returns the number of IIC buses on the system.
--- unsigned int HAL_IICType(int bus)
-Returns a flag word describing the specified IIC bus.
-        bit 0: Bus supplies the low-level API
-        bit 1: Bus supplies the high-level API
-        bit 2: High-level API supports multi-master operation
-        bit 3: High-level API supports slave operation
-       bit 16: Bus supports Fast (400kbps) operation
-       bit 17: Bus supports High-speed (3.4Mbps) operation
-   bits 20-31: Version number of IIC supported by high-level API, * 100.
--- __value_in_regs IICLines HAL_IICSetLines(int bus, IICLines lines)
-Sets the SDA and SCL lines on the specified bus. A 0 value represents logic
-LOW, 1 logic HIGH. The function then reads back and returns the values
-present on the bus, to permit arbitration.
-Note the "__value_in_regs" keyword, which signifies that the binary ABI
-expects SDA and SCL to be returned in registers a1 and a2.
--- __value_in_regs IICLines HAL_IICReadLines(int bus)
-Reads the state of the IIC lines on the specified bus, without changing
-their state.
-Note the "__value_in_regs" keyword, which signifies that the binary ABI
-expects SDA and SCL to be returned in registers a1 and a2.
--- int HAL_VideoFlybackDevice(void)
-Returns the device number of the video flyback interrupt. [Note: HAL
-interrupt API possibly subject to change, may affect this call.]
--- void HAL_Video_SetMode(const void *VIDCList3)
-Programs the video controller to initialise a display mode. RISC OS passes a
-standard VIDC List Type 3 as specified in PRM 5a-125. Note that this is a
-generic video controller list, and so VIDC in this context does not refer to
-any specific devices such as Acorn VIDC20.
-The HAL is expected to set the video controller timings on this call. Any
-palette, pixel DMA and hardware cursor settings are controlled via other
--- void HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry(uint type, uint pcolour, uint index)
-Writes a single palette entry to the video controller.
-  type     = 0 for normal palette entry
-             1 for border colour
-             2 for pointer colour
-          >= 3 reserved
-  pcolour  = palette entry colour in BBGGRRSS format (Blue,Green,Red,Supremacy)
-  index    = index of entry
-Indices are in the range 0..255 for normal, 0 for border, 0..3 for pointer
-colours. Note that RISC OS only makes calls using 1..3 for the pointer, and
-pointer colour 0 is assumed to be transparent.
--- void HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries(uint type, const uint *pcolours, 
-                                      uint index, uint Nentries)
-Writes a block of palette entries to the video controller.
-  type     = 0 for normal palette entry
-             1 for border colour
-             2 for pointer colour
-          >= 3 reserved
-  pcolours = pointer to block of palette entry colours in BBGGRRSS format
-             (Blue,Green,Red,Supremacy)
-  index    = start index in palette (for first entry in block)
-  Nentries = number of entries in block (must be >= 1)
-Indices are in the range 0..255 for normal, 0 for border, 0..3 for pointer
-colours. Note that RISC OS only makes calls using 1..3 for the pointer, and
-pointer colour 0 is assumed to be transparent.
--- uint HAL_Video_ReadPaletteEntry(uint type, uint pcolour, uint index)
-Returns the effective palette entry after taking into account any hardware
-restrictions in the video controller, assuming it was originally programmed
-with the value pcolour.
-  type     = 0 for normal palette entry
-             1 for border colour
-             2 for pointer colour
-          >= 3 reserved
-  pcolour  = palette entry colour in BBGGRRSS format (Blue,Green,Red,Supremacy)
-  index    = index of entry
-  returns  : effective BBGGRRSS
-Indices are in the range 0..255 for normal, 0 for border, 0..3 for pointer
-colours. Note that RISC OS only makes calls using 1..3 for the pointer, and
-pointer colour 0 is assumed to be transparent.
-Depending on harwdware capabilities, HALs may have to remember current
-settings (eg. bits per pixel) or keep soft copies of entries. Because this
-call supplies the original pcolour, this need is minimised (some HALs can
-just return pcolour or a directly modified pcolour).
--- void HAL_Video_SetInterlace(uint interlace)
-Sets the video interlaced sync.
-  interlace = 0 or 1 for interlace off or on
-              (all other values reserved)
--- void HAL_Video_SetBlank(uint blank, uint DPMS)
-  blank = 0 or 1 for unblank or blank
-          (all other values reserved)
-  DMPS  = 0..3 as specified by monitor DPMSState (from mode file)
-          0 for no DPMS power saving
-The HAL is expected to attempt to turn syncs off according to DPMS, and to
-turn video DMA off for blank (and therefore on for unblank) if possible. The
-HAL is not expected to do anything else, eg. blank all palette entries. Such
-things are the responsibility of the OS, and also this call is expected to
-be fast. May be called with interrupts off.
--- void HAL_Video_SetPowerSave(uint powersave)
-  powersave = 0 or 1 for power save off or on
-              (all other values reserved)
-The HAL is expected to perform any reasonable measures on the video
-controller to save power (eg. turn off DACs), when the display is assumed
-not to be required. Blanking is handled by a separate call.
-[What does this really mean. What is acceptable and safe for displays? ]
--- void HAL_Video_UpdatePointer(uint flags, int x, int y, const shape_t *shape)
-Update the displayed position of the current pointer shape (or turn shape
-off). This call is made by the OS at a time to allow smoothly displayed
-changes (on a VSync).
-  flags:
-    bit 0  = pointer display enable (0=off, 1=on)
-    bit 1  = pointer shape update (0=no change, 1=updated)
-    bits 2..31 reserved (0)
-  xpos = x position of top left of pointer (xpos = 0 for left of display)
-  ypos = y position of top left of pointer (ypos = 0 for top of display)
-  shape points to shape_t descriptor block:
-    typedef struct shape_t
-    {
-      uint8   width;      /* unpadded width in bytes (see notes) */
-      uint8   height;     /* in pixels */
-      uint8   padding[2]; /* 2 bytes of padding for field alignment */
-      void   *buffLA;     /* logical address of buffer holding pixel data */
-      void   *buffPA;     /* corresponding physical address of buffer */
-    }
-1) if flags bit 0 is 0 (pointer off), x, y, shape are undefined
-2) the shape data from RISC OS is always padded with transparent pixels
-   on the rhs, to a width of 32 pixels (8 bytes)
-3) pointer clipping is the responsibility of the HAL (eg. may be able to
-   allow display of pointer in border region on some h/w)
-4) buffer for pixel data is aligned to a multiple of 256 bytes or better
-The HAL may need to take note of the shape updated flag, and make its own
-new copies if true. This is to handle cases like dual scan LCD pointer,
-which typically needs two or more shape buffers for the hardware, or
-possibly to handle clipping properly. This work should only be done when the
-updated flag is true.
-A simple HAL, where hardware permits, can use the shape data in the buffer
-directly, ignoring the updated flag. The OS guarantees that the buffer data
-is valid for the whole time it is to be displayed.
--- void HAL_Video_SetDAG(uint DAG, uint paddr)
-Set the video DMA address generator value to the given physical address.
-  DAG   = 0 set start address of current video display
-          1 set start address of total video buffer
-          2 set end address (exclusive) of total video buffer
-          all other values reserved
-  paddr = physical address for given DAG
-The OS has a video buffer which is >= total display size, and may be using
-bank switching (several display buffers) or hardware scroll within the total
-video buffer.
-  DAG=1 will be start address of current total video buffer
-  DAG=2 will be end address (exclusive) of current total video buffer
-  DAG=0 will be start address in buffer for current display
-HALs should respond differently depending on whether hardware scroll is
-supported or not. (The OS will already know this from HAL_Video_Features).
-No hardware scroll:
-Only DAG=0 is significant, and the end address of the current display is
-implied by the size of the current mode. Calls with DAG=1,2 should be
-Hardware scroll:
-DAG=0 again defines display start. DAG=2 defines the last address
-(exclusive) that should be displayed before wrapping back (if reached within
-display size), and DAG=1 defines the address to which accesses should wrap
--- int HAL_Video_VetMode(const void *VIDClist, const void *workspace)
-Allows HAL to vet a proposed mode.
-[What does this really do, and what can HAL do. Are we going to allow
-changes to VIDCList by HAL, ie. not const. Is mode workspace really ok to
-pass to HAL ???]
-  VIDClist  -> generic video controller list (VIDC list type 3)
-  workspace -> mode workspace (if mode number), or 0
-  returns 0 if OK (may be minor adjusts to VIDClist and/or workspace values)
-          non-zero if not OK
--- uint HAL_Video_Features(void)
-Determine key features supported by the video hardware.
-  returns a flags word:
-     bit 0     hardware scroll is supported
-     bit 1     hardware pointer/cursor is supported
-     bit 2     interlace is supported with progressive framestore
-     other bits reserved (returned as 0)
-Bits are set for true. If bit 2 is true, then the OS assumes that a simple
-progressive framestore layout is sufficient for an interlaced display (ie.
-that the hardware implements the interlaced scan).
--- uint HAL_Video_PixelFormats(void)
-Determine the pixel formats that are supported by the hardware.
-  returns flags word:
-     bit 0     1 bpp is supported
-     bit 1     2 bpp is supported
-     bit 2     4 bpp is supported
-     bit 3     8 bpp is supported
-     bit 4    16 bpp is supported
-     bit 5    32 bpp is supported
-     other bits reserved (returned as 0)
-Bits are set for true. Bits 0-5 refer to support with standard RISC OS pixel
-layout. (such as little endian packing for 1,2,4 bpp, 5-5-5 RGB for 16 bpp,
-etc). See the section discussing Video for more information. Other formats
-may be introduced when/if RO supports them.
--- uint HAL_Video_BufferAlignment(void)
-Determine the framestore buffer alignment required by the hardware.
-  returns an unsigned integer:
-    the required alignment for the framestore buffer, in bytes
-    (expected to be a power of 2)
--- HAL_MatrixColumns
--- HAL_MatrixScan
--- HAL_TouchscreenType
--- HAL_TouchscreenRead
--- unsigned int64 HAL_MachineID(void)
-Returns a 64-bit unique machine identifier,this may later be used to
-form the ethernet MAC address but otherwise has no great significance on non
-networked machines.
-The top 8 bits are a CRC,based on the same algorithm the original DS2401 
-used - if the CRC fails zero will be substituted
--- void *HAL_ControllerAddress(unsigned controller)
-Asks the HAL where various controllers might or might not be.
-Podule manager uses this information to determine at run time whether or not
-to bother doing anything.
-Returns r0=logical address of the chosen controller,or zero
-   0 = EASI card access speed control
-   1 = EASI space(s)
-   2 = VIDC1
-   3 = VIDC20
-   4 = S space base (IOMD,podules,NICs,blah blah)
-   5 = Extension ROM(s)
--- HALEntry HAL_HardwareInfo
-See OS_ReadSysInfo reason code 2
---  HALEntry HAL_SuperIOInfo
-See OS_ReadSysInfo reason code 3
-RISC OS entry points from HAL init
-These are entry points into the OS, called from the HAL.
--- void RISCOS_InitARM(unsigned int flags)
-    flags: reserved - sbz
-On entry:
-  SVC mode
-  MMU and caches off
-  IRQs and FIQs disabled
-  No RAM or stack used
-On exit:
-  Instruction cache may be on
-This routine must be called once very early on in the HAL start-up, to
-accelerate the CPU for the rest of HAL initialisation. Typically, it will
-just enable the instruction cache (if possible on the ARM in use), and
-ensure that the processor is in 32-bit configuration and mode.
-Some architecture 4 (and later) ARMs have bits in the control register that
-affect the hardware layer - eg the iA and nF bits in the ARM920T. These are
-the HAL's responsibility - the OS will not touch them. Conversely, the HAL
-should not touch the cache, MMU and core configuration bits (currently bits
-On architecture 3, the control register is write only - the OS will set bits
-11-31 to zero.
-Likewise, such things as the StrongARM 110's register 15 (Test, Clock and
-Idle Control) are the HAL's responsibility. The OS does not know about the
-configuration of the system, so cannot program such registers.
-This entry must not be called after RISCOS_Start.
--- void *RISCOS_AddRAM(unsigned int flags, void *start, void *end, 
-                       uintptr_t sigbits, void *ref)
-   flags
-        bit 0: video memory (only first contiguous range will be used)
-        bit 1: video memory is not suitable for general use
-        bits 8-11: speed indicator (arbitrary, higher => faster)
-        other bits reserved (SBZ)
-   start
-        start address of RAM (inclusive) (no alignment requirements)
-   end
-        end address of RAM (exclusive) (no alignment requirements, but must be >= start)
-   sigbits
-        significant address bit mask (1 => this bit of addr decoded, 0 => this bit ignored)
-   ref
-        reference handle (NULL for first call)
-Returns ref for next call
-On entry:
-  SVC32 mode
-  MMU and data cache off
-  IRQs and FIQs disabled
-This entry point must be the first call from the HAL to RISC OS following a hardware
-reset. It may be called as many times as necessary to give all enumerate RAM that
-is available for general purpose use. It should only be called to declare video
-memory if the video memory may be used as normal RAM when in small video modes.
-To permit software resets:
-    The HAL must be non-destructive of any declared RAM outside the first 4K of the first
-    block.
-    The stack pointer should be initialised 4K into the first block, or in some non-
-    declared RAM.
-    Must present memory in a fixed order on any given system.
-The first block must be at least 256K and 16K aligned.
-Block coalescing only works well if RAM banks are added in ascending address order.
-RISC OS will use RAM at the start of the first block as initial workspace.
-Max usage is 16 bytes per block + 32 (currently 8 per block + 4). This
-limits the number of discontiguous blocks (although RISC OS will concatanate
-contiguous blocks where possible).
-This call must not be made after RISCOS_Start.
--- void RISCOS_Start(unsigned int flags, int *riscos_header,
-                     int *hal_entry_table, void *ref)
-   flags
-        bit 0: power on reset
-        bit 1: CMOS reset inhibited (eg protection link on Risc PC)
-        bit 2: perform a CMOS reset (if bit 1 clear and bit 0 set - eg front panel
-                                     button held down on an NC)
-        bit 3: there is no CMOS (the Kernel must use a RAM cache)
-        bit 4: the RAM has already been cleared to zero
-On entry:
-  SVC32 mode
-  MMU and data cache off
-  IRQs and FIQs disabled
-This routine must be called after all calls to RISCOS_AddRAM have been
-completed. It does not return. Future calls back to the HAL are via the HAL
-entry table, after the MMU has been enabled.
--- void *RISCOS_MapInIO(unsigned int flags, void *phys, unsigned int size)
-   flags: bit 2 => make memory bufferable
-    phys: physical address to map in
-    size: number of bytes of memory to map in
-This routine is used to map in IO memory for the HAL's usage. Normally it
-would only be called during HAL_Init(). Once mapped in the IO space cannot
-be released.
-It returns the resultant virtual address corresponding to phys, or 0 for
-failure. Failure can only occur if no RAM is available for page tables, or
-if the virtual address space is exhausted.
--- void *RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress(unsigned int flags, void *phys, void **oldp)
-   flags: bit 2 => make memory bufferable
-          other bits must be zero
-    phys: physical address to access
-    oldp: pointer to location to store old state (or NULL)
-On entry:
-  Privileged mode
-  MMU on
-  FIQs on
-  Re-entrant
-On exit:
-  Returns logical address corresponding to phys
-Arranges for the physical address phys to be mapped in to logical memory. In
-fact, the whole megabyte containing "phys" is mapped in (ie if phys =
-&12345678, then &12300000 to &123FFFFF become available). The memory is
-supervisor access only, non-cacheable, non-bufferable by default, and will
-remain available until the next call to RISCOS_Release/AccessPhysicalAddress
-(although interrupt routines or subroutines may temporarily map in something
-When finished, the user should call RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress.
--- void RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress(void *old)
-  old: state returned from a previous call to RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress
-On entry:
-  MMU on
-  FIQs on
-  Re-entrant
-  Call with the a value output from a previous RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress.
-  void *old;
-  unsigned int *addr = (unsigned int *) 0x80005000;
-  unsigned int *addr2 = (unsigned int *) 0x90005000;
-  addr = (unsigned int *) RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress(addr, &old);
-  addr[0] = 3; addr[1] = 5;
-  addr2 = (unsigned int *) RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress(addr2, NULL);
-  *addr2 = 7;
-  RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress(old);
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/Init b/Docs/HAL/Init
deleted file mode 100644
index def56cad..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/Init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Arrange correct ROM image
-Initialise memory system
-  ROM timings, width
-Reset screen
-Disable interrupts
-Start timers
-Size memory
-  Set up table describing memory layout
-  Set up video DMA
-Time CPU
-CONT / CONT_Break
-  InitMEMC       (in: r1 = 0 -> Reset, 1 -> Break)
-    Check for 7500 vs IOMD
-    Program CPU, MEM and IO clocks
-    Set ROM timings
-    Set ROM width
-    Set up VRAM refresh
-    Set up peripheral timings
-    Set up sound format
-    Ensure MMU off and caches
-  Set up VIDC
-  Disable interrupts in IOC
-  Start timer 0
-  MemSize   (out: r0 = page size, r1 = memory size, r2 = MEMC CR)
-    Set up RAM width
-    Find memory - create a table of (addr,len) pairs (in first memory found)
-    Find VRAM - if none take from first block
-    Start filling in page zero (in first block)
-    Set up video DMA registers
-    Allocate L1PT, and some L2PT, and soft CAM
-    Turn on MMU and caches
-  TimeCPU   (out: r0 = peak RAM speed in kHz)
-  Put in extra pages: cursor, system heap
-  Start keyboard scanning
-  If POR or FX 200
-      Clear memory
-  Check processor type
-  Fill in processor vectors
-  Read CMOS
-  Fill in SWI dispatch table
-  Wait for keyboard (up to two seconds)
-  If (POR AND R/T/Del/Copy)
-    Reset CMOS
-    Goto Hard Reset
-  IF (POR or CannotReset or SysHeapCorrupt or CAM map nonsense or Ctrl pressed)
-    Clear the CAM
-    Set it up
-    InitDynamicAreas
-    Create system dynamic areas
-    InitVectors
-    Clear SWI hash table
-    Clear POR bit
-  Else
-    Do the soft reset stuff
-  Re-initialise kernel
-  If (hard reset)
-    Init variables
-    Initialise modules
-    PostInit
-  Set mode
-  Print "RISC OS"
-  Service_Reset
-  Shut all files
-  Beep if hard reset
-  If numpad key down 
-    reconfigure monitor, change mode
-    print "monitor type reconfigured"
-  Check shift
-  Do boot
-  Else check *
-  Else enter language
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/MoreEnts b/Docs/HAL/MoreEnts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6205b728..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/MoreEnts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-HAL_Init(unsigned int *riscos_header)
-   Will be called after the MMU is turned on, before any other entries points.
-   The HAL workspace will be filled with zeroes.
-The HAL must provide the ability to identify, prioritise and mask IRQs, and the ability
-to mask FIQs. RISC OS supplies the ARM's processor vectors, and on an IRQ calls the HAL
-to request the identity of the highest priority interrupt.
-IRQ and FIQ device numbers are arbitrary, varying from system to system. They should be
-arranged to allow quick mappings to and from hardware registers, and should ideally
-be packed, starting at 0.
-HAL_IRQSource (get highest priority asserted IRQ)
-Interrupt specifications are generally described by a 3-word structure.
-The 3 words correspond directly to the contents of registers R0,R3 and R4
-on entry to OS_ClaimDeviceVector.
-typedef struct irq_descriptor
-    int device;
-    union {
-       struct {
-         unsigned char *addr;
-         int maskandpolarity;
-       } bit;
-       struct {
-         int (*forme)(void *handle);
-         void *handle;
-       } func;
-    } sub;
-} irq_descriptor;
-OS_ClaimDeviceVector changes:
-R3 and R4 must always be supplied. Set R3=R4=0 to claim "all" of an interrupt.
-Bit 31 of the device number indicates that a routine is being supplied instead
-of an address and a mask.
-When supplying a bit mask, your handler is called if
-       ([addr] AND maskandpolarity) EOR (maskandpolarity >> 8)
-is nonzero. This is a RISC OS 3.8+ backwards-compatible extension to the original
-      [addr] AND maskandpolarity 
-When supplying a routine, your handler is called if
-       forme(handle)
-returns nonzero.
-The HAL must supply at least one timer capable of generating periodic
-interrupts. Each timer should generate a separate logical interrupt, and the
-interrupt must be latched. The timers must either be variable rate (period is
-a multiple of a basic granularity), or be fixed rate (period = 1*granularity).
-Optionally, the timer should be capable of reporting the time until the
-next interrupt, in units of the granularity.
-int HAL_Timers(void)
-  Returns number of timers. Timers are numbered from 0 upwards. Timer 0
-  must exist.
-int HAL_TimerDevice(int timer)
-  Returns device number of timer n
-unsigned int HAL_TimerGranularity(int timer)
-  Returns basic granularity of timer n in ticks per second.
-unsigned int HAL_TimerMaxPeriod(int timer)
-  Returns maximum period of the timer, in units of Granularity. Will be 1
-  for a fixed rate timer.
-void HAL_TimerSetPeriod(int timer, unsigned int period)
-  Sets period of timer n. If period > 0, the timer will generate interrupts every
-  (period / granularity) seconds. If period = 0, the timer may be stopped.
-  This may not be possible on some hardware, so the corresponding interrupt
-  should be masked in addition to calling this function with period 0.
-  If period > maxperiod, behaviour is undefined.
-unsigned int HAL_TimerPeriod(int timer)
-  Reads period of timer n. This should be the actual period in use by the
-  hardware, so if for example period 0 was requested and impossible, the
-  actual current period should be reported.
-unsigned int HAL_TimerReadCountdown(int timer)
-  Returns the time until the next interrupt in units of granularity, rounded down.
-  If not available, 0 is returned.
-The HAL must supply a counter that varies rapidly, appropriate for use for
-sub-millisecond timing. On many systems, this counter will form part of
-timer 0 - as such it is not required to operate when timer 0 is not running.
-On other systems, the periodic timers may have no readable latch, and a
-separate unit will be required.
-The counter should count down from (period-1) to 0 continuously.
-unsigned int HAL_CounterRate(void)
-  Returns the rate of the counter in ticks per second. Typically will
-  equal HAL_TimerGranularity(0).
-unsigned int HAL_CounterPeriod(void)
-  Returns the period of the counter, in ticks. Typically will equal
-  HAL_TimerPeriod(0).
-unsigned int HAL_CounterRead(void)
-  Reads the current counter value. Typically will equal
-  HAL_TimerReadCountdown(0).
-unsigned void HAL_CounterDelay(unsigned int microseconds)
-  Delay for at least the specified number of microseconds.
-Non-volatile memory
-The HAL should provide at least 240 bytes of non-volatile memory. If no
-non-volatile memory is available, the HAL may provide fake NVRAM contents
-suitable for RISC OS - however, it is preferable that the HAL just state that
-NVRAM is not available, and RISC OS will act as though a CMOS reset has been
-performed every reset.
-NVRAM is typically implemented as an IIC device, so the calls are permitted
-to be slow, and to enable interrupts. The HAL is not expected to cache
-If the HAL has no particular knowledge of NVMemory, then it may
-just say that "NVMemory is on IIC", and the OS will probe for CMOS/EEPROM
-devices on the IIC bus.
-unsigned int HAL_NVMemoryType(void)
-  Returns a flags word describing the NVMemory
-        bits 0-7: 0 => no NVMemory available
-                  1 => NVMemory may be available on the IIC bus
-                  2 => NVMemory is available on the IIC bus, and the
-                       device characteristics are known
-                  3 => the HAL provides NVMemory access calls.
-        bit 8:    NVMemory has a protected region at the end
-        bit 9:    Protected region is software deprotectable
-        bit 10:   Memory locations 0-15 are readable
-        bit 11:   Memory locations 0-15 are writeable
-  If bits 0-7 are 0 or 1 no other NVMemory calls need be available,
-  and bits 8-31 should be zero.
-  If bits 0-7 are 2, Size, ProtectedSize, Protection and IICAddress calls must
-  be available.
-  If bits 0-7 are 3, all calls except IICAddress must be available.
-unsigned int HAL_NVMemorySize(void)
-  Returns the number of bytes of non-volatile memory available. Bytes 0-15
-  should be included in the count, so for example a Philips PCF8583
-  CMOS/RTC device (as used in the Archimedes and Risc PC) would be described
-  as a 256-byte device, with locations 0-15 not readable. More complex
-  arrangements would have to be abstracted out by the HAL providing its own
-  NVMemory access calls.
-  This is to suit the current RISC OS Kernel, which does not use bytes 0-15.
-unsigned int HAL_NVMemoryProtectedSize(void)
-  Returns the number of bytes of NVMemory that are protected. These should
-  be at the top of the address space. The OS will not attempt to write
-  to those locations without first requesting deprotection (if available).
-  Returns 0 if bit 8 of the flags is clear.
-void HAL_NVMemoryProtection(bool)
-  Enables (if true) or disables if (false) the protection of the software
-  protectable region. Does nothing if bits 8 and 9 not both set.
-unsigned int HAL_NVMemoryIICAddress(void)
-  Returns a word describing the addressing scheme of the NVRAM.
-        bits 0-7:  IIC address
-  This will always be on bus zero.
-int HAL_NVMemoryRead(unsigned int addr, void *buffer, unsigned int n)
-  Reads n bytes of memory from address addr onwards into the buffer supplied.
-  Returns the number of bytes successfully read. Under all normal circumstances
-  the return value will be n - if it is not, a hardware failure is implied.
-  Behaviour is undefined if the address range specified is outside the NVMemory,
-  or inside bytes 0-15, if declared unavailable.
-int HAL_NVMemoryWrite(unsigned int addr, void *buffer, unsigned int n)
-  Write n bytes of memory into address addr onwards from the buffer supplied.
-  Returns the number of bytes successfully written. Under all normal circumstances
-  the return value will be n - if it is not, a hardware failure is implied.
-  Behaviour is undefined if the address range specified is outside the NVMemory.
-  Writes inside the a protected region should be ignored.
-I²C bus
-Many hardware designs have an I²C bus. Often, it is used only to place non-
-volatile memory on, but in other systems TV tuners, TV modulators,
-microcontrollers, and arbitrary expansion cards may be fitted.
-Low-level and high level APIs are defined. An arbitrary number of buses are
-supported, and each can be controlled by either the low or high level API.
-The OS should normally only use one fixed API on each bus - mixing APIs may
-not have good results.
-The low-level API requires the OS to control the two lines of the bus
-directly. The high-level API currently covers version 2.1 of the I²C
-protocol, and allows high-level transactions to be performed.
-It is expected that a HAL will always provide the low-level API on each
-bus, where possible in hardware. Using this, the OS can provide Fast mode
-single or multi-master operation. The HAL may wish to provide the high-level API
-where a dedicated I²C port with hardware assistance is available; this will
-further permit High-speed and slave operation.
-As it is possible that some HAL APIs (eg NVMemory), although abstracted at
-this API layer, are still actually an I²C device, a matching set of high-level
-I²C calls are provided in the OS. These give the HAL access to the OS I²C engine,
-which will make low-level HAL calls. This saves the HAL from implementing the
-full I²C protocol. To illustrate this diagramatically:
-    +----------+ NVMem_Read +------------+  NVMemoryRead  +------------+
-    |          | ---------> |            | ------------>  |            |
-    |   App    |            |     OS     |  IICTransmit   |    HAL     |
-    |          |            |            | <------------  |            |
-    |          |            |            |  IICSetLines   |            |
-    |          |            |            | ------------>  |            |
-    +----------+            +------------+                +------------+
-int HAL_IICBuses(void)
-  Returns the number of IIC buses on the system.
-unsigned int HAL_IICType(int bus)
-  Returns a flag word describing the specified IIC bus.
-        bit 0: Bus supplies the low-level API
-        bit 1: Bus supplies the high-level API
-        bit 2: High-level API supports multi-master operation
-        bit 3: High-level API supports slave operation
-        bit 4: High-level API supports background operation
-       bit 16: Bus supports Fast (400kbps) operation
-       bit 17: Bus supports High-speed (3.4Mbps) operation
-   bits 20-31: Version number of I²C supported by high-level API, * 100.
-Low level API
-The low-level calls should be instantaneous. Interrupt status may not be altered.
-The following structure is used:
-   typedef struct { int SDA, SCL } IICLines;
-Note the "__value_in_regs" keyword, which signifies that the binary ABI expects
-SDA and SCL to be returned in registers a1 and a2.
-__value_in_regs IICLines HAL_IICSetLines(int bus, IICLines lines)
-  Sets the SDA and SCL lines on the specified bus. A 0 value represents
-  logic LOW, 1 logic HIGH. The function then reads back and returns
-  the values present on the bus, to permit arbitration.
-__value_in_regs IICLines HAL_IICReadLines(int bus);
-  Reads the state of the IIC lines on the specified bus, without changing
-  their state.
-High level API
-The high-level interface process a single transfer at a time (from the
-initial START to the STOP). It is designed to support background operations.
-irq_descriptor HAL_IICDevice(int bus);
-  Returns the interrupt specification for the bus. This is not meaningful
-  if bit 4 of the flags word above is not set. The OS will claim the interrupt
-  and call HAL_IICMonitorTransfer() each time it occurs.
-#define IICSTATUS_INPROGRESS 1  /* transfer proceeding in background */
-#define IICSTATUS_NOACK      2  /* slave failed to acknowledge */
-#define IICSTATUS_BUSY       3  /* IIC system busy (call back later) */
-#define IICSTATUS_SLAVE      4  /* reserved for slave operations */
-#define IICSTATUS_ERROR      5  /* other error prevented completion */
-typedef struct iic_transfer
-  unsigned addr:8;
-  unsigned :22;
-  unsigned checksumonly:1;
-  unsigned nostart:1;
-  union
-  {   unsigned checksum;
-      void *data;
-  } d;
-  unsigned len;
-} iic_transfer;
-int HAL_IICTransfer(int bus, unsigned n, iic_transfer transfer[static n]);
-  Initiates an IIC transfer. The transfer shall progress in the background
-  if bit 4 is set, in which case the normal return should be IICSTATUS_INPROGRESS.
-  The OS will call HAL_IICMonitorTransfer each time an interrupt occurs - this
-  will allow the HAL to progress through the transfer if it's not totally automatic.
-  If the transfer happens in the foreground, return values are as for
-  IICMonitorTransfer (see below).
-  If an IIC transfer is currently in progress, the call may return BUSY and the
-  caller should retry later - although if background transfers are supported it may
-  queue the transfer and return INPROGRESS. If another master is driving the bus,
-  it should silently wait until the bus is free (in the background or foreground as
-  appropriate). If we lose arbitration, the transfer should be retried when the bus
-  becomes free.
-  transfer[] is an array of n transfer descriptors. Each descriptor describes part
-  of the transfer. The direction of the subtransfer is determined by the least
-  significant bit of addr. If nostart is 0, a START is first transmitted followed
-  by addr, otherwise the data flow continues where the previous subtransfer
-  left off. nostart must be 0 for the first subtransfer.
-  For writes, len bytes of data are read from "data" and transmitted. For reads,
-  len bytes are received and written to "data", unless "checksumonly" is 1, in which
-  case the len received bytes are summed and the (32-bit) sum stored in checksum.
-  If background transfers are in use, the transfer[] array and the data blocks must
-  remain available in unpaged memory for the duration of the transfer.
-  IICTransfer is re-entrant, but may return BUSY if re-entered (see above).
-int HAL_IICMonitorTransfer(int bus);
-  Will be called on every interrupt, and should return the status of the transfer
-  currently in progress. If no transfer is in progress, the call should return
-  If the transfer is still in progress, INPROGRESS is returned.
-  If the slave failed to acknowledge (either the address or any later transmitted
-  byte), NOACK is returned.
-  If we have been addressed as a slave, the call returns SLAVE. More details to
-  be confirmed.
-  BUSY is not a valid response.
-  This will only be called in response to an IIC interrupt, with interrupts disabled.
-  The interrupt shall be cleared by this call.
-  Unknown return codes will be ignored.
-Machine ID
-unsigned int64 HAL_MachineID(void)
-  Returns a 64-bit unique machine identifier,this may later be used to
-  form the ethernet MAC address but otherwise has no great significance on non
-  networked machines.
-  The top 8 bits are a CRC,based on the same algorithm the original DS2401 
-  used - if the CRC fails zero will be substituted
-void *HAL_ControllerAddress(unsigned controller)
-  Asks the HAL where various controllers might or might not be.
-  Podule manager uses this information to determine at run time whether or not
-  to bother doing anything.
-  Returns r0=logical address of the chosen controller,or zero
-     0 = EASI card access speed control
-     1 = EASI space(s)
-     2 = VIDC1
-     3 = VIDC20
-     4 = S space base (IOMD,podules,NICs,blah blah)
-     5 = Extension ROM(s)
-Matrix Keyboard
-Many devices provide a matrix keyboard interface. The following calls
-provide access to it. Interrupt driven operation, or high-level calls will be
-defined later.
-int HAL_MatrixColumns(void)
-  Returns the number of columns available via the matrix interface.
-  Columns are numbered from 0 to <num columns>-1.
-unsigned int HAL_MatrixScan(int column).
-  Returns a bitfield describing which rows are active on the specified column.
-  Any timing issues, or the driving of the matrix between calls are left to
-  the HAL.
-PDA-type devices usually have a touchscreen as their primary pointing device.
-This API provides a simple interface to a touchscreen. The calls are described
-in terms of a resistive touchscreen, but other technologies should be mappable
-onto it. Interrupt operation is yet to be defined.
-unsigned int HAL_TouchscreenType(void)
-  Returns a flags word indicating the type of touchscreen.
-    bits 0-7: Touchscreen type   0=>none, 1=>resistive
-    bit 8:    Interrupt operation supported
-    bit 9:    Calibration not required
-    bits 10-15: Reserved
-    bits 16-21: Bits of precision available
-    bits 22-31: Reserved
-  "Calibration not required" indicates that the raw values returned map linearly
-  onto the screen display area to a usable accuracy as follows:
-   X,Y  (00000000,00000000) = bottom left of display area
-   X,Y  (FFFFFFFF,FFFFFFFF) = top right of display area
-   Pres  00000000-1FFFFFFF  = no touch
-   Pres  20000000-3FFFFFFF  = light touch
-   Pres  3FFFFFFF-7FFFFFFF  = touch
-   Pres  80000000-FFFFFFFF  = firm touch
-unsigned int HAL_TouchscreenMeasure(int meas)
-  Performs a touchscreen measurement. Measurements are:
-      0 = X position
-      1 = Y position
-      2 = pressure
-      3 = X resistance
-      4 = Y resistance
-  "X" and "Y" need not actually be X and Y - rotation can be dealt with by
-  calibration.
-  All values are returned as unsigned 32-bit values in the range &00000000-&FFFFFFFF.
-  If using, for example, a 10-bit DAC, the 10-bit value read should be placed at the
-  top of the returned word. Ideally, the 10 bits should be replicated in lower bits
-  (ABCDEFGH IJABCDEF GHIJABCD EFGHIJAB) to ensure the returned values fully span
-  the 32-bit range.
-  Resistance measurements can be used to compensate for large pressed areas causing
-  shorts - subtract the instantaneous resistance from the instantaneous precision.
-  (I think).
-Serial ports
-The RS232 serial UART is a fundamental peripheral on most current hardware. All
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/NewAPI b/Docs/HAL/NewAPI
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dfc6839..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/NewAPI
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-The HAL introduces the new concept of a "device". A device is a logical
-representation of a component of hardware. Each active devices is uniquely
-identified by a constant pointer to a device descriptor. The descriptor is
-a structure which contains information about the device and a series of entry
-points to perform usually simple operations on the device. Devices can be
-provided by the Bootloader, or by RISC OS modules.
-Devices provided outside the Bootloader are, in principle, hot swappable,
-although it is up to device drivers using it whether they can support this.
-Throughout this document, device descriptors are described in terms of C,
-although the scheme maps naturally to assembler or C++. All device calls use
-the base ATPCS calling standard (R0-R3 arguments/return values, R4-R11
-preserved, R12 corrupted), to permit straightforward use from C or assembler.
-From C:
-        XXXDevice->Activate(XXXDevice);
-A simple call to a activate a device from assembler might look like:
-        LDR    R0, XXXDevice
-        MOV    LR, PC
-        LDR    PC, [R0, #DevEntry_Activate]      ; R0-R3,R12 corrupted
-If an assembler device driver module is using a lot of device calls, it
-might be preferable to move the workspace pointer from the traditional R12
-to R11.
-The device descriptor
-The device descriptor starts with a fixed format header, as described
-below. Following this header are more function pointers providing device-specific
-struct device
-    uint16_t type;
-    uint16_t id;
-    uint32_t location;
-    uint32_t version;
-    const char *description;
-    void *address;
-    uint32_t reserved[3];
-    bool (*Activate)(struct device *);
-    void (*Deactivate)(struct device *);
-    void (*Reset)(struct device *);
-    int32_t (*Sleep)(struct device *, int32_t state);
-    int32_t devicenumber;
-    bool (*TestIRQ)(struct device *);
-    uint32_t reserved[2];
-struct serial
-    struct device dev;
-    uint8_t (*ReadByte)(struct serial *);
-    void (*WriteByte)(struct serial *, uint8_t c);
-    // private data
-Hence, the first device specific function pointer is offset 32 bytes from the
-device pointer.
-The type word describes what the device is.
-   Bits 15-8: Top level type (eg video, sound, system peripheral, comms port)
-              Defined values are: 1 = video
-                                  2 = sound
-                                  3 = system peripheral
-                                  4 = comms port
-   Bits 7-0:  Second level type (eg VDU display, 16-bit PCM sound output,
-              interrupt controller, UART). Allocated independently within each top
-              level type.
-This half-word, together with the version number, indicate which device specific calls
-are available.
-16-bit product code - a unique identifier for this particular device.
-The location describes the location of the device in terms of the bus architecture
-of the computer. Again, it is grouped by bytes.
-   Bits 31-28: Bus type
-                     0 => processor (0 = core, 1 = coprocessor)
-                     1 => main system bus (0 = AHB, 1 = ASB, 2 = PXBus)
-                     2 => peripheral bus (0 = APB)
-                     3 => expansion bus (0 = Acorn Expansion Card, 1 = ISA, 2 = PCI)
-                     4 => serial bus (0 = AC-Link)
-   Bits 27-24: Bus sub-type (see above)
-   Bits 23-16: Bus number
-   Bits 15-8:  Card number (PCI, expansion card etc) / chip select number
-   Bits 7-0:   Unit number
-The version describes the version of the device API implemented. It consists of a
-major version number (bits 31-16) and a minor version number (bits 15-0). A change in
-major version number indicates an incompatible change of API. An increase in the
-minor version number indicates backwards-compatible extensions to the API (eg
-extra functions).
-A textual description of the device. This should be English, human-readable and
-Basic Latin (characters &20-&7E). Descriptors along the lines of those output by
-*Podules are expected. For example:
-           National Semiconductor 16C550 UART
-           Philips ISP1160 USB host controller
-           Acorn IOMD21 PS/2 keyboard
-           Acorn VIDC20
-           Intel SA-1110 DMA controller
-This field may either be 0, or may be a pointer to the base address of the
-memory-mapped registers of the device in question. Drivers should not
-normally use this field to directly poke the device. If they do, they must be
-absolutely certain that there is no other way to achieve the effect, and that
-the device type word is known to them. What exactly the address points to
-depends on the exact device in question.
-A device driver must call the Activate entry point before using a device. A
-success/failure indication is returned: 1 indicates successful activation, 0 indicates
-unsuccessful. Devices may ignore activate/deactivate calls, count them, or
-may alternatively provide full locking to allow only one activation. Typically this
-would be called by in a driver's module initialisation routine. Alternatively, it might
-be called just before a DeviceFS device is opened for access.
-A device driver must call the Deactivate entry point when it has finished
-using a device.
-The Kernel will call the Reset entry point of every device on the system
-before performing a software reset (eg OS_Reset or Ctrl-Break), after it has
-issued Service_PreReset. All devices must enter a quiescent state.
-This call reads or sets a device's power-down state. If the second parameter is -1,
-then the current state is returned; otherwise the second parameter must be a value in
-the range 0-255 giving sleepiness (0 = full power, 255 = off) and the old sleepiness
-is returned. Note that the value returned does not have to match the last value
-programmed: for example, if a device cannot power down, it will always return 0.
-If this is -1, then the device has no associated interrupt. Otherwise, bits 0-30 give
-the device number and bit 31 flags that the device vector is shared, ie this is the R0
-that should be passed to OS_ClaimDeviceVector. If bit 31 is set then the TestIRQ
-routine must be used to determine whether the vector should be claimed or passed on.
-Returns 0 if the device is not interrupting, or 1 if the device is interrupting.
-When DeviceNumber is -1, this must be a null pointer.
-Creation and removal of devices
-Devices are declared by calling the HAL->OS call OS_AddDevice or SWI OS_Hardware 2.
-SWI OS_Hardware 2 (SWI &7A)
-On entry: R0 -> device descriptor
-          R8 = 2
-On exit:  All registers preserved
-void OS_AddDevice(uint32_t flags, struct device *d);
-void HAL_InitDevices(uint32_t flags);
-Declare a new device to the system. OS_AddDevice must not be called until
-HAL_InitDevices is called.
-Devices are removed by calling OS_Hardware 3. There is no HAL->OS equivalent.
-SWI OS_Hardware 3 (SWI &7A)
-On entry: R0 -> device descriptor
-          R8 = 3
-On exit:  All registers preserved
-The Kernel tracks all present devices, issuing service calls as devices come and go, and
-providing a call to enumerate devices of a particular type.
-SWI OS_Hardware 4 (SWI &7A)
-On entry: R0 bits 0-15  = type to match
-             bits 16-31 = maximum major version number to match
-          R1 = 0 to start an enumeration, else preserved from last call
-          R8 = 4
-On exit:  R1 = -1 if there are no (more) devices of this type
-          R2 -> device descriptor (undefined if R1 = -1)
-          Other registers preserved
-Service_Hardware  (Service Call &D9)
-On entry: R0 bits 0-7 = sub-reason code, bits 8-31 flags (undefined, ignore)
-          R1 = reason code (&D9)
-          R2 -> device
-On exit:  Depends on sub-reason code
-          Sub-reason code 0: Device added
-On exit:  All registers must be preserved
-          Sub-reason code 1: Device being removed
-On exit:  R1 = 0 => we object to device being removed
-                    R0 -> error block
-                    other registers must be preserved
-          else all registers must be preserved
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/NewCDV b/Docs/HAL/NewCDV
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf878e6..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/NewCDV
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-New ClaimDeviceVector behaviour
-R3 and R4 are meaningless, except for podule IRQ and FIQ-as-IRQ, which
-keep the same behaviour as previously. (This is currently done in the Kernel,
-but should be deferred to the Podule Manager).
-For other claimants, if bit 31 of the R0 is set in the OS_ClaimDeviceVector
-call, the interrupt will be passed on to earlier claimants unless your
-routine claims the vector. This behaviour is then the same as IrqV claimants.
-It is up to you to determine whether your device has interrupted. If it has,
-you should service it, and claim the vector (by pulling the return address
-off the stack). If not, pass the vector along. If no handlers claim the
-vector, then the OS knows that there is no device driver able to handle the
-interrupt being asserted, so it will mask off that line.
-If you do not claim the vector, you must preserve R0 and R3. R1,R2,R12 may
-be corrupted.
-It is critical that your claiming or not is purely on the basis of whether
-your card is interrupting, and is accurate. Not claiming when your card is
-interrupting, or claiming when it isn't can both cause incorrect system
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/Notes b/Docs/HAL/Notes
deleted file mode 100644
index afb54290..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/Notes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Entry into RISC OS:
-POST check (if any) complete
-CPU & memory systems at full speed
-MMU off, SVC32 mode, IRQs+FIQs disabled
-All interrupts masked
-I/O timings set up
-DRAM refresh running
-Video system stabilised (off?)
-Information passed:
-Table of (addr,len) pairs of RAM
-Address + amount of VRAM
-Memory speed?
-CPU speed?
-Entry point to HAL
-How to clear RAM without logical copy? Do we NEED a logical copy?
-Yes we do - but logical copy will NOT be contiguous.
-Physical  Size      Logical  - offset
-F0000000  01000000  80000000   70000000
-F1000000  01000000  81000000   70000000
-60000000  00001000  82000000   22000000 - fast SRAM - how to signal?
-02000000  00200000  80000000   7FE00000
-10000000  01700000  80200000   70200000
-11B00000  02500000  81900000   6FE00000
-14000000  04000000  83E00000   6FE00000
-02000000  00200000  82000000   80000000
-10000000  01700000  90000000   80000000
-11B00000  02500000  91B00000   80000000
-14000000  04000000  94000000   80000000
-Memory Map
-00000000 16K        Kernel workspace
-00004000 16K        Scratch space
-00008000 Mem-32K    Application memory
-0xxxxxxx 3840M-Mem  Dynamic areas
-F0000000 160M       I/O space (growing downwards if necessary)
-FA000000 1M         HAL workspace
-FA100000 8K         IRQ stack
-FA200000 32K        SVC stack
-FA300000 8K         ABT stack
-FA400000 8K         UND stack
-FAE00000 1M         Reserved for physical memory accesses
-FAF00000 256k       reserved for DCache cleaner address space (eg. StrongARM)
-FAF40000 64k        kernel buffers (for long command lines, size defined by KbuffsMaxSize)
-FAFE8000 32K        HAL workspace
-FAFF0000 32K        "Cursor/System/Sound" block (probably becoming just "System")
-FAFF8000 32K        "Nowhere"
-FB000000 4M         L2PT
-FB400000 16K        L1PT
-FB404000 4M-16K     System heap
-FB800000 8M         Soft CAM
-FC000000 64M        ROM
-26-bit system:
-00000000 16K        Kernel workspace
-00004000 16K        Scratch space
-00008000 28M-32K    Application memory
-01C00000 32K        SVC stack
-01C08000 2M-32K     System heap
-01F00000 32K        Cursor/System/Sound
-01F08000 32K        "Nowhere"
-02100000 15M        Module area
-03000000 8M         I/O space
-03800000 8M         ROM
-04000000 2G-64M     Dynamic areas
-80000000 512M       Logical copy of physical space
-A0000000 1280M      Dynamic areas
-F0000000 224M       I/O space (growing downwards if necessary)
-FE000000 1M         HAL workspace
-FE100000 8K         ABT stack
-FE200000 8K         UND stack
-FF000000 4M         L2PT + embedded L1PT
-FF800000 8M         Soft CAM
-"Soft" resets
-Entry through HAL - full HAL initialisation.
-HAL must not destroy (much) memory.
-RISC OS detects intact memory and makes the reset "soft".
-RAM page tables reconstructed from CAM.
-Other page tables reconstructed through HAL.
-RISC OS calls HAL to shut down, then shuts off MMU, and calls HAL_Reset code.
-HAL then re-enters RISC OS in the usual fashion.
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/OS_Hardware b/Docs/HAL/OS_Hardware
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eeace5c..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/OS_Hardware
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-SWI OS_Hardware (SWI &7A)
-On entry: R0-R7 parameters
-          R8 = reason code (bits 0-7) and flags (bits 8-31)
-          R9 = hardware call number
-On exit:  depends on flags
-This SWI provides access to the hardware layer. Conceptually, it is
-similar to accessing the hardware registers directly in earlier versions
-of RISC OS - whereever possible OS routines should be used in preference.
-This call is primarily designed for the use of device drivers - for example
-the PS2Driver module makes PS2 hardware calls using this interface.
-Making hardware calls to devices normally managed by the Kernel is liable to
-cause the same problems as poking the hardware. However, making hardware
-calls is of course preferable to actually accessing the hardware directly.
-Use this interface with caution.
-SWI OS_Hardware 0 (SWI &7A)
-On entry: R0-R7 parameters for hardware routine
-          R8 = 0
-          R9 = hardware call number
-On exit:  R0-R3 updated by call
-          R4-R9 preserved.
-This SWI calls a HAL routine. HAL routines internally are ATPCS, so R0-R3 are
-passed in as a1-a4, and R4-R7 are pushed on to the stack. The a1-a4 on exit
-from the routine are passed back in R0-R3.
-If the HAL routine is not available, an error is returned. Actual HAL
-routines do not return RISC OS errors - any possible failure will be 
-indicated in a call-specific manner.
-SWI OS_Hardware 1 (SWI &7A)
-On entry: R8 = 1
-          R9 = hardware call number
-On exit:  R0 = routine address
-          R1 = static base value for routine
-This call looks up the address of a HAL routine. If it does not exist, an
-error is returned. Otherwise, the address of the routine is returned in R0.
-Calls made to the routine should be in a privileged mode, with R9 (sb) set to
-the static base value returned by this SWI. Refer to the HAL documentation
-for more details of calling conditions.
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/OpenBusAdapter b/Docs/HAL/OpenBusAdapter
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a30716..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/OpenBusAdapter
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-               G F D B 9 7 5 3 1 Gnd?
-               G J E C A 8 6 4 2 0
-                                 X
-                                 X
-               G 1 3 5 7 9 B D F x
-               0 2 4 6 8 A C E J x
-14 pfiq
-12 preq
-15 pirq
-13 rclk
-3 Fiq
-14 abe
-9 nbw
-15 dBE
-1 wait
-4 irq
-8 nrw
-2 brst
-10 lock
-clk mclk
-0 state? (lk1)
-7 seq?    lk2
-12 nopc?  lk3
-11 ntrans lk4
-6 mreq
-5 n/c
-13 n/c
-CLK to AUX link connects MCLK to AUX clock
diff --git a/Docs/HAL/Serial b/Docs/HAL/Serial
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff334a3..00000000
--- a/Docs/HAL/Serial
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-     Bit 0:  FIFOs available
-int ReceiveByte(int port, int *status)
-  Returns the next byte from the FIFO (if enabled) or the holding register.
-  If status is non-NULL, the line status associated with the byte is
-  read (see LineStatus). The return value is only meaningful if a
-  received byte is available (bit 0 of *status will be set).
-void TransmitByte(int port, int byte)
-int LineStatus(int port)
-     Bit 0: Receiver Data Ready
-     Bit 1: Overrun Error
-     Bit 2: Parity Error
-     Bit 3: Framing Error
-     Bit 4: Break Error
-     Bit 5: Transmitter Holding Register Empty
-     Bit 6: Transmitter Empty (including FIFO)
-     Bit 7: FIFO contains a Parity, Framing or Break error
-  Parity, Framing and Break errors are associated with each byte received.
-  Whether the values reported here are associated with the last byte
-  read using ReceiveByte or with the next byte to be read is undefined.
-  You should request the status using ReceiveByte to ensure accurate
-  identification of bytes with errors.
-  Error bits are cleared whenever status is read, using either LineStatus
-  or ReceiveByte with status non-NULL.
-int InterruptEnable(int port, int eor, int mask)
-  Enables interrupts. Bits are:
-     Bit 0: Received Data Available (and Character Timeout)
-     Bit 1: Transmitter Holding Register Empty
-     Bit 2: Received Line Status
-     Bit 3: Modem Status
-  Returns previous state.
-int Rate(int port, int baud16)
-  Sets the rate, in units of 1/16 of a baud. Returns the previous rate.
-  Use -1 to read.
-int Format(int port, int format)
-  Bits 0-1: Bits per word  0=>5, 1=>6, 2=>7, 3=>8
-  Bit 2:    Stop length 0=>1, 1=>2 (1.5 if 5 bits)
-  Bit 3:    Parity enabled
-  Bits 4-5: Parity:  0 => Odd (or disabled)
-                     1 => Even
-                     2 => Mark (parity bit = 1)
-                     3 => Space (parity bit = 0)
-  Returns previous format. -1 to read.
-void FIFOSize(int *rx, int *tx)
-  Returns the size of the RX and TX FIFOs. Either parameter may be NULL.
-  Note that the size of the TX FIFO is the total amount of data that can
-  be sent immediately when the Transmitter Holding Register Empty
-  status holds. (So an unusual UART that had a transmit threshold
-  should return total FIFO size minus threshold).
-void FIFOClear(int port, int flags)
-  Clears the input FIFO (if bit 0 set) and the output FIFO (if bit 1 set).
-int FIFOEnable(int port, int enable)
-  Enables or disables the RX and TX FIFOs: 0 => disable, 1 => enable
-  -1 => read status. Returns previous status.
-int FIFOThreshold(int port, int threshold)
-  Sets the receive threshold level for the FIFO RX interrupt. Normally
-  available values are 1,4,8 and 14 bytes. Returns previous value.
-  -1 to read.
-int InterruptID(int port)
-  Returns the highest priority interrupt currently asserted. In order
-  of priority:
-  3 => Receiver Line Status (Cleared by ReceiveByte/LineStatus)
-  2 => Received Data Available (Cleared by reading enough data)
-  6 => Character Timeout (received data waiting)
-  1 => Transmitter Holding Register Empty (Cleared by this call)
-  0 => Modem Status (Cleared by ModemStatus)
-  -1 => No Interrupt
-  The Modem Status interrupt occurs when the CTS, DSR or DCD inputs
-  change, or when RI goes from high to low (ie bits 0 to 3 of ModemStatus
-  are set).
-int Break(int port, int enable)
-  Activates (1) or deactivates (0) a break condition. -1 to read,
-  returns previous state.
-int ModemControl(int port, int eor, int mask)
-  Modifies the modem control outputs.
-  Bit 0: DTR
-  Bit 1: RTS
-  Note that these are logical outputs, although the physical pins may be inverted.
-  So 1 indicates a request to send.
-int ModemStatus(int port)
-  Reads the modem status inputs.
-  Bit 0: CTS changed since last call
-  Bit 1: DSR changed since last call
-  Bit 2: RI changed from high to low since last call
-  Bit 3: DCD changed since last call
-  Bit 4: CTS
-  Bit 5: DSR
-  Bit 6: RI
-  Bit 7: DCD
-  Note that these are logical inputs, although the physical pins may be inverted.
-  So 1 indicates a Clear To Send condition.
-int Device(int port)
diff --git a/Docs/MemMaps/+Access,ffd b/Docs/MemMaps/+Access,ffd
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index f76dd238ade08917e6712764a16a22005a50573d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 1

diff --git a/Docs/MemMaps/+SrcIndex b/Docs/MemMaps/+SrcIndex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6953e19f..00000000
--- a/Docs/MemMaps/+SrcIndex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-130                               fff 0 Mike_Stephens                    2bf39672   31060a66          0
-258                               fff 0 Mike_Stephens                    2bf395c1   31060a66          0
diff --git a/Docs/MemMaps/+SrcIndexO b/Docs/MemMaps/+SrcIndexO
deleted file mode 100644
index a77883a4..00000000
--- a/Docs/MemMaps/+SrcIndexO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-130                               fff 1 Mike_Stephens                    2bf39672   31060a66          0
-258                               fff 1 Mike_Stephens                    2bf395c1   31060a66          0
diff --git a/Docs/MemMaps/130 b/Docs/MemMaps/130
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d44fc29..00000000
--- a/Docs/MemMaps/130
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-        000     App space
-        01C     System heap/svc stack
-        01E     Soft CAM copy/und stack
-        01F     Sound/pointer/random
-        020     RMA
-        02C     L2PT and L1PT
-        030     I/O
-        038     ROM
-        040     Screen
-        060     Free pool
-        0E2     Sprites
-        164     Font cache
-        1E6     RAM disc
-        268     Another area 1
-        2EA     Another area 2
-        36C     Another area 3
-        3EE     Another area 4
-        470     Another area 5
-        4F2     Another area 6
-        574     Another area 7
-        5F6     Another area 8
-        678     Another area 9
-        6FA     Another area 10
-        77C     Another area 11
-        7FE     Nothing
-        800     Phys space copy
-        A00     Another area 12
-        A82     Another area 13
-        B04     Another area 14
-        B86     Another area 15
-        C08     Another area 16
-        C8A     Another area 17
-        D0C     Another area 18
-        D8E     Another area 19
-        E10     Another area 20
-        E92     Another area 21
-        F14     Another area 22
-        F96     Nothing
diff --git a/Docs/MemMaps/258 b/Docs/MemMaps/258
deleted file mode 100644
index 86cfa15e..00000000
--- a/Docs/MemMaps/258
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-        000     App space
-        01C     System heap/svc stack
-        01E     Soft CAM copy/und stack
-        01F     Sound/pointer/random
-        020     RMA
-        02C     L2PT and L1PT
-        030     I/O
-        038     ROM
-        040     Screen
-        060     Free pool
-        162     Sprites
-        264     Font cache
-        366     RAM disc
-        468     Another area 1
-        56A     Another area 2
-        66C     Another area 3
-        76E     Nothing
-        800     Phys space copy
-        A00     Another area 4
-        B02     Another area 5
-        C03     Another area 6
-        D04     Another area 7
-        E05     Another area 8
-        F06     Nothing
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deleted file mode 100644
index f76dd238ade08917e6712764a16a22005a50573d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 1

diff --git a/Docs/PrivDoc/+SrcIndex b/Docs/PrivDoc/+SrcIndex
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3053e6..00000000
--- a/Docs/PrivDoc/+SrcIndex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-5thColumn                        1000 0 Mike_Stephens                    2e05be22   30fd2d55          0
-MMPM                              fff 0 Mike_Stephens                    2c53f7f8   31060a6b          0
-ScreenMode                        fff 0 Mike_Stephens                    2c4d19fc   31060a6b          0
diff --git a/Docs/PrivDoc/+SrcIndexO b/Docs/PrivDoc/+SrcIndexO
deleted file mode 100644
index b5095ee0..00000000
--- a/Docs/PrivDoc/+SrcIndexO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-5thColumn                        1000 0 Mike_Stephens                    2e05be22   30fd2d55          0
-MMPM                              fff 1 Mike_Stephens                    2c53f7f8   31060a6b          0
-ScreenMode                        fff 1 Mike_Stephens                    2c4d19fc   31060a6b          0
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deleted file mode 100644
index f76dd238ade08917e6712764a16a22005a50573d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 1

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deleted file mode 100644
index 9e67ef52..00000000
--- a/Docs/PrivDoc/5thColumn/+SrcIndex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Concept                           fff 0 Mike_Stephens                    27ad92e9   31060a69          0
diff --git a/Docs/PrivDoc/5thColumn/+SrcIndexO b/Docs/PrivDoc/5thColumn/+SrcIndexO
deleted file mode 100644
index 763bdbcc..00000000
--- a/Docs/PrivDoc/5thColumn/+SrcIndexO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Concept                           fff 1 Mike_Stephens                    27ad92e9   31060a69          0
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deleted file mode 100644
index 50565e9e..00000000
--- a/Docs/PrivDoc/5thColumn/Concept
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-; > 5thColumn.Concept
- RISC OS Support for extension ROMs
- ==================================
- Author:        Tim Dobson
- Status:        Draft
- Issue:         0.02
- History:
-  Date          Revision        Changes
-  11-Oct-90     0.00            Started
-  16-Oct-90     0.01            Completed first draft
-  04-Feb-91     0.02            Updated to reflect reality
-This document describes the purpose of the extension ROM system and
-discusses various design issues. For the full technical documentation, refer
-to the document "5thColumn.Manual".
-The extension ROM system allows the development of hardware platforms fitted
-with a normal 32 bit wide RISC OS ROM set plus one or more 8, 16 or 32 bit
-ROMs or EPROMs containing software modules which add to or replace modules
-in the main ROM set. This allows the same main ROM set to be used in a wider
-variety of hardware platforms, removing the extra cost and lead times of
-re-romming, and possibly reducing costs by allowing bulk purchase of the
-main ROM set.
-The extension ROM(s) appear in the memory map in unused parts of the low
-(&03400000 to &037FFFFF) or high (&03800000 to &03FFFFFF) ROM areas. A 32
-bit wide extension ROM set is directly executable in place, saving on user
-RAM. 8 or 16 bit wide sets have to be copied into RAM to execute. By using
-the low ROM area (whose access time is programmable independently from the
-high area containing the main ROM set) slow EPROMs can be used.
-A particularly attractive configuration might be to have 8 ROM sockets on
-the board, 4 for the main ROM set, and the other 4 capable of taking either
-one 32 bit wide set (eg a large set of applications eg Internet) or up to 4
-individual 8 bit wide ROMs containing smaller applications or utilities.
-The scheme also allows a machine to have limited protection against
-unauthorised access, if the extension ROM contains a module which requires a
-password to be entered before continuing.
-In order to allow different sizes of EPROMs to be used without having to
-have links on the board, the software will look for extension ROMs at higher
-addresses first, and work backwards. This means that the high order address
-lines (which should be tied to +5v on smaller sizes of EPROM) will be pulled
-high initially, although they will be pulled low later on when looking for
-further extension ROMs.
-The way in which the kernel initialises modules has been changed. If there
-is more than one version of the same module present in the ROM (which
-includes the main ROM, expansion card ROMs and extension ROMs) then only the
-newest version of the module is initialised. If an extension ROM contains a
-newer version of a module in the main ROM, then the newer version will be
-initialised at the point in the initialisation sequence where the main ROM
-version would have been initialised. This allows main ROM modules to be
-replaced without the problems associated with initialisation order.
diff --git a/Docs/PrivDoc/MMPM b/Docs/PrivDoc/MMPM
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ea4e00..00000000
--- a/Docs/PrivDoc/MMPM
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-; > PrivDoc.MMPM
-Still to do on memory management, as of 26-May-93:
-; Must be TMD
- + Make SoftCAMMap variable size
- + Finish routine to allocate backing L2 for an area
- + Write routine to allocate logical addresses for areas
- + Write routine to check for overlapping areas
- + Complete Create dynamic area routine
-    (done apart from final OS_ChangeDynamicArea to get required size)
- + Write Remove dynamic area routine
-    (done apart from initial OS_ChangeDynamicArea to shrink to zero size)
- + Write Return info on dynamic area routine
- + Write Enumerate dynamic areas routine
- + Write Renumber dynamic areas routine
- + Change OS_ReadDynamicArea to use new list
- + Change OS_ValidateAddress to use new list
- + Put in new error messages properly
- * If CreateArea fails to grow area to required size, it should kill area and return error
- * Change ChangeDynamicArea code to use lists:
-    + Check enough is working for Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory to use OS_DynamicArea(create)
-    * Check PreShrink and PostShrink work completely OK
-    * Check PreGrow and PostGrow work (apart from passing in page blocks)
-    * Migrate existing areas to new world:
-        * Update InitDynamicAreas initially to fake up a node for the RMA, and check it works
-        * Use DynamicArea_Create to create RMA from scratch (if feasible)
-        * Update InitDynamicAreas to fake up a node for the system heap + check it (no way of using create routine)
-        * Change OS_ReadRAMFsLimits to use OS_ReadDynamicArea
-        * Write RAMFS area handlers
-        * Create RAMFS dynamic area using DynamicArea_Create, + check it works
-        * Do similar for font cache, sprite area
-    * Put in code to split grow block into chunks, and create page blocks (without checking for updates from PreGrow)
-    * Put in checks for PreGrow requesting particular pages, and call alternative code:
-        * Do the double shuffle
-        * Issue Service_PagesUnsafe/Safe
-        * Stop it getting the static pages (esp. cursor/sound page, L1 and maybe L2)
-    * Put in extra code to cope with doubly-mapped areas
-    * Write area handlers for screen, and move it to new world
- * Change size of application space to 24M (check all refs to 16M in whole image)
- * Put in indirections for hardware vector poking
- * Change FPE to use indirections (KWelton)
- * Move RMA to &02100000, and change size of app space to 28M
- * Conversion to do late aborts
-; Could be done by ANOther
- * OS_Memory:
-        a) conversion bits
-        b) read phys.memory arrangement
-        c) read amounts of various sorts of memory
-        d) read controller addresses
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Docs/PrivDoc/ScreenMode b/Docs/PrivDoc/ScreenMode
deleted file mode 100644
index 410e776a..00000000
--- a/Docs/PrivDoc/ScreenMode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-; > PrivDoc.ScreenMode
-Still to do on screen mode selection, as of 21-Jul-93:
-Key:    +  Done and tested
-        -  Done but not tested
-        *  Still to do
-        x  Not done for a good reason
- + Make OS_ReadModeVariable work with mode selectors
- + OS_ScreenMode(ReturnMode)
- + OS_ScreenMode(EnumerateModes)
-     + Create variable holding video bandwidth
-     + Add this reason code to just load up video bandwidth, VideoSize and issue service
- + Service_ModeExtension additions
-     + Load up r4 and r5 with video bandwidth, VideoSize respectively
- + Change vdugrafg:SetUpSprModeData:04 to check for mode selector, and goto 10 if so
- + Check other occurrences of BranchIfKnownMode to look for similar bits
- + Put code to handle new sprite mode word into PushModeInfo (any monitor only?)
- + Remove new sprite mode word fudging in vdugrafg:SetupSprModeData and 
-    vdugrafl:SwitchOutputToSprite
- + Make SwitchOutputToSprite(new format) set up ECFIndex (it doesn't at the moment!)
- + Make sure tests for equal mode numbers don't assume equal ptrs to mode selectors are equivalent
- + Modify NewModes module to respond to Service_EnumerateScreenModes, to test enumeration.
- + OS_ScreenMode(SetMonitorType)
-     + Allocate soft copy for monitortype
-     + Write routine to update soft copy from CMOS
-     + Call this routine in initialisation
-     + Make *Configure MonitorType update soft copy
-     + Change ReadMonitorType to read from soft copy
-     + Add this reason code to either store given value or update from CMOS
- + Make sprites which have mode selectors as their mode word illegal
-     + Move conversion of mode selectors to new format sprite mode words
-        into PreCreateHeader, rather than PostCreateHeader, so that it
-        doesn't call SetupSprModeData with a (now illegal) mode selector
- -> MT ScreenModes module
- -> AG Make switch output to sprite for a new format sprite make mode selector for current mode?
- -> AG *ScreenSave in mode 50 seems to produce a sprite with a palette.
- -> NK Trying to set a WimpMode with XEigFactor=27 caused data abort.
-       Investigate and/or range-limit values.
- -> AG Put in support for returning errors from PushModeInfo (for bad mode
-       selectors and new format sprite mode words):
-     + Make mode change routine check for error from PushModeInfo and FindOKMode
-     + Make FindSubstitute check errors from PushModeInfo
-     + Make FindOKMode check errors from FindSubstitute
-     + Make CheckModeValid check errors from FindOKMode
-     + Make SetupSprModeData capable of returning errors:
-         + Ditto SpriteV handler (already OK)
-         + Ditto PreCreateHeader
-         + Ditto CreateHeader
-         + Ditto GetSprite
-     -> AG Make SwitchOutputToSprite/Mask check errors from PushModeInfo
- - Design and code algorithm for working out FIFO reload position for VIDC20
-   (Still need explanation from ARM of why 7 quad-words doesn't always work)
- * OS_ScreenMode(SelectMode)
-     + Make normal mode selection routine into a subroutine
-     + Write veneers to put round call to this in OS_ScreenMode(SelectMode)
-     * Change actual mode change code to cope with mode selectors
-         + Prevent main routine looking at shadow bit in mode selector
-         + Modify FindOKMode to cope with mode selector
-         + Modify OS_CheckModeValid to cope with mode selector
-         + Make all pushed mode variables into words (not bytes)
-         + Modify PushModeInfo to cope with mode selector
-         + Make YEigFactor default to 2 if yres < xres/2 (and change spec. to reflect that)
-         + Make numbered modes work after loading mode file
-         + Allocate space for OS copy of mode selector
-         x Make OS mode selector part of saved VDU context
-            (not needed since sprites can't have mode selectors as their mode)
-         x Sort out internal mode variables PalIndex, ECFIndex wrt
-            converting existing mode numbers into mode selectors (no need, still use old workspace-getting code)
-         x Make mode selector blocks for all existing numbered modes
-            (no need, constructed on fly since only needed during svc call)
-         * Check that copying mode selector has no adverse effects
-         * Sort out why issuing a mode change with invalid mode selector doesn't give error
-         * Modify FindOKMode to cope with 16 and 32 bpp modes somehow
- * Prevent pointer position from going into the sync pulse (causes screen picture disruption)
- * Adjust borders on all modes, to cope with VIDC20 problem
-   (Needs algorithm from ARM that works!)
- * Mode change happily passes round any old rubbish to Service_ModeExtension - it should:-
-        * First check that value is word-aligned - if not it may be a new sprite mode word
-        * Do a Validate_Address on fixed bit of block?
- * What should *ScreenLoad do with a new format sprite?
diff --git a/NewModes/Make,feb b/NewModes/Make,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 50fa3365..00000000
--- a/NewModes/Make,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| > NewModes.Make
-WimpSlot -min 1024k -max 1024k
-AASM <Obey$Dir>.PSSrc <Obey$Dir>.PSModule -module -quit
diff --git a/NewModes/NEWF2 b/NewModes/NEWF2
deleted file mode 100644
index cf992a1d..00000000
--- a/NewModes/NEWF2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; general purpose mode macros
-ClockShift * 9
-SyncShift * 11
-; pixel rate specifiers
-CRPix_24000 * 3 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_16000 * 2 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_12000 * 1 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_8000  * 0 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_25175 * 3 :OR: (1 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_36000 * 3 :OR: (2 :SHL: ClockShift)
-        MACRO
-        VIDC_List $lbpp,$hsync,$hbpch,$hlbdr,$hdisp,$hrbdr,$hfpch, $vsync,$vbpch,$vlbdr,$vdisp,$vrbdr,$vfpch,$pixrate,$sp
-        LCLA    sub
-        LCLA    syncpol
- [ $lbpp = 3
-sub     SETA    5
- ]
- [ $lbpp = 2
-sub     SETA    7
- ]
- [ $lbpp = 1
-sub     SETA    11
- ]
- [ $lbpp = 0
-sub     SETA    19
- ]
- [ "$sp"=""
-syncpol SETA    0 :SHL: SyncShift               ; normal sync polarity
- |
-        ASSERT $sp<=3
-syncpol SETA    $sp :SHL: SyncShift
- ]
-        ASSERT  ($hsync :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hbpch :AND: 1)=1
-        ASSERT  ($hlbdr :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hdisp :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hrbdr :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hfpch :AND: 1)=1
- [ (($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch) :AND: 3)<>0
-        ! 0, "Warning: mode unsuitable for interlaced use"
- ]
-; Horizontal
-        &       (&80:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch -2  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HCR
-        &       (&84:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync                                    -2  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HSWR
-        &       (&88:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch                             -1  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HBSR
-        &       (&8C:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr                      -sub)/2) :SHL: 14) ; HDSR
-        &       (&90:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp               -sub)/2) :SHL: 14) ; HDER
-        &       (&94:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr        -1  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HBER
-        &       (&9C:SHL:24) :OR: (((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch-2)/2+1)/2):SHL:14); HIR
-; Vertical
-        &       (&A0:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp+$vrbdr+$vfpch    -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VCR
-        &       (&A4:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync                                       -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VSWR
-        &       (&A8:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch                                -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VBSR
-        &       (&AC:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr                         -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VDSR
-        &       (&B0:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp                  -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VDER
-        &       (&B4:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp+$vrbdr           -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VBER
-; Control Register
-        &       (&E0:SHL:24) :OR: (CRPix_$pixrate) :OR: ($lbpp :SHL: 2) :OR: syncpol
-        &       -1
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        VIDC_WS  $bpp,$hpix,$vpix,$multx,$multy, $dht
-        &       VduExt_XWindLimit, $hpix-1
-        &       VduExt_ScrRCol, ($hpix/8)-1
-        &       VduExt_LineLength, $hpix*$bpp/8
- [ "$dht" <> ""
-        &       VduExt_ModeFlags, Flag_DoubleVertical
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, ($vpix/16)-1
- |
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, ($vpix/8)-1
- ]
-        &       VduExt_YWindLimit, $vpix-1
-        &       VduExt_ScreenSize, $hpix*$vpix*$bpp/8
-        &       VduExt_XEigFactor, $multx
-        &       VduExt_YEigFactor, $multy
-        MEND
-VLN_0   VIDC_List 0, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,18,256,17, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 0
-VLN_1   VIDC_List 1, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,18,256,17, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 1
-VLN_2   VIDC_List 2, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,18,256,17, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 2
-VLN_3   VIDC_List 1, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,22,250,19, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 3
-VLN_4   VIDC_List 0, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,18,256,17, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 4
-VLN_5   VIDC_List 1, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,18,256,17, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 5
-VLN_6   VIDC_List 1, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,22,250,19, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 6
-VLN_7   VIDC_List 2, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,22,250,19, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 7
-VLN_8   VIDC_List 1, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,18,256,17, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 8
-VLN_9   VIDC_List 2, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,18,256,17, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 9
-VLN_10  VIDC_List 3, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,18,256,17, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 10
-VLN_11  VIDC_List 1, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,22,250,19, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 11
-VLN_12  VIDC_List 2, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,18,256,17, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 12
-VLN_13  VIDC_List 3, 36, 73, 24, 320, 24, 35, 3,18,18,256,17, 0, 8000,0         ; MODE 13
-VLN_14  VIDC_List 2, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,22,250,19, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 14
-VLN_15  VIDC_List 3, 72,145, 48, 640, 48, 71, 3,18,18,256,17, 0,16000,0         ; MODE 15
-VLN_16  VIDC_List 2, 72,215, 46,1056, 46,101, 3,18,18,256,17, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 16
-VLN_17  VIDC_List 2, 72,215, 46,1056, 46,101, 3,18,22,250,19, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 17
-;VLN_18  VIDC_List 0, 56,183,  2, 640,  2, 13, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 18
-;VLN_19  VIDC_List 1, 56,183,  2, 640,  2, 13, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 19
-;VLN_20  VIDC_List 2, 56,183,  2, 640,  2, 13, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 20
-;VLN_21  VIDC_List 3, 56,183,  2, 640,  2, 13, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 21
-VLN_24  VIDC_List 3, 72,215, 46,1056, 46,101, 3,18,18,256,17, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 24
-VLN_33  VIDC_List 3, 74,127,  0, 768,  0, 55, 3,18, 0,288, 0, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 33
-VLN_34  VIDC_List 3, 74, 87,  0, 832,  0, 31, 3,18, 0,288, 0, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 34
-VLM_0   VIDC_List 0, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 0
-VLM_1   VIDC_List 1, 36, 33, 44, 320, 44, 35, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 1
-VLM_2   VIDC_List 2, 36, 33, 44, 320, 44, 35, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 2
-VLM_3   VIDC_List 1, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 3
-VLM_4   VIDC_List 0, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 4
-VLM_5   VIDC_List 1, 36, 51, 24, 320, 24, 57, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 5
-VLM_6   VIDC_List 1, 36, 33, 44, 320, 44, 35, 3,16,20,250,20, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 6
-VLM_7   VIDC_List 2, 36, 31, 44, 320, 44, 37, 3,18,22,250,16, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 7
-VLM_8   VIDC_List 1, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 8
-VLM_9   VIDC_List 2, 36, 33, 44, 320, 44, 35, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 9
-VLM_10  VIDC_List 3, 36, 33, 44, 320, 44, 35, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 10
-VLM_11  VIDC_List 1, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 11
-VLM_12  VIDC_List 2, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 12
-VLM_13  VIDC_List 3, 36, 33, 44, 320, 44, 35, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 13
-VLM_14  VIDC_List 2, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 14
-VLM_15  VIDC_List 3, 72, 63, 88, 640, 88, 73, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 15
-VLM_16  VIDC_List 2,112, 47,132,1056,132, 57, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,24000,0         ; MODE 16
-VLM_17  VIDC_List 2,112, 47,132,1056,132, 57, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,24000,0         ; MODE 17
-VLM_18  VIDC_List 0, 56,111,  2, 640,  2, 85, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 18
-VLM_19  VIDC_List 1, 56,111,  2, 640,  2, 85, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 19
-VLM_20  VIDC_List 2, 56,111,  2, 640,  2, 85, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 20
-VLM_21  VIDC_List 3, 56,111,  2, 640,  2, 85, 3,17, 1,512, 1, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 21
-VLM_24  VIDC_List 3,112, 47,132,1056,132, 57, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,24000,0         ; MODE 24
-VLM_25  VIDC_List 0, 96, 47,  0, 640,  0, 15, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 25
-VLM_26  VIDC_List 1, 96, 47,  0, 640,  0, 15, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 26
-VLM_27  VIDC_List 2, 96, 47,  0, 640,  0, 15, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 27
-VLM_28  VIDC_List 3, 96, 47,  0, 640,  0, 15, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 28
-VLM_31  VIDC_List 2, 72,129,  0, 800,  0, 23, 2,22, 0,600, 0, 1,36000,0         ; MODE 31
-VLH_23  VIDC_List 2, 52, 47,  2, 288,  2,  1, 3,43, 4,896, 4, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 23
diff --git a/NewModes/NEWFORMAT b/NewModes/NEWFORMAT
deleted file mode 100644
index d0734fed..00000000
--- a/NewModes/NEWFORMAT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- [ {FALSE}              ; This mode not supported by VIDC, so not used
-        VIDC_List 0,36,73,24,320,24,35, 3,18,18,256,17,0,8000,0
- ]
-V32tab2         ; MODES 1,5
-        VIDC_List 1,36,73,24,320,24,35, 3,18,18,256,17,0,8000,0
-V32tab2T        ; MODE 6
-        VIDC_List 1,36,73,24,320,24,35, 3,18,22,250,19,0,8000,0
-V32tab4         ; MODES 2,9
-        VIDC_List 2,36,73,24,320,24,35, 3,18,18,256,17,0,8000,0
-V32tab4T        ; MODE 7
-        VIDC_List 2,36,73,24,320,24,35, 3,18,22,250,19,0,8000,0
-V32tab8         ; MODES 10,13
-        VIDC_List 3,36,73,24,320,24,35, 3,18,18,256,17,0,8000,0
-V64tab1         ; MODES 0,4
-        VIDC_List 0,72,145,48,640,48,71, 3,18,18,256,17,0,16000,0
-V64tab2         ; MODE 8
-        VIDC_List 1,72,145,48,640,48,71, 3,18,18,256,17,0,16000,0
-V64tab2T        ; MODES 3,11
-        VIDC_List 1,72,145,48,640,48,71, 3,18,22,250,19,0,16000,0
-V64tab4         ; MODE 12
-        VIDC_List 2,72,145,48,640,48,71, 3,18,18,256,17,0,16000,0
-V64tab4T        ; MODE 14
-        VIDC_List 2,72,145,48,640,48,71, 3,18,22,250,19,0,16000,0
-V64tab8         ; MODE 15
-        VIDC_List 3,72,145,48,640,48,71, 3,18,18,256,17,0,16000,0
-V132tab4        ; MODE 16
-        VIDC_List 2,72,215,46,1056,46,101, 3,18,18,256,17,0,24000,0
-V132tab4T       ; MODE 17
-        VIDC_List 2,72,215,46,1056,46,101, 3,18,22,250,19,0,24000,0
- [ {TRUE}
-V64tab1D        ; MODE 18
-        VIDC_List 0,56,183,2,640,2,13, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-V64tab2D        ; MODE 19
-        VIDC_List 1,56,183,2,640,2,13, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-V64tab4D        ; MODE 20
-        VIDC_List 2,56,183,2,640,2,13, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-V64tab8D        ; MODE 21 (NEW)
-        VIDC_List 3,56,183,2,640,2,13, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
- [ {FALSE} ; not used any more
-V128tab1        ; MODE 22      
-        VIDC_List 2,54,39,2,320,2,7, 2,44,1,976,1,0,24000,0
- ]
-V115tab1        ; MODE 23 new Unoid monitor style, 1152x896
-                ; changed again 29-Jul-88 to give 64.4Hz
-        VIDC_List 2,52,47,2,288,2,1, 3,43,4,896,4,0,24000,0
- |
-V64tab1D        ; MODE 18 (old)
-        VIDC_List 0,56,199,2,640,2,1, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-V64tab2D        ; MODE 19 (old)
-        VIDC_List 1,56,199,2,640,2,1, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-V64tab4D        ; MODE 20 (old)
-        VIDC_List 2,56,199,2,640,2,1, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-V128tab1        ; MODE 22 (old)
-        VIDC_List 2,60,41,0,320,0,3, 2,44,1,976,1,0,24000,0
-V115tab1        ; MODE 23
-        VIDC_List 2,60,41,16,288,16,3, 2,44,57,864,57,0,24000,0
- ]
-V132tab8        ; MODE 24 (NEW)
-        VIDC_List 3,72,215,46,1056,46,101, 3,18,18,256,17,0,24000,0
diff --git a/NewModes/OldFormat b/NewModes/OldFormat
deleted file mode 100644
index 278a8a6c..00000000
--- a/NewModes/OldFormat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
- [ {FALSE}              ; This mode not supported by VIDC, so not used
- & &803FC000
- & &84044000
- & &880D8000
- & &8C0E4000
- & &90364000
- & &943B8000
- & &9C200000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000030
- & -1
- ]
-V32tab2         ; MODES 1,5
- & &803FC000
- & &84044000
- & &880D8000
- & &8C0F4000
- & &90374000
- & &943B8000
- & &9C200000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000034
- & -1
-V32tab2T        ; MODE 6
- & &803FC000
- & &84044000
- & &880D8000
- & &8C0F4000
- & &90374000
- & &943B8000
- & &9C200000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC0A8000 ; start 4 pixels down
- & &B0490000 ; end 2 pixels up
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000034
- & -1
-V32tab4         ; MODES 2,9
- & &803FC000
- & &84044000
- & &880D8000
- & &8C0FC000
- & &9037C000
- & &943B8000
- & &9C200000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000038
- & -1
-V32tab4T        ; MODE 7
- & &803FC000
- & &84044000
- & &880D8000
- & &8C0FC000
- & &9037C000
- & &943B8000
- & &9C200000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC0A8000 ; start 4 pixels down
- & &B0490000 ; end 2 pixels up
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000038
- & -1
-V32tab8         ; MODES 10,13
- & &803FC000
- & &84044000
- & &880D8000
- & &8C100000
- & &90380000
- & &943B8000
- & &9C200000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E000002C
- & -1
-V64tab1         ; MODES 0,4
- & &807FC000
- & &8408C000
- & &881B0000
- & &8C1EC000
- & &906EC000
- & &94770000
- & &9C400000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000032
- & -1
-V64tab2         ; MODE 8
- & &807FC000
- & &8408C000
- & &881B0000
- & &8C1FC000
- & &906FC000
- & &94770000
- & &9C400000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000036
- & -1
-V64tab2T        ; MODES 3,11
- & &807FC000
- & &8408C000
- & &881B0000
- & &8C1FC000
- & &906FC000
- & &94770000
- & &9C400000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC0A8000    ; Start 4 pixels down
- & &B0490000    ; End 2 pixels up
- & &B44DC000
- & &E0000036
- & -1
-V64tab4         ; MODE 12
- & &807FC000
- & &8408C000
- & &881B0000
- & &8C204000
- & &90704000
- & &94770000
- & &9C400000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E000002A
- & -1
-V64tab4T        ; MODE 14
- & &807FC000
- & &8408C000
- & &881B0000
- & &8C204000
- & &90704000
- & &94770000
- & &9C400000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC0A8000    ; Start 4 pixels down
- & &B0490000    ; End 2 pixels up
- & &B44DC000
- & &E000002A
- & -1
-V64tab8         ; MODE 15
- & &807FC000
- & &8408C000
- & &881B0000
- & &8C208000
- & &90708000
- & &94770000
- & &9C400000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E000001E
- & -1
-V132tab4        ; MODE 16
- & &80BFC000
- & &8408C000
- & &8823C000 ; 1B0000
- & &8C28C000
- & &90ACC000
- & &94B34000 ; B20000
- & &9C600000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
-V132tab4T       ; MODE 17
- & &80BFC000
- & &8408C000
- & &8823C000 ; 1B0000
- & &8C28C000
- & &90ACC000
- & &94B34000 ; B34000
- & &9C600000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC0A8000    ; start 4 pixels down
- & &B0490000    ; end 2 pixels up
- & &B44DC000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
- [ {TRUE}
-V64tab1D        ; MODE 18
- & &806FC000
- & &8406C000
- & &881DC000
- & &8C1BC000
- & &906BC000
- & &946E4000
- & &9C380000
- & &A0854000
- & &A4008000
- & &A804C000
- & &AC050000
- & &B0850000
- & &B4854000
- & &E0000033
- & -1
-V64tab2D        ; MODE 19
- & &806FC000
- & &8406C000
- & &881DC000
- & &8C1CC000
- & &906CC000
- & &946E4000
- & &9C380000
- & &A0854000
- & &A4008000
- & &A804C000
- & &AC050000
- & &B0850000
- & &B4854000
- & &E0000037
- & -1
-V64tab4D        ; MODE 20
- & &806FC000
- & &8406C000
- & &881DC000
- & &8C1D4000
- & &906D4000
- & &946E4000
- & &9C380000
- & &A0854000
- & &A4008000
- & &A804C000
- & &AC050000
- & &B0850000
- & &B4854000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
-V64tab8D        ; MODE 21 (NEW)
- & &806FC000
- & &8406C000
- & &881DC000
- & &8C1D8000
- & &906D8000
- & &946E4000
- & &9C380000
- & &A0854000
- & &A4008000
- & &A804C000
- & &AC050000
- & &B0850000
- & &B4854000
- & &E000000F
- & -1
- [ {FALSE} ; not used any more
-V128tab1        ; MODE 22      
- & &8034C000
- & &84068000
- & &880B8000
- & &8C0B0000
- & &90330000
- & &94340000
- & &9C1A8000
- & &A0FFC000
- & &A4004000
- & &A80B4000
- & &AC0B8000
- & &B0FF8000
- & &B4FFC000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
- ]
-V115tab1        ; MODE 23 new Unoid monitor style, 1152x896
-                ; changed again 29-Jul-88 to give 64.4Hz
- & &8030C000
- & &84064000
- & &880C4000
- & &8C0BC000
- & &902FC000
- & &9430C000
- & &9C188000    ; changed 16-Aug-88, was 1A8
- & &A0ED4000
- & &A4008000
- & &A80B4000
- & &AC0C4000
- & &B0EC4000
- & &B4ED4000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
- |
-V64tab1D        ; MODE 18 (old)
- & &80704000
- & &8406C000
- & &881FC000
- & &8C1DC000
- & &906DC000
- & &94704000
- & &9C384000
- & &A0854000
- & &A4008000
- & &A804C000
- & &AC050000
- & &B0850000
- & &B4854000
- & &E0000033
- & -1
-V64tab2D        ; MODE 19 (old)
- & &80704000
- & &8406C000
- & &881FC000
- & &8C1EC000
- & &906EC000
- & &94704000
- & &9C384000
- & &A0854000
- & &A4008000
- & &A804C000
- & &AC050000
- & &B0850000
- & &B4854000
- & &E0000037
- & -1
-V64tab4D        ; MODE 20 (old)
- & &80704000
- & &8406C000
- & &881FC000
- & &8C1F4000
- & &906F4000
- & &94704000
- & &9C384000
- & &A0854000
- & &A4008000
- & &A804C000
- & &AC050000
- & &B0850000
- & &B4854000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
-V128tab1        ; MODE 22 (old)
- & &8034C000
- & &84074000
- & &880C8000
- & &8C0BC000
- & &9033C000
- & &94348000
- & &9C1A8000    ; was wrong
- & &A0FFC000
- & &A4004000
- & &A80B4000
- & &AC0B8000
- & &B0FF8000
- & &B4FFC000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
-V115tab1        ; MODE 23
- & &8034C000
- & &84074000
- & &880C8000
- & &8C0DC000
- & &9031C000
- & &94348000
- & &9C1A8000            ; was wrong
- & &A0FFC000
- & &A4004000
- & &A80B4000
- & &AC198000
- & &B0F18000
- & &B4FFC000
- & &E000002B
- & -1
- ]
-V132tab8        ; MODE 24 (NEW)
- & &80BFC000
- & &8408C000
- & &8823C000
- & &8C290000
- & &90AD0000
- & &94B34000
- & &9C600000
- & &A04DC000
- & &A4008000
- & &A8050000
- & &AC098000
- & &B0498000
- & &B44DC000
- & &E000000F
- & -1
diff --git a/NewModes/OldPSSrc b/NewModes/OldPSSrc
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ebe682..00000000
--- a/NewModes/OldPSSrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-; > NewModes.PSSrc
-; 08-Nov-89
-        GET     &.Hdr.ListOpts
-        GET     &.Hdr.Macros
-        GET     &.Hdr.System
-        GET     &.Hdr.NewSpace
-        GET     &.Hdr.ModHand
-        GET     &.Hdr.Services
-        GET     &.Hdr.Proc
-        GET     &.Hdr.File
-        GET     &.Hdr.NewErrors
-        GET     &.Hdr.VduExt
-        GET     &.Hdr.Debug
-        GET     &.Hdr.CMOS
-        LEADR   Module_LoadAddr
-        GBLL    Debug
-Debug   SETL    {FALSE}
-        GBLL    Module
-Module  SETL    {TRUE}         ; Really !
-TAB     *       9
-LF      *       10
-FF      *       12
-CR      *       13
-MonitorType_Normal * 0
-MonitorType_MultiSync * 1
-MonitorType_HiResMono * 2
-MonitorType_VGA * 3
-MonitorType_DontCare * -1
-Normal          *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_Normal
-MultiSync       *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_MultiSync
-HiResMono       *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_HiResMono
-VGA             *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_VGA
-ScreenEndAdr    *       &02000000
-Vinit           *       &03600000
-Interlace       *       &40
-        MACRO
-        NewMode $modeno, $monitors, $vidclist, $wslist
-        &       $modeno
-        &       $monitors
-        &       ($vidclist)-%BT99
-        &       ($wslist)-%BT99
-        MEND
-; Module workspace allocation
-        ^ 0, R12
-ModeExt_WorkspaceSize * :INDEX: @
-; **************** Module code starts here **********************
-        DCD     0
-        DCD     ModeExt_Init    -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_Die     -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_Service -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_Title   -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_HelpStr -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_HC_Table-Module_BaseAddr
-        =       "NewModes", 0
-        =       "NewModes"
-        =       TAB
-        =       "1.3 (08 Nov 1989) test Multisync Modes", 0
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-ModeExt_HC_Table * Module_BaseAddr
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeExt_Init - Initialisation entry point
-ModeExt_Init ENTRY
-        MOV     R0, #EventV
-        ADRL    R1, EventRoutine
-        MOV     R2, R12
-        SWI     XOS_Claim
-        MOVVC   R0, #14
-        MOVVC   R1, #Event_VSync
-        SWIVC   XOS_Byte
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeExt_Die - Die entry
-ModeExt_Die ENTRY
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        MOV     R1, #Event_VSync
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        MOV     R0, #EventV
-        ADRL    R1, EventRoutine
-        MOV     R2, R12
-        SWI     XOS_Release
-        EXITS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeExt_Service - Main entry point for services
-; in:   R1 = service reason code
-ModeExt_Service ENTRY
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_ModeExtension
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_PreModeChange
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_ModeChange
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_Reset
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_ModeTranslation
-        EXIT    NE
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_PreModeChange
-        MOVEQ   R14, #0                 ; zero the word
-        STREQ   R14, [R12]
-        EXIT    EQ
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_ModeChange
-        BEQ     ModeChangeService
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_Reset
-        BEQ     ResetCode
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_ModeTranslation
-        BEQ     ModeTranslation
-        [ Debug
-        DREG    R2, "Mode = "
-        DREG    R3, "Monitor type = "
-        ]
-        Push    "R5-R8"
-        ADR     R5, NewModesList-8
-        MOV     R8, #1
-        ADD     R5, R5, #8              ; skip VidC, WS
-        LDMIA   R5!, {R6, R7}           ; R6 = mode, R7 = OK monitor types
-        CMP     R6, #-1
-        Pull    "R5-R8, PC", EQ         ; mode not in list, exit
-        TEQ     R2, R6                  ; if not this mode
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        CMP     R3, #MonitorType_DontCare ; if any monitor type
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; then found one
-        TST     R7, R8, LSL R3          ; else if not appropriate monitor
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        LDMIA   R5, {R3, R4}            ; load offsets to VidCList, WSList
-        ADD     R3, R3, R5              ; convert to addresses
-        ADD     R4, R4, R5              ; convert to addresses
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; claim service
-        Pull    "R5-R8, PC"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        NewMode  0,  MultiSync, Multi100VIDCList, Multi100WSList           ; rshifted Mode 0
-        NewMode  1,  MultiSync, Multi101VIDCList, Multi101WSList           ; rshifted Mode 1
-        NewMode  2,  MultiSync, Multi102VIDCList, Multi102WSList           ; rshifted Mode 2
-        NewMode  3,  MultiSync, Multi103VIDCList, Multi103WSList           ; rshifted Mode 3
-        NewMode  4,  MultiSync, Multi104VIDCList, Multi104WSList           ; rshifted Mode 4
-        NewMode  5,  MultiSync, Multi105VIDCList, Multi105WSList           ; rshifted Mode 5
-        NewMode  6,  MultiSync, Multi106VIDCList, Multi106WSList           ; rshifted Mode 6
-        NewMode  7,  MultiSync, Multi107VIDCList, Multi107WSList           ; rshifted Mode 7
-        NewMode  8,  MultiSync, Multi108VIDCList, Multi108WSList           ; rshifted Mode 8
-        NewMode  9,  MultiSync, Multi109VIDCList, Multi109WSList           ; rshifted Mode 9
-        NewMode 10,  MultiSync, Multi110VIDCList, Multi110WSList           ; rshifted Mode 10
-        NewMode 11,  MultiSync, Multi111VIDCList, Multi111WSList           ; rshifted Mode 11
-        NewMode 12,  MultiSync, Multi112VIDCList, Multi112WSList           ; rshifted Mode 12
-        NewMode 13,  MultiSync, Multi113VIDCList, Multi113WSList           ; rshifted Mode 13
-        NewMode 14,  MultiSync, Multi114VIDCList, Multi114WSList           ; rshifted Mode 14
-        NewMode 15,  MultiSync, Multi115VIDCList, Multi115WSList           ; rshifted Mode 15
-        NewMode 16,  MultiSync, Multi116VIDCList, Multi116WSList           ; rshifted Mode 16
-        NewMode 17,  MultiSync, Multi117VIDCList, Multi117WSList           ; rshifted Mode 17
-        NewMode 18,  MultiSync, Multi118VIDCList, Multi118WSList           ; rshifted Mode 18
-        NewMode 19,  MultiSync, Multi119VIDCList, Multi119WSList           ; rshifted Mode 19
-        NewMode 20,  MultiSync, Multi120VIDCList, Multi120WSList           ; rshifted Mode 20
-        NewMode 21,  MultiSync, Multi121VIDCList, Multi121WSList           ; rshifted Mode 21
-        NewMode 24,  MultiSync, Multi124VIDCList, Multi124WSList           ; rshifted Mode 24
-        NewMode 25,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA1VIDCList, VGA1WSList2         ; VGA 1bp 640x480
-        NewMode 26,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA2VIDCList, VGA2WSList2         ; VGA 2bp 640x480
-        NewMode 27,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA4VIDCList, VGA4WSList2         ; VGA 4bp 640x480
-        NewMode 28,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA8VIDCList, VGA8WSList2         ; VGA 8bp 640x480
-        NewMode 31, MultiSync, sVGA4_VIDCList, sVGA4_WSList                ; super VGA 4bp 800x600 
-        NewMode 32, MultiSync, sVGA8_VIDCList, sVGA8_WSList                ; super VGA 8bp 800x600
-        NewMode 33, Normal :OR: MultiSync, Mode33VIDCList, Mode33WSList    ; overscan 768x288 
-        NewMode 34, Normal :OR: MultiSync, Mode34VIDCList, Mode34WSList    ; overscan 832x288
-;        NewMode 45, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA11VIDCList, VGA11WSList2        ; VGA 1bp 640x350
-;        NewMode 46, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA12VIDCList, VGA12WSList2        ; VGA 2bp 640x350
-;        NewMode 47, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA14VIDCList, VGA14WSList2        ; VGA 4bp 640x350
-;        NewMode 48, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA18VIDCList, VGA18WSList2        ; VGA 8bp 640x350
-;        NewMode 55, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA21VIDCList, VGA21WSList2        ; VGA 1bp 720x400
-;        NewMode 56, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA22VIDCList, VGA22WSList2        ; VGA 2bp 720x400
-;        NewMode 57, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA24VIDCList, VGA24WSList2        ; VGA 4bp 720x400
-;        NewMode 58, VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA28VIDCList, VGA28WSList2        ; VGA 8bp 720x400
-;        NewMode 60, MultiSync, Multi350VIDCList, Multi350WSList            ; MDA 640x350
-;        NewMode 61, MultiSync, Multi200VIDCList, Multi200WSList            ; CGA 640x200
-;        NewMode 62, MultiSync, Multi351VIDCList, Multi351WSList            ; EGA 640x350
-;        NewMode 66, MultiSync, Multi66VIDCList, Multi66WSList             ; DTP 960x384 4bpp
-;        NewMode 67, MultiSync, Multi67VIDCList, Multi67WSList             ; DTP 960x384 8bpp
-;        NewMode 76, MultiSync, Multi76VIDCList, Multi76WSList             ; DTP 1280x384 4bpp
-;        NewMode 77, MultiSync, Multi77VIDCList, Multi77WSList             ; DTP 1280x384 8bpp
-        &       -1, 0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; general purpose mode macros
-ClockShift * 9
-SyncShift * 11
-; pixel rate specifiers
-CRPix_24000 * 3 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_16000 * 2 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_12000 * 1 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_8000  * 0 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_25175 * 3 :OR: (1 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_36000 * 3 :OR: (2 :SHL: ClockShift)
-        MACRO
-        VIDC_List $bpp,$hsync,$hbpch,$hlbdr,$hdisp,$hrbdr,$hfpch, $vsync,$vbpch,$vlbdr,$vdisp,$vrbdr,$vfpch,$pixrate,$sp
-        LCLA    sub
-        LCLA    lbpp
-        LCLA    syncpol
- [ $bpp = 8
-sub     SETA    5
-lbpp    SETA    3
- ]
- [ $bpp = 4
-sub     SETA    7
-lbpp    SETA    2
- ]
- [ $bpp = 2
-sub     SETA    11
-lbpp    SETA    1
- ]
- [ $bpp = 1
-sub     SETA    19
-lbpp    SETA    0
- ]
- [ "$sp"="" :LOR: "$sp"="0"
-syncpol SETA    0 :SHL: SyncShift               ; normal sync polarity
- |
-  [ "$sp"="1"
-syncpol SETA    3 :SHL: SyncShift               ; inverted H and V sync
-  |
-        ! 1,"Sync polarity must be null string or 0 (for normal syncs) or 1 (for inverted H and V syncs)"
-  ]
- ]
-        ASSERT  ($hsync :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hbpch :AND: 1)=1
-        ASSERT  ($hlbdr :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hdisp :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hrbdr :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hfpch :AND: 1)=1
-; Horizontal
-        &       (&80:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch -2  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HCR
-        &       (&84:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync                                    -2  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HSWR
-        &       (&88:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch                             -1  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HBSR
-        &       (&8C:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr                      -sub)/2) :SHL: 14) ; HDSR
-        &       (&90:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp               -sub)/2) :SHL: 14) ; HDER
-        &       (&94:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr        -1  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HBER
-; Vertical
-        &       (&A0:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp+$vrbdr+$vfpch    -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VCR
-        &       (&A4:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync                                       -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VSWR
-        &       (&A8:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch                                -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VBSR
-        &       (&AC:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr                         -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VDSR
-        &       (&B0:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp                  -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VDER
-        &       (&B4:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp+$vrbdr           -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VBER
-; Control Register
-        &       (&E0:SHL:24) :OR: (CRPix_$pixrate) :OR: (lbpp :SHL: 2) :OR: syncpol
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        VIDC_WS  $bpp,$hpix,$vpix,$multx,$multy, $dht
-        &       VduExt_XWindLimit, $hpix-1
-        &       VduExt_ScrRCol, ($hpix/8)-1
-        &       VduExt_LineLength, $hpix*$bpp/8
- [ "$dht" <> ""
-        &       VduExt_ModeFlags, Flag_DoubleVertical
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, ($vpix/16)-1
- |
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, ($vpix/8)-1
- ]
-        &       VduExt_YWindLimit, $vpix-1
-        &       VduExt_ScreenSize, $hpix*$vpix*$bpp/8
-        &       VduExt_XEigFactor, $multx
-        &       VduExt_YEigFactor, $multy
-        MEND
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;  Start of multi sync archy modes
-; Mode 0, multiscan mode 0
-        &         0
-        &         0
-        VIDC_List 1,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         0
-        &        -1
-; Mode 1, multiscan mode 1
-        &         0
-        &         1
-        VIDC_List 2,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         1
-        &        -1
-; Mode 2, multiscan mode 2
-        &         0
-        &         2
-        VIDC_List 4,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         2
-        &        -1
-; Mode 3, multiscan mode 3
-        &         0
-        &         3
-        VIDC_List 2,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,20,250,20,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         3
-        &        -1
-; Mode 4, multiscan mode 4
-        &         0
-        &         4
-        VIDC_List 1,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         4
-        &        -1
-; Mode 5, multiscan mode 5
-        &         0
-        &         5
-        VIDC_List 2,36,51,24,320,24,57, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         5
-        &        -1
-; Mode 6, multiscan mode 6
-        &         0
-        &         6
-        VIDC_List 2,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,20,250,20,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         6
-        &        -1
-; Mode 7, multiscan mode 7
-        &         0
-        &         7
-        VIDC_List 4,36,31,44,320,44,37, 3,18,22,250,16,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         7
-        &        -1
-; Mode 8, multiscan mode 8
-        &         0
-        &         8
-        VIDC_List 2,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         8
-        &        -1
-; Mode 9, multiscan mode 9
-        &         0
-        &         9
-        VIDC_List 4,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         9
-        &        -1
-; Mode 10, multiscan mode 10
-        &         0
-        &         10
-        VIDC_List 8,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         10
-        &        -1
-; Mode 11, multiscan mode 11
-        &         0
-        &         11
-        VIDC_List 2,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,20,250,20,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         11
-        &        -1
-; Mode 12, multiscan mode 12
-        &         0
-        &         12
-        VIDC_List 4,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         12
-        &        -1
-; Mode 13, multiscan mode 13
-        &         0
-        &         13
-        VIDC_List 8,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         13
-        &        -1
-; Mode 14, multiscan mode 14
-        &         0
-        &         14
-        VIDC_List 4,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,20,250,20,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         14
-        &        -1
-; Mode 15, multiscan mode 15
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_List 8,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        &        -1
-; Mode 16, multiscan mode 16
-        &         0
-        &         16
-        VIDC_List 4,112,47,132,1056,132,57, 3,16,17,256,17,3,24000
-; tv blanking!      112,139, 76,1056,114, 39,   ,3,18,16,256,16,3
-;                  4u67,5u79,3u2,44u,4u7,1u62,  21r           3r
-;         should be  =10u4              =1u65   22r           3r(2r5) 
-;philips needs bprch > 57 or goes dark (sync at 112)
-; can inc sync to 10u0, more and screen starts to wobble
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         16
-        &        -1
-; Mode 17, multiscan mode 17
-        &         0
-        &         17
-        VIDC_List 4,112,47,132,1056,132,57, 3,16,20,250,20,3,24000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         17
-        &        -1
-; Mode 18, multiscan mode 18
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        VIDC_List 1,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        &        -1
-; Mode 19, multiscan mode 19
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        VIDC_List 2,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        &        -1
-; Mode 20, multiscan mode 20
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        VIDC_List 4,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        &        -1
-; Mode 21, multiscan mode 21
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        VIDC_List 8,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        &        -1
-; Mode 24, multiscan mode 24
-        &         0
-        &         24
-        VIDC_List 8,112,47,132,1056,132,57, 3,16,17,256,17,3,24000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         24
-        &        -1
-; MODE 25 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        VIDC_List 1,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,1
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        &        -1
-; MODE 26 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        VIDC_List 2,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,1
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        &        -1
-; MODE 27 (VGA or multisync monitors,  640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        VIDC_List 4,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,1
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        &        -1
-; MODE 28 (VGA or multisync monitors,  640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        VIDC_List 8,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,1
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        &        -1
-; MODE 31 (800x600 by 4 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        VIDC_List 4,72,129,0,800,0,23, 2,22,0,600,0,1,36000
-        &         &E000042B
-        &        -1
-        &       0
-        &       20
-        VIDC_WS 4,800,600,1,1
-        &      -1
-; MODE 32 (800x600 by 8 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         24
-        VIDC_List 8,72,129,0,800,0,23, 2,22,0,600,0,1,36000
-        &         &E000040F
-        &        -1
-        &       0
-        &       24
-        VIDC_WS 8,800,600,1,1
-        &      -1
-; MODE 33 (768x288 by 8 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_List 8,74,127,0,768,0,55, 3,18,0,288,0,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_WS 8,768,288,1,2
-        &        -1
-; MODE 34 (832x288 by 8 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_List 8,74,87,0,832,0,31, 3,18,0,288,0,3,16000
-        &        -1
-        &        0
-        &        15
-        VIDC_WS  8,832,288,1,2
-        &       -1
-;; MODE 45 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x350)
-;        &         0
-;        &         18
-;        VIDC_List 1,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,59,0,350,0,38
-;        &        -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        18
-;        VIDC_WS  1,640,350,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; MODE 46 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x350)
-;        &         0
-;        &         19
-;        VIDC_List 2,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,59,0,350,0,38
-;        &        -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        19
-;        VIDC_WS  2,640,350,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; MODE 47 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x350)
-;        &         0
-;        &         20
-;        VIDC_List 4,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,59,0,350,0,38
-;        &        -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        20
-;        VIDC_WS  4,640,350,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; MODE 48 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x350)
-;        &         0
-;        &         21
-;        VIDC_List 8,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,59,0,350,0,38
-;        &         &E000020F
-;        &        -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        21
-;        VIDC_WS  8,640,350,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; MODE 55 (VGA or multisync monitors, 720x400)
-;        &         0
-;        &         18
-;        VIDC_List 1,108,55,0,720,0,17, 2,34,0,400,0,13
-;        &        -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        18
-;        VIDC_WS  1,720,400,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; MODE 56 (VGA or multisync monitors, 720x400)
-;        &       0
-;        &       19
-;        VIDC_List 2,108,55,0,720,0,17, 2,34,0,400,0,13
-;        &       -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        19
-;        VIDC_WS  2,720,400,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; MODE 57 (VGA or multisync monitors, 720x400)
-;        &         0
-;        &         20
-;        VIDC_List 4,108,55,0,720,0,17, 2,34,0,400,0,13
-;        &        -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        20
-;        VIDC_WS  4,720,400,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; MODE 58 (VGA or multisync monitors, 720x400)
-;        &         0
-;        &         21
-;        VIDC_List 8,108,55,0,720,0,17, 2,34,0,400,0,13
-;        &         &E000020F
-;        &        -1
-;        &        0
-;        &        21
-;        VIDC_WS  8,720,400,1,2
-;        &       -1
-;; IBM standard form modes
-;; Mode 60 MDA, multiscan
-;        &         0
-;        &         12
-;        VIDC_List 4,132,17,2,704,2,9, 17,4,0,350,0,0
-;        &        -1
-;        &         0
-;        &         12
-;        VIDC_WS   4,704,350,1,2
-;        &        -1
-;; Mode 61 CGA, multiscan
-;        &         0
-;        &         12
-;        VIDC_List 4,68,115,0,720,0,105, 3,34,0,200,0,25
-;        &        -1
-;        &         0
-;        &         12
-;        VIDC_WS   4,720,200,1,2
-;        &        -1
-;; Mode 62 EGA, multiscan
-;        &         0
-;        &         12
-;        VIDC_List 4,78,25,0,624,0,1, 13,2,0,350,0,1
-;        &        -1
-;        &         0
-;        &         12
-;        VIDC_WS   4,624,350,1,2
-;        &        -1
-;; Mode 66 , DTP multiscan  960x384 4bpp
-;        &         0
-;        &         20
-;        VIDC_List 4,72,101,0,960,0,39, 3,18,0,384,0,2
-;        &        -1
-;        &         0
-;        &         20
-;        VIDC_WS   4,960,384,1,2
-;        &        -1
-;; Mode 67 , DTP multiscan 960x384 8bpp
-;        &         0
-;        &         21
-;        VIDC_List 8,72,101,0,960,0,39, 3,18,0,384,0,2
-;        &        -1
-;        &         0
-;        &         21
-;        VIDC_WS   8,960,384,1,2
-;        &        -1
-;; Mode 76 , DTP multiscan  1280x296 4bpp
-;        &         0
-;        &         16
-;        VIDC_List 4,48,111,0,1280,0,53, 3,14,0,296,0,4
-;        &        -1
-;        &         0
-;        &         16
-;        VIDC_WS   4,1280,296,1,2
-;        &        -1
-;; Mode 77 , DTP multiscan 1280x296 8bpp
-;        &         0
-;        &         24
-;        VIDC_List 8,48,111,0,1280,0,53, 3,14,0,296,0,4
-;        &        -1
-;        &         0
-;        &         24
-;        VIDC_WS   8,1280,296,1,2
-;        &        -1
-    [ Debug
-    InsertDebugRoutines
-    ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Code to execute on reset
-; in:   R14 already stacked
-ResetCode ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R6"
-        BL      ModeExt_Init
-        Pull    "R0-R6,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       EventRoutine - Routine called on Vsync
-EventRoutine ROUT
-        TEQ     R0, #Event_VSync
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        ENTRY   "R0-R6"
-        LDR     R1, [R12]               ; load state flag, 0 => disabled
-        RSBS    R1, R1, #0              ; change sign
-        EXIT    EQ                      ; if zero then do nowt
-        STR     R1, [R12]               ; store back
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize] ; needed later as well
-        ADDMI   R1, R1, R2              ; if -ve then add TotalScreenSize
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
-; now set VInit to this
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        SUB     R0, R0, #ScreenEndAdr
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2                      ; make start of screen 0
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1                      ; add on teletext bank offset
-        CMP     R0, R2                          ; if out of range
-        SUBCS   R0, R0, R2                      ; then subtract total size
-        MOV     R1, #Vinit
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #VinitCopy]
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #4                  ; bottom 4 bits not valid
-        ORR     R0, R1, R0, LSL #2              ; OR in at correct place
-        STR     R0, [R0]                        ; any old data will do
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlCopy]
-        ORR     R0, R0, #Interlace              ; turn interlace on
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlCopy]
-        MOV     R1, #VIDC
-        STR     R0, [R1]
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-        Push    "R0-R6"
-        MOV     R5, R12                 ; our workspace pointer
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeNo]
-        TEQ     R0, #18
-        TEQNE   R0, #19
-        TEQNE   R0, #20
-        TEQNE   R0, #21
-        TEQNE   R0, #26
-        TEQNE   R0, #27
-        BNE     %FT10
-        MOV     R0, #&A1
-        MOV     R1, #VduCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        ANDS    R2, R2, #MonitorTypeBits
-        BNE     %FT10
-        MOV     R0, #255
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayYWindLimit]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #YEigFactor]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayYEigFactor]
-        LDR     R0, =541-6
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFudgeFactor]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MOV     R6, R6, LSR #1
-        RSB     R6, R6, #0
-        STR     R6, [R5]
-        Pull    "R0-R6, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeTranslation - Code to perform VGA mode number translation
-; in:   R1 = Service_ModeTranslation
-;       R2 = mode number
-;       R3 = monitor type
-;       return address stacked
-; out:  R1 = 0 if claimed
-;       R2 = substitute
-;       R3 preserved
-ModeTranslation ROUT
-        TEQ     R3, #MonitorType_VGA
-        Pull    PC, NE
-        BIC     R1, R2, #&80    ; get rid of shadow bit
-        CMP     R1, #32         ; if in range 32..39
-        RSBCSS  R1, R1, #39
-        BCS     %FT10           ; then don't modify
-        [ {TRUE}
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        |
-        Push    R0
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        MOV     R1, #9          ; log2bpp
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        Pull    R0
-        MOVVS   R2, #0          ; if error or invalid then use mode 32
-        MOVCS   R2, #0
-        CMP     R2, #4
-        MOVCS   R2, #3
-        ADD     R2, R2, #32
-        ]
-        MOV     R1, #0          ; claim service
-        Pull    PC
-        END
diff --git a/NewModes/OldToNew,ffb b/NewModes/OldToNew,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 982d10c2346510cefd9691867c6d7f539f57082e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 2713

diff --git a/NewModes/PSSrc b/NewModes/PSSrc
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b05b5f..00000000
--- a/NewModes/PSSrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
-; > NewModes.PSSrc
-; 08-Nov-89
-        GET     &.Hdr.ListOpts
-        GET     &.Hdr.Macros
-        GET     &.Hdr.System
-        GET     &.Hdr.NewSpace
-        GET     &.Hdr.ModHand
-        GET     &.Hdr.Services
-        GET     &.Hdr.Proc
-        GET     &.Hdr.File
-        GET     &.Hdr.NewErrors
-        GET     &.Hdr.VduExt
-        GET     &.Hdr.Debug
-        GET     &.Hdr.CMOS
-        LEADR   Module_LoadAddr
-        GBLL    Debug
-Debug   SETL    {FALSE}
-        GBLL    Module
-Module  SETL    {TRUE}         ; Really !
-TAB     *       9
-LF      *       10
-FF      *       12
-CR      *       13
-MonitorType_Normal * 0
-MonitorType_MultiSync * 1
-MonitorType_HiResMono * 2
-MonitorType_VGA * 3
-MonitorType_DontCare * -1
-Normal          *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_Normal
-MultiSync       *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_MultiSync
-HiResMono       *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_HiResMono
-VGA             *       1 :SHL: MonitorType_VGA
-ScreenEndAdr    *       &02000000
-Vinit           *       &03600000
-Interlace       *       &40
-        MACRO
-        NewMode $modeno, $monitors, $vidclist, $wslist
-        &       $modeno
-        &       $monitors
-        &       ($vidclist)-%BT99
-        &       ($wslist)-%BT99
-        MEND
-; Module workspace allocation
-        ^ 0, R12
-ModeExt_WorkspaceSize * :INDEX: @
-; **************** Module code starts here **********************
-        DCD     0
-        DCD     ModeExt_Init    -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_Die     -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_Service -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_Title   -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_HelpStr -Module_BaseAddr
-        DCD     ModeExt_HC_Table-Module_BaseAddr
-        =       "NewModes", 0
-        =       "NewModes"
-        =       TAB
-        =       "1.3 (08 Nov 1989) test Multisync Modes", 0
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-ModeExt_HC_Table * Module_BaseAddr
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeExt_Init - Initialisation entry point
-ModeExt_Init ENTRY
-        MOV     R0, #EventV
-        ADRL    R1, EventRoutine
-        MOV     R2, R12
-        SWI     XOS_Claim
-        MOVVC   R0, #14
-        MOVVC   R1, #Event_VSync
-        SWIVC   XOS_Byte
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeExt_Die - Die entry
-ModeExt_Die ENTRY
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        MOV     R1, #Event_VSync
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        MOV     R0, #EventV
-        ADRL    R1, EventRoutine
-        MOV     R2, R12
-        SWI     XOS_Release
-        EXITS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeExt_Service - Main entry point for services
-; in:   R1 = service reason code
-ModeExt_Service ENTRY
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_ModeExtension
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_PreModeChange
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_ModeChange
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_Reset
-        TEQNE   R1, #Service_ModeTranslation
-        EXIT    NE
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_PreModeChange
-        MOVEQ   R14, #0                 ; zero the word
-        STREQ   R14, [R12]
-        EXIT    EQ
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_ModeChange
-        BEQ     ModeChangeService
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_Reset
-        BEQ     ResetCode
-        TEQ     R1, #Service_ModeTranslation
-        BEQ     ModeTranslation
-        [ Debug
-        DREG    R2, "Mode = "
-        DREG    R3, "Monitor type = "
-        ]
-        Push    "R5-R8"
-        ADR     R5, NewModesList-8
-        MOV     R8, #1
-        ADD     R5, R5, #8              ; skip VidC, WS
-        LDMIA   R5!, {R6, R7}           ; R6 = mode, R7 = OK monitor types
-        CMP     R6, #-1
-        Pull    "R5-R8, PC", EQ         ; mode not in list, exit
-        TEQ     R2, R6                  ; if not this mode
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        CMP     R3, #MonitorType_DontCare ; if any monitor type
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; then found one
-        TST     R7, R8, LSL R3          ; else if not appropriate monitor
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        LDMIA   R5, {R3, R4}            ; load offsets to VidCList, WSList
-        ADD     R3, R3, R5              ; convert to addresses
-        ADD     R4, R4, R5              ; convert to addresses
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; claim service
-        Pull    "R5-R8, PC"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        NewMode  0,  MultiSync, Multi100VIDCList, Multi100WSList           ; rshifted Mode 0
-        NewMode  1,  MultiSync, Multi101VIDCList, Multi101WSList           ; rshifted Mode 1
-        NewMode  2,  MultiSync, Multi102VIDCList, Multi102WSList           ; rshifted Mode 2
-        NewMode  3,  MultiSync, Multi103VIDCList, Multi103WSList           ; rshifted Mode 3
-        NewMode  4,  MultiSync, Multi104VIDCList, Multi104WSList           ; rshifted Mode 4
-        NewMode  5,  MultiSync, Multi105VIDCList, Multi105WSList           ; rshifted Mode 5
-        NewMode  6,  MultiSync, Multi106VIDCList, Multi106WSList           ; rshifted Mode 6
-        NewMode  7,  MultiSync, Multi107VIDCList, Multi107WSList           ; rshifted Mode 7
-        NewMode  8,  MultiSync, Multi108VIDCList, Multi108WSList           ; rshifted Mode 8
-        NewMode  9,  MultiSync, Multi109VIDCList, Multi109WSList           ; rshifted Mode 9
-        NewMode 10,  MultiSync, Multi110VIDCList, Multi110WSList           ; rshifted Mode 10
-        NewMode 11,  MultiSync, Multi111VIDCList, Multi111WSList           ; rshifted Mode 11
-        NewMode 12,  MultiSync, Multi112VIDCList, Multi112WSList           ; rshifted Mode 12
-        NewMode 13,  MultiSync, Multi113VIDCList, Multi113WSList           ; rshifted Mode 13
-        NewMode 14,  MultiSync, Multi114VIDCList, Multi114WSList           ; rshifted Mode 14
-        NewMode 15,  MultiSync, Multi115VIDCList, Multi115WSList           ; rshifted Mode 15
-        NewMode 16,  MultiSync, Multi116VIDCList, Multi116WSList           ; rshifted Mode 16
-        NewMode 17,  MultiSync, Multi117VIDCList, Multi117WSList           ; rshifted Mode 17
-        NewMode 18,  MultiSync, Multi118VIDCList, Multi118WSList           ; rshifted Mode 18
-        NewMode 19,  MultiSync, Multi119VIDCList, Multi119WSList           ; rshifted Mode 19
-        NewMode 20,  MultiSync, Multi120VIDCList, Multi120WSList           ; rshifted Mode 20
-        NewMode 21,  MultiSync, Multi121VIDCList, Multi121WSList           ; rshifted Mode 21
-        NewMode 24,  MultiSync, Multi124VIDCList, Multi124WSList           ; rshifted Mode 24
-        NewMode 25,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA1VIDCList, VGA1WSList2         ; VGA 1bp 640x480
-        NewMode 26,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA2VIDCList, VGA2WSList2         ; VGA 2bp 640x480
-        NewMode 27,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA4VIDCList, VGA4WSList2         ; VGA 4bp 640x480
-        NewMode 28,  VGA :OR: MultiSync, VGA8VIDCList, VGA8WSList2         ; VGA 8bp 640x480
-        NewMode 31, MultiSync, sVGA4_VIDCList, sVGA4_WSList                ; super VGA 4bp 800x600 
-        NewMode 32, MultiSync, sVGA8_VIDCList, sVGA8_WSList                ; super VGA 8bp 800x600
-        NewMode 33, Normal :OR: MultiSync, Mode33VIDCList, Mode33WSList    ; overscan 768x288 
-        NewMode 34, Normal :OR: MultiSync, Mode34VIDCList, Mode34WSList    ; overscan 832x288
-        &       -1, 0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; general purpose mode macros
-ClockShift * 9
-SyncShift * 11
-; pixel rate specifiers
-CRPix_24000 * 3 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_16000 * 2 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_12000 * 1 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_8000  * 0 :OR: (0 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_25175 * 3 :OR: (1 :SHL: ClockShift)
-CRPix_36000 * 3 :OR: (2 :SHL: ClockShift)
-        MACRO
-        VIDC_List $lbpp,$hsync,$hbpch,$hlbdr,$hdisp,$hrbdr,$hfpch, $vsync,$vbpch,$vlbdr,$vdisp,$vrbdr,$vfpch,$pixrate,$sp
-        LCLA    sub
-        LCLA    syncpol
- [ $lbpp = 3
-sub     SETA    5
- ]
- [ $lbpp = 2
-sub     SETA    7
- ]
- [ $lbpp = 1
-sub     SETA    11
- ]
- [ $lbpp = 0
-sub     SETA    19
- ]
- [ "$sp"=""
-syncpol SETA    0 :SHL: SyncShift               ; normal sync polarity
- |
-        ASSERT $sp<=3
-syncpol SETA    $sp :SHL: SyncShift
- ]
-        ASSERT  ($hsync :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hbpch :AND: 1)=1
-        ASSERT  ($hlbdr :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hdisp :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hrbdr :AND: 1)=0
-        ASSERT  ($hfpch :AND: 1)=1
- [ (($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch) :AND: 3)<>0
-        ! 0, "Warning: mode unsuitable for interlaced use"
- ]
-; Horizontal
-        &       (&80:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch -2  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HCR
-        &       (&84:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync                                    -2  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HSWR
-        &       (&88:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch                             -1  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HBSR
-        &       (&8C:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr                      -sub)/2) :SHL: 14) ; HDSR
-        &       (&90:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp               -sub)/2) :SHL: 14) ; HDER
-        &       (&94:SHL:24) :OR: ((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr        -1  )/2) :SHL: 14) ; HBER
-        &       (&9C:SHL:24) :OR: (((($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch-2)/2+1)/2):SHL:14); HIR
-; Vertical
-        &       (&A0:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp+$vrbdr+$vfpch    -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VCR
-        &       (&A4:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync                                       -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VSWR
-        &       (&A8:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch                                -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VBSR
-        &       (&AC:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr                         -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VDSR
-        &       (&B0:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp                  -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VDER
-        &       (&B4:SHL:24) :OR: (($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp+$vrbdr           -1)    :SHL: 14) ; VBER
-; Control Register
-        &       (&E0:SHL:24) :OR: (CRPix_$pixrate) :OR: ($lbpp :SHL: 2) :OR: syncpol
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        VIDC_WS  $bpp,$hpix,$vpix,$multx,$multy, $dht
-        &       VduExt_XWindLimit, $hpix-1
-        &       VduExt_ScrRCol, ($hpix/8)-1
-        &       VduExt_LineLength, $hpix*$bpp/8
- [ "$dht" <> ""
-        &       VduExt_ModeFlags, Flag_DoubleVertical
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, ($vpix/16)-1
- |
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, ($vpix/8)-1
- ]
-        &       VduExt_YWindLimit, $vpix-1
-        &       VduExt_ScreenSize, $hpix*$vpix*$bpp/8
-        &       VduExt_XEigFactor, $multx
-        &       VduExt_YEigFactor, $multy
-        MEND
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;  Start of multi sync archy modes
-; Mode 0, multiscan mode 0
-        &         0
-        &         0
-        VIDC_List 0,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         0
-        &        -1
-; Mode 1, multiscan mode 1
-        &         0
-        &         1
-        VIDC_List 1,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         1
-        &        -1
-; Mode 2, multiscan mode 2
-        &         0
-        &         2
-        VIDC_List 2,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         2
-        &        -1
-; Mode 3, multiscan mode 3
-        &         0
-        &         3
-        VIDC_List 1,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,20,250,20,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         3
-        &        -1
-; Mode 4, multiscan mode 4
-        &         0
-        &         4
-        VIDC_List 0,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         4
-        &        -1
-; Mode 5, multiscan mode 5
-        &         0
-        &         5
-        VIDC_List 1,36,51,24,320,24,57, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         5
-        &        -1
-; Mode 6, multiscan mode 6
-        &         0
-        &         6
-        VIDC_List 1,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,20,250,20,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         6
-        &        -1
-; Mode 7, multiscan mode 7
-        &         0
-        &         7
-        VIDC_List 2,36,31,44,320,44,37, 3,18,22,250,16,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         7
-        &        -1
-; Mode 8, multiscan mode 8
-        &         0
-        &         8
-        VIDC_List 1,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         8
-        &        -1
-; Mode 9, multiscan mode 9
-        &         0
-        &         9
-        VIDC_List 2,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         9
-        &        -1
-; Mode 10, multiscan mode 10
-        &         0
-        &         10
-        VIDC_List 3,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         10
-        &        -1
-; Mode 11, multiscan mode 11
-        &         0
-        &         11
-        VIDC_List 1,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,20,250,20,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         11
-        &        -1
-; Mode 12, multiscan mode 12
-        &         0
-        &         12
-        VIDC_List 2,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         12
-        &        -1
-; Mode 13, multiscan mode 13
-        &         0
-        &         13
-        VIDC_List 3,36,33,44,320,44,35, 3,16,17,256,17,3,8000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         13
-        &        -1
-; Mode 14, multiscan mode 14
-        &         0
-        &         14
-        VIDC_List 2,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,20,250,20,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         14
-        &        -1
-; Mode 15, multiscan mode 15
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_List 3,72,63,88,640,88,73, 3,16,17,256,17,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        &        -1
-; Mode 16, multiscan mode 16
-        &         0
-        &         16
-        VIDC_List 2,112,47,132,1056,132,57, 3,16,17,256,17,3,24000,0
-; tv blanking!      112,139, 76,1056,114, 39,   ,3,18,16,256,16,3
-;                  4u67,5u79,3u2,44u,4u7,1u62,  21r           3r
-;         should be  =10u4              =1u65   22r           3r(2r5) 
-;philips needs bprch > 57 or goes dark (sync at 112)
-; can inc sync to 10u0, more and screen starts to wobble
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         16
-        &        -1
-; Mode 17, multiscan mode 17
-        &         0
-        &         17
-        VIDC_List 2,112,47,132,1056,132,57, 3,16,20,250,20,3,24000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         17
-        &        -1
-; Mode 18, multiscan mode 18
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        VIDC_List 0,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        &        -1
-; Mode 19, multiscan mode 19
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        VIDC_List 1,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        &        -1
-; Mode 20, multiscan mode 20
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        VIDC_List 2,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        &        -1
-; Mode 21, multiscan mode 21
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        VIDC_List 3,56,111,2,640,2,85, 3,17,1,512,1,0,24000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        &        -1
-; Mode 24, multiscan mode 24
-        &         0
-        &         24
-        VIDC_List 3,112,47,132,1056,132,57, 3,16,17,256,17,3,24000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         24
-        &        -1
-; MODE 25 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        VIDC_List 0,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,3
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         18
-        &        -1
-; MODE 26 (VGA or multisync monitors, 640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        VIDC_List 1,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,3
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         19
-        &        -1
-; MODE 27 (VGA or multisync monitors,  640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        VIDC_List 2,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,3
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        &        -1
-; MODE 28 (VGA or multisync monitors,  640x480)
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        VIDC_List 3,96,47,0,640,0,15, 2,32,0,480,0,11,25175,3
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         21
-        &        -1
-; MODE 31 (800x600 by 4 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         20
-        VIDC_List 2,72,129,0,800,0,23, 2,22,0,600,0,1,36000,0
-        &        -1
-        &       0
-        &       20
-        VIDC_WS 4,800,600,1,1
-        &      -1
-; MODE 32 (800x600 by 8 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         24
-        VIDC_List 3,72,129,0,800,0,23, 2,22,0,600,0,1,36000,0
-        &        -1
-        &       0
-        &       24
-        VIDC_WS 8,800,600,1,1
-        &      -1
-; MODE 33 (768x288 by 8 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_List 3,74,127,0,768,0,55, 3,18,0,288,0,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_WS 8,768,288,1,2
-        &        -1
-; MODE 34 (832x288 by 8 bits per pixel)
-        &         0
-        &         15
-        VIDC_List 3,74,87,0,832,0,31, 3,18,0,288,0,3,16000,0
-        &        -1
-        &        0
-        &        15
-        VIDC_WS  8,832,288,1,2
-        &       -1
-    [ Debug
-    InsertDebugRoutines
-    ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Code to execute on reset
-; in:   R14 already stacked
-ResetCode ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R6"
-        BL      ModeExt_Init
-        Pull    "R0-R6,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       EventRoutine - Routine called on Vsync
-EventRoutine ROUT
-        TEQ     R0, #Event_VSync
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        ENTRY   "R0-R6"
-        LDR     R1, [R12]               ; load state flag, 0 => disabled
-        RSBS    R1, R1, #0              ; change sign
-        EXIT    EQ                      ; if zero then do nowt
-        STR     R1, [R12]               ; store back
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize] ; needed later as well
-        ADDMI   R1, R1, R2              ; if -ve then add TotalScreenSize
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
-; now set VInit to this
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        SUB     R0, R0, #ScreenEndAdr
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2                      ; make start of screen 0
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1                      ; add on teletext bank offset
-        CMP     R0, R2                          ; if out of range
-        SUBCS   R0, R0, R2                      ; then subtract total size
-        MOV     R1, #Vinit
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #VinitCopy]
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #4                  ; bottom 4 bits not valid
-        ORR     R0, R1, R0, LSL #2              ; OR in at correct place
-        STR     R0, [R0]                        ; any old data will do
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlCopy]
-        ORR     R0, R0, #Interlace              ; turn interlace on
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlCopy]
-        MOV     R1, #VIDC
-        STR     R0, [R1]
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-        Push    "R0-R6"
-        MOV     R5, R12                 ; our workspace pointer
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeNo]
-        TEQ     R0, #18
-        TEQNE   R0, #19
-        TEQNE   R0, #20
-        TEQNE   R0, #21
-        TEQNE   R0, #26
-        TEQNE   R0, #27
-        BNE     %FT10
-        MOV     R0, #&A1
-        MOV     R1, #VduCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        ANDS    R2, R2, #MonitorTypeBits
-        BNE     %FT10
-        MOV     R0, #255
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayYWindLimit]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #YEigFactor]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayYEigFactor]
-        LDR     R0, =541-6
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFudgeFactor]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MOV     R6, R6, LSR #1
-        RSB     R6, R6, #0
-        STR     R6, [R5]
-        Pull    "R0-R6, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ModeTranslation - Code to perform VGA mode number translation
-; in:   R1 = Service_ModeTranslation
-;       R2 = mode number
-;       R3 = monitor type
-;       return address stacked
-; out:  R1 = 0 if claimed
-;       R2 = substitute
-;       R3 preserved
-ModeTranslation ROUT
-        TEQ     R3, #MonitorType_VGA
-        Pull    PC, NE
-        BIC     R1, R2, #&80    ; get rid of shadow bit
-        CMP     R1, #32         ; if in range 32..39
-        RSBCSS  R1, R1, #39
-        BCS     %FT10           ; then don't modify
-        [ {TRUE}
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        |
-        Push    R0
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        MOV     R1, #9          ; log2bpp
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        Pull    R0
-        MOVVS   R2, #0          ; if error or invalid then use mode 32
-        MOVCS   R2, #0
-        CMP     R2, #4
-        MOVCS   R2, #3
-        ADD     R2, R2, #32
-        ]
-        MOV     R1, #0          ; claim service
-        Pull    PC
-        END
diff --git a/Resources/UK/CmdHelp b/Resources/UK/CmdHelp
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd61b6e5ce445463e08756c9869e3f694014f66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 10566

diff --git a/Resources/UK/Messages b/Resources/UK/Messages
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b3c6cc5..00000000
--- a/Resources/UK/Messages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-BadNumb:Number not recognised
-NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known
-VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
-BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
-OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]
-NoHelp:No help found.
-HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0
-Address:Address  :
-Unp:Unplugged modules are:
-NoUnp:No modules are unplugged
-Podule:(Podule %0)
-Extn:(Extn ROM %0)
-Modules:No. Position Workspace Name
-Result:Result is %0, value :
-Integer:an integer
-String:a string
-ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J
-Err: (Error number &%0)
-Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1)
-UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0
-InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0
-DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0
-AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0
-BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero
-SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist
-ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old
-NaffRelease:Bad vector release
-RMNotFound:Module %0 not found
-NaffDevNo:Bad device number
-BadDevVecRel:Bad device release
-RedirectFail:Redirection fails
-StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack
-OscliLongLine:Too long
-NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI
-OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex
-BadCommand:Command not recognised
-BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters
-TooManyParms:Too many parameters
-BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15
-BadAddress:Address not recognised
-OutsideFile:Outside file
-NotABlock:Not a heap block
-BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor
-HeapBadReason:Bad reason code
-HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap
-BadLink:Heap overwritten
-HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap)
-BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap)
-ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further
-BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call
-CantKill:Module is currently active
-MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full
-NoMoreModules:No more modules
-NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module
-PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified
-IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists
-ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module
-ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title
-NotMod:This is not a relocatable module
-BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module
-RMNot32bit:Module '%0' is not 32-bit compatible
-IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found
-RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM
-NumbTooBig:Number too big
-BadBase:Base not recognised
-BadClaimNum:Bad vector number
-SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full
-NotAllMoved:Memory cannot be moved
-ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running)
-AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use
-RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty
-BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area
-AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists
-AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary
-OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas
-CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space
-CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area
-UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call
-RCExc:Return code limit exceeded
-RCNegative:Negative return code
-BadString:String not recognised
-BadVarType:Bad variable type
-VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area.
-BadMacVal:Bad macro value
-BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised
-VarTooLong:Variable value too long
-BadParameters:Parameters not recognised
-ArgRepeated:Argument repeated
-BadBra:Mismatched brackets
-StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow
-MissOpn:Missing operand
-MissOpr:Missing operator
-BadInt:String is not convertible to integer
-StrOFlo:String too long
-NaffItm:Unknown operand
-DivZero:Division by zero
-NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed
-NoThen:There is no THEN
-IsString:Expression is a string
-ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big
-BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised
-BadStat:Status option not recognised
-Config2manyparms:Too many parameters
-NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known
-BadTime:Invalid time interval
-BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number
-BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call
-BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode
-SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites.
-SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite
-NoSprites:No sprites
-NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode
-SCantOpenFile:Can't open file
-SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area
-SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file
-SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite
-SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr
-InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column
-InvalidHeight:Invalid height
-InvalidWidth:Invalid width
-NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column
-SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists
-InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode
-SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code
-CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode
-SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area
-SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination
-BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite
-ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available
-BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth
-BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector
-CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow
-NoSuchSWI:SWI not known
-BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save
-MonType:Monitor type reconfigured.
-NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting
-BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0
-STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M
-CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M
-CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M
-Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
-SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth
-BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value
-BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code
-600:ARM 600 Processor
-610:ARM 610 Processor
-700:ARM 700 Processor
-710:ARM 710 Processor
-710a:ARM 710a Processor
-SA110:SA-110 Processor
-7500:ARM 7500 Processor
-7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor
-SA1100:SA-1100 Processor
-SA1110:SA-1110 Processor
-720T:ARM 720T Processor
-920T:ARM 920T Processor
-922T:ARM 922T Processor
-X80200:80200 Processor
-X80321:80321 Processor
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Morris4/Messages b/Resources/UK/Morris4/Messages
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c9f430..00000000
--- a/Resources/UK/Morris4/Messages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-BadNumb:Number not recognised
-NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known
-VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
-BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
-OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]
-NoHelp:No help found.
-HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0
-Address:Address  :
-Unp:Unplugged modules are:
-NoUnp:No modules are unplugged
-Podule:(Podule %0)
-Extn:(Extn ROM %0)
-Modules:No. Position Workspace Name
-Result:Result is %0, value :
-Integer:an integer
-String:a string
-ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J
-Err: (Error number &%0)
-Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1)
-UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0
-InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0
-DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0
-AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0
-BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero
-SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist
-ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old
-NaffRelease:Bad vector release
-RMNotFound:Module %0 not found
-NaffDevNo:Bad device number
-BadDevVecRel:Bad device release
-RedirectFail:Redirection fails
-StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack
-OscliLongLine:Too long
-NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI
-OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex
-BadCommand:Command not recognised
-BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters
-TooManyParms:Too many parameters
-BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15
-BadAddress:Address not recognised
-OutsideFile:Outside file
-NotABlock:Not a heap block
-BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor
-HeapBadReason:Bad reason code
-HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap
-BadLink:Heap overwritten
-HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap)
-BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap)
-ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further
-BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call
-CantKill:Module is currently active
-MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
-NoMoreModules:No more modules
-NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module
-PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified
-IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists
-ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module
-ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title
-NotMod:This is not a relocatable module
-BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module
-RMNot32bit:Module '%0' is not 32-bit compatible
-IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found
-RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM
-NumbTooBig:Number too big
-BadBase:Base not recognised
-BadClaimNum:Bad vector number
-SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
-NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved)
-ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running)
-AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use
-RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty
-BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area
-AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists
-AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary
-OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas
-CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space
-CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area
-UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call
-RCExc:Return code limit exceeded
-RCNegative:Negative return code
-BadString:String not recognised
-BadVarType:Bad variable type
-VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area.
-BadMacVal:Bad macro value
-BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised
-VarTooLong:Variable value too long
-BadParameters:Parameters not recognised
-ArgRepeated:Argument repeated
-BadBra:Mismatched brackets
-StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow
-MissOpn:Missing operand
-MissOpr:Missing operator
-BadInt:String is not convertible to integer
-StrOFlo:String too long
-NaffItm:Unknown operand
-DivZero:Division by zero
-NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed
-NoThen:There is no THEN
-IsString:Expression is a string
-ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big
-BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised
-BadStat:Status option not recognised
-Config2manyparms:Too many parameters
-NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known
-BadTime:Invalid time interval
-BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number
-BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call
-BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode
-SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites.
-SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite
-NoSprites:No sprites
-NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode
-SCantOpenFile:Can't open file
-SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area
-SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file
-SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite
-SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr
-InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column
-InvalidHeight:Invalid height
-InvalidWidth:Invalid width
-NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column
-SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists
-InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode
-SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code
-CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode
-SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area
-SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination
-BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite
-ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available
-BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth
-BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector
-CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow
-NoSuchSWI:SWI not known
-BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save
-MonType:Monitor type reconfigured.
-NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting
-BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0
-STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M
-CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M
-CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M
-Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
-SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth
-BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value
-BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code
-600:ARM 600 Processor
-610:ARM 610 Processor
-700:ARM 700 Processor
-710:ARM 710 Processor
-7500:ARM 7500 Processor
-7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor
-810:ARM 810 Processor
-SA110:StrongARM Processor
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Omega/Messages b/Resources/UK/Omega/Messages
deleted file mode 100644
index ee631fc0..00000000
--- a/Resources/UK/Omega/Messages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]
-NoHelp:No help found.
-HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0
-Address:Address  :
-Unp:Unplugged modules are:
-NoUnp:No modules are unplugged
-Podule:(Podule %0)
-Extn:(Extn ROM %0)
-Modules:No. Position Workspace Name
-Result:Result is %0, value : 
-Integer:an integer
-String:a string
-ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J
-Err: (Error number &%0)
-Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1)
-UndefinedInstruction:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty and needs to be rebooted (100:%0). Contact your service provider.
-InstructionAbort:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty and needs to be rebooted (101:%0). Contact your service provider.
-DataAbort:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty and needs to be rebooted (102:%0). Contact your service provider.
-AddressException:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty and needs to be rebooted (103:%0). Contact your service provider.
-BranchThrough0:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty and needs to be rebooted (105:%0). Contact your service provider.
-NoSuchSWI1:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty (1E8:%0). Please select Continue.
-SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist
-VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
-BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
-BadNumb:Number not recognised
-ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old
-NaffRelease:Bad vector release
-RMNotFound:Module %0 not found
-NaffDevNo:Bad device number
-BadDevVecRel:Bad device release
-RedirectFail:Redirection fails
-StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack
-OscliLongLine:Too long
-NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI
-OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex
-BadCommand:Command not recognised
-BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters
-TooManyParms:Too many parameters
-BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15
-BadAddress:Address not recognised
-OutsideFile:Outside file
-NotABlock:Not a heap block
-BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor
-HeapBadReason:Bad reason code
-HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap
-BadLink:Heap overwritten
-HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap)
-BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap)
-ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further
-BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call
-CantKill:Module is currently active
-MHNoRoom:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty (101). Please select Continue.
-NoMoreModules:No more modules
-NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module
-PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified
-IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists
-ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module
-ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title
-NotMod:This is not a relocatable module
-BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module
-RMNot32bit:Module '%0' is not 32-bit compatible
-IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found
-RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM
-NumbTooBig:Number too big
-BadBase:Base not recognised
-BadClaimNum:Bad vector number
-SysHeapFull:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty (1E4). Please select Continue.
-NotAllMoved:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty (1C1). Please select Continue.
-ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running)
-AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use
-RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty
-BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area
-AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists
-AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary
-OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas
-CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space
-CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area
-UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call
-RCExc:Return code limit exceeded
-RCNegative:Negative return code
-BadString:String not recognised
-BadVarType:Bad variable type
-VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area.
-BadMacVal:Bad macro value
-BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised
-VarTooLong:Variable value too long
-BadParameters:Parameters not recognised
-ArgRepeated:Argument repeated
-BadBra:Mismatched brackets
-StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow
-MissOpn:Missing operand
-MissOpr:Missing operator
-BadInt:String is not convertible to integer
-StrOFlo:String too long
-NaffItm:Unknown operand
-DivZero:Division by zero
-NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed
-NoThen:There is no THEN
-IsString:Expression is a string
-ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big
-BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised
-BadStat:Status option not recognised
-Config2manyparms:Too many parameters
-NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known
-BadTime:Invalid time interval
-BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number
-BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call
-BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode
-SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites.
-SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite
-NoSprites:No sprites
-NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode
-SCantOpenFile:Can't open file
-SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area
-SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file
-SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite
-SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr
-InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column
-InvalidHeight:Invalid height
-InvalidWidth:Invalid width
-NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column
-SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists
-InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode
-SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code
-CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode
-SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area
-SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination
-BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite
-ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available
-BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth
-BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector
-CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow
-NoSuchSWI:SWI not known
-BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save
-MonType:Monitor type reconfigured.
-NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting
-BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0
-STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M
-CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M
-CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M
-Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
-SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth
-BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value
-BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code
-600:ARM 600 Processor
-610:ARM 610 Processor
-700:ARM 700 Processor
-710:ARM 710 Processor
-7500:ARM 7500 Processor
-7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor
-810:ARM 810 Processor
-SA110:StrongARM Processor
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Ursula/Messages b/Resources/UK/Ursula/Messages
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c9f430..00000000
--- a/Resources/UK/Ursula/Messages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-BadNumb:Number not recognised
-NoSuchSWI1:SWI &%0 not known
-VarCantFind:System variable '%0' not found
-BuffOverflow:Buffer overflow
-OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]
-NoHelp:No help found.
-HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0
-Address:Address  :
-Unp:Unplugged modules are:
-NoUnp:No modules are unplugged
-Podule:(Podule %0)
-Extn:(Extn ROM %0)
-Modules:No. Position Workspace Name
-Result:Result is %0, value :
-Integer:an integer
-String:a string
-ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J
-Err: (Error number &%0)
-Error:Error: %0 (Error number &%1)
-UndefinedInstruction:Internal error: undefined instruction at &%0
-InstructionAbort:Internal error: abort on instruction fetch at &%0
-DataAbort:Internal error: abort on data transfer at &%0
-AddressException:Internal error: address exception at &%0
-BranchThrough0:Internal error: branch through zero
-SDoesntExist:Sprite doesn't exist
-ModuleTooOld:Module %0 too old
-NaffRelease:Bad vector release
-RMNotFound:Module %0 not found
-NaffDevNo:Bad device number
-BadDevVecRel:Bad device release
-RedirectFail:Redirection fails
-StackFull:Not enough memory on system stack
-OscliLongLine:Too long
-NoOscliSpecials:Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI
-OscliTooHard:Expansion too complex
-BadCommand:Command not recognised
-BadParmString:Parameter expansion contains unrecognised characters
-TooManyParms:Too many parameters
-BadKey:Key number must be in the range 0-15
-BadAddress:Address not recognised
-OutsideFile:Outside file
-NotABlock:Not a heap block
-BadDesc:Bad heap descriptor
-HeapBadReason:Bad reason code
-HeapFailInit:Can't initialise heap
-BadLink:Heap overwritten
-HeapFailAlloc:Not enough memory (in heap)
-BadExtend:Not enough memory (to extend heap)
-ExcessiveShrink:Can't shrink heap any further
-BadModuleReason:Unknown OS_Module call
-CantKill:Module is currently active
-MHNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for relocatable modules is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
-NoMoreModules:No more modules
-NoMoreIncarnations:No more incarnations of that module
-PostfixNeeded:Postfix not specified
-IncarnationExists:Incarnation already exists
-ChunkNotRM:Podule chunk is not a relocatable module
-ModulePostfix:'%%' in module title
-NotMod:This is not a relocatable module
-BadRMHeaderField:Illegal header field in module
-RMNot32bit:Module '%0' is not 32-bit compatible
-IncarnationNotFound:Incarnation not found
-RMNotFoundInROM:Module is not in ROM
-NumbTooBig:Number too big
-BadBase:Base not recognised
-BadClaimNum:Bad vector number
-SysHeapFull:The area of memory reserved for the system heap is full. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory.
-NotAllMoved:There is not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit any unwanted applications or see the RISC OS User Guide for ways to maximise memory. (Memory cannot be moved)
-ChDynamCAO:Can't change memory area (application running)
-AplWSpaceInUse:Application memory area in use
-RAMFsUnchangeable:The size of the RAM filing system can only be changed when it is empty
-BadDynamicArea:Unknown dynamic area
-AreaAlreadyExists:Dynamic area already exists
-AreaNotOnPageBdy:Base address not on page boundary
-OverlappingAreas:Overlapping areas
-CantAllocateArea:Unable to allocate logical address space
-CantAllocateLevel2:Unable to allocate page tables for area
-UnknownAreaHandler:Unknown dynamic area handler call
-RCExc:Return code limit exceeded
-RCNegative:Negative return code
-BadString:String not recognised
-BadVarType:Bad variable type
-VarNoRoom:The area of memory reserved for the system variables is full. Use the Task Manager to make more space in the system heap/stack area.
-BadMacVal:Bad macro value
-BadVarNam:Variable name not recognised
-VarTooLong:Variable value too long
-BadParameters:Parameters not recognised
-ArgRepeated:Argument repeated
-BadBra:Mismatched brackets
-StkOFlo:Expression stack overflow
-MissOpn:Missing operand
-MissOpr:Missing operator
-BadInt:String is not convertible to integer
-StrOFlo:String too long
-NaffItm:Unknown operand
-DivZero:Division by zero
-NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed
-NoThen:There is no THEN
-IsString:Expression is a string
-ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big
-BadConOpt:Configure option not recognised
-BadStat:Status option not recognised
-Config2manyparms:Too many parameters
-NoSuchSWI2:SWI name not known
-BadTime:Invalid time interval
-BadEnvNumber:Bad Environment number
-BadReadSysInfo:Unknown OS_ReadSysInfo call
-BadMODE:Not enough memory to change to this screen mode
-SNoWorkSpace:No memory is reserved for the system sprite area. Use the Task Manager to make some space for the system sprites.
-SNoRoom:Not enough memory to create sprite
-NoSprites:No sprites
-NotGraphics:Not a graphics mode
-SCantOpenFile:Can't open file
-SNotEnoughRoom:Not enough memory in sprite area
-SBadSpriteFile:Bad sprite file
-SNoRoomToMerge:Not enough memory to add sprite
-SBad2ndPtr:Bad 2nd ptr
-InvalidRowOrCol:Invalid row or column
-InvalidHeight:Invalid height
-InvalidWidth:Invalid width
-NoRoomToInsert:Not enough memory to insert row or column
-SpriteAlreadyExists:Sprite already exists
-InvalidSpriteMode:Invalid sprite mode
-SBadReasonCode:Bad sprite reason code
-CantInTeletext:Can't switch output in teletext mode
-SInvalidSaveArea:Invalid save area
-SpriteIsCurrentDest:Sprite is current destination
-BadDPI:Illegal XDPI or YDPI in sprite
-ModeNotAvailable:Screen mode not available
-BadPixelDepth:Bad pixel depth
-BadMSFlags:Illegal flags in mode selector
-CDATStackOverflow:System stack overflow
-NoSuchSWI:SWI not known
-BadSav:Incorrect number of parameters for *Save
-MonType:Monitor type reconfigured.
-NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting
-BreakPt:Stopped at break point at &%0
-STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M
-CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|Mor the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M
-CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|MUse *Status to display the current settings.|J|M
-Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
-SNoMask:Mask or Palette operations not supported in this display depth
-BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value
-BadPlatReas:Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code
-600:ARM 600 Processor
-610:ARM 610 Processor
-700:ARM 700 Processor
-710:ARM 710 Processor
-7500:ARM 7500 Processor
-7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor
-810:ARM 810 Processor
-SA110:StrongARM Processor
diff --git a/TestSrc/A600tlb b/TestSrc/A600tlb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6481c8b3..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/A600tlb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-; A600tlb
-; POST procedure for checking the TLB in A600 MMU.
-; for each of level 1, level 2 small-page, level 2 large-page
-;	construct page table
-; 	flush cache
-; 	start timer
-; 	for 32 addresses (with different mappings)
-;		check address mapping
-; 	save timer
-; 	for same 32 addresses
-;		check address mapping
-; 	compare test times (did 2nd test require table walk ?)
-Use a list of addresses that cover a good mixture of virtual addresses
-Build a page table that maps these to physical RAM addresses in various ways
-Access the addresses in such an order that the cache rotates, scrapping 
-one entry each time through the list, and loading another. So each cache
-entry gets used 31 times, then is lost.
-Choice of physical mapping should ensure that the cache entries contain
-lots of different values of page and section base addresses.
-Choice of virtual test address should ensure that cache tag varies as
-widely as posible, too.  PRBS ?
-Very widely varying values of  cache tag require that a large number
-of mappings exist .. if  these are 2-level mappings, that requires
-a lot of RAM. Page tables should be multiply-mapped.
-RISC OS puts lots of stuff below the 4M mark. Limits App space to 16M
-for backwards compatibility. Probably worth testing outside these 
-limits to ensure Gold doesn't fall over, but failure rates would be
-very low.
-; POST procedure for checking access faults (was PPL test)
-; for each of level 1, level 2 small-page, level 2 large-page
-;	construct page table
-;	for user, supervisor mode
-;		check address alignment fault
-;		check section translation fault
-;		check 
-;		check page translation fault
-;		for 3 domain types
-;			for 16 domains
-;	 			check access permissions
-; POST procedure for checking IDC
diff --git a/TestSrc/Arm3 b/TestSrc/Arm3
deleted file mode 100644
index a385f75f..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Arm3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.ARM3
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST ARM version determination
-; Reads ARM3 version register, returns 0 if ARM 2 fitted.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 20-Apr-89     ArtG            Initial version
-A3Cid		CN	0
-A3Cfls		CN	1
-A3Cmod		CN	2
-A3Ccac		CN	3
-A3Cupd		CN	4
-A3Cdis		CN	5
-A3CON		CP	15
-	MOV	r13,lr
-; First, set up an undefined instruction vector to catch an ARM 2 
-; (or a faulty ARM 3 ??) when the copro instruction is run.
-; Only applies on systems where ROM isn't mapped at zero.
- [ CPU_Type = "ARM2" :LOR: CPU_Type = "ARM3"
-	MOV	r0,#0			; set a page at logical 0
-	MOV	r1,r0
-	BL	ts_set_cam
-	ADR	r0,ts_ARM_undefined
-	LDMIA	r0,{r2,r3}
-	MOV	r1,#4
-	STMIA	r1,{r2,r3}		; set the undefined instruction trap
- ]
-; Read ARM3C0 version I.D.
-	MOV	r0, #(-1)		; should always be altered
-	MRC	A3CON,0,r0,A3Cid,A3Cid	; Read control register 0
-	MOV	r12, r0
- [ CPU_Type = "ARM2" :LOR: CPU_Type = "ARM3"
-	MOV	r1,#0
-	BL	ts_set_cam_idle		; remove the vector page again
- ]
-	MOVS 	r0, r12			; return the ID (0 for ARM 2)
-        MOV     pc,r13
-; Trap to be taken when ARM 2 is fitted
-	MOV	r0,#0
-	MOVS	pc,r14_svc
-	ASSERT ((%10 - ts_ARM_undefined) / 4 = 2)
-        END 
diff --git a/TestSrc/Begin b/TestSrc/Begin
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2993bb..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Begin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2163 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Begin
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ Power-On Self-Test
-; Startup code for RISC OS ROM Self-Test.
-; Performs ROM test patterns, determines test strategy and enters
-; external or internal test code.
-; A minimal set of opcodes should be used (ideally, only B, LDR and ADDS)
-; so that a processor test may be validly included in the internal test
-; sequence.
-; History
-; Date          Name    Rel     Comment
-; ----          ----    ---     -------
-; 23-Feb-93     ArtG    2.00    Experimental ARM 600 / Jordan mods
-; 20-Oct-93     ARTG    2.02    Changed to new conditional assembly scheme
-; 18-Nov-94     RCM     2.05    Morris changes
-; 15-May-96	BAR	2.06	Update for ARM7500FE variant, new IOMD ID
-;				Code. Used initially in the NC product;
-;				needs different prescalers and ROM speed
-;				settings, switched on IOMD ID code.
-; 30-May-96	BAR	2.07	Add code to flash NC's led's. Ignore morse
-;				code and just use the simplified flash
-;				sequence.
-; 14-Jun-96	BAR	2.08	Add get call for initmodule file.
-; 17-Jun-96	BAR	2.09	Change speed settings for the second bank of
-;				ROM space.
-; 24-Jun-96	BAR	2.10	Updated second check on IOMD ID, instead of
-;				checking for ARM7500 IOMD ID code to skip
-;				the Virq test, now checks for the original
-;				(RiscPC) IOMD ID code and skips Virq test if
-;				not equal. Thus ARM7500 and ARM7500FE
-;				devices don't execute the test.
-;				Updated version number.
-;				Added call to sir_IOMD_Regs -show iomd registers
-; 08-Jul-96     BAR     2.11    Ensure r0 is cleared before checking IOMD vsn no.
-;                               Change ROM Burst speed from93.75nS to 125nS.
-; 09-Jul-96                     Make IOMD ID code more efficent. Change
-;                               variables used for ROMCR Values and remove
-;                               'NormalSpeed' ROMs compiler switching code -
-;                               no longer supporting PSwindell.
-;                               Change non-7500FE ROM Burst speed from 3 ticks
-;				to 4 ticks
-; 25-Jul-96	BAR	2.12	Add code to handle EEPROM as well as CMOS
-;				RAM. Code supplied by J.Harris.
-; 29-Jul-96     BAR     2.13    Update LED stuff to wait properly.
-; 29-Jul-96	BAR	2.14	Update exit codes IOMD et all.
-;				More work on the LED code.
-; 30-Jul-96	BAR	2.15	Humm, get the LED's to work !
-; 16-Aug-96	JRH	2.16	Add check for OS image in 2nd ROM bank.
-;				Don't program the 2nd ROM bank speed (ROMCR1),
-;				unless CanLiveInROMCard is True, in which case
-;				check whether we're running from the 2nd bank.
-;				Made display of IOMD regs conditional on new
-;				ShowIOMDRegs flag, which is set to TRUE
-; 05-Sep-96	BAR	2.17	Updated to NOT show the progress colours on
-;				the screen unless a POST box is added when
-;				they will be shown. This is in accordance
-;				with fault report  ANC-00159. The final red
-;				fail screen will be maintained as this
-;				enfoces the fact the the POSt has failed and
-;				that the ser needs to attend to the unit.
-;				The compile switch DontShowProgressColours
-;				can be set to FALSE, then the progress
-;				colours will always be shown.
-; 07-Oct-96	JRH	2.18	Changed ExtIO to fix support for speaking to
-;				the test box when running from the 2nd ROM bank,
-;				conditioned on CanLiveOnROMCard.
-; 22-Oct-96	JRH	2.19	Added an Align64 at the end of the file because
-;				OS_Find was sometimes failing. Don't know why.
-;				Fixed bug introduced in 2.18 which turned burst
-;				off on ROMCR0.
-; 08 Nov 96	BAR	2.20	Add kluge to skip ram (long) test
-;				altogether, 'cos it appears to be crashing.
-; amg: Renaissance merge. 7500FE unconditional, other changes now conditioned
-;      on STB being {TRUE}. Extra declarations left unconditional.
-; 10 Mar 97     BAR     2.21    Add code to check 1K of NVRAM - if reqd.
-; 13 Mar 97     BAR     2.22    Change conditional assemble flags for
-;                               including new LED flashing routines. Now
-;                               checks for Left & Right LED flags.
-;                               Always use the VGA VIDC Definition Table if
-;                               the flag ChrontelSupport is TRUE.
-; 18 Mar 97     BAR     2.23    Added C_DEFAULT (Black) Change use of
-;                               C_WARMSTART to C_DEFAULT.
-; 12 Jun 97     BAR     2.24    Ensure LED is set to RED before flashing
-;                               them - gets the sequence right. If flashed
-;                               ensure that BOTH are turned back on.
-; 19 Jun 97     BAR     2.25    Remove un-necessary mov r13,r14's
-;                               When completed flashing LED's restore the
-;                               faultcode flag from fiq_regs.
-; 04 Apr 00     KJB     2.30    Converted to run in 32-bit mode always.
-;                               ShowIOMDRegs set to FALSE (request from
-;                               Tom Clay)
-; TS_STATUS should be one of :
-; 'S'   Standalone version (with a2 memory test instead of RISCOS)
-; 'T'   Test build - development only
-TS_STATUS       *       "R"     ;  Medusa POST version 2.0x
-TS_RELEASE      *       23
-TS_CHANGES      *       0
-                GBLL    POSTenabled
-POSTenabled     SETL    {TRUE}          ; don't permit POST for ordinary startup
-                GBLL    AlwaysShortPOST
-AlwaysShortPOST SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: STB       		; always do a short POST
-                GBLL    ShowIOMDRegs
-ShowIOMDRegs	SETL    (IO_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: {FALSE} :LAND: STB	; show IOMD regs
-                GBLL   DontShowProgressColours
-DontShowProgressColours	SETL	{TRUE} :LAND: STB		; Do not show the progress colour screens.
-								; Progress Colours will always be shown when using POST Box.
-								; Set to true for NC - Fault Report ANC-00159.
-                GBLL    DontDoCMOSTest
-ts_Rom_bits     *       21                              ; Widest ROM address
-ts_Rom_length   *       1 :SHL: ts_Rom_bits             ; Longest ROM
-ts_highaddr_bit *       1 :SHL: 25                      ; ARM address width
-ts_Alias_bits   *       (1 :SHL: 23)                    ; I/F output bits
-ts_recover_time *       (1 :SHL: 8)                     ; inter-twiddle delay
-ts_pause_time   *       200                             ; Display pause time
-ts_S5_base      *       &3350000                        ; IO register base address
-ts_IOEB_ID      *       (ts_S5_base + &50)              ; IOE_B ASIC identification
-ts_IOEB_ident   *       &5                              ; the value found there
-ts_PCaddress    *       &3010000                        ; PC IO world base address
-ts_ReadyByte_00 *       &90                             ; signal 'Here I am' to ExtIO
-ts_BBRAM        *       &A0                             ; IIC address of clock/ram chip
-                [ STB
-ts_BBE2         *       &A8                             ; IIC address of E2ROM chip
-ts_BB2KE2       *       &E0                             ; IIC address of 2K E2ROM chip
-		]
-ts_RamChunk     *       &2000                           ; gap between data line tests
-ts_MaxRamTest   *       4*1024*1024                     ; Max. DRAM tested on normal reset
-ts_VIDCPhys     *       &3400000                        ; Real location of VIDC
-; Border colours used for self-test indicators
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC1a"
-C_ARMOK         *       &40000000+&70C  ; testing ROM
-C_RAMTEST       *       &40000000+&C70  ; testing RAM
-C_FAULT         *       &40000000+&00F  ; failed tests
-C_PASSED        *       &40000000+&7C0  ; all passed
-C_WARMSTART     *       &40000000+&777  ; not tested
-C_DEFAULT       *       &40000000+&000  ; default (Black)
-        ]
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-C_2NDBANK	*	&40000000+&C00070  ; jumping to image in 2nd ROM bank (Dark blue)
-C_ARMOK         *       &40000000+&7000C0  ; testing ROM (Magenta)
-C_RAMTEST       *       &40000000+&C07000  ; testing RAM (Blue)
-C_FAULT         *       &40000000+&0000F0  ; failed tests(Red)
-C_PASSED        *       &40000000+&70C000  ; all passed  (Green)
-C_WARMSTART     *       &40000000+&707070  ; not tested  (Mid grey)
-C_DEFAULT       *       &40000000+&000000  ; default (Black)
-        ]
-; Responses to external commands
-ErrorCmd        *       &00FF
-; Control bitmasks used to indicate results of test to RISCOS
-R_SOFT          *       0               ; not a power-on reset
-R_HARD          *       1               ; Self-test run due to POR
-R_EXTERN        *       2               ; external tests performed
-R_TESTED        *       4               ; Self-test run due to test link
-R_MEMORY        *       8               ; Memory has been tested
-R_ARM3          *       &10             ; ARM 3 fitted
-R_MEMSKIP       *       &20             ; long memory test disabled
-R_IOEB          *       &40             ; PC-style IO controller (A5000)
-R_IOMD          *       &40             ; PC-style IO controller (RiscPC, ARM7500)
-R_VRAM          *       &80             ; VRAM present
-R_STATUS        *       &1ff            ; bits that aren't a fault
-R_CHKFAILBIT    *       &100            ; CMOS contents failed checksum
-R_ROMFAILBIT    *       &200            ; ROM failed checksum
-R_CAMFAILBIT    *       &400            ; CAM failed
-R_PROFAILBIT    *       &800            ; MEMC protection failed
-R_IOCFAILBIT    *       &1000           ; IOC register test failed
-R_INTFAILBIT    *       &2000           ; Cannot clear interrupts
-R_VIDFAILBIT    *       &4000           ; VIDC flyback failure
-R_SNDFAILBIT    *       &8000           ; Sound DMA failure
-R_CMSFAILBIT    *       &10000          ; CMOS unreadable
-R_LINFAILBIT    *       &20000          ; Page zero RAM failure
-R_MEMFAILBIT    *       &40000          ; Main RAM test failure
-R_CACFAILBIT    *       &80000          ; ARM 3 Cache test failure
- [ MorrisSupport
-Kludge * 96
- |
-Kludge * 0
- ]
-        SUBT    Exception vectors
-; These vectors are available for use while the Rom is mapped into
-; low memory addresses. The Reset vector will be copied to low RAM
-; as part of a software reset sequence : therefore it must perform
-; a fixed operation to ensure compatibility with future versions
-; of RISC-OS.
-        $DoMorrisROMHeader
- [ :LNOT: MorrisSupport
-  [ ResetIndirected
-        LDR     pc,.+ResetIndirection   ; load pc from vector at &118
-  |
-        B       ts_RomPatt + PhysROM    ; Jump to normal ROM space
-  ]
- ]
-        &       ts_Rom_length           ; gets patched by ROM builder
-        &       (ts_ROM_cvectors - ROM) ; pointer to code vector table
-        &       (ts_ROM_dvectors - ROM) ; pointer to data vector table
-        &       (ts_ROM_bvectors - ROM) ; pointer to branch table
-        B       Reset                   ; not currently used
-        B       Reset
-        B       Reset
-ts_ROMSIZE      *       %BT01 - ts_start
-ts_CVECTORS     *       %BT02 - ts_start
-ts_DVECTORS     *       %BT03 - ts_start
-ts_BVECTORS     *       %BT04 - ts_start
- ! 0, "ts_Rom_length held at ":CC::STR:(%BT01 - ROM)
-; Selftest version ID
-        ASSERT  %B00 <= (ts_start + &2c + Kludge)
-        %       ((ts_start + &2c + Kludge) - %B00)
-ts_ID   &       ((TS_STATUS :SHL: 24) + (TS_RELEASE :SHL: 16) + TS_CHANGES)
-        =       "SELFTEST"                      ; **DISPLAY_TEXT**
-        =       &89                             ; Cursor position
-        =       TS_STATUS
-        =       ("0" + (TS_RELEASE /     10))
-        =       "."
-        =       ("0" + (TS_RELEASE :MOD: 10))
-        =       ("0" + (TS_CHANGES :MOD: 10))
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-; These vector tables permit access by the external (or downloaded) test
-; software to data and code in the POST modules.
-; Find the start of these tables through the 2nd and 3rd vectors at
-; the start of the ROM.
-        &       ts_ID                   ; Selftest identification number
-        &       (ts_ID_text - ROM)      ; Selftest identification text
-        &       ts_RomPatt
-        &       ts_User_startup
-        &       ts_Self_test_startup
-        &       ts_Dealer_startup
-        &       ts_Forced_startup
-        &       ts_GetCommand
-        &       ts_Softstart
-        &       ts_Hardstart
-; ROM branch vectors - intended primarily so downloaded programs
-; may use standard subroutines.  This table should be in a fixed place.
-        ASSERT  %B00 <= (ts_start + 128 + Kludge)
-        %       ((ts_start + 128 + Kludge) - %B00)
-        B       ts_RomPatt
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        B       ts_GetByte
-        B       ts_GetWord
-        B       ts_SendText
-        B       ts_MoreText
-        B       ts_SendLCDCmd
-; Pad out until the location of the ResetIndirection vector
-        ASSERT  .-ROM <= ResetIndirection
-        %       ResetIndirection-(.-ROM)
-        &       ts_RomPatt-ROM+PhysROM
-; ROM test code
-; Note : the register order in ADDS ...pc.. is often critical.
-; If we want to adjust pc, use ADDS pc,rn,pc so that the PSR is
-; rewritten with it's original value.
-; If we want to do some pc-relative arithmetic, use ADDS rn,pc,rn
-; so that the bits from PSR are NOT used in the address calculation.
-        SUBT    Macros
-        MACRO
-        MODE    $mode_bits
-        MSR     CPSR_c,#I32_bit :OR: F32_bit :OR: $mode_bits
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        MOV_fiq $dest,$src
-        MODE    FIQ32_mode
-        MOV     $dest,$src
-        MODE    SVC32_mode
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        FAULT   $code
-        MODE    FIQ32_mode
-        ORR     r12_fiq,r12_fiq,$code
-        MODE    SVC32_mode
-        MEND
-; Define an area of storage with the required set of data bus patterns
-; These are used both for testing the complete width of the data bus
-; during ROM pattern testing, and will provide a tidy set of patterns
-; if the reset is held, while the ARM increments addresses.
-        SUBT    ROM Address and Data Patterns
-        GBLA    dmask
-dmask   SETA    &80000000
-        DCD     &FFFFFFFF               ; first two : all set
-        DCD     &0                      ;             all clear
-        GBLA    OldOpt                  ; don't list all the walking
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}                   ; patterns
-        OPT     OptNoList
-        WHILE   dmask > 0               ; then for each bit
-        DCD     &$dmask                 ; set it
-        DCD     :NOT: &$dmask           ; and clear it
-dmask   SETA    dmask :SHR: 1
-        WEND
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        OPT     OptList
-; Read the ROM at a series of addresses
-; such that :   a) all the address lines are exercised individually
-;               b) all the data lines are exercised individually
-; Data and address lines are exercised as walking-0 and walking-1.
-; The test is performed as a series of LDR operations to avoid using
-; a larger instruction set.
-ts_RomPatt ROUT
-        ; Patterns which will exercise most of the data bus.
-        ; All are arbitrary instructions with NV execution
-        DCD     &F0000000               ; walking 1
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}                   ; patterns
-        OPT     OptNoList
-dmask   SETA    &08000000
-        WHILE   dmask > 0
-        DCD     dmask :OR: &F0000000
-dmask   SETA    dmask :SHR: 1
-        WEND
-        DCD     &FFFFFFFF               ; walking 0
-dmask   SETA    &08000000
-        WHILE   dmask > 0
-        DCD     (:NOT: dmask) :OR: &F0000000
-dmask   SETA    dmask :SHR: 1
-        WEND
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        ; Now some proper code :
-        ; Initialise address pointer and make MemC safe
-        LDR     r0,%01
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       0                       ; useful constant
-        [ IO_Type = "IOC-A1"            ;;!! unsafe if we execute ROM at zero
-        LDR     r1,%02
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-02                                      ;;!! This remaps MEMC's ROM
-        &       &E000C :OR: MEMCADR     ;;!! addressing if it hasn't
-        STR     r1,[r1]                 ;;!! already happened.
-        ]
-        LDR     r5,%03                  ; Load r5 with a constant which
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc                ; may be added to ROM plus a
-03                                      ; walking-zero bitmask to create
-        &       ts_Rom_length - 3       ; a valid word address in ROM.
-        LDR     r2,%04                  ; Offset from ROM start to here
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       ROM - pcfromstart
-        ADD     r2,pc,r2                ; pointer to start of ROM
-        ADD     r3,r2,r0                ; pointer to start of ROM
-        ADD     r4,r2,r0                ; pointer to start of ROM
-        ; assembly-time loop - only 32 iterations required
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        GBLA    doffset
-doffset SETA    DataPatterns
-        WHILE   doffset < DEnd
-        LDR     r0,doffset              ; walking 1 data pattern
-        LDR     r1,doffset+4            ; walking 0 data pattern
-        LDR     r6,[r2]                 ; walking 1 address pattern
-        LDR     r6,[r3]                 ; walking 0 address pattern
-        [ (doffset - DataPatterns) > ((32 - ts_Rom_bits) * 8)
-        [ (doffset - DataPatterns) < (31 * 8)
-        ADD     r2,r4,r0                ; r2 = ROM + walking 1 pattern
-        ADD     r3,r4,r1                ; r3 = ROM + walking 0 pattern
-        ADD     r3,r3,r5                ; adjust to a valid address
-        ]
-        ]
-        OPT     OptNoList
-doffset SETA    doffset + 8
-        WEND
-        ASSERT  (. - doffset < 4095)    ; in range without barrel shift ?
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator r0              ; we skip the rest of POST if
-        BEQ     CONT                    ; on the emulator
-        ]
-; External interface drivers -
-; provides entry points to send byte- and word- and string-sized objects
-; and to receive byte- and word-sized objects
-; Continue into GetCommand, which determines adapter type (or no adapter)
-; and jumps to an ExtCmd handler, ts_User_startup, ts_Forced_startup or
-; ts_Dealer_startup as appropriate.
-        B       ts_GetCommand	; (This instruction redundant 'cos ts_GetCommand
-				;  is the first thing defined in TestSrc.ExtIO)
-        GET     TestSrc.ExtIO
-; External command handlers - respond to commands given through the
-; external test interface.
-        GET     TestSrc.ExtCmd
-        SUBT    Selftest
-; There is no attached test interface. Is this a power-on reset ?
-; Addressing IOC will make MEMC1a remap the ROM to high memory if
-; it hasn't already done it, so be careful to ensure that the
-; ARM is addressing normally-addressed ROM when this code runs.
-ts_User_startup    ROUT
-        LDR     r0,%01
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       0
-; IOMD will only access the ROM until a write to IOMD has been made -
-; make this write also switch on refresh so the DRAM has a chance to
-; get running before the memory test starts.
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r1,%02
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       (IOMD_Base+IOMD_VREFCR)
-        LDR     r2,%03
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16
-        STR     r2, [r1,#0]
-        ]
-        [ POSTenabled
-        LDR     r1,%12                  ; load address of IOC IRQ register
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       IOC+IOCIRQSTAA
-        LDR     r1, [r1,#0]             ; Get IRQSTAA register (hence POR bit)
-        LDR     r2, %13
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc                ; Constant to shift por to bit 31
-        &       por_bit :SHL: 1
-14      ADD     r1,r1,r1
-        ADDS    r2,r2,r2
-        BCC     %14                     ; loop until por_bit is at bit 31
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; then shift it into carry
-        BCC     ts_Self_test_end        ; POR bit clear - do soft reset.
-; it's a power-on reset, so assume we can't be in 32-bit mode for ARM 6/7
-        MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_HARD
-        B       ts_Self_test_startup
-        |
-        B       CONT                    ; if user POST disabled
-        ]
-; Perform self - tests
-; Any distinction between test operation for Power-up, Display-only
-; and Forced tests needs to be made between these three entry points.
-; This is where tests start if a dumb test link is fitted
-; (a diode from A21 to *ROMCS, disabling the ROMs when A21 is high)
-ts_Forced_startup  ROUT
-        MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_TESTED
-        B       ts_Self_test_startup
-; This is where the tests start if an external display adapter is fitted
-ts_Dealer_startup  ROUT
-        MOV_fiq r12_fiq, #R_EXTERN
-        LDR     r4,%FT02                ; make a pointer to signon string
-01      ADD     r4,pc,r4
-        ADD     pc,r0,pc
-        &       (ts_himsg - %BT01 - 8)
-        ADD     r14,pc,r0               ; make a return address for this 'call'
-        ASSERT  (.+4 = ts_Self_test_startup)    ; PC must point there already !
-        B       ts_SendText
-ts_Self_test_startup ROUT
-; This is where the power-on test starts (every user gets this)
-; Processor test would go here .... if there was one.
- [ MorrisSupport
-; On startup Morris defaults to dividing all its clocks by two and
-; accessing ROM at the slowest possible access speed. So check for
-; Morris and set to sensible values.
-; check for te veriosn of IOMD, only need to determin between variants in
-; the ARM7500 and ARM7500FE - condional code assembly excludes non-ARM7500
-; devices.
-        MOV     r2, #IOMD_Base		; r2 points to the IOMD base address defiend in HDR:IO.IOMDL
-        LDRB    r1,[r2,#IOMD_ID1]	; load r1 with IOMD ID high byte
-        LDRB    r0,[r2,#IOMD_ID0]	; load r0 with IOMD ID low byte
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1,LSL#8		; Or r0 and r1, shifted left 8, put in r0
-        LDR     r1,=ts_IOMD_ID2		; get Ref IOMD ID code #2
-        CMPS    r0,r1                   ; check for IOMD ID Code #2
-	BEQ	%FT05			; If equal, got to 05
-        LDRNE   r1,=ts_IOMD_ID3		; If not ID1, get ID code #3
-        CMPNES  r0,r1			; If not ID1, check for IOMD ID Code #3
-        BNE     %FT10			; Not equal; not an ARM7500 or an ARM7500FE - skip
-  [ RO371Timings
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ;Calling from POST
-        BL      TimeCPU                 ;just sets things according to assumed bus speeds for each IOMD id, in this case
-  | ; else if not RO371Timings
-; Here because its an ARM7500 'FE' variant
-; Program the CPU, Memory and IO clock prescalers
-; Set the prescalers to :-
-;	CPUCLK divide by 2 unless FECPUSpeedNormal set
-;	MEMCLK divide by 1
-;	IOCLK  divide by 1
- [ FECPUSpeedNormal
-	MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
- |
-	MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkHalf + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
- ]
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_CLKCTL] ; initialise all the prescalers.
-; Set ROM speed, take care to preserve 16-bit mode bit...
-; According to BSiddle on the 15-May-96, Omega will use burst mode roms: use 93nS burst, 156nS initial.
-; According to TDbson on the 09-Jul-96, Omega will handle ROMS up to 120nS and 70nS.
-; Thus the ROM speed should be initilised to :-
-; Half Speed or H bit, clear, which is ON ! : Half the delays, thus DOUBLE all clock ticks.
-; Non-Sequental delay : 10 Ticks : Half speed on, so select 5 ticks (5*2)
-; Burst delay         :  8 Ticks : Half speed on, so select 4 ticks (4*2)
-; Remember the Memory clock on Omega is faster than on previous porducts.
-; The fast flash devices used for Omega testing should be able to cope even
-; though they aren't burst devices.
-        LDRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR0]          ; Get contents of ROMCR0 in to r0
-        AND     r0, r0, #&40                    ; clear all but the 16-bit mode flag
-    [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    |
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    ]
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR0]          ; Prog. the reg.s
-  [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-	TST	pc, #ts_RC_2ndbank		; Not running out of 2nd ROM bank?
-        ; Don't know what's in the 2nd bank -> program it to a slow default
-    [ ExtROMis16bit
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    |
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    ]
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR1]		; Otherwise program it the same
-  ]
-	B	%FT10
-; Here because its an ARM7500 variant - NON 'FE' device.
-; Program the CPU, Memory and IO clock prescalers
-; Set the prescalers to :-
-;	CPUCLK divide by 1
-;	MEMCLK divide by 1
-;	IOCLK  divide by 1
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_CLKCTL] ; initialise all prescalers to div1
-; Set ROM speed, take care to preserve 16-bit mode bit...
-; According to RJKing on 6/5/94, Kryten will use burst mode roms: use 93nS burst, 156nS initial.
-; According to BSiddle on 09-Jul-96 - Omega will need to set the burst speed to 4 ticks from 3 ticks.
-; Thus the ROM speed should be initilised to :-
-; Half Speed or H bit, Set, which is OFF ! : Don't half the delays.
-; Non-Sequental delay :  5 Ticks : Half speed off, so select 5 ticks
-; Burst delay         :  4 Ticks : Half speed off, so select 4 ticks
-; The fast EPROMS used for Kryten testing should be able to cope even though
-; they aren't burst devices
-        LDRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR0]          ; Get contents of ROMCR0 in to r0
-        AND     r0, r0, #&40                    ; clear all but the 16-bit mode flag
-    [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    |
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    ]
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR0]          ; Prog. the reg.s
-  [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-	TST	pc, #ts_RC_2ndbank		; Not running out of 2nd ROM bank?
-        ; Don't know what's in the 2nd bank -> program it to a slow default
-    [ ExtROMis16bit
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    |
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    ]
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR1]		; Otherwise program it the same
-  ]
- ] ;RO371Timings conditional
- ]
-; From this point on we assume we can safely use all the processor
-; Initialise VIDC
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"              ; If POSTbox fitted, ROM may still be mapped everywhere
-                ; Using IOMD
-                MOV     r2,#IOMD_Base
-                MOV     r0, #IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16 ; switch on DRAM refresh
-                STR     r0, [r2, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-                MOV     r1,#ts_VIDCPhys
-                [ ChrontelSupport
-                        ; We have a Chrontel chip ... thus always set for VGA.
-                        ADRL    r2,TestVVIDCTAB
-                | ; NOT ChrontelSupport
-                        ; We don't have a Chrontel chip
-                        ; ... thus check MonitorType and select table as reqd.
-                        ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB
-                        LDR     r0,=IOMD_MonitorType
-                        LDR     r0,[r0]
-                        ANDS    r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-                        ADDEQ   r2,r2,#(TestVVIDCTAB-TestVIDCTAB)
-                ] ; Endif - ChrontelSupport
-        | ; not IOMD
-                MOV     r1,#ts_VIDCPhys
-                ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB
-        ] ; Endif - IO_Type = "IOMD"
-10      LDR     r0, [r2],#4
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT10
-; Test for presence of OS image in 2nd ROM bank and jump to it
-	GBLS	DoROMCardThings
-  [ ROMCardSupport :LOR: CanLiveOnROMCard
-DoROMCardThings	SETS	"GET	TestSrc.ROMCard"
-  |
-DoROMCardThings	SETS	""
-  ]
-	$DoROMCardThings
-; Set purple screen
-	[ DontShowProgressColours
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)	; If test adapter present,
-			                   	; NE : Adaptor fitted, show progress.
- 	           				; EQ : No Adaptor fitted, don't show progress
-	BEQ	ts_RomTest			; EQ : Don't show colours
-	]
-	MOV	r1, #ts_VIDCPhys
- [ :LNOT: StrongARM_POST
-   ;skip POST for StrongARM or ARM8
-        ARM_read_ID r0
-        AND     r0,r0,#&F000
-        CMP     r0,#&A000              ;if we are a StrongARM...
-        CMPNE   r0,#&8000              ;or an ARM8...
-        LDREQ   r0,=C_WARMSTART        ;the colour that indicates no POST performed
-        STREQ   r0,[r1]
-        BEQ     ts_Hardstart           ;RISC OS - right now!
- ]
- [ ARM810support :LAND: (:LNOT: ARM810_POST)
-   ;just too horrible to fix POST for ARM 8 at the moment
-        ARM_read_ID r0
-        AND     r0,r0,#&F000
-        CMP     r0,#&8000              ;if we are an ARM 8
-        LDREQ   r0,=C_WARMSTART        ;the colour that indicates no POST performed
-        STREQ   r0,[r1]
-        BEQ     ts_Hardstart           ;RISC OS - right now!
- ]
-        LDR	r0, =C_ARMOK     		; set initial screen colour
-        STR	r0, [r1]
-        B       ts_RomTest
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-; Calculate ROM checksum : display status and calculated checksum.
-        =       "ROM   :",0
-        =       "ROM bad",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "ROM size",&8A,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_ROM_checksum
-        BEQ     %20
-        ADR     r4,%BT2                 ; Failed message
-        FAULT   #R_ROMFAILBIT           ; set ROM bit in r12_fiq
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; calculated checksum
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_ROM_alias            ; Checksum failed :-
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; hunt for first alias
-        MOV     r8,r0, LSL #8
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; and report it.
-        [ IO_Type = "IOC-A1"            ; Don't use RISC OS MemSize
-                                        ; until much later - it sets up
-                                        ; the ARM600 MMU as well.
-        B       ts_MEMCset
-; Do MEMC setup and memory size determination (the first time).
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        =       "M Size :",0
-        =       "M Size",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     r12,#0
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r1,=(&E000C :OR: MEMCADR)       ; MemSize expects 32k page
-        STR     r1,[r1]
-        BL      MemSize
-; MemSize returns with  r0 = page size   (now in bytes, *NOT* in MEMC control patterns),
-;                       r1 = memory size (in bytes)
-;                       r2 = MEMC control value
-; Translate these into a number that looks like :
-;                       mmmm.pp
-; where mmmm is memory size in hex Kbytes, pp is page size in hex Kbytes.
-        MODE    FIQ32_mode                      ; Save memory size and
-        MOV     r11_fiq,r2                      ; MEMC setup value for
-        MOV     r10_fiq,r1                      ; later use
-        MODE    SVC32_mode
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSR #2                  ; MemSize now returns actual page size in r0
-        ADD     r8,r8,r1,LSL #6
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ]
-; Test data, address and byte strobe lines.
-; On MEMC systems, this calls MemSize and tests the memory that finds.
-; On IOMD systems, memory sizing is performed along with the data line
-; tests, and that result is used for address line testing.
-        B       ts_LineTest
-                GBLS    tsGetMem1
-tsGetMem1       SETS    "GET TestSrc.Mem1" :CC: MEMC_Type
-                $tsGetMem1
-; Test IOC.
-; This shuld require vector space to work (for testing interrupts),
-; but the current version just reports the status register contents.
-; Display is    ccaabbff
-;  where cc is the control register
-;        aa is IRQ status register A
-;        bb is IRQ status register B
-;        ff is FIQ status register
-        B       ts_IOCTest
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        =       "IOMD  :",0
-        =       "IOMD-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "IOMD-V"
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff," V.",&ff,0
-        |
-        =       "IOC   :",0
-        =       "IOC-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "IOC"
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ]
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_IOCreg       ; check register integrity
-        BEQ     %FT8
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText     ; report if failure
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        BL      ts_IOCstat      ; IOCstat, get IOC/IOMD Vsn number.
-                                ; Note : func leaves falgs un altered, thus
-                                ; result of last comparison is passed back
-                                ; as the result.
-                                ; r8 has the id&vsn number : &IIIIVV00
-        BEQ     %FT10           ; fail message only printed if
-        ADR     r4,%BT3         ; ID code unrecognised
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_IOCFAILBIT   ; .. and set error bit if IOMD code is wrong
-        B       %FT11
-        ADR     r4,%BT4         ; print the status value
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        FAULT   #R_IOMD         ; set that bit in the result word
-				; to indicate an IOMD was found.
-  [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-		; IO world is IOMD : Show IOMD Regs, skip IOEB test
-    [ ShowIOMDRegs
-	BL	sir_ShowIOMDRegs
-    ]
-        B       ts_CMOStest
-  |
-		; IO world is IOEB: Do the IOEB test, skip Show IOMD Regs.
-        B       ts_IOEBtest
-  ]
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-; Check for presence of IOEB ASIC
-        [ IO_Type = "IOEB"
-        =       "IOEB  :",0
-        =       "IOEB",&88,"exists",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,=ts_IOEB_ID                  ; read an ID register in the IOEB ASIC
-        LDRB    r0, [r0]
-        AND     r0, r0, #&f
-        CMPS    r0, #ts_IOEB_ident              ; if it looks right ( == 5) ..
-        BNE     %10
-        FAULT   #R_IOEB                         ; set that bit in the result word
-        ADR     r4, %BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-10      B       ts_CMOStest
-        ] ; IOEB IO world
-        ROUT
-; Read CMOS
-; Check the checksum, read the memory test flag.
-        [ DontDoCMOSTest
-        B       ts_IOinit
-        |
-        ADR     r4,%FT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        [ ChecksumCMOS :LAND: STB
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &4000)
-        MOV     r1,#&C0                 ; Get first RAM area
-        MOV     r2,#CMOSxseed
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %FT10
-        MOV     r2, r0
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &1000)  ; Accumulate the second RAM area
-        MOV     r1,#&2F
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %FT10
-        RSB     r2, r0, #0              ; Subtract from the checksum byte
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &3F00)
-        MOV     r1,#1
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %FT10
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #24
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #&FF            ; A zero result ?
-        MOV     r1, #R_CHKFAILBIT
-        ADR     r4,%FT3                 ; Report checksum failure
-        BNE     %FT21                   ; failed .. report error
-        ]                               ; end ChecksumCMOS
-	[ :LNOT: AlwaysShortPOST	; Always do a short post on STBs
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBRAM + &FC00)  ; Read Misc1CMOS byte
-        MOV     r1,#1
-        MOV     r2,#0
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %FT10
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#&80              ; Test the memory-test-disable bit
-        BEQ     %FT25
-	]
-        FAULT   #R_MEMSKIP              ; If set, skip the memory test
-        B       %FT25
-; CMOS failed -> try E2
-    [ E2ROMSupport :LAND: STB
-        [ ChecksumCMOS
-                                        ; Accumulate the first RAM area
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBE2 + &4000)   ; r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#&C0                 ; r1 = length of data to read
-        MOV     r2,#CMOSxseed           ; r2 = checksum seed or previous value
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT20                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-                                        ; Accumulate the second RAM area
-        MOV     r2, r0                  ; r2 = r0 = new checksum value.
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBE2 + &1000)   ; r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#&2F                 ; r1 = length of data to read
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-        RSB     r2, r0, #0              ; Subtract from the checksum byte
-                                        ; Check to see if we need to Accumulate the THIRD area.
-        MOV     r1,#?CMOSRAMCache        ; r1 = size of the CMOS RAM
-        TEQ     r1,#240                 ; Is r1 = 240 bytes ?
-        BEQ     %FT15                   ; It is equal, go to checksum checking code
-                                        ; Accumulate the third RAM area
-        MOV     r2,r0                   ; r2 = r0 = new checksum value.
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBE2 + &10000)  ; r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#&300                ; r1 = length of data to read
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-                                        ; read and check the shecksum value.
-15      RSB     r2, r0, #0              ; Subtract from the checksum byte
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBE2 + &3F00)   ; r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#1                   ; r1 = length of data to read
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-                                        ; Check the checksum is correct
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #24         ; r8 = r0 << 24 : put the checksum value in r8 for displaying.
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #&FF            ; r0 = r0 + &FF : If alls ok s/be a zero result ...
-        MOV     r1, #R_CHKFAILBIT       ; r1 = checksum fail flag
-        ADR     r4,%FT3                 ; Report checksum failure
-        BNE     %FT21                   ; failed .. report error
-        ]                               ; end ChecksumCMOS
-	[ STB :LAND: :LNOT: AlwaysShortPOST	; Always do a short post on STBs
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BBE2 + &FC00)   ; Read Misc1CMOS byte
-        MOV     r1,#1
-        MOV     r2,#0
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %FT22
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#&80              ; Test the memory-test-disable bit
-        BEQ     %FT25
-	]
-        FAULT   #R_MEMSKIP              ; If set, skip the memory test
-        B       %FT25
-    ]
-        =       "SRAM  :",0
-        =       "SRAM-F",0
-        =       "SRAM-C",&8e,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-; CMOS failed -> try 2K E2
-    [ E2ROMSupport
-        [ ChecksumCMOS
-                                        ; Accumulate the first RAM area
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BB2KE2 + &4000) ; r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#&C0                 ; r1 = length of data to read
-        MOV     r2,#CMOSxseed           ; r2 = checksum seed or previous value
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-                                        ; Accumulate the second RAM area
-        MOV     r2, r0                  ; r2 = r0 = new checksum value.
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BB2KE2 + &1000) ; r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#&2F                 ; r1 = length of data to read
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-        RSB     r2, r0, #0              ; Subtract from the checksum byte
-                                        ; Check to see if we need to Accumulate the THIRD area.
-        MOV     r1,#?CMOSRAMCache        ; r1 = size of the CMOS RAM
-        TEQ     r1,#240                 ; Is r1 = 240 bytes ?
-        BEQ     %FT15                   ; It is equal, go to checksum checking code
-                                        ; Accumulate the third RAM area
-        MOV     r2,r0                   ; r2 = r0 = new checksum value.
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BB2KE2 + &10000); r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#&300                ; r1 = length of data to read
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-                                        ; read and check the shecksum value.
-15      RSB     r2, r0, #0              ; Subtract from the checksum byte
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BB2KE2 + &3F00) ; r0 = base addr + start location
-        MOV     r1,#1                   ; r1 = length of data to read
-        BL      ts_CMOSread             ; read the cmos r0 = new checksum. NE = failure; EQ = ok.
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; branch if NE - failed to ready at all.
-                                        ; Check the checksum is correct
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #24         ; r8 = r0 << 24 : put the checksum value in r8 for displaying.
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #&FF            ; r0 = r0 + &FF : If alls ok s/be a zero result ...
-        MOV     r1, #R_CHKFAILBIT       ; r1 = checksum fail flag
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; Report checksum failure
-        BNE     %FT21                   ; failed .. report error
-        ]                               ; end ChecksumCMOS
-	[ :LNOT: AlwaysShortPOST	; Always do a short post on STBs
-        LDR     r0,=(ts_BB2KE2 + &FC00) ; Read Misc1CMOS byte
-        MOV     r1,#1
-        MOV     r2,#0
-        BL      ts_CMOSread
-        BNE     %FT22
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#&80              ; Test the memory-test-disable bit
-        BEQ     %FT25
-	]
-        FAULT   #R_MEMSKIP              ; If set, skip the memory test
-        B       %FT25
-    ]
-        MOV     r1,#R_CMSFAILBIT        ; Real fault - set the fault bit
-        ADR     r4,%BT2                 ; Report fault accessing IIC
-                                        ; (Bitmap & POST display)
-        FAULT   r1
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Report one fault or another
-        B       ts_IOinit
-        ] ; DontDoCMOSTest
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-; Initialize  various machine registers - e.g, turn off the floppy
-; drive, etc, etc.
-        =       "IOinit:",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ADRL    r2,ts_IOinitab
-        LDR     r0,[r2],#4              ; Get address
-        LDR     r1,[r2],#4              ; Get initialization data
-        CMPS    r0,#(-1)
-        STRNE   r1,[r0]                 ; write to IO port
-        BNE     %10
-        B       Speedset
-; Use the RISC OS MEMC setup code to guess the proper processor / memory
-; configuration. The memory speed can then be set up correctly for
-; fastest possible working, and the memory array tested in the
-; configuration RISC OS expects.
-; Display the results of the TimeCPU test as :
-;               ssss.m.r
-; where ssss is the processor speed in hex kHz,
-;       m    is 0 for MEMC, 1 for MEMC1a
-;       r    is the MEMC rom speed switch setting.
-        ROUT
-        =       "Speed :",0
-        =       "Speed",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,".",&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r9,#0
-        |
-        MOV_fiq r0, r11_fiq                     ; get MEMC setup
-        MOV     r9,r0                           ; compare IOC and CPU clocks
-        ]
-        BL      TimeCPU
-        MOV     r0,r9
-        MOV_fiq r11_fiq,r0
-        MOV     r8,r7,LSL #16
-        TST     r7, #1 :SHL: 16                 ; test bit 16 of r7 :
-        ADDNE   r8,r8,#&1000                    ; MEMC1 / MEMC1a detected
-        AND     r9,r9,#&C0                      ; get High ROM access bits
-        ADD     r8,r8,r9, LSL #2
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        B       RAMtest
-; Long RAM test, ideally exercising all memory.
-; In order to keep boot time short, the following scheme is used :
-; Normal power-on boot - test VRAM and up to 4M of first DRAM entry
-; CMOS disable set     - test nothing
-; Test hardware fitted - test entire memory
-        ROUT
-        =       "RAM   :",0
-        =       "RAM bad",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       &89,"skipped",0
-        =       "RAM   :",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
- [ {TRUE}
-        B       ts_VIDCtest	; skip memory test altogether
- |
-	ADR     r4,%BT1
- ]
-        BL      ts_SendText
-; if (R_MEMSKIP && R_HARD)
-;       skip all the remaining tests
-;       perform the long memory test
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if data line fault
-        AND     r1,r0,#(R_MEMSKIP :OR: R_HARD)  ; or the user didn't want it
-        TEQS    r1,#(R_MEMSKIP :OR: R_HARD)
-        ANDNE   r1,r1,#R_LINFAILBIT
-        TEQNE   r1,#R_LINFAILBIT
-        BNE     %12
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; skipping memory test ....
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       ts_Report
-	[ STB :LAND: DontShowProgressColours
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)	; If test adapter present,
-			                   	; NE : Adaptor fitted, show progress.
- 	           				; EQ : No Adaptor fitted, don't show progress
-	BEQ	%FT13				; EQ : Don't show colours
-	]
-        LDR     r1,=C_RAMTEST           ; doing at least part of the long memory test
-        LDR     r0,=ts_VIDCPhys         ; write the border colour
-        STR     r1,[r0]
-        BL      MemSize                 ; Set MMU up, mapping (some) RAM at logical address 0
-                                        ; Note that this returns with the MMU enabled,
-                                        ; the ROM remapped to it's ORGed address,
-					; and r4 the offset from physical to ORGed ROM addresses
-					; r4 = ROM - Phys[Ext]ROM
-	RSB	r4, r4, #PhysSpace	; r4 = PhysSpace - ROM + Phys[Ext]ROM, pc = ROM + offset
-        MODE    SVC32_mode              ; Must do this, as PhysSpace is outside 26 bit addressing
-	ADD	pc, pc, r4		; pc = PhysSpace + Phys[Ext]ROM + offset
-        NOP                             ; this instruction skipped by pc adjustment
-; Modify the PhysRamTable so only VRAM and the first ts_MaxRamTest of DRAM gets tested
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12                  ; get the test condition flags
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)
-        BNE     %FT16                   ; do full test if test adapter is present
-        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
-        ADD     r10,r9,#(PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable)
-        LDR     r1,[r9, #4]
-        ADD     r0,r0,r1                ; r0 = running sum of memory sizes
-        SUBS    r2,r0,#ts_MaxRamTest    ; r2 = excess over ts_MaxRamTest
-        SUBHI   r1,r1,r2                ; r1 = current size truncated
-        STRHI   r1,[r9, #4]
-        MOVHI   r0,#ts_MaxRamTest       ; truncate running sum to MaxRamTest
-        ADD     r9,r9,#(DRAMPhysAddrB-DRAMPhysAddrA)
-        CMPS    r9,r10
-        BNE     %BT14
-        FAULT   #R_MEMORY               ; memory tests were attempted
-        MOV     r9,#VideoPhysAddr
-        LDR     r8,[r9]                 ; report the test address
-        ADRL    r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,[r9]                 ; get VRAM start address and size
-        LDR     r1,[r9,#4]
-        ADD     r0,r0,#PhysSpace
-        BL      ts_RamTest
-        BNE     %FT20                   ; failed - abort ram testing
-; VRAM (or 1st MB of DRAM, if no VRAM fitted) looks OK - move the translation
-; table there so memory tests can proceed without smashing it.
-        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
-        LDR     r0,[r9,#VideoPhysAddr-PhysRamTable]     ; get address of video RAM
-        LDR     r1,[r9,#DRAMPhysAddrA-PhysRamTable]     ; get address of 1st DRAM bank
-        LDR     r3, =DRAMOffset_L2PT
-        ADD     r1, r1, r3              ; make r1 -> L2PT
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3              ; make r0 -> temporary L2PT
-        BL      ts_remap_ttab           ; copy ttab at r1 to r0 and change table base
-; Now run the RAM test at each DRAMPhysAddr until the end of the table or a zero entry
-; is reached. Mark tested entries by setting the PhysSpace address, so a pointer to the
-; next entry need not be kept.
-        MOV     r9,#DRAMPhysAddrA
-        ADD     r10,r9,#(PhysRamTableEnd-DRAMPhysAddrA)
-        CMPS    r9,r10                  ; reached end of table ?
-        LDRNE   r0,[r9]
-        TSTNE   r0,r0                   ; reached unused entries ?
-        LDRNE   r1,[r9,#4]              ; or blanked-out entries ?
-        TSTNE   r1,r1
-        BEQ     %FT21                   ; .. all passed OK
-        TSTS    r0,#PhysSpace
-        ADDNE   r9,r9,#(DRAMPhysAddrB-DRAMPhysAddrA)
-        BNE     %BT19                   ; this entry done .. find the next
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; report address of this block
-        ADRL    r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,[r9]                 ; start testing it
-        ADD     r0,r0,#PhysSpace
-        LDR     r1,[r9, #4]
-        STR     r0,[r9]                 ; mark block so it isn't retested
-        MOV     r2,#PhysRamTable
-        LDMIA   r2,{r3-r14}             ; save the PhysRamTable
-        STMIA   r0,{r3-r14}
-        BL      ts_RamTest
-        LDMIA   r13,{r1-r11,r14}        ; restore the PhysRamTable
-        MOV     r13,#PhysRamTable
-        STMIA   r13,{r1-r11,r14}
-        BEQ     %BT18                   ; if it passed, go look for another block
-        FAULT   #R_MEMFAILBIT           ; failed - report fault address
-        ADRL    r4,%BT2
-        MOV     r11,r1                  ; Save failed data
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; first failing address
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r4,r12                  ; get fault message
-        MOV     r8,r11                  ; and fault data
-        BL      ts_SendText
- [ MEMM_Type = "MEMC1"
-; Test the CAMs - for each fitted MEMC, go through all the CAM entries
-; remapping logical memory and testing against physical correspondence.
-; Then try out the protection bits in each CAM entry and various
-; processor modes.
-; These tests return pointers to their own fault report strings.
-        B       ts_CAMtest
-        ROUT
-        =       "CAMs :",0
-        =       "PPLs :",0
-        =       &89,"skipped",0
-        ALIGN
-        LDR     r4,=%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if memory fault
-        ANDS    r0,r0,r1
-        BEQ     %08
-        LDR     r4,=%BT3
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       %20
-        BL      ts_CAM
-        BEQ     %10
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r4,=%BT2
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if memory fault
-        ANDS    r0,r0,r1
-        BEQ     %18
-        LDR     r4,=%BT3
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       %20
-        BL      ts_memc_prot
-        BEQ     %20
-        BL      ts_SendText
- ]
-; After testing memory and translation, turn MMU off again before running remainder
-; of tests. This simplifies finishing up (where system must be put back into 26-bit
-; mode before initialising RISCOS) if memory tests were deselected.
-; Take care to poke the real translation table - it's been relocated to video
-; RAM during the memory tests.
-  [ StrongARM_POST
-    ;make sure ARM810 cache or StrongARM data cache is cleaned/flushed, because we are going to remap
-        ARM_read_ID r5
-        AND     r5,r5,#&F000
-        CMP     r5,#&8000
-        BNE     %FT22
-;;;        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC r5  ;not implemented yet
-        B       %FT24
-        CMP     r5,#&A000
-        BNE     %FT24
-;tricky...we'll read 16k of data in current ROM space, to act as clean and flush of current data
-        MOV     r3,pc
-        BIC     r3,r3,#31      ;32 byte aligned
-        ARMA_clean_DC r3,r5,r7
-  ] ;StrongARM_POST
-        MOV     r5, pc                          ; obtain current address
-        SUB     r5, r5,#PhysSpace               ; adjust to point to unmapped version
-        MOV     r5, r5, LSR #20                 ; divide by 1MB
-        MOV     r7, r5, LSL #20                 ; r7 = physical address of base of section
-        ORR     r7, r7, #(AP_None * L1_APMult)
-        ORR     r7, r7, #L1_Section
-        MOV     r3, #VideoPhysAddr              ; find the copied translation table
-        LDR     r3, [r3]
-        ADD     r3, r3, #PhysSpace
-        ADD     r3, r3, #DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        STR     r7, [r3, r5, LSL #2]            ; store replacement entry in L1 (not U,C or B)
-  [ StrongARM_POST
-    ;flush cache if ARM 6/7 (ARM 8,StrongARM already sorted, above)
-    ;flush TLB(s)
-        ARM_read_ID r4
-        AND      r4,r4,#&F000
-        CMP      r4,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    r4,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0   ;flush 6/7 cache
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0     ;flush 6/7 TLB
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0          ;flush 8/StrongARM TLB(s)
-  |
-        SetCop  r7, CR_IDCFlush                 ; flush cache + TLB just in case
-        SetCop  r7, CR_TLBFlush                 ; (data written is irrelevant)
-  ]
-; The ROM should now be mapped at the present address less PhysSpace, which is where it
-; would be if the MMU were turned off.
-        MOV     r4,#PhysSpace
-        SUB     pc,pc,r4
-        NOP                             ; this instruction is skipped
-; now turn the MMU off, also ensures 26 bit mode, if ARM 6/7 (since P bit zero)
-        MOV     r7, #MMUC_D
-        SetCop  r7, CR_Control
-        B       ts_VIDCtest
-; The VIDC tests check vertical blanking frequency in a fixed video
-; mode and measure the time taken for sound DMA.
-        ROUT
-        =       "VIDC  :",0
-        =       "Virq bad",&88,' ',&ff,'.',&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Sirq bad",&8B,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       &8A,"Mid0 ",&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r0,=IOMD_MonitorType    ; Indicate monitor ID bit's value
-        LDR     r0,[r0]
-        AND     r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #28
-        ADR     r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        ]
- [ MorrisSupport
-        MOV     r3, #IOMD_Base
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOMD_ID1]	; load r1 with IOMD ID high byte
-        LDRB    r0,[r3,#IOMD_ID0]	; load r1 with IOMD ID low byte
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1,LSL#8		; Or r0 and r1, shifted left 8, put in r0
-        LDR     r1,=ts_IOMD_ID1		; get Ref IOMD ID code #1 (Original)
-        CMPS    r0,r1                   ; check for IOMD ID Code #1
-	BNE	%FT10			; If not equal, got to 10
-					; thus skip Virq test on ARM7500 and ARM7500FE (Morris)
- ]
-        BL      ts_VIDC_period
-        BEQ     %10
-        ADR     r4,%B2
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #8
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Display Virq fail msg
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-  ; RCM thinks this is no longer needed - all IOMD's are issue two
-  ;     besides, the test takes no account of Morris reusing the number space!
-  ;      MOV     r3,#IOMD_Base           ; skip Sirq test on version 1 IOMD
-  ;      LDRB    r0,[r3,#IOMD_VERSION]
-  ;      CMPS    r0,#1
-  ;      BEQ     %FT20
-        ]
-        BL      ts_SIRQ_period
-        BEQ     %20
-        ADR     r4,%B3
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #12
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Display Sirq fail msg
-        MOV     r1,#ts_VIDCPhys         ; Restore full-screen
-        ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB          ; border colour.
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r0,=IOMD_MonitorType
-        LDR     r0,[r0]
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-        ADDEQ   r2,r2,#(TestVVIDCTAB-TestVIDCTAB)
-        ]
-30      LDR     r0, [r2],#4
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT30
-	[ STB :LAND: DontShowProgressColours
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)	; If test adapter present,
-			                   	; NE : Adaptor fitted, show progress.
- 	           				; EQ : No Adaptor fitted, don't show progress
-	BEQ	ts_ARMtype_test			; EQ : Don't show colours
-	]
-        LDR     r0,=C_ARMOK             ; set initial screen colour
-        STR     r0, [r1]
-        B       ts_ARMtype_test
-; Read the ARM3 identification register.
-; If memory tests failed, this won't be performed since the vector
-; page must exist for error recovery on ARM2 systems.
-        ROUT
-        =       "ARM ID:",0
-        =       "ARM ID",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       &89,"skipped",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; skip this test if memory fault
-        ANDS    r0,r0,r1
-        BEQ     %05
-        ADR     r4,%BT3
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       %08                     ; and quit
-        BL      ts_ARM_type
-        MOVS    r8, r0                  ; ready to display ID code
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        BEQ     %FT07                   ; ARM 2 : skip cache test
-        FAULT   #R_ARM3                 ; not really a fault, just status
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        B       ts_Report
-; Report the test results to the user
-; If this was a forced test (test adapter fitted) then pause even when
-; test passed : otherwise, pause only on error.
-        =       "PASS  :",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "FAIL  :",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-ts_R00  &       00
- [ STB :LAND: POSTFlashesFrontPanelLEDs
-        ; Define Long, Equal and short flash delays
-ts_Long_Flash      	*	&03		; Number of 1/4 Sec delays for a long flash
-ts_Short_Flash	   	*	&01		; Number of 1/4 Sec delays for a short flash
-ts_Equal_Flash     	*	&02		; Number of 1/4 Sec delays for a equal flash
-ts_Fail_Flash_Delay	*	&14		; Number of Flash Cycles for a Fail, with adaptor
-ts_Pass_Flash_Delay	*	&0A		; Number of Flash Cycles for a Pass, with adaptor
-IOMD_LED_GREENLED       *       IOMD_C_FrontPanelRightLED               ; The right LED should be the GREEN LED
-IOMD_LED_REDLED         *       IOMD_C_FrontPanelLeftLED                ; The left  LED should be the RED   LED
- ] ; Endif (POSTFlashesFrontPanelLEDs)
-ts_Report       ROUT
-        MOV_fiq r7,r12_fiq              ; check for fault bits set
-        LDR     r0,=R_STATUS
-        BICS    r0,r7,r0
-        ADREQ   r4, ts_passmsg          ; tests passed
-        LDREQ   r9,=C_PASSED
-        ADRNE   r4, ts_failmsg          ; tests failed
-        LDRNE   r9,=C_FAULT
-        LDR     r0,=ts_VIDCPhys         ; write the border colour
-        STR     r9,[r0]
-        MOV     r8,r7
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; write the message and fault code
-        ; if the test adapter is present, leave green screen awhile
-        ; otherwise, wait only if there's a fault.
-        LDR     r3,=ts_recover_time
-00      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %B00                    ; - let the adapter recover
-                                        ; from previous bus activity
-        ADR     r2,ts_R00
-        ORR     r2,r2,#ts_Alias_bits
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        MOV     r2,#-1
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r2
-        BCS     ts_Report_wait
-	; Here is r3 = 0, which ment a DUMP adaptor was present.
-	;
-	; Continue to the OS
-	;
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq
-        LDR     r2,=R_STATUS
-        BICS    r0,r0,r2
-        BEQ     ts_Hardstart
-ts_Report_wait        ROUT
-	;
-	; Here if a Display or other type of adaptor found.
-	;
- [ STB :LAND: POSTFlashesFrontPanelLEDs
-	;
-	; Check to see if we are a PASS or FAIL
-	;
-        MOV_fiq r7,r12_fiq              	; check for fault bits set
-        LDR     r0,=R_STATUS
-        BICS    r0,r7,r0
-	BEQ	ts_flash_leds_pass		; flash the leds to show a pass
-						; flash the leds to show a failure
-						; Fall through !
-	;
-	; Get here if the POST fails !
-	;
-        ; Set it so the RED LED is on.
-        BL      ts_led_redon_only               ; Ensure that the RED LED only is on,
-	; Check for display adpator, if fitted, flash LED's for 20 times
-	; else flash LEDs forever.
-	;
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)	; If test adapter present,
-        BNE	%FT19	                   	; Adaptor    : Goto 20 Flash loops Code
- 	           				; No Adaptor : Goto Infinite flash loop Code
-						; Fall through !
-	; Infinite Flash loop
-	; Register usage ....
-	; 	r0, used by toggle leds & delay routines
-	;	r1, used by toggle leds routine
-	;
-15	BL	ts_led_fail			; Call code to flash the leds
-	B	%BT15				; Repeat forever.
-	; Loop for specified time
-	; Register usage ....
-	; 	r0, used by toggle leds & delay routines
-	;	r1, used by toggle leds routine
-	;
-	;	r3, Loop counter
-	;       r4, Pass delay time to delay code.
-	;
-	MOV	r3,#ts_Fail_Flash_Delay		; Set the loop counter.
-20	BL	ts_led_fail			; Call code to flash the leds
-	SUBS	r3,r3,#1			; Decrment loop counter
-	BNE	%BT20				; Repeat until r3 = 0
-	BEQ	%FT50				; r3=0, were all done
-						; Goto start the OS
-	; Here if POST passed.
-	; If adaptor fitted, flash the LEDs for a 10 secs
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)	; If test adapter present,
-	BEQ	%FT55				; No Adaptor : Goto start the OS
-                                       		; Adaptor    : Goto 10 Flash loops Code
-						; Fall through !
-        ; Set it so the RED LED is on.
-        BL      ts_led_redon_only               ; Ensure that the RED LED only is on,
-	; Loop for specified time
-	; Register usage ....
-	; 	r0, used by toggle leds & delay routines
-	;	r1, used by toggle leds routine
-	;
-	;	r3, Loop counter
-	;       r4, Pass delay time to delay code.
-	;
-	MOV	r3,#ts_Pass_Flash_Delay		; Set the loop counter.
-30	BL	ts_led_pass			; Call code to flash the leds
-	SUBS	r3,r3,#1			; Decrment loop counter
-	BNE	%BT30				; Repeat until r3 = 0
-	BEQ	%FT50				; r3=0, were all done
-						; Goto start the OS
-	; Code to flash the LED's through one flash cycle (on-off)
-	; This will take 1 Second to complete.
-	;
-	;|------>|--1/4 Sec--|--1/4 Sec--|--1/4 Sec--|--1/4 Sec--|
-	;|--Red--|---Green---|----Red----|----Red----|----Red----|\ 
-	;         \_______________________________________________/
-	;
-	;									Red	Green
-	MOV	r13,r14				; make a note of where we	On	Off
-						; came from.
-	BL	tl_Toggle_LEDs			; Toggle the LEDs		Off	On
-	MOV	r4,#ts_Short_Flash		; Load r4 with Short flash	Off	On
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine		Off	On
-	BL	tl_Toggle_LEDs			; Toggle the LEDs		On	Off
-	MOV	r4,#ts_Long_Flash		; load r4 with long flash	On	Off
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine		On	Off
-	MOV	pc,r13                          ; move r13 (r14) back to
-						; where we came from.
-	; Code to flash the LED's through one flash cycle (on-off)
-	; This will take 1 Second to complete.
-	;
-	;|------>|--1/4 Sec--|--1/4 Sec--|--1/4 Sec--|--1/4 Sec--|
-	;|--Red--|---Green---|---Green---|---Green---|----RED----|\ 
-	;         \_______________________________________________/
-	;
-	;									Red	Green
-	MOV	r13,r14				; make a note of where we	On	Off
-						; came from.
-	BL	tl_Toggle_LEDs			; Toggle the LEDs		Off	On
-	MOV	r4,#ts_Long_Flash		; Load r4 with long flash	Off	On
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine		Off	On
-	BL	tl_Toggle_LEDs			; Toggle the LEDs		On	Off
-	MOV	r4,#ts_Short_Flash		; load r4 with short flash	On	Off
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine		On	Off
-	MOV	pc,r13                          ; move r13 (r14) back to
-						; where we came from.
-	LDR	r1, =IOMD_IOLINES               ; r1 = addr of IOMD_IOLINES
-        LDRB    r0,[r1]                         ; load r0 with the byte pointed to by r1
-;        DREG    r0,"contents of loc->r1"
-        BIC     r0,r0,#IOMD_LED_GREENLED        ; Clear GREEN LED bit
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_LED_REDLED          ; Set   RED LED bit
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_C_ReadMask          ; OR with the default I/O settings
-        STRB    r0,[r1]                         ; store a byte of r0 in to loc pointed to by r1
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; Return to caller
-	LDR	r1, =IOMD_IOLINES               ; r1 = addr of IOMD_IOLINES
-        LDRB    r0,[r1]                         ; load r0 with the byte pointed to by r1
-;        DREG    r0,"contents of loc->r1"
-        BIC     r0,r0,#IOMD_LED_REDLED          ; clear RED LED bit
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_LED_GREENLED        ; Set   GREEN LED bit
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_C_ReadMask          ; OR with the default I/O settings
-        STRB    r0,[r1]                         ; store a byte of r0 in to loc pointed to by r1
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; Return to caller
-	LDR	r1, =IOMD_IOLINES               ; r1 = addr of IOMD_IOLINES
-        LDRB    r0,[r1]                         ; load r0 with the byte pointed to by r1
-;        DREG    r0,"contents of loc->r1"
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_LED_BOTH            ; Set Both Green & RED LED bits
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_C_ReadMask          ; OR with the default I/O settings
-        STRB    r0,[r1]                         ; store a byte of r0 in to loc pointed to by r1
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; Return to caller
-	LDR	r1, =IOMD_IOLINES               ; r1 = addr of IOMD_IOLINES
-        LDRB    r0,[r1]                         ; load r0 with the byte pointed to by r1
-;        DREG    r0,"contents of loc->r1"
-        BIC     r0,r0,#IOMD_LED_BOTH            ; Clear Both Green & RED LED bits
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_C_ReadMask          ; OR with the default I/O settings
-        STRB    r0,[r1]                         ; store a byte of r0 in to loc pointed to by r1
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; Return to caller
-        ; come here if we've finished showing pass/fail by flashing the LEDs
-        ; thus a test link or display aaptor was fitted
-        ; so turn on the LED's
-        BL      ts_led_bothon
-        ; come here because we passed, but no display adaptor ot test link, thus LEDs weren't flashed
-	; so ........
-	; Continue on our way
-	;
- | ; else
-	;
-	; :LNOT: POSTFlashesFrontPanelLEDs
-        ; Thus we use the old way of flashing the LED etc ....
-	;
-	; Indicate fault found : Set the border to fault colour and flash
-	; the disk LED, using the fault bitmap in r12_fiq to modulate the flashing.
-	;
-ts_oldLED_on       *       &be0000         ; assert SEL0 and INUSE
-ts_oldLED_off      *       &ff0000         ; on machines with 1772 controller
-ts_oldLEDaddr      *       (ts_S5_base :OR: &40)
-ts_710LED_on       *       &100000         ; assert SEL0 and MotorEN0
-ts_710LED_off      *       &110000         ; on machines with 82C710 controller
-ts_710LEDaddr      *       (ts_PCaddress :OR: (&3f2 :SHL: 2))
-ts_665LED_on       *       &10          ; assert SEL0 and MotorEN0
-ts_665LED_off      *       &11          ; on machines with 37665 controller
-                                        ; and Medusa low-byte I/O world
-ts_665LEDaddr      *       (ts_PCaddress :OR: (&3f2 :SHL: 2))
-        MOV_fiq r6,r12_fiq
-        LDR     r2,=&11111111
-        [ :LNOT: STB
-        LDR     r7,=(35000 * 8)         ; 1/4 second pause loop count
-        ]
-   [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDRNE   r1,=ts_665LEDaddr       ; set up for Medusa disc address
-        MOVNE   r8,#ts_665LED_on
-        MOVNE   r9,#ts_665LED_off
-   |
-        TST     r6, #R_IOEB             ; determine original / 710 disc controller
-        LDREQ   r1,=ts_oldLEDaddr       ; set up for Archimedes disc address
-        MOVEQ   r8,#ts_oldLED_on
-        MOVEQ   r9,#ts_oldLED_off
-        LDRNE   r1,=ts_710LEDaddr       ; set up for Brisbane disc address
-        MOVNE   r8,#ts_710LED_on
-        MOVNE   r9,#ts_710LED_off
-   ]
-	[ STB
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine
-        MOV     r0,r8                   ; turn the LED on
-        STR     r0,[r1]
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; if a '1' is to be written,
-        BCC     %06
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine }
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine } Half A Second
-	|
-        MOV     r0,r7
-03      SUBS    r0,r0,#1                ; pause for a 1/4 second
-        BNE     %03
-        MOV     r0,r8                   ; turn the LED on
-        STR     r0,[r1]
-        MOV     r0,r7
-04      SUBS    r0,r0,#1                ; pause for a 1/4 second
-        BNE     %04
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; if a '1' is to be written,
-        BCC     %06
-        MOV     r0,r7,LSL #1            ; then pause another 1/2 second
-05      SUBS    r0,r0,#1
-        BNE     %05
-	]
-        MOV     r0, r9                  ; turn the LED off
-        STR     r0,[r1]
-; Count down 32 bits. Every 4 bits, insert an extra pause to simplify
-; reading the flashes.
-        ADDS    r2,r2,r2
-        BCC     %08
- [ STB
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine }
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine } One Seconds Worth
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine }
-	BL	ld_LED_Delay			; call delay routine }
- |
-        MOV     r0,r7,LSL #2            ; then pause another second
-05      SUBS    r0,r0,#1
-        BNE     %05
- ]
-        ANDS    r2,r2,r2                ; all the bits displayed now ?
-        BNE     %02
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              ; restore the faultcode bits
- ] ; Endif (POSTFlashesFrontPanelLEDs)
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-; Uncomment the following line if the POST code is to loop when the POST
-; display adaptor (post box) is fitted.
-;        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED) ; If the display adapter & test link are present,
-; Comment this line out if POST Code is to loop when the POST display
-; adaptor (post box) is fitted.
-        ANDS    r0,r0,# R_TESTED	; If the test link is present,
-        BNE     Reset                   ; repeat the test forever
-        B       CONT                    ; otherwise, run RISC OS
-        MOVS    r0,#R_HARD              ; and report a hard start
-        B       CONT                    ; to RISC OS
-; Tests skipped : fall into RISC-OS
-	[ STB :LAND: DontShowProgressColours
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)	; If test adapter present,
-			                   	; NE : Adaptor fitted, show progress.
- 	           				; EQ : No Adaptor fitted, don't show progress
-	BEQ	ts_Softstart			; EQ : Don't show colours
-	]
-        LDR     r1,=C_DEFAULT
-        LDR     r0,=ts_VIDCPhys         ; write the border colour
-        STR     r1,[r0]
-        MOVS    r0,#R_SOFT              ; soft reset indicator
-        B       CONT
-        ROUT
-; This table consists of a series of address/data pairs for IO
-; initialization.
-; Note that these addresses are likely to be in the IO world,
-; and hence the data written is that from the MOST significant
-; 16 bits of the data bus.
-; An 'address' of -1 terminates the table.
-        [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-        |
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &10,  &000000         ; Printer port data
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &18,  &000000         ; FDC control & printer strobes
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &40,  &ff0000         ; FDD select lines
-        & ts_S5_base :OR: &48,  &000000         ; VIDC clock control
-        ]
-        & (-1)
-        LTORG
-; Include test modules executed by call, rather than inline
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem2
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem3
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem4
-        GET     TestSrc.Mem5
-        GET     TestSrc.Vidc
-        GET     TestSrc.Ioc
-        GET     TestSrc.Cmos
-        GET     TestSrc.Arm3
-        ; amg: 7/12/96 Renaissance. Once again I wish AASM could understand conditionals
-        ;              around GETs
-        GBLS    get_toggleled
-        GBLS    get_leddelay
-        GBLS    get_showiomdrs
-        [ STB
-get_toggleled   SETS "GET TestSrc.ToggleLED"
-get_leddelay    SETS "GET TestSrc.LEDDelay"
-get_showiomdrs  SETS "GET TestSrc.ShowIOMDRs"
-        |
-get_toggleled   SETS ""
-get_leddelay    SETS ""
-get_showiomdrs  SETS ""
-	]
-	$get_toggleled
-	$get_leddelay
-	$get_showiomdrs
-	ALIGN	64		; JRH: Kernel seems happier if we do this!
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/Cmos b/TestSrc/Cmos
deleted file mode 100644
index f95d28e2..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Cmos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Cmos
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST battery-backed RAM access
-; A function to read bytes from CMOS, for use in verifying the checksum
-; and reading memory test flag & video modes.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 05-Apr-91     ArtG            Initial version, based on IICMod.
-; in:
-;       R0 = device address          (bit 8 - 15   register address    )
-;       R1 = length of block to read
-;       R2 = initial sum value
-; out:  R0 = sum of all bytes in block
-;       R1 - R13 trashed
-ts_CMOSread     ROUT
-        MOV     R13,R14
-        MOV     R8,R2                   ; initialise accumulator
-        MOV     R7,R1                   ; initialise byte counter
-        MOV     R6,R0                   ; stash register address
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        MOV     R0, #-1                 ; ensure timer is ticking
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LL]     ; (nonzero in input latch)
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LH]
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0GO]     ; load the count registers
-        BL      ts_Start
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; check clock line toggles OK
-        AND     R0, R6, #&FE
-        BL      ts_TXCheckAck           ; transmit device address (write)
-        BVS     %FT30
-        MOV     R0, R6, LSR #8
-        BL      ts_TXCheckAck           ; write register address
-        BVS     %FT30
-        BL      ts_Start                ; Extra START bit to switch modes
-        AND     R0, R6, #&FE
-        ORR     R0, R0, #1
-        BL      ts_TXCheckAck           ; transmit device address (read)
-        BVS     %FT30
-        BL      ts_RXByte               ; read byte from bus
-        ADD     R8, R8, R0              ; accumulate total
-        SUBS    R7, R7, #1              ; is it last byte ?
-        MOVNE   R0, #0                  ; no, then acknowledge with 0 bit
-        MOVEQ   R0, #1                  ; yes, then don't acknowledge
-        BL      ts_ClockData            ; but always send ack clock pulse
-        TEQ     R7, #0                  ; loop, until last byte
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MOVVS   R7, #-1                 ; pass error indicator to caller
-        BL      ts_Stop
-        MOV     R0, R8
-        TEQ     R7, #0                  ; return zero flag if read OK
-        MOV     PC,R13
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TXCheckACK - transmit a byte and wait for slave to ACK
-;  out: Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r9,r10,r11,r12
-;       V bit set on error.
-ts_TXCheckAck ROUT
-        MOV     R12,R14
-        BL      ts_TXByte
-        BL      ts_Acknowledge
-        MOV     PC, R12
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetC1C0 - Set clock and data lines to values in R1 and R0 respectively
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r11
-ts_SetC1C0 ROUT
-        MOVS    R11, R14                        ; NE: indicate not checking clock
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        ORR     R14, R14, #I32_bit              ; disable interrupts
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R14
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSL #1              ; R0 := C0 + C1*2
-        ORR     R0, R0, #&C0                    ; make sure two test bits are
-                                                ; always set to 1 !
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #IOCControl]
-        LDREQB  R1, [R2, #IOCControl]           ; wait for clock
-        TSTEQ   R1, #i2c_clock_bit              ; to read high
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, #10                         ; delay for >= 10/2 microsecs
-; in-line do-micro-delay to save a stack level
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R1, [R2, #Timer0CL]     ; R1 := low output latch
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R14, [R2, #Timer0CL]    ; R14 := low output latch
-        TEQ     R14, R1                 ; unchanged ?
-        MOVNE   R1, R14                 ; copy anyway
-        BEQ     %BT20                   ; then loop
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement count
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; loop if not finished
-; end do-micro-delay
-        MOV     PC, R11
-; Set clock and data lines to R1 and R0 and then wait for clock to be high
-ts_SetC1C0CheckClock ROUT
-        MOV     R11, R14
-        CMP     R0, R0                          ; EQ: indicate checking clock
-        B       ts_SetOrCheck
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClockData - Clock a bit of data down the IIC bus
-; in:   R0 = data bit
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r10,r11
-ts_ClockData ROUT
-        MOV     R10,R14
-        MOV     R3, R0                  ; save data
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; clock LO
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     R1, #1                  ; clock HI
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0CheckClock
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; clock LO
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     PC,R10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Start - Send the Start signal
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r9,r11
-;       R0 (and Z flag) indicates state of clock .. should be NZ.
-ts_Start   ROUT
-        MOV     R9,R14
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock HI, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-; Make sure clock really is high (and not shorted to gnd)
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #IOCControl]
-; Delay here must be >= 4.7 microsecs
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock LO, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        ANDS    R0, R3, #i2c_clock_bit
-        MOV     PC,R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Acknowledge - Check acknowledge after transmitting a byte
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r9,r11
-;       V=0 => acknowledge received
-;       V=1 => no acknowledge received
-ts_Acknowledge ROUT
-        MOV     R9,R14
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0CheckClock
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #IOCControl]   ; get the data from IOC
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        TST     R3, #1                  ; should be LO for correct acknowledge
-        MRS     R3, CPSR
-        BICEQ   R3, R3, #V_bit          ; clear V if correct acknowledge
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #V_bit          ; set V if no acknowledge
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R3
-        MOV     PC,R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Stop - Send the Stop signal
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r9,r11
-ts_Stop    ROUT
-        MOV     R9,R14
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock HI, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     PC,R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TXByte - Transmit a byte
-; in:   R0 = byte to be transmitted
-; out:  Trashes r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r9,r10,r11
-ts_TXByte  ROUT
-        MOV     R9, R14
-        MOV     R4, R0                  ; byte goes into R4
-        MOV     R5, #&80                ; 2^7   the bit mask
-        ANDS    R0, R4, R5              ; zero if bit is zero
-        MOVNE   R0, #1
-        BL      ts_ClockData            ; send the bit
-        MOVS    R5, R5, LSR #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     PC, R9
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RXByte - Receive a byte
-; out:  R0 = byte received
-;       Trashes r1,r2,r3,r4,r9,r11
-ts_RXByte  ROUT
-        MOV     R9, R14
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; byte:=0
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        MOV     R4, #7
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; pulse clock HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0CheckClock
-        LDRB    R1, [R2, #IOCControl]   ; get the data from IOC
-        AND     R1, R1, #1
-        ADD     R3, R1, R3, LSL #1      ; byte:=byte*2+(IOC?0)AND1
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; return clock LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ts_SetC1C0
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
-        BCS     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; return the result in R0
-        MOV     PC, R9
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/ErrorCount,ffb b/TestSrc/ErrorCount,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 67416ed54affe43f7d6da26f59bbaeac2176b027..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 2403

diff --git a/TestSrc/ExtCmd b/TestSrc/ExtCmd
deleted file mode 100644
index c465802b..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/ExtCmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1019 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.ExtCmd
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST external commands
-; External test commands for RISC OS ROM.
-; Provides functions to read data, write data and execute code using
-; parameters from an external controlling host.
-; A minimal set of opcodes should be used (ideally, only B, LDR and ADDS)
-; so that a processor test may be validly included in the internal test
-; sequence.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 27-Nov-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 06-Dec-89     ArtG            Release 0.2 for integration
-; 30-Mar-90	ArtG		Added NOPs (ADDS r0,r0,r0) after ADDS pc,..
-; 19-Apr-90	ArtG		Speedups for read/write commands.
-; 15-May-90	ArtG		Fixed multiple %13 label in ts_W_FIW
-; 22-May-90	ArtG		Fixed bugs in ts_B_MWW, ts_W_RIB
-; 18-Jun-93	ArtG		Added Arm600 control instructions
-; 1-Jul-93	ArtG		Replaced ADDS pc.. instructions with ADD pc..
-;				for compatibility with SVC32_mode. 
-; All these routines use registers as follows :
-;       r0  - always zero
-;       r1
-;       r2
-;       r3  - undisturbed : used as constant by I/O routine
-;       r4  - return value from I/O routine, parameter to I/O routines
-;       r5
-;       r6
-;       r7  - saved value of command byte on entry
-;       r8  - operation counter
-;       r9  - pointer to data transfer operation
-;       r10 - increment value (0, 1 or 4) to add to pointer in r9
-;       r11 - decrement constant (-1) to add to counter in r8
-;       r12 - checksum accumulator
-;       r13 - pointer to operation code
-;       r14 - return address for calls to I/O routines
-        SUBT    External command handlers
-; Called by vectoring through command_table. 
-; R4 contains command byte (including 3 option bits)
-; Get operation count
-; Get address
-; If single-word data
-;   Get data
-;   Get checksum
-;   Reply with command byte or FF
-;   Do operation
-; Else
-;   For each word
-;     Get data
-;     Do operation 
-;   Get checksum
-;   Reply with command byte or FF
-; Return by branching to GetCommand.
-ts_write_memory    ROUT
-        ADDS    r13,r0,r4               ; save the control byte
-        ADDS    r7,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; setup return address for ..
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; .. get operation count word
-        ADDS    r8, r0, r4              ; r8 is operation count
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r4               ; initialise checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r9 is initial target address
-        ADDS    r9, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r0               ; set initial constants
-        LDR     r11,%01
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     (0 - 1)
-; Check for operations which don't involve reading a block of data.
-; These are acknowledged BEFORE performing the operation.
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13             ; convert operation code to vector 
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13
-        LDR     r4, %02
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_write_cmd_table - %03)
-        ADDS    r4,pc,r4
-        ADDS    r13,r4,r13
-        LDR     r13,[r13]               ; fetch pointer to code
-        LDR     r4,%04
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_write_cmd_table - ts_W_fetch_operations) 
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r13
-        BCS     ts_Write_getdata        ; defer acknowledgement till later
-        ; check the above test was valid, given code layout
-	; Note - this is also required by code near ts_Write_cmd_done
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RSW <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RSB <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RIW <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_RIB <  ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FSW >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FSB >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FIW >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-        ASSERT  (ts_W_FIB >= ts_W_fetch_operations)
-; Fetch the first data word and checksum, and acknowledge
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;get next data word
-        B       ts_GetWord
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ;accumulate checksum
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%06
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_WriteCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r10               ;restore the data word
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r0               ;and the zero in r10
-        B       ts_Write_usedata        ;dive off to do the work
-; Enter the main loop, repeating the operation labelled in r13.
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Write_cmd_ack
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;get next data word
-        B       ts_GetWord
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ;accumulate checksum
-	B	%07
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Write_cmd_done
-        ADD     pc,pc,r13               ;jump back to operations
-        &       0
-; In this table, the operation after any word fetch is vectored by
-; the 3 least significant bits of the command byte to perform some 
-; combination of writing with  : 
-; bit 2 -> 0    R : repeat with same data
-;          1    F : fetch more data for next operation
-; bit 1 -> 0    S : leave address static
-;          1    I : increment address after operation
-; bit 0 -> 0    W : word operation
-;          1    B : byte operation
-        ASSERT  ((ts_write_cmd_table - %07) = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RSW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RSB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RIW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_RIB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FSW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FSB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FIW - ts_write_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_W_FIB - ts_write_cmd_table)
-; And here are the trailers that perform these operations.
-; Each is started with the data in r4, address in r9 and completes
-; by returning to Write_getdata (to read another word) or Write_usedata
-; (to repeat with the same data) with r10 = increment value (initially 0)
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, repeat address
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCS     ts_W_RSW
-        B       ts_Write_cmd_done
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, repeat address
-	ADDS	r8,r8,r11
-	BCS	ts_W_RSB
-        B       ts_Write_cmd_done
-        LDR     r10,%11
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     4
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, increment word address
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	%B12
-        B       ts_Write_cmd_done
-	LDR	r10,%13
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     1
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, increment byte address
-	ADDS	r9,r9,r10
-	ADDS	r8,r8,r11
-	BCS	%B14
-	B	ts_Write_cmd_done
-ts_W_fetch_operations                   ;all past here fetch new data
-                                        ;on each loop
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, repeat address
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, repeat address
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        STR     r4,[r9]                 ;store word, increment word address
-        LDR     r10,%15
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        DCD     4
-        STRB    r4,[r9]                 ;store byte, increment byte address
-        LDR     r10,%16
-        B       ts_Write_getdata
-        DCD     1 
-; Operations completed. Operations that read multiple data words from
-; the host must now checksum and acknowledge the block (even though
-; it's a bit late to do anything about it)
-; Operation involved multiple fetches - only now ready to ACK. 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%25
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%26
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_WriteCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command_table. 
-; R4 contains command byte (including 3 option bits)
-; Get operation count
-; Get address
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-; For each word
-;   Read data
-;   If Verbose option
-;     Send data
-; If Quiet option
-;   Send result of read operation
-; Send checksum of result packet
-; Return by branching to GetCommand.
-ts_read_memory    ROUT
-        ADDS    r13,r0,r4               ; save the control byte
-        ADDS    r7,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; setup return address for ..
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; .. get operation count word
-        ADDS    r8, r0, r4              ; r8 is operation count
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r4               ; initialise checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r9 is initial target address
-        ADDS    r9, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r10,r0,r0               ; set initial constants
-        LDR     r11,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     (0 - 1)
-; Convert the operation options into a code pointer
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13             ; convert operation code to vector 
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13
-        LDR     r4, %02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_read_cmd_table - %03)
-        ADDS    r4,pc,r4
-        ADDS    r13,r4,r13
-        LDR     r13,[r13]               ; fetch pointer to code
-; Fetch the checksum, and acknowledge
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%06
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_ReadCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r0               ;initialise the upload checksum 
-        B       ts_Read_count		;enter the loop
-; Enter the main loop, repeating the operation labelled in r13.
-; This loop is for operations that finish with all data sent
-ts_Read_Txdata                          ;send data to host
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ;accumulate the checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord             ;send this word
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Read_cmd_done
-        B       %07                     ;go off to the jump handler
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-        BCC     ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        ADD     pc,pc,r13               ;jump back to operations
-        &       0
-; In this table, the operation after any word fetch is vectored by
-; the 2 least significant bits of the command byte to perform some 
-; combination of reading with  : 
-; bit 2 -> 0    Q : read data without reporting it
-;          1    V : Transmit the result of every read operation
-; bit 1 -> 0    S : leave address static
-;          1    I : increment address after operation
-; bit 0 -> 0    W : word operation
-;          1    B : byte operation
-        ASSERT  ((ts_read_cmd_table - %07) = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QSW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QSB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QIW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_QIB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VSW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VSB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VIW - ts_read_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_R_VIB - ts_read_cmd_table)
-; And here are the trailers that perform these operations.
-; Each is started with the data in r4, address in r9 and completes
-; by returning to Write_getdata (to read another word) or Write_usedata
-; (to repeat with the same data) with r10 = increment value (initially 0)
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read word, repeat address
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	ts_R_QSW
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read byte, repeat address
-	ADDS	r8,r8,r11
-	BCS	ts_R_QSB
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read
-        LDR     r10,%11
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     4
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read word, increment word address
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	%B12
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        LDR     r10,%13
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     1
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read byte, increment byte address
-        ADDS    r9,r9,r10               ;perform increment operation
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r11               ;countdown repeat counter
-	BCS	%B14
-        B       ts_Read_cmd_read        ;send data at finish
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx word, repeat address
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx byte, repeat address
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        LDR     r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx word, next word address
-        LDR     r10,%15
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        DCD     4
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        LDRB    r4,[r9]                 ;read and tx byte, next byte address
-        LDR     r10,%16
-        B       ts_Read_Txdata
-        DCD     1 
-; Operations completed. Report final result and checksum back to host.
-; Quiet option only transmits read data here (this is pretty useless
-; except where only one value was read)
-	ADDS	r12,r12,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;send result of 'quiet' read
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        SUBS    r4,r0,r12               ;get overall checksum  - can't think
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;how to do this using only ADDS !
-        B       ts_SendWord
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command table.
-; if option 1 set, read processor mode
-; Read address
-; Read and check checksum
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-; if option 1 set, load SPSR
-; Jump to code
-ts_execute      ROUT
-	ADDS	r12,r0,r0		; initialise checksum adder
-	LDR	r8,%00			; initialise msr-jumper
-	ADD	pc,pc,r0
-	&	4
-	ADDS	r7,r4,r4		; get operation type
-	ADDS	r7,r7,r7
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r7		; jump to pc + (r4 * 4)
-	&	0
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT08
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-	B	%FT10
-08	ADDS	r14,r0,pc		; get new processor mode
-	B	ts_GetWord
-	ADDS	r12,r0,r4
-	ADDS	r8,r0,r0		; kill msr-jumper
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get jump address
-        ADDS    r9,r12,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r9
-        LDR     r5,%11
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r4,r5,r4                ; compare total chex with zero
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error            ; carry set on error
-	LDR	r4,%12
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_ExecuteCmdByte
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc  	        ; echo command byte
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r9                ;return checksum (actually, the
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ; entire message ..)
-        B       ts_SendWord
-; Now jump to the location given in the message, using the given status bits
-	ADD	pc,pc,r8		; jump over the msr instruction
-	MSR	SPSR_cf,R12
-	ADDS	r14,pc,r0		; Load the address of %13 into r14
-			           	; to provide a return address
-        ADD     pc,r0,r9		; Do the jump
-        B      ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command table
-; Read operation count
-; Read target addresses
-; Read data
-; Send command byte or FF
-; Send checksum
-; For all operation count
-;   write data 
-;   if read-back option
-;     read data
-; Return by branching to GetCommand
-ts_bus_exercise	ROUT
-        ADDS    r7,r0,r4                ; save the control byte
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; setup return address for ..
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; .. get operation count word
-        ADDS    r8, r0, r4              ; r8 is operation count
-        ADDS    r12,r0,r4               ; initialise checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r9 is first target address
-        ADDS    r9, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r10 is second target address
-        ADDS    r10, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r11 is first data word
-        ADDS    r11, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; r13 is second data word
-        ADDS    r13, r0, r4
-        ADDS    r12,r12,r4              ; accumulate checksum 
-; Fetch the checksum, and acknowledge
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ;read transmitted checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r12               ;tx + total should be zero
-        LDR     r5,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r4                ;carry set on checksum failure
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error
-; Checksum looks OK. Send the command and the checksum back.
-	LDR	r4,%06
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_BusExCmdByte
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r7                ;restore the original 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r12               ;then send the calculated checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-	ADDS	r12,r0,r13		; Now addresses are in r9, r10
-					; and data in r11, r12.
-; Convert the operation options into a code pointer
-        ADDS    r13,r7,r7              ; convert operation code to vector 
-        ADDS    r13,r13,r13
-        LDR     r4, %02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_busex_cmd_table - %03)
-        ADDS    r4,pc,r4
-        ADDS    r13,r4,r13
-        LDR     r13,[r13]               ; fetch pointer to code
-	LDR	r7, %04			; set up decrementer in r8
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r0
-	DCD	(0 - 1)
-        ADD     pc,pc,r13               ; jump to operation
-	&	0
-; In this table, the operation after any word fetch is vectored by
-; the 3 least significant bits of the command byte to perform some 
-; combination of writing with  : 
-; bit 2 -> 0    S : Perform separate data write ops
-;          1    M : Use STM / LDM instructions 
-; bit 1 -> 0    R : Perform only read operations
-;          1    W : Write before reading
-; bit 0 -> 0    W : word operation
-;          1    B : byte operation
-; Note that byte and multiple operations are mutually
-; exclusive.
-        ASSERT  ((ts_busex_cmd_table - %07) = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SRW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SRB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SWW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_SWB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MRW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MRB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MWW - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-        DCD     (ts_B_MWB - ts_busex_cmd_table)
-	LDR	r11,[r9]		; read-only separate words
-	LDR	r12,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SRW
-	B	ts_B_done
-	LDRB	r11,[r9]		; read-only separate bytes
-	LDRB	r12,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SRB
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STR	r11,[r9]		; write and read separate words
-	STR	r12,[r10]
-	LDR	r1,[r9]
-	LDR	r2,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SWW
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STRB	r11,[r9]		; write and read separate bytes
-	STRB	r12,[r10]
-	LDRB	r1,[r9]
-	LDRB	r2,[r10]
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_SWB
-	B	ts_B_done
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}		; read-only multiple words
-	LDMIA	r10,{r1,r2}
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MRW
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STMIA	r9,{r11,r12}		; write and read multiple words
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}
-	STMIA	r10,{r11,r12}
-	LDMIA	r10,{r1,r2}
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MWW
-	B	ts_B_done
-; Orthogonally, these should be multiple byte operations - we can't do that, 
-; so they actually do a single/multiple mixture.
-; The first address argument is used for word-aligned operations and the
-; second for byte-aligned operations - so set only the second address
-; to a non-word-aligned address.
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}		; read-only multiple words
-	LDRB	r1,[r10]		; then single bytes
-	LDR 	r1,[r9]			; and single words
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MRB
-	B	ts_B_done
-	STMIA	r9,{r11,r12}		; store multiple words
-	STRB	r11,[r10]		; write byte
-	STR	r12,[r9]		; write words
-	LDMIA	r9,{r1,r2}
-	LDRB	r1,[r10]
-	LDR	r1,[r9]			; read single and multiple words
-	ADDS	r8, r8, r7
-	BCS	ts_B_MWB
-;	B	ts_B_done
-	B	ts_GetCommand
-; All commands fall through here to respond with FF if the received
-; message block checksums fail.
-ts_cmd_error    ROUT                    ; error in command
-        LDR     r4, %01                 ; return error response
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        DCD     ErrorCmd
-	ADDS	r0,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r14, r0, pc             ; send response byte to host
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        B       ts_GetCommand
-; generic coprocessor register names
-cpr0	CN	0
-cpr1	CN	1
-cpr2	CN	2
-cpr3	CN	3
-cpr4	CN	4
-cpr5	CN	5
-cpr6	CN	6
-cpr7	CN	7
-cpr8	CN	8
-cpr9	CN	9
-cpr10	CN	10
-cpr11	CN	11
-cpr12	CN	12
-cpr13	CN	13
-cpr14	CN	14
-cpr15	CN	15
-; Called by vectoring through command table.
-; Read transfer value
-; Read and check checksum
-; Extract copro register number
-; Index suitable MRC instruction
-; Perform copro write
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-ts_write_cpr15h	ROUT
-	ADDS	r4,r4,#8		; adjust opcode for high registers
-	ADDS	r7,r0,r4		; save opcode to r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get value for copro
-        ADDS    r9,r0,r4
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get checksum
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r9
-        LDR     r5,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r4,r5,r4                ; compare total chex with zero
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error            ; carry set on error
-	ADDS	r13,r7,r7		; point into instruction table
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r13		; jump to pc + (r7 * 8)
-	&	0
-	SetCop	r9,cpr0			; transfer instructions
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr1
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr2
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr3
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr4
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr5
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr6
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr7
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr8
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr9
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr10
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr11
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr12
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr13
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr14
-	B	%02
-	SetCop	r9,cpr15
-	LDR	r4,%03
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_CPWCmdByte		; build command byte + option
-	ADDS	r4,r4,r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc  	        ; echo command byte
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r9                ; return checksum 
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc               ;
-        B       ts_SendWord
-	B	ts_GetCommand
-; Called by vectoring through command table.
-; Read and check checksum
-; Extract copro register number
-; Index suitable MCR instruction
-; Perform copro read
-; Reply with command byte or FF
-; Reply with checksum
-; Send transfer results
-; Send checksum
-ts_read_cpr15h	ROUT
-	ADDS	r4,r4,#8		; adjust opcode for high registers
-	ADDS	r7,r0,r4		; save opcode in r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_GetWord              ; get checksum to r4
-	ADDS	r9,r0,r4		; copy to r9
-        LDR     r5,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (0 - 1)
-        ADDS    r4,r5,r4                ; compare total chex with zero
-        BCS     ts_cmd_error            ; carry set on error
-	LDR	r4,%02
-	ADD     pc,pc,r0
-	&	ts_CPRCmdByte		; build command byte + option
-	ADDS	r4,r4,r7
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc  	        ; echo command byte
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r9                ; return checksum
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendWord
-	ADDS	r13,r7,r7		; point into instruction table
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADDS	r13,r13,r13
-	ADD 	pc,pc,r13		; jump to pc + (r7 * 8)
-	&	0
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr0		; transfer instructions
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr1
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr2
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr3
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr4
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr5
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr6
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr7
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr8
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr9
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr10
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr11
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr12
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr13
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr14
-	B	%03
-	ReadCop	r12,cpr15
-	ADDS	r4,r0,r12		; return result
-	ADDS	r14,r0,pc
-	B	ts_SendWord
-	SUBS	r4,r0,r12		; return checksum
-	ADDS	r14,r0,pc
-	B	ts_SendWord
-	B	ts_GetCommand
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/ExtIO b/TestSrc/ExtIO
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c2db31..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/ExtIO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1107 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.ExtIO
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST external commands
-; External interface for RISC OS ROM.
-; provides entry points to send byte- and word- and string-sized objects
-; and to receive byte- and word-sized objects
-; A minimal set of opcodes should be used (ideally, only B, LDR and ADDS)
-; so that a processor test may be validly included in the internal test
-; sequence.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 06-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version - split from `Begin`
-;                               Release 0.2 for integration
-; 31-Mar-90     ArtG            Added ts_MoreText, cursor position, hex.
-; 19-Apr-90     ArtG            Added bus exercise commands
-; 09-May-90     ArtG            Changed LCD strobe to 12 pulses
-; 15-May-90     ArtG            Added ReadyByte : improves synchronization
-;                               when ExtCmd execution toggles A21/A22.
-; 18-Jun-90	ArtG		Added CPR15 read/write functions
-; 04-Oct-96	JRH		Updated comments to refer to test box on A23.
-;				Added support for speaking to the test box when
-;				running from the 2nd ROM bank, conditioned on
-;				CanLiveOnROMCard. Needed because 2nd ROM bank
-;				isn't ghosted on the A23 line like the 1st bank.
-; 04-May-99     KJB             Modified to cope with >8M ROMs.
-        SUBT    Test adapter interface
-; The test adapter senses an access to the ROM with address line A23 high.
-; 8M addressing space ROMs only use address lines A2 to A22,
-; so if A23 is asserted it will be ignored (the ROMS are aliased
-; into 16M of space). With no test adapter, the aliased ROM location will
-; be read and may be recognised. The test adapter may selectively disable
-; ROMs when A23 is high, causing arbitrary data to be read. This data
-; should be dependent on the previous ROM read operation, and will
-; therefore be predictably not equal to the data read when the ROMs are
-; aliased.
-; On a system with >8M of ROM, A23 is now meaningful, and there is no
-; aliasing of the ROM image. In this case, we read a fixed location at the
-; end of the ROM that always contains zero - if it reads as non-zero, the
-; test adapter is signalling.
-        MACRO
-        TestAdapterLocation $reg
-; Load up the registers for the test interface communication.
-; On exit: R0 = 0
-;          R1 corrupted
-;          $reg -> zero word in 8-16MB space we can read to communicate with
-;                  test box
-; If the ROM is >8M, we will use the fixed zero word in the ROM trailer.
-; If not, we use the old scheme (in case someone is using an old ROM joiner
-; that doesn't write the correct trailer.) Because the ROM is >8M, the
-; trailer will be at an address with A23 set, as desired.
-; KJB - note I haven't kept the purity of the minimal instruction set -
-; I feel that it is unlikely that there ever will be a processor test,
-; and if there is, then this won't be the only place where the purity
-; has been broken...
-        ASSERT  ts_Alias_bits = 8*1024*1024
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r1,[r0, #ts_ROMSIZE]    ; size of ROM in bank 0
-        CMP     r1,#8*1024*1024
-        SUBHI   $reg,r1,#20             ; zero word is at end-20
-        BHI     %FT05
-; Point r2 at a word which contains 0 in 0-8MB physical space.
-; Note that this code doesn't cope with the case where it can't find a zero
-; word anywhere in the whole ROM. I don't think that this is a problem.
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; expected below
-        MOV     $reg, #0                ; start of physical space
-        LDR     r1, [$reg, #4]!
-        TEQ     r1, r0                  ; is it zero?
-        BNE     %BT01
-        ADD     $reg, $reg, #ts_Alias_bits  ; point to zero word in ghost
-        MEND
-; This section determines whether the test interface adapter exists, and
-; what variety is fitted (dumb, display or external)
-; 3 read operations are performed (a WS operation): if all of these
-; find a ROM alias then no adapter is fitted.
-; If an adapter responds, then a RD operation is performed - 4 strobes then
-; clocking 8 bits into r4. These bits may be all zeros (a dumb adapter)
-; or all ones (a display adapter) or some other value (an external
-; adapter)
-ts_GetCommand  ROUT
-        LDR     r0,%01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        ; delay to make a gap before reading
-        LDR     r3,%02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %03
-        ROUT
-        TestAdapterLocation r2          ; r0 = 0, r1 corrupted
-        MOV     r1, #-1                 ; expected below
-        ; do an RD operation (four strobes) to ensure interface cleared
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        ; write a byte (initially, &90) to indicate readiness
-        LDR     r4,%20
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_ReadyByte_00
-        ADDS    r14,r0,pc
-        B       ts_SendByte
-        ; delay to make a gap between WRS and RD operations
-        LDR     r3,%05
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %06
-        LDR     r5,%07                  ; counter for first 5 bits
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 5)
-        LDR     r6,%08                  ; counter for last 3 bits
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 3)
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; input accumulator initialisation
-; put the test interface into input mode
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; 3 bit lead-in
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        BCC     ts_User_startup         ; abort if no adapter present
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; two more strobes, then waitloop
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-; started input operation : wait for interface to be ready
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read start bit repeatedly
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects RD operation)
-        BCC     %09                     ; loop until interface is ready
-; read the first 5 bits into r5 and the second 3 bits into r4
-10      LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read a bit of the byte
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; .. if the test adapter is present, carry bit set
-        ADCS    r4,r4,r4                ; .. shift left and add in carry
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; loop until 5 bits are read
-        BCC     %10
-        ADDS    r5,r4,r4                ; copy bits 7..3 to r5, bits 5..1
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; and read the last 3 bits to r4
-11      LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read a bit of the byte
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        ADCS    r4,r4,r4
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; loop until last 3 bits are read
-        BCC     %11
-; Command byte read in (split between r4 and r5)
-; Pass the option bits (r4) to the function identified by r5.
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; index * 2 -> index * 4
-        LDR     r3,%12                  ; pc-relative ptr to command_table
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_command_table - %13
-        ADDS    r3,pc,r3                ; absolute pointer to command table
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r5
-13      LDR     r3,[r3]                 ; get table entry
-14      ADD     pc,pc,r3                ; (offset from command_table)
-        &       0                       ; necessary padding : pc must point
-                                        ; to command table when r3 is added.
-; This is the table of offsets to all the built-in functions.
-; The top 5 bits of the command are used to index, so there are
-; 32 possible entries, mostly illegal.
-; Decoding of the function modifier bits is performed by multiple
-; entries in this table.
-; pc must point here when ADDS pc,r3,pc is executed
-        ASSERT  ((ts_command_table - %14)  = 8)
-        DCD     (ts_Dealer_startup - ts_command_table)   ; display interface
-        DCD     (ts_write_memory   - ts_command_table)   ; external tests
-        DCD     (ts_read_memory    - ts_command_table)
-        DCD     (ts_execute        - ts_command_table)
-        DCD     (ts_bus_exercise   - ts_command_table)
-        DCD     (ts_GetCommand     - ts_command_table)	; dummy entry aligns CPR instructions
-							; to allow 4-bit option field
-	DCD	(ts_write_cpr15l   - ts_command_table)
-	DCD	(ts_write_cpr15h   - ts_command_table)
-	DCD	(ts_read_cpr15l    - ts_command_table)
-	DCD	(ts_read_cpr15h    - ts_command_table)
-        ; pad the table out to 31 entries
-        ; (leave space for display vector)
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList
-doffset SETA    .
-        WHILE   doffset < (ts_command_table + (31 * 4)) ; illegal entries
-        DCD     (ts_GetCommand     - ts_command_table)
-doffset SETA    doffset + 4
-        WEND
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        DCD     (ts_Forced_startup - ts_command_table)  ; dumb interface
-; The indexes into the above table are needed in ExtCmd ...
-ts_WriteCmdByte         *       ((ts_Windex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_ReadCmdByte          *       ((ts_Rindex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_ExecuteCmdByte       *       ((ts_Eindex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_BusExCmdByte         *       ((ts_Bindex - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_CPWCmdByte		*	((ts_CWindex  - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-ts_CPRCmdByte		*	((ts_CRindex  - ts_command_table) :SHL: 1)
-; Primitives for reading data from the external interface
-;               - Get a byte from the interface (into r4)
-;               - Get a (4 byte) word from the interface (into r4)
-; Required register setup is presumed done by a recent ts_GetCommand.
-; r0, r1 and r2 have critical values
-; r14 is the link address
-ts_GetWord      ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for 4 bytes per word
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; (bit set 4 left shifts from Carry)
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 4)
-        B       ts_Getdata
-ts_GetByte      ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for single byte
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 1)
-ts_Getdata      ROUT
-        ADDS    r4,r0,r0                ; input accumulator initialisation
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; 3 bit lead-in
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects RD operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-; started input operation : now loop until r6 shifts into Carry
-        LDR     r5,%03                  ; counter for 8 bits per byte
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       2_00000001000000010000000100000001
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read start bit repeatedly
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %04                     ; loop until interface is ready
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; read a bit of the byte
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        ADCS    r4,r4,r4                ; SHL r4, add carry bit.
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; loop until byte is read
-        BCC     %05
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; loop until word is read
-        BCC     %04
-        ADD     pc,r0,r14               ; back to the caller
-; Primitives for sending data to the interface
-;               - Send a byte to the interface (from r4 lsb)
-;               - Send a (4 byte) word to the interface (from r4)
-; Required register setup is presumed done by a recent ts_GetCommand.
-; r0, r1 and r2 have critical values
-; r14 is the link address
-ts_SendWord     ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for 4 bytes per word
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; (bit set 4 left shifts from Carry)
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 4)
-        B       ts_Putdata
-ts_SendByte      ROUT
-        LDR     r6,%01                  ; counter for single byte
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (3 :SHL: 7)
-02      ADDS    r4,r4,r4                ;shift byte into highest 8 bits
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6
-        BCC     %02                     ;stop when byte shifted,
-                                        ;leaving bit 31 set in r6
-ts_Putdata      ROUT
-; Wait - gap between successive WS attempts or successive bytes
-01      LDR     r3,%02
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-03      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %03
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %10                     ; skip out if adapter not present
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %01                     ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-        LDR     r5,%04                  ; load bits-per-byte counter
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32-8))
-05      LDR     r3,%06                  ; delay before sending bit
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-07      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %07
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r4,r4,r4                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; repeat until 8 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %05
-; Repeat for all the bytes to be sent (1 or 4)
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6
-        BCC     %01
-; Go to TXRDY to ensure the host sees the transmit request
-        LDR     r3,%08                  ; delay before sending pattern
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-09      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %09
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; dummy - space between pulses
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-; All sent - r14 holds the caller's return address
-        ADD     pc,r0,r14
-; Reporting primitive
-;               - Send the text (nul-terminated, at r4) to the display
-; Interface registers need to be set up : this function is called from test
-; code rather than external interface code.
-; The display is assumed to be a standard 16 character LCD module using
-; the Hitachi HD44780 display controller.
-; The 16-digit module uses a single 44780. This is an abnormal use of the
-; controller, and requires it to be set to two-line mode, with the first
-; 8 displayed characters on the first 'line', and the second 8 on the
-; second 'line'. Characters sent to the second line must be written at
-; character position 40 +. In order to permit different modules to be
-; fitted to later adapters, it is suggested that the first 7 characters
-; be treated as a 'title' line, and the second 8 as a 'comment' line.
-; A space should always be placed at the end of the title line to
-; split the display fields, unless there is no 'comment' line.
-; Do not display characters across the two areas as though they adjoined
-; (even though they do :-) ).
-; The controller is operated in its 4-bit mode, which allows the interface
-; to drive 4 bits of alpha information and 4 bits of control information.
-; The bits in a transmitted byte are assigned as :
-;       bit 0   -       D4  }   4-bit mode data bus
-;           1   -       D5  }
-;           2   -       D6  }
-;           3   -       D7  }
-;           4   -       RS      Register Select : 0 for control, 1 for data
-;           5   -           }   Unassigned
-;           6   -           }
-;           7   -       CPEN    Interface control :     0 for enable,
-;                                                       1 for disable
-; For each message sent, the display is first initialised, using the
-; following sequence (each byte is sent as 2 bytes, high nibble first,
-; with RS clear in bit 4 of each byte)
-; After each byte, an RD operation is performed : this is used by the
-; interface hardware to strobe the data into the display.
-; The message addressed by r4 is then sent (data mode : RS set in each byte)
-; until a 0 byte is encountered.
-; This is the command sequence sent to initialise the display
-        =       &30,&30,&30,&20 ; power-up initialisation
-        =       &20,&80         ; 4 bit mode, two line, Font 0
-        =       &00,&C0         ; Display on, no cursor visible
-        =       &00,&60         ; Incrementing display position, no shift
-        =       &80,&00         ; Set DD RAM address 0
-        =       &00,&20         ; Cursor home
-        =       &00,&10         ; Display clear
-        ASSERT  ((ts_initialise_end - ts_initialise) / 2) < 32
-; This is the command sequence sent when continuation text is sent
-        =       &00,&C0         ; Display on, cursor invisible
-        =       &00,&60         ; Incrementing display position, no shift
-        ASSERT  ((ts_extend_end - ts_extend) / 2) < 32
-; One of these commands are sent when offset text is required
-        =       &80,&00         ; Set DD RAM address 0
-        =       &80,&10         ; Set DD RAM address 1
-        =       &80,&20         ; Set DD RAM address 2
-        =       &80,&30         ; Set DD RAM address 3
-        =       &80,&40         ; Set DD RAM address 4
-        =       &80,&50         ; Set DD RAM address 5
-        =       &80,&60         ; Set DD RAM address 6
-        =       &80,&70         ; Set DD RAM address 7
-        =       &C0,&00         ; Set DD RAM address 40
-        =       &C0,&10         ; Set DD RAM address 41
-        =       &C0,&20         ; Set DD RAM address 42
-        =       &C0,&30         ; Set DD RAM address 43
-        =       &C0,&40         ; Set DD RAM address 44
-        =       &C0,&50         ; Set DD RAM address 45
-        =       &C0,&60         ; Set DD RAM address 46
-        =       &C0,&70         ; Set DD RAM address 47
-; This assertion is forced by the code : each sequence assumed 2 bytes.
-        ASSERT  ((ts_offset_table_1 - ts_offset_table) = 2)
-        ALIGN
-; Here starts the code ...
-ts_SendQuit     ROUT                    ; put this code BEFORE %16
-        ADD     pc,r0,r14               ;
-; Entry point for initialising the display and sending r4 text.
-ts_SendText     ROUT
-; Point to the command sequence to setup and clear the display
-        LDR     r0,%10                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        LDR     r7,%11                  ; pointer to init sequence
-	ADDS	r7,pc,r7
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_initialise - .)
-        LDR     r6,%12                  ; length of init sequence
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - (ts_initialise_end - ts_initialise)))
-        B       ts_SendLCDCmd
-; Entry point for adding text to current cursor position
-ts_MoreText     ROUT
-        LDR     r0,%10                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        LDR     r7,%11                  ; pointer to command sequence
-	ADDS	r7,pc,r7
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_extend - .)
-        LDR     r6,%12                  ; length of command sequence
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - (ts_extend_end - ts_extend)))
-        B       ts_SendLCDCmd
-ts_PosText      ROUT
-; Entry point for adding text at a specific cursor position
-; Used iteratively by SendText, etc if cursor position command found.
-; Offset into display is given in r6.
-        LDR     r0,%10                  ; set zero in r0
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       0
-        LDR     r7,%11                  ; pointer to command sequence
-	ADDS	r7,pc,r7
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_offset_table - .)   ; offset * 2 into table of
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; offset command sequences
-        ADDS    r7,r7,r6
-        LDR     r6,%12                  ; length of command sequence
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - 2))
-; Entry point for writing arbitrary command strings.
-; Set r7 to point to command string, r6 length (as tables above),
-; Set r4 to point to following Data string (null-terminated).
-        TestAdapterLocation r2          ; r0 = 0, r1 corrupted
-; Wait - gap between successive WS attempts or successive bytes
-ts_send_command_byte ROUT
-        LDR     r3,%14
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-15      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %15
-        LDR     r1,%16                  ; reload test register
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        BCC     ts_SendQuit             ; skip output : adapter not present
-                                        ; (backward jump helps ensure LDR r3,[r2]
-                                        ; only reads zero when adapter absent
-        LDR     r3,[r2]			; since previous bus data is nonzero)
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     ts_send_command_byte    ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-        LDR     r5,%21                  ; load byte-shift counter ...
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; ... and bits-per-byte counter
-        &       (1 :SHL: 8) + 1         ; 24 shifts + 8 shifts
-        LDRB    r1,[r7]
-22      ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift byte up into m.s.d.
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %22
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-23      LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; and wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%24
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-25      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %25
-        ; repeat until 8 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %23
-        ; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        LDR     r5,%26
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - 12))
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %27
-; Repeat for all the bytes to be sent (ts_initialise_end - ts_initialise)
-        LDR     r3,%33
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1
-        ADDS    r7,r7,r3                ; bump the pointer
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; bump the counter (shift left)
-        BCC     ts_send_command_byte
-; Then send all the display bytes (in 4-bit mode) until a nul-terminator
-; is reached.
-; Send a single character (as two separate 4-bit fields)
-; First, look to see if it's one of :
-;       NUL                     - end of text string
-;       0x80 - 0xfe             - cursor positioning
-;       0xff                    - introduce a hex digit
-ts_send_text_byte       ROUT
-        LDR     r1,%40                  ; reload test register
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDRB    r7,[r4]
-        ADDS    r3,r7,r1                ; test for nul terminator
-        BCC     ts_SendEnd
-; Byte isn't null. Check for >= 0x80.
-        LDR     r6,%42                  ; test for cursor control
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-&80)                  ; &8x means column x.
-        ADDS    r6,r7,r6
-        BCC     ts_printable_char       ; < &80 : write a character
-; Carry set : r6 now holds (value - 0x80). Check for numeric escape (&ff).
-        LDR     r3,%43
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-&7f)
-        ADDS    r3,r6,r3
-        BCC     %47
-; Carry set : fetch a nybble from the top of r8 and display that.
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r0,r0
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r6,r6
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r6,r6
-        ADDS    r8,r8,r8
-        ADCS    r6,r6,r6
-        LDRB    r7,[pc,r6]
-        B       ts_printable_char
-        =       "0123456789ABCDEF"
-; Not &ff : r6 holds cursor positioning offset (< &80). Skip over
-; the cursor control byte and iterate thro' PosText to move
-; typing position.
-        LDR     r3, %48
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1
-        ADDS    r4,r3,r4
-        B       ts_PosText
-; Character is normal text : write it to the LCD.
-; The shift loop is used to generate the inter-byte delay normally
-; provided by  ts_recover_time. Always make sure this is long enough.
-        ADDS    r6,r0,r7                ; take a copy of character
-        LDR     r5,%51                  ; load byte-shift counter ...
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; ... and bits-per-byte counter
-51                                      ; as a bitmask of the shift pattern
-        &       (1:SHL:8)+(1:SHL:4)+1   ; 24 shifts + 4 shifts + 4 shifts
-52      ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; shift byte up into m.s.d.
-        ADDS    r0,r0,r0                ; slow this loop down - ensure it's
-        ADDS    r0,r0,r0                ; always slower than ts_recover_time
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %52
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     ts_printable_char       ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%55
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-56      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %56
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; repeat until upper 4 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_tbit_upper
-        ; then send the interface control bits
-        LDR     r1,%57
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (8 :SHL: 28)            ; assert RS control pin
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%58
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-59      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %59
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_cbit_upper
-; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        LDR     r3,%61
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-62      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %62
-        LDR     r5,%63
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: (32 - 12))
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %64
-        ; prepare to send the lower 4 bits out
-        LDR     r5,%70                  ; bitcount mask for 4 data bits
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0                ; and 4 interface control bits
-        &       (((1 :SHL: 4) + 1) :SHL: 24)
-        LDR     r3,%71
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-72      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %72
-        LDR     r1,%73
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     ts_send_text_lower      ; loop back until adapter is ready
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%76
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-77      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %77
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r6,r6,r6                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ; repeat until lower 4 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_tbit_lower
-        ; then send the interface control bits
-        LDR     r1,%78
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (8 :SHL: 28)            ; assert RS control pin
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%80
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-81      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %81
-        ; Send a single bit : 1 pulse for 1, 2 pulses for 0
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r1,r1,r1                ; shift current bit into Carry
-        LDRCC   r3,[r2]                 ; second pulse if bit is 0
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     ts_send_cbit_lower
-; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        ; wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%82
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-83      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %83
-        LDR     r5,%84
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 12)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %85
-; Repeat for all the bytes to be sent (until nul terminator is found)
-        LDR     r3,%86
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1
-        ADDS    r4,r3,r4                ; bump text pointer
-        B       ts_send_text_byte
-; Wait for about 1 seconds worth of LCD operation delays to
-; permit the operator to read the text.
-; Use of the interface's monitor allows this delay to be increased
-; or decreased externally.
-ts_SendEnd      ROUT
-        LDR     r7, %01
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (ts_pause_time + 1)     ; must be an odd number
-					; to ensure pairs of zeros
-        ASSERT ((ts_pause_time :AND: 1) = 0)
-        LDR     r3,%03
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-04      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %04
-        LDR     r1,%05                  ; reload test register
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (-1)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]                 ; Test for adapter ready for data
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1                ; (adapter detects WS operation)
-        BCC     ts_SendQuit             ; skip output : adapter not present
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r3,r3,r1
-        BCC     %02                     ; loop back until adapter is ready
-; Adapter ready - loop around all the bits in the byte
-; Note that each byte is actually 4 bits to the LCD module,
-; so a even number must be sent or the display will get out
-; of sync until the next display reset sequence.
-        LDR     r5,%10                  ; bits-per-byte counter
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       (1 :SHL: 24)
-        LDR     r3,%11
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time         ; wait before sending data bits
-12      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; for byte timing.
-        BCC     %12
-        ; Send a single bit : always 2 pulses for 0
-13      LDR     r3,[r2]
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ; and wait for the inter-bit time
-        LDR     r3,%14
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       ts_recover_time
-15      ADDS    r3,r3,r3                ; 16-loop delay
-        BCC     %15
-        ; repeat until 8 bits are sent
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %13
-        ; do a RD operation to strobe the data out
-        LDR     r5,%16
-        ADD     pc,pc,r0
-        &       1 :SHL: (32 - 12)
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5
-        BCC     %17
-        ; repeat until a sufficient number of nuls are done
-        ADDS    r7,r7,r1                ; count down loop counter
-        BCS     %02
-        ADD    pc,r0,r14                ; back to caller
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/InitModule b/TestSrc/InitModule
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b3a9412..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/InitModule
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-; > InitModule
-; Source for Pre_InitModule, PostInitModule im_InitModules & im_Pre_InitPodMod functions
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Who  Version       Description
-; ----       ---  -------       -----------
-; 13-Jun-96  BAR  0.01		Started
-; 27-Jun-96  BAR  0.02		Added code to check the type of reset we
-;				just had. If power-on then we can display
-;				messages, else exit back.
-; Provides functions to display messages for when we initiliseing the
-; modules. Messages are only sent to the display adapator, if the Reset Type
-; is Power On Reset. The code uses the constant ResetType, defined in
-; kernel.hdr.KernelWS. This is the address of a memory location, where the
-; type of reset is stored. ResetType is a sigle bit flag, in bit 0 of the
-; memory location. The constant PowerOnReset is used, which is defined in
-; Kernel.s.newReset. This defines the value that a power-on reset should be.
-; The value of PowerOnReset should always be 1. (This corresponds to the
-; value of the bit 4 of IOMD's IRQA Status register, where the Power-on
-; reset status is initially stored.) The value of ResetType can vary between
-; different versions of the operating system.
-; im_Pre_InitModule  is called before a module is started
-; im_Post_InitModule is called after a module is started, only if there was
-;		     an error
-; im_InitModules     is called at the start of initiliseing the modules.
-; im_Pre_InitPodMod  is called when we start the podule manager.
-; All the functions will push registers r0-r12 to the stack, check the
-; poweron reset status, if power on reset, then send a message to the
-; display adaptor and then pull them off at the end.
-im_Pre_InitModule	ROUT
-	Push	"r0-r12"			; Put r0->r12 on to stack
-; Get the type of reset we had, if power-on - can use display adaptor
-	LDR	r1,=ResetType		; Load r1 with address of ResetType
-	LDR	r0,[r1]				; Get contents of ResetType = what type of reset
-	CMPS	r0,#PowerOnReset		; Compare with PowerOnReset (1)
-;if equel send message
-	LDREQ	r4,[r11,#ROMModule_Name]	; Put ptr to mod name in r4
-	BLEQ	ts_SendText			; Send the txt to disp adaptor
-;restore the reg's.
-	Pull	"r0-r12"			; Get r0->r12 from the stack
-	MOV	pc,r14				; Return to caller
-im_Post_InitModule	ROUT
-	= "Module Bad",0
-	Push	"r0-r12"			; Put r0->r12 on to stack
-; Get the type of reset we had, if power-on - can use display adaptor
-	LDR	r1,=ResetType		; Load r1 with address of ResetType
-	LDR	r0,[r1]				; Get contents of ResetType = what type of reset
-	CMPS	r0,#PowerOnReset		; Compare with PowerOnReset (1)
-	BNE	%FT2				; IF not equal jump to 2 AKA don't send msg.
-	Push	"r0"				; Put r0 in stack again
-	ADR	r4, %BT1			; r4 = bad module msg
-	BL	ts_SendText			; Send the txt to disp adaptor
-	Pull	"r0"				; Get r0 from the stack
-	ADDVC	r4,r0,#4			; If V Clr add 4 to r0 - point to err txt
-	BLVC	ts_SendText			; Send the txt to disp adaptor
-	Pull	"r0-r12"			; Get r0->r12 from the stack
-	MOV	pc,r14				; Return to caller
-im_InitModules	ROUT
-	= "Init Modules :",0
-	Push	"r0-r12"			; Put r0->r12 on to stack
-; Get the type of reset we had, if power-on - can use display adaptor
-	LDR	r1,=ResetType		; Load r1 with address of ResetType
-	LDR	r0,[r1]				; Get contents of ResetType = what type of reset
-	CMPS	r0,#PowerOnReset		; Compare with PowerOnReset (1)
-;if equel send message
-	ADREQ	r4, %BT1			; r4 = init msg
-	BLEQ	ts_SendText			; Send the txt to disp adaptor
-;restore the reg's.
-	Pull	"r0-r12"			; Get r0->r12 from the stack
-	MOV	pc,r14				; Return to caller
-im_Pre_InitPodMod	ROUT
-	= "Podule",0
-	Push	"r0-r12"			; Put r0->r12 on to stack
-; Get the type of reset we had, if power-on - can use display adaptor
-	LDR	r1,=ResetType		; Load r1 with address of ResetType
-	LDR	r0,[r1]				; Get contents of ResetType = what type of reset
-	CMPS	r0,#PowerOnReset		; Compare with PowerOnReset (1)
-;if equel send message
-	ADREQ	r4, %BT1			; r4 = init msg
-	BLEQ	ts_SendText			; Send the txt to disp adaptor
-;restore the reg's.
-	Pull	"r0-r12"			; Get r0->r12 from the stack
-	MOV	pc,r14				; Return to caller
diff --git a/TestSrc/Ioc b/TestSrc/Ioc
deleted file mode 100644
index d4429894..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Ioc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.IOC
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST IO controller
-; This initial IOC test simply reports the content of the IRQ and FIRQ
-; registers, to show any unexpected pending IRQs.
-; Certain of these should really be cleared, and the effect of an
-; interrupt tested.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 18-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 29-Nov-91     ArtG            Added IOC bus test using mask registers
-; 20-Jun-93     ArtG            Modified for 29-bit IOMD test
-; 18-Nov-94     RCM             Morris changes
-; 15-May-96	BAR		Changes for 7500FE - new IOMD ID code.
-;				Now list 3 ID codes.
-; 17-Jun-96	BAR		Change ts_IOMD_IDn definitions to point to
-;				definitions in IOMDL
-; 09-Jul-96     BAR             Improve IOMD ID code.
- [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-ts_IObase       *       IOMD_Base
-ts_IOmask       *       &00fffff0       ;&1fffffff
-ts_IOreg1       *       IOMD_VIDEND     ;IOMD_VIDCUR
-ts_IOreg2       *       IOMD_VIDSTART
-ts_IObswap      *       32
-ts_IOMD_ID1     *       IOMD_Original
-ts_IOMD_ID2     *       IOMD_7500
-ts_IOMD_ID3     *       IOMD_7500FE
- |
-ts_IObase       *       IOC
-ts_IOmask       *       &ff0000
-ts_IOreg1       *       IOCIRQMSKA
-ts_IOreg2       *       IOCIRQMSKB
-ts_IObswap      *       16
- ]
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; zero error accumulator
-        LDR     r3, =ts_IObase
-        MOV     r1,#(1 :SHL: 31)          ; initialise bit-set test mask
-        MVN     r2,r1                   ; make bit-clear test mask
-        LDR     r4, =ts_IOmask
-        ANDS    r4,r1,r4
-        BEQ     %FT1                    ; skip if this bit isn't tested
-        STR     r1,[r3,#ts_IOreg1]
-        STR     r2,[r3,#ts_IOreg2]
-        LDR     r4,[r3,#ts_IOreg1]
-;        EOR     r4, r4, r1, LSR #ts_IObswap     ; check bit-set test was OK
-        EOR     r4, r4, r1           ; check bit-set test was OK
-        ORR     r0, r0, r4              ; accumulate errors in r0
-        LDR     r4,[r3,#ts_IOreg2]
-;        EOR     r4, r4, r2, LSR #ts_IObswap     ; check bit-clear test was OK
-        EOR     r4, r4, r2           ; check bit-clear test was OK
-        ORR     r0, r0, r4              ; accumulate errors in r0
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #1          ; shift mask downwards
-        TEQ     r1,#0
-        BNE     %BT0                    ; and loop until all bits tested
-        LDR     r8, =ts_IOmask
-        ANDS    r8, r0, r8
-        MOV     pc,r14                  ; return error if any bit failed
-        LDR     r3, =ts_IObase		; r3 points to IO Chip base address
-        MOV     r0,#0			; clear r0
- [ IO_Type = "IOMD"
-	; Check IOMD chip variants
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOMD_ID1]	; load r1 with IOMD ID high byte
-        LDRB    r0,[r3,#IOMD_ID0]	; load r1 with IOMD ID low byte
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #8	; Or r0 and r1 - shifted left 8, put in r0
-        LDR     r1,=ts_IOMD_ID1		; get Ref IOMD ID code #1
-        CMPS    r0,r1                   ; check =to IOMD ID Code #1
-        LDRNE   r1,=ts_IOMD_ID2		; If not ID1, get Ref IOMD ID code #2
-        CMPNES  r0,r1			; If not ID1, check =to IOMD ID Code #2
-        LDRNE   r1,=ts_IOMD_ID3		; if not ID1 and ID2, get Ref IOMD ID code #3
-        CMPNES  r0,r1			; If not ID1 and ID2, check =to IOMD ID Code #3
-        MOV     r0,r0,LSL #16		; Move ID code in to top 16 bits
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOMD_VERSION]	; Load r with IOMD Version number
-        ORR     r8,r0,r1, LSL #12	; Or r0 and r1 - shifted left 12, put in r8
-        MOV     pc,r14			; extit to whence came from.
- |
-	; Check IOC chip variants
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCControl]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #(32 - 8)
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #(32 - 16)
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCIRQSTAB]
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #(32 - 24)
-        LDRB    r1,[r3,#IOCFIQSTA]
-        ORR     r8,r0,r1
-        ANDS    r1,r1,#0                ; return zero flag (OK)
-        MOV     pc,r14
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/LEDDelay b/TestSrc/LEDDelay
deleted file mode 100644
index 3418b646..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/LEDDelay
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-; > LEDDelay
-; Source for LEDDelay function
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Who  Version       Description
-; ----       ---  -------       -----------
-; 30-May-96  BAR  0.01		Started
-; 12 Jun 97  BAR  0.02          Change value of 1/4 delay time.
-; Will provide a 1/4 second delay for flashing the LED's
-;ld_quarter_sec		*	(35000*8)	; 1/4 Second delay !
-ld_quarter_sec		*	(100000*6)	; 1/4 Second delay ! For Boca Units
-ld_LED_Delay	ROUT
-; Generate the required delay between changing the LED status
-; On entry ....
-;	r4 = required delay time
-; Register usage ....
-; 	r0, general scratch pad
-01	LDR     r0,=ld_quarter_sec		; Load r0 with 1/4 seconds delay
-02	SUBS    r0,r0,#1                	; subtract one
-        BNE     %02	                   	; back we go .... pause for a 1/4 second
-	SUBS	r4,r4,#1			; subtract one
-	BNE	%01				; repeat the pause for the flash duration
-	MOV	pc,r14				; Return to caller
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/MEMC1 b/TestSrc/MEMC1
deleted file mode 100644
index 847df368..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/MEMC1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-; > MEMC1
-; MEMC interface file - MEMC1 version
-; Created by TMD 10-Aug-90
-VInit   * &03600000
-VStart  * &03620000
-VEnd    * &03640000
-CInit   * &03660000
-; SStart  * &03680000
-; SEnd    * &036A0000
-; SPtr    * &036C0000
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetDAG - Program DMA address generator R1 with physical address R0
-; in:   r0 = physical address
-;       r1 = index of DMA address generator to program, as defined in vdudecl
-; out:  All registers preserved, operation ignored if illegal
-        [ {FALSE}
-SetDAG  ENTRY   "r0"
-        CMP     r1, #MEMCDAG_MaxReason
-        EXIT    HI
-        ADR     r14, DAGAddressTable
-        LDR     r14, [r14, r1, LSL #2]          ; load base address in MEMC1
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #4                  ; bottom 4 bits irrelevant
-        CMP     r0, #(1 :SHL: 15)               ; ensure in range
-        ORRCC   r14, r14, r0, LSL #2
-        STRCC   r14, [r14]                      ; any old data will do
-        EXIT
-        GBLA    DAGIndex
-DAGIndex SETA   0
-        MACRO
-        DAGTab  $reason, $address
-        ASSERT  ($reason)=DAGIndex
-        &       $address
-DAGIndex SETA   DAGIndex + 1
-        MEND
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VInit, VInit
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VStart, VStart
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VEnd, VEnd
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_CInit, CInit
-        ]
-; CAM manipulation utility routines
-BangCamUpdate ROUT
-; R2 = CAM entry no
-; R3 = logaddr
-; R9 = current MEMC value
-; R11 = PPL
-; set and update tables
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        LDR     R4, [R4, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        ORR     r0, r3, r11, LSL #28  ; top nibble is PPL
-        STR     r0, [R4, R2, LSL #2]
-; r0 corrupted
-; r1 corrupted
-; R2 = CAM entry no
-; R3 = logaddr
-; r4 corrupted
-; r5 spare!
-; r6 corrupted
-; r7, r8 spare
-; R9 = current MEMC value
-; r10 spare
-; R11 = PPL
-; r12 spare
-        AND     R4, R9, #&C           ; pagesize
-        ADR     R0, PageMangleTable
-        LDR     R0, [R0, R4]          ; load data table pointer
-        MOV     R4, #0
-01      LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        AND     R6, R2, R1
-        LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        RSBMI   R1, R1, #0
-        ORRPL   R4, R4, R6, LSL R1
-        ORRMI   R4, R4, R6, LSR R1
-        B       %BT01
-02      LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        AND     R6, R3, R1
-        LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        RSBMI   R1, R1, #0
-        ORRPL   R4, R4, R6, LSL R1
-        ORRMI   R4, R4, R6, LSR R1
-        B       %BT02
-03      ORR     R4, R4, #CAM
-        ORR     R4, R4, R11, LSL #8     ; stuff in PPL
-        STR     R4, [R4]                ; and write it
-        MOV     PC, LR
-; Data to drive CAM setting
-        &       PageMangle4K
-        &       PageMangle8K
-        &       PageMangle16K
-        &       PageMangle32K
-; For each page size, pairs of masks and shift factors to put the bits in the
-; right place. Two sets: operations on Physical Page Number, operations on
-; Logical Page Number.
-; Shifts are Shift Left values (<<). Each section terminated by -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_011111111
-        &       0                       ; bits in right place
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_1100000000000:SHL:12
-        &       (11-12)-12              ; LPN[12:11] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_0011111111111:SHL:12
-        &       (22-10)-12              ; LPN[10:0 ] -> A[22:12]
-        &      -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7]   -> A[7]
-        &       2_001000000
-        &       0-6                     ; PPN[6]   -> A[0]
-        &       2_000111111
-        &       6-5                     ; PPN[5:0] -> A[6:1]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_110000000000:SHL:13
-        &       (11-11)-13              ; LPN[11:10] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_001111111111:SHL:13
-        &       (22-9)-13               ; LPN[9:0]   -> A[22:13]
-        &       -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7]   -> A[7]
-        &       2_001100000
-        &       1-6                     ; PPN[6:5] -> A[1:0]
-        &       2_000011111
-        &       6-4                     ; PPN[4:0] -> A[6:2]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_11000000000:SHL:14
-        &       (11-10)-14              ; LPN[10:9] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_00111111111:SHL:14
-        &       (22-8)-14               ; LPN[8:0]  -> A[22:14]
-        &       -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_100000000
-        &       12-8                    ; PPN[8] -> A[12]
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7] -> A[7]
-        &       2_001000000
-        &       1-6                     ; PPN[6] -> A[1]
-        &       2_000100000
-        &       2-5                     ; PPN[5] -> A[2]
-        &       2_000010000
-        &       0-4                     ; PPN[4] -> A[0]
-        &       2_000001111
-        &       6-3                     ; PPN[3:0] -> A[6:3]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_1100000000:SHL:15
-        &       (11-9)-15               ; LPN[9:8] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_0011111111:SHL:15
-        &       (22-7)-15               ; LPN[7:0] -> A[22:15]
-        &       -1
-        &       4*1024                  ; 0 is 4K
-        &       8*1024                  ; 4 is 8K
-        &       16*1024                 ; 8 is 16
-        &       32*1024                 ; C is 32
-        =       12, 13, 0, 14           ; 1 2 3 4
-        =       0,  0,  0, 15           ; 5 6 7 8
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_UpdateMEMC: Read/write MEMC1 control register
-        AND     r10, r0, r1
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit+F_bit
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy] ; return old value
-        BIC     r11, r0, r1
-        ORR     r11, r11, R10
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&00F00000
-        ORR     r11, r11, #MEMCADR
-        STR     r11, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        STR     r11, [r11]
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ClearPhysRAM - Routine to clear "all" memory
-; While this routine is running, keyboard IRQs may happen. For this reason
-; it avoids LogRAM 0..31 (where hardware IRQ vector is) and PhysRAM
-; 0..31 where the IRQ workspace is.
-ClearPhysRAM ROUT
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        MOV     R11, #0
-        MOV     R8, #PhysRam
-        CMP     R13, #512*1024
-        ADDEQ   R10, R8, #(512-64)*1024 ; get address that's logram 0
-        ADDNE   R10, R8, #512*1024
-        ADD     R13, R13, #PhysRam      ; end of memory
-        ADD     R8, R8, #4*8            ; skip minimal startup workspace
-10      CMP     R8, R10
-        ADDEQ   R8, R8, #4*8            ; skip physram that's logram 0
-        STMNEIA R8!, {R0-R6, r11}
-        CMP     R8, R13
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SUB     R13, R13, #PhysRam
-        LDR     R0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        MOV     R1, #&80
-        STRB    R1, [R0]                ; flag the fact that RAM cleared
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       InitMEMC - Initialise memory controller
-        LDR     R0, ResetMemC_Value
-        STR     R0, [R0]     ; set ROM access times, refresh on flyback, no DMA
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -> MemSize
-; (non-destructive) algorithm to determine MEMC RAM configuration
-; Dave Flynn and Alasdair Thomas
-; 17-March-87
-; Spooling checkered by NRaine and SSwales !
-; 8MByte check bodged in by APT
-; NOTE: Routines MemSize and TimeCPU are called by the power-on test software,
-; so their specifications MUST not change.
-; Set MEMC for 32-k page then analyse signature of possible
-; external RAM configurations...
-; The configurations are:
-; Ram Size    Page Size    Configuration    (Phys RAM) Signature
-;  16MByte      32k        4*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  16MByte      32k        16*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  12MByte      32k        3*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;  12MByte      32k        12*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;   8MByte      32k        2*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   8MByte      32k         8*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k          32*1Mx1         A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k         4*8*256kx4       A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   2Mbyte      32k    expandable 2*8*256kx4 A13,A20 distinct, A21 fails
-;   2Mbyte ???  16k      fixed 2*8*256kx4    A13,A21 distinct, A20 fails
-;   1Mbyte       8k          32*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k           8*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k          4*8*64kx4       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       8k    expandable 2*8*64kx4  A13,A20,A19 fail, A12,A18 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       4k      fixed 2*8*64kx4     A13,A20,A12 fail, A19,A18 distinct
-; 256Kbyte       4K           8*64kx4        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok  
-; 256Kbyte       4K          32*64kx1        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok  
-Z_Flag     * &40000000
-; MemSize routine... enter with 32K pagesize set
-; R0 returns page size
-; R1 returns memory size
-; R2 returns value set in MEMC
-; uses R3-R7
-MemSize ROUT
-        MOV     r7, lr
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A13
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %10
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A21
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #2048*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #4*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #4*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #8*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #8*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #12*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOV     r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #12*1024*1024
-        MOVEQ   r1, #16*1024*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-10      ADD     r1, r0, #A20
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %20
-        MOV     r0, #Page16K
-        MOV     r1, #2048*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-20      ADD     r1, r0, #A19
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %30
-        MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-30      ADD     r1, r0, #A18
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %40
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #256*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-40      ADD     r1, r0, #A12
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %50
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-50      MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #1024*1024
-        LDR     r2, ResetMemC_Value
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&C
-        ORR     r2, r2, r0
-        STR     r2, [r2]                        ; set MEMC to right state
-        MOV     pc, r7
-; DistinctAddresses routine...
-; r0,r1 are the addresses to check
-; uses r2-5
-; writes interleaved patterns (to prevent dynamic storage...)
-; checks writing every bit low and high...
-; return Z-flag set if distinct
-DistinctAddresses ROUT
-        LDR     r2, [r0] ; preserve
-        LDR     r3, [r1]
-        LDR     r4, Pattern
-        STR     r4, [r0] ; mark first
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r1] ; mark second
-        LDR     r5, [r0]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check first
-        BNE     %10    ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r1] ; check second
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-        BNE     %10
-; now check inverse bit writes
-        STR     r4, [r1] ; mark second
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r0] ; mark first
-        LDR     r5, [r1]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check second
-        BNE     %10   ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r0] ; check first
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-10      STR     r3, [r1] ; restore
-        STR     r2, [r0]
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        BICNE   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        MOVS    pc, lr
-        &       &AAFF5500 ; shiftable bit check pattern
-; init state with masked out page size
-        & &E010C :OR: MEMCADR       ; slugged ROMs + flyback refresh only + 32K page
-; Constants
-A21 * 1:SHL:21
-A20 * 1:SHL:20
-A19 * 1:SHL:19
-A18 * 1:SHL:18
-A13 * 1:SHL:13
-A12 * 1:SHL:12
-Page32K * &C ; in MEMC control reg patterns...
-Page16K * &8
-Page8K  * &4
-Page4K  * &0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0-r6 trashable
-;       r9 = Current MEMC CR
-; Out   r9 MEMC value with slowest ROM speed, correct pagesize
-;       r7 processor speed in kHz, tbs -> MEMC1a
-ncpuloops * 1024 ; don't go longer than 4ms without refresh !
-nmulloops * 128
-        BIC     r9, r9, #3 :SHL: 8
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; turn off refresh for a bit
-; Time CPU/Memory speed
-        LDR     r1, =&7FFE              ; 32K @ 2MHz = ~16ms limit
-        MOV     r3, #IOC
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =ncpuloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT10                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get ncpuloops pipeline breaks
-10      SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-; Time CPU/MEMC Multiply time
-        MOV     r4, #-1                 ; Gives worst case MUL
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =nmulloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT20                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get nmulloops pipeline breaks
-20      MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r4, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r4, r4, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r4, r1, r4              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-        ORR     r9, r9, #1 :SHL: 8      ; set refresh on flyback
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; restore MEMC state a.s.a.p.
-; In ROM - each cpu loop took 4R cycles @ 8/f*500ns/cycle
-        LDR     r0, =4*(8*500/1000)*ncpuloops*1000
-        DivRem  r7, r0, r2, r1          ; r2 preserved
-        MOV     r0, #&80                ; At 8 MHz and below, run fast ROMs
-        LDR     r1, =8050               ; Over 8 MHz, need medium ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&40
-        LDR     r1, =13000              ; Over 13 MHz, need slowest ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&00
-        ORR     r9, r9, r0
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; Set ROM speed appropriately
- ASSERT ncpuloops = 8*nmulloops ; for given ratio cutoff <------------
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSL #10         ; *1024 to get resolution on divide
-        DivRem  r0, r4, r2, r1
-        LDR     r1, =1100               ; Cutoff point; MEMC1 longer than this
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        ORRLO   r7, r7, #1 :SHL: 16     ; Note MEMC1a prescence
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Typical figures give (in ROM at 8MHz):
-; MEMC1  2048 CPU, 2432 MEMC -> MUL ratio 1216
-; MEMC1a 2048       864                    432
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/Mem1IOMD b/TestSrc/Mem1IOMD
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a8354f5..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Mem1IOMD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,708 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Mem1IOMD
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST memory linetest
-; This test code is used to perform basic integrity tests on DRAM.
-; It doesn't test all locations - just walks patterns through data
-; and address lines.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 1-Jun-93      ArtG            Derived from Mem1 for use on Medusa
-; 18-Nov-94     RCM             Morris changes
-; 24-Jun-96	BAR		Change the IOMD ID code checking code,
-;				instead of checking for ARM7500 and skipping
-;				ARM7500 specifi code if not equal, not
-;				checks for original (RriscPC) IOM ID code
-;				and skip if equal, thus ARM7500 and
-;				ARM7500FE parts still do correct test.
-; 08-Jul-96     BAR             Ensure r0 is cleared before checking IOMD vsn no.
-; Test the data and address and byte strobe lines for uniqueness.
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        =       "VRAM  :",0
-        =       "VRAM-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "DRAM ",&ff,":",0
-        =       "Data  :",0
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff," MByte",0
-        ALIGN
- [ MorrisSupport
-        MOV     r12, #IOMD_Base
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; Clear out r0
-        LDRB    r1,[r12,#IOMD_ID1]	; load r1 with IOMD ID high byte
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1, LSL #8	; Or r0 and r1 - shifted left 8, put in r0
-        LDRB    r1,[r12,#IOMD_ID0]	; load r1 with IOMD ID low byte
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1		; Or r0 and r1, put in r0
-        LDR     r1,=ts_IOMD_ID1		; get Ref IOMD ID code #1 (Original)
-        CMPS    r0,r1                   ; check for IOMD ID Code #1
-	BEQ	ts_LineTestIOMD         ; Original IOMD, not 7500 or 7500FE, assume RiscPC hardware
-; Here bceause its an ARM7500 or ARM7500 'FE' variant : Morris H/W
-        MOV     r11, #IOMD_DRAMWID_DRAM_32bit * &0F     ;set all 4 banks to be 32bit initially
- 	LDR	r1, =ts_IOMD_ID3
-	TEQ	r0, r1					; are we on FE part?
-							; if so, then enable EDO and slower RASCAS and RASPre times
-; ts_LineTest for Morris
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRB    r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMWID]
-; enable 32-bit addressing of data, also forces 26 bit mode, if ARM 6/7 (since P bit zero)
-        MOV     r0,#MMUC_D
-        SetCop  r0,CR_Control
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0                                   ; r9-fiq records low DRAM address for use elsewhere
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ;indicate no RAM found yet
-        MOV     r9, #IOMD_DRAMWID_DRAM_16bit            ;bit to OR into DRAMWID to set 16bit
-        MOV     r12, #DRAM0PhysRam
-; r12    DRAM address
-; r9    IOMD_DRAMWID_DRAM_16bit for current DRAM bank
-; r11   current IOMD_DRAMWID register contents
-;ExamineDRAMBank                                        ;examine first/next DRAM bank
-        MOV     r8,r12,LSL #2                           ; indicate bank under test
-        AND     r8,r8,#(3 :SHL: 28)
-        ADR     r4,%BT3
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r8,#0                                   ; r8 indicates RAM found in this bank
-        LDMIA   r12, {r1, r2}                            ;Preserve the two locations that we widdle on
-        ADRL    r3, funnypatterns                       ;We write different values to two locations
-        LDMIA   r3, {r3, r4}                            ; incase bus capacitance holds our value
-        STMIA   r12, {r3, r4}
-        LDMIA   r12, {r5, r6}                            ;Reread test locations
-        EORS    r5, r5, r3                              ;Both locations should read correctly
-        EOR     r6, r6, r4                              ; if memory is 32bits wide
-       ;TEQ     r5, #0
-        TEQEQ   r6, #0
-        BEQ     %FT2010                                   ;32bit wide memory
-        TST     r5, #&00FF                              ;If the bottom 16bits of each location
-        TSTEQ   r5, #&FF00                              ; are correct, the memory is 16bits wide
-        TSTEQ   r6, #&00FF
-        TSTEQ   r6, #&FF00
-        BNE     %FT2050                                 ;No memory in this bank
-        ORR     r11, r11, r9                            ;Bank is 16bits wide
-        STMIA   r12, {r1, r2}                            ;Restore the two locations we widdled on
-                                                        ;Must do BEFORE poking the DRAMWID register
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base                         ;
-        STRB    r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMWID]               ;
-; minimum ram test
-        MOV     r0, r12
-        ADD     r1, r12, #A18
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %FT2050                                 ;Less than 512KBytes, so ignore this bank
-        MOV_fiq r2,r9                                   ; if this is the first bank of DRAM or VRAM,
-        TEQS    r2,#0                                   ; put it's address in r9_fiq
-        BNE     %FT2012
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0
-        MOV     r6, #0                                  ;Fragment address
-        MOV     r7, #0                                  ;Fragment address
-        MOV     r8, #A19                                ; now go through address lines A19-A25
-        MOV     r0, r12
-        ADD     r1, r12, r8                              ; see if this address line is unique
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %FT2020                                   ; if we've failed then r8 is true size, so exit
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSL #1                          ; else shift up to next
-        TEQ     r8, #A26                                ; only test up to A25
-        BNE     %BT2015
-        BEQ     %FT2035                           ;Bank fully occupied, DON'T test for higher fragments
-; Found some DRAM, at address r0, size r8.
-; There may be one or two higher address lines connected, so scan upto A25 looking for
-; extra DRAM chunks.
-        MOV     r1, r8
-        TEQ     r1, #A25
-        BEQ     %FT2035                           ;No higher active address lines found ie one lump of DRAM
-        ADD     r1, r0, r1,LSL #1
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        SUB     r1, r1, r0                              ;Recover bit value
-        BNE     %BT2025
-; Got a 2nd fragment, at address r1 (also of size r8)
-        MOV     r6, r1
-        TEQ     r1, #A25
-        BEQ     %FT2035                           ;No higher active address lines found ie two lumps of DRAM
-        ADD     r1, r0, r1,LSL #1
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        SUB     r1, r1, r0                              ;Recover bit value
-        BNE     %BT2030
-; Got another active address line (ie total four fragments)
-        MOV     r7, r1
-; Found 1, 2 or 4 lumps of DRAM
-        MOV     r13, r8
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        MOVNE   r13, r13, LSL #1
-        TEQNE   r7, #0
-        MOVNE   r13, r13, LSL #1                        ; remember size of this bank in bytes
-        MOV     r8,r13,LSL #(24 - 20)                   ; and display it in 2 digits, in MBytes.
-        ADR     r4,%BT5
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        ADRL    r4,%FT73                                ; announce data line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12                                  ; do walking bit test
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        BEQ     %FT2055                                 ; looks OK, carry on to next bank
-        ADRL    r4,%FT74                                ; bit test failed, so report it
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; and bit fault mask
-        CMPS    r13,#0                                  ; was any RAM thought to be here ?
-        BEQ     %FT2055
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; if so, it's faulty.
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; so ignore it
-; If there was some RAM found here, and it passed the dataline test,
-; do the address and bytestrobe tests on it too.
-        CMPS    r13,#0
-        BEQ     %FT2060
-        ADRL    r4,%FT75                                ; announce start of address line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12                                  ; test address lines in this block
-        MOV     r0,r13, LSR #2                          ; bank may be in 4 fragments
-        BL      ts_Addrline
-        BEQ     %FT2056
-        ADRL    r4,%FT76                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; then forget this memory block
-        ADR     r4,%FT77                                ; announce start of byte test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12
-        BL      ts_Byteword
-        BEQ     %FT2060
-        ADR     r4,%FT78                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #16
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; then forget this memory block
-; If the RAM found still seems OK, add it's size into the r10 accumulator
-; Working or not, carry on to check the next bank.
-        ADD     r10,r10,r13                             ; accumulate DRAM if any found
-        ADD     r12, r12, #DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam    ; move onto next bank
-        MOV     r9, r9, LSL #1                          ; shunt up position in DRAMWID
-        CMP     r9, #&0010                              ; if more banks to do
-        BLT     %BT2005                                 ; then loop
-        ADR     r4,%FT70
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; None found .. print message
-        MOVS    r8,r10,LSL #(24 - 20)                   ; all finished ..
-        ADREQL  r4,%FT71                                ; did we find any DRAM?
-        ADRNEL  r4,%FT72
-        BNE     %FT2065
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; fault if we didn't
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       ts_endline
- ]
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; Start data line tests on VRAM
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0                                   ; r9-fiq records VRAM or low DRAM address
-        MOV     r12, #IOMD_Base
-        MOV     r2, #IOMD_VREFCR_VRAM_256Kx64 :OR: IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16 ; assume 2 banks of VRAM by default
-        STRB    r2, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-; Find the size, using MemSize's method
-        MOV     r0, #VideoPhysRam                       ; point at VRAM
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A2                             ; test A2
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVEQ   r9, #2                                  ; we've got 2M of VRAM
-        BEQ     %FT21
-        MOV     r2, #IOMD_VREFCR_VRAM_256Kx32 :OR: IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16
-        STRB    r2, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A2                             ; check for any VRAM at all
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVEQ   r9, #1                                  ; we've got 1M of VRAM
-        MOVNE   r9, #0                                  ; no VRAM
-        BNE     %FT22
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0                                   ; record VRAM address
-        FAULT   #R_VRAM                                 ; indicate VRAM present
-; Report size .. if this is non-zero and the data line test fails,
-; RISC OS will have problems.
-        ADR     r4,%BT5                                 ; Add size (in hex Mbyte)
-        MOV     r8,r9, LSL #24                          ; to "VRam : " message
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-; Worked out what size VRAM is, and set up IOMD register.
-; Do a data line test on the resulting array, repeated at oddword address to
-; ensure both banks get tested with walking 0 and walking 1
-        ADR     r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1, #VideoPhysRam
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        ADDEQ   r1,r1,#4
-        BLEQ    ts_Dataline
-        BEQ     %FT25                   ; looks OK - carry on with VRAM test
-; Data line test failed. Report the bitmap that failed, then carry on.
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        MOV     r8,r0                   ; report data fault mask
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        B       %FT30
-; If there was some VRAM found here, and it passed the dataline test,
-; do the address and bytestrobe tests on it too.
-        ADRL    r4,%FT75                                ; announce start of address line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,#VideoPhysRam
-        MOV     r0,r9,LSL #20                           ; size in MB determined before dataline test
-        BL      ts_Addrline
-        BEQ     %FT26
-        ADRL    r4,%FT76                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        B       %FT30
-        ADRL    r4,%FT77                                ; announce start of byte test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,#VideoPhysRam
-        BL      ts_Byteword
-        ADDEQ   r1,r1,#4                                ; retest at an oddword boundary
-        BLEQ    ts_Byteword
-        BEQ     %FT27
-        ADRL    r4,%FT78                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #16
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-; Similarly, test each DRAM bank in turn, reporting failures or sizes for each
-        MOV     r11, #IOMD_DRAMCR_DRAM_Large * &55      ; set all banks to be large initially
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRB    r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMCR]
-; enable 32-bit addressing of data, also forces 26 bit mode, if ARM 6/7 (since P bit zero)
-        MOV     r0,#MMUC_D
-        SetCop  r0,CR_Control
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ; indicate no RAM found yet
-        MOV     r9, #IOMD_DRAMCR_DRAM_Small             ; bit to OR into DRAMCR
-        MOV     r12, #DRAM0PhysRam
-        MOV     r8,r12,LSL #2                           ; indicate bank under test
-        AND     r8,r8,#(3 :SHL: 28)
-        ADRL    r4,%BT3
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r8,#0                                   ; r8 indicates RAM found in this bank
-        MOV     r0, r12
-        ADD     r1, r12, #A10                           ; this should be OK for both configurations
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %FT50                                   ; [no RAM in this bank at all]
-        MOV_fiq r2,r9                                   ; if this is the first bank of DRAM or VRAM,
-        TEQS    r2,#0                                   ; put it's address in r9_fiq
-        BNE     %FT36
-        MOV_fiq r9,r0
-36      ADD     r1, r12, #A11                           ; test for 256K DRAM
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, r9                            ; it is, so select small multiplexing
-        MOVNE   r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRNEB  r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMCR]                ; store new value of DRAMCR, so we can use memory immediately
-        MOVNE   r8, #1024*1024                          ; must be 1Mbyte at this address
-        BNE     %FT50
-; it's bigger than 256K words, so test address lines A21-A25 in sequence
-; we assume that the size of each bank is a power of 2
-        MOV     r8, #A21                                ; now go through address lines A21-A25
-        ADD     r1, r12, r8                             ; see if this address line is unique
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %FT50                                   ; if we've failed then r8 is true size, so exit
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSL #1                          ; else shift up to next
-        TEQ     r8, #A26                                ; only test up to A25
-        BNE     %BT40
-        MOV     r13,r8                                  ; remember size of this bank in bytes
-        MOV     r8,r13,LSL #(24 - 20)                   ; and display it in 2 digits, in MBytes.
-        ADRL    r4,%BT5
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        ADRL    r4,%FT73                                ; announce data line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12                                  ; do walking bit test
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        BEQ     %FT55                                   ; looks OK, carry on to next bank
-        ADRL    r4,%FT74                                ; bit test failed, so report it
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; and bit fault mask
-        CMPS    r13,#0                                  ; was any RAM thought to be here ?
-        BEQ     %FT55
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; if so, it's faulty.
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; so ignore it
-; If there was some RAM found here, and it passed the dataline test,
-; do the address and bytestrobe tests on it too.
-        CMPS    r13,#0
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        ADR     r4,%FT75                                ; announce start of address line test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12                                  ; test address lines in this block
-        MOV     r0,r13
-        BL      ts_Addrline
-        BEQ     %FT56
-        ADR     r4,%FT76                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; then forget this memory block
-        ADR     r4,%FT77                                ; announce start of byte test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r1,r12
-        BL      ts_Byteword
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        ADR     r4,%FT78                                ; failed - report error mask
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #16
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; and record failure
-        MOV     r13,#0                                  ; then forget this memory block
-; If the RAM found still seems OK, add it's size into the r10 accumulator
-; Working or not, carry on to check the next bank.
-        ADD     r10,r10,r13                             ; accumulate DRAM if any found
-        ADD     r12, r12, #DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam    ; move onto next bank
-        MOV     r9, r9, LSL #2                          ; shunt up position in DRAMCR
-        CMP     r9, #&100                               ; if more banks to do
-        BCC     %BT35                                   ; then loop
-        ADR     r4,%FT70
-        BL      ts_SendText                             ; None found .. print message
-        MOVS    r8,r10,LSL #(24 - 20)                   ; all finished ..
-        ADREQ   r4,%FT71                                ; did we find any DRAM?
-        ADRNE   r4,%FT72
-        BNE     %FT65
-        FAULT   #R_LINFAILBIT                           ; fault if we didn't
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       ts_endline
-        =       "DRAM",0
-        =       &88,"Failed",0
-        =       &88,&ff,&ff," MByte",0
-        =       "Data  :",0
-        =       "Data-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Addrs :",0
-        =       "Addrs-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Byte  :",0
-        =       "Byte-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-; Data line test.
-; In  : r1  - start address for test
-; Out : r0  - failing data pattern
-;       r1  - address of failure
-; This exercises data lines in attempt to find shorts/opens.
-; It goes something like :
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               *ptr++ =  pattern;
-;               *ptr++ = ~pattern;
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               result |=  pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;               result |= ~pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;       return result and address
-ts_Dataline     ROUT
-; Write all walking-zero, walking-one patterns
-10      MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a write loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse
-        STMIA   r6!,{r4-r5}             ; write the patterns
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT11                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; Read back and accumulate in r0 any incorrect bits
-        MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a read loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; accumulate result
-        LDMIA   r6!,{r2-r3}             ; read the patterns
-        EOR     r2,r2,r4
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2                ; OR any failed bits into r0
-        EOR     r3,r3,r5
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT21                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; After all checks at this address group, report back errors
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; check for any result bits set
-        MOV     pc,r14                  ; return r0 with error map (or 0)
-; Address line test
-; In  : r0  - size of memory block
-;       r1  - start address of memory block
-; Out : r0  - failing address bit mask
-; This exercises address lines in an attempt to find any which don't
-; work (i.e., don't select unique addresses).
-; It works something like :
-; MaxRam = PhysRam | (Memory size - 4);
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       *(PhysRam ^ pattern) = pattern;
-;       *(MaxRam  ^ pattern) = ~pattern;
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       if (*PhysRam == *(PhysRam ^ pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;       if (*MaxRam == *(MaxRam + pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;  return result
-ts_Addrline     ROUT
-        MOVS    r7,r0                   ; Save memory size
-        SUB     r6,r0,#4                ; Calculate MaxRam
-        ADD     r6,r6,r1                ; (all-bits-set memory address)
-; Mark (walking one, walking 0) addresses with unique patterns
-        LDR     r5,=&5A5AA5A5           ; initialize end markers
-        STR     r5,[r6]
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        MOV     r3,r1
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r3,r5,r1                ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        EOR     r3,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        STR     r5,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %02                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-; Check (walking one, walking 0) addresses for effectivity
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MOV     r3,r1
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r2,r5,r3                ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r3]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        EOR     r2,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r6]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %04                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; any result bits set - return error
-        MOV     pc,r14
-; Byte / word test
-; In  :  r1 - memory start
-; Out :  r0 - Failure indication
-; This test ensures that individual bytes may be written to each part of a word
-; without affecting the other bytes in the word.
-;       for (byte = 0; byte < 4; byte ++)
-;               address[0] = word_signature
-;               address[1] = ~word_signature
-;               address + byte = byte_signature
-;               if (address[0] !=
-;                                 (word_signature & (~ff << byte * 8))
-;                               | (byte_signature        << byte * 8)  )
-;                       result |= (1 << byte)
-;       if (result != 0
-;               result |= address;      /* fail at address, byte(s)     */
-;       return result;                       /* pass */
-ts_Byteword     ROUT
-        LDR     r3,=&AABBCCDD           ; word signature
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MOV     r2,r0
-; byte test loop ( for bytes 0 to 4  ...)
-        MVN     r4,r3
-        STMIA   r1,{r3,r4}              ; write word signature
-        STRB    r2,[r1,r2]              ; write byte (0, 1, 2 or 3)
-        MOV     r4,r2,LSL #3            ; calculate expected result
-        MOV     r5,#&ff
-        MVN     r5,r5,LSL r4
-        AND     r5,r5,r3                ; word signature, byte removed
-        ORR     r5,r5,r2,LSL r4         ; byte signature inserted
-        LDR     r4,[r1,#4]              ; read (probable) inverse data to precharge bus
-        LDR     r4,[r1]                 ; read modified word
-        CMPS    r4,r5
-        MOV     r5,#1
-        MOV     r4,r2,LSL #2
-        ORRNE   r0,r0,r5,LSL r4         ; fault : set bit in result mask
-; Loop for next byte
-        ADD     r2,r2,#1                ; Bump byte counter
-        CMPS    r2,#4                   ; ... until 4 byte strobes tested
-        BLO     %BT02
-; byte strobes all tested : check for errors
-        CMPS    r0,#0
-        MOV     pc,r14                  ; Result : return address and fault mask.
-; End of RAM line tests
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/Mem1MEMC1 b/TestSrc/Mem1MEMC1
deleted file mode 100644
index 632c9bf2..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Mem1MEMC1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.Mem1
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST memory linetest
-; This test code is used to perform basic integrity tests on DRAM.
-; It doesn't test all locations - just walks patterns through data
-; and address lines.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 18-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 1-Jun-93	ArtG		Reorganised to allow separate module for Medusa
-; Test the data and address and byte strobe lines for uniqueness.
-        LTORG
-        ROUT
-        =       "Data :",0
-        =       "Data @",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Data-F",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Data-P",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4,%BT1
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Start data line tests
-        MOV_fiq r0,r10_fiq
-        MOV     r1, #PhysRam
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        BEQ     ts_address              ; OK : continue to next test
-; Data line test failed. This probably also means that RISCOS got the
-; configuration wrong, so set it to 32K pages and repeat - otherwise 
-; the data line test result may be garbage.
-        ADR     r4,%BT2
-        MOV     r11,r0                  ; save data & report fault address
-        MOV     r8,r1,LSL #4
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV     r8,r11
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; report data fault mask
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        LDR     r0,=(&E000C :OR: MEMCADR) ; set 32K page size
-        STR     r0,[r0]
-        MOV_fiq r11_fiq,r0
-        MOV     r0,#ts_RamChunk         ; limit test to 1 block
-        MOV     r1,#PhysRam
-        BL      ts_Dataline   
-        MOV     r8,r0
-        ADR     r4,%BT4                 ; ready to report data fault mask
-        B       ts_linefault
-; Start the address line tests
-        ROUT
-        =       "Addrs :",0
-        =       "Addrs",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Byte :",0
-        =       "Byte",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ADR     r4,%BT4
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Start address line tests
-        MOV_fiq r0,r10_fiq
-        BL      ts_Addrline
-        ADR     r4,%BT5
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #4
-        BEQ     %30                     ; Failed : report address fault
-        B       %31
-30      ADR     r4,%BT6                 ; Start Byte/Word test
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        MOV_fiq r0,r10_fiq              ; get memory size
-        BL      ts_Byteword
-        MOV     r8,r0,LSL #4            ; Get result to top of r8 
-        BEQ     %40
-        ADR     r4,%BT7
-31      BL      ts_SendText
-        B       %42
-; Line tests passed. Do a short test on memory that isn't there,
-; in case it's supposed to be and we want to know why it's not ..
-        MOV_fiq r0, r10_fiq             ; if there's less than 16Mbytes ..
-        CMP     r0, #(16 * 1024 * 1024)
-        BCS     %F42
-        ADR     r4, %FT44               ; briefly test the next bit of ram
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; in case it's a duff expansion
-        MOV_fiq r1,r10_fiq
-        ADD     r1,r1,#PhysRam
-        MOV     r0,#ts_RamChunk
-        BL      ts_Dataline
-        ADR     r4, %FT45
-        MOV     r11, r0                 ; report the result even if OK
-        MOV     r8,r1,LSL #4
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; report address
-        MOV     r8,r11
-        ADR     r4,%FT46                ; report data fault mask
-        BL      ts_SendText
-; End of line tests
-        B       ts_IOCTest
-        =       "Exp? :",0
-        =       "Exp? @",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "Exp?",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-; Data line test.
-; In  : r0  - size of memory
-;       r1  - start address for test
-; Out : r0  - failing data pattern
-;       r1  - address of failure
-; This exercises data lines in attempt to find shorts/opens.
-; It goes something like :
-; for (address = start; address < end of ram; address += ts_RamChunk)
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               *ptr++ =  pattern;
-;               *ptr++ = ~pattern;
-;       for (ptr = address, pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
-;               result |=  pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;               result |= ~pattern ^ *ptr++;
-;       if (result |= 0)
-;               return result and address
-ts_Dataline     ROUT
-        ADD     r7,r1,r0                ; end address
-; Write all walking-zero, walking-one patterns
-10      MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a write loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse        
-        STMIA   r6!,{r4-r5}             ; write the patterns
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT11                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; Read back and accumulate in r0 any incorrect bits
-        MOV     r6,r1                   ; set pointer for a read loop
-        MOV     r5,#1                   ; set initial test pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5                   ; and it's inverse        
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; accumulate result
-        LDMIA   r6!,{r2-r3}             ; read the patterns
-        EOR     r2,r2,r4
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2                ; OR any failed bits into r0
-        EOR     r3,r3,r5
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2
-        ADDS    r5,r5,r5                ; shift the pattern (into Carry)
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        BCC     %BT21                   ; repeat until all bits done
-; After all checks at this address group, report back errors
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; check for any result bits set 
-        MOVNE   pc,r14                  ; return on error
-; Bump to another address group
-        ADD     r1,r1,#ts_RamChunk
-        CMPS    r1,r7                   ; test for loop end
-        BLO     %10
-        SUBS    r1,r1,#ts_RamChunk      ; no fault - last tested address
-        MOVS    r0,r0
-        MOV     pc,r14                  ; test complete - no failures.
-; Address line test
-; In  : r0  - size of memeory
-; Out : r0  - failing address bit mask
-; This exercises address lines in an attempt to find any which don't
-; work (i.e., don't select unique addresses).
-; It works something like :
-; MaxRam = PhysRam | (Memory size - 4); 
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       *(PhysRam ^ pattern) = pattern;
-;       *(MaxRam  ^ pattern) = ~pattern;
-; for (pattern = 4; pattern < memsize; pattern <<= 1 )
-;       if (*PhysRam == *(PhysRam ^ pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;       if (*MaxRam == *(MaxRam + pattern))
-;               result |= pattern;
-;  return result
-ts_Addrline     ROUT
-        MOVS    r7,r0                   ; Save memory size
-        SUB     r6,r0,#4                ; Calculate MaxRam
-        ADD     r6,r6,#PhysRam          ; (all-bits-set memory address)
-; Mark (walking one, walking 0) addresses with unique patterns
-        LDR     r5,=&5A5AA5A5           ; initialize end markers
-        STR     r5,[r6]
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        MOV     r3,#PhysRam
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r3,r5,#PhysRam          ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        STR     r4,[r3]
-        EOR     r3,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        STR     r5,[r3]
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %02                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-; Check (walking one, walking 0) addresses for effectivity
-        MOV     r5,#4                   ; initialize pattern
-        MOV     r3,#PhysRam
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MVN     r4,r5
-        EOR     r2,r5,r3                ; point to (start ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r3]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        EOR     r2,r5,r6                ; point to (end ^ pattern)
-        LDR     r2,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r6]
-        CMPS    r1,r2                   ; do contents differ ?
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,r5                ; no - record ineffective bit
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL #1            ; shift test pattern up
-        CMPS    r5,r7                   ; test bit still inside memory ?
-        BCC     %04                     ; reached top bit - end this loop
-        MOVS    r0,r0                   ; any result bits set - return error
-        MOV     pc,r14
-; Byte / word test
-; In  :  r0 - memory size
-; Out :  r0 - address of physical ram where failure occured
-; This test ensures (for each of four possible MEMCs fitted)
-; that individual bytes may be written to each part of a word
-; without affecting the other bytes in the word.
-; for (address = PhysRam; address < PhysRam + Memsize; address += 4Mbyte)
-;       for (byte = 0; byte < 4; byte ++)
-;               address[0] = word_signature
-;               address[1] = ~word_signature
-;               address + byte = byte_signature
-;               if (address[0] !=
-;                                 (word_signature & (~ff << byte * 8))
-;                               | (byte_signature        << byte * 8)  )
-;                       result |= (1 << byte)
-;       if (result != 0
-;               result |= address;      /* fail at address, byte(s)     */
-;               return result;
-;  return result;                       /* pass */
-ts_Byteword     ROUT
-        ADD     r7,r0,#PhysRam          ; Set test limit address
-        MOV     r1,#PhysRam             ; Initial test address
-        LDR     r3,=&AABBCCDD           ; word signature
-; MEMC test loop (for addresses 4M, 8M, ...)
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; clear result register
-        MOV     r2,#0                   ; clear byte count
-; byte test loop ( for bytes 0 to 4  ...)
-        MVN     r4,r3
-        STMIA   r1,{r3,r4}              ; write word signature
-        STRB    r2,[r1,r2]              ; write byte
-        MOV     r4,r2,LSL #3            ; calculate expected result
-        MOV     r5,#&ff     
-        MVN     r5,r5,LSL r4
-        AND     r5,r5,r3                ; word signature, byte removed
-        ORR     r5,r5,r2,LSL r4         ; byte signature inserted
-        LDR     r4,[r1,#4]
-        LDR     r4,[r1]                 ; read modified word
-        CMPS    r4,r5
-        MOV     r5,#1
-        ORRNE   r0,r0,r5,LSL r2         ; fault : set bit in result mask
-; Loop for next byte
-        ADD     r2,r2,#1                ; Bump byte counter
-        CMPS    r2,#4                   ; ... until 4 byte strobes tested 
-        BLO     %BT02
-; byte strobes all tested : check for errors
-        CMPS    r0,#0
-        ORRNE   r0,r0,r1
-        MOVNE   pc,r14                  ; Error : return address and fault.
-; Loop for next MEMC
-        ADD     r1,r1,#&400000          ; Bump to next MEMC
-        CMPS    r1,r7
-        BLO     %01
-        MOVS    r0,#0                   ; Passed - return OK
-        MOV     pc,r14
-        END 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestSrc/Mem2 b/TestSrc/Mem2
deleted file mode 100644
index 09e9b97a..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Mem2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-;> MEM2C
-; BRIAN RICE 30-10-89
-; 06-Apr-90     ArtG    0.1     Test variable memory size
-; This file will perform a simple test on all DRAM.
-; The test code for this test was taken from thhe A680 Quick memory
-; test software. The software was copied straight but the number of times
-; the test looped arround was cut down to two loops, because of time
-; constraints when testing the memory.
-Test_wks_msize      * &40               ; Space for test block size
-Test_wks_return1    * &44 		; Space for return addresses
-Test_wks_return2    * &48
-Test_code_off       * &4C               ; Where testing starts
-test_size           * 13 * 4            ; Size of test group
-test_mem_rsvd       * Test_code_off+test_mem_template_end-test_mem_template
-; Quick test the RAM (pre boot style)
-ts_RamTest ROUT
-	MOV	r13,r0
-	STR	r14,[r13,#Test_wks_return1]
-	STR	r1,[r13,#Test_wks_msize]
-	LDR    r0, test_quick_pattern
-	BL     test_mem_code
-	ORRS   r0,r0,r0
-	BNE    test_mem_quit
-	LDR    r0, test_quick_pattern
-	MVN    r0, r0		 ; inverse pattern
-	BL     test_mem_code
-	ORRS   r0,r0,r0
-	ADR	r12,%22
-	BEQ     %10
-; If fault detected, exit with zero flag clear, r0 pointing to failing
-; location, r1 containing faulty data and r2 pointing a suitable error
-; message indicating whether all-0 or all-1 data was expected.
-	LDR     r2,[r14]	        ; fetch failing instructiom
-	ANDS    r2,r2,#1	        ; calculate expected data
-	ADREQ   r12,%20	        	; and load suitable message
-	ADRNE   r12,%21
-	MOVS    r0,r0			; with zero flag set for PASS.
-	LDR	pc,[r13,#Test_wks_return1]
-; Fail messages indicate incorrect data read after WRote 0 or Wrote 1
-; to all bits at that location.
-	=       "WR-0 RD",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-	=       "WR-1 RD",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-	=	"??",0
-test_quick_pattern  & &0f76
-; Large Memory test. Generates the write + test routines in memory
-; then calls them. The routine tests patterns as defined by the bottom
-; 13 bits of r0.
-; N.B. The test start address must be calculated to ensure that
-;      the loops finish exactly with r0 equal to End_memory
-; The routine returns with eq true if the memory is OK.
-	STR	r14, [r13, #Test_wks_return2]
-; Copy the ram test code into low ram, modifying MOV instructions
-; to MVN in accordance with the test pattern.
-	ADR    r1, test_mem_template
-	ADD    r2, r13,        #Test_code_off
-	LDMIA  r1!, {r3-r4}		; copy initial 2 instrucions
-	STMIA  r2!, {r3-r4}
-	MOV    r4, #1
-0	MOVS   r0, r0,         ROR #1
-	LDR    r3, [r1],       #4
-	ORRCS  r3, r3,         #&00400000 ; Convert MOV => MVN
-	STR     r3, [r2],      #4
-	ADD     r4, r4,        #1
-	CMP     r4, #13
-	BLE     %B0
-; Copy the load loop control and verify start instructions
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r9}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r9}
-; Copy and modify the CMP instructions
-	MOV     r0, r0,        ROR #32-13
-	MOV     r4, #1
-1	MOVS    r0, r0,        ROR #1
-	LDR     r3, [r1],      #4
-	ORRCS   r3, r3,        #&00200000 ; Convert CMP => cmn
-	ORRCS   r3, r3,        #&00000001 ; Convert  #0 =>  #1
-	STR     r3, [r2],      #4
-	ADD     r4, r4,        #1
-	CMP     r4,	  #13
-	BLE     %B1
-; Copy the verify loop control and finishing-up instructions
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r12}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r12}
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r12}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r12}
-	LDMIA   r1!, {r5-r12}
-	STMIA   r2!, {r5-r12}
-; check we've copied enough
-	ASSERT  ((test_mem_stadd - test_mem_chk) = (24 * 4))
-; Calculate the test start and end addresses
-	LDR	r0, [r13, #Test_wks_msize]	; size of test area
-	ADD     r14, r13, r0			; end of test area
-	SUB     r1, r0, #test_mem_rsvd		; testable size
-	MOV     r2, #test_size		; adjust r1 to (r1 / 13*4) * (13*4)
-	DivRem  r3, r1, r2, r4
-	MUL     r1, r3, r2
-	SUB     r0, r14, r1			; rounded test start address
-; Do it.
-	MOV     r1, #Test_code_off
-	ADD     r1, r1, r13			; pointer to copied code
-	MOV     pc, r1
-; The following code is copied  (and modified) into RAM for execution
-	STR     r0, test_mem_stadd      ; save initial RAM address
-	STR	r13, test_mem_base	; save test area base address
-	MOV     r1, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r2, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r3, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r4, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r5, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r6, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r7, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r8, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r9, #0		; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r10, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r11, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r12, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	MOV     r13, #0	         ; Converted to MVN if bit = 1
-	STMIA   r0!, {r1-r13}
-	CMP     r0, r14
-	BLO     %B0
-	LDR     r0, test_mem_stadd
-	LDMIA   r0!, {r1-r13}
-	CMP     r1, #0		; Converted to cmn   if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r2, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r3, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r4, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r5, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r6, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r7, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r8, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r9, #0		; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r10, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r11, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r12, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	CMPEQ   r13, #0	        ; Converted to cmneq if bit = 1
-	BNE     %F5		; go report fault data
-	CMP     r0, r14
-	BLO     %B1		; else loop for next batch
-	MOVS    r0, #0		; All OK : return with NULL r0
-	LDR	r13,test_mem_base
-	LDR	pc, [r13, #Test_wks_return2]
-; Failed : repeat the last batch of tests one at a time, to determine
-; the first failing address and data.
-; Note that the test instructions are copied to %8 to permit individual
-; execution, and %7 is overwritten with an instruction used to copy
-; the failing data into r1. Change this code very carefully !
-	LDR     r14,%2			; Obtain first test in the set
-	STR     r14,%8			; and re-execute it
-	SUB     r0,r0,#(13*4)	   	; adjust pointer to bad data
-	ADR     r14,%2			; point to first test.
-	B       %8		    	; make sure %8 is refetched
-	&       0		     	; redo the test here :
-	BNE     %4		    	; if it failed, exit with
-				    	; r0  =  ptr to memory
-				    	; r1  =  wrongly read data
-				    	; r14 => failing instruction
-	LDR     r1,[r14,#4]!	    	;fetch next instruction
-	AND     r1,r1,#&f0000		;make an instruction
-	MOV     r1,r1,LSR #16		;to copy the next register
-	ORR     r1,r1,#&E1000000	;down to r1
-	ORR     r1,r1,#&00A00000	;e.g. CMPEQ r10,#0
-	ORR     r1,r1,#&00001000
-	STR     r1,%7		 	;and put it at %7
-	LDR     r1,[r14]	        ;then copy the next test
-	STR     r1,%8		 	;to %8
-	ADD     r0,r0,#4	        ;bump the fault pointer
-	B       %7		    	;and execute %7 and %8.
-test_mem_stadd				; address of first test location
-	&       0
-	&	0			; address of test block
-; Copy the L2 page table from r1 to r0, then remap the translation table's
-; base address in the MMU to point to an L1 page table within it.
-   [ StrongARM_POST
-    ;make sure ARM810 cache or StrongARM data cache is cleaned/flushed, because we are going to remap
-        ARM_read_ID r3
-        AND     r3,r3,#&F000
-        CMP     r3,#&8000
-        BNE     %FT22
-;;;        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC r3 ;not implemented yet
-        B       %FT24
-        CMP     r3,#&A000
-        BNE     %FT24
-;tricky...we'll read 16k of data in current ROM space, to act as clean and flush of current data
-        MOV     r3,pc
-        BIC     r3,r3,#31      ;32 byte aligned
-        ARMA_clean_DC r3,r4,r5
-  ] ;StrongARM_POST
-	MOV	r2,#FixedAreasL2Size
-	ADD	r0,r0,r2		; point to locations in PhysSpace
-	ADD	r0,r0,#PhysSpace
-	ADD	r1,r1,r2
-	ADD	r1,r1,#PhysSpace
-	ASSERT	((FixedAreasL2Size :AND: ((8*4)-1)) = 0)
-	LDMDB	r1!,{r3-r10}		; copy the page & section tables
-	STMDB	r0!,{r3-r10}
-	SUBS	r2,r2,#(8*4)
-	BNE	%BT10
-	SUB	r9,r1,r0		; r9 = offset from original to copy
-        ADD     r0, r0, #DRAMOffset_L1PT-DRAMOffset_L2PT	; r0 -> copy of L1Phys
-	SUB	r10, r0, #PhysSpace	; keep real address of L1PT for MMU
-	ADD	r2,r0,#((1 :SHL: (32-20))*4)	; size of L1PT - 1 word per meg of memory
-11	LDR	r3,[r0],#4		; check each L1 table entry
-	ANDS	r4,r3,#3
-	CMPS	r4,#L1_Page		; if it's page mapped ..
-	SUBEQ	r3,r3,r9		; adjust the page table base address
-	STREQ	r3,[r0,#-4]
-	CMPS	r0,r2			; repeat for all the level 1 table
-	BNE	%BT11
-        SetCop  r10, CR_TTabBase	; set up MMU pointer to L1
-  [ StrongARM_POST
-    ;flush cache if ARM 6/7 (ARM 8,StrongARM already sorted, above)
-    ;flush TLB(s)
-        ARM_read_ID r4
-        AND      r4,r4,#&F000
-        CMP      r4,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    r4,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0   ;flush 6/7 cache
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0     ;flush 6/7 TLB
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0          ;flush 8/StrongARM TLB(s)
-  |
-        SetCop  r0, CR_IDCFlush		; flush cache + TLB just in case
-        SetCop  r0, CR_TLBFlush		; (data written is irrelevant)
-  ]
-	MOV	pc,r14
diff --git a/TestSrc/Mem3 b/TestSrc/Mem3
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b22aa2a..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Mem3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-        ;> RomCheck
-; BRIAN RICE 01-11-89
-; 24.04.90      0.10    ArtG    Added ROM size test
-; 15.05.90      1.00    ArtG    Changed to put checksum at (end - 2 words)
-; 17.05.90      1.01    ArtG    Changed to get ROM length from vectot table
-; 16-Aug-96     1.02	JRH	Gets ROM start using PC-relative addressing,
-;				to support OSimages in 1st or 2nd ROM bank
-; This file will perform quick checksum test on the OS ROMS.
-; The test code for this test is a simple additive checksum routine.
-; The software will read eight words from ROM then add the contents from ROM  
-; to a register. When the test is complete the contents of the checksum
-; register is checked by adding the final word in ROM - this should give 
-; zero.
-; The program will be run from ROM, at slowest speed.
-; All except the last two words are checksummed : these hold the numbers
-; that cause each individual ROM to CRC to zero, so they can't simultaneously
-; be included in an all-zero additive checksum.
-ts_CRCsize      *       (2 * 4)
-;r3 is a temporary variable
-        ROUT
-;StrongARM_POST issue:
-;ARM810 - this will probably go bang! because ARM810 aborts if the processor
-;         vectors (00 - 1C) are read in 26-bit mode
-         MOV    r1, #&00                    ; initialise accumulator    
-	ADRL	r0, ROM			; initialise pointer using PC-relative
-					; addressing (could be 1st or 2nd bank)
-         LDR    r2, [r0, #ts_ROMSIZE]       ; initialise endstop
-         ADD    r2, r2, r0                  ; - must be at least 8 words 
-         SUB    r2, r2, #(10 * 4)           ; below the real endpoint
-loop1    LDMIA  r0!, {r4 - r11}             ;LOAD r4 TO r11 WITH THE CONTENTS
-                                            ;OF LOCATIONS POINTED TO BY r0
-                                            ;WHICH IS INCREMEMTED AUTOMATICALLY
-                                            ;TO POINT TO THE NEXT LOCATION
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r4         ;ADD r4  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r5         ;ADD r5  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r6         ;ADD r6  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r7         ;ADD r7  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r8         ;ADD r8  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r9         ;ADD r9  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r10        ;ADD r10 TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r11        ;ADD r11 TO CHECKSUM
-        ASSERT ((%02 - %01) = 32)       ; else r2 won't count down correctly
-         CMPS   r0, r2
-         BCC    loop1                       ;loop until pointer reaches endstop
-         LDMIA  r0!, {r4 - r9}             ; get last 6 words (miss last 2 in ROM)
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r4         ;ADD r4  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r5         ;ADD r5  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r6         ;ADD r6  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r7         ;ADD r7  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r8         ;ADD r8  TO CHECKSUM
-         ADD    r1, r1,          r9         ;ADD r9  TO CHECKSUM
-        ASSERT  (((%04 - %03) + (2*4)) =  32) ; Change this if you like - 
-                                            ; but be careful to count nearly
-                                            ; to the top in eights, then add
-                                            ; add in the last few words.
-         MOVS   r0,r1                       ; should be zero if all OK
-         MOV    pc,r14                      ;return with zero flag set on OK
-                                            ;and the calculated sum in r0.
-; ROM alias check.
-; This test looks for an aliased copy of the vector table at varying
-; distances from the start of ROM space.
-; 16K is fairly arbitrary but corresponds approximately with the size of 
-; the POST. If there's an alias below that, we've probably already crashed !
-; This test is only called if the checksum fails, in order to indicate a
-; possible high ROM address line failure.
-ts_ROM_alias    ROUT
-	ADRL	r0, ROM			; initialise pointer using PC-relative
-					; addressing (could be 1st or 2nd bank)
-        LDR     r3,[r0, #ts_ROMSIZE]    ; get the ROM length word
-        LDMIA   r0,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
-        MOV     r1,#(16 * 1024)
-01      ADD     r2,r0,r1                ; get some words from possible alias
-        LDMIA   r2,{r8,r9,r10,r11}
-        CMPS    r4,r8
-        CMPNE   r5,r9
-        CMPNE   r6,r10
-        CMPNE   r7,r11
-        BEQ     %10                     ; aliased : found MS ROM address bit
-        MOVS    r1, r1, LSL #1          ; test the next (more significant) bit
-        CMPS    r1, r3                  ; reached the limit yet ?
-        BLT     %01                     ; no - try again.
-10      MOV     r0,r1                   ; reached the end, or an alias.
-        MOV     pc,lr
-  LTORG                     
-  END
diff --git a/TestSrc/Mem4 b/TestSrc/Mem4
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d712673..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Mem4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-; 04-Apr-90     ArtG    0.1     Added ts_count_cams, improved reporting
-; 11-Apr-90     ArtG    0.2     Use RISC OS routine BangCams for
-;                               alternate MEMC configurations.
-; 17-Apr-90     ArtG    0.3     rationalise page-counting code
-; This file will be called by MEM6x_SCR for the purposes of assembly.
-; This file will perform quick walking bit test on the CAM Entry points.
-; The test code for this test was taken from the A680 test code.
-; The module requires the running of the memory sizing routine used by
-; the OS to set up the page size for this module.
-; This test module was designed to operate on all current and future
-; machines. The module is designed to handle up to 512 physical pages
-; which is the maximum number of pages in a 16 MByte FOX.
-; A 16 MB FOX has 4 MEMCs in use, each MEMC is addressed by Bits 7 and
-; 12 of the logical to physical address translator. The use of bit 12
-; does have a problem in that on machines with 0.5MB of memory this is
-; used to define the logical page number. Machine with 1MB or greater bit
-; 12 is not used, therefore this test may hit problems on A305's. The
-; intention is that A305 owners will upgrade to A310's when upgrading to
-; RISC OS 2+.
-; Because FOX can have up to 4 MEMCs fitted the following addressing is
-; used to determine the MEMC accessed, bit 12, bit 7
-;                                        0      0 = Master MEMC  = MEMC 0
-;                                        0      1 = Slave MEMC 1 = MEMC 1
-;                                        1      0 = Slave MEMC 2 = MEMC 2
-;                                        1      1 = Slave MEMC 3 = MEMC 3
-; This test will initialise the CAM entries for up to 512 physical pages.
-; The physical pages will be mapped to logical page 5. Each page will have
-; a copy of test routine vectors and a page marker. The page marker consists
-; of the page number and a code to indicate which MEMC was used. The code for
-; the MEMC used is as follows :- MEMC 0 0001 1110 = &1E
-;                                MEMC 1 0010 1101 = &2D
-;                                MEMC 2 0100 1011 = &4B
-;                                MEMC 3 1000 0111 = &87
-; The page marker is arranged as follows &mm5Apppp
-;                                          |    |
-;                                          |    \-- Page Number &0000 ‰ &01FF.
-;                                          \--------MEMC Code as above.
-; The patterns are chosen so that if two or more MEMCs are accessed
-; together and both RAM outputs get enabled onto the data bus simultaneously,
-; then there is a reasonable chance that the data returned will show the
-; presence of a fault.
-; When the CAM entries have been initialised the module will then check that
-; all the pages are mapped correctly. A simple walking one pattern is used
-; to check that the page is not present anywhere else in the memory area.
-; This isn't really sufficient, but keeps the test time low.
-; The tests are performed with the memory protection level set to 0.
-; This version uses the "my abort" routine in MEM5x_SCR instead of the
-; ts_dab_exp0 .. 5 method as taken from the A680 code.
-ts_rst_msg      =       "RST",0
-ts_uni_msg      =       "UDF",0
-ts_swi_msg      =       "SWI",0
-ts_pab_msg      =       "PAB",0
-ts_dab_msg      =       "DAB",0
-ts_aex_msg      =       "ADX",0
-ts_irq_msg      =       "IRQ",0
-ts_fiq_msg      =       "FIQ",0
-ts_bxc_msg      =       &85,"@",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-ts_rst                                          ; Unused exception vectors
-        ADR     r4, ts_rst_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_uni_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_swi_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_pab_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_dab_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_aex_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_irq_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        ADR     r4, ts_fiq_msg
-        B       ts_bad_exception
-        SUBS    r8, r14, #8                     ; remember aborted instruction
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ADR     r4, ts_bxc_msg                  ; display aborted address
-        BL      ts_MoreText
-        B       Reset
-ts_rom_base     *       ROM                     ; Base address of the OS ROMS.
-ts_phys_mem     *       (32*1024*1024)          ; Physical Memory area.
-ts_pagemark     *       &005A0000               ; + phys page number + MEMC code.
-ts_pmark_pos    *       32                      ; Position of page mark (avoiding vectors).
-ts_cam_base     *       &3800000                ; Base address of the CAM table in MEMC.
-ts_vrest        *       &5                      ; Unused page which all pages are mapped to.
-ts_MAX_CAMS     *       512                     ; Most CAMs ever expected
-ts_memc_codes   =       &1E, &2D, &4B, &87      ; List of the memc_codes to be used.
-ts_logpages                                 ; List of Logical pages.
-                 &       &0001
-                 &       &0002
-                 &       &0004
-                 &       &0008
-                 &       &0010
-                 &       &0020
-                 &       &0040
-                 &       &0080
-                 &       &0100
-                 &       &0200
-                 &       &03FF
-                 &       &03FE
-                 &       &03FD
-                 &       &03FB
-                 &       &03F7
-                 &       &03EF
-                 &       &03DF
-                 &       &03BF
-                 &       &037F
-                 &       &02FF
-                 &       &01FF
-                 &       &0000              ; Terminator for the list.
-ts_logpagesend                              ; End of the list.
-; Exception vectors : copied to start of each page to ensure that they will always
-; exist on page zero when arbitrary pages are mapped there.
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_rst
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_uni
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_swi
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_pab
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_dab
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_aex
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_irq
-        B       (ts_vectors-ts_start)+ts_rom_base+ts_fiq
-; ***************************************************************************
-; CAM test (full or partial)
-; Start of the CAM test, all physical pages have a copy of the vectors
-; so they may be mapped as page 0. Then each page is mapped at a series
-; of (walking 1, walking 0) logical pages and tested to be correctly
-; mapped. Other pages are set to an unused logical page by set_cam_idle
-; to prevent any CAM clashes.
-; Copy the test vectors and page marker into all the pages.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r13, lr                     ; Preserve link register in r13.
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs               ; get log2 pagesize
-        MOV     r0, #ts_MAX_CAMS            ; r0 = last page to test
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-0       BL      ts_copy_vectors             ; Gosub ts_vectors.
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #&01                ; bump down to next page
-        BGE     %B0                         ; repeatuntil all pages set.
-; 'C' pseudocode for the test routine.
-;       for (i = &1ff; i >= 0; i--)
-;               set_cam_idle(i);
-;       find maximum page number.
-;       if (max_page != ts_count_CAMS)
-;               report CAM number error
-;       for (phys = &max_page; phys >= 0; phys--) {
-;               for (logp = &logpages[0]; logp < &logpages[sizof(logpages)]; logp++) {
-;                       if (*logp == 0) {
-;                               set_cam(*logp, phys);
-;                               check_mapped(*logp, phys);
-;                       } else {
-;                               int zphys = (phys + 1) % num_pages;
-;                               set_cam(0, zphys);
-;                               set_cam(*logp, phys);
-;                               check_mapped(*logp, phys);
-;                               set_cam_idle(zphys);
-;                       }
-;               }
-;               set_cam_idle(phys);
-;       }
-; Idle the pages.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r12, #ts_MAX_CAMS           ; always clear all 512 - just in case 4 MEMCs.
-        SUB     r12, r12, #&01              ; Subtract 1 to make max page #.
-0       MOV     r1, r12                     ; r1 = page number.
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #&01              ; bump to next page downwards
-        BGE     %B0                         ; repeatuntil page 0 done
-; We need to find out what the maximum number of pages is, after running the above routine
-; all the pages will have the pagemark programed in to each page. As stated in the intro
-; programing the pages from the top down will ensure that, irrespective of the number of
-; MEMCs available, that the bottom pages are programed correctly. Therefore if we start
-; at the top, read in a page, check it's page number & memc code are correct, if so then
-; that is possibly the maximum page number. If not then subtract 1 from the page number and
-; try again until a possible good page is found.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs               ; get log2 pagesize to r1
-        MOV     r8, #ts_MAX_CAMS            ; r8= max. number of physical pages.
-0       SUBS    r8, r8, #&01                ; Subtract 1 to make it r8 - 1 Pages.
-        BEQ     ts_bad_CAM_count            ; no pages ? - shouldn't hit this!
-; Calculate the expected page marker, in r4, for the current page, in r8.
-        ADR     r4, ts_memc_codes           ; r4 = address of table with the memc codes.
-        LDRB    r4, [r4, r8, LSR#7]         ; r4 = Loc pointed to by r4 + (r1 >> 7).
-        ORR     r4, r8, r4, LSL #24         ; r4 = page number OR (MEMC code << 24).
-        ORR     r4, r4, #ts_pagemark        ; r4 = page id OR magic number
-; The calculated page marker is now in r4, ref_p_mark.
-; Current page in r8 - convert to physical address in r9.
-; the pagesize power-of-2 is in r1 (from ts_count_CAMs)
-        MOV     r9, r8, LSL r1              ; convert PPN to phys offset
-        ORR     r9, r9, #ts_phys_mem        ; add offset to start of phys mem
-; r9 now has the address of the current page - read the page marker for that page.
-        LDR     r9, [r9, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; r9 = contents of loc pointed to by
-                                            ;      r9 + ts_pmark_pos.
-; Check that read_p_mark is valid.
-; Either the value read is the expected pagemark, junk (no memory) or an
-; aliased pagemark - if it's aliased, then either the memory or the MEMC
-; isn't decoded that far.
-; Bump down and try a bit lower, until it's OK.
-        CMP     r4, r9                      ; Is page-mark expected value ?
-        BNE     %B0
-; Found a pagemarker in the proper place. Check that the number of pages that
-; appear to be present are the same as the number found by ts_count_CAMs
-; (i.e. the memory size / page size).
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1              ; convert count -> max page number
-        CMPS    r0, r8
-        BNE     ts_bad_CAM_count
-; If all is well, we should have the maximum usable page number in r8.
-; Need to reset page 0 in the CAM entries, currently all pages are mapped to page 5.
-; We need to have logical page 0 mapped to physical page 0.
-        MOV      r0, #&00                   ; r0 = &00, the page to map.
-        MOV      r1, #&00                   ; r1 = &00, the page to map to.
-        MOV      r2, #&00                   ; r2 = &00, set the protection level.
-        BL       ts_set_camp
-; Check we can still see the data abort vector at physical page zero
-; - no good continuing if we can't.
-        MOV     r0, #ts_phys_mem
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #(ts_dab_vector - ts_vectors)]
-        LDR     r1, ts_dab_vector
-        CMPS    r0, r1
-        BNE     ts_bad_dab_vector
-; Now lets get on with the testing.
-2       ADRL    r10, ts_logpages            ; logp = &logpages[0]
-3       LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; r0 = page to test
-        CMP     r0, #&00                    ; last entry ?
-        BNE     %F4
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = r8, page under test
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Gosub ts_set_cam.
-        LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; r0 current logical test page
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = current test page
-        BL      ts_check_mapped             ; Gosub ts_check_mapped.
-        B       %F5
-4       ADD     r12, r8, #&01
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs               ; get total number of pages
-        SUB     r0,r0,#1                    ; make a mask for useable page
-        AND     r0,r0,#&7f                  ; numbers - min(128, num_pages)
-        AND     r12, r12, r0                ; r12 -> (r12 + 1) masked
-        MOV     r0, #&00                    ; to useable page numbers.
-        MOV     r1, r12
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Setup a page for vectors
-        LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; r0 = current logical test page.
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = current physical test page.
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Setup a page to test
-        LDR     r0, [r10]                   ; look up logical page again.
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; recall physical page.
-        BL      ts_check_mapped             ; check the ts_set_cam worked.
-        MOV     r1, r12                     ; unmap the vector page
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle
-5       ADD     r10, r10, #&04              ; next entry in test list.
-        ADRL    r0, ts_logpagesend          ; r0 = ts_logpagesend.
-        CMP     r10, r0                     ; repeat until list of logical
-        BLO     %B3                         ; pages all done.
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; unmap the page we just tested
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle
-        SUBS    r8, r8, #1                  ; bump phys page counter down.
-        ANDS    r8,r8,r8
-        BGE     %B2                         ; If r8 >= 0 Then branch back to 2.
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#0
-        MOV     pc,r13                  ; all done and passed
-; ****************************************************************************
-; Copies the vectors to the physical page in r0 (preserved) also copies
-; pagemark + phypage.
-; Expects r1 (preserved) to hold log2 of pagesize
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        ADR     r2, ts_vectors              ; r2 = source address
-        LDMIA   r2, {r4-r11}                ; r4 - r11 = loc pointed to by r2, post inc.
-        MOV     r3, r0, LSL r1              ; r3 = r0 * 2**r1 .
-        ORR     r3, r3, #ts_phys_mem        ; r3 = r3 OR ts_phys_mem.
-        STMIA   r3, {r4-r11}                ; loc pointed to by r3, post inc = r4 to r11.
-; find out which memc is handling the page (r0), then assign the appropiate memc_code.
-; Add in the page number and pagemark, then store into the required position in the
-; page in question.
-        ADR     r2, ts_memc_codes           ; r2 = address of table with the memc codes.
-        LDRB    r2, [r2, r0, LSR#7]         ; r2 = memc code for this phys page.
-        ORR     r2, r0, r2, LSL #24         ; OR in phys page number.
-        ORR     r2, r2, #ts_pagemark        ; OR in pagemark.
-        STR     r2, [r3, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; loc pointed to by r1 + ts_pmark_pos = pagemark.
-        MOV     pc, lr                      ; Return to caller.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will program the physical page (r1) to the logical page 5, ts_vrest and
-; continue onto the next section ts_set_cam.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r0, #ts_vrest               ; r0 = ts_vrest, = unused logical page.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will program the physical page (r1) to the logical page (r0) at
-; protection mode 0 and continue onto the next section ts_set_camp.
-        MOV     r2, #&00                    ; r2 = &00, memory prot level 0.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will map a range the physical pages (r1) to the logical page (r0) and
-; set the protection mode (r2). This module will return to the location from where
-; either itself or ts_set_cam or ts_set_cam_idle were called from.
-; Corrupts r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r6,r9,r11
-; Calls the RISC OS routine BangCam to do the PPNO, LPNO bit switching.
-; First, jumble the registers to suit BangCam ..
-; r2  = CAM entry (PPNO)
-; r3  = logical address
-; r9  = current MEMC setting (for pagesize)
-; r11 = PPL
-        MOV     r3,r0           ; logical page number
-        MOV     r11,r2          ; protection level
-        MOV     r2,r1           ; physical page number
-        MOV_fiq r0, r11_fiq     ; MEMC configuration
-        MOV     r9, r0          ; keep a copy in r9
-        MOV     r1, r9, LSR #2
-        AND     r1, r1, #3      ; calculate pagesize shift
-        ADD     r1, r1, #12
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSL r1  ; convert LPN to logaddr
-        B       BangCam         ; return thro' BangCam
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This routine will check that the CAM has been programed correctly and that the required
-; page is responding when asked. A quick test is made to check that other pages are not
-; responding as well.
-; logical page  in r0,
-; physical page in r1,
-; test that they are the same.
-; No return value : reports faults directly and returns thro' r13
-; Uses (corrupts) r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7
-; Find out which memc is handling the page (r1), then assign the appropiate memc_code.
-; Add in the page number and pagemark, then compare that pagemark with those found
-; in memory at the expected logical and physical addresses.
-; This code assumes that any system with multiple MEMCs will always have 32K pages.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r3, r0                      ; save the current logical pagenumber.
-        MOV     r5, lr                      ; Preserve link register in case of Abort.
-        ADR     r2, ts_memc_codes           ; r2 = address of table with the memc codes.
-        LDRB    r2, [r2, r1, LSR#7]         ; fetch the memc code for this page.
-        ORR     r2, r1, r2, LSL #24         ; build the page number into the pagemark
-        ORR     r2, r2, #ts_pagemark        ; build in the pagemark magic number
-; r2 should now have the page_mark for the current page (r1).
-; calculate the shift to convert page number to memory offset.
-        MODE    FIQ_mode
-        MOV     r4, r11_fiq, LSR #2             ; pagesize / 4K
-        MODE    SVC_mode
-        AND     r4, r4, #3
-        ADD     r4, r4, #12
-; if the mapping failed completely, the test might abort
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; make the pointers and test the contents
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSL r4              ; r0 = LPN * pagesize.
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; r0 = contents of loc in r0  + ts_pmark_pos.
-        CMP     r6, #94                     ; did that fetch abort ?
-        ADREQ   r4, %F14                    ; mapping totally failed
-        BEQ     ts_CAM_fail
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSL r4              ; r1 = PPN * pagesize.
-        ORR     r1, r1, #ts_phys_mem        ; r1 = r1 ORed with ts_phys_mem.
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; r1 = contents of loc in r1  + ts_pmark_pos.
-        CMP     r0, r1                      ; Are the read pagemarks equal ??
-        ADRNE   r4, %F10
-        BNE     ts_CAM_fail                 ; Failed : mapping not equal.
-        CMP     r0, r2                      ;
-        ADRNE   r4, %F11
-        BNE     ts_CAM_fail                 ; Failed : map equal, but corrupt
-; test that the page doesn't exist anywhere else
-        MOV     r2, #1
-0       EOR     r0, r2, r3                  ; Flip a (walking) bit in the LPN.
-        CMP     r0, #ts_vrest               ; Is r0 = ts_vrest ?? Where all the pages are
-                                            ; mapped to.
-        BEQ     %F1                         ; If r0 = ts_vrest then branch forward to 1.
-; The following instruction should abort.
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSL r4              ; r0 = LPN * pagesize.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear abort handled flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #ts_pmark_pos]     ; get a possible pagemark from this page.
-        CMP     r6, #&94                    ; Did we go thro' the abort handler ?
-        BEQ     %F1                         ; If equal then an abort happened, good !
-; Not aborted - is it page zero, where the vectors live ?
-        TEQS    r2, r3
-        BEQ     %F1                        ; yes - that SHOULDN'T abort
-; Fault - is the page mapped there the same as our test page ?
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        ADREQ   r4, %F12                   ; Failed : phys page also mapped here
-        ADRNE   r4, %F13                   ; Failed : page not unmapped
-        EOR     r3, r2, r3                 ; remake the duff LPN for the error display
-        B       ts_CAM_fail
-                                            ; If equal then no abort happened, not good !!
-1       MOV     r2, r2, LSL#1               ; bump to next-bit-set page number
-        CMP     r2, #(ts_MAX_CAMS :SHL: 1)  ; Hit number of logical pages ?
-        BLT     %B0                         ; If r2 < maximum number then loop again.
-        MOV     r7, #0                      ; no longer expecting aborts
-        MOV     pc, r5                      ; Return to caller.
-;       Indicate that CAM mapping test failed (PPN is not at LPN)
-;       Display r8, the physical page number and r3, the logical page.
-;    ***This error exit returns to the CALLER of check_mapped, thro' r13***
-        =       "CAM map",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM pmk",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM als",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM unm",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        =       "CAM abo",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     r0, r8, LSL #16         ; physical page #
-        LDR     r1, =&ffff
-        AND     r1, r1, r3
-        ORR     r0, r0, r1              ; add logical page #
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #4
-        MOV     r6, #0                  ; no longer expecting aborts
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; **************************************************************************
-; Routine to return expected number of physical pages in r0.
-; Uses memory size determination from r10_fiq and page mode from r11_fiq.
-; Returns pagesize as power-of-two in r1, for pagenumber->address calcs.
-        MODE    FIQ_mode
-        MOV     r0,r10_fiq,LSR #12      ; get values determined
-        MOV     r1,r11_fiq,LSR #2       ; by MemSize
-        MODE    SVC_mode
-        AND     r1,r1,#3                ; memory / pagesize
-        MOV     r0,r0,LSR r1
-        ADD     r1,r1,#12               ; page bit-shift value
-        MOV     pc,lr
-; **************************************************************************
-        ROUT
-;       Indicate that an unexpected number of CAM pages were found.
-;       Display as "CAM ##    eee.fff"
-;       where eee is the expected maximum page number (r0), fff is the number
-;       of of the highest page actually found (r8).
-        =       "CAM ##",&89,&ff,&ff,&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADD     r8, r8, r0, LSL #12
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSL #8
-        ADR     r4, %B0
-        ORRS    r0, r0 ,#1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; **************************************************************************
-;       Indicate that the DAB vector wasn't visible in physmem
-        =       "CAM vec",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4, %B0
-        EOR     r8,r0,r1                ; indicate which bits are lost
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; **************************************************************************
-;       Routine to indicate that an unexpected abort was found.
-        =       "DAB @",&88,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff, 0
-        ALIGN
-        ADR     r4, %B0
-        SUBS    r8, r14_svc, #8         ; indicate the aborting instruction
-        BL      ts_SendText
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     pc, r13
-        LTORG
diff --git a/TestSrc/Mem5 b/TestSrc/Mem5
deleted file mode 100644
index 607a8b8e..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Mem5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-; 04-Apr-90     ArtG    0.1     Use memory size to determine page count
-; 11-Apr-90	ArtG	0.2	Changes to permit use of BangCam
-; This file will be called by MEM6x_SCR for the purposes of assembly.
-; This file requires the assembly of MEM4x_SCR to be perfromed at the
-; same time. The program will call the cam setting routines in the cam
-; test program.
-; This file will test MEMCs ability to assert its protection over
-; logical pages.
-; The test code for this test was taken from the A680 test code.
-; The Arm CPU has three mode of operation, Supervisor, Operating System.
-; and User. Most of the time the machine will operate in user mode, in this.
-; mode the designers do not want the user to have full access to the memory.
-; map, therefore the MEMC(s) will check that the CPU has the appropiate
-; level of authorisation to access specific area of memory.
-; User mode is the lowest mode, allowing limited R/W access to the ram.
-; Operating System is next up the list and is allowed some more access to
-; to the ram than user mode.
-; Supervisor mode this is the highest and the CPU has unlimited access to
-; the entire memory map. 
-; This version has the "my abort" routine in it not the ts_dab_exp0..5 routine as
-; coded from the A680 code.
-; Set up some variables.
-ts_wks_word     *   36                      ; Offset of word for workspace.
-; ****************************************************************************
-; This module will map and assign protection mode 0 to all the pages. The
-; module will then perfrom a read and write operations in supervisor and
-; user modes. This is repeated for the three (four) protection modes.
-; The module will check after every protection mode level that the required
-; responses have been returned.
-; Set up the memory, map and assign protection mode 0.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-        MOV     r13, lr                     ; Preserve the link register.
-        MOV     r12, #&00                   ; r12 = The physical page to test.
-0       ADD     r8, r12, #&01               ; Get a page to use as vectors,
-	BL	ts_count_CAMs		    ; get total number of pages
-	SUB	r0,r0,#1 		    ; make a mask for useable page
-	AND	r0,r0,#&7f		    ; numbers - min(128, num_pages)
-        AND     r8, r8, r0
-        MOV     r1, r8                      ; r1 = r8,  r1 = physical page 0.
-        MOV     r0, #&00                    ; r0 = &00, r0 = logical page 0.
-        BL      ts_set_cam                  ; Gosub ts_set_cam, set the CAM up.
-; Set protection mode 0 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&00                    ; r2 = &00, r2 = protection mode 0.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-        CMP     r3,#&0F                     ; Is r3 = &0F ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-                                            ;                    O/S   Read/Write ok.
-                                            ;                    User  Read/Write ok.
-	MOV	r2, #0
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &0F Then branch to fail routine.
-; Set protection mode 1 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&01                    ; r2 = &01, r2 = protection mode 1.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-	[ CPU_Type = "ARM600"
-	CMP	r3,#&0f			    ; no ABORT line to ARM600
-	|
-	CMP     r3,#&0B                     ; Is r3 = &0B ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-	]                                   ;                    O/S   Read/Write ok.
-                                            ;                    User  Read only ok.
-	MOV	r2,#1
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &0B Then branch to fail routine.
-; Set protection mode 2 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&02                    ; r2 = &02, r2 = protection mode 2.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-	[ CPU_Type = "ARM600"
-	CMP	r3,#&0f			    ; no ABORT line to ARM600
-	|
-        CMP     r3,#&03                     ; Is r3 = &03 ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-	]                                   ;                    O/S   Read only ok.
-                                            ;                    User  No Access ok. 
-	MOV	r2,#2
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &03 Then branch to fail routine.
-; Set protection mode 3 and test that page.
-        MOV     r2, #&03                    ; r2 = &03, r2 = protection mode 3.
-        BL      ts_mem_prot                 ; Gosub ts_mem_prot.
-	[ CPU_Type = "ARM600"
-	CMP	r3,#&0f			    ; no ABORT line to ARM600
-	|
-        CMP     r3, #&03                    ; Is r3 = &03 ? r3 = Super Read/Write ok.
-	]                                   ;                    O/S   Read only ok.
-                                            ;                    User  No Access ok. 
-	MOV	r2,#3
-        BNE     ts_prot_fail                ; If r3 <> &03 Then branch to 
-                                            ; fail routine.
-; Reset the page used to idle.
-        MOV     r0, r12                     ; r0 = r12, idle the pages 
-                                            ; being used.
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle             ; Gosub ts_set_cam_idle.
-        MOV     r0, r8                      ; r0 = r8, idle the pages 
-                                            ; being used. 
-        BL      ts_set_cam_idle             ; Gosub ts_set_cam_idle.
-; Increment the physical page counter and check that all the pages are 
-; done, else finish.
-        BL      ts_count_CAMs
-        ADD     r12, r12, #&01              ; do the next physical page.
-        CMP     r12, r0                     ; Done all pages ?
-        BLT     %B0                         ; If r12 <= cam_entries, 
-                                            ; branch back to 0.
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #0                  ; set zero flag : test passed
-        MOV     pc, r13                     ; Return to caller.
-; **************************************************************************
-; Branch here when ts_memc_prot fails to get the proper result from
-; ts_mem_prot.
-; At this point, 
-; r3  is a map of permitted ops (user read, user write, sys read, sys write) 
-; r2  is the memc protection mode
-; r12 is the physical page number.
-; This is displayed as :   
-;       PPL bad l.a.pppp
-; where l is the PPL set on that page (0, 1, 2 or 3)
-;       a is a bitmap of the actual operations permitted (ur.uw.or.ow)
-;       p is the physical page number tested
-        =       "PPL bad",&88,&ff,".",&ff,".",&ff,&ff,&ff,&ff,0
-        ALIGN
-        AND     r2, r2, #&0f
-        MOV     r0, r2, LSL #20          ; mode bits
-        AND     r3, r3, #&0f
-        ORR     r0, r0, r3, LSL #16     ; permitted ops bits
-        BIC     r12, r12, #&ff000000
-        BIC     r12, r12, #&ff0000
-        ORR     r0, r0, r12             ; current page number
-        ADR     r4, %B0                 ; get fail message  
-        MOV     r8, r0, LSL #8          ; shift number to suit ts_SendText
-        ORRS    r0, r0, #1              ; fail flag
-        MOV     pc, r13
-; This section will test that the physical page referenced in r12 at the set 
-; protection mode. During the operation of this module, aborts are expected to happen.
-; The aborts are handled by the routine ts_dab.
-; The system is running in supervisor mode and thus to check the user mode read / writes
-; the address translator flag is used. The CPU has a signal called -TRANS which when used
-; with MEMC forces the an address translation to be performed, this is not done whilst
-; in supervisor mode because it has unlimited access to the memory map. The address
-; translator falg (T) is used with STR and LDR instructions only, the effective result of
-; adding the (T) to the opcode is to force the instruction to be executed as if the CPU
-; was in user mode, thus unauthorised accesses will cause an abort to occur.
-; IN:
-;       r12 - physical page.
-;       r2  - protection mode.
-; OUT:
-;       r3  - access pattern.
-;             r3 = &0F, Super Read/Write ok, O/S Read/Write ok, User Read/Write ok.
-;             r3 = &0B, Super Read/Write ok, O/S Read/Write ok, User Read only ok.
-;             r3 = &03, Super Read/Write ok, O/S Read only ok,  User No Access ok.
-; Set up data to write and read from memory.
-        MOV     r10, lr                     ; Preserve link register.
-        MOV     r1, r12                     ; r1 = physical page.
-        MOV     r0, #&01                    ; r0 = logical page 1.
-        BL      ts_set_camp 
-        MOV     r3, #&00                    ; Initialise access pattern.
-	MOV_fiq	r5, r11_fiq		    ; get MEMC control
-	AND	r5, r5, #&C
-	ADR	r9, ts_ppl_tptrs
-	LDR	r9, [r9, r5]		    ; get test address for this pagesize
-; Test 1 system mode - write.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        STR     r1, [r9]                    ; Store r1 at loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&01                ; If r6 = &00, Then update r3, access pattern.
-; Test 2 system mode - read.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        LDR     r1, [r9]                    ; Load r1 from loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&02                ; If r6 = &00 Then update r3, access pattern.
-; Test 3 user mode - write.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set abort expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        STRT    r1, [r9]                    ; Store r1 at loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&04                ; If r6 = &00 Then update r3, access pattern.
-; Test 4 user mode - read.
-        MOV     r6, #&00                    ; r6 = &00, clear expected abort flag.
-        MOV     r7, #&94                    ; r7 = &94, set expected expected flag.
-; The following instruction may abort.
-        LDRT    r1, [r9]                    ; Load r1 from loc pointed to by r9.
-        CMP     r6, #&00                    ; Is r6 = &00 ? If not then abort happened.
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #&08                ; If r6 = &00 Then update r3, access pattern.
-        MOV     pc, r10                     ; Return to caller.
-; addresses (a short way up page 1) to test PPL aborts
-	&	( 4 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-	&	( 8 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-	&	(16 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-	&	(32 * 1024) + ts_wks_word
-; This routine provides the handling when a DATA ABORT occurs.
-; The routine will if the abort was DATA cause the program to skip over the instruction
-; that caused the abort first place.
-; Data aborts could come from a variety of sources, in this module we are only concerned
-; about a select group of aborts. This abort routine is called instead of the "usuall"
-; abort routine. All that is required from this abort routine is to set a flag to
-; indicate that an abort occured. Therefore this routine needs to be told that the
-; abort that caused the routine to be called is either one of mine or not, (expected
-; or unexpected). To achive this &94 is placed in r7. The abort routine will check
-; for the presence of &94 in r7, if present then the abort is an expected abort.
-; The abort routine will then copy r7 into r6, which is used as a flag to indicate
-; that an abort occured and that it was an expected abort. Then the routine will
-; return control to the program at the location after the instruction that caused to
-; abort to occur.
-; The return address is stored by the CPU into the link regester lr (r14), sort off.
-; It must be remembered that the PC is always 2 instructions ahead. E.G. if the
-; instruction that causes the abort is at &2000, then the lr will have &2008 in it,
-; but we want to return to the location after the abort instruction, &2004. Therefore to
-; return to the correct location &04 is removed from the lr and this is put into the pc.
-; If the abort was not expected then the routine will jump to the end and another
-; routine will show that an unexpected abort was generated.
-; IN:
-;       r6 - Equals &00, cleared just before the instruction that could cause an abort.
-;       r7 - Equals &94, set just before the instruction that could cause an abort.
-; OUT:
-;       r6 - Equals &94, set if an abort happened and was expected.
-;       r7 - Equals &94, preserved.
-        ROUT                                ; Local Branches.
-; Check that it is an expected abort and not an unexpected abort.
-        CMP     r7, #&94                    ; Is r7 = &94, abort expected value.
-        BNE     ts_dab_unexp                ; If <> &94, Then branch to unexpected
-                                            ; abort handler.
-; It is an expected  abort, so handle it.
-        MOV     r6, r7                      ; r6 = r7, indicates that an abort happened.
-        SUB     pc, lr, #&04                ; pc = link reg - &04.
-                                            ; Skip over aborting instruction.
-                                            ; By reloading the pc we return to the area
-                                            ; of code where the abort occured but 4
-                                            ; locations further on.
diff --git a/TestSrc/ROMCard b/TestSrc/ROMCard
deleted file mode 100644
index bf15a619..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/ROMCard
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.ROMCard
-	TTL NCOS Support for ROM Cards
-; Tests for presence of a 2,4 or 8MB OS image in 2nd ROM bank and jumps to it.
-; This doesn't really belong in the POST sources, but lives here because it
-; needs to happen soon after boot. This file is included inline by Begin before
-; it starts calculating the ROM checksum
-; Relies on width of the 2nd ROM bank already being set to 32bit.
-; If 16bit extension ROM support is required then s.ARM600 must set ROMCR1 back
-; to 16bit-wide.
-; No registers are preserved and, unlike some other parts of the POST code, it
-; assumes it is running on a fully-functional ARM & IOMD.
-; History
-; Date		Name	Comment
-; ----		----	-------
-; 16-Aug-96	JRH	First release
-; 05-Sep-96	BAR	Add code to switch out the progress colour screens.
-;			See begin (2.17 for details).
-; 05-Aug-98     NCE     Changes for Customer F maintainance OS.
-;                       Front panel button skips lookng for ROM banks.
-;                       Support for 3rd Rom bank.
-;	Can't have CanLiveOnROMCard TRUE without ROMCardSupport
-	ASSERT	ROMCardSupport
-	GBLL	DebugROMCard
-ts_RC_1meg      *       (1*1024*1024)
-ts_RC_MinOSsize	*	(2*1024*1024)
-ts_RC_MaxOSsize	*	(8*1024*1024)
-ts_RC_2ndbank	*	(16*1024*1024)
-ts_RC_3rdbank   *       (24*1024*1024)
-ts_RC_idoffset	*	-16			; offset from end of image
-; DEBUG: set up VIDC for VGA, assuming 32M clock
-  [ DebugROMCard
-        MOV     r1, #ts_VIDCPhys
-        LDR     r0, =&40ffffff			; White
-        STR     r0, [r1]
-  ]
-  [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-  	CMP    pc, #ts_RC_2ndbank  		;skip this stuff if already 
-  	BGT    %FT99               		;running in 2nd bank of higher
-  ]
-  [  IOMD_C_FrontPanelButton <> 0 
-   [ :LNOT: FrontPanelButtClearsCMOS
-     MOV     r0, #IOMD_Base          ; if front panel button pressed then skip this       
-     LDRB    r0, [r0, #IOMD_CLINES]  ; stuff and run the maintainance OS 
-     TST     r0, #IOMD_C_FrontPanelButton
-     BEQ     %FT99
-   ]   
-  ]
-  [ DebugROMCard
-        LDR     r0, =&4000ffff			; Yellow
-        STR     r0, [r1]
-  ]
-        MOV     r3,#ts_RC_3rdbank            ;lr contains the address of the ROM were looking for
-        MOV     r12, r3                         ; try to pull ROM size out of the image
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #ROMSizeOffset]      ; if this fails then we will start at r3 and work up
-        CMP	r12, #ts_RC_MaxOSsize
-        BHI	%FT90
-ts_RC_idword	=	"NCOS"			; id string
-ts_RC_LDRPCInst	&	&E59FF
-	ADD	r2, r12, r3		; end of image
-	LDR	r1, ts_RC_idword		; id word to look for
-	LDR	r0, [r2, #ts_RC_idoffset]
-	CMP	r0, r1
-	BNE	%FT90				; try next size if no match
-; Found the id string, now see if it checksums to 0.
-; Following code ripped off from Mem3.
-; r3 is a temporary variable (no it isn't)
-  [ DebugROMCard
-        MOV     r1,#ts_VIDCPhys
-        LDR     r0, =&407f7fff			; Fetching Pink
-        STR     r0, [r1]
-  ]
-	MOV	r1, #&00			; initialise accumulator
-	MOV	r0, r3          		; initialise pointer
-	ADD	r2, r0, r12			; initialise endstop, >= 8 words
-	SUB	r2, r2, #(8 * 4)		;  below the real endpoint
-	LDMIA	r0!, {r4 - r11}			; get 8 words & post-inc
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r4
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r5
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r6
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r7
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r8
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r9
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r10
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r11
-	ASSERT ((%02 - %01) = 32)	; else r2 won't count down correctly
-	CMP	r0, r2
-	BNE	RC_loop1		; loop until pointer reaches endstop
-	LDMIA	r0, {r4 - r9}		; get last 6 words (miss last 2 in ROM)
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r4
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r5
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r6
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r7
-	ADD	r1, r1,	r8
-	ADDS	r1, r1,	r9			; NOTE: Z set => checksum OK
-	ASSERT	(((%04 - %03) + (2*4)) = 32)
-	BNE	%FT90				; Skip if checksum not zero
-; We have a valid image. Now work out where to jump to in it.
-; Can't just jump to the start because 1st instruction is an LDR PC.
-; Code ripped off from Tim's Softloader (thanks Tim)
-  	[ DontShowProgressColours
-  	; Display "Jumping to 2nd ROM bank" colour
-        MOV_fiq r0,r12_fiq              	; restore the faultcode bits
-        ANDS    r0,r0,#(R_EXTERN :OR: R_TESTED)	; If test adapter present,
-			                   	; NE : Adaptor fitted, show progress.
- 	           				; EQ : No Adaptor fitted, don't show progress
-	BEQ	%FT10				; EQ : Don't show colours
-	]
-        MOV	r1, #ts_VIDCPhys
-        LDR	r0, =C_2NDBANK
-        STR	r0, [r1]
-  [ DebugROMCard
-; Delay
-	MOV	r0, #0
-	MOV	r1, #(2*1024*1024)
-	LDMIA	r0!, {r2}
-	CMP	r0, r1
-	BNE	%BT15
-  ]
-	MOV	r0, r3          		; start of 2nd ROM image
-	LDR	r6, [r0]			; load 1st instruction of ROM image
-	AND	r2, r6, #&FF000000
-	TEQ	r2, #&EA000000			; is it a branch
-	BNE	%FT20				; [no, so try something else]
-	MOV	r6, r6, LSL #(32-21)		; extract offset within ROM
-	ADD	r0, r0, r6, LSR #(32-21-2)	; convert to byte offset
-	ADD     pc, r0, #8			; allow for pre-fetch
-; check for LDR PC, [PC, +/-#x]
-20	MOV     r4, r6, LSR #12
-	LDR     r5, ts_RC_LDRPCInst
-	ORR	r4, r4, #1 << (23-12)
-	TEQ	r4, r5
-30	; endlessloop
-	BNE	%BT30				; not either, so stuck
-	EOR	r6, r6, r4, LSL #12		; extract offset, and up/down bit
-	TST	r6, #1 << 23			; NE => bit was 0, so -ve
-	RSBNE	r6, r6, #1 << 23		; get rid of bit 23 and negate
-	ADD	r6, r6, #8			; offset in ROM we're reading
-	LDR	r6, [r0, r6]			; address to jump to
-	ADD	pc, r0, r6			; jump to it
-; Try the other ROM bank
-        CMP     r3, #ts_RC_2ndbank              
-        BEQ     %FT91
-        MOV     r3,#ts_RC_2ndbank
-        B       %BT40
-  [ DebugROMCard
-        MOV	r1, #ts_VIDCPhys
-        LDR	r0, =&407fff7f			; Pale Green
-        STR	r0, [r1]
-; Delay
-	MOV	r0, #0
-	MOV	r1, #(2*1024*1024)
-	LDMIA	r0!, {r2}
-	CMP	r0, r1
-	BNE	%BT95
-	B	%FT99				; No image found
-  ]
-; Fall through to POST code
diff --git a/TestSrc/ShowIOMDRs b/TestSrc/ShowIOMDRs
deleted file mode 100644
index 88ef07ff..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/ShowIOMDRs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-; > ShowIOMDRs
-; Source for ShowIOMDRegisters functions
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Who  Version       Description
-; ----       ---  -------       -----------
-; 24-Jun-96  BAR  0.01          Started.
-; 05-Jul-96  BAR  0.02          Fix all sorts of bugs ... !
-; 08-Jul-96  BAR  0.03          Fixed some more bugs ... hopfully !
-; 25-Jul-96  BAR  0.04          Fixed some more bugs ... hopfuly !
-; 29-Jul-96  BAR  0.05          Changed not to show skipped.
-;                               Basically working now.
-; Will show the contents of selected IOMD registers via the display adaptor.
-; Show contents of IOMD Regs via display adaptor
-; Note : Contents of the registers are not checked, therefore this code will
-;        not thus won't cause a failure. Contents can't be relied upon,
-;        because of changes to H/W OS etc..
-sir_IgnoreTable &       &88888888       ;+00C,+008,+004,+000
-                &       &88888888       ;+01C,+018,+014,+010
-                &       &88888888       ;+02C,+028,+024,+020
-                &       &88888888       ;+03C,+038,+034,+030
-                &       &88888888       ;+04C,+048,+044,+040
-                &       &88888888       ;+05C,+058,+054,+050
-                &       &88888888       ;+06C,+068,+064,+060
-                &       &00888888       ;+07C,+078,+074,+070
-                &       &88008888       ;+08C,+088,+084,+080
-                &       &88888800       ;+09C,+098,+094,+090
-                &       &88880000       ;+0AC,+0A8,+0A4,+0A0
-                &       &00000000       ;+0BC,+0B8,+0B4,+0B0
-                &       &88888800       ;+0CC,+0C8,+0C4,+0C0
-                &       &00008888       ;+0DC,+0D8,+0D4,+0D0
-                &       &90888888       ;+0EC,+0E8,+0E4,+0E0
-                &       &00909090       ;+0FC,+0F8,+0F4,+0F0
-                &       &00000000       ;+10C,+108,+104,+100
-                &       &00000000       ;+11C,+118,+114,+110
-                &       &00000000       ;+12C,+128,+124,+120
-                &       &00000000       ;+13C,+138,+134,+130
-                &       &00000000       ;+14C,+148,+144,+140
-                &       &00000000       ;+15C,+158,+154,+150
-                &       &00000000       ;+16C,+168,+164,+160
-                &       &00000000       ;+17C,+178,+174,+170
-                &       &A0A0A0A0       ;+18C,+188,+184,+180
-                &       &00008888       ;+19C,+198,+194,+190
-                &       &00000000       ;+1AC,+1A8,+1A4,+1A0
-                &       &00000000       ;+1BC,+1B8,+1B4,+1B0
-                &       &00A0A0A0       ;+1CC,+1C8,+1C4,+1C0
-                &       &A0A0A0A0       ;+1DC,+1D8,+1D4,+1D0
-                &       &00A00088       ;+1EC,+1E8,+1E4,+1E0
-                &       &00888888       ;+1FC,+1F8,+1F4,+1F0
-; The above is the Show Register Ignore table. It defines if a register is ;
-; to be shown and if it is what size the register is. Registers are ;
-; expressed as an offset from the base address of IOMD. The registers are ;
-; word aligned. To reduce size this table uses one byte per register. The
-; table is arranged so that each word repesents 4 registers. The size of the
-; register is either 8, 16 or 32 bits, which can be repesented in hex as
-; &08, &10 and &20. Threrefore the maximum bit in any byte needed for size
-; is bit 5. Therefore bit 8 is used as the flag to indicate if the register
-; is to be used, whilst the remaining 7 bits are used for the size. A size
-; of 0 is not allowed, therfore the following values for each byte can be
-; expected :-
-;   <= &80 Register will be skipped
-;   =  &88 Show the register and its 8 bits wide
-;   =  &90 Show the register and its 16 bits wide
-;   =  &A0 Show the register and its 32 bits wide
-; Any other value is liable to cause havoc !
-sir_ShowIOMDRegs        ROUT
-; Read the IOMD Register.
-; Display Adaptor has a 16 char display.
-; 32bit no. is 8 chars long
-; Display Columns &80+  : 0123456789012345
-; Start message         : IOMD Regs:
-; Each location read    : +01FC 12345678
-; Each location skipped : +01FC Skipped
-; Define the messages
-        ALIGN
-        =       "IOMD Regs:",0
-        ALIGN
-        =       "+",&FF,&FF,&FF,&8B,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,0
-;"+123       12345"
-        ALIGN
-        =       "+",&FF,&FF,&FF,&89,"Skipped",0
-;"+123     Skipped"
-        ALIGN
-        =       "+",&FF,&FF,&FF,0
-        ALIGN
-        =       &88,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,0
-;"        12345678"
-        ALIGN
-; Define some constants
-sir_mask8       *       &FF             ; 8  bit register mask
-sir_mask16      *       &FFFF           ; 16 bit register mask
-sir_mask32      *       &FFFFFFFF       ; 32 bit register mask
-sir_MaxOffset   *       &1FC            ; Maximum register offset.
-; ts_showtext I/f is :-
-; r4 = text string to leave
-; r8 = number to subsitute
-; r0 - r3, r5 - r7 corrupted
-; r9 = table loop counter +1
-; r10 = iomd offset loop counter +4
-; r11 = iomd base
-;       tempory copy of r1, contents of IOMD - 32bit data
-; r12 = table address
-        MOV     r13,r14                 ; Put r14 in r13 for later use.
-        MOV     r0,#0                   ; data read from the Ignore table
-        MOV     r1,#0                   ; data read from iomd
-        MOV     r4,#0                   ; Pointer to string for display adaptor
-        MOV     r8,#0                   ; Number to subsitue in display adaptor
-        MOV     r9,#0                   ; Ignore table counter (+1)
-        MOV     r10,#0                  ; IOMD Offset counter (+4)
-        MOV     r11,#0                  ; IOMD's base address.
-                                        ; Tempory copy of r1.
-        ADR     r12,sir_IgnoreTable     ; Get IOMD Ignore table address.
-; ok, lets do some work here guys
-        LDRB    r0,[r12,r9]             ; Get data from Ignore Table
-        CMPS    r0,#&80                 ; Check top bit set
-;        BLE     sir_DisplaySkip         ; Jump to display skip msg if skipped
-                                        ; Don't show skipped - makes post too long,
-                                        ; Remove comment to re-instate and comment line below
-        BLE     sir_LoopControl         ; Jump to loop control.
-        AND     r0,r0,#&7F              ; Mask off top bit to get reg size
-        CMPS    r0,#&08                 ; Is reg size = 8
-        LDREQ   r0,=sir_mask8           ; If yes : mask = &FF
-        BEQ     sir_cont                ; Jump on to continue
-        CMPS    r0,#&10                 ; Is reg size = 16
-        LDREQ   r0,=sir_mask16          ; If yes : mask = &FFFF
-        BEQ     sir_cont                ; Jump on to continue
-        CMPS    r0,#&20                 ; Is reg size = 32
-        LDREQ   r0,=sir_mask32          ; If yes : mask = &FFFFFFFF
-; Ok, we've got the mask in r0, lets get the data from IOMD
-        LDR     r11,=IOMD_Base          ; Get IOMD's base address.
-                                        ; Need to 'cos r11 is also used as tmp store for r1
-        LDR     r1,[r11,r10]            ; Get data from IOMD (base [r11] + offsert [r10])
-        AND     r1,r1,r0                ; Mask off the reqd. data
-        MOV     r8,r10,LSL #20          ; Put offset that was read into r8 and
-                                        ; shifted left 20 to fill top 3 nibles
-        MOV     r2,#&10                 ; Put CMP data in r2, this will be shift left 12
-        CMPS    r0,r2,LSL #12           ; Is mask < &10000 ? (&10<<12)
-        BHI     sir_TwoLine             ; Mask > &10000 : jump to code to show
-                                        ; offset & data on two lines
-; The mask is less then &10000
-        ADD     r8,r8,r1                ; Add to r8 the masked data
-        ADR     r4,%BT2                 ; r4 -> result message #2
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Anyway : Display the message :-
-                                        ; Mask < &10000 : +XXX    XXXXX
-        B       sir_LoopControl         ; Go to loop control
-; Code to disply the offset and data on two lines, because the data is 32
-; bits wide.
-; The mask is greater then &1000
-; r1 has the data read from IOMD in it.
-        ADR     r4,%BT4                 ; r4 -> result message #4
-        MOV     r11,r1                  ; Need to make a tempory copy of R1
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Anyway : Display the message :-
-                                        ; Mask > &10000 : +XXX
-        MOV     r8,r11                  ; r8 = the masked data
-                                        ; r11 is the tempory copy of r1
-        ADR     r4,%BT5                 ; r4 -> result message #5
-        BL      ts_MoreText             ; Add the data to the line.
-        B       sir_LoopControl         ; Go to loop control
-; Ok, we don't want to display this register
-        MOV     r8,r10,LSL #20          ; Mask < &10000 : r8 = offset that was read
-                                        ; shifted left 20 to fill top 3 nibles
-                                        ; r8 = offset that was skipped
-        ADR     r4,%BT3                 ; R4 -> skipping message
-        BL      ts_SendText             ; Display the message
-; ok lets see if we need to do some more
-        ADD     r9,r9,#1                ; Increment table counter
-        ADD     r10,r10,#4              ; Increment IOMD offset counter
-        CMP     r10,#sir_MaxOffset      ; Have we reached the end ?
-        BLE     sir_loop                ; If <= end then loop back
-; Nop, that's it all done !
-        MOV     pc,r13                  ; Return to caller, r13 help retn addr.
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/TestMain b/TestSrc/TestMain
deleted file mode 100644
index 22fcf0d1..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/TestMain
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-; > TestMain
-; Main assembly file for isolated assembly of machine test software
-MEMCADR         *       &3600000
-ROM		*	&3800000
- [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-VideoPhysRam *  &02000000               ; Amazing - it's in the same place!
-DRAM0PhysRam *  &10000000               ; 4 DRAM banks
-DRAM1PhysRam *  &14000000
-DRAM2PhysRam *  &18000000
-DRAM3PhysRam *  &1C000000
-DRAMBaseAddressMask * &1C000000         ; used to mask off bits after stealing video RAM
-PhysSpaceSize * &20000000               ; IOMD physical map is 512M big
-PhysROM *       &00000000               ; and real ROM starts at 0
-SAMLength *     512*4                   ; SAM length in bytes for 1 bank of VRAM
-EASISpacePhys * &08000000
-EASISpace *     PhysSpace + EASISpacePhys
- |
-VideoPhysRam *  &02000000
-PhysSpaceSize * &04000000               ; MEMC1 physical map is 64M big
-PhysROM *       &03800000
-PhysRamPhys *   &02000000               ; physical space starts here
- ]
-	        GET     TestSrc/Begin
-	        ADRL    r2,TestVIDCTAB
-		LDR	r0,=IOMD_MonitorType
-		LDR	r0,[r0]
-		ANDS	r0,r0,#IOMD_MonitorIDMask
-        	MOV     r0,#ts_VIDCPhys
-08      	LDR     r1, [r2],#4
-        	CMP     r1, #-1
-        	STRNE   r1, [r0]
-        	BNE     %BT08
-		MOV	r9,#0
-		ORR	r9,r9,#&40000000
-        	STR     r9,[r0]         ; write the border colour
-		ADD	r9,r9,#&00000005
-		ADD	r9,r9,#&00000300
-		ADD	r9,r9,#&00010000
-		AND	r9,r9,#&00ffffff
-		MOV	r1,#&10000
-12		ADDS	r1,r1,#(-1)
-		BNE	%BT12
-		B	%BT10
-; The RISC-OS MEMC setup code is re-used to ensure similar 
-; detection of memory configuration. The MEMC1 code is modified only
-; to remove an unnecessary function.
-		GBLL	Module
-Module		SETL	{FALSE}
-		GBLL	AssembleSAtest
-AssembleSAtest	SETL	{FALSE}
-DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped	*    1 :SHL: 6
-DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable	*    1 :SHL: 5
-DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable	*    1 :SHL: 4
-DynAreaFlags_APBits     	*   15 :SHL: 0      ; currently onl
-	        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/ToggleLED b/TestSrc/ToggleLED
deleted file mode 100644
index db6cdb6a..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/ToggleLED
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-; > ToggleLED
-; Source for ToggleLED function
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Who  Version       Description
-; ----       ---  -------       -----------
-; 29-May-96  BAR  0.01          Started
-; 07 Mar 97  BAR  0.02          Changed to optionally use seperate control
-;                               lines for the LED's.
-; 11 Jun 97  BAR  0.03          Make sure the IOMD_Base is used.
-; 12 Jun 97  BAR  0.04          Don't use entry & exit.
-; This file will provide support to flash the front pannel LED's
-IOMD_IOLINES            *       (IOMD_Base+&0C) ; IOMD_CLINES
-; IOMD_IOLINES_INPUTS     *       &7B ; IOMD_C_ReadMask
-; IOMD_STANDBY_LED_BIT    *       1<<7 ;
-; Define IOMD_LED_BITS by oring together the known lables for the LED bits.
-; One or more of the following can be 0,
-IOMD_LED_BITS   *       IOMD_C_FrontPanelRightLED :OR: IOMD_C_FrontPanelLeftLED :OR: IOMD_C_FrontPanelLED
-tl_Toggle_LEDs  ROUT
-; Toggle the standby/on LEDs
-; On entry ....
-;        Nothing.
-; Register usage ....
-;         r0, general scratch pad
-;         r1, addr of IOMD_CLINES
-;        DLINE   "toggle leds"
-	LDR	r1, =IOMD_IOLINES       	; r1 = addr of IOMD_IOLINES
-;        LDR     r1, =IOMD_CLINES                        ; r1 = addr of IOMD_CLINES
-;        DLINE   "led -1111111"
-        LDRB    r0,[r1]                                 ; load r0 with the byte pointed to by r1
-;        DLINE   "led -2222222"
-        EOR     r0,r0,#IOMD_LED_BITS                    ; Toggle the LED bit(s); ExOR
-;        DLINE   "led -3333333"
-        ORR     r0,r0,#IOMD_C_ReadMask                  ; OR with the default I/O settings
-;        DLINE   "led -4444444"
-        STRB    r0,[r1]                                 ; store a byte of r0 in to loc pointed to by r1
-;        DLINE   "led -5555555"
-        MOV     pc, r14                                 ; Return to caller
-        END
diff --git a/TestSrc/Vidc b/TestSrc/Vidc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2828689d..00000000
--- a/TestSrc/Vidc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-; > TestSrc.VIDC
-        TTL RISC OS 2+ POST video controller
-; The video outputs cannot be tested directly, and VIDC permits only
-; write operations on its registers.
-; This module performs two tests to verify VIDC's operation
-;       - measure mode 0 FLBK period against IOC timer
-;       - check that sound DMA occurs (MEMC reports DMA complete)
-; This code contains timing loops affected by gross changes in processor
-; speed, and will re-initialise MEMC with 4K pages and continous refresh.
-; History
-; Date          Name            Comment
-; ----          ----            -------
-; 18-Dec-89     ArtG            Initial version
-; 04-Apr-90     ArtG            Use saved MEMC control register setting
-; 20-Jun-93     ArtG            Medusa VIDC20 / IOMD changes
-; 18-Nov-94     RCM             Morris changes
-; 25 Feb 97     ???             ??
-; 18 Mar 97     BAR             Change border colour from grey to black for
-;                               IDC20 std. and vga definition tables.
-VIDC_CLOCK_CONTROL      *       ts_S5_base :OR: &0048  ; Fox VIDC clock control
-VIDC_CLOCK_NORMAL       *       &0
-VIDC_VFLYWAIT           *       72000           ; 200mS timeout loop
-VIDC_SOUNDWAIT          *       40000           ; 100mS  timeout loop
-MEMC_Sstart             *       MEMCADR   :OR: &80000
-MEMC_SendN              *       MEMCADR   :OR: &A0000
-MEMC_Sptr               *       MEMCADR   :OR: &C0000
-MEMC_Son                *                      &00800
-ts_Soundbuf             *       &200            ; relative to PhysRam
-ts_Soundbuf_length      *       &400
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-VIDSTIM0                *       &A0000000       ; base VIDC20 register values
-VIDSTIM1                *       &A1000000
-VIDSFR                  *       &B0000000
-VIDSCR                  *       &B1000005
-VIDDMAoff               *       &94000024
-VIDVCOWAIT              *       &5
-VIDVCOFREQ              *       &D0000404
-        |
-VIDSTIM0                *       &60000000       ; base VIDC register values
-VIDSTIM1                *       &64000000
-VIDSFR                  *       &C0000100
-        ]
-        SUBT    FLBK period test
-; This test attempts to validate the video timing system by checking for
-; the proper period from the vertical flyback pulse. To make life easier,
-; the test is performed only in mode 0 - i.e a 20mS period.
-; This test contains a processor-clock timed loop as an outer limit :
-; it assumes that the processor will never run more than a factor of ten
-; faster than an 8Mhz ARM2.
-; This is valid provided that this code isn't run with an ARM3 cache enabled.
-; Initialise video clock control (for FOX)
-; Initialise VIDC
-; Clear IR interrupt request in IOC
-; Poll IOC until IR appears (if ever)
-; Set IOC timer 0 to 32 mS
-; Clear IR interrupt request in IOC
-; Poll IOC until IR appears (if ever)
-; Check timer 0 has counted down 20 mS (19.8 - 20.2 mS)
-; Return zero flag set on OK, clear on test failure.
-ts_VIDC_period ROUT
-        ; Initialise VIDC clock and VIDC
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC1a"
-        LDR     r3, =VIDC_CLOCK_CONTROL         ;
-        MOV     r1, #VIDC_CLOCK_NORMAL
-        STRB    r1, [r3]
-        ]
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        MOV     r1, #ts_VIDCPhys
-        ADRL    r6, TestVIDCTAB
-00      LDR     r0, [r6],#4                     ; setup using main table
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT00
-01      LDR     r0, [r6],#4                     ; enable DMA using 2nd table
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        STRNE   r0, [r1]
-        BNE     %BT01
-        ; Wait for the start of a flyback period
-        LDR     r3, =IOC
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDR     r1, [r6]                        ; get FSIZE value from end of TestVIDCTAB
-        STR     r1, [r3, #IOMD_FSIZE]
-        ]
-        MOV     r1, #vsync_bit
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #IOCIRQCLRA]
-        LDR     r2, =VIDC_VFLYWAIT              ; long timeout loop - C 200mS
-05      LDRB    r1, [r3, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ANDS    r1, r1,  #vsync_bit
-        BNE     %06
-        SUBS    r2, r2,#1
-        BNE     %05
-        LDR     r0,=&fffff
-        ORRS    r0, r0,r7, LSL #20              ; Failed : clear 0 flag
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; ... and quit
-        ; Set up IOC timer 0
-        LDR     r1, =(32 * 1000 * 2)            ; 32mS upper limit
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer0LL]
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0LH]
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0GO]             ; start the timer
-        ; clear the IR and T0 bits
-        MOV     r0, #(vsync_bit :OR: timer0_bit)
-        STRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQCLRA]
-        ; wait for what should be a complete vflyback period
-10      LDR     r2, =VIDC_VFLYWAIT              ; timeout loop -  C 200 msec
-11      LDRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQSTAA]
-        TSTS    r0, #vsync_bit
-        BNE     %14                             ; wait for end of vsync
-        TSTS    r0, #timer0_bit                 ; or timer underflow
-        BNE     %13
-12      SUBS    r2, r2, #1                      ; or last-ditch timeout
-        BNE     %11
-13      ORRS    r0, r0,#1                       ; Failed : clear 0 flag
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; but return a zero
-        MOV     pc, r14                         ; ... and quit
-        ; finished in reasonable time : check against margins.
-14      STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0LR]             ; latch the current count
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer0CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer0CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2
-        MOV     r0, r2, LSR #1                  ; Vertical flyback time in uS
-        LDR     r1, =19800                      ; inside limits ?
-        SUBS    r2, r0, r1
-        BLE     %F20
-        LDR     r1, =400                        ; 19.8 -> 20.2 mS
-        CMPS    r2, r1
-        BGE     %F20
-        MOV     r1,#0                           ; OK -  0 indicates pass
-        ; After success using the 24MHz reference clock, select the
-        ; VCO clock (also at 24MHz) and ensure the test is passed after
-        ; a few cycles to allow the VCO to settle.
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-        TEQ     r7,#0                           ; if this is the first loop ..
-        BNE     %FT21
-        TEQ     r1,#0                           ; and it passed OK ..
-        BNE     %FT25
-        MOV     r2,#ts_VIDCPhys
-        LDR     r3,=VIDVCOFREQ                  ; set the vco to 24MHz
-        LDR     r4,=&E0000400                   ; and use the vco clock
-        STMIA   r2,{r3,r4}
-        MOV     r7,#VIDVCOWAIT                  ; set the vco test loop count
-        B       %BT04                           ; and run around again
-21      ORR     r0,r0,r7,LSL #20
-        SUBS    r7,r7,#1                        ; if all attempts now made
-        BEQ     %FT25                           ; return final result
-        TEQ     r1,#0                           ; else repeat until passed
-        BNE     %BT04
-        ]
-        ; return with zero flag set if timers were OK
-        ; measured time (in uS) in r0 if flyback was wrong,
-        ; bits 20+ show fail loop - 0 for refclk, 1 for vcoclk.
-        ORRS    r1,r1,r1
-        MOV     pc, r14
-        SUBT    Sound DMA test
-; This test runs the sound DMA system to prove the operation of VIDC and
-; MEMC's sound DMA control and the operation of the SIRQ sound DMA complete
-; interrupt.
-; To avoid making a noise, set the sound muting bit on.
-; Initialise MEMC sound DMA
-; Initialise VIDC sound channel
-; Initialise timer 0 and timer 1 to guard-band 10mS sound duration
-; Poll IOC until IL1 (SIRQ interrupt) becomes active
-; Check timer 0 has completed and timer 1 has not
-ts_SIRQ_period  ROUT
-        ; set up MEMC to point to a buffer near the start of physical RAM,
-        ; labelled in r9_fiq by the early memory size tests (not MemSize)
-        ; Registers are set as (address / 16)
-        ; Register bits are (register * 4) in VIDC address mask
-        ; Hence values written to MEMC + register offset + (pointer / 4)
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r3,#IOMD_Base
-        MOV     r0,#(IOMD_DMA_C_Bit :OR: IOMD_DMA_E_Bit :OR: 16)
-        STR     r0,[r3,#IOMD_SD0CR]
-        MOV_fiq r0,r9                   ; zero the DMA buffer
-        ADD     r1,r0,#ts_Soundbuf_length
-        MOV     r2,#0
-02      STR     r2,[r0],#4
-        CMPS    r0,r1
-        BNE     %BT02
-        |
-        MOV_fiq r0,r11_fiq
-        BIC     r0, r0, #MEMC_Son        ; ensure sound DMA disabled
-        STR     r0, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, =(MEMC_SendN :OR: ((ts_Soundbuf + ts_Soundbuf_length) / 4))
-        STR     r1, [r1]
-        LDR     r2, =(MEMC_Sstart :OR: (ts_Soundbuf / 4))
-        STR     r2, [r2]
-        LDR     r0, =MEMC_Sptr          ; initialise Sptr and set up again ..
-        STR     r0, [r0]
-        STR     r1, [r1]
-        STR     r2, [r2]
-        ]
-        ; Set up VIDC for 8 channels, 10uS (/8) per sample
-        LDR     r0, =ts_VIDCPhys
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-        LDR     r1, =VIDSCR             ; VIDC10 mode, 24Mhz clock
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, =VIDDMAoff
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        ]
-        LDR     r1, =(VIDSTIM0 + 1)     ; channel 0 at 100% left
-        LDR     r2, =((VIDSTIM1 - VIDSTIM0) + 1)
-        MOV     r3, #7
-05      STR     r1, [r0]                ; .. up to 6 at 100% right
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-        BNE     %05
-        SUB     r1, r1, #4              ; finally ch7 at centre again
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, =(VIDSFR + 8)       ; 10uS/byte
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        ; Set up the timer to limit at 20 us (10uS/sample, 1024-16 bytes => 10.08 mS)
-        LDR     r3, =IOC
-        LDR     r1, =(20 * 1000 * 2)        ; 20 mS upper limit
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        MOV     r0, #-1
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #IOCControl]           ; mute sound (on IOC system)
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]             ; start the timer
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r0, #(IOMD_DMA_E_Bit :OR: 16)   ; enable the IOMD DMA
-        STR     r0, [r3,#IOMD_SD0CR]
-        MOV_fiq r0,r9                           ; set the buffer pointers
-        MOV     r4,#((ts_Soundbuf_length/2) - 16)
-        STR     r0,[r3,#IOMD_SD0CURA]
-        STR     r4,[r3,#IOMD_SD0ENDA]
-        LDR     r2,[r3,#IOMD_SD0ST]
-        ORR     r4,r4,#IOMD_DMA_S_Bit
-        STR     r0,[r3,#IOMD_SD0CURB]
-        STR     r4,[r3,#IOMD_SD0ENDB]
-        |
-        MOV_fiq r0, r11_fiq
-        ORR     r0, r0, #MEMC_Son
-        STR     r0, [r0]                        ; enable the MEMC1a DMA
-        ]
-        ; set long timeout, clear the IL1, T0 and T1 bits
-        LDR     r2, =VIDC_SOUNDWAIT             ; lastditch timeout loop
-        LDR     r0, =(timer0_bit :OR: timer1_bit)
-        STRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQCLRA]
-        ; Wait until sound DMA completes (or up to about 100 mS),
-        ; then check timers.
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        LDRB    r0,[r3, #IOMD_SD0ST]
-        AND     r0, r0, #(IOMD_DMA_O_Bit :OR: IOMD_DMA_I_Bit)
-        CMPS    r0, #(IOMD_DMA_O_Bit :OR: IOMD_DMA_I_Bit)
-        BEQ     %12
-        |
-        LDRB    r0, [r3,#IOCIRQSTAB]
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #sound_IRQ_bit
-        BNE     %12
-        ]
-        LDR     r0, [r3, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ANDS    r0, r0,#timer1_bit              ; timeout if timer 1 expires
-        BNE     %11
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1                      ; or counter reaches zero
-        BNE     %10
-11      ORRS    r0, r0, #1                      ; Failed : clear 0 flag
-        MOV     r2, #0                          ; return a timeout value of 0
-        B       %15                             ; ... and quit
-        ; finished in reasonable time : check time remaining in t1
-        ; Time for DMA should be 10.24ms (1024 bytes at 10us/byte)
-        ; less up to the time to use the final 16-byte transfer, 160us.
-12      STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]             ; latch the current count
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #1                  ; Sound DMA time in uS
-        LDR     r1, =10030                      ; inside limits ?
-        SUBS    r0, r2, r1
-        BLE     %F13
-        LDR     r1, =260                        ; 10.03  -> 10.29 mS
-        CMPS    r0, r1
-        MOVLT   r1,#0                           ; inside limits : set Z flag
-13      ORRS    r1,r1,r1
-        ; return with zero flag set if time (in r2) was within limits
-        [ MEMC_Type = "IOMD"
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_DMA_C_Bit
-        STR     r0, [r3,#IOMD_SD0CR]
-        |
-        BIC     r0, r0, #MEMC_Son
-        STR     r0, [r0]
-        ]
-        MOV     r0, r2                          ; return the long time value
-        MOV     pc, r14
-; Data tables: VIDC := mode 0, all palette black
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC1a"
-        & &00000000
-        & &04000000
-        & &08000000
-        & &0C000000
-        & &10000000
-        & &14000000
-        & &18000000
-        & &1C000000
-        & &20000000
-        & &24000000
-        & &28000000
-        & &2C000000
-        & &30000000
-        & &34000000
-        & &38000000
-        & &3C000000
-        & &40000000     ; Border -> black
-        & &44000000     ; Cursor -> black
-        & &48000000
-        & &4C000000     ; Palette programmed (avoid messy screen on reset)
-; standard mode 0 setup (except display area disabled)
-        & &807FC000
-        & &8408C000
-        & &881B0000
-        & &8C1EC000     ; HDSR
-        & &906EC000     ; HDER
-        & &94770000
-        & &9C400000
-        & &A04DC000
-        & &A4008000
-        & &A8050000     ; VBSR
-        & &AC098000     ; VDSR
-        & &B0000000     ; VDER < VDSR to disable screen DMA       B0000000
-        & &B44DC000     ; VBER
-        & &E00000B2
-; Additional setup : cursor blanked, sound frequency test bit set
-        & &C0000100     ; SFR  NB. TEST BIT! - also DFlynn requested value
-        & &98258000     ; HCSR
-        & &B8004000     ; VCSR
-        & &BC400000     ; VCER
-; don't mess with the stereo image registers: sound code will set them.
-        & &FFFFFFFF     ; That's the lot
-; Further registers to turn screen DMA on again (border all over)
-; Must have a video start register before video end register to get
-; a vertical flyback interrupt.
-        & &B0494000     ; VDER > VDSR to enable screen DMA
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-        ]
-        [ VIDC_Type = "VIDC20"
-; This differs from the default RISC OS VIDCTAB in running from
-; the 24MHZ video ref clock. H register contents are increased by 50%.
-; Program Control Register first, to clear power-down bit
-        & &E0000402     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/1, rclk
-        & &E0000402     ;
-        & &B1000001     ; SCR: sound disabled (+use 24MHz clock)
-; Don't bother programming all 256 palette entries, we'll be here all night
-; Since we're setting up a 1 bit-per-pixel mode, just do colours 0 and 1
-        & &10000000     ; Palette address register = 0
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 0 = black
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 1 = black
-        & &40000000     ; Border colour = black(was grey &7F7F7F)
-        & &50000000     ; Pointer colour 1 = black
-        & &60000000     ; Pointer colour 2 = black
-        & &70000000     ; Pointer colour 3 = black
-; Get a stable display up so we get stable signals
-        & &800005F8     ; HCR  = 114 + 132 + 144 + 960 + 144 + 42
-        & &8100006A     ; HSWR = 114
-        & &820000EA     ; HBSR = 114 + 132
-        & &83000174     ; HDSR = 114 + 132 + 144
-        & &84000534     ; HDER = 114 + 132 + 144 + 960
-        & &850005CA     ; HBER = 114 + 132 + 144 + 960 + 144
-        & &860000F3     ; HCSR = HDSR
-        & &90000137     ; VCR  = 3 + 19 + 16 + 256 + 16 + 2
-        & &91000002     ; VSWR = 3
-        & &92000015     ; VBSR = 3 + 19
-        & &93000025     ; VDSR = 3 + 19 + 16
-        & &94000024     ; VDER = VDSR -1 to disable sceeen DMA
-        & &95000135     ; VBER = 3 + 19 + 16 + 256 + 16
-        & &96000025     ; VCSR = VDSR
-        & &97000025     ; VCER = VDSR
-        & &C00F1003     ; EREG = comp sync, DACs on, ereg output ext lut
-        & &D000C385     ; FSYNREG, clk = (3+1)/(5+1) * 24MHz = 16MHz
-        & &F0013000     ; DCR: bus D[31:0], Hdisc
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-        & &94000125     ; VDER > VDSR to enable screen DMA
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-                        ; FSIZE is one less than number of rasters in Vflyback
-        & &00000037     ; (3 + 19 + 16 + 0 + 16 + 2) - 1
-        ; Alternate settings for VGA monitor
-        & &E0000402     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/1, rclk
-        & &E0000402     ;
-        & &B1000001     ; SCR: sound disabled (+use 24MHz clock)
-        & &10000000     ; Palette address register = 0
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 0 = black
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 1 = black
-        & &40000000     ; Border colour = black(was grey &7F7F7F)
-        & &50000000     ; Pointer colour 1 = black
-        & &60000000     ; Pointer colour 2 = black
-        & &70000000     ; Pointer colour 3 = black
-        & &80000310     ; HCR  = 92 + 45 + 0 + 640 + 0 + 16
-        & &81000054     ; HSWR = 92
-        & &82000080     ; HBSR = 92 + 45
-        & &83000080     ; HDSR = 92 + 45 + 0
-        & &84000300     ; HDER = 92 + 45 + 0 + 640
-        & &85000300     ; HBER = 92 + 45 + 0 + 640 + 0
-        & &86000080     ; HCSR = HDSR
-        & &9000020B     ; VCR  = 2 + 32 + 0 + 480 + 0 + 11
-        & &91000001     ; VSWR = 2
-        & &92000021     ; VBSR = 2 + 32
-        & &93000021     ; VDSR = 2 + 32 + 0
-        & &94000020     ; VDER = VDSR -1 to disable sceeen DMA
-        & &95000201     ; VBER = 2 + 32 + 0 + 480 + 0
-        & &96000021     ; VCSR = VDSR
-        & &97000021     ; VCER = VDSR
-        & &C0051003     ; EREG = sep/inv sync, DACs on, ereg output ext lut
-        & &D000C385     ; FSYNREG, clk = (3+1)/(5+1) * 24MHz = 16MHz
-        & &F0013000     ; DCR: bus D[31:0], Hdisc
-        & &FFFFFFFF
-        ]
-        END
diff --git a/h/HALDevice b/h/HALDevice
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a979b68..00000000
--- a/h/HALDevice
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2003 Tematic Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-struct device
-  uint16_t type;
-  uint16_t id;
-  uint32_t location;
-  uint32_t version;
-  const char *description;
-  void *address;
-  uint32_t reserved1[3];
-  bool (*Activate)(struct device *);
-  void (*Deactivate)(struct device *);
-  void (*Reset)(struct device *);
-  int32_t (*Sleep)(struct device *, int32_t state);
-  int32_t devicenumber;
-  bool (*TestIRQ)(struct device *);
-  uint32_t reserved2[2];
-/* In the exported copy of this file, the Hdr2H translation of hdr.HALDevice will follow. */
diff --git a/hdr/ARMops b/hdr/ARMops
deleted file mode 100644
index 2efdc141..00000000
--- a/hdr/ARMops
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-ARMv3   *       0
-ARMv4   *       1
-ARMv4T  *       2
-ARMv5   *       3
-ARMv5T  *       4
-ARMv5TE *       5
-                ^       0
-ARM600          #       1
-ARM610          #       1
-ARM700          #       1
-ARM710          #       1
-ARM710a         #       1
-SA110_preRevT   #       1
-SA110           #       1
-ARM7500         #       1
-ARM7500FE       #       1
-SA1100          #       1
-SA1110          #       1
-ARM720T         #       1
-ARM920T         #       1
-ARM922T         #       1
-X80200          #       1
-X80321          #       1
-ARMunk          *       255
-; These flags are stored in ProcessorFlags and returned by OS_PlatformFeatures 0 (Read code features)
-CPUFlag_SynchroniseCodeAreas    * 1:SHL:0       ; Calls to OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas required
-CPUFlag_InterruptDelay          * 1:SHL:1       ; Clearing then setting I bit immediately doesn't trigger IRQs
-CPUFlag_VectorReadException     * 1:SHL:2       ; 26-bit reads of hardware vectors abort
-CPUFlag_StorePCplus8            * 1:SHL:3       ; Stores of R15 store PC+8 rather than PC+12
-CPUFlag_BaseRestored            * 1:SHL:4       ; Base Restored abort model rather than Base Updated
-CPUFlag_SplitCache              * 1:SHL:5       ; CPU has separate I and D caches
-CPUFlag_32bitOS                 * 1:SHL:6       ; OS is 32-bit
-CPUFlag_No26bitMode             * 1:SHL:7       ; CPU does not support 26-bit modes
-CPUFlag_LongMul                 * 1:SHL:8       ; Has M extensions (UMULL etc)
-CPUFlag_Thumb                   * 1:SHL:9       ; Supports Thumb
-CPUFlag_DSP                     * 1:SHL:10      ; Has E extensions (QADD etc)
-CPUFlag_ExtendedPages           * 1:SHL:15      ; Supports extended small page L2 descriptors
-CPUFlag_NoWBDrain               * 1:SHL:16      ; CPU does not support Drain Write Buffer instruction
-CPUFlag_AbortRestartBroken      * 1:SHL:17      ; Aborts do not correctly follow documented abort model
-CPUFlag_XScale                  * 1:SHL:18      ; it's an XScale, so weird debug etc
-CPUFlag_XScaleJTAGconnected     * 1:SHL:19      ; JTAG has been connected
-; The macro to do an ARM operation. All ARM operations are expected
-; to corrupt a1 only
-; This macro corrupts ip unless $zero reg is supplied
-        MACRO
-        ARMop   $op, $cond, $tailcall, $zero
- [ "$zero" = ""
-        MOV$cond ip, #ZeroPage
- ]
- [ "$tailcall" = ""
-        MOV$cond lr, pc
- ]
- [ "$zero" = ""
-        LDR$cond pc, [ip, #Proc_$op]
- |
-        LDR$cond pc, [$zero, #Proc_$op]
- ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ChangedProcVecs $tmp
- [ XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MOV     $tmp, #0
-        LDR     $tmp, [$tmp, #ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     $tmp, #CPUFlag_XScaleJTAGconnected
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        BKPT    &2000
- ]
-        MEND
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/Copro15ops b/hdr/Copro15ops
deleted file mode 100644
index d6c23652..00000000
--- a/hdr/Copro15ops
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > Copro15ops
-;macros for Coprocessor #15 operations (configuration), which run-time detect
-;and cater for ARM 6,7,8,A (A=StrongARM).
-;Routines detect which ARM directly by reading ARM ID register (avoids memory reads).
-; 24-01-96 MJS Created
-; 07-10-96 MJS Updated for proper ARM 810 support (not needed for RO 3.70)
-; 10-03-97 MJS A few additions for chocolate flavour screen handling (possible
-;              Domain and FSR register use) in Phoebe OS
-ARM_config_cp        CP 15  ;coprocessor number for configuration control
-ARM_ID_reg           CN  0  ;processor ID
-ARM_control_reg      CN  1  ;control
-ARM_tbase_reg        CN  2  ;translation base (MMU)
-ARM_domain_reg       CN  3  ;domain access control (MMU)
-ARM_FSR_reg          CN  5  ;Fault status reg (MMU, read only on ARM 6/7)
-ARM_FAR_reg          CN  6  ;Fault address reg (MMU, read only on ARM 6/7)
-ARM67_TLBflush_reg   CN  5  ;TLB flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARM67_TLBpurge_reg   CN  6  ;TLB purge entry, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARM67_cacheflush_reg CN  7  ;cache flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARMv3_TLBflush_reg   CN  5  ;TLB flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARMv3_TLBpurge_reg   CN  6  ;TLB purge entry, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARMv3_cacheflush_reg CN  7  ;cache flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARM8A_cache_reg      CN  7  ;cache operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARM8A_TLB_reg        CN  8  ;TLB operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARMv4_cache_reg      CN  7  ;cache operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARMv4_TLB_reg        CN  8  ;TLB operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARM8_cacheLD_reg     CN  9  ;cache lock-down, ARM 8
-ARM8_TLBLD_reg       CN 10  ;TLB lock-down, ARM 8
-ARM8_CTC_reg         CN 15  ;Clock and test configuration
-ARMA_TCI_reg         CN 15  ;Test,Clock and Idle control
-;so that AASM will accept the general value for MCR CRm field
-C0  CN  0
-C1  CN  1
-C2  CN  2
-C3  CN  3
-C4  CN  4
-C5  CN  5
-C6  CN  6
-C7  CN  7
-C8  CN  8
-C9  CN  9
-C10 CN 10
-C11 CN 11
-C12 CN 12
-C13 CN 13
-C14 CN 14
-C15 CN 15
-; ----------------- all ARMs ---------------------------------------------
-;set MMU translation base
-        MACRO
-        ARM_MMU_transbase $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_tbase_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;set MMU domain access register
-        MACRO
-        ARM_MMU_domain $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_domain_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read control register
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_control $reg,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_control_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;set control register
-        MACRO
-        ARM_write_control $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_control_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read MMU/external fault status
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_FSR $reg,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FSR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;set MMU/external fault status
-        MACRO
-        ARM_write_FSR $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FSR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read MMU/external fault address
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_FAR $reg,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FAR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-; set MMU/external fault address
-        MACRO
-        ARM_write_FAR $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FAR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read ID register to register $id
-;bits 15:12 of returned ID will be 0,7,8,10 for ARM 6,7,8,A
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_ID $id,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$id,ARM_ID_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read cache type register to register $type
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_cachetype $type,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$type,ARM_ID_reg,C0,1
-        MEND
-;read ARM 'number' (6,7,8,&A currently) into $num
-        MACRO
-        ARM_number $num
-        ARM_read_ID $num
-        ANDS     $num,$num,#&F000
-        MOVEQ    $num,#&6000       ;catch and correct daft ARM 6 ID layout
-        MOV      $num,$num,LSR #12
-        MEND
-; check if we're on an ARM 6 - EQ if so
-        MACRO
-        ARM_6       $tmp, $cond
-        ARM_read_ID $tmp, $cond
-        TST$cond    $tmp, #&F000
-        MEND
-;check whether running on emulator - this is subject to change. ARMs before
-;ARM 920 ignore op2, and will definitely return something other than "1".
-;ARM 920 onwards use op2 0 and 1 - behaviour with other op2 values is as yet
-        MACRO
-        ARM_on_emulator $tmp,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$tmp,ARM_ID_reg,C0,7
-        TEQ$cond $tmp,#1
-        MEND
-;flush whole TLB (both data and instruction for StrongARM)
-;trashes $temp
-        MACRO
-        ARM_flush_TLB $temp
-        ARM_read_ID $temp
-        AND      $temp,$temp,#&F000
-        CMP      $temp,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    $temp,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole cache (both data and instruction for StrongARM),
-;without worrying about any cache cleaning
-;trashes $temp
-        MACRO
-        ARM_flush_cache $temp
-        ARM_read_ID $temp
-        AND      $temp,$temp,#&F000
-        CMP      $temp,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    $temp,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole TLB and cache (both data and instruction for StrongARM),
-;without worrying about any cache cleaning
-;trashes $temp
-        MACRO
-        ARM_flush_cacheandTLB $temp
-        ARM_read_ID $temp
-        AND      $temp,$temp,#&F000
-        CMP      $temp,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    $temp,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-; -------------- ARM 6,7 only --------------------------------------------
-;flush cache
-        MACRO
-        ARM67_flush_cache $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;flush TLB
-        MACRO
-        ARM67_flush_TLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;flush TLB entry, virtual address in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARM67_flush_TLBentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM67_TLBpurge_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-; -------------- ARM 810 only ----------------------------------------------
- [ {FALSE}
-;turn off branch prediction
-; - the forced mispredicted branch ensures that the predictor is trapped in
-;   this code segment when turned off
-; - corrupts $temp and status flags
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_branchpredict_off $temp
-        ARM_read_control $temp
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&800        ;z bit (branch prediction)
-        ARM_write_control $temp
-        SEC                          ;set carry flag
-        BCC %BT01
-        MEND
-;turn on branch prediction
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_branchpredict_on $temp
-        ARM_read_control $temp
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&800        ;z bit (branch prediction)
-        ARM_write_control $temp
-        MEND
-;flush branch prediction, which is sufficient for an IMB (instruction memory
-;barrier) on ARM 810, BUT...
-; - intended for in line use only, where efficiency matters, or SWI call is
-;   awkward
-; - general code should use SWI OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas to implement
-;   an IMB (instruction memory barrier) in future proof, ARM independent way
-; - kernel code may use this without regard to which ARM running - ie. assumed
-;   harmless on other ARMs
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_branchpredict_flush
-        SUB PC,PC,#4        ;flush, because PC is written by data op
-        MEND
-;clean cache entry
-; - segment,index spec in $reg
-; - bits 4..6   = segment (0..7)
-; - bits 26..31 = index   (0..63)
-; - all other bits zero
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_clean_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C11,1
-        MEND
-;flush cache entry -  segment,index spec in $reg, as for ARM8_clean_IDCentry
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_flush_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,1
-        MEND
-;clean and flush cache entry -  segment,index spec in $reg, as for ARM8_clean_IDCentry
-;if ARM810cleanflushbroken is TRUE, interrupts *must* be currently diabled (see below)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-  [ ARM810cleanflushbroken
-        ARM8_clean_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-        ARM8_flush_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-  |
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C15,1
-  ]
-        MEND
-;fully clean and flush cache (assumes no locked-down entries to preserve)
-;if ARM810cleanflushbroken is TRUE, then we have to make sure interrupts are disabled during
-;the sequence of 2 MCRs that make up ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry, to avoid an interrupt hole.
-;The hole occurs if an interrupt fills and dirties the particular cache entry after the clean
-;but before the flush. We don't have this problem with StrongARM, because the entry is
-;specified by virtual address, and RISC OS only cleans/flushes address space not currently
-;involved in interrupts.
-  [ ARM810cleanflushbroken
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC $temp,$temp2
-        ;for simplicity, disable interrupts during entire operation
-        mrs ,$temp2,CPSR
-        ORR  $temp,$temp2,#I32_bit
-        msr ,CPSR_c,$temp                        ;disable I
-        MOV  $temp,#0                            ;initial segment and index
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry $temp
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 26              ;next index
-        CMP $temp,#1 :SHL: 26                    ;last index done if index field wrapped to 0
-        BHS %BT01
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 4               ;next segment
-        CMP $temp,#8 :SHL: 4                     ;8 segments done?
-        BLO %BT01
-        msr ,CPSR_c,$temp2                       ;restore I
-        MEND
-  |
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC $temp
-        MOV $temp,#0                             ;initial segment and index
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry $temp
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 26              ;next index
-        CMP $temp,#1 :SHL: 26                    ;last index done if index field wrapped to 0
-        BHS %BT01
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 4               ;next segment
-        CMP $temp,#8 :SHL: 4                     ;8 segments done?
-        BLO %BT01
-        MEND
-  ]
-;flush whole TLB (actually, same as ARMA_flush_TLBs)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_flush_TLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush TLB entry, virtual address in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_flush_TLBentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,1
-        MEND
-;select external Refclk pin as fast clock (dynamic switching, asynchronous)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_refclk_fclk $temp
-        MRC ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp, $temp,#&1                        ;turn off dynamic bus switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&2                         ;select asynchronous mode (default) (bit1)
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&4                         ;select REFCLK as the FCLK source (bits3:2)
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&10                        ;ensure L=0 when writing (PLL locked) (bit4)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&1                         ;select dynamic clock switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;select PLL output as fast clock (dynamic switching, asynchronous)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_pll_fclk $temp
-        MRC ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&1                         ;turn off dynamic bus switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&2                         ;select asynchronous mode (default) (bit1)
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&C                         ;select PLLClkOut as the FCLK source (bits3:2)
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&10                        ;ensure L=0 when writing (PLL locked) (bit4)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&1                         ;select dynamic clock switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
- ] ;ARM810support
-; -------------- StrongARM only ------------------------------------------
-;clean whole data cache, using 16k private cleaner area at address in
-;trashes $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2
-;clean whole (16k) data cache by reading 16k private cleaner area in 8-word
-;(one cache line) steps
-;note: this routine should NOT be used as is without care - remember
-;      1) interrupts should be off (to guarantee this clean is effective)
-;      2) DC should be flushed afterwards (to guarantee next clean using
-;         private area is effective, ie. all private area flushed out now)
-;      see ARMA_fullycleanflush_DC for 'packaged routine'
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_clean_DC $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2
-        ADD     $temp1,$cleanaddr,#16*1024
-        LDR     $temp2,[$cleanaddr],#32
-        TEQ     $temp1,$cleanaddr
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MEND
-;flush whole data cache
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DC $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C6,0
-        MEND
-;clean data cache entry, virtual addr in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C10,1
-        MEND
-;flush data cache entry, virtual addr in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C6,1
-        MEND
-;clean and flush data cache entry, virtual addr in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C14,1
-        MEND
-;clean data cache for virtual address range from $lo (inclusive) to $hi (exclusive)
-;corrupts $lo,$hi
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_clean_DCrange $lo,$hi
-        BIC     $lo,$lo,#31    ;align down to 8-word (1 cache line) boundary
-        ADD     $hi,$hi,#31
-        BIC     $hi,$hi,#31    ;align up to 8-word boundary
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo ;clean entry for virtual address $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32    ;next line
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32
-        CMP     $lo,$hi
-        BLO     %BT01
-        MEND
-;drain write buffer
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_drain_WB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C10,4
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ARM_drain_WB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C10,4
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction cache
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_IC $WithoutNOPs,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C5,0
-      [ "$WithoutNOPs" = ""
-        MOV     R0,R0 ; 4 NOPS - up to 4 further instructions may come from IC before flush
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-      ]
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction cache and whole data cache
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_ICandDC $WithoutNOPs,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,0
-      [ "$WithoutNOPs" = ""
-        MOV     R0,R0 ; 4 NOPS - up to 4 further instructions may come from IC before flush
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-      ]
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction TLB
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_ITLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C5,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole data TLB
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DTLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C6,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction and data TLBs
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_TLBs $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush data TLB entry, virtual address in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DTLBentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C6,1
-        MEND
-;fully clean and flush DC - see ARMA_clean_DC for more info
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_fullycleanflush_DC $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2,$temp3
-        mrs    ,$temp3,CPSR
-        ORR     $temp1,$temp3,#I32_bit
-        msr    ,CPSR_c,$temp1         ;disable IRQs
-        ARMA_clean_DC $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2
-        ARMA_flush_DC
-        msr    ,CPSR_c,$temp3         ;restore IRQ state
-        MEND
-;enable core clock switching (fast core clock allowed)
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_fastcoreclock $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARMA_TCI_reg,C1,2
-        MEND
-;disable core clock switching (core clock is memory clock)
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_slowcoreclock $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARMA_TCI_reg,C2,2
-        MEND
-    END
diff --git a/hdr/EnvNumbers b/hdr/EnvNumbers
deleted file mode 100644
index 68023aef..00000000
--- a/hdr/EnvNumbers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    => &.Hdr.EnvNumbers
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 15-Aug-88  SKS   Added numbers in comments
-; 09-Jun-94  AMcC  Added comment associating this header with
-;                  OS_ChangeEnvironment
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Codes in R0 for OS_ChangeEnvironment
-; ====================================
-                        ^ 0
-MemoryLimit             # 1     ;  0  R2 ignored
-UndefinedHandler        # 1     ;  1   "    "
-PrefetchAbortHandler    # 1     ;  2   "    "
-DataAbortHandler        # 1     ;  3   "    "
-AddressExceptionHandler # 1     ;  4   "    "
-OtherExceptionHandler   # 1     ;  5  for FPU exception etc. expansion
-ErrorHandler            # 1     ;  6  R3 is error buffer pointer
-CallBackHandler         # 1     ;  7  R3 is register buffer ptr
-BreakPointHandler       # 1     ;  8  R3 is register buffer ptr
-EscapeHandler           # 1     ;  9
-EventHandler            # 1     ; 10
-ExitHandler             # 1     ; 11
-UnusedSWIHandler        # 1     ; 12
-ExceptionDumpArea       # 1     ; 13
-ApplicationSpaceSize    # 1     ; 14
-CAOPointer              # 1     ; 15
-UpCallHandler           # 1     ; 16
-MaxEnvNumber  #   1
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/ExportVals/!HowTo b/hdr/ExportVals/!HowTo
deleted file mode 100644
index ef144d4e..00000000
--- a/hdr/ExportVals/!HowTo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-To add a Kernel workspace variable name to PublicWS:
-1) Add a LabelValue line for the variable to s.GetVals
-2) Run Mk
-3) See what value was generated for the variable in 'values'
-3) 'Export' the variable in hdr.KernelWS (see any other exported variable)
-4) Add the variable and its value to hdr.PublicWS
diff --git a/hdr/ExportVals/Makefile b/hdr/ExportVals/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c2937e9d..00000000
--- a/hdr/ExportVals/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Makefile for ExportVals
-# Generic options:
-MKDIR   = cdir
-AS      = aasm
-CP      = copy
-RM      = remove
-CCFLAGS = -c -depend !Depend -IC:
-ASFLAGS = -Stamp -quit
-CPFLAGS = ~cfr~v
-# Generic rules:
-	${AS} ${ASFLAGS} -To null: -From s.GetVals { > values }
-	settype values text
-	@echo ok
-# Dynamic dependencies:
diff --git a/hdr/ExportVals/Mk,fd7 b/hdr/ExportVals/Mk,fd7
deleted file mode 100644
index d645a7f6..00000000
--- a/hdr/ExportVals/Mk,fd7
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-Dir <Obey$Dir>
diff --git a/hdr/ExportVals/s/GetVals b/hdr/ExportVals/s/GetVals
deleted file mode 100644
index dccedbc5..00000000
--- a/hdr/ExportVals/s/GetVals
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        GET     Hdr:ListOpts
-        GET     Hdr:Macros
-        GET     Hdr:System
-        GET     Hdr:Machine.<Machine>
-;	Hack!
-        GBLL  med_00001_debug
-med_00001_debug     SETL  {FALSE}
-; and another...
-        GBLL  StrongARM
-; yet more..
-        GBLL    ChocolateSysHeap
-ChocolateSysHeap SETL {TRUE}
-        GBLL    mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
-mjsSysHeapNodesTrace SETL {TRUE}
-        GET     ^.PublicWS
-        GET     ^.KernelWS
-        MACRO
-        LabelValue $LabelName
-        LCLS    String
-String  SETS    "Label " :CC: "$LabelName" :CC: " has the value &"
-String  SETS    "$String" :CC: :STR: $LabelName
-        !       0, "$String"
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        RegisterLabelValue $LabelName
-        LCLS    String
-        LCLA    Register
-String  SETS    "Label " :CC: "$LabelName" :CC: " has the value &"
-String  SETS    "$String" :CC: :STR: ( :INDEX: $LabelName)
-Register SETA   :BASE: $LabelName
-        [       Register >= 10
-String  SETS    "$String" :CC: ", R" :CC: ((:STR: (Register+6)) :RIGHT: 2)
-        |
-String  SETS    "$String" :CC: ", R" :CC: ((:STR: Register) :RIGHT: 1)
-        ]
-        !       0, "$String"
-        MEND
-        LabelValue Export_BgEcfOraEor
-        LabelValue Export_FgEcfOraEor
-        LabelValue Export_BranchToSWIExit
-        LabelValue Export_DomainId
-        LabelValue Export_ESC_Status
-        LabelValue Export_IRQsema
-        LabelValue Export_LatchBSoftCopy
-        LabelValue Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
-        LabelValue Export_DebuggerSpace
-        LabelValue Export_RedirectInHandle
-        LabelValue Export_RedirectOutHandle
-        LabelValue Export_ScratchSpace
-        LabelValue ScratchSpaceSize
-        LabelValue Export_SoundDMABuffers
-        LabelValue Export_SoundDMABufferSize
-        LabelValue Export_SoundWorkSpace
-        LabelValue Export_SVCSTK
-        LabelValue Export_SvcTable
-        LabelValue Export_SysHeapStart
-        LabelValue Export_VduDriverWorkSpace
-        LabelValue VDWSSize
-        LabelValue ScreenBlankFlag
-        LabelValue ScreenBlankDPMSState
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/ExportVals/values b/hdr/ExportVals/values
deleted file mode 100644
index e946a675..00000000
--- a/hdr/ExportVals/values
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-ARM stand alone Macro Assembler Version 2.00
-AMBControl_ws  at  00000180
-ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop at 00000184
-SyncCodeA_sema (byte) at 00000188
-Oscli_CmdHashSum      at 0000018C
-Oscli_CmdHashLists    at 00000190
-Serv_SysChains        at 00000194
-Serv_UsrChains        at 00000198
-Serv_AwkwardChain     at 0000019C
-VideoPhysAddr held at  000001A0
-LCD_Active flag byte held at  00000259
-ProcessorType  at  0000025B
-ProcessorFlags at  0000025C
-Free space after ProcVec = 00000020
-Free space after EnvString = 000000E0
-Free space after CamMap debug block = 00000024
-KeyWorkSpace          at 00000590
-ChocolateCBBlocks     at 00000790
-ChocolateSVBlocks     at 00000794
-ChocolateTKBlocks     at 00000798
-ChocolateMRBlocks     at 0000079C
-ChocolateMABlocks     at 000007A0
-ChocolateMSBlocks     at 000007A4
-Module_List           at 000007D0
-ModuleSWI_HashTab     at 00000C40
-SysVars_StickyPtrs    at 00000E40
-Abort32_dumparea      at 00000E6C
-Help_guard            at 00000E84
-PCI_status            at 00000E98
-IOMD_NoInterrupt      at 00000E9C
-**WARNING** compiling in code to trace some SysHeap node statistics (mjsSysHeapNodesTrace TRUE)
-mjsSHNodesTrace_ws    at 00000EAC
-Label Export_BgEcfOraEor has the value &000004C0
-Label Export_FgEcfOraEor has the value &00000480
-Label Export_BranchToSWIExit has the value &01F037FC
-Label Export_DomainId has the value &00000FF8
-Label Export_ESC_Status has the value &00000104
-Label Export_IRQsema has the value &00000108
-Label Export_LatchBSoftCopy has the value &00000105
-Label Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy has the value &00000114
-Label Export_RedirectInHandle has the value &00000AE1
-Label Export_RedirectOutHandle has the value &00000AE2
-Label Export_ScratchSpace has the value &00004000
-Label ScratchSpaceSize has the value &00004000
-Label Export_SoundDMABuffers has the value &01F06000
-Label Export_SoundDMABufferSize has the value &00001000
-Label Export_SoundWorkSpace has the value &01F04000
-Label Export_SVCSTK has the value &01C02000
-Label Export_SvcTable has the value &01F033FC
-Label Export_SysHeapStart has the value &01C02000
-Label Export_VduDriverWorkSpace has the value &00001000
-Label VDWSSize has the value &00003000
-Label ScreenBlankFlag has the value &0000047C
-Label ScreenBlankDPMSState has the value &0000047D
diff --git a/hdr/HALDevice b/hdr/HALDevice
deleted file mode 100644
index c84d994b..00000000
--- a/hdr/HALDevice
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2002 Tematic Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; Structure of generic HAL devices, as described in Kernel.Docs.HAL.NewAPI
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
- [ :LNOT: :DEF: Included_Hdr_HALDevice
-                       GBLL Included_Hdr_HALDevice
-Included_Hdr_HALDevice SETL {TRUE}
-                        ^       0
-HALDevice_Type          #       2
-HALDevice_ID            #       2
-HALDevice_Location      #       4
-HALDevice_Version       #       4
-HALDevice_Description   #       4
-HALDevice_Address       #       4
-HALDevice_Reserved1     #       12
-HALDevice_Activate      #       4
-HALDevice_Deactivate    #       4
-HALDevice_Reset         #       4
-HALDevice_Sleep         #       4
-HALDevice_Device        #       4
-HALDevice_TestIRQ       #       4
-HALDevice_Reserved2     #       8
-HALDeviceSize           *       :INDEX: @
-HALDeviceType_Video     *       1 :SHL: 8
-                        ^       1
-HALDeviceVideo_VDU      #       1       ; VDU display
-HALDeviceType_Audio     *       2 :SHL: 8
-                        ^       1
-HALDeviceAudio_AudC     #       1       ; 16-bit sound input/output controller
-HALDeviceAudio_Mixer    #       1       ; Sound I/O mixer
-HALDeviceType_SysPeri   *       3 :SHL: 8
-                        ^       1
-HALDeviceSysPeri_IntC   #       1       ; Interrupt controller
-HALDeviceSysPeri_DMAC   #       1       ; DMA controller
-HALDeviceSysPeri_DMAB   #       1       ; DMA channel - buffer type
-HALDeviceSysPeri_DMAL   #       1       ; DMA channel - list type
-HALDeviceType_Comms     *       4 :SHL: 8
-                        ^       1
-HALDeviceComms_UART     #       1       ; UART
-HALDeviceBus_Pro        *       0 :SHL: 28
-HALDeviceProBus_Core    *       0 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceProBus_CoPro   *       1 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceBus_Sys        *       1 :SHL: 28
-HALDeviceSysBus_AHB     *       0 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceSysBus_ASB     *       1 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceSysBus_PXBus   *       2 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceBus_Peri       *       2 :SHL: 28
-HALDevicePeriBus_APB    *       0 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceBus_Exp        *       3 :SHL: 28
-HALDeviceExpBus_Acorn   *       0 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceExpBus_ISA     *       1 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceExpBus_PCI     *       2 :SHL: 24
-HALDeviceBus_Ser        *       4 :SHL: 28
-HALDeviceSerBus_ACLink  *       0 :SHL: 24
-                                ^       0
-HALDeviceID_AudC_M5451          #       1
-                                ^       0
-HALDeviceID_Mixer_STAC9750      #       1
-                                ^       0
-HALDeviceID_DMAC_M1535          #       1
-HALDeviceID_DMAC_M5229          #       1
-                                ^       0
-HALDeviceID_DMAB_M1535          #       1
-                                ^       0
-HALDeviceID_DMAL_M5229          #       1
- ]
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/HALEntries b/hdr/HALEntries
deleted file mode 100644
index 010b2903..00000000
--- a/hdr/HALEntries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; The layout of the HAL descriptor
-                        ^       0
-HALDesc_Flags           #       4
-HALDesc_Start           #       4
-HALDesc_Size            #       4
-HALDesc_Entries         #       4
-HALDesc_NumEntries      #       4
-HALDesc_Workspace       #       4
-HALDesc_size            #       4
-HALFlag_NCNBWorkspace   *       1:SHL:0
-; Entries to the HAL from the OS
-                                ^       0
-EntryNo_HAL_Init                #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IRQEnable           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IRQDisable          #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IRQClear            #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IRQSource           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IRQStatus           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_FIQEnable           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_FIQDisable          #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_FIQDisableAll       #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_FIQClear            #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_FIQSource           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_FIQStatus           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_Timers              #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TimerDevice         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TimerGranularity    #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TimerMaxPeriod      #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TimerSetPeriod      #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TimerPeriod         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TimerReadCountdown  #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_CounterRate         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_CounterPeriod       #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_CounterRead         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_CounterDelay        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryType        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemorySize        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryPageSize    #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryProtectedSize #     1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryProtection  #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryIICAddress  #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryRead        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_NVMemoryWrite       #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IICBuses            #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IICType             #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IICSetLines         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IICReadLines        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IICDevice           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IICTransfer         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_IICMonitorTransfer  #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_VideoFlybackDevice        #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_SetMode             #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry   #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_ReadPaletteEntry    #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_SetInterlace        #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_SetBlank            #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_SetPowerSave        #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_UpdatePointer       #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_SetDAG              #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_VetMode             #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_PixelFormats        #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_Features            #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_BufferAlignment     #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_Video_OutputFormat        #  1
-EntryNo_HAL_MatrixColumns       #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_MatrixScan          #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TouchscreenType     #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TouchscreenRead     #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TouchscreenMode     #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_TouchscreenMeasure  #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_MachineID           #       1 ; ReadSysInfo 2
-EntryNo_HAL_ControllerAddress   #       1 ; Memory 9
-EntryNo_HAL_HardwareInfo        #       1 ; ReadSysInfo 2
-EntryNo_HAL_SuperIOInfo         #       1 ; ReadSysInfo 3
-EntryNo_HAL_PlatformInfo        #       1 ; ReadSysInfo 8
-EntryNo_HAL_CleanerSpace        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTPorts           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTStartUp         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTShutdown        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTFeatures        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTReceiveByte     #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTTransmitByte    #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTLineStatus      #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTInterruptEnable #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTRate            #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTFormat          #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOSize        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOClear       #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOEnable      #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTFIFOThreshold   #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTInterruptID     #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTBreak           #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTModemControl    #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTModemStatus     #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_UARTDevice          #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_Reset               #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_DebugRX             #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_DebugTX             #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIFeatures         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIReadConfigByte   #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIReadConfigHalfword #     1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIReadConfigWord   #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIWriteConfigByte  #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIWriteConfigHalfword #     1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIWriteConfigWord  #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCISpecialCycle     #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCISlotTable        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PCIAddresses        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_ATAControllerInfo   #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_ATASetModes         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_ATACableID          #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_InitDevices         #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_KbdScanSetup        #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_KbdScan             #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_KbdScanFinish       #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_KbdScanInterrupt    #       1
-EntryNo_HAL_PhysInfo            #       1
-; Various flags and constants
-; NVMemory
-NVMemoryFlag_None               * 0
-NVMemoryFlag_MaybeIIC           * 1
-NVMemoryFlag_IIC                * 2
-NVMemoryFlag_HAL                * 3
-NVMemoryFlag_Provision          * 7 ; mask for provision
-NVMemoryFlag_ProtectAtEnd       * 1:SHL:8   ; Protected region at end
-NVMemoryFlag_Deprotectable      * 1:SHL:9
-NVMemoryFlag_LowRead            * 1:SHL:10  ; locations 0-15 are readable
-NVMemoryFlag_LowWrite           * 1:SHL:11  ; locations 0-15 are writeable
-; IIC
-IICFlag_LowLevel        * 1:SHL:0
-IICFlag_HighLevel       * 1:SHL:1
-IICFlag_Background      * 1:SHL:4
-IICFlag_Fast            * 1:SHL:16
-IICFlag_HighSpeed       * 1:SHL:17
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/KernelWS b/hdr/KernelWS
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ee9b60f..00000000
--- a/hdr/KernelWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1948 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    > Kernel WorkSpace
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 02-Nov-87  APT   Added module SWI hash table
-; 03-Nov-87  APT   Modo-fied module SWI hash table info, removed BRKLST
-; 09-Nov-87  APT   Removed ESCCNT and ESFLG
-; 12-Nov-87  APT   Added IRQsema
-; 13-Nov-87  APT   Added DefaultIRQ1V codespace
-; 16-Nov-87  APT   PIRQ chain heads
-; 18-Nov-87  APT   Reordered EvtHan, EvtHan_ws
-; 19-Nov-87  APT   Moved IRQsema
-; 01-Dec-87  APT   Added interruptible heap manager workspace
-; 08-Dec-87  TMD   Added ECFShift, ECFYOffset
-; 14-Dec-87  TMD   Added DisplayNColour, DisplayModeFlags
-; 15-Dec-87  TMD   Added KeyAlphabet
-; 22-Dec-87  NDR   Using ScratchSpace
-; 13-Jan-88  APT   General scratchspace bash, low workspace reordering.
-;                  Removed spurious 32 bytes of osbyte wspace
-; 14-Jan-88  APT   *type buffer in scratchspace.
-;                  MOShasFIQ byte added
-; 20-Jan-88  APT   Workspace juggling for speed & space; also discarded
-;                  Level0 stuff.
-; 28-Jan-88  APT   MetroGnome moved to "public" location for ADFS
-; 02-Feb-88  APT   FIQclaim_interlock added
-; 05-Feb-88  APT   CallBack_Vector
-; 09-Feb-88  APT   RAM for SWI despatch
-; 17-Feb-88  TMD   Added VduSaveArea, VduSaveAreaPtr, DisplayModeNo
-; 26-Feb-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   Shrank SVC despatch
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest doubled
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayScreenStart, VduOutputCurrentState,
-;                  SpriteMaskSelect, reordered mode variables
-; 07-Mar-88  APT   Made CamEntries always at &164
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSizes, GCharSizeX, GCharSizeY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSpacing, GCharSpaceX, GCharSpaceY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Moved GCharSizes..GCharSpaceY into first 1K of workspace
-; 15-Mar-88  TMD   Added HLineAddr
-; 18-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayXWindLimit, DisplayYWindLimit,
-;                   DisplayXEigFactor, DisplayYEigFactor, PointerXEigFactor
-; 18-Mar-88  APT   Setting variables scratchspace use revised.
-; 21-Mar-88  TMD   Removed CursorIndex
-; 22-Mar-88  TMD   Added TCharSizeX,TCharSizeY,TCharSpaceX,TCharSpaceY
-; 29-Mar-88  TMD   Added GcolOraEorAddr
-; 31-Mar-88  TMD   Removed WsFontPtr
-; 07-Apr-88  SKS   Added HeapSort use of ScratchSpace
-; 14-Apr-88  TMD   Added SerialFlags
-; 28-Apr-88  TMD   Added XONXOFFChar
-;  5-May-88  APT   Added MemorySpeed
-; 18-May-88  APT   Added CannotReset sema at &107, removed pre-1.20 changes.
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Added ClipBoxEnable, ClipBoxLCol..ClipBoxTRow, moved in
-;                   ScrLoaSpriteCB, ScrLoaBuffer, SrcSavCommon
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Flood fill uses ScratchSpace
-; 01-Jun-88  TMD   Added AlignSpace for ClipBoxCoords
-; 03-Jun-88  BCSKS Make Keyboard buffer into a useful part of the system
-;                  Also PrinterBufferSize
-; 09-Jun-88  DJS   Draw uses ScratchSpace
-; 09-Jun-88  BC    Gave Econet some private debungling space
-; 11-Jun-88  SKS   Align IRQ stack to make STMFD not cross two MEMC bdy's
-;                  Made info condit'l on AsmArf; someone had commented it out!
-; 15-Jun-88  SKS   Added two more instructions in SWIDespatch area
-;                  Moved SLVK definition into kernel; it's not public
-; 16-Jun-88  SKS   Added 3 more instructions in SWIDespatch area + nailed
-;                  SvcTable address for compatibility
-; 22-Jun-88  SKS   Moved MEMC_CR_SoftCopy into pubic ws
-; 19-Jul-88  APT   Added UpCall handler stuff
-; 20-Jul-88  SKS   Added above entry
-;                  Amended comment about overlaid workspace in vdu
-; 15-Aug-88  SKS   Inserted DomainId at FF8 (set by Wimp on task swap, used by
-;                  FileSwitch to tag resources)
-; 27-Sep-89  JSR   Added ColourTrans to users of scratch space
-; 24-Oct-89  TMD   Added CamEntriesForBigMachines, CamEntriesPointer
-; 26-Oct-89  TMD   Added MaxCamEntry, removed NoOfCamEntries symbol
-; 27-Oct-89  TMD   Added VIDCClockSpeed
-; 09-Nov-89  TMD   Added ResetIndirection
-; 15-Jan-91  TMD   Added ROMModuleChain
-; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added DeviceFS as user of ScratchSpace.
-; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added ColourTrans use of ScratchSpace to build diff tables.
-; 06-Mar-91  TMD   Added IOSystemType
-; 07-Mar-91  LVR   ADFS uses scratch space for floppy formatting
-; 07-Mar-91  TMD   Added MonitorLeadType
-; 08-Mar-91  TMD   Added PrinterBufferAddr, PrinterBufferSize
-; 11-Apr-91  TMD   Added SerialInHandle, SerialOutHandle
-; 24-Apr-91  TMD   Added UniqueMachineID
-; 09-Jun-91  RM    Added KernelMessagesBlock,ErrorSemaphore and MOSConvertBuffer
-; 26-Jul-91  JSR   Extend GeneralMOSBuffer by 4 bytes to make it a valid
-;                       length for the default error handler's error buffer
-; 19-Aug-91  JSR   Added *If to list of GeneralMOSBuffer users
-; 22-Aug-91  TMD   Reduced ErrorSemaphore to a byte, added PortableFlag
-; 25-Aug-91  DDV   Updated to indicate correct usage of scratch space by ColourTrans
-; 09-Jan-92  DDV   Added FgPattern, BgPattern and indicate use of ScratchSpace by OS_SetColour
-; 20-Jan-92  TMD   OS_SetColour no longer uses ScratchSpace
-; 17-Feb-92  ECN   Added CLibWord and RISCOSLibWord
-; 02-Apr-92  TMD   Added ScreenBlankFlag
-; 27-Jul-92  TMD   Create Victoria specific version
-; 28-Jul-92  TMD   Moved RAMDiscAddress
-; 29-Jul-92  TMD   Moved SpriteSpaceAddress
-; 30-Jul-92  TMD   Moved FontCacheAddress
-; 31-Jul-92  TMD   Moved ScreenEndAdr from source.vdudecl, and moved actual address!
-; 03-Aug-92  TMD   Added PhysRam (moved from hdr:System)
-; 24-Aug-92  TMD   Added AbortIndirection
-; 26-Aug-92  TMD   Added PreVeneerRegDump
-; 02-Sep-92  TMD   Added FirPalAddr, SecPalAddr
-; 10-Sep-92  DDV   Added new Vdu Variables for new text expansion buffer
-; 17-Sep-92  DDV   Moved NColour into the word initialised VDU workspace
-; 17-Sep-92  DDV   Two new colour words added for text foreground and background.
-; 27-Jan-93  TMD   Moved RMA to new position
-; 29-Jan-93  TMD   Put RMA back to old position (you can't branch to above 32M!)
-; 01-Feb-93  TMD   Added PhysRamTable
-; 02-Feb-93  TMD   Added VInitSoftCopy and VEndSoftCopy
-; 03-Feb-93  TMD   Added PhysRamTableEnd
-; 04-Feb-93  TMD   Added extra slot in PhysRamTable (in case soft-loaded OS splits a bank)
-; 08-Feb-93  TMD   Added VRAMWidth variable, and extra symbols for skipped bits
-; 24-Feb-93  TMD   Changed VRAMPhysAddr to VideoPhysAddr, and split off VideoSize from VRAMSize, to allow for
-;                   DRAM-only systems
-; 05-Mar-93  TMD   Added CMOSRAMCache
-; 19-Apr-93  TMD   Added DAList, AppSpaceDANode and DANode offset symbols
-; 26-Apr-93  TMD   Added FreePoolAddress, FreePoolMaxSize, FreePoolSize
-; 29-Apr-93  TMD   Changed FontCacheAddress, SpriteSpaceAddress, RAMDiscAddress and FreePoolAddress
-;                   in order to make way for L2PT, which is moving above 64M
-; 10-May-93  TMD   Added SoftCamMapSize
-; 11-May-93  TMD   Moved SoftCamMapSize into area that's not zapped in clearing all memory routine
-; 12-May-93  TMD   Added FreePoolDANode, removed FreePoolSize
-; 20-May-93  TMD   Moved AplWorkSize into AppSpaceDANode
-; 27-May-93  TMD   Added VideoBandwidth
-; 04-Jun-93  TMD   Added CurrentMonitorType
-; 09-Jun-93  TMD   Added CamMapCorruptDebugBlock
-; 07-Jul-93  TMD   Increased FreePoolMaxSize to 64M (had to reduce RAMDiscMaxSize to 48M and
-;                   move FreePoolAddress down to do this)
-; 15-Jul-93  TMD   Added KernelModeSelector
-; 26-Jul-93  SMC   Moved DefaultIRQ1V (had to accommodate IRQs for IOMD DMA)
-; 04-Aug-93  TMD   Added L2PTSize, removed FreePoolMaxSize
-; 14-Aug-93  TMD   Removed SpriteSpaceAddress, shuffled things down
-; 16-Aug-93  TMD   Removed RAMDiscAddress, shuffled things down
-; 17-Aug-93  TMD   Removed FontCacheAddress, shuffled things down
-;                  Corrected maximum size of system heap to 2M-8K.
-;                  Added node (in bottom 32K) for system heap.
-; 25-Aug-93  SMC   Added processor vector table at ProcVec_Start
-;                  Added ProcVecPreVeneers
-; 02-Sep-93  SMC   Moved RMA to &02100000 and changed application space size to 28M.
-; 03-Sep-93  TMD   Moved InitKbdWs into SkippedTables (was at start of screen originally)
-; 07-Oct-93  TMD   Put in OldMemoryMap option so I can still use it
-; 07-Oct-93  TMD   Added ScreenBlankDPMSState, HSWRSoftCopy, VSWRSoftCopy
-; 10-Dec-93  BC    Added RawMachineID
-; 13-Dec-93  BC    Removed UniqueMachineID
-; 14-Jan-94  TMD   Added CDASemaphore
-; 18-Jan-94  TMD   Added MMUControlSoftCopy
-; 15-Jun-94  AMcC  Renamed file (was VickySpace)
-;                  The following values are 'exported' to PublicWS:
-;                        Name:                     Used by:
-;                        ----------------------------------
-;                        BgEcfOraEor               SprExtend
-;                        FgEcfOraEor               SprExtend
-;                        BranchToSWIExit           TaskWindow
-;                        CannotReset               FileCore
-;                        DomainId                  FileSwitch
-;                        ESC_Status                ADFS, DeviceFS
-;                        IRQsema                   Draw, MsgTrans
-;                        LatchBSoftCopy            ADFS, Parallel
-;                        MEMC_CR_SoftCopy          ADFS
-;                        RedirectInHandle          TaskWindow
-;                        RedirectOutHandle         TaskWindow
-;                        ScratchSpace              ADFS, Colours, Draw, FileCore
-;                                                  FileSwitch, FontManager, NetFiler
-;                        SoundDMABufferSize        Sound0
-;                        SoundDMABuffers           Sound0
-;                        SoundWorkSpace            Portable, Sound1, Sound2, Voices
-;                        SVCSTK                    FileSwitch
-;                        SvcTable                  TaskWindow, Wimp
-;                        SysHeapStart              FileSwitch
-;                        VduDriverWorkSpace        SprExtend
-; 31-Oct-94  AMcC/RM/WT  Added CLine_Softcopy for Morris monitor id
-; 03-Nov-94  AMcC        Export ScreenBlankFlag and ScreenBlankDPMSState
-;                        (for DPMSUtils: part of RISC OS releases 3.50 and 3.60)
-; 28-Mar-95  JRH         Added NVRamSize and RTCFitted, conditioned on E2ROMSupport
-; 06-Feb-95  SMC         Increased SVC stack size to 12K.
-; 18-Jan-96  JRH         Removed CLine_Softcopy cos not needed
-; 06-Feb-96  SMC         Increased DefIRQ1Vspace for IRQC registers
-; amg 6/12/96 Renaissance. Merge in changes below from 3.70 version. Make changes conditional.
-; 07-Feb-95  WT          Added LCD_Active for LCD/CRT dynamic switching support
-; 07-Feb-95  WT          Added VStartSoftCopy for dual-panel LCD support
-; 18-May-95  WT          Added LCD_Inverted for LCD inversion (well, surprise surprise!)
-; 05-Dec-95  WT          Added ProcessorType and ProcessorFlags (1 byte each)
-; amg 07/12/96 Renaissance. Shifted ResetType (which is a public export) so it'll
-;              stay in the same place.
-; 21-Jul-98  NDT         Added PixelRate.  Moved KernelModeSelector to make space.
-; 19-Oct-99  KJB         Moved IOSystemType into SkippedTables.
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Memory map:
-; Dynamic area node format
-                  ^     0
-DANode_Link       #     4               ; points to next node
-DANode_Number     #     4               ; number of this area
-DANode_Base       #     4               ; base address of area (points in middle of doubly-mapped areas)
-DANode_Flags      #     4               ; various flags
-DANode_Size       #     4               ; current size of area (not counting holes, if Sparse area)
-DANode_MaxSize    #     4               ; maximum size of area
-DANode_Workspace  #     4               ; workspace pointer when calling handlers
-DANode_Handler    #     4               ; pointer to handler routine for area
-DANode_Title      #     4               ; pointer to area title
-DANode_SubLink    #     4               ; next node in any disjoint sublist (currently used for Shrinkables only)
-DANode_SparseHWM  #     4               ; high water mark, if Sparse area (highest base+size claimed for area)
-DANode_SortLink   #     4               ; next node in alphabetically sorted list
-DANode_NodeSize   #     0
-; The addresses below are only temporary; eventually most of them will be allocated at run time (we hope!)
-ZeroPage            * &00000000
- [ HAL
-; Sort out 26/32 bit versions
-SVCStackSize        *  32*1024
-IRQStackSize        *   8*1024
-ABTStackSize        *   8*1024
-UNDStackSize        *   8*1024
-KbuffsMaxSize       *  64*1024
-DCacheCleanSize     * 256*1024  ;should be multiple of 64k
-AplWorkMaxSize      * &20000000 ; 512M - temporary (need to decide this at boot time)
-;ScreenEndAdr        * &24000000 ; temporary - run time allocate
-RMAAddress          * AplWorkMaxSize ; temporary - run time allocate?
-ScreenMaxSize       * 480*1024
-RMAMaxSize          * &10000000 ; 256M
-FreePoolAddress     * RMAAddress + RMAMaxSize
-IOLimit             * &BA000000 ; initial lower limit on room for IO space (DA creation may move limit up)
-IO                  * &FA000000 ; works downwards
-HALWorkspace        * &FA000000
-HALWorkspaceSpace   * &00100000
-IRQStackAddress     * &FA100000
- [ {TRUE}
-SVCStackAddress     * &FA200000
- |
-SVCStackAddress     * &01C00000
- ]
-ABTStackAddress     * &FA300000
-UNDStackAddress     * &FA400000
-PhysicalAccess      * &FAE00000
-DCacheCleanAddress  * &FAF00000 ; eg. for StrongARM, 256k of space, up to FAF40000
-KbuffsBaseAddress   * &FAF40000 ; kernel buffers for long command lines, size KbuffsMaxSize
-HALWorkspaceNCNB    * &FAFE8000 ; 32K of uncacheable HAL workspace (if requested)
- [ {TRUE}
-CursorChunkAddress  * &FAFF0000
- |
-CursorChunkAddress  * &01F00000
- ]
-L2PT                * &FB000000
-L1PT                * &FB400000
- [ {TRUE}
-SysHeapChunkAddress * &FB404000
-SysHeapAddress      * SysHeapChunkAddress
-SysHeapMaxSize      * &FB800000 - SysHeapAddress
- |
-SysHeapChunkAddress * &01C08000
-SysHeapAddress      * SysHeapChunkAddress
-SysHeapMaxSize      * &001F8000
- ]
-CAM                 * &FB800000
-CAMspace            * 8*1024*1024 ; enough for 4GB of RAM
-IRQSTK              * IRQStackAddress + IRQStackSize
-ABTSTK              * ABTStackAddress + ABTStackSize
-UNDSTK              * UNDStackAddress + UNDStackSize
- |
-AplWorkMaxSize      * &01C00000 ; 28M
-RMAAddress          * &02100000
-RMAMaxSize          * &00B00000 ; 11M
-SVCStackSize        * 8*1024
-SysHeapChunkAddress * &01C00000
-SVCStackAddress     * SysHeapChunkAddress
-SysHeapAddress      * SysHeapChunkAddress+SVCStackSize
-SysHeapMaxSize      * &00200000-SVCStackSize
-CursorChunkAddress  * &01F00000 ; Fixed size 32K
-ScreenEndAdr        * &05000000 ; was &02000000
-ScreenMaxSize       * 480*1024
-; FontCacheAddress    * &06000000 ; was &01E00000       ; now dynamic
-; FontCacheMaxSize    * &01000000 ; 16M
-; SpriteSpaceAddress  * &08000000 ; was &01400000       ; now dynamic
-; SpriteSpaceMaxSize  * &01000000 ; 16M
-; RAMDiscAddress      * &07000000 ; was &01000000       ; now dynamic
-; RAMDiscMaxSize      * &03000000 ; 48M
-FreePoolAddress     * &06000000 ; may still go lower!
-PhysRam         *     &05000000
-;following dynamic area only used if LongCommandLines is {TRUE}
-KbuffsBaseAddress  * &2078000   ;just above reserved area for fake 480k screen
-KbuffsMaxSize      * &0088000   ;544k (takes us up to start of RMA)
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; system variables
-        ^  0,R12
-OSBYTEFirstVar  #  0
-ByteVars  #  0                 ; The main osbyte variables, accessed
-                               ; via calls &A6 to &FF
-VarStart  #  2                 ; &A6,&A7
-ROMPtr    #  2                 ; &A8,&A9
-ROMInfo   #  2                 ; &AA,&AB
-KBTran    #  2                 ; &AC,&AD
-VDUvars   #  2                 ; &AE,&AF
-CFStime   #  1                 ; &B0
-InputStream #  1               ; &B1
-KeyBdSema #  1                 ; &B2
-ROMPollSema #  1               ; &B3
-OSHWM     #  1                 ; &B4
-RS423mode #  1                 ; &B5
-NoIgnore  #  1                 ; &B6
-CFSRFS    #  1                 ; &B7
-VULAcopy  #  2                 ; &B8,&B9
-ROMatBRK  #  1                 ; &BA
-BASICROM  #  1                 ; &BB
-ADCchanel #  1                 ; &BC
-ADCmaxchn #  1                 ; &BD
-ADCconv   #  1                 ; &BE
-RS423use     #  1              ; &BF
-RS423conflag #  1              ; &C0
-FlashCount # 1                 ; &C1
-SpacPeriod # 1                 ; &C2
-MarkPeriod # 1                 ; &C3
-KeyRepDelay # 1                ; &C4
-KeyRepRate  # 1                ; &C5
-ExecFileH   # 1                ; &C6
-SpoolFileH  # 1                ; &C7
-ESCBREAK    # 1                ; &C8 (200)
-KeyBdDisable # 1               ; &C9
-KeyBdStatus  # 1               ; &CA
-RS423HandShake # 1             ; &CB
-RS423InputSupr # 1             ; &CC
-RS423CFSFlag   # 1             ; &CD
-EconetOScall # 1               ; &CE
-EconetOSrdch # 1               ; &CF
-EconetOSwrch # 1               ; &D0
-SpeechSupr # 1                 ; &D1
-SoundSupr # 1                  ; &D2
-BELLchannel # 1                ; &D3
-BELLinfo    # 1                ; &D4
-BELLfreq    # 1                ; &D5
-BELLdur     # 1                ; &D6
-StartMessSupr # 1              ; &D7
-SoftKeyLen # 1                 ; &D8
-PageModeLineCount # 1          ; &D9
-VDUqueueItems # 1              ; &DA
-TABch # 1                      ; &DB
-ESCch # 1                      ; &DC
-IPbufferCh # 4                 ; &DD,&DE,&DF,&E0
-RedKeyCh   # 4                 ; &E1,&E2,&E3,&E4
-ESCaction  # 1                 ; &E5
-ESCeffect  # 1                 ; &E6
-u6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E7
-s6850IRQ # 1                   ; &E8
-s6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E9
-TubeFlag # 1                   ; &EA
-SpeechFlag # 1                 ; &EB
-WrchDest # 1                   ; &EC
-CurEdit  # 1                   ; &ED
-SoftResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on soft reset
-KeyBase # 1                    ; &EE
-Shadow # 1                     ; &EF
-Country # 1                    ; &F0
-UserFlag # 1                   ; &F1
-SerULAreg # 1                  ; &F2
-TimerState # 1                 ; &F3
-SoftKeyConsist # 1             ; &F4
-PrinterDrivType   # 1          ; &F5
-PrinterIgnore     # 1          ; &F6
-BREAKvector # 3                ; &F7,&F8,&F9
-MemDriver  # 1                 ; &FA - where the VDU drivers write to
-MemDisplay # 1                 ; &FB - where we display from
-LangROM # 1                    ; &FC
-LastBREAK # 1                  ; &FD
-KeyOpt # 1                     ; &FE
-StartOptions # 1               ; &FF
-HardResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on hard reset
-PowerOnResetVars # 0           ; Reset to here on power-on reset
-; These two can dovetail in here to use up 2 bytes before the AlignSpace!
-SerialInHandle # 1              ; Handle for serial input stream  (0 if not open currently)
-SerialOutHandle # 1             ; Handle for serial output stream (-----------""----------)
-        AlignSpace
-EventSemaphores # 32            ; One byte for each of 32 events
-TimerAlpha # 8                  ; As used by time (bottom 5 bytes)
-TimerBeta  # 8                  ; ................................
-; both aligned to word boundaries
-RealTime # 8                    ; 5-byte fast real-time
-PrinterActive # 4               ; Handle/active flag for printer (word aligned)
-IntervalTimer # 5               ; Up Counter synchronous with TIME.
-; Event generated when Zero is reached
-; bottom byte aligned to word boundary
-SecondsTime # 1 ; the soft copy (centi-)seconds of the RTC
-CentiTime   # 1 ; """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
-FlashState # 1 ; which flash colours are we using
-SecondsDirty # 1                ; the dirty flag for start up!
-MinTick # 1                     ; the minutes odd/even state
-DCDDSRCopy # 1                  ; copy of ACIA bits to check for change
-TVVertical # 1                  ; *TV first parameter
-TVInterlace # 1                 ; *TV second parameter
-CentiCounter # 1                ; Counter for VDU CTRL timing
-Alphabet # 1                    ; Current alphabet number
-Keyboard # 1                    ; Current keyboard number
-KeyAlphabet # 1                 ; Alphabet associated with current keyboard
-                GBLS    PrinterPrefix
-PrinterPrefix   SETS    "PrinterType$"
-PrinterTypeName #       6 + :LEN: (PrinterPrefix)
-        AlignSpace
-SerialFlags # 4                 ; New serial flags
-XONXOFFChar # 1                 ; Character to send before rest (0 if none)
-        AlignSpace
-OSBYTEVarSize * @-OSBYTEFirstVar
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; End of variables' space
-; *** layout of a descriptor block for a display pointer shape ***
-                  ^  0
-PointerBlkHAL     #  0  ; fields up to private part passed to HAL
-PointerWidth      #  1  ; actual (unpadded) shape width in bytes (from OS_Word 21)
-PointerHeight     #  1  ; shape height in pixels
-                  #  2  ; alignment padding
-PointerBuffLA     #  4  ; logical address of shape buffer (up to 8 * 32 bytes)
-PointerBuffPA     #  4  ; physical address of shape buffer
-PointerBlkPrivate #  0  ; fields below here not used by HAL
-PointerActiveX    #  1  ; active x in pixels from left
-PointerActiveY    #  1  ; active y in pixels from top
-                  #  2  ; alignment padding
-PointerBlkSize    #  0
-; ***********************************
-; ***  Main Vdu Driver Workspace  ***
-; ***********************************
-        ^ 0
-FgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Foreground Ecf, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-BgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Background Ecf, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GPLFMD # 4      ; Foreground action, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GPLBMD # 4      ; Background action, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GFCOL  # 4      ; Foreground colour, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GBCOL  # 4      ; Background colour, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GWLCol # 4      ; Graphics window left column  --
-GWBRow # 4      ; Graphics window bottom row     |
-GWRCol # 4      ; Graphics window right column   |
-GWTRow # 4      ; Graphics window top row      --
-qqqPad   # 3
-QQ       # 17   ;Queue - QQ+1 is on a word boundary
-QOffset  # 4    ;Value to add to VDUqueueItems to point to next queue posn.
-JVec     # 4    ;Jump vector to internal routines
-; Start of MODE table workspace
-ScreenSize # 4  ; number of bytes needed for this mode (assumed 1st in list)
-XWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWRCol (internal representation)
-; LineLength must be immediately after YWindLimit
-YWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWTRow (internal representation)
-LineLength # 4  ; Length of one pixel row in bytes
-NColour # 4     ; Number of colours minus 1
-; End of word mode variables
-YShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift YCoord in address generation after
-                ; multiplying by 5, holds
-                ; 7,6,5 or 4 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (640x256 mode) or
-                ; 6,5,4 or 3 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (320x256 mode).
-ModeFlags # 4   ; Bit 0 => non-graphic, Bit 1 => teletext, Bit 2 => gap mode
-XEigFactor # 4  ; Number of places to shift XCoord in external to internal
-                ; coordinate conversion, holds
-                ; 1 for 640x256 mode
-                ; 2 for 320x256 mode
-                ; 3 for 160x256 (BBC micro mode 2)
-YEigFactor # 4  ; number of shifts to convert between internal/external Y
-Log2BPC # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BytesPerChar ie (0,1,2,3,4)
-Log2BPP # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BitsPerPix ie (0,1,2,3)
-ECFIndex # 4    ; Index into default ECF tables
-ScrRCol # 4     ; Maximum column number in this screen mode
-ScrBRow # 4     ; Maximum row number in this screen mode
-PalIndex # 4    ; Index into palette tables (0,1,2,3)
-; End of table-initialised workspace
-; Next 3 must be together in this order !
-XShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift XCoord in address generation,
-                ; holds 2,3,4 or 5 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel respectivly
-GColAdr # 4     ; Address of Ecf to plot - either FgEcf or BgEcf
-ScreenStart # 4         ; Start address of screen (for VDU drivers)
-NPix # 4        ; Number of pixels per word minus 1, holds
-                ; holds 3,7,15 or 31 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel modes
-AspectRatio # 4 ; Pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect
-BitsPerPix # 4  ; Bits per pixel (1,2,4,8)
-BytesPerChar # 4        ; Bytes per 8 pixels of character
-                        ; (same as BitsPerPix except in double pixel modes)
-             # 4        ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
-RowMult # 4     ; Row multiplier for text manipulation
-RowLength # 4   ; Bytes per text row in this mode (eg 640,1280,5120)
-; The following (up to and including NewPtY) must be together in this order
-; (relied upon by DefaultWindows)
-TWLCol # 4      ; Text window left column  --
-TWBRow # 4      ; Text window bottom row     |
-TWRCol # 4      ; Text window right column   |
-TWTRow # 4      ; Text window top row      --
-OrgX # 4        ; Screen origin (external representation)
-OrgY # 4
-GCsX # 4        ; Graphics cursor (external representation)
-GCsY # 4
-OlderCsX # 4    ; Very old X coordinate (internal)
-OlderCsY # 4    ; Very old Y coordinate (internal)
-OldCsX # 4      ; Old graphics cursor (internal representation) --
-OldCsY # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-GCsIX  # 4      ; Graphics cursor (internal representation)       |
-GCsIY  # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-NewPtX # 4      ; Newest point (internal representation)          |
-NewPtY # 4      ;                                               --
-; End of together block
-TForeCol # 4    ; Text foreground colour
-TBackCol # 4    ; Text background colour
-CursorX # 4     ; Text cursor X position ; these 3 must be in same order as ...
-CursorY # 4     ; Text cursor Y position
-CursorAddr # 4  ; Screen address of (output) cursor
-InputCursorX # 4        ; Input cursor X position ; ... these 3
-InputCursorY # 4        ; Input cursor Y position
-InputCursorAddr # 4     ; Screen address of input cursor
-EORtoggle # 4   ; Toggle between gap and non-gap
-RowsToDo  # 4   ; in the CLS
-VduStatus # 4   ; Vdu2, Window, Shadow bits (others in CursorFlags)
-CBWS # 8        ; Clear block (VDU 23,8..) workspace
-CBStart # 2
-CBEnd # 2
-CursorDesiredState # 4
-CursorStartOffset # 4
-CursorEndOffset # 4
-CursorCounter # 4
-CursorSpeed # 4
-Reg10Copy # 4
-CursorFill # 4  ; Word to EOR cursor ; MUST be immediately before CursorNbit
-CursorNbit # 4  ; Pointer to cursor code for current mode
-DisplayStart # 4        ; Start address of screen (for display)
-DriverBankAddr # 4      ; Default start address for VDU drivers
-DisplayBankAddr # 4     ; Default start address for display
-DisplayNColour # 4      ; No. of colours -1 for displayed mode
-DisplayModeFlags # 4    ; ModeFlags for displayed mode
-DisplayModeNo # 4       ; ModeNo for displayed mode
-DisplayScreenStart # 4  ; Where VDU outputs to when outputting to screen
-DisplayXWindLimit # 4   ; Used for pointer programming
-DisplayYWindLimit # 4
-DisplayXEigFactor # 4
-DisplayYEigFactor # 4
-PointerXEigFactor # 4
-Ecf1 # 8        ; The Ecf patterns
-Ecf2 # 8
-Ecf3 # 8
-Ecf4 # 8
-DotLineStyle # 8        ; Dot dash line pattern
-ModeNo # 4      ; Current mode number
-TFTint # 4      ; Text foreground tint          (in bits 6,7)
-TBTint # 4      ; Text background tint
-GFTint # 4      ; Graphics foreground tint
-GBTint # 4      ; Graphics background tint
-TotalScreenSize # 4     ; Amount configured for screen (in bytes)
-MaxMode # 4             ; Maximum mode number allowed (20 for now)
-ScreenEndAddr # 4       ; Logical address of screen (start of 2nd copy)
-CursorFlags # 4 ; Silly Master cursor movement flags
-CursorStack # 4 ; Bit stack of nested cursor states (0 => on, 1 => off)
-                ; (bit 31 = TOS)
-ECFShift # 4    ; number of bits to rotate right ECF OR and EOR masks by
-ECFYOffset # 4  ; vertical offset to ECF index
-WsVdu5 # 0      ; Vdu 5 workspace
-WsScr # 4
-WsEcfPtr # 4
-; WsFontPtr # 4 ; not needed any more, kept in register
-EndVerti # 4
-StartMask # 4
-EndMask # 4
-FontOffset # 4
-TempPlain # 16  ; only used for MODE 10
-VIDCClockSpeed # 4      ; current VIDC clock speed in kHz (now always zero)
-CurrentMonitorType # 4  ; initialised from configured one
-PixelRate # 4   ; Pixel Rate in kHz
-GraphicWs # 300 ; All graphics workspace is overlaid here
-EndGraphicWs # 0
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 16
-GCharSizes  # 0
-GCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpacing # 0
-GCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-TCharSizes  # 0
-TCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpacing # 0
-TCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-HLineAddr      # 4      ; address of exported HLine
-GcolOraEorAddr # 4      ; address of FgEcfOraEor etc
-BlankPalAddr  # 4       ; address of block for blank palette
-FirPalAddr    # 4       ; address of block for first flash state palette
-SecPalAddr    # 4       ; address of block for second flash state palette
-PointerShapes      # 0
-PointerShape1      # 4  ; pointers to defined shapes 1 to 4
-PointerShape2      # 4
-PointerShape3      # 4
-PointerShape4      # 4
-PointerShapesH     # 0
-PointerShapeH1     # 4  ; pointers to holding shapes 1 and 2 (so updates never hit shape given to HAL)
-PointerShapeH2     # 4
-PointerShapeBlocks # 6*PointerBlkSize ; room for the 6 shape descriptors themselves
-PointerShapeLA     # 4               ; logical address of current shape buffer (owned by HAL)
-PointerShapeNumber # 1               ; includes bit 7 linkage flag
-                   # 3               ; alignment padding
-PointerX           # 4               ; co-ordinates of pointer (not always = mouse)
-PointerY           # 4
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-  ! 0, "PointerShapes @ ":CC::STR:(PointerShapes)
- ]
- [ :LNOT: UseGraphicsV
-HWPixelFormats     # 4               ; pixel formats word from HAL
-HWVideoFeatures    # 4               ; features word from HAL
-HWBufferAlign      # 4               ; buffer alignment word from HAL
-                # 40*4 - 6*PointerBlkSize ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
- |
-                # 43*4 - 6*PointerBlkSize ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
- ]
-TextFgColour    # 4             ; Fg/Bg colour stored as a colour number, computed on VDU 18 and re-poked!
-TextBgColour    # 4             ;
-; In this brave new world there is a pointer to the text expansion
-; buffer used for VDU 4 / 5 text plotting.
-; This now lives in the system heap.
-TextExpandArea # 4      ; Pointer to Text expand area (in system heap)
-TextExpandArea_Size * (8*1024)
-                 # 2*4   ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
-;ScreenBlankFlag # 1     ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
-Export_ScreenBlankFlag      #       1
-        ASSERT  Export_ScreenBlankFlag =  ScreenBlankFlag
-        ASSERT ?Export_ScreenBlankFlag = ?ScreenBlankFlag
-;ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1       ; 0 => just blank video
-                                ; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
-                                ; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
-                                ; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
-Export_ScreenBlankDPMSState      #       1
-        ASSERT  Export_ScreenBlankDPMSState =  ScreenBlankDPMSState
-        ASSERT ?Export_ScreenBlankDPMSState = ?ScreenBlankDPMSState
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 64
-Export_FgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-        ASSERT  Export_FgEcfOraEor =  FgEcfOraEor
-        ASSERT ?Export_FgEcfOraEor = ?FgEcfOraEor
-Export_BgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-        ASSERT  Export_BgEcfOraEor =  BgEcfOraEor
-        ASSERT ?Export_BgEcfOraEor = ?BgEcfOraEor
-BgEcfStore  # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor to store background
-;Current state of pattern
-LineDotCnt # 4          ; Count down to restarting pattern
-LineDotPatLSW # 4       ; Current state of pattern LSWord
-LineDotPatMSW # 4       ;    "      "   "     "    MSWord
-DotLineLength # 4       ; Dot Pattern repeat length as given in *FX163,242,n
-BBCcompatibleECFs # 4   ; 0 => BBC compatible, 1 => native
-SpAreaStart # 4         ; Start of sprite area
-SpChooseName # 16       ; No comment says Richard
-SpChoosePtr # 4
-           # 8*4        ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
-TeletextOffset # 4      ; Offset to current teletext flash bank
-TeletextCount # 4       ; Number of vsyncs till next teletext flash
-WrchNbit # 4            ; Pointer to char code for current mode
- [ HiResTTX
-CharWidth # 4           ; Width of a character in bytes (same as BytesPerChar except
-                        ; in MODE 7, where characters are 16 pixels wide)
- ]
-TTXFlags # 4            ; VDU 23,18 flags
-TTXFlag_Suspend         * 1:SHL:0
-TTXFlag_Conceal         * 1:SHL:1
-TTXFlag_BlackEnable     * 1:SHL:2
-TTXFlag_TransModeShift  * 3
-TTXFlag_TransModeMask   * 3:SHL:TTXFlag_TransModeShift
-                        ; bits 9-11 must be zero
-TTXFlag_FgTransEOR      * 1:SHL:12
-                        ; bits 13-15 must be zero
-TTXFlag_BgTransEOR      * 1:SHL:16
-                        ; bits 17-19 must be zero
-TTXFlag_FgTransBIC      * 1:SHL:20
-                        ; bits 21-23 must be zero
-TTXFlag_BgTransBIC      * 1:SHL:24
-BeepBlock # 8           ; OSWORD block for VDU 7
-ScreenMemoryClaimed # 1 ; NZ => memory has been claimed or is unusable
-ExternalFramestore # 1  ; NZ => using external framestore rather than screen memory DA
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TTXDoubleCounts # 25    ; Number of double height chars on each line
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-RAMMaskTb # 32*4        ; Copy of MaskTb for this mode (up to 32 words)
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-VduOutputCurrentState # 0 ; values of R0-R3 to return from SwitchOutputToSprite
-                        ; or Mask; next 4 must be in this order
-SpriteMaskSelect # 4    ; value of R0 to be given to SWI OS_SpriteOp to set up
-                        ; current state
-VduSpriteArea # 4       ; Pointer to sprite area containing VDU output sprite
-                        ; (0 if output is to screen)
-VduSprite # 4           ; Pointer to VDU output sprite (0 if output to screen)
-VduSaveAreaPtr # 4      ; Pointer to save area for VDU variables
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16,12 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-    AlignSpace 16, 12   ; Make ClipBoxCoords a valid immediate,
-                        ; with ClipBoxEnable immediately before it
-ClipBoxInfo # 0
-ClipBoxEnable # 4       ; 0 => clip box disabled, 1 => enabled
-ClipBoxCoords # 0       ; Internal coords of modified area of screen
-ClipBoxLCol # 4
-ClipBoxBRow # 4
-ClipBoxRCol # 4
-ClipBoxTRow # 4
-FgPattern       # 4*8   ; foreground pattern as defined by OS_SetColour
-BgPattern       # 4*8   ; background pattern as defined by OS_SetColour
-                # 3*4   ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now)
-KernelModeSelector # 4  ; pointer to block in system heap where
-                        ; current mode selector is copied
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TextExpand # 4*1024     ; Tim's massive text expansion table for whizzy WRCH
-; TextPlain is now always hard against the end of TextExpand for this mode
-TTXSoftFonts * TextExpand + 2*1024      ; Soft fonts in teletext mode
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-; Teletext map and copy/move buffer are overlaid
-TTXMapSize      * 41*25*4       ; (&1004 bytes)
-LargeCommon     # TTXMapSize    ; the largest area
-TTXMap          * LargeCommon
-ScrLoaSpriteCB  * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteCBsize + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-ScrLoaBuffer    * LargeCommon   ; (size = one pixel row)
-ScrSavCommon    * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteAreaCBsize + SpriteCBsize
-                                ;  + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-FldQueueSize    * ScratchSpaceSize
-FldQueueStart   * ScratchSpace
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-Font # &700             ; 7 pages of (soft) font
-SaveAreaSize * 12*1024-@
-VduSaveArea # SaveAreaSize      ; save area for switching output to sprites
-VDWSSize # 0
-                ASSERT  VDWSSize <= 12 * 1024
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                 Space in the first 32K is allocated below
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Real workspace definition
-; locations used during reset only. Not cleared by ClearPhysRAM, but
-; cleared later (just before DEFHAN).
-                ^       ZeroPage+&80    ; steer clear of FIQ code
-InitIRQHandler  #       4               ; pointer to IRQ handler (LDR PC'ed from IRQ HW vector)
-InitIRQWs       #       16              ; workspace for IRQ handler
-InitUsedStart   #       4               ; start of used pages (L2PT etc) not to be cleared
-InitUsedEnd     #       4               ; end of used pages
-InitUsedBlock   #       4               ; can't remember
-InitClearRamWs  #       10*4
-                AlignSpace 32           ; because we clear 32 at a time
-InitWsEnd       #       0
-; Basic kernel space - defined locations for external modules
-                       ^       ZeroPage+&100
-IRQ1V                  #       4       ; &100
-Export_ESC_Status      #       1       ; &104
-        ASSERT  Export_ESC_Status =  ESC_Status
-        ASSERT ?Export_ESC_Status = ?ESC_Status
-Export_LatchBSoftCopy  #       1       ; &105
-        ASSERT  Export_LatchBSoftCopy =  LatchBSoftCopy
-        ASSERT ?Export_LatchBSoftCopy = ?LatchBSoftCopy
-IOCControlSoftCopy     #       1       ; &106
-Export_CannotReset     #       1       ; &107
-        ASSERT  Export_CannotReset =  CannotReset
-        ASSERT ?Export_CannotReset = ?CannotReset
-Export_IRQsema         #       4       ; &108
-        ASSERT  Export_IRQsema =  IRQsema
-        ASSERT ?Export_IRQsema = ?IRQsema
-MetroGnome             #       4       ; &10C
-MemorySpeed            #       4       ; &110
-Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy #      4       ; &114
-        ASSERT  Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy =  MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
-        ASSERT ?Export_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = ?MEMC_CR_SoftCopy
-ResetIndirection        #      4       ; &118
-; Now all internal definitions
-; Up to here is initialized on reset
-; Next come handler variables
-MemLimit        #       4
-UndHan          #       4
-PAbHan          #       4
-DAbHan          #       4
-AdXHan          #       4
-ErrHan          #       4
-ErrBuf          #       4
-ErrHan_ws       #       4
-CallAd_ws       #       4     ; smart Rs ordering:
-CallAd          #       4     ; can do LDMIA of r12, pc
-CallBf          #       4
-BrkAd_ws        #       4
-BrkAd           #       4
-BrkBf           #       4
-EscHan_ws       #       4
-EscHan          #       4
-EvtHan_ws       #       4
-EvtHan          #       4
-; The next lot of workspace is in the space vacated by the small soft CAM map area
-; (256 words) which is no longer adequate, so we can reuse it
-JordanWS        #       0
-                #       3*4     ; SPARE
-DAList          #       4       ; Pointer to first node on dynamic area list
-                AlignSpace 16
-AMBControl_ws   #       4       ; workspace anchor word for AMBControl
-DynArea_ws      #       4       ; workspace anchor word for data structures to accelerate OS SWIs for dynamic areas
-                [ StrongARM
-SyncCodeA_sema  #       1       ; re-entrancy semaphore for SynchroniseCodeAreas (full address space version)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "AMBControl_ws         at ":CC::STR:(AMBControl_ws)
- ! 0, "DynArea_ws            at ":CC::STR:(DynArea_ws)
- ! 0, "SyncCodeA_sema (byte) at ":CC::STR:(SyncCodeA_sema)
- ]
-               ]
-; [ this was used on Phoebe as described below, now only used for Wimp free pool lock ]
-; word controlling rescue of VRAM that is not used by screen (and sorting into bottom of free pool) - VRAM is slower than SDRAM for Phoebe.
-; word organised as 3 fields - control field (byte) is not written by interrupt routine, so can be safely manipulated by foreground with IRQs enabled
-VRAMRescue_control    # 1            ; control bits manipulated by foreground, read by interrupt driven rescuer
-                                     ; Bit fields of VRAMRescue_control (VRRc_...) defined as follows:
-                                     ;
-VRRc_disable            * &01        ;   control bit  0      slow page rescue from Free Pool disabled completely, if set (disabled for no VRAM)
-VRRc_suspend            * &02        ;   control bit  1      slow page rescue suspended by outside agent, if set
-VRRc_wimp_lock          * &04        ;   control bit  2      slow page rescue suspended because Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory has claimed free pool, if set
-                                     ;   control bits 3..7   reserved (should be 0)
-                AlignSpace 4
-Oscli_CmdHashSum        # 4          ;for hashed command lookup
-Oscli_CmdHashLists      # 4          ;anchor for hashed command lists structure
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "Oscli_CmdHashSum      at ":CC::STR:(Oscli_CmdHashSum)
-      ! 0, "Oscli_CmdHashLists    at ":CC::STR:(Oscli_CmdHashLists)
- ]
-Serv_SysChains          # 4          ;anchor for block handling 'system' service numbers, in range 1 to 255
-Serv_UsrChains          # 4          ;anchor for block handling 'user' service numbers, > 255
-Serv_AwkwardChain       # 4          ;anchor for chain handling non-compliant modules (no service table)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "Serv_SysChains        at ":CC::STR:(Serv_SysChains)
-      ! 0, "Serv_UsrChains        at ":CC::STR:(Serv_UsrChains)
-      ! 0, "Serv_AwkwardChain     at ":CC::STR:(Serv_AwkwardChain)
- ]
-                AlignSpace 32   ; skipped bit must start on 32-byte boundary (due to speedup)
-SkippedTables   #       0
-PhysRamTable    #       0       ; 6 pairs of words (physaddr, size) indicating
-                                ; RAM present in machine (NB normally you would need at most 5
-                                ; on IOMD machines, but the extra one is if a soft-loaded ROM image
-                                ; causes a bank to split
-VideoPhysAddr   #       4       ; Address of video RAM (in the case of DRAM-only machines,
-VideoSize       #       4       ; this is actually a chunk out of DRAM)
-DRAMPhysAddrA   #       4       ; Next the DRAM - note that any banks with no memory
-DRAMSizeA       #       4       ; in them will be omitted from this table, so that
-DRAMPhysAddrB   #       4       ; eg DRAMPhysAddrA corresponds to the first bank with
-DRAMSizeB       #       4       ; DRAM in it, not necessarily bank 0
-DRAMPhysAddrC   #       4       ; If not all the slots are occupied, then
-DRAMSizeC       #       4       ; the remaining entries in this table have size fields
-DRAMPhysAddrD   #       4       ; of zero (and probably addresses of zero too)
-DRAMSizeD       #       4
-DRAMPhysAddrE   #       4
-DRAMSizeE       #       4
- [ MorrisSupport
-DRAMPhysAddrExtra #     8 * 12  ; The DRAM used with MORRIS can fragment into four
-                                ; blocks so allocate 3 extra word pairs per bank
- ]
-PhysRamTableEnd #       0
-DRAMPhysTableSize *     (PhysRamTableEnd-DRAMPhysAddrA) / 8
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "VideoPhysAddr held at  ":CC::STR:(VideoPhysAddr)
- ]
- [ HAL
-VRAMFlags       #       4       ; Flags of VRAM block (from HAL's AddRAM call)
-L2PTUsed        #       4       ; Amount of memory used for L2PT
- |
-VRAMSize        #       4       ; Amount of VRAM (in bytes) (may be more than 2M) (at &200 last time I checked)
-VideoBandwidth  #       4       ; video bandwidth in bytes/sec
-L2PTSize        #       4       ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for static L2PT
-                                ; - this consists of fixed size first bit, plus variable size
-                                ; bit for the free pool L2, which follows directly after it
- ]
-SoftCamMapSize  #       4       ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for soft CAM map
-                                ; (whole number of pages)
- [ {FALSE}
-InitKbdHandler  #       4       ; Address of interrupt routine
-InitKbdWs       #       16      ; Workspace for reset keyboard IRQ code (was 12 changed for Morris)
- ]
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-CLine_Softcopy  #        1      ; Added for Morris - Monitor id
-VRAMWidth       #       1       ; 0 => no VRAM, 1 => 32-bits wide, 2 => 64-bits wide
-     [ {FALSE} ;;; mjsHAL no LCD support
-LCD_Active      #       1       ; Added to support LCD/CRT switching. bm 6 bits 0=>External CRT in use, 1=>Mono, 2=>Passive colour, 3=>Active colour
-                                ;                                     bit 7     unset=>single panel, set=>dual panel
-LCD_Inverted    #       1       ; Added to support LCD palette inversion. 0=normal, 1=inverted. Note that the inversion is invisible to apps.
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "LCD_Active flag byte held at  ":CC::STR:(LCD_Active)
- ]
-     |
-                # 2  ; SPARE
-     ]
- ]
- [ HAL
-                AlignSpace
-HAL_StartFlags  #       4
-HAL_Descriptor  #       4
-HAL_Workspace   #       4
-HAL_WsSize      #       4
-ICache_Info              #  0
-ICache_NSets             #  4
-ICache_Size              #  4
-ICache_LineLen           #  1
-ICache_Associativity     #  1
-Cache_Type               #  1
-Cache_Flags              #  1
-DCache_Info              #  0
-DCache_NSets             #  4
-DCache_Size              #  4
-DCache_LineLen           #  1
-DCache_Associativity     #  1
-                         #  2
-DCache_CleanBaseAddress  #  0   ; word used either for IndexBit or CleanBaseAddress
-DCache_IndexBit          #  4
-DCache_CleanNextAddress  #  0   ; word used either for IndexSegStart or CleanNextAddress
-DCache_IndexSegStart     #  4
-DCache_RangeThreshold    #  4
-ProcessorArch            #  1
- ]
-IOSystemType             #  1   ; 0 => old I/O subsystem, 1 => IOEB+82C710 system, 2..255 => ?
-ProcessorType            #  1   ; Processor type (handles 600 series onwards)
-                AlignSpace
-ProcessorFlags           #  4    ; Processor flags (IMB, Arch4 etc)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "ProcessorType  at  ":CC::STR:(ProcessorType)
- ! 0, "ProcessorFlags at  ":CC::STR:(ProcessorFlags)
- ]
- [ HAL
-                AlignSpace
-MMU_PCBTrans             #  4
-Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll     #       4
-Proc_Cache_CleanAll               #       4
-Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll          #       4
-Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold         #       4
-Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll            #       4
-Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry          #       4
-Proc_WriteBuffer_Drain            #       4
-Proc_IMB_Full                     #       4
-Proc_IMB_Range                    #       4
-Proc_MMU_Changing                 #       4
-Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry            #       4
-Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached         #       4
-Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry    #       4
-Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries          #       4
-Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries  #       4
- ]
-IOAllocPtr      #       4               ; current lowpoint of mapped I/O space (also upper limit on DAs)
-IOAllocLimit    #       4               ; current lowest allowed I/O space (DA creation may move this up)
-                AlignSpace 32   ; skipped bit must end on 32-byte boundary (due to speedup)
-SkippedTablesEnd #      0
-ProcVec_Start           #       0       ; Start of processor vector table
-ProcVec_Branch0         #       4       ; Branch through zero
-ProcVec_UndInst         #       4       ; Undefined instruction vector
-ProcVec_SWI             #       4       ; SWI vector
-ProcVec_PrefAb          #       4       ; Prefetch abort vector
-ProcVec_DataAb          #       4       ; Data abort vector
-ProcVec_AddrEx          #       4       ; not used (was Address exception vector on 26-bit-only ARMs)
-ProcVec_IRQ             #       4       ; IRQ vector
-ProcVec_End             #       0
-ProcVecPreVeneersSize   *       4*4     ; Space for preveneers for loading handler addresses from 0 page.
-ProcVecPreVeneers       #       ProcVecPreVeneersSize
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-        ! 0, "Free space before DebuggerSpace = ":CC::STR:(&300-@)
- ]
-        ASSERT  @ <= &300
-                        #       (&300-@)
-Export_DebuggerSpace    #       16*8    ; Debugger module needs some zero page
-; NVRAM support
-NVRamSize          #    1               ; Size of NVRam (E2ROM & CMOS) fitted in 256byte units
-RTCFitted          #    1               ; flag non zero if RTC is fitted
-NVRamBase          #    1               ; Base of NVRam
-NVRamSpeed         #    1               ; Clock hold time in 0.5µs units
-NVRamPageSize      #    1               ; Page size for writing (log2)
-NVRamWriteSize     #    1               ; Size of writable region (256byte units)
-                   AlignSpace
-IICType            #    4
-IICStatus          #    4
-AppSpaceDANode     #    DANode_NodeSize ; Dummy area node for application space (not on list)
-FreePoolDANode     #    DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for free pool
-SysHeapDANode      #    DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for system heap
-CDASemaphore       #    4               ; Semaphore for OS_ChangeDynamicArea - non-zero => routine threaded
-MMUControlSoftCopy #    4               ; Soft copy of ARM control register
- [ HAL
-DeviceCount     #       4       ; size of our table of devices in the system heap
-DeviceTable     #       4       ; pointer to table
- ]
-AplWorkSize * AppSpaceDANode + DANode_Size
-  [ :LNOT: LongCommandLines
-EnvString          #    256
-  ]
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-        ! 0, "Free space after EnvString = ":CC::STR:(&500-@)
- ]
-        ASSERT  @ <= &500               ; a convenient address to remember
-                #       (&500-@)
-CamMapCorruptDebugBlock #       &40     ; somewhere to dump registers in case of emergency
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-        ! 0, "Free space after CamMap debug block = ":CC::STR:((JordanWS+256*4)-@)
- ]
-        ASSERT  @ <= JordanWS+256*4
-                #       (JordanWS+256*4-@)  ; pad out to original size
-CamEntriesPointer #     4       ; points to where CAM soft copy is
-                                ; (CamEntries for machines up to 8MBytes,
-                                ; CamEntriesForBigMachines for larger machines)
-MaxCamEntry     #       4       ; maximum index into the cam map, ie
-                                ; 511 for 16MByte machines, 383 for 12MBytes
-                                ; 255 for 8MBytes, otherwise 127
-RAMLIMIT        #       4
-ROMPhysAddr     #       4
-HiServ_ws       #       4
-HiServ          #       4
-SExitA          #       4
-SExitA_ws       #       4
-UpCallHan_ws    #       4
-UpCallHan       #       4
-ROMModuleChain  #       4               ; pointer to head of ROM module chain
-; now a section that it's handy to have in simply loadable places
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-             AlignSpace 16
-KeyWorkSpaceSize   *  &200
-KeyWorkSpace       #  KeyWorkSpaceSize
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "KeyWorkSpace          at ":CC::STR:(KeyWorkSpace)
- ]
-; The following were reordered on 26-Jul-91. Old ordering was:
-; GeneralMOSBuffer
-; ModuleSWI_HashTab
-; Module_List
-; Curr_Active_Object
-; VecPtrTab
-; ExceptionDump
-; SWI hash table moved to OldIRQ1Vspace on 12-Nov-97, for Ursula (wider hashing)
-; !!!! Free Space
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-ChocolateBlockArrays  #  0
-ChocolateCBBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of quick access blocks for Callback
-ChocolateSVBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of quick access blocks for software vectors
-ChocolateTKBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of quick access blocks for tickers
-ChocolateMRBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of blocks for ROM module nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap)
-ChocolateMABlocks     #  4            ; -> array of blocks for active module nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap)
-ChocolateMSBlocks     #  4            ; -> array of blocks for module SWI hash nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "ChocolateCBBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateCBBlocks)
-      ! 0, "ChocolateSVBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateSVBlocks)
-      ! 0, "ChocolateTKBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateTKBlocks)
-      ! 0, "ChocolateMRBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMRBlocks)
-      ! 0, "ChocolateMABlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMABlocks)
-      ! 0, "ChocolateMSBlocks     at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMSBlocks)
- ]
-    [ :LNOT: HAL
-mjs_tempHALworkspace  #  4       ; required only temporarily for semi-HALised code still in RO kernel
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "*** mjs_tempHALworkspace should be removed when kernel/HAL split permits"
- ]
-; !!!! Free Space (36 bytes)
-OldSWIHashspace    #  9*4
-    |
-; !!!! Free Space (40 bytes)
-OldSWIHashspace    #  10*4
-    ]
-  |
-; !!!! Free Space (64 bytes)
-OldSWIHashspace    #  16*4
-  ]
-;ModuleSHT_Entries  *  16
-;ModuleSWI_HashTab  #  4*ModuleSHT_Entries
-Module_List        #  4
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "Module_List           at ":CC::STR:(Module_List)
- ]
-Curr_Active_Object #  4
-; Vector Claim & Release tables etc
-VecPtrTab          #  NVECTORS * 4
-ExceptionDump      #  4
-; GeneralMOSBuffer: re-use with caution!
-; Here's just some of the users:
-; user                  use(s)
-; default error handler error buffer (must be 246+4 bytes big)
-; *If                   expression to be evaluated to control the *If
-;                       Command line to be submited on the expression
-;                         evaluating to non-zero (the THEN clause).
-  [ LongCommandLines
-OldGeneralMOSBuffer # 256+4      ;spare
-  |
-GeneralMOSBuffer   #  256+4
-  ]
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-            AlignSpace  16 ; Ensures we can MOV rn, #OsbyteVars if <=&1000
-OsbyteVars      #       OSBYTEVarSize
- ASSERT OsbyteVars < &10000 ; Must keep in first 64K so address can be read by
-                            ; (and stored in) OS_Bytes &A6,&A7. SKS
-; These must be in first 4K
-NBuffers        *       10
-BuffInPtrs      #       4 * NBuffers
-BuffOutPtrs     #       4 * NBuffers
-VariableList    #       4
-; Oscli stuff
-OscliCBtopUID   #       4
-OscliCBbotUID   #       4
-OscliCBcurrend  #       4
-ReturnCode      #       4
-RCLimit         #       4
-SpriteSize      #       4       ; saved on startup for Sprite code
-TickNodeChain   #       4
-PIRQ_Chain      #       4
-PFIQasIRQ_Chain #       4
-; Workspace
-EnvTime            #    5
-Export_RedirectInHandle   #    1
-        ASSERT  Export_RedirectInHandle =  RedirectInHandle
-        ASSERT ?Export_RedirectInHandle = ?RedirectInHandle
-Export_RedirectOutHandle  #    1
-        ASSERT  Export_RedirectOutHandle =  RedirectOutHandle
-        ASSERT ?Export_RedirectOutHandle = ?RedirectOutHandle
-MOShasFIQ          #    1
-FIQclaim_interlock #    1
-CallBack_Flag      #    1
-IRQ_CallBack_Flag * CallBack_Flag
-MonitorLeadType #       1       ; some function of the monitor lead inputs, as yet undetermined
-                AlignSpace
-DUMPER          #       17 * 4  ; now 17 words for 32-bit
-                #       4       ; PxxxIRQ_Chain used to be here
-Page_Size       #       4
-CMOSRAMCache    #       256
-; Was Free space (752 bytes) left by old IRQ despatch (new IRQ despatch moved as it required more space).
-; Re-used for various purposes on 12-Nov-97, for Ursula
-      ASSERT @ = &C34                            ;if fails, may need to rearrange padding to sort hash table alignment
-ModuleSHT_Entries  *  128
-ModuleSHT_Padding0 #  12                         ;spare, so that SWI hashtable is aligned for easy immediate address load
-ModuleSWI_HashTab  #  4*ModuleSHT_Entries
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "ModuleSWI_HashTab     at ":CC::STR:(ModuleSWI_HashTab)
- ]
-SysVars_StickyPointers # (10+1)*4                ;used if ChocolateSysVars is TRUE (1 dummy pointer for 0 size)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "SysVars_StickyPtrs    at ":CC::STR:(SysVars_StickyPointers)
- ]
-Abort32_dumparea   # 6*4          ;info for OS_ReadSysInfo 7 - 32-bit PSR, fault address, 32-bit PC (room for two copies)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "Abort32_dumparea      at ":CC::STR:(Abort32_dumparea)
- ]
-Help_guard         # 4            ;for *help, guard against foreground re-entrancy (multiple taskwindows)
-Help_msgdescr      # 4*4          ;for *help, 4 words MessageTrans descriptor
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "Help_guard            at ":CC::STR:(Help_guard)
- ]
-PCI_status         # 4            ;bit 0 = 1 if PCI exists or 0 if PCI does not exist, bits 1..31 reserved (0)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "PCI_status            at ":CC::STR:(PCI_status)
- ]
-IOMD_NoInterrupt          # 4     ;no. of irq devices for extant IOMD
-IOMD_DefaultIRQ1Vcode     # 4     ;default irq code start address (ROM) for extant IOMD
-IOMD_DefaultIRQ1Vcode_end # 4     ;default irq code end address (ROM)
-IOMD_Devices              # 4     ;default irq devices table address (ROM)
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, "IOMD_NoInterrupt      at ":CC::STR:(IOMD_NoInterrupt)
- ]
-  [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
-mjsSHNodesTrace_ws # 0
-mjsSHNT_hcl_total  # 4    ;total calls to ClaimSysHeapNode
-mjsSHNT_hfr_total  # 4    ;total calls to FreeSysHeapNode
-mjsSHNT_hop_total  # 4    ;total calls to DoSysHeapOpWithExpansion
-mjsSHNT_ohc_total  # 4    ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap claim
-mjsSHNT_ohf_total  # 4    ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap free
-mjsSHNT_ohx_total  # 4    ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap expand or shrink
-mjsSHNT_vcs_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ClaimVNode calls that picked up a sticky node
-mjsSHNT_vch_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ClaimVNode calls that went to the heap for a node
-mjsSHNT_vxs_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ExpandOrShrinkVNode calls that tried to do sticky change
-mjsSHNT_vxh_total  # 4    ;total SysVar ExpandOrShrinkVNode calls that went to the heap
-mjsSHNT_vfs_total  # 4    ;total SysVar FreeVNode calls that stuck
-mjsSHNT_vfh_total  # 4    ;total SysVar FreeVNode calls that dropped a node to the heap
- [ :DEF: ShowWS
-      ! 0, ""
-      ! 0, "**WARNING** compiling in code to trace some SysHeap node statistics (mjsSysHeapNodesTrace TRUE)"
-      ! 0, ""
-      ! 0, "mjsSHNodesTrace_ws    at ":CC::STR:(mjsSHNodesTrace_ws)
- ]
-ModuleSHT_Padding1 #  752-12-4*ModuleSHT_Entries-11*4-6*4-5*4-4-4*4-12*4 ;spare
-  |
-ModuleSHT_Padding1 #  752-12-4*ModuleSHT_Entries-11*4-6*4-5*4-4-4*4      ;spare
-  ]
-      ASSERT @ = &C34 + 752
-;OldIRQ1Vspace       # 752
-CallBack_Vector   #  4
-; interruptible heap manager workspace
-HeapSavedReg_R0     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R1     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R2     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R3     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R4     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R13    # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R0  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R1  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R2  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R3  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R4  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_PSR # 4                 ; also acts as interlock
-PrinterBufferAddr   #  4                ; holds address of printer buffer
-PrinterBufferSize   #  4                ; size of printer buffer - not to be confused with PrintBuffSize
-                                        ; which is the (constant) default size for the MOS's smallish buffer
-RawMachineID        #  8                ; 64 bits for unique machine ID
-KernelMessagesBlock #  20               ; 5 Words for messagetrans message block.
-ErrorSemaphore      #  1                ; Error semaphore to avoid looping on error translation.
- [ StorkPowerSave
-PortableFlags       #  1                ;
-PowerSave * &80
- |
-PortableFlag        #  1                ; Non-zero => got an error from Portable_Speed, so don't try it again
- ]
-        AlignSpace
-MOSConvertBuffer    #  12               ; Enough romm for 8 hex digits.
-AbortIndirection    #  4                ; Pointer to list of addresses and trap routines
-PreVeneerRegDump    #  17*4             ; room for r0-r15, spsr
- [ CacheCommonErrors
-CachedErrorBlocks   #  4                ; pointer to sysheap node holding the error block cache
- ]
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "low space free ":CC::STR:(&FE8-@)
- ]
- ASSERT @ < &FE8
-; Words for old tools of assorted varieties
-; Don't move the following as their positions are assumed by other modules
-                        ^       &FE8
-CLibCounter             #       1               ; Counter for Shared C Library tmpnam function
-        AlignSpace
-; ECN 17-Feb-92
-; Added RISCOSLibWord and CLibWord. The ROM RISCOSLib and CLib must continue
-; to work even when they are killed since ROM apps are hard linked to the
-; ROM libraries. They cannot use the private word since the block pointed
-; to by this will be freed.
-RISCOSLibWord           #       4
-CLibWord                #       4
-FPEAnchor               #       4
-Export_DomainId                #       4       ; SKS added for domain identification
-        ASSERT  Export_DomainId =  DomainId
-        ASSERT ?Export_DomainId = ?DomainId
-Modula2_Private         #       4       ; MICK has FFC and uses it it in USR mode
-Export_VduDriverWorkSpace      #       VDWSSize
-        ASSERT  Export_VduDriverWorkSpace =  VduDriverWorkSpace
-        ASSERT ?Export_VduDriverWorkSpace = ?VduDriverWorkSpace
- ASSERT (VduDriverWorkSpace :AND: 63) = 0 ; For Tim (VDU5)
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "high space free ":CC::STR:(&4000-@)
- ]
-                        ^       &4000
-ScratchSpaceSize        *       &4000
-Export_ScratchSpace            #       ScratchSpaceSize
-        ASSERT  Export_ScratchSpace =  ScratchSpace
-        ASSERT ?Export_ScratchSpace = ?ScratchSpace
- ASSERT @ <= &8000 ; Start of apl
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Users of ScratchSpace declare yourself here:
-; NRaine: Filling a polygon uses ScratchSpace to flatten the path
-; DSeal: Draw module uses ScratchSpace on fill operations (this supercedes
-;   NRaine's declaration above).
-; SKS: HeapSort with (r1 & 0x80000000) & ~(r1 & 0x20000000) & (r5 <= 16K)
-;      uses ScratchSpace as a temp slot for data shuffling after sorting
-; TMD: Flood fill uses ScratchSpace for the flood queue.
-; Tidying the RMA uses ScratchSpace while all modules are dead
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-; the GSTrans workspace has now moved to the kernel buffers area
-; GSInit and GSRead may now safely be called from USR mode wahey...
- |
-; GSTRANS workspace: GSINIT puts state into the workspacem and GSREAD uses it.
-; DO NOT do any operations between GSINIT/GSREAD SWIS.
-; SWIs called: OSWord in time var code
-;              BinaryToDecimal, ReadUnsigned
- ]
-; LVR: ADFS uses scratch space to format floppies on 1772 based machines
-; DDV: ColourTrans uses scratch space to build palette tables when in
-;      ColourTrans_SelecTable/RetrunColourNumber and also whilst generating
-;      stipple pattterns.
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-; GSVarWSpace is now in kernel buffers
- |
-GSVarWSpace             *       ScratchSpace
- ]
-                        ^       0
-GSNameBuff              #       &100
-GS_Stack                #       &200
-GS_StackPtr_Lim         *       &200 / 4        ; Number of words in stack.
-GS_StackPtr             #       4
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-GSVarWSpace_Size	#	0
- ]
-                        ^      @ + ScratchSpace
-; Pointers for SubstituteArgs: no external calls.
-; Ensure these don't overlap FileSwitch's buffers below!
-MacExStartPtrs          #       44
-MacExEndPtrs            #       44
-; OS_CLI has a buffer for alias expansion: ReadVarVal and SubstituteArgs
-;    are called while the buffer is held. Also used for module prefixes:
-;    Module called twice in this case.
-  [ LongCommandLines
-OldAliasExpansionBuffer #       100     ;spare, mjs: shouldn't this have been &100 ??!??
-  |
-AliasExpansionBuffer    #       100     ;mjs: shouldn't this be &100 ??!??
-; *list/*type need an argument expansion buffer: ReadArgs called with it.
-ArgumentBuffer          *       AliasExpansionBuffer
-  ]
-; EvaluateExpression space. Calls ReadUnsigned, BinaryToDecimal and ReadVarVal.
-ExprWSpace              *       @
-                        ^       0, R12
-  [ LongCommandLines
-    ;ExprBuff moved to Kernel buffers area
-  |
-ExprBuff                #       &100
-  ]
-exprBracDif             #       2       ; keep exprSTRACC aligned
-tos_op                  #       2       ; 1 byte for use as STRACC-1
-ExprSVCstack            #       4
-  [ LongCommandLines
-    ;exprSTRACC moved to Kernel buffers area
-ExprStackLimit          *       @ - exprBracDif + ExprWSpace + &100   ;keep 256 buffer zone for stack overflow
-ExprStackStart          *       ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
-  |
-exprSTRACC              *       @ - ExprBuff + ExprWSpace
-ExprStackLimit          *       exprSTRACC + &100
-ExprStackStart          *       ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
-  ]
-; Tutu needs some for argument substitution + expansion for run/load types
-; Only OS call during xform is XOS_SubstituteArgs and XOS_Heap(Claim,SysHeap)
-                        ^       0 ; Offset from ScratchSpace
-rav_substituted         #       256
-rav_arglist             #       256
-TopOfPageZero           #       0
-                        ^       &8000 ; The actual top of Page Zero
-EconetDebugSpace        |#|     &20 * 4 ; Thirty two words (&7F80)
-                ASSERT  @ > TopOfPageZero ; Make sure we don't clash
-; *****************************************************************************
-; ***            Cursor, Sound DMA, SWI, and OSCLI workspace.               ***
-; ***        Sits in the 32K above 31M, ie. &01F000000..&01F07FFF           ***
-; ***        Has the physical address &02078000, ie. 32M + 512K - 32K       ***
-; *****************************************************************************
-TopOfDMAPhysRAM         *       &80000            ; OFFSET in physram
-TopOfDMAWorkSpace       *       CursorChunkAddress + 32*1024
-OffsetLogicalToPhysical *       TopOfDMAPhysRAM - TopOfDMAWorkSpace
-                        ^       TopOfDMAWorkSpace ; Note we will be going down
-; Sound
-SoundWorkSpaceSize      *       &1000
-Export_SoundDMABufferSize  *    &1000
-        ASSERT  Export_SoundDMABufferSize =  SoundDMABufferSize
-SoundEvtSize            *       &1000
-Export_SoundDMABuffers         |#|     SoundDMABufferSize * 2
-        ASSERT  Export_SoundDMABuffers =  SoundDMABuffers
-        ASSERT ?Export_SoundDMABuffers = ?SoundDMABuffers
-Export_SoundWorkSpace          |#|     SoundWorkSpaceSize + SoundEvtSize
-        ASSERT  Export_SoundWorkSpace =  SoundWorkSpace
-        ASSERT ?Export_SoundWorkSpace = ?SoundWorkSpace
-; Cursor
-; mjs Sep 2000, Kernel/HAL split
-; Note that cursor data memory is expected to be uncacheable, since HAL may use it
-; directly for h/w DMA. This may not be true since RO 3.7, but should be sorted
-; eventually for next generation RO
-CursorDataSize          *       &600            ; four defined shapes, plus 2 holding shapes
-CursorData              |#|     CursorDataSize
-CursorSoundRAM          *       CursorData
-CursorSoundPhysRAM      *       CursorSoundRAM + OffsetLogicalToPhysical
-SPARE_oldCursorSpace    |#|     &200            ; padding to avoid changing exported addresses for now
-; SWI despatcher
-BranchToSWIExit         |#|     4
-SvcTable                |#|     &400
- [ :LNOT: HAL32
- ASSERT SvcTable = &01F033FC ; Required for SVC table pokers, 1.20 compatible
- ]
- [ No26bitCode
-SWIDespatch_Size        *       32*4
- |
-SWIDespatch_Size        *       30*4    ; can save 2 instructions if 26-bit (no Thumb)
- ]
-SWIDespatch             |#|     SWIDespatch_Size
-; Buffers
-KeyBuffSize             *       &100
-RS423InBuffSize         *       &100
-RS423OutBuffSize        *       &C0
-PrintBuffSize           *       &400
-Sound0BuffSize          *       4
-Sound1BuffSize          *       4
-Sound2BuffSize          *       4
-Sound3BuffSize          *       4
-SpeechBuffSize          *       4
-MouseBuffSize           *       &40
-KeyBuff                 |#|     KeyBuffSize
-RS423InBuff             |#|     RS423InBuffSize
-RS423OutBuff            |#|     RS423OutBuffSize
-PrintBuff               |#|     PrintBuffSize
-Sound0Buff              |#|     Sound0BuffSize
-Sound1Buff              |#|     Sound1BuffSize
-Sound2Buff              |#|     Sound2BuffSize
-Sound3Buff              |#|     Sound3BuffSize
-SpeechBuff              |#|     SpeechBuffSize
-MouseBuff               |#|     MouseBuffSize
-; Oscli buffering
-  [ LongCommandLines
-OldOscliBuffs           |#|     (16+1)*&100   ;spare
-  |
-OscliBuffSize           *       &100
-OscliNoBuffs            *       16
-OscliCircBuffLimit      |#|     0
-OscliCircBuffStart      |#|     OscliBuffSize * OscliNoBuffs
-RedirectBuff            |#|     OscliBuffSize
-  ]
-; Default IRQ despatch moved here as a result of IOMD having an extra
-; 6 interrupts for I/O and sound DMA (this is really IOMD specific, not
-; ARM600/700 specific but for the moment it is assumed that they are
-; used on the same machines).
- [ MorrisSupport
-DefIRQ1Vspace           *       12*4+12*23+2*256+64 + 7*4+12*16+32+256 ;Morris adds 2 more IRQ registers
- |
-DefIRQ1Vspace           *       12*4+12*23+2*256+64     ; for size checking in MOS
- ]
-DefaultIRQ1V            |#|     DefIRQ1Vspace
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "Aligning IRQ stack from ":CC::STR:@
- ]
- [ @-7*4 :AND: 15 <> 0
-                        |#|     (@-7*4):AND:15
- ]
- [ :LNOT: HAL32
-IRQSTK                  #       0       ; Overflow will give abort
- [ AssemblingArthur :LAND: :DEF: ShowWS
- ! 0, "IRQ stack size ":CC::STR:(IRQSTK-CursorChunkAddress)
- ]
- ]
- ASSERT @ > ( CursorChunkAddress + &1000 ) ; Check minimum stack
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                        High system workspace
-; *****************************************************************************
- [ HAL32
-                ^       SVCStackAddress
- |
-                ^       SysHeapChunkAddress
- ]
-                       #       SVCStackSize    ; svcstk size. Overflow will give abort
-SVCSTK                 #       0
- [ HAL32
-SysHeapStart           *       SysHeapAddress
- |
-SysHeapStart           #       0
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-  [ LongCommandLines
-    ASSERT            LongCLISize >= 256+4     ;minimum size of GeneralMOSBuffer
-;Kernel buffers area
-                      ^  KbuffsBaseAddress
-GeneralMOSBuffer      #  LongCLISize
-EnvString             #  LongCLISize
-AliasExpansionBuffer  #  LongCLISize
-ArgumentBuffer        *  AliasExpansionBuffer
-ExprBuff              #  LongCLISize
-exprSTRACC            #  LongCLISize
-OscliBuffSize         *  LongCLISize
-OscliNoBuffs          *  16
-RedirectBuff          #  OscliBuffSize
-OscliCircBuffStart    #  OscliBuffSize * OscliNoBuffs
-OscliCircBuffLimit    #  0
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-GSVarWSpace           #  GSVarWSpace_Size
-SysVarWorkSpace	      #  40		; used by the sys$* variables for reading the current time into
- ]
-KbuffsEnd             #  0
-KbuffsSize            *  KbuffsEnd - KbuffsBaseAddress  ;size of Kernel buffers area
-    ASSERT            ((KbuffsSize + &FFF) :AND: &FFFFF000) <= KbuffsMaxSize
-      ! 0, "Kbuffs                at ":CC::STR:(KbuffsBaseAddress)
-      ! 0, "Kbuffs Size           is ":CC::STR:(KbuffsSize)
-    [ {FALSE}
-      ! 0, "GeneralMOSBuffer      at ":CC::STR:(GeneralMOSBuffer)
-      ! 0, "EnvString             at ":CC::STR:(EnvString)
-      ! 0, "AliasExpansionBuffer  at ":CC::STR:(AliasExpansionBuffer)
-      ! 0, "ArgumentBuffer        at ":CC::STR:(ArgumentBuffer)
-      ! 0, "ExprBuff              at ":CC::STR:(ExprBuff)
-      ! 0, "exprSTRACC            at ":CC::STR:(exprSTRACC)
-      ! 0, "RedirectBuff          at ":CC::STR:(RedirectBuff)
-      ! 0, "OscliCircBuffStart    at ":CC::STR:(OscliCircBuffStart)
-    ]
-  ] ;LongCommandLines
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/KeyWS b/hdr/KeyWS
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e9e60b7..00000000
--- a/hdr/KeyWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Hdr.KeyWS
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 06-Feb-91  TMD   Added LastLED
-; 09-Mar-92  TMD   Added JustGotKbID
-; 24-Feb-93  SMC   Reorganised for new keyboard/mouse interfaces
-; 19-Jul-93  JSR   Changed conditional from A1Keyboard to Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-; Keyboard variables
-          GBLS  keyprefix
-keyprefix SETS  "Key$"
-        ^       0, R11
-CurrKey         #       1               ; current key in two key rollover
-OldKey          #       1               ; old key in two key rollover
-KbId            #       1
-LastKbId        #       1
-AutoRepeatCount #       1
-Debouncing      #       1               ; NZ => do delay next, Z => do repeat
-MouseButtons    #       1               ; bit0=R, bit1=C, bit2=L
-PendingAltType  #       1               ; 1 => A, 2 => SA, 3 => CA, 4 => CSA
-ModulesOK       #       1               ; bit0=1 => modules are initialised
-                                        ; bit1=1 => we have offered service
-LastLED         #       1               ; last request for LED change, so we don't send repeated ones
-MouseType       #       1               ; current pointer device type
-MousePresent    #       1               ; mouse detected
-MouseReporting  #       1               ; mouse is sending reports itself
-                # 3 :AND: (- :INDEX: @)
-InkeyCounter    #       4
-MouseX          #       4
-MouseY          #       4
-SoftKeyPtr      #       4
-MouseXMult      #       4
-MouseYMult      #       4
-KeyVec          #       4
-MouseBounds     #       16
-MouseBoundLCol  *       MouseBounds+0
-MouseBoundBRow  *       MouseBounds+4
-MouseBoundRCol  *       MouseBounds+8
-MouseBoundTRow  *       MouseBounds+12
-KeysDown        #       20              ; bitmap of all down keys
-SoftKeyName     #       3 + :LEN:(keyprefix)    ; up to 2 digits + terminator
-SoftKeyExpand   #       255             ; current key expansion
-        ASSERT  (:INDEX: @) < KeyWorkSpaceSize
-UserKeyWorkSpaceSize *  KeyWorkSpaceSize-(:INDEX: @)
-UserKeyWorkSpace #      UserKeyWorkSpaceSize
-; PMF -> VDU communication stuff put in here because both VDU and PMF
-; 'GET' this file
-;        GBLA    ExtEntries
-;ExtEntries SETA 0
-;        MACRO
-;        AddExtEntry $EntryName
-;Index_$EntryName * ExtEntries
-;Value_$ExtEntries * $EntryName
-;ExtEntries SETA ExtEntries +1
-;        MEND
-;        MACRO
-;$Table  OutputExternals
-;        LCLA    count
-;count   SETA    0
-;        WHILE   count < ExtEntries
-;        &       Value_$count - $Table -4
-;count   SETA    count + 1
-;        WEND
-;        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ByteToNosbod $EntryName
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      $EntryName
-        MEND
-;        AddExtEntry     DoReadPOSVPOSI
-;        AddExtEntry     DoReadPOSVPOSO
-;        AddExtEntry     DoOSBYTE87
-;        AddExtEntry     DoResetFont
-;        AddExtEntry     DoReadFont
-;        AddExtEntry     DoReadVDUStatus
-;        AddExtEntry     DoReadVDUVariable
-;        AddExtEntry     DoReadPalette
-;        AddExtEntry     DoSetPalette
-;        AddExtEntry     DoPointerStuff
-;        AddExtEntry     DoSetScreenStart
-;        AddExtEntry     DoSetDriverBank
-;        AddExtEntry     DoSetDisplayBank
-;        AddExtEntry     DoOsbyte163_242
-;        AddExtEntry     DoOsWord13
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/ModHand b/hdr/ModHand
deleted file mode 100644
index ca84761d..00000000
--- a/hdr/ModHand
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
- SUBT Module handler reason codes etc. => &.Hdr.ModHand
-OldOpt SETA {OPT}
- OPT OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 27-Nov-86  BC    Added Module_Ticker
-; 15-Jan-87  SKS   Added SWI base addresses
-; 21-Jan-87  APT   New Module_LoadAddr added.
-; 26-Jan-87  BC    Removed Module_Ticker
-;  5-Feb-87  APT   Added flag manifests
-;  9-Feb-87  APT   Added more reason codes
-; 17-Feb-87  BC    Added Module name server entries
-; 25-Feb-87  APT   Help-is-code flag added
-;  2-Apr-87  APT   ExtendBlock reason code added
-; 23-Apr-87  APT   Help-is-code flag moved into high byte
-; 17-Jun-87  APT   NewIncarnation, AddPoduleModule reason codes
-; 24-Jun-87  APT   RenameIncarnation r.c.
-; 15-Jul-87  APT   MakePreferred
-; 29-Jul-87  APT   LookupName
-; 17-Aug-87  APT   EnumerateROM_Modules
-; 23-Jan-91  TMD   EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo
-; 07-May-99  KJB   FindEndOfROM_ModuleChain
-ModHandReason_Run                          * 0
-ModHandReason_Load                         * 1
-ModHandReason_Enter                        * 2
-ModHandReason_ReInit                       * 3
-ModHandReason_Delete                       * 4
-ModHandReason_RMADesc                      * 5
-ModHandReason_Claim                        * 6
-ModHandReason_Free                         * 7
-ModHandReason_Tidy                         * 8
-ModHandReason_Clear                        * 9
-ModHandReason_AddArea                      * 10
-ModHandReason_CopyArea                     * 11
-ModHandReason_GetNames                     * 12
-ModHandReason_ExtendBlock                  * 13
-ModHandReason_NewIncarnation               * 14
-ModHandReason_RenameIncarnation            * 15
-ModHandReason_MakePreferred                * 16
-ModHandReason_AddPoduleModule              * 17
-ModHandReason_LookupName                   * 18
-ModHandReason_EnumerateROM_Modules         * 19
-ModHandReason_EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo * 20
-ModHandReason_FindEndOfROM_ModuleChain     * 21
-; Real module offsets
-                 ^ 0
-Module_Start     # 4
-Module_Init      # 4
-Module_Die       # 4
-Module_Service   # 4
-Module_Title     # 4
-Module_HelpStr   # 4
-Module_HC_Table  # 4       ; help and command table.
-; optional SWI handler offsets
-Module_SWIChunk  # 4
-Module_SWIEntry  # 4
-Module_NameTable # 4
-Module_NameCode  # 4
-; optional Message filename offset
-Module_MsgFile   # 4
-; optional flags table offset
-Module_FlagTable # 4
-; flags for the first word of the flags table
-ModuleFlag_32bit * 1 :SHL: 0
-; Magic number for RM load addr
-Module_LoadAddr * &FFFFFA00  ; magic number from Stu/Bruce standard :
-                             ; the two zeroes are ignored.
-                             ; &FFFFFE00 on Proto-Arfur < .032
-Module_SWIChunkSize * 2_1000000
-; flags for the information word :
-FS_Command_Flag     * 1 :SHL: 31
-Status_Keyword_Flag * 1 :SHL: 30
-Help_Is_Code_Flag   * 1 :SHL: 29
-International_Help  * 1 :SHL: 28
-        OPT OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/OSEntries b/hdr/OSEntries
deleted file mode 100644
index d05fd5d2..00000000
--- a/hdr/OSEntries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; Entries to the OS from the HAL
-                ^       0
-OS_InitARM      #       1
-OS_AddRAM       #       1
-OS_Start        #       1
-OS_MapInIO      #       1
-OS_AddDevice    #       1
-OS_LogToPhys    #       1
-HighestOSEntry  *       :INDEX: @ - 1
-; The layout of the OS header
-                ^       0
-OSHdr_Magic     #       4
-OSHdr_Flags     #       4
-OSHdr_ImageSize #       4
-OSHdr_Entries   #       4
-OSHdr_NumEntries #      4
-OSHdr_size      #       0
-; Parameters/flag for various calls
-OSStartFlag_POR             * 1:SHL:0   ; Power-On Reset
-OSStartFlag_NoCMOSReset     * 1:SHL:1	; CMOS reset inhibited (protection link etc)
-OSStartFlag_CMOSReset       * 1:SHL:2	; CMOS reset (if POR and not inhibited)
-OSStartFlag_NoCMOS  	    * 1:SHL:3	; There's no real NVRAM, only cache
-OSStartFlag_RAMCleared      * 1:SHL:4   ; RAM has been cleared to zero
-                END
diff --git a/hdr/Old/Arthur/PublicWS b/hdr/Old/Arthur/PublicWS
deleted file mode 100644
index c2aa021e..00000000
--- a/hdr/Old/Arthur/PublicWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    > Public Work Space
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 15-Jun-94  AMcC  Created - holds values 'exported' from Kernel WorkSpace
-;                   Corresponds to Values set in Space200
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Memory map values:
-                    ^ &00000104
-ESC_Status          #         1
-                    ^ &00000105
-LatchBSoftCopy      #         1
-                    ^ &00000107
-CannotReset         #         1
-                    ^ &00000108
-IRQsema             #         4
-                    ^ &00000114
-MEMC_CR_SoftCopy    #         4
-                    ^ &00000480
-FgEcfOraEor         #      4*16           ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor (from Vdu Driver Workspace)
-                    ^ &000004C0
-BgEcfOraEor         #      4*16           ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor (from Vdu Driver Workspace)
-                    ^ &00000AD1           ; RedirectInHandle
-RedirectInHandle    #         1
-                    ^ &00000AD2           ; RedirectOutHandle
-RedirectOutHandle   #         1
-                    ^ &00000FF8
-DomainId            #         4           ; domain identification
-                    ^ &00001000
-VduDriverWorkSpace  #     &3000
-                    ^ &00004000
-ScratchSpace        #     &4000
-                    ^ &01C02000
-SVCSTK              #         0
-                    ^ &01C02000
-SysHeapStart        #         0
-                    ^ &01F033FC
-SvcTable            #      &400
-                    ^ &01F037FC
-BranchToSWIExit     #         4           ; from SWI despatcher
-                    ^ &01F04000
-SoundWorkSpace      #     &2000
-SoundDMABufferSize  *     &1000
-                    ^ &01F06000
-SoundDMABuffers     #     SoundDMABufferSize * 2
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/Old/Arthur/Space200 b/hdr/Old/Arthur/Space200
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a126a1a..00000000
--- a/hdr/Old/Arthur/Space200
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1017 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    > &.Hdr.NewSpace
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 02-Nov-87  APT   Added module SWI hash table
-; 03-Nov-87  APT   Modo-fied module SWI hash table info, removed BRKLST
-; 09-Nov-87  APT   Removed ESCCNT and ESFLG
-; 12-Nov-87  APT   Added IRQsema
-; 13-Nov-87  APT   Added DefaultIRQ1V codespace
-; 16-Nov-87  APT   PIRQ chain heads
-; 18-Nov-87  APT   Reordered EvtHan, EvtHan_ws
-; 19-Nov-87  APT   Moved IRQsema
-; 01-Dec-87  APT   Added interruptible heap manager workspace
-; 08-Dec-87  TMD   Added ECFShift, ECFYOffset
-; 14-Dec-87  TMD   Added DisplayNColour, DisplayModeFlags
-; 15-Dec-87  TMD   Added KeyAlphabet
-; 22-Dec-87  NDR   Using ScratchSpace
-; 13-Jan-88  APT   General scratchspace bash, low workspace reordering.
-;                  Removed spurious 32 bytes of osbyte wspace
-; 14-Jan-88  APT   *type buffer in scratchspace.
-;                  MOShasFIQ byte added
-; 20-Jan-88  APT   Workspace juggling for speed & space; also discarded
-;                  Level0 stuff.
-; 28-Jan-88  APT   MetroGnome moved to "public" location for ADFS
-; 02-Feb-88  APT   FIQclaim_interlock added
-; 05-Feb-88  APT   CallBack_Vector
-; 09-Feb-88  APT   RAM for SWI despatch
-; 17-Feb-88  TMD   Added VduSaveArea, VduSaveAreaPtr, DisplayModeNo
-; 26-Feb-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   Shrank SVC despatch
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest doubled
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayScreenStart, VduOutputCurrentState,
-;                  SpriteMaskSelect, reordered mode variables
-; 07-Mar-88  APT   Made CamEntries always at &164
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSizes, GCharSizeX, GCharSizeY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSpacing, GCharSpaceX, GCharSpaceY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Moved GCharSizes..GCharSpaceY into first 1K of workspace
-; 15-Mar-88  TMD   Added HLineAddr
-; 18-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayXWindLimit, DisplayYWindLimit,
-;                   DisplayXEigFactor, DisplayYEigFactor, PointerXEigFactor
-; 18-Mar-88  APT   Setting variables scratchspace use revised.
-; 21-Mar-88  TMD   Removed CursorIndex
-; 22-Mar-88  TMD   Added TCharSizeX,TCharSizeY,TCharSpaceX,TCharSpaceY
-; 29-Mar-88  TMD   Added GcolOraEorAddr
-; 31-Mar-88  TMD   Removed WsFontPtr
-; 07-Apr-88  SKS   Added HeapSort use of ScratchSpace
-; 14-Apr-88  TMD   Added SerialFlags
-; 28-Apr-88  TMD   Added XONXOFFChar
-;  5-May-88  APT   Added MemorySpeed
-; 18-May-88  APT   Added CannotReset sema at &107, removed pre-1.20 changes.
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Added ClipBoxEnable, ClipBoxLCol..ClipBoxTRow, moved in
-;                   ScrLoaSpriteCB, ScrLoaBuffer, SrcSavCommon
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Flood fill uses ScratchSpace
-; 01-Jun-88  TMD   Added AlignSpace for ClipBoxCoords
-; 03-Jun-88  BCSKS Make Keyboard buffer into a useful part of the system
-;                  Also PrinterBufferSize
-; 09-Jun-88  DJS   Draw uses ScratchSpace
-; 09-Jun-88  BC    Gave Econet some private debungling space
-; 11-Jun-88  SKS   Align IRQ stack to make STMFD not cross two MEMC bdy's
-;                  Made info condit'l on AsmArf; someone had commented it out!
-; 15-Jun-88  SKS   Added two more instructions in SWIDespatch area
-;                  Moved SLVK definition into kernel; it's not public
-; 16-Jun-88  SKS   Added 3 more instructions in SWIDespatch area + nailed
-;                  SvcTable address for compatibility
-; 22-Jun-88  SKS   Moved MEMC_CR_SoftCopy into pubic ws
-; 19-Jul-88  APT   Added UpCall handler stuff
-; 20-Jul-88  SKS   Added above entry
-;                  Amended comment about overlaid workspace in vdu
-; 15-Aug-88  SKS   Inserted DomainId at FF8 (set by Wimp on task swap, used by
-;                  FileSwitch to tag resources)
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Memory map:
-CursorChunkAddress  * 31*1024*1024
-FontCacheAddress    * 30*1024*1024
-SysHeapChunkAddress * 28*1024*1024
-RMAAddress          * 24*1024*1024
-SpriteSpaceAddress  * 20*1024*1024
-RAMDiscAddress      * 16*1024*1024
-; **********+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; system variables
-        ^  0,R12
-OSBYTEFirstVar  #  0
-ByteVars  #  0                 ; The main osbyte variables, accessed
-                               ; via calls &A6 to &FF
-VarStart  #  2                 ; &A6,&A7
-ROMPtr    #  2                 ; &A8,&A9
-ROMInfo   #  2                 ; &AA,&AB
-KBTran    #  2                 ; &AC,&AD
-VDUvars   #  2                 ; &AE,&AF
-CFStime   #  1                 ; &B0
-InputStream #  1               ; &B1
-KeyBdSema #  1                 ; &B2
-ROMPollSema #  1               ; &B3
-OSHWM     #  1                 ; &B4
-RS423mode #  1                 ; &B5
-NoIgnore  #  1                 ; &B6
-CFSRFS    #  1                 ; &B7
-VULAcopy  #  2                 ; &B8,&B9
-ROMatBRK  #  1                 ; &BA
-BASICROM  #  1                 ; &BB
-ADCchanel #  1                 ; &BC
-ADCmaxchn #  1                 ; &BD
-ADCconv   #  1                 ; &BE
-RS423use     #  1              ; &BF
-RS423conflag #  1              ; &C0
-FlashCount # 1                 ; &C1
-SpacPeriod # 1                 ; &C2
-MarkPeriod # 1                 ; &C3
-KeyRepDelay # 1                ; &C4
-KeyRepRate  # 1                ; &C5
-ExecFileH   # 1                ; &C6
-SpoolFileH  # 1                ; &C7
-ESCBREAK    # 1                ; &C8 (200)
-KeyBdDisable # 1               ; &C9
-KeyBdStatus  # 1               ; &CA
-RS423HandShake # 1             ; &CB
-RS423InputSupr # 1             ; &CC
-RS423CFSFlag   # 1             ; &CD
-EconetOScall # 1               ; &CE
-EconetOSrdch # 1               ; &CF
-EconetOSwrch # 1               ; &D0
-SpeechSupr # 1                 ; &D1
-SoundSupr # 1                  ; &D2
-BELLchannel # 1                ; &D3
-BELLinfo    # 1                ; &D4
-BELLfreq    # 1                ; &D5
-BELLdur     # 1                ; &D6
-StartMessSupr # 1              ; &D7
-SoftKeyLen # 1                 ; &D8
-PageModeLineCount # 1          ; &D9
-VDUqueueItems # 1              ; &DA
-TABch # 1                      ; &DB
-ESCch # 1                      ; &DC
-IPbufferCh # 4                 ; &DD,&DE,&DF,&E0
-RedKeyCh   # 4                 ; &E1,&E2,&E3,&E4
-ESCaction  # 1                 ; &E5
-ESCeffect  # 1                 ; &E6
-u6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E7
-s6850IRQ # 1                   ; &E8
-s6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E9
-TubeFlag # 1                   ; &EA
-SpeechFlag # 1                 ; &EB
-WrchDest # 1                   ; &EC
-CurEdit  # 1                   ; &ED
-SoftResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on soft reset
-KeyBase # 1                    ; &EE
-Shadow # 1                     ; &EF
-Country # 1                    ; &F0
-UserFlag # 1                   ; &F1
-SerULAreg # 1                  ; &F2
-TimerState # 1                 ; &F3
-SoftKeyConsist # 1             ; &F4
-PrinterDrivType   # 1          ; &F5
-PrinterIgnore     # 1          ; &F6
-HardResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on hard reset
-BREAKvector # 3                ; &F7,&F8,&F9
-MemDriver  # 1                 ; &FA - where the VDU drivers write to
-MemDisplay # 1                 ; &FB - where we display from
-LangROM # 1                    ; &FC
-LastBREAK # 1                  ; &FD
-KeyOpt # 1                     ; &FE
-StartOptions # 1               ; &FF
-PowerOnResetVars # 0           ; Reset to here on power-on reset
-        AlignSpace
-EventSemaphores # 32            ; One byte for each of 32 events
-TimerAlpha # 8                  ; As used by time (bottom 5 bytes)
-TimerBeta  # 8                  ; ................................
-; both aligned to word boundaries
-RealTime # 8                    ; 5-byte fast real-time
-PrinterActive # 4               ; Handle/active flag for printer (word aligned)
-IntervalTimer # 5               ; Up Counter synchronous with TIME.
-; Event generated when Zero is reached
-; bottom byte aligned to word boundary
-SecondsTime # 1 ; the soft copy (centi-)seconds of the RTC
-CentiTime   # 1 ; """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
-FlashState # 1 ; which flash colours are we using
-SecondsDirty # 1                ; the dirty flag for start up!
-MinTick # 1                     ; the minutes odd/even state
-DCDDSRCopy # 1                  ; copy of ACIA bits to check for change
-TVVertical # 1                  ; *TV first parameter
-TVInterlace # 1                 ; *TV second parameter
-CentiCounter # 1                ; Counter for VDU CTRL timing
-Alphabet # 1                    ; Current alphabet number
-Keyboard # 1                    ; Current keyboard number
-KeyAlphabet # 1                 ; Alphabet associated with current keyboard
-                GBLS    PrinterPrefix
-PrinterPrefix   SETS    "PrinterType$"
-PrinterTypeName #       6 + :LEN: (PrinterPrefix)
-        AlignSpace
-SerialFlags # 4                 ; New serial flags
-XONXOFFChar # 1                 ; Character to send before rest (0 if none)
-        AlignSpace
-OSBYTEVarSize * @-OSBYTEFirstVar
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; End of variables' space
-; ***********************************
-; ***  Main Vdu Driver Workspace  ***
-; ***********************************
-        ^ 0
-FgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Foreground Ecf, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-BgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Background Ecf, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GPLFMD # 4      ; Foreground action, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GPLBMD # 4      ; Background action, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GFCOL  # 4      ; Foreground colour, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GBCOL  # 4      ; Background colour, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GWLCol # 4      ; Graphics window left column  --
-GWBRow # 4      ; Graphics window bottom row     |
-GWRCol # 4      ; Graphics window right column   |
-GWTRow # 4      ; Graphics window top row      --
-qqqPad   # 3
-QQ       # 17   ;Queue - QQ+1 is on a word boundary
-QOffset  # 4    ;Value to add to VDUqueueItems to point to next queue posn.
-JVec     # 4    ;Jump vector to internal routines
-; Start of MODE table workspace
-ScreenSize # 4  ; number of bytes needed for this mode (assumed 1st in list)
-XWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWRCol (internal representation)
-; LineLength must be immediately after YWindLimit
-YWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWTRow (internal representation)
-LineLength # 4  ; Length of one pixel row in bytes
-; End of word mode variables
-YShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift YCoord in address generation after
-                ; multiplying by 5, holds
-                ; 7,6,5 or 4 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (640x256 mode) or
-                ; 6,5,4 or 3 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (320x256 mode).
-ModeFlags # 4   ; Bit 0 => non-graphic, Bit 1 => teletext, Bit 2 => gap mode
-XEigFactor # 4  ; Number of places to shift XCoord in external to internal
-                ; coordinate conversion, holds
-                ; 1 for 640x256 mode
-                ; 2 for 320x256 mode
-                ; 3 for 160x256 (BBC micro mode 2)
-YEigFactor # 4  ; number of shifts to convert between internal/external Y
-NColour # 4     ; Number of colours minus 1
-Log2BPC # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BytesPerChar ie (0,1,2,3,4)
-Log2BPP # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BitsPerPix ie (0,1,2,3)
-ECFIndex # 4    ; Index into default ECF tables
-ScrRCol # 4     ; Maximum column number in this screen mode
-ScrBRow # 4     ; Maximum row number in this screen mode
-PalIndex # 4    ; Index into palette tables (0,1,2,3)
-; End of table-initialised workspace
-; Next 3 must be together in this order !
-XShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift XCoord in address generation,
-                ; holds 2,3,4 or 5 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel respectivly
-GColAdr # 4     ; Address of Ecf to plot - either FgEcf or BgEcf
-ScreenStart # 4         ; Start address of screen (for VDU drivers)
-NPix # 4        ; Number of pixels per word minus 1, holds
-                ; holds 3,7,15 or 31 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel modes
-AspectRatio # 4 ; Pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect
-BitsPerPix # 4  ; Bits per pixel (1,2,4,8)
-BytesPerChar # 4        ; Bytes per one line of character
-                        ; (same as BitsPerPix except in double pixel modes)
-CursorFudgeFactor # 4   ; Factor for horizontal cursor positioning
-RowMult # 4     ; Row multiplier for text manipulation
-RowLength # 4   ; Bytes per text row in this mode (eg 640,1280,5120)
-; The following (up to and including NewPtY) must be together in this order
-; (relied upon by DefaultWindows)
-TWLCol # 4      ; Text window left column  --
-TWBRow # 4      ; Text window bottom row     |
-TWRCol # 4      ; Text window right column   |
-TWTRow # 4      ; Text window top row      --
-OrgX # 4        ; Screen origin (external representation)
-OrgY # 4
-GCsX # 4        ; Graphics cursor (external representation)
-GCsY # 4
-OlderCsX # 4    ; Very old X coordinate (internal)
-OlderCsY # 4    ; Very old Y coordinate (internal)
-OldCsX # 4      ; Old graphics cursor (internal representation) --
-OldCsY # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-GCsIX  # 4      ; Graphics cursor (internal representation)       |
-GCsIY  # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-NewPtX # 4      ; Newest point (internal representation)          |
-NewPtY # 4      ;                                               --
-; End of together block
-TForeCol # 4    ; Text foreground colour
-TBackCol # 4    ; Text background colour
-CursorX # 4     ; Text cursor X position ; these 3 must be in same order as ...
-CursorY # 4     ; Text cursor Y position
-CursorAddr # 4  ; Screen address of (output) cursor
-InputCursorX # 4        ; Input cursor X position ; ... these 3
-InputCursorY # 4        ; Input cursor Y position
-InputCursorAddr # 4     ; Screen address of input cursor
-EORtoggle # 4   ; Toggle between gap and non-gap
-RowsToDo  # 4   ; in the CLS
-VduStatus # 4   ; Vdu2, Window, Shadow bits (others in CursorFlags)
-CBWS # 8        ; Clear block (VDU 23,8..) workspace
-CBStart # 2
-CBEnd # 2
-CursorDesiredState # 4
-CursorStartOffset # 4
-CursorEndOffset # 4
-CursorCounter # 4
-CursorSpeed # 4
-Reg10Copy # 4
-CursorFill # 4  ; Word to EOR cursor ; MUST be immediately before CursorNbit
-CursorNbit # 4  ; Pointer to cursor code for current mode
-DisplayStart # 4        ; Start address of screen (for display)
-DriverBankAddr # 4      ; Default start address for VDU drivers
-DisplayBankAddr # 4     ; Default start address for display
-DisplayNColour # 4      ; No. of colours -1 for displayed mode
-DisplayModeFlags # 4    ; ModeFlags for displayed mode
-DisplayModeNo # 4       ; ModeNo for displayed mode
-DisplayScreenStart # 4  ; Where VDU outputs to when outputting to screen
-DisplayXWindLimit # 4   ; Used for pointer programming
-DisplayYWindLimit # 4
-DisplayXEigFactor # 4
-DisplayYEigFactor # 4
-PointerXEigFactor # 4
-Ecf1 # 8        ; The Ecf patterns
-Ecf2 # 8
-Ecf3 # 8
-Ecf4 # 8
-DotLineStyle # 8        ; Dot dash line pattern
-ModeNo # 4      ; Current mode number
-TFTint # 4      ; Text foreground tint          (in bits 6,7)
-TBTint # 4      ; Text background tint
-GFTint # 4      ; Graphics foreground tint
-GBTint # 4      ; Graphics background tint
-TotalScreenSize # 4     ; Amount configured for screen (in bytes)
-MaxMode # 4             ; Maximum mode number allowed (20 for now)
-VinitCopy # 4   ; Copy of Vinit for VDU 23;12 or 13
-CursorFlags # 4 ; Silly Master cursor movement flags
-CursorStack # 4 ; Bit stack of nested cursor states (0 => on, 1 => off)
-                ; (bit 31 = TOS)
-ECFShift # 4    ; number of bits to rotate right ECF OR and EOR masks by
-ECFYOffset # 4  ; vertical offset to ECF index
-WsVdu5 # 0      ; Vdu 5 workspace
-WsScr # 4
-WsEcfPtr # 4
-; WsFontPtr # 4 ; not needed any more, kept in register
-EndVerti # 4
-StartMask # 4
-EndMask # 4
-FontOffset # 4
-TempPlain # 16  ; only used for MODE 10
-GraphicWs # 300 ; All graphics workspace is overlaid here
-EndGraphicWs # 0
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 16
-GCharSizes  # 0
-GCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpacing # 0
-GCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-TCharSizes  # 0
-TCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpacing # 0
-TCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-HLineAddr    # 4        ; address of exported HLine
-GcolOraEorAddr # 4      ; address of FgEcfOraEor etc
-FirPalSetting # 4*28    ; First palette settings
-SecPalSetting # 4*28    ; Second palette settings
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 64
-FgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-BgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-BgEcfStore  # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor to store background
-;Current state of pattern
-LineDotCnt # 4          ; Count down to restarting pattern
-LineDotPatLSW # 4       ; Current state of pattern LSWord
-LineDotPatMSW # 4       ;    "      "   "     "    MSWord
-DotLineLength # 4       ; Dot Pattern repeat length as given in *FX163,242,n
-BBCcompatibleECFs # 4   ; 0 => BBC compatible, 1 => native
-SpAreaStart # 4         ; Start of sprite area
-SpChooseName # 16       ; No comment says Richard
-SpChoosePtr # 4
-PointerHeights # 4      ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerActiveXs # 4     ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerActiveYs # 4     ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerShapeNumber # 4  ; only bottom byte used
-PointerX # 4            ; co-ordinates of pointer (not always = mouse)
-PointerY # 4
-VIDCControlCopy # 4     ; Soft copy of VIDC control register
-VertAdjust # 4          ; offset to add to vertical VIDC registers
-TeletextOffset # 4      ; Offset to current teletext flash bank
-TeletextCount # 4       ; Number of vsyncs till next teletext flash
-WrchNbit # 4            ; Pointer to char code for current mode
-BeepBlock # 8           ; OSWORD block for VDU 7
-ScreenMemoryClaimed # 1 ; NZ => memory has been claimed or is unusable
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TTXDoubleCounts # 25    ; Number of double height chars on each line
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-RAMMaskTb # 32*4        ; Copy of MaskTb for this mode (up to 32 words)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-VduOutputCurrentState # 0 ; values of R0-R3 to return from SwitchOutputToSprite
-                        ; or Mask; next 4 must be in this order
-SpriteMaskSelect # 4    ; value of R0 to be given to SWI OS_SpriteOp to set up
-                        ; current state
-VduSpriteArea # 4       ; Pointer to sprite area containing VDU output sprite
-                        ; (0 if output is to screen)
-VduSprite # 4           ; Pointer to VDU output sprite (0 if output to screen)
-VduSaveAreaPtr # 4      ; Pointer to save area for VDU variables
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16,12 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-    AlignSpace 16, 12   ; Make ClipBoxCoords a valid immediate,
-                        ; with ClipBoxEnable immediately before it
-ClipBoxInfo # 0
-ClipBoxEnable # 4       ; 0 => clip box disabled, 1 => enabled
-ClipBoxCoords # 0       ; Internal coords of modified area of screen
-ClipBoxLCol # 4
-ClipBoxBRow # 4
-ClipBoxRCol # 4
-ClipBoxTRow # 4
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TextExpand # 4*1024     ; Tim's massive text expansion table for whizzy WRCH
-; TextPlain is now always hard against the end of TextExpand for this mode
-TTXSoftFonts * TextExpand + 2*1024      ; Soft fonts in teletext mode
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-; Teletext map and copy/move buffer are overlaid
-TTXMapSize      * 41*25*4       ; (&1004 bytes)
-LargeCommon     # TTXMapSize    ; the largest area
-TTXMap          * LargeCommon
-ScrLoaSpriteCB  * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteCBsize + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-ScrLoaBuffer    * LargeCommon   ; (size = one pixel row)
-ScrSavCommon    * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteAreaCBsize + SpriteCBsize
-                                ;  + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-FldQueueSize    * ScratchSpaceSize
-FldQueueStart   * ScratchSpace
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-Font # &700             ; 7 pages of (soft) font
-SaveAreaSize * 12*1024-@
-VduSaveArea # SaveAreaSize      ; save area for switching output to sprites
-VDWSSize # 0
-                ASSERT  VDWSSize <= 12 * 1024
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                 Space in the first 32K is allocated below
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Real workspace definition
-; Basic kernel space - defined locations for external modules
-                ^       &100
-IRQ1V           #       4       ; &100
-ESC_Status      #       1       ; &104
-LatchBSoftCopy  #       1       ; &105
-IOCControlSoftCopy #    1       ; &106
-CannotReset     #       1       ; &107
-IRQsema         #       4       ; &108
-MetroGnome      #       4       ; &10C
-MemorySpeed     #       4       ; &110
-MEMC_CR_SoftCopy #      4       ; &114
-; Now all internal definitions
-; Up to here is initialized on reset
-; Next come handler variables
-MemLimit        #       4
-UndHan          #       4
-PAbHan          #       4
-DAbHan          #       4
-AdXHan          #       4
-ErrHan          #       4
-ErrBuf          #       4
-ErrHan_ws       #       4
-CallAd_ws       #       4     ; smart Rs ordering:
-CallAd          #       4     ; can do LDMIA of r12, pc
-CallBf          #       4
-BrkAd_ws        #       4
-BrkAd           #       4
-BrkBf           #       4
-EscHan_ws       #       4
-EscHan          #       4
-EvtHan_ws       #       4
-EvtHan          #       4
-RAMLIMIT        #       4
-NoOfCamEntries  *       255                    ; we have entries 0-n.o.c.e.
-CamEntries      #       4 * (NoOfCamEntries+1) ; keep CAM entries + PPL in here
- ASSERT CamEntries = &164 ; Fixed for PCEmulator
-AplWorkSize     #       4
-HiServ_ws       #       4
-HiServ          #       4
-SExitA          #       4
-SExitA_ws       #       4
-UpCallHan_ws    #       4
-UpCallHan       #       4
-; now a section that it's handy to have in simply loadable places
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-             AlignSpace 16
-KeyWorkSpaceSize   *  &200
-KeyWorkSpace       #  KeyWorkSpaceSize
-; general MOS buffer: re-use with caution!
-GeneralMOSBuffer   #  256
-ModuleSHT_Entries  *  16
-ModuleSWI_HashTab  #  4*ModuleSHT_Entries
-Module_List        #  4
-Curr_Active_Object #  4
-; Vector Claim & Release tables etc
-VecPtrTab          #  NVECTORS * 4
-ExceptionDump      #  4
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-            AlignSpace  16 ; Ensures we can MOV rn, #OsbyteVars if <=&1000
-OsbyteVars      #       OSBYTEVarSize
- ASSERT OsbyteVars < &10000 ; Must keep in first 64K so address can be read by
-                            ; (and stored in) OS_Bytes &A6,&A7. SKS
-; These must be in first 4K
-NBuffers        *       10
-BuffInPtrs      #       4 * NBuffers
-BuffOutPtrs     #       4 * NBuffers
-VariableList    #       4
-; Oscli stuff
-OscliCBtopUID   #       4
-OscliCBbotUID   #       4
-OscliCBcurrend  #       4
-ReturnCode      #       4
-RCLimit         #       4
-SpriteSize      #       4       ; saved on startup for Sprite code and RAMFS
-RAMDiscSize     #       4
-FontCacheSize   #       4       ; and font manager
-TickNodeChain   #       4
-; Workspace
-EnvTime            #    5
-RedirectInHandle   #    1
-RedirectOutHandle  #    1
-MOShasFIQ          #    1
-FIQclaim_interlock #    1
-CallBack_Flag      #    1
-IRQ_CallBack_Flag * CallBack_Flag
-                  AlignSpace
-EnvString         #     256
-DUMPER            #     16 * 4
-; more system workspace
-Page_Size         #  4
-PIRQ_Chain        #  4
-PFIQasIRQ_Chain   #  4
-; IRQ despatch
-DefIRQ1Vspace       *     9*4+12*17+2*256   ; for size checking in MOS
-DefaultIRQ1V        #     DefIRQ1Vspace     ; assembly
-CallBack_Vector   #  4
-; interruptible heap manager workspace
-HeapSavedReg_R0     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R1     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R2     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R3     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R4     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R13    # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R0  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R1  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R2  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R3  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R4  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_PC  # 4               ; also acts as interlock
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "low space free ":CC::STR:(&FF4-@)
- ]
- ASSERT @ < &FF4
-; Words for old tools of assorted varieties
-                        ^       &FF4
-FPEAnchor               #       4
-DomainId                #       4       ; SKS added for domain identification
-Modula2_Private         #       4       ; MICK has FFC and uses it it in USR mode
-VduDriverWorkSpace      #       VDWSSize
- ASSERT (VduDriverWorkSpace :AND: 63) = 0 ; For Tim (VDU5)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "high space free ":CC::STR:(&4000-@)
- ]
-                        ^       &4000
-ScratchSpaceSize        *       &4000
-ScratchSpace            #       ScratchSpaceSize
- ASSERT @ <= &8000 ; Start of apl
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Users of ScratchSpace declare yourself here:
-; NRaine: Filling a polygon uses ScratchSpace to flatten the path
-; DSeal: Draw module uses ScratchSpace on fill operations (this supercedes
-;   NRaine's declaration above).
-; SKS: HeapSort with (r1 & 0x80000000) & ~(r1 & 0x20000000) & (r5 <= 16K)
-;      uses ScratchSpace as a temp slot for data shuffling after sorting
-; TMD: Flood fill uses ScratchSpace for the flood queue.
-; Tidying the RMA uses ScratchSpace while all modules are dead
-; GSTRANS workspace: GSINIT puts state into the workspacem and GSREAD uses it.
-; DO NOT do any operations between GSINIT/GSREAD SWIS.
-; SWIs called: OSWord in time var code
-;              BinaryToDecimal, ReadUnsigned
-GSVarWSpace             *       ScratchSpace
-                        ^       0
-GSNameBuff              #       &100
-GS_Stack                #       &200
-GS_StackPtr_Lim         *       &200 / 4        ; Number of words in stack.
-GS_StackPtr             #       4
-                        ^      @ + ScratchSpace
-; Pointers for SubstituteArgs: no external calls.
-; Ensure these don't overlap FileSwitch's buffers below!
-MacExStartPtrs          #       44
-MacExEndPtrs            #       44
-; OS_CLI has a buffer for alias expansion: ReadVarVal and SubstituteArgs
-;    are called while the buffer is held. Also used for module prefixes:
-;    Module called twice in this case.
-AliasExpansionBuffer    #       100
-; *list/*type need an argument expansion buffer: ReadArgs called with it.
-ArgumentBuffer           *       AliasExpansionBuffer
-; EvaluateExpression space. Calls ReadUnsigned, BinaryToDecimal and ReadVarVal.
-ExprWSpace              *       @
-                        ^       0, R12
-ExprBuff                #       &100
-exprBracDif             #       2       ; keep exprSTRACC aligned
-tos_op                  #       2       ; 1 byte for use as STRACC-1
-ExprSVCstack            #       4
-exprSTRACC              *       @ - ExprBuff + ExprWSpace
-ExprStackLimit          *       exprSTRACC + &100
-ExprStackStart          *       ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
-; Tutu needs some for argument substitution + expansion for run/load types
-; Only OS call during xform is XOS_SubstituteArgs and XOS_Heap(Claim,SysHeap)
-                        ^       0 ; Offset from ScratchSpace
-rav_substituted         #       256
-rav_arglist             #       256
-TopOfPageZero           #       0
-                        ^       &8000 ; The actual top of Page Zero
-EconetDebugSpace        |#|     &20 * 4 ; Thirty two words (&7F80)
-                ASSERT  @ > TopOfPageZero ; Make sure we don't clash
-; *****************************************************************************
-; ***            Cursor, Sound DMA, SWI, and OSCLI workspace.               ***
-; ***        Sits in the 32K above 31M, ie. &01F000000..&01F07FFF           ***
-; ***        Has the physical address &02078000, ie. 32M + 512K - 32K       ***
-; *****************************************************************************
-TopOfDMAPhysRAM         *       &80000            ; OFFSET in physram
-TopOfDMAWorkSpace       *       CursorChunkAddress + 32*1024
-OffsetLogicalToPhysical *       TopOfDMAPhysRAM - TopOfDMAWorkSpace
-                        ^       TopOfDMAWorkSpace ; Note we will be going down
-; Sound
-SoundWorkSpaceSize      *       &1000
-SoundDMABufferSize      *       &1000
-SoundEvtSize            *       &1000
-SoundDMABuffers         |#|     SoundDMABufferSize * 2
-SoundWorkSpace          |#|     SoundWorkSpaceSize + SoundEvtSize
-; Cursor
-CursorDataSize          *       &800
-CursorData              |#|     CursorDataSize
-CursorSoundRAM          *       CursorData
-CursorSoundPhysRAM      *       CursorSoundRAM + OffsetLogicalToPhysical
-; SWI despatcher
-BranchToSWIExit         |#|     4
-SvcTable                |#|     &400
- ASSERT SvcTable = &01F033FC ; Required for SVC table pokers, 1.20 compatible
-SWIDespatch_Size        *       29*4
-SWIDespatch             |#|     SWIDespatch_Size
-; Buffers
-KeyBuffSize             *       &100
-RS423InBuffSize         *       &100
-RS423OutBuffSize        *       &C0
-PrintBuffSize           *       &400
-Sound0BuffSize          *       4
-Sound1BuffSize          *       4
-Sound2BuffSize          *       4
-Sound3BuffSize          *       4
-SpeechBuffSize          *       4
-MouseBuffSize           *       &40
-KeyBuff                 |#|     KeyBuffSize
-RS423InBuff             |#|     RS423InBuffSize
-RS423OutBuff            |#|     RS423OutBuffSize
-PrintBuff               |#|     PrintBuffSize
-Sound0Buff              |#|     Sound0BuffSize
-Sound1Buff              |#|     Sound1BuffSize
-Sound2Buff              |#|     Sound2BuffSize
-Sound3Buff              |#|     Sound3BuffSize
-SpeechBuff              |#|     SpeechBuffSize
-MouseBuff               |#|     MouseBuffSize
-; Oscli buffering
-OscliBuffSize           *       &100
-OscliNoBuffs            *       16
-OscliCircBuffLimit      |#|     0
-OscliCircBuffStart      |#|     OscliBuffSize * OscliNoBuffs
-RedirectBuff            |#|     OscliBuffSize
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "Aligning IRQ stack from ":CC::STR:@
- ]
- [ @-7*4 :AND: 15 <> 0
-                        |#|     (@-7*4):AND:15
- ]
-IRQSTK                  #       0       ; Overflow will give abort
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "IRQ stack size ":CC::STR:(IRQSTK-CursorChunkAddress)
- ]
- ASSERT @ > ( CursorChunkAddress + &1000 ) ; Check minimum stack
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                        High system workspace
-; *****************************************************************************
-                ^       SysHeapChunkAddress
-                #       8*1024          ; svcstk size. Overflow will give abort
-SVCSTK          #       0
-SysHeapStart    #       0
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/Old/NewSpace b/hdr/Old/NewSpace
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f32335..00000000
--- a/hdr/Old/NewSpace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1172 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    > &.Hdr.NewSpace
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 02-Nov-87  APT   Added module SWI hash table
-; 03-Nov-87  APT   Modo-fied module SWI hash table info, removed BRKLST
-; 09-Nov-87  APT   Removed ESCCNT and ESFLG
-; 12-Nov-87  APT   Added IRQsema
-; 13-Nov-87  APT   Added DefaultIRQ1V codespace
-; 16-Nov-87  APT   PIRQ chain heads
-; 18-Nov-87  APT   Reordered EvtHan, EvtHan_ws
-; 19-Nov-87  APT   Moved IRQsema
-; 01-Dec-87  APT   Added interruptible heap manager workspace
-; 08-Dec-87  TMD   Added ECFShift, ECFYOffset
-; 14-Dec-87  TMD   Added DisplayNColour, DisplayModeFlags
-; 15-Dec-87  TMD   Added KeyAlphabet
-; 22-Dec-87  NDR   Using ScratchSpace
-; 13-Jan-88  APT   General scratchspace bash, low workspace reordering.
-;                  Removed spurious 32 bytes of osbyte wspace
-; 14-Jan-88  APT   *type buffer in scratchspace.
-;                  MOShasFIQ byte added
-; 20-Jan-88  APT   Workspace juggling for speed & space; also discarded
-;                  Level0 stuff.
-; 28-Jan-88  APT   MetroGnome moved to "public" location for ADFS
-; 02-Feb-88  APT   FIQclaim_interlock added
-; 05-Feb-88  APT   CallBack_Vector
-; 09-Feb-88  APT   RAM for SWI despatch
-; 17-Feb-88  TMD   Added VduSaveArea, VduSaveAreaPtr, DisplayModeNo
-; 26-Feb-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   Shrank SVC despatch
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest doubled
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayScreenStart, VduOutputCurrentState,
-;                  SpriteMaskSelect, reordered mode variables
-; 07-Mar-88  APT   Made CamEntries always at &164
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSizes, GCharSizeX, GCharSizeY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSpacing, GCharSpaceX, GCharSpaceY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Moved GCharSizes..GCharSpaceY into first 1K of workspace
-; 15-Mar-88  TMD   Added HLineAddr
-; 18-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayXWindLimit, DisplayYWindLimit,
-;                   DisplayXEigFactor, DisplayYEigFactor, PointerXEigFactor
-; 18-Mar-88  APT   Setting variables scratchspace use revised.
-; 21-Mar-88  TMD   Removed CursorIndex
-; 22-Mar-88  TMD   Added TCharSizeX,TCharSizeY,TCharSpaceX,TCharSpaceY
-; 29-Mar-88  TMD   Added GcolOraEorAddr
-; 31-Mar-88  TMD   Removed WsFontPtr
-; 07-Apr-88  SKS   Added HeapSort use of ScratchSpace
-; 14-Apr-88  TMD   Added SerialFlags
-; 28-Apr-88  TMD   Added XONXOFFChar
-;  5-May-88  APT   Added MemorySpeed
-; 18-May-88  APT   Added CannotReset sema at &107, removed pre-1.20 changes.
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Added ClipBoxEnable, ClipBoxLCol..ClipBoxTRow, moved in
-;                   ScrLoaSpriteCB, ScrLoaBuffer, SrcSavCommon
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Flood fill uses ScratchSpace
-; 01-Jun-88  TMD   Added AlignSpace for ClipBoxCoords
-; 03-Jun-88  BCSKS Make Keyboard buffer into a useful part of the system
-;                  Also PrinterBufferSize
-; 09-Jun-88  DJS   Draw uses ScratchSpace
-; 09-Jun-88  BC    Gave Econet some private debungling space
-; 11-Jun-88  SKS   Align IRQ stack to make STMFD not cross two MEMC bdy's
-;                  Made info condit'l on AsmArf; someone had commented it out!
-; 15-Jun-88  SKS   Added two more instructions in SWIDespatch area
-;                  Moved SLVK definition into kernel; it's not public
-; 16-Jun-88  SKS   Added 3 more instructions in SWIDespatch area + nailed
-;                  SvcTable address for compatibility
-; 22-Jun-88  SKS   Moved MEMC_CR_SoftCopy into pubic ws
-; 19-Jul-88  APT   Added UpCall handler stuff
-; 20-Jul-88  SKS   Added above entry
-;                  Amended comment about overlaid workspace in vdu
-; 15-Aug-88  SKS   Inserted DomainId at FF8 (set by Wimp on task swap, used by
-;                  FileSwitch to tag resources)
-; 27-Sep-89  JSR   Added ColourTrans to users of scratch space
-; 24-Oct-89  TMD   Added CamEntriesForBigMachines, CamEntriesPointer
-; 26-Oct-89  TMD   Added MaxCamEntry, removed NoOfCamEntries symbol
-; 27-Oct-89  TMD   Added VIDCClockSpeed
-; 09-Nov-89  TMD   Added ResetIndirection
-; 15-Jan-91  TMD   Added ROMModuleChain
-; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added DeviceFS as user of ScratchSpace.
-; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added ColourTrans use of ScratchSpace to build diff tables.
-; 06-Mar-91  TMD   Added IOSystemType
-; 07-Mar-91  LVR   ADFS uses scratch space for floppy formatting
-; 07-Mar-91  TMD   Added MonitorLeadType
-; 08-Mar-91  TMD   Added PrinterBufferAddr, PrinterBufferSize
-; 11-Apr-91  TMD   Added SerialInHandle, SerialOutHandle
-; 24-Apr-91  TMD   Added UniqueMachineID
-; 09-Jun-91  RM    Added KernelMessagesBlock,ErrorSemaphore and MOSConvertBuffer
-; 26-Jul-91  JSR   Extend GeneralMOSBuffer by 4 bytes to make it a valid
-;                       length for the default error handler's error buffer
-; 19-Aug-91  JSR   Added *If to list of GeneralMOSBuffer users
-; 22-Aug-91  TMD   Reduced ErrorSemaphore to a byte, added PortableFlag
-; 25-Aug-91  DDV   Updated to indicate correct usage of scratch space by ColourTrans
-; 09-Jan-92  DDV   Added FgPattern, BgPattern and indicate use of ScratchSpace by OS_SetColour
-; 20-Jan-92  TMD   OS_SetColour no longer uses ScratchSpace
-; 17-Feb-92  ECN   Added CLibWord and RISCOSLibWord
-; 02-Apr-92  TMD   Added ScreenBlankFlag
-; 03-Aug-92  TMD   Kept in step with hdr:VickySpace, added PhysRam (from hdr:System)
-; 09-Sep-92  TMD   Added FirPalAddr, SecPalAddr
-; 10-Sep-92  DDV   Added pointer to the System heap copy of the Whizzy text expansion buffer
-; 07-Oct-92  TMD   Brought in line with VickySpace with respect to new VIDC stuff
-; 04-Jun-93  TMD   Added CurrentMonitorType
-; 15-Jul-93  TMD   Added KernelModeSelector
-; 25-Aug-93  SMC   Added processor vector table at ProcVec_Start
-;                  Added ProcVecPreVeneers
-; 07-Oct-93  TMD   Added ScreenBlankDPMSState, HSWRSoftCopy, VSWRSoftCopy
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Memory map:
-AplWorkMaxSize      * &01000000 ; 16M
-RMAAddress          * &01800000
-RMAMaxSize          * &00400000 ; 4M
-SysHeapChunkAddress * &01C00000
-SysHeapMaxSize      * &00200000 ; 2M
-CursorChunkAddress  * &01F00000 ; Fixed size 32K
-ScreenEndAdr        * &02000000
-ScreenMaxSize       * 480*1024
-FontCacheAddress    * &01E00000
-FontCacheMaxSize    * &00100000 ; 1M
-SpriteSpaceAddress  * &01400000
-SpriteSpaceMaxSize  * &00400000 ; 4M
-RAMDiscAddress      * &01000000
-RAMDiscMaxSize      * &00400000 ; 4M
-PhysRam         *       &02000000
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; system variables
-        ^  0,R12
-OSBYTEFirstVar  #  0
-ByteVars  #  0                 ; The main osbyte variables, accessed
-                               ; via calls &A6 to &FF
-VarStart  #  2                 ; &A6,&A7
-ROMPtr    #  2                 ; &A8,&A9
-ROMInfo   #  2                 ; &AA,&AB
-KBTran    #  2                 ; &AC,&AD
-VDUvars   #  2                 ; &AE,&AF
-CFStime   #  1                 ; &B0
-InputStream #  1               ; &B1
-KeyBdSema #  1                 ; &B2
-ROMPollSema #  1               ; &B3
-OSHWM     #  1                 ; &B4
-RS423mode #  1                 ; &B5
-NoIgnore  #  1                 ; &B6
-CFSRFS    #  1                 ; &B7
-VULAcopy  #  2                 ; &B8,&B9
-ROMatBRK  #  1                 ; &BA
-BASICROM  #  1                 ; &BB
-ADCchanel #  1                 ; &BC
-ADCmaxchn #  1                 ; &BD
-ADCconv   #  1                 ; &BE
-RS423use     #  1              ; &BF
-RS423conflag #  1              ; &C0
-FlashCount # 1                 ; &C1
-SpacPeriod # 1                 ; &C2
-MarkPeriod # 1                 ; &C3
-KeyRepDelay # 1                ; &C4
-KeyRepRate  # 1                ; &C5
-ExecFileH   # 1                ; &C6
-SpoolFileH  # 1                ; &C7
-ESCBREAK    # 1                ; &C8 (200)
-KeyBdDisable # 1               ; &C9
-KeyBdStatus  # 1               ; &CA
-RS423HandShake # 1             ; &CB
-RS423InputSupr # 1             ; &CC
-RS423CFSFlag   # 1             ; &CD
-EconetOScall # 1               ; &CE
-EconetOSrdch # 1               ; &CF
-EconetOSwrch # 1               ; &D0
-SpeechSupr # 1                 ; &D1
-SoundSupr # 1                  ; &D2
-BELLchannel # 1                ; &D3
-BELLinfo    # 1                ; &D4
-BELLfreq    # 1                ; &D5
-BELLdur     # 1                ; &D6
-StartMessSupr # 1              ; &D7
-SoftKeyLen # 1                 ; &D8
-PageModeLineCount # 1          ; &D9
-VDUqueueItems # 1              ; &DA
-TABch # 1                      ; &DB
-ESCch # 1                      ; &DC
-IPbufferCh # 4                 ; &DD,&DE,&DF,&E0
-RedKeyCh   # 4                 ; &E1,&E2,&E3,&E4
-ESCaction  # 1                 ; &E5
-ESCeffect  # 1                 ; &E6
-u6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E7
-s6850IRQ # 1                   ; &E8
-s6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E9
-TubeFlag # 1                   ; &EA
-SpeechFlag # 1                 ; &EB
-WrchDest # 1                   ; &EC
-CurEdit  # 1                   ; &ED
-SoftResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on soft reset
-KeyBase # 1                    ; &EE
-Shadow # 1                     ; &EF
-Country # 1                    ; &F0
-UserFlag # 1                   ; &F1
-SerULAreg # 1                  ; &F2
-TimerState # 1                 ; &F3
-SoftKeyConsist # 1             ; &F4
-PrinterDrivType   # 1          ; &F5
-PrinterIgnore     # 1          ; &F6
-HardResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on hard reset
-BREAKvector # 3                ; &F7,&F8,&F9
-MemDriver  # 1                 ; &FA - where the VDU drivers write to
-MemDisplay # 1                 ; &FB - where we display from
-LangROM # 1                    ; &FC
-LastBREAK # 1                  ; &FD
-KeyOpt # 1                     ; &FE
-StartOptions # 1               ; &FF
-PowerOnResetVars # 0           ; Reset to here on power-on reset
-; These two can dovetail in here to use up 2 bytes before the AlignSpace!
-SerialInHandle # 1              ; Handle for serial input stream  (0 if not open currently)
-SerialOutHandle # 1             ; Handle for serial output stream (-----------""----------)
-        AlignSpace
-EventSemaphores # 32            ; One byte for each of 32 events
-TimerAlpha # 8                  ; As used by time (bottom 5 bytes)
-TimerBeta  # 8                  ; ................................
-; both aligned to word boundaries
-RealTime # 8                    ; 5-byte fast real-time
-PrinterActive # 4               ; Handle/active flag for printer (word aligned)
-IntervalTimer # 5               ; Up Counter synchronous with TIME.
-; Event generated when Zero is reached
-; bottom byte aligned to word boundary
-SecondsTime # 1 ; the soft copy (centi-)seconds of the RTC
-CentiTime   # 1 ; """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
-FlashState # 1 ; which flash colours are we using
-SecondsDirty # 1                ; the dirty flag for start up!
-MinTick # 1                     ; the minutes odd/even state
-DCDDSRCopy # 1                  ; copy of ACIA bits to check for change
-TVVertical # 1                  ; *TV first parameter
-TVInterlace # 1                 ; *TV second parameter
-CentiCounter # 1                ; Counter for VDU CTRL timing
-Alphabet # 1                    ; Current alphabet number
-Keyboard # 1                    ; Current keyboard number
-KeyAlphabet # 1                 ; Alphabet associated with current keyboard
-                GBLS    PrinterPrefix
-PrinterPrefix   SETS    "PrinterType$"
-PrinterTypeName #       6 + :LEN: (PrinterPrefix)
-        AlignSpace
-SerialFlags # 4                 ; New serial flags
-XONXOFFChar # 1                 ; Character to send before rest (0 if none)
-        AlignSpace
-OSBYTEVarSize * @-OSBYTEFirstVar
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; End of variables' space
-; ***********************************
-; ***  Main Vdu Driver Workspace  ***
-; ***********************************
-        ^ 0
-FgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Foreground Ecf, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-BgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Background Ecf, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GPLFMD # 4      ; Foreground action, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GPLBMD # 4      ; Background action, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GFCOL  # 4      ; Foreground colour, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GBCOL  # 4      ; Background colour, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GWLCol # 4      ; Graphics window left column  --
-GWBRow # 4      ; Graphics window bottom row     |
-GWRCol # 4      ; Graphics window right column   |
-GWTRow # 4      ; Graphics window top row      --
-qqqPad   # 3
-QQ       # 17   ;Queue - QQ+1 is on a word boundary
-QOffset  # 4    ;Value to add to VDUqueueItems to point to next queue posn.
-JVec     # 4    ;Jump vector to internal routines
-; Start of MODE table workspace
-ScreenSize # 4  ; number of bytes needed for this mode (assumed 1st in list)
-XWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWRCol (internal representation)
-; LineLength must be immediately after YWindLimit
-YWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWTRow (internal representation)
-LineLength # 4  ; Length of one pixel row in bytes
-NColour # 4     ; Number of colours minus 1
-; End of word mode variables
-YShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift YCoord in address generation after
-                ; multiplying by 5, holds
-                ; 7,6,5 or 4 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (640x256 mode) or
-                ; 6,5,4 or 3 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (320x256 mode).
-ModeFlags # 4   ; Bit 0 => non-graphic, Bit 1 => teletext, Bit 2 => gap mode
-XEigFactor # 4  ; Number of places to shift XCoord in external to internal
-                ; coordinate conversion, holds
-                ; 1 for 640x256 mode
-                ; 2 for 320x256 mode
-                ; 3 for 160x256 (BBC micro mode 2)
-YEigFactor # 4  ; number of shifts to convert between internal/external Y
-Log2BPC # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BytesPerChar ie (0,1,2,3,4)
-Log2BPP # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BitsPerPix ie (0,1,2,3)
-ECFIndex # 4    ; Index into default ECF tables
-ScrRCol # 4     ; Maximum column number in this screen mode
-ScrBRow # 4     ; Maximum row number in this screen mode
-PalIndex # 4    ; Index into palette tables (0,1,2,3)
-; End of table-initialised workspace
-; Next 3 must be together in this order !
-XShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift XCoord in address generation,
-                ; holds 2,3,4 or 5 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel respectivly
-GColAdr # 4     ; Address of Ecf to plot - either FgEcf or BgEcf
-ScreenStart # 4         ; Start address of screen (for VDU drivers)
-NPix # 4        ; Number of pixels per word minus 1, holds
-                ; holds 3,7,15 or 31 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel modes
-AspectRatio # 4 ; Pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect
-BitsPerPix # 4  ; Bits per pixel (1,2,4,8)
-BytesPerChar # 4        ; Bytes per one line of character
-                        ; (same as BitsPerPix except in double pixel modes)
-CursorFudgeFactor # 4   ; Factor for horizontal cursor positioning
-RowMult # 4     ; Row multiplier for text manipulation
-RowLength # 4   ; Bytes per text row in this mode (eg 640,1280,5120)
-; The following (up to and including NewPtY) must be together in this order
-; (relied upon by DefaultWindows)
-TWLCol # 4      ; Text window left column  --
-TWBRow # 4      ; Text window bottom row     |
-TWRCol # 4      ; Text window right column   |
-TWTRow # 4      ; Text window top row      --
-OrgX # 4        ; Screen origin (external representation)
-OrgY # 4
-GCsX # 4        ; Graphics cursor (external representation)
-GCsY # 4
-OlderCsX # 4    ; Very old X coordinate (internal)
-OlderCsY # 4    ; Very old Y coordinate (internal)
-OldCsX # 4      ; Old graphics cursor (internal representation) --
-OldCsY # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-GCsIX  # 4      ; Graphics cursor (internal representation)       |
-GCsIY  # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-NewPtX # 4      ; Newest point (internal representation)          |
-NewPtY # 4      ;                                               --
-; End of together block
-TForeCol # 4    ; Text foreground colour
-TBackCol # 4    ; Text background colour
-CursorX # 4     ; Text cursor X position ; these 3 must be in same order as ...
-CursorY # 4     ; Text cursor Y position
-CursorAddr # 4  ; Screen address of (output) cursor
-InputCursorX # 4        ; Input cursor X position ; ... these 3
-InputCursorY # 4        ; Input cursor Y position
-InputCursorAddr # 4     ; Screen address of input cursor
-EORtoggle # 4   ; Toggle between gap and non-gap
-RowsToDo  # 4   ; in the CLS
-VduStatus # 4   ; Vdu2, Window, Shadow bits (others in CursorFlags)
-CBWS # 8        ; Clear block (VDU 23,8..) workspace
-CBStart # 2
-CBEnd # 2
-CursorDesiredState # 4
-CursorStartOffset # 4
-CursorEndOffset # 4
-CursorCounter # 4
-CursorSpeed # 4
-Reg10Copy # 4
-CursorFill # 4  ; Word to EOR cursor ; MUST be immediately before CursorNbit
-CursorNbit # 4  ; Pointer to cursor code for current mode
-DisplayStart # 4        ; Start address of screen (for display)
-DriverBankAddr # 4      ; Default start address for VDU drivers
-DisplayBankAddr # 4     ; Default start address for display
-DisplayNColour # 4      ; No. of colours -1 for displayed mode
-DisplayModeFlags # 4    ; ModeFlags for displayed mode
-DisplayModeNo # 4       ; ModeNo for displayed mode
-DisplayScreenStart # 4  ; Where VDU outputs to when outputting to screen
-DisplayXWindLimit # 4   ; Used for pointer programming
-DisplayYWindLimit # 4
-DisplayXEigFactor # 4
-DisplayYEigFactor # 4
-PointerXEigFactor # 4
-Ecf1 # 8        ; The Ecf patterns
-Ecf2 # 8
-Ecf3 # 8
-Ecf4 # 8
-DotLineStyle # 8        ; Dot dash line pattern
-ModeNo # 4      ; Current mode number
-TFTint # 4      ; Text foreground tint          (in bits 6,7)
-TBTint # 4      ; Text background tint
-GFTint # 4      ; Graphics foreground tint
-GBTint # 4      ; Graphics background tint
-TotalScreenSize # 4     ; Amount configured for screen (in bytes)
-MaxMode # 4             ; Maximum mode number allowed (20 for now)
-VinitCopy # 4   ; Copy of Vinit for VDU 23;12 or 13
-CursorFlags # 4 ; Silly Master cursor movement flags
-CursorStack # 4 ; Bit stack of nested cursor states (0 => on, 1 => off)
-                ; (bit 31 = TOS)
-ECFShift # 4    ; number of bits to rotate right ECF OR and EOR masks by
-ECFYOffset # 4  ; vertical offset to ECF index
-WsVdu5 # 0      ; Vdu 5 workspace
-WsScr # 4
-WsEcfPtr # 4
-; WsFontPtr # 4 ; not needed any more, kept in register
-EndVerti # 4
-StartMask # 4
-EndMask # 4
-FontOffset # 4
-TempPlain # 16  ; only used for MODE 10
-VIDCClockSpeed # 4      ; current VIDC clock speed in kHz
-CurrentMonitorType # 4  ; initialised from configured one
-KernelModeSelector # 4  ; pointer to block in system heap where
-                        ; current mode selector is copied
-GraphicWs # 300 ; All graphics workspace is overlaid here
-EndGraphicWs # 0
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 16
-GCharSizes  # 0
-GCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpacing # 0
-GCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-TCharSizes  # 0
-TCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpacing # 0
-TCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-HLineAddr    # 4        ; address of exported HLine
-GcolOraEorAddr # 4      ; address of FgEcfOraEor etc
-FirPalSetting # 4*28            ; First palette settings (not used on VIDC20)
-FirPalAddr * FirPalSetting      ; Address of block for first palette setting (only used on VIDC20)
-SecPalSetting # 4*28            ; Second palette settings (not used on VIDC20)
-SecPalAddr * SecPalSetting      ; Address of block for second palette setting (only used on VIDC20)
-TextFgColour    # 4             ; Fg/Bg colour stored as a colour number, computed on VDU 18 and re-poked!
-TextBgColour    # 4             ;
-; In this brave new world there is a pointer to the text expansion
-; buffer used for VDU 4 / 5 text plotting.
-; This now lives in the system heap.
-TextExpandArea # 4      ; Pointer to Text expand area (in system heap)
-TextExpandArea_Size * (8*1024)
-HSWRSoftCopy    #       4       ; soft copy of h.sync width register (for DPMS)
-VSWRSoftCopy    #       4       ; soft copy of v.sync width register (for DPMS)
-ScreenBlankFlag # 1     ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
-ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1        ; 0 => just blank video
-                                ; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
-                                ; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
-                                ; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 64
-FgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-BgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-BgEcfStore  # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor to store background
-;Current state of pattern
-LineDotCnt # 4          ; Count down to restarting pattern
-LineDotPatLSW # 4       ; Current state of pattern LSWord
-LineDotPatMSW # 4       ;    "      "   "     "    MSWord
-DotLineLength # 4       ; Dot Pattern repeat length as given in *FX163,242,n
-BBCcompatibleECFs # 4   ; 0 => BBC compatible, 1 => native
-SpAreaStart # 4         ; Start of sprite area
-SpChooseName # 16       ; No comment says Richard
-SpChoosePtr # 4
-PointerHeights # 4      ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerActiveXs # 4     ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerActiveYs # 4     ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerShapeNumber # 4  ; only bottom byte used
-PointerX # 4            ; co-ordinates of pointer (not always = mouse)
-PointerY # 4
-VIDCControlCopy # 4     ; Soft copy of VIDC control register
-VertAdjust # 4          ; offset to add to vertical VIDC registers
-TeletextOffset # 4      ; Offset to current teletext flash bank
-TeletextCount # 4       ; Number of vsyncs till next teletext flash
-WrchNbit # 4            ; Pointer to char code for current mode
-BeepBlock # 8           ; OSWORD block for VDU 7
-ScreenMemoryClaimed # 1 ; NZ => memory has been claimed or is unusable
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TTXDoubleCounts # 25    ; Number of double height chars on each line
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-RAMMaskTb # 32*4        ; Copy of MaskTb for this mode (up to 32 words)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-VduOutputCurrentState # 0 ; values of R0-R3 to return from SwitchOutputToSprite
-                        ; or Mask; next 4 must be in this order
-SpriteMaskSelect # 4    ; value of R0 to be given to SWI OS_SpriteOp to set up
-                        ; current state
-VduSpriteArea # 4       ; Pointer to sprite area containing VDU output sprite
-                        ; (0 if output is to screen)
-VduSprite # 4           ; Pointer to VDU output sprite (0 if output to screen)
-VduSaveAreaPtr # 4      ; Pointer to save area for VDU variables
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16,12 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-    AlignSpace 16, 12   ; Make ClipBoxCoords a valid immediate,
-                        ; with ClipBoxEnable immediately before it
-ClipBoxInfo # 0
-ClipBoxEnable # 4       ; 0 => clip box disabled, 1 => enabled
-ClipBoxCoords # 0       ; Internal coords of modified area of screen
-ClipBoxLCol # 4
-ClipBoxBRow # 4
-ClipBoxRCol # 4
-ClipBoxTRow # 4
-FgPattern       # 4*8   ; foreground pattern as defined by OS_SetColour
-BgPattern       # 4*8   ; background pattern as defined by OS_SetColour
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TextExpand # 4*1024     ; Tim's massive text expansion table for whizzy WRCH
-; TextPlain is now always hard against the end of TextExpand for this mode
-TTXSoftFonts * TextExpand + 2*1024      ; Soft fonts in teletext mode
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-; Teletext map and copy/move buffer are overlaid
-TTXMapSize      * 41*25*4       ; (&1004 bytes)
-LargeCommon     # TTXMapSize    ; the largest area
-TTXMap          * LargeCommon
-ScrLoaSpriteCB  * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteCBsize + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-ScrLoaBuffer    * LargeCommon   ; (size = one pixel row)
-ScrSavCommon    * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteAreaCBsize + SpriteCBsize
-                                ;  + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-FldQueueSize    * ScratchSpaceSize
-FldQueueStart   * ScratchSpace
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-Font # &700             ; 7 pages of (soft) font
-SaveAreaSize * 12*1024-@
-VduSaveArea # SaveAreaSize      ; save area for switching output to sprites
-VDWSSize # 0
-                ASSERT  VDWSSize <= 12 * 1024
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                 Space in the first 32K is allocated below
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Real workspace definition
-; Basic kernel space - defined locations for external modules
-                ^       &100
-IRQ1V           #       4       ; &100
-ESC_Status      #       1       ; &104
-LatchBSoftCopy  #       1       ; &105
-IOCControlSoftCopy #    1       ; &106
-CannotReset     #       1       ; &107
-IRQsema         #       4       ; &108
-MetroGnome      #       4       ; &10C
-MemorySpeed     #       4       ; &110
-MEMC_CR_SoftCopy #      4       ; &114
-ResetIndirection #      4       ; &118
-; Now all internal definitions
-; Up to here is initialized on reset
-; Next come handler variables
-MemLimit        #       4
-UndHan          #       4
-PAbHan          #       4
-DAbHan          #       4
-AdXHan          #       4
-ErrHan          #       4
-ErrBuf          #       4
-ErrHan_ws       #       4
-CallAd_ws       #       4     ; smart Rs ordering:
-CallAd          #       4     ; can do LDMIA of r12, pc
-CallBf          #       4
-BrkAd_ws        #       4
-BrkAd           #       4
-BrkBf           #       4
-EscHan_ws       #       4
-EscHan          #       4
-EvtHan_ws       #       4
-EvtHan          #       4
-CamEntries      #       4 * 256 ; CAM entries + PPL in here for machines up to
-                                ; 8 MBytes - for larger machines they're stored
-                                ; in CamEntriesForBigMachines - the location
-                                ; CamEntriesPointer points to whichever is used
- ASSERT CamEntries = &164 ; Fixed for PCEmulator (doesn't work with >= 8MBytes)
-CamEntriesPointer #     4       ; points to where CAM soft copy is
-                                ; (CamEntries for machines up to 8MBytes,
-                                ; CamEntriesForBigMachines for larger machines)
-MaxCamEntry     #       4       ; maximum index into the cam map, ie
-                                ; 511 for 16MByte machines, 383 for 12MBytes
-                                ; 255 for 8MBytes, otherwise 127
-RAMLIMIT        #       4
-AplWorkSize     #       4
-HiServ_ws       #       4
-HiServ          #       4
-SExitA          #       4
-SExitA_ws       #       4
-UpCallHan_ws    #       4
-UpCallHan       #       4
-ROMModuleChain  #       4               ; pointer to head of ROM module chain
-; now a section that it's handy to have in simply loadable places
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-             AlignSpace 16
-KeyWorkSpaceSize   *  &200
-KeyWorkSpace       #  KeyWorkSpaceSize
-; The following were reordered on 26-Jul-91. Old ordering was:
-; GeneralMOSBuffer
-; ModuleSWI_HashTab
-; Module_List
-; Curr_Active_Object
-; VecPtrTab
-; ExceptionDump
-ModuleSHT_Entries  *  16
-ModuleSWI_HashTab  #  4*ModuleSHT_Entries
-Module_List        #  4
-Curr_Active_Object #  4
-; Vector Claim & Release tables etc
-VecPtrTab          #  NVECTORS * 4
-ExceptionDump      #  4
-; GeneralMOSBuffer: re-use with caution!
-; Here's just some of the users:
-; user                  use(s)
-; default error handler error buffer (must be 246+4 bytes big)
-; *If                   expression to be evaluated to control the *If
-;                       Command line to be submited on the expression
-;                         evaluating to non-zero (the THEN clause).
-GeneralMOSBuffer   #  256+4
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-            AlignSpace  16 ; Ensures we can MOV rn, #OsbyteVars if <=&1000
-OsbyteVars      #       OSBYTEVarSize
- ASSERT OsbyteVars < &10000 ; Must keep in first 64K so address can be read by
-                            ; (and stored in) OS_Bytes &A6,&A7. SKS
-; These must be in first 4K
-NBuffers        *       10
-BuffInPtrs      #       4 * NBuffers
-BuffOutPtrs     #       4 * NBuffers
-VariableList    #       4
-; Oscli stuff
-OscliCBtopUID   #       4
-OscliCBbotUID   #       4
-OscliCBcurrend  #       4
-ReturnCode      #       4
-RCLimit         #       4
-SpriteSize      #       4       ; saved on startup for Sprite code and RAMFS
-RAMDiscSize     #       4
-FontCacheSize   #       4       ; and font manager
-TickNodeChain   #       4
-; Workspace
-EnvTime            #    5
-RedirectInHandle   #    1
-RedirectOutHandle  #    1
-MOShasFIQ          #    1
-FIQclaim_interlock #    1
-CallBack_Flag      #    1
-IRQ_CallBack_Flag * CallBack_Flag
-IOSystemType    #       1       ; 0 => old I/O subsystem, 1 => IOEB+82C710 system, 2..255 => ?
-MonitorLeadType #       1       ; some function of the monitor lead inputs, as yet undetermined
-                  AlignSpace
-EnvString         #     256
-DUMPER            #     16 * 4
-; more system workspace
-Page_Size         #  4
-PIRQ_Chain        #  4
-PFIQasIRQ_Chain   #  4
-; IRQ despatch
-DefIRQ1Vspace       *     9*4+12*17+2*256   ; for size checking in MOS
-DefaultIRQ1V        #     DefIRQ1Vspace     ; assembly
-CallBack_Vector   #  4
-; interruptible heap manager workspace
-HeapSavedReg_R0     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R1     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R2     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R3     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R4     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R13    # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R0  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R1  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R2  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R3  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R4  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_PC  # 4                 ; also acts as interlock
-PrinterBufferAddr   #  4                ; holds address of printer buffer
-PrinterBufferSize   #  4                ; size of printer buffer - not to be confused with PrintBuffSize
-                                        ; which is the (constant) default size for the MOS's smallish buffer
-UniqueMachineID     #  8                ; 64 bits for unique machine ID
-KernelMessagesBlock #  20               ; 5 Words for messagetrans message block.
-ErrorSemaphore      #  1                ; Error semaphore to avoid looping on error translation.
-PortableFlag        #  1                ; Non-zero => got an error from Portable_Speed, so don't try it again
-        AlignSpace
-MOSConvertBuffer    #  12               ; Enough romm for 8 hex digits.
-ProcVec_Start           #       0       ; Start of processor vector table
-ProcVec_Branch0         #       4       ; Branch through zero
-ProcVec_UndInst         #       4       ; Undefined instruction vector
-ProcVec_SWI             #       4       ; SWI vector
-ProcVec_PrefAb          #       4       ; Prefetch abort vector
-ProcVec_DataAb          #       4       ; Data abort vector
-ProcVec_AddrEx          #       4       ; Address exception vector (not useful on ARM600/700)
-ProcVec_IRQ             #       4       ; IRQ vector
-ProcVec_End             #       0
-ProcVecPreVeneersSize   *       4*4     ; Space for preveneers for loading handler addresses from 0 page.
-ProcVecPreVeneers       #       ProcVecPreVeneersSize
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "low space free ":CC::STR:(&FEC-@)
- ]
-; Words for old tools of assorted varieties
-                        ^       &FEC
-; ECN 17-Feb-92
-; Added RISCOSLibWord and CLibWord. The ROM RISCOSLib and CLib must continue
-; to work even when they are killed since ROM apps are hard linked to the
-; ROM libraries. They cannot use the private word since the block pointed
-; to by this will be freed.
-RISCOSLibWord           #       4
-CLibWord                #       4
-FPEAnchor               #       4
-DomainId                #       4       ; SKS added for domain identification
-Modula2_Private         #       4       ; MICK has FFC and uses it it in USR mode
-VduDriverWorkSpace      #       VDWSSize
- ASSERT (VduDriverWorkSpace :AND: 63) = 0 ; For Tim (VDU5)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "high space free ":CC::STR:(&4000-@)
- ]
-                        ^       &4000
-ScratchSpaceSize        *       &4000
-ScratchSpace            #       ScratchSpaceSize
- ASSERT @ <= &8000 ; Start of apl
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Users of ScratchSpace declare yourself here:
-; NRaine: Filling a polygon uses ScratchSpace to flatten the path
-; DSeal: Draw module uses ScratchSpace on fill operations (this supercedes
-;   NRaine's declaration above).
-; SKS: HeapSort with (r1 & 0x80000000) & ~(r1 & 0x20000000) & (r5 <= 16K)
-;      uses ScratchSpace as a temp slot for data shuffling after sorting
-; TMD: Flood fill uses ScratchSpace for the flood queue.
-; Tidying the RMA uses ScratchSpace while all modules are dead
-; GSTRANS workspace: GSINIT puts state into the workspacem and GSREAD uses it.
-; DO NOT do any operations between GSINIT/GSREAD SWIS.
-; SWIs called: OSWord in time var code
-;              BinaryToDecimal, ReadUnsigned
-; LVR: ADFS uses scratch space to format floppies on 1772 based machines
-; DDV: ColourTrans uses scratch space to build palette tables when in
-;      ColourTrans_SelecTable/RetrunColourNumber and also whilst generating
-;      stipple pattterns.
-GSVarWSpace             *       ScratchSpace
-                        ^       0
-GSNameBuff              #       &100
-GS_Stack                #       &200
-GS_StackPtr_Lim         *       &200 / 4        ; Number of words in stack.
-GS_StackPtr             #       4
-                        ^      @ + ScratchSpace
-; Pointers for SubstituteArgs: no external calls.
-; Ensure these don't overlap FileSwitch's buffers below!
-MacExStartPtrs          #       44
-MacExEndPtrs            #       44
-; OS_CLI has a buffer for alias expansion: ReadVarVal and SubstituteArgs
-;    are called while the buffer is held. Also used for module prefixes:
-;    Module called twice in this case.
-AliasExpansionBuffer    #       100
-; *list/*type need an argument expansion buffer: ReadArgs called with it.
-ArgumentBuffer           *       AliasExpansionBuffer
-; EvaluateExpression space. Calls ReadUnsigned, BinaryToDecimal and ReadVarVal.
-ExprWSpace              *       @
-                        ^       0, R12
-ExprBuff                #       &100
-exprBracDif             #       2       ; keep exprSTRACC aligned
-tos_op                  #       2       ; 1 byte for use as STRACC-1
-ExprSVCstack            #       4
-exprSTRACC              *       @ - ExprBuff + ExprWSpace
-ExprStackLimit          *       exprSTRACC + &100
-ExprStackStart          *       ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
-; Tutu needs some for argument substitution + expansion for run/load types
-; Only OS call during xform is XOS_SubstituteArgs and XOS_Heap(Claim,SysHeap)
-                        ^       0 ; Offset from ScratchSpace
-rav_substituted         #       256
-rav_arglist             #       256
-TopOfPageZero           #       0
-                        ^       &8000 ; The actual top of Page Zero
-EconetDebugSpace        |#|     &20 * 4 ; Thirty two words (&7F80)
-                ASSERT  @ > TopOfPageZero ; Make sure we don't clash
-; *****************************************************************************
-; ***            Cursor, Sound DMA, SWI, and OSCLI workspace.               ***
-; ***        Sits in the 32K above 31M, ie. &01F000000..&01F07FFF           ***
-; ***        Has the physical address &02078000, ie. 32M + 512K - 32K       ***
-; *****************************************************************************
-TopOfDMAPhysRAM         *       &80000            ; OFFSET in physram
-TopOfDMAWorkSpace       *       CursorChunkAddress + 32*1024
-OffsetLogicalToPhysical *       TopOfDMAPhysRAM - TopOfDMAWorkSpace
-                        ^       TopOfDMAWorkSpace ; Note we will be going down
-; Sound
-SoundWorkSpaceSize      *       &1000
-SoundDMABufferSize      *       &1000
-SoundEvtSize            *       &1000
-SoundDMABuffers         |#|     SoundDMABufferSize * 2
-SoundWorkSpace          |#|     SoundWorkSpaceSize + SoundEvtSize
-; Cursor
-CursorDataSize          *       &800
-CursorData              |#|     CursorDataSize
-CursorSoundRAM          *       CursorData
-CursorSoundPhysRAM      *       CursorSoundRAM + OffsetLogicalToPhysical
-; SWI despatcher
-BranchToSWIExit         |#|     4
-SvcTable                |#|     &400
- ASSERT SvcTable = &01F033FC ; Required for SVC table pokers, 1.20 compatible
-SWIDespatch_Size        *       29*4
-SWIDespatch             |#|     SWIDespatch_Size
-; Buffers
-KeyBuffSize             *       &100
-RS423InBuffSize         *       &100
-RS423OutBuffSize        *       &C0
-PrintBuffSize           *       &400
-Sound0BuffSize          *       4
-Sound1BuffSize          *       4
-Sound2BuffSize          *       4
-Sound3BuffSize          *       4
-SpeechBuffSize          *       4
-MouseBuffSize           *       &40
-KeyBuff                 |#|     KeyBuffSize
-RS423InBuff             |#|     RS423InBuffSize
-RS423OutBuff            |#|     RS423OutBuffSize
-PrintBuff               |#|     PrintBuffSize
-Sound0Buff              |#|     Sound0BuffSize
-Sound1Buff              |#|     Sound1BuffSize
-Sound2Buff              |#|     Sound2BuffSize
-Sound3Buff              |#|     Sound3BuffSize
-SpeechBuff              |#|     SpeechBuffSize
-MouseBuff               |#|     MouseBuffSize
-; Oscli buffering
-OscliBuffSize           *       &100
-OscliNoBuffs            *       16
-OscliCircBuffLimit      |#|     0
-OscliCircBuffStart      |#|     OscliBuffSize * OscliNoBuffs
-RedirectBuff            |#|     OscliBuffSize
-; New soft CAM address for 12MByte or 16MByte machines
-CamEntriesForBigMachines |#|    512*4   ; 512 entries, each is a word
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "Aligning IRQ stack from ":CC::STR:@
- ]
- [ @-7*4 :AND: 15 <> 0
-                        |#|     (@-7*4):AND:15
- ]
-IRQSTK                  #       0       ; Overflow will give abort
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "IRQ stack size ":CC::STR:(IRQSTK-CursorChunkAddress)
- ]
- ASSERT @ > ( CursorChunkAddress + &1000 ) ; Check minimum stack
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                        High system workspace
-; *****************************************************************************
-                ^       SysHeapChunkAddress
-                #       8*1024          ; svcstk size. Overflow will give abort
-SVCSTK          #       0
-SysHeapStart    #       0
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/Old/VickySpace b/hdr/Old/VickySpace
deleted file mode 100644
index c060e361..00000000
--- a/hdr/Old/VickySpace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1296 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    > &.Hdr.VickySpace
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 02-Nov-87  APT   Added module SWI hash table
-; 03-Nov-87  APT   Modo-fied module SWI hash table info, removed BRKLST
-; 09-Nov-87  APT   Removed ESCCNT and ESFLG
-; 12-Nov-87  APT   Added IRQsema
-; 13-Nov-87  APT   Added DefaultIRQ1V codespace
-; 16-Nov-87  APT   PIRQ chain heads
-; 18-Nov-87  APT   Reordered EvtHan, EvtHan_ws
-; 19-Nov-87  APT   Moved IRQsema
-; 01-Dec-87  APT   Added interruptible heap manager workspace
-; 08-Dec-87  TMD   Added ECFShift, ECFYOffset
-; 14-Dec-87  TMD   Added DisplayNColour, DisplayModeFlags
-; 15-Dec-87  TMD   Added KeyAlphabet
-; 22-Dec-87  NDR   Using ScratchSpace
-; 13-Jan-88  APT   General scratchspace bash, low workspace reordering.
-;                  Removed spurious 32 bytes of osbyte wspace
-; 14-Jan-88  APT   *type buffer in scratchspace.
-;                  MOShasFIQ byte added
-; 20-Jan-88  APT   Workspace juggling for speed & space; also discarded
-;                  Level0 stuff.
-; 28-Jan-88  APT   MetroGnome moved to "public" location for ADFS
-; 02-Feb-88  APT   FIQclaim_interlock added
-; 05-Feb-88  APT   CallBack_Vector
-; 09-Feb-88  APT   RAM for SWI despatch
-; 17-Feb-88  TMD   Added VduSaveArea, VduSaveAreaPtr, DisplayModeNo
-; 26-Feb-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   Shrank SVC despatch
-; 03-Mar-88  APT   NoOfCamEntries manifest doubled
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayScreenStart, VduOutputCurrentState,
-;                  SpriteMaskSelect, reordered mode variables
-; 07-Mar-88  APT   Made CamEntries always at &164
-; 07-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSizes, GCharSizeX, GCharSizeY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Added GCharSpacing, GCharSpaceX, GCharSpaceY
-; 08-Mar-88  TMD   Moved GCharSizes..GCharSpaceY into first 1K of workspace
-; 15-Mar-88  TMD   Added HLineAddr
-; 18-Mar-88  TMD   Added DisplayXWindLimit, DisplayYWindLimit,
-;                   DisplayXEigFactor, DisplayYEigFactor, PointerXEigFactor
-; 18-Mar-88  APT   Setting variables scratchspace use revised.
-; 21-Mar-88  TMD   Removed CursorIndex
-; 22-Mar-88  TMD   Added TCharSizeX,TCharSizeY,TCharSpaceX,TCharSpaceY
-; 29-Mar-88  TMD   Added GcolOraEorAddr
-; 31-Mar-88  TMD   Removed WsFontPtr
-; 07-Apr-88  SKS   Added HeapSort use of ScratchSpace
-; 14-Apr-88  TMD   Added SerialFlags
-; 28-Apr-88  TMD   Added XONXOFFChar
-;  5-May-88  APT   Added MemorySpeed
-; 18-May-88  APT   Added CannotReset sema at &107, removed pre-1.20 changes.
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Added ClipBoxEnable, ClipBoxLCol..ClipBoxTRow, moved in
-;                   ScrLoaSpriteCB, ScrLoaBuffer, SrcSavCommon
-; 24-May-88  TMD   Flood fill uses ScratchSpace
-; 01-Jun-88  TMD   Added AlignSpace for ClipBoxCoords
-; 03-Jun-88  BCSKS Make Keyboard buffer into a useful part of the system
-;                  Also PrinterBufferSize
-; 09-Jun-88  DJS   Draw uses ScratchSpace
-; 09-Jun-88  BC    Gave Econet some private debungling space
-; 11-Jun-88  SKS   Align IRQ stack to make STMFD not cross two MEMC bdy's
-;                  Made info condit'l on AsmArf; someone had commented it out!
-; 15-Jun-88  SKS   Added two more instructions in SWIDespatch area
-;                  Moved SLVK definition into kernel; it's not public
-; 16-Jun-88  SKS   Added 3 more instructions in SWIDespatch area + nailed
-;                  SvcTable address for compatibility
-; 22-Jun-88  SKS   Moved MEMC_CR_SoftCopy into pubic ws
-; 19-Jul-88  APT   Added UpCall handler stuff
-; 20-Jul-88  SKS   Added above entry
-;                  Amended comment about overlaid workspace in vdu
-; 15-Aug-88  SKS   Inserted DomainId at FF8 (set by Wimp on task swap, used by
-;                  FileSwitch to tag resources)
-; 27-Sep-89  JSR   Added ColourTrans to users of scratch space
-; 24-Oct-89  TMD   Added CamEntriesForBigMachines, CamEntriesPointer
-; 26-Oct-89  TMD   Added MaxCamEntry, removed NoOfCamEntries symbol
-; 27-Oct-89  TMD   Added VIDCClockSpeed
-; 09-Nov-89  TMD   Added ResetIndirection
-; 15-Jan-91  TMD   Added ROMModuleChain
-; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added DeviceFS as user of ScratchSpace.
-; 04-Feb-91  DDV   Added ColourTrans use of ScratchSpace to build diff tables.
-; 06-Mar-91  TMD   Added IOSystemType
-; 07-Mar-91  LVR   ADFS uses scratch space for floppy formatting
-; 07-Mar-91  TMD   Added MonitorLeadType
-; 08-Mar-91  TMD   Added PrinterBufferAddr, PrinterBufferSize
-; 11-Apr-91  TMD   Added SerialInHandle, SerialOutHandle
-; 24-Apr-91  TMD   Added UniqueMachineID
-; 09-Jun-91  RM    Added KernelMessagesBlock,ErrorSemaphore and MOSConvertBuffer
-; 26-Jul-91  JSR   Extend GeneralMOSBuffer by 4 bytes to make it a valid
-;                       length for the default error handler's error buffer
-; 19-Aug-91  JSR   Added *If to list of GeneralMOSBuffer users
-; 22-Aug-91  TMD   Reduced ErrorSemaphore to a byte, added PortableFlag
-; 25-Aug-91  DDV   Updated to indicate correct usage of scratch space by ColourTrans
-; 09-Jan-92  DDV   Added FgPattern, BgPattern and indicate use of ScratchSpace by OS_SetColour
-; 20-Jan-92  TMD   OS_SetColour no longer uses ScratchSpace
-; 17-Feb-92  ECN   Added CLibWord and RISCOSLibWord
-; 02-Apr-92  TMD   Added ScreenBlankFlag
-; 27-Jul-92  TMD   Create Victoria specific version
-; 28-Jul-92  TMD   Moved RAMDiscAddress
-; 29-Jul-92  TMD   Moved SpriteSpaceAddress
-; 30-Jul-92  TMD   Moved FontCacheAddress
-; 31-Jul-92  TMD   Moved ScreenEndAdr from source.vdudecl, and moved actual address!
-; 03-Aug-92  TMD   Added PhysRam (moved from hdr:System)
-; 24-Aug-92  TMD   Added AbortIndirection
-; 26-Aug-92  TMD   Added PreVeneerRegDump
-; 02-Sep-92  TMD   Added FirPalAddr, SecPalAddr
-; 10-Sep-92  DDV   Added new Vdu Variables for new text expansion buffer
-; 17-Sep-92  DDV   Moved NColour into the word initialised VDU workspace
-; 17-Sep-92  DDV   Two new colour words added for text foreground and background.
-; 27-Jan-93  TMD   Moved RMA to new position
-; 29-Jan-93  TMD   Put RMA back to old position (you can't branch to above 32M!)
-; 01-Feb-93  TMD   Added PhysRamTable
-; 02-Feb-93  TMD   Added VInitSoftCopy and VEndSoftCopy
-; 03-Feb-93  TMD   Added PhysRamTableEnd
-; 04-Feb-93  TMD   Added extra slot in PhysRamTable (in case soft-loaded OS splits a bank)
-; 08-Feb-93  TMD   Added VRAMWidth variable, and extra symbols for skipped bits
-; 24-Feb-93  TMD   Changed VRAMPhysAddr to VideoPhysAddr, and split off VideoSize from VRAMSize, to allow for
-;                   DRAM-only systems
-; 05-Mar-93  TMD   Added CMOSRAMCache
-; 19-Apr-93  TMD   Added DAList, AppSpaceDANode and DANode offset symbols
-; 26-Apr-93  TMD   Added FreePoolAddress, FreePoolMaxSize, FreePoolSize
-; 29-Apr-93  TMD   Changed FontCacheAddress, SpriteSpaceAddress, RAMDiscAddress and FreePoolAddress
-;                   in order to make way for L2PT, which is moving above 64M
-; 10-May-93  TMD   Added SoftCamMapSize
-; 11-May-93  TMD   Moved SoftCamMapSize into area that's not zapped in clearing all memory routine
-; 12-May-93  TMD   Added FreePoolDANode, removed FreePoolSize
-; 20-May-93  TMD   Moved AplWorkSize into AppSpaceDANode
-; 27-May-93  TMD   Added VideoBandwidth
-; 04-Jun-93  TMD   Added CurrentMonitorType
-; 09-Jun-93  TMD   Added CamMapCorruptDebugBlock
-; 07-Jul-93  TMD   Increased FreePoolMaxSize to 64M (had to reduce RAMDiscMaxSize to 48M and
-;                   move FreePoolAddress down to do this)
-; 15-Jul-93  TMD   Added KernelModeSelector
-; 26-Jul-93  SMC   Moved DefaultIRQ1V (had to accommodate IRQs for IOMD DMA)
-; 04-Aug-93  TMD   Added L2PTSize, removed FreePoolMaxSize
-; 14-Aug-93  TMD   Removed SpriteSpaceAddress, shuffled things down
-; 16-Aug-93  TMD   Removed RAMDiscAddress, shuffled things down
-; 17-Aug-93  TMD   Removed FontCacheAddress, shuffled things down
-;                  Corrected maximum size of system heap to 2M-8K.
-;                  Added node (in bottom 32K) for system heap.
-; 25-Aug-93  SMC   Added processor vector table at ProcVec_Start
-;                  Added ProcVecPreVeneers
-; 02-Sep-93  SMC   Moved RMA to &02100000 and changed application space size to 28M.
-; 03-Sep-93  TMD   Moved InitKbdWs into SkippedTables (was at start of screen originally)
-; 07-Oct-93  TMD   Put in OldMemoryMap option so I can still use it
-; 07-Oct-93  TMD   Added ScreenBlankDPMSState, HSWRSoftCopy, VSWRSoftCopy
-; 10-Dec-93  BC    Added RawMachineID
-; 13-Dec-93  BC    Removed UniqueMachineID
-; 14-Jan-94  TMD   Added CDASemaphore
-; 18-Jan-94  TMD   Added MMUControlSoftCopy
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Memory map:
-; Dynamic area node format
-                ^       0
-DANode_Link     #       4               ; points to next node
-DANode_Number   #       4               ; number of this area
-DANode_Base     #       4               ; base address of area (points in middle of doubly-mapped areas)
-DANode_Flags    #       4               ; various flags
-DANode_Size     #       4               ; current size of area
-DANode_MaxSize  #       4               ; maximum size of area
-DANode_Workspace #      4               ; workspace pointer when calling handlers
-DANode_Handler  #       4               ; pointer to handler routine for area
-DANode_Title    #       4               ; pointer to area title (variable length)
-DANode_NodeSize #       0
-; The addresses below are only temporary; eventually most of them will be allocated at run time (we hope!)
- [ :DEF: OldMemoryMap
-AplWorkMaxSize      * &01000000 ; 16M
-RMAAddress          * &01800000
-RMAMaxSize          * &00400000 ; 4M
- |
-AplWorkMaxSize      * &01C00000 ; 28M
-RMAAddress          * &02100000
-RMAMaxSize          * &00B00000 ; 11M
- ]
-SysHeapChunkAddress * &01C00000
-SysHeapMaxSize      * &00200000-8*1024 ; 2M - 8K
-CursorChunkAddress  * &01F00000 ; Fixed size 32K
-ScreenEndAdr        * &05000000 ; was &02000000
-ScreenMaxSize       * 480*1024
-; FontCacheAddress    * &06000000 ; was &01E00000       ; now dynamic
-; FontCacheMaxSize    * &01000000 ; 16M
-; SpriteSpaceAddress  * &08000000 ; was &01400000       ; now dynamic
-; SpriteSpaceMaxSize  * &01000000 ; 16M
-; RAMDiscAddress      * &07000000 ; was &01000000       ; now dynamic
-; RAMDiscMaxSize      * &03000000 ; 48M
-FreePoolAddress     * &06000000 ; may still go lower!
-PhysRam         *     &05000000
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; system variables
-        ^  0,R12
-OSBYTEFirstVar  #  0
-ByteVars  #  0                 ; The main osbyte variables, accessed
-                               ; via calls &A6 to &FF
-VarStart  #  2                 ; &A6,&A7
-ROMPtr    #  2                 ; &A8,&A9
-ROMInfo   #  2                 ; &AA,&AB
-KBTran    #  2                 ; &AC,&AD
-VDUvars   #  2                 ; &AE,&AF
-CFStime   #  1                 ; &B0
-InputStream #  1               ; &B1
-KeyBdSema #  1                 ; &B2
-ROMPollSema #  1               ; &B3
-OSHWM     #  1                 ; &B4
-RS423mode #  1                 ; &B5
-NoIgnore  #  1                 ; &B6
-CFSRFS    #  1                 ; &B7
-VULAcopy  #  2                 ; &B8,&B9
-ROMatBRK  #  1                 ; &BA
-BASICROM  #  1                 ; &BB
-ADCchanel #  1                 ; &BC
-ADCmaxchn #  1                 ; &BD
-ADCconv   #  1                 ; &BE
-RS423use     #  1              ; &BF
-RS423conflag #  1              ; &C0
-FlashCount # 1                 ; &C1
-SpacPeriod # 1                 ; &C2
-MarkPeriod # 1                 ; &C3
-KeyRepDelay # 1                ; &C4
-KeyRepRate  # 1                ; &C5
-ExecFileH   # 1                ; &C6
-SpoolFileH  # 1                ; &C7
-ESCBREAK    # 1                ; &C8 (200)
-KeyBdDisable # 1               ; &C9
-KeyBdStatus  # 1               ; &CA
-RS423HandShake # 1             ; &CB
-RS423InputSupr # 1             ; &CC
-RS423CFSFlag   # 1             ; &CD
-EconetOScall # 1               ; &CE
-EconetOSrdch # 1               ; &CF
-EconetOSwrch # 1               ; &D0
-SpeechSupr # 1                 ; &D1
-SoundSupr # 1                  ; &D2
-BELLchannel # 1                ; &D3
-BELLinfo    # 1                ; &D4
-BELLfreq    # 1                ; &D5
-BELLdur     # 1                ; &D6
-StartMessSupr # 1              ; &D7
-SoftKeyLen # 1                 ; &D8
-PageModeLineCount # 1          ; &D9
-VDUqueueItems # 1              ; &DA
-TABch # 1                      ; &DB
-ESCch # 1                      ; &DC
-IPbufferCh # 4                 ; &DD,&DE,&DF,&E0
-RedKeyCh   # 4                 ; &E1,&E2,&E3,&E4
-ESCaction  # 1                 ; &E5
-ESCeffect  # 1                 ; &E6
-u6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E7
-s6850IRQ # 1                   ; &E8
-s6522IRQ # 1                   ; &E9
-TubeFlag # 1                   ; &EA
-SpeechFlag # 1                 ; &EB
-WrchDest # 1                   ; &EC
-CurEdit  # 1                   ; &ED
-SoftResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on soft reset
-KeyBase # 1                    ; &EE
-Shadow # 1                     ; &EF
-Country # 1                    ; &F0
-UserFlag # 1                   ; &F1
-SerULAreg # 1                  ; &F2
-TimerState # 1                 ; &F3
-SoftKeyConsist # 1             ; &F4
-PrinterDrivType   # 1          ; &F5
-PrinterIgnore     # 1          ; &F6
-HardResetVars # 0              ; Reset to here on hard reset
-BREAKvector # 3                ; &F7,&F8,&F9
-MemDriver  # 1                 ; &FA - where the VDU drivers write to
-MemDisplay # 1                 ; &FB - where we display from
-LangROM # 1                    ; &FC
-LastBREAK # 1                  ; &FD
-KeyOpt # 1                     ; &FE
-StartOptions # 1               ; &FF
-PowerOnResetVars # 0           ; Reset to here on power-on reset
-; These two can dovetail in here to use up 2 bytes before the AlignSpace!
-SerialInHandle # 1              ; Handle for serial input stream  (0 if not open currently)
-SerialOutHandle # 1             ; Handle for serial output stream (-----------""----------)
-        AlignSpace
-EventSemaphores # 32            ; One byte for each of 32 events
-TimerAlpha # 8                  ; As used by time (bottom 5 bytes)
-TimerBeta  # 8                  ; ................................
-; both aligned to word boundaries
-RealTime # 8                    ; 5-byte fast real-time
-PrinterActive # 4               ; Handle/active flag for printer (word aligned)
-IntervalTimer # 5               ; Up Counter synchronous with TIME.
-; Event generated when Zero is reached
-; bottom byte aligned to word boundary
-SecondsTime # 1 ; the soft copy (centi-)seconds of the RTC
-CentiTime   # 1 ; """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
-FlashState # 1 ; which flash colours are we using
-SecondsDirty # 1                ; the dirty flag for start up!
-MinTick # 1                     ; the minutes odd/even state
-DCDDSRCopy # 1                  ; copy of ACIA bits to check for change
-TVVertical # 1                  ; *TV first parameter
-TVInterlace # 1                 ; *TV second parameter
-CentiCounter # 1                ; Counter for VDU CTRL timing
-Alphabet # 1                    ; Current alphabet number
-Keyboard # 1                    ; Current keyboard number
-KeyAlphabet # 1                 ; Alphabet associated with current keyboard
-                GBLS    PrinterPrefix
-PrinterPrefix   SETS    "PrinterType$"
-PrinterTypeName #       6 + :LEN: (PrinterPrefix)
-        AlignSpace
-SerialFlags # 4                 ; New serial flags
-XONXOFFChar # 1                 ; Character to send before rest (0 if none)
-        AlignSpace
-OSBYTEVarSize * @-OSBYTEFirstVar
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; End of variables' space
-; ***********************************
-; ***  Main Vdu Driver Workspace  ***
-; ***********************************
-        ^ 0
-FgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Foreground Ecf, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-BgEcf  # 4 * 8  ; Background Ecf, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GPLFMD # 4      ; Foreground action, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GPLBMD # 4      ; Background action, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GFCOL  # 4      ; Foreground colour, set by GCOL(a,0-127)
-GBCOL  # 4      ; Background colour, set by GCOL(a,128-255)
-GWLCol # 4      ; Graphics window left column  --
-GWBRow # 4      ; Graphics window bottom row     |
-GWRCol # 4      ; Graphics window right column   |
-GWTRow # 4      ; Graphics window top row      --
-qqqPad   # 3
-QQ       # 17   ;Queue - QQ+1 is on a word boundary
-QOffset  # 4    ;Value to add to VDUqueueItems to point to next queue posn.
-JVec     # 4    ;Jump vector to internal routines
-; Start of MODE table workspace
-ScreenSize # 4  ; number of bytes needed for this mode (assumed 1st in list)
-XWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWRCol (internal representation)
-; LineLength must be immediately after YWindLimit
-YWindLimit # 4  ; Maximum value of GWTRow (internal representation)
-LineLength # 4  ; Length of one pixel row in bytes
-NColour # 4     ; Number of colours minus 1
-; End of word mode variables
-YShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift YCoord in address generation after
-                ; multiplying by 5, holds
-                ; 7,6,5 or 4 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (640x256 mode) or
-                ; 6,5,4 or 3 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (320x256 mode).
-ModeFlags # 4   ; Bit 0 => non-graphic, Bit 1 => teletext, Bit 2 => gap mode
-XEigFactor # 4  ; Number of places to shift XCoord in external to internal
-                ; coordinate conversion, holds
-                ; 1 for 640x256 mode
-                ; 2 for 320x256 mode
-                ; 3 for 160x256 (BBC micro mode 2)
-YEigFactor # 4  ; number of shifts to convert between internal/external Y
-Log2BPC # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BytesPerChar ie (0,1,2,3,4)
-Log2BPP # 4     ; Log to base 2 of BitsPerPix ie (0,1,2,3)
-ECFIndex # 4    ; Index into default ECF tables
-ScrRCol # 4     ; Maximum column number in this screen mode
-ScrBRow # 4     ; Maximum row number in this screen mode
-PalIndex # 4    ; Index into palette tables (0,1,2,3)
-; End of table-initialised workspace
-; Next 3 must be together in this order !
-XShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift XCoord in address generation,
-                ; holds 2,3,4 or 5 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel respectivly
-GColAdr # 4     ; Address of Ecf to plot - either FgEcf or BgEcf
-ScreenStart # 4         ; Start address of screen (for VDU drivers)
-NPix # 4        ; Number of pixels per word minus 1, holds
-                ; holds 3,7,15 or 31 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel modes
-AspectRatio # 4 ; Pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect
-BitsPerPix # 4  ; Bits per pixel (1,2,4,8)
-BytesPerChar # 4        ; Bytes per one line of character
-                        ; (same as BitsPerPix except in double pixel modes)
-CursorFudgeFactor # 4   ; Factor for horizontal cursor positioning
-RowMult # 4     ; Row multiplier for text manipulation
-RowLength # 4   ; Bytes per text row in this mode (eg 640,1280,5120)
-; The following (up to and including NewPtY) must be together in this order
-; (relied upon by DefaultWindows)
-TWLCol # 4      ; Text window left column  --
-TWBRow # 4      ; Text window bottom row     |
-TWRCol # 4      ; Text window right column   |
-TWTRow # 4      ; Text window top row      --
-OrgX # 4        ; Screen origin (external representation)
-OrgY # 4
-GCsX # 4        ; Graphics cursor (external representation)
-GCsY # 4
-OlderCsX # 4    ; Very old X coordinate (internal)
-OlderCsY # 4    ; Very old Y coordinate (internal)
-OldCsX # 4      ; Old graphics cursor (internal representation) --
-OldCsY # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-GCsIX  # 4      ; Graphics cursor (internal representation)       |
-GCsIY  # 4      ;                                                 |
-                ;                                                 |
-NewPtX # 4      ; Newest point (internal representation)          |
-NewPtY # 4      ;                                               --
-; End of together block
-TForeCol # 4    ; Text foreground colour
-TBackCol # 4    ; Text background colour
-CursorX # 4     ; Text cursor X position ; these 3 must be in same order as ...
-CursorY # 4     ; Text cursor Y position
-CursorAddr # 4  ; Screen address of (output) cursor
-InputCursorX # 4        ; Input cursor X position ; ... these 3
-InputCursorY # 4        ; Input cursor Y position
-InputCursorAddr # 4     ; Screen address of input cursor
-EORtoggle # 4   ; Toggle between gap and non-gap
-RowsToDo  # 4   ; in the CLS
-VduStatus # 4   ; Vdu2, Window, Shadow bits (others in CursorFlags)
-CBWS # 8        ; Clear block (VDU 23,8..) workspace
-CBStart # 2
-CBEnd # 2
-CursorDesiredState # 4
-CursorStartOffset # 4
-CursorEndOffset # 4
-CursorCounter # 4
-CursorSpeed # 4
-Reg10Copy # 4
-CursorFill # 4  ; Word to EOR cursor ; MUST be immediately before CursorNbit
-CursorNbit # 4  ; Pointer to cursor code for current mode
-DisplayStart # 4        ; Start address of screen (for display)
-DriverBankAddr # 4      ; Default start address for VDU drivers
-DisplayBankAddr # 4     ; Default start address for display
-DisplayNColour # 4      ; No. of colours -1 for displayed mode
-DisplayModeFlags # 4    ; ModeFlags for displayed mode
-DisplayModeNo # 4       ; ModeNo for displayed mode
-DisplayScreenStart # 4  ; Where VDU outputs to when outputting to screen
-DisplayXWindLimit # 4   ; Used for pointer programming
-DisplayYWindLimit # 4
-DisplayXEigFactor # 4
-DisplayYEigFactor # 4
-PointerXEigFactor # 4
-Ecf1 # 8        ; The Ecf patterns
-Ecf2 # 8
-Ecf3 # 8
-Ecf4 # 8
-DotLineStyle # 8        ; Dot dash line pattern
-ModeNo # 4      ; Current mode number
-TFTint # 4      ; Text foreground tint          (in bits 6,7)
-TBTint # 4      ; Text background tint
-GFTint # 4      ; Graphics foreground tint
-GBTint # 4      ; Graphics background tint
-TotalScreenSize # 4     ; Amount configured for screen (in bytes)
-MaxMode # 4             ; Maximum mode number allowed (20 for now)
-VinitCopy # 4   ; Copy of Vinit for VDU 23;12 or 13
-CursorFlags # 4 ; Silly Master cursor movement flags
-CursorStack # 4 ; Bit stack of nested cursor states (0 => on, 1 => off)
-                ; (bit 31 = TOS)
-ECFShift # 4    ; number of bits to rotate right ECF OR and EOR masks by
-ECFYOffset # 4  ; vertical offset to ECF index
-WsVdu5 # 0      ; Vdu 5 workspace
-WsScr # 4
-WsEcfPtr # 4
-; WsFontPtr # 4 ; not needed any more, kept in register
-EndVerti # 4
-StartMask # 4
-EndMask # 4
-FontOffset # 4
-TempPlain # 16  ; only used for MODE 10
-VIDCClockSpeed # 4      ; current VIDC clock speed in kHz
-CurrentMonitorType # 4  ; initialised from configured one
-KernelModeSelector # 4  ; pointer to block in system heap where
-                        ; current mode selector is copied
-GraphicWs # 300 ; All graphics workspace is overlaid here
-EndGraphicWs # 0
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 16
-GCharSizes  # 0
-GCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpacing # 0
-GCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 5 chars in pixels
-GCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-TCharSizes  # 0
-TCharSizeX  # 4         ; width of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSizeY  # 4         ; height of VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpacing # 0
-TCharSpaceX  # 4        ; horizontal spacing between VDU 4 chars in pixels
-TCharSpaceY  # 4        ; vertical   ------------------""-----------------
-HLineAddr    # 4        ; address of exported HLine
-GcolOraEorAddr # 4      ; address of FgEcfOraEor etc
-FirPalSetting # 4*28            ; First palette settings (not used on VIDC20)
-FirPalAddr * FirPalSetting      ; Address of block for first palette setting (only used on VIDC20)
-SecPalSetting # 4*28            ; Second palette settings (not used on VIDC20)
-SecPalAddr * SecPalSetting      ; Address of block for second palette setting (only used on VIDC20)
-TextFgColour    # 4             ; Fg/Bg colour stored as a colour number, computed on VDU 18 and re-poked!
-TextBgColour    # 4             ;
-; In this brave new world there is a pointer to the text expansion
-; buffer used for VDU 4 / 5 text plotting.
-; This now lives in the system heap.
-TextExpandArea # 4      ; Pointer to Text expand area (in system heap)
-TextExpandArea_Size * (8*1024)
-HSWRSoftCopy    #       4       ; soft copy of h.sync width register (for DPMS)
-VSWRSoftCopy    #       4       ; soft copy of v.sync width register (for DPMS)
-ScreenBlankFlag # 1     ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
-ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1        ; 0 => just blank video
-                                ; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
-                                ; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
-                                ; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-        AlignSpace 64
-FgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-BgEcfOraEor # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor
-BgEcfStore  # 4*16      ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor to store background
-;Current state of pattern
-LineDotCnt # 4          ; Count down to restarting pattern
-LineDotPatLSW # 4       ; Current state of pattern LSWord
-LineDotPatMSW # 4       ;    "      "   "     "    MSWord
-DotLineLength # 4       ; Dot Pattern repeat length as given in *FX163,242,n
-BBCcompatibleECFs # 4   ; 0 => BBC compatible, 1 => native
-SpAreaStart # 4         ; Start of sprite area
-SpChooseName # 16       ; No comment says Richard
-SpChoosePtr # 4
-PointerHeights # 4      ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerActiveXs # 4     ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerActiveYs # 4     ; 4 x 1 byte
-PointerShapeNumber # 4  ; only bottom byte used
-PointerX # 4            ; co-ordinates of pointer (not always = mouse)
-PointerY # 4
-VIDCControlCopy # 4     ; Soft copy of VIDC control register
-VertAdjust # 4          ; offset to add to vertical VIDC registers
-TeletextOffset # 4      ; Offset to current teletext flash bank
-TeletextCount # 4       ; Number of vsyncs till next teletext flash
-WrchNbit # 4            ; Pointer to char code for current mode
-BeepBlock # 8           ; OSWORD block for VDU 7
-ScreenMemoryClaimed # 1 ; NZ => memory has been claimed or is unusable
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TTXDoubleCounts # 25    ; Number of double height chars on each line
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-RAMMaskTb # 32*4        ; Copy of MaskTb for this mode (up to 32 words)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-VduOutputCurrentState # 0 ; values of R0-R3 to return from SwitchOutputToSprite
-                        ; or Mask; next 4 must be in this order
-SpriteMaskSelect # 4    ; value of R0 to be given to SWI OS_SpriteOp to set up
-                        ; current state
-VduSpriteArea # 4       ; Pointer to sprite area containing VDU output sprite
-                        ; (0 if output is to screen)
-VduSprite # 4           ; Pointer to VDU output sprite (0 if output to screen)
-VduSaveAreaPtr # 4      ; Pointer to save area for VDU variables
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16,12 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-    AlignSpace 16, 12   ; Make ClipBoxCoords a valid immediate,
-                        ; with ClipBoxEnable immediately before it
-ClipBoxInfo # 0
-ClipBoxEnable # 4       ; 0 => clip box disabled, 1 => enabled
-ClipBoxCoords # 0       ; Internal coords of modified area of screen
-ClipBoxLCol # 4
-ClipBoxBRow # 4
-ClipBoxRCol # 4
-ClipBoxTRow # 4
-FgPattern       # 4*8   ; foreground pattern as defined by OS_SetColour
-BgPattern       # 4*8   ; background pattern as defined by OS_SetColour
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 16      ; Align workspace to 16 bytes
-TextExpand # 4*1024     ; Tim's massive text expansion table for whizzy WRCH
-; TextPlain is now always hard against the end of TextExpand for this mode
-TTXSoftFonts * TextExpand + 2*1024      ; Soft fonts in teletext mode
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-; Teletext map and copy/move buffer are overlaid
-TTXMapSize      * 41*25*4       ; (&1004 bytes)
-LargeCommon     # TTXMapSize    ; the largest area
-TTXMap          * LargeCommon
-ScrLoaSpriteCB  * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteCBsize + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-ScrLoaBuffer    * LargeCommon   ; (size = one pixel row)
-ScrSavCommon    * LargeCommon   ; (size = SpriteAreaCBsize + SpriteCBsize
-                                ;  + MaxSpritePaletteSize)
-FldQueueSize    * ScratchSpaceSize
-FldQueueStart   * ScratchSpace
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-     AlignSpace 64      ; Align workspace to 64 bytes
-Font # &700             ; 7 pages of (soft) font
-SaveAreaSize * 12*1024-@
-VduSaveArea # SaveAreaSize      ; save area for switching output to sprites
-VDWSSize # 0
-                ASSERT  VDWSSize <= 12 * 1024
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                 Space in the first 32K is allocated below
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Real workspace definition
-; Basic kernel space - defined locations for external modules
-                ^       &100
-IRQ1V           #       4       ; &100
-ESC_Status      #       1       ; &104
-LatchBSoftCopy  #       1       ; &105
-IOCControlSoftCopy #    1       ; &106
-CannotReset     #       1       ; &107
-IRQsema         #       4       ; &108
-MetroGnome      #       4       ; &10C
-MemorySpeed     #       4       ; &110
-MEMC_CR_SoftCopy #      4       ; &114
-ResetIndirection #      4       ; &118
-; Now all internal definitions
-; Up to here is initialized on reset
-; Next come handler variables
-MemLimit        #       4
-UndHan          #       4
-PAbHan          #       4
-DAbHan          #       4
-AdXHan          #       4
-ErrHan          #       4
-ErrBuf          #       4
-ErrHan_ws       #       4
-CallAd_ws       #       4     ; smart Rs ordering:
-CallAd          #       4     ; can do LDMIA of r12, pc
-CallBf          #       4
-BrkAd_ws        #       4
-BrkAd           #       4
-BrkBf           #       4
-EscHan_ws       #       4
-EscHan          #       4
-EvtHan_ws       #       4
-EvtHan          #       4
-; The next lot of workspace is in the space vacated by the small soft CAM map area
-; (256 words) which is no longer adequate, so we can reuse it
-JordanWS        #       0
-VInitSoftCopy   #       4       ; soft copy of VInit so we can set L bit correctly
-VEndSoftCopy    #       4       ; soft copy of VEnd  ------------""---------------
-DAList          #       4       ; Pointer to first node on dynamic area list
-                AlignSpace 16   ; skipped bit must start on 16-byte boundary
-SkippedTables   #       0
-PhysRamTable    #       0       ; 6 pairs of words (physaddr, size) indicating
-                                ; RAM present in machine (NB normally you would need at most 5
-                                ; on IOMD machines, but the extra one is if a soft-loaded ROM image
-                                ; causes a bank to split
-VideoPhysAddr   #       4       ; Address of video RAM (in the case of DRAM-only machines,
-VideoSize       #       4       ; this is actually a chunk out of DRAM)
-DRAMPhysAddrA   #       4       ; Next the DRAM - note that any banks with no memory
-DRAMSizeA       #       4       ; in them will be omitted from this table, so that
-DRAMPhysAddrB   #       4       ; eg DRAMPhysAddrA corresponds to the first bank with
-DRAMSizeB       #       4       ; DRAM in it, not necessarily bank 0
-DRAMPhysAddrC   #       4       ; If not all the slots are occupied, then
-DRAMSizeC       #       4       ; the remaining entries in this table have size fields
-DRAMPhysAddrD   #       4       ; of zero (and probably addresses of zero too)
-DRAMSizeD       #       4
-DRAMPhysAddrE   #       4
-DRAMSizeE       #       4
-PhysRamTableEnd #       0
-VRAMSize        #       4       ; Amount of VRAM (in bytes) (may be more than 2M)
-VRAMWidth       #       4       ; 0 => no VRAM, 1 => 32-bits wide, 2 => 64-bits wide
-VideoBandwidth  #       4       ; video bandwidth in bytes/sec
-L2PTSize        #       4       ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for static L2PT
-                                ; - this consists of fixed size first bit, plus variable size
-                                ; bit for the free pool L2, which follows directly after it
-SoftCamMapSize  #       4       ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for soft CAM map
-                                ; (whole number of pages)
-InitKbdWs       #       12      ; Workspace for reset keyboard IRQ code
-                AlignSpace 16   ; skipped bit must end on 16-byte boundary
-SkippedTablesEnd #      0
-CMOSRAMCache    #       240             ; Cache for CMOS RAM
-AppSpaceDANode  #       DANode_NodeSize ; Dummy area node for application space (not on list)
-FreePoolDANode  #       DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for free pool
-SysHeapDANode   #       DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for system heap
-CDASemaphore    #       4               ; Semaphore for OS_ChangeDynamicArea - non-zero => routine threaded
-MMUControlSoftCopy #    4               ; Soft copy of ARM600/700 control register
-AplWorkSize * AppSpaceDANode + DANode_Size
-ProcVec_Start           #       0       ; Start of processor vector table
-ProcVec_Branch0         #       4       ; Branch through zero
-ProcVec_UndInst         #       4       ; Undefined instruction vector
-ProcVec_SWI             #       4       ; SWI vector
-ProcVec_PrefAb          #       4       ; Prefetch abort vector
-ProcVec_DataAb          #       4       ; Data abort vector
-ProcVec_AddrEx          #       4       ; Address exception vector (not useful on ARM600/700)
-ProcVec_IRQ             #       4       ; IRQ vector
-ProcVec_End             #       0
-ProcVecPreVeneersSize   *       4*4     ; Space for preveneers for loading handler addresses from 0 page.
-ProcVecPreVeneers       #       ProcVecPreVeneersSize
-        ASSERT  @ <= &500               ; a convenient address to remember
-                #       (&500-@)
-CamMapCorruptDebugBlock #       &40     ; somewhere to dump registers in case of emergency
-        ASSERT  @ <= JordanWS+256*4
-                #       (JordanWS+256*4-@)  ; pad out to original size
-CamEntriesPointer #     4       ; points to where CAM soft copy is
-                                ; (CamEntries for machines up to 8MBytes,
-                                ; CamEntriesForBigMachines for larger machines)
-MaxCamEntry     #       4       ; maximum index into the cam map, ie
-                                ; 511 for 16MByte machines, 383 for 12MBytes
-                                ; 255 for 8MBytes, otherwise 127
-RAMLIMIT        #       4
-                #       4       ; dummy slot where AplWorkSize used to be
-HiServ_ws       #       4
-HiServ          #       4
-SExitA          #       4
-SExitA_ws       #       4
-UpCallHan_ws    #       4
-UpCallHan       #       4
-ROMModuleChain  #       4               ; pointer to head of ROM module chain
-; now a section that it's handy to have in simply loadable places
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-             AlignSpace 16
-KeyWorkSpaceSize   *  &200
-KeyWorkSpace       #  KeyWorkSpaceSize
-; The following were reordered on 26-Jul-91. Old ordering was:
-; GeneralMOSBuffer
-; ModuleSWI_HashTab
-; Module_List
-; Curr_Active_Object
-; VecPtrTab
-; ExceptionDump
-ModuleSHT_Entries  *  16
-ModuleSWI_HashTab  #  4*ModuleSHT_Entries
-Module_List        #  4
-Curr_Active_Object #  4
-; Vector Claim & Release tables etc
-VecPtrTab          #  NVECTORS * 4
-ExceptionDump      #  4
-; GeneralMOSBuffer: re-use with caution!
-; Here's just some of the users:
-; user                  use(s)
-; default error handler error buffer (must be 246+4 bytes big)
-; *If                   expression to be evaluated to control the *If
-;                       Command line to be submited on the expression
-;                         evaluating to non-zero (the THEN clause).
-GeneralMOSBuffer   #  256+4
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@
- ]
-            AlignSpace  16 ; Ensures we can MOV rn, #OsbyteVars if <=&1000
-OsbyteVars      #       OSBYTEVarSize
- ASSERT OsbyteVars < &10000 ; Must keep in first 64K so address can be read by
-                            ; (and stored in) OS_Bytes &A6,&A7. SKS
-; These must be in first 4K
-NBuffers        *       10
-BuffInPtrs      #       4 * NBuffers
-BuffOutPtrs     #       4 * NBuffers
-VariableList    #       4
-; Oscli stuff
-OscliCBtopUID   #       4
-OscliCBbotUID   #       4
-OscliCBcurrend  #       4
-ReturnCode      #       4
-RCLimit         #       4
-SpriteSize      #       4       ; saved on startup for Sprite code and RAMFS
-RAMDiscSize     #       4
-FontCacheSize   #       4       ; and font manager
-TickNodeChain   #       4
-; Workspace
-EnvTime            #    5
-RedirectInHandle   #    1
-RedirectOutHandle  #    1
-MOShasFIQ          #    1
-FIQclaim_interlock #    1
-CallBack_Flag      #    1
-IRQ_CallBack_Flag * CallBack_Flag
-IOSystemType    #       1       ; 0 => old I/O subsystem, 1 => IOEB+82C710 system, 2..255 => ?
-MonitorLeadType #       1       ; some function of the monitor lead inputs, as yet undetermined
-                  AlignSpace
-EnvString         #     256
-DUMPER            #     16 * 4
-; more system workspace
-Page_Size         #  4
-PIRQ_Chain        #  4
-PFIQasIRQ_Chain   #  4
-; !!!! Free space (752 bytes) left by old IRQ despatch (new IRQ despatch
-; !!!! moved as it required more space).
-OldIRQ1Vspace       # 752
-CallBack_Vector   #  4
-; interruptible heap manager workspace
-HeapSavedReg_R0     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R1     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R2     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R3     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R4     # 4
-HeapSavedReg_R13    # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R0  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R1  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R2  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R3  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R4  # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4
-HeapReturnedReg_PC  # 4                 ; also acts as interlock
-PrinterBufferAddr   #  4                ; holds address of printer buffer
-PrinterBufferSize   #  4                ; size of printer buffer - not to be confused with PrintBuffSize
-                                        ; which is the (constant) default size for the MOS's smallish buffer
-RawMachineID        #  8                ; 64 bits for unique machine ID
-KernelMessagesBlock #  20               ; 5 Words for messagetrans message block.
-ErrorSemaphore      #  1                ; Error semaphore to avoid looping on error translation.
-PortableFlag        #  1                ; Non-zero => got an error from Portable_Speed, so don't try it again
-        AlignSpace
-MOSConvertBuffer    #  12               ; Enough romm for 8 hex digits.
-AbortIndirection    #  4                ; Pointer to list of addresses and trap routines
-PreVeneerRegDump    #  17*4             ; room for r0-r15, spsr
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "low space free ":CC::STR:(&FEC-@)
- ]
-; Words for old tools of assorted varieties
-                        ^       &FEC
-; ECN 17-Feb-92
-; Added RISCOSLibWord and CLibWord. The ROM RISCOSLib and CLib must continue
-; to work even when they are killed since ROM apps are hard linked to the
-; ROM libraries. They cannot use the private word since the block pointed
-; to by this will be freed.
-RISCOSLibWord           #       4
-CLibWord                #       4
-FPEAnchor               #       4
-DomainId                #       4       ; SKS added for domain identification
-Modula2_Private         #       4       ; MICK has FFC and uses it it in USR mode
-VduDriverWorkSpace      #       VDWSSize
- ASSERT (VduDriverWorkSpace :AND: 63) = 0 ; For Tim (VDU5)
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "high space free ":CC::STR:(&4000-@)
- ]
-                        ^       &4000
-ScratchSpaceSize        *       &4000
-ScratchSpace            #       ScratchSpaceSize
- ASSERT @ <= &8000 ; Start of apl
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Users of ScratchSpace declare yourself here:
-; NRaine: Filling a polygon uses ScratchSpace to flatten the path
-; DSeal: Draw module uses ScratchSpace on fill operations (this supercedes
-;   NRaine's declaration above).
-; SKS: HeapSort with (r1 & 0x80000000) & ~(r1 & 0x20000000) & (r5 <= 16K)
-;      uses ScratchSpace as a temp slot for data shuffling after sorting
-; TMD: Flood fill uses ScratchSpace for the flood queue.
-; Tidying the RMA uses ScratchSpace while all modules are dead
-; GSTRANS workspace: GSINIT puts state into the workspacem and GSREAD uses it.
-; DO NOT do any operations between GSINIT/GSREAD SWIS.
-; SWIs called: OSWord in time var code
-;              BinaryToDecimal, ReadUnsigned
-; LVR: ADFS uses scratch space to format floppies on 1772 based machines
-; DDV: ColourTrans uses scratch space to build palette tables when in
-;      ColourTrans_SelecTable/RetrunColourNumber and also whilst generating
-;      stipple pattterns.
-GSVarWSpace             *       ScratchSpace
-                        ^       0
-GSNameBuff              #       &100
-GS_Stack                #       &200
-GS_StackPtr_Lim         *       &200 / 4        ; Number of words in stack.
-GS_StackPtr             #       4
-                        ^      @ + ScratchSpace
-; Pointers for SubstituteArgs: no external calls.
-; Ensure these don't overlap FileSwitch's buffers below!
-MacExStartPtrs          #       44
-MacExEndPtrs            #       44
-; OS_CLI has a buffer for alias expansion: ReadVarVal and SubstituteArgs
-;    are called while the buffer is held. Also used for module prefixes:
-;    Module called twice in this case.
-AliasExpansionBuffer    #       100
-; *list/*type need an argument expansion buffer: ReadArgs called with it.
-ArgumentBuffer           *       AliasExpansionBuffer
-; EvaluateExpression space. Calls ReadUnsigned, BinaryToDecimal and ReadVarVal.
-ExprWSpace              *       @
-                        ^       0, R12
-ExprBuff                #       &100
-exprBracDif             #       2       ; keep exprSTRACC aligned
-tos_op                  #       2       ; 1 byte for use as STRACC-1
-ExprSVCstack            #       4
-exprSTRACC              *       @ - ExprBuff + ExprWSpace
-ExprStackLimit          *       exprSTRACC + &100
-ExprStackStart          *       ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
-; Tutu needs some for argument substitution + expansion for run/load types
-; Only OS call during xform is XOS_SubstituteArgs and XOS_Heap(Claim,SysHeap)
-                        ^       0 ; Offset from ScratchSpace
-rav_substituted         #       256
-rav_arglist             #       256
-TopOfPageZero           #       0
-                        ^       &8000 ; The actual top of Page Zero
-EconetDebugSpace        |#|     &20 * 4 ; Thirty two words (&7F80)
-                ASSERT  @ > TopOfPageZero ; Make sure we don't clash
-; *****************************************************************************
-; ***            Cursor, Sound DMA, SWI, and OSCLI workspace.               ***
-; ***        Sits in the 32K above 31M, ie. &01F000000..&01F07FFF           ***
-; ***        Has the physical address &02078000, ie. 32M + 512K - 32K       ***
-; *****************************************************************************
-TopOfDMAPhysRAM         *       &80000            ; OFFSET in physram
-TopOfDMAWorkSpace       *       CursorChunkAddress + 32*1024
-OffsetLogicalToPhysical *       TopOfDMAPhysRAM - TopOfDMAWorkSpace
-                        ^       TopOfDMAWorkSpace ; Note we will be going down
-; Sound
-SoundWorkSpaceSize      *       &1000
-SoundDMABufferSize      *       &1000
-SoundEvtSize            *       &1000
-SoundDMABuffers         |#|     SoundDMABufferSize * 2
-SoundWorkSpace          |#|     SoundWorkSpaceSize + SoundEvtSize
-; Cursor
-CursorDataSize          *       &800
-CursorData              |#|     CursorDataSize
-CursorSoundRAM          *       CursorData
-CursorSoundPhysRAM      *       CursorSoundRAM + OffsetLogicalToPhysical
-; SWI despatcher
-BranchToSWIExit         |#|     4
-SvcTable                |#|     &400
- ASSERT SvcTable = &01F033FC ; Required for SVC table pokers, 1.20 compatible
-SWIDespatch_Size        *       29*4
-SWIDespatch             |#|     SWIDespatch_Size
-; Buffers
-KeyBuffSize             *       &100
-RS423InBuffSize         *       &100
-RS423OutBuffSize        *       &C0
-PrintBuffSize           *       &400
-Sound0BuffSize          *       4
-Sound1BuffSize          *       4
-Sound2BuffSize          *       4
-Sound3BuffSize          *       4
-SpeechBuffSize          *       4
-MouseBuffSize           *       &40
-KeyBuff                 |#|     KeyBuffSize
-RS423InBuff             |#|     RS423InBuffSize
-RS423OutBuff            |#|     RS423OutBuffSize
-PrintBuff               |#|     PrintBuffSize
-Sound0Buff              |#|     Sound0BuffSize
-Sound1Buff              |#|     Sound1BuffSize
-Sound2Buff              |#|     Sound2BuffSize
-Sound3Buff              |#|     Sound3BuffSize
-SpeechBuff              |#|     SpeechBuffSize
-MouseBuff               |#|     MouseBuffSize
-; Oscli buffering
-OscliBuffSize           *       &100
-OscliNoBuffs            *       16
-OscliCircBuffLimit      |#|     0
-OscliCircBuffStart      |#|     OscliBuffSize * OscliNoBuffs
-RedirectBuff            |#|     OscliBuffSize
-; Default IRQ despatch moved here as a result of IOMD having an extra
-; 6 interrupts for I/O and sound DMA (this is really IOMD specific, not
-; ARM600/700 specific but for the moment it is assumed that they are
-; used on the same machines).
-DefIRQ1Vspace           *       12*4+12*23+2*256+64     ; for size checking in MOS
-DefaultIRQ1V            |#|     DefIRQ1Vspace
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "Aligning IRQ stack from ":CC::STR:@
- ]
- [ @-7*4 :AND: 15 <> 0
-                        |#|     (@-7*4):AND:15
- ]
-IRQSTK                  #       0       ; Overflow will give abort
- [ AssemblingArthur
- ! 0, "IRQ stack size ":CC::STR:(IRQSTK-CursorChunkAddress)
- ]
- ASSERT @ > ( CursorChunkAddress + &1000 ) ; Check minimum stack
-; *****************************************************************************
-;                        High system workspace
-; *****************************************************************************
-                ^       SysHeapChunkAddress
-                #       8*1024          ; svcstk size. Overflow will give abort
-SVCSTK          #       0
-SysHeapStart    #       0
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/Options b/hdr/Options
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f286153..00000000
--- a/hdr/Options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; amg 7/12/96 Renaissance
-; Forcibly ensure that options only intended for one class of platform
-; stay there. Generally this involves combining switches with the STB
-; switch. The exception is processor architectural stuff. 7500FE is
-; included always, and StrongARM has an independed switch.
-; When you want to migrate features from one platform to another you'll
-; find that every occurence of feature switches has been qualified with
-; the appropriate sense of the STB switch. This is to remind you to think
-; about what you're about to do! Check whether the code actually will work
-; at all on something that is or is not a STB class product.
-; Using the STB switch this aggressively also help ensure that there's
-; no unexpected code crossover in the initial merge.
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; now the conditional flags for the version we want
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-                GBLL    CacheOff
-CacheOff        SETL    {FALSE}
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; essential global variables
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-                GET   Version
-                GBLS  VersionNo
-                [ Module_MinorVersion = "" :LOR: :LNOT: STB
-VersionNo       SETS  "$VString ($Date)"
-                |
-VersionNo       SETS  "$VString ($Date) $Module_MinorVersion"
-                ]
-; SystemName moved to Machine.* header files.
-                GBLS  MosTitle
-MosTitle        SETS  "$SystemName $VersionNo"
-                GBLL  AddTubeBashers
-AddTubeBashers  SETL  {FALSE}
-Tube_Normal     *       1
-Tube_Simulator  *       2
-                GBLA    TubeType
-TubeType        SETA    Tube_Simulator
-UserMemStart    * &8000
-                GBLL  ExceptionsAreErrors
-ExceptionsAreErrors SETL  1=1
-AssemblingArthur SETL  {TRUE}
-; defined in hdr.system to allow conditionals in macros
-                GBLL    DoingVdu
-DoingVdu        SETL    {FALSE}         ; so can get KeyWS!
-                GBLL    Module
-Module          SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    IncludeTestSrc  ; whether test code is included
-IncludeTestSrc  SETL    :LNOT: HAL
-;RISC OS 3.71 onwards assumed bus timings - if true, then ROM speeds atc are assumed according to IOMD ID regs. as follows:
-;     if IOMD (Risc PC)     ROM ticks 5-3 (assumed bus 32 MHz)
-;     if 7500 (A7000)       ROM ticks 5-3 (assumed bus 32 MHz), all clocks divide-by-1
-;     if 7500FE (A7000+)    ROM ticks 5-3,half speed (asssumed bus 64 MHz), EDO memory, divide-by-2 I/O, divide-by-1 CPU and memory
-                GBLL    RO371Timings
-RO371Timings    SETL    :LNOT: STB
-; For development on Customer M hardware only
-                GBLL    ParallelFlashUpgrade
-ParallelFlashUpgrade SETL {FALSE}
-;whether we support running on the (Risc PC) emulator
-                GBLL    EmulatorSupport
-EmulatorSupport SETL    {TRUE}
-  [ :LNOT: RO371Timings
-                GBLL    NormalSpeedROMS
- [ STB
-NormalSpeedROMS SETL    {TRUE}           ;use FALSE for slow EPROMS
- |
-NormalSpeedROMS SETL    {FALSE}          ;use FALSE for slow EPROMS
- ]
-                GBLL    AutoSpeedROMS
-                GBLL    RISCPCBurstMode
-;>>>RCM says if the FRM approves the use of burst mode ROMS for
-;>>>RISC PC (no reason why it shouldn't) all references to RISCPCBurstMode
-;>>>could be replaced by NormalSpeedROMS
-  ] ; :LNOT:RO371Timings
-                GBLL    DoInitialiseMode
-DoInitialiseMode SETL   {TRUE} :LAND: STB
- [ STB
-                GBLL    Select16BitSound        ; STBs and pre-IOMD systems don't have this link
-Select16BitSound SETL   {FALSE}
- |
-                GBLL    Select16BitSound
-Select16BitSound SETL   {TRUE}
- ]
-                GBLL    Japanese16BitSound
-Japanese16BitSound SETL {TRUE} :LAND: STB
-                  GBLL   ChopOffTheGoolies
-ChopOffTheGoolies SETL  {FALSE}
-                GBLL   ChecksumCMOS
-ChecksumCMOS    SETL   {TRUE}
-                GBLL    SqueezeMods     ; whether squeezed modules are allowed
-SqueezeMods     SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    International   ; whether text and error messages come from  messages file.
-International   SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    CacheCommonErrors       ; whether common internationalised errors are cached in sysheap
-CacheCommonErrors       SETL    International :LAND: {TRUE}
-                GBLL    MouseBufferManager      ; Whether mouse uses buffer manager
-MouseBufferManager      SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    IrqsInClaimRelease      ; Whether OS_Claim/Release restore IRQ's before releasing heap node
-IrqsInClaimRelease      SETL  {TRUE}
-                GBLL    TickIrqReenter          ; Whether TickEventChain processing re-enables IRQ's
-TickIrqReenter  SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    SoftResets              ; If false, always force a hard reset
-SoftResets      SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    AlwaysClearRAM          ; If true, clear RAM on every break/reset
-AlwaysClearRAM  SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    CacheCMOSRAM            ; Whether to keep a RAM copy of CMOS RAM for faster access
-                GBLL    LCDInvert
-LCDInvert       SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: :LNOT: STB
-                GBLL    ModeSelectors           ; whether mode selectors are understood
-ModeSelectors   SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    MakeModeSelectorsForModeNumbers
-MakeModeSelectorsForModeNumbers SETL    ModeSelectors :LAND: {FALSE}    ; not actually needed after all
-                GBLL    IgnoreVRAM              ; if true, don't add VRAM to the RAM list (+ don't use for screen)
-IgnoreVRAM      SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    UseGraphicsV            ; if true, use GraphicsV, rather than going straight
-UseGraphicsV    SETL    {TRUE}                  ; to the hardware (or HAL)
-                GBLL    LateAborts              ; if true, use late abort mode on ARM600 (compulsory on ARM700)
-LateAborts      SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    ShrinkableDAs           ; if true, support Shrinkable Dynamic Areas (eg. CacheFS)
-ShrinkableDAs   SETL    {TRUE}
-                GBLL    ShadowROM               ; if true, the ROM is mirrored above
-ShadowROM       SETL    {FALSE}                 ; &FF800000
-                GBLL    Interruptible32bitModes
-Interruptible32bitModes SETL {TRUE}             ;if true, limited 32-bit mode code support (interrupt handler does not assume
-                                                ; 26-bit foreground), also allows faster, 32-bit APCS version of FPEmulator
-                 GBLL   GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers      ; Move gstrans workspace into the kernel buffers area to fix redirection
-GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers SETL   {TRUE}		; and everything else that suffers from the dodgy use of scratch space.
-                GBLL    EarlierReentrancyInDAShrink
-EarlierReentrancyInDAShrink SETL {TRUE}         ; fix for RAMFS and new FileCore (causes reentrant DA shrink/remove)
-                GBLL    OnlyKernelCanAccessHardwareVectors
-OnlyKernelCanAccessHardwareVectors SETL {TRUE}  ; if true, only the Kernel is permitted to write to the hardware vectors
-                                                ; while in 26-bit mode. If false, the whole ROM can (including BASIC
-                                                ; and the Shared C Library - eg any memcpy!)
-                GBLL   LongCommandLines         ; first introduced for Ursula, merged into HAL kernel
-LongCommandLines SETL   {TRUE}
-  [ LongCommandLines
-LongCLISize          * 1024                     ; buffer size for long commands
-  ]
-                GBLL    StrongARM
-                GBLL    SAcleanflushbroken      ;whether StrongARM single MCR for DC clean+flush broken (is always for SA110)
-                GBLL    SASTMhatbroken          ;whether ROM must support SA110's with broken STM^ (revision 3 should fix this)
-                GBLL    StrongARM_POST          ;whether to run POST for StrongARM (and possibly ARM8)
-                GBLL    ARM6support
-                GBLL    XScaleMiniCache         ;is the XScale mini data-cache used (at all)
-                GBLL    XScaleJTAGDebug
-                GBLL    ECC                     ;use ECC on XScale. May compromise other ARM compatibility
-StrongARM          SETL {TRUE}
-SAcleanflushbroken SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: StrongARM
-SASTMhatbroken     SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: StrongARM
-StrongARM_POST     SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: StrongARM
-ARM6support        SETL {TRUE}
-XScaleMiniCache    SETL {FALSE}
-XScaleJTAGDebug    SETL {TRUE}
-ECC                SETL {FALSE}
-                ;mjs
-                ;concept of sparsely mapped dynamic areas introduced for Ursula
-                GBLL    DA_Batman               ;Holey dynamic areas Batman!
-                ;mjs
-                ;Chocolate flavours implemented for Ursula, but they are generally useful performance enhancements
-                ;(not all Ursula performance improvements are flagged with Chocolate - eg. simple changes such as slicker SWI
-                ;despatch and wider SWI hashing)
-                ;
-                ;any ARM
-                ;
-                GBLL    ChocolateSysHeap        ;whether to save cost of SysHeap block claim/release for common cases (eg. callback blocks)
-                                                ;also reduces SysHeap stress by using fewer blocks in total
-                GBLL    ChocolateOSMod          ;whether to reduce SysHeap stress in module handling
-                GBLL    ChocolateSysVars        ;whether to do performance improvements in system variable handling
-                GBLL    ChocolateOscli          ;whether to do performance improvements in Oscli command stuff
-                GBLL    ChocolateService        ;whether to implement fast module service call distribution (uses table introduced
-                                                ;into module format by Ursula API)
-                ;possibly enabled at run time for some ARMs only
-                ;
-                GBLL    ChocolateAMB            ;whether to compile support for Lazy task swapping
-DA_Batman              SETL {TRUE}
-ChocolateSysHeap       SETL {TRUE}
-ChocolateOSMod         SETL {TRUE}
-ChocolateSysVars       SETL {TRUE}
-ChocolateOscli         SETL {TRUE}
-ChocolateService       SETL {TRUE}
-ChocolateAMB           SETL {TRUE} :LAND: No26bitCode   ; not implemented for 26bit kernel at present
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-                       GBLA  MaxChocolateCBBlocks  ;max quick CallBack blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
-                       GBLA  MaxChocolateSVBlocks  ;max quick Software Vector blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
-                       GBLA  MaxChocolateTKBlocks  ;max quick Ticker blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
-                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMRBlocks  ;max module ROM blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used (reduces total no. nodes in SysHeap)
-                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMABlocks  ;max module Active blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used
-                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMSBlocks  ;max module SWI Hash blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used
-MaxChocolateCBBlocks   SETA   32
-MaxChocolateSVBlocks   SETA  128
-MaxChocolateTKBlocks   SETA   32
-MaxChocolateMRBlocks   SETA  150
-MaxChocolateMABlocks   SETA  150
-MaxChocolateMSBlocks   SETA  150
-  ]
-                          GBLL    Oscli_QuickAliases
-                          GBLL    Oscli_HashedCommands
-Oscli_QuickAliases        SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOscli   ;try to do a better job of checking for aliases
-Oscli_HashedCommands      SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOscli   ;try to do a better job of finding commands
-                GBLL    VCOstartfix              ;code in early kernel to fix VCO start problem on A7000 (esp. 7500FE)
-VCOstartfix     SETL    {TRUE}
-                     GBLL    mjsServiceTrace          ;for statistics gathering on service calls only
-mjsServiceTrace      SETL    {FALSE}
-                     GBLL    mjsSysHeapNodesTrace     ;for statistics gathering on some SysHeap nodes only
-mjsSysHeapNodesTrace SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    NoSPSRcorruption              ;set to true if IRQ dispatcher
-NoSPSRcorruption SETL   {FALSE}                       ;preserves SPSR_SVC
-                GBLL    CheckProtectionLink     ; if true, disallow CMOS RAM changes if link in protected position
-CheckProtectionLink     SETL {TRUE}             ; NB affects Delete/Copy/R/T and 0-9/.
-                GBLL    RMTidyDoesNowt          ; if true, RMTidy does nothing
-RMTidyDoesNowt  SETL    {TRUE}                  ; should really be "machine has FSLock in ROM"
-                GBLL    RogerEXEY               ; if true, use Roger's new algorithm for XEigFactor, YEigFactor
-RogerEXEY       SETL    {FALSE}                 ; Marketing don't like it!
-                GBLL    DebugROMInit
-DebugROMInit    SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    DebugROMPostInit ; Displays when the PostInit service call is sent to each ROM module (currently works on vanilla service call handling only)
-DebugROMPostInit SETL    (:LNOT: ChocolateService) :LAND: {FALSE}
-                GBLL    DebugROMErrors
-DebugROMErrors  SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    DebugTerminal           ; default WRCH and RDCH through HAL
-DebugTerminal   SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    DebugHALTX
-DebugHALTX      SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    DebugHeaps              ; initialise claimed and freed blocks
-DebugHeaps      SETL    {FALSE}                 ; (may slow things down unacceptably)
-              [ DebugHeaps
-                ! 0, "*** WARNING *** Heap debugging assembled in"
-              ]
-; ChangeDynamicArea and related options
-                GBLL    DebugCDA
-DebugCDA        SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    DebugCDA2
-DebugCDA2       SETL    {FALSE}
-                GBLL    StorkPowerSave  ;True => power saving for Stork AND A4
-StorkPowerSave  SETL    MorrisSupport   ;False=> older A4 code only
-                GBLL    LCDSupport      ;Whether LCD Support is assembled in or not
-LCDSupport      SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: :LNOT: STB
-                                        ;(First intro'd for Stork)
-                GBLL    FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI   ; whether R9 corruption by ExtensionSWI handler is fixed
-FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI   SETL    No26bitCode     ; currently FALSE as CC's !SpellMod (possibly others) rely on it being broken
-                GBLL    FixCallBacks            ; see Docs.CallbackChange
-FixCallBacks    SETL    {TRUE}                  ; also addresses some atomicity problems
-                GBLL    InterlacedPointer
-InterlacedPointer SETL {TRUE} :LAND: STB                ; enable code to do proper interlaced pointer
-                GBLL    ValidateCMOS            ; Apply special CMOS-corruption detection code,
-ValidateCMOS    SETL    {TRUE}                  ; and do minimal default settings.
-                GBLS    GetMessages
-              [ International
-GetMessages     SETS    "GET s.MsgCode"
-              |
-GetMessages     SETS    ""
-              ]
-                GBLL    DebugForcedReset        ; debug forced hard resets
-DebugForcedReset SETL   {FALSE}
-                GBLA    ConfiguredLang
-ConfiguredLang  SETA    11                      ; default configured language
-                GBLA    FirstUnpluggableModule
-FirstUnpluggableModule  SETA 8                  ; Podule, FileSwitch, ResourceFS, Messages, MessageTrans,
-                                                ; TerritoryManager, UKTerritory
- [ DebugForcedReset
-Reset_CannotResetFlag           * 1
-Reset_SysHeapCorrupt            * 2
-Reset_WrongCamMapAddress        * 3
-Reset_WrongNumberOfPages        * 4
-Reset_CamMapCorrupt             * 5
-Reset_VectorChainCorrupt        * 6
-Reset_TickNodesCorrupt          * 7
-Reset_DeviceVectorCorrupt       * 8
-Reset_PoduleOrCallBackCorrupt   * 9
- ]
-; Flags for RISC OS Blue changes
-                        GBLL    AssembleKEYV
-AssembleKEYV            SETL    {TRUE}          ; Use KEYV.
-                        GBLL    AssemblePointerV
-AssemblePointerV        SETL    {TRUE}          ; Use PointerV.
-                        GBLL    PollMouse
-PollMouse               SETL    {FALSE}         ; Poll mouse.
-                        GBLL    ProcessorVectors
-ProcessorVectors        SETL    {TRUE}          ; Processor vectors indirected through 0 page.
-                    GBLS  GetUnsqueeze
- [ SqueezeMods
-GetUnsqueeze        SETS  "GET s.Unsqueeze"
- |
-GetUnsqueeze        SETS  ""
- ]
-                    GBLS  GetFlashROM
- [ ParallelFlashUpgrade
-GetFlashROM         SETS  "GET s.FlashROM"
- |
-GetFlashROM         SETS  ""
- ]
-                    GBLS  GetKernelMEMC
-                    GBLS  GetPalette
-                    GBLS  GetMemInfo
-                    GBLS  GetHAL
-GetKernelMEMC       SETS  "GET s.ARM600"
-GetMemInfo          SETS  "GET s.MemInfo"
-GetPalette          SETS  "GET s.vdu.vdupalxx"
- [ HAL
-GetHAL              SETS  "GET s.HAL"
- |
-GetHAL              SETS   ""
- ]
-                    GBLS  GetKbdDrA1
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-GetKbdDrA1          SETS  "GET s.PMF.KbdDrA1"
- |
-GetKbdDrA1          SETS  ""
- ]
-                    GBLS  GetKbdRes
- [ :LNOT: HAL
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-GetKbdRes           SETS  "GET s.KbdResA1"
- |
-GetKbdRes           SETS  "GET s.KbdRes" :CC: Keyboard_Type
- ]
- ]
-; control switches for med_00001 (the flood fill routines 1024 line limit).
-; Switches have the following effects:
-; _userma     Will use rma if >48K is free, up to a maximum of 128K. It will
-;             try to acheive the latter by growing the rma if possible.
-; _twowords   Use two word entries in the queue. This overcomes the limitation
-;             of the original packed word format.
-; _debug      Store the queue start, end and 'amount to change the rma dynamic
-;             area by' in the first three words of OldIRQ1VSpace
-                    GBLL  med_00001_userma
-                    GBLL  med_00001_twowords
-                    GBLL  med_00001_debug
-med_00001_userma    SETL  {TRUE}
-med_00001_twowords  SETL  {TRUE}
-;med_00001_debug     SETL  {TRUE}
-;med_00001_userma    SETL  {FALSE}
-;med_00001_twowords  SETL  {FALSE}
-med_00001_debug     SETL  {FALSE}
- [ med_00001_userma
-smallest_rma_size   * (48*1024)                  ; define the low threshold for rma use
-largest_rma_size    * (128*1024)                 ; and the ceiling for rma use
- ]
- [ med_00001_debug
- ! 0,""
- ! 0,",-----------------------------------------------------------------,"
- ! 0,"| **** WARNING ****                                               |"
- ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
- ! 0,"| Audit trail debugging for MED-00001 is enabled. This reuses the |"
- ! 0,"| first three words of OldIRQ1Vspace. This should be turned off   |"
- ! 0,"| once MED-00001 has been tested and marked 'fixed'.              |"
- ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
- ! 0,"| Usage:                                                          |"
- ! 0,"|   +0   start of area used by flood fill                         |"
- ! 0,"|   +4   end+1 of area used by flood fill                         |"
- ! 0,"|   +8   amount the rma was grown by                              |"
- ! 0,"'-----------------------------------------------------------------'"
- ! 0,""
- ]
-; Ickle macros. We want to be able to turn IRQs on and off fast in the
-; code in various places. To do this easily, have a name for the
-; SVC26/32 mode we run in.
- [ No26bitCode
-USR2632 * USR32_mode
-SVC2632 * SVC32_mode
- |
-USR2632 * USR26_mode
-SVC2632 * SVC26_mode
- ]
-MaxSwi  * OS_HeapSort32+1
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/PublicWS b/hdr/PublicWS
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d9c772e..00000000
--- a/hdr/PublicWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    > Public Work Space
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 15-Jun-94  AMcC  Created - holds values 'exported' from KernelWS
-;                  Corresponds to Values previously set in VickySpace / NewSpace
-; 03-Nov-94  AMcC  Added ScreenBlankFlag and ScreenBlankDPMSState
-; 12-Jul-95  JRH   Added RestType
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Memory map values: (in address order)
-                    ^ &00000104
-ESC_Status          #         1
-                    ^ &00000105
-LatchBSoftCopy      #         1
-                    ^ &00000107
-CannotReset         #         1
-                    ^ &00000108
-IRQsema             #         4
-                    ^ &00000114
-MEMC_CR_SoftCopy    #         4
-                    ^ &00000300
-DebuggerSpace       #      8*16
-                    ^ &0000047C
-ScreenBlankFlag     #         1           ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked
-                    ^ &0000047D
-ScreenBlankDPMSState #        1           ; 0 => just blank video
-                                          ; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off)
-                                          ; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off)
-                                          ; 3 => blank to off (H+V off)
-                    ^ &00000480
-FgEcfOraEor         #      4*16           ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor (from Vdu Driver Workspace)
-                    ^ &000004C0
-BgEcfOraEor         #      4*16           ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor (from Vdu Driver Workspace)
-                    ^ &00000AE1           ; RedirectInHandle
-RedirectInHandle    #         1
-                    ^ &00000AE2           ; RedirectOutHandle
-RedirectOutHandle   #         1
-                    ^ &00000FF8
-DomainId            #         4           ; domain identification
-                    ^ &00001000
-VduDriverWorkSpace  #     &3000
-                    ^ &00004000
-ScratchSpace        #     &4000
- [ {FALSE}
-                    ^ &01F04000
- |
-                    ^ &FAFF4000
- ]
-SoundWorkSpace      #     &2000
-SoundDMABufferSize  *     &1000
-SoundDMABuffers     #     SoundDMABufferSize * 2
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/RISCOS b/hdr/RISCOS
deleted file mode 100644
index b6c834e6..00000000
--- a/hdr/RISCOS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2008 Castle Technology Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; This header file is autogenerated from the files maintained by the
-; RISC OS allocations manager and should not be edited by anyone else.
-        SUBT    Definitions relating to the basic RISCOS kernel ==> Hdr:RISCOS
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; SWI names are exported in two forms :
-; 1)  with OS_  'OS_DoThingToOtherThing'  as N
-; 2)  with XOS_ 'XOS_DoThingToOtherThing' as N + Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-Auto_Error_SWI_bit_number * 17
-Auto_Error_SWI_bit * 1 :SHL: Auto_Error_SWI_bit_number
-SWIClass SETS   RISCOS_Kernel_0SWI_Name
-        ^       RISCOS_Kernel_0SWI_Base
-        AddSWI  WriteC                  ; &00
-        AddSWI  WriteS                  ; &01
-        AddSWI  Write0                  ; &02
-        AddSWI  NewLine                 ; &03
-        AddSWI  ReadC                   ; &04
-        AddSWI  CLI                     ; &05
-        AddSWI  Byte                    ; &06
-        AddSWI  Word                    ; &07
-        AddSWI  File                    ; &08
-        AddSWI  Args                    ; &09
-        AddSWI  BGet                    ; &0A
-        AddSWI  BPut                    ; &0B
-        AddSWI  GBPB                    ; &0C
-        AddSWI  Find                    ; &0D
-        AddSWI  ReadLine                ; &0E
-        AddSWI  Control                 ; &0F
-        AddSWI  GetEnv                  ; &10
-        AddSWI  Exit                    ; &11
-        AddSWI  SetEnv                  ; &12
-        AddSWI  IntOn                   ; &13
-        AddSWI  IntOff                  ; &14
-        AddSWI  CallBack                ; &15
-        AddSWI  EnterOS                 ; &16
-        AddSWI  BreakPt                 ; &17
-        AddSWI  BreakCtrl               ; &18
-        AddSWI  UnusedSWI               ; &19
-        AddSWI  UpdateMEMC              ; &1A
-        AddSWI  SetCallBack             ; &1B
-        AddSWI  Mouse                   ; &1C
-        AddSWI  Heap                    ; &1D ; Our new ones start here
-        AddSWI  Module                  ; &1E
-        AddSWI  Claim                   ; &1F ; PMF's vector handling
-        AddSWI  Release                 ; &20 ; routines
-        AddSWI  ReadUnsigned            ; &21 ; Read an unsigned number
-        AddSWI  GenerateEvent           ; &22
-        AddSWI  ReadVarVal              ; &23 ; read variable value & type
-        AddSWI  SetVarVal               ; &24 ; set  variable value & type
-        AddSWI  GSInit                  ; &25
-        AddSWI  GSRead                  ; &26
-        AddSWI  GSTrans                 ; &27
-        AddSWI  BinaryToDecimal         ; &28
-        AddSWI  FSControl               ; &29
-        AddSWI  ChangeDynamicArea       ; &2A
-        AddSWI  GenerateError           ; &2B
-        AddSWI  ReadEscapeState         ; &2C
-        AddSWI  EvaluateExpression      ; &2D
-        AddSWI  SpriteOp                ; &2E
-        AddSWI  ReadPalette             ; &2F ; (was FontManager)
-        AddSWI  ServiceCall             ; &30 ; was Claim_Release_FIQ
-        AddSWI  ReadVduVariables        ; &31
-        AddSWI  ReadPoint               ; &32
-        AddSWI  UpCall                  ; &33
-        AddSWI  CallAVector             ; &34 ; was ReadCurrentError
-        AddSWI  ReadModeVariable        ; &35
-        AddSWI  RemoveCursors           ; &36
-        AddSWI  RestoreCursors          ; &37
-        AddSWI  SWINumberToString       ; &38
-        AddSWI  SWINumberFromString     ; &39
-        AddSWI  ValidateAddress         ; &3A
-        AddSWI  CallAfter               ; &3B
-        AddSWI  CallEvery               ; &3C
-        AddSWI  RemoveTickerEvent       ; &3D
-        AddSWI  InstallKeyHandler       ; &3E
-        AddSWI  CheckModeValid          ; &3F
-SWIClass SETS   RISCOS_Kernel_1SWI_Name
-        ^       RISCOS_Kernel_1SWI_Base
-        AddSWI  ChangeEnvironment       ; &40
-        AddSWI  ClaimScreenMemory       ; &41
-        AddSWI  ReadMonotonicTime       ; &42
-        AddSWI  SubstituteArgs          ; &43
-        AddSWI  PrettyPrint             ; &44
-        AddSWI  Plot                    ; &45
-        AddSWI  WriteN                  ; &46
-        AddSWI  AddToVector             ; &47
-        AddSWI  WriteEnv                ; &48
-        AddSWI  ReadArgs                ; &49
-        AddSWI  ReadRAMFsLimits         ; &4A
-        AddSWI  ClaimDeviceVector       ; &4B
-        AddSWI  ReleaseDeviceVector     ; &4C
-        AddSWI  DelinkApplication       ; &4D
-        AddSWI  RelinkApplication       ; &4E
-        AddSWI  HeapSort                ; &4F
-        AddSWI  ExitAndDie              ; &50
-        AddSWI  ReadMemMapInfo          ; &51
-        AddSWI  ReadMemMapEntries       ; &52
-        AddSWI  SetMemMapEntries        ; &53
-        AddSWI  AddCallBack             ; &54
-        AddSWI  ReadDefaultHandler      ; &55
-        AddSWI  SetECFOrigin            ; &56
-        AddSWI  SerialOp                ; &57
-        AddSWI  ReadSysInfo             ; &58
-        AddSWI  Confirm                 ; &59
-        AddSWI  ChangedBox              ; &5A
-        AddSWI  CRC                     ; &5B
-        AddSWI  ReadDynamicArea         ; &5C
-        AddSWI  PrintChar               ; &5D
-        AddSWI  ChangeRedirection       ; &5E
-        AddSWI  RemoveCallBack          ; &5F
-        AddSWI  FindMemMapEntries       ; &60
-        AddSWI  SetColour               ; &61
-        AddSWI  ClaimSWI                ; &62 ; In ToolkitSpt - Must be implemented
-        AddSWI  ReleaseSWI              ; &63 ; OS > 3.10.
-        AddSWI  Pointer                 ; &64
-        AddSWI  ScreenMode              ; &65
-        AddSWI  DynamicArea             ; &66
-        AddSWI  AbortTrap               ; &67
-        AddSWI  Memory                  ; &68
-        AddSWI  ClaimProcessorVector    ; &69
-        AddSWI  Reset                   ; &6A
-        AddSWI  MMUControl              ; &6B
-        AddSWI  ResyncTime              ; &6C
-        AddSWI  PlatformFeatures        ; &6D
-        AddSWI  SynchroniseCodeAreas    ; &6E
-        AddSWI  CallASWI                ; &6F
-        AddSWI  AMBControl              ; &70 ### Clashes with OS_SpecialControl on PPlus ###
-        AddSWI  CallASWIR12             ; &71
-        AddSWI  SpecialControl          ; &72 ### this was &70 in original PPlus sources ###
-        AddSWI  EnterUSR32              ; &73 first used in Ursula
-        AddSWI  EnterUSR26              ; &74 first used in Ursula
-        AddSWI  VIDCDivider             ; &75
-        AddSWI  NVMemory                ; &76
-        ^       OS_NVMemory + 4
-        AddSWI  Hardware                ; &7A
-        AddSWI  IICOp                   ; &7B
-        AddSWI  LeaveOS                 ; &7C
-        AddSWI  ReadLine32              ; &7D
-        AddSWI  SubstituteArgs32        ; &7E
-        AddSWI  HeapSort32              ; &7F
-        ASSERT  @ <= &C0
-SWIClass SETS   RISCOS_StringConversionSWI_Name
-        ^       RISCOS_StringConversionSWI_Base
-        AddSWI  ConvertStandardDateAndTime ; &C0
-        AddSWI  ConvertDateAndTime         ; &C1
-        ^       RISCOS_StringConversionSWI_Base + &10
-        AddSWI  ConvertHex1             ; &D0
-        AddSWI  ConvertHex2             ; &D1
-        AddSWI  ConvertHex4             ; &D2
-        AddSWI  ConvertHex6             ; &D3
-        AddSWI  ConvertHex8             ; &D4
-        AddSWI  ConvertCardinal1        ; &D5
-        AddSWI  ConvertCardinal2        ; &D6
-        AddSWI  ConvertCardinal3        ; &D7
-        AddSWI  ConvertCardinal4        ; &D8
-        AddSWI  ConvertInteger1         ; &D9
-        AddSWI  ConvertInteger2         ; &DA
-        AddSWI  ConvertInteger3         ; &DB
-        AddSWI  ConvertInteger4         ; &DC
-        AddSWI  ConvertBinary1          ; &DD
-        AddSWI  ConvertBinary2          ; &DE
-        AddSWI  ConvertBinary3          ; &DF
-        AddSWI  ConvertBinary4          ; &E0
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedCardinal1  ; &E1
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedCardinal2  ; &E2
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedCardinal3  ; &E3
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedCardinal4  ; &E4
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedInteger1   ; &E5
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedInteger2   ; &E6
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedInteger3   ; &E7
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedInteger4   ; &E8
-        AddSWI  ConvertFixedNetStation  ; &E9
-        AddSWI  ConvertNetStation       ; &EA
-        AddSWI  ConvertFixedFileSize    ; &EB
-        AddSWI  ConvertFileSize         ; &EC
-        AddSWI  ConvertHex16            ; &ED
-        AddSWI  ConvertCardinal8        ; &EE
-        AddSWI  ConvertInteger8         ; &EF
-        AddSWI  ConvertBinary8          ; &F0
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedCardinal8  ; &F1
-        AddSWI  ConvertSpacedInteger8   ; &F2
-        AddSWI  ConvertFixedFileSize64  ; &F3
-        AddSWI  ConvertFileSize64       ; &F4
-        ASSERT  @ <= &100
-SWIClass SETS   RISCOS_WriteCharacter_0SWI_Name
-        ^       RISCOS_WriteCharacter_0SWI_Base
-        AddSWI  WriteI                  ; &100-&1FF
-        ; RISC OS Specific register synonyms
-Error   RN      r0                      ; Error return pointer
-wp      RN      r12                     ; Workspace Pointer
-WP      RN      r12
-WsPtr   RN      r12
-sp      RN      r13                     ; Stack Pointer
-SP      RN      r13
-sp_irq  RN      r13_irq                 ; Note there is no definition
-sp_svc  RN      r13_svc                 ; for sp_usr or sp_fiq.
-stack   RN      r13
-Stack   RN      r13
-STACK   RN      r13
-        ; Vector numbers
-UserV   *       &00
-ErrorV  *       &01
-IrqV    *       &02
-WrchV   *       &03
-RdchV   *       &04                     ; --,
-CliV    *       &05                     ;   |
-ByteV   *       &06                     ;   |
-WordV   *       &07                     ;   |
-FileV   *       &08                     ;   |
-ArgsV   *       &09                     ;   } These numbers correspond
-BGetV   *       &0A                     ;   } to the SWI numbers
-BPutV   *       &0B                     ;   |
-GBPBV   *       &0C                     ;   |
-FindV   *       &0D                     ;   |
-ReadLineV *     &0E                     ; --'
-FSCV    *       &0F
-EventV  *       &10
-UPTV    *       &11
-NETV    *       &12
-KEYV    *       &13
-INSV    *       &14
-REMV    *       &15
-CNPV    *       &16                     ; Count/Purge Buffer V
-UKVDU23V *      &17                     ; VDU23 (decimal)
-UKSWIV  *       &18                     ; Unknown SWI numbers
-UKPLOTV *       &19                     ; VDU25 (decimal)
-MouseV  *       &1A                     ; The mouse SWI vectors along here
-VDUXV   *       &1B                     ; The kernel calls this vector instead of
-                                        ; the VDU if bit 5 of wrch destination set
-TickerV *       &1C                     ; 100Hz pacemaker
-UpCallV *       &1D                     ; The 'can you deal with this before I go bang' vector.
-ChangeEnvironmentV * &1E                ; vectors along here when changing any handlers,
-                                        ; so debuggers etc. can stop it getting through.
-SpriteV *       &1F                     ; called by SWI SpriteOp
-DrawV   *       &20                     ; polygon fill vector for printers
-EconetV *       &21                     ; Vector for NetFS/Econet progress reporting
-ColourV *       &22                     ; for the ColourTrans module
-PaletteV *      &23                     ; palette changed indication
-SerialV *       &24                     ; indirection of SerialOps from kernel to Serial device drivers.
-FontV   *       &25                     ; indirection of Font Manager calls prior
-                                        ; to processing by Font Manager.
-PointerV *      &26                     ; for mouse drivers
-TimeShareV *    &27                     ; SkyNet TimeShare
-GraphicsV *     &2A                     ; indirection of graphics system from Kernel
-UnthreadV *     &2B                     ; high-priority callbacks
-SpareVector4 *  &2C
-SpareVector3 *  &2D
-SpareVector2 *  &2E
-SpareVector1 *  &2F
-; LowPriorityEventV
-; R0 - flags
-; R1 - event class
-; R2 - event type
-; Event Classes
-; 0 - System
-; 1 - Window
-NVECTORS *      &30                     ; There are this many vectors, 0..NVECTORS-1
-        ; Buffer indices
-Buff_Key        * 0
-Buff_RS423In    * 1
-Buff_RS423Out   * 2
-Buff_Print      * 3
-Buff_Sound0     * 4
-Buff_Sound1     * 5
-Buff_Sound2     * 6
-Buff_Sound3     * 7
-Buff_Speech     * 8
-Buff_Mouse      * 9
-        ; Event numbers. 0..31 available
-Event_OutputEmpty       * 0
-Event_InputFull         * 1
-Event_CharInput         * 2
-Event_ADCConvert        * 3
-Event_VSync             * 4
-Event_IntervalTimer     * 5
-Event_Escape            * 6
-Event_RS423Error        * 7
-Event_Econet_UserRPC    * 8
-Event_User              * 9
-Event_Mouse             * 10
-Event_Keyboard          * 11
-Event_Sound             * 12
-Event_Econet_Rx         * 14
-Event_Econet_Tx         * 15
-Event_Econet_OSProc     * 16    ; This is where Notify, View etc. happen
-Event_MIDI              * 17    ; to notify of MIDI data being received
-Event_Internet          * 19
-Event_Expansion         * 21    ; was SJ. Now earmarked for use with subreason codes
-Event_DeviceOverRun     * 22    ; DeviceFS to inform the world that a device has overrun
-Event_PortableBMU       * 28    ; Downgrade of BMU interrupt.
-; #### WARNING #### There are TWO event numbers left. Do not allocate any more
-; without a really good reason.                                            amg
-Event_PRISM             * 32    ; State change events from the PRISM subsystem
-; Subreason codes for Event_Expansion - to be passed in R1 on the event call
-                                ^ 0
-Event_Expansion_SmartCard       # 0          ; ANC Rich Buckley
-Event_Expansion_SCInterface     # 1          ; 1 more useful alias for above
-Event_Expansion_SCTransport     # 1          ; 2
-; Keyboard status bits
-KBStat_PendingAlt       * &01
-KBStat_ScrollLock       * &02
-KBStat_NoNumLock        * &04
-KBStat_ShiftEngaged     * &08
-KBStat_NoCapsLock       * &10
-KBStat_NoShiftLock      * &20
-KBStat_CtrlEngaged      * &40
-KBStat_ShiftEnable      * &80
-KBStat_NoCapsLockBitNo  * 4
-MainVars * &A6
-MosVer   * 6            ; nice non-zero value
-        GBLS MosTitle
-MosTitle SETS "Tim's Arthur Operating System 0.00"
-; If assembling arthur, there are better strings to use!!
-NIL     * &80000000 ; An interesting value
-MaxLengthDateLo *       &33EA0000       ; Wednesday, 28th September 1988
-MaxLengthDateHi *       &00000041       ; 11:34:36.80 am
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; And a handy variable or three
-        GBLL    True
-True    SETL    {TRUE}
-        GBLL    False
-False   SETL    {FALSE}
-                 GBLL AssemblingArthur
-AssemblingArthur SETL False
-; This needs to be defined for some builds of the Wimp to correctly
-; select delegation of application memory management code to the kernel.
-        GBLL    AMBKernel
-AMBKernel       SETL    True
-; Tells Switcher it's being built on a system with OS_DynamicArea 6 and 7
-; available - activated by Kernel's internal DynArea_QuickHandles switch.
-        GBLL    OSD6and7Kernel
-OSD6and7Kernel  SETL    True
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/hdr/Variables b/hdr/Variables
deleted file mode 100644
index 697ce82b..00000000
--- a/hdr/Variables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Hdr.Variables
-; define variable types, as got by SWI ReadVarVal, etc.
-VarType_String   * 0
-VarType_Number   * 1
-VarType_Macro    * 2
-VarType_Expanded * 3   ; given to Read, this always returns a string
-                       ; given to Set,  this means evaluate an expression
-VarType_LiteralString * 4   ; Only valid for Set - sets the string as is (no
-                            ; GSTrans)
-VarType_Code     * 16
-       END
diff --git a/hdr/VduExt b/hdr/VduExt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b53865f..00000000
--- a/hdr/VduExt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    VDU variable numbers => &.Hdr.VduExt
-OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
-        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List
-; ************************************************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t  (better late than never!)  ***
-; ************************************************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 27-Oct-89  TMD   Added VIDCClockSpeed
-; 05-Aug-91  DDV   Added Flag_FullPalette
-; 15-Jul-93  TMD   Added NumModeVars
-; 21-Jul-98  NDT   Added PixelRate
-; Sets up external symbols of the form VduExt_<var name>
-; for use with SWI OS_ReadVDUVariables
-        MACRO
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    $var, $base
-        [ "$base"<>""
-NotRVVTBarWobblyBitscounter SETA $base
-        ]
-VduExt_$var                     *       NotRVVTBarWobblyBitscounter
-NotRVVTBarWobblyBitscounter SETA NotRVVTBarWobblyBitscounter +1
-        MEND
-                                GBLA   NotRVVTBarWobblyBitscounter
-NotRVVTBarWobblyBitscounter     SETA    0
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    ModeFlags, 0
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    ScrRCol
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    ScrBRow
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    NColour
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    XEigFactor
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    YEigFactor
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    LineLength
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    ScreenSize
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    YShftFactor
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    Log2BPP
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    Log2BPC
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    XWindLimit
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    YWindLimit
-NumModeVars * NotRVVTBarWobblyBitscounter
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GWLCol, &80
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GWBRow
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GWRCol
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GWTRow
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TWLCol
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TWBRow
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TWRCol
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TWTRow
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    OrgX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    OrgY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCsX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCsY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    OlderCsX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    OlderCsY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    OldCsX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    OldCsY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCsIX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCsIY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    NewPtX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    NewPtY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    ScreenStart
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    DisplayStart
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TotalScreenSize
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GPLFMD
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GPLBMD
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GFCOL
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GBCOL
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TForeCol
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TBackCol
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GFTint
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GBTint
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TFTint
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TBTint
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    MaxMode
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCharSizeX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCharSizeY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCharSpaceX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GCharSpaceY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    HLineAddr
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TCharSizeX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TCharSizeY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TCharSpaceX
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    TCharSpaceY
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    GcolOraEorAddr
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    VIDCClockSpeed
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    PixelRate
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    WindowWidth, &100
-        NotRVVTBarWobblyBits    WindowHeight
-; Bits in ModeFlags
-Flag_NonGraphic * 1
-Flag_Teletext   * 2
-Flag_GapMode    * 4
-Flag_BBCGapMode * 8
-Flag_HiResMono  * 16
-Flag_DoubleVertical * 32
-Flag_HardScrollDisabled * 64    ; set when outputting to a sprite
-Flag_FullPalette * 128          ; set when palette is not brain damaged
-Flag_InterlacedMode * 256	; set when full interlaced mode
-        OPT     OldOpt
-        END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/AMB b/s/AMBControl/AMB
deleted file mode 100644
index c0088427..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/AMB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; Implements OS_AMBControl (takes care of application memory management for Wimp)
-; Nov 1995  mjs  development version originated as Module
-; Jul 1996  mjs  fully implemented in kernel for RISC OS 3.70
-; Mar 1997  mjs  performance enhancements for Ursula OS
-; Oct 2000  mjs  Ursula code resurrected for 32-bit HALised kernel, hoorah!
-        GET     s.AMBControl.Options
-        GET     s.AMBControl.Workspace
-        GET     s.AMBControl.main
-        GET     s.AMBControl.allocate
-        GET     s.AMBControl.deallocate
-        GET     s.AMBControl.growshrink
-        GET     s.AMBControl.mapslot
-        GET     s.AMBControl.mapsome
-        GET     s.AMBControl.readinfo
-        GET     s.AMBControl.growp
-        GET     s.AMBControl.shrinkp
-        GET     s.AMBControl.service
-        GET     s.AMBControl.Memory
-        GET     s.AMBControl.memmap
-        END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/Memory b/s/AMBControl/Memory
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc2f47e..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/Memory
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.Memory
-; Small veneer between AMBControl's memory block requirements and OS_Heap,
-; using system heap. This is changed since Ursula - old code called OS_Module
-; and claimed blocks from RMA, which is an anachronism since code is in
-; the kernel.
-; quantise sizes to reduce heap stress
-AMBblockQ  * 64
-;in:  r3=size
-;out: r2 -> block, r0 corrupted
-AMB_BlockClaim ROUT
-        Push    "r1,r3,lr"
-        ADD     r3,r3,#AMBblockQ - 1
-        BIC     r3,r3,#AMBblockQ - 1
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        Pull    "r1,r3,pc"
-;in:  r2 -> block
-;out: r0 corrupted
-AMB_BlockFree ROUT
-        Push    "r1,lr"
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-        Pull    "r1,pc"
-;in:  r2 -> block, r3 = new size
-;out: r2 -> new block, r0 corrupted
-AMB_BlockResize ROUT
-        Push    "r1,r3,lr"
-        ADD     r3,r3,#AMBblockQ - 1
-        BIC     r3,r3,#AMBblockQ - 1
-        LDR     r1,[r2,#-4]                  ;pick up OS_Heap's size word (naughty!)
-        SUB     r1,r1,#8                     ;heap size will be 8 more than quantised size
-        SUBS    r3,r3,r1                     ;required size change
-        MOVNE   r0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-        BLNE    DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-        Pull    "r1,r3,pc"
-        END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/Options b/s/AMBControl/Options
deleted file mode 100644
index 107f97fb..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/Options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.Options
-AMBMagicNodeID     * &4E424D41        ;"AMBN"
-AMBInitialMaxNodes * 256
-AMBGrowMaxNodes    * 64               ;not used now AMBControl is in kernel
-;Bin pages by physical address, for quick mapping from page number to
-;physical address. Bin entry holds physical address of first page in bin.
-;Bin size must be no bigger than minimum physical RAM fragment to be found
-;in machine. eg. 512k size gives 128 pages in a bin, so shift of 7 and
-;mask of &7F. Max practical bin size is 1M (mask must be immediate constant).
-AMBPhysBinShift    * 7
-AMBPhysBinMask     * &7F
-ApplicationStart  * (32*1024)
-AbsMaxAppSize     * AplWorkMaxSize                   ;application space limit for RISC OS
-AbsMaxAppPages    * (AbsMaxAppSize:SHR:Log2PageSize) ;and same limit expressed in Pages
-  [ ChocolateAMB
-AMBMIRegWords      * (AbsMaxAppPages+31) :SHR: 5     ;no. of words for AMBMappedInRegister
-                                                     ;convenient to set this at fixed max size
-                                                     ;(only 896 bytes for 28Mb AppSpace)
-  ]
-;whether to check handles given to AMBControl - not very useful when in kernel
-                    GBLL    ValidateAMBHandles
-ValidateAMBHandles  SETL    {FALSE}
-;performance enhancements originally introduced for Ursula OS
-; ChocolateAMB       - if {FALSE}, disables all AMBControl crazy chocolate flavour enhancements
-; AMB_LazyMapIn      - if {TRUE}, individual pages of a swapped-in task are only mapped in when
-;                      necessary (happens via abort mechanism). This typically makes the swapping
-;                      cost much lower and much less sensitive to large slot size. The worst case
-;                      swapping cost is still good (abort mechanism cost is very small).
-;                      Probably only worth supporting this on ARMs with simple instruction restart
-;                      after abort (originally StrongARM revT or later for Ursula)
-; AMB_LimpidFreePool - if {TRUE}, the cache(s) can be assumed to be clear with respect to the FreePool
-;                      when AMBControl fetches pages from it. This allows AMBControl to avoid any
-;                      cache clean/flush for moving pages out of the FreePool. This assumption is
-;                      valid if either: FreePool pages are uncacheable; or FreePool pages are
-;                      never used in situ; or FreePool pages are flushed after use in situ.
-; AMB_ChocTrace      - if {TRUE}, keep trace info for some enhanced code calls and data (probably development only)
-                    GBLL    AMB_LazyMapIn
-                    GBLL    AMB_LimpidFreePool
-                    GBLL    AMB_ChocTrace
-AMB_LazyMapIn       SETL    {TRUE}  :LAND: ChocolateAMB
-AMB_LimpidFreePool  SETL    {TRUE}  :LAND: ChocolateAMB   ;allowed because FreePool is currently marked uncacheable
-                                                          ;current implementation assumes uncacheability as criterion
-AMB_ChocTrace       SETL    {FALSE} :LAND: ChocolateAMB   ;development only
-       END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/Workspace b/s/AMBControl/Workspace
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e2d3d6..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/Workspace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.Workspace
-;task node format
-                   ^  0
-AMBNode_HdrStart   #  0
-AMBNode_id         #  4               ;magic identifier
-AMBNode_handle     #  4               ;handle for external reference
-AMBNode_prev       #  4               ;ptr to previous node
-AMBNode_next       #  4               ;ptr to next node
-AMBNode_pagetable  #  0               ;data comprising page table from here on
-AMBNode_Npages     #  4               ;no. of pages in page list
-AMBNode_startaddr  #  4               ;logical address of first page (-1 means nowhere)
-AMBNode_PPL        #  4               ;PPL ('page protection level') for pages
-AMBNode_pages      #  0               ;list of page numbers from here on (1 word per page)
-AMBNode_HdrEnd     #  0
-AMBNode_HdrSize    *  AMBNode_HdrEnd - AMBNode_HdrStart
-;main workspace
-                    ^  0,R12
-AMBNhandles         #  4               ;total handles available
-AMBNtasks           #  4               ;no. of tasks currently allocated
-AMBMappedInNode     #  4               ;node ptr of mapped-in task, or 0 for none
-AMBNodeHandles      #  4               ;ptr to node handle array (1 word per entry)
-AMBPhysBin          #  4               ;ptr to physical page bin array
-AMBPhysBinEntries   #  4               ;no. of entries in physical page bin array
-AMBAnchorNode       #  AMBNode_HdrSize ;dummy node - see note (1) below
-  [ ChocolateAMB
-AMBFlags            #  4               ;bits defined as below
-AMBNContextSwitches #  4               ;monotonic count of total no. of task map-in's (eg. for performance tracing)
-    [ AMB_ChocTrace
-AMBNmakeunsparse    #  4               ;count of no. of calls to AMB_MakeUnsparse
-AMBNmemmoveshrink   #  4               ;count of no. of Service_MemoryMoved shrink fixups
-AMBNmemmovegrow     #  4               ;count of no. of Service_MemoryMoved grow fixups
-    ]
-AMBMappedInNpages   #  4               ;no. of pages of MappedInNode really mapped in
-AMBMappedInRegister #  AMBMIRegWords*4 ;1 bit per page - see note (2) below
-  ]
-AMBmaxwork          *  :INDEX:@        ;size of main workspace (assumed to be multiple of 4 bytes)
-  [ ChocolateAMB
-;definition of bits in AMBFlags
-AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable  * &80000000 ;bit  31    LazyMapIn permanent disable (eg. not running on StrongARM)
-AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend  * &40000000 ;bit  30    LazyMapIn suspend (controlled via AMB SWI)
-                                       ;bits 29..0 reserved (0)
-  ]
-; (1) AMBAnchorNode is a dummy node with 0 page entries that forms the anchor of a
-;     circular node list. This averts the need for any special case for adding or
-;     removing nodes.
-; (2) AMBMappedInRegister is a 'bitmap' of the current page mapping status of the
-;     MappedInNode. This supports AMB_LazyMapIn. Bit n corresponds to the n'th page
-;     of the MappedInNode; if it is set, then that page is currently mapped in. The
-;     bits are packed 'little endian', so bit 0 is the LSB of word 0, bit 31 is
-;     the MSB of word 0, bit 32 is the LSB of word 1 and so on.
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/allocate b/s/AMBControl/allocate
deleted file mode 100644
index 432bab77..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/allocate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.allocate
-; handle allocate reason code
-; entry:
-;     R0 = 0 (reason code 0)
-;     R1 = number of pages
-; exit:
-;     R1 = no. of pages actually allocated
-;     R2 = handle for allocation
-        Push    "R0,R3,R4,LR"
-;  Debug AMB,"allocate ",r0,r1
-        MOV     R3,#AbsMaxAppSize
-        SUB     R3,R3,#ApplicationStart
-        MOV     R3,R3,LSR #Log2PageSize   ;R3 = absolute max app pages
-        CMP     R1,R3
-        MOVGT   R1,R3
-;get handle for node
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles
-        LDR     R4,[R0]
-        CMP     R4,#0            ;any handles available?
-        BNE     %FT01
-  ; give up
-        Pull    "R0,R3,R4,LR"
-        ADR     R0,err_nomorehandles
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-;get memory for node - from RMA
-        MOV     R3,#(AMBNode_pages - AMBNode_id) ;size excluding page list
-        ADD     R3,R3,R1,LSL #2                  ;plus one word per page
-        BL      AMB_BlockClaim
-        BVS     alloc_done
-;remember handle in node
-        STR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
-;init fields of new node
-        LDR     R4,=AMBMagicNodeID
-        STR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_id]        ;magic id
-        MOV     R4,#0
-        STR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;number of pages = 0 (so far)
-        MOV     R4,#ApplicationStart
-        STR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_startaddr]
-        LDR     R4,=AppSpaceDANode
-        LDR     R4,[R4,#DANode_Flags]
-        AND     R4,R4,#&7F
-        STR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_PPL]       ;PPL from bottom 8 bits of DA flags
-;do the actual MMU page allocation (grow from 0), for R1 pages, using node R2
-        BL      growpages
-        BVS     alloc_done
-        CMP     R1,#0                    ;EQ status if we were asked for 0 pages
-        LDR     R1,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]  ;actual no. of pages we achieved
-        BEQ     alloc_ok                 ;if asked for 0, regard as ok
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        BEQ     alloc_zeropages          ;achieving 0 pages is not ok
-;ok, so remove handle from free list
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles
-        LDR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
-        LDR     R3,[R0,R4,LSL #2]  ;next free handle
-        STR     R3,[R0]            ;store as new first free handle
-        STR     R2,[R0,R4,LSL #2]  ;and remember node address in handle array
-;R2 -> new node - put it on front of list
-        ADR     R3,AMBAnchorNode        ; R3 -> ank_node
-        LDR     R4,[R3,#AMBNode_next]   ; R4 -> old_node (old front)
-        STR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_next]   ; new_next := old_node
-        STR     R2,[R3,#AMBNode_next]   ; ank_next := new_node
-        STR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_prev]   ; new_prev := ank_node
-        STR     R2,[R4,#AMBNode_prev]   ; old_prev := new_node
-        LDR     R4,AMBNtasks
-        ADD     R4,R4,#1
-        STR     R4,AMBNtasks
-        STR     R2,AMBMappedInNode       ;allocated node is also mapped in
-        LDR     R2,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]  ;change address to handle
-        CLRV
-;  Debug AMB,"<alloc ",r1,r2
-        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        Pull    "R0,R3,R4,LR"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-;free page table space and return 0 handle
-        BL      AMB_BlockFree
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        MOV     R2,#0
-        B       alloc_done
-        LTORG
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/deallocate b/s/AMBControl/deallocate
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e9b47c6..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/deallocate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.deallocate
-; handle deallocate reason code
-; entry:
-;     R0 = 1 (reason code 1)
-;     R2 = handle
-; exit -
-        Push    "R0-R3,LR"
-;  Debug AMB,"deallocate ",r0,r2
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;validate handle
-        LDR     R0,AMBNhandles
-        CMP     R2,R0
-        BGT     badhandle_dealloc
-        CMP     R2,#1
-        BLT     badhandle_dealloc
-      ]
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles   ; R0 -> handle array
-        LDR     R1,[R0,R2,LSL #2]   ; R1 -> node
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;check we have a proper id for node handle
-        LDR     R3,=AMBMagicNodeID
-        LDR     LR,[R1,#AMBNode_id]
-        CMP     LR,R3
-        BNE     badhandle_dealloc
-      ]
-        Push    "R1-R2"
-        MOV     R2,R1               ;node ptr
-        MOV     R1,#0               ;shrink to 0 pages
-        BL      shrinkpages         ;do actual MMU page deallocate
-        Pull    "R1-R2"
-        BVS     dealloc_done
-;put handle on free list
-        LDR     R3,[R0]            ;current first free handle
-        STR     R3,[R0,R2,LSL #2]  ;attach
-        STR     R2,[R0]            ;new first free handle
-;remove node from list
-        MOV     R2,R1                   ; R2 -> node
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#AMBNode_prev]   ; R0 -> prev_node
-        LDR     R1,[R2,#AMBNode_next]   ; R1 -> next_node
-        STR     R1,[R0,#AMBNode_next]   ; prev_next := next_node
-        STR     R0,[R1,#AMBNode_prev]   ; next_prev := prev_node
-        LDR     R0,AMBNtasks
-        SUB     R0,R0,#1
-        STR     R0,AMBNtasks
-;if this is the mapped-in node, then nothing is now mapped in
-        LDR     R0,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     R0,R2
-        MOVEQ   R0,#0
-        STREQ   R0,AMBMappedInNode
-;free node (at R2)
-        BL      AMB_BlockFree
-        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        Pull    "R0-R3,LR"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-        LTORG
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        Pull    "R0-R3,LR"
-        ADR     R0,err_badhandle
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "AMBControl bad handle",0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/growp b/s/AMBControl/growp
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d47757..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/growp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.growp
-;grow slot by taking pages from FreePool; add them to AppSpace
-; entry:
-;     R1 =  new number of pages for slot (more than current value)
-;     R2 -> AMB node (page table already allocated/grown to size)
-; exit: -
-growpages ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R7,LR"
-        MOV     R6,R1                      ;save entry R1
-        LDR     R5,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        CMP     R5,R6
-        Pull    "R0-R7,PC",EQ              ;done if no. of pages unchanged
-        MOV     R0,R2                      ;R0 -> AMB node
-        LDR     R1,=FreePoolDANode         ;R1 := source for pages
-        LDR     R2,=AppSpaceDANode         ;R2 := dest for pages
-        LDR     R7,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;R7 := current no. of pages
-        SUB     R3,R6,R7                   ;no. of pages required from FreePool
-        LDR     R4,[R1,#DANode_Size]
-        MOV     R4,R4,LSR #Log2PageSize    ;no. of pages in FreePool
-        CMP     R3,R4
-  [ ShrinkableDAs
-        BLGT    growp_TryToShrinkShrinkables
-  ]
-        MOVGT   R3,R4                      ;R3 := no. of pages we will move
-        CMP     R3,#0
-        BEQ     %FT02                      ;done if can't move any pages
-        ADD     R4,R3,R7
-        STR     R4,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;new no. of pages
-        ADD     R4,R0,#AMBNode_pages
-        ADD     R4,R4,R7,LSL #2            ;R4 -> 1st page table entry for grow
-        LDR     R5,[R1,#DANode_Base]
-        LDR     LR,[R1,#DANode_Size]
-        ADD     R5,R5,LR                   ;current end of FreePool
-        SUB     R5,R5,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize ;R5 := first required page address
-        ;entry: R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> buffer for page entries,
-        ;       R5 := start logical address
-        BL      AMB_FindMemMapEntries      ;find page nos.
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-        LDR     R5,AMBFlags
-        TST     R5,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-        ;
-        MOVEQ   R5,#-1                     ;map the pages to Nowhere initially
-        MOVEQ   R6,#AP_Duff
-        LDRNE   R5,[R0,#AMBNode_startaddr]
-        ADDNE   R5,R5,R7,LSL #Log2PageSize ;R5 := first new page new address
-        LDRNE   R6,[R0,#AMBNode_PPL]       ;R6 := dest PPL flags
-  |
-        LDR     R5,[R0,#AMBNode_startaddr]
-        ADD     R5,R5,R7,LSL #Log2PageSize ;R5 := first new page new address
-        LDR     R6,[R0,#AMBNode_PPL]       ;R6 := dest PPL flags
-  ]
-        ;
-        ;entry: R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> list of page entries,
-        ;       R5 = start logical address, R6 = PPL
-        BL      AMB_SetMemMapEntries       ;remap
-        LDR     R5,[R1,#DANode_Size]
-        SUB     R5,R5,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize
-        STR     R5,[R1,#DANode_Size]       ;new FreePool size
-        LDR     R5,[R2,#DANode_Size]
-        ADD     R5,R5,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize
-        STR     R5,[R2,#DANode_Size]       ;new AppSpace size
-        MOV     R6,#0
-        STR     R5,[R6,#MemLimit]          ;update MemLimit
-;;;        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "R0-R7,PC"
-  [ ShrinkableDAs
-; growp_TryToShrinkShrinkables - try to shrink shrinkable DAs, to grow free pool
-; entry:
-;   R1 -> FreePool DANode
-;   R3 = no. of pages required in FreePool
-;   R4 = no. of pages in FreePool (must be less than R3)
-; exit:
-;   R4 = new no. of pages in FreePool
-;   condition code GT is true if still less than required (ie. R3 > R4 on exit)
-growp_TryToShrinkShrinkables ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R2,R11,R12,LR"
-        MOV     R11,R1                          ; -> FreePool DANode
-        MOV     R1,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize         ;amount we need in FreePool
-        MOV     R2,R4,LSL #Log2PageSize         ;amount we have in FreePool
-        MOV     R10,#DAList
-        ASSERT  DANode_Link = 0                 ;because DAList has only link
-        LDR     R10,[R10,#DANode_Link]          ;and load next
-        CMP     R10,#1                          ;any more nodes?
-        BCC     %FT99
-        LDR     LR,[R10,#DANode_Flags]          ;check area is shrinkable
-        TST     LR,#DynAreaFlags_Shrinkable
-        BEQ     %BT10                           ;if not, try next area
-        SUBS    R1,R1,R2                        ;amount we still need
-        LDR     LR,[R10,#DANode_Size]           ;available size of this area
-        CMP     LR,R1
-        MOVCC   R1,LR                           ;min(amount we need, size of this area)
-        RSB     R1,R1,#0                        ;make negative - it's a shrink
-        LDR     R0,[R10,#DANode_Number]
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea           ;should not be currently threaded during AMBControl
-        MOV     R1,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize         ;original amount we need again
-        LDR     R2,[R11,#DANode_Size]           ;get new size of FreePool
-        CMP     R2,R1
-        BCC     %BT10                           ;if still too small, loop
-        MOV     R4,R2,LSR #Log2PageSize         ;no. of pages now in FreePool
-        CMP     R3,R4
-        Pull    "R0-R2,R11,R12,PC"
-  ] ;ShrinkableDAs
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/growshrink b/s/AMBControl/growshrink
deleted file mode 100644
index 29ea8634..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/growshrink
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; s.growshrink
-; heap block can move when resized, so make sure pointers fixed-up
-; change number of pages in slot (grow/shrink)
-; entry:
-;     R0 = 2 (reason code 2)
-;     R1 = new number of pages required
-;     R2 = handle
-; exit:
-;     R1 = new number of pages actually achieved
-;     R3 = old number of pages
-        Push    "R0,R2,R4,R5,LR"
-;  Debug AMB,"growshrink ",r0,r1,r2
-        MOV     R5,#AbsMaxAppSize
-        SUB     R5,R5,#ApplicationStart
-        MOV     R5,R5,LSR #Log2PageSize   ;R5 = absolute max app pages
-        CMP     R1,R5
-        MOVGT   R1,R5
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;validate handle
-        LDR     R0,AMBNhandles
-        CMP     R2,R0
-        BGT     badsghandle
-        CMP     R2,#1
-        BLT     badsghandle
-      ]
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles   ; R0 -> handles array
-        LDR     R2,[R0,R2,LSL #2]   ; R2 -> node
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;check we have a proper id for node
-        LDR     R3,=AMBMagicNodeID
-        LDR     LR,[R2,#AMBNode_id]
-        CMP     LR,R3
-        BNE     badsghandle
-      ]
-        LDR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        CMP     R1,R3
-        Pull    "R0,R2,R4,R5,LR",EQ    ; done if no change
-        BEQ     SLVK
-        MOV     R5,R3                  ; R5 := old no. pages
-        BLT     gs_shrink
-        BL      grwshr_node            ; grow node itself first
-        BVS     gs_done                ; failed node grow is not error - means grow by 0
-        BL      growpages              ; grow the slot (MMU mapping)
-        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        Pull    "R0,R2,R4,R5,LR",VS
-        BVS     SLVK_SetV
-        B       gs_done
-        BL      shrinkpages            ; shrink the slot (MMU mapping) first
-        BLVC    grwshr_node            ; shrink node itself
-        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        Pull    "R0,R2,R4,R5,LR",VS
-        BVS     SLVK_SetV
-        MOV     R3,R5                    ;old no. of pages
-        CMP     R2,#0                    ;also clears V
-        MOVEQ   R1,#0
-        LDRNE   R1,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        CMP     R2,#0                    ;0 for freed node
-        STREQ   R2,[SP,#4]               ;poke freed handle to saved R2
-        Pull    "R0,R2,R4,R5,LR"
-        B       SLVK
-;handle grow/shrink of node itself
-;   R1 = new no. of pages
-;   R2 -> node
-;   R5 = old no. of pages
-;   R2 -> node (may be moved)
-        Push    "R0,R3,R4,LR"
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        BEQ     grwshrn_free                     ;shrunk to nothing
-        MOV     R3,#(AMBNode_pages - AMBNode_id) ;new size excluding page list
-        ADD     R3,R3,R1,LSL #2                  ;new size
-        MOV     R4,R2                            ;so we can check for moved block
-        BL      AMB_BlockResize
-        MOVVS   R2,R4                            ;in case block ptr not preserved on error
-        BVS     grwshrn_done
-;fix-up links if block has moved
-        CMP     R4,R2
-        BEQ     grwshrn_done
-        LDR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_prev]
-        STR     R2,[R3,#AMBNode_next]   ;fix prev_next
-        LDR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_next]
-        STR     R2,[R3,#AMBNode_prev]   ;fix next_prev
-        LDR     R3,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     R3,R4
-        STREQ   R2,AMBMappedInNode      ;fix MappedInNode if it matches
-        LDR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
-        LDR     R4,AMBNodeHandles
-        STR     R2,[R4,R3,LSL #2]       ;fix node address in handle array
-        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        Pull    "R0,R3,R4,PC"
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles
-        LDR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
-;put handle on free list
-        LDR     R3,[R0]            ;current first free handle
-        STR     R3,[R0,R4,LSL #2]  ;attach
-        STR     R4,[R0]            ;new first free handle
-;remove node from list
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#AMBNode_prev]   ; R0 -> prev_node
-        LDR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_next]   ; R3 -> next_node
-        STR     R3,[R0,#AMBNode_next]   ; prev_next := next_node
-        STR     R0,[R3,#AMBNode_prev]   ; next_prev := prev_node
-        LDR     R0,AMBNtasks
-        SUB     R0,R0,#1
-        STR     R0,AMBNtasks
-;if this is the mapped-in node, then nothing is now mapped in
-        LDR     R0,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     R0,R2
-        MOVEQ   R0,#0
-        STREQ   R0,AMBMappedInNode
-        BL      AMB_BlockFree
-        MOVVC   R2,#0
-        B       grwshrn_done
-        LTORG
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        Pull    "R0,R2,R4,R5,LR"
-        B       badhandle
-      ]
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/main b/s/AMBControl/main
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a321db1..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/main
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.main
-;;; Initialisation
-        Push    "R0-R4,R12,LR"
-;claim main workspace
-        LDR     R3,=AMBmaxwork
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-;;;     BVS     err_cantclaim - this should not happen
-;don't store ws pointer till end of initialise - service routines must
-;know when initialise is not yet complete
-        MOV     R12,R2
-;zero-init workspace
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        LDR     R3,=AMBmaxwork
-        ADD     R3,R3,R2
-        STR     R1,[R2],#4
-        CMP     R2,R3
-        BLO     %BT00
-;claim block for handle array
-        MOV     R3,#(AMBInitialMaxNodes:SHL:2)
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-;;;     BVS     err_cantclaim
-        STR     R2,AMBNodeHandles
-;put all handles on free list (entry 0 is used as hdr of free list)
-        MOV     R0,#1
-        MOV     R1,#AMBInitialMaxNodes
-        STR     R1,AMBNhandles
-        STR     R0,[R2],#4
-        ADD     R0,R0,#1
-        CMP     R0,R1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MOV     R0,#0       ; = end of list
-        STR     R0,[R2]
-;claim block for PhysBin array
-        LDR     R3,=MaxCamEntry
-        LDR     R3,[R3]
-        ADD     R3,R3,#1                   ;no. of RAM pages extant
-        MOV     R3,R3,LSR #AMBPhysBinShift ;no. of bin entries reqd.
-        STR     R3,AMBPhysBinEntries
-        MOV     R3,R3,LSL #2               ;1 word per entry
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-;;;     BVS     err_cantclaim
-        STR     R2,AMBPhysBin
-;init PhysBin
-        MOV     R0,#PhysRamTable
-        LDR     R3,AMBPhysBin
-        LDR     R4,AMBPhysBinEntries
-        LDMIA   R0!,{R1,R2}             ;address,size of first physical fragment
-        MOV     R2,R2,LSR #Log2PageSize ;no. pages in fragment
-        B       %FT04
-        ADD     R1,R1,#(1:SHL:(Log2PageSize+AMBPhysBinShift)) ;next bin address
-        SUBS    R2,R2,#(1:SHL:AMBPhysBinShift)                ;no. pages binned
-        LDMLEIA R0!,{R1,R2}             ;address,size of next physical fragment
-        MOVLE   R2,R2,LSR #Log2PageSize ;no. pages in fragment
-        STR     R1,[R3],#4
-        SUBS    R4,R4,#1
-        BNE     %BT03
-;init any other workspace that shouldn't init as 0
-        ADR     R1,AMBAnchorNode
-        STR     R1,[R1,#AMBNode_prev]  ;anchor prev initially -> anchor (empty list)
-        STR     R1,[R1,#AMBNode_next]  ;anchor next initially -> anchor (empty list)
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        LDR     R0,[R0,#ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     R0,#CPUFlag_BaseRestored
-        MOVEQ   R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable  ;laziness not supported if we can't trivially restart after abort (because we're lazy!)
-        MOVNE   R1,#0                          ;yipee, laziness enabled (and not suspended)
-        TST     R0,#CPUFlag_AbortRestartBroken ;but wait! can't use for bugged chips (eg. pre rev T StrongARM)
-        MOVNE   R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable
-        STR     R1,AMBFlags
-  ]
-        MOV     R0,#AMBControl_ws
-        STR     R12,[R0]               ;now initialisation is complete
-        Pull    "R0-R4,R12,PC"
-; OS_AMBControl SWI handler
-; entry:
-;   R0 = reason code (bits 0..7) and flags (bits 8..31), flags depend on reason
-;   other regs. depend on reason code
-; exit:
-;   R0 preserved
-;   other regs. depend on reason code
-        MOV     R12,#AMBControl_ws
-        LDR     R12,[R12]
-        AND     R11,R0,#&FF
-        CMP     R11,#(reasons0-reasons1)/4
-        ADDCC   PC,PC,R11,LSL #2        ;Despatch if within a suitable range
-        B       reasons1
-        B       allocate     ;0
-        B       deallocate   ;1
-        B       growshrink   ;2
-        B       mapslot      ;3
-        B       readinfo     ;4
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-        B       laziness     ;5
-  |
-        B       reserved     ;5
-  ]
-        B       reserved     ;6
-        B       reserved     ;7
-        B       mjs_info     ;8 - system reason code, dumps info to buffer
-        ADR     R0,err_badreason
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-;entry: R0=5 (reason),R1=1 for lazy on, 0 for lazy off, -1 to read lazy only
-;exit: R1=new lazy value, after any restrictions of platform applied
-;action: if reading only, if lazy disabled, or if new state = current, do nothing
-;        if state is changing, map out any current node, change state, map in any current node
-laziness ROUT
-       Push    "R2-R3,LR"
-       CMP     R1,#-1
-       BEQ     %FT20
-       LDR     R2,AMBFlags                      ;R2 := current flags
-       TST     R2,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable    ;disable is permanent
-       BNE     %FT20
-       CMP     R1,#0
-       MOV     R1,R2
-       ORREQ   R1,R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-       BICNE   R1,R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend ;R1 := new flags
-       EOR     R3,R1,R2
-       TST     R3,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend    ;is suspend status changing?
-       BEQ     %FT20
-       LDR     R3,AMBMappedInNode
-       CMP     R3,#0
-       BEQ     %FT10
-       Push    "R0-R3"
-       MOV     R0,#3
-       MOV     R1,#-1
-       LDR     R2,[R3,#AMBNode_handle]
-       SWI     XOS_AMBControl                   ;map out current node
-       Pull    "R0-R3"
-       STR     R1,AMBFlags
-       CMP     R3,#0
-       BEQ     %FT20
-       Push    "R0-R3"
-       MOV     R0,#3
-       MOV     R1,#0
-       LDR     R2,[R3,#AMBNode_handle]
-       SWI     XOS_AMBControl                   ;map in current node
-       Pull    "R0-R3"
-       LDR     R1,AMBFlags
-       TST     R1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-       MOVEQ   R1,#1
-       MOVNE   R1,#0
-       Pull    "R2-R3,LR"
-       B       SLVK
-  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn
-;entry: R0=8 (reason),R1 -> buffer (say 4k for up to 255 tasks)
-;exit: buffer filled:
-;       0   Ntasks
-;       4   Handle of mapped in task (or 0)
-;       8   Handle 1
-;      12   Npages 1
-;      16   Logical address 1
-;      20   PPL 1
-;      24   Handle 2
-;      28   Npages 2
-;      32   Logical address 2
-;      36   PPL 2
-;      ...
-       Push    "R1-R7,LR"
-       LDR     R2,AMBNtasks
-       STR     R2,[R1],#4
-       LDR     R2,AMBMappedInNode
-       CMP     R2,#0
-       LDRNE   R2,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
-       STR     R2,[R1],#4
-       ADR     R2,AMBAnchorNode
-       MOV     R7,R2
-       LDR     R2,[R2,#AMBNode_next]
-       CMP     R2,R7
-       BEQ     %FT02
-       LDR     R3,[R2,#AMBNode_handle]
-       LDR     R4,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]
-       LDR     R5,[R2,#AMBNode_startaddr]
-       LDR     R6,[R2,#AMBNode_PPL]
-       STMIA   R1!,{R3-R6}
-       B       %BT01
-       Pull    "R1-R7,LR"
-       B       SLVK
-       ADR     R0,err_reserved
-       B       SLVK_SetV
-;;; errors (sod internationalisation)
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "bad AMBControl reason code",0
-        ALIGN
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "reserved AMBControl reason code",0
-        ALIGN
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "AMBControl handles exhausted",0
-        ALIGN
-   END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/mapslot b/s/AMBControl/mapslot
deleted file mode 100644
index 509b6743..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/mapslot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.mapslot
-; handle mapping of entire slot in or out (bit 8 of R0 clear)
-; or mapping of some of slot (bit 8 of R0 set)
-; entry:
-;     R0 = bits 0..7 = 3 (reason code 3); bit 8 set for mapsome
-;     R1 = start (logical) address; 0 means application start; -1 means map out
-;     R2 = handle
-;     R3,R4 used if bit 8 set - see mapsome
-; Note that if bit 8 is clear, the use is restricted to mapping in or out of
-; whole slots only. Hence if bit 8 is clear, behaviour is undefined unless
-; R1 is one of: 0, &8000 or -1.
-;  Debug AMB,"mapslot",r0,r1,r2,r3,r4
-        TST     R0,#&100   ;if bit 8 set, then mapsome
-        BNE     mapsome
-        Push    "R0-R6,LR"
-        MOVS    R5,R1                    ;save entry R1
-        MOVEQ   R5,#ApplicationStart     ;0 means application start
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;validate handle
-        LDR     R0,AMBNhandles
-        CMP     R2,R0
-        BGT     badmapslot
-        CMP     R2,#1
-        BLT     badmapslot
-      ]
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles   ; R0 -> handle array
-        LDR     R1,[R0,R2,LSL #2]   ; R1 -> node
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;check we have a proper id for node handle
-        LDR     R3,=AMBMagicNodeID
-        LDR     LR,[R1,#AMBNode_id]
-        CMP     LR,R3
-        BNE     badmapslot
-      ]
-        LDR     R3,[R1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        ADD     R4,R1,#AMBNode_pages
-;;;actually, we can have 0 page slots (eg. sometimes from pinboard)
-;;;        CMP     R3,#0
-;;;        BEQ     ms_done                   ;should not happen
-        LDR   R2,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP   R1,R2
-        CMPEQ R5,#-1
-        BEQ   ms_domap     ;do map if already mapped in, and asked to map out
-        CMP   R1,R2
-        CMPNE R5,#-1
-        BEQ   ms_done      ;else do map only if not already mapped in, and asked to map in
-        CMP     R5,#-1                      ;EQ if it is a map out
-        LDREQ   R6,=DuffEntry
-        MOVNE   R6,#ApplicationStart
-        STR     R6,[R1,#AMBNode_startaddr]
-        MOVEQ   R6,#AP_Duff
-        MOVNE   R6,#0
-        STR     R6,[R1,#AMBNode_PPL]
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-        LDRNE   R2,AMBNContextSwitches
-        ADDNE   R2,R2,#1
-        STRNE   R2,AMBNContextSwitches
-        LDR     R2,AMBFlags
-        TST     R2,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-        BNE     ms_cantbelazy
-        ;
-        ; - if map out, do sparse map out of whole page list then zero AMBMappedInNpages
-        ; - if map in, just zero AMBMappedInNpages (last map out will have cleared AMBMappedInRegister)
-        ;
-        MOV     R2,R5
-        CMP     R2,#-1
-        LDREQ   R3,AMBMappedInNpages
-        ADREQ   R5,AMBMappedInRegister
-        LDREQ   R6,[R1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        ;entry: R3 = no. pages mapped in, R4 -> list of page entries,
-        ;       R5 -> bitmap of pages mapped in, R6=total no. of pages in page list
-        BLEQ    AMB_SetMemMapEntries_SparseMapOut
-        MOV     R3,#0
-        STR     R3,AMBMappedInNpages
-        MOV     R5,R2
-        B       ms_mapdone
-        ;entry: R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> list of page entries,
-        ;       R5 := start logical address, R6 = PPL
-        BL      AMB_SetMemMapEntries
-  |
-        ;entry: R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> list of page entries,
-        ;       R5 := start logical address, R6 = PPL
-        BL      AMB_SetMemMapEntries
-  ]
-;update AppSpace kernel stuff
-        LDR     R2,[R1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        LDR     R3,=AppSpaceDANode
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationStart
-        CMP     R5,#-1
-        ADDNE   R0,R0,R2,LSL #Log2PageSize
-        STR     R0,[R3,#DANode_Size]
-        MOV     R3,#0
-        STR     R0,[R3,#MemLimit]
-        CMP     R5,#-1
-        MOVEQ   R3,#0
-        MOVNE   R3,R1
-        STR     R3,AMBMappedInNode
-;;;        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "R0-R6,LR"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-        LTORG
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        Pull    "R0-R6,LR"
-        B       badhandle
-      ]
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/mapsome b/s/AMBControl/mapsome
deleted file mode 100644
index f5444d6e..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/mapsome
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.mapsome
-; handle mapping in of some of slot
-; (used to implement 'mapenoughslot' for Wimp_TransferBlock)
-; entry:
-;     R0 = &103 (reason code 3, bit 8 set for mapsome)
-;     R1 = start (logical address)
-;     R2 = handle
-;     R3 = offset to start of mapping (pages into slot)
-;     R4 = no. of pages to map
-        Push    "R0-R7,LR"
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        MOVEQ   R1,#ApplicationStart
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;validate handle
-        LDR     R0,AMBNhandles
-        CMP     R2,R0
-        BGT     badmapsome
-        CMP     R2,#1
-        BLT     badmapsome
-      ]
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles   ; R0 -> handle array
-        LDR     R0,[R0,R2,LSL #2]   ; R0 -> node
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;check we have a proper id for node handle
-        LDR     R6,=AMBMagicNodeID
-        LDR     LR,[R0,#AMBNode_id]
-        CMP     LR,R6
-        BNE     badmapsome
-      ]
-        LDR     R6,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        ADD     LR,R3,R4
-        CMP     LR,R6
-        BGT     badmssize
-        MOV     R7,R3
-        MOV     R3,R4
-        ADD     R4,R0,#AMBNode_pages
-        ADD     R4,R4,R7,LSL #2
-        MOV     R5,R1
-        CMP     R5,#-1
-        MOVEQ   R6,#AP_Duff
-        MOVNE   R6,#0
-        ;entry: R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> list of page entries,
-        ;       R5 := start logical address, R6 = PPL
-        BL      AMB_SetMemMapEntries
-        Pull    "R0-R7,LR"
-        B       SLVK
-    LTORG
-;return with V set but no error block (Wimp handles that)
-        Pull    "R0-R7,LR"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        Pull    "R0-R7,LR"
-        B       badhandle
-      ]
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/memmap b/s/AMBControl/memmap
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b609ae..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/memmap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,768 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.memmap
-; low level memory mapping
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;convert page number in $pnum to L2PT entry (physical address+protection bits),
-;using PhysBin table for speed
-;entry: $ptable -> PhysBin table, $pbits = protection bits
-;exit:  $temp corrupted
-        MACRO
-        PageNumToL2PT $pnum,$ptable,$pbits,$temp
-        BIC     $temp,$pnum,#(3:SHL:(AMBPhysBinShift-2))       ;word alignment for PhysBin lookup
-        LDR     $temp,[$ptable,$temp,LSR #(AMBPhysBinShift-2)] ;start physical address of bin
-        AND     $pnum,$pnum,#AMBPhysBinMask                    ;no. pages into bin
-        ADD     $pnum,$temp,$pnum,LSL #Log2PageSize            ;physical address of page
-        ORR     $pnum,$pnum,$pbits                             ;munge in protection bits
-        MEND
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; *Only* for ARMs where the abort handler can restart instructions
-; Routine to be used in abort handlers (in abort32 mode), that checks to see if abort
-; is expected, and fixes things up if so, ready to restart instruction.
-; Fix up consists of mapping in affected page, and updating AMBMappedInRegister. This
-; may seem like a lot of work, but remember that the L2PT and CAM updates for each page are
-; needed anyway in non-lazy scheme, so there is really only a housekeeping overhead.
-; There is no cache clean/flush consideration here, since the map is a map in from Nowhere.
-; TLB flush consideration is left to main abort handler code - in fact there may not
-; be a TLB flush consideration at all, if ARM TLB can be assumed not to cache an
-; entry which is a translation fault, as seems rational.
-; entry: r0 = aborting address (data address for data abort, instruction address
-;        for prefetch abort), r1-r7 trashable, no stack
-;        r2 = 1 for prefetch abort, 0 for data abort
-;        FSR valid for data aborts, unpredictable for prefetch aborts
-; exit:  r0 = non-zero (NE status) if abort was expected and fixed up, zero (EQ status) if not
-;        FAR,FSR,SPSR_abt,lr_abt preserved
-        MOV     r7,r12
-        MOV     r12,#AMBControl_ws
-        LDR     r12,[r12]
-        CMP     r12,#0
-        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;not initialised!
-        LDR     r1,AMBFlags
-        TST     r1,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-        BNE     %FT90                                    ;not active
-        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     r1,#0
-        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;no current node
-        ARM_read_FSR r6                                  ;hang onto FSR in case we have to preserve it
-        TEQ     r2,#1                                    ;if data abort
-        ANDNE   r3,r6,#&F
-        TEQNE   r3,#7                                    ; and not a page translation fault
-        BNE     %FT20                                    ; then not a lazy abort (and FAR may be invalid anyway)
-        LDR     r2,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        SUBS    r0,r0,#ApplicationStart
-        BLO     %FT20                                    ;abort not in current app space
-        MOV     r0,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize                  ;address now in terms of pages from ApplicationStart
-        CMP     r0,r2
-        BHS     %FT20                                    ;abort not in current app space
-; check/update the MappedIn bitmap
-        ADR     r2,AMBMappedInRegister
-        MOV     r5,#1
-        ADD     r2,r2,r0,LSR #5-2
-        BIC     r2,r2,#3                                 ;r2 -> bitmap word affected
-        AND     r3,r0,#31
-        MOV     r5,r5,LSL r3                             ;mask for bit affected in bitmap word
-        LDR     r3,[r2]
-        LDR     r4,AMBMappedInNpages                     ;count it
-        TST     r3,r5                                    ;if page already mapped in, not a lazy abort
-        BNE     %FT20
-        ORR     r3,r3,r5                                 ;ok, mark that we are going to map this page in
-        STR     r3,[r2]
-        ADD     r4,r4,#1
-        STR     r4,AMBMappedInNpages
-; now map in the the page that went pop
-        ADD     r1,r1,#AMBNode_pages
-        ADD     r1,r1,r0,LSL #2                          ;r1 -> page involved, in node page list
-        LDR     r2,AMBPhysBin
-        MOV     r3,#&FF0
-        ORR     r3,r3,#&E                                ;&FFE = L2PT protection bits for ordinary page
-        LDR     r4,[r1]
-        MOV     r6,r4
-        PageNumToL2PT r4,r2,r3,r5
-;here, r6 = page number of page involved, r4 = new L2PT entry value to map in page
-        ADD     r0,r0,#ApplicationStart:SHR:Log2PageSize ;address now in terms of pages from 0
-        MOV     r5,#L2PT
-        STR     r4,[r5,r0,LSL #2]                        ;update L2PT
-        MOV     r5,#0
-        LDR     r5,[r5,#CamEntriesPointer]
-        ADD     r5,r5,r6,LSL #3                          ;r5 -> CAM entry affected
-        MOVS    r0,r0,LSL #Log2PageSize                  ;address is now ordinary again, and must be non-zero
-        MOV     r1,#0                                    ;0 = AP for ordinary page
-        STMIA   r5,{r0,r1}                               ;update CAM entry
-        MOV     r12,r7
-        MOV     pc,lr                                    ;r0 is non-zero, NE status
-; not our abort, but is possible that client abort handler is in app space, so force all
-; app space pages in now (so that client abort handler does not cause lazy abort, scribbling over original abort details)
-        ASSERT  No26bitCode                              ;assumes we have an abort stack! (recursive lazy fixup aborts may occur)
-        MOV     r1,#ApplicationStart                     ;good old page walk to provoke lazy fixups
-        LDR     r2,AMBMappedInNode
-        LDR     r2,[r2,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        CMP     r2,#0
-        BEQ     %FT90
-        MRS     r0,SPSR                                  ;preserve SPSR_abort for original abort details
-        MOV     r4,lr                                    ;preserve lr_abort so we can return properly (!)
-        ARM_read_FAR r5                                  ;preserve FAR in case client abort handler wants to read it
-                                                         ;preserve FSR (already in r6) similarly
-        LDR     r3,[r1]                                  ;bring that page in by the magic of aborts
-        SUBS    r2,r2,#1
-        ADD     r1,r1,#PageSize
-        BNE     %BT30
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf,r0                             ;SPSR for original abort
-        MOV     lr,r4                                    ;restore return address
-        ARM_write_FAR r5                                 ;restore FAR
-        ARM_write_FSR r6                                 ;restore FSR
-        MOVS    r0,#0
-        MOV     r12,r7
-        MOV     pc,lr                                    ;r0 is zero, EQ status
-  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-; If page of given logical address (r0) is in current app space, make sure page is
-; 'honest' ie. properly mapped in. This is for things like FindMemMapEntries
-; that must return sensible info (and presumably their client needs a consistent
-; view of app space mapping, so that laziness is transparent)
-AMB_MakeHonestLA  ROUT
-        CMP     r0,#AbsMaxAppSize                        ;quick dismiss if definitely not app address
-        MOVHS   pc,lr
-        Push    "r1,r12,lr"
-        MOV     r12,#AMBControl_ws
-        LDR     r12,[r12]
-        CMP     r12,#0
-        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;we're dormant!
-        SUBS    r14,r0,#ApplicationStart
-        BMI     %FT90                                    ;below app space
-        MOV     r14,r14,LSR #Log2PageSize                ;pages from ApplicationStart
-        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     r1,#0
-        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;no node mapped in
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        CMP     r1,r14                                   ;HI if log addr is in current app space
-        LDRHI   r1, [r0,#0]                              ;make honest if necessary (magic of abort fixups!)
-        Pull    "r1,r12,pc"
-; similar to AMB_MakeHonestLA, but for page of given page number (r0)
-AMB_MakeHonestPN  ROUT
-        Push    "r1-r3,r12,lr"
-        MOV     r12,#AMBControl_ws
-        LDR     r12,[r12]
-        CMP     r12,#0
-        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;we're dormant!
-        MOV     r14,#0
-        LDR     r1,[r14,#MaxCamEntry]
-        CMP     r0,r1
-        BHI     %FT90                                    ;invalid page number
-        LDR     r1,[r14,#CamEntriesPointer]
-        LDR     r1,[r1,r0,LSL #3]                        ;logical address from CAM
-        LDR     r14,=Nowhere
-        TEQ     r1,r14
-        BNE     %FT90                                    ;only a page at Nowhere might be dishonest
-        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode                       ;let's check the current node
-        CMP     r1,#0
-        BEQ     %FT90                                    ;no node mapped in
-        LDR     r14,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        MOV     r14,r14,LSL #Log2PageSize
-        ADD     r14,r14,#ApplicationStart                ;top of current app space
-        ADD     r1,r1,#AMBNode_pages                     ;[r1] is page number
-        MOV     r2,#ApplicationStart                     ;r2 is logical address for page
-        CMP     r2,r14
-        BHS     %FT90
-        LDR     r3,[r1],#4                               ;next page number in node
-        TEQ     r3,r0                                    ;see if its the one that wants to be honest
-        ADDNE   r2,r2,#PageSize                          ;next logical address
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDR     r1,[r2,#0]                               ;make honest if necessary (magic of abort fixups!)
-        Pull    "r1-r3,r12,pc"
-  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;updates L2PT for new logical page positions, does not update CAM
-; entry:
-;       r3  =  new logical address of 1st page
-;       r8  =  number of pages
-;       r10 -> page list
-;       r11 =  protection/control bits for L2PT
-AMB_movepagesin_L2PT ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r10,r12,lr"
-        LDR     lr,AMBPhysBin                  ;lr -> PhysBin
-        LDR     r9,=L2PT
-        ADD     r9,r9,r3,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;r9 -> L2PT for 1st new logical page
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BLT     %FT20
-        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}         ;next 8 page numbers
-        PageNumToL2PT r0,lr,r11,r12
-        PageNumToL2PT r1,lr,r11,r12
-        PageNumToL2PT r2,lr,r11,r12
-        PageNumToL2PT r3,lr,r11,r12
-        PageNumToL2PT r4,lr,r11,r12
-        PageNumToL2PT r5,lr,r11,r12
-        PageNumToL2PT r6,lr,r11,r12
-        PageNumToL2PT r7,lr,r11,r12
-        STMIA   r9!,{r0-r7}          ;write 8 L2PT entries
-        SUB     r8,r8,#8
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BGE     %BT10
-        CMP     r8,#0
-        BEQ     %FT35
-        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
-        PageNumToL2PT r0,lr,r11,r12
-        STR     r0,[r9],#4
-        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        Pull    "r0-r10,r12,pc"
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;update CAM entry for page number in $reg
-;entry: r11 -> CAM, r9 = logical addr of page, lr = PPL of page
-;exit: $reg = addr of CAM entry
-        MACRO
-        UpdateCAM $reg
-        ADD     $reg,r11,$reg,LSL #3    ;r0 -> CAM entry for 1st page
-        STMIA   $reg,{r9,lr}            ;store logical addr,PPL
-        MEND
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;updates CAM, does not update L2PT
-; entry:
-;       r3  =  new logical address of 1st page
-;       r8  =  number of pages
-;       r9  =  PPL for CAM
-;       r10 -> page list
-AMB_movepagesin_CAM ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r11,lr"
-        MOV     lr,r9
-        MOV     r9,r3
-        MOV     r11,#0
-        LDR     r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer]   ;r11 -> CAM
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BLT     %FT20
-        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}                   ;next 8 page numbers
-        UpdateCAM r0
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize                ;next logical addr
-        UpdateCAM r1
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        UpdateCAM r2
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        UpdateCAM r3
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        UpdateCAM r4
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        UpdateCAM r5
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        UpdateCAM r6
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        UpdateCAM r7
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        SUB     r8,r8,#8
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BGE     %BT10
-        CMP     r8,#0
-        Pull    "r0-r11,pc",EQ
-        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
-        UpdateCAM r0
-        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
-        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        Pull    "r0-r11,pc"
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;updates CAM, does not update L2PT
-; entry:
-;       r8  =  number of pages
-;       r9  =  PPL for CAM
-;       r10 -> page list
-AMB_movepagesout_CAM ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r11,lr"
-        MOV     lr,r9
-        LDR     r9,=DuffEntry
-        MOV     r11,#0
-        LDR     r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer]   ;r11 -> CAM
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BLT     %FT20
-        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}                   ;next 8 page numbers
-        UpdateCAM r0
-        UpdateCAM r1
-        UpdateCAM r2
-        UpdateCAM r3
-        UpdateCAM r4
-        UpdateCAM r5
-        UpdateCAM r6
-        UpdateCAM r7
-        SUB     r8,r8,#8
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BGE     %BT10
-        CMP     r8,#0
-        Pull    "r0-r11,pc",EQ
-        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
-        UpdateCAM r0
-        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        Pull    "r0-r11,pc"
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;updates L2PT for old logical page positions, does not update CAM
-; entry:
-;       r4  =  old logical address of 1st page
-;       r8  =  number of pages
-AMB_movepagesout_L2PT ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r8,lr"
-        LDR     lr,=L2PT
-        ADD     lr,lr,r4,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2)    ;lr -> L2PT 1st entry
-        MOV     r0,#0                             ;0 means translation fault
-        MOV     r1,#0
-        MOV     r2,#0
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        MOV     r4,#0
-        MOV     r5,#0
-        MOV     r6,#0
-        MOV     r7,#0
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BLT     %FT20
-        STMIA   lr!,{r0-r7}                       ;blam! (8 entries)
-        SUB     r8,r8,#8
-        CMP     r8,#8
-        BGE     %BT10
-        CMP     r8,#0
-        BEQ     %FT35
-        STR     r0,[lr],#4
-        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        Pull    "r0-r8,pc"
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; AMB_SetMemMapEntries:
-; entry:
-;   R3 =  no. of pages
-;   R4 -> list of page entries (1 word per entry, giving page no.)
-;   R5 =  start logical address of mapping (-1 means 'out of the way')
-;   R6 =  PPL ('page protection level') for mapping
-AMB_SetMemMapEntries ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r4,r7-r11,lr"
-        MOVS    r8,r3
-        BEQ     AMB_smme_exit
-        CMP     r5,#-1
-        MOVEQ   r9,#AP_Duff  ;PPL for mapped out pages
-        MOVNE   r9,r6        ;PPL for mapped in pages
-;get L2PT protection etc. bits, appropriate to PPL in R9, into R11
-        ADRL    r1,PPLTrans
-        AND     lr,r9,#3
-        LDR     r11,[r1,lr,LSL #2]
-        TST     r9,#DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable
-        TSTEQ   r9,#PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits
-        ORREQ   r11,r11,#L2_C         ;if cacheable (area bit CLEAR + temp count zero), then OR in C bit
-        TST     r9,#DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable
-        ORREQ   r11,r11,#L2_B         ;if bufferable (area bit CLEAR), then OR in B bit
-        MOV     r10,r4                      ;ptr to next page number
-        LDR     r2,[r10]                    ;page number of 1st page
-        MOV     r7,#0
-        LDR     r7,[r7,#CamEntriesPointer]  ;r7 -> CAM
-        ADD     r1,r7,r2,LSL #3             ;r1 -> CAM entry for 1st page
-  [ AMB_LimpidFreePool
-        LDR     r4,[r1]                     ;fetch old logical addr. of 1st page from CAM
-        LDR     r3,[r1,#4]                  ;fetch old PPL of 1st page from CAM
-  |
-        LDR     r4,[r1]                     ;fetch old logical addr. of 1st page from CAM
-  ]
-        CMP     r5,#-1
-        BEQ     AMB_smme_mapout
-;map or mapin
-        LDR     r1,=DuffEntry
-        CMP     r4,r1
-        BEQ     AMB_smme_mapin
-;map from somewhere to somewhere (should be App Space <-> Free Pool)
-  [ AMB_LimpidFreePool
-    ;can avoid cache clean/flush for moving pages out from FreePool, since FreePool pages are uncacheable
-    ;
-        TST     r3, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable  ;test PPL of 1st page for not cacheable bit set
-        BEQ     AMB_smme_mapnotlimpid           ;if clear, must do full map somewhere with cache clean/flush
-    ;
-    ;this should be map FreePool -> App Space then
-    ;
-        MOV     r0,r4                            ;address of 1st page
-        MOV     r1,r8                            ;number of pages
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries,,,r3 ;no cache worries, hoorah
-        MOV     r3,r5
-        BL      AMB_movepagesout_L2PT            ;unmap 'em from where they are
-        BL      AMB_movepagesin_L2PT             ;map 'em to where they now be
-        BL      AMB_movepagesin_CAM              ;keep the bloomin' soft CAM up to date
-        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"
-  ]
-        MOV     r0,r4                            ;address of 1st page
-        MOV     r1,r8                            ;number of pages
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntries,,,r3         ;
-        MOV     r3,r5
-        BL      AMB_movepagesout_L2PT
-        BL      AMB_movepagesin_L2PT
-        BL      AMB_movepagesin_CAM
-        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"
-;all pages sourced from same old logical page Nowhere, ie. pages currently mapped out, no cache worries
-        MOV     r0,r4                            ;address of 1st page
-        MOV     r1,r8                            ;number of pages
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries,,,r3 ;TLB coherency, possibly not needed (TLBs shouldn't cache 0 entries)
-        MOV     r3,r5
-        BL      AMB_movepagesin_L2PT
-        BL      AMB_movepagesin_CAM
-        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"
-;all pages destined for same new logical page Nowhere, ie. mapping them out
-        MOV     r0,r4                            ;address of 1st page
-        MOV     r1,r8                            ;number of pages
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntries,,,r3         ;
-        LDR     r3,=DuffEntry
-        BL      AMB_movepagesout_L2PT
-        BL      AMB_movepagesout_CAM
-        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; AMB_SetMemMapEntries_SparseMapOut:
-; entry:
-;   R3  =  no. of pages currently mapped in (0=none)
-;   R4  -> list of page entries (1 word per entry, giving page no.)
-;   R5  -> bitmap of pages mapped in (1 bit per page in whole page list)
-;   R6  =  total no. of pages in slot
-AMB_SetMemMapEntries_SparseMapOut ROUT
-        CMP     r3,#0
-        MOVEQ   pc,lr
-        Push    "r0-r11,lr"
-        MOV     r10,r4                            ;ptr to page list
-        MOV     r7,#0
-        LDR     r7,[r7,#CamEntriesPointer]        ;r7 -> CAM
-        MOV     r9,#AP_Duff                       ;permissions for DuffEntry
-        LDR     r1,=DuffEntry                     ;means Nowhere, in CAM
-        MOV     r4,#ApplicationStart              ;log. address of first page
-        MOV     r2,#0                             ;r2 is zero during sparse map out
-        ;if the number of pages mapped in is small enough, we'll do cache/TLB coherency on
-        ;just those pages, else global (performance decision, threshold probably not critical)
-        ARMop   Cache_RangeThreshold,,,r2         ;returns threshold (bytes) in r0
-        CMP     r3,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        MOVLO   r6,#0                             ;r6 := 0 if we are to do coherency as we go
-        BLO     %FT10                             ;let's do it
-        ARMop   MMU_Changing,,,r2                 ;global coherency
-        B       %FT10
-;skip next 32 pages then continue
-        ADD     r10,r10,#32*4
-        ADD     r4,r4,#32*PageSize
-;find the sparsely mapped pages, map them out, doing coherency as we go if enabled
-        MOV     r8,#1                             ;initial bitmap mask for new bitmap word
-        LDR     r11,[r5],#4                       ;next word of bitmap
-        CMP     r11,#0                            ;if next 32 bits of bitmap clear, skip
-        BEQ     %BT06                             ;skip loop must terminate if r3 > 0
-        TST     r11,r8                            ;page is currently mapped in if bit set
-        BEQ     %FT16
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        BNE     %FT14                             ;check for coherency as we go
-        MOV     r0,r4                             ;address of page
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntry,,,r2
-        LDR     r0,[r10]                          ;page no.
-        ADD     r0,r7,r0,LSL #3                   ;r0 -> CAM entry for page
-        STMIA   r0,{r1,r9}                        ;CAM entry for page set to DuffEntry,AP_Duff
-        LDR     lr,=L2PT                          ;lr -> L2PT
-        STR     r2,[lr,r4,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2)]  ;L2PT entry for page set to 0 (means translation fault)
-        SUBS    r3,r3,#1
-        STREQ   r2,[r5,#-4]                       ;make sure we clear last word of bitmap, and...
-        BEQ     %FT20                             ;done
-        ADD     r10,r10,#4                        ;next page no.
-        ADD     r4,r4,#PageSize                   ;next logical address
-        MOVS    r8,r8,LSL #1                      ;if 32 bits processed...
-        BNE     %BT12
-        STR     r2,[r5,#-4]                       ;zero word of bitmap we've just traversed (r2 is 0)
-        B       %BT10
-        Pull    "r0-r11,pc"
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; AMB_MakeUnsparse
-; entry: r0 = size of area (at top of current slot) to ensure is not sparsely mapped
-; action: walk over space involved, to force abort handler fix up to map in any
-;         pages not already there
-AMB_MakeUnsparse ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r2,r12,lr"
-;  Debug AMB,"AMB_MakeUnsparse r0",r0
-        ADD     r0,r0,#PageSize
-        SUB     r0,r0,#1
-        MOVS    r0,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        MOV     r12,#AMBControl_ws
-        LDR     r12,[r12]
-        CMP     r12,#0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDR     r1,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     r1,#0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDR     r2,AMBFlags
-        TST     r2,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-        BNE     %FT20
-  [ AMB_ChocTrace
-        LDR     r2,AMBNmakeunsparse
-        ADD     r2,r2,#1
-        STR     r2,AMBNmakeunsparse
-  ]
-        LDR     r2,[r1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-; Debug AMB,"AMB_MakeUnsparse pages Npages ",r0,r2
-        CMP     r0,r2
-        MOVHI   r0,r2
-        SUB     lr,r2,r0
-        MOV     lr,lr,LSL #Log2PageSize
-        ADD     lr,lr,#ApplicationStart
-;  Debug AMB,"AMB_MakeUnsparse MappedInNode addr pages ",r1,lr,r0
-        LDR     r2,[lr]                ;tends to wash data cache a bit, but this should be called rarely
-        ADD     lr,lr,#PageSize
-        SUBS    r0,r0,#1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r12,pc"
-  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; AMB_FindMemMapEntries
-; finds page numbers for pages currently at given logical start address,
-; and fills in buffer; pages must exist
-; (does not have any page number guesses)
-; entry:
-;   R3 =  no. of pages
-;   R4 -> buffer for page entries
-;   R5 =  logical address of 1st page
-; exit:
-;   buffer at R4 filled in with page numbers
-AMB_FindMemMapEntries ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r11,lr"
-;initialise r0,r1,r2 as physical RAM chunk cache for AMB_r11topagenum routine
-        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
-        LDMIA   r9,{r0,r1}        ;r0,r1 := phys addr,size of chunk
-        ADD     r1,r1,r0          ;r0,r1 := lowest addr,highest addr + 1 of chunk
-        MOV     r2,#0             ;r2    := first page number of chunk
-        LDR     r10,=L2PT
-        ADD     r10,r10,r5,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;r10 -> L2 entry for 1st page
-        CMP     r3,#4                            ;handle pages in chunks of 4
-        BLT     %FT20
-        LDMIA   r10!,{r5-r8}                     ;next 4 L2PT entries
-        MOV     r11,r5,LSR #Log2PageSize         ;r11 := phys_addr/page_size
-        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
-        MOV     r5,r11
-        MOV     r11,r6,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
-        MOV     r6,r11
-        MOV     r11,r7,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
-        MOV     r7,r11
-        MOV     r11,r8,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
-        STMIA   r4!,{r5-r7,r11}                  ;fill in next 4 page numbers
-        SUB     r3,r3,#4
-        CMP     r3,#4
-        BGE     %BT10
-        CMP     r3,#0
-        Pull    "r0-r11,pc",EQ
-        LDR     r11,[r10],#4
-        MOV     r11,r11,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
-        STR     r11,[r4],#4
-        SUBS    r3,r3,#1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        Pull    "r0-r11,pc"
-; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;     r0,r1,r2 = lowest addr,highest addr +1,first page no.
-;                (cached physical RAM chunk)
-;     r11      = physical_addr/page_size for page
-;     r11      = page number of page
-;     r0,r1,r2 cache updated if necessary
-;     r9       corrupted
-AMB_r11topagenum ROUT
-        CMP     r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     r11,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BHS     %FT10
-;cache hit (phys address in range of cached chunk)
-        SUB     r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize    ;pages into chunk
-        ADD     r11,r11,r2                      ;page number
-        MOV     pc,lr
-        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
-        MOV     r2,#0                        ;start at page number 0
-        LDMIA   r9!,{r0,r1}                  ;r0,r1 := phys addr,size of chunk
-        SUB     r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        CMP     r11,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        ADDHS   r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        ADDHS   r2,r2,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        BHS     %BT20
-        ADD     r1,r1,r0
-        ADD     r11,r11,r2
-        MOV     pc,lr
-        LTORG
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/readinfo b/s/AMBControl/readinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 977297da..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/readinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.readinfo
-; handle read info. reason code
-;     R0 = reason code and flags
-;          bits 0-7   4 (reason code)
-;          bits 8-31  reserved (must be 0)
-;     R2 = handle
-;     R1 = current mapping start address; -1 means mapped out
-;     R3 = currently allocated number of pages
-        Push    "R0,LR"
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;validate handle
-        LDR     R0,AMBNhandles
-        CMP     R2,R0
-        BGT     badhandle_rinfo
-        CMP     R2,#1
-        BLT     badhandle_rinfo
-      ]
-        LDR     R0,AMBNodeHandles   ; R0 -> handle array
-        LDR     R1,[R0,R2,LSL #2]   ; R1 -> node
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        ;check we have a proper id for node handle
-        LDR     R3,=AMBMagicNodeID
-        LDR     LR,[R1,#AMBNode_id]
-        CMP     LR,R3
-        BNE     badhandle_rinfo
-      ]
-        LDR     R3,[R1,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        LDR     R1,[R1,#AMBNode_startaddr]
-        LDR     LR,=DuffEntry
-        CMP     R1,LR
-        MOVEQ   R1,#-1
-        Pull    "R0,LR"
-        B       SLVK
-        LTORG
-      [ ValidateAMBHandles
-        Pull    "R0,LR"
-        B       badhandle
-      ]
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/service b/s/AMBControl/service
deleted file mode 100644
index a6328647..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.service
-; routines hanging on (kernel direct equiv. of) memory service calls
-;  if there is a mapped-in node then recheck which and how many pages it owns
-;  it is only necessary to:
-;    1) reset node's idea of Npages to agree with no. of pages in app space
-;    2) if Npages has increased, find the page numbers for new pages [and update
-;       the mapped in list, if LazyMapIn]
-;  ie. page numbers of existing pages are not messed with
-AMBsrv_memorymoved ROUT
-        Push   "R3-R6,R12,LR"
-        MOV     R12,#AMBControl_ws
-        LDR     R12,[R12]
-        CMP     R12,#0
-        Pull    "R3-R6,R12,PC",EQ          ;AMBControl not initialised yet!
-        LDR     R4,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     R4,#0
-        Pull    "R3-R6,R12,PC",EQ          ;done if nothing mapped in
-        LDR     R3,[R4,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        LDR     R6,=AppSpaceDANode
-        LDR     R6,[R6,#DANode_Size]
-        SUB     R6,R6,#ApplicationStart
-        MOV     R6,R6,LSR #Log2PageSize
-        CMP     R6,R3
-        STRNE   R6,[R4,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;update Npages
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-        Pull    "R3-R6,R12,PC",EQ          ;done if Npages same
-        BLT     %FT22                      ;shrink
-  |
-        Pull    "R3-R6,R12,PC",LE          ;done if Npages same, or shrink
-  ]
-        MOV     R5,#ApplicationStart
-        ADD     R5,R5,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize ;first logical address to find
-        ADD     R4,R4,#AMBNode_pages
-        ADD     R4,R4,R3,LSL #2            ;first page number word to use
-        SUB     R3,R6,R3                   ;no. of pages to find (grow number)
-        BL      AMB_FindMemMapEntries
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-        ;if Npages has grown, update AMBMappedInNpages and set bits in bitmap for
-        ;new pages, since these will be mapped in.
-        ;
-;  Debug AMB,"AMBsrv +Npages ",R3
-    [ AMB_ChocTrace
-        LDR     R5,AMBNmemmovegrow
-        ADD     R5,R5,#1
-        STR     R5,AMBNmemmovegrow
-    ]
-        LDR     R5,AMBFlags
-        TST     R5,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-        BNE     %FT21
-        LDR     R5,AMBMappedInNpages
-        ADD     R5,R5,R3
-        STR     R5,AMBMappedInNpages
-        LDR     R4,AMBMappedInNode
-        LDR     R5,[R4,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        SUB     R5,R5,R3
-        ADR     R6,AMBMappedInRegister
-        ADD     R6,R6,R5,LSR #5-2        ;first word of bitmap affected
-        BIC     R6,R6,#3
-        AND     R5,R5,#31                ;first bit of word
-        MOV     R4,#1
-        MOV     R5,R4,LSL R5             ;bitmap mask
-        LDR     R4,[R6],#4
-        ORR     R4,R4,R5
-        SUBS    R3,R3,#1
-        STREQ   R4,[R6,#-4]
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        MOVS    R5,R5,LSL #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        STR     R4,[R6,#-4]
-        MOV     R4,#-1
-        CMP     R3,#32
-        BLT     %FT14
-        STR     R4,[R6],#4
-        SUBS    R3,R3,#32
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        B       %BT12
-        MOV     R5,#1
-        LDR     R4,[R6],#4
-        B       %BT10
-        Pull    "R3-R6,R12,PC"
-        SUB     R3,R3,R6                 ;no. of pages removed from app space (known unsparse before removal)
-;  Debug AMB,"AMBsrv -Npages ",R3
-    [ AMB_ChocTrace
-        LDR     R5,AMBNmemmoveshrink
-        ADD     R5,R5,#1
-        STR     R5,AMBNmemmoveshrink
-    ]
-        LDR     R5,AMBFlags
-        TST     R5,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-        BNE     %FT41
-        LDR     R5,AMBMappedInNpages
-        SUB     R5,R5,R3
-        STR     R5,AMBMappedInNpages
-        LDR     R4,AMBMappedInNode
-        LDR     R5,[R4,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        ADR     R6,AMBMappedInRegister
-        ADD     R6,R6,R5,LSR #5-2        ;first word of bitmap affected
-        BIC     R6,R6,#3
-        AND     R5,R5,#31                ;first bit of word
-        MOV     R4,#1
-        MOV     R5,R4,LSL R5             ;bitmap mask
-        LDR     R4,[R6],#4
-        BIC     R4,R4,R5
-        SUBS    R3,R3,#1
-        STREQ   R4,[R6,#-4]
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        MOVS    R5,R5,LSL #1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        STR     R4,[R6,#-4]
-        MOV     R4,#0
-        CMP     R3,#32
-        BLT     %FT34
-        STR     R4,[R6],#4
-        SUBS    R3,R3,#32
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        B       %BT32
-        MOV     R5,#1
-        LDR     R4,[R6],#4
-        B       %BT30
-  ] ;AMB_LazyMapIn
-        Pull    "R3-R6,R12,PC"
-;  entry: R2 =  no. pages involved,
-;         R3 -> page block describing state before
-;         R4 -> page block describing state after
-; action: fix-up page numbers in page lists of nodes as necessary
-AMBsrv_pagessafe ROUT
-        Push   "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,LR"
-        MOV     R12,#AMBControl_ws
-        LDR     R12,[R12]
-        CMP     R12,#0
-        Pull   "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC",EQ    ;AMBControl not initialised yet!
-        LDR    R0,AMBNtasks
-        CMP    R0,#0
-        Pull   "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC",EQ    ;no nodes to check
-;speed-up - list of pages tends to span a narrow range of page numbers, so
-;            use min,max limits to skip search
-        MOV    R9,#&7FFFFFFF
-        MOV    R10,#0
-        MOV    R0,R3
-        MOV    R1,R2
-        LDR    R5,[R0],#12
-        CMP    R9,R5
-        MOVGT  R9,R5         ;remember minimum 'before' page no. in R9
-        CMP    R10,R5
-        MOVLT  R10,R5        ;remember maximum 'before' page no. in R10
-        SUBS   R1,R1,#1
-        BNE    %BT00
-        ADR    R0,AMBAnchorNode
-        MOV    R1,R0
-        Push   "R0,R1"
-        B      %FT03
-;check pages for this node
-        LDR    R5,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        CMP    R5,#0
-        BEQ    %FT04         ;skip if node has zero pages
-        ADD    R6,R0,#AMBNode_pages
-        Push   "R0,R1"
-;for each page in node
-        LDR     R7,[R6]      ;page no. from node
-        CMP     R7,R9
-        BLT     %FT13        ;not in list ( < 'before' min)
-        CMP     R7,R10
-        BGT     %FT13        ;not in list ( > 'before' max)
-;oh dear! search of before,after lists required
-        MOV     LR,R2
-        MOV     R0,R3
-        MOV     R1,R4
-        LDR     R8,[R0],#12  ;next page from before list
-        CMP     R8,R7        ;matches node page?
-        BEQ     %FT12
-        ADD     R1,R1,#12    ;step the after list
-        SUBS    LR,LR,#1
-        BNE     %BT11
-        B       %FT13        ;done pages in node,not matched
-        LDR     R8,[R1]      ;fetch new page number from after list
-        STR     R8,[R6]      ;store it for node
-        ADD    R6,R6,#4      ;next page in node
-        SUBS   R5,R5,#1
-        BNE    %BT02
-        Pull   "R0,R1"
-;next node
-        LDR    R0,[R0,#AMBNode_next]
-        CMP    R0,R1                 ;done if back at anchor node
-        BNE    %BT01
-        Pull    "R0-R1,R5-R10,R12,PC"
-    END
diff --git a/s/AMBControl/shrinkp b/s/AMBControl/shrinkp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c965c75..00000000
--- a/s/AMBControl/shrinkp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.shrinkp
-;shrink slot by taking pages (from AppSpace); add them to FreePool
-; entry:
-;     R1 = new number of pages for slot (less than current value)
-;     R2 -> AMB Node
-        Push    "R0-R7,LR"
-        MOV     R6,R1                   ;save entry R1
-        LDR     R5,[R2,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        CMP     R5,R6
-        Pull    "R0-R7,PC",EQ           ;done if no. of pages unchanged
-        MOV     R0,R2     ;R0 -> AMB node
-;set R3 to 1 if deallocate is from mapped-in slot (so AppSpace needs update)
-        LDR     R5,AMBMappedInNode
-        CMP     R5,R0
-        MOVEQ   R3,#1                   ;flag this is the mapped-in node
-        MOVNE   R3,#0                   ;flag is not
-  [ AMB_LazyMapIn
-        ;first make sure the current mapping of mapped in node is simple,
-        ;so that main mapping can cope - easiest thing is to do a sparse map out
-        ;
-        BNE     %FT02
-        Push    "R3,R6"
-        LDR     R3,AMBFlags
-        TST     R3,#AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_disable :OR: AMBFlag_LazyMapIn_suspend
-        BNE     %FT01
-        LDR     R3,AMBMappedInNpages
-        ADD     R4,R5,#AMBNode_pages
-        LDR     R6,[R5,#AMBNode_Npages]
-        ADR     R5,AMBMappedInRegister
-        BL      AMB_SetMemMapEntries_SparseMapOut
-        MOV     R3,#0
-        STR     R3,AMBMappedInNpages
-        Pull    "R3,R6"
-  ]
-        TST     R3,#1                      ;check flag
-        MOVEQ   R1,#0                      ;source is not App space
-        LDRNE   R1,=AppSpaceDANode         ;source is App space
-        LDR     R2,=FreePoolDANode         ;dest
-        LDR     R7,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;R7 := current number of pages
-        SUBS    R3,R7,R6                   ;R3 := no. of pages to move
-        BEQ     %FT02                      ;done if no pages to move
-        STR     R6,[R0,#AMBNode_Npages]    ;new no. of pages
-        ADD     R4,R0,#AMBNode_pages
-        ADD     R4,R4,R6,LSL #2            ;R4 -> 1st page table entry for shrink
-        LDR     R5,[R2,#DANode_Base]
-        LDR     R6,[R2,#DANode_Size]
-        ADD     R5,R5,R6                   ;R5 -> current end of FreePool
-        LDR     R6,[R2,#DANode_Flags]
-        AND     R6,R6,#&7F                 ;R6 = dest PPL flags
-        ;entry: R3 = no. of pages, R4 -> list of page entries,
-        ;       R5 = start logical address, R6 = PPL
-        BL      AMB_SetMemMapEntries       ;remap
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#DANode_Size]
-        ADD     R0,R0,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize
-        STR     R0,[R2,#DANode_Size]
-;update Application Space kernel values, if required
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        LDRNE   R0,[R1,#DANode_Size]
-        SUBNE   R0,R0,R3,LSL #Log2PageSize
-        STRNE   R0,[R1,#DANode_Size]
-        MOVNE   R5,#0
-        STRNE   R0,[R5,#MemLimit]          ;update MemLimit
-;;;        STRVS   R0,[SP]
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "R0-R7,PC"
-    END
diff --git a/s/ARM600 b/s/ARM600
deleted file mode 100644
index 413f69da..00000000
--- a/s/ARM600
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3569 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > ARM600
-        GBLL    DebugAborts
-DebugAborts SETL {FALSE}
-; MMU interface file - ARM600 version
-; Created by TMD 15-Jul-92
-; Comments updated by TMD 04-Aug-93
-;24-01-96 MJS  now effectively codes for ARM 6 onwards (6,7,8,A, where A = StrongARM)
-;              but ARM8 not properly supported (not needed for RO 3.70)
-;07-10-96 MJS  proper support for ARM810 added
-; Workspace needed for ARM600 work is as follows:
-; * Level 2 page tables for a contiguous logical area starting at zero
-;     This consists of:
-;       a) a fixed size bit covering 0 to 192M (currently)
-;       b) a variable size bit covering the free pool - 192M to 192M + (memsize rounded up to 4M)
-;     Note that the 192M value is sufficient to cover all the fixed size areas at present.
-;     As more areas switch to new world, this limit will come down and down, but free pool must always
-;      start at the end of the fixed areas.
-;     (Level 2 for areas outside this region are allocated dynamically afterwards)
-; * Level 1 page table (16K, stored in the middle of L2PT, where the I/O + ROM would be if it wasn't section mapped)
-; * Undefined32 mode stack (8K)
-; * Abort32 mode stack (8K)
-; * Soft CAM map (variable size = memsize/4K*8, rounded up to 4K)
-; In order to make the memory models for MEMC1 and IOMD harmonious, the MEMC1 system is considered as a section of
-; video RAM starting at &02000000 size 480K, and an area of "non-video RAM" starting at &02078000, size (totalRAM-480K)
-; IOMD has 1 area of video RAM and up to 4 areas of non-video RAM.
-; (Note: when OS is soft-loaded, a 2 Mbyte chunk of DRAM is removed from the RAM map, therefore the model allows for
-;  1 area of video RAM and up to 5 areas of non-video RAM)
-; The fixed system pages (which include those described above) start at the base of the first bank of non-video RAM
-; (on IOMD we allow this to be in any of the 4 RAM sites, ie you don't have to have RAM in any particular SIMM site)
-; Consequently the base of the fixed system pages is not known at assembly time, so has to be passed in a register
-; to the generic code.
-; amg 7/12/96 Renaissance, import changes below from Spinner tree, but this is fundamentally the
-; 3.70 file.
-; 17-Jun-96     BAR     Change speed settings for the second bank of ROM space.
-; 09-Jul-96     BAR     Improve IOMD ID vsn code - two places.
-;                       Change ROM Speed settings for 7500FE and non-7500FE parts.
-; 25-Jul-96     BAR     Correct bug in video bandwidth code, wrong label used.
-; 16-Aug-96     JRH     Programming of 2nd ROM bank (IOMD ROMCR1 register):
-;                               reinstated ExtROMSupport code, added CanLiveOnROMCard code
-;                       MemInitTable:
-;                               If ExtROMSupport: added assertion that ImageSize <= 4096
-;                               and maps 4MB of each ROM bank.
-;                               Otherwise: always maps 8MB of ROM space independant of ImageSize
-; Fixed page allocation is as follows
-        ^       0
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-DRAMOffset_CursorChunk  #       32*1024         ; ie on MEMC1 this is the last 32K of DAG-addressable memory
-DRAMOffset_PageZero     #       32*1024         ; 32K at location zero
-DRAMOffset_SystemHeap   #       32*1024         ; system heap/svc stack
- [ No26bitCode
-DRAMOffset_AbortStack   #        8*1024
- ]
-        AlignSpace      16*1024                 ; L1PT (and hence L2PT) must be 16K-aligned
-DRAMOffset_L2PT         #       0               ; static L2PT (variable size, with embedded L1PT)
-DRAMOffset_L1PT         *       DRAMOffset_L2PT + 48*1024
- ]
-; Undefined stack memory (size 8K) starts immediately after end of L2PT (which is variable size)
-; Soft CAM map (variable size) starts immediately after end of UndStack
-StaticPagesSize         *       @
-; Logical addresses are as follows
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-L2PT                    *       &02C00000       ; size 256K
-L1PT                    *       &02C0C000       ; in the middle of L2PT, where the mapping for 03000000 to 03FFFFFF would be
- ]
-FixedAreasL2Size        *       96*1024        ; amount of L2 to cover fixed areas, excluding free pool
-UndStackSoftCamChunk    *       &01E00000
-UndStackSize            *       8*1024
-CamEntriesForVicky      *       UndStackSoftCamChunk + UndStackSize
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-UNDSTK                  *       CamEntriesForVicky ; points to end of stack
-CAMspace                *       &02000000-CamEntriesForVicky
- [ No26bitCode
-AbtStack                *       &02000000
-AbtStackSize            *       8*1024
-ABTSTK                  *       AbtStack + AbtStackSize
- ]
-PhysSpace               *       &80000000       ; Map of MEMC/IOMD physical space (64M/512M in size)
- ]
-; - address for virtual area for StrongARM data cache cleaning (32k, for two 16k areas)
-; - the two areas are used in strict rotation for each full clean, so that we can do a full
-;   clean (and not flush) with interrupts on
-; - the address must be aligned such that EOR with 16*1024 flipflops between the two addresses
-ARMA_Cleaners_address  * &01F10000
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-;note that we use the R bit if supported (not 610), so that we can write protect ROM space
-;fully (user and supervisor)
-  [ :LNOT: CacheOff
-;ARM 6              SBLDPWCAM
-         DCD  2_0000001111101
-;ARM 7            FRSB1DPWCAM
-         DCD  2_0011001111101
-;ARM 8           Z0RSB111WCAM
-         DCD  2_0101001111101
-;ARM 9 ??
-         DCD  0
-;StrongARM      I00RSB111WCAM
-         DCD  2_1001001111101
-  |
-ARM_default_MMU_CR_table      ; if CacheOff true, same as cacheoff table
-  ]
-;ARM 6              SBLDPWCAM
-         DCD  2_0000001110001
-;ARM 7            FRSB1DPWCAM
-         DCD  2_0011001110001
-;ARM 8           Z0RSB111WCAM
-         DCD  2_0001001110001
-;ARM 9 ??
-         DCD  0
-;StrongARM      I00RSB111WCAM
-         DCD  2_0001001110001
- ]  ; HAL
-OneMByte                EQU     (1024*1024)
-SixteenMByte            EQU     (1024*1024 * 16)
-        KEEP
-; *****************************************************************************
-; mjs Oct 2000 kernel/HAL split
-; SetDAG stuff is no more, routines like SetVinit now call equivalent HAL
-; routine
-; **************** CAM manipulation utility routines ***********************************
-; **************************************************************************************
-;       BangCamUpdate - Update CAM, MMU for page move, coping with page currently mapped in
-; mjs Oct 2000
-; reworked to use generic ARM ops (vectored to appropriate routines during boot)
-; First look in the CamEntries table to find the logical address L this physical page is
-; currently allocated to. Then check in the Level 2 page tables to see if page L is currently
-; at page R2. If it is, then map page L to be inaccessible, otherwise leave page L alone.
-; Then map logical page R3 to physical page R2.
-; in:   r2 = physical page number
-;       r3 = logical address (2nd copy if doubly mapped area)
-;       r9 = offset from 1st to 2nd copy of doubly mapped area (either source or dest, but not both)
-;       r11 = PPL + CB bits
-; out:  r0, r1, r4, r6 corrupted
-;       r2, r3, r5, r7-r12 preserved
-; NB Use of stack is allowed in this routine
-BangCamUpdate ROUT
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped ; if moving page to doubly mapped area
-        SUBNE   r3, r3, r9                      ; then CAM soft copy holds ptr to 1st copy
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2, LSL #3              ; point at cam entry (logaddr, PPL)
-        LDMIA   r1, {r0, r6}                    ; r0 = current logaddress, r6 = current PPL
-        STMIA   r1, {r3, r11}                   ; store new address, PPL
-        Push    "r0, r6"                        ; save old logical address, PPL
-        MOV     r1, #PhysRamTable               ; go through phys RAM table
-        MOV     r6, r2                          ; make copy of r2 (since that must be preserved)
-        LDMIA   r1!, {r0, r4}                   ; load next address, size
-        SUBS    r6, r6, r4, LSR #12             ; subtract off that many pages
-        BCS     %BT10                           ; if more than that, go onto next bank
-        ADD     r6, r6, r4, LSR #12             ; put back the ones which were too many
-        ADD     r0, r0, r6, LSL #12             ; move on address by the number of pages left
-        LDMFD   r13, {r6}                       ; reload old logical address
-; now we have r6 = old logical address, r2 = physical page number, r0 = physical address
-        TEQ     r6, r3                          ; TMD 19-Jan-94: if old logaddr = new logaddr, then
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; don't remove page from where it is, to avoid window
-                                                ; where page is nowhere.
-        LDR     r1, =L2PT
-        ADD     r6, r1, r6, LSR #10             ; r6 -> L2PT entry for old log.addr
-        MOV     r4, r6, LSR #12                 ; r4 = word offset into L2 for address r6
-        LDR     r4, [r1, r4, LSL #2]            ; r4 = L2PT entry for L2PT entry for old log.addr
-        TST     r4, #3                          ; if page not there
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; then no point in trying to remove it
-        LDR     r4, [r6]                        ; r4 = L2PT entry for old log.addr
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #12                 ; r4 = physical address for old log.addr
-        TEQ     r4, r0, LSR #12                 ; if equal to physical address of page being moved
-        BNE     %FT20                           ; if not there, then just put in new page
-        Push    "r0, r3, r11, r14"              ; save phys.addr, new log.addr, new PPL, lr
-        ADD     r3, sp, #4*4
-        LDMIA   r3, {r3, r11}                   ; reload old logical address, old PPL
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; cause translation fault
-        BL      BangL2PT                        ; map page out
-        Pull    "r0, r3, r11, r14"
-        ADD     sp, sp, #8                      ; junk old logical address, PPL
-        B       BangCamAltEntry                 ; and branch into BangCam code
-; **************************************************************************************
-;       BangCam - Update CAM, MMU for page move, assuming page currently mapped out
-; This routine maps a physical page to a given logical address
-; It is assumed that the physical page is currently not mapped anywhere else
-; in:   r2 = physical page number
-;       r3 = logical address (2nd copy if doubly mapped)
-;       r9 = offset from 1st to 2nd copy of doubly mapped area (either source or dest, but not both)
-;       r11 = PPL
-; out:  r0, r1, r4, r6 corrupted
-;       r2, r3, r5, r7-r12 preserved
-; NB Can't use stack - there might not be one!
-; NB Also - the physical page number MUST be in range.
-; This routine must work in 32-bit mode
-BangCam ROUT
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped ; if area doubly mapped
-        SUBNE   r3, r3, r9              ; then move ptr to 1st copy
-        MOV     r1, #PhysRamTable       ; go through phys RAM table
-        MOV     r6, r2                  ; make copy of r2 (since that must be preserved)
-        LDMIA   r1!, {r0, r4}           ; load next address, size
-        SUBS    r6, r6, r4, LSR #12     ; subtract off that many pages
-        BCS     %BT10                   ; if more than that, go onto next bank
-        ADD     r6, r6, r4, LSR #12     ; put back the ones which were too many
-        ADD     r0, r0, r6, LSL #12     ; move on address by the number of pages left
-        LDR     r4, =DuffEntry          ; check for requests to map a page to nowhere
-        ADR     r1, PPLTrans
-        TEQ     r4, r3                  ; don't actually map anything to nowhere
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        AND     r4, r11, #3             ; first use PPL bits
-        LDR     r1, [r1, r4, LSL #2]    ; get PPL bits and SmallPage indicator
- [ {FALSE}
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable
-        TSTEQ   r11, #PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits
-        ORREQ   r1, r1, #L2_C           ; if cacheable (area bit CLEAR + temp count zero), then OR in C bit
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable
-        ORREQ   r1, r1, #L2_B           ; if bufferable (area bit CLEAR), then OR in B bit
-        ORR     r0, r0, r1
- |
-        ASSERT  DynAreaFlags_CPBits = 7 :SHL: 12
-        ASSERT  DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable = 1 :SHL: 5
-        ASSERT  DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable = 1 :SHL: 4
-        ORR     r0, r0, r1
-        MOV     r6, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     r6, [r6, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        AND     r4, r11, #DynAreaFlags_CPBits
-        AND     r1, r11, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable + DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable
-        TST     r11, #PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits
-        ORRNE   r1, r1, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable      ; if temp uncache, set NC bit, ignore P
-        ORREQ   r1, r1, r4, LSR #6                      ; else use NC, NB and P bits
-        LDRB    r1, [r6, r1, LSR #4]                    ; convert to X, C and B bits for this CPU
-        ORR     r0, r0, r1
- ]
-        LDR     r1, =L2PT               ; point to level 2 page tables
-        ;fall through to BangL2PT
-;internal entry point for updating L2PT entry
-; entry: r0 = new L2PT value, r1 -> L2PT, r3 = logical address (4k aligned), r11 = PPL
-; exit: r0,r1,r4,r6 corrupted
-BangL2PT                                        ; internal entry point used only by BangCamUpdate
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     r6, r0
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped
-        BNE     BangL2PT_sledgehammer           ;if doubly mapped, don't try to be clever
-        ;we sort out cache coherency _before_ remapping, because some ARMs might insist on
-        ;that order (write back cache doing write backs to logical addresses)
-        ;we need to worry about cache only if mapping out a cacheable page
-        ;
-        TEQ     r6, #0                          ;EQ if mapping out
-        TSTEQ   r11, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable ;EQ if also cacheable (overcautious for temp uncache+illegal PCB combos)
-        MOV     r0, r3                          ;MMU page entry address
-        ADR     lr, %FT20
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntry, EQ, tailcall, r4
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry, NE, tailcall, r4
-20      STR     r6, [r1, r3, LSR #10]           ;update L2PT entry
-        Pull    "pc"
-        ;sledgehammer is super cautious and does cache/TLB coherency on a global basis
-        ;should only be used for awkward cases
-        ;
-        TEQ     r6, #0                          ;EQ if mapping out
-        TSTEQ   r11, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable ;EQ if also cacheable (overcautious for temp uncache+illegal PCB combos)
-        ADR     lr, %FT30
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        ARMop   MMU_Changing, EQ, tailcall, r4
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingUncached, NE, tailcall, r4
-30      STR     r6, [r1, r3, LSR #10]!          ; update level 2 page table (and update pointer so we can use bank-to-bank offset
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped ; if area doubly mapped
-        STRNE   r6, [r1, r9, LSR #10]           ; then store entry for 2nd copy as well
-        ADDNE   r3, r3, r9                      ; and point logical address back at 2nd copy
-        Pull    "pc"
-        &       (AP_Full * L1_APMult) + L1_Section        ; R any W any
-        &       (AP_Read * L1_APMult) + L1_Section        ; R any W sup
-        &       (AP_None * L1_APMult) + L1_Section        ; R sup W sup
-        &       (AP_ROM  * L1_APMult) + L1_Section        ; R any W none
-        &       (AP_Full * L2_APMult) + L2_SmallPage      ; R any W any
-        &       (AP_Read * L2_APMult) + L2_SmallPage      ; R any W sup
-        &       (AP_None * L2_APMult) + L2_SmallPage      ; R sup W sup
-        &       (AP_ROM  * L2_APMult) + L2_SmallPage      ; R any W none
-        &       (AP_Full * L2X_APMult) + L2_ExtPage       ; R any W any
-        &       (AP_Read * L2X_APMult) + L2_ExtPage       ; R any W sup
-        &       (AP_None * L2X_APMult) + L2_ExtPage       ; R sup W sup
-        &       (AP_ROM  * L2X_APMult) + L2_ExtPage       ; R any W none
-        &       4*1024                  ; 0 is 4K
-        &       8*1024                  ; 4 is 8K
-        &       16*1024                 ; 8 is 16
-        &       32*1024                 ; C is 32
-        =       12, 13, 0, 14           ; 1 2 3 4
-        =       0,  0,  0, 15           ; 5 6 7 8
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_UpdateMEMC: Read/write MEMC1 control register
-        AND     r10, r0, r1
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit+F_bit, r0
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy] ; return old value
-        BIC     r11, r0, r1
-        ORR     r11, r11, R10
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&00F00000
-        ORR     r11, r11, #MEMCADR
-        STR     r11, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-; mjs Oct 2000 kernel/HAL split
-; The kernel itself should now never call this SWI, but grudgingly has
-; to maintain at least bit 10 of soft copy
-; Here, we only mimic action of bit 10 to control video/cursor DMA (eg. for ADFS)
-; The whole OS_UpdateMEMC thing would ideally be withdrawn as archaic, but
-; unfortunately has not even been deprecated up to now
-; for reference, the bits of the MEMC1 control register are:
-; bits 0,1 => unused
-; bits 2,3 => page size, irrelevant since always 4K
-; bits 4,5 => low ROM access time (mostly irrelevant but set it up anyway)
-; bits 6,7 => hi  ROM access time (definitely irrelevant but set it up anyway)
-; bits 8,9 => DRAM refresh control
-; bit 10   => Video/cursor DMA enable
-; bit 11   => Sound DMA enable
-; bit 12   => OS mode
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push  "r0,r1,r4, r14"
-        TST   r11, #(1 :SHL: 10)
-        MOVEQ r0, #1             ; blank (video DMA disable)
-        MOVNE r0, #0             ; unblank (video DMA enable)
-        MOV   r1, #0             ; no funny business with DPMS
-        MOV   r4, #GraphicsV_SetBlank
-        BL    CallGraphicsV
-        Pull  "r0,r1,r4, r14"
- |
-        Push  "r0-r3, r9, r14"   ; can corrupt r12
-        TST   r11, #(1 :SHL: 10)
-        MOVEQ r0, #1             ; blank (video DMA disable)
-        MOVNE r0, #0             ; unblank (video DMA enable)
-        MOV   r1, #0             ; no funny business with DPMS
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r1
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_SetBlank
-        Pull  "r0-r3, r9, r14"
- ]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r11
-        ExitSWIHandler
-  [ :LNOT: HAL
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ClearPhysRAM - Routine to clear "all" memory
-; While this routine is running, keyboard IRQs may happen. For this reason
-; it avoids LogRAM 0..31 (where hardware IRQ vector is) and PhysRAM
-; 0..31 where the IRQ workspace is.
-; We also have to avoid the L2PT (inc L1PT) and the PhysRamTable.
-; The latter is also used to tell us which areas of memory we should clear.
-; We don't have to worry about trampling on the ROM image as it's
-; already been excluded from PhysRamTable.
-; This routine must work in 32-bit mode.
-; in:   r7 = memory speed
-;       r8 = page size
-;       r9 = MEMC control register
-;       r13 = total RAM size
-; None of the above are actually used by this routine
-; out:  r7-r9, r13 preserved
-     GBLL ClearPhysRAMspeedup
-ClearPhysRAMspeedup SETL {TRUE}
-ClearPhysRAM ROUT
-      [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator r0
-        BEQ     CPR_skipped
-      ]
-;StrongARM - We will make the logical representation of physical space for RAM temporarily bufferable
-;            (on any ARM). This is small boost for ARM 6,7,8 but a big speed benefit for StrongARM (which
-;            won't burst write in non bufferable areas).
-        LDR     r0,  =L1PT
-        LDR     r12, =PhysRamTable
-        ADD     r4, r12, #PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable  ; r4 -> end of table
-        LDMIA   r12!, {r10, r11}                        ; load next address, size
-        SUB     r11,r11,#&100000                        ; 1 Mb will be done on first L1PT update
-        ORR     r10, r10, #PhysSpace                    ; point to logical representation of physical space
-        ADD     r1,r0,r10,LSR #(20-2)                   ; L1PT address for same
-;MJS bug fix (since 3.70) for memory fragments not necessarily 1Mb aligned (eg 2 Mb Kryten)
-        BIC     r1,r1,#3
-        LDR     r2,[r1]
-        ORR     r2,r2,#4                                ; bufferable bit
-        STR     r2,[r1],#4
-        SUBS    r11,r11,#&100000                        ; another 1 Mb done
-        BPL     %BT04
-        TEQ     r12, r4                                 ; have we done all areas?
-        BNE     %BT02
-;now let us do the clear
-  [ ClearPhysRAMspeedup
-        MOV     r0,#ZeroPage+InitClearRamWs             ;we can preserve r7-r9,r13 at logical address 52..67
-        STMIA   r0,{r7-r9,r13}
-        MOV     r7,  #0
-        MOV     r8,  #0
-        MOV     r9,  #0
-        MOV     r13, #0
-  ]
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        LDR     r12, =PhysRamTable                      ; point to 5 lots of (physaddr,size)
-        ADR     r6, RamSkipTable
-        ADD     r4, r12, #PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable  ; r4 -> end of table
-        LDR     r5, [r6], #4                            ; load first skip offset
-        LDMIA   r12!, {r10, r11}                        ; load next address, size
-        ORR     r10, r10, #PhysSpace                    ; point to logical representation of physical space
-        ADD     r11, r11, r10                           ; r11 -> end address of this area
-        ADD     r5, r5, r10                             ; r5 -> skip address if any
-        TEQ     r10, r11                                ; test for end of this area?
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        TEQ     r10, r5                                 ; test for the start of a skipped region
-  [ ClearPhysRAMspeedup
-        STMNEIA r10!, {r0-r3,r7-r9,r13}
-  |
-        STMNEIA r10!, {r0-r3}
-  ]
-        BNE     %BT20
-        LDR     r5, [r6], #4                            ; load skip amount
-        CMP     r5, #0                                  ; if negative, then it's an offset from start of skipped bit
-        LDRLT   r5, [r10, r5]                           ; to address of word holding skip amount
-        ADD     r10, r10, r5                            ; and skip it
-        LDR     r5, [r6], #4                            ; load next skip offset (NB relative to end of last skip)
-        B       %BT15
-        TEQ     r12, r4                                 ; have we done all areas?
-        BNE     %BT10
-  [ ClearPhysRAMspeedup
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage+InitClearRamWs
-        LDMIA   r0, {r7-r9,r13}                         ;restore
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage+InitUsedStart             ;clear our speed up workspace
-        ASSERT  InitUsedStart < InitUsedEnd
-        ASSERT  InitUsedEnd < InitClearRamWs
-        GBLA    finalclear
-finalclear      SETA InitUsedStart
-        WHILE   finalclear < InitWsEnd
-        STMIA   r0!,{r1-r3}
-finalclear      SETA finalclear + 12
-        WEND
-  ]
-;StrongARM - now let us remove bufferable status of logical representation of physical space (perhaps we could
-;            leave it? not sure at the mo.)
-        LDR     r0,  =L1PT
-        LDR     r12, =PhysRamTable
-        ADD     r4, r12, #PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable  ; r4 -> end of table
-        LDMIA   r12!, {r10, r11}                        ; load next address, size
-        SUB     r11,r11,#&100000                        ; 1 Mb will be done on first L1PT update
-        ORR     r10, r10, #PhysSpace                    ; point to logical representation of physical space
-        ADD     r1,r0,r10,LSR #(20-2)                   ; L1PT address for same
-;MJS bug fix (since 3.70) for memory fragments not necessarily 1Mb aligned (eg 2 Mb Kryten)
-        BIC     r1,r1,#3
-        LDR     r2,[r1]
-        BIC     r2,r2,#4                                ; bufferable bit
-        STR     r2,[r1],#4
-        SUBS    r11,r11,#&100000                        ; another 1 Mb done
-        BPL     %BT34
-        TEQ     r12, r4                                 ; have we done all areas?
-        BNE     %BT32
-        LDR     r0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        MOV     r1, #&80
-        STRB    r1, [r0]                                ; flag the fact that RAM cleared
-        ARM_number r0
-        SUB     r0,r0,#6
-        ADRL    r1,ARM_default_MMU_CR_table
-        LDR     r1,[r1,r0,LSL #2]
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r1, [r0, #MMUControlSoftCopy]           ; set up MMU soft copy
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        LTORG
-        GBLA    lastaddr
-lastaddr SETA   0
-        GBLA    lastregion
-lastregion SETA 0
-        MACRO
-        MakeSkipTable $region, $addr, $size
- [ ($region)<>lastregion
-        &       -1
-lastaddr SETA   0
- ]
-        &       ($addr)-lastaddr, $size
-lastaddr SETA   ($addr)+($size)
-lastregion SETA $region
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        EndSkipTables
-        WHILE   lastregion < (PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable)/8
-        &       -1
-lastregion SETA   lastregion +1
-        WEND
-        MEND
-; Note (TMD 04-Aug-93): Special bodge put in here to allow variable size skip for L2PT.
-; If skip size field is negative, then it's an offset from the start of this skipped bit to a word holding
-; the size of the skip. This relies on the L2PTSize being in page zero, which is at a lower physical address than
-; the L2 itself. Also assumes that there are no more skips in the 1st DRAM chunk after the L2PT, since the offset
-; to the next skip is relative to the end of the previous one, which isn't known at assembly time!
-; Tim says "Yuk, yuk, yuk!!"
-        MakeSkipTable   1, DRAMOffset_PageZero + 0, InitWsEnd - ZeroPage  ; skip 1st n bytes of LogRAM, so IRQs work!
-        MakeSkipTable   1, DRAMOffset_PageZero + SkippedTables, SkippedTablesEnd-SkippedTables
-        MakeSkipTable   1, DRAMOffset_L2PT, DRAMOffset_PageZero + L2PTSize - DRAMOffset_L2PT
-        EndSkipTables
-        ASSERT  DRAMOffset_PageZero + L2PTSize < DRAMOffset_L2PT
- ]  ; :LNOT: HAL
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       InitMEMC - Initialise memory controller
-; in:   r1 = 0 if reset, 1 if break
-; Note: On IOMD, all accesses go to ROM until the first write cycle.
-        MOV     r12, #IOMD_Base
-; amg: drop in FE-aware routine, leave old one here for reference
-  [ MorrisSupport
-; Perform a dummy write to IOMD (some harmless register) to get it out of ROM force mode.
-; Reads from IOMD will return garbage before this has happened. If we're actually running out
-; of 32-bit wide ROMs on MORRIS, a write will already have happened, to get ROMCR0 from
-; 16 to 32-bit wide mode, but we can't yet determine for sure (by reading it back), so do it
-; anyway.
-        STRB    r12, [r12, #IOMD_DMAREQ]              ; writes to DMAREQ are ignored
-        LDRB    r2,[r12,#IOMD_ID1]      ; load r2 with IOMD ID high byte
-        LDRB    r0,[r12,#IOMD_ID0]      ; load r0 with IOMD ID low byte
-        ORR     r0,r0,r2, LSL #8        ; Or r0 and r2 - shifted left 8, put in r0
-        LDR     r2,=IOMD_7500           ; get Ref IOMD ID code for IOMD in a 7500
-        CMPS    r0,r2                   ; check for IOMD ID Code for IOMD in a 7500
-        BEQ     init7500cpu             ; If equal, got to init7500cpu
-        LDRNE   r2,=IOMD_7500FE         ; If not, get ID code for IOMD in a 7500FE
-        CMPNES  r0,r2                   ; If not, check for IOMD ID Code for IOMD in a 7500FE
-        BNE     MedusaInit              ; NOT MORRIS assume Medusa hardware
-; Here bceause its an ARM7500 'FE' variant
-; Program the CPU, Memory and IO clock prescalers
-; Set the prescalers to :-
-  [ RO371Timings
-;       CPUCLK divide by 1
-;       MEMCLK divide by 2
-;       IOCLK  divide by 2
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkHalf + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkHalf
-  |
-;       CPUCLK divide by 2 unless FECPUSpeedNormal set
-;       MEMCLK divide by 1
-;       IOCLK  divide by 1
-   [ FECPUSpeedNormal
-     [ FEIOSpeedHalf
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkHalf
-     |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
-     ]
-   |
-     [ FEIOSpeedHalf
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkHalf + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkHalf
-     |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkHalf + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
-     ]
-   ]
-  ]
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_CLKCTL] ; initialise all the prescalers.
-; Set ROM speed, take care to preserve 16-bit mode bit...
-; According to BSiddle on the 15-May-96, Omega will use burst mode roms: use 93nS burst, 156nS initial.
-; According to TDobson on the 09-Jul-96, Omega will handle ROMS up to 120nS and 70nS.
-; Thus the ROM speed should be initilised to :-
-; Half Speed or H bit, clear, which is ON ! : Half the delays, thus DOUBLE all clock ticks.
-; Non-Sequental delay : 10 Ticks : Half speed on, so select 5 ticks (5*2)
-; Burst delay         :  8 Ticks : Half speed on, so select 4 ticks (4*2)
-; Remember the Memory clock on Omega is faster than on previous products.
-; The fast flash devices used for Omega testing should be able to cope even
-; though they aren't burst devices.
-        LDRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR0]         ; Get contents of ROMCR0 in to r0
-        AND     r0, r0, #&40                    ; clear all but the 16-bit mode flag
-  [ RO371Timings
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed + IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_5 + IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_3
-  |
-    [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    |
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    ]
-  ]
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR0]         ; Prog. the reg.s
-; Program the 2nd ROM bank
-  [ ExtROMSupport
-;   Unless we're actually running from the 2nd ROM bank (CanLiveOnROMCard), we don't know how fast
-;   the extension ROM in the 2nd bank goes, so program it for a slow default speed
-    [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-        TST     pc, #PhysExtROM                 ; are we running out of the 2nd ROM bank? Program the 2nd bank the same as the 1st if so
-        STRNE   r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-    ]
-    [ ExtROMis16bit
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    |
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    ]
-    [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-        STREQB  r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-    |
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-    ]
-  |;ExtROMSupport
-    [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; Program the 2nd bank the same as the 1st
-    |
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; 2nd bank unused: program it the same anyway
-    ]
-  ];ExtROMSupport
-; Now program ASTCR to add wait states, since MEMCLK is fast relative to IOCLK
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ASTCR_WaitStates
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ASTCR]
-        B       init7500cpu_common              ; branch to common init code.
-; Here because its an ARM7500 variant - NON 'FE' device.
-; Program the CPU, Memory and IO clock prescalers
-; Set the prescalers to :-
-;       CPUCLK divide by 1
-;       MEMCLK divide by 1
-;       IOCLK  divide by 1
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_CLKCTL] ; initialise all prescalers to div1
-; Set ROM speed, take care to preserve 16-bit mode bit...
-; According to RJKing on 6/5/94, Kryten will use burst mode roms: use 93nS burst, 156nS initial.
-; According to BSiddle on 09-Jul-96 - Omenga will need to set the burst speed to 4 ticks from 3 ticks.
-; Thus the ROM speed should be initilised to :-
-; Half Speed or H bit, Set, which is OFF ! : Don't half the delays.
-; Non-Sequental delay :  5 Ticks : Half speed off, so select 5 ticks
-; Burst delay         :  4 Ticks : Half speed off, so select 4 ticks
-; The fast EPROMS used for Kryten testing should be able to cope even though
-; they aren't burst devices
-        LDRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR0]          ; Get contents of ROMCR0 in to r0
-        AND     r0, r0, #&40                    ; clear all but the 16-bit mode flag
-  [ RO371Timings
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal + IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_5 + IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_3
-  |
-    [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    |
-        ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_$ROMSpeedNSTicks :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BTicks_$ROMSpeedBurstTicks
-    ]
-  ]
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR0]          ; Prog. the reg.s
-; Program the 2nd ROM bank
-  [ ExtROMSupport
-;   Unless we're actually running from the 2nd ROM bank (CanLiveOnROMCard), we don't know how fast
-;   the extension ROM in the 2nd bank goes, so program it for a slow default speed
-    [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-        TST     pc, #PhysExtROM                 ; are we running out of the 2nd ROM bank? Program the 2nd bank the same as the 1st if so
-        STRNE   r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-    ]
-    [ ExtROMis16bit
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_16bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    |
-     [ ROMSpeedNormal
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_7 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-     ]
-    ]
-    [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-        STREQB  r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-    |
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-    ]
-  |;ExtROMSupport
-    [ CanLiveOnROMCard
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; Program the 2nd bank the same as the 1st
-    |
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; 2nd bank unused: program it the same anyway
-    ]
-  ];ExtROMSupport
-; Now program ASTCR to *NOT* add wait states, since MEMCLK is slow relative to IOCLK
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ASTCR_Minimal
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ASTCR]
-; Common setup requirments for BOTH 7500 and 7500FE.
-; MORRIS doesn't support VRAM. Kryten has same DRAM speed as Medusa
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16                         ; select 16µs refresh
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_IOTCR_Network_TypeA :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Combo_TypeB :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Sound_TypeB :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Sound_Word
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_IOTCR]
-        ; MOV     r0, #0                        ; Podule manager will set ECTCR to TypeA cycles
-        ; STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ECTCR]
-   [ Japanese16BitSound :LAND: STB
-        MOV     r0, #2_10
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_VIDMUX]
-   ]
-        B       CommonInit
-  ] ; MorrisSupport
-; amg renaissance ->  [ MorrisSupport
-; amg renaissance -> ; Perform a dummy write to IOMD (some harmless register) to get it out of ROM force mode.
-; amg renaissance -> ; Reads from IOMD will return garbage before this has happened. If we're actually running out
-; amg renaissance -> ; of 32-bit wide ROMs on MORRIS, a write will already have happened, to get ROMCR0 from
-; amg renaissance -> ; 16 to 32-bit wide mode, but we can't yet determine for sure (by reading it back), so do it
-; amg renaissance -> ; anyway.
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r12, [r12, #IOMD_DMAREQ]              ; writes to DMAREQ are ignored
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance ->         LDRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ID0]
-; amg renaissance ->         CMP     r0, #&98
-; amg renaissance ->         LDRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ID1]
-; amg renaissance ->         CMPEQ   r0, #&5B
-; amg renaissance ->        ;MOVEQ   r3, #xxxx
-; amg renaissance ->         BNE     MedusaInit                            ; NOT MORRIS assume Medusa hardware
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance -> ; MORRIS contains IOMD equivalant circuitry. Due to lack of VRAM, presence of 16/32 bit support
-; amg renaissance -> ; and a different ROM speed register, we program it slightly differently.
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance -> ; PSwindell wants all prescalers set to divide by 1
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance ->         MOV     r0, #IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal + IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_CLKCTL] ; initialise all prescalers to div1
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance -> ; Set ROM speed, take care to preserve 16-bit mode bit...
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance -> ; According to RJKing on 6/5/94, Kryten will use burst mode roms: use 93nS burst, 156nS initial.
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance -> ; We assume that the extension ROMs are the same access time and width as the main OS ROMS.
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance ->         LDRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR0]
-; amg renaissance ->         AND     r0, r0, #&40            ; clear all but 16-bit mode bit, giving us the slowest ROMs possible
-; amg renaissance ->  [ :LNOT: AutoSpeedROMS
-; amg renaissance ->   [ NormalSpeedROMS
-; amg renaissance ->    ;Normal code
-; amg renaissance ->         ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal + IOMD_ROMCR_156 + IOMD_ROMCR_Burst93
-; amg renaissance ->                                                                 ; initialise ROM speed to 156.25nS, 93.75nS burst
-; amg renaissance ->         ; the fast EPROMS used for Kryten testing should be able to cope even though they aren't
-; amg renaissance ->         ; burst devices
-; amg renaissance ->   |
-; amg renaissance ->    ;Slow ROM access for PSwindells test EPROMS. Paul requested 156nS (or slower), burst off.
-; amg renaissance ->         ORR     r0, r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_Normal + IOMD_ROMCR_187 + IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance ->         ! 0, "*** WARNING *** Slow ROM version ment for PSwindell"
-; amg renaissance ->   ]
-; amg renaissance ->  ]
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR0]
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; and do the same for extension ROMs (just in case)
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance -> ; MORRIS doesn't support VRAM. Kryten has same DRAM speed as Medusa
-; amg renaissance -> ;
-; amg renaissance ->         MOV     r0, #IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16                         ; select 16µs refresh
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance ->         MOV     r0, #IOMD_IOTCR_Network_TypeA :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Combo_TypeB :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Sound_TypeB :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Sound_Word
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_IOTCR]
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance ->         MOV     r0, #0                          ; Podule manager wants TypeA setting by default for all podules
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ECTCR]
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance ->  [ Select16BitSound
-; amg renaissance -> ; All MORRIS based machines have 16bit 'Japanese' format sound DAC's
-; amg renaissance ->         MOV     r0, #2_10
-; amg renaissance ->         STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_VIDMUX]
-; amg renaissance ->  ]
-; amg renaissance ->         B       CommonInit
-; amg renaissance ->
-; amg renaissance -> MedusaInit
-; amg renaissance ->  ]
-  [ RO371Timings
-        MOV     r0, #&12    ; 5-3 cycle ROM access
-  |
-  [ RISCPCBurstMode
-   [ 1 = 1
-        ReadCop r0, CR_ID
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&F     ;ignore 4 bit revision field
-        LDR     r2, =&41007100                                  ;Test for early 710's
-        CMP     r0, r2                                          ;
-        MOVEQ   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_156 + IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff       ;cos they can't work in burst mode!
-        MOVNE   r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_156 + IOMD_ROMCR_Burst93        ;610's 710A's and beyond can
-        ! 0, "*** WARNING *** Burst mode enabled on RISC PC iff processor can cope"
-   |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_156 + IOMD_ROMCR_Burst93
-        ! 0, "*** WARNING *** Burst mode enabled on RISC PC"
-   ]
-  |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_156 + IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff       ; initialise ROM speed to 156.25ns (changed from 187ns 21-Jan-94)
-  ]
-  ] ;RO371Timings conditional
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR0]
- [ STB
-  [ :LNOT: ExtROMis16bit
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; and do the same for extension ROMs (just in case)
-  |
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_ROMCR_16bit + IOMD_ROMCR_Normal + IOMD_ROMCR_156 + IOMD_ROMCR_BurstOff
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; 16bit 156.25nS noburst (Lowest common denominator)
-  ]
- |
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ROMCR1]         ; and do the same for extension ROMs (just in case)
- ]
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_VREFCR_VRAM_256Kx64 :OR: IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16   ; select 16µs refresh, assume 2 banks of VRAM
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_IOTCR_Network_TypeA :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Combo_TypeB :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Sound_TypeB :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Sound_Word
-        STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_IOTCR]
-        ; MOV     r0, #0                        ; Podule manager will set ECTCR to TypeA cycles
-        ; STRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ECTCR]
-; On breaks (ie software resets) we have to turn the MMU off.
-; This is slightly tricky if we've been soft-loaded!
-        TEQ     r1, #0                  ; r1 = 0 if reset, 1 if break
-        BEQ     %FT03                   ; [it's a reset]
-        SetMode SVC32_mode, r0          ; select 32-bit mode (we know we're in 32-bit config)
-        B       %FT05
-; It's a reset, so select 32-bit config, MMU off
- [ LateAborts
-        MOV     r2, #MMUC_P :OR: MMUC_D :OR: MMUC_L ; select 32-bit config, MMU off, late aborts
- |
-        MOV     r2, #MMUC_P :OR: MMUC_D ; select 32-bit config, MMU off
- ]
-        SetCop  r2, CR_Control
-        SetMode SVC32_mode, r1, r0      ; and re-select 32-bit mode (this time it'll work)
-        AND     r0, r0, #&1F            ; check original mode
-        TEQ     r0, #SVC26_mode         ; if we were in a 26-bit mode,
-        BICEQ   lr, lr, #&FC000003      ; then knock off 26-bit style PSR bits from link register
-                                        ; don't knock them off otherwise, since we may be soft-loaded above 64M
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; and exit
-; It's a Break
-; The MMU is on and we want it off: whether we're executing out of ROM or RAM, we
-; have to jump to the physical location of our image, which means paging it in at its
-; own physical address.
-; On MEMC1 systems it's possible that the L1/L2 logical address is the same as the image's physical
-; address, which causes a headache, so we'd best use the physical mapping of the page tables (this
-; can't clash as IOMD only goes up to 2000 0000 and our physical mapping is above that).
- [ HAL
-        ! 0, "Sort out Break"
- |
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #DRAMPhysAddrA]        ; get address of 1st DRAM bank
-        LDR     r1, =PhysSpace + DRAMOffset_L1PT ; offset to start of L1
-        ADD     r0, r0, r1                      ; r0 -> L1 in physical mapped logical space
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #ROM :SHR: (20-2)]     ; load L1 entry for 1st Mbyte of ROM
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #20                 ; knock off other bits
-        LDR     r2, =(AP_None * L1_APMult) + L1_Section
-                                                ; (svc-only access) + ~ucb + section mapped
-        ORR     r2, r2, r1, LSL #20             ; merge in address
-        STR     r2, [r0, r1, LSL #2]!           ; store in L1PT for 1st Mbyte
-        ADD     r2, r2, #1 :SHL: 20             ; move on to 2nd Mbyte
-        STR     r2, [r0, #4]                    ; and store in next entry
-        ARM_flush_cacheandTLB r0
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSL #20
-        SUB     r0, r0, #ROM                    ; form RAM-ROM offset
-        ADD     pc, pc, r0                      ; jump to RAM code (when we get onto IOMD, we'll have to be in 32-bit mode)
-        NOP                                     ; this instruction will be skipped
- ]   ; HAL
-; we're now in RAM, so it's safe to turn the MMU off, but leave us in 32-bit config (and 32-bit mode)
- [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-        BIC     lr, lr, #&FC000003              ; knock out PSR bits from return address
-                                                ; (we know we were in 32-bit config, 26-bit mode on entry)
- ]
-        ADD     lr, lr, r0                      ; and add on offset - NB this may now be above 64MB (on IOMD)
-;mjs - the MMU off values are ok for all ARMs; some will ignore P,D,L bits
- [ LateAborts
-        MOV     r0, #MMUC_P :OR: MMUC_D :OR: MMUC_L ; turn MMU off, but leave us in 32-bit config, late aborts
- |
-        MOV     r0, #MMUC_P :OR: MMUC_D         ; turn MMU off, but leave us in 32-bit config
- ]
-        ARM_write_control r0
-        MOV     pc, lr                          ; return to caller, but in physical address space
-        LTORG
-; -> MemSize
-; (non-destructive) algorithm to determine MEMC RAM configuration
-; Dave Flynn and Alasdair Thomas
-; 17-March-87
-; Spooling checkered by NRaine and SSwales !
-; 8MByte check bodged in by APT
-; NOTE: Routines MemSize and TimeCPU are called by the power-on test software,
-; so their specifications MUST not change.
-; Set MEMC for 32-k page then analyse signature of possible
-; external RAM configurations...
-; The configurations are:
-; Ram Size    Page Size    Configuration    (Phys RAM) Signature
-;  16MByte      32k        4*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  16MByte      32k        16*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  12MByte      32k        3*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;  12MByte      32k        12*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;   8MByte      32k        2*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   8MByte      32k         8*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k          32*1Mx1         A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k         4*8*256kx4       A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   2Mbyte      32k    expandable 2*8*256kx4 A13,A20 distinct, A21 fails
-;   2Mbyte ???  16k      fixed 2*8*256kx4    A13,A21 distinct, A20 fails
-;   1Mbyte       8k          32*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k           8*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k          4*8*64kx4       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       8k    expandable 2*8*64kx4  A13,A20,A19 fail, A12,A18 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       4k      fixed 2*8*64kx4     A13,A20,A12 fail, A19,A18 distinct
-; 256Kbyte       4K           8*64kx4        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok
-; 256Kbyte       4K          32*64kx1        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok
-; MemSize routine... enter with 32K pagesize set
-; R0 returns page size
-; R1 returns memory size
-; R2 returns value set in MEMC
-; Can corrupt R3-R14
-; Note that on a soft-loaded system, the 1st word of the image may be
-; temporarily overwritten, but this is just the reset branch so it's OK.
-; MMU is always off at this point, so we must use the physical address of PhysRAM
-; Also we are entered in 32-bit config, 32-bit mode,
-; but we exit in 32-bit config, 26-bit mode
- [ MorrisSupport
-        &       &66CC9933   ; 0110 1100 1001 0011
-        &       &CC993366   ; 1100 1001 0011 0110
- ]
-MemSize ROUT
-        MOV     r13, lr                                 ;save in a register, cos we've got no stack
-        MOV     r12, #IOMD_Base
- [ MorrisSupport
-        LDRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ID0]    ; load r1 with IOMD ID high byte
-        LDRB    r1, [r12, #IOMD_ID1]    ; load r0 with IOMD ID low byte
-        ORR     r0,r0,r1,LSL#8          ; Or r0 and r1, shifted left 8, put in r0
-        LDR     r1,=IOMD_Original       ; get Ref IOMD ID code - original
-        CMP     r0,r1                   ; check for IOMD ID Code - original
-        BEQ     MemSizeIOMD             ; Not ID Code - original,
-                                        ;    therefore jump to Medusa hardware code
-                                        ;    else fall through to Morris code.
-; MemSize for Morris
-  [ RO371Timings
-        MOV     r11, #&70     ;all 4 banks assumed 32 bit - EDO and timing bits set in case 7500FE (don't care bits otherwise)
-  |
-        MOV     r11, #IOMD_DRAMWID_DRAM_32bit * &0F     ;set all 4 banks to be 32bit initially
-        LDR     r1, =IOMD_7500FE
-        TEQ     r0, r1                                  ; are we on FE part?
-                                                        ; if so, then enable EDO and slower RASCAS and RASPre times
-        ! 0,"7500FE support expects EDO memory in s.ARM600"
-  ]
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRB    r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMWID]
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ;indicate no RAM found yet
-        MOV     r9, #IOMD_DRAMWID_DRAM_16bit            ;bit to OR into DRAMWID to set 16bit
-        MOV     r0, #DRAM0PhysRam
-; r0    DRAM address
-; r9    IOMD_DRAMWID_DRAM_16bit for current DRAM bank
-; r11   current IOMD_DRAMWID register contents
-ExamineDRAMBank                                         ;examine first/next DRAM bank
-        LDMIA   r0, {r1, r2}                            ;Preserve the two locations that we widdle on
-        ADR     r3, funnypatterns                       ;We write different values to two locations
-        LDMIA   r3, {r3, r4}                            ; incase bus capacitance holds our value
-        STMIA   r0, {r3, r4}
-        LDMIA   r0, {r5, r6}                            ;Reread test locations
-        EORS    r5, r5, r3                              ;Both locations should read correctly
-        EOR     r6, r6, r4                              ; if memory is 32bits wide
-       ;TEQ     r5, #0
-        TEQEQ   r6, #0
-        BEQ     %FT05                                   ;32bit wide memory
-        TST     r5, #&00FF                              ;If the bottom 16bits of each location
-        TSTEQ   r5, #&FF00                              ; are correct, the memory is 16bits wide
-        TSTEQ   r6, #&00FF
-        TSTEQ   r6, #&FF00
-        ADDNE   r0, r0, #DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam      ; move onto next bank
-        BNE     NoRamInBank                             ;No memory in this bank
-        ORR     r11, r11, r9                            ;Bank is 16bits wide
-        STMIA   r0, {r1, r2}                            ;Restore the two locations we widdled on
-                                                        ;Must do BEFORE poking the DRAMWID register
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base                         ;
-        STRB    r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMWID]               ;
-        BL      Add_DRAM_bank
-        MOV     r9, r9, LSL #1                          ; shunt up position in DRAMWID
-        CMP     r9, #&0010                              ; if more banks to do
-        BLT     ExamineDRAMBank                         ; then loop
-        MOV     r6, #0                                  ; No VRAM
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base
-        LDRB    r4, [r14, #IOMD_ID0]
-        LDRB    r7, [r14, #IOMD_ID1]
-        ORR     r4, r4, r7, LSL #8
-        LDR     r7, =IOMD_7500FE                        ; if FE part, then assume EDO DRAM
-        TEQ     r4, r7
-        LDREQ   r2, =80000000                           ; so allow 80E6 bytes/s
- [ STB
-        LDRNE   r2, =44000000                           ; else only allow 44E6 bytes/s
- |
-        LDRNE   r2, =46500000                           ; if no VRAM, then 46.5E6 bytes/sec bandwidth
- ]
-        MOV     r1, #IOMD_VIDCR_DRAMMode :OR: &10       ; if no VRAM, then turn on DRAM mode, and set increment to &10
-        B       Allocate_DRAM
- ]
-; Right, let's find out where our memory is
-        MOV     r11, #IOMD_DRAMCR_DRAM_Large * &55      ; set all banks to be large initially
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRB    r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMCR]
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ; indicate no RAM found yet
-        MOV     r9, #IOMD_DRAMCR_DRAM_Small             ; bit to OR into DRAMCR
-        MOV     r0, #DRAM0PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A10                            ; this should be OK for both configurations
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        ADDNE   r0, r0, #DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam      ; move onto next bank
-        BNE     %FT15                                   ; [no RAM in this bank at all]
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A11                            ; test for 256K DRAM
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, r9                            ; it is, so select small multiplexing
-        MOVNE   r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRNEB  r11, [r14, #IOMD_DRAMCR]                ; store new value of DRAMCR, so we can use memory immediately
-        BL      Add_DRAM_bank
-; Now, we have to find a bank of DRAM, so we've got somewhere to store our results!
-        MOV     r9, r9, LSL #2                          ; shunt up position in DRAMCR
-        CMP     r9, #&100                               ; if more banks to do
-        BCC     %BT10                                   ; then loop
-; Now, we check out the VRAM.
-; Don't bother checking for more than 2M of VRAM, because we don't know what the 1/2 SAM length is for larger sizes
-        MOV     r2, #IOMD_VREFCR_VRAM_256Kx64 :OR: IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16 ; assume 2 banks of VRAM by default
-        STRB    r2, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-        MOV     r0, #VideoPhysRam                       ; point at VRAM
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A2                             ; test A2
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVEQ   r6, #2                                  ; we've got 2M of VRAM
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        MOV     r2, #IOMD_VREFCR_VRAM_256Kx32 :OR: IOMD_VREFCR_REF_16
-        STRB    r2, [r12, #IOMD_VREFCR]
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A2                             ; check for any VRAM at all
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVEQ   r6, #1                                  ; we've got 1M of VRAM
-        MOVNE   r6, #0                                  ; no VRAM
- [ IgnoreVRAM
-        MOV     r6, #0                                  ; pretend there's no VRAM
- ]
-        CMP     r6, #1
-        MOVCC   r1, #IOMD_VIDCR_DRAMMode :OR: &10       ; if no VRAM, then turn on DRAM mode, and set increment to &10
-        MOVEQ   r1, #SAMLength/2/256                    ; if 1M VRAM, then use VRAM mode, and set increment for 1/2 SAM
-        MOVHI   r1, #SAMLength/2/256*2                  ; if 2M VRAM, then use VRAM mode, and set increment for 2*1/2 SAM
-        LDRCC   r2, =46500000                           ; if no VRAM, then 46.5E6 bytes/sec bandwidth
-        LDREQ   r2, =80000000                           ; if 1M VRAM, then 80E6   ---------""--------
-        LDRHI   r2, =160000000                          ; if 2M VRAM, then 160E6  ---------""--------
-        MOVCC   r0, #0                                  ; Clear VRAM base if there is no VRAM
-; Allocate_DRAM
-;   r0  = Video base if r6!=0
-;   r1  = Value for IOMD VIDCR
-;   r2  = Bandwidth limit
-;   r6  = VRAM size in Mb
-;   r10 = End of DRAM list
-        TST     r10, r10
-        BEQ     NoDRAMPanic                             ; Stop here if there is no DRAM (we could use VRAM I suppose...)
-        MOV     r7, r6, LSL #20                         ; r7 = size of video memory
-        LDR     r8, [r10]                               ; r8 = the number of DRAM blocks.
-        SUB     r11, r10, r8, LSL #3                    ; Jump back to the start of the list
-        LDMIA   r11!, {r4, r5}                          ; Get a block from the list. (r4,r5) = (base,size)
-        CMP     r6, #0                                  ; Did we find any VRAM?
-        BNE     %FT30                                   ; Skip this bit if we did.
-        MOV     r0, r4                                  ; Allocate this block as video memory
-        MOV     r7, r5
-        CMP     r10, r11                                ; Was this the only block?  If so, leave 1M
-        SUBEQS  r7, r7, #1024*1024
-        MOVCC   r7, r5, ASR #1                          ; If that overflowed, take half the bank.
-        CMP     r7, #8*1024*1024
-        MOVCS   r7, #8*1024*1024                        ; Limit allocation to 8M - the size of the logical space
-        ADD     r4, r4, r7                              ; Adjust the DRAM block base...
-        SUBS    r5, r5, r7                              ; ... and the size.
-        LDMEQIA r11!, {r4, r5}                          ; Fetch the next block if we claimed it all.
-30      ADD     r12, r4, #DRAMOffset_PageZero           ; Use the first block for kernel workspace.
-        ADD     r3, r12, #DRAMPhysAddrA                 ; Set the table address as well
-        CMP     r8, #5
-        ADDCS   r10, r11, #3:SHL:3                      ; Limit to 4 blocks of DRAM (3 + this one)
-35      STMIA   r3!, {r4, r5}                           ; Put the DRAM block into the table
-        TEQ     r10, r11
-        LDMNEIA r11!, {r4, r5}                          ; Get the next block if there is one.
-        BNE     %BT35
-; Now go back and put the VRAM information in, and also program VIDCR and VIDCUR
-        STRB    r6, [r12, #VRAMWidth]                   ; store width of VRAM (0,1 or 2)
-        MOV     r14, #IOMD_Base
-        STRB    r1, [r14, #IOMD_VIDCR]
-        STR     r0, [r14, #IOMD_VIDCUR]                 ; set up VIDCUR to start of video RAM
-        STR     r0, [r14, #IOMD_VIDSTART]               ; do same for VIDSTART
-        STR     r0, [r14, #IOMD_VIDINIT]                ; and for VIDINIT
-                                                        ; so we don't get a mess when we turn video DMA on later
-        STR     r2, [r12, #VideoBandwidth]              ; store video bandwidth
-        ADD     r4, r0, #1024*1024-4096                 ; add on a bit to form VIDEND (will be on mult. of SAM)
-        STR     r4, [r14, #IOMD_VIDEND]                 ; yes I know it's a bit of a bodge
-        MOV     r4, r6, LSL #20                         ; convert amount of VRAM to bytes
-        STR     r4, [r12, #VRAMSize]                    ; and store
-  ]
-        ADD     r2, r12, #VideoPhysAddr                 ; r2 -> Start of PhysRamTable
-        STMIA   r2, {r0, r7}                            ; store video memory block
-; Now we have to work out the total RAM size
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r7, r2
-        LDMIA   r7!, {r4, r5}                           ; get address, size
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5                              ; add on size
-        TEQ     r7, r3
-        BNE     %BT40
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K                             ; something to put in MEMC CR soft copy
-                                                        ; (it's probably irrelevant)
-        ADRL    r4, ROM
-; r0 = Page size
-; r1 = Total memory size (bytes)
-; r2 = PhysRamTable
-; r3 = After last used entry in PhysRamTable
-; r4 = Address of ROM
-; now store zeros to fill out table
-        ADD     r5, r2, #PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        CMP     r3, r5
-        STMCCIA r3!, {r6, r7}
-        BCC     %BT57
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-; Now set up L1 + L2
-; - first work out how big static L2 needs to be
-; - then zero L1 + L2 (L1 is actually inside L2)
-        MOV     r3, r1, LSR #22                 ; r3 = memsize / 4M
-        TEQ     r1, r3, LSL #22                 ; if any remainder
-        ADDNE   r3, r3, #1                      ; then round up (r3 is now how many pages of L2 needed for free pool)
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSL #12                 ; convert to bytes
-        ADD     r3, r3, #FixedAreasL2Size       ; add on size of L2 for other fixed areas
-        STR     r3, [r2, #L2PTSize-PhysRamTable] ; save away for future reference
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #DRAMPhysAddrA-PhysRamTable]   ; get address of 1st DRAM bank
-        LDR     r5, =DRAMOffset_L2PT
-        ADD     r2, r2, r5                              ; make r2 -> L2PT
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; value to initialise L1 and L2 to (translation faults)
-        MOV     r6, r5
-        MOV     r7, r5
-        MOV     r8, r5
-        MOV     r9, r5
-        MOV     r10, r5
-        MOV     r11, r5
-        MOV     r12, r5
-        ADD     r2, r2, r3                      ; start at end and work back
-        STMDB   r2!, {r5-r12}
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #8*4
-        BNE     %BT60
-; r2 ends up pointing at L2
-        ADD     r3, r2, #DRAMOffset_L1PT-DRAMOffset_L2PT        ; r3 -> L1Phys
-; now initialise all the L1 for the area covered by the static L2, as if it were all page mapped
-; - the section mapped stuff will be overwritten when we go thru MemInitTable shortly
-        ORR     r5, r2, #L1_Page + L1_U         ; take phys base of L2, and or in other bits to form an L1 entry
-        LDR     r6, =L2PTSize+DRAMOffset_PageZero-DRAMOffset_L2PT
-        LDR     r10, [r2, r6]                   ; r10 = size of L2 (used after this loop, too)
-        ADD     r6, r5, r10                     ; r6 = value in r5 when we've finished
-        MOV     r7, r3                          ; r7 -> where we're storing L1 entries
-        STR     r5, [r7], #4                    ; store L1 entry
-        ADD     r5, r5, #1024                   ; advance L2 pointer
-        TEQ     r5, r6
-        BNE     %BT61
-; now go through memory initialisation table, setting up entries
-        ADR     r5, MemInitTable
-        LDMIA   r5!, {r6-r8}                    ; load size, logaddr, indicator
-        TEQ     r6, #0                          ; if size field is zero
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ; then we've finished going through table
-        TST     r8, #1                          ; if bit 0 of indicator is set, then it's page mapped
-        BNE     %FT75
-        TST     r8, #2                          ; is it abort?
-        BNE     %FT68                           ; [no]
-; it's a section abort (r8=0)
-        STR     r8, [r3, r7, LSR #20-2]         ; store zero in L1 table
-        ADD     r7, r7, #&00100000              ; increment logical address by 1M
-        SUBS    r6, r6, #&00100000              ; and decrement size by 1M
-        BNE     %BT66                           ; loop until done
-        B       %BT65
-; it's section mapped
-        TST     r8, #ROMbit                     ; is it a ROM image offset
-        ADDNE   r8, r8, r4                      ; if so, then add in image offset
-        BICNE   r8, r8, #ROMbit                 ; and knock out the dodgy bit
-        TST     r8, #Vidbit                     ; is it a video memory offset
-        LDRNE   r9, =VideoPhysAddr+DRAMOffset_PageZero-DRAMOffset_L2PT
-        LDRNE   r9, [r2, r9]                    ; get physical address of video RAM
-        ADDNE   r8, r8, r9                      ; add on offset
-        BICNE   r8, r8, #Vidbit                 ; and knock out the dodgy bit
-        STR     r8, [r3, r7, LSR #20-2]         ; store entry in L1 table (assumes bits 18, 19 are clear!)
-        ADD     r7, r7, #&00100000              ; increment logical address by 1M
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&00100000              ; and physical address by 1M
-        SUBS    r6, r6, #&00100000              ; and decrement size by 1M
-        BNE     %BT70                           ; if we've not finished then loop
-        B       %BT65                           ; else go back to main loop
-; explicit L2 setup
-        CMP     r6, #-1                         ; if size <> -1
-        BNE     %FT80                           ; then normal
-; size = -1 => this is the chunk with the soft CAM map in it,
-; so we must work out a suitable size (and store it in SoftCamMapSize)
-; we also have to work out the correct offset in the DRAM bank, since this is
-; after variable size L2PT
-        MOV     r6, r1, LSR #24-3               ; number of pages for cam map
-        CMP     r1, r6, LSL #24-3               ; if bits dropped off
-        ADDNE   r6, r6, #1                      ; then need one more page
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSL #12
-        LDR     r9, =DRAMOffset_PageZero-DRAMOffset_L2PT+SoftCamMapSize
-        STR     r6, [r2, r9]                    ; store size used
-        ADD     r6, r6, #UndStackSize           ; chunk also includes undstack
-        ADD     r9, r10, #DRAMOffset_L2PT       ; undstack/cammap starts at offset L2PT + L2PTSize
-        ORR     r8, r8, r9                      ; OR in other misc bits from table
-        LDR     r9, =DRAMOffset_PageZero-DRAMOffset_L2PT+DRAMPhysAddrA
-                                                ; offset from L2 to word containing physical address of 1st DRAM bank
-        LDR     r9, [r2, r9]                    ; r9 = address of 1st DRAM bank
-        ADD     r8, r8, r9                      ; convert offset to address
-        EOR     r8, r8, #L2_SmallPage :EOR: 1   ; make bottom 2 bits correct for L2
-        ADD     r9, r2, r7, LSR #10             ; r9 -> L2 for this page
-        STR     r8, [r9], #4                    ; store entry in L2
-        ADD     r8, r8, #4*1024                 ; advance physical page address
-        SUBS    r6, r6, #4*1024                 ; one less page to do
-        BNE     %BT85
-        B       %BT65
-; L1 is now set up correctly, and L2 has the correct CB bits, but no accessible pages
-; Put in the L2 entries for the logical area we are going to access the L2 (and L1) at
-; r10 still holds L2PT size
-        ADD     r5, r2, #(L2PT :SHR: 10)        ; r5 -> start of L2PT for L2 logical address
-        LDR     r6, =(AP_None * L2_APMult) + L2_SmallPage ; r6 = other gubbins to put in L2 entries (not C or B)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r2                      ; OR in physical address of L2
-        MOV     r7, r10                         ; amount to put in (L2PTSize)
-        STR     r6, [r5], #4                    ; store entry
-        ADD     r6, r6, #4096                   ; move onto next page
-        SUBS    r7, r7, #4096                   ; one less page to do
-        BNE     %BT95                           ; loop until done
-; But before we turn on, we have to temporarily make the addresses we are currently executing out of
-; into a section mapped area straight through, so we don't crash before we can jump up into ROM area
-        ASSERT ((CritStart :EOR: CritEnd) :AND: &FFF00000)=0    ; make sure start and end are in the same MB chunk
-        ADR     r5, CritStart                   ; point at critical region start
-        MOV     r5, r5, LSR #20                 ; divide by 1MB
-        LDR     r6, [r3, r5, LSL #2]            ; get current L1 entry to put back later
-        MOV     r7, r5, LSL #20                 ; r7 = physical address of base of section
-        ORR     r7, r7, #(AP_None * L1_APMult)
-        ORR     r7, r7, #L1_Section
-        STR     r7, [r3, r5, LSL #2]            ; store replacement entry in L1 (not U,C or B)
-        ARM_MMU_transbase r3                    ; set up MMU pointer to L1
-        ADD     r3, r3, #PhysSpace              ; when we put L1 entry back later, we need to use the copy in PhysSpace area
-        MOV     r7, #1
-        ARM_MMU_domain r7                       ; only use domain 0
-        ARM_flush_cacheandTLB r7                ; flush cache + TLB just in case
-        ARM_number r2                           ;should be 6,7,8 or &A
-        SUB     r2,r2,#6                        ; r2 := 0..4 for ARM 6,7,8,(9),&A
-        ADRL    r7,ARM_default_MMU_CR_table
-        LDR     r7,[r7,r2,LSL #2]               ;get appropriate default value for MMU control reg
-        ARM_write_control r7
-; now we can jump into the ROM space (if we're not already there)
-        RSB     r4, r4, #ROM                    ; make offset from current address to ROM
-        ADD     pc, pc, r4                      ; jump up into ROM area
-        NOP                                     ; this instruction will be skipped
-; now put back the L1 entry we messed up
-        STR     r6, [r3, r5, LSL #2]
-CritEnd                                         ; 2 words after we go up into ROM
-        ARM_flush_TLB r2                        ; flush TLB (no need to flush cache, as there's nothing in it)
-        SetMode UND32_mode, r7
-        LDR     r13_undef, =UNDSTK              ; set up undefined mode stack pointer
- [ No26bitCode
-        SetMode ABT32_mode, r7
-        LDR     r13_abort, =ABTSTK              ; set up abort mode stack pointer
-        SetMode SVC32_mode, r7                  ; RISC OS is 32 bit now. yay!
- |
-        SetMode SVC26_mode, r7                  ; switch into 26-bit mode
- ]
-        ADD     r13, r13, r4                    ; adjust return address
-        LDR     r2, ResetMemC_Value
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&C
-        ORR     r2, r2, r0
-        MOV     r0, #4*1024                     ; r0 = true page size (now split off
-                                                ; from MEMC control register)
-        MOV     pc, r13
- ] ; :LNOT: HAL
-; add_dram_bank
-;   Entry: r10 -> workspace (initially 0)
-;          r0  =  bank address
-;   Exit:  r10 -> workspace (allocated if 0 on entry)
-;          r0  =  next bank address
-;          r9, r11, r13 preserved
-;   Probe a DRAM bank, and add any DRAM found to the workspace
-        ROUT
-        MOV     r12, lr                 ; r12 = return address
-        EOR     r1, r0, #A16            ; Check there is some RAM in the bank
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        ADDNE   r0, r0, #DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam
-        MOVNE   pc, r12                 ; Return if no RAM in the bank
-        ; Only some address lines are decoded by the SIMM.  For example, a 4M SIMM may be split
-        ; into 2 banks, with A2-A20 decoded on each, or A2-A19,A21 decoded.  First we need to
-        ; find out which address lines are decoded, and which are ignored.
-        MOV     r6, #DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam
-        MOV     r7, #A17
-        SUB     r6, r6, #1              ; Get address lines which select address within bank.
-        ; Loop through the address lines, finding out which are decoded.  We clear the bits in r6
-        ; which correspond to non-decoded address lines.
-        ; r6 = address line mask
-        ; r7 = current address line
-10      EOR     r1, r0, r7              ; Toggle the address line
-        BL      DistinctAddresses       ; Check if address line has any effect.
-        BICNE   r6, r6, r7              ; Clear the bit if the address line fails.
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSL #1          ; Move onto the next address line.
-        TST     r6, r7                  ; Have we reached the limit?
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; Repeat if not.
-        ; r6 = decoded address lines in bank. (ie in A0-A25)
-        ; r7 = The size of the DRAM bank
-        ; Since the DRAM bank may not be contiguous, we now split the bank up into contiguous
-        ; blocks.  We make these as large as possible to save work.  Here we set r8 to the
-        ; size of the smallest contiguous block(s) of RAM.  (There will also be some contiguous
-        ; blocks which are twice this size in some cases.)
-        ADD     r8, r6, #A17
-        BIC     r8, r8, r6              ; r8 = First clear bit in r6 from A17 up.
-        RSB     r4, r8, #0              ; r4 = All bits at or above r8 set since r8 is a power of 2.
-        RSB     r7, r7, #0              ; r7 = address bits which select the bank since r7 was a
-                                        ;      power of 2.
-        ORR     r3, r7, r6              ; r3 = All decoded address lines.
-        AND     r7, r4, r3              ; r7 = All decoded bits at or above r8.
-; Make sure that the dram bank may not be contained within the image.  The code below fails
-; to work correctly if a dram bank is contained within an OS image.  Currently this would
-; require an image larger than 64M.
-                ASSERT  OSROM_ImageSize*1024 <= DRAM1PhysRam-DRAM0PhysRam
-15      MOV     r1, r0                  ; r1 = Address of start of block (inclusive).
-        ADD     r2, r1, r8              ; r2 = End of the block (exclusive).
-        ; Move the end of the block if the OS image begins in this block.
-        ADRL    r4, ROM                 ; r4 = Start of the OS image (which may be in RAM).
-        EOR     r5, r4, r1              ; r5 = Difference between image and memory block.
-        TST     r5, r7                  ; Check if the image begins in this block of RAM.
-        ANDEQ   r2, r4, r3              ; Set end of block to start of image.
-        ; Move the start of the block if the OS image ends in this block.
-        ADD     r4, r4, #OSROM_ImageSize*1024
-        SUB     r4, r4, #1              ; r4 = Last byte of the OS image.
-        EOR     r5, r4, r1              ; r5 = Difference between end of image and block.
-        TST     r5, r7                  ; Check if the image ends in this block of RAM.
-        ANDEQ   r5, r4, r3              ; r5 = Address of last byte of the image within this block.
-        ADDEQ   r1, r5, #1              ; Set start of block to the byte after the image.
-        ; If the image is contained in the block, we will have swapped the start and end
-        ; addresses.  This means that the block is split into two parts.  The bit below
-        ; the image and the bit above the image.
-        CMP     r1, r2
-        BLS     %FT20                   ; If start <= end, then block is not fragmented.
-        CMP     r2, r0                  ; Check the size of the fragment before the image.
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; Store old start address
-        AND     r1, r1, r7              ; Get the start of the block
-        BLNE    Allocate_DRAM_fragment  ; Allocate it if it's non-zero.
-        MOV     r1, r0                  ; Restore the old start of fragment
-        AND     r0, r0, r7              ; Get the start of the block again.
-        ADD     r2, r0, r8              ; End of next fragment is the end of the block.
-        CMP     r1, r2                  ; Compare start and (modified) end.
-20      BLNE    Allocate_DRAM_fragment
-        ; Now move onto the next block.  We add the non-decoded address lines to cause the
-        ; carry to be propagated across them.  Then we mask them out.
-        MVN     r4, r7                  ; Add the non-connected address lines to ...
-        ADD     r4, r4, r0              ; ... the block address ...
-        ADD     r4, r4, r8              ; ... and the block size.
-;       EOR     r5, r0, r4              ; Compare with old address
-        AND     r0, r4, r7              ; Leave only the decoded lines set.
-;       BIC     r5, r5, r6              ; Clear decoded lines within the bank.
-;       TST     r5, r7                  ; Check only the bank lines.
-;       BEQ     %BT15                   ; Repeat for next block.
-        TST     r0, r6
-        BNE     %BT15
-        MOV     pc, r12                 ; Done for this bank.
-; Allocate_DRAM_block
-;   Entry:
-;     r1 = block start (inclusive)
-;     r2 = block end (exclusive)
-;     r3 = All decoded address lines
-;     r7 = All decoded bits at or above r8
-;     r8 = Size of largest contiguous block
-;     block length is assumed to be at least the size of the static data - ie. 160k
-;     The maximum block list size is then 4k, which fits easily into the cursor chunk
-;   Exit:
-;     r10 updated
-;     r0, r3, r6-r9, r11-r13 preserved
-;     r10 points to a word containing the number of blocks stored.
-;     The pairs of words before
-        ROUT
-        CMP     r10, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        ; We are not dealing with the first block since r10 != 0.  Make an attempt to merge this block
-        ; with the previous block.
-        LDMDB   r10, {r4, r5}           ; Get details of the previous block
-        ADD     r5, r4, r5              ; Get the end address
-        EOR     r5, r5, r1              ; Compare with the current block start address...
-        TST     r5, r3                  ; ... but only check the decoded bits.
-        EOR     r5, r5, r1              ; Restore the previous block end address.
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; We can't merge it after the previous block
-        ; r4 = previous start
-        ; r5 = previous end
-        ; The block is just after the previous block.  That means the start address is unchanged, but
-        ; the length is increased.
-        SUB     r5, r5, r4              ; Calculate the previous block length.
-        SUB     r2, r2, r1              ; Find the length of the new block.
-        ; r2 = length of block
-        ADD     r5, r5, r2              ; Add it to the previous length.
-        STR     r5, [r10, #-4]          ; Update the block size in memory.
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ; The block is not just after the previous block, but it may be just before.  This may be the
-        ; case if we are softloaded.
-10      SUB     r4, r4, #1              ; Compare the address before the previous block start ...
-        SUB     r2, r2, #1              ; ... with the address of the last byte in this block ...
-        EOR     r4, r4, r2
-        TST     r4, r3                  ; ... but check only the decoded bits.
-        ADD     r2, r2, #1              ; Restore the end address.
-        BNE     %FT20                   ; Skip if we cannot merge the block.
-        ; The block is just before the previous block.  The start address and length both change.
-        LDR     r4, [r10, #-8]          ; Get the previous block start again.
-        SUB     r2, r2, r1              ; Calculate the current block size.
-        SUB     r4, r4, r2              ; Subtract from the previous block start address.
-        SUB     r5, r5, r4              ; Calculate the new length=end-start
-        STMDB   r10, {r4, r5}           ; Update the block info in memory.
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ; We now have a region which does not merge with a previous region.  We move it up to the
-        ; highest address we can in the hope that this block will merge with the next block.
-20      SUB     r2, r2, r1              ; Calculate the block size
-        MVN     r4, r3                  ; Get the non-decoded address lines.
-        ORR     r1, r4, r1              ; Set the non-decoded address bit in the start address.
-30      CMP     r10, #0                 ; If the workspace has not been allocated...
-        MOVEQ   r10, r1                 ; ... use this block.
-        MOVEQ   r4, #0                  ; Initialise the counter.
-        ; The block/fragment to be added is between r1 and r1+r2.
-        LDRNE   r4, [r10]               ; Get the old counter if there was one.
-        STMIA   r10!, {r1, r2}          ; Store address and size.
-        ADD     r4, r4, #1              ; Increment the counter.
-        STR     r4, [r10]               ; Store the counter.
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; We've done with this block now.
-; Memory map initialisation table
-; Consists of word triplets (size,logaddr,type)
-; where size    is size in bytes of area (size=0 terminates list)
-;       logaddr is the base logical address of area
-;       type is one of 5 formats:
-;       a) a standard section-mapped L1 entry (physical address gets incremented for each MB in size)
-;       b) like a section-mapped L1 entry, but with bit 12 set (address field holds base offset from "ROM" image)
-;       c) like a section-mapped L1 entry, but with bit 13 set (address field holds base offset from start of video RAM)
-;       d) like a page-mapped L1 entry, which indicates a page-mapped area to fill in
-;          the L2 for. In this case the other bits are as follows:-
-;               Bits 3,2   - CB respectively
-;               Bits (11,10),(9,8),(7,6),(5,4) - access privileges
-;               Bits 31-12 - offset in 1st DRAM bank to start of these pages (in units of pages)
-;          If the size field contains -1, then it is the SoftCAMMap, and the appropriate size should be worked out,
-;           and stored in SoftCamMapSize. Also, since the size of the L2 is variable the offset into the DRAM bank
-;           of the SoftCamMap is unknown at assembly time, so the offset bits in table are zero.
-;       e) zero - indicating that this area should abort (only necessary for section mapped bits in 48M-64M, cause they
-;           have no level 2, therefore section must abort) - used for VIDC1 emulation area.
-;       Note in case d), the L1 is not actually touched (it should have already been set up to point to the right L2)
-ROMbit  *       1 :SHL: 12
-Vidbit  *       1 :SHL: 13
-PSS     *       PhysSpaceSize           :SHR: 20  ; Number of megabytes in physical space (used in table generation)
-        MACRO
-        MemInitSection  $size, $U, $C, $B, $logaddr, $ap, $physaddr
-        &       ($size)*&00100000
-        &       $logaddr
-        &       (($U)*L1_U):OR:(($C)*L1_C):OR:(($B)*L1_B):OR:(($ap)*L1_APMult):OR:$physaddr:OR:L1_Section
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        MemInitROMs     $size, $U, $C, $B, $logaddr, $ap
-        &       ($size)*&00100000
-        &       $logaddr
-        &       (($U)*L1_U):OR:(($C)*L1_C):OR:(($B)*L1_B):OR:(($ap)*L1_APMult):OR:ROMbit:OR:L1_Section
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        MemInitVideo    $size, $U, $C, $B, $logaddr, $ap
-        &       ($size)*&00100000
-        &       $logaddr
-        &       (($U)*L1_U):OR:(($C)*L1_C):OR:(($B)*L1_B):OR:(($ap)*L1_APMult):OR:Vidbit:OR:L1_Section
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        MemInitAbort    $size, $logaddr
-        &       ($size)*&00100000
-        &       $logaddr
-        &       0
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        MemInitPagesL2  $size, $C, $B, $logaddr, $ap, $dramoffset
-        &       ($size)
-        &       $logaddr
-        &       (($C)*L1_C):OR:(($B)*L1_B):OR:(($ap)*L2_APMult):OR:$dramoffset:OR:L1_Page
-        MEND
-MemInitTable    ;       sz, U, C, B, logaddr,   (ap,     (physaddr))
-        MemInitSection   4, 1, 0, 0, &03000000, AP_None, &03000000      ; I/O
-        MemInitAbort     1,          &03400000                          ; VIDC1 emulation zone
-        MemInitSection   1, 1, 0, 0, &03500000, AP_None, &03400000      ; VIDC20 space
-        MemInitSection   2, 1, 0, 0, &03600000, AP_None, &03600000      ; LAGs
- [ OSROM_ImageSize >= 8192
-        ; We will map in the whole ROM, but only the first 8M will fall in the 26-bit
-        ; address space, and be available for modules.
-        MemInitROMs      (OSROM_ImageSize / 1024), 1, 1, 1, &03800000, AP_Read
- |
-  [ STB
-   [ ExtROMSupport                                                      ; System build option
-        ASSERT (OSROM_ImageSize <= 4096)                                ; No room for extension ROMs with an 8MB OS image
-        MemInitROMs      4, 1, 1, 1, &03800000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitSection   4, 1, 1, 1, &03C00000, AP_Read, &01000000      ; Extension ROM
-   |
-        MemInitROMs      8, 1, 1, 1, &03800000, AP_Read                 ; ROM (1st or 2nd bank)
-   ]
-  |
-        [ OSROM_ImageSize = 4096
-        MemInitROMs      4, 1, 1, 1, &03800000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitROMs      4, 1, 1, 1, &03C00000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        |
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &03800000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &03A00000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &03C00000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &03E00000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        ]
-  ]
- ]
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-        MemInitSection PSS, 1, 0, 0, PhysSpace, AP_None, &00000000      ; map of physical space
- ]
- [ ShadowROM
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &FF800000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &FFA00000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &FFC00000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
-        MemInitROMs      2, 1, 1, 1, &FFE00000, AP_Read                 ; ROM
- ]
-; Now explicit initialisation of L2 for static pages
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-        MemInitPagesL2  &8000, 0, 0, CursorChunkAddress, AP_Read, DRAMOffset_CursorChunk  ;but see L1L2PTenhancements
-        MemInitPagesL2  &8000, 1, 1, &00000000, AP_Full, DRAMOffset_PageZero
-        MemInitPagesL2  &8000, 1, 1, SysHeapChunkAddress, AP_Full, DRAMOffset_SystemHeap
-  [ StrongARM
-;StrongARM requires 2*16k of private logical space (used for absolutely nothing else), which is
-;readable and cacheable, for data cache cleaning purposes. We want to map the space to
-;start of ROM bank 1 (physical target), so that IOMD timings can be poked for maximum read speed
-;(only requirement of physical space is that it is readable without h/w abort). Here, though,
-;we have to conform to format for MemInitPagesL2, so we just point to some convenient RAM,
-;and fix things up later (see L1L2PTenhancements)
-        MemInitPagesL2  &8000, 1, 1, ARMA_Cleaners_address, AP_Read, DRAMOffset_PageZero
-  ]
-  [ No26bitCode
-        MemInitPagesL2  AbtStackSize, 1, 1, AbtStack, AP_Read, DRAMOffset_AbortStack
-  ]
-        MemInitPagesL2     -1, 1, 1, UndStackSoftCamChunk, AP_Full, 0   ; variable offset and size
- ] ; :LNOT HAL
-        &       0, 0, 0                                                 ; terminate table
-        LTORG
-; DistinctAddresses routine...
-; r0,r1 are the addresses to check
-; uses r2-5
-; writes interleaved patterns (to prevent dynamic storage...)
-; checks writing every bit low and high...
-; return Z-flag set if distinct
-; This routine must work in 32-bit mode
-DistinctAddresses ROUT
-        LDR     r2, [r0] ; preserve
-        LDR     r3, [r1]
-        LDR     r4, Pattern
-        STR     r4, [r0] ; mark first
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r1] ; mark second
-        LDR     r5, [r0]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check first
-        BNE     %10    ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r1] ; check second
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-        BNE     %10
-; now check inverse bit writes
-        STR     r4, [r1] ; mark second
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r0] ; mark first
-        LDR     r5, [r1]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check second
-        BNE     %10   ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r0] ; check first
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-10      STR     r3, [r1] ; restore
-        STR     r2, [r0]
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; Z flag is already set up, and other flags don't matter
-        &       &AAFF5500 ; shiftable bit check pattern
-; init state with masked out page size
-        & &E010C :OR: MEMCADR       ; slugged ROMs + flyback refresh only + 32K page
-; Constants
-A0      *       1 :SHL: 00
-A1      *       1 :SHL: 01
-A2      *       1 :SHL: 02
-A3      *       1 :SHL: 03
-A4      *       1 :SHL: 04
-A5      *       1 :SHL: 05
-A6      *       1 :SHL: 06
-A7      *       1 :SHL: 07
-A8      *       1 :SHL: 08
-A9      *       1 :SHL: 09
-A10     *       1 :SHL: 10
-A11     *       1 :SHL: 11
-A12     *       1 :SHL: 12
-A13     *       1 :SHL: 13
-A14     *       1 :SHL: 14
-A15     *       1 :SHL: 15
-A16     *       1 :SHL: 16
-A17     *       1 :SHL: 17
-A18     *       1 :SHL: 18
-A19     *       1 :SHL: 19
-A20     *       1 :SHL: 20
-A21     *       1 :SHL: 21
-A22     *       1 :SHL: 22
-A23     *       1 :SHL: 23
-A24     *       1 :SHL: 24
-A25     *       1 :SHL: 25
-A26     *       1 :SHL: 26
-A27     *       1 :SHL: 27
-A28     *       1 :SHL: 28
-A29     *       1 :SHL: 29
-A30     *       1 :SHL: 30
-A31     *       1 :SHL: 31
-Page32K * &C ; in MEMC control reg patterns...
-Page16K * &8
-Page8K  * &4
-Page4K  * &0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0=0 -> Coming from the Test routine - no fancy business!
-;       r1-r6 trashable
-;       [[[ r9 = Current MEMC CR (true MEMC value, not fudged to look like 4K page size) ]]]
-; Out   [[[ r9 MEMC value with slowest ROM speed, correct pagesize ]]]
-;       r7 processor speed in kHz, bit 16 => can do STM to I/O (ie MEMC1a, MEMC2), bit 17 => MEMC2
-; This routine must work in 32-bit mode, and should not use any memory!!!!
-  [ RO371Timings
-TimeCPU ROUT         ;does not actually measure anything - assumes timings (and EDO for 7500FE) according to IOMD id
-        MOV     r2, #IOC                ; Address of the IO controller  (IOMD)
-        LDRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_ID0]     ; Is
-        CMP     r7, #&E7                ; It
-        LDRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_ID1]     ; A
-        CMPEQ   r7, #&D4                ; Risc PC ?
-        BEQ     timecpuriscpc
-        CMP     r7, #&AA                ; assume 7500 or 7500FE
-        BEQ     timecpu7500FE
-;7500 then
-        MOV     r7, #&32                      ; 5-3 cycle ROM access
-        STRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        STRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-        MOV     r7, #&07                      ; clock dividers: /1 for I/O, /1 for CPU, /1 for memory
-        STRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_CLKCTL]
-        LDR     r7, =(1 :SHL: 16) :OR: 16000  ; assumed 16MHz RAM (32 MHz bus)
-        MOV     pc, lr
-;set memory to 32MHz for early boot (avoid probs with POST and with power-on key detection)
-        MOV     r7, #&12                      ; 5-3 cycle ROM access, half speed (ie. 10-6)
-        STRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        STRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-        MOV     r7, #&70                      ; EDO RAM, 32 bit wide, conservative RAS and CAS timing
-        STRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_DRAMWID]       ; DRAM control reg. (more than just width on FE)
-        MOV     r7, #&04                      ; clock dividers: /1 for CPU, /2 for memory, /2 for I/O
-        STRB    r7, [r2, #IOMD_CLKCTL]
-        LDR     r7, =(1 :SHL: 16) :OR: 32000  ; assumed 32MHz RAM (64 MHz bus), even though /2 at the moment
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MOV     r7, #&12                      ; 5-3 cycle ROM access
-        STR     r7, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        STR     r7, [r2, #IOMD_ROMCR1]
-        LDR     r7, =(1 :SHL: 16) :OR: 16000  ; assumed 16MHz RAM (32 MHz bus)
-        MOV     pc, lr
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-;used by NewReset, after main kernel boot
-;sets full 64MHz memory if on 7500FE
-;preserves registers _and_ flags
-finalmemoryspeed ROUT
-        EntryS  r0
-        MOV     lr, #IOC
-        LDRB    r0, [lr, #IOMD_ID0]     ; Is
-        CMP     r0, #&E7                ; It
-        LDRB    r0, [lr, #IOMD_ID1]     ; A
-        CMPEQ   r0, #&D4                ; Risc PC ?
-        BEQ     fmspeed_done
-        CMP     r0, #&AA                ; EQ if 7500FE
-        MOVEQ   r0, #&80
-        STREQB  r0, [lr, #&CC]          ; ASTCR register: set i/o asynchronous timing for fast memory clock
-        MOVEQ   r0, #&06                ; clock dividers: /1 for CPU, /1 for memory, /2 for I/O
-        STREQB  r0, [lr, #IOMD_CLKCTL]
-        EXITS                           ; ***KJB - flag preservation necessary?
- ]
-  | ; else if not RO371Timings
-ncpuloops * 1024 ; don't go longer than 4ms without refresh !
-nmulloops * 128
-TimeCPU ROUT            ;ONLY WORKS FOR IOMD(L) machines - this shouldn't be a problem though
- [ :LNOT: AutoSpeedROMS
-        LDR     r7, =(1 :SHL: 16) :OR: 16000    ; indicate 16MHz RAM
- |
-   [ {TRUE}
-;don't do timing for Risc PC
-;MJS bug fix (since 3.70) - setup r3 properly, and don't corrupt r0 you fool
-        MOV     r3, #IOC                ; Address of the IO controller
-        LDRB    r7, [r3, #IOMD_ID0]     ; Is
-        CMP     r7, #&E7                ; It
-        LDRB    r7, [r3, #IOMD_ID1]     ; A
-        CMPEQ   r7, #&D4                ; Medusa?
-        MOVEQ   r7,#&3e00               ;for non-Morris force 16MHz timing, assumed Risc PC
-        ORREQ   r7,r7,#&80
-        ORREQ   r7,r7,#&10000           ;and note we're on IOMD
-        MOVEQ   pc,lr
-  ]
-; Time CPU/Memory speed
-        LDR     r1, =&7FFE              ; 32K @ 2MHz = ~16ms limit
-        MOV     r3, #IOC                ; Address of the IO controller
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        LDREQ   r7, =(1 :SHL: 16) :OR: 16000    ; indicate 16MHz RAM - a little lie :-)
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr                          ; Quick, leg it while they're not looking!
-        ;Turn off the CPU cache
-        ; note that this old style code wont compile properly if HAL (no table)
-        ARM_number r4
-        SUB     r4,r4,#6
-        ADRL    r2,ARM_cacheoff_MMU_CR_table
-        LDR     r2,[r2,r4,LSL #2]                 ;get appropriate cache-off value for MMU control reg
-        ARM_write_control r2
-        ;And don't forget to flush afterwards :-)
-        ;SetCop r0, CR_IDCFlush
-        ;SetCop  r0, CR_TLBFlush
-        ;Turn off DMA/refreshes, but keep the reg contents for future restoration
-        LDRB    r4, [r3, #IOMD_VREFCR]  ;Refresh
-        LDRB    r5, [r3, #IOMD_SD0CR]   ;Sound
-        LDRB    r6, [r3, #IOMD_VIDCR]   ;Video
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        STRB    r2, [r3, #IOMD_VREFCR]  ;Refresh off
-        STRB    r2, [r3, #IOMD_SD0CR]   ;Sound off
-        STRB    r2, [r3, #IOMD_VIDCR]   ;Video off
-        MOV     r2, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r2, =ncpuloops
-        STRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT10                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get ncpuloops pipeline breaks
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r7, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r7, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r7, r2, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz, so we now have ticks in 1MHz
-        ;Put DMA/refreshes back to what they were
-        STRB    r4, [r3, #IOMD_VREFCR]  ;Refresh back
-        STRB    r5, [r3, #IOMD_SD0CR]   ;Sound back
-        STRB    r6, [r3, #IOMD_VIDCR]   ;Video back
-        ;And don't forget to flush first
-        ;SetCop r0, CR_IDCFlush
-        ;SetCop r0, CR_TLBFlush
-        ;Turn on the CPU cache
-        ;note that this old style code wont compile properly if HAL (no table)
-        ARM_number r4
-        SUB     r4,r4,#6
-        ADRL    r2,ARM_default_MMU_CR_table
-        LDR     r2,[r2,r4,LSL #2]                 ;get appropriate default value for MMU control reg
-        ARM_write_control r2
-        MOV     r2, r7
-; In ROM - each cpu loop took 4R cycles @ [MEMCLK cycles+1]/f*500ns/cycle
- [ MorrisSupport
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #IOMD_ID0]     ; Is
-        CMP     r0, #&E7                ; It
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #IOMD_ID1]     ; A
-        CMPEQ   r0, #&D4                ; Medusa?
-        LDRNE   r0, =(4*15*500*ncpuloops)               ;Morris timing values [reordered to prevent miscalculation
-                                                        ;due to Aasm integering mid-calculation] (30720000)
-        LDREQ   r0, =(4*(8*500/1000)*ncpuloops*1000)    ;RiscPC/IOMD timing values      (16384000)
-        DivRem  r7, r0, r2, r1          ; r2 preserved,   R7=memory speed in kHz (MEMCLK/2)
- |
-        LDR     r0, =(4*(8*500/1000)*ncpuloops*1000)    ;RiscPC/IOMD timing values      (16384000)
-        DivRem  r7, r0, r2, r1          ; r2 preserved,   R7=memory speed in kHz (MEMCLK/2)
- ]
-        ;Set the ROM speeds appropriately here, including Burst/NoBurst
-        MOV     r4, #SystemROMspeed     ;
-        MUL     r0, r7, r4              ; r0 = number of cycles/ROM access *500000
-        LDR     r1, =500000
-        DivRem  r2, r0, r1, r4          ; r2 = divisor, r0 = remainder, r4 is trashed
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        ADDGT   r2, r2, #1              ; Always round _UPWARDS_
-        CMP     r2, #14
-        MOVGT   r2, #14                 ; Top out at 14 cycles
-        MOV     r5, #BurstROMspeed      ;
-        MUL     r0, r7, r5              ; r0 = number of cycles/ROM burst access *500000
-        DivRem  r3, r0, r1, r4          ; r3 = divisor, r0 = remainder, r4 is trashed
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        ADDGT   r3, r3, #1              ; Always round _upwards_
-        CMP     r3, #4
-        MOVGT   r3, #4                  ; Top out at 4 cycles
-  [ :LNOT: NormalSpeedROMS
-    ;limit speeds to 4 cycles minimum (125 ns) - eg. for StrongARM with EPROM
-    CMP   r2,#4
-    MOVLT r2,#4
-    CMP   r3,#4
-    MOVLT r3,#4
-    ! 0, "*** WARNING Autospeed ROM speed limited to 4 cycles (125 ns) minimum ***"
-  ]
-        ;So we have R2=cycles for normal access, R3=cycles for burst access
-        ;Load the iomd reg into R1, clear the bits we're messing with
-        MOV     r4, #IOC
-        LDRB    r1, [r4, #IOMD_ROMCR0]  ; Read ROMCR0
-        AND     r1, r1, #2_11000000     ; Only preserve bits 6 & 7
-        ADR     r0, MemClkTable
-        LDRB    r5, [r0, r2]            ; Grab the relevant byte
-        ORR     r1, r1, r5
-        ADR     r0, BurstTable
-        LDRB    r5, [r0, r3]            ; Grab the relevant info
-        ORR     r1, r1, r5
-        STRB    r1, [r4, #IOMD_ROMCR0]  ; Write ROMCR0
-        STRB    r1, [r4, #IOMD_ROMCR1]  ; Write ROMCR1
-        ORR     r7, r7, #1 :SHL: 16     ; Note MEMC1a presence (we're on IOMD)
-  ]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-  ] ;RO371Timings conditional
-        LTORG
-        DCB     2_100101                ; 0 cycles (set to min which is 2)
-        DCB     2_100101                ; 1 cycle (set to min. which is 2)
-        DCB     2_100101                ; 2 cycles
-        DCB     2_100100                ; 3 cycles
-        DCB     2_100011                ; 4 cycles
-        DCB     2_100010                ; 5 cycles
-        DCB     2_100001                ; 6 cycles
-        DCB     2_100000                ; 7 cycles
-        DCB     2_000011                ; 8 cycles (2x4)
-        DCB     2_000010                ; 9 cycles (same as 10)
-        DCB     2_000010                ; 10 cycles (2x5)
-        DCB     2_000001                ; 11 cycles (same as 12)
-        DCB     2_000001                ; 12 cycles (2x6)
-        DCB     2_000000                ; 13 cycles (same as 14)
-        DCB     2_000000                ; 14 cycles (2x7)
-        ALIGN
-        DCB     2_000000                ; 0 cycles (no burst)
-        DCB     2_011000                ; 1 cycle
-        DCB     2_011000                ; 2 cycles
-        DCB     2_010000                ; 3 cycles
-        DCB     2_001000                ; 4 cycles
-        ALIGN
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       SWI OS_MMUControl
-; in:   r0 = 0 (reason code 0, for modify control register)
-;       r1 = EOR mask
-;       r2 = AND mask
-;       new control = ((old control AND r2) EOR r1)
-; out:  r1 = old value
-;       r2 = new value
-; in:   r0 bits 1 to 28 = 0, bit 0 = 1  (reason code 1, for flush request)
-;          r0 bit 31 set if cache(s) to be flushed
-;          r0 bit 30 set if TLB(s) to be flushed
-;          r0 bit 29 set if flush of entry only (else whole flush)
-;          r0 bit 28 set if write buffer to be flushed (implied by bit 31)
-;       r1 = entry specifier, if r0 bit 29 set
-;       (currently, flushing by entry is ignored, and just does full flush)
-        ^       0
-MMUCReason_ModifyControl        # 1    ; reason code 0
-MMUCReason_Flush                # 1    ; reason code 1
-MMUCReason_Unknown              # 0
-MMUControlSWI   Entry
-        BL      MMUControlSub
-        PullEnv
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Push    lr
-        AND     lr,r0,#&FF
-        CMP     lr, #MMUCReason_Unknown
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, lr, LSL #2
-        B       MMUControl_Unknown
-        B       MMUControl_ModifyControl
-        B       MMUControl_Flush
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_HeapBadReason
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        Pull    lr
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-MMUControl_ModifyControl ROUT
-        Push    "r3,r4,r5"
-        CMP     r1,#0
-        CMPEQ   r2,#&FFFFFFFF
-        BEQ     MMUC_modcon_readonly
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        LDRB    r5,[r3, #ProcessorArch]
-        PHPSEI  r4                      ; disable IRQs while we modify soft copy (and possibly switch caches off/on)
-        LDR     lr, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
-        CMP     r5,#ARMv4
-        ARM_read_control lr,HS
-;        MOVHS   lr,lr,LSL #19
-;        MOVHS   lr,lr,LSR #19           ; if ARMv4 or later, we can read control reg. - trust this more than soft copy
-        AND     r2, r2, lr
-        EOR     r2, r2, r1
-        MOV     r1, lr
-        LDR     r5, [r3, #ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     r5, #CPUFlag_SplitCache
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        TST     r2,#&4                  ; if split caches, then I bit mirrors C bit
-        ORRNE   r2,r2,#&1000
-        BICEQ   r2,r2,#&1000
-        STR     r2, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
-        BIC     lr, r2, r1              ; lr = bits going from 0->1
-        TST     lr, #MMUC_C             ; if cache turning on then flush cache before we do it
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   Cache_InvalidateAll,,,r0
-        Pull    "r0"
-        BIC     lr, r1, r2              ; lr = bits going from 1->0
-        TST     lr, #MMUC_C             ; if cache turning off then clean data cache first
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   Cache_CleanAll,,,r0
-        Pull    "r0"
-        ARM_write_control r2
-        BIC     lr, r1, r2              ; lr = bits going from 1->0
-        TST     lr, #MMUC_C             ; if cache turning off then flush cache afterwards
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   Cache_InvalidateAll,,,r0
-        Pull    "r0"
-        PLP     r4                      ; restore IRQ state
-        Pull    "r3,r4,r5,pc"
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        LDRB    r5, [r3, #ProcessorArch]
-        LDR     lr, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
-        CMP     r5, #ARMv4
-        ARM_read_control lr,HS
-;        MOVHS   lr,lr,LSL #19
-;        MOVHS   lr,lr,LSR #19           ; if ARMv4 or later, we can read control reg. - trust this more than soft copy
-        STRHS   lr, [r3, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
-        MOV     r1, lr
-        MOV     r2, lr
-        Pull    "r3,r4,r5,pc"
-       MOVS     r10, r0
-       MOV      r12, #0
-       ARMop    Cache_CleanInvalidateAll,MI,,r12
-       TST      r10,#&40000000
-       ARMop    TLB_InvalidateAll,NE,,r12
-       TST      r10,#&10000000
-       ARMop    WriteBuffer_Drain,NE,,r12
-       ADDS     r0,r10,#0
-       Pull     "pc"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       Exception veneers
- [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-; Undefined instruction trap pre-veneer
-; in:   r13_undef -> a FD stack
-;       r14_undef -> undefined instruction +4
-;       psr_undef = PSR at time of undef'd instruction
-UndPreVeneer    ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r7,r14"             ; push r0-r7 on undef stack, and make room for return address
-        MOV     r0, r13_undef
-; for the time being just merge lr and psr
-        MRS     r1, SPSR                                ; r1 = saved PSR
-        AND     r2, r1, #&F0000003                      ; get saved NZCV and 26 bit modes
-        ORR     lr_undef, lr_undef, r2
-        AND     r2, r1, #I32_bit + F32_bit              ; extract I and F from new place
-        ORR     r1, lr_undef, r2, LSL #IF32_26Shift     ; r1 = combined lr and psr
-        MRS     r2, CPSR                ; now switch into SVC26
-        BIC     r3, r2, #&1F
-        ORR     r3, r3, #SVC26_mode
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, r3           ; set SPSR_undef to be CPSR but with SVC26
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r3              ; and select this mode now
-        MOV     lr_svc, r1              ; lr_svc = PC + PSR from exception
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r2              ; go back into undef mode
-        LDR     r1, =UndHan             ; work out address of undefined instruction handler
-        LDR     r1, [r1]
-        STR     r1, [r0, #8*4]          ; and store it as return address
-        Pull    "r0-r7, pc",,^          ; exit to handler, restoring sp_undef and entering SVC26 mode
- ]
- [ No26bitCode :LAND: ChocolateAMB
-;  Instruction fetch abort pre-veneer, just to field possible lazy AMB aborts
-PAbPreVeneer    ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r7, lr"               ; wahey, we have an abort stack
-        SUB     r0, lr_abort, #4          ; aborting address
-        MOV     r2, #1
-        BL      AMB_LazyFixUp             ; can trash r0-r7, returns NE status if claimed and fixed up
-        Pull    "r0-r7, lr", NE           ; restore regs and
-        SUBNES  pc, lr_abort, #4          ; restart aborting instruction if fixed up
-        LDR     lr, [sp, #8*4]            ; (not a lazy abort) restore lr
-        LDR     r0, =PAbHan               ; we want to jump to PAb handler, in abort mode
-        LDR     r0, [r0]
-        STR     r0, [sp, #8*4]
-        Pull    "r0-r7, pc"
- ]
- [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-; Instruction fetch abort pre-veneer
-PAbPreVeneer    ROUT
-        LDR     r13_abort, =PreVeneerRegDump
-        STMIA   r13_abort, {r0-r7}
-        MOV     r0, r13_abort
-; for the time being just merge lr and psr
-        MRS     r1, SPSR                                ; r1 = saved PSR
-        LDR     r2, =Abort32_dumparea
-        STMIA   r2, {r1,lr_abort}                       ;dump 32-bit PSR, fault address (PC)
-        STR     lr_abort,[r2,#2*4]                      ;dump 32-bit PC
-        AND     r2, r1, #&F0000003                      ; get saved NZCV and 26 bit modes
-        ORR     lr_abort, lr_abort, r2
-        AND     r2, r1, #I32_bit + F32_bit              ; extract I and F from new place
-        ORR     r1, lr_abort, r2, LSL #IF32_26Shift     ; r1 = combined lr and psr
-        MRS     r2, CPSR                ; now switch into SVC26
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&1F
-        ORR     r2, r2, #SVC26_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r2
-        MOV     lr_svc, r1              ; lr_svc = PC + PSR from exception
-        LDR     r1, =PAbHan
-        LDR     r1, [r1]
-        STR     r1, [r0, #8*4]
-        LDMIA   r0, {r0-r7, pc}         ; jump to prefetch abort handler
- ]
-; Preliminary layout of abort indirection nodes
-        ^       0
-AI_Link #       4
-AI_Low  #       4
-AI_High #       4
-AI_WS   #       4
-AI_Addr #       4
-        EXPORT DAbPreVeneer
-DAbPreVeneer    ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        SUB     r13_abort, r13_abort, #17*4     ; we use stacks, dontcherknow
- |
-        LDR     r13_abort, =PreVeneerRegDump
- ]
-        STMIA   r13_abort, {r0-r7}              ; save unbanked registers anyway
-        STR     lr_abort, [r13_abort, #15*4]    ; save old PC, ie instruction address
-  [ ChocolateAMB
-        ARM_read_FAR r0                         ; aborting address
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        BL      AMB_LazyFixUp                   ; can trash r0-r7, returns NE status if claimed and fixed up
-        LDR     lr_abort, [r13_abort, #15*4]    ; restore lr_abort
-        LDMIA   r13_abort, {r0-r7}              ; restore regs
-        ADDNE   r13_abort, r13_abort, #17*4     ; if fixed up, restore r13_abort
-        SUBNES  pc, lr_abort, #8                ; and restart aborting instruction
-  ]
-        MRS     r0, SPSR                        ; r0 = PSR when we aborted
-        MRS     r1, CPSR                        ; r1 = CPSR
-        ADD     r2, r13_abort, #8*4             ; r2 -> saved register bank for r8 onwards
-        LDR     r4, =Abort32_dumparea+3*4       ;use temp area (avoid overwriting main area for expected aborts)
-        ARM_read_FAR r3
-        STMIA   r4, {r0,r3,lr_abort}            ; dump 32-bit PSR, fault address, 32-bit PC
-        MOV     r4, lr_abort                    ; move address of aborting instruction into an unbanked register
-        BIC     r1, r1, #&1F                    ; knock out current mode bits
-        ANDS    r3, r0, #&1F                    ; extract old mode bits (and test for USR26_mode (=0))
-        TEQNE   r3, #USR32_mode                 ; if usr26 or usr32 then use ^ to store registers
-  [ SASTMhatbroken
-        STMEQIA r2!,{r8-r12}
-        STMEQIA r2 ,{r13,r14}^
-        SUBEQ   r2, r2, #5*4
-  |
-        STMEQIA r2, {r8-r14}^
-  ]
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        ORR     r3, r3, r1                      ; and put in user's
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r3                      ; switch to user's mode
-        STMIA   r2, {r8-r14}                    ; save the banked registers
-        MRS     r5, SPSR                        ; get the SPSR for the aborter's mode
-        STR     r5, [r2, #8*4]                  ; and store away in the spare slot on the end
-                                                ; (this is needed for LDM with PC and ^)
-  [ No26bitCode
-        ORR     r1, r1, #ABT32_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r1                      ; back to abort mode for the rest of this
-        Push    "r0"                            ; save SPSR_abort
-  |
-        ORR     r1, r1, #SVC26_mode             ; then switch to SVC for the rest of this
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r1
-        Push    "r0, lr_svc"                    ; save SPSR_abort and lr_svc
-  ]
-  [ SASTMhatbroken
-        SUB     sp, sp, #3*4
-        STMIA   sp, {r13,r14}^                  ; save USR bank in case STM ^, and also so we can corrupt them
-        NOP
-        STMDB   sp!, {r8-r12}
-  |
-        SUB     sp, sp, #8*4                    ; make room for r8_usr to r14_usr and PC
-        STMIA   sp, {r8-r15}^                   ; save USR bank in case STM ^, and also so we can corrupt them
-  ]
-        SUB     r11, r2, #8*4                   ; r11 -> register bank
-        STR     r4, [sp, #7*4]                  ; store aborter's PC in user register bank
-        TST     r0, #T32_bit                    ; were they in Thumb mode? if so, give up now
-        BNE     %FT90
-;ARM 810 or StrongARM allow signed byte load or half-word load/stores - not supported at present
-;***KJB - need to think about LDRH family
-        LDR     r10, [r4, #-8]!                 ; r10 = actual instruction that aborted, and r4 points to it
-        AND     r9, r10, #&0E000000
-        TEQ     r9, #&08000000                  ; test for LDM/STM
-        BNE     %FT50                           ; if not LDM/STM, then it's an "easy" LDR/STR
-;        Write   "It's an LDM/STM"
- [ DebugAborts
-        DLINE   "It's an LDM/STM"
- ]
-; First count the number of transferred registers, and undo any writeback
-        MOV     r9, #0                          ; r9 = no. of registers in list
-        MOVS    r8, r10, LSL #16
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        MOVS    r8, r8, LSL #1
-        ADDCS   r9, r9, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     r8, r10, LSR #16
-        AND     r8, r8, #&0F                    ; base register number
-        LDR     r7, [r11, r8, LSL #2]           ; ------""----- value
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 23                ; test up/down
-        MOVNE   r1, r9                          ; if up, r1 = +ve no. of regs
-        RSBEQ   r1, r9, #0                      ; if down, r1 = -ve no. of regs
-;initially assume writeback
-;we want r6 = base reg value before assumed writeback (r7 is base reg value after abort)
-;writeback will have been performed for ARMs with CPUFlag_BaseRestored clear
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        LDR     r6, [r6, #ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     r6, #CPUFlag_BaseRestored
-        MOVNE   r6, r7
-        SUBEQ   r6, r7, r1, ASL #2
-;now we want r6 to be the base register value before the abort, so we will discard
-;our adjusted value and take r7, if the instruction in fact had no writeback
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 21                ; test if write-back bit set
-        TEQNE   r8, #15                         ; (if base is PC then write-back not allowed)
-        MOVEQ   r6, r7                          ; if not wb, reg after abort is correct
-        MOV     r1, sp                          ; r1 -> end of stack frame, and start of user-mode register bank
-        SUB     sp, sp, r9, LSL #2              ; make stack frame for registers
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 20                ; if its an STM, we have to load up the stack frame
-        BNE     %FT30                           ; but if it's an LDM, we call trap routine first
-        STR     r6, [r11, r8, LSL #2]           ; store original base in register list, to be overwritten after 1st transfer
-; now go through registers, storing them into frame
-        MOV     r5, sp                          ; pointer to position in stack frame
-        MOV     lr, r10, LSL #16                ; extract bottom 16 bits
-        MOVS    lr, lr, LSR #16                 ; ie bitmask of which registers r0-r15 stored
-        BEQ     %FT30                           ; this shouldn't happen (it's illegal)
-        MOV     r3, r11                         ; current pointer into register bank
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 22                ; is it STM with ^
-        ANDNE   lr, lr, #&FF                    ; if so then extract bottom 8 bits (r0-r7 on 1st pass, r8-r15 on 2nd)
-        MOVS    lr, lr, LSR #1                  ; shift bit into carry
-        LDRCS   r2, [r3], #4                    ; if set bit then transfer word from register bank
-        STRCS   r2, [r5], #4                    ; into stack frame
-        STRCS   r7, [r11, r8, LSL #2]           ; and after 1st transfer, store updated base into register bank
-        ADDCC   r3, r3, #4                      ; else just increment register bank pointer
-        BNE     %BT22                           ; if more bits to do, then loop
-        TEQ     r5, r1                          ; have we done all registers?
-        MOVNE   lr, r10, LSR #8                 ; no, then must have been doing STM with ^, and have some user-bank regs to store
-        MOVNE   r3, r1                          ; so point r3 at user-mode register bank
-        BNE     %BT21                           ; and go back into loop
-; now work out address of 1st transfer
-        ANDS    r5, r10, #(3 :SHL: 23)          ; bit 24 set => pre, bit 23 set => inc
-        SUBEQ   r2, r6, r9, LSL #2              ; if post-dec, then 1st address = initial-nregs*4+4
-        ADDEQ   r2, r2, #4
-        BEQ     %FT32
-        CMP     r5, #2 :SHL: 23
-        MOVCC   r2, r6                          ; CC => post-inc, so 1st address = initial
-        SUBEQ   r2, r6, r9, LSL #2              ; EQ => pre-dec,  so 1st address = initial-nregs*4
-        ADDHI   r2, r6, #4                      ; HI => pre-inc,  so 1st address = initial+4
-        ANDS    r0, r10, #1 :SHL: 20            ; r0 = 0 => STM
-        MOVNE   r0, #1                          ;    = 1 => LDM
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #8*4]                  ; get SPSR_abort
-        TST     r1, #&F                         ; test if transfer took place in USR mode
-        ORRNE   r0, r0, #2                      ; if not then set bit 1 of flags word in r0
-        MOV     r1, sp                          ; block to transfer from/into
-        BIC     r2, r2, #3                      ; LDM/STM always present word-aligned address
-        MOV     r3, r9, LSL #2                  ; length of transfer in bytes, and r4 still points to aborting instruction
-        BL      ProcessTransfer
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, r9, LSL #2              ; if invalid transfer then junk stack frame
-        BVS     %FT90                           ; and generate an exception
-; we transferred successfully, so now check if LDM and load up register bank from block
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 20
-        ADDEQ   sp, sp, r9, LSL #2              ; it's an STM, so junk stack frame and tidy up
-        BEQ     %FT70
-; now go through registers, loading them from frame
-        ADD     r1, sp, r9, LSL #2              ; r1 -> end of stack frame, and start of user-mode bank registers
-        MOV     r5, sp                          ; pointer to position in stack frame
-        MOV     r4, r10, LSL #16                ; extract bottom 16 bits
-        MOVS    r4, r4, LSR #16                 ; ie bitmask of which registers r0-r15 stored
-        BEQ     %FT40                           ; this shouldn't happen (it's illegal)
-        SUB     r3, r1, #8*4                    ; r3 -> notional start of user bank, if it began at r0 (it actually starts at r8)
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; assume no user registers by default
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 15                ; is PC in list
-        BNE     %FT34                           ; then can't be LDM of user bank
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 22                ; is it LDM with ^
-        BEQ     %FT34                           ; no, then use main bank for all registers
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #8*4]                  ; get SPSR
-        ANDS    r2, r2, #15                     ; get bottom 4 bits of mode (EQ => USR26 or USR32)
-        BEQ     %FT34                           ; if USR mode then use main bank for all
-        TEQ     r2, #FIQ26_mode                 ; if FIQ mode then put r8-r14 in user bank
-        LDREQ   lr, =&7F00                      ; then put r8-r14 in user bank
-        LDRNE   lr, =&6000                      ; else put r13,r14 in user bank
-        AND     r0, r4, lr                      ; r0 = mask of registers to put into user bank
-        BIC     r4, r4, lr                      ; r4 = mask of registers to put into main bank
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        MOVS    r4, r4, LSR #1                  ; shift bit into carry
-        LDRCS   r2, [r5], #4                    ; if set bit then transfer word from stack frame
-        STRCS   r2, [r11, lr, LSL #2]           ; into main register bank
-        MOVS    r0, r0, LSR #1                  ; shift bit into carry
-        LDRCS   r2, [r5], #4                    ; if set bit then transfer word from stack frame
-        STRCS   r2, [r3, lr, LSL #2]            ; into user register bank
-        ADD     lr, lr, #1
-        ORRS    r6, r0, r4                      ; have we finished both banks?
-        BNE     %BT34                           ; no, then loop
-; If LDM with PC in list, then add 4 to it, so the exit procedure is the same as if PC not loaded
-; Also, if it was an LDM with PC and ^, then we have to update the stacked SPSR
-        MOV     sp, r1                          ; junk frame
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 15                ; check PC in list
-        ADDNE   r2, r2, #4                      ; since PC is last, r2 will still hold the value loaded
-        STRNE   r2, [r11, #15*4]                ; store back into main register bank
-        TSTNE   r10, #1 :SHL: 22                ; now check LDM ^
-        BEQ     %FT70                           ; [not LDM with PC in list]
-        LDR     r9, [sp, #8*4]                  ; get SPSR_abort
-        AND     r8, r9, #&1F                    ; r8 = aborter's mode
-        TEQ     r8, #USR32_mode                 ; if in USR32
-        BEQ     %FT70                           ; then the ^ has no effect (actually uses CPSR)
-        TST     r8, #&1C                        ; if 32-bit mode
-        LDRNE   r7, [r11, #16*4]                ; then use SPSR for the aborter's mode else use updated r15 in r2 (26-bit format)
-        ANDEQ   r7, r2, #&F0000003              ; flag and mode bits in same place
-        ANDEQ   r2, r2, #&0C000000              ; but I and F have to move to bits 7 and 6
-        ORREQ   r7, r7, r2, LSR #(26-6)
-; r7 is now desired PSR (in 32-bit format) to update to
-; now check which bits can actually be updated
-        TEQ     r8, #USR26_mode
-        BICEQ   r9, r9, #&F0000000              ; if USR26 then we can only update NZCV
-        ANDEQ   r7, r7, #&F0000000
-        ORREQ   r9, r9, r7
-        MOVNE   r9, r7                          ; else can update all bits
-        STR     r9, [sp, #8*4]                  ; store back updated SPSR_abort (to become CPSR)
-        B       %FT70                           ; now tidy up
-; it's an LDR/STR - first work out offset
- [ DebugAborts
-        DLINE   "It's an LDR/STR"
- ]
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 25                ; if immediate
-        MOVEQ   r9, r10, LSL #(31-11)           ; then extract bottom 12 bits
-        MOVEQ   r9, r9, LSR #(31-11)
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        AND     r8, r10, #&0F                   ; register to shift
-        LDR     r9, [r11, r8, LSL #2]           ; get actual value of register
-        MOV     r8, r10, LSR #7                 ; extract shift amount
-        ANDS    r8, r8, #&1F                    ; (bits 7..11)
-        MOVEQ   r8, #32                         ; if zero then make 32
-        ANDS    r7, r10, #&60
-        ANDEQ   r8, r8, #&1F                    ; LSL 0 is really zero
-        MOVEQ   r9, r9, LSL r8
-        TEQ     r7, #&20
-        MOVEQ   r9, r9, LSR r8
-        TEQ     r7, #&40
-        MOVEQ   r9, r9, ASR r8
-        TEQ     r7, #&60
-        MOVEQ   r9, r9, ROR r8                  ; if 32 then we haven't spoilt it!
-        TEQEQ   r8, #32                         ; if ROR #32 then really RRX
-        BNE     %FT60
-        LDR     r7, [sp, #8*4]                  ; get SPSR
-        AND     r7, r7, #C_bit
-        CMP     r7, #1                          ; set carry from original user
-        MOV     r9, r9, RRX
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 23                ; test for up/down
-        RSBEQ   r9, r9, #0                      ; if down then negate
-;;;assume ARM 6 configured for LateAbort - others cannot be configured
-;;;so, at run time, ARM 6 or 7 means late, ARM 8 or StrongARM means early
-;;; [ LateAborts
-;;;        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 21                ; if write-back
-;;;        MOVNE   r8, #0                          ; then no post-inc
-;;;        RSBEQ   r8, r9, #0                      ; else post-inc = - pre-inc
-;;;        ADD     r0, r8, r9                      ; amount to subtract off base register for correction
-;;;        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 24                ; however, if we're doing post-increment
-;;;        MOVEQ   r8, r9                          ; then post-inc = what was pre-inc
-;;;        MOVEQ   r0, r9                          ; and adjustment is what was added on
-;;;        RSB     r9, r8, #0                      ; and pre-inc = -post-inc
-;;; |
-;;;        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 21                ; if write-back
-;;;        MOVNE   r8, #0                          ; then no post-inc
-;;;        RSBEQ   r8, r9, #0                      ; else post-inc = - pre-inc
-;;;        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 24                ; however, if we're doing post-increment
-;;;        MOVEQ   r8, r9                          ; then post-inc = what was pre-inc
-;;;        MOVEQ   r9, #0                          ; and pre-inc = 0
-;;; ]
-        MOV     r8, #0
-        LDR     r8, [r8, #ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     r8, #CPUFlag_BaseRestored
-        BNE     %FT62
-;not base restored
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 21                ; if write-back
-        MOVNE   r8, #0                          ; then no post-inc
-        RSBEQ   r8, r9, #0                      ; else post-inc = - pre-inc
-        ADD     r0, r8, r9                      ; amount to subtract off base register for correction
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 24                ; however, if we're doing post-increment
-        MOVEQ   r8, r9                          ; then post-inc = what was pre-inc
-        MOVEQ   r0, r9                          ; and adjustment is what was added on
-        RSB     r9, r8, #0                      ; and pre-inc = -post-inc
-        B       %FT63
-;base restored
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 21                ; if write-back
-        MOVNE   r8, #0                          ; then no post-inc
-        RSBEQ   r8, r9, #0                      ; else post-inc = - pre-inc
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 24                ; however, if we're doing post-increment
-        MOVEQ   r8, r9                          ; then post-inc = what was pre-inc
-        MOVEQ   r9, #0                          ; and pre-inc = 0
-        MOV     r7, r10, LSL #31-19
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSR #28                 ; r7 = base register number
-        LDR     r6, [r11, r7, LSL #2]           ; r6 = base register value
-;;; [ LateAborts
-;;;        SUB     r0, r6, r0                      ; compute adjusted base register
-;;;        STR     r0, [r11, r7, LSL #2]           ; and store back in case we decide to abort after all
-;;; ]
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     r1, #CPUFlag_BaseRestored
-        SUBEQ   r0, r6, r0                      ; compute adjusted base register (if not base restored)
-        STREQ   r0, [r11, r7, LSL #2]           ; and store back in case we decide to abort after all
-; no need to clear PSR bits out of R15, because PSR is separate
-        ADD     r9, r9, r6                      ; r2 = offset+base = illegal address
- [ DebugAborts
-        DREG    r9, "Aborting address = "
-        DREG    r8, "Post-increment = "
-        DREG    r4, "Instruction where abort happened = "
- ]
-        ANDS    r0, r10, #1 :SHL: 20            ; if an LDR then bit 20 set
-        MOVNE   r0, #1                          ; so make 1
-        SUBNE   sp, sp, #4                      ; then just create 1 word stack frame
-        BNE     %FT65
-        MOV     r5, r10, LSR #12                ; else it's an STR (r0 = 0)
-        AND     r5, r5, #&0F                    ; r5 = source register number
-        LDR     r5, [r11, r5, LSL #2]           ; r5 = value of source register
- [ DebugAborts
-        DREG    r5, "Data value to store = "
- ]
-        Push    "r5"                            ; create stack frame with this value in it
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #(1+8)*4]              ; get SPSR_abort
-        TST     r1, #&F                         ; test if transfer took place in USR mode
-        ORRNE   r0, r0, #2                      ; if not then set bit 1 of flags word in r0
-        MOV     r1, sp                          ; r1 -> data block
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 22                ; if byte transfer
-        MOVNE   r3, #1                          ; then length of transfer = 1
-        MOVNE   r2, r9                          ; and use unmolested address
-        MOVEQ   r3, #4                          ; else length = 4
-        BICEQ   r2, r9, #3                      ; and mask out bottom 2 bits of address
-        BL      ProcessTransfer
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #4                      ; if illegal transfer, junk stack frame
-        BVS     %FT90                           ; and cause exception
-        ADD     r6, r9, r8                      ; update base register with offset
-        STR     r6, [r11, r7, LSL #2]           ; and store back (NB if LDR and dest=base, the load overwrites the updated base)
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 20                ; if it's STR (not LDR)
-        ADDEQ   sp, sp, #4                      ; then junk stack frame
-        BEQ     %FT70                           ; and tidy up
-        Pull    "r6"                            ; LDR/LDRB, so get value to load into register
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 22                ; if LDRB
-        ANDNE   r6, r6, #&FF                    ; then put zero in top 3 bytes of word
-        ANDEQ   r9, r9, #3                      ; else rotate word to correct position - r9 = bottom 2 bits of address
-        MOVEQ   r9, r9, LSL #3                  ; multiply by 8 to get rotation factor
-        MOVEQ   r6, r6, ROR r9                  ; rotate to correct position in register
-        MOV     r5, r10, LSR #12                ; test for LDR PC
-        AND     r5, r5, #&0F                    ; r5 = dest register number
-        TEQ     r5, #15                         ; if PC
-        ADDEQ   r6, r6, #4                      ; then adjust for abort exit
-        STR     r6, [r11, r5, LSL #2]           ; store into register bank
-; Tidy up routine, common to LDR/STR and LDM/STM
-        ADD     r2, r11, #8*4                   ; point r2 at 2nd half of main register bank
-        LDMIA   sp, {r8-r14}^                   ; reload user bank registers
-        NOP                                     ; don't access banked registers after LDM^
-        ADD     sp, sp, #8*4                    ; junk user bank stack frame
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "r0"                            ; r0 = (possibly updated) SPSR_abort
-        MRS     r1, CPSR
- |
-        Pull    "r0, lr"                        ; r0 = (possibly updated) SPSR_abort, restore lr_svc
-        SetMode ABT32_mode, r1                  ; leaves r1 = current PSR
- ]
-        MRS     r6, SPSR                        ; get original SPSR, with aborter's original mode
-        AND     r7, r6, #&0F
-        TEQ     r7, #USR26_mode                 ; also matches USR32
-        LDMEQIA r2, {r8-r14}^                   ; if user mode then just use ^ to reload registers
-        NOP
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        ORR     r6, r6, #I32_bit                ; use aborter's flags and mode but set I
-        BIC     r6, r6, #T32_bit                ; and don't set Thumb bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r6                      ; switch to aborter's mode
-        LDMIA   r2, {r8-r14}                    ; reload banked registers
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r1                      ; switch back to ABT32
-        LDR     lr_abort, [r13_abort, #15*4]    ; get PC to return to
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, r0                   ; set up new SPSR (may have changed for LDM {PC}^)
-        LDMIA   r13_abort, {r0-r7}              ; reload r0-r7
- [ No26bitCode
-        ADD     r13_abort, r13_abort, #17*4     ; we use stacks, dontcherknow
- ]
-        SUBS    pc, lr_abort, #4                ; go back 8 to adjust for PC being 2 words out,
-                                                ; then forward 4 to skip instruction we've just executed
-; Call normal exception handler
-; copy temp area to real area (we believe this is an unexpected data abort now)
-        LDR     r0, =Abort32_dumparea
-        LDR     r1, [r0,#3*4]
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, [r0,#4*4]
-        STR     r1, [r0,#4]
-        LDR     r1, [r0,#5*4]
-        STR     r1, [r0,#2*4]
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     r0, #0                                  ; we're going to call abort handler
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CDASemaphore]                 ; so allow recovery if we were in CDA
-        LDR     r0, =DAbHan
-        LDR     r0, [r0]                                ; get address of data abort handler
- [ DebugAborts
-        DREG    r0, "Handler address = "
- ]
-        ADD     r2, r11, #8*4                   ; point r2 at 2nd half of main register bank
-        LDMIA   sp, {r8-r14}^                   ; reload user bank registers
-        NOP                                     ; don't access banked registers after LDM^
-        ADD     sp, sp, #9*4                    ; junk user bank stack frame + saved SPSR
-        MRS     r1, CPSR
-        MRS     r6, SPSR                        ; get original SPSR, with aborter's original mode
-        AND     r7, r6, #&0F
-        TEQ     r7, #USR26_mode                 ; also matches USR32
-        LDMEQIA r2, {r8-r14}^                   ; if user mode then just use ^ to reload registers
-        NOP
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        ORR     r6, r6, #I32_bit                ; use aborter's flags and mode but set I
-        BIC     r6, r6, #T32_bit                ; and don't set Thumb
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r6                      ; switch to aborter's mode
-        LDMIA   r2, {r8-r14}                    ; reload banked registers
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r1                      ; switch back to ABT32
-        STR     r0, [r13_abort, #16*4]          ; save handler address at top of stack
-        LDR     lr_abort, [r13_abort, #15*4]    ; get abort address back in R14
-        LDMIA   r13_abort, {r0-r7}              ; reload r0-r7
-        ADD     r13_abort, r13_abort, #16*4     ; we use stacks, dontcherknow
-        Pull    pc
- |
-; for the time being just merge lr and psr
-        LDR     r0, [sp, #8*4]                          ; r0 = original SPSR (can't have been modified)
-        LDR     lr, [r11, #15*4]                        ; get PC of aborter
-        AND     r1, r0, #&F0000000                      ; get saved NZCV
-        ORR     lr, lr, r1
-        AND     r1, r0, #I32_bit + F32_bit              ; extract I and F from new place
-        ORR     lr, lr, r1, LSL #IF32_26Shift           ; and merge
-        AND     r1, r0, #3                              ; get old mode bits (have to assume a 26-bit mode!)
-        ORR     lr, lr, r1                              ; lr = combined lr and psr
-        STR     lr, [sp, #9*4]                          ; overwrite stacked lr_svc
-        TEQ     r1, #SVC26_mode                         ; if aborter was in SVC mode
-        STREQ   lr, [r11, #14*4]                        ; then also overwrite r14 in aborter's register bank
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&1F                            ; clear mode bits in SPSR
-        ORR     r0, r0, #SVC26_mode :OR: I32_bit        ; and force SVC26 with I set
- [ DebugAborts
-        DLINE   "Going to call data abort handler"
-        DREG    lr, "lr_svc will be "
-        DREG    r0, "PSR going to exit with = "
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp, #8*4]                          ; overwrite stacked SPSR
- ]
-        MOV     r0, #0                                  ; we're going to call abort handler
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CDASemaphore]                 ; so allow recovery if we were in CDA
-        LDR     r0, =DAbHan
-        LDR     r0, [r0]                                ; get address of data abort handler
- [ DebugAborts
-        DREG    r0, "Handler address = "
- ]
-        ADD     r0, r0, #4                              ; add on 4 to adjust for abort exit
-        STR     r0, [r11, #15*4]                        ; and store in pc in register bank
-        B       %BT70                                   ; then junk to normal tidy-up routine
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ProcessTransfer - Process an abort transfer
-; in:   r0 = flags
-;               bit 0 = 0 => Store to memory
-;                       1 => Load from memory
-;               bit 1 = 0 => Transfer executed in user mode
-;                       1 => Transfer executed in non-user mode
-;       r1 = block of data to transfer from/into
-;       r2 = illegal address
-;       r3 = length of transfer in bytes
-;       r4 -> instruction which aborted
-;       SVC26/32 mode
-; out:  V=0 => transfer accomplished
-;       V=1 => transfer not accomplished
-;       All registers preserved
-SectionSizeShift *      20
-SectionSize     *       1 :SHL: SectionSizeShift
-LargePageSizeShift *    16
-LargePageSize   *       1 :SHL: LargePageSizeShift
-SmallPageSizeShift *    12
-SmallPageSize   *       1 :SHL: SmallPageSizeShift
-ProcessTransfer Entry "r1-r7,r12"
- [ DebugAborts
-        DLINE   "ProcessTransfer entered"
-        DREG    r2, "Illegal address = "
-        DREG    r3, "Length of transfer = "
-        DREG    r4, "Abort happened at address "
-        DREG    r0, "Flags = "
-        DLINE   "Data = ",cc
-        MOV     r5, r3
-        MOV     r6, r1
-        LDR     r7, [r6], #4
-        DREG    r7," ",cc
-        SUBS    r5, r5, #4
-        BHI     %BT01
-        DLINE   ""
- ]
-; First identify if start address should have aborted
-        LDR     r7, =L1PT
-        MOV     lr, r2, LSR #SectionSizeShift           ; r2 as a multiple of 1Mb
-        EOR     r5, r2, lr, LSL #SectionSizeShift       ; r5 = offset within section
-        SUB     r5, r2, r5                              ; r5 -> start of section containing r2
-        ADD     r5, r5, #SectionSize                    ; r5 -> start of section after r2
-        LDR     lr, [r7, lr, LSL #2]                    ; get L1PT entry
-        ANDS    r7, lr, #3                              ; 00 => trans.fault, 01 => page, 10 => section, 11 => reserved (fault)
-        TEQNE   r7, #3
-        BEQ     Fault
-        TEQ     r7, #1
-        BEQ     CheckPage
-; it's section mapped - check section access privileges
-        ANDS    r7, lr, #3 :SHL: 10                     ; extract ap
-        BEQ     Fault                                   ; 00 => no access for anyone (at the moment)
-        TST     r0, #2                                  ; test for non-usr access
-        BNE     %FT20                                   ; if non-usr then OK to access here
-        CMP     r7, #2 :SHL: 10
-        BCC     Fault                                   ; 01 => no usr access
-        BHI     %FT20                                   ; 11 => full user access, so OK
-        TST     r0, #1
-        BEQ     Fault                                   ; 10 => usr read-only, so stores not allowed
-; access OK, so copy up to end of section/sub-page
-;ARM 8 and StrongARM will abort for vector reads (as well as writes) in 26bit mode, so we must
-;handle vector reads properly as well now
-;In fact, StrongARM does not abort (optional in architecture 4), but ARM 8 does - MJS 08-10-96
-  [ {FALSE}
-        TST     r0, #1                                  ; if load from memory
-        BNE     %FT60                                   ; then skip
-  ]
-; it's a store to memory (may be a vector write), or a read from memory (may be a vector read)
-; do it in words if >= 4 bytes, so word writes to VIDC work for example
-        CMP     r2, #&1C                                ; if in abort area (but allow any access to &1C)
-  [ OnlyKernelCanAccessHardwareVectors
-        BHS     %FT22
-        CMP     r4, #ROM                                ; and executing outside the kernel
-        BLO     %FT23
-        ADRL    lr, EndOfKernel
-        CMP     r4, lr
-        BLO     %FT22
-        MOV     r5, #&20                                ; then set end-of-section = 32
-        B       Fault                                   ; and check user list
-  |
-        CMPCC   r4, #ROM                                ; and executing out of RAM
-        MOVCC   r5, #&20                                ; then set end-of-section = 32
-        BCC     Fault                                   ; and check user list
-  ]
-  [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-        SetMode SVC32_mode, lr                          ; go into SVC32 so we can poke or peek vector area
-  ]
-        TST     r0, #1                                  ; test for peek/poke
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        TEQ     r2, r5                                  ; have we gone onto a new block?
-        BEQ     %FT50                                   ; if so then exit if finished else go back to outer loop
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #4                              ; have we got at least a word to do?
-        LDRCS   lr, [r2], #4                            ; if so then copy word
-        STRCS   lr, [r1], #4
-        BHI     %BT26                                   ; and if not all done then loop
-        BEQ     %FT50                                   ; if all done then switch back to SVC26 and exit
-        ADDS    r3, r3, #4
-        LDRB    lr, [r2], #1                            ; read byte from register bank
-        STRB    lr, [r1], #1                            ; and store to memory
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1                              ; decrement byte count
-        BEQ     %FT50                                   ; if finished then switch back to SVC26 and exit
-        TEQ     r2, r5                                  ; have we gone onto a new block?
-        BNE     %BT27                                   ; no, then loop
-        B       %FT50
-        TEQ     r2, r5                                  ; have we gone onto a new block?
-        BEQ     %FT50                                   ; if so then exit if finished else go back to outer loop
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #4                              ; have we got at least a word to do?
-        LDRCS   lr, [r1], #4                            ; if so then copy word
-        STRCS   lr, [r2], #4
-        BHI     %BT30                                   ; and if not all done then loop
-        BEQ     %FT50                                   ; if all done then switch back to SVC26 and exit
-        ADDS    r3, r3, #4
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1                            ; read byte from register bank
-        STRB    lr, [r2], #1                            ; and store to memory
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1                              ; decrement byte count
-        BEQ     %FT50                                   ; if finished then switch back to SVC26 and exit
-        TEQ     r2, r5                                  ; have we gone onto a new block?
-        BNE     %BT40                                   ; no, then loop
-  [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-        SetMode SVC26_mode, lr
-  ]
-        CMP     r3, #0
-        BNE     %BT10
-        EXIT                                            ; exit (VC from CMP)
-  [ {FALSE}
-; it's a load from memory
-        LDRB    lr, [r2], #1                            ; read byte from memory
-        STRB    lr, [r1], #1                            ; and store to memory bank
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1                              ; decrement byte count
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; if finished then exit (VC from SUBS)
-        TEQ     r2, r5                                  ; have we gone onto a new block?
-        BNE     %BT60                                   ; no, then loop
-        B       %BT10                                   ; yes, then go back to start
-  ]
-; it's page mapped, so check L2PT
-; lr = L1 table entry
-; We use the logical copy of physical space here, in order to access the entry pointed to by the L1 entry
-        MOV     r5, r2, LSR #SmallPageSizeShift         ; r2 as a multiple of 4K
-        MOV     r5, r5, LSL #SmallPageSizeShift
-        ADD     r5, r5, #SmallPageSize                  ; if translation fault, then it applies to small page
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSR #10                         ; remove domain and U bits
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSL #10
- [ HAL
-        SUB     sp, sp, #4
-        Push    "r0-r3,r12"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, lr
-        ADD     r2, sp, #5*4
-        BL      RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress
-        MOV     lr, r0
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r12"
- |
-        ORR     lr, lr, #PhysSpace                      ; now physical address is converted to a logical one (in physspace)
- ]
-        AND     r7, r2, #&000FF000                      ; extract bits which are to form L2 offset
-        LDR     lr, [lr, r7, LSR #10]                   ; lr = L2PT entry
- [ HAL
-        Push    "r0-r3,r12,lr"
-        LDR     r0, [sp, #6*4]
-        BL      RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r12,lr"
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4
- ]
-        ANDS    r7, lr, #3                              ; 00 => trans.fault, 01 => large page
-                                                        ; 10 => small page, 11 => reserved (fault)
-        TEQNE   r7, #3
-        BEQ     Fault
-        TEQ     r7, #2                          ; if small page
-        MOVEQ   r7, #SmallPageSizeShift-2       ; then sub-page size = 1<<10
-        MOVNE   r7, #LargePageSizeShift-2       ; else sub-page size = 1<<14
-        MOV     r5, r2, LSR r7                  ; round down to start of sub-page
-        MOV     r5, r5, LSL r7
-        MOV     r6, #1
-        ADD     r5, r5, r6, LSL r7              ; then move on to start of next sub-page
-        MOV     r7, r2, LSR r7                  ; put sub-page number in bits 1,2
-        AND     r7, r7, #3                      ; and junk other bits
-        RSB     r7, r7, #3                      ; invert sub-page ordering
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSL #1                  ; and double it
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSL r7                  ; then shift up access privileges so that correct ones appear in bits 10,11
-        B       %BT15                           ; re-use code to check access privileges
-        SUB     r5, r5, r2                      ; r5 = number of bytes we can do in this section/page/sub-page
-        Push    "r3"                            ; save number of bytes to do
-        CMP     r3, r5                          ; if more bytes than there are in this block
-        MOVHI   r3, r5
-; Now scan list of user abort addresses
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        LDR     r6, [r6, #AbortIndirection]
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        BEQ     %FT85                           ; address not in any abort node
-        LDR     r5, [r6, #AI_Low]
-        CMP     r2, r5
-        BCC     %FT80
-        LDR     r5, [r6, #AI_High]
-        CMP     r2, r5
-        BCS     %FT80
-        Push    "r3"                            ; save number of bytes we can do in this section/page/sub-page
-        SUB     r5, r5, r2                      ; number of bytes we can do for this node
-        CMP     r3, r5                          ; if bigger than the size of this node
-        MOVHI   r3, r5                          ; then restrict number of bytes
-        ADD     r5, r6, #AI_WS
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDMIA   r5, {r12, pc}
-; returns to here
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #8                      ; if user abort failed, then junk both pushed r3's
-        EXIT    VS                              ; and exit
-        ADD     r1, r1, r3                      ; advance register block
-        ADD     r2, r2, r3                      ; and illegal address pointer
-        LDR     r5, [sp, #4]                    ; subtract amount done from stacked total amount to do
-        SUBS    r5, r5, r3
-        STR     r5, [sp, #4]                    ; and store back
-        Pull    "r5"
-        SUBS    r3, r5, r3                      ; is there more to do in this section/page/sub-page?
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ; no then skip
-        LDR     r6, [r6, #AI_Link]              ; else try next node
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        BNE     %BT75
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4                      ; junk pushed r3
-        SETV                                    ; indicate access invalid
-        EXIT                                    ; and exit
-        Pull    "r3"                            ; restore total amount left to do
-        TEQ     r3, #0
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; yes, then loop
-        EXIT                                    ; no, then exit (V=0 from SUBS)
-;some tricks to improve performance, looking at MMU level 1 and level 2 page tables
-L1L2PTenhancements ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r5,lr"
-        ;mjs change for Ursula:
-        ;improved kernel workspace protection
-        ; - user access to bottom 3k restricted to read only (things like Clib tmpnam counter prevent
-        ;   going further)
-        ; - Java VM will probably require bottom 1k restricted to no user access (so that VM can avoid
-        ;   all run-time checks for null pointers), but this currently makes various things like ShareFS
-        ;   go pop-bang, so not done yet (see TRUE/FALSE choice below)
-        ;
-        MOV     r0,#L2PT                ;L2PT address for page at 0
-        LDR     r1,[r0]
-        BIC     r1,r1,#&FF0             ;clear current AP bits for all four 1k sub-pages (S0 to S3)
-     [ {FALSE}                          ;this would be good for Java VM:
-        ORR     r1,r1,#&E90             ;S0=user none, S1=user read, S2=user read, S3=user read/write
-     |                                  ;this makes less current things go pop-bang:
-        ORR     r1,r1,#&EA0             ;S0=user read, S1=user read, S2=user read, S3=user read/write
-     ]
-        STR     r1,[r0]
-;if the MMU control reg (soft copy) has R bit set (bit 9), then adjust the L1 entries for ROM
-;space to give full write protection (user and supervisor)
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r1,[r0,#MMUControlSoftCopy]
-        TST     r1,#&200
-        BEQ     L1L2PTe_WPROMdone              ;ARM 610 has no R bit, for example
-        LDR     r0,=L1PT
-        ADD     r0,r0,#ROM :SHR: (20-2)        ;address of first L1PT entry for ROM space
-  [ OSROM_ImageSize > 8192
-        MOV     r1,#OSROM_ImageSize / 1024
-  |
-        MOV     r1,#8                          ;8 entries (8 Mbytes)
-  ]
-        LDR     r2,[r0]
-        BIC     r2,r2,#&C00                    ;set AP (access permission) bits to 00
-        STR     r2,[r0],#4
-        SUBS    r1,r1,#1
-        BNE     L1L2PTe_WPROMloop
-   [ :LNOT: (CanLiveOnROMCard :LOR: ROMCardSupport :LOR: ExtROMSupport)
-;go for best available memory speed for data cache cleaner area (StrongARM)
-        LDR     r0,=L2PT :OR: (ARMA_Cleaners_address :SHR: 10)  ;address of 1st L2PT word for cleaner area
-        LDR     r1,[r0]
-        MOV     r1,r1,LSL #20
-        MOV     r1,r1,LSR #20                   ;zap physical address field
-        ORR     r1,r1,#&01000000                ; = physical address of start of ROM bank 1
-        MOV     r2,#8                           ;8 L2PT entries to fiddle
-        STR     r1,[r0],#4
-        SUBS    r2,r2,#1
-        BNE     %BT00
-        MOV     r0,#IOC
-        MOV     r1,#5
-        STRB    r1,[r0, #IOMD_ROMCR1]           ;ROM bank 1 speed = fastest (62.5 ns)
-    ]
-;make first 5 pages of cursor chunk cacheable and bufferable - this is rather handy, 'coz things
-;like the SWI dispatcher, IRQ dispatcher are here. May be a slight worry over cursor data
-;being write-back cached (StrongARM) - should strictly clean,drain write buffer or whatever for shape change.
-        LDR     r0,=L2PT :OR: (CursorChunkAddress :SHR: 10)  ;address of 1st L2PT word for CursorChunk
-        MOV     R2,#5                           ;5 entries to adjust
-        LDR     r1,[r0]
-        ORR     r1,r1,#&C                       ;make page cacheable and bufferable
-        STR     r1,[r0],#4
-        SUBS    r2,r2,#1
-        BNE     %BT01
-;make other 3 pages of chunk bufferable
-        MOV     R2,#3
-        LDR     r1,[r0]
-        ORR     r1,r1,#&4                       ;make page bufferable
-        STR     r1,[r0],#4
-        SUBS    r2,r2,#1
-        BNE     %BT02
-;try to rescue some pages from the L2PT itself, in the AppSpace region - ie. AppSpace max size can really
-;be total RAM size, if that is less than 28 Mb, and for every 4Mb less that is we can rescue a 4k page
-;and return it to the free pool - handy on a 2Mb Kryten for instance!
-        LDR     r0,=MaxCamEntry
-        LDR     r0,[r0]
-        ADD     r0,r0,#1+255+768                ; = no. of 4k RAM pages in machine + 255 + 3*256
-        MOV     r0,r0,LSR #8                    ; = no. of Mbytes in machine rounded up + 3
-        BIC     r0,r0,#3                        ; round up to next 4 Mb
-        CMP     r0,#28                          ; if 28Mb or more, no pages to be rescued from L2PT AppSpace
-        BHS     %FT09
-        LDR     r1,=AppSpaceDANode
-        MOV     r2,r0,LSL #20
-        STR     r2,[r1,#DANode_MaxSize]         ; update AppSpace max size
-        MOV     r0,r0,LSR #2                    ; no. of L2PT AppSpace pages which cannot be rescued
-        MOV     r1,#L2PT
-        ADD     r4, r1, #L1PT-L2PT
-        ADD     r4, r4, r0, LSL #4              ;the L1PT entry to blank out (4 L1 entries per L2 entry)
-        ADD     r1,r1,#(L2PT :SHR: (12-2))      ;the L2PT of the L2PT (and first 7 entries are for App Space)
-        ADD     r1,r1,r0,LSL #2                 ;first entry for rescue
-        LDR     r3,=FreePoolDANode
-        LDR     r2,[r3,#DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r5,[r3,#DANode_Size]            ; FreePool size so far
-        ADD     r2,r2,r5                        ; r2 -> next logical address for a rescued page
-        SUB     sp,sp,#16                       ; room for 1 page block entry + terminator
-        MOV     r3,sp
-        Push    "r0"
-        LDR     r0,[r1],#4                      ; pick up the L2PT entry
-        BIC     r0,r0,#&0FF
-        BIC     r0,r0,#&F00                     ; mask to leave physical address only
-        STR     r0,[r3,#8]                      ; store physical address in word 2 of page block entry
-        Push    "r1-r2"
-        MOV     r0,#&0C00
-        MOV     r1,r3
-        MOV     r2,#1
-        SWI     XOS_Memory                      ; fill in page number, given physical address
-        MOV     r0,#2                           ; means inaccessible in user mode (destined for FreePool)
-        STR     r0,[r3,#8]
-        MOV     r0,#-1
-        STR     r0,[r3,#12]                     ; terminator
-        Pull    "r1-r2"
-        STR     r2,[r3,#4]                      ; new logical address for page
-        MOV     r0,r3
-        SWI     XOS_SetMemMapEntries
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; Blank out the L1PT entries for the page table we just removed
-        STR     r0, [r4], #4
-        STR     r0, [r4], #4
-        STR     r0, [r4], #4
-        STR     r0, [r4], #4
-        Pull    "r0"
-        ADD     r2,r2,#4096
-        ADD     r5,r5,#4096                     ; next page
-        ADD     r0,r0,#1
-        CMP     r0,#7                           ;7 entries in total for full 28Mb AppSpace
-        BNE     %BT05
-        ADD     sp,sp,#16                       ;drop the workspace
-        LDR     r0,=FreePoolDANode
-        STR     r5,[r0,#DANode_Size]            ;update FreePoolSize
-        Pull    "r0-r5,pc"
-; ---------------- XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas implementation ---------------
-;this SWI effectively implements IMB and IMBrange (Instruction Memory Barrier)
-;for newer ARMs
-;   R0 = flags
-;        bit 0 set ->  R1,R2 specify virtual address range to synchronise
-;                      R1 = start address (word aligned, inclusive)
-;                      R2 = end address (word aligned, inclusive)
-;        bit 0 clear   synchronise entire virtual space
-;        bits 1..31    reserved
-;   R0-R2 preserved
-SyncCodeAreasSWI ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      SyncCodeAreas
-        Pull    "lr"                    ; no error return possible
-        B       SLVK
-        TST     R0,#1                   ; range variant of SWI?
-        BEQ     SyncCodeAreasFull
-        Push    "r0-r2, lr"
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        ADD     r1, r2, #4                 ;exclusive end address
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [r2, #DCache_LineLen]
-        SUB     lr, lr, #1
-        ADD     r1, r1, lr                 ;rounding up end address
-        MVN     lr, lr
-        AND     r0, r0, lr                 ;cache line aligned
-        AND     r1, r1, lr                 ;cache line aligned
-        ARMop   IMB_Range,,,r2
-        Pull    "r0-r2, pc"
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   IMB_Full,,,r0
-        Pull    "r0, pc"
-        LTORG
- [ DebugAborts
-        InsertDebugRoutines
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/ARMops b/s/ARMops
deleted file mode 100644
index e8e27f73..00000000
--- a/s/ARMops
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1732 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-  ;      GET     Hdr:ListOpts
-  ;      GET     Hdr:Macros
-  ;      GET     Hdr:System
-  ;      $GetCPU
-  ;      $GetMEMM
-  ;      GET     hdr.Options
-  ;      GET     Hdr:PublicWS
-  ;      GET     Hdr:KernelWS
-  ;      GET     hdr.Copro15ops
-  ;      GET     hdr.ARMops
-v7      RN      10
-  ;      EXPORT  Init_ARMarch
-  ;      EXPORT  ARM_Analyse
-  ;      EXPORT  ARM_PrintProcessorType
- ;       AREA    KernelCode,CODE,READONLY
-; ARM keep changing their mind about ID field layout.
-; Here's a summary, courtesy of the ARM ARM (v5):
-; pre-ARM 7:   xxxx0xxx
-; ARM 7:       xxxx7xxx where bit 23 indicates v4T/~v3
-; post-ARM 7:  xxxanxxx where n<>0 or 7 and a = architecture (1=4,2=4T,3=5,4=5T)
-; int Init_ARMarch(void)
-; Returns architecture, as above in a1. Also EQ if ARMv3, NE if ARMv4 or later.
-; Corrupts only ip, no RAM usage.
-        ARM_read_ID ip
-        ANDS    a1, ip, #&0000F000
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr                          ; ARM 3 or ARM 6
-        TEQ     a1, #&00007000
-        BNE     %FT20
-        TST     ip, #&00800000                  ; ARM 7 - check for Thumb
-        MOVNE   a1, #ARMv4T
-        MOVEQ   a1, #ARMv3
-        MOV     pc, lr
-20      ANDS    a1, ip, #&000F0000              ; post-ARM 7
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSR #16
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        Push    "v1,v2,v5,v6,v7,lr"
-        ARM_read_ID v1
-        ARM_read_cachetype v2
-        MOV     v6, #ZeroPage
-        ADRL    v7, KnownCPUTable
-        LDMIA   v7!, {a1, a2}                   ; See if it's a known ARM
-        CMP     a1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        AND     a2, v1, a2
-        TEQ     a1, a2
-        ADDNE   v7, v7, #8
-        BNE     FindARMloop
-        TEQ     v2, v1                          ; If we don't have cache attributes, read from table
-        LDREQ   v2, [v7]
-20      TEQ     v2, v1
-        BEQ     %BT20                           ; Cache unknown: panic
-        CMP     a1, #-1
-        LDRNEB  a2, [v7, #4]
-        MOVEQ   a2, #ARMunk
-        STRB    a2, [v6, #ProcessorType]
-        ASSERT  CT_Isize_pos = 0
-        MOV     a1, v2
-        ADD     a2, v6, #ICache_Info
-        BL      EvaluateCache
-        MOV     a1, v2, LSR #CT_Dsize_pos
-        ADD     a2, v6, #DCache_Info
-        BL      EvaluateCache
-        AND     a1, v2, #CT_ctype_mask
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSR #CT_ctype_pos
-        STRB    a1, [v6, #Cache_Type]
-        [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     v5, #CPUFlag_32bitOS
-        |
-        MOV     v5, #0
-        ]
-        TST     v2, #CT_S
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_SplitCache+CPUFlag_SynchroniseCodeAreas
-        [ CacheOff
-        ORR     v5, v5, #CPUFlag_SynchroniseCodeAreas
-        |
-        ARM_read_control a1                     ; if Z bit set then we have branch prediction,
-        TST     a1, #MMUC_Z                     ; so we need OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas even if not
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_SynchroniseCodeAreas   ; split caches
-        ]
-        ; Test abort timing (base restored or base updated)
-        MOV     a1, #&8000
-        LDR     a2, [a1], #4                    ; Will abort - DAb handler will continue execution
-        TEQ     a1, #&8000
-        ORREQ   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_BaseRestored
-        ; Check store of PC
-30      STR     pc, [sp, #-4]!
-        ADR     a2, %BT30 + 8
-        LDR     a1, [sp], #4
-        TEQ     a1, a2
-        ORREQ   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_StorePCplus8
-        [ 0=1
-        ; Check whether 26-bit mode is available
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+SVC26_mode
-        MRS     a1, CPSR
-        AND     a1, a1, #M32_bits
-        TEQ     a1, #SVC26_mode
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_No26bitMode
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+SVC32_mode
-        BNE     %FT35
-        ; Do we get vector exceptions on read?
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDR     a1, [a1]                        ; If this aborts a1 will be left unchanged
-        TEQ     a1, #0
-        ORREQ   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_VectorReadException
-        ]
-        BL      Init_ARMarch
-        STRB    a1, [v6, #ProcessorArch]
-        TEQ     a1, #ARMv3                      ; assume long multiply available
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_LongMul        ; if v4 or later
-        TEQNE   a1, #ARMv4                      ; assume 26-bit available
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_No26bitMode    ; iff v3 or v4 (not T)
-        TEQNE   a1, #ARMv5                      ; assume Thumb available
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_Thumb          ; iff not v3,v4,v5
-        MSR     CPSR_f, #Q32_bit
-        MRS     lr, CPSR
-        TST     lr, #Q32_bit
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_DSP
-        LDRB    v4, [v6, #ProcessorType]
-        TEQ     v4, #ARMunk                     ; Modify deduced flags
-        ADRNEL  lr, KnownCPUFlags
-        ADDNE   lr, lr, v4, LSL #3
-        LDMNEIA lr, {a2, a3}
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, a2
-        BICNE   v5, v5, a3
- [ XScaleJTAGDebug
-        TST     v5, #CPUFlag_XScale
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        MRC     p14, 0, a2, c10, c0             ; Read debug control register
-        TST     a2, #&80000000
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #CPUFlag_XScaleJTAGconnected
-        MOVEQ   a2, #&C000001C                  ; enable hot debug
-        MCREQ   p14, 0, a2, c10, c0
-        BNE     %FT40
- ]
-        STR     v5, [v6, #ProcessorFlags]
-        ; Now, a1 = processor architecture (ARMv3, ARMv4 ...)
-        ;      v4 = processor type (ARM600, ARM610, ...)
-        ;      v5 = processor flags
-        CMP     a1, #ARMv4
-        BLO     Analyse_ARMv3                   ; eg. ARM710
-        LDRB    a2, [v6, #Cache_Type]
-        TEQ     a2, #CT_ctype_WT
-        TSTEQ   v5, #CPUFlag_SplitCache
-        BEQ     Analyse_WriteThroughUnified     ; eg. ARM7TDMI derivative
-        TEQ     a2, #CT_ctype_WB_CR7_LDa
-        BEQ     Analyse_WB_CR7_LDa              ; eg. ARM9
-        TEQ     a2, #CT_ctype_WB_Crd
-        BEQ     Analyse_WB_Crd                  ; eg. StrongARM
-        TEQ     a2, #CT_ctype_WB_Cal_LD
-        BEQ     Analyse_WB_Cal_LD               ; assume XScale
-        ; others ...
-        B       WeirdARMPanic                   ; stiff :)
-        ADRL    a1, NullOp
-        ADRL    a2, Cache_Invalidate_ARMv3
-        ADRL    a3, WriteBuffer_Drain_ARMv3
-        ADRL    a4, TLB_Invalidate_ARMv3
-        ADRL    ip, TLB_InvalidateEntry_ARMv3
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanAll]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll]
-        STR     a3, [v6, #Proc_WriteBuffer_Drain]
-        STR     a4, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll]
-        STR     ip, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry]
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Full]
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Range]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_Changing_ARMv3
-        ADRL    a2, MMU_ChangingEntry_ARMv3
-        ADRL    a3, MMU_ChangingUncached_ARMv3
-        ADRL    a4, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry_ARMv3
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_Changing]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry]
-        STR     a3, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached]
-        STR     a4, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntries_ARMv3
-        ADRL    a2, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_ARMv3
-        ADRL    a3, Cache_RangeThreshold_ARMv3
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries]
-        STR     a3, [v6, #Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold]
-        ADRL    a1, XCBTableWT
-        STR     a1, [v6, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        B       %FT90
-        ADRL    a1, NullOp
-        ADRL    a2, Cache_InvalidateUnified
-        TST     v5, #CPUFlag_NoWBDrain
-        ADRNEL  a3, WriteBuffer_Drain_OffOn
-        ADREQL  a3, WriteBuffer_Drain
-        ADRL    a4, TLB_Invalidate_Unified
-        ADRL    ip, TLB_InvalidateEntry_Unified
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanAll]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll]
-        STR     a3, [v6, #Proc_WriteBuffer_Drain]
-        STR     a4, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll]
-        STR     ip, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry]
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Full]
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Range]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_Changing_Writethrough
-        ADRL    a2, MMU_ChangingEntry_Writethrough
-        ADRL    a3, MMU_ChangingUncached
-        ADRL    a4, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_Changing]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry]
-        STR     a3, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached]
-        STR     a4, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntries_Writethrough
-        ADRL    a2, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries
-        ADRL    a3, Cache_RangeThreshold_Writethrough
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries]
-        STR     a2, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries]
-        STR     a3, [v6, #Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold]
-        ADRL    a1, XCBTableWT
-        STR     a1, [v6, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        B       %FT90
-        TST     v5, #CPUFlag_SplitCache
-        BEQ     WeirdARMPanic             ; currently, only support harvard caches here (eg. ARM920)
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_CleanAll_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_InvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_RangeThreshold_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold]
-        ADRL    a1, TLB_InvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, TLB_InvalidateEntry_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, WriteBuffer_Drain_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_WriteBuffer_Drain]
-        ADRL    a1, IMB_Full_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Full]
-        ADRL    a1, IMB_Range_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Range]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_Changing_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_Changing]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncached_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_WB_CR7_LDa
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries]
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDRB    a2, [a1, #DCache_Associativity]
-        MOV     a3, #256
-        MOV     a4, #8           ; to find log2(ASSOC), rounded up
-        MOV     a3, a3, LSR #1
-        SUB     a4, a4, #1
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        BLO     Analyse_WB_CR7_LDa_L1
-        ADDHI   a4, a4, #1
-        RSB     a2, a4, #32
-        MOV     a3, #1
-        MOV     a3, a3, LSL a2
-        STR     a3, [a1, #DCache_IndexBit]
-        LDR     a4, [a1, #DCache_NSets]
-        LDRB    a2, [a1, #DCache_LineLen]
-        SUB     a4, a4, #1
-        MUL     a4, a2, a4
-        STR     a4, [a1, #DCache_IndexSegStart]
-        MOV     a2, #64*1024                         ; arbitrary-ish
-        STR     a2, [a1, #DCache_RangeThreshold]
-        ADRL    a1, XCBTableWBR                      ; assume read-allocate WB/WT cache
-        STR     a1, [v6, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        B       %FT90
-        TST     v5, #CPUFlag_SplitCache
-        BEQ     WeirdARMPanic             ; currently, only support harvard
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_CleanAll_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_InvalidateAll_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_RangeThreshold_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold]
-        ADRL    a1, TLB_InvalidateAll_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, TLB_InvalidateEntry_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, WriteBuffer_Drain_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_WriteBuffer_Drain]
-        ADRL    a1, IMB_Full_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Full]
-        ADRL    a1, IMB_Range_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Range]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_Changing_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_Changing]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncached_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_WB_Crd
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries]
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDR     a2, =DCacheCleanAddress
-        STR     a2, [a1, #DCache_CleanBaseAddress]
-        STR     a2, [a1, #DCache_CleanNextAddress]
-        MOV     a2, #64*1024                       ;arbitrary-ish threshold
-        STR     a2, [a1, #DCache_RangeThreshold]
-        LDRB    a2, [a1, #ProcessorType]
-        TEQ     a2, #SA110
-        ADREQL  a2, XCBTableSA110
-        BEQ     Analyse_WB_Crd_finish
-        TEQ     a2, #SA1100
-        TEQNE   a2, #SA1110
-        ADREQL  a2, XCBTableSA1110
-        ADRNEL  a2, XCBTableWBR
-        STR     a2, [a1, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        B       %FT90
-        TST     v5, #CPUFlag_SplitCache
-        BEQ     WeirdARMPanic             ; currently, only support harvard
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_CleanAll_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_CleanAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_InvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, Cache_RangeThreshold_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold]
-        ADRL    a1, TLB_InvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll]
-        ADRL    a1, TLB_InvalidateEntry_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, WriteBuffer_Drain_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_WriteBuffer_Drain]
-        ADRL    a1, IMB_Full_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Full]
-        ADRL    a1, IMB_Range_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_IMB_Range]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_Changing_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_Changing]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncached_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries]
-        ADRL    a1, MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_WB_Cal_LD
-        STR     a1, [v6, #Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries]
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDR     a2, =DCacheCleanAddress
-        STR     a2, [a1, #DCache_CleanBaseAddress]
-        STR     a2, [a1, #DCache_CleanNextAddress]
-  [ XScaleMiniCache
-        !       1, "You need to arrange for XScale mini-cache clean area to be mini-cacheable"
-        LDR     a2, =DCacheCleanAddress + 4 * 32*1024
-        STR     a2, [a1, #MCache_CleanBaseAddress]
-        STR     a2, [a1, #MCache_CleanNextAddress]
-  ]
-  ; arbitrary-ish values, mini cache makes global op significantly more expensive
-  [ XScaleMiniCache
-        MOV     a2, #128*1024
-  |
-        MOV     a2, #32*1024
-  ]
-        STR     a2, [a1, #DCache_RangeThreshold]
-        ; enable full coprocessor access
-        LDR     a2, =&3FFF
-        MCR     p15, 0, a2, c15, c1
-        ADRL    a2, XCBTableXScaleWA ; choose between RA and WA here
-        STR     a2, [a1, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        B       %FT90
-        Pull    "v1,v2,v5,v6,v7,pc"
-; This routine works out the values LINELEN, ASSOCIATIVITY, NSETS and CACHE_SIZE defined in section
-; B2.3.3 of the ARMv5 ARM.
-        AND     a3, a1, #CT_assoc_mask+CT_M
-        TEQ     a3, #(CT_assoc_0:SHL:CT_assoc_pos)+CT_M
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        MOV     ip, #1
-        ASSERT  CT_len_pos = 0
-        AND     a4, a1, #CT_len_mask
-        ADD     a4, a4, #3
-        MOV     a4, ip, LSL a4                  ; LineLen = 1 << (len+3)
-        STRB    a4, [a2, #ICache_LineLen-ICache_Info]
-        MOV     a3, #2
-        TST     a1, #CT_M
-        ADDNE   a3, a3, #1                      ; Multiplier = 2 + M
-        AND     a4, a1, #CT_assoc_mask
-        RSB     a4, ip, a4, LSR #CT_assoc_pos
-        MOV     a4, a3, LSL a4                  ; Associativity = Multiplier << (assoc-1)
-        STRB    a4, [a2, #ICache_Associativity-ICache_Info]
-        AND     a4, a1, #CT_size_mask
-        MOV     a4, a4, LSR #CT_size_pos
-        MOV     a3, a3, LSL a4
-        MOV     a3, a3, LSL #8                  ; Size = Multiplier << (size+8)
-        STR     a3, [a2, #ICache_Size-ICache_Info]
-        ADD     a4, a4, #6
-        AND     a3, a1, #CT_assoc_mask
-        SUB     a4, a4, a3, LSR #CT_assoc_pos
-        AND     a3, a1, #CT_len_mask
-        ASSERT  CT_len_pos = 0
-        SUB     a4, a4, a3
-        MOV     a4, ip, LSL a4                  ; NSets = 1 << (size + 6 - assoc - len)
-        STR     a4, [a2, #ICache_NSets-ICache_Info]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-80      MOV     a1, #0
-        STR     a1, [a2, #ICache_NSets-ICache_Info]
-        STR     a1, [a2, #ICache_Size-ICache_Info]
-        STRB    a1, [a2, #ICache_LineLen-ICache_Info]
-        STRB    a1, [a2, #ICache_Associativity-ICache_Info]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Create a list of CPUs, 16 bytes per entry:
-;    ID bits (1 word)
-;    Test mask for ID (1 word)
-;    Cache type register value (1 word)
-;    Processor type (1 byte)
-;    Architecture type (1 byte)
-;    Reserved (2 bytes)
-        GBLA    tempcpu
-        MACRO
-        CPUDesc $proc, $id, $mask, $arch, $type, $s, $dsz, $das, $dln, $isz, $ias, $iln
-        LCLA    type
-type    SETA    (CT_ctype_$type:SHL:CT_ctype_pos)+($s:SHL:CT_S_pos)
-tempcpu CSzDesc $dsz, $das, $dln
-type    SETA    type+(tempcpu:SHL:CT_Dsize_pos)
-        [ :LNOT:($s=0 :LAND: "$isz"="")
-tempcpu CSzDesc $isz, $ias, $iln
-        ]
-type    SETA    type+(tempcpu:SHL:CT_Isize_pos)
-        ASSERT  ($id :AND: :NOT: $mask) = 0
-        DCD     $id, $mask, type
-        DCB     $proc, $arch, 0, 0
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$var    CSzDesc $sz, $as, $ln
-$var    SETA    (CT_size_$sz:SHL:CT_size_pos)+(CT_assoc_$as:SHL:CT_assoc_pos)+(CT_len_$ln:SHL:CT_len_pos)
-$var    SETA    $var+(CT_M_$sz:SHL:CT_M_pos)
-        MEND
-;                                                        /------Cache Type register fields-----\ 
-;                              ID reg   Mask     Arch    Type         S  Dsz Das Dln Isz Ias Iln
-        CPUDesc ARM600,        &000600, &00FFF0, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  4K, 64, 4
-        CPUDesc ARM610,        &000610, &00FFF0, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  4K, 64, 4
-        CPUDesc ARMunk,        &000000, &00F000, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  4K, 64, 4
-        CPUDesc ARM700,        &007000, &FFFFF0, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  8K,  4, 8
-        CPUDesc ARM710,        &007100, &FFFFF0, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  8K,  4, 8
-        CPUDesc ARM710a,       &047100, &FDFFF0, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  8K,  4, 4
-        CPUDesc ARM7500,       &067100, &FFFFF0, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  4K,  4, 4
-        CPUDesc ARM7500FE,     &077100, &FFFFF0, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  4K,  4, 4
-        CPUDesc ARMunk,        &007000, &80F000, ARMv3,   WT,         0,  8K,  4, 4
-        CPUDesc ARM720T,       &807200, &FFFFF0, ARMv4T,  WT,         0,  8K,  4, 4
-        CPUDesc ARMunk,        &807000, &80F000, ARMv4T,  WT,         0,  8K,  4, 4
-        CPUDesc SA110_preRevT, &01A100, &0FFFFC, ARMv4,   WB_Crd,     1, 16K, 32, 8, 16K, 32, 8
-        CPUDesc SA110,         &01A100, &0FFFF0, ARMv4,   WB_Crd,     1, 16K, 32, 8, 16K, 32, 8
-        CPUDesc SA1100,        &01A110, &0FFFF0, ARMv4,   WB_Crd,     1,  8K, 32, 8, 16K, 32, 8
-        CPUDesc SA1110,        &01B110, &0FFFF0, ARMv4,   WB_Crd,     1,  8K, 32, 8, 16K, 32, 8
-        CPUDesc ARM920T,       &029200, &0FFFF0, ARMv4T,  WB_CR7_LDa, 1, 16K, 64, 8, 16K, 64, 8
-        CPUDesc ARM922T,       &029220, &0FFFF0, ARMv4T,  WB_CR7_LDa, 1,  8K, 64, 8,  8K, 64, 8
-        CPUDesc X80200,        &052000, &0FFFF0, ARMv5TE, WB_Cal_LD,  1, 32K, 32, 8, 32K, 32, 8
-        CPUDesc X80321,    &69052400, &FFFFF700, ARMv5TE, WB_Cal_LD,  1, 32K, 32, 8, 32K, 32, 8
-        DCD     -1
-; Peculiar characteristics of individual ARMs not deducable otherwise. First field is
-; flags to set, second flags to clear.
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 600
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 610
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 700
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 710
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 710a
-        DCD     CPUFlag_AbortRestartBroken+CPUFlag_InterruptDelay,   0    ; SA 110 pre revT
-        DCD     CPUFlag_InterruptDelay,       0    ; SA 110 revT or later
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 7500
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 7500FE
-        DCD     CPUFlag_InterruptDelay,       0    ; SA 1100
-        DCD     CPUFlag_InterruptDelay,       0    ; SA 1110
-        DCD     CPUFlag_NoWBDrain,            0    ; ARM 720T
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 920T
-        DCD     0,                            0    ; ARM 922T
-        DCD     CPUFlag_ExtendedPages+CPUFlag_XScale,  0    ; X80200
-        DCD     CPUFlag_XScale,               0    ; X80321
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ----- ARMops -------------------------------------------------------------
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ARMops are the routines required by the kernel for cache/MMU control
-; the kernel vectors to the appropriate ops for the given ARM at boot
-; The Rules:
-;   - These routines may corrupt a1 and lr only
-;   - (lr can of course only be corrupted whilst still returning to correct
-;     link address)
-;   - stack is available, at least 16 words can be stacked
-;   - a NULL op would be a simple MOV pc, lr
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ----- ARMops for ARMv3 ---------------------------------------------------
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ARMv3 ARMs include ARM710, ARM610, ARM7500
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c0
-NullOp  MOV     pc, lr
-        ;swap always forces unbuffered write, stalling till WB empty
-        SUB     sp, sp, #4
-        SWP     a1, a1, [sp]
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c5, c0
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = page entry to invalidate (page aligned address)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c6, c0
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c0      ; invalidate cache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c5, c0      ; invalidate TLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c5, c0      ; invalidate TLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c0      ; invalidate cache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c6, c0      ; invalidate TLB entry
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
-; a2 = number of pages
-MMU_ChangingEntries_ARMv3 ROUT
-        CMP     a2, #16                 ; arbitrary-ish threshold
-        BHS     MMU_Changing_ARMv3
-        Push    "a2"
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c0      ; invalidate cache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c6, c0      ; invalidate TLB entry
-        SUBS    a2, a2, #1              ; next page
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "a2"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c6, c0      ; invalidate TLB entry
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
-; a2 = number of pages
-MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_ARMv3 ROUT
-        CMP     a2, #16                 ; arbitrary-ish threshold
-        BHS     MMU_ChangingUncached_ARMv3
-        Push    "a2"
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c6, c0      ; invalidate TLB entry
-        SUBS    a2, a2, #1              ; next page
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "a2"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ! 0, "arbitrary Cache_RangeThreshold_ARMv3"
-        MOV     a1, #16*PageSize
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ----- generic ARMops for simple ARMs, ARMv4 onwards ----------------------
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; eg. ARM7TDMI based ARMs, unified, writethrough cache
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c7
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ; used if ARM has no drain WBuffer MCR op
-        Push    "a2"
-        ARM_read_control a1
-        BIC     a2, a1, #MMUC_W
-        ARM_write_control a2
-        ARM_write_control a1
-        Pull    "a2"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ; used if ARM has proper drain WBuffer MCR op
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = page entry to invalidate (page aligned address)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c7      ; invalidate cache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7      ; invalidate TLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7      ; invalidate TLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
-        Push    "a4"
-        MOV     a4, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a4, c7, c7      ; invalidate cache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1   ; invalidate TLB entry
-        Pull    "a4"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
-; a2 = number of pages
-MMU_ChangingEntries_Writethrough  ROUT
-        CMP     a2, #16                 ; arbitrary-ish threshold
-        BHS     MMU_Changing_Writethrough
-        Push    "a2,a4"
-        MOV     a4, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a4, c7, c7      ; invalidate cache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1   ; invalidate TLB entry
-        SUBS    a2, a2, #1              ; next page
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "a2,a4"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1   ; invalidate TLB entry
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
-; a2 = number of pages
-MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries ROUT
-        CMP     a2, #16                 ; arbitrary-ish threshold
-        BHS     MMU_ChangingUncached
-        Push    "a2"
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 1   ; invalidate TLB entry
-        SUBS    a2, a2, #1              ; next page
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "a2"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ! 0, "arbitrary Cache_RangeThreshold_Writethrough"
-        MOV     a1, #16*PageSize
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ----- ARMops for ARM9 and the like ---------------------------------------
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; WB_CR7_LDa refers to ARMs with writeback data cache, cleaned with
-; register 7, lockdown available (format A)
-; Note that ARM920 etc have writeback/writethrough data cache selectable
-; by MMU regions. For simpliciity, we assume cacheable pages are mostly
-; writeback. Any writethrough pages will have redundant clean operations
-; applied when moved, for example, but this is a small overhead (cleaning
-; a clean line is very quick on ARM 9).
-Cache_CleanAll_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-; only guarantees to clean lines not involved in interrupts (so we can
-; clean without disabling interrupts)
-; Clean cache by traversing all segment and index values
-; As a concrete example, for ARM 920 (16k+16k caches) we would have:
-;    DCache_LineLen       = 32         (32 byte cache line, segment field starts at bit 5)
-;    DCache_IndexBit      = &04000000  (index field starts at bit 26)
-;    DCache_IndexSegStart = &000000E0  (start at index=0, segment = 7)
-        Push    "a2, ip"
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        LDRB    a1, [ip, #DCache_LineLen]        ; segment field starts at this bit
-        LDR     a2, [ip, #DCache_IndexBit]       ; index field starts at this bit
-        LDR     ip, [ip, #DCache_IndexSegStart]  ; starting value, with index at min, seg at max
-        MCR     p15, 0, ip, c7, c10, 2           ; clean DCache entry by segment/index
-        ADDS    ip, ip, a2                       ; next index, counting up, CS if wrapped back to 0
-        BCC     %BT10
-        SUBS    ip, ip, a1                       ; next segment, counting down, CC if wrapped back to max
-        BCS     %BT10                            ; if segment wrapped, then we've finished
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, ip, c7, c10, 4           ; drain WBuffer
-        Pull    "a2, ip"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-; similar to Cache_CleanAll, but does clean&invalidate of Dcache, and invalidates ICache
-        Push    "a2, ip"
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        LDRB    a1, [ip, #DCache_LineLen]        ; segment field starts at this bit
-        LDR     a2, [ip, #DCache_IndexBit]       ; index field starts at this bit
-        LDR     ip, [ip, #DCache_IndexSegStart]  ; starting value, with index at min, seg at max
-        MCR     p15, 0, ip, c7, c14, 2           ; clean&invalidate DCache entry by segment/index
-        ADDS    ip, ip, a2                       ; next index, counting up, CS if wrapped back to 0
-        BCC     %BT10
-        SUBS    ip, ip, a1                       ; next segment, counting down, CC if wrapped back to max
-        BCS     %BT10                            ; if segment wrapped, then we've finished
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, ip, c7, c10, 4           ; drain WBuffer
-        MCR     p15, 0, ip, c7, c5, 0            ; invalidate ICache
-        Pull    "a2, ip"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-Cache_InvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-; no clean, assume caller knows what's happening
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c7, 0           ; invalidate ICache and DCache
-        MOV     pc, lr
-Cache_RangeThreshold_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDR     a1, [a1, #DCache_RangeThreshold]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-TLB_InvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0           ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
-TLB_InvalidateEntry_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1           ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1           ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        MOV     pc, lr
-WriteBuffer_Drain_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4          ; drain WBuffer
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; do: clean DCache; drain WBuffer, invalidate ICache
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Cache_CleanAll_WB_CR7_LDa       ; also drains Wbuffer
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0           ; invalidate ICache
-        Pull    "pc"
-;  a1 = start address (inclusive, cache line aligned)
-;  a2 = end address (exclusive, cache line aligned)
-        SUB     a2, a2, a1
-        CMP     a2, #32*1024                     ; arbitrary-ish range threshold
-        ADD     a2, a2, a1
-        BHS     IMB_Full_WB_CR7_LDa
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 1           ; clean DCache entry by VA
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 1            ; invalidate ICache entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, lr
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4           ; drain WBuffer
-        Pull    "pc"
-MMU_Changing_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0           ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        Pull    "pc"
-; a1 = page affected (page aligned address)
-MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        Push    "a2, lr"
-        ADD     a2, a1, #PageSize
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c14, 1          ; clean&invalidate DCache entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 1           ; invalidate ICache entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, lr
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, lr, c7, c10, 4          ; drain WBuffer
-        SUB     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1           ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1           ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        Pull    "a2, pc"
-; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
-; a2 = number of pages
-MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        Push    "a2, a3, lr"
-        MOV     a2, a2, LSL #Log2PageSize
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        LDR     a3, [a3, #DCache_RangeThreshold]   ;check whether cheaper to do global clean
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        BHS     %FT30
-        ADD     a2, a2, a1                         ;clean end address (exclusive)
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        LDRB    a3, [a3, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MOV     lr, a1
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c14, 1             ; clean&invalidate DCache entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 1              ; invalidate ICache entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, a3
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4             ; drain WBuffer
-        MOV     a1, lr                             ; restore start address
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1              ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT20
-        Pull    "a2, a3, pc"
-        BL      Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_CR7_LDa
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0              ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        Pull    "a2, a3, pc"
-; a1 = first page affected (page aligned address)
-; a2 = number of pages
-MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_WB_CR7_LDa ROUT
-        CMP     a2, #32                            ; arbitrary-ish threshold
-        BHS     %FT20
-        Push    "a2"
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1              ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        SUBS    a2, a2, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "a2"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0              ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ----- ARMops for StrongARM and the like ----------------------------------
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; WB_Crd is Writeback data cache, clean by reading data from cleaner area
-; Currently no support for mini data cache on some StrongARM variants. Mini
-; cache is always writeback and must have cleaning support, so is very
-; awkward to use for cacheable screen, say.
-; Global cache cleaning requires address space for private cleaner areas (not accessed
-; for any other reason). Cleaning is normally with interrupts enabled (to avoid a latency
-; hit), which means that the cleaner data is not invalidated afterwards. This is fine for
-; RISC OS - where the private area is not used for anything else, and any re-use of the
-; cache under interrupts is safe (eg. a page being moved is *never* involved in any
-; active interrupts).
-; Mostly, cleaning toggles between two separate cache-sized areas, which gives minimum
-; cleaning cost while guaranteeing proper clean even if previous clean data is present. If
-; the clean routine is re-entered, an independent, double sized clean is initiated. This
-; guarantees proper cleaning (regardless of multiple re-entrancy) whilst hardly complicating
-; the routine at all. The overhead is small, since by far the most common cleaning will be
-; non-re-entered. The upshot is that the cleaner address space available must be at least 4
-; times the cache size:
-;   1 : used alternately, on 1st, 3rd, ... non-re-entered cleans
-;   2 : used alternately, on 2nd, 4th, ... non-re-entered cleans
-;   3 : used only for first half of a re-entered clean
-;   4 : used only for second half of a re-entered clean
-;   DCache_CleanBaseAddress   : start address of total cleaner space
-;   DCache_CleanNextAddress   : start address for next non-re-entered clean, or 0 if re-entered
-Cache_CleanAll_WB_Crd ROUT
-; - cleans data cache (and invalidates it as a side effect)
-; - can be used with interrupts enabled (to avoid latency over time of clean)
-; - can be re-entered
-; - see remarks at top of StrongARM ops for discussion of strategy
-        Push    "a2-a4, v1, v2, lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     a1, [lr, #DCache_CleanBaseAddress]
-        LDR     a2, =DCache_CleanNextAddress
-        LDR     a3, [lr, #DCache_Size]
-        LDRB    a4, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MOV     v2, #0
-        SWP     v1, v2, [a2]                        ; read current CleanNextAddr, zero it (semaphore)
-        TEQ     v1, #0                              ; but if it is already zero, we have re-entered
-        ADDEQ   v1, a1, a3, LSL #1                  ; if re-entered, start clean at Base+2*Cache_Size
-        ADDEQ   v2, v1, a3, LSL #1                  ; if re-entered, do a clean of 2*Cache_Size
-        ADDNE   v2, v1, a3                          ; if not re-entered, do a clean of Cache_Size
-        LDR     lr, [v1], a4
-        TEQ     v1, v2
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     v2, a1, a3, LSL #1                  ; compare end address with Base+2*Cache_Size
-        CMP     v1, v2
-        MOVEQ   v1, a1                              ; if equal, not re-entered and Next wraps back
-        STRLS   v1, [a2]                            ; if lower or same, not re-entered, so update Next
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4              ; drain WBuffer
-        Pull    "a2-a4, v1, v2, pc"
-Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_Crd ROUT
-;does not truly invalidate DCache, but effectively invalidates (flushes) all lines not
-;involved in interrupts - this is sufficient for OS requirements, and means we don't
-;have to disable interrupts for possibly slow clean
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Cache_CleanAll_WB_Crd               ;clean DCache (wrt to non-interrupt stuff)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0               ;flush ICache
-        Pull    "pc"
-; no clean, assume caller knows what is happening
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c7, 0               ;flush ICache and DCache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4              ;drain WBuffer
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDR     a1, [a1, #DCache_RangeThreshold]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0              ;flush ITLB and DTLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ;flush DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 0              ;flush ITLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4             ;drain WBuffer
-        MOV     pc, lr
-IMB_Range_WB_Crd ROUT
-        SUB     a2, a2, a1
-        CMP     a2, #64*1024                       ;arbitrary-ish range threshold
-        ADD     a2, a2, a1
-        BHS     IMB_Full_WB_Crd
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 1             ;clean DCache entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, lr
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4             ;drain WBuffer
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0              ;flush ICache
-        Pull    "pc"
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Cache_CleanAll_WB_Crd               ;clean DCache (wrt to non-interrupt stuff)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0               ;flush ICache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0               ;flush ITLB and DTLB
-        Pull    "pc"
-MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_Crd ROUT
-;there is no clean&invalidate DCache instruction, however we can do clean
-;entry followed by invalidate entry without an interrupt hole, because they
-;are for the same virtual address (and that virtual address will not be
-;involved in interrupts, since it is involved in remapping)
-        Push    "a2, lr"
-        ADD     a2, a1, #PageSize
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 1             ;clean DCache entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c6, 1              ;flush DCache entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, lr
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        SUB     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4             ;drain WBuffer
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0              ;flush ICache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ;flush DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 0              ;flush ITLB
-        Pull    "a2, pc"
-MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_Crd ROUT
-;same comments as MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_Crd
-        Push    "a2, a3, lr"
-        MOV     a2, a2, LSL #Log2PageSize
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        LDR     a3, [a3, #DCache_RangeThreshold]   ;check whether cheaper to do global clean
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        BHS     %FT30
-        ADD     a2, a2, a1                         ;clean end address (exclusive)
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        LDRB    a3, [a3, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MOV     lr, a1
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 1             ;clean DCache entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c6, 1              ;flush DCache entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, a3
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4             ;drain WBuffer
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0              ;flush ICache
-        MOV     a1, lr                             ;restore start address
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ;flush DTLB entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT20
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 0              ;flush ITLB
-        Pull    "a2, a3, pc"
-        BL      Cache_CleanAll_WB_Crd              ;clean DCache (wrt to non-interrupt stuff)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0              ;flush ICache
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0              ;flush ITLB and DTLB
-        Pull    "a2, a3, pc"
-MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_WB_Crd ROUT
-        CMP     a2, #32                            ;arbitrary-ish threshold
-        BHS     %FT20
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     lr, a2
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ;flush DTLB entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        SUBS    lr, lr, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 0              ;flush ITLB
-        Pull    "pc"
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0              ;flush ITLB and DTLB
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; ARMops for XScale, mjs Feb 2001
-; WB_Cal_LD is writeback, clean with allocate, lockdown
-; If the mini data cache is used (XScaleMiniCache true), it is assumed to be
-; configured writethrough (eg. used for RISC OS screen memory). This saves an ugly/slow
-; mini cache clean for things like IMB_Full.
-; Sadly, for global cache invalidate with mini cache, things are awkward. We can't clean the
-; main cache then do the global invalidate MCR, unless we tolerate having _all_ interrupts
-; off (else the main cache may be slightly dirty from interrupts, and the invalidate
-; will lose data). So we must reluctantly 'invalidate' the mini cache by the ugly/slow
-; mechanism as if we were cleaning it :-( Intel should provide a separate global invalidate
-; (and perhaps a line allocate) for the mini cache.
-; We do not use lockdown.
-; For simplicity, we assume cacheable pages are mostly writeback. Any writethrough
-; pages will be invalidated as if they were writeback, but there is little overhead
-; (cleaning a clean line or allocating a line from cleaner area are both fast).
-; Global cache cleaning requires address space for private cleaner areas (not accessed
-; for any other reason). Cleaning is normally with interrupts enabled (to avoid a latency
-; hit), which means that the cleaner data is not invalidated afterwards. This is fine for
-; RISC OS - where the private area is not used for anything else, and any re-use of the
-; cache under interrupts is safe (eg. a page being moved is *never* involved in any
-; active interrupts).
-; Mostly, cleaning toggles between two separate cache-sized areas, which gives minimum
-; cleaning cost while guaranteeing proper clean even if previous clean data is present. If
-; the clean routine is re-entered, an independent, double sized clean is initiated. This
-; guarantees proper cleaning (regardless of multiple re-entrancy) whilst hardly complicating
-; the routine at all. The overhead is small, since by far the most common cleaning will be
-; non-re-entered. The upshot is that the cleaner address space available must be at least 4
-; times the cache size:
-;   1 : used alternately, on 1st, 3rd, ... non-re-entered cleans
-;   2 : used alternately, on 2nd, 4th, ... non-re-entered cleans
-;   3 : used only for first half of a re-entered clean
-;   4 : used only for second half of a re-entered clean
-; If the mini cache is used, it has its own equivalent cleaner space and algorithm.
-; Parameters for each cache are:
-;    Cache_CleanBaseAddress   : start address of total cleaner space
-;    Cache_CleanNextAddress   : start address for next non-re-entered clean, or 0 if re-entered
-                 GBLL XScaleMiniCache  ; *must* be configured writethrough if used
-XScaleMiniCache  SETL {FALSE}
-; MACRO to do Intel approved CPWAIT, to guarantee any previous MCR's have taken effect
-; corrupts a1
-        MACRO
-        CPWAIT
-        MRC      p15, 0, a1, c2, c0, 0               ; arbitrary read of CP15
-        MOV      a1, a1                              ; wait for it
-        ; SUB pc, pc, #4 omitted, because all ops have a pc load to return to caller
-        MEND
-Cache_CleanAll_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-; - cleans main cache (and invalidates as a side effect)
-; - if mini cache is in use, will be writethrough so no clean required
-; - can be used with interrupts enabled (to avoid latency over time of clean)
-; - can be re-entered
-; - see remarks at top of XScale ops for discussion of strategy
-        Push    "a2-a4, v1, v2, lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     a1, [lr, #DCache_CleanBaseAddress]
-        LDR     a2, =DCache_CleanNextAddress
-        LDR     a3, [lr, #DCache_Size]
-        LDRB    a4, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MOV     v2, #0
-        SWP     v1, v2, [a2]                        ; read current CleanNextAddr, zero it (semaphore)
-        TEQ     v1, #0                              ; but if it is already zero, we have re-entered
-        ADDEQ   v1, a1, a3, LSL #1                  ; if re-entered, start clean at Base+2*Cache_Size
-        ADDEQ   v2, v1, a3, LSL #1                  ; if re-entered, do a clean of 2*Cache_Size
-        ADDNE   v2, v1, a3                          ; if not re-entered, do a clean of Cache_Size
-        MCR     p15, 0, v1, c7, c2, 5               ; allocate address from cleaner space
-        ADD     v1, v1, a4
-        TEQ     v1, v2
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     v2, a1, a3, LSL #1                  ; compare end address with Base+2*Cache_Size
-        CMP     v1, v2
-        MOVEQ   v1, a1                              ; if equal, not re-entered and Next wraps back
-        STRLS   v1, [a2]                            ; if lower or same, not re-entered, so update Next
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4              ; drain WBuffer (waits, so no need for CPWAIT)
-        Pull    "a2-a4, v1, v2, pc"
-  [ XScaleMiniCache
-Cache_MiniInvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-; similar to Cache_CleanAll_WB_Cal_LD, but must do direct reads (cannot use allocate address MCR), and
-; 'cleans' to achieve invalidate as side effect (mini cache will be configured writethrough)
-        Push    "a2-a4, v1, v2, lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     a1, [lr, #MCache_CleanBaseAddress]
-        LDR     a2, =MCache_CleanNextAddr
-        LDR     a3, [lr, #MCache_Size]
-        LDRB    a4, [lr, #MCache_LineLen]
-        MOV     v2, #0
-        SWP     v1, v2, [a2]                        ; read current CleanNextAddr, zero it (semaphore)
-        TEQ     v1, #0                              ; but if it is already zero, we have re-entered
-        ADDEQ   v1, a1, a3, LSL #1                  ; if re-entered, start clean at Base+2*Cache_Size
-        ADDEQ   v2, v1, a3, LSL #1                  ; if re-entered, do a clean of 2*Cache_Size
-        ADDNE   v2, v1, a3                          ; if not re-entered, do a clean of Cache_Size
-        LDR     lr, [v1], a4                        ; read a line of cleaner data
-        TEQ     v1, v2
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     v2, a1, a3, LSL #1                  ; compare end address with Base+2*Size
-        CMP     v1, v2
-        MOVEQ   v1, a1                              ; if equal, not re-entered and Next wraps back
-        STRLS   v1, [a2]                            ; if lower or same, not re-entered, so update Next
-        ; note, no drain WBuffer, since we are really only invalidating a writethrough cache
-        Pull    "a2-a4, v1, v2, pc"
-  ] ; XScaleMiniCache
-Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-; - cleans main cache (and invalidates wrt OS stuff as a side effect)
-; - if mini cache in use (will be writethrough), 'cleans' in order to invalidate as side effect
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Cache_CleanAll_WB_Cal_LD
-  [ XScaleMiniCache
-        BL      Cache_MiniInvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD
-  ]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0                ; invalidate ICache and BTB
-        CPWAIT
-        Pull    "pc"
-Cache_InvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-; no clean, assume caller knows what's happening
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c7, 0           ; invalidate DCache, (MiniCache), ICache and BTB
-        CPWAIT
-        MOV     pc, lr
-Cache_RangeThreshold_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDR     a1, [a1, #DCache_RangeThreshold]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-TLB_InvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0           ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        CPWAIT
-        MOV     pc, lr
-TLB_InvalidateEntry_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1           ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1           ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        CPWAIT
-        MOV     pc, lr
-WriteBuffer_Drain_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4          ; drain WBuffer (waits, so no need for CPWAIT)
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Cache_CleanAll_WB_Cal_LD             ; clean DCache (wrt to non-interrupt stuff)
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0                ; invalidate ICache and BTB
-        CPWAIT
-        Pull    "pc"
-        SUB     a2, a2, a1
-        CMP     a2, #32*1024                     ; arbitrary-ish range threshold
-        ADD     a2, a2, a1
-        BHS     IMB_Full_WB_Cal_LD
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 1           ; clean DCache entry
- [ :LNOT:XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 1            ; invalidate ICache entry
- ]
-        ADD     a1, a1, lr
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
- [ XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0            ; invalidate ICache and BTB
- |
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6            ; invalidate BTB
- ]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4           ; drain WBuffer (waits, so no need for CPWAIT)
-        Pull    "pc"
-MMU_Changing_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Cache_CleanAll_WB_Cal_LD
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0           ; invalidate ICache and BTB
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0           ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        CPWAIT
-        Pull    "pc"
-MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-;there is no clean&invalidate DCache instruction, however we can do clean
-;entry followed by invalidate entry without an interrupt hole, because they
-;are for the same virtual address (and that virtual address will not be
-;involved in interrupts, since it is involved in remapping)
-        Push    "a2, lr"
-        ADD     a2, a1, #PageSize
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 1          ; clean DCache entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c6, 1           ; invalidate DCache entry
- [ :LNOT:XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 1           ; invalidate ICache entry
- ]
-        ADD     a1, a1, lr
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4          ; drain WBuffer
- [ XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0           ; invalidate ICache and BTB
- |
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6           ; invalidate BTB
- ]
-        SUB     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1           ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1           ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        CPWAIT
-        Pull    "a2, pc"
-MMU_ChangingEntries_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-;same comments as MMU_ChangingEntry_WB_Cal_LD
-        Push    "a2, a3, lr"
-        MOV     a2, a2, LSL #Log2PageSize
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        LDR     a3, [a3, #DCache_RangeThreshold]   ;check whether cheaper to do global clean
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        BHS     %FT30
-        ADD     a2, a2, a1                         ;clean end address (exclusive)
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        LDRB    a3, [a3, #DCache_LineLen]
-        MOV     lr, a1
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 1             ; clean DCache entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c6, 1              ; invalidate DCache entry
- [ :LNOT:XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 1              ; invalidate ICache entry
- ]
-        ADD     a1, a1, a3
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT10
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c10, 4             ; drain WBuffer
- [ XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0              ; invalidate ICache and BTB
- |
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6              ; invalidate BTB
- ]
-        MOV     a1, lr                             ; restore start address
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1              ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        CMP     a1, a2
-        BLO     %BT20
-        CPWAIT
-        Pull    "a2, a3, pc"
-        BL      Cache_CleanInvalidateAll_WB_Cal_LD
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0              ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        CPWAIT
-        Pull    "a2, a3, pc"
-MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries_WB_Cal_LD ROUT
-        CMP     a2, #32                            ; arbitrary-ish threshold
-        BHS     %FT20
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     lr, a2
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c6, 1              ; invalidate DTLB entry
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c5, 1              ; invalidate ITLB entry
-        SUBS    lr, lr, #1
-        ADD     a1, a1, #PageSize
-        BNE     %BT10
-        CPWAIT
-        Pull    "pc"
-        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c8, c7, 0              ; invalidate ITLB and DTLB
-        CPWAIT
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;        IMPORT  Write0_Translated
-        MOV     a1, #ZeroPage
-        LDRB    a1, [a1, #ProcessorType]
-        TEQ     a1, #ARMunk
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        Push    "lr"
-        ADR     a2, PNameTable
-        LDR     a1, [a2, a1, LSL #1]
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSL #16
-        ADD     a1, a2, a1, LSR #16
-        BL      Write0_Translated
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        Pull    "pc"
-        DCW     PName_ARM600    - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM610    - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM700    - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM710    - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM710a   - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_SA110     - PNameTable      ; pre rev T
-        DCW     PName_SA110     - PNameTable      ; rev T or later
-        DCW     PName_ARM7500   - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM7500FE - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_SA1100    - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_SA1110    - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM720T   - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM920T   - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_ARM922T   - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_X80200    - PNameTable
-        DCW     PName_X80321    - PNameTable
-        =       "600:ARM 600 Processor",0
-        =       "610:ARM 610 Processor",0
-        =       "700:ARM 700 Processor",0
-        =       "710:ARM 710 Processor",0
-        =       "710a:ARM 710a Processor",0
-        =       "SA110:SA-110 Processor",0
-        =       "7500:ARM 7500 Processor",0
-        =       "7500FE:ARM 7500FE Processor",0
-        =       "SA1100:SA-1100 Processor",0
-        =       "SA1110:SA-1110 Processor",0
-        =       "720T:ARM 720T Processor",0
-        =       "920T:ARM 920T Processor",0
-        =       "922T:ARM 922T Processor",0
-        =       "X80200:80200 Processor",0
-        =       "X80321:80321 Processor",0
-        ALIGN
-; Lookup tables from DA flags PCB (bits 14:12,5,4, packed down to 4:2,1,0)
-; to XCB bits in page table descriptors.
-XCB_NB  *       1:SHL:0
-XCB_NC  *       1:SHL:1
-XCB_P   *       1:SHL:2
-        ALIGN 32
-; WT read-allocate cache (eg ARM720T)
-XCBTableWT                                      ; C+B        CNB   NCB         NCNB
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ;        Default
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ; WT,         X,  Non-merging, X
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ; WB/RA,      X,  Merging,     X
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ; WB/WA,      X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ; Alt DCache, X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B, L2_C, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-; SA-110 in Risc PC - WB only read-allocate cache, non-merging WB
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ;        Default
-        =      L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WT,         X,  Non-merging, X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WB/RA,      X,  Merging,     X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WB/WA,      X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; Alt DCache, X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-; ARMv5 WB/WT read-allocate cache, non-merging WB (eg ARM920T)
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ;        Default
-        = L2_C     ,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WT,         X,  Non-merging, X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WB/RA,      X,  Merging,     X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WB/WA,      X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; Alt DCache, X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-; SA-1110 - WB only read allocate cache, merging WB, mini D-cache
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ;        Default
-        =      L2_B,    0,    0, 0              ; WT,         X,  Non-merging, X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WB/RA,      X,  Merging,     X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; WB/WA,      X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C     ,    0, L2_B, 0              ; Alt DCache, X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_C+L2_B,    0, L2_B, 0              ; X,          X,  X,           X
-; XScale - WB/WT read or write-allocate cache, merging WB, mini D-cache
-;          defaulting to read-allocate
-        =      L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ;        Default
-        =      L2_C     ,    0, L2_X+L2_B, 0    ; WT,         X,  Non-merging, X
-        =      L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; WB/RA,      X,  Merging,     X
-        = L2_X+L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; WB/WA,      X,  X,           X
-        = L2_X+L2_C     ,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; Alt DCache, X,  X,           X
-        =      L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        =      L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        =      L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; X,          X,  X,           X
-; XScale - WB/WT read or write-allocate cache, merging WB, mini D-cache
-;          defaulting to write-allocate
-        = L2_X+L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ;        Default
-        =      L2_C     ,    0, L2_X+L2_B, 0    ; WT,         X,  Non-merging, X
-        =      L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; WB/RA,      X,  Merging,     X
-        = L2_X+L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; WB/WA,      X,  X,           X
-        = L2_X+L2_C     ,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; Alt DCache, X,  X,           X
-        = L2_X+L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_X+L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        = L2_X+L2_C+L2_B,    0,      L2_B, 0    ; X,          X,  X,           X
-        END
diff --git a/s/Arthur2 b/s/Arthur2
deleted file mode 100644
index 02fa3b03..00000000
--- a/s/Arthur2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2345 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL  => Arthur2
-;        GET  $.Hdr.Variables  - got at start
-        MACRO
-$l      GSVarGetWSpace
-$l      LDR R12, =GSVarWSpace
-        MEND
-;mjs performance enhancements for Ursula (ChocolateSysVars)
-                          GBLL    SysVars_QuickContext
-                          GBLL    SysVars_StickyNodes
-SysVars_QuickContext      SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateSysVars   ;avoid abysmal O(n*n) enumeration of vars
-SysVars_StickyNodes       SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateSysVars   ;attempt to avoid lots of SysHeap operations,
-                                                                   ;especially grows and shrinks
-SysVars_Vindex_NStart     * 256   ;initial no. of vars supported by index
-SysVars_Vindex_NBump      *  32   ;additional no. of vars each time index size is bumped up
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-;format of block anchored at VariableList
-                     ^   0
-SysVars_LastContext  #   4                    ;last var table index for last context ptr returned, or -1 if invalid
-SysVars_VTableOffset #   0
-;immediately followed by table data as in old code:
-;  1 word   = total number of variables (N)
-;  N words  = ptrs to variable blocks (sorted table)
-  ]
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize *  32             ;quantise node size to multiples of this many bytes
-                                              ;(must be multiple of 8, and power of 2)
-SysVars_StickyNode_Log2US   *   5             ;Log2 of unit size
-SysVars_StickyNode_MaxSize  * 320             ;maximum size of node that may stick (be retained on removal as active node)
-;There are currently 10 words allocated in kernel workspace for sticky pointers
-      ASSERT  SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize*10 = SysVars_StickyNode_MaxSize
-  ]
-        GBLL    DebugSysVars
-DebugSysVars SETL {FALSE}
-; This file covers:
-;   System variables:
-;     InitVariables
-;     OS_ReadVarVal
-;     OS_SetVarVal
-;   GSTrans:
-;     OS_GSInit
-;     OS_GSRead
-;     OS_GSTrans
-;   OS_BinaryToDecimal
-; These have been grouped because GSTrans makes direct use of the system variables'
-; structures and OS_BinaryToDecimal is used by readvarval.
-; The system variables are stored as a one way sorted alphabetically linked list hanging
-; off the zero-page location VariableList:
-; VariableList---->sorted table of pointers to variable blocks (QuickIndex) - format as above
-; The end is indicated by the link having the value 0.
-; Each variable is stored in one block in the system heap (block will be word aligned). The
-; format of each block is:
-; No. Bytes     Use
-; N+1           Variable's name (length N, plus terminator).
-; 1             Variable's type:
-;                       0       string
-;                       1       number
-;                       2       macro
-;                       3       expanded (not valid within sysvar structure)
-;                       16      code
-; M             data - depends on the variable's type
-; The structure of the data is as follows:
-; Type 0 - string
-; Bytes         Use
-; 3             Length (N)
-; N             the bytes of the string - may contain any characters
-; Type 1 - number
-; Bytes         Use
-; 4             its value (not necessarily word aligned)
-; Type 2 - macro
-; Bytes         Use
-; 3             Length (N)
-; N             the bytes of the string - must be a valid GSTransable string
-;                       including terminator
-; Type 16 - code
-; Bytes         Use
-; x             Sufficient to word align...
-; 4             Write entry
-; 4             Read entry
-; N             The rest of the code
-InitVariables  ROUT
-        Push  "lr"
-        ; Blank the sysvar list
-        MOV    R0, #0
-        LDR    R12, =VariableList
-        STR    R0, [R12]
-        ; Set up the preset system variables
-        ADR    R0, SystemVarList       ; R0 pointer to name
-01      MOV    R1, R0
-        LDRB   R2, [R1], #1
-        CMP    R2, #0
-        Pull  "PC", EQ
-02      LDRB   R3, [R1], #1
-        CMP    R3, #0
-        BNE    %BT02
-        LDRB   R4, [R1], #1            ; get type
-        ADD    R1, R1, #3
-        BIC    R1, R1, #3
-        LDR    R2, [R1], #4
-        SWI    XOS_SetVarVal
-        ADD    R0, R1, R2
-        B      %BT01
-        LTORG
-; System vars have Thunks :
-; read thunk returns R0 ptr to string, R2 length. R1 corruptible
-; set thunk takes R1 ptr to value, R2 length. Value is always a string.
-; Can corrupt R1, R2, R4, R10-12
-; The list of nodes to copy into RAM :
-; name, 0 , type, ALIGN, size of value, value
-SystemVarList  ROUT
-        =     "Sys$$Time", 0, VarType_Code
-        ALIGN
-        &      sv2-.-4
-        LDR    PC, %FT01
-        LDR    PC, %FT02
-        &    SetTimeVar
-        &    ReadTimeVar
-sv2     =     "Sys$$Year", 0, VarType_Code
-        ALIGN
-        &      sv3-.-4
-        LDR    PC, %FT03
-        LDR    PC, %FT04
-        &    SetYear
-        &    ReadYear
-sv3     =     "Sys$$Date", 0, VarType_Code
-        ALIGN
-        &      sv4-.-4
-        LDR    PC, %FT05
-        LDR    PC, %FT06
-        &    SetDate
-        &    ReadDate
-sv4     =     "Sys$$ReturnCode", 0, VarType_Code
-        ALIGN
-        &      sv5-.-4
-        LDR    PC, %FT07
-        LDR    PC, %FT08
-        &    SetRC
-        &    ReadRC
-sv5     =     "Sys$$RCLimit", 0, VarType_Code
-        ALIGN
-        &      sv6-.-4
-        LDR    PC, %FT09
-        LDR    PC, %FT10
-        &    SetRCL
-        &    ReadRCL
-sv6     =     "Alias$.", 0, VarType_String
-        ALIGN
-        &      sv7-.-4
-        =     "Cat ", 10
-sv7     =     "Sys$$DateFormat", 0, VarType_String
-        ALIGN
-        &      sv8-.-4
-        [ {TRUE}
-        =     "%24:%mi:%se %dy-%m3-%ce%yr", 10
-        |
-        =     "%w3,%dy %m3 %ce%yr.%24:%mi:%se", 10
-        ]
-sv8     =      0
-        =     "%24:%mi:%se", 0
-        =     "%w3,%dy %m3", 0
-        =     "%ce%yr", 0
-        ALIGN
-; Now the code for our system variables.
-        ADR    R0, SysTimeFormat
-        B      ReadTimeFormatted
-SetTimeVar ROUT
-        CMP    R2, #&FE
-        BHI    TimeVarTooLong
-        Push  "R0, lr"
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-        LDR    R12, =SysVarWorkSpace
- |
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        ADD    R12, R12, #GSNameBuff
- ]
-        MOV    R11, #8
-        STRB   R11, [R12], #1
-        MOV    R10, #0
-        STRB   R10, [R12, R2]
-        MOV    R10, R2
-01      SUBS   R10, R10, #1
-        LDRPLB R11, [R1, R10]
-        STRPLB R11, [R12, R10]
-        BPL    %BT01
-        SUB    R1, R12, #1
-        MOV    R0, #15
-        SWI    XOS_Word
-        STRVS  R0, [R13]
-        Pull  "R0, PC"
-        ADRL   R0, ErrorBlock_VarTooLong
-      [ International
-        B      TranslateError
-      |
-        RETURNVS
-      ]
-        ADR    R0, SysYearFormat
-        B      ReadTimeFormatted
-SetYear ROUT
-        CMP    R2, #4
-        BHI    TimeVarTooLong
-        Push  "R0, lr"
-        Push  "R1,R2"
-        ADR    R0, SetYearPrefixFormat
-        BL     ReadTimeFormatted
-        ADD    R12, R0, R2              ; R12 -> position to copy year to
-        Pull  "R1,R2"
-        BVS    %FT02
-        MOV    R10, #0
-        STRB   R10, [R12, R2]
-        MOV    R10, R2
-01      SUBS   R10, R10, #1
-        LDRPLB R11, [R1, R10]
-        STRPLB R11, [R12, R10]
-        BPL    %BT01
-        SUB    R1, R0, #1
-        MOV    R0, #15
-        STRB   R0, [R1]
-        SWI    XOS_Word
-02      STRVS  R0, [R13]
-        Pull  "R0, PC"
-        ADR    R0, SysDateFormat
-        B      ReadTimeFormatted
-SetDate ROUT
-        CMP    R2, #&F8
-        BHI    TimeVarTooLong
-        Push  "R0, lr"
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-        LDR    R12, =SysVarWorkSpace
- |
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        ADD    R12, R12, #GSNameBuff
- ]
-        MOV    R11, #15
-        STRB   R11, [R12], #1
-        MOV    R10, #0
-        STRB   R10, [R12, R2]
-        MOV    R10, R2
-01      SUBS   R10, R10, #1
-        LDRPLB R11, [R1, R10]
-        STRPLB R11, [R12, R10]
-        BPL    %BT01
-        ADD    R1, R12, R2
-        ADR    R0, SetDateSuffixFormat          ; append year to supplied date
-        Push  "R12"
-        BL     ReadTimeFormattedAtR1
-        Pull  "R12"
-        SUB    R1, R12, #1
-        MOV    R0, #15
-        SWI    XOS_Word
-        STRVS  R0, [R13]
-        Pull  "R0, PC"
-; in: R0 = format string
-; out: R0 -> time string (0 terminated)
-;      R2 = length of string (excluding terminator)
-;      R1 corrupt
-ReadTimeFormatted ROUT
-        Push  "R3,R4,LR"
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-        LDR    R12, =SysVarWorkSpace
-        ADD    R2, R12, #1
- |
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        ADD    R2, R12, #GSNameBuff+1   ; This code copied from OsWord0EAlpha
- ]
-01      MOV    R4, R0
-        SUB    R13, R13, #8
-        MOV    R1, R13
-        MOV    R0, #3
-        STRB   R0, [R1]
-        MOV    R0, #14
-        SWI    XOS_Word
-        BVS    %FT02
-        MOV    R0, #-1
-        MOV    R1, R13
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-        MOV    R3, #?SysVarWorkSpace-1
- |
-        MOV    R3, #?GSNameBuff-1
- ]
-        SWI    XTerritory_ConvertDateAndTime
-02      ADD    R13, R13, #8
-        SUBVC  R2, R1, R0
-        Pull  "R3,R4,PC"
-; in: R0 = format string
-;     R1 -> output buffer
-; out: R0 -> time string (0 terminated)
-;      R1 corrupt
-;      R2 = length of string (excluding terminator)
-        Push  "R3,R4,LR"
-        MOV    R2, R1
-        B      %BT01
-        MOV    R0, #0
-        LDR    R0, [R0, #ReturnCode]
-        B      ReadNumSysVar
-SetRC   Push  "lr"
-        BL     SetNumSysVar
-        LDR    R4, =ReturnCode
-        STR    R2, [R4]
-        LDR    R4, =RCLimit
-        LDR    R4, [R4]
-        CMP    R2, R4
-        BHI    %FT03
-        CLRV
-        Pull  "PC"
-03      ADRGT  R0, ErrorBlock_RCExc
-        ADRLT  R0, ErrorBlock_RCNegative
-      [ International
-        BL     TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        Pull  "PC"
-        =     "%w3,%dy %m3 ", 0
-        =     " %ce%yr", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MakeErrorBlock RCExc
-        MakeErrorBlock RCNegative
-ReadRCL MOV    R0, #0
-        LDR    R0, [R0, #RCLimit]
-        Push  "lr"
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-        LDR    R12, =SysVarWorkSpace
-        MOV    R1, R12
- |
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        ADD    R1, R12, #GSNameBuff
- ]
-        MOV    R2, #256
-        SWI    XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        MOV    R0, R1
-        Pull  "PC"
-SetRCL  Push  "lr"
-        BL     SetNumSysVar
-        LDR    R4, =RCLimit
-        CMP    R2, #0              ; can't set -ve RCLimit
-        RSBMIS R2, R2, #0
-        MOVMI  R2, #0              ; BIC of MININT
-        STR    R2, [R4]
-        Pull  "PC"
-        LTORG
-SetNumSysVar   ROUT ; R1 ptr to string, R2 string length
-        Push  "lr"
-        SUBS   R2, R2, #1
-        ADDMI  R2, R2, #1     ; give 0 in R2 for bad length.
-        Pull  "PC", MI
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-        LDR    R12, =SysVarWorkSpace
- |
-        LDR    R12, =GSNameBuff+GSVarWSpace
- ]
-03      LDRB   R10, [R1], #1        ; copy into a buffer so we can terminate it.
-        STRB   R10, [R12], #1
-        SUBS   R2, R2, #1
-        BPL    %BT03
-        MOV    R10, #13
-        STRB   R10, [R12], #1
- [ GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
-        LDR    R1, =SysVarWorkSpace
- |
-        LDR    R1, =GSNameBuff+GSVarWSpace
- ]
-        LDRB   R10, [R1]
-        MOV    R12, #0
-        CMP    R10, #"-"
-        MOVEQ  R12, #-1
-        CMPNE  R10, #"+"
-        ADDEQ  R1, R1, #1
-        MOV    R0, #0
-        SWI    XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        CMP    R12, #0
-        RSBMI  R2, R2, #0
-        Pull  "PC"
-; To enable GSTrans nesting to stand a chance of working don't flatten the
-; stack every FSINIT. Instead, pick up the stack pointer (any value is OK)
-; and wrap at 255. Stack overflow occurs if you increment the pointer to
-; where it started for this GSINIT, and stack underflow occurs if you
-; decrement the pointer when it is currently equal to stack limit.
-; The stack limit is held in the environment value, R2.
-; The stack is empty ascending.
-        GBLL    GS_BufferNotStack
-GS_BufferNotStack SETL {TRUE}
-; some semi-arbitrary flags
-GS_NoQuoteMess   * 1 :SHL: 31   ; flags passed in from user
-GS_NoVBarStuff   * 1 :SHL: 30
-GS_Spc_term      * 1 :SHL: 29   ; clear if user requested terminate on space
-GS_In_String     * 1 :SHL: 28   ; set if waiting for closing "
-GS_ReadingString * 1 :SHL: 27   ; set if reading chars from a string var.
-GS_Macroing      * 1 :SHL: 26   ; set if reading chars from a macro
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        ASSERT  GS_StackPtr_Lim = &80
-GS_StackLimitBits * 7
-GS_StackLimitPos * 19           ; The bit position of the LSB of the byte
-                                ; which holds the stack limit
-; bits 0-18 hold the string length for string transfers
- |
-; bits 24-25 are unused
-; bits 0-23 hold the string length for string transfers
- ]
-; After GSINIT, R2 has these flags, and if expanding a count in the low byte
-;  In  : R0 pointer to string to expand
-;        R2 has flags :
-;          Bit 29 set means space is a terminator
-;          Bit 30 set means | characters will not be molested
-;          Bit 31 set means don't mess with quotes
-;  Out : R0, R2 are values to pass back in to GSREAD
-;        R1 is the first non-blank character
-;        EQ means char is CR or LF, i.e. string is empty.
-        ; Enable interupts as we've no right to have them disabled here
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R1
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        AND     R2, R2, #GS_NoQuoteMess :OR: GS_NoVBarStuff :OR: GS_Spc_term
-                                      ; get caller's flags
- ]
-; If no tokens to expand then don't reset evaluation stack
-; This prevents conflict with modules opening messages files at lower levels
-        Push    "r0"
-10      LDRB    r1, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r1, #13
-        CMPNE   r1, #10
-        CMPNE   r1, #0
-        Pull    "r0",EQ
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; Jump if end of string, nothing to expand
-        TEQ     r1, #"<"                ; Possibly something to expand?
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; No then try next
-        Pull    "r0"
-; Expansion may be necessary so flatten evaluation stack
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        LDRB    R1, [R12, #GS_StackPtr]
-        AND     R1, R1, #(GS_StackPtr_Lim-1)     ; Ensure we remain in range
-        STRB    R1, [R12, #GS_StackPtr]
-        ORR     R2, R2, R1, LSL #GS_StackLimitPos
- |
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        STRB    R1, [R12, #GS_StackPtr]     ; no stacked R0s
- ]
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
- |
-        AND     R2, R2, #GS_NoQuoteMess :OR: GS_NoVBarStuff :OR: GS_Spc_term
-                                      ; get caller's flags
- ]
-        EOR     R2, R2, #GS_Spc_term    ; and invert for convenience
-01      LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP     R1, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        TST     R2, #GS_NoQuoteMess
-        CMPEQ   R1, #""""
-        SUBNE   R0, R0, #1            ; dec if went too far
-        ORREQ   R2, R2, #GS_In_String ; set flag if in string
-        CMP     R1, #13
-        CMPNE   R1, #10
-        CMPNE   R1, #0
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #Z_bit    ; and move EQ/NE to return pc
-        BICNE   lr, lr, #Z_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        LTORG
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;  In  : R0, R2 from last GSREAD/GSINIT
-;  Out : R1 character, R0, R2 updated.
-;        VS => "Bad String" error
-;        CS => string ended (in which case R1 = terminator)
-        ; enable interupts as (a) they'll get enabled by a <thing> entry
-        ; and (b) GSREAD may take some time
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R10
-        BIC     lr, lr, #C_bit
-        MOV     R10, #0
-        TST     R2, #GS_ReadingString
-        BNE     GSREAD_RStringGetNextByte         ; take byte from stringvar
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP     R1, #13
-        CMPNE   R1, #10
-        CMPNE   R1, #0
-        BEQ     GSREAD_XPandGotToEnd
-        CMP     R1, #" "
-        BEQ     GSREAD_XPandGotSpace
-        BLT     GSREAD_BadStringError   ; bad string : control code in string
-        CMP     R1, #""""
-        BEQ     GSREAD_XPandGotQuote
-        CMP     R1, #"|"
-        TSTEQ   R2, #GS_NoVBarStuff
-        BEQ     GSREAD_WorkOutBarChar
-        CMP     R1, #"<"
-        BNE     GSREAD_ReturnWithChar   ; OS_Exit with valid character
-; got to try and get a variable value.
-        Push    "R0, R2, lr"
-        LDRB    R1, [R0]
-        CMP     R1, #">"
-        CMPNE   R1, #" "
-        BEQ     GSREAD_AngleBraDaftSoIsnt  ; <> and < > are silly.
-        ; Copy angle bracketed thing checking for correct termination
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        ADD     R12, R12, #GSNameBuff
-        MOV     R11, #0
-20      LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        STRB    R1, [R12], #1
-        ADD     R11, R11, #1
-        CMP     R11, #255
-        CMPNE   R1, #13
-        CMPNE   R1, #10
-        CMPNE   R1, #0
-        BEQ     GSREAD_AngleBraDaftSoIsnt
-        CMP     R1, #">"
-        BNE     %BT20
-        ; Check for number first
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        STRB    R1, [R12, #-1]          ; terminate it
-        SUB     R1, R12, R11            ; pointer to name or number
-        Push    "R0"
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned        ; check for number
-        Pull    "R0"
-        BVS     GSREAD_AngledThingAintNumber   ; silly - has to be name
-        LDRB    R1, [R1]                ; check terminated by the null
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        BNE     GSREAD_AngledThingAintNumber
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; character value
-        ADD     stack, stack, #4        ; discard old R0 value.
-        Pull    "R2, lr"
-        B       GSREAD_ReturnWithChar   ; exit-R1's the char value.
-        ; R0, R2, lr on stack
-        Push    "R0, R3, R4, R10"       ; corrupted by VarFindIt
-        MOV     R3, #0                 ; context ptr
-        SUB     R0, R12, R11           ; name ptr
-        BL      VarFindIt
-        Pull    "R0, R3, R4, R10", EQ    ; not found mate
-        BEQ     GSREAD_AngledThingNotThere  ; return null expansion
-; well, we've found it - better stack old R0
-        Pull    "R0"
-        GSVarGetWSpace
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        LDRB    r1, [r12, #GS_StackPtr]
-        LDR     r2, [sp, #4*4]          ; r3,r4,r10,r0,r2,lr on stack, hence r2 retrieved
-        MOV     r2, r2, ASL #32-(GS_StackLimitPos+GS_StackLimitBits)
-        SUB     r2, r2, #1:SHL:(32-GS_StackLimitBits)
-        TEQ     r1, r2, LSR #32-GS_StackLimitBits
-        BEQ     GSREAD_CantNestMore
- |
-        LDRB    R1, [R12, #GS_StackPtr]
-        CMP     R1, #GS_StackPtr_Lim
-        BHS     GSREAD_CantNestMore
- ]
-        ADD     R12, R12, #GS_Stack
-        STR     R0, [R12, R1, LSL #2]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        AND     R1, R1, #(GS_StackPtr_Lim-1)
- ]
-        STRB    R1, [R12, #GS_StackPtr-GS_Stack]
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1          ; type
-        CMP     R1, #VarType_Code
-        BEQ     GSREAD_CallCodeVar
-        CMP     R1, #VarType_Number
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        LDRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        ORR     R1, R1, R3, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        ORR     R1, R1, R3, LSL #16
-        BLO     GSREAD_GotVarAsString
-        BHI     GSREAD_GotMacroVar
-        LDRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        ORR     R1, R1, R3, LSL #24
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        ADD     R1, R12, #GSNameBuff-GS_Stack
-        MOV     R2, #256
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        MOV     R1, R2
-; it's a string variable, by now.
-        Pull    "R3, R4, R10"
-        ADD     stack, stack, #4      ; discard that R0
-        Pull    "R2, lr"
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        BEQ     ZeroLengthVar
-        ORR     R2, R2, R1            ; old flags+new count
-        ORR     R2, R2, #GS_ReadingString
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        B       GSREAD_ReturnWithChar
-        ; Macro - R0 is now the ptr to the macro value.
-        Pull    "R3, R4, R10"
-        ADD     stack, stack, #4
-        Pull    "R2, lr"
-        ORR     R2, R2, #GS_Macroing
-        B       GSREAD_XPandGetNextByte   ; loop, transforming chars.
-        Pull    "R3, R4, R10"           ; no room to stack pointer, so don't expand
-        ADD     stack, stack, #4       ; skip R0 - return null string
-        Pull    "R2, lr"
-        B       GSREAD_XPandGetNextByte   ; get next char
-        Pull    "R0, R2, lr"
-        MOV     R1, #"<"
-        B       GSREAD_ReturnWithChar   ; failed to get sensible variable
-        TST     R2, #GS_In_String      ; got CR or LF
-        BNE     GSREAD_BadStringError  ; bad string
-        TST     R2, #GS_Macroing
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #C_bit          ; got terminator
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        ; Nest out by one level
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        LDRB    R11, [R12, #GS_StackPtr]
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        SUB     R11, R11, #1
-        AND     R11, R11, #(GS_StackPtr_Lim-1)
-        MOV     r2, r2, ROR #GS_StackLimitPos+GS_StackLimitBits
-        TEQ     r11, r2, LSR #32-GS_StackLimitBits
-        MOV     r2, r2, ROR #32-(GS_StackLimitPos+GS_StackLimitBits)
- |
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #1
- ]
-        BICEQ   R2, R2, #GS_Macroing
-        STRB    R11, [R12, #GS_StackPtr]
-        ADD     R12, R12, #GS_Stack
-        LDR     R0, [R12, R11, LSL #2]
-        B       GSREAD_XPandGetNextByte    ; return to prevstring
-        TST     R2, #(GS_In_String :OR: GS_Spc_term :OR: GS_Macroing)
-                                        ; got space : check termination
-        BEQ     GSREAD_GotToAnEnd      ; terminates
-        ORR     R1, R1, R10             ; valid character
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        TST     R2, #GS_In_String
-        BEQ     GSREAD_ReturnWithChar   ; if not in string, " is valid.
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP     R1, #""""               ; "" in string?
-        BEQ     GSREAD_ReturnWithChar   ; yup
-; TMD 25-Sep-89: Fix termination here
-        CMP     R1, #" "
-        LDREQB  R1, [R0], #1
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1
-        ORR     lr, lr, #C_bit          ; got terminator (second ")
-        ExitSWIHandler                  ; and out
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1            ; got |, do traditional escaping
-        CMP     R1, #"|"
-        CMPNE   R1, #""""
-        CMPNE   R1, #"<"
-        BEQ     GSREAD_ReturnWithChar  ; || gives |, |" gives ", |< gives <
-        CMP     R1, #"?"
-        MOVEQ   R1, #&7F              ; delete
-        BEQ     GSREAD_ReturnWithChar ; valid ch
-        CMP     R1, #"!"
-        MOVEQ   R10, #&80
-        BEQ     GSREAD_XPandGetNextByte ; tbs char
-        CMP     R1, #" "
-        BLT     GSREAD_BadStringError   ; OS_Control character is naff
-        CMP     R1, #&7F              ; CTRL-delete is delete
-        EORGT   R1, R1, #&20           ; softkey
-        BGE     GSREAD_ReturnWithChar ; now valid ch
-        CMP     R1, #"`"              ; CTRL-` = CTRL-_
-        MOVEQ   R1, #"_"
-        CMP     R1, #"@"
-        ANDGE   R1, R1, #&1F           ; transform if @<=ch<delete
-        B       GSREAD_ReturnWithChar
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1            ; we're reading a string
-  [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        MOVS    R12, R2, ASL #32-GS_StackLimitPos
-  |
-        ANDS    r12, r2, #&00ffffff
-  ]
-        LDRNEB  R1, [R0], #1          ; and this is already expanded
-        ExitSWIHandler NE          ; so finished
-        GSVarGetWSpace
-        LDRB    R0, [R12, #GS_StackPtr] ; pull an R0 from our stack
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1
- [ GS_BufferNotStack
-        AND     R0, R0, #(GS_StackPtr_Lim-1)
- ]
-        STRB    R0, [R12, #GS_StackPtr]
-        ADD     R12, R12, #GS_Stack
-        LDR     R0, [R12, R0, LSL #2]
-        BIC     R2, R2, #GS_ReadingString
-        B       GSREAD_XPandGetNextByte
-        ADR     R0, BadStrErr
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit :OR: C_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        MakeErrorBlock BadString
-        ADD     R0, R0, #3 + 4  ; 3 to ALIGN, 4 to get to read entry
-        MOV     lr, PC          ; get link
-        BIC     PC, R0, #3      ; call entrypoint to Read Thunk
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        B       GSREAD_GotVarAsString
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-GSTRANS ROUT                    ; enables interrupts
-; In   : R0 ptr to input string
-       ; R1 ptr to Out buffer
-       ; R2 max number of chars, with flags at top.
-; Out  : R0 points at terminator
-       ; R1 unchanged
-       ; R2 Number of chars got,
-       ;  C set if too many chars
-       ;  V set if bad string.
-        BIC      lr, lr, #C_bit
-        Push    "R1, R3-R5, lr"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R3             ; enable ints.
-        MOV      R3, R1
-        MOV      R4, R1                    ; two copies of start ptr
-        BIC      R5, R2, #&E0000000
-        ADD      R5, R5, R1                 ; 1st byte we can't write to.
-        SWI      XOS_GSInit
-01      CMP      R3, R5
-        BHS      %FT03                    ; no rheum for byte.
-        SWI      XOS_GSRead
-        BVS      %FT02                    ; bad string
-        STRB     R1, [R3], #1
-        BCC      %BT01
-04      SUB      R2, R3, R4                 ; no chars got
-        SUB      R2, R2, #1
-        Pull    "R1, R3-R5, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-02      SUB      R2, R3, R4
-        Pull    "R1, R3-R5, lr"
-        B       SLVK_SetV               ; bad string: error set by GSRead
-03      SUB      R2, R3, R4
-        Pull    "R1, R3-R5, lr"
-        ORR      lr, lr, #C_bit          ; buffer overflow
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; Read/Write variables
-; Also the binary->decimal SWI.
-; All the var SWIs enable interrupts - they all take quite a while.
-; First the lookup SWI, ReadVarValue
-; In:
-;   R0 -> name; maybe wildcarded (* and #)
-;   R1 -> buffer
-;   R2 = buffer max length
-;   R3 = 0 or pointer to name returned from previous ReadVarVal
-;   R4 = VarType_Expanded or something else
-; Out:
-;  Not found:
-;   R0 -> VarCantFind error
-;   R1 unaltered
-;   R2 = 0
-;   R3,r4 trashed
-;   VSet
-;  Found, r2 < 0 and r4 <> VarType_Expanded on entry:
-;   R0, R1 unaltered
-;   R2 = NOT length of value
-;   R3 -> name of variable (0-terminated)
-;   R4 = type of result
-;  Found, r2 < 0 and r4 = VarType_Expanded on entry:
-;   R0, R1 unaltered
-;   R2 = -ve
-;   R3 -> name of variable (0-terminated)
-;   R4 = type of result
-;  Found, r2 >= 0 on entry:
-;   R0, R1 unaltered
-;   R2 no chars got
-;   R3 -> name of variable. Can be passed to this SWI to continue enumeration
-;      of wildcard.
-;   R4 type of result (VarType_String, VarType_Number, VarType_Macro)
-;   VSet if buffer overflowed (R0->error block)
- [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-;  R0 in = -1 is special case: skip call to VarFindIt (r5,r6,r7 in supply r3,r4,r12)
- ]
-ReadVarValue ROUT
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r11 ; enable interupts (mode remains unchanged)
-        Entry   "r0,r1"
-        MOV     r11, r4
-  [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        BNE     rvv_noqaspecialentry
-        MOV     r3,r5
-        MOV     r4,r6
-        MOV     r12,r7
-        B       rvv_qaspecialentry
-  ]
-        BL      VarFindIt       ; name=r0,context=r3 -> name found in node=r3,r4=after namein,r12=prev
-        BEQ     RVVNotFound
-  [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-  ]
-        ; Regardless of expanded or not - always call the code to get value
-        LDRB    lr, [r4], #1
-        TEQ     lr, #VarType_Code
-        BEQ     ReadVarVal_CallCode
-        ; Check whether expanded value wanted and pick up found variable's type
-        TEQ     r11, #VarType_Expanded
-        MOV     r11, r4
-        MOV     r4, lr
-        BEQ     ReadVarVal_ExpandedWanted
-        ; Unexpanded value wanted....
-        ; If number then want 4 bytes, else however many there are in the varval
-        TEQ     r4, #VarType_Number
-        MOVEQ   r10, #4
-        ; R1 -> user buffer
-        ; R2 = user buffer size
-        ; R3 -> name of sysvar found
-        ; R4 = sysvar type to return
-        ; R10 = length to transfer to user buffer (EQ only)
-        ; R11 -> length byte(s) of sysvar (NE only)
-        ;     -> bytes string to transfer (EQ only)
-        LDRNEB  r10, [r11], #1
-        LDRNEB  lr, [r11], #1
-        ORRNE   r10, r10, lr, ASL #8
-        LDRNEB  lr, [r11], #1
-        ORRNE   r10, r10, lr, ASL #16
-        ; R1 -> user buffer
-        ; R2 = user buffer size
-        ; R3 -> name of sysvar found
-        ; R4 = type byte to be returned
-        ; R10 = bytes to be copied
-        ; R11 -> bytes to be copied
-        CMP     R10, R2
-        BGT     ReadVarVal_BufWillOFlow
-        ; Guaranteed the the buffer won't overflow now
-        MOV     R2, R10           ; bytes he's gonna get
-; now copy R10 bytes into buffer
-02      SUBS    R10, R10, #1
-        LDRPLB  R12, [R11, R10]
-        STRPLB  R12, [R1, R10]
-        BPL     %BT02
-        PullEnv
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ; Have determined that the buffer will overflow, so generate an error
-        ; and shorten down to the buffer's size
-        ADR     r0, BufferOFloError
-    [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-    ]
-        STR     r0, [stack, #Proc_LocalStack + 0*4]
-        LDR     lr, [stack, #Proc_LocalStack + 2*4]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit     ; set for return
-        STR     lr, [stack, #Proc_LocalStack + 2*4]
-        ; ensure NOT length returned in r2 when returning with r2<0 on entry
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        MVNMI   r10, r10
-        MOVPL   r10, r2
-        B       VarNoOFlo
-        MakeErrorBlock BuffOverflow
-        Push    "r0-r2"                 ; read sysvar : r4 points after type
-        ADD     r11, r4, #3 + 4         ; 3 to align and 4 to get to read entry
-        MOV     lr, pc                  ; construct link
-        BIC     pc, r11, #3             ; call read code in var
-        MOV     r11, r0                 ; ptr to value
-        MOV     r10, r2                 ; no of chars.
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-        ; error may be returned from reading the var val
-        MOVVS   r0, r11
-        BVS     ReadVarVal_TestVExit
-        MOV     r4, #VarType_String
-        B       ReadVarVal_CopyR10BytesToUserBuffer
-        ; Request for expanded value....
-        ; Check for number, string or macro
-        CMP     R4, #VarType_Number
-        BLT     ReadVarVal_CopyStringVarToUserBuffer
-        BEQ     ReadVarVal_FoundNumber
-; macro - gstrans it. R1 buffer ptr, r2 max chars, R11+1 ptr to value.
-; Macros have a terminator after their value, to allow GSTRANS.
-        CMP     r2, #0          ; if negative, then don't call GSTrans because bits 29..31 have
-        MVNMI   r10, r2         ; return r2 out by this method
-        BMI     ReadVarVal_BufWillOFlow  ; a special meaning - just branch back to the normal overflow code
-        ADD     r0, r11, #3             ; skip length
-        SWI     XOS_GSTrans
-        BVS     ReadVarVal_TestVExit
-        BCC     ReadVarVal_OKExit
-        ADR     R0, BufferOFloError
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       ReadVarVal_SetVExit
-        ; Found a number - extract its value and convert to string
-        LDRB    R0, [R11], #1       ; number - convert to string.
-        LDRB    R12, [R11], #1
-        ORR     R0, R0, R12, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R12, [R11], #1
-        ORR     R0, R0, R12, LSL #16
-        LDRB    R12, [R11]
-        ORR     R0, R0, R12, LSL #24
-        ; got number in R0, buffptr in R1, max chars in R2
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        MOV     r4, #VarType_String
-        STRVS   r0, [stack, #Proc_LocalStack + 0*4]
-        PullEnv
-        B       SLVK_TestV
- [ International
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        ADR     r0, RVVNFError
-        BL      TranslateError_UseR4
- |
-        ADR     R0, RVVNFError
- ]
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; indicate not found.
-        STR     r0, [stack, #Proc_LocalStack + 0*4]
-        PullEnv
-        B       SLVK_SetV               ; general error return
-        MakeErrorBlock VarCantFind
-; The convert number to string SWI
-; In  : R0 signed 32-bit integer
-;       R1 pointer to buffer
-;       R2 max buffer length
-; Out : R0, R1 unmodified
-;       R2 actual chars given
-;       V Set if buffer overflow
-; Format : - if negative, leading zeros stripped.
-CvtToDecimal ROUT
-        Push    "R0, R3-R5"
-        MOV     R12, R2
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BPL     %FT01
-        SUBS    R12, R12, #1
-        BMI     %FT10
-        MOV     R11, #"-"
-        STRB    R11, [R1]
-        MOV     R2, #1
-        RSB     R0, R0, #0
-; now do digits.
-01      RSB     R0, R0, #0          ; get negative so minint works.
-        ADR     R3, TenTimesTable
-        MOV     R10, #9            ; max entry
-        MOV     R4, #0             ; non-0 had flag
-02      LDR     R11, [R3, R10, LSL #2]
-        MOV     R5, #-1            ; digit value
-03      ADDS    R0, R0, R11
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        BLE     %BT03
-        SUB     R0, R0, R11
-        CMP     R5, #0
-        CMPEQ   R4, #0
-        BNE     %FT04             ; put digit
-05      SUBS    R10, R10, #1
-        BPL     %BT02             ; next digit
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        BEQ     %FT04             ; R5 must be 0
-        Pull    "R0, R3-R5"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-04      SUBS    R12, R12, #1
-        BMI     %FT10             ; naff Exit
-        ADD     R5, R5, #"0"
-        MOV     R4, #-1
-        STRB    R5, [R1, R2]
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1
-        B       %BT05
-        ADR     R0, BufferOFloError
-    [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-    ]
-        Pull    "R3"              ; discard R0 in
-        Pull    "R3-R5"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-      &        1
-      &        10
-      &        100
-      &        1000
-      &        10000
-      &        100000
-      &        1000000
-      &        10000000
-      &        100000000
-      &        1000000000
-; *****************************************************************************
-; SWI OS_SetVarVal : create/update/destroy a variable.
-; In:   R0 pointer to name (can be wildcarded for update/delete)
-;             ctrl/char or space terminated
-;       R1 pointer to value. String values must be CR or LF terminated.
-;       R2 negative means destroy the variable. +ve is update/create
-;       R3 name pointer or 0
-;       R4 type.
-;  Evaluation of value : this depends on the type.
-;  VarType_String   : GSTRANS the given value
-;  VarType_Number   : Value is a 4 byte (signed) integer
-;  VarType_Macro    : Copy value (may be GSTRANSed on use)
-;  VarType_Expanded : the value is a string which should be evaluated as an
-;                     expression. Variable is then numeric or string
-;  VarType_LiteralString : Copy the given value as a string
-;  VarType_Code     : R2 is the length of the code to copy in, including
-;                     padding to align the code.
-;                     Can only delete sysvars if R4 = VarType_Code
-; Out:  R3 new name pointer (so can delete all occurrences of f*, etc.
-;          slightly more efficiently).
-;       R4 type created for expressions
-;       V set for :
-;          1) bad name  (creation of wildcarded names is banned)
-;          2) Bad string from GSTRANS
-;          3) Bad macro value (control codes not allowed)
-;          4) Bad expression from ReadExpression
-;          5) Can't find (for deletion)
-;          6) Not enough room to create/update it (system heap full)
-;          7) Value too long (variables are limited to 256 bytes in length)
-;          8) Bad type (update/create)
- [ DebugSysVars
-SysVar_Write0 Entry "r0,r1"
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        LDRB    r0, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r0, #" "
-        EXIT    LO
-        SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        B       %BT10
- ]
-        ; enable IRQs
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r10
-        Entry   "r0,r1,r2,r4,r5,r6,r9"
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "SetVarVal ",0
-        BL      SysVar_Write0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        MOV     r9, stack
-        MOV     r10, r4
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BMI     SetVarVal_DeleteIt
-        ; Range check type
-        CMP     r10, #VarType_Code
-        CMPNE   r10, #VarType_LiteralString
-        ADRHIL  r0, ErrorBlock_BadVarType
-        BHI     SetVarValBadExit_Translate
-        ; Always expand a VarType_Expanded:
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_Expanded
-        BNE     SetVarVal_AintExpanded
-        ; Process VarType_Expanded
-  [ LongCommandLines
-        MOV     r0, stack, LSR #20      ; SVC stack base assumed on 1M boundary
-        SUB     r0, sp, r0, LSL #20     ; amount of stack left
-        CMP     r0, #LongCLISize + 2048 ; insist on 2k left after long buffer
-        MOVHS   r2, #LongCLISize        ; ok, got a long buffer
-        MOVLO   r2, #256                ; stack full-ish, use a 256 buffer and hope it's big enough
-        SUB     stack, stack, r2
-  |
-        SUB     stack, stack, #256
-        MOV     r2, #256
-  ]
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; ptr to expression
-        MOV     r1, stack
-        SWI     XOS_EvaluateExpression
-        BVS     SetVarVal_TestVExit
-        TEQ     r1, #0   ; integer?
-        MOVNE   r10, #VarType_LiteralString
-        MOVEQ   r10, #VarType_Number
-        STREQ   r2, [stack]
-        MOVEQ   r2, #4
-        STR     r10, [r9, #3*4]         ; r4 out
-        MOV     r1, stack
-        LDR     r0, [r9, #0*4]
-        ; Setting a variable
-        BL      VarFindIt
-        BNE     SetVarVal_NodeAlreadyExists
-        ; Node missing....
-        ; Check variable name has no wildcards
-        SUB     r4, r0, #1
-        LDRB    lr, [r4, #1]!
-        CMP     lr, #"#"
-        CMPNE   lr, #"*"
-        CMPNE   lr, #" "
-        BHI     %BT05
-        CMP     lr, #"#"
-        CMPNE   lr, #"*"
-        CMPNE   r4, r0
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_BadVarNam
-        BEQ     SetVarValBadExit_Translate     ; error no. 1)
-        ; R12 index of 1st entry in QuickIndex >= the entry we're interested in
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; To indicate absence of current
-        B       SetVarVal_CreateNode
-        MOV     r0, r3          ; If already there use that's name in case supplied name wildcarded
-        LDRB    lr, [r4]
-        TEQ     lr, #VarType_Code
-        BNE     SetVarVal_CreateNode
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_Code
-        BEQ     SetVarVal_CreateNode
-        ; Assign non code value to code node
-        CMP     r10, #VarType_Number
-        BHI     SetVarVal_AssignToCodeDoIt
-        BLO     SetVarVal_AssignStringToCode
-        SUB     stack, stack, #256   ;buffer
-        MOV     r2, #256
-        ; Assign a number to the code variable
-        LDRB    r0, [r1], #1
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1
-        ORR     r0, r0, lr, LSL #8
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1
-        ORR     r0, r0, lr, LSL #16
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1
-        ORR     r0, r0, lr, LSL #24
-        MOV     r1, stack
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        B       SetVarVal_AssignToCodeDoIt
-  [ LongCommandLines
-        MOV     r0, stack, LSR #20      ; SVC stack base assumed on 1M boundary
-        SUB     r0, sp, r0, LSL #20     ; amount of stack left
-        CMP     r0, #LongCLISize + 2048 ; insist on 2k left after long buffer
-        MOVHS   r2, #LongCLISize        ; ok, got a long buffer
-        MOVLO   r2, #256                ; stack full-ish, use a 256 buffer and hope it's big enough
-        SUB     stack, stack, r2
-  |
-        SUB     stack, stack, #256
-        MOV     r2, #256
-  ]
-        ; Expand string to stack frame then do it
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        MOV     r1, stack
-        SWI     XOS_GSTrans
-        BVS     SetVarVal_TestVExit
-        ADRCSL  r0, ErrorBlock_VarTooLong
-        BCS     SetVarValBadExit_Translate
-        ADDS    r4, r4, #3 + 1          ; skip type, add 3 for ALIGN , clear V
-        MOV     lr, PC
-        BIC     PC, R4, #3              ; complete align and call
-        B       SetVarVal_TestVExit
-        ; Create a node
-        ;
-        ; r0 -> name (already confirmed non-wildcarded)
-        ; r1 -> value
-        ; r2 = length (where appropriate)
-        ; r3 = this or 0
-        ; r10 = type
-        ; r12 = insertion point
-        MOV     r5, r1
-        MOV     r6, r3
-        ; first work out the length of those things we can work the length of
-        ; Header and name...
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ;accumulator for length of things we know
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1
-        ADD     r3, r3, #1
-        CMP     lr, #" "
-        BHI     %BT10
-;r3 is now name length +1 for terminator
-        ADD     r3, r3, #1              ;add in 1 for the type byte
-        ; Deal with number and string type
-        CMP     r10, #VarType_Number
-        ADDLO   r3, r3, #64             ; only an initial guess for the string type
-        ADDEQ   r3, r3, #4
-        MOVEQ   r2, #4
-        BLS     SetVarVal_GotInitialLength
-        CMP     r10, #VarType_Code
-        ADDEQ   r3, r3, #3              ; ALIGN
-        BICEQ   r3, r3, #3
-        ADDEQ   r3, r3, r2              ; code
-        BEQ     SetVarVal_GotInitialLength
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_LiteralString
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        ; Macro - strlen and check the value is vaguely OK
-        MOV     r2, r5
-        LDRB    lr, [r2], #1
-        CMP     lr, #" "
-        BHS     %BT15
-        TEQ     lr, #0                  ; must terminate with NUL, CR or LF
-        TEQNE   lr, #10
-        TEQNE   lr, #13
-        ADRNE   r0, ErrorBlock_BadMacVal
-        BNE     SetVarValBadExit_Translate
-        SUB     r2, r2, r5
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2
-        ADD     r3, r3, #3              ; for the length bytes
-        ; r0 -> node's name
-        ; r2 = value length (Number, Macro and Code)
-        ; r3 = node length needed (maybe initial guess for Strings)
-        ; r5 -> value (r1 in)
-        ; r6 -> name of node to be replaced (0 if no node being replaced)
-        ; r10 = value's type (String, Number, Macro or Code)
-        ; r12 -> insertion point
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-        ADD     r3,r3,#SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1
-        BIC     r3,r3,#SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1  ;so we don't fight sticky routines over sizes
-        BL      SysVars_ClaimVNode
-  |
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        Pull    "r0-r2",VS
-        BVS     SetVarVal_VarNoRoom
-        ; Got a heap block - fill it in
-        ; Copy name
-        MOV     r4, r2
-        LDR     r0,[sp]
-        LDRB    lr, [r0], #1
-        CMP     lr, #" "
-        MOVLS   lr, #0
-        STRB    lr, [r4], #1
-        BHI     %BT25
-        LDR     r1,[sp,#8]
-        ADD     sp,sp,#12                      ; balances push r0-r2 above - value length (entry r2) now in r1
-        ; Variable's type
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_LiteralString
-        MOVEQ   lr, #VarType_String
-        MOVNE   lr, r10
-        STRB    lr, [r4], #1
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_String
-        BEQ     SetVarVal_FillInString
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_Code
-        ADDEQ   r4, r4, #3
-        BICEQ   r4, r4, #3
-        TEQNE   r10, #VarType_Number
-        BEQ     SetVarVal_CopyR1BytesToR4
-        ; For macro type fill in a length
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_Macro
-        SUBEQ   r1, r1, #1                      ; ghastly fudge to avoid display of terminator
-        STRB    r1, [r4], #1
-        MOV     r1, r1, ROR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r4], #1
-        MOV     r1, r1, ROR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r4], #1
-        MOV     r1, r1, ROR #16
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #1                      ; undo ghastly fudge
-        B       %FT35
-        LDRB    lr, [r5], #1
-        STRB    lr, [r4], #1
-        SUBS    r1, r1, #1
-        BHS     %BT30
-        B       SetVarVal_NewNodeReady
-        ; Here's the real smart bit of code
-        ; The idea is this:
-        ; Instead of GSTransing, we GSInit and GSRead ourselves. When the
-        ; block gets full expand it and carry on. At the end the block is shrunk to fit.
-        ADD     r4, r4, #3              ; for the length bytes
-        MOV     r11, r4                 ; preserve location of string start for when we've done
-        MOV     r0, r5                  ; r1 in
-        MOV     r5, r2
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        SWI     XOS_GSInit
-        BVS     SetVarVal_DisasterExpandingString
-        B       %FT45
-        SWI     XOS_GSRead
-        BVS     SetVarVal_DisasterExpandingBadString
-        BCS     SetVarVal_StringFinishedExpanding
-        STRB    r1, [r4], #1
-        CMP     r4, r3
-        BLO     %BT40
-        ; Run out of room in this block - stretch it
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-        MOV     r2, r5
-        MOV     r3, #64     ;should be a multiple of StickyNode_UnitSize if SysVars_StickyNodes TRUE
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-        BL      SysVars_ExpandOrShrinkVNode
-  |
-        BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-  ]
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        SUBVC   lr, r2, r5
-        ADDVC   r4, r4, lr
-        ADDVC   r11, r11, lr
-        MOVVC   r5, r2
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-        BVS     SetVarVal_DisasterExpandingString
-        LDR     r3, [r5, #-4]           ; The heap block's size
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-        SUB     r3, r3, #8              ; the amount we're allowed to use
-  |
-        SUB     r3, r3, #4              ; the amount we're allowed to use
-  ]
-        ADD     r3, r3, r5              ; the block's end
-        B       %BT40
-        ; Shorten block to required size
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-        Push    "r4"
-        ADD     r4, r4, #SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1
-        BIC     r4, r4, #SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1  ;so we don't fight over sticky sizes
-        SUB     r3, r4, r3
-        Pull    "r4"
-        MOV     r2, r5
-        BL      SysVars_ExpandOrShrinkVNode
-  |
-        SUB     r3, r4, r3
-        MOV     r2, r5
-        BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-  ]
-        BVS     SetVarVal_DisasterExpandingString
-        ; Relocate pointers
-        SUB     lr, r2, r5
-        ADD     r4, r4, lr
-        ADD     r11, r11, lr
-        ; Work out ultimate size and store it
-        SUB     lr, r4, r11
-        STRB    lr, [r11, #-3]
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSR #8
-        STRB    lr, [r11, #-2]
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSR #8
-        STRB    lr, [r11, #-1]
-        ; r2 -> new node
-        ; r6 -> old node's name (or is 0 if no old node)
-        ; r12 = insertion point
- [ DebugSysVars
-        Push    "r0,r1,r2"
-        SUB     sp, sp, #12
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #12
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex8
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "
-        MOV     r0, r6
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #12
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex8
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "
-        MOV     r0, r12
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #12
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex8
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "
-        ADD     sp, sp, #12
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r2"
- ]
-        LDR     r11, =VariableList
-        LDR     r10, [r11]
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        TEQ     r10,#0
-        ADDNE   r10,r10,#SysVars_VTableOffset
-  ]
-        MOV     r5, r2
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        BEQ     SetVarVal_Insertion
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-straight replace-",0
- ]
-        MOV     r2, r6
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-        BL      SysVars_FreeVNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        B       SetVarVal_Replace
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-insert-",0
- ]
-        TEQ     r10, #0
-        BNE     SetVarVal_PossibleExtend
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-create index-",0
- ]
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        ; SysVars_Vindex_NStart nodes, 1 word for the count, plus data before table
-        MOV     r3, #SysVars_Vindex_NStart*4
-        ADD     r3, r3, #4+SysVars_VTableOffset
-  |
-        MOV     r3, #(10*4)+4                      ; 10 nodes and 1 word for the count
-  ]
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode                   ; this is not a variable node (its the index)
-        BVS     SetVarVal_NoRoomForIndex
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        MOV     r10,#-1
-        STR     r10, [r2, #SysVars_LastContext]    ; initialise last context as invalid
-  ]
-        MOV     r10, r2
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        B       SetVarVal_DoInsertNewBlock
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-extend index-",0
- ]
-        LDR     r4, [r10]
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        LDR     lr, [r10, #-(4+SysVars_VTableOffset)] ; Block length, from heap block
-        SUB     lr, lr, #4+4+SysVars_VTableOffset     ; 4 for heap adjustment, 4 for entry count word, plus name buffer
-  |
-        LDR     lr, [r10, #-4]                        ; Block length, from heap block
-        SUB     lr, lr, #4+4                          ; 4 for heap adjustment and 4 for entry count word
-  ]
-        CMP     lr, r4, ASL #2
-        BHI     SetVarVal_DoInsert      ; we've got room with this block
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-do extend-",0
- ]
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        SUB     r2, r10, #SysVars_VTableOffset
-        MOV     r3, #SysVars_Vindex_NBump*4     ; room for SysVars_Vindex_NBump more nodes
-  |
-        MOV     r2, r10
-        MOV     r3, #40                         ; room for 10 more nodes
-  ]
-        BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension   ;not a variable node (expanding index)
-        BVS     SetVarVal_NoRoomForIndex
-        MOV     r10, r2
-        STR     r10, [r11]
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        ADD     r10,r10,#SysVars_VTableOffset
-  ]
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-doinsert-",0
- ]
-        ADD     r0, r10, r12, ASL #2    ; insertion point
-        ADD     r1, r10, r4, ASL #2     ; rover
-        B       SetVarVal_DoInsertEnd
-        LDR     lr, [r1], #-4
-        STR     lr, [r1, #8]
-        CMP     r1, r0
-        BHS     SetVarVal_DoInsertStart
-        ADD     r4, r4, #1
-        STR     r4, [r10]
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-doreplace-",0
- ]
-        STR     r5, [r10, r12, ASL #2]
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-done-",0
- ]
-        ; All done
-        B       SetVarVal_TestVExit
-        BL      VarFindIt
-        ; Error if not found
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_VarCantFind ; V set no. 1)
-        BEQ     SetVarValBadExit_Translate
-        ; Check if found vartype code that the supplied vartype was code too
-        LDRB    lr, [r4]
-        TEQ     lr, #VarType_Code
-        BNE     %FT80
-        TEQ     r10, #VarType_Code
-        BNE     SetVarVal_TestVExit
-        LDR     r11, =VariableList
-        LDR     r10, [r11]
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        ADD     r10,r10,#SysVars_VTableOffset
-  ]
-        LDR     r4, [r10]
-        ADD     r0, r10, r12, ASL #2    ; rover
-        ADD     r1, r10, r4, ASL #2     ; end
-        B       SetVarVal_DoRemoveEnd
-        LDR     lr, [r0, #4]!
-        STR     lr, [r0, #-4]
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        BLO     SetVarVal_DoRemoveStart
-        MOV     r2, r3
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-        BL      SysVars_FreeVNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        ; Reduce number of nodes
-        SUB     r4, r4, #1
-        STR     r4, [r10]
-        ; Construct best guess context ptr to be prev node (if present)
-        TEQ     r12, #1
-        SUBHI   r12, r12, #1
-        LDRHI   r3, [r10, r12, ASL #2]
-        MOVLS   r3, #0
-        MOV     stack, r9
-        STRVS   r0, [stack]
-        PullEnv
-        B       SLVK_TestV
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        SETV
-        B       SetVarVal_TestVExit
-        MOV     r2, r5
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode         ;forget stickiness (return node to heap is best here)
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_VarNoRoom
-        B       SetVarValBadExit_Translate
-        Push    "r0"                    ; Save bad string error
-        MOV     r2, r5
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode         ;forget stickiness (return node to heap is best here)
-        Pull    "r0"
-        SETV
-        B       SetVarVal_TestVExit
-        MakeErrorBlock BadVarType
-        MakeErrorBlock BadVarNam
-        MakeErrorBlock VarTooLong
-        MakeErrorBlock BadMacVal
-        MakeErrorBlock VarNoRoom
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Utility routines.
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; VarFindIt
-; In
-;    r0 -> (wildcard) name of variable to find
-;    r3 = context pointer
-; Out
-;    r3 = name pointer
-;    r4 = pointer after name terminator
-;    r12 = insertion point (1st node >= this node)
-;    NE if found, EQ if not found
-VarFindIt Entry "r0,r1,r2,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11"
-; validate R3 by looking down the list to see if we find it.
-; Crude, but effective!
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "VarFindIt(",0
-        BL      SysVar_Write0
- ]
-        LDR     r9, =VariableList
-        LDR     r9, [r9]
-        TEQ     r9, #0
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        LDRNE   r12,[r9,#SysVars_LastContext]
-        MOVEQ   r12,#-1                           ;r12 = var table index for last context, or -1 if notvalid/notthere
-        ADDNE   r9,r9,#SysVars_VTableOffset
-  ]
-        LDRNE   r8, [r9]
-        MOVEQ   r8, #0
-        TEQ     r3, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-scan-",0
- ]
-        ; r3 non-zero - scan list for entry
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        ;massive short cut - see if context is the last context we returned
-        CMP     r12, r8               ;if not valid, or higher than current number of vars, forget it
-        BHI     %FT04
-        LDR     lr, [r9, r12, ASL #2]
-        CMP     lr, r3
-        BEQ     %FT70
-        ;no such luck - scan list anyway
-  ]
-        ADD     r12, r8, #1
-        B       %FT10
-        LDR     lr, [r9, r12, ASL #2]
-        CMP     lr, r3
-        BEQ     %FT70                   ; continue scan down list
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #1
-        BHI     %BT05
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-wildcheck-",0
- ]
-        ; not found in scan - check for name being wildcarded
-        MOV     r10, r0
-        LDRB    lr, [r10], #1
-        TEQ     lr, #"*"
-        TEQNE   lr, #"#"
-        BEQ     %FT65
-        CMP     lr, #" "
-        BHI     %BT25
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-bchop-",0
- ]
-        ; Name not wildcarded - do binary chop search
-        ORRS    r7, r8, r8, LSR #1
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #2
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #4
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #8
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #16
-        BICS    r7, r7, r7, LSR #1      ; least 2^n <= number of entries
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        B       %FT60
-        ADD     r5, r6, r7
-        CMP     r5, r8
-        BHI     %FT55
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        LDR     r4, [r9, r5, ASL #2]
-        LDRB    r2, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        MOVLS   r2, #0
-        LDRB    r3, [r4], #1
-        CMP     r3, #" "
-        MOVLS   r3, #0
-        UpperCase R2,LR
-        UpperCase R3,LR
-        CMP     r3, r2
-        BNE     %FT50
-        CMP     r3, #0
-        BNE     %BT45
-        MRSHS   r10, CPSR               ; preserve last HS result we got
-        MOVHS   r11, r4
-        MOVLO   r6, r5
-        MOVS    r7, r7, LSR #1
-        BNE     %BT40
-        ; We always want the element above.
-        ; If r6<r8 then we want the preserved result
-        ; else we want the result HI
-        ADD     r6, r6, #1
-        CMP     r6, r8
-        LDRLS   r3, [r9, r6, ASL #2]
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        ASSERT  SysVars_LastContext = SysVars_VTableOffset - 4
-        STRLS   r6, [r9, #-4]            ;save var table index for context we're returning, in LastContext
-  ]
-        MOVLS   r4, r11
-        MOVHI   r3, #0
-        MSRLS   CPSR_f, r10
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-complete-",0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        MOV     r12, r6
-        TOGPSR  Z_bit, lr
-        EXIT
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-listscan-",0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        ; Scan down list looking for wildmatch
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        ADD     r12, r12, #1
-        CMP     r12, r8
-        BHI     %FT90                   ; end of list reached
-        LDR     r4, [r9, r12, ASL #2]
-        BL      WildMatch               ; trashes r10,r11
-        BNE     %BT70
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-complete-",0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        ; Found
-        ; r4->name end
-        ; r12 = entry number
-        LDR     r3, [r9, r12, ASL #2]
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        ASSERT  SysVars_LastContext = SysVars_VTableOffset - 4
-        STR     r12, [r9, #-4]          ;save var table index for context we're returning, in LastContext
-  ]
-        MOVS    r12, r12                ; set NE
-        EXIT
-        ; Not found
- [ DebugSysVars
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "-not found-",0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        MOV     r12, #1
-        MOVS    r3, #0
-        EXIT
-WildMatch ROUT
-; In  : R0 is wildcard spec ptr, R4 is name ptr.
-;       Wild Terminators are any ch <=" ", name terminator 0
-;       Wildcards are *, #
-; Out : EQ/NE for match (EQ if matches)
-;       R4 points after name terminator for found
-;       R0 preserved, R10, 11 corrupted
-        Push    "R0-R3"
-        MOV     R11, #0         ; this is the wild backtrack pointer
-        MOV     R3, #0          ; and this is the name backtrack ptr.
-01      LDRB    R1, [R0], #1    ; nextwild
-        CMP     R1, #"*"
-        BEQ     %FT02           ; IF nextwild = "*"
-        LDRB    R2, [R4], #1    ; nextname
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        UpperCase R1, R10
-        UpperCase R2, R10
-        CMP     R1, R2          ; IF nextwild=nextname
-        CMPNE   R1, #"#"        ;   OR nextwild = #  (terminator checked already)
-        BEQ     %BT01           ; THEN LOOP (stepped already)
-        MOV     R0, R11         ; try backtrack
-        MOVS    R4, R3          ; if * had at all
-        BNE     %FT02
-        CMP     PC, #0          ; set NE
-04      Pull    "R0-R3"         ; return NE (failed)
-        MOV     PC, lr
-03      CMP     R1, #" "        ; name terminated : has wildcard?
-        BHI     %BA04           ; note HI has NE set.
-        CMP     R1, R1          ; set EQ
-        Pull    "R0-R3"
-        MOV     PC, lr
-02      MOV     R11, R0         ; wild backtrack ptr is char after *
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1    ; step wild
-        CMP     R1, #"*"
-        BEQ     %BT02           ; fujj **
-        UpperCase R1, R10
-05      LDRB    R2, [R4], #1    ; step name
-        CMP     R2, #0          ; terminator?
-        BEQ     %BT03
-        UpperCase R2, R10
-        CMP     R1, R2
-        CMPNE   R1, #"#"        ; match if #
-        BNE     %BT05
-        MOV     R3, R4          ; name backtrack ptr is char after match
-        B       %BT01           ; LOOP
-  [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-;routines to speed up alias checking for OS_CLI
-;VarFindIt_QA - similar to VarFindIt
-; In
-;    r3 -> non-wildcarded, already upper-cased name of var to find
-;          will be of form ALIAS$<whatever>
-; Out
-;    r5 = name pointer (equivalent to r3 for VarFindIt
-;    r6 = pointer after name terminator (equivalent to r4 for VarFindIt)
-;    r7 = insertion point (equivalent to r12 for VarFindIt)
-;    NE if found, EQ if not found
-VarFindIt_QA ROUT
-        Push    "r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r8,r9,r10,r11,LR"
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        LDR     r9, =VariableList
-        LDR     r9, [r9]
-        TEQ     r9,#0
-        BEQ     %FT99             ;exit with EQ (not found)
-  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-        ADD     r9,r9,#SysVars_VTableOffset
-  ]
-        LDR     r8, [r9]
-        ; do binary chop search
-        ORRS    r7, r8, r8, LSR #1
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #2
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #4
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #8
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #16
-        BICS    r7, r7, r7, LSR #1      ; least 2^n <= number of entries
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        B       %FT60
-        ADD     r5, r6, r7
-        CMP     r5, r8
-        BHI     %FT55
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        LDR     r4, [r9, r5, ASL #2]
-        LDRB    r2, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        MOVLS   r2, #0
-        LDRB    r3, [r4], #1
-        CMP     r3, #" "
-        MOVLS   r3, #0
-        UpperCase R3,LR
-        CMP     r3, r2
-        BNE     %FT50
-        CMP     r3, #0
-        BNE     %BT45
-        MRSHS   r10, CPSR               ; preserve last HS result we got
-        MOVHS   r11, r4
-        MOVLO   r6, r5
-        MOVS    r7, r7, LSR #1
-        BNE     %BT40
-        ; We always want the element above.
-        ; If r6<r8 then we want the preserved result
-        ; else we want the result HI
-        ADD     r6, r6, #1
-        CMP     r6, r8
-        LDRLS   r5, [r9, r6, ASL #2]
-;don't want to save context in this version of routine
-;  [ SysVars_QuickContext
-;        ASSERT  SysVars_LastContext = SysVars_VTableOffset - 4
-;        STRLS   r6, [r9, #-4]            ;save var table index for context we're returning, in LastContext
-;  ]
-        MOV     r7, r6
-        MOVLS   r6, r11
-        MOVHI   r5, #0
-        MSRLS   CPSR_f, r10
-        TOGPSR  Z_bit, lr
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r8,r9,r10,r11,PC"
-  ] ;Oscli_QuickAliases
-  [ SysVars_StickyNodes
-; SysVars_ClaimVNode
-; entry: R3 = size required
-; exit:  R2 = address of allocated node, or V set for error
-; if R3  > max sticky size, just delegates to ClaimSysHeapNode
-; if R3 <= max sticky size, rounds up to next unit size, and attempts to pick
-;    up sticky node of that size - if not found, gets one from heap (now of size that can
-;    stick on free)
-SysVars_ClaimVNode ROUT
-        Push    "r0,r1,r3,LR"
-        CMP     r3,#SysVars_StickyNode_MaxSize
-        BHI     %FT80                                         ;too big for sticky node
-        ADD     r3,r3,#SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1
-        BIC     r3,r3,#SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1          ;round up to unit size
-        MOV     r1,#SysVars_StickyPointers
-        LDR     r2,[r1,r3,LSR #(SysVars_StickyNode_Log2US-2)] ;sticky pointer for this size
-        CMP     r2,#0                                         ;also clears V
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        MOV     LR,#0
-        STR     LR,[r1,r3,LSR #(SysVars_StickyNode_Log2US-2)] ;used it
-  [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vcs_total]
-        ADD     r1,r1,#1
-        STR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vcs_total]
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-  ]
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3,PC"
-80      BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        STRVS   r0,[SP]
-  [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vch_total]
-        ADD     r1,r1,#1
-        STR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vch_total]
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-  ]
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3,PC"
-; SysVars_FreeVNode
-; entry: R2 = address of node to free (must be valid)
-; exit:  -
-;        OR V set, error
-; - checks size of node (uses internal knowledge of Heap blocks - naughty!)
-; - if size is a sticky size, and the corresponding sticky pointer is 0, retains it,
-;   else delegates to FreeSysHeapNode
-        Push    "r0,r1,r3,LR"
-        LDR     r1,[r2,#-4]                                   ;pick up OS_Heap's size word
-        SUB     r1,r1,#8                                      ;sticky sizes will be 8 less than heap sizes
-        CMP     r1,#SysVars_StickyNode_MaxSize                ;is it too big?
-        BHI     %FT80
-        TST     r1,#SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1             ;is it a multiple of unit size
-        BNE     %FT80
-        MOV     r3,#SysVars_StickyPointers
-        LDR     LR,[r3,r1,LSR #(SysVars_StickyNode_Log2US-2)] ;sticky pointer for this size
-        CMP     LR,#0
-        STREQ   r2,[r3,r1,LSR #(SysVars_StickyNode_Log2US-2)] ;stick!
-  [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDREQ   r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vfs_total]
-        LDRNE   r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vfh_total]
-        ADD     r1,r1,#1
-        STREQ   r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vfs_total]
-        STRNE   r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vfh_total]
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-  ]
-        BLNE    FreeSysHeapNode
-        STRVS   r0,[SP]
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3,PC"
-; SysVars_ExpandOrShrinkVNode
-; entry: R2 = address of block
-;        R3 = change of size required in bytes (signed integer)
-; exit:  R2 = address of block, which may have changed (block moved/copied)
-;        OR V set, error returned
-; - checks size of node (uses internal knowledge of Heap blocks - naughty!)
-; - assumes all VNodes currently less than MaxSize and of sticky size *must* be stickily
-;   allocated nodes (so that maximum current size that could be presumed by client is heap
-;   size minus 8, rather than minus 4)
-; - if new size is small enough to be a sticky node, attempts to return a sticky node,
-;   without doing an OS_Heap grow or shrink, else delegates to DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-        Push    "r0,r1,r3-r6,LR"
-        LDR     r5,[r2,#-4]                                   ;pick up OS_Heap's size word
-        SUB     r5,r5,#4                                      ;usable sizes are 4 less than heap sizes
-        ADD     r4,r5,r3                                      ;putative new size
-        CMP     r4,#SysVars_StickyNode_MaxSize                ;is it too big?
-        BHI     %FT90
-        SUB     r6,r5,#4                                      ;sticky sizes will be 8 less than heap sizes
-        SUB     r4,r4,#4
-        ADD     r4,r4,#SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1
-        BIC     r4,r4,#SysVars_StickyNode_UnitSize-1          ;round up to unit size
-        CMP     r4,r6                                         ;same as current size?
-        BEQ     %FT55
-        MOV     r1,#SysVars_StickyPointers
-        LDR     LR,[r1,r4,LSR #(SysVars_StickyNode_Log2US-2)] ;sticky pointer for this size
-        CMP     LR,#0
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        STR     r3,[r1,r4,LSR #(SysVars_StickyNode_Log2US-2)] ;used it
-        MOV     r5,r2
-        MOV     r2,LR
-        B       %FT50
-        MOV     r5,r2
-        MOV     r3,r4
-        BL      SysVars_ClaimVNode
-        BVS     %FT95
-50      ;copy min(r6,r4) bytes (multiple of 8) from old node at r5 to new node at r2
-        CMP     r4,r6
-        MOVLO   r6,r4
-        MOV     r3,r2
-        MOV     LR,r5
-        LDMIA   LR!,{r0,r1}
-        STMIA   r3!,{r0,r1}
-        SUBS    r6,r6,#8
-        BGT     %BT52
-        MOV     r6,r2
-        MOV     r2,r5
-        BL      SysVars_FreeVNode
-        MOV     r2,r6
-        BVS     %FT95
-  [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vxs_total]
-        ADD     r1,r1,#1
-        STR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vxs_total]
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-  ]
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3-r6,PC"
-  [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vxh_total]
-        ADD     r1,r1,#1
-        STR     r1,[r0,#mjsSHNT_vxh_total]
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-  ]
-        MOV     r0,#HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-        BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-        STRVS   r0,[SP]
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3-r6,PC"
-  ] ;SysVars_StickyNodes
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/Arthur3 b/s/Arthur3
deleted file mode 100644
index 9861f131..00000000
--- a/s/Arthur3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2478 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => Arthur3
-; the IF command
-IF_Code    ROUT
-        Push    "R2, lr"
-        LDR     R2, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        STRB    R1, [R2], #1
-        CMP     R1, #10
-        CMPNE   R1, #13
-        CMPNE   R1, #0
-        BEQ     NoTHEN
-        CMP     R1, #" "
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDRB    R1, [R0]
-        CMP     R1, #"t"
-        CMPNE   R1, #"T"
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #1]
-        CMP     R1, #"h"
-        CMPNE   R1, #"H"
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #2]
-        CMP     R1, #"e"
-        CMPNE   R1, #"E"
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #3]
-        CMP     R1, #"n"
-        CMPNE   R1, #"N"
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #4]
-        CMP     R1, #" "
-        CMPNE   R1, #13
-        CMPNE   R1, #10
-        CMPNE   R1, #0
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MOV     R1, #13
-        STRB    R1, [R2, #-1]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #4              ; skip THEN
-        Push    "R0"
-        LDR     R0, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     R2, #-1    ; integers only mate
-        SWI     XOS_EvaluateExpression
-        BVS     WantInteger
-        Pull    "R1"
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT02                   ; false
-        LDR     R2, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        STRB    R0, [R2], #1
-        CMP     R0, #10
-        CMPNE   R0, #13
-        CMPNE   R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT04
-        CMP     R0, #" "
-        BLEQ    %FT05
-        BNE     %BT03
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #-1]
-        LDR     R0, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        SWI     XOS_CLI
-        Pull    "R2, PC"
-        LDRB    R0, [R1]
-        CMP     R0, #"e"
-        CMPNE   R0, #"E"
-        MOVNE   PC, lr
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #1]
-        CMP     R0, #"l"
-        CMPNE   R0, #"L"
-        MOVNE   PC, lr
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #2]
-        CMP     R0, #"s"
-        CMPNE   R0, #"S"
-        MOVNE   PC, lr
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #3]
-        CMP     R0, #"e"
-        CMPNE   R0, #"E"
-        MOVNE   PC, lr
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #4]
-        CMP     R0, #" "
-        CMPNE   R1, #13
-        CMPNE   R1, #10
-        CMPNE   R1, #0
-        MOV     PC, lr
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R0, #10
-        CMPNE   R0, #13
-        CMPNE   R0, #0
-        BEQ     %BT06
-        CMP     R0, #" "
-        BLEQ    %BT05
-        BNE     %BT02
-        ADD     R0, R1, #4
-        B       %BT07
-        ADR     R0, %FT01
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        SETV
-        Pull    "R2, pc"
-        &       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        =       "NoThen:There is no THEN", 0
-        ALIGN
-WantInteger ROUT
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        Pull    "R1"
-        BNE     %FT10
-        SETV
-        Pull    "R2, pc"               ; integer returned, so leave expranal error there
-        ADR     R0, %FT01
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       IfError
-        &       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        =       "IsString:Expression is a string", 0
-        ALIGN
-; the expression analysis SWI
-; truth values
-Expr_True  *  -1
-Expr_False *   0
-; Type symbols
-type_Integer  * 0
-type_String   * 1
-type_Operator * 2
-; operators :
-; single char syms have their ascii value
-op_Bra     * "("   ; 40
-op_Ket     * ")"   ; 41
-op_Times   * "*"   ; 42
-op_Plus    * "+"   ; 43
-op_Minus   * "-"   ; 45
-op_Divide  * "/"   ; 47
-op_LT      * "<"   ; 60
-op_EQ      * "="   ; 61
-op_GT      * ">"   ; 62
-; now fill in some gaps
-op_NE      * 44    ; <>
-op_STR     * 46    ; STR
-op_GE      * 48    ; >=
-op_LE      * 49    ; <=
-op_RShift  * 50    ; >>
-op_LShift  * 51    ; <<
-op_AND     * 52    ; AND
-op_OR      * 53    ; OR
-op_EOR     * 54    ; EOR
-op_NOT     * 55    ; NOT
-op_Right   * 56    ; RIGHT
-op_Left    * 57    ; LEFT
-op_MOD     * 58    ; MOD
-op_Bottom  * 59
-op_VAL     * 63    ; VAL
-op_LRShift * 64    ; >>>
-op_LEN     * 65    ; LEN
-; TMD 12-Sep-89 - add separate tokens for monadic versions of + and -
-op_UnaryPlus * 66  ; unary plus
-op_UnaryMinus * 67 ; unary minus
-; so 40-67 inclusive is filled.
-        MACRO
-$label  ePush  $reglist
-$label  STMFD  R11!, {$reglist}
-        CMP    R11, R10
-        BLE    StackOFloErr
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$label  ePull  $reglist, $writeback, $cc
-      [ "$writeback" = ""
-        LDM$cc.FD  R11!, {$reglist}
-      |
-        LDM$cc.FD  R11, {$reglist}
-      ]
-        MEND
-; SWI EvalExp.
-; In  : R0 -> string
-;       R1 -> buffer
-;       R2 maxchars
-; Out : R0 unchanged.
-;       IF R1 = 0, R2 is an integer
-;       IF R1<>0, buffer has a string, length in R2.
-;       V set if bad expression, buffer overflow
-ExprBuffOFlo ROUT
-        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [stack]
-        Pull    "R0-R4, lr"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-ReadExpression ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R4, lr"
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R12    ; interrupts on, ta.
-        LDR     R12, =ExprWSpace
-        STR     R13, ExprSVCstack
-  [ LongCommandLines
-        LDR     R1, =ExprBuff
-        MOV     R2, #LongCLISize
-  |
-        ADR     R1, ExprBuff
-        MOV     R2, #256
-  ]
-        ORR     R2, R2, #(1 :SHL: 30) :OR: (1 :SHL: 31)
-        SWI     XOS_GSTrans   ; No | transformation, no " or space termination.
-                              ; so can never go wrong!
-        BCS     ExprBuffOFlo
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        STRB    R0, [R1, R2]
-        LDR     R11, =ExprStackStart
-        LDR     R10, =ExprStackLimit
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, exprBracDif
-        MOV     R0, #type_Operator
-        MOV     R2, #op_Bottom
-        STRB    R2, tos_op
-        STMFD   R11!, {R0, R2}  ; push "bottom"
-; All set : now chug round items.
-        BL      GetFactor
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BNE     %BT01
-        CMP     R2, #op_Ket
-        BNE     %FT02
-        LDRB    R3, exprBracDif
- [ {TRUE}                       ; TMD 11-Sep-89 - save an instruction
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BCC     BadBraErr
- |
-        CMP     R3, #0
-        BEQ     BadBraErr
-        SUB     R3, R3, #1
- ]
-        STRB    R3, exprBracDif
-        LDRB    R3, tos_op
-        CMP     R3, #op_Bra
-        BEQ     %FT55
-        BL      compile_top_op
-        B       %BT03
-        ePull   "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BEQ     MissingOpErr
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    Pull_String
-        Push    "R0, R2"
-        ePull   "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BNE     MissingOrErr    ; discard "("
-        ePull   "R0, R2", No
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BNE     MissingOrErr
-        STRB    R2, tos_op      ; reset tosop
-        Pull    "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    Push_String
-        ePush   "R0, R2"        ; move temp result down.
-        B       %BT01
-        CMP     R2, #op_Bra
-        LDREQB  R3, exprBracDif
-        ADDEQ   R3, R3, #1
-        STREQB  R3, exprBracDif ; bracdif +:= 1
-; TMD 12-Sep-89 - now check for unary plus or minus
-        CMP     R2, #op_Plus                    ; if EQ then CS
-        TEQNE   R2, #(op_Minus :SHL: 2),2       ; if EQ then CC
-        ePull   "R0, R4", No, EQ                ; if +/- and top item is op
-        TEQEQ   R0, #type_Operator, 0           ; then it's unary plus/minus
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; else normal
-        MOVCS   R2, #op_UnaryPlus               ; CS => unary plus
-        MOVCC   R2, #op_UnaryMinus              ; CC => unary minus
-;  WHILE lp (tos.op) > rp (itemtype) DO ()
-        ADR     R4, rightprectab-op_Bra
-        LDRB    R4, [R4, R2]
-        ADR     R0, leftprectab-op_Bra
-        LDRB    R3, tos_op
-        LDRB    R0, [R0, R3]
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        BLE     %FT75
-        BL      compile_top_op
-        B       %BT04
-        MOV     R0, #type_Operator
-        ePush   "R0, R2"        ;  push (operator)
-        STRB    R2, tos_op
-        CMP     R2, #op_Bottom
-        BNE     %BT01
-; check proper expr, return it.
-; should have bum/result/bum on stack.
-        ePull   "R0, R2"        ; this one's forced to be bottom
-        ePull   "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BEQ     MissingOpErr
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    Pull_String
-        Push    "R0, R2"
-        ePull   "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator ; if an op's there, it has to be bottom
-        Pull    "R1, R2"
-        BNE     MissingOpErr
-        Pull    "R0, R3, R4"    ; original R1, R2 -> R3, R4
-        CMP     R1, #type_Integer
-        Pull    "R3, R4, lr", EQ
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        CMP     R4, R2
-        BGE     ExprBuffOK
-        MOV     R2, R4          ; no chars to move.
-        ADRL    R0, BufferOFloError
-        LDR     lr, [stack, #4*2]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit
-        STR     lr, [stack, #4*2]
-        MOV     R1, R3
-        LDR     R4, =exprSTRACC ; get ptr to it.
-        Push    "R2"
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        LDRPLB  R3, [R4, R2]
-        STRPLB  R3, [R1, R2]
-        BPL     %BT06
-        Pull    "R2-R4, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-;    Bra  Ket  Time Plus NE   Minu STR  Divi GE   LE   RShi LShift
-   = 2,   1,   8,   7,   6,   7,   9,   8,   6,   6,   6,   6
-;    AND  OR   EOR  NOT  Righ Left MOD  Bott LT   EQ   GT   VAL LRSh
-   = 5,   4,   4,   9,   9,   9,   8,   1,   6,   6,   6,   9,  6
-;    LEN  Un+  Un-
-   = 9,   9,   9
-;    Bra  Ket  Time Plus NE   Minu STR  Divi GE   LE   RShi LShift
-   = 11,  0,   7,   6,   5,   6,   10,  7,   5,   5,   5,   5
-;    AND  OR   EOR  NOT  Righ Left MOD  Bott LT   EQ   GT   VAL LRSh
-   = 4,   3,   3,   10,  10,  10,  7,   1,   5,   5,   5,   10, 5
-;    LEN  Un+  Un-
-   = 10,  10,  10
-    ALIGN
-compile_top_op ROUT
-; corrupts the flags
-        Push    "R2-R4, lr"
-        ePull   "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BEQ     MissingOpErr            ; everybody needs a rhs op
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    Pull_String
-        ePull   "R3, R4"                ; must be tosop
-        CMP     R3, #type_Operator
-        BNE     MissingOrErr
-        SUB     R4, R4, #op_Bra
-        ADR     R3, Operator_Dispatch
-        LDR     R4, [R3, R4, LSL #2]
-        ADD     PC, R3, R4
-        ePull   "R3, R4", No            ; pull with no writeback
-        CMP     R3, #type_Operator
-        BNE     MissingOrErr
-        STRB    R4, tos_op
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    Push_String
-        ePush   "R0, R2"                ; temp val -> stack
-        Pull    "R2-R4, PC"
-; the routines in this table are entered with one operand popped,
-; any other op on stack ready to pop.
-; Return with temp val set up (R0, R2 and maybe exprSTRACC)
-; Can use R0, R2-R4 as reqd
-        &       Bra_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       0  ;  Ket_Code - Operator_Dispatch - can't happen
-        &       Times_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       Plus_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       NE_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       Minus_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       STR_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       Divide_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       GE_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       LE_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       RShift_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       LShift_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       AND_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       OR_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       EOR_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       NOT_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       Right_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       Left_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       MOD_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       0   ; Bottom_Code - Operator_Dispatch - can't happen
-        &       LT_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       EQ_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       GT_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       VAL_Code - Operator_Dispatch
-        &       LRShift_Code- Operator_Dispatch
-        &       LEN_Code- Operator_Dispatch
-        &       UnPlus_Code- Operator_Dispatch
-        &       UnMinus_Code- Operator_Dispatch
-; dispatch  routines
-; monadic operators
-VAL_Code    ROUT  ; VAL string (VAL integer is NOP)
-UnPlus_Code ROUT  ; + integer (same code as VAL)
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    StringToInteger
-        B       DispatchReturn
-STR_Code ROUT  ; STR integer (STR string is NOP)
-        CMP     R0, #type_Integer
-        BLEQ    IntegerToString
-        B       DispatchReturn
-LEN_Code ROUT  ; LEN string
-        CMP     R0, #type_Integer
-        BLEQ    IntegerToString
-        MOV     R0, #type_Integer   ; and R2 is length!
-        B       DispatchReturn
-NOT_Code     ROUT  ; NOT integer
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    StringToInteger
-        MVN     R2, R2
-        B       DispatchReturn
-UnMinus_Code ROUT ; - integer
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    StringToInteger
-        RSB     R2, R2, #0
-        B       DispatchReturn
-; diadic plus
-Plus_Code       ROUT  ; integer+integer ; string+string
-        ePull   "R3, R4"
-;       CMP     R3, #type_Operator      ; can't be operator as unary plus
-;       BEQ     %FT01                   ; is separately dispatched now
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        CMP     R3, #type_String
-        BLEQ    PullStringToInteger     ; in R4
-        ADD     R2, R2, R4
-        B       DispatchReturn
-        CMP     R3, #type_String
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        BL      StringToInteger
-        ADD     R2, R2, R4
-        B       DispatchReturn
-        ADD     R0, R2, R4
-  [ LongCommandLines
-        CMP     R0, #LongCLISize
-        BGE     StrOFloErr
-  |
-        CMP     R0, #255
-        BGT     StrOFloErr
-  ]
-        LDR     R3, =exprSTRACC
-        Push    "R0"                    ; new length
-        ADD     R0, R3, R0
-        ADD     R3, R3, R2
-  ; copy R2 bytes from --(R3) to --(R0)
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        LDRGEB  R4, [R3, #-1]!
-        STRGEB  R4, [R0, #-1]!
-        BGE     %BT04
-; R0-exprSTRACC is no of chars in stacked string
-        LDR     R3, =exprSTRACC
-        SUB     R0, R0, R3
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        LDRGEB  R2, [R11], #1
-        STRGEB  R2, [R3], #1
-        BGE     %BT05
-        ADD     R11, R11, #3
-        BIC     R11, R11, #3            ; realign stack
-        Pull    "R2"
-        MOV     R0, #type_String
-        B       DispatchReturn
-Minus_Code    ROUT  ; integer-integer
-;       ePull   "R3, R4", No            ; can't be unary minus - this is
-;       CMP     R3, #type_Operator      ; separately dispatched now
-;       BEQ     %FT01
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        SUB     R2, R4, R2
-        B       DispatchReturn
-; integer pair only : maths
-Times_Code   ROUT  ; integer*integer
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        MOV     R3, R2
-        MUL     R2, R4, R3              ; get R3*R4->R2
-        B       DispatchReturn
-MOD_Code     ROUT  ; integer MOD integer
-        Push    "R5"
-        MOV     R5, #&80000000
-        B       DivModCommon
-Divide_Code  ROUT  ; integer/integer
-        Push    "R5"
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        BL      TwoIntegers             ; want R4/R2
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        Pull    "R5", EQ
-        BEQ     DivZeroErr
-        RSBMI   R2, R2, #0
-        EORMIS  R5, R5, #1
-        EORMI   R5, R5, #1              ; oops-wanted MOD, ignore this sign
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        EORMI   R5, R5, #1
-        RSBMI   R4, R4, #0
-        DivRem  R3, R4, R2, R0          ; R3 := R4 DIV R2; R4 := R4 REM R2
-        MOVS    R5, R5, LSL #1          ; CS if MOD, NE if -ve
-        MOVCS   R2, R4
-        MOVCC   R2, R3
-        RSBNE   R2, R2, #0
-        MOV     R0, #type_Integer
-        Pull    "R5"
-        B       DispatchReturn
-; integer pair only : logical
-AND_Code ROUT                   ; integer AND integer
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        AND     R2, R2, R4
-        B       DispatchReturn
-OR_Code ROUT                    ; integer OR integer
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        ORR     R2, R2, R4
-        B       DispatchReturn
-EOR_Code ROUT                   ; integer EOR integer
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        EOR     R2, R2, R4
-        B       DispatchReturn
-; mixed operands
-Right_Code ROUT                 ; string RIGHT integer
-        CMP     R0, #type_Integer
-        BLNE    StringToInteger
-        MOV     R4, R2
-        ePull   "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BNE     %FT01
-        BL      Pull_String
-02   ; string in stracc, R2 chars available, R4 chars wanted.
-        CMP     R2, R4
-        BLO     DispatchReturn  ; ignore if R4 -ve or bigger than available
-        LDR     R0, =exprSTRACC
-        ADD     R3, R0, R2
-        SUB     R3, R3, R4      ; mov from R3 to R0, R4 bytes
-        LDRB    R2, [R3], #1
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
-        STRGEB  R2, [R0], #1
-        BGE     %BT03
-        LDR     R2, =exprSTRACC
-        SUB     R2, R0, R2  ; get length back.
-        MOV     R0, #type_String
-        B       DispatchReturn
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BEQ     MissingOpErr
-        BL      IntegerToString
-        B       %BT02
-Left_Code ROUT                  ; string LEFT integer
-        CMP     R0, #type_Integer
-        BLNE    StringToInteger
-        MOV     R4, R2
-        ePull   "R0, R2"
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BNE     %FT01
-        BL      Pull_String
-        CMP     R4, R2
-        MOVLO   R2, R4          ; only use new length if +ve and < current length
-        B       DispatchReturn
-        CMP     R0, #type_Operator
-        BEQ     MissingOpErr
-        BL      IntegerToString
-        B       %BT02
-; relational operators
-EQ_Code ROUT                    ; integer = integer ; string = string
-        BL      Comparison
-        MOVEQ   R2, #Expr_True
-        MOVNE   R2, #Expr_False
-        B       DispatchReturn
-NE_Code ROUT                    ; integer<>integer ; string<>string
-        BL      Comparison
-        MOVNE   R2, #Expr_True
-        MOVEQ   R2, #Expr_False
-        B       DispatchReturn
-GT_Code ROUT                    ; integer > integer ; string>string
-        BL      Comparison
-        MOVGT   R2, #Expr_True
-        MOVLE   R2, #Expr_False
-        B       DispatchReturn
-LT_Code ROUT                    ; integer < integer ; string<string
-        BL      Comparison
-        MOVLT   R2, #Expr_True
-        MOVGE   R2, #Expr_False
-        B       DispatchReturn
-GE_Code ROUT                    ; integer >= integer ; string>=string
-        BL      Comparison
-        MOVGE   R2, #Expr_True
-        MOVLT   R2, #Expr_False
-        B       DispatchReturn
-LE_Code ROUT                    ; integer <= integer ; string<=string
-        BL      Comparison
-        MOVLE   R2, #Expr_True
-        MOVGT   R2, #Expr_False
-        B       DispatchReturn
-; shift operators
-RShift_Code ROUT                ; integer >> integer
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        RSBLT   R2, R2, #0
-        BLT     NegRShift
-        CMP     R2, #32
-        MOVGE   R2, R4, ASR #31 ; sign extend all through
-        MOVLT   R2, R4, ASR R2
-        B       DispatchReturn
-LRShift_Code ROUT               ; integer >>> integer
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        RSBLT   R2, R2, #0
-        BLT     NegRShift
-        CMP     R2, #32
-        MOVGE   R2, #0
-        MOVLT   R2, R4, LSR R2
-        B       DispatchReturn
-LShift_Code ROUT                ; integer << integer
-        BL      TwoIntegers
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        RSBLT   R2, R2, #0
-        BLT     NegLShift
-        CMP     R2, #32
-        MOVGE   R2, #0
-        MOVLT   R2, R4, LSL R2
-        B       DispatchReturn
-; Support routines :
-TwoIntegers   ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BLEQ    StringToInteger
-        ePull   "R3, R4"
-        CMP     R3, #type_Operator
-        BEQ     MissingOpErr
-        CMP     R3, #type_String
-        BLEQ    PullStringToInteger
-        Pull    "PC"
-Comparison    ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        ePull   "R3, R4"
-        CMP     R3, #type_Operator
-        BEQ     MissingOpErr
-        CMP     R0, #type_String
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        CMP     R3, #type_String
-        BLEQ    PullStringToInteger
-        CMP     R4, R2
-        Pull    "PC"
-        CMP     R3, #type_String
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        BL      StringToInteger
-        CMP     R4, R2
-        Pull    "PC"
-        MOV     R3, R11
-        ADD     R11, R11, R4
-        ADD     R11, R11, #3
-        BIC     R11, R11, #3
-;    $R3, length R4 against $exprSTRACC, length R2
-        Push    "R1, R2, R4, R5"
-        CMP     R2, R4
-        MOVGT   R2, R4                  ; minm length -> R2
-        LDR     R0, =exprSTRACC
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BLT     %FT04
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        LDRB    R5, [R3], #1
-        CMP     R5, R1
-        BEQ     %BT03
-        MOV     R0, #type_Integer
-        Pull    "R1, R2, R4, R5, PC"
-        Pull    "R1, R2, R4, R5"
-        CMP     R4, R2
-        MOV     R0, #type_Integer
-        Pull    "PC"
-StringToInteger ROUT
-        Push    "R1, R3, R4, lr"
-        LDR     R1, =exprSTRACC
-        ADD     R3, R1, R2              ; end pointer to check all string used.
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        STRB    R0, [R1, R2]            ; force terminator in
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R0, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        CMP     R0, #"-"
-        MOVEQ   R4, #-1
-        CMPNE   R0, #"+"
-        SUBNE   R1, R1, #1
-        MOV     R0, #10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R0, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT02
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        CMP     R1, R3
-        BNE     BadIntegerErr
-        MOV     R0, #type_Integer
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        RSBNE   R2, R2, #0
-        Pull    "R1, R3, R4, PC"
-IntegerToString ROUT
-        Push    "R1, lr"
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        LDR     R1, =exprSTRACC
-  [ LongCommandLines
-        MOV     R2, #LongCLISize
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1
-  |
-        MOV     R2, #255
-  ]
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        MOV     R0, #type_String
-        Pull    "R1, PC"
-PullStringToInteger ROUT        ; corrupts exprSTRACC
-        Push    "R0, R2, lr"
-        MOV     R2, R4
-        BL      Pull_String
-        BL      StringToInteger
-        MOV     R4, R2
-        MOV     R3, #type_Integer
-        Pull    "R0, R2, PC"
-GetFactor ROUT
-; return type in R0
-; if operator, R2 has op_xxx
-; if integer/string, it has been pushed
-; R1 updated, R2 corrupted.
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R0, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        CMP     R0, #13
-        BNE     %FT11
-        MOV     R2, #op_Bottom
-        MOV     R0, #type_Operator
-        MOV     PC, lr
-        CMP     R0, #"@"-1      ; chars >= "@" are OK
-        BGT     %FT32
-        CMP     R0, #" "        ; chars <= " " always terminate
-        MOVLE   PC, lr
-        Push    "R2, R3"
-        ADR     R2, terminatename_map-"!"
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, R0]    ; termination map for " " < char < "@"
-        CMP     R3, #0
-        Pull    "R2, R3"
-        MOVEQ   PC, lr
-        STRB    R0, [R3], #1
-        MOV     PC, lr          ; return with GT for OK, LE for naff
-terminatename_map       ; 1 means character allowed
-        ;  !  "  #  $  %  &  '  (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :  ;  <  =  >  ?
-        =  1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1
-        ALIGN
-        CMP     R0, #"&"        ; hex number?
-        CMPNE   R0, #"0"
-        RSBGTS  R2, R0, #"9"
-        BGE     %FT03           ; got to get a number.
-        CMP     R0, #""""
-        BEQ     %FT04           ; string.
-  ; look for operator
-        Push    "R3"
-        ADR     R2, operator_table
-        LDRB    R3, [R2], #1
-        CMP     R3, #0          ; end of table?
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        CMP     R0, R3
-        BEQ     %FT21
-        LDRB    R3, [R2], #1
-        CMP     R3, #0
-        BNE     %BT22
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1      ;   skip op_xxx
-        B       %BT20
-        Push    "R1"
-        LDRB    R3, [R2], #1
-        CMP     R3, #0
-        BEQ     %FT23
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R0, R3
-        BEQ     %BT24
-        Pull    "R1"
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #-1]
-        B       %BT22
-        Pull    "R3"            ; junk R1
-        Pull    "R3"
-        LDRB    R2, [R2]
-        MOV     R0, #type_Operator
-        MOV     PC, lr          ; got an operator.
-        LDR     R3, =exprSTRACC
- ; assume variable name : try and read it.
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      %BT31           ; check R0 for allowed in name, insert.
-        BLE     NaffItemErr
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        BL      %BT31
-        BGT     %BT33
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        STRB    R0, [R3], #1
- ; potential name in exprSTRACC
-        Push    "R1, R4"
-        LDR     R0, =exprSTRACC
-        MOV     R2, #-1         ; just test for existence first
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        MOV     R4, #0          ; no expansion
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BEQ     NaffItemErr
-        LDR     R1, =exprSTRACC ; overwrite name with value
-        MOV     R0, R1          ; overwritten by VSet return
-  [ LongCommandLines
-        MOV     R2, #LongCLISize
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1
-  |
-        MOV     R2, #255
-  ]
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        CMP     R4, #VarType_Macro
-        MOVEQ   R4, #VarType_Expanded
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal
-        BVS     StrOFloErr
-        CMP     R4, #VarType_Number
-        LDREQ   R2, [R1]
-        MOVEQ   R0, #type_Integer
-        BLNE    Push_String
-        MOVNE   R0, #type_String
-        ePush   "R0, R2"
-        Pull    "R1, R4, lr"
-        Pull    "R3"
-        MOV     PC, lr
-        =       "("    , 0, op_Bra
-        =       ")"    , 0, op_Ket
-        =       "+"    , 0, op_Plus
-        =       "-"    , 0, op_Minus
-        =       "*"    , 0, op_Times
-        =       "/"    , 0, op_Divide
-        =       "="    , 0, op_EQ
-        =       "<>"   , 0, op_NE
-        =       "<="   , 0, op_LE
-        =       "<<"   , 0, op_LShift
-        =       "<"    , 0, op_LT
-        =       ">="   , 0, op_GE
-        =       ">>>"  , 0, op_LRShift
-        =       ">>"   , 0, op_RShift
-        =       ">"    , 0, op_GT
-        =       "AND"  , 0, op_AND
-        =       "OR"   , 0, op_OR
-        =       "EOR"  , 0, op_EOR
-        =       "NOT"  , 0, op_NOT
-        =       "RIGHT", 0, op_Right
-        =       "LEFT" , 0, op_Left
-        =       "MOD"  , 0, op_MOD
-        =       "STR"  , 0, op_STR
-        =       "VAL"  , 0, op_VAL
-        =       "LEN"  , 0, op_LEN
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1      ; point at string start
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     R0, #10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        LDRVS   R13, ExprSVCstack
-        BVS     BumNumber2      ; already messagetransed, so don't do it again MED-01583
-        MOV     R0, #type_Integer
-        ePush   "R0, R2"
-        Pull    "PC"
-        LDR     R13, ExprSVCstack
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [stack]
-        Pull    "R0-R4, lr"
-        MOV     R1, #0          ; haven't put anything in buffer
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_BadString
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadBra
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock BadBra
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_StkOFlo
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock StkOFlo
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_MissOpn
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock MissOpn
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_MissOpr
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock MissOpr
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadInt
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock BadInt
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_StrOFlo
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock StrOFlo
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_NaffItm
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock NaffItm
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_DivZero
-        B       ExprErrCommon
-        MakeErrorBlock DivZero
-        LDR     R2, =exprSTRACC
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R0, #13
-        CMPNE   R0, #10
-        CMPNE   R0, #0
-        BEQ     BadStringErr
-        CMP     R0, #""""
-        BEQ     %FT06
-        STRB    R0, [R2], #1    ; can't overflow - comes from buffer
-        B       %BT05
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R0, #""""
-        BEQ     %BT07
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        LDR     R0, =exprSTRACC
-        SUB     R2, R2, R0      ; length to R2
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      Push_String
-        ePush   "R0, R2"
-        Pull    "PC"
-Push_String  ROUT
-        Push    "R2, R3"
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BMI     %FT02
-        BIC     R2, R2, #3
-        LDR     R0, =exprSTRACC
-        LDR     R3, [R0, R2]
-        ePush   "R3"
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #4
-        BGE     %BT01
-        Pull    "R2, R3"
-        MOV     R0, #type_String
-        MOV     PC, lr
-Pull_String ROUT
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        MOVEQ   PC, lr
-        Push    "R0, R2, R3"
-        LDR     R0, =exprSTRACC
-        ePull   "R3"
-        STR     R3, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #4
-        BGT     %BT01
-        Pull    "R0, R2, R3"
-        MOV     PC, lr
-        LTORG
-; Configure and Status
-; The configuration table : some types and macros first.
-ConType_NoParm  * 1
-ConType_Field   * 2
-ConType_Special * 3
-ConType_Size    * 4
-; Type Special has another table :
-; code to set it
-; code to show it
-; string to print for Configure listing.
-; Keep table position as offset from table entry
-        MACRO
-        Config_Special   $name
-        =       ConType_Special, "$name", 0
-        ALIGN
-        &       Config_$name._table - .
-        MEND
-; Table offset :
-Config_Special_SetCode  * 0
-Config_Special_ShowCode * 4
-Config_Special_String   * 8
-; Type NoParm  : *con. name
-; put $value into bits $bitoff to $bitoff+$fwidth in byte $byteoff
-        MACRO
-        Config_NoParm   $name, $bitoff, $fwidth, $bytoff, $value
-        =       ConType_NoParm, "$name", 0
-        ALIGN
-        =       $bitoff, $fwidth, $bytoff, $value
-        MEND
-; Type Field   : *con. name number
-; read value & put into bits $bitoff to $bitoff+$fwidth in byte $byteoff
-        MACRO
-        Config_Field   $name, $bitoff, $fwidth, $bytoff
-        =       ConType_Field, "$name", 0
-        ALIGN
-        =       $bitoff, $fwidth, $bytoff, 0
-        MEND
-; Type Size   : *con. name number|nK
-; read value & put into bits $bitoff to $bitoff+$fwidth in byte $byteoff
-        MACRO
-$l      Config_Size   $name, $bitoff, $fwidth, $bytoff
-        =       ConType_Size, "$name", 0
-        ALIGN
-$l      =       $bitoff, $fwidth, $bytoff, 0
-        MEND
-; now the table
-        Config_Special  Baud
-        Config_NoParm   Boot,           4, 0, DBTBCMOS, 1
-        Config_NoParm   NoBoot,         4, 0, DBTBCMOS, 0
-        Config_NoParm   Caps,           3, 2, StartCMOS, 4
-        Config_NoParm   NoCaps,         3, 2, StartCMOS, 2
-        Config_NoParm   ShCaps,         3, 2, StartCMOS, 1
-        Config_Field    Data,           5, 2, DBTBCMOS
-        Config_Field    Delay,          0, 7, KeyDelCMOS
-        Config_NoParm   Dir,            6, 0, StartCMOS, 0
-        Config_NoParm   NoDir,          6, 0, StartCMOS, 1
-        Config_Field    DumpFormat,     0, 4, TutuCMOS
-        Config_Size     FontSize,       0, 7, FontCMOS
-        Config_Special  Ignore
-        Config_Field    Language,       0, 7, LanguageCMOS
-        Config_NoParm   Loud,           1, 0, DBTBCMOS, 1
-        Config_Special  Mode
-        Config_Special  MonitorType
-        Config_Special  MouseStep
- [ AssemblePointerV
-        Config_Special  MouseType
- ]
-        Config_Field    Print,          5, 2, PSITCMOS
-        Config_Size     PrinterBufferSize, 0, 7, PrinterBufferCMOS
-        Config_NoParm   Quiet,          1, 0, DBTBCMOS, 0
-        Config_Size     RamFSSize,      0, 6, RAMDiscCMOS
-        Config_Field    Repeat,         0, 7, KeyRepCMOS
-        Config_Size     RMASize,        0, 6, RMASizeCMOS
-        Config_Size     ScreenSize,     0, 6, ScreenSizeCMOS
-        Config_NoParm   Scroll,         3, 0, DBTBCMOS, 0
-        Config_NoParm   NoScroll,       3, 0, DBTBCMOS, 1
-        Config_Size     SpriteSize,     0, 6, SpriteSizeCMOS
-        Config_Special  Sync
-        Config_Size     SystemSize,     0, 5, SysHeapCMOS
-        Config_Special  TV
-        Config_Special  WimpMode
-        =       0
-NoDirString =  "No"
-DirString   =  "Directory", 0
-ShCapsString = "ShiftCaps", 0
-        ALIGN
-ExpandFrig * 8    ; see code that shows NoParm options.
-        &       ExpandDir       - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       DirString       - .-1           ; another printing fudge!
-        &       ExpandNoDir     - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       NoDirString     - .-1
-        &       ExpandShCaps    - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       ShCapsString    - .-1
-        &       0
-        MACRO
-        Config_Special_Table $name, $text
-        B       Config_$name._setcode
-        B       Config_$name._showcode
-        =       "$text", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MEND
-        ALIGN
-        Config_Special_Table Baud, "<D>"
-        Config_Special_Table TV, "[<D> [[,] <D>]]"
-        Config_Special_Table Mode, "<D> | Auto"
-        Config_Special_Table Ignore, "[<D>]"
-        Config_Special_Table MouseStep, "<D>"
- [ AssemblePointerV
-        Config_Special_Table MouseType, "<D>"
- ]
-        Config_Special_Table MonitorType, "<D> | Auto"
-        Config_Special_Table Sync, "<D> | Auto"
-        Config_Special_Table WimpMode, "<D> | Auto"
-; Lookup : R0 -> option
-;   Exit : R2 -> table entry, EQ for not found
-;          R0 stepped on
-FindOption Entry "r1, r3-r5"
-        ADRL    r2, Config_Table+1
-        MOV     r1, #0                         ; offset
-        LDRB    r3, [r0, r1]
-        LDRB    r4, [r2, r1]
-        CMP     r3, #32
-        CMPLE   r4, #32
-        BLE     %FT02
-        UpperCase r3, r5
-        UpperCase r4, r5
-        CMP     r3, r4
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #1
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        CMP     r3, #"."
-        TOGPSR  Z_bit, r3                       ; invert EQ/NE
-        CMPNE   r1, #0
-        ADDNE   r1, r1, #1                      ; skip .
-        BNE     %FT02
-        LDRB    r1, [r2], #1
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        BNE     %BT03
-        ADD     r2, r2, #7                      ; skip infoword
-        BIC     r2, r2, #3
-        LDRB    r1, [r2], #1
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        BNE     %BT04
-        EXIT                                    ; failure exit
-        ADD     r0, r0, r1                      ; point at char after option
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        EXIT                                    ; return with success
-; Configure
-; IF noparms OR parm=. THEN list options : issue service call : finish listing
-;                      ELSE lookup parm1 : doit
-;    IF notfound THEN issue service
-Configure_Help ROUT
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        ADR     r0, %FT01
-        MOV     r1, #Status_Keyword_Flag
-        B       KeyHelpCommon
-        DCB     "HUTMCON", 0
-        ALIGN
-Configure_Code  ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        CMP     r1, #0          ; noparms?
-        MOVEQ   r3, #0
-        BEQ     ListAll         ; go listem.
-        BL      FindOption
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        LDRB    r4, [r2], #1
-        LDRB    r1, [r2], #1
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        BNE     %BT03
-        ADD     r2, r2, #3
-        BIC     r2, r2, #3
-        LDR     r1, [r2]
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_Size
-        BEQ     ReadSizeParm
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_Field
-        ASSERT  ConType_Special > ConType_Field
-; if special dispatch it
-        ADDGT   r1, r1, r2                              ; point at node
-        ADDGT   pc, r1, #Config_Special_SetCode         ; call it
-; if noparm get value
-        MOVLT   r2, r1, LSR #24
-        BLEQ    ReadNumParm
-        BVS     BadConParm
-        BL      ConfigCheckEOL
-        Pull    "pc", VS
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; info word
-        BL      ReadByte                ; current byte into R1
-        MOV     r3, r0, LSR #8
-        AND     r3, r3, #&FF            ; get fwidth
-        MOV     r4, #2
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSL r3
-        SUB     r4, r4, #1              ; get mask/maximum value
-        CMP     r2, r4
-        BHI     ConParmTooBig
-        AND     r3, r0, #&FF            ; get bitoff
-        BIC     r1, r1, r4, LSL r3      ; clear bits in correct position
-        ORR     r2, r1, r2, LSL r3      ; OR in new bits
-        MOV     r1, r0, LSR #16         ; get bytoff
-        AND     r1, r1, #&FF
-        MOV     r0, #WriteCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte                ; and set it. Assume this clears V!
-        Pull    "pc"
-        MOV     r0, #1
-        B       ConfigGenErr
-        &       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        =       "NotNumeric:Numeric parameter needed", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     r0, #2
-        B       ConfigGenErr
-        &       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        =       "ConParmTooBig:Configure parameter too big", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     r12, #Module_List
-        LDR     r12, [r12]
-        CMP     r12, #0
-        BEQ     conoptservice
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #Module_HC_Table]
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BEQ     conoptloop
-        MOV     r4, #Status_Keyword_Flag
-        BL      FindItem
-        BCC     conoptloop              ; next module
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3              ; point at commtail
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #Module_incarnation_list]    ; preferred life
-        ADDS    r12, r12, #Incarnation_Workspace        ; clear V
-        Push    "r1-r6"
-        LDRB    r4, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r4, #" "
-        BEQ     StKey_SkipSpaces
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        ADD     pc, r1, r5            ; call im
-        Pull    "r1-r6"
-        Pull    "pc", VC
-        CMP     r0, #3
-        BHI     ExitConfig
-        ADREQL  r0, Config2manyparms
-        CMP     r0, #2
-        ADREQ   r0, ConParmTooBigError
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        ADRLO   r0, BadConOptError
-        ADREQ   r0, BadConParmError
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        SETV
-        Pull    "pc"
-        MOV     r1, #Service_UKConfig
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        BNE     BadConOpt
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        BGE     ConfigGenErr
-        Pull    "pc"                    ; TBS means OK: note CMP has cleared V
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        B       ConfigGenErr
-        &       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        =       "BadConOpt:Bad configure option", 0
-        ALIGN
-ReadNumParm Entry "r1"
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1
-        MOV     r0, #10                 ; set base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        LDRB    r1, [r0]
-        CMP     r1, #" "
-        SETV    GT
-        EXIT
-; read a number or Auto
-; returns R2 = number or -1 for Auto
-;         R0 -> terminator
-ReadNumAuto Entry "r1,r3,r4"
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1
-        ADR     r3, AutoString          ; string to match against
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; no other terminators for $R1
-        BL      Module_StrCmp           ; out: EQ => match, r1 -> terminator
-                                        ;      NE => no match, r1 preserved
-                                        ;      r3 corrupted in both cases
-        MOVEQ   r2, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        MOV     r0, #10                 ; set base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        LDRB    r1, [r0]
-        CMP     r1, #" "
-        SETV    GT
-        EXIT
-        =       "Auto", 0
-        ALIGN
-ReadSizeParm ROUT
-        Push    "r1, r8"
-        MOV     r8, r2
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT02
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1
-        MOV     r0, #10                 ; set base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Pull    "r1, r8", VS
-        BVS     BadConParm
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        LDRB    r1, [r0]
-        CMP     r1, #" "
-        BLE     %FT01
-        CMP     r1, #"k"
-        CMPNE   r1, #"K"
-        Pull   "r1, r8", NE
-        BNE     BadConParm
-        ADRL    r14, PrinterBufferFrig-4
-        TEQ     r8, r14                 ; if printer buffer size
-        TEQEQ   r2, #1                  ; and 1K
-        MOVEQ   r2, #0                  ; then use zero (default)
-        ADRL    r14, FontSizeFrig-4     ; point at info word for fontsize
-        TEQ     r8, r14                 ; if fontsize
-        MOVEQ   r8, #4*1024             ; then use 4K (lucky it's a pagesize!)
-        MOVNE   r8, #0                  ; else use pagesize units
-        LDRNE   r8, [r8, #Page_Size]
-        ADRL    r14, PageShifts-1
-        LDRB    r14, [r14, r8, LSR #12]
-        SUB     r14, r14, #10           ; *1024
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSR #10         ; /1024
-        SUB     r8, r8, #1
-        ADD     r2, r2, r8
-        BIC     r2, r2, r8              ; round up to nearest pagesize
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR r14         ; divide parm by pagesize
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1              ; point past "K" for EOL checking
-        Pull    "r1, r8"
-        B       BaudEntry
-; Status
-; list all options matched : allow . and <terminator> to match all
-; issue service
-Status_Code     ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        CMP     r1, #0          ; noparms?
-        MOVEQ   r3, #1
-        BEQ     ListAll         ; go listemall
-        CMP     r1, #1
-        BNE     %FT01
-        BL      FindOption
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        MOV     r3, #2
-        BL      ListOneConfig
-        Pull    "pc"
-        MOV     r6, #Module_List
-        LDR     r6, [r6]
-        CMP     r6, #0
-        BEQ     statoptservice
-        LDR     r1, [r6, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #Module_HC_Table]
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BEQ     statoptloop
-        MOV     r4, #Status_Keyword_Flag
-        BL      FindItem
-        BCC     statoptloop             ; next module
-        MOV     r0, #1
-        LDR     r12, [r6, #Module_incarnation_list]
-        ADD     r12, r12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-        Push    "r0-r6"
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        ADD     pc, r1, r5              ; call im
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        Pull    "r0-r6, pc"
-        MOV     r1, #Service_UKStatus
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        Pull    "pc", EQ
-        ADR     r0, %FT03
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        SETV
-        Pull    "pc"
-        &       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        =       "BadStat:Bad status option", 0
-        ALIGN
-; routine to list everything : on entry R3 = 0 means entered from configure
-;                                          = 1   "     "      "   status
-;                                       lr stacked for return
-ListAll ROUT
-        MOV     r0, #117                ; Read current VDU status
-        SWI     XOS_Byte                ; Won't fail
-        Push    "r1"
-      [ International
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+14
-        BL      WriteS_Translated
-        =       "Config:Configuration",0
-        ALIGN
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+" "
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       14, "Configuration ", 0 ; paged mode on.
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        Pull    "r1, pc", VS            ; Wrch can fail
-        CMP     r3, #0
-        ADREQ   r0, %FT06
-        ADRNE   r0, %FT08
-      [ International
-        BL      Write0_Translated
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-      ]
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        Pull    "r1, pc", VS
-        ADRL    r2, Config_Table
-        ADRL    r4, AlternateCaps
-        CMP     r4, r2
-        CMPEQ   r3, #1
-        BEQ     FrigCapsList
-        LDRB    r4, [r2]
-        CMP     r4, #0
-        BLNE    ListOneConfig
-        Pull    "r1, pc", VS
-        BNE     %BT02
-        ADRL    r0, dotstring           ; match all
-        Push    "r3, r7"
-        MOV     r7, #Module_List
-        LDR     r7, [r7]
-        CMP     r7, #0
-        BEQ     listallservice
-        LDR     r1, [r7, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #Module_HC_Table]
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BEQ     listallmloop
-        MOV     r4, #Status_Keyword_Flag
-        BL      FindItem
-        BCC     listallmloop            ; next module
-        LDR     r0, [stack]             ; pick up r3
-        LDR     r12, [r7, #Module_incarnation_list]
-        ADD     r12, r12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-        Push    "r0-r6"
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        ADD     pc, r1, r5              ; call im
-        Pull    "r0-r6"
-        ADD     r2, r2, #16             ; step to next field
-        ADRL    r0, dotstring
-        B       listalltryfind
-      [ International
-        =       "Options:options:",0
-        =       "Status:status:",0
-      |
-        =       "options:",0
-        =       "status:",0
-      ]
-        ALIGN
-        Pull    "r3, r7"
-        CMP     r3, #0
-        MOVEQ   r1, #Service_UKConfig
-        MOVNE   r1, #Service_UKStatus
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; indicate list wanted
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        CMP     r3, #0
-      [ International
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        BL      GSWriteS_Translated
-        =       "STail:|J|MUse *Configure to set the options.|J|M",0
-        ALIGN
-        B       %FT30
-        BL      GSWriteS_Translated
-        =       "CTail1:|J|MWhere:|J|MD is a decimal number, a hexadecimal number preceded by &,|J|M"
-        =       "or the base followed by underscore, followed|J|M",0
-        ALIGN
-        BL      GSWriteS_Translated
-        =       "CTail2:by digits in the given base.|J|MItems within [ ] are optional.|J|M"
-        =       "Use *Status to display the current settings.|J|M",0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        ADRNE   r0, statuslastline
-        ADREQ   r0, configlastline
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-      ]
-        Pull    "r1"
-        Pull    "pc", VS                ; return error if set
-        TST     r1, #5
-        SWIEQ   XOS_WriteI+15  ; paged mode off
-        Pull    "pc"
-      [ :LNOT: International
-        =       10,13, "Use *Configure to set the options.", 10,13,0
-        =       10,13, "Where:", 10,13
-        =       "D is a decimal number, " ;, 10,13
-        =       "a hexadecimal number preceded by &, ", 10,13
-        =       "or the base followed by underscore, followed", 10,13
-        =       "by digits in the given base.", 10,13
-        =       "Items within [ ] are optional.", 10,13
-        =       "Use *Status to display the current settings.", 10,13, 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        MOV     r3, #2
-        BL      ListOneConfig
-        Pull    "r1, pc", VS
-        MOV     r3, #1
-        ADRL    r2, EndListCapsFrig
-        B       %BT02
-; routine to list one item :
-; R3 = 0 means entered from configure
-;    = 1   "     "      "   status
-;    = 2   "     "      "   status <item>
-; R2 points at the item, stepped to next on exit
-; Preserves flags
-ListOneConfig   ROUT
-        EntryS
-        LDRB    r4, [r2]
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_Field
-        CMPNE   r4, #ConType_Size
-        CMPNE   r3, #0
-        BNE     %FT20
-        ADD     r0, r2, #1
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        BVS     ExitShow
-        SUB     r1, r0, r2      ; get length
-        ADD     r2, r0, #3      ; skip terminator
-        BIC     r2, r2, #3      ; and align
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_NoParm
-        BEQ     %FT07
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BVS     ExitShow
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1
-        CMP     r1, #12
-        BLS     %BT04
-        CMP     r3, #0
-        BNE     %FT30
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_Size
-        ADREQ   r0, %FT42
-        BEQ     %FT43
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_Field
-        ASSERT  ConType_Special > ConType_Field
-        ADREQ   r0, %FT05
-        LDRGT   r0, [r2]
-        ADDGT   r0, r0, r2                      ; point at node
-        ADDGT   r0, r0, #Config_Special_String  ; point at string
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        ADD     r2, r2, #4
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        EXITV
-        =       "<D>", 0
-        =       "<D>[K]", 0
-; status bits :
-        ALIGN
-        ADD     r0, r2, #1              ; got to do *status on a NoParm or Special
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r1, #0                  ; step past name
-        BNE     %BT21
-        ADD     r0, r0, #3
-        BIC     r0, r0, #3              ; align
-        LDR     r1, [r0]                ; get info word.
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_Special
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, r0              ; point at node
-        ADDEQ   pc, r1, #Config_Special_ShowCode
-; if CRbytevalue = infowordvalue then print something
-        MOV     r4, r0                  ; hang on to it
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        BL      GetValue
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #24         ; value.
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; check for *Status <Item>
-; first see if expansion needed
-        ADRL    r0, ExpandTab
-        LDR     r1, [r0], #8
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT23
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0              ; get real address
-        CMP     r1, r2
-        BNE     %BT22
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #-4]!
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0              ; new string
-        ADD     r2, r2, #1
-; now write chars with space between lowercase then upper
-        MOV     r1, #1                  ; indicate uppercase last
-        LDRB    r0, [r2], #1
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT25
-        CMP     r0, #"Z"                ; uppercase if LE
-        CMPLE   r1, #0
-        SWILE   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BVS     ExitShow
-        CMP     r0, #"Z"
-        MOVLE   r1, #1
-        MOVGT   r1, #0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        BVC     %BT24
-        ADDVC   r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-        LDR     r0, [r2], #4            ; got to do *status for Field
-        CMP     r4, #ConType_Size
-        MOV     r4, r2
-        BL      GetValue
-        BEQ     %FT31
-        BL      PrintR0
-        B       ExitShow
-        Push    "r8, r9"
-        ADRL    r8, FontSizeFrig
-        CMP     r4, r8
-        MOVNE   r8, #0
-        LDRNE   r8, [r8, #Page_Size]
-        MOVEQ   r8, #4*1024
-        ADRL    r9, PageShifts-1
-        LDRB    r9, [r9, r8, LSR #12]
-        SUB     r9, r9, #10
-        MOVS    r0, r0, LSL r9          ; size in K
-        BNE     %FT35
-        ADRL    r8, PrinterBufferFrig   ; if zero and PrinterBufferSize, then 1K
-        TEQ     r8, r2
-        MOVEQ   r0, #1
-        BEQ     %FT35
-        ADRL    r8, ScreenSizeFrig      ; if zero and it's ScreenSize, then call OS_ReadSysInfo to find appropriate amount
-        TEQ     r8, r2
-        BNE     %FT35
-        SWI     XOS_ReadSysInfo         ; proper screen size (r0=0) on entry
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #10
-        Pull    "r8, r9"
-        BL      PrintR0
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+"K"
-        B       ExitShow
-        CMP     r3, #2
-        ADDNE   r2, r4, #4
-        BNE     %BT11
-; R0 is the value set : can corrupt R3 as this is the do-one entry
-        MOV     r3, r0
-        ADRL    r0, AlternateTab        ; look for option really set
-        LDR     r1, [r0], #8            ; better find a match!
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0              ; get real address
-        CMP     r1, r2
-        BNE     %BT12
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #-4]!
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0              ; translation table
-        LDR     r0, [r2, r3, LSL #2]
-        B       %BT14                   ; go printit
-        &       AlternateBoot - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT91 -.
-        &       AlternateNoBoot - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT91 -.
-        &       AlternateCaps - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT92 -.
-        &       AlternateNoCaps - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT92 -.
-        &       ExpandShCaps - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT92 -.
-        &       ExpandDir - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT93 -.
-        &       ExpandNoDir - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT93 -.
-        &       AlternateLoud - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT95 -.
-        &       AlternateQuiet - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT95 -.
-        &       AlternateScroll - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT96 -.
-        &       AlternateNoScroll - ExpandFrig-.
-        &       %FT96 -.
-        &       AlternateNoBoot -%BT91
-        &       AlternateBoot   -%BT91
-        &       ShCapsString    -%BT92-1
-        &       ShCapsString    -%BT92-1
-        &       AlternateNoCaps -%BT92
-        &       AlternateNoCaps -%BT92
-        &       AlternateCaps   -%BT92
-        &       AlternateCaps   -%BT92
-        &       AlternateCaps   -%BT92
-        &       AlternateCaps   -%BT92
-        &       DirString   -%BT93-1
-        &       NoDirString -%BT93-1
-        &       AlternateQuiet -%BT95
-        &       AlternateLoud  -%BT95
-        &       AlternateScroll   -%BT96
-        &       AlternateNoScroll -%BT96
-; read byte from CMOS RAM : info word in R0, byte -> R1
-ReadByte Entry  "r0, r2"
-        MOV     r1, r0, LSR #16         ; get bytoff
-        AND     r1, r1, #&FF
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        MOV     r1, r2
-        EXIT
-; take infoword in R0, return value in R0
-GetValue EntryS "r1"
-        BL      ReadByte                ; now extract the value
-        AND     r14, r0, #&FF           ; get bitoff
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR r14         ; throw away low bits
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #8
-        AND     r0, r0, #&FF            ; get fwidth
-        RSB     r0, r0, #31             ; number of positions to shift up to remove unwanted bits
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSL r0          ; shift up...
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR r0          ; ...then down again
-        EXITS
-PrintR0 Entry   "r1, r2"
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        BNE     %FT10
-        ADRL    r0, AutoString
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        EXIT
-        SUB     sp, sp, #32
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #32
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertInteger4
-        SWIVC   XOS_Write0
-        ADD     sp, sp, #32
-        EXIT
-NoString =      "No ", 0
-        ALIGN
-ConfigCheckEOL  ROUT
-        LDRB    r3, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r3, #" "
-        BEQ     ConfigCheckEOL
-        CMP     r3, #13
-        CMPNE   r3, #10
-        CMPNE   r3, #0
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        ADR     R0, Config2manyparms
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        &       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        =      "Config2manyparms:Too many parameters"
-IgnoreBitoff *  1
-Config_TV_setcode ROUT
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     Config_TV_setcode
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1
-        MOV     r0, #10                 ; set base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        BVS     %FT01
-        CMP     r2, #3
-        SUBGT   r0, r2, #252
-        CMPGT   r0, #3
-        BHI     BadConOpt
-        CMP     r2, #3
-        ANDGT   r2, r2, #7              ; top bit set in field means 252-255
-        Push    "r2"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDRB    r2, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT03
-        CMP     r2, #","
-        CMPEQ   r0, #0
-        MOVEQ   r0, #","
-        BEQ     %BT03
-        SUB     r1, r1, #1
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Pull    "r0"
-        BVC     %FT04
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        Pull    "r0", NE
-        BNE     BadConOpt
-        CMP     r2, #1
-        Pull    "r0"
-        BHI     ConParmTooBig
-        ORR     r2, r2, r0, LSL #1
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        LDR     r1, %FT02
-        B       BaudEntry
-        =       4, 3, MODETVCMOS, 0
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "TV         ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MOVVC   r0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOVVC   r1, #MODETVCMOS
-        SWIVC   XOS_Byte
-        MOVVC   r2, r2, LSL #24
-        MOVVC   r0, r2, ASR #29         ; get signed TV shift
-        ANDVC   r0, r0, #&FF
-        BLVC    PrintR0
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+","
-        MOVVC   r0, r2, LSR #28
-        ANDVC   r0, r0, #1              ; interlace bit
-        BLVC    PrintR0
-        ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-Config_Ignore_setcode ROUT
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     Config_Ignore_setcode
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1
-        MOV     r0, #10                 ; set base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        Push    "r2"
-        ADR     lr, %FT03
-        Push    lr                      ; return reg for BaudEntry
-        MOVVS   r2, #1
-        MOVVC   r2, #0                  ; if number had clear noignore
-        LDR     r1, %FT01
-        B       BaudEntry               ; pseudo-BL
-        Pull    "r2"                    ; set to 0 if noignore, but we don't care!
-        LDR     r1, %FT02
-        B       IgnoreEntry
-        =       IgnoreBitoff, 0, PSITCMOS, 0
-        =       0, 7, PigCMOS, 0
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOV     r1, #PSITCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        TST     r2, # 1 :SHL: IgnoreBitoff
-        ADRNE   r0, NoString
-        SWINE   XOS_Write0
-        BVS     ExitShow
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "Ignore", 0
-        ALIGN
-        BVS     ExitShow
-        ADDNE   r2, r4, #4
-        BNE     ExitShow
-        MOV     r1, #PigCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "     ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     r1, #PigCMOS
-        SWIVC   XOS_Byte
-        MOVVC   r0, r2
-        BLVC    PrintR0
-        ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-Config_Mode_setcode  ROUT
-Config_WimpMode_setcode ROUT
-        ADR     r1, ModeCMOSTable
-ConfigMultiField ROUT
-        BL      ReadNumAuto
-        BVS     BadConParm
-        CMP     r2, #-1
-        LDR     r14, [r1], #4                   ; get auto number
-        MOVEQ   r2, r14                         ; if auto number then replace by auto value
-        LDR     r14, [r1], #4                   ; get maximum value
-        CMPNE   r2, r14                         ; if not auto then check maximum value
-        BHI     ConParmTooBig
-        BL      ConfigCheckEOL
-        BVS     ExitConfig
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        BL      WriteMultiField
-        Pull    "pc"                            ; was already stacked by *Configure
-        &       256                             ; Auto value
-        &       255                             ; maximum valid number
-;               address, mask from bit 0, shift to 1st bit in value, shift to 1st bit in CMOS
- [ {TRUE} ; mode = wimpmode
-        =       WimpModeCMOS,   &FF, 0, 0       ; normal bits here
-        =       Mode2CMOS,      &01, 8, 4       ; mode auto bit
-        ASSERT  WimpModeAutoBit = 16
- |
-        =       MODETVCMOS,     &0F, 0, 0       ; bits 0 to 3 here
-        =       VduCMOS,        &01, 4, 1       ; bit 4 here
-        =       Mode2CMOS,      &0F, 5, 0       ; bits 5 to 7, and auto bit here
- ]
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-; Write a number of CMOS RAM bit fields from a value
-; in:   r0 -> table
-;       r2 -> value to split
-; out:  -
-WriteMultiField Entry "r0-r5"
-        MOV     r3, r0                  ; pointer to where we're at in table
-        MOV     r4, r2                  ; value
-        LDRB    r1, [r3], #1
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        EXIT    EQ
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        LDRB    r0, [r3], #1            ; r0 = mask
-        LDRB    r5, [r3], #1            ; r5 = shift to 1st bit in value
-        LDRB    r14, [r3], #1           ; r14 = shift to 1st bit in CMOS
-        BIC     r2, r2, r0, LSL r14     ; knock out previous bits
-        AND     r5, r0, r4, LSR r5      ; get new bits, at bottom of byte
-        ORR     r2, r2, r5, LSL r14     ; form new CMOS value
-        MOV     r0, #WriteCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        B       %BT10
-; Read a value formed by merging a number of CMOS RAM bit fields
-; in:   r0 -> table
-; out:  r0 = value
-ReadMultiField Entry "r1-r6"
-        LDR     r6, [r0, #4]            ; get maximum value allowed
-        ADD     r3, r0, #2*4            ; pointer to where we're at in table (skip auto, max)
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; cumulative value
-        LDRB    r1, [r3], #1
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        LDRB    r0, [r3], #1            ; r0 = mask
-        LDRB    r5, [r3], #1            ; r5 = shift to 1st bit in value
-        LDRB    r14, [r3], #1           ; r14 = shift to 1st bit in CMOS
-        AND     r2, r0, r2, LSR r14     ; get relevant bits in bottom of byte
-        ORR     r4, r4, r2, LSL r5      ; merge new bits with value
-        B       %BT10
-        CMP     r4, r6                  ; if within range
-        MOVLS   r0, r4                  ; then return that value
-        MOVHI   r0, #-1                 ; else return -1 indicating Auto
-        EXIT
-Config_Mode_showcode ROUT
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        ADR     r0, ModeSpacedString
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        BVS     %FT10
-        BL      Read_Configd_Mode
-        BL      PrintR0
-        ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-        =       "Mode       ", 0
-        =       "WimpMode   ", 0
-        ALIGN
-Config_WimpMode_showcode ROUT
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        ADR     r0, WimpModeSpacedString
-        B       ModeWimpModeShowCode
-Read_Configd_Mode Entry
-        ADR     r0, ModeCMOSTable
-        BL      ReadMultiField
-        EXIT
-Config_Baud_setcode  ROUT
-        BL      ReadNumParm
-        BVS     BadConParm
-        CMP     r2, #8
-        BGT     ConParmTooBig
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        MOVMI   r2, #6
-        LDR     r1, %FT01               ; set up info word
-        B       BaudEntry
-        =       2, 2, PSITCMOS, 0
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "Baud       ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        LDRVC   r0, %BT01               ; get infoword
-        BLVC    GetValue
-        ADDVC   r0, r0, #1
-        BLVC    PrintR0
-        ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-Config_MouseStep_setcode ROUT
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     Config_MouseStep_setcode
-        CMP     r2, #"-"
-        Push    "r2"
-        SUBNE   r1, r0, #1
-        MOV     r0, #10                 ; set base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Pull    "r0"
-        BVS     BadConParm
-        CMP     r0, #"-"
-        RSBEQ   r2, r2, #0
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BEQ     BadConOpt
-        CMP     r2, #-128
-        BLT     BadConOpt
-        CMP     r2, #127
-        BGT     ConParmTooBig
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        LDR     r1, %FT02
-        B       BaudEntry
-        =       0, 7, MouseStepCMOS, 0
-Config_MouseStep_showcode ROUT
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "MouseStep  ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MOVVC   r0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOVVC   r1, #MouseStepCMOS
-        SWIVC   XOS_Byte
-        BVS     %FT01
-        MOVS    r2, r2, LSL #24
-        MOVNE   r0, r2, ASR #24  ; get sign extended byte
-        MOVEQ   r0, #1
-        BL      PrintR0
-01      ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-Config_MouseType_setcode ROUT
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #" "
-        BEQ     Config_MouseType_setcode
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1
-        MOV     r0, #10          ; set base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        BVS     BadConParm
-        CMP     r2, #&100
-        BCS     ConParmTooBig
-        MOV     r4, r1
-        MOV     r0, #1
-        MOV     r1, r2
-        SWI     XOS_Pointer
-        MOV     r0, r4
-        LDR     r1, %FT01
-        B       BaudEntry
-        =       0, 7, MouseCMOS, 0
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "MouseType  ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        LDRVC   r0, %BT01
-        BLVC    GetValue
-        BLVC    PrintR0
-        ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
- [ ModeSelectors
-        ADR     r1, MonitorTypeCMOSTable
-        BL      ReadNumAuto
-        BVS     BadConParm
-        MOV     r4, r2                          ; save value to store in current monitortype
-        CMP     r2, #-1
-        LDR     r14, [r1], #4                   ; get auto number
-        MOVEQ   r2, r14                         ; if auto number then replace by auto value
-        LDR     r14, [r1], #4                   ; get maximum value
-        CMPNE   r2, r14                         ; if not auto then check maximum value
-        BHI     ConParmTooBig
-        BL      ConfigCheckEOL
-        BVS     ExitConfig
-        LDR     r0, =VduDriverWorkSpace+CurrentMonitorType
-        STR     r4, [r0]                        ; update current value
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        BL      WriteMultiField
-        Pull    "pc"                            ; was already stacked by *Configure
- |
-        ADR     r1, MonitorTypeCMOSTable
-        B       ConfigMultiField
- ]
-        LTORG
-        &       MonitorTypeAuto :SHR: MonitorTypeShift          ; Auto value
-        &       MonitorTypeF :SHR: MonitorTypeShift             ; maximum valid number
-;               address, mask from bit 0, shift to 1st bit in value, shift to 1st bit in CMOS
-        =       VduCMOS,        MonitorTypeBits :SHR: MonitorTypeShift, 0, MonitorTypeShift
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-Config_MonitorType_showcode ROUT
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "MonitorType ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        BVS     %FT10
-        BL      Read_Configd_MonitorType
-        BL      PrintR0
-        ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-Read_Configd_MonitorType Entry
-        ADR     r0, MonitorTypeCMOSTable
-        BL      ReadMultiField
-        EXIT
-        ADR     r1, SyncCMOSTable
-        B       ConfigMultiField
-        &       3       ; Auto value
-        &       1       ; maximum valid number
-;               address, mask from bit 0, shift to 1st bit in value, shift to 1st bit in CMOS
-        =       VduCMOS, 1, 0, 0
-        =       VduCMOS, 1, 1, 7
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-Config_Sync_showcode ROUT
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "Sync       ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        BVS     %FT10
-        BL      Read_Configd_Sync
-        BL      PrintR0
-        ADD     r2, r4, #4
-        B       ExitShow
-Read_Configd_Sync Entry
-        ADR     r0, SyncCMOSTable
-        BL      ReadMultiField
-        EXIT
-SetUpPrinterBuffer Entry "r1-r3"
-        MOV     r0, #PrinterBufferCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #Page_Size]
-        MULS    r3, r2, r0
-        BEQ     %FT10                           ; if zero, then use default area & size
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode                ; else claim space from system heap
-        BVC     %FT20                           ; if no error then OK, else use default
-        LDR     r2, =PrintBuff                  ; use default buffer
-        MOV     r3, #PrintBuffSize
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r2, [r0, #PrinterBufferAddr]
-        STR     r3, [r0, #PrinterBufferSize]
-        EXIT
-        END
diff --git a/s/ArthurSWIs b/s/ArthurSWIs
deleted file mode 100644
index c7a83898..00000000
--- a/s/ArthurSWIs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1281 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => ArthurSWIs - ReadUnsigned, Vectors, Bits
-; ReadUnsigned.
-; ============
-; Read an unsigned number from a string in decimal (no prefix), hex (&)
-; or given base (nn_). Leading spaces are stripped.
-; 'Bad base for number' is given if a base is not in 02..10_36
-; 'Bad number' is given if
-;      (i) No valid number was
-;  or (ii) a '<base>_' or '&' has no following valid number
-; 'Number too big' is given if the result overflowed a 32-bit word
-; In    r1 -> string
-;       r0 =  base to read number in (0 means any based number allowed)
-;                bit 31 set -> check term chars for ok-ness
-;                bit 30 set -> restrict range to 00..FF
-;                bit 29 set -> restrict range to 0..R2 (inclusive)
-;                               (overrides bit 30)
-; Out   VC : r1 -> first unused char, r2 = number
-;       VS : r1 unchanged, r2 = 0, current error block set
-ReadUnsigned_Routine Entry "r0-r1, r3-r4, r9"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r9
-; first set range limit
-        MOV     r9, r2            ; limit value
-        TST     r0, #3 :SHL: 29
-        MOVEQ   r9, #-1           ; used unsigned; allows anything
-        TSTNE   r0, #1 :SHL: 30
-        MOVNE   r9, #&FF
-        MOV     r11, r0         ; Remember the input flags
-        BIC     r12, r0, #(2_111 :SHL: 29) ; r12 := base
-        CMP     r12, #2          ; If base nonsensical, default to 10
-        RSBGES  r14, r12, #36    ; ie. try to match most generally
-        MOVLT   r12, #10
-01      LDRB    r0, [r1], #1    ; Skip spaces for Bruce
-        TEQ     r0, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        SUB     r10, r1, #1      ; Keep ptr to start of string after spaces
-        TEQ     r0, #"&"        ; '&' always forces hex read
-        BNE     %FT20
-        MOV     r4, #16
-        BL      ReadNumberInBase
-        BVS     %FT95
-10      STR     r1, [sp, #4]       ; Update string^
-        TST     r11, #(1 :SHL: 31) ; Was the termcheck flag set ?
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        LDRB    r0, [r1]           ; What was the term char ?
-        CMP     r0, #" "           ; CtrlChar + space all ok
-        BGT     %FT85              ; For bad term errors
-15      CMP     r2, r9
-        BHI     %FT80
-        PullEnv
-        ExitSWIHandler          ; VClear already in lr
-20      SUB     r1, r1, #1      ; Skip back to first char of string
-        MOV     r4, #10         ; Try reading a decimal number
-        BL      ReadNumberInBase
-        MOVVS   r4, r12          ; If we failed to read a decimal number
-        BVS     %FT30           ; then use the one supplied (r12). r1 ok
-        LDRB    r0, [r1]        ; Is it base_number ?
-        CMP     r0, #"_"        ; If not based, use supplied base
-        MOVNE   r1, r10         ; to read from given start of string (spaces !)
-        MOVNE   r4, r12         ; restore supplied base!
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #1      ; Skip the '_'
-        MOVEQ   r4, r2          ; Use this as new base
-; Reading number in base r4
-30      CMP     r4, #2          ; Is base valid (2..36) ?
-        RSBGES  r0, r4, #36     ; LT -> invalid
-        BLT     %FT90
-        BL      ReadNumberInBase ; Read rest of number
-        BVS     %FT95
-        B       %BT10
-80      ADR     r2, ErrorBlock_NumbTooBig
-      [ International
-        B       %FT94
-      |
-        B       %FT95
-      ]
-85      ADR     r2, ErrorBlock_BadNumb
-      [ International
-        B       %FT94
-      |
-        B       %FT95
-      ]
-90      ADR     r2, ErrorBlock_BadBase
-      [ International
-        Push    "r0,lr"
-        MOV     r0,r2
-        BL      TranslateError
-        MOV     r2,r0
-        Pull    "r0,lr"
-      ]
-        STR     r2, [stack]     ; Go set the current error
-        PullEnv
-        MOV     r2, #0          ; Defined to return 0 on error
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        MakeErrorBlock BadBase
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; ReadNumberInBase
-; ================
-; In    r1 -> string, r4 = base (valid)
-; Out   VC : Number read in r2, r1 updated. r3 = number of chars used
-;       VS : r1 preserved, r2 -> error block
-ReadNumberInBase Entry "r0, r1, r12"
-        MOV     r2, #0          ; Result
-        MOV     r3, #0          ; Number of valid digits read
-10      BL      GetCharForReadNumber
-        BNE     %FT50           ; Finished ?
-        MOV     r12, r4
-        MOV     r14, #0         ; Multiply by repeated addition. Base <> 0 !
-20      ADDS    r14, r14, r2
-        BCS     %FT90           ; Now checks for overflow !
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #1    ; result *:= base
-        BNE     %BT20
-        ADDS    r2, r14, r0     ; result +:= digit
-        BCC     %BT10
-        B       %FT90           ; Now checks for overflow here too!
-50      CMP     r3, #0          ; Read any chars at all ? VClear
-        STRNE   r1, [sp, #4]    ; Update string^
-        EXIT    NE              ; Resultis r2
-      [ International
-        Push    "r0"
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadNumb
-        BL      TranslateError
-        MOV     r2,r0
-        Pull    "r0"
-      |
-        ADR     r2, ErrorBlock_BadNumb
-        SETV
-      ]
-        EXIT
-        MakeErrorBlock BadNumb
-      [ International
-        Push    "r0"
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_NumbTooBig
-        BL      TranslateError
-        MOV     r2,r0
-        Pull    "r0"
-      |
-        ADR     r2, ErrorBlock_NumbTooBig
-        SETV
-      ]
-        EXIT
-        MakeErrorBlock NumbTooBig
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; GetCharForReadNumber
-; ====================
-; Read a digit and validate for reading in current base. Bases 2..36 are valid
-; In    r1 -> string, r4 = base for number input
-; Out   EQ -> r0 = valid number in [0..base-1], r1++
-;       NE -> r0 invalid, r1 same
-GetCharForReadNumber Entry
-        LDRB    r0, [r1]
-        CMP     r0, #"0"
-        BLO     %FT95
-        CMP     r0, #"9"
-        BLS     %FT50
-        UpperCase r0, r14
-        CMP     r0, #"A"        ; Always hex it, even if reading in decimal
-        RSBGES  r14, r0, #"Z"   ; Inverse compare as nicked from UpperCase
-        BLT     %FT95           ; GE -> in range A..Z
-        SUB     r0, r0, #"A"-("0"+10)
-50      SUB     r0, r0, #"0"
-        CMP     r0, r4          ; digit in [0..base-1] ?
-        BHS     %FT95
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1      ; r1++
-        ADD     r3, r3, #1      ; Valid digit has been read
-        CMP     r0, r0          ; EQ
-        EXIT
-95      CMP     r0, #-1         ; NE
-        EXIT
-; Initialise_vectors()
-            ^ 0
-TailPtr     # 4     ; order very carefully chosen!
-VecWSpace   # 4
-Address     # 4
-VecNodeSize # 0
-; for vec:=0 to NVECTORS-1 do vectab!(vec*4):= defaultvectab+8*vec
-      MOV   R0, #NVECTORS
-      ADR   R1, defaultvectab    ; Point at the default vector table
-      LDR   R2, =VecPtrTab       ; Point at table of head pointers
-      STR    R1, [R2], #4
-      ADD    R1, R1, #VecNodeSize ; defaultvectab+vns*vec
-      SUBS   R0, R0, #1             ; Next vec
-      BGT    VecInitLoop
-      MOV    PC, link
-      LTORG
-; Call_vector (n)
-; In:   r10 = vector number
-  [ No26bitCode
-;       lr contains return address
-;       cpsr contains flags/int state to set up before calling
-  |
-;       lr contains return address + flags/int state to set up before calling
-  ]
-; Out:  r10, r12, lr corrupted
-CallVector ROUT
-  [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r12, CPSR
-        CMP     r10, #NVECTORS
-        BHS     CallVecTooHigh          ; return - silly value
-        MSR     CPSR_f, r12             ; put back caller's flags + int state
-        Push    lr                      ; claimed return goes back to caller
-  |
-        CMP     r10, #NVECTORS
-        MOVCSS  pc, lr                  ; return - silly value
-        Push    lr                      ; claimed return goes back to caller
-        TEQP    lr, #0                  ; put back caller's flags + int state
-  ]
-        LDR     r14, =VecPtrTab         ; Point at table of head pointers
-        LDR     r10, [r14, r10, LSL #2] ; nextblock:=vecptrtab!(n*4)
-        MOV     lr, pc                  ; Set up the return address
-        LDMIA   r10, {r10, r12, pc}     ; CALL the vectored routine, step chain
-; NB. It is the responsibility of vector code NOT to corrupt flags that are
-; part of the input conditions if they are going to pass the call on, eg. INSV
-; must not do CMP as C,V are needed by old handler
-        TEQ     r10, #0                 ; until nextblock points to zero
-        BNE     CallVecLoop
-  [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    pc                      ; can't restore all flags. CV will be preserved
-        MSR     CPSR_f, r12
-        MOV     pc, lr
-  |
-        Pull    pc,,^                   ; we don't expect to get to here
-                                        ; (should always be claimed),
-                                        ; but return to caller, restoring flags
-  ]
-;Add_To_vector(n, Addressess)
-Add_ToVector_SWICode   ROUT
-      CMP   R0, #NVECTORS
-      BCS   BadClaimNumber
-      Push "R0-R4, link"
-      B     GoForAddToVec
-;Claim_vector(n, Addressess)
-ClaimVector_SWICode   ROUT
- ; On Entry : R0 = Vector number, R1 = Address, R2 = workspace reqd
-      CMP   R0, #NVECTORS
-      BCS   BadClaimNumber
-      Push "R0-R4, link"
-        PHPSEI  R4, R14                 ; Disable IRQs
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; List of de-linked nodes is empty
-        LDR     R11, =VecPtrTab         ; Get ptr to table of head pointers
-        LDR     R10, [R11, R0, LSL #2]! ; R10 "nextblock" := *oldptr, R11= root ptr
-01      BL      FindAndDelinkNode       ; R10,R11->R10,R11,R12
-        STRVC   R3, [R12, #TailPtr]     ; Attach de-linked nodes onto this node
-        MOVVC   R3, R12                 ; New head of de-linked nodes
-        BVC     %BT01                   ; Repeat until all nodes de-linked
-        PLP     R4                      ; Restore IRQ state
-; Free the list of de-linked nodes, pointed to by R3, enter with VS
-02      LDRVC   R3, [R3, #TailPtr]      ; Update head of de-linked nodes
-        BLVC    FreeNode                ; Free the node pointed to by R12
-        SUBS    R12, R3, #0             ; Any more nodes to free?
-        BNE     %BT02                   ; Yes then jump
-      LDR   R11, =VecPtrTab         ; Point at table of head pointers
-      ADD   R11, R11, R0, LSL #2
-      MOV   R10, R1                 ; Address
-      MOV   R4, R2                  ; TailPtr pointer is "nextblock"
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-      ASSERT  ChocolateSVBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 4
-      MOV   r3,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-      LDR   r3,[r3,#4]
-      BL    ClaimChocolateBlock
-      MOVVS R3, #VecNodeSize        ; Ask for this number of bytes
-      BLVS  ClaimSysHeapNode        ; The result is in R2 : R12 corrupted
-  |
-      MOV   R3, #VecNodeSize        ; Ask for this number of bytes
-      BL    ClaimSysHeapNode        ; The result is in R2 : R12 corrupted
-  ]
-      BVS   BadClaimVector          ; Failed : Exit
-      WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R3  ; force noirq
-      LDR   R3, [R11]               ; "nextblock" :=vecptrtab!(n*4)
-      STMIA R2, {R3, R4, R10}       ; Atomic Operation thus links in the new
-                                    ; routine
-      STR   R2, [R11]               ; vectab!(n*4) := "thisblock"
-      STRVS R0, [stack]
-      Pull "R0-R4, link"
-      B    SLVK_TestV
-      ADR    R0, ErrorBlock_BadClaimNum
-    [ International
-      Push   "lr"
-      BL     TranslateError
-      Pull   "lr"
-    ]
-      B      SLVK_SetV
-      MakeErrorBlock BadClaimNum
-;Release_vector(n, Addressess)
- ; On Entry : R0 = vector number, R1 = Address, R2 = workspace, SVC mode
-      CMP   R0, #NVECTORS
-      SETV  CS
-      BVS   BadVectorRelease
-        Push    "R0-R2,R9,link"
-        PHPSEI  R9, R14                 ; Disable IRQs
-        LDR     R11, =VecPtrTab         ; Get ptr to table of head pointers
-        LDR     R10, [R11, R0, LSL #2]! ; R10 "nextblock" := *oldptr, R11= root ptr
-        BL      FindAndDelinkNode       ; R10,R11->R10,R11,R12
-        PLP     R9                      ; Restore IRQ state
-        BLVC    FreeNode                ; If found, free the node in R12
-        Pull    "R0-R2,R9,link"
-      ADRVS R0, ErrorBlock_NaffRelease
-    [ International
-      Push  "lr",VS
-      BLVS  TranslateError
-      Pull  "lr",VS
-    ]
-      B     SLVK_TestV
-      MakeErrorBlock NaffRelease
- [ IrqsInClaimRelease
-; Find a node and de-link it from the vector chain
-; In:
-; R1 = code address
-; R2 = workspace address
-; R10 -> Node
-; R11 -> Root ptr
-; Out:
-; VC:
-; R10 -> Node following found
-; R11 -> New root ptr
-; R12 -> Node de-linked
-; VS:
-; R10,11,12 trashed - node not found
-10      ADD     R11, R10, #TailPtr      ; oldptr := thisblock+TailPtr
-        LDR     R10, [R11]              ; nextblock:=thisblock!TailPtr
-        CMP     R10, #0                 ; End of chain?
-        RETURNVS EQ                     ; Yes, return error
-        LDR     R12, [R10, #VecWSpace]
-        CMP     R12, R2                 ; Workspace matches?
-        LDREQ   R12, [R10, #Address]
-        CMPEQ   R12, R1                 ; And code address matches?
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; No then jump, try next node
-; Remove node from vector chain
-        MOV     R12, R10                ; R12-> node to de-link
-        LDR     R10, [R12, #TailPtr]    ; Get link to next node
-        STR     R10, [R11]              ; Previous node's link -> next node
-        RETURNVC EQ                     ; Return no error
-; Return node to heap space
-; In:
-; R12-> node to release
-        Push    "R0-R2, lr"
-        MOV     R2, R12
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateSVBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 4
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#4]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        BLVS    FreeSysHeapNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        STRVS   R0, [stack]
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"                     ; returns Vset if sysheap poo'd.
- |
-FreeLink   ; find given vector entry from R10 currptr, R11 prevptr
-      CMP   R10, #0
-      ORREQS PC, lr, #V_bit
-      LDR   R12, [R10, #VecWSpace]
-      CMP   R12, R2
-      LDREQ R12, [R10, #Address]
-      CMPEQ R12, R1
-      BEQ   FoundRelease         ; IF thisblock!Address=OneWanted THEN do it
-      ADD   R11, R10, #TailPtr   ; oldptr := thisblock+TailPtr
-      LDR   R10, [R11]           ; nextblock:=thisblock!TailPtr
-      CMP   R10, #0              ; IF thisblock!TailPtr = 0 THEN naff
-      BNE   ReleaseWLoop
-      ORRS  PC, lr, #V_bit       ; entry not found
-FoundRelease ; else !oldptr   := nextblock!TailPtr : release_block(nextblock)
-        LDR     R12, [R10, #TailPtr]
-        STR     R12, [R11]
-        Push    "R0-R2, lr"
-        MOV     R2, R10
-        MOV     R10, R12                        ; keep updated thisblk
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-        STRVS   R0, [stack]
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"                     ; returns Vset if sysheap poo'd.
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-      LTORG
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; UserV  * &00
-   & 0, 0, ErrHandler           ; ErrorV * &01
-   & 0, 0, NOIRQ                ; IrqV   * &02
-   & 0, OsbyteVars, PMFWrch     ; WrchV  * &03
-   & 0, 0, NewRdch              ; RdchV  * &04  - start of VecNo=SWINo section
-   & 0, 0, VecOsCli
-   & 0, OsbyteVars, OsByte
-   & 0, OsbyteVars, OsWord
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector             ; filev
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector             ; argsv
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector             ; bgetv
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector             ; bputv
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector             ; gbpbv
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector             ; findv
-   & 0, OsbyteVars, VecRdLine   ; ReadlineV  * &0E - end of VecNo=SWINo
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; fscv
-   & 0, EvtHan_ws, DefEvent     ; EventV * &10
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; UPTV   * &11
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; NETV   * &12
- [ AssembleKEYV
-   & 0, 0, KeyVector            ; KEYV   * &13
- |
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; KEYV   * &13
- ]
-   & 0, BuffParms+0, NewInsV    ; INSV   * &14
-   & 0, BuffParms+0, NewRemV    ; REMV   * &15
-   & 0, BuffParms+4, NewCnpV    ; CNPV   * &16     ; Count/Purge Buffer V
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; UKVDU23V * &17   ; ---| VDU23 (decimal)
-   & 0, HiServ_ws, HighSWI      ; UKSWIV   * &18   ; ---| Unknown SWI numbers
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; UKPLOTV  * &19   ; ---| VDU25 (decimal)
-   & 0, 0, ReadMouse            ; MouseV * &1A
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; VDUXV   * &1B
-   & 0, 0, Def_100HZ            ; TickerV * &1C
-   & 0, UpCallHan_ws, CallUpcallHandler
-                                ; UpCallV * &1D
-   & 0, 0, AdjustOurSet         ; ChangeEnvironment * &1E
-   & 0, VduDriverWorkSpace, SpriteVecHandler ; SpriteV * &1F
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; DrawV * &20
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; EconetV * &21
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; ColourV * &22
-   & 0, VduDriverWorkSpace, MOSPaletteV ; PaletteV * &23
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; SerialV * &24
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; FontV * &25
- [ AssemblePointerV
-   & 0, 0, PointerVector        ; PointerV * &26
- |
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; PointerV * &26
- ]
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; TimeCodeV * &27
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; LowPriorityEventV &28
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; &29
- [ UseGraphicsV
-   & 0, 0, MOSGraphicsV         ; GraphicsV * &2a
- |
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; GraphicsV * &2a
- ]
- ; the spares
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; &2b
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; &2c
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; &2d
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; &2e
-   & 0, 0, NaffVector           ; &2f
- assert (.-defaultvectab) = NVECTORS*VecNodeSize
-NaffVector ROUT
-        MRS     lr, CPSR
-        BIC     lr, lr, #V_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_f, lr              ; Clear V, preserve rest
-        LDR     pc, [sp], #4            ; Claim vector, do nowt
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWIs to save any vector entries pointing into application workspace
-; Delink SWI:
-;   R0 pointer to buffer
-;   R1 buffer size
-; Returns R1 bytes left in buffer
-;   V set if buffer not large enough
-Application_Delink ROUT
-      Push "R0, R2-R4, lr"
-      CMP   R1, #4
-      BLT   %FT99                   ; invalid buffer size
-      MOV   R3, #NVECTORS-1
-      LDR   R4, [R3, #AplWorkSize-(NVECTORS-1)]
-      SETPSR I_bit, R3           ; IRQs off while holding context.
-03    LDR   R11, =VecPtrTab         ; Point at table of head pointers
-      ADD   R10, R11, R3, LSL #2
-04    MOV   R11, R10             ; step chain
-      LDR   R10, [R11]
-05    CMP   R10, #0
-      BNE   %FT02
-      SUBS  R3, R3, #1
-      BPL   %BT03                ; next vector
-      MOV   R3, #-1
-      STR   R3, [R0]
-      SUB   R1, R1, #4
-      Pull "R0, R2-R4, lr"
-      ExitSWIHandler
-02    LDR   R12, [R10, #Address]
-      CMP   R12, R4
-      BGT   %BT04
-      CMP   R12, #UserMemStart
-      BLT   %BT04
-; appl entry found: put in buffer, free it
-      CMP   R1, #12+4
-      BLT   %FT99                ; no rheum
-      LDR   R14, [R10, #VecWSpace]
-      STMIA R0!, {R3, R12, R14}
-      SUB   R1, R1, #12          ; buffer entry added
-      LDR   R12, [R10, #TailPtr]
-      STR   R12, [R11]           ; vector delinked
-        Push    "R0-R2"
-        MOV     R2, R10
-        MOV     R10, R12                        ; keep updated thisblk
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateSVBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 4
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#4]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        BLVS    FreeSysHeapNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        MOVVS   lr, R0
-        Pull    "R0-R2"
-        BVC     %BT05
-98    STR   lr, [stack]
-      MOV   R3, #-1               ; terminate buffer even if error
-      CMP   r1, #4
-      STRGE R3, [R0]
-      SUB   R1, R1, #4
-      Pull "R0, R2-R4, lr"
-      B    SLVK_SetV
-    [ International
-      Push  "r0"
-      ADRL  r0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-      BL    TranslateError
-      MOV   lr,r0
-      Pull  "r0"
-    |
-      ADRL  lr, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-    ]
-      B     %BT98
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Relink SWI:
-;   R0 pointer to buffer as set by Delink
-; Returns V set if can't relink all
-Application_Relink ROUT
- [ {TRUE}
-; Run through the buffer BACKWARDS to ensure that the vectors are
-; reinstalled in the same order.
-      Push   "R0-R3, lr"
-      MOV     R3, R0            ; R3 -> start of buffer
-      MOV     R10, R0
-01    LDR     R0, [R10], #12    ; search forwards to find terminator
-      CMP     R0, #-1
-      BNE     %BT01
-      SUB     R10, R10, #12     ; R10 -> terminator
-02    CMP     R10, R3           ; loop backwards until we get to start
-      Pull   "R0-R3, lr", EQ
-      ExitSWIHandler EQ
-      LDMDB   R10!, {R0-R2}
-      SWI     XOS_AddToVector
-      BVC     %BT02
-      STR     R0, [stack]
-      Pull   "R0-R3, lr"
-      B      SLVK_SetV
- |
-      Push   "R0-R2, lr"
-      MOV     R10, R0
-02    LDR     R0, [R10], #4
-      CMP     R0, #-1
-      Pull   "R0-R2, lr", EQ
-      ExitSWIHandler EQ
-      LDMIA   R10!, {R1, R2}
-      SWI     XOS_AddToVector
-      BVC     %BT02
-      STR     R0, [stack]
-      Pull   "R0-R2, lr"
-      B      SLVK_SetV
- ]
-; Now the stuff that issues service calls; also deals with the MOS
-;  being default default FIQ owner, and wanting to see application
-;  startup.
-         GBLL FIQDebug
-        GBLL  DebugNeil
-DebugNeil SETL {FALSE}          ; if TRUE, check R7-R11 preserved over services
-Issue_Service ROUT             ; R1 is service number, R2 may be a parameter
-                               ; registers preserved.
-       Push    "R9-R12, lr"
-;do the direct calls to AMBControl for service calls of interest
-       CMP      R1, #Service_MemoryMoved
-       BLEQ     AMBsrv_memorymoved
-       CMP      R1, #Service_PagesSafe
-       BLEQ     AMBsrv_pagessafe
-       CMP      R1, #Service_ClaimFIQ
-       CMPNE    R1, #Service_ClaimFIQinBackground
-       BEQ      FIQclaim
-       CMP      R1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ
-       BEQ      test_FIQclaim_in_progress
-       CMP      r1, #Service_NewApplication
-       BEQ      checkmoshandlers
-  [ STB
-       CMP      r1, #Service_PortMan
-       BLEQ     svc_PortMan
-  ]
-  [ ChocolateService
-       CMP      R1,#ServMinUsrNumber
-       BHS      %FT84
-;call anyone on the appropriate Sys chain
-       MOV      R10,#0
-       LDR      R10,[R10,#Serv_SysChains]
-       CMP      R10,#0
-       BEQ      %FT88
-       LDR      R11,[R10,R1,LSL #2]             ;pick up the chain anchor
-;call everyone on the chain, passing R1 value from chain if appropriate
-       CMP      R11,#0
-       BEQ      %FT88
-       LDR      R10,[R11,#ServChain_Size]
-       ADD      R11,R11,#ServChain_HdrSIZEOF    ;start of chain
-       ADD      R10,R10,R11                     ;end of chain
-       CMP      R11,R10
-       BHS      %FT88
-       Push     "R10"
-       MOV      R10,R1
-       LDR      R9,[R11,#ServEntry_R1]
-       TEQ      R9,#0                           ; 0 means pass service number as normal
-       MOVNE    R1,R9                           ; else pass R1 value from chain (will be service index)
-       LDR      R12,[R11,#ServEntry_WSpace]
-       LDR      R9,[R11,#ServEntry_Code]
-       MOV      lr, pc                          ; link inc. PSR, mode
-       MOV      pc, R9
-       CMP      R1, #Service_Serviced
-       MOVNE    R1,R10                          ; restore R1 unless claimed
-       Pull     "R10"
-       BEQ      %FT01
-       ADD      R11,R11,#ServEntry_SIZEOF
-       B        %BT82
-;call anyone on the appropriate Usr chain
-       LDR      R10,=Serv_UsrChains
-       LDR      R10,[R10]
-       CMP      R10,#0
-       BEQ      %FT88
-       ServHashFunction R9,R1
-       LDR      R11,[R10,R9,LSL #2]             ;pick up the chain-array anchor
-       CMP      R11,#0
-       BEQ      %FT88
-       LDR      R10,[R11,#ServUChArray_Size]
-       ADD      R11,R11,#ServUChArray_HdrSIZEOF ;start of list
-       ADD      R10,R10,R11                     ;end of list
-       CMP      R11,R10
-       BHS      %FT88
-       LDR      R9,[R11,#ServUChEntry_ServiceNo]
-       TEQ      R9,R1
-       ADDNE    R11,R11,#ServUChEntry_SIZEOF
-       BNE      %BT86
-       LDR      R11,[R11,#ServUChEntry_ChainAnchor]  ;found chain for this service number
-       B        %BT80
-;call everyone on the chain of Awkward modules, always passing service number in R1
-       MOV      R10,#0
-       LDR      R11,[R10,#Serv_AwkwardChain]
-       CMP      R11,#0
-       BEQ      %FT01
-       LDR      R10,[R11,#ServChain_Size]
-       ADD      R11,R11,#ServChain_HdrSIZEOF    ;start of chain
-       ADD      R10,R10,R11                     ;end of chain
-       CMP      R11,R10
-       BHS      %FT01
-       LDR      R12,[R11,#ServEntry_WSpace]
-       LDR      R9,[R11,#ServEntry_Code]
-       MOV      lr, pc                          ; link inc. PSR, mode
-       MOV      pc, R9
-       CMP      R1, #Service_Serviced
-       BEQ      %FT01
-       ADD      R11,R11,#ServEntry_SIZEOF
-       B        %BT90
-  | ;IF/ELSE ChocolateService
-05     MOV      R10, #Module_List
-03     LDR      R10, [R10, #Module_chain_Link]
-       CMP      R10, #0
-       BEQ      %FT01
-       LDR      R9, [R10, #Module_code_pointer]
-       LDR      R11, [R9, #Module_Service]
-       CMP      R11, #0
-       BEQ      %BT03
- [ DebugROMPostInit
-       CMP      R1, #Service_PostInit           ; If it is a Service_PostInit call
-       BEQ      display_pre_postinit_calls      ; Go and display the postinit call
- ]
-       ADD      R9, R9, R11
-       ADD      R11, R10, #Module_incarnation_list - Incarnation_Link
-04     LDR      R11, [R11, #Incarnation_Link]
-       CMP      R11, #0
-       BEQ      %BT03
-       [ DebugNeil
-       Push     "R7-R11"
-       ]
-       ADD      R12, R11, #Incarnation_Workspace
-       MOV      lr, pc               ; link inc. PSR, mode
-       MOV      pc, R9
-       [ DebugNeil
-       ! 0, "Debug code included to check R7-R11 are preserved over services"
-       MOV      lr, sp
-       Push     "R1-R5"
-       LDMIA    lr, {R1-R5}
-       TEQ      R1, R7
-       TEQEQ    R2, R8
-       TEQEQ    R3, R9
-       TEQEQ    R4, R10
-       TEQEQ    R5, R11
-       MOVNE    PC, #0
-       Pull     "R1-R5"
-       ADD      sp, sp, #5*4
-       ]
- [ DebugROMPostInit
-       CMP      R1, #Service_PostInit           ; If it is a Service_PostInit call
-       BEQ      display_post_postinit_calls     ; Go and display the postinit call
- ]
-       CMP      R1, #Service_Serviced
-       BNE      %BT04
-       Pull    "R9-R12, PC"
-  ] ;ChocolateService
-01     CMP      R1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ
-       Pull    "R9-R12, PC",NE
-    [ :LNOT: HAL
-       STRB     R1, [R1, #MOShasFIQ-Service_ReleaseFIQ]
-    ]
-    [ FIQDebug
-     TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""D"""
-    ]
-     assert (Service_ReleaseFIQ :AND: &FF) <> 0
-    [ HAL
-       LDRB     R9, [R1, #MOShasFIQ-Service_ReleaseFIQ]
-       STRB     R1, [R1, #MOShasFIQ-Service_ReleaseFIQ]
-       TEQ      R9, #0
-       BNE      %FT06
-       ADR      R1, FIQKiller
-       MOV      R10, #FIQKiller_ws - FIQKiller
-       MOV      R11, #&1C
-04     LDR      LR, [R1], #4
-       SUBS     R10, R10, #4
-       STR      LR, [R11], #4
-       BNE      %BT04
-       AddressHAL R10
-       LDR      R14, [R9, #-(EntryNo_HAL_FIQDisableAll+1)*4]
-       STMIA    R11, {R9, R14}
-       Push     "R0"
-       MOV      R0, #0                  ; in case 32-byte cache lines
-       MOV      R1, #&100
-       ARMop    IMB_Range,,,R0
-       Pull     "R0"
-    ]
-                                        ; MOS is default owner if nobody
-06     MOV      R1, #Service_Serviced   ; else wants it.
-       Pull    "R9-R12, PC"
-       MOV      R10, #0
-   [ FIQDebug
-   TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""C"""
-   ]
-  ; first refuse request if a claim is currently in action
-       LDRB     R9, [R10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
-       CMP      R9, #0
-       Pull    "R9-R12, PC",NE                 ; no can do
-; have to issue a genuine FIQ claim call: set interlock to prevent another
-; one passing round at an awkward moment.
-       MOV      r9, #1
-       STRB     r9, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
-   [ FIQDebug
-   TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""I"""
-   ]
-; now safe to inspect our FIQ state
-       LDRB     R9, [R10, #MOShasFIQ]
-       CMP      R9, #0
-  [ FIQDebug
-  BEQ  sam001
-  TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""M"""
-  CMP  r9, #0
-  ]
-       STRNEB   R10, [R10, #MOShasFIQ]
-       MOVNE    r1, #Service_Serviced
-	; do it this way to cope with ARM v4/v3 differences on storing PC
-       SUBEQ    stack,stack,#20
-       STREQ    PC,[stack,#16]
-       BEQ      %BT05
-       MOV      r0, r0
-       MOV      r10, #0
-       LDRB     r9, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
-       STRB     r10, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
-   [ FIQDebug
-   TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""i"""
-   ]
-       CMP      r9, #1                         ; test for background release
-   [ FIQDebug
-   BEQ sam002
-   TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""B"""
-   CMP r9, #1
-   ]
-; if background release happened, there are 3 possibilities:
-;   foreground claim; this is defined to have succeeded. Discard release
-;   background claim, that succeeded: releaser gave it away anyway. Discard
-;       "        "     "   failed; we are holding a giveaway of FIQ, therefore
-;                                  claim service call!
-; therefore, if background release happened, always claim the service.
-       MOVNE    r1, #Service_Serviced
-       Pull    "r9-r12, PC"                    ; all done
-   [ FIQDebug
-   TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""R"""
-   ]
-       MOV      r10, #0
-       LDRB     r9, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
-       CMP      r9, #0
-   [ {TRUE}
-       MOVEQ    r9, #1
-       STREQB   r9, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock] ; lock out background calls
-       BEQ      fakeservicecall                ; issue call, clear flag
-   |
-       BEQ      %BT05                          ; issue call
-   ]
-       MOV      r9, #2                         ; mark release as occurring
-   [ FIQDebug
-   TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #""b"""
-   ]
-       STRB     r9, [r10, #FIQclaim_interlock]
-       Pull    "r9-r12, PC"
-; r9-r12, lr corruptible
-       LDR      r9, [r1, #SExitA-Service_NewApplication]
-       ADRL     r10, CLIEXIT
-       CMP      r9, r10
-       BNE      %BT05
-       Push    "r0-r7"
-       BL       DEFHAN
-       BL       DEFHN2
-       Pull    "r0-r7"
-       B        %BT05
- [ DebugROMPostInit
- ; Display the title of the current module in the chain.
- ; R9 contains the module pointer.
-       SWI     XOS_WriteS
-       =       "postinit service call to mod ",0
-       Push    "r0-r7"
-       LDR     R0, [R9, #Module_Title]
-       ADD     R0, R9, R0
-       SWI     XOS_Write0
-       SWI     XOS_WriteS
-       =       " sent"
-       SWI     XOS_NewLine
-       Pull    "r0-r7"
-       B        %BT83
- ; Display a message stating that we have finished the postinit service call.
- ; This will appear once for every module called on postinit.
-       SWI     XOS_WriteS
-       =       "returned from postinit service call.",0
-       SWI     XOS_NewLine
-       B        %BT87
- ]
- [ HAL
-       SUB     R14, R14, #4
-       MOV     R13, #&100
-       ADR     R10, FIQKiller_ws
-       STMFD   R13!, {R0-R3,R14}
-       MOV     R14, PC
-       LDMIA   R10, {R9,PC}
-       LDMFD   R13!, {R0-R3,PC}^
- ]
-; SWI to call a vector
-CallAVector_SWI  ; R9 is the vector number (!!)
-       STR       lr, [sp, #-4]!         ; save caller PSR on stack
-       MOV       R10, R9
-       MSR       CPSR_f, R12            ; restore caller CCs (including V)
-       BL        CallVector
-       MRS       r10, CPSR              ; restore CCs
-       LDR       lr, [sp], #4
-       AND       r10, r10, #&F0000000
-       BIC       lr, lr, #&F0000000
-       ORR       lr, lr, r10
-       ExitSWIHandler
-; Now some bits for the dynamic areas
-       Push   "R0, lr"
-       B       IntoSysHeapOp
-ClaimSysHeapNode ROUT ; size in R3
-       MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Get
-       Push   "R0, lr"
-       LDR     R1, =SysHeapStart
-       SWI     XOS_Heap
-       Pull   "R0, PC", VC
-       LDR     r14, [r0]                   ; look at error number
-       TEQ     r14, #ErrorNumber_HeapFail_Alloc
-       STRNE   r0, [stack]
-       Pull   "r0, r3, PC", NE            ; can only retry if ran out of room
-       Push    r3                          ; in case extension
-       LDR     r1, [stack, #4]
-       CMP     r1, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-       BNE     notsysheapextendblock
-       Push   "r5, r6"
-       LDR     r5, =SysHeapStart
-       LDR     r6, [r5, #:INDEX:hpdbase]
-       ADD     r6, r6, r5                  ; free space
-       LDR     r1, [r2, #-4]               ; pick up block size
-       ADD     r5, r1, r2                  ; block end +4
-       SUB     r5, r5, #4                  ; TMD 02-Aug-93: block size includes size field (optimisation was never taken)
-       CMP     r5, r6                      ; does block butt against end?
-       ADDNE   r3, r3, r1                  ; max poss size needed
-       Pull   "r5, r6"
-  ; note that this doesn't cope well with a block at the end preceded by a
-  ; free block, but tough.
-       LDR     r1, =SysHeapStart
-       LDR     R0, hpdbase
-       LDR     R1, hpdend
-       SUB     R1, R1, R0          ; size left in heap
-       SUB     R1, R3, R1          ; size needed
-       Pull    r3
-       ADD     R1, R1, #8          ; plus safety space.
-       MOV     R0, #0
-       SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-       LDRVC   R0, [stack]  ; and retry.
-       LDRVC   R1, =SysHeapStart
-       SWIVC   XOS_Heap
-       Pull   "R0, PC", VC
-       ADD     stack, stack, #4
-       ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_SysHeapFull
-     [ International
-       BL      TranslateError
-     ]
-       Pull   "PC"
-       MakeErrorBlock  SysHeapFull
-;       FreeSysHeapNode - Free a node in system heap
-; in:   R2 -> node to free
-; out:  R0 = HeapReason_Free or pointer to error if V=1
-;       R1 = SysHeapStart
-FreeSysHeapNode Entry
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
-        LDR     R1, =SysHeapStart
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        EXIT
-; ValidateAddress_Code
-; R0, R1 are limits of address range to check
-; return CC for OK, CS for naff
-ValidateAddress_Code ROUT
-        Push    "R1, lr"
-        CMP     R0, R1
-        SUBNE   R1, R1, #1       ; cope with zero length range sensibly
-        MOV     R10, #0
-        MOV     R11, #0
-        LDR     R12, [R10, #AplWorkSize]
-        BL      RangeCheck
-        LDR     r11, =SVCStackAddress
-        ADD     r12, r11, #SVCStackSize
-        BL      RangeCheck
- [ IRQStackAddress <> CursorChunkAddress
-        LDR     r11, =IRQStackAddress
-        ADD     r12, r11, #IRQStackSize
-        BL      RangeCheck
- ]
-        LDR     r11, =UNDStackAddress
-        ADD     r12, r11, #UNDStackSize
-        BL      RangeCheck
-        LDR     r11, =ABTStackAddress
-        ADD     r12, r11, #ABTStackSize
-        BL      RangeCheck
- ! 0, "ValidateAddress - what about CAM and page tables? - strictly should be included"
-        LDR     R11, =CursorChunkAddress
-        ADD     R12, R11, #32*1024
-        BL      RangeCheck
-        VDWS    R12                     ; in case of external framestore
-        LDR     R11, [R12, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        LDR     R12, [R12, #TotalScreenSize]
-        SUB     R11, R11, R12
-        ADD     R12, R11, R12, LSL #1   ; doubly-mapped friggage
-        BL      RangeCheck
-; not in one of those ranges, so check against dynamic area list
-        MOV     r10, #DAList
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #DANode_Link]
-        TEQ     r10, #0                 ; end of list
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r12, [r10, #DANode_Flags]
-        TST     r12, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped
-        LDR     r12, [r10, #DANode_Size]
-        SUBNE   r11, r11, r12           ; if doubly mapped, move base back by size
-        MOVNE   r12, r12, LSL #1        ; and double size
-        ADD     r12, r12, r11           ; make r12 point at end (exclusive)
-        CMP     r0, r12                 ; if start >= end (excl)
-        BCS     %BT10                   ; then go onto next node
-        CMP     r0, r11                 ; if range starts below this area
-        BCC     %FT20                   ; then not totally within this area
-        CMP     r1, r12                 ; else if range ends before end+1 of this area
-        BCC     AddressIsValid          ; then it's valid
-; not in one of those ranges, so issue service so modules can add other valid areas
-        Push    "R2, R3"
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; pass parameters to service in R2 and R3
-        LDR     R3, [stack, #2*4]       ; reload stacked R1 into R3
-        MOV     R1, #Service_ValidateAddress
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        TEQ     R1, #0                  ; EQ => service claimed, so OK
-        Pull    "R2, R3"
-        Pull    "R1, lr"
-        ORRNE   lr, lr, #C_bit          ; return CS if invalid
-        BICEQ   lr, lr, #C_bit          ; return CC if valid
-        ExitSWIHandler
-RangeCheck ; check R0 - R1 lies totally within R11 - (r12-1)
-        SUB     R12, R12, #1
-        CMP     R0, R11
-        CMPCS   R12, R0
-        CMPCS   R1, R11
-        CMPCS   R12, R1
-        MOVCC   PC, lr                  ; failed
-        Pull    "R1, lr"
-        BIC     lr, lr, #C_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/ChangeDyn b/s/ChangeDyn
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a263c3f..00000000
--- a/s/ChangeDyn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4773 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL   => ChangeDyn
-; ChangeDynamic SWI
-; In  : R0 =  0 => System Heap,
-;             1 => RMA
-;             2 => Screen
-;             3 => Sprite area
-;             4 => Font cache
-;             5 => RAM disc
-;             6 => Free pool
-;       R1 = no of bytes to change by
-; Out : V set if CAO in AplWork or couldn't move all the bytes requested.
-;       R1 set to bytes moved.
-; The following flag controls the operation of ReadCMOSAndConfigure and FudgeConfigureRMA
-; If false, then no memory is in the free pool to start off, and these routines just allocate pages
-; starting at page R2, and update this on exit.
-; If true, then routine InitDynamicAreas initially moves all non-static free memory into the free pool,
-; and then the above routines just take pages off the end of that.
-        GBLL    GetPagesFromFreePool    ; whether ReadCMOSAndConfigure extract pages from the free pool
-GetPagesFromFreePool SETL {TRUE}
-AP_AppSpace     *       0                                       ; user r/w, CB
-AP_SysHeap      *       0                                       ; user r/w, CB
-AP_RMA          *       0                                       ; user r/w, CB
-AP_Screen       *       0 :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable :OR: DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped :OR: DynAreaFlags_NeedsSpecificPages
-AP_Sprites      *       0                                       ; user r/w, CB
-AP_FontArea     *       2                                       ; user none, CB
-AP_RAMDisc      *       2 :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable        ; user none, ~CB (poor performance for current StrongARMs)
-AP_RAMDisc_SA   *       2                                       ; user none,
-AP_Duff         *       2 :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable ; user none, ~C~B
-AP_FreePool     *       2 :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable        ; user none, ~CB
-AP_CursorChunk  *       1 :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable :OR: PageFlags_Unavailable
-AP_PageZero     *       0
-AP_L2PT         *       2 :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable ; user none, ~C~B
-AP_L1PT         *       AP_L2PT :OR: PageFlags_Unavailable
-AP_UndStackSoftCam *    PageFlags_Unavailable
-  [ DA_Batman
-ChangeDyn_Batcall    * -3               ; special DA number to select Batman usage of OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-  ]
-ChangeDyn_FreeAndApl * -2               ; special reason code for when we're sucking out of free pool and apl space
-ChangeDyn_AplSpace   * -1
-ChangeDyn_SysHeap    * 0
-ChangeDyn_RMA        * 1
-ChangeDyn_Screen     * 2
-ChangeDyn_SpriteArea * 3
-ChangeDyn_FontArea   * 4
-ChangeDyn_RamFS      * 5
-ChangeDyn_FreePool   * 6
-ChangeDyn_MaxArea    * 6
-; Area handler reason codes
-DAHandler_PreGrow       *       0
-DAHandler_PostGrow      *       1
-DAHandler_PreShrink     *       2
-DAHandler_PostShrink    *       3
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-DAHandler_TestShrink    *       4       ; new reason added to find amount area could shrink by
- ]
-; Number of entries in page block on stack
-NumPageBlockEntries *   63
-PageBlockSize   *       NumPageBlockEntries * 12
-PageBlockChunk  *       NumPageBlockEntries * 4096
-; mjs - performance enhancements (from Ursula, merged into HALised kernel June 2001)
-; Workspace for acceleration of operations on a DA, by reducing need to traverse DA list.
-; - accelerates allocating non-quick DA numbers to O(n) instead of laughable O(n*n), where n is no. of DAs
-; - accelerates enumeration to O(n) instead of laughable O(n*n)
-; - allocation of a quick handle (DA number) is O(1)
-; - access of a DA node from a quick handle is O(1)
-; - access of a DA node from a non-quick handle is O(1), if it repeats the most recent non-quick handle access (else O(n))
-; - creation of a DA still has some O(n) work (requires search for address space), but is now rather quicker
-; - removal of a DA is still O(n) (requires traversal of list in order to get previous node)
-; - other uses of a DA with a quick handle (eg. get info, change size) avoid any O(n) work
-; - all system handles will be quick.
-; - non-system handles will be quick, except for very large numbers of DAs, or silly modules like the Wimp who insist on
-;   their own silly DA number (the latter can still benefit from LastTreacleHandle - see below)
-; Limitations:
-; - does not allow anyone to choose their own DA number that clashes with the quick handle set - should not
-;   be a problem since choosing own number reserved for Acorn use
-; - does not allow anyone to renumber a DA with a quick handle - again, reserved for system use
-; - DA names will be truncated to a maximum of 31 characters (or as defined below)
-                                  GBLL DynArea_QuickHandles
-DynArea_QuickHandles              SETL {TRUE}
-      ;various bad things happen if DynArea_QuickHandles is FALSE (eg. some new API disappears)
-      ;should remove FALSE build option to simplify source code next time kernel is updated (kept for reference/testing now)
-      ASSERT DynArea_QuickHandles
-                                  GBLL DynArea_NullNamePtrMeansHexString
-DynArea_NullNamePtrMeansHexString SETL {TRUE} :LAND: DynArea_QuickHandles
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-DynArea_MaxNameLength     * 31                      ;maximum length of DA name, excluding terminator (multiple of 4, -1)
-DynArea_NumQHandles       * 256                     ;maximum no. of non-system quick handles available simultaneously
-                          ^  0,R11
-DynArea_TreacleGuess      # 4                       ;guess for next non-quick handle to allocate, if needed, is TreacleGuess+1
-DynArea_CreatingHandle    # 4                       ;handle proposed but not yet committed, during DynArea_Create, or -1 if none
-DynArea_CreatingPtr       # 4                       ;ptr to proposed DANode during DynArea_Create (invalid if CreatingHandle = -1)
-DynArea_LastTreacleHandle # 4                       ;last non-quick handle accessed by a client (usually the Wimp), or -1 if none
-DynArea_LastTreaclePtr    # 4                       ;ptr to DANode for last non-quick handle accessed (invalid if LastTreacleHandle = -1)
-DynArea_LastEnumHandle    # 4                       ;last handle enumerated, or -1 if none
-DynArea_LastEnumPtr       # 4                       ;ptr to DANode for last handle enumerated (invalid if LastEnumHandle = -1)
-DynArea_ShrinkableSubList # 4                       ;sub list of dynamic areas that are Shrinkable (0 if none)
-DynArea_OD6Signature      # 4                       ;signature of changes to non-system DAs since last call to OS_DynamicArea 6
-                                                    ;bit  0 = 1 if any DAs have been created
-                                                    ;bit  1 = 1 if any DAs have been removed
-                                                    ;bit  2 = 1 if any DAs have been resized (excluding grow or shrink at creation or removal)
-                                                    ;bit  3 = 1 if any DAs have been renumbered
-                                                    ;bits 4-30   reserved (0)
-                                                    ;bit 31 = 1 if next resize is not to update signature (used during create, remove)
-DynArea_OD6PrevSignature  # 4                       ;previous signature, used to distinguish single from multiple changes
-DynArea_OD6Handle         # 4                       ;handle of last DA that affected signature
-DynArea_OD8Clamp1         # 4                       ;clamp value on area max size for OS_DynamicArea 0 with R5 = -1
-                                                    ;(default -1, set by R1 of OS_DynamicArea 8)
-DynArea_OD8Clamp2         # 4                       ;clamp value on area max size for OS_DynamicArea 0 with R5 > 0 (not Sparse)
-                                                    ;(default -1, set by R2 of OS_DynamicArea 8)
-DynArea_OD8Clamp3         # 4                       ;clamp value on area max size for OS_DynamicArea 0 for a Sparse area
-                                                    ;(default 4G-4k, set by R3 of OS_DynamicArea 8)
-DynArea_SortedList        # 4                       ;alphabetically sorted list of non-system areas, or 0 if none
-DynArea_SysQHandleArray   # 4*(ChangeDyn_MaxArea+1) ;for system areas 0..MaxArea, word = ptr to DANode, or 0 if not created yet
-DynArea_FreeQHandles      # 4                       ;index of first free quick handle, starting at 1 (or 0 for none)
-DynArea_QHandleArray      # 4*DynArea_NumQHandles   ;1 word per quick handle
-                                                    ; - if free, word = index of next free quick handle (or 0 if none)
-                                                    ; - if used, word = ptr to DANode (must be > DynArea_NumQHandles)
-DynArea_ws_size           *  :INDEX:@               ;must be multiple of 4
-            ASSERT DynArea_QHandleArray = DynArea_FreeQHandles +4
-  ]
-;        InsertDebugRoutines
-; Exit from ChangeDynamicArea with error Not all moved
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CDASemaphore]
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_ChDynamNotAllMoved
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        STR     r0, [stack]
-        LDR     lr, [stack, #4*10]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit
-        STR     lr, [stack, #4*10]
-      [ International
-        LDR     r0, [stack]
-        BL      TranslateError
-        STR     r0, [stack]
-      ]
-; and drop thru to ...
-        MOV     r1, #Service_MemoryMoved
-        MOV     r0, r10                 ; amount moved
-        MOVS    r2, r11                 ; which way was transfer?
-        BMI     %FT47                   ; [definitely a grow]
-        CMP     r11, #ChangeDyn_FreePool
-        BNE     %FT48                   ; [definitely a shrink]
-        CMP     r12, #ChangeDyn_AplSpace
-        BEQ     %FT48                   ; [a shrink]
-        RSB     r0, r0, #0             ; APLwork or free was source
-        MOV     r2, r12                ; r2 = area indicator
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        MOV     r1, r10                ; amount moved
-        Pull    "r0, r2-r9, r10, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        MakeErrorBlock ChDynamNotAllMoved
-; in:   r0 = logical address where page is now
-GetPageFlagsForR0IntoR6 Entry "R0-R2, R4-R5, R7"
-; code from MoveCAMatR0toR3
-        LDR     r5, =L2PT
-        ADD     r4, r5, r0, LSR #10             ; r4 -> L2PT for log addr r0
-        MOV     r2, r4, LSR #12
-        LDR     r2, [r5, r2, LSL #2]            ; r2 = L2PT entry for r4
-        TST     r2, #3                          ; if no page there
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ; then cam corrupt
-        LDR     r4, [r4]                        ; r4 = L2PT entry for r0
-        TST     r4, #3                          ; check entry is valid too
-        BEQ     %FT91
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #12                 ; r4 = phys addr >> 12
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r6, [r2, #MaxCamEntry]
-        MOV     r5, #PhysRamTable
-        CMP     r2, r6                          ; if page we've got to is > max
-        BHI     %FT92                           ; then corrupt
-        LDMIA   r5!, {r7, lr}                   ; get phys.addr, size
-        SUB     r7, r4, r7, LSR #12             ; number of pages into this bank
-        CMP     r7, lr, LSR #12                 ; if too many
-        ADDCS   r2, r2, lr, LSR #12             ; then advance physical page no.
-        BCS     %BT10                           ; and loop
-        ADD     r2, r2, r7                      ; add on number of pages within bank
-; code from BangCamUpdate
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2, LSL #3              ; point at cam entry (logaddr, PPL)
-        LDMIA   r1, {r0, r6}                    ; r0 = current logaddress, r6 = current PPL
-        EXIT
-        ADR     lr, NoL2ForPageBeingRemovedError ; NB don't corrupt r0 yet - we need that in block as evidence
-        STR     lr, [sp]                        ; update returned r0
-        BL      StoreDebugRegs
-        PullEnv                                 ; seriously broken memory
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ADR     lr, PageBeingRemovedNotPresentError
-        B       %BT95
-        ADR     lr, PhysicalAddressNotFoundError
-        B       %BT95
-; MoveCAMatR0toR3
-; in:   r0 = old logaddr
-;       r3 = new logaddr
-;       r9 = MEMC CR
-;       r11 = page protection level
-; out:  r2 = physical page number of page moved, unless there was a serious error
-;       r0,r1,r3,r6-r12 preserved
-;       r4,r5 corrupted
-MoveCAMatR0toR3 Entry "r0,r1,r6,r7"
-        LDR     r5, =L2PT
-        ADD     r4, r5, r0, LSR #10             ; r4 -> L2PT for log addr r0
-        MOV     r2, r4, LSR #12
-        LDR     r2, [r5, r2, LSL #2]            ; r2 = L2PT entry for r4
-        TST     r2, #3                          ; if no page there
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ; then cam corrupt
-        LDR     r4, [r4]                        ; r4 = L2PT entry for r0
-        TST     r4, #3                          ; check entry is valid too
-        BEQ     %FT91
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #12                 ; r4 = phys addr >> 12
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r6, [r2, #MaxCamEntry]
-        MOV     r5, #PhysRamTable
-        CMP     r2, r6                          ; if page we've got to is > max
-        BHI     %FT92                           ; then corrupt
-        LDMIA   r5!, {r7, lr}                   ; get phys.addr, size
-        SUB     r7, r4, r7, LSR #12             ; number of pages into this bank
-        CMP     r7, lr, LSR #12                 ; if too many
-        ADDCS   r2, r2, lr, LSR #12             ; then advance physical page no.
-        BCS     %BT10                           ; and loop
-        ADD     r2, r2, r7                      ; add on number of pages within bank
-        BL      BangCamUpdate
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        ADR     lr, NoL2ForPageBeingRemovedError ; NB don't corrupt r0 yet - we need that in block as evidence
-        STR     lr, [sp]                        ; update returned r0
-        BL      StoreDebugRegs
-        PullEnv                                 ; seriously broken memory
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ADR     lr, PageBeingRemovedNotPresentError
-        B       %BT95
-        ADR     lr, PhysicalAddressNotFoundError
-        B       %BT95
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     lr, #CamMapCorruptDebugBlock
-        STMIA   lr, {r0-lr}
-        LDR     r0, [sp, #1*4]                  ; reload stacked r0 (error pointer)
-        STR     r0, [lr, #15*4]                 ; store in stacked PC position
-        Pull    "pc"
-        &       0
-        =       "Memory Corrupt: No L2PT for page being removed", 0
-        ALIGN
-        &       0
-        =       "Memory Corrupt: Page being removed was not present", 0
-        ALIGN
-        &       0
-        =       "Memory Corrupt: Physical address not found", 0
-        ALIGN
-        &       0
-        =       "!!!! CAM Map Corrupt !!!!", 0
-        ALIGN
-        Push    "r0, r1, r4, r6, lr"
-        BL      BangCamUpdate
-        Pull    "r0, r1, r4, r6, pc"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0 bits 0..6 = area number
-;       r0 bit 7 set => return max area size in r2 (implemented 13 Jun 1990)
-;                       this will return an error if not implemented
-; Out   r0 = address of area
-;       r1 = current size of area
-;       r2 = max size of area if r0 bit 7 set on entry (preserved otherwise)
-; TMD 19-May-93: When this is updated to new CDA list, change meaning as follows:
-; r0 in range 0..&7F    return address, size of area r0
-;             &80..&FF  return address, size, maxsize of area (r0-&80)
-;             &100..    return address, size, maxsize of area r0
-; TMD 20-Aug-93: New bit added - if r0 = -1 on entry, then returns info on application space
-; r0 = base address (&8000)
-; r1 = current size (for current task)
-; r2 = maximum size (eg 16M-&8000)
-ReadDynamicArea ROUT
-readdyn_returnR2bit     *       &80
-        ASSERT  ChangeDyn_MaxArea < readdyn_returnR2bit
-        CMP     r0, #-1                         ; if finding out about app space
-        LDREQ   r1, [r0, #AplWorkSize+1]        ; then r1 = current size
-; [ HAL32
-;        LDREQ   r2, [r0, #RAMLIMIT+1]
-; |
-        LDREQ   r2, =AplWorkMaxSize             ; and r2 = max size
-; ]
-        MOVEQ   r0, #&8000                      ; r0 = base address
-        SUBEQ   r1, r1, r0                      ; adjust size and maxsize
-        SUBEQ   r2, r2, r0                      ; to remove bottom 32K
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-; first check if it's one of the new ones
-        Push    "r1,lr"
-        CMP     r0, #&100                       ; if area >= &100
-        MOVCS   r1, r0                          ; then just use area
-        BICCC   r1, r0, #readdyn_returnR2bit    ; else knock off bit 7
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber                ; out: r10 -> node
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber                 ; out: r10 -> node
-  ]
-        Pull    "r1,lr"
-        BCC     %FT05                           ; [not a new one, so use old code]
-        CMP     r0, #&80                        ; CS => load maxsize into R2
-                                                ; (do this either if bit 7 set, or area >=&100)
-        LDRCS   r2, [r10, #DANode_MaxSize]
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #DANode_Flags]       ; if doubly mapped
-        LDR     r1, [r10, #DANode_Size]         ; r1 = current size
-        LDR     r0, [r10, #DANode_Base]         ; r0 -> base
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped
-        SUBNE   r0, r0, r1                      ; then return start of 1st copy for compatibility
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadDynamicArea
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        MakeErrorBlock  BadDynamicArea
-; *************************************************************************
-; User access to CAM mapping
-; ReadMemMapInfo:
-; returns R0 = pagsize
-;         R1 = number of pages in use  (= R2 returned from SetEnv/Pagesize)
-; *************************************************************************
-      MOV      R10, #0
-      LDR      R0, [R10, #Page_Size]
-      LDR      R1, [R10, #RAMLIMIT]    ; = total memory size
-      ADRL     R11, PageShifts-1
-      LDRB     R11, [R11, R0, LSR #12]
-      MOV      R1, R1, LSR R11
-      ExitSWIHandler
-; ************************************************************************
-; SWI ReadMemMapEntries: R0 pointer to list.
-;  Entries are three words long, the first of which is the CAM page number.
-;  List terminated by -1.
-; Returns pagenumber (unaltered)/address/PPL triads as below
-; ************************************************************************
-ReadMemMapEntries_Code  ROUT
-        Push    "r0,r14"
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        LDR     r10, [r14, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        LDR     r14, [r14, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDR     r12, [r0], #4                   ; page number
-        CMP     r12, r14
-        Pull    "r0,r14", HI
-        ExitSWIHandler HI
-   [ ChocolateAMB
-        ;may need AMB to make mapping honest (as if not lazy), if page is in currently mapped app
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        MOV     r0, r12                         ; page number to make honest
-        BL      AMB_MakeHonestPN
-        Pull    "r0, lr"
-   ]
-        ADD     r11, r10, r12, LSL #3
-        LDMIA   r11, {r11, r12}
-        STMIA   r0!, {r11, r12}
-        B       %BT01
-; ************************************************************************
-; SWI FindMemMapEntries:
-; In:  R0 -> table of 12-byte page entries
-;       +0      4       probable page number (0..npages-1) (use 0 if no idea)
-;       +4      4       logical address to match with
-;       +8      4       undefined
-;       terminated by a single word containing -1
-; Out: table of 12-byte entries updated:
-;       +0      4       actual page number (-1 => not found)
-;       +4      4       address (preserved)
-;       +8      4       page protection level (3 if not found)
-;       terminator preserved
-; ************************************************************************
-FindMemMapEntries_Code  ROUT
-; Code for expanded CAM map version
-        Push    "r0, r9, r14"
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        LDR     r9, [r14, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDR     r14, [r14, #CamEntriesPointer]  ; r14 -> start of cam map
-        ADD     r9, r14, r9, LSL #3             ; r9 -> first word of last entry in cam map
-        LDR     r10, [r0, #0]                   ; r10 = guess page number (or -1)
-        CMP     r10, #-1                        ; if -1 then end of list
-        Pull    "r0, r9, r14", EQ               ; so restore registers
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ                       ; and exit
-        LDR     r11, [r0, #4]                   ; r11 = logical address
-   [ ChocolateAMB
-        ;may need AMB to make mapping honest (as if not lazy), if page is in currently mapped app
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        MOV     r0, r11                         ; logical address to make honest
-        BL      AMB_MakeHonestLA                ; note, quickly dismisses non app space addresses
-        Pull    "r0, lr"
-   ]
-        ADD     r10, r14, r10, LSL #3           ; form address with 'guess' page
-        CMP     r10, r9                         ; if off end of CAM
-        BHI     %FT20                           ; then don't try to use the guess
-        LDR     r12, [r10]                      ; load address from guessed page
-        TEQ     r11, r12                        ; compare address
-        BEQ     %FT60                           ; if equal, then guessed page was OK
-; for now, cheat by looking in L2PT, to see if we can speed things up
-        Push    "r5-r8"                         ; need some registers here!
-        LDR     r10, =L2PT
-        MOV     r8, r11, LSR #12                ; r8 = logical page number
-        ADD     r8, r10, r8, LSL #2             ; r8 -> L2PT entry for log.addr
-        MOV     r5, r8, LSR #12                 ; r5 = page offset to L2PT entry for log.addr
-        LDR     r5, [r10, r5, LSL #2]           ; r5 = L2PT entry for L2PT entry for log.addr
-        TST     r5, #3                          ; if page not there
-        SUBEQ   r10, r9, #8                     ; then invalid page so go from last one
-        BEQ     %FT45
-        LDR     r8, [r8]                        ; r8 = L2PT entry for log.addr
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSR #12                 ; r8 = physaddr / 4K
-        MOV     r5, #PhysRamTable
-        SUB     r10, r14, #8
-        CMP     r10, r9                         ; have we run out of RAM banks?
-        BCS     %FT40                           ; then fail
-        LDMIA   r5!, {r6,r7}                    ; load next address, size
-        SUB     r6, r8, r6, LSR #12             ; number of pages into this bank
-        CMP     r6, r7, LSR #12                 ; if more than there are
-        ADDCS   r10, r10, r7, LSR #12-3         ; then advance CAM entry position
-        BCS     %BT30                           ; and loop to next bank
-        ADD     r10, r10, r6, LSL #3            ; advance by 2 words for each page in this bank
-        SUBCS   r10, r9, #8                     ; search from last one, to fail quickly (if CS)
-        Pull    "r5-r8"
-        CMP     r10, r9                         ; if not just done last one,
-        LDRNE   r12, [r10, #8]!                 ; then get logical address
-        TEQNE   r11, r12                        ; compare address
-        BNE     %BT50                           ; loop if not same and not at end
-; either found page or run out of pages
-        TEQ     r11, r12                        ; see if last one matched
-                                                ; (we always load at least one!)
-        LDREQ   r12, [r10, #4]                  ; if match, then r12 = PPL
-        SUBEQ   r10, r10, r14                   ; and page number=(r10-r14)>>3
-        MOVEQ   r10, r10, LSR #3
-        MOVNE   r10, #-1                        ; else unknown page number indicator
-        MOVNE   r12, #3                         ; and PPL=3 (no user access)
-        STMIA   r0!, {r10-r12}                  ; store all 3 words
-        B       %BT10                           ; and go back for another one
-; SWI SetMemMapEntries: R0 pointer to list of CAM page/address/PPL triads,
-;  terminated by -1.
-; address of -1 means "put the page out of the way"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; note, if ChocolateAMB, no MakeHonest consideration here, this SWI just
-; changes the mapping of pages regardless of their current mapping, and
-; assumes the caller knows what he is doing (ho ho)
-SetMemMapEntries_Code  ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r6, r9, lr"
-        MOV     r12, r0
-; BangCamUpdate takes entry no in r2, logaddr to set to in r3
-; r9 current MEMC, r11 = PPL
-; corrupts r0,r1,r4,r6
-        MOV     r9, #0
-        LDR     r5, [r9, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDR     r9, [r9, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        LDR     r2, [r12], #4
-        CMP     r2, r5
-        BHI     %FT02                   ; finished
-        LDMIA   r12!, {r3, r11}
- [ {FALSE}
-        AND     r11, r11, #3
- ]
-        CMP     r3, #-1
-        LDRHS   r3, =DuffEntry
-        MOVHS   r11, #AP_Duff
-        BL      BangCamUpdate
-        B       %BT01
-        Pull    "r0-r6, r9, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        LTORG
-;       DynamicAreaSWI - Code to handle SWI OS_DynamicArea
-; in:   r0 = reason code
-;       Other registers depend on reason code
-; out:  Depends on reason code
-DAReason_Create          *  0
-DAReason_Remove          *  1
-DAReason_GetInfo         *  2
-DAReason_Enumerate       *  3
-DAReason_Renumber        *  4
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-DAReason_ReturnFree      *  5   ;if ShrinkableDAs, else reason code invalid
- ]
- [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-DAReason_GetChangeInfo   *  6   ;if DynArea_Quickhandles, else reason code invalid
-DAReason_EnumerateInfo   *  7   ;if DynArea_Quickhandles, else reason code invalid
-DAReason_SetClamps       *  8   ;if DynArea_Quickhandles, else reason code invalid
- ]
- [ DA_Batman
-DAReason_SparseClaim     *  9   ;if DA_Batman, else reason code invalid
-DAReason_SparseRelease   * 10   ;if DA_Batman, else reason code invalid
- ]
-DAReason_Limit           * 11   ;end of defined DA reasons
-DynArea_NewAreas *      &100            ; Allocated area numbers start here
-DynArea_NewAreasBase *  &04000000       ; Allocated area addresses start here
-; Bits in dynamic area flags (and page flags)
-; rearranged slightly for Ursula - allow room for some expansion of DA flags in future without moving page flags
-; mjs June 2001 merged the Ursula arrangement into HALised kernel
-DynAreaFlags_APBits             * 15 :SHL:  0   ; currently only uses 2 bits, but may extend to allow svc/usr read-only
-DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable      *  1 :SHL:  4
-DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable       *  1 :SHL:  5
-DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped       *  1 :SHL:  6
-DynAreaFlags_NotUserDraggable   *  1 :SHL:  7
-DynAreaFlags_NeedsSpecificPages *  1 :SHL:  8   ; whether area will ever require particular physical pages
-DynAreaFlags_Shrinkable         *  1 :SHL:  9   ; whether area may be shrunk when need more space in free pool
-DynAreaFlags_SparseMap          *  1 :SHL: 10   ; whether area may have non-contiguous mapping of pages (Holey dynamic areas Batman!)
-DynAreaFlags_PiersBinding       *  1 :SHL: 11   ; whether area is bound to client application, and so may be swapped out with it (not implemented yet)
-DynAreaFlags_CPBits             *  7 :SHL: 12   ; cache policy variant for NotBufferable and NotCacheable bits
-; Cache policies
-CP_NCNB_Default                 * 0             ; no policy variants
-CP_NCB_Default                  * 0             ; OS decides buffer policy (currently always coalescing)
-CP_NCB_NonMerging               * 1             ; Non-merging write buffer. If not available, unbuffered.
-CP_NCB_Merging                  * 2             ; Merging write buffer. If not available, non-merging.
-CP_CNB_Default                  * 0             ; OS decides cache policy (writethrough). NCNB if not available
-CP_CNB_Writethrough             * 1             ; Writethrough cacheable, non-buffered. If not available, NCNB.
-CP_CNB_Writeback                * 2             ; Writeback cacheable, non-buffered. If not available,CNB_Writethrough.
-CP_CB_Default                   * 0             ; OS decides cache policy (WB if available, W alloc if HAL requests)
-CP_CB_Writethrough              * 1             ; Writethrough cacheable, read allocate. If not available, NCB_Merging
-CP_CB_WritebackReadAlloc        * 2             ; Writeback cacheable, read allocate. If not available, writethrough.
-CP_CB_WritebackWriteAlloc       * 3             ; Writeback cacheable, write allocate. If not available, WB/R.
-CP_CB_AlternativeDCache         * 4             ; Use XScale/SA11x0 mini-data cache. If not available, CB_Default.
-; bits 15 nominally reserved for future DA flags expansion
-DynAreaFlags_AccessMask * DynAreaFlags_APBits :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable :OR: DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable :OR: DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped :OR: DynAreaFlags_CPBits
-; The following bits are only present in page flags
-TempUncacheableShift            * 16
-PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits   * 15 :SHL: TempUncacheableShift    ; temporary count of uncacheability, used by DMA mgr
-PageFlags_Unavailable           *  1 :SHL: 20                      ; physical page may not be requested by a PreShrink handler
-; Temporary flags only used by kernel
-PageFlags_Required              *  1 :SHL: 21                      ; physical page asked for by handler
-DynamicAreaSWI Entry
-        BL      DynAreaSub
-        PullEnv
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        CMP     r0, #DAReason_Limit
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, r0, LSL #2
-        B       DynArea_Unknown
-        B       DynArea_Create
-        B       DynArea_Remove
-        B       DynArea_GetInfo
-        B       DynArea_Enumerate
-        B       DynArea_Renumber
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-        B       DynArea_ReturnFree
- |
-        B       DynArea_Unknown
- ]
- [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        B       DynArea_GetChangeInfo
-        B       DynArea_EnumerateInfo
-        B       DynArea_SetClamps
- |
-        B       DynArea_Unknown
-        B       DynArea_Unknown
-        B       DynArea_Unknown
- ]
- [ DA_Batman
-        B       DynArea_SparseClaim
-        B       DynArea_SparseRelease
- |
-        B       DynArea_Unknown
-        B       DynArea_Unknown
- ]
-; unknown OS_DynamicArea reason code
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_HeapBadReason
-      [ International
-        Push    lr
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    lr
-      ]
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-;       DynArea_Create - Create a dynamic area
-;       Internal routine called by DynamicAreaSWI and by reset code
-; in:   r0 = reason code (0)
-;       r1 = new area number, or -1 => RISC OS allocates number
-;       r2 = initial size of area (in bytes)
-;       r3 = base logical address of area, or -1 => RISC OS allocates address space
-;       r4 = area flags
-;               bits 0..3 = access privileges
-;               bit  4 = 1 => not bufferable
-;               bit  5 = 1 => not cacheable
-;               bit  6 = 0 => area is singly mapped
-;                      = 1 => area is doubly mapped
-;               bit  7 = 1 => area is not user draggable in TaskManager window
-;               bit  8 = 1 => area may require specific physical pages
-;               bit  9 = 1 => area is shrinkable (only implemented if ShrinkableDAs)
-;               bit 10 = 1 => area may be sparsely mapped (only implemented if DA_Batman)
-;               bit 11 = 1 => area is bound to client application (allows areas to be overlayed in address space)
-;                             not implemented yet, but declared in public API for Ursula
-;               bits 12..15 reserved for future DA flag expansion (should be 0)
-;               bits 16..31 reserved for internal page flags (should be 0)
-;       r5 = maximum size of area, or -1 for total RAM size
-;       r6 -> area handler routine
-;       r7 = workspace pointer for area handler (-1 => use base address)
-;       r8 -> area description string (null terminated) (gets copied)
-; out:  r1 = given or allocated area number
-;       r3 = given or allocated base address of area
-;       r5 = given or allocated maximum size
-;       r0, r2, r4, r6-r9 preserved
-;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
-DynArea_Create Entry "r2,r6-r8"
-        CMP     r1, #-1         ; do we have to allocate a new area number
-        BEQ     %FT10
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        BLO     %FT06
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas+DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BLO     %FT08           ; can't choose your own quick handle
-  ]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber ; see if area number is unique
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber ; see if area number is unique
-  ]
-        BCC     %FT20           ; didn't find it, so OK
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_AreaAlreadyExists
-        PullEnv
-        B       DynArea_TranslateAndReturnError
-        MakeErrorBlock  AreaAlreadyExists
-        MakeErrorBlock  AreaNotOnPageBdy
-        MakeErrorBlock  OverlappingAreas
-        MakeErrorBlock  CantAllocateArea
-        MakeErrorBlock  CantAllocateLevel2
-        MakeErrorBlock  UnknownAreaHandler
-; we have to allocate an area number for him
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws ]
-        LDR     r1, DynArea_FreeQHandles          ;get index of next available quick handle, if any free
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        ADDNE   r1, r1, #DynArea_NewAreas-1       ;compute quick handle from index
-        BNE     %FT20
-        LDR     r1, DynArea_TreacleGuess          ;last non-quick number allocated
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1                        ; increment for next guess (collisions should be *very* rare)
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas+DynArea_NumQHandles
-        MOVLO   r1, #DynArea_NewAreas+DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber
-        BCS     %BT12                             ; and try again
-  |
-        MOV     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber
-        ADDCS   r1, r1, #1      ; that area number already exists, so increment
-        BCS     %BT12           ; and try again
-  ]
-; now validate maximum size of area
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-    ;
-    ; apply clamps on max size, as set by last call to OS_DynamicArea 8
-    ;
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-    [ DA_Batman
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_SparseMap
-        BEQ     DAC_notsparse
-        LDR     r10, DynArea_OD8Clamp3   ; clamp for sparse dynamic area
-        CMP     r5, r10                  ; if requested max size is > relevant clamp
-        MOVHI   r5, r10                  ; then clamp it!
-        LDR     r10, [sp]                ; requested initial size, from stack
-        CMP     r5, r10
-        MOVLO   r5, r10                  ; we must try to honour initial size (allowed to break clamp)
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Page_Size]
-        B       DAC_roundup
-    ]
-        CMP     r5, #-1
-        LDREQ   r10, DynArea_OD8Clamp1   ; clamp for max size requested of -1
-        LDRNE   r10, DynArea_OD8Clamp2   ; clamp for max size requested of some specific value
-        CMP     r5, r10                  ; if requested max size is > relevant clamp
-        MOVHI   r5, r10                  ; then clamp it!
-        LDR     r10, [sp]                ; requested initial size, from stack
-        CMP     r5, r10
-        MOVLO   r5, r10                  ; we must try to honour initial size (allowed to break clamp)
-  ]
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Page_Size]
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #RAMLIMIT]   ; get total RAM size
-        CMP     r5, r10                 ; if requested maximum size is > total
-        MOVHI   r5, r10                 ; then set max to total (NB. -1 passed in always yields HI)
-        SUB     r10, r11, #1            ; also round up to a page multiple
-        ADD     r5, r5, r10
-        BIC     r5, r5, r10
-; now see if we have to allocate a logical address space
-        CMP     r3, #-1                 ; if we are to allocate the address space
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; then go do it
-; otherwise we must check that the address does not clash with anything else
-        TST     r3, r10                         ; does it start on a page boundary
-        ADRNE   r0, ErrorBlock_AreaNotOnPageBdy ; if not then error
-        BNE     DynArea_ErrorTranslateAndExit
-        BL      CheckForOverlappingAreas        ; in: r3 = address, r4 = flags, r5 = size; out: if error, r0->error, V=1
-        BVC     %FT40
-        PullEnv
-        B       DynArea_ReturnError
-        BL      AllocateAreaAddress             ; in: r4 = flags, r5 = size of area needed; out: r3, or V=1, r0->error
-        BVS     %BT25
-        BL      AllocateBackingLevel2           ; in: r3 = address, r4 = flags, r5 = size; out: VS if error
-        BVS     %BT25
-        Push    "r0,r1,r3"
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-    ;we save work and reduce stress on system heap by claiming only one block, consisting of node followed by
-    ;string space (always maximum length, but typically not overly wasteful compared to 2nd block overhead)
-    ;
-        MOV     r3, #DANode_NodeSize + DynArea_MaxNameLength + 1
-  |
-        MOV     r3, #DANode_NodeSize
-  ]
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode                ; out: r2 -> node
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3"
-        BVS     %BT25                           ; failed to claim node
-; now store data in node (could probably use STM if we shuffled things around)
-        CMP     r7, #-1                         ; if workspace ptr = -1
-        MOVEQ   r7, r3                          ; then use base address
-        STR     r1, [r2, #DANode_Number]
-        STR     r3, [r2, #DANode_Base]
-  [ DA_Batman
-        ;disallow some awkward flag options if SparseMap set (no error), and temporarily create as not sparse
-        ;also disallow a DA handler
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_SparseMap
-        STREQ   r4, [r2, #DANode_Flags]
-        BICNE   r7, r4, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped + DynAreaFlags_NeedsSpecificPages + DynAreaFlags_Shrinkable + DynAreaFlags_SparseMap
-        ORRNE   r7, r7, #DynAreaFlags_NotUserDraggable
-        STRNE   r7, [r2, #DANode_Flags]
-        MOVNE   r6, #0
-        MOVNE   r7, #0
-  |
-        STR     r4, [r2, #DANode_Flags]
-  ]
-        STR     r5, [r2, #DANode_MaxSize]
-        STR     r6, [r2, #DANode_Handler]
-        STR     r7, [r2, #DANode_Workspace]
-        MOV     r7, #0                          ; initial size is zero
-        STR     r7, [r2, #DANode_Size]          ; before we grow it
-  [ HAL
-        ; update lower limit on IO space growth, if this DA exceeds previous limit
-        LDR     r6, [r7, #IOAllocLimit]
-        ADD     lr, r3, r5
-        CMP     lr, r6
-        STRHI   lr, [r7, #IOAllocLimit]
-  ]
-; now make copy of string - first find out length of string
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        ADD     r7, r2, #DANode_NodeSize
-        STR     r7, [r2, #DANode_Title]
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #DynArea_MaxNameLength
-        TEQ     r8, #0
-    [ DynArea_NullNamePtrMeansHexString
-        ASSERT  DynArea_MaxNameLength > 8
-        BNE     %FT45
-        Push    "r1, r2"
-        MOV     r0, r1                          ;string is 8-digit hex of DA number
-        MOV     r1, r7
-        MOV     r2, #DynArea_MaxNameLength+1
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex8
-        Pull    "r1, r2"
-        B       %FT55
-    |
-        BEQ     %FT50                           ;assume NULL ptr to mean no DA name
-    ]
-        LDRB    r6, [r8], #1
-        STRB    r6, [r7], #1
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        TEQNE   r0, #0
-        BNE     %BT45
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, [r7], #1
-        Pull    "r0"
-  |
-        MOV     r7, r8
-        LDRB    r6, [r7], #1
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        BNE     %BT45
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        SUB     r3, r7, r8                      ; r3 = length inc. term.
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        MOV     r7, r2
-        Pull    "r0-r3"
-        BVS     StringNodeClaimFailed
-        STR     r7, [r2, #DANode_Title]
-        LDRB    r6, [r8], #1                    ; copy string into claimed block
-        STRB    r6, [r7], #1
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-        BNE     %BT50
- ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-; now put node on list - list is sorted in ascending base address order
-        MOV     r8, #DAList
-        LDR     r6, [r2, #DANode_Base]
-        MOV     r7, r8
-        ASSERT  DANode_Link = 0
-        LDR     r8, [r7, #DANode_Link]          ; get next node
-        TEQ     r8, #0                          ; if no more
-        BEQ     %FT70                           ; then put it on here
-        LDR     lr, [r8, #DANode_Base]
-        CMP     lr, r6                          ; if this one is before ours
-        BCC     %BT60                           ; then loop
-        STR     r8, [r2, #DANode_Link]
-        STR     r2, [r7, #DANode_Link]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        ;so XOS_ChangeDynamicArea can pick up the node we are still creating
-        STR     r1, DynArea_CreatingHandle
-        STR     r2, DynArea_CreatingPtr
-        ;so initial grow won't leave resize signature
-        LDR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        ORR     lr, lr, #&80000000
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-  ]
-; now we need to grow the area to its requested size
-        Push    "r0, r1, r2"
-        LDR     r0, [r2, #DANode_Number]
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #3*4]                  ; reload requested size off stack
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea           ; deal with error - r0,r1,r2 still stacked
-        BVS     %FT90
-        Pull    "r0, r1, r2"
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-; Now put node on alphabetically sorted list
-        Push    "r3,r4,r5,r7,r8,r9"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        ADR     r8, DynArea_SortedList - DANode_SortLink ;so that [r8, #DANode_SortLink] addresses list header)
-        MOV     r7, r8                       ; previous
-        LDR     r8, [r7, #DANode_SortLink]
-        TEQ     r8, #0
-        BEQ     %FT78
-        ;ho hum, UK case insensitive string compare
-        LDR     r3, [r2, #DANode_Title]
-        LDR     r9, [r8, #DANode_Title]
-        LDRB    r4, [r3],#1
-        uk_LowerCase r4,r11
-        LDRB    r5, [r9],#1
-        uk_LowerCase r5,r11
-        CMP     r4, r5
-        BNE     %FT77
-        CMP     r4, #0
-        BNE     %BT76
-        BHI     %BT75
-        STR     r2, [r7, #DANode_SortLink]
-        STR     r8, [r2, #DANode_SortLink]
-        Pull    "r3,r4,r5,r7,r8,r9"
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-  [ DA_Batman
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_SparseMap
-        LDRNE   r11, [r2, #DANode_Flags]
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, #DynAreaFlags_SparseMap ; set this in node now (after initial grow)
-        STRNE   r11, [r2, #DANode_Flags]
-        LDRNE   r11, [r2, #DANode_Size]
-        LDRNE   lr,  [r2, #DANode_Base]
-        ADDNE   r11, r11, lr
-        STRNE   r11, [r2, #DANode_SparseHWM]      ; initial high water mark
-  ]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_Shrinkable
-        LDRNE   lr, DynArea_ShrinkableSubList
-        STRNE   lr, [r2, #DANode_SubLink]
-        STRNE   r2, DynArea_ShrinkableSubList   ;link onto front of Shrinkable sublist if Shrinkable
-        MOV     lr, #-1
-        STR     lr, DynArea_CreatingHandle      ;invalidate this now
-        CMP     r1, #ChangeDyn_MaxArea
-        BHI     %FT72
-        ADR     lr, DynArea_SysQHandleArray
-        STR     r2, [lr, r1, LSL #2]            ;system handle - store ptr to node for quick reference
-        B       %FT80
-        LDR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6PrevSignature
-        ORR     lr, lr, #1
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     r1, DynArea_OD6Handle
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        BLO     %FT80
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas+DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BHS     %FT74
-        SUB     r10, r1, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        ADR     lr, DynArea_QHandleArray
-        LDR     r6, [lr, r10, LSL #2]           ;pick up index of next free quick handle
-        STR     r6, DynArea_FreeQHandles        ;store as index of first free quick handle
-        STR     r2, [lr, r10, LSL #2]           ;store ptr to node for quick reference
-        B       %FT80
-        LDR     r10, DynArea_TreacleGuess
-        ADD     r10, r10, #1
-        STR     r10, DynArea_TreacleGuess       ;non-quick handle allocated, increment for next allocate
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-; Now issue service to tell TaskManager about it
-        Push    "r0, r1, r2"
-        MOV     r2, r1                          ; r2 = area number
-        MOV     r1, #Service_DynamicAreaCreate
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        Pull    "r0, r1, r2"
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; The dynamic area is not being created, because we failed to grow the area to the required size.
-; The area itself will have no memory allocated to it (since if grow fails it doesn't move any).
-; We must delink the node from our list, free the string node, and then the area node itself.
-        STR     r0, [sp, #0*4]                  ; remember error pointer in stacked r0
-        STR     r8, [r7, #DANode_Link]          ; delink area
-  [ :LNOT: DynArea_QuickHandles
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #DANode_Title]
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode                 ; free title string node
-  ]
-        Pull    "r0, r1, r2"                    ; pull stacked registers, and drop thru to...
-  [ :LNOT: DynArea_QuickHandles
-; The dynamic area is not being created, because there is no room to allocate space for the title string
-; We must free the DANode we have allocated
-; It would be nice to also free the backing L2, but we'll leave that for now.
-; in: r2 -> DANode
-  ]
-        Push    "r0, r1"
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-        Pull    "r0, r1"
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        MOV     lr, #-1
-        STR     lr, DynArea_CreatingHandle
-  ]
-        PullEnv
-        B       DynArea_ReturnError
-;       DynArea_Remove - Remove a dynamic area
-;       Internal routine called by DynamicAreaSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (1)
-;       r1 = area number
-; out:  r10-r12 may be corrupted
-;       All other registers preserved
-DynArea_Remove Entry
-        ;*MUST NOT USE QCheckAreaNumber* (need r11 = previous)
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber         ; check that area is there
-        BCC     UnknownDyn              ; [not found]
-  [ DA_Batman
-        Push    "r11"
-        LDR     r11,[r10,#DANode_Flags]
-        TST     r11,#DynAreaFlags_SparseMap
-        Pull    "r11"
-        BEQ     DAR_notsparse
-        Push    "r0,r2-r3"
-        MOV     r0,#DAReason_SparseRelease
-        LDR     r2,[r10,#DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3,[r10,#DANode_MaxSize]
-        SWI     XOS_DynamicArea            ;release all pages in sparse area
-        STRVS   r0,[SP]
-        Pull    "r0,r2-r3"
-        EXIT    VS
-        B       DAR_delink
-  ]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        Push    "r11"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        ;so final shrink won't leave resize signature
-        LDR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        ORR     lr, lr, #&80000000
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        Pull    "r11"
-  ]
-; First try to shrink area to zero size
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; area number
-        LDR     r2, [r10, #DANode_Size] ; get current size
-        RSB     r1, r2, #0              ; negate it
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        BVS     %FT80
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-; delink from sorted list
-        Push    "r7,r8,r11"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        ADR     r8, DynArea_SortedList - DANode_SortLink ;so that [r8, #DANode_SortLink] addresses list header)
-        MOV     r7, r8                      ;previous
-        LDR     r8, [r7, #DANode_SortLink]
-        TEQ     r8, #0                      ;just in case not on list, shouldn't happen
-        BEQ     DAR_sddone
-        TEQ     r8, r10
-        BNE     DAR_sdloop
-        LDR     r8, [r8, #DANode_SortLink]
-        STR     r8, [r7, #DANode_SortLink]
-        Pull    "r7,r8,r11"
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-; Now just de-link from list (r10 -> node, r11 -> prev)
-        LDR     lr, [r10, #DANode_Link] ; store our link
-        STR     lr, [r11, #DANode_Link] ; in prev link
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        ;if it is a Shrinkable area, find on Shrinkable sublist and remove it
-        Push    "r0-r2, r11"
-        LDR     r0, [r10, #DANode_Flags]
-        TST     r0, #DynAreaFlags_Shrinkable
-        BEQ     %FT06
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        ADR     r1, DynArea_ShrinkableSubList
-        LDR     r2, [r1]
-        CMP     r2, r10
-        LDREQ   r2, [r2, #DANode_SubLink]
-        STREQ   r2, [r1]
-        BEQ     %FT06
-        ADD     r1, r2, #DANode_SubLink
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #DANode_SubLink]
-        B       %BT04
-        Pull    "r0-r2, r11"
-  ]
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-  [ :LNOT: DynArea_QuickHandles
-        LDR     r2, [r10, #DANode_Title]        ; free title string block
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        MOV     r2, r10                         ; and free node block
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        Push    "r2, r3"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        MOV     r2,#-1
-        STR     r2, DynArea_CreatingHandle                ; invalidate these, just in case
-        STR     r2, DynArea_LastTreacleHandle
-        STR     r2, DynArea_LastEnumHandle
-        CMP     r1, #ChangeDyn_MaxArea
-        BLS     %FT08                                     ; system area being removed
-        LDR     r2, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     r2, DynArea_OD6PrevSignature
-        ORR     r2, r2, #2
-        STR     r2, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     r1, DynArea_OD6Handle
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas+DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BHS     %FT10
-        SUB     r2, r1, #DynArea_NewAreas-1               ; index of quick handle
-        ADR     r10, DynArea_FreeQHandles                 ; so we can index array from 1
-        LDR     r3, DynArea_FreeQHandles
-        STR     r3, [r10, r2, LSL #2]
-        STR     r2, DynArea_FreeQHandles                  ; put on front of free list
-        B       %FT10
-        ADR     r10, DynArea_SysQHandleArray
-        MOV     r2,  #0
-        STR     r2,  [r10, r1, LSL #2]                    ; reset system Qhandle
-        Pull    "r2, r3"
-  ]
-; Issue service to tell TaskManager
-        Push    "r0, r1, r2"
-        MOV     r2, r1
-        MOV     r1, #Service_DynamicAreaRemove
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        Pull    "r0, r1, r2"
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; come here if shrink failed - r0-r2 stacked
-        STR     r0, [sp]                ; overwrite stacked r0 with error pointer
-        LDR     r0, [sp, #1*4]          ; reload area number
-        LDR     r1, [r10, #DANode_Size] ; get size after failed shrink
-        SUB     r1, r2, r1              ; change needed to restore original size
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea   ; ignore any error from this
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadDynamicArea
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-;       DynArea_GetInfo - Get info on a dynamic area
-;       Internal routine called by DynamicAreaSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (2)
-;       r1 = area number
-; out:  r2 = current size of area
-;       r3 = base logical address
-;       r4 = area flags
-;       r5 = maximum size of area
-;       r6 -> area handler routine
-;       r7 = workspace pointer
-;       r8 -> title string
-;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
-;       All other registers preserved
-DynArea_GetInfo ALTENTRY
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber        ; check area exists
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber         ; check area exists
-  ]
-        BCC     UnknownDyn              ; [it doesn't]
-; r10 -> node, so get info
-        LDR     r2, [r10, #DANode_Size]
-        LDR     r3, [r10, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r4, [r10, #DANode_Flags]
-        LDR     r5, [r10, #DANode_MaxSize]
-        LDR     r6, [r10, #DANode_Handler]
-        LDR     r7, [r10, #DANode_Workspace]
-        LDR     r8, [r10, #DANode_Title]
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-;       DynArea_GetChangeInfo
-;       Get info on changes to *non-system* dynamic areas
-;       Reserved for Acorn use (intended for TaskManager, can only serve one client)
-;       Internal routine called by DynamicAreaSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (6)
-; out:  r1 = Number of affected area, if a single change has occurred since last call,
-;          = -1, if no changes or more than one change have occurred
-;       r2 = signature of changes to non-system dynamic areas since last call to
-;            OS_DynamicArea 6
-;            bit 0 = 1 if any non-system areas have been created
-;            bit 1 = 1 if any non-system areas have been removed
-;            bit 2 = 1 if any non-system areas have been resized
-;            bit 3 = 1 if any non-system areas have been renumbered
-;            bits 4-31 reserved (undefined)
-; (1) bit 2 of r2 excludes the initial grow of a created area, and the final
-;     shrink of a removed area
-; (2) if a single renumber has occurred, r1 is the old number
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-DynArea_GetChangeInfo ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        LDR     r1, DynArea_OD6Handle
-        LDR     r2, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        LDR     lr, DynArea_OD6PrevSignature
-        CMP     lr, #0
-        MOVNE   r1, #-1
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        MOVEQ   r1, #-1
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6PrevSignature
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "PC"
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-;       DynArea_EnumerateInfo
-;       Enumerate *non-system* dynamic areas, returning selected info
-;       Reserved for Acorn use (intended for TaskManager)
-; in:   r0 = reason code (7)
-;       r1 = -1 to start enumeration, or area number to continue from
-; out:  r1 = number of next area found, or -1 if no more areas
-;       r2 = current size of area, if area found
-;       r3 = base logical address, if area found
-;       r4 = area flags, if area found
-;       r5 = maximum size of area, if area found
-;       r6 -> title string, if area found
-; (1) r2-r6 on exit are undefined if r1 = -1
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-DynArea_EnumerateInfo ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        CMP     r1, #-1                         ; if starting from beginning
-        LDREQ   r10, DynArea_SortedList         ; then load pointer to 1st node on sorted list
-        BEQ     %FT10                           ; and skip
-        LDR     r10, DynArea_LastEnumHandle
-        CMP     r10, r1
-        LDREQ   r10, DynArea_LastEnumPtr        ; pick up where we left off
-        BEQ     %FT08
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber                ; else check valid area number
-        BCC     %FT14
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #DANode_SortLink]    ; find next one
-        TEQ     r10, #0                         ; if at end
-        MOVEQ   r1, #-1                         ; then return -1
-        BEQ     %FT12
-        LDR     r1, [r10, #DANode_Number]       ; else return number
-        CMP     r1, #ChangeDyn_MaxArea
-        BLS     %BT08                           ; skip if system area
-        LDR     r2, [r10, #DANode_Size]         ; return rest of info
-        LDR     r3, [r10, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r4, [r10, #DANode_Flags]
-        LDR     r5, [r10, #DANode_MaxSize]
-        LDR     r6, [r10, #DANode_Title]
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        STR     r1, DynArea_LastEnumHandle
-        STR     r10, DynArea_LastEnumPtr        ; save a lot of messing about on next call
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "PC"
-;it's a reserved call, so naff off internationalisation
-        ADR     r0,DynArea_badei
-        SETV
-        Pull    "PC"
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "bad DA number",0
-        ALIGN
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-;       DynArea_SetClamps
-;       Set clamps on max size of dynamic areas created by subsequent
-;       calls to OS_DynamicArea 0
-;   On entry
-;       R0 = 8 (reason code)
-;       R1 = limit on maximum size of (non-Sparse) areas created by
-;            OS_DynamicArea 0 with R5 = -1, or 0 to read only
-;       R2 = limit on maximum size of (non-Sparse) areas created by
-;            OS_DynamicArea 0 with R5 > 0, or 0 to read only
-;       R3 = limit on maximum size of Sparse areas created by
-;            OS_DynamicArea 0 with R4 bit 10 set, or 0 to read only
-;   On exit
-;       R1 = previous limit for OS_DynamicArea 0 with R5 = -1
-;       R2 = previous limit for OS_DynamicArea 0 with R5 > 0
-;       R3 = previous limit for OS_DynamicArea 0 with R4 bit 10 set
-;       Specifying -1 in R1 or R2 means the respective limit
-;       is the RAM limit of the machine (this is the default).
-;       Specifiying larger than the RAM limit in R1 or R2 is
-;       equivalent to specifiying -1.
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-DynArea_SetClamps ROUT
-        Push    "r9,lr"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        LDR     r10, DynArea_OD8Clamp1
-        LDR     lr,  DynArea_OD8Clamp2
-        LDR     r9,  DynArea_OD8Clamp3
-;insist on at least 1M for a clamp value (ignore anything lower)
-        CMP     r1, #&100000
-        STRHS   r1, DynArea_OD8Clamp1
-        CMP     r2, #&100000
-        STRHS   r2, DynArea_OD8Clamp2
-        CMP     r3, #&100000
-        STRHS   r3, DynArea_OD8Clamp3
-        MOV     r1, r10
-        MOV     r2, lr
-        MOV     r3, r9
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "r9,PC"
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-;       DynArea_SparseClaim
-;  Ensure region of sparse dynamic area is mapped to valid memory
-; in:   r0 = reason code (9)
-;       r1 = area number
-;       r2 = base of region to claim
-;       r3 = size of region to claim
-; out:  r0-r3 preserved (error if not all of region successfully mapped)
-;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
-; action: - round base and size to page granularity
-;         - scan the L2PT for each page covered
-;         - find contiguous fragments of 1 or more pages that are not yet mapped-in
-;         - pass each of these fragments as a psuedo DANode to OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-;           via special Batcall), to 'grow' pages into each fragment
-  [ DA_Batman
-DynArea_SparseClaim ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r9,lr"
-        MOV     r4,#1                   ; flags operation as a claim
-DynArea_SparseChange                    ; common entry point for claim and release
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber        ; check area exists
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber         ; check area exists
-  ]
-        BCC     DA_naffsparse           ; area not there
-        LDR     r9,[r10,#DANode_Flags]
-        TST     r9,#DynAreaFlags_SparseMap
-        BEQ     DA_naffsparse           ; area not sparse
-        MOV     r9,#&1000               ;page size
-        SUB     r9,r9,#1
-        ADD     r3,r3,r2                ;base+size
-        CMP     r4,#1
-        BICEQ   r2,r2,r9                ;round base down to page granularity for claim
-        ADDEQ   r3,r3,r9
-        BICEQ   r3,r3,r9                ;round base+size up to page granularity for claim
-        ADDNE   r2,r2,r9
-        BICNE   r2,r2,r9                ;round base up to page granularity for release
-        BICNE   r3,r3,r9                ;round base+size down to page granularity for release
-        SUB     r3,r3,r2                ;rounded size
-        ADD     r9,r3,r2
-        LDR     r5,[r10,#DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r6,[r10,#DANode_MaxSize]
-        ADD     r6,r6,r5
-        CMP     r2,r5
-        CMPHS   r9,r5
-        BLO     DA_naffsparse
-        CMP     r2,r6
-        CMPLS   r9,r6
-        BHI     DA_naffsparse
-        ADD     r5,r2,r3                   ;base+size of mapping
-        LDR     r6,[r10,#DANode_SparseHWM] ;high water mark = highest claim base+size seen
-        CMP     r4,#1
-        BEQ     %FT08
-        CMP     r5,r6
-        SUBHI   r3,r6,r2                   ;for release we can save work by trimming to high water mark
-        B       %FT09                      ;r3 is now trimmed size (may be <=0 for trim to nothing)
-        CMP     r5,r6
-        STRHI   r5,[r10,#DANode_SparseHWM] ;for claim remember highest base+size as high water mark
-        SUB     SP,SP,#DANode_NodeSize  ;room for temporary DANode on stack
-        MOV     r9,r10                  ;actual sparse area DANode
-        MOV     r5,SP
-        MOV     r6,#DANode_NodeSize
-        LDR     r7,[r9],#4           ;copy sparse area node to temp node
-        STR     r7,[r5],#4
-        SUBS    r6,r6,#4
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     r3,r2,r3             ;stop address
-        MOV     r5,#L2PT
-        ADD     r5,r5,r2,LSR #10     ;r5 -> L2PT for base (assumes 4k page)
-        MOV     r8,r2                ;start address
-;look for next fragment of region that needs to have mapping change
-        CMP     r8,r3
-        BHS     %FT50                ;done
-        LDR     r6,[r5],#4           ;pick-up next L2PT entry
-        CMP     r4,#0                ;if operation is a release...
-        CMPEQ   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is 0 (not mapped)...
-        ADDEQ   r8,r8,#&1000         ;...then skip page (is ok)
-        BEQ     %BT20
-        CMP     r4,#0                ;if operation is a claim (not 0)...
-        CMPNE   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is non-0 (mapped)...
-        ADDNE   r8,r8,#&1000         ;...then skip page (is ok)
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MOV     r1,#&1000            ;else we need to do a change (1 page so far)
-        ADD     r9,r8,r1
-        CMP     r9,r3
-        BHS     %FT40
-        LDR     r6,[r5],#4           ;pick-up next L2PT entry
-        CMP     r4,#1                ;if operation is a release (not 1)...
-        CMPNE   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is non-0 (mapped)...
-        ADDNE   r1,r1,#&1000         ;...then count page as needing change
-        BNE     %BT30
-        CMP     r4,#1                ;if operation is a claim...
-        CMPEQ   r6,#0                ;...and L2PT entry is 0 (not mapped)...
-        ADDEQ   r1,r1,#&1000         ;...then count page as needing change
-        BEQ     %BT30
-;set up pseudo DA and do Batcall to change mapping of fragment we have found
-        MOV     r2,SP                  ;temp DANode
-        STR     r8,[r2,#DANode_Base]
-        ADD     r8,r8,r1
-        ADD     r8,r8,#&1000           ;next address to check after fragment
-        CMP     r4,#1
-        MOVEQ   r9,#0                  ;start size of 0 for claim
-        MOVNE   r9,r1                  ;start size of fragment size for release
-        STR     r9,[r2,#DANode_Size]
-        STR     r1,[r2,#DANode_MaxSize]
-        MOV     r0,#ChangeDyn_Batcall
-        CMP     r4,#0
-        RSBEQ   r1,r1,#0               ;batshrink for release, batgrow for claim
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        CMP     r4,#0
-        RSBEQ   r1,r1,#0
-        LDR     r9,[r10,#DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r9,r9,r1
-        STR     r9,[r10,#DANode_Size]
-        BVC     %BT20
-        ADD     SP,SP,#DANode_NodeSize   ;drop temp DANode
-        BVS     %FT52
-        BL      DA_sparse_serviceandsig
-        Pull    "r0-r9,PC"
-        BL      DA_sparse_serviceandsig
-        SETV
-        STR     r0,[SP]
-        Pull    "r0-r9,PC"
-        ADR     r0,DA_naffsparseinnit
-        SETV
-        STR     r0,[SP]
-        Pull    "r0-r9,PC"
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "invalid OS_DynamicArea sparse claim/release",0
-        ALIGN
-DA_sparse_serviceandsig ROUT
-        Push    "r0,LR"
-        LDR     r1,[r10,#DANode_Number]
-   [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11,#0
-        LDR     r11,[r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        LDR     r5,DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     r5,DynArea_OD6PrevSignature
-        ORR     r5,r5,#4                     ;signal a resize
-        STR     r5,DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     r1,DynArea_OD6Handle
-   ]
-        MOV     r2,r1                    ;area number
-        MOV     r0,#0                    ;nominal 'grow/shrink' of 0 for service call
-        MOV     r1,#Service_MemoryMoved
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        Pull    "r0,PC"
-  ] ;DA_Batman
-;       DynArea_SparseRelease
-;  Allow region of sparse dynamic area to release memory to free pool
-; in:   r0 = reason code (10)
-;       r1 = area number
-;       r2 = base of region to release
-;       r3 = size of region to release
-; out:  r0-r3 preserved (error if not all of region successfully released)
-;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
-; action: - similar to DynArea_SparseClaim, but does 'shrinks' on fragments
-;           that are mapped in
-  [ DA_Batman
-DynArea_SparseRelease ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r9,lr"
-        MOV     r4,#0                   ; flags operation as a release
-        B       DynArea_SparseChange    ; jump to common code
-  ] ;DA_Batman
-;       DynArea_Enumerate - Enumerate dynamic areas
-;       Internal routine called by DynamicAreaSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (3)
-;       r1 = -1 to start enumeration, or area number to continue from
-; out:  r1 = next area number or -1 if no next
-;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
-;       All other registers preserved
-DynArea_Enumerate ALTENTRY
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-  ]
-        CMP     r1, #-1                         ; if starting from beginning
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        LDREQ   r10, DynArea_SortedList         ; then load pointer to 1st node on sorted list
-  |
-        LDREQ   r10, [r1, #DAList+1]            ; then load pointer to 1st node
-  ]
-        BEQ     %FT10                           ; and skip
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        LDR     r10, DynArea_LastEnumHandle
-        CMP     r10, r1
-        LDREQ   r10, DynArea_LastEnumPtr        ; pick up where we left off
-        BEQ     %FT08
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber                ; else check valid area number
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber                 ; else check valid area number
-  ]
-        BCC     UnknownDyn                      ; complain if passed in duff area number
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #DANode_SortLink]    ; find next one
-  |
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #DANode_Link]        ; find next one
-  ]
-        TEQ     r10, #0                         ; if at end
-        MOVEQ   r1, #-1                         ; then return -1
-        BEQ     %FT12
-        LDR     r1, [r10, #DANode_Number]       ; else return number
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        STR     r1, DynArea_LastEnumHandle
-        STR     r10, DynArea_LastEnumPtr        ; save a lot of messing about on next call
-  ]
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-;       DynArea_Renumber - Renumber dynamic area
-;       Internal routine called by DynamicAreaSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (4)
-;       r1 = old area number
-;       r2 = new area number
-DynArea_Renumber ALTENTRY
-        CMP     r1, #ChangeDyn_MaxArea
-        BLS     %FT92                           ; can't renumber a system area
-        CMP     r1, #ChangeDyn_MaxArea
-        BLS     %FT92
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas+DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BLO     %FT92                           ; can't renumber a quick handle
-        CMP     r2, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        BLO     %FT12
-        CMP     r2, #DynArea_NewAreas+DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BLO     %FT92                           ; can't choose your own quick handle
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber                 ; check valid area number
-  ]
-        BCC     UnknownDyn                      ; [it's not]
-        Push    "r1"
-        MOV     r12, r10                        ; save pointer to node
-        MOV     r1, r2
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber                ; check area r2 doesn't already exist
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber                 ; check area r2 doesn't already exist
-  ]
-        Pull    "r1"
-        BCS     %FT90                           ; [area r2 already exists]
-        STR     r2, [r12, #DANode_Number]
-; Now issue service to tell TaskManager
-        Push    "r1-r3"
-        MOV     r3, r2                          ; new number
-        MOV     r2, r1                          ; old number
-        MOV     r1, #Service_DynamicAreaRenumber
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        Pull    "r1-r3"
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0                         ; we know system areas cannot be renumbered
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        MOV     r10, #-1
-        STR     r10, DynArea_CreatingHandle     ; invalidate these, just in case
-        STR     r10, DynArea_LastTreacleHandle
-        STR     r10, DynArea_LastEnumHandle
-        LDR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6PrevSignature
-        ORR     lr, lr, #8
-        STR     lr, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        STR     r1, DynArea_OD6Handle
-  ]
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_AreaAlreadyExists
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-;if you think this is worth internationalising, I pity you
-        ADR     r0, DynArea_NaughtyRenum
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "illegal DA renumber",0
-        ALIGN
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-;       DynArea_ReturnFree - Return total free space, including shrinkables
-;       Internal routine called by DynamicAreaSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (5)
-;       r1 = area number to exclude, or -1 to include all shrinkable areas
-; out:  r2 = total amount of free memory
-DynArea_ReturnFree ALTENTRY
-        CMP     r1, #-1                         ; if no excluded area,
-        MOVEQ   r10, r1                         ; then point r10 nowhere
-        BEQ     %FT10
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber                ; else check area number is valid
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber                 ; else check area number is valid
-  ]
-        BCC     UnknownDyn                      ; [unknown area]
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #FreePoolDANode + DANode_Size] ; start with current size of free pool
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        ;traverse the Shrinkable sublist
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        LDR     r11, DynArea_ShrinkableSubList
-        B       %FT21
-  |
-        MOV     r11, #DAList
-  ]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DANode_SubLink]     ; load next area on sublist
-  |
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DANode_Link]        ; load next area
-  ]
-        TEQ     r11, #0                         ; if end of list
-        EXIT    EQ                              ; then exit, with r2 = correct value
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        TEQ     r11, r10                        ; must not be the excluded area
-  |
-        LDR     lr, [r11, #DANode_Flags]        ; load area flags
-        TST     lr, #DynAreaFlags_Shrinkable    ; must be shrinkable
-        TEQNE   r11, r10                        ; and not excluded area
-  ]
-        BEQ     %BT20                           ; [don't try this one]
-        Push    r3
-        BL      CallTestShrink
-        ADD     r2, r2, r3                      ; add on amount if any
-        Pull    r3
-        B       %BT20                           ; then go back for more
- ]
-;       CheckAreaNumber - Try to find area with number r1
-;       Internal routine called by DynArea_Create
-; in:   r1 = area number to match
-; out:  If match, then
-;         C=1, r10 -> node, r11 -> previous node
-;       else
-;         C=0, r10,r11 corrupted
-;       endif
-CheckAreaNumber Entry
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-  ]
-        MOV     r10, #DAList
-        ASSERT  DANode_Link = 0                 ; because DAList has only link
-        MOV     r11, r10                        ; save prev
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #DANode_Link]        ; and load next
-        CMP     r10, #1                         ; any more nodes?
-        EXIT    CC                              ; no, then no match
-        LDR     lr, [r10, #DANode_Number]       ; get number
-        CMP     lr, r1                          ; does number match
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; no, try next
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        Push    "r11"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        STR     r1,  DynArea_LastTreacleHandle
-        STR     r10, DynArea_LastTreaclePtr
-        Pull    "r11"
-  ]
-        EXIT                                    ; (C=1 from CMP lr,r1)
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-; QCheckAreaNumber - similar to CheckAreaNumber, but blisteringly quick for system or for quick
-;                    numbers. However, DOES NOT return previous node in r11.
-QCheckAreaNumber ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        CMP     r1, #-1
-        BEQ     QCheckAreaNumber_nonQ           ;just to protect against -1 as a proposed number
-        LDR     lr, DynArea_LastTreacleHandle
-        CMP     lr, r1
-        LDREQ   r10, DynArea_LastTreaclePtr
-        EXIT    EQ                              ;found node is slow one we handled last time (carry set)
-        LDR     lr, DynArea_CreatingHandle
-        CMP     lr, r1
-        LDREQ   r10, DynArea_CreatingPtr
-        EXIT    EQ                              ;found node is one we're creating (carry set)
-        CMP     r1, #ChangeDyn_MaxArea
-        BLS     %FT10
-        CMP     r1,#DynArea_NewAreas
-        BLO     QCheckAreaNumber_nonQ
-        SUB     lr, r1, #DynArea_NewAreas
-        CMP     lr, #DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BHS     QCheckAreaNumber_nonQ
-;quick handle
-        ADR     r10, DynArea_QHandleArray
-        LDR     r10, [r10, lr, LSL #2]
-        CMP     r10, #DynArea_NumQHandles
-        MOVLS   r10, #0                         ;not a valid pointer
-        CMP     r10, #1
-        Pull    "pc"                            ;handle free, carry clear
-                                                ;or word is ptr to node, carry set
-;system handle
-        ADR     r10, DynArea_SysQHandleArray
-        LDR     r10, [r10, r1, LSL #2]
-        CMP     r10, #1
-        Pull    "pc"                            ;DA does not exist, carry clear
-                                                ;or word is ptr to node, carry set
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-;       CheckForOverlappingAreas - Check that given area does not overlap any existing ones
-;       Internal routine called by DynArea_Create
-; in:   r3 = base address
-;       r4 = area flags (NB if doubly mapped, then have to check both halves for overlap)
-;       r5 = size (of each half in doubly mapped areas)
-; out:  If this area overlaps with an existing one, then
-;         r0 -> error
-;         V=1
-;       else
-;         r0 preserved
-;         V=0
-;       endif
-CheckForOverlappingAreas Entry "r0-r5"
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped          ; check if doubly mapped
-        BEQ     %FT05                                   ; [not, so don't mangle]
-        SUBS    r3, r3, r5                              ; move start address back
-        BCC     %FT20                                   ; oh dear! - it went back to below 0
-        MOVS    r5, r5, LSL #1                          ; and double size
-        BCS     %FT20                                   ; if that wrapped then that's bad, too
-        ADDS    r5, r5, r3                              ; r5 -> end +1
-        BHI     %FT20                                   ; if CS, indicating wrap, and not EQ (ie just ending at 0), then bad
-  [ HAL
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     r0, [lr, #IOAllocPtr]
-        CMP     r5, r0                                  ; end must be below I/O space (allocated down from high memory)
-        BHI     %FT20
-  ]
-; check against list of fixed areas
-        ADR     lr, FixedAreasTable
-        LDMIA   lr!, {r0, r1}                           ; r0 = start addr, r1 = size
-        CMP     r0, #-1                                 ; if at end of list
-        BEQ     %FT30                                   ; then OK wrt fixed areas
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0                              ; r1 = end addr+1
-        CMP     r5, r0                                  ; if end of our area is <= start of fixed, then OK wrt fixed areas
-        BLS     %FT30
-        CMP     r3, r1                                  ; if start of our area is >= end of fixed, then go onto next area
-        BCS     %BT10
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_OverlappingAreas
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-; Now, check against DAList
-        MOV     lr, #DAList
-        ASSERT  DANode_Link = 0
-        LDR     lr, [lr, #DANode_Link]
-        CMP     lr, #0                                  ; if got to end of list (V=0)
-        BEQ     %FT50                                   ; then exit saying OK
-        LDR     r0, [lr, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r1, [lr, #DANode_Flags]
-        TST     r1, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped
-        LDR     r1, [lr, #DANode_MaxSize]
-        SUBNE   r0, r0, r1                              ; if doubly mapped then move back
-        MOVNE   r1, r1, LSL #1                          ; and double size
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0                              ; r1 -> end
-        CMP     r5, r0                                  ; if end of our area is <= start of dyn, then OK wrt dyn areas)
-        BLS     %FT50
-        CMP     r3, r1                                  ; if start of our area is >= end of dyn, then go onto next area
-        BCS     %BT40
-        B       %BT20                                   ; else it overlaps
-        CLRV                                            ; OK exit
-        EXIT
-FixedAreasTable                                         ; table of fixed areas (address, size)
- [ HAL
-        &       0,                      AplWorkMaxSize  ; application space
- [ CursorChunkAddress < IO
-        &       CursorChunkAddress,     64*1024                 ; 32K for cursor, 32K for "nowhere"
- ]
- [ ROM < IO
- [ OSROM_ImageSize > 8192
-        &       &03800000,              OSROM_ImageSize*1024   ; ROM
- |
-        &       &03800000,              8*1024*1024            ; ROM
- ]
- ]
-        &       IO,                     &FFFFFFFF-IO    ; Kernel workspace (code will also check dynamic value IOAllocPtr)
- |
-        &       0,                      AplWorkMaxSize  ; application space
-        &       UndStackSoftCamChunk,   1024*1024               ; undefined stack / soft cam map
-        &       CursorChunkAddress,     1504*1024               ; cursor, Nowhere, cache cleaners, reserved (up to kernel buffers)
-        &       L2PT,                   4*1024*1024             ; L2PT (and L1PT)
- [ OSROM_ImageSize > 8192
-        &       &03000000,              8*1024*1024+OSROM_ImageSize*1024    ; I/O + ROM
- |
-        &       &03000000,              16*1024*1024            ; I/O + ROM
- ]
-        &       PhysSpace,              512*1024*1024   ; PhysSpace
- [ No26bitCode
-        &       AbtStack,               AbtStackSize
- ]
- [ ShadowROM
-        &       &FF800000,              &007FFFFF       ; Shadow ROM (length has been bodged to avoid wrap problems)
- ]
- ] ; HAL
-        &       -1,                     0               ; termination
-;       AllocateAreaAddress - Find an area of logical space to use for this area
-;       Internal routine called by DynArea_Create
-; in:   r4 = area flags (NB if doubly mapped, we have to find space for both halves)
-;       r5 = size (of each half in doubly mapped areas)
-; out:  If successfully found an address, then
-;         r0 preserved
-;         r3 = logical address
-;         V=0
-;       else
-;         r0 -> error
-;         r3 preserved
-;         V=1
-;       endif
-AllocateAreaAddress Entry "r0-r2,r4-r7"
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped          ; check if doubly mapped
-        BEQ     %FT05                                   ; [not, so don't mangle]
-        MOVS    r5, r5, LSL #1                          ; double size
-        BCS     %FT90                                   ; if that wrapped then that's bad
-        LDR     r3, =DynArea_NewAreasBase               ; r3 is our current attempt
-        ADR     r0, FixedAreasTable                     ; r0 is ptr into fixed areas table
-        MOV     r1, #DAList                             ; r1 is ptr into dyn areas list
-        ADDS    r7, r3, r5                              ; r7 is our end+1
-        BHI     %FT90                                   ; if we wrapped (but not end+1=0) then we failed
-  [ HAL
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     r2, [lr, #IOAllocPtr]
-        CMP     r7, r2
-        BHI     %FT90                                   ; if we walked into IOspace (assumed higher than any DA space) then we failed
-  ]
-        BL      GetNextRange                            ; get next range from either list (r2=start, r6=end+1)
-        CMP     r7, r2                                  ; if end(ours) <= start(next) then this is OK
-        BLS     %FT80                                   ; (note this also works when r2=-1)
-        CMP     r3, r6                                  ; else if start(ours) >= end(next)
-        BCS     %BT15                                   ; then get another
-        MOV     r3, r6                                  ; else make start(ours) := end(next)
-        B       %BT10                                   ; and go back for another try
-; we've succeeded - just apply unbodge for doubly-mapped areas
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped          ; if doubly mapped
-        MOVNE   r5, r5, LSR #1                          ; halve size again
-        ADDNE   r3, r3, r5                              ; and advance base address to middle
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_CantAllocateArea
-  [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-  ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT                                    ; say we can't do it
-;       GetNextRange - Get next lowest range from either fixed or dynamic list
-;       Internal routine called by AllocateAreaAddress
-; in:   r0 -> next entry in fixed list
-;       r1!0 -> next entry in dyn list
-; out:  r2 = next lowest area base (-1 if none)
-;       r6 = end of that range (undefined if none)
-;       Either r0 or r1 updated to next one (except when r2=-1 on exit)
-GetNextRange Entry "r7,r8"
-        LDMIA   r0, {r2, r6}                            ; load start, size from fixed list
-        ADD     r6, r6, r2                              ; r6 = end+1
-        ASSERT  DANode_Link = 0
-        LDR     r7, [r1, #DANode_Link]                  ; get next from dyn
-        TEQ     r7, #0                                  ; if none
-        MOVEQ   r8, #-1                                 ; then use addr -1
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        LDR     r8, [r7, #DANode_Flags]                 ; more double trouble
-        TST     r8, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped
-        LDR     r8, [r7, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     lr, [r7, #DANode_MaxSize]
-        SUBNE   r8, r8, lr
-        MOVNE   lr, lr, LSL #1
-        ADD     lr, lr, r8                              ; now r8 = start addr, lr = end+1
-        CMP     r8, r2                                  ; if dyn one is earlier
-        MOVCC   r2, r8                                  ; then use dyn start
-        MOVCC   r6, lr                                  ; and end
-        MOVCC   r1, r7                                  ; and advance dyn ptr
-        EXIT    CC                                      ; then exit
-        CMP     r2, #-1                                 ; else if not at end of fixed
-        ADDNE   r0, r0, #8                              ; then advance fixed ptr
-        EXIT
-;       AllocateBackingLevel2 - Allocate L2 pages for an area
-;       Internal routine called by DynArea_Create
-; in:   r3 = base address (will be page aligned)
-;       r4 = area flags (NB if doubly mapped, then have to allocate for both halves)
-;       r5 = size (of each half in doubly mapped areas)
-; out:  If successfully allocated pages, then
-;         All registers preserved
-;         V=0
-;       else
-;         r0 -> error
-;         V=1
-;       endif
-AllocateBackingLevel2 Entry "r0-r8,r11"
-        TST     r4, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped          ; if doubly mapped
-        SUBNE   r3, r3, r5                              ; then area starts further back
-        MOVNE   r5, r5, LSL #1                          ; and is twice the size
-; NB no need to do sanity checks on addresses here, they've already been checked
-; now round address range to 4M boundaries
-        ADD     r5, r5, r3                              ; r5 -> end
-        MOV     r0, #1 :SHL: 22
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-        BIC     r8, r3, r0                              ; round start address down (+ save for later)
-        ADD     r5, r5, r0
-        BIC     r5, r5, r0                              ; but round end address up
-; first go through existing L2PT working out how much we need
-        LDR     r7, =L2PT
-        ADD     r3, r7, r8, LSR #10                     ; r3 -> start of L2PT for area
-        ADD     r5, r7, r5, LSR #10                     ; r5 -> end of L2PT for area +1
-        ADD     r1, r7, r3, LSR #10                     ; r1 -> L2PT for r3
-        ADD     r2, r7, r5, LSR #10                     ; r2 -> L2PT for r5
-        TEQ     r1, r2                                  ; if no pages needed
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        MOV     r4, #0                                  ; number of backing pages needed
-        LDR     r6, [r1], #4                            ; get L2PT entry for L2PT
-        TST     r6, #3                                  ; EQ if translation fault
-        ADDEQ   r4, r4, #1                              ; if not there then 1 more page needed
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        BNE     %BT10
-; if no pages needed, then exit
-        TEQ     r4, #0
-        BEQ     %FT30
-; now we need to claim r4 pages from the free pool, if possible; return error if not
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r6, [r1, #FreePoolDANode + DANode_Size]
-        SUBS    r6, r6, r4, LSL #12                     ; reduce free pool size by that many pages
-        BCS     %FT14                                   ; if enough, skip next bit
-; not enough pages in free pool currently, so try to grow it by the required amount
-        Push    "r0, r1"
-        MOV     r0, #ChangeDyn_FreePool
-        RSB     r1, r6, #0                              ; size change we want (+ve)
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        Pull    "r0, r1"
-        BVS     %FT90                                   ; didn't manage change, so report error
-        MOV     r6, #0                                  ; will be no pages left in free pool after this
-        STR     r6, [r1, #FreePoolDANode + DANode_Size] ; if possible then update size
-; after that we need to zero all these pages out (=> cause translation fault for area initially)
-        LDR     r0, [r1, #FreePoolDANode + DANode_Base] ; r0 -> base of free pool
-        ADD     r0, r0, r6                              ; r0 -> first byte we're taking out of free pool
-        ADD     r6, r0, r4, LSL #12                     ; r6 -> byte after last in free pool
-        Push    r8                                      ; save original logical address
-        MOV     r8, #0                                  ; 0 => translation fault (note r1 already zero)
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        STMIA   r0!, {r1,r8,r11,lr}                     ; store data
-        TEQ     r0, r6
-        BNE     %BT15
-        Pull    r8
-; now r0 -> after end of free pool (log addr)
-        LDR     lr, =L1PT
-        ADD     r8, lr, r8, LSR #18                     ; point r8 at start of L1 we may be updating
-        ADD     r1, r7, r3, LSR #10                     ; point r1 at L2PT for r3 again
-        MOV     r11, #AP_L2PT                           ; access privs (+CB bits)
-        LDR     r6, [r1], #4                            ; get L2PT entry again
-        TST     r6, #3                                  ; if no fault
-        BNE     %FT25                                   ; then skip
-        SUB     r0, r0, #4096                           ; move free pointer back
-        Push    "r2,r4,r5"
-        BL      MoveCAMatR0toR3                         ; else move page from end of free pool to r3
-        Pull    "r2,r4,r5"
-        MOV     lr, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     r6, [lr, #L2PTUsed]
-        ADD     r6, r6, #4096
-        STR     r6, [lr, #L2PTUsed]
-; now update 4 words in L1PT (corresponding to 4M of address space which is covered by the 4K of L2)
-; and point them at the physical page we've just allocated (r1!-4 will already hold physical address+bits now!)
-        LDR     r6, [r1, #-4]                           ; r6 = physical address for L2 page + other L2 bits
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSR #12                         ; r6 = phys.addr >> 12
- [ ECC
-        LDR     lr, =L1_Page + L1_U + L1_P              ; form other bits to put in L1
- |
-        LDR     lr, =L1_Page + L1_U                     ; form other bits to put in L1
- ]
-        ORR     lr, lr, r6, LSL #12                     ; complete L1 entry
-        STR     lr, [r8, #0]                            ; store entry for 1st MB
-        ADD     lr, lr, #1024                           ; advance L2 pointer
-        STR     lr, [r8, #4]                            ; store entry for 2nd MB
-        ADD     lr, lr, #1024                           ; advance L2 pointer
-        STR     lr, [r8, #8]                            ; store entry for 3rd MB
-        ADD     lr, lr, #1024                           ; advance L2 pointer
-        STR     lr, [r8, #12]                           ; store entry for 4th MB
-        ;;;ARM_flush_TLB r6                junk TLB(s) shouldn't be needed, would have to be ARMop now
-        ADD     r3, r3, #4096                           ; advance L2PT logical address
-        ADD     r8, r8, #16                             ; move onto L1 for next 4M
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        BNE     %BT20
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; Come here if not enough space in free pool to allocate level2
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_CantAllocateLevel2
-  [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-  ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-; CreateChocolateBlockArray
-; entry: r2 = No. of blocks to be created in array (N)
-;        r3 = size of each block in bytes (S, must be multiple of 4)
-; exit:
-;        r2 = address of chocolate block array (parent SysHeap block address)
-;        array is initialised to all blocks free
-;   OR   V set, r0=error pointer, if error (from OS_Heap)
-; - A Chocolate block array is only suitable for blocks of single fixed size.
-;   These blocks may be allocated and freed in any order, but never resized.
-; - Allocating and freeing blocks from a Chocolate block array is much faster
-;   than OS_Heap, and the cost of operations is independent of N.
-; - A Chocolate block array is a single block in the SysHeap, and looks like this
-;   (excluding the internal structure of OS_Heap blocks):
-;  - array header (3 words):
-;    - word 0  =  total no. of blocks in array (N)
-;    - word 1  =  size of each block container (S+4)
-;    - word 2  -> first free block container in array, or 0 if none free
-;  - followed immediately by N block containers, each of form:
-;    - container header (1 word):
-;      - word 0 :  bits  0..30 = container id (C)
-;                                C = (S+4)*I, where I is array index, 0..N-1
-;                  bit  31     = 1 if block is free, 0 if block is in use
-;    - followed immediately by the S/4 words of the block itself
-;      - if the block is in use, these words are as defined by the client
-;      - if the block is free, the first word is a pointer to the next free
-;        block container (or 0 if end of free list), and the other words
-;        are undefined
-; - A Chocolate block array requires a SysHeap block of 3*4 + N*(S + 4) bytes
-CreateChocolateBlockArray ROUT
-        Push    "r0,r1,r3,r4,r5,lr"
-        MOV     r5,r2                ;N
-        ADD     r4,r3,#4             ;S+4
-        MUL     r3,r5,r4
-        ADD     r3,r3,#3*4
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        STRVS   r0,[SP]
-        BVS     %FT50
-        STR     r5,[r2]
-        STR     r4,[r2,#4]
-        ADD     r1,r2,#3*4
-        STR     r1,[r2,#8]
-        MOV     lr,r5
-        ADD     r0,r2,#3*4
-        MOV     r1,#&80000000        ;free flag
-        STR     r1,[r0]
-        ADD     r3,r0,r4
-        STR     r3,[r0,#4]
-        ADD     r1,r1,r4
-        SUBS    lr,lr,#1
-        MOVNE   r0,r3
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     r1,#0
-        STR     r1,[r0,#4]           ;end of free list
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3,r4,r5,pc"
-; ClaimChocolateBlock
-; entry: r3 = address of parent ChocolateBlockArray (must be valid)
-; exit:  r2 = address of allocated block
-;        r3 = size of block
-;  OR    V set, R0=error (no free blocks)
-ClaimChocolateBlock ROUT
-        Push    "r1,r4,lr"
-        MRS     r4,CPSR
-        ORR     r1,r4,#I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c,r1         ;protect critical manipulation from interrupt re-entry
-        LDR     r2,[r3,#8]        ;pick up block container at front of free list
-        CMP     r2,#0
-        BEQ     ClaimChocolateBlock_NoneFree
-        LDR     r1,[r2]
-        BIC     r1,r1,#&80000000  ;clear the free flag
-        STR     r1,[r2]
-        LDR     r1,[r2,#4]        ;next free block container
-        STR     r1,[r3,#8]        ;put it at front
-        ADD     r2,r2,#4          ;address of block
-        LDR     r3,[r3,#4]
-        SUB     r3,r3,#4          ;size of block
-        BIC     r4,r4,#V_bit      ;return with V clear
-        MSR     CPSR_cf,r4        ;restore IRQ state
-        Pull    "r1,r4,pc"
-;DON'T even think about internationalisation - this exit route must be fast
-        ADR     R0,ChocolateBlock_NFError
-        ORR     r4,r4,#V_bit      ;return with V set
-        MSR     CPSR_cf,r4        ;restore IRQ state
-        Pull    "r1,r4,pc"
-; FreeChocolateBlock
-; entry: r1 = address of parent ChocolateBlockArray (must be valid)
-;        r2 = address of block to free (may be invalid)
-; exit:  -
-;   OR   V set, R0=error (not a ChocolateBlock), r1,r2 still preserved
-FreeChocolateBlock ROUT
-        Push    "r2,r3,r4,lr"
-        MRS     r4,CPSR
-        ORR     r3,r4,#I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c,r3         ;protect critical manipulation from interrupt re-entry
-        ADD     r3,r1,#12         ;r3 -> first block container
-        SUB     r2,r2,#4          ;r2 -> container for block (if valid)
-        CMP     r2,r3
-        BLO     FreeChocolateBlock_NaffOff
-        LDR     lr,[r1,#-4]       ;OS_Heap's size word (naughty!)
-        ADD     lr,lr,r1
-        CMP     r2,lr
-        BHS     FreeChocolateBlock_NaffOff
-        LDR     lr,[r2]           ;block container id
-        TST     lr,#&80000000     ;free flag
-        BNE     FreeChocolateBlock_NaffOff
-        ADD     lr,lr,r3          ;lr := address of block container, from container id
-        CMP     lr,r2
-        BNE     FreeChocolateBlock_NaffOff
-;we now believe caller is freeing a valid block, currently in use
-        LDR     lr,[r2]
-        ORR     lr,lr,#&80000000
-        STR     lr,[r2]           ;set free flag in container id
-        LDR     lr,[r1,#8]        ;current front of free list
-        STR     lr,[r2,#4]        ;chain free list to block container we are freeing
-        STR     r2,[r1,#8]        ;put freed block container at front
-        BIC     r4,r4,#V_bit      ;return with V clear
-        MSR     CPSR_cf,r4        ;restore IRQ state
-        Pull    "r2,r3,r4,pc"
-;DON'T even think about internationalisation - this exit route must be fast
-        ADR     R0,ChocolateBlock_NOError
-        ORR     r4,r4,#V_bit      ;return with V set
-        MSR     CPSR_cf,r4        ;restore IRQ state
-        Pull    "r2,r3,r4,pc"
-;forget internationalisation - if these errors aren't dealt with silently,
-;                              the kernel's stuffed anyway
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "Chocolate SysHeap claim failed",0
-        ALIGN
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "not a Chocolate SysHeap block",0
-        ALIGN
-  ] ;ChocolateSysHeap
-;       InitDynamicAreas - Initialise nodes for dynamic areas
-;       It only initialises free pool, appspace and sysheap nodes
-;       The other areas are created properly, after the screen area has been created (improperly)
-; in:   -
-; out:  -
-InitDynamicAreas Entry "r0-r8,r11,r12"
-        MOV     lr, #AppSpaceDANode
-        ADR     r0, InitAppSpaceTable
-        LDMIA   r0, {r0-r8}
-        STMIA   lr, {r0-r8}
-        MOV     lr, #FreePoolDANode
-        ADR     r0, InitFreePoolTable
-        LDMIA   r0, {r0-r8}                     ; copy initial data into node
-        LDR     r5, [lr, #RAMLIMIT-FreePoolDANode] ; max size is RAMLIMIT
-        STMIA   lr, {r0-r8}
-; We have to move all free pages (ie ones not occupied by the static pages) into the free pool
-; The lowest numbered physical pages must be put in last, so that when ReadCMOSAndConfigure is
-; called to put in the screen, it will get the pages starting at 0 (when the screen is created
-; as a dynamic area, this limitation can be removed).
-; The free pages consist of two chunks of pages, each of which having consecutive physical page
-; numbers. We start at MaxCamEntry and move back until we hit the end of the statics (which are
-; at the start of the 1st non-video-RAM chunk). We then separately do the video RAM.
- [ HAL
-        MOV     r11, r3                         ; r11 = PPL (inc CB) for free pool
-        MOV     r6, r2                          ; r6 = base address of free pool, ie where to put stuff
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; r5 = amount of memory in free pool so far (and ptr to 0)
-        LDR     r0, [r5, #InitUsedStart]
-        ADD     r0, r0, #DRAMOffset_FirstFixed - DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        BL      PhysAddrToPageNo
-        MOV     r7, r0                          ; r7 = page number of start of static chunk
-        LDR     r0, [r5, #InitUsedEnd]
-        BL      PhysAddrToPageNo
-        MOV     r8, r0                          ; r8 = page number of 1st page in 1st chunk not used for statics
-        LDR     r2, [r5, #MaxCamEntry]          ; r2 = 1st page to put in free pool
-        MOV     r3, r6                          ; r3 = base address of free pool, ie where to put stuff
-        SUB     lr, r8, r7
-        SUB     lr, r2, lr
-        ADD     r3, r3, lr, LSL #12             ; r3 = end address of free pool
-        ! 0, "Sort out static check in InitDynamicAreas"
-        CMP     r2, r8                          ; are we into statics already
-        SUBCC   r2, r7, #1                      ; if so, then move to last page of video RAM
-        MOVCC   r8, #0                          ; and move barrier so we never hit it again
-        BL      BangCamUpdate
-        SUB     r3, r3, #4096                   ; advance logical address
-        ADD     r5, r5, #4096
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1                      ; decrement page number
-        BCS     %BT10                           ; if we haven't gone negative, then loop
- |
-        MOV     r11, r3                         ; r11 = PPL (inc CB) for free pool
-        MOV     r3, r2                          ; r3 = base address of free pool, ie where to put stuff
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; r5 = amount of memory in free pool so far (and ptr to 0)
-        LDR     r2, [r5, #MaxCamEntry]          ; r2 = 1st page to put in free pool
-        LDR     r7, [r5, #VideoSize]            ; r7 = size of video RAM
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSR #12                 ; r7 = page number of start of static chunk
-        ASSERT  SoftCamMapSize = L2PTSize +4
-        MOV     r0, #L2PTSize
-        LDMIA   r0, {r0, r8}                    ; r0 = L2PTSize, r8 = SoftCamMapSize
-        ADD     r8, r8, r0                      ; add sizes together
-        ADD     r8, r8, #StaticPagesSize + UndStackSize ; + number of bytes used for other static bits
-        ADD     r8, r7, r8, LSR #12             ; r8 = page number of 1st page in 1st chunk not used for statics
-        CMP     r2, r8                          ; are we into statics already
-        SUBCC   r2, r7, #1                      ; if so, then move to last page of video RAM
-        MOVCC   r8, #0                          ; and move barrier so we never hit it again
-        BL      BangCamUpdate
-        ADD     r3, r3, #4096                   ; advance logical address
-        ADD     r5, r5, #4096
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1                      ; decrement page number
-        BCS     %BT10                           ; if we haven't gone negative, then loop
- ]
-        MOV     lr, #FreePoolDANode             ; may be used below to update DAList head ptr
-        STR     r5, [lr, #DANode_Size]          ; update size of free pool in node
-; Now initialise the system heap by hand, so we can start creating dynamic areas
-        LDR     r0, =SysHeapStart
-        LDR     r1, =magic_heap_descriptor
-        MOV     r2, #Nil
-        MOV     r3, #hpdsize
-        MOV     r4, #32*1024 - (SysHeapStart-SysHeapChunkAddress)
-        STMIA   r0, {r1-r4}
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; initialise module list to empty
-        STR     r0, [r0, #Module_List]
-        MOV     lr, #SysHeapDANode              ; initialise system heap node
-        ADR     r0, InitSysHeapTable
-        LDMIA   r0, {r0-r8}
-        STMIA   lr, {r0-r8}
-        MOV     r0, #0
- [ FreePoolAddress < SysHeapStart
-        MOV     lr, #FreePoolDANode             ; cf comments above/below - what was old code? KJB
- ]
-        STR     lr, [r0, #DAList]               ; store pointer to 1st node on list (either free pool or sys heap)
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateCBBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays +  0
-        ASSERT  ChocolateSVBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays +  4
-        ASSERT  ChocolateTKBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays +  8
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMRBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 12
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMABlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 16
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMSBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 20
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        MOV     r2,#MaxChocolateCBBlocks
-        MOV     r3,#3*4
-        BL      CreateChocolateBlockArray       ; better not fail
-        STR     r2,[r1,#0]
-        MOV     r2,#MaxChocolateSVBlocks
-        MOV     r3,#VecNodeSize
-        BL      CreateChocolateBlockArray       ; better not fail
-        STR     r2,[r1,#4]
-        MOV     r2,#MaxChocolateTKBlocks
-        MOV     r3,#TickNodeSize
-        BL      CreateChocolateBlockArray       ; better not fail
-        STR     r2,[r1,#8]
-        MOV     r2,#MaxChocolateMRBlocks
-        MOV     r3,#ROMModule_NodeSize
-        BL      CreateChocolateBlockArray       ; better not fail
-        STR     r2,[r1,#12]
-        MOV     r2,#MaxChocolateMABlocks
-        MOV     r3,#ModInfo + Incarnation_Postfix + 8
-        BL      CreateChocolateBlockArray       ; better not fail
-        STR     r2,[r1,#16]
-        MOV     r2,#MaxChocolateMSBlocks
-        MOV     r3,#ModSWINode_Size
-        BL      CreateChocolateBlockArray       ; better not fail
-        STR     r2,[r1,#20]
-  ]
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-        MOV     r3,#4*(Oscli_MHashValMask+1)
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode                ; better not fail
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        STR     r0,[r0,#Oscli_CmdHashSum]
-        STR     r2,[r0,#Oscli_CmdHashLists]
-        MOV     r3,#Oscli_MHashValMask+1
-        STR     r0,[r2],#4
-        SUBS    r3,r3,#1
-        BNE     DynArea_OHinit_loop
-  ]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        LDR     r3, =DynArea_ws_size
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode                    ; should not give error - kernel boot
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r2, [r0, #DynArea_ws]
-        MOV     r11, r2
-        LDR     r3, =DynArea_ws_size
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2
-        STR     r0, [r2], #4
-        CMP     r2, r3
-        BLO     DynArea_QHinit_loop1
-        MOV     r1, #-1
-        STR     r1, DynArea_CreatingHandle
-        STR     r1, DynArea_LastTreacleHandle
-        STR     r1, DynArea_LastEnumHandle
-        STR     r1, DynArea_OD8Clamp1
-        STR     r1, DynArea_OD8Clamp2
-        MOV     r1, #&1000
-        RSB     r1, r1, #0
-        STR     r1, DynArea_OD8Clamp3               ; 4G - 4k
-        ADR     r1, DynArea_QHandleArray            ; init all Qhandles as free, free list = 1..DynArea_NumQHandles
-        MOV     r2, #1
-        STR     r2, DynArea_FreeQHandles
-        ADD     r2, r2, #1
-        STR     r2, [r1], #4
-        CMP     r2, #DynArea_NumQHandles
-        BLO     DynArea_QHinit_loop2
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        STR     r2, [r1]                            ; 0 = end of free list
-        MOV     r1, #DynArea_NewAreas-1
-        ADD     r1, r1, #DynArea_NumQHandles        ; first non-quick DA number -1
-        STR     r1, DynArea_TreacleGuess
-        LDR     r1, =FreePoolDANode
-        STR     r1, DynArea_SortedList              ; initially, FreePool at front of sorted list,
-        LDR     r2, =SysHeapDANode
-        STR     r2, [r1, #DANode_SortLink]          ; and SysHeap second...
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        STR     R1, [r2, #DANode_SortLink]          ; ...and last
-        ADR     r1, DynArea_SysQHandleArray
-        MOV     r2, #SysHeapDANode
-        STR     r2, [r1, #ChangeDyn_SysHeap:SHL:2]
-        MOV     r2, #FreePoolDANode
-        STR     r2, [r1, #ChangeDyn_FreePool:SHL:2]
-  |
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r0, #DynArea_ws]
-  ] ;DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CDASemaphore]         ; clear CDASemaphore
-        EXIT
-        LTORG
- [ FreePoolAddress > SysHeapStart
-        &       0                               ; link: no more nodes on list
- |
-        &       SysHeapDANode
- ]
-        &       ChangeDyn_FreePool
-; [ HAL32
-;        ! 0, "Sort out FreePoolInitTable"
-;        &       -1
-; |
-        &       FreePoolAddress
-; ]
-        &       AP_FreePool
-        &       0                               ; size will be updated later
-        &       0                               ; max size is computed
-        &       0                               ; no workspace needed
-        &       0                               ; no handler needed
-        &       FreePoolString                  ; title
- [ FreePoolAddress > SysHeapStart
-        &       FreePoolDANode                  ; link -> free pool node, since FreePoolAddress > SysHeapStart
- |
-        &       0
- ]
-        &       ChangeDyn_SysHeap
-        &       SysHeapStart
-        &       AP_SysHeap
-        &       32*1024-(SysHeapStart-SysHeapChunkAddress) ; size
-        &       SysHeapMaxSize
-        &       SysHeapStart                    ; workspace pointer -> base of heap
-        &       DynAreaHandler_SysHeap          ; area handler
-        &       SysHeapString                   ; title
-        &       0                               ; link: not on list
-        &       ChangeDyn_AplSpace
-        &       0                               ; base address
-        &       AP_AppSpace
-        &       0                               ; size will be set up later
-        &       AplWorkMaxSize
-        &       0                               ; no workspace needed
-        &       0                               ; no handler needed
-        &       AppSpaceString                  ; title
-        =       "Free pool", 0
-        =       "Application space", 0
-        =       "System heap", 0
-        ALIGN
-;       ChangeDynamicSWI - implement OS_ChangeDynamicArea (change the
-;                          size of a dynamic area)
-; in:   r0 = area number
-;       r1 = size of change (in bytes, signed integer)
-; out:  r0   preserved
-;       r1 = actual amount moved (in bytes, unsigned integer)
-  [ DA_Batman
-;OR, a special call is allowed for internal use:
-; in:   r0 = ChangeDyn_Batman (-3)
-;       r1 = size of change (in bytes, signed integer)
-;       r2 -> pseudo DANode for this call - base of DA will be base of fragment to map/unmap,
-;             magnitude of r1 will give size of fragment, sign of r1 is +ve for map -ve for unmap
-  ]
-ChangeDynamicSWI ROUT
-        Push    "r0, r2-r9, r10, lr"
-        MOV     r10, #0                         ; check we're not in an IRQ
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #IRQsema]
-        TEQ     r10, #0
-        LDREQ   r10, [r10, #CDASemaphore]       ; now also check whether ChangeDynamicArea is already threaded
-        TEQEQ   r10, #0
-        LDREQB  r10, [r10, #VRAMRescue_control] ; also check that wimp has not locked Free Pool
-        TSTEQ   r10, #VRRc_wimp_lock
-        BNE     failure_IRQgoing
-        MOV     r10, #1
-        STR     r10, [r10, #CDASemaphore-1]     ; store non-zero value in CDASemaphore, to indicate we're threaded
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DLINE   "Entering OS_ChangeDynamicArea (new code)"
- ]
-  [ DA_Batman
-    ;check for special Batman call (which uses OS_ChangeDynamicArea to map or unmap a fragment of a sparse DA)
-        CMP     r0, #ChangeDyn_Batcall
-        MOVEQ   r10, r2                         ; Batman call passes a pseudo DANode in r2
-        BEQ     CDA_handlechecked
-  ]
-        Push    "r1"
-        MOV     r1, r0
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r1, "Checking list for area number "
- ]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        BL      QCheckAreaNumber                ; check area number is on list
-  |
-        BL      CheckAreaNumber                 ; check area number is on list
-  ]
-        Pull    "r1"
-        BCC     failure_IRQgoingClearSemaphore
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DLINE   "Found entry on list"
- ]
-  [ DA_Batman
-        ;a sparse area is not allowed to do an ordinary grow or shrink
-        ;
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #DANode_Flags]
-        TST     r11, #DynAreaFlags_SparseMap
-        BNE     failure_IRQgoingClearSemaphore
-  ]
-  [ DynArea_QuickHandles
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #DynArea_ws]
-        LDR     r5, DynArea_OD6Signature
-        CMP     r0, #ChangeDyn_MaxArea
-        BLS     daq_cda_od6done
-        CMP     r0, #&FFFFFFF0                  ;don't count special DA numbers, such as ChangeDyn_AplSpace
-        BHI     daq_cda_od6done
-        TST     r5, #&80000000                  ;if set, disables resize signature for this call
-        STREQ   r5, DynArea_OD6PrevSignature
-        STREQ   r0, DynArea_OD6Handle
-        ORREQ   r5, r5, #4
-        BIC     r5, r5, #&80000000              ;clear any disable
-        STR     r5, DynArea_OD6Signature
-  ]
-        MOV     r5, #0
-        LDR     r5, [r5, #Page_Size]            ; r5 = page size throughout
-        SUB     r12, r5, #1                     ; r12 = page mask
-        ADD     r1, r1, r12
-        BICS    r1, r1, r12
-        BEQ     IssueServiceMemoryMoved         ; zero pages! (r0 = area number, r1 = size change (0))
-        BPL     AreaGrow
-        RSB     r1, r1, #0                      ; make size change positive
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r0, "Shrinking area ", cc
-        DREG    r1, " by "
- ]
-        MOV     r11, r10                        ; source is area
-        CMP     r0, #ChangeDyn_FreePool         ; if source is free pool
-        ADREQ   r12, AppSpaceDANode             ; then dest is appspace
-        ADRNE   r12, FreePoolDANode             ; else dest is free pool
-        ASSERT  DANode_MaxSize = DANode_Size +4
-        ADD     r2, r12, #DANode_Size
-        LDMIA   r2, {r2, r3}
-        SUB     lr, r3, r2                      ; lr = amount dest could grow
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-        CMP     r1, lr
-        MOVHI   r1, lr                          ; r1 = the most we want to move if we could
-        BLHI    GenNotAllMovedError             ; but if not all we still want error
-        SUB     lr, r5, #1                      ; lr = pagesize mask
-        BICS    r1, r1, lr                      ; a pagesize multiple
-        BEQ     IssueServiceMemoryMoved
- ]
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-        LDR     r2, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; amount src could shrink
-        CMP     r2, r1
-        BLCC    TryToShrinkShrinkables
-        BCS     %FT15                           ; [we can now do it all]
-; we can't move all that is required, so move smaller amount
-        MOV     r1, r2                          ; move smaller amount
- |
-        LDR     r2, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; amount src could shrink
-        CMP     r2, lr
-        MOVCC   lr, r2                          ; lr = min(amount dest could grow, amount src could shrink)
-        CMP     r1, lr
-        BLS     %FT15
-; we can't move all that is required, so move smaller amount
-        MOV     r1, lr                          ; move smaller amount
- ]
-        BL      GenNotAllMovedError
-        SUB     lr, r5, #1                      ; lr = pagesize mask
-        BICS    r1, r1, lr                      ; a pagesize multiple
-        BEQ     IssueServiceMemoryMoved
-        CMP     r11, #AppSpaceDANode            ; if src <> appspace
-        CMPNE   r12, #AppSpaceDANode            ; and dst <> appspace
-        BNE     %FT17                           ; then don't call app
-        Push    "r10"                           ; save -> to area we tried to shrink
-        MOV     r10, r1
-        BL      CheckAppSpace
-        Pull    "r10"
-        BVS     ChangeDynError
-        BL      CallPreShrink
-        BVS     ChangeDynError                  ; (r10 still points to area we tried to shrink)
-        CMP     r2, r1                          ; can we move as much as we wanted?
-        MOVCS   r2, r1                          ; if not, then move lesser amount (r2 = amount we're moving)
-        BLCC    GenNotAllMovedError             ; store error, but continue
-        TEQ     r2, #0                          ; if can't move any pages
-        BEQ     NoMemoryMoved                   ; then exit, issuing Service_MemoryMoved
-; Now move pages starting from end of area
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]
-        LDR     r6, [r11, #DANode_Flags]        ; r6 = src flags
-        Push    "r3, r6"                        ; save src old size, src flags for later
-        TST     r6, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped  ; if src is doubly mapped
-        MOVNE   r9, r3                          ; then set up offset from 1st copy to 2nd copy = old src size
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3                      ; move r0 to point to after end of area (2nd copy)
-        SUB     r3, r3, r2
-        STR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; store reduced source size
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #DANode_Base]         ; this is free pool or app space, so it can't be doubly mapped!
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r3                      ; r1 -> address of 1st extra page
-        LDR     lr, =DynAreaFlags_AccessMask
-        MOV     r4, r2
-        LDR     r6, [r12, #DANode_Flags]        ; r6 = dst flags
-        AND     r6, r6, lr
-        SUB     r0, r0, r5                      ; pre-decrement source pointer
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r0, "Moving page at ", cc
-        DREG    r1, " to ", cc
-        DREG    r6, " with PPL "
- ]
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5
-        SUBS    r4, r4, r5
-        BNE     %BT20
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2
-        STR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]         ; store increased destination size
-        EORS    lr, r12, #AppSpaceDANode        ; check if dest = appspace (if so lr:=0)
-        STREQ   r3, [lr, #MemLimit]             ; update memlimit if so
-        Pull    "r3, r6"                        ; restore src old size, src flags
-        TST     r6, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped  ; if src doubly mapped
-        SUBNES  r4, r3, r2                      ; then set r4 = number of pages to shuffle up
-        BEQ     %FT30                           ; [not doubly mapped, or no pages left, so skip]
-        SUB     r0, r0, r3                      ; move r0 back to end of 1st copy of pages remaining
-        ADD     r1, r0, r2                      ; r1 is end of where they're moving to (should be src base address!)
- [ 1 = 1
- |
-        AND     r6, r6, #DynAreaFlags_AccessMask
- ]
-        MOV     r9, #0                          ; no funny stuff while moving these pages
-        SUB     r0, r0, r5
-        SUB     r1, r1, r5
- [ 1 = 1
-        BL      GetPageFlagsForR0IntoR6
- ]
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6
-        SUBS    r4, r4, r5
-        BNE     %BT25
-  [ EarlierReentrancyInDAShrink
-        MOV     r4, #0                          ; indicate no page block (and ptr to semaphore)
-        STR     r4, [r4, #CDASemaphore]         ; OK to reenter now (we've done the damage)
-  ]
-        BL      CallPostShrink
-        RSB     r1, r2, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Number]       ; reload dynamic area number
-        B       IssueServiceMemoryMoved
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r0, "Growing area ", cc
-        DREG    r1, " by "
- ]
-        MOV     r12, r10                        ; dest is area specified
-        CMP     r0, #ChangeDyn_FreePool         ; if dest is free pool
-        ADREQ   r11, AppSpaceDANode             ; then src is appspace
-        ADRNE   r11, FreePoolDANode             ; else src is free pool (may later be free+apl)
-        ASSERT  DANode_MaxSize = DANode_Size +4
-        ADD     r2, r12, #DANode_Size
-        LDMIA   r2, {r2, r3}
-        SUB     lr, r3, r2                      ; lr = amount dest could grow
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    lr, "Dest could grow by "
- ]
-        LDR     r2, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; amount src could shrink
-        CMP     r11, #AppSpaceDANode            ; if appspace
-        SUBEQ   r2, r2, #&8000                  ; then can't take away last 32K (0..&7FFF)
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r2, "Src could shrink by "
- ]
-        CMP     r1, lr                          ; if enough room in dest
-        CMPLS   r1, r2                          ; and enough space in src
-        MOVLS   r3, r1                          ; then can do full amount
-        BLS     %FT65                           ; so skip this bit
-; we can't move all that is required
-; if src = AplSpace then
-;       (dest must be free pool)
-;       move reduced amount
-; else
-;       (src must be free pool)
-;       (dest <> AplSpace, cos that's a shrink!)
-;       so check if adding aplspace would allow us to succeed
-;       if it does then adjust registers, else give error
-; endif
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DLINE   "Can't move all required using just free pool"
- ]
-        CMP     r11, #AppSpaceDANode
-        BNE     %FT62
-        MOV     r1, lr
-        CMP     r1, r2
-        MOVHI   r1, r2                          ; move min(max addable to dest, max removable from src)
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r1, "Dest is free pool, moving reduced amount of "
- ]
-        BL      GenNotAllMovedError
-        SUB     lr, r5, #1                      ; lr = pagesize mask
-        BICS    r1, r1, lr                      ; a pagesize multiple
-        BEQ     IssueServiceMemoryMoved
-        MOV     r3, r1
-        B       %FT65
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-; growing another area from free pool
-; insert code here to check for shrinking shrinkable areas
-        CMP     r1, lr                          ; if dest can't grow by this amount,
-        BHI     %FT64                           ; we're definitely not doing anything
-        CMP     r2, r1                          ; this should definitely set C=0 as required by TryToShrinkShrinkables
-        Push    "lr"
-        BLCC    TryToShrinkShrinkables
-        Pull    "lr"
-        MOVCS   r3, r1                          ; if succeeded set r3 to number of bytes to do
-        BCS     %FT65                           ; and do it
-; end of inserted code
- ]
-        MOV     r4, #AppSpaceDANode
-        LDR     r6, [r4, #DANode_Size]          ; get current size of apl space
-        SUB     r6, r6, #&8000                  ; can't take away 0-&7FFF
-        ADD     r3, r2, r6                      ; add on to amount we could remove from free pool
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r6, "Can get from app space an additional ", cc
-        DREG    r3, " making a total of "
- ]
-        CMP     r1, lr                          ; if not enough room in dest
-        CMPLS   r1, r3                          ; or src still doesn't have enough
-        MOVHI   r1, #0                          ; then don't move any
-        BHI     %BT61                           ; and return error
-        MOV     r3, r1                          ; amount actually doing
-        TEQ     r2, #0                          ; else check to see if there was any at all in free pool
-        MOVEQ   r11, #AppSpaceDANode            ; if not, then just take from aplspace
-        MOVEQ   r7, r3                          ; and do all
-        MOVNE   r11, #0                         ; else make src indicator reflect that we need both
-        MOVNE   r7, r2                          ; but save amount we are taking from freepool
-        Push    "r10"
-        MOV     r10, #0                         ; default value if apl space not involved
-        CMP     r11, #AppSpaceDANode            ; if source = aplspace
-        RSBEQ   r10, r3, #0                     ; then make amount -ve
-        CMP     r11, #0                         ; if source = free and apl
-        SUBEQ   r10, r7, r3                     ; then make it -(amount removing from apl space)
-        MOVNE   r7, r3                          ; else set up r7 to be total amount (wasn't set up above)
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r3, "Amount actually moving into area = "
-        DREG    r7, "Amount coming from 1st src area = "
- ]
-        CMP     r10, #0                         ; if neither of the above then don't talk to app (CMP clears V)
-        BLNE    CheckAppSpace                   ; else check app agrees
-        Pull    "r10"
-        BVS     ChangeDynError
-; now split up grow into bite-size chunks, and call DoTheGrow to do each one
-        Push    "r3"                            ; save original total amount
-        TEQ     r11, #0                         ; if taking from both free + apl
-        MOVEQ   r11, #FreePoolDANode            ; then start with free
-        LDR     lr, [r12, #DANode_Flags]        ; could this area require particular physical pages at all?
-        TST     lr, #DynAreaFlags_NeedsSpecificPages
-        BNE     %FT70                           ; [yes it could, so do it in lumps]
-        MOV     r1, #0                          ; no page block
-        MOV     r2, r3, LSR #12                 ; number of pages to do
-        BL      CallPreGrow
-        LDRVS   r3, [sp]                        ; if error, haven't done any, so restore total as how much to do
-        BVS     %FT95
-        Push    "r3, r7"
-        MOV     r2, r7, LSR #12
-        BL      DoTheGrowNotSpecified
-        Pull    "r3, r7"
-        SUBS    r3, r3, r7                      ; subtract off what we just did
-        MOVHI   r7, r3                          ; if not finished, then start 2nd half
-        MOVHI   r11, #AppSpaceDANode            ; which is app space
-        MOVHI   r2, r7, LSR #12
-        BLHI    DoTheGrowNotSpecified
-        LDR     r3, [sp]                        ; restore total amount
-        MOV     r1, #0                          ; indicate no page block (and ptr to semaphore)
-        STR     r1, [r1, #CDASemaphore]         ; OK to reenter now (we've done the damage)
-        MOV     r2, r3, LSR #12
-        BL      CallPostGrow
-        BVS     %FT95
-        B       %FT80
-        Push    "r3, r7"
-        CMP     r7, #PageBlockChunk             ; only do 1 area, so do min(r7,page)
-        MOVHI   r7, #PageBlockChunk
-        MOV     r2, r7, LSR #12                 ; number of entries to fill in in page block
-        BL      DoTheGrow
-        Pull    "r3, r7"
-        BVS     %FT95
-        CMP     r7, #PageBlockChunk             ; if 1st area is more than 1 page
-        SUBHI   r3, r3, #PageBlockChunk         ; then reduce total
-        SUBHI   r7, r7, #PageBlockChunk         ; and partial amounts by 1 page and do it again
-        BHI     %BT70
-        SUBS    r3, r3, r7                      ; subtract off what we just did
-        MOVHI   r7, r3                          ; if not finished, then start 2nd half
-        MOVHI   r11, #AppSpaceDANode            ; which is app space
-        BHI     %BT70                           ; and loop
-        Pull    "r3"                            ; restore total amount
-        MOV     r1, r3
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #DANode_Number]       ; reload dynamic area number
-        B       IssueServiceMemoryMoved
-        Pull    "r1"                            ; restore total amount
-        SUB     r1, r1, r3                      ; subtract off amount left, to leave done amount
-        B       ChangeDynErrorSomeMoved
-GenNotAllMovedError Entry "r0"
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_ChDynamNotAllMoved
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp, #2*4]          ; sp -> r0,lr, then stacked r0,r2-r9,r10,lr
-        LDR     lr, [sp, #12*4]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit
-        STR     lr, [sp, #12*4]
-        EXIT
-        LTORG
-; in:   r0 -> error
-;       r10 -> area that we tried to shrink/grow
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        LDR     lr, [sp, #10*4]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit
-        STR     lr, [sp, #10*4]
-        B       SomeMemoryMoved
-        MOV     r1, #0                          ; nothing moved
-        LDR     r0, [r10, #DANode_Number]       ; reload area number
-; and drop thru to...
-; in:   r0 = area number that was shrunk/grown
-;       r1 = amount moved (signed)
-  [ DA_Batman
-        CMP     r0, #ChangeDyn_Batcall
-        BEQ     ISMM_BatCloak           ; cloaking device (no service issue)
-  ]
-        Push    "r1"
-        MOV     r2, r0                  ; r2 = area number
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; amount moved (signed)
-        MOV     r1, #Service_MemoryMoved
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        Pull    "r1"                    ; restore amount moved
-  [ DA_Batman
-  ]
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        RSBMI   r1, r1, #0              ; r1 on exit = unsigned amount
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CDASemaphore] ; clear CDASemaphore
-        Pull    "r0, r2-r9, r10, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       TryToShrinkShrinkables - Attempt to make more space by shrinking shrinkable areas if appropriate
-; in:   r1 = total amount we wish to have in src area (already limited by max_size of destination area)
-;       r2 = current size of src area
-;       r11 -> src area node (we don't do anything unless this is the free pool)
-;       r12 -> dst area node
-;       C = 0
-; out:  r2 = new size of src area
-;       C=0 => failed to move as much as we wanted
-;       C=1 => succeeded in moving as much as we wanted
-TryToShrinkShrinkables Entry "r0,r1,r10"
-        LDR     lr, [r11, #DANode_Number]
-        TEQ     lr, #ChangeDyn_FreePool
-        EXIT    NE                              ; if src <> free pool, exit with C, V flags intact
-        MOV     r10, #DAList
-        ASSERT  DANode_Link = 0                 ; because DAList has only link
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #DANode_Link]        ; and load next
-        CMP     r10, #1                         ; any more nodes?
-        EXIT    CC                              ; no, then no match
-        TEQ     r10, r12                        ; check area <> dest
-        LDRNE   lr, [r10, #DANode_Flags]        ; and area is shrinkable
-        TSTNE   lr, #DynAreaFlags_Shrinkable
-        BEQ     %BT10                           ; if not, try next area
-        SUBS    r1, r1, r2                      ; r1 = amount we still need
-        LDR     lr, [r10, #DANode_Size]         ; available size of this area
-        CMP     lr, r1
-        MOVCC   r1, lr                          ; min(amount we need, size of this area)
-        RSB     r1, r1, #0                      ; make negative - it's a shrink
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CDASemaphore]         ; momentarily pretend we're not threaded
-        LDR     r0, [r10, #DANode_Number]
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        MOV     r0, #1
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CDASemaphore-1]       ; we're threaded again
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #4]                    ; reload original r1
-        LDR     r2, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; get new size of src area
-        CMP     r2, r1
-        BCC     %BT10                           ; if still too small, loop
-        EXIT                                    ; exit CS indicating success
- ]
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       DoTheGrow - Do one chunk of growing, small enough to fit into the page block on the stack
-; in:   r2 = number of entries to put in page block (for this chunk)
-;       r5 = page size
-;       r7 = amount taking from src area (in this chunk)
-;       (r10 -> dest area)
-;       r11 -> src area
-;       r12 -> dest area
-; out:  r0-r2,r4,r6-r9 may be corrupted
-;       r3,r5,r10-r12 preserved
-; Note: Removal is from one area only, the calling routine breaks the chunks up at free/app boundary.
-; Temporary (stack frame) workspace used by this routine
-                ^       0, sp
-NumEntries      #       4                       ; Number of entries to do for this chunk
-DestAddr        #       4                       ; Log addr of 1st page being added to dest
-DestFlags       #       4                       ; Page flags for destination area
-TotalAmount     #       4                       ; Total size of grow for this chunk (ie entry value of r3)
-SavedPSR        #       4                       ; PSR before IRQs disabled
-Offset1To2      #       4                       ; Offset from 1st to 2nd bank
-DoTheGrowNotSpecifiedStackSize * :INDEX: @      ; amount of stack needed for 'not specified' version
-PageBlock1      #       PageBlockSize           ; 1st page block, for original page numbers and phys. addrs
-PageBlock2      #       PageBlockSize           ; 2nd page block, for new page numbers and phys. addrs
-DoTheGrowStackSize *    :INDEX: @
-DoTheGrow Entry "r3,r5,r10-r12", DoTheGrowStackSize
-; First fill in the page block with -1 in the physical page number words
-        STR     r2, NumEntries                  ; save number of entries for use later
-        STR     r7, TotalAmount                 ; save amount growing by
-        ADR     r1, PageBlock1                  ; point at 1st page block on stack
-        ADD     lr, r2, r2, LSL #1              ; lr = number of words in page block
-        ADD     lr, r1, lr, LSL #2              ; lr -> off end of page block
-        MOV     r0, #-1
-        STR     r0, [lr, #-12]!                 ; store -1, going backwards
-        STR     r0, [lr, #PageBlockSize]        ; and put -1 in 2nd page block as well
-        TEQ     lr, r1                          ; until the end
-        BNE     %BT10
-; Now call the pre-grow handler
-        MOV     r3, r7
-        BL      CallPreGrow
-        EXIT    VS
-; now check to see if particular pages are required
-        LDR     lr, [r1]                        ; load page number in 1st entry
-        CMP     lr, #-1                         ; is it -1?
-        BNE     DoTheGrowPagesSpecified         ; if not, then jump to special code
-; now move pages starting from end of area
-        MOV     r2, r3                          ; amount moving
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3                      ; move r0 to point to after end of area
-        SUB     r3, r3, r2                      ; reduce by amount moving from area
-        STR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; store reduced source size
-        TEQ     r11, #AppSpaceDANode                    ; if just appspace
-        STREQ   r3, [r11, #MemLimit-AppSpaceDANode]     ; then store in memlimit
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]
-        LDR     r6, [r12, #DANode_Flags]        ; r6 = dst flags
-        LDR     lr, =DynAreaFlags_AccessMask
-        TST     r6, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped  ; check if dst is doubly mapped
-        AND     r6, r6, lr
-        BEQ     %FT25                           ; [it's not, so skip all this]
-; we must shunt all existing pages in dest area down
-        MOVS    r4, r3                          ; amount to do
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; [none, so skip all this]
-        Push    "r0, r1"
-        SUB     r0, r1, r3                      ; src starts at start of 1st copy = start of 2nd - old size
-        SUB     r1, r0, r2                      ; dst start = src start - amount of room needed
-        MOV     r9, #0                          ; no funny business while moving these pages
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6    ; move page
-        ADD     r0, r0, r5                      ; advance src ptr
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5                      ; advance dst ptr
-        SUBS    r4, r4, r5                      ; one less page to move
-        BNE     %BT15                           ; loop if more
-        Pull    "r0, r1"                        ; restore original regs
-        ADD     r9, r3, r2                      ; set up offset from 1st copy to 2nd copy (= new size)
-        ADD     r1, r1, r3                      ; r1 -> address of 1st extra page
-        MOV     r4, #0                          ; amount done so far
-        MOV     r10, r2                         ; move amount to do into r10, as routine returns page number in r2
-        ADR     r3, PageBlock1                  ; point at 1st entry we have to update
-        SUB     r0, r0, r5                      ; pre-decrement source pointer
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r0, "Moving page at ", cc
-        DREG    r1, " to ", cc
-        DREG    r6, " with PPL "
- ]
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6ReturnPageNumber
-        STR     r2, [r3], #12                   ; store page number and move on
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5
-        ADD     r4, r4, r5
-        CMP     r4, r10                         ; have we done all of it?
-        BNE     %BT30                           ; [no, so loop]
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r3, r3, r10
-        STR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]         ; store increased destination size
-        MOV     r3, r10                         ; r3 = size of change
-        LDR     r2, NumEntries                  ; restore number of entries in page block
-        ADR     r1, PageBlock1                  ; point at page block 1 with page numbers filled in
-        BL      CallPostGrow
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; Come here if a required page is not available
-; First we need to go back thru all the part of the page block we've already done,
-; marking the pages as not being used after all
-        ADR     r2, PageBlock1
-        LDR     r4, [r1, #-12]!                 ; r4 = physical page number
-        ADD     r4, r0, r4, LSL #3              ; point at cam entry
-        LDMIA   r4, {r8, lr}
-        BIC     lr, lr, #PageFlags_Required
-        STMIA   r4, {r8, lr}
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        BNE     %BT38
-; since pre-grow handler exited without an error, we have to keep our promise
-; to call the post-grow handler
-        MOV     r3, #0                          ; no pages moved
-        MOV     r2, #0                          ; no pages moved
-        ADR     r1, PageBlock1                  ; not really relevant
-        BL      CallPostGrow
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_CantGetPhysMem
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-        MakeErrorBlock  CantGetPhysMem
-; First check if any of the pages requested are unavailable
-; At the same time as we're doing this, we fill in the log. and phys. addresses in the block
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        LDR     r6, =L2PT
-        LDR     r3, [r1], #12                   ; r4 = physical page number
-        ADD     r4, r0, r3, LSL #3              ; point at cam entry
-        LDMIA   r4, {r8, lr}                    ; r8 = log. addr, lr = PPL
-        STR     r8, [r1, #4-12]                 ; store log. addr in page block
-        STR     r8, [r1, #PageBlockSize+4-12]   ; and in 2nd page block
-        TST     lr, #PageFlags_Unavailable :OR: PageFlags_Required ; if page in use by someone else, or by us, then return error
-        BNE     %BT37
-        ORR     lr, lr, #PageFlags_Required     ; set bit in flags to say page will be needed
-        STR     lr, [r4, #4]                    ; and store back
-; work out physical address direct from physical page number, NOT from logical address, since log addr may be Nowhere (multiply mapped)
-        MOV     r4, #PhysRamTable
-        LDMIA   r4!, {r8, lr}                   ; load phys addr, size
-        SUBS    r3, r3, lr, LSR #12             ; subtract off number of pages in this chunk
-        BCS     %BT42
-        ADD     r3, r3, lr, LSR #12             ; put back what could not be subtracted
-        ADD     r8, r8, r3, LSL #12             ; and add onto base address
-        STR     r8, [r1, #8-12]                 ; store physical address in page block
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        BNE     %BT40
-; now issue Service_PagesUnsafe
-        ADR     r2, PageBlock1                  ; r2 -> 1st page block
-        LDR     r3, NumEntries                  ; r3 = number of entries in page block
-        MOV     r1, #Service_PagesUnsafe
-        BL      Issue_Service
-; now move the pages
-        LDR     r2, TotalAmount                 ; amount moving
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3                      ; move r0 to point to after end of area
-        SUB     r3, r3, r2                      ; reduce by amount moving from area
-        STR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; store reduced source size
-        TEQ     r11, #AppSpaceDANode                    ; if appspace
-        STREQ   r3, [r11, #MemLimit-AppSpaceDANode]     ; then update memlimit
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]
-        LDR     r6, [r12, #DANode_Flags]        ; r6 = dst flags
-        LDR     lr, =DynAreaFlags_AccessMask
-        AND     r6, r6, lr
-        ORR     r6, r6, #PageFlags_Unavailable  ; set unavailable bit
-        STR     r6, DestFlags                   ; save for later
-        TST     r6, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped  ; check if dst is doubly mapped
-        BEQ     %FT55                           ; [it's not, so skip all this, and r9 will be irrelevant]
-; we must shunt all existing pages in dest area down
-        MOVS    r4, r3                          ; amount to do
-        BEQ     %FT50                           ; [none, so skip all this]
-        Push    "r0, r1"
-        SUB     r0, r1, r3                      ; src starts at start of 1st copy = start of 2nd - old size
-        SUB     r1, r0, r2                      ; dst start = src start - amount of room needed
-        MOV     r9, #0                          ; no funny business while moving these pages
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6    ; move page
-        ADD     r0, r0, r5                      ; advance src ptr
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5                      ; advance dst ptr
-        SUBS    r4, r4, r5                      ; one less page to move
-        BNE     %BT45                           ; loop if more
-        Pull    "r0, r1"                        ; restore original regs
-        ADD     r9, r3, r2                      ; set up offset from 1st copy to 2nd copy (= new size)
-        STR     r9, Offset1To2                  ; store offset 1st to 2nd copy
-        ADD     r1, r1, r3                      ; r1 -> address of 1st extra page
-        STR     r1, DestAddr
-        ADR     r8, PageBlock1                  ; r8 -> position in 1st page block
-        SUB     r2, r0, r2                      ; r2 = lowest address being removed from src
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        LDR     r3, [r3, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        MOV     r4, r0                          ; r4 is where we're at in allocating spare logical addresses
-        LDR     r9, NumEntries                  ; number of entries still to do in 1st loop
-; Now before we start, we must construct the second page block, with replacement page numbers
-;        DLINE   "Start of 1st loop"
-        LDR     r6, [r8], #12                   ; r6 = page number required
-        LDR     r10, [r8, #8-12]                ; r10 = phys addr
-        LDR     lr, [r3, r6, LSL #3]            ; lr = logical address for this page
-;        DREG    r6, "Checking page ", cc
-;        DREG    lr, "at address "
-        CMP     lr, r2                          ; check if address is one being taken from src anyway
-        BCC     %FT63
-        CMP     lr, r0
-        BCS     %FT63
-;        DLINE   "Page is being taken away anyway"
-        B       %FT68                           ; [page is being taken anyway, so use same page number + phys addr in 2nd block]
-; page is not one being taken away, so put in 1st replacement page that isn't required by area
-;        DLINE   "Page is not being taken, looking for replacement"
-        SUB     r4, r4, r5                      ; go onto next page being taken from src
-;        DREG    r4, "Considering address "
-        LDR     lr, =L2PT
-        LDR     lr, [lr, r4, LSR #10]           ; get L2PT entry (to get phys addr) for next free page
-        MOV     r10, lr, LSR #12                ; r10 = phys addr >>> 12
-; now convert phys addr to page number
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        MOV     r1, #PhysRamTable
-        LDMIA   r1!, {r7, lr}                   ; load phys addr, size
-        SUB     r7, r10, r7, LSR #12            ; number of pages into this bank
-        CMP     r7, lr, LSR #12                 ; if more than there are here,
-        ADDCS   r6, r6, lr, LSR #12             ; then advance page number by number of pages in this bank
-        BCS     %BT66                           ; and go onto next bank
-        ADD     r6, r6, r7                      ; advance page number by no. of pages into this bank
-        ADD     r1, r3, r6, LSL #3              ; r1 -> cam entry for this page
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #4]                    ; get PPL for this page
-        TST     r1, #PageFlags_Required         ; if this page is required for the operation
-        BNE     %BT64                           ; then try next page
-        MOV     r10, r10, LSL #12               ; make r10 proper phys addr
-;        DREG    r6, "Using page number "
-        STR     r6, [r8, #PageBlockSize-12]     ; store page number in 2nd block
-        STR     r10, [r8, #PageBlockSize+8-12]  ; and store phys addr
-        SUBS    r9, r9, #1                      ; one less entry to do
-        BNE     %BT60
-        MOV     r7, r3                          ; r7 -> camentries
-; Now we can go onto the 2nd loop which actually moves the pages
-        LDR     r1, DestAddr
-        MOV     r4, #0                          ; amount done
-        MOV     r0, r7                          ; point r0 at camentries
-        LDR     r7, TotalAmount                 ; amount to do
-        ADR     r8, PageBlock1
-        LDR     r9, Offset1To2
-        MRS     r14, CPSR
-        STR     r14, SavedPSR                   ; save old PSR (note: stack must be flat when we do this!)
-        Push    "r0-r4,r7-r12"                  ; save regs used during copy
-        MOV     r1, #Service_ClaimFIQ
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        WritePSRc I_bit+SVC_mode, r6            ; disable IRQs round here (we don't want interrupt code to update
-                                                ; the old mapping behind us while we're trying to copy it)
-        LDR     r6, [r8, #0]                    ; r6 = page number required
-        LDR     lr, [r8, #PageBlockSize+0]      ; lr = page number of replacement page
-        TEQ     r6, lr                          ; if the same
-        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r12", EQ              ; then restore registers
-        BEQ     %FT76                           ; and skip copy and first page move
-        ;mjs
-        ; - if the old page is currently mapped in, copy normally
-        ; - if the old page is not mapped in, copy via temporary mapping
-        ; The old scheme, always copying from other mapping, had interrupt cache coherency hole, at least for
-        ; ARM with writeback cache (bug in 3.7, fixed in Ursula, then lost)
-        LDR     r0, [r0, lr, LSL #3]            ; r0 = log. address for replacement page (NB use logical address to write to, for cache consistency)
-        LDR     r6, [r8, #4]                    ;logical address of src page
-        LDR     r3, =Nowhere
-        TEQ     r6, r3                          ;will be 'Nowhere' if not mapped in
-        BNE     %FT71
-        ASSERT  HAL
-        SUB     sp, sp, #4                      ; for oldp
-        Push    "r0,r1"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r8, #8]                    ; r1 = physical address of src for copy
-        ADD     r2, sp, #8                      ; must use physical address, as page may be mapped to nowhere along with others
-        BL      RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress
-        MOV     r6, r0                          ; r6 = logical address of src for copy
-        Pull    "r0,r1"
-        ADD     lr, r6, r5                      ; lr = end src address
-        LDMIA   r6!, {r2, r3, r4, r7, r9, r10, r11, r12}
-        STMIA   r0!, {r2, r3, r4, r7, r9, r10, r11, r12}
-        TEQ     r6, lr
-        BNE     %BT72
-        LDR     r0, [r8, #4]                    ;logical address of src page
-        LDR     r3, =Nowhere
-        TEQ     r0, r3
-        Pull    "r0", EQ                        ; oldp
-        BLEQ    RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress
-; now check if page we're replacing is in L2PT, and if so then adjust L1PT entries (4 of these)
-        LDR     r6, [r8, #4]                    ; look at logical address of page being replaced
-        SUBS    r6, r6, #L2PT
-        BCC     %FT74                           ; address is below L2PT
-        CMP     r6, #4*1024*1024
-        BCS     %FT74                           ; address is above L2PT
-        LDR     r2, =L1PT
-        ADD     r2, r2, r6, LSR #(12-4)         ; address in L1 of 4 consecutive words to update
-        LDR     r3, [r2]                        ; load 1st word, to get AP etc bits
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSL #(31-9)             ; junk other bits
-        LDR     r4, [r8, #PageBlockSize+8]      ; load new physical address for page
-        ORR     r3, r4, r3, LSR #(31-9)         ; and merge with AP etc bits
-        STR     r3, [r2], #4
-        ADD     r3, r3, #&400
-        STR     r3, [r2], #4
-        ADD     r3, r3, #&400
-        STR     r3, [r2], #4
-        ADD     r3, r3, #&400
-        STR     r3, [r2], #4
-        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r12"                  ; restore registers
-        ; mjs
-        ; OK, what we are about to do is:
-        ;   1) move replacement page in (to replace needed page)
-        ;   2) move needed page to required destination
-        ; This order means that we don't leave a temporary hole at the logical address we're substituting,
-        ; which is vital at least in the horrendous case where the logical page is itself used for L2PT.
-        ; However, this means there is a potential temporary degeneracy in the caches, two physical pages
-        ; having been seen at the same logical address (undefined behaviour).
-        ; So, to be safe, we do a MMUChangingEntry first, for the logical page, which will clean/invalidate
-        ; caches and invalidate TLBs, to avoid degeneracy. This is slight overkill in some cases, but vital
-        ; to avoid serious grief in the awkward cases. Fortunately, these page substitutions are relatively
-        ; rare, so performance is not critical.
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     lr, [lr, #CamEntriesPointer]    ; lr -> soft cam map
-        ADD     lr, lr, #4                      ; point at PPLs, not addresses
-        LDR     r2, [r8, #0]                    ; need to get PPL for page being replaced
-        LDR     r11, [lr, r2, LSL #3]
-        BIC     r11, r11, #PageFlags_Required   ; knock off bits that indicate that it was a required page
-        ADD     lr, r8, #PageBlockSize
-        LDMIA   lr, {r2, r3}                    ; get page number, logical address
-        Push    "r0, r4"
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntry,,,r4
-        Pull    "r0, r4"
-        BL      Call_CAM_Mapping                ; move replacement page in
-        LDR     r2, [r8, #0]
-        MOV     r3, r1
-        LDR     r11, DestFlags
-        BL      Call_CAM_Mapping                ; move needed page to destination
-        LDR     lr, SavedPSR
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, lr
-        Push    "r1"
-        MOV     r1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        Pull    "r1"
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5                      ; advance dest ptr
-        ADD     r4, r4, r5                      ; increment amount done
-        ADD     r8, r8, #12                     ; advance page block ptr
-        CMP     r4, r7                          ; have we done all?
-        BNE     %BT70                           ; [no, so loop]
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r3, r3, r7
-        STR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]         ; store increased destination size
-; now issue Service_PagesSafe
-        LDR     r2, NumEntries
-        ADR     r3, PageBlock1
-        ADR     r4, PageBlock2
-        MOV     r1, #Service_PagesSafe
-        BL      Issue_Service
-; now call Post_Grow handler
-        LDR     r3, TotalAmount                 ; size of grow
-        LDR     r2, NumEntries                  ; restore number of entries in page block
-        ADR     r1, PageBlock1                  ; point at page block 1 with page numbers filled in
-        BL      CallPostGrow
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        LTORG
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       DoTheGrowNotSpecified - Do one chunk of growing, with no page block
-;                               But don't call pre-grow or post-grow either
-; in:   r2 = number of pages to do (in this chunk)
-;       r5 = page size
-;       r7 = amount taking from src area (in this chunk)
-;       (r10 -> dest area)
-;       r11 -> src area
-;       r12 -> dest area
-; out:  r0-r2,r4,r6-r9 may be corrupted
-;       r3,r5,r10-r12 preserved
-; Note: Removal is from one area only, the calling routine breaks the chunk at free/app boundary.
-DoTheGrowNotSpecified Entry "r3,r5,r10-r12", DoTheGrowNotSpecifiedStackSize
-        STR     r2, NumEntries                  ; save number of entries for use later
-        STR     r7, TotalAmount                 ; save amount growing by
-; now move pages starting from end of area
-        MOV     r2, r7                          ; amount moving
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3                      ; move r0 to point to after end of area
-        SUB     r3, r3, r2                      ; reduce by amount moving from area
-        STR     r3, [r11, #DANode_Size]         ; store reduced source size
-        TEQ     r11, #AppSpaceDANode                    ; if just appspace
-        STREQ   r3, [r11, #MemLimit-AppSpaceDANode]     ; then store in memlimit
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]
-        LDR     r6, [r12, #DANode_Flags]        ; r6 = dst flags
-        LDR     lr, =DynAreaFlags_AccessMask
-        AND     r6, r6, lr
-        TST     r6, #DynAreaFlags_DoublyMapped  ; check if dst is doubly mapped
-        BEQ     %FT25                           ; [it's not, so skip all this]
-; we must shunt all existing pages in dest area down
-        MOVS    r4, r3                          ; amount to do
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; [none, so skip all this]
-        Push    "r0, r1"
-        SUB     r0, r1, r3                      ; src starts at start of 1st copy = start of 2nd - old size
-        SUB     r1, r0, r2                      ; dst start = src start - amount of room needed
-        MOV     r9, #0                          ; no funny business while moving these pages
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6    ; move page
-        ADD     r0, r0, r5                      ; advance src ptr
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5                      ; advance dst ptr
-        SUBS    r4, r4, r5                      ; one less page to move
-        BNE     %BT15                           ; loop if more
-        Pull    "r0, r1"                        ; restore original regs
-        ADD     r9, r3, r2                      ; set up offset from 1st copy to 2nd copy (= new size)
-        ADD     r1, r1, r3                      ; r1 -> address of 1st extra page
-        MOV     r4, #0                          ; amount done so far
-        MOV     r10, r2                         ; move amount to do into r10
-        SUB     r0, r0, r5                      ; pre-decrement source pointer
- [ DebugCDA2
-        DREG    r0, "Moving page at ", cc
-        DREG    r1, " to ", cc
-        DREG    r6, " with PPL "
- ]
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6
-        ADD     r1, r1, r5
-        ADD     r4, r4, r5
-        CMP     r4, r10                         ; have we done all of it?
-        BNE     %BT30                           ; [no, so loop]
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r3, r3, r10
-        STR     r3, [r12, #DANode_Size]         ; store increased destination size
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       CheckAppSpace - If appspace involved in transfer, issue Service or UpCall
-;       Internal routine, called by OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-; in:   r0 = area number passed in to ChangeDyn
-;       r10 = size of change (signed)
-;       r11 -> node for src
-;       r12 -> node for dest
-; out:  If appspace not involved, or application said it was OK, then
-;         V=0
-;         All registers preserved
-;       else
-;         V=1
-;         r0 -> error
-;         All other registers preserved
-;       endif
-CheckAppSpace Entry "r0-r3"
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r3, [r2, #AplWorkSize]
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #Curr_Active_Object]
-        CMP     r2, r3                          ; check if CAO outside application space
-        BHI     %FT20                           ; [it is so issue Service not UpCall]
-; CAO in application space, so issue UpCall to check it's OK
-        MOV     r0, #UpCall_MovingMemory :AND: &FF
-        ORR     r0, r0, #UpCall_MovingMemory :AND: &FFFFFF00
-        MOVS    r1, r10
-        RSBMI   r1, r1, #0                      ; r1 passed in is always +ve (probably a bug, but should be compat.)
-        SWI     XOS_UpCall
-        CMP     r0, #UpCall_Claimed             ; if upcall claimed
-    [  ChocolateAMB
-        BNE     %FT05
-        BL      Do_AMB_MakeUnsparse             ; then ok to move memory, so undo laziness and exit
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-    |
-        EXIT    EQ                              ; then OK to move memory, so exit (V=0 from CMP)
-    ]
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_ChDynamCAO
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-; IF service call claimed Then Error AplWSpaceInUse
-        MOV     r0, r10                         ; amount removing from aplspace
-        MOV     r1, #Service_Memory
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        CMP     r1, #Service_Serviced
-        ADREQ   r0, ErrorBlock_AplWSpaceInUse   ; if service claimed, then return error
-        BEQ     %BT10
-  [ ChocolateAMB
-        BL      Do_AMB_MakeUnsparse             ; undo laziness
-  ]
-        CLRV                                    ; else OK
-        EXIT
-    [ ChocolateAMB
-Do_AMB_MakeUnsparse ROUT
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        MOVS    r0, r10
-        RSBMI   r0, r0, #0
-        BL      AMB_MakeUnsparse  ;shrinking AppSpace, so make sure unsparse over area of shrink
-        Pull    "r0, pc"
-    ] ;ChocolateAMB
-        MakeErrorBlock AplWSpaceInUse
-        MakeErrorBlock ChDynamCAO
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       CallPreShrink - Call pre-shrink routine
-; in:   r1 = amount shrinking by (+ve)
-;       r5 = page size
-;       r11 -> node for area being shrunk
-; out:  If handler exits VC, then r2 = no. of bytes area can shrink by
-;       else r0 -> error block or 0 for generic error, and r2=0
-CallPreShrink Entry "r0,r3,r4, r12"
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Handler]              ; check if no handler
-        CMP     r0, #0                                  ; if none (V=0)
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; then exit
-        MOV     r0, #DAHandler_PreShrink                ; r0 = reason code
-        MOV     r3, r1                                  ; r3 = amount shrinking by
-        LDR     r4, [r11, #DANode_Size]                 ; r4 = current size
-        ASSERT  DANode_Handler = DANode_Workspace +4
-        ADD     r12, r11, #DANode_Workspace
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}                          ; load workspace pointer and jump to handler
-; shrink amount returned by handler may not be page multiple (according to spec),
-; so we'd better make it so.
-        SUB     lr, r5, #1
-        BIC     r2, r3, lr                              ; make page multiple and move into r2
-        EXIT    VC
-        TEQ     r0, #0                                  ; if generic error returned
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_ChDynamNotAllMoved       ; then substitute real error message
- [ International
-        BLEQ    TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       CallPostShrink - Call post-shrink routine
-; in:   r2 = amount shrinking by (+ve)
-;       r5 = page size
-;       r11 -> node for area being shrunk
-; out:  All registers preserved
-CallPostShrink Entry "r0,r3,r4, r12"
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Handler]              ; check if no handler
-        CMP     r0, #0                                  ; if none (V=0)
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; then exit
-        MOV     r0, #DAHandler_PostShrink               ; r0 = reason code
-        MOV     r3, r2                                  ; r3 = amount shrunk by
-        LDR     r4, [r11, #DANode_Size]                 ; r4 = new size
-        ASSERT  DANode_Handler = DANode_Workspace +4
-        ADD     r12, r11, #DANode_Workspace
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}                          ; load workspace pointer and jump to handler
-        EXIT
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       CallPreGrow - Call pre-grow routine
-; in:   Eventually r1 -> page block (on stack)
-;                  r2 = number of entries in block
-;       but for now these are both undefined
-;       r3 = amount area is growing by
-;       r5 = page size
-;       r12 -> node for area being grown
-; out:  If can't grow, then
-;         r0 -> error
-;         V=1
-;       else
-;         page block may be updated with page numbers (but not yet!)
-;         All registers preserved
-;         V=0
-;       endif
-CallPreGrow Entry "r0,r4, r12"
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #DANode_Handler]              ; check if no handler
-        CMP     r0, #0                                  ; if none (V=0)
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; then exit
-        MOV     r0, #DAHandler_PreGrow                  ; r0 = reason code
-        LDR     r4, [r12, #DANode_Size]                 ; r4 = current size
-        ASSERT  DANode_Handler = DANode_Workspace +4
-        ADD     r12, r12, #DANode_Workspace
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}                          ; load workspace pointer and jump to handler
-        EXIT    VC                                      ; if no error then exit
-        TEQ     r0, #0                                  ; if generic error returned
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_ChDynamNotAllMoved       ; then substitute real error message
- [ International
-        BLEQ    TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       CallPostGrow - Call post-grow routine
-; in:   Eventually, r1 -> page block with actual pages put in
-;                   r2 = number of entries in block
-;       r3 = size of change
-;       r5 = page size
-;       r12 -> node for area being grown
-; out:  All registers preserved
-CallPostGrow Entry "r0,r3,r4, r12"
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #DANode_Handler]              ; check if no handler
-        CMP     r0, #0                                  ; if none (V=0)
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; then exit
-        MOV     r0, #DAHandler_PostGrow                 ; r0 = reason code
-        LDR     r4, [r12, #DANode_Size]                 ; r4 = new size
-        ASSERT  DANode_Handler = DANode_Workspace +4
-        ADD     r12, r12, #DANode_Workspace
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}                          ; load workspace pointer and jump to handler
-        EXIT
- [ ShrinkableDAs
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       CallTestShrink - Call test-shrink routine
-; in:   r11 -> area node
-; out:  If handler exits VC, then r3 = no. of bytes area can shrink by
-;       else r0 -> error block or 0 for generic error, and r3=0
-CallTestShrink Entry "r0,r4,r5, r12"
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #DANode_Handler]              ; check if no handler
-        CMP     r0, #0                                  ; if none (V=0)
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; then exit
-        MOV     r0, #DAHandler_TestShrink               ; r0 = reason code
-        LDR     r4, [r11, #DANode_Size]                 ; r4 = current size
-        MOV     r5, #0
-        LDR     r5, [r5, #Page_Size]                    ; set r5 = page size
-        ASSERT  DANode_Handler = DANode_Workspace +4
-        ADD     r12, r11, #DANode_Workspace
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}                          ; load workspace pointer and jump to handler
-; shrink amount returned by handler may not be page multiple (according to spec),
-; so we'd better make it so.
-        SUBVC   lr, r5, #1
-        BICVC   r3, r3, lr                              ; make page multiple
-        EXIT    VC
-        TEQ     r0, #0                                  ; if generic error returned
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_ChDynamNotAllMoved       ; then substitute real error message
- [ International
-        BLEQ    TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        MOV     r3, #0                                  ; indicate no shrink possible
-        SETV
-        EXIT
- ]
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6
-;       Internal routine, called by OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-; in:   r0 = logical address where page is now
-;       r1 = logical address it should be moved to
-;       r6 = area flags (which contain access privileges, and cacheable/bufferable bits)
-; out:  All registers preserved
-MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6 Entry "r2-r5,r11"
-        MOV     r3, r1
-        MOV     r11, r6
-        BL      MoveCAMatR0toR3         ; use old internal routine for now
-        EXIT
-; Same as above, but returns with r2 = page number of page that moved
-MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6ReturnPageNumber Entry "r3-r5,r11"
-        MOV     r3, r1
-        MOV     r11, r6
-        BL      MoveCAMatR0toR3         ; use old internal routine for now
-        EXIT
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;       DynAreaHandler_SysHeap - Dynamic area handler for system heap
-;       DynAreaHandler_RMA     - Dynamic area handler for RMA
-; in:   r0 = reason code (0=>pre-grow, 1=>post-grow, 2=>pre-shrink, 3=>post-shrink)
-;       r12 -> base of area
-DynAreaHandler_RMA ROUT
-        CMP     r0, #4
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, r0, LSL #2
-        B       UnknownHandlerError
-        B       PreGrow_Heap
-        B       PostGrow_Heap
-        B       PreShrink_Heap
-        B       PostShrink_Heap
-        STR     r4, [r12, #:INDEX:hpdend] ; store new size
-; and drop thru to...
-        CLRV                            ; don't need to do anything here
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; so just exit
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        PHPSEI                          ; disable IRQs round this bit
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #:INDEX:hpdbase]      ; get minimum size
-        SUB     r0, r4, r0              ; r0 = current-minimum = max shrink
-        CMP     r3, r0                  ; if requested shrink > max
-        MOVHI   r3, r0                  ; then limit it
-        SUB     r0, r5, #1              ; r0 = page mask
-        BIC     r3, r3, r0              ; round size change down to page multiple
-        SUB     r0, r4, r3              ; area size after shrink
-        STR     r0, [r12, #:INDEX:hpdend] ; update size
-        PLP                             ; restore IRQ status
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "r0, pc"
-        =       "Module area", 0
-  [ LongCommandLines :LAND: (:LNOT: HAL)
-        =       "Kernel buffers", 0
-  ]
-        ALIGN
-        Push    "lr"
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_UnknownAreaHandler
-  [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-  ]
-        SETV
-        Pull    "pc"
-        CMP     r0, #4
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, r0, LSL #2
-        B       UnknownHandlerError
-        B       PreGrow_Sprite
-        B       PostGrow_Sprite
-        B       PreShrink_Sprite
-        B       PostShrink_Sprite
-PostShrink_Sprite Entry "r0"
-; in - r3 = size change (+ve), r4 = new size, r5 = page size
-        MOV     lr, #VduDriverWorkSpace
-        TEQ     r4, #0                  ; if new size = 0
-        STREQ   r4, [lr, #SpAreaStart]  ; then set area ptr to zero
-        STRNE   r12, [lr, #SpAreaStart] ; else store base address
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     lr, [r0, #SpriteSize]   ; load old size
-        STR     r4, [r0, #SpriteSize]   ; and store new size
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; if new size is zero, don't try to update header
-        STR     r4, [r12, #saEnd]       ; store new size in header
-        TEQ     lr, #0                  ; if old size was zero
-        STREQ   lr, [r12, #saNumber]    ; then initialise header (no. of sprites = 0)
-        MOVEQ   lr, #saExten
-        STREQ   lr, [r12, #saFirst]     ; ptr to first sprite -> after header
-        STREQ   lr, [r12, #saFree]      ; ptr to first free byte -> after header
-        CLRV                            ; don't need to do anything here
-        EXIT                            ; so just exit
-        CLRV                            ; don't need to do anything here
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; so just exit
-PreShrink_Sprite Entry "r0"
-        TEQ     r4, #0                  ; if current size is zero
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; then any shrink is OK (shouldn't happen)
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #saFree]      ; get used amount
-        TEQ     r0, #saExten            ; if only header used,
-        MOVEQ   r0, #0                  ; then none really in use
-        SUB     r0, r4, r0              ; r0 = current-minimum = max shrink
-        CMP     r3, r0                  ; if requested shrink > max
-        MOVHI   r3, r0                  ; then limit it
-        SUB     r0, r5, #1              ; r0 = page mask
-        BIC     r3, r3, r0              ; round size change down to page multiple
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        =       "System sprites", 0
-        ALIGN
-        CMP     r0, #4
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, r0, LSL #2
-        B       UnknownHandlerError
-        B       PreGrow_RAMDisc
-        B       PostGrow_RAMDisc
-        B       PreShrink_RAMDisc
-        B       PostShrink_RAMDisc
-PostShrink_RAMDisc Entry "r0-r6"
-; in - r3 = size change (+ve), r4 = new size, r5 = page size
-; but we don't really care about any of these
-; The only thing we have to do here is ReInit RAMFS, but NOT if
-; a) no modules are initialised yet (eg when we're created), or
-; b) RAMFS has been unplugged
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #Module_List]
-        TEQ     r0, #0                  ; any modules yet?
-        BEQ     %FT90                   ; no, then don't do anything
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_EnumerateROM_Modules
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #-1                 ; enumerate ROM modules looking for RAMFS
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        BVS     %FT50                   ; no more modules, so it can't be unplugged
-        ADR     r5, ramfsname
-        LDRB    r6, [r3], #1            ; get char from returned module name
-        CMP     r6, #" "                ; if a terminator then we have a match
-        BLS     %FT30                   ; so check for unplugged
-        LowerCase r6, lr                ; else force char to lower case
-        LDRB    lr, [r5], #1            ; get char from "ramfs" string
-        CMP     lr, r6                  ; and if matches
-        BEQ     %BT20                   ; then try next char
-        B       %BT10                   ; else try next module
-        CMP     r4, #-1                 ; is module unplugged?
-        BEQ     %FT90                   ; if so, then mustn't reinit it
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_ReInit ; reinit module
-        ADR     r1, ramfsname
-        SWI     XOS_Module              ; ignore any errors from this
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-PreShrink_RAMDisc Entry "r0-r5"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #Module_List]  ; first check if any modules going
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT90                   ; if not, don't look at filing system
-        MOV     r0, #5
-        ADR     r1, ramcolondollardotstar
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        CMPVC   r0, #0
-        BVS     %FT90                   ; if no RAMFS then change OK
-        BEQ     %FT90                   ; or if no files, then change OK
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_RAMFsUnchangeable
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        MakeErrorBlock  RAMFsUnchangeable
-        =       "RAM disc", 0
-        =       "ram:$.*", 0
-        =       "ramfs", 0
-        ALIGN
-        CMP     r0, #4
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, r0, LSL #2
-        B       UnknownHandlerError
-        B       PreGrow_FontArea
-        B       PostGrow_FontArea
-        B       PreShrink_FontArea
-        B       PostShrink_FontArea
-PostGrow_FontArea Entry "r0-r2"
-; in - r3 = size change (+ve), r4 = new size, r5 = page size
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #Module_List]  ; any modules active?
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        MOVNE   r1, r4                  ; there are, so inform font manager of size change
-        SWINE   XFont_ChangeArea
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        CLRV                            ; don't need to do anything here
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; so just exit
-PreShrink_FontArea Entry "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r1, #-1                 ; ask font manager for minimum size of font area
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; default value if no font manager
-        SWI     XFont_ChangeArea        ; out: r2 = minimum size
-        SUB     r0, r4, r2              ; r0 = current-minimum = max shrink
-        CMP     r3, r0                  ; if requested shrink > max
-        MOVHI   r3, r0                  ; then limit it
-        SUB     r0, r5, #1              ; r0 = page mask
-        BIC     r3, r3, r0              ; round size change down to page multiple
-        SUB     r1, r4, r3              ; r1 = new size
-        SWI     XFont_ChangeArea        ; tell font manager to reduce usage
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        =       "Font cache", 0
-        ALIGN
-; **** New screen stuff ****
-; This source collects together all the new routines needed to make
-; the screen into a new dynamic area.
-; It has the following dependencies elsewhere in the kernel before
-; it can be expected to work:
-; * Definition of AP_Screen in ChangeDyn needs doubly_mapped and
-;   name_is_token bits set
-; * name_is_token handling needs adding (or scrap the bit designation)
-; * Call to CreateNewScreenArea from NewReset to create area
-; * Tim says doubly-mapped areas are broken - this must be fixed first
-; * Old CDA routine may be retired, since screen is its last client
-; * Has Tim completed the rest of this work?
-; Once these routines work, they should be grafted into appropriate
-; places in the kernel sources
-; This source is not intended for stand-alone assembly: it should be
-; plumbed into the kernel source build
-; Version history - remove this once integrated with kernel sources
-; Vsn  Date      Who  What
-; ---  --------  ---  ----------------------------------------------
-; 000  23/08/93  amg  Written
-; 001  24/08/93  amg  Fixes and changes following review by TMD
-; 002  03/09/93  tmd  Updated to work!
-; *********************************************************************
-; Create a new style dynamic area for the screen
-; *********************************************************************
-; Entry requirements
-; none
-        =       "Screen memory",0               ;needs replacing with message token
-        ALIGN
-; *********************************************************************
-; Handler despatch routine for screen dynamic area
-; *********************************************************************
-DynAreaHandler_Screen                           ;despatch routine for pre/post grow/shrink handlers
-        CMP     r0, #4
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, R0, LSL #2
-        B       UnknownHandlerError             ;already defined in ChangeDyn
-        B       PreGrow_Screen                  ;the rest are defined here
-        B       PostGrow_Screen
-        B       PreShrink_Screen
-        B       PostShrink_Screen
-;The sequence of events which these handlers must do is:
-;Grow Screen
-;Pre : Remove cursors
-;      Work out which physical page numbers are needed and return a list
-;CDA : Move existing pages lower in memory within first copy (ie change logical address
-;        associated with physical pages)
-;      Locate and free the next physical pages in line (if used a page swap must occur)
-;      Assign the new pages logical addresses in the gap between the end of the present
-;        logical range and the start of the second physical range
-;Post: Adjust screen memory contents & screen start addresses to retain screen display
-;Shrink Screen
-;Pre : Remove cursors
-;      Adjust screen memory contents & screen start addresses to retain screen display
-;CDA : Move pages from screen to free pool (creates a gap in first logical range)
-;      Close up the gap in logical addressing
-;Post: Restore cursors
-; ***********************************************************************************
-; Handlers for the screen dynamic area
-; ***********************************************************************************
-;Pregrow entry parameters
-; R0 = 0 (reason code)
-; R1 -> page block (entries set to -1)
-; R2 = number of entries in page block == number of pages area is growing by
-; R3 = number of bytes area is growing by (r2 * pagesize)
-; R4 = current size (bytes)
-; R5 = page size
-; exit with V clear, all preserved
-PreGrow_Screen  Entry   "r0-r2,r4"
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; test if VDU inited yet
-        LDRB    lr, [WsPtr, #ExternalFramestore]
-        TEQ     r0, #0                          ; if not, CursorFlags will be zero
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        TEQ     lr, #0
-        SWIEQ   XOS_RemoveCursors               ; if VDU inited, then remove cursors
-05      ADRL    r0, PageShifts-1
-        LDRB    r0, [r0, r5, LSR #12]           ; grab log2Pagesize for shifting
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR r0                  ; change present size into number of pages
-                                                ; since page numbers are 0 to n-1 thus n
-                                                ; is the first page number we want to insist on
-        STR     r4, [r1], #12                   ; store physical page number and increment to next
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1                      ; one less to do
-        ADDNE   r4, r4, #1                      ; next physical page number
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; continue until all pages done
-        CLRV                                    ; ok, so I'm paranoid...
-        EXIT
-; **********************************************************************
-;PostGrow entry parameters
-;R0 = 1 (reason code)
-;R1 -> page block (only physical page numbers are meaningful)
-;R2 = number of entries in page block (= number of pages area grew by)
-;R3 = number of bytes area grew by
-;R4 = new size of area (bytes)
-;R5 = page size
-PostGrow_Screen Entry   "r0,r5"
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; test if VDU inited (CursorFlags=0 => not)
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ; if not inited, do nothing
-        PHPSEI  r5                              ; disable IRQs
-        MOV     r0, r3                          ; move number of bytes area grew by into r0
-        BL      InsertPages                     ; only call InsertPages if VDU inited
-        PLP     r5                              ; restore IRQ state
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors              ; and restore cursors
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; ***********************************************************************
-;PreShrink Entry parameters
-;R0 = 2 (reason code)
-;R3 = number of bytes area is shrinking by
-;R4 = current size of area (bytes)
-;R5 = page size
-;R12 = vdu workspace
-PreShrink_Screen Entry   "R0-R2,R4-R5"
-        ;need to check whether the proposed shrink still leaves enough for
-        ;the current amount needed by the vdu drivers, if it doesn't we
-        ;reduce R3 to be the most we can spare (in whole pages)
- [ HAL
-        MOV     LR, #0
-        LDR     LR, [LR, #VRAMFlags]            ;is VRAM suitable for general use?
-        TST     LR, #2                          ;if not - don't shrink screen memory
-        MOVNE   R3, #0
- ]
-        SUB     R2, R5, #1                      ;make a page mask
-        LDRB    R14, [R12, #ExternalFramestore]
-        TEQ     R14, #0                         ;okay to shrink if using external framestore
-        BEQ     %FT12
-        RSB     R0, R3, #0                      ;R0= -(number of bytes) for RemovePages
-        BL      RemovePages
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-12      LDR     R5, [R12, #ScreenSize]          ;get current minimum size
-        SUB     R1, R4, R5                      ;R1 = maximum shrink (current - screensize)
-        CMP     R3, R1                          ;if requested shrink > max...
-        MOVHI   R3, R1                          ;...then limit it, and...
-        BICS    R3, R3, R2                      ;...round down to multiple of page size
-        BEQ     %FT10                           ;don't shuffle screen data if resultant
-                                                ;shrink is 0 bytes/0 pages
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors
-        PHPSEI  R5                              ;disable interrupts
-        RSB     R0, R3, #0                      ;R0= -(number of bytes) for RemovePages
-        BL      RemovePages                     ;entry: R0 = -(number of bytes)
-        PLP     R5                              ;restore interrupts
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; ************************************************************************
-;PostShrink Entry parameters
-;R0 = 3 (reason code)
-;R3 = number of bytes area shrank by
-;R4 = new size of area (bytes)
-;R5 = page size
-PostShrink_Screen Entry
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        CLRV                                    ;ok, so I'm paranoid...
-        EXIT
-; ************************************************************************
-        END
diff --git a/s/Convrsions b/s/Convrsions
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c156bd..00000000
--- a/s/Convrsions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => Convrsions : varicose number->string routines
-despatchConvert ROUT
-        MOV     r12, #0                 ; All conversions want initial cnt = 0
-        CMP     R11, #OS_ConvertFixedNetStation
-        BGE     EconetStation
-        Push    "R1, lr"
-        SUB     R10, R11, #OS_ConvertHex1 + 1
-        BIC     R10, R10, #3
-        ADD     PC, PC, R10
-        B       Hex_Output       ; one digit     : -4
-        B       Hex_Output       ; 2,3,4,8 digits:  0
-        B       Cardinal_Output                  ;  4
-        B       Signed_Output                    ;  8
-        B       Binary_Output                    ; 12
-        B       Cardinal_Spaced_Output           ; 16
-        B       Signed_Spaced_Output             ; 20
-Hex_Output ROUT
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #OS_ConvertHex1
-        MOVNE   R11, R11, LSL #3
-        MOVEQ   R11, #4
-        MOV     R0, R0, ROR R11
-01      MOV     R0, R0, ROR #28
-        AND     R10, R0, #&F
-        CMP     R10, #10
-        ADDGE   R10, R10, #"A"-10
-        ADDLT   R10, R10, #"0"
-        BL      addconvchar
-        BVS     naffconversion
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #4
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MOVVC   R10, #0
-        BLVC    addconvchar
-        BVS     naffconversion
-        Pull    "R0, lr"
-        SUB     R2, R2, R12
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1              ; null not really a char.
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        Pull    "R1, lr"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-Binary_Output ROUT
-        SUB     R11, R11, #OS_ConvertBinary1-1
-        MOV     R11, R11, LSL #3
-        MOV     R0, R0, ROR R11
-01      MOV     R0, R0, ROR #31
-        AND     R10, R0, #1
-        ADD     R10, R10, #"0"
-        BL      addconvchar
-        BVS     naffconversion
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        B       endconversion
-; cardinal output very similar to BinaryToDecimal
-Cardinal_Output ROUT
-        SUB     R11, R11, #OS_ConvertCardinal1-1
-        MOV     R11, R11, LSL #3
-        MOV     R10, #-1
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSL R11
-        BIC     R0, R0, R10
-        Push    "R3-R5"
-        ADRL    R3, TenTimesTable
-        MOV     R5, #9                  ; max entry
-        MOV     R4, #0                  ; non-0 had flag
-02      LDR     R11, [R3, R5, LSL #2]
-        MOV     R10, #"0"-1             ; digit value
-03      SUBS    R0, R0, R11
-        ADD     R10, R10, #1
-        BCS     %BT03
-        ADD     R0, R0, R11
-        CMP     R10, #"0"
-        CMPEQ   R4, #0
-        BNE     %FT04                   ; put digit
-05      SUBS    R5, R5, #1
-        BPL     %BT02                   ; next digit
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        BEQ     %FT04                   ; R5 must be 0
-        Pull    "R3-R5"
-        B       endconversion
-04      MOV     R4, #-1
-        BL      addconvchar
-        BVC     %BT05
-        Pull    "R3-R5"
-        B       naffconversion
-Signed_Output ROUT
-        SUB     R11, R11, #OS_ConvertInteger1-1
-        MOV     R11, R11, LSL #3
-        AND     R11, R11, #31
-        RSB     R11, R11, #32
-        AND     R11, R11, #31
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL R11
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR R11
-        MOV     R12, R2
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        MOVVS   r2, r12
-        ADDVC   R1, R1, R2
-        Swap    R2, R12, VC
-        B       endconversion
-Cardinal_Spaced_Output ROUT
-        SUB     sp, sp, #12             ; get 12 byte buffer
-        Push    "r1,r2,lr"
-        LDR     r10,code_of_swi
-        ADD     r10,r10,r11
-        ADD     r1, sp, #3*4
-        MOV     r2, #12
-        SWI     XOS_CallASWI
-        RSB     r0, r2, #12            ; bytes got
-        Pull    "r1,r2,lr"
-        MOV     R12, #0
-        MOV     R11, sp
-01      LDRB    R10, [R11], #1
-        BL      addconvchar
-        BVS     space_conv_exit
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        BEQ     space_conv_exit
-        CMP     R10, #"-"
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        CMP     R0, #3
-        CMPNE   R0, #6
-        CMPNE   R0, #9
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MOV     R10, #" "
-        BL      addconvchar
-        BVC     %BT01
-        ADD     sp, sp, #12
-        B       endconversion
-        DCD     XOS_ConvertCardinal1 - OS_ConvertSpacedCardinal1
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; R1 current buffer pos
-; R12 character count, R2 character limit
-; R10 character
-addconvchar ROUT
-        CMP     R2, R12
-        BLE     addconvcharoverflow
-        ADD     R12, R12, #1
-        STRB    R10, [R1], #1
-        RETURNVC
-        RETURNVS
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; EcoNet conversions
-EconetStation ROUT
-        CMP     R11, #OS_ConvertFixedFileSize
-        BGE     FileSizeConversion
-        Push    "R1, lr"
-        Push    "R0"
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #4]
-        CMP     R0, #256
-        BHS     invalidnetworknumber
-        MOV     R10, #" "
-        BL      doabyte
-        BVS     %FT01
-        CMP     R10, #"0"
-        MOVEQ   R10, #"."
-        CMPNE   R11, #OS_ConvertFixedNetStation
-        BLEQ    addconvchar
-        CMP     R10, #"."
-        MOVEQ   R10, #"0"
-        Pull    "R0"
-        BVS     naffconversion
-        LDR     R0, [R0]
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        CMPNE   R0, #256
-        BHS     invalidstationnumber
-        BL      doabyte
-        B       endconversion
-        INC     sp, 4                           ; Pull    "R0"
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadNetwork
-        B       naffconversion_ErrorSet
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadStation
-        B       naffconversion_ErrorSet
-        DCD     ErrorNumber_BadNetwork
-        DCB     "BadNet"                        ; The token for the Global message
-        DCB     0
-        ALIGN
-        DCD     ErrorNumber_BadStation
-        DCB     "BadStn"                        ; The token for the Global message
-        DCB     0
-        ALIGN
-doabyte ROUT
- ; R0 is byte, R11 SWI number (to indicate pad or not)
- ; return VS for oflo
-        Push    "lr"
-        CMP     R11, #OS_ConvertNetStation
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        CMP     R0, #100
-        BGE     %FT03
-        BL      addconvchar
-        Pull    "PC", VS
-02      CMP     R0, #10
-        BGE     %FT03
-        BL      addconvchar
-        Pull    "PC", VS
-03      CMP     R0, #0
-        BNE     %FT01
-        CMP     R11, #OS_ConvertNetStation
-        Pull    "PC", EQ
-        Pull    "lr"
-        B       addconvchar
-01      MOV     R10, R2
-        SUB     R2, R2, R12         ; bytes left
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        ADD     R12, R12, R2
-        ADD     R1, R1, R2
-        MOV     R2, R10
-        MOV     R10, #"0"
-        Pull    "PC"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Do length as xxxx bytes or xxxx Kbytes or xxxx Mbytes
-; In    r0 = size in bytes
-;       r1 -> buffer
-;       r2 = buffer length
-;       r12 = 0
-; Out   r0 = r1in
-;       r1 -> terminating zero
-;       r2 = amount of buffer left
-FileSizeConversion ROUT
-        Push    "r1, lr"
-        Push    "r4-r7"
-        SUB     sp, sp, #16             ; May need temp frame
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; No char by default
-        CMP     r0, #4096               ; Only go to 'K' format if > 4K
-        MOVCS   r4, #"K"                ; Kilo
-        MOVCSS  r0, r0, LSR #10         ; /1024
-        ADC     r0, r0, #0              ; Round up iff divided and bit fell out
-        CMP     r0, #4096               ; Only go to 'M' format if > 4M
-        MOVCS   r4, #"M"                ; Mega
-        MOVCSS  r0, r0, LSR #10         ; /1024 again
-        ADC     r0, r0, #0              ; Round up iff divided and bit fell out
-; No need to go to 'G' format as 2^32 = 4096M!
-        MOV     r5, r0                  ; Remember for prettiness
-        CMP     r11, #OS_ConvertFixedFileSize
-        BNE     %FT50
-        Push    "r1, r2"                ; Remembering state
-        ADD     r1, sp, #4*2            ; Point to our temp buffer
-        MOV     r2, #16
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal     ; This will not give error
-        MOV     r7, r2                  ; Number of chars to do
-        RSBS    r6, r2, #4              ; Number of spaces needed
-        Pull    "r1, r2"
-        BLE     %FT39
-30      MOV     r10, #" "
-        BL      addconvchar
-        BVS     %FA95
-        SUBS    r6, r6, #1
-        BNE     %BT30
-39      MOV     r6, sp                  ; Stick string in punter's buffer
-40      LDRB    r10, [r6], #1
-        BL      addconvchar
-        BVS     %FA95
-        SUBS    r7, r7, #1
-        BNE     %BT40
-        B       %FT60
-50      MOV     r12, r2                 ; No padding on LHS, easy case
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        MOVVS   r2, r12
-        ADDVC   r1, r1, r2
-        Swap    r2, r12, VC
-60      MOVVC   r10, #" "
-        BLVC    addconvchar
-        BVS     %FA95
-        MOVS    r10, r4                 ; Char to print ? VClear
-        BNE     %FT70
-        CMP     r11, #OS_ConvertFixedFileSize ; VClear
-        BNE     %FT75
-        MOV     r10, #" "               ; Need to pad in middle
-70      BL      addconvchar
-75      MOVVC   r10, #"b"               ; 'byte'
-        BLVC    addconvchar
-        MOVVC   r10, #"y"
-        BLVC    addconvchar
-        MOVVC   r10, #"t"
-        BLVC    addconvchar
-        MOVVC   r10, #"e"
-        BLVC    addconvchar
-        BVS     %FA95
-        CMP     r5, #1                  ; Prettify (unpluralisationism). VClear
-        MOVNE   r10, #"s"
-        BNE     %FT90
-        CMP     r11, #OS_ConvertFixedFileSize ; VClear
-        BNE     %FA95
-        MOV     r10, #" "               ; Need to pad to right
-90      BL      addconvchar
-95      ADD     sp, sp, #16
-        Pull    "r4-r7"
-        B       endconversion
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/End b/s/End
deleted file mode 100644
index bae768eb..00000000
--- a/s/End
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2002 Tematic Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        EXPORT  EndOfKernel
-        AREA    ZZZZZ, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=16 ; align to 64K (yuck)
-        &       0                       ; for patching by BigSplit et al
-        END
diff --git a/s/ExtraSWIs b/s/ExtraSWIs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e7e3f48..00000000
--- a/s/ExtraSWIs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > ExtraSWIs
- [ ProcessorVectors
-; ClaimProcVecSWI
-;       In:     r0 = vector and flags
-;                       bit     meaning
-;                       0-7     vector number
-;                               0 = 'Branch through 0' vector
-;                               1 = Undefined instruction
-;                               2 = SWI
-;                               3 = Prefetch abort
-;                               4 = Data abort
-;                               5 = Address exception (only on ARM 2 & 3)
-;                               6 = IRQ
-;                               7+ = reserved for future use
-;                       8       0 = release
-;                               1 = claim
-;                       9-31    reserved (set to 0)
-;               r1 = replacement value
-;               r2 = value which should currently be on vector (only needed for release)
-;       Out:    r1 = value which has been replaced (only returned on claim)
-;       Allows a module to attach itself to one of the processor vectors.
-ClaimProcVecSWI ROUT
-        Entry   "r3-r5"
-        AND     r3, r0, #&FF            ; Get vector number.
-        CMP     r3, #(ProcVec_End-ProcVec_Start):SHR:2
-        ADRCSL  r0, ErrorBlock_BadClaimNum
-        BCS     %FT30
-        MOV     r4, r1                  ; r4 = replacement value
-        LDR     r5, =ProcVec_Start
-        PHPSEI                          ; Disable IRQs while we mess around with vectors.
-        TST     r0, #1:SHL:8
-        LDRNE   r1, [r5, r3, LSL #2]!   ; If claiming then return current value (r5->vector to replace).
-        BNE     %FT10
-        LDR     r3, [r5, r3, LSL #2]!   ; Releasing so get current value (r5->vector to replace).
-        TEQ     r2, r3                  ; Make sure it's what the caller thinks it is.
-        ADRNEL  r0, ErrorBlock_NaffRelease
-        BNE     %FT20
-        STR     r4, [r5]                ; Store replacement value.
-        PLP                             ; Restore IRQs.
-        PullEnv
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        PLP                             ; Restore IRQs and return error.
-  [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-  ]
-        PullEnv
-        B       SLVK_SetV
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/FlashROM b/s/FlashROM
deleted file mode 100644
index 506bc3c1..00000000
--- a/s/FlashROM
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1999 Element 14 Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; This file handles the programming of flash devices in ROM bank 0 with
-; a ROM image transferred via the parallel port. This is for development
-; purposes only, and is only likely to work on the system for which it was
-; designed.
-; Flash Memory Settings
-FR_FlashBase            * &00000000
-FR_DeviceBufferSize     * 32            ; 28F640J5 has 32 byte buffer
-FR_DeviceBlockSizeBits  * 17            ; 28F640J5 has 128KB blocks
-FR_DeviceBlocks         * 64            ; 64 blocks in a 28F640J5
-FR_BufferSize           * FR_DeviceBufferSize*2         ; 2 devices
-FR_BlockSizeBits        * FR_DeviceBlockSizeBits+1      ; 2 devices
-FR_BlockSize            * 1 :SHL: FR_BlockSizeBits      ; 256KB
-FR_FlashSize            * FR_BlockSize*FR_DeviceBlocks  ; 16MB
-; Sizes of things in memory
-FR_StackSize            * 1024
-FR_RAMCodeSize          * 4096
-FR_ScreenSize           * 472*1024
-; Addresses of where we put things in memory
-FR_PageTableBaseAddr    * DRAM0PhysRam
-FR_StackBase            * FR_PageTableBaseAddr+16*1024+FR_StackSize
-FR_RAMCodeAddr          * FR_StackBase
-FR_ScreenBase           * (FR_RAMCodeAddr+FR_RAMCodeSize+15):AND::NOT:&F
-FR_TransferBuffAddr     * FR_ScreenBase
-; Combo chip addresses
-FR_ComboCfgBase         * &03010000 + &3F0*4
-FR_PPortBase            * &03010000 + &278*4
-FR_ECRPortBase          * FR_PPortBase + &402*4
-; On entry, R11->IOMD
-; Will either reprogram the flash, or branch back to 0.
-; We're in SVC32 mode with the MMU off, by the way.
-        ASSERT  IOMD_C_FrontPanelButton <> 0
-        LDRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_CLINES]
-        TST     R0,#IOMD_C_FrontPanelButton
-        MOVNE   PC,#0
-; Switch CPU to 32-bit mode
-        MOV     R0,#MMUC_L :OR: MMUC_D :OR: MMUC_P      ; Set PROG32 and DATA32
-        ARM_write_control R0
-        msr    ,CPSR_c,#I32_bit :OR: F32_bit :OR: SVC32_mode
-; Initialise various CPU control registers
-        MOV     R0,#IOMD_ROMCR_NSTicks_5 :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_HalfSpeed :OR: IOMD_ROMCR_32bit
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        MOV     R0,#IOMD_CLKCTL_CpuclkHalf :OR: IOMD_CLKCTL_MemclkNormal :OR: IOMD_CLKCTL_IOclkNormal
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_CLKCTL]
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_DRAMWID]
-        MOV     R0,#IOMD_IOTCR_Combo_TypeB :OR: IOMD_IOTCR_Network_TypeC
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_IOTCR]
-        MOV     R0,#1                   ; Card 0 type C, the rest type A
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_ECTCR]
-        MOV     R0,#IOMD_ASTCR_WaitStates
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_ASTCR]
-        MOV     R0,#IOMD_C_ReadMask :OR: IOMD_C_ROMCardVpp              ; Green LED on
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_CLINES]
-; Main setup
-        MOV     R10,#VIDC               ; Keep R10 pointing to video registers from here on
-        BL      FR_InitVideo
-        BL      FR_FillScreen
-        BL      FR_SetPageTable
-        BL      FR_SetMMU
-        BL      FR_InitParallel         ; Sets R9 to parallel base address - keep it this way
-; Copy the rest of code to RAM and jump to it
-        ADR     R0,FR_CopyBlockStart
-        LDR     R1,=FR_RAMCodeAddr
-        MOV     LR,R1
-        LDR     R2,=FR_RAMCodeEnd - FR_CopyBlockStart
-01      LDR     R3,[R0],#4
-        STR     R3,[R1],#4
-        SUBS    R2,R2,#4
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MOV     PC,LR
-FR_InitVideo    ROUT
-; Set DMA registers
-        LDR     R1,=FR_ScreenBase
-        ADD     R2,R1,#FR_ScreenSize
-        SUB     R2,R2,#16
-        STR     R1,[R11,#IOMD_VIDSTART]
-        STR     R2,[R11,#IOMD_VIDEND]
-        STR     R1,[R11,#IOMD_VIDINIT]
-        STR     R1,[R11,#IOMD_VIDCUR]
-        STR     R1,[R11,#IOMD_CURSINIT]
-        STR     R1,[R11,#IOMD_CURSCUR]
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        STR     R1,[R11,#IOMD_VIDINITB]
-        MOV     R1,#IOMD_VIDCR_DRAMMode :OR: IOMD_VIDCR_Enable
-        STRB    R1,[R11,#IOMD_VIDCR]
-; Set video registers
-        ADR     R1,FR_InitVidRegs
-        MOV     R2,#(FR_InitVidRegsEnd-FR_InitVidRegs)
-02      LDR     R3,[R1],#4
-        STR     R3,[R10]
-        SUBS    R2,R2,#4
-        BNE     %BT02
-; Set grey palette
-        MOV     R1,#&10000000
-        STR     R1,[R10]
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        MOV     R2,#&000001
-        ORR     R2,R2,#&000100
-        ORR     R2,R2,#&010000
-        MOV     R3,#256
-03      STR     R1,[R10]
-        ADD     R1,R1,R2
-        SUBS    R3,R3,#1
-        BNE     %BT03
-        MOV     PC,LR
-; Frequency synthesizer register settings
-FR_ModR        * 8
-FR_ModV        * 9 ; 36 MHz
-; Video control register settings
-FR_FIFO        * 3 ; 12 loads
-FR_BPP         * 3 ; 8bpp
-FR_PixelRate   * 0 ; CK/1
-FR_ClockSource * 0 ; VCLK
-; Horizontal timings
-FR_HSync       * 72
-FR_HBPch       * 86
-FR_HLBdr       * 24
-FR_HDisp       * 800
-FR_HRBdr       * 24
-FR_HFPch       * 18
-FR_HDWR        * FR_HDisp / 4
-; Vertical timings
-FR_VSync       * 2
-FR_VBPch       * 22
-FR_VTBdr       * 0
-FR_VDisp       * 600
-FR_VBBdr       * 0
-FR_VFPch       * 1
-FR_InitVidRegs  ROUT
-        DCD     &E0000000+(FR_FIFO:SHL:8)+(FR_BPP:SHL:5)+(FR_PixelRate:SHL:2)+FR_ClockSource
-        DCD     &D0000000+&C288
-        DCD     &80000000+FR_HSync+FR_HBPch+FR_HLBdr+FR_HDisp+FR_HRBdr+FR_HFPch-8
-        DCD     &81000000+FR_HSync-8
-        DCD     &82000000+FR_HSync+FR_HBPch-12
-        DCD     &83000000+FR_HSync+FR_HBPch+FR_HLBdr-18
-        DCD     &84000000+FR_HSync+FR_HBPch+FR_HLBdr+FR_HDisp-18
-        DCD     &85000000+FR_HSync+FR_HBPch+FR_HLBdr+FR_HDisp+FR_HRBdr-12
-        DCD     &90000000+FR_VSync+FR_VBPch+FR_VTBdr+FR_VDisp+FR_VBBdr+FR_VFPch-2
-        DCD     &91000000+FR_VSync-2
-        DCD     &92000000+FR_VSync+FR_VBPch-1
-        DCD     &93000000+FR_VSync+FR_VBPch+FR_VTBdr-1
-        DCD     &94000000+FR_VSync+FR_VBPch+FR_VTBdr+FR_VDisp-1
-        DCD     &95000000+FR_VSync+FR_VBPch+FR_VTBdr+FR_VDisp+FR_VBBdr-1
-        DCD     &40008000
-        DCD     &C0000000+(1:SHL:12)+3
-        DCD     &D0000000+&C080+((FR_ModV-1):SHL:8)+(FR_ModR-1)
-        DCD     &D0000000+((FR_ModV-1):SHL:8)+(FR_ModR-1)
-        DCD     &F0000000+(1:SHL:16)+(1:SHL:12)+FR_HDWR
-        DCD     &B1000000
-FR_FillScreen   ROUT
-        LDR     R1,=FR_ScreenBase
-        MOV     R2,#((256:SHL:16)/600):AND:&00FF
-        ORR     R2,R2,#((256:SHL:16)/600):AND:&FF00
-        MOV     R3,R2
-        MOV     R4,#FR_VDisp
-01      MOV     R5,#FR_HDisp
-        MOV     R0,R3,LSR #16
-        ORR     R0,R0,R0,LSL #8
-        ORR     R0,R0,R0,LSL #16
-02      STR     R0,[R1],#4
-        SUBS    R5,R5,#4
-        BNE     %BT02
-        ADD     R3,R3,R2
-        SUBS    R4,R4,#1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MOV     PC,LR
-;Make a page table that basically gives flat addressing with the C and B bits
-;set approriately for the RAM areas. The RAM areas are set with both the C and B
-;bits on, and all other areas have both C and B off. The flash area must not
-;be made cacheable, or programming won't work.
-;On exit
-; r0-r4 corrupted
-FR_SetPageTable ROUT
-        MOV     R1,#FR_PageTableBaseAddr
-        MOV     R2,#0                           ; Address
-        MOV     R4,#L1_U + L1_Section
-        ORR     R4,R4,#AP_Full * L1_APMult
-01      BICS    R3,R2,#&E0000000                ; Repeats at &00000000, &20000000, &4000000, etc.
-        BICEQ   R4,R4,#L1_C + L1_B              ; Clear B and C bits from start of ROM area
-        CMP     R3,#&10000000
-        ORREQ   R4,R4,#L1_C + L1_B              ; Set B and C bits (RAM area cacheable and bufferable)
-        ORR     R0,R3,R4
-        STR     R0,[R1],#4
-        ADDS    R2,R2,#1024*1024
-        BCC     %BT01
-        MOV     PC,LR
-FR_SetMMU       ROUT
-        MOV     R0,#FR_PageTableBaseAddr
-        ARM_MMU_transbase R0
-        MVN     R0,#0                           ; Full access to all domains
-        ARM_MMU_domain R0
-        MOV     R0,#MMUC_L + MMUC_D + MMUC_P + MMUC_W + MMUC_C + MMUC_M
-        ARM_write_control R0                    ; Enable write buffer, cache and MMU
-        MOV     PC,LR
-FR_InitParallel ROUT
-        LDR     R1,=FR_ComboCfgBase
-; Enter config mode
-        MOV     R0,#&55
-        STRB    R0,[R1]
-        STRB    R0,[R1]
-; Write CR0
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        STRB    R0,[R1]
-        MOV     R0,#&22
-        STRB    R0,[R1,#4]      ; CR0=&22 (FDC, IDE off)
-; Write CR1
-        MOV     R0,#1
-        STRB    R0,[R1]
-        MOV     R0,#&97
-        STRB    R0,[R1,#4]      ; CR1=&97 (Parallel port on, extended)
-; Write CR4
-        MOV     R0,#4
-        STRB    R0,[R1]
-        MOV     R0,#&03         ; CR4=&03 (ECP & EPP mode)
-        STRB    R0,[R1,#4]
-; Write ECR
-        MOV     R0,#&34         ; PS/2 Parallel Port mode, DMA off, interrupts off
-        LDR     R9,=FR_ECRPortBase
-        STRB    R0,[R9]
-; Exit config mode
-        MOV     R0,#&AA
-        STRB    R0,[R1]
-; Initialise parallel port
-        LDR     R9,=FR_PPortBase
-; Clear nSTROBE bit (puts nACK high) and clear nSLCTIN bit (puts BUSY high) to
-; indicate we are busy and not accepting data.
-        MOV     R0,#&20         ; Input, IRQ off, nSLCTIN clear, nSTROBE clear
-        STRB    R0,[R9,#8]
-; Keep parallel port base address in R9 from here on
-        MOV     PC,LR
-        LTORG
-; Dont use literals from here on in - the assembler's liable to pull them
-; the non-RAM stuff above.
-; Code from here on gets copied to RAM (at FR_RAMCodeAddr) and run from there.
-        MOV     R0,#IOMD_C_ReadMask :OR: IOMD_C_FrontPanelLED :OR: IOMD_C_ROMCardVpp
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_CLINES]                   ; Red LED on
-        LDR     R13,FR_StackBaseVal
-        MOV     R0,#FR_WaitCmdState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-; Wait for a command header
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        CMP     R0,#'M'
-        BNE     FR_LoopForever
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        CMP     R0,#'P'
-        BNE     FR_LoopForever
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        CMP     R0,#'T'
-        BNE     FR_LoopForever
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        CMP     R0,#'!'
-        BNE     FR_LoopForever
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        CMP     R0,#'P'
-        BEQ     FR_BeginProgram
-        CMP     R0,#'V'
-        BEQ     FR_BeginVerify
-        B       FR_LoopForever
-FR_BeginProgram ROUT
-        MOV     R0,#FR_BeginProgramState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-; Read in parameters
-        BL      FR_ReadOffsetAndCount
-; Ready to go - first make the ROM area writable
-        BL      FR_MakeROM0Writable
-; Begin erasing the block
-        MOV     R0,R7
-        BL      FR_StartErase
-; Read the block data into the buffer
-        BL      FR_ReadBlockIntoBuffer
-; Data read in OK - wait for erase to finish
-        BL      FR_CheckErase
-; Now write block
-        MOV     R0,#FR_WriteBlockState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-        MOV     R0,R7
-        LDR     R1,FR_TransferBuffVal
-        BL      FR_DoWriteBlock
-; Verify the block
-        BL      FR_ResetToReadArray
-        MOV     R0,#FR_VerifyBlockState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-        MOV     R0,R7
-        LDR     R1,FR_TransferBuffVal
-        BL      FR_VerifyBlock
-; Block done, on to the next
-        ADD     R7,R7,#FR_BlockSize
-        SUBS    R8,R8,#1
-        BNE     %BT01
-; All finished - make ROM area read-only
-        BL      FR_MakeROM0ReadOnly
-        B       FR_LoopForever
-FR_BeginVerify  ROUT
-        MOV     R0,#FR_BeginVerifyState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-; Read in parameters
-        BL      FR_ReadOffsetAndCount
-; Read the block data into the buffer
-        BL      FR_ReadBlockIntoBuffer
-; Data read in OK - now verify
-        MOV     R0,#FR_VerifyBlockState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-        MOV     R0,R7
-        LDR     R1,FR_TransferBuffVal
-        BL      FR_VerifyBlock
-; Block done, on to the next
-        ADD     R7,R7,#FR_BlockSize
-        SUBS    R8,R8,#1
-        BNE     %BT01
-; All done
-        B       FR_LoopForever
-FR_ReadOffsetAndCount ROUT
-;Called by the program and verify commands to read their parameters (offset
-;and count) from the parallel port.
-;On exit
-; r7 = Initial offset in Flash ROM area
-; r8 = Block count
-; r0-r3 corrupted
-        STMFD   R13!,{LR}
-; Next incoming word is the block offset to start from
-        BL      FR_ParallelReadWord
-        MOV     R7,R0
-; Check the offset is valid
-        CMP     R7,#FR_FlashSize
-        BHS     FR_OffsetError
-        MOVS    R0,R7,LSL#(32-FR_BlockSizeBits)         ; The offset within the block should be 0
-        BNE     FR_OffsetError
-; Next incoming byte is the number of blocks
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        MOVS    R8,R0
-        BEQ     FR_BlockCountError
-        ADD     R0,R7,R8,LSL #FR_BlockSizeBits
-        CMP     R0,#FR_FlashSize
-        BHI     FR_BlockCountError
-; Turn the offset into a real address
-        ADD     R7,R7,#FR_FlashBase
-        LDMFD   R13!,{PC}
-FR_ReadBlockIntoBuffer ROUT
-;Read a block of data from the parallel port into the transfer buffer
-;Corrupts r0-r6
-        STMFD   R13!,{LR}
-        MOV     R0,#FR_ReadBlockState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-        MOV     R6,#FR_BlockSize
-        LDR     R5,FR_TransferBuffVal
-        MOV     R4,#0                                   ; Checksum
-01      BL      FR_ParallelReadWord
-        STR     R0,[R5],#4
-        ADD     R4,R4,R0
-        SUBS    R6,R6,#4
-        BNE     %BT01
-; Next word is the checksum
-        BL      FR_ParallelReadWord
-        CMP     R0,R4
-        BNE     FR_ChecksumError
-        LDMFD   R13!,{PC}
-FR_ChecksumError ROUT
-        MOV     R0,#FR_ChecksumErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        B       FR_Error
-        MOV     R0,#FR_OffsetErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        B       FR_Error
-        MOV     R0,#FR_BlockCountErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        BL      FR_ShowStateBorder
-; Wait for front panel button to be pressed
-01      LDRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_CLINES]
-        TST     R0,#IOMD_C_FrontPanelButton
-        BNE     %BT01
-; Start again (note this also resets the stack pointer)
-        B       FR_RAMCodeStart
-        STMFD   R13!,{R1}
-        ADR     R1,FR_BorderStateTable
-        LDR     R0,[R1,R0]
-        STR     R0,[R10]
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R1}
-        MOV     PC,LR
-FR_WaitCmdState            DCD &40FF0000   ;Waiting for command - Blue
-FR_BeginProgramState       DCD &40808080   ;Begin Program command - Grey
-FR_BeginVerifyState        DCD &40404040   ;Begin Verify command - Dark grey
-FR_ReadBlockState          DCD &40FFFF00   ;Reading block - Cyan
-FR_WriteBlockState         DCD &4000FF00   ;Writing block - Green
-FR_VerifyBlockState        DCD &40FFFFFF   ;Verifying block - White
-FR_OffsetErrorState        DCD &400000FF   ;Offset error - Red
-FR_BlockCountErrorState    DCD &4000FFFF   ;Block count error - Yellow
-FR_ChecksumErrorState      DCD &40FF00FF   ;Checksum error - Magenta
-FR_EraseErrorState         DCD &40808000   ;Erase error - Dark Cyan
-FR_VoltageRangeErrorState  DCD &40000080   ;Voltage range error - Dark Red
-FR_DeviceProtectErrorState DCD &40800000   ;Device protect error - Dark Blue
-FR_ProgramErrorState       DCD &40008080   ;Program error - Dark Yellow
-FR_VerifyErrorState        DCD &4000BBFF   ;Verify error - Orange
-FR_ParallelRead ROUT
-;Read a byte of data from the parallel port
-;On entry
-; r9 = Parallel port base address
-;On exit
-; r0 = byte read
-; r1 corrupted
-;Set nSLCTIN bit (puts BUSY low) and clear nSTROBE bit (puts nACK high),
-;to indicate that we are ready to receive data
-        MOV     R0,#&28                 ; Input, IRQ off, BUSY low, nACK high
-        STRB    R0,[R9,#8]
-;Now wait until nACK bit (nSTROBE) goes low, meaning a byte is ready to be read
-01      LDRB    R0,[R9,#4]
-        TST     R0,#&40
-        BNE     %BT01
-;Read the byte
-        LDRB    R0,[R9]
-;Set nSTROBE bit (puts nACK low) to indicate we read the byte, and
-;clear nSLCTIN bit (puts BUSY high) to indicate we are busy and won't accept
-;any more data
-        MOV     R1,#&21                 ; Input, IRQ off, BUSY high, nACK low
-        STRB    R1,[R9,#8]
-;Make sure nACK bit (nSTROBE) has returned high
-02      LDRB    R1,[R9,#4]
-        TST     R1,#&40
-        BEQ     %BT02
-;Finish nAck pulse by clearing nSTROBE bit (puts nACK high). Keep BUSY high
-        MOV     R1,#&20                 ; Input, IRQ off, BUSY high, nACK high
-        STRB    R1,[R9,#8]
-        MOV     pc,lr
-FR_ParallelReadWord ROUT
-;Read a word of data from the parallel port
-;On entry
-; r9 = Parallel port base address
-;On exit
-; r0 = word read
-; r1-r3 corrupted
-        MOV     R3,LR
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        MOV     R2,R0
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        ORR     R2,R2,R0,LSL #8
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        ORR     R2,R2,R0,LSL #16
-        BL      FR_ParallelRead
-        ORR     R0,R2,R0,LSL #24
-        MOV     PC,R3
-        STMFD   R13!,{R0}
-        LDRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        ORR     R0,R0,#&80
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R0}
-        MOV     PC,LR
-        STMFD   R13!,{R0}
-        LDRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        BIC     R0,R0,#&80
-        STRB    R0,[R11,#IOMD_ROMCR0]
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R0}
-        MOV     PC,LR
-FR_ResetToReadArray ROUT
-;Reset the flash devices to Read Array mode
-        STMFD   R13!,{R0,R1}
-        MOV     R0,#FR_FlashBase
-        MOV     R1,#&FF
-        ORR     R1,R1,R1,LSL #8
-        STR     R1,[R0]                 ; Write the Read Array command (&FF) to both devices
-        LDMFD   R13,{R0,R1}
-        MOV     PC,LR
-FR_StartErase   ROUT
-;Start to erase a block (256KB) of flash memory
-;On entry
-; r0=Block Address (real memory address)
-        STMFD   R13!,{R1}
-        MOV     R1,#&20
-        ORR     R1,R1,R1,LSL #8
-        STR     R1,[R0]                 ; Write the Block Erase command (&20) to both devices
-        MOV     R1,#&D0
-        ORR     R1,R1,R1,LSL #8
-        STR     R1,[R0]                 ; Write the Confirm command (&D0) to both devices
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R1}
-        MOV     PC,LR
-FR_CheckErase   ROUT
-;Wait for erase to finish
-        STMFD   R13!,{R0,R1}
-        MOV     R0,#FR_FlashBase
-01      LDR     R1,[R0]                 ; Read the status register
-        TST     R1,#&0080               ; Check even SR.7
-        TSTNE   R1,#&8000               ; Check odd SR.7
-        BEQ     %BT01                   ; Repeat until both set
-        TST     R1,#&0020               ; Check even SR.5
-        TSTEQ   R1,#&2000               ; Check odd SR.5
-        BNE     FR_ceEraseError
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R0,R1}
-        MOV     PC,LR
-        MOV     R1,#&50
-        ORR     R1,R1,R1,LSL #8
-        STR     R1,[R0]                 ; Write Clear Status Register command (&50) to beth devices
-        BL      FR_ResetToReadArray
-        BL      FR_MakeROM0ReadOnly
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R0,R1}
-        MOV     R0,#FR_EraseErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        B       FR_Error
-FR_DoWriteBlock ROUT
-;Writes a block (256KB) of data to flash memory
-;On entry
-; r0=Block Address (real memory address)
-; r1=Pointer to data to write
-;On exit
-; r0,r1 have advanced by the block size (256KB)
-        STMFD   R13!,{R2,R3,LR}
-        MOV     R2,R1
-        MOV     R1,R0
-        MOV     R3,#FR_BlockSize
-01      BL      FR_DoWriteBuffer
-        SUBS    R3,R3,#FR_BufferSize
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MOV     R0,R1
-        MOV     R1,R2
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R2,R3,PC}
-FR_DoWriteBuffer ROUT
-;Write a buffer full of data (64 bytes) to flash memory
-;On entry
-; r0=Block Address
-; r1=Start Address
-; r2=Pointer to data to write
-;On exit
-; r0 preserved
-; r1,r2 have increased by 64 bytes
-        STMFD   R13!,{R3,R4,LR}
-        MOV     R3,#&E8
-        ORR     R3,R3,R3,LSL #8
-01      STR     R3,[R0]                 ; Write the Write to Buffer command (&E8) to both devices
-        LDR     R4,[R0]                 ; Read the XSR
-        TST     R4,#&0080               ; Check even XSR.7
-        TSTNE   R4,#&8000               ; Check odd XSR.7
-        BEQ     %BT01                   ; Repeat until both set
-        MOV     R3,#(FR_DeviceBufferSize:SHR:1)-1       ; No. of (16-bit) words to write - 1
-        ORR     R3,R3,R3,LSL #8
-        STR     R3,[R0]                 ; Write the (16-bit) word count to both devices
-        MOV     R3,#FR_BufferSize
-02      LDR     R4,[R2],#4
-        STR     R4,[R1],#4              ; Write a (16-bit) word of data to each device
-        SUBS    R3,R3,#4
-        BNE     %BT02
-        MOV     R3,#&D0
-        ORR     R3,R3,R3,LSL #8
-        STR     R3,[R0]                 ; Write the Confirm command (&D0) to both devices
-03      LDR     R4,[R0]                 ; Read the status register
-        TST     R4,#&0080               ; Check even SR.7
-        TSTNE   R4,#&8000               ; Check odd SR.7
-        BEQ     %BT03                   ; Repeat until both set
-        TST     R4,#&0008               ; Check even SR.3
-        TSTEQ   R4,#&0800               ; Check odd SR.3
-        BNE     FR_dwbfVoltageRangeError
-        TST     R4,#&0002               ; Check even SR.1
-        TSTEQ   R4,#&0200               ; Check odd SR.1
-        BNE     FR_dwbfDeviceProtectError
-        TST     R4,#&0010               ; Check even SR.4
-        TSTEQ   R4,#&1000               ; Check odd SR.4
-        BNE     FR_dwbfProgramError
-; Programming completed successfully
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R3,R4,PC}
-        MOV     R0,#FR_VoltageRangeErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        B       FR_dwbfErrorExit
-        MOV     R0,#FR_DeviceProtectErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        B       FR_dwbfErrorExit
-        MOV     R0,#FR_ProgramErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        MOV     R3,#&50
-        ORR     R3,R3,R3,LSL #8
-        MOV     R4,#FR_FlashBase
-        STR     R1,[R4]                 ; Write Clear Status Register command (&50) to beth devices
-        BL      FR_ResetToReadArray
-        BL      FR_MakeROM0ReadOnly
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R3,R4,LR}
-        B       FR_Error
-FR_VerifyBlock  ROUT
-;Compare a block (256KB) of data to flash memory
-;On entry
-; r0=Block Address (real memory address)
-; r1=Pointer to block to compare
-;On exit
-; r0,r1 have advanced by the block size (256KB)
-        STMFD   R13!,{R2-R4}
-        MOV     R2,#FR_BlockSize
-01      LDR     R3,[R0],#4
-        LDR     R4,[R1],#4
-        CMP     R3,R4
-        BNE     FR_VerifyError
-        SUBS    R2,R2,#4
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R2-R4}
-        MOV     PC,LR
-        MOV     R0,#FR_VerifyErrorState-FR_BorderStateTable
-        B       FR_Error
-FR_StackBaseVal    & FR_StackBase
-FR_TransferBuffVal & FR_TransferBuffAddr
-        END
diff --git a/s/GetAll b/s/GetAll
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd9bdc6..00000000
--- a/s/GetAll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > GetAll
-        GET     Hdr:ListOpts
-        GET     Hdr:Macros
-        GET     Hdr:System
-        GET     Hdr:Machine.<Machine>
-        GET     Hdr:ImageSize.<ImageSize>
-        GET     Hdr:UserIF.<UserIF>
-        $GetCPU
-        $GetIO
-        $GetMEMC
-        $GetMEMM
-        $GetVIDC
-        GET     hdr.Options
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; now get the headers
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        GBLL    ShowWS
-ShowWS  SETL    {TRUE}                          ; Make KernelWS be verbose
-        GET     Hdr:CMOS
-        GET     Hdr:Heap
-        GET     Hdr:PublicWS
-        GET     Hdr:KernelWS
-        GET     Hdr:HALEntries
-        GET     Hdr:HALDevice
-        GET     Hdr:OSEntries
-        GET     Hdr:Services
-        GET     Hdr:FSNumbers
-        GET     Hdr:HighFSI
-        GET     Hdr:NewErrors
-        GET     Hdr:Proc
-        GET     Hdr:Sprite
-        GET     Hdr:KeyWS
-        GET     Hdr:RS423
-        GET     Hdr:ModHand
-        GET     Hdr:Variables
-        GET     Hdr:EnvNumbers
-        GET     Hdr:UpCall
-        GET     Hdr:Sound
-        GET     Hdr:Pointer
-        GET     Hdr:Podule
-        GET     Hdr:VduExt
-        GET     Hdr:Buffer
-        GET     Hdr:Font
-        GET     Hdr:DevNos
-        GET     Hdr:Territory
-        GET     Hdr:Portable
-        GET     Hdr:MsgTrans
-        GET     Hdr:PaletteV
-        GET     Hdr:GraphicsV
-        GET     Hdr:Wimp
-        GET     Hdr:ColourTran
-        GET     Hdr:Debug
-        GET     Hdr:nvram
-        GET     Hdr:PortMan
-        GET     s.PMF.DEF          ; Common with 6502 code in the keyboard
-        Protocol
-; now the main parts of the MOS
-;        IMPORT  EndOfKernel
-        GET     hdr.Copro15ops ; some macros
-        GET     hdr.ARMops
-        GET     s.Kernel
-        $GetFlashROM
-        GET     s.ARMops
-        GET     s.NewIRQs
-        GET     s.Oscli
-        GET     s.SysComms
-        GET     s.HeapMan
-        GET     s.ModHand
-        $GetUnsqueeze
-        GET     s.ArthurSWIs
-        GET     s.ChangeDyn
-        $GetHAL
-        GET     s.Arthur2
-        GET     s.LibKern
-        GET     s.Utility
-        GET     s.MoreComms
-        GET     s.Convrsions
-        GET     s.MoreSWIs
-        GET     s.ExtraSWIs
-        GET     s.HeapSort
-        GET     s.Arthur3
-        GET     s.SWINaming
-        GET     s.TickEvents
-        $GetKbdRes
-        GET     s.NewReset
-        $GetMessages
-        GET     s.Middle
-        GET     s.Super1
-        $GetKernelMEMC
-        $GetMemInfo
-        ! 0, "Main kernel size = &" :CC: :STR: (.-KernelBase)
-        GET     s.vdu.vduhint
-        GET     s.vdu.VduDriver
-        GET     s.vdu.VduSWIs
-        GET     s.vdu.VduPalette
-        $GetPalette
-        GET     s.vdu.VduPlot
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafA
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafB
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafC
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafD
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafE
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafF
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafG
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafH
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafI
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafJ
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafK
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafL
-        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafV
-        GET     s.vdu.VduWrch
-        GET     s.vdu.Vdu23
-        GET     s.vdu.VduPointer
-        GET     s.vdu.Vdu5
-        GET     s.vdu.VduCurSoft
-        GET     s.vdu.VduTTX
-        GBLS    GiveMeBfontAnyDay
-        [ BleedinDaveBell
-GiveMeBfontAnyDay SETS "GET s.vdu.VduFontL1"
-        |
-GiveMeBfontAnyDay SETS "GET s.vdu.VduFont"
-        ]
-        $GiveMeBfontAnyDay
-        ! 0, "Vdu drivers size = &" :CC: :STR: (.-StartOfVduDriver)
-        GET     s.PMF.osinit
-        GET     s.PMF.oseven
-        GET     s.PMF.osbyte
-        GET     s.PMF.osword
-        GET     s.PMF.realtime
-        GET     s.PMF.convdate
-        GET     s.PMF.i2cutils
-        GET     s.PMF.IIC
-        GET     s.PMF.oswrch
-        GET     s.PMF.buffer
-        $GetKbdDrA1
-        GET     s.PMF.key
-        GET     s.PMF.mouse
-        ALIGN
-        ! 0, "PMF section size = &" :CC: :STR: (EndOfPMF - StartOfPMF)
- [ {FALSE}
-        ALIGN   4096                    ;align to 4k page boundary, for easy ROMpatch
- ]
-        GET     s.AMBControl.AMB
-        ! 0, "AMB section size = &" :CC: :STR: (EndOfAMB - StartOfAMB)
-;        ALIGN   65536
-        DCD     0
- [ med_00001_debug
- ! 0,""
- ! 0,",-----------------------------------------------------------------,"
- ! 0,"| **** WARNING ****                                               |"
- ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
- ! 0,"| Audit trail debugging for MED-00001 is enabled. This reuses the |"
- ! 0,"| first three words of OldIRQ1Vspace. This should be turned off   |"
- ! 0,"| once MED-00001 has been tested and marked 'fixed'.              |"
- ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
- ! 0,"| Usage:                                                          |"
- ! 0,"|   +0   start of area used by flood fill                         |"
- ! 0,"|   +4   end+1 of area used by flood fill                         |"
- ! 0,"|   +8   amount the rma was grown by                              |"
- ! 0,"'-----------------------------------------------------------------'"
- ! 0,""
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/HAL b/s/HAL
deleted file mode 100644
index 2836f646..00000000
--- a/s/HAL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2154 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        GBLL    MinorL2PThack
-MinorL2PThack SETL {TRUE}
-; Fixed page allocation is as follows
-                        ^       0
-DRAMOffset_FirstFixed   #       0
-DRAMOffset_ScratchSpace #       16*1024
-DRAMOffset_PageZero     #       16*1024
-DRAMOffset_L1PT         #       16*1024         ; L1PT must be 16K-aligned
-DRAMOffset_LastFixed    #       0
-;        IMPORT  Init_ARMarch
-;        IMPORT  ARM_Analyse
-; void RISCOS_InitARM(unsigned int flags)
-        MOV     a4, lr
-        ; Check if we're architecture 3. If so, don't read the control register.
-        BL      Init_ARMarch
-        MOVEQ   a1, #0
-        ARM_read_control a1, NE
-        ; Late abort (ARM6 only), 32-bit Data and Program space. No Write buffer (ARM920T
-        ; spec says W bit should be set, but I reckon they're bluffing).
-        ;
-        ; The F bit's tricky. (1 => CPCLK=FCLK, 0=>CPCLK=FCLK/2). The only chip using it was the
-        ; ARM700, it never really reached the customer, and it's always been programmed with
-        ; CPCLK=FCLK. Therefore we'll keep it that way, and ignore the layering violation.
-        ORR     a1, a1, #MMUC_F+MMUC_L+MMUC_D+MMUC_P
-        ; All of these bits should be off already, but just in case...
-        BIC     a1, a1, #MMUC_B+MMUC_W+MMUC_C+MMUC_A+MMUC_M
-        BIC     a1, a1, #MMUC_RR+MMUC_V+MMUC_I+MMUC_Z+MMUC_R+MMUC_S
-        ; Off we go.
-        ARM_write_control a1
-        ; In case it wasn't a hard reset
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        MCR     ARM_config_cp,0,a2,ARMv4_cache_reg,C7           ; invalidate I+D caches
-        MCREQ   ARM_config_cp,0,a2,ARMv3_TLBflush_reg,C0        ; flush TLBs
-        MCRNE   ARM_config_cp,0,a2,ARMv4_TLB_reg,C7             ; flush TLBs
-        ; We assume that ARMs with an I cache can have it enabled while the MMU is off.
-        [ :LNOT:CacheOff
-        ORRNE   a1, a1, #MMUC_I
-        ARM_write_control a1, NE                                ; whoosh
-        ]
-        ; Check if we are in a 26-bit mode.
-        MRS     a2, CPSR
-        ; Keep a soft copy of the CR in a banked register (R13_und)
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+UND32_mode
-        MOV     sp, a1
-        ; Switch into SVC32 mode (we may have been in SVC26 before).
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+SVC32_mode
-        ; If we were in a 26-bit mode, the lr value given to us would have had PSR flags in.
-        TST     a2, #2_11100
-        MOVNE   pc, a4
-        BICEQ   pc, a4, #ARM_CC_Mask
-; void *RISCOS_AddRAM(unsigned int flags, void *start, void *end, uintptr_t sigbits, void *ref)
-;   Entry:
-;     flags   bit 0: video memory (currently only one block permitted)
-;             bit 1: video memory is not suitable for general use
-;             bits 8-11: speed indicator (arbitrary, higher => faster)
-;             other bits reserved (SBZ)
-;     start   = start address of RAM (inclusive) (no alignment requirements)
-;     end     = end address of RAM (exclusive) (no alignment requirements, but must be >= start)
-;     sigbits = significant address bit mask (1 => this bit of addr decoded, 0 => this bit ignored)
-;     ref     = reference handle (NULL for first call)
-; A table is built up at the head of the first block of memory.
-; The table consists of (addr, len, flags) pairs, terminated by a count of those pairs; ref points to that
-; counter.
-; Twelve bits of flags are stored at the bottom of the length word.
-        ROUT
-        Push    "v1,v2,v3,v4,lr"
-        LDR     v4, [sp, #20]           ; Get ref
-        ; Round to pages. If we were extra sneaky we could not do this and chuck out incomplete
-        ; pages after concatanation, but it would be a weird HAL that gave us pages split across
-        ; calls.
-        ;
-        ADD     a2, a2, #4096           ; round start address up
-        SUB     a2, a2, #1
-        MOV     a2, a2, LSR #12
-        MOV     a2, a2, LSL #12
-        MOV     a3, a3, LSR #12         ; round end address down
-        MOV     a3, a3, LSL #12
-        CMP     a3, a2
-        BLS     %FT90                   ; check we aren't now null
-        CMP     v4, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        ; We are not dealing with the first block since v4 != 0.  Make an attempt to merge this block
-        ; with the previous block.
-        LDMDB   v4, {v1, v2}            ; Get details of the previous block
-        MOV     v3, v2, LSL #20         ; Isolate flags
-        BIC     v2, v2, v3, LSR #20     ; And strip from length
-        ADD     v2, v1, v2              ; Get the end address
-        EOR     v2, v2, a2              ; Compare with the current block start address...
-        TST     v2, a4                  ; ... but only check the decoded bits.
-        EOR     v2, v2, a2              ; Restore the previous block end address.
-        TEQEQ   v3, a1, LSL #20         ; And are the page flags the same?
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; We can't merge it after the previous block
-        ; v1 = previous start
-        ; v2 = previous end
-        ; The block is just after the previous block.  That means the start address is unchanged, but
-        ; the length is increased.
-        SUB     v2, v2, v1              ; Calculate the previous block length.
-        SUB     a3, a3, a2              ; Find the length of the new block.
-        ; a3 = length of block
-        ADD     v2, v2, a3              ; Add it to the previous length.
-        ORR     v2, v2, v3, LSR #20     ; And put the flags back in.
-        STR     v2, [v4, #-4]           ; Update the block size in memory.
-        MOV     a1,v4
-        Pull    "v1,v2,v3,v4,pc"
-        ; The block is not just after the previous block, but it may be just before.  This may be the
-        ; case if we are softloaded.
-10      SUB     v1, v1, #1              ; Compare the address before the previous block start ...
-        SUB     a3, a3, #1              ; ... with the address of the last byte in this block ...
-        EOR     v1, v1, a3
-        TST     v1, a4                  ; ... but check only the decoded bits.
-        ADD     a3, a3, #1              ; Restore the end address.
-        TEQEQ   v3, a1, LSL #20         ; And are the page flags the same?
-        BNE     %FT20                   ; Skip if we cannot merge the block.
-        ; The block is just before the previous block.  The start address and length both change.
-        LDR     v1, [v4, #-8]           ; Get the previous block start again.
-        SUB     a3, a3, a2              ; Calculate the current block size.
-        SUB     v1, v1, a3              ; Subtract from the previous block start address.
-        SUB     v2, v2, v1              ; Calculate the new length=end-start
-        ORR     v2, v2, v3, LSR #20     ; And put the flags back in.
-        STMDB   v4, {v1, v2}            ; Update the block info in memory.
-        MOV     a1,v4
-        Pull    "v1,v2,v3,v4,pc"
-        ; We now have a region which does not merge with a previous region.  We move it up to the
-        ; highest address we can in the hope that this block will merge with the next block.
-20      SUB     a3, a3, a2              ; Calculate the block size
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSL #20
-        ORR     a3, a3, a1, LSR #20     ; Put the flags at the bottom
-        MVN     v1, a4                  ; Get the non-decoded address lines.
-        ORR     a2, v1, a2              ; Set the non-decoded address bit in the start address.
-30      CMP     v4, #0                  ; If the workspace has not been allocated...
-        MOVEQ   v4, a2                  ; ... use this block.
-        MOVEQ   v1, #0                  ; Initialise the counter.
-        ; The block/fragment to be added is between a2 and a2+a3.
-        LDRNE   v1, [v4]                ; Get the old counter if there was one.
-        STMIA   v4!, {a2, a3}           ; Store address and size.
-        ADD     v1, v1, #1              ; Increment the counter.
-        STR     v1, [v4]                ; Store the counter.
-90      MOV     a1,v4
-        Pull    "v1,v2,v3,v4,pc"        ; We've done with this block now.
-; Subtractv1v2fromRAMtable
-; On entry: v1 = base of memory area
-;           v2 = size of memory area
-;           a4 = RAM table handle (ie pointer to terminator word containing number of entries)
-; On exit:  a1-a3 preserved
-;           a4 and RAM table updated
-;           other registers corrupted
-        ADD     v2, v1, v2              ; v2 = end address
-        MOV     v1, v1, LSR #12
-        MOV     v1, v1, LSL #12         ; round base down
-        ADD     v2, v2, #4096
-        SUB     v2, v2, #1
-        MOV     v2, v2, LSR #12
-        MOV     v2, v2, LSL #12         ; round end up
-        LDR     v5, [a4]
-        SUB     v8, a4, v5, LSL #3
-10      TEQ     v8, a4
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        LDMIA   v8!, {v3, v4}
-        MOV     v6, v4, LSR #12
-        ADD     v6, v3, v6, LSL #12     ; v6 = end of RAM block
-        CMP     v2, v3                  ; if our end <= RAM block start
-        CMPHI   v6, v1                  ; or RAM block end <= our start
-        BLS     %BT10                   ; then no intersection
-        MOV     v4, v4, LSL #20         ; extract flags
-        CMP     v1, v3
-        BHI     not_bottom
-        ; our area is at the bottom
-        CMP     v2, v6
-        BHS     remove_block
-        SUB     v6, v6, v2              ; v6 = new size
-        ORR     v6, v6, v4, LSR #20     ; + flags
-        STMDB   v8, {v2, v6}            ; store new base (= our end) and size
-        B       %BT10
-        ; we've completely covered a block. Remove it.
-        MOV     v6, v8
-20      TEQ     v6, a4                  ; shuffle down subsequent blocks in table
-        LDMNEIA v6, {v3, v4}
-        STMNEDB v6, {v3, v4}
-        ADDNE   v6, v6, #8
-        BNE     %20
-        SUB     v5, v5, #1
-        SUB     a4, a4, #8
-        STR     v5, [a4]
-        SUB     v8, v8, #8
-        B       %BT10
-        ; our area is not at the bottom.
-        CMP     v2, v6
-        BLO     split_block
-        ; our area is at the top
-        SUB     v6, v1, v3              ; v6 = new size
-        ORR     v6, v6, v4, LSR #20     ; + flags
-        STMDB   v8, {v3, v6}            ; store original base and new size
-        B       %BT10
-        MOV     v6, a4
-30      TEQ     v6, v8                  ; shuffle up subsequent blocks in table
-        LDMNEDB v6, {v3, v4}
-        STMNEIA v6, {v3, v4}
-        SUBNE   v6, v6, #8
-        BNE     %BT30
-        ADD     v5, v5, #1
-        ADD     a4, a4, #8
-        STR     v5, [a4]
-        SUB     v7, v1, v3              ; v7 = size of first half
-        SUB     v6, v6, v2              ; v6 = size of second half
-        ORR     v7, v7, v4, LSR #20
-        ORR     v6, v6, v4, LSR #20     ; + flags
-        STMDB   v8, {v3, v7}
-        STMIA   v8!, {v2, v6}
-        B       %BT10
-;void RISCOS_Start(unsigned int flags, int *riscos_header, int *hal_header, void *ref)
-; We don't return, so no need to obey ATPCS, except for parameter passing.
-; register usage:   v4 = location of VRAM
-;                   v6 = amount of VRAM
-        ROUT
-        TEQ     a4, #0
-01      BEQ     %BT01                           ; Stop here if no RAM
-        ; subtract the HAL and OS from the list of RAM areas
-        MOV     v1, a2
-        LDR     v2, [a2, #OSHdr_ImageSize]
-        BL      Subtractv1v2fromRAMtable
-        LDR     v1, [a3, #HALDesc_Start]
-        ADD     v1, a3, v1
-        LDR     v2, [a3, #HALDesc_Size]
-        BL      Subtractv1v2fromRAMtable
-        LDR     v5, [a4]                        ; v5 = the number of RAM blocks
-        SUB     v8, a4, v5, LSL #3              ; Jump back to the start of the list.
-        ; Search for some VRAM
-05      LDMIA   v8!, {v1, v2}                   ; Get a block from the list. (v1,v2)=(addr,size+flags)
-        TST     v2, #1                          ; Is it VRAM?
-        BNE     %FT20                           ; If so, deal with it below
-        TEQ     v8, a4                          ; Carry on until end of list or we find some.
-        BNE     %BT05
-        ; Extract some pseudo-VRAM from first RAM block
-        SUB     v8, a4, v5, LSL #3              ; Rewind again.
-        LDMIA   v8!, {v1, v2}
-        MOV     v2, v2, LSR #12                 ; Remove flags
-        MOV     v2, v2, LSL #12
-        MOV     v4, v1                          ; Allocate first block as video memory
-        MOV     v6, v2
-        TEQ     v8, a4                          ; Was this the only block? If so, leave 1M
-        SUBEQS  v6, v6, #1024*1024
-        MOVCC   v6, v2, LSR #1                  ; If that overflowed, take half the bank.
-        CMP     v6, #32*1024*1024
-        MOVHS   v6, #32*1024*1024               ; Limit allocation to 32M (arbitrary)
-        ADD     v1, v1, v6                      ; Adjust the RAM block base...
-        SUBS    v2, v2, v6                      ; ... and the size
-        LDMEQIA v8!, {v1, v2}                   ; Fetch the next block if we claimed it all
-        B       %FT30
-        ; Note real VRAM parameters
-20      MOV     v6, v2                          ; Remember the size and address
-        MOV     v4, v1                          ; of the VRAM
-22      TEQ     v8, a4                          ; if not at the end of the array
-        LDMNEIA v8, {v1, v2}                    ; pack the array tighter
-        STMNEDB v8, {v1, v2}
-        ADDNE   v8, v8, #8
-        BNE     %BT22
-25      SUB     v5, v5, #1                      ; decrease the counter
-        STR     v5, [a4, #-8]!                  ; and move the end marker down
-        SUB     v8, a4, v5, LSL #3              ; Rewind to start of list
-        LDMIA   v8!, {v1, v2}
-        ; Fill in the Kernel's permanent memory table
-30      ADD     ip, v1, #DRAMOffset_PageZero
-        ADD     v7, ip, #DRAMPhysAddrA
-        ADD     sp, v1, #DRAMOffset_ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize
-        Push    "a1,a2,a3"                      ; Remember our arguments
-        CMP     v5, #DRAMPhysTableSize          ; Don't overflow our table
-        ADDHI   a4, v8, #DRAMPhysTableSize*8 - 8
-35      MOV     v2, v2, LSR #12
-        MOVS    v2, v2, LSL #12                 ; strip out flags
-        STMNEIA v7!, {v1, v2}                   ; if non-zero length, add it to real list
-        TEQ     v8, a4
-        LDMNEIA v8!, {v1, v2}
-        BNE     %BT35
-        ; Now go back and put the VRAM information in
-        STR     v6, [ip, #VRAMFlags]
-        MOV     v6, v6, LSR #12
-        MOV     v6, v6, LSL #12                 ; strip out flags
-        ADD     a3, ip, #VideoPhysAddr
-        STMIA   a3, {v4, v6}
-        ; Now we have to work out the total RAM size
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        MOV     v6, a3
-        LDMIA   v6!, {v1, v2}                   ; get address, size
-        ADD     a2, a2, v2                      ; add on size
-        TEQ     v6, v7
-        BNE     %BT40
-; a2 = Total memory size (bytes)
-; a3 = PhysRamTable
-; v7 = After last used entry in PhysRamTable
-; now store zeros to fill out table
-        ADD     v2, a3, #PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable
-        MOV     v3, #0
-        MOV     v4, #0
-        CMP     v7, v2
-        STMLOIA v7!, {v3, v4}
-        BLO     %BT57
-; Time to set up the L1PT. Just zero it out for now.
-        LDR     a3, [a3, #DRAMPhysAddrA-PhysRamTable]   ; get address of 1st RAM bank
-        ADD     a3, a3, #DRAMOffset_L1PT+16*1024        ; make a3 -> L1PT end
-        MOV     a4, #16*1024
-        MOV     v2, #0
-        MOV     v3, #0
-        MOV     v4, #0
-        MOV     v5, #0
-        MOV     v6, #0
-        MOV     v7, #0
-        MOV     v8, #0
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        STMDB   a3!, {v2-v8,ip}                         ; start at end and work back
-        SUBS    a4, a4, #8*4
-        BNE     %BT60
-        ADD     v1, a3, #DRAMOffset_PageZero - DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        ADD     v2, a3, #DRAMOffset_LastFixed - DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        STR     a2, [v1, #RAMLIMIT]                     ; remember the RAM size
-        MOV     lr, a2, LSR #12
-        SUB     lr, lr, #1
-        STR     lr, [v1, #MaxCamEntry]
-        MOV     lr, a2, LSR #12-3+12
-        CMP     a2, lr, LSL #12-3+12
-        ADDNE   lr, lr, #1
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSL #12
-        STR     lr, [v1, #SoftCamMapSize]
-        STR     a3, [v1, #InitUsedStart]                ; store start of L1PT
-        ADD     v1, v1, #DRAMPhysAddrA
-        MOV     v3, a3
-; For the next batch of allocation routines, v1-v3 are treated as globals.
-; v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
-; v2 -> next address to allocate in v1 (may point at end of v1)
-; v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on - not yet)
-; Allocate the L2PT backing store for the logical L2PT space, to
-; prevent recursion.
-        LDR     a1, =L2PT
-        MOV     a2, #&00400000
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_None * L2X_APMult)
-        BL      AllocateL2PT
-; Allocate workspace for the HAL
-        ADD     a4, v3, #DRAMOffset_PageZero - DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        LDR     a3, [sp, #8]                            ; recover pushed HAL header
-        LDR     a1, =HALWorkspace
-        LDR     a2, =(AP_Read * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B
-        LDR     lr, [a3, #HALDesc_Workspace]            ; their workspace
-        LDR     ip, [a3, #HALDesc_NumEntries]           ; plus 1 word per entry
-        ADD     lr, lr, ip, LSL #2
-        MOV     a3, lr, LSR #12                         ; round workspace up to whole
-        MOV     a3, a3, LSL #12                         ; number of pages
-        CMP     a3, lr
-        ADDNE   a3, a3, #&1000
-        STR     a3, [a4, #HAL_WsSize]                   ; Make a note of allocated space
-        ADD     ip, a1, ip, LSL #2                      ; Their workspace starts
-        STR     ip, [a4, #HAL_Workspace]                ; after our table of entries
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
-        LDR     a3, [sp, #8]                            ; recover pushed HAL header
-        LDR     lr, [a3, #HALDesc_Flags]
-        TST     lr, #HALFlag_NCNBWorkspace              ; do they want uncacheable
-        LDRNE   a1, =HALWorkspaceNCNB                   ; workspace?
-        LDRNE   a2, =(AP_None * L2X_APMult)
-        LDRNE   a3, =32*1024
-        BLNE    Init_MapInRAM
-; Bootstrap time. We want to get the MMU on ASAP. We also don't want to have to
-; clear up too much mess later. So what we'll do is map in the three fixed areas
-; (L1PT, scratch space and page zero), the CAM, ourselves, and the HAL,
-; then turn on the MMU. The CAM will be filled in once the MMU is on, by
-; reverse-engineering the page tables?
-        ; Map in page zero
-        ADD     a1, v3, #DRAMOffset_PageZero - DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        MOV     a2, #0
- [ ECC
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_Read * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B + 1:SHL:31
- |
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_Read * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B
- ]
-        MOV     a4, #16*1024
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        ; Map in scratch space
-        ADD     a1, v3, #DRAMOffset_ScratchSpace - DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        MOV     a2, #ScratchSpace
-  [ ECC
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_Read * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B + 1:SHL:31
-  |
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_Read * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B
-  ]
-        MOV     a4, #16*1024
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        ; Map in L1PT
-        MOV     a1, v3
-        LDR     a2, =L1PT
- [ ECC
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_None * L2X_APMult) + 1:SHL:31
- |
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_None * L2X_APMult)
- ]
-        MOV     a4, #16*1024
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        ; Map in L1PT again in PhysicalAccess (see below)
-        MOV     a1, v3, LSR #20
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSL #20                 ; megabyte containing L1PT
-        LDR     a2, =PhysicalAccess
- [ ECC
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_None * L2X_APMult) + 1:SHL:31
- |
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_None * L2X_APMult)
- ]
-        MOV     a4, #1024*1024
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        ; Examine HAL and RISC OS locations
-        LDMFD   sp, {v4,v5,v6}                  ; v4 = flags, v5 = RO desc, v6 = HAL desc
-        LDR     lr, [v6, #HALDesc_Size]
-        LDR     v7, [v6, #HALDesc_Start]
-        ADD     v6, v6, v7                      ; (v6,v8)=(start,end) of HAL
-        ADD     v8, v6, lr
-        LDR     v7, [v5, #OSHdr_ImageSize]
-        ADD     v7, v5, v7                      ; (v5,v7)=(start,end) of RISC OS
-        TEQ     v8, v5                          ; check contiguity (as in a ROM image)
-        BNE     %FT70
-        ; HAL and RISC OS are contiguous. Yum.
-        MOV     a1, v6
-        LDR     a2, =RISCOS_Header
-        SUB     a2, a2, lr
-        SUB     ip, a2, a1                      ; change physical addresses passed in
-        LDMIB   sp, {a3, a4}                    ; into logical addresses
-        ADD     a3, a3, ip
-        ADD     a4, a4, ip
-        STMIB   sp, {a3, a4}
-        MOV     a3, #(AP_ROM * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B
-        SUB     a4, v7, v6
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        MOV     a3, v6
-        B       %FT75
-        ; HAL is separate. (We should cope with larger images)
-        LDR     a2, =ROM
-        MOV     a1, v6
-        SUB     ip, a2, a1                      ; change physical address passed in
-        LDR     a3, [sp, #8]                    ; into logical address
-        ADD     a3, a3, ip
-        STR     a3, [sp, #8]
-        SUB     a4, v8, v6
-        MOV     a3, #(AP_ROM * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        ; And now map in RISC OS
-        LDR     a2, =RISCOS_Header              ; Hmm - what if position independent?
-        MOV     a1, v5
-        SUB     ip, a2, a1                      ; change physical address passed in
-        LDR     a3, [sp, #4]                    ; into logical address
-        ADD     a3, a3, ip
-        STR     a3, [sp, #4]
-        SUB     a4, v7, v5
-        MOV     a3, #(AP_ROM * L2X_APMult) + L2_C + L2_B
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        MOV     a3, v5
-        ; We've now allocated all the pages we're going to before the MMU comes on.
-        ; Note the end address (for RAM clear)
-        ADD     a1, v3, #DRAMOffset_PageZero - DRAMOffset_L1PT
-        STR     v1, [a1, #InitUsedBlock]
-        STR     v2, [a1, #InitUsedEnd]
-        STR     a3, [a1, #ROMPhysAddr]
-        ; Note the HAL flags passed in.
-        LDR     a2, [sp, #0]
-        STR     a2, [a1, #HAL_StartFlags]
-        ; Set up a reset IRQ handler (used during RAM clear for keyboard
-        ; scan, and later for IIC CMOS access)
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #IRQ32_mode + I32_bit + F32_bit
-        LDR     sp_irq, =ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize/2
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #SVC32_mode + I32_bit + F32_bit
-        LDR     a2, =Reset_IRQ_Handler
-        STR     a2, [a1, #InitIRQHandler]
-        ; Fill in some initial processor vectors. These will be used during ARM
-        ; analysis, once the MMU is on. We do it here before the data cache is
-        ; activated to save any IMB issues.
-        ADRL    a2, InitProcVecs
-        ADD     a3, a2, #InitProcVecsEnd - InitProcVecs
-76      LDR     a4, [a2], #4
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        STR     a4, [a1], #4
-        BLO     %BT76
-; The time has come to activate the MMU. Steady now... Due to unpredictability of MMU
-; activation, need to ensure that mapped and unmapped addresses are equivalent. To
-; do this, we temporarily make the section containing virtual address MMUon_instr map
-; to the same physical address. In case the code crosses a section boundary, do the
-; next section as well.
-; Also note, no RAM access until we've finished the operation, as we don't know it's
-; available, and we might lose it due to lack of cache cleaning.
-        MOV     a1, #4_3333333333333333         ; All domain manager - in case MMU already on
-        ARM_MMU_domain a1                       ; (who knows what domains/permissions they are using)
-        ADR     a1, MMU_activation_zone
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSR #20                 ; a1 = megabyte number (stays there till end)
-        ADD     lr, v3, a1, LSL #2              ; lr -> L1PT entry
-        LDMIA   lr, {a2, a3}                    ; remember old mappings
-  [ ARM6support
-        LDR     ip, =(AP_None * L1_APMult) + L1_U + L1_Section
-  |
-        LDR     ip, =(AP_ROM * L1_APMult) + L1_U + L1_Section
-  ]
-        ORR     a4, ip, a1, LSL #20             ; not cacheable, as we don't want
-        ADD     v4, a4, #1024*1024              ; to fill the cache with rubbish
-        STMIA   lr, {a4, v4}
-        MOV     a4, a1
-        BL      Init_ARMarch                    ; corrupts a1 and ip
-        MOV     a1, a4
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+UND32_mode ; Recover the soft copy of the CR
-        MOVEQ   v5, sp
-        ARM_read_control v5, NE
-  [ CacheOff
-        ORR     v5, v5, #MMUC_M                 ; MMU on
-        ORR     v5, v5, #MMUC_R                 ; ROM mode enable
-  |
-        ORR     v5, v5, #MMUC_W+MMUC_C+MMUC_M   ; Write buffer, data cache, MMU on
-        ORR     v5, v5, #MMUC_R+MMUC_Z          ; ROM mode enable, branch predict enable
-  ]
-        ARM_MMU_transbase v3                    ; Always useful to tell it where L1PT is...
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        MCREQ   p15, 0, ip, c5, c0              ; MMU may already be on (but flat mapped)
-        MCRNE   p15, 0, ip, c8, c7              ; if HAL needed it (eg XScale with ECC)
-                                                ; so flush TLBs now
-        ARM_write_control v5
-        MOVEQ   sp, v5
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+SVC32_mode
-        MOV     ip, #0                                          ; junk MMU-off contents of I-cache
-        MCR     ARM_config_cp,0,ip,ARMv4_cache_reg,C7           ; (works on ARMv3)
-        MOV     ip, #4_0000000000000001                         ; domain 0 client only
-        ARM_MMU_domain ip
-; MMU now on. Need to jump to logical copy of ourselves. Complication arises if our
-; physical address overlaps our logical address - in that case we need to map
-; in another disjoint copy of ourselves and branch to that first, then restore the
-; original two sections.
-        ADRL    a4, RISCOS_Header
-        LDR     ip, =RISCOS_Header
-        SUB     ip, ip, a4
-        ADR     a4, MMU_activation_zone
-        MOV     a4, a4, LSR #20
-        MOV     a4, a4, LSL #20                 ; a4 = base of scrambled region
-        ADD     v4, a4, #2*1024*1024            ; v4 = top of scrambled region
-        SUB     v4, v4, #1                      ;      (inclusive, in case wrapped to 0)
-        ADR     v5, MMUon_resume
-        ADD     v5, v5, ip                      ; v5 = virtual address of MMUon_resume
-        CMP     v5, a4
-        BLO     MMUon_nooverlap
-        CMP     v5, v4
-        BHI     MMUon_nooverlap
-        ASSERT  ROM > 3*1024*1024
-; Oh dear. We know the ROM lives high up, so we'll mangle 00100000-002FFFFF.
-; But as we're overlapping the ROM, we know we're not overlapping the page tables.
-        LDR     lr, =L1PT                       ; accessing the L1PT virtually now
-  [ ARM6support
-        LDR     ip, =(AP_None * L1_APMult) + L1_U + L1_Section
-  |
-        LDR     ip, =(AP_ROM * L1_APMult) + L1_U + L1_Section
-  ]
-        ORR     v6, a4, ip
-        ADD     ip, v6, #1024*1024
-        LDMIB   lr, {v7, v8}                    ; sections 1 and 2
-        STMIB   lr, {v6, ip}
-        RSB     ip, a4, #&00100000
-        ADD     pc, pc, ip
-        NOP
-MMUon_overlapresume                             ; now executing from 00100000
-        ADD     ip, lr, a4, LSR #18
-        STMIA   ip, {a2, a3}                    ; restore original set of mappings
-        BL      Init_PageTablesChanged
-        MOV     a2, v7                          ; arrange for code below
-        MOV     a3, v8                          ; to restore section 1+2 instead
-        MOV     a1, #1
-        ADRL    lr, RISCOS_Header
-        LDR     ip, =RISCOS_Header
-        SUB     ip, ip, lr
-        ADD     pc, pc, ip
-        NOP
-; What if the logical address of the page tables is at the physical address of the code?
-; Then we have to access it via PhysicalAccess instead.
-        LDR     lr, =L1PT
-        CMP     lr, a4
-        BLO     MMUon_nol1ptoverlap
-        CMP     lr, v4
-        BHI     MMUon_nol1ptoverlap
-; PhysicalAccess points to the megabyte containing the L1PT. Find the L1PT within it.
-        LDR     lr, =PhysicalAccess
-        MOV     v6, v3, LSL #12
-        ORR     lr, lr, v6, LSR #12
-        ADD     lr, lr, a1, LSL #2
-        STMIA   lr, {a2, a3}
-        BL      Init_PageTablesChanged
-; The MMU is now on. Wahey. Let's get allocating.
-        LDR     sp, =ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize - 4*3 ; 3 items already on stack :)
-        LDR     a1, =ZeroPage
-        ADD     lr, v3, #DRAMOffset_PageZero-DRAMOffset_L1PT   ; lr = PhysAddr of zero page
-        SUB     v1, v1, lr
-        ADD     v1, v1, a1                              ; turn v1 from PhysAddr to LogAddr
-        LDR     a2, [a1, #InitUsedBlock]                ; turn this from Phys to Log too
-        SUB     a2, a2, lr
-        ADD     a2, a2, a1
-        STR     a2, [a1, #InitUsedBlock]
-; Store the logical address of the HAL descriptor
-        LDR     a2, [sp, #8]
-        STR     a2, [a1, #HAL_Descriptor]
-        MOV     v3, #0                                  ; "MMU is on" signal
-        BL      ARM_Analyse
-        ChangedProcVecs a1
-        MOV     a1, #L1_Fault
-        BL      RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress
-        ASSERT  ZeroPage = 0
-        LDR     a1, =HALWorkspace
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        LDR     a3, [a2, #HAL_WsSize]
-        BL      memset
-        MOV     a2, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     a1, =IOLimit
-        STR     a1, [a2, #IOAllocLimit]
-        LDR     a1, =IO
-        STR     a1, [a2, #IOAllocPtr]
-        BL      SetUpHALEntryTable
-; Initialise the HAL. Due to its memory claiming we need to get our v1 and v2 values
-; into workspace and out again around it.
-        MOV     a1, #ZeroPage
-        STR     v1, [a1, #InitUsedBlock]
-        STR     v2, [a1, #InitUsedEnd]
-        LDR     a1, =RISCOS_Header
-        LDR     a2, =HALWorkspaceNCNB
-        AddressHAL
-        CallHAL HAL_Init
-        MOV     a1, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     v1, [a1, #InitUsedBlock]
-        LDR     v2, [a1, #InitUsedEnd]
-; Start timer zero, at 100 ticks per second
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_TimerGranularity
-        MOV     a2, a1
-        MOV     a1, #100
-        BL      __rt_udiv
-        MOV     a2, a1
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_TimerSetPeriod
-        MOV     a1, #InitIRQWs
-        MOV     a2, #1
-        STRB    a2, [a1, #KbdScanActive]
-        CallHAL HAL_KbdScanSetup
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+SVC32_mode             ; enable IRQs for scan
-; Remember some stuff that's about to get zapped
-        LDR     v8, =ZeroPage
-        LDR     v4, [v8, #ROMPhysAddr]
-        LDR     v5, [v8, #RAMLIMIT]
-        LDR     v7, [v8, #MaxCamEntry]
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        LDR     a1, [a1, #HAL_StartFlags]
-        TST     a1, #OSStartFlag_RAMCleared
-; Clear the memory.
-        BLEQ    ClearPhysRAM
-; Put it back
-        STR     v4, [v8, #ROMPhysAddr]
-        STR     v5, [v8, #RAMLIMIT]
-        STR     v7, [v8, #MaxCamEntry]
-; Set v4 to XCB bits for default cacheable+bufferable
-        MOV     v5, #0
-        LDR     v4, [v5, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        LDRB    v4, [v4, #0]
-; Set v5 to XCB bits for default bufferable
-        LDR     v5, [v5, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        LDRB    v5, [v5, #XCB_NC]
-; Set up the data cache cleaner space if necessary (eg. for StrongARM core)
-        MOV     a1, #-1
-        CallHAL HAL_CleanerSpace
-        CMP     a1, #-1          ;-1 means none needed (HAL only knows this if for specific ARM core eg. system-on-chip)
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDR     a2, =DCacheCleanAddress
-        ORR     a3, v4, #AP_None * L2X_APMult             ; ideally, svc read only, user none but hey ho
-        ASSERT  DCacheCleanSize = 4*&10000                ; 64k of physical space used 4 times (allows large page mapping)
-        MOV     a4, #&10000
-        MOV     ip, #4
-        SUB     sp, sp, #5*4       ;room for a1-a4,ip
-        STMIA   sp, {a1-a4, ip}
-        BL      Init_MapIn
-        LDMIA   sp, {a1-a4, ip}
-        SUBS    ip, ip, #1
-        ADD     a2, a2, #&10000
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     sp, sp, #5*4
-; Allocate the CAM
-        LDR     a3, [v8, #SoftCamMapSize]
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_None * L2X_APMult
-        LDR     a1, =CAM
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
-; Allocate the supervisor stack
-        LDR     a1, =SVCStackAddress
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_Read * L2X_APMult
-        LDR     a3, =SVCStackSize
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
- [ HAL32
-; Allocate the interrupt stack
-        LDR     a1, =IRQStackAddress
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_None * L2X_APMult
-        LDR     a3, =IRQStackSize
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
- ]
-; Allocate the abort stack
-        LDR     a1, =ABTStackAddress
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_None * L2X_APMult
-        LDR     a3, =ABTStackSize
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
-; Allocate the undefined stack
-        LDR     a1, =UNDStackAddress
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_None * L2X_APMult
-        LDR     a3, =UNDStackSize
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
-; Allocate the system heap
-        LDR     a1, =SysHeapAddress
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_Full * L2X_APMult
-        LDR     a3, =32*1024
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
-; Allocate the cursor/system/sound block - first the cached bit
-        LDR     a1, =CursorChunkAddress
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_Read * L2X_APMult           ; Should be AP_None?
-        LDR     a3, =SoundDMABuffers - CursorChunkAddress
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
-; then the uncached bit
-        LDR     a1, =SoundDMABuffers
-        ORR     a2, v5, #AP_Read * L2X_APMult           ; Should be AP_None?
-        LDR     a3, =?SoundDMABuffers
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
- [ LongCommandLines
-        LDR     a1, =KbuffsBaseAddress
-        ORR     a2, v4, #AP_Read * L2X_APMult
-        LDR     a3, =(KbuffsSize + &FFF) :AND: &FFFFF000  ;(round to 4k)
-        BL      Init_MapInRAM
- ]
- [ MinorL2PThack
-; Allocate backing L2PT for the free pool
-        MOV     a1, #FreePoolAddress
-        LDR     a2, [v8, #RAMLIMIT]
-        ORR     a3, v5, #AP_None * L2X_APMult
-        BL      AllocateL2PT
-; And for application space
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        MOV     a2, #AplWorkMaxSize             ; Not quite right, but the whole thing's wrong anyway
-        ORR     a3, v4, #AP_Full * L2X_APMult
-        BL      AllocateL2PT
-; And for the system heap. Sigh
-        LDR     a1, =SysHeapAddress
-        LDR     a2, =SysHeapMaxSize
-        ORR     a3, v4, #AP_Full * L2X_APMult
-        BL      AllocateL2PT
- ]
-        LDR     a1, =ZeroPage
-        STR     v2, [a1, #InitUsedEnd]
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+IRQ32_mode
-        LDR     sp, =IRQSTK
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+ABT32_mode
-        LDR     sp, =ABTSTK
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+I32_bit+UND32_mode
-        LDR     sp, =UNDSTK
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+SVC2632
-        LDR     sp, =SVCSTK
-        LDR     ip, =CAM
-        STR     ip, [a1, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        BL      ConstructCAMfromPageTables
-        MOV     a1, #4096
-        STR     a1, [v8, #Page_Size]
-        BL      CountPageTablePages
- [ {FALSE}
-        MOV     a1, #InitIRQWs
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        STMIA   a1!, {a2,a3}
-        STMIA   a1!, {a2,a3}
- ]
-        B       Continue_after_HALInit
-        LTORG
-CountPageTablePages ROUT
-        MOV     a1, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     a2, =CAM
-        LDR     a3, [a1, #MaxCamEntry]
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        ADD     a3, a3, #1
-        ADD     a4, a2, a3, LSL #3
-10      LDR     ip, [a4, #-8]!
-        ASSERT  (L2PT :AND: &3FFFFF) = 0
-        MOV     ip, ip, LSR #22
-        TEQ     ip, #L2PT :SHR: 22
-        ADDEQ   a1, a1, #4096
-        TEQ     a4, a2
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        STR     a1, [a2, #L2PTUsed]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; int PhysAddrToPageNo(void *addr)
-; Converts a physical address to the page number of the page containing it.
-; Returns -1 if address is not in RAM.
-        MOV     a4, #0
-        LDR     ip, =ZeroPage + PhysRamTable
-10      LDMIA   ip!, {a2, a3}                   ; get phys addr, size
-        TEQ     a3, #0                          ; end of list? (size=0)
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ;   then it ain't RAM
-        SUB     a2, a1, a2                      ; a2 = amount into this bank
-        CMP     a2, a3                          ; if more than size
-        ADDHS   a4, a4, a3                      ;   increase counter by size of bank
-        BHS     %BT10                           ;   and move to next
-        ADD     a4, a4, a2                      ; add offset to counter
-        MOV     a1, a4, LSR #12                 ; convert counter to a page number
-        MOV     pc, lr
-90      MOV     a1, #-1
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; A routine to construct the soft CAM from the page tables. This is used
-; after a soft reset, and also on a hard reset as it's an easy way of
-; clearing up after the recursive page table allocaton.
-        ROUT
-        Push    "v1-v8, lr"
-        MOV     a1, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     a2, [a1, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDR     ip, [a1, #MMU_PCBTrans]
-        LDR     v1, =CAM                        ; v1 -> CAM (for whole routine)
-        ADD     a2, a2, #1
-        ADD     a2, v1, a2, LSL #3
-        LDR     a3, =DuffEntry                  ; Clear the whole CAM, from
-        MOV     a4, #AP_Duff                    ; the top down.
-10      STMDB   a2!, {a3, a4}
-        CMP     a2, v1
-        BHI     %BT10
-        MOV     v2, #0                          ; v2 = logical address
-        LDR     v3, =L1PT                       ; v3 -> L1PT (not used much)
-        LDR     v4, =L2PT                       ; v4 -> L2PT
-30      LDR     v5, [v3, v2, LSR #18]           ; lr = first level descriptor
-        ASSERT  L1_Fault = 0
-        AND     a1, v5, #2_11                   ; move to next section if not
-        TEQ     a1, #L1_Page                    ; a page table (we ignore section maps
-        BEQ     %FT40                           ; and we don't do fine tables)
-        ADDS    v2, v2, #&00100000
-        BCC     %BT30
-        Pull    "v1-v8, pc"
-40      LDR     v5, [v4, v2, LSR #10]           ; lr = second level descriptor
-        ASSERT  L2_Fault = 0
-        ANDS    v6, v5, #2_11                   ; move to next page if fault
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        TEQ     v6, #L2_SmallPage               ; convert small pages to extended pages
-        BNE     %FT50
-        MOV     lr, #0                          ; if we now know that CPU supports them
-        LDR     a1, [lr, #ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     a1, #CPUFlag_ExtendedPages
-        BEQ     %FT50
-        ASSERT  ZeroPage = 0
-        LDR     a1, [lr, #MMU_PCBTrans]         ; reprocess C and B bits as per XCB table
-        TST     v5, #L2_C                       ; (eg if C and B both set, replace with
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable ; default cacheable+bufferable XCB)
-        TST     v5, #L2_B
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable
-        LDRB    lr, [a1, lr, LSR #2]
-        EOR     v5, v5, #L2_ExtPage:EOR:L2_SmallPage
-        BIC     v5, v5, #2_111111000000         ; remove excess 3 AP fields
-        BIC     v5, v5, #2_000000001100         ; remove old C+B
-        BIC     a1, v5, #2_000000110011         ; remove all other bits for just address
-        ORR     v5, v5, lr                      ; put in new XCB
-        MOV     a2, #ZeroPage
-        ARMop   MMU_ChangingEntry,,,a2
-        STR     v5, [v4, v2, LSR #10]           ; update page table
-50      MOV     a1, v5, LSR #12
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSL #12                 ; a1 = address (flags stripped out),,,
-        TEQ     v6, #L2_LargePage
-        BICEQ   a1, a1, #&0000F000              ; large pages get bits 12-15
-        ANDEQ   lr, v2, #&0000F000              ; from the virtual address
-        ORREQ   a1, a1, lr
-        BL      PhysAddrToPageNo
-        CMP     a1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        ADD     a2, v1, a1, LSL #3              ; a2 -> CAM entry
-        AND     a1, v5, #&30                    ; a1 = access permission
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSR #4
-        ; ARM access goes 0 => all R/O, 1 => user none, 2 => user R/O, 3  => user R/W
-        ; PPL access goes 0 => user R/W, 1 => user R/O, 2 => user none, (and let's say 3 all R/O)
-        RSB     v6, a1, #3                      ; v6 = PPL access
-        AND     a1, v5, #2_11                   ; a1 = page type
-        CMP     a1, #L2_SmallPage
-        ANDHI   a1, v5, #2_0000001111001100     ; Extended TEX and CB bits
-        ANDLS   a1, v5, #2_0000000000001100     ; Small/Large CB bits only
-        ANDLO   lr, v5, #2_1111000000000000     ; Large TEX bits
-        ORRLO   a1, a1, lr, LSR #6              ; Move Large TEX back to Extended TEX position
-        MOV     lr, #3                          ; lr = PCB value (funny loop to do NCNB first)
-60      LDRB    a3, [ip, lr]                    ; look in XCBTrans table
-        TEQ     a3, a1                          ; found a match for our XCB?
-        BEQ     %FT70
-        TST     lr, #2_11
-        SUBNE   lr, lr, #1                      ; loop goes 3,2,1,0,7,6,5,4,...,31,30,29,28
-        ADDEQ   lr, lr, #7
-        TEQ     lr, #35
-        BNE     %BT60
-70      AND     a1, lr, #2_00011
-        ORR     v6, v6, a1, LSL #4              ; extract NCNB bits
-        AND     a1, lr, #2_11100
-        ORR     v6, v6, a1, LSL #10             ; extract P bits
-        ORR     v6, v6, #PageFlags_Unavailable               ; ???? pages from scratch to cam only?
-        STMIA   a2, {v2, v6}                    ; store logical address, PPL
-80      ADD     v2, v2, #&00001000
-        TST     v2, #&000FF000
-        BNE     %BT40
-        TEQ     v2, #0                          ; yuck (could use C from ADDS but TST corrupts C
-        BNE     %BT30                           ; because of big constant)
-        Pull    "v1-v8, pc"
-; Allocate a physical page from DRAM
-; On entry:
-;    v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
-;    v2 -> end of last used physical page
-; On exit:
-;    a1 -> next free page
-;    v1, v2 updated
-; No out of memory check...
-        MOV     a1, v2
-        LDMIA   v1, {a2, a3}
-        ADD     a2, a2, a3                      ; ip = end of this bank
-        CMP     v2, a2                          ; advance v2 to next bank if
-        LDRHS   a1, [v1, #8]!                   ; this bank is fully used
-        ADD     v2, a1, #4096
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Allocate and map in some RAM.
-; On entry:
-;    a1 = logical address
-;    a2 = access permissions (see Init_MapIn)
-;    a3 = length
-;    v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
-;    v2 = next physical address
-;    v3 -> L1PT
-; On exit:
-;    a1 -> physical address of start of RAM (deduce the rest from PhysRamTable)
-; No out of memory check...
-        Push    "v4-v8,lr"
-        MOV     v8, #-1
-        MOV     v5, a3                          ; v5 = amount of memory required
-        MOV     v6, a1                          ; v6 = logical address
-        MOV     v7, a2                          ; v7 = access permissions
-10      LDMIA   v1, {ip, v4}                    ; ip = addr of bank, v4 = len
-        SUB     ip, v2, ip                      ; ip = amount of bank used
-        SUBS    v4, v4, ip                      ; v4 = amount of bank left
-        LDREQ   v2, [v1, #8]!                   ; move to next bank if 0 left
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        CMP     v8, #-1                         ; is this the first bank?
-        MOVEQ   v8, v2                          ; remember it
-        CMP     v4, v5                          ; sufficient in this bank?
-        MOVHS   a4, v5
-        MOVLO   a4, v4                          ; a4 = amount to take
-        MOV     a1, v2                          ; set up parameters for MapIn call
-        MOV     a2, v6                          ; then move globals (in case MapIn
- [ ECC
-        ORR     a3, v7, #1:SHL:31
- |
-        MOV     a3, v7                          ; needs to allocate for L2PT)
- ]
-        ADD     v2, v2, a4                      ; advance physaddr
-        SUB     v5, v5, a4                      ; decrease wanted
-        ADD     v6, v6, a4                      ; advance address pointer
-        BL      Init_MapIn                      ; map in the RAM
-        TEQ     v5, #0                          ; more memory still required?
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     a1, v8
-        Pull    "v4-v8,pc"
-; Map a range of physical addresses to a range of logical addresses.
-; On entry:
-;    a1 = physical address
-;    a2 = logical address
-;    a3 = access permissions + C + B bits (bits 11-2 of an extended descriptor)
-;           (also set bit 31 to indicate that P bit in L1PT should
-;            be set)
-;    a4 = area size
-;    v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
-;    v2 = last used physical address
-;    v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on)
-Init_MapIn ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        ORR     lr, a1, a2                      ; OR together, physaddr, logaddr
-        ORR     lr, lr, a4                      ; and size.
-        MOVS    ip, lr, LSL #12                 ; If all bottom 20 bits 0
-        BEQ     Init_MapIn_Sections             ; it's section mapped
-        MOVS    ip, lr, LSL #16                 ; If bottom 16 bits not all 0
-        ORRNE   a3, a3, #L2_ExtPage             ; then extended small pages (4K)
-        BNE     %FT10
-        ORR     a3, a3, #L2_LargePage           ; else large pages (64K)
-        AND     lr, a3, #L2_TEX                 ; extract TEX from ext page flags
-        AND     ip, a3, #L2X_AP                 ; extract AP from ext page flags
-        BIC     a3, a3, #L2_AP                  ; clear way for large page AP
-        ORR     ip, ip, ip, LSL #2              ; duplicate up AP to 4 sub-pages
-        ORR     ip, ip, ip, LSL #4
-        ORR     a3, a3, lr, LSL #6              ; replace TEX in large page position
-        ORR     a3, a3, ip                      ; replace quadrupled AP
-        Push    "v4-v7"
-        MOV     v4, a1                          ; v4 = physaddr
-        MOV     v5, a2                          ; v5 = logaddr
-        MOV     v6, a3                          ; v6 = access permissions
-        MOV     v7, a4                          ; v7 = area size
-20      MOV     a1, v4
-        MOV     a2, v5
-        MOV     a3, v6
-        BL      Init_MapInPage                  ; Loop through mapping in each
-        ADD     v4, v4, #4096                   ; page in turn
-        ADD     v5, v5, #4096
-        SUBS    v7, v7, #4096
-        BNE     %BT20
-        Pull    "v4-v7,pc"
-        MOVS    ip, v3                          ; is MMU on?
-        LDREQ   ip, =L1PT                       ; then use virtual address
-        AND     lr, a3, #4_033300               ; extract TEX and AP bits
-        BIC     a3, a3, #4_033300               ; and clear them (now P, Domain and U bits)
-        ORR     a3, a3, lr, LSL #6              ; put TEX and AP bits back in new position
-  [ ARM6support
-        ASSERT  AP_ROM = 0
-        TST     a3, #4_300000                   ; If ROM permission
-        ARM_6   lr,EQ                           ;   and ARM 6
-        ORREQ   a3, a3, #AP_Read * L1_APMult    ;     then make it Read permission, non-updateable
-        ORRNE   a3, a3, #L1_U
-        ORRS    a3, a3, #L1_Section             ; Add section indicator to permission
-  |
-        ORRS    a3, a3, #L1_U+L1_Section        ; Add section + U indicators to permission
-  ]
-        ORRMI   a3, a3, #L1_P
-        BICMI   a3, a3, #1:SHL:31
-        ORR     a1, a1, a3                      ; Merge with physical address
-        ADD     a2, ip, a2, LSR #18             ; a2 -> L1PT entry
-70      STR     a1, [a2], #4                    ; And store in L1PT
-        ADD     a1, a1, #1024*1024              ; Advance one megabyte
-        SUBS    a4, a4, #1024*1024              ; and loop
-        BNE     %BT70
-        Pull    "pc"
-; Map a logical page to a physical page, allocating L2PT as necessary.
-; On entry:
-;    a1 = physical address
-;    a2 = logical address
-;    a3 = access permissions + C + B bits + size (all non-address bits, of appropriate type)
-;           (also set bit 31 to indicate that P bit in L1PT should be set)
-;    v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
-;    v2 = last used physical address
-;    v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on)
-; On exit:
-;    a1 = logical address
-;    a2-a4, ip corrupt
-;    v1, v2 updated
-; ROM permission is caught if on an ARM 6 and turned into Read
-; Extended pages are caught if not available (or MMU off) and turned into Small
-        Push    "v4-v6, lr"
-        MOV     v4, a1                          ; v4 = physical address
-        MOV     v5, a2                          ; v5 = logical address
-        MOV     v6, a3                          ; v6 = access permissions
-        MOV     a1, v5
-        MOV     a2, #4096
-        BL      AllocateL2PT
-        TEQ     v3, #0                          ; if MMU on, access L2PT virtually...
-        LDREQ   a1, =L2PT                       ; a1 -> L2PT virtual address
-        MOVEQ   ip, v5                          ; index using whole address
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        MOV     ip, v5, LSR #20
-        LDR     a1, [v3, ip, LSL #2]            ; a1 = level one descriptor
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSR #10
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSL #10                 ; a1 -> L2PT tables for this section
-        AND     ip, v5, #&000FF000              ; extract L2 table index bits
-40      AND     lr, v6, #3
-        TEQ     lr, #L2_LargePage               ; strip out surplus address bits from
-        BICEQ   v6, v6, #&0000F000              ; large page descriptors
-        TEQ     lr, #L2_ExtPage
-        BNE     %FT50
-        TEQ     v3, #0                          ; if we've been given an extended page
-        BNE     %FT45                           ; must check that (a) the MMU is on
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     lr, [lr, #ProcessorFlags]       ; and (b) the CPU supports them
-        TST     lr, #CPUFlag_ExtendedPages
-        BNE     %FT50
-45      EOR     v6, v6, #L2_SmallPage :EOR: L2_ExtPage
-        AND     lr, v6, #L2X_AP                 ; convert the extended page descriptor
-        BIC     v6, v6, #L2_AP                  ; into a small page descriptor
-        ORR     lr, lr, lr, LSL #2              ; (losing the TEX bits in the
-        ORR     v6, v6, lr                      ; process, but they should have been 0)
-        ORR     v6, v6, lr, LSL #4
-50      ORR     lr, v4, v6                      ; lr = value for L2PT entry
-  [ ARM6support
-        ASSERT  AP_ROM = 0
-        TST     lr, #4_333300                   ; if ROM permission
-        ARM_6   a2,EQ                           ;   and ARM 6
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #AP_Read * L2_APMult    ;     then make it Read permission
-  ]
-        STR     lr, [a1, ip, LSR #10]           ; update L2PT entry
-        MOV     a1, v5
-        Pull    "v4-v6, pc"
-; On entry:
-;    a1 = virtual address L2PT required for
-;    a2 = number of bytes of virtual space
-;    a3 = access permissions that will be placed in L2PT (bits 11-2 of Extended L2 descriptor)
-;           (also set bit 31 to indicate that P bit in L1PT should be set)
-;    v1 -> current entry in PhysRamTable
-;    v2 = last used physical address
-;    v3 -> L1PT (or 0 if MMU on)
-; On exit
-;    a1-a4,ip corrupt
-;    v1, v2 updated
-        Push    "a3,v4-v8,lr"
-        MOV     v8, a1, LSR #20                 ; round base address down to 1M
-        ADD     lr, a1, a2
-        MOV     v7, lr, LSR #20
-        TEQ     lr, v7, LSL #20
-        ADDNE   v7, v7, #1                      ; round end address up to 1M
-        MOVS    v6, v3
-        LDREQ   v6, =L1PT                       ; v6->L1PT (whole routine)
-05      LDR     v5, [v6, v8, LSL #2]            ; L1PT contains 1 word per M
-        TEQ     v5, #0                          ; if non-zero, the L2PT has
-                                                ; already been allocated
- [ ARM6support
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        TST     v5, #L1_U                       ; if section is already updateable
-        BNE     %FT40                           ; leave it.
-        LDR     a3, [sp, #0]
-        TST     a3, #4_333300                   ; if they want anything other than
-        ORRNE   v5, v5, #L1_U                   ; ROM access, make the section
-        STRNE   v5, [v6, v8, LSL #2]            ; updateable.
-        B       %FT40
- |
-        BNE     %FT40
- ]
-        BIC     lr, v8, #3                      ; round down to 4M - each page
-        ADD     lr, v6, lr, LSL #2              ; of L2PT maps to 4 sections
-        LDMIA   lr, {a3,a4,v5,ip}               ; check if any are page mapped
-        ASSERT  L1_Fault = 2_00 :LAND: L1_Page = 2_01 :LAND: L1_Section = 2_10
-        TST     a3, #1
-        TSTEQ   a4, #1
-        TSTEQ   v5, #1
-        TSTEQ   ip, #1
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; nothing page mapped - claim a page
-        TST     a4, #1                          ; at least one of the sections is page mapped
-        SUBNE   a3, a4, #1*1024                 ; find out where it's pointing to and
-        TST     v5, #1                          ; derive the corresponding address for our
-        SUBNE   a3, v5, #2*1024                 ; section
-        TST     ip, #1
-        SUBNE   a3, ip, #3*1024
-        AND     lr, v8, #3
-        ORR     a3, a3, lr, LSL #10
-  [ ARM6support
-        ASSERT  AP_ROM = 0
-        ARM_6   lr                              ; if ARM 6
-        BNE     %FT15
-        LDR     lr, [sp, #0]                    ; do they want ROM access?
-        TST     lr, #4_000300
-        BICEQ   a3, a3, #L1_U                   ; set the updateable bit accordingly
-        ORRNE   a3, a3, #L1_U
-  ]
-        STR     a3, [v6, v8, LSL #2]            ; fill in the L1PT entry
-        B       %FT40                           ; no more to do
-20      BL      Init_ClaimPhysicalPage          ; Claim a page to put L2PT in
-        MOV     v4, a1
-  [ ARM6support
-        ASSERT  AP_ROM = 0
-        ARM_6   lr                              ; if ARM 6
-        LDREQ   lr, [sp, #0]                    ; do they want ROM access?
-        TSTEQ   lr, #4_000300
-        ORREQ   a3, a1, #L1_Page                ; set the updateable bit accordingly
-        ORRNE   a3, a1, #L1_Page + L1_U
-  |
-        ORR     a3, a1, #L1_Page + L1_U
-  ]
-  [ ECC
-        ORR     a3, a3, #L1_P
-  ]
-        AND     lr, v8, #3
-        ORR     a3, a3, lr, LSL #10
-        STR     a3, [v6, v8, LSL #2]            ; fill in the L1PT
-; Need to zero the L2PT. Must do it before calling in MapInPage, as that may well
-; want to put something in the thing we are clearing. If the MMU is off, no problem,
-; but if the MMU is on, then the L2PT isn't accessible until we've called MapInPage.
-; Solution is to use the AccessPhysicalAddress call.
-        TEQ     v3, #0                          ; MMU on?
-        MOVNE   a1, v4                          ; if not, just access v4
-        MOVEQ   a1, #L1_B                       ; if so, map in v4
-        MOVEQ   a2, v4
-        MOVEQ   a3, #0
-        BLEQ    RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        MOV     a3, #4*1024
-        BL      memset
-        MOV     a1, v4                          ; Map in the L2PT page itself
-        LDR     a2, =L2PT                       ; (can't recurse, because L2PT
-        ADD     a2, a2, v8, LSL #10             ; backing for L2PT is preallocated)
-        BIC     a2, a2, #&C00
-        LDR     a3, =(AP_None * L2X_APMult) + L2_ExtPage
- [ ECC
-        ORR     a3, a3, #1:SHL:31
- ]
-        BL      Init_MapInPage
-40      ADD     v8, v8, #1                      ; go back until all
-        CMP     v8, v7                          ; pages allocated
-        BLO     %BT05
-        Pull    "a3,v4-v8,pc"
-; void *RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress(unsigned int flags, void *addr, void **oldp)
- [ ECC
-        Push    "a1-a3,lr"
-        MOV     a1, a2
-        BL      PhysAddrToPageNo
-        CMP     a1, #-1
-        Pull    "a1-a3,lr"
- ]
-        LDR     ip, =L1PT + (PhysicalAccess:SHR:18)     ; ip -> L1PT entry
-        LDR     a4, =(AP_None * L1_APMult) + L1_U + L1_Section
-        AND     a1, a1, #L1_B                           ; user can ask for bufferable
- [ ECC
-        ORRNE   a1, a1, #L1_P
- ]
-        ORR     a1, a4, a1                              ; a1 = flags for 2nd level descriptor
-        MOV     a4, a2, LSR #20                         ; rounded to section
-        ORR     a1, a1, a4, LSL #20                     ; a1 = complete descriptor
-        TEQ     a3, #0
-        LDRNE   a4, [ip]                                ; read old value (if necessary)
-        STR     a1, [ip]                                ; store new one
-        STRNE   a4, [a3]                                ; put old one in [oldp]
-        LDR     a1, =PhysicalAccess
-        MOV     a3, a2, LSL #12                         ; take bottom 20 bits of address
-        ORR     a3, a1, a3, LSR #12                     ; and make an offset within PhysicalAccess
-        Push    "a3,lr"
-        ARMop   TLB_InvalidateEntry                     ; sufficient, cause not cacheable
-        Pull    "a1,pc"
-; void RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress(void *old)
-        LDR     ip, =L1PT + (PhysicalAccess:SHR:18)     ; ip -> L1PT entry
-        STR     a1, [ip]
-        LDR     a1, =PhysicalAccess
-        ARMop   TLB_InvalidateEntry,,tailcall           ; sufficient, cause not cacheable
-; void Init_PageTablesChanged(void)
-; A TLB+cache invalidation that works on all known ARMs. Invalidate all I+D TLB is the _only_ TLB
-; op that works on ARM720T, ARM920T and SA110. Ditto invalidate all I+D cache.
-; DOES NOT CLEAN THE DATA CACHE. This is a helpful simplification, but requires that don't use
-; this routine after we've started using normal RAM.
-        MOV     a3, lr
-        BL      Init_ARMarch
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        MCREQ   ARM_config_cp,0,ip,ARMv3_TLBflush_reg,C0
-        MCRNE   ARM_config_cp,0,ip,ARMv4_TLB_reg,C7
-        MCR     ARM_config_cp,0,ip,ARMv4_cache_reg,C7           ; works on ARMv3
-        MOV     pc, a3
-        Push    "v1, lr"
-        MOV     v1, a1
-        LDRB    a1, [v1], #1
-        TEQ     a1, #0
-;       ClearPhysRAM - Routine to clear "all" memory
-; While this routine is running, keyboard IRQs may happen. For this reason
-; it avoids the base of logical RAM (hardware IRQ vector and workspace).
-; We also have to avoid the page tables and the PhysRamTable.
-; The latter is also used to tell us which areas of memory we should clear.
-; We don't have to worry about trampling on the ROM image as it's
-; already been excluded from PhysRamTable.
-; This routine must work in 32-bit mode.
-; in:   r7 = memory speed
-;       r8 = page size
-;       r9 = MEMC control register
-;       r13 = total RAM size
-; None of the above are actually used by this routine
-; out:  r7-r9, r13 preserved
-ClearPhysRAM ROUT
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+FIQ32_mode             ; get some extra registers
-        MOV     r8, #0
-        MOV     r9, #0
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        MOV     r13, #0
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+SVC32_mode
-      [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator r0
-        BEQ     CPR_skipped
-      ]
-;now let us do the clear
-        MOV     r0,#ZeroPage+InitClearRamWs             ;we can preserve r7-r9,r13 at logical address 52..67
-        STMIA   r0,{r4-r11,lr}
-        MOV     r8, #0
-        MOV     r9, #0
-        LDR     r7, =PhysRamTable                      ; point to 5 lots of (physaddr,size)
-        ADR     r6, RamSkipTable
-        ADD     r4, r7, #PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable  ; r4 -> end of table
-        LDR     r5, [r6], #4                            ; load first skip offset
-        LDMIA   r7, {r10, r11}                          ; load next address, size
-        TEQ     r11, #0
-        BEQ     %FT50
-        ASSERT  ZeroPage=0
-        ADD     r11, r10, r11                           ; r11 = end address
-        ; Need to check for RAM we've already used
-        LDR     r0, [r8, #InitUsedStart]                ; check for intersection with used space
-        CMP     r0, r10
-        BLO     %FT18
-        CMP     r0, r11
-        BHS     %FT18
-        ;BKPT    0
-        LDR     r1, [r8, #InitUsedEnd]
-        TEQ     r0, r10                                 ; if at start of block, easy
-        BEQ     %FT17                                   ; just move start pointer forwards
-        MOV     r11, r0                                 ; else set end pointer to start address
-        B       %FT18                                   ; next time round, will be at start address
-16      LDR     r1, [r8, #InitUsedEnd]
-17      CMP     r1, r10                                 ; advance until we find block with end pointer in
-        CMPHS   r11, r1                                 ; intersection if r10 <= r1 <= r11
-        ADDLS   r7, r7, #8                              ; get next block if r1 = r11 or r1 outside [r10,r11]
-        LDRLS   r5, [r6], #4
-        LDMLSIA r7, {r10, r11}                          ; (if r1 = r11, will just move straight to next block)
-        ADDLS   r11, r10, r11
-        BLO     %BT17                                   ; check next block if r1 outside [r10,r11]
-        MOVHI   r10, r1                                 ; if r11 > r1, advance r10 to r1 (do partial block)
-18      MOV     r0, #L1_B                               ; map in the appropriate megabyte,
-        MOV     r1, r10                                 ; making it bufferable
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        BL      RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress
-        SUB     lr, r0, r10                             ; lr = offset from phys to log
-        ADD     r1, r11, lr
-        MOV     r2, r0, LSR #20
-        TEQ     r2, r1, LSR #20                         ; if end in different megabyte to start
-        MOVNE   r1, r2, LSL #20                         ; then stop at end of megabyte
-        ADDNE   r1, r1, #&00100000
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+FIQ32_mode             ; switch to our bank o'zeros
-        MOV     r2, #0
-19      ADD     r5, r5, r0
-20      TEQ     r0, r1                                  ; *this* is the speed critical bit - executed
-        TEQNE   r0, r5                                  ; 32768 times per outer loop
-        STMNEIA r0!, {r2,r8-r14}
-        BNE     %BT20
-        TEQ     r0, r1
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        LDR     r5, [r6], #4                            ; load skip amount
-        ADD     r0, r0, r5                              ; and skip it
-        LDR     r5, [r6], #4                            ; load next skip offset (NB relative to end of last skip)
-        B       %BT19
-30      MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit+SVC32_mode             ; back to supervisor mode
-        MOV     r10, r0
-        MOV     r11, r1
-        LDMIA   r7, {r0, r1}
-        SUB     r11, r11, lr                            ; turn r11 back into physical address
-        SUB     r5, r5, r0                              ; r5 back into offset
-        ADD     r0, r0, r1                              ; r0 = physical end address of block
-        TEQ     r0, r11                                 ; did we reach the real end?
-        MOVNE   r10, r11                                ; if not, carry on from where we stopped
-        SUBNE   r11, r0, r11                            ; (this also deals with avoiding InitUsed area)
-        BNE     %BT15
-40      ADD     r7, r7, #8
-        TEQ     r7, r4                                  ; have we done all areas?
-        BNE     %BT10
-50      MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage+InitClearRamWs
-        LDMIA   r0, {r4-r11,r14}                        ;restore
-        LDR     r0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        MOV     r1, #&80
-        STRB    r1, [r0]                                ; flag the fact that RAM cleared
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit + UND32_mode           ; retrieve the MMU control register
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage                           ; soft copy
-        STR     sp, [r0, #MMUControlSoftCopy]
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #F32_bit + SVC32_mode
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        LTORG
-        GBLA    lastaddr
-lastaddr SETA   0
-        GBLA    lastregion
-lastregion SETA 0
-        MACRO
-        MakeSkipTable $region, $addr, $size
- [ ($region)<>lastregion
-        &       -1
-lastaddr SETA   0
- ]
-        &       ($addr)-lastaddr, $size
-lastaddr SETA   ($addr)+($size)
-lastregion SETA $region
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        EndSkipTables
-        WHILE   lastregion < (PhysRamTableEnd-PhysRamTable)/8
-        &       -1
-lastregion SETA   lastregion +1
-        WEND
-        MEND
-        MakeSkipTable   1, DRAMOffset_PageZero + 0, InitWsEnd
-        MakeSkipTable   1, DRAMOffset_PageZero + SkippedTables, SkippedTablesEnd-SkippedTables
-        EndSkipTables
-        BKPT    &C000                                   ; Reset
-        BKPT    &C004                                   ; Undefined Instruction
-        BKPT    &C008                                   ; SWI
-        BKPT    &C00C                                   ; Prefetch Abort
-        SUBS    pc, lr, #4                              ; ignore data aborts
-        BKPT    &C014                                   ; Address Exception
-        LDR     pc, InitProcVecs + InitIRQHandler       ; IRQ
-        BKPT    &C01C                                   ; FIQ
-        DCD     0
-; In:  a1 = flags  (L1_B,L1_C,L1_AP)
-;      a2 = physical address
-;      a3 = size
-; Out: a1 = assigned logical address, or 0 if failed (no room)
-; Will detect and return I/O space already mapped appropriately, or map and return new space
-; For simplicity and speed of search, works on a section (1Mb) granularity
-        ASSERT  L1_B = 1:SHL:2
-        ASSERT  L1_C = 1:SHL:3
-        ASSERT  L1_AP = 3:SHL:10
-MapInFlag_DoublyMapped * 1:SHL:20
-MapInFlag_APSpecified * 1:SHL:21
-        Entry   "v1-v5,v7"
-        MOV     v7, #L1_B:OR:L1_C
-        ORR     v7, v7, #L1_AP                          ; v7 = user-specifiable flags
-        MOV     v5, a1                                  ; v5 = original flags
-        MOV     v4, a2                                  ; v4 = original requested address
-        ADD     a3, a2, a3                              ; a3 -> end (exclusive)
-        MOV     a2, a2, LSR #20
-        MOV     a2, a2, LSL #20                         ; round a2 down to a section boundary
-        SUB     v4, v4, a2                              ; v4 = offset of original within section-aligned area
-        MOV     lr, a3, LSR #20
-        TEQ     a3, lr, LSL #20
-        ADDNE   lr, lr, #1
-        MOV     a3, lr, LSL #20                         ; round a3 up to a section boundary
-        TST     v5, #MapInFlag_APSpecified
-        BICEQ   a1, a1, #L1_AP
-        ORREQ   a1, a1, #L1_APMult * AP_None
-        ANDS    v5, v5, #MapInFlag_DoublyMapped
-        SUBNE   v5, a3, a2                              ; v5 = offset of second mapping or 0
-        LDR     ip, =ZeroPage
-        LDR     a4, =L1PT
-        AND     a1, a1, v7                              ; only allow bufferable as flags option
-        LDR     v2, =IO                                 ; logical end (exclusive) of currently mapped IO
-        LDR     v1, [ip, #IOAllocPtr]                   ; logical start (inclusive)
-        SUB     v1, v1, #&100000
-        ADD     v1, v1, #&100000                        ; next mapped IO section
-        CMP     v1, v2
-        BHS     %FT32                                   ; no more currently mapped IO
-        LDR     v3, [a4, v1, LSR #(20-2)]               ; L1PT entry (must be for mapped IO)
-        MOV     lr, v3, LSR #20                         ; physical address bits
-        CMP     lr, a2, LSR #20
-        BNE     %BT10                                   ; no address match
-        AND     lr, v3, v7
-        TEQ     lr, a1
-        BNE     %BT10                                   ; no flags match
-        TEQ     v5, #0                                  ; doubly mapped?
-        BEQ     %FT19
-        ADD     lr, v1, v5                              ; address of second copy
-        CMP     lr, v2
-        BHS     %FT32
-        LDR     v3, [a4, lr, LSR #(20-2)]
-        MOV     lr, v3, LSR #20                         ; physical address bits
-        CMP     lr, a2, LSR #20
-        BNE     %BT10                                   ; no address match
-        AND     lr, v3, v7
-        TEQ     lr, a1
-        BNE     %BT10                                   ; no flags match
-; alright, found start of requested IO already mapped, and with required flags
-        Push    "a2, v1"
-        ADD     a2, a2, #&100000
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        Pull    "a2, v1", HS
-        BHS     %FT40                                  ; its all there already!
-        ADD     v1, v1, #&100000                       ; next mapped IO section
-        CMP     v1, v2
-        BHS     %FT30                                  ; no more currently mapped IO
-        LDR     v3, [a4, v1, LSR #(20-2)]              ; L1PT entry
-        MOV     lr, v3, LSR #20                        ; physical address bits
-        CMP     lr, a2, LSR #20
-        BNE     %FT29                                  ; address match failed
-        AND     lr, v3, v7
-        TEQ     lr, a1
-        TEQEQ   v5, #0                                 ; doubly mapped?
-        BEQ     %BT20                                  ; address and flags match so far
-        ADD     lr, v1, v5                             ; where duplicate should be
-        CMP     lr, v2
-        BHS     %FT30                                  ; no more currently mapped IO
-        LDR     v3, [a4, lr, LSR #(20-2)]
-        MOV     lr, v3, LSR #20                        ; physical address bits
-        CMP     lr, a2, LSR #20
-        BNE     %FT29                                  ; address match failed
-        AND     lr, v3, v7
-        TEQ     lr, a1
-        BEQ     %BT20
-        Pull    "a2, v1"
-        B       %BT10
-        Pull    "a2, v1"
-; request not currently mapped, only partially mapped, or mapped with wrong flags
-        MOV     ip, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     v2, [ip, #IOAllocPtr]
-        ADD     v1, v2, a2
-        SUB     v1, v1, a3                              ; attempt to allocate size of a3-a2
-        SUB     v1, v1, v5                              ; double if necessary
-        LDR     v3, [ip, #IOAllocLimit]                 ; can't extend down below limit
-        CMP     v1, v3
-        MOVLS   a1, #0
-        BLS     %FT90
-        STR     v1, [ip, #IOAllocPtr]
-        ORR     a2, a2, a1
-        ORR     a2, a2, #L1_Section                     ; first L1PT value
-        STR     a2, [a4, v1, LSR #(20-2)]
-        TEQ     v5, #0
-        ADDNE   v2, v1, v5
-        STRNE   a2, [a4, v2, LSR #(20-2)]
-        ADD     a2, a2, #&100000
-        ADD     v1, v1, #&100000                        ; next section
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        BLO     %BT34
-        LDR     v1, [ip, #IOAllocPtr]
-        ADD     a1, v1, v4                              ; logical address for request
-        EXIT
-; void RISCOS_AddDevice(unsigned int flags, struct device *d)
-        ADDS    a1, a2, #0      ; also clears V
-        B       HardwareDeviceAdd_Common
-; uint32_t RISCOS_LogToPhys(const void *log)
-        Push    "r4,r5,r8,r9,lr"
-        MOV     r4, a1
-        LDR     r8, =L2PT
-        BL      logical_to_physical
-        MOVCC   a1, r5
-        MOVCS   a1, #-1
-        Pull    "r4,r5,r8,r9,pc"
-SetUpHALEntryTable ROUT
-        LDR     a1, =ZeroPage
-        LDR     a2, [a1, #HAL_Descriptor]
-        LDR     a3, [a1, #HAL_Workspace]
-        LDR     a4, [a2, #HALDesc_Entries]
-        LDR     ip, [a2, #HALDesc_NumEntries]
-        ADD     a4, a2, a4                              ; a4 -> entry table
-        MOV     a2, a4                                  ; a2 -> entry table (increments)
-10      SUBS    ip, ip, #1                              ; decrement counter
-        LDRCS   a1, [a2], #4
-        MOVCC   pc, lr
-        TEQ     a1, #0
-        ADREQ   a1, NullHALEntry
-        ADDNE   a1, a4, a1                              ; convert offset to absolute
-        STR     a1, [a3, #-4]!                          ; store backwards below HAL workspace
-        B       %BT10
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Can freely corrupt r10-r12 (v7,v8,ip).
-        AND     ip, v5, #&FF
-        CMP     ip, #1
-        BLO     HardwareCall
-        BEQ     HardwareLookup
-        CMP     ip, #3
-        BLO     HardwareDeviceAdd
-        BEQ     HardwareDeviceRemove
-        CMP     ip, #5
-        BLO     HardwareDeviceEnumerate
-        BHS     HardwareBadReason
-        Push    "v1-v4,sb,lr"
-        ADD     v8, sb, #1                              ; v8 = entry no + 1
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        LDR     v7, [ip, #HAL_Descriptor]
-        AddressHAL ip                                   ; sb set up
-        LDR     v7, [v7, #HALDesc_NumEntries]           ; v7 = number of entries
-        CMP     v8, v7                                  ; entryno + 1 must be <= number of entries
-        BHI     HardwareBadEntry2
-        LDR     ip, [sb, -v8, LSL #2]
-        ADR     v7, NullHALEntry
-        TEQ     ip, v7
-        BEQ     HardwareBadEntry2
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        MOV     pc, ip
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4*4
-        Pull    "sb,lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ADD     v8, sb, #1                              ; v8 = entry no + 1
-        MOV     ip, #0
-        LDR     v7, [ip, #HAL_Descriptor]
-        AddressHAL ip
-        LDR     v7, [v7, #HALDesc_NumEntries]
-        CMP     v8, v7                                  ; entryno + 1 must be <= number of entries
-        BHI     HardwareBadEntry
-        LDR     a1, [sb, -v8, LSL #2]
-        ADR     v7, NullHALEntry
-        TEQ     a1, v7
-        BEQ     HardwareBadEntry
-        MOV     a2, sb
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Push    "r1-r3,lr"
-        BL      HardwareDeviceAdd_Common
-        Pull    "r1-r3,lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-        Push    "r1-r3,lr"
-        BL      HardwareDeviceRemove_Common
-        Pull    "r1-r3,lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-        Entry
-        BL      HardwareDeviceRemove_Common             ; first try to remove any device already at the same address
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     r1, [lr, #DeviceCount]
-        LDR     r2, [lr, #DeviceTable]
-        TEQ     r2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1                              ; increment DeviceCount
-        LDR     lr, [r2, #-4]                           ; word before heap block is length including length word
-        TEQ     r1, lr, LSR #2                          ; block already full?
-        BEQ     %FT81
-        MOV     lr, #0
-10      STR     r1, [lr, #DeviceCount]
-        ADD     lr, r2, r1, LSL #2
-        SUB     lr, lr, #4
-11      LDR     r1, [lr, #-4]!                          ; copy existing devices up, so new ones get enumerated first
-        STR     r1, [lr, #4]
-        CMP     lr, r2
-        BHI     %BT11
-        STR     r0, [r2]
-        MOV     r2, r0
-        MOV     r1, #Service_Hardware
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        ADDS    r0, r2, #0                              ; exit with V clear
-        EXIT
-80      ; Claim a system heap block for the device table
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r3, #16
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #4
-        EXIT    VS
-        Pull    "r0"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        MOV     r1, #1
-        STR     r2, [lr, #DeviceTable]
-        B       %BT10
-81      ; Extend the system heap block
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-        MOV     r3, #16
-        BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #4
-        EXIT    VS
-        Pull    "r0"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     r1, [lr, #DeviceCount]
-        STR     r2, [lr, #DeviceTable]
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1
-        B       %BT10
-        Entry   "r4"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     r3, [lr, #DeviceCount]
-        LDR     r4, [lr, #DeviceTable]
-        TEQ     r3, #0
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; no devices registered
-01      LDR     r2, [r4], #4
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-        TEQNE   r2, r0
-        BNE     %BT01
-        TEQ     r2, r0
-        EXIT    NE                                      ; this device not registered
-        MOV     r0, #1
-        MOV     r1, #Service_Hardware
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        CMP     r1, #0                                  ; if service call claimed
-        CMPEQ   r1, #1:SHL:31                           ; then set V (r0 already points to error block)
-        EXIT    VS                                      ; and exit
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-02      LDRCS   r2, [r4], #4                            ; copy down remaining devices
-        STRCS   r2, [r4, #-8]
-        SUBCSS  r3, r3, #1
-        BCS     %BT02
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     r3, [lr, #DeviceCount]
-        SUB     r3, r3, #1
-        STR     r3, [lr, #DeviceCount]
-        EXIT
-        Push    "r3-r4,lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     r2, [lr, #DeviceCount]
-        LDR     r3, [lr, #DeviceTable]
-        SUBS    r4, r2, r1
-        MOVLS   r1, #-1
-        BLS     %FT90                                   ; if r1 is out of range then exit
-        ADD     r3, r3, r1, LSL #2
-10      ADD     r1, r1, #1
-        LDR     r2, [r3], #4
-        LDR     lr, [r2, #HALDevice_Type]
-        EOR     lr, lr, r0
-        MOVS    lr, lr, LSL #16                         ; EQ if types match
-        SUBNES  r4, r4, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        TEQ     lr, #0
-        MOVNE   r1, #-1
-        BNE     %FT90
-        LDR     lr, [r2, #HALDevice_Version]
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSR #16
-        CMP     lr, r0, LSR #16                         ; newer than our client understands?
-        BHI     %BT10
-        Pull    "r3-r4,lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_HardwareBadReason
- [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
- ]
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4*4
-        Pull    "sb,lr"
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_HardwareBadEntry
- [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
- ]
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        MakeErrorBlock HardwareBadReason
-        MakeErrorBlock HardwareBadEntry
- [ DebugTerminal
-        Push    "a2-a4,sb,ip"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r1
-        MOV     sb, ip
-        CallHAL HAL_DebugRX
-        CMP     a1, #27
-        BNE     %FT25
-        LDR     a2, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: RS423mode
-        LDRB    a2, [a2]
-        TEQ     a2, #0                  ; is RS423 raw data,or keyb emulator?
-        BNE     %FT25
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        LDRB    a1, [a2, #ESC_Status]
-        ORR     a1, a1, #&40
-        STRB    a1, [a2, #ESC_Status]   ; mark escape flag
-        MOV     a1, #27
-        SEC                             ; tell caller to look carefully at R0
-        Pull    "a2-a4,sb,ip,pc"
-        CMP     a1, #-1
-        Pull    "a2-a4,sb,ip,pc",NE     ; claim it
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R14, [R0, #CallBack_Flag]
-        TST     R14, #CBack_VectorReq
-        BLNE    process_callback_chain
-        B       %BT20
-        Push    "a1-a4,sb,ip,lr"
-        MOV     sb, ip
-        CallHAL HAL_DebugTX
-        Pull    "a1-a4,sb,ip,pc"        ; don't claim it
- ]
- [ DebugHALTX
-        Push    "a1-a4,v1,sb,ip"
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     v1, lr
-10      LDRB    a1, [v1], #1
-        TEQ     a1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        CallHAL HAL_DebugTX
-        B       %BT10
-20      MOV     a1, #13
-        CallHAL HAL_DebugTX
-        MOV     a1, #10
-        CallHAL HAL_DebugTX
-        ADD     v1, v1, #3
-        BIC     lr, v1, #3
-        Pull    "a1-a4,v1,sb,ip"
-        MOV     pc, lr
- ]
-        SUB     lr, lr, #4
-        Push    "a1-a4,sb,ip,lr"
-        MRS     lr, SPSR
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     a1, #ZeroPage
-        AddressHAL a1
-        LDR     a2, [a1, #IICType]
-        TST     a2, #IICFlag_Background
-        MOVNE   ip, sb
-        BLNE    IICIRQ
-        MOV     a1, #InitIRQWs
-        LDRB    a1, [a1, #KbdScanActive]
-        TEQ     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_KbdScanInterrupt,NE
-        Pull    "lr"
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, lr
-        Pull    "a1-a4,sb,ip,pc",,^
-        END
diff --git a/s/HeapMan b/s/HeapMan
deleted file mode 100644
index 662009a4..00000000
--- a/s/HeapMan
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1637 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => HeapMan : Heap Allocation SWI
-; Interruptible heap SWI.
-; Look down the IRQ stack to see if anybody was in a heap operation.
-; If they were, then (with IRQs off) the foreground call is done first, by
-; picking up info from a fixed block. Patch the IRQ stack so that the heap SWI
-; is returned to at a "it happened in the background" fixup routine. Current
-; request can then be dealt with! Ta Nick.
-; Also has an interlock on the register restore area; otherwise anybody
-; with an IRQ process doing heap ops with interrupts enabled will cause
-; trouble.
-              GBLL TubeInfo
-TubeInfo      SETL {FALSE}
-        GBLL    debheap
-debheap SETL    1=0
- [ DebugHeaps
-FreeSpaceDebugMask * &04000000
-UsedSpaceDebugMask * &08000000
- ]
-Nil     *       0
-hpd     RN      r1      ; The punter sees these
-addr    RN      r2
-size    RN      r3
-HpTemp  RN      r10     ; But not these
-tp      RN      r11
-bp      RN      r12
-work    RN      r4      ; This is the only one we have to save.
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; +                     H E A P   O R G A N I S A T I O N                     +
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; A heap block descriptor (hpd) has the form
-; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ -+ -+ -+ -+
-; |   magic   |    free   |    base   |    end    |   debug   |
-; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+- +- +- +- +
-;  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-         ^      0, hpd
-hpdmagic #      4
-hpdfree  #      4
-hpdbase  #      4
-hpdend   #      4       ; Needed for debugging heap, and top end validation
- [ debheap
-hpddebug #      4       ; 0 -> No debug, ~0 -> Debug
- ]
-hpdsize  *      @-hpdmagic
-magic_heap_descriptor * (((((("p":SHL:8)+"a"):SHL:8)+"e"):SHL:8)+"H")
-; hpdmagic is a unique identification field
-; hpdfree  is the offset of the first block in the free space list
-; hpdbase  is the offset of the byte above the last one used
-; hpdend   is the offset of the byte above the last one usable
-;                               | hpdbase
-;                              \|/
-;      +---+--------------------+--------+
-;  low |hpd|     heap blocks    | unused | high
-;      +---+--------------------+---------+
-;              /|\                       /|\ 
-;               | hpdfree                 | hpdend
-;               | in here somewhere.
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Blocks in the free space list have the form :
-; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ~ -+--+
-; | long link | long size |          |
-; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ~ -+--+
-;  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8      (size-1)
-; where the link field is an offset to the next free block
-           ^    0 ; Can't use register relative unfortunately as many regs used
-frelink    #    4
-fresize    #    4
-freblksize #    0
-; The link field is Nil (0) for the last block in the list
-; Block sizes must be forced to a multiple of 8 bytes for subsequent link and
-; size information to be stored in them if they are disposed of by the user.
-; They must also be capable of storing a 4 byte size field while allocated.
-; This field is used to size the block to free when FreeArea is called.
-        ALIGN
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; The Macros
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Check hpd valid
-        MACRO
-$label  ValidateHpd $faildest
-$label  BL      ValidateHpdSubr
-        BNE     $faildest._badhpd
-        MEND
-; These bits of ExtendBlock are outside the IRQ HeapOp range because they
-; don't update the heap structure, so we can safely restore old IRQ status
-        LDR     work, [stack, #3*4]     ; get user link
-        ANDS    work, work, #I_bit      ; look at I_bit
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, work, EQ    ; if was clear then clear it now
-        ADD     bp, bp, #4              ; new block pointer
-        STR     bp, [stack]             ; return to user
-; copy wackbords: HpTemp-4 bytes from addr+4 to bp, in appropriate order!
-        SUBS    HpTemp, HpTemp, #4
-        LDRGT   work, [addr, #4]!
-        STRGT   work, [bp], #4
-        BGT     cpe_prev
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, work; disable IRQs before we venture back
-        B       GoodExtension           ; into danger zone
-        LDR     work, [addr, hpd]!      ; get block size, set block addr
-        ADD     size, size, work
-        SUB     size, size, #4          ; block size to claim
-        ADD     addr, addr, #4
-        MOV     bp, addr                ; address to copy from
-        Push    addr                    ; save for later freeing
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Get
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        Pull    addr, VS
-        BVS     SafeNaffExtension
- [ debheap
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT06
- DREG work, "got new block : copying "
- ]
-        STR     addr, [stack, #4]
-; claimed : copy work-4 bytes from bp to addr
-        SUBS    work, work, #4
-        LDRGT   HpTemp, [bp],#4
-        STRGT   HpTemp, [addr],#4
-        BGT     CopyForExtension
-; free the old block!
- [ debheap
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT08
- WRLN "freeing old block"
- ]
-; recursive SWI to free old block; we have invalidated any held information
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
-        Pull    addr                    ; heap block addr
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit,work ; disable IRQs before we venture back
-        B       GoodExtension           ; into danger zone
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit,work  ; disable IRQs before we venture back
-        B       NaffExtension           ; into danger zone
-; Here's the bit that gets returned to if the heap op was done in the
-; background. Pick up the registers, look at the saved PSR to see if error
-; return or OK.
-; This bit musn't be in range of the IRQ Heap Op checking!!!
-heapopdoneinbackground ROUT
-        LDR        R12, =HeapReturnedReg_R0
-   [ TubeInfo
-  LDR  R0, [R12]
-  BL   TubeDumpR0
-  LDR  R0, [R12, #4]
-  BL   TubeDumpR0
-  LDR  R0, [R12, #8]
-  BL   TubeDumpR0
-  LDR  R0, [R12, #24]
-  TST  R0, #V_bit
-  MOVEQ R0, #"v"
-  MOVNE R0, #"V"
-  TubeChar R1, R2, "MOV R2, r0"
-  TubeChar R0, R1, "MOV R1, #10"
-  TubeChar R0, R1, "MOV R1, #13"
-    ]
-        LDMIA     R12, {R0-R4, R10, R11}
-        MOV       stack, R10
-        MOV       R10, #0
-        STR       R10, [R12, #HeapReturnedReg_PSR-HeapReturnedReg_R0]
-                                      ; clear the interlock
-        TST       R11, #V_bit         ; look at returned error
-        BEQ       GoodHeapExit
-        B         NaffHeapExit
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; HeapEntry. SWI level entry
-; =========
-; Perform actions on the heap block described by r1(hpd)
-; In    r0       =  heap action requested
-;       r1(hpd)  -> heap block
-;       r2(addr) -> start of block
-;       r3(size) =  size of block
-; Out   VClear -> Action performed
-;       VSet   -> Something terrible has happened, error set
-;       Rest of universe ok
-HeapEntry ROUT
-        Push    lr
-        SavePSR lr                      ; hang on to interrupt state
- ; First check that we aren't in an interrupted Heap Op
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R11
-        MOV     R11, #IRQsema
-        LDR     R11, [R11]
-        CMP     R11, #0
-        BEQ     iis_end
-        LDR     R10, [R11, #4*8]        ; Get LR from IRQ stack
-        ADR     R12, first_heap_address_to_trap
-        CMP     R10, R12
-        ADRGEL  R12, HeapCode_end
-        CMPGE   R12, R10
-        BLT     inspect_IRQ_stack
-    ; somebody's in the heap code! Time for perversion.
-    ; Pick up registers, do foreground op, poke IRQstack return address
-         ADRL   R10, heapopdoneinbackground
-         STR    R10, [R11, #4*8]               ; return address zapped
-         LDR    R10, [R11, #4*6]               ; get stored SPSR
-         BIC    R10, R10, #&FF
-         ORR    R10, R10, #I32_bit:OR:SVC2632
-         STR    R10, [R11, #4*6]               ; return into SVC26/32 mode with IRQs disabled
-         Push  "R0-R3, lr"
-         LDR    R10, =HeapSavedReg_R0
-; This can't happen: heap ops are non-interruptible while foreground ops
-; are waiting to complete
-;         LDR    R12, [R10, #HeapReturnedReg_PSR-HeapSavedReg_R0]
-;         CMP    R12, #0
-;         BNE    HeapInUse
-         LDMIA  R10, {R0-R3, R10, R11}
-         SWI    XOS_Heap                ; with interrupts off!
-         LDR    R12, =HeapReturnedReg_R0
-   ; Could we poke these into the IRQ stack too...?
-   ; would allow interruptible IRQ processes to do heap ops!!!
-         MRS    lr, CPSR
-         STMIA  R12, {R0-R3, R10, R11, lr}
-         Pull  "R0-R3, lr"
-iis_end                                 ; store the registers in the info block
-        LDR     R12, =HeapSavedReg_R0
-        STMIA   R12, {R0-R4, stack}
-first_heap_address_to_trap              ; because register saveblock now set.
-        LDR     R12, [R12, #HeapReturnedReg_PSR-HeapSavedReg_R0]
-        CMP     R12, #0
-        RestPSR lr, EQ                  ; restore callers interrupt state
-                                        ; only if no foreground waiting to
-                                        ; complete
-        CMP     r0, #MaxHeapCode        ; now despatch it.
-        ADDLS   pc, pc, r0, LSL #2      ; Tutu : faster & shorter
-        B       NaffHeapReason          ; Return if unknown call reason
-HeapJumpTable ; Check reason codes against Hdr:Heap defs
- assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Init
-        B       InitHeap
- assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Desc
-        B       DescribeHeap
- assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Get
-        B       GetArea
- assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_Free
-        B       FreeArea
- assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-        B       ExtendBlock
- assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_ExtendHeap
-        B       ExtendHeap
- assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_ReadBlockSize
-        B       ReadBlockSize
- [ debheap
-        B       ShowHeap
- ]
-MaxHeapCode * (.-HeapJumpTable-4) :SHR: 2 ; Largest valid reason code
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapBadReason
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-NaffHeapExit                            ; get here with R0 = error ptr
-        SETV
-GoodHeapExit                            ; V cleared on entry to SWI dispatch
-        SETPSR  I_bit, R12              ; IRQs off
-        Pull    lr
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit          ; VSet Exit
-        ExitSWIHandler                  ; Like all good SWI handlers
-;     $HeapBadAsModuleBRA
-;       SetBorder R10, R11, 15, 0, 0
-;     $HeapBadAsModuleKET
-;        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_HeapLocked
-;        B       NaffHeapExit
-; Errors
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapBadReason
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_Init
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_BadDesc
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_BadLink
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_Alloc
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_NotABlock
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_BadExtend
-       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_ExcessiveShrink
-;       MakeErrorBlock  HeapFail_HeapLocked
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Subroutine to validate heap pointer
-; checks hpd points at existing LogRam
-; and also that internal offsets fall into the same block of RAM
-        Push   "R0-R3, lr"
-        SavePSR R3
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R0 ; interrupts off for validation
-        MOV     R0, hpd
-        ADD     R1, hpd, #hpdsize+freblksize
-        SWI     XOS_ValidateAddress
-        BCS     vhpds_fail
-        TST     R0, #3              ; check alignment
-        LDREQ   HpTemp, =magic_heap_descriptor
-        LDREQ   tp, [R0, #:INDEX: hpdmagic]
-        CMPEQ   tp, HpTemp
-        BNE     vhpds_fail           ; failure
-        LDR     R1, [R0, #:INDEX: hpdend]
-        ADD     R1, R1, R0
-        SWI     XOS_ValidateAddress
-        BCS     vhpds_fail           ; failure
-        ORR     R3, R3, #Z_bit       ; success
-        RestPSR R3
-        Pull   "R0-R3, PC"
-        BIC     R3, R3, #Z_bit       ; NE returned ; fails
-        RestPSR R3
-        Pull   "R0-R3, PC"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; InitHeap. Top level HeapEntry
-; ========
-; Initialise a heap descriptor block
-; In : hpd -> block to initialise, size = size of block
-; Out : VClear -> Block initialised
-;       VSet   -> Something terrible has happened
-;       Rest of universe ok
-; To initialise (or even reinitialise) a heap descriptor:
-; $(
-;   hpd!magic := magic_heap_descriptor
-;   hpd!free  := Nil
-;   hpd!base  := hpdsize
-;   hpd!end   := size
-; $)
-InitHeap ROUT
-        CMP     size,#hpdsize+freblksize
-        BLT     NaffHeapInitialise        ; can't get hpd and 1 block in
-        Push   "R0, R1"
-        MOV     R0, hpd
-        ADD     R1, hpd, size
-        SWI     XOS_ValidateAddress
-        Pull   "R0, R1"
-        BCS     NaffHeapInitialise
- [ DebugHeaps
-        ORR     lr, hpd, #FreeSpaceDebugMask    ; form word to store throughout heap
-        ADD     HpTemp, hpd, size               ; HpTemp -> end of heap
-        STR     lr, [HpTemp, #-4]!              ; store word, pre-decrementing
-        TEQ     HpTemp, hpd                     ; until we get to start
-        BNE     %BT10
- ]
-        LDR     HpTemp, =magic_heap_descriptor
-        STR     HpTemp, hpdmagic          ; hpd!magic := magic_heap_desc
-        MOV     HpTemp, #Nil
-        STR     HpTemp, hpdfree           ; hpd!free  := Nil
-        MOV     HpTemp, #hpdsize
-        STR     HpTemp, hpdbase           ; hpd!base  := hpdsize
-        STR     size,   hpdend            ; hpd!end   := size
- [ debheap
- MOV HpTemp, #0 ; No debugging until the punter sets this Word
- STR HpTemp, hpddebug
- ]
-        B       GoodHeapExit
- [ debheap
- WRLN "Unaligned/too big hpd/size: InitHeap failed"
- ]
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Init
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       NaffHeapExit               ; VSet exit
-        LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; DescribeHeap. Top level HeapEntry
-; ============
-; Return information about the heap whose descriptor is pointed to by hpd
-; In : hpd -> heap descriptor
-; Out : VClear -> addr = max block size claimable, size = total free store
-;       VSet   -> Something wrong
-;       Rest of universe ok
-DescribeHeap ROUT
-        ValidateHpd describefailed
- [ debheap
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT00
- Push  link
- WRLN "DescribeHeap"
- BL iShowHeap
- Pull link
- ]
-        LDR     addr, hpdend
-        LDR     HpTemp, hpdbase
-        SUB     addr, addr, HpTemp        ; unused area at base to end
-        MOV     size, addr
-        LDR     bp, hpdfree
-        ADR     tp, hpdfree
-        ADD     HpTemp, HpTemp, hpd      ; address of end of allocated memory
-        B       %FT20
-; Main loop chaining up free space list. size = total, addr = maxvec
-15      ADD     tp, tp, bp              ; get address of next
-        CMP     tp, HpTemp
-        BHS     describefailed_badlink  ; points outside allocated memory
-        LDR     bp, [tp, #fresize]      ; Size of this block.
-        CMP     bp, addr                ; if size > maxvec then maxvec := size
-        MOVHI   addr, bp
-        ADD     size, size, bp          ; tfree +:= size
-        LDR     bp, [tp, #frelink]      ; Get offset to next block
-20      CMP     bp,#Nil                 ; we know Nil is 0!
-        BLT     describefailed_badlink  ; -ve are naff
-        BNE     %BT15
-        CMP     addr, #0
-        SUBGT   addr, addr, #4          ; max block claimable
-        B       GoodHeapExit            ; VClear Exit
- [ debheap
- WRLN "Invalid heap descriptor: DescribeHeap failed"
- ]
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       NaffHeapExit            ; VSet Exit
- [ debheap
- WRLN "Invalid heap link: DescribeHeap failed"
- ]
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadLink
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       NaffHeapExit            ; VSet Exit
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; GetArea. Top level HeapEntry
-; =======
-; Allocate a block of memory from the heap
-; This will allocate the first block of sufficiently large size in the free
-; list, with an oversize block being split.
-; Failure to find a large enough block on the free list will try to claim
-; space out of the heap block.
-; Fails if requesting size = 0
-; In : hpd -> heap pointer, size = size of block required
-; Out : VClear : addr -> got a block
-;       VSet   : addr = 0, couldn't get block
-;       Rest of universe ok
-GetArea ROUT
-        Push   "size"
-        ValidateHpd garfailed
- [ debheap
-; HpTemp not critical
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT00
- Push  "r0, link"
- MOV r0, size
- DREG r0, "GetArea "
- BL iShowHeap
- Pull "r0, link"
- ]
-        CMP     size, #0                        ; Can't deallocate 0, so there!
-        BLE     garfailed_zero                  ; And -ve is invalid as well!
-     ; note sizes of many megabytes thrown out by looking.
-        ADD     size, size, #(freblksize-1)+4   ; Make block size granular
-        BIC     size, size, #(freblksize-1)     ; with size field added
-        ADR     addr, hpdfree-frelink           ; addr:= @(hpd!free)-frelink
-        LDR     tp, [addr, #frelink]        ; tp := addr!
-        CMP     tp, #Nil                    ; Is this the end of the chain ?
-        BEQ     garmore                     ;  - so try main blk
-        ADD     addr, addr, tp              ; convert offset
-        LDR     HpTemp, [addr, #fresize]    ; If length < size then no good
-        SUBS    HpTemp, HpTemp, size        ; In case this works, for below split
-        BLO     garloop
-; Now addr -> a block on the free space list that our item will fit in
-; If we have an exact fit (or as close as the granularity of the free list will
-; allow), unlink this block and return it
-        BNE     SplitFreeBlock
- [ debheap
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT60
- WRLN "Got an exact fit block"
- ]
-        LDR     HpTemp, [addr, #frelink]  ; Move this block's link field
-        CMP     HpTemp, #Nil
-        ADDNE   HpTemp, HpTemp, tp        ; convert offset into offset from
-                                          ; previous block
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr
-        ASSERT  frelink=0
-        STR     HpTemp, [addr, -tp]       ; store in link of previous block
-        B       ResultIsAddrPlus4
-; Need to split the free block, returning the end portion to the caller
- [ debheap
-; HpTemp critical
- Push  HpTemp
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT70
- WRLN "Splitting free block"
- Pull HpTemp
- ]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr
-        STR     HpTemp, [addr, #fresize]  ; Adjust size of free block remaining
-        ADD     addr, addr, HpTemp        ; addr -> free block just deallocated
- [ DebugHeaps
-        ORR     lr, hpd, #UsedSpaceDebugMask    ; form word to store throughout block
-        ADD     HpTemp, addr, size              ; HpTemp -> end of block
-        STR     lr, [HpTemp, #-4]!              ; store word, pre-decrementing
-        TEQ     HpTemp, addr
-        BNE     %BT75
- ]
-        STR     size, [addr], #4        ; Store block size and increment addr
-        Pull    "size"                  ; Return original value to the punter
-                                    ; Note : real size got would be an option!
-        B       GoodHeapExit            ; RESULTIS addr
-; Got no more free blocks of length >= size, so try to allocate more heap space
-; out of the block described by hpd
- [ debheap
-; HpTemp not critical
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT80
- WRLN "Trying to get more from main block"
- ]
-        LDR     addr, hpdbase
-        ADD     tp, addr, size        ; addr := (hpd!base +:= size)
-        LDR     HpTemp, hpdend
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr
-        CMP     tp, HpTemp            ; See if we'd fall out of the bottom
-        STRLS   tp, hpdbase           ; Only adjust hpdbase if valid alloc
-        ADDLS   addr, addr, hpd       ; offset conversion
-        BLS     ResultIsAddrPlus4
- [ debheap
- STRIM "Not enough room to allocate in main block"
- ]
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Alloc
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
- [ debheap
- WRLN " : GetArea failed"
- ]
-        MOV     addr, #0                ; addr := 0 if we couldn't allocate
-        Pull    "size"                  ; RESULTIS 0
-        B       NaffHeapExit            ; VSet Exit
- [ debheap
- STRIM "Invalid heap descriptor"
- ]
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B garfail_common
- [ debheap
- STRIM "Can't allocate 0 or less bytes"
- B garfailed
- |
-garfailed_zero * garfailed
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; FreeArea. Top level HeapEntry
-; ========
-; Return an area of store to the heap
-; In : hpd -> heap descriptor, addr -> block to free
-; Out : VClear -> block freed
-;       VSet   -> failed to free block, size invalid
-;       Rest of universe ok
-; The block to be freed is matched against those on the free list and inserted
-; in it's correct place, with the list being maintained in ascending address
-; order. If possible, the freed block is merged with contigous blocks above
-; and below it to give less fragmentation, and if contiguous with main memory,
-; is merged with that. If the latter, check to see if there is a block which
-; would be made contiguous with main memory by the former's freeing, and if so,
-; merge that with main memory too. Phew !
-FreeArea ROUT
-        Push    "addr, size, work"
- [ debheap
-; HpTemp not critical
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT00
- Push  "r0, link"
- STRIM "FreeArea "
- SUB r0, addr, hpd
- SUB r0, r0, #4
- BL PrintOffsetLine
- BL iShowHeap
- Pull "r0, link"
- ]
-        BL      FindHeapBlock
-        BLVC    FreeChunkWithConcatenation
-        Pull    "addr, size, work"
-        BVC     GoodHeapExit
-        B       NaffHeapExit            ; VSet Exit
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; ExtendBlock. Top level HeapEntry
-; ===========
-; Extend or reallocate existing block
-; In : hpd -> heap descriptor, addr -> block, size = size to change by
-; Out : VClear -> block freed, addr new block pointer
-;       VSet   -> failed to extend block
-;       Rest of universe ok
-        Push    "addr, size, work"
- [ debheap
-; HpTemp not critical
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT00
- Push  "r0, link"
- DREG size, "ExtendBlock by ",concat
- STRIM " block  at "
- SUB r0, addr, hpd
- SUB r0, r0, #4
- BL PrintOffsetLine
- BL iShowHeap
- Pull "r0, link"
- ]
-        BL      FindHeapBlock
-        BVS     NaffExtension
-        ADD     size, size, #freblksize-1  ; round size as appropriate :
-        BICS    size, size, #freblksize-1  ; round up to nearest 8
-        BEQ     GoodExtension              ; get the easy case done.
-        BPL     MakeBlockBigger
-        RSB     size, size, #0
-        LDR     bp, [addr, hpd]          ; get block size
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R14
-        SUBS    bp, bp, size             ; size of block left
- [ debheap
-; HpTemp not critical, GE/LT critical
- BLE %FT01
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT01
- WRLN "Freeing part of block"
- CMP bp, #0  ; restore GE/Lt
- ]
-        MOVLE    HpTemp, #-1               ; if discarding block, then
-        STRLE    HpTemp, [stack]           ; make pointer really naff.
-        STRGT    bp, [addr, hpd]           ; update size of block left
-        ADDGT    addr, addr, bp            ; offset of block to free
-        STRGT    size, [addr, hpd]         ; construct block for freeing
-        BL      FreeChunkWithConcatenation ; work still set from block lookup
-        Pull    "addr, size, work"
- [ DebugHeaps
-        ADD     lr, size, #freblksize-1         ; work out how much we actually extended by
-        BICS    lr, lr, #freblksize-1
-        BEQ     %FT99                           ; if zero or negative
-        BMI     %FT99                           ; then nothing to do
-        LDR     HpTemp, [addr, #-4]             ; get new block size
-        SUB     HpTemp, HpTemp, #4              ; Exclude size word itself
-        ADD     HpTemp, addr, HpTemp            ; end of new block
-        SUB     lr, HpTemp, lr                  ; start of new extension
-        ORR     bp, hpd, #UsedSpaceDebugMask
-        STR     bp, [HpTemp, #-4]!              ; store word
-        TEQ     HpTemp, lr
-        BNE     %BT98
- ]
-        B        GoodHeapExit
-        LDR      HpTemp, [addr, hpd]       ; get size
-        ADD      HpTemp, HpTemp, addr      ; block end
-; TMD 01-Mar-89: FindHeapBlock now never returns tp=Nil, only tp=hpdfree,
-; so no need for check
-        LDR      bp, [tp, hpd]             ; next free
-        CMP      bp, #Nil
-        ADDNE    bp, bp, tp
-        LDREQ    bp, hpdbase
-; bp is potential following block
-        CMP      HpTemp, bp
-        BNE      try_preceding_block
-; now get size available, see if fits
-        LDR      HpTemp, hpdbase
-        CMP      bp, HpTemp
-        ADDNE    HpTemp, bp, hpd
-        LDRNE    HpTemp, [HpTemp, #fresize]
-        LDREQ    HpTemp, hpdend
-        SUBEQ    HpTemp, HpTemp, bp
-        BICEQ    HpTemp, HpTemp, #(freblksize-1)
-                                           ; force it to a sensible blocksize
-        MRS      lr, CPSR                  ; save EQ/NE state
-        CMP      HpTemp, size
-        BLT      try_add_preceding_block
-        ORR      lr, lr, #I32_bit          ; disable IRQs
-        MSR      CPSR_cf, lr
- [ debheap
-; HpTemp, EQ/NE critical
- Push "HpTemp,lr"
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT02
- STRIM "Extending block into "
- Pull "HpTemp,lr"
- msr ,CPSR_f, lr
- ]
-        LDR      work, [addr, hpd]         ; get size back
-        ADD      work, work, size          ; new size
-        STR      work, [addr, hpd]         ; block updated
-; now see which we're extending into
-        BNE      IntoFreeEntry
- [ debheap
- Push HpTemp
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT03
- WRLN "base-end area"
- Pull HpTemp
- ]
-        ADD      work, work, addr
-        STR      work, hpdbase
-        B        GoodExtension
- [ debheap
- Push HpTemp
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT04
- WRLN "free entry"
- Pull HpTemp
- ]
-        CMP      HpTemp, size
-        BNE      SplitFreeBlockForExtend
-; free entry just right size : remove from free list
-        LDR      HpTemp, [bp, hpd]         ; free link
-        CMP      HpTemp, #Nil
-        ADDNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, bp        ; offset from heap start
-        SUBNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, tp
-        STR      HpTemp, [tp, hpd]         ; free list updated
-        B        GoodExtension
-        LDR      work, [tp, hpd]
-        ADD      work, work, size
-        STR      work, [tp, hpd]           ; prevnode points at right place
-        ADD      work, work, tp            ; offset of new free entry
-        ADD      work, work, hpd
-        SUB      HpTemp, HpTemp, size      ; new freblk size
-        STR      HpTemp, [work, #fresize]
-        LDR      HpTemp, [bp, hpd]
-        CMP      HpTemp, #Nil
-        SUBNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, size      ; reduced offset for free link
-        STR      HpTemp, [work, #frelink]
-        B        GoodExtension
-; TMD 01-Mar-89: FindHeapBlock now never returns tp=Nil, only tp=hpdfree,
-; so no need for check
-        CMP      tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree  ; no real preceder?
-        BEQ      got_to_reallocate
-        ADD      bp, tp, hpd
-        LDR      bp, [bp, #fresize]
-        ADD      bp, bp, tp            ; end of preceding block
-        CMP      addr, bp
-        BNE      got_to_reallocate
-; now get size available, see if fits
-        SUB      bp, bp, tp           ; freblk size
-        SUBS     bp, bp, size         ; compare, find free size left
-        BLT      got_to_reallocate
- [ debheap
- Push "HpTemp,lr"
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT10
- CMP bp, #0
- BEQ %FT11
- STRIM "Extending block into previous free"
- B   %FT12
- STRIM "Previous free perfect fit"
- SWI XOS_NewLine
- Pull "HpTemp,lr"
- ]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, HpTemp   ; IRQs off
-; bp is new size of preceding block
-; tp is prevfree offset
-; work is prevprevfree offset
-; size is amount block grows by
-; addr is block offset
-        CMP      bp, #0
-        ADDNE    HpTemp, tp, hpd
-        STRNE    bp, [HpTemp, #fresize]    ; prevblock shrunk
-        BNE      copy_backwards
- ; free freblk: work is still prevprevblk pointer
-        LDR      HpTemp, [tp, hpd]
-        CMP      HpTemp, #Nil
-        ADDNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, tp        ; offset from heap start
-        SUBNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, work
-        STR      HpTemp, [work, hpd]       ; free list updated
-        ADD      bp, bp, tp
-        LDR      HpTemp, [addr, hpd]!      ; current block size
-        ADD      size, HpTemp, size
-        STR      size, [bp, hpd]!          ; update blocksize
- [ debheap
- Push r0
- LDR r0, hpddebug
- CMP r0, #0
- BEQ %FT06
- DREG HpTemp, "copying -4+",concat
- STRIM " from "
- SUB  R0, addr, hpd
- BL   PrintOffset
- STRIM " to "
- SUB  R0, bp, hpd
- BL   PrintOffsetLine
- Pull r0
- ]
-; TMD 02-Mar-89: We've finished messing about with the heap structure
-; so we can branch outside danger zone and restore IRQ status while doing copy
-        B       CopyBackwardsInSafeZone
-    [ {TRUE}
-; HpTemp is size of following block
-        CMP      tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree  ; no real preceder?
-        BEQ      got_to_reallocate
-        Push    "work, size"           ; need prevprevblk ptr
-        SUB      size, size, HpTemp    ; size still needed
-        ADD      HpTemp, tp, hpd
-        LDR      HpTemp, [HpTemp, #fresize]
-        ADD      HpTemp, HpTemp, tp        ; end of preceding block
-        CMP      addr, HpTemp
-        BNE      got_to_reallocate2
-; now get size available, see if fits
-        SUB      HpTemp, HpTemp, tp    ; freblk size
-        SUBS     HpTemp, HpTemp, size
-        BLT      got_to_reallocate2
- [ debheap
- Push "HpTemp,lr"
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT10
- Pull HpTemp
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT11
- STRIM "Extending block into previous free and block after"
- B   %FT12
- STRIM "Previous free+nextblock perfect fit"
- SWI XOS_NewLine
- Pull "lr"
- ]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, work ; IRQs off
-   ; delink block at bp
-        LDR      work, hpdbase
-        CMP      bp, work              ; extend into free, or delink block?
-        BNE      ext_delink
-        LDR      work, hpdend
-        SUB      work, work, bp        ; get back real size
-        BIC      work, work, #(freblksize-1)
-        ADD      work, work, bp
-        STR      work, hpdbase         ; all free allocated
-        B        ext_hack
-        LDR      work, [bp, hpd]
-        CMP      work, #Nil
-        ADDNE    work, work, bp
-        SUBNE    work, work, tp
-        STR      work, [tp, hpd]       ; block delinked
-        MOV      bp, HpTemp
-        Pull    "work, size"
-; bp is new size of preceding block
-; tp is prevfree offset
-; work is prevprevfree offset
-; size is amount block grows by
-; addr is block offset
-        B        hack_preceder
-       Pull     "work, size"
-  ]
-; claim block of new size ; copy data
-; Done by recursive SWIs: somewhat inefficient, but simple.
- [ debheap
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT05
- WRLN "reallocating block"
- ]
-        B       ReallocateInSafeZone
-        Pull    "addr, size, work"
-        B        NaffHeapExit
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; ExtendHeap. Top level HeapEntry
-; ==========
-; Extend or shrink heap
-; In : hpd -> heap descriptor, size = size to change by
-; Out : VClear -> heap size changed OK
-;       VSet   -> failed to change by specified amount
-;       size = amount changed by
-ExtendHeap       ROUT
-        ValidateHpd  ExtendHeap
-        CMP      r3, #0
-        ADDMI    r3, r3, #3          ; round towards 0
-        BIC      R3, R3, #3          ; ensure word amount
-        LDR      HpTemp, hpdend
-        ADD      HpTemp, HpTemp, R3  ; HpTemp := new size
-        LDR      tp, hpdbase
-        CMP      tp, HpTemp
-        BGT      ExtendHeap_badshrink
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr
-        Push    "R0, R1"
-        MOV      R0, hpd             ; Ensure heap will be in valid area
-        ADD      R1, hpd, HpTemp
-        SWI      XOS_ValidateAddress
-        Pull    "R0, R1"
-        BCS      ExtendHeap_nafforf
- [ DebugHeaps
-        CMP     R3, #0                  ; if shrunk or stayed same
-        BLE     %FT15                   ; then nothing to do
-        ADD     tp, hpd, HpTemp         ; tp -> end of heap
-        SUB     bp, tp, R3              ; bp -> start of new bit
-        ORR     lr, hpd, #FreeSpaceDebugMask
-        STR     lr, [tp, #-4]!          ; store word
-        TEQ     tp, bp
-        BNE     %BT10
- ]
-        STR      HpTemp, hpdend      ; uppy date him
-        B        GoodHeapExit        ; moved all the size asked for
-        ADRL     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
-      [ International
-        BL       TranslateError
-      ]
-        MOV      size, #0
-        B        NaffHeapExit
-        ADRL     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadExtend
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        MOV      size, #0
-        B        NaffHeapExit
-        LDR      HpTemp, hpdend
-        STR      tp, hpdend          ; update heap
-        SUB      size, HpTemp, tp    ; size managed to change by
-        ADRL     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_ExcessiveShrink
-      [ International
-        BL       TranslateError
-      ]
-        B        NaffHeapExit        ; and sort of fail
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; ReadBlockSize. Top level HeapEntry
-; =============
-        Push    "addr, work"
-        BL      FindHeapBlock
-        LDRVC   size, [addr, hpd]
-        Pull   "addr, work"
-        BVC     GoodHeapExit
-        B       NaffHeapExit
-; Common routines for free/extend
-FindHeapBlock   ROUT
-; Convert addr to address
-; Validate heap
-; check block is an allocated block
-; return tp = free list entry before the block (hpdfree if none)
-;      work = free list before that (if exists)
-; corrupts HpTemp, bp
-        Push    lr
-        ValidateHpd findfailed
-        SUB     addr, addr, hpd     ; convert to offset
-        SUB     addr, addr, #4      ; real block posn
-; Find block in heap by chaining down freelist, stepping through blocks
-; TMD 01-Mar-89
-; no need to check explicitly for null free list, code drops thru OK
- [ debheap
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT03
- Push lr
- WRLN "Scanning freelist"
- Pull lr
- ]
-; step down free list to find appropriate chunk
-; get tp = free block before addr
-; HpTemp =  "     "   after   "
-;   work = block before tp
-        MOV     tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree
-        LDR     HpTemp, [hpd, tp]     ; link offset
-        CMP     HpTemp,#Nil
-        BEQ     ListEnded             ; EQ state used!
-        ADD     HpTemp, HpTemp, tp
-        CMP     HpTemp, addr
-        MOVLS   work, tp
-        MOVLS   tp, HpTemp
-        BLS     StepDownFreeList
-        LDREQ   HpTemp, hpdbase      ; if EQ from CMP HpTemp, addr
-                                     ; then bad block anyway
-        CMP     tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree
-        MOVEQ   bp, #hpdsize         ; is this a fudge I see before me?
-        BEQ     ScanAllocForAddr
-        ADD     bp, tp, #fresize
-        LDR     bp, [hpd, bp]
-        ADD     bp, tp, bp
-; bp     -> start of allocated chunk
-; HpTemp -> end    "   "        "
-; scan to find addr, error if no in here
-       Push    work       ; keep prevlink ptr
-  [ debheap
-; HpTemp critical
- Push "HpTemp, R0, link"
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT02
- STRIM "Scan for addr from "
- MOV   R0, bp
- BL    PrintOffset
- STRIM " to "
- LDR   R0,[stack,#4]  ; HpTemp
- BL    PrintOffsetLine
- Pull "HpTemp, r0, link"
- ]
-        B       CheckForNullAllocn
-        CMP     bp, addr
-        BEQ     ValidBlock
-        LDR     work, [bp, hpd]    ; get size
-        ADD     bp, bp, work
-        CMP     bp, HpTemp
-        BLT     ScanAllocForAddrLoop
- [ debheap
- Push lr
- STRIM "Given pointer not a block"
- Pull lr
- ]
-       ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_NotABlock
-     [ International
-       BL      TranslateError
-     |
-       SETV
-     ]
-       Pull   "work, pc"
-ValidBlock    ; tp = free link offset, addr = block offset
-       CLRV
-       Pull   "work, pc"
- [ debheap
- Push   lr
- STRIM "Invalid heap descriptor"
- Pull   lr
- ]
-        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        Pull    PC
-FreeChunkWithConcatenation ROUT
-; in : addr -> block
-;      tp   -> preceding free list entry
-; out : block freed, concatenated with any free parts on either side,
-;       base reduced if can do
-; corrupts HpTemp, bp, size, addr
-; TMD 01-Mar-89: FindHeapBlock now never returns tp=Nil, only tp=hpdfree,
-; so no need for check, code will get there eventually!
-; attempt concatenation with free blocks on both/either side
- [ debheap
- Push "R0, lr"
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT04
- STRIM "concatenation attempt with free ptr "
- MOV   R0,tp
- BL    PrintOffsetLine
- Pull  "R0, lr"
- ]
- [ DebugHeaps
-        ORR     bp, hpd, #FreeSpaceDebugMask
-        LDR     size, [addr, hpd]!
-        ADD     HpTemp, addr, size
-        SUB     HpTemp, HpTemp, #4      ; HpTemp -> last word of block
-        STR     bp, [HpTemp], #-4       ; store word, then go back
-        TEQ     HpTemp, addr            ; loop until done, but don't overwrite size field
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; otherwise we might get an IRQ with a duff heap
-        SUB     addr, addr, hpd         ; make addr an offset again
- ]
-        LDR     size, [addr, hpd]      ; block size
-        ADD     bp, size, addr         ; eob offset
-        LDR     HpTemp, [tp, hpd]      ; Nil doesn't matter here!
-        ADD     HpTemp, HpTemp, tp     ; offset of free block after ours
-        CMP     HpTemp, bp             ; if tp was hpdfree then <> bp
-        BNE     NoConcatWithNext       ; so will take branch
- [ debheap
- Push lr
- LDR bp, hpddebug
- CMP bp, #0
- BEQ %FT05
- WRLN "concatenating with block after"
- Pull lr
- ]
-        ADD    bp, hpd, HpTemp
-        LDR    bp, [bp, #fresize]
-        ADD    bp, bp, size
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, size
-        STR    bp, [addr, hpd]       ; enlarge our block
-        LDR    bp, [HpTemp, hpd]     ; offset in free list
-        CMP    bp, #Nil
-        ADDNE  bp, HpTemp, bp        ; offset from heap start
-        SUBNE  bp, bp, tp            ; free list offset
-        STR    bp, [tp, hpd]         ; free list updated, our block bigger
-                                     ; - but not in the free list yet!
-NoConcatWithNext  ; tp = free link offset, addr = block offset
-                  ; now try for concatenation with previous block
-        CMP    tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree  ; are we before any real free blocks?
-        BEQ    NoConcatenation       ; yup
-        ADD    HpTemp, tp, hpd
-        LDR    size, [HpTemp, #fresize]
-        ADD    bp, size, tp
-        CMP    bp, addr
-        BNE    NoConcatenation
- [ debheap
- Push lr
- LDR bp, hpddebug
- CMP bp, #0
- BEQ %FT06
- WRLN "concatenating with block before"
- STRIM "prevfree = "
- Push  R0
- MOV   R0, work
- BL    PrintOffsetLine
- Pull  R0
- Pull lr
- ]
-        LDR    bp, [addr, hpd]         ; get block size
-        ADD    size, bp, size          ; new free block size
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, bp
-        STR    size, [HpTemp, #fresize]
-; now check for butts against base : work is still prevnode to tp
-        ADD    HpTemp, size, tp
-        LDR    bp, hpdbase
-        CMP    bp, HpTemp
-        BNE    %FT06                 ; all done : exit keeping IRQs off
-        SUB    bp, bp, size
-        STR    bp, hpdbase           ; step unused bit back
-        MOV    bp, #Nil              ; this MUST have been last free block!
-        STR    bp, [work, hpd]
-        CLRV
-        MOV    PC, lr                ; Whew!
-NoConcatenation ; check if block butts against base
-; tp = previous freelink offset
-        LDR     size, [addr, hpd]
-        ADD     HpTemp, size, addr
-        LDR     bp, hpdbase
-        CMP     bp, HpTemp
-        BNE     AddToFreeList
-        SUB     bp, bp, size
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, HpTemp
-        STR     bp, hpdbase
-        CLRV
-        MOV     PC, lr
-AddToFreeList  ; block at addr, previous free at tp
- [ debheap
- Push "R0, lr"
- LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
- CMP HpTemp, #0
- BEQ %FT07
- STRIM "add to free list : free link "
- MOV   R0,tp
- BL    PrintOffset
- STRIM ", block "
- MOV   R0, addr
- BL    PrintOffsetLine
- Pull "R0, lr"
- ]
-        LDR    size, [addr, hpd]!
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, HpTemp
-        STR    size, [addr, #fresize]
-        SUB    addr, addr, hpd
-        LDR    size, [hpd, tp]      ; prevlink
-        CMP    size, #Nil
-        SUBNE  size, size, addr
-        ADDNE  size, size, tp       ; form offset if not eolist
-        STR    size, [addr, hpd]
-        SUB    size, addr, tp
-        STR    size, [tp, hpd]
-        CLRV
-        MOV    PC, lr
- [ debheap
-; ShowHeap. Top level HeapEntry
-; ========
-; Dump the heap pointed to by hpd
-        Push    link
-        BL      iShowHeap       ; Needed to fudge link for SVC mode entry
-        Pull    link
-        B       GoodHeapExit
-iShowHeap ROUT ; Internal entry point for debugging heap
-        Push    "r0, hpd, addr, size, work, bp, tp, link"
-        ValidateHpd showfailed  ; debugging heaps won't work interruptibly
-        LDR     tp, hpdfree
-        CMP     tp, #Nil
-        ADDNE   tp, tp, #:INDEX: hpdfree
-        LDR     bp, hpdbase
-        MOV     addr, #hpdsize
-        LDR     work, hpdend
-        SWI     OS_NewLine              ; Initial blurb about hpd contents
-        DREG    hpd, "**** Heap map **** : hpd "
-        STRIM   "->  free"
-        MOV     r0, tp
-        BL      PrintOffset
-        STRIM   ", base"
-        MOV     r0, bp
-        BL      PrintOffsetLine
-        STRIM   "-> start"
-        MOV     r0, addr
-        BL      PrintOffset
-        STRIM   ",  end"
-        MOV     r0, work
-        BL      PrintOffsetLine
-        SUB     r0, work, bp            ; hpdend-hpdbase
-        DREG    r0,"Bytes free: ",concat, Word
-        SUB     r0, bp, addr            ; hpdbase-hpdsize
-        DREG    r0,", bytes used: ",, Word
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        CMP     tp, #Nil                ; No free blocks at all ?
-        BNE     %FT10
-        WRLN    "No Free Blocks"
-        CMP     bp, addr                ; Is a block allocated at all ?
-        MOVNE   r0, addr ; hpdsize
-        BNE     %FT40
-        WRLN    "No Used Blocks"
-        B       %FT99
-10      CMP     tp, addr ; hpdsize       ; Allocated block below first free ?
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        MOV     r0, addr ; hpdbase
-        BL      HexUsedBlk
-        SUB     r0, tp, addr ; hpdfree-hpdsize
-        DREG    r0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-; Main loop chaining up free space list
-15      ADD     addr, tp, hpd             ; convert to address
-        LDR     size, [addr, #fresize]    ; Size of this block
-        LDR     addr, [addr, #frelink]    ; offset to next block
-        STRIM   "Free Block "
-        MOV     r0, tp
-        BL      PrintOffset
-        DREG    size, ", size "
-        ADD     r0, tp, size ; r0 -> eob. Adjacent free blocks don't exist
-        CMP     addr, #Nil ; If last block, then must we see if we're = hpdbase
-        BEQ     %FT40
-; Used block starts at r0, ends at addr+tp - so size = (addr+tp)-r0
-        BL      HexUsedBlk
-        SUB     r0, addr, r0  ; addr-r0
-        ADD     r0, r0, tp    ; used block size
-        DREG    r0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        ADD     tp, addr, tp  ; step down free list
-        B       %BT15         ; And loop
-40      CMP     r0, bp      ; Is there any allocated space after this block ?
-        BEQ     %FT99
-        BL      HexUsedBlk
-        SUB     r0, bp, r0  ; hpdbase-sob
-        DREG    r0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        CLRV
-        GRAB   "r0, hpd, addr, size, work, bp, tp, pc"
-        WRLN    "Invalid heap descriptor : ShowHeap failed"
-        GRAB    "r0, hpd, addr, size, work, bp, tp, pc"
-        Push   "lr"
-        STRIM  "Used Block "
-        BL      PrintOffset
-        STRIM  ", size"
-        Pull   "lr"
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        Push   "r0, lr"
-        DREG    r0
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        ADDNE   R0, R0, hpd
-        DREG    r0," (",concat
-        STRIM   ")"
-        GRAB   "R0, PC"
-        Push   "lr"
-        BL      PrintOffset
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        Pull   "PC"
- ]
-     [ TubeInfo
-TubeDumpR0     ROUT
-        Push  "R1, R2, lr"
-        TubeChar R0, R1, "MOV R1, #10"
-        TubeChar R0, R1, "MOV R1, #13"
-        MOV    R1, #7
-01      MOV    R0, R0, ROR #28
-        AND    R2, R0, #&F
-        TubeChar R0, R1, "ADD R1, R2, #""0"""
-        SUBS   R1, R1, #1
-        BPL    %BT01
-        Pull  "R1, R2, PC"
-     ]
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/HeapSort b/s/HeapSort
deleted file mode 100644
index 9004035d..00000000
--- a/s/HeapSort
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    > HeapSort
-; Old API - same as OS_HeapSort32 but flags in top bits of r1
-; Just to make this more confusing, the old API always behaves as if bit 31
-; of r1 mirrors bit 30 (ie. bit 30 set forces bit 31 set, see PRM 5a-662), so
-; we preserve this for old API, but do originally intended thing for new API.
-        Push    "r1,r7,lr"
-        AND     r7, r1, #2_011 :SHL: 29
-        BIC     r1, r1, #2_111 :SHL: 29
-        TST     r7, #1 :SHL: 30
-        ORRNE   r7, r7, #1 :SHL: 31
-        SWI     XOS_HeapSort32
-        Pull    "r1,r7,lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; HeapSort routine. Borrowed from Knuth by Tutu. Labels h(i) correspond to
-; steps in the algorithm.
-; In    r0 = n
-;       r1 = array(n) of word size objects (r2 determines type)
-;       r2 = address of comparison procedure
-;              Special cases:
-;                0 -> treat r(n) as array of cardinal
-;                1 -> treat r(n) as array of integer
-;                2 -> treat r(n) as array of cardinal*
-;                3 -> treat r(n) as array of integer*
-;                4 -> treat r(n) as array of char* (case insensitive)
-;                5 -> treat r(n) as array of char* (case sensitive)
-;       r3 = wsptr for comparison procedure (only needed if r2 > 5)
-;       r4 = array(n) of things (only needed if r7 & &C0000000)
-;       r5 = sizeof(element)    ( ---------  ditto  ---------- )
-;       r6 = address of temp slot (only needed if r5 > 16K or r7 & &20000000)
-;       r7 = flags
-;              bit 31 set -> use r4,r5 on postpass
-;              bit 30 set -> build (r1) from r4,r5 in prepass
-;              bit 29 set -> use r6 as temp slot
-; r10-r12 trashable
-hs_array RN     r4
-hs_procadr RN   r5
-hs_i    RN      r6
-hs_j    RN      r7
-hs_K    RN      r8
-hs_R    RN      r9
-hs_l    RN      r10
-hs_r    RN      r11
-;wp     RN      r12
-; User sort procedure entered in SVC mode, interrupts enabled
-; r0 = contents of array(1)
-; r1 = contents of array(2)
-; r0-r3 may be trashed
-; wp = value requested (trash at your peril; you'll get the bad one next time)
-; User sort procedure returns:
-;       LT: if f(r0)  < f(r1)
-;       GE: if f(r0) => f(r1)
-; (ie. N_bit and V_bit only considered)
-HeapSortRoutine32 ROUT
-        CMP     r0, #2                  ; 0 or 1 elements? No data moved either
-        ExitSWIHandler LO               ; VClear in lr and psr
-        Push    "r0-r3, hs_array, hs_procadr, hs_i, hs_j, hs_K, hs_R, lr"
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, r14              ; Enable interrupts (may take ages)
- [ False
-        STR     r0, ndump               ; For debugging porpoises
- ]
-        TST     r7, #1 :SHL: 30         ; Are we to build the pointer array?
-        BEQ     %FT01
-; Build array of pointers to data blocks for the punter if he desires this
-; (lazy slobs abound ...)
-; for (i=0; i<n; i++) r(i) = &block + i*sizeof(element);
-        MOV     r10, r0                 ; n
-        MOV     r14, r1                 ; r14 -> base of pointer array
-00      STR     r4, [r14], #4
-        ADD     r4, r4, r5              ; r4 += sizeof(element)
-        SUBS    r10, r10, #1
-        BNE     %BT00
-01      SUB     hs_array, r1, #4        ; HeapSort assumes r(1..n) not (0..n-1)
-        MOV     hs_procadr, r2          ; Put proc address where we need it
-        CMP     hs_procadr, #6          ; Special procedure ?
-        ADRLO   r14, hs_Procedures
-        LDRLO   hs_procadr, [r14, hs_procadr, LSL #2]
-        ADDLO   hs_procadr, hs_procadr, r14
-        MOV     wp, r3                  ; Can now use r3 temp. Keep set up
-                                        ; for speed during execution
-        MOV     hs_l, r0, LSR #1        ; l = floor(n/2) + 1
-        ADD     hs_l, hs_l, #1
-        MOV     hs_r, r0                ; r = n
-h2      CMP     hs_l, #1
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        SUB     hs_l, hs_l, #1
-        LDR     hs_R, [hs_array, hs_l, LSL #2] ; R = R(l)
-        MOV     hs_K, hs_R
-        B       %FT20
-10      LDR     hs_R, [hs_array, hs_r, LSL #2] ; R = R(r)
-        MOV     hs_K, hs_R
-        LDR     r14, [hs_array, #4]     ; R(r) = R(1)
-        STR     r14, [hs_array, hs_r, LSL #2]
-        SUB     hs_r, hs_r, #1
-        CMP     hs_r, #1                ; IF r=1 THEN R(1) = R
-        STREQ   hs_R, [hs_array, #4]
- [ False
- BL DoDebug
- ]
-        CMP     hs_r, #1
-        BEQ     %FT90                   ; [finished sorting the array]
-h3      MOV     hs_j, hs_l
-h4      MOV     hs_i, hs_j
-        MOV     hs_j, hs_j, LSL #1
- [ False
- DREG hs_i," i ",cc
- DREG hs_j," j "
- ]
-        CMP     hs_j, hs_r
-        BEQ     h6
-        BHI     h8
-h5      LDR     r0, [hs_array, hs_j, LSL #2]
-                                        ; IF K(R(j)) < K(R(j+1)) THEN j +:= 1
-        ADD     r14, hs_j, #1
-        LDR     r1, [hs_array, r14, LSL #2]
-        MOV     lr, pc                  ; r0, r1 for comparison
-        MOV     pc, hs_procadr
-        ADDLT   hs_j, hs_j, #1          ; Assumes signed comparison done <<<<<<
-h6      MOV     r0, hs_K                ; IF K >= K(R(j)) THEN h8
-        LDR     r1, [hs_array, hs_j, LSL #2]
-        MOV     lr, pc                  ; r0, r1 for comparison
-        MOV     pc, hs_procadr
-        LDRLT   r14, [hs_array, hs_j, LSL #2] ; R(i) = R(j)
-        STRLT   r14, [hs_array, hs_i, LSL #2]
-        BLT     h4
-h8      STR     hs_R, [hs_array, hs_i, LSL #2] ; R(i) = R
-        B       h2
-; Array now sorted into order
-90      LDR     r14, [sp, #4*7]         ; r7in
-        TST     r14, #1 :SHL: 31
-        BEQ     %FA99                   ; [no shuffle required, exit]
-; Reorder the blocks according to the sorted array of pointers
-        LDR     r2, [sp, #4*1]          ; r2 -> list of pointers (r1in)
-        ADD     r1, sp, #4*4
-        LDMIA   r1, {r1, r8, r9}        ; r4,r5,r6in
-                                        ; r1 -> list of blocks
- [ False
- DREG r2, "pointer array   "
- DREG r1, "base of blocks  "
- DREG r8, "sizeof(element) "
- ]
-        MOV     r3, r2                  ; r3 -> first item of current cycle
-        LDR     r0, [sp, #0*4]          ; r0 = n
-        ADD     r6, r2, r0, LSL #2      ; r6 -> end of array of pointers
-        TST     r14, #1 :SHL: 29        ; punter forcing use of his temp slot?
-        BNE     %FT94                   ; fine by me!
-        CMP     r8, #ScratchSpaceSize
-        LDRLS   r9, =ScratchSpace       ; r9 -> temp slot (normally ScratchSpc)
- [ False
- DREG r9, "temp slot       "
- ]
-91      SUB     r14, r3, r2
-        MOV     r14, r14, LSR #2        ; r14 = index (0..n-1) of current item
-        MLA     r4, r14, r8, r1         ; r4 -> current block
-        MOV     r5, r3                  ; r5 -> current item
-        BL      MoveToTempSlot          ; save first block in temp slot
-92      LDR     r7, [r5]                ; r7 -> next block
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        STR     r14, [r5]               ; mark item 'done'
-        SUB     r5, r7, r1              ; r14 := index of next item (r8 pres.)
-        DivRem  r14, r5, r8, r0         ; r5,r0 corrupt
-        ADD     r5, r2, r14, LSL #2     ; r5 -> next item
- [ False
- DREG r7, "  next block "
- DREG r5, "   next item "
- ]
-        CMP     r5, r3                  ; reached start of cycle?
-        MOVEQ   r7, r9                  ; get back from temp slot if last one
-        BL      MoveFromGivenSlot       ; corrupts flags, but preserves r5, r3...
-        CMP     r5, r3
-        MOVNE   r4, r7                  ; update r4 (current block)
-        BNE     %BT92
-93      LDR     r14, [r3, #4]!          ; skip already-copied items
-        CMP     r3, r6
-        BCS     %FA99                   ; [reached end]
-        CMP     r14, #0
-        BEQ     %BT93
-        B       %BT91                   ; [found one that hasn't been copied]
-; No error return from HeapSort
-99      Pull    "r0-r3, hs_array, hs_procadr, hs_i, hs_j, hs_K, hs_R, lr"
-; SWIHandler exit takes flags + mode from lr, not psr !!!
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r4 -> element to be copied
-;       r8 = sizeof(element)
-;       r9 -> temp slot
-; Out   all preserved
-MoveToTempSlot Entry "r4, r8, r9"
-        TST     r4, #3                  ; If base and element size wordy
-        TSTEQ   r8, #3                  ; then do faster copy. Also temp wordy
-        BNE     %FT01
-00      SUBS    r8, r8, #4
-        LDRPL   r14, [r4], #4
-        STRPL   r14, [r9], #4
-        BPL     %BT00
-        EXIT
-01      SUBS    r8, r8, #1
-        LDRPLB  r14, [r4], #1
-        STRPLB  r14, [r9], #1
-        BPL     %BT01
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r4 -> where element is to be copied
-;       r7 -> element to be copied
-;       r8 = sizeof(element)
-; Out   all preserved
-MoveFromGivenSlot Entry "r4, r7, r8"
-        TST     r4, #3                  ; If dest and element size wordy
-        TSTEQ   r8, #3                  ; then do faster copy. Also src wordy
-        BNE     %FT01
-00      SUBS    r8, r8, #4
-        LDRPL   r14, [r7], #4
-        STRPL   r14, [r4], #4
-        BPL     %BT00
-        EXIT
-01      SUBS    r8, r8, #1
-        LDRPLB  r14, [r7], #1
-        STRPLB  r14, [r4], #1
-        BPL     %BT01
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Built-in sorting procedures
-        DCD     hs_CardinalCMP    - hs_Procedures
-        DCD     hs_IntegerCMP     - hs_Procedures
-        DCD     hs_CardinalPtrCMP - hs_Procedures
-        DCD     hs_IntegerPtrCMP  - hs_Procedures
-        DCD     hs_StringCMP      - hs_Procedures
-        DCD     hs_StringSensCMP  - hs_Procedures
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0, r1 -> cardinals
-; Out   flags set on (*r0) - (*r1)
-        LDR     r0, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, [r1]
-; .............................................................................
-; In    r0, r1 = cardinals
-; Out   flags set on r0 - r1
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        MSRCS   CPSR_f, #C_bit      ; CS -> GE (nv)
-        MSRCC   CPSR_f, #N_bit      ; CC -> LT (Nv)
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0, r1 -> integers
-; Out   flags set on (*r0) - (*r1)
-        LDR     r0, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, [r1]
-; .............................................................................
-; In    r0, r1 = integers
-; Out   flags set on r0 - r1
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Case-insensitive string comparison
-; In    r0, r1 -> strings - CtrlChar terminated (NB. Must be same CtrlChar !)
-; Out   flags set on (char *)(r0) - (char *)(r1) compare
-hs_StringCMP ROUT
-10      LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        LowerCase r2, r12
-        LDRB    r3, [r1], #1
-        LowerCase r3, r12
-        CMP     r2, r3                  ; Differ ?
-        MOVNE   pc, lr                  ; GE or LT
-        CMP     r2, #space-1            ; Finished ?
-        BHI     %BT10
-        CMP     r2, r2                  ; return EQ (also GE)
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Case-sensitive string comparison
-; In    r0, r1 -> strings - CtrlChar terminated (NB. Must be same CtrlChar !)
-; Out   flags set on (char *)(r0) - (char *)(r1)
-hs_StringSensCMP ROUT
-10      LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        LDRB    r3, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r2, r3                  ; Differ ?
-        MOVNE   pc, lr                  ; GE or LT
-        CMP     r2, #space-1            ; Finished ?
-        BHI     %BT10
-        CMP     r2, r2                  ; return EQ (also GE)
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/KbdResA1 b/s/KbdResA1
deleted file mode 100644
index aa1625bb..00000000
--- a/s/KbdResA1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > KbdResA1
-; This file contains all the old-style keyboard control stuff that the kernel does on reset
-; The only two hooks in this file used externally are IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed
-; and SetUpKbd.
-                   GBLL   KeyboardDebungling
-KeyboardDebungling SETL   {FALSE}
-; reset code needs to know where CTRL, SHIFT and R are in the kbd matrix
-; these are codes given by the keyboard
-     [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-A1CtrlLeft      * &3B
-A1CtrlRight     * &61
-A1ShiftLeft     * &4C
-A1ShiftRight    * &58
-A1CTRLLCol   *  K1kdda + (A1CtrlLeft :AND: 15)
-A1CTRLLRow   *  K1kdda + (A1CtrlLeft :SHR: 4)
-A1CTRLRCol   *  K1kdda + (A1CtrlRight :AND: 15)
-A1CTRLRRow   *  K1kdda + (A1CtrlRight :SHR: 4)
-A1SHIFTLCol  *  K1kdda + (A1ShiftLeft :AND: 15)
-A1SHIFTLRow  *  K1kdda + (A1ShiftLeft :SHR: 4)
-A1SHIFTRCol  *  K1kdda + (A1ShiftRight :AND: 15)
-A1SHIFTRRow  *  K1kdda + (A1ShiftRight :SHR: 4)
-A1R_Col      *  K1kdda +  10
-A1R_Row      *  K1kdda +  2
-A1T_Col      *  K1kdda +  11
-A1T_Row      *  K1kdda +  2
-A1Del_Col    *  K1kdda +  4
-A1Del_Row    *  K1kdda +  3
-A1Copy_Col   *  K1kdda +  5
-A1Copy_Row   *  K1kdda +  3
-     ]
-     [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-; old (A500) keyboard positions
-A500CTRLRow    *   KEYDOWN + &C
-A500CTRLCol    *   KEYDOWN +  0
-A500SHIFTRow   *   KEYDOWN + &A
-A500SHIFTCol   *   KEYDOWN +  0
-A500R_Row      *   KEYDOWN +  2
-A500R_Col      *   KEYDOWN +  7
-A500T_Row      *   KEYDOWN +  2
-A500T_Col      *   KEYDOWN +  6
-A500Del_Row    *   KEYDOWN +  5
-A500Del_Col    *   KEYDOWN +  7
-A500Copy_Row   *   KEYDOWN +  0
-A500Copy_Col   *   KEYDOWN +  8
-    ]
-; On ARM600, this routine must work in IRQ32 mode
-IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r2, R10-R12, lr"
-        MOV     R12, #IOC
-        MOV     r2, #IOC
-        MOV     r0, #32
-        BL      DoMicroDelay    ; quick thumb twiddle until it's REALLY there
-        LDRB    R11, KARTRx     ; read byte transmitted by keyboard
-     [ KeyboardDebungling
-   Push  R12
-   MOV   R12, R11, LSR #4
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "MOV R11, #""R"""
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   AND   R12, R11, #&F
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   Pull  R12
-     ]
-        CMP     R11, #HRDRESET  ; first check for part of reset sequence and reply accordingly
-        BEQ     fartaboutfornewkbd
-        CMP     R11, #RST1ACK
-        MOVEQ   R10, #RST2ACK
-        BEQ     send_ack_byte
-        CMP     R11, #RST2ACK
-        BNE     keytransmission
-        MOV     R10, #InitKbdWs
-        LDR     R10, [R10, #KeyDataPtr]
-        CMP     R10, #0
-        MOVNE   R10, #ACK+SCAN
-        BNE     send_ack_byte
-        MOV     R10, #ACK
-  [ KeyboardDebungling
-   Push  R12
-   MOV   R12, R10, LSR #4
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "MOV R11, #""k"""
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   AND   R12, R10, #&F
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   Pull  R12
- ]
-        STRB    R10, KARTTx
-        BL      PollTxBit
-        MOV     R11, #K1rqid
-        BL      SendAndPollRxBit
-  [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-        AND     r10, r11, #&F0
-        CMP     R11, #IDTYPE            ; a500 kbd?
-        ADREQ   R10, DataA500Kbd
-        BEQ     gotkbdid
-  ]
-        SUB     r11, r11, #K1kbid + 1
-        CMP     r11, #30
-        ADRLSL  R10, DataA1Kbd          ; only accept ID 1-31
-        MOVHI   R10, #0                 ; else don't know
-        MOV     R11, #InitKbdWs
-        STR     R10, [R11, #KeyDataPtr]
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
- ASSERT (DataA1Kbd :AND: 255) <> 0
- ]
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
- ASSERT (DataA500Kbd :AND: 255) <> 0
- ]
-        STRB    R10, [R11, #KB_There_Flag]
-                                        ; only there once ID understood
-        MOV     R10, #HRDRESET          ; and from the top
-        B       send_ack_byte
-; assume it's key info
-        MOV     R10, #InitKbdWs
-        LDRB    R10, [R10]      ; the "had a byte" flag
-        CMP     R10, #0
-        BNE     hadabyteofkey
-        MOV     R10, #InitKbdWs
-        STRB    R11, [R10]      ; first part of 2 byte protocol: set flag
-        MOV     R10, #ACK+&F
-        B       send_ack_byte
-        MOV     R11, #HRDRESET
-        BL      SendAndPollRxBit        ; get a byte to R11
-        BL      PollTxBit
-        CMP     R11, #HRDRESET
-        BNE     kickitagain
-        MOV     R11, #RST1ACK
-        BL      SendAndPollRxBit        ; get a byte to R11
-        BL      PollTxBit
-        CMP     R11, #RST1ACK
-        BNE     kickitagain
-        MOV     R10, #RST2ACK
-        B       send_ack_byte
-; now got 1st byte in R10, second byte in R11 : test for CTRL or R
-        MOV     R0, #InitKbdWs
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #KeyDataPtr]
-10      LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT11
-        CMP     R1, R10
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        CMPEQ   R1, R11
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     R11, #InitKbdWs
-        STRB    R1, [R11, R1]           ; non-zero means pressed
-        MOV     R10, #ACK+SCAN
-     [ KeyboardDebungling
-   Push  R12
-   MOV   R12, R10, LSR #4
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "MOV R11, #""T"""
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   AND   R12, R10, #&F
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   Pull  R12
-     ]
-        STRB    R10, KARTTx             ; assume always able to transmit?
-        CMP     R10, #ACK+&F
-        MOVNE   R11, #InitKbdWs
-        STRNEB  R11, [R11]            ; clear "one byte of 2 byte seq had" flag
-        Pull    "r0-r2, R10-R12, lr"
-        SUBS    PC, R14, #4
- DCD 0 ; temp fudge
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-  [ . :AND: 255 = 0
- DCB "S" ; Odd length, should throw us
-  ]
-    =   A1CTRLLRow,  A1CTRLLCol,  CTRL_Down_Flag
-    =   A1CTRLRRow,  A1CTRLRCol,  CTRL_Down_Flag
-    =   A1SHIFTRRow, A1SHIFTRCol, SHIFT_Down_Flag
-    =   A1SHIFTLRow, A1SHIFTLCol, SHIFT_Down_Flag
-    =   A1R_Row,     A1R_Col,     R_Down_Flag
-    =   A1T_Row,     A1T_Col,     T_Down_Flag
-    =   A1Del_Row,   A1Del_Col,   Del_Down_Flag
-    =   A1Copy_Row,  A1Copy_Col,  Copy_Down_Flag
-    =   0
- ]
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-  [ . :AND: 255 = 0
- DCB "K"
-  ]
-    =   A500CTRLRow,  A500CTRLCol,  CTRL_Down_Flag
-    =   A500SHIFTRow, A500SHIFTCol, SHIFT_Down_Flag
-    =   A500R_Row,    A500R_Col,    R_Down_Flag
-    =   A500T_Row,    A500T_Col,    T_Down_Flag
-    =   A500Del_Row,  A500Del_Col,  Del_Down_Flag
-    =   A500Copy_Row, A500Copy_Col, Copy_Down_Flag
-    =   0
- ]
-    ALIGN
-        LTORG
-PollTxBit ROUT
-01      LDRB    R10, [R12, #IOCIRQSTAB]
-        TST     R10, #KARTTxBit
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        MOV     pc, lr
-SendAndPollRxBit ROUT
-        Push    lr
-     [ KeyboardDebungling
-   Push  R12
-   MOV   R12, R11, LSR #4
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "MOV R11, #""t"""
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   AND   R12, R11, #&F
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   Pull  R12
-     ]
-        STRB    R11, KARTTx
-01      LDRB    R10, [R12, #IOCIRQSTAB]
-        TST     R10, #KARTRxBit
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        MOV    r2, #IOC
-        MOV    r0, #32
-        BL     DoMicroDelay
-        LDRB   R11, KARTRx              ; purge KART, or get reply
-     [ KeyboardDebungling
-   Push  R12
-   MOV   R12, R11, LSR #4
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "MOV R11, #""r"""
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   AND   R12, R11, #&F
-   TubeChar  R10, R11, "ADD R11, R12, #""0"""
-   Pull  R12
-     ]
-        Pull   pc
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; set up keyboard: initialise baud rate, send dummy, read dummy
-        MOV     R12, #IOC               ; code ripped off from pmf.Key
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        STRB    R0, Timer3Low
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, Timer3High
-        STRB    R0, Timer3Go            ; baud rate set and going
-        STRB    R0, KARTTx              ; send dummy
-        MOV     r1, r13
-        MOV     r13, #&8000             ; need a quick stack - scratchspace
-        Push    r1                      ; probably the best bet.
-        MOV     r0, #&800*2             ; magic delay
-        MOV     r2, #IOC
-        BL      DoMicroDelay
-        LDMFD   r13, {r13}              ; finished with stack
-        LDRB    R0, KARTRx              ; ensure no wally byte in KARTRx
-        BL      PollTxBit
-        MOV     R0, #HRDRESET           ; start reset protocol
-        STRB    R0, KARTTx
-        B       SetUpKbdReturn
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-KeyboardDebungling SETL {FALSE}
-        END
diff --git a/s/KbdResPC b/s/KbdResPC
deleted file mode 100644
index d3cb621c..00000000
--- a/s/KbdResPC
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > KbdResPC
-; This file contains the minimal PC keyboard control stuff that the kernel does on reset.
-; The only two hooks in this file used externally are IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed
-; and SetUpKbd.
-; For now, use development podule in slot 0.
-IOBase          *       IOMD_Base
-IOData          *       IOCSERTX
-IOStatus        *       IOMD_KBDCR
-IOControl       *       IOMD_KBDCR
-stat_RXF        *       IOMD_KBDCR_RxF
-stat_TXE        *       IOMD_KBDCR_TxE
-ctl_Enable      *       IOMD_KBDCR_Enable
-ctl_EnableIRQ   *       0       ; not needed on IOMD
-; PC keyboard codes we are interested in.
-PCReset         *       &AA
-PCSpecial       *       &E0
-PCCTRLL         *       &14
-PCCTRLR         *       &14     ; Preceded by &E0
-PCSHIFTL        *       &12
-PCSHIFTR        *       &59
-PCR             *       &2D
-PCT             *       &2C
-PCDelete        *       &71     ; Preceded by &E0
-PCBSpace        *       &66
-PCEnd           *       &69     ; Preceded by &E0
-        DCB     PCCTRLL,  CTRL_Down_Flag
-        DCB     PCSHIFTL, SHIFT_Down_Flag
-        DCB     PCSHIFTR, SHIFT_Down_Flag
-        DCB     PCR,      R_Down_Flag
-        DCB     PCT,      T_Down_Flag
-        DCB     PCBSpace, Del_Down_Flag
-        DCB     0
-        ALIGN
-        DCB     PCCTRLR,  CTRL_Down_Flag
-        DCB     PCDelete, Del_Down_Flag
-        DCB     PCEnd,    Copy_Down_Flag
-        DCB     0
-        ALIGN
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-  [ :LNOT HAL
-        MOV     r0, #IOBase
-        MOV     r1, #ctl_Enable + ctl_EnableIRQ
-        STRB    r1, [r0, #IOControl]
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #IOStatus]
-        TST     r1, #stat_TXE
-        MOVNE   r1, #&FF
-        STRNEB  r1, [r0, #IOData]
-        BEQ     %BT10
- [ MorrisSupport
-  [ {TRUE} ; ARM7500FE support
-; Change test to check for IOMD_Original, rather than IOMD_7500, so we include IOMD_7500FE
-; in the latter category
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #IOMD_ID0]
-        LDRB    r2, [r0, #IOMD_ID1]             ; safe to use r2, since SetUpKbdReturn corrupts it
-        ORR     r1, r1, r2, LSL #8              ; straight away
-        LDR     r2, =IOMD_Original
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        BEQ     %FT30
-  |
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #IOMD_ID0]             ;Are we running on Morris
-        CMP     R1, #&E7
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #IOMD_ID1]
-        CMPEQ   R1, #&5B
-        BNE     %FT30                           ;NE: no, assume IOMD, so only one PS2 port
-  ]
-        MOV     R1, #IOMD_MSECR_Enable          ;yes, so initialise 2nd PS2 (mouse) port cos
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #IOMD_MSECR]           ;keyboard may be connected there instead
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #IOMD_MSECR]
-        TST     R1, #IOMD_MSECR_TxE             ;Is port ready to accept data
-        MOVNE   R1, #&FF                        ;NE: port ready, so send 'reset' command
-        STRNEB  R1, [R0, #IOMD_MSEDAT]          ;
-        BEQ     %BT20                           ;EQ: loop til port ready
-        MOV     R1, #IOMD_MouseRxFull_IRQ_bit
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #IOMD_IRQMSKD]
-        MOV     R0, #InitKbdWs
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #Port2Present]
- ]
-        MOV     r0, #InitKbdWs
-        ADR     r1, KeyData
-        STR     r1, [r0, #KeyDataPtr]
-        B       SetUpKbdReturn
-  ] ; :LNOT: HAL
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; On ARM600, this routine must work in IRQ32 mode
-IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed ROUT
-        SUB     lr, lr, #4
-        Push    "r0-r2,lr"
-        MOV     r2, #IOBase
- [ MorrisSupport
-        MOV     lr, #InitIRQWs
-        LDRB    r1, [lr, #Port2Present] ;Check if 2nd PS2 port (in Morris) is available
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        LDRNEB  r0, [r2, #IOMD_MSECR]   ;NE: yes, so check if interrupt is from it
-        TSTNE   r0, #IOMD_MSECR_RxF     ;
-        LDRNEB  r2, [r2, #IOMD_MSEDAT]  ;NE: 2nd port present and interrupting, get scan code
-        MOVNE   r1, #2                  ;NE: indicate which port
-        BNE     %FT5                    ;NE: process it
-                                        ;EQ: 2nd port not present or interrupting
-                                        ;    drop through and check 1st port
- ]
-        LDRB    r0, [r2, #IOStatus]
-        TST     r0, #stat_RXF           ; If not keyboard then
-        Pull    "r0-r2,pc",EQ,^         ;   exit.
-        LDRB    r2, [r2, #IOData]       ; Get scan code.
- [ MorrisSupport
-        MOV     r1, #1
-        LDRB    r0, [lr, #KB_There_Flag]
-        TEQ     r2, #0                  ;Assume that zero is the end of a mouse AA 00 start up
-        BICEQ   r0, r0, r1              ; sequence, so clear keyboard present indication.
-        STREQB  r0, [lr, #KB_There_Flag]
-        Pull    "r0-r2,pc",EQ,^         ; and exit
-        ORRNE   r0, r0, r1              ;Not zero, mark keyboard present
- ]
-        MOV     lr, #InitIRQWs
-        STRB    r0, [lr, #KB_There_Flag]        ; Keyboard must be there (r0<>0 from above).
-        ADR     r1, SpecialData
-        TEQ     r2, #PCSpecial          ; If special code then
-        STREQ   r1, [lr, #KeyDataPtr]   ;   switch tables
-        Pull    "r0-r2,pc",EQ,^         ;   and exit.
-        LDR     r0, [lr, #KeyDataPtr]   ; Get pointer to current table.
-        TEQ     r0, r1                  ; Only use special table once, then
-        ADREQ   r1, KeyData             ;   switch back to normal table.
-        STREQ   r1, [lr, #KeyDataPtr]
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #2            ; Get key code from table.
-        TEQ     r1, #0                  ; If at end of table then
-        Pull    "r0-r2,pc",EQ,^         ;   ignore key.
-        TEQ     r1, r2                  ; If not this key then
-        BNE     %BT10                   ;   try the next.
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #-1]           ; Get flag.
-        STRB    r1, [lr, r1]            ; Non-zero means pressed.
-        Pull    "r0-r2,pc",,^
-        END
diff --git a/s/KbdResRCMM b/s/KbdResRCMM
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ae804d..00000000
--- a/s/KbdResRCMM
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1999 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > KbdResRCMM
-; This file contains the minimal RCMM keyboard control stuff that the kernel does on reset.
-; The only two hooks in this file used externally are IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed
-; and SetUpKbd.
-; These asserts are to do with the need to pull forward the combo chip configuration.
-; As the code presently stands, ConfigureCombo will only work without calling
-; ReadMachineType and PowerHardware in these conditions.
-; The reason for not calling them is that they mess with variables and VIDC things
-; that aren't ready yet.
-; ConfigureCombo etc only write to IOSystemType, which has now been moved to SkippedTables
-; so it doesn't get wiped by ClearPhysRam.
-        ASSERT  :LNOT: BatManSupport
-UART2                   * ComboBase + &2F8*4 ; -> base of UART 2
-                        ^ 0, R2
-UART_RBR                # 0     ; 0 Receive buffer register (read only)    { DLAB=0 }
-UART_THR                # 4     ; 0 Transmit holding register (write only) { DLAB=0 }
-UART_IER                # 4     ; 1 Interrupt enable register (RW)         { DLAB=0 }
-UART_FCR                # 0     ; 2 FIFO control register (write only)
-UART_IIR                # 4     ; 2 Interrupt identification register (read only)
-UART_LCR                # 4     ; 3 Line control register
-UART_MCR                # 4     ; 4 Modem control register
-UART_LSR                # 4     ; 5 Line status register
-UART_MSR                # 4     ; 6 Modem status register
-UART_SCR                # 4     ; 7 Scratchpad register
-                        ^ 0, R2
-UART_DLL                # 4     ; 0 Divisor latch (LS)                     { DLAB=1 }
-UART_DLH                # 4     ; 1 Divisor latch (MS)                     { DLAB=1 }
-; States
-                        ^ 0
-RCMM_HaveNowt           # 1
-RCMM_HaveBasic          # 1
-RCMM_HaveOEM            # 1
-RCMM_HaveOEM_Key        # 1
-RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote     # 1
-RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote_2   # 1
-; RCMM keyboard codes we are interested in.
-RCMMCtrlL       *       74
-RCMMCtrlR       *       81
-RCMMShiftL      *       61
-RCMMShiftR      *       72
-RCMMR           *       38
-RCMMT           *       39
-RCMMDelete      *       88
-RCMMBSpace      *       33
-RCMMEnd         *       89
-; RCMM remote control codes we are interested in.
-RCMMRemRight    *       91+128
-        DCB     RCMMCtrlL,    CTRL_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMCtrlR,    CTRL_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMShiftL,   SHIFT_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMShiftR,   SHIFT_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMR,        R_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMT,        T_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMDelete,   Del_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMBSpace,   Del_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMEnd,      Copy_Down_Flag
-        DCB     RCMMRemRight, Del_Down_Flag
-        DCB     0
-        ALIGN
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Tricky - we don't have R13_svc set up yet - indeed it contains the RAM size
-; and musn't be corrupted. These calls will need it though. The SVC stack does
-; exist, so we can use it temporarily.
-        MOV     R3, R13
-        LDR     R13, =SVCSTK
-; We're going to be using the serial port on the combo chip, so we need to
-; pull forward the combo chip initialisation from PMF.osinit.
-        [ STB
-        BL      ConfigureCombo
-        |
-        BL      Configure37C665         ;RiscPC, Kryten and Stork use only SMC 37C665
-        ]
-; Set up the serial port
-        LDR     R2, =UART2              ; R2 -> UART
-        LDRB    R0, UART_LCR
-        ORR     R1, R0, #2_10000000     ; set DLAB (enable Divisor Latch Access)
-        STRB    R1, UART_LCR
-        MOV     R1, #12                 ; divisor latch := 12 (9600 baud)
-        STRB    R1, UART_DLL
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        STRB    R1, UART_DLH
-        MOV     R0, #2_00000011         ; 8N1, DLAB off
-        STRB    R0, UART_LCR
-        STRB    R1, UART_FCR            ; FIFOs off
-        LDRB    R0, UART_RBR            ; clear the receive buffer
-        LDRB    R0, UART_RBR
-        LDRB    R0, UART_LSR            ; clear any error condition
-        MOV     R0, #2_00000101         ; received data and line status interrupts only
-        STRB    R0, UART_IER
-        MOV     R0, #2_00001011         ; enable IRQ; RTS and DTR on
-        STRB    R0, UART_MCR
-        MOV     R0, #IOMD_Base
- [ ReassignedIOMDInterrupts
-        MOV     R1, #IOMDr_serial_IRQ_bit
- |
-        MOV     R1, #IOMD_serial_IRQ_bit
- ]
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #IOCIRQMSKB]
-        MOV     R0, #InitKbdWs
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #KB_There_Flag] ; keyboard is always there (it's infra-red...)
-        MOV     R13, R3                 ; restore R13
-        B       SetUpKbdReturn
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; On ARM600, this routine must work in IRQ32 mode
-; This is called on receipt of a serial interrupt.
-IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed ROUT
-        SUB     lr, lr, #4
-        Push    "r0-r2,lr"
-        LDR     R2, =UART2
-        LDRB    R0, UART_IIR
-        AND     R1, R0, #2_00000111     ; check the interrupt source
-        TEQ     R1, #2_100
-        BEQ     IRQ_RCMM_Receive
-        TEQ     R1, #2_110
-        BEQ     IRQ_RCMM_LineStatus
-        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^           ; shouldn't happen. Hope it goes away :)
-        LDRB    R0, UART_LSR            ; this clears the interrupt
-        TST     R0, #2_00011110         ; overrun, parity, framing or break error?
-        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",EQ,^         ; no? then why did you call us?
-        TST     R0, #2_00000001         ; data ready?
-        LDRNEB  R0, UART_RBR            ; junk it then.
-        MOV     R0, #RCMM_HaveNowt
-        MOV     LR, #InitKbdWs
-        STRB    R0, [LR, #KeyState]
-        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^
-; Problem we have is no flow control; we could be looking at any
-; part of a message. Deal with this by resynchronising every time
-; we get something we don't expect.
-; Basic mode keypress is binary  10xx0kkk kkkk0000
-; OEM mode keypress is binary    000011xx xxxx10xx 0kkkkkkk
-;                             or 001xxxxx xxxx10xx 0kkkkkkk
-; Remote control press is binary 000011xx xxxx00xx xxxxxxxx 0rrrrrrr
-;                             or 001xxxxx xxxx00xx xxxxxxxx 0rrrrrrr
-        LDRB    R0, UART_RBR            ; received data in R0 (interrupt cleared)
-        MOV     R2, #InitKbdWs
-        LDRB    LR, [R2, #KeyState]
-        ADD     PC, PC, LR, LSL #2
-        NOP
-        B       IRQ_RCMM_Nowt
-        B       IRQ_RCMM_Basic
-        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM
-        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM_Key
-        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM_Remote
-        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM_Remote_2
-        AND     LR, R0, #2_11001000
-        TEQ     LR, #2_10000000         ; is it a basic mode keypress?
-        BNE     %FT10
-        MOV     LR, #RCMM_HaveBasic
-        STRB    LR, [R2, #KeyState]
-        AND     LR, R0, #2_00000111
-        STRB    LR, [R2, #KeyMSB]
-10      AND     LR, R0, #2_11111100     ; is it a short ID OEM message?
-        TEQ     LR, #2_00001100
-        ANDNE   LR, R0, #2_11100000     ; or a long ID one?
-        TEQNE   LR, #2_00100000
-        MOVEQ   LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM
-        STREQB  LR, [R2, #KeyState]
-        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^
-        TST     R0, #2_00001111
-        BNE     ResyncRCMM
-        LDRB    LR, [R2, #KeyMSB]
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #4
-        ORR     R0, R0, LR, LSL #4      ; R0 = key code
-        B       GotRCMMKey
-        AND     LR, R0, #2_00001100
-        TEQ     LR, #2_00000000         ; Remote control?
-        TEQNE   LR, #2_00001000         ; Keyboard?
-        BNE     ResyncRCMM
-        TEQ     LR, #2_00000000
-        MOVEQ   LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote
-        MOVNE   LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM_Key
-        B       UpdateRCMMState
-        TST     R0, #2_10000000         ; Key up rather than down?
-        BNE     ResyncRCMM
-        B       GotRCMMKey
-        MOV     LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote_2
-        B       UpdateRCMMState         ; This byte can be anything :)
-        TST     R0, #2_10000000         ; Key up rather than down?
-        BNE     ResyncRCMM
-        ADD     R0, R0, #128            ; Indicate a remote code
-        B       GotRCMMKey
-        MOV     LR, #RCMM_HaveNowt
-        STRB    LR, [R2, #KeyState]
-        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^
-; In: R0 = key code, R2 = InitKbdWs
-        ADR     R1, KeyData
-        LDRB    LR, [R1], #2            ; Get key code from table.
-        TEQ     LR, #0                  ; If at end of table then
-        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",EQ,^         ;   ignore key.
-        TEQ     LR, R0                  ; If not this key then
-        BNE     %BT10                   ;   try the next.
-        LDRB    LR, [R1, #-1]           ; Get flag.
-        STRB    LR, [R2, LR]            ; Non-zero means pressed.
-        B       ResyncRCMM
-        END
diff --git a/s/Kernel b/s/Kernel
deleted file mode 100644
index d9bfb95e..00000000
--- a/s/Kernel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1619 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => Kernel : SWI Despatch, simple SWIs
-        SUBT    Arthur Variables
-        OPT     4
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; mjs Oct 2000 kernel/HAL split
-; macros that can be switched between doing real HAL calls and pseudo
-; HAL calls with r9-> mjs pseudo HAL workspace
-; these have been handy for interim HALising of kernel code in-situ
-; (particularly used for video stuff), but can probably disappear later
-  [ HAL
-        MACRO
-        mjsAddressHAL $zero
-        AddressHAL $zero
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        mjsCallHAL $rout
-        CallHAL $rout
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        DebugTX $str
-    [ DebugHALTX
-        BL      DebugHALPrint
-        =       "$str", 0
-        ALIGN
-    ]
-        MEND
-  |
-        MACRO
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        LDR     r9, =mjs_tempHALworkspace
-        LDR     r9, [r9]                  ; sb -> pseudo HAL workspace
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        mjsCallHAL $rout
-        BL      $rout
-        MEND
-  ] ;HAL
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; handy macros:
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-         MACRO
-$l       CheckSpaceOnStack   $space, $faildest, $tmp
- [ True ; SKS
-$l      MOV     $tmp, sp, LSR #15       ; Stack base on 32K boundary
-        SUB     $tmp, sp, $tmp, LSL #15 ; Amount of stack left
-        CMP     $tmp, #$space           ; Must have at least this much left
-        BMI     $faildest
- |
-$l       MOV        $tmp, #32*1024   ; assume stack ends at next 32K boundary
-         SUB        $tmp, $tmp, #1
-         AND        $tmp, $tmp, stack
-         CMP        $tmp, #$space
-         BLT        $faildest
- ]
-         MEND
-        MACRO
-        assert  $condition
- [ :LNOT: ($condition)
- ! 1,"Assert failed: $condition"
- ]
-        MEND
-; one that builds a module command table entry:
-; set Module_BaseAddr to module base before use.
-                GBLA    Module_BaseAddr
-Module_BaseAddr SETA    0
-;        Command $cmd, $max, $min   - declared in hdr.macros.
-; debug macro: set the border colour
-        MACRO
-$l      SetBorder  $reg1, $reg2, $red, $green, $blue, $delay
-        ! 0, "Setborder used"
-$l      LDR     $reg1, =VIDC
-; Note $reg, $green and $blue are 4 bit values
-        LDR     $reg2, =&40000000+(($red)*&11)+(($green)*&1100)+(($blue)*&110000)
-        STR     $reg2, [$reg1]
- [ "$delay"<>""
-        MOV     $reg1, #$delay
-        SUBS    $reg1, $reg1, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
- ]
-        MEND
-; Fake a 26-bit pc, given a PSR currently in lr (or reg), and the 32-bit address on
-; the stack. The stacked address is pulled, and the result is left in lr.
-        MACRO
-        FakeLR  $temp, $dontpull, $reg
- [ "$reg" = ""
-        AND     $temp,lr,#&F0000003
- |
-        AND     $temp,$reg,#&F0000003
- ]
-        AND     lr,lr,#I32_bit+F32_bit
-        ORR     $temp,$temp,lr,LSL #IF32_26Shift
- [ "$dontpull" = "dontpull"
-        LDR     lr,[sp]
- |
-        LDR     lr,[sp],#4
- ]
-        BIC     lr,lr,#ARM_CC_Mask
-        ORR     lr,lr,$temp
-        MEND
-    [ AddTubeBashers
- [ TubeType = Tube_Normal
-DebugTUBE  * &03340000+3*&4000         ; tube in podule #3
-; Tube register offsets
- ^ 0
-R1STAT # 4
-R1DATA # 4
- |
-DebugTUBE * &03000000           ; simulator tube address
-R1DATA * 0
- ]
-   ]
-; routine to stuff a char down the Tube
-; should be inside above conditional, but AAsm winges pitifully.
-     MACRO
-$l   TubeChar $reg1, $reg2, $charset, $stackthere
-  !  0, "TubeChar used."
-   [ "$stackthere"=""
-   Push "$reg1, $reg2"
-   ]
-     LDR  $reg1, =DebugTUBE
- [ TubeType = Tube_Normal               ; normal tubes have status register, simulator one doesn't
-01   LDRB $reg2, [$reg1, #R1STAT]
-     TST $reg2, #&40
-     BEQ %BT01
- ]
-     $charset
-     STRB $reg2, [$reg1, #R1DATA]
-   [ "$stackthere"=""
-   Pull "$reg1, $reg2"
-   ]
-     MEND
-        MACRO
-$l      TubeString $reg1, $reg2, $reg3, $string, $cc
-        LDR     $reg1, =DebugTUBE
-        ADR     $reg2, %FT20
- [ TubeType = Tube_Normal
-        LDRB    $reg3, [$reg1, #R1STAT]
-        TST     $reg3, #&40
-        BEQ     %BT10
- ]
-        LDRB    $reg3, [$reg2], #1
-        TEQ     $reg3, #0
-        STRNEB  $reg3, [$reg1, #R1DATA]
-        BNE     %BT10
-        B       %FT30
-        =       "$string"
- [ "$cc" = ""
-        =       10, 13
- ]
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$l      TubeDumpNoStack $dump, $t1, $t2, $t3
-$l      MOV    $t1, #7
-        ADRL   $t2, HexTable
-        TubeChar $t3, $t2, "LDRB $t2, [$t2, $dump, LSR #28]", NoStack
-        MOV    $dump, $dump, ROR #28
-        SUBS   $t1, $t1, #1
-        BPL    %BT01
-        TubeChar $t3, $t2, "MOV $t2, #"" """, NoStack
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$l      TubeNewlNoStack $t1, $t2
-$l      TubeChar $t1, $t2, "MOV $t2, #10", NoStack
-        TubeChar $t1, $t2, "MOV $t2, #13", NoStack
-        MEND
-a1      RN      0
-a2      RN      1
-a3      RN      2
-a4      RN      3
-v1      RN      4
-v2      RN      5
-v3      RN      6
-v4      RN      7
-v5      RN      8
-v6      RN      9
-sb      RN      9
-v7      RN      10
-v8      RN      11
-; Set sb up ready for CallHAL.
-        MACRO
-        AddressHAL $zero
- [ "$zero" <> ""
-        LDR     sb, [$zero, #HAL_Workspace]
- |
-        LDR     sb, =ZeroPage
-        LDR     sb, [sb, #HAL_Workspace]
- ]
-        MEND
-; Calls the HAL. $rout is the routine. sb must have been set up by AddressHAL
-        MACRO
-        CallHAL $rout, $cond
-        MOV$cond lr, pc
-        LDR$cond pc, [sb, #-(EntryNo_$rout+1) * 4]
-        MEND
-; Checks whether a HAL routine exits. If it does, a1 points to it (probably
-; not useful), and Z is clear. lr corrupted.
-        MACRO
-        CheckHAL $rout
-        LDR     a1, [sb, #-(EntryNo_$rout+1) * 4]
-        ADRL    lr, NullHALEntry
-        TEQ     a1, lr
-        MEND
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Various constants
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-PageSize          * (4*1024)       ;MMU page size (normal pages)
-Log2PageSize      * 12             ;for shifts
-MinAplWork * 40*1024         ; minimum size of AplWork
-; Fixed addresses
-MEMCADR  * &03600000
-        GBLL    ROMatTop
- [ HAL32 :LAND: {TRUE}
-ROM      * &FC000000
- |
-ROM      * &03800000
-ROMLimit * &04000000
- ]
-OSMD     * &11111111
-VideoPhysRam *  &02000000               ; Amazing - it's in the same place!
-DRAM0PhysRam *  &10000000               ; 4 DRAM banks
-DRAM1PhysRam *  &14000000
-DRAM2PhysRam *  &18000000
-DRAM3PhysRam *  &1C000000
-DRAMBaseAddressMask * &1C000000         ; used to mask off bits after stealing video RAM
-PhysSpaceSize * &20000000               ; IOMD physical map is 512M big
-PhysROM *       &00000000               ; and real ROM starts at 0
- [ STB
-PhysExtROM *    &01000000               ; 2nd ROM bank starts at 16M
- ]
-SAMLength *     512*4                   ; SAM length in bytes for 1 bank of VRAM
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-EASISpacePhys * &08000000
-EASISpace *     PhysSpace + EASISpacePhys
- ]
-; Manifests
-CR * 13
-LF * 10
-space * " "
-; Registers
-; Callback byte bits:
-CBack_OldStyle  * 1
-CBack_Postpone  * 2
-CBack_VectorReq * 4
-; Set up symbols for the SWIs which aren't really there yet
-        SUBT    Arthur Code
-        OPT     4
-  [ HAL
-        ORG     ROM + 64*1024
-  |
-        ORG     ROM
-  ]
-        AREA    |!!!!OSBase|,CODE,READONLY
-        ENTRY                   ; Not really, but we need it to link
-; *****************************************************************************
-;  Now ready to start the code: off we go!
-; *****************************************************************************
-  [ HAL
-;        ORG     ROM + 64*1024
-  |
-;        ORG     ROM
-  ]
-        GBLS    DoMorrisROMHeader
-        GBLS    DoTestThings
-DoMorrisROMHeader SETS ""
-DoTestThings      SETS ""
-  [ HAL
-;        BIN     HAL.L7200.HAL
-; RISC OS image header
-        =       "OSIm"
-        DCD     0
-        DCD     OSROM_ImageSize*1024 - 64*1024
-        DCD     RISCOS_Entries - RISCOS_Header
-        DCD     (RISCOS_Entries_End - RISCOS_Entries) / 4
-        DCD     RISCOS_InitARM   - RISCOS_Entries
-        DCD     RISCOS_AddRAM    - RISCOS_Entries
-        DCD     RISCOS_Start     - RISCOS_Entries
-        DCD     RISCOS_MapInIO   - RISCOS_Entries
-        DCD     RISCOS_AddDevice - RISCOS_Entries
-        DCD     RISCOS_LogToPhys - RISCOS_Entries
-  |
- [ MorrisSupport
-DoMorrisROMHeader SETS  " GET s.Morris"
- ]
-; now include the test code, if there is any
- [ IncludeTestSrc
-DoTestThings    SETS    " GET TestSrc.Begin"
- ]
-        $DoTestThings
- [ IncludeTestSrc
-DoMorrisROMHeader SETS  ""
- ]
-        $DoMorrisROMHeader
-  ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; If there is no test code then we want a branch table at the start of ROM to
-; handle reset and any aborts etc. in the reset code.
-; If MorrisSupport we've already generated 16/32 ROM entry code, so skip this bit
-  [ :LNOT: IncludeTestSrc :LAND: :LNOT: MorrisSupport :LAND: :LNOT: HAL
-        LDR     pc, .+ResetIndirection ; load PC, PC relative
-        B       UndInstInReset
-        B       SWIInReset
-        B       PrefAbInReset
-        B       DataAbInReset
-        B       AddrExInReset
-        B       IRQInReset
-        SUB     pc, pc, #8
-        SUB     pc, pc, #8
-        SUB     pc, pc, #8
-        SUB     pc, pc, #8
-        SUB     pc, pc, #8
-        SUB     pc, pc, #8
-  ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; This bit (up to EndFiq) is copied to location 0.  Processor vectors are
-; indirected through 0 page locations so that they can be claimed using
-; OS_ClaimProcessorVector.  IRQs are initially handled specially so that the
-; keyboard can be handled during reset but the load is replaced with the
-; standard one later on.
-        LDR     pc, MOSROMVecs+ProcVec_Branch0
-        LDR     pc, MOSROMVecs+ProcVec_UndInst
-        LDR     pc, MOSROMVecs+ProcVec_SWI
-        LDR     pc, MOSROMVecs+ProcVec_PrefAb
-        LDR     pc, MOSROMVecs+ProcVec_DataAb
-        LDR     pc, MOSROMVecs+ProcVec_AddrEx
-        LDR     pc, MOSROMVecs+InitIRQHandler
-        ASSERT  InitIRQHandler >= EndMOSROMVecs - MOSROMVecs
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; This is the table of default processor vectors which is copied to 0 page.
-        &       Branch0_NoTrampoline
-        &       UndPreVeneer
-        &       SVC
-        &       PAbPreVeneer
-        &       DAbPreVeneer
-        &       AdXPreVeneer
-        &       Initial_IRQ_Code
-        ASSERT  (.-DefaultProcVecs) = ProcVec_End-ProcVec_Start
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; These are preveneers which must be copied to 0 page locations so that the
-; relevant handler can be branched to.  This is mainly for non-ARM600 platforms
-; although the address exception preveneer (which should not actually be required
-; on ARM600) is always copied.
- [ No26bitCode
-UndPreVeneer    *       ProcVecPreVeneers+(.-DefaultPreVeneers)
-        LDR     PC, DefaultPreVeneers-ProcVecPreVeneers+UndHan
-   [ ChocolateAMB
-        DCD     0
-   |
-PAbPreVeneer    *       ProcVecPreVeneers+(.-DefaultPreVeneers)
-        LDR     PC, DefaultPreVeneers-ProcVecPreVeneers+PAbHan
-   ]
-        DCD     0
- |
-        DCD     0
-        DCD     0
-        DCD     0
- ]
-AdXPreVeneer    *       ProcVecPreVeneers+(.-DefaultPreVeneers)
-        LDR     PC, DefaultPreVeneers-ProcVecPreVeneers+AdXHan
-        ASSERT  (.-DefaultPreVeneers) = ProcVecPreVeneersSize
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; This is the trampoline in the system heap used to handle branch through 0.
-        STR     r1, Branch0_Trampoline + Branch0_Trampoline_SavedR1
-        STR     lr, Branch0_Trampoline + Branch0_Trampoline_SavedR14
-        ADD     lr, pc, #4
-        LDR     pc, .+4
-        &       Branch0_FromTrampoline
-Branch0_Trampoline_Init     * .-Branch0_Trampoline
-Branch0_Trampoline_SavedR1  * .-Branch0_Trampoline
-Branch0_Trampoline_SavedR14 * .-Branch0_Trampoline+4
-Branch0_Trampoline_Size     * .-Branch0_Trampoline+8
- [ :LNOT: IncludeTestSrc :LAND: :LNOT: HAL
-; We now waste space until the offset into the ROM is the same as the RAM address of ResetIndirection
-; This is so that
-;  a) on a reset, ROM is paged in at the bottom, so we jump to CONT, and
-;  b) on a break, RAM is paged in at the bottom, so we jump to CONT_Break
-        ASSERT  .-ROM <= ResetIndirection
-        %       ResetIndirection-(.-ROM)
-        &       CONT-ROM+PhysROM        ; address of reset code in physical space
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Now some initialised workspace/vectors that go at &100
-; All the stuff from here to after the DirtyBranch instruction is read
-; consecutively out of ROM, so don't put anything in between without changing
-; the code
-        ASSERT IRQ1V = &100
-        & DefaultIRQ1V
-        ASSERT ESC_Status = IRQ1V+4
-        & &00FF0000       ; IOCControl set to FF on reset
-        ASSERT IRQsema = ESC_Status+4
-        & 0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI return handler: checks callback
-; no branches or interlocks in the common case: V clear, no callback
-SVCDespatcher ROUT
-SWIRelocation * SVCDespatcher-SWIDespatch
-SLVK_SetV * {PC}-SWIRelocation
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit
-SLVK_TestV * {PC}-SWIRelocation
- ! 0,"SLVK_TestV at ":CC:(:STR:SLVK_TestV)
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit
-SLVK * {PC}-SWIRelocation
- ! 0,"SLVK       at ":CC:(:STR:SLVK)
-        LDR     r12, [sp], #4
-        MOV     r10, #0
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC32_mode           ; IRQs off makes CallBackFlag atomic; 32bit so ready for SPSR use
-      ]
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        TST     lr, #V_bit
-        BNE     %FT50
-SWIReturnWithCallBackFlag * {PC}-SWIRelocation
- ! 0,"SWIReturnWithCallBackFlag at ":CC:(:STR:SWIReturnWithCallBackFlag)
-40      TEQ     r11, #0
-      [ :LNOT: FixCallBacks
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC32_mode           ; IRQs off for SPSR use
-      ]
-        MSREQ   SPSR_cxsf, lr
-        LDREQ   lr, [sp], #4
-        Pull    "r10-r12", EQ
-        MOVEQS  pc, lr
-        B       callback_checking + SWIRelocation
- ! 0,"VSetReturn at ":CC:(:STR:({PC}-SWIRelocation))
-50      TST     r12, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        BNE     callback_checking + SWIRelocation       ; we need to do this for X errors even if the callback flags
-                                                        ; are all clear, so that the postpone flag can be set
-      |
-        BNE     %BT40
-      ]
-        B       VSet_GenerateError + SWIRelocation
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; The SWI Despatch routine
-SVC * {PC}-SWIRelocation
-        Push    "r10-r12"
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r12, SPSR               ; r12 = saved PSR
-        TST     r12, #T32_bit           ; depending on processor state (ARM/Thumb)
-        LDREQ   r11, [r14, #-4]         ; extract SWI number to r11
-        LDRNEB  r11, [r14, #-2]         ; (ordering to prevent interlocks)
-        BICEQ   r11, r11, #&FF000000
- |
-        LDR     r11, [r14, #-4]         ; extract SWI number to r11
-        MRS     r12, SPSR               ; r12 = saved PSR
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000    ; (ordering to prevent interlocks)
- ]
-        Push    "r11,r14"               ; push SWI number and return address
-        AND     r10, r12, #I32_bit+F32_bit
-        ORR     r10, r10, #SVC2632      ; set IFTMMMMM = IF0x0011
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r10             ; restore caller's IRQ state
-        BIC     r14, r12, #V_bit        ; clear V (some SWIs need original PSR in r12)
-SVC_CallASWI * {PC}-SWIRelocation       ; CallASWI,CallASWIR12 re-entry point
-        BIC     r11, r11, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-        CMP     r11, #OS_WriteI
-        LDRLO   pc, [pc, r11, LSL #2]
-        B       NotMainMOSSwi + SWIRelocation
- ASSERT {PC}-SVCDespatcher = SWIDespatch_Size
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; The SWI table
-        & SWIWriteS
-        & SWIWrite0
-        & SWINewLine
-; next section is one where VectorNumber = SWINumber
-        & VecSwiDespatch        ; readc
-        & VecSwiDespatch        ; cli
-        & NoIrqVecSwiDespatch   ; byte
-        & NoIrqVecSwiDespatch   ; word
-        & VecSwiDespatch        ; file
-        & VecSwiDespatch        ; args
-        & BGetSWI               ; bget
-        & BPutSWI               ; bput
-        & VecSwiDespatch        ; gbpb
-        & VecSwiDespatch        ; find
- [ No26bitCode
-        & ReadLineSWI
- |
-        & VecSwiDespatch        ; readline
- ]
-        & SCTRL
-        & SWI_GetEnv_Code
-        & SEXIT
-        & SSTENV
-        & SINTON
-        & SINTOFF
-        & SCALLB
-        & SENTERSWI
-        & SBRKPT
-        & SBRKCT
-        & SUNUSED
-        & SSETMEMC
-        & SSETCALL
-        & VecMouse
-        & HeapEntry
-        & ModuleHandler
-        & ClaimVector_SWICode
-        & ReleaseVector_SWICode
-        & ReadUnsigned_Routine
-        & GenEvent
-        & ReadVarValue
-        & SetVarValue
-        & GSINIT
-        & GSREAD
-        & GSTRANS
-        & CvtToDecimal
-        & FSControlSWI
-        & ChangeDynamicSWI
-        & GenErrorSWI
-        & ReadEscapeSWI
-        & ReadExpression
-        & SwiSpriteOp
-        & SWIReadPalette
-        & Issue_Service_SWI
-        & SWIReadVduVariables
-        & SwiReadPoint
-        & DoAnUpCall
-        & CallAVector_SWI
-        & SWIReadModeVariable
-        & SWIRemoveCursors
-        & SWIRestoreCursors
-        & SWINumberToString_Code
-        & SWINumberFromString_Code
-        & ValidateAddress_Code
-        & CallAfter_Code
-        & CallEvery_Code
-        & RemoveTickerEvent_Code
-        & InstallKeyHandler
-        & SWICheckModeValid
-        & ChangeEnvironment
-        & SWIClaimScreenMemory
-        & ReadMetroGnome
-        & XOS_SubstituteArgs_code
-        & XOS_PrettyPrint_code
-        & SWIPlot
-        & SWIWriteN
-        & Add_ToVector_SWICode
-        & WriteEnv_SWICode
-        & RdArgs_SWICode
-        & ReadRAMFSLimits_Code
-        & DeviceVector_Claim
-        & DeviceVector_Release
-        & Application_Delink
-        & Application_Relink
-        & HeapSortRoutine
-        & TerminateAndSodOff
-        & ReadMemMapInfo_Code
-        & ReadMemMapEntries_Code
-        & SetMemMapEntries_Code
-        & AddCallBack_Code
-        & ReadDefaultHandler
-        & SWISetECFOrigin
-        & SerialOp
-        & ReadSysInfo_Code
-        & Confirm_Code
-        & SWIChangedBox
-        & CRC_Code
-        & ReadDynamicArea
-        & SWIPrintChar
-        & ChangeRedirection
-        & RemoveCallBack
-        & FindMemMapEntries_Code
-        & SWISetColour
-        & NoSuchSWI                     ; Added these to get round OS_ClaimSWI and
-        & NoSuchSWI                     ; OS_ReleaseSWI (should not have been allocated here).
- [ AssemblePointerV
-        & PointerSWI
- |
-        & NoSuchSWI
- ]
-        & ScreenModeSWI
-        & DynamicAreaSWI
-        & NoSuchSWI                     ; OS_AbortTrap
-        & MemorySWI
- [ ProcessorVectors
-        & ClaimProcVecSWI
- |
-        & NoSuchSWI
- ]
-        & PerformReset
-        & MMUControlSWI
- [ STB
-        & NoSuchSWI
- |
-        & ResyncTimeSWI
- ]
- [ StrongARM
-        & PlatFeatSWI
-        & SyncCodeAreasSWI
-        & CallASWI
-        & AMBControlSWI
-        & CallASWIR12
- |
-        & NoSuchSWI
-        & NoSuchSWI
-        & NoSuchSWI
-        & NoSuchSWI
-        & NoSuchSWI
- ]
-; The following SWIs are not available in this kernel.
-        & NoSuchSWI     ; SpecialControl
-        & NoSuchSWI     ; EnterUSR32SWI
-        & NoSuchSWI     ; EnterUSR26SWI
-; End of unavailable SWIs.
-; Should not cause any problems on any machine.  STB flag just to be safe though.
-        & VIDCDividerSWI
- |
-    ! 0, "mjsHAL - VIDCDividerSWI not implemented"
-        & NoSuchSWI
- ]
-        & NVMemorySWI
-        & NoSuchSWI
-        & NoSuchSWI
-        & NoSuchSWI
-        & HardwareSWI
-        & IICOpSWI
-        & SLEAVESWI
-        & ReadLine32SWI
-        & XOS_SubstituteArgs32_code
-        & HeapSortRoutine32
- ASSERT (.-JTABLE)/4 = MaxSwi
- ASSERT MaxSwi < OS_ConvertStandardDateAndTime
-; SWIs for time/date conversion are poked in specially
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; The fudge branch to exit a dirty SWI handler
-        B       SLVK +DirtyBranch-BranchToSWIExit
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- [ StrongARM
-;StrongARM needs these
-;SWI number passed in r10
-        LDR     r11, [sp, #8]        ;pick-up target SWI code (r10 pushed by dispatcher)
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000 ;just in case
-        STR     r11, [sp, #0]        ;CallASWI now incognito as target SWI
-        B       SVC_CallASWI         ;re-dispatch
-;SWI number passed in r12 (better for C veneers)
-        LDR     r11, [sp, #16]       ;pick-up target SWI code (r12 pushed by dispatcher)
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000 ;just in case
-        STR     r11, [sp, #0]        ;CallASWIR12 now incognito as target SWI
-        B       SVC_CallASWI         ;re-dispatch
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    return address, r10-r12 stacked, lr has SPSR for return
-VSet_GenerateError ROUT
-        Push    lr
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        BIC     lr, lr, #&0F
-        ORR     lr, lr, #SVC_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, lr              ; Set caller's interrupt state and 26/32bitness
-      ]
-        MOV     r1, #Service_Error
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        MOV     r10, #ErrorV
-        BL      CallVector              ; Normally gets to default handler...
-        Pull    lr                      ; which raises error; otherwise just
-        BIC     lr, lr, #V_bit          ; return with V clear: error claimed!
-        MOV     r10, #0                 ; set up r10 and r11 as required
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC32_mode   ; IRQs off makes CallBackFlag atomic; 32bit so ready for SPSR use
-      ]
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        B       SWIReturnWithCallBackFlag
-        LTORG
-; ....................... default owner of ErrorV .............................
-; In    r0  -> error in current error block
-; Out   Exits to user's error handler routine as given by ErrHan
-;       r1-r9 possibly corrupt. Indeed r10-r12 MAY be duff ... eg. REMOTE
-ErrHandler ROUT
-        BL      OscliTidy               ; close redirection, restore curr FS
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #ErrBuf]     ; Get pointer to error buffer
-  [ No26bitCode
-        LDR     sp_svc, =SVCSTK-4*4     ; Just below top of stack
-        Pull    r14
-        STR     r14, [r11], #4          ; Return PC for error
-  |
-        LDR     sp_svc, =SVCSTK-5*4     ; Just below top of stack
-        Pull    r14                     ; PSR will be on stack if error at top level
-        FakeLR  r12                     ; Fake up the PC+PSR
-        STR     r14, [r11], #4
-  ]
-        LDR     r14, [r0], #4           ; Copy error number
-        STR     r14, [r11], #4
-        ; Copy error string - truncating at 252
-        MOV     r12, #256-4
-10      LDRB    r14, [r0], #1
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #1
-        MOVLS   r14, #0
-        STRB    r14, [r11], #1
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDR     r14, [r10, #ErrHan]     ; And go to error handler
-  [ :LNOT: No26bitCode
-        BIC     r14, r14, #ARM_CC_Mask
-  ]
-        STR     r14, [r10, #Curr_Active_Object]
-        LDR     r0,  [r10, #ErrHan_ws]  ; r0 is his wp
-      [ :LNOT: FixCallBacks
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        CMP     r11, #0
-      ]
-        MRS     r12, CPSR
-        BIC     r12, r12, #I32_bit+F32_bit+&0F  ; USR26/32 mode, ARM, IRQs enabled
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit+SVC32_mode ; disable interrupts for SPSR use and CallBackFlag atomicity
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        CMP     r11, #0
-      |
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, #I32_bit+SVC32_mode ; disable interrupts for SPSR use
-      ]
-        MSREQ   SPSR_cxsf, r12
-        Pull    "r10-r12", EQ
-        MOVEQS  pc, r14                 ; USR mode, IRQs enabled
-        Push    r14                     ; Stack return address
-        MOV     r14, r12                ; Put PSR in R14
-        B       Do_CallBack             ; Can't need postponement, r0,r14,stack
-                                        ; such that callback code will normally
-                                        ; call error handler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; check for CallBack possible
-        TST     lr, #I32_bit+&0F        ; user 26/32 mode, ints enabled?
-      [ :LNOT: FixCallBacks             ; already entered with this CPSR
-        MSRNE   CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC32_mode
-      ]
-        MSRNE   SPSR_cxsf, lr
-        LDRNE   lr, [sp], #4
-        Pull    "r10-r12", NE
-        MOVNES  pc, lr                  ; Skip the branch for SVC code speed
-; Further checks: postpone callback if returning V set and R0->RAM
-        TST     lr, #V_bit              ; if no error then do callbacks
-        BEQ     Do_CallBack
-        TST     r11, #CBack_Postpone
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        TSTNE   r11, #CBack_OldStyle :OR: CBack_VectorReq ; can only postpone if not already or if no callbacks pending
-      ]
-        BNE     Do_CallBack
- [ ROMatTop
-        CMP     r0, #ROM
-        BHS     Do_CallBack
- |
-        CMP     r0, #ROM
-        RSBHIS  r12, r0, #ROMLimit
-        BHI     Do_CallBack
- ]
-      [ :LNOT: FixCallBacks
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC32_mode  ; ints off while flag updated
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-      ]
-        ORR     r11, r11, #CBack_Postpone      ; signal to IRQs
-        STRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-      [ :LNOT: FixCallBacks                    ; already entered with this CPSR
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC32_mode
-      ]
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, lr
-        LDR     lr, [sp], #4
-        Pull    "r10-r12"
-        MOVS    pc, lr
-Do_CallBack                                    ; CallBack allowed:
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        ; Entered in SVC32 mode with IRQs off, r10 = 0
-        TST     r11, #CBack_Postpone
-        BICNE   r11, r11, #CBack_Postpone
-        STRNEB  r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-      ]
-        TST     r11, #CBack_VectorReq          ; now process any vector entries
-        MOV     r12,lr
-        BLNE    process_callback_chain
-        MOV     lr,r12
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]     ; non-transient callback may have been set during transient callbacks
-      ]
-        TST     r11, #CBack_OldStyle
-        BEQ     back_to_user
- [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-        TST     r14, #&10                       ; must be returning to 26-bit
-        BNE     back_to_user                    ; on 26-bit systems
- ]
- [ {TRUE}                                       ; LRust, Fix RP-0609
-; Check that SVC_sp is empty (apart from r14,r10-r12), i.e. system truly is idle
-        LDR     r12, =SVCSTK-4*4                ; What SVC_sp should be if system idle
-        CMP     sp, r12                         ; Stack empty?
-        BLO     back_to_user                    ; No then no call back
- ]
-      [ FixCallBacks
-      [ :LNOT: No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC2632      ; back to 26-bit mode
-      ]
-        BIC     r11, r11, #CBack_OldStyle
-      |
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC2632      ; ints off while flag updated
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        BIC     r11, r11, #CBack_Postpone+CBack_OldStyle
-      ]
-        STRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        LDR     R12, [R12, #CallBf]
-  [ No26bitCode
-        STR     r14, [r12, #4*16]             ; user PSR
-        Pull    r14
-        STR     r14, [r12, #4*15]             ; user PC
-  |
-        FakeLR  r10
-        STR     r14, [r12, #4*15]             ; user PC/PSR
-  ]
-        MOV     r14, r12
-        Pull   "r10-r12"
-  [ SASTMhatbroken
-        STMIA   r14!,{r0-r12}
-        STMIA   r14,{r13,r14}^                ; user registers
-        NOP                                   ; doesn't matter that r14 is different
-  |
-        STMIA   r14, {r0-r14}^                ; user registers
-  ]
-        MOV     R12, #CallAd_ws
-        LDMIA   R12, {R12, PC}                ; jump to CallBackHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Also called from source.pmf.key, during readc
-process_callback_chain ROUT
-        Push   "r0-r6, r10-r12, lr"             ; save some for the callee too.
-      [ FixCallBacks :LAND: No26bitCode
-        MRS     r0, CPSR
-        Push   "r0"
-      ]
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC2632      ; ints off while flag updated
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        BIC     r11, r11, #CBack_VectorReq
-        STRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC2632      ; ints off while flag updated
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #CallBack_Vector]
-        TEQ     r2, #0
-      [ No26bitCode
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        Pull   "r0", EQ
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, r0                      ; restore original interrupt state and 32bitness
-      |
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, #SVC2632                ; ensure exit with ints on
-      ]
-        Pull   "r0-r6, r10-r12, PC",EQ
-      |
-        Pull   "r0-r6, r10-r12, PC",EQ,^
-      ]
-        LDMIA   r2, {r10, r11, r12}             ; link, addr, r12
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_Free
-        STR     r10, [r0, #CallBack_Vector-HeapReason_Free] ; Keep head valid
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #SVC2632                ; enable ints for long bits
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateCBBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 0
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#0]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        LDRVS   r1, =SysHeapStart
-        SWIVS   XOS_Heap
-  |
-        LDR     r1, =SysHeapStart
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-  ]
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        MOV     pc, r11                         ; call im, with given r12
-        B       %BT01                           ; loop
-        LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_WriteC
-; In    r11 = 0 (look, up there ^) !
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #SVC2632        ; enable interrupts
-        Push    lr
- [ ROMatTop
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #VecPtrTab+WrchV*4] ; load top node pointer
-        CMP     r11, #ROM
-  [ StrongARM
-        BCC     WrchThruVector
-        Push    pc, CS                 ; need to get to ReturnFromVectoredWrch - push PC+12 (old ARM) or PC+8 (StrongARM)
-        BCS     PMFWrchDirect
-        MOV     R0,R0                  ; NOP for PC+8
-  |
-        Push    pc, CS                 ; push address of ReturnFromVectoredWrch (PC+12)
-        BCS     PMFWrchDirect
-        BCC     WrchThruVector
-  ]
- |
-        B       WrchThruVector
- ]
-        Pull    lr
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-        MOV     r10, #WrchV
-        BL      CallVector
-        B       ReturnFromVectoredWrch
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        MOV     r11, lr
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+10
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+13
-        MOV     lr, r11
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_WriteI+n
-        MOV     r10, r0
-        AND     r0, r11, #&FF
-        MOV     r11, lr                 ; NB. Order !!!
-        SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        MOVVC   r0, r10
-        MOV     lr, r11
-        B       SLVK_TestV              ; return setting V
-; .............................................................................
-; define module SWI node format
-ModSWINode_CallAddress * 0
-ModSWINode_MListNode   * 4
-ModSWINode_Link        * 8
-ModSWINode_Number      * 12
-ModSWINode_Size        * 16     ; not a field - the node size!
-        MACRO
-$l      ModSWIHashvalOffset     $swino, $startreg
-     [ "$startreg"=""
-$l      MOV     $swino, $swino, LSR #4
-     |
-$l      MOV     $swino, $startreg, LSR #4
-     ]
-        AND     $swino, $swino, #(ModuleSHT_Entries-1)*4
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$l      ModSWIHashval   $swino, $startreg
-$l      ModSWIHashvalOffset $swino, $startreg
-        ADD     $swino, $swino, #ModuleSWI_HashTab
-        MEND
-NotMainMOSSwi ; Continuation of SWI despatch
-        CMP     R11, #&200
-        BCC     SWIWriteI
-; .............................................................................
-; Look round RMs to see if they want it
-ExtensionSWI ROUT
-      [ No26bitCode
-        ASSERT  FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI
-        Push    "lr"
-      |
-        Push    "r9, lr"                        ; first construct the link to pass on.
-        AND     r10, lr, #&F0000000             ; copy in user CCodes
-        AND     r12, lr, #F32_bit+I32_bit       ; (inc. IRQ state)
-        ORR     r10, r10, r12, LSL #IF32_26Shift
-        ADR     lr, %FT02 + SVC_mode
-        ORR     lr, lr, r10
-      ]
-        BIC     r12, r11, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        ModSWIHashvalOffset r10, r12
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #ModuleSWI_HashTab]
-        CMP     r10, #0
-        BEQ     VectorUserSWI
- [ No26bitCode
-        LDR     lr, [r10, #ModSWINode_Number]
-        CMP     lr, r12
- |
-        LDR     r9, [r10, #ModSWINode_Number]
-        CMP     r9, r12
- ]
-        LDRNE   r10, [r10, #ModSWINode_Link]
-        BNE     loopoverhashchain
-        LDMIA   r10, {r10, r12}
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #Module_incarnation_list]  ; preferred life
-        CMP     r12, #0
- [ FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI:LAND::LNOT:No26bitCode
-        Pull    "r9", NE                ; restore corrupted r9 before calling SWI handler
-                                        ;RCM added 'NE' above to fix MED=04655
- ]
-        ANDNE   r11, r11, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        ADDNE   r12, r12, #Incarnation_Workspace
- [ No26bitCode
-        ADRNE   lr, %FT02
- ]
-        MOVNE   pc, r10
-VectorUserSWI                   ; Not in a module, so call vec
- [ FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI:LAND::LNOT:No26bitCode
-        Pull    "r9"            ; restore corrupted r9 before calling UKSWIV
- ]
-        MOV     r10, #UKSWIV    ; high SWI number still in R11
- [ No26bitCode
-        BL      CallVector
- |
-        B       CallVector      ; lr still has user CCs (if 26bit) & points at%FT02
- ]
- [ FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI
-        Pull    "lr"                    ; r9 already pulled off stack before calling SWI handler or UKSWIV
- |
-        Pull    "r9,lr"
- ]
-        MRS     r10, CPSR
-        BIC     lr, lr, #&FF000000      ; Can mangle any/all of punter flags
-        AND     r10, r10, #&FF000000
-        ORR     lr, lr, r10
-        B       SLVK
-; ....................... default owner of UKSWIV .............................
-; Call UKSWI handler
-; Also used to call the upcall handler
-; In    r12 = HiServ_ws (or UpCallHan_ws)
-HighSWI ROUT                          ; no one on vec wants it: give to handler
-        Pull    lr                    ; the link pointing at %BT02 to pass in.
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}
-; ........................ default UKSWI handler ..............................
-        Push    lr
-        BL      NoHighSWIHandler
-        Pull    lr
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; .................... default Unused SWI handler .............................
-NoHighSWIHandler ROUT
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #IRQsema]
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_NoSuchSWI ; Must return static error here
- [ No26bitCode
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
- |
-        ORRNES  pc, lr, #V_bit
- ]
-; Not in IRQ: can safely build a dynamic error
-      [ International
-        Push    "r1-r4, lr"
-        SUB     sp, sp,#12
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #12
-        MOV     r0, r11
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex6         ; SWI argument is 00xxxxxx
-        MOV     r4, r0                  ; now strip leading 0s
-02      LDRB    r2, [r4], #1
-        CMP     r2, #"0"
-        BEQ     %BT02
-        SUB     r4,r4,#1
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_NoSuchSWI1
-        BL      TranslateError_UseR4
-        ADD     sp,sp,#12
-        Pull    "r1-r4, lr"
- [ No26bitCode
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
- |
-        ORRS    pc, lr, #V_bit
- ]
-        MakeErrorBlock NoSuchSWI1
-      |
-        Push    "r1-r3, lr"
-        LDR     r1, =EnvString
-        LDMIA   r0!, {r2, r3}           ; number, "SWI "
-        STMIA   r1!, {r2, r3}
-        MOV     r2, #"&"
-        STRB    r2, [r1], #1
-        MOV     r3, r0
-        MOV     r0, r11
-        MOV     r2, #256
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex6         ; SWI argument is 00xxxxxx
-; now strip leading 0s
-        MOV     r1, r0
-02      LDRB    r2, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r2, #"0"
-        BEQ     %BT02
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        ADDEQ   r1, r0, #1
-        BEQ     %FT03
-04      STRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        LDRB    r2, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BNE     %BT04
-        MOV     r1, r0
-03      MOV     r2, #" "
-01      STRB    r2, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        LDRNEB  r2, [r3], #1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        Pull    "r1-r3, lr"
-        LDR     r0, =EnvString
- [ No26bitCode
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
- |
-        ORRS    pc, lr, #V_bit
- ]
-       ]
-        MakeErrorBlock NoSuchSWI
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Fast SWI handlers for BGet and BPut caches
-BGetSWI ROUT                            ; Done separately for highest speed
-        Push    lr
-        MOV     r10, #BGetV             ; Cache hit failed, call victor
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    lr                      ; Punter lr has VClear
-        BIC     lr, lr, #C_bit          ; Copy C,V to punter lr
-        ORRCS   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-BPutSWI ROUT                            ; Done separately for highest speed
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     r10, #BPutV                     ; Cache hit failed, call victor
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    "lr"                            ; Destack lr(VC)
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI handlers for all the vectored SWIs that have vecnum=swinum
-; All defined to affect C & V at most
-        MOV     r11, #FSCV              ; Pretend to be vecnum = swinum swi
-                                        ; and just drop through to ...
-VecSwiDespatch ROUT
-        Push    lr                      ; this is user's link (or PSR in 32-bit case)
-        MOV     r10, r11                ; SWI number from R11->R10
-  [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r11, CPSR
-        AND     r14, r14, #&F0000000    ; extract caller's CCs
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&F0000000    ; mask out ours
-        BIC     r11, r11, #I32_bit      ; enable IRQs
-        ORR     r11, r11, r14           ; add in CCs
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, r11            ; and set it all up
-  |
-        ORR     r14, lr, #SVC_mode
-        BIC     r14, r14, #I_bit        ; Enable IRQs
-        TEQP    r14, #0
-  ]
-        BL      CallVector
-; So the vectored routine can update the pushed link CCodes if wanted
-; No update return is therefore LDMIA stack!, {PC}^ (sort of)
-; Update return pulls lr, molests it, then MOVS PC, lr
-; Note either return enables IRQ, FIQ
-; ???? Is the DEFAULT owner allowed to corrupt r10,r11 IFF he claims it ????
-        Pull    lr                      ; Punter lr has VClear
-        BICCC   lr, lr, #C_bit          ; Copy C,V to punter lr
-        ORRCS   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-NoIrqVecSwiDespatch ROUT
-        Push    lr                      ; this is user's link
-        MOV     r10, r11                ; SWI number from R11->R10
-  [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r11, CPSR
-        AND     r14, r14, #&F0000000    ; extract caller's CCs
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&F0000000    ; mask out ours
-        ORR     r11, r11, #I32_bit      ; disable IRQs
-        ORR     r11, r11, r14           ; add in CCs
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, r11            ; and set it all up
-  |
-        ORR     r14, lr, #SVC_mode+I_bit ; Disable IRQ
-        TEQP    r14, #0
-  ]
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    lr                      ; Punter lr has VClear
-        BICCC   lr, lr, #C_bit          ; Copy C,V to punter lr
-        ORRCS   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_GetEnv
-SWI_GetEnv_Code ROUT
-        LDR     r0, =EnvString
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #MemLimit]
-        LDR     r2, =EnvTime
-        B       SLVK
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_Exit
-        BL      OscliTidy               ; shut redirection, restore FS
-; now see if it's an abort Exit
-        LDR     r12, ABEX
-        CMP     r1, r12
- [ No26bitCode
-        TSTEQ   r0, #3
- |
-        TSTEQ   r0, #ARM_CC_Mask
- ]
-        MOVNE   r2,  #0
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        STR     r2,  [r12, #ReturnCode]
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #RCLimit]
-        CMP     r2, r12
-        SWIHI   OS_GenerateError        ; really generate an error
-        ADD     sp, sp, #8              ; junk SWI no and R14 on stack
-        Pull    "r10-r12"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     lr, [r0, #SExitA]
-        STR     lr, [r0, #Curr_Active_Object]
-        LDR     r12, [r0, #SExitA_ws]
-        LDR     sp_svc, =SVCSTK
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r0, CPSR
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit+SVC2632 ; IRQs off (to protect SPSR_svc)
-        BIC     r0, r0, #I32_bit+F32_bit+&0F
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, r0            ; Get ready for USR26/32, IRQs on
-        MOVS    pc, lr                  ; lr->pc, SPSR->CPSR
- |
-        BICS    pc, lr, #ARM_CC_Mask
- ]
-ABEX    =       "ABEX"                  ; Picked up as word
-        LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_CallBack: Set/read callback buffer and handler
-SCALLB  MOV     r10, #CallBackHandler
-        Push    "r2, r3, lr"
-        MOV     r3, r0          ; buffer
-        MOV     r0, r10
-        BL      CallCESWI
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        Pull    "r2, r3, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; .............................................................................
-; SWI OS_BreakSet: Set/read breakpoint buffer and handler
-SBRKCT  MOV     r10, #BreakPointHandler
-        B       handlecomm
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_ReadEscapeState
-ReadEscapeSWI ROUT
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDRB    r10, [r10, #ESC_Status]
-        TST     r10, #1 :SHL: 6
-        BICEQ   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        ORRNE   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        B       SLVK
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_ServiceCall
-Issue_Service_SWI ROUT
-        Push    lr
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        Pull    lr
-        B       SLVK
- [ StrongARM
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI XOS_PlatformFeatures
-        Push    lr
-        CMP     r0, #0                  ;Is it a known reason code?
-        BNE     %FT50                   ;No, so send out a service call
-        ;Ok, it's the 'code_features' reason code.
-        LDR     r0,[r0, #ProcessorFlags]
-        TST     r0, #CPUFlag_InterruptDelay
-        ADRNE   r1, platfeat_irqinsert  ;Yep, so point R1 to the delay routine
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0
-        Pull    lr
-        B       SLVK                    ;Return
-        MOV     r0, r0
-        MOV     r0, r0
-        MOV     r0, r0
-        MOV     r0, r0
-        MOV     r0, r0
-        MOV     pc, lr
-  [ {FALSE}
-        Push    "r1-r8"
-        MOV     r1, #Service_UnknownPlatformFeatures
-        Pull    "r2-r9"
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        BNE     %FT75
-        Push    "r2-r9"
-        Pull    "r1-r8"
-        B       SLVK                    ;Return
-  ]
-75      ;Get here if the service call isn't claimed.
-        ADR     R0,platfeaterror
-    [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-    ]
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        &       0
-    [ International
-        =       "BadPlatReas", 0
-    |
-        =       "Unknown OS_PlatformFeatures reason code", 0
-    ]
-        ALIGN
-  ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_GenerateError
-GenErrorSWI * SLVK_SetV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/LibKern b/s/LibKern
deleted file mode 100644
index cee8aea7..00000000
--- a/s/LibKern
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; Kernel utility library
-; void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n) -------------------------------------------------
-        ROUT
-        TEQ     a3, #0                                  ; return immediately if zero bytes
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        ADD     a1, a1, a3
-        TST     a1, #3                                  ; check for unaligned end
-        BNE     %FT80
-05      SUBS    a3, a3, #32                             ; if at least 32, do 32 at a time
-        BLO     %FT50
-        Push    "v1-v5"
-        AND     a2, a2, #&FF
-        ORR     a2, a2, a2, LSL #8
-        ORR     a2, a2, a2, LSL #16
-        MOV     a4, a2
-        MOV     v1, a2
-        MOV     v2, a2
-        MOV     v3, a2
-        MOV     v4, a2
-        MOV     v5, a2
-        MOV     ip, a2
-10      STMDB   a1!, {a2,a4,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,ip}
-        SUBS    a3, a3, #32
-        BHS     %BT10
-        Pull    "v1-v5"
-50      ADDS    a3, a3, #32-4                           ; if at least 4, do 4 at a time
-        BMI     %FT70
-60      STR     a2, [a1, #-4]!
-        SUBS    a3, a3, #4
-        BPL     %BT60
-70      ADDS    a3, a3, #4
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-80      STRB    a2, [a1, #-1]!                          ; byte at a time until finished or
-        SUBS    a3, a3, #1                              ; aligned (if at end, will finish)
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        TST     a1, #3
-        BNE     %BT80
-        B       %BT05
-; unsigned __rt_udiv(unsigned divisor, unsigned dividend) --------------------------------
-        ROUT
-; Unsigned divide of a2 by a1: returns quotient in a1, remainder in a2
-; Destroys a3 and ip only
-        MOV     a3, #0
-        RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #3
-        BCC     u_sh2
-        RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #8
-        BCC     u_sh7
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSL #8
-        ORR     a3, a3, #&FF000000
-        RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #4
-        BCC     u_sh3
-        RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #8
-        BCC     u_sh7
-        MOV     a1, a1, LSL #8
-        ORR     a3, a3, #&00FF0000
-        RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #8
-        MOVCS   a1, a1, LSL #8
-        ORRCS   a3, a3, #&0000FF00
-        RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #4
-        BCC     u_sh3
-        RSBS    ip, a1, #0
-        BCS     dividebyzero
-u_loop  MOVCS   a1, a1, LSR #8
-u_sh7   RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #7
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1, LSL #7
-        ADC     a3, a3, a3
-u_sh6   RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #6
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1, LSL #6
-        ADC     a3, a3, a3
-u_sh5   RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #5
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1, LSL #5
-        ADC     a3, a3, a3
-u_sh4   RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #4
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1, LSL #4
-        ADC     a3, a3, a3
-u_sh3   RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #3
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1, LSL #3
-        ADC     a3, a3, a3
-u_sh2   RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #2
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1, LSL #2
-        ADC     a3, a3, a3
-u_sh1   RSBS    ip, a1, a2, LSR #1
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1, LSL #1
-        ADC     a3, a3, a3
-u_sh0   RSBS    ip, a1, a2
-        SUBCS   a2, a2, a1
-        ADCS    a3, a3, a3
-        BCS     u_loop
-        MOV     a1, a3
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        B       dividebyzero
-        END
diff --git a/s/MEMC1 b/s/MEMC1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2709f320..00000000
--- a/s/MEMC1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > MEMC1
-; MEMC interface file - MEMC1 version
-; Created by TMD 10-Aug-90
-VInit   * &03600000
-VStart  * &03620000
-VEnd    * &03640000
-CInit   * &03660000
-; SStart  * &03680000
-; SEnd    * &036A0000
-; SPtr    * &036C0000
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetDAG - Program DMA address generator R1 with physical address R0
-; in:   r0 = physical address
-;       r1 = index of DMA address generator to program, as defined in vdudecl
-; out:  All registers preserved, operation ignored if illegal
-SetDAG  ENTRY   "r0"
-        CMP     r1, #MEMCDAG_MaxReason
-        EXIT    HI
-        ADR     r14, DAGAddressTable
-        LDR     r14, [r14, r1, LSL #2]          ; load base address in MEMC1
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #4                  ; bottom 4 bits irrelevant
-        CMP     r0, #(1 :SHL: 15)               ; ensure in range
-        ORRCC   r14, r14, r0, LSL #2
-        STRCC   r14, [r14]                      ; any old data will do
-        EXIT
-        GBLA    DAGIndex
-DAGIndex SETA   0
-        MACRO
-        DAGTab  $reason, $address
-        ASSERT  ($reason)=DAGIndex
-        &       $address
-DAGIndex SETA   DAGIndex + 1
-        MEND
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VInit, VInit
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VStart, VStart
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VEnd, VEnd
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_CInit, CInit
-; CAM manipulation utility routines
-BangCamUpdate ROUT
-; R2 = CAM entry no
-; R3 = logaddr
-; R9 = current MEMC value
-; R11 = PPL
-; set and update tables
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        LDR     R4, [R4, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        ORR     r0, r3, r11, LSL #28  ; top nibble is PPL
-        STR     r0, [R4, R2, LSL #2]
-; r0 corrupted
-; r1 corrupted
-; R2 = CAM entry no
-; R3 = logaddr
-; r4 corrupted
-; r5 spare!
-; r6 corrupted
-; r7, r8 spare
-; R9 = current MEMC value
-; r10 spare
-; R11 = PPL
-; r12 spare
-        AND     R4, R9, #&C           ; pagesize
-        ADR     R0, PageMangleTable
-        LDR     R0, [R0, R4]          ; load data table pointer
-        MOV     R4, #0
-01      LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        AND     R6, R2, R1
-        LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        RSBMI   R1, R1, #0
-        ORRPL   R4, R4, R6, LSL R1
-        ORRMI   R4, R4, R6, LSR R1
-        B       %BT01
-02      LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        AND     R6, R3, R1
-        LDR     R1, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        RSBMI   R1, R1, #0
-        ORRPL   R4, R4, R6, LSL R1
-        ORRMI   R4, R4, R6, LSR R1
-        B       %BT02
-03      ORR     R4, R4, #CAM
-        ORR     R4, R4, R11, LSL #8     ; stuff in PPL
-        STR     R4, [R4]                ; and write it
-        MOV     PC, LR
-; Data to drive CAM setting
-        &       PageMangle4K
-        &       PageMangle8K
-        &       PageMangle16K
-        &       PageMangle32K
-; For each page size, pairs of masks and shift factors to put the bits in the
-; right place. Two sets: operations on Physical Page Number, operations on
-; Logical Page Number.
-; Shifts are Shift Left values (<<). Each section terminated by -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_011111111
-        &       0                       ; bits in right place
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_1100000000000:SHL:12
-        &       (11-12)-12              ; LPN[12:11] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_0011111111111:SHL:12
-        &       (22-10)-12              ; LPN[10:0 ] -> A[22:12]
-        &      -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7]   -> A[7]
-        &       2_001000000
-        &       0-6                     ; PPN[6]   -> A[0]
-        &       2_000111111
-        &       6-5                     ; PPN[5:0] -> A[6:1]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_110000000000:SHL:13
-        &       (11-11)-13              ; LPN[11:10] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_001111111111:SHL:13
-        &       (22-9)-13               ; LPN[9:0]   -> A[22:13]
-        &       -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7]   -> A[7]
-        &       2_001100000
-        &       1-6                     ; PPN[6:5] -> A[1:0]
-        &       2_000011111
-        &       6-4                     ; PPN[4:0] -> A[6:2]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_11000000000:SHL:14
-        &       (11-10)-14              ; LPN[10:9] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_00111111111:SHL:14
-        &       (22-8)-14               ; LPN[8:0]  -> A[22:14]
-        &       -1
-; PPN:
-        &       2_100000000
-        &       12-8                    ; PPN[8] -> A[12]
-        &       2_010000000
-        &       7-7                     ; PPN[7] -> A[7]
-        &       2_001000000
-        &       1-6                     ; PPN[6] -> A[1]
-        &       2_000100000
-        &       2-5                     ; PPN[5] -> A[2]
-        &       2_000010000
-        &       0-4                     ; PPN[4] -> A[0]
-        &       2_000001111
-        &       6-3                     ; PPN[3:0] -> A[6:3]
-        &       -1
-; LPN:
-        &       2_1100000000:SHL:15
-        &       (11-9)-15               ; LPN[9:8] -> A[11:10]
-        &       2_0011111111:SHL:15
-        &       (22-7)-15               ; LPN[7:0] -> A[22:15]
-        &       -1
-        &       4*1024                  ; 0 is 4K
-        &       8*1024                  ; 4 is 8K
-        &       16*1024                 ; 8 is 16
-        &       32*1024                 ; C is 32
-        =       12, 13, 0, 14           ; 1 2 3 4
-        =       0,  0,  0, 15           ; 5 6 7 8
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_UpdateMEMC: Read/write MEMC1 control register
-        AND     r10, r0, r1
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit+F_bit
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy] ; return old value
-        BIC     r11, r0, r1
-        ORR     r11, r11, R10
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&00F00000
-        ORR     r11, r11, #MEMCADR
-        STR     r11, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        STR     r11, [r11]
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ClearPhysRAM - Routine to clear "all" memory
-; While this routine is running, keyboard IRQs may happen. For this reason
-; it avoids LogRAM 0..31 (where hardware IRQ vector is) and PhysRAM
-; 0..31 where the IRQ workspace is.
-; r7 contains memory speed and must be preserved
-; r8 contains page size and must be preserved
-; r9 contains MEMC control register and must be preserved
-ClearPhysRAM ROUT
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        MOV     r5, #0
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        MOV     r12, #PhysRam
-        CMP     r13, #512*1024
-        ADDEQ   r10, r12, #(512-64)*1024 ; get address that's logram 0
-        ADDNE   r10, r12, #512*1024
-        ADD     r13, r13, #PhysRam      ; end of memory
-        ADD     r12, r12, #4*8          ; skip minimal startup workspace
-10      CMP     r12, R10
-        ADDEQ   r12, r12, #4*8          ; skip physram that's logram 0
-        STMNEIA r12!, {r0-r6, r11}
-        CMP     r12, r13
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SUB     r13, r13, #PhysRam
-        LDR     r0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        MOV     r1, #&80
-        STRB    r1, [r0]                ; flag the fact that RAM cleared
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       InitMEMC - Initialise memory controller
-        LDR     R0, ResetMemC_Value
-        STR     R0, [R0]     ; set ROM access times, refresh on flyback, no DMA
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -> MemSize
-; (non-destructive) algorithm to determine MEMC RAM configuration
-; Dave Flynn and Alasdair Thomas
-; 17-March-87
-; Spooling checkered by NRaine and SSwales !
-; 8MByte check bodged in by APT
-; NOTE: Routines MemSize and TimeCPU are called by the power-on test software,
-; so their specifications MUST not change.
-; Set MEMC for 32-k page then analyse signature of possible
-; external RAM configurations...
-; The configurations are:
-; Ram Size    Page Size    Configuration    (Phys RAM) Signature
-;  16MByte      32k        4*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  16MByte      32k        16*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  12MByte      32k        3*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;  12MByte      32k        12*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;   8MByte      32k        2*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   8MByte      32k         8*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k          32*1Mx1         A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k         4*8*256kx4       A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   2Mbyte      32k    expandable 2*8*256kx4 A13,A20 distinct, A21 fails
-;   2Mbyte ???  16k      fixed 2*8*256kx4    A13,A21 distinct, A20 fails
-;   1Mbyte       8k          32*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k           8*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k          4*8*64kx4       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       8k    expandable 2*8*64kx4  A13,A20,A19 fail, A12,A18 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       4k      fixed 2*8*64kx4     A13,A20,A12 fail, A19,A18 distinct
-; 256Kbyte       4K           8*64kx4        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok
-; 256Kbyte       4K          32*64kx1        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok
-Z_Flag     * &40000000
-; MemSize routine... enter with 32K pagesize set
-; R0 returns page size
-; R1 returns memory size
-; R2 returns value set in MEMC
-; uses R3-R7
-MemSize ROUT
-        MOV     r7, lr
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A13
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %10
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A21
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #2048*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #4*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #4*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #8*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #8*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #12*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOV     r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #12*1024*1024
-        MOVEQ   r1, #16*1024*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-10      ADD     r1, r0, #A20
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %20
-        MOV     r0, #Page16K
-        MOV     r1, #2048*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-20      ADD     r1, r0, #A19
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %30
-        MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-30      ADD     r1, r0, #A18
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %40
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #256*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-40      ADD     r1, r0, #A12
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %50
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-50      MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #1024*1024
-        LDR     r2, ResetMemC_Value
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&C
-        ORR     r2, r2, r0
-        STR     r2, [r2]                        ; set MEMC to right state
-        ADR     r3, PageSizes
-        LDR     r0, [r3, r0]                    ; r0 = convert from page size indicator into actual page size (in bytes)
-        MOV     pc, r7
-; DistinctAddresses routine...
-; r0,r1 are the addresses to check
-; uses r2-5
-; writes interleaved patterns (to prevent dynamic storage...)
-; checks writing every bit low and high...
-; return Z-flag set if distinct
-DistinctAddresses ROUT
-        LDR     r2, [r0] ; preserve
-        LDR     r3, [r1]
-        LDR     r4, Pattern
-        STR     r4, [r0] ; mark first
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r1] ; mark second
-        LDR     r5, [r0]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check first
-        BNE     %10    ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r1] ; check second
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-        BNE     %10
-; now check inverse bit writes
-        STR     r4, [r1] ; mark second
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r0] ; mark first
-        LDR     r5, [r1]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check second
-        BNE     %10   ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r0] ; check first
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-10      STR     r3, [r1] ; restore
-        STR     r2, [r0]
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        BICNE   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        MOVS    pc, lr
-        &       &AAFF5500 ; shiftable bit check pattern
-; init state with masked out page size
-        & &E010C :OR: MEMCADR       ; slugged ROMs + flyback refresh only + 32K page
-; Constants
-A21 * 1:SHL:21
-A20 * 1:SHL:20
-A19 * 1:SHL:19
-A18 * 1:SHL:18
-A13 * 1:SHL:13
-A12 * 1:SHL:12
-Page32K * &C ; in MEMC control reg patterns...
-Page16K * &8
-Page8K  * &4
-Page4K  * &0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0-r6 trashable
-;       r9 = Current MEMC CR
-; Out   r9 MEMC value with slowest ROM speed, correct pagesize
-;       r7 processor speed in kHz, tbs -> MEMC1a
-ncpuloops * 1024 ; don't go longer than 4ms without refresh !
-nmulloops * 128
-        BIC     r9, r9, #3 :SHL: 8
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; turn off refresh for a bit
-; Time CPU/Memory speed
-        LDR     r1, =&7FFE              ; 32K @ 2MHz = ~16ms limit
-        MOV     r3, #IOC
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =ncpuloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT10                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get ncpuloops pipeline breaks
-10      SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-; Time CPU/MEMC Multiply time
-        MOV     r4, #-1                 ; Gives worst case MUL
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =nmulloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT20                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get nmulloops pipeline breaks
-20      MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r4, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r4, r4, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r4, r1, r4              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-        ORR     r9, r9, #1 :SHL: 8      ; set refresh on flyback
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; restore MEMC state a.s.a.p.
-; In ROM - each cpu loop took 4R cycles @ 8/f*500ns/cycle
-        LDR     r0, =4*(8*500/1000)*ncpuloops*1000
-        DivRem  r7, r0, r2, r1          ; r2 preserved
-        MOV     r0, #&80                ; At 8 MHz and below, run fast ROMs
-        LDR     r1, =8050               ; Over 8 MHz, need medium ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&40
-        LDR     r1, =13000              ; Over 13 MHz, need slowest ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&00
-        ORR     r9, r9, r0
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; Set ROM speed appropriately
- ASSERT ncpuloops = 8*nmulloops ; for given ratio cutoff <------------
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSL #10         ; *1024 to get resolution on divide
-        DivRem  r0, r4, r2, r1
-        LDR     r1, =1100               ; Cutoff point; MEMC1 longer than this
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        ORRLO   r7, r7, #1 :SHL: 16     ; Note MEMC1a prescence
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Typical figures give (in ROM at 8MHz):
-; MEMC1  2048 CPU, 2432 MEMC -> MUL ratio 1216
-; MEMC1a 2048       864                    432
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/MEMC2 b/s/MEMC2
deleted file mode 100644
index ea1afe57..00000000
--- a/s/MEMC2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > MEMC2
-; MEMC interface file - MEMC2 version
-; Created by TMD 10-Aug-90
-PhysRAML2PT * &02000000 + (512+64)*1024
-; Synonyms
-VInit                   *       MEMC2Address + MEMC2_VINITe
-VStart                  *       MEMC2Address + MEMC2_VSTRTe
-VEnd                    *       MEMC2Address + MEMC2_VENDe
-CInit                   *       MEMC2Address + MEMC2_CINIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetDAG - Program DMA address generator R1 with physical address R0
-; in:   r0 = physical address
-;       r1 = index of DMA address generator to program, as defined in vdudecl
-; out:  All registers preserved, operation ignored if illegal
-SetDAG  ENTRY   "r0,r1"
-        CMP     r1, #MEMCDAG_MaxReason
-        EXIT    HI
-        ADR     r14, DAGAddressTable
-        LDR     r14, [r14, r1, LSL #2]          ; load base address in MEMC2
-        MOV     r1, r0, LSR #16                 ; r1 is top 16 bits
-        EOR     r0, r0, r1, LSL #16             ; and r0 is bottom 16 bits
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&0F                    ; bits 0..3 must be clear
-        BIC     r1, r1, #&F000                  ; and bits 28..31 must be clear
-        STMIA   r14, {r0, r1}                   ; atomic update (we believe)
-        EXIT
-        GBLA    DAGIndex
-DAGIndex SETA   0
-        MACRO
-        DAGTab  $reason, $address
-        ASSERT  ($reason)=DAGIndex
-        &       $address
-DAGIndex SETA   DAGIndex + 1
-        MEND
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VInit, VInit
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VStart, VStart
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_VEnd, VEnd
-        DAGTab  MEMCDAG_CInit, CInit
-; **************** CAM manipulation utility routines ***********************************
-; **************************************************************************************
-;       BangCamUpdate - Update CAM entry and soft copy
-; This part of the routine has to do more work on MEMC2
-; First look in the CamEntries table to find the logical address L this physical page is
-; currently allocated to. Then check in the Level 2 page tables to see if page L is currently
-; at page R2. If it is, then map page L to be inaccessible, otherwise leave page L alone.
-; Then map logical page R3 to physical page R2.
-; in:   r2 = physical page number
-;       r3 = logical address
-;       r9 = current MEMC1 control register (irrelevant on MEMC2)
-;       r11 = PPL
-; out:  r0, r1, r4, r6 corrupted
-;       r2, r3, r5, r7-r12 preserved
-; NB Use of stack is allowed in this routine
-BangCamUpdate ROUT
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        LDR     r0, [r1, r2, LSL #2]            ; r0 = current logaddress + PPL for phys page r2
-        ORR     r4, r3, r11, LSL #28            ; new entry for CamEntries
-        STR     r4, [r1, r2, LSL #2]            ; update
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&F0000000              ; just get logical address
-        LDR     r1, =PhysRAML2PT                ; point to page tables
-        LDR     r4, [r1, r0, LSR #11]           ; get physical page + PPL for this logical page
-        TEQ     r2, r4, LSR #3                  ; see if still there
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; if not there, then just put in new page
-        Push    "r3, r14"
-        MOV     r3, r0                          ; map out old page at this logical address
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; physical page 0 but PPL(MEMC2)=0 ie no access, not even for me!
-        BL      BangL2PT                        ; map page out
-        Pull    "r3, r14"
-;       and drop thru to ...
-; **************************************************************************************
-;       BangCam - Update CAM entry, but not soft copy
-; This routine maps a physical page to a given logical address
-; For MEMC2, I assume that the physical page was previously not mapped
-; anywhere else - on MEMC1 it would automatically unmap any logical
-; address that the physical page was previously at, but on MEMC2 it won't
-; in:   r2 = physical page number
-;       r3 = logical address
-;       r9 = current MEMC1 control register (irrelevant on MEMC2)
-;       r11 = PPL
-; out:  r0, r1, r4, r6 corrupted
-;       r2, r3, r5, r7-r12 preserved
-; NB Can't use stack - there might not be one!
-        ADR     r0, PPLTrans            ; translate MEMC1 PPL to MEMC2 PPL
-        LDRB    r0, [r0, r11]
-        ORR     r0, r0, r2, LSL #3      ; value to store in level 2 page table
-                                        ; is PPL :OR: (phys page number << 3)
-        LDR     r1, =PhysRAML2PT        ; point to level 2 page tables
-BangL2PT                                ; internal entry point used only by BangCamUpdate
-        BICS    r4, r3, #(3 :SHL: 11)   ; ensure going to be on word boundary (EQ => logical page zero)
-        STR     r0, [r1, r4, LSR #11]   ; update level 2 page table
-        MOV     r6, #MEMC2Address
-        STREQ   r0, [r6, #MEMC2_SuperPageZero] ; if logical page 0 then update special entry
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; now flush the TLB
-        STR     r0, [r6, #MEMC2_Flush]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        =       6                       ; R any W any
-        =       3                       ; R any W sup
-        =       2                       ; R sup W sup
-        =       2                       ; R sup W sup
-        &       4*1024                  ; 0 is 4K
-        &       8*1024                  ; 4 is 8K
-        &       16*1024                 ; 8 is 16
-        &       32*1024                 ; C is 32
-        =       12, 13, 0, 14           ; 1 2 3 4
-        =       0,  0,  0, 15           ; 5 6 7 8
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_UpdateMEMC: Read/write MEMC1 control register
-        AND     r10, r0, r1
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit+F_bit
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy] ; return old value
-        BIC     r11, r0, r1
-        ORR     r11, r11, R10
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&FF000000
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&00F00000
-        ORR     r11, r11, #MEMCADR
-        STR     r11, [r12, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-; We now have to mimic the relevant bits of the MEMC1 control register
-; bits 0,1 => unused
-; bits 2,3 => page size, irrelevant since always 8K
-; bits 4,5 => low ROM access time, irrelevant since this has to be fixed
-; bits 6,7 => hi  ROM access time, -----------------""------------------
-; bits 8,9 => DRAM refresh control, irrelevant (refresh must always be on)
-; bit 10   => Video/cursor DMA enable, corresponds to bit venbe of VATT
-;              (and possibly bit venbo of IATT for interlaced displays)
-;              Unfortunately VATT (and IATT) is a write-only register. Later on
-;              we might have a soft copy of these, but for now just write whole
-;              register.
-; bit 11   => Sound DMA enable, ignore for now
-; bit 12   => OS mode, ignore
-; Program all of VATT
-; vdis = 0 (don't disable DMA after one buffer)
-; venbe = (bit 10 of r11)
-; vrnw = 1 (read from RAM, not write)
-; vmske = 0 (no interrupts at end of buffer)
-        MOV     r12, # (0 * VATT_vdis) + (0 * VATT_venbe) + (1 * VATT_vrnw) + (0 * VATT_vmske)
-        TST     r11, # (1 :SHL: 10)
-        ORRNE   r12, r12, # VATT_venbe
-        MOV     r10, #MEMC2Address
-        STR     r12, [r10, #MEMC2_VATT]
-        TEQP    pc, #SVC_mode+I_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ClearPhysRAM - Routine to clear "all" memory
-; While this routine is running, keyboard IRQs may happen. For this reason
-; it avoids LogRAM 0..31 (where hardware IRQ vector is) and PhysRAM
-; 0..31 where the IRQ workspace is.
-; On MEMC2 it also has to avoid the pages where the level 2 page tables are
-; r7 contains memory speed and must be preserved
-; r8 contains page size and must be preserved
-; r9 contains MEMC control register and must be preserved
-ClearPhysRAM ROUT
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        MOV     r4, #PhysRam
-        CMP     r13, #512*1024
-        ADDEQ   r10, r4, #(512-64)*1024 ; get address that's logram 0
-        ADDNE   r10, r4, #512*1024
-        ADD     r13, r13, #PhysRam      ; end of memory
-        ADD     r12, r4, #PhysRAML2PT-PhysRam
-        ADD     r4, r4, #4*8            ; skip minimal startup workspace
-        CMP     r4, r10
-        ADDEQ   r4, r4, #4*8            ; skip physram that's logram 0
-        CMP     r4, r12
-        ADDEQ   r4, r4, #32*1024        ; skip 32K of L2PT
-        STMNEIA r4!, {r0-r3}
-        CMP     r4, r13
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SUB     r13, r13, #PhysRam
-        LDR     r0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        MOV     r1, #&80
-        STRB    r1, [r0]                ; flag the fact that RAM cleared
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       InitMEMC - Initialise memory controller
-        MOV     r0, # MEMC2Address
-        MOV     r1, # Control_romfast
-        STR     r1, [r0, #MEMC2_Control]        ; make ROMS go fast
-        ADR     r1, ClockTimingTable            ; initialise CLK block
-        LDMIA   r1, {r2-r5}
-        ADD     r1, r0, #MEMC2_clkj0
-        STMIA   r1, {r2-r5}
-        ADR     r1, DRAMTimingTable             ; initialise DRAM block
-        LDMIA   r1, {r2-r8}
-        ADD     r1, r0, #MEMC2_rwt0
-        STMIA   r1, {r2-r8}
-        LDR     r1, rtype_value
-        STR     r1, [r0, #MEMC2_rtype]
-        LDR     r1, refr_value
-        STR     r1, [r0, #MEMC2_refr]
-        MOV     r1, # (PhysRAML2PT-PhysRam)/(8*1024)            ; level 1 entry (paged) for 0..16M
-        MOV     r2, # (PhysRAML2PT+8*1024-PhysRam)/(8*1024)     ; level 1 entry (paged) for 16M..32M
-        MOV     r3, # Prot_UrwSRW+(L1D_RAM :SHL: 3)+(L1D_RAM :SHL: 5)+(L1D_RAM :SHL: 7)+(L1D_RAM :SHL: 9)+(0 :SHL: 11)
-                                                                ; level 1 entry (direct) for 32M..48M (all RAM, base 0)
-        LDR     r4, = Prot_URwSRW+(L1D_IO :SHL: 3)+(L1D_PROG :SHL: 5)+(L1D_ROM :SHL: 7)+(L1D_ROM :SHL: 9)+(0 :SHL: 11)
-                                                                ; level 1 entry (direct) for 48M..64M (IO,PROG,ROM,ROM)
-        ADD     r5, r0, #MEMC2_Level1+L1_Paged+L1_Sec0
-        ADD     r6, r5, #4*2*16                 ; cycle thru all 4 bus masters and (USR,SPV)
-        ADD     r7, r5, #(L1_Direct+L1_Sec2)-(L1_Paged+L1_Sec0)
-        STMIA   r5, {r1,r2}                     ; set up the paged sections 0,1
-        STMIA   r7, {r3,r4}                     ; set up the direct sections 2,3
-        ADD     r5, r5, #16
-        ADD     r7, r7, #16
-        TEQ     r5, r6                          ; have we got to the end ?
-        BNE     %BT10
-; Now turn on the translation, but don't set up the level 2 page tables until later,
-; when we know the DRAM multiplex option
-        LDR     r1, = Control_ton + Control_l1on + Control_romfast
-        STR     r1, [r0, #MEMC2_Control]
-; now set up VINC
-        MOV     r1, #&10                ; low bits
-        MOV     r2, #&00                ; high bits
-        ADD     r3, r0, #MEMC2_VINC
-        STMIA   r3, {r1,r2}
-        MOV     pc, lr
-J0      &       &F200   ; 3   / 2
-J1      &       &F200   ; 3   / 2
-RSPEED  &       &1C00   ; 3   / 3
-ISPEED  &       &B800   ; 2.5 / 2.5
-RWT0    &       &2A320
-RRD0    &       &2AC80
-RSQ0    &       &0B200
-B0Dummy &       0
-RWT1    &       &2A320
-RRD1    &       &2AC80
-RSQ1    &       &0B200
-rtype_value     &       &3333   ; Bank Type [x,bank,s1,s0] * 4 ; set largest memory type by default
-refr_value      &       &1086   ; Enable refresh, refresh length = 10 hclk ticks, refresh period = 12us
-; -> MemSize
-; (non-destructive) algorithm to determine MEMC RAM configuration
-; Dave Flynn and Alasdair Thomas
-; 17-March-87
-; Spooling checkered by NRaine and SSwales !
-; 8MByte check bodged in by APT
-; NOTE: Routines MemSize and TimeCPU are called by the power-on test software,
-; so their specifications MUST not change.
-; Set MEMC for 32-k page then analyse signature of possible
-; external RAM configurations...
-; The configurations are:
-; Ram Size    Page Size    Configuration    (Phys RAM) Signature
-;  16MByte      32k        4*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  16MByte      32k        16*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23,A23.5 distinct
-;  12MByte      32k        3*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;  12MByte      32k        12*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22,A23 OK, A23.5 fail
-;   8MByte      32k        2*32*1Mx1         A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   8MByte      32k         8*8*256kx4       A13,A20,A21,A22 distinct, A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k          32*1Mx1         A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   4Mbyte      32k         4*8*256kx4       A13,A21,A20 distinct, A22,A23 fail
-;   2Mbyte      32k    expandable 2*8*256kx4 A13,A20 distinct, A21 fails
-;   2Mbyte ???  16k      fixed 2*8*256kx4    A13,A21 distinct, A20 fails
-;   1Mbyte       8k          32*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k           8*256kx1       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-;   1Mbyte       8k          4*8*64kx4       A13,A20 fail, A19,A18,A12 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       8k    expandable 2*8*64kx4  A13,A20,A19 fail, A12,A18 distinct
-; 512Kbyte       4k      fixed 2*8*64kx4     A13,A20,A12 fail, A19,A18 distinct
-; 256Kbyte       4K           8*64kx4        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok
-; 256Kbyte       4K          32*64kx1        A13,A20,A12,A18 fail, A21,A19 ok
-Z_Flag     * &40000000
-; MemSize routine... enter with 32K pagesize set
-; R0 returns page size
-; R1 returns memory size
-; R2 returns value set in MEMC
-; uses R3-R7
-MemSize ROUT
- [ {TRUE}                               ; now work on different configurations, but only bank zero
-        MOV     r7, lr
-; first find out appropriate rtype value
-; initial routine has set DRAM type to 3
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A9             ; if A9 ghosts
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #2_00               ; then type 00
-        BNE     %FT10
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A11            ; else if A11 ghosts
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #2_01               ; then type 01
-        BNE     %FT10
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A12            ; else if A12 ghosts
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #2_01               ; then type 01
-        MOVEQ   r0, #2_11               ; else type 11
-        LDR     r1, rtype_value
-        BIC     r1, r1, #2_11
-        ORR     r1, r1, r0
-        MOV     r0, #MEMC2Address
-        STR     r1, [r0, #MEMC2_rtype]
-; having set up the DRAM multiplexing correctly, we can now zap the L2PT
-; to no access for any page
-        LDR     r1, =PhysRAML2PT
-        ADD     r2, r1, #2*8*1024               ; two L2PT tables at the moment
-        MOV     r3, #0                          ; page 0, no access
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        MOV     r5, #0
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        STMIA   r1!,{r3-r6}
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        BNE     %BT15
-        STR     r3, [r0, #MEMC2_SuperPageZero]  ; don't forget super page zero
-; now find out the memory size
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        MOV     r6, #256*1024
-        ADD     r1, r0, r6
-        BL      DistinctAddresses       ; try next address line
-        BNE     %FT30                   ; if ghosts or not there then finish
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSL #1
-        CMP     r6, #16*1024*1024       ; give up if we've got 16MBytes or more
-        BCC     %BT20
-        MOV     r1, r6
-        LDR     r2, ResetMemC_Value
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&C
-        ORR     r2, r2, #Page8K
-        MOV     r0, #8*1024             ; fixed 8K page size
-        MOV     pc, r7
- |
-        MOV     r7, lr
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A13
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %10
-        ADD     r1, r0, #A21
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #2048*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #4*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #4*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #8*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOVNE   r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #8*1024*1024
-        BNE     MemSizeDone
-        MOV     r0, #PhysRam
-        ADD     r1, r0, #12*1024*1024
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        MOV     r0, #Page32K
-        MOVNE   r1, #12*1024*1024
-        MOVEQ   r1, #16*1024*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-10      ADD     r1, r0, #A20
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BNE     %20
-        MOV     r0, #Page16K
-        MOV     r1, #2048*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-20      ADD     r1, r0, #A19
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %30
-        MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-30      ADD     r1, r0, #A18
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %40
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #256*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-40      ADD     r1, r0, #A12
-        BL      DistinctAddresses
-        BEQ     %50
-        MOV     r0, #Page4K
-        MOV     r1, #512*1024
-        B       MemSizeDone
-50      MOV     r0, #Page8K
-        MOV     r1, #1024*1024
-        LDR     r2, ResetMemC_Value
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&C
-        ORR     r2, r2, r0
-        STR     r2, [r2]                        ; set MEMC to right state
-        MOV     pc, r7
- ]
-; DistinctAddresses routine...
-; r0,r1 are the addresses to check
-; uses r2-5
-; writes interleaved patterns (to prevent dynamic storage...)
-; checks writing every bit low and high...
-; return Z-flag set if distinct
-DistinctAddresses ROUT
-        LDR     r2, [r0] ; preserve
-        LDR     r3, [r1]
-        LDR     r4, Pattern
-        STR     r4, [r0] ; mark first
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r1] ; mark second
-        LDR     r5, [r0]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check first
-        BNE     %10    ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r1] ; check second
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-        BNE     %10
-; now check inverse bit writes
-        STR     r4, [r1] ; mark second
-        MOV     r5, r4, ROR #16
-        STR     r5, [r0] ; mark first
-        LDR     r5, [r1]
-        CMP     r5, r4 ; check second
-        BNE     %10   ; exit with Z clear
-        LDR     r5, [r0] ; check first
-        CMP     r5, r4, ROR #16 ; clear Z if not same
-10      STR     r3, [r1] ; restore
-        STR     r2, [r0]
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        BICNE   lr, lr, #Z_Flag
-        MOVS    pc, lr
-        &       &AAFF5500 ; shiftable bit check pattern
-; init state with masked out page size
-        & &E010C :OR: MEMCADR       ; slugged ROMs + flyback refresh only + 32K page
-; Constants
-A0      *       1 :SHL: 00
-A1      *       1 :SHL: 01
-A2      *       1 :SHL: 02
-A3      *       1 :SHL: 03
-A4      *       1 :SHL: 04
-A5      *       1 :SHL: 05
-A6      *       1 :SHL: 06
-A7      *       1 :SHL: 07
-A8      *       1 :SHL: 08
-A9      *       1 :SHL: 09
-A10     *       1 :SHL: 10
-A11     *       1 :SHL: 11
-A12     *       1 :SHL: 12
-A13     *       1 :SHL: 13
-A14     *       1 :SHL: 14
-A15     *       1 :SHL: 15
-A16     *       1 :SHL: 16
-A17     *       1 :SHL: 17
-A18     *       1 :SHL: 18
-A19     *       1 :SHL: 19
-A20     *       1 :SHL: 20
-A21     *       1 :SHL: 21
-A22     *       1 :SHL: 22
-A23     *       1 :SHL: 23
-A24     *       1 :SHL: 24
-A25     *       1 :SHL: 25
-A26     *       1 :SHL: 26
-A27     *       1 :SHL: 27
-A28     *       1 :SHL: 28
-A29     *       1 :SHL: 29
-A30     *       1 :SHL: 30
-A31     *       1 :SHL: 31
-Page32K * &C ; in MEMC control reg patterns...
-Page16K * &8
-Page8K  * &4
-Page4K  * &0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0-r6 trashable
-;       r9 = Current MEMC CR
-; Out   r9 MEMC value with slowest ROM speed, correct pagesize
-;       r7 processor speed in kHz, bit 16 => can do STM to I/O (ie MEMC1a, MEMC2), bit 17 => MEMC2
-ncpuloops * 1024 ; don't go longer than 4ms without refresh !
-nmulloops * 128
- [ {TRUE}
-;       fudge it for now
-        LDR     r7, =6000 + (3 :SHL: 16) ; pretend 6MHz system, and MEMC2
-        MOV     pc, lr
- |
-        BIC     r9, r9, #3 :SHL: 8
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; turn off refresh for a bit
-; Time CPU/Memory speed
-        LDR     r1, =&7FFE              ; 32K @ 2MHz = ~16ms limit
-        MOV     r3, #IOC
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =ncpuloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT10                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get ncpuloops pipeline breaks
-10      SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r2, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r2, r1, r2              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-; Time CPU/MEMC Multiply time
-        MOV     r4, #-1                 ; Gives worst case MUL
-        MOV     r0, r1, LSR #8
-        STRB    r1, [r3, #Timer1LL]
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LH]
-        LDR     r0, =nmulloops
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1GO]     ; start the timer NOW
-        B       %FT20                   ; Looks superfluous, but is required
-                                        ; to get nmulloops pipeline breaks
-20      MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        MUL     r5, r4, r4              ; 1S + 16I
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #1              ; 1S
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; 1N + 2S
-        STRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1LR]     ; latch count NOW
-        LDRB    r4, [r3, #Timer1CL]
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #Timer1CH]
-        ADD     r4, r4, r0, LSL #8      ; count after looping is ...
-        SUB     r4, r1, r4              ; decrements !
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #1          ; IOC clock decrements at 2MHz
-        ORR     r9, r9, #1 :SHL: 8      ; set refresh on flyback
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; restore MEMC state a.s.a.p.
-; In ROM - each cpu loop took 4R cycles @ 8/f*500ns/cycle
-        LDR     r0, =4*(8*500/1000)*ncpuloops*1000
-        DivRem  r7, r0, r2, r1          ; r2 preserved
-        MOV     r0, #&80                ; At 8 MHz and below, run fast ROMs
-        LDR     r1, =8050               ; Over 8 MHz, need medium ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&40
-        LDR     r1, =13000              ; Over 13 MHz, need slowest ROMs
-        CMP     r7, r1
-        MOVHI   r0, #&00
-        ORR     r9, r9, r0
-        STR     r9, [r9]                ; Set ROM speed appropriately
- ASSERT ncpuloops = 8*nmulloops ; for given ratio cutoff <------------
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSL #10         ; *1024 to get resolution on divide
-        DivRem  r0, r4, r2, r1
-        LDR     r1, =1100               ; Cutoff point; MEMC1 longer than this
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        ORRLO   r7, r7, #1 :SHL: 16     ; Note MEMC1a prescence
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Typical figures give (in ROM at 8MHz):
-; MEMC1  2048 CPU, 2432 MEMC -> MUL ratio 1216
-; MEMC1a 2048       864                    432
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/MOSDict b/s/MOSDict
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bcc4f15..00000000
--- a/s/MOSDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-  TTL  ==> MOSDict
-TokenEscapeChar * 27
-Token0          * 0
-         MACRO
-        TokenString $n,$s
-Token$n        *  $n
-               =  ?Token$n.String +1
-Token$n.String =  $s
-         MEND
-   TokenString  1,"""Syntax: *"",TokenEscapeChar,Token0,0"
-   TokenString  2,""" the "",0"
-   TokenString  3,"""director"",0"
-   TokenString  4,"""filing system"",0"
-   TokenString  5,"""current"",0"
-   TokenString  6,""" to a variable. Other types of value can be assigned with *"",0"
-   TokenString  7,"""file"",0"
-   TokenString  8,"""default "",0"
-   TokenString  9,"""tion"",0"
-   TokenString  10,"""*Configure "",0"
-   TokenString  11,"""name"",0"
-   TokenString  12,""" server"",0"
-   TokenString  13,"""number"",0"
-   TokenString  14,"TokenEscapeChar,Token1,"" <"",0"
-   TokenString  15,""" one or more "",TokenEscapeChar,Token7,""s that match"",TokenEscapeChar,Token2,""given wildcard"",0"
-   TokenString  16,""" and "",0"
-   TokenString  17,"""relocatable module"",0"
-   TokenString  18,"13,""C(onfirm)"",9,""Prompt for confirma"",TokenEscapeChar,Token9,"" of each "",0"
-   TokenString  19,"""sets"",TokenEscapeChar,Token2,0"
-   TokenString  20,"TokenEscapeChar,Token1,"" [<disc spec.>]"",0"
-   TokenString  21,"""}"",13,""V(erbose)"",9,""Print informa"",TokenEscapeChar,Token9,"" on each "",TokenEscapeChar,Token7,"" "",0"
-   TokenString  22, 0
-   TokenString  23,"TokenEscapeChar,Token31,""Landscape [<XScale> [<YScale> [<Margin> [<Threshold>]]]]]"",0"
-   TokenString  24,"TokenEscapeChar,Token41,""used"",TokenEscapeChar,Token40,""print a hard copy of"",TokenEscapeChar,Token2,""screen on EPSON-"",0"
-   TokenString  25,"""."",13,""Op"",TokenEscapeChar,Token9,""s: (use ~"",TokenEscapeChar,Token40,""force off, eg. ~"",0"
-   TokenString  26,"""printe"",0"
-   TokenString  27,"TokenEscapeChar,Token14,TokenEscapeChar,Token7,TokenEscapeChar,Token11,"">"",0"
-   TokenString  28,""" select"",0"
-   TokenString  29,"""xpression"",0"
-   TokenString  30,"TokenEscapeChar,Token1,"" ["",0"
-   TokenString  31,"""sprite"",0"
-   TokenString  32,""" displays"",0"
-   TokenString  33,"""free space"",0"
-   TokenString  34,""" {off}"",0"
-   TokenString  35,"""library"",0"
-   TokenString  36,"""parameter"",0"
-   TokenString  37,"""object"",0"
-   TokenString  38,""" all "",0"
-   TokenString  39,"""disc"",0"
-   TokenString  40,""" to "",0"
-   TokenString  41,""" is "",0"
-   =  0,0,0,0
-   END
diff --git a/s/MemInfo b/s/MemInfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac3a23e..00000000
--- a/s/MemInfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1220 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > MemInfo
-        LTORG
-; MemorySWI
-;       In:     r0 = reason code and flags
-;                       bits 0-7  = reason code
-;                       bits 3-31 = reason specific flags
-;       Out:    specific to reason codes
-;       Perform miscellaneous operations for memory management.
-MemorySWI       ROUT
-        Push    lr                              ; Save real return address.
-        AND     lr, r0, #&FF                    ; Get reason code.
-        CMP     lr, #(%40-%30):SHR:2            ; If valid reason code then
-        ADDCC   lr, lr, #(%30-%10):SHR:2        ;   determine where to jump to in branch table,
-        ADDCC   lr, pc, lr, LSL #2
-        Push    lr, CC                          ;   save address so we can
-        ADRCC   lr, MemReturn                   ;   set up default return address for handler routines
-        Pull    pc, CC                          ;   and jump into branch table.
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_HeapBadReason    ; Otherwise, unknown reason code.
-        SETV
-        ; Drop through to...
- [ International
-        BLVS    TranslateError
- ]
-        Pull    lr                              ; Get back real return address.
-        BVS     SLVK_SetV
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        B       MemoryConvert                   ; 0
-        B       %BT20                           ; Reason codes 1-5 are reserved.
-        B       %BT20
-        B       %BT20
-        B       %BT20
-        B       %BT20
-        B       MemoryPhysSize                  ; 6
-        B       MemoryReadPhys                  ; 7
-        B       MemoryAmounts                   ; 8
-        B       MemoryIOSpace                   ; 9
-        B       MemoryFreePoolLock              ; 10
-        B       %BT20                           ; Reason code 11 reserved (for PCImapping).
-        B       RecommendPage                   ; 12
-        B       MapIOpermanent                  ; 13
-        B       AccessPhysAddr                  ; 14
-        B       ReleasePhysAddr                 ; 15
-        B       MemoryAreaInfo                  ; 16
-; MemoryConvert
-;       In:     r0 = flags
-;                       bit     meaning
-;                       0-7     0 (reason code)
-;                       8       page number provided when set
-;                       9       logical address provided when set
-;                       10      physical address provided when set
-;                       11      fill in page number when set
-;                       12      fill in logical address when set
-;                       13      fill in physical address when set
-;                       14-15   0,1=don't change cacheability
-;                               2=disable caching on these pages
-;                               3=enable caching on these pages
-;                       16-31   reserved (set to 0)
-;               r1 -> page block
-;               r2 = number of 3 word entries in page block
-;       Out:    r1 -> updated page block
-;       Converts between representations of memory addresses. Can also set the
-;       cacheability of the specified pages.
-; Declare symbols used for decoding flags (given and wanted are used
-; so that C can be cleared by rotates of the form a,b). We have to munge
-; the flags a bit to make the rotates even.
-ppn             *       1:SHL:0         ; Bits for address formats.
-logical         *       1:SHL:1
-physical        *       1:SHL:2
-all             *       ppn :OR: logical :OR: physical
-given           *       24              ; Rotate for given fields.
-wanted          *       20              ; Rotate for wanted fields.
-ppn_bits        *       ((ppn :SHL: 4) :OR: ppn)
-logical_bits    *       ((logical :SHL: 4) :OR: logical)
-physical_bits   *       ((physical :SHL: 4) :OR: physical)
-cacheable_bit   *       1:SHL:15
-alter_cacheable *       1:SHL:16
-flush_tlb       *       1:SHL:30        ; Internal flag
-flush_cache     *       1:SHL:31        ; Internal flag.
-flush_all       *       flush_tlb :OR: flush_cache
-MemoryConvert   ROUT
-        Entry   "r0-r11"                ; Need lots of registers!!
-;        MRS     lr, CPSR
-;        Push    "lr"
-;        ORR     lr, lr, #I32_bit+F32_bit
-;        MSR     CPSR_c, lr
-        BIC     lr, r0, #all,given      ; Need to munge r0 to get rotates to work (must be even).
-        AND     r0, r0, #all,given
-        ORR     r0, r0, lr, LSL #1      ; Move bits 11-30 to 12-31.
-        TST     r0, #all,given          ; Check for invalid argument (no fields provided)
-        TEQNE   r2, #0                  ;   (no entries in table).
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-        BEQ     %FT95
-        EOR     lr, r0, r0, LSL #given-wanted   ; If flag bits 8-10 and 12-14 contain common bits then
-        AND     lr, lr, #all,wanted             ;   clear bits in 12-14 (ie. don't fill in fields already given).
-        EOR     lr, lr, #all,wanted
-        BIC     r0, r0, lr
-        MOV     r6, #0
-        LDR     r7, [r6, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDR     r6, [r6, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        LDR     r8, =L2PT
-        BIC     r0, r0, #flush_all      ; Bit set if any page is really made uncacheable (we must flush the cache).
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        BCC     %FT70
-        LDMIA   r1!, {r3-r5}            ; Get next three word entry (PN,LA,PA) and move on pointer.
-   [ ChocolateAMB
-        BL      handle_AMBHonesty       ; may need to make page honest (as if not lazily mapped)
-   ]
-        TST     r0, #physical,wanted    ; If PA not wanted
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ;   then skip.
-        TST     r0, #logical,given      ; If LA not given (rotate clears C) then
-        BLEQ    ppn_to_logical          ;   get it from PN (PA wanted (not given) & LA not given => PN given).
-        BLCC    logical_to_physical     ; Get PA from LA.
-        BCS     %FT80
-        TST     r0, #logical,wanted
-        STRNE   r4, [r1, #-8]           ; Store back LA if wanted.
-        STR     r5, [r1, #-4]           ; Store back PA.
-        TST     r0, #alter_cacheable    ; If altering cacheability
-        EORNE   lr, r0, #ppn,given      ;   and PN not given
-        TSTNE   lr, #ppn,given
-        TSTEQ   r0, #ppn,wanted         ;   OR PN wanted then don't skip
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; else skip.
-        TST     r0, #physical_bits,given        ; If PA not given and PA not wanted (rotate clears C) then
-        BLEQ    logical_to_physical             ;   get it from LA (PN wanted/not given & PA not given => LA given).
-        BLCC    physical_to_ppn         ; Get PN from PA.
-        BCS     %FT80
-        TST     r0, #ppn,wanted
-        STRNE   r3, [r1, #-12]          ; Store back PN if wanted.
-        TST     r0, #logical,wanted     ; If LA wanted
-        EORNE   lr, r0, #physical,wanted
-        TSTNE   lr, #physical,wanted    ;   and PA not wanted then don't skip
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; else skip.
-        TST     r0, #alter_cacheable    ; If not changing cacheability (already have PN)
-        TSTEQ   r0, #ppn_bits,given     ;   and PN not given and PN not wanted (rotate clears C) then
-        BLEQ    physical_to_ppn         ;   get it from PA (LA wanted (not given) & PN not given => PA given).
-        BLCC    ppn_to_logical          ; Get LA from PN.
-        BCS     %FT80
-        STR     r4, [r1, #-8]           ; Store back LA.
-        TST     r0, #alter_cacheable
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        CMP     r7, r3                  ; Make sure page number is valid (might not have done any conversion).
-        BCC     %FT80
-        ADD     r3, r6, r3, LSL #3      ; Point to CAM entry for this page.
-        LDMIA   r3, {r4,r5}             ; Get logical address and PPL.
-        AND     lr, r5, #PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits
-        TST     r0, #cacheable_bit
-        BNE     %FT50
-        TEQ     lr, #PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits      ; Make uncacheable (increment count).
-        BEQ     %BT10                                   ; If count has reached max then go no further (should not happen).
-        TEQ     lr, #0                                  ; EQ => we have to change L2.
-        ADD     r5, r5, #1:SHL:TempUncacheableShift
-        B       %FT60
-        TEQ     lr, #0                                  ; Make cacheable (decrement count).
-        BEQ     %BT10                                   ; If count is already 0 then go no further (page already cacheable).
-        SUB     r5, r5, #1:SHL:TempUncacheableShift
-        TST     r5, #PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits      ; EQ => we have to change L2.
-        STR     r5, [r3, #4]            ; Write back new PPL.
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; Do next entry if we don't have to change L2.
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #12
-        ADD     r4, r8, r4, LSL #2      ; Address of L2 entry for logical address.
-        LDR     r5, [r4]                ; Get L2 entry (safe as we know address is valid).
-        ORR     r0, r0, #flush_tlb
-        TST     r0, #cacheable_bit
-        BICEQ   r5, r5, #L2_C           ; Disable/enable cacheability.
-        ORREQ   r0, r0, #flush_cache    ; If disable then we must flush cache later.
-        ORRNE   r5, r5, #L2_C
-        STR     r5, [r4]                ; Write back new L2 entry.
-        B       %BT10                   ; Do next entry.
-        ; *** KJB - this assumes that uncacheable pages still allow cache hits (true on all
-        ; ARMs so far).
-        ; *** Also, fix it up to do it page by page.
-        TST     r0, #flush_tlb
-        EXIT    EQ                      ; If not flush_tlb, can't have flush_cache
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   TLB_InvalidateAll,,,r0
-        TST     r1, #flush_cache        ; If any page has been made uncacheable in L2 then flush!
-        EXIT    EQ
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   Cache_CleanInvalidateAll,,,r0
-;        Pull    "lr"
-;        MSR     CPSR_c, lr
-        EXIT
-        TST     r0, #alter_cacheable    ; If we haven't changed any cacheability stuff then
-        BEQ     %FT90                   ;   just return error.
-        AND     lr, r0, #all,wanted             ; Get wanted flags.
-        LDMIA   sp, {r0,r1,r3}                  ; Get back original flags, pointer and count.
-        ORR     r0, r0, lr, LSR #given-wanted   ; Wanted fields are now also given as we have done the conversion.
-        BIC     r0, r0, #all:SHL:11             ; Clear wanted flags, we only want to change cacheability.
-        EOR     r0, r0, #cacheable_bit          ; If we made them uncacheable then make them cacheable again & v.v.
-        SUB     r2, r3, r2
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1              ; Change back the entries we have changed up to (but excluding) the error entry.
-        BLNE    MemoryConvert
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadAddress
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-   [ ChocolateAMB
-;  entry: r3,r4,r5 = provided PN,LA,PA triple for entry to make honest (at least one given)
-;         r0 bits flag which of PN,LA,PA are given
-;  exit:  mapping made honest (as if not lazily mapped) if necessary
-handle_AMBHonesty  ROUT
-        Push    "r0, r3-r5, lr"
-        TST     r0, #logical,given
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        MOV     r0, r4
-        BL      AMB_MakeHonestLA
-        B       %FT90
-        TST     r0, #ppn,given
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        BL      AMB_MakeHonestPN
-        B       %FT90
-        TST     r0, #physical,given
-        BEQ     %FT90
-        Push    "r7, r9-r11"
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        LDR     r7, [r14, #MaxCamEntry]
-        BL      physical_to_ppn
-        Pull    "r7, r9-r11"
-        BCC     %BT15
-        Pull    "r0, r3-r5, pc"
-   ] ;ChocolateAMB
-; ppn_to_logical
-;       In:     r3 = page number
-;               r5 = physical address if given
-;               r6 = CamEntriesPointer
-;               r7 = MaxCamEntry
-;       Out:    r9 corrupted
-;               CC => r4 = logical address
-;               CS => invalid page number
-;       Convert physical page number to logical address.
-        CMP     r7, r3                  ; Validate page number.
- [ No26bitCode
-        BCC     meminfo_returncs        ; Invalid so return C set.
- |
-        ORRCCS  pc, lr, #C_bit          ; Invalid so return C set.
- ]
-        LDR     r4, [r6, r3, LSL #3]    ; If valid then lookup logical address.
-        TST     r0, #physical,given     ; If physical address was given then
-        LDRNE   r9, =&FFF
-        ANDNE   r9, r5, r9              ;   mask off page offset
-        ORRNE   r4, r4, r9              ;   and combine with logical address.
- [ No26bitCode
-        CLC
-        MOV     pc, lr
- |
-        BICS    pc, lr, #C_bit          ; Return C clear.
- ]
-; logical_to_physical
-;       In:     r4 = logical address
-;               r8 = L2PT
-;       Out:    r9 corrupted
-;               CC => r5 = physical address
-;               CS => invalid logical address, r5 corrupted
-;       Convert logical address to physical address.
-        MOV     r9, r4, LSR #12         ; r9 = logical page number
-        ADD     r9, r8, r9, LSL #2      ; r9 -> L2PT entry for logical address
-        MOV     r5, r9, LSR #12         ; r5 = page offset to L2PT entry for logical address
-        LDR     r5, [r8, r5, LSL #2]    ; r5 = L2PT entry for L2PT entry for logical address
-        EOR     r5, r5, #2_10           ; Check for valid page.
-        TST     r5, #3
- [ No26bitCode
-        BNE     meminfo_returncs
- |
-        ORRNES  pc, lr, #C_bit
- ]
-        LDR     r5, [r9]                ; r5 = L2PT entry for logical address
-        EOR     r5, r5, #2_10           ; Check for valid page.
-        TST     r5, #3
- [ No26bitCode
-        BNE     meminfo_returncs
- |
-        ORRNES  pc, lr, #C_bit
- ]
-        LDR     r9, =&FFF               ; Valid so
-        BIC     r5, r5, r9              ;   mask off bits 0-11,
-        AND     r9, r4, r9              ;   get page offset from logical page
-        ORR     r5, r5, r9              ;   combine with physical page address.
- [ No26bitCode
-        CLC
-        MOV     pc, lr
- |
-        BICS    pc, lr, #C_bit
- ]
-        SEC
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; physical_to_ppn
-;       In:     r5 = physical address
-;               r7 = MaxCamEntry
-;       Out:    r9-r11 corrupted
-;               CC => r3 = page number
-;               CS => invalid physical address, r3 corrupted
-;       Convert physical address to physical page number.
-physical_to_ppn ROUT
-        MOV     r9, #PhysRamTable
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; Start at page 0.
-        CMP     r7, r3                  ; Stop if we run out of pages
- [ No26bitCode
-        BCC     meminfo_returncs
- |
-        ORRCCS  pc, lr, #C_bit          ;   (return with C set).
- ]
-        LDMIA   r9!, {r10,r11}          ; Get start address and size of next block.
-        SUB     r10, r5, r10            ; Determine if given address is in this block.
-        CMP     r10, r11
-        ADDCS   r3, r3, r11, LSR #12    ; Move on to next block.
-        BCS     %BT10
-        ADD     r3, r3, r10, LSR #12
- [ No26bitCode
-        CLC
-        MOV     pc, lr
- |
-        BICS    pc, lr, #C_bit          ; Return with C clear.
- ]
-; Symbols used in MemoryPhysSize and MemoryReadPhys
-; Shifts to determine number of bytes/words to allocate in table.
-BitShift        *       10
-ByteShift       *       BitShift + 3
-WordShift       *       ByteShift + 2
-; Bit patterns for different types of memory.
-NotPresent      *       &00000000
-DRAM_Pattern    *       &11111111
-VRAM_Pattern    *       &22222222
-ROM_Pattern     *       &33333333
-IO_Pattern      *       &44444444
-NotAvailable    *       &88888888
-; MemoryPhysSize
-;       In:     r0 = 6 (reason code with flag bits 8-31 clear)
-;       Out:    r1 = table size (in bytes)
-;               r2 = page size (in bytes)
-;       Returns information about the memory arrangement table.
- [ HAL
-        Entry   "r0,r3,sb,ip"
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_PhysInfo
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        MOV     r2, #4*1024
-        EXIT
- |
-        MOV     r1, #PhysSpaceSize :SHR: ByteShift
-        MOV     r2, #4*1024
-        MOV     pc, lr
- ]
-; MemoryReadPhys
-;       In:     r0 = 7 (reason code with flag bits 8-31 clear)
-;               r1 -> memory arrangement table to be filled in
-;       Out:    r1 -> filled in memory arrangement table
-;       Returns the physical memory arrangement table in the given block.
-MemoryReadPhys  ROUT
- [ HAL
-        Entry   "r0-r12"
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        SUB     sp, sp, #4
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        CallHAL HAL_PhysInfo            ; fills in everything except DRAM
-        LDR     r11, [sp], #4
-        ; r0 to r11 is DRAM or not present.
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #4]            ; Get table address back
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0, LSR #ByteShift
-        MOV     r2, r0                  ; Current physical address.
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; Next word to store in table.
-        MOV     r4, #32                 ; How much more we have to shift r3 before storing it.
-        MOV     r5, #0                  ; Current page number.
-        MOV     r6, #PhysRamTable
-        LDR     r7, [r3, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        ADD     r7, r7, #4              ; Point to PPL entries.
-        LDR     r8, [r3, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDMIA   r6!, {r9,r10}           ; Get physical address and size of next block.
-        CMP     r9, r0                  ; If not DRAM then
-        CMPHS   r11, r9
-        ADDLO   r5, r5, r10, LSR #12    ;   adjust current page number
-        BLO     %BT10                   ;   and try next block.
-        ADD     r10, r10, r9            ; Add amount of unused space between current and start of block.
-        SUB     r10, r10, r2            ; size = size + (physaddr - current)
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #4              ; Reduce shift.
-        MOVCS   r3, r3, LSR #4          ; If more space in current word then shift it.
-        STRCC   r3, [r1], #4            ; Otherwise, store current word
-        MOVCC   r3, #0                  ;   and start a new one.
-        MOVCC   r4, #28
-        CMP     r2, r9                  ; If not reached start of block then page is not present.
-        ORRCC   r3, r3, #(NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable) :SHL: 28
-        BCC     %FT30
-        LDR     lr, [r7, r5, LSL #3]    ; Page is there so get PPL and determine if it's available or not.
-        TST     lr, #PageFlags_Unavailable
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #DRAM_Pattern :SHL: 28
-        ORRNE   r3, r3, #(DRAM_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable) :SHL: 28
-        ADD     r5, r5, #1              ; Increment page count.
-        ADD     r2, r2, #&1000          ; Increase current address.
-        SUBS    r10, r10, #&1000        ; Decrease size of block.
-        BGT     %BT20                   ; Stop if no more block left.
-        CMP     r8, r5                  ; Stop if we run out of pages.
-        BCS     %BT10
-        TEQ     r3, #0                          ; If not stored last word then
-        MOVNE   r3, r3, LSR r4                  ;   put bits in correct position
-        ADDNE   r2, r2, r4, LSL #BitShift       ;   adjust current address
-        RSBNE   r4, r4, #32                     ;   rest of word is not present
-        LDRNE   lr, =NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable
-        ORRNE   r3, r3, lr, LSL r4
-        STRNE   r3, [r1], #4                    ;   and store word.
-        ; End of last block of DRAM to r11 is not present.
-        MOV     r6, r0
-        ADD     lr, r11, #1
-        RSBS    r2, r2, lr
-        MOVNE   r0, r1
-        LDRNE   r1, =NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable
-        MOVNE   r2, r2, LSR #ByteShift
-        BLNE    memset
-        ; If softloaded (ie ROM image is wholely within DRAM area returned
-        ; by HAL_PhysInfo), mark that as unavailable DRAM.
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #ROMPhysAddr]
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #4]
-        CMP     r0, r6
-        ADDHS   lr, r0, #OSROM_ImageSize*1024
-        SUBHS   lr, lr, #1
-        CMPHS   r11, lr
-        ADDHS   r0, r1, r0, LSR #ByteShift
-        LDRHS   r1, =DRAM_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable
-        MOVHS   r2, #(OSROM_ImageSize*1024) :SHR: ByteShift
-        BLHS    memset
- |
-        Entry   "r1-r10"
-        ; &00000000 to OSROM_ImageSize*1024 is ROM.
-        MOV     r2, #(OSROM_ImageSize*1024-&00000000) :SHR: WordShift
-        LDR     r3, =ROM_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable
-        BL      fill_words
-        ; OSROM_ImageSize*1024 to &02000000 is allocated to ROM but is not present.
-        MOV     r2, #(&02000000-OSROM_ImageSize*1024) :SHR: WordShift
-        LDR     r3, =NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable
-        BL      fill_words
-        ; &02000000 to &02400000 is VRAM or not present.
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        LDR     r4, [r4, #VRAMSize]     ; Get amount of VRAM (in bytes).
-        TEQ     r4, #0
-        MOVNE   r2, r4, LSR #WordShift  ; If there is some then fill part of table.
-        LDRNE   r3, =VRAM_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable
-        BLNE    fill_words
-        ; End of VRAM to &03000000 is not present.
-        RSB     r4, r4, #&03000000-&02000000
-        MOV     r2, r4, LSR #WordShift
-        LDR     r3, =NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable
-        BL      fill_words
-        ; &03000000 to &03800000 is I/O.
-        MOV     r2, #(&03800000-&03000000) :SHR: WordShift
-        LDR     r3, =IO_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable
-        BL      fill_words
-        ; &03800000 to &08000000 is not present.
-        MOV     r2, #(&08000000-&03800000) :SHR: WordShift
-        LDR     r3, =NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable
-        BL      fill_words
-        ; &08000000 to &10000000 is I/O (EASI space).
-        MOV     r2, #(&10000000-&08000000) :SHR: WordShift
-        LDR     r3, =IO_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable
-        BL      fill_words
-        ; &10000000 to &20000000 is DRAM or not present.
-        MOV     r2, #&10000000          ; Current physical address.
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; Next word to store in table.
-        MOV     r4, #32                 ; How much more we have to shift r3 before storing it.
-        MOV     r5, #0                  ; Current page number.
-        MOV     r6, #PhysRamTable
-        LDR     r7, [r3, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        ADD     r7, r7, #4              ; Point to PPL entries.
-        LDR     r8, [r3, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDMIA   r6!, {r9,r10}           ; Get physical address and size of next block.
-        CMP     r9, #&10000000          ; If not DRAM then
-        ADDCC   r5, r5, r10, LSR #12    ;   adjust current page number
-        BCC     %BT10                   ;   and try next block.
-        ADD     r10, r10, r9            ; Add amount of unused space between current and start of block.
-        SUB     r10, r10, r2            ; size = size + (physaddr - current)
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #4              ; Reduce shift.
-        MOVCS   r3, r3, LSR #4          ; If more space in current word then shift it.
-        STRCC   r3, [r1], #4            ; Otherwise, store current word
-        MOVCC   r3, #0                  ;   and start a new one.
-        MOVCC   r4, #28
-        CMP     r2, r9                  ; If not reached start of block then page is not present.
-        ORRCC   r3, r3, #(NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable) :SHL: 28
-        BCC     %FT30
-        LDR     lr, [r7, r5, LSL #3]    ; Page is there so get PPL and determine if it's available or not.
-        TST     lr, #PageFlags_Unavailable
-        ORREQ   r3, r3, #DRAM_Pattern :SHL: 28
-        ORRNE   r3, r3, #(DRAM_Pattern :OR: NotAvailable) :SHL: 28
-        ADD     r5, r5, #1              ; Increment page count.
-        ADD     r2, r2, #&1000          ; Increase current address.
-        SUBS    r10, r10, #&1000        ; Decrease size of block.
-        BGT     %BT20                   ; Stop if no more block left.
-        CMP     r8, r5                  ; Stop if we run out of pages.
-        BCS     %BT10
-        TEQ     r3, #0                          ; If not stored last word then
-        MOVNE   r3, r3, LSR r4                  ;   put bits in correct position
-        ADDNE   r2, r2, r4, LSL #BitShift       ;   adjust current address
-        RSBNE   r4, r4, #32                     ;   rest of word is not present
-        LDRNE   lr, =NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable
-        ORRNE   r3, r3, lr, LSL r4
-        STRNE   r3, [r1], #4                    ;   and store word.
-        ; End of last block of DRAM to &20000000 is not present.
-        RSBS    r2, r2, #&20000000
-        MOVNE   r2, r2, LSR #WordShift
-        LDRNE   r3, =NotPresent :OR: NotAvailable
-        BLNE    fill_words
-  ]
-        EXIT
-        STR     r3, [r1], #4
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        BNE     fill_words
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; MemoryAmounts
-;       In:     r0 = flags
-;                       bit     meaning
-;                       0-7     8 (reason code)
-;                       8-11    1=return amount of DRAM (excludes any soft ROM)
-;                               2=return amount of VRAM
-;                               3=return amount of ROM
-;                               4=return amount of I/O space
-;                               5=return amount of soft ROM (ROM loaded into hidden DRAM)
-;                       12-31   reserved (set to 0)
-;       Out:    r1 = number of pages of the specified type of memory
-;               r2 = page size (in bytes)
-;       Return the amount of the specified type of memory.
-MemoryAmounts   ROUT
-        Entry   "r3"
- [ HAL
-        ! 0, "Sort out MemoryAmounts"
-        ;
-        ;temp bodge for DRAM,VRAM
-        ;
-        BICS    lr, r0, #&FF            ; Get type of memory required (leave bits 12-31, non-zero => error).
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; Don't understand 0 (so the spec says).
-        TEQ     lr, #5:SHL:8            ; Check for soft ROM
-        BNE     %FT05
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #8
-        SWI     XOS_ReadSysInfo         ; are we softloaded?
-        MOVVS   r1, #0
-        Pull    "r0"
-        AND     r1, r1, r2
-        ANDS    r1, r1, #1:SHL:4
-        MOVNE   r1, #OSROM_ImageSize*1024 ; this much soft ROM
-        B       %FT20
-05      TEQ     lr, #1:SHL:8
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0
-        LDREQ   r1, [r1, #RAMLIMIT]     ; assume 0 VRAM
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        TEQ     lr, #2:SHL:8
-        BNE     %FT40                   ; not implementing anything else in this bodge
-        MOV     r1, #0                  ; assume 0 VRAM
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #12         ; Return as number of pages.
-        MOV     r2, #4*1024             ; Return page size.
-        EXIT
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-        SETV
-        EXIT
- |
-        BICS    lr, r0, #&FF            ; Get type of memory required (leave bits 12-31, non-zero => error).
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; Don't understand 0 (so the spec says).
-        TEQ     lr, #5:SHL:8            ; Check for soft ROM
-        BNE     %FT10
-        LDR     r1, =L1PT
-        MOV     r2, #ROM
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2, LSR #(20-2)   ; L1PT address for ROM
-        LDR     r2, [r1]
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #12
-        TEQ     r2, #PhysROM :SHR: 12     ; see if we have hard or soft ROM
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0                    ; no soft ROM
-        MOVNE   r1, #OSROM_ImageSize*1024 ; this much soft ROM
-        B       %FT20
-        TEQ     lr, #4:SHL:8            ; Check for IO space.
-        LDREQ   r1, =136*1024*1024      ; Just return 136M (includes VIDC and EASI space).
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        TEQ     lr, #3:SHL:8            ; Check for ROM.
-        LDREQ   r1, =OSROM_ImageSize*1024
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        TEQ     lr, #2:SHL:8            ; Check for VRAM.
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0                  ; Return amount of VRAM.
-        LDREQ   r1, [r1, #VRAMSize]
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        TEQ     lr, #1:SHL:8            ; Check for DRAM.
-        BNE     %FT30
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     lr, [r1, #RAMLIMIT]
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #VRAMSize]
-        SUB     r1, lr, r1              ; Return amount of RAM - amount of VRAM.
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #12         ; Return as number of pages.
-        MOV     r2, #4*1024             ; Return page size.
-        EXIT
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-        SETV
-        EXIT
- ]
-; MemoryIOSpace
-;       In:     r0 = 9 (reason code with flag bits 8-31 clear)
-;               r1 = controller ID
-;                       bit     meaning
-;                       0-7     controller sequence number
-;                       8-31    controller type:
-;                               0 = EASI card access speed control
-;                               1 = EASI space(s)
-;                               2 = VIDC1
-;                               3 = VIDC20
-;                               4 = S space (IOMD,podules,NICs,blah blah)
-;                               5 = Extension ROM(s)
-;       Out:    r1 = controller base address or 0 if not present
-;       Return the location of the specified controller.
- [ HAL
-MemoryIOSpace   ROUT
-        Entry   "r0,r2,r3,sb,ip"
-        AddressHAL
-        CallHAL HAL_ControllerAddress
-        CMP     r0, #-1
-        MOVNE   r1, r0
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-        STREQ   r0, [sp, #0]
-        SETV    EQ
-        EXIT
- |
-MemoryIOSpace   ROUT
-        Entry   "r2"
-        AND     r2, r1, #&FF            ; Get sequence number.
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #8          ; Get controller type.
-        CMP     r1, #6                  ; Make sure it's in range.
-        ADRCSL  r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-        SETV    CS
-        EXIT    CS
-        ADR     lr, controller_types
-        LDR     r1, [lr, r1, LSL #2]    ; Get base address or offset to table.
-        TEQ     r1, #0                  ; If not present or
-        CMPNE   r1, #1024               ;    not offset to table then
-        EXIT    GE                      ;    return.
-        ADD     lr, lr, r1              ; Point to table indexed by sequence number.
-        LDR     r1, [lr], #4            ; Get sequence number limit.
-        CMP     r2, r1                  ; Make sure it's in range.
-        BCS     %FT20
-        LDR     r1, [lr, r2, LSL #2]    ; Get base address.
-        EXIT
-        DCD     IOMD_Base + IOMD_ECTCR  ; Expansion card timing control.
-        DCD     easi_space_table - controller_types
-        DCD     0
-        DCD     VIDC
-        DCD     IOMD_Base
-        DCD     0
-        DCD     8                       ; Maximum of 8 expansion cards.
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base0
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base1
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base2
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base3
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base4
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base5
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base6
-        DCD     PhysSpace + IOMD_EASI_Base7
- ] ; HAL
-; MemoryFreePoolLock
-;       In:     r0 bits 0..7  = 10 (reason code 10)
-;               r0 bit  8     = 1 if call is by Wimp (reserved for Acorn use), 0 otherwise
-;               r0 bits 9..31 reserved (must be 0)
-;               r1 = 0  to resume any background actions that may manipulate FreePool mapping
-;                       (currently, this is just VRAMRescue)
-;                  = 1  to suspend any background actions that may manipulate FreePool mapping
-;                  all other values reserved (undefined behaviour)
-;       Out:    r1 = previous state (1=suspended, 0=not suspended)
-; A suspend call from the Wimp will be taken to mean that the whole FreePool is locked, and
-; memory cannot be moved (supports Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory)
-; VRAM rescue doesn't happen in this Kernel, but we still support the call for the Wimp.
-MemoryFreePoolLock ROUT
-        Push    "r2,r3,lr"
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        LDRB    lr,[r3,#VRAMRescue_control]
-        TEQ     r1,#0
-        BNE     %FT10
-;flush TLB(s) for resume - needed for Wimp resume, precaution for other - no cache flush
-;since Free Pool is uncached
-        ARM_flush_TLB r2
-        TST     r0,#&100                    ;is it Wimp?
-        MOVEQ   r2,#VRRc_suspend
-        MOVNE   r2,#VRRc_wimp_lock
-        TEQ     r1,#0
-        AND     r1,lr,r2                    ;previous state
-        BICEQ   lr,lr,r2
-        ORRNE   lr,lr,r2
-        STRB    lr,[r3,#VRAMRescue_control] ;set/clear relevant bit
-        TEQ     r1,#0
-        MOVNE   r1,#1
-        Pull    "r2,r3,pc"
-;PCImapping - reserved for Acorn use (PCI manager)
-; See code on Ursula branch
-;       In:     r0 bits 0..7  = 12 (reason code 12)
-;               r0 bits 8..31 = 0 (reserved flags)
-;               r1 = size of physically contiguous RAM region required (bytes)
-;               r2 = log2 of required alignment of base of region (eg. 12 = 4k, 20 = 1M)
-;       Out:    r3 = page number of first page of recommended region that could be
-;                    grown as specific pages by dynamic area handler (only guaranteed
-;                    if grow is next page claiming operation)
-;        - or error if not possible (eg too big, pages unavailable)
-RecommendPage ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r2,r4-r10,lr"
-        CMP     r2,#30
-        BHI     RP_failed            ;refuse to look for alignments above 1G
-        ADD     r1,r1,#&1000
-        SUB     r1,r1,#1
-        MOV     r1,r1,LSR #12
-        MOVS    r1,r1,LSL #12     ;size rounded up to whole no. of pages
-        CMP     r2,#12
-        MOVLO   r2,#12            ;log2 alignment must be at least 12 (4k pages)
-        MOV     r0,#1
-        MOV     r4,r0,LSL r2      ;required alignment-1
-        MOV     r0,#PhysRamTable
-        MOV     r3,#0            ;page number, starts at 0
-        LDR     r5,=CamEntriesPointer
-        LDR     r5,[r5]
-        ADD     r5,r5,#4         ; [r5,<page no.>,LSL #3] addresses flags word in CAM
-        LDMIA   r0!,{r7,r8}      ;address,size of video chunk (skip this one)
-        ADD     r3,r3,r8,LSR #12 ;page no. of first page of next chunk
-        LDMIA   r0!,{r7,r8}      ;address,size of next physical chunk
-        CMP     r8,#0
-        BEQ     RP_failed
-        ADD     r6,r7,r4
-        SUB     r6,r6,#1         ;round up
-        MOV     r6,r6,LSR r2
-        MOV     r6,r6,LSL r2
-        SUB     r6,r6,r7         ;adjustment to first address of acceptable alignment
-        CMP     r6,r8
-        BHS     RP_nextchunk     ;negligible chunk
-        ADD     r7,r3,r6,LSR #12 ;first page number of acceptable alignment
-        SUB     r9,r8,r6         ;remaining size of chunk
-;find first available page
-        CMP     r9,r1
-        BLO     RP_nextchunk
-        LDR     r6,[r5,r7,LSL #3]  ;page flags from CAM
-        ;must not be marked Unavailable or Required
-        TST     r6,#PageFlags_Unavailable :OR: PageFlags_Required
-        BEQ     RP_checkotherpages
-        CMP     r9,r4
-        BLS     RP_nextchunk
-        ADD     r7,r7,r4,LSR #12   ;next page of suitable alignment
-        SUB     r9,r9,r4
-        B       RP_nextpage
-        ADD     r10,r7,r1,LSR #12
-        SUB     r10,r10,#1         ;last page required
-        LDR     r6,[r5,r10,LSL #3] ;page flags from CAM
-        TST     r6,#PageFlags_Unavailable :OR: PageFlags_Required
-        BNE     RP_nextpagecontinue
-        SUB     r10,r10,#1
-        CMP     r10,r7
-        BHI     RP_checkotherpagesloop
-        MOV     r3,r7
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r4-r10,pc"
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        ADR     r0,RP_error
-        SETV
-        STR     r0,[sp]
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r4-r10,pc"
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "No chunk available (OS_Memory 12)",0
-        ALIGN
-;MapIOpermanent - map IO space (if not already mapped) and return logical address
-;       In:     r0 bits 0..7  = 13 (reason code 13)
-;               r0 bit  8     = 1 to map bufferable space (0 is normal, non-bufferable)
-;               r0 bit  9     = 1 to map cacheable space (0 is normal, non-cacheable)
-;               r0 bits 10..12 = 0 (reserved for cache policy)
-;               r0 bits 13..15 = 0 (reserved flags)
-;               r0 bit  16    = 1 to doubly map
-;               r0 bit  17    = 1 if access privileges specified
-;               r0 bits 18..23 = 0 (reserved flags)
-;               r0 bits 24..27 = access privileges (if bit 17 set)
-;               r0 bits 28..31 = 0 (reserved flags)
-;               r1 = physical address of base of IO space required
-;               r2 = size of IO space required (bytes)
-;       Out:    r3 = logical address of base of IO space
-;        - or error if not possible (no room)
-MapIOpermanent ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r2,r12,lr"
-        MOV     lr, r0
-        TST     lr, #1:SHL:8        ;test bufferable bit
-        MOVNE   r0, #L1_B
-        MOVEQ   r0, #0
-        TST     lr, #1:SHL:9        ;test bufferable bit
-        ORRNE   r0, r0, #L1_C
-        TST     lr, #1:SHL:16
-        ORRNE   r0, r0, #MapInFlag_DoublyMapped
-        TST     lr, #1:SHL:17
-        ANDNE   lr, lr, #2_1111:SHL:24
-        ADRNEL  r12, PPLTransL1
-        LDRNE   r12, [r12, lr, LSR #22]
-        ORRNE   r0, r0, #MapInFlag_APSpecified
-        ORRNE   r0, r0, r12
-        BL      RISCOS_MapInIO
-        MOV     r3, r0
-        CMP     r3, #0              ;MOV,CMP rather than MOVS to be sure to clear V
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r12,pc",NE
-        ADR     r0, MIp_error
-        SETV
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r12,pc"
-        DCD     0
-        DCB     "No room for IO space (OS_Memory 13)",0
-        ALIGN
-;AccessPhysAddr - claim temporary access to given physical address (in fact,
-;                 controls access to the 1Mb aligned space containing the address)
-;                 The access remains until the next AccessPhysAddr or until a
-;                 ReleasePhysAddr (although interrupts or subroutines may temporarily
-;                 make their own claims, but restore on Release before returning)
-;       In:     r0 bits 0..7  = 14 (reason code 14)
-;               r0 bit  8     = 1 to map bufferable space, 0 for unbufferable
-;               r0 bits 9..31 = 0 (reserved flags)
-;               r1 = physical address
-;       Out:    r2 = logical address corresponding to phys address r1
-;               r3 = old state (for ReleasePhysAddr)
-; Use of multiple accesses: it is fine to make several Access calls, and
-; clean up with a single Release at the end. In this case, it is the old state
-; (r3) of the *first* Access call that should be passed to Release in order to
-; restore the state before any of your accesses. (The r3 values of the other
-; access calls can be ignored.)
-AccessPhysAddr ROUT
-        Push    "r0,r1,r12,lr"
-        TST     r0, #&100           ;test bufferable bit
-        MOVNE   r0, #L1_B
-        MOVEQ   r0, #0
-        SUB     sp, sp, #4          ; word for old state
-        MOV     r2, sp              ; pointer to word
-        BL      RISCOS_AccessPhysicalAddress
-        MOV     r2, r0
-        Pull    r3                  ; old state
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r12,pc"
-;ReleasePhysAddr - release temporary access that was claimed by AccessPhysAddr
-;       In:     r0 bits 0..7  = 15 (reason code 15)
-;               r0 bits 8..31 = 0 (reserved flags)
-;               r1 = old state to restore
-        Push    "r0-r3,r12,lr"
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        BL      RISCOS_ReleasePhysicalAddress
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r12,pc"
-;        In:    r0 = flags
-;                       bit     meaning
-;                       0-7     16 (reason code)
-;                       8-15    1=cursor/system/sound
-;                               2=IRQ stack
-;                               3=SVC stack
-;                               4=ABT stack
-;                               5=UND stack
-;                               6=Soft CAM
-;                               7=Level 1 page tables
-;                               8=Level 2 page tables
-;                               9=HAL workspace
-;                               10=Kernel buffers
-;                               11=HAL uncacheable workspace
-;                       16-31   reserved (set to 0)
-;       Out:    r1 = base of area
-;               r2 = address space allocated for area (whole number of pages)
-;               r3 = actual memory used by area (whole number of pages)
-;               all values 0 if not present, or incorporated into another area
-;       Return size of various low-level memory regions
-MemoryAreaInfo ROUT
-        Entry   "r0"
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     lr, r0, LSR #8
-        AND     lr, lr, #&FF
-        CMP     lr, #(MAI_TableEnd - MAI_TableStart)/4
-        ADDLO   pc, pc, lr, LSL #2
-        B       %FT70
-        B       %FT70
-        B       MAI_CursSysSound
-        B       MAI_IRQStk
-        B       MAI_SVCStk
-        B       MAI_ABTStk
-        B       MAI_UNDStk
-        B       MAI_SoftCAM
-        B       MAI_L1PT
-        B       MAI_L2PT
-        B       MAI_HALWs
-        B       MAI_Kbuffs
-        B       MAI_HALWsNCNB
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-        SETV
-        STR     r0, [sp, #Proc_RegOffset+0]
-        EXIT
-        LDR     r1, =CursorChunkAddress
-        MOV     r2, #32*1024
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        EXIT
- [ IRQSTK < CursorChunkAddress :LOR: IRQSTK > CursorChunkAddress+32*1024
-        LDR     r1, =IRQStackAddress
-        MOV     r2, #IRQSTK-IRQStackAddress
-        MOV     r3, r2
- ]
-        EXIT
-        LDR     r1, =SVCStackAddress
-        MOV     r2, #SVCSTK-SVCStackAddress
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        EXIT
- [ No26bitCode
-        LDR     r1, =ABTStackAddress
-        MOV     r2, #ABTSTK-ABTStackAddress
-        MOV     r3, r2
- ]
-        EXIT
-        LDR     r1, =UNDSTK :AND: &FFF00000
-        LDR     r2, =UNDSTK :AND: &000FFFFF
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        LDR     r2, =CAMspace
-        LDR     r3, [r0, #SoftCamMapSize]
-        EXIT
-        LDR     r1, =L1PT
-        MOV     r2, #16*1024
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     r1, =L2PT
-        MOV     r2, #4*1024*1024
-        LDR     r3, [r0, #L2PTUsed]
-        EXIT
- [ HAL
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     r1, =HALWorkspace
-        MOV     r2, #HALWorkspaceSpace
-        LDR     r3, [r0, #HAL_WsSize]
- ]
-        EXIT
- [ HAL
-        MOV     r0, #ZeroPage
-        LDR     r1, =HALWorkspaceNCNB
-        MOV     r2, #32*1024
-        LDR     r3, [r0, #HAL_Descriptor]
-        LDR     r3, [r3, #HALDesc_Flags]
-        ANDS    r3, r3, #HALFlag_NCNBWorkspace
-        MOVNE   r3, r2
- ]
-        EXIT
-        LDR     r1, =KbuffsBaseAddress
-        MOV     r2, #KbuffsMaxSize
-        LDR     r3, =(KbuffsSize + &FFF) :AND: :NOT: &FFF
-        EXIT
-        END
diff --git a/s/Middle b/s/Middle
deleted file mode 100644
index a4f660e4..00000000
--- a/s/Middle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1957 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => Middle
-; Compatibility fudgery for OS_ReadLine and ReadLineV with 32-bit addresses
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    "r4,lr"
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        SWI     XOS_ReadLine32
-        Pull    "r4,lr"
-        ; Pass back NZCV bits
-        MRS     r11, CPSR
-        BIC     lr,  lr,  #N_bit+Z_bit+C_bit+V_bit
-        AND     r11, r11, #N_bit+Z_bit+C_bit+V_bit
-        ORR     lr, lr, r11
-        B       SLVK
-        MOV     r11, #OS_ReadLine
-        B       VecSwiDespatch
- |
-        TST     r0, #ARM_CC_Mask-3
-        BNE     %FT90
-        AND     r11, r4, #ARM_CC_Mask
-        ORR     r0, r0, r11
-        Push    "r4,lr"
-        AND     r4, r4, #&FF
-        SWI     XOS_ReadLine
-        Pull    "r4,lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-90      Push    "lr"
-        BL      SetErrorBadAddress
-        Pull    "lr"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; VecRdLine - Read line from input stream (OSWORD 0 equivalent)
-; In    r0 -> buffer for characters
- [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-;               bit 31 set means don't reflect characters that don't go in the buffer
-;               bit 30 set means reflect with the character in R4
- ]
-;       r1 =  max length of line (excluding carriage return)
-;       r2 = lowest character put into buffer
-;       r3 = highest character put into buffer
- [ No26bitCode
-;       r4 = flags
-;               bit 31 set means don't reflect characters that don't go in the buffer
-;               bit 30 set means reflect with the character in R4
-;               bits 7-0 = character to echo if r4 bit 30 is set
- |
-;       r4 = character to echo if r1 bit 30 is set
- ]
-;       wp -> OsbyteVars
-; Out   r0, r2, r3 corrupted
-;       r1 = length of line (excluding carriage return)
-;       C=0 => line terminated by return (CR or LF)
-;       C=1 => line terminated by ESCAPE
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-VecRdLine ROUT
-        Push    "R4-R7"
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     R7, R4                  ; R7 = flags + echo byte
-        MOV     R4, R0                  ; R4 -> buffer
- |
-        AND     R7, R0, #&C0000000      ; extract flags
-        AND     R4, R4, #&FF
-        ORR     R7, R7, R4              ; got flags, potential echo byte in R7
-        BIC     R4, R0, #ARM_CC_Mask-3  ; R4 -> buffer
- ]
-        MOV     R6, #0                  ; R6 = index into buffer
-        STRB    R6, PageModeLineCount   ; reset page lines
-        B       %FT10
-        LTORG
-        SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        BVS     ReadLine_Vset
-        SWI     XOS_ReadC
-        BVS     ReadLine_Vset
-        BCS     %FT70                   ; ESCAPE
-        LDRB    R5, WrchDest            ; does output include VDU ?
-        TST     R5, #2
-        BNE     %FT30                   ; no, then still buffer
-        LDRB    R5, VDUqueueItems       ; is VDU queueing ?
-        TEQ     R5, #0
-        BNE     %BT05                   ; yes, then just print
-        TEQ     R0, #127                ; is it DELETE ?
-        TEQNE   R0, #8                  ; or backspace?
-        BNE     %FT40                   ; no, then skip
-        TEQ     R6, #0                  ; yes, then have we any chars ?
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; no, then loop
-        SUB     R6, R6, #1              ; go back 1 char
-        MOV     R0, #127
-        B       %BT05                   ; print DEL and loop
-        TEQ     R0, #21                 ; is it CTRL-U ?
-        BNE     %FT50                   ; no, then skip
-        TEQ     R6, #0                  ; yes, then have we any chars ?
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; no, then loop
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+127          ; print DELs to start of line
-        BVS     ReadLine_Vset
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1
-        BNE     %BT45
-        B       %BT10                   ; then loop
-        TEQ     R0, #13                 ; is it CR ?
-        TEQNE   R0, #10                 ; or LF ?
-        MOVEQ   r0, #13                 ; always store CR if so
-        STRB    R0, [R4, R6]            ; store byte in buffer
-        BEQ     %FT60                   ; Exit if either
-        CMP     R6, R1                  ; is buffer full ?
-        MOVCS   R0, #7                  ; if so, beep and loop
-        BCS     %BT05
-        CMP     R0, R2                  ; is char >= min ?
-        CMPCS   R3, R0                  ; and char <= max ?
-        ADDCS   R6, R6, #1              ; if so, then inc pointer
-        BCS     %FT80
-        TST     R7, #&80000000          ; no reflection
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; of non-entered chars
-80      TST     R7, #&40000000
-        ANDNE   R0, R7, #&FF            ; echo char -> R0
-        B       %BT05                   ; echo character
-60      SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        BVS     ReadLine_Vset
-; insert code here to call NetVec with R0 = &0D
-        CLRV
-        MOVVC   R0, R4                  ; restore R0
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        LDRB    R5, [R5, #ESC_Status]
-        MOVS    R5, R5, LSL #(32-6)     ; shift esc bit into carry
-        MOV     R1, R6                  ; R1 := length
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "R4-R7, pc"             ; Always claiming vector
- |
-        Pull    "R4-R7, lr"             ; Always claiming vector
-        BIC     lr, lr, #V_bit :OR: C_bit
-        MOV     r12, pc
-        AND     r12, r12, #V_bit :OR: C_bit
-        ORRS    pc, lr, r12             ; back with C, V affected.
- ]
-        SETV
-        B       EndReadLine
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_Control (deprecated): set handlers
-SCTRL   Push    "R0-R3, lr"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R0    ; need IRQs off to get consistent state
-        MOV     R0, #EventHandler
-        MOV     R1, R3
-        BL      CallCESWI
-        STR     R1, [stack, #3*4]
-        MOV     R0, #EscapeHandler
-        LDR     R1, [stack, #2*4]
-        BL      CallCESWI
-        STR     R1, [stack, #2*4]
-        MOV     R0, #ErrorHandler
-        Pull    "R1, R3"
-        BL      CallCESWI
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        MOV     R1, R3
-        Pull    "R2, R3, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Push    lr
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; readonly
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        Pull    pc
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_SetEnv (deprecated): Environment setting
-SSTENV  Push    "R0, R1, lr"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R0    ; no irqs - want consistent set.
-        MOV     R0, #AddressExceptionHandler
-        MOV     R1, R7
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R7, R1
-        MOV     R0, #DataAbortHandler
-        MOV     R1, R6
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R6, R1
-        MOV     R0, #PrefetchAbortHandler
-        MOV     R1, R5
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R5, R1
-        MOV     R0, #UndefinedHandler
-        MOV     R1, R4
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R4, R1
-        MOV     R0, #MemoryLimit
-        LDR     R1, [stack, #4]
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        STR     R1, [stack, #4]
-        MOV     R0, #ExitHandler
-        Pull    "R1"
-        BL      CallCESWI
-        Push    "R1"
-        MOV     R12, #0
-        LDR     R2, [R12, #RAMLIMIT]    ; this is read-only
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; never any Brazil-type buffering
-                                        ; m2 tools will complain if there is!
-        Pull    "R0, R1, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Change user state SWIs
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-SINTON  BIC     lr, lr, #I32_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-SINTOFF ORR     lr, lr, #I32_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        TST   lr, #2_11100
-        ORREQ lr, lr, #SVC26_mode       ; 26-bit modes -> SVC26
-        BICNE lr, lr, #2_11111
-        ORRNE lr, lr, #SVC32_mode       ; others -> SVC32
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        BIC   lr, lr, #2_01111
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_BreakPt: user breakpoint - unsuitable for debugging SVC mode code!
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4              ; discard stacked SWI number
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #BrkBf]
-  [ No26bitCode
-        STR     r12, [r10, #16*4]       ; original PSR (with V)
-        Pull    r14
-        TST     r12, #T32_bit
-        SUBEQ   r14, r14, #4
-        SUBNE   r14, r14, #2            ; r14 = PC of the SWI
-        TST     r12, #2_01111
-  |
-        FakeLR  r11,,r12                ; r12+[sp] -> lr (r11 temp reg)
-        SUB     r14, r14, #4            ; r14 = PC of the SWI
-        TST     r14, #SVC_mode
-  ]
-        STR     r14, [r10, #15*4]       ; PC of the SWI put in.
-        BNE     %FT01                   ; NE if not in user mode
-        STMIA   r10!, {r0}
-        MOV     r0, r10
-        LDMFD   sp, {r10-r12}
-  [ SASTMhatbroken
-        STMIA   r0!,{r1-r12}
-        STMIA   r0, {r13_usr,r14_usr}^ ; user mode case done.
-        SUB     r0, r0, #12*4
-  |
-        STMIA   r0, {r1-r12, r13_usr, r14_usr}^ ; user mode case done.
-        NOP
-  ]
-10      LDR     stack, =SVCSTK
-        MOV     r12, #BrkAd_ws
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}          ; call breakpoint handler
-; Non-user mode case
-01      AND     r11, r12, #2_01111      ; SVC26/SVC32 mode?
-        TEQ     r11, #SVC_mode
-        BEQ     %FT02                   ; [yes]
-; Non-user, non-supervisor - must be IRQ, ABT, UND or SYS (no SWIs from FIQ)
-        STMIA   r10!, {r0}
-        MOV     r0, r10
-        BIC     r14, r12, #T32_bit      ; don't go into Thumb mode
-        LDMFD   sp, {r10-r12}           ; Not banked
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R14             ; get at registers r13 and r14
-        STMIA   r0, {r1-r14}
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r12
-        B       %BT10
-; Supervisor mode case
-02      MOV     r14, r12                ; supervisor mode. R14 in buffer dead
-        LDMFD   sp!, {r10-r12}
-        STMIA   r14, {r0-r13}
-        LDR     r12, =&DEADDEAD
-        STR     r12, [r14, #14*4]       ; mark R14 as dead
-        B       %BT10
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_UnusedSWI (deprecated): Set the unused SWI handler
-SUNUSED Push    "R1, lr"
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R0, #UnusedSWIHandler
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        Pull    "R1, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_SetCallBack: Set callback flag
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + SVC32_mode
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        ORR     r11, r11, #CBack_OldStyle
-        STRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4              ; Skip saved R11
-        B       back_to_user_irqs_already_off
-                                        ; Do NOT exit via normal mechanism
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI read mouse information
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-     WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R10
-     MOV   R10, #MouseV
-     Push "lr"
-     BL    CallVector
-     Pull "lr"
-     ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_SerialOp when not in kernel
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-SerialOp ROUT
-        MOV     r10, #SerialV
-        Push    lr
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    lr
-        BICCC   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        ORRCS   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Supervisor routines to set default handlers
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Reset Error and Escape handlers
-DEFHAN LDR  R1, =GeneralMOSBuffer         ; decent length error buffer
-       ADR  R0, ERRORH
-       ADR  R2, ESCAPH
-       MOV  R3, #0
-       MOV  R4, R14
-       SWI  XOS_Control
-       MOV  r0, #UpCallHandler
-       ADR  r1, DefUpcallHandler
-       MOV  r2, #0
-       SWI  XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-       MOV  PC, R4
-; Reset Exception, Event, BreakPoint, UnusedSWI, Exit and CallBack handlers
-DEFHN2 MOV  R12, R14
-       MOV  R0, #0
-       MOV  R1, #0
-       MOV  R2, #0
-       ADR  R3, EVENTH
-       SWI  XOS_Control
-       LDR  R0, =DUMPER
-       ADR  R1, NOCALL
-       SWI  XOS_CallBack
-       ADRL R0, CLIEXIT
-       MOV  R1, #0
-       MOV  R2, #0
-       ADR  R4, UNDEF
-       ADRL R5, ABORTP
-       ADRL R6, ABORTD
-       ADRL R7, ADDREX
-       SWI  XOS_SetEnv
-       LDR  R0, =DUMPER
-       ADR  R1, DEFBRK
-       SWI  XOS_BreakCtrl
-       ADRL R0, NoHighSWIHandler
-       SWI  XOS_UnusedSWI
-       MOV  PC, R12
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; system handlers
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-EVENTH  MOV     pc, lr
-NOCALL  MOV     r0, #0                  ; default callback routine
-        LDR     r14, [r0, #CallBf]
- [ No26bitCode
-        LDR     r0, [r14, #4*16]
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, r0
- ]
-        LDMIA   r14, {r0-r12, r13_usr, r14_usr}^ ; load user's regs
-        NOP
-        LDR     r14, [r14, #4*15]
-        MOVS    pc, r14
-      [ International
-        ADR     R0,KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        ADR     R1,ErrorToken
-        MOV     R2,#0
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        MOVVC   R12,R2
-        ADRVS   R12,ErrorText
-        LDRB    R0,[R12],#1
-        CMP     R0,#32
-        BLT     %FT99
-        CMP     R0,#"%"
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        BVS     %FT99
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDRB    R0,[R12],#1              ; Found a %
-        CMP     R0,#32
-        BLT     %FT99
-        CMP     R0,#"0"
-        LDREQ   R0,=GeneralMOSBuffer+8
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        CMP     R0,#"1"
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDR     R3,=GeneralMOSBuffer+4
-        LDR     R0,[R3]
-        LDR     R1,=MOSConvertBuffer
-        MOV     R2,#12
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex8
-        LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP     R1, #"0"
-        BEQ     %BT02
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        SUBEQ   R0, R0, #1
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        BVC     %BT01
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        SWI     XOS_EnterOS
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [R0, #ErrorSemaphore]                 ; Enable error translation, in case we got here in the
-                                                        ; middle of looking up an error
-        B       GOSUPV                          ; switches back to User mode for us
-ErrorToken      =       "Error:"
-ErrorText       =       "Error: %0 (Error Number &%1)",0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI     OS_WriteS
-        =       10,13,"Error:",10,13, 0
-        ALIGN
-        LDR     r0, =GeneralMOSBuffer+4
-        BL      PrintError
-        B       GOSUPV
-      ]
-      [ International
-        WritePSRc 0, lr
-        MOV     r0, r0
-        MOV     r13, #0
-        LDR     r13, [r13, #BrkBf]
-        LDR     r0, [r13, #15*4]
-        LDR     r1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     r2, #?GeneralMOSBuffer
-        SWI     OS_ConvertHex8
-; r0 -> address
-        MOV     R4,R0
-        ADR     R0,KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        ADR     R1,BreakToken
-        LDR     R2,=GeneralMOSBuffer+16
-        MOV     R3,#256-16
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        MOVVC   R0,R2
-        ADRVS   R0,BreakText
-        SWI     OS_Write0
-        SWI     OS_NewLine
-      |
-        SWI     OS_WriteS
-        = "Stopped at break point at &", 0
-        ALIGN
-        WritePSRc 0, lr
-        MOV     r0, r0
-        MOV     r13, #0
-        LDR     r13, [r13, #BrkBf]
-        LDR     r0, [r13, #15*4]
-        LDR     r1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     r2, #?GeneralMOSBuffer
-        SWI     OS_ConvertHex8
-        SWI     OS_Write0
-        SWI     OS_NewLine
-      ]
-        SWI     OS_Exit
-      [ International
-BreakToken      =       "BreakPt:"
-BreakText       =       "Stopped at break point at &%0",0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        MOV    R12, R14
-        LDR    R10, [R0], #4
-        SWI    XOS_Write0
-        BVS    %FT02
-      [ :LNOT: International
-        SWI    XOS_WriteS
-        =     " (Error number &", 0
-        BVS    %FT02
-      ]
-        LDR    R1,=GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV    R2, #&E0
-        MOV    R0, R10
-        SWI    XOS_ConvertHex8       ; can't fail!
-01      LDRB   R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP    R1, #"0"
-        BEQ    %BT01
-        CMP    R1, #0
-        SUBEQ  R0, R0, #1
-      [ International                   ; We might not have any stack so ..
-        SUB    R11,R0, #1               ; R11 -> Error number
-        ADR    R0, KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        ADR    R1, PrintErrorString
-        MOV    R2,#0                    ; Don't copy message
-        SWI    XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        ADRVS  R2,PrintErrorString+4    ; If no MessageTrans point at english text.
-        LDRB   R0,[R2],#1
-        CMP    R0,#32
-        BLT    %FT13
-        CMP    R0,#"%"
-        SWINE  XOS_WriteC
-        BVS    %FT13
-        BNE    %BT11
-        LDRB    R0,[R2],#1
-        CMP     R0,#32
-        BLT     %FT13                   ; Just in case the % is the last character !
-        CMP     R0,#"0"                 ; We only know about %0
-        BNE     %BT11
-        LDRB    R0,[R11],#1              ; Print error number.
-        CMP     R0,#32
-        BLT     %BT11
-        SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        BVC     %BT12
-      |
-        SUB    R0, R0, #1
-        SWI    XOS_Write0
-        SWIVC  XOS_WriteI+")"
-      ]
-        SWIVC  XOS_NewLine
-02      MOV    PC, R12
-      [ International
-        =     "Err: (Error number &%0)", 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Exception handling
-DumpyTheRegisters  ROUT
-  [ No26bitCode
-; In ABT32 or UND32, PC, PSR already stored, PSR in R1
-        MOV     R4, R14                 ; put error address into unbanked register
-        TST     R1, #&0F
-  |
-; In SVC26, fake 26-bit PC at 0
-        LDR     R1, [R0, -R0]         ; PC when exception happened
-        STR     R1, [R0, #(15-8)*4]   ; In the right slot now ...
-        TST     R1, #SVC_mode
-  ]
-  [ SASTMhatbroken
-        STMEQIA R0!,{R8-R12}
-        STMEQIA R0, {R13,R14}^        ; user mode case done.
-        SUBEQ   R0, R0, #5*4
-  |
-        STMEQIA R0, {R8-R14}^         ; user mode case done.
-  ]
-        BEQ     UNDEF2
-  [ No26bitCode
-        ORR     R2, R1, #I32_bit :OR: F32_bit
-        BIC     R2, R2, #T32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R2              ; change into original mode
-        STMIA   R0, {R8-R14}            ; save the banked registers
-        AND     R2, R1, #&0F
-        EORS    R2, R2, #FIQ_mode       ; Was we in FIQ ? Zero if so
-        MOVEQ   R3, #IOC
-        STREQB  R2, [R3, #IOCFIQMSK]    ; Blow away all FIQ sources
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit+F32_bit+SVC32_mode ; into SVC mode
-        MOV     R14, R4                 ; corrupt R14_SVC (but already saved if we were in SVC)
-; ... and fall into
-  |
-        TST     R1, #1                ; SWI mode?
-        TSTNE   R1, #2
-        BNE     %FT02
-        ORR     R1, R1, #I_bit :OR: F_bit
-                                 ; keep interrupts off until handlers restored
-        TEQP    R1, #0                  ; get at registers
-        NOP
-        STMIA   R0, {R8-R14}
-        TEQP    PC, #SVC_mode :OR: I_bit :OR: F_bit
-        AND     R1, R1, #SVC_mode
-        EORS    R2, R1, #FIQ_mode       ; Was we in FIQ ? Zero if so
-        MOVEQ   R3, #IOC
-        STREQB  R2, [R3, #IOCFIQMSK]    ; Blow away all FIQ sources
-        B       UNDEF1
-02      STMIA   R0, {R8-R14}
-; ... and fall into
-  ]
-        LDR     sp, =SVCSTK             ; Flatten superstack
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #ExceptionDump]
-        ADD     R1, R0, #10*4           ; point at dumped R10
-        LDMIA   R1, {R10-R12}           ; try and put back user registers
-        Push    "R10-R12"               ; for error handler to find on stack
-        LDR     R1, [R0, #15*4]
-        Push    R1
-       [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-        LDR     R0, BranchThroughZeroInstruction ; load the B RESET1 instr.
-        STR     R0, [R1, -R1]           ; and store it at zero again
-        BIC     R14, R14, #ARM_CC_Mask
-       ]
-        LDR     R0, =GeneralMOSBuffer+128 ; so can do deviant sharing !
-       [ International
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDRB    r10, [r10, #ErrorSemaphore]
-        TEQ     r10, #0                 ; if ok to translate error
-        MOVEQ   r10, r14
-        BEQ     %FT10
-       ]
-        LDR     r11, [r14], #4          ; Copy error number
-        STR     r11, [r0], #4
-01      LDRB    r11, [r14], #1          ; Copy error string
-        STRB    r11, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r11, #"%"               ; Test for "%" near end of string
-        BNE     %BT01
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1              ; point, ready for conversion
-        LDR     R2, =GeneralMOSBuffer+?GeneralMOSBuffer
-        SUB     r2, r2, r1              ; amount left in buffer
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #ExceptionDump]
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #15*4]         ; saved PC
-      [ :LNOT: No26bitCode
-        BIC     R0, R0, #ARM_CC_Mask
-      ]
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertHex8
-      [ International
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        LDRB    r4, [r4, #ErrorSemaphore]
-        TEQ     r4, #0
-        LDRNE   R0, =GeneralMOSBuffer+128
-        MOVEQ   R4, R0
-        MOVEQ   R0, R10
-        BLEQ    TranslateError_UseR4
-      |
-        LDR     R0, =GeneralMOSBuffer+128
-      ]
-      [ No26bitCode
-        ; Flatten UND and ABT stacks, jic
-        MRS     R2, CPSR
-        BIC     R2, R2, #F32_bit + &1F
-        ORR     R3, R2, #ABT32_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R3                      ; FIQs back on
-        LDR     r13_abort, =ABTSTK
-        ORR     R3, R2, #UND32_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R3
-        LDR     r13_undef, =UNDSTK
-        ORR     R3, R2, #IRQ32_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R3
-      |
-        TEQP    PC, #IRQ_mode+I_bit
-      ]
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        STR     R1, [R1, #IRQsema]
-        LDR     SPIRQ, =IRQSTK
-        SWI     OS_GenerateError
-        LTORG
- [ No26bitCode
-        ; In UND32 mode, with a stack
-        Push    R14
-        SETPSR  F_bit :OR: I_bit, R14
- |
-        TEQP    pc, #F_bit :OR: I_bit :OR: SVC_mode ; FIQ off too
-        STR     R14, [R0, -R0]
- ]
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        LDR     R14, [R14, #ExceptionDump]
-        STMIA   R14!, {R0-R7}
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R1, SPSR
-        STR     R1, [R14, #(16-8)*4]            ; save PSR
-        Pull    R0
-        STR     R0, [R14, #(15-8)*4]            ; save PC
- ]
-        MOV     R0, R14
-        BL      DumpyTheRegisters
-        MakeErrorBlock UndefinedInstruction
- [ No26bitCode
-        ; In ABT32 mode, with a stack
-        Push    R14
-        SETPSR  F_bit :OR: I_bit, R14
- |
-        TEQP    pc, #F_bit :OR: I_bit :OR: SVC_mode ; FIQ off too
-        STR     R14, [R0, -R0]
- ]
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        LDR     R14, [R14, #ExceptionDump]
-        STMIA   R14!, {R0-R7}
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R1, SPSR
-        STR     R1, [R14, #(16-8)*4]            ; save PSR
-        Pull    R0
-        STR     R0, [R14, #(15-8)*4]            ; save PC
- ]
-        MOV     R0, R14
-        BL      DumpyTheRegisters
-        MakeErrorBlock InstructionAbort
- [ No26bitCode
-        ; In ABT32 mode, with a stack
-        Push    R14
-        SETPSR  F_bit :OR: I_bit, R14
- |
-        TEQP    pc, #F_bit :OR: I_bit :OR: SVC_mode ; FIQ off too
-        STR     R14, [R0, -R0]
- ]
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        LDR     R14, [R14, #ExceptionDump]
-        STMIA   R14!, {R0-R7}
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R1, SPSR
-        STR     R1, [R14, #(16-8)*4]            ; save PSR
-        Pull    R0
-        STR     R0, [R14, #(15-8)*4]            ; save PC
- ]
-        MOV     R0, R14
-        BL      DumpyTheRegisters
-        MakeErrorBlock DataAbort
-; This really can't happen. Honest
- [ No26bitCode
-        ; ??? in ABT32 mode, with a stack?
-        Push    R14
-        SETPSR  F_bit :OR: I_bit, R14
- |
-        TEQP    pc, #F_bit :OR: I_bit :OR: SVC_mode ; FIQ off too
-        STR     R14, [R0, -R0]
- ]
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        LDR     R14, [R14, #ExceptionDump]
-        STMIA   R14!, {R0-R7}
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R1, SPSR
-        STR     R1, [R14, #(16-8)*4]            ; save PSR
-        Pull    R0
-        STR     R0, [R14, #(15-8)*4]
- ]
-        MOV     R0, R14
-        BL      DumpyTheRegisters
-        MakeErrorBlock AddressException
-; Can branch through zero in any mode
-; We go through a trampoline which stores R1 and R14 (at R14 on entry)
-        &       &DEADDEAD, &DEADDEAD
-        ADR     R14, Branch0_NoTrampoline_DummyRegs
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        LDR     R1, [R1, #ExceptionDump]
-        STMIA   R1, {R0-R13}
-        LDR     R0, [R14, #0]
-        STR     R0, [R1, #1*4]
-        LDR     R0, [R14, #4]
-        STR     R0, [R1, #14*4]
- [ XScaleJTAGDebug
-        MRS     R0, CPSR
-        AND     R0, R0, #&1F
-        TEQ     R0, #&15        ; Debug mode?
-        BNE     %FT20
-        MOV     R13, #0
-        LDR     R0, [R13, #ProcessorFlags]
-        ORR     R0, R0, #CPUFlag_XScaleJTAGconnected
-        STR     R0, [R13, #ProcessorFlags]
-        LDMIA   R1, {R0, R1}
-        B       DebugStub
- ]
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [R1, #15*4]
-        MRS     R0, CPSR
-        STR     R0, [R1, #16*4]
- |
-        MRS     R0, CPSR                        ; Fake up a combined PC+PSR (PC=0)
-        AND     R1, R0, #I32_bit :OR: F32_bit
-        AND     R0, R0, #&F0000003
-        ORR     R0, R0, R1, LSL #IF32_26Shift
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        LDR     R1, [R1, #ExceptionDump]
-        STR     R0, [R1, #15*4]
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        SWI     XOS_EnterOS
-        BL      UNDEF1
-        MakeErrorBlock BranchThrough0
- [ :LNOT: No26bitCode
- [ ProcessorVectors
-        LDR     PC, .+ProcVec_Branch0
- |
-        B       .+Branch0_Trampoline
- ]
- ]
- [ XScaleJTAGDebug
-        ; Magic from the Multi-ICE User Guide
-        ALIGN   32
-DebugStub ROUT
-        ARM_read_control R13
-        AND     R13, R13, #MMUC_I
-        ORR     R14, R14, R13, LSR #12
-        ARM_read_control R13
-        ORR     R13, R13, #MMUC_I
-        ARM_write_control R13
-        ADR     R13, DebugStubLine2
-        MCR     p15, 0, R13, C7, C5, 1
-        MCR     p15, 0, R13, C7, C5, 6
-10      MRC     p14, 0, R15, C14, C0
-        BVS     %BT10
-        MOV     R13, #&00B00000
-        MCR     p14, 0, R13, C8, C0
-20      MRC     p14, 0, R15, C14, C0
-        BPL     %BT20
-        ARM_read_control R13
-        TST     R14, #1
-        BICEQ   R13, R13, #MMUC_I
-        ARM_write_control R13
-        MRC     p14, 0, R13, C9, C0
-        MOV     PC, R13
-        ALIGN   32
-        SPACE   32
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI to call the UpCall vector
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-DoAnUpCall ROUT
-        Push    lr                  ; better have one of these to pull later !
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r12, CPSR
-        BIC     r12, r12, #&F0000000
-        BIC     r12, r12, #I32_bit:OR:F32_bit
-        AND     r10, lr, #&F0000000 ; copy user flags (I bit clear)
-        ORR     r10, r10, r12
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, r10        ; ints on, stay in SVC mode, flags in psr
- |
-        AND     r10, lr, #&F0000000 ; copy user flags (I_bit clear)
-        TEQP    r10, #SVC_mode      ; ints on, stay in SVC mode, flags in psr
- ]
-        MOV     r10, #UpCallV
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    lr
-        BIC     lr, lr, #&F0000000
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R10, CPSR
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSR #(32-4)
- |
-        MOV     R10, PC, LSR #(32-4)
- ]
-        ORR     lr, lr, R10, LSL #(32-4)
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_ChangeEnvironment: Call the environment change vector
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-ChangeEnvironment ROUT
-        Push    lr
-        MOV     R10, #ChangeEnvironmentV
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    lr
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; ..... and the default handler .....
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R14
-        CMP     R0, #MaxEnvNumber
-        BHI     AOS_Silly
-  [ False
-        CMP     r0, #CallBackHandler
-        BLEQ    testcallbackpending
-  ]
-        ADR     R10, AOS_Table
-        ADD     R11, R0, R0, LSL #1   ; number * 3
-        ADD     R10, R10, R11, LSL #2 ; point at entry
-        MOV     R12, R1
-        LDR     R11, [R10]
-        CMP     R11, #0
-        LDRNE   R1,  [R11]
-        CMPNE   R12, #0
-        STRNE   R12, [R11]
-        MOV     R12, R2
-        LDR     R11, [R10, #4]
-        CMP     R11, #0
-        LDRNE   R2,  [R11]
-        CMPNE   R12, #0
-        STRNE   R12, [R11]
-        MOV     R12, R3
-        LDR     R11, [R10, #8]
-        CMP     R11, #0
-        LDRNE   R3,  [R11]
-        CMPNE   R12, #0
-        STRNE   R12, [R11]
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    pc
- |
-        Pull    pc,,^
- ]
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadEnvNumber
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
- [ No26bitCode
-        SETV
-        Pull    "pc"
- |
-        Pull    "lr"
-        ORRS    pc, lr, #V_bit
- ]
-        MakeErrorBlock BadEnvNumber
-   [ False
-        CMP     r1, #0                ; OK if only reading
-        CMPEQ   r2, #0
-        CMPEQ   r3, #0
-        LDRNEB  r10, [r0, #CallBack_Flag-CallBackHandler]
-        TSTNE   r10, #CBack_OldStyle
-        MOVEQ   pc, r14
-  SetBorder r0, r14, 15, 0, 0
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_CallbackPending
-        B       exit_AOS
-        MakeErrorBlock CallbackPending
-   ]
-        &  MemLimit     ;  MemoryLimit
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  UndHan       ; UndefinedHandler
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  PAbHan       ; PrefetchAbortHandler
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  DAbHan       ; DatabortHandler
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  AdXHan       ; AddressExceptionHandler
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  0            ; OtherExceptionHandler
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  ErrHan       ; ErrorHandler
-        &  ErrHan_ws
-        &  ErrBuf
-        &  CallAd       ; CallBackHandler
-        &  CallAd_ws
-        &  CallBf
-        &  BrkAd        ; BreakPointHandler
-        &  BrkAd_ws
-        &  BrkBf
-        &  EscHan       ; EscapeHandler
-        &  EscHan_ws
-        &  0
-        &  EvtHan       ; EventHandler
-        &  EvtHan_ws
-        &  0
-        &  SExitA       ; ExitHandler
-        &  SExitA_ws
-        &  0
-        &  HiServ       ; UnusedSWIHandler
-        &  HiServ_ws
-        &  0
-        &  ExceptionDump ; ExceptionDumpArea
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  AplWorkSize  ; application space size
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  Curr_Active_Object
-        &  0
-        &  0
-        &  UpCallHan
-        &  UpCallHan_ws
-        &  0
-        assert (.-AOS_Table)/12 = MaxEnvNumber
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_ReadDefaultHandler
-; In    r0 = environment number
-ReadDefaultHandler ROUT
-        CMP     r0, #(dhte-defhantab)/12
-        MOVHS   r0, #0                  ; return wally value
-        ADD     r10, r0, r0, LSL #1     ; *3
-        ADD     r10, pc, r10, LSL #2    ; *4 (pc = defhantab-4)
-        LDMIB   r10, {r1-r3}            ; gives additional +4
-        ExitSWIHandler
-     & 0                ; wally entry
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & UNDEF            ; UndefinedHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & ABORTP           ; PrefetchAbortHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & ABORTD           ; DataAbortHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & ADDREX           ; AddressExceptionHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & 0                ; OtherExceptionHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & ERRORH           ; ErrorHandler
-     & 0
-     & GeneralMOSBuffer
-     & NOCALL           ; CallBackHandler
-     & 0
-     & DUMPER
-     & DEFBRK           ; BreakPointHandler
-     & 0
-     & DUMPER
-     & ESCAPH           ; EscapeHandler
-     & 0
-     & GeneralMOSBuffer
-     & EVENTH           ; EventHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & CLIEXIT          ; ExitHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & NoHighSWIHandler ; UnusedSWIHandler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & 0                ; exception dump
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & 0                ; app space size
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & 0                ; cao pointer
-     & 0
-     & 0
-     & DefUpcallHandler ; upcall handler
-     & 0
-     & 0
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0 = sysinfo handle
-; Out   r0 = sysinfo for r0in
-ReadSysInfo_Code ROUT
-        CMP     r0,#10 ;R0 > 9, so illegal value
-        ADDLO   PC, PC, R0,LSL #2
-        B       ReadSysInfo_InvalidReason
-        B       %FT00
-        B       %FT10
-        B       %FT20
-        B       %FT30
-        B       %FT40
-        B       %FT50
-        B       %FT60
-        B       %FT70
-        B       %FT80
-        B       %FT90
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadReadSysInfo
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        MakeErrorBlock BadReadSysInfo
-; ReadSysInfo(0) - return configured screensize in r0
-        Push    "r1, r2, lr"
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOV     r1, #ScreenSizeCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        AND     r0, r2, #&7F            ; top bit is reserved
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        LDR     r10, [r10, #Page_Size]
-        MUL     r0, r10, r0
-        BL      MassageScreenSize       ; adjust for min and max or default values
-        Pull    "r1, r2, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; ReadSysInfo(1) - returns configured mode/wimpmode in r0
-;                          configured monitortype in r1
-;                          configured sync in r2
-;                          (all de-autofied)
-        Push    "r3-r5, lr"
-        BL      Read_Configd_Sync
-        MOV     r2, r0
- [ ModeSelectors
-        LDR     r1, =VduDriverWorkSpace+CurrentMonitorType      ; read current monitortype
-        LDR     r1, [r1]
- |
-        BL      Read_Configd_MonitorType
-        MOV     r1, r0
- ]
-        BL      Read_Configd_Mode
-        CMP     r0, #-1                         ; if none of the three are auto, don't bother with translation
-        CMPNE   r1, #-1
-        CMPNE   r2, #-1
-        BNE     %FT15
-        BL      TranslateMonitorLeadType        ; issue service or work it out ourselves
-        CMP     r0, #-1                         ; if mode auto
-        MOVEQ   r0, r3                          ; then replace with default
-        CMP     r1, #-1                         ; if monitortype auto
-        MOVEQ   r1, r4                          ; then replace with default
-        CMP     r2, #-1                         ; if sync auto
-        MOVEQ   r2, r5                          ; then replace with default
-        Pull    "r3-r5, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; ReadSysInfo(2)
-; in:   r0 = 2
-; out:  r0 = hardware configuration word 0
-;               bits 0-7 = special functions chip type
-;                               0 => none
-;                               1 => IOEB
-;               bits 8-15 = I/O control chip type
-;                               0 => IOC
-;                               1 => IOMD
-;               bits 16-23 = memory control chip type
-;                               0 => MEMC1/MEMC1a
-;                               1 => IOMD
-;               bits 24-31 = video control chip type
-;                               0 => VIDC1a
-;                               1 => VIDC20
-;       r1 = hardware configuration word 1
-;               bits 0-7 = I/O chip type
-;                               0 => absent
-;                               1 => 82C710/711 or SMC'665 or similar
-;               bits 8-31 reserved (set to 0)
-;       r2 = hardware configuration word 2
-;               bits 0-7 = LCD controller type
-;                               0 => absent
-;                               1 => present (type 1) eg A4 portable
-;                               2 => present (type 2) eg Stork portable
-;               bits 8-15 = IOMD variant
-;                               0 => IOMD
-;                               1 => IOMDL ie ARM7500 (Morris)
-;               bits 16-23 = VIDC20 variant
-;                               0 => VIDC20
-;                               1 => VIDC2L ie ARM7500 (Morris)
-;               bits 24-31 = miscellaneous flags
-;                      bit 24   0 => IIC bus slow (100kHz)
-;                               1 => IIC bus fast (400kHz)
-;                      bit 25   0 => keep I/O clocks running during idle
-;                               1 => stop I/O clocks during idle
-;                      bits 26-31 reserved (set to 0)
-;       r3 = word 0 of unique machine ID, or 0 if unavailable
-;       r4 = word 1 of unique machine ID, or 0 if unavailable
-; Bits in IOSystemType
-IOST_82C710     * 1
-IOST_82C711     * 2
-IOST_37C665     * 3
-IOST_37C669     * 4
-IOST_UMC669     * 5
-IOST_IOEB       * 8     ; On IOMD systems this really means IOMD.
-IOST_LC         * 16
- [ MorrisSupport
-IOST_7500       * 32    ;Running on ARM7500 (Morris) so actually IOMDL and VIDC2L
-IOST_BATMAN     * 64    ;Stork keyboard/battery controller seems to be present
- ]
- [ HAL
-        Push    "r9,r14"
-        AddressHAL
-        SUB     sp, sp, #12
-        ADD     a1, sp, #0
-        ADD     a2, sp, #4
-        ADD     a3, sp, #8
-        CallHAL HAL_HardwareInfo
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #RawMachineID+0]
-        LDR     r4, [r12, #RawMachineID+4]
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #8                  ; lose first 8 bits
-        ORR     r3, r3, r4, LSL #24             ; and put bits 0..7 of r3 into bits 24..31 of r2
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSL #8                  ; lose CRC bits
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #16                 ; and move the rest down to the bottom
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r9,r14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
- |
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r3, [r0, #RawMachineID+0]
-        LDR     r4, [r0, #RawMachineID+4]
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #8                  ; lose first 8 bits
-        ORR     r3, r3, r4, LSL #24             ; and put bits 0..7 of r3 into bits 24..31 of r2
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSL #8                  ; lose CRC bits
-        MOV     r4, r4, LSR #16                 ; and move the rest down to the bottom
-        LDRB    r0, [r0, #IOSystemType]
-        ANDS    r2, r0, #IOST_LC
-        MOVNE   r2, #1                          ; make r2 0 or 1
- [ MorrisSupport
-        TST     r0, #IOST_BATMAN
-        MOVNE   r2, #2                          ;NE, its a Stork portable
-        TST     r0, #IOST_7500
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00000100              ;NE, Morris based machine with IOMDL
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00010000              ;NE, and VIDC2L
- ]
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDRB    r1, [r1, #NVRamSpeed]
-        SUB     r1, r1, #1                      ; catch zero = slow (just in case)
-        CMP     r1, #3-1                        ; speed is 3 for 400kHz, 10 for 100kHz.
-        ORRLS   r2, r2, #&01000000              ; indicate fast speed
- [ StopClocksDuringIdle
-        ORR     r2, r2, #&02000000
- ]
-        ANDS    r1, r0, #IOST_COMBOMASK
-        MOVNE   r1, #1                          ; make r1 0 or 1
-        LDR     r0, =&01010100
-        ExitSWIHandler
- ]
-; ReadSysInfo(3)
-; in:   r0 = 3
-; out:  r0 = I/O chip base features mask                710     711     665     669     UMC669
-;               Bits 0..3   Base IDE type               1       1       1       1       1
-;               Bits 4..7   Base FDC type               1       1       1       1       1
-;               Bits 8..11  Base parallel type          1       1       1       1       1
-;               Bits 12..15 Base 1st serial type        1       1       1       1       1
-;               Bits 16..19 Base 2nd serial type        0       1       1       1       1
-;               Bits 20..23 Base Config type            1       2       3       4       5
-;               Bits 24..31 Reserved                    0       0       0       0       0
-;       r1 = I/O chip extra features mask               710     711     665     669     UMC669
-;               Bits 0..3   IDE extra features          0       0       0       0       0
-;               Bits 4..7   FDC extra features          0       0       0       0       0
-;               Bits 8..11  parallel extra features     0       0       1       1       1
-;               Bits 12..15 1st serial extra features   0       0       1       1       1
-;               Bits 16..19 2nd serial extra features   0       0       1       1       1
-;               Bits 20..23 config extra features       0       0       0       0       0
-;               Bits 24..31 Reserved                    0       0       0       0       0
-;       r2-r4 undefined (reserved for future expansion)
- [ HAL
-        Push    "r9,r14"
-        AddressHAL
-        SUB     sp, sp, #8
-        ADD     a1, sp, #0
-        ADD     a2, sp, #4
-        CallHAL HAL_SuperIOInfo
-        Pull    "a1,a2,r9,r14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
- |
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; used as index and as default value
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #IOSystemType]
-        ANDS    r1, r1, #IOST_COMBOMASK
-        TEQ     r1, #IOST_82C710
-        LDREQ   r0, =&00101111
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0
-        TEQ     r1, #IOST_82C711
-        LDREQ   r0, =&00211111
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0
-        CMP     r1, #IOST_37C665
- [ ReassignedIOMDInterrupts
-; If the device numbers have been reassigned, we can't really call the devices compatible.
-; Also, we've lost the floppy and hard disc interrupts, so mark as not present.
-        LDRHS   r0, =&00022200
- |
-        LDRHS   r0, =&00011111
- ]
-        ORRHS   r0, r0, r1, LSL #20
-        LDRHS   r1, =&00011100
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        ExitSWIHandler
- ]
-; ReadSysInfo(4)
-; On entry:       r0 = 4 (reason code)
-; On exit:        r0 = LS32bits of Ethernet Network Address (or 0)
-;                 r1 = MS16bits of Ethernet Network Address (or 0)
-; Use:            Code loaded from the dedicated Network Expansion Card or
-;                 from a normal Expansion Card should use the value returned
-;                 by this call in preference to a locally provided value.
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDRB    r1, [ r0, #RawMachineID ]               ; The family byte
-        TEQ     r1, #&81                                ; Excellent,a custom part - we'll use it
-        BNE     ExitNoEthernetAddress
-        LDR     r1, [ r0, #RawMachineID+4 ]             ; Acorn's ID and part#
-        BIC     r1, r1, #&FF000000                      ; Remove the CRC
-        LDR     r0, =&0050A4                            ; Acorn's ID is &005
-        TEQ     r1, r0                                  ; Is this an Acorn part?
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        BNE     %FT45
-        LDR     r0, [ r0, #RawMachineID ]
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #8                          ; Lose family byte
-        LDR     r1, =&0000A4100000
-        ADD     r0, r1, r0                              ; Add Acorn base Ethernet address to number from Dallas
-        [ STB
-        TST     r0, #1:SHL:23                           ; Check not overflowed into secondary range
-        BNE     ExitNoEthernetAddress
-        MOV     r1, r0, LSR #24                         ; Check not overflowed out of Acorn's range
-        TEQ     r1, #&A4
-        BNE     ExitNoEthernetAddress
-        ]
-        MOV     r1, #0                                  ; Top 16 bits are zero in Acorn's MAC address allocation
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #8                          ; It's unique,but not an Acorn part - extract MAC address verbatim
-        Push    "r2"
-        LDR     r2, [ r0, #RawMachineID ]
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #8
-        LDRB    r0, [r0, #RawMachineID+4]
-        ORR     r0, r2, r0, LSL#24
-        Pull    "r2"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        [ :LNOT: STB
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        |
-        Push    "r2,lr"
-        MOV     r1, #Service_MachineAddress             ; See if anyone else can provide it
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        MOVEQ   r1, r2
-        BLNE    GetMachineAddressCMOS
-        Pull    "r2,lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ]
- [ STB
-        = "MACAddress", 0
-        = "MACAddressChecksum", 0
-        = "MACAddress2nd", 0
-        = "MACAddressChecksum2nd", 0
-        ALIGN
-; Out:  r0 = lower 4 bytes (or 0)
-;       r1 = upper 2 bytes (or 0)
-;       EQ => valid, NE => invalid
-        Entry   "r2-r5", 8                              ; Preserve these + get 8 bytes workspace
-        ADR     r0,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddress
-        ADR     r3,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddressChecksum
-        BL      CheckOneCopyOfMachineAddressCMOS        ; Get 1st copy of MAC in r0=low 4 bytes,
-                                                        ; r1=upper 2 bytes of MAC in bytes 0,1  stored checksum in byte 2,  calculated checksum in byte 3
- [ MACNVRAM2copies
-        MOV     r4,r0
-        MOV     r5,r1
-        ADR     r0,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddress2nd
-        ADR     r3,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddressChecksum2nd
-        BL      CheckOneCopyOfMachineAddressCMOS        ; Get 2nd copy of MAC
-        CMP     r0,r4
-        CMPEQ   r1,r5
-        BNE     %FT41                                   ; Have different values - i.e one (possibly both) is wrong/broken
- ] ;two copies of MAC
-        MOV     r2,r1,LSR#16                            ; move checksum values into low bytes
-        AND     r3,r2,#&ff                              ; r3=stored checksum
-        MOV     r2,r2,LSR#8                             ; r2=calculated checksum
-        CMP     r2,r3                                   ; do the checksums match
-        BNE     %FT43                                   ; if not then we have unrecoverable fault, both values identical but checksums broken
-                                                        ; this would be the case for an unprogrammed CMOS
-        MOV     r2,#&ff
-        ORR     r2,r2,r2,LSL#8                          ; mask for removing checksums
-        AND     r1,r1,r2                                ; #&0000ffff remove checksums from r1
-        EXIT                                            ; return with valid MAC in r0,r1 and flags set to EQ by branch just above
- [ MACNVRAM2copies
-;two copies differ
-        MOV     r2,r5,LSR#16                            ; move checksum for 1st copy into low bytes
-        AND     r3,r2,#&ff                              ; r3=stored checksum
-        MOV     r2,r2,LSR#8                             ; r2=calculated checksum
-        CMP     r2,r3                                   ; do the checksums match
-        BEQ     %FT45                                   ; okay need to repair second set
-        MOV     r2,r1,LSR#16                            ; move checksum for 2nd copy into low bytes
-        AND     r3,r2,#&ff                              ; r3=stored checksum
-        MOV     r2,r2,LSR#8                             ; r2=calculated checksum
-        CMP     r2,r3                                   ; do the checksums match
-        BEQ     %FT46                                   ; okay need to repair first set
- ]
-;we arrive here if we have a situation from which no sensible MAC can be derived
-;i) both values are broken
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MOV     r1,#0
-        EXIT                                            ;return with r0,r1 both zero to indicate no valid address, two possible paths here both have NE flags
- [ MACNVRAM2copies
-;checksum is valid for first set so repair second set
-        ADR     r3,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddress2nd
-        ADR     r0,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddressChecksum2nd
-        B       %FT47
-;checksum is valid for second set so repair first set
-        MOV     r4,r0                                   ;get values of 2nd set into write registers
-        MOV     r5,r1
-        ADR     r3,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddress
-        ADR     r0,NVRAM_TAG_MACAddressChecksum
-;store MAC (+ check sum) in r4,r5, and checksum in r2 to NVRAM tags given by r0 and r3
- [ 1=2
-        ; forgot that NVRAM_Write will fail
-        ; on locked locations such as .. the MAC addresses...
-        ; this will be modified shortly to call a new SWI provided
-        ; by the NVRAM module to turn a tag into an address and
-        ; then perform the write using routines in the i2cutils
-        ; section of the kernel.
-        MOV     r1, sp                                  ;some workspace
-        STRB    r2, [r1,#0]                             ;store the checksum
-        MOV     r2, #1
-        SWI     XNVRAM_Write
-        ;TST     r0, #&80000000                          ; Check for errors
-        ;BNE     %FT48                                   ; Oh dear
-        BIC     r5,r5,#&ffff0000                        ;get rid of checksum - we already have a value in r2 extracted earlier
-        MOV     r0,r3                                   ;NVRAM_TAG_MACAddress
-        MOV     r1,sp                                   ;workspace
-        MOV     r3,r5
-        STRB    r3,[r1,#1]
-        MOV     r3,r3,LSR#8
-        STRB    r3,[r1,#0]
-        MOV     r3,r4
-        STRB    r3,[r1,#5]
-        MOV     r3,r3,LSR#8
-        STRB    r3,[r1,#4]
-        MOV     r3,r3,LSR#8
-        STRB    r3,[r1,#3]
-        MOV     r3,r3,LSR#8
-        STRB    r3,[r1,#2]
-        MOV     r2,#6
-        SWI     XNVRAM_Write
-        ;TST     r0, #&80000000                          ; Check for errors
-        ;BNE     %FT48                                   ; Oh dear
- ]
-;return with the values from r4,r5 in r0,r1 and flags eq
-        MOV     r0,r4
-        MOV     r1,r5
-        CMP     r1,r1                                   ;make flags equal - is this required?
-        EXIT
- ] ; MACNVRAM2copies
-;On entry r0 points to MAC address Tag name
-;         r3 points to Checksum Tag name
-        Entry   ,8
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #6
-        SWI     XNVRAM_Read
-        MOVVS   r0, #&ffffffff
-        TST     r0, #&80000000                          ; Check for errors
-        BNE     MachineAddressNVRAMError
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        ADD     r1, sp, #6
-        MOV     r2, #1
-        SWI     XNVRAM_Read
-        MOVVS   r0, #&ffffffff
-        TST     r0, #&80000000                          ; Check for errors
-        BNE     MachineAddressNVRAMError
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDRB    r3, [sp, #0]                            ; Get the first byte into checksum
-        MOV     r1, r3, ASL #8                          ; Store into result
-        LDRB    r2, [sp, #1]                            ; Get the next byte
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2                              ; Add to the checksum
-        ORR     r1, r1, r2, ASL #0                      ; Store into the result
-        LDRB    r2, [sp, #2]                            ; Get the next byte
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2                              ; Add to the checksum
-        MOV     r0, r2, ASL #24                         ; Store into the result
-        LDRB    r2, [sp, #3]                            ; Get the next byte
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2                              ; Add to the checksum
-        ORR     r0, r0, r2, ASL #16                     ; Store into the result
-        LDRB    r2, [sp, #4]                            ; Get the next byte
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2                              ; Add to the checksum
-        ORR     r0, r0, r2, ASL #8                      ; Store into the result
-        LDRB    r2, [sp, #5]                            ; Get the next byte
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2                              ; Add to the checksum
-        ORR     r0, r0, r2, ASL #0                      ; Store into the result
-        LDRB    r2, [sp, #6]                            ; Get the checksum
-        AND     r3, r3, #&FF
-        EOR     r3, r3, #&FF
-        ORR     r1,r1,r2,LSL#16                            ;put stored checksum in byte 2
-        ORR     r1,r1,r3,LSL#24                            ;put calculated checksum in byte 3
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        MOV     r1,#0
-        EXIT
- ]
-; ReadSysInfo(5)
-; On entry:       r0 = 5 (reason code)
-; On exit:        r0 = LSW of Raw data from unique id chip
-;                 r1 = MSW of Raw data from unique id chip
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #RawMachineID+4]
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #RawMachineID+0]
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; ReadSysInfo(6) - read kernel values (Acorn use only; eg. SoftLoad, ROMPatch)
-; On entry:       r0 =  6 (reason code)
-;                 r1 -> input block, 1 word per entry, giving number of value required, terminated by -1
-;           OR:   r1 =  0 if just 1 value is required, and this is to beturned in r2
-;                 r2 -> output block, 1 word per entry, will be filled in on output
-;           OR:   r2 =  number of single value required, if r1 = 0
-; On exit:
-;   if r1 entry != 0:
-;         r0,r1,r2 preserved
-;         output block filled in, filled in value(s) set to 0 if unrecognised/no longer meaningful value(s)
-;   if r1 entry = 0:
-;         r0,r1 preserved
-;         r2 = single value required, or set to 0 if if unrecognised/no longer meaningful value
-;  valid value numbers available - see table below
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        ADR     r3,osri6_table
-        CMP     r1,#0
-        BEQ     %FT64
-        LDR     r0,[r1],#4
-        CMP     r0,#-1
-        BEQ     %FT66
-        CMP     r0,#osri6_maxvalue
-        LDRLS   r0,[r3,r0,LSL #2]
-        MOVHI   r0,#0
-        STR     r0,[r2],#4
-        B       %BT62
-        CMP     r2,#osri6_maxvalue
-        LDRLS   r2,[r3,r2,LSL #2]
-        MOVHI   r2,#0
-        STR     r2,[sp,#2*4]
-        Pull    "r0-r3"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-    DCD  CamEntriesPointer                            ;0
-    DCD  MaxCamEntry                                  ;1
-    DCD  PageFlags_Unavailable                        ;2
-    DCD  PhysRamTable                                 ;3
-    DCD  0                                            ;4 (was ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop)
-    DCD  TickNodeChain                                ;5
-    DCD  ROMModuleChain                               ;6
-    DCD  DAList                                       ;7
-    DCD  AppSpaceDANode                               ;8
-    DCD  Module_List                                  ;9
-    DCD  ModuleSHT_Entries                            ;10
-    DCD  ModuleSWI_HashTab                            ;11
-    DCD  IOSystemType                                 ;12
-    DCD  L1PT                                         ;13
-    DCD  L2PT                                         ;14
-    DCD  UNDSTK                                       ;15
-    DCD  SVCSTK                                       ;16
-    DCD  SysHeapStart                                 ;17
-    DCD  JTABLE-SWIRelocation                         ;18 - relocated base of OS SWI despatch table
-    DCD  DefaultIRQ1V+(Devices-DefaultIRQ1Vcode)      ;19 - relocated base of IRQ device head nodes
-    DCD  DefaultIRQ1V+(DevicesEnd-DefaultIRQ1Vcode)   ;20 - relocated end of IRQ device head nodes
-    DCD  IRQSTK                                       ;21 - top of the IRQ stack
-    DCD  SoundWorkSpace                               ;22 - workspace (8K) and buffers (2*4K)
-osri6_maxvalue * (.-4-osri6_table) :SHR: 2
-; ReadSysInfo(7)  - read 32-bit Abort information for last unexpected abort
-;                      (prefetch or data)
-; On entry:       r0 =  6 (reason code)
-; On exit:        r1 = 32-bit PC for last abort
-;                 r2 = 32-bit PSR for last abort
-;                 r3 = fault address for last abort (same as PC for prefetch abort)
-        Push    "r0"
-        LDR     r0, =Abort32_dumparea
-        LDMIA   r0, {r2, r3}
-        LDR     r1, [r0,#2*4]
-        Pull    "r0"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; ReadSysInfo(8) - Returns summary information on host platform.
-; On entry:
-;    r0 = 8 (reason code 8)
-; On exit:
-;    r0 = platform class
-;         currently defined classes are:
-;            0 = unspecified platform (r1,r2 will be 0)
-;            1 = Medusa   (currently returned for Risc PC only)
-;            2 = Morris   (currently returned for A7000 only)
-;            3 = Morris+  (currently returned for A7000+ only)
-;            4 = Phoebe   (currently returned for Risc PC 2 only)
-;            5 = HAL      (returned for machines running a HAL)
-;            all other values currently reserved
-;    r1 = 32 additional platform specifier flags (if defined)
-;         bits 0..31 = value of flags 0..31 if defined, 0 if undefined
-;    r2 = defined status of the 32 flags in r1
-;         bits 0..31 = status of flags 0..31
-;                      0 = flag is undefined in this OS version
-;                      1 = flag is defined in this OS version
-; The current flag definitions for r1 (1=supported, 0=unsupported) are :
-;     0     = Podule expansion card(s)
-;     1     = PCI expansion card(s)
-;     2     = additional processor(s)
-;     3     = software power off
-;     4     = OS in RAM, else executing in ROM
-;     5..31 reserved (currently undefined)
- [ HAL
-        Push    "r9,r14"
-        AddressHAL
-        SUB     sp, sp, #8
-        ADD     a2, sp, #0
-        ADD     a3, sp, #4
-        CallHAL HAL_PlatformInfo
-        Pull    "a2,a3,r9,r14"
-        MOV     r0, #5
-        ExitSWIHandler
- |
-        Push    "r3-r5"
-        ADR     r3, %86
-        MOV     r4, #IOMD_Base
-        LDRB    r4, [r4, #IOMD_ID0]
-        LDR     r5, [r3], #4
-        TEQ     r5, #&80000000     ;terminator
-        TEQNE   r5, r4
-        LDMEQIA r3, {r0-r2}
-        BEQ     %FT84
-        ADD     r3, r3, #3*4
-        B       %BT82
-        Pull    "r3-r5"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        DCD     IOMD_Original :AND: &FF,   1, &00000005, &0000000F
-        DCD     IOMD_7500     :AND: &FF,   2, &00000001, &0000000F
-        DCD     IOMD_7500FE   :AND: &FF,   3, &00000001, &0000000F
-        DCD     IOMD_IOMD2    :AND: &FF,   4, &0000000F, &0000000F
-        DCD     &80000000,                 0,         0,         0  ;terminator
- ]
-; OS_ReadSysInfo 9 - Read ROM info
-; On entry:
-;    r0 = 9 (reason code 9)
-;    r1 = item number to return
-; On exit:
-;    r0 = pointer to requested string (NULL terminated) or NULL if it wasn't found
-; Currently defined item numbers are:
-;    0   = OS name
-;    1   = Part number
-;    2   = Build date
-;    3   = Dealer name
-;    4   = User name
-;    5   = User address
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        ADREQ   R0, RSI9_OSname     ; The OS name
-        BEQ     %FT95
-        CMP     R1, #2
-        ADREQ   R0, RSI9_Builddate  ; The build date (dynamically generated)
-        MOVNE   R0, #0              ; Other ones are unimplemented
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        GET    s.Time+Date
-RSI9_OSname    = "$SystemName $VString",0
-RSI9_Builddate = "$Builddate",0
-        ALIGN
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/ModHand b/s/ModHand
deleted file mode 100644
index eaa12084..00000000
--- a/s/ModHand
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3794 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => ModHand - the Relocatable Module Handler
-ExtraRMANeeded * 24*1024 ; Amount you get extra on top of what you configured
-;mjs changes for Ursula  (ChocolateOSMod) - reduce stress on SysHeap
-                     GBLL ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-ModHand_IntrinsicBI  SETL {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOSMod  ;base module incarnation 'node' is in module node
-                        GBLL ModHand_InitDieServices
-ModHand_InitDieServices SETL {TRUE} :LAND: ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-; Test version, incorporating multiple incarnation attempt
-; The module handler needs to know the structure of the HPD, and nodes.
-; See RMTidy in particular.
-; Module chain structure: ModuleList points at a (singly-linked) list of
-; nodes with following fields:
-                        ^  0
-Module_chain_Link       #  4    ; the link to the next module info block
-Module_code_pointer     #  4    ; pointer to the module.
-Module_Hardware         #  4    ; hardware base for podules; 0 for soft loaders
-Module_incarnation_list #  4    ; pointer to list of incarnation specifiers
-Module_ROMModuleNode    #  4    ; pointer to ROM module node if in ROM (main, podule, extn), else zero
-ModInfo                 *  @
-; The incarnation list is a list of sub-nodes, one for each incarnation.
-                        ^  0
-Incarnation_Link        #  4   ; link to next incarnation
-Incarnation_Workspace   #  4   ; 4 private bytes for this life
-Incarnation_Postfix     #  0   ; postfix string starts here
-; Incarnations are distinguished by their postfix, which is separated
-; from the module name by a special character:
-Postfix_Separator       *  "%"
-; Handler initialisation.
-; registers preserved
-; ROM module descriptor format
-                        ^       0
-ROMModule_Link          #       4               ; pointer to next node
-ROMModule_Name          #       4               ; pointer to module name (either directly in ROM, or in an RMA block)
-ROMModule_BaseAddress   #       4               ; start of module, if directly accessible
-ROMModule_Version       #       4               ; BCD version number, decimal point between bits 15,16 eg "1.23" => &00012300
-ROMModule_PoduleNumber  #       4               ; podule number (0..3 = normal podule, -1 = main ROM, -2..-n = extension ROM)
-ROMModule_ChunkNumber   #       4               ; chunk number if in podule or extension ROM, unused (?) if in main ROM
-ROMModule_OlderVersion  #       4               ; pointer to node holding the next older version of this module, 0 if none
-ROMModule_NewerVersion  #       4               ; pointer to node holding the next newer version of this module, 0 if none
-ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask  #       4               ; CMOS address of frugal bit (bits 0..15) and bit mask (16..23)
-                                                ; and 'initialised' flag in bit 24 (bits 25..31 = 0)
-ROMModule_Initialised   *       ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask + 3
-ROMModule_Size          #       4               ; size of module
-ROMModule_NodeSize      #       0
-UnplugCMOSTable                         ; in reverse order
-        =       Unplug17CMOS
-        =       Unplug16CMOS, Unplug15CMOS
-        =       Unplug14CMOS, Unplug13CMOS
-        =       Unplug12CMOS, Unplug11CMOS
-        =       Unplug10CMOS, Unplug9CMOS
-        =       Unplug8CMOS, Unplug7CMOS
-        =       FrugalCMOS+1, FrugalCMOS+0
-        =       MosROMFrugalCMOS+3, MosROMFrugalCMOS+2
-        =       MosROMFrugalCMOS+1
-UnplugCMOSTableEnd                      ; used for backwards indexing
-        =       MosROMFrugalCMOS+0
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-ModuleInit   Entry "r0-r12"                             ; call here on system startup
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_Init                    ; first initialise the heap
-        MOV     r1, #RMAAddress
-        LDR     r3, [r1, #:INDEX: hpdend]               ; saved for us during init.
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-; first initialise the podule manager - this must be the second module (ie the 1st after UtilityModule)
-        ADRL    r6, SysModules_Info+4
-        LDR     r1, [r6, #-4]
-        ADD     r1, r6, r1
-        LDR     r14, [r1, #-4]
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        MOVNE   r0, #ModHandReason_AddArea
-        SWINE   XOS_Module
-; now for each module in the main ROM, create a node for it
-        ASSERT  ROMModule_Link = 0
-        LDR     r9, =ROMModuleChain                     ; pointer to 'previous' node
-        MOV     r8, #0                                  ; initial head ptr is zero
-        STR     r8, [r9]                                ; set up null list
-        MOV     r3, #-1                                 ; podule -1 is main ROM
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ; chunk number 0 to start
-        LDR     r7, [r6, #-4]                           ; get size of this module
-        TEQ     r7, #0                                  ; if zero
-        BEQ     %FT20                                   ; then no more main rom modules
-        LDR     r4, [r6, #Module_Title]                 ; r4 = offset to module name
-        ADD     r4, r6, r4                              ; r4 -> module name
-        LDR     r5, [r6, #Module_HelpStr]               ; r5 = help offset
-        TEQ     r5, #0                                  ; if no help string
-        ADDEQ   r5, r6, #Module_HelpStr                 ; then use help offset as string (null string)
-        ADDNE   r5, r6, r5                              ; otherwise point to help string
-        ADR     r11, UnplugCMOSTable
-        SUBS    r14, r10, #FirstUnpluggableModule       ; subtract number of first module that has an unplug bit
-        MOVCS   r1, r14, LSR #3                         ; get byte number
-        ANDCS   r14, r14, #7                            ; get bit number
-        ADDCS   r14, r14, #16                           ; bit mask stored in bits 16 onwards
-        RSBCSS  r1, r1, #(UnplugCMOSTableEnd-UnplugCMOSTable) ; invert table offset, and check in range
-        LDRCSB  r11, [r11, r1]                          ; load table value if in range
-        MOVCS   r12, #1
-        ORRCS   r11, r11, r12, LSL r14                  ; merge with bit mask
-        MOVCC   r11, #0                                 ; otherwise zero
-        BL      AddROMModuleNode
-        BVS     %FT50                                   ; if failed then can't add any more ROMs!
-        MOV     r9, r2                                  ; this node is now previous one
-        ADD     r6, r6, r7                              ; go on to next module
-        ADD     r10, r10, #1                            ; chunk number +=1
-        B       %BT10
-; now do podule ROMs
-        MOV     r3, #0                                  ; start at podule 0
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ; for each podule start at chunk 0
-        CMP     r3, #-1
-        MOVGT   r12, #0                                 ; if real podule then start at CMOS bit number 0 for this podule
-                                                        ; else carry on from where we're at
-        MOV     r0, r10
-        SWI     XPodule_EnumerateChunksWithInfo
-        BVS     %FT40                                   ; bad podule or some such
-        CMP     r0, #0                                  ; no more chunks?
-        BEQ     %FT45                                   ; then step to next podule
-        CMP     r2, #OSType_Module
-        MOVNE   r10, r0
-        BNE     %BT22
-; now claim a block to copy module title into
-        MOV     r7, r1                                  ; pass size in r7
-        Push    "r0, r3, r4"
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        LDRB    r14, [r4, r3]                           ; find length of title string
-        ADD     r3, r3, #1                              ; increment length (include zero at end)
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        BNE     %BT23
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        Pull    "r0, r3, r14"                           ; restore chunk no., podule no., old ptr to title
-        BVS     %FT50                                   ; if error then no more ROMs (doesn't matter that error ptr is naff)
-        MOV     r4, r2                                  ; save pointer to block
-        LDRB    r1, [r14], #1                           ; now copy string into block
-        STRB    r1, [r2], #1
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        BNE     %BT24
-        MOV     r14, #(1 :SHL: 16)                      ; bit mask ready to shift
-        CMP     r3, #-1
-        BLT     %FT30
-; doing podule ROM
-        ASSERT  ?PoduleFrugalCMOS = 8                   ; ensure we're using the correct Hdr:CMOS
-        CMP     r12, #7                                 ; if bit number <= 7
-        CMPLS   r3, #8                                  ; then if podule number <= 8
-        ADDCC   r11, r3, #PoduleFrugalCMOS              ;      then use one of the 8 PoduleFrugalCMOS bytes
-        MOVEQ   r11, #NetworkFrugalCMOS                 ;      elif podule number = 8 then use network card CMOS
-        MOVHI   r11, #0                                 ; otherwise no CMOS
-        ORRLS   r11, r11, r14, LSL r12                  ; OR in bit mask
-        B       %FT36
-        B       %FT35
-; doing extension ROM
-        CMP     r12, #16                                ; 2 bytes of CMOS for extension ROMs
-        MOVCC   r1, #ExtnUnplug1CMOS                    ; form CMOS address in r1
-        ADDCC   r1, r1, r12, LSR #3
-        ANDCC   r11, r12, #7                            ; get bit mask
-        ORRCC   r11, r1, r14, LSL r11                   ; and OR in
-        MOVCS   r11, #0                                 ; if out of range then no CMOS
-        ADD     r12, r12, #1                            ; increment bit
-        BL      AddROMModuleNode
-        BVS     %FT50
-        MOV     r10, r0                                 ; go onto next chunk
-        MOV     r9, r2                                  ; this node is now previous one
-        B       %BT22
-        CMP     r3, #0                                  ; are we doing extension ROMs
-        BMI     %FT50                                   ; if so, then stop if we get an error
-        TEQ     r3, #0                                  ; if doing extension ROMs
-        SUBMI   r3, r3, #1                              ; then go backwards
-        BMI     %BT21
-        ADD     r3, r3, #1                              ; go onto next podule
-        CMP     r3, #16                                 ; more podules than you could ever fit
-        MOVEQ   r3, #-2                                 ; if got to end, try extension ROMs
-        MOVEQ   r12, #0                                 ; start by using bit 0 of CMOS
-        B       %BT21
-; now go down ROM module chain, initialising things
-        LDR     r12, =ROMModuleChain
-        LDR     r12, [r12]
-        TEQ     r12, #0                                 ; if no more modules
-        BEQ     %FT90                                   ; then skip
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask]      ; get CMOS for LOCATION version
-        ANDS    r2, r3, #&FF
-        MOVNE   r1, r2
-        MOVNE   r0, #ReadCMOS                           ; if there is a CMOS address
-        SWINE   XOS_Byte                                ; then read it
-        TST     r2, r3, LSR #16                         ; test bit
-        BNE     %FT80                                   ; [LOCATION unplugged, so don't initialise here]
-        MOV     r11, r12                                ; start with current one
-; now find the newest version that isn't unplugged
-; first find the newest version
-        LDR     r14, [r11, #ROMModule_NewerVersion]
-        TEQ     r14, #0                                 ; if there is a newer version
-        MOVNE   r11, r14                                ; then link to it
-        BNE     %BT60                                   ; and loop
-; now work backwards until we find a version that isn't unplugged - there must be one, since LOCATION version is not unplugged
-        TEQ     r11, r12                                ; back to LOCATION version?
-        BEQ     %FT68                                   ; [yes, so use that version]
-        LDR     r3, [r11, #ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask]      ; get CMOS for CODE version
-        ANDS    r2, r3, #&FF
-        MOVNE   r1, r2
-        MOVNE   r0, #ReadCMOS                           ; if there is a CMOS address
-        SWINE   XOS_Byte                                ; then read it
-        TST     r2, r3, LSR #16                         ; test bit
-        LDRNE   r11, [r11, #ROMModule_OlderVersion]     ; CODE is unplugged, so try next older version
-        BNE     %BT65
-        LDR     r7, [r12, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]      ; get podule number (for LOCATION version)
-        CMP     r7, #-1                                 ; is it an extension ROM
-        BGE     %FT70                                   ; if not then initialise newer one
-; it's an extension ROM, so only initialise if it's the newest, and hasn't yet been initialised
-        TEQ     r11, r12
-        LDREQB  r10, [r11, #ROMModule_Initialised]      ; only initialise if this is zero and r11=r12
-        TEQEQ   r10, #0
-        BNE     %FT80                                   ; don't initialise
-; not an extension ROM, so initialise the newest version (r11) of this module
- [ DebugROMInit
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-;;;        =       "About to initialise module ",0
-        =       "init mod ",0
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #ROMModule_Name]
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        BL      InitialiseROMModule
- [ DebugROMErrors                                       ; print errors in ROM module init for debugging
-        BVC     %FT80
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-;;;        =       "Error in ROM module init: ",0
-        =       " error: ",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADDVC   r0, r0, #4
-        SWIVC   XOS_Write0
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #ROMModule_Link]
-        B       %BT55
- [ DebugROMInit
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "mod init done",0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
- ]
-        MOV     r1, #RMASizeCMOS
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #Page_Size]
-        MUL     r3, r0, r2
-        ADD     r3, r3, #ExtraRMANeeded
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_Claim
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_Free
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        EXIT
-;       InitialiseROMModule - Initialise a ROM module
-; in:   r11 -> ROM module node for CODE version
-;       r12 -> ROM module node for LOCATION version
-; out:  All registers preserved
-InitialiseROMModule Entry "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r14, #1
-        STRB    r14, [r11, #ROMModule_Initialised]      ; indicate it's been initialised
-        LDR     r2, [r11, #ROMModule_ChunkNumber]
-        LDR     r3, [r11, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]
-        LDR     r4, [r11, #ROMModule_Name]
-        LDR     r6, [r11, #ROMModule_BaseAddress]
-        LDR     r7, [r12, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]
-        ADRL    r1, crstring
-        MOV     lr, pc                                  ; ADRS lr, %FT10
-        ADD     lr, lr, #%FT20-%FT10                    ; ADRS lr, %FT20
-        Push    "r0-r7,r9,lr"
-        LDR     r1, [r11, #ROMModule_Size]
-        MOV     r5, r11                                 ; r5 -> ROM module node
-        B       APMInitEntry
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]                                ; if error, preserve r0
-        EXIT
-;       AddROMModuleNode - Create a ROM module node and link it with the chain
-; in:   R3 = podule number
-;       R4 -> module name
-;       R5 -> module help string
-;       R6 -> module base if directly executable, otherwise zero
-;       R7 = module size
-;       R8 = 0
-;       R9 -> previous node
-;       R10 = chunk number
-;       R11 = CMOS address (in bits 0..15) and bit mask (in bits 16..23) for unplugging (0 if none)
-; out:  R2 -> node created
-;       All other registers preserved, except if error (when R0 -> error)
-AddROMModuleNode Entry "r0,r1,r3-r12"
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMRBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 12
-        MOV     r3,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r3,[r3,#12]
-        BL      ClaimChocolateBlock
-        MOVVS   r3, #ROMModule_NodeSize
-        BLVS    ClaimSysHeapNode
-  |
-        MOV     r3, #ROMModule_NodeSize                 ; claim a rom module node
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode                        ; r0,r1 corrupted, r2 -> block
-  ]
-        STRVS   r0, [stack]
-        EXIT    VS
-        STR     r8, [r2, #ROMModule_Link]               ; set link for this node to 0
-        STR     r7, [r2, #ROMModule_Size]               ; store size in node
-        STR     r4, [r2, #ROMModule_Name]               ; store pointer to title string
-        STR     r6, [r2, #ROMModule_BaseAddress]        ; store base address
-        MOV     r0, r5
-        BL      GetVerNoFromHelpString                  ; read version number in BCD into r1
-        STR     r1, [r2, #ROMModule_Version]            ; store version number
-        LDR     r3, [stack, #2*4]                       ; reload podule number
-        STR     r3, [r2, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]       ; store podule number
-        STR     r10, [r2, #ROMModule_ChunkNumber]       ; store chunk number
-        STR     r11, [r2, #ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask]      ; store CMOS address and mask
-; now check if module is a copy of one already on the list
-        MOV     r10, #0                                 ; next oldest node
-        MOV     r11, #0                                 ; next newest node
-        CMP     r3, #-1                                 ; if in main ROM, no need to look for duplicates
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        MOV     r1, r4                                  ; make r1 -> additional module's name
-        MOV     r4, #0                                  ; zero terminator for Module_StrCmp
-        MOV     r12, #0                                 ; search from start of chain
-        BL      FindROMModule
-        TEQ     r12, #0                                 ; did we find it?
-        BEQ     %FT40                                   ; no, then module is unique
-        TEQ     r6, #0                                  ; set r6 to 1 if extra is directly executable, otherwise 0
-        MOVNE   r6, #1
-        CMP     r3, #-1                                 ; set r3 to 1 if extra is an extension ROM, otherwise 0
-        MOVGE   r3, #0
-        MOVLT   r3, #1
-        LDR     r1, [r2, #ROMModule_Version]            ; reload version number of extra node
-        BL      CompareVersions                         ; compare r2 version with r12 version
-        BCC     %FT30                                   ; extra one is older than this one, so search down older chain
-; extra one is newer than this one, so search down newer chain
-        MOV     r10, r12                                ; old = this
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #ROMModule_NewerVersion]     ; this = newer(this)
-        MOVS    r11, r12                                ; new = this
-        BEQ     %FT40                                   ; if no newer then that's it!
-        BL      CompareVersions
-        BCS     %BT20
-; extra one is older than this one, so search down older chain
-        MOV     r11, r12                                ; new = this
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #ROMModule_OlderVersion]     ; this = older(this)
-        MOVS    r10, r12                                ; old = this
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        BL      CompareVersions
-        BCC     %BT30
-        STR     r10, [r2, #ROMModule_OlderVersion]      ; older(extra)=old
-        STR     r11, [r2, #ROMModule_NewerVersion]      ; newer(extra)=new
-        TEQ     r10, #0                                 ; if old <> 0
-        STRNE   r2, [r10, #ROMModule_NewerVersion]      ; then newer(old)=extra
-        TEQ     r11, #0                                 ; if new <> 0
-        STRNE   r2, [r11, #ROMModule_OlderVersion]      ; then older(new)=extra
-        STR     r2, [r9]                                ; point previous node at this one
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-CompareVersions Entry
-        LDR     r14, [r12, #ROMModule_Version]          ; r14 = version(this)
-        CMP     r1, r14
-        EXIT    NE                                      ; exit with this condition codes, unless equal
-        LDR     r14, [r12, #ROMModule_BaseAddress]
-        TEQ     r14, #0                                 ; set r14 to 1 if this one is directly executable, otherwise 0
-        MOVNE   r14, #1
-        CMP     r6, r14
-        EXIT    NE                                      ; directly executables are "newer"
-        LDR     r14, [r12, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]
-        CMP     r14, #-1                                ; set r14 to 1 if ext. ROM, otherwise 0
-        MOVGE   r14, #0
-        MOVLT   r14, #1
-        CMP     r3, r14                                 ; extension ROMs are "newer" than anything else
-        EXIT                                            ; if equal in all other respects, the later one is "newer"
-;       FindROMModule - Find a named module in the ROM module list
-; in:   R1 -> name to match
-;       R4 = potential additional termintor for R1 string
-;       R12 -> node before 1st node to be checked (0 => search from start)
-; out:  R12 -> found node, or 0 if no match
-;       If match, then R1 -> terminator of R1 string, otherwise preserved
-;       All other registers preserved
-FindROMModule Entry
-        TEQ     r12, #0                                 ; if zero passed in on entry
-        LDREQ   r12, =ROMModuleChain                    ; then search from start of chain
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #ROMModule_Link]             ; go to next module
-        TEQ     r12, #0                                 ; any more modules?
-        EXIT    EQ                                      ; no, then exit
-        Push    "r1, r3"
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #ROMModule_Name]              ; point to name of module on chain
-        BL      Module_StrCmp                           ; compare names
-        STREQ   r1, [sp]                                ; if match, then patch stacked r1
-        Pull    "r1, r3"
-        BNE     %BT10                                   ; if different then try next one
-        EXIT
-; start of module handler SWI
-     GBLA  mhrc
-mhrc SETA 0
-     MACRO
-$l   ModuleDispatchEntry $entry
-$l   B      Module_$entry
-     ASSERT ModHandReason_$entry = mhrc
-mhrc SETA   mhrc + 1
-     MEND
-ModuleHandler ROUT
-     CMP      r0, #(NaffSWI - (.+12))/4     ; Range check
-     ADDLO    pc, pc, r0, LSL #2            ; dispatch
-     B        NaffSWI
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Run
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Load
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Enter
-     ModuleDispatchEntry ReInit
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Delete
-     ModuleDispatchEntry RMADesc
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Claim
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Free
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Tidy
-     ModuleDispatchEntry Clear
-     ModuleDispatchEntry AddArea
-     ModuleDispatchEntry CopyArea
-     ModuleDispatchEntry GetNames
-     ModuleDispatchEntry ExtendBlock
-     ModuleDispatchEntry NewIncarnation
-     ModuleDispatchEntry RenameIncarnation
-     ModuleDispatchEntry MakePreferred
-     ModuleDispatchEntry AddPoduleModule
-     ModuleDispatchEntry LookupName
-     ModuleDispatchEntry EnumerateROM_Modules
-     ModuleDispatchEntry EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo
-     ModuleDispatchEntry FindEndOfROM_ModuleChain
-NaffSWI                                     ; Set V and return
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadModuleReason
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-     MakeErrorBlock BadModuleReason
-Module_Run      ROUT
-       WritePSRc SVC_mode, R12              ; interrupts on
-       Push    "R9, lr"
-       BL       Load_Module
-       BVS      LoadFailed
-  ;     BL       EnvStringSkipName - done in load
- ; R9 now ptr to node, R10 ptr to command string to set up.
- ; Enters preferred incarnation.
-       LDR      R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-       ADD      R12, R12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-       LDR      R9, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-       LDR      R11, [R9, #Module_Start]
-       TEQ      R11, #0
-       Pull    "R9, lr", EQ
-       ExitSWIHandler EQ
-       Push    "R1-R3"
-       MOV      R1, R10
-       MOV      R0, #FSControl_StartApplication
-       MOV      R2, R9
-       LDR      R3, [R9, #Module_Title]     ; prefix with module title
-       ADD      R3, R3, R9
-       SWI      XOS_FSControl
-       BVS      CantGoIntoModule
-       LDR      stack, =SVCSTK
-       MOV      R0, R10
-       WritePSRc 0, R14
-       MOV      r0, r0                      ; NOP because we've changed mode
-       TST      R11, #ARM_CC_Mask           ; check for B startit, etc.
-       MOVNE    R11, #0
-       ADD      PC, R9, R11
-       Pull    "R1-R3"
-       Pull    "R9, lr"
-       B        BumDealInModule
-Module_Load     ROUT
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R12             ; interrupts on
-        Push    "R9, lr"
-        BL      Load_Module
-        Pull    "R9, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-Module_Enter    ROUT
-       Push    "R9, lr"                     ; ready for EnterIt
-       Push    "R0-R4"
-       BL       lookup_commoned
-       STRVS    R0, [stack]
-       Pull    "R0-R4, R9, lr", VS
-       BVS      BumDealInModule
-       BLNE     PreferIncarnation
-       Pull    "R0-R4"
-       MOV      R10, R2                     ; envstring pointer
-       B        EnterIt
-Module_ReInit   ROUT
-       Push    "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-       BL       lookup_commoned
-       BVS      %FT01
-       ADDEQ    R3, R9, #Module_incarnation_list
-       LDREQ    R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
- ;    R12 -> incarnation node, R3  -> previous incarnation
-       MOV      R10, #1                     ; fatal die
-       BL       CallDie
-       BVS      %FT03
-     [ ModHand_InitDieServices
-       BL       IssueServicePostFinal
-     ]
-       SUB      R10, R1, #1
-       BL       EnvStringSkipName
-       BL       CallInit
-       BLVS     LoseModuleSpace_if_its_the_only_incarnation
-       STRVC    R12, [R3, #Incarnation_Link]
-     [ ModHand_InitDieServices
-       BLVC     IssueServicePostInit
-     ]
-03     STRVS    R0, [stack]
-       Pull    "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-01     LDR      R11, [R0]
-       LDR      R2, =ErrorNumber_RMNotFound
-       CMP      R11, R2
-       BEQ      %FT02
-       SETV
-       B        %BT03
-02     MOV      R0, #0
-       BL       AddModuleIfInROM
-       B        %BT03
-Module_Delete   ROUT
-       Push    "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-       BL       lookup_commoned
-       BVS      %FT01
-       ADDEQ    R3, R9, #Module_incarnation_list
-       LDREQ    R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
- ;    R12 -> incarnation node, R3  -> previous incarnation
-       BL       KillIncarnation
-01     STRVS    R0, [stack]
-       Pull    "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-       B        SLVK_TestV
-Module_Free      ROUT
-         Push   "R0, R1, lr"
-         SUB     R0, R0, #(ModHandReason_RMADesc-HeapReason_Desc)
- ASSERT HeapReason_Desc-HeapReason_Free=ModHandReason_RMADesc-ModHandReason_Free
-         MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-         SWI     XOS_Heap
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0, R1, lr"
-         B       SLVK_TestV
-Module_Claim  ROUT
-         Push   "R0, R1, lr"
-         BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0, R1, lr"
-         B       SLVK_TestV
-; Garbage collect the RMA. We know there's always one module,
-; and some RMA space.
- [ RMTidyDoesNowt                               ; on Medusa we do nothing, because we would always fail
-                                                ; due to FSLock being Captain Scarlet
-         B       SLVK
- |
-Module_Tidy      ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R6, R9, lr"
-         WritePSRc SVC_mode, r0
-         MOV     r0, #0
-         LDR     r0, [r0, #Curr_Active_Object]
-         MOV     r1, #RMAAddress
-         LDR     r2, [r1, #:INDEX:hpdend]
-         SUBS    r0, r0, r1
-         CMPHI   r2, r0
-         ADRHIL  r0, ErrorBlock_CantKill
-       [ International
-         BLHI    TranslateError
-       |
-         SETV    HI
-       ]
-         BLVC    Genocide                   ; warn all of impending calamity
-         BVS     ExitRMTidy
-; now for the great adventure. R2 is old contents of ModuleList
-; First build a list of block addresses, together with address of pointer to
-; block, in ascending order.
-         LDR     R2, =ScratchSpace
-         STR     R9, [R2], #4               ; save original module list
-         MOV     R3, R2
-; in loop, R0 is block address, R1 is pointer to pointer to block
-; R2 is ptr to list start
-; R3 is list limit
-01      ADD      R1, R9, #Module_code_pointer
-        LDR      R0, [R1]
-        BL       %FT10                      ; insert pair
-        LDR      R1, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-02      ADD      R1, R1, #Incarnation_Workspace
-        LDR      R0, [R1]
-        CMP      R0, #0
-        BLNE     %FT10                      ; insert workspace block if there
-        LDR      R1, [R1, #-Incarnation_Workspace]
-        CMP      R1, #0
-        BNE      %BT02
-        LDR      R9, [R9, #Module_chain_Link] ; next module
-        CMP      R9, #0
-        BNE      %BT01
-; Now iterate over claimed blocks, to discard non-heap pointers.
-        MOV      R5, R2                     ; currblock ptr
-; if hpdfree <> hpdsize then
-;    doblock (hpdsize, hpdfree=Nil -> hpdbase, hpdfree)
-        MOV      R12, #RMAAddress
-        LDR      R4, [R12, #:INDEX: hpdfree]
-        CMP      R4, #Nil
-        ADDNE    R4, R4, #:INDEX: hpdfree   ; convert to heapstart offset
-        CMP      R4, #hpdsize
-        BEQ      %FT04
-        MOV      R0, #hpdsize
-        CMP      R4, #Nil
-        LDREQ    R1, [R12, #:INDEX: hpdbase]
-        MOVNE    R1, R4
-        BL       ScanAllocBlock
-        CMP      R4, #Nil
-        BEQ      BlocksScanned
-;  while hpdfree <> Nil
-;     doblock (hpdfree+fresize, step(hpdfree)=Nil -> hpdbase, hpdfree)
-04      ADD      R4, R4, R12
-        LDR      R1, [R4, #frelink]
-        LDR      R0, [R4, #fresize]
-        SUB      R4, R4, R12
-        ADD      R0, R0, R4
-        CMP      R1, #Nil
-        ADDNE    R4, R4, R1
-        MOVNE    R1, R4
-        LDREQ    R1, [R12, #:INDEX: hpdbase]
-        BL       ScanAllocBlock
-        BNE      %BT04
-        MOV      R3, R5                     ; new list end
-; copy blocks, relocate ptrs
-; R2, R3 list limits
-; R12 heap start
-        ADD      R0, R12, #hpdsize          ; get addr for first block
-        CMP      R2, R3
-        BEQ      %FT09                      ; nowt to copy
-        LDR      R1, [R2], #8
-        CMP      R1, #0
-        BEQ      StripBlocks
-        LDR      R4, [R1]                   ; block size
-        CMP      R1, R0
-        ADDEQ    R0, R4, R0
-        BEQ      StripBlocks
-; R1 address of first block, R0 address to copy to - gopher it!
-; R4 size
-        LDR      R5, [R2, #-4]              ; pointer to
-        ADD      R0, R0, #4
-        STR      R0, [R5]                   ; relocate ptr
-        SUB      R0, R0, #4
-        LDR      R5, [R1], #4
-        STR      R5, [R0], #4
-        SUBS     R4, R4, #4
-        BGT      CopyBlock
-        B        StripBlocks
-; Update Hpd
-        SUB      R0, R0, R12                ; convert to offset
-        STR      R0, [R12, #:INDEX: hpdbase]
-        MOV      R0, #Nil
-        STR      R0, [R12, #:INDEX: hpdfree] ; no free list.
- ; for restarting, we need
- ; R1 -> prevmod to R9
- ; R9 -> the whinger, R12 -> incarnation list, R2 stop point
- ; R4 -> dead module list
- ; R3 -> previnc
-        MOV      R9, #Module_List           ; "module" that's linked at end
-        LDR      R4, =ScratchSpace
-        LDR      R4, [R4]                   ; dead list
-        MOV      R2, #0                     ; persuade it to step module
-        MOV      R12, #0                    ; immediately.
-        BL       RestartModuleStructure
-        BVS      ExitRMTidy
-        MOV      R0, #1
-        MOV      R1, #-16*1024*1024
-        SWI      XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        CLRV
-        STRVS    R0, [stack]
-        Pull    "R0-R6, R9, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; RMTidy support routines
-; Insertion routine. (R0, 1) is pair to insert, R2 list start, R3 list end.
-; Uses R10, 11, 4
-10      MOV      R11, R2           ; take curr posn ptr
-        SUB      R0, R0, #4        ; genuine internal heap pointer value
-11      CMP      R11, R3           ; list ended?
-        BEQ      %FT13
-        LDR      R4, [R11], #8
-        CMP      R4, R0            ; or right posn?
-        BLO      %BT11
-        SUB      R11, R11, #8      ; where we will store new entry to
-        SUB      R4, R3, #4        ; R4 is OS_Word to move from.
-12      LDR      R10, [R4], #-4    ; now copy between R11 and R3 up 8.
-        STR      R10, [R4, #12]
-        CMP      R4, R11
-        BHS      %BT12
-13      ADD      R3, R3, #8        ; update list end
-        STMIA    R11, {R0, R1}     ; new entry in
-        ADD      R0, R0, #4        ; and back to link.
-        MOV      PC, lr
-ScanAllocBlock    ROUT
- ; R0 block start
- ; R1 block end
- ; R12 heap start
- ; R3  list end
- ; R5  current list entry
- ; poke out list entries that aren't proper heap pointers
-        Push     "R0, R1, R7, R8, lr"
-        mrs      ,lr, CPSR
-        MOV       R8, #0
-        ADD       R0, R0, R12     ; convert to addressi
-        ADD       R1, R1, R12
-01      CMP       R5, R3
-        BHS       %FT02
-        LDR       R7, [R5], #8
-        CMP       R7, R0          ; while entry at R5 LO R0 pokeout
-        STRLO     R8, [R5, #-8]
-        BLO       %BT01
-        SUBHI     R5, R5, #8
-        LDR       R7, [R0]
-        ADD       R0, R0, R7      ; next block
-        CMP       R0, R1          ; step block until end
-        BLO       %BT01
-        msr      ,CPSR_f, lr
-        Pull     "R0, R1, R7, R8, PC"
-        LTORG
-Genocide ROUT ; non-fatally kill de lot of em, stiff the module chain
-              ; corrupts R1-R5, R9, R10, R12
-              ; returns R9 = original module chain
-         Push   "lr"
-         MOV     R4, #0                     ; chain so far
-         MOV     R1, #Module_List             ; prevnode
-         LDR     R9, [R1, #Module_chain_Link] ; currnode
-         CMP     R9, #0
-         BNE     %FT01
-         MOV     R9, R4
-         Pull   "PC"
-01       LDR     R11, [R9, #Module_chain_Link] ; lastnode?
-         CMP     R11, #0
-         MOVNE   R1, R9                     ; step chain
-         MOVNE   R9, R11
-         BNE     %BT01
-         LDR     R2, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list] ; keep chain head
-         ADD     R3, R9, #Module_incarnation_list
-02       LDR     R12, [R3, #Incarnation_Link]       ; currinc
-         CMP     R12, #0
-         BNE     %FT03
-         STR     R12, [R1, #Module_chain_Link]      ; remove from chain
-         STR     R2, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list] ; replace incarnations
-         STR     R4, [R9, #Module_chain_Link]       ; make into dead head
-         MOV     R4, R9
-         B       FindChainEnd
-03       MOV     R10, #0                    ; not fatal indicator
- [ {FALSE} ; debug RMTidy
-        Push    "r0"
-        LDR     r0, [r9, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     r14, [r0, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     r0, r0, r14
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "RMTidy: killing '", 0
-        ALIGN
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "'", 10, 13, 0
-        ALIGN
-        Pull    "r0"
- ]
-         BL      CallDie
-         BVC     %BT02
-; Copy the error in case overwritten
-        MOV     R5,R0                           ; Error block
-        LDR     R0,=GeneralMOSBuffer                ; R0-> stashed error
-        LDR     LR,[R5],#4
-        STR     LR,[R0],#4                      ; Copy error number
-05      LDRB    LR,[R5],#1
-        STRB    LR,[R0],#1
-        CMP     LR,#' '                         ; End of string?
-        BGE     %BT05                           ; No then more
-        LDR     R0,=GeneralMOSBuffer            ; R0-> stashed error
-        SETV
-         MOV     R5, R12
-         MOV     R12, R2
-         MOV     R2, R5     ; r12 now incarnation to start, R2 stop point
-         BL      RestartModuleStructure
-                ; somebody winged, so try and restore consistency before error.
-         Pull   "PC"
-RestartModuleStructure ROUT
- ; R1 -> prevmod to R9
- ; R9 -> the whinger, R12 -> incarnation list, R2 stop point
- ; R4 -> dead module list
- ; R3 -> previnc
-         Push   "R0, R8, lr"
-         MRS     R8, CPSR
-11       CMP     R2, R12
-         BNE     %FT12                      ; more incarnations to do
-         CMP     R4, #0
-         BNE     %FT13
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R8
-         Pull   "R0, R8, PC"
-13       MOV     R1, R9
-14       MOV     R9, R4
-         LDR     R4, [R4, #Module_chain_Link]
-         MOV     R2,#0                      ; indicate reinit all incarnations
-         LDR     R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         STR     R2,  [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         ADD     R3, R9, #Module_incarnation_list ; previnc ptr
-         STR     R2, [R9, #Module_chain_Link]     ; relink next
-         STR     R9, [R1, #Module_chain_Link]
-         B       %BT11                            ; start incarnations
-12       LDR     R11, [R12, #Incarnation_Link]    ; get next in case problems
-         ADRL    R10, crstring                    ; no environment
-         BL      CallInit                         ; frees node if error
-         BVC     %FT15
-         STR     R0, [stack]
-         ORR     R8, R8, #V_bit
-         Push   "R2"
-         MOV     R2, R1                     ; prevnode
-         BL      LoseModuleSpace_if_its_the_only_incarnation
-         Pull   "R2"
-         CMP     R9, #0                     ; did we just discard that module?
-         BEQ     %BT14                      ; yup - next one
-15       LDRVC   R0,  [R3, #Incarnation_Link]
-         STRVC   R0,  [R12,#Incarnation_Link]
-         STRVC   R12, [R3, #Incarnation_Link]
-         MOVVC   R3, R12
-         MOV     R12, R11
-         B       %BT11                      ; next incarnation
- ] ; endif <RMTidyDoesNowt>
-Module_Clear Entry "r0-r3"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r3                          ; interrupts on
-        MOV     r3, #0                                  ; position in chain
-; now find entry in chain to kill : one with successor = R3
-        MOV     r2, #Module_List                        ; prevnode for killing
-        LDR     r0, [r2, #Module_chain_Link]
-        CMP     r0, r3
-        PullEnv EQ
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #Module_chain_Link]
-        CMP     r1, r3
-        MOVNE   r2, r0
-        MOVNE   r0, r1
-        BNE     MHC_StepOn
-        LDR     r11, [r0, #Module_ROMModuleNode]        ; don't kill if it's a ROM module (note that this would also
-        CMP     r11, #1                                 ; account for squeezed ROM modules, so the invincible bit in the
-        LDRCC   r11, [r0, #Module_code_pointer]         ; die entry is not strictly necessary any more, but never mind!)
-        LDRCC   r11, [r11, #Module_Die]                 ; Check for invincible module
-        CMPCC   r11, #&80000000                         ; (die entry has top bit set)
-        MOVCS   r3, r0                                  ; step if not about to delete
-                                                        ; - don't assassinate ROM modules.
-        BLCC    KillAndFree
-        BVC     MHC_GetEndOne
-        LDR     r3, [r2, #Module_chain_Link]
-        STR     r0, [stack]
-        LDR     r0, [stack, #4*4]
-        ORR     r0, r0, #V_bit
-        STR     r0, [stack, #4*4]
-        B       MHC_GetEndOne
-; AddArea:
-; Entry;  R1 -> module in memory to add, leaving it in place.
-; Return: registers preserved, V set if problem
-Module_AddArea   ROUT
-         Push   "R9, lr"
-         WritePSRc SVC_mode, R10             ; interrupts on
-         ADRL    R10, crstring               ; null environment
-         BL      ModuleIn_CheckForDuplicate  ; altentry to Load_Module
-         Pull   "R9, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; CopyArea
-;    R1 -> area of memory to add to the module list,
-;          copying into the RMA
-;    R2 =  size of the area.
-Module_CopyArea  ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R5, R9, lr"
-         WritePSRc SVC_mode, lr
-  ; R1 address, R2 size
-         BL      CheckHeader
-         BVS     AreaFail
-         MOV     R10, R1
-         LDR     R1, [R10, #Module_Title]
-         ADD     R1, R1, R10
-         BL      LookUp_Module               ; check for duplicate
-         BLNE    KillAndFree
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0-R5, R9, lr", VS
-         BVS     SLVK_TestV
-; R10 points at area
-         LDR     R3, [stack, #4*2]           ; get size back
-         BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
-         ADRVSL  R0, ErrorBlock_MHNoRoom
-       [ International
-         BLVS    TranslateError
-       ]
-         BVS     AreaFail
-         MOV     R9, R2                      ; new module pointer
-; copy R3 bytes from R10 to R2
-01       LDR     R1, [R10], #4
-         STR     R1, [R2], #4
-         SUBS    R3, R3, #4
-         BHI     %BT01                       ; was BPL, which is wrong!
-         ADRL    R10, crstring               ; no environment string
-         MOV     R11, #0                     ; not podular
-         BL      LinkAndInit
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0-R5, R9, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; Enumerate modules
-; Entry:  R0 Reason code
-;         R1 module number
-;         R2 incarnation number
-; Exit:   R1, R2 updated to refer to next existing module
-;         R3 -> module code
-;         R4    private word contents
-;         R5 -> postfix string
-Module_GetNames  ROUT
-         WritePSRc SVC_mode, R11             ; interrupts on
-         MOV     R11, R1
-         MOV     R12, R2
-         MOV     R10, #Module_List
-01       LDR     R10, [R10, #Module_chain_Link]
-         CMP     R10, #0
-         BEQ     %FT10                       ; no more modules
-         SUBS    R11, R11, #1
-         BPL     %BT01
-         LDR     R3, [R10, #Module_code_pointer]
-         ADD     R10, R10, #Module_incarnation_list
-02       LDR     R10, [R10, #Incarnation_Link]
-         CMP     R10, #0
-         BEQ     %FT11                       ; no more incarnations
-         SUBS    R12, R12, #1
-         BPL     %BT02
-         LDR     R4, [R10, #Incarnation_Workspace]
-         ADD     R5, R10, #Incarnation_Postfix
-         LDR     R10, [R10, #Incarnation_Link]
-20       CMP     R10, #0
-         ADDNE   R2, R2, #1
-         MOVEQ   R2, #0
-         ADDEQ   R1, R1, #1
-         ExitSWIHandler
-10       ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_NoMoreModules
-       [ International
-         B       BumDealInModule_Translate
-       |
-         B       BumDealInModule
-       ]
-         MakeErrorBlock NoMoreModules
-11       CMP     r2, #0
-         LDREQ   r4, =&DEADDEAD
-         MOVEQ   r10, #0
-         BEQ     %BT20         ; fudge for modules that go bang in init/die
-         ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_NoMoreIncarnations
-       [ International
-         B       BumDealInModule_Translate
-       |
-         B       BumDealInModule
-       ]
-         MakeErrorBlock NoMoreIncarnations
-         LTORG
-Module_ExtendBlock ROUT
-         Push   "R0, r1, R3, lr"
-         ADD     R3, R3, #31
-         BIC     R3, R3, #31
-         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-         BL      DoRMAHeapOpWithExtension
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0, r1, R3, lr"
-         B       SLVK_TestV
-; New Incarnation
-;    R1 -> module%newpostfix
-Module_NewIncarnation ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         WritePSRc SVC_mode, lr
-         BL      LookUp_Module
-         BEQ     CheckTheROM
-         CMP     R12, #0
-         BEQ     Incarnation_needed
-         CMP     R12, #-1
-         BNE     Incarnation_exists
-         MOV     R9, R0                      ; node pointer
-         MOV     R0, R1                      ; postfix
-         MOV     R10, R1
-         BL      EnvStringSkipName           ; envstring ptr in R10
-         BL      Add_Incarnation
-01       STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         B      SLVK_TestV
-         MOV     R0, #Postfix_Separator      ; passed string must have postfix
-         LDR     R1, [stack, #1*4]
-         BL      AddModuleIfInROM
-         B       %BT01
-         Pull   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_PostfixNeeded
-       [ International
-         B       BumDealInModule_Translate
-       |
-         B       BumDealInModule
-       ]
-         MakeErrorBlock PostfixNeeded
-         Pull   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_IncarnationExists
-       [ International
-         B       BumDealInModule_Translate
-       |
-         B       BumDealInModule
-       ]
-         MakeErrorBlock IncarnationExists
-; Rename Incarnation
-; R1 -> current module title
-; R2 -> new postfix.
-Module_RenameIncarnation ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         BL      lookup_commoned
-         BVS     %FT01
-; R12 -> incarnation node    (0 for not specified)
-; R3  -> previous incarnation
-         MOV     R11, R12
-         MOV     R0, R9                      ; check incarnation
-         LDR     R1, [stack, #4*2]           ; not already there
-         Push    R3                          ; preserve pointer to
-         BL      FindIncarnation
-         Pull    R3                          ; previous incarnation
-         BNE     %FT03                       ; already exists
-         MOV     R12, R11
-         CMP     R12, #0
-         ADDEQ   R3, R9, #Module_incarnation_list
-         LDREQ   R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         MOV     R11, R3
-         ADD     R1, R12, #Incarnation_Postfix
-         BL      %FT10                       ; old postfix length -> R0
-         MOV     R10, R0
-         LDR     R1, [stack, #4*2]           ; new postfix
-         BL      %FT10                       ; new length - > R0
-         SUB     R3, R0, R10
-         MOV     R2, R12                     ; incarnation node
-         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-         BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-         BVS     %FT01
-         STR     R2, [R11, #Incarnation_Link] ; relink
-         ADD     R2, R2, #Incarnation_Postfix
-         LDR     R1, [stack, #4*2]
-02       LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-         CMP     R0, #" "
-         MOVLE   R0, #0
-         STRB    R0, [R2], #1
-         BGT     %BT02
-01       STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         B      SLVK_TestV
-03       ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_IncarnationExists
-       [ International
-         Push   "LR"
-         BL     TranslateError
-         Pull   "LR"
-       |
-         SETV
-       ]
-         B       %BT01
-10       MOV     R0, #0
-11       LDRB    R3, [R1, R0]
-         CMP     R3, #" "
-         ADDGT   R0, R0, #1
-         BGT     %BT11
-         MOV     PC, lr
-; MakePreferred
-;   R1 -> name
-Module_MakePreferred ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-        BL      lookup_commoned
-        BVS     %FT01
-        BLNE    PreferIncarnation       ; only prefer it if found!
-        STRVS   R0, [sp, #0]
-        Pull    "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; AddPoduleModule
-; in:   R1 -> envstring
-;       R2 = chunk number
-;       R3 = podule number
-; out:  All registers preserved
-Module_AddPoduleModule Entry
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, lr                  ; interrupts on
-        BL      APMEntry
-        PullEnv
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-APMEntry Entry "r0-r7,r9"
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        SWI     XPodule_EnumerateChunksWithInfo ; out: r1=size, r2=type, r4->name, r5->help string, r6=module address if in ROM
-        BVS     %FT99
-        CMP     r2, #OSType_Module
-        BNE     %FT98
-        MOV     r7, r3
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; indicate not a ROM module (although strictly speaking, it is!)
-        Push    "r1"                            ; size
-        MOV     r1, r4
-        BL      LookUp_Module                   ; check for duplicate
-        BLNE    KillAndFree
-        Pull    "r3"                            ; get size back
-        BVS     %FT99
-        MOVS    r1, r6                          ; if module address non-zero, then it's a directly executable ext. ROM
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; and don't claim a block, or read the chunk
-        BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
-        BVS     %FT99
-        LDR     r0, [stack, #4*2]
-        LDR     r3, [stack, #4*3]
-        SWI     XPodule_ReadChunk
-        MOV     r1, r2                          ; r1 = address of module
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #-4]                   ; r2 = size
-        BLVC    CheckHeader
-        BVS     %FT97                           ; free space too (doesn't matter that it fails for extension ROM)
-        MOV     r9, r1
-        LDR     r10, [stack, #4]                ; envptr
-        MOVS    r3, r7                          ; if not a podule (r7 < 0)
-        MOVMI   r11, #0                         ; then use hardware address zero
-        BMI     %FT20
-        Push    "r1"                            ; else compute hardware address from 'fake' podule number
-        SWI     XPodule_HardwareAddresses       ; get raw hardware address for podule r3 into r0 (r1 = combined)
-        Pull    "r1"
-        BVS     %FT97
-        MOV     r11, r0                         ; move into r11
-        BL      LinkAndInit
-        STRVC   r5, [r9, #Module_ROMModuleNode] ; store zero or pointer to ROM module node (if no error in init)
-        STRVS   r0, [stack]
-        EXIT
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_ChunkNotRM
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        SETV
-        B       %BT99
-        MakeErrorBlock ChunkNotRM
-        MOV     r2, r1                          ; free claimed RMA space
-        MOV     r1, #RMAAddress
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_Free
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        Pull   "r0"
-        B       %BT96
-        LTORG
-; LookupName
-;    Take module name, return info on it suitable for use with Enumeration
-;      (e.g. to get all incarnations of it)
-;  In :   R1 -> name
-;  Out:   R1 module number          \  of THIS module; first enumerate
-;         R2 incarnation number     /  call will give back this module
-;         R3 -> module code
-;         R4    private word contents
-;         R5 -> postfix string
-Module_LookupName ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         BL      lookup_commoned
-         BVC     %FT01
-         STR     R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0-R4, R9, lr"
-         B      SLVK_SetV
-01       MOV     R1, #0               ; module number
-         MOV     R0, #Module_List
-; R9  -> module chain node
-; R12 -> incarnation node    (0 for not specified, -1 for not found)
-         LDREQ   R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]  ; preferred inc.
-02       LDR     R0, [R0]
-         CMP     R0, R9
-         ADDNE   R1, R1, #1
-         BNE     %BT02
-         ADD     R0, R0, #Module_incarnation_list
-         MOV     R2, #0
-03       LDR     R0, [R0]
-         CMP     R0, R12
-         ADDNE   R2, R2, #1
-         BNE     %BT03
-         LDR     R3, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-         LDR     R4, [R12, #Incarnation_Workspace]
-         ADD     R5, R12, #Incarnation_Postfix
-         LDR     r0, [sp], #5*4            ; Load r0, skip r1-r4
-         Pull   "R9, lr"
-         ExitSWIHandler
-; EnumerateROM_Modules and EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo
-;  In :   R1 = module number
-;         R2 = -1    => ROM
-;            = other => Podule R2
-;  Out:   R1 = incremented: next call will return next module
-;         R2 = preserved
-;         R3 -> name
-;         R4 = -1 => unplugged
-;            =  0 => inserted but not currently in the module chain
-;            =  1 => active
-;            =  2 => running
-;         R5 =  chunk number of podule RM
-;         If R0 = ModHandReason_EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo then
-;          R6 = BCD version number of module (decimal point between top and bottom half-words)
-Module_EnumerateROM_Modules ROUT
-Module_EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo ROUT
-        LDR     r12, =ROMModuleChain
-        MOV     r10, r1                                 ; module count
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #ROMModule_Link]             ; follow link to next module
-        TEQ     r12, #0                                 ; if no more modules
-        ADREQL  r0, ErrorBlock_NoMoreModules
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr",EQ
-        BLEQ    TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr",EQ
-      ]
-        BEQ     SLVK_SetV                               ; then report error
-        LDR     r11, [r12, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]
-        CMP     r2, #-1                                 ; if searching for podule -1, then this one must be ">="
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        BGT     %FT20                                   ; searching from normal podules onwards
-; searching from extension ROMs onwards
-        CMP     r11, r2                                 ; so if r11 > r2 then not there yet
-        BGT     %BT10
-; searching from normal podules onwards
-        CMP     r11, #-1                                ; if found one is extension ROM
-        BLT     %FT30                                   ; then will be OK
-        CMP     r11, r2                                 ; else is only OK if r11 >= r2
-        BLT     %BT10
-        CMP     r11, r2                                 ; check for equality
-        MOVNE   r1, #0                                  ; if not correct podule then this is the one to return
-        BNE     %FT50
-        SUBS    r10, r10, #1                            ; decrement module count
-        BCS     %BT10                                   ; not there yet, so go back
-        Push    "r0-r2, lr"
-        LDR     r10, [r12, #ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask]     ; get CMOS address and mask
-        ANDS    r2, r10, #&FF                           ; extract address
-        MOVNE   r1, r2                                  ; if there is a CMOS address
-        MOVNE   r0, #ReadCMOS
-        SWINE   XOS_Byte                                ; then read it
-        TST     r2, r10, LSR #16                        ; test bit
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-        Push    "r8, r9"
-        MOVNE   r4, #-1                                 ; indicate unplugged
-        BNE     %FT90
-; not unplugged, so check for module in module list
-        MOV     r4, #Module_List
-        LDR     r4, [r4, #Module_chain_Link]
-        TEQ     r4, #0                                  ; module not active
-        BEQ     %FT90
-        LDR     r11, [r4, #Module_ROMModuleNode]        ; get active module's pointer to ROM module node
-        TEQ     r11, r12                                ; if it matches
-        BNE     %BT60
-        LDR     r10, [r4, #Module_code_pointer]         ; get pointer to code
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #Curr_Active_Object]
-        LDR     r4, [r10, #-4]                          ; node size of code
-        ADD     r4, r4, r10
-        CMP     r11, r10
-        CMPCS   r4, r11
-        MOVHI   r4, #2                                  ; indicate running
-        MOVLS   r4, #1                                  ; indicate just active
-        LDR     r2, [r12, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]      ; reload podule number
-        CMP     r2, #-1                                 ; if not main ROM
-        LDRNE   r5, [r12, #ROMModule_ChunkNumber]       ; then load chunk number
-        LDR     r3, [r12, #ROMModule_Name]              ; load pointer to name
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1                              ; move module number onto next one
-        TEQ     r0, #ModHandReason_EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo
-        LDREQ   r6, [r12, #ROMModule_Version]
-        Pull    "r8, r9, lr"                            ; restore registers
-        ExitSWIHandler                                  ; and exit
-; FindEndOfROM_ModuleChain
-;  In :   R1 = -1    => ROM
-;            = other => reserved
-;  Out:   R1 = preserved
-;         R2 -> first word after ROM module chain
-Module_FindEndOfROM_ModuleChain ROUT
-        CMP     r1, #-1                                 ; Only works for the system ROM at present
-        ADRNEL  r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr",NE
-        BLNE    TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr",NE
-      ]
-        BNE     SLVK_SetV
-        ADRL    r2, SysModules_Info + 4                 ; Step through until the end of the module chain
-10      LDR     r11, [r2, #-4]
-        TEQ     r11, #0
-        ADDNE   r2, r2, r11
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ExitSWIHandler                                  ; and exit
-; Support routines.
-; Load_Module
-;     takes filename pointer in R1, and loads and initialises the given file.
-;     Returns R9 as a pointer to the node claimed
-;     and  V/current error set if fails
-Load_Module ROUT
-        Push   "R0-R5, lr"
-        MOV     r0, #OSFile_ReadInfo
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        BVS     modfailxit              ; return FileSwitch error
-        CMP     r0, #object_file
-        BNE     HeNotFile
-        BIC     R2, R2, #&FF            ; low byte ignored by me.
-        CMP     R2, #Module_LoadAddr
-        BNE     NotAModule
-; it's a module, so try and claim.
-        MOV     R10, R1                 ; keep string pointer
-        MOV     R3, R4                  ; size of vector needed
-        BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
-        BVS     modfailxit
-02      MOV     R9, R2                  ; keep a copy of node ptr.
-        MOV     R1, R10
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; load to R2 posn
-        MOV     R0, #OSFile_Load
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        BVS     modfailxit              ; return FileSwitch error
-50      MOV     R11, #0                 ; not loaded from hardware.
-; R9 address, R9!-4 size
-        MOV     R1, R9
-        LDR     R2, [R9, #-4]
-        BL      CheckHeader
-        BVS     Duplicate_Immortal      ; actually means naff header field
-; now we've got it, see if any other modules have the same name.
-        LDR     R1, [R9, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     R1, R1, R9
-        BL      LookUp_Module
-        BEQ     %FT01                   ; no module at all
-        CMP     R12, #0
-        BNE     nopostfixwanted         ; postfix given: bad name
-        BL      KillAndFree
-        BVS     Duplicate_Immortal
-; now claim a link
-; R9 module pointer, R10 environment
-01      BL      EnvStringSkipName
-        BL      LinkAndInit             ; takes R2 prevnode from lookup
-        STRVS   R0, [stack]
-        Pull   "R0-R5, pc"
-Duplicate_Immortal                      ; free space claimed for loading
-        STR     R0, [stack]
-        MOV     R2, R9
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
-        MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        SETV
-        Pull   "R0-R5, PC"
-        MakeErrorBlock MHNoRoom
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_ModulePostfix
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       modfailxit
-        MakeErrorBlock ModulePostfix
-        MakeErrorBlock NotMod
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_NotMod
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [stack]
-        SETV
-        Pull   "R0-R5, PC"
-        MOV     r2, r0
-        MOV     r0, #OSFile_MakeError
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        B       modfailxit
-; ModuleIn_CheckForDuplicate
-; Altentry to Load_Module for AddArea: module already in, initialise it.
-         Push   "R0-R5, lr"
-         MOV     R9, R1           ; move module ptr to handy place
-         B       %BT50
-; AddModuleIfInROM
-; in: R1 -> name
-;     R0 = Postfix_Separator => called from AddNewIncarnation when module is not active
-;                               find newest version in ROM, and initialise it in its own location (even if unplugged)
-;                               then rename the base incarnation of it to specified postfix
-;        = 0                 => called from ReInit when module is not active
-;                               plug in all versions of module, and initialise newest one in its own location
-; out: R5-R8 preserved
-;      Other registers may be corrupted
-AddModuleIfInROM Entry "r5-r8"
-        MOV     r4, r0
-        MOV     r12, #0                                 ; search entire ROM set
-        MOV     r7, r1                                  ; save pointer to beginning of name
-        BL      FindROMModule
-        TEQ     r12, #0
-        BNE     %FT10
-        BL      MakeNotFoundError                       ; in:  r1 -> module name 'foo'
-                                                        ; out: r0 -> "Module 'foo' not found" error, V=1
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r6, r1                                  ; save pointer to terminator of module name
-        LDR     r14, [r12, #ROMModule_OlderVersion]     ; find oldest version
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        MOVNE   r12, r14
-        BNE     %BT15
-        TEQ     r4, #0                                  ; if doing AddIncarnation rather than ReInit
-        BNE     %FT30                                   ; then don't plug module in
-        MOV     r5, #&FF                                ; set up byte mask (and indicate found)
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask]
-        AND     r3, r5, r1, LSR #16                     ; get bit mask
-        ANDS    r1, r1, r5
-        BEQ     %FT30                                   ; if no CMOS, then look for another module
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        EXIT    VS
-        TST     r2, r3                                  ; test if module unplugged
-        BEQ     %FT30                                   ; if not, then don't write to CMOS (so RMReInit works when FSLock enabled)
-        BIC     r2, r2, r3                              ; otherwise clear bit
-        MOV     r0, #WriteCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        EXIT    VS
-        LDR     r14, [r12, #ROMModule_NewerVersion]
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        MOVNE   r12, r14
-        BNE     %BT20
-        TEQ     r4, #0                                  ; if AddIncarnation then check that name terminator is "%"
-        LDRNEB  r14, [r6], #1                           ; load next character (and skip it)
-        TEQNE   r14, #Postfix_Separator
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_PostfixNeeded
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r11, r12
-        BL      InitialiseROMModule                     ; in both cases initialise newest version
-                                                        ; (in AddIncarnation case it may still be unplugged)
-        EXIT    VS
-        TEQ     r4, #0                                  ; if ReInit then we've finished (V=0 from above)
-        EXIT    EQ
-        SUB     r8, r6, r7                              ; length of module name including '%'
-        ADD     r8, r8, #4+1+3                          ; allow for 'Base<0>' and round up to whole number of words
-        BIC     r8, r8, #3
-        SUB     stack, stack, r8
-        MOV     r0, stack
-        LDRB    r14, [r7], #1                           ; copy name, including '%'
-        STRB    r14, [r0], #1
-        TEQ     r7, r6
-        BNE     %BT50
-        ADR     r1, base_postfix
-        LDRB    r14, [r1], #1                           ; copy 'Base<0>'
-        STRB    r14, [r0], #1
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        BNE     %BT60
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_RenameIncarnation
-        MOV     r1, stack                               ; pointer to '<module>%Base<0>'
-        MOV     r2, r6                                  ; pointer to 'newinc'
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        ADD     stack, stack, r8                        ; junk name
-        EXIT
-; LinkAndInit :
-;     module pointer in R9
-;     module list position in R2 : added at end if posn not found
-;     environment string pointer in R10
-;    "hardware" in R11
-;     returns module node pointer in R9
-LinkAndInit Entry "r2, r3"
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMABlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 16
-        MOV     r3,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r3,[r3,#16]
-        BL      ClaimChocolateBlock
-    [ ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-        MOVVS   r3, #ModInfo + Incarnation_Postfix + 8   ;enough for 'Base',0
-    |
-        MOVVS   r3, #ModInfo
-    ]
-        BLVS    ClaimSysHeapNode
-  |
-    [ ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-        MOV     r3, #ModInfo + Incarnation_Postfix + 8   ;enough for 'Base',0
-    |
-        MOV     r3, #ModInfo
-    ]
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        EXIT    VS
-        STR     r9, [r2, #Module_code_pointer]
-        STR     r11, [r2, #Module_Hardware]
-        MOV     r9, r2                                  ; keep node pointer
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r2, #Module_ROMModuleNode]         ; assume not a ROM module
-        STR     r0, [r2, #Module_incarnation_list]      ; terminate list
-        ADR     r0, base_postfix
-  [ ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-        BL      Add_intrinsic_Incarnation               ; add Base incarnation
-  |
-        BL      Add_Incarnation                         ; add Base incarnation
-  ]
-        BVS     %FT01
-        Pull    "r2"
-        ADR     r0, Module_List
-        LDR     r1, [r0]
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        CMPNE   r0, r2
-        MOVNE   r0, r1
-        BNE     %BT05
-; add module to chain end - give ROM modules priority.
-        STR     r1, [r9, #Module_chain_Link]
-        STR     r9, [r0, #Module_chain_Link]
-        Pull    "r3, pc"                                ; V clear from EQ compare with 0
-        Push    "r0"
-        LDR     r2, [r9, #Module_code_pointer]
-        MOV     r1, #RMAAddress
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_Free
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        MOV     r2, r9                                  ; node pointer
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMABlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 16
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#16]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        BLVS    FreeSysHeapNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        SETV
-        Pull    "r0, r2, r3, pc"
-        =       "Base",0                                ; postfix used for 1st incarnation
-        ALIGN
-        LTORG
-  [ ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-Add_intrinsic_Incarnation  ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R3, lr"
-         ADD    r2, r9, #ModInfo              ;base incarnation at end of node
-         MOV    r3, #Incarnation_Postfix + 5
-         B      Add_Incarnation_AltEntry
-  ]
-; Add_Incarnation
-;       takes postfix pointer in R0 (terminated by <= space
-;       module node pointer in R9
-;       envstring in R10
-;   Adds an incarnation node, reinitialises the module
-Add_Incarnation  ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R3, lr"
-         MOV     R3, #Incarnation_Postfix      ; node size needed
-01       LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-         ADD     R3, R3, #1
-         CMP     R1, #" "
-         BGT     %BT01
-         BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0-R3, PC", VS
-         LDR     R0, [stack]
-         ADD     R3, R2, #Incarnation_Postfix
-02       LDRB    R1, [R0], #1
-         CMP     R1, #" "
-         STRGTB  R1, [R3], #1
-         BGT     %BT02
-         MOV     R1, #0
-         STRB    R1, [R3]
-         MOV     R3, #0
-         STR     R3, [R2, #Incarnation_Workspace] ; zero private word
-         MOV     R12, R2
-         BL      CallInit
-;         BLVS    FreeIncarnation done by CallInit
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         LDRVC   R3, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         STRVC   R3, [R2, #Incarnation_Link]
-         STRVC   R2, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-       [ ModHand_InitDieServices
-         BLVC    IssueServicePostInit
-       ]
-         Pull   "R0-R3, PC"
-CallInit         ROUT
-;    take R9  -> module node
-;         R12 -> incarnation node
-;         R10 -> envstring
-;    set R11 appropriately
-;    initialise module with R10 given
-        Push   "R0-R6, R11, R12, lr"
- [ SqueezeMods
-        BL      CheckForSqueezedModule                  ; unsqueeze module if squeezed
-        BVS     %FT02
- ]
-  ; if ChocolateService, we must not add to service chains yet, because we have
-  ; to make sure module's init entry is called before service entry (command
-  ; and SWI hashing don't have these worries - they won't be used yet)
- [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-  ; see if we need to update command hash nodes
-        BL      AddCmdHashEntries
-        BVS     %FT02
- ]
-  ; see if we need to set up a module swi node
-        BL      CheckForSWIEntries
-        LDR     R12, [stack, #4*(6+2)]
-        BNE     %FT03
-  ; the module really does have a SWI chunk. Add node to hashtable.
-  ; KJB - after v3.71 add new modules at end, on grounds that first-registered
-  ; modules are probably more important. Exception is when a second module wants
-  ; an already used SWI chunk - it should get priority.
-        MOV     R4, R0
-        MOV     R11, R1
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMSBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 20
-        MOV     r3,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r3,[r3,#20]
-        BL      ClaimChocolateBlock
-        MOVVS   R3, #ModSWINode_Size
-        BLVS    ClaimSysHeapNode
-  |
-        MOV     R3, #ModSWINode_Size
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        BVS     %FT02
-        STR     R9,  [R2, #ModSWINode_MListNode]
-        STR     R4,  [R2, #ModSWINode_CallAddress]
-        STR     R11, [R2, #ModSWINode_Number]
-        ModSWIHashval R3,R11
-	LDR	R4, [R3]
-  	B	%FT09
-   ; top of loop: R4 = node under consideration, R3 = pointer to this node from previous
-08	LDR	R14, [R4, #ModSWINode_Number]
-	TEQ	R11, R14			; if numbers match, jump to end. This also sets
-	BEQ	%FT10				;     the new node's link to this node
-	ADD	R3, R4, #ModSWINode_Link	; update R3 to this node's link
-	LDR	R4, [R3] 			; and move R4 to next node
-09	TEQ	R4, #0
-	BNE	%BT08				; if no next node, exit loop and tack on new one
-10	STR	R4, [R2, #ModSWINode_Link]
-        STR     R2, [R3]
-03  ; now prepared to look at module
-        LDR     R3, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
- [ StrongARM
-        LDR     R4, [R9, #Module_ROMModuleNode]
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        BNE     %FT04                           ;It's a ROM module, so it already knows it's code
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #-4]                   ;Read the length of the module from the RMA.
-        MOV     r0, r3                          ;start address
-        MOV     r2, r4                          ;length
-        MOV     r1, #&B9                        ;Service_ModulePreInit ; a chance to patch things
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-        MOV     r0, #1                          ;It's a ranged synchronisation
-        MOV     r1, r3                          ;Start address
-        ADD     r2, r3, r4                      ;End address
-        SWI     XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
- ]
-        LDR     R4, [R3, #Module_Init]
-        CMP     R4, #0
-  [ ChocolateService
-        BEQ     %FT05
-  |
-        Pull   "R0-R6, R11, R12, PC", EQ      ; V clear
-  ]
-        ADD     R12, R12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-        MOV     R11, #0
-        ADD     R5, R9, #Module_incarnation_list - Incarnation_Link
-01      LDR     R5, [R5, #Incarnation_Link]
-        CMP     R5, #0                        ; count incarnations
-        ADDNE   R11, R11, #1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        CMP     R11, #0
-        LDREQ   R11, [R9, #Module_Hardware]
-  ; R11, R12 now set: initialise
-        MOV     lr, PC                        ; pseudo BL
-        ADD     PC, R3, R4                    ; call 'im
-  [ ChocolateService
-    ;now safe to try to add to service chains (init entry has been called)
-    ;note that AddToServiceChains may cause error (ran out of room)
-        LDRVC   R12, [stack, #4*(6+2)]
-        BLVC    AddToServiceChains
-  ]
-        Pull   "R0-R6, R11, R12, PC", VC
-02      LDR     R12, [stack, #4*(6+2)]
-        BL      FreeIncarnation
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-        BL      FreeCmdHashEntries
-  ]
-  [ ChocolateService
-        BL      RemoveFromServiceChains
-  ]
-        BL      FreeSWIEntry
-        STR     R0, [stack]
-        Pull   "R0-R6, R11, R12, PC"           ; V set return
-; Enter with module pointer in R1
-;              "    size    in R2
-CheckHeader ROUT
-        Push   "R3, lr"
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_HC_Table]
-        BL      %FT11
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_HelpStr]
-        BL      %FT11
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_Title]
-        BL      %FT11
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_Service]
-        BL      %FT10
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_Die]
-        BIC     R3, R3, #&80000000              ; ignore top-bit (means cannot be RMCleared)
-        BL      %FT10
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_Init]
-        TST     R3, #&80000000
-        BLEQ    %FT10                           ; only check init offset if an unsqueezed module
- [ No26bitCode
-; Need to go through extra checks to see that (a) we have a module
-; flags table, and (b) it says that we're 32-bit
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_SWIChunk]
-        TST     R3, #&FF000000
-        TSTEQ   R3, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        BNE     %FT88
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_SWIEntry]
-        BL      %FT20
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_NameTable]
-        BL      %FT21
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_NameCode]
-        BL      %FT20
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_MsgFile]
-        BL      %FT20
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #Module_FlagTable]
-        BL      %FT20
-        LDR     R3, [R1, R3]
-        TST     R3, #ModuleFlag_32bit
-        BEQ     %FT88
- ]
-        CLRV
-        Pull   "R3, PC"
-10      TST     R3, #3
-        BNE     %FT99
-11      CMP     R3, R2
-        MOVLO   PC, lr
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadRMHeaderField
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        Pull   "R3, PC"
- [ No26bitCode
-20      TST     R3, #3
-        BNE     %FT88
-21      CMP     R3, R2
-        MOVLO   PC, lr
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_RMNot32bit
-      [ International
-        MOV     R3, R4
-        LDR     R4, [R1, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     R4, R1, R4
-        BL      TranslateError_UseR4
-        MOV     R4, R3
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        Pull   "R3, PC"
-        MakeErrorBlock RMNot32bit
- ]
-        MakeErrorBlock BadRMHeaderField
-; Enter with module node pointer in R9
-; Sets R12 to module code pointer, R0 SWI code offset, R1 to SWI number
-; Only returns SWIs extant if no incarnations of module yet
-CheckForSWIEntries ROUT
-         LDR     R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         CMP     R12, #0
-         LDREQ   R12, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-         LDREQ   R1, [R12, #Module_SWIChunk]
-         BICEQ   R1, R1, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-         TSTEQ   R1, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-         TSTEQ   R1, #&FF000000
-         MOVNE   PC, lr                         ; naff chunk number.
-         CMP     R1, #0
-         LDRNE   R0, [R12, #Module_SWIEntry]
-         CMPNE   R0, #0
-         BEQ     %FT02
-         TST     R0, #3
-         MOVNE   PC, lr
-         Push   "R5"
-         LDR     R5, [R12, #-4]
-         CMP     R5, R0
-         Pull   "R5"
-01       BLS     %FT02
-         ADD     R0, R0, R12
-         CMP     R0, R0
-         MOV     PC, lr                         ; EQ for success
-02       CMP     PC, #0
-         MOV     PC, lr                         ; NE return
-; Takes R9 pointer to module node; frees any module SWI hashtab node
-FreeSWIEntry ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R5, R12, lr"
-         MRS     R5, CPSR
-         BL      CheckForSWIEntries
-         BEQ     %FT05
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R5
-         Pull   "R0-R5, R12, PC"
-         MOV     R3, R1                ; copy of SWIno
-         ModSWIHashval R1
-         LDR     R2, [R1], #-ModSWINode_Link
-  ; R1 predecessor, R2 currnode, R0 call address, R3 SWIno
-  ; look down chain until find right call address and number
-01       CMP     R2, #0
-         BNE     %FT03
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R5
-         Pull   "R0-R5, R12, PC"
-         LDR     R4, [R2, #ModSWINode_CallAddress]
-         CMP     R4, R0
-         LDREQ   R4, [R2, #ModSWINode_Number]
-         CMPEQ   R4, R3
-         MOVNE   R1, R2
-         LDRNE   R2, [R2, #ModSWINode_Link]
-         BNE     %BT01
-         LDR     R4, [R2, #ModSWINode_Link]
-         STR     R4, [R1,#ModSWINode_Link]
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-         ASSERT  ChocolateMSBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 20
-         MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-         LDR     r1,[r1,#20]
-         BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-         BLVS    FreeSysHeapNode
-  |
-         BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R5
-         Pull   "R0-R5, R12, PC"
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-         ASSERT  Oscli_MHashValMask = &ff
-;entry: R11 -> module cmd table, R4-> 8-word (256-bit) sieve workspace
-;exit:  sieve updated, R0-R3,R5,R6 trashed
-CmdHashSieve ROUT
-         MOV     R0,R4
-         MOV     R1,#0
-         MOV     R2,#8
-         STR     R1,[R0],#4                        ;zero the sieve
-         SUBS    R2,R2,#1
-         BNE     %BT10
-         ;commands with either of these flags set in information word won't be of interest:
-         MOV     R5,#FS_Command_Flag :OR: Status_Keyword_Flag
-         MOV     R0,R11
-         MOV     R6,#0                             ;hash value accumulator
-         LDRB    R1,[R0],#1
-         CMP     R1,#0
-         BEQ     %FT40                             ;no more entries
-         UpperCase R1,R2
-         ADD     R6,R6,R1                          ;hash value is sum of upper cased char values
-         LDRB    R1,[R0],#1
-         CMP     R1,#0
-         BNE     %BT20
-         ADD     R0,R0,#3
-         BIC     R0,R0,#3                          ;align to word boundary
-         LDR     R1,[R0,#4]                        ;pick up information word
-         TST     R1,R5
-         BNE     %FT30                             ;not interested in this type of command
-         AND     R6,R6,#&FF                        ;hash value (256-wide)
-         AND     R2,R6,#&1F
-         MOV     R3,#1
-         MOV     R3,R3,LSL R2                      ;position in sieve word
-         MOV     R6,R6,LSR #5                      ;sieve word index
-         LDR     R1,[R4,R6,LSL #2]
-         ORR     R1,R1,R3                          ;set bit in sieve for this hash value
-         STR     R1,[R4,R6,LSL #2]
-         ADD     R0,R0,#4*4                        ;next command entry (skip 4 word fields)
-         B       %BT18
-         MOV     PC,LR
-;entry: R0 -> Oscli_CmdHashLists array
-;       R6 =  hash index
-;exit:  node created/expanded if necessary to allow room for at least 1 more hash ptr
-;       R1 -> node (may have moved, or been created)
-;       OR V set, error returned if no room
-; - a cmd hash node is:
-;           1 word  = max count (according to current size of node)
-;           1 word  = current count (N)
-;           N words = the entries themselves (entries are module node pointers)
-CheckRoomForNewCmdHash ROUT
-         Push    "R0,R2,R3,LR"
-         LDR     R1,[R0,R6,LSL #2]     ;pick up list for this hash value
-         CMP     R1,#0
-         BNE     %FT10
-         Push    "R0,R1"
-         MOV     R3,#(5+2)*4           ;enough for 5 entries, plus the two count words
-         BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-         STRVS   R0,[SP]
-         Pull    "R0,R1"
-         BVS     %FT90
-         MOV     R1,R2
-         MOV     R3,#5
-         STR     R3,[R1,#0]            ;set the max count word
-         MOV     R3,#0
-         STR     R3,[R1,#4]            ;zero the current count word
-         STR     R1,[R0,R6,LSL #2]     ;store pointer to node in array
-         B       %FT90
-         LDR     R3,[R1,#0]            ;pick up the max count
-         LDR     R2,[R1,#4]            ;pick up thr current count
-         ADD     R2,R2,#1              ;need one more entry
-         CMP     R2,R3
-         BLS     %FT90
-         Push    "R0"
-         MOV     R0,#HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-         MOV     R2,R1
-         MOV     R3,#4*4               ;enough for 4 more entries
-         BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-         STRVS   R0,[SP]
-         Pull    "R0"
-         BVS     %FT90
-         MOV     R1,R2
-         STR     R1,[R0,R6,LSL #2]     ;store pointer to node in array (may have moved)
-         LDR     R3,[R1,#0]
-         ADD     R3,R3,#4
-         STR     R3,[R1,#0]            ;bump max count by 4
-         STRVS   R0,[SP]
-         Pull    "R0,R2,R3,PC"
-;entry: R9 -> module node
-;exit:  module entered into command hash table(s) where appropriate
-;       OR V set, error returned if no room
-AddCmdHashEntries ROUT
-         Push    "R0-R6,R11,R12,LR"
-         LDR     R12,[R9,#Module_incarnation_list]
-         CMP     R12,#0
-         BNE     %FT90                             ;only do stuff if no incarnations yet
-         LDR     R12,[R9,#Module_code_pointer]
-         LDR     R11,=UtilityMod
-         CMP     R12,R11
-         BEQ     %FT90                             ;ignore UtilityModule (Oscli deals directly with it)
-         LDR     R11,[R12,#Module_HC_Table]
-         CMP     R11,#0
-         BEQ     %FT90                             ;no commands
-         ADD     R11,R12,R11                       ;R11 -> command table
-         SUB     SP,SP,#8*4                        ;256-bit workspace for 256-wide hashing sieve
-         MOV     R4,SP
-         BL      CmdHashSieve
-         ;now our sieve has a bit set for each hash value that this module occupies for commands
-         MOV     R0,#0
-         LDR     R0,[R0,#Oscli_CmdHashLists]
-         MOV     R6,#0
-         AND     R2,R6,#&1F
-         MOV     R3,#1
-         MOV     R3,R3,LSL R2                      ;position in sieve word
-         MOV     R5,R6,LSR #5                      ;sieve word index
-         LDR     R1,[R4,R5,LSL #2]
-         TST     R1,R3
-         BEQ     %FT50                             ;module does not occupy this hash value
-         BL      CheckRoomForNewCmdHash            ;returns R1 -> cmd hash node
-         BVS     %FT88
-         LDR     R2,[R1,#4]                        ;current no. of entries on list
-         ADD     R2,R2,#1
-         STR     R2,[R1,#4]
-         ADD     R1,R1,#4
-         STR     R9,[R1,R2,LSL #2]                 ;store ptr to module node at end of list
-         ADD     R6,R6,#1                          ;next hash value
-         CMP     R6,#256
-         BLO     %BT42
-         ADD     SP,SP,#8*4                        ;drop sieve workspace
-         STRVS   R0,[SP]
-         Pull    "R0-R6,R11,R12,PC"
-;entry: R9 -> module node
-;exit:  module removed from cmd hash table(s) as necessary
-FreeCmdHashEntries ROUT
-         Push    "R0-R7,R11,R12,LR"
-         MRS     R7,CPSR
-         LDR     R12,[R9,#Module_incarnation_list]
-         CMP     R12,#0
-         BNE     %FT90                             ;only do stuff if no incarnations
-         LDR     R12,[R9,#Module_code_pointer]
-         LDR     R11,=UtilityMod
-         CMP     R12,R11
-         BEQ     %FT90                             ;ignore UtilityModule (Oscli deals directly with it)
-         LDR     R11,[R12,#Module_HC_Table]
-         CMP     R11,#0
-         BEQ     %FT90                             ;no commands
-         ADD     R11,R12,R11                       ;R11 -> command table
-         SUB     SP,SP,#8*4                        ;256-bit workspace for 256-wide hashing sieve
-         MOV     R4,SP
-         BL      CmdHashSieve
-         ;now our sieve has a bit set for each hash value that this module occupies for commands
-         MOV     R0,#0
-         LDR     R0,[R0,#Oscli_CmdHashLists]
-         MOV     R6,#0
-         AND     R2,R6,#&1F
-         MOV     R3,#1
-         MOV     R3,R3,LSL R2                      ;position in sieve word
-         MOV     R5,R6,LSR #5                      ;sieve word index
-         LDR     R1,[R4,R5,LSL #2]
-         TST     R1,R3
-         BEQ     %FT50                             ;module does not occupy this hash value
-         LDR     R1,[R0,R6,LSL #2]                 ;pick up list for this hash value
-         LDR     R2,[R1,#4]                        ;current no. of entries on list
-         SUB     R2,R2,#1
-         STR     R2,[R1,#4]
-         ADD     R1,R1,#8                          ;scrunch list to remove module (R9)
-         MOV     R3,R1
-         CMP     R2,#0
-         BEQ     %FT50
-         ADD     R2,R2,#1
-         LDR     R5,[R1],#4
-         CMP     R5,R9
-         STRNE   R5,[R3],#4
-         SUBS    R2,R2,#1
-         BNE     %BT40
-         ADD     R6,R6,#1                          ;next hash value
-         CMP     R6,#256
-         BLO     %BT42
-         ADD     SP,SP,#8*4                        ;drop sieve workspace
-         MSR     CPSR_f,R7
-         Pull    "R0-R7,R11,R12,PC"                ;MUST preserve flags
-  ] ;Oscli_HashedCommands
-  [ ChocolateService
-     LTORG
-; must maintain service call chains, all attached to the 3 moorings in
-; kernel workspace:
-;   - Serv_SysChains holds a fixed array of chain anchors for the 'system'
-;     service calls, in the range 1..ServMinUsrNumber
-;   - Serv_UsrChains holds an array of hashed list headers, each header
-;     holds an array of chains (open ended service number handling for
-;     service numbers >= ServMinUsrNumber)
-;   - Serv_AwkwardChain is a simple anchor for a single chain of non-compliant
-;     modules (either old format, or new format without table) that do not
-;     say what service calls they are interested in
-;  The order of modules on the chains is just a convenient as-seen order, so
-;  there will be subtle changes in the order of modules receiving service calls
-;  compared to their order in the active module list. This only affects cases
-;  where a service call may be claimed. Essentially, the new kernel does not
-;  guarantee who gets a chance to claim first, but this was never defined
-;  anyway.
-;a service call chain is a block looking like this:
-;  word 0 = current capacity (max entries*entry_size before block must grow)
-;  word 1 = current size (current number of entries*entry_size)
-;  - followed by an array of the current entries in the chain (cache friendly stuff)
-;  - each entry is 3 words and looks like this:
-;  word 0 = address of client service handler code
-;  word 1 = workspace value for client service handler code
-;  word 2 = R1 value for client (will be index for branch table), or 0 meaning pass service number
-                         ^  0
-ServChain_Capacity       #  4
-ServChain_Size           #  4
-ServChain_Entries        #  0
-ServChain_HdrSIZEOF      #  0
-                         ^  0
-ServEntry_Code           #  4
-ServEntry_WSpace         #  4
-ServEntry_R1             #  4
-ServEntry_SIZEOF         #  0
-;Usr service numbers are those >= ServMinUsrNumber (see below)
-;A Usr service array of chains is a block looking like this:
-;  word 0 = current capacity max entries*entry_size before block must grow)
-;  word 1 = current size (current number of entries*entry_size)
-;  - followed by an array of the current entries in the array of chains
-;  - each entry is 2 words and looks like this:
-;  word 0 = service call number for chain
-;  word 1 = anchor for chain (or 0 if no chain allocated)
-                         ^  0
-ServUChArray_Capacity    #  4
-ServUChArray_Size        #  4
-ServUChArray_Entries     #  0
-ServUChArray_HdrSIZEOF   #  0
-                         ^  0
-ServUChEntry_ServiceNo   #  4
-ServUChEntry_ChainAnchor #  4
-ServUChEntry_SIZEOF      #  0
-ServMinUsrNumber         * 256       ;'System' services in range 1..255, 'User' services >= 256
-ServUsrHashSize          * 16        ; power of 2
-ServMagicInstruction     * &E1A00000 ; (MOV R0,R0) indicates new module format with service table
-ServIndexInR1            * 1         ; bit 0 of table flags word, if set, means pass index in R1
-                                     ; to handler, rather than service number
-                                     ; index corresponds directly to the position of the service
-                                     ; number in the table, and starts at 1 (0 is reserved for service claim)
-ServInitChainCapacity  * 4         ;no. of entries to start at for a chain block
-ServBumpChainCapacity  * 4         ;no. of entries to grow by for a chain block
-;hashing function for Usr service numbers is (number + (number>>8)) AND (hashsize-1)
-        MACRO
-        ServHashFunction $result,$service_number
-        ADD    $result,$service_number,$service_number,LSR #8
-        AND    $result,$result,#ServUsrHashSize-1
-        MEND
-;entry: [R1] -> chain block ([R1] = 0 if no block created yet)
-;       R5 = Code for entry, R6 = WSpace for entry, R7 = R1 value for entry
-;exit:  [R1] -> chain block (may have been created, or moved if had to grow)
-;       V clear if done, V set and error if ran out of room
-AddServChainEntry  ROUT
-         Push    "R0-R4,LR"
-         LDR     R2,[R1]            ;get pointer to chain block from anchor
-         CMP     R2,#0
-         BNE     %FT10
-         MOV     R3,#ServChain_HdrSIZEOF + ServInitChainCapacity*ServEntry_SIZEOF
-         Push    "R1"
-         BL      ClaimSysHeapNode   ;need to create block
-         Pull    "R1"
-         BVS     %FT90
-         STR     R2,[R1]
-         MOV     R0,#ServInitChainCapacity*ServEntry_SIZEOF
-         STR     R0,[R2,#ServChain_Capacity]
-         MOV     R0,#0
-         STR     R0,[R2,#ServChain_Size]
-         LDR     R0,[R2,#ServChain_Size]
-         LDR     R3,[R2,#ServChain_Capacity]
-         CMP     R0,R3
-         BLO     %FT20
-         Push    "R0,R1"
-         MOV     R3,#ServBumpChainCapacity*ServEntry_SIZEOF
-         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-         BL      DoSysHeapOpWithExtension   ;need to grow block
-         STRVS   R0,[SP]
-         Pull    "R0,R1"
-         BVS     %FT90
-         STR     R2,[R1]
-         LDR     R3,[R2,#ServChain_Capacity]
-         ADD     R3,R3,#ServBumpChainCapacity*ServEntry_SIZEOF
-         STR     R3,[R2,#ServChain_Capacity]
-         ADD     R3,R2,#ServChain_HdrSIZEOF
-         ADD     R3,R3,R0
-         STR     R5,[R3,#ServEntry_Code]
-         STR     R6,[R3,#ServEntry_WSpace]
-         STR     R7,[R3,#ServEntry_R1]
-         LDR     R3,[R2,#ServChain_Size]
-         ADD     R3,R3,#ServEntry_SIZEOF
-         STR     R3,[R2,#ServChain_Size]
-         STRVS   R0,[SP]
-         Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-;entry: R2 -> chain block, R5 = Code for entry to remove, R6 = WSpace for entry to remove
-;exit:  registers preserved, entry removed and chain scrunched if entry was found
-RemoveServChainEntry ROUT
-         Push    "R0-R4,LR"
-         CMP     R2,#0
-         BEQ     %FT90
-         LDR     R1,[R2,#ServChain_Size]
-         CMP     R1,#0
-         BEQ     %FT90
-         ADD     R3,R2,#ServChain_HdrSIZEOF      ;start of chain
-         ADD     R1,R1,R3                        ;end of chain
-         LDR     R4,[R3,#ServEntry_Code]
-         LDR     R0,[R3,#ServEntry_WSpace]
-         TEQ     R4,R5
-         TEQEQ   R0,R6
-         BEQ     %FT20
-         ADD     R3,R3,#ServEntry_SIZEOF
-         CMP     R3,R1
-         BLO     %BT10
-         B       %FT90
-         ADD     R3,R3,#ServEntry_SIZEOF        ;found, scrunch up rest of chain
-         CMP     R3,R1
-         BHS     %FT30
-         LDR     R4,[R3,#ServEntry_Code]
-         STR     R4,[R3,#ServEntry_Code - ServEntry_SIZEOF]
-         LDR     R4,[R3,#ServEntry_WSpace]
-         STR     R4,[R3,#ServEntry_WSpace - ServEntry_SIZEOF]
-         LDR     R4,[R3,#ServEntry_R1]
-         STR     R4,[R3,#ServEntry_R1 - ServEntry_SIZEOF]
-         B       %BT20
-         LDR     R1,[R2,#ServChain_Size]
-         SUB     R1,R1,#ServEntry_SIZEOF
-         STR     R1,[R2,#ServChain_Size]
-         Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-;entry: R9 -> module node, R4 -> start of module, R5 -> service handler specified by module header
-;exit:  R0 is -> table, or 0 if no table
-FindServTable ROUT
-        Push   "R1-R2,LR"
-        MOV    R0,#0
-        LDR    R1,[R5]
-        LDR    R2,=ServMagicInstruction
-        TEQ    R1,R2                    ;check for new format
-        BNE    %FT90                    ;nope
-        LDR    R0,[R5,#-4]              ;yes, so previous word is anchor (offset) for table
-        CMP    R0,#0                    ;if anchor is 0, new format but no table specified
-        ADDNE  R0,R0,R4                 ;else get address by adding module start to offset
-        Pull   "R1-R2,PC"
-;entry: R2 -> array of chains, R3 = service number, R5,R6,R7 = Code,WSpace,R1 for chain entry
-;exit:  R0=1 if success,service number added to array if necessary, entry added to appropriate chain,
-;       R0=0 if fail, because service number not yet in array, and array is full (grow not attempted)
-;       or V set, error returned if no room (for chain extension)
-AddServUsr_Hashed ROUT
-        Push   "R1-R4,LR"
-        ADD    R1,R2,#ServUChArray_HdrSIZEOF    ;chain start
-        LDR    R0,[R2,#ServUChArray_Size]
-        ADD    R0,R0,R1                         ;chain end
-        CMP    R1,R0
-        BHS    %FT20
-        LDR    R4,[R1,#ServUChEntry_ServiceNo]
-        TEQ    R4,R3
-        ADDNE  R1,R1,#ServUChEntry_SIZEOF
-        BNE    %BT10
-;found entry for this service number in array
-        ADD    R1,R1,#ServUChEntry_ChainAnchor  ;R1 is address of anchor for chain
-        BL     AddServChainEntry
-        MOVVC  R0,#1
-        B      %FT90                            ;succeeded (or OS error because no room)
-;entry for this service number not found, add it if array has room
-        LDR    R0,[R2,#ServUChArray_Capacity]
-        LDR    R4,[R2,#ServUChArray_Size]
-        CMP    R4,R0
-        MOVHS  R0,#0
-        BHS    %FT90                             ;failed (array needs extension)
-        STR    R3,[R1,#ServUChEntry_ServiceNo]   ;add entry at end of current list
-        MOV    R4,#0
-        STR    R4,[R1,#ServUChEntry_ChainAnchor] ;no chain yet
-        LDR    R4,[R2,#ServUChArray_Size]
-        ADD    R4,R4,#ServUChEntry_SIZEOF
-        STR    R4,[R2,#ServUChArray_Size]
-        ADD    R1,R1,#ServUChEntry_ChainAnchor   ;R1 is address of anchor for chain
-        BL     AddServChainEntry
-        MOVVC  R0,#1
-        Pull   "R1-R4,PC"
-;entry: R2 -> hash header array, R3 = service number, R5,R6,R7 = Code,WSpace,R1 for chain entry
-;exit:  service number added to array on appropriate hash list if necessary, entry added to appropriate chain,
-;       or V set, error returned if no room (for either chain or chain array extension)
-AddServUsr ROUT
-        Push   "R0-R4,LR"
-        ServHashFunction R4,R3          ;result in R4
-        ADD    R1,R2,R4,LSL #2          ;R1 -> entry for this service number in hash header array
-        LDR    R2,[R1]                  ;pick up anchor for array of chains
-        CMP    R2,#0
-        BNE    %FT10
-;must create array of chains
-        Push   "R1,R3"
-        MOV    R3,#ServUChArray_HdrSIZEOF + 4*ServUChEntry_SIZEOF  ;initially room for 4 entries
-        BL     ClaimSysHeapNode
-        Pull   "R1,R3"
-        BVS    %FT90
-        STR    R2,[R1]
-        MOV    R0,#4*ServUChEntry_SIZEOF
-        STR    R0,[R2,#ServUChArray_Capacity]
-        MOV    R0,#0
-        STR    R0,[R2,#ServUChArray_Size]
-        BL     AddServUsr_Hashed
-        BVS    %FT90
-        CMP    R0,#1
-        BEQ    %FT90                          ;add succeeded, done
-;add failed, so we need to grow the array of chains
-        Push   "R1,R3"
-        MOV    R3,#4*ServUChEntry_SIZEOF      ;bump up capacity by 4 entries
-        MOV    R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-        BL     DoSysHeapOpWithExtension
-        Pull   "R1,R3"
-        BVS    %FT90
-        STR    R2,[R1]
-        LDR    R0,[R2,#ServUChArray_Capacity]
-        ADD    R0,R0,#4*ServUChEntry_SIZEOF
-        STR    R0,[R2,#ServUChArray_Capacity]
-;now we can do the add and it cannot fail
-        BL     AddServUsr_Hashed
-        STRVS  R0,[SP]
-        Pull   "R0-R4,PC"
-;entry: R3 = service number, R5,R6,R7 = Code,WSpace,R1 for chain entry
-;exit:  registers preserved, entry added to appropriate chain,
-;       or V set, error returned if no room
-AddServSysOrUsr ROUT
-        Push   "R0-R4,LR"
-        CMP    R3,#ServMinUsrNumber
-        BHS    %FT50
-        LDR    R1,=Serv_SysChains
-        LDR    R2,[R1]
-        CMP    R2,#0
-        BNE    %FT30
-;need to create array of service chain anchors, for service codes 0 to ServMinUserNumber-1
-;(0 is not used, because reserved for service cliamed, but done for convenience)
-        Push   "R1,R3"
-        MOV    R3,#ServMinUsrNumber*4
-        BL     ClaimSysHeapNode
-        Pull   "R1,R3"
-        BVS    %FT90
-        STR    R2,[R1]
-        MOV    R0,#0
-        MOV    LR,#ServMinUsrNumber
-        MOV    R4,R2
-        STR    R0,[R4],#4             ;zero the anchors (no chains yet)
-        SUBS   LR,LR,#1
-        BNE    %BT10
-        ADD    R1,R2,R3,LSL #2        ;address of anchor for this Sys service number
-        BL     AddServChainEntry      ;add to chain
-        B      %FT90
-        LDR    R1,=Serv_UsrChains
-        LDR    R2,[R1]
-        CMP    R2,#0
-        BNE    %FT70
-;need to create array of hash headers for Usr chain arrays
-        Push   "R1,R3"
-        MOV    R3,#ServUsrHashSize*4
-        BL     ClaimSysHeapNode
-        Pull   "R1,R3"
-        BVS    %FT90
-        STR    R2,[R1]
-        MOV    R0,#0
-        MOV    LR,#ServUsrHashSize
-        MOV    R4,R2
-        STR    R0,[R4],#4             ;zero the hash headers
-        SUBS   LR,LR,#1
-        BNE    %BT60
-        BL     AddServUsr
-        STRVS  R0,[SP]
-        Pull   "R0-R4,PC"
-;entry: R9 -> module node, R12 -> incarnation node
-;exit:  module incarnation added onto service call chains as necessary
-;       OR V set, error returned if no room
-; IRQs are disabled during update to make sure service distribution does not happen
-; under interrupt, with possibly incomplete chains still under construction. A little
-; worrying that this may mean interrupts are sometimes off for a while, but there you go.
-AddToServiceChains ROUT
-        Push   "R0-R8,LR"
-        MRS    R8,CPSR
-        ORR    R4,R8,#I32_bit
-        MSR    CPSR_c,R4                     ;IRQs off for update of chain structures
-        LDR    R4,[R9,#Module_code_pointer]  ;start of module
-        LDR    R5,[R4,#Module_Service]
-        CMP    R5,#0
-        BEQ    %FT90
-        ADD    R5,R5,R4
-        ADD    R6,R12,#Incarnation_Workspace
-        BL     FindServTable
-        CMP    R0,#0
-        BEQ    %FT50
-        LDR    R1,[R0],#4            ;flags word from table
-        LDR    R5,[R0],#4            ;handler code offset from table
-        ADD    R5,R5,R4              ;handler code address
-        MOV    R2,#0
-        ADD    R2,R2,#1              ;next index in table (start at 1)
-        LDR    R3,[R0],#4            ;next service call number from table
-        CMP    R3,#0                 ;table terminated by 0
-        BEQ    %FT90
-        TST    R1,#ServIndexInR1
-        MOVNE  R7,R2                 ;we must pass index to handler
-        MOVEQ  R7,#0                 ;we must pass service number
-        BL     AddServSysOrUsr
-        BVS    %FT90
-        B      %BT10
-50      ;awkward customer, with no service table
-        MOV    R7,#0                 ;must pass service number to handler (there is no index)
-        LDR    R1,=Serv_AwkwardChain
-        BL     AddServChainEntry
-        STRVS  R0,[SP]
-        MSR    CPSR_c,R8             ;restore IRQ state (26-bit code used to corrupt V!)
-        Pull   "R0-R8,PC"
-;entry: R9 -> module node, R12 -> incarnation node
-;exit:  module incarnation removed from service call chains as necessary
-;       flags preserved
-; IRQs are disabled during update to make sure service distribution does not happen
-; under interrupt, with possibly incomplete chains still under construction. A little
-; worrying that this may mean interrupts are sometimes off for a while, but there you go.
-RemoveFromServiceChains ROUT
-        Push   "R0-R8,R10,LR"
-        MRS    R10,CPSR
-        ORR    R4,R10,#I32_bit
-        MSR    CPSR_c,R4                     ;IRQs off for update of chain structures
-        LDR    R4,[R9,#Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR    R5,[R4,#Module_Service]
-        CMP    R5,#0
-        BEQ    %FT90
-        ADD    R5,R5,R4
-        ADD    R6,R12,#Incarnation_Workspace
-        BL     FindServTable
-        CMP    R0,#0
-        BEQ    %FT50
-        LDR    R1,[R0],#4            ;flags word from table
-        LDR    R5,[R0],#4            ;handler code offset from table
-        ADD    R5,R5,R4              ;handler code address
-        LDR    R3,[R0],#4            ;next service call number from table
-        CMP    R3,#0                 ;table terminated by 0
-        BEQ    %FT90
-        CMP    R3,#ServMinUsrNumber
-        BHS    %FT20
-        LDR    R1,=Serv_SysChains
-        LDR    R1,[R1]
-        CMP    R1,#0
-        BEQ    %BT10
-        ADD    R1,R1,R3,LSL #2
-        LDR    R2,[R1]               ;pick up anchor for Sys chain
-        BL     RemoveServChainEntry
-        B      %BT10
-        ServHashFunction R4,R3       ;result in R4
-        LDR    R1,=Serv_UsrChains
-        LDR    R1,[R1]
-        CMP    R1,#0
-        BEQ    %BT10
-        LDR    R1,[R1,R4,LSL #2]     ;pick up anchor for array of chains
-        CMP    R1,#0
-        BEQ    %BT10
-        LDR    R8,[R1,#ServUChArray_Size]
-        ADD    R4,R1,#ServUChArray_HdrSIZEOF  ;chain start
-        ADD    R8,R8,R4                       ;chain end
-        CMP    R4,R8
-        BHS    %BT10
-        LDR    LR,[R4,#ServUChEntry_ServiceNo]
-        TEQ    LR,R3
-        ADDNE  R4,R4,#ServUChEntry_SIZEOF
-        BNE    %BT30
-        LDR    R2,[R4,#ServUChEntry_ChainAnchor]
-        BL     RemoveServChainEntry
-        B      %BT10
-        LDR    R1,=Serv_AwkwardChain
-        CMP    R1,#0
-        BEQ    %FT90
-        LDR    R2,[R1]
-        BL     RemoveServChainEntry
-        MSR    CPSR_cf,R10                ;restore IRQ state
-        Pull   "R0-R8,R10,PC"             ;MUST preserve flags
-  ] ;ChocolateService
-        LTORG
-FreeIncarnation  ROUT
-  ; copy error, free any workspace, incarnation link.
-  ;   R12 incarnation pointer, R9 module node pointer
-         Push   "R0-R2,R5,lr"
-         MRS     R5, CPSR
-         BL      Module_CopyError
-         STR     R0, [stack]
-         LDR     R2, [R12, #Incarnation_Workspace]
-         CMP     R2, #0
-         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
-         MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-         SWINE   XOS_Heap
-  [ ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-         SUB     R2, R12, R9
-         CMP     R2, #ModInfo
-         BEQ     FreeIncarnation_Exit   ;if equal, this is the intrinsic incarnation 'node'
-  ]
-         MOV     R2, R12
-         BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R5
-         Pull   "R0-R2,R5,PC"
-; KillAndFree:
-;      R0 -> module
-;      R2 -> prevmodule
-;  Kills all incarnations, frees all space.
-KillAndFree      ROUT
-         Push   "R2, R3, R9, R12, lr"
-         MOV     R9, R0
-         ADDS    R3, R9, #Module_incarnation_list  ; ensure V clear
-01       LDR     R12, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         BL      KillIncarnation
-         Pull   "R2, R3, R9, R12, PC", VS
-         CMP     R9, #0
-         BNE     %BT01                      ; more incarnations yet
-         Pull   "R2, R3, R9, R12, PC"
-; KillIncarnation
-;     R9  module ptr
-;     R12 incarnation ptr
-;     R3  previous incarnation
-;     R2  previous module
-; Exit: R9 zeroed if module completely gone
-KillIncarnation  ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R2, R6, R10, lr"
-         MRS     R6, CPSR
-         MOV     R10, #1                     ; fatal die
-         CMP     r12, #0                     ; fudge for 0 incarnations:
-         BLNE    CallDie                     ; tidy up anyway
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0-R2, R6, R10, PC", VS
-       [ ModHand_InitDieServices
-         BL      IssueServicePostFinal
-       ]
-  [ ModHand_IntrinsicBI
-         SUB     R2, R12, R9
-         CMP     R2, #ModInfo
-         BEQ     %FT01         ;if equal, this is the intrinsic incarnation 'node'
-  ]
-         MOV     R2, R12
-         BL      FreeSysHeapNode                ; free incarnation node
-01       LDR     R0, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         CMP     R0, #0                      ; last incarnation?
-         LDREQ   R2, [stack, #2*4]
-         BLEQ    DelinkAndFreeModule
-         MOVEQ   R9, #0
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R6
-         Pull   "R0-R2, R6, R10, PC"
-         Push   "R0-R2, R6, R10, lr"
-         MRS     R6, CPSR
-         B       %BT01
-; CallDie
-;    take R9  -> module node
-;         R12 -> incarnation node
-;         R3  -> previous incarnation
-;         R10 =  fatality
-; check against CAO
-; delink incarnation, issue die, deal with workspace.
-CallDie ROUT
-         Push   "R0-R7, R11, R12, lr"
-         MRS     R7, CPSR
-         MOV     R11, #0
-         LDR     R11, [R11, #Curr_Active_Object]
- ; check killability
-         LDR     R0,  [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-         BL      %FT10                        ; is_CAO?
-         BLO     %FT04                        ; code block is CAO
- ; check if workspace block could be CAO: may have handler in there
-         LDR     R0, [R12, #Incarnation_Workspace]
-         BL      %FT20                        ; check block before getting size
-         BVS     ModuleIsntCAO                ; not heap block - we don't
-         BL      %FT10                        ; know what's going on.
-         BHS     ModuleIsntCAO                ; not CAO
-04       CMP     R10, #0                      ; fatal?
-         BNE     CantKill
-         LDR     R0, [R12, #Incarnation_Workspace]
-         BL      %FT20
-         BVS     ModuleIsntCAO                ; soft die of non-heap module OK
-         ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_CantKill
-       [ International
-         BL      TranslateError
-       ]
-01       STR     R0, [stack]
-         LDR     R3, [stack, #4*3]
-         LDR     R12, [stack, #4*(7+2)]
-         STR     R12, [R3, #Incarnation_Link] ; relink
-         ORR     R7, R7, #V_bit
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R7
-         Pull   "R0-R7, R11, R12, PC"
-         MakeErrorBlock CantKill
-         MOV     R11, #0                     ; set R11 to incarnation number.
-         LDR     R0, [R9, #Module_incarnation_list]
-03       CMP     R0, R12
-         ADDNE   R11, R11, #1
-         LDRNE   R0, [R0, #Incarnation_Link]
-         BNE     %BT03
-  [ ChocolateService
-         ;remove from service chains now, as part of delink
-         BL      RemoveFromServiceChains
-  ]
-         LDR     R0, [R12, #Incarnation_Link]
-         STR     R0, [R3, #Incarnation_Link] ; delink
-         ADD     R12, R12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-         LDR     R1, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-         LDR     R0, [R1, #Module_Die]
-         BIC     R0, R0, #&80000000          ; knock out invincibility bit
-         CMP     R0, #0                      ; WARNING: don't try to combine these 2 instructions in a BICS - it wouldn't clear V
-         MOV     lr, PC
-         ADDNE   PC, R1, R0                  ; call.
-  [ ChocolateService
-         BVC     HaveKilled
-         ;add back to service chains as part of relink (cant error through lack of memory, since we had room before delink)
-         LDR     R12, [stack, #4*(7+2)]
-         BL      AddToServiceChains
-         B       %BT01
-  |
-         BVS     %BT01
-  ]
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-         BL      FreeCmdHashEntries
-  ]
-         BL      FreeSWIEntry
-         CMP     R10, #0                     ; soft die?
-         BEQ     %FT02
-         LDR     R12, [stack, #4*(7+2)]
-         LDR     R2, [R12, #Incarnation_Workspace]
-         CMP     R2, #0
-         MOVNE   R1, #RMAAddress
-         MOVNE   R0, #HeapReason_Free
-         SWINE   XOS_Heap
-         MOV     R0, #0
-         STR     R0, [R12, #Incarnation_Workspace]   ; orgone
-         BIC     R7, R7, #V_bit
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R7
-         Pull   "R0-R7, R11, R12, PC"
-; check if block @ R0 contains address R11
-10       LDR     R1, [R0, #-4]
-         ADD     R1, R1, R0
-         CMP     R0, R11
-         CMPLS   R11, R1
-         MOV     PC, lr                      ; return LO for Yes
-; check block @ R0 is a valid RMA heap block
-         Push   "R0-R3, lr"
-         MOV     R2, R0
-         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-         MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-         MOV     R3, #0
-         SWI     XOS_Heap
-         Pull   "R0-R3, PC"                 ; V set if not.
-; DelinkAndFreeModule
-;       R9 -> Module
-;       R2 -> prevmodule
-DelinkAndFreeModule ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R2,R5,lr"
-        MRS     R5, CPSR
-;   loop here to find predecessor; make death re-entrant
-        MOV     R0, #Module_List
-        LDR     R1, [R0, #Module_chain_Link]
-        CMP     R1, R9
-        MOVNE   R0, R1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDR     R1, [R9, #Module_chain_Link]
-        STR     R1, [R0, #Module_chain_Link] ; delinked
-        LDR     R2, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-        MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        MOV     R2, R9
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateMABlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 16
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#16]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        BLVS    FreeSysHeapNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R5
-        Pull   "R0-R2,R5,PC"
-;  common lookup for reinit, enter, die
-; Exits with EQ if incarnation not specified, NE if incarnation specified
-; and found.
-lookup_commoned ROUT
-       Push    "lr"
-       WritePSRc SVC_mode, lr               ; we will exit with IRQs enabled
-       BL       LookUp_Module               ; node ptr in R0
-       BEQ      %FT01                       ; not found
-       CMP      R12, #-1
-       BEQ      %FT02                       ; incarnation not found
-       CMP      R12, #0
-       MOV      R9, R0
-       Pull    "PC"
-       ADR      R0, ErrorBlock_RMNotFound
-       Push    "r1-r6"
-       MOV      r3, #0
-       LDR      r3, [r3, #IRQsema]
-       CMP      r3, #0
-       BNE      %FT03
-     [ International
-       MOV      R4, R1
-       BL       TranslateError_UseR4
-       Push     "r0"
-     |
-       BL       GetOscliBuffer
-       Push     r5
-       LDR      r2, [r0], #4
-       STR      r2, [r5], #4
-       BL       rmecopystr
-       LDRB     r2, [r1], #1
-       CMP      r2, #32
-       STRGTB   r2, [r5], #1
-       BGT      copynfrmname
-       BL       rmecopystr
-       STRB     r2, [r5]                   ; terminate
-     ]
-       Pull    "r0-r6"
-       SETV
-       Pull    "PC"
-       MakeErrorBlock  RMNotFound
-       ADR      R0, ErrorBlock_IncarnationNotFound
-     [ International
-       BL      TranslateError
-     ]
-       B        %BT03
-       MakeErrorBlock  IncarnationNotFound
-MakeNotFoundError                         ; r1 -> module name
-       Push     lr
-       B        %BT01
-; Lookup_Module
-; Entry:  R1  -> module name
-; Exit:   R0  -> module chain node   (0 for not found)
-;         R1  -> postfix of name
-;         R12 -> incarnation node    (0 for not specified, -1 for not found)
-;         R2  -> previous module      for potential delinking
-;         R3  -> previous incarnation  "      "         "
-;         NE for found/EQ for not
-LookUp_Module ROUT
-         Push   "R4, R5, lr"
-         WritePSRc SVC_mode, R2              ; interrupts on
-         LDR     R2, =Module_List
-01       LDR     R0, [R2, #Module_chain_Link]
-         CMP     R0, #0
-         Pull   "R4, R5, PC", EQ             ; return if not found
-         LDR     R4, [R0, #Module_code_pointer]
-         LDR     R3, [R4, #Module_Title]
-         ADD     R3, R3, R4                  ; got ptr to title
-         MOV     R4, #Postfix_Separator      ; allowed terminator for StrCmp
-         BL      Module_StrCmp               ; compare with abbreviation.
-         MOVNE   R2, R0
-         BNE     %BT01                       ; loop if not found
-         LDRB    R4, [R1], #1                ; get terminator
-         CMP     R4, #Postfix_Separator
-         BEQ     %FT02
-   ; now a quick fudge to spot recursive ModHand calls during module death.
-         LDR     R12, [R0, #Module_incarnation_list]
-         CMP     R12, #0
-         MOVEQ   R12, #-1                    ; no incarnations!
-         MOVNE   R12, #0                     ; no postfix/incarnation specified
-         CMP     PC, #0
-         Pull   "R4, R5, PC"                 ; back with NE
-02       LDRB    R4, [R1]
-         CMP     R4, #" "
-         BGT     %FT03
-         CMP     R1, R1                      ; force EQ
-         Pull   "R4, R5, PC"                 ; not found: naff postfix
-         Push   "R1"                         ; updated value to return
-         BL      FindIncarnation
-         MOVEQ   R12, #-1                    ; failed to find postfix.
-         CMP     PC, #0                      ; force NE
-         Pull   "R1, R4, R5, PC"             ; back with NE
-; FindIncarnation
-;    R0 is node pointer, need to loop to find incarnation ($R1)
-;    Return EQ if not found,
-;           NE => R12 -> incarnation, R3 -> previnc
-FindIncarnation  ROUT
-         Push   "lr"
-         ADD     R3, R0, #Module_incarnation_list  ; previnc
-03       LDR     R12, [R3, #Incarnation_Link]
-         CMP     R12, #0
-         Pull   "PC", EQ                     ; failed to find postfix.
-         Push   "R3,R4"
-         ADD     R3, R12, #Incarnation_Postfix
-         MOV     R4, #0                      ; no special terminator
-         BL      Module_StrCmp
-         Pull   "R3,R4"
-         MOVNE   R3, R12
-         BNE     %BT03
-         CMP     PC, #0                      ; force NE
-         Pull   "PC"
-;       Module_StrCmp
-; Do a string comparison, given pointers in R1, R3.
-; Ignore case, allow $R1 to be an abbreviation of $R3
-; Strings are terminated by ctrl-char, or ASC(R4) for $R1
-; out:  EQ => match found, R1 -> terminator of R1 string
-;       NE => match not found, R1 preserved
-;       R3 corrupted in all cases
-Module_StrCmp Entry "r1,r2,r5-r7"
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDRB    r7, [r1], #1
-        LDRB    r5, [r3], #1
-        CMP     r7, r4
-        CMPNE   r7, #32
-        CMPLE   r5, #32
-        BLE     %FT02
-        UpperCase r7, r6
-        UpperCase r5, r6
-        CMP     r7, r5
-        ADDEQ   r2, r2, #1
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        TOGPSR  Z_bit, r2                       ; invert EQ/NE
-        CMPEQ   r7, #"."                        ; success if abbreviation
-        EXIT    NE
-        CMP     r5, #" "                        ; reject abbreviation
-        EXIT    LT                              ; after full match
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1
-        SUB     r1, r1, #1
-        CMP     r2, #0                          ; reject 0-length match
-        TOGPSR  Z_bit, r2                       ; invert EQ/NE
-        STREQ   r1, [stack]                     ; r1 -> terminator
-        EXIT                                    ; return with success
-EnvStringSkipName ROUT
-         Push   "R0"
-01       LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-         CMP     R0, #" "
-         BGT     %BT01
-02       LDREQB  R0, [R10], #1
-         CMP     R0, #" "
-         BEQ     %BT02
-         SUB     R10, R10, #1
-         Pull   "R0"
-         MOV     PC, lr
-; PreferIncarnation
-;    R9  -> module node
-;    R12 -> incarnation node
-;    R3  -> previous incarnation
-         Push   "R0"
-         LDR     R0,  [R12, #Incarnation_Link]
-         STR     R0,  [R3,  #Incarnation_Link]
-         LDR     R0,  [R9,  #Module_incarnation_list]
-         STR     R0,  [R12, #Incarnation_Link]
-         STR     R12, [R9,  #Module_incarnation_list]
-         Pull   "R0"
-         MOV     PC, R14
-Module_CopyError ROUT
-; grab an oscli buffer for the error,
-; rather than having a permanent module buffer
-       Push     "R0, R2, R5, R6, lr"
-       BL        GetOscliBuffer
-       STR       R5, [stack]
-       LDR       R2, [R0], #4
-       STR       R2, [R5], #4
-01     LDRB      R2, [R0], #1
-       STRB      R2, [R5], #1
-       CMP       R2, #0
-       BNE       %BT01
-       Pull     "R0, R2, R5, R6, PC"
-;  Claim chunk from RMA : increase RMA if can,
-;  force size to multiple of 32 -4 to keep alignment OK
-RMAClaim_Chunk   ROUT
-         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Get
-         Push   "R0, R3, lr"
-         ADD     R3, R3, #31+4               ; now force size to 32*n-4
-         BIC     R3, R3, #31                 ; so heap manager always has
-         SUB     R3, R3, #4                  ;  8-word aligned blocks
-         B       IntoRMAHeapOp
-         Push   "R0, R3, lr"
-         MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-         SWI     XOS_Heap
-         Pull   "R0, R3, PC", VC
-         LDR     r14, [r0]                   ; look at error number
-         TEQ     r14, #ErrorNumber_HeapFail_Alloc
-         STRNE   r0, [stack]
-         Pull   "r0, r3, PC", NE            ; can only retry if ran out of room
-         Push    r3                         ; in case extension
-         LDR     r1, [stack, #4]
-         CMP     r1, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
-         BNE     notRMAextendblock
-         Push   "r5, r6"
-         LDR     r1, [r2, #-4]               ; pick up block size
-         ADD     r5, r1, r2                  ; block end +4
-         SUB     r5, r5, #4                  ; TMD 02-Aug-93: block size includes size field (optimisation was never taken)
-         MOV     r6, #RMAAddress
-         LDR     r6, [r6, #:INDEX:hpdbase]
-         ADD     r6, r6, #RMAAddress         ; free space
-         CMP     r5, r6                      ; does block butt against end?
-         ADDNE   r3, r3, r1                  ; max poss size needed
-         Pull   "r5, r6"
-  ; note that this doesn't cope well with a block at the end preceded by a
-  ; free block, but tough.
-         MOV     r1, #RMAAddress
-         LDR     R0, [R1, #:INDEX: hpdbase]
-         LDR     R1, [R1, #:INDEX: hpdend]
-         SUB     R1, R1, R0                  ; bytes free
-         SUB     R1, R3, R1                  ; bytes needed
-         Pull    r3
-         ADD     R1, R1, #8                  ; safety factor
-         MOV     R0, #1                      ; try and expand RMA.
-         SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-         Pull   "R0"                         ; heap reason code back
-         MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-         SWIVC   XOS_Heap
-         ADRVSL  R0, ErrorBlock_MHNoRoom
-       [ International
-         Push   "LR",VS
-         BLVS    TranslateError
-         Pull   "LR",VS
-       ]
-         Pull   "r3, PC"
-; Data
-crstring =       13
-         ALIGN
-; *Unplug code.
-Unplug_Code Entry "r7-r9"
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        BNE     ZapTheModule
-; If name not given, list unplugged modules
-;       MOV     r1, #0                          ; start with module 0 (r1 is already zero indicating no parameters to command!)
-        MOV     r2, #-1                         ; start with main ROMs
-        MOV     r7, #0                          ; flag indicating whether we've had any unplugged modules already
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        BVS     %FT30                           ; no more, so finish off
-        CMP     r4, #-1                         ; is it unplugged?
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; no, then go for another one
-        MOV     r8, r1                          ; save module and podule numbers
-        MOV     r9, r2
-        TEQ     r7, #0                          ; if already printed header message
-        BNE     %FT20                           ; then skip
-      [ International
-        BL      WriteS_Translated
-        =       "Unp:Unplugged modules are:", 10, 13, 0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        ADR     r0, AreUnpluggedMessage
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-      ]
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r7, #1
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        EXIT    VS
-        CMP     r2, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT25                           ; if a main ROM, then no blurb after name (and V=0)
-      [ International
-        MOV     r4, r2
-      |
-        ADRGT   r4, podbra                      ; is a podule module
-        ADRLT   r4, extnbra                     ; is an extn rom module
-      ]
-        MVNLT   r2, r2                          ; so invert number
-        SUB     r0, r0, r3                      ; length of module name
-        RSB     r0, r0, #24                     ; number of spaces to pad out to column 24 (may be -ve)
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI + " "                ; always print at least one space
-        EXIT    VS
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #1
-        BGT     %BT21
-      [ :LNOT: International
-        MOV     r0, r4
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        EXIT    VS
-      ]
-        SUB     sp, sp, #3*4                    ; make buffer on stack
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #3*4
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertCardinal4
-      [ International
-        CMP     r4,#-1
-        MOV     r4,r0                           ; r4 -> number
-        BLT     %FT23
-        BL      WriteS_Translated_UseR4
-        =       "Podule:(Podule %0)",0
-        ALIGN
-        B       %FT24
-        BL      WriteS_Translated_UseR4
-        =       "Extn:(Extn ROM  %0)",0
-        ALIGN
-        ADD     sp, sp, #3*4                    ; restore stack
-      |
-        SWIVC   XOS_Write0
-        ADD     sp, sp, #3*4                    ; restore stack
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI + ")"
-      ]
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        MOVVC   r1, r8                          ; restore module and podule number
-        MOVVC   r2, r9
-        BVC     %BT10
-        EXIT
-        CMP     r7, #0                          ; NB will clear V in any case
-      [ International
-        BNE     %FT31
-        BL      WriteS_Translated
-        =       "NoUnp:No modules are unplugged", 10, 13, 0
-        ALIGN
-        EXIT
-      |
-        ADREQ   r0, NoUnpluggedMessage
-        SWIEQ   XOS_Write0
-        EXIT                                    ; exit with V=0 unless error in Write0
-        =       "Unplugged modules are:", 10, 13, 0
-        =       "No modules are unplugged", 10, 13, 0
-        =       "("
-        =       "Podule ", 0
-        =       "("
-        =       "Extn ROM ", 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        MOV     r9, #0                          ; indicate unplug, not insert
-        MOV     r12, #0                         ; search from start of chain
-        MOV     r7, r0                          ; name pointer
-        MOV     r4, #0                          ; no extra terminator
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; indicate no versions found yet
-        MOV     r6, #0                          ; indicate no version found that was initialised
-        MOV     r1, r7
-        BL      SkipToSpace                     ; leaves r1 pointing to 1st space or control char
-        BL      SkipSpaces                      ; leaves r1 -> 1st non-space, r0 = 1st non-space char
-        CMP     r0, #&7F
-        CMPNE   r0, #" "                        ; if a ctrl char, then
-        MOVLS   r8, #&80000000                  ; indicate to unplug all versions
-        BLS     %FT40
-        CMP     r0, #"-"
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #1
-        MOVEQ   r8, #-1
-        MOVNE   r8, #1
-        MOV     r0, #1 :SHL: 31                 ; check terminator is control char or space
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        EXIT    VS
-        MUL     r8, r2, r8                      ; apply sign
-        MOV     r1, r7
-        BL      FindROMModule
-        TEQ     r12, #0
-        BEQ     %FT60                           ; no versions of this module found, so report error
-        LDR     r14, [r12, #ROMModule_OlderVersion]     ; find oldest version of this module
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        MOVNE   r12, r14
-        BNE     %BT42
-        TEQ     r8, #&80000000                  ; if not doing any old podule
-        LDRNE   r14, [r12, #ROMModule_PoduleNumber]
-        TEQNE   r14, r8                         ; and podule number doesn't match
-        BNE     %FT50                           ; then skip this one
-        LDRB    r14, [r12, #ROMModule_Initialised] ; if this version of CODE was initialised then keep pointer to it
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        MOVNE   r6, r12                         ; save pointer to it
-        MOV     r5, #&FF                        ; set up byte mask (and indicate found)
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #ROMModule_CMOSAddrMask]
-        AND     r3, r5, r1, LSR #16             ; get bit mask
-        ANDS    r1, r1, r5
-        BEQ     %FT50                           ; if no CMOS, then look for another module
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        EXIT    VS
-        TEQ     r9, #0
-        ORREQ   r2, r2, r3                      ; set unplug bit
-        BICNE   r2, r2, r3                      ; or clear it as appropriate
-        MOV     r0, #WriteCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        EXIT    VS
-        LDR     r14, [r12, #ROMModule_NewerVersion] ; go to next newer version
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        MOVNE   r12, r14
-        BNE     %BT45
-        TEQ     r5, #0                          ; if we've seen any versions, then don't report error
-        BNE     %FT70
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_RMNotFoundInROM
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        EXIT
-        CMP     r9, #1                          ; if doing unplug not insert
-        CMPNE   r6, #0                          ; and we found a match on an initialised version (else V=0)
- [ 1 = 1
-;RCM's fix for MED-04173
-        EXIT    EQ
-; see if module is active, by checking for module in module list
-        MOV     r0, #Module_List
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #Module_chain_Link]
-        TEQ     r0, #0                          ; module not active
-        BEQ     %FT90
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #Module_ROMModuleNode] ; get active module's pointer to ROM module node
-        TEQ     r1, r12                         ; if it matches
-        BNE     %BT60
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_Delete       ; then tell him he's dead
-        LDR     r1, [r6, #ROMModule_Name]
-        SWI     XOS_Module
- |
-        MOVNE   r0, #ModHandReason_Delete       ; then tell him he's dead
-        LDRNE   r1, [r6, #ROMModule_Name]
-        SWINE   XOS_Module
- ]
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r9, #1                          ; indicate insert, not unplug
-        B       UnplugInsertEntry
-        MakeErrorBlock RMNotFoundInROM
- [ ModHand_InitDieServices
-; IssueServicePostInit
-; On entry
-;  R9  -> module chain node
-;  R12 -> incarnation node
-; On exit
-;  R0-R3 corrupted
-;  flags preserved
-        Push    "R4-R5, lr"
-        MRS     R5, CPSR
-        ASSERT  ModHand_IntrinsicBI     ; can't be bothered to support old world
-        LDR     R2, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #Module_HelpStr]
-        ADD     R0, R2, R0
-        BL      GetVerNoFromHelpString
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        LDR     R2, [R0, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     R2, R0, R2
-        MOV     R4, R1
-        MOV     R1, #Service_ModulePostInit
-        SUB     R3, R12, R9
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #ModInfo        ; R3 = 0 if intrinsic base incarnation
-        ADDNE   R3, R12, #Incarnation_Postfix
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R5
-        Pull    "R4-R5, pc"
-; IssueServicePostFinal
-; On entry
-;  R9  -> module chain node
-;  R12 -> incarnation node (incarnation workspace is already freed)
-; On exit
-;  R0 corrupted
-;  flags corrupted
-        Push    "R1-R4, lr"
-        ASSERT  ModHand_IntrinsicBI     ; can't be bothered to support old world
-        LDR     R2, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #Module_HelpStr]
-        ADD     R0, R2, R0
-        BL      GetVerNoFromHelpString
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        LDR     R2, [R0, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     R2, R0, R2
-        MOV     R4, R1
-        MOV     R1, #Service_ModulePostFinal
-        SUB     R3, R12, R9
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #ModInfo        ; R3 = 0 if intrinsic base incarnation
-        ADDNE   R3, R12, #Incarnation_Postfix
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-        Pull    "R1-R4, pc"
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/MoreComms b/s/MoreComms
deleted file mode 100644
index 53af73a2..00000000
--- a/s/MoreComms
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => MoreComms
-Error_Code ROUT
-        ; Use MessageTrans to construct an error block by substituting the error text into
-        ; an error
-        Push    "r7,r8,lr"
-        ASSERT  ?Error_CodeTag <= 8
-        ADR     lr, Error_CodeTag
-        LDMIA   lr, {r1,r2}
-        Push    "r1,r2"
-        MOV     r1, r0          ; pointer
-        MOV     r0, #0          ; base
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Push    "r2"
-        MOV     r0, sp          ; Error block
- [ :LNOT:International
-        ; Haven't got any alternate code, but at least it'll assemble
- |
-        BL      TranslateError_VClear
- ]
-        ; If error number's changed don't substitute
-        LDR     r3, [r0]
-        TEQ     r3, r2
-        BNE     %FT90
-        ; GSTrans the text into the error buffer
-        MOV     r3, r0
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        ADD     r1, r3, #4
-        MOV     r2, #252
-        SWI     XOS_GSTrans
-        ; Ensure 0-terminated
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        CMP     r2, #252
-        MOVHI   r2, #252
-        STRB    r0, [r1, r2]
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        ADD     sp, sp, #12
-        SETV
-        Pull    "r7,r8,pc"
-Error_CodeTag DCB "ErrSub", 0
-        LTORG
-Eval_Code ROUT
-             Push  "lr"
-             LDR    R1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-  [ LongCommandLines
-             MOV    R2, #LongCLISize
-  |
-             MOV    R2, #256
-  ]
-             SWI    XOS_EvaluateExpression
-             Pull  "PC", VS
-           [ :LNOT: International
-             SWI    XOS_WriteS
-             =     "Result is a",0
-             ALIGN
-             Pull  "PC", VS
-             CMP    R1, #0
-             ADREQ  R0, %FT01
-             ADRNE  R0, %FT02
-             SWI    XOS_Write0
-             Pull  "PC", VS
-             SWI    XOS_WriteS
-             =     ", value : ",0
-             ALIGN
-             Pull  "PC", VS
-           |
-             Push   "r4"
-             CMP    R1, #0
-             ADREQ  R0, %FT01
-             ADRNE  R0, %FT02
-             BL     FindToken
-             MOV    R4,R0
-             BL     WriteS_Translated_UseR4
-             =      "Result:Result is %0, value :",0
-             ALIGN
-             SWI    XOS_WriteI + " "
-             Pull   "r4"
-           ]
-             LDREQ  R1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-             MOVEQ  R0, R2
-             MOVEQ  R2, #256
-             SWIEQ  XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-             MOV    R5, #-1
-03           ADD    R5, R5, #1
-             CMP    R5, R2
-             BEQ    %FT04
-             LDRB   R0, [R1, R5]
-             CMP    R0, #&7F
-             MOVEQ  R0, #"?"-"@"   ; preversion!!
-             CMP    R0, #31
-             ADDLE  R0, R0, #"@"
-             SWILE  XOS_WriteI+"|"
-             Pull  "PC", VS
-             CMP    R0, #"|"
-             CMPNE  R0, #""""
-             CMPNE  R0, #"<"
-             SWIEQ  XOS_WriteI+"|"
-             SWIVC  XOS_WriteC
-             BVC    %BT03
-04           SWIVC  XOS_NewLine
-             Pull  "PC"
-        [ International
-    =    "Integer:an integer",0
-    =    "String:a string",0
-        |
-    =    "n integer",0
-    =    " string",0
-        ]
-    ALIGN
-; Coupla utility commands
-Time_Code    ROUT
-     Push   "lr"
-     SUB     R13, R13, #8
-     MOV     R1, R13
-     MOV     R0, #3
-     STRB    R0, [R1]
-     MOV     R0, #14
-     SWI     XOS_Word
-     BVS     %FT01
-     MOV     R0, #-1
-     MOV     R1, R13
-     LDR     R2, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-     MOV     R3, #256
-     ADRL    R4, TimeFormat
-     SWI     XTerritory_ConvertDateAndTime
-01   ADD     R13, R13, #8
-     SWIVC   XOS_Write0
-     SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-     Pull   "PC"
-Ignore_Code  ROUT
-     Push   "lr"
-     MOVS    R4, R1
-     MOV     R1, R0
-     MOV     R0, #10+ (1:SHL:30)
-     SWINE   XOS_ReadUnsigned
-     Pull   "PC", VS
-     MOV     R6, R2        ; maybe number
-     BL      CheckEOL
-     BNE     %FT01
-     CMP     R4, #0
-     MOV     R0, #&B6
-     MOVEQ   R1, #255
-     MOVNE   R1, #0
-     MOV     R2, #0
-     SWI     XOS_Byte
-     MOV     R0, #6
-     MOV     R1, R6
-     SWINE   XOS_Byte
-     Pull   "PC"
-01   ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_BadNumb
-   [ International
-     BL      TranslateError
-   |
-     SETV
-   ]
-     Pull   "PC"
-ROMModules_Code Entry
-      [ International
-        BL      GSWriteS_Translated
-        =       "ROMMTitle:No. Position|IModule Name|I|IVersion|IStatus|M|J",0
-        EXIT    VS
-      |
-        ADRL    r0, romm_helpstr
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        SWI     XOS_PrettyPrint
-        EXIT    VS
-      ]
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #-1
-        SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState
-        PullEnv CS
-        BCS     AckEscape
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_EnumerateROM_ModulesWithInfo
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        BVC     %FT08
-        CLRV
-        EXIT                                            ; exit V clear
-; R1 = module number +1
-; R2 = podule number
-; R3 -> name
-; R4 = status (-1 unplugged, 0 dormant, 1 active, 2 running)
-; R5 = chunk number
-; R6 = version number
-; Copy info into buffer and prettyprint
-        MOV     r5, r1                                  ; save r1 and r2 for next call to OS_Module
-        MOV     r10, r2
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        MOV     r2, #4
-        SUB     sp, sp, #4
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertCardinal2
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4
-        SUB     r12, r1, r0
-        LDR     r1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     r2, #256
-        MOV     r0, #31
-        RSBS    r12, r12, #3
-15      BLNE    %FT20
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #1
-        BPL     %BT15
-        MOV     r0, r5
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertCardinal2
-        MOV     r0, #" "
-        BL      %FT20                                   ; add space
-        CMP     r10, #-1
-      [ International
-        ADREQL  r0, rommpossysrom
-        ADRLTL  r0, rommposextrom
-        ADRGTL  r0, rommpospodule
-        BL      FindToken
-      |
-        ADREQL  r0, rommpossr
-        ADRLTL  r0, rommposer
-        ADRGTL  r0, rommposp
-      ]
-        BL      %FT21                                   ; add string
-        MOV     r0, #" "
-        BL      %FT20                                   ; add space
-        MOVGT   r0, r10                                 ; if normal podule then use plain number (flags still set from CMP)
-        MVNLT   r0, r10                                 ; if extension ROM then NOT it (-2 => 1, -3 => 2 etc)
-        SWINE   XOS_ConvertCardinal1
-        MOV     r0, #TAB
-        BL      %FT20                                   ; tab to col. 16
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        BL      %FT21                                   ; copy name in
-        MOV     r3, r0                                  ; string length
-        MOV     r0, #TAB
-        CMP     r3, #24
-        ADDCC   r3, r3, #8
-        BLCC    %FT20
-        BCC     %BT03
-        MOV     r11, #"0"
-        TST     r6, #&F0000000                          ; 1st digit of integer part
-        ORRNE   r0, r11, r6, LSR #28
-        BLNE    %FT20
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSL #4
-        TSTEQ   r6, #&F0000000                          ; 2nd digit of integer part
-        ORRNE   r0, r11, r6, LSR #28
-        BLNE    %FT20
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSL #4
-        TSTEQ   r6, #&F0000000                          ; 3rd digit of integer part
-        ORRNE   r0, r11, r6, LSR #28
-        BLNE    %FT20
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSL #4
-        ORR     r0, r11, r6, LSR #28                    ; 4th digit of integer part
-        BL      %FT20
-        MOV     r0, #"."
-        BL      %FT20
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSL #4
-        ORR     r0, r11, r6, LSR #28                    ; 1st digit of decimal part
-        BL      %FT20
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSL #4
-        ORR     r0, r11, r6, LSR #28                    ; 2nd digit of decimal part
-        BL      %FT20
-        MOVS    r6, r6, LSL #4                          ; only print 3rd and 4th digits of decimal part if non-zero
-        ORRNE   r0, r11, r6, LSR #28
-        BLNE    %FT20
-        MOVS    r6, r6, LSL #4
-        ORRNE   r0, r11, r6, LSR #28
-        BLNE    %FT20
-        MOV     r0, #TAB
-        BL      %FT20
-        CMP     r4, #0
-      [ International
-        ADRMIL  r0, rommstatu
-        ADREQL  r0, rommstatd
-        ADRGTL  r0, rommstata
-        BL      FindToken
-      |
-        ADRMIL  r0, rommstu
-        ADREQL  r0, rommstd
-        ADRGTL  r0, rommsta
-      ]
-        CMP     r4, #2
-      [ International
-        ADREQL  r0, rommstatr
-        BLEQ    FindToken
-      |
-        ADREQL  r0, rommstr
-      ]
-        BL      %FT21
-        MOV     r0, #13
-        BL      %FT20
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        BL      %FT20
-        LDR     r0, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        SWI     XOS_PrettyPrint
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r1, r5
-        MOV     r2, r10
-        B       %BT01
-; R1 buffer ptr, R2 bufflen left
-        EntryS
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        STRPLB  r0, [r1], #1
-        EXITS
-        EntryS
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r12, r0
-        LDRB    r0, [r12], #1
-        CMP     r0, #TokenEscapeChar
-        BEQ     %FT23
-        CMP     r0, #0
-      [ International
-        CMPNE   r0, #10
-      ]
-        BLNE    %BT20
-        BNE     %BT22
-        Pull    "r0"
-        SUB     r0, r12, r0       ; length of string
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-        EXITS
-        BL      %BT20
-        LDRB    r0, [r12], #1
-        BL      %BT20
-        B       %BT22
-      [ International
-     =   "SYSROM:System ROM", 0
-     =   "EXTROM:Extn ROM", 0
-     =   "PODROM:Podule", 0
-     =   "Active:Active", 0
-     =   "Dormant:Dormant", 0
-     =   "Unplugged:Unplugged", 0
-     =   "Running:Running",0
-     ALIGN
-      |
-     =   "No. Position",9,"Module Name",9,9,"Version",9,"Status",10,13,0
-     =   "System ROM", 0
-     =   "Unplugged", 0
-     =   "Dormant", 0
-     =   "Active", 0
-     =   "Running", 0
-     ALIGN
-      ]
-RMEnsure_Code Entry "r0, r1"
-        MOV     r1, r0                          ; name pointer
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_LookupName
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        MOVVS   r10, r0                         ; module handler will build a nice error
-        BVS     RMEDoCommand                    ; module not found
-        LDR     r0, [stack]                     ; now find version number
-        LDRB    r6, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r6, #" "
-        BNE     %BT01
-        BL      RMEGetVerNo
-        MOV     r6, r1
-        LDR     r0, [r3, #Module_HelpStr]
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        BEQ     RMEDoCommand                    ; no help string, so do command
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3
-        BL      GetVerNoFromHelpString
-        CMP     r1, r6
-        EXIT    GE
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        Pull    "r0, r1"
-        CMP     r1, #2
-        BEQ     BuildRMEnsureError
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r1, #" "
-        BNE     %BT04
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r1, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT05
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r1, #" "
-        BNE     %BT06
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-        SWI     XOS_CLI
-        Pull    PC
-        MOVS    r0, r10
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        SETV
-        Pull    pc
-10      ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_ModuleTooOld
-      [ International
-        LDR     r4,[r3, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     r4,r4,r3
-        BL      TranslateError_UseR4
-        SETV
-        Pull    pc
-      |
-        BL      GetOscliBuffer
-        MOV     r10, r5
-        LDR     r2, [r0], #4
-        STR     r2, [r5], #4
-        BL      rmecopystr
-        MOV     r6, r0
-        LDR     r2, [r3, #Module_Title]         ; r3 still module pointer
-        ADD     r0, r2, r3
-        BL      rmecopystr
-        MOV     r0, r6
-        BL      rmecopystr
-        STRB    r2, [r5]                        ; terminate
-        B       BuildRMEnsureError
-      ]
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r2, #32
-        STRGEB  r2, [r5], #1
-        BGE     rmecopystr
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        MakeErrorBlock ModuleTooOld
-; *************************************************************************
-;       RMEGetVerNo - Read version number from a string
-; in:   R0 -> string
-; out:  R0, R4, R5, R12 corrupted
-;       R1 = version number in BCD with the decimal point between bits 15 and 16
-;            eg "2.34" => &00023400, "5.6789" => &00056789, "17" => &00170000
-;            only the last 4 digits of the integer part, and the first 4 decimal places are stored
-RMEGetVerNo Entry
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDRB    r12, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r12, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        SUB     r12, r12, #"0"
-        CMP     r12, #9
-        ORRLS   r1, r12, r1, LSL #4             ; just keep nibbles - we only need the
-        LDRLSB  r12, [r0], #1                   ; result to be ordered, not continous
-        BLS     %BT11
-        MOV     r5, #0
-        CMP     r12, #"."-"0"
-        BNE     %FT13
-        MOV     r4, #16
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #4
-        BMI     %FT13
-        LDRB    r12, [r0], #1
-        SUB     r12, r12, #"0"
-        CMP     r12, #9
-        ORRLS   r5, r5, r12, LSL r4
-        BLS     %BT12
-        ORR     r1, r5, r1, LSL #16
-        EXIT
-; *************************************************************************
-;       GetVerNoFromHelpString - Read version number from a module help string
-; in:   R0 -> module help string
-; out:  R1 = version number in BCD with the decimal point between bits 15 and 16
-;            eg "2.34" => &00023400, "5.6789" => &00056789, "17" => &00170000
-;            only the last 4 digits of the integer part, and the first 4 decimal places are stored
-;       All other registers preserved
-GetVerNoFromHelpString Entry "r0, r4, r5, r12"
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; char count
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r1, #0                          ; check character
-        EXIT    EQ                              ; if end of string then no version number so return zero
-        ADD     r5, r5, #1
-        CMP     r1, #TAB
-        ADDEQ   r5, r5, #7
-        BICEQ   r5, r5, #7
-        CMP     r5, #16                         ; hit verno col yet?
-        BLT     %BT10
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #1
-        CMP     r1, #TAB
-        CMPNE   r1, #31                         ; if a control character (except TAB)
-        MOVLT   r1, #0                          ; then no version number so return zero
-        EXIT    LT
-        SUB     r1, r1, #"0"
-        CMP     r1, #9                          ; if not a digit
-        BHI     %BT20                           ; then try next character
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1                      ; was a digit so go back to it
-        BL      RMEGetVerNo                     ; read version number from here
-        EXIT
-        END
diff --git a/s/MoreSWIs b/s/MoreSWIs
deleted file mode 100644
index 051f907c..00000000
--- a/s/MoreSWIs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1198 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => MoreSWIs
-;  SubstituteArgs
-;    in:  R0 -> arglist (space delimited args, terminated by 10,13,0)
- [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-;               top bit set => don't append unused part of line
- ]
-;         R1 -> buffer
-;         R2 =  bufflen
-;         R3 -> string to mangle
-;         R4 =  no of chars in $R3
-;    out: R2 =  no of chars in buffer
-        Push    "r5,lr"
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     r5, #0
- |
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&80000000
-        AND     r5, r0, #&80000000
- ]
-        SWI     XOS_SubstituteArgs32
-        Pull    "r5,lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-;  SubstituteArgs32
-;    in:  R0 -> arglist (space delimited args, terminated by 10,13,0)
-;         R1 -> buffer
-;         R2 =  bufflen
-;         R3 -> string to mangle
-;         R4 =  no of chars in $R3
-;         R5 = flags
-;               top bit set => don't append unused part of line
-;    out: R2 =  no of chars in buffer
-XOS_SubstituteArgs32_code ROUT
-      WritePSRc SVC_mode, R12   ; enable IRQs
-      Push   "R0-R8, lr"
-      ADD     R8, R4, R3
-; try and get parameter positions.
-; Items starting with " can have spaces in
-      MOV   R6, #0       ; parameter number
-      LDR   R12, =MacExStartPtrs
-      LDR   R4, =MacExEndPtrs
-35    LDRB  R5, [R0], #1
-      CMP   R5, #" "
-      BEQ   %BT35
-      MOV   R2, #" "
-      CMP   R5, #""""
-      MOVEQ R2, #""""       ; quoted param
-      CMP   r6, #10         ; "rest of line" item?
-      MOVEQ r2, #-1         ; terminate on EOL only
-      SUB   R0, R0, #1
-      STR   R0, [R12, R6, LSL #2]
-      CMP   r5, #""""
-      ADDEQ R0, R0, #1
-36    LDRB  R5, [R0], #1
-      BL    suba_chktrm
-      CMPNE R5, R2
-      BNE   %BT36
-      CMP   R5, #""""
-      LDREQB R5, [R0]
-      CMPEQ R5, #""""   ; check for "" in string
-      ADDEQ R0, R0, #1
-      BEQ   %BT36
-      CMP   R2, #""""
-      SUBNE R0, R0, #1
-      STR   R0, [R4, R6, LSL #2]
-      ADD   R6, R6, #1
-      CMP   R6, #11           ; Parameters 0-9 and a "rest" set.
-      BNE   %BT35
-; Keep track of highest param used, so can tack any unused stuff on end.
-; R3 points at string to get chars from
-; R12 at start ptrs
-; R4 at end ptrs
-      MOV    R6, #0          ; count.
-      MOV    R7, #0          ; highest param used.
-      LDR    R2, [stack, #4*2]
-37    BL     suba_getchar
-      BEQ    %FT41
-      CMP    R5, #"%"
-      BEQ    %FT44
-38    BL     suba_addchar
-      B      %BT37
-      ADD    R5, R5, #"0"
-      MOV    R11, R5
-      MOV    R5, #"%"
-      BL     suba_addchar
-      MOV    R5, R11
-      B      %BT38
-44    BL     suba_getchar
-      MOVEQ  R5, #"%"
-      BEQ    %FT40
-      CMP    R5, #"%"
-      BEQ    %BT38
-      CMP    R5, #"*"
-      BEQ    DoStarParams
-      SUBS   R5, R5, #"0"
-      BMI    PCnotparm
-      CMP    R5, #9
-      BGT    PCnotparm
-; itsa parameter! Get ptrs from R12, R4
-      CMP    R5, R7
-      ADDGE  R7, R5, #1
-      LDR    R11, [R4, R5, LSL #2]
-      LDR    R10, [R12, R5, LSL #2]  ; start ptr
-39    LDRB   R5, [R10], #1
-      CMP    R10, R11
-      BGT    %BT37
-      BL     suba_addchar
-      B      %BT39
-DoStarParams ; had %* : find limits to copy between
-      BL     suba_getchar
-      BEQ    PCStarTerminates
-      SUBS   R5, R5, #"0"
-      BMI    PCStarNoDigit
-      CMP    R5, #9
-      MOVLE  R7, #11                  ; flag * used
-      LDRLE  R11, [R4, #10*4]         ; always to EOL
-      BLE    CopyToR11FromParamR5
-      ADD    R5, R5, #"0"
-      MOV    R11, R5
-      MOV    R5, #"%"
-      BL     suba_addchar
-      MOV    R5, #"*"
-      BL     suba_addchar
-      MOV    R5, R11
-      B      %BT38
-      MOV    R5, #"%"
-      BL     suba_addchar
-      MOV    R5, #"*"
-40    BL     suba_addchar
-41    CMP    r7, #11
-      LDREQ  r12, [r4, #10*4]        ; no more to copy
-      BEQ    %FT42
-      LDR    r0, [stack, #4*5]
-      CMP    r0, #0
-      LDRPL  R12, [R12, R7, LSL #2]  ; ptr to rest of command line : copy
-      LDRMI  r12, [r4, #10*4]        ; caller wants no appending.
-42    LDRB   R5, [R12], #1
-      BL     suba_addchar
-      BL     suba_chktrm
-      BNE    %BT42
-      STR    R6, [stack, #4*2]
-      Pull  "R0-R8, lr"
-      ExitSWIHandler
-      EntryS
-      ADD    R6, R6, #1
-      CMP    R6, R2
-      STRNEB R5, [R1], #1
-      EXITS  NE
-      PullEnv
-      ADRL   R0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-    [ International
-      BL     TranslateError
-    ]
-      STR    R0, [stack]
-      Pull  "R0-R8, lr"
-      B     SLVK_SetV
-      CMP    R3, R8
-      LDRNEB R5, [R3], #1
-      MOV    PC, lr
-      CMP   R5, #13
-      CMPNE R5, #10
-      CMPNE R5, #0
-      MOV   PC, lr
-      LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Take R0 as pointer to null-terminated string, print it
-; with line breaks before words that won't fit on the current line.
-; CR forces a newline. TAB=tab to next column of 8. CHR$31 = hard space
-; <27,n> => substitute nth dictionary entry:
-;  dictionary is pointed at by r1, consists of a list of null-terminated
-;  strings, with preceding length bytes.
-; 0th dictentry => use string at r2.
-XOS_PrettyPrint_code ROUT
-; Inside here, r1 is the current string pointer
-;              R3 is the linelength to format to
-;              R4 is the current position in the line.
-;              r6 is the return addr in word counting
-;              r7 is the r1 restore value in reading word length
-;              r8 is used in dictionary selection in getbytepp
-;              r9 is the stack restoration level for exiting.
-;              r11 is the dictionary pointer (0 means use MOS dict)
-;              r12 is the special token pointer
-          WritePSRc SVC_mode, r11
-          Push   "r0-r9, lr"
-          BL      ReadWindowWidth    ; read linelength
-          MOV     R3, R0
-          MOV     R0, #165           ; read output cursor
-          SWI     XOS_Byte
-          ORR     R4, R1, #&80000000 ; no leading space even if in line.
-          LDMFD   stack, {r1, r11, r12}   ; reload strptr, dictptr, tokptr
-          CMP     r11, #0
-          ADREQL  r11, MOSdictionary
-          MOV     r9, stack
-; loop over all words
-01        BL      getwordlength
-          CMP     R2, #0
-          BNE     %FT03
-          BL      getbytepp
-          B       %FT21                ; null word - test for done
-          CMP     R4, #0
-          ADDGT   R2, R2, #1           ; allow for separator
-          ADD     R0, R2, R4
-          BIC     R0, R0, #&80000000   ; clear R4 flag
-          CMP     R0, R3
-          BLE     %FT10
-          CMP     R4, #0
-          SUBGT   R2, R2, #1          ; remove leading space length
-          MOV     R4, #0              ; if word too long to fit, do newline
-          SWI     XOS_NewLine
-          BVS     exitpp
-10        CMP     R4, #0
-          BIC     R4, R4, #&80000000  ; clear "no leading space" flag
-          ADD     R4, R4, R2
-          SUBGT   R2, R2, #1
-          SWIGT   XOS_WriteI+" "    ; output separator if not 1st on line
-          BVS     exitpp
-04        BL      getbytepp
-          CMP     R0, #31           ; hard space?
-          MOVEQ   R0, #" "
-          SWI     XOS_WriteC
-          BVS     exitpp
-          SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-          BNE     %BT04
-21        CMP     R0, #13
-          MOVEQ   R4, #0
-          SWIEQ   XOS_NewLine
-          BVS     exitpp
-          CMP     R0, #TAB
-          BEQ     %FT20
-          CMP     R0, #0
-          BNE     %BT01
-exitpp    MOV     stack, r9
-          STRVS   r0, [stack]
-          Pull   "r0-r9,lr"
-          B      SLVK_TestV
-; TAB had: align to next multiple of 8
-20        BIC     R4, R4, #&80000000
-   ; first want to get next word length, to see if it's worth doing
-          ADD     R5, R4, #8
-          BIC     R5, R5, #7
-          SUB     R5, R5, R4           ; spaces for this tab
-24        BL      getwordlength
-          CMP     R2, #0
-          BNE     %FT23              ; got the word
-          BL      getbytepp
-          CMP     R0, #13
-          BEQ     %BT21              ; TAB, CR - whalley!
-          CMP     R0, #TAB
-          SUBNE   R5, R5, #1         ; leading spaces, junk ignored
-          ADDEQ   R5, R5, #8         ; multiple tabs OK tho.
-          CMP     r0, #0             ; terminator?
-          BNE     %BT24              ; only case to allow zero-length word
-          SUB     r1, r1, #1         ; we know this rewinds OK
-23        ADD     R0, R4, R5
-          ADD     R0, R0, R2
-          CMP     R0, R3
-          MOVGT   R0, #13           ; next tab stop too far : newline
-          BGT     %BT21
-22        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "
-          BVS     exitpp
-          ADD     R4, R4, #1
-          SUBS    r5, r5, #1
-          BNE     %BT22
-          ORR     R4, R4, #&80000000 ; set top bit to disable leading space
-          B       %BT01
-          MOV     r6, lr
-          MOV     r10, r9            ; first copy context
-          MOV     r2, stack
-          MOV     r7, r1
-          CMP     r9, r2
-          LDRNE   r0, [r9, #-4]!
-          Push    r0, NE
-          BNE     copycontextpp
-          MOV     r2, #0             ; word length
-02        BL      getbytepp
-          CMP     R0, #31
-          CMPNE   R0, #" "+1
-          ADDGE   r2, r2, #1
-          BGE     %BT02
-          MOV     r1, r7
-          MOV     stack, r9
-          MOV     r9, r10
-          MOV     pc, r6
-getbytepp LDRB    r0, [r1], #1
-          CMP     r0, #TokenEscapeChar
-          BEQ     gettokenpp
-          CMP     r0, #0
-          MOVNE   pc, lr
-          CMP     stack, r9
-          MOVHS   pc, lr
-          Pull    r1                ; back to previous token
-          B       getbytepp
-          LDRB    r0, [r1], #1      ; tokno
-          Push    r1                ; save context
-          CMP     r0, #0
-          MOVEQ   r1, r12
-          BEQ     getbytepp
-          MOV     r1, r11
-gtoklp    SUBS    r0, r0, #1
-          LDRNEB  r8, [r1]
-          ADDNE   r1, r1, r8
-          BNE     gtoklp
-          ADD     r1, r1, #1
-          B       getbytepp
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-ReadWindowWidth ROUT    ; read "number of chars printable after Newline
-                        ;       before we're on the next line"
-        MOV     R0, #VduExt_WindowWidth
-        Push   "R0, R1, lr"      ; R1 reserves space
-        MOV     R0, #-1
-        STR     R0, [stack, #4]  ; overwrite R1 value
-        MOV     R0, sp
-        MOV     R1, sp
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVduVariables
-        Pull   "R0, R14, PC"
-; R0 -> envstring, R1 -> 5 byte time
-WriteEnv_SWICode ROUT ; for debugger use
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        LDR     R10, =EnvString
-        MOV     R11, R0
-02      LDRB    R12, [R11], #1
-        CMP     R12, #" "
-        MOVLT   R12, #0
-        STRB    R12, [R10], #1
-        BGE     %BT02
-01      CMP     R1, #0
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        LDR     R10, =EnvTime
-        MOV     R11, #4
-03      LDRB    R12, [R1, R11]
-        STRB    R12, [R10, R11]
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #1
-        BPL     %BT03
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; LET RdArgs() BE
-;  R0 ptr to key defn string
-;  R1 ptr to command line to decode
-;  R2 ptr to workspace
-;  R3 size of workspace
-; Returns R3 size left
-; Flags used in initial args decoding
-AFlag       *  1:SHL:8     ; flags shifted up a byte; avoid looking like chars.
-KFlag       *  1:SHL:9
-SFlag       *  1:SHL:10
-EFlag       *  1:SHL:11
-GFlag       *  1:SHL:12
-UnsetBase   *  &FF000000   ; only if all bits set (cannot be RAM address)
-PresentFlag *  &7FFFFFFF
-AbsentFlag  *  0
-; Type flags
-EndType     *   0
-FlagType    *   1
-KeywordType *   2
-ItemType    *   3
-RdArgs_SWICode ROUT
-      WritePSRc SVC_mode, R10
-      Push   "R4, R8, R9, lr"
-      MOV     R10, R2             ; R10 points at next available word
-      MOV     R12, R0
-01    MOV     R11, #UnsetBase
-      SUBS    R3, R3, #4
-      BMI     %FT99               ; insufficient space
-      STR     R11, [R10], #4
-02    LDRB    R11, [R12], #1
-      CMP     R11, #"/"
-      BNE     %FT03
-      LDRB    R11, [R12], #1
-      UpperCase R11, R9
-      CMP     R11, #"A"
-      MOVEQ   R11, #AFlag
-      CMP     R11, #"K"
-      MOVEQ   R11, #KFlag
-      CMP     R11, #"S"
-      MOVEQ   R11, #SFlag
-      CMP     R11, #"E"
-      MOVEQ   R11, #EFlag
-      CMP     R11, #"G"
-      MOVEQ   R11, #GFlag
-      CMP     R11, #256
-      LDRGE   R9, [R10, #-4]
-      ORRGE   R9, R11, R9
-      STRGE   R9, [R10, #-4]
-      CMP     R11, #","
-      BEQ     %BT01
-      CMP     R11, #" "
-      BGE     %BT02
-; Initialisation complete: all flags set, R10 implies number of args.
-      MOV     R8, R10
-10    BL      RdItem
-      BVS     %FT90
-      CMP     R12, #KeywordType
-      BNE     %FT11
-      ADD     R11, R2, R4, LSL #2           ; keyword ptr
-      BL      RdItem
-      BVS     %FT90
-      CMP     R12, #ItemType
-      BNE     %FT98
-      BL      SetKeyword
-      BVS     %FT90
-      B       %BT10
-11    CMP     R12, #ItemType
-      BNE     %FT12
-; next positional arg := itemptr
-      MOV     R11, R2
-20    CMP     R11, R8
-      BEQ     %FT98               ; no more positional args
-      LDR     R12, [R11], #4
-      CMP     R12, #UnsetBase
-      BLO     %BT20
-      TST     R12, #KFlag :OR: SFlag
-      BNE     %BT20
-      SUB     R11, R11, #4
-      BL      SetKeyword
-      BVS     %FT90
-      B       %BT10
-12    CMP     R12, #EndType
-      BNE     %BT10
-; postscan to check all /a args set.
-      MOV     R12, R2
-30    CMP     R12, R8
-      BEQ     %FT31
-      LDR     R11, [R12], #4
-      CMP     R11, #UnsetBase
-      BLO     %BT30
-      TST     R11, #AFlag
-      BNE     %FT98          ; bum args error
-      MOV     R11, #AbsentFlag
-      STR     R11, [R12, #-4]     ; force "not present"
-      B       %BT30
-      Pull   "R4, R8, R9, lr"
-      ExitSWIHandler
-98    ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-    [ International
-      BL      TranslateError
-    ]
-      B       %FT90
-99    ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-    [ International
-      BL      TranslateError
-    ]
-      Pull   "R4, R8, R9, lr"
-      B      SLVK_SetV
-      MakeErrorBlock BadParameters
-      MakeErrorBlock ArgRepeated
-      ALIGN
-; RdItem: strips next item from command line
-; In:  R1 -> cmd line
-; Out: R1 updated
-;      R12 contains type
-;      R4 contains ptr for Item, argno for Flag/Keyword
-; VS means buffer full
-RdItem    ROUT
-      Push  "R1, R7, R8, lr"
-      MOV    R8, #0              ; not demanding new arg
-01    LDRB   R12, [R1], #1
-      CMP    R12, #" "
-      BEQ    %BT01
-      BGE    %FT33
-      MOV    R12, #EndType
-      CLRV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-      CMP    R12, #""""
-      BEQ    ohnoitsquotedargumentsagain
-      CMP    R12, #"-"      ; options?
-      BNE    %FT02          ; nope - boring item
-05    BL     GetArg
-      LDRVS  R1, [stack]
-      BVS    %FT02          ; not recognised - boring item
-      STR    R1, [stack]    ; new restore value.
-      MRS    R12, CPSR
-      Push   R12            ; save EQ/NE
-      LDR    R12, [R2, R4, LSL #2]
-      CMP    R12, #UnsetBase
-      BHS    %FT34
-      ADR    R0, ErrorBlock_ArgRepeated
-    [ International
-      BL     TranslateError
-    ]
-      ADD    stack, stack, #4 ; discard PSR
-      SETV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-      ANDS   R12, R12, #SFlag
-      BNE    %FT35
-      MOV    R12, #KeywordType
-      ADD    stack, stack, #4 ; discard PSR
-      CLRV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-      MOV    R12, #PresentFlag
-      STR    R12, [R2, R4, LSL #2]
-; now deal with flag elision: if nextchar valid keyword char, rescan
-      Pull   R12
-      TST    R12, #Z_bit
-      BEQ    %FT20          ; GetArg returned NE, so not single char abbr
-      Push  "R2, R3"
-      LDRB   R2, [R1]
-      BL     CheckR2OKChar
-      Pull  "R2, R3"
-      MOVEQ  R8, #1        ; MUST get another arg
-      BEQ    %BT05
-20    MOV    R12, #FlagType
-      CLRV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-02    CMP    R8, #0
-      BEQ    %FT39
-      ADR    R0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-    [ International
-      BL     TranslateError
-    ]
-      SETV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-   ; copy arg until <" "
-      MOV    R7, #" "
-      SUB    R1, R1, #1
-06    MOV    R4, R10
-03    LDRB   R12, [R1], #1
-      CMP    R12, R7
-      CMPNE  R12, #" "-1
-      BLE    %FT04
-      SUBS   R3, R3, #1
-      STRPLB R12, [R10], #1
-      BPL    %BT03
-      ADRL   R0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-    [ International
-      BL     TranslateError
-    ]
-      SETV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-04    CMP    R7, #""""
-      BNE    %FT07
-      CMP    R12, #""""
-      BNE    %FT08
-      LDRB   R12, [R1], #1
-      CMP    R12, #""""
-      BEQ    %BT10
-07    MOV    R12, #0            ; terminate
-      SUBS   R3, R3, #1
-      BMI    %BT23
-      STRB   R12, [R10], #1
-      MOV    R12, #ItemType
-      SUB    R1, R1, #1
-      STR    R1, [stack]
-      CLRV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-      MOV    R7, #""""
-      B      %BT06
-08    ADRL   R0, ErrorBlock_BadString
-    [ International
-      BL     TranslateError
-    ]
-      SETV
-      Pull  "R1, R7, R8, PC"
-; GetArg
-; Look through keys: allow only full match on first pass, then
-;  single char abbreviation on second pass
-; Return V set if not key, EQ if single letter abbreviation
-GetArg    ROUT
-; In:  R0 ptr to keystring
-;      R1 ptr to potential option.
-; Out: VS if nomatch or
-;      R1 updated
-;      R4 argument number
-      Push   "R0-R3, R5-R6, lr"
-      MOV     R6, #-1             ; pass number
-20    MOV     R4, #0
-01    LDRB    R2, [R0], #1
-      CMP     R2, #" "
-      BEQ     %BT01
-02    BL      CheckR2OKChar
-      BNE     %FT03             ; matched in full
-      LDRB    R3, [R1], #1
-      UpperCase R2, R5
-      UpperCase R3, R5
-      CMP     R2, R3
-      LDREQB  R2, [R0], #1
-      BEQ     %BT02
-      CMP     R6, #0
-      BLT     %FT04
-; 2nd pass: allow abbreviation
-; IF single char abbreviation THEN success ELSE skip
-      LDR     R2, [stack, #4]
-      SUB     R2, R1, R2          ; length of match+1
-      CMP     R2, #2
-      SUBEQ   R1, R1, #1
-      BEQ     %FT13               ; success
-; skip to next keyword
-04    LDRB    R2, [R0], #1
-      CMP     R2, #" "
-      BLT     %FT05
-      CMP     R2, #","
-      ADDEQ   R4, R4, #1
-      CMPNE   R2, #"="
-      BNE     %BT04
-      LDR     R1, [stack, #4]
-      B       %BT01
-03  ; NE on first pass: check input string terminated OK
-      LDRB    R2, [R1]            ; check for end of input word
-      BL      CheckR2OKChar
-      BNE     %FT13               ; yaay! full & correct match
-      SUB     R0, R0, #1
-      B       %BT04
-05    ADDS    R6, R6, #1
-      LDMLEFD stack, {R0, R1}
-      BLE     %BT20
-      SETV
-      Pull   "R0-R3, R5-R6, PC"   ; back with failure
-13    STR     R1, [stack, #4]
-      CLRPSR  V_bit, R0           ; clrV (just)
-      Pull   "R0-R3, R5-R6, PC"   ; back with success
-CheckR2OKChar ROUT
-      CMP     R2, #"A"
-      RSBGES  R3, R2, #"Z"
-      BGE     %FT50
-      CMP     R2, #"a"
-      RSBGES  R3, R2, #"z"
-      BGE     %FT50
-      CMP     R2, #"0"
-      RSBGES  R3, R2, #"9"
-      BGE     %FT50
-      CMP     R2, #"_"
-      MOV     PC, lr
-50    CMP     R0, R0            ; set EQ
-      MOV     PC, lr
-SetKeyword    ROUT
-; R11 ptr at keyword flags
-; R4 ptr to value
-      Push   "R0-R2, R5, R6, lr"
-      LDR     R0, [R11]
-      TST     R0, #EFlag :OR: GFlag
-      STR     R4, [R11]           ; result will always be here anyway
-      BEQ     %FT01
-      SUB     R5, R10, R4         ; length of value
-      ADD     R3, R3, R5          ; increase free space
-      ADD     R2, R5, #11         ; round up to nearest word, then 1
-      BIC     R2, R2, #3
-      MOV     R6, stack            ; STR stack, [stack, -R2]! is unpredictable
-      STR     R6, [stack, -R2]!    ; reserve stack frame
-      ADD     R2, stack, #4        ; input value ptr
-03    LDRB    R6, [R4, R5]
-      STRB    R6, [R2, R5]
-      SUBS    R5, R5, #1
-      BPL     %BT03               ; copy the value
-      TST     R0, #EFlag
-      MOV     R0, R2
-      BNE     %FT02
-      ADD     R1, R4, #2          ; free space pointer
-      SUBS    R3, R3, #2
-      MOV     R2, R3
-      BMI     %FT04
-      ORR     R2, R2, #1:SHL:31
-      SWI     XOS_GSTrans
-05    SUB     R3, R3, R2
-      ADD     R10, R1, R2        ; update freespace pointer
-      STRB    R2, [R1, #-2]
-      MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-      STRB    R2, [R1, #-1]
-      BCS     %FT04
-90    LDR     stack, [stack, #0]  ; unwind frame (and don't let AAsm use
-      STRVS   R0, [stack]         ;   postindexed!!!)
-      Pull   "R0-R2, R5, R6,PC"
-04    ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-    [ International
-      BL      TranslateError
-    |
-      SETV
-    ]
-      B       %BT90
-02    ADD     R1, R4, #3        ; free space pointer
-      SUBS    R3, R3, #3        ; adjust for type (1 byte) + length (2 bytes)
-      BMI     %BT04
-      MOV     R2, R3
-      SWI     XOS_EvaluateExpression
-      BVS     %BT90
-      TEQ     R1, #0, 2         ; if non-zero, then string, so update length
-      MOVNE   R14, #1           ; set type byte to definitely non-zero
-      STRNEB  R14, [R4]
-      BNE     %BT05             ; (C=0 so no buffer overflow, V=0 from SWI)
-      STRB    R1, [R4]          ; set type byte to zero (=> integer)
-      SUBS    R3, R3, #5
-      BMI     %BT04
-      STRB    R2, [R4, #1]
-      MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-      STRB    R2, [R4, #2]
-      MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-      STRB    R2, [R4, #3]
-      MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-      STRB    R2, [R4, #4]
-      ADD     R10, R4, #5
-      B       %BT90
-      CLRV
-      Pull   "R0-R2, R5, R6,PC"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; ReadRAMFSLimits
-; Return R0 start, R1 end (i.e. 1st byte out of area)
-ReadRAMFSLimits_Code ROUT
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     r0, #ChangeDyn_RamFS
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea     ; out: r0 = base, r1 = current size
-        Pull    "lr"
-        ADDVC   r1, r1, r0              ; if no error, make r1 -> after end
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit          ; if error, then set V_bit on return
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; ExitAndDie
-; r0-r2 parameters for Exit
-; r3 pointer to module name
-TerminateAndSodOff ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        STR     r10, [r10, #Curr_Active_Object]
-        MOV     r1, r3
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_Delete
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-        SWI     XOS_Exit
-; AddCallBack entry to callback vector
-; r0 address to call
-; r1 workspace ptr
-AddCallBack_Code  ROUT
-      Push   "r0-r3, lr"
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-      ASSERT  ChocolateCBBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 0
-      MOV     r3,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-      LDR     r3,[r3,#0]
-      BL      ClaimChocolateBlock
-      MOVVS   r3, #12
-      BLVS    ClaimSysHeapNode
-  |
-      MOV     r3, #12
-      BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-  ]
-      BVS     %FT99
-      Pull   "r0, r1"
-      MOV     r10, #0
-      WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r3      ; IRQs off while holding context.
-      LDR     r3, [r10, #CallBack_Vector]
- [ True
-      STR     r3, [r2, #0]
-      STMIB   r2, {r0, r1}
-      STR     r2, [r10, #CallBack_Vector]
-      Pull   "r2, r3, lr"
- |
-      STR     r3, [r2], #4
-      STMIA   r2, {r0, r1}
-      SUB     r2, r2, #4
-      STR     r2, [r10, #CallBack_Vector]
-      Pull   "r2, r3, lr"
-      MOV     r10, #0
- ]
-      LDRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-      ORR     r11, r11, #CBack_VectorReq
-      STRB    r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-      B       SLVK
-99      STR     r0, [stack]
-        Pull    "r0-r3, lr"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-;       RemoveCallBack - Entry for SWI OS_RemoveCallBack
-;       Removes an entry on the callback vector before it has been called
-; in:   r0 = address that would have been called
-;       r1 = workspace ptr
-; out:  -
-RemoveCallBack ROUT
-        Push    "r2-r4"
-        SavePSR r10                     ; save old I bit
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r11   ; disable IRQs while looking at list
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r11, #CallBack_Vector]! ; r11 -> prev, r2 -> this
-        TEQ     r2, #0
-        Pull    "r2-r4", EQ
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        LDMIA   r2, {r3,r4,r12}         ; r3 -> next, r4 = addr, r12 = ws
-        TEQ     r4, r0                  ; check if correct address
-        TEQEQ   r12, r1                 ; and correct ws ptr
-        MOVNE   r11, r2                 ; if not, then prev:=this
-        MOVNE   r2, r3                  ; and this:=next
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; and loop
-        STR     r3, [r11]               ; := next
-        RestPSR r10                     ; safe now to restore IRQ status
-        Push    "r0, r1, lr"            ; now free this node
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateCBBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 0
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#0]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        BLVS    FreeSysHeapNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode         ; and then start again (NB we must
-                                        ; restart from head of list again, as
-                                        ; enabling IRQs could have changed list
-  ]
-        STRVS   r0, [sp, #0]
-        Pull    "r0, r1, lr"
-        BVC     %BT10
-        Pull    "r2-r4"                 ; had an error while releasing block
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; SWI OS_Confirm
-; If pointer visible, change pointer shape and look at mouse keys too.
-;                     Flush mouse buffer first.
-; Wait until key pressed.
-; Returns: (lowercased) character in r0 (if mouse scanned, LH button = 'y',
-;                                        other buttons = 'n')
-; C set for Escape condition
-; EQ set if r0 = 'y'
- [ International
-confirm_yn      DCB "YesNo:yn",0        ; Token to lookup message for Yes/No
- |
-confirm_yn      DCB "yn"
- ]
-ptr_confirm     DCB "ptr_confirm",0     ; Wimp's confirm pointer sprite shape
-confirm_scale   DCD 1,1,1,1             ; Scaling factor for sprite op
-Confirm_Code ROUT
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r10         ; enable IRQs
-        Push   "r0-r7, lr"
-; Lookup the symbols for Y/N
-        ADR     r0, confirm_yn
- [ International
-        BL      FindToken               ; Lookup in messages, use default if error
- ]
-        LDRB    r1, [r0], #1            ; Y character
-        LDRB    r2, [r0], #1            ; N character
-        ORR     r1, r1, r2, LSL #8
-        Push    "r1"                    ; Y=[sp], N=[sp+1]
-; Save current pointer selected
-        MOV     r0, #106
-        MOV     r1, #255                ; read pointer state
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        BVS     confirm_error
-        BIC     r2, r1, #&80
-        MOV     r10, r1
-        TST     r10, #15                ; Pointer enabled?
-        BEQ     confirm_waitloop        ; Jump if not
-; Find Wimp's "ptr_confirm" sprite, searching first RMA then ROM
-        SWI     XWimp_BaseOfSprites
-        MOVVS   r10, #0                 ; If error then don't use mouse
-        BVS     confirm_waitloop        ; And jump to poll keyboard
-        MOV     r11, r0                 ; Save -> ROM sprites, r1 -> RMA sprites
-        ADR     r2, ptr_confirm         ; -> sprite name
-        MOV     r0, #&128               ; Read sprite info
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        BVC     %FT10                   ; Jump if sprite in RMA
-        ADR     r2, ptr_confirm         ; -> sprite name
-        MOV     r1, r11                 ; -> ROM sprites
-        MOV     r0, #&128               ; Read sprite info
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        MOVVS   r10, #0                 ; If error then don't use mouse
-        BVS     confirm_waitloop        ; And jump to poll keyboard
-; Set pointer shape from the sprite area found (r1)
-10      MOV     r7, #0                  ; No pixel translation
-        ADR     r6, confirm_scale       ; pointer scaling factor (1:1)
-        MOV     r5, #0                  ; y hot spot offset
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; x hot spot offset
-        MOV     r3, #&23                ; No palette, shape 3
-        ADR     r2, ptr_confirm         ; -> sprite name
-        MOV     r0, #&124               ; Set pointer shape
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp            ; Ignore errors
-        MOV     r0, #21
-        MOV     r1, #9
-        SWI     XOS_Byte                ; flush mouse buffer
-        MOV     r0, #&C4
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #255
-        SWI     XOS_Byte                ; read current repeat rate.
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #MetroGnome]
-        ADD     r11, r1, r0             ; time to wait for
-        SWI     XOS_Mouse
-        CMP     r2, #0                  ; any buttons down?
-        BEQ     confirm_waitloop
-        CMP     r3, r11
-        BMI     confirm_mouserepeat
-        MOV     r0, #129
-        MOV     r1, #1
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        SWI     XOS_Byte                ; scan for key
-        BVS     confirm_error
-        CMP     r2, #255
-        BNE     confirm_gotkey
-        TST     r10, #15
-        BEQ     confirm_waitloop        ; no mouse scan wanted.
-        SWI     XOS_Mouse
-        BVS     confirm_error
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BEQ     confirm_waitloop
-        TST     r2, #4                  ; LH button?
-        LDRNEB  r1, [sp]                ; Yes
-        LDREQB  r1, [sp, #1]            ; No
-        CMP     r2, #&1B                ; ESCAPE or normal char read ?
-        ORREQ   r11, r1, #&100
-        MOVNE   r11, r1
-        LowerCase r11, r1
-        TSTS    r10, #15                ; Was pointer changed?
-        MOV     r1, r10
-        MOV     r0, #106
-        SWINE   XOS_Byte                ; Yes then restore shape
-        Pull   "r10"                    ; r10=YN
-        AND     r10, r10, #&ff          ; Retain Y byte
-        Pull   "r0-r7, lr"
-        BIC     lr, lr, #C_bit :OR: Z_bit ; SKS. Punter lr has VClear
-        AND     r0, r11, #&FF
-        TST     r11, #&100              ; ESCAPE condition ? (SKS)
-        ORRNE   lr, lr, #C_bit
-        CMP     r0, r10
-        ORREQ   lr, lr, #Z_bit
-        B       SLVK
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4              ; Drop YN
-        STR     r0, [stack]
-        Pull    "r0-r7, lr"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0 = continuation crc (0 to start)
-;       r1 -> start of core
-;       r2 -> end of core
-;       r3 = increment (typically 1, 2 or 4), but can be -ve
-; Out   r0 = crc so far
-        [ {TRUE}
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r10         ; Could take a long time
-        Push    "r3, r14"
-        TEQ     r3, #0                  ; is increment 0? - if so, it's silly
-        BEQ     %FT80                   ; so return error, rather than going on forever
-        MOV     r10, r1
-        MOV     r12, #&A000             ; CRC EOR pattern = &A001
-        ORR     r12, r12, #&0001
-        CMP     r10, r2                 ; Finished ?
-        BEQ     %FA90                   ; Must be exact end, allows -ve offset
-        LDRB    r14, [r10], r3
-        EOR     r0, r0, r14             ; EOR the data with current crc lo
-        CMP     r10, r2                 ; length might be odd so check again
-        MOVEQ   r11, #8                 ; if equal then only do 8 bits
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDRB    r14, [r10], r3
-        EOR     r0, r0, r14, LSL #8     ; EOR the data with current crc hi
-        MOV     r11, #16                ; do 16 bits
-        MOVS    r0, r0, LSR #1          ; acc >>= 1; CS/CC
-        EORCS   r0, r0, r12             ; CS -> eor, CC -> ok
-        SUBS    r11, r11, #1            ; 8 bits per byte
-        BNE     %BT20
-        B       %BT10
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters    ; return "Bad parameters" error
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        Pull    "r3, r14"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        Pull    "r3, r14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        |
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r10         ; Could take a long time
-        Push    "r3, r4, lr"
-        MOV     r10, r1
-        MOV     r12, #&A000             ; CRC EOR pattern = &A001
-        ORR     r12, r12, #&0001
-        MOV     r14, #1                 ; A single bit to be shifted
-10      CMP     r10, r2                 ; Finished ?
-        BEQ     %FA90                   ; Must be exact end, allows -ve offset
-        LDRB    r4, [r10], r3
-        MOV     r11, #0                 ; Go round the bits
-20      TST     r4, r14, LSL r11        ; Is data bit = carry ?; NE/EQ
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        MOVS    r0, r0, LSR #1          ; acc >>= 1; CS/CC
-        EORCC   r0, r0, r12             ; NE, CC -> eor, NE, CS -> ok
-        B       %FT40
-30      MOVS    r0, r0, LSR #1          ; acc >>= 1; CS/CC
-        EORCS   r0, r0, r12             ; EQ, CS -> eor, EQ, CC -> ok
-40      ADD     r11, r11, #1            ; 8 bits per byte
-        CMP     r11, #8
-        BLO     %BT20
-        B       %BT10
-90      Pull    "r3, r4, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/Morris b/s/Morris
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e8350b6..00000000
--- a/s/Morris
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > Morris
-; ROM entry code for RISC OS Black
-MorrisHeaderCodeSize * (24*4)   ;Code occupies less than this, we pad to this boundary so POST code
-                                ;has a nicely defined place for its romsize and code entry points
-        LDR     pc, .+ResetIndirection
-        LDR     PC, UNDEF_VEC
-        LDR     PC, SWI_VEC
-        LDR     PC, PREF_VEC
-        LDR     PC, DATA_VEC
-        LDR     PC, RES_VEC                   ; addr. exn not generated
-        LDR     PC, IRQ_VEC
-        LDR     PC, FIQ_VEC
-        ! 0, "*** WARNING *** assembling Morris code"
-; The above 8 instructions will operate as expected in 32-bit ROM mode,
-; or in 16-bit ROM mode with a 16-bit ROM used.  In 16-bit ROM mode, and
-; with 32-bit wide ROMs in use, they will instead be intepreted as 4
-; NV-condition instructions (exact meaning not determined and should be
-; irrelevant) which should do nothing and so allow control to drop
-; through to this point, still in 16-bit mode.  Force IOMD into 32-bit
-; ROM mode for bank 0.  The following instruction sequence has been
-; produced in 16-in-32 form by extracting hex values from a listing...
-        DCD     &0000B632, &0000E3A0    ; 20: MOV R11, #IO+IOMDREGS - point at IOMD
-        DCD     &00000000, &0000E3A0    ; 28: MOV R0, #&0 - ROMCR:32b,slow,218.75us,no burst
-        DCD     &00000080, &0000E5CB    ; 30: STRB R0,[R11,#ROMCR0] - switch mode
- [ :LNOT: ParallelFlashUpgrade
-        DCD     &0000F000, &0000E3A0    ; 38: MOV PC, #0 - jump to 0 (this instr pre-fetched)
- |
-; At this point, we know that we're in an ARM 7500-based box with 32-bit ROMs that's
-; just been powered up. These are the conditions under which we may wish to reprogram
-; ourselves.
-CFR_Offset * (ConsiderFlashROM - ROM - ((.-ROM)/2) - 8)/4
-        DCD     CFR_Offset :AND: &FFFF  ; 38: B ConsiderFlashROM (this instr pre-fetched)
-        DCD     &0000EA00 + (CFR_Offset:SHR:16)
- ]
-; vector absolute targets for use from physical vector instructions
-UNDEF_VEC       DCD     UndInstInReset-ROM
-SWI_VEC         DCD     SWIInReset    -ROM
-PREF_VEC        DCD     PrefAbInReset -ROM
-DATA_VEC        DCD     DataAbInReset -ROM
-RES_VEC         DCD     AddrExInReset -ROM
-IRQ_VEC         DCD     IRQInReset    -ROM
-FIQ_VEC         DCD     FIQInReset    -ROM
-        SUB     pc, pc, #8
-        ASSERT  .-ROM <= MorrisHeaderCodeSize
-        %       MorrisHeaderCodeSize-(.-ROM)
-        END
diff --git a/s/MsgCode b/s/MsgCode
deleted file mode 100644
index e002c02f..00000000
--- a/s/MsgCode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; Kernel.Messages
-; This file deals with translating text and errors in an international
-; kernel.
-; TranslateError
-; Entry:
-;       R0 = Pointer to error block (Error number followed by token:default).
-; Exit
-;       R0 = pointer to error block to use.
-;            If the error semaphore is set a pointer to the original block is
-;            returned.
-;       V Set.
-;        EXPORT  Write0_Translated
-        GBLL    countmsgusage
-countmsgusage SETL {FALSE}
-     [ countmsgusage
-        ! 0,    "*** WARNING: Cacheing *ALL* messages - even those with substitutions"
-     ]
-TranslateError_VClear  ROUT
-        Push    "r4,LR"
-        MOV     r4,#0
-        BL      TranslateError_UseR4
- [ No26bitCode
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "r4,PC"
- |
-        Pull    "r4,PC",,^
- ]
-TranslateError  ROUT
-        Push    "r4,LR"
-        MOV     r4,#0
-        BL      TranslateError_UseR4
-        Pull    "r4,PC"
-        Push    "R8,R9,LR"
-        MRS     R8,CPSR
-        ORR     R8,R8,#V_bit                    ; V set ready :)
-        MOV     LR,#0
-        LDRB    LR, [LR, #ErrorSemaphore]
-        TEQ     LR,#0
-        BNE     %FT90
-        BIC     R9, R8, #&0F
-        ORR     R9, R9, #SVC_mode               ; SVC mode, preserve IRQ state
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R9
-        Push    "R0-R7"
-        MOV     R5,#0
-        MOV     R6,#0
-        MOV     R7,#0
-        MOV     R1,#-1                          ; We are looking up an error, don't bother
-        STRB    R1, [R5, #ErrorSemaphore]       ; translating other errors.
-  [ CacheCommonErrors
-        BL      CheckCommonErrorCache           ; sets R9 to memory address for cached result
-        MOVNE   R1,#0
-        STRNE   R9,[SP]
-        BNE     %FT80
-        MOV     R2,R9                           ; 0 - or our cached area!
-        MOV     R3,#256
-  |
-        MOV     R2,#0
-  ]
-        ADR     R1,KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup
-        LDR     R14,[R0]
-        LDR     R1,[SP]
-        LDR     R1,[R1]
-        CMP     R14,R1
-        STREQ   R0,[SP]
-        MOV     R1,#0                           ; To clear the semaphore
-  [ CacheCommonErrors
-        TEQNE   R9,#0                           ; Did we try to cache this message?
-        STRNE   R1,[R9]                         ; blat out the error number
-  ]
-        STRB    R1, [R1 ,#ErrorSemaphore]       ; Clear error semaphore
-        Pull    "R0-R7"
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, R8                     ; Back to original mode, V set
-        Pull    "R8,R9,PC"
-  [ CacheCommonErrors
-   ; This block MUST not be empty
-    [ countmsgusage
-        &       ErrorBlock_RCExc
-        &       ErrorBlock_RCNegative
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadString
-        &       ErrorBlock_VarCantFind
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadVarType
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadVarNam
-        &       ErrorBlock_VarTooLong
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadMacVal
-        &       ErrorBlock_VarNoRoom
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadBra
-        &       ErrorBlock_StkOFlo
-        &       ErrorBlock_MissOpn
-        &       ErrorBlock_MissOpr
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadInt
-        &       ErrorBlock_StrOFlo
-        &       ErrorBlock_NaffItm
-        &       ErrorBlock_DivZero
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadBase
-        &       ErrorBlock_NumbTooBig
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadClaimNum
-        &       ErrorBlock_SysHeapFull
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadDynamicArea
-        &       ErrorBlock_AreaAlreadyExists
-        &       ErrorBlock_AreaNotOnPageBdy
-        &       ErrorBlock_OverlappingAreas
-        &       ErrorBlock_CantAllocateArea
-        &       ErrorBlock_CantAllocateLevel2
-        &       ErrorBlock_UnknownAreaHandler
-        &       ErrorBlock_CantGetPhysMem
-        &       ErrorBlock_AplWSpaceInUse
-        &       ErrorBlock_ChDynamCAO
-        &       ErrorBlock_RAMFsUnchangeable
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapBadReason
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Init
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadLink
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Alloc
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapFail_NotABlock
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadExtend
-        &       ErrorBlock_HeapFail_ExcessiveShrink
-        &       ErrorBlock_NoSuchSWI1
-        &       ErrorBlock_NoSuchSWI
-        &       ErrorBlock_UndefinedInstruction
-        &       ErrorBlock_InstructionAbort
-        &       ErrorBlock_DataAbort
-        &       ErrorBlock_AddressException
-        &       ErrorBlock_BranchThrough0
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadEnvNumber
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadReadSysInfo
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadModuleReason
-        &       ErrorBlock_NoMoreModules
-        &       ErrorBlock_NoMoreIncarnations
-        &       ErrorBlock_PostfixNeeded
-        &       ErrorBlock_IncarnationExists
-        &       ErrorBlock_ChunkNotRM
-        &       ErrorBlock_MHNoRoom
-        &       ErrorBlock_ModulePostfix
-        &       ErrorBlock_NotMod
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadRMHeaderField
-        &       ErrorBlock_CantKill
-        &       ErrorBlock_RMNotFound
-        &       ErrorBlock_IncarnationNotFound
-        &       ErrorBlock_RMNotFoundInROM
-        &       ErrorBlock_ModuleTooOld
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-        &       ErrorBlock_ArgRepeated
-        &       ErrorBlock_NaffDevNo
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadDevVecRel
-        &       ErrorBlock_RedirectFail
-        &       ErrorBlock_StackFull
-        &       ErrorBlock_OscliLongLine
-        &       ErrorBlock_NoOscliSpecials
-        &       ErrorBlock_OscliTooHard
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadParmString
-        &       ErrorBlock_CoreNotWriteable
-        &       ErrorBlock_CoreNotReadable
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadCommand
-        &       ErrorBlock_NoSuchSWI2
-        &       ErrorBlock_TooManyParms
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadKey
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadAddress
-        &       ErrorBlock_OutsideFile
-        &       ErrorBlock_Escape
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadTime
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadMODE
-        &       ErrorBlock_ModeNotAvailable
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadPixelDepth
-        &       ErrorBlock_Sprite_BadDPI
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadMSFlags
-        &       SpriteErr_NoWorkSpace
-        &       SpriteErr_NoRoom
-        &       SpriteErr_DoesntExist
-        &       SpriteErr_NoSprites
-        &       SpriteErr_NotGraphics
-        &       SpriteErr_NotEnoughRoom
-        &       SpriteErr_BadSpriteFile
-        &       SpriteErr_NoRoomToMerge
-        &       SpriteErr_Bad2ndPtr
-        &       SpriteErr_InvalidRowOrCol
-        &       SpriteErr_InvalidHeight
-        &       SpriteErr_InvalidWidth
-        &       SpriteErr_NoRoomToInsert
-        &       SpriteErr_SpriteAlreadyExists
-        &       SpriteErr_InvalidSpriteMode
-        &       SpriteErr_BadReasonCode
-        &       SpriteErr_CantInTeletext
-        &       SpriteErr_InvalidSaveArea
-        &       SpriteErr_SpriteIsCurrentDest
-        &       SpriteErr_NoMaskOrPaletteAllowedInThisDepth
-     ]
-        &       ErrorBlock_ChDynamNotAllMoved
-        &       ErrorBlock_NaffRelease
-        &       ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
-        &       ErrorBlock_BadNumb
-        GBLA    ECEACount
-ECEACount SETA  (EndCommonErrorAddresses-CommonErrorAddresses)/4
-        ASSERT  (EndCommonErrorAddresses <> CommonErrorAddresses)
-        ! 0, "Requiring ":CC:(:STR:(ECEACount*256)):CC:" bytes for error cache"
-        ! 0, "Cached error block pointer at ":CC::STR:CachedErrorBlocks
-        ! 0, "Cacheing ":CC:(:STR:ECEACount):CC:" error messages"
-; This routine exits with Z clear if it can supply a cached translation; else must set Z
-; so that the TranslateError_UseR4 routine continues to function and set R9 to the cache
-; block to use for the result (or set R9 to zero to indicate no cacheing for this error)
-CheckCommonErrorCache ROUT
-        Entry   "r1-r3"
-    [ countmsgusage
-        MOV     r4, #0                      ; prevents substitutions
-    |
-        CMP     r4, #1                      ; is R4 = 0?  If so, clear C for next instruction
-        SBCS    r9, r4, r4                  ; R9=0,Z set - if R4 was >0, else R9=-1, Z clear
-        EXIT    EQ
-    ]
-        LDR     r9, [r4, #KernelMessagesBlock] ; R4 guaranteed zero from above
-        TEQ     r9, #0
-        EXIT    EQ                          ; not initialised messages yet!  Exit R9=0, Z set
-        LDR     r9, [r4, #CachedErrorBlocks]
-        TEQ     r9, #0
-        ; in:  R9=cached error blocks memory pointer
-        BLEQ    CommonErrorCacheInit
-        ; out: R9=0 and EQ on error; else NE and R9 valid (also case if routine wasn't called)
-        EXIT    EQ                          ; not initialised cache yet
-        ADR     lr, CommonErrorAddresses
-        MOV     r2, #ECEACount - 1
-        LDR     r1, [lr, r2, LSL #2]
-        TEQ     r1, r0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        BPL     %BT10
-        ; Set Z if message not found, set R9 zero to mark we don't want to cache this
-        MOVS    r9, #0
-        EXIT
-    [ countmsgusage
-        ADD     r3, r9, #ECEACount*256
-        LDR     r1, [r3, r2, LSL #2]
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1
-        STR     r1, [r3, r2, LSL #2]
-    ]
-        ; Read the cached error number (0 = we don't have this cached or we have uncached it)
-        ; Update R9 to point to the actual error buffer at the same time.
-        LDR     r1, [r9, r2, LSL #8]!
-        ; Set Z if we don't have that error cached yet, clear it and copy the cached
-        ; block to R0 if we do already have this message.
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        MOVNE   r0, r9
-        EXIT
-; On entry, R9 points to the error cache memory, or 0 to indicate we don't have it yet.
-; If this routine exits Z clear (NE), it MUST have pointed R9 at the sys heap memory
-CommonErrorCacheInit ROUT
-        Entry   "r0-r8"
-        MOVS    r2, r9                          ; copy R9 to R2 - only claim memory if it was 0
-        BNE     %FT10
-    [ countmsgusage
-        LDR     r3, =ECEACount*260              ; size of block required
-    |
-        LDR     r3, =ECEACount*256              ; size of block required
-    ]
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        MOVS    r9, #0                          ; set Z for STREQ below and for return
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        STREQ   r2, [R3, #CachedErrorBlocks]
-        GBLA    CECLoop
-CECLoop SETA    0
-     [ countmsgusage
-        LDR     r4, =ECEACount*260
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #4
-        STR     r3, [r2, r4]
-        BNE     %BT90
-     |
-        WHILE CECLoop < ECEACount
-          STR   r3, [r2, #CECLoop * 256]
-CECLoop SETA    CECLoop+1
-        WEND
-     ]
-        MOVS    r9, r2                          ; set up R9; clear Z
-        EXIT
-; Invoked by the service call handler in the UtilityModule to clear out our cache
-; whenever the territory changes or messagetrans says that a messages file was changed.
-        Entry   "r9"
-        MOV     r9, #0
-        LDR     r9, [r9, #CachedErrorBlocks]
-        TEQ     r9, #0
-        BLNE    CommonErrorCacheInit
-        EXIT
-  ]
-;       R14 -> Token.
-;       Message printed
-;       Returns to word after end of token.
-WriteS_Translated       ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    "r0-r8,LR"
- |
-        Push    "r0-r7,LR"
- ]
-        MOV     r4,#0
-        B       Int_WriteS_Translated_UseR4
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    "r0-r8,LR"
- |
-        Push    "r0-r7,LR"
- ]
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r8,CPSR
-        MOV     r1,LR
- |
-        BIC     r1,LR,#ARM_CC_Mask              ; r1 -> Token.
- ]
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r0,[r0,#KernelMessagesBlock]
-        CMP     r0,#0                           ; If no messages file, try the global one.
-        ADRNE   r0,KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        MOV     r2,#0                           ; Use message in place.
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        MOV     r5,#0
-        MOV     r6,#0
-        MOV     r7,#0                           ; No arguments.
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        BVC     %FT01
-        MOV     R2,R1                           ; MessageTrans not present or token not found.
-        LDRB    r0,[r2],#1                      ; Skip to after ":"
-        CMP     r0,#":"
-        BNE     %BT00
-; Now
-; r1 -> terminator
-; r2 -> message
-; Print the message.
-        LDRB    r0,[r2],#1                      ; Print all characters of message
-        CMP     r0,#" "
-        BLT     %FT02
-        CMP     r0,#"%"
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDRB    r0,[r2],#1                      ; Found a %
-        CMP     r0,#" "
-        BLT     %FT02                           ; Trailing % sign!
-        CMP     r0,#"0"
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteI+"%"
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        BNE     %BT01                           ; Just in case it isn't %0
-        CMP     r4,#0                           ; r4 = original parameter
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        LDRB    R0,[R4],#1
-        CMP     R0,#" "
-        SWIGE   XOS_WriteC
-        BGE     %BT11
-        B       %BT01
-                                                ; Now skip to end of token.
- [ No26bitCode
-        LDR     r1,[sp,#9*4]                    ; Get original token pointer
- |
-        LDR     r1,[sp,#8*4]                    ; Get original token pointer
-        BIC     r1,r1,#ARM_CC_Mask              ; r1 -> Token.
- ]
-        LDRB    r0,[r1],#1
-        CMP     r0,#32
-        BGE     %BT03                           ; Skip to control character.
-        CMP     r0,#0                           ; Print all control characters to terminating 0.
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        LDRNEB  r0,[r1],#1
-        BNE     %BT04
-; r1 now points at byte after end of token.
-        ADD     r1,r1,#3                        ; Round up to next word.
-        BIC     r1,r1,#3
- [ No26bitCode
-        STR     r1,[sp,#9*4]                    ; Store back as return address on stack
-        ORRVS   r8,r8,#V_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_f,r8
-        Pull    "r0-r8,PC"                       ;Return.
- |
-        LDR     r2,[sp,#8*4]
-        AND     r2,r2,#ARM_CC_Mask              ; Just the flags and mode bits.
-        ORR     r1,r1,r2
-        ORRVS   r1,r1,#V_bit
-        STR     r1,[sp,#8*4]                    ; Store back as return address on stack
-        Pull    "r0-r7,PC",,^                    ;Return.
- ]
-;       R14 -> Token.
-;       Message printed
-;       Returns to word after end of token.
-GSWriteS_Translated       ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    "r0-r8,LR"
- |
-        Push    "r0-r7,LR"
- ]
-        MOV     r4,#0
-        B       Int_GSWriteS_Translated_UseR4
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    "r0-r8,LR"
- |
-        Push    "r0-r7,LR"
- ]
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     r8,CPSR
-        MOV     r1,LR
- |
-        BIC     r1,LR,#ARM_CC_Mask              ; r1 -> Token.
- ]
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r0,[r0,#KernelMessagesBlock]
-        CMP     r0,#0                           ; If no messages file, try the global one.
-        ADRNE   r0,KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        LDR     r2,=GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     r3,#256
-        MOV     r5,#0
-        MOV     r6,#0
-        MOV     r7,#0                           ; No arguments.
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_GSLookup
-        BVC     %FT01
-        MOV     R2,R1                           ; MessageTrans not present or token not found.
-        LDRB    r0,[r2],#1                      ; Skip to after ":"
-        CMP     r0,#":"
-        BNE     %BT00
-; Now
-; r1 -> terminator
-; r2 -> message
-; Print the message using OS_PrettyPrint.
-        LDR     r0, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        SWI     XOS_PrettyPrint
-                                                ; Now skip to end of token.
- [ No26bitCode
-        LDR     r1,[sp,#9*4]                    ; Get original token pointer
- |
-        LDR     r1,[sp,#8*4]                    ; Get original token pointer
-        BIC     r1,r1,#ARM_CC_Mask              ; r1 -> Token.
- ]
-        LDRB    r0,[r1],#1
-        CMP     r0,#0
-        BNE     %BT03                           ; Skip to 0.
-; r1 now points at byte after end of token.
-        ADD     r1,r1,#3                        ; Round up to next word.
-        BIC     r1,r1,#3
- [ No26bitCode
-        STR     r1,[sp,#9*4]                    ; Store back as return address on stack
-        ORRVS   r8,r8,#V_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_f,r8
-        Pull    "r0-r8,PC"                       ;Return.
- |
-        LDR     r2,[sp,#8*4]
-        AND     r2,r2,#ARM_CC_Mask              ; Just the flags and mode bits.
-        ORR     r1,r1,r2
-        ORRVS   r1,r1,#V_bit
-        STR     r1,[sp,#8*4]                    ; Store back as return address on stack
-        Pull    "r0-r7,PC",,^                    ;Return.
- ]
-;       R0 -> Token.
-;       r0 -> Message, or after the : if MessageTrans is dead.
-FindToken      ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    "r0-r8,LR"
-        MRS     r8,CPSR
- |
-        Push    "r0-r7,LR"
- ]
-        MOV     r1,r0
-        MOV     r0,#0
-        LDR     r0,[r0,#KernelMessagesBlock]
-        CMP     r0,#0                           ; If no messages file, try the global one.
-        ADRNE   r0,KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        MOV     r2,#0
-        MOV     r3,#0
-        MOV     r4,#0
-        MOV     r5,#0
-        MOV     r6,#0
-        MOV     r7,#0                           ; No arguments.
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        BVC     %FT01
-        MOV     R2,R1                           ; MessageTrans not present or token not found.
-        LDRB    r0,[r2],#1                      ; Skip to after ":"
-        CMP     r0,#":"
-        BNE     %BT00
-        STR     r2,[sp]
- [ No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_f,r8
-        Pull    "r0-r8,PC"
- |
-        Pull    "r0-r7,PC",,^
- ]
-;       R0 -> Token.
-;        Message printed, r0->Message.
-Write0_Translated ROUT
-        EntryS  "r0,r1"
-        BL      FindToken
-        MOV     R1,R0
-        LDRB    R0,[R1],#1
-        CMP     R0,#31
-        SWIGT   XOS_WriteC
-        STRVS   r0,[SP]
-        EXIT    VS
-        BGT     %BT01
-        EXITS
-        END
diff --git a/s/NewIRQs b/s/NewIRQs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf8c61b..00000000
--- a/s/NewIRQs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1537 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => NewIRQs
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Main IRQ routine:
-;     Push  workregs,lr
-;     IRQsema -> TOS
-;     stack -> IRQsema
-;     call IRQ1V
-;     IRQs off
-;     TOS ->IRQsema
-;     process callback, pulling workregs,pc at some point
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ALIGN 32
-Initial_IRQ_Code ROUT
-        SUB     lr, lr, #4
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        MRS     lr, SPSR
-        Push    "r1-r3, r11, r12, lr"
-; ** For Pete's sake remember to change the heap manager if you change the above
-; ** register list!!!!!!! And the [sp_irq, #4*5] below
-  [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-        BIC     r0, lr, #&1F            ; clear out foreground mode bits
-        ORR     r0, r0, #I32_bit + IRQ26_mode ; force IRQ_26 mode and I bit set
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r0
-  ]
-        MOV     r12, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #IRQsema]
-        Push    r0
-        STR     sp_irq, [r12, #IRQsema]
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDR     pc, [r12, #IRQ1V]
-; IRQ1V called with r0-r3,r11,r12 trashable. r12=0
-; Stu has a theory that 1N cycle can be saved by the default IRQ1V pointing
-; at a location containing a branch to our code; we then do something like
-;  LDR R0, [R12, #IRQ1V]
-;  CMP R0, #OurIRQ1V
-;  BNE somebodysonIRQ1V
-;  .... fall into default IRQ1V code
-        MOV      r11, #0
-        Pull     r0
-        STR      r0, [r11, #IRQsema]
-  [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-        MRS      r0, CPSR
-        ORR      r0, r0, #&10
-        MSR      CPSR_c, r0                     ; switch back to IRQ32 mode
-  ]
-        LDRB     r11, [r11, #CallBack_Flag]
-        TEQ      r11, #0
-        Pull     "r1-r3, r11, r12, lr", EQ
-        MSREQ    SPSR_cxsf, lr
-        Pull     "r0, pc", EQ, ^
-        TST      r11, #CBack_Postpone
-        LDREQ    lr, [sp_irq, #4*5]     ; get SPSR off stack
-        TSTEQ    lr, #I32_bit :OR: &0F  ; check we came from USR26 or USR32 mode, with IRQs enabled
-        Pull     "r1-r3, r11, r12, lr", NE
-        MSRNE    SPSR_cxsf, lr
-        Pull     "r0, pc", NE, ^
-; Do a CallBack: asked for, not postponed, and we're returning into USR26/32 mode.
-        ASSERT   IRQ32_mode :AND: SVC32_mode = IRQ32_mode ; so the following dodgy ops work
-        Pull     "r1-r3, r11, r12"
-        MRS      r0, CPSR
-        ORR      r0, r0, #SVC32_mode
-        MSR      CPSR_c, r0
-        Push     "r10-r12"                               ; push r10-r12 onto the SVC stack
-        BIC      r0, r0, #IRQ32_mode :EOR: SVC32_mode
-        MSR      CPSR_c, r0
-        Pull     "r10-r12"                      ; SPSR, R0, LR really
- [ No26bitCode :LOR: FixCallBacks
-        ORR      r0, r0, #SVC32_mode
- |
-        BIC      r0, r0, #&1F
-        ORR      r0, r0, #SVC26_mode
- ]
-        MSR      CPSR_c, r0
-        Push     r12                            ; Save the return address
-        MOV      r14, r10                       ; SPSR into R14
-        MOV      r0, r11                        ; restore original R0
-        MOV      r10, #0
-        LDRB     r11, [r10, #CallBack_Flag]
-      [ FixCallBacks
-        B        Do_CallBack_postpone_already_clear
-      |
-        B        Do_CallBack
-      ]
-        LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Default IRQ1V: despatch on interrupting device
-; Now copied to RAM, together with vector entries and device tables
-                  ^ 0
- [ HAL
-IRQDesp_Link      # 4
-IRQDesp_R12Val    # 4
-IRQDesp_CallAddr  # 4
-IRQDesp_Link_Unshared * 1       ; flag in Link (for _this_ node)
- |
-IRQDesp_R12Val    # 4
-IRQDesp_CallAddr  # 4
-IRQDesp_Link      # 4
- ]
-       ASSERT   IRQDesp_CallAddr = IRQDesp_R12Val + 4
-       ALIGN 32
-DefaultIRQ1Vcode ROUT
- [ HAL
-        Push    "r9,lr"
-        AddressHAL                      ; modifies r9
-;        MOV     r11, r14                ; r11 trashable
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQSource
-        Pull    "r9"
-        ADR     r2, Devices
-        ADD     r1, r0, r0, LSL #1      ; multiply by 3
-;        MOV     r14, r11
-        ADD     r11, r2, r1, LSL #2     ; so table contains DevNo * 3
- ;       ASSERT  IRQDesp_R12Val = 4
- ;       LDMIB   r1, {r12, pc}
-01      MOV     lr, pc
-        LDMIA   r11, {r11, r12, pc}
-        TST     r11, #IRQDesp_Link_Unshared
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        Pull    pc
- |
-        MOV     r3, #IOC                ; base for IOC and IOMD
-        LDRB    r0, [r3, #IOMD_DMAREQ]
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        ADRNE   r1, IrqDMADevnos
-        LDREQB  r0, [r3, #IOCIRQREQB]   ; if not DMA then assume IRQB until we know otherwise
-        ADREQ   r1, IrqReqBDevnos
- [ MorrisSupport
-;>>>RCM Says should we use separate Morris specific code, cos Morris doesn't support
-;>>>RCM all IOMD_DMAREQ bits and non Morris machines don't have IOMD_IRQRQD.
-;>>>RCM Look at use of NoInterrupt.
-        ADREQ   r12, DeviceTables       ; can't reach these tables with ADR
-        TEQEQ   r0, #0
-        LDREQB  r0, [r3, #IOMD_IRQRQD]
-        ADDEQ   r1, r12, #IrqReqDDevnos-DeviceTables
-        TEQEQ   r0, #0
-        LDREQB  r0, [r3, #IOMD_IRQRQC]
-        ADDEQ   r1, r12, #IrqReqCDevnos-DeviceTables
- ] ; MorrisSupport
-        TEQEQ   r0, #0
-        LDREQB  r0, [r3, #IOCIRQREQA]   ; not DMA and not IRQB so assume IRQA
-        ADREQ   r1, IrqReqADevnos
-        LDRB    r0, [r1, r0]            ; pick up offset in device despatcher
-        ADD     r1, pc, r0, LSL #2      ; so table contains DevNo * 3
-        ASSERT  IRQDesp_R12Val = 0
-        LDMIA   r1, {r12, pc}
- ] ; HAL
-; ******* IRQ device handlers entered with r0-r3,r11,r12,r14 trashable *******
-;   r0  =  device number (if HAL)
-;   r3  -> IOC (not in HAL world, unless IOMD HAL is helpful)
-;   r12 =  what they asked for
-;   r14 =  return address to MOS IRQ exit sequence
- [ HAL
-Devices * DefaultIRQ1Vcode_end + 12
-NoInterrupt     * -1
-MaxInterrupts   * 64
-DevicesEnd * Devices + MaxInterrupts * 12
-        ASSERT  DevicesEnd - DefaultIRQ1Vcode <= DefIRQ1Vspace
- | ; HAL
-  [ MorrisSupport
-NoInterrupt * 38 ; Morris has IOMD's extra interrupts plus 16 of its own
-  |
-NoInterrupt * 22 ; IOMD has 6 more interrupts for DMA
-  ]
-; Register A devices
-; pbusy handler
-        & 0             ; R12 value
-        & IRQ           ; call address
-        & 0             ; link
-; ringing handler
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; printer acknowledge
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; vsync handler
-        & OsbyteVars
-        & VsyncIRQ
-        & 0
-; power on reset: this can't happen, but call IRQ2V if it does.
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; timer0
-        & OsbyteVars
-        & TickOne
-        & 0
-; timer1
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; FIQ downgrade
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; register B devices
-; PFIQ downgrade
-        & PFIQasIRQ_Chain - (PodDesp_Link-PodDesp_R12Val)
-        & PFIQasIRQ_Despatch
-        & 0
-; sound
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; serial
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; winnie IRQ
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Disc changed
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; podule IRQ
-        & PIRQ_Chain - (PodDesp_Link-PodDesp_R12Val)
-        & PIRQ_Despatch
-        & 0
-; serial TX     (Keyboard serial transmit register empty)
-        & IOC
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-        & IrqTx
- |
-        & IRQ
- ]
-        & 0
-; serial RX     (Keyboard serial receive register full)
-        & IOC
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-        & IrqRx
- |
-        & IRQ
- ]
-        & 0
-; IOMD DMA devices
-; DMA channel 0
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; DMA channel 1
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; DMA channel 2
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; DMA channel 3
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Sound DMA channel 0
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Sound DMA channel 1
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
- [ MorrisSupport
-; register D devices
-; Mouse port Rx full
-        & IOC
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Mouse port Tx empty
-        & IOC
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; AtoD (Joystick)
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Nevent1
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Nevent2
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; The following are just place fillers in case IRQD bits 5 to 7 are ever used.
-; NoInterrupt
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; NoInterrupt
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; NoInterrupt
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; register C devices
-; Bit0
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Bit1
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Bit2
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Bit3
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Bit4
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Bit5
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Bit6
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Bit7
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
- ]
-; Neither A or B is interrupting, which is impossible: just call IRQ2V anyway
-        & 0
-        & IRQ
-        & 0
-; Following tables encode the priority of the devices within each register
-; Prioritised IOMD DMA device numbers
-IrqDMAPrio0     * 1:SHL:5
-IrqDMADev0      * IOMD_DMASound1_DevNo
-IrqDMAPrio1     * 1:SHL:4
-IrqDMADev1      * IOMD_DMASound0_DevNo
-IrqDMAPrio2     * 1:SHL:3
-IrqDMADev2      * IOMD_DMAChannel3_DevNo
-IrqDMAPrio3     * 1:SHL:2
-IrqDMADev3      * IOMD_DMAChannel2_DevNo
-IrqDMAPrio4     * 1:SHL:1
-IrqDMADev4      * IOMD_DMAChannel1_DevNo
-IrqDMAPrio5     * 1:SHL:0
-IrqDMADev5      * IOMD_DMAChannel0_DevNo
-       GBLA  DTabC
-DTabC  SETA 1
-  = NoInterrupt*3
-; Top 2 bits are always 0 so table need only be 64 bytes
-  WHILE DTabC <64
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqDMAPrio5)<>0
-  = IrqDMADev5*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqDMAPrio4)<>0
-  = IrqDMADev4*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqDMAPrio3)<>0
-  = IrqDMADev3*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqDMAPrio2)<>0
-  = IrqDMADev2*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqDMAPrio1)<>0
-  = IrqDMADev1*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqDMAPrio0)<>0
-  = IrqDMADev0*3
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-; generic IRQA bits
-IrqReqAPrio0 * por_bit
-IrqReqADev0  * PowerOn_DevNo
-IrqReqAPrio4 * timer1_bit
-IrqReqADev4 * Timer1_DevNo
-IrqReqAPrio5 * vsync_bit
-IrqReqADev5 * VSync_DevNo
-IrqReqAPrio6 * timer0_bit
-IrqReqADev6 * Timer0_DevNo
-IrqReqAPrio7 * force_bit
-IrqReqADev7 * FIQDowngrade_DevNo
-; Machine specific IRQB bits (devices 0-2)
-IrqReqAPrio1 * 1:SHL:1          ; not used
-IrqReqADev1 * 1
- [ ReassignedIOMDInterrupts
- ASSERT IOMDr_PrinterIRQ_DevNo = 2
-IrqReqAPrio2 * IOMDr_printer_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqADev2 * IOMDr_PrinterIRQ_DevNo
-IrqReqAPrio3 * 1:SHL:0          ; not used
-IrqReqADev3 * 0
- |
- ASSERT IOMD_PrinterIRQ_DevNo = 0
- ASSERT IOMD_FloppyIndex_DevNo = 2
-IrqReqAPrio2 * IOMD_printer_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqADev2 * IOMD_PrinterIRQ_DevNo
-IrqReqAPrio3 * IOMD_floppy_index_bit
-IrqReqADev3 * IOMD_FloppyIndex_DevNo
- ]
-DTabC  SETA 1
-  =  NoInterrupt*3
-  WHILE DTabC <256
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio7)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev7*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio6)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev6*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio5)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev5*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio4)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev4*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio3)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev3*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio2)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev2*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio1)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev1*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqAPrio0)<>0
-  = IrqReqADev0*3
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-; generic IRQB bits
-IrqReqBPrio2 * podule_FIQ_as_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev2  * PFIQasIRQ_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio3 * serial_Tx_bit
-IrqReqBDev3 * SerialTx_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio4 * serial_Rx_bit
-IrqReqBDev4 * SerialRx_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio5 * podule_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev5 * Podule_DevNo
-; Machine specific IRQB bits
- [ ReassignedIOMDInterrupts
-IrqReqBPrio0 * IOMDr_MPEGAudio_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev0 * IOMDr_MPEGAudio_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio1 * IOMDr_MPEGVideo_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev1 * IOMDr_MPEGVideo_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio6 * IOMDr_Network_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev6 * IOMDr_Network_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio7 * IOMDr_serial_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev7 * IOMDr_Serial_DevNo
- |
-IrqReqBPrio0 * IOMD_floppy_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev0 * DiscChanged_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio1 * IOMD_HardDisc_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev1 * Sound_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio6 * IOMD_Network_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev6 * WinnieIRQ_DevNo
-IrqReqBPrio7 * IOMD_serial_IRQ_bit
-IrqReqBDev7 * IOMD_Serial_DevNo
- ]
-DTabC  SETA 1
-  =  NoInterrupt*3
-  WHILE DTabC <256
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio7)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev7*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio6)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev6*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio5)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev5*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio4)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev4*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio3)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev3*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio2)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev2*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio1)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev1*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqBPrio0)<>0
-  = IrqReqBDev0*3
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
- [ MorrisSupport
-; Prioritised IRQD device numbers
-IrqReqDPrio0     * 1:SHL:4
-IrqReqDDev0      * IOMD_Event2_DevNo
-IrqReqDPrio1     * 1:SHL:3
-IrqReqDDev1      * IOMD_Event1_DevNo
-IrqReqDPrio2     * 1:SHL:2
-IrqReqDDev2      * IOMD_AtoD_DevNo
-IrqReqDPrio3     * 1:SHL:1
-IrqReqDDev3      * IOMD_MouseTxEmpty_DevNo
-IrqReqDPrio4     * 1:SHL:0
-IrqReqDDev4      * IOMD_MouseRxFull_DevNo
-DTabC  SETA 1
-  =  NoInterrupt*3
-; Top 3 bits are always 0 so table need only be 32 bytes (this will
-; need to change if bits 5 to 7 are ever used).
-  WHILE DTabC <32
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqDPrio4)<>0
-  = IrqReqDDev4*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqDPrio3)<>0
-  = IrqReqDDev3*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqDPrio2)<>0
-  = IrqReqDDev2*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqDPrio1)<>0
-  = IrqReqDDev1*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqDPrio0)<>0
-  = IrqReqDDev0*3
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-; Prioritised IRQC device numbers. We have to handle ALL interrupts
-; using specific device numbers as we don't know what the IO pins
-; are connected to and the NOIRQ code has to know what bit to clear
-; when an unknown interrupt is triggered.
-IrqReqCPrio0    * 1:SHL:0
-IrqReqCDev0     * IOMD_C_Bit0_DevNo
-IrqReqCPrio1    * 1:SHL:1
-IrqReqCDev1     * IOMD_C_Bit1_DevNo
-IrqReqCPrio2    * 1:SHL:2
-IrqReqCDev2     * IOMD_C_Bit2_DevNo
-IrqReqCPrio3    * 1:SHL:3
-IrqReqCDev3     * IOMD_C_Bit3_DevNo
-IrqReqCPrio4    * 1:SHL:4
-IrqReqCDev4     * IOMD_C_Bit4_DevNo
-IrqReqCPrio5    * 1:SHL:5
-IrqReqCDev5     * IOMD_C_Bit5_DevNo
-IrqReqCPrio6    * 1:SHL:6
-IrqReqCDev6     * IOMD_C_Bit6_DevNo
-IrqReqCPrio7    * 1:SHL:7
-IrqReqCDev7     * IOMD_C_Bit7_DevNo
-DTabC   SETA 1
-  =  NoInterrupt*3
-  WHILE DTabC <256
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio7)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev7*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio6)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev6*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio5)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev5*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio4)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev4*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio3)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev3*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio2)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev2*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio1)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev1*3
-  |
-  [ (DTabC:AND:IrqReqCPrio0)<>0
-  = IrqReqCDev0*3
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
-  ]
- ]
-  ASSERT DefaultIRQ1Vcode_end - DefaultIRQ1Vcode <= DefIRQ1Vspace
- ] ; :LNOT: HAL
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        Push    "v1,sb,lr"
-; copy IRQ handler: not done with rest of copying
-; because soft break needs the info to free any claimed blocks.
-        LDR     a1, =DefaultIRQ1V
-        ADRL    a2, DefaultIRQ1Vcode
-        ADRL    a3, DefaultIRQ1Vcode_end
-        LDR     a4, [a2], #4
-        STR     a4, [a1], #4
-        CMP     a2, a3
-        BNE     CopyDefaultIRQ1V
-  [ HAL
-        AddressHAL
-        ADD     v1, a1, #12
-        ADD     a3, v1, #MaxInterrupts*12
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        MOV     a4, #-1
-        LDR     ip, =IRQ
-        STMIA   a1!, {a2, a4, ip}
-        ADD     a4, a4, #1
-        CMP     a1, a3
-        BNE     FillInDefaultIRQ1VDevices
-; Now fill in our basic device handlers. First the timer.
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_TimerDevice
-        LDR     a2, =OsbyteVars
-        LDR     a3, =TickOne
-        ADD     a1, a1, a1, LSL #1
-        ADD     a1, v1, a1, LSL #2
-        STMIB   a1, {a2, a3}
-; Now the VSync
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_VideoFlybackDevice
-        CMP     a1, #-1
-        LDRNE   a2, =OsbyteVars
-        LDRNE   a3, =VsyncIRQ
-        ADDNE   a1, a1, a1, LSL #1
-        ADDNE   a1, v1, a1, LSL #2
-        STMNEIB a1, {a2, a3}
-; Now Podule bits
-        MOV     a1, #IRQDesp_Link_Unshared
-        LDR     a2, =PIRQ_Chain - (PodDesp_Link-PodDesp_R12Val)
-        ADR     a3, PFIQasIRQ_Despatch
-        ADD     lr, v1, #8*12
-        STMIA   lr, {a1, a2, a3}
-        ADR     a3, PIRQ_Despatch
-        ADD     lr, v1, #13*12
-        STMIA   lr, {a1, a2, a3}
- ]
-; Now IIC - if any
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_IICType
-        LDR     a2, =IICType
-        STR     a1, [a2]
-        TST     a1, #IICFlag_HighLevel
-        TSTNE   a1, #IICFlag_Background
-        BEQ     %FT90
-        SUB     sp, sp, #12
-        MOV     a1, sp
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_IICDevice
-; I think it's safe to call A SWI here...
-        LDMIA   sp!, {r0, r3, r4}
-        LDR     r1, =IICIRQ
-        MOV     r2, sb
-        SWI     XOS_ClaimDeviceVector
-  ]
-        Pull    "v1,sb,pc"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Specialist despatchers for podules
-                  ^  0
-PodDesp_Address   #  4     ; address of IRQ status byte
-PodDesp_Mask      #  4     ; for use on above
-PodDesp_R12Val    #  4
-PodDesp_CallAddr  #  4     ; address to call if (?Address EOR (Mask>>8)) AND Mask <> 0
-PodDesp_Link      #  4     ; next node
-PodDesp_NodeSize  #  0
-        ROUT
-; In    r1 -> top level node
-;       r12 = sub chain
-01      LDR     r12, [r12, #PodDesp_Link-PodDesp_R12Val]
-        LDMIA   r12!, {r2, r3}          ; address and mask
-        CMP     r3, #&10000
-        LDRLOB  r2, [r2]
-        BHS     %FT02
-        EOR     r2, r2, r3, LSR #8      ; polarity inversion
-        TST     r2, r3                  ; check against mask
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}
-        Push    "r0,r1,r12,lr"
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        MOV     r12, r3
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        MOV     pc, r2
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r12,lr"
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #8]            ; call next (full) handler
-        LDMIA   r1, {r12, pc}
- |
-; In    r12 =    PFIQasIRQ_Chain - (PodDesp_Link-PodDesp_R12Val)
-;             or PIRQ_Chain - (PodDesp_Link-PodDesp_R12Val)     from despatcher
-PFIQasIRQ_Despatch ROUT
-PIRQ_Despatch ; All the same thing now
-01      LDR     r12, [r12, #PodDesp_Link-PodDesp_R12Val]
-        LDMIA   r12!, {r1, r2}           ; address and mask
-; TMD 09-Jun-89: Don't corrupt r0 - it's needed by the default IRQ2 routine
-        LDRB    r1, [r1]
-	EOR	r1, r1, r2, LSR #8
-        ANDS    r1, r1, r2
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}
- ]
-        &       .+4                     ; address we know has non-zero value!
-        &       -1                      ; mask
-        &       0                       ; handler r12
-        &       NotSubInterrupt         ; handler code
- |
-        &       IRQ                     ; handler code
- ]
-        &       0                       ; null link for naff release checking
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Claim of device vectors
-; r0 = Device number
-; r1 = call address
-; r2 = r12 value
- [ HAL
-; r3 = interrupt location     or r3 = 0 or (if r4 > 64K)  r3 = routine
-; r4 = interrupt mask/polarity                            r4 = workspace
- |
-; r0 = PFIQ|PIRQ devno -> r3 = interrupt location
-;                         r4 = interrupt mask
- ]
-CDV_Flags * &FF000000
-CDV_Shared * 1:SHL:31
-DeviceVector_Claim ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3, lr"
-01      SWI     XOS_ReleaseDeviceVector ; Release until bored
-        BVC     %BT01
-        LDR     r0, [sp]
- [ HAL
-        BIC     r0, r0, #CDV_Flags
- ]
-        CMP     r0, #MaxInterrupts
-        BHS     DV_Fail_NaffDevNo
-;        TEQ     r3, #0
-;        BNE     SubInterruptClaim
- |
-        CMP     r0, #Podule_DevNo
-        CMPNE   r0, #PFIQasIRQ_DevNo
-        BEQ     PoduleChainClaim
- ]
-        MOV     r3, #12
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        BVS     DV_Exit
-        LDR     r11, [sp]
-        BIC     r0, r11, #CDV_Flags
-        ADD     r0, r0, r0, LSL #1      ; *3
-        LDR     r1, =DefaultIRQ1V-DefaultIRQ1Vcode+Devices
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0, LSL #2
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r10   ; IRQs off for update (on again on SWI exit)
-        LDMIA   r1, {r0, r3, r10}
-        STMIA   r2, {r0, r3, r10}       ; copy current head into node
- [ HAL
-        MOV     r10, r2
-        TST     r11, #CDV_Shared
-        ORREQ   r10, r10, #IRQDesp_Link_Unshared
-        LDR     r11, [sp, #4*2]         ; r12 value
-        LDR     r12, [sp, #4*1]         ; call address
- |
-        LDR     r10, [sp, #4*2]         ; r12 value
-        LDR     r11, [sp, #4*1]         ; call address
-        MOV     r12, r2
- ]
-        STMIA   r1, {r10-r12}           ; copy given info into head
-DV_Exit STRVS   r0, [sp]                ; Common exit for both claim + release
-        Pull    "r0-r3, lr"
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_NaffDevNo
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        B       DV_Exit
-        MakeErrorBlock NaffDevNo
-        Push    "r5"
-        ADD     r0, r0, r0, LSL #1      ; *3
-        LDR     r5, =DefaultIRQ1V-DefaultIRQ1Vcode+Devices
-        ADD     r5, r5, r0, LSL #2
-        LDR     r2, [r5, #IRQDesp_CallAddr]
-        ADR     r3, SubInterrupt_Despatch
-        TEQ     r2, r3
-        BEQ     AlreadySubbed
-        ; Need to claim the top-level interrupt.
-        MOV     r3, #12
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        Pull    "r5",VS
-        BVS     DV_Exit
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r10   ; IRQs off for update (on again on SWI exit)
-        LDMIA   r5, {r0, r3, r10}
-        STMIA   r2, {r0, r3, r10}       ; copy current head into node
-        ADR     r0, Default_SubInterruptHandler_Node
-        ADR     r3, SubInterrupt_Despatch
-        STR     r0, [r5, #IRQDesp_R12Val]
-        STR     r3, [r5, #IRQDesp_CallAddr]
-        STR     r2, [r5, #IRQDesp_Link]
-        ; r1 -> top level interrupt entry
-        MOV     r3, #PodDesp_NodeSize
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        Pull    "r5",VS
-        BVS     DV_Exit
-        MOV     r10, r2
-        ADD     r1, sp, #8
-        LDMFD   r1, {r1-r3}
-        STR     r1, [r10, #PodDesp_CallAddr]
-        STR     r2, [r10, #PodDesp_R12Val]
-        STR     r3, [r10, #PodDesp_Address]
-        STR     r4, [r10, #PodDesp_Mask]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r2    ; IRQs off for update
-        LDR     r0, [r5, #IRQDesp_R12Val]
-        STR     r0, [r10, #PodDesp_Link]
-        STR     r10, [r5, #IRQDesp_R12Val]
-        Pull    "r5"
-        B       DV_Exit
- |
-        MOV     r3, #PodDesp_NodeSize
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        BVS     DV_Exit
-        MOV     r10, r2
-        LDMFD   sp, {r0-r3}
-        STR     r1, [r10, #PodDesp_CallAddr]
-        STR     r2, [r10, #PodDesp_R12Val]
-        STR     r3, [r10, #PodDesp_Address]
-        STR     r4, [r10, #PodDesp_Mask]
-        CMP     r0, #Podule_DevNo
-        LDREQ   r0, =PIRQ_Chain
-        LDRNE   r0, =PFIQasIRQ_Chain
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r1    ; IRQs off for update
-        LDR     r1, [r0]
-        STR     r1, [r10, #PodDesp_Link]
-        STR     r10, [r0]
-        B       DV_Exit
- ]
-; .............................................................................
-; Release of device vectors
-; r0 = Device number
-; r1 = call address
-; r2 = r12 value
-; r0 = PFIQ|PIRQ devno -> r3 = interrupt location (LDRB always used)
-;                         r4 = interrupt mask
-DeviceVector_Release ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3, lr"             ; Ensure same regset as above
- [ HAL
-        BIC     r0, r0, #CDV_Flags
- ]
-        CMP     r0, #MaxInterrupts
-        BHS     DV_Fail_NaffDevNo
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, r12 ; IRQs off while holding context
-        CMP     r0, #Podule_DevNo
-        CMPNE   r0, #PFIQasIRQ_DevNo
-        BEQ     PoduleChainRelease
- ]
-        ADD     r0, r0, r0, LSL #1      ; *3
-        LDR     r12, =DefaultIRQ1V-DefaultIRQ1Vcode+Devices
-        ADD     r12, r12, r0, LSL #2    ; address of node
-        MOV     r11, #-1                ; "fudge" predecessor node
- [ HAL
-;        TEQ     r3, #0
-;        BNE     SubInterruptRelease
- ]
- [ HAL
-01      LDMIB   r12, {r3, r10}
- |
-01      LDMIA   r12, {r3, r10}
- ]
-        CMP     r3, r2
-        CMPEQ   r10, r1
-        BEQ     %FT02                   ; found it
-        MOV     r11, r12
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #IRQDesp_Link]
- [ HAL
-        BICS    r12, r12, #IRQDesp_Link_Unshared
- |
-        CMP     r12, #0
- ]
-        BNE     %BT01
-11      ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadDevVecRel
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        B       DV_Exit
-        MakeErrorBlock BadDevVecRel
-02      CMP     r11, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        MOV     r2, r12
-        LDR     r12, [r2, #IRQDesp_Link]
- [ HAL
-        LDR     r14, [r11, #IRQDesp_Link]       ; preserve r11's "unshared" flag
-        BIC     r12, r12, #IRQDesp_Link_Unshared
-        AND     r14, r14, #IRQDesp_Link_Unshared
-        ORR     r12, r12, r14
- ]
-        STR     r12, [r11, #IRQDesp_Link] ; node delinked
-        B       %FT04
-03      LDR     r2, [r12, #IRQDesp_Link]; freeable = nextnode
-        LDMIA   r2,  {r0, r1, r3}       ; copy next node into head posn
-        STMIA   r12, {r0, r1, r3}
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode         ; free block
-        B       DV_Exit
-        ADR     r10, SubInterrupt_Despatch
-10      LDR     r0, [r12, #IRQDesp_CallAddr]
-        TEQ     r0, r10
-        BEQ     %FT15
-13      MOV     r11, r12
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #IRQDesp_Link]
-        TEQ     r12, #0
-        BEQ     %BT11
-        B       %BT10
-15      SUB     r0, r12, #PodDesp_Link
-17      LDR     r14, [r0, #PodDesp_Link]
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        BEQ     %BT13
-        LDR     r10, [r14, #PodDesp_Address]
-        CMP     r10, r3
-        LDREQ   r10, [r14, #PodDesp_Mask]
-        CMPEQ   r10, r4
-        LDREQ   r10, [r14, #PodDesp_CallAddr]
-        CMPEQ   r10, r1
-        LDREQ   r10, [r14, #PodDesp_R12Val]
-        CMPEQ   r10, r2
-        MOVNE   r0, r14
-        BNE     %BT17
-        LDR     r10, [r14, #PodDesp_Link]
-        STR     r10, [r0,  #PodDesp_Link]!
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #IRQDesp_R12Val]
-        MOV     r2, r14
-        ADR     r14, Default_SubInterruptHandler_Node
-        TEQ     r0, r14                 ; last sub-interrupt gone?
-        BNE     %BT04
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode         ; free sub-interrupt
-        BVS     DV_Exit
-        B       %BT02                   ; then go back to delink top level
- |
-        CMP     r0, #Podule_DevNo
-        LDREQ   r0, =PIRQ_Chain-PodDesp_Link
-        LDRNE   r0, =PFIQasIRQ_Chain-PodDesp_Link
-10      LDR     r12, [r0, #PodDesp_Link]
-        CMP     r12, #0
-        BEQ     %BT11
-        LDR     r11, [r12, #PodDesp_Address]
-        CMP     r11, r3
-        LDREQ   r11, [r12, #PodDesp_Mask]
-        CMPEQ   r11, r4
-        LDREQ   r11, [r12, #PodDesp_CallAddr]
-        CMPEQ   r11, r1
-        LDREQ   r11, [r12, #PodDesp_R12Val]
-        CMPEQ   r11, r2
-        MOVNE   r0, r12
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDR     r11, [r12, #PodDesp_Link]
-        STR     r11, [r0,  #PodDesp_Link]
-        MOV     r2, r12
-        B       %BT04
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Default device owner for IRQ not recognised by system: pass to IRQ2V
-        Push    "r10, lr"
- [ False
- ASSERT VIDC_Type <> "VIDC20"
- MOV r14, #11
- MUL r14, r0, r14
- MOV r14, r14, LSR #5
- ADR r10, irq_vtable
- LDR r14, [r10, r14, LSL #2]
- MOV r10, #VIDC
- STR r14, [r10]
- ]
-        MOV     r10, #IrqV
-        BL      CallVector
- [ HAL
-        Pull    "r10, lr, pc"           ; new-style CDV - pull return address
- |
-        Pull    "r10, pc"               ; return: someone will always claim it.
- ]
- [ False
- DCD &40000000 + &444
- DCD &40000000 + &008
- DCD &40000000 + &080
- DCD &40000000 + &088
- DCD &40000000 + &800
- DCD &40000000 + &808
- DCD &40000000 + &880
- DCD &40000000 + &FA8
- DCD &40000000 + &8AF
- DCD &40000000 + &00F
- DCD &40000000 + &0F0
- DCD &40000000 + &0FF
- DCD &40000000 + &F00
- DCD &40000000 + &F0F
- DCD &40000000 + &FF0
- DCD &40000000 + &FFF
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Default IRQ2V:
- [ HAL
-;   r0  must still have devno in it
-;   r12 is 0 (from vector)
- |
-;   r0  must still have devno*3 in it
-;   r12 is 0 (from vector)
- ]
-; Clear mask, clear IRQ as appropriate/possible
-; NB. a cheap way of dividing by ~3 is *11,/32: accurate for 0..31 result ...
- [ False
- ASSERT VIDC_Type <> "VIDC20"
- MOV r14, #11
- MUL r14, r0, r14
- MOV r14, r14, LSR #5
- ADR r10, irq_vtable
- LDR r14, [r10, r14, LSL #2]
- MOV r10, #VIDC
- STR r14, [r10]
- ]
- [ HAL
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        Pull    pc, MI
-        MOV     r11, r9
-        AddressHAL
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQDisable
-        MOV     r9, r11
- |
-01      SUBS    r0, r0, #3
-        ADDGE   r12, r12, #1
-        BGT     %BT01                   ; r12 := r0 DIV 3
-        CMP     R12, #8
-        MOVLO   R0, #IOCIRQMSKA
-        BLO     %FT03
-        CMP     R12, #16
-        SUBLO   R12, R12, #8
-        MOVLO   R0, #IOCIRQMSKB
-        BLO     %FT03
-        CMP     R12, #IOMD_MouseRxFull_DevNo
-        SUBLO   R12, R12, #IOMD_DMAChannel0_DevNo
-        MOVLO   R0, #IOMD_DMAMSK
-        BLO     %FT03
- [ MorrisSupport
-        CMP     R12, #IOMD_C_Bit0_DevNo
-        SUBLO   R12, R12, #IOMD_MouseRxFull_DevNo       ;reduce to bit number 0..7
-        MOVLO   R0, #IOMD_IRQMSKD                       ; in IRQ D interrupt register
-        SUBHS   R12, R12, #IOMD_C_Bit0_DevNo
-        MOVHS   R0, #IOMD_IRQMSKC
- ]
-        ADD     r0, r0, #IOC
-        MOV     r1, #1
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSL r12         ; bit to clear
-        MRS     lr, CPSR
-        BIC     r12, lr, #&0F
-        ORR     r12, r12, #I32_bit+F32_bit+IRQ_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r12
-        LDRB    r12, [r0]       ; FIQs off for updating IOCIRQMSKA
-        BIC     r12, r12, r1
-        STRB    r12, [r0]       ; relevant IRQ disabled
-        MSR     CPSR_c, lr      ; absolute minimum FIQ disable period
-        STRB    r1, [r0, #IOCIRQCLRA-IOCIRQMSKA] ; Clear IRQ
- ]
-        Pull    pc              ; claim vector
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; The following bits have been appropriated from source.pmf.oseven to make
-; sure Tim's old code doesn't overwrite us when he gets back!
-; SWI OS_GenerateEvent: call event vector if enabled
-GenEvent ROUT
-        Push    lr
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr    ; Disable IRQs. MUST call these ones
-        BL      OSEVEN                  ; in SVC mode as people expect it
-        Pull    lr
-        B       SLVK
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Subroutine call version
-; In    r0 = event type
-;       r1,r2 parameters
-; Out   C=0 => event was enabled, or was >= 32 anyway
-;       C=1 => event was disabled, so vector not called
-        Push    lr
-        CMP     r0, #31                 ; Events >= 32 are ALWAYS raised. SKS
-                                        ; flags are HI if so, ie. NE
-        LDRLSB  r14, [r0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: EventSemaphores]
-                                        ; get semaphore for this event 0..31
-        CMPLS   r14, #0                 ; non-zero => enabled
-        Pull    pc, EQ                  ; if disabled, exit with C=1
-        Push    "r0-r3, r10-r12" ; r3 excessive ???
-        MOV     r10, #EventV            ; call event vector
-        BL      CallVector
-        CLC                             ; indicate event enabled
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r10-r12, pc"
-; ...................... default owner of EventV ..............................
-; Call Event handler
-; In    r12 = EvtHan_ws
-DefEvent ROUT
-        MOV     lr, pc                  ; link with all the bits
-        LDMIA   r12, {r12, pc}          ; call EventHandler, returns to ...
-        TEQ     r12, #1
-        Pull    pc,NE
-        LDRB    r14, [r12, #CallBack_Flag-1] ; IRQs are still disabled
-        ORR     r14, r14, #CBack_OldStyle
-        STRB    r14, [r12, #CallBack_Flag-1]
-        Pull    pc                      ; claim EventV
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Process timer zero IRQ device (100Hz clock)
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        ALIGN 32
-TickOne ROUT
- [ HAL
-        ; Don't push r14 - we're using new interface, and claim the vector
-        Push    "r9,r12"
-        AddressHAL
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQClear
-        Pull    "r9,r12"
- |
-        Push    r14
-        MOV     R0, #timer0_bit
-        STRB    R0, [R3, #IOCIRQCLRA]   ; clear timer 0 interrupt
- ]
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        LDR     R0, [R1, #MetroGnome]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        STR     R0, [R1, #MetroGnome]
-        LDRB    R0, CentiCounter        ; Counter for VDU CTRL timing
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        STRCSB  R0, CentiCounter        ; decrement if not zero
-        LDR     R0, IntervalTimer +0
-        ADDS    R0, R0, #1              ; Increment the low 4 bytes
-        STR     R0, IntervalTimer +0
-        LDREQB  R0, IntervalTimer +4
-        ADDEQ   R0, R0, #1              ; and carry into 5th byte if necessary
-        STREQB  R0, IntervalTimer +4
-        Push    "R4,R12"                ; R0-R3 already pushed
-        TEQEQ   R0, #&100               ; has interval timer crossed zero ?
-        MOVEQ   R0, #Event_IntervalTimer ; Event ITCZ
-        BLEQ    OSEVEN
-        BL      CentiSecondTick         ; Notify keyboard of a centisecond
-        Pull    "R4,R12"
-        LDR     R0, RealTime +0         ; Increment 5-byte real time
-        ADDS    R0, R0, #1
-        STR     R0, RealTime +0
-        LDRCSB  R0, RealTime +4
-        ADDCS   R0, R0, #1              ; Won't wrap until 2248 and then it
-        STRCSB  R0, RealTime +4         ; all falls over anyway
-        LDRB    R0, TimerState          ; get switch state
-        TEQ     R0, #5                  ; toggles between 5 and 10
-        LDREQ   R1, TimerAlpha +0       ; either load from one
-        LDREQB  R2, TimerAlpha +4
-        LDRNE   R1, TimerBeta +0        ; or the other
-        LDRNEB  R2, TimerBeta +4
-        ADREQ   R3, TimerBeta +0        ; and point to t'other
-        ADRNE   R3, TimerAlpha +0
-        ADDS    R1, R1, #1              ; increment
-        ADC     R2, R2, #0              ; with carry
-        STR     R1, [R3]                ; and store back
-        STRB    R2, [R3, #4]
-        EOR     R0, R0, #&0F            ; 5 <-> 10
-        STRB    R0, TimerState
-        Push    R10
- [ TickIrqReenter
-        MOV     R10, #TickerV           ; call 100Hz vector
-        BL      CallVector              ; IRQ's still disabled
-        BL      ProcessTickEventChain   ; Re-enables IRQs
- |
-        BL      ProcessTickEventChain
-        MOV     R10, #TickerV           ; call 100Hz vector
-        BL      CallVector
- ]
-        Pull    "R10,PC"
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Process VSync IRQ device
-; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        ALIGN 32
-    [ HAL
-        ; Don't push r14 - we're using new interface, and claim the vector
-        Push    "r9,r12"
-        AddressHAL
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQClear
-        Pull    "r9,r12"
-    |
-        Push    r14
-        MOV     R0, #vsync_bit
-        STRB    R0, [R3, #IOCIRQCLRA]   ; Clear the vsync interrupt
-    ]
-        LDRB    R0, CFStime             ; decrement 'CFS' timer !
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1
-        STRB    R0, CFStime
-        VDWS    WsPtr                   ; Do our stuff before issuing VSYNC event
-        BL      VsyncCall
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        MOV     R0, #Event_VSync        ; VSYNC event number
-        BL      OSEVEN
-        LDRB    R1, FlashCount
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        Pull    PC, CC                  ; was zero, so frozen
-        STRNEB  R1, FlashCount          ; else if now non-zero, store it back
-        Pull    PC, NE                  ; not time to flash yet
-        LDRB    R1, FlashState          ; Get the state and
-        EORS    R1, R1, #1              ; flip to the other one (setting flags)
-        STRB    R1, FlashState
-        LDREQB  R2, SpacPeriod          ; get appropriate new period
-        LDRNEB  R2, MarkPeriod
-        STRB    R2, FlashCount          ; and put into counter
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        Push    R4
-        BEQ     dothesecondflash
-        BL      DoFirstFlash
-        Pull    "R4, PC"
-        BL      DoSecondFlash
-        Pull    "R4, PC"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/NewReset b/s/NewReset
deleted file mode 100644
index 859f647f..00000000
--- a/s/NewReset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2337 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        SUBT    => NewReset
-; DuffEntry is the address of "Nowhere"
-;  - there should never be any page actually mapped to this address (L2PT entry always 0)
-;  - a page that is not mapped in should always have this special address in its CAM entry,
-;    ie. should only be one Nowhere
- [ HAL32
-DuffEntry *     &FAFF8000
- |
-DuffEntry *     &01F08000
- ]
-Nowhere * DuffEntry  ; synonym
-SoftReset       * 0                     ; Reset types
-PowerOnReset    * 1
-ControlReset    * 2
-; CMOS RAM resetting stuff:
-CMOSLimit       * &F0
-; Keyboard flags
-                ^ 1
- [ HAL
-KbdScanActive   # 1
-                # 2
-KbdFlags        # 4
-KbdFlag_Ctrl    * 1:SHL:0
-KbdFlag_Shift   * 1:SHL:1
-KbdFlag_R       * 1:SHL:4
-KbdFlag_T       * 1:SHL:5
-KbdFlag_Delete  * 1:SHL:6
-KbdFlag_Copy    * 1:SHL:7
-KbdFlag_Present * 1:SHL:30
-KbdFlag_Done    * 1:SHL:31
- |
-CTRL_Down_Flag  # 1
-SHIFT_Down_Flag # 1
-KB_There_Flag   # 1
-R_Down_Flag     # 1      ; note that these 4 form one word!!
-T_Down_Flag     # 1
-Del_Down_Flag   # 1
-Copy_Down_Flag  # 1
-KeyDataPtr      # 4
-Port2Present    # 1      ; note that these 4 form one word!!
-Port3Present    # 1
-KeyState        # 1
-KeyMSB          # 1
- ]
-; On ARM600, InitIRQWs is in zero page - check it's big enough
-        ASSERT  @ <= ?InitIRQWs
-;       AddCamEntries
-; in:   r0 -> appropriate part of CAM map
-;       r1 = ap (+ CB bits in new world)
-;       r2 = log address
-;       r7 = amount of cam map to do
-;       r8 = PageSize
-; out:  r0, r3-r12 preserved
-;       r1 corrupted
-;       r2 updated by relevant amount
-AddCamEntries ROUT
-        Push    "r0, lr"
-        MOV     lr, r1                  ; access privs (PPL)
-        MOV     r1, r7
-        STMIA   r0!, {r2, lr}           ; store logaddr, PPL
-        ADD     r2, r2, r8              ; increment address by 1 page
-        SUBS    r1, r1, #8              ; decrement count of how much to do
-        BNE     %BT01
-        Pull    "r0, pc"
-; GetConfiguredSize - convert CMOS address into amount of memory
-; in:   r0 = CMOS address
-; out:  r0 corrupted
-;       r2 = amount in bytes
-; NB this routine doesn't do screen size mangling (yet!)
-GetConfiguredSize Entry "r1"
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r1, #Page_Size]
-        ADRL    lr, PageShifts-1
-        LDRB    r1, [lr, r1, LSR #12]   ; r1 = log2 pagesize
-        MOV     r2, #127                ; mask of value
-        TEQ     r0, #FontCMOS           ; if fontsize
-        MOVEQ   r1, #12                 ; then in units of 4K, not pagesize
-        MOVEQ   r2, #255                ; and use full byte
-        BL      Read                    ; read CMOS ram
-        AND     r2, r0, r2              ; value anded with mask
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSL r1          ; and shifted up accordingly
-        EXIT
-        Push   lr
-        B      ConfigureRMA
-ReadCMOSAndConfigure ROUT
-; R0 = index into CMOS RAM of byte with size in
-; R1 = place to save amount moved
-; R2 = CAM entry number to start at: updated
-; R3 = LogRam Address to move memory to
-; r11  PPL
-; Check for memory left, move as much as poss
-        Push    lr
-        BL      Read                    ; CMOS byte -> R0
-        AND     R0, R0, #127            ; mask to same bitfield as status
-        MOV     R10, #0
-        LDR     R10, [R10, #Page_Size]
-        MUL     R0, R10, R0             ; get size in bytes
-        MOV     R5, #0                  ; amount moved
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     NoMoreMemory
- [ GetPagesFromFreePool
-; r0 = amount of memory to move
-; r1 = address to store size in
-; (r2 = page number to start at, ignored in our method)
-; r3 = address of where to put memory
-; r10 = page size
-; r11 = ap + CB
-        LDR     r4, =FreePoolDANode
-        MOV     r6, r11                         ; r6 = ap + CB
-        LDR     r7, [r4, #DANode_Base]
-        LDR     r8, [r4, #DANode_Size]
-        ADD     r7, r7, r8                      ; r7 -> end of free pool +1
-        CMP     r8, r10                         ; if no free memory left
-        BCC     %FT20                           ; then tidy up
-        SUB     r7, r7, r10                     ; move free pool pointer backwards
-        Push    "r0, r1"
-        MOV     r0, r7
-        MOV     r1, r3
-        BL      MovePageAtR0ToR1WithAccessR6
-        Pull    "r0, r1"
-        ADD     r3, r3, r10                     ; advance "to" pointer
-        SUB     r8, r8, r10                     ; one less page of free memory
-        ADD     r5, r5, r10                     ; one more page done
-        SUBS    r0, r0, r10
-        BNE     %BT10
-        STR     r8, [r4, #DANode_Size]
- |
-        LDR     R8, [R5, #RAMLIMIT]
-; now set R6 = first entry not to use
-;         R7 = end of gap   "   "  "
-;         R8 = last entry we can use
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        LDR     r6, [r7, #VideoSize]            ; find out how many pages in video area
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSR #12                 ; = page number of start of skipped bit
-        ASSERT  SoftCamMapSize = L2PTSize +4
-        MOV     r7, #L2PTSize
-        LDMIA   r7, {r7, lr}                    ; r7 = L2PTSize, lr = SoftCamMapSize
-        ADD     r7, r7, lr                      ; add sizes together
-        ADD     r7, r7, #StaticPagesSize + UndStackSize ; + number of bytes used for other static bits
-        ADD     r7, r6, r7, LSR #12             ; r7 = page number after static bit
-        MOV     r8, r8, LSR #12                 ; make r8 into highest page number+1
-        CMP     R2, R6                  ; if at gap, skip
-        MOVEQ   R2, R7
-        CMP     R2, R8                  ; if no more memory, give in
-        BEQ     NoMoreMemory
-        ADD     R5, R5, R10
-        Push    "R0, R1, R6"
-        BL      BangCamUpdate
-        Pull    "R0, R1, R6"
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1
-        ADD     R3, R3, R10
-        SUBS    R0, R0, R10
-        BGT     CAMZapLoop
- ]
-        STR     R5, [R1]
-        Pull    "PC"
-; MassageScreenSize - called from ReadCMOSAndConfigure (above) and also from
-; ReadSysInfo
-MassageScreenSize ROUT
-        Push    lr
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        LDR     lr, [lr, #VRAMFlags]
-        TST     lr, #2
-        MOVNE   lr, #0
-        LDRNE   r0, [lr, #VideoSize]
-        Pull    pc, NE
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        BNE     CmosScreenWillDo
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #RAMLIMIT]
-        CMP     r0, #512*1024
-        MOVEQ   r0, #80*1024
-        MOVNE   r0, #160*1024
-        CMP     r0, #20*1024            ; ensure mode 0 gettable
-        ADDCC   r0, r0, r10             ; if not, then add another page
-        BCC     CmosScreenWillDo
-        CMP     r0, #ScreenMaxSize
-        MOVHI   r0, #ScreenMaxSize
-        Pull    pc
-        LTORG
-  [ HAL
-    ! 0, "*** DUMMY CONT_Break, soft breaks/resets will not work yet with HAL"
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     a1, #1
-        CallHAL HAL_Reset
-  ]
-  [ :LNOT: HAL
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Data tables: VIDC := mode 0, all palette black
-; Program Control Register first, to clear power-down bit
-; Now depending upon the VIDCClockSource flag, re-program the clock source.
-   [ VIDCClockSource = "VCO"
-     [ VCOstartfix
-        & &E0000404     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/2, vclk (allow for doubled VCO freq)
-     |
-        & &E0000400     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/1, vclk
-     ]
-   ]
-   [ VIDCClockSource = "HCLK"
-        & &E0000401     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/1, hclk
-   ]
-   [ VIDCClockSource = "RCLK"
-        & &E0000406     ; CR: FIFO load 16 words, 1 bpp, ck/2, rclk
-   ]
-; Don't bother programming all 256 palette entries, we'll be here all night
-; Since we're setting up a 1 bit-per-pixel mode, just do colours 0 and 1
-        & &10000000     ; Palette address register = 0
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 0 = black
-        & &00000000     ; Colour 1 = black
-        & &40000000     ; Border colour = black
-        & &50000000     ; Pointer colour 1 = black
-        & &60000000     ; Pointer colour 2 = black
-        & &70000000     ; Pointer colour 3 = black
-; Get a stable display up so we get stable signals
-        & &800003F8     ; HCR  = 76 + 88 + 96 + 640 + 96 + 28
-        & &81000044     ; HSWR = 76
-        & &82000098     ; HBSR = 76 + 88
-        & &830000F2     ; HDSR = 76 + 88 + 96
-        & &84000372     ; HDER = 76 + 88 + 96 + 640
-        & &850003D8     ; HBER = 76 + 88 + 96 + 640 + 96
-        & &860000F3     ; HCSR = HDSR
-        & &90000137     ; VCR  = 3 + 19 + 16 + 256 + 16 + 2
-        & &91000002     ; VSWR = 3
-        & &92000015     ; VBSR = 3 + 19
-        & &93000025     ; VDSR = 3 + 19 + 16
-        & &94000125     ; VDER = 3 + 19 + 16 + 256
-        & &95000135     ; VBER = 3 + 19 + 16 + 256 + 16
-        & &96000025     ; VCSR = VDSR
-        & &97000025     ; VCER = VDSR
-        & &B1000001     ; SCR: sound disabled (+use 24MHz clock)
-        & &C00F1003     ; EREG = comp sync, DACs on, ereg output ext lut
-   [ VCOstartfix
-        & &D0000302     ; FSYNREG, clk = (3+1)/(2+1) * 24MHz = 32MHz  (higher frequency as part of fix)
-   |
-        & &D0000305     ; FSYNREG, clk = (3+1)/(5+1) * 24MHz = 16MHz
-   ]
-        & &F0013000     ; DCR: bus D[31:0], Hdisc       ;RCM 29/9/94: changed from &F0012000 at PSwindells request
-        & &FFFFFFFF     ; That's the lot
-VIDCPhys        *       &03400000       ; used to address VIDC when MMU is off
-; Entered here after RESET (or BREAK)
-; This code must be capable of being executed at a non-ROM address and with the MMU off,
-; and running in 32-bit mode up until the call to MemSize.
-        MOV     r1, #1          ; parameter passed to InitMEMC, to indicate Break not Reset
-        B       Continue
-        MOV     r1, #0          ; parameter passed to InitMEMC, to indicate Reset not Break
-; First bang MEMC to ensure safety
-        BL      InitMEMC        ; initialise MEMC CR, and turn off MMU if it's on
-; VInit etc set on ze mode change: no DMA going yet so don't set owt.
-        MOV     R1, #VIDCPhys   ; Must ALWAYS initialise VIDC on reset or else
-        ADR     R2, VIDCTAB     ; we may get vsync interrupts that stiff us
-10      LDR     R0, [R2], #4    ; permanently as VIDC is in an undefined state
-        CMP     R0, #-1         ; so have mode 0 with all black palette
-        STRNE   R0, [R1]
-        BNE     %BT10
-; Now bang IOC (disable all but keyboard interrupts)
-        MOV     R1, #IOC
-        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; all inputs
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOCControl]   ; in case called by Tim
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOCIRQMSKA]   ; kein interrupts
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOCFIQMSK]    ; disable FIQs
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOMD_DMAMSK]  ; disable DMA interrupts, too
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOMD_IRQMSKC] ; and the rest...
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOMD_IRQMSKD]
-  [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500" :LOR: Keyboard_Type = "PC"
-        MOV     R0, #KARTRxBit          ; used for Archi keyboard or IOMD PC keyboard
-  ]
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOCIRQMSKB]   ; allow communication with kbd, when I_bit gets cleared
-; now bits to allow CMOS read/write : need timer
-        LDR     R0, =20000-1    ; R0 = Timer delay (units of 0.5 microsecond)
-                                ; 20000*0.5E-6 = 0.01 Seconds (100Hz ticker)
-                                ; TMD 21-May-93: "-1" correction applied
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0LL]     ; Set up the delay
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #8
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0LH]
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0GO]     ; and start the ticks
-        MOV     R0, #timer0_bit
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOCIRQCLRA]   ; Clear pending t0 interrupt j.i.c.
-  [ VCOstartfix
-        ;2nd part of fix for VCO failing to start on A7000 (esp. 7500FE) - forcing PCOMP high for about 3 ms
-        LDRB    R0, [R1,#IOMD_ID0]
-        CMP     R0, #&E7
-        LDREQB  R0, [R1,#IOMD_ID1]
-        CMPEQ   R0, #&D4
-        BEQ     vcofix_notMorris      ; risky to force PCOMP on Risc PC
-        MOV     R0, #VIDCPhys
-        LDR     R2, =&D0000342        ; VIDC20 FSYNREG, as in VIDCTAB but with force PCOMP high
-        STR     R2, [R0]
-        MOV     R0, #3072*2           ; time delay of about 3 ms (0.5 us units)
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0LR]   ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #Timer0CL]   ; R2 := low output latch
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0LR]   ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R3, [R1, #Timer0CL]   ; R3 := low output latch
-        TEQ     R3, R2                ; unchanged ?
-        BEQ     vcofix_waitloop       ; then loop
-        MOV     R2, R3                ; copy anyway
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1            ; decrement count
-        BNE     vcofix_waitloop       ; loop if not finished
-        MOV     R0, #VIDCPhys
-        LDR     R2, =&D0000302        ; VIDC20 FSYNREG, as in VIDCTAB (PCOMP low again)
-        STR     R2, [R0]
-  ]
-; now size memory
-        BL      MemSize                 ; out: r0 = page size, r1 = memory size, r2 = MEMC CR value, r3-r14 corrupt
-        MOV     R8, R0                  ; R8 = page size in bytes
-        MOV     R13, R1                 ; R13 is now the RAM size
-        MOV     R9, R2                  ; need this to set soft copy right
-   [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator R7
-        MOVEQ   R7,#&80
-        ORREQ   R7,R7,#&3E00            ; r7 := &3E80 = 16000 (standard Risc PC value)
-        BLNE    TimeCPU                 ; r7 := CPU speed in kHz/MEMC1a flag
-   |
-        BL      TimeCPU                 ; r7 := CPU speed in kHz/MEMC1a flag
-   ]
-; the fixed areas give us : IRQ stack (in cursor), SVC stack (in sysheap base)
-; and bottom block makes most sense done here
-; now keyboard initialisation: initialise baud rate, send dummy, read dummy
-        MOV     R0, #InitKbdWs
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #CTRL_Down_Flag] ; clear CTRL down flag, R down flag
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #SHIFT_Down_Flag]
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #KB_There_Flag]
-        STR     R1, [R0, #R_Down_Flag]  ; all CMOS reset flags
-        STR     R1, [R0, #KeyDataPtr]
-        STR     R1, [R0, #Port2Present] ; all KbdRes vars
-        B       SetUpKbd                ; No stack yet so branch and branch back.
-; set up reset interrupt handler (reads, discards keys, setting flags if CTRL or R)
-; NB on ARM600 we need to go into 32-bit mode, so we can safely overwrite vectors
-        MRS     r0, CPSR                ; switch into IRQ32, still IRQs disabled
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&1F
-        ORR     r1, r0, #IRQ32_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r1
-        LDR     sp_irq, =IRQSTK         ; set up sp_irq
-        ADRL    R2, MOSROMVecs          ; pick up from table
-        LDR     R2, [R2, #&18]          ; this gets overwritten while active,
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        STR     R2, [R3, #&18]          ; but hopefully by the same value!
-        ADDR    R2, IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed ; (could use ADRL, but ADDR macro is nicer)
-        STR     R2, [R3, #InitIRQHandler] ; instruction is now a LDR PC,InitKbdHandler
-        ORR     r0, r0, #SVC32_mode     ; switch into SVC32
- [ StrongARM
-   ;for StrongARM, we need to do an IMB type thing for modifying code in vector area
-        ARM_read_ID r1
-        AND     r1,r1,#&F000
-        CMP     r1,#&A000
-        BNE     vectorpoke_notSA_1
-        MOV     r1,#0                   ;we clean one cache entry, 0..1F, = vector area
-  [ SAcleanflushbroken
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry r1
-        ARMA_flush_DCentry r1
-  |
-        ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry r1
-  ]
-        ARMA_drain_WB
-        ARMA_flush_IC
- ]
-        BIC     r0, r0, #I32_bit        ; and enable IRQs
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r0
- ; in SVC32 from now until we've finished poking around with vectors
- [ :LNOT: AlwaysClearRAM
-; IF por OR FX200 bit set THEN clear memory
-        MOV     R0, #IOC
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #por_bit
-        BNE     %FT20
-        LDR     R0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: ESCBREAK
-        LDRB    R1, [R0]
-        CMP     R1, #2                  ; unlike popular rumour, bit 1 ain't
-        CMPNE   R1, #3                  ; a flag
-        BNE     %FT30
- ]
-        BL      ClearPhysRAM
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r9, [r0, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy] ; set soft copy.
-        STR     r7, [r0, #MemorySpeed]  ; Remember CPU speed/MEMC1a flag
-        STR     r8, [r0, #Page_Size]    ; r8 is still page size from way up there
-        STR     r13, [r0, #RAMLIMIT]    ; save sussed memory size in LogRam
-        LDR     sp, =SVCSTK             ; set up a stack
-; do as much other initialisation as possible, to give keyboard stuff time
- [ StrongARM
-        BL      Processor_Type          ; Determines the processor type & stores it in page 0.
- ]
-  ]    ; :LNOT: HAL
-;StrongARM: OK, there is quite a bit of code poking below, to various addresses. We'll
-;           defer IMB consideration till the poking's done, then do a full IMB (full
-;           data cache clean). This avoids various little IMB's and removes chance of leaving
-;           some unnoticed poked code in data cache. The deferral should be safe, because none
-;           of the poked code will be used yet awhile (given that current IRQ hardware vector is
-;           not actually changed below).
- [ ProcessorVectors
-; Copy default processor vector table and default preveneers.
-; Code relies on preveneers being immediately after processor vector table
-; but could easily be changed into 2 copy loops.
-        ASSERT  ProcVecPreVeneers = ProcVec_End
-        ASSERT  DefaultPreVeneers = DefaultProcVecs+ProcVec_End-ProcVec_Start
-        ADRL    R0, DefaultProcVecs
-        LDR     R1, =ProcVec_Start
-        MOV     R2, #ProcVec_End-ProcVec_Start+ProcVecPreVeneersSize
-        LDR     R3, [R0], #4
-        STR     R3, [R1], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #4
-        BNE     %BT39
- ]
-; copy handler addresses
-        ADRL    R1, MOSROMVecs+4        ; don't copy to 0: key stuff is using
-                                        ; it as workspace!
-        MOV     R0, #4
-        LDR     R2, [R1], #4            ; N.B. IRQ handler better be same as the one in there
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        TEQ     R0, #EndMOSROMVecs-MOSROMVecs
-        BNE     %BT40
-        ChangedProcVecs r0
- [ :LNOT: No26bitCode
-; Now we have set up the hardware vectors we can drop back to SVC26 mode
-        MRS     r0, CPSR
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&1F
-        ORR     r0, r0, #SVC26_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r0
- ]
-; Ensure any CMOS operation aborted
-        BL      IICAbort
-        BL      IICInit
- [ CacheCMOSRAM
-        DebugTX "InitCMOSCache entry"
-        BL      InitCMOSCache           ; initialise cache of CMOS RAM
-        DebugTX "InitCMOSCache done"
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; returns zero on failure
-        LDREQ   R1, [R0, #HAL_StartFlags]
-        ORREQ   R1, R1, #OSStartFlag_NoCMOS
-        STREQ   R1, [R0, #HAL_StartFlags]
- ]
-; Now copy the initialised data
-        MOV     R0, #IRQ1V
-; first save IOC soft copy so can restore it
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #IOCControlSoftCopy-IRQ1V]
-        Push    "R2"
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #CannotReset-IRQ1V]
-        Push    "R2"
-        ADRL    r1, StartData
-        LDR     R2, [R1], #4
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        TEQ     R0, #(EndData-StartData+IRQ1V)
-        BNE     DatCopy
-        ADR     r2, CONT_Break
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r2, [r0, #ResetIndirection]
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; initialise abort list
-        STR     r0, [r0, #AbortIndirection]
-; Now the SWI despatch + low part of SWI table
-        ADRL    R3, DirtyBranch
-        LDR     R0, =SWIDespatch
-SVCTabCopy                              ; so copy the table
-        LDR     R2, [R1], #4
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        TEQ     R1, R3
-        BNE     SVCTabCopy
-; pad to 1K table here, rather than use ROM space
-        ADRL    R2, NoSuchSWI
-        LDR     R4, =1024+SvcTable      ; end of table
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        STRNE   R2, [R0], #4
-        BNE     PadSVCTable
-; now the dirty branch
-        LDR     R1, [R1]
-        STR     R1, [R0]
-; now the time/date conversions
-        LDR     R0, =SvcTable
-        ADRL    R1, ConvertStandardDateAndTime
-        STR     R1, [R0, #OS_ConvertStandardDateAndTime*4]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #ConvertDateAndTime - ConvertStandardDateAndTime ; SKS
-        STR     R1, [R0, #OS_ConvertDateAndTime*4]
-; other conversion SWIs, all go through same entry point
-        ADRL    R1, despatchConvert
-        MOV     R2, #OS_ConvertHex1
-        STR     R1, [R0, R2, LSL #2]
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1
-        CMP     R2, #OS_ConvertFileSize+1
-        BNE     conversionSWIfill
-; OK, that completes the poking around, some of which is code. Now let's
-; do a full IMB type thing, to be safe
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   IMB_Full,,,r0
-        DebugTX "IMB_Full done"
-; Initialise CAO ptr to none.
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R1, =DuffEntry          ; nothing will be here!!
-        STR     R1, [R0, #Curr_Active_Object]
-KeyWait * 200000                 ; 1/5 sec wait (in microseconds)
- [ HAL
-us      * 1
- |
-us      * 2
- ]
- [ HAL
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     r6, #25                 ; Check for keyboard 25 times (5 secs max).
-        MOV     r4, #InitIRQWs
-        CallHAL HAL_KbdScan
-        STR     r0, [r4, #KbdFlags]
-        TST     r0, #KbdFlag_Done
-        BNE     kbddone
-      [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator r0
-        MOVEQ   r0, #us
-        LDRNE   r0, =KeyWait*us         ; Wait 1/5 second (give keys down a chance to come in).
-      |
-        LDR     r0, =KeyWait*us         ; Wait 1/5 second (give keys down a chance to come in).
-      ]
-        CallHAL HAL_CounterDelay
-        SUBS    r6, r6, #1              ; else wait a maximum of 5 seconds.
-        BNE     kbdwait
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit+SVC32_mode
-        CallHAL HAL_KbdScanFinish
-        MOV     r1, #InitIRQWs
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, [r1, #KbdScanActive]
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #SVC32_mode
- |
-    [ KeyWait <> 0
-; Check for keyboard there every 1/5 sec. but give up after 2 secs.
-        MOV     r2, #IOC
-        MOV     r6, #10                 ; Check for keyboard 10 times (2 secs max).
-        MOV     r4, #InitKbdWs
-        LDRB    r5, [r4, #KB_There_Flag]
-      [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator r0
-        MOVEQ   r0, #us
-        LDRNE   r0, =KeyWait*us         ; Wait 1/5 second (give keys down a chance to come in).
-      |
-        LDR     r0, =KeyWait*us         ; Wait 1/5 second (give keys down a chance to come in).
-      ]
-        BL      DoMicroDelay
-        TEQ     r5, #0                  ; If keyboard was there 1/5 second ago then
-        BNE     kbdthere                ;   continue reset
-        SUBS    r6, r6, #1              ; else wait a maximum of 2 seconds.
-        BNE     kbdwait
-    ]
-  ]
- [ ValidateCMOS
-; Do a POR if some super-critical values are shagged or if checksum is invalid.
-        MOV     R3, #-1                 ; do all RAM if we do any
-        BL      ValChecksum             ; Always check the checksum
-        BNE     cmos_reset
- ]
- [ ValidateCMOS :LAND: STB
-; ScreenSizeCMOS, RAMDiscCMOS, SysHeapCMOS, RMASizeCMOS and SpriteSizeCMOS
-; should be 0. Happily they are at consecutive addresses so we can loop through
-; them.
-        MOV     R1, #ScreenSizeCMOS
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        BL      Read
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BNE     cmos_reset
-        INC     R1
-        TEQ     R1, #SpriteSizeCMOS
-        BHI     reset_loop
- [ {FALSE}
- ; Oh, just leave it be
-        MOV     R0, #VduCMOS
-        BL      Read
- [ IOMD_C_MonitorType = 0 :LAND: IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0
-; Force TV if we don't have a MonitorType auto-detect bit
-        TEQ     R0, #(Sync_Separate :OR: MonitorType0)
- |
-; Force auto-detect of monitor stuff if we have a MonitorType auto-detect bit
-        TEQ     R0, #(Sync_Auto :OR: MonitorTypeAuto)
- ]
-        BNE     cmos_reset
- ]
-; Year should be >=1995, <=2020
-; (2020 is arbitrary, but everything breaks soon after that)
-        MOV     R0, #YearCMOS+1
-        BL      Read
-        TEQ     R0, #19
-        BNE     check20
-; 20th century: year should be 95 to 99
-        MOV     R0, #YearCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        CMP     r0,#95
-        BLT     cmos_reset
-        CMP     r0,#99
-        BHI     cmos_reset
-        B       checkboot
-        TEQ     R0, #20
-        BNE     cmos_reset
-; 21st century: year should <= 20
-        MOV     R0, #YearCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        CMP     R0, #20
-        BHI     cmos_reset
-; Bit 4 of DBTBCMOS should be 1 (Boot)
-        MOV     R0, #DBTBCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        TST     R0, #(1:SHL:4)
-        BEQ     cmos_reset
- ]
-; IF power-on bit set AND R/T/Del/Copy pressed THEN reset CMOS RAM
-; note that memory cleared if POR, so key info has had plenty of time!
- [ HAL
-        MOV     R0, #HAL_StartFlags
-        LDR     R1, [R0]
-        TST     R1, #OSStartFlag_NoCMOS ; If no CMOS, reset for sensible cache
-        BNE     cmos_reset
-        TST     R1, #OSStartFlag_POR
-        BEQ     no_cmos_reset           ; not a power on reset
-      [ CheckProtectionLink
-        TST     R1, #OSStartFlag_NoCMOSReset
-        BNE     no_cmos_reset
-      ]
-        TST     R1, #OSStartFlag_CMOSReset
-        BNE     cmos_reset
- |
-        MOV     R0, #IOC
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #por_bit
-        BEQ     no_cmos_reset
-      [ CheckProtectionLink
-        LDR     r0, =IOMD_MonitorType
-        ; on Issue A's the protection bit is only weakly pulled up,
-        ; so force it high, then read it back
-        LDRB    r1, [r0]
-        ORR     r1, r1, #IOMD_ProtectionLinkBit
-        STRB    r1, [r0]
-        LDRB    r1, [r0]
-        TST     r1, #IOMD_ProtectionLinkBit
-        BEQ     no_cmos_reset           ; if zero then CMOS is protected
-      ]
-    [ STB :LAND: IOMD_C_FrontPanelButton <> 0
-      [ FrontPanelButtClearsCMOS
-        MOV     r0, #IOMD_Base          ; if front panel button pressed then CMOS reset
-        LDRB    r0, [r0, #IOMD_CLINES]
-        TST     r0, #IOMD_C_FrontPanelButton
-        BEQ     cmos_reset
-      ]
-    ]
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #InitIRQWs
- [ HAL
-        LDR     R7, [R0, #KbdFlags]
-        TST     R7, #KbdFlag_R:OR:KbdFlag_T:OR:KbdFlag_Delete:OR:KbdFlag_Copy
- |
-        LDR     R7, [R0, #R_Down_Flag]
-        CMP     R7, #0
- ]
-        BEQ     no_cmos_reset           ; power on bit checked again there
-      [ :LNOT: STB
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4              ; junk CannotReset flag from stack
-      ]
-; CMOS reset detectified.
-; **************************************************************************
-; Note: if this CMOS reset code ever needs changing again, it's probably
-; better to rewrite it. The Compact apparently has a table of default
-; CMOS values; R-p.o. just writes the table, DEL-p.o. zeroes all, then
-; writes the table. With skipping of the time CMOS, and post-prodding of
-; the sync, that would probably be a better algorithm.
-; **************************************************************************
- [ HAL
-        ! 0, "Sort out SetBorder for CMOS reset"
-        TST     R7, #KbdFlag_Copy:OR:KbdFlag_Delete
- |
-        SetBorder  R0, R1, 15, 0, 0     ; flash the border as warning!
-        ASSERT  (Del_Down_Flag - R_Down_Flag) = 2
-        ASSERT  (Copy_Down_Flag - Del_Down_Flag) = 1
-        MOVS    R3, R7, LSR #16         ; full reset or just system?
- ]
-        MOVNE   R3, #-1                 ; Del or Copy does all RAM
-        MOVEQ   R3, #UserCMOS           ; R or T just system
-    [ ChecksumCMOS
-        BL      ValChecksum             ; unless the CMOS ram's corrupt ..
-        MOVNE   R3, #-1                 ; .. then blast it anyway.
- [ STB
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4              ; junk CannotReset flag from stack
- ]
-        MOVNE   R0, #0                  ; even the econet station number
-        MOVEQ   R0, #1
-    |
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; leave the econet station number
-    ]
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; zero it first
-cmrlp   BL      Write                   ; CMOS(R0) := R1
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        CMP     R0, R3
-        MOVEQ   R0, #&80                ; skip user cmos
-        CMP     r0, #YearCMOS
-        ADDEQ   r0, r0, #2
-        CMP     r3, #UserCMOS           ; system only?
-        BNE     skipskipforTC
-        CMP     r0, #NewADFSCMOS
-        CMPNE   r0, #CountryCMOS        ; skip these if so
-        ADDEQ   r0, r0, #1
-        CMP     R0, #CMOSLimit
-        BNE     cmrlp
-    [ ChecksumCMOS
-        BL      MakeChecksum            ; create a valid checksum
-    ]
-; now put nice values in where necessary
-; first full reset defaults
-        CMP     r3, #-1
-        BNE     not_full_reset
-        MOV     r4, #IOMD_Base          ; configure territory, country and timezone based on PAL/NTSC bit
-        LDRB    r4, [r4, #IOMD_CLINES]
-        MOV     r0, #TerritoryCMOS
-        TST     r4, #IOMD_C_PALNTSCType
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0                  ; PAL = territory UK
-        MOVNE   r1, #49                 ; NTSC = territory USA
-        BL      Write
-        MOV     r0, #CountryCMOS
-        TST     r4, #IOMD_C_PALNTSCType
-        MOVEQ   r1, #1                  ; PAL = country UK
-        MOVNE   r1, #48                 ; NTSC = country USA
-        BL      Write
-        MOV     r0, #TimeZoneCMOS
-        TST     r4, #IOMD_C_PALNTSCType
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0                  ; PAL = 0 from UTC (GMT)
-        MOVNE   r1, #&E0                ; NTSC = -8 hours from UTC (USA Pacific)
-        BL      Write
-   [ STB :LAND: :DEF: ObsoleteNC1CMOS
-        MOV     r0, #MiscellaneousNCCMOS
-        TST     r4, #IOMD_C_PALNTSCType
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0                  ; PAL = A4 paper size
-        MOVNE   r1, #1                  ; NTSC = US letter paper size
-        BL      Write
-   ]
- |
-        MOV     r0, #CountryCMOS
-        MOV     r1, #1                  ; country UK
-        BL      Write
- ]
- [ :LNOT: STB
-        MOV     r0, #NewADFSCMOS
-        MOV     r1, #&41                ; floppies=1, ST506=0, IDE=1 (changed 01-Sep-93)
-        BL      Write
- ]
-; IF R or Delete pressed THEN set sync 0 ELSE set sync Auto
-        MOV     R0, #InitIRQWs
- [ HAL
-        LDR     R1, [R0, #KbdFlags]
-        TST     R1, #KbdFlag_R:OR:KbdFlag_Delete
- |
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #R_Down_Flag]
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        LDREQB  R1, [R0, #Del_Down_Flag]
-        CMPEQ   R1, #0
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #VduCMOS
-        MOVNE   R1, #MonitorTypeAuto :OR: Sync_Auto     ; if R or Del
-        MOVEQ   R1, #MonitorTypeAuto :OR: Sync_Separate ; if T or Copy
-        BL      Write
- [ HAL
-        MOV     R0, #MouseCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #PointerDevice_USB
-        BL      Write
-; set print and sound CMOS (16bit sound)
-        MOV     R0, #TutuCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #2_10100100  ; tbs chars valid, ctrlchars '|x'
-        BL      Write
- |
- [ MorrisSupport
-        MOV     R8, #IOMD_Base
-        LDRB    r0, [r8, #IOMD_ID0]
-        LDRB    r1, [r8, #IOMD_ID1]
-        ORR     r0, r0, r1, LSL #8
-        LDR     r1, =IOMD_Original
-        TEQ     r0, r1
-        BEQ     dont_program_mousetype
-; Morris based machines use PS2 mice/tracker balls
-        MOV     R0, #MouseCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #PointerDevice_PS2Mouse     ;type 3
-        BL      Write
-  [ Select16BitSound
-; set print and sound CMOS (16bit sound)
-        B       Config16BitSound
-  ]
- ] ; MorrisSupport
- [ Select16BitSound
-        LDR     r0, =IOMD_MonitorType
-; on Issue A's the protection bit is only weakly pulled up,
-; so force it high, then read it back
-        LDR     r1, [r0]
-        ORR     r1, r1, #IOMD_SoundsystemLinkBit
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        LDR     r1, [r0]
-        TST     r1, #IOMD_SoundsystemLinkBit
-        BEQ     Config16BitSound                ; if zero, must be Rimmer, so assume 16bit sound hardware present
-; set print and sound CMOS (8bit sound)
-        MOV     R0, #TutuCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #2_0100  ; tbs chars valid, ctrlchars '|x'
-        BL      Write
-        B       ConfigSoundDone
-; set print and sound CMOS (16bit sound)
-        MOV     R0, #TutuCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #2_10100100  ; tbs chars valid, ctrlchars '|x'
-        BL      Write
- ]
- ] ; HAL
-        ADR     R8, DefaultCMOSTable
-        LDRB    R0, [R8], #1
-        CMP     R0, #&FF
-        BEQ     hard_reset              ; power on bit musta bin set
-        LDRB    R1, [R8], #1
-        BL      Write
-        B       %BT50
-        LTORG
- [ ValidateCMOS :LAND: STB
-DefaultCMOSTable ; list of non-zero options wanted :
-; byte pairs of offset, value
-; terminated by offset &FF
-        =       KeyDelCMOS,             32
-        =       KeyRepCMOS,             8
-        =       MODETVCMOS,             &10                                     ; TV 0,1
-        =       StartCMOS,              (2:SHL:3)                               ; NOCAPS
-        =       DBTBCMOS,               (1:SHL:4)                               ; Boot
-        =       YearCMOS,               02
-        =       YearCMOS+1,             20
-  [ IOMD_C_MonitorType = 0 :LAND: IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0
-; TV if we don't have a MonitorType auto-detect bit
-        =       VduCMOS,                Sync_Separate :OR: MonitorType0
-  |
-; auto-detect if we have a MonitorType auto-detect bit
-        =       VduCMOS,                Sync_Auto :OR: MonitorTypeAuto
-  ]
-        =       MouseStepCMOS,          2
-        =       SystemSpeedCMOS,        (1:SHL:2):OR:(1:SHL:4):OR:(0:SHL:5)
-                                      ; Delete-etc reset
-                                      ;              WimpMode auto
-                                      ;                           Cache on
- | ;ValidateCMOS
-DefaultCMOSTable ; list of non-zero options wanted :
-; byte pairs of offset, value
-; terminated by offset &FF
-        =       KeyDelCMOS,     32
-        =       FileLangCMOS,   8
-        =       FontCMOS,       64      ; KJB 13-Dec-02: Changed to 256K from 64K
-        =       PigCMOS,        10
-        =       KeyRepCMOS,     8
-        =       RMASizeCMOS,    0
-        =       SpriteSizeCMOS, 0
-        =       SysHeapCMOS,    8
-        =       MODETVCMOS,     &10     ; TV 0,1
-        =       NetFSIDCMOS,    254
-        =       NetPSIDCMOS,    235
-        =       PSITCMOS,      (3:SHL:2) :OR: (1:SHL:5)
-                              ; Baud 3
-                              ;                print 1
-        =       DBTBCMOS,      (1:SHL:4) :OR: (4:SHL:5)
-                              ; Boot (changed from NoBoot 01-Sept-93)
-                              ;                Data 4
-        =       StartCMOS,     (4:SHL:0) :OR: (2:SHL:3) :OR: (1:SHL:6)
-                              ; Drive 4 (changed from Drive 0 01-Sept-93)
-                              ;                NOCAPS (changed from CAPS 02-May-91)
-                              ;                               NODIR
-     [ NewClockChip                     ; only on A1's!
-        =       NewADFSCMOS+1,  &FF     ; step 3 for each drive
-     ]
-        =       NewADFSCMOS+2,  1       ; ADFSBuffers 1
-        =       SoundCMOS,      &F0     ; speaker on, volume 7, channel 1
-        =       LanguageCMOS,   ConfiguredLang
-        =       YearCMOS,       02
-        =       YearCMOS+1,     20
- [ :LNOT: Select16BitSound
-        =       TutuCMOS,       2_0100  ; tbs chars valid, ctrlchars '|x'
- ]
-        =       NetFilerCMOS,  (0:SHL:0) :OR: (1:SHL:1) :OR: (0:SHL:2)
-                              ; FS list order by name
-                              ;                Use $.Arthurlib
-                              ;                               Large icons
-     ;  =       Mode2CMOS,      WimpModeAutoBit :OR: CMOSResetBit ;AKA SystemSpeedCMOS - removed by RManby and SCormie 8/3/95
-        =       DesktopCMOS,    2_01000000      ; verbose ON
-        =       WimpFlagsCMOS,  2_01101111      ; instant effects, drags off screen
-        =       ProtectionCMOS, 2_01110110      ; allow only peek and user RPC
-        =       MouseStepCMOS,  2
-        =       FileSwitchCMOS,(1:SHL:0) :OR: (1:SHL:1) :OR: (0:SHL:2) :OR: (0:SHL:3) :OR: (0:SHL:6)
-                              ; truncate names
-                              ;                Use DragASprite (changed 01-Sept-93)
-                              ;                               Interactive file copying
-                              ;                                              Wimp dither colours off
-                              ;                                                             last shutdown ordinary
-        =       DesktopFeaturesCMOS,(1:SHL:0) :OR: (8:SHL:1) :OR: (0:SHL:7)
-                              ;      3D look
-                              ;                     Homerton.Medium
-                              ;                                    tiled window background
-        [ STB
-        =       SystemSpeedCMOS,(1:SHL:0):OR:(0:SHL:1):OR:(1:SHL:2):OR:(0:SHL:3):OR:(1:SHL:4):OR:(0:SHL:5):OR:(1:SHL:6):OR:(0:SHL:7)
-                              ;  AUN ROMBoot Enabled
-                              ;               AUN auto-station numbering off
-                              ;                            Delete-etc reset
-                              ;                                         power saving off
-                              ;                                                      WimpMode auto
-                              ;                                                                  Cache on
-                              ;                                                                               Broadcast loader disabled
-                              ;                                                                                            broadcast loader colours off
-        |
-        =       SystemSpeedCMOS,(0:SHL:0):OR:(0:SHL:1):OR:(1:SHL:2):OR:(0:SHL:3):OR:(1:SHL:4):OR:(0:SHL:5):OR:(1:SHL:6):OR:(0:SHL:7)
-                              ;  AUN BootNet Disabled
-                              ;               AUN auto-station numbering off
-                              ;                            Delete-etc reset
-                              ;                                         power saving off
-                              ;                                                      WimpMode auto
-                              ;                                                                  Cache on
-                              ;                                                                               Broadcast loader disabled
-                              ;                                                                                            broadcast loader colours off
-        ]
-        [ :LNOT: STB
-        =       FontMaxCMOS,    64      ; 4096k
-        =       FontMax2CMOS,   36:EOR:12 ; 36 point
-        =       FontMax3CMOS,   36:EOR:24 ; 36 point
-        =       FontMax4CMOS,   16      ; 16 point
-        |
-        ;       yes, omitting FontMaxCMOS is deliberate!
-        =       FontMax2CMOS,   &2C     ; 32 point
-        =       FontMax3CMOS,   &38     ; 32 point
-        ]
-        =       AlarmAndTimeCMOS,2_00010000 ; !Alarm autosave on
-        =       FSLockCMOS+5,   &EA     ; Checksum for no password
-        =       CDROMFSCMOS,    &C1     ; drives = 1, buffer size = 256K
-  ]
-        =       &FF
-        ALIGN
-no_cmos_reset                           ; R1 has por_bit set if power on
-        Push    "r1"
-        MOV     r0, #SystemSpeedCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        BIC     r1, r0, #CMOSResetBit   ; clear bit indicating CMOS reset
-        MOV     r0, #SystemSpeedCMOS
-        BL      Write
-        Pull    "r1"
-        Pull    r0                      ; always pull CannotReset flag
- [ SoftResets
-        TST     r1, #por_bit
-        BNE     hard_reset              ; it was a power-on, so it's a hard reset
-        CMP     r0, #0
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVNE   r2, #Reset_CannotResetFlag
- ]
-        BNE     hard_reset_forced
-; IF control pressed OR memory implausible (Check SysHpd, CAM map sensible) THEN hard reset
-        LDR     R0, =SysHeapStart
-        LDR     R8, [R0, #:INDEX: hpdmagic]
-        LDR     R2, =magic_heap_descriptor
-        CMP     R8, R2                  ; check sysheap initialised
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVNE   r2, #Reset_SysHeapCorrupt
- ]
-        BNE     hard_reset_forced
-; also check CAM map sensible
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        LDR     R4, [R5, #Page_Size]    ; R4 = page size
-        ADRL    R3, PageShifts-1
-        LDRB    R4, [R3, R4, LSR #12]   ; R4 = log2(pagesize)
-        LDR     R3, [R5, #RAMLIMIT]     ; R3 = total RAM size
-        MOV     R2, R3, LSR R4          ; number of pages=total memory / pagesize
-        CMP     R2, #256                ; but if fewer than 128 (eg 64 on A305) (NB if <256 then <=128)
-        MOVCC   R2, #128                ; then use 128 (all MEMC1's pages need initialising,
-                                        ; even if half of them are not in use)
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1
-        LDR     R3, =CamEntriesForVicky
-        LDR     R4, [R5, #MaxCamEntry]  ; get highest CAM entry
-        LDR     R5, [R5, #CamEntriesPointer] ; and pointer to CAM soft copy
-        CMP     R5, R3                  ; if not the same
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVNE   r2, #Reset_WrongCamMapAddress
-        BNE     hard_reset_forced
- ]
-        CMPEQ   R4, R2                  ; or number of pages not the same
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVNE   r2, #Reset_WrongNumberOfPages
- ]
-        BNE     hard_reset_forced       ; then do a hard reset
-; now check all cam contains sensible values
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        LDR     R4, [R4, #Page_Size]
-        SUB     R4, R4, #1
-        ORR     R4, R4, #&F0000000      ; can have addresses above 64M
-        LDR     R3, [R5, R2, LSL #2]
-        BIC     r3, r3, #&F0000000      ; remove PPL
-        TST     R3, R4
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVNE   r2, #Reset_CamMapCorrupt
- ]
-        BNE     hard_reset_forced       ; wally entry: not pagesize multiple, or >= 32M
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BPL     CamCheck
-; leave CTRL test till last, so the keyboard's had as much time to
-; wiggle the wet string as we can give it
-        MOV     R0, #InitKbdWs
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #CTRL_Down_Flag]
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        BNE     hard_reset
-; clear out 4K of scratchspace, to use as a reverse CAM soft copy;
-; set bytes to indicate page mapped to that address. Can then recalculate
-; end of memory.
-; This code doesn't currently work on ARM600 versions -
-; 4K of workspace isn't enough to do this with a 4K page size
-; We'd probably want to do it differently anyway, using the L2PT
-; But since we're removing soft resets it's not worth the effort
-        ASSERT  MEMM_Type <> "ARM600"
-        MOV     R5, #ScratchSpace
-        MOV     R1, #4*1024
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        STRPL   R2, [R5, R1]
-        BPL     clrscratch
-        LDR     R2, [R2, #Page_Size]
-        ADRL    R8, PageShifts-1
-        LDRB    R8, [R8, R2, LSR #12]
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r7, #RAMLIMIT]
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR r8          ; last valid page
-        SUB     r2, r2, #1
-        LDR     R7, [R7, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        LDR     R12, =DuffEntry
-        LDR    R3, [R7, R2, LSL #2]
-        MOV    r11, r3, LSR #28
-        BIC    r3, r3, #&F0000000
-        MOV    R0, R3, LSR R8              ; logram page number
-        LDRB   R4, [R5, R0]
-        CMP    r4, #0                      ; check for doubly mapped pages
-        BEQ    rclon
-        ORR    r3, r12, #&30000000         ; force to invalid place if so.
-        STR    r3, [R7, R2, LSL #2]
-        MOV    r3, r12
-        MOV    r11, #3                     ; protected
-        MOV    R0, R3, LSR R8
-        LDRB   R4, [R5, R0]
-        CMP    r3, #16*1024*1024           ; in application space?
-        MOVLT  r11, #0                     ; noprot if so
-        STRLT  r3, [R7, R2, LSL #2]
-        ADD    R4, R4, #1
-        STRB   R4, [R5, R0]                ; sema for interesting pages
-        BL     BangCam
-        SUBS   R2, R2, #1
-        BPL    restoreCAMloop
-; now do post-scan to see if we need to do more CAM bashing to get pages back.
-; any entries that aren't validateable should be remapped.
-        MOV     R7, #0
-        MOV     R12, #ScratchSpace
-        LDR     R2, [R7, #Page_Size]
-        LDRB    R3, [R12], #1
-        CMP     R3, #0
-        ADDNE   R7, R7, R2
-        BNE     findapplend
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        STR     R7, [R1, #AplWorkSize]  ; verified value
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #RAMLIMIT]     ; calc last valid page:
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR R8          ; RAMLIMIT >> R8
-        MOV     R11, #0                 ; no PPL
-        LDR     R4, [R11, #CamEntriesPointer]
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BMI     finishedremap
-        LDR     R0, [R4, R3, LSL #2]
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&F0000000      ; remove PPL
-        ADD     R1, R0, R2
-        SWI     XOS_ValidateAddress
-        BCC     testforremap
-        Push    "R2-R4"
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR R8          ; curr logram page number
-        LDRB    R4, [R5, R0]
-        SUB     R4, R4, #1
-        STRB    R4, [R5, R0]            ; dec sema
-        MOV     R2, R3                  ; entry no
-        MOV     R3, R7                  ; addr to set to
-        BL      BangCamUpdate
-        Pull    "R2-R4"
-        ADD     R7, R7, R2
-        LDRB    R0, [R12], #1           ; reinspect our reverse map
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BNE     holefilled
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R7, [R0, #AplWorkSize]
-        B       testforremap
-        MOV     R12, #NVECTORS-1
-        LDR     R11, =VecPtrTab
-        LDR     R2, [R11, R12, LSL #2]
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #TailPtr]
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-        MOVVC   R2, R3
-        BVC     loseveclink
-        CMP     R3, #0                  ; were we at the end of the chain?
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVNE   r2, #Reset_VectorChainCorrupt
- ]
-        BNE     hard_reset_forced
-        SUBS    R12, R12, #1
-        BPL     freenextvec
-; so that's the code for restore default vectors, basically
-        BL      InitVectors
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R1, [R0, #AplWorkSize]
-        STR     R1, [R0, #MemLimit]
-        LDR     R3, =TickNodeChain
-        LDR     R2, [R3]
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BEQ     ticknodesallgone
-        LDR     R3, [R2]
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVVS   r2, #Reset_TickNodesCorrupt
- ]
-        BVS     hard_reset_forced
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        B       loseticknodes
-; and now it's time to free the IRQ structures
-        MOV     R12, #(NoInterrupt-1)*12+8      ; last device link offset
-        LDR     R11, =DefaultIRQ1V-DefaultIRQ1Vcode+Devices
-        LDR     R2, [R11, R12]
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BEQ     stepdevice
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #8]
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVVS   r2, #Reset_DeviceVectorCorrupt
- ]
-        BVS     hard_reset_forced
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        B       losedevlink
-        SUBS    R12, R12, #12
-        BPL     freenextdev
-; now the PIRQ structures and CallBack_Vector
-        LDR     R11, =PIRQ_Chain
-        MOV     r4, #PodDesp_Link
-        LDR     R2, [R11]
-        CMP     r2, #0                  ; for CallBack_Vector
-        BEQ     doobry
-        LDR     R3, [R2, r4]
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-        MOVVC   R2, R3
-        BVC     losepirqlink
-        CMP     R3, #0                  ; were we at the end of the chain?
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOVNE   r2, #Reset_PoduleOrCallBackCorrupt
- ]
-        BNE     hard_reset_forced
-        LDR     R2, =PIRQ_Chain
-        CMP     R11, R2
-        LDR     R2, =PFIQasIRQ_Chain
-        MOVEQ   R11, R2
-        CMPNE   r11, r2
-        LDREQ   r11, =CallBack_Vector
-    [ PodDesp_Link <> 0
-        MOVEQ   r4, #0
-    ]
-        BEQ     losepirqchain
-doobry  Pull    "R1"                    ; IOCControl restoration
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #IOCControlSoftCopy]
-        MOV     R0, #IOC                ; and bash the hardware
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #IOCControl]
-        MOV     R0, #SoftReset
-        B       ResetPart1Done
- |
-; if soft resets are disabled, drop thru into hard reset code
- ] ; end of code to do with soft resets
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; indicate normal hard reset
- ]
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        STR     r2, [r0, -r0]           ; store to logical address zero
- ]
-        Pull    "R2"                    ; discard old IOC state
-; fill in relevant CamMap entries, so can soft start.
-        MOV     R8, #0
-        LDR     R8, [R8, #Page_Size]
-        ADRL    R1, PageShifts-1
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, R8, LSR #12]
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r2, #VideoSize]    ; offset from start of physical pages to static part
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR r1          ; r0 := cam entry number
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSL #3          ; r0 := offset into CAM map for start of static part
-        MOV     R7, #32*1024*8
-        MOV     R7, R7, LSR R1          ; r7 := cam entry offset for 32K
-        LDR     R12, [R2, #RAMLIMIT]    ; R12 = total RAM size
-                                        ; new code which allows for MEMC2's small pages
-        MOV     R1, R12, LSR R1         ; R1 = number of pages
-        CMP     R1, #256                ; but if fewer than 128 (eg 64 on A305) (NB if <256 then <=128)
-        MOVCC   R1, #128                ; then use 128 (all MEMC1's pages need initialising,
-                                        ; even if half of them are not in use)
-        SUB     R3, R1, #1
-        STR     R3, [R2, #MaxCamEntry]
-        LDR     R1, =CamEntriesForVicky
-        STR     R1, [R2, #CamEntriesPointer]
-; On ARM600 we must zap all the soft CAM map before adding any entries,
-; since the old contents are used in BangCamUpdate
-        Push    "r0"
-        ADD     r2, r1, r3, LSL #3      ; r2 -> last entry to do
-        LDR     r0, =DuffEntry
-        MOV     lr, #AP_Duff            ; PPL = no access
-        STMDA   r2!, {r0, lr}           ; store address, PPL
-        CMP     r2, r1
-        BCS     WallopDuffOnes
-        Pull    "r0"
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1
-        LDR     R2, =CursorChunkAddress
-        LDR     r1, =AP_CursorChunk
-        BL      AddCamEntries
-        CMP     R12, #512*1024
-        SUBEQ   R0, R0, R7              ; previous entries
-        ADDNE   R0, R0, R7              ; next entries
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        MOV     r1, #AP_PageZero
-        BL      AddCamEntries
-        CMP     R12, #512*1024
-        SUBEQ   R0, R0, R7              ; previous entries
-        ADDNE   R0, R0, R7              ; next entries
-        LDR     R2, =SysHeapChunkAddress
-        MOV     r1, #AP_SysHeap :OR: PageFlags_Unavailable
-        BL      AddCamEntries
-        ADD     R0, R0, R7              ; next entries (ignore 512K machines)
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        LDR     r7, [r7, #L2PTSize]
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSR #12-3       ; number of pages * 8
-        LDR     R2, =L2PT
-        LDR     r1, =AP_L2PT :OR: PageFlags_Unavailable
-        BL      AddCamEntries
-        ADD     r2, r0, #((L1PT-L2PT):SHR:(12-3))   ; point at PPL for 1st L1 page
-        ADD     r2, r2, #4
-        LDR     r1, =AP_L1PT
-        STR     r1, [r2], #8            ; store 4 CAM entries for 4 x 4K = 16K of L1
-        STR     r1, [r2], #8            ; mark them as unavailable for removal
-        STR     r1, [r2], #8
-        STR     r1, [r2], #8
-        ADD     R0, R0, R7              ; add on enough pages for L2PT
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        LDR     r7, [r7, #SoftCamMapSize] ; number of bytes in soft cam map
-        ADD     r7, r7, #UndStackSize
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSR #12-3       ; number of bytes of cam map for this
-        LDR     R2, =UndStackSoftCamChunk
-        MOV     r1, #AP_UndStackSoftCam
-        BL      AddCamEntries
- ]
-; let's boogie with the CMOS for a bit
-; read info and move as much memory as we can
-        BL      InitDynamicAreas
-; RMA
-        Push    "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r1, #ChangeDyn_RMA      ; Area number
-        MOV     r2, #4096               ; Initial size
-        MOV     r3, #RMAAddress         ; Base address
-        MOV     r4, #AP_RMA             ; Area flags
-        MOV     r5, #RMAMaxSize         ; Maximum size
-        ADRL    r6, DynAreaHandler_RMA  ; Pointer to handler
-        MOV     r7, r3                  ; Workspace ptr points at area itself
-        ADRL    r8, AreaName_RMA        ; Title string - node will have to be reallocated
-                                        ; after module init, to internationalise it
-        BL      DynArea_Create          ; ignore any error, we're stuffed if we get one!
-        Pull    "r0-r12"
-; Screen
-        Push    "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r0, #ScreenSizeCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        MOV     r5, #0
-        LDR     r10, [r5, #Page_Size]   ; needed by MassageScreenSize
-        MUL     r0, r10, r0             ; convert to bytes
-        LDR     r5, [r5, #VideoSize]    ; maximum size
-        BL      MassageScreenSize
-        MOV     r1, #ChangeDyn_Screen   ; area number
-        MOV     r2, r0                  ; initial size
-        MOV     r3, #-1                 ; Base address dynamic
-        LDR     r4, =AP_Screen          ; area flags
-        ADRL    r6, DynAreaHandler_Screen ; handler
-        VDWS    r7                      ; workspace pointer
-        MOV     r8, #0
-        STR     r8, [r7, #CursorFlags]  ; put zero in CursorFlags as an indication that VDU not yet inited
-        STR     r2, [r7, #TotalScreenSize]
-        ADRL    r8, AreaName_Screen     ; area name
-        BL      DynArea_Create
-        STR     r3, [r7, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        Pull    "r0-r12"
-  [ LongCommandLines :LAND: (:LNOT: HAL)
-        ;sort out the Kernel buffers dynamic area
-        Push    "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r1, #ChangeDyn_Kbuffs   ; Area number
-        MOV     r2, #KbuffsSize         ; Initial (and in fact permanent) size
-        LDR     r3, =KbuffsBaseAddress  ; Base address
-        MOV     r4, #AP_Kbuffs          ; Area flags
-        MOV     r5, #KbuffsMaxSize      ; Maximum size
-        MOV     r6, #0                  ; no handler
-        MOV     r7, #0
-        ADRL    r8, AreaName_Kbuffs     ; Title string - node will have to be reallocated
-                                        ; after module init, to internationalise it
-        BL      DynArea_Create          ; ignore any error, we're stuffed if we get one!
-        Pull    "r0-r12"
-  ]
-; SpriteArea
-        Push    "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; initialise SpriteSize to zero
-        STR     r0, [r0, #SpriteSize]   ; (fixes bug MED-00811)
-        MOV     r0, #SpriteSizeCMOS     ; find out how much spritesize configured
-        BL      GetConfiguredSize       ; in: r0 = CMOS address, out: r2 = size
-        MOV     r1, #ChangeDyn_SpriteArea ; Area number
-        MOV     r3, #-1                 ; Base address dynamic
-        MOV     r4, #AP_Sprites         ; Area flags
-        MOV     r5, #16*1024*1024       ; Maximum size (changed from -1, address space preservation)
-        ADRL    r6, DynAreaHandler_Sprites ; Pointer to handler
-        MOV     r7, #-1                 ; Use base address as workspace ptr
-        ADRL    r8, AreaName_SpriteArea ; Title string - node will have to be reallocated
-                                        ; after module init, to internationalise it
-        BL      DynArea_Create          ; ignore any error, we're stuffed if we get one!
-        Pull    "r0-r12"
-; RAMDisc
-        Push    "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r0, #RAMDiscCMOS        ; find out how much RAM disc configured
-        BL      GetConfiguredSize       ; in: r0 = CMOS address, out: r2 = size
-        MOV     r1, #ChangeDyn_RamFS    ; Area number
-        MOV     r3, #-1                 ; Base address dynamic
-        ARM_read_ID r4
-        AND     r4, r4, #&F000
-        CMP     r4, #&A000
-        MOVEQ   r4, #AP_RAMDisc_SA      ; Area flags, if StrongARM  (introduced for Ursula)
-        MOVNE   r4, #AP_RAMDisc         ; Area flags
-      [ {FALSE}
-        MOV     r5, #16*1024*1024       ; Limit maximum size to 16MB while fiddling with FileCore
-      |
-        MOV     r5, #128*1024*1024      ; A trade off between nice big disc and complete waste of address space
-      ]
-        ADRL    r6, DynAreaHandler_RAMDisc ; Pointer to handler
-        MOV     r7, #-1                 ; Use base address as workspace ptr
-        ADRL    r8, AreaName_RAMDisc    ; Title string - node will have to be reallocated
-                                        ; after module init, to internationalise it
-        BL      DynArea_Create          ; ignore any error, we're stuffed if we get one!
-        Pull    "r0-r12"
-; FontArea
-        Push    "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r0, #FontCMOS           ; find out how much font cache configured
-        BL      GetConfiguredSize       ; in: r0 = CMOS address, out: r2 = size
-        MOV     r1, #ChangeDyn_FontArea ; Area number
-        MOV     r3, #-1                 ; Base address dynamic
-        MOV     r4, #AP_FontArea        ; Area flags
-        MOV     r5, #32*1024*1024       ; Maximum size changed from -1 for Ursula (limit address
-                                        ; space usage on large memory machines)
-        ADRL    r6, DynAreaHandler_FontArea ; Pointer to handler
-        MOV     r7, #-1                 ; Use base address as workspace ptr
-        ADRL    r8, AreaName_FontArea   ; Title string - node will have to be reallocated
-                                        ; after module init, to internationalise it
-        BL      DynArea_Create          ; ignore any error, we're stuffed if we get one!
-        Pull    "r0-r12"
-; get here with R2 = highest CAM entry used (in old model)
-; [ HAL32
-;        MOV     R0, #0
-;        LDR     R0, [R0, #RAMLIMIT]
-;        SUB     R0, R0, #32*1024
-;        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #12
-; |
-        LDR     R0, =(AplWorkMaxSize-32*1024):SHR:12    ; maximum number of pages in aplspace
-; ]
-        MOV     R3, #32*1024            ; aplwork start
-        LDR     R1, =AplWorkSize        ; aplwork size
-        MOV     r11, #AP_AppSpace
-        BL      FudgeConfigureRMA       ; put as much as possible in aplspace
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R1, [R0, #AplWorkSize]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #32*1024
-        STR     R1, [R0, #AplWorkSize]
-        STR     R1, [R0, #MemLimit]
-        BL      InitVectors               ; ready for OsByte to read mode
-        LDR     R1, =ModuleSWI_HashTab
-        MOV     R2, #ModuleSHT_Entries-1
-        STR     R0, [R1, R2, LSL #2]
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BGE     clearmswis
-     [  International
-        MOV     R1, #-1                                 ; We don't have a message file yet !
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #ErrorSemaphore]               ; Don't translate errors.
-        STR     R0, [R0, #KernelMessagesBlock]          ; No message file open.
-      [ CacheCommonErrors
-        STR     R0, [R0, #CachedErrorBlocks]            ; No cached errors
-      ]
-     ]
-  [ HAL
-        MOV     R0, #HAL_StartFlags
-        LDR     R1, [R0]
-        TST     R1, #OSStartFlag_POR
-  |
-        MOV     R0, #IOC
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #por_bit
-        STRNEB  R1, [R0, #IOCIRQCLRA]   ; clear POR if set
-  ]
-        ; Make the choice between PowerOn and Hard reset based purely on
-        ; the state of the POR bit and NOT on whether memory was cleared.
- [ {FALSE}
-        LDREQ   R0, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        LDREQB  R0, [R0]
-        TSTEQ   R0, #&80                ; tbs set if memory cleared
- ]
-        MOVNE   R0, #PowerOnReset
-        MOVEQ   R0, #ControlReset
-ResetPart1Done                          ; R0 is reset type
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, r1  ; interrupts off since kbd bash done
-        LDR     R1, =OsbyteVars + :INDEX: LastBREAK
-        STRB    R0, [R1]
-        MOV     R1, #InitIRQWs
- [ HAL
-        LDR     R0, [R1, #KbdFlags]
-        AND     R1, R0, #KbdFlag_Shift
-        AND     R0, R0, #KbdFlag_Present
- |
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #KB_There_Flag]
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, #SHIFT_Down_Flag]
- ]
-        Push    "R0, R1"                ; save until after MOSInit
-        BL      InitialiseIRQ1Vtable
-        LDR     R0, =PIRQ_Chain
-        ADRL    R1, Default_PIRQHandler_Node
-        STR     R1, [R0]
-        STR     R1, [R0, #PFIQasIRQ_Chain-PIRQ_Chain]
- ASSERT Default_PFIQasIRQHandler_Node = Default_PIRQHandler_Node
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; put in IRQ handler, word at 0
-        STRB    r0, [r0, #FIQclaim_interlock]
-        STRB    r0, [r0, #CallBack_Flag]
-        STR     r0, [r0, #CallBack_Vector]
-; Create the Branch Through 0 Trampoline in the system heap
-        MOV     R3, #Branch0_Trampoline_Size
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        ADRVCL  R0, Branch0_Trampoline
-        ASSERT  Branch0_Trampoline_Init = 20
-        LDMVCIA R0, {R1,R3,R4,R5,R14}
-        STMVCIA R2, {R1,R3,R4,R5,R14}
-        MOVVC   R0, #0
-        STRVC   R2, [R0, #ProcVec_Branch0]
- [ :LNOT: No26bitCode
-; we're poking locations 0 and &18 here, so we'd best go back to SVC32
-        MRS     r2, CPSR
-        BIC     r3, r2, #&1F
-        ORR     r3, r3, #SVC32_mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r3
- ]
- [ DebugForcedReset
-        LDR     R1, [R0]
-        TEQ     R1, #0                                  ; if normal hard reset
-        LDREQ   R1, BranchThroughZeroInstruction2       ; then get branchthruzero code
- |
-        LDR     R1, BranchThroughZeroInstruction2
- ]
-        STR     R1, [R0]                                ; put branch through 0 code at 0
-        LDR     R1, RealIRQHandler
-        STR     R1, [R0, #&18]
-        MOV     R2, #InitIRQWs                          ; clear temp ws
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        STMIA   R2!, {R3,R4}
-        STMIA   R2!, {R3,R4}
-   ;we need to do an IMB type thing for modifying code in vector area,
-   ;and for copying irq handler code
-   ;
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        ARMop   IMB_Full,,,r0
-        ChangedProcVecs r0
-        Pull    "r0"
- [ :LNOT:No26bitCode
-; now back to SVC26
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r2
- ]
-        MOV     R1, #&100
-        STR     R1, [R0, #RCLimit]
-        STR     R0, [R0, #ReturnCode]
-        STR     R0, [R0, #TickNodeChain]
-; clear the keyboard workspace (tidy!)
-        MOV     R0, #&1C
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #InitWsEnd - &1C
-        BL      memset
-;now put in error handler and escape handler
-        BL      DEFHAN
-        BL      DEFHN2
-        MOV     R0, #ExceptionDumpArea
-        LDR     R1, =DUMPER
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        VDWS    WsPtr                   ; main MOS initialisation
-        BL      VduInit
-        BL      ExecuteInit
-        BL      KeyInit
-        BL      MouseInit
-        BL      OscliInit               ; before initialising modules
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R14         ; enable IRQs
- [ DebugTerminal
-        MOV     R0, #RdchV
-        ADRL    R1, DebugTerminal_Rdch
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        LDR     R2, [R2, #HAL_Workspace]
-        SWI     XOS_Claim
-        MOV     R0, #WrchV
-        ADRL    R1, DebugTerminal_Wrch
-        SWI     XOS_Claim
- ]
-        [ DoInitialiseMode :LOR: :LNOT: STB
-        BL      InitialiseMode          ; select correct screen mode, in case any
-                                        ; module prints anything in initialisation
-        ]
-        MOV     R0, #&FD                ; read last reset type
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #&FF
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        CMP     R1, #SoftReset          ; soft reset?
-        BEQ     SkipHardResetPart2
-; HardResetPart2
- [ HAL
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [R0, #DeviceCount]
-        STR     R0, [R0, #DeviceTable]
-        CallHAL HAL_InitDevices         ; get HAL to register any devices it has
- |
-        BL      L1L2PTenhancements      ; little tricks on cacheability etc for performance
- ]
-        BL      InitVariables
-        BL      AMBControl_Init         ; initialise AMBControl section
-        BL      ModuleInit              ; initialise modules
-                                        ; scan podules, copy modules.
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; shrink sysheap as far as will go.
-        SUB     R1, R0, #4*1024*1024
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        MOV     R0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #SysHeapCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        AND     R2, R2, #2_111111       ; mask to same size as status
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #Page_Size]
-        MULTIPLY R3, R0, R2             ; size spare wanted
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        MOV     R0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #FileLangCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        MOV     R0, #FSControl_SelectFS ; set configured filing system
-        SWI     XOS_FSControl
-  [ DebugROMInit
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "Service_PostInit",0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-  ]
-        MOV     r1, #Service_PostInit   ; issue post-initialisation service
-        BL      Issue_Service
-; New code added here by TMD 01-Apr-92
-; Changed to use OS_LeaveOS 16-Oct-02
-  [ DebugROMInit
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "callbacks",0
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-  ]
-        SWI     XOS_LeaveOS
-        SWI     XOS_EnterOS             ; switch back to SVC mode (IRQs, FIQs enabled)
-  [ :LNOT: HAL :LAND: RO371Timings
-        BL      finalmemoryspeed
-  ]
-; end of added code
-      [ International                   ; Open the kernel messages file.
-        ADR     r0, KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        ADR     r1, MessageFileName
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; Use file directly.
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_OpenFile
-        MOVVC   r0, #-1
-        STRVC   r0, [r0, #KernelMessagesBlock+1]  ; Message file is now open.
-      ]
-SkipHardResetPart2                      ; code executed on all types of reset
-      [ International
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #KernelMessagesBlock] ; if we've managed to open message file
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        STRNEB  r0, [r0, #ErrorSemaphore] ; then allow errors to be translated
-      ]
-    [ DoInitialiseMode :LOR: :LNOT: STB
-        BL      InitialiseMode
-     [ :LNOT: STB                      ; don't print stuff on STB type products
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       10, "$SystemName ", 0   ; now RISC OS (no +) again
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #RAMLIMIT]
-        Push    "R0"
-        MOV     R0, #8
-        ORR     R0, R0, #&500
-        SWI     XOS_Memory              ; returns amount of soft ROM (pages) in r1
-        MOVVS   R1, #0
-        Pull    "R0"
-        MLA     R0, R1, R2, R0          ; convert pages to bytes and add in
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #20         ; /(1024*1024) down to megabytes
-        LDR     R1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     R2, #?GeneralMOSBuffer
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertInteger4
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       "MB", 10,13, 10, 0      ; title complete
-        ALIGN
-     ]
-    ]
- [ StrongARM
-  [ STB
-   ! 0,"Printing of processor type disabled"
-  |
-;        IMPORT  ARM_PrintProcessorType
-        BL      ARM_PrintProcessorType
-  ]
- ]
-01      MOV     r0, #0                  ; Set DomainId to 0 every reset
-        STR     r0, [r0, #DomainId]     ; before calling anyone
-; issue reset service call
-        MOV     R1, #Service_Reset
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-; now set up the default FIQ owner
-        MOV     R1, #Service_ClaimFIQ
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-        MOV     R1, #Service_ReleaseFIQ
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
- [ SoftResets :LAND: STB
-        ! 0, "!!!! SoftReset is true => resets close all open files !!!!"
-        MOV     R0, #FSControl_Shut     ; Open files get closed at reset
-        SWI     XOS_FSControl
- ]
-        BL      PostInit
-        MOV     r0, #&FD                ; read last reset type (again!)
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #&FF
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        CMP     r1, #SoftReset          ; a softie?
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteI+7            ; go beep! Yaay!
-        CMP     r1, #PowerOnReset
-        BNE     %FT75
- [ HAL :LAND: CheckProtectionLink
-        LDR     r1, =HAL_StartFlags
-        LDR     r1, [r1]
-        TST     r1, #OSStartFlag_NoCMOSReset
-        BNE     %FT75
- |
-      [ CheckProtectionLink
-        LDR     r1, =IOMD_MonitorType   ; check link bit again
-        LDRB    r1, [r1]                ; no need to preload bus, since should
-        TST     r1, #IOMD_ProtectionLinkBit ; be still there from earlier
-        BEQ     %FT75                   ; zero => protected
-      ]
- ]
-; if any monitor key pressed, reconfigure, otherwise hang around for a bit
-; till keys get a chance to come in again after being reset for the umpteenth
-; time by yet another keyboard handler! SKS 07-Jun-88
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        LDR     r3, [r3, #MetroGnome]
- [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator r0
-        ADDEQ   r3, r3, #1
-        ADDNE   r3, r3, #10             ; Hang about for a little while
- |
-        ADD     r3, r3, #10             ; Hang about for a little while
- ]
-KeypadStar_key  * -92
-        MOV     r0, #&79                        ; scan keyboard
-        MOV     r1, #&FF                        ; starting at (&FF + 1) AND &FF
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1
-        AND     r1, r1, #&FF
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        TEQ     r1, #&FF                        ; if no key down
-        BEQ     %FT70                           ; then check if we've run out of time
-        ADR     r2, MonitorKeypadTable
-        LDRB    r14, [r2], #2                   ; search for key in table
-        TEQ     r14, #&FF
-        BEQ     %FT70
-        TEQ     r1, r14
-        BNE     %BT62
-        LDRB    r3, [r2, #-1]                   ; get corresponding CMOS bits
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOV     r1, #VduCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        BIC     r2, r2, #MonitorTypeBits
-        ORR     r2, r2, r3
-        MOV     r0, #WriteCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        TEQ     r3, #MonitorTypeAuto            ; if we're setting monitortype auto
-        BNE     %FT64
-        ADRL    r0, ModeCMOSTable +8            ; then configure mode auto
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #-8]                   ; (load auto value)
-        BL      WriteMultiField
-        ADRL    r0, SyncCMOSTable +8            ; and configure sync auto
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #-8]                   ; (load auto value)
-        BL      WriteMultiField
-    [ DoInitialiseMode :LOR: :LNOT: STB
-        BL      InitialiseMode
-      [ International
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+10
-        BLVC    WriteS_Translated
-        =       "MonType:Monitor type reconfigured.",10,13,10,0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       10,"Monitor type reconfigured.",10,13,10,0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-    ]
-        B       %FT75
- [ ProcessorVectors
-        LDR     PC, .+ProcVec_Branch0
- |
-        B       .+Branch0_Trampoline
- ]
-MonitorKeypadTable      ; internal key number, CMOS bits
-        =       106, MonitorType0
-        =       107, MonitorType1
-        =       124, MonitorType2
-        =       108, MonitorType3
-        =       122, MonitorType4
-        =       123, MonitorType5
-        =       26,  MonitorType6
-        =       27,  MonitorType7
-        =       42,  MonitorType8
-        =       43,  MonitorType9
-        =       76,  MonitorTypeAuto    ; keypad dot
-        =       &FF
-        ALIGN 32
-        DCD &6000,0,0
-        DCD &6100,1,0
-        DCD &7000,2,0
-        DCD &7100,3,0
-        DCD &8100,4,2_11101
-        DCD &a100,5,2_11011 ;corrected for 3.71 (SA does not abort for vector reads in 26-bit mode)
-        DCD &7500,6,0
-        DCD &7501,7,0
-        DCD -1
-      [ International
-MessageFileName DCB     "Resources:$.Resources.Kernel.Messages",0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
- [ StrongARM
-        MOV     r0,#IOMD_Base
-        LDRB    r1,[r0,#IOMD_ID0]
-        CMP     r1,#&E7
-        LDRB    r1,[r0,#IOMD_ID1]
-        CMPEQ   r1,#&D4
-        BEQ     PT_RiscPC               ; E7,D4 means Risc PC
-        CMP     r1,#&5B
-        MOVEQ   r0,#&7500               ; 5B means 7500
-        BEQ     PT_lookup
-        CMP     r1,#&AA
-        MOVEQ   r0,#&7500
-        ORREQ   r0,r0,#&0001            ; AA means 7500FE - mark as 7501
-        BEQ     PT_lookup
-        ReadCop  R0,CR_ID               ; see data sheets for values
-        ; ARM 600 funny
-        TST     R0,#&f000
-        MOVEQ   R0,R0, LSL #4
-        AND     R0,R0,#&ff00
-        ADR     R1,cputable
-        LDR     R2,[R1],#4
-        TEQ     R2,#0
-        MOVMI   R0,#0
-        STRMI   R2,[R0,#ProcessorType]
-        MOVMI   PC,LR
-        TEQ     R2,R0
-        ADDNE   R1,R1,#8
-        BNE     %BT66
-        LDMIA   R1,{R0,R2}
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        STRB    R0,[R1,#ProcessorType]
-        STR     R2,[R1,#ProcessorFlags]
-        MOV     PC,LR
- ]
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        LDR     r14, [r14, #MetroGnome]
-        CMP     r14, r3
-        BLO     HorologicalDelayLoop1
-; Deal with SHIFT pressed/SHIFT-BREAK configured:
-; do appropriate FSControl if wanted
-        Pull    "R0"                    ; first check kbd there
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     AutoBootCosNoKbd
-        MOV     R0, #&FF
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #&FF                ; read shifty state
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        AND     R0, R1, #8              ; picka da bit
-        EOR     R0, R0, #8              ; invert sense
-        Pull    "R1"
-        CMP     R1, #0
-        MOVNE   R1, #8
-        EORS    R1, R1, R0
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        MOV     R0, #FSControl_BootupFS
-        SWI     XOS_FSControl
-        BVC     %FT80
-        Push    "r3,r4"
-        ADD     r1, r0, #4              ; Set Boot$Error if it failed (Desktop will report it).
-        ADR     r0, str_booterror
-        MOV     r2, #1024               ; Big enough that terminator will be reached.
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     r4, #VarType_String
-        SWI     XOS_SetVarVal
-        SUBVS   r0, r1, #4              ; If setting Boot$Error failed then report original error as before.
-        BLVS    PrintError
-        SWIVS   XOS_NewLine
-        Pull    "r3,r4"
-; if either * pressed, drop into * prompt, otherwise hang around for a bit
-; till keys get a chance to come in again after being reset for the umpteenth
-; time by yet another keyboard handler! SKS 01-Jun-88
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        LDR     r3, [r3, #MetroGnome]
- [ EmulatorSupport
-        ARM_on_emulator r1
-        ADDEQ   r3, r3, #1
-        ADDNE   r3, r3, #10             ; Hang about for a little while
- |
-        ADD     r3, r3, #10             ; Hang about for a little while
- ]
-        MOV     r1, #KeypadStar_key :AND: &FF
-        BL      IsKeyPressedAtReset
-        BEQ     DoStartSuper            ; EQ -> start up supervisor
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #MetroGnome]
-        CMP     r0, r3
-        BLO     HorologicalDelayLoop2
-; Start configured language module if keypad-* wasn't pressed
-        MOV     R0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOV     R1, #LanguageCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_GetNames
-        SUB     R1, R2, #1
-        MOV     R2, #0                  ; preferred incarnation
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        ADRVSL  R3, UtilityMod
-        LDR     R2, [R3, #Module_Title]
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        ADDNE   R1, R3, R2
-        ADREQL  R1, UtilModTitle        ; ALWAYS enter via SWI: sets CAO etc.
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_Enter
-        ADRL    R2, crstring            ; no environment
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        CMP     r0, r0                  ; set EQ if failed to enter config.lang
-        B       DoStartSuper            ; -> force Super entry
-str_booterror   DCB     "Boot$Error",0
-                ALIGN
-    [ :LNOT: STB
-      [ International
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+7
-        BLVC    WriteS_Translated
-        =       "NoKbd:No keyboard present - autobooting", 10,13,0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       7, "No keyboard present - autobooting", 10,13,0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-    ]
-        B       Hortoculture_Kicking
- [ ProcessorVectors
-        LDR     PC, .-&18+ProcVec_IRQ
- |
-        B     Initial_IRQ_Code+.-&18
- ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r1 = INKEY -ve key code to look for
-; Out   EQ: key pressed
-;       NE: key not pressed
-IsKeyPressedAtReset Entry "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0, #129
-        MOV     r2, #&FF
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        TEQ     r1, #&FF
-        TEQEQ   r2, #&FF
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-    [ AddTubeBashers
-TubeDumpR0     ROUT
-        EntryS  "R1, R2"
-        ADR   lr, HexTable
-        TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #"" """
-        MOV    R1, #7
-01      MOV    R0, R0, ROR #28
-        AND    R2, R0, #&F
-        TubeChar R0, R1, "LDRB R1, [lr, R2]"
-        SUBS   R1, R1, #1
-        BPL    %BT01
-        TubeChar r0, r1, "MOV r1, #"" """
-        EXITS
-        EntryS
-        TubeChar R0, R1, "MOV R1, #10"
-        TubeChar R0, R1, "MOV R1, #13"
-        EXITS
-HexTable = "0123456789ABCDEF"
-    ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/Oscli b/s/Oscli
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b438bb2..00000000
--- a/s/Oscli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1500 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => Oscli - main Oscli code and system commands.
-;mjs performance enhancements for Ursula (ChocolateOscli)
-Oscli_CHashValMask        *       &1f                  ;32-wide Command hashing, for commands within kernel
-Oscli_MHashValMask        *       &ff                  ;256-wide Module hashing, for command groups in other modules
-                                                       ; - kernel cmd hashed tables must be reorganised if Oscli_CHashValMask is changed
-                                                       ; - UtilityModule MUST be first in module chain, if hashing in use
-        MACRO
-$l      CheckUID $reg, $tmp
-$l      MOV      $tmp, #0
-        LDR      $tmp, [$tmp, #OscliCBbotUID]
-        CMP      $reg, $tmp
-        MEND
-; exits with HI if buffer OK.
-; redirection utility routines
-; In:   R10 points at filename, V clear
-;       R1 is type
-; Out:  R0, R1, R12 corrupted, redirection done, flags preserved (or V set)
-doredirect ROUT
-           EntryS "R1, R2"
-60         LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-           CMP     R0, #" "
-           BEQ     %BT60
-           MOV     R2, R1
-           LDR     R1, =RedirectBuff
-61         CMP     R0, #" "             ; we know it's terminated by space
-           STRNEB  R0, [R1], #1
-           LDRNEB  R0, [R10], #1
-           BNE     %BT61
-           SUB     R10, R10, #1
-           MOV     R0, #13
-           STRB    R0, [R1]
-           LDR     R1, =RedirectBuff
-           MOV     R0, #0
-           CMP     R2, #&40
-           LDREQB  R1, [R0, #RedirectInHandle]
-           LDRNEB  R1, [R0, #RedirectOutHandle]
-           STREQB  R0, [R0, #RedirectInHandle]
-           STRNEB  R0, [R0, #RedirectOutHandle]
-           CMP     R1, #0
-           SWINE   XOS_Find             ; close any previous File
-           MOV     R12, R1              ; don't really care if handle was invalid
-           LDR     R1, =RedirectBuff
-           ORR     R0, R2, #open_mustopen + open_nodir
-           SWI     XOS_Find             ; Open the File
-           BVS     abort_redirect       ; bad name etc
-           CMP     R0, #0               ; worked?
-           BEQ     %FT63
-           CMP     R2, #&40
-           MOV     R1, #0
-           STREQB  R0, [R1, #RedirectInHandle]
-           BEQ     %FT00
-           STRNEB  R0, [R1, #RedirectOutHandle]
-           MOVNE   R0, #WrchV
-           ADRNEL  R1, RedirectWrch
-           CMP     R12, #0              ; Ensure only vectored the once
-           MOVEQ   R2, #0
-           SWIEQ   XOS_Claim
-           BVS     abort_redirect       ; Claim will leave "Sysheap full" msg.
-           LDR     R2, [stack, #Proc_RegOffset]
-           CMP     R2, #&C0
-           EXITS   NE
-; >> file, so move to EOF
-           MOV     R1, #0
-           LDRB    R1, [R1, #RedirectOutHandle]
-           MOV     R0, #2               ; read extent
-           SWI     XOS_Args
-           MOVVC   R0, #1               ; write ptr
-           SWIVC   XOS_Args
-           EXITS   VC
-           B       abort_redirect
-           MakeErrorBlock   RedirectFail
-63         ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_RedirectFail
-         [ International
-           BL      TranslateError
-         ]
-abort_redirect                          ; current error set
-           EXITVS
-ParseRDNSpec        ROUT
-; In : R11 points at string to test.
-; Out : EQ/NE for "is it a rdnspec?". V always clear.
-; If EQ : R11 points after filename
-;         R10 points at start of filename
-;         R1=&40 => redirect input,
-;           =&80 => redirect output,
-;           =&C0 => redirect & append output
-         MOV        R1, #&40
-01       LDRB       R10, [R11], #1
-         CMP        R10, #" "
-         BEQ        %BT01               ; skip leading spaces
-         CMP        R10, #"<"
-         BEQ        %FT04
-         CMP        R10, #">"
-         MOVNE      PC, lr
-         MOV        R1, #&80
-         LDRB       R10, [R11], #1
-         CMP        R10, #">"
-         MOVEQ      R1, #&C0
-04       LDREQB     R10, [R11], #1
-         CMP        R10, #" "
-         MOVNE      PC, lr
-         SUB        R10, R11, #1        ; filename start ptr
-         Push      "R0"
-02       LDRB       R0, [R11], #1
-         CMP        R0, #" "
-         BGT        %BT02
-         Pull      "R0"
-         MOV        PC, lr              ; it's EQ if had space at end.
-         MakeErrorBlock StackFull
-         ADR        R0, ErrorBlock_StackFull
-       [ International
-         BL         TranslateError
-       ]
- [ No26bitCode
-         SETV
-         Pull      "pc"
- |
-         Pull      "lr"
-         ORRS       PC, lr, #V_bit
- ]
-; Main OSCLI code
-VecOsCli ROUT
-; first check for rheum on the stack.
-; Oscli will have pushed 5 registers when it calls module code : let's
-; guarantee 256 bytes (=64 registers) for the module code
-; so check half a K left, leaving 236 bytes for any interrupt processing.
-         CheckSpaceOnStack  512, OscliStackFull, R10
-         Push      "R0-R2"      ; lr on stack from caller
-; first skip * and space
-01       LDRB       R10, [R0], #1
-         CMP        R10, #" "
-         CMPNE      R10, #"*"
-         BEQ        %BT01
-         CMP        R10, #"%"
-         LDREQB     R10, [R0]           ; fixed 29-Mar-89; was LDREQ
-         CMP        R10, #13
-         CMPNE      R10, #10
-         CMPNE      R10, #0
-         CMPNE      R10, #"|"
-         Pull      "R0-R2, PC", EQ   ; V clear return
-; now check for redirection.
-; Redirection setter ::= "{ " [ >= 1 Redirection spec] "}"
-; where
-; Redirection spec ::=  "> "filename" " | "< "filename" " | ">> "filename" "
-  [ LongCommandLines
-; Also check terminator in first LongCLISize chars.
-  |
-; Also check terminator in first 256 chars.
-  ]
-         SUB        R11, R0, #1
-         MOV        R1, #0
-  [ LongCommandLines
-         ADD        R2, R0, #LongCLISize
-  |
-         ADD        R2, R0, #256
-  ]
-02       LDRB       R10, [R11], #1
-         CMP        R11, R2
-         BEQ        OscliLineTooLong
-         CMP        R10, #13
-         CMPNE      R10, #10
-         CMPNE      R10, #0
-         BEQ        %FT58
-         CMP        R10, #""""
-         EOREQ      R1, R1, R10
-         CMP        R10, #"{"
-         CMPEQ      R1, #0
-         BNE        %BT02
-         Push      "R11"
-         LDRB       R10, [R11], #1
-         CMP        R10, #" "
-         BLEQ       ParseRDNSpec
-         Pull      "R11", NE
-         BNE        %BT02
-60       BL         ParseRDNSpec
-         BEQ        %BT60
-         CMP        R10, #"}"
-         Pull      "R11"
-         BNE        %BT02
-; R11 points 1 char after {
-         Push      "R5, R6"
-         BL         GetOscliBuffer    ; get a buffer
-         SUB        R0, R0, #1
-         MOV        R2, #0
-50       LDRB       R10, [R0], #1
-         CMP        R0, R11
-         STRNEB     R10, [R5, R2]
-         ADDNE      R2, R2, #1
-         BNE        %BT50
-61       BL         ParseRDNSpec
-         BLEQ       doredirect
-         BVS        RedirectionError  ; close any redirection set up
-         BEQ        %BT61
-53       LDRB       R10, [R11], #1
-         CMP        R10, #" "
-         BEQ        %BT53
-         SUB        R11, R11, #1
-52       LDRB       R10, [R11], #1
-         STRB       R10, [R5, R2]
-         ADD        R2, R2, #1
-         CMP        R2, #OscliBuffSize
-         BEQ        %FT51
-         CMP        R10, #13
-         CMPNE      R10, #10
-         CMPNE      R10, #0
-         BNE        %BT52
-         MOV        R2, R6           ; buffer UID
-         ADD        R0, R5, #1        ; point after 1st char.
-         Pull      "R5, R6"
-         B          %FT03
-51       MOV       R2, R6            ; longer than 256
-         ADR       R0, ErrorBlock_OscliLongLine
-       [ International
-         BL        TranslateError
-       ]
-         BL        ReleaseBuff
-         BL        OscliTidy        ; shut down the redirection just done.
-         Pull     "R5, R6"
-         STR       R0, [stack]
- [ No26bitCode
-         SETV
-         Pull     "R0-R2, PC"
- |
-         Pull     "R0-R2, lr"
-         ORRS      PC, lr, #V_bit
- ]
-         ADR       R0, ErrorBlock_OscliLongLine
-       [ International
-         BL        TranslateError
-       ]
-         B         OscliFailure
-         MakeErrorBlock  OscliLongLine
-58       MOV       R2, #-1     ; naff buffer UID.
-; Redirection dealt with. R0 points after 1st ch command
-         Push     "R2"        ; save buffer UID
-; now check for filing system name as prefix
-         Push     "R3"
-         MOV       R3, #0     ; j.i.c. fileswitch is dead!!
-         SUB       R1, R0, #1
-         MOV       R0, #FSControl_StarMinus
-         SWI       XOS_FSControl
-; here we have:
-; V set if -nafffsname encountered
-; VC: R2 = -1 if no fs name found
-;     R3 = 0 if no specials encountered
-         BVS       letmodprefatit
-         CMP       R3, #0
-         BEQ       letmodprefatit
-         Pull     "R3"
-         Push     "R2"        ; save "temp FS set" indicator
-         ADR       R0, ErrorBlock_NoOscliSpecials
-       [ International
-         BL        TranslateError
-       |
-         SETV
-       ]
-         B         OscliExit
-         MakeErrorBlock NoOscliSpecials
-         Pull     "R3"
-         Push     "R2"        ; save "temp FS set" indicator
-         BL        CheckForModuleAsPrefix
-         BVS       OscliExit
-; special char checks
-pfssss   LDRB      R10, [R1], #1
-         CMP       R10, #" "
-         BEQ       pfssss
-         SUB       R0, R1, #1
-         CMP       R2, #-1
-         RSBLT     R11, R2, #0
-         Push     "R2",LT
-         BLT       OnlyOneModuleWanted
-         CMP       R10, #"/"
-         BEQ       %FT06
-; see if skip macro expansion
-         CMP       R10, #"%"
-         LDREQB    R10, [R0], #1
-         BEQ       %FT05
-         CMP       R10, #"."    ; fudge .
-         BEQ       %FT07
-; try macro expansion : if find it, expand into a buffer.
-; Also scan for parameters while expanding.
-; R0 ptr to command, R10 first char.
-; If success : Recursively call OSCLI for each line in expansion.
-      Push  "R0, R3-R6"
-  [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-    ;
-    ;at least make a vague attempt not to run like a drain - since we can do a binary
-    ;chop search for an exactly known var name, do this unless command is abbreviated
-    ;
-      ADR    R6,AliasStr_QA
-      LDR    R3,=AliasExpansionBuffer      ; construct the alias name here
-      MOV    R5,#6
-oqa_loop1                                  ; bung in "ALIAS$"
-      LDRB   R4,[R6],#1
-      STRB   R4,[R3],#1
-      SUBS   R5,R5,#1
-      BNE    oqa_loop1
-      MOV    R6,R0
-      ADRL   R2, Up_ItAndTerm_Check_Table
-oqa_loop2                                  ; bung in command, upper cased
-      LDRB   R4,[R6],#1
-      CMP    R4,#&80                       ; char in table ?
-      LDRCCB R4,[R2,R4]
-      STRB   R4,[R3],#1
-      CMP    R4,#0
-      BNE    oqa_loop2
-      LDRB   R4,[R3,#-2]                   ; pick up last char of command
-      CMP    R4,#"."
-      BEQ    oqa_treacletime               ; it's abbreviated, go to slow code
-      LDR    R3,=AliasExpansionBuffer
-      Push   "r6,r7"
-      BL     VarFindIt_QA                  ; quick binary chop type stuff
-      Pull   "r6,r7",EQ
-      BEQ    oqa_quicksilvertime_noalias   ; no alias - carry on
-;found alias
-      MOV    R0,#-1                        ; special, VarFindIt skipping call (r5,r6,r7 from VarFindIt_QA)
-      MOV    R1,R3                         ; output buffer
-  [ LongCommandLines
-      MOV    R2,#LongCLISize
-  |
-      MOV    R2,#256
-  ]
-      MOV    R3,#0
-      MOV    R4,#VarType_Expanded
-      SWI    XOS_ReadVarVal                ; expand it
-      Pull   "r6,r7"
-      SUB    R6,R6,#1                      ; arg ptr
-      B      oqa_quicksilvertime_alias
-  ] ;Oscli_Quickaliases
-    [ International
-      MOV    R3,#0
-      LDRB   R6,[R3,#ErrorSemaphore]            ; We are about to get lots of buffer overflow errors,
-      SUB    R6,R6,#1
-      STRB   R6,[R3,#ErrorSemaphore]
-    ]
-      MOV    R6, R0
-      MOV    R3, #:LEN: "Alias$"
-31    SUB    R3, R3, #:LEN: "Alias$"
-      MOV    R2, #-1        ; negative length means just look for it.
-      ADRL   R0, AliasStr
-      SWI    XOS_ReadVarVal
-      CMP    R2, #0         ; V always set anyway
-    [ International
-      LDREQB R0,[R2,#ErrorSemaphore]
-      ADDEQ  R0,R0,#1
-      STREQB R0,[R2,#ErrorSemaphore]
-    ]
-      BEQ    %FT10
-      ADD   R3, R3, #:LEN: "Alias$"
-; match $R6 with $R3
-      MOV   R1, #0                         ; offset
-32    LDRB  R4, [R6, R1]
-      LDRB  R5, [R3, R1]
-      CMP   R4, #&80                       ; in table ?
-      ADRCCL R2, Up_ItAndTerm_Check_Table
-      LDRCCB R4, [R2, R4]
-      CMP   R4, #" "
-      CMPLE R5, #" "
-      BLE   %FT33
-      UpperCase R5, R2
-      CMP   R4, R5
-      ADDEQ R1, R1, #1
-      BEQ   %BT32
-      CMP   R1, #0
-      BEQ   %BT31                        ; failed
-      CMP   R5, #" "
-      BLE   %BT31
-      CMP   R4, #"."
-      BNE   %BT31
-      ADD   R1, R1, #1
-; success : copy name, read value
-    [ International
-      MOV   R4,#0
-      LDRB  R0,[R4,#ErrorSemaphore]
-      ADD   R0,R0,#1
-      STRB  R0,[R4,#ErrorSemaphore]     ; We can go back to translating errors.
-    ]
-      SUB   R3, R3, #:LEN: "Alias$"
-99    LDR   R0, =AliasExpansionBuffer
-      ADD   R6, R6, R1                       ; save arglist ptr
-      MOV   R4, #0
-34    LDRB  R5, [R3], #1
-      STRB  R5, [R0, R4]
-      ADD   R4, R4, #1
-      CMP   R5, #0
-      BNE   %BT34
-      MOV   R1, R0               ; output buffer same as input!
-  [ LongCommandLines
-      MOV   R2, #LongCLISize
-  |
-      MOV   R2, #256
-  ]
-      MOV   R3, #0
-      MOV   R4, #VarType_Expanded
-      SWI   XOS_ReadVarVal
-  [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-  ]
-      BVS   AliasOscliTooLong
-      MOV   R3, #13
-      STRB  R3, [R1, R2]
-      MOV    R3, R1
-      MOV    R0, R6              ; arglist
-      MOV    R4, R2              ; no of chars got.
-      BL     GetOscliBuffer      ; gives buffer ptr in R5, ID in R6
-      MOV    R1, R5
-      MOV    R2, #OscliBuffSize
-      MOV    R5, #0
-      SWI    XOS_SubstituteArgs32
-      BVS    AliasOscliTooLong
-; Whew! Now ready to recursively call OSCLI with all lines in the buffer.
-      MOV    R0, R1
-      ADD    R2, R1, R2
-43    SWI    XOS_CLI
-      BVS    %FT46
-      CheckUID R6, R1    ; check buffer still valid.
-      BLS    FailInAlias
-44    LDRB   R1, [R0], #1
-      CMP    R1, #13
-      CMPNE  R1, #10
-      CMPNE  R1, #0
-      BNE    %BT44
-      CMP    R0, R2
-      BLO    %BT43
-      MOV    R2, R6
-      BL     ReleaseBuff ; release buffer, UID in R2
-      Pull  "R0, R3-R6"
-      CLRV
-      B      OscliExit
-      MakeErrorBlock  OscliTooHard
-      CheckUID R2, R1
-      BLGT   ReleaseBuff
-      ADR    R0, ErrorBlock_OscliTooHard
-    [ International
-      BL     TranslateError
-    ]
-46    STR    R0, [stack]
-      Pull  "R0, R3-R6"
-      SETV
-      B      OscliExit
-      MOV    R2, R6            ; buffer UID
-      BL     ReleaseBuff
-      Pull  "R0, R3-R6"
-      ADRL   R0, ErrorBlock_OscliLongLine
-    [ International
-      BL     TranslateError
-    |
-      SETV
-    ]
-      B      OscliExit
-      LTORG
-  [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-AliasStr_QA = "ALIAS$", 0
-  ]
-AliasStr = "Alias$*", 0
-AliasDot = "Alias$"
-dotstring = ".", 0
-      ALIGN
-  [ Oscli_QuickAliases
-  ]
-10  ; Failed macro expansion.
-         Pull   "R0, R3-R6"
-; try for system command first.
-05       LDRB      R1, [R0]                     ; quick check for . tho
-         CMP       R1, #"."
-         BEQ       PercentDot
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-         BL        Oscli_cmd_hashsum            ; => hash value in r1
-         MOV       r2,#0
-         STR       r1,[r2,#Oscli_CmdHashSum]
-         CMP       r1,#0
-         BEQ       oscli_sysabbrevation
-         BL        SysCommsHashedLookup
-         B         oscli_syslook_done
-  ]
-         ADRL      R1, SysCommsModule
-         MOV       R2, #SCHCTab-SysCommsModule
-         SEC                                    ; carry set means sys module
-         BL        ModCommsLookUp
-         BCS       OscliExit
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-         ;now try UtilityModule, if non-abbreviated command
-         Push      "R2"
-         MOV       r2,#0
-         LDR       r1,[r2,#Oscli_CmdHashSum]
-         CMP       r1,#0
-         Pull      "R2",EQ
-         BEQ       oscli_modabbreviation
-         BL        UtilCommsHashedLookup
-         ADDCS     stack, stack, #4                  ;discard R2
-         BCS       OscliExit
-         ;now try list of modules on hash value
-         MOV       r2,#0
-         LDR       r1,[r2,#Oscli_CmdHashSum]
-         AND       r1,r1,#Oscli_MHashValMask
-         LDR       r11,[r2,#Oscli_CmdHashLists]
-         CMP       r11,#0
-         LDRNE     r11,[r11,r1,LSL #2]
-         CMPNE     r11,#0
-         BEQ       %FT75
-         Push      "r3,r4"
-         ADD       r3,r11,#8
-         LDR       r4,[r11,#4]
-         ADD       r4,r4,#1
-         SUBS      r4,r4,#1
-         Pull      "r3,r4",EQ
-         BEQ       %FT75
-         LDR       R2,[stack,#2*4]
-         CMP       R2, #0
-         Pull      "r3,r4",MI
-         BMI       OneModule_Failed
-         LDR       R11,[R3],#4
-         LDR       R1, [R11, #Module_code_pointer]
-         LDR       R2, [R1, #Module_HC_Table]
-         CMP       R2, #0
-         BEQ       oscli_hlist_loop
-         LDR       R12, [R11, #Module_incarnation_list] ; preferred life
-         ADD       R12, R12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-         CLC
-         BL        ModCommsLookUp
-         BCC       oscli_hlist_loop
-         Pull      "r3,r4"
-         ADD       stack,stack,#4
-         B         OscliExit
-  ] ;Oscli_HashedCommands
-; now try looking round the modules.
-         MOV       R11, #Module_List
-         Push     "R2"
-74       LDR       R2, [stack]
-         CMP       R2, #0
-         BMI       OneModule_Failed
-         LDR       R11, [R11, #Module_chain_Link]
-         CMP       R11, #0
-         BEQ       %FT75
-         LDR       R1, [R11, #Module_code_pointer]
-         LDR       R2, [R1, #Module_HC_Table]
-         CMP       R2, #0
-         BEQ       %BT74
-         LDR       R12, [R11, #Module_incarnation_list] ; preferred life
-         ADD       R12, R12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-         CLC
-         BL        ModCommsLookUp
-         BCC       %BT74
-         ADD       stack, stack, #4           ; discard R2
-         B         OscliExit
-  ; not in a module : try for current filing system command
-         STR       R0, [stack]                 ; pull R2, push R0
-         MOV       R0, #FSControl_ReadModuleBase
-         SWI       XOS_FSControl
-         Pull     "R0"
-         CMP       R1, #0
-         BEQ       NoFSCommands                  ; no selected FS!
-         MOV       R12, R2                       ; module's workspace ptr
-         LDR       R2, [R1, #Module_HC_Table]
-         CMP       R2, #0
-         BEQ       SecondaryFSCTab
-         ORR       R2, R2, #&80000000            ; FS command needed flag
-         CLC
-         BL        ModCommsLookUp
-         BCC       SecondaryFSCTab
-         B         OscliExit
-         Push     "R0"
-         MOV       R0, #FSControl_ReadSecondaryModuleBase
-         SWI       XOS_FSControl
-         Pull     "R0"
-         MOVVS     R1, #0
-         CMP       R1, #0
-         BEQ       NoFSCommands
-         MOV       R12, R2                       ; module's workspace ptr
-         LDR       R2, [R1, #Module_HC_Table]
-         CMP       R2, #0
-         BEQ       NoFSCommands
-         ORR       R2, R2, #&80000000            ; FS command needed flag
-         CLC
-         BL        ModCommsLookUp
-         BCC       NoFSCommands
-         B         OscliExit
-         MOV       R1, #Service_UKCommand
-         BL        Issue_Service
-         CMP       R1, #0
-         BNE       UKCNotClaimed
-         CMP       R0, #0                        ; any error?
-         SETV      NE                            ; V clear if EQ
-         B         OscliExit
-         ADD       stack, stack, #4
-         ADRL      R0, ErrorBlock_BadCommand
-      [  International
-         BL        TranslateError
-      |
-         SETV
-      ]
-         B         OscliExit
-         MOV       R1, R0
-         MOV       R0, #FSControl_RUN
-71       SWI       XOS_FSControl
-         Pull     "R2"
-         SavePSR   R1
-         Push     "R0"
-         CMP       R2, #0                        ; -ve means no FS selected.
-         MOVGE     R0, #FSControl_RestoreCurrent
-         SWIGE     XOS_FSControl
-         Pull     "R0"
-         Pull     "R2"
-         CMP       R2, #-1
-         BEQ       %FT80
-         BL        ReleaseBuff
-         BL        RemoveOscliCharJobs  ; shut down redirection
-80       TST       R1, #V_bit
-         BNE       %FT81
-         CLRV
-         Pull     "R0-R2, pc"
-         SETV
-         ADD       sp, sp, #4
-         Pull     "R1-R2, pc"
-06       ADD       R1, R0, #1       ; */ so skip the /, do RUN reason code
-         B         DoFSCV_Run
-         Push     "R0, R3-R6"
-         MOV       R6, R0
-         ADRL      R0, AliasDot
-         MOV       R3, #0
-         MOV       R2, #-1         ; negative length means just look for it.
-         SWI       XOS_ReadVarVal
-         CMP       R2, #0          ; V always set anyway
-         MOVNE     R1, #1          ; index to step past .
-         BNE       %BT99
-         Pull     "R0, R3-R6"
-PercentDot                        ; entry for *%.
-         ADD       R1, R0, #1
-         MOV       R0, #FSControl_CAT   ; *., skip .
-         B         %BT71
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-; - routine to compute hash value for unabbreviated commands
-; - does not apply mask to hash value (since different hash widths are
-;   required in different cases)
-; hash value = sum of all chars of command, excluding terminator, all
-;              chars being processed through Up_ItAndTerm_Check_Table
-; entry:
-; R0 -> command
-; exit:
-; R1 =  hash value, or 0 if invalid (abbreviation encountered)
-Oscli_cmd_hashsum ROUT
-         Push   "r0,r2-r3,lr"
-         MOV    r1,#0
-         ADRL   r2, Up_ItAndTerm_Check_Table
-         B      %FT15
-         ADD    r1,r1,r3
-         LDRB   r3,[r0],#1
-         CMP    r3,#&80
-         LDRCCB r3,[r2,r3]
-         CMP    r3,#"."
-         BEQ    %FT30
-         CMP    r3,#0
-         BNE    %BT10
-         Pull   "r0,r2-r3,PC"
-         MOV    r1,#0
-         Pull   "r0,r2-r3,PC"
-;special entry of ModCommsLookUp, for hashed lookup of commands in SysCommsModule
-;entry: R0 -> command, r1 = hash value of command
-SysCommsHashedLookup ROUT
-         Push   "R0, R2-R10, lr"
-;first a fudge, to allow old syntax (no space before first, numeric, parameter)
-;for *fx, *key, *opt and *tv - look for '&' or a numeric char at R0 + 2, 3 or 4
-         MOV    R4, #2
-         LDRB   R2, [R0,R4]
-         CMP    R2, #' '
-         BLS    schl_nofudge
-         CMP    R2, #'&'
-         BEQ    schl_fudge
-         CMP    R2, #'0'
-         BLO    schl_nofudgesofar
-         CMP    R2, #'9'
-         BLS    schl_fudge
-         ADD    R4, R4, #1
-         CMP    R4, #4
-         BLS    schl_fudgeloop
-         AND    R4, R1,#Oscli_CHashValMask  ;hash value, masked for command hashing
-         ADRL   R1, SysCommsModule
-         ADRL   R2, SysCoHashedCmdTab
-         LDR    R2, [R2, R4, LSL #2]        ;command list for this hash value
-         SEC                                ;carry set means sys module
-         B      ModCommsLookUp_AltEntry
-         ADRL   R1, SysCommsModule
-         ADRL   R2, SHC_fudgeulike
-         SUB    R2, R2, R1                          ;fudge command list (offset)
-         SEC                                        ;carry set means sys module
-         B      ModCommsLookUp_AltEntry
-;special entry of ModCommsLookUp, for hashed lookup of commands in UtilityMod
-;entry: R0 -> command, r1 = hash value of command
-UtilCommsHashedLookup ROUT
-         Push   "R0, R2-R10, lr"
-         AND    R4, R1,#Oscli_CHashValMask  ;hash value, masked for command hashing
-         ADRL   R1, UtilityMod
-         ADRL   R2, UtilHashedCmdTab
-         LDR    R2, [R2, R4, LSL #2]        ;command list for this hash value
-         CLC
-         B      ModCommsLookUp_AltEntry
-  ] ;Oscli_HashedCommands
-; Routine to look through a module table for a command, and call it.
-; Set up R12 yourself if needed.
-; R0 points at command to find
-; R1 points at module
-; R2 offset of command table : top bit set for "want FS command"
-; C set means allow messy matching, i.e. it's the system command table
-; Return C set if found and called, V flag from code called
-; Might not return if module starts up as current object.
-ModCommsLookUp ROUT
-         Push   "R0, R2-R10, lr"
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-  ]
-         MOV     R4, #0   ; want all flags clear
-         TEQ     R2, #0   ; don't corrupt C!
-         MOVMI   R4, #FS_Command_Flag
-         BICMI   R2, R2, #&80000000
-         BL      FindItem
-         BLCS    %FT05
-         CLC                      ; clears C and V
-         Pull   "R0, R2-R10, PC"
-         Push    r4               ; save pointer in case needed for syntax mess
-; check number of arguments, error with syntaxmessage if naff.
-         ADD     R2, R2, R1       ; get R2 back to pointer.
-         ADD     R0, R0, R3       ; point at terminator.
-09       LDRB    R4, [R0], #1
-         CMP     R4, #" "        ; skip spaces.
-         BEQ     %BT09
-         MOV     R3, R1          ; hang on to module ptr.
-         MOV     R1, #0          ; no of parms.
-         MOV     R7, #-1         ; flag for buffer got for GSTRANSing
-         MOV     R6, R0
-         SUB     R0, R0, #1
-; Now we have :
-; R0 -> commtail, ready for module
-; R1 number of parameters
-; R2 -> info block for command
-; R3 -> module
-; R4 current char
-; R5 execute offset
-; R6 working commtail ptr
-; R7 -1 or buffer UID
-; R8 becomes gstrans map
-; R9 may be a workin gstrans map copy
-; R10 may be a working buffer ptr for copying
-         LDRB    R8, [R2, #5]    ; get gstrans_map
-         MOVS    R9, R8
-         BEQ     nogstransingta
-         Push   "R2, R5, R6"
-         BL      GetOscliBuffer
-         MOV     R0, R5          ; buffer ptr
-         MOV     R7, R6          ; buffer UID
-         MOV     R10, #0         ; buffer offset for copying
-         Pull   "R2, R5, R6"
-         CMP     R4, #13         ; check for more to scan
-         CMPNE   R4, #10
-         CMPNE   R4, #0
-         BEQ     %FT12
-         MOVS    R9, R9, LSR #1
-         BCC     stripnextparm
-    ; gstrans next ; scan afterwards for naffchars
-         Push   "R0-R2"
-         ADD     R1, R0, R10                  ; buffer pointer
-         RSB     R2, R10, #OscliBuffSize      ; room left
-         ORR     R2, R2, #GS_Spc_term
-         SUB     R0, R6, #1                   ; parameter pointer
-         SWI     XOS_GSTrans
-         BCS     buffer_overflowed_oh_bother
-         BVS     bad_string
-         CMP     R2, #0
-         BEQ     preversion_detectified       ; empty expansions are naff
-         ADD     R10, R10, R2
-         ADD     R6, R1, R2
-         LDRB    R2, [R1], #1
-         CMP     R2, #&7F
-         CMPNE   R2, #" "
-         BLE     preversion_detectified
-         CMP     R1, R6
-         BLO     nastycharscan
-         MOV     R6, R0
-         Pull   "R0-R2"
-         B       next_parameter
-         ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadParmString
-       [ International
-         BL      TranslateError
-       ]
-         B       pgstcomm
-         ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_OscliLongLine
-       [ International
-         BL      TranslateError
-       ]
-         B       pgstcomm
-         ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadParmString
-       [ International
-         BL      TranslateError
-       ]
-         STR     R0, [stack]
-         MOV     R2, R7
-         BL      ReleaseBuff
-         Pull   "R0-R2, r4"
-         B       unpleasantness_in_ModCommsLookUp
-         MakeErrorBlock   BadParmString
-         CMP     R8, #0
-         MOVEQ   PC, lr
-         CMP     R10, #OscliBuffSize
-         STRLTB  R4, [R0, R10]
-         ADDLT   R10, R10, #1
-         MOVLT   PC, lr
-         Push   "R0-R2"
-         B       buffer_overflowed_oh_bother
-         Push   "R11"
-         CMP     R4, #""""
-         MOVEQ   R11, #&80000000
-         ORREQ   R1, R1, R11
-         MOVNE   R11, #0
-         BL      AddCharForGSTP
-         LDRB    R4, [R6], #1
-         CMP     R4, #""""
-         EOREQ   R1, R1, R11
-         CMP     R4, #" "
-         TSTEQ   R1, #&80000000
-         BEQ     parmfinished
-         CMP     R4, #13
-         CMPNE   R4, #10
-         CMPNE   R4, #0
-         BNE     stripnextchar
-         BIC     R1, R1, #&80000000
-         Pull   "R11"
-         MOV     R4, #" "
-         BL      AddCharForGSTP
-         SUB     R6, R6, #1
-30       LDRB    R4, [R6], #1
-         CMP     R4, #" "
-         BEQ     %BT30
-         ADD     R1, R1, #1
-         B       nogstransingta  ; next parameter
-  ; parameters counted : check number
-12       BL      AddCharForGSTP   ; terminate the copy
-         BIC     R1, R1, #&80000000
-         LDR     R4, [R2, #4]
-         MOV     R6, R4, LSR #16  ; max no parms
-         AND     R6, R6, #&FF
-         AND     R4, R4, #&FF     ; min no parms
-         CMP     R1, R4
-         CMPGE   R6, R1
-         BLT     %FT11
-   ; checks finished : call the man.
-         Push   "R7"              ; j.i.c. module writer can't read
-         MOV     lr, PC           ; make link
-         ADD     PC, R3, R5       ; and call
-         Pull   "R2, r4"
-         BL      ReleaseBuff      ; discard buffer got for GSTRANSing
-         MRS     R10, CPSR
-         ORR     R10, R10, #C_bit ; set C carefully
-         MSR     CPSR_f, R10
-         STRVS   R0, [stack]
-         Pull   "R0, R2-R10, pc"
-; Return a command syntax error.  First issue Service_SyntaxError for translation
- [ International                  ; Internationalize syntax error messages
-         Pull    "r4"             ; r4-> command string in module
-         MOV     r1, #Service_SyntaxError ; r2->info block for command, r3->module
-         BL      Issue_Service    ; Issue SyntaxError service for possible translation
-         CMP     r1, #0           ; Service claimed?
-         BEQ     unpleasantness_in_ModCommsLookUp ; Yes then r0-> error block
-         Push    "r4"             ; Save -> command string
- ]
-         LDR     r4, [r2, #4]
-         MOV     r7, r2
-         BL      GetOscliBuffer   ; get space for error
-         MOV     R2, #ErrorNumber_BadNoParms
-         STR     R2, [R5]
-         LDR     R2, [R7, #8]
-         CMP     R2, #0
-         ADREQ   R0, %FT13        ; default error message
-         ADDNE   R0, R2, R3       ; point at message
-         ORREQ   r4, r4, #International_Help
-         TST     r4, #International_Help
-         ADREQL  r4, MOSdictionary
-         BEQ     %FT37
-         MOV     r7, r0
-         SUB     sp, sp, #16
-         LDR     r2, [r3, #-4]
-         LDR     r0, [r3, #Module_MsgFile]
-         TST     r0, #12,2
-         CMPEQ   r0, #1
-         CMPCS   r2, r0
-         MOVLS   r0, #0
-         BLS     %FT33
-         ADD     r1, r3, r0
-         MOV     r2, #0
-         MOV     r0, sp
-         SWI     XMessageTrans_OpenFile
-         MOVVS   r0, #0
-33       MOV     r1, r7
-         MOV     r7, r0
-         MOV     r2, #0
-         SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-         ADDVS   r2, r0, #4
-         SWI     XMessageTrans_Dictionary
-         ADDVS   r2, r0, #4
-         MOV     r4, r0
-         MOV     r0, r2
-         LDR     r2, [sp, #16]
-         ADD     r1, r5, #4
-         BL      expandsyntaxmessage
-         MOVS    r0, r7
-         SWINE   XMessageTrans_CloseFile
-         ADD     sp, sp, #16
-         Pull    r2
-         B       %FT39
-         Pull    r2
-         ADD     r1, r5, #4
-         BL      expandsyntaxmessage
-         MOV     r0, r5
-         STR     R0, [stack]
-         MSR     CPSR_f, #V_bit+C_bit
-         Pull   "R0, R2-R10, PC"
-         DCB     "NumParm", 0
-        ALIGN
-         LDRB    R3, [R0], #1
-         CMP     r3, #TokenEscapeChar
-         BEQ     esm_tok
-         STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-         CMP     R3, #0
-         BNE     expandsyntaxmessage
-         SUB     r1, r1, #1
-         MOV     pc, lr
-esm_tok  LDRB    r3, [r0], #1
-         Push   "r0, lr"
-         CMP     r3, #0
-         MOVEQ   r0, r2
-         BEQ     esm001
-         MOV     r0, r4
-esmlp    SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-         LDRNEB  r14, [r0]      ; ECN: Use R14 instead of R4 as using R4 corrupts
-         ADDNE   r0, r0, r14    ; the dictionary pointer thus disallowing recusive tokens
-         BNE     esmlp
-         ADD     r0, r0, #1
-esm001   BL      expandsyntaxmessage
-         Pull   "r0, lr"
-         B       expandsyntaxmessage
-; routine to just find a keyword in a table that has the flags specified.
-; R0 points at command to find
-; R1 points at module
-; R2 offset of command table
-; R4 word to EOR with flags : demand 0 result for match
-; C set means allow messy matching, i.e. it's the system command table
-; Uses R2-R5
-; Return C set if found : R5 is execute offset, R3 length of string
-; R2 is offset of execute offset of field found
-; r4 is command pointer
-FindItem ROUT
-         Push   "R4, R6, R7"
-         MRS     R7, CPSR         ; to remember C flag (32-bit clean)
-         ADD     R2, R2, R1
-         LDRB    R4, [R2]
-         CMP     R4, #0
-         BEQ     FindItem_EOTab
-05       MOV     R3, #0           ; offset
-01       LDRB    R4, [R0, R3]
-         LDRB    R5, [R2, r3]
-         CMP     R4, #&80         ; in table ?
-         ADRCC   R6, Up_ItAndTerm_Check_Table
-         LDRCCB  R4, [R6, R4]
-         CMP     R4, #32
-         CMPLE   R5, #32
-         BLE     %FT04           ; matched, and we're at the terminator
-         UpperCase R5, R6
-         CMP     R4, R5
-         ADDEQ   R3, R3, #1
-         BEQ     %BT01
-         CMP     R4, #"."        ; success if abbreviation
-         BEQ     %FT02
-         TST     R7, #C_bit      ; C flag on entry
-         BEQ     %FT07           ; nomatch
-         CMP     R5, #32
-         BGT     %FT07
-         CMP     R4, #"A"
-         RSBGES  R6, R4, #"Z"
-         BLT     %FT04             ; matched, at terminator
-07       LDRB    R5, [R2], #1
-         CMP     R5, #32
-         BGT     %BT07             ; skip to terminator
-         ADD     R2, R2, #3
-         BIC     R2, R2, #3        ; ALIGN
-06       ADD     R2, R2, #16       ; !!! DEPENDANT ON TABLE FORMAT!!!
-         LDRB    R5, [R2]
-         CMP     R5, #0
-         BNE     %BT05
-         Pull   "R4, R6, R7"
-         CLC
-         MOV     PC, lr            ; back with not found.
-; Table to uppercase and test for terminators for passed * commands
-;      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   A   B   C   D   E   F
-   =   0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0     ; 0
-   =   0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0     ; 1
-   =   0 , "!", 0 , "#" , 0, 0, 0, "'", "(", ")", "*" , "+", 0 , "-", ".", "/"    ; 2
-   =  "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 0, ";", 0 , "=", 0 , "?"    ; 3
-   =  "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O"    ; 4
-   =  "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "[", 0, "]", 0, "_"    ; 5
-   =  "`", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O"    ; 6
-   =  "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "{", 0 , "}", "~", 0     ; 7
-;  WHILE . < Up_ItAndTerm_Check_Table+256 ; top bit stuff done by CMP #&80
-;   = . - Up_ItAndTerm_Check_Table
-;  WEND                            ; entry for chars > 127 = char
-02       CMP     R5, #32          ; only success if $R2 not terminated.
-         BLE     %BT07
-         ADD     R3, R3, #1       ; skip .
-04       MOV     r6, r2
-         ADD     r2, r2, r3
-08       LDRB    R5, [R2], #1
-         CMP     R5, #0
-         BNE     %BT08            ; demand NULL terminator
-         ADD     R2, R2, #3
-         BIC     R2, R2, #3       ; ALIGN
-         LDR     R5, [R2, #4]     ; get information word
-         AND     R5, R5, #&C0000000 :AND::NOT:Help_Is_Code_Flag
-                                  ; clear param numbers/low flags.
-         LDR     R4, [stack]
-         EORS    R5, R5, R4
-         BNE     %BT06            ; flags don't match
-         LDR     R5, [R2]         ; get Execute offset
-         CMP     R5, #0
-         BEQ     %BT06            ; not a command
-         STR     r6, [stack]      ; return r4
-         Pull   "R4, R6, R7"
-         SUB     R2, R2, R1       ; get back to offset.
-         SEC
-         MOV     PC, lr
-; variegated routines
-; circular buffer initialisation :
-;  botUID := topUID := 0 ; currend := circbuffstart
-; Redirection handles := 0
-         MOV        R0, #0
-         STR        R0, [R0, #OscliCBbotUID]
-         STR        R0, [R0, #OscliCBtopUID]
-         LDR        R1, =OscliCircBuffStart
-         STR        R1, [R0, #OscliCBcurrend]
-         STRB       R0, [R0, #RedirectInHandle]
-         STRB       R0, [R0, #RedirectOutHandle]
-         MOV        PC, R14
-; buffer is valid if botUID < UID
-; GetOscliBuffer used in module handler to get error buffers - saves workspace!
-GetOscliBuffer ROUT
- ; return ptr in R5 to next buffer in Oscli's circular job
- ; UID in R6
- ; corrupts R2
-; currend +:= 256
-      MOV    R2, #0
-      LDR    R5, [R2, #OscliCBcurrend]
-      ADD    R5, R5, #OscliBuffSize
-; IF currend >= circbufflimit
-;  THEN currend := circbuffstart
-      LDR    R6, =OscliCircBuffLimit
-      CMP    R5, R6
-      LDRHS  R5, =OscliCircBuffStart
-      STR    R5, [R2, #OscliCBcurrend]
-; topUID +:= 1
-      LDR    R6, [R2, #OscliCBtopUID]
-      ADD    R6, R6, #1
-      STR    R6, [R2, #OscliCBtopUID]
-; IF topUID > botUID + noBuffers
-; THEN botUID +:= 1
-      LDR    R5, [R2, #OscliCBbotUID]
-      SUB    R2, R6, R5
-      CMP    R2, #OscliNoBuffs
-      MOV    R2, #0
-      ADDGE  R5, R5, #1
-      STRGE  R5, [R2, #OscliCBbotUID]
-; RETURN currend, topUID
-      LDR    R5, [R2, #OscliCBcurrend]
-      MOV    PC, lr
-ReleaseBuff ; take UID in R2, check whether can step back topUID
-     EntryS "R1-R4"
-     MOV    R1, #0
-     LDR    R3, [R1, #OscliCBtopUID]
-     LDR    R4, [R1, #OscliCBbotUID]
-; IF UID = topUID AND topUID <> botUID
-     CMP    R3, R4
-     EXITS  EQ
-     CMP    R2, R3
-     EXITS  NE
-; THEN $(
-;    topUID -:= 1
-     SUB    R3, R3, #1
-     STR    R3, [R1, #OscliCBtopUID]
-;    IF currend = circbuffstart THEN currend := circbufflimit
-     LDR    R3, [R1, #OscliCBcurrend]
-     LDR    R4, =OscliCircBuffStart
-     CMP    R3, R4
-     LDREQ  R3, =OscliCircBuffLimit
-; currend -:= 256
-     SUB    R3, R3, #OscliBuffSize
-     STR    R3, [R1, #OscliCBcurrend]
-     EXITS
-        LTORG                   ; needed now not at top level
-    Push    "R0, lr"
-    MOV      R0, #FSControl_RestoreCurrent
-    SWI      XOS_FSControl
-    Pull    "R0, PC"
-OscliTidy    ROUT  ; shut down redirection, restore permanent FS
-     Push   "lr"
-     BL      RemoveOscliCharJobs
-     BL      OscliRestoreFS
-     Pull   "PC"
-RemoveOscliCharJobs ROUT
-     Push   "R0-R2, lr"
-     MOV     R0, #0
-     LDRB    R1, [R0, #RedirectInHandle]
-     CMP     R1, #0
-     STRNEB  R0, [R0, #RedirectInHandle]
-     SWINE   XOS_Find
-     MOV     R0, #0 ; May have got error (discarded)
-     LDRB    R1, [R0, #RedirectOutHandle]
-     CMP     R1, #0
-     STRNEB  R0, [R0, #RedirectOutHandle]
-     SWINE   XOS_Find
-     MOV     R2, #0
-     MOV     R0, #WrchV
-     ADR     R1, RedirectWrch
-     SWI     XOS_Release
-     CLRV
-     Pull   "R0-R2, PC"
-RedirectWrch ROUT
-     Push   "R1, R2"
-     SavePSR R2
-     MOV     R1, #0
-     LDRB    R1, [R1, #RedirectOutHandle]
-     SWI     XOS_BPut
-     RestPSR R2                     ; VClear in entry psr
-     Pull   "R1, R2, pc", VC
-     BL      RemoveOscliCharJobs
-     ORR     R2, R2, #V_bit
-     RestPSR R2
-     Pull   "R1, R2, pc"
-; **************************************************************************
-;       SWI OS_ChangeRedirection - Read/write redirection handles
-; in:   R0 = new input  handle (0 => not redirected, -1 => leave alone)
-;       R1 = new output handle (0 => not redirected, -1 => leave alone)
-; out:  R0 = old input  handle (0 => not redirected)
-;       R1 = old output handle (0 => not redirected)
-ChangeRedirection ROUT
-        MOV     R12, #0
-        LDRB    R10, [R12, #RedirectInHandle]
-        LDRB    R11, [R12, #RedirectOutHandle]
-; do input handle
-        CMP     R0, #&100               ; if out of range then just read
-        BCS     %FT20
-        STRB    R0, [R12, #RedirectInHandle]
-; do output handle
-        CMP     R1, #&100               ; if out of range then just read
-        BCS     %FT40
-        STRB    R1, [R12, #RedirectOutHandle]
-        CMP     R1, #1                  ; CS <=> (R1 non-zero)
-        TEQ     R11, #0                 ; NE <=> (R11 non-zero)
-        BHI     %FT40                   ; [both non-zero, skip]
-        BCS     %FT30                   ; [just R1 non-zero, so claim]
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; [both zero, skip]
-; R11 non-zero, R1 zero, so release vector
-        Push    "R0-R2, lr"             ; set up registers for claim or release
-        MOV     R0, #WrchV
-        ADR     R1, RedirectWrch
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        SWI     XOS_Release
-        STRVS   R0, [sp, #0*4]
-        Pull    "R0-R2, lr"
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler VS
-        B       %FT40
-; R11 zero, R1 non-zero, so claim vector
-        Push    "R0-R2, lr"
-        MOV     R0, #WrchV
-        ADR     R1, RedirectWrch
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        SWI     XOS_Claim
-        STRVS   R0, [sp, #0*4]
-        Pull    "R0-R2, lr"
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler VS
-        MOV     R0, R10
-        MOV     R1, R11
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; Module selection
-;  Entered with V set if FileSwitch found a - : must get module or give error
-;  R2 >= 0 if filing system selected: do nothing
-;  R1 -> command prefix
-;  Out: R1 updated
-;    R2 = -1: no module
-;    R2 = -<larger>:  R2 is selected module node
-;         Selected prefix also preferred
-CheckForModuleAsPrefix ROUT
-     EntryS "R0-R6"
-     ADDVS   R1, R1, #1         ; skip -
-     MOVVS   R2, #"-"
-     BVS     %FT02
-     CMP     R2, #-1
-     BNE     %FT01
-     MOV     R2, #":"           ; terminators for lookup
-02   ADR     R5, %FT10
-     STR     R1, [stack, #Proc_RegOffset + 4]
-03   LDRB    R3, [R1], #1
-     UpperCase R3, R4
-     LDRB    R4, [R5], #1
-     CMP     R3, R4
-     BEQ     %BT03
-     CMP     R4, #0
-     LDRNE   R1, [stack, #Proc_RegOffset + 4]
-     SUBEQ   R1, R1, #1
-     MOV     R6, R1
-     LDR     R1, =AliasExpansionBuffer
-05   LDRB    R3, [R6], #1
-     CMP     R3, #"."           ; disallow abbreviations: they're confusing!
-     CMPNE   R3, #" "
-     BLE     %FT01
-     CMP     R3, R2
-     STRNEB  R3, [R1], #1
-     BNE     %BT05
-     MOV     R3, #0
-     STRB    R3, [R1]
-     MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_LookupName
-     LDR     R1, =AliasExpansionBuffer
-     SWI     XOS_Module
-     BVS     %FT01
-     MOV     R2, R1
-     LDR     R1, =AliasExpansionBuffer
-     MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_MakePreferred
-     SWI     XOS_Module
-     MOV     R0, #Module_List
-04   LDR     R0, [R0]
-     SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-     BPL     %BT04
-     MOV     R1, R6                 ; point at rest of command line.
-     RSB     R2, R0, #0
-     STR     R1, [stack, #Proc_RegOffset + 4]
-     STR     R2, [stack, #Proc_RegOffset + 8]
-     EXITS   VC
-     EXITS                           ; return fileswitch error if set
-     =      "MODULE#",0
-     ALIGN
-     LTORG
-     END
diff --git a/s/PMF/Buffer b/s/PMF/Buffer
deleted file mode 100644
index a8046566..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/Buffer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.Buffer
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NewInsV - Routine for InsVec
-; in:   R0 = character to be inserted
-;       R1 = buffer number
-; out:  R0, R1, R3-R12 preserved
-;       R2 undefined
-;       C=1 <=> insertion failed
-        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                         ; not known about, pass it on
-        Push    "R3-R5"
-        MOV     R3, R1, LSL #2                  ; make index a word index
-        ADR     R2, BuffParms
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3, LSL #1
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2, R5}                    ; get address, size
-        LDR     R4, [R3, #BuffInPtrs]
-        STRB    R0, [R2, R4]                    ; store byte anyway
-        ADD     R4, R4, #1                      ; increment pointer
-        TEQ     R4, R5
-        MOVEQ   R4, #0
-        LDR     R5, [R3, #BuffOutPtrs]          ; does inptr=outptr ?
-        CMP     R4, R5                          ; C=1 <=> R4 >= R5
-        CMPHI   R5, R4                          ; C=1 <=> R4 = R5
-        STRCC   R4, [R3, #BuffInPtrs]           ; if not, then safe
-        BCC     %FT10                           ; no event, cos not full
-        TEQ     R1, #(Buff_Mouse :SHL: 2), 2    ; clear carry and test if mouse
-        CMPNE   R1, #Buff_RS423Out              ; C=1 => output buffer
-        BCS     %FT10                           ; no event, cos not input
-        MOV     R2, R0                          ; put character in 'Y'
-        MOV     R0, #Event_InputFull            ; event number
-        BL      OSEVEN                          ; preserves R0-R3
-        MOV     R0, R2                          ; restore character
-        SEC                                     ; indicate buffer full
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"                      ; claim call
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NewRemV - Routine for RemVec
-; in:   R1 = buffer number (0 => keyboard buffer)
-;       V=0 => remove character
-;       V=1 => examine only
-; out:  R0 = R2 = next character for examine option or character removed
-;       R1, R3-R12 preserved
-;       C=1 <=> buffer was empty on entry
-        BVS     Examine
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    R14
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-        BLO     %FT10
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R14
-        Pull    PC              ; not known about, pass it on (preserving V)
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4
- |
-        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-        MOVCSS  PC, R14         ; not known about, pass it on (preserving V)
- ]
-        Push    "R3-R5"
-        MOV     R3, R1, LSL #2
-        LDR     R4, [R3, #BuffOutPtrs]
-        LDR     R5, [R3, #BuffInPtrs]
-        CMP     R4, R5
-        CMPHI   R5, R4                          ; C=1 <=> (R4 = R5) ie empty
-        BCS     RemVExit
-        ADR     R2, BuffParms
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3, LSL #1
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2, R5}                    ; get address, size
-        LDRB    R2, [R2, R4]                    ; get next byte to be read out
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        ADD     R4, R4, #1                      ; increment out pointer
-        TEQ     R4, R5                          ; wrap pointer if necessary
-        MOVEQ   R4, #0
-        STR     R4, [R3, #BuffOutPtrs]          ; bugfix - was STRB
-        TEQ     R1, #Buff_Mouse                 ; mouse => not output buffer
-        BEQ     RemVExit                        ; exit (C=0) if not
-        CMP     R1, #Buff_RS423Out              ; C=1 => output buffer
-        BCC     RemVExit                        ; exit (C=0) if not
-        LDR     R5, [R3, #BuffInPtrs]           ; reload in-ptr
-        TEQ     R4, R5                          ; are ptrs same now ?
-        BNE     RemVExitCLC                     ; no, then exit setting C=0
-        Push    R0                              ; save character
-        MOV     R0, #Event_OutputEmpty          ; output buffer empty event
-        BL      OSEVEN                          ; generate event
-        Pull    R0                              ; restore character
-        CLC                                     ; make sure carry clear
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    R14
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-        BLO     %FT10
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R14
-        Pull    PC              ; not known about, pass it on (preserving V)
- |
-        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-        MOVCSS  PC, R14         ; not known about, pass it on (preserving V)
- ]
-        Push    "R3-R5"
-        MOV     R3, R1, LSL #2
-        ADR     R2, BuffParms
-        LDR     R2, [R2, R3, LSL #1]            ; R2 -> buffer
-        LDR     R4, [R3, #BuffOutPtrs]
-        LDR     R5, [R3, #BuffInPtrs]
-        CMP     R4, R5
-        CMPHI   R5, R4                          ; C=1 <=> (R4 = R5) ie empty
-        LDRCCB  R2, [R2, R4]                    ; if ok then examine byte
-        MOVCC   R0, R2
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NewCnpV - Routine for CnpVec
-; in:   R1 = buffer number (0 => keyboard)
-;       V=0, C=0 => count entries
-;       V=0, C=1 => count spaces
-;       V=1 => purge buffer
-; out:  R0 undefined
-;       (purge) R1-R12 preserved
-;       (count) R1,R2 = count, R3-R12 preserved
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    R14
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-        BLO     %FT10
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R14
-        Pull    "PC"            ; not known about, pass it on (preserving V)
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4
- |
-        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-        MOVCSS  PC, R14         ; not known about, pass it on (preserving V)
- ]
-        Push    "R3-R5"
- [ No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R14             ; restore V and C
- |
-        TEQP    R14, #0                 ; restore V and C
- ]
-        MOV     R3, R1, LSL #2
-        LDR     R4, [R3, #BuffOutPtrs]
-        STRVS   R4, [R3, #BuffInPtrs]   ; if purge, then make in=out
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC", VS          ; and return
-        LDR     R5, [R3, #BuffInPtrs]
-        SUB     R1, R5, R4              ; in - out (don't stamp on carry)
-        ADR     R5, BuffParms+4
-        LDR     R5, [R5, R3, LSL #1]    ; get size
-        TEQ     R1, #0                  ; don't stamp on carry
-        ADDMI   R1, R1, R5              ; wrap number of chars if negative
-        SUBCS   R1, R5, R1              ; C=1 => convert to spaces
-        SUBCS   R1, R1, #1              ; one fewer spaces than BuffSizes
-        MOV     R2, R1, LSR #8          ; make R2 = hi-byte
-        AND     R1, R1, #&FF            ; and  R1 = lo-byte
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-        &       KeyBuff
-        &       KeyBuffSize
-        &       RS423InBuff
-        &       RS423InBuffSize
-        &       RS423OutBuff
-        &       RS423OutBuffSize
-        &       PrintBuff
-        &       PrintBuffSize
-        &       Sound0Buff
-        &       Sound0BuffSize
-        &       Sound1Buff
-        &       Sound1BuffSize
-        &       Sound2Buff
-        &       Sound2BuffSize
-        &       Sound3Buff
-        &       Sound3BuffSize
-        &       SpeechBuff
-        &       SpeechBuffSize
-        &       MouseBuff
-        &       MouseBuffSize
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoInsertESC - Insert character into buffer, checking for escape
-; in:   R1 = buffer id
-;       R2 = character
-        CMP     R1, #2                          ; if not keyboard or serial input
-        BCS     INSERT                          ; then don't treat as special
-        LDROSB  R0, RS423mode                   ; Z => simulate keyboard
-        TST     R0, R1                          ; NZ => RS423 input and RS8Bit
-        BNE     INSERT
-        Push    R14
-        LDROSB  R0, ESCch                       ; escape character
-        TEQ     R2, R0                          ; if escape character
-        LDROSB  R0, ESCaction, EQ
-        TEQEQ   R0, #0                          ; and FX229,0
-        BNE     CKESCY                          ; not escape or let it thru
-; ESCAPE detected
-        LDROSB  R0, ESCBREAK                    ; FX 200
-        TST     R0, #1                          ; bit 0 set ?
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; escape ignored
-        MOV     R0, #Event_Escape
-        BL      OSEVEN                          ; exits carry set if disabled
-        BCC     %FT10                           ; [event enabled, so don't do
-                                                ; normal escape action]
-        Push    "R1, R12"
-        BL      DoOsbyte7D                      ; generate escape condition
-        Pull    "R1, R12"
-        CLC                                     ; character inserted OK
-        Pull    PC
-        MOV     R0, #Event_CharInput
-        BL      OSEVEN                          ; preserves R0-R2
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        Push    "R10,R12,R14"
-        MOV     R10, #INSV
-        BL      GoVec2
-        Pull    "R10,R12,PC"
-        CallAVector
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/Def b/s/PMF/Def
deleted file mode 100644
index 049ca858..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/Def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.Def
- Protocol
-; Protocol constants
-; 4 bit codes for input commands
-LEDON * &00
-LEDOFF * &10
-REQUEST * &20
-ACK * &30
-SPDDATA * &40 ;Bottom four bits are data to convert
-RSTREQ * &80 ;Request for reset
-; 4 bit input data types
-; Requests
-KBID * 0
-MDATA * 2 ;New mouse position, even if it hasn't moved
-; Acks
-BYTE * 0
-SCAN * 1
-MOUSE * 2
-ALL * 3
-; data output
-; Type         d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 d0 number of bytes
-; Reset        1  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  1
-; Key up       0  0  1  1  x  x  x  x  2 (row then column)
-; Key down     0  0  1  0  x  x  x  x  2 (row then column)
-; Mouse change 0  1  x  x  x  x  x  x  2 (X, Y)
-; SPD data     0  0  0  0  x  x  x  x  8
-; KB Ids       0  0  0  1  x  x  x  x  2 (low nibble then high nibble)
-; The keyboard type
-IDTYPE * &10
-KBTYPE * 0 ;This is keyboard 0
-; Key transitions
-KEYDOWN * &20
-KEYUP * &30
-; Mouse transitions
-MMOVED * &40
-; SPD converted data
-; Reset types
-; New keyboard protocols
-; Keyboard -> ARM
-K1mdat  * &00           ; 0xxx xxxx     Mouse data from keyboard
-K1kbid  * &80           ; 10xx xxxx     Keyboard ID from keyboard
-K1kdda  * &C0           ; 1100 xxxx     Key down data
-K1kuda  * &D0           ; 1101 xxxx     Key up data
-K1pdat  * &E0           ; 1110 xxxx     SPD data from keyboard (won't happen)
-K1rak2  * &FD           ; 1111 1101     Reset acknowledge 2
-K1rak1  * &FE           ; 1111 1110     Reset acknowledge 1
-K1hrst  * &FF           ; 1111 1111     Hard reset
-K1kbidmask * &3F        ; 0011 1111     Valid bits in keyboard id
-K1notmousedata * &80
-; ARM -> Keyboard
-; The IOC registers
-        ^       &04, R12
-KARTTx  #       0
-KARTRx  #       0
-        ^       &20, R12
-IRQStatusB #    4
-IRQReqB    #    4
-IRQMaskB   #    4
-        ^       &70, R12
-Timer3Low   #   4
-Timer3High  #   4
-Timer3Go    #   4
-Timer3Latch #   4
-; Register bits
-KARTRxBit   *   &80
-KARTTxBit   *   &40
-K1leds  * &00           ; 0000 0xxx     Set LED states
-K1rqid  * &20           ; 0010 0000     Request keyboard id
-K1prst  * &21           ; 0010 0001     SPD reset
-K1rqmp  * &22           ; 0010 0010     Request mouse position
-K1nack  * &30           ; 0011 0000     Acknowledge (keys- mouse-)
-K1sack  * &31           ; 0011 0001     Acknowledge (keys+ mouse-)
-K1mack  * &32           ; 0011 0010     Acknowledge (keys- mouse+)
-K1smak  * &33           ; 0011 0011     Acknowledge (keys+ mouse+)
-K1back  * &3F           ; 0011 1111     Byte acknowledge (between 2 data bytes)
-K1rqpd  * &40           ; 0100 xxxx     Request SPD data conversion
-; Keyboard vector offsets
-        ^ 0
-KVKeyTran          # 4
-KVKeyTranSize      # 4
-KVInkeyTran        # 4
-KVShiftingList     # 4
-KVSpecialList      # 4
-KVSpecialCodeTable # 4
-KVInit             # 4
-KVPendingAltCode   # 4
-KVPendingAltSpecial # 4             ; Used only internally
diff --git a/s/PMF/IIC b/s/PMF/IIC
deleted file mode 100644
index e6ecb9f4..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/IIC
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,948 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2001 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; 19-Feb-01  KJB   Separated IIC operations from NVMemory and RTC code
-; 05-Feb-02  BJGA  Added re-entrant capability
-PollMax         *       150     ; Number of times to poll for an Ack (increase if you
-                                ; clock faster - need to allow 5ms for write cycle).
-; Choose a lower limit on the number of ticks per clock phase based on the
-; MaxI2Cspeed variable defined in Hdr:Machine.<Machine>
-  [ MaxI2Cspeed >= 1000
-I2Cticks        *       1
-  |
-  [ MaxI2Cspeed >= 400
-I2Cticks        *       3
-  |
-I2Cticks        *       10
-  ]
-  ]
-IICStackAlignment       *       7       ; log2 of stack size, also stack alignment
-                                        ; current requirement is 19 words = 2_01001100 bytes
-                ^       0
-IICLink_Next    #       4
-IICLink_Error   #       4
-IICLink_Array   #       4
-IICLink_Size    #       4
-; SVC stack format, in descending address order:
-;    16 bytes   first link (also bottom of stacked registers)
-;     n bytes   align to address with bottom x bits set
-; 2^x-4 bytes   align to address with bottom x bits clear (the local stack)
-;     4 bytes   linked list head
-;     4 bytes   linked list tail
-;     4 bytes   original sp
-;      .
-;      .
-;      .
-;    16 bytes   another link (also bottom of stacked registers)
-;     4 bytes   original sp
-; IRQ stack format, in descending address order, for reference:
-;     4 bytes   lr_irq-4 (interrupted PC)
-;     4 bytes   r0
-;     4 bytes   spsr_irq (interrupted CPSR)
-;    20 bytes   r1-r3, r11, r12
-;     4 bytes   IRQsema link
-iicsp   RN      11
-iiclr   RN      12
-        MACRO
-$label  iicBL   $destination, $cond
-$label  MOV$cond iiclr, pc
-        B$cond  $destination
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$label  iicPull $reglist, $cond, $hat
-        LCLS   temps
-        LCLL   onereg
-temps   SETS   "$reglist"
-onereg  SETL   "$hat" = ""
-        WHILE  onereg :LAND: :LEN: temps > 0
-        [ temps :LEFT: 1 = "," :LOR: temps :LEFT: 1 = "-"
-onereg  SETL   {FALSE}
-        ]
-temps   SETS   temps :RIGHT: (:LEN: temps - 1)
-        WEND
-        [ onereg
-$label  LDR$cond $reglist, [iicsp], #4
-        |
-$label  LDM$cond.FD iicsp!, {$reglist}$hat
-        ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$label  iicPush $reglist, $cond
-        LCLS   temps
-        LCLL   onereg
-temps   SETS   "$reglist"
-onereg  SETL   {TRUE}
-        WHILE  onereg :LAND: :LEN: temps > 0
-        [ temps :LEFT: 1 = "," :LOR: temps :LEFT: 1 = "-"
-onereg  SETL   {FALSE}
-        ]
-temps   SETS   temps :RIGHT: (:LEN: temps - 1)
-        WEND
-        [ onereg
-$label  STR$cond $reglist, [iicsp, #-4]!
-        |
-$label  STM$cond.FD iicsp!, {$reglist}
-        ]
-        MEND
-        Push    LR
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        Pull    LR
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-; *****************************************************************************
-; in:   R0 = device address (bit 0 set => read, clear => write)
-;       R1 -> data block
-;       R2 = length of data block
-        Push    "R0-R2,LR"
-        Push    "R0-R2"                 ; soft copy for IIC_OpV to work on
-        MOV     R0, R13
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        ADD     R13, R13, #12           ; junk soft copy
-        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",VC
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4
-        Pull    "R1-R2,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; IIC_OpV - perform IIC operations based on a list of descriptors
-; in:   R0 -> array of transfer descriptors
-;       R1 = number of transfers
-; out:  transfer descriptors may be updated (beware)
-; Transfer descriptor is 3 words: word 0 = device address (+direction)
-;                                         (bit 29 signifies retry for response)
-;                                         (bit 30 signifies checksum read only - ie fill in word 1 with
-;                                          sum of bytes read)
-;                                         (bit 31 signifies continued transfer - ie no start or address)
-;                                 word 1 -> data block
-;                                 word 2 = length of data block
-        Push    "r0-r3,r6-r12,lr"
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        STR     lr, [sp, #-8]!
-        MRS     r10, CPSR
-        BIC     r7, r10, #I32_bit :OR: F32_bit
-        ORR     r8, r7, #I32_bit
-      [ HAL
-        AddressHAL
-      |
-        MOV     r9, #IOC
-      ]
-        MOV     r2, #IRQsema
-        MOV     r12, sp                 ; original sp, also pointer to link
-        ORR     lr, r8, #2_10000
-        MSR     CPSR_c, lr              ; IRQs off, force 32-bit mode
-01      LDR     r2, [r2]
-        TEQ     r2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT50                   ; I²C code not in IRQ stack
-        LDR     r6, [r2, #4*8]          ; interrupted PC
-        RSB     lr, pc, r6
-        LDR     r0, =(interrupt_protected_end-4) - (IIC_OpV_PCReference+8)
-        CMP     lr, r0
-        RSBLES  lr, lr, #interrupt_protected_start - (IIC_OpV_PCReference+8)
-        BGT     %BT01
-        ; I²C code is already threaded
-        Push    "r12"                   ; put original sp on stack for our exit routine
-        LDR     r0, [r2, #4*4]          ; retrieve interrupted iicsp
-        BIC     r0, r0, #(1:SHL:IICStackAlignment)-1
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #-8]           ; old list tail
-        STR     r12, [r0, #-8]          ; new list tail
-        STR     r12, [r1, #IICLink_Next] ; point old link to new link
-        ADR     r0, IIC_OpV_CommonExit
-        STR     r0, [r2, #4*8]          ; poke IRQ stack so previous operation returns as though completed
-        LDR     r0, [r2, #4*6]          ; get interrupted CPSR
-        MSR     SPSR_cxsf, r0           ; stick it in SPSR (okay, because IRQs are off)
-        LDR     r0, [r2, #4*7]
-        LDMIB   r2, {r1-r3,r11,r12}
-        MOVS    pc, r6                  ; copy SPSR to CPSR and resume execution
-50      ; I²C code not currently threaded - create new environment
-        ADD     iicsp, sp, #4
-        BIC     iicsp, iicsp, #(1:SHL:IICStackAlignment)-1
-        SUB     iicsp, iicsp, #4
-        BIC     sp, iicsp, #(1:SHL:IICStackAlignment)-1
-        Push    "r12"                   ; list head pointer
-        Push    "r12"                   ; list tail pointer
-        Push    "r12"                   ; original sp
-        LDR     r0, [r12, #IICLink_Array]
-        LDR     r1, [r12, #IICLink_Size]
-        B       IICStart                ; start working through list
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r10             ; restore original IRQ disable state
-        LDR     sp, [sp]
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4              ; skip next pointer
-        Pull    "r0"
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r6-r12,pc", EQ
-        SETV
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4
-        Pull    "r1-r3,r6-r12,pc"
-; Protected routines register usage:
-;   r0-r3   general purpose
-;    r7     MRS style PSR with c bits = SVC26/32, IRQs/FIQs enabled
-;    r8     MRS style PSR with c bits = SVC26/32, IRQs disabled, FIQs enabled
-;    r9     IOC, or base of HAL workspace, depending on HAL switch
-;    r11    stack pointer
-;    r12    link register / general purpose
-;    CPSR is also non-volatile
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r7              ; enable IRQs (inside protected code) - this may take some time
-        ; drop through...
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       IICLoop - serial-execution outermost loop, stepping along pending IIC operations
-     iicBL      IICDoOp
-        MOVVC   r0, #0
-        BIC     r1, iicsp, #(1:SHL:IICStackAlignment)-1
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #-4]           ; list head
-        STR     r0, [r2, #IICLink_Error] ; set up return value
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r8              ; disable IRQs while we work on the list
-        LDR     r2, [r2]
-        TEQ     r2, #0                  ; end of list?
-        BEQ     IIC_OpV_CommonExit      ; finished!
-        STR     r2, [r1, #-4]           ; update list head
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r7              ; IRQs back on
-        LDR     r0, [r2, #IICLink_Array]
-        LDR     r1, [r2, #IICLink_Size] ; get next array
-        B       IICLoop                 ; and loop
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       IICDoOp - main serial-execution entry point
-; in:   R0 -> array of transfer descriptors
-;       R1 = number of transfers
-; out:  if V set, r0 -> error block
-;       otherwise r0-r3,r12 may be corrupted
-        MOV     R2, #0
-     iicPush    "R1,R2,iiclr"           ; two words on stack are RepeatedStart flag and transfers remaining
-        MOV     R3, R0
-        LDR     iiclr, [R2, #IICType]
-        TST     iiclr, #IICFlag_HighLevel
-        BNE     IIC_OpV_HAL             ; HAL can make use of a hardware IIC engine
-05      LDR     R0, [iicsp]
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        BCC     %FT90
-        STR     R0, [iicsp]
-        LDMIA   R3!, {R0-R2}
-        TST     R0, #1:SHL:31           ; skip start?
-        BNE     %FT08
-        LDR     iiclr, [iicsp, #4]
-        TEQ     iiclr, #0
-        MOV     iiclr, pc
-        ADD     iiclr, iiclr, #8
-        BEQ     Start
-        BNE     RepeatedStart           ; these are effectively conditional BL's
-        TST     R0, #1:SHL:29
-        BNE     %FT06
-     iicBL      TXAck                   ; transmit device address without retries
-        B       %FT07
-     iicBL      TXPollAck               ; transmit device address with retries
-07      BVS     %FT80
-08      MOV     iiclr, #1
-        STR     iiclr, [iicsp, #4]
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BEQ     %BT05
-        TST     R0, #1                  ; Z => write, NZ => read
-        BNE     %FT20
-; Write case
-10      LDRB    R0, [R1], #1            ; read byte from data block
-     iicBL      TXAck                   ; transmit, checking for ack
-        BVS     %FT80
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1              ; decrement byte count
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; loop until finished
-        B       %BT05                   ; then next transfer
-20      TST     R0, #1:SHL:30           ; checksum?
-        BNE     %FT30
-; Read case
-     iicBL      RXByte                  ; read byte from bus
-        STRB    R0, [R1], #1            ; store in data block
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; start with the assumption that it's the last byte, and so shouldn't be acknowledged
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1              ; is it last byte in this descriptor?
-        MOVNES  R0, R0, LSR #2          ; no, so definitely needs acknowledging (with 0 bit)
-                                        ; now Z is set, and C set => just read last byte for this descriptor
-        LDRCS   iiclr, [iicsp]
-        TEQCS   iiclr, #0               ; if we've finished this descriptor, check for another transfer descriptor
-                                        ; Z clear => last byte, and there is another descriptor
-        LDRNE   iiclr, [R3]
-        TSTNE   iiclr, #1:SHL:31        ; if appropriate, check if next descriptor is a continuation
-        MOVNE   R0, #0                  ; if read is going to continue, we need to acknowledge
-     iicBL      ClockData               ; but always send ack clock pulse
-        BCC     %BT21
-        B       %BT05                   ; next transfer
-; Checksum case
-30      MOV     R1, #0
-     iicBL      RXByte                  ; read byte from bus
-        ADD     R1, R1, R0
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; start with the assumption that it's the last byte, and so shouldn't be acknowledged
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1              ; is it last byte in this descriptor?
-        MOVNES  R0, R0, LSR #2          ; no, so definitely needs acknowledging (with 0 bit)
-                                        ; now Z is set, and C set => just read last byte for this descriptor
-        LDRCS   iiclr, [iicsp]
-        TEQCS   iiclr, #0               ; if we've finished this descriptor, check for another transfer descriptor
-                                        ; Z clear => last byte, and there is another descriptor
-        LDRNE   iiclr, [R3]
-        TSTNE   iiclr, #1:SHL:31        ; if appropriate, check if next descriptor is a continuation
-        MOVNE   R0, #0                  ; if read is going to continue, we need to acknowledge
-     iicBL      ClockData               ; but always send ack clock pulse
-        BCC     %BT31
-        STR     R1, [R3, #-8]           ; store checksum
-        B       %BT05                   ; next transfer
-     iicBL      Stop
-        CLRV
-        ADD     iicsp, iicsp, #8        ; skip junk on stack
-     iicPull    "pc"
-     iicBL      Stop
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [R0, #IICStatus]
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_IIC_NoAcknowledge
- [ International :LAND: {FALSE}
-        ; KJB - problematical - this may be done very early, before SWI dispatch
-        ; is ready, so we can't call MessageTrans. Think about this.
-        ; BJGA - we also can't use TranslateError, because it doesn't conform to
-        ; our calling standard (unless we turn interrupts off)
-        BL      TranslateError
-        ADD     iicsp, iicsp, #8        ; skip junk on stack
-     iicPull    "pc"
-        MakeInternatErrorBlock IIC_NoAcknowledge,, "NoAck:No acknowledge from IIC device"
- |
-        SETV
-        ADD     iicsp, iicsp, #8        ; skip junk on stack
-     iicPull    "pc"
-        MakeErrorBlock         IIC_NoAcknowledge
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetC1C0 - Set clock and data lines to values in R1 and R0 respectively
-; out:  r0,r1 corrupted
-     iicPush    "r2,r3,iiclr"
- [ HAL
-        MOV     R2, R1
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r8              ; IRQs off for use of ATPCS
-        Push    "lr"
-        CallHAL HAL_IICSetLines
-        Pull    "lr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r7              ; IRQs back on
- |
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSL #1      ; R0 := C0 + C1*2
-        MOV     R2, #0                          ; prepare to index soft copy
-        LDRB    R1, [R2, #IOCControlSoftCopy]   ; read soft copy
-        BIC     R1, R1, #&03                    ; clear clock and data
-        ORR     R0, R1, R0                      ; put in new clock and data
-        ORR     R0, R0, #&C0                    ; make sure two test bits are
-                                                ; always set to 1 !
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #IOCControlSoftCopy]   ; store back to soft copy
-        MOV     R2, #IOC
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #IOCControl]
- ]
-      [ E2ROMSupport
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R0, [R0, #NVRamSpeed]
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        MOVEQ   R0, #10                         ; default value if speed not checked yet
-      |
-        MOV     R0, #10                         ; default to slowest value if we have E2ROMSupport is false
-      ]
-     iicBL      iicDoMicroDelay
-     iicPull    "r2,r3,pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadC1C0 - Read clock and data lines to  R1 and R0 respectively
-; out:  R0, R1 updated
-ReadC1C0 ROUT
- [ HAL
-     iicPush    "r2,r3,iiclr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r8              ; IRQs off for use of ATPCS
-        Push    "lr"
-        CallHAL HAL_IICReadLines
-        Pull    "lr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r7              ; IRQs back on
-     iicPull    "r2,r3,pc"
- |
-        LDRB    a1, [r9, #IOCControl]
-        MOV     a2, a1, LSR #1
-        AND     a1, a1, #1
-        AND     a2, a2, #1
-        MOV     pc, iiclr
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       iicDoMicroDelay - Delay for >= R0/2 microseconds, IIC calling standard
-; in:   R0 = time delay in 1/2 microsecond units
-;       On ARM600, we may or may not be in a 32-bit mode
-; out:  R0,R1 corrupted
-iicDoMicroDelay ROUT
-  [ HAL
-     iicPush    "a3,a4,iiclr"
-        MOVS    a1, a1, LSR #1
-        ADC     a1, a1, #0
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r8              ; IRQs off for use of ATPCS
-        Push    "lr"
-        CallHAL HAL_CounterDelay
-        Pull    "lr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r7              ; IRQs back on
-     iicPull    "a3,a4,pc"
-  |
-     iicPush    "iiclr"
-        STRB    R0, [R9, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R1, [R9, #Timer0CL]     ; R1 := low output latch
-        STRB    R0, [R9, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    iiclr, [R9, #Timer0CL]  ; iiclr := low output latch
-        TEQ     iiclr, R1               ; unchanged ?
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        MOV     R1, iiclr               ; copy anyway
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement count
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; loop if not finished
-     iicPull    "pc"
-  ]
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClockData - Clock a bit of data down the IIC bus
-; in:   R0 = data bit
-; out:  All registers preserved, including PSR
-ClockData ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-     iicPush    "R0-R3,iiclr"
-        MRS     R2,CPSR
- |
-     iicPush    "R0-R1,R3,iiclr"
- ]
-        MOV     R3, R0
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; Clock lo
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Disable interrupts to ensure clock hi with data hi is only transient
-; This allows BMU to detect idle condition by polling
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r8
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        MOV     R1, #1                  ; Clock hi
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; Clock lo
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
- [ No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_cf,R2              ; Restore interrupts and flags
-     iicPull    "R0-R3,PC"
- |
-     iicPull    "R0-R1,R3,PC",,^
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Start - Send the Start signal
-; out:  All registers preserved, PSR corrupted
-Start   ROUT
-     iicPush    "R0-R1,iiclr"
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.7 microsecs (1.3 for fast device)
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock HI, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs (0.6 for fast device)
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock LO, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-     iicPull    "R0-R1,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RepeatedStart - Send a Repeated Start signal
-; out:  All registers preserved, PSR corrupted
-RepeatedStart   ROUT
-     iicPush    "R0-R1,iiclr"
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; clock LO, data HI
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.7 microsecs (1.3 for fast device)
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock HI, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs (0.6 for fast device)
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock LO, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-     iicPull    "R0-R1,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Acknowledge - Check acknowledge after transmitting a byte
-; out:  All registers preserved
-;       V=0 => acknowledge received
-;       V=1 => no acknowledge received
-Acknowledge ROUT
-     iicPush    "R0-R2,iiclr"
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
- [ {TRUE}
-; Disable interrupts to ensure clock hi with data hi is only transient
-; This allows BMU to detect idle condition by polling
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R8
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs (0.6 for fast device)
-     iicBL      ReadC1C0
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; should be LO for correct acknowledge
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; clock LO, data HI
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
- [ {TRUE}
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R7
- ]
-        TST     R2, #1
-        MRS     R2, CPSR
-        BICEQ   R2, R2, #V_bit          ; clear V if correct acknowledge
-        ORRNE   R2, R2, #V_bit          ; set V if no acknowledge
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R2
-     iicPull    "R0-R2,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Stop - Send the Stop signal
-; out:  All registers preserved, PSR corrupted
-Stop    ROUT
-     iicPush    "R0-R1,iiclr"
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock LO, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; clock HI, data LO
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-; Delay here must be >= 4.0 microsecs (0.6 for fast device)
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock HI, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-     iicPull    "R0-R1,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TXByte - Transmit a byte
-; in:   R0 = byte to be transmitted
-; out:  All registers preserved, PSR corrupted
-     iicPush    "R0-R2,iiclr"
-        MOV     R1, #&80                ; 2^7 the bit mask
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; byte goes into R2
-        ANDS    R0, R2, R1              ; zero if bit is zero
-        MOVNE   R0, #1
-     iicBL      ClockData               ; send the bit
-        MOVS    R1, R1, LSR #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-     iicPull    "R0-R2,PC"
-     iicPush    iiclr
-     iicBL      TXByte
-     iicPull    iiclr
-        B       Acknowledge
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TXPollAck - Transmit a byte and poll for acknowledge
-;       This is intended for devices with a slow internal write cycle which
-;       don't ack until the write cycle is finished ( eg ATMEL AT24C01A/x )
-; in:   R0 = byte to be transmitted
-; out:  All registers preserved
-TXPollAck       ROUT
-     iicPush    "R1,iiclr"
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      TXByte
-     iicBL      Acknowledge
-     iicPull    "R1,PC",VC
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
-        TEQ     R1, #PollMax
-        BEQ     %FT90
- [      {FALSE}
-        BREG    R1, "i2c tries:"
- ]
-     iicBL      RepeatedStart
-        B       %BT10
-     iicPull    "R1,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RXByte - Receive a byte
-; out:  R0 = byte received
-;       All other registers preserved, PSR corrupted
-     iicPush    "R1-R3,iiclr"
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; byte:=0
-        MOV     R2, #7
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; clock LO, data HI
-        MOV     R1, #0
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
- [ {TRUE}
-; Disable interrupts to ensure clock hi with data hi is only transient
-; This allows BMU to detect idle condition by polling
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R8
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; pulse clock HI
-        MOV     R1, #1
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
-     iicBL      ReadC1C0
-        ADD     R3, R0, R3, LSL #1      ; byte:=byte*2+ SDA
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; return clock LO
-        MOV     R1, #0
-     iicBL      SetC1C0
- [ {TRUE}
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R7
- ]
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BCS     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; return the result in R0
-     iicPull    "R1-R3,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       R2 = 0
-;       R3 -> array of transfer descriptors
-;       [iicsp, #0] = number of transfers
-;       [iicsp, #4] unused on entry, used to hold number of retries remaining
-;       [iicsp, #8] = return address
-        LDR     iiclr, [R2, #IICStatus]
-        TEQ     iiclr, #0
-        BNE     IIC_Busy
-        LDR     iiclr, [R3]
-        TST     iiclr, #1:SHL:29        ; retries reqd?
-        MOVNE   iiclr, #PollMax
-        MOVEQ   iiclr, #1               ; no,just try once
-        STR     iiclr, [iicsp, #4]
-        MOV     iiclr, #1
-        STR     iiclr, [R2, #IICStatus]
-     iicPush    "R3"
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R1, [iicsp, #4]
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R8              ; IRQs off for use of ATPCS
-        Push    "lr"
-        CallHAL HAL_IICTransfer
-        Pull    "lr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R7              ; IRQs back on
-     iicPull    "R3"
-        MOV     R2, #0
-20      TEQ     R0, #2
-        BEQ     IIC_NoAck
-        TEQ     R0, #3
-        BEQ     IIC_Busy
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        STREQ   R0, [R2, #IICStatus]    ; mark IIC system as free
-        BEQ     IIC_ExitOK
-        TEQ     R0, #1
-        BNE     IIC_Error
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #IICStatus]
-        B       %BT20
-        LDR     iiclr, [iicsp, #4]
-        SUBS    iiclr, iiclr, #1
-        STRNE   iiclr, [iicsp, #4]
-        BNE     IIC_OpV_HAL_Retry       ; worth another go?
-        B       IIC_ExitNoAck
-        ADR     R0,IICBusy_Error
-        B       IIC_ExitError
-        MakeErrorBlock  IIC_Busy
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [R0, #IICStatus]
-        ADR     R0,IICError_Error
-        B       IIC_ExitError
-        MakeErrorBlock  IIC_Error
-        Push    "R9,R14"
-        MOV     R9, R12
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_IICMonitorTransfer
-        MOV     R12, #0
-        STR     R0, [R12, #IICStatus]
-        Pull    "R9,PC"
-        Push    "R7,R8,R9,R11,R12"
-        MOV     R11,R13
-        SUB     R13,R13,#&80
-        MRS     R7,CPSR
-        ORR     R8,R7,#I32_bit
- [ HAL
-        AddressHAL
- |
-        MOV     R9,#IOC
- ]
- [ {FALSE}
-        MOV     R1,#16                          ; Two bytes in case RTC transmitting
-     iicBL      Start                           ; Start/clock edge
-     iicBL      Stop
-        SUBS    R1,R1,#1
-        BNE     %BT35
- |
-     iicBL      Start
-        MOV     R0, #1
-     iicBL      TXAck
-     iicBL      Stop
- ]
-        ADD     R13,R13,#&80
-        Pull    "R7,R8,R9,R11,R12"
-        MOV     PC,R14
-        Push    "R9,R14"
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_IICType
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        STR     a1, [a2, #IICType]
-        TST     a1, #IICFlag_Background
-        Pull    "R9,PC",EQ
-        SUB     sp, sp, #12
-        MOV     a1, sp
-        MOV     a2, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_IICDevice
-        LDR     a1, [sp]
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQEnable
-        ADD     sp, sp, #12
-        Pull    "R9,PC"
-; We need to retain a version of DoMicroDelay with standard calling conventions, because
-; it is called from elsewhere in the kernel. But it can't live inside the protected
-; region above in case it's interrupted by a routine that does an IIC operation.
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoMicroDelay - Delay for >= R0/2 microseconds
-; in:   R0 = time delay in 1/2 microsecond units
-;       R2 -> IOC
-;       On ARM600, we may or may not be in a 32-bit mode
-; out:  R0,R1 corrupted
-DoMicroDelay ROUT
-  [ HAL
-        Push    "a3,a4,sb,ip,lr"
-        AddressHAL
-        MOVS    a1, a1, LSR #1
-        ADC     a1, a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_CounterDelay
-        Pull    "a3,a4,sb,ip,pc"
-  |
-        Push    R14
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R1, [R2, #Timer0CL]     ; R1 := low output latch
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #Timer0LR]     ; copy counter into output latch
-        LDRB    R14, [R2, #Timer0CL]    ; R14 := low output latch
-        TEQ     R14, R1                 ; unchanged ?
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        MOV     R1, R14                 ; copy anyway
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement count
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; loop if not finished
-        Pull    PC
-  ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/Internat b/s/PMF/Internat
deleted file mode 100644
index 24eb7052..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/Internat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > Internat
-The International module
-Author: Tim Dobson
-Name: International
-Version: 0.01
-Circulation: Acorn
-    0.01: 17-Mar-89 to 03-Apr-89: First draft.
-This document describes the International module version 1.13, as found in
-RISC OS 2.00. It also describes the differences between this version and
-version 1.05 (the version in Arthur 1.20).
-The International module allows the user to tailor his machine for use in
-different countries by setting:-
- a) the mapping of keys to character codes (the *keyboard*), and
- b) the mapping from character codes to characters (the *alphabet*), or
- c) both mappings a) and b) at once (the *country*).
-This module, in conjunction with the MOS, controls the selection of these
-mappings, but the interface allows the actual mappings to be implemented in
-one or more separate relocatable modules, via the service mechanism.
-Explanation of terms
-Each country has a *country name* and an associated *country number*.
-Each alphabet has an *alphabet name* and an associated *alphabet number*.
-Each country has an associated alphabet, but a given alphabet may be
-associated with more than one country.
-Each country also has an associated keyboard, but keyboards do not have their
-own names or numbers; keyboards are specified by country name or country
-Country numbers are in the range 0 to 99, alphabet numbers are in the
-range 100 to 126.
-Modules can provide new country/alphabet names/numbers by responding to
-various sub-reason codes of service call Service_International (&43).
-Operating system interface
-The operating system maintains the following variables:-
-1) The current alphabet number, ie the alphabet number of the currently
-selected alphabet.
-2) The current keyboard number, ie the country number of the currently
-selected keyboard.
-3) The current country number, ie the country number of the currently
-selected country. NB This may not be relevant if the alphabet and/or keyboard
-have been set separately.
-These variables are controlled by a number of OS_Byte calls:-
-OS_Byte &46 - Read/set country
-in:     R1 <> 127 : Select country whose country number is R1.
-out:    R1 = old country number, if R1 on entry was valid.
-        R1 = 0 => R1 on entry did not correspond to a known country (checked
-        for by issuing the service to convert the country number into an
-        alphabet number).
-in:     R1 = 127 : Read country number.
-out:    R1 = current country number.
-OS_Byte &47 - Read/set alphabet/keyboard
-in:     R1 in range 0..126: Select alphabet from alphabet number or country
-        number specified by R1.
-out:    R1 = old alphabet number, if R1 on entry was valid.
-        R1 = 0 => R1 on entry did not correspond to a known country or
-        alphabet.
-in:     R1 = 127: Read alphabet number.
-out:    R1 = current alphabet number.
-in:     R1 in range 128..254: Select keyboard from country number specified
-        by (R1-128).
-out:    R1 = old keyboard number, if R1 on entry was valid.
-        R1 = 0 => R1 on entry did not correspond to a known country.
-in:     R1 = 255: Read keyboard number.
-out:    R1 = current keyboard number.
-OS_Byte &F0 - Read country number
-in:     R1 = 0
-        R2 = &FF
-out:    R1 = current country number
-This call is provided for backwards compatibility with international versions
-of the Master Compact.
-Service calls
-The service call Service_International (R1=&43) is issued at various times by
-the operating system and by the International module. The reason for the call
-is specified by the contents of R2, as follows:-
-R2 = &00: Convert country name to country number
-in:     R3 -> null-terminated country name string (may be abbreviated
-              with '.')
-out:    All registers preserved if country not recognised, otherwise:-
-        R1 = 0 (call claimed)
-        R4 = country number
-R2 = &01: Convert alphabet name to alphabet number
-in:     R3 -> null-terminated alphabet name string (may be abbreviated
-              with '.')
-out:    All registers preserved if alphabet not recognised, otherwise:-
-        R1 = 0 (call claimed)
-        R4 = alphabet number
-R2 = &02: Convert country number to country name
-in:     R3 = country number
-        R4 -> buffer for name
-        R5 = buffer length
-out:    All registers preserved if country number not recognised, otherwise:-
-        R1 = 0 (call claimed)
-        Buffer holds country name (no terminator) truncated to buffer length
-        R5 = number of characters put into buffer
-R2 = &03: Convert alphabet number to alphabet name
-in:     R3 = alphabet number
-        R4 -> buffer for name
-        R5 = buffer length
-out:    All registers preserved if alphabet number not recognised, otherwise:-
-        R1 = 0 (call claimed)
-        Buffer holds alphabet name (no terminator) truncated to buffer length
-        R5 = number of characters put into buffer
-R2 = &04: Convert country number to alphabet number
-in:     R3 = country number
-out:    All registers preserved if country number not recognised, otherwise:-
-        R1 = 0 (call claimed)
-        R4 = alphabet number
-R2 = &05: Define a range of characters from a given alphabet
-in:     R3 = alphabet number
-        R4 = ASCII code of first character in range
-        R5 = ASCII code of last character in range
-out:    All registers preserved if alphabet number not recognised, otherwise:-
-        R1 = 0 (call claimed)
-If the alphabet number is recognised by the module, it should define all
-characters in the range R4 to R5 inclusive with the appropriate character
-shapes (using VDU 23,code,...). Any characters which do not have defined
-shapes in the specified alphabet (eg codes &80-&9F in Latin1) should be left
-R2 = &06: Notification that the keyboard number has changed.
-in:     R3 = new keyboard number
-        R4 = alphabet number associated with the keyboard number (not
-             necessarily the same as the current alphabet number)
-out:    All registers preserved (call should never be claimed).
-This call is issued so that modules providing keyboard handlers.
-OS_CLI commands provided
-    *Alphabet [<country name> | <alphabet name>]
-*Alphabet sets an alphabet from a country or alphabet name.
-*Alphabet with no parameter displays the currently selected alphabet.
-    *Country [<country name>]
-*Country sets the appropriate alphabet and keyboard driver for a particular
-*Country with no parameter displays the currently selected country.
-    *Keyboard [<country name>]
-*Keyboard sets the keyboard driver for a particular country.
-*Keyboard with no parameter displays the currently selected keyboard.
-    *Alphabets
-*Alphabets lists the names of the available alphabets.
-    *Countries
-*Countries lists the names of known countries
diff --git a/s/PMF/KbdDrA1 b/s/PMF/KbdDrA1
deleted file mode 100644
index cce231fc..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/KbdDrA1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > Sources.PMF.KbdDrA1
-; Archimedes keyboard driver.
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date      Who Description
-; ----      --- -----------
-; 24-Feb-93 SMC Split from file "key".
-;               Use generic keyboard/mouse interfaces.
-        [ PollMouse
-K1ack   *       K1sack
-        |
-K1ack   *       K1smak
-        ]
-        MACRO
-$lab    RXonTXoff  $reg, $cond
-        LDR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        BIC$cond   $reg, $reg, #KARTTxBit
-        ORR$cond   $reg, $reg, #KARTRxBit
-        STR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$lab    TXonRXoff  $reg, $cond
-        LDR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        BIC$cond   $reg, $reg, #KARTRxBit
-        ORR$cond   $reg, $reg, #KARTTxBit
-        STR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$lab    RXon       $reg, $cond
-        LDR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        ORR$cond   $reg, $reg, #KARTRxBit
-        STR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$lab    TXon       $reg, $cond
-        LDR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        ORR$cond   $reg, $reg, #KARTTxBit
-        STR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$lab    TXoff      $reg, $cond
-        LDR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        BIC$cond   $reg, $reg, #KARTTxBit
-        STR$cond.B $reg, IRQMaskB
-        MEND
-        GBLS    irqregs
-irqregs SETS    """R4-R10, PC"""
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Start of code
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Initialise driver.
-; Initialise the baud rate generator
-        MOV     R12, #IOC
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        STRB    R0, Timer3Low
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, Timer3High
-        STRB    R0, Timer3Go
-        STRB    R0, KARTTx              ; Write dummy byte
-        MOV     R0, #&800
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; copy Jon's loop
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDRB    R0, KARTRx              ; Read dummy byte
- [ AssemblePointerV
-        MOV     r0, #PointerV
-        ADR     r1, A1Pointer
-        Push    lr
-        SWI     OS_Claim
-        Pull    lr
- ]
- [ AssembleKEYV
-        MOV     r0, #KEYV
-        ADR     r1, A1KeyVec
-        MOV     r2, r12
-        Push    lr
-        SWI     OS_Claim
-        Pull    pc
- |
-        MOV     pc, lr
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Reset keyboard hardware.
-        MOV     R0, #HRDRESET
-        STRB    R0, ResetState
-        STRB    R0, KeyRow              ; no key being received
-        STRB    R0, Reply
-        STRB    R0, LastKbId
-        STRB    R0, KbIdHalf
-        STRB    R0, RequestLED
-        MOV     R0, #K1rqid
-        STRB    R0, RequestKbId
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, JustGotKbId
-        STRB    R0, MouseCount          ; start with an X coordinate
-        STRB    R0, SPDRec
-        STRB    R0, RequestSPD
-        STRB    R0, RequestMouse
- [ AssemblePointerV
-        STR     r0, MouseXCount
-        STR     r0, MouseYCount
- ]
-        TXonRXoff       R0              ; enable Tx IRQ, disable Rx IRQ
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Handle enable and update LEDs (r1=state (bit 2=scroll, 1=num, 0=ctrl)).
-;       In:     r0 = reason code 3 or 4
-;               r1 = state (bit 2=scroll lock, 1=num lock, 0=caps lock) if r0=3
-;               r12 = IOC
-        TEQ     r0, #3                  ; if not set LED
-        TEQNE   r0, #4                  ;     and not enable then
-        MOVNE   pc, lr                  ;   pass it on
-        Push    "r0,r1,r11,lr"
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        TEQ     r0, #4                  ; if enable then
-        MOVEQ   r0, #0
-        STREQB  r0, JustGotKbId         ;   clear flag
-        RXon    r0, EQ                  ;   enable RX IRQs
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r11,pc",EQ       ;   and pass on call
-        LDRB    r0, KbId
-        CMP     r0, #1                  ; if id >= 1 then new (C=1)
-        BCS     %FT10
-        TST     r1, #1
-        MOVEQ   r1, #LEDOFF
-        MOVNE   r1, #LEDON
-        STRB    r1, RequestLED
-        TXon    r0
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r11,pc"
- [ AssemblePointerV
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       A1Pointer - Return mouse movements on PointerV poll.
-;       In:     r0 = reason code 0
-;               r1 = pointer device type (must be 0 for us)
-;       Out:    r2 = signed 32-bit X movement
-;               r3 = signed 32-bit Y movement
-        TEQ     r0, #0                  ; If not poll
-        TEQEQ   r1, #0                  ;     or not type 0 then
-        MOVNE   pc, lr                  ;   pass on call.
-        LDR     r2, MouseXCount
-        STR     r0, MouseXCount
-        LDR     r3, MouseYCount
-        STR     r0, MouseYCount
-        Pull    pc                      ; Claim call.
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       IRQ routine
-; in:   R2 = IOC request B flags
-;       R0-R3, R11, R12 already saved, R14 irrelevant
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-IrqRx   ROUT
-        Push    "R4-R10, R14"           ; stack regs if new MOS IRQ vector
-        |
-KeyIrq  ROUT
-        TST     R2, #KARTTxBit          ; transmit empty ?
-        BNE     IrqTx
-        Push    "R4-R10"
-        MOV     R12, #IOC               ; already set up in new IRQ scheme
-        ]
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-; Keyboard receive interrupt
-; We now have to wait around for a period of 16 microseconds (or so they say)
-; because of the hardware design.
-; This is doubly annoying because I have no idea what speed this processor is
-; going at, so I don't know how many S-cycles this is, and there aren't enough
-; hardware timers around to waste one doing this thankless task.
-; In addition, because I am on the IRQ vector, the other IRQ users have
-; probably wasted at least 16 microseconds anyway - at least the code seems
-; to work perfectly well without this delay loop.
-; Nevertheless, until we can come up with a better solution, I shall do a
-; delay of (about) 16*8 S-cycles.
-        MOV     R0, #16*8/5             ; delay for an unspecified period
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; this breaks my heart,
-        BNE     IrqRxDelayLoop          ; it really does !
-        LDRB    R0, KARTRx              ; get data byte
-        LDRB    R1, ResetState          ; and what we sent last
-        CMP     R0, #K1rak2             ; is it a reset thingy ?
-        BCS     ProcessReset            ; [yes, so check it]
-        CMP     R1, #K1rak2             ; are we resetting anyway ?
-        BCS     IrqBadRx                ; if so then bad reset
-        AND     R2, R0, #&F0            ; get reason code
-        LDRB    R1, LastKbId            ; get last keyboard ID
-        TEQ     R1, #&FF                ; is it valid yet ?
-        BNE     ValidKbId               ; [yes, so we know what to expect]
-        TEQ     R2, #IDTYPE             ; is it old keyboard id
-        BEQ     IsOldKeyboard           ; [is old keyboard]
-        BIC     R2, R2, #K1kbidmask     ; check for new keyboard id
-        TEQ     R2, #K1kbid
-        BNE     IrqBadRx                ; not a keyboard id, so reset
-        AND     R1, R0, #K1kbidmask     ; get relevant bits
- [ AssembleA1KeyHandler
-        ADRL    R0, NewKeyStruct
- ]
-        B       AcknowledgeId
-        AND     R0, R0, #&0F            ; get ID part
-        LDRB    R1, KbIdHalf
-        TST     R1, #&80
-        STRNEB  R0, KbIdHalf            ; got half of keyboard id
-        MOVNE   R0, #K1nack
-        BNE     IrqRxAck
-        ORR     R1, R1, R0, LSL #4      ; get full keyboard id
-        MOV     R0, #&FF
-        STRB    R0, KbIdHalf
- [ AssembleA1KeyHandler
-        ADRL    R0, OldKeyStruct
- ]
- [ AssembleA1KeyHandler
-        LDRB    R8, LastKbId            ; get last keyboard id
-        TEQ     R8, R1                  ; is it same
-        STRNE   R0, KeyVec              ; if different, set up our handler
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #&FF
-        STRB    R0, JustGotKbId         ; tell TX handler to disable interrupts until KEYV enable call
- [ AssembleKEYV
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r10, #KEYV
-        BL      CallVector
- |
-        BL      GotKbId
- ]
-        B       IrqRxAckScan            ; send ack
-; R1 = keyboard ID - now dispatch code
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        BNE     NewKeyboardDispatch
-        TST     R0, #MMOVED             ; is it mouse data ?
-        BNE     ProcessOldMouseData
-        TEQ     R2, #KEYDOWN            ; is it key down ?
-        BEQ     ProcessOldKeyDown
-        TEQ     R2, #KEYUP              ; is it key up ?
-        BEQ     ProcessOldKeyUp
-        TEQ     R2, #SPDDONE            ; is it SPD data ?
-        BEQ     ProcessOldSPDData
-        B       IrqBadRx                ; spurious
-        TST     R2, #K1notmousedata     ; is it mouse data ?
-        BEQ     ProcessNewMouseData
-        TEQ     R2, #K1kdda             ; is it key down ?
-        BEQ     ProcessNewKeyDown
-        TEQ     R2, #K1kuda             ; is it key up ?
-        BEQ     ProcessNewKeyUp
-        TEQ     R2, #K1pdat             ; is it SPD data ?
-        BEQ     ProcessNewSPDData
-        B       IrqBadRx                ; spurious
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ProcessReset - Process reset code from keyboard
-; in:   R0 = code from keyboard
-;       R1 = ResetState
-ProcessReset ROUT
-; Check sequencing
-        TEQ     R1, R0                  ; is reply what was expected
-        BNE     IrqBadRx                ; no, so reset
-; Now continue the sequence
-        TEQ     R1, #K1rak2             ; end of sequence ?
-        MOVEQ   R1, #K1nack             ; then send a nack
-        SUBNE   R1, R1, #1              ; else next thing to go
-        STRB    R1, ResetState          ; store back
-        TXonRXoff R0
-        Pull    $irqregs
-; Restart the reset sequence
-        BL      A1Reset
-        Pull    $irqregs
-; *****************************************************************************
-        LDRB    R1, SPDRec
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        STRCSB  R1, SPDRec                      ; dec number to go (if not 0)
-        LDRCS   R1, SPDoutput
-        MOVCS   R1, R1, LSR #4
-        ORRCS   R1, R1, R0, LSL #28             ; put in new data
-        STRCS   R1, SPDoutput
-        B       IrqRxAckScan
-; *****************************************************************************
-ProcessOldMouseData                     ; R0 = 01xx xxxx
-        TST     R0, #&20                ; get sign bit of data (bit 5)
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #&40            ; move to bit 6 (where it is on new)
-        LDRB    R1, MouseCount
-        ADR     R2, MouseDelta
-        STRB    R0, [R2, R1]            ; no need to clear top bit
-        EORS    R1, R1, #1              ; move to other coordinate
-        STRB    R1, MouseCount
-        MOVNE   R0, #K1back
-        BNE     IrqRxAck
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #1]            ; get delta Y
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSL #25         ; sign extend it
-        MOV     R3, R3, ASR #25
-        LDRB    R2, [R2]                ; get delta X
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #25         ; sign extend it
-        MOV     R2, R2, ASR #25
- [ AssemblePointerV
-        LDR     r0, MouseXCount
-        ADD     r0, r0, r2
-        STR     r0, MouseXCount
-        LDR     r0, MouseYCount
-        ADD     r0, r0, r3
-        STR     r0, MouseYCount
- |
-        BL      ProcessMouseXY
- ]
-        B       IrqRxAckScan
-; *****************************************************************************
-; in:   R1 = keyboard id
-ProcessNewKeyDown ROUT
-        LDRB    R2, KeyRow
-        TEQ     R2, #&FF                ; have we had a row already ?
-        STREQB  R0, KeyRow              ; no so store row
-        MOVEQ   R0, #K1back
-        BEQ     IrqRxAck                ; and acknowledge Rx
-        EOR     R3, R0, R2              ; test if save movement type
-        TST     R3, #&F0
-        BNE     IrqBadRx                ; not same, so reset
-        AND     R0, R0, #&0F            ; get new data
-        AND     R2, R2, #&0F            ; and row data
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        ORREQ   R2, R2, R0, LSL #4      ; old keyboard number
-        ORRNE   R2, R0, R2, LSL #4      ; new key number
-        MOV     R0, #&FF
-        STRB    R0, KeyRow              ; reset 'had row' flag
-        MOV     r0, #2                  ; indicate key down
-        MOV     r1, r2
- [ AssembleKEYV
-        MOV     r10, #KEYV
-        BL      CallVector
-        MOV     r12, #IOC
- |
-        BL      GotKey
- ]
-; Re-enable Tx interrupts and queue an acknowledge
-        MOV     R0, #K1ack              ; either sack or smak as appropriate
-        STRB    R0, Reply
-        TXonRXoff       R0
-        Pull    $irqregs                ; claimed irq, so grab link and PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-; in:   R1 = keyboard id
-ProcessNewKeyUp ROUT
-        LDRB    R2, KeyRow
-        TEQ     R2, #&FF                ; have we had a row already ?
-        STREQB  R0, KeyRow              ; no so store row
-        MOVEQ   R0, #K1back
-        BEQ     IrqRxAck                ; and acknowledge Rx
-        EOR     R3, R0, R2              ; test if save movement type
-        TST     R3, #&F0
-        BNE     IrqBadRx                ; not same, so reset
-        AND     R0, R0, #&0F            ; get new data
-        AND     R2, R2, #&0F            ; and row data
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        ORREQ   R2, R2, R0, LSL #4      ; old key number
-        ORRNE   R2, R0, R2, LSL #4      ; new key number
-        MOV     R0, #&FF
-        STRB    R0, KeyRow              ; reset 'had row' flag
-        MOV     r0, #1                  ; indicate key up
-        MOV     r1, r2
- [ AssembleKEYV
-        MOV     r10, #KEYV
-        BL      CallVector
-        MOV     r12, #IOC
- |
-        BL      GotKey
- ]
-        B       IrqRxAckScan
-; *****************************************************************************
-IrqTx   ROUT
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        Push    "R4-R10, R14"           ; stack regs if new MOS IRQ vector
-        |
-        Push    "R4-R10"
-        MOV     R12, #IOC               ; already set up in new IRQ scheme
-        ]
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-; First see if we're in a reset sequence
-        LDRB    R0, ResetState          ; are we in a reset ?
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT05                   ; not in a reset
-        CMP     R0, #K1rak2             ; are we sending the reset nack ?
-        BCS     %FT25                   ; no, just send reset code
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; yes, zero the reset state
-        STRB    R1, ResetState
-        STRB    R0, KARTTx
-        Pull    $irqregs                ; don't disable TX
-; Now see if any outstanding requests
-        LDRB    R0, RequestSPD          ; is there an SPD request ?
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; [no SPD request]
-        MOV     R1, #K1prst             ; code to send keyboard
-        MOV     R2, #0                  ; no further SPD request
-        STRB    R2, RequestSPD
-        MOV     R2, #8
-        STRB    R2, SPDRec              ; nibbles still to be sent/received
-        STRB    R1, KARTTx              ; send the byte
-        Pull    $irqregs                ; exit without disabling Tx
-        LDRB    R0, RequestKbId         ; is there a pending keyboard request ?
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        MOVNE   R1, #0
-        STRNEB  R1, RequestKbId         ; no further request
-        STRNEB  R0, KARTTx              ; send the byte
-        Pull    $irqregs, NE            ; exit without disabling Tx
-        LDRB    R0, RequestMouse        ; is there a pending mouse request ?
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        MOVNE   R1, #0
-        STRNEB  R1, RequestMouse        ; no further request
-        STRNEB  R0, KARTTx
-        Pull    $irqregs, NE            ; exit without disabling Tx
-        LDRB    R0, RequestLED          ; is there a pending LED request ?
-        TEQ     R0, #&FF
-        MOVNE   R1, #&FF
-        STRNEB  R1, RequestLED
-        STRNEB  R0, KARTTx
-        Pull    $irqregs, NE            ; exit without disabling Tx
-        LDRB    R0, SPDRec              ; are we converting some SPD data
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; branch if not
-        LDR     R1, SPDinput
-        AND     R2, R1, #&F             ; get nybble to be sent
-        ORR     R2, R2, #K1rqpd
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #4          ; shift out the nybble sent
-        STR     R1, SPDinput
-        STRB    R2, KARTTx
-        B       %FT30                   ; disable Tx, so we don't send another
-                                        ; nibble before we get the conversion
-        LDRB    R0, Reply
-        TEQ     R0, #&FF
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; no reply to send
-        STRB    R0, KARTTx              ; send the reply
-        MOV     R0, #&FF
-        STRB    R0, Reply               ; nothing else to send
-        LDRB    R0, JustGotKbId
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; if just got keyboard id then
-        TXoff   R0, NE                  ;   disable all interrupts
-        Pull    $irqregs, NE            ;   and wait for KEYV enable call
-        RXonTXoff R0
-        Pull    $irqregs
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/convdate b/s/PMF/convdate
deleted file mode 100644
index 58d209eb..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/convdate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.ConvDate
-        MACRO
-        CDATT   $mnemonic, $stackoffset, $digits
-        ASSERT  (:LEN: "$mnemonic") = 2
-        ASSERT  ((CDAT$mnemonic-(CDATBranch+8)) :AND: &FFFFFC03) = 0
-        ASSERT  ($stackoffset >=0) :LAND: ($stackoffset < 64)
-        LCLA    digits
-        [       "$digits"=""
-digits  SETA    2
-        |
-digits  SETA    $digits
-        ]
-        ASSERT  (digits >= 1) :LAND: (digits <= 3)
-        DCB     digits :OR: ($stackoffset :SHL: 2)
-        DCB     (CDAT$mnemonic-(CDATBranch+8)) :SHR: 2
-        =       "$mnemonic"
-        MEND
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ConvertStandardDateAndTime - Convert from 5-byte cs representation to
-;                                    format specified in <SYS$DateFormat>
-; in:   R0 -> time block
-;       [R0, #0..4] = 5-byte centisecond representation
-;       R1 -> buffer to accept conversion
-;       R2 = size of buffer
-; out:  V=0 => successful conversion
-;       R0 = input value of R1
-;       R1 = updated pointer to buffer
-;       R2 = updated size of buffer
-;       V=1 => failed conversion
-;       R0 -> error block
-;       R1 = input value of R1
-;       R2 = input value of R2
-ConvertStandardDateAndTime ROUT
-; KJB 980908 - International version just calls TerrMgr (as documented in PRM!)
-        Push    "R3,R14"
-        MOV     R3,R2                   ; Territory SWI wants things one register up.
-        MOV     R2,R1
-        MOV     R1,R0
-        MOV     R0,#-1                  ; Use configured territory.
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertStandardDateAndTime
-        Pull    "R3,R14"
-        ORRVS   R14, R14, #V_bit        ; set V in R14 for exit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ConvertDateAndTime - Convert from 5-byte cs representation to
-;                            format specified by user
-; in:   R0 -> time block
-;       [R0, #0..4] = 5-byte centisecond representation
-;       R1 -> buffer to accept conversion
-;       R2 = size of buffer
-;       R3 -> format string
-; out:  V=0 => successful conversion
-;       R0 = input value of R1
-;       R1 = updated pointer to buffer
-;       R2 = updated size of buffer
-;       V=1 => failed conversion
-;       R0 -> error block
-;       R1 = input value of R1
-;       R2 = input value of R2
-ConvertDateAndTime ROUT
-        Push    "R4,R14"
-        MOV     R4,R3                   ; Territory SWI wants things one register up.
-        MOV     R3,R2
-        MOV     R2,R1
-        MOV     R1,R0
-        MOV     R0,#-1                  ; Use configured territory.
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertDateAndTime
-        Pull    "R4,R14"
-        ORRVS   R14, R14, #V_bit        ; set V in R14 for exit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/i2cutils b/s/PMF/i2cutils
deleted file mode 100644
index 213649b9..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/i2cutils
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1871 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.i2cutils
-; Authors JBiggs (m2), PFellows, TDobson, AGodwin
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name  Description
-; ----       ----  -----------
-; 28-Mar-95  JRH   Added support for E2ROMs and/or CMOS, conditioned on
-;                  E2ROMSupport which is defined elsewhere
-;                  Uses RTCFitted and NVRamSize in KernelWS
-; 03-Jul-96  JRH   Took out code conditioned on :LNOT: NewClockChip
-;                  Fixed support for E2ROM. E2 works in the same gross way as
-;                  CMOS. Any E2 fitted > 256 bytes will not be accessed by these
-;                  routines.
-; 07-Dec-96  AMG   Renaissance. Leave this file as is, allowing the E2ROMSupport
-;                  switch to disable non-STB bits
-; 12-Jun-97  TMD   (Really) fix OTP access problem.
-; 17-Sep-98  KJB   Add support for 16K 24C128 EEPROM.
-; 21-Sep-98  KJB   Add OS_NVMemory SWI.
-; 30-Jul-99  KJB   Add support for 8K 24C64 EEPROM.
-; 23-Sep-99  KJB   Remove support for 24C64, add support for 4K and 8K protectable ATMEL parts.
-PhysChecksum		*	(((CheckSumCMOS + &30) :MOD: &F0) + &10)
-; Device addresses
-RTCAddressPHI		*	&a0     ; Philips RTC + 240 byte CMOS
-RTCAddressDAL		*	&d0     ; Dallas RTC + 56 byte CMOS
-E2ROMAddress2K		*	&e0     ; 24C174 device - 2K
-E2ROMAddress2K_OTP	*	&60     ; 24C174 device - OTP section
-E2ROMAddress4K		*	&a4     ; 24C32 device - 4K (top 1K protectable)
-E2ROMAddress8K_prot	*	&a2     ; 24C64 device - 8K (top 2K protectable)
-E2ROMAddress8K		*	&ae     ; 24C64 device - 8K
-E2ROMAddress16K		*	&a8     ; 24C128 device - 16K
-E2ROMAddress32K		*	&a6     ; 24CS256 device - 32K (top 2K possibly OTP)
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	HexToBCD - Convert byte in hex to BCD
-; in:	R0 = byte in hex
-; out:	R0 = byte in BCD (ie R0 := (R0 DIV 10)*16 + R0 MOD 10)
-;	All other registers preserved
-	Push	"R1,R2, R14"
-	MOV	R1, #10
-	DivRem	R2, R0, R1, R14			; R2=R0 DIV 10; R0=R0 MOD 10
-	ADD	R0, R0, R2, LSL #4
-	Pull	"R1,R2, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	BCDToHex - Convert byte in BCD to hex
-; in:	R0 = byte in BCD (ie x*16 + y)
-; out:	R0 = byte in hex (ie x*10 + y)
-;	All other registers preserved
-	Push	"R14"
-	MOV	R14, R0, LSR #4			; R14 := x
-	ADD	R14, R14, R14, LSL #1		; R14 := x*3
-	SUB	R0, R0, R14, LSL #1		; R0 := R0 - x*6 = x*10
-	Pull	"PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       HTBSR9 - hex to BCD and store at "next free byte" R9
-        Push    R14
-        BL      HexToBCD
-        STRB    R0, [R9], #1
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	Write - Write a byte of CMOS RAM specified by logical address
-; in:	R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-;	R1 = data
-; out:	All registers preserved
-WriteWithError ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R4, R14"
-        BL      MangleCMOSAddress
-        BCC     %FT05
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4            ; junk stacked R0
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_CoreNotWriteable
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- |
-        SETV
- ]
-        Pull    "R1-R4,PC"
-        MakeErrorBlock CoreNotWriteable
-WriteWithoutProtection                  ; allowing write to "OTP" and protected section
-        Push    "R0-R4, R14"
-        BL      MangleCMOSAddress
-        Pull    "R0-R4, PC", CS         ; if invalid, then exit
-        MOV     R2, R0
-        MOV     R3, R1
-        CMP     R0, #&10
-        MOVLO   R4, #&1000000           ; don't change checksum for OTP
-        BLO     %FT10
-        B       %FT08                   ; do change checksum for protected region
-	Push	"R0-R4, R14"
-	BL	MangleCMOSAddress
-	Pull	"R0-R4, PC", CS		; if invalid, then exit
-  [ E2ROMSupport
-        CMP     r0, #&10
-        Pull    "R0-R4, PC", CC         ; don't write to OTP section
-  ]
-  [ E2ROMSupport
-        MOV     R14, #0                 ; don't write to protected section
-        LDRB    R14, [R14, #NVRamWriteSize]
-        CMP     R0, R14, LSL #8         ; (note assumption that NVRamWriteSize is
-        Pull    "R0-R4, PC", HS         ; outside mangled region).
-  ]
-	MOV	R2, R0
-	MOV	R3, R1
- [ ChecksumCMOS
-	BL	ReadStraight		; calculate new checksum :
-	MOV	R4, R0
-        TEQ     R4, R3                  ; don't bother with write if
-        Pull    "R0-R4, PC", EQ         ; oldcontents == newcontents
-	MOV	R0, #PhysChecksum
-	BL	ReadStraight
-	SUB	R0, R0, R4		; = oldsum - oldcontents
-	ADD	R4, R0, R3		;          + newcontents
-	AND	R4, R4, #&FF
-	CMPS	R2, #PhysChecksum	; don't write new checksum ...
-	ORREQ	R4, R4, #&1000000	; if checksum is being written
- ]
-	CMP	r2, #&100		; check small cache limit
-	BCS	%FT15
-	LDR	R1, =CMOSRAMCache	; update cache, but always write to
-	STRB	R3, [R1, R2]		; real hardware as well
-  [ HAL
-    	Push	"R2,R3,sb,R12"
-    	AddressHAL
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryType
-    	AND 	R0, R0, #NVMemoryFlag_Provision
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_None
-    	; If there's no NVmemory, all we have is the internal cache.
-    	Pull 	"R2,R3,sb,R12", EQ
-	Pull	"R0-R4,PC", EQ
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_HAL
-    	BNE 	%FT20	    	    	; Go and do IIC stuff.
-    	; Make the HAL call - we have to write the data into a buffer.
-        Pull    "R0"
-        STRB    R3, [sp, #-4]!
-    	MOV 	R1, sp
-    	MOV 	R2, #1
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryWrite
-        TST     R4, #&1000000
-        BNE     %FT18
-        LDR     R1, =CMOSRAMCache
-        STRB    R4, [R1, #PhysChecksum]
-        STRB    R4, [sp]
-        MOV     R0, #PhysChecksum
-    	MOV 	R1, sp
-    	MOV 	R2, #1
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryWrite
-    	ADD     sp, sp, #4
-    	Pull	"R3,sb,R12"
-    	Pull	"R0-R4,PC"
-        Pull    "R2,R3,sb,R12"
-  ]
- [ E2ROMSupport
-	MOV	R0, R2
-	BL	GetI2CAddress		; convert to device address + offset
-	MOV	R2, R0			; save the offset
- |
-	MOV	R1, #RTCAddressPHI
- ]
-        AND     R0, R1, #&FF            ; device address for write
-        ORR     R0, R0, #1:SHL:29       ; retry
-        TST     R1, #&100               ; NE if two byte offset
-        SUB     R13, R13, #4
-        MOV     R14, R13
-        MOVNE   R1, R2, LSR #8
-        STRNEB  R1, [R14], #1           ; offset (MSB)
-        STRB    R2, [R14], #1           ; offset (LSB)
-        STRB    R3, [R14], #1           ; data
-        MOV     R1, R13
-        SUB     R2, R14, R13
-        BL      IIC_Op
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4
-	[ ChecksumCMOS
-	TST	R4, #&1000000		; loop again to write new checksum
-	MOV	R3, R4
-	MOV	R2, #PhysChecksum
-	ORR	R4, R4, #&1000000	; but ensure it only happens once
-	BEQ	%BT10
-	]
-	Pull	"R0-R4, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WriteBlock - Write a block of CMOS RAM specified by logical address
-; in:   R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-;       R1 = address to copy from
-;       R2 = length
-; out:  All registers preserved
-WriteBlock ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R4,R14"
-  [     E2ROMSupport
-        MOV	R14, #0
-        LDRB    R4, [R14, #NVRamWriteSize]
-        LDRB	R14, [R14, #NVRamSize]
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSL #8
-        MOV     R14, R14, LSL #8
-  |
-        MOV     R14, #240
-        MOV     R4, R14
-  ]
-        CMP     R0, R14
-        BHS     %FT90
-        ADDS    R3, R0, R2              ; R3 = end address - check unsigned overflow
-        BCS     %FT90
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        BHI     %FT90
-        CMP     R0, R4                  ; ignore writes totally outside writable area
-        BHS     %FT80
-        SUBS    R14, R3, R4
-        SUBGT   R2, R2, R14             ; truncate writes partially outside writable area
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        CMP     R0, #CheckSumCMOS       ; are we going to write the checksum byte?
-        BHI     %FT03
-        CMP     R3, #CheckSumCMOS
-        BHS     %FT05
-; we're not writing the checksum byte manually, so we need to update it
-        MOV     R4, R1
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      ChecksumBlock           ; find the checksum of what we're about to
-        ORR     R3, R1, #&80000000      ; overwrite
-        MOV     R1, R4
-        B       %FT08
-05      MOV     R3, #0
-08      MOV     R4, #0
-10      BL      WriteSubBlock
-        BVS     %FT80
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BNE     %BT10
-        TST     R3, #&80000000          ; were we going to write the checksum?
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        MOV     R0, #CheckSumCMOS
-        BL      Read                    ; get old checksum byte
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4              ; add new data checksum
-        SUB     R1, R0, R3              ; subtract old checksum
-        MOV     R0, #CheckSumCMOS
-        BL      Write                   ; write back new checksum
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-        ADD     SP, SP, #4              ; junk stacked R0
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_CoreNotWriteable
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- |
-        SETV
- ]
-        Pull    "R1-R4,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WriteSubBlock - Write a block of CMOS RAM specified by logical address.
-;                       Assumes the address is valid, and will only read as much
-;                       as it can in a single IIC transaction.
-; in:   R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-;       R1 = address to copy from
-;       R2 = length
-; out:  R0-R2 updated to reflect the amount written.
-;       R4 incremented by sum of bytes written.
-WriteSubBlock ROUT
-        Push    "R3,R5-R6,R14"
-        MOV     R6, R4
-; establish end of the current contiguous block, and the logical->physical address offset.
-        CMP     R0, #1                  ; 00 -> 40 uncached
-        MOVLO   R3, #1
-        MOVLO   R4, #&40-&00
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&C0                ; [01..C0) -> [41..100) cached
-        MOVLO   R3, #&C0
-        MOVLO   R4, #&41-&01
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&F0                ; [C0..F0) -> [10..40) cached
-        MOVLO   R3, #&F0
-        MOVLO   R4, #&10-&C0
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&100
-        ADDHS   R3, R0, R2              ; [100..) -> [100..) uncached
-        MOVHS   R4, #0
-        BHS     %FT10
-; [F0..100) -> not written
-        MOV     R3, #&100
-        ADD     R14, R0, R2
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        MOVHI   R3, R14
-        SUB     R14, R3, R0
-        ADD     R0, R0, R14
-        ADD     R1, R1, R14
-        SUB     R2, R2, R14
-        Pull    "R3,R5-R6,PC"
-; R3 = logical end of current segment (exclusive)
-; R4 = offset from logical to physical address for this segment
-        ADD     R14, R0, R2
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        MOVHI   R3, R14
- [ E2ROMSupport
-; R3 = logical end of possible transaction (exclusive). Now check we don't cross page boundaries.
-        MOV	R14, #0
-        LDRB	R14, [R14, #NVRamPageSize]
-        MOV     R5, #1
-        MOV     R14, R5, LSL R14        ; R14 = (1<<pagesize)
-        ADD     R5, R0, R4              ; R5 = physical start address
-        ADD     R5, R5, R14
-        SUB     R14, R14, #1
-        BIC     R5, R5, R14             ; R5 = physical end of page with start address in
-        SUB     R5, R5, R4              ; R5 = logical end of page with start address in
-        CMP     R5, R3
-        MOVLO   R3, R5                  ; adjust R3 to not cross page boundary
- ]
-        CMP     R0, #&100               ; check it's a cacheable segment
-        BHS     %FT15
-        LDR     R14, =CMOSRAMCache
-        Push    "R3, R4"
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; R3 = physical end address
-        ADD     R4, R4, R0              ; R4 = physical address
-        ADD     R3, R3, R14             ; R3 = cache end address
-        ADD     R4, R4, R14             ; R4 = cache address
-        SUB     R14, R3, R4             ; R14 = bytes being written
-        MOV     R5, R1                  ; remember R1
-12      LDRB    R14, [R1], #1           ; update cache copy
-        STRB    R14, [R4], #1
-        CMP     R4, R3
-        BLO     %BT12
-        MOV     R1, R5                  ; restore R1, and continue to update real memory
-        Pull    "R3, R4"
-        Push    "R0-R2"
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4              ; R0 = physical address
-  [ HAL
-    	Push	"sb, R12"
-    	MOV 	R5, R0	    	    	; save address
-    	AddressHAL
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryType
-    	AND 	R0, R0, #NVMemoryFlag_Provision
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_None
-    	; If there's no NVmemory, tough - we just return.
-    	Pull 	"sb,R12", EQ
-    	Pull	"R0-R2", EQ
-    	MOVEQ 	R2, #0	    	    	; nothing written
-	Pull	"R3,R5-R6,PC", EQ
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_HAL
-    	MOV 	R0, R5	    	    	; restore address
-    	BNE 	%FT17	    	    	; do IIC things.
-    	; Make the HAL call
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryWrite    	; returns bytes wrtten in R0
-        MOV     R5, R0
-    	Pull	"sb,R12"
-    	Pull	"R0-R2"
-        ADD     R0, R0, R5
-        SUB     R2, R2, R5
-16      SUBS    R5, R5, #1              ; update checksum
-        LDRCS   R14, [R1], #1
-        ADDCS   R6, R6, R14
-        BCS     %BT16
-        MOV     R4, R6
-    	Pull	"R3,R5-R6,PC"
-    	Pull	"sb,R12"
-  ]
-  [	E2ROMSupport
-	BL	GetI2CAddress		; convert to device address and offset
-  |
-	MOV	R1, #RTCAddressPHI
-  ]
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; save the offset
-        SUB     R13, R13, #12*2+4
-        MOV     R14, R13
-        TST     R1, #&100               ; 2-byte address?
-        MOVNE   R0, R2, LSR #8
-        STRNEB  R0, [R14], #1           ; offset (MSB)
-        STRB    R2, [R14], #1           ; offset (LSB)
-        SUB     R14, R14, R13
-        STR     R14, [R13, #12]         ; transfer 1 length
-        AND     R14, R1, #&FF
-        ORR     R0, R14, #1:SHL:29      ; (retry)
-        STR     R0, [R13, #4]           ; transfer 1 address
-        ORR     R14, R14, #1:SHL:31     ; (no repeated start)
-        STR     R14, [R13, #16]         ; transfer 2 address
-        STR     R13, [R13, #8]          ; transfer 1 data
-        ADD     R14, R13, #12*2+4
-        LDMIA   R14, {R0-R2}
-        SUB     R5, R3, R0              ; R5 = bytes being written
-        ADD     R0, R0, R5              ; update return R0
-        SUB     R2, R2, R5              ; update return R2
-        STMIB   R14, {R0,R2}
-        STR     R1, [R13, #20]          ; transfer 2 data
-        STR     R5, [R13, #24]          ; transfer 2 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #4
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        LDR     R1, [R13, #20]          ; recover data pointer
-        ADD     R13, R13, #12*2+4+4
-        LDRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        SUBS    R5, R5, #1
-        ADD     R6, R6, R0              ; update checksum counter
-        BNE     %BT20
-                                        ; V clear
-        MOV     R4, R6
-	Pull	"R0,R2,R3,R5,R6,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	Read - Read a byte of CMOS RAM specified by logical address
-;	ReadStraight - Read a byte of CMOS RAM specified by physical address
-;       ReadWithError - Read a byte of CMOS RAM specified by logical address, giving error if out of range
-; in:	R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-; out:	R0 = data (illegal address return 0, or error for ReadWithError)
-;	All other registers preserved
-ReadStraight ROUT
-	Push	"R1,R2,R14"
-	B	%FT10
-        Push    "R1,R2,R14"
-        BL      MangleCMOSAddress
-        BCC     %FT10
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_CoreNotReadable
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- |
-        SETV
- ]
-        Pull    "R1,R2,PC"
-        MakeErrorBlock CoreNotReadable
-	Push	"R1,R2,R14"
-	BL	MangleCMOSAddress
-	MOVCS	R0, #0			; pretend illegal addresses contain 0
-	Pull	"R1,R2,PC", CS
-	TEQ	R0, #&40		; is it Econet station number
-	BEQ	%FT15	 		; if so then don't use cache
-        CMP     R0, #&10                ; don't cache the clock
-  [     E2ROMSupport
-        BHS     %FT13
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        LDR     R14, [R14, #RTCFitted]
-        TEQ     R14, #0
-        BNE     %FT15
-  |
-        BLO     %FT15
-  ]
-13	CMP	R0, #&100		; check small cache limit
-	LDRCC	R2, =CMOSRAMCache	; if in range
-	LDRCCB	R0, [R2, R0]		; read from cache
-	Pull	"R1,R2,PC", CC		; and exit
-; else drop thru into real CMOS reading code
-  [ HAL
-    	Push	"R3,sb,R12"
-    	MOV 	R4, R0	    	    	; save address
-    	AddressHAL
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryType
-    	AND 	R0, R0, #NVMemoryFlag_Provision
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_None
-    	; If there's no NVmemory, pretend addresses contain 0
-    	Pull 	"R3,sb,R12", EQ
-    	MOVEQ 	R0, #0
-	Pull	"R1,R2,PC", EQ
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_HAL
-    	MOV 	R0, R4	    	    	; restore address
-    	BNE 	%FT20
-    	; Make the HAL call - we have to provide a buffer.
-    	SUB 	sp, sp, #4	    	; make some space on the stack
-    	MOV 	R1, sp
-    	MOV 	R2, #1
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryRead
-    	LDRB 	R0, [sp], #4	    	; read back from stack and restore
-    	Pull	"R3,sb,R12"
-    	Pull	"R1,R2,PC"
-        Pull    "R3, sb,R12"
-  ]
-  [	E2ROMSupport
-	BL	GetI2CAddress		; convert to device address and offset
-  |
-	MOV	R1, #RTCAddressPHI
-  ]
-        SUB     R13, R13, #2*12+4
-        MOV     R14, R13
-        TST     R1, #&100
-        MOVNE   R2, R0, LSR #8
-        STRNEB  R2, [R14], #1           ; offset (MSB)
-        STRB    R0, [R14], #1           ; offset (LSB)
-        SUB     R14, R14, R13
-        STR     R13, [R13, #8]          ; transfer 1 data
-        STR     R14, [R13, #12]         ; transfer 1 length
-        AND     R14, R1, #&FF
-        ORR     R2, R14, #1:SHL:29      ; retry
-        STR     R2, [R13, #4]           ; transfer 1 address
-        ORR     R14, R14, #1            ; device address for read
-        STR     R14, [R13, #16]         ; transfer 2 address
-        ADD     R14, R13, #3
-        STR     R14, [R13, #20]         ; transfer 2 data
-        MOV     R14, #1
-        STR     R14, [R13, #24]         ; transfer 2 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #4
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #3]
-        ADD     R13, R13, #2*12+4
-	Pull	"R1,R2,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadBlock - Read a block of CMOS RAM specified by logical address
-; in:   R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-;       R1 = address to copy to
-;       R2 = length
-; out:  All registers preserved
-ReadBlock ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,R14"
-  [     E2ROMSupport
-        MOV	R14, #0
-        LDRB	R14, [R14, #NVRamSize]
-        MOV     R14, R14, LSL #8
-  |
-        MOV     R14, #240
-  ]
-        CMP     R0, R14
-        BHS     %FT90
-        ADDS    R3, R0, R2              ; R3 = end address - check unsigned overflow
-        BCS     %FT90
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        BHI     %FT90
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT80
-10      BL      ReadSubBlock
-        BVS     %FT80
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC"
-        ADD     SP, SP, #4              ; junk stacked R0
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_CoreNotReadable
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- |
-        SETV
- ]
-        Pull    "R1-R3,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadSubBlock - Read a block of CMOS RAM specified by logical address.
-;                      Assumes the address is valid, and will only read as much
-;                      as it can in a single IIC transaction.
-; in:   R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-;       R1 = address to copy to
-;       R2 = length
-; out:  R0-R2 updated to reflect the amount read.
-ReadSubBlock ROUT
-        Push    "R3-R5,R14"
-; establish end of the current contiguous block, and the logical->physical address offset.
-        CMP     R0, #1                  ; 00 -> 40 uncached
-        MOVLO   R3, #1
-        MOVLO   R4, #&40-&00
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&C0                ; [01..C0) -> [41..100) cached
-        MOVLO   R3, #&C0
-        MOVLO   R4, #&41-&01
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&F0                ; [C0..F0) -> [10..40) cached
-        MOVLO   R3, #&F0
-        MOVLO   R4, #&10-&C0
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&100               ; [F0..100) -> [00..10) cached
-        MOVLO   R3, #&100
-        MOVLO   R4, #&00-&F0
-        ADDHS   R3, R0, R2              ; [100..) -> [100..) uncached
-        MOVHS   R4, #0
-; R3 = logical end of current segment (exclusive)
-; R4 = offset from logical to physical address for this segment
-        ADD     R14, R0, R2
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        MOVHI   R3, R14
-; R3 = logical end of this transaction (exclusive)
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; check it's a cacheable segment
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        CMP     R0, #&100
-        BHS     %FT15
-        LDR     R14, =CMOSRAMCache
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; R3 = physical end address
-        ADD     R4, R4, R0              ; R4 = physical address
-        ADD     R3, R3, R14             ; R3 = cache end address
-        ADD     R4, R4, R14             ; R4 = cache address
-        SUB     R14, R3, R4             ; R14 = bytes being read
-        ADD     R0, R0, R14             ; update return R0
-        SUB     R2, R2, R14             ; update return R2
-12      LDRB    R14, [R4], #1
-        CMP     R4, R3
-        STRB    R14, [R1], #1
-        BLO     %BT12
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"              ; V will be clear
-        Push    "R0-R2"
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4              ; R0 = physical start address
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; R3 = physical end address
-  [ HAL
-    	Push	"sb"
-        SUB     R2, R3, R0
-    	MOV 	R5, R0	    	    	; save address
-    	AddressHAL
-    	Push	"R1-R3,R12"
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryType
-    	Pull	"R1-R3,R12"
-    	AND 	R0, R0, #NVMemoryFlag_Provision
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_None
-    	; If there's no NVmemory, tough - we just return.
-    	MOVEQ 	R2, #0	    	    	; nothing read
-    	Pull 	"sb", EQ
-	Pull	"R3-R5,PC", EQ
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_HAL
-    	MOV 	R0, R5	    	    	; restore address
-    	BNE 	%FT17	    	    	; do IIC things.
-    	; Make the HAL call
-    	Push	"R12"
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryRead    	; returns bytes read in R0
-    	Pull	"R12"
-        MOV     R4, R0
-    	Pull	"sb"
-        Pull    "R0-R2"
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4
-        ADD     R1, R1, R4
-        SUB     R2, R2, R4
-    	Pull	"R3-R5,PC"
-    	Pull	"sb"
-  ]
-        SUB     R5, R3, R0              ; R5 = bytes being read
-  [	E2ROMSupport
-	BL	GetI2CAddress		; convert to device address and offset
-  |
-	MOV	R1, #RTCAddressPHI
-  ]
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; save the offset
-        SUB     R13, R13, #12*2+4
-        MOV     R14, R13
-        TST     R1, #&100               ; 2-byte address?
-        MOVNE   R0, R2, LSR #8
-        STRNEB  R0, [R14], #1           ; offset (MSB)
-        STRB    R2, [R14], #1           ; offset (LSB)
-        SUB     R14, R14, R13
-        STR     R14, [R13, #12]         ; transfer 1 length
-        AND     R14, R1, #&FF
-        ORR     R0, R14, #1:SHL:29      ; retry
-        STR     R0, [R13, #4]           ; transfer 1 address
-        ORR     R14, R14, #1            ; device address for read
-        STR     R14, [R13, #16]         ; transfer 2 address
-        STR     R13, [R13, #8]          ; transfer 1 data
-        ADD     R14, R13, #12*2+4
-        LDMIA   R14, {R0-R2}
-        ADD     R0, R0, R5              ; update return R0
-        SUB     R2, R2, R5              ; update return R2
-        STMIB   R14, {R0,R2}
-        STR     R1, [R13, #20]          ; transfer 2 data
-        STR     R5, [R13, #24]          ; transfer 2 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #4
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        LDR     R1, [R13, #20]          ; recover data pointer
-        ADD     R1, R1, R5
-        ADD     R13, R13, #12*2+4+4
-        CLRV
-	Pull	"R0,R2,R3-R5,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ChecksumBlock - Checksum a block of CMOS RAM specified by logical address
-;                       Assumes the address is valid.
-; in:   R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-;       R1 = initial checksum
-;       R2 = length
-; out:  R1 incremented by sum of bytes in range
-ChecksumBlock ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R2,R14"
-10      BL      ChecksumSubBlock
-        BVS     %FT80
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "R0,R2,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ChecksumSubBlock - Checksum a block of CMOS RAM specified by logical address.
-;                          Assumes the address is valid, and will only read as much
-;                          as it can in a single IIC transaction. Skips over
-;                          239 (the checksum byte itself), and 240-255 (OTP area).
-; in:   R0 = address in CMOS RAM
-;       R1 = initial checksum
-;       R2 = length
-; out:  R0-R2 updated to reflect the data read.
-ChecksumSubBlock ROUT
-        Push    "R3-R5,R14"
-; establish end of the current contiguous block, and the logical->physical address offset.
-        CMP     R0, #1                  ; 00 -> 40 uncached
-        MOVLO   R3, #1
-        MOVLO   R4, #&40-&00
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&C0                ; [01..C0) -> [41..100) cached
-        MOVLO   R3, #&C0
-        MOVLO   R4, #&41-&01
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&EF                ; [C0..EF) -> [10..3F) cached
-        MOVLO   R3, #&EF
-        MOVLO   R4, #&10-&C0
-        BLO     %FT10
-        CMP     R0, #&100
-        ADDHS   R3, R0, R2              ; [100..) -> [100..) uncached
-        MOVHS   R4, #0
-        BHS     %FT10
-;  [EF..100) -> not checksummed
-        MOV     R3, #&100
-        ADD     R14, R0, R2
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        MOVHI   R3, R14
-        SUB     R14, R3, R0
-        ADD     R0, R0, R14
-        SUB     R2, R2, R14
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"
-; R3 = logical end of current segment (exclusive)
-; R4 = offset from logical to physical address for this segment
-        ADD     R14, R0, R2
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        MOVHI   R3, R14
-; R3 = logical end of this transaction (exclusive)
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; check it's a cacheable segment
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        CMP     R0, #&100
-        BHS     %FT15
-        LDR     R14, =CMOSRAMCache
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; R3 = physical end address
-        ADD     R4, R4, R0              ; R4 = physical address
-        ADD     R3, R3, R14             ; R3 = cache end address
-        ADD     R4, R4, R14             ; R4 = cache address
-        SUB     R14, R3, R4             ; R14 = bytes being read
-        ADD     R0, R0, R14             ; update return R0
-        SUB     R2, R2, R14             ; update return R2
-12      LDRB    R14, [R4], #1
-        CMP     R4, R3
-        ADD     R1, R1, R14
-        BLO     %BT12
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"
-        Push    "R0-R2"
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4              ; R0 = physical start address
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; R3 = physical end address
-  [ HAL
-    	Push	"sb,R12"
-    	MOV 	R5, R0	    	    	; save address
-    	AddressHAL
-    	Push	"R1-R3"
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryType
-    	Pull	"R1-R3"
-    	AND 	R4, R0, #NVMemoryFlag_Provision
-    	MOV 	R0, R5	    	    	; restore address
-    	TEQ 	R4, #NVMemoryFlag_None
-        TEQNE   R4, #NVMemoryFlag_HAL
-        BNE     %FT17                   ; do IIC things.
-        SUB     R14, R3, R0
-        LDR     R1, [R13,#8]
-        LDR     R3, [R13,#16]
-        ADD     R1, R1, R14
-        SUB     R3, R3, R14
-        STR     R1, [R13,#8]
-        STR     R3, [R13,#16]
-    	TEQ 	R4, #NVMemoryFlag_None
-    	; If there's no NVmemory, tough - we just return.
-    	Pull 	"sb,R12", EQ
-	Pull	"R0-R5,PC", EQ
-        Push    "R6"
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        ADD     R6, R5, R14
-        SUB     R13, R13, #4
-        MOV     R0, R5
-        MOV     R1, sp
-        MOV     R2, #1
-        CallHAL HAL_NVMemoryRead
-        LDRB    R14, [R13]
-        ADD     R4, R4, R14
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        TEQ     R5, R6
-        BNE     %BT16
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4
-        Pull    "R6,sb,R12"
-        Pull    "R0-R2"
-        ADD     R1,R1,R4
-        Pull    "R3-R5,PC"
-        Pull    "sb,R12"
-  ]
-        SUB     R5, R3, R0              ; R5 = bytes being read
-  [	E2ROMSupport
-	BL	GetI2CAddress		; convert to device address and offset
-  |
-	MOV	R1, #RTCAddressPHI
-  ]
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; save the offset
-        SUB     R13, R13, #12*2+4
-        MOV     R14, R13
-        TST     R1, #&100               ; 2-byte address?
-        MOVNE   R0, R2, LSR #8
-        STRNEB  R0, [R14], #1           ; offset (MSB)
-        STRB    R2, [R14], #1           ; offset (LSB)
-        SUB     R14, R14, R13
-        STR     R14, [R13, #12]         ; transfer 1 length
-        AND     R14, R1, #&FF
-        ORR     R0, R14, #1:SHL:29      ; retry
-        STR     R0, [R13, #4]           ; transfer 1 address
-        ORR     R14, R14, #1            ; device address for read
-        ORR     R14, R14, #1:SHL:30     ; checksum only please
-        STR     R14, [R13, #16]         ; transfer 2 address
-        STR     R13, [R13, #8]          ; transfer 1 data
-        ADD     R14, R13, #12*2+4
-        LDMIA   R14, {R0-R2}
-        ADD     R0, R0, R5              ; update return R0
-        SUB     R2, R2, R5              ; update return R2
-        STMIB   R14, {R0,R2}
-        MOV     R4, R1                  ; remember checksum
-        STR     R5, [R13, #24]          ; transfer 2 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #4
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        LDR     R1, [R13, #20]          ; read back checksum
-        ADD     R1, R1, R4              ; update checksum
-        ADD     R13, R13, #12*2+4+4
-	Pull	"R0,R2,R3-R5,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	GetI2CAddress - Convert NVRam physical address to i2c device address
-;	                and offset
-; in:	R0 = NVRam physical address (&00..size of NVRam)
-; out:	R0 preserved
-;	C=0 => NVRam address is valid
-;	 R0 = physical address within i2c device
-;	 R1 = i2c device address for writing. Increment this device address
-;	      by 1 for reading. Bit 8 is set if device requires 2-byte physical address.
-;	C=1 => NVRam address is out of range of CMOS or E2ROM chips
-;	 R0 preserved
-;	 R1 preserved
-  [	E2ROMSupport
-GetI2CAddress ROUT
-	Push	"R14"
-	MOV	R14, #0			; get no 256 byte blocks and calculate end address
-	LDRB	R14, [R14, #NVRamSize]
-	MOV	R14, R14, LSL #8
-	CMP	R0, R14
-	Pull	"PC",CS 		; indicate invalid
-; address is < end address -> is valid
-	MOV	R1, #0
-	;LDRB	R1, [R1, #RTCFitted]    ; This causes a headache if both an RTC and NVRAM are fitted
-	;TEQ	R1, #0
-	;LDREQB  R1, [R1, #NVRamBase]   ; RTC overlaps bottom of NVRAM
-	LDRB    R1, [R1, #NVRamBase]    ; RTC overlaps bottom of NVRAM
-        CMP     R14, #2*1024            ; is the device bigger than 2K? If so, new addressing scheme
-        ORRHI   R1, R1, #&100           ; set magic bit => 2 byte address
-        BHI     %FT50
-	MOVS	R14, R0, LSR #8		; put top bits of physical address into device address
-	ORRNE	R1, R1, R14, LSL #1
-	ANDNE	R0, R0, #&FF		; and use address within 256 byte block
-        CLC
-	Pull	"PC"           		; indicate valid
-  ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	MangleCMOSAddress - Convert from logical to physical address
-;	Doesn't check if address is larger than the amount of NVRam installed
-; in:	R0 = logical address (&00...)
-; out:	C=0 => valid logical address
-;	 R0 = physical address (&40..&FF,&10..&3F,&00..0F,&100..)
-;	C=1 => invalid logical address
-;	 R0 preserved
-MangleCMOSAddress ROUT
- [ E2ROMSupport
-	Push	"R14"
-	MOV	R14, #0			; read no 256 byte blocks and calculate end address
-	LDRB	R14, [R14, #NVRamSize]
-	MOV	R14, R14, LSL #8
-	CMP	R0, R14			; if >= end address then
-	Pull	"R14"
-        MOVCS   PC, R14 		;    invalid (exit C set)
-	CMP	R0, #&100		; if < end address && >= &100 then
-        BLO     %FT05
-        CLC
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ;    valid (no mungeing)
- ]
-	CMP	R0, #&F0		; if < &100 && >= &f0 then
-        [ E2ROMSupport
-        BCC     %FT10
-        SUB     R0, R0, #&F0            ;    map &F0->&FF to &00->0F for OTP section
-        CLC
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        |
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                 ;    invalid
-        ]
-	ADD	R0, R0, #&40		; now in range &40..&13F
-	CMP	R0, #&100
-	SUBCS	R0, R0, #(&100-&10)	; now in range &40..&FF, &10..&3F
-        CLC
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; valid
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	ValChecksum - test to see if the CMOS checksum is OK
-;       This routine performs MangleCMOSAddress inherently.
-;       The checksum does not include physical locations &00->&0F, even
-;       if they are OTP section (as this is usually used for a unique id
-;       which will be different for every machine and can't be changed).
-; in:	none
-; out:	R0 = calculated checksum
-;	Z	set if checksum is valid
-;	All other registers preserved
-  [ ChecksumCMOS
-ValChecksum	Entry "R1-R2"
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #CMOSxseed
-   [ E2ROMSupport
-	MOV	R2, #0			; read number of 256 byte blocks and calculate end address
-	LDRB	R2, [R2, #NVRamSize]
-	MOV	R2, R2, LSL #8
-   |
-	MOV	R2, #240
-   ]
-        BL      ChecksumBlock
-; R1 contains the actual checksum. Compare it with the recorded checksum
-	MOV	R0, #CheckSumCMOS
-	BL	Read
-	AND	R2, R0, #&FF		; value from checksum location
-	AND	R0, R1, #&FF		; calculated value into R0
-	CMPS	R0, R2
-  ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	MakeChecksum - calculate and write a correct checksum
-; in:	none
-; out:	R0 = calculated checksum
-;	All other registers preserved
-	[ ChecksumCMOS
-MakeChecksum	ROUT
-	Push	"R1-R2,R14"
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #CMOSxseed
-  [ E2ROMSupport
-	MOV	R2, #0
-	LDRB	R2, [R2, #NVRamSize]
-	MOV	R2, R2, LSL #8
-  |
-	MOV	R2, #240
-  ]
-        BL      ChecksumBlock
-	MOV	R0, #CheckSumCMOS
-	BL	Write
-	Pull	"R1-R2,PC"
-	]
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	SetTime - Write the CMOS clock time and update 5-byte RealTime
-; in:	UTC time:
-;	R0 = hours
-;	R1 = minutes
-;	R2 = day of month
-;	R3 = month
-;	R5 = year (lo)
-;	R6 = year (hi)
-;	R7 = seconds
-;	R8 = centiseconds
-;	If R0,R2,R5 or R6 is -1 then the time,date,year,century (respectively) will not be written
-SetTime ROUT
-	Push	"R4, R9-R10, R14"	; save registers
-	LDR	R10, =ZeroPage
-	LDRB	R10, [R10, #RTCFitted]
-        TEQ     R10, #0			; no RTC - just set soft copy
-        BNE     %FT20
-        BL      RegToRealTime
-        Pull    "R4, R9-R10, PC"
-	Push	"R0-R2"
-	MOV	R4, R0			; copy hours in R4
-	Push	"R1"
-	MOVS	R1, R5                  ; year held seperately from the RTC
-	BLPL	Write
-	MOVS	R1, R6
-	MOVPL	R0, #YearCMOS+1
-	BLPL	Write
-	Pull	"R1"
-	CMP	R4, #-1			; are we writing time ?
-	BEQ	%FT30
-        SUB     R13, R13, #8
-        MOV     R9, R13
-	TEQ	R10, #RTCAddressPHI
-        MOVEQ   R0, #1                  ; offset to start of time (varies)
-        MOVNE   R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [R9], #1
-        MOVEQ   R0, R8                  ; centiseconds (not for Dallas parts)
-        BLEQ    HTBS9
-        MOV     R0, R7                  ; seconds
-        BL      HTBS9
-        MOV     R0, R1                  ; minutes
-        BL      HTBS9
-        MOV     R0, R4                  ; hours
-        BL      HTBS9
-        MOV	R6, R2
-	BL	%FT45
-	MOV	R2, R6			; preserve D-O-M for later
-        ADD	R13, R13, #8
-	CMP	R2, #-1			; are we writing date ?
-	BEQ	%FT40
-        SUB     R13, R13, #8
-        MOV     R9, R13
-	TEQ	R10, #RTCAddressPHI
-	BNE     %FT35
-	; Philips specific handling
-        MOV     R0, #5                  ; offset 5
-        STRB    R0, [R9], #1
-        MOV     R0, R2                  ; day of month
-        BL      HexToBCD
-        ORR     R0, R0, R5, LSL #6      ; year in bits 6,7; day in bits 0..5
-        STRB    R0, [R9], #1
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; months
-        BL      HTBS9
-	B	%FT37
-	; Dallas specific handling
-	MOV	R0, #4                  ; offset 4
-	STRB    R0, [R9], #1
-	MOV     R0, R2
-	MOV	R0, R3
-	MOV	R0, R5
-	BL	HTBS9			; don't bother setting the D-O-W
-	BL      %FT45
-	ADD	R13, R13, #8
-	Pull    "R0-R2"
-	BL	RTCToRealTime		; update RAM copy
-	Pull	"R4, R9-R10, PC"
-	MOV     R0, R10
-        ORR     R0, R0, #1:SHL:29
-        MOV     R1, R13
-        SUB     R2, R9, R13
-        Push    "R14"
-        BL      IIC_Op                  ; write the prepared block with retries
-	Pull    "PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	ReadTime - Read the CMOS clock time
-; in:	-
-; out:	R0 = hours
-;	R1 = minutes
-;	R2 = days
-;	R3 = months
-;	R5 = year (lo)
-;	R6 = year (hi)
-;	R7 = seconds
-;	R8 = centiseconds
-ReadTime ROUT
-	Push	"R4, R14"
-        SUB     R13, R13, #(12*2)+6+1+1
-        LDR	R14, =ZeroPage
-        LDRB	R2, [R14, #RTCFitted]
-        ORR     R14, R2, #1:SHL:29      ; retry
-        STR     R14, [R13, #8]          ; transfer 1 address
-        ADD     R0, R14, #1
-        STR     R0, [R13, #20]          ; transfer 2 address
-        TEQ	R2, #RTCAddressPHI
-        MOVEQ   R0, #1			; PHI time starts at +1
-        MOVNE   R0, #0			; DAL time starts at +0
-        STRB    R0, [R13, #0]
-        STR     R13, [R13, #12]         ; transfer 1 dataptr
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        STR     R0, [R13, #16]          ; transfer 1 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #1
-        STR     R0, [R13, #24]          ; transfer 2 dataptr
-        MOV     R0, #6
-        STR     R0, [R13, #28]          ; transfer 2 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #8
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-	TEQ     R2, #RTCAddressPHI
-	BNE	%FT50
-	; Philips specific read
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #1]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R8, R0                  ; centiseconds
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #2]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R7, R0                  ; seconds
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #3]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R1, R0                  ; minutes
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #4]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R4, R0                  ; hours
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #5]
-        AND     R0, R0, #&3F            ; day of month (clear year bits)
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R2, R0
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #6]
-        AND     R0, R0, #&1F            ; month (clear day of week bits)
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R3, R0
-	B	ReadTimeYear
-	; Dallas specific read
-        MOV     R8, #0                  ; centiseconds
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #1]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R7, R0                  ; seconds
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #2]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R1, R0                  ; minutes
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #3]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R4, R0                  ; hours
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #5]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; day of month
-        LDRB    R0, [R13, #6]
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        MOV     R3, R0                  ; month
-	ADD     R13, R13, #(12*2)+6+1+1
-	MOV	R0, #YearCMOS
-	BL	Read
-	MOV	R5, R0			; year (lo)
-	MOV	R0, #YearCMOS+1
-	BL	Read
-	MOV	R6, R0			; year (hi)
-	MOV	R0, R4			; put hours in R0
-	TEQ	R2, #0			; Ensure day/month are non-zero (LRust, fix RP-0370)
-	MOVEQ	R2, #1			; No then force 1st
-	TEQ	R3, #0			; Invalid month?
-	MOVEQ	R3, #1			; Yes then force Jan
-	Pull	"R4, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InitRTC - Force the clock into a known state (incase of new battery)
-;  in:  R0 = RTC IIC address
-	Push    "R0-R2, R14"
-	SUB	R13, R13, #4
-	MOV	R1, R13
-	TEQ	R0, #RTCAddressPHI
-	BEQ	%FT60
-	ORR     R0, R0, #1:SHL:29
-	MOV	R2, #0			; to write 0 to address ptr
-	STRB	R2, [R1]
-	MOV	R2, #1
-	ORR	R0, R0, #1
-	LDRB	R2, [R1]
-	ANDS	R2, R2, #&80		; test clock disabled bit
-	BEQ	%FT65
-	EOR	R0, R0, #1
-	DebugTX "Forced RTC on"
-	ORR     R0, R0, #1:SHL:29
-	MOV     R2, #0
-	STR	R2, [R1]
-	MOV	R2, #2			; to write 0 to control reg 0
-	BL      IIC_Op
-	ADD	R13, R13, #4
-	Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	InitCMOSCache - Initialise cache of CMOS RAM
-;  in: -
-;  out: R0 = 0 for failure
-InitCMOSCache	Entry "r1-r6, sb,r12"
-    [	E2ROMSupport
-	; Need to set the slowest speed so we can probe
-	LDR     R4, =ZeroPage
-	MOV     R3, #10         ; Default speed setting (5µs delays)
-	STRB    R3, [R4, #NVRamSpeed]
-	; Have we got an RTC ?
-	LDR 	R2, =ZeroPage
-	MOV	R4, #0
-	MOV	R0, #RTCAddressDAL
-	BL	DummyAccess
-	BVC	%FT13
-	MOV	R0, #RTCAddressPHI
-	BL	DummyAccess
-	STRVSB  R4, [R2, #RTCFitted]
-	STRVCB  R0, [R2, #RTCFitted]
-	BLVC    InitRTC
- [ HAL
-        AddressHAL
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryType
-    	ANDS 	R0, R0, #NVMemoryFlag_Provision
-        BEQ     InitCMOSCache_NoCMOS
-    	MOV 	R5, R0
-    	; If it's only a maybe, then we probe
-    	TEQ 	R5, #NVMemoryFlag_MaybeIIC
-    	BEQ 	%FT03
-    	; Else we read the size
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemorySize	; returns number of bytes but..
-    	MOV 	R0, R0, LSR#8	    	; .. expecting no. of 256 blocks
-    	STRB 	R0, [R4, #NVRamSize]
-        TST     R5, #NVMemoryFlag_ProtectAtEnd
-        STREQB  R0, [R4, #NVRamWriteSize]
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        CallHAL HAL_NVMemoryProtectedSize
-        LDRB    R1, [R4, #NVRamSize]
-        SUB     R0, R1, R0, LSR#8
-        STRB    R0, [R4, #NVRamWriteSize]
-        CallHAL HAL_NVMemoryPageSize    ; returns size in bytes but..
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; .. expecting power of 2
-        MVNEQ   R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-22      MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, #1
-        BNE     %BT22
-        STRB    R1, [R4, #NVRamPageSize]
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryIICAddress
-    	STRB 	R0, [R4, #NVRamBase]
-    	MOV 	R0, #0
-    	CallHAL	HAL_IICType
-    	MOV 	R3, #10
-    	TST 	R0, #IICFlag_Fast
-    	MOVNE	R3, #3
-    	TST 	R0, #IICFlag_HighSpeed
-    	MOVNE	R3, #1
-    	STRB	R3, [R4, #NVRamSpeed]
-    	; If we're using IIC then read in the cache manually
-        AND	R0, R5, #NVMemoryFlag_Provision
-    	TEQ 	R0, #NVMemoryFlag_IIC
-    	BEQ   	%FT06
-    	; Else use HAL routine.
-    	MOV 	R0, #0
-    	LDR 	R1, =CMOSRAMCache
-    	MOV 	R2, #&100
-    	CallHAL	HAL_NVMemoryRead
-    	TEQ 	R0, #&100
-    	MOVNE	R0, #0			; Failure exit condition
-    	EXIT
- ]
-;	No HAL,so determine what hardware we've got fitted by probing,
-;	R4 holds the number of 256 byte blocks that we've found
-        MOV     R3, #10         ; assume 100kHz to start with
-        MOV     R5, #4          ; assume 16 byte page size to start with
-        MOV     R6, #0          ; assume not protected
-; Have we got a 2K device ?
-        MOV     r1, #E2ROMAddress2K
-	MOV	r0, #(E2ROMAddress2K+14)
-	BL	DummyAccess
-	MOVVC	R4, #8
-        MOVVC   R3, #3          ; Fast speed setting (1.5µs delays)
-	BVC	%FT5
-; Have we got a 16K device ?
-        MOV     r1, #E2ROMAddress16K
-	MOV	r0, #E2ROMAddress16K
-	BL	DummyAccess
-	MOVVC	R4, #64
-        MOVVC   R5, #6          ; 64 byte page size
-        MOVVC   R3, #3          ; Fast speed setting (1.5µs delays)
-        BVC     %FT5
-; Have we got a 4K device?
-        MOV     r1, #E2ROMAddress4K
-	MOV	r0, #E2ROMAddress4K
-	BL	DummyAccess
-	MOVVC	R4, #16
-        MOVVC   R6, #12         ; Only bottom 3K writable
-        MOVVC   R5, #5          ; 32 byte page size
-        MOVVC   R3, #3          ; Fast speed setting (1.5µs delays)
-        BVC     %FT5
-; Have we got an 8K device?
-        MOV     r1, #E2ROMAddress8K
-	MOV	r0, #E2ROMAddress8K
-	BL	DummyAccess
-	MOVVC	R4, #32
-        MOVVC   R5, #5          ; 32 byte page size
-        MOVVC   R3, #3          ; Fast speed setting (1.5µs delays)
-        BVC     %FT5
-; Have we got a protected 8K device?
-        MOV     r1, #E2ROMAddress8K_prot
-	MOV	r0, #E2ROMAddress8K_prot
-	BL	DummyAccess
-	MOVVC	R4, #32
-        MOVVC   R6, #24         ; Only bottom 6K writable
-        MOVVC   R5, #5          ; 32 byte page size
-        MOVVC   R3, #3          ; Fast speed setting (1.5µs delays)
-        BVC     %FT5
-; Have we got a 32K device?
-        MOV     r1, #E2ROMAddress32K
-        MOV     r0, #E2ROMAddress32K
-        BL      DummyAccess
-        MOVVC   R4, #128        ; 128,120,6,1
-        MOVVC   R6, #120        ; Only bottom 30K writable
-        MOVVC   R5, #6          ; 64 byte page size
-        MOVVC   R3, #1          ; Hyper-fast speed setting (0.5µs delays - 1MHz part)
-    	BVC 	%FT5
-; Any storeage in the Philips RTC? (Dallas capacity is tiny,ignored)
-        MOV     R1, #RTCAddressPHI
-        MOV     R0, #RTCAddressPHI
-    	BL  	DummyAccess
-        MOV     R5, #8          ; 256 byte page size for CMOS
-    	BVC 	%FT5
-; We ain't got anything!
-        LDR     R2, =ZeroPage
-        MOV     R5, #8
-        STRB    R5, [R2, #NVRamPageSize]        ; Act as though we have 256 bytes of
-        MOV     R1, #1                          ; single page CMOS.
-        STRB    R1, [R2, #NVRamSize]
-        STRB    R1, [R2, #NVRamWriteSize]
-    	MOV 	R0, #0		; Exit failure
-    	EXIT
-	; Set the NVRam count
-	STRB    R1, [R2, #NVRamBase]
-	STRB	R4, [R2, #NVRamSize]
-        STRB    R5, [R2, #NVRamPageSize]
-        TEQ     R6, #0
-        MOVEQ   R6, R4
-        STRB    R6, [R2, #NVRamWriteSize]
-        CMP     R3, #I2Cticks   ; clamp speed to maximum bus speed
-        MOVLO   R3, #I2Cticks
-        STRB    R3, [R2, #NVRamSpeed]
-	; Initialise the cache
-        TEQ     R4, #8                  ; check for 2K part
-	MOVNE	r0, #&00		; if not, then start at 0 anyway and read non-OTP data into location 0..15
-        BNE     %FT07
-	BL	ReadOTPArea
-	MOV	r0, #&10		; read rest of it from 16 onwards
-        BL      GetI2CAddress           ; and convert to device address and offset
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; save the offset
-        MOV     R4, #&100               ; stop at &100
-    |
-    	; No E2ROM support,assume a Philips RTC
-    	MOV	R1, #RTCAddressPHI
-    	MOV	R2, #&10
-    	MOV	R4, #&100		; stop at address &100
-    	LDR	R3, =CMOSRAMCache
-    ]
-        ; Note - R4 MUST be &100 to prevent crossover between 256-byte pages
-        ; (for devices with multiple addresses)
-        SUB     R13, R13, #2*12+4
-        AND     R0, R1, #&FF
-        STR     R0, [R13, #4]           ; transfer 1 address
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1              ; read address
-        STR     R0, [R13, #16]          ; transfer 2 address
-        TST     R1, #&100               ; 2-byte address?
-        MOV     R14, R13
-        MOVNE   R0, R2, LSR #8
-        STRNEB  R0, [R14], #1           ; memory word address (MSB)
-        STRB    R2, [R14], #1           ; memory word address (LSB)
-        STR     R13, [R13, #8]          ; transfer 1 data
-        SUB     R14, R14, R13
-        STR     R14, [R13, #12]         ; transfer 1 length
-        ADD     R14, R3, R2
-        STR     R14, [R13, #20]         ; transfer 2 data
-        SUB     R14, R4, R2
-        STR     R14, [R13, #24]         ; transfer 2 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #4
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        ADD     R13, R13, #2*12+4
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        EXIT
-   [ E2ROMSupport
-ReadOTPArea Entry
-        SUB     R13, R13, #2*12+4
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [R13, #0]           ; offset 0
-        MOV     R0, #E2ROMAddress2K_OTP
-        STR     R0, [R13, #4]           ; transfer 1 address
-        STR     R13, [R13, #8]          ; transfer 1 data
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        STR     R0, [R13, #12]          ; transfer 1 length
-        MOV     R0, #E2ROMAddress2K_OTP + 1
-        STR     R0, [R13, #16]          ; transfer 2 address
-        STR     R3, [R13, #20]          ; transfer 2 data
-        MOV     R0, #16
-        STR     R0, [R13, #24]          ; transfer 2 length
-        ADD     R0, R13, #4
-        MOV     R1, #2
-        BL      IIC_OpV
-        ADD     R13, R13, #2*12+4
-        EXIT
-   ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;	DummyAccess - do a dummy access of the specified device to find out
-;	              if it is present
-; in:	R0 = Write address of device
-; out:	All registers preserved
-;	V=0 => device is present
-;	V=1 => device is not present
-  [ E2ROMSupport
- [ {TRUE}
-        ; Blooming 80321 HW IIC can't do just START address STOP
-	Entry   "R0-R2",4
-        ORR     R0, R0, #1
-        MOV     R1, R13
-        MOV     R2, #1
-        BL      IIC_Op
- |
-	Entry   "R1,R2"
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        BL      IIC_Op
- ]
-	EXIT				; Exit with V set appropriately
-  ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWI OS_NVMemory
-; in:   R0 = reason code
-NVMemorySWI     Entry
-        BL      NVMemorySub
-        PullEnv
-        ORRVS   LR, LR, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        CMP     R0, #4
-        ADDLS   PC, PC, R0, LSL #2
-        B       NVMemory_Unknown
-        B       NVMemory_Size
-        B       NVMemory_Read
-        B       NVMemory_Write
-        B       NVMemory_ReadBlock
-        B       NVMemory_WriteBlock
-        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_HeapBadReason
- [ International
-        Push    LR
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    LR
- ]
-        RETURNVS
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; OS_NVMemory 0 - find NV memory size
-; in:   R0 = 0
-; out:  R1 = NV memory size in bytes
-  [     E2ROMSupport
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #NVRamSize]
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #8
-  |
-        MOV     R1, #240
-  ]
-        MOV     PC, LR
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; OS_NVMemory 1 - read a byte
-; in:   R0 = 1
-;       R1 = location
-; out:  R2 = value
-        Entry   "R4"
-        MRS     R4, CPSR
-        BIC     R0, R4, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R0      ; enable interrupts - this may take some time
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        BL      ReadWithError
-        MOVVC   R2, R0
-        MOVVC   R0, #1          ; must preserve R0
-        ORRVS   R4, R4, #V_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, R4     ; restore interrupt state
-        EXIT
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; OS_NVMemory 2 - write a byte
-; in:   R0 = 1
-;       R1 = location
-;       R2 = value
-NVMemory_Write ROUT
-        [ ProtectStationID
-        TEQ     R1, #0          ; just ignore writes to byte 0
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        ]
-        Entry   "R1,R4"
-        MRS     R4, CPSR
-        BIC     R0, R4, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R0      ; enable interrupts - this may take some time
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        BL      WriteWithError
-        MOVVC   R0, #2          ; must preserve R0
-        ORRVS   R4, R4, #V_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, R4     ; restore interrupt state
-        EXIT
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; OS_NVMemory 3 - read a block
-; in:   R0 = 3
-;       R1 = location
-;       R2 = buffer
-;       R3 = length
-        Entry   "R1-R4"
-        MOV     R4, PC
-        MRS     R4, CPSR
-        BIC     R0, R4, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R0      ; enable interrupts - this may take some time
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      ReadBlock
-        MOVVC   R0, #3          ; must preserve R0
-        ORRVS   R4, R4, #V_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, R4     ; restore interrupt state
-        EXIT
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; OS_NVMemory 4 - write a block
-; in:   R0 = 3
-;       R1 = location
-;       R2 = buffer
-;       R3 = length
-NVMemory_WriteBlock ROUT
-        Entry   "R1-R4"
-        MRS     R4, CPSR
-        BIC     R0, R4, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R0      ; enable interrupts - this may take some time
-        [ ProtectStationID
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        BNE     %FT10
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1
-        TEQ     R3, #0
-        SUBNE   R3, R3, #1      ; steer clear of station ID
-        ]
-10      MOV     R0, R1
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      WriteBlock
-        MOVVC   R0, #4          ; must preserve R0
-        ORRVS   R4, R4, #V_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, R4     ; restore interrupt state
-        EXIT
diff --git a/s/PMF/key b/s/PMF/key
deleted file mode 100644
index d972148e..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/key
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1478 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.Key
-; ARTHUR keyboard code
-; Authors       Tim Dobson, Jon Thackray
-; Started       13-Oct-86
-; ************************************************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t  (better late than never!)  ***
-; ************************************************************
-; Date      Who Description
-; ----      --- -----------
-; 17-Feb-88     Added Sam's code to call the callback vector in RDCH/INKEY
-;                idle loop
-; 02-Mar-88     Initialise KeyVec to NewKeyStruct before the keyboard has told
-;                us its ID, so Sam can call INKEY(-ve) with no keyboard
-; 13-Apr-88     Fixed RDCH from RS423 if treating as keyboard, getting NUL+char
-;                (didn't try to reenable RTS on 2nd char)
-; 11-Jun-88     Put input redirection where it was needed really. SKS
-; 12-Aug-88     Read mouse position from buffer forces inside bounding box
-; 02-Sep-88     Buffered mouse coords stored in absolute terms, not relative to
-;                origin at time of click. Made relative after reading out and
-;                clipping to bounding box. Mouse event coords are still relative
-;                to origin at time of click.
-; 06-Feb-91     LastLED added to stop unnecessary LED transmissions
-; 24-Feb-93 SMC Split off Archimedes keyboard driver into file KbdDrA1.
-;               Split off mouse stuff into file mouse.
-;               Added new interfaces for generic keyboard driver.
-; 23-Aug-93 SMC GotKbId now sets KbId but remembers the last in LastKbId.
-; 24-Aug-93 SMC Key handler can now get keyboard stuff going.
-; 18-Nov-93 SMC Fixed bug in key handler stuff (no handler => KeyVec=-1).
-; 25-Nov-93 SMC Key handler and keyboard driver now trigger each other correctly.
-; 25-Apr-94 RCM ReadCh modified for Stork's power saving scheme.
-        GBLL    MouseBufferFix
-MouseBufferFix SETL {TRUE}
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Entry point for keyboard code - Initialisation
-KeyInit ROUT
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        Push    R14
-        WritePSRc I_bit :OR: SVC_mode, R14
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-        BL      A1KeyInit
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #-1                 ; no default key handler
-        STR     R0, KeyVec
-        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; indicate no previous keyboard id
-        STRB    R0, LastKbId
-        STRB    R0, KbId
-        BL      ClearKbd
- [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-        BL      A1Reset
- ]
-        Pull    PC                      ; go back to user
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       KeyPostInit - Called after modules have initialised
-KeyPostInit ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        PHPSEI                          ; disable interrupts round this bit
-        Push    R14                     ; save I_bit indication
-        LDRB    R1, LastKbId
-        TEQ     R1, #&FF                ; if no keyboard initialised yet then
-        LDREQB  R1, KbId                ;   try now
-        BLEQ    GotKbId
-        Pull    R14                     ; restore I_bit indication
-        PLP                             ; set I_bit from this
-        LDROSB  R1, LastBREAK           ; is it a soft reset ?
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        Pull    PC, EQ                  ; if so, then exit
-        MOV     R0, #OsbyteSetCountry
-        LDROSB  R1, Country
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-ClearKbd ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #&FF
-        STRB    R0, CurrKey             ; no current key
-        STRB    R0, OldKey
-        STRB    R0, LastLED
-; Set up keyboard table
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; All keys up
-        STR     R0, KeysDown            ; zero 160 bits = 5 words
-        STR     R0, KeysDown +4
-        STR     R0, KeysDown +8
-        STR     R0, KeysDown +12
-        STR     R0, KeysDown +16
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateLEDs - Update the LED(s) from the keyboard status byte
-; in:   R11 -> keyboard workspace
-;       R12 -> IOC
-; out:  R0, R1 corrupted
-UpdateLEDs ROUT
-        LDRB    r0, KbId                ; get keyboard id
-        TEQ     r0, #&FF                ; if not found yet
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr                  ; then exit
-        LDROSB  r0, KeyBdStatus         ; Build current LED state byte.
-        TST     r0, #KBStat_NoCapsLock
-        MOVEQ   r1, #1
-        MOVNE   r1, #0
-        TST     r0, #KBStat_NoNumLock
-        ORREQ   r1, r1, #2
-        TST     r0, #KBStat_ScrollLock
-        ORRNE   r1, r1, #4
-        ; fall through
-        ASSERT  . = SetLEDs
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetLEDs - Set the LED(s) to a specific value
-; in:   R1 = desired LED state (bit 0 = caps lock, 1 = num lock, 2 = scroll lock)
-;       R11 -> keyboard workspace
-;       R12 -> IOC
-; out:  R0, R1 corrupted
-        LDRB    r0, LastLED             ; Only update if different.
-        TEQ     r0, r1
-        MOVEQ   pc,lr
-        STRB    r1, LastLED
-        MOV     r0, #3
- [ AssembleKEYV
-        Push    "r10-r12,lr"
-        MRS     r11, CPSR               ; Save current PSR.
-        ORR     r10, r11, #SVC_mode + I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r10             ; Call KEYV in SVC mode, no IRQs.
-        MOV     r10, #KEYV
-        Push    "lr"                    ; Save SVC lr.
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    "lr"                    ; Restore SVC lr.
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, r11            ; Go back to old mode.
-        NOP
-        Pull    "r10-r12,pc"
- |
-  [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-        B       A1KeyVec
-  |
-        MOV     pc, lr
-  ]
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       LEDsOn - Turn on all the LEDs
-; out:  all registers preserved
-LEDsOn  Push    "r0,r1,r11,lr"
-        MOV     r1, #7
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        BL      SetLEDs
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r11,pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       LEDsOff - Restore the LEDs to keyboard status
-; out:  all registers preserved
-LEDsOff Push    "r0,r1,r11,lr"
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        BL      UpdateLEDs
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r11,pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Handle new keyboard id.
-;       In:     r1 = keyboard id
-;               r11 = KeyWorkSpace
-;       Out:    preserve flags
-        EntryS
-        STRB    r1, KbId                ; Store the new keyboard id.
-        LDR     r0, KeyVec
-        Push    r0                      ; Save old key handler so we know if it's changed.
-        LDRB    r8, LastKbId
-        TEQ     r8, r1                  ; If we have a different keyboard id then
-        BLNE    IssueKeyboardService    ;   issue service.
-        LDR     lr, KeyVec              ; Get possibly new key handler.
-        Pull    r0                      ; And old handler.
-        TEQ     r0, lr                  ; If key handler has not changed then
-        BLEQ    KeyboardEnable          ;   handler has not initialised with OS_InstallKeyHandler so we try.
-        EXITS
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Initialise keyboard handler and enable keyboard driver.
-; In:   r1 = keyboard id
-        Push    lr
-        BL      ClearKbd
-        LDR     r0, KeyVec
-        CMP     r0, #-1                 ; If no key handler
-        LDRNEB  r1, KbId                ;     or no keyboard yet then
-        TEQNE   r1, #&FF
-        Pull    pc, EQ                  ;   can't initialise.
-        STRB    r1, LastKbId            ; Remember last keyboard id that initialised.
-        LDR     r8, [r0, #KVInit]       ; Initialise key handler.
-        ADD     r8, r8, r0
-        BL      CallUserKeyCode
-        MOV     r0, #4                  ; Initialise keyboard driver.
- [ AssembleKEYV
-        MOV     r10, #KEYV
-        BL      CallVector
- |
-  [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
-        BL      A1KeyVec
-  ]
- ]
-        Pull    pc
- [ AssembleKEYV
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Default KEYV handler (deal with keyboard id, keys up/down).
-;       In:     r0 = reason code 0
-;               r1 = keyboard id
-;       or
-;               r0 = reason code 1 or 2
-;               r1 = key code
-KeyVector ROUT
-        CMP     r0, #3                  ; If not id/key up/key down then
-        Pull    pc, CS                  ;  just claim call.
-        Push    "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        TEQ     r0, #0                  ; If keyboard id then
-        BLEQ    GotKbId                 ;   handle it
-        Pull    "r0-r12,pc",EQ          ;   and claim call.
- |
-GotKey ROUT
-        Push    lr
- ]
-        MOV     r2, r1
-        SUB     r1, r0, #1
-        CMP     R2, #&A0
-        BCS     %FT05
-        ADR     R0, KeysDown
-        MOV     lr, R2, LSR #5
-        LDR     lr, [R0, lr, LSL #2]!   ; load appropriate word
-        MOV     R3, #&80000000          ; index 0 is in top bit
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        BNE     %FT03
-        TST     lr, R3, ROR R2          ; if going up and key already up (keyboard reinitialised) then
-        BEQ     %FT50                   ;   nothing to do
-        B       %FT04                   ; else clear flag, generate event etc.
-        TST     lr, R3, ROR R2          ; if going down and key already down (weird) then
-        BNE     %FT50                   ;   nothing to do else...
-        EOR     lr, lr, R3, ROR R2      ; switch state of flag
-        STR     lr, [R0]                ; store back
-        BL      KeyboardEvent           ; generate key up/down event
-        BL      CheckForShiftingKey
-        BCC     %FT10                   ; [not shifting key]
-        BL      CallSpecialReturnNChars
-        B       %FT50
-        TEQ     r1, #0                  ; if key up then
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ;   go and deal with it
-        LDRB    R0, CurrKey
-        TEQ     R0, #&FF                ; have we got a current key ?
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDRB    R1, OldKey
-        TEQ     R1, #&FF                ; have we got an old key ?
-        BNE     %FT50                   ; ignore new - we've got 2 down already
-        STRB    R0, OldKey              ; make current key old
-        STRB    R2, CurrKey             ; update current
-        MOV     R0, #2
-        STRB    R0, Debouncing
-        STRB    R0, AutoRepeatCount     ; generate char after 2 100Hz ticks
-        B       %FT50
-        LDRB    R0, OldKey
-        TEQ     R0, R2                  ; is it old key going up ?
-        BNE     %FT40
-; Old key going up
-        LDRB    R0, CurrKey             ; current key is one to ignore in scan
-        BL      ScanKeys
-        STRPLB  R0, OldKey              ; found key, so current -> old
-        BPL     %BT20                   ; and R2 -> current
-        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; else mark old key invalid
-        STRB    R0, OldKey
-        B       %FT50                   ; and return
-        LDRB    R1, CurrKey
-        TEQ     R1, R2                  ; is it current key going up ?
-        BNE     %FT50                   ; not interested if not
-        BL      ScanKeys                ; R0 was OldKey
-        BPL     %BT20                   ; was a key so make that current
-        STRB    R2, CurrKey             ; mark current key up (R2 = -1)
- [ AssembleKEYV
-        Pull    "r0-r12,pc"
- |
-        Pull    pc
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       KeyboardEvent - Generate key up/down event
-; in:   R1 = 0 for up, 1 for down
-;       R2 = key index
-KeyboardEvent ROUT
-        LDRB    R3, KbId                ; tell event user the keyboard id
-        MOV     R0, #Event_Keyboard
-        B       OSEVEN
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Scan keyboard for keys down, ignoring key number R0 and shifting keys
-; in:   R0 = key number to ignore
-; out:  N=0 => R2 = key number found
-;       N=1 => no key found; R2 = -1
-;       R0 preserved
-ScanKeys ROUT
-        Push    "R0, R14"
-        ADR     R1, KeysDown
-        MOV     R2, #4
-        LDR     R3, [R1, R2, LSL #2]    ; get the word
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; if any keys in this down, skip
-        BNE     %FT20
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1              ; N=1 last time round
-        BPL     %BT10
-        Pull    "R0, PC"
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #5          ; multiply by 32
-        ADD     R2, R2, #32             ; and add 32
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; no more bits ?
-        MOVEQ   R2, R2, LSR #5          ; then reset R2 to word offset
-        BEQ     %BT15                   ; and continue word loop
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1              ; decrement key number
-        MOVS    R3, R3, LSR #1          ; shift out bit
-        BCC     %BT30
-        CMP     R2, R0                  ; is it old key (C=1 if it is)
-        BLNE    CheckForShiftingKeyR0R3 ; check that it's not shifting key
-        BCS     %BT30                   ; C=1 => invalid, so loop
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; N := 0
-        Pull    "R0, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CheckForShiftingKey - either going down or going up
-; in:   R2 = key number
-; out:  C=1 <=> is shifting key, so don't set current key etc
-;       R0 -> key structure
-;       R4 = shifting key index, or 0 if not shifting key
-;       R3,R5 undefined
-;       R1,R2,R6-R12 preserved
-CheckForShiftingKeyR0R3 ROUT              ; version that saves R0, for ScanKeys
-        Push    "R0,R3,R14"
-        BL      CheckForShiftingKey
-        Pull    "R0,R3,PC"
-CheckForShiftingKey ROUT
-        LDR     R0, KeyVec
-        CMP     R0, #-1
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVKeyTranSize] ; maximum internal key number +1
-        CMP     R2, R3                  ; is it outside table ?
-        LDRCC   R3, [R0, #KVKeyTran]    ; no, R3 := offset to keytran
-        ADDCC   R3, R3, R0              ; R3 -> keytran
-        LDRCC   R3, [R3, R2, LSL #2]    ; R3 = table word for this key
-        CMNCC   R3, #1                  ; C=1 <=> outside table or is special
-        MOVCC   PC, R14                 ; can't be shifting key
-        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVShiftingList] ; R3 = offset to shifting key list
-        LDRB    R4, [R3, R0]!           ; R4 = length of shifting key list
-        TEQ     R4, #0
-        LDRNEB  R5, [R3, R4]
-        TEQNE   R5, R2
-        SUBNES  R4, R4, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        CMP     R4, #1                  ; C=1 <=> shifting key
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; not one of the shifting keys
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CallSpecialCode - Call code for a special key
-; in:   R0 -> Key structure
-;       R1 = 0 for up, 1 for down (shifting keys); 2 for first, 3 for repeat
-;       R2 = key number
-CallSpecialCode ROUT
-        ADR     R6, NullCharList
-        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVSpecialList] ; R3 = offset to special list
-        LDRB    R4, [R3, R0]!           ; R4 = length of special list
-        TEQ     R4, #0
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; no special keys, so can't be one
-        LDRB    R5, [R3, R4]
-        TEQ     R5, R2
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVSpecialCodeTable] ; R3 = offset to special table
-        ADD     R3, R3, R0              ; R3 -> special code table
-        SUB     R5, R3, #4              ; 0th entry is for 1st special
-        LDR     R8, [R5, R4, LSL #2]    ; R8 = offset to code for this special
-        ADD     R8, R8, R3              ; R8 = address of code for this special
-        ADR     R3, ReturnVector
-; and drop thru to ...
-CallUserKeyCode ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus
-        LDRB    R7, PendingAltType
-        Push    R5
-        BL      %FT10
-        Pull    R12
-        STRB    R7, PendingAltType
-        TEQ     R5, R12
-        BLNE    OfferKeyStatusUpCall
-        STROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus, R12
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R12, #IOC
-        B       UpdateLEDs
-        ADRL    R12, UserKeyWorkSpace
-        MOV     PC, R8
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-        B       MouseButtonChange
-        B       DoBreakKey
-; On entry: R5 = new status, R12 = old
-; On exit:  R5 = new new status, R12 corrupt, all other registers preserved
-        Entry   "R0-R3,R10,R11"
-        MRS     R11, CPSR
-        ORR     R10, R11, #SVC_mode + I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R10
-        Push    "R14"
-        MOV     R10, #UpCallV
-        MOV     R3, R5                        ; new value
-        MOV     R2, R12                       ; old value
-        MOV     R1, #0                        ; pre-change
-        MOV     R0, #UpCall_KeyboardStatus
-        BL      CallVector
-        MOV     R5, R3                        ; R5 = value, after interference
-10      TEQ     R5, R2
-        MOVNE   R10, #UpCallV
-        MOVNE   R1, #1                        ; post-change
-        MOVNE   R0, #UpCall_KeyboardStatus
-        BLNE    CallVector
-        Pull    "R14"
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, R11
-        NOP
-        EXIT
-        ALTENTRY
-        MRS     R11, CPSR
-        ORR     R10, R11, #SVC_mode + I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R10
-        Push    "R14"
-        MOV     R3, R5
-        MOV     R2, R12
-        B       %BT10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Centisecond tick routine
-; out:  R12 corrupted
-CentiSecondTick ROUT
-        Push    "R11, R14"
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        MOV     R12, #IOC
-        [ PollMouse
-        MOV     R0, #K1rqmp
-        STRB    R0, RequestMouse
-        TXon    R0
-        ]
-        LDR     R0, InkeyCounter
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement
-        STRCS   R0, InkeyCounter        ; store back unless was frozen at 0
-        LDRB    R2, CurrKey
-        TEQ     R2, #&FF
-        Pull    "R11,PC", EQ            ; no current key, so no auto-repeat
-        BL      UpdateLEDs              ; update LEDs from keyboard status
-        LDRB    R0, AutoRepeatCount
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement count (if frozen then C:=0)
-        STRHIB  R0, AutoRepeatCount ; store back if now non-zero and not frozen
-        Pull    "R11,PC", NE            ; return if non-zero or was frozen
-        LDRB    R1, Debouncing          ; get debounce flag
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        STRNEB  R0, Debouncing          ; if not zero, zero it
-        LDROSB  R0, KeyRepDelay, NE     ; and load delay
-        MOVNE   R1, #2                  ; indicate first time
-        LDROSB  R0, KeyRepRate, EQ      ; if zero, then load repeat
-        MOVEQ   R1, #3                  ; indicate subsequent time
-        STRB    R0, AutoRepeatCount     ; in any case, store back
-        Push    "R4-R10"                ; save registers
-        BL      GenerateChar            ; R2 = key number
-        Pull    "R4-R11,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoBreakKey - Called by key handler when break key up or down
-; in:   R0 -> key structure
-;       R1 = 0 for up, 1 for down (shouldn't be 2 or 3)
-;       R2 = ARM internal key number
-;       R3 = address of ReturnVector
-;       R4 = special number 1..n
-;       R5 = keyboard status
-; out:  R6 -> list of chars to return
-DoBreakKey ROUT
-        TST     R5, #KBStat_ShiftEngaged        ; shift down ?
-        MOVEQ   R3, #31
-        MOVNE   R3, #29
-        TST     R5, #KBStat_CtrlEngaged         ; ctrl down ?
-        BICNE   R3, R3, #4
-        LDROSB  R2, BREAKvector
-        MOVS    R2, R2, LSL R3                  ; put relevant bits in C,N
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                         ; 2 or 3 => ignore
-        BPL     %FT10                           ; 0 => do a reset
-        TEQ     R1, #1                          ; is it key down ?
-        ADREQ   R6, EscList                     ; yes, return ESCAPE
-        MOV     PC, R14                         ; else just return
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        TEQ     R1, #0                          ; is it key up ?
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; no, then return
-; This entry point is used by new SWI OS_Reset (TMD 06-Jan-94)
-; If it's break on the keyboard R0 <> the magic 'power off' word,when '&OFF' is
-; passed in R0 the power will be turned off assuming the hardware supports it
-        Push    R0
-        WritePSRc F_bit+I_bit+SVC_mode, R14
-        BL      IICAbort                        ; Ensure any CMOS operation aborted
-        MOV     R1, #Service_PreReset           ; offer the pre-reset service
-        IssueService
-        WritePSRc F_bit+I_bit+SVC_mode, R14     ; just in case!
-        Pull    R0
-        LDR     R1, PowerDownMagic
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     %FT15
-        [ :LNOT: HAL
-        LDR     r0, =&83900000                  ; Address in IOMD to force power off
-        LDR     r0, [r0]
-        |
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     a1, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_Reset
-        ]
-        B       CONT_Break                      ; If we can't turn the power off,we may end up back here anyway
-        |
-        MOV     PC, R14                         ; do nowt
-        ]
-        =       1, &1B
-        ALIGN
-        DCD     &46464F26
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Generate a character in keyboard buffer, if necessary
-; in:   R1 = 2 if first press; 3 if repetition
-;       R2 = key number
-;       R12 -> IOC
-GenerateChar ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R0, KeyVec
-        CMP     R0, #-1
-        Pull    PC,EQ
-        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVKeyTranSize]        ; get size
-        CMP     R2, R3                          ; if outside table
-        BCS     %FT04                           ; then assume special
-        LDR     R3, [R0, #KVKeyTran]            ; R3 = offset to KeyTran
-        ADD     R3, R3, R0                      ; R3 -> KeyTran
-; now modify for CTRL and SHIFT
-        LDROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus
-        TST     R5, #KBStat_CtrlEngaged
-        ADDNE   R3, R3, #2
-        TST     R5, #KBStat_ShiftEngaged
-        ADDNE   R3, R3, #1
-        LDRB    R3, [R3, R2, LSL #2]            ; get real code
-; apply CAPS lock modifying
-        BIC     R6, R3, #&20                    ; get upper-case code
-        CMP     R6, #"A"
-        RSBCSS  R6, R6, #"Z"                    ; is it alphabetic ?
-        BCC     %FT20
-        TST     R5, #KBStat_ShiftEnable         ; if SHCAPS
-        EORNE   R3, R3, #&20                    ; then swap case
-        TSTEQ   R5, #KBStat_NoCapsLock          ; else if CAPS
-        BICEQ   R3, R3, #&20                    ; force upper case
-        TEQ     R3, #&FF                        ; is it a special ?
-        BEQ     %FT04                           ; [yes, so skip]
-        LDROSB  R6, ESCch                       ; if ESCAPE character
-        TEQ     R3, R6
-        LDROSB  R6, ESCaction, EQ               ; and normal ESCAPE action
-        TEQEQ   R6, #0
-        LDROSB  R6, ESCBREAK, EQ                ; and ESCAPE not disabled
-        TSTEQ   R6, #1
-        BNE     %FT21
-        TST     R5, #KBStat_PendingAlt
-        BEQ     %FT21
-        MOV     R5, R12
-        BIC     R5, R5, #KBStat_PendingAlt      ; then cancel pending alt
-        BL      OfferPostKeyStatusUpCall        ; don't let them interfere
-        STROSB  R5, KeyBdStatus, R6             ; and store back
-21      TST     R5, #KBStat_PendingAlt          ; is there a pending Alt ?
-        BNE     ProcessPendingAlt
-        TEQ     R3, #0                          ; is it NUL ?
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; no, so skip
-        ADR     R6, NULNULList                  ; then insert NUL NUL
-        B       ReturnNChars
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CallSpecialCode
-        LDRB    R3, [R6], #1                    ; R1 = count of characters
-; TMD 25-Sep-89: Fix bug which resulted in Break key (acting as Escape) not
-; working if buffer was full - only count spaces if more than 1 character going
-; into buffer
- [ {TRUE}
-        CMP     R3, #1
-        Pull    PC, CC                          ; no chars, so exit now
-        BEQ     %FT05                           ; only 1 char, don't count
- |
-        TEQ     R3, #0                          ; no chars?
-        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; then exit now
- ]
-        MOV     R1, #Buff_Key
-        CMP     PC, #0                          ; C=1, V=0 so count spaces
-        BL      CnpEntry
-        ORR     R1, R1, R2, LSL #8              ; R1 = number of spaces
-        CMP     R3, R1                          ; are there enough ?
-        Pull    PC, HI                          ; no, then forget them
-        LDRB    R2, [R6], #1                    ; send chars
-        BL      InsertKeyZCOE                   ; one at a time
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BNE     %BT05
-        Pull    PC
-        Pull    R14                             ; restore stacked R14
-        MOV     R2, R3
-; and drop thru to ...
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InsertKeyZCOE - Insert key zeroing count on escape
-; in:   R2 = character
-        LDROSB  R0, KeyBdDisable                ; disable insertion of codes ?
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; [disabled]
-        LDROSB  R0, ESCch                       ; escape character
-        TEQ     R0, R2                          ; if is esc char
-        LDROSB  R0, ESCaction, EQ
-        TEQEQ   R0, #0                          ; and FX229,0
-        STREQB  R0, AutoRepeatCount             ; then zero repeat counter
-; and drop thru to ...
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RDCHS - Insert character into keyboard buffer
-; in:   R2 = character
-        MOV     R1, #Buff_Key                   ; keyboard buffer id
-; Insert character R2 into buffer R1, checking for escape character
-        B       DoInsertESC
-; *****************************************************************************
-NULNULList                                      ; list for returning NUL NUL
-        =       2, 0, 0
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ADR     R6, NullCharList
-        LDR     R8, [R0, #KVPendingAltCode]
-        ADD     R8, R8, R0
-        BL      CallUserKeyCode
-        B       ReturnNChars
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Read character entry point
-; in:   -
-; out:  R0 = character
-;       C=1 => ESCAPE
-;       R1-R13 preserved
-        Push    "R1-R4,R11"
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        MOV     R4, #1                  ; indicate RDCH not INKEY
-        BL      RdchInkey
-        Pull    "R1-R4,R11,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RDCH/INKEY
-; in:   R4 = 0  => INKEY
-;       R4 <> 0 => RDCH                 ; *** TMD This changed 25-Apr-91 ***
-; out:  V=1 => error (and possibly R0 -> error block if you're lucky!)
-RdchInkey Entry
-; Enable interrupts so that keyboard can work properly
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r1
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDRB    r1, [r1, #RedirectInHandle]
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT10
-; Tutu doesn't believe that an escape condition should break redirection
-; - similar to exec if you turn off escape ack side-effects
-        SWI     XOS_BGet                ; get byte from redirection handle
-        BVS     RedirectBadExit
-        BCC     ReturnChar              ; (C=0)
-; EOF, so close redirect file and read from exec file or keyboard
-; stop redirecting, BEFORE closing file, in case the CLOSE gets an error
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, [r0, #RedirectInHandle] ; Convenient, huh ?
-        SWI     XOS_Find                ; close file (R0=0, R1=handle)
-        EXIT    VS
-; First check for EXEC file
-        LDROSB  R1, ExecFileH           ; read EXEC handle
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; no exec file
-        SWI     XOS_BGet                ; get byte from exec handle
-        BVS     ExecBadExit
-        BCC     ReturnChar              ; (C=0)
-; EOF, so close exec file and read from keyboard
-; stop EXECing, BEFORE closing file, in case the CLOSE gets an error
-        STROSB  R0, ExecFileH, R0       ; (STROSB sets temp reg to 0)
-        SWI     XOS_Find                ; close file (R0=0, R1=handle)
-        EXIT    VS
-        Push    "R5,R6"
-        MOV     R5, #0
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        LDRB    R5, [R5, #PortableFlags] ; 0 if not a portable, else Portable_Features result
- |
-        LDRB    R5, [R5, #PortableFlag] ; 0 if want to try issuing SWI, 1 if know it's hopeless
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R0, [R0, #ESC_Status]
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSL #(32-6)     ; shift relevant bit into carry
-        MOVCS   R0, #27                 ; escape detected
-        BCS     ReturnChar2
-        LDROSB  R1, InputStream         ; 0 => keyboard, 1 => RS423
-        BL      RDCHG
-        BCC     ReturnChar2
-; Sam's hack to call the callback vector if appropriate
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R14, [R0, #CallBack_Flag]
-        TST     R14, #CBack_VectorReq
-        BLNE    process_callback_chain
-        ]
-; here endeth the hack
-        TEQ     R4, #0                  ; EQ => inkey, NE => rdch
-        LDREQ   R0, InkeyCounter        ; if inkey
-        TEQEQ   R0, #0                  ; and count expired
-        BEQ     InkeyTimeout
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        TST     R5, #PortableFeature_Idle
-        SWINE   XPortable_Idle
-        TST     R5, #PowerSave
-        BNE     RdchLoop                ; if we've gone slow already, then loop
-        TST     R5, #PortableFeature_Speed
-        BEQ     RdchLoop                ; if speed change doesn't work, then loop
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; go slow
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        SWI     XPortable_Speed         ; out: R0 = old speed, R1 = new speed
-        ORRVC   R5, R5, #PowerSave      ; if OK, indicate power save mode
-        MOVVC   R6, R0                  ; and remember old speed
-        MOVVS   R5, #0                  ; if got error, then indicate we don't want to try again
-        STRVSB  R5, [R5, #PortableFlags] ; and store this back for future RDCHs
- |
-        CMP     R5, #1                  ; if we've gone slow already (2), or there's no portable module (1), then loop
-        BCS     RdchLoop
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; go slow
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; ignore old speed
-        SWI     XPortable_Speed         ; out: R0 = old speed, R1 = new speed
-        MOVVC   R5, #2                  ; if OK, indicate we've successfully gone slow
-        MOVVC   R6, R0                  ; and remember old speed
-        MOVVS   R5, #1                  ; if got error, then indicate we don't want to try again
-        STRVSB  R5, [R5, #PortableFlag-1] ; and store this back for future RDCHs
- ]
-        B       RdchLoop
-        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; indicate timeout
-        SEC                             ; and set carry
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        TST     R5, #PowerSave          ; NB preserves carry
-        BLNE    RestoreSpeed
- |
-        TEQ     R5, #2                  ; NB preserves carry
-        BLEQ    RestoreSpeed
- ]
-        Pull    "R5,R6"
-        CLRPSR  V_bit, R14
-        EXIT
-RestoreSpeed EntryS "R0"
-        MOV     R0, R6                  ; restore old speed
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; AND mask of 0
-        SWI     XPortable_Speed
-        EXITS                           ; restore R0 and carry
-ExecBadExit                             ; got an error from BGET
-        Push    R0                      ; save error pointer
-        STROSB  R0, ExecFileH, R0       ; (STROSB sets temp reg to 0)
-        SWI     XOS_Find                ; close file (R0=0, R1=handle)
-        Pull    "R1, R14"               ; pull registers
-        MOVVC   R0, R1                  ; if closed OK, then restore old error
-        SETV                            ; still indicate error
-        MOV     PC, R14
-RedirectBadExit                         ; got an error from BGET
-        BL      RemoveOscliCharJobs     ; preserves r0
-        SETV                            ; still indicate error
-        Pull    "PC"                    ; pull register
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RDCHG - Fetch character from input buffer
-;       Expand soft keys as necessary
-;       Pass cursor control keys to VDU driver
-;       Return carry set if character not available
-; in:   R1 = input buffer id (0 => keyboard, 1 => RS423)
-        Push    R14
-; insert check here for ECONET interception of RDCH
-        LDROSB  R0, SoftKeyLen          ; are we expanding a soft key
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     RDCHG1                  ; not expanding
-        LDROSB  R2, RS423mode
-        TST     R1, R2                  ; if RS423 and 8 bit data
-        BNE     RDCHG1                  ; ignore soft keys
-        LDR     R2, SoftKeyPtr
-        LDRB    R2, [R2, -R0]           ; get character out of buffer
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1              ; decrement character count
-        STROSB  R0, SoftKeyLen, R3      ; store back
-        MOV     R0, R2                  ; put character in R0
-        CLC                             ; and exit with carry clear
-        Pull    PC
-        BL      KeyREMOVECheckRS423     ; remove character, if none, exit CS
-        LDROSB  R2, RS423mode           ; 0 => treat RS423 as keyboard
-        TST     R1, R2                  ; NZ => let RS423 deliver 8-bit codes
-        BNE     RDCHGCLC
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; is it NUL ?
-        BNE     %FT10
-        BL      KeyREMOVECheckRS423     ; get another char, if none then
-                                        ; spurious, so ignore
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; is it NUL NUL ?
-        BNE     RDCHGCLC                ; no, then return this character
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: IPbufferCh]!
-                                        ; R0 was 0, so now -> 1st of 8 keybases
-        ADD     R3, R0, #8
-        TEQ     R2, #2                  ; is this key base = 2 ?
-        MOVEQ   R0, #0                  ; if so then return NUL NUL
-        BEQ     ReturnNULR0
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #1]!           ; load next key base
-        TEQ     R0, R3                  ; if not tried all of them
-        BNE     %BT05                   ; then loop
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; no special key bases,
-                                        ; so just return NUL
-        TST     R0, #&80
-        BEQ     RDCHGCLC
-; now check for cursor key movement
-        AND     R3, R0, #&0F            ; save bottom nybble
-        CMP     R3, #&0B                ; is it a cursor key ?
-        BCC     NotCursorKey
-        TST     R0, #&40                ; don't let Cx-Fx be cursor keys
-        BNE     NotCursorKey
-        LDROSB  R2, CurEdit             ; FX 4 state
-        CMP     R2, #1
-        ADDLS   R0, R3, #&87-&0B        ; 0 or 1 => force in range &87-&8B
-        BCC     ItsCursorEdit           ; 0 => cursor edit
-        BEQ     RDCHGCLC                ; 1 => return these codes
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #4
-        EOR     R0, R0, #&0C            ; 4..7, 0..3
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #OsbyteVars+IPbufferCh-OSBYTEFirstVar]
-                                        ; get key variable
-        CMP     R2, #1                  ; is it 0 (ignore) or 1 (softkey)
-        BCC     RDCHG1                  ; get another char if 0
-        BEQ     ExpandSoftKey           ; expand soft key if 1
-        TEQ     R2, #2                  ; is it special Compact option ?
-        EOREQ   R0, R0, #&0C            ; undo that mangling !
-        ORREQ   R0, R3, R0, LSL #4      ; if so, then return NUL <code>
-        BEQ     ReturnNULR0
-        ADD     R0, R2, R3              ; add offset to base
-        AND     R0, R0, #&FF            ; make it wrap
-        CLC
-        Pull    PC
-        LDROSB  R2, WrchDest
-        TST     R2, #2                  ; if wrch not to VDU
-        BNE     RDCHG1                  ; then ignore character
-        Push    "R1,R4-R12"
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      DoCursorEdit
-        |
-        BL      DCE10
-        ]
-        Pull    "R1,R4-R12"
-        BCS     RDCHG1                  ; no character yet, so loop
-        Pull    PC                      ; NB carry clear - no ESCAPE !
-        [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
-        MOV     R1, #VduDriver
-        ADD     PC, R1, #CursorEdit
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReturnNULR0 - Return NUL followed by R0 from RDCH
-        ADR     R2, SoftKeyExpand       ; store code in SoftKeyExpand +0
-        STRB    R0, [R2], #1            ; and set ptr to SoftKeyExpand +1
-        STR     R2, SoftKeyPtr
-        MOV     R2, #1                  ; set key length to 1
-        STROSB  R2, SoftKeyLen, R0      ; (sets R0 to 0!)
-        B       RDCHGCLC                ; return NUL as first character
-; *****************************************************************************
-        Push    R14
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        Pull    "R14, PC", CS           ; pull stacked R14 if CS
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-        Push    "R10,R12,R14"
-        CLRV                                    ; do remove not examine
-        MOV     R10, #REMV
-        B       GoVec
-; expand a soft key as a variable (R3 = key number)
-ExpandSoftKey ROUT
-        Push    "R1,R4"
-        BL      SetupKeyName
-        ADR     R1, SoftKeyExpand
-        MOV     R2, #255                        ; max length of string
-        MOV     R3, #0                          ; no name pointer
-        MOV     R4, #VarType_Expanded
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal
-        Pull    "R1,R4", VS
-        BVS     RDCHG1                          ; no string or bad
-        STROSB  R2, SoftKeyLen, R0              ; store length (may be zero)
-        ADD     R1, R1, R2                      ; R1 -> last char+1
-        STR     R1, SoftKeyPtr
-        Pull    "R1,R4"
-        B       RDCHNM                          ; try to expand it
-        =       keyprefix,0
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetupKeyName - Set up the name <keyprefix><n><0> in SoftKeyName
-; in:   R11 -> KeyWS
-;       R3 = key number
-; out:  R0 -> SoftKeyName, which contains <keyprefix><n><0>
-;       R2-R4 corrupted
-SetupKeyName ROUT
-        ADR     R2, KeyName
-        ADR     R0, SoftKeyName
-        LDRB    R4, [R2], #1                    ; copy keyprefix in
-        TEQ     R4, #0
-        STRNEB  R4, [R0], #1
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; now put digits at R0
-        ORR     R3, R3, #"0"
-        CMP     R3, #"9"+1
-        MOVCS   R2, #"1"                        ; if >=10 then put in "1"
-        STRCSB  R2, [R0], #1
-        SUBCS   R3, R3, #10                     ; and subtract 10
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        STRB    R4, [R0]                        ; (R4=0) terminate
-        ADR     R0, SoftKeyName
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoInkeyOp - Perform INKEY
-        TST     R2, #&80                ; INKEY(+ve) ?
-        BNE     NewInkeyNeg
-        Push    R4
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        AND     R1, R1, #&FF            ; no funny business
-        AND     R2, R2, #&FF            ; ditto
-        ORR     R1, R1, R2, LSL #8      ; get combined count
-        STR     R1, InkeyCounter
-        MOV     R4, #0                  ; indicate inkey not rdch
-        BL      RdchInkey
-        MOV     R1, R0                  ; make X the character
-        MOVCC   R2, #0                  ; Y := 0 if normal exit
-        MOVCS   R2, R0                  ; Y := &1B or &FF for ESC or timeout
-        Pull    "R4,PC"                 ; return preserving V and R0
-        EOR     R1, R1, #&7F            ; invert bits for scan call
-        BL      BBCScanKeys
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       BBCScanKeys - Test individual key or scan for key depression
-; in:   R1 = 0..&7F => scan keyboard from BBC internal key R1
-; out:  C=0 => R1 = BBC internal key found
-;       C=1 => R1 = &FF (no key found)
-; in:   R1 = &80..&FF => test if BBC internal key (R1 EOR &80) is down
-; out:  C=0, R1=R2=&00 => key is up
-;       C=1, R1=R2=&FF => key is down
-        Push    R11
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        AND     R1, R1, #&FF            ; trap wallies
-        LDR     R2, KeyVec
-        TST     R1, #&80                ; >=&80 => test single key
-                                        ; < &80 => scan for key
-        BEQ     DoBBCScan               ; [is scanning not testing]
-        ADD     R0, R2, #1
-        CMP     R0, #1                  ; if no key handler then
-        MOVCC   R1, #0                  ;   return key up (C=0)
-        BCC     ExitBBCScan
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #KVInkeyTran]
-        ADD     R0, R2, R0              ; R0 -> InkeyTran or InkeyTran2
-        ADD     R0, R0, #4 * &FF        ; R0 -> InkeyTran+4*&FF
-        LDR     R0, [R0, -R1, LSL #2]   ; get word of indexes into KeysDown
-        MOV     R2, #&FF000000
-        CMP     R0, #-1                 ; is it all FF's
-        MOVEQ   R1, #0                  ; if so then none of keys down
-        BEQ     %FT04
-        AND     R1, R0, #&FF            ; just get bottom byte
-        ADR     R3, KeysDown            ; look up in KeysDown
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #5
-        LDR     R3, [R3, R1, LSL #2]    ; get word of 32 bits
-        AND     R1, R0, #31
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSL R1          ; put relevant bit into top bit
-        MOVS    R1, R3, LSR #31         ; R1 = 0 if up, 1 if down
-        ORREQ   R0, R2, R0, LSR #8      ; shift down, putting FF in top byte
-        BEQ     %BT02
-        CMP     R1, #1                  ; C=1 <=> at least one of keys down
-        MOVCC   R1, #0
-        MOVCS   R1, #&FF
-        MOV     R2, R1
-        Pull    R11
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        CMP     R2, #-1                 ; if no key handler then
-        MOVEQ   r1, #&FF                ;   return all keys up (C=1)
-        BEQ     ExitBBCScan
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #KVInkeyTran]
-        ADD     R0, R2, R0              ; R0 -> InkeyTran or InkeyTran2
-        Push    "R4, R5"
-        ADD     R0, R0, #4 * &7F        ; R0 -> InkeyTran+4*&7F
-        MOV     R4, #&FF000000
-        LDR     R3, [R0, -R1, LSL #2]   ; get word of indexes into KeysDown
-        CMP     R3, #-1                 ; all FFs ?
-        BEQ     %FT18                   ; then not one of these keys
-        AND     R5, R3, #&FF
-        ADR     R2, KeysDown
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSR #5
-        LDR     R2, [R2, R5, LSL #2]    ; get word of bits
-        AND     R5, R3, #31
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL R5          ; put relevant bit into top bit
-        MOVS    R5, R2, LSR #31         ; R5 = 0 for up, 1 for down
-        BNE     %FT20                   ; [down, so stop]
-        ORR     R3, R4, R3, LSR #8      ; up -> shift down putting FF in top
-        B       %BT15
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1              ; go to next key
-        TEQ     R1, #&80                ; if not run out of keys
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        MOV     R1, #&FF                ; indicate no key
-        CMP     R1, #&FF                ; C=0 <=> found key
-        Pull    "R4,R5,R11"
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Write keys down information
-; in:   R1 = Current key (in BBC internal key format)
-;       R2 = Old key     (------------""------------)
-; out:  R1, R2 preserved
-WriteKeysDown ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        BL      ConvertInternalKey
-        STRB    R0, CurrKey
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        BL      ConvertInternalKey
-        STRB    R0, OldKey
-        Pull    PC
-        TST     R0, #&80                ; if not in range &80..&FF
-        MOVEQ   R0, #&FF                ; return value &FF (key not valid)
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        EOR     R0, R0, #&7F            ; else convert to inkey value
-        Push    R4
-        LDR     R3, KeyVec
-        CMP     R3, #-1                 ; if no key handler then
-        MOVEQ   R0, #&FF                ;   return no key
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        LDR     R4, [R3, #KVInkeyTran]
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; R3 -> InkeyTran or InkeyTran2
-        Pull    R4
-        SUB     R3, R3, #&80*4          ; R3 -> InkeyTran-4*&80
-        LDRB    R0, [R3, R0, LSL #2]    ; convert to ARM internal key
-                                        ; (just get 1st key for this key)
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InstallKeyHandler - Install user key handler
-; in:   R0 = new key handler
-;        0 => just read old key handler
-;        1 => just read keyboard id
-; out:  R0 = old key handler, or
-;       R0 = keyboard id if R0 was 1 on entry (&FF => no keyboard id yet)
-InstallKeyHandler ROUT
-        MRS     R11, CPSR
-        ORR     R11, R11, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R11             ; disable IRQs
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        TEQ     R0, #1                  ; asking for keyboard id ?
-        LDREQB  R0, KbId                ; then load it
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ               ; and exit
-        LDR     R10, KeyVec             ; R10 -> old key handler
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; if not just reading it
-        STRNE   R0, KeyVec              ; then store new one
-        MOV     R0, R10                 ; R0 -> old key handler
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ               ; exit if just reading
-        Push    "R0-R12,LR"
-        BL      KeyboardEnable
-        Pull    "R0-R12,LR"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       IssueKeyboardService - Issue keyboard handler service
-; in:   R11 -> KeyWorkSpace
-; out:  R0 preserved
-        Push    "R0,R14"
-        MOV     R1, #Service_KeyHandler
-        LDRB    R2, KbId
-        IssueService
-        Pull    "R0,PC"
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/mouse b/s/PMF/mouse
deleted file mode 100644
index be0bb0a4..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/mouse
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.Mouse
-; Mouse driving code
-; Author:       Steve Cormie
-; Started:      24-Feb-93
-; Change history:
-; Date          Who     Description
-; ----          ---     -----------
-; 24-Feb-93     SMC     Created.
-; *****************************************************************************
-;        Mouse initialisation
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
- [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
-        MOV     r0, #MouseV
-        ADRL    r1, ReadMouse
-        SWI     OS_Claim
- ]
-        MOV     r0, #MouseStepCMOS      ; setup mouse multipliers from CMOS
-        BL      Read
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSL #24         ; sign extend it
-        MOVS    r0, r0, ASR #24
-        MOVEQ   r0, #1                  ; if would be zero, set to 1
-        STR     r0, MouseXMult
-        STR     r0, MouseYMult
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, MouseButtons
-        [ STB
-        STRB    r0, MousePresent
-        ]
-        MOV     r0, #MouseCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        STRB    r0, MouseType
-        Pull    "pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MouseButtonChange - Called by keyboard handler when mouse button change
-; in:   R0 = state of buttons (bit0=R, bit1=C, bit2=L)
-;       R11 -> KeyWorkSpace
-MouseButtonChange ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R5, R12, R14"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        STRB    R0, MouseButtons        ; save it for ReadMouse calls
-        MOV     R3, R0
-        LDR     R1, MouseX
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #OrgX]
-        SUB     R1, R1, R0              ; mouse X
-        LDR     R2, MouseY
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #OrgY]
-        SUB     R2, R2, R0              ; mouse Y
-        [ AssemblingArthur :LOR: Module
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        LDR     R4, [R4, #MetroGnome]   ; use monotonic variable now
-        |
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        LDR     R4, RealTime            ; doesn't exist in my world
-        ]
-        MOV     R0, #Event_Mouse
-        BL      OSEVEN
-        MOV     WsPtr, #IOC
- [ :LNOT:MouseBufferManager
-        [ MouseBufferFix
-        LDR     R0, MouseX
-        |
-        MOV     R5, R2                  ; save mouse Y
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        ]
-        BL      MouseInsert             ; send mouse X low
-        BCS     %FT10                   ; buffer full, so don't send rest
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #8          ; send mouse X high
-        BL      MouseInsert
-        [ MouseBufferFix
-        LDR     R0, MouseY
-        |
-        MOV     R0, R5
-        ]
-        BL      MouseInsert             ; send mouse Y low
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #8          ; send mouse Y high
-        BL      MouseInsert
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        BL      MouseInsert             ; send buttons
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        BL      MouseInsert             ; send realtime(0)
-        MOV     R0, R4, LSR #8
-        BL      MouseInsert             ; send realtime(1)
-        MOV     R0, R4, LSR #16
-        BL      MouseInsert             ; send realtime(2)
-        MOV     R0, R4, LSR #24
-        BL      MouseInsert             ; send realtime(3)
- |
-; Use buffer manager's 'block insert' function
- [ {TRUE}
-; TMD 26-Feb-93: Fix bug - if X is negative, Y would be inserted in the buffer as -1
-        LDR     R0, MouseX              ; 16 bits, sign-extended to 32 bits
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL #16
-        LDR     R1, MouseY              ; ditto
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #16
-        ORR     R0, R1, R0, LSR #16     ; combine, having knocked off the troublesome bits
- |
-        LDR     R0, MouseX              ; 16 bits
-        LDR     R1, MouseY              ; 16 bits
-        ORR     R0, R0, R1, LSL #16     ; R0 = Combined 16bit X/Y mouse position
- ]
-        ORR     R1, R3, R4, LSL #8      ; R1 = Combined 8bit buttons and 24 LSB's of time
-        MOV     R2, R4, LSR #24         ; R2 = MSB of time
-        SUB     SP, SP, #3*4            ; Create local mouse data buffer
-        STMIA   SP, {R0,R1,R2}          ; Write mouse data to buffer
-        MOV     R3, #9                  ; Mouse packet size
-        MOV     R2, SP                  ; R2-> block to insert
-        MOV     R1, #(Buff_Mouse:OR:(1:SHL:31)) ; Block insert to mouse buffer
-        Push    "R10,R12"
-        MOV     R10, #INSV              ; Insert
-        BL      GoVec2                  ; Call the vector in R10
-        Pull    "R10,R12"
-        ADD     SP, SP, #3*4            ; Destroy mouse data buffer
- ]
-        Pull    "R0-R5, R12, PC"
- [ :LNOT:MouseBufferManager
-        Push    "R10,R12,R14"
-        MOV     R10, #INSV
-        MOV     R1, #Buff_Mouse
-        B       GoVec
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Read mouse position
-ReadMouse ROUT
-        Push    "R4-R6,R10-R12"
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
- [ :LNOT:MouseBufferManager
-        MOV     R1, #Buff_Mouse
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        BCS     %FT10                   ; MouseAhead buffer empty
-        MOV     R4, R2, LSL #16         ; Mouse X Low
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        ORR     R4, R4, R2, LSL #24     ; R4 := Mouse X << 16
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        MOV     R5, R2, LSL #16         ; Mouse Y Low
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        ORR     R5, R5, R2, LSL #24     ; R5 := Mouse Y << 16
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        MOV     R6, R2                  ; Button state
-        BL      KeyREMOVE               ; get realtime
-        MOV     R3, R2
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        ORR     R3, R3, R2, LSL #8
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        ORR     R3, R3, R2, LSL #16
-        BL      KeyREMOVE
-        ORR     R3, R3, R2, LSL #24
-        MOV     R0, R4, ASR #16         ; sign extend mouse coords
-        MOV     R1, R5, ASR #16
-        MOV     R2, R6
- |
-        SUB     SP, SP, #3*4            ; Create 9 byte local mouse data buffer
-        MOV     R3, #9                  ; Mouse packet size
-        MOV     R2, SP                  ; R2-> buffer for data
-        MOV     R1, #(Buff_Mouse:OR:(1:SHL:31)) ; Block remove from mouse buffer
-        CLRV                            ; Remove not examine
-        Push    "R10,R12"
-        MOV     R10, #REMV
-        BL      GoVec2                  ; Call the vector in R10
-        Pull    "R10,R12"
-        LDMCCIA SP, {R4,R5,R6}
-        ADD     SP, SP, #3*4            ; Destroy mouse data buffer
-        BCS     %FT10                   ; Jump if no buffered data
-        MOV     R0, R4, LSL #16
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR #16         ; R0 = sign extended x coord
-        MOV     R1, R4, ASR #16         ; R1 = sign extended y coord
-        AND     R2, R5, #&FF            ; R2 = button state
-        MOV     R3, R5, LSR #8          ; R3 = 3 low order bytes of time
-        ORR     R3, R3, R6, LSL #24     ; R3 = time
- ]
-; code inserted here 12-Aug-88 to force position read from buffer to be inside
-; CURRENT bounding box; this removes the need to flush buffer when changing
-; the bounding box.
-        ADR     R4, MouseBounds
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4-R6,R10}         ; R4=LCol; R5=BRow; R6=RCol; R10=TRow;
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        MOVLT   R0, R4
-        CMP     R0, R6
-        MOVGT   R0, R6
-        CMP     R1, R5
-        MOVLT   R1, R5
-        CMP     R1, R10
-        MOVGT   R1, R10
-        [ MouseBufferFix
-        B       %FT20                   ; correct for origin after clipping
-        |
-        Pull    "R4-R6,R10-R12,PC"
-        ]
-        LDRB    R2, MouseButtons
-        [ AssemblingArthur :LOR: Module
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        LDR     R3, [R3, #MetroGnome]           ; use monotonic variable now
-        |
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        LDR     R3, RealTime                    ; doesn't exist in my world
-        ]
-        LDR     R0, MouseX
-        LDR     R1, MouseY
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #OrgX]
-        SUB     R0, R0, R4
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #OrgY]
-        SUB     R1, R1, R4
-        Pull    "R4-R6,R10-R12,PC"
-Abso    DCB     "Abso"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ProcessMouseXY - Called to update mouse position.
-;       in:     r2  = signed 32-bit X movement
-;               r3  = signed 32-bit Y movement
-;               r4  = "Abso" if absolute movement
-;               r11 ->KeyWorkSpace
-;       out:    r2,r3 corrupted
-        Push    "r4,lr"
-; check for absolute position
-        LDR     lr, Abso
-        TEQ     r4, lr
-        BEQ     %FT40
-; process X movement
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSL #16         ; move delta X to top 16 bits
-        LDR     r4, MouseXMult
-        MUL     r2, r4, r2
-        LDR     r4, MouseX
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4, LSL #16     ; add signed value in top 16 bits
-        MOV     r2, r2, ASR #16         ; sign extend to 32 bits
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundLCol      ; bound to bounding box
-        CMP     r2, r4
-        MOVLT   r2, r4
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundRCol
-        CMP     r4, r2
-        MOVLT   r2, r4
-        STR     r2, MouseX
-; process Y movement
-        CMP     r3, #0
-        Pull    "r4,pc",EQ
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSL #16         ; move delta Y to top 16 bits
-        LDR     r4, MouseYMult
-        MUL     r3, r4, r3
-        LDR     r4, MouseY
-        ADD     r3, r3, r4, LSL #16     ; add signed value in top 16 bits
-        MOV     r3, r3, ASR #16         ; sign extend to 32 bits
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundBRow      ; bound to bounding box
-        CMP     r3, r4
-        MOVLT   r3, r4
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundTRow
-        CMP     r4, r3
-        MOVLT   r3, r4
-        STR     r3, MouseY
-        Pull    "r4,pc"
-; process absolute position
-        MOV     r2, r2, ASL #16         ; look only at bottom 16 bits,
-        MOV     r3, r3, ASL #16         ; sign extended
-        MOV     r2, r2, ASR #16
-        MOV     r3, r3, ASR #16
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundLCol      ; bound to bounding box
-        CMP     r2, r4
-        MOVLT   r2, r4
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundRCol
-        CMP     r4, r2
-        MOVLT   r2, r4
-        STR     r2, MouseX
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundBRow      ; bound to bounding box
-        CMP     r3, r4
-        MOVLT   r3, r4
-        LDR     r4, MouseBoundTRow
-        CMP     r4, r3
-        MOVLT   r3, r4
-        STR     r3, MouseY
-        Pull    "r4,pc"
- [ AssemblePointerV
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PollPointer - Called on VSync to get mouse changes.
-;       out:    corrupts r0-r3,r9-r11
-        Push    "r4,r12,lr"
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        LDRB    r0, MouseReporting
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        Pull    "r4,r12,pc",NE
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; Request pointer state.
-        LDRB    r1, MouseType
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; Default to no movement.
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; They might fill this in
-        SavePSR r9                      ; Save current PSR.
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r10   ; Call PointerV in SVC mode, no IRQs.
-        MOV     r10, #PointerV          ; Call PointerV to get movements & button states
-        Push    "lr"                    ; Save SVC lr.
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    "lr"                    ; Restore SVC lr.
-        RestPSR r9
-        [ STB
-        TEQ     r2, #0
-        TEQEQ   r3, #0
-        MOVNE   lr, #1
-        STRNEB  lr, MousePresent
-        BLNE    ProcessMouseXY
-        |
-        BL      ProcessMouseXY
-        ]
-        Pull    "r4,r12,pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PointerVector - the default PointerV claimant
-        CMP     r0, #PointerReason_Report
-        Pull    pc, NE
-        Push    "r2,r3,r11"
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        LDRB    lr, MouseType
-        TEQ     r1, lr
-        MOVEQ   lr, #1
-        STREQB  lr, MouseReporting
-        [ STB
-        TEQ     r2, #0
-        TEQEQ   r3, #0
-        MOVNE   lr, #1
-        STRNEB  lr, MousePresent
-        BLNE    ProcessMouseXY
-        |
-        BL      ProcessMouseXY
-        ]
-        Pull    "r2,r3,r11,pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PointerSWI - Handle SWI OS_Pointer calls (read/set pointer type).
-        MOV     r11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        LDREQB  r0, MouseType
-        BEQ     SLVK
-	[ STB
-        TEQ     r0, #2
-        LDREQB  r0, MousePresent
-        BEQ     SLVK
-        ]
-        TEQ     r0, #1
-        BNE     %FT10
-        Push    "r0,r10,r12,lr"
-        STRB    r1, MouseType
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, MouseReporting
-        MOV     r0, #2
-        MOV     r10, #PointerV
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    "r0,r10,r12,lr"
-        B       SLVK
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_BadParameters
-  [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-  ]
-        B       SLVK_SetV
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/osbyte b/s/PMF/osbyte
deleted file mode 100644
index 839269ad..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/osbyte
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1267 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.osbyte
-; New version of OSBYTE which claims the ByteV(ector) properly
-; PMF 18/9/86
-; Updates:
-; Kernel
-; Version  Date        Who  Why
-; 2.01     15-June-90  JSR  Change OS_Byte 124/125/126 to update the CallBack_Flag byte
-;                            correctly, rather than setting it to 1. The bug caused vector
-;                            callbacks to be delayed over much when escape was pressed.
-; ????     08-Feb-95   WT   Change OS_Byte 106 to support the new cursor storage method
-;                            introduced for Stork LCD support.
-OsbyteLowLimit * &6A    ; osbytes lower than this get Y set to 0
-OsbyteVeryLow  * &1A    ; osbytes lower than this are all recognised
-OsbyteSetCountry * &46
-OsbyteSetAlphKey * &47
-OsbyteKeyStatus * &CA   ; only OS_Byte variable which isn't pure any more!
-; *****************************************************************************
-        MACRO
-        MyOsbyte $cond
-        B$cond  GoMyOsbyte
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        MyOsWord $cond
-        B$cond  GoMyOsword
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        Unused  $cond
-        MOV$cond PC, R14 ; just return and let the next person have a go
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ByteReturnV $cond
-        ASSERT  "$cond"="" :LOR: "$cond"="VS"
-        [ "$cond"=""
-        Pull    "R0,R3,R14,PC", VC
-        ]
-        ADDVS   R13, R13, #4                    ; junk stacked R0
-        Pull    "R3,R14,PC", VS
-        MEND
-; Main OSbyte entry point
-; R0,R1,R2 are parameters
-        Push    "R0, R3, R14"
-        BL      OsByteGo                        ; Call the subsid entry pt.
-        Pull    "R0,R3"
-        Push    "R0-R4"
-        LDMIA   R13, {R2-R4}                    ; R2=A, R3=X, R4=Y
-        MOV     R1, #Service_UKByte             ; osbyte service reason
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        STMEQIA R13, {R2-R4}                    ; if claimed, then update
-                                                ; returned R0-R2
-        CLRPSR  V_bit, R3                       ; clear V flag
-        Pull    R0
-        ADRNE   R0, BadCommandError             ; not claimed, R0 -> error
-      [ International
-        BLNE    TranslateError
-      ]
-        SWINE   XOS_GenerateError               ; set V if not claimed
-        Pull    "R1-R4, R14, PC"
-BadCommandError MakeErrorBlock BadCommand
-        CLRPSR  V_bit, R3
-        Pull    "R0,R3, R14,PC"           ; pull the world AND the PC to return
-; *****************************************************************************
-OsByteGo ROUT
-        AND     R0, R0, #&FF            ; no funny business!
-        SUBS    R3, R0, #OsbyteLowLimit ; is it a low one ?
-        BCS     HiOsbyte
-        MOV     R2, #0                  ; lo one, so set Y to 0
-        CMP     R0, #OsbyteVeryLow      ; is it one we recognise ?
-        ADDCC   PC, PC, R0, LSL #2      ; then go thru despatch table
-        B       TryInternational        ; else issue unknown osbyte service
-        ASSERT  %BT20-%BT10 = 8
-        BAL     Osbyte00
-        BAL     Osbyte01
-        BAL     Osbyte02
-        BAL     Osbyte03
-        BAL     Osbyte04
-        BAL     Osbyte05
-        BAL     Osbyte06
-        BAL     Osbyte07
-        BAL     Osbyte08
-        BAL     Osbyte09
-        BAL     Osbyte0A
-        BAL     Osbyte0B
-        BAL     Osbyte0C
-        BAL     Osbyte0D
-        BAL     Osbyte0E
-        BAL     Osbyte0F
-        BAL     Osbyte10
-        BAL     Osbyte11
-        BAL     Osbyte12
-        BAL     Osbyte13
-        BAL     Osbyte14
-        BAL     Osbyte15
-        BAL     Osbyte16
-        BAL     Osbyte17
-        BAL     Osbyte18
-        BAL     Osbyte19
-        CMP     R0, #MainVars           ; is it a variable ?
-        ADDCC   PC, PC, R3, LSL #2
-        B       DoOsbyteVar             ; yes, then do variable mangling
-        ASSERT  %BT40-%BT30=8
-        BAL     Osbyte6A
-        BAL     Osbyte6B
-        BAL     Osbyte6C
-        BAL     Osbyte6D
-        BAL     Osbyte6E
-        BAL     Osbyte6F
-        BAL     Osbyte70
-        BAL     Osbyte71
-        BAL     Osbyte72
-        BAL     Osbyte73
-        BAL     Osbyte74
-        BAL     Osbyte75
-        BAL     Osbyte76
-        BAL     Osbyte77
-        BAL     Osbyte78
-        BAL     Osbyte79
-        BAL     Osbyte7A
-        BAL     Osbyte7B
-        BAL     Osbyte7C
-        BAL     Osbyte7D
-        BAL     Osbyte7E
-        BAL     Osbyte7F
-        BAL     Osbyte80
-        BAL     Osbyte81
-        BAL     Osbyte82
-        BAL     Osbyte83
-        BAL     Osbyte84
-        BAL     Osbyte85
-        BAL     Osbyte86
-        BAL     Osbyte87
-        BAL     Osbyte88
-        BAL     Osbyte89
-        BAL     Osbyte8A
-        BAL     Osbyte8B
-        BAL     Osbyte8C
-        BAL     Osbyte8D
-        BAL     Osbyte8E
-        BAL     Osbyte8F
-        BAL     Osbyte90
-        BAL     Osbyte91
-        BAL     Osbyte92
-        BAL     Osbyte93
-        BAL     Osbyte94
-        BAL     Osbyte95
-        BAL     Osbyte96
-        BAL     Osbyte97
-        BAL     Osbyte98
-        BAL     Osbyte99
-        BAL     Osbyte9A
-        BAL     Osbyte9B
-        BAL     Osbyte9C
-        BAL     Osbyte9D
-        BAL     Osbyte9E
-        BAL     Osbyte9F
-        BAL     OsbyteA0
-        BAL     OsbyteA1
-        BAL     OsbyteA2
-        BAL     OsbyteA3
-        BAL     OsbyteA4
-        BAL     OsbyteA5
-TryInternational                        ; special ones in the middle
-        TEQ     R0, #OsbyteSetCountry
-        BEQ     DoOsbyteSetCountry
-        TEQ     R0, #OsbyteSetAlphKey
-        BEQ     DoOsbyteSetAlphKey
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-; The Osbyte routines themselves
-; Mos version number and title string
-; R1 = 0 -> give an error with and string MosTitle
-; R1 <>0 -> RETURN with R1 = MosVer
-; R2 is Preserved
-Osbyte00 ROUT
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        MOVNE   R1, #MosVer
-        MyOsbyte NE
-        ADR     R0, FX0Error
-        SWI     XOS_GenerateError
-        ByteReturnV
-        &       &F7
-        =       "$MosTitle",0
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Write User Flag
-        ADD     R0, R0, #&F0            ; convert 1,5,6 to &F1,&F5,&F6
-        B       DoOsbyteVar
-; Select input stream
-Osbyte02 ROUT
-        AND     R0, R1, #1              ; new buffer id
-        TEQ     R1, #0                  ; 0 => disable RXI
-        Push    "r0"
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; [enabling serial]
-; disable serial by closing stream
-        LDRB    r1, SerialInHandle
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        MOVNE   r0, #0                  ; close file if handle non-zero
-        STRNEB  r0, SerialInHandle      ; zero handle first
-        SWINE   XOS_Find
-        B       %FT20
-; enable serial by opening stream
-        LDRB    r0, SerialInHandle
-        TEQ     r0, #0                  ; if a stream open already
-        BNE     %FT20                   ; then skip
-        MOV     r0, #open_read + open_mustopen
-        ADR     r1, SerialInFilename    ; open serial stream for input
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        STRVCB  r0, SerialInHandle      ; if did open then store handle
-                                        ; (may store same value if already open, but who cares?)
-        Pull    "r0"
-        LDRB    R1, InputStream         ; old input stream
-        STRB    R0, InputStream
-        MyOsbyte
-        LTORG
-        =       "Serial#Buffer1:", 0
-        ALIGN
-; Select output stream
-Osbyte04                                ; select cursor keys actions
-        ADD     R0, R0, #&E9            ; convert 3,4 to &EC,&ED
-        B       DoOsbyteVar
-; Write Printer driver type
-Osbyte05 ROUT
-        BL      MakePrinterDormant      ; for netprint
-        SavePSR R14                     ; for restoring I afterwards
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R3
- [ StrongARM
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
- ]
-        RestPSR R14                     ; restore old I
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        LDRB    R3, [R3, #ESC_Status]
-        TST     R3, #&40
-        MyOsbyte NE                     ; ESCAPE, so don't change
-        LDR     R3, PrinterActive
-        TEQ     R3, #0
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; still active, then loop
-; insert code here to notify UPTVEC of change
-        B       V2B156                  ; R0 = 5, update variable
-; Write Printer Ignore Character
-        STRB    R2, NoIgnore            ; (R2=0) allow chars to be ignored
-        B       V2B156
-; Write RS423 receive rate
-; Write RS432 transmit rate
-        SUB     r0, r0, #2              ; 7 -> 5; 8 -> 6
-        SWI     XOS_SerialOp
-        MyOsbyte
-; Write First Flash Time
-        MOV     R2, #1
-; and drop thru to ...
-; Write Second Flash Time
-Osbyte0A                                        ; (R2=0)
-        MOV     R0, R1                          ; new period
-        LDRB    R1, [R2, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: SpacPeriod] ; get old state
-        STRB    R0, [R2, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: SpacPeriod] ; store new
-        LDRB    R3, FlashCount
-        TEQ     R3, #0                          ; are we frozen ?
-        MyOsbyte NE                             ; no, then finish
-        STRB    R0, FlashCount                  ; kick the counter
-        STRB    R2, FlashState                  ; force new state
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BEQ     ForceSecondState
-        Push    "R1,R2"
-        BL      DoFirstFlash
-        Pull    "R1,R2"
-        MyOsbyte
-        Push    "R1,R2"
-        BL      DoSecondFlash
-        Pull    "R1,R2"
-        MyOsbyte
-; Write Keyboard Delay
-        ADD     R0, R0, #(&C4-&0B)
-        B       DoOsbyteVar
-; Write Keyboard Rate
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        BNE     V2BBC
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0       ; this may take some time
-        BL      ReadKeyDefaults
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Disable / Enable Events
-; R1 = Event number. Decrement/Increment semaphore for this event
-Osbyte0D ROUT
-Osbyte0E ROUT
-        CMP     R1, #32                 ; if illegal event number
-        MOVCS   R2, #0                  ; then return + say was disabled
-        BCS     %FT10
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #:INDEX: EventSemaphores
-        LDRB    R2, [R3, R1]            ; get semaphore for this event
-        CMP     R0, #13                 ; 13 => disable, 14 => enable
-        SUBEQ   R0, R2, #1              ; decrement semaphore
-        ADDNE   R0, R2, #1              ; increment semaphore
-        CMP     R0, #&100               ; C=1 => wrapped, so don't store back
-        STRCCB  R0, [R3, R1]
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; R1 = R2 = old semaphore
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Flush Buffer
-Osbyte0F ROUT
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        BNE     FlushInput
-        BL      FlushAll
-        MyOsbyte
-; flush all buffers
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R1, #(NBuffers-1)
-        BL      FlushThis
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BPL     %BT10
-        Pull    PC
-; flush input buffer
-        LDROSB  R1, InputStream         ; get buffer id of input stream
-        BL      FlushThis
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Clear out the softkeys
-Osbyte12 ROUT
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, SoftKeyLen          ; purge current expansion
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace      ; can corrupt R11
-        Push    R4
-        MOV     R1, #15
-        MOV     R3, R1
-        BL      SetupKeyName            ; exits with R0 -> SoftKeyName
-        MOV     R2, #-1                 ; destroy variable
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; context pointer 0
-        MOV     R4, #0                  ; type irrelevant
-        SWI     XOS_SetVarVal           ; V will be set if not present
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BPL     %BT10
-        Pull    R4
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Wait for Vsync
-Osbyte13 ROUT
-        MRS     R3, CPSR                ; Interrupts disabled at the moment
-        ; bug fix for MED-03165. Having a DPMS-blanked screen stopped printing.
-        ; The reason is that HSyncs stop and VSyncs stop as a consequence,
-        ; but the Hourglass module uses this call to wait for the next VSync
-        ; before animating the hourglass.
-        ; When the screen is DPMS-blanked this osbyte will now return
-        ; immediately. This is equivalent to the operation of the DPMSUtils
-        ; module shipped with OS 3.50.
-        VDWS    R2
-        LDRB    R0, [R2,#ScreenBlankFlag]
-        LDRB    R1, [R2,#ScreenBlankDPMSState]
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; NE => blanked
-        TSTNE   R1, #1                  ; NE => blanked and DPMS turned off HSyncs
-        MyOsbyte NE                     ; if true exit immediately
-        LDRB    R2, CFStime
-        BIC     R1, R3, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R1              ; CLI
-   ;StrongARM core will not see interrupt unless disable is cleared for at least 5 cycles,
-   ;in order to fill synchroniser pipe
- [ StrongARM
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
- ]
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R3              ; SEI
-        LDRB    R1, CFStime
-        TEQ     R1, R2
-        MyOsbyte NE
- [ StorkPowerSave
-; It is actually better to call Idle with interrupts disabled as it stops the interrupt
-; going off on the way through the SWI dispatch and accidentally waiting for the next
-; interrupt... The Idle will return when an interrupt is pending - it will be handled when
-; we branch back up and enable interrupts.
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R0, [R0, #PortableFlags]
-        TST     R0, #PortableFeature_Idle
-        SWINE   XPortable_Idle
- ]
-        B       %BT10
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Restore font definitions
-        MOV     R1, #1                  ; start at character 1*32
-        MOV     R2, #3                  ; do 3 pages
-        B       ResetPartFont
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Flush Selected Buffer
-Osbyte15        ROUT
-; TMD 24-Apr-92: Don't check buffer number, as this prevents the flushing
-; of buffer manager buffers.
-;        CMP     R1, #NBuffers
-;        BCS     %FT10                   ; invalid buffer number
-        BL      FlushThis
-        MyOsbyte
-; code inserted here to zero PrinterActive iff you are flushing the printer
-; buffer and the print destination is not a stream one
-        CMP     R1, #Buff_RS423Out      ; is it an input buffer ? (not mouse)
-        BCS     %FT20                   ; no, then branch
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, SoftKeyLen          ; kill soft key expansion
-        STRB    R0, VDUqueueItems       ; flush VDU queue
-        SETV                            ; indicate purge not count
-        B       CnpEntry
-; Reset Group of font definitions
-Osbyte19 ROUT
-        CMP     R1, #8
-        MyOsbyte CS                     ; not in range 0..7, ignore
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        MOVEQ   R1, #1                  ; if 0 then start at 1*32, do 7 pages
-        MOVEQ   R2, #7
-        MOVNE   R2, #1                  ; else start at n*32, do 1 page
-; first offer to International module
-        Push    "R1, R2, R4, R5"
-        MOV     R4, R1, LSL #5          ; R4 = start character
-        ADD     R5, R4, R2, LSL #5      ; R5 = end character+1
-        SUB     R5, R5, #1              ; R5 = end character
-        LDRB    R3, Alphabet
-        MOV     R2, #Inter_Define
-        BL      OfferInternationalService
-        Pull    "R1, R2, R4, R5"
-        MyOsbyte EQ                     ; if claimed, don't use hard font
-        ByteToNosbod DoResetFont
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Set country number
-; in:   R1 = country number
-DoOsbyteSetCountry ROUT
-        TEQ     R1, #&7F                ; if 127, just read country
-        LDREQB  R1, Country
-        MyOsbyte EQ
-        BL      GetCountry
-        Push    R4
-        BL      ConvertCNoToANo         ; convert country no. to alphabet no.
-        Pull    R4, NE
-        MOVNE   R1, #0                  ; if not claimed, return with X=0
-        MyOsbyte NE
-; was claimed, so have country number in R1 and R3, alphabet no. in R4
-        LDRB    R1, Country             ; save old country
-        STRB    R3, Country             ; store new country
-        STRB    R4, Alphabet            ; and new alphabet
-        BL      NewKeyboard             ; R3=new keyboard, R4=alphabet for it
-        BL      SetAlphabet
-        Pull    R4
-        MyOsbyte
-        Push    "R1,R5,R14"
-        MOV     R2, #Inter_Define       ; now redefine the chars
-        MOV     R3, R4
-        MOV     R4, #32
-        MOV     R5, #255
-        BL      OfferInternationalService
-        Pull    "R1,R5,PC"
-        MOV     R3, R1                  ; put country no. in R3
-        MOV     R2, #Inter_CNoToANo
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R1, #Service_International
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     R1, #0                  ; set Z flag if claimed
-        Pull    PC
-; Notify keyboard handler of new keyboard
-        Push    "R1,R4,R14"
-        STRB    R3, Keyboard
-        STRB    R4, KeyAlphabet
-        MOV     R2, #Inter_Keyboard
-        BL      OfferInternationalService
-        Pull    "R1,R4,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Set keyboard/alphabet for a particular country
-DoOsbyteSetAlphKey ROUT
-        TST     R1, #&80                ; if set then setting keyboard
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; [setting keyboard]
-; setting alphabet
-        TEQ     R1, #&7F                ; 127 => just read alphabet
-        LDREQB  R1, Alphabet
-        MyOsbyte EQ
-; 20/8/87 added code to do setting of default alphabet
-        BL      GetCountry
-        Push    R4
-        BL      ConvertCNoToANo         ; try to convert R1 to alphabet number
-        MOVNE   R4, R3                  ; if failed, try without converting
-        BL      SetAlphabet             ; try to set this alphabet
-        Pull    R4
-        MOVNE   R1, #0                  ; if not claimed, return with X=0
-        MyOsbyte NE
-        LDRB    R1, Alphabet
-        STRB    R3, Alphabet
-        MyOsbyte
-; setting keyboard
-        AND     R1, R1, #&7F
-        TEQ     R1, #&7F                ; 127 => just read keyboard
-        LDREQB  R1, Keyboard
-        MyOsbyte EQ
-        BL      GetCountry
-        Push    R4
-        BL      ConvertCNoToANo         ; validating country no.
-        Pull    R4, NE
-        MOVNE   R1, #0                  ; if not claimed, return with X=0
-        MyOsbyte NE
-        LDRB    R1, Keyboard            ; load old keyboard
-        BL      NewKeyboard             ; R3=new keyboard, R4=alphabet for it
-        Pull    R4
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; All osbytes from &1A to &69 are unused (apart from international ones!)
-; End of unused block
-; Write pointer shape number, mouse linkage
-; R1 = 0        => pointer off
-; R1 = 1..4     => use pointer shape 1..4, linked to mouse
-; R1 = &81..&84 => use pointer shape 1..4, unlinked
-        VDWS    R0
-        LDRB    R3, [R0, #PointerShapeNumber]   ; get old shape number
-        AND     R2, R1, #&7F                    ; allow 0..4, &80..&84
-        CMP     R2, #4
-        BHI     %FT90                           ; ignore change if too high
-        TEQ     R1, R3
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ; same as old
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #PointerShapeNumber]   ; will take effect on next vsync (UpdatePointer)
-90      MOV     R1, R3
-        MyOsbyte
-; Set vdu driver's screen number
-        ByteToNosbod DoSetDriverBank
-        MyOsbyte
-; Set displayed screen number
-        ByteToNosbod DoSetDisplayBank
-        MyOsbyte
-        MOV     R0, #&EF                ; redirect to shadow variable
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        B       DoOsbyteVar
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read VDU Status
-        Push    R2
-        ByteToNosbod DoReadVDUStatus
-        Pull    R2
-        MyOsbyte
-; Reflect Keyboard Status In LEDs
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        MOV     R12, #IOC
-        BL      UpdateLEDs
-        MyOsbyte
-; Write Keys Pressed Info
-        BL      WriteKeysDown
-        MyOsbyte
-; Perform Keyboard Scan from 16
-        MOV     R1, #&10
-; and drop thru to ...
-; Perform Keyboard Scan
-        BL      BBCScanKeys
-        MyOsbyte
-; Inform OS Printer Driver going Dormant
-        BL      MakePrinterDormant
-        ByteReturnV
-; Clear Escape Condition
-        BL      DoOsbyte7C
-        MyOsbyte
-; Set Escape Condition
-        BL      DoOsbyte7D
-        MyOsbyte
-        Push    "R11, R14"
-        MOV     R11, #0
-        B       Osbyte7C7D
-        Push    "R11, R14"
-        MOV     R11, #&FF
-        MOV     R12, #EscHan_ws
-        STRB    R11, [R12, #ESC_Status-EscHan_ws]   ; set escape flag
-        MOV     R14, PC
-        LDMIA   R12, {R12, PC}
-        TEQ     R12, #1
- [ Version >= 201
-        Pull    "R11, PC", NE
-        MRS     R11, CPSR                       ; Preserve old processor state
-        ORR     R12, R11, #SVC_mode             ; Switch to SVC mode preserving IRQ_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R12
-        Push    R14                             ; Preserve SVC_R14
-        SWI     XOS_SetCallBack
-        Pull    R14                             ; Restore SVC_R14
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R11                     ; Switch back to original mode, with V_bit intact from SWI
-        Pull    "R11, PC"
- |
-        STREQB  R12, [R12, #IRQ_CallBack_Flag-1]
- ]
-        Pull    "R11, PC"
-; Acknowledge ESCAPE
-Osbyte7E ROUT
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        LDRB    R3, [R3, #ESC_Status]
-        TST     R3, #&40
-        BEQ     NoESCToAck                      ; escape flag clear
-        LDRB    R0, ESCeffect
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BNE     NoESCToAck                      ; escape effects disabled
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0               ; enable interrupts (doing SOUNDs and
-                                        ; closing files may take some time!)
-        SWI     XSound_QInit
-        BVS     %FT99                           ; no noises anyway!
-        LDR     R0, =&01010008                  ; channel 8, amplitude &101
-        MOV     R1, #&00010000                  ; pitch 0, duration 1
-        SWI     XSound_ControlPacked
-        BVS     %FT99                           ; (R0 would be corrupted)
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1                      ; decrement channel
-        TST     R0, #&FF                        ; if channel <> 0 then loop
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, PageModeLineCount           ; zero line count
-        LDRB    R1, ExecFileH
-        CMP     R1, #0                          ; is EXEC file open (and V:=0)
-        STRNEB  R0, ExecFileH                   ; if so, zero handle and close
-                                                ; (will enable IRQs for me)
-        SWINE   XOS_Find                        ; (R0=0, R1=handle)
-        ByteReturnV VS                          ; if error then bomb out
-        BL      FlushAll
-        BL      DoOsbyte7C
-        ANDS    R1, R3, #&40                    ; set R1 to 0 if wasn't escape,
-        MOVNE   R1, #&FF                        ; &FF if was
-        MyOsbyte
-; Check for EOF
-        MOV     R0, #OSArgs_EOFCheck
-        SWI     XOS_Args                        ; result comes back in R2
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        ByteReturnV
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read ADC or buffer status
-        AND     R1, R1, #&FF            ; no funny business
-        TST     R1, #&80                ; is it ADVAL(-n)
-        BEQ     AdvalPositive           ; no, then do adval(+ve)
-        EOR     R1, R1, #&FF            ; convert to buffer number
-        CLC                             ; (C:=0 and V:=0)
-        TEQ     R1, #Buff_Mouse         ; is it mouse (only input buf >= 2) ?
-        CMPNE   R1, #Buff_RS423Out ; C=1 <=> output buffer, so count spaces
-                                        ; V=0, so will do count not purge
-        ADR     R14, MyOsbyte80
-        Push    "R10,R12,R14"
-        MOV     R10, #CNPV
-        B       GoVec
-        MyOsbyte
-AdvalPositive ROUT
-        TEQ     R1, #7
-        TEQNE   R1, #8
-        Unused  NE
-        Push    R11
-        MOV     R11, R1                 ; save adval number
-        SWI     XOS_Mouse
-        Pull    R11, VS
-        ByteReturnV VS
-        TEQ     R11, #7
-        MOVEQ   R1, R0                  ; R1 is required value
-        MOV     R2, R1, LSR #8          ; put lo in R1, hi in R2
-        AND     R1, R1, #&FF
-        AND     R2, R2, #&FF
-        Pull    R11
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Perform INKEY operation
-Osbyte81 ROUT
-        TST     R2, #&80        ; is it negative inkey ?
-        BEQ     %FT10           ; no, then not INKEY-256
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #&FF    ; zero => INKEY(-256)
-        MOVEQ   R1, #OSVersionID        ; then X := OS version number
-        MOVEQ   R2, #0                  ; and  Y := 0
-        MyOsbyte EQ             ; if was INKEY-256 then claim
-        Push    R14             ; save return address for if passing on
-        ADR     R14, My81
-        Push    R14             ; stack 'claiming' return address
-        BL      DoInkeyOp       ; R14 = 'passing on' return address
-NotMy81                         ; DoInkeyOp passed it on
-        Pull    "R3,R14"        ; Throw away 'claiming' return address
-                                ; and restore real passing on return address
-        Unused                  ; else pass it on still
-        Pull    R14             ; throw away real passing on address
-        ByteReturnV
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read Machine High Order Address
-        MOV     R1, #&FF                ; Pretend we're an I/O processor !
-        MOV     R2, #&FF
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read OSHWM
-        LDRB    R2, OSHWM               ; Read from silly variable
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; lo-byte is 0
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read Text Cursor Position (input cursor if split)
-        ByteToNosbod DoReadPOSVPOSI     ; Results in R1, R2 (i.e. POS, VPOS)
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read Screen Mode and Character at text cursor position
- [ {FALSE}
- ; The user's PSR is no longer there. In fact, it never was (or hasn't been
- ; for a long time), because the return address passed to the vector always
- ; had the I bit set.
-        LDR     R3, [R13, #StackOffset] ; get user's psr
-        ANDS    R3, R3, #I_bit          ; EQ => irqs were on
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R3, EQ           ; so clear I_bit now
- ]
- ; However, the SPSR _should_ have the user's interrupt state. If he had
- ; IRQs off, we will not have turned them back on, so neither we nor an
- ; interrupt routine will have called a a SWI, so SPSR will still be the
- ; SPSR from the original OS_Byte, with I set.
- ;
- ; If someone else is on ByteV, and passed it on, the rules say that they
- ; mustn't have enabled interrupts either, in which case any corrupted SPSR
- ; must still have I set.
- ;
- ; If the caller had interrupts enabled, an interrupt may have corrupted SPSR
- ; the worst effect of this is that we may not enable interrupts. So...
-        MRS     R3, SPSR
-        TST     R3, #I32_bit            ; EQ => IRQs were on
-        MSREQ   CPSR_c, #SVC2632        ; so turn them on
-        ByteToNosbod DoOSBYTE87         ; Results in R1, R2 (i.e. char, mode)
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Insert Character Into Buffer
-        BL      INSERT
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Write Filing System Options : *OPT
-        MOV     R0, #FSControl_OPT
-        SWI     XOS_FSControl
-        ByteReturnV
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Issue Paged ROM Service Request
-        IssueService
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Select vertical screen shift and interlace option :*TV
-        LDRB    R0, TVVertical
-        STRB    R1, TVVertical
-        MOV     R1, R0                  ; old vertical in R1
-        AND     R0, R2, #1
-        LDRB    R2, TVInterlace         ; old interlace in R2
-        STRB    R0, TVInterlace
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Get Character From Buffer
-        CLRV                                    ; remove not examine
-        ADR     R14, MyOsbyte80
-        Push    "R10,R12,R14"
-        MOV     R10, #REMV
-        B       GoVec
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Examine Buffer Status
-        SETV                                    ; examine not remove
-        B       RemVEntry
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Insert Character Code Into buffer checking for ESCAPE
-        BL      DoInsertESC
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Update pseudo 6850 control register and soft copy
-        MOV     r0, #7                          ; OS_SerialOp to modify 6850 control register
-        SWI     XOS_SerialOp
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; 'Fast TUBE BPUT'
-        MOV     R0, R1                  ; R0 := character
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; R1 := handle
-        SWI     XOS_BPut
-        ByteReturnV
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read VDU Variable (0..15 implemented)
-        ByteToNosbod DoReadVDUVariable
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read CMOS RAM
-OsbyteA1    ; R1 = address , R2 = result
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0       ; this may take some time
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        BL      Read            ; Read CMOS ram at address <R0>
-        MOV     R2, R0          ; Result in R0, return in R2
-        MyOsbyte
-; Write CMOS RAM
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0       ; this may take some time
-        MOVS	R0, R1
-        [ ProtectStationID
-        MyOsbyte EQ
-        ]
-        [ STB :LAND: :DEF: ObsoleteNC1CMOS
-        ; Protect machine address CMOS (if not corrupt)
-        ASSERT  EtherCheckCMOS = EtherAddrCMOS+6
-        CMP     r0, #EtherAddrCMOS
-        BLT     %FT10
-        CMP     r0, #EtherCheckCMOS
-        BGT     %FT10
-        Push    "r0,r1"
-        BL      GetMachineAddressCMOS
-        Pull    "r0,r1"
-        MyOsbyte EQ             ; don't allow write if address is valid
-        ]
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        BL      Write
-        MOV     R1, R0          ; R1 is supposed to be preserved
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; OsByte 163,... applications call
-OsbyteA3 ROUT
-        TEQ     R1, #242
-        Unused  NE                      ; not 242 - pass it on
-        BL      %FT10
-        MyOsbyte                        ; if come to here, has been claimed
-        Push    R14
-        ByteToNosbod DoOsbyte163_242
-        Pull    R14                     ; if come to here, wasn't claimed
-        Unused
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read Output cursor Position
-        ByteToNosbod DoReadPOSVPOSO     ; Result in R1,R2   (Horiz,vert)
-        MyOsbyte
-; *****************************************************************************
-; All calls &A6 to &FF are implemented together.
-; The old value is returned in R1 and the next location is returned in R2
-; *****************************************************************************
-        SUB     R0, R0, #MainVars       ; Point to this block starting at &A6
-        LDRB    R3, [WsPtr, R0]         ; Load the byte
-        AND     R11, R3, R2             ; Mangle it as required by the law
-        EOR     R11, R11, R1            ; ................................
-        MOV     R1, R3                  ; Return old value in R1
-        TEQ     R0, #OsbyteKeyStatus - MainVars    ; sorry - it's not pure any more.
-        BEQ     DoOsbyteKeyStatus                  ; mea culpa. KJB.
-        STRB    R11, [R0, WsPtr]!       ; R0 +:= WsPtr
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #1]            ; Return contents of next loc in R2
-        MyOsbyte
-; Keyboard status (OS_Byte 202).
-; on entry: R0 = OsbyteKeyStatus - MainVars
-;           R1 = old value
-;           R11 = new value
-DoOsbyteKeyStatus ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,R10"
-        MOV     R10,#UpCallV            ; (Can't use OS_UpCall - it enables IRQs and we're documented as not doing so)
-        MOV     R3,R11                  ; R3 = new value
-        MOV     R2,R1                   ; R2 = old value
-        MOV     R1,#0                   ; pre-change
-        MOV     R0,#UpCall_KeyboardStatus
-        BL      CallVector              ; go on then, interfere     (Corrupts R10 & WsPtr)
-        LDR     R0, [R13]               ; get back original R0
-        STRB    R3, [R0, #OsbyteVars]!  ; R0 +:= WsPtr
-        LDRB    R14, [R0, #1]           ; Return contents of next loc in R2
-        STR     R14, [R13, #8]          ; by popping it on the stack
-        TEQ     R2, R3                  ; don't bother with UpCall if it didn't change...
-        MOVNE   R10,#UpCallV
-        MOVNE   R1,#1                   ; post-change
-        MOVNE   R0,#UpCall_KeyboardStatus
-        BLNE    CallVector              ; can't do anything about it now...
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R10"
-        MyOsbyte
-        LTORG
-; All the unused OS_Byte calls
-; ADC stuff
-Osbyte10 ROUT
-Osbyte11 ROUT
-; Incr/Decr Polling Int
-; Unused
-; Write 1MHz bus selection
-; Write Usage of Shadow memory for normal access
-; Make temporary filing system permanent
-; &6E and &6F are reserved by 3rd parties
-; &73 and &74 reserved for Electron
-; Close SPOOL(ON) & EXEC files
-; Read top of USER RAM
-; Read top of user RAM for given mode
-; *CODE
-; *TAPE
-;  *ROM
-; Enter Language ROM
-; Access Mem.Map.IO &92..&97
-; Write to VidULA & COPY
-; Old Style Speech
-; Check Processor Type
-        Unused
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetCountry - Read country
-; in:   R1 = country number or alphabet number
-; out:  IF R1=0 THEN
-;         R1:=Configured Country
-;         IF R1=0 THEN
-;           R1:=LastKbId
-;           IF R1>=&20 THEN R1:=0
-;         ENDIF
-;       ENDIF
-;       R0 undefined
-GetCountry ROUT
-        TEQ     R1, #0                          ; if not setting default, exit
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #CountryCMOS                ; read configured country
-        BL      Read
-        MOVS    R1, R0                          ; if not Country Default, exit
-        Pull    PC, NE
-        MOV     R0, #KeyWorkSpace
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #:INDEX: LastKbId]     ; read last valid keyboard id
-        CMP     R1, #&20                        ; if <&20 then use this
-        MOVCS   R1, #0                          ; else set to 0
-        Pull    PC
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/oseven b/s/PMF/oseven
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d87b29b..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/oseven
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-;  > $.Source.PMF.oseven
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIPrintChar - Entry for SWI OS_PrintChar
-; in:   R0 = character
-SWIPrintChar ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R9, R14"            ; save registers
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        CLRV                            ; R14 on entry must have V=0
-        BL      SWIPrintCharEntry
-        STRVS   R0, [R13, #0]           ; if error then poke R0 to stack
-        Pull    "R0-R9, R14"
-        B       SLVK_TestV              ; return appropriately
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MOSDoPrint - Print a character via VDU 1
-; in:   R0 = character
-; out:  V=0 => printed OK
-;       V=1 => error, R0 -> error block
-        Push    "R12,R14"
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        BL      MOSDoPrintWS
-        Pull    "R12,PC"
-MOSDoPrintWS                                    ; entry point when R12-> BYTEWS
-        CLRV
-        LDRB    R1, WrchDest
-        TST     R1, #4                          ; is 'printer disabled' bit set ?
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; yes, then return with V clear
-        LDRB    R1, PrinterDrivType             ; get the stream type
-        B       FudgePrinterInsert
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WRITE - Insert character into buffer
-;       Retries until successful or ESCAPE condition
-; in:   R0 = character
-;       R1 = buffer number
-        Push    R14
-        BL      INSRT
-        Pull    PC, CC
-; insert code here to turn LEDs on
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        LDRB    R2, [R2, #ESC_Status]
-        MOVS    R2, R2, LSL #(32-6)
-        Pull    PC, CS                  ; escape
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        BIC     R2, R14, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R2              ; CLI
-      [ StrongARM
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-      ]
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R14             ; restore I
-        B       %BT10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FudgePrinterInsert - Write byte to printer stream
-; in:   R0 = character to send
-;       R1 = printer type (3..255)
-;       R12 -> BYTEWS
-;       R14 has V_bit clear
-; out:  V=0 => printed OK
-;       V=1 => error, R0 -> error block
-FudgePrinterInsert ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R2, PrinterActive               ; R1=handle for printer stream
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        MOVNE   R1, R2                          ; already have handle, so can
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; corrupt R1
-        Push    R0                              ; save character
-        ADR     R0, PrinterTypeString
-        ADR     R2, PrinterTypeName
-        LDRB    R3, [R0], #1                    ; copy string from ROM to RAM
-        TEQ     R3, #0
-        STRNEB  R3, [R2], #1
-        BNE     %BT05
-        BL      OutputDecimalR1ToR2
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; terminate with 0
-        STRB    R0, [R2]
-        ADR     R0, PrinterTypeName+1           ; pointer to variable name
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; dummy expansion pointer
-                                        ; (saving ptr to end of string!)
-        MOV     R2, #-1                         ; don't accept chars
-        MOV     R3, #0                          ; no wildcarding
-        MOV     R4, #VarType_Expanded
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal                  ; on exit, R2=0 => no such var
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        Pull    "R0,PC", EQ                     ; so ignore this stream (V:=0)
-        MOV     R0, #">"                        ; now stick ">",13 on end
-        STRB    R0, [R1], #1
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        STRB    R0, [R1]
-        ADR     R1, PrinterTypeName             ; point to "<PrinterType$nnn>"
-        MOV     R0, #(open_write + open_mustopen + open_nodir)
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        BLVS    StopPrinting                    ; stop printing
-        Pull    "R1, PC", VS                    ; exit V set, not corrupting R0
-        MOV     R1, R0                          ; will always be non-zero
-        Pull    R0                              ; restore character
-        STR     R1, PrinterActive               ; store new handle
-        SWI     XOS_BPut                        ; R0 = byte to send
-        Pull    PC, VC                          ; no error, so exit
-        BL      StopPrinting                    ; preserves R0,R1
-        Push    R0                              ; save error pointer
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; CLOSE reason code
-        STR     R0, PrinterActive               ; zero handle
-        SWI     XOS_Find                        ; close channel
-        SETV
-        Pull    "R0,PC"                         ; return V set
-        =       "<",PrinterPrefix,0
-        ALIGN
-        LDR     R3, PrinterActive               ; printer handle
-        CMP     R3, #0                          ; no active handle if 0 (also clears V if zero)
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        Push    "R0,R1,R14"
-        MOV     R1, R3                          ; R1 = handle
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; close reason code
-        STR     R0, PrinterActive               ; zero handle
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        BLVS    StopPrinting
-        Pull    R0, VC                          ; if no error, preserve R0
-        ADDVS   R13, R13, #4                    ; else junk R0
-        Pull    "R1,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       StopPrinting - Clear bits 3 and 5 of FX3, bit 0 of VduStatus
-;       Preserves all registers (including status)
-StopPrinting ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R1"                         ; don't corrupt the flags!
-        LDRB    R0, WrchDest
-        BIC     R0, R0, #(1:SHL:3) :OR: (1:SHL:5)
-        STRB    R0, WrchDest
-        VDWS    R1
-        LDR     R0, [R1, #VduStatus]
-        BIC     R0, R0, #1                      ; clear VDU 2 bit
-        STR     R0, [R1, #VduStatus]
-        Pull    "R0,R1"
-        MOV     PC, R14                         ; returning preserving flags
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       OutputDecimalR1ToR2 - Output a decimal byte
-; in:   R1 = number to output
-;       R2 = buffer to accept chars
-; out:  R0, R3 corrupt
-OutputDecimalR1ToR2 ROUT
-        MOV     R0, #100                        ; do hundreds first
-        MOV     R3, #"0"
-        SUBS    R1, R1, R0
-        ADDCS   R3, R3, #1
-        BCS     %BT20
-        ADD     R1, R1, R0
-        CMP     R3, #"0"                        ; if digit non-zero
-        STRNEB  R3, [R2], #1                    ; then output
-        TEQ     R0, #10
-        MOVNE   R0, #10                         ; then do tens digit
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ORR     R1, R1, #"0"
-        STRB    R1, [R2], #1                    ; output units digit
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/osinit b/s/PMF/osinit
deleted file mode 100644
index bd52866b..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/osinit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1409 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.osinit
-        GBLL    ErrorsInR0
-ErrorsInR0 SETL Module                  ; if FALSE, use XOS_GenerateError for
-                                        ; RAM version
-                                        ; if TRUE, return error ptr in R0
-        GBLL    ProtectStationID        ; if TRUE, disallow OSBYTE &A2,0,n
-ProtectStationID SETL {TRUE}:LAND::LNOT:Embedded_UI
- [ STB
-        ; STB and NC machines probably want Num lock off.
-KBStat_Default  *       KBStat_NoShiftLock :OR: KBStat_NoNumLock
- |
-        ; Desktop machines probably want Num lock on.
-KBStat_Default  *       KBStat_NoShiftLock
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-ExecuteInit ROUT
-        Push    R14
-       ; Point to OsbyteVars
-       ; and initialise them
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        LDRB    R1, LastBREAK           ; 0 => soft, 1 => power-on, 2 => hard
-        CMP     R1, #1
-        ADRCC   R2, SoftResetVars
-        ADREQ   R2, PowerOnResetVars
-        ADRHI   R2, HardResetVars
-        LDRCCB  R3, NoIgnore            ; preserve NoIgnore over soft reset
-        MOVCS   R3, #0                  ; if hard or power-on reset, zero it
-        STRCS   R3, TimerAlpha +0       ; and zero both copies of TIME
-        STRCS   R3, TimerAlpha +4
-        STRCS   R3, TimerBeta +0
-        STRCS   R3, TimerBeta +4
-        MOV     R4, R1                  ; preserve LastBREAK
-        MOV     R1, WsPtr               ; start at the beginning
-        ADR     R11, ByteVarInitTable
-        LDRB    R0, [R11], #1           ; copy a byte from table
-        STRB    R0, [R1], #1            ; to vars
-        TEQ     R1, R2                  ; at end ?
-        BNE     ByteVarInitLoop         ; [no, then loop]
-        STRB    R3, NoIgnore            ; put NoIgnore back
-        STRB    R4, LastBREAK           ; put LastBREAK back
-; Initialise buffer pointers
-        MOV     R0, #4*(NBuffers-1)     ; index to pointer
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; value to store
-        STR     R1, [R0, #BuffInPtrs]
-        STR     R1, [R0, #BuffOutPtrs]
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #4
-        BPL     BuffPtrInitLoop
-; mark printer as dormant
-        STR     R1, PrinterActive       ; (R1=0)
-; Initialise event semaphores
-        ADR     R0, EventSemaphores
-        ADD     R2, R0, #32
-        STR     R1, [R0], #4            ; clear all 32 event semaphores
-        TEQ     R0, R2
-        BNE     %BT10
-        STRB    R1, FlashState
-        STRB    R1, SerialInHandle      ; zero serial handles
-        STRB    R1, SerialOutHandle
-; Initialise LatchB and soft copy
-;        MOV     R1, #0          ; AND with 0 (was omitted on earlier MOS) ; R1 already zero
-        MOV     R0, #0          ; EOR with 0
-        BL      UpdateLatchB
-  [ HAL
-; This has already been done much earlier in initialisation
-  |
-; set up IOC timer 0 before we read from CMOS (cos it uses timer for delays)
-        MOV     R1, #IOC
-        LDR     R0, =20000-1    ; R0 = Timer delay (units of 0.5 microsecond)
-                                ; 20000*0.5E-6 = 0.01 Seconds 100Hz
-                                ; TMD 21-May-93: "-1" correction applied
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0LL]     ; Set up the delay
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #8
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0LH]
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #Timer0GO]     ; and start the ticks
-   ]
-        LDRB    R0, LastBREAK
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        BL      ReadMachineType
-        BL      ReadUniqueID
-        BL      ReadHardCMOSDefaults
-        BL      ReadCMOSDefaults
- [ :LNOT: HAL
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        BL      PowerHardware           ;On Stork, ensure Combo chip, Winnie, Floppy etc are powered
- ]
- [ Keyboard_Type <> "RCMM"              ; On RCMM machines, this is done in SetUpKbd.
-        [ STB
-        BL      ConfigureCombo
-        |
-        BL      Configure37C665         ;RiscPC, Kryten and Stork use only SMC 37C665
-        ]
- ] ; <> "RCMM"
- ]
- [ HAL
-        Push    "r9,r12"
-        AddressHAL
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        CallHAL HAL_TimerDevice
-        MOV     R4, R0
-        CallHAL HAL_VideoFlybackDevice
-        CMP     R0, #-1
-        MOVNE   R5, R0
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQClear, NE        ; clear vsync IRQ
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQClear            ; clear timer 0 IRQ
-        MOV     R0, R5
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQEnable           ; enable vsync IRQ
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        CallHAL HAL_IRQEnable           ; enable timer 0 IRQ
-        Pull    "r9,r12"
- |
-        MOV     R1, #IOC
-        MOV     r0, #timer0_bit :OR: vsync_bit
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOCIRQCLRA]   ; clear pending tim0, vsync irqs (+ pack irq if appropriate)
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #IOCIRQMSKA]
-        ORR     R0, R0, #timer0_bit :OR: vsync_bit
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOCIRQMSKA]   ; Enable timer 0 + vsync irqs
- ]
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [R1, #IOMD_ATODICR] ; power down the A to D convertor
- ]
-; Don't set time to value held in RTC if the RTC chip is not fitted
-; system time will default to UNIX epoch + 1 day (so time() doesn't return -1)
-secs0070 *      (86400*(365*70+18))     ; from time() in risc_oslib.c.armsys
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #RTCFitted]
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; when zero,no RTC
-        BNE     %FT28
-        LDR     R7, =(secs0070 * 100)   ; centiseconds LSW
-        MOV     R8, #&33                ; centiseconds MSW
-        BL      Store5ByteInRealTime
-        B       %FT30
-        BL      CheckYear               ; check for year wrap scenario
-        BL      RTCToRealTime
-; insert soft key 10
-        MOV     R2, #&CA
-        BL      RDCHS
-        Pull    PC
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadHardCMOSDefaults - Read CMOS values for a hard/power-on reset
-;       NB must be called in supervisor mode
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #PigCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        STRB    R0, PrinterIgnore
-        MOV     R0, #PSITCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        TST     R0, #2                  ; NoIgnore bit
-        MOVEQ   R1, #0
-        MOVNE   R1, #&80
-        STRB    R1, NoIgnore
-        MOV     R1, R0, LSR #5          ; printer type now in bits 0..2
-        STRB    R1, PrinterDrivType
-        MOV     R0, #MODETVCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        MOV     R2, R0, LSR #4          ; bit0:=interlace, bits 1-3 := vertical
-        AND     R1, R2, #1
-        STRB    R1, TVInterlace
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #31-3       ; bits 29-31 := vertical
-        MOV     R2, R2, ASR #29         ; sign extend
-        STRB    R2, TVVertical
-        MOV     R0, #DBTBCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        LDRB    R1, StartOptions
-        TST     R0, #&10                ; bit 4 = boot bit
-        ORREQ   R1, R1, #8              ; noboot => set bit 3
-        BICNE   R1, R1, #8              ; boot => clear bit 3
-        STRB    R1, StartOptions
-        LDR     R2, =VduDriverWorkSpace+CursorFlags
-        ANDS    R1, R0, #8              ; noscroll bit - put 0 or 1
-        MOVNE   R1, #1                  ; in bottom byte of CursorFlags
-        STRB    R1, [R2]                ; leave other bytes alone
-        MOV     R0, #CountryCMOS        ; read country CMOS and store in var
-        BL      Read                    ; but don't bind 'Default' to a fixed
-        STRB    R0, Country             ; country at this stage
-        BL      SetUpPrinterBuffer
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadCMOSDefaults - Read CMOS values for any reset
-;       NB must be called in supervisor mode
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #DBTBCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        TST     R0, #2                  ; NZ => loud
-        MOVEQ   R1, #&D0                ; (quiet)
-        MOVNE   R1, #&90                ; (LOUD)
-        STRB    R1, BELLinfo
-        MOV     R0, #StartCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSL #(32-5)     ; bit 5 -> carry, bit 4 -> N bit
-        MOVPL   R0, #KBStat_Default + KBStat_ShiftEnable    ; SHCAPS
-        MOVMI   R0, #KBStat_Default + KBStat_NoCapsLock     ; NOCAPS
-        MOVCS   R0, #KBStat_Default                         ; CAPS
-        STRB    R0, KeyBdStatus
- [ ModeSelectors
-        BL      Read_Configd_MonitorType
-        LDR     r1, =VduDriverWorkSpace+CurrentMonitorType ; set current to default
-        STR     r0, [r1]
- ]
-        Pull    R14
-; and drop thru to ...
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #KeyDelCMOS         ; Read the default out of CMOS RAM
-        BL      Read                    ; comes back in R0
-        STRB    R0, KeyRepDelay
-        MOV     R0, #KeyRepCMOS         ; Read the default out of CMOS RAM
-        BL      Read                    ; comes back in R0
-        STRB    R0, KeyRepRate
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PostInit - Called by Sam after modules have been initialised
-PostInit ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        LDRB    R0, LastBREAK           ; get reset type
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; [soft reset, skip]
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        SWI     XPortable_ReadFeatures
-        BVC     %FT01
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        SWI     XPortable_Speed         ; attempt to make the portable go fast!
-        MOVVC   R1, #PortableFeature_Speed
-        MOVVS   R1, #0
-        AND     R1, R1, #(PortableFeature_Speed :OR: PortableFeature_Idle :OR: PortableFeature_Stop)
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #PortableFlags]
- |
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; allow SWI Portable_Speed to be issued
-        STRB    r0, [r0, #PortableFlag]
- ]
-        [ BleedinDaveBell
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; indicate keyboard UK
-        MOV     R1, #101                ; indicate alphabet Latin1
-        |
-        MOV     R0, #2                  ; indicate keyboard Master
-        MOV     R1, #100                ; indicate alphabet Bfont
-        ]
-        STRB    R0, Keyboard
-        STRB    R1, Alphabet
-        STRB    R1, KeyAlphabet         ; alphabet corresponding to keyboard
-        Pull    R14
-        B       KeyPostInit
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWI OS_ResyncTime
-; in:   r0  = 0 - Real time clock soft copy only
-;       r0 <> 0   reserved for future expansion
-; out:  r0 preserved
-        Push    "R12,LR"
-        BYTEWS	WsPtr
-        BL      CheckYear               ;may have been frozen over new year!
-        BL      RTCToRealTime
-        Pull    "R12,LR"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateLatchB - update latch B and soft copy
-;       LATCHB := (LATCHB AND R1) EOR R0
-        Push    "R2, R3, R14"
-        PHPSEI                                ; disable IRQ
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #LatchBSoftCopy]
-        AND     R3, R3, R1
-        EOR     R3, R3, R0
-        STRB    R3, [R2, #LatchBSoftCopy]
-        PLP
-        Pull    "R2, R3, PC"
-        [ :LNOT: STB :LAND: :LNOT: HAL
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateMonitorTypeLatch - update monitor type latch and soft copy
-;       Returns the result in R4
-        Push    "R2, R3, R14"
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        ORR     R2, R14, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R2              ; disable IRQ
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #CLine_Softcopy]
-        MOV     R3, #1                  ;Set our bit only
-        STRB    R3, [R2, #CLine_Softcopy]
-        MOV     R2, #IOMD_Base
-        STRB    R3, [R2, #IOMD_CLINES]  ;Write the new reg out
-        LDRB    R3, [R2, #IOMD_CLINES]  ;Read it back
-        AND     R4, R3, #1              ;Clear all but our bit into R4
-        MSR     CPSR_cf, R14            ;Re-enable IRQ, restore flags
-        Pull    "R2, R3, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ]
-; The initial values for all of the osbyte variables
-; as decreed by arthur.
-                        ; The main osbyte variables, accessed
-                        ; via calls &A6 to &FF
-  DCW OsbyteVars-&A6    ; VarStart  #  2     ; &A6,&A7
-  = 0,0                 ; ROMPtr    #  2     ; &A8,&A9
-  = 0,0                 ; ROMInfo   #  2     ; &AA,&AB
-  = 0,0                 ; KBTran    #  2     ; &AC,&AD
-  = 0,0                 ; VDUvars   #  2     ; &AE,&AF
-                        ;
-  = 0                   ; CFStime   #  1     ; &B0
-  = 0                   ; InputStream #  1   ; &B1
-  = &FF                 ; KeyBdSema #  1     ; &B2
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; ROMPollSema # 1    ; &B3
-  = &80                 ; OSHWM     #  1     ; &B4 (hi-byte of &8000)
-                        ;
-  = 1                   ; RS423mode #  1     ; &B5
-  = 0                   ; NoIgnore  #  1     ; &B6
-  = &00                 ; CFSRFS    #  1     ; &B7
-  = &00,&00             ; VULAcopy  #  2     ; &B8,&B9
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; ROMatBRK  #  1     ; &BA
-  = &FF                 ; BASICROM  #  1     ; &BB
-                        ;
-  = &04                 ; ADCchanel #  1     ; &BC
-  = &04                 ; ADCmaxchn #  1     ; &BD
-  = &00                 ; ADCconv   #  1     ; &BE
-                        ;
-  = &FF                 ; RS432use     #  1  ; &BF
-  = &42                 ; RS432conflag #  1  ; &C0
-                        ;
-  = &19                 ; FlashCount # 1     ; &C1
-  = &19                 ; SpacPeriod # 1     ; &C2
-  = &19                 ; MarkPeriod # 1     ; &C3
-                        ;
-  = &32                 ; KeyRepDelay # 1    ; &C4
-  = &08                 ; KeyRepRate  # 1    ; &C5
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; ExecFileH   # 1    ; &C6
-  = &00                 ; SpoolFileH  # 1    ; &C7
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; ESCBREAK    # 1    ; &C8 (200)
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; KeyBdDisable # 1   ; &C9
-  = KBStat_Default      ; KeyBdStatus  # 1   ; &CA
-                        ;
-  = &11                 ; RS423HandShake # 1 ; &CB
-  = &00                 ; RS423InputSupr # 1 ; &CC
-  = &00                 ; RS423CFSFlag   # 1 ; &CD
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; EconetOScall # 1   ; &CE
-  = &00                 ; EconetOSrdch # 1   ; &CF
-  = &00                 ; EconetOSwrch # 1   ; &D0
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; SpeechSupr # 1     ; &D1
-  = &00                 ; SoundSupr # 1      ; &D2
-                        ;
-  = &01                 ; BELLchannel # 1    ; &D3
-  = &90                 ; BELLinfo    # 1    ; &D4
-  = &64                 ; BELLfreq    # 1    ; &D5
-  = &06                 ; BELLdur     # 1    ; &D6
-                        ;
-  = &81                 ; StartMessSupr # 1  ; &D7
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; SoftKeyLen # 1     ; &D8
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; PageModeLineCount # 1          ; &D9
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; VDUqueueItems # 1  ; &DA
-                        ;
-  = &09                 ; TABch # 1          ; &DB
-  = &1B                 ; ESCch # 1          ; &DC
-                        ;
-  = &01,&D0,&E0,&F0     ; IPbufferCh # 4     ; &DD,&DE,&DF,&E0
-  = &01,&80,&90,&00     ; RedKeyCh   # 4     ; &E1,&E2,&E3,&E4
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; ESCaction  # 1     ; &E5
-  = &00                 ; ESCeffect  # 1     ; &E6
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; u6522IRQ # 1       ; &E7
-  = &00                 ; s6850IRQ # 1       ; &E8
-  = &00                 ; s6522IRQ # 1       ; &E9
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; TubeFlag # 1       ; &EA
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; SpeechFlag # 1     ; &EB
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; WrchDest # 1       ; &EC
-  = &00                 ; CurEdit  # 1       ; &ED
-                        ;
-  = &30                 ; KeyBase            ; &EE
-  = &01                 ; Shadow             ; &EF
-  = &00                 ; Country            ; &F0
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; UserFlag # 1       ; &F1
-                        ;
-  = &64                 ; SerULAreg # 1      ; &F2
-                        ;
-  = &05                 ; TimerState # 1     ; &F3
-                        ;
-  = &FF                 ; SoftKeyConsist # 1 ; &F4
-                        ;
-  = &01                 ; PrinterDrivType   # 1          ; &F5
-  = &0A                 ; PrinterIgnore     # 1          ; &F6
-                        ;
-  = &01,&00,&00         ; BREAKvector # 3    ; &F7,&F8,&F9
-                        ;
-  = &00                 ; DRIVER             ; &FA
-  = &00                 ; DISPLAY            ; &FB
-                        ;
-  = &FF                 ; LangROM # 1        ; &FC
-                        ;
-  = &01                 ; LastBREAK # 1      ; &FD
-                        ;
-  = &0F                 ; KeyOpt # 1         ; &FE
-                        ;
-  = &08                 ; StartOptions # 1   ; &FF
-                        ;
-                        ;
-ByteVarInitTableSize * ByteVarInitTableEnd - ByteVarInitTable
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        LTORG
-oldirqowner & IRQ
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ReadMachineType - Determine machine type and store it in IOSystemType
-ReadMachineType Entry "r0-r12"
-  [ HAL
-        MOV     r2, #4_3330                     ; Fudge 1 - VGA
-        ;MOV     r2, #4_3111                     ; Fudge 2 - no connection - will do LCD
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        STRB    r2, [r1, #MonitorLeadType]
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        STRB    r2, [r1, #IOSystemType]
-        EXIT
-  |
-        MOV     r12, #IOMD_Base
-        LDRB    r0, [r12, #IOMD_ID0]
-        LDRB    r11, [r12, #IOMD_ID1]
-        ORR     r0, r0, r11, LSL #8
-        LDR     r11, =IOMD_Original
-        TEQ     r0, r11
-        MOVEQ   r11, #0                                 ; assume Medusa
-        MOVNE   r11, #IOST_7500                         ; else assume Morris
-        TEQ     r11, #IOST_7500                         ; and set EQ if Morris to do conditional stuff below
-; On Kryten,    Morris pin Event2 is tied low so bit Nevent2 is a ONE
-; On Stork,     Morris pin Event2 is tied high so bit Nevent2 is a ZERO
-; On STB/NCD,   Morris pin Event2 is tied high so bit Nevent2 is a ZERO, but we don't have a LCD
-;               controller or battery manager so we'll not set IOST_BATMAN
-        LDREQB  r0, [r12, #IOMD_IRQSTD]         ;EQ, Morris
-   [ BatManSupport
-        TSTEQ   r0, #IOMD_Nevent2_bit
-        ORREQ   r11, r11, #IOST_BATMAN          ;EQ, Stork ie Morris & BATMAN
-   ]
-        ORR     r0, r11, #IOST_IOEB             ; pretend we've got IOEB
-; r11 holds  0                        for  IOMD   (Risc PC)
-;        or  IOST_7500                for  Morris (Kryten, Falcon, Omega)
-;        or  IOST_7500 + IOST_BATMAN  for  Morris (Stork)
-        MOV     r1, #0                          ; normal Hsync and address pointer
-        LDRB    r3, [r1, #IOSystemType]
-        AND     r3, r3, #IOST_COMBOMASK         ; preserve combo type which may already
-        ORR     r3, r3, r0                      ; be in there on RCMM machines
-        STRB    r3, [r1, #IOSystemType]
-; now read monitor lead type.
-        TEQ     r0, #0                          ; no IOEB
-        MOVEQ   r2, #&FF                        ; then return all ones for monitor lead type
-        BEQ     %FT90
-      [ MPEGPoduleNTSCNotPALMask <> 0
-        !       1, "Sorry, I don't do MPEGPoduleNTSCNotPALMask any more"
-      ]
-        [ STB
-        LDR     r0, =VIDC                       ; on VIDC20 we invert HSYNC by writing to External Register
-    [ IOMD_C_MonitorType <> 0
-        ASSERT  (IOMD_C_MonitorType = (1<<0))   ; this code only understands auto-detect in bit 0
-    ]
-        TST     R11, #IOST_7500
-        LDREQ   r3, =IOMD_MonitorType           ; Not Morris, address is in old place
-        LDRNE   r3, =(IOMD_Base + IOMD_CLINES)
-        LDR     r1, =VIDCExternal+Ext_InvertCompVSYNC+Ext_DACsOn+Ext_ERegExt ; normal HSYNC value
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        ORR     r2, r1, #Ext_InvertHSYNC        ; value for inverted HSYNC
-        LDRB    r4, [r3]                        ; base value
-  [ MorrisSupport
-    [ IOMD_C_PALNTSCType <> 0
-        ASSERT  (IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = (1<<4))   ; this code only understands PAL/NTSC auto-detect in bit 4
-        AND     r4, r4, #(IOMD_C_MonitorType :OR: IOMD_C_PALNTSCType)
-        ORR     r4, r4, r4, LSR #1              ; Shift PAL/NTSC bit into bit 3
-        AND     r4, r4, #&0F                    ; only use bits 0..3
-    |
-        AND     r4, r4, #IOMD_C_MonitorType     ; only one bit
-    ]
-  |
-        AND     r4, r4, #&0F                    ; only use bits 0..3
-  ]
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; bits 0..3   = bits which have ever changed
-                                                ; bits 4..7   = bits whose deinverted value was high last time
-                                                ; bits 8..11  = bits whose deinverted value just went high-low
-                                                ; bits 12..15 = bits whose deinverted value just went high-low-low
-                                                ; bits 16..19 = bits which could be hsync
-                                                ;  ie after every high-low there was low-low (after deinversion)
-                                                ; bits 20..23 = bits which are definitely random
-        MOV     r10, #&0F                       ; used inside CheckBits
-        MOV     r12, #256                       ; number of iterations
-        STR     r2, [r0]
-        LDRB    r6, [r3]                        ; read value with inverted sync
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        LDRB    r7, [r3]                        ; read value with normal sync
-  [ MorrisSupport
-    [ IOMD_C_PALNTSCType <> 0
-        AND     r6, r6, #(IOMD_C_MonitorType :OR: IOMD_C_PALNTSCType)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r6, LSR #1              ; Shift PAL/NTSC bit into bit 3
-        AND     r6, r6, #&0F                    ; only use bits 0..3
-        AND     r7, r7, #(IOMD_C_MonitorType :OR: IOMD_C_PALNTSCType)
-        ORR     r7, r7, r7, LSR #1              ; Shift PAL/NTSC bit into bit 3
-        AND     r7, r7, #&0F                    ; only use bits 0..3
-    |
-        AND     r6, r6, #IOMD_C_MonitorType     ; only one bit
-        AND     r7, r7, #IOMD_C_MonitorType
-    ]
-  |
-        AND     r6, r6, #&0F                    ; only use bits 0..3
-        AND     r7, r7, #&0F
-  ]
-        EOR     r8, r6, r4                      ; bits which have changed from steady value to inverted one
-        ORR     r5, r5, r8                      ; OR into mask of bits which have ever changed
-        EOR     r8, r7, r4                      ; bits which have changed from steady value to normal one
-        ORR     r5, r5, r8                      ; OR into mask of bits which have ever changed
-        EOR     r6, r6, #&0F                    ; deinvert inverted value
-        BL      CheckBits                       ; call check routine with first value
-        MOV     r6, r7
-        BL      CheckBits                       ; call check routine with second value
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #1
-        BNE     %BT20
-        | ; STB
-        LDR     r0, =VIDC                       ; on VIDC20 we invert HSYNC by writing to External Register
-        LDR     r3, =IOMD_MonitorType
-        LDR     r1, =VIDCExternal+Ext_InvertCompVSYNC+Ext_DACsOn+Ext_ERegExt ; normal HSYNC value
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        ORR     r2, r1, #Ext_InvertHSYNC        ; value for inverted HSYNC
- [ MorrisSupport
-        TST     R11, #IOST_7500
-        BLNE    UpdateMonitorTypeLatch          ;Result back in R4
-        LDREQB  r4, [r3]
- |
-        LDRB    r4, [r3]                        ; base value
- ]
-        AND     r4, r4, #&0F                    ; only use bits 0..3
-        MOV     r5, #0                          ; bits 0..3   = bits which have ever changed
-                                                ; bits 4..7   = bits whose deinverted value was high last time
-                                                ; bits 8..11  = bits whose deinverted value just went high-low
-                                                ; bits 12..15 = bits whose deinverted value just went high-low-low
-                                                ; bits 16..19 = bits which could be hsync
-                                                ;  ie after every high-low there was low-low (after deinversion)
-                                                ; bits 20..23 = bits which are definitely random
-        MOV     r10, #&0F                       ; used inside CheckBits
-        MOV     r12, #256                       ; number of iterations
-        STR     r2, [r0]
- [ MorrisSupport
-        TST     R11, #IOST_7500
-        BLNE    UpdateMonitorTypeLatch          ;Result back in R4
-        MOVNE   r6, r4
-        LDREQB  r6, [r3]
- |
-        LDRB    r6, [r3]                        ; read value with inverted sync
- ]
-        STR     r1, [r0]
- [ MorrisSupport
-        TST     R11, #IOST_7500
-        BLNE    UpdateMonitorTypeLatch          ;Result back in R4
-        MOVNE   r7,r4
-        LDREQB  r7,[r3]
- |
-        LDRB    r7, [r3]                        ; read value with normal sync
- ]
-        AND     r6, r6, #&0F
-        AND     r7, r7, #&0F
-        EOR     r8, r6, r4                      ; bits which have changed from steady value to inverted one
-        ORR     r5, r5, r8                      ; OR into mask of bits which have ever changed
-        EOR     r8, r7, r4                      ; bits which have changed from steady value to normal one
-        ORR     r5, r5, r8                      ; OR into mask of bits which have ever changed
-        EOR     r6, r6, #&0F                    ; deinvert inverted value
-        BL      CheckBits                       ; call check routine with first value
-        MOV     r6, r7
-        BL      CheckBits                       ; call check routine with second value
-        SUBS    r12, r12, #1
-        BNE     %BT20
-        ] ; STB
-; now process result
-        LDR     r1, =VIDCExternal+Ext_InvertCompVSYNC+Ext_InvertCompHSYNC+Ext_DACsOn+Ext_ERegExt        ; put back default value
-        STR     r1, [r0]
-        BIC     r4, r4, r5                      ; don't put port value in for bits that have changed
-        BIC     r5, r5, r5, LSR #16             ; make bits 0..3 of r5 indicate random bits
-        ANDS    r2, r4, #1                      ; for each bit pair 00 => low, 01 => high, 10 => Hsync, 11 => random
-        TST     r5, #1 :SHL: 16
-        MOVNE   r2, #2 :SHL: 0
-        TST     r5, #1
-        MOVNE   r2, #3 :SHL: 0
-        TST     r4, #2
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #1 :SHL: 2
-        TST     r5, #2 :SHL: 16
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #2 :SHL: 2
-        TST     r5, #2
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #3 :SHL: 2
-        TST     r4, #4
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #1 :SHL: 4
-        TST     r5, #4 :SHL: 16
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #2 :SHL: 4
-        TST     r5, #4
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #3 :SHL: 4
-        TST     r4, #8
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #1 :SHL: 6
-        TST     r5, #8 :SHL: 16
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #2 :SHL: 6
-        TST     r5, #8
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #3 :SHL: 6
-  [ {FALSE}
-        ASSERT  IOMD_MonitorIDMask = 1
-        AND     r2, r2, #3                      ; only bit 0 of ID valid on IOMD-based systems
-  ]
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        STRB    r2, [r1, #MonitorLeadType]
-        EXIT
-  ]
-CheckBits ROUT
-        AND     r8, r10, r5, LSR #12            ; bits that were H-L-L
-        BIC     r8, r8, r6                      ; bits that are H-L-L-L
-        ORR     r5, r5, r8, LSL #16             ; OR into bits that could be hsync
-        ORR     r8, r5, r5, LSR #4
-        AND     r8, r6, r8, LSR #8              ; bits that just went H-L-H or H-L-L-H
-        AND     r8, r8, r5, LSR #16             ; bits that just went H-L-H or H-L-L-H and could have been hsync
-        ORR     r5, r5, r8, LSL #20             ; they're definitely random now
-        BIC     r5, r5, r8, LSL #16             ; and they're definitely not hsync now
-        AND     r8, r5, #&FF :SHL: 4            ; get H bits, and H-L bits
-        BIC     r8, r8, r6, LSL #4              ; knock out bits that were H and are now H
-        BIC     r8, r8, r6, LSL #8              ; knock out bits that were H-L and are now H
-        BIC     r5, r5, #&FF :SHL: 8            ; knock out all H-L and H-L-L bits
-        ORR     r5, r5, r8, LSL #4              ; put in new H-L and H-L-L bits
-        BIC     r5, r5, #&F :SHL: 4             ; knock out old H bits
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #4              ; put in new H bits
-        BIC     r5, r5, r5, LSR #20             ; knock out H bits if we know it's random
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       TranslateMonitorLeadType - Determine monitor type and default mode + sync from monitor lead type
-; in:   Monitor lead type in variable MonitorLeadType (surprisingly!)
-; out:  r3 = default mode to use
-;       r4 = default monitortype to use
-;       r5 = default sync to use
-TranslateMonitorLeadType Entry "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r1, #Service_MonitorLeadTranslation
-        LDRB    r2, [r1, #MonitorLeadType-Service_MonitorLeadTranslation]
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-        TEQ     r1, #0                          ; if service claimed, then exit with these numbers
-        EXIT    EQ
-        ADR     r0, MonitorLeadList
-        LDR     r14, [r0], #4
-        EOR     r1, r2, r14, LSR #24            ; differences
-        EOR     r14, r14, #&FF000000            ; make don't cares into zero
-        TST     r14, #&C0000000
-        BICEQ   r1, r1, #&C0                    ; knock out difference pairs if don't care
-        TST     r14, #&30000000
-        BICEQ   r1, r1, #&30
-        TST     r14, #&0C000000
-        BICEQ   r1, r1, #&0C
-        TST     r14, #&03000000
-        BICEQ   r1, r1, #&03
-        TEQ     r1, #0                          ; if still have differences, then loop
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     r0, #&FF
-        AND     r3, r0, r14                     ; mode in bits 0..7
-        AND     r4, r0, r14, LSR #8             ; monitortype in bits 8..15
-        AND     r5, r0, r14, LSR #16            ; sync in bits 16..23
-        EXIT
-        MACRO
-        MonitorLeadItem $lead, $mode, $monitortype, $sync
-        ASSERT $lead < 256
-        ASSERT $mode < 256
-        ASSERT $monitortype < 256
-        ASSERT $sync < 256
-        DCD     (($lead):SHL:24):OR:(($sync):SHL:16):OR:(($monitortype):SHL:8):OR:($mode)
-        MEND
-  [ STB
-   [ IOMD_C_MonitorType = 0                                     ; no auto-detect bit
-     [ IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0                                   ; no PAL/NTSC bits:
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_3333,  12, 0, 1                       ; PAL TV assumed
-     | ; IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_0333,  12, 0, 1                       ; PAL TV
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_1333,  46, 8, 1                       ; NTSC TV
-     ] ; IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0
-   |
-     [ :LNOT: ChrontelSupport
-       [ IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0                                 ; no PAL/NTSC bits:
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_3331,  12, 0, 1                       ; PAL TV assumed
-       | ; IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0                               ; wealth of bits:
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_0331,  12, 0, 1                       ; PAL TV
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_1331,  46, 8, 1                       ; NTSC TV
-       ] ; IOMD_C_PALNTSCType = 0
-     ] ; :LNOT: ChrontelSupport
-   ] ; IOMD_C_MonitorType = 0
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_3333,  28, 3, 0                       ; VGA-capable monitors 256 colours
-  | ; STB
-        ; KJB - changed default modes to 256 colours
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_3330,  28, 3, 0                       ; VGA-capable monitors
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_3111,  28, 5, 0                       ; Nothing - try LCD (fudge fudge)
-        MonitorLeadItem 4_3333,  15, 0, 1                       ; Others - assume TV standard
-  ]; STB
- [ StorkPowerSave
-; List of latch addresses and initial values.
-        DCD     HWLatchPA, InitLatchPA
-        DCD     HWLatchPB, InitLatchPB
-        DCD     HWLatchMC, InitLatchMC
-        DCD     HWLatchMA, InitLatchMA
-        DCD     0
-PowerHardware           ;On Stork, ensure Combo chip, Winnie, Floppy etc are powered
-        Entry "r0,r1"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [r0, #IOSystemType]
-        TST     lr, #IOST_BATMAN
-        EXIT    EQ              ;EQ, not Stork, so hardware already powered
-; On Stork.
-; Now would be a good time to hit the power control latches
-; to ensure everything is powered up.
-        ADR     R14, PowerTab
-        LDMIA   R14!, {R0, R1}
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        STRNEB  R1, [R0]
-        BNE     %BT05
-        EXIT
- ]
-        [ STB
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ConfigureCombo - Configure SMC 665/669 or UMC 8669 if present
-ComboBase       *       &03010000       ; Base address of combo chip = PC/AT I/O 000H
-; SMC-type stuff
-SMC_CSR         *       &03F0 * 4       ; Configuration Select Register (CSR)
-SMC_CSRalt669   *       &0370 * 4       ; Alternative Configuration Select Register on SMC 669
-                                        ; (this register is used if RTS2 is high on reset, which we don't have direct control of)
-SMC_config      *       &55             ; value to write to enter configuration mode
-SMC_endconfig   *       &AA             ; value to write to end configuration mode
-SMC_IDreg       *       &0D             ; device ID register
-SMC_data        *       &03F1 * 4       ; Configuration Access Port (data)
-SMC_665         *       &65             ; 665 ID
-SMC_669         *       &03             ; 669 ID
-; UMC-type stuff
-UMC_CSR         *       &0108 * 4       ; Configuration Select Register (CSR)
-UMC_config      *       &AA             ; value to write to enter configuration mode
-UMC_endconfig   *       &55             ; value to write to end configuration mode
-UMC_data        *       &0109 * 4       ; Configuration Access Port (data)
-; Configure SMC 37C665/669 or UMC8669 combo chip
-; Note that older devices (eg 82C710, 82C711, SMC651) are no longer supported
-        ASSERT  :LNOT: OldComboSupport
-ConfigureCombo Entry "r0-r2"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit + F_bit, R0  ; Disable FIQ and IRQ
-        LDR     r0, =ComboBase          ; R0->  Base address of combo chip
-; See if we have a SMC665/669 and try to configure it
-        ADD     r2, r0, #SMC_CSR        ; first try in normal place
-        MOV     lr, #SMC_config
-        STRB    lr, [r2]                ; Write &55 to CSR twice
-        STRB    lr, [r2]                ; to enter configuration mode
-        MOV     lr, #SMC_IDreg
-        STRB    lr, [r2]
-        LDRB    lr, [r2, #SMC_data-SMC_CSR]
-        TEQ     lr, #SMC_665            ; 665 ?
-        ADREQ   r1, ConfigSMC665Table
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        TEQ     lr, #SMC_669            ; 669 ?
-        BEQ     %FT18
-; Not a SMC chip at the normal place, but the SMC 669 may move its configuration registers
-; to &370 if RTS2 was high on trailing edge of reset, so try there
-        ADD     r2, r0, #SMC_CSRalt669
-        MOV     lr, #SMC_config
-        STRB    lr, [r2]                ; Write &55 to CSR twice
-        STRB    lr, [r2]                ; to enter configuration mode
-        MOV     lr, #SMC_IDreg
-        STRB    lr, [r2]
-        LDRB    lr, [r2, #SMC_data-SMC_CSR]
-        TEQ     lr, #SMC_669            ; 669 ?
-        BEQ     %FT18
-; Not a SMC chip that we recognise, maybe we have a UMC8669
-        ADR     r1, ConfigUMC8669Table
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1            ; get "Index Entry Valid"
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #UMC_CSR]
-        TEQ     lr, #UMC_endconfig      ; end of table?
-        BEQ     %FT12
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1            ; get config index
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #UMC_CSR]
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1            ; get config data
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #UMC_data]     ; and write it
-        BNE     %BT10
-; UMC8669 is not self-identifying, so see if what we wrote is still there
-        MOV     lr, #UMC_config
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #UMC_CSR]      ; Write &AA to enter config mode
-        MOV     lr, #&C0
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #UMC_CSR]      ; CR0
-        LDRB    r2, [r0, #UMC_data]
-        MOV     lr, #UMC_endconfig      ; maybe don't need to do this
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #UMC_CSR]      ; exit config mode
-        TEQ     r2, #2_00111110         ; Value for CR0 from ConfigUMC8669Table
-        MOVEQ   r1, #IOST_UMC669
-        MOVNE   r1, #0                  ; Don't know what this is, give up
-        B       %FT30
-;       SMC config loop
-        ADR     r1, ConfigSMC669Table
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1                    ; get config index
-        STRB    lr, [r2]
-        TEQ     lr, #SMC_endconfig              ; end of table?
-        LDRNEB  lr, [r1], #1                    ; if not then get config data
-        STRNEB  lr, [r2, #SMC_data-SMC_CSR]     ; and write it
-        BNE     %BT20
-        LDRB    r1, [r1]                        ; pull chip ID out of table
-;       Record type of chip found
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [r0, #IOSystemType]
-        BIC     lr, lr, #IOST_COMBOMASK
-        ORR     lr, lr, r1
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #IOSystemType]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, lr  ; Restore IRQ/FIQ state
-        EXIT
- [ ComboIRQsActiveHigh
-        DCB     &01, 2_10010111         ; Enable config, COM3@338, COM4@238, IRQs active hi,
-                                        ; // is extended & powered @278
- |
-        DCB     &01, 2_10000111         ; Enable config, COM3@338, COM4@238, IRQs active low,
-                                        ; // is extended & powered @278
- ]
-        DCB     &02, 2_11011100         ; COM2 powered & enabled @2F8, COM1 powered & enabled @3F8
-                                        ; (default)
-        DCB     &03, 2_01111000         ; floppy stuff (default)
-        DCB     &04, 2_00000011         ; EPP v1.9, MIDI disabled, normal //floppy,
-                                        ; // uses ECP & EPP modes
-        DCB     &05, 0                  ; 4 drive support, don't swap drives, normal density,
-                                        ; FDC burst mode, IDE@1F0-7,3F6-7, FDC@3F0-7 (default)
-;       DCB     &06, &FF                ; floppy drive types (default)
-;       DCB     &07, 0                  ; don't auto-powerdown anything (default)
-;       DCB     &08, 0                  ; ADRA7:4 address decode (default)
-;       DCB     &09, 0                  ; ADRA10:8 address decode (default)
-;       DCB     &0A, 0                  ; FIFO threshold for ECP // = ??? (default)
-;       DCB     &0B, 0                  ; floppy data rates (default)
-;       DCB     &0C, 0                  ; UART2 & UART1 standard speed, UART2 standard mode,
-                                        ; UART2 full duplex, XMIT active hi, RCV active hi (default)
-        DCB     &00, 2_10111011         ; Valid config, OSC & BR on, FDC enabled & powered,
-                                        ; IDE AT & enabled
-        DCB     SMC_endconfig           ; Exit config mode
-        DCB     IOST_37C665             ; Handy place to keep ID
-        DCB     &01, 2_10010100         ; Enable config, // is extended, // is  powered
-        DCB     &02, 2_10001000         ; COM2 powered, COM1 powered (default)
-        DCB     &03, 2_01110000         ; floppy stuff (bit 3 now reserved)
-        DCB     &04, 2_00000011         ; IR rx&tx on COM2 rx & tx pins, EPP v1.9, MIDI disabled,
-                                        ; normal //floppy, uses ECP & EPP modes
-        DCB     &05, 0                  ; 4 drive support, don't swap drives, normal density,
-                                        ; FDC burst mode (default)
-;       DCB     &06, &FF                ; floppy drive types (default)
-;       DCB     &07, 0                  ; don't auto-powerdown anything
-;       DCB     &08, 0                  ; ADRA7:4 address decode (default)
-;       DCB     &09, 0                  ; ADRx disabled, ADRA10:8 address decode (default)
-;       DCB     &0A, 0                  ; FIFO threshold for ECP // = ??? (default)
-;       DCB     &0B, 0                  ; floppy data rates (default)
-;       DCB     &0C, 0                  ; UART2 & UART1 standard speed, UART2 standard mode,
-                                        ; UART2 full duplex, XMIT active hi, RCV active hi (default)
- [ ComboClock14MHz
-;       DCB     &10, 2_00000000         ; 14.318MHz input to PLL (default)
- |
-        DCB     &10, 2_01000000         ; 24MHz input to PLL
- ]
-;       DCB     &1E, &80                ; GAMECS disabled (default)
-;       DCB     &1F, 0                  ; floppy drive types (default)
-        DCB     &20, &FC                ; FDC@3F0-7
-        DCB     &21, &7C                ; IDE@1F0-7
-        DCB     &22, &FD                ; IDE Alternate Status Register @3F6
-        DCB     &23, &9E                ; //@278
-        DCB     &24, &FE                ; COM1@3F8
-        DCB     &25, &BE                ; COM2@2F8
-        DCB     &26, 0                  ; no FDC DMA, no // DMA (default)
-        DCB     &27, 2_01100101         ; FDC uses IRQ_F, // uses IRQ_E
-        DCB     &28, 2_01000011         ; UART1 uses IRQ_D, UART2 uses IRQ_C
-        DCB     &29, 0                  ; IRQIN does not use any IRQ_x (default)
-        DCB     &00, 2_10001010         ; Valid config, FDC powered, IDE enabled
-        DCB     SMC_endconfig           ; Exit config mode
-        DCB     IOST_37C669
-        DCB     UMC_config, &C0, 2_00111110     ; IR full-duplex, games off, IDE on,
-                                                ; // in EPP & ECP mode, UART2 on, UART1 on, FDC off
-        DCB     UMC_config, &C1, 2_00101111     ; Direct access PnP register, Disable PnP,
-                                                ; IDE@1F0-7,3F6-7, //@278, COM2@2F8, COM1@3F8,
-                                                ; FDC@3F0-7
-        DCB     UMC_config, &C2, 2_10000001     ; Not supspended, IR unselected/disabled,
-                                                ; don't swap floppy, IBM mode floppy,
-                                                ; floppy is R/W (default)
-        DCB     UMC_endconfig, 0                ; Exit config mode
-        ALIGN
-        |
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       Configure82C710 - Configure 82C710/82C711/SMC 665 if present
-; 82C710 stuff
-CnTbase         *       &03010000       ; Base address of 82C710 = PC/AT I/O 000H
-CRI710          *       &0390
-CRI710Off       *       CRI710*4        ; 82C710 Configuration Register Index port
-CAP710Off       *       CRI710Off +4    ; 82C710 Configuration Access Port (data)
-ConRegA710      *       &02FA*4
-ConRegB710      *       &03FA*4
-CRI711Off       *       &03F0*4         ; 82C711 Configuration Register Index port
-CAP711Off       *       CRI711Off +4    ; 82C711 Configuration Access Port (data)
-        DCB     &01, 2_10000111         ; Enable config read, IRQ active low, parallel powered/extended, default addr.
-        DCB     &02, 2_00011100         ; 2nd serial port disabled, 1st enabled at &3F8
-        DCB     &03, &78                ; extra stuff for SMC
-        DCB     &04, 2_00000011         ; allow extended parallel port modes
-        DCB     &05, 0
-        DCB     &06, &FF
-        DCB     &07, 0
-        DCB     &08, 0
-        DCB     &09, 0
-        DCB     &0A, 0
-        DCB     &00, 2_10111011         ; Valid config, OSC/BR on, FDC enabled/powered, IDE AT,enabled
-        DCB     &AA, 0                  ; Exit config mode
-        ALIGN
-; Simplified version of Configure82C710 programs SMC 37C665 only.
-Configure37C665 Entry "r0,r1"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit + F_bit, r0 ; Disable FIQ and IRQ
-        LDR     r0, =CnTbase            ; R0-> SMC 665 base address
-; First try to configure the SMC665
-        MOV     lr, #&55
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #CRI711Off]    ; Write &55 to CRI711 twice
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #CRI711Off]    ; to enter configuration mode
-        MOV     lr, #&0D                ; Check for SMC 665
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #CRI711Off]
-        LDRB    lr, [r0, #CAP711Off]
-        TEQ     lr, #&65
-        MOVNE   r1, #0                  ;NE: not a SMC 665 this should never happen
-        BNE     %FT30                   ;NE: on a RiscPC, Kryten or Stork
-        ADR     r1, ConfigSMCTable      ; R1-> SMC 665 configuration data
-        LDRB    lr, [r1], #1            ; get config index
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #CRI711Off]
-        TEQ     lr, #&AA                ; end of table?
-        LDRNEB  lr, [r1], #1            ; if not then get config data
-        STRNEB  lr, [r0, #CAP711Off]    ; and write it
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MOV     r1, #IOST_37C665
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDRB    lr, [r0, #IOSystemType]
-        BIC     lr, lr, #IOST_COMBOMASK
-        ORR     lr, lr, r1
-        STRB    lr, [r0, #IOSystemType]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, lr  ; Restore IRQ/FIQ state
-        EXIT
-        ]
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;       ReadUniqueID - Read unique machine ID
- [ HAL
-        Entry   "r0-r3,r9,r12"
-        AddressHAL
-        CallHAL HAL_MachineID
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        STR     r0, [r3, #RawMachineID+0]
-        STR     r1, [r3, #RawMachineID+4]       ; now fall through and check the CRC below
- |
-defaultlatch *  20000-1 ; TMD 21-May-93: "-1" correction applied
-Tsyc         *  5       ; time between frames - minimum of 1µs, so give it a bit more
-Trstl        *  500     ; time reset pulse held low - minimum of 480µs, so give it a bit more
-Trsth        *  500     ; time reset pulse held high - minimum of 480µs, so give it a bit more
-Tlow0        *  80      ; time for write0 low - min 60µs, max 120µs
-Tlow1        *  5       ; time for write1 low - min 1µs, max 15µs
-Tslot        *  90      ; time for total read/write slot - min 60µs, max 120µs
-Trdlow       *  5       ; time for read slot low before release - min 1µs, max 15µs
-Trddat       *  3       ; time after read slot high before read it
-        ASSERT  Tslot-Tlow0 > Tsyc
-        ASSERT  Trdlow+Trddat < 15
-; Macro to set wire to a given state, and optionally count transitions (starting at low) while waiting for a given time
-        MACRO
-        SetWire $hilo, $time, $monstate, $count
-        LCLS    reg
-      [ "$hilo"="LOW"
-reg     SETS    "r4"
-      |
-        ASSERT  "$hilo"="HIGH"
-reg     SETS    "r5"
-      ]
-   [ ($time) = 0
-        STRB    $reg, [r1, #IOCControl]         ; set appropriate level on line
-   |
-        ASSERT  ($time) < 32768
-        MOV     r12, #(($time)*2):AND:&FF
-        STRB    r12, [r1, #Timer0LL]            ; program low latch
-        MOV     r12, #(($time)*2):SHR:8
-        STRB    r12, [r1, #Timer0LH]            ; program high latch
-        STRB    $reg, [r1, #IOCControl]         ; set appropriate level on line
-        STRB    r12, [r1, #Timer0GO]            ; and start timer
-        LDRB    r12, [r1, #IOCIRQSTAA]          ; dummy instruction to avoid bug in IOC
-        LDRB    r12, [r1, #IOCIRQSTAA]          ; dummy instruction (repeated for FE)
-        STRB    r11, [r1, #IOCIRQCLRA]          ; immediately clear IRQ bit
-        [ "$monstate"<>""
-        MOV     $monstate, #0
-        ]
-        [ "$count"<>""
-        MOV     $count, #0
-        ]
-        LDRB    r12, [r1, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        TST     r12, r11
-        [ "$count"<>""
-        ADDEQ   $count, $count, #1
-        ]
-      [ "$monstate"=""
-        BEQ     %BT10                                   ; not timed out, so just loop
-      |
-        BNE     %FT30                                   ; timed out
-        LDRB    r12, [r1, #IOCControl]
-        TST     r12, #IOEB_unique_machine_ID_bit
-        BEQ     %BT10                                   ; if still low then loop to 10
-        ADD     $monstate, $monstate, #1                ; increment number of transitions
-        LDRB    r12, [r1, #IOCIRQSTAA]
-        TST     r12, r11
-        [ "$count"<>""
-        ADDEQ   $count, $count, #1
-        ]
-        BNE     %FT30                                   ; timed out
-        LDRB    r12, [r1, #IOCControl]
-        TST     r12, #IOEB_unique_machine_ID_bit
-        BNE     %BT20                                   ; if still high then loop to 20
-        ADD     $monstate, $monstate, #1                ; increment number of transitions
-        B       %BT10
-      ]
-   ]
-        MEND
-RestoreIOCState Entry
-        STRB    r3, [r1, #IOCControl]                   ; put back old value
-        MOV     r12, #defaultlatch :AND: &FF
-        STRB    r12, [r1, #Timer0LL]                    ; and restore old timer 0 latch values
-        MOV     r12, #defaultlatch :SHR: 8
-        STRB    r12, [r1, #Timer0LH]
-        STRB    r12, [r1, #Timer0GO]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, lr                  ; restore old interrupt state
-        EXIT
-SendResetPulse ROUT
-        SetWire HIGH, Tsyc
-        SetWire LOW, Trstl,,r6
-        SetWire HIGH, Trsth,r10
-        TEQ     r6, #0
-      [ :DEF: DebugOneWireBus
-        ADREQ   r0, IOCBugHappenedError
-      ]
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        CMP     r10, #3                                 ; H-L-H is ok
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr                                  ; V clear
-      [ :DEF: DebugOneWireBus
-        ADRHI   r0, TooManyTransitionsError             ; H-L-H-L...
-        CMP     r10, #2
-        ADREQ   r0, NeverWentHighAgainError             ; H-L
-        CMP     r10, #1
-        ADREQ   r0, NeverWentLowError                   ; H
-        ADRCC   r0, NeverWentHighError                  ; stayed low permanently even though we released it
-      ]
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-      [ :DEF: DebugOneWireBus
-        =       "Never went high", 0
-        =       "Never went low", 0
-        =       "Never went high again", 0
-        =       "Too many transitions", 0
-        =       "IOC bug happened", 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-SendCommandWord ROUT
-        CLRV
-        LDR     r6, =&10F               ; &0F is command word
-        MOVS    r6, r6, LSR #1
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        BCS     SendOne
-        SetWire LOW, Tlow0
-        SetWire HIGH, Tslot-Tlow0
-        B       %BT10
-        SetWire LOW, Tlow1
-        SetWire HIGH, Tslot-Tlow1
-        B       %BT10
-GetAByte ROUT
-        MOV     r6, #&80
-        SetWire LOW, Trdlow
-        SetWire HIGH, Trddat
-        LDRB    r10, [r1, #IOCControl]
-        SetWire HIGH, Tslot-Trdlow-Trddat
-        MOVS    r10, r10, LSR #IOEB_ID_bit_number+1    ; move bit into carry
-        MOVS    r6, r6, RRX
-        BCC     %BT10
-        MOV     r6, r6, LSR #24
-        MOV     pc, lr
-ReadUniqueID    Entry "r0-r12"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r1, =IOC
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit + F_bit, r3
-        LDRB    r3, [r0, #IOCControlSoftCopy]
-        BIC     r4, r3, #IOEB_unique_machine_ID_bit     ; r4 is value to pull ID line low
-        ORR     r5, r3, #IOEB_unique_machine_ID_bit     ; r5 is value to pull ID line high
-        MOV     r11, #timer0_bit
-        BL      SendResetPulse
-        BVS     ResetFailed
-        BL      SendCommandWord
-        MOV     r7, #-8                                 ; -no. of bytes to store = 8 bits type + 48 bits ID + 8 bits checksum
-        BL      GetAByte
-        STRB    r6, [r7, #RawMachineID+8]
-        ADDS    r7, r7, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        BL      RestoreIOCState
- ] ; HAL
-        BL      CheckCRC
-        BVS     IDError
-        EXIT
-      [ :LNOT: HAL
-        BL      RestoreIOCState
-      ]
-        DebugTX "Machine ID duff,zero substituted"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r0, #RawMachineID+0]       ; indicate no ID by putting zero here
-        STR     r0, [r0, #RawMachineID+4]
-        EXIT
-        LDR     r1, =RawMachineID               ; pointer to current byte
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r3, #7                          ; number of bytes to do
-        LDRB    r4, [r1], #1
-        EOR     r2, r2, r4
-        MOV     r4, #8                          ; number of bits to do
-        MOVS    r2, r2, LSR #1                  ; shift bit out into carry
-        EORCS   r2, r2, #&8C                    ; feedback carry into other bits
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #1                      ; one less bit to do
-        BNE     %BT20                           ; loop until done whole byte
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1                      ; one less byte to do
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; loop until done all 7 bytes
-        LDRB    r4, [r1], #1                    ; read CRC
-        CMP     r4, r2                          ; if correct
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr                          ; exit (V clear)
-        RETURNVS                                ; else exit indicating error
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/osword b/s/PMF/osword
deleted file mode 100644
index 92e513ed..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/osword
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,776 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.osword
-maxword * &16                                   ; highest known osword
-; *****************************************************************************
-        MACRO
-        WordReturnV $cond
-        ASSERT  "$cond"="" :LOR: "$cond"="VS"
-        [ "$cond"=""
-        Pull    "R0-R4,R11,WsPtr,link,PC", VC
-        ]
-        ADDVS   R13, R13, #4                    ; junk stacked R0
-        Pull    "R1-R4,R11,WsPtr,link,PC", VS
-        MEND
-; Main OsWord entry point
-; R0,R1,R2 are parameters
-        Push    "R0-R4, R11, R12, R14"
-        CMP     R0, #(maxword+1)
-        BLCC    OsWordGo                        ; Call the subsid entry pt.
-        LDMIA   R13, {R2-R4}                    ; R2=A, R3=X, R4=Y
-        MOV     R1, #Service_UKWord             ; osword service reason
-        CLRPSR  V_bit, R0                       ; in case there's no service
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        STMEQIA R13, {R2-R4}                    ; if claimed, then update
-                                                ; returned R0-R2
-        Pull    "R0-R4, R11, R12, PC"           ; pass V back from service
-        CLRPSR  V_bit, R4
-        Pull    "R0-R4, R11, R12, R14, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-OsWordGo ROUT
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-10                                              ; Point to despatch table
-        ADD     PC, PC, R0, LSL #2              ; add in the action*4 and go
-        &       0
-        ASSERT  DespatchWord-%BT10 = 8
-; *****************************************************************************
-        BAL     OsWord00
-        BAL     OsWord01
-        BAL     OsWord02
-        BAL     OsWord03
-        BAL     OsWord04
-        BAL     OsWord05
-        BAL     OsWord06
-        BAL     OsWord07
-        BAL     OsWord08
-        BAL     OsWord09
-        BAL     OsWord0A
-        BAL     OsWord0B
-        BAL     OsWord0C
-        BAL     OsWord0D
-        BAL     OsWord0E
-        BAL     OsWord0F
-        BAL     OsWord10
-        BAL     OsWord11
-        BAL     OsWord12
-        BAL     OsWord13
-        BAL     OsWord14
-        BAL     OsWord15
-        BAL     OsWord16
-; *****************************************************************************
-; That's All Folks
-; *****************************************************************************
-; *****************************************************************************
-; The OsWord routines themselves
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Osword Zero : Input a line
-OsWord00 ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #0]            ; lo-byte of address
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #1]            ; hi-byte of address
-        ORR     R0, R0, R2, LSL #8      ; R0 := address
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #3]            ; lo limit
-        LDRB    R3, [R1, #4]            ; hi limit
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, #2]            ; length of buffer
-        MOV     R4, #0                  ; flags
-        SWI     XOS_ReadLine32
-        WordReturnV VS
-        MOV     R2, R1                  ; put line length into R2
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R3"              ; don't overwrite R2
-        Pull    "R3, R4, R11, R12, R14, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read/Write System Clock
-; entered with IRQs off
-; in:   R0 = 1 => read clock
-;       R0 = 2 => write clock
-OsWord01 ROUT
-OsWord02 ROUT
-        CMP     R0, #2                  ; C=1 <=> write clock
-        LDRB    R0, TimerState
-        EORCS   R0, R0, #&0F            ; if writing, then write to other state
-                                        ; in case user resets in middle
-        TEQ     R0, #5                  ; 5 => alpha, 10 => beta (C preserved)
-        ADREQ   R2, TimerAlpha
-        ADRNE   R2, TimerBeta
-        Swap    R1, R2, CS              ; if writing then R2 is destination
-        MOV     R3, #5
-        LDRB    R4, [R2], #1
-        STRB    R4, [R1], #1
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        STRB    R0, TimerState          ; if writing, switch state
-                                        ; (if reading, write current state)
-        MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read/Write Interval Timer
-; entered with IRQs off
-; in:   R0 = 3 => read interval timer
-;       R0 = 4 => write interval timer
-OsWord03 ROUT
-OsWord04 ROUT
-        CMP     R0, #4                  ; C=1 => write timer
-        MOVCS   R2, R1                  ; if writing then R1 is source
-        ADRCS   R1, IntervalTimer
-        ADRCC   R2, IntervalTimer       ; else R2 is source
-        MOV     R0, #5
-        LDRB    R3, [R2], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Perform a SOUND command
-OsWord07 ROUT
-        TST     R1, #3
-        BNE     %FT05
-        LDMIA   R1, {R0,R1}
-        SWI     XSound_ControlPacked
-        MyOsWord
-; Block not word aligned, so push it on the stack
-        SUB     R13, R13, #8            ; create stack frame of 8 bytes
-        MOV     R0, #7
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, R0]            ; copy block into stack frame
-        STRB    R2, [R13, R0]
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        BCS     %BT10
-        Pull    "R0, R1"                ; then pull stack frame into R0 and R1
-        SWI     XSound_ControlPacked
-        MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read the logical colour of a Pixel ( BASIC'S POINT function)
-; Uses SWI ReadPoint
-OsWord09 ROUT
-        Push    R1                      ; save pointer
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #0]            ; X lo-byte
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #1]            ; X hi-byte
-        ORR     R0, R2, R0, LSL #8
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL #16         ; sign extend X
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR #16
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #2]            ; Y lo-byte
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, #3]            ; Y hi-byte
-        ORR     R1, R2, R1, LSL #8
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #16         ; sign extend Y
-        MOV     R1, R1, ASR #16
-        SWI     XOS_ReadPoint   ; in: R0=X, R1=Y
-                                ; out: R2=colour, R3=tint, R4=0/-1 (on/off)
-        Pull    R1
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #4]
-        WordReturnV
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read a character definition
-OsWord0A ROUT
-        ByteToNosbod DoReadFont
-        MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read the palette setting (VDU19,L,P,R,G,B)
-OsWord0B ROUT
-        ByteToNosbod DoReadPalette
-        MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Write the palette setting (see VDU19)
-OsWord0C ROUT
-        ByteToNosbod DoSetPalette
-        MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Read the last two graphics cursor positions
-OsWord0D ROUT
-         ByteToNosbod DoOsWord13
-         MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Osword 14 (&0E) -- Read Real Time Clock
-; Four (was six) different calls
-; Read CMOS clock
-OsWord0E ROUT
-        Push    "R5-R8, R14"            ; R0-R4 saved by Osword
-        MOV     R4, R1                  ; pointer to the Osword Block
-        LDRB    R0, [R4, #0]
-        CMP     R0, #1
-        BCC     OsWord0EAlpha
-        BEQ     OsWord0EBeta
-        CMP     R0, #3
-        BCC     OsWord0EGamma
-        BEQ     OsWord0EDelta
-        [ {FALSE}
-        CMP     R0, #5
-        BCC     OsWord0EEpsilon
-        BEQ     OsWord0EZeta            ; this is getting ridiculous !
-        ]
-        Pull    "R5-R8, PC"             ; unknown option
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       OsWord0EAlpha - Read time as a string in the form
-;       eg Wed,01 Jan 1986.12:34:56
-; in:   R1 -> buffer for string
-OsWord0EAlpha ROUT
-; TMD 30-May-89: We want to enable IRQs here, but OS_ConvertDateAndTime
-; loads bytes out of the block, and if IRQs are on it might end using an
-; inconsistent value, so we must make a copy of the block on the stack
-; and use that. The label OsWord0EDandT was used by a commented out routine
-; in file 'RealTime' which will have to be rewritten if it needs to be
-; included again.
-        ADR     R0, RealTime            ; load snapshot of 5 bytes of real time
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0, R2}            ; while IRQs are still off
-        Push    "R0, R2"                ; save on stack
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0               ; enable IRQs now
-        MOV     R0, R13                 ; point to stacked copy
-; KJB 07-Sep-98: No-one is guaranteeing anywhere the length of %w3 or %m3 -
-; see PRM 1-402 and 1-415. So give an indefinite buffer length here (making
-; overflow the caller's problem - this call is obsolete anyway). Problem
-; first noted with territory Japan, for which %m3 is potentially 5 bytes long.
-        MOV     R2, #&10000000
-        ADR     R3, TimeFormat
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertDateAndTime
-        ADD     R13, R13, #8            ; junk stack frame
-        MOVVC   R0, #13                 ; if no error
-        STRVCB  R0, [R1]                ; overwrite terminating 0 with CR
-        Pull    "R5-R8,R14"
-        WordReturnV
-        =       "%w3,%dy %m3 %ce%yr.%24:%mi:%se", 0
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       OsWord0EBeta - Read time in BCD format
-; in:   R4 -> parameter block
-; out:  [R4, #0] = year         (00-99)
-;       [R4, #1] = month        (01-12)
-;       [R4, #2] = day of month (01-31)
-;       [R4, #3] = day of week  (01-07) Sun=01
-;       [R4, #4] = hours        (00-23)
-;       [R4, #5] = minutes      (00-59)
-;       [R4, #6] = seconds      (00-59)
-OsWord0EBeta ROUT
-        ADR     R0, RealTime            ; load snapshot of 5 bytes of real time
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0, R2}            ; while IRQs are still off
-        Push    "R0, R2"                ; save on stack
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0               ; this may take some time
-        MOV     R0,#-1
-        MOV     R1,SP
-        SUB     SP,SP,#36               ; Space for ordinals.
-        MOV     R2,SP
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertTimeToOrdinals
-        ADDVS   SP,SP,#36+(2*4)
-        BVS     OSWord0Eerror
-;   [R2]    = CS.                     ; all values are for LOCAL time
-;   [R2+4]  = Second
-;   [R2+8]  = Minute
-;   [R2+12] = Hour (out of 24)
-;   [R2+16] = Day number in month.
-;   [R2+20] = Month number in year.
-;   [R2+24] = Year number.
-;   [R2+28] = Day of week.
-;   [R2+32] = Day of year
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#24]             ; Get year
-        LDR     R1,=1900
-        SUB     R0,R0,R1
-        CMP     R0,#100
-        SUBGT   R0,R0,#100
-        BGT     %BT01                   ; Get year MOD 100.
-        STRB    R0,[R4,#0]              ; Store it.
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#20]
-        STRB    R0,[R4,#1]
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#16]
-        STRB    R0,[R4,#2]
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#28]
-        STRB    R0,[R4,#3]
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#12]
-        STRB    R0,[R4,#4]
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#8]
-        STRB    R0,[R4,#5]
-        LDR     R0,[R2,#4]
-        STRB    R0,[R4,#6]
-        ADD     SP,SP,#36+(2*4)        ; junk stack frame and 5 byte time.
-; now we have the time in hex in the parameter block
-; so convert each item into BCD
-        MOV     R1, #6                  ; seven bytes to convert
-        LDRB    R0, [R4, R1]
-        BL      HexToBCD
-        STRB    R0, [R4, R1]
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BPL     %BT10
-        B       OsWord0Eend
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       OsWord0EGamma - Convert time in BCD format (at offsets 1..7)
-;       into string format at offsets (0..24)
-; in:   R4 -> BCD time
-OsWord0EGamma ROUT
-;build a block for Territory_ConvertOrdinalsToTime
-;   [R2]    = CS.                     ; all values are for LOCAL time
-;   [R2+4]  = Second
-;   [R2+8]  = Minute
-;   [R2+12] = Hour (out of 24)
-;   [R2+16] = Day number in month.
-;   [R2+20] = Month number in year.
-;   [R2+24] = Year number.
-        SUB     SP,SP,#28
-        MOV     R2,SP
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        STR     R0,[R2]
-        LDRB    R0,[R4,#7]              ; Seconds
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        STR     R0,[R2,#4]
-        LDRB    R0,[R4,#6]              ; Minutes
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        STR     R0,[R2,#8]
-        LDRB    R0,[R4,#5]              ; Hours
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        STR     R0,[R2,#12]
-        LDRB    R0,[R4,#3]              ; Day of month
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        STR     R0,[R2,#16]
-        LDRB    R0,[R4,#2]              ; Month
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        STR     R0,[R2,#20]
-        LDRB    R0,[R4,#1]              ; Year
-        BL      BCDToHex
-        LDR     R1,=1900
-        ADD     R0,R0,R1
-        STR     R0,[R2,#24]
-        MOV     R0,#-1
-        ADD     R1,SP,#20               ; Put value on satck
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertOrdinalsToTime
-        ADDVS   SP,SP,#28
-        BVS     OSWord0Eerror
-        ADD     SP,SP,#20
-        MOV     R1,R4
-        B       OSWord0EReturnString    ; Now we have 5 byte value on stack,
-                                        ; use same code as OSWord0EAlpha
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       OsWord0EDelta - Read 5-byte RealTime
-; in:   R4 -> block
-; out:  [R4, #0..4] = RealTime
-OsWord0EDelta ROUT
-        LDR     R1, RealTime +0
-        STRB    R1, [R4, #0]
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #8
-        STRB    R1, [R4, #1]
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #8
-        STRB    R1, [R4, #2]
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #8
-        STRB    R1, [R4, #3]
-        LDRB    R1, RealTime +4
-        STRB    R1, [R4, #4]
-; and drop thru to ...
-        Pull    "R5-R8, R14"
-        MyOsWord
-        Pull    "R5-R8, R14"
-        WordReturnV
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetDecimalPair - Get pair of decimal digits from [R4+R1+0..1]
-; in:   R1 is offset from R4 to find 1st digit
-; out:  if valid, R1=value of pair of digits, C=0
-;       if invalid, R1=undefined, C=1
-;       R10 is corrupted
-GetDecimalPair ROUT
-        LDRB    R10, [R1, R4]!          ; get hi-digit
-        SUB     R10, R10, #"0"          ; put in range 0..9
-        CMP     R10, #10                ; C=1 if bad digit
-        ADD     R10, R10, R10, LSL #2   ; R10 = 5*hi
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, #1]            ; get lo-digit
-        SUB     R1, R1, #"0"            ; put in range 0..9
-        CMPCC   R1, #10                 ; C=1 if bad digit
-        ADD     R1, R1, R10, LSL #1     ; R1 = lo + 2*(5*hi)
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Osword 15 (&0F) Write the Real Time Clock.
-; Three different calls
-OsWord0F ROUT
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0               ; this may take some time
-        Push    "R5-R10, R14"
-        MOV     R4, R1                  ; Copy the parameter block pointer
-        LDRB    R0, [R1]
-        MOV     R9, #0
-        TEQ     R0, #5                  ; write all of time (5-byte UTC)
-        BEQ     OsWord0F_5byte
-        TEQ     R0, #8                  ; write hours, minutes, seconds
-        MOVEQ   R9, #1
-        TEQ     R0, #15                 ; write day, date, month, year
-        MOVEQ   R9, #2
-        TEQ     R0, #24                 ; write all of time
-        MOVEQ   R9, #3
-        TEQ     R9, #0
-        Pull    "R5-R10, PC", EQ         ; unknown call, pass it on
-; first set up data in registers as follows :-
-; R0 = hours
-; R1 = minutes
-; R2 = days
-; R3 = months
-; (R4 -> block)
-; R5 = year(lo)
-; R6 = year(hi)
-; R7 = seconds
-; R8 = centiseconds
-        TST     R9, #2
-        BEQ     %FT01
-; KJB 980908 - can't assume length of date, as %w3, %dy and %m3 may be any length. Unfortunately,
-; the string may not be terminated. Best we can do is plop a terminator at the maximum length position,
-; which will at least cope with territories with fixed-length strings. Territories with variable length
-; strings may work anyway, as territory modules are quite good at ignoring trailing junk. I've
-; fixed things I've spotted that didn't terminate, such as BASIC.
-        SUB     SP, SP, #48
-        MOV     R0, #-1
-        MOV     R2, SP                  ; R1 points to real memory - contents don't matter to us
-        SWI     XTerritory_ReadCalendarInformation
-        ADDVS   SP, SP, #48
-        BVS     Bad0F
-; need to work out maximum length of "%w3,%dy %m3 %ce%yr[.%24:%mi:%se]"
-        TST     R9, #1
-        MOVEQ   R0, #7                  ; length of ",  %ce%yr"
-        MOVNE   R0, #16                 ; length of ",  %ce%yr.%24:%mi:%se"
-        LDR     R10, [R2, #24]
-        LDR     R14, [R2, #28]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R10             ; + max length of %w3
-        LDR     R10, [R2, #40]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R14             ; + max length of %dy
-        ADD     R0, R0, R10             ; + max length of %m3
-        ADD     SP, SP, #48
-01      ADD     r10, r0, #3+1           ; round up number of bytes in block to word boundary, including null terminator
-        BIC     r10, r10, #3
-        SUB     sp, sp, r10
-        ADD     r2, r1, #1              ; point at actual string
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        LDRB    r14, [r2, r1]           ; copy string (not terminated) on stack
-        STRB    r14, [sp, r1]
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1
-        TEQ     r1, r0                  ; have we copied all bytes of string?
-        BNE     %BT02                   ; loop if not
-        MOV     r14, #0                 ; null terminator
-        STRB    r14, [sp, r0]
-        MOV     r0,#-1                  ; set things up for territory SWI - r0 = -1 for current territory
-        MOV     r1, r9                  ; r1 = reason code (1, 2 or 3)
-        MOV     r2, sp                  ; r2 -> terminated string on stack
-        SUB     sp, sp, #36             ; get space for result.
-        MOV     r3, sp
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertTimeStringToOrdinals
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #36             ; if error then junk return block
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, r10             ; and junk variable length string on stack
-        BVS     Bad0F
-        CMP     r9, #2                  ; if just writing the date, write it !
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        BGT     %FT05                   ; if writing everything just get UTC time
-; We only have the time from the string, we now need the date
-; because changing the time may change it.
-        ADR     r0, RealTime
-        LDMIA   r0, {r0,r1}             ; LDM is atomic wrt interrupts
-        Push    "r0,r1"                 ; put value on stack
-        MOV     r0,#-1                  ; use configured territory.
-        ADD     r2, sp, #8
-        LDMIA   r2, {r3-r6}             ; preserve time values from entry string
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertTimeToOrdinals        ; get ordinals for current time
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #44             ; 36 From above + 8 for 5 byte time
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, r10             ; and junk string as well
-        BVS     Bad0F
-        ADD     sp, sp, #8              ; dump 5 byte time on TOS
-        STMIA   r2, {r3-r6}             ; restore the time we read from the string.
-; Now [SP] -> ordinals in local time, but we want time in UTC
-; First convert the ordinals to 5 byte UTC time
-        MOV     r0, #-1                 ; use configured territory.
-        MOV     r2, sp                  ; r2 -> ordinals block
-        SUB     sp, sp, #8              ; two more words to contain 5 byte time
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertOrdinalsToTime
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #44             ; 36 From above + 8 for 5 byte time.
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, r10             ; and junk string as well
-        BVS     Bad0F
-; Now we have a 5 byte UTC time, convert it to UTC ordinals
-        MOV     r1, sp                  ; our 5 byte time
-        ADD     r2, sp, #8              ; place to put ordinals
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertTimeToUTCOrdinals
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #44             ; 36 bytes ordinals + 8 for 5 byte time.
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, r10             ; and junk string as well
-        BVS     Bad0F
-        ADD     sp, sp, #8              ; discard 5 byte time
-; Load the registers. (SP->Ordinals)
-        LDR     r8, [sp], #4            ; centiseconds
-        LDR     r7, [sp], #4            ; seconds
-        LDR     r1, [sp], #4            ; minutes
-        Pull    "r0,r2,r3,r5"           ; hours, day of month,  month, year
-        ADD     sp, sp, #8              ; junk day of week, day of year
-        ADD     sp, sp, r10             ; and string on stack
-        MOV     r4, #100
-        DivRem  r6, r5, r4, r14         ; r5 = Year (lo), r6 = Year (hi)
-        BL      SetTime                 ; also updates 5-byte RealTime
-Bad0F                                   ; come here if setting invalid
-        Pull    "R5-R10, R14"
-        MyOsWord
-        SUB     SP, SP, #36
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1              ; process the user's 5-byte block
-        MOV     R2, SP
-        SWI     XTerritory_ConvertTimeToUTCOrdinals
-        ADDVS   SP, SP, #36
-        BVS     Bad0F
-        MOV     R10, #0                 ; no string on stack
-        B       %BT10                   ; nip back in to the main handler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CheckYear - Check for year wrap (year in RTC <> year "YearCMOS")
-;       and for leap year fudging
-CheckYear ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R1,R2,R14"
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R0, [R0, #RTCFitted]
-        TEQ     R0, #RTCAddressPHI
-        MOVEQ   R1, #5
-        MOVNE   R1, #6                  ; year address (dependant on RTC)
-	SUB	R13, R13, #4
-	STRB	R1, [R13]
-	MOV	R1, R13
-	ORR	R0, R0, #1:SHL:29
-	MOV	R2, #1
-        BL      IIC_Op
-        ORR	R0, R0, #1
-        BL	IIC_Op
-        AND	R1, R0, #&FF
-        LDRB	R0, [R13]
-        ADD	R13, R13, #4
-        TEQ     R1, #RTCAddressPHI+1
-        MOVEQ   R1, R0, LSR #6
-        ANDNE   R1, R0, #3              ; R1= year MOD 4
-        MOV     R0, #YearCMOS
-        BL      Read
-        AND     R2, R0, #3
-        SUBS    R2, R1, R2              ; same year ?
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R2,PC", EQ       ; [yes, so no bother]
-        ADDCC   R2, R2, #4              ; if lower, then must be carry
-        ADD     R2, R0, R2              ; new year value
-        CMP     R2, #100
-        BCC     %FT10                   ; no carry thru to next century
-        SUB     R2, R2, #100
-        MOV     R0, #YearCMOS +1
-        BL      Read
-        ADD     R1, R0, #1
-        TEQ     R1, #100
-        MOVEQ   R1, #0                  ; wrap century
-        MOV     R0, #YearCMOS +1
-        BL      Write
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        MOV     R0, #YearCMOS
-        BL      Write
-        BL      RTCToRealTime
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R2,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Define hardware cursor size, shape and active point
-        ByteToNosbod DoPointerStuff
-        MyOsWord
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Set start of screen address (for VDU drivers and display)
-; [R1, #0] = bit mask (bit0 set => change drivers; bit1 set => change display)
-; [R1, #1..4] = byte offset from start of screen memory
-        ByteToNosbod DoSetScreenStart
-        MyOsWord
-; **************************************************************************
-; All the unused OS_Word calls
-; Read Byte of I/O proc memory
-OsWord05 ROUT
-; Write byte of I/O proc memory
-OsWord06 ROUT
-; Define an ENVELOPE
-OsWord08 ROUT
-; Allocated to the net
-        Unused
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/oswrch b/s/PMF/oswrch
deleted file mode 100644
index bfdc75f2..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/oswrch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.oswrch
-        GBLS    WrchLimReg
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PMFWrch - Entry point for WriteC vector
-;       This routine used to be nice and structured before I
-;       optimised it for plain wrch !
-; in:   R0 = character
-; out:  All registers preserved
-        [ {FALSE}
-WrchLimReg      SETS    "R9"            ; would like to only push R0-R9, but
-                                        ; PMFWrchDirect is called by SWIs like
-                                        ; OS_WriteN etc, which need R10-R12
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr                   ; if called direct, then set up R12
-        Push    "R0-$WrchLimReg"        ; if called thru vec, already set up
-        |
-WrchLimReg      SETS    "R12"           ; 0.046N, so need to save R0-R12
-        Push    "R0-$WrchLimReg"
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr
-        ]
-        LDRB    R1, WrchDest
-        LDRB    R2, SpoolFileH
-        ORRS    R3, R1, R2
-        BNE     %FT10
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      Vdu
-        |
-        BL      WrchVdu                 ; call VDU
-        ]
-        BVS     %FT45
-        Pull    "R0-$WrchLimReg,PC", CC
-        B       %FT15
-        TST     R1, #&22                ; branch if wrch not to VDU
-        BNE     %FT50                   ; or wrch to extension vector
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      Vdu
-        |
-        BL      WrchVdu                 ; call VDU
-        ]
-        BVS     %FT45                   ; error from VDU
-        LDMFD   R13, {R0}               ; reload R0 with character
-        BYTEWS  WsPtr                   ; reload workspace pointer
-        LDRB    R1, WrchDest            ; and wrch destinations
-        BCS     PrintVdu                ; VDU says "Print it"
-        TST     R1, #8                  ; printer enabled, independent of
-                                        ; CTRL-B and CTRL-C ?
-        BNE     PrintVdu                ; yes, then branch
-        TST     R1, #1                  ; output to RS423 ?
-        BNE     RS423Vdu                ; yes, then do it
-        LDRB    R2, SpoolFileH          ; spool file open ?
-        CMP     R2, #0                  ; (set V=0 for if we drop thru)
-        BLNE    SpoolVdu                ; yes, then go
-        [ AssemblingArthur :LOR: ErrorsInR0
-        Pull    "R0-$WrchLimReg, PC", VC
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4
-        Pull    "R1-$WrchLimReg, PC"
-        |
-        Pull    "R0-$WrchLimReg, PC"            ; that's it (phew!)
-        ]
-; Come here when Wrch not to VDU or Wrch to VDUXV
-        TST     R1, #&02                ; wrch not to VDU at all ?
-        BNE     %BT20                   ; then skip
-                                        ; else must be VDU sent thru VDUXV
-        MOV     R10, #VDUXV
-        BL      GoVec2                  ; call vector
-        B       %BT15
-; *****************************************************************************
-        TST     R1, #&40                ; only print via VDU 1 ?
-        BNE     %BT40                   ; yes, then skip
-        LDRB    R2, PrinterIgnore       ; is it ignore character ?
-        TEQ     R0, R2
-        LDREQB  R2, NoIgnore            ; and ignoring enabled ?
-        TSTEQ   R2, #&80
-        BEQ     %BT40                   ; yes, then don't print it
-        BL      MOSDoPrintWS            ; else print it (R12 -> ByteWS)
-        BVS     %BT45                   ; error in printing
-        LDMFD   R13, {R0}               ; reload R0 with character
-        LDRB    R1, WrchDest            ; and reload wrchdest
-        B       %BT40
-        Push    "r0,r1"
-        LDRB    r1, SerialOutHandle
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        BNE     %FT60
-        MOV     r0, #open_write
-        ADR     r1, SerialOutFilename
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        BVS     %FT70                   ; if can't open serial output stream, report error
-                                        ; and don't put anything in buffer
-        STRB    r0, SerialOutHandle
-        LDMFD   sp, {r0}                ; get char back
-        PHPSEI
-        Push    "r14"                   ; save IRQ indication
-        MOV     r1, #Buff_RS423Out      ; RS423 output buffer id
-        BL      WRITE                   ; write to buffer (waiting)
-        Pull    "r14"
-        PLP                             ; restore IRQ state from lr
-        Pull    "r0,r1"
-        B       %BT42
-; we got an error from the open, so in order to report it,
-; we'd better stop outputting to RS423
-        ADD     sp, sp, #4              ; junk stacked r0
-        Pull    "r1"
-        BIC     r1, r1, #1              ; clear RS423 output bit
-        STRB    r1, WrchDest            ; write back to OS_Byte
-        B       %BT45                   ; report error
-        =       "Serial#Buffer2:", 0
-        ALIGN
-SpoolVdu                                ; entered with V=0
-        TST     R1, #&10                ; spooling enabled ?
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; no, then return
-        Push    R14                     ; cos we're doing a SWI in SVC mode
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; put handle in R1
-        SWI     XOS_BPut                ; put byte to file
-        Pull    PC, VC                  ; if no error, return with V clear
-                                        ; (no need to reload R1, since SPOOL
-                                        ; is done last)
-        Push    R0
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; stop spooling FIRST
-        STRB    R0, SpoolFileH
-        SWI     XOS_Find                ; and close file (R0=0, R1=handle)
-        Pull    "R1, R14"
-        MOVVC   R0, R1                  ; if closed OK, then restore old error
-        RETURNVS                        ; still indicate error
-        END
diff --git a/s/PMF/realtime b/s/PMF/realtime
deleted file mode 100644
index ec04f33a..00000000
--- a/s/PMF/realtime
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.PMF.realtime
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RTCToRealTime - Set RealTime from actual RTC
-; in:   R12 -> BYTEWS
-; out:  all registers preserved
-        [ {FALSE}
-Construct5Byte ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        B       Construct5ByteEntry
-        ]
-        Push    "R0-R9, R14"
-        BL      ReadTime                ; R0 := hours, R1 := minutes
-                                        ; R2 := days, R3 := months
-                                        ; R5 := year(lo), R6 := year(hi)
-                                        ; R7 := seconds, R8 := centiseconds
-        BL      ConvertTo5Byte
-        BL      Store5ByteInRealTime
-        Pull    "R0-R9, PC"
-RegToRealTime ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R9, R14"
-        BL      ConvertTo5Byte
-        BL      Store5ByteInRealTime
-        Pull    "R0-R9, PC"
-ConvertTo5Byte ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R4, R5                  ; R4 := year MOD 100
-        MOV     R5, R6                  ; R5 := year DIV 100
-        MOV     R6, R7                  ; R6 := seconds
-        MOV     R7, R8                  ; R7 := centiseconds
-        MOV     R9, #24
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1              ; decrement day (day=1 => nowt to add)
-        MLA     R0, R9, R2, R0          ; R0 = hours + day*24
-        MOV     R9, #60
-        MLA     R1, R0, R9, R1          ; R1 = mins + hours*60
-        MLA     R6, R1, R9, R6          ; R6 = secs + mins*60
-        MOV     R9, #100
-        MLA     R7, R6, R9, R7          ; R7 = centisecs + secs*100
-        ADR     R0, STMonths-4          ; Point to table (month = 1..12)
-        LDR     R1, [R0, R3, LSL #2]    ; get word of offset
-        ADD     R7, R7, R1              ; add to total
-; if not had leap day in this year yet, then exclude this year from the
-; leap day calculations
-        CMP     R3, #3                  ; if month >= 3
-        SBCS    R0, R4, #0              ; then R0,R1 = R4,R5
-        MOVCC   R0, #99                 ; else R0,R1 = R4,R5 -1
-        SBC     R1, R5, #0
-; want (yl+100*yh) DIV 4 - (yl+100*yh) DIV 100 + (yl+100*yh) DIV 400
-; = (yl DIV 4)+ (25*yh) - yh + (yh DIV 4)
-; = (yl >> 2) + 24*yh + (yh >> 2)
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #2          ; yl >> 2
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSR #2      ; + yh >> 2
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSL #4      ; + yh * 16
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSL #3      ; + yh * 8
-; now subtract off the number of leap days in first 1900 years = 460
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #460
-        BCC     BadYear                 ; before 1900, so bad
-        CMP     R0, #86                 ; if more than 86 days, then it's
-        BCS     BadYear                 ; after 2248, so bad
-        LDR     R9, =ticksperday        ; multiply by ticksperday and add to
-        MLA     R7, R9, R0, R7          ; total (no overflow possible as this
-                                        ; can never be more than 85+31 days)
-; now add on (year-1900)*ticksperyear
-        SUBS    R5, R5, #19             ; subtract off 1900
-        BCC     BadYear
-        MOV     R9, #100
-        MLA     R4, R9, R5, R4          ; R4 = year-1900
-        LDR     R0, =ticksperyear       ; lo word of amount to add on
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; hi word of amount to add on
-        MOV     R8, #0                  ; hi word of result
-        MOVS    R4, R4, LSR #1
-        BCC     %FT15
-        ADDS    R7, R7, R0              ; if bit set then add on amount
-        ADCS    R8, R8, R1
-        BCS     BadYear                 ; overflow => bad time value
-        ADDS    R0, R0, R0              ; shift up amount
-        ADCS    R1, R1, R1
-        TEQ     R4, #0                  ; if still bits to add in
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        CMP     R8, #&100               ; R8 must only be a byte
-        Pull    PC, CC
-        MOV     R7, #-1
-        MOV     R8, #-1
-        Pull    PC
-        Push    R14
-        PHPSEI                          ; disable IRQs for this bit
-        STR     R7, RealTime +0
-        STRB    R8, RealTime +4
-        [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur :LAND: :LNOT: Module
-; for now, also put into normal time
-        LDRB    R0, TimerState
-        TEQ     R0, #5
-        ADREQ   R3, TimerAlpha +0
-        ADRNE   R3, TimerBeta +0
-        STR     R7, [R3]
-        STRB    R8, [R3, #4]
-        ]
-        PLP
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-tickspersecond  * 100
-ticksperminute  * tickspersecond * 60
-ticksperhour    * ticksperminute * 60
-ticksperday     * ticksperhour   * 24
-ticksperyear    * ticksperday    * 365  ; &BBF81E00
-        &       &00000000       ; Jan
-        &       &0FF6EA00       ; Feb
-        &       &1E625200       ; Mar
-        &       &2E593C00       ; Apr
-        &       &3DCC5000       ; May
-        &       &4DC33A00       ; Jun
-        &       &5D364E00       ; Jul
-        &       &6D2D3800       ; Aug
-        &       &7D242200       ; Sep
-        &       &8C973600       ; Oct
-        &       &9C8E2000       ; Nov
-        &       &AC013400       ; Dec
-        &       &F0000000       ; terminator, must be less than this (+1)
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/SWINaming b/s/SWINaming
deleted file mode 100644
index c2671e12..00000000
--- a/s/SWINaming
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => SWINaming
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        MACRO
-$l      AddSwiNameToDecodeTab   $name
-$l      = "$name", 0
-SwisInSystemTable SETA SwisInSystemTable+1
-        MEND
-;       SWI OS_SWINumberToString
-; in:   R0 = SWI number
-;       R1 = buffer pointer
-;       R2 = buffer length
-; out:  Buffer holds SWI name, null-terminated
-SWINumberToString_Code    ROUT
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r12         ; interrupts on!
-        MOV     r12, lr                 ; keep here so subroutines can update flags
-        Push    "r3, r9"
-        MOV     r9, r0                  ; r0 to pass back
-        MOV     r3, r2                  ; buffer limit
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; characters so far
-        TST     r0, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-        MOVNE   r10, #"X"
-        BLNE    AddChar
-        BIC     r0, r0, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-        CMP     r0, #512
-        BCS     NotASystemSWI           ; TMD 11-May-89: changed from GE
-        ADR     r11, OS_Prefix
-        BL      AddString
-        MOV     r10, #"_"
-        BL      AddChar
-        CMP     r0, #256
-        BCS     Swi_Is_WriteI           ; TMD 11-May-89: changed from GE
-        CMP     r0, #MaxSwi
-        BCS     SWINotInTable           ; TMD 11-May-89: changed from GE
-        ADR     r11, System_Swi_Names
-        BL      GetStringFromTable
-        BL      AddString
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        BL      AddChar
-        MOV     r0, r9                  ; error pointer or restoration
-        Pull    "r3, r9"
-        MOV     lr, r12
-        ExitSWIHandler
-                  GBLA SwisInSystemTable
-SwisInSystemTable SETA -1
-OS_Prefix =    "OS",0
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab WriteC
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab WriteS
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Write0
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab NewLine
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadC
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CLI
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Byte
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Word
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab File
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Args
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab BGet
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab BPut
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab GBPB
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Find
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadLine
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Control
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab GetEnv
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Exit
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SetEnv
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab IntOn
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab IntOff
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CallBack
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab EnterOS
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab BreakPt
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab BreakCtrl
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab UnusedSWI
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab UpdateMEMC
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SetCallBack
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Mouse
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Heap
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Module
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Claim
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Release
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadUnsigned
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab GenerateEvent
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadVarVal
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SetVarVal
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab GSInit
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab GSRead
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab GSTrans
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab BinaryToDecimal
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab FSControl
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ChangeDynamicArea
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab GenerateError
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadEscapeState
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab EvaluateExpression
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SpriteOp
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadPalette
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ServiceCall
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadVduVariables
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadPoint
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab UpCall
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CallAVector
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadModeVariable
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab RemoveCursors
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab RestoreCursors
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SWINumberToString
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SWINumberFromString
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ValidateAddress
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CallAfter
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CallEvery
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab RemoveTickerEvent
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab InstallKeyHandler
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CheckModeValid
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ChangeEnvironment
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ClaimScreenMemory
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadMonotonicTime
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SubstituteArgs
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab PrettyPrint
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Plot
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab WriteN
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab AddToVector
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab WriteEnv
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadArgs
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadRAMFsLimits
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ClaimDeviceVector
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReleaseDeviceVector
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab DelinkApplication
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab RelinkApplication
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab HeapSort
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ExitAndDie
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadMemMapInfo
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadMemMapEntries
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SetMemMapEntries
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab AddCallBack
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadDefaultHandler
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SetECFOrigin
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SerialOp
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadSysInfo
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Confirm
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ChangedBox
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CRC
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadDynamicArea
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab PrintChar
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ChangeRedirection
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab RemoveCallBack
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab FindMemMapEntries
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SetColour
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ClaimSWI          ; These two are not actually
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReleaseSWI        ; kernel SWIs.
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Pointer
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ScreenMode
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab DynamicArea
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab AbortTrap
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Memory
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ClaimProcessorVector
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Reset
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab MMUControl
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ResyncTime
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab PlatformFeatures
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SynchroniseCodeAreas
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CallASWI
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab AMBControl
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab CallASWIR12
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SpecialControl
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab EnterUSR32
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab EnterUSR26
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab VIDCDivider
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab NVMemory
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ClaimOSSWI
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab TaskControl
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab DeviceDriver
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab Hardware
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab IICOp
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab LeaveOS
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab ReadLine32
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab SubstituteArgs32
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab HeapSort32
-        = 0
- [ SwisInSystemTable+1 <> MaxSwi
- ! 1, :CHR:10:CC::CHR:13:CC::CHR:7:CC::CHR:7:CC:"Swi Disassembly table not consistent with despatch table":CC::CHR:10:CC::CHR:13
- ]
-convswitab = "OS",0
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertHex1
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertHex2
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertHex4
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertHex6
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertHex8
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertCardinal1
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertCardinal2
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertCardinal3
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertCardinal4
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertInteger1
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertInteger2
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertInteger3
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertInteger4
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertBinary1
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertBinary2
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertBinary3
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertBinary4
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedCardinal1
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedCardinal2
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedCardinal3
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedCardinal4
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedInteger1
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedInteger2
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedInteger3
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedInteger4
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertFixedNetStation
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertNetStation
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertFixedFileSize
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertFileSize
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertHex16
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertCardinal8
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertInteger8
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertBinary8
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedCardinal8
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertSpacedInteger8
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertFixedFileSize64
-        AddSwiNameToDecodeTab  ConvertFileSize64
-        =  0
-        ALIGN
-        SUB     r11, r0, #OS_ConvertHex1
-        CMP     r11, #OS_ConvertFileSize - OS_ConvertHex1
-        BHI     %FT10
-        MOV     r0, r11
-        addr    r11, Conversion_Swi_Names
-        BL      GetStringFromTable
-        B       AddStringAndExit
-        ADR     r11, %FT01
-        CMP     r0, #OS_ConvertStandardDateAndTime
-        ADREQ   r11, %FT05
-        CMP     r0, #OS_ConvertDateAndTime
-        ADREQ   r11, %FT06
-        B       AddStringAndExit
-        =       "Undefined", 0
-        =       "OS", 0
-        =       "ConvertStandardDateAndTime", 0
-        =       "ConvertDateAndTime", 0
-        =       0
-        =       "User", 0
-        =       "OS", 0
-        =       "WriteI", 0
-        =       0
-        =       "WriteI+", 0
-        ALIGN
-        Push    "r9, r12"
-        BIC     r10, r0, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        ModSWIHashvalOffset r9, r10
-        LDR     r9, [r9, #ModuleSWI_HashTab]
-        CMP     r9, #0
-        BEQ     giveemaboringname
-        LDR     r12, [r9, #ModSWINode_Number]
-        CMP     r10, r12
-        LDRNE   r9, [r9, #ModSWINode_Link]
-        BNE     lohc
-        LDR     r12, [r9, #ModSWINode_MListNode]
-        LDR     r9, [r12, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     r10, [r9, #Module_NameTable]
-        LDR     r14, [r9, #-4]                          ; get module size
-        CMP     r10, #1                                 ; must be non-zero
-        CMPCS   r14, r10                                ; and must be within code
-        BLS     trymodule_SWIdecode_code
-        ADD     r11, r10, r9
-        Pull    "r9, r12"
-        BL      AddString
-        MOV     r10, #"_"
-        BL      AddChar
-        AND     r0, r0, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        Push    "r0"
-        BL      GetStringFromTable
-        Pull    "r0"
-        BVC     AddStringAndExit
-        B       AddNumericBit                           ; not in table
-        LDR     r10, [r9, #Module_NameCode]
-        TST     r10, #12,2                              ; test bottom 2 bits and clear carry
-        CMPEQ   r10, #1                                 ; must be non-zero
-        CMPCS   r14, r10                                ; and must be within code
-        BLS     usethemoduletitle
-; got r0 is SWI number, r1 buffer pointer, r2 is buffer offset to use
-; r3 is buffer limit
-        CMP     r2, r3
-        BGE     dont_confuse_the_poor_dears
-        Push    "r4-r6"
-        AND     r0, r0, #Module_SWIChunkSize - 1
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #Module_incarnation_list]
-        ADDS    r12, r12, #Incarnation_Workspace        ; force V clear
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        ADD     pc, r9, r10
-        Pull    "r4-r6, r9, r12"
-        BVC     ExitSwiSwi
-      [ International
-        Push    "r0"
-        ADRL    r0, BufferOFloError
-        BL      TranslateError
-        MOV     r9,r0
-        Pull    "r0"
-      |
-        ADRL    r9, BufferOFloError
-      ]
-        ORR     r12, r12, #V_bit
-        B       ExitSwiSwi
-        LDR     r10, [r9, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     r11, r10, r9
-        Pull    "r9, r12"
-        BL      AddString
-        MOV     r10, #"_"
-        BL      AddChar
-        AND     r0, r0, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        B       AddNumericBit
-giveemaboringname                       ; not found anywhere interesting
-        Pull    "r9, r12"
-        ADR     r11, %BT02
-        B       AddStringAndExit
-        ADR     r11, %BT03
-        BL      AddString
-        AND     r0, r0, #255
-        CMP     r0, #32
-        BLT     AddNumericBit
-        CMP     r0, #127
-        BCS     AddNumericBit
-        MOV     r10, #""""
-        BL      AddChar
-        MOV     r10, r0
-        BL      AddChar
-        MOV     r10, #""""
-        BL      AddChar
-        B       ExitSwiSwi
-        Push    "r1, r2"
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2              ; point at remaining buffer
-        SUB     r2, r3, r2              ; buffer left
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        ORRVS   r12, r12, #V_bit
-        MOVVS   r9, r0
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        Pull    "r1, r2"
-        ADD     r2, r2, r0              ; adjust chars given
-        B       ExitSwiSwi
-; AddChar
-; in:   R1 = buffer pointer
-;       R2 = buffer position
-;       R3 = buffer size
-;       R10 = character
-; out:  If overflow, V_bit set in R12, and R9 -> error
-;       PSR preserved
-AddChar ROUT
-        EntryS
-        CMP     r2, r3
-        BGE     %FT01
-        STRB    r10, [r1, r2]
-        ADD     r2, r2, #1
-        EXITS
-      [ International
-        Push    "r0,lr"
-        ADRL    r0, BufferOFloError
-        BL      TranslateError
-        MOV     r9,r0
-        Pull    "r0,lr"
-      |
-        ADRL    r9, BufferOFloError
-      ]
-        EXITVS
-; AddString
-; in:   R11 points at string to add
-; out:  R10, R11 corrupted
-AddString Entry
-        LDRB    r10, [r11], #1
-        CMP     r10, #0
-        BLNE    AddChar
-        BNE     %BT01
-        EXIT
-; GetStringFromTable
-; in:   R0 is table offset
-;       R11 points at first SWI name in table
-; out:  R11 -> string or V set if not in table
-;       R0, R10 corrupted
-GetStringFromTable ROUT
-        LDRB    r10, [r11]
-        CMP     r10, #0
-        BEQ     %FT02                   ; end of table
-        SUBS    r0, r0, #1
-        BPL     %FT01
-        CLRV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        LDRB    r10, [r11], #1
-        CMP     r10, #0
-        BNE     %BT01
-        B       GetStringFromTable
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; R1 pointer to name terminated by char <= " "
-; return R0 as SWI number
-SWINumberFromString_Code Entry "r1,r2"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r10                 ; enable interrupts
-        LDRB    R10, [R1]
-        CMP     R10, #"X"
-        MOVEQ   R0, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-        ADDEQ   R1, R1, #1
-        MOVNE   R0, #0
-        MOV     r10, #0                         ; indicate doing OS SWIs, so disallow OS_<number>
-        ADRL    r11, OS_Prefix                  ; point at system table
-        BL      LookForSwiName
-        BVC     GotTheSWIName
-        BIC     r0, r0, #255
-        ADRL    r11, othersysswitab
-        BL      LookForSwiName
-        ORRVC   r0, r0, #OS_ConvertStandardDateAndTime
-        BVC     GotTheSWIName
-        BIC     r0, r0, #255
-        ADRL    r11, convswitab
-        BL      LookForSwiName
-        ADDVC   r0, r0, #OS_ConvertHex1
-        BVC     GotTheSWIName
-        BIC     r0, r0, #255
-        ADRL    r11, andfiddleaboutwithWriteI
-        BL      LookForSwiName
-        ORRVC   r0, r0, #OS_WriteI
-        BVC     GotTheSWIName
-        MOV     r12, #Module_List
-        LDR     r12, [r12]
-        CMP     r12, #0
-        BEQ     this_swi_nexiste_pas
-        LDR     r10, [r12, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Module_SWIChunk]            ; first validate swi chunk
-        BICS    r11, r11, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-        BEQ     %BT10                                   ; SWI chunk zero not allowed
-        TST     r11, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        TSTEQ   r11, #&FF000000
-        BNE     %BT10                                   ; invalid SWI chunk
-        LDR     r2, [r10, #-4]
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Module_SWIEntry]
-        TST     r11, #12,2                              ; test bottom 2 bits and clear carry
-        CMPEQ   r11, #1                                 ; must be non-zero
-        CMPCS   r2, r11                                 ; and must be within code
-        BLS     %BT10
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Module_NameTable]
-        CMP     r11, #1                                 ; must be non-zero
-        CMPCS   r2, r11                                 ; and must be within code
-        BLS     %FT20                                   ; if no name table, try name code
-        ADD     r11, r10, r11
-        BIC     r0, r0, #Module_SWIChunkSize-1
-        BL      LookForSwiName
-        BVS     %FT20
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Module_SWIChunk]
-        BIC     r11, r11, #Auto_Error_SWI_bit
-        ORR     r0, r0, r11
-        B       GotTheSWIName
-; call module code if it exists
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Module_NameCode]
-        TST     r11, #12,2                              ; test bottom 2 bits and clear carry
-        CMPEQ   r11, #1                                 ; must be non-zero
-        CMPCS   r2, r11                                 ; and must be within code
-        BLS     %FT30                                   ; try <module-title>_<numeric>
-; got R1 string pointer
-        Push    "r0-r6, r12"
-        MOV     r0, #-1                                 ; indicate string being given
-        LDR     r12, [r12, #Module_incarnation_list]
-        ADDS    r12, r12, #Incarnation_Workspace        ; force V clear
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        ADD     pc, r11, r10
-        ADDS    r2, r0, #0                              ; NB clears V for SWI return
-        Pull    "r0"
-        ADDPL   r0, r0, r2
-        Pull    "r1-r6, r12"
-        BPL     gotmodulejobbie
-; check against module title
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #Module_Title]
-        ADD     r11, r10, r11
-        Push    r10
-        MOV     r10, #1                                 ; indicate only check for prefix_numeric
-        BL      LookForSwiName
-        Pull    r10
-        BVS     %BT10
-        B       gotmodulejobbie
-        SETV
-        PullEnv
-        ADRVS   r0, ErrorBlock_NoSuchSWI2
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr",VS
-        BLVS    TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr",VS
-      ]
-        B       SLVK_TestV
-        MakeErrorBlock NoSuchSWI2
-LookForSwiName ROUT
-; R11 points at name table
-; R1 points at name
-; R10 = 0 => allow only prefix_name (for OS_SWI)
-; R10 = 1 => allow only prefix_numeric (for checking moduletitle_numeric)
-;       otherwise => allow prefix_name or prefix_numeric
-; return R0 ORed with number if found
-; V set if not
-        Entry   "r8,r9, r12"
-        MOV     r12, #0                                 ; offset in name
-; first check that prefix matches
-        LDRB    r14, [r1, r12]
-        CMP     r14, #" "                               ; if we terminate before we get an "_", then fail
-        BLE     %FT50
-        ADD     r12, r12, #1
-        LDRB    r9, [r11], #1
-        CMP     r9, r14
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        CMP     r14, #"_"                               ; check correct terminators
-        CMPEQ   r9,  #0
-        BNE     %FT50
-; prefix OK: scan table for rest of name
-        TEQ     r10, #1                                 ; if doing modulename_numeric
-        BEQ     CheckForNumericPostFix                  ; don't look for any names
-        MOV     r8, r12                                 ; keep pointer to after prefix
-        LDRB    r14, [r11], #1
-        CMP     r14, #0
-        BEQ     CheckForNumericPostFix
-        LDRB    r9, [r1, r12]
-        ADD     r12, r12, #1
-        CMP     r14, #0
-        CMPEQ   r9, #" "
-        BGT     %FT35
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        CMP     r9, r14
-        LDREQB  r14, [r11], #1
-        BEQ     %BT30
-        MOV     r12, r8                                 ; restore name pointer
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1                              ; step SWI number
-        CMP     r14, #0                                 ; find end of failed name
-        LDRNEB  r14, [r11], #1
-        BNE     %BT40
-        B       %BT20
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-; [R1, R12] points at postfix
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        ADD     r1, r1, r12
-        CMP     r10, #0                                 ; if OS SWI then EQ,VC else NE,VC
-        SETV    EQ                                      ; if OS SWI then VS else VC
-        MOVVC   r0, #10 + (1 :SHL: 29)
-        MOVVC   r2, #Module_SWIChunkSize -1
-        SWIVC   XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Pull    "r0"
-        BIC     r0, r0, #Module_SWIChunkSize -1
-        ADDVC   r0, r0, r2
-        Pull    "r1, r2, r8,r9, r12, pc"
-        END
diff --git a/s/Super1 b/s/Super1
deleted file mode 100644
index ef68f7c8..00000000
--- a/s/Super1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL    => Super1
-CliDPrompt    =  "CLI$Prompt",0
-DefaultPrompt = "*"
-        ALIGN
-StartSuper ; Start entry for UtilModule
-        BL      DEFHAN                  ; set error handler in case spooling
-      [ International                   ; We are in USR mode and have no stack ...
-        ADR     R0,KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        ADR     R1,%FT11
-        MOV     R2,#0
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        MOVVS   R2,R1
-        LDRB    R0,[R2],#1
-        CMP     R0,#31
-        BLT     %FT02
-        SWI     OS_WriteC
-        B       %BT01
-02      SWI     OS_NewLine
-        SWI     OS_NewLine
-        B       CLILOP
-        =       "Supervisor",0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI     OS_WriteS
-        =       "Supervisor",10,13,10,13,0
-        ALIGN
-        B       CLILOP
-      ]
-CLIEXIT BL      DEFHN2                  ; restore all our world
-        WritePSRc 0, R0
-        BL      DEFHAN                  ; including error handler!
-        ADR     R0, CliDPrompt          ; try looking it up
-        LDR     R1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     R2, #?GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        MOV     R4, #VarType_Expanded
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal
-        ADRVS   r1, DefaultPrompt       ; gnot gthere or gnaff
-        MOVVS   r2, #1
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        MOV     r1, r2
-        SWI     OS_WriteN
-        LDR     R0, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        LDR     R1, =?GeneralMOSBuffer-1
-        MOV     R2, #" "
-        MOV     R3, #255
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        SWI     OS_ReadLine32
-        BCS     ESCAPE
-        MOV     lr, pc                  ; construct lr for wallies to return to
-        SWI     XOS_CLI
-        BVC     CLILOP
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        BL      PrintError
-        B       CLILOP
-        LTORG
-ESCAPE  MOV     R0, #&7E
-        SWI     OS_Byte                 ; May yield error
-      [ International
-        SWI     XOS_EnterOS             ; GO into SVC mode to get some stack
-        SWI     OS_NewLine
-        BLVC    WriteS_Translated
-        =       "Escape:Escape",10,13,0
-        ALIGN
-        WritePSRc 0, R0                 ; Back to user mode.
-      |
-        SWI     OS_WriteS
-        =       10,13, "Escape", 10,13, 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        B       CLILOP
-        END
diff --git a/s/SysComms b/s/SysComms
deleted file mode 100644
index 67cea435..00000000
--- a/s/SysComms
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1875 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL     => SysComms , the system commands file: Load save dump etc.
-TAB      *      9
-FSUTtemp RN     r10
-         GBLS   UtilRegs        ; Save the same set so we can common up exits
-UtilRegs SETS   "r7-r10"        ; Sam will preserve r0-r6 on module star entry
-AnyNoParms  *   &FF0000         ; Between 0 and 255 parameters: all flags clear
-SysCommsModule ROUT
-Module_BaseAddr SETA SysCommsModule
-        &       0               ; No Start entry
-        &       0               ; Not initialised
-        &       0
-        &       0
-        &       0
-        &       SysTitle-SysCommsModule
-        &       SCHCTab-SysCommsModule
-        &       0
-        &       0
-        &       0
-        &       0
- [ International_Help <> 0
-        &       MessageFileName-SysCommsModule
- |
-        &       0
- ]
-        = "$SystemName", 9
-   [ :LEN: "$SystemName" < 8
-        =  9
-   ]
-        =  "$VersionNo", 0
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-;***WARNING*** if commands are added or changed, SysCoHashedCmdTab MUST be updated correspondingly
-  ]
-SCHCTab ; Alphabetically ordered so it's easier to find stuff
-        Command Append,  1,  1, International_Help
-        Command Build,   1,  1, International_Help
-        Command Close,   0,  0, International_Help
-        Command Create,  4,  1, International_Help
-        Command Delete,  1,  1, International_Help
-        Command Dump,    3,  1, International_Help
-        Command Exec,    1,  0, International_Help
-        Command FX,      5,  1, International_Help    ; 1-3 parms, but up to 2 commas may be there
-        Command GO,    255,  0, International_Help
-        Command Help,  255,  0, International_Help
-        Command Key,   255,  1, International_Help
-        Command Load,    2,  1, International_Help ; Fudge order for compatibility (*L.)
-        Command List,    3,  1, International_Help
-        Command Opt,     2,  0, International_Help
-        Command Print,   1,  1, International_Help
-        Command Quit,    0,  0, International_Help
-        Command Remove,  1,  1, International_Help
-        Command Save,    6,  2, International_Help ; *SAVE Fn St + Le Ex Lo (compatibility)
-        Command Shadow,  1,  0, International_Help
-        Command Spool,   1,  0, International_Help
-        Command SpoolOn, 1,  0, International_Help
-        Command TV,      3,  0, International_Help
-        Command Type,    3,  1, International_Help ; -file fred -tabexpand
-        =       0
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-; - Hashing table is 32 wide
-; - Hashing function is:
-;      hash = (sum of all chars of command, each upper-cased) & 0x1f
-; - Order of commands in each hashed list is alphabetical
-; Table MUST be reorganised if hashing function changed, or command set altered
-           ALIGN
-;     ! 0,"SysCoHashedCmdTab at ":CC::STR:(SysCoHashedCmdTab)
-;First, 1 word per table entry, giving offset to hashed list on each hash value
-           DCD       SHC_hash00 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0                            ;null list on this hash value
-           DCD       SHC_hash02 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       SHC_hash03 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash05 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       SHC_hash06 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash09 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       SHC_hash0A - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash0D - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       SHC_hash0E - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       SHC_hash0F - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       SHC_hash10 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash13 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       SHC_hash14 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash16 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash18 - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash1C - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       SHC_hash1E - SysCommsModule
-           DCD       0
-; Now the hashed lists
-        Command Load,    2,  1, International_Help ; Fudge order for compatibility (*L.)
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Type,    3,  1, International_Help ; -file fred -tabexpand
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Quit,    0,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Exec,    1,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Shadow,  1,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Help,  255,  0, International_Help
-        Command Key,   255,  1, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command SpoolOn, 1,  0, International_Help
-        Command TV,      3,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Print,   1,  1, International_Help
-        Command Spool,   1,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Remove,  1,  1, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Save,    6,  2, International_Help ; *SAVE Fn St + Le Ex Lo (compatibility)
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Build,   1,  1, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Delete,  1,  1, International_Help
-        Command Opt,     2,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Create,  4,  1, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Close,   0,  0, International_Help
-        Command Dump,    3,  1, International_Help
-        Command GO,    255,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command Append,  1,  1, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command List,    3,  1, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-        Command FX,      5,  1, International_Help    ; 1-3 parms, but up to 2 commas may be there
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-;now a small table to fudge around need for old syntax for *fx etc (ie.
-;allow zero spaces between command and first, numeric, parameter)
-        Command FX,      5,  1, International_Help    ; 1-3 parms, but up to 2 commas may be there
-        Command Key,   255,  1, International_Help
-        Command Opt,     2,  0, International_Help
-        Command TV,      3,  0, International_Help
-        =   0
-        ALIGN
-  ] ;Oscli_HashedCommands
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Most help and syntax messages go together to save ALIGNing wastage
-        GET       s.MosDict
-        GET       s.TMOSHelp
-GO_Syntax   * Module_BaseAddr
-Help_Syntax * Module_BaseAddr
-        ALIGN                   ; Just the one, please !
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-HelpBufferSize * 512
-Help_Code ROUT       ; got R0 ptr to commtail, R1 no parameters
-        Push    "r7, lr"
-; first pass round a service call to let wally user code do things.
-        MOV     r2, r1
-        MOV     r1, #Service_Help
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        Pull    "r7, pc", EQ
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        MOVNE   r6, r0
-        addr    r6, HelpText, EQ
-        MOV     r0, #117                ; Read current VDU status
-        SWI     XOS_Byte                ; Won't fail
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+14           ; paged mode on.
-        Pull    "r7, pc", VS            ; Wrch can fail
-        Push    "r1"                    ; Save page mode state
-        MOV     r0, r6
-        MOV     r7, #0                  ; anyhelpdoneyet flag
-; now look at syscomms module.
-        addr    r1, SysCommsModule
-        BL      ShowHelpInModule
-        BVS     %FT67
-; now try looking round the modules.
-        MOV      R2, #Module_List
-11      LDR      R2, [R2]
-        CMP      R2, #0
-        BEQ      tryagainstmodulename
-        LDR      R1, [R2, #Module_code_pointer]
-        LDR      R12, [R2, #Module_incarnation_list]
-        ADD      R12, R12, #Incarnation_Workspace
-        BL       ShowHelpInModule
-        BVS      %FT67
-        B        %BT11
-        Push     "r0"
-        MOV       r1, #0
-        MOV       r2, #0
-        MOV       r0, #ModHandReason_GetNames
-        SWI       XOS_Module
-        Pull      r0, VS
-        BVS       %FT02
-        LDR       r0, [stack]      ; kword ptr
-        Push     "r1, r2"
-        LDR       r4, [r3, #Module_Title]
-        CMP       r4, #0
-        BEQ       tamn_notit
-        ADD       r4, r4, r3
-        MOV       R5, #0           ; offset
-        LDRB      R1, [R0, R5]
-        LDRB      R2, [R4, R5]
-        CMP       R1, #32
-        CMPLE     R2, #32
-        BLE       tamn_dojacko    ; matched at terminator
-        UpperCase R1, R6
-        UpperCase R2, R6
-        CMP       R1, R2
-        ADDEQ     R5, R5, #1
-        BEQ       tamn_chk
-        RSBS      R2, R2, #33     ; only if not terminated
-        CMPLE     R1, #"."        ; success if abbreviation
-        BNE       tamn_notit
-        BL        ModuleJackanory
-        STRVS     r0, [stack, #2*4]
-        Pull     "r1, r2"
-        Pull      r0, VS
-        BVS       %FT67
-        CMP       r2, #0
-        ADDNE     r1, r1, #1
-        MOVNE     r2, #0
-        B         tamn_loop
-02      LDRB      R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP       R1, #"."
-        CMPNE     R1, #" "
-        BGT       %BT02
-        CMP       R1, #" "
-        BLT       %FT67
-66      LDRB      R1, [R0], #1
-        CMP       R1, #" "
-        BEQ       %BT66
-        SUBGT     R0, R0, #1
-        BGT       DoHelpOnNextKeyWord
-67      BLVC      testnohelpdone
-        Pull     "R1"
-        MRS       r6, CPSR
-        TST       R1, #5
-        SWIEQ     XOS_WriteI+15  ; paged mode off
-        MSR       CPSR_f, r6     ; restore V state
-        Pull     "r7, PC"
-        CMP       r7, #0
-        MOVNE     pc, lr
-        MOV       r7, lr
-      [ International
-        BL        WriteS_Translated
-        =         "NoHelp:No help found.",10,13,0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI       XOS_WriteS
-        =         "No help found.",10,13,0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        MOV       pc, r7
-ModuleJackanory   ROUT      ; give summary of info in module @ r3
-        Push     "r0, lr"
-        CheckSpaceOnStack HelpBufferSize+256, modjack_noroom, r6
-        SUB       stack, stack, #HelpBufferSize
-        MOV       r2, r3
-        LDR       r3, [r2, #Module_Title]
-        CMP       r3, #0
-        ADDNE     r3, r3, r2
-        ADREQL    r3, NoRIT
-        BL        PrintMatch
-        BVS       %FT99
-        LDR       r3, [r2, #Module_HelpStr]
-        CMP       r3, #0
-        BEQ       nohstring
-        STMDB     sp!, {r2, r3}
-        MOV       r0, #0                        ; Try our message file before Global.
-        LDR       r0, [r0, #KernelMessagesBlock]
-        TEQ       r0, #0
-        ADRNE     r0, KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        ADRL      r1, modjack_hstr
-        MOV       r2, #0
-        SWI       XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        SWIVC     XMessageTrans_Dictionary
-        MOVVC     r1, r0
-        MOVVC     r0, r2
-        SWIVC     XOS_PrettyPrint
-        SWIVC     XOS_WriteI + 32
-        LDMIA     sp!, {r2, r3}
-        ADDVC     r0, r2, r3
-        SWIVC     XOS_PrettyPrint
-        BVS       %FT99
-        MOV       r3, stack                ; buffer address
-        MOV       r1, #0                   ; flags for commands
-        ADRL      r0, modjack_comms
-        BL        OneModuleK_Lookup
-        MOVVC     r1, #FS_Command_Flag
-        ADRVCL    r0, modjack_filecomms
-        BLVC      OneModuleK_Lookup
-        MOVVC     r1, #Status_Keyword_Flag
-        ADRVCL    r0, modjack_confs
-        BLVC      OneModuleK_Lookup
-        MOVVC     r1, #-1
-        ADRVCL    r0, modjack_aob
-        BLVC      OneModuleK_Lookup
-99      ADD       stack, stack, #HelpBufferSize
-        SWIVC     XOS_NewLine
-98      STRVS     r0, [stack]
-        Pull     "r0, PC"
-        ADRL      r0, ErrorBlock_StackFull
-      [ International
-        BL        TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        B         %BT98
-        STMDB   sp!, {r1-r3, lr}
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; Try our message file before Global.
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #KernelMessagesBlock]
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        ADRNE   r0, KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        MOVVC   r0, r2
-        LDMIA   sp!, {r1-r3, lr}
-        MOVVS   pc, lr
-        B       OneModuleK
-; Print match header, keyword @ r3
-PrintMatch      ROUT
-      [ International
-        Push   "r0-r4, lr"
-        SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState
-        BLCS    AckEscape
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+CR
-        MOVVC   r4,r3
-        BL      WriteS_Translated_UseR4
-        =       "HelpFound:==> Help on keyword %0",0
-        ALIGN
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        STRVS   R0, [stack]
-        MOV     R7, #1
-        Pull   "r0-r4, PC"
-      |
-        Push   "r0-r2, lr"
-        SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState
-        BLCS    AckEscape
-        ADRVC   r0, HelpMatchString
-        MOV     r2, r3
-        SWIVC   XOS_PrettyPrint    ; print matched keyword
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        STRVS   R0, [stack]
-        MOV     R7, #1
-        Pull   "r0-r2, PC"
-HelpMatchString =  CR, "==> Help on keyword ",TokenEscapeChar,Token0, 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-ShowHelpInModule  ROUT    ; take module ptr in R1, give relevant help.
-        Push   "R2-R6, lr"
-        LDR     R2, [R1, #Module_HC_Table]
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        Pull   "R2-R6, PC", EQ
-        ADD     R2, R1, R2        ; point at table
-        LDRB    R5, [R2]
-        CMP     R5, #0
-        BNE     %FT21
-        Pull   "R2-R6, PC"       ; finished
-21      MOV     R3, #0           ; offset
-22      LDRB    R4, [R0, R3]
-        LDRB    R5, [R2, R3]
-        CMP     R4, #32
-        CMPLE   R5, #32
-        BLE     %FT25           ; matched at terminator
-        UpperCase R4, R6
-        UpperCase R5, R6
-        CMP     R4, R5
-        ADDEQ   R3, R3, #1
-        BEQ     %BT22
-        RSBS    R5, R5, #33       ; only if not terminated
-        CMPLE   R4, #"."          ; success if abbreviation
-        BEQ     %FT25
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-23      LDRB    R5, [R2], #1
-        CMP     R5, #32
-        BGT     %BT23             ; skip to terminator
-        ADD     R2, R2, #3
-        BIC     R2, R2, #3        ; ALIGN
-24      ADD     R2, R2, #16
-        B       fujjnulltables
-25      ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        SUB     R3, R2, R3        ; hang on to keyword ptr
-28      LDRB    R5, [R2], #1
-        CMP     R5, #0
-        BNE     %BT28           ; demand null terminator
-        ADD     R2, R2, #3
-        BIC     R2, R2, #3        ; ALIGN
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #12]    ; get help offset
-        CMP     R5, #0
-        BEQ     %BT24          ; no help.
-        BL      PrintMatch           ; r3 -> keyword
-        Pull   "R2-R6, PC", VS
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #4]     ; get info word
-        TST     R6, #Help_Is_Code_Flag
-        BNE     CallHelpKeywordCode
-        Push   "R0-r3"
-        TST     R6, #International_Help
-        BEQ     %FT35
-        SUB     sp, sp, #16
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #-4]
-        LDR     r0, [r1, #Module_MsgFile]
-        TST     r0, #12,2
-        CMPEQ   r0, #1
-        CMPCS   r2, r0
-        MOVLS   r0, #0
-        BLS     %FT29
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r0, sp
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_OpenFile
-        MOVVS   r0, #0
-29      MOV     r6, r0
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #16 + 1 * 4]
-        ADD     r1, r5, r1
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        ADDVS   r2, r0, #4
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Dictionary
-        MOVVS   r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        LDR     r2, [sp, #16 + 3 * 4]
-        SWI     XOS_PrettyPrint         ; Error check not done yet
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        MOV     r0, r6
-        LDR     r2, [sp, #16 + 2 * 4]
-        LDR     R5, [r2, #8]
-        CMP     R5, #0
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; Should print default message?
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #16 + 1 * 4]
-        ADD     r1, r5, r1
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        ADDVS   r2, r0, #4
-        SWI     XMessageTrans_Dictionary
-        MOVVS   r0, #0
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        LDR     r2, [sp, #16 + 3 * 4]
-        SWI     XOS_PrettyPrint         ; No Error check!!!
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-30      MOVS    r0, r6
-        SWINE   XMessageTrans_CloseFile
-        ADD     sp, sp, #16
-        Pull    "R0-R3"
-        B       %BT24
-35      ADD     R0, R5, R1
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, r3
-        SWI     XOS_PrettyPrint
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        STRVS   R0, [stack]
-        Pull   "R0-r3"
-        Pull   "R2-R6, PC", VS
-        B       %BT24
-        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_StackFull
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        SETV
-        Pull   "R2-R6, pc"
-        CheckSpaceOnStack HelpBufferSize+256, helpnostack, R6
-        SUB     stack, stack, #HelpBufferSize
-        Push   "R0-R2, R12"     ; code allowed to corrupt R1-R6, R12
-        MOV     R2, R1
-        ADD     R0, stack, #4*4
-        MOV     R1, #HelpBufferSize
-        MOV     lr, PC          ; R12 set by our caller
-        ADD     PC, R5, R2
-        BVS     hkc_threwawobbly
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        MOVNE   r1, #0
-        SWINE   XOS_PrettyPrint
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        STRVS   R0, [stack]
-        Pull   "R0-R2, R12"
-        ADD     stack, stack, #HelpBufferSize
-        BVC     %BT24
-        Pull   "R2-R6, PC"
-        Push  "R7, lr"
-        MOV    R4, R0
-        BL     SPACES
-        CMP    R5, #13
-        TEQNE  R5, #";"
-        MOVLS  R7, #UserMemStart
-        BCC    GOEX
-        BEQ    GOEX0
-        BL     ReadHex
-        MOVVS  R7, #UserMemStart
-        BL     SPACES
-GOEX0   TEQ    R5, #";"
-        BLEQ   SPACES
-GOEX    SUB    R1, R4, #1
-        MOV    R0, #FSControl_StartApplication
-        MOV    R2, R7
-        ADR    R3, GOSMUDGE
-        SWI    XOS_FSControl
-        Pull  "R7, PC", VS
-        LDR    sp_svc, =SVCSTK ; remove supervisor stuff
-        WritePSRc 0, R14       ; in to user mode
-        MOV    PC, R7
-GOSMUDGE = "GO ", 0
-         ALIGN
-ReadHex Push    "R0-R2, lr"
-        MOV      R0, #16
-        SUB      R1, R4, #1
-        SWI      XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        MOV      R4, R1
-        MOV      R7, R2
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-SPACES  LDRB R5, [R4], #1
-        TEQ R5, #" "
-        BEQ SPACES
-        MOV PC, R14
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-Close_Code Entry
-        MOV    R0, #0
-        MOV    R1, #0
-        SWI    XOS_Find
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-FX_Code Entry
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        Push    "R1-R2"         ; Put optional parms (default 0, 0) on stack
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R0, #10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Push    "R2"            ; Pulled as R0 when OSByte called
-        BVS     %FT90
-        BL      %FT10
-        MOV     R0, #10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        BVS     %FT90
-        STR     R2, [stack, #4]
-        BL      %FT10
-        MOV     R0, #10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        BVS     %FT90
-        STR     R2, [stack, #8]
-        BL      %FT10                ; check for EOL: goes to 05 if end
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_TooManyParms
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-90      ADD     sp, sp, #12    ; Error before we'd pulled r0-r2 for osbyte
-        EXIT
-        MakeErrorBlock  TooManyParms
-        Pull    "R0-R2"
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        EXIT
-; Skip leading spaces and optional comma
-10      LDRB    R2, [R1], #1
-        CMP     R2, #" "
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        CMP     R2, #","
-        MOVEQ   PC, lr         ; Let ReadUnsigned strip leading spaces.
-        CMP     R2, #CR
-        CMPNE   R2, #LF
-        CMPNE   R2, #0
-        BEQ     %BT05          ; Terminated command, so execute the osbyte
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1     ; Back to first char
-        MOV     PC, lr
-TV_Code ALTENTRY ; must be same as FX_Code !
-        MOV     R1, #144        ; OSBYTE number
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        Push   "R1, R2, lr"
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        B       TV_EntryPoint
-Shadow_Code Entry
-       CMP      R1, #0
-       MOV      R1, R0
-       MOV      R0, #10 + (1:SHL:30)
-       SWINE    XOS_ReadUnsigned
-       MOVEQ    R2, #0
-       EXIT     VS
-       BL       CheckEOL
-       BNE      ShadowNaff
-       MOV      R0, #114
-       MOV      R1, R2
-       SWI      XOS_Byte
-       EXIT
-       ADRL     R0, ErrorBlock_BadNumb
-     [ International
-       BL       TranslateError
-     |
-       SETV
-     ]
-       EXIT
-       LDRB     R0, [R1], #1
-       CMP      R0, #" "
-       CMPNE    R0, #13
-       CMPNE    R0, #10
-       CMPNE    R0, #0
-       MOV      PC, lr
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-Key_Code Entry
-        SUB     sp, sp, #32
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     r6, sp
-        LDR     R2, %FT02               ; Load 'Key$'
-        STR     R2, [R6], #4
-        MOV     R0, #10 + (1 :SHL: 29)  ; default base
-        MOV     R2, #15                 ; maximum key
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        BVS     %FT90
-        CMP     R2, #10
-        MOVGE   R4, #"1"
-        STRGEB  R4, [R6], #1
-        SUBGE   R2, R2, #10
-        ADD     R2, R2, #"0"
-        STRB    R2, [R6]
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        STRB    R2, [R6, #1]
-        MOV     R0, sp
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        MOV     R4, #VarType_String
-        SWI     XOS_SetVarVal
-80      ADD     sp, sp, #32
-        EXIT
-90      ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadKey
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV    ; It needs setting here !
-      ]
-        B       %BT80
-        MakeErrorBlock BadKey
-        DCB     "Key$"                  ; Must be aligned
-        ALIGN
-        LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Exec, Spool and SpoolOn share a common body
-Exec_Code Entry "$UtilRegs"
-        MOV     r3, #&40        ; OPENIN exec
-        MOV     r4, #198        ; r0b for osbyte exec
-        B       %FT01
-Spool_Code ALTENTRY
-        MOV     r3, #&80        ; OPENOUT spool
-        B       %FT00
-SpoolOn_Code ALTENTRY
-        MOV     r3, #&C0        ; OPENUP spoolon
-00      MOV     r4, #199        ; r0b for osbyte spool/spoolon
-01      MOV     r5, r0          ; Save filename^
-        MOV     r6, r1          ; Save n parms
-        MOV     r0, r4          ; Read old exec/spool handle
-        MOV     r1, #0          ; Write 0 as handle; we may be just closing
-        MOV     r2, #0          ; and keep zero if open error (cf. RUN)
-        SWI     XOS_Byte        ; Won't cause error
-        BL      CloseR1
-        EXIT    VS
-        CMP     r6, #0          ; No filename present ?
-        EXIT    EQ              ; ie. just closing down exec/spool ?
-        MOV     r1, r5          ; -> filename
-        MOV     r0, r3          ; OPENIN exec/OPENUP spoolon/OPENOUT spool
-        BL      OpenFileWithWinge
-        EXIT    VS
-        CMP     r3, #&C0        ; Doing SPOOLON ? VClear
-        BLEQ    MoveToEOF       ; PTR#r1:= EXT#r1
-        MOV     r0, r4          ; Write new exec/spool handle (r1)
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        SWIVC   XOS_Byte        ; May have got error in moving to EOF
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; List, Print and Type share a common body
-listopt   RN    r2
-lastchar  RN    r3
-linecount RN    r4
-charcount RN    r5
-lnum      *     2_01    ; Line numbers
-type      *     2_10    ; GSREAD format ?
-filterprinting  * 2_10000000            ; Bits controlling printing
-linenumbering   * 2_01000000
-expandtabs      * 2_00100000
-forcetbsrange   * 2_00001000
-allowtbschar    * 2_00000100
-unprintangle    * 2_00000010
-unprinthex      * 2_00000001
-unprintdot      * 2_00000001
-Print_Code Entry "$UtilRegs"
-        MOV     listopt, #0             ; No line numbers, raw ASCII
-        B       %FT01
-        MOV     listopt, #(filterprinting + linenumbering)
-        MOV     linecount, #0
-        B       %FT00
-TypeArgs = "File/A,TabExpand/S",0
-        ALIGN
-        MOV     listopt, #filterprinting
-00      MOV     r6, r1                  ; no. params
-        BL      ReadGSFormat            ; Read configured GSFormat bits
-        EXIT    VS                      ; I2C could be faulty ! File not open
-        ORR     listopt, listopt, r1
-        CMP     r6, #1
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        Push   "R2, R3"
-        MOV     R1, R0                  ; args given
-        ADR     R0, TypeArgs
-        LDR     R2, =ArgumentBuffer
-  [ LongCommandLines
-        MOV     R3, #LongCLISize
-  |
-        MOV     R3, #256
-  ]
-        SWI     XOS_ReadArgs
-        Pull   "R2, R3", VS
-        EXIT    VS
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #4]            ; tabflag
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #0]            ; filename ptr
-        Pull   "R2, R3"
-        ORRNE   listopt, listopt, #expandtabs
-01      MOV     lastchar, #0            ; Reset NewLine indicator
-        MOV     r1, r0                  ; Point to filename
-        MOV     r0, #&40                ; han := OPENIN <filename>
-        BL      OpenFileWithWinge
-        EXIT    VS
-10      SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState     ; Won't cause error
-        BCS     CloseThenAckEscape
-        MOV     charcount, #0           ; No characters printed this line
-        SWI     XOS_BGet                ; Get first character of line
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        BCS     UtilityExitCloseR1      ; EOF ?
-        TST     listopt, #linenumbering ; Do we want to print the line number ?
-        BLNE    LineNumberPrint
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-; Doing ASCII (print) or GSREAD (type, list) ?
-30      TST     listopt, #filterprinting
-        BEQ     %FT35
-; GSREAD format printing
-        CMP     r0, #CR                 ; CR and LF both line terminators
-        CMPNE   r0, #LF
-        BEQ     %FT70
-        CMP     r0, #TAB
-        BNE     %FT31
-        TST     listopt, #expandtabs
-        BEQ     %FT31
-; simple tab expansion: 8 spaces
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =      "        ",0
-        ALIGN
-        B       %FT32
-31      MOV     lastchar, r0
-        CMP     r0, #""""               ; Don't display quotes in GSREAD though
-        CMPNE   r0, #"<"                ; Or left angle
-        BEQ     %FT35
-        BL      PrintCharInGSFormat
-32      BVC     %FT40
-35      SWIVC   XOS_WriteC
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        ADD     charcount, charcount, #1
-40      SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState     ; Won't cause error
-        BCS     CloseThenAckEscape
-        SWI     XOS_BGet                ; Get another character on this line
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        BCC     %BT30                   ; Loop if not EOF
-50      TST     listopt, #filterprinting
-        SWINE   XOS_NewLine             ; Terminate with NewLine if not *Print
-        B       UtilityExitCloseR1
-; Hit LF or CR in GSFormat mode, decide whether to give a NewLine or not
-70      CMP     r0, lastchar            ; NewLine if same as last time eg LF,LF
-        SWIEQ   XOS_NewLine
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; Loop back and do another line
-        CMP     lastchar, #CR           ; Don't give another NewLine if we've
-        CMPNE   lastchar, #LF           ; had CR, LF or LF, CR
-        MOVEQ   lastchar, #0            ; Reset NewLine indicator so more will
-        BEQ     %BT40                   ; Loop and do more chars in this line
-        MOV     lastchar, r0            ; Save char forcing this NewLine
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine             ; Do NewLine then another line
-        BVC     %BT10
-        B       UtilityExitCloseR1
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-Dump_Code Entry "$UtilRegs"
-        MOV     r7, r1                  ; Remember nparms
-        MOV     r8, r0                  ; Remember filename^ for below
-        MOV     r1, r0                  ; -> filename
-        MOV     r0, #&40                ; han := OPENIN <filename>
-        BL      OpenFileWithWinge
-        EXIT    VS                      ; File not yet open
-        MOV     r9, r1                  ; Save handle
-        MOV     r0, #OSFile_ReadInfo    ; Read file info
-        MOV     r1, r8                  ; Restore filename^
-        SWI     XOS_File                ; Must exist and be a file now
-        MOV     r1, r9                  ; Restore handle in case of error/exit
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        CMP     r4, #0                  ; Zero length ?
-        BEQ     UtilityExitCloseR1      ; Nothing to do then ! VClear
-        MOV     r5, r9                  ; Standard place for handle below
-; Default display at load addr of file (r2) unless special
-        BL      ReadGSFormat            ; Only interested in some bits
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        AND     r10, r1, #forcetbsrange + allowtbschar
-        CMP     r2, #0                  ; Command file ?
-        CMPEQ   r3, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT04
-        MOV     r14, r2, ASR #(32-12)   ; Date stamped file ?
-        CMP     r14, #-1                ; &FFFtttdd
-04      MOVEQ   r2, #0                  ; Display start = 0
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; Default PTR# = 0
-                                        ; Funny order 'cos of ReadOptLoadAndExe
-        CMP     r7, #1                  ; Only filename specified ?
-        BEQ     %FA10                   ; If so, use loadaddr and ptr=0
-        MOV     r1, r8                  ; Get back filename^
-        BL      SkipToSpace             ; Over the filename
-        BL      ReadOptionalLoadAndExec ; Abuse ! r3 := start, r2 := disp start
-        MOVVS   r1, r5
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        ADD     r2, r3, r2              ; Display offset = disparm/loadaddr+ptr
-10      Swap    r2, r3                  ; r2 := start, r3 := disp start
-        CMP     r2, r4                  ; Is ptr > ext ? VClear
-        MOVHS   r1, r5
-        BLHS    SetErrorOutsideFile
-        MOVVC   r0, #OSArgs_SetPTR
-        MOVVC   r1, r5
-        SWIVC   XOS_Args                ; PTR#r1 := start offset
-        MOVVC   r7, #0
-        BLVC    ReadWindowWidth
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1
-        SUB     r9, r0, #12+1           ; -ExtraFields (address and separators)
-        MOV     r9, r9, LSR #2   ; Two nibbles, one space and one char per byte
-        Push    r10                     ; Save format bits
-        MOV     r10, #(1 :SHL: 31)      ; Move 1 bit down until not zero
-12      MOVS    r10, r10, LSR #1
-        MOVEQ   r9, #1                  ; Always 1 byte per line at least
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        TST     r10, r9                 ; Mask against r9 (byte count)
-        BEQ     %BT12                   ; Not hit yet ?
-        AND     r9, r9, r10, LSR #1     ; Take the bit one lower down
-        ORR     r9, r9, r10             ; And the bit we matched. Yowzay !
-15      MOV     r1, r5                  ; Get handle back
-        Pull    r10                     ; Get format back
-        SUB     sp, sp, #256            ; Need temp frame now
-; Main Dump loop
-30      SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState     ; Won't cause error
-        ADDCS   sp, sp, #256
-        BCS     CloseThenAckEscape
-; Get line of data (r9 bytes). Keep track of how many bytes were read in r4
-        MOV     r2, sp                  ; Temp buffer
-        MOV     r4, #0
-35      SWI     XOS_BGet                ; Fall out of loop if EOF
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        STRCCB  r0, [r2, r4]
-        ADDCC   r4, r4, #1
-        CMPCC   r4, r9
-        BCC     %BT35
-        CMP     r4, #0                  ; No bytes to do this line ?
-        BEQ     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-; Must preserve r4 till end for testing
-        ANDS    r7, r7, #15             ; Print title every 16 lines of data
-        BNE     %FT54
-      [ International
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        BL      WriteS_Translated
-        DCB     "Address:Address  :",0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS              ; Print title start
-        DCB     LF, CR
-        DCB     "Address  :", 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        MOV     r8, #0
-50      ADD     r0, r3, r8              ; Print byte == LSB of
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "          ; display across page
-        BLVC    HexR0Byte
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        ADD     r8, r8, #1
-        CMP     r8, r9
-        BNE     %BT50
-        CMP     r9, #11                 ; No room to print title end ?
-        BLO     %FT52                   ; VClear
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        DCB     " : ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        SUB     r8, r9, #10             ; Centre 'ASCII data' over data
-        MOVS    r8, r8, LSR #1
-51      SUBS    r8, r8,#1               ; VClear
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        BPL     %BT51
-      [ International
-        BL      WriteS_Translated
-        DCB     "ASCII:ASCII data",0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        DCB     "ASCII data", 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-52      SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-54      MOVVC   r0, r3                  ; Print start of line address
-        BLVC    HexR0LongWord
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+":"
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-; Print line of data in hex
-        MOV     r5, #0
-55      LDRB    r0, [r2, r5]
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        CMP     r5, r4                  ; Byte valid ?
-        SWICS   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        SWICS   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        BLCC    HexR0Byte               ; Alters C, so do last
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        ADD     r5, r5, #1
-        CMP     r5, r9
-        BCC     %BT55
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        DCB     " : ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-; Print line of data in ASCII
-        MOV     r5, #0
-65      LDRB    r0, [r2, r5]
-        TST     r10, #forcetbsrange     ; Forcing into 00..7F ?
-        BICNE   r0, r0, #&80
-        TST     r10, #allowtbschar
-        BEQ     %FT66
-        CMP     r0, #&80                ; Print tbs unmolested
-        BHS     %FT67
-66      CMP     r0, #" "                ; Space through twiddle are valid
-        RSBGES  r14, r0, #&7E
-        MOVLT   r0, #"."
-67      SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        ADD     r5, r5, #1
-        CMP     r5, r4
-        BCC     %BT65
-        SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        ADD     r7, r7, #1              ; Increment line count
-        ADD     r3, r3, r9              ; Increment display address by r9 bytes
-        CMP     r4, r9                  ; Loop till we couldn't fill a line
-        BEQ     %BT30
-; .............................................................................
-        ADD     sp, sp, #256            ; Kill temp frame
-; .............................................................................
-        BL      CloseR1                 ; Accumulates V
-        Pull    "$UtilRegs, pc"         ; Back to *Command handler
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Append and Build share a common body
-Append_Code Entry "$UtilRegs"
-        MOV     r1, r0          ; -> filename
-        MOV     r0, #&C0        ; OPENUP
-        B       %FT01
-Build_Code ALTENTRY
-        MOV     r1, r0          ; -> filename
-        MOV     r0, #&80        ; OPENOUT
-01      BL      OpenFileWithWinge
-        EXIT    VS
-        SUB     sp, sp, #256
-        MOV     r5, r1          ; Save handle for later
-        BL      MoveToEOF       ; Can do this anyhow as ext#(openout)=0
-        MOV     linecount, #0
-10      BLVC    LineNumberPrint ; Escape is tested for on OS_ReadLine.Err below
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        MOV     r0, sp             ; Get a line from Joe Punter
-        MOV     r1, #256-1         ; -1 for terminator
-        MOV     r2, #" "
-        MOV     r3, #&FF
-        SWI     XOS_ReadLine32
-        MOVVS   r1, r5
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        MOV     r3, #CR                 ; Terminate source string
-        STRB    r3, [r0, r1]
-        MOVCC   FSUTtemp, #0            ; Ended with ESCAPE ?
-        MOVCS   FSUTtemp, #-1
-        MOVCS   r0, #&7E                ; Ack. ESCAPE, not error
-        SWICS   XOS_Byte
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        MOV     r2, sp                  ; r2 -> buffer to translate
-        MOV     r1, r5                  ; Get handle back
-18      LDRB    r0, [r2], #1            ; Put all the spaces out ourselves !
-        CMP     r0, #" "                ; VClear
-        SWIEQ   XOS_BPut
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        BEQ     %BT18
-        SUB     r0, r2, #1         ; r0 -> past spaces, rest to translate
-        MOV     r2, #(1 :SHL: 31)  ; No quote funnies, don't end on space, do |
-        SWI     XOS_GSInit
-20      SWIVC   XOS_GSRead              ; Get a char
-        MOVVS   R1, R5
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        BCS     %FT30                   ; End of string ?
-        MOV     r3, r0                  ; Save GSState
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; Char from GSRead
-        MOV     r1, r5                  ; Get handle back
-        SWI     XOS_BPut
-        BVS     UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-        MOV     r0, r3                  ; Restore GSState
-        B       %BT20                   ; And loop
-30      CMP     FSUTtemp, #0            ; Did we read ESCAPE ? VClear
-        MOV     r1, r5                  ; In any case, we want r1 handle
-        MOV     r0, #CR                 ; If not, stick a CR on eoln
-        SWIEQ   XOS_BPut
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; Finished if ESCAPE was pressed
-                                        ; Catch error back there too
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        B       UtilityExitCloseR1_256
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; OSFile routines: Load, Save, Create, Delete and Remove
-Load_Code Entry "$UtilRegs"
-        MOV     r7, r0                  ; -> filename
-        CMP     r1, #1                  ; Just filename (1 parm) ?
-        MOVEQ   r3, #&FF                ; Load at its own address if so
-        BEQ     %FT90
-        BL      SkipNameAndReadAddr
-        EXIT    VS
-        BLCS    SetErrorBadAddress      ; Must check for trailing junk
-        MOVVC   r3, #0                  ; Got load address from command line
-90      MOVVC   r0, #OSFile_Load
- [ StrongARM
-	ORRVC	r3, r3, #1<<31
- ]
-        MOVVC   r1, r7                  ; Get filename^ back
-        SWIVC   XOS_File
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        DCD       ErrorNumber_Syntax
-      [ International
-        DCB       "BadSav:Bad parameters for *Save", 0
-      ]
-        ALIGN
-Save_Code Entry "$UtilRegs"
-        BL      SkipNameAndReadAddr
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r4, r2          ; Got start address
-        BL      SkipSpaces
-        MOV     r5, r0          ; Preserve state
-        CMP     r0, #"+"        ; Is it a +<length> parm ?
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #1      ; Skip '+' then
-        BLEQ    SkipSpaces      ; And any trailing spaces
-        BL      ReadAtMost8Hex  ; Read a word anyway
-        EXIT    VS
-        CMP     r5, #"+"
-        MOVNE   r5, r2          ; <end addr> ?
-        ADDEQ   r5, r2, r4      ; Form <end addr> := <start addr> + <length>
-        MOV     r2, r4          ; r2, r3 := both r4 by default
-        MOV     r3, r4
-        BL      ReadOptionalLoadAndExec
-        SETV    CS
-        ADRVS   R0, Save_Error  ; If there's anything on the end, it's an error
-      [ International
-        BLVS    TranslateError
-      ]
-        MOVVC   r0, #OSFile_Save
-        MOVVC   r1, r7          ; Get filename^ back
-        SWIVC   XOS_File
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-Create_Code Entry "r1, $UtilRegs"
-        CMP     r1, #1                  ; Filename only -> length 0, dated
-        MOVEQ   r7, r0                  ; Filename^
-        MOVEQ   r2, #0                  ; Will be copied to r5 in a bit
-        BLNE    SkipNameAndReadAddr
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r5, r2                  ; Got length, put in as end address
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; So start addr shall be .. 0 !
-        LDR     r14, [sp]               ; No load, exec -> datestamp FFD
-        CMP     r14, #3
-        MOVLO   r0, #OSFile_CreateStamp
-        LDRLO   r2, =&FFFFFFFD          ; Only bottom 12 bits are of interest
-        MOVHS   r0, #OSFile_Create      ; Makes it an immediate constant
-        MOVHS   r2, #0                  ; Load/Exec default to 0
-        MOVHS   r3, #0
-        BLHS    ReadOptionalLoadAndExec
-        MOVVC   r1, r7                  ; Get filename^ back
-        SWIVC   XOS_File
-        EXIT
-        LTORG
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Delete and Remove share a common body
-Delete_Code Entry
-        MOV     r6, #0                  ; Give error if file doesn't exist
-        B       %FT01                   ; Use a reg. not affected by OSFile !
-Remove_Code ALTENTRY
-        MOV     r6, #-1                 ; Don't winge
-01      MOV     r1, r0                  ; -> filename
-        MOV     r0, #OSFile_Delete
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        EXIT    VS
-        CMP     r0, r6                  ; Are we going to winge ?
-        MOVEQ   r0, #OSFile_MakeError   ; Give pretty error now, says Tutu
-        MOVEQ   r2, #object_nothing
-        SWIEQ   XOS_File
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Gosh, doesn't use UtilRegs !!!
-Opt_Code Entry
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; Default parms are 0, 0
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        CMP     r1, #0                  ; No parms ? VClear
-        BEQ     %FT50
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        MOV     r0, #10                 ; Default base 10, allow naff term ','
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned        ; Read first parm
-        EXIT    VS
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        BL      FS_SkipSpaces           ; Try getting another parm anyway
-        BCC     %FT50                   ; End of the line
-        TEQ     r0, #","                ; commas too !
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #1
-        BLEQ    FS_SkipSpaces
-        CMP     r0, #space              ; Anything here ?
-        BEQ     %FT99
-        MOV     r0, #(1 :SHL: 31) + 10  ; Default base 10, no bad terms
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned        ; Read second parm
-        MOVVC   r4, r2
-50      MOVVC   r0, #FSControl_Opt
-        MOVVC   r1, r3
-        MOVVC   r2, r4
-        SWIVC   XOS_FSControl
-        EXIT
-99      ADR     r0, SyntaxError_StarOpt
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        EXIT
-        DCD     ErrorNumber_Syntax
-        DCB     "OptErr:Syntax: *Opt [<x> [[,] <y>]]", 0
-        ALIGN
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-;              H o r r i b l e   l i t t l e   s u b r o u t i n e s
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Variegated output routines
-HexR0LongWord Entry "r0"
-        MOV     r0, r0, ROR #16
-        BL      HexR0Word
-        MOVVC   r0, r0, ROR #32-16
-        BLVC    HexR0Word
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-HexR0Word Entry "r0"
-        MOV     r0, r0, ROR #8
-        BL      HexR0Byte
-        MOVVC   r0, r0, ROR #32-8
-        BLVC    HexR0Byte
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-HexR0Byte Entry "r0"
-        MOV     r0, r0, ROR #4
-        BL      HexR0Nibble
-        MOVVC   r0, r0, ROR #32-4
-        BLVC    HexR0Nibble
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-HexR0Nibble Entry "r0"
-        AND     r0, r0, #15
-        CMP     r0, #10
-        ADDCC   r0, r0, #"0"
-        ADDCS   r0, r0, #"A"-10
-        SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-SkipSpaces ROUT
-10      LDRB    r0, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r0, #" "        ; Leave r1 -> ~space
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        SUB     r1, r1, #1
-        CLRV
-        MOV     pc, lr          ; r0 = first ~space. Can't really fail
-SkipToSpace Entry
-10      LDRB    lr, [r1], #1
-        CMP     lr, #&7F
-        CMPNE   lr, #" "        ; Leave r1 -> space or CtrlChar
-        BHI     %BT10
-        SUB     r1, r1, #1
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r1 -> string
-; Out   flags from CMP r0, #space for eol detection
-FS_SkipSpaces ROUT
-10      LDRB    r0, [r1], #1
-        CMP     r0, #space      ; Leave r1 -> ~space
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        SUB     r1, r1, #1
-        MOV     pc, lr          ; r0 = first ~space
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0 = open mode
-;       r1 -> filename
-; Out   VC: r0 = r1 = handle
-;       VS: r0 -> error (FilingSystemError or 'NotFound')
-OpenFileWithWinge Entry
-        ORR     r0, r0, #(open_mustopen :OR: open_nodir) ; Saves us code here
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        MOVVC   r1, r0
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; PTR#handle := EXT#handle
-; In    r1 = handle to use
-; Out   VC: PTR moved
-;       VS: r0 -> Filing System Error
-MoveToEOF Entry "r0, r2"
-        MOV     r0, #OSArgs_ReadEXT
-        SWI     XOS_Args
-        MOVVC   r0, #OSArgs_SetPTR
-        SWIVC   XOS_Args
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        BL      CloseR1
-        BL      AckEscape
-        Pull    "$UtilRegs, pc"         ; Common exit - back to MOS
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r1 = handle to close, or 0 means don't do anything
-; Out   VC: file closed, or nothing done
-;       VS: r0 -> Filing System Error, or VSet on entry
-CloseR1 EntryS "r0"
-        CMP     r1, #0                  ; Is there a handle to close ? VClear
-        MOVNE   r0, #0                  ; CLOSE#han
-        SWINE   XOS_Find
-        EXITS   VC                      ; Accumulate V
-        STR     r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Increment then print a line number in decimal
-LineNumberPrint Entry "r0-r1"
-        ADD     linecount, linecount, #1 ; r0 := ++linecount
-        MOV     r0, linecount
-        MOV     r1, #1                  ; Print leading spaces
-        BL      PrintR0Decimal
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0 = number to print
-;       r1 = 0 -> strip spaces
-;            1 -> print leading spaces
-; Number gets printed RJ in a field of 4 if possible, or more as necessary
-PrintR0Decimal Entry "r0-r3"
-        SUB     sp, sp, #32
-        MOV     r3, r1                  ; Save flag
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        MOV     r2, #32
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal     ; No errors from this
-        CMP     r3, #0                  ; If not doing spaces or >= 4 chars
-        CMPNE   r2, #4                  ; in the number, son't print any
-        ADRLT   r0, %FT98-1             ; Point to right amount of spaces
-        ADDLT   r0, r0, r2
-        SWILT   XOS_Write0
-10      LDRVCB  r0, [r1], #1
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC
-        BVS     %FT99
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-99      ADD     sp, sp, #32
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-        DCB     "   ", 0                ; Three spaces, null
-        ALIGN
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Read configured info of Tutu's wally byte
-; Out   r1 = bits read from CMOS ram
-ReadGSFormat Entry "r0, r2"
-        MOV     r0, #ReadCMOS
-        MOV     r1, #TutuCMOS
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        ANDVC   r1, r2, #2_1111         ; Mask out all but my bits
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0b = char to print using current listopt
-; Out   r0 corrupt
-PrintCharInGSFormat Entry "r1, listopt"
-        AND     r0, r0, #&FF    ; Just in case
-        TST     listopt, #forcetbsrange ; Forcing tbs into 00..7F ?
-        BIC     listopt, listopt, #forcetbsrange
-        BICNE   r0, r0, #&80            ; Take top bit out if so
-        CMP     r0, #" "        ; Do we need to do this at all ?
-        RSBGES  r14, r0, #&7E
-        BLT     %FT10           ; LT if not in range &20-&7E
-        CMP     r0, #"|"        ; Solidus ? VClear
-        CMPNE   r0, #""""       ; Quote ?
-        CMPNE   r0, #"<"        ; Left angle ?
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC      ; Nope, so let's print the char and exit
-        EXIT    VS
-        EXIT    NE
-10      TST     listopt, #allowtbschar  ; International format bit ?
-        BIC     listopt, listopt, #allowtbschar
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        CMP     r0, #&80
-        BHS     %FT45                   ; Print tbs char and exit
-15      TST     listopt, #unprintangle  ; Angle bracket format ?
-        BNE     %FT50
-        TST     listopt, #unprintdot    ; Doing unprintable dot format (2_01) ?
-        BEQ     %FT16
-        CMP     r0, #" "                ; Only space to twiddle are printable
-        RSBGES  r14, r0, #&7E
-        MOVLT   r0, #"."                ; All others are dot
-        B       %FT45                   ; Print char and exit
-; Normal BBC GSREAD format (2_00)
-16      CMP     r0, #&80                ; Deal with tbs first
-        BIC     r0, r0, #&80
-        BLO     %FT17
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+"|"
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+"!"
-        EXIT    VS
-17      CMP     r0, #&7F                ; Delete ? -> |?. VClear
-        MOVEQ   r0, #"?"
-        CMPNE   r0, #""""               ; Quote ? -> |"
-        CMPNE   r0, #"|"                ; Solidus ? -> ||
-        SWIEQ   XOS_WriteI+"|"
-        EXIT    VS
-        CMP     r0, #&1F                ; CtrlChar ? -> |<char+@>. VClear
-        ADDLS   r0, r0, #"@"
-        SWILS   XOS_WriteI+"|"
-45      SWI     XOS_WriteC              ; Used from above
-        EXIT
-50 ; Angle bracket format, either hex (2_11) or decimal (2_10)
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+"<"
-        TST     listopt, #unprinthex
-        BNE     %FT60
-        MOV     r1, #0                  ; Strip leading spaces
-        BLVC    PrintR0Decimal
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+">"
-        EXIT
-60      SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+"&"
-        BLVC    HexR0Byte
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+">"
-        EXIT
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r0 -> filename. Used by most MOS OSFile routines for initial decoding
-; Out   r1 -> past address read
-;       r2 = address read
-;       r7 = initial filename^
-;       VS : failed to read address, r0 -> error
-;       CS : text present comes immediately after address
-SkipNameAndReadAddr Entry
-        MOV     r7, r0          ; Save filename^
-        MOV     r1, r0          ; -> filename
-        BL      SkipToSpace     ; Over the filename
-        BL      SkipSpaces      ; To the address
-        BL      ReadAtMost8Hex  ; Go read it Floyd !
-        LDRVCB  r0, [r1]        ; Anything on the end ?
-        CMPVC   r0, #" "+1      ; CtrlChar + space ok
-        EXIT                    ; VC/VS from readhex or VC, CC/CS from CMP
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; In    r2, r3 = load/exec addresses to use if none provided. r1 -> string
-; Out   r2, r3 conditionally updated, r1 updated, past any trailing spaces
-;       VS if failed, error ('Bad Address' or whatever) set
-;       CS if something comes afterwards ...
-ReadOptionalLoadAndExec Entry "r0, FSUTtemp"
-        MOV     FSUTtemp, r2    ; Save initial value
-        BL      SkipSpaces
-        CMP     r0, #" "        ; No more parms ?
-        EXIT    LO              ; VClear, r2, r3 unaffected
-        BL      ReadAtMost8Hex
-        BVS     %FT99
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        MOV     r2, FSUTtemp
-        BL      SkipSpaces
-        CMP     r0, #" "        ; No more parms ?
-        EXIT    LO              ; VClear, r2 unaffected, r3 updated
-        BL      ReadAtMost8Hex
-        BLVC    SkipSpaces      ; Anything on the end ?
-        CMPVC   r0, #" "
-99      STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT                    ; VC/VS from readhex or VC, CC/CS from CMP
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Read a hex (default) address from a string
-; In    r1 -> string
-; Out   VC: r1 -> first char not used in building number, r2 = number
-;       VS: error ('Bad Address') set
-ReadAtMost8Hex Entry "r0, r3-r4"
-        MOV     R0, #16                 ; default base, don't trap bad terms
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        EXIT                    ; VClear -> good hex number / VSet -> bad
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Set various errors: VSet always on exit
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadAddress
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        RETURNVS
-        MakeErrorBlock BadAddress
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_OutsideFile
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        RETURNVS
-        MakeErrorBlock OutsideFile
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_Escape
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        RETURNVS
-        MakeErrorBlock Escape
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        Push   "r1-r2, lr"
-        MOV     r0, #&7E
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        BLVC    SetErrorEscape          ; Only set ESCAPE error if no override
-        Pull    "r1-r2, pc"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        END
diff --git a/s/TickEvents b/s/TickEvents
deleted file mode 100644
index eadff25c..00000000
--- a/s/TickEvents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL   => TickEvents
-; This file revised by TMD 28-Jan-94 to
-; a) Correct internals to time n ticks not n+1
-; b) Change externals to add 1 to compensate for user subtracting 1
-; c) Fix RemoveTickerEvent to add this nodes time onto the next one
-; These fix bug MED-02498.
-; There are two (centisecond) ticker SWIs :
-; SWI CallAfter calls the given address once, after the given number of ticks
-; SWI CallEvery  "     "    "    "      every N centiseconds
-; In :  R0 is (signed) number of centiseconds
-;       R1 is address to call
-;       R2 is value of R12 to pass to code
-CallAfter_Code   ROUT
-        MOV     r10, #0
-        Push    "r0-r3, lr"
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        BLE     %FT99
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateTKBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 8
-        MOV     r3,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r3,[r3,#8]
-        BL      ClaimChocolateBlock
-        MOVVS   r3, #TickNodeSize
-        BLVS    ClaimSysHeapNode
-  |
-        MOV     r3, #TickNodeSize
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        BVS     %FT97
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        LDMFD   stack, {r0-r2}
-        STR     r1,  [r3, #TickNodeAddr]
-        STR     r10, [r3, #TickNodeRedo]
-        STR     r2,  [r3, #TickNodeR12]
-        MOV     r1, r3
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1              ; compensate for n+1 bug
-        BL      InsertTickerEvent
-        Pull    "r0-r3, lr"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-99      ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadTime
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        ADD     sp, sp, #1*4            ; junk old R0
-        Pull    "r1-r3, lr"
-        B       SLVK_SetV
-        MakeErrorBlock BadTime
-        ADD     r10, r0, #1             ; compensate for n+1 bug
-        B       TickTockCommon
-; Data structure :
-; chain of nodes
-;       +----------------------------------+
-;       |   Link to next node or 0         |
-;       +----------------------------------+
-;       |   Reload flag                    |
-;       +----------------------------------+
-;       |   Address to call                |
-;       +----------------------------------+
-;       |   Value of R12                   |
-;       +----------------------------------+
-;       |   No of ticks to go before call  |
-;       +----------------------------------+
-; The head node's no of ticks is decremented until 0
-;  Subsequent nodes contain the no of ticks to wait when they reach the
-;  chain head.
-; If the reload flag is non-0, the node is reinserted at that number of ticks
-; down the chain after every use.
-             ^  0
-TickNodeLink #  4        ;
-TickNodeRedo #  4        ; These are together
-TickNodeAddr #  4        ;
-TickNodeR12  #  4        ;  so can LDM them
-TickNodeLeft #  4
-TickNodeSize #  0
-InsertTickerEvent   ROUT
-; R1 is node pointer, R0 ticks to wait
-; R10-R12 corrupted
-        Push    "r0,r2"
-        PHPSEI  r2
-        LDR     r10, =TickNodeChain
-        MOV     r11, r10
-        LDR     r10, [r11, #TickNodeLink]
-        CMP     r10, #0
-        BEQ     %FT02                           ; end of chain
-        LDR     r12,  [r10, #TickNodeLeft]
-        SUBS    r0, r0, r12
-        BGE     %BT01
-        ADD     r0, r0, r12
-        SUB     r12, r12, r0
-        STR     r12, [r10, #TickNodeLeft]
-        STR     r1, [r11, #TickNodeLink]
-        STR     r0, [r1, #TickNodeLeft]
-        STR     r10, [r1, #TickNodeLink]
-        PLP     r2
-        Pull    "r0,r2"
-        MOV     pc, lr
-ProcessTickEventChain  ROUT
-; R0-R3, R10-R12 corruptible
-        LDR     r3, =TickNodeChain
-        LDR     r1, [r3, #TickNodeLink]
-        CMP     r1, #0
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr                          ; no timers
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #TickNodeLeft]
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1
-        STR     r2, [r1, #TickNodeLeft]
-        MOVGT   pc, lr                          ; nothing to call yet (was MOVPL)
-        Push    "lr"                            ; save IRQ_lr
- [ TickIrqReenter
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r10           ; switch to SVC mode, IRQ's off
-        NOP
-        Push    "lr"                            ; save SVC_lr
- ]
-        LDMIA   r1, {r2, r10, r11, r12}         ; load next ptr, redo state,
-                                                ;     address and R12val
-        STR     r2, [r3]                        ; de-link from chain
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        MOV     pc, r11                         ; call event handler
-        LDR     r0, [r1, #TickNodeRedo]
-        CMP     r0, #0                          ; CallEvery?
-        BLE     %FT05
-        BL      InsertTickerEvent               ; yes, then re-insert timer
-        B       %FT10
-; Return spent ticker node to heap
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, r2                  ; IRQ's ON for the  S L O W  bit
-        MOV     r2, r1                          ; R2->node to free
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateTKBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 8
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#8]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        LDRVS   r1, =SysHeapStart
-        MOVVS   r0, #HeapReason_Free
-        SWIVS   XOS_Heap
-  |
-        LDR     r1, =SysHeapStart
-        MOV     r0, #HeapReason_Free
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-  ]
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r1            ; IRQ's off again
-; Check for more events down the list
-        LDR     r1, [r3, #TickNodeLink]         ; get top of list
-        CMP     r1, #0                          ; list empty?
-        BEQ     %FT02                           ; yes then exit
-        LDR     r0, [r1, #TickNodeLeft]
-        CMP     r0, #0                          ; timed out?
-        BLE     %BT01                           ; yes then jump
-        Pull    "lr"                            ; restore SVC_lr
-        WritePSRc IRQ_mode+I_bit, r10           ; back to IRQ mode
-        NOP
-        Pull    "pc"                            ; pull IRQ_lr from IRQ stack
-; R0 is address of code to remove, R1 the R12 value
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, r10
-        LDR     r10, =TickNodeChain
-        LDR     r11, [r10]
-        CMP     r11, #0
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        LDR     r12, [r11, #TickNodeAddr]
-        CMP     r12, r0
-        LDREQ   r12, [r11, #TickNodeR12]
-        CMPEQ   r12, r1
-        MOVNE   r10, r11
-        BNE     %BT01
-        Push    "r0-r2, lr"
-        MOV     r2, r11
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #TickNodeLink]       ; prev->link = this->link
-        STR     r11, [r10]
-        TEQ     r11, #0                         ; if next node exists
-        LDRNE   r14, [r11, #TickNodeLeft]       ; then add our time-to-go onto its
-        LDRNE   r0, [r2, #TickNodeLeft]
-        ADDNE   r14, r14, r0
-        STRNE   r14, [r11, #TickNodeLeft]
-  [ ChocolateSysHeap
-        ASSERT  ChocolateTKBlocks = ChocolateBlockArrays + 8
-        MOV     r1,#ChocolateBlockArrays
-        LDR     r1,[r1,#8]
-        BL      FreeChocolateBlock
-        BLVS    FreeSysHeapNode
-  |
-        BL      FreeSysHeapNode
-  ]
-        Pull    "r0-r2, lr"
-        B       %BT01
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r0, [r0, #MetroGnome]
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/UnSqueeze b/s/UnSqueeze
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc745ac..00000000
--- a/s/UnSqueeze
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; s.UnSqueeze by RCC 25-Aug-87
-; This is a bit of code to be included in self-decompressing images to
-; expand the image in place.  See elsewhere for details of the compression
-; algorithm.
-; ***********************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
-; ***********************************
-; Date       Name       Description
-; ----       ----       -----------
-; 13-Feb-90  TDobson    Minor optimisation which saves 1 instruction for
-;                       every output word that isn't a "short" or a "long".
-; 15-Feb-90  TDobson    Started conversion for inclusion in RISC OS kernel
-;        GET     Hdr:Debug
-; Constants defining partition of nibble value space: these must match
-; corresponding values in mod.squeeze.
-NibsLong    * 7
-NibsShort   * (14-NibsLong)
-MinShort    * (2+NibsLong)
-MinLong     * 2
-; **************************************************************************
-;       CheckForSqueezedModule - Check whether a module is squeezed, and
-;                                unsqueeze it if it is
-; in:   R9 -> module node
-;       R10 -> environment string
-;       R12 -> incarnation node
-; out:  R9 preserved, but module node pointed to may have code entry changed
-;       to point to expanded copy of module
-;       R10, R12 preserved
-;       R0-R6 may be corrupted
-; If offset to init entry is negative, then (offset BIC &80000000) is the
-; offset from the size of the encoded module. The last 5 words of this are
-; as follows
-        ^       -5*4
-Squeeze_DecodedSize # 4                                 ; size of decoded image     (bytes)
-Squeeze_EncodedSize # 4                                 ; size of encoded image     (--"--)
-Squeeze_TablesSize  # 4                                 ; size of short+long tables (--"--)
-Squeeze_NShorts     # 4                                 ; number of "short" entries
-Squeeze_NLongs      # 4                                 ; number of "long" entries
-        ASSERT  @=0
-CheckForSqueezedModule ROUT
-        CLRV                                            ; prepare for normal exit (V clear)
-        LDR     R6, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]          ; R6 -> module code
-        LDR     R5, [R6, #Module_Init]                  ; R5 = offset to init entry
-        EORS    R5, R5, #&80000000                      ; take off top bit
-        MOVMI   PC, lr                                  ; if -ve now, then it's a normal module, so exit doing nothing
-; it's a squeezed module, R5 = size of compressed module
-        Push    "R6-R12,lr"     ; save other registers (and pointer to module base)
-;        DLINE   "Unsqueezing module"
-        ADD     R5, R6, R5      ; R5 -> byte after end of module
-        LDMDB   R5!, {R8-R12}   ; load all the data - R8=decoded size, R9=encoded size
-                                ; R10=tables size, R11=no. of shorts, R12=no. of longs
-        SUB     R10, R5, R10    ; R10 -> start (lowest address) of encoded tables
-                                ; = highest address +1 of encoded data
-        SUB     R9, R10, R9     ; R9 -> lowest address of encoded data
-;        DREG    R8, "Claiming block for module of size "
-        MOV     R3, R8          ; now claim a block for the expanded code
-        BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
-        BVS     ExpandFailed1
-;        DREG    R2, "Successfully claimed block for expanded code at "
-        MOV     R7, R2          ; R7 -> start of expanded module
-        ADD     R3, R11, R12    ; R3 = no. of shorts and longs
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSL #2  ; convert to bytes
-;        DREG    R3, "Claiming block for shorts+longs of size "
-        BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
-        BVS     ExpandFailed2   ; must free module block before exiting!
-;        DREG    R2, "Successfully claimed block for shorts+longs at "
-        MOV     R6, R2          ; R6 -> start of expanded table of shorts+longs
-        ADD     R8, R7, R8      ; R8 -> highest address of decoded image +1
-; We only need nLongs and nShorts while we are decoding the tables.
-; Afterwards we will re-use the registers for pointers to start of tables.
-        MOV   R5, R10       ; R5 is ptr into encoded tables
-        MOV   R4, #0        ; this is the first table el
-;        DLINE   "Expanding shorts+longs table"
-        ; Require:  R11 -- no of els left to decode
-        ;           R6  -- ptr into decoded table
-        ;           R5  -- ptr into encoding
-        ;           R4  -- = 0 iff this is the shorts table (i.e. 4-byte vals)
-; I believe this loop could be made good deal smaller and possibly
-; faster, but it's only a couple of hundred bytes and it works.
-        MOV   R2, R6        ; stash away base of first table
-        MOV   R3, #-1       ; start as if previous entry was -1
-        SUBS  R11, R11, #1  ; while (--nEntries >= 0) {
-        BLT   decodedTab    ; assert: previous word is in R3
-        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1  ; byte = *p++
-        SUBS  R0, R1, #10
-        BGE   greaterThan9
-        CMPS  R1, #0
-        BNE   ones
-        LDRB  R0, [R5], #1
-        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
-        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8
-        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
-        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #16
-        CMPS  R4, #0                 ; in the 4-byte (short encodings) table?
-        LDREQB R1, [R5], #1          ; yes, so include the 4th byte
-        ORREQ  R0, R0, R1, LSL #24   ; in the resultant word
-        ADD   R3, R3, R0
-        STR   R3, [R6], #4
-        B     decodeEntry
-        SUB   R11, R11, R1
-        ADD   R11, R11, #1
-anotherOne        ; Have number of increment-by-ones in R1
-        ADD   R3, R3, #1
-        STR   R3, [R6], #4
-        SUBS  R1, R1, #1
-        BGT   anotherOne
-        B     decodeEntry
-        CMPS  R1, #92
-        ADDLT R3, R3, R0
-        STRLT R3, [R6], #4
-        BLT   decodeEntry
-        SUBS  R0, R1, #174
-        BLT   oneMore
-        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
-        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #16
-        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
-        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8
-        ADD   R3, R3, R0
-        STR   R3, [R6], #4
-        B     decodeEntry
-        SUBS  R0, R1, #92
-        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
-        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
-        ADD   R3, R3, R0
-        STR   R3, [R6], #4
-        B     decodeEntry   ; } /* end while (--nEntries >= 0) { */
-        CMPS  R4, #0        ; if isShorts then
-        BNE   finishLongs   ; else finishLongs
-        MOV   R11, R12      ; no of els to decode = nLongs
-        MOV   R12, R2       ; R12 = &shorts[0]
-        MOV   R2, R6        ; stash away start of longs table
-        MOV   R4, #1        ; next table is longs
-        B     decodeTab
-        MOV   R11, R2       ; R11 = &longs[0]
-;        DLINE   "Finished expanding shorts+longs table"
-        ; Now have:  R12 = &shorts[0]
-        ;            R11 = &longs[0]
-        ;            R10 = highest address +1 of encoded data
-        ;            R9  = lowest address of encoded data
-        ;            R8  = highest address +1 of decoded data
-        ;
-        ; R0..R7 are free for workspace
-;        DREG    R12, "Shorts table at "
-;        DREG    R11, "Longs table at "
-;        DREG    R9, "Encoded data start "
-;        DREG    R10, "Encoded data end+1 "
-;        DREG    R8, "Decoded data end+1 "
-        CMPS  R10, R9           ; Have we reached the base ?
-        BLE   doneDecode
-        LDRB  R6, [R10, #-1]!   ; byte value
-        ; The words will be put in R4 and R5, to be STMDB'd
-        AND   R3, R6, #15       ; first nibble
-        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinShort ; idx = (val - 8)
-        BLT   notshort0
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
-        LDR   R4, [R12, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = shorts[(nibble-8)<<8 | *p--]
-        B     gotFirst
-        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinLong         ; idx = (val - 2)
-        BLT   notlong0
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
-        LDR   R0, [R11, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = longs[(nibble-2)<<8 | *p--]
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R4, R1, R0, LSL #8
-        B gotFirst
-        MOVS  R4, R3            ; TMD 13-Feb-90: combine 2 instructions here
-                                ; used to be CMPS R3,#0; MOVEQ R4,R3
-        BEQ   gotFirst
-        LDRB  R0, [R10, #-1]!
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #16
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R4, R0, R1, LSL #24
-        ; Phew!  We have the first word of the pair (in R4), now we have
-        ; to do (almost) the same again, result in R5, and STMDB.
-        MOV   R3, R6, LSR #4     ; second nibble
-        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinShort  ; idx = (val - 8)
-        BLT   notshort1
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
-        LDR   R5, [R12, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = shorts[(nibble-8)<<8 | *p--]
-        STMDB R8!, {R4,R5}
-        B     decodePair
-        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinLong        ; idx = (val - 2)
-        BLT   notlong1
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
-        LDR   R0, [R11, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = longs[(nibble-2)<<8 | *p--]
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
-        ORR   R5, R1, R0, LSL #8
-        STMDB R8!, {R4,R5}
-        B     decodePair
-        MOVS  R5, R3            ; TMD 13-Feb-90: combine 2 instructions here
-                                ; used to be CMPS R3,#0; MOVEQ R5,R3
-                                       ; This doesn't pay off much
-        STMEQDB R8!, {R4,R5}           ; might be better to swap round
-        BEQ   decodePair               ; literal and zero, to save 3S on
-literal1                               ; the longer path ?
-        LDRB  R0, [R10, #-1]!
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!          ; If I had the right byte-sex and
-        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8       ; a couple of registers to spare,
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!          ; could do this in 15S instead of 22S
-        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #16      ; using the load non-aligned word code
-        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!          ; given in ARM CPU Manual.
-        ORR   R5, R0, R1, LSL #24
-        STMDB R8!, {R4,R5}
-        B decodePair
-;        DREG    R8, "Finished decoding, module at "
-; now R8 -> the completely unsqueezed module
-; so first, free the shorts+longs table block
-; R12 -> shorts, which is first of the two
-        MOV     R2, R12
-;        DREG    R2, "Freeing shorts+longs table at "
-        BL      FreeRMABlock
-; ignore any error from this
-        MOV     R3, R8                  ; save pointer to expanded module
-        Pull    "R2,R7-R12"             ; pull pointer to original module base into R2 and restore other registers
-;        DREG    R2, "Freeing original module block at "
-        BL      FreeRMABlock            ; may fail because original module is in ROM, so ignore error
-;        DLINE   "Returning new module to OS"
-        STR     R3, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]  ; point module node at expanded module
-        CLRV
-        Pull    PC                      ; exit (VC)
-; come here if failed to claim block for tables
-;        DLINE   "Failed to claim table block, freeing module block"
-        Push    R0                      ; save original error pointer
-        MOV     R2, R7
-        BL      FreeRMABlock
-        Pull    R0                      ; restore error pointer, and drop thru to ...
-; come here if failed to claim block for expanded module
-        SETV
-        Pull    "R6-R12, pc"            ; restore registers, and exit V set
-; subroutine to free a block in RMA
-; in: R2 -> block
-; out: R0,R1 corrupted
-FreeRMABlock Entry
-;        LDR     R0, [R2, #-4]
-;        DREG    R0, "FreeRMABlock called, block size purports to be "
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
-        MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
-        EXIT
-;        InsertDebugRoutines
-        END
diff --git a/s/Utility b/s/Utility
deleted file mode 100644
index e1c0742f..00000000
--- a/s/Utility
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1112 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-        TTL  => Utility
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Arthur Utility commands
-SysModules_Info ROUT     ; start of ROM modules chain
-        &       EndOfKernel-SysModules_Info
-        &       StartSuper-UtilityMod
-        &       0                               ; no initialisation
-        &       Util_Die-UtilityMod
-        &       Util_Service-UtilityMod         ; code to register printer buffer with Buffer manager
-        &       UtilModTitle-UtilityMod
-        &       UtilHelpStr-UtilityMod
-        &       UtilHelpTab-UtilityMod
-        &       &F00000
-        &       Util_SWI-UtilityMod
-        &       Util_SWITab-UtilityMod
-        &       0
- [ International_Help <> 0
-        &       MessageFileName-UtilityMod
- |
-        &       0
- ]
- [ :LNOT: No32bitCode
-        &       UtilFlags-UtilityMod
- ]
-        =       "ARM",0
-        =       "IMB",0
-        =       "IMBRange",0
-        =       0
-        ALIGN
-Module_BaseAddr SETA UtilityMod
-  [ ChocolateService
-    ;service table
-    ;
-        ASSERT Service_MessageFileClosed < Service_BufferStarting
-        ASSERT Service_BufferStarting    < Service_TerritoryStarted
-        ASSERT Service_TerritoryStarted  < Service_DeviceFSCloseRequest
-    ;
-        DCD    0                            ;flags word
-        DCD    Util_ChocService-UtilityMod  ;offset to handler
-   [ CacheCommonErrors
-        DCD    Service_MessageFileClosed
-   ]
-        DCD    Service_BufferStarting       ;service 1
-   [ CacheCommonErrors
-        DCD    Service_TerritoryStarted
-   ]
-        DCD    Service_DeviceFSCloseRequest ;service 2
-        DCD    0                            ;terminator
-        DCD    Util_ChocServTab-UtilityMod  ;table anchor
-  ]
-Util_Service ROUT
-  [ ChocolateService
-        MOV     r0, r0   ;magic instruction for new service table format
-  ]
-        TEQ     r1, #Service_BufferStarting
-        TEQNE   r1, #Service_DeviceFSCloseRequest
-  [ CacheCommonErrors
-        TEQNE   r1, #Service_TerritoryStarted
-        TEQNE   r1, #Service_MessageFileClosed
-  ]
-        MOVNE   pc, lr
-  [ ChocolateService
-    ;entry point excluding pre-rejection code
-  ]
-  [ CacheCommonErrors
-        TEQ     r1, #Service_TerritoryStarted
-        TEQNE   r1, #Service_MessageFileClosed
-        BEQ     CacheCommonErrorsReinit
-  ]
-        TEQ     r1, #Service_BufferStarting
-        BNE     %FT10
-        Push    "r0-r3,lr"
-; Register buffers with buffer manager in order of speed - first is fast
- [ MouseBufferManager
-        MOV     r0, #BufferFlags_GenerateInputFull
-        LDR     r1, =MouseBuff
-        LDR     r2, =MouseBuff + MouseBuffSize
-        MOV     r3, #Buff_Mouse
-        SWI     XBuffer_Register                ; register mouse input buffer
- ]
-        MOV     r0, #BufferFlags_GenerateInputFull :OR: BufferFlags_SendThresholdUpCalls
-        LDR     r1, =RS423InBuff
-        LDR     r2, =RS423InBuff + RS423InBuffSize
-        MOV     r3, #Buff_RS423In
-        SWI     XBuffer_Register                ; register serial input buffer
-        MOV     r0, #BufferFlags_GenerateOutputEmpty
-        LDR     r1, =RS423OutBuff
-        LDR     r2, =RS423OutBuff + RS423OutBuffSize
-        MOV     r3, #Buff_RS423Out
-        SWI     XBuffer_Register                ; register serial output buffer
-        MOV     r0, #0                          ; used as index to PrinterBufferThing
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #PrinterBufferAddr]    ; r1 -> start of buffer
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #PrinterBufferSize]    ; r2 = size
-        ADD     r2, r2, r1                      ; r2 -> end+1 of buffer
-        MOV     r3, #Buff_Print
-        MOV     r0, #BufferFlags_GenerateOutputEmpty
-        SWI     XBuffer_Register                ; register the MOS's printer buffer
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-; service DeviceFSCloseRequest
-; in:   r2 = handle we are requested to close
-;       if r2 = PrinterActive (word) or SerialInHandle (byte) or SerialOutHandle (byte)
-;       then zero appropriate variable and close file, then claim service
-;       NB there is a disadvantage to doing it for SerialInHandle, in that it won't get
-;       opened again, but we assume they accidentally left it in an fx2,2 state
-        Push    "r0,r1,lr"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDR     r1, [r0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: PrinterActive]
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        STREQ   r0, [r0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: PrinterActive]
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: SerialInHandle]
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        STREQB  r0, [r0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: SerialInHandle]
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: SerialOutHandle]
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        Pull    "r0,r1,pc",NE                   ; if not any of these then exit preserving everything
-        STRB    r0, [r0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: SerialOutHandle]
-        SWI     XOS_Find                        ; close file, ignore errors (if we get an error it's closed anyway)
-        MOV     r1, #Service_Serviced           ; indicate we closed it
-        Pull    "r0,lr,pc"                      ; restore r0, junk r1, and exit
-Util_Die   ROUT
-           CMP   R10, #0
-           MOVEQ PC, lr      ; non-fatal : can cope
-           ADR   R0, %FT01
- [ International
-           Push  "lr"
-           BL    TranslateError
-           Pull  "pc"
- |
-           RETURNVS
- ]
-           &     ErrorNumber_CantKill
- [ International
-           =    "CantKill", 0
- |
-           =    "Deleting the utility module is foolish", 0
- ]
-UtilModTitle =  "UtilityModule", 0
-UtilHelpStr  =  "MOS Utilities", 9, "$VersionNo", 0
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-;***WARNING*** if commands are added or changed, UtilHashedCmdTab MUST be updated correspondingly
-  ]
-           Command   Break,              0,  0, International_Help   ; just help
-           Command   ChangeDynamicArea,255,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Configure,        255,  0, Help_Is_Code_Flag :OR: International_Help
-           Command   Commands,           0,  0, Help_Is_Code_Flag :OR: International_Help
-           Command   Echo,             255,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Error,            255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   Eval,             255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   FileCommands,       0,  0, Help_Is_Code_Flag :OR: International_Help
-           Command   GOS,                0,  0, International_Help
-           Command   IF,               255,  2, International_Help
-           Command   Ignore,             1,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Modules,            0,  0, Help_Is_Code_Flag :OR: International_Help
-           Command   PowerOn,            0,  0, International_Help   ; just help
-           Command   Reset,              0,  0, International_Help   ; just help
-           Command   RMClear,            0,  0, International_Help
-           Command   RMEnsure,         255,  2, International_Help
-           Command   RMFaster,           1,  1, International_Help
-           Command   RMInsert,           2,  1, International_Help
-           Command   RMKill,             1,  1, International_Help
-           Command   RMLoad,           255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   RMReInit,         255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   RMRun,            255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   RMTidy,             0,  0, International_Help
-           Command   ROMModules,         0,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Set,              255,  2, International_Help
-           Command   SetEval,          255,  2, International_Help
-           Command   SetMacro,         255,  2, International_Help
-           Command   Show,               1,  0, International_Help   ; *show = *show *
-           Command   Status,           255,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Syntax,             0,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Time,               0,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Unplug,             2,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Unset,              1,  1, International_Help
-           =   0
-  [ Oscli_HashedCommands
-; - Hashing table is 32 wide
-; - Hashing function is:
-;      hash = (sum of all chars of command, each upper-cased) & 0x1f
-; - Order of commands in each hashed list is chosen as 'most common' first
-; Table MUST be reorganised if hashing function changed, or command set altered
-           ALIGN
-;    ! 0,"UtilHashedCmdTab  at ":CC::STR:(UtilHashedCmdTab)
-;First, 1 word per table entry, giving offset to hashed list on each hash value
-           DCD       0                        ;null list on this hash value
-           DCD       UHC_hash01 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash02 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash04 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash06 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash07 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash08 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash09 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash0A - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash0B - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash0C - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash0F - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash11 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash14 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash19 - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash1B - UtilityMod
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       0
-           DCD       UHC_hash1E - UtilityMod
-           DCD       UHC_hash1F - UtilityMod
-; Now the hashed lists
-           Command   Show,               1,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   Configure,        255,  0, Help_Is_Code_Flag :OR: International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   ChangeDynamicArea,255,  0, International_Help
-           Command   RMFaster,           1,  1, International_Help
-           Command   Status,           255,  0, International_Help
-           Command   Ignore,             1,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   RMClear,            0,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   ROMModules,         0,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   Eval,             255,  1, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   GOS,                0,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   RMReInit,         255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   Error,            255,  1, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   RMKill,             1,  1, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   Set,              255,  2, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   IF,               255,  2, International_Help
-           Command   Unset,              1,  1, International_Help
-           Command   Time,               0,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   RMEnsure,         255,  2, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   SetEval,          255,  2, International_Help
-           Command   RMRun,            255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   RMInsert,           2,  1, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   Modules,            0,  0, Help_Is_Code_Flag :OR: International_Help
-           Command   RMTidy,             0,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   Unplug,             2,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   SetMacro,         255,  2, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-           Command   RMLoad,           255,  1, International_Help
-           Command   Echo,             255,  0, International_Help
-           =   0
-           ALIGN
-  ] ;Oscli_HashedCommands
-Configure_Syntax     * Module_BaseAddr
-Commands_Code        * Module_BaseAddr
-Commands_Syntax      * Module_BaseAddr
-Syntax_Code          * Module_BaseAddr
-Syntax_Syntax        * Module_BaseAddr
-Echo_Syntax          * Module_BaseAddr
-Status_Syntax        * Module_BaseAddr
-FileCommands_Code    * Module_BaseAddr
-FileCommands_Syntax  * Module_BaseAddr
-Reset_Code           * Module_BaseAddr
-Reset_Syntax         * Module_BaseAddr
-Break_Code           * Module_BaseAddr
-Break_Syntax         * Module_BaseAddr
-PowerOn_Code         * Module_BaseAddr
-PowerOn_Syntax       * Module_BaseAddr
-           Push "lr"
-           MOV R1, R0
-           MOV R0, #ModHandReason_LookupName
-           SWI XOS_Module
-           Pull "PC", VS
-           CMP   R3, #ROM                 ; HS if R3 >= ROM
-           BLO   RMFast_notinROM
- [ :LNOT:ROMatTop
-           CMP   R3, #ROMLimit
-           BHS   RMFast_notinROM
- ]
-           MOV   R1, R3
-           LDR   R2, [R1, #-4]
-           MOV   R0, #ModHandReason_CopyArea
-           SWI   XOS_Module
-           Pull  PC
-           ADRL R0, ErrorBlock_RMNotFoundInROM
-         [ International
-           BL   TranslateError
-         ]
-           Pull lr
-           RETURNVS
-           MOV R6, #ModHandReason_Delete
-Rmcommon   Push "lr"
-           MOV r1, r0
-           MOV r0, r6
-           SWI   XOS_Module
-           Pull "PC"
-           MOV R6, #ModHandReason_Load
-           B   Rmcommon
-           MOV R6, #ModHandReason_Run
-           B   Rmcommon
-           MOV R6, #ModHandReason_Tidy
-           B   Rmcommon
-           MOV R6, #ModHandReason_Clear
-           B   Rmcommon
-           MOV R6, #ModHandReason_ReInit
-           B   Rmcommon
-Modules_Help   ROUT
-          Push  "r2, r3, lr"
-          MOV   r0, #0                          ; Try our own message file before Global.
-          LDR   r0, [r0, #KernelMessagesBlock]
-          TEQ   r0, #0
-          ADRNE r0, KernelMessagesBlock+4
-          ADRL  r1, modules_help1
-          MOV   r2, #0
-          SWI   XMessageTrans_Lookup
-          SWIVC XMessageTrans_Dictionary
-          MOVVC r1, r0
-          MOVVC r0, r2
-          SWIVC XOS_PrettyPrint
-          Pull  "r2, r3, PC", VS
-          MOV    R1, #Module_List
-03        LDR    R1, [R1]
-          CMP    R1, #0
-          BEQ    %FT05
-          LDR    R0, [R1, #Module_code_pointer]
-          BL     PrintTitle
-          BVC    %BT03
-05        MOVVC  R0, #0
-          Pull  "r2, r3, PC"
-PrintTitle ; of module at R0 : corrupts R0
-        Push  "R1, lr"
-        LDR    R1, [R0, #Module_HelpStr]
-        CMP    R1, #0
-        ADREQ  R0, NoRIT
-      [ International
-        BLEQ   Write0_Translated
-        ADDNE  R0, R1, R0
-        SWINE  XOS_PrettyPrint
-      |
-        ADDNE  R0, R1, R0
-        SWI    XOS_PrettyPrint
-      ]
-        SWIVC  XOS_NewLine
-        Pull  "R1, PC"
-Modules_Code ROUT
-        Push   "R7, lr"
-      [ International
-        BL     WriteS_Translated
-        =      "Modules:No. Position Workspace Name", 10, 13, 0
-        ALIGN
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =      "No. Position Workspace Name", 10, 13, 0
-        ALIGN
-      ]
-        Pull   "R7, PC", VS
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        MOV     R7, #0
-        SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState
-        Pull    "R7, lr", CS
-        BCS     AckEscape
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_GetNames
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        BVC     %FT07
-        CLRV
-        Pull   "R7, pc"              ; back, clearing V
-        Push   "R1, R2"
-        CMP     R6, #0
-        MOVNE   R1, #0
-        BNE     %FT02
-        ADD     R7, R7, #1
-        MOV     R0, R7
-        LDR     R1, =GeneralMOSBuffer
-        MOV     R2, #256
-        SWI     XOS_ConvertCardinal2
-        SUB     R1, R1, R0          ; characters in buffer
-02      CMP     R1, #3
-        SWILT   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BVS     %FT03
-        ADDLT   R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     %BT02
-        Pull   "R1, R2"
-        BVS     %FT04
-        CMP     R6, #0
-        SWIEQ   XOS_Write0
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        MOV     R0, R3
-        BLVC    HexR0LongWord
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        BLVC    HexR0LongWord
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+" "
-        BLVC    %FT01         ; title out
-        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
-        BVC     %BT06
-        Pull   "R7, PC"
-        Push   "lr"
-        LDR     R0, [R3, #Module_Title]
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        ADDNE   R0, R3, R0
-        ADREQ   R0, NoRIT
-      [ International
-        BLEQ    Write0_Translated
-        SWINE   XOS_Write0
-      |
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-      ]
-        Pull   "PC", VS
-        CMP     R6, #0
-        CMPEQ   R2, #0
-        MOV     R6, R2
-        Pull   "PC", EQ       ; only one incarnation
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI + Postfix_Separator
-        MOV     R0, R5
-        SWIVC   XOS_Write0
-        Pull   "PC"
-      [ International
-NoRIT   =   "Untitled:<Untitled>", 0
-      |
-NoRIT   =   "<Untitled>", 0
-      ]
-starstr =   "*", 13
-        ALIGN
-        CMP     r1, #0                  ; *show only?
-        ADREQ   r0, starstr
-        Entry   "r0,r7",8+256
-        MRS     r7, CPSR
-        ADD     r6, sp, #8              ; initial buffer for var expansions
-        MOV     lr, #256+4
-        STR     lr, [sp, #4]            ; fake heap block size
-        MOV     lr, #&ffffffff
-        STR     lr, [sp, #0]            ; inhibit page mode off on exit
-        ; Read current VDU status and save it away
-        MOVVC   r0, #117
-        SWIVC   XOS_Byte
-        STRVC   R1, [sp, #0]
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+14           ; paged mode on.
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        MOV     r3, #0          ; enumeration pointer
-        LDR     r0, [sp, #Proc_RegOffset + 0*4]        ; wildcard
-        MOV     r1, r6          ; 'heap' block
-        LDR     r2, [r6, #-4]   ; block size
-        SUB     r2, r2, #4
-        MOV     r4, #0          ; no expansion
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal
-        BVS     Show_ErrorReading
-        ; Varname
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        SWI     XOS_Write0
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        ; (Number) or (Macro) as appropriate
-        CMP     R4, #VarType_String
-        BEQ     skipvalprt
-      [ :LNOT: International
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       " (", 0
-        ALIGN
-        BVS     ShowBang
-      ]
-        CMP     R4, #VarType_Number
-        MOVEQ   R2, #256
-        LDREQ   R0, [R1]
-        SWIEQ   XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        ADREQ   R0, %FT02
-        ADRHI   R0, %FT03
-      [ International
-        BLVC    Write0_Translated
-      |
-        SWIVC   XOS_Write0
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+")"
-      ]
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        ; " : "
-        SWI     XOS_WriteS
-        =       " : ", 0
-        ALIGN
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        ; Now output the value's value
-        MOV     R5, #-1
-05      ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        CMP     R5, R2
-        BEQ     %FT06
-        SWI     XOS_ReadEscapeState
-        BLCS    AckEscape
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, R5]
-        CMP     R0, #&7F
-        MOVEQ   R0, #"?"-"@"
-        CMP     R0, #31
-        ADDLE   R0, R0, #"@"
-        SWILE   XOS_WriteI+"|"
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        CMP     R0, #"|"
-        CMPNE   R0, #""""
-        CMPNE   R0, #"<"
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        BNE     %BT05
-        CMP     R4, #VarType_Macro
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteI+"|"
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC
-        BVC     %BT05
-        STR     r0, [sp, #Proc_RegOffset + 0*4]
-        ORR     r7, r7, #V_bit                          ; CPSR in
-        ; Release buffer if necessary
-        ADD     lr, sp, #8              ; stack buffer
-        TEQ     r6, lr
-        MOVNE   r0, #ModHandReason_Free
-        MOVNE   r2, r6
-        SWINE   XOS_Module
-        ; Switch paged mode off if necessary
-        LDR     lr, [sp, #0]
-        TST     lr, #5
-        SWIEQ   XOS_WriteI+15  ; paged mode off
-        MSR     CPSR_f, r7
-        EXIT
-06      SWI     XOS_NewLine
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        B       %BT01
-      [ International
-        =       "Number:(Number)", 0
-        =       "Macro:(Macro)", 0
-      |
-        =       "Number", 0
-        =       "Macro", 0
-      ]
-        ALIGN
-        ; Error from OS_ReadVarVal:
-        ; VarCantFind - end of *show
-        ; BuffOverflow - try and extend buffer
-        ; other - return as error
-        LDR     r5, [r0]
-        LDR     lr, =ErrorNumber_VarCantFind
-        TEQ     r5, lr
-        BEQ     Show_Exit
-        LDR     lr, =ErrorNumber_BuffOverflow
-        TEQ     r5, lr
-        BNE     ShowBang
-        ; try and extend the buffer
-        CLRV
-        MOV     r1, r3                  ; actual name so retry gets this node exactly
-        ADD     lr, sp, #8              ; stack buffer
-        TEQ     r6, lr
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_Free
-        MOV     r2, r6
-        MOV     r6, lr                  ; to prevent any attempt at freeing in ShowBang
-        SWINE   XOS_Module
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        MOV     r1, #ARM_CC_Mask
-        MOV     r2, #-1                 ; To sence size
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; 1st var
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; unexpanded
-        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal
-        CLRV                            ; error will be buffer overflow
-        MOV     r1, r3                  ; varname again
-        MVN     r3, r2
-        ADD     r3, r3, #&ff            ; round up to 256 byte boundary
-        BIC     r3, r3, #&ff
-        MOV     r0, #ModHandReason_Claim
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        BVS     ShowBang
-        MOV     r6, r2
-        MOV     r0, r1
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; restart from that node
-        B       %BT10
-Set_Code ROUT
-        MOV    R4, #VarType_String
-        Push  "lr"
-        ; space terminated name in R0
-        ; Skip name in R1
-        MOV    R1, R0
-02      LDRB   R2, [R1], #1
-        CMP    R2, #" "
-        BNE    %BT02
-        ; Then skip spaces
-03      LDRB   R2, [R1], #1
-        CMP    R2, #" "
-        BEQ    %BT03
-        SUB    R1, R1, #1
-        ; r2 +ve to set, r3 = 0 for 1st var
-        MOV    R2, #1
-        MOV    R3, #0
-        SWI    XOS_SetVarVal
-        Pull  "PC"
-        LTORG
-SetMacro_Code MOV    R4, #VarType_Macro
-        B  %BT01
-SetEval_Code MOV    R4, #VarType_Expanded
-        B  %BT01
-Unset_Code ROUT
-        Push  "lr"
-        MOV    R2, #-1
-        MOV    R3, #0
-01      SWI    XOS_SetVarVal
-        BVC    %BT01
-        CLRV
-        Pull  "pc"
-Echo_Code ROUT
-        Push  "lr"
-        MOV    R2, #GS_NoQuoteMess
-        SWI    XOS_GSInit
-01      SWI    XOS_GSRead
-        BVS    %FT02
-        MOVCC  R3, R0
-        MOVCC  R0, R1
-        SWICC  XOS_WriteC
-        BVS    %FT02
-        MOVCC  R0, R3
-        BCC    %BT01
-        SWI    XOS_NewLine
-        Pull  "PC"
-Commands_Help  ROUT
-        Push  "R0, lr"         ; keep buffer pointer
-        ADRL   R0, commands_helpstr
-        MOV    R1, #0
-KeyHelpCommon                  ; also used by *Configure
-        Push   r1
-; R2 & R3 can be junked here?
-        MOV    r1, r0
-        MOV    r0, #0          ; Try our own message file before Global.
-        LDR    r0, [r0, #KernelMessagesBlock]
-        TEQ    r0, #0
-        ADRNE  r0, KernelMessagesBlock+4
-        MOV    r2, #0
-        SWI    XMessageTrans_Lookup
-        SWIVC  XMessageTrans_Dictionary
-        MOVVC  r1, r0
-        MOVVC  r0, r2
-        SWIVC  XOS_PrettyPrint
-        Pull   "r1,lr,PC", VS  ; if error, pull R1, junk stacked R0 and exit
-        Pull   "r1,r3"         ; restore r1 and get buffer pointer
-        MOV    r0, #0
-        ADRL   R2, SysCommsModule
-        BL     OneModuleK
-        BVS    %FT10
-        MOV    R6, #Module_List
-12      LDR    R6, [R6]
-        CMP    R6, #0
-        BEQ    %FT10
-        LDR    R2, [R6, #Module_code_pointer]
-        BL     OneModuleK
-        BVC    %BT12
-10      MOVVC  R0, #0
-        Pull  "PC"
-        Push  "R0, lr"
-        ADRL   R0, fscommands_helpstr
-        MOV    R1, #FS_Command_Flag
-        B      KeyHelpCommon
-; take module code pointer in r2
-;                    flags in r1
-;    HelpBufferSize buffer in r3
-;          string to print in r0
-OneModuleK     ROUT
-        Push  "r2-r7, lr"
-        LDR    R4, [R2, #Module_HC_Table]
-        CMP    R4, #0
-        Pull  "r2-r7, PC", EQ       ; no table
-        MOV    R7, #&80000000       ; flag
-        MOV    R5, #0               ; buffer offset
-        ADD    R2, R2, R4           ; point at table start.
-03      MOV    R6, R2
-        LDRB   R4, [R2]
-        CMP    R4, #0
-        BEQ    %FT06
-04      LDRB   R4, [R6], #1
-        CMP    R4, #0
-        BNE    %BT04
-        ADD    lr, R6, #3
-        BIC    lr, lr, #3           ; align but leave r6 at end of command for below (05)
-        LDR    R4, [lr, #0]         ; code offset
-        CMP    r1, #-1              ; fudge?
-        BEQ    %FT78
-        CMP    R4, #0
-        ADDEQ  R2, lr, #16
-        BEQ    %BT03
-        LDRB   R4, [lr, #7]
-        BIC    R4, R4, #(Help_Is_Code_Flag:OR:International_Help) :SHR: 24
-        CMP    R4, R1, LSR #24      ; move flags into bottom byte
-79      ADDNE  R2, lr, #16
-        BNE    %BT03
-        TST    R7, #&80000000
-        BEQ    %FT05
-        SWI    XOS_NewLine
-        SWIVC  XOS_NewLine
-        BVS    %FT77
-        MOV    r4, r0
-        CMP    r0, #0
-        BEQ    OneModuleK_PrintTitle ; Don't trust MessageTrans to preserve Z
-        SWI    XMessageTrans_Dictionary
-        STMDB  sp!, {r1}
-        MOVVC  r1, r0
-        MOVVC  r0, r4
-        SWIVC  XOS_PrettyPrint
-        LDMIA  sp!, {r1}
-        B      %FT77
-        LDR    r0, [stack]
-        BL     PrintTitle
-        MOVVC  r0, r4
-        Pull  "r2-r7, PC", VS
-        BIC    R7, R7, #&80000000
-        SUB    lr, r6, r2
-        RSB    r4, r5, #HelpBufferSize
-        CMP    r4, lr                   ; have we got enough space for command+tab
-        BCS    %FT07
-        MOV    r4, #0                   ; no, so 0 terminate what we've got and print it
-        SUB    r5, r5, #1               ; write 0 over trailing tab
-        STRB   r4, [r3, r5]
-        MOV    r4, r0
-        MOV    r0, r3
-        SWI    XOS_PrettyPrint
-        SWIVC  XOS_NewLine
-        Pull   "r2-r7,pc",VS
-        MOV    r0, r4
-        MOV    r5, #0                   ; start again with empty buffer
-        LDRB   r4, [r2], #1             ; copy command
-        CMP    r4, #0
-        STRNEB r4, [r3, r5]
-        ADDNE  r5, r5, #1
-        BNE    %BT07
-        MOV    r4, #TAB                 ; add tab
-        STRB   r4, [r3, r5]
-        ADD    r5, r5, #1
-        ADD    r2, r2, #3+16            ; align and move on to next command
-        BIC    r2, r2, #3
-        B      %BT03
-78      CMP    r4, #0
-        B      %BT79
-06      TST    R7, #&80000000
-        Pull  "r2-r7, PC", NE
-        Push  "R0"
-        MOV    R0, #0
-        SUB    R5, R5, #1
-        STRB   R0, [R5, R3]
-        MOV    R0, R3
-        SWI    XOS_PrettyPrint
-        STRVS  r0, [stack]
-        Pull  "R0, r2-r7, PC"
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-        Push    lr
-        MOV     r2, r0
-        addr    R1, UtilModTitle
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_Enter
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        Pull    pc
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; Deal with UtilityModule SWIs.
-; The UtilityModule provides "OS-independent" SWIs. At present these are:
-; SWI &F00000 (ARM_IMB)
-; SWI &F00001 (ARM_IMBRange)
-; as specified by the ARMv5 ARM (section 2.7.4 Prefetching and self-modifying
-; code)
-        CMP     r11, #1
-        BLO     SyncCodeAreasFull       ; (00) will do tail-call return from SWI
-        BHI     Util_SWINotKnown        ; (02..3F)
-; Ranged wotsit                           (01)
-        Push    "r1,r2,lr"
-        SUB     r2, r1, #4              ; convert from exclusive to inclusive
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        BL      SyncCodeAreasRange
-        Pull    "r1,r2,pc"
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_ModuleBadSWI
-      [ International
-        addr    r4, UtilModTitle
-        B       TranslateError_UseR4
-      |
-        RETURNVS
-      ]
-        MakeErrorBlock ModuleBadSWI
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-; ChangeDynamicArea - moved here from the Task Manager as embedded devices
-; tend not to have the Task Manager
-; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-rmaarea         *       1               ; RMA area
-screenarea      *       2               ; screen area
-spritearea      *       3               ; sprite area
-fontarea        *       4               ; font cache dynamic area number
-ramfsarea       *       5               ; RAM disc area
-                ^       0
-vec_fontsize    #       4               ; fields in output vector
-vec_spritesize  #       4
-vec_ramfssize   #       4
-vec_rmasize	#	4
-vec_screensize	#	4
-ss_outputvec    *       &100
-Keydef  DCB     "FontSize/K,SpriteSize/K,RamFSSize/K,RMASize/K,ScreenSize/K"
-        DCB     0
-        ALIGN
-; NB: R12 -> private word (don't use workspace, as it may not be present)
-ChangeDynamicArea_Code  ROUT
-        Push    "R11,LR"
-        MOV     R11,sp                  ; remember stack for later
-        SUB     sp,sp,#ss_outputvec     ; local workspace
-; scan the comand line by calling OS_ReadArgs
-        MOV     R1,R0                   ; R1 = input string
-        ADR     R0,Keydef               ; R0 = key defion string
-        MOV     R2,sp                   ; R2 = output vector
-        MOV     R3,#ss_outputvec        ; R3 = max output vector length
-        SWI     XOS_ReadArgs
-; scan the resulting vector for known fields
-        MOVVC   R0,#rmaarea
-        LDRVC   R1,[sp,#vec_rmasize]
-        BLVC    changeR0R1              ; R0 = area number, R1 = size required
-        MOVVC   R0,#screenarea
-        LDRVC   R1,[sp,#vec_screensize]
-        BLVC    changeR0R1              ; R0 = area number, R1 = size required
-        MOVVC   R0,#fontarea
-        LDRVC   R1,[sp,#vec_fontsize]
-        BLVC    changeR0R1              ; R0 = area number, R1 = size required
-        MOVVC   R0,#spritearea
-        LDRVC   R1,[sp,#vec_spritesize]
-        BLVC    changeR0R1              ; R0 = area number, R1 = size required
-        MOVVC   R0,#ramfsarea           ; NB: do RAMFS last so others get done if it fails
-        LDRVC   R1,[sp,#vec_ramfssize]
-        BLVC    changeR0R1              ; R0 = area number, R1 = size required
-        MOV     sp,R11                  ; restore stack
-        Pull    "R11,PC"
-; In    R0 = dynamic area number
-;       R1 -> string specifying size required (<=0 => don't bother)
-; Out   calls OS_ChangeDynamicArea, which gives Service_MemoryMoved
-;       this is intercepted, and sets [memoryupdated]
-;       this causes a pollword event:
-;           which calls set_memory for all memory slots
-;           if the RAM disc slot size changes to/from 0
-;               [ramfsflag] is set
-;               unless dragging the ram slot bar:
-;                   reramfsfiler re-ialises the RAMFSFiler
-;                   otherwise it waits till the bar is dropped
-changeR0R1      ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,LR"
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",EQ
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea     ; R1 = current size of area
-        MOVVC   R3,R1
-        LDRVC   R1,[sp,#1*4]
-        BLVC    getK                    ; R1 = new amount required
-        LDRVC   R0,[sp,#0*4]
-        SUBVC   R1,R1,R3                ; R1 = change required
-        SWIVC   XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        STRVS   R0,[sp]
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC"
-; In    R1 --> string
-; Out   R1 = parameter value (number)
-; Errors: "Bad number"
-getK    ROUT
-        Push    "R2-R3,LR"
-        MOV     R0,#10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Pull    "R2-R3,PC",VS
-        LDRB    R3,[R1]
-        UpperCase R3, R14
-        TEQ     R3,#"K"                 ; if terminator is "K" or "k",
-        ADDEQ   R1,R1,#1
-        MOVEQ   R2,R2,LSL #10           ; multiply by 1024
-        TEQ     R3,#"M"                 ; if terminator is "M" or "m",
-        ADDEQ   R1,R1,#1
-        MOVEQ   R2,R2,LSL #20           ; multiply by 1048576
-        TEQ     R3,#"G"                 ; if terminator is "G" or "g",
-        ADDEQ   R1,R1,#1
-        MOVEQ   R2,R2,LSL #30           ; multiply by 1073741824
-        LDRB    R14,[R1]                ; check terminator
-        RSBS    R14,R14,#" "+1          ; ensure GT set if OK
-        ADRLEL  R0,ErrorBlock_BadNumb   ; "Number not recognised"
-      [ International
-        BLLE    TranslateError
-      ]
-        MOVVC   R1,R2                   ; R1 = answer
-        Pull    "R2-R3,PC"
- [ :LNOT: No32bitCode
-UtilFlags DCD ModuleFlag_32bit
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdu23 b/s/vdu/vdu23
deleted file mode 100644
index 84e68a7a..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdu23
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1700 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.Vdu23
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DefineChar - define soft character
-; in:   R0 = char to be defined
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #(Font-32*8)
-        ADD     R1, R1, R0, LSL #3              ; point to char definition
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #QQ+1
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2, R3}                    ; load 8 bytes
-        STMIA   R1, {R2, R3}                    ; store 8 bytes
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDU 23,7,m,d,z| - Scroll window directly
-;       m=0     Scroll text window
-;       m=1     Scroll entire screen
-;       d=0     Scroll right
-;       d=1     Scroll left
-;       d=2     Scroll down
-;       d=3     Scroll up
-;       d=4     Scroll "right"
-;       d=5     Scroll "left"
-;       d=6     Scroll "down"
-;       d=7     Scroll "up"
-;       z=0     Scroll by 1 character cell
-;       z=1     Scroll by 1 char vertically, 1 byte (whatever that is) horiz.
-Vdu23_7 ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; R0 := m
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; R1 := d
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+3]      ; R2 := z
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        AND     R1, R1, #7              ; ignore higher bits
-        CMP     R1, #4
-        BCC     %FT10
-        LDR     R4, ScrollDirWord
-        CMP     R1, #6
-        MOVCS   R4, R4, ROR #16
-        AND     R3, R6, #&0E
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSL #1
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSR R3
-        MOVS    R1, R1, LSR #1
-        AND     R1, R4, #&0F
-        EORCS   R1, R1, #1
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #ClipBoxEnableBit   ; if calculating clip box
-        BLNE    ClipScroll              ; then add text window or whole screen
-        CMP     R0, #1                  ; C=1 => whole screen
-        ADC     R1, R1, R1              ; put m into bit 0
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        ORRNE   R1, R1, #&08            ; put z into bit 3
-        ADR     R0, ScrollTab
-        LDR     R2, [R0, R1, LSL #2]
-        ADR     R14, ScrollRetn
-        ADD     PC, R0, R2              ; carry on entry is m
-        Pull    R14
-; insert code here to re-address input cursor as well
-        B       AddressCursors          ; re-address cursor positions
-        &       &33221010
-        &       ScrollRightChar-ScrollTab ; window right char
-        &       ScrollRightChar-ScrollTab ; screen right char
-        &       ScrollLeftChar-ScrollTab ; window left char
-        &       ScrollLeftChar-ScrollTab ; screen left char
-        &       ScrollDown-ScrollTab    ; window down char
-        &       HardScrollDown-ScrollTab ; screen down char
-        &       ScrollUp-ScrollTab      ; window up char
-        &       HardScrollUp-ScrollTab  ; screen up char
-        &       ScrollRightByte-ScrollTab ; window right byte
-        &       ScrollRightByte-ScrollTab ; screen right byte
-        &       ScrollLeftByte-ScrollTab ; window left byte
-        &       ScrollLeftByte-ScrollTab ; screen left byte
-        &       ScrollDown-ScrollTab    ; window down byte
-        &       HardScrollDown-ScrollTab ; screen down byte
-        &       ScrollUp-ScrollTab      ; window up byte
-        &       HardScrollUp-ScrollTab  ; screen up byte
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDU 23,17,c,t| - Set tint
-;       c=0     Set text foreground tint (default &FF)
-;       c=1     Set text background tint (default &00)
-;       c=2     Set graphics foreground tint (default &FF)
-;       c=3     Set graphics background tint (default 0)
-;       c=4     t=0 => BBC compatible ECFs, t=1 => native ECFs (default 0)
-;       c=5     Swap foreground and background text colours/tints
-;       c=6     VDU 23,17,6,x;y; - Set ECF origin to (x,y)
-;       c=7     VDU 23,17,7,flags,x;y;0,0 - Set character size(s)
-;       c=8-255 Reserved
-;       t=tint  Only bits 6,7 relevant with this hardware
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]              ; get c
-        CMP     R0, #7
-        MOVHI   R0, #17                         ; if unknown (>7), reload R0
-        BHI     UnknownVdu23                    ; and call UKVDU23 vector
-        BEQ     SetCharSizes
-        CMP     R0, #6
-        BEQ     SetECFOrigin
-        CMP     R0, #4
-        BHI     SwapColours                     ; 5 => swap colours
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]              ; tint or BBC parm
-        STREQ   R1, [WsPtr, #BBCcompatibleECFs] ; VDU 23,17,4,t...
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #TFTint
-        LDR     R3, [R2, R0, LSL #2]            ; get old tint
-        STR     R1, [R2, R0, LSL #2]
-        CMP     R0, #2                          ; graphics tint ?
-        BCS     SetColour                       ; then update masks
-        EOR     R1, R1, R3
-        TST     R1, #&C0                        ; are top two bits different ?
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; no need to redo table
-        ; amg: use R1 here instead of 'bpp' which is R0. I need R0 in a moment.
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        CMP     R1, #8                          ; are we in 8 bits-per-pixel or more?
-        MOVCC   PC, R14                         ; no, then exit
-        Push    "lr"
-        ; amg: only do foreground or background as appropriate
-        CMP     R0,#1
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        BL      CompileTextFg
-        B       %FT10
-        BL      CompileTextBg                   ; update TextFgColour/TextBgColour
-        Pull    "lr"
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        ORR     R6, R6, #TEUpdate               ; yes, then set colours dirty
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-SwapColours ROUT
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TForeCol]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TBackCol]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TBackCol]
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #TForeCol]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TextFgColour]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #TextFgColour]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        CMP     R3, #8                          ; C=1 <=> 256 colour mode
-        BCC     %FT10                           ; [not 256 colour mode]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TFTint]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TBTint]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TBTint]
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #TFTint]
-        B       SetColoursDirty                 ; don't bother optimising the case
-                                                ; when both colours are the same
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetECFOrigin - Set the origin of the ECF pattern
-;       Called by VDU 23,17,6,x;y;0,0,0
-; in:   QQ+2, QQ+3 = xlo, xhi
-;       QQ+4, QQ+5 = ylo, yhi
-SetECFOrigin ROUT
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+3]      ; xhi
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; xlo
-;        PackXtnd R0, R0, R1             ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+5]      ; yhi
-;        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+4]      ; ylo
-;        PackXtnd R1, R1, R2             ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-        LoadCoordPair R0, R1, WsPtr, QQ+2
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #GCsX        ; save ECursor away, cos EIG changes it
-        LDMIA   R8, {R6, R7}            ; and we don't want it to!
-        MOV     R2, #&FF                ; convert external-to-internal
-        BL      EIG                     ; as absolute coordinates
-; now R0 = internal X; R1 = internal Y
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        AND     R0, R0, R3              ; X MOD (number of pixels per word)
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        MOVS    R0, R0, LSL R4          ; number of bits to rotate ECF left by
-;        MOVEQ   R0, #32                 ; if zero then make 32
-;        RSB     R0, R0, #32             ; so we make it zero again!
-; I don't think anything cares whether this value is 0 or 32 in this case - it
-; is only used as Rm in a couple of MOV Rn, Rn, ROR Rm instructions. So change
-; to:
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL R4          ; number of bits to rotate ECF left by
-        RSB     R0, R0, #32
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ECFShift]  ; number of bits to rotate right by
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Need to increase R3 by one to produce correct alignment of the ECF patterns,
-; as YWindLimit is an inclusive bound, not an exclusive one.
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        SUB     R1, R3, R1              ; invert Y
-        AND     R1, R1, #7              ; modulo 8
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #ECFYOffset]
-        STMIA   R8, {R6, R7}
-        BL      SetColour               ; update colours now
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWISetECFOrigin - Entry point for SWI OS_SetECFOrigin
-; in:   R0 = x-coordinate (external coords)
-;       R1 = y-coordinate (-------""------)
-        Push    "R0-R9, R14"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      SetECFOriginCommon
-        Pull    "R0-R9, R14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Scroll left and right
-; in:   C=0 => scroll window
-;       C=1 => scroll screen
-        MOV     R9, #0
-        B       ScrollLeft
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R10, #Flag_BBCGapMode           ; if in BBC gap mode
- [ True
-; TMD 23-May-89: BBC gap modes were done wrong here - it scrolled by 1/2 a
-; BBC byte instead of 1
-        SUBNE   R9, R9, #1                      ; then 1 BBC byte = 2 ARM bytes
- |
-        MOVNE   R9, #1                          ; then 1 BBC byte = 2 ARM bytes
- ]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        SUB     R9, R10, R9
-        MOV     R10, #1
-        MOV     R9, R10, LSL R9                 ; R9 = bytes to move by
-        ADC     R0, R0, R0                      ; bit0(R0) set => whole screen
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode               ; if teletext, then do special
-        BNE     TTXScrollLeft
-        Push    "R0, R14"                       ; save link and carry
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1                  ; C=0/1 => window/screen
-        BL      GetScrWindInfo
-        BL      ScrollLeft2
-        Pull    R0
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-; now clear right hand column
-        ADDCC   R0, WsPtr, #TWBRow              ; C=0 => window
-        LDMCCIA R0, {R1-R3}                     ; R1 = TWBRow; R2 = TWRCol
-        MOVCC   R0, R2                          ; R3 = TWTRow; R0 = TWRCol
-        ADDCS   R0, WsPtr, #ScrRCol             ; C=1 => screen
-        LDMCSIA R0, {R0, R1}                    ; R0 = ScrRCol; R1 = ScrBRow
-        MOVCS   R2, R0                          ; R2 = ScrRCol; R3 = 0
-        MOVCS   R3, #0
-;       R9 = width of column to clear (in bytes)
-        BL      GetBoxInfo              ; get info for right hand char column
-                                        ; R2 -> top left of right hand char col
-                                        ; R5 := number of bytes for one char
-        ADD     R2, R2, R5              ; R2 -> off right of top line
-        MOV     R5, R9                  ; R5 := real number of bytes to do
-        SUB     R2, R2, R5              ; R2 -> top left of column to clear
-        Pull    R14
-        B       ClearThisBox
-; *****************************************************************************
-        BCC     GetWindowInfo
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        B       GetBoxInfo
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ScrollLeft2 - Scroll area of screen left (don't clear right column)
-; in:   R2 -> screen(left,top)
-;       R5 = width of box in bytes
-;       R6 = number of scan lines in box
-;       R7 = linelength
-;       R9 = number of bytes to scroll by
-ScrollLeft2 ROUT
-        SUBS    R5, R5, R9                      ; number of bytes to scroll
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; none to scroll
-        MOV     R10, R9, LSL #3                 ; number of bits moving by
-        CMP     R10, #32
-        MOVCS   R10, #32                        ; only do 32 at a time
-        RSB     R11, R10, #32                   ; 32-number of bits moving by
-        MOV     R0, R2                          ; to addr (left)
-        ADD     R1, R0, R9                      ; from addr (right)
-        ADD     R3, R0, R5                      ; end+1 to addr
-        TST     R0, #3                          ; if not on word boundary
-        LDRNEB  R4, [R1], #1                    ; then copy a byte from R1
-        STRNEB  R4, [R0], #1                    ; to R0
-        CMPNE   R0, R3                          ; if not on bdy and not at end
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; then loop
-        ADD     R1, R1, #3                      ; round R1 up to next word
-        BIC     R1, R1, #3
-        TEQ     R11, #0                         ; if no shifts, use fast code
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        SUB     R3, R3, #3                      ; fudge factors anonymous
-        CMP     R0, R3                          ; if can't do any words
-        BCS     %FT40                           ; then skip
-        LDR     R8, [R0]                        ; get word to be put into R4
-        MOV     R4, R8, LSR R10                 ; get 2nd bits of old word
-        LDR     R8, [R1], #4                    ; load new word
-        ORR     R4, R4, R8, LSL R11             ; merge with 1st bits of new
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4                    ; and store
-        CMP     R0, R3                          ; if more words to do then loop
-        BCC     %BT30
-        ADD     R3, R3, #3                      ; put it back again
-;       finish off the odd bytes
-;       R0 -> next dest byte
-        ADD     R1, R0, R9                      ; R1 -> next source byte
-        CMP     R0, R3                          ; if not at end
-        LDRCCB  R4, [R1], #1                    ; then copy a byte from R1
-        STRCCB  R4, [R0], #1                    ; to R0
-        CMPCC   R0, R3                          ; check for end
-        BCC     %BT50                           ; and loop if not
-        ADD     R2, R2, R7                      ; goto next line down
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1                      ; one less line to do
-        BNE     ScrollLineLeft
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; fast code for when R10=32, R11=0
-        SUB     R3, R3, #7                      ; must be able to do 8 bytes
-        CMP     R0, R3
-        LDMCCIA R1!, {R4, R8}                   ; if OK then copy 2 words
-        STMCCIA R0!, {R4, R8}
-        CMPCC   R0, R3                          ; check for end
-        BCC     %BT70
-        ADD     R3, R3, #4                      ; must be able to do 4 bytes
-        CMP     R0, R3
-        LDRCC   R4, [R1], #4                    ; if OK then copy a word
-        STRCC   R4, [R0], #4
-        CMPCC   R0, R3                          ; check for end
-        BCC     %BT80
-        B       %BT40                           ; do odd bytes at end
-; *****************************************************************************
-        MOV     R9, #0
-        B       ScrollRight
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R10, #Flag_BBCGapMode           ; if in BBC gap mode
- [ True
-; TMD 23-May-89: BBC gap modes were done wrong here - it scrolled by 1/2 a
-; BBC byte instead of 1
-        SUBNE   R9, R9, #1                      ; then 1 BBC byte = 2 ARM bytes
- |
-        MOVNE   R9, #1                          ; then 1 BBC byte = 2 ARM bytes
- ]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        SUB     R9, R10, R9
-        MOV     R10, #1
-        MOV     R9, R10, LSL R9                 ; R9 = bytes to move by
-        ADC     R0, R0, R0                      ; bit0(R0) set => whole screen
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode               ; if teletext, then do special
-        BNE     TTXScrollRight
-        Push    "R0, R14"                       ; save link and carry
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1                  ; C=0/1 => window/screen
-        BL      GetScrWindInfo
-        BL      ScrollRight2
-        Pull    R0
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-; now clear left column
-        ADDCC   R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; C=0 => window
-        LDMCCIA R0, {R0-R3}                     ; R0 = TWLCol; R1 = TWBRow
-        MOVCC   R2, R0                          ; R2 = TWLCol; R3 = TWTRow
-        MOVCS   R0, #0
-        LDRCS   R1, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]
-        MOVCS   R2, R0
-        MOVCS   R3, #0
-;       R9 = width of column to clear (in bytes)
-        BL      GetBoxInfo              ; get info for right hand char column
-                                        ; R2 -> top left of left hand char col
-                                        ; R5 := number of bytes for one char
-        MOV     R5, R9                  ; R5 := real number of bytes to do
-        Pull    R14
-        B       ClearThisBox
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ScrollRight2 - Scroll area of screen right (don't clear left column)
-; in:   R2 -> screen(left,top)
-;       R5 = width of box in bytes
-;       R6 = number of scan lines in box
-;       R7 = linelength
-;       R9 = number of bytes to scroll by
-ScrollRight2 ROUT
-        ADD     R2, R2, R5                      ; R2 -> off top right
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1                      ; R2 -> top right
-        SUBS    R5, R5, R9                      ; number of bytes to scroll
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; none to scroll
-        MOV     R10, R9, LSL #3                 ; number of bits moving by
-        CMP     R10, #32
-        MOVCS   R10, #32                        ; only do 32 at a time
-        RSB     R11, R10, #32                   ; 32-number of bits moving by
-        MOV     R0, R2                          ; to addr (right)
-        SUB     R1, R0, R9                      ; from addr (left)
-        SUB     R3, R0, R5                      ; end-1 to addr
-        MOV     R8, #(3 :SHL: 30)
-        CMP     R8, R0, LSL #30                 ; EQ if (R0 AND 3)=3
-        LDRNEB  R4, [R1], #-1                   ; if not then copy a byte
-        STRNEB  R4, [R0], #-1
-        CMPNE   R0, R3                          ; if not aligned and not end
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; then loop
-        SUB     R1, R1, #3                      ; round R1 down to next word
-        BIC     R1, R1, #3
-        SUB     R0, R0, #3                      ; make R0 -> word boundary
-        TEQ     R11, #0                         ; if no shifts, use fast code
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        CMP     R0, R3                          ; if no words
-        BLS     %FT40                           ; then skip
-        LDR     R8, [R0]                        ; get word to be put into R4
-        MOV     R4, R8, LSL R10
-        LDR     R8, [R1], #-4
-        ORR     R4, R4, R8, LSR R11
-        STR     R4, [R0], #-4
-        CMP     R0, R3                          ; if R3 < R1 then no more words
-        BHI     %BT30
-        ADD     R0, R0, #3                      ; put it back again
-;       finish off the odd bytes
-;       R0 -> next dest byte
-        SUB     R1, R0, R9                      ; R1 -> next source byte
-        CMP     R0, R3                          ; check for end
-        LDRHIB  R4, [R1], #-1                   ; if not end then copy byte
-        STRHIB  R4, [R0], #-1
-        CMPHI   R0, R3                          ; check for end
-        BHI     %BT50
-        ADD     R2, R2, R7                      ; move to next row
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1                      ; one less row to do
-        BNE     ScrollLineRight
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; fast code for when R10=32, R11=0
-        ADD     R3, R3, #4                      ; need to do at least 8 bytes
-        CMP     R0, R3
-        LDMHIDA R1!, {R4, R8}                   ; if OK then copy 2 words
-        STMHIDA R0!, {R4, R8}
-        CMPHI   R0, R3                          ; check for end
-        BHI     %BT70
-        SUB     R3, R3, #4                      ; put it back
-        CMP     R0, R3
-        LDRHI   R4, [R1], #-4                   ; if OK then copy 1 word
-        STRHI   R4, [R0], #-4
-        CMPHI   R0, R3                          ; check for end
-        BHI     %BT80
-        B       %BT40
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDU 23,16,x,y| - Change cursor flags
-;       new := (old AND y) EOR x
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; just affect bottom byte
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]              ; x
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]              ; y
-        AND     R0, R0, R2
-        EOR     R0, R0, R1
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R0, #1
-        BEQ     RCRLF                           ; leaving 81 column mode
-                                                ; so release CRLF
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Move cursor to R0 chars from boundary
-;       and check for being legal
-; out:  C=1 => was within window
-;       C=0 => outside window
-        ASSERT  CursorY = CursorX +4
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CursorBdy
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #CursorX
-        LDMIA   R9, {R9, R10}
-        CMP     R4, R9
-        CMPCS   R3, R10
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Move cursor to boundary indicated by value of R6 in bits 1-3
-;       (0 or 4 = left, 2 or 6 = right, 8 or 10 = up, 12 or 14 = down)
-;       + R0 character positions in
-; out:  R7, R8, R11 undefined
-;       R0, R1, R6, R9, R10, R12, R13 preserved
-;       R2-R5 are window coords (left,down,right,up)
-        ASSERT  TWBRow = TWLCol + 4
-        ASSERT  TWRCol = TWLCol + 8
-        ASSERT  TWTRow = TWLCol + 12
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #InputCursorX
-        B       CBDY05
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CursorX
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #TWLCol      ; point to window coords
-        LDMIA   R7, {R2-R5}
-        ADR     R7, CBDYTab
-        AND     R8, R6, #&0E
-        LDR     R8, [R7, R8, LSL #1]
-        ADD     PC, R7, R8
-        &       CursorLBdy-CBDYTab
-        &       CursorRBdy-CBDYTab
-        &       CursorLBdy-CBDYTab
-        &       CursorRBdy-CBDYTab
-        &       CursorUBdy-CBDYTab
-        &       CursorUBdy-CBDYTab
-        &       CursorDBdy-CBDYTab
-        &       CursorDBdy-CBDYTab
-; Move cursor to left boundary + R0 characters in
-        ADD     R7, R0, R2
-        STR     R7, [R11, #CursorX-CursorX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move cursor to right boundary + R0 characters in
-        SUB     R7, R4, R0
-        B       CBDY10
-; Move cursor to up boundary + R0 characters in
-        ADD     R7, R0, R5
-        STR     R7, [R11, #CursorY-CursorX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move cursor to down boundary + R0 characters in
-        SUB     R7, R3, R0
-        B       CBDY20
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CursorMove - Move cursor in direction corresponding to R6 bits 1-3
-;       (0,4 = right; 2,6 = left; 8,10 = down; 12,14 = up)
-;       R6 is preserved
-        ASSERT  InputCursorY-InputCursorX = CursorY-CursorX
-        ASSERT  InputCursorAddr-InputCursorX = CursorAddr-CursorX
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #InputCursorX
-        B       CurM10
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CursorX
-        ADR     R7, CMVTab
-        B       DoJumpTable
-        &       MoveRight-CMVTab
-        &       MoveLeft-CMVTab
-        &       MoveRight-CMVTab
-        &       MoveLeft-CMVTab
-        &       MoveDown-CMVTab
-        &       MoveDown-CMVTab
-        &       MoveUp-CMVTab
-        &       MoveUp-CMVTab
-; Move cursor right if possible - on exit C=1 iff at RHS
-        LDR     R0, [R11, #CursorX-CursorX]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        MOVCS   PC, R14
-        LDR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      |
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      ]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        STR     R0, [R11, #CursorX-CursorX]
-        STR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move cursor left if possible - on exit C=1 iff at LHS
-        LDR     R0, [R11, #CursorX-CursorX]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        CMP     R4, R0
-        MOVCS   PC, R14
-        LDR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      |
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      ]
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3
-        STR     R0, [R11, #CursorX-CursorX]
-        STR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move cursor down if possible - on exit C=1 iff at bottom
-        LDR     R1, [R11, #CursorY-CursorX]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        MOVCS   PC, R14
-        LDR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        STR     R1, [R11, #CursorY-CursorX]
-        STR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move cursor up if possible - on exit C=1 iff at top
-        LDR     R1, [R11, #CursorY-CursorX]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]
-        CMP     R4, R1
-        MOVCS   PC, R14
-        LDR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3
-        STR     R1, [R11, #CursorY-CursorX]
-        STR     R2, [R11, #CursorAddr-CursorX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Special HT - used when abnormal cursor direction selected
-;                    or if C81Bit set
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5HT
-        Push    "R6,R14"
-        BL      RCRLFR6
-        Pull    R6
-        BL      CursorMove              ; try to move in appropriate direction
-        Pull    PC, CC                  ; if successful, finish
-        BL      CursorB0                ; else move cursor to -ve X boundary
-        BL      AddressCursor           ; re-address cursor
-        Pull    R14
-        B       VduLF                   ; and do a line-feed
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CHT - version of HT used after printing character
-;       will set pending CRLF if necessary
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        TST     R6, R6, ROR #10 ; test for Vdu5 or &1E or C81Bit, latter not
-                                ; possible as we just printed a char
-        BNE     SpecialCHT
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      |
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      ]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        STRLS   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        STRLS   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        MOVLS   PC, R14
-        TST     R6, #1                          ; are we in "81-column" mode
-        BNE     CHT10                           ; yes, then just set C81Bit
-        BSR     PageTest
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        BLS     CursorR0R1                       ; not on bottom line
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        BSR     ScrollUp
-        B       AddressCursor                    ; re-address cursor position
-        ORR     R6, R6, #C81Bit
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5HT
-        BSR     CursorMove              ; try to move in appropriate direction
-        MOVCC   PC, R14                 ; if successful, finish
-        TST     R6, #1
-        BNE     CHT10
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CursorB0                ; else move cursor to -ve X boundary
-        BL      AddressCursor           ; re-address cursor
-        Pull    R14
-        B       VduLF                   ; and do a line-feed
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Special BS - used when abnormal cursor direction selected
-;                    or Vdu5 mode
-;                    or if C81Bit was set
-; in :  R6 = CursorFlags
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit            ; VDU 5 mode ?
-        BNE     Vdu5BS                  ; then branch
-        TST     R6, #C81Bit             ; did we come here cos of C81Bit
-        BICNE   R6, R6, #C81Bit         ; if so then clear the bit
-        STRNE   R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags] ; store it back
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; and leave cursor where it is
-        EOR     R6, R6, #6              ; move "left"
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CursorMove
-        Pull    PC, CC                  ; if successful
-        BL      CursorB0                ; move to +ve X boundary
-        BL      AddressCursor           ; re-address cursor
-        Pull    R14
-        B       VT                      ; and do reverse line-feed
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Special LF - used when abnormal cursor direction selected
-; in :  R6 = CursorFlags
-        EOR     R6, R6, #8              ; move "down"
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CursorMove
-        Pull    PC, CC                  ; if successful
-        BL      CanScroll               ; see if we can scroll
-        Pull    PC, CS                  ; if failed, exit with all done
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; scroll window
-        MOV     R1, #7                  ; "up"
-        MOV     R2, #0                  ; by 1 char
-        B       Scroll012
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Special VT - used when abnormal cursor direction selected
-; in :  R6 = CursorFlags
-        EOR     R6, R6, #14             ; move "up"
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CursorMove
-        Pull    PC, CC                  ; if successful
-        BL      CanScroll               ; see if we can scroll
-        Pull    PC, CS                  ; if failed, exit with all done
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; scroll window
-        MOV     R1, #6                  ; "down"
-        MOV     R2, #0                  ; by 1 char
-        B       Scroll012
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CanScroll - check whether we can scroll in direction R6
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-CanScroll ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #&10            ; do we scroll or move to other edge
-        BNE     CantScroll
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; cursors not split, so input cursor
-                                        ; not relevant
-        EOR     R6, R6, #6
-        BL      InputCursorMove         ; if cursor fails to move, it's OK
-                                        ; where it is
-        BL      AddressInputCursor      ; readdress it anyway, just in case
-        EOR     R6, R6, #6              ; put R6 back
-        CLC
-        Pull    PC
-        BL      CursorB0                ; move to opposite edge
-        BL      AddressCursor
-        SEC
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Release any pending CRLF
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-; Extra entry point when R6 already loaded
-        TST     R6, #C81Bit
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; no pending CRLF
-        BSR     CR10                    ; (clears C81Bit)
-        B       VduLF
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDU 23,8,t1,t2,x1,y1,x2,y2| - Clear block of text
-;       t=0     Top left of window
-;       t=1     Top of cursor column
-;       t=2     Off top right of window
-;       t=4     Left end of cursor line
-;       t=5     Cursor position
-;       t=6     Off right of cursor line
-;       t=8     Bottom left of window
-;       t=9     Bottom of cursor column
-;       t=10    Off bottom right of window
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; top left of window
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #CBWS+0]
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #CBWS+1]
-        BSR     CP81                    ; cursor position
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #CBWS+2]
-        STRB    R1, [WsPtr, #CBWS+3]
-        BSR     WBotRig                 ; bottom right of window
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1              ; off bottom right of window
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #CBWS+4]
-        STRB    R1, [WsPtr, #CBWS+5]
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #CBWS
-        ADD     R2, R3, #QQ+2-CBWS
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; t1
-        BSR     CLBL50
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; t2
-        BSR     CLBL50
-; Check end is after start
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #CBStart]   ; start X
-        LDRB    R3, [WsPtr, #CBStart+1] ; start Y
-        LDRB    R4, [WsPtr, #CBEnd]     ; end X
-        LDRB    R5, [WsPtr, #CBEnd+1]   ; end Y
-        CMP     R5, R3
-        CMPEQ   R4, R2
-        MOVLS   PC, R14                 ; end <= start so do nothing
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]   ; save cursor position
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        Push    "R0,R1"
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; First row to clear
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; Start position for first row
-        LDRB    R7, [WsPtr, #CBWS+4]    ; End position for all but last row
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, #TWLCol
-        LDMIA   R6, {R8-R11}
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TEQ     R0, R5
-        BEQ     CLBL40
-        BSR     RowClear
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; start position for subsequent rows
-        B       CLBL20
-        MOV     R7, R4                  ; end position for last row
-        BSR     RowClear
-        Pull    "R0,R1"
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        B       AddressCursor
-        AND     R1, R0, #3
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #1
-        LDRB    R6, [WsPtr, #CBWS+4]
-        BSR     CLBL60
-        MOV     R1, R0, LSR #1
-        ORR     R1, R1, #1
-        LDRB    R6, [WsPtr, #CBWS+5]
-        LDRB    R4, [R3, R1]            ; get base coordinate to use
-        LDRB    R5, [R2, #1]!           ; get x or y offset
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #24
-        ADDS    R4, R4, R5, ASR #24     ; add sign extended offset to base
-        MOVMI   R4, #0                  ; if <0 then make =0
-        CMP     R4, R6
-        MOVHI   R4, R6                  ; is this stringent enough ?
-        STRB    R4, [R2, #CBStart-(QQ+3)]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RowClear - Clear a "row" {R1 <= X < R7, Y = R0}
-        Push    "R0-R11,R14"
-        SUB     R7, R7, #1
-        CMP     R1, R7
-        BHI     RowCL10         ; left > right, so ignore
-        TST     R6, #8
-        MOVEQ   R2, R1          ; left
-        MOVEQ   R3, R0          ; bottom
-        MOVEQ   R4, R7          ; right
-        MOVEQ   R5, R0          ; top
-        MOVNE   R2, R0          ; left
-        MOVNE   R3, R7          ; bottom
-        MOVNE   R4, R0          ; right
-        MOVNE   R5, R1          ; top
-        TST     R6, #2
-        ADDEQ   R0, R8, R2
-        ADDEQ   R2, R8, R4
-        SUBNE   R0, R10, R4
-        SUBNE   R2, R10, R2
-        TST     R6, #4
-        ADDEQ   R1, R11, R3
-        ADDEQ   R3, R11, R5
-        SUBNE   R1, R9, R5
-        SUBNE   R3, R9, R3
-        BL      ClearBox
-        Pull    "R0-R11,PC"
-        [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoVduExternal - External entry point for
-;       a) reading input cursor position
-;       b) reading output cursor position
-;       c) reading character at cursor position and screen mode
-;       d) resetting all or part of font
-;       e) reading font definitions
-;       f) reading VDU status
-;       g) reading VDU variables
-;       h) reading palette (OSWORD &0B)
-;       i) setting palette (OSWORD &0C)
-;       j) various mouse/pointer stuff
-;       k) set top of screen address
-;       l) set VDU driver bank
-;       m) set display bank
-; in:   R0 = 0 => read input cursor position
-;       R0 = 1 => read output cursor position
-;       R0 = 2 => OSBYTE &87 - R1 := char at cursor, R2 := screen mode
-;       R0 = 3 => reset font (R1*32 = start char, R2 = number of pages)
-;       R0 = 4 => OSWORD 10 (R1 -> control block)
-;       R0 = 5 => read VDU status
-;       R0 = 6 => read VDU variables number R1, R1+1
-;       R0 = 7 => read palette
-;       R0 = 8 => set palette
-;       R0 = 9 => mouse/pointer control
-;       R0 = 10 => set top of screen address
-;       R0 = 11 => set VDU driver bank
-;       R0 = 12 => set display bank
-; out:  a,b; R1 = X, R2 = Y
-;       c; R1=char, R2=screen mode
-;       f; R1=VDU status
-;       g; R1=variable(n), R2=variable(n+1)
-;       R0, R3 destroyed
-;       R4-R11 preserved
-DoVduExternal   ROUT
-        CMP     R0, #ExtEntries
-        MOVCS   PC, R14
-        LDR     R3, [PC, R0, LSL #2]
-        ADD     PC, PC, R3
-ExtTable OutputExternals
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        B       %FT05
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        Push    "R4-R11, R14"
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit               ; if cursors are split
-        TEQNE   R0, #1                          ; and reading input cursor
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; then use input cursor
-        BL      CP81                            ; else read output cursor
-        B       %FT20
-        BL      CP79
-        MOV     R2, R1
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        Pull    "R4-R11, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoSetScreenStart - Set top of screen address (display + drivers)
-; in:   R1 -> control block
-;       [R1, #0] = bit mask;    bit 0 set => change drivers address
-;                               bit 1 set => change display address
-;       [R1, #1..4] = byte offset from lowest screen address
-; out:  -
-DoSetScreenStart ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDRB    R3, [R1, #0]                    ; R3 = bitmask
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #1]
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #2]
-        ORR     R0, R0, R2, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #3]
-        ORR     R0, R0, R2, LSL #16
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #4]
-        ORR     R0, R0, R2, LSL #24             ; R0 is now the offset
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        CMP     R0, R2
-        BCS     %FT10                           ; offset too large
-        Push    "R0,R2,R3,R5-R10"
-        MOV     R0, #1
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed]
-                                                ; indicate memory not available
-        BL      PreWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R0,R2,R3,R5-R10"
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R14
-        SUB     R0, R0, R2                      ; make into a LOGRAM address
-        TST     R3, #1
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        Push    R0
-        BL      NewScreenStart
-        Pull    R0
-        TST     R3, #2
-        BLNE    SetVinit               ; program vinit and set DisplayStart
-        Push    "R5-R10"                        ; save registers
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R5-R10"
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NewScreenStart - Update ScreenStart and readdress cursors
-; in:   R0 = new screen start
-; out:  R0, R2 corrupted; all others preserved
-NewScreenStart ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #DisplayScreenStart]
-        BL      SetDisplayScreenStart
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]        ; test if outputting to sprite
-        TEQ     R14, #0                         ; Z => outputting to screen
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; if outputting to sprite, don't update
-                                        ; Screenstart or cursor addresses
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        SUB     R0, R0, R2                      ; R0 := new-old
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        ADD     R14, R14, R0
-        STR     R14, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        ADD     R14, R14, R0
-        STR     R14, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoSetDriverBank - Set VDU driver's screen bank (OSBYTE &70)
-; in:   R1 = bank number (1..n) (NOTE: starts at 1)
-DoSetDriverBank ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOVS    R2, R1
-        BNE     %FT10
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        TST     R1, #Shadowing
-        MOVEQ   R2, #1
-        MOVNE   R2, #2
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: MemDriver] ; old value
-        Push    "R1,R4-R10"             ; save registers
-        BL      ConvertBankToAddress    ; R3 := start address of NEXT bank
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        CMP     R3, R14                 ; if after end, can't do it
-        Pull    "R1,R4-R10,PC", HI      ; so exit
-        STRB    R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed]
-                                        ; indicate memory not available (R2<>0)
-        STRB    R2, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: MemDriver] ; store new value
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DriverBankAddr] ; R0:=old default bank start
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #DisplayScreenStart] ; R2:=old current screen start
-        SUB     R0, R2, R0              ; R0 := (current-default)
-                                        ; in range 1-TotalSize..TotalSize-1
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenSize]
-        SUB     R3, R3, R2              ; default start of THIS bank
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #DriverBankAddr] ; R3 := new default bank start
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3              ; new current start (not bound checked)
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        RSBS    R0, R0, R14
-        ADDLS   R0, R0, R2
-        CMP     R0, R2
-        SUBHI   R0, R0, R2              ; now in bounds (but inverted)
-        RSB     R0, R0, R14
-        Push    R0
-        BL      PreWrchCursor
-        Pull    R0
-        BL      NewScreenStart
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R1,R4-R10,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoSetDisplayBank - Set displayed screen bank (OSBYTE &71)
-; in:   R1 = bank number (1..n) (NOTE: starts at 1)
-DoSetDisplayBank ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOVS    R2, R1
-        BNE     %FT10
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        TST     R1, #Shadowing
-        MOVEQ   R2, #1
-        MOVNE   R2, #2
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: MemDisplay] ; old value
-        Push    "R1,R4-R5"              ; save registers
-        BL      ConvertBankToAddress    ; R3 := start address of NEXT bank
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        CMP     R3, R14                 ; if after end, can't do it
-        Pull    "R1,R4-R5,PC", HI       ; so exit
-        STRB    R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed]
-                                        ; indicate memory not available (R2<>0)
-        STRB    R2, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: MemDisplay] ; store new value
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayBankAddr] ; R0 := old default bank start
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]    ; R2 := old current display start
-        SUB     R0, R2, R0              ; R0 := (current-default)
-                                        ; in range 1-TotalSize..TotalSize-1
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenSize]
-        SUB     R3, R3, R2              ; default start of THIS bank
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #DisplayBankAddr] ; R3 := new default bank start
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3              ; new current start (not bound checked)
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        RSBS    R0, R0, R14
-        ADDLS   R0, R0, R2
-        CMP     R0, R2
-        SUBHI   R0, R0, R2              ; now in bounds (but inverted)
-        RSB     R0, R0, R14
-        BL      SetVinit                ; program vinit and set DisplayStart
-        Pull    "R1,R4-R5,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CP81 - Read output cursor position,
-;       taking C81Bit and CursorFlags into account
-; out:  R0=X, R1=Y
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CP80
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #C81Bit
-        ADDNE   R0, R0, #1                      ; in hidden column, so inc X
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CP79 - Read input cursor position,
-;       taking CursorFlags into account
-; out:  R0=X, R1=Y
-        MOV     R1, #InputCursorX-TWLCol
-        B       CP80R1
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WBotRig - Read coordinates of "bottom right" in user coords
-; out:  R0=X, R1=Y
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #TWLCol
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        LDR     R0, [R5, #TWLCol-TWLCol]            ; get TWLCol
-        LDR     R1, [R5, #TWRCol-TWLCol]            ; get TWRCol
-        SUB     R4, R1, R0
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        B       CP8010
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CP80 - Read cursor position, taking CursorFlags into account
-        MOV     R1, #CursorX-TWLCol
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #TWLCol
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     R2, #2
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        BSR     CP8020
-        MOV     R4, R2
-        MOV     R2, #4
-        ADD     R1, R1, #4
-        MOV     R0, #TWTRow-TWLCol
-        BSR     CP8020
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        TST     R6, #8
-        MOVEQ   R0, R4
-        MOVNE   R1, R4
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        TST     R2, R6
-        EORNE   R0, R0, #8
-        LDR     R2, [R5, R0]
-        LDR     R3, [R5, R1]
-        SUBNE   R2, R2, R3
-        SUBEQ   R2, R3, R2
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_0 - Program "6845"
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; get register number
-        AND     R2, R1, #31             ; address register is 5 bits
-        CMP     R2, #8
-        MOVCC   PC, R14
-        BEQ     Vdu23_0_8
-        CMP     R2, #10
-        BEQ     Vdu23_0_10
-        CMP     R2, #12
-        BCC     Vdu23_0_11
-        [ DoVdu23_0_12
-        BEQ     Vdu23_0_12
-        CMP     R2, #13
-        BEQ     Vdu23_0_13
-        ]
-        B       UnknownVdu23
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_0_8 - Program interlace
-; in:   R1 = unmasked register number (bits 5-7 may be set)
-Vdu23_0_8 ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; value to program into interlace
-        TST     R0, #&80                ; if negative, don't EOR with *TV
-        TSTEQ   R1, #&E0                ; if not register 8, don't EOR
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; don't EOR
-        LDROSB  R1, TVInterlace
-        TST     R1, #1
-        EORNE   R0, R0, #1              ; toggle if *TV n,1 and number +ve
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "R14"
-        MOV     R4, #GraphicsV_SetInterlace
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        Pull    "R14"
- |
-        Push    "R0-R3, R9, R12, LR"
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_SetInterlace
-        Pull    "R0-R3, R9, R12, LR"
- ]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        [ DoVdu23_0_12
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_0_12 - Program "hi" byte of start of screen
-        MOV     R2, #11                 ; starting bit number
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; get parameter
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VinitCopy]
-        MOV     R1, R1, ROR R2          ; move changing bits to bottom
-        BIC     R1, R1, #&FF            ; clear old bits out
-        ORR     R1, R1, R0              ; put in new bits
-        RSB     R2, R2, #32             ; fudge cos we ain't got ROL
-        MOV     R0, R1, ROR R2          ; put back to correct position
-        B       SetVinitPhys
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_0_13 - Program "lo" byte of start of screen
-        MOV     R2, #3                  ; starting bit number
-        B       V23012_10
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_9  - Equivalent of FX 9
-;       Vdu23_10 - Equivalent of FX 10
-; in:   R0 = 9 or 10
-        Push    R14                             ; for the SWI
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]              ; get X parameter
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        Pull    PC, VC                          ; no error, then return
-        Pull    R14                             ; get stack back
-        B       VduBadExit                      ; and tell the world
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoReadVDUStatus - Read VDU status
-; out:  R1 = status
-;       bit 0 set =>    printer enabled by VDU 2
-;       bit 1 set =>    N/A
-;       bit 2 set =>    in page mode
-;       bit 3 set =>    text window in force
-;       bit 4 set =>    in a shadow mode
-;       bit 5 set =>    in VDU 5 mode
-;       bit 6 set =>    cursor editing in progress
-;       bit 7 set =>    VDU disabled (by VDU 21)
-;       R2 corrupted
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]         ; Vdu2, Window, Shadow bits
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R2, #PageMode
-        ORRNE   R1, R1, #&04
-        TST     R2, #Vdu5Bit
-        ORRNE   R1, R1, #&20
-        TST     R2, #CursorsSplit
-        ORRNE   R1, R1, #&40
-        TST     R2, #VduDisabled
-        ORRNE   R1, R1, #&80
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoReadVDUVariable - Read BBC-style VDU variables
-; in:   R1 = variable to read (only &00..&0F are supported)
-; out:  R1 = value of that variable
-;       R2 = value of next variable
-        CMP     R1, #(BBCVduVarsEnd-BBCVduVars)
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                 ; don't support this variable
-        ADR     R3, BBCVduVars          ; point to lookup table
-        LDRB    R0, [R3, R1]!           ; get index for first variable
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, R0]         ; get first variable
-        LDRB    R0, [R3, #1]            ; get index for second variable
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, R0]         ; get second variable
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        EQUB    GWLCol
-        EQUB    GWLCol+1
-        EQUB    GWBRow
-        EQUB    GWBRow+1
-        EQUB    GWRCol
-        EQUB    GWRCol+1
-        EQUB    GWTRow
-        EQUB    GWTRow+1
-        EQUB    TWLCol
-        EQUB    TWBRow
-        EQUB    TWRCol
-        EQUB    TWTRow
-        EQUB    OrgX
-        EQUB    OrgX+1
-        EQUB    OrgY
-        EQUB    OrgY+1
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetCharSizes - Set char sizes for VDU 4 or VDU 5 text
-; in:   QQ+2 = flags:   bit 0 set => set VDU 4 size
-;                       bit 1 set => set VDU 5 size
-;                       bit 2 set => set VDU 5 spacing
-;       QQ+3,4  x size in pixels
-;       QQ+5,6  y size in pixels
-        ASSERT  YEigFactor = XEigFactor +4
-SetCharSizes ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+3]
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+4]
-        ORR     R0, R0, R2, LSL #8      ; R0 = x size
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+5]
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+6]
-        ORR     R1, R1, R2, LSL #8      ; R1 = y size
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #GCharSizes
-        TST     R2, #2                  ; if modifying VDU 5 size
-        STMNEIA R3, {R0, R1}
-        ADD     R3, R3, #8
-        TST     R2, #4                  ; if modifying VDU 5 spacing
-        STMNEIA R3, {R0, R1}
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdu5 b/s/vdu/vdu5
deleted file mode 100644
index ba18836b..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdu5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.Vdu5
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Print a character in VDU 5 mode
-; *****This file has been extensively modified by DJS
-; Alter these at your peril !
-cxl     RN      0
-scr     RN      0
-ecfptr  RN      1
-cword0  RN      1
-cyb     RN      2
-cyt2    RN      2
-scrend  RN      2
-cword1  RN      2
-cxr     RN      3
-cyb2    RN      3
-ormask  RN      3
-cxl2    RN      4
-eormask RN      4
-cyb3    RN      5
-charmsk RN      5
-cword2  RN      5
-cyt     RN      6
-llength RN      6
-chartmp RN      6
-sizex   RN      7
-charptr RN      7
-sizey   RN      8
-invcharshf RN   8
-charbyte RN     9
-cxr2    RN      10
-charshf RN      10
-lgBPC   RN      11
-        Push    R14
-        BL      Vdu5DoChar
-        Pull    R14
-        B       PostCharMove
-; Vdu23_18
-;        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]
-        ADD     ecfptr, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor  ;Base address of OR/EOR pairs
-        Push    "R14"
-        MOV     charbyte, R0                    ;Put character out of harm's
-                                                ;  way
-        ASSERT  cxl < cyt
-        ASSERT  GCsIY = GCsIX +4
-        ADD     cxl, WsPtr, #GCsIX
-        LDMIA   cxl, {cxl, cyt}                 ; cxl=where left pixel would be
-                                                ; cyt=where top pixel would be
-        ASSERT  sizex < sizey
-        ADD     sizex, WsPtr, #GCharSizes
-        LDMIA   sizex, {sizex, sizey}
-        CMP     sizey, #16                      ; if SizeY=8 or SizeY=16
-        TEQNE   sizey, #8                       ;   (leaving CS <=> SizeY=16)
-        TEQEQ   sizex, #8                       ; and SizeX=8, then do it fast
-        BNE     SlowVdu5                        ; else do by scaled char
-        TEQ     charbyte, #127                  ; Which font do we use?
-        ADDNE   charptr, WsPtr, #(Font-32*8)    ; Soft if character not DELETE
-        ADREQL  charptr, HardFont-32*8          ; Hard if character is DELETE
-        ADD     charptr, charptr, charbyte, LSL #3      ;Point at char def
-        MOVCS   charptr, charptr, ASL #1        ; Double address if SizeY = 16
-        SUBCS   charptr, charptr, #1            ;   (tricky code, originally
-                                                ;   designed by TMD)
-        SUB     cyb, cyt, sizey
-        ADD     cyb, cyb, #1                    ; where bottom pixel would be
-        ADD     cxr, cxl, #7                    ; where right pixel would be
-        ASSERT  GWBRow = GWLCol+4
-        ASSERT  GWRCol = GWLCol+8
-        ASSERT  GWTRow = GWLCol+12
-        ASSERT  cyb3 > cxl2
-        ASSERT  cxr2 > cyb3
-        ASSERT  R14 > cxr2
-        ADD     cxl2, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        LDMIA   cxl2, {cxl2, cyb3, cxr2, R14}
-        Greatest cxl2, cxl2, cxl                ; cxl2 := windowed left
-                                                ;   (2 instructions)
-        Least   cxr2, cxr2, cxr                 ; cxr2 := windowed right
-                                                ;   (2 instructions)
-        Greatest cyb2, cyb3, cyb                ; cyb2 := windowed bottom
-                                                ;   (3 instructions)
-        Least   cyt2, R14, cyt                  ; cyt2 := windowed top
-                                                ;   (3 instructions)
-        SUBS    cyb2, cyt2, cyb2                ; top >= bottom ?
-        CMPGE   cxr2, cxl2                      ; and right >= left ?
-        Pull    "PC", LT                        ; Exit if not. Otherwise cyb2
-                                                ;   has become clipped height
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]      ; update changed box, if wanted
-        TST     R14, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    ClipVdu5
-        ADD     charptr, charptr, cyt           ; adjust charptr to point at
-        SUB     charptr, charptr, cyt2          ;   first used row of character
-        MOV     charmsk, #&FF                   ; Produce mask to do left/right
-        SUB     R14, cxl2, cxl                  ;   clipping
-        MOV     charmsk, charmsk, LSR R14
-        SUB     R14, cxr2, cxl2
-        ADD     R14, R14, #1
-        BIC     charmsk, charmsk, charmsk, LSR R14
-        TEQ     sizey, #16                      ; If double height, signal this
-        ORREQ   charmsk, charmsk, #1:SHL:31     ;   by making charmsk negative
-        ASSERT  llength > scr
-        ASSERT  LineLength = YWindLimit+4
-        LDR     lgBPC, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]        ; Address point at (cxl, cyt2),
-        MOV     charshf, cxl, LSL lgBPC         ;   putting address in scr, bit
-        ADD     scr, WsPtr, #YWindLimit         ;   offset in charshf and
-        LDMIA   scr, {scr, llength}             ;   adjusting ecfptr
-        SUB     scr, scr, cyt2
-        AND     R14, scr, #7
-        ADD     ecfptr, ecfptr, R14, LSL #3
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        MLA     scr, llength, scr, R14
-        MOV     R14, charshf, ASR #5
-        ADD     scr, scr, R14, LSL #2
-        AND     charshf, charshf, #31
-        MLA     scrend, llength, cyb2, scr      ;Calculate terminating address
-        RSB     invcharshf, charshf, #32        ;And inverse shift
-        ASSERT  eormask > ormask
-        LDMIA   ecfptr!, {ormask, eormask}      ;Pick up ecf info and advance
-        TST     ecfptr, #63                     ;  ecf pointer, wrapping if
-        SUBEQ   ecfptr, ecfptr, #64             ;  necessary
-        ASSERT  HardFont < &40000000 :LOR: HardFont >= &C0000000
-        ASSERT  WsPtr < &40000000 :LOR: WsPtr >= &C0000000
-        TEQ     charmsk, #0                     ; Double height? (MI=yes)
-        LDRMIB  charbyte, [charptr, -charptr, ASR #1] ; Use ASR, as font will be at
-        LDRPLB  charbyte, [charptr]             ; top or bottom of memory (zero page,
-        ADD     charptr, charptr, #1            ; system heap or ROM)
-        ANDS    charbyte, charbyte, charmsk     ;Clip left & right; skip loop
-        BEQ     Vdu5TryNextLine                 ;  body if nothing to plot
-        Push    "ecfptr,scrend,charmsk,llength,charptr"
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]   ;Address correct expansion
-        ADD     charptr, charbyte, #&100        ;  table entry, assuming that
-        ADD     charptr, R14, charptr, LSL lgBPC        ;  this is not mode 10 or greater
-        CMP     lgBPC, #1                       ;Pick up this entry:
-        LDRLSB  cword0, [charptr, #0]           ;  1 byte if lgBPC = 0
-        LDREQB  R14, [charptr, #1]              ;  2 bytes if lgBPC = 1
-        ORREQ   cword0, cword0, R14, LSL #8
-        MOV     cword1, #0
-        BLS     Vdu5DoOneWord
-        CMP     lgBPC, #3
-        LDRLO   cword0, [charptr, #0]           ;  1 word if lgBPC = 2
-        BLO     Vdu5DoOneWord
-        BHI     Vdu5Mode10                      ;  4 words if lgBPC = 4
-        LDMIA   charptr, {cword0, cword1}       ;  2 words if lgBPC = 3
-        MOVS    cword2, cword1, LSR invcharshf
-        MACRO
-$l      DoVdu5Word $c, $reg, $off
-        LDR$c   chartmp, [scr, #$off]
-        AND$c   R14, ormask, $reg
-        ORR$c   chartmp, chartmp, R14
-        AND$c   R14, eormask, $reg
-        EOR$c   chartmp, chartmp, R14
-        STR$c   chartmp, [scr, #$off]
-        MEND
-        DoVdu5Word NE, cword2, 8
-        MOV     cword1, cword1, LSL charshf
-        ORRS    cword1, cword1, cword0, LSR invcharshf
-        DoVdu5Word NE, cword1, 4
-        MOVS    cword0, cword0, LSL charshf
-        DoVdu5Word NE, cword0, 0
-        Pull    "ecfptr,scrend,charmsk,llength,charptr"
-        TEQ     scr, scrend
-        ADDNE   scr, scr, llength
-        BNE     Vdu5NextLine
-        Pull    "PC"
-; This is mode 10 (or similar) - we must do bit expansion on the fly
-        CMP     lgBPC, #5                       ; is this a 32 bit per pixel mode, if so then ignore the
-        BEQ     Vdu5Mode32                      ; existing code and use a newer function
-        ADRL    charptr, C16BTab
-        AND     R14, charbyte, #&0F
-        ADD     R14, charptr, R14, LSL #3
-        LDMIA   R14, {cword0, cword1}
-        MOVS    cword2, cword1, LSR invcharshf
-        DoVdu5Word NE, cword2, 16
-        MOV     cword1, cword1, LSL charshf
-        ORRS    cword1, cword1, cword0, LSR invcharshf
-        DoVdu5Word NE, cword1, 12
-        MOVS    cword2, cword0, LSL charshf
-        AND     R14, charbyte, #&F0
-        ADD     R14, charptr, R14, LSR #1
-        LDMIA   R14, {cword0, cword1}
-        ORRS    cword2, cword2, cword1, LSR invcharshf
-        B       Vdu5DoTwoWords
-; Expand the character data out to 32 bit per pixel (mode 48 or similar)
-        MACRO
-$l      PixMunge32 $reg, $mask, $offset
-        TST     $reg, #$mask
-        LDRNE   chartmp, [scr, #$offset]
-        ORRNE   chartmp, chartmp, ormask
-        EORNE   chartmp, chartmp, eormask
-        STRNE   chartmp, [scr, #$offset]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$l      PixSolid32 $reg, $mask, $offset
-        TST     $reg, #$mask
-        STRNE   chartmp, [scr, #$offset]
-        MEND
-; Perform bit expansion on the fly, this is a word based operation, no need to
-; extract sub-pixels from the ORR / EOR masks, simply perform the bit test and
-; then write the character data to the screen!
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP     ormask, #&FFFFFFFF
-        BNE     Vdu5Mode32_NotSolid
-        MVN     chartmp, eormask
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<7, 0
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<6, 4
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<5, 8
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<4, 12
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<3, 16
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<2, 20
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<1, 24
-        PixSolid32 charbyte, 1<<0, 28
-        B       Vdu5LinePainted
- ]
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<7, 0
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<6, 4
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<5, 8
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<4, 12
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<3, 16
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<2, 20
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<1, 24
-        PixMunge32 charbyte, 1<<0, 28
-        B       Vdu5LinePainted                 ; flow down and try the next line
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Slow VDU 5 - Print char by scaled method (in SprExtend)
-; in:   R1 (ecfptr)   = pointer to ecf pattern
-;       R7 (sizex)    = SizeX
-;       R8 (sizey)    = SizeY
-;       R9 (charbyte) = character to plot
-;       Stack:  Return address
-        ASSERT  ecfptr   = R1
-        ASSERT  sizex    = R7
-        ASSERT  sizey    = R8
-        ASSERT  charbyte = R9
-SlowVdu5 ROUT
-        MOV     R10, R1                         ; R10 := ecfptr
-; now save current GCOL on stack if necessary
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor
-        TEQ     R10, R11                        ; if going to use this one
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; then skip
-        MOV     R0, #64                         ; 64 bytes
-        LDMIA   R11, {R3-R6}                    ; copy old GCOL into stack
-        Push    "R3-R6"                         ;   frame, reversing order of
-                                                ;   16 byte chunks
-        LDMIA   R10!, {R3-R6}                   ; copy new colour
-        STMIA   R11!, {R3-R6}                   ; into GCOL
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #16
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     R4, #8
-        MOV     R5, #8
-        Push    "R4,R5"
-        Push    "R7,R8"
-        MOV     R6, R13                         ; R6 -> scaling block
-        SUB     R1, R8, #1                      ; SizeY-1
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #YEigFactor]
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #GCsX
-        LDMIA   R3, {R3, R4}                    ; R3 = ext X; R4 = ext Y (top)
-        SUB     R4, R4, R1, LSL R5              ; R4 = ext Y (bottom)
-        MOV     R1, R9                          ; R1 = char
-        MOV     R0, #SpriteReason_PaintCharScaled
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4*4                  ; junk scaling block
-        TEQ     R10, R11                        ; if we didn't copy GCOLs
-        Pull    "PC", EQ                        ; then return, else copy back
-        MOV     R0, #64
-        Pull    "R3-R6"                         ; Reverse order of 16 byte
-        STMDB   R11!, {R3-R6}                   ; chunks during copy again
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #16
-        BNE     %BT30
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDU 5 - Start printing text at graphics cursor
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BSR     CursorOnOff                     ; turn cursor off without
-                                                ; saving to copy
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        ORR     R6, R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        B       R6toCursorFlags
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDU 4 - Return to printing text at text cursor
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        MOVNE   PC,LR
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        BSR     CursorOnOff                     ; restore cursor from copy
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        BIC     R6, R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        B       R6toCursorFlags
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5HT - Move cursor "right" when in VDU 5 mode
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        Push    R14
-        BL      GCursorMove             ; try to move in +ve X direction
-        BCC     EndVdu5HT               ; if successful, finish
-        BL      GCursorB0               ; else move cursor to -ve X boundary
-        EOR     R6, R6, #8              ; change to +ve Y direction
-        BL      GCursorMove             ; try to move in that direction
-        BLCS    GCursorB0               ; if unsuccessful, move to -ve Y bdy
-        Pull    R14
-        B       IEG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5BS - Move cursor "left" when in VDU 5 mode
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        EOR     R6, R6, #6              ; go to -ve X direction
-        B       Vdu5HT                  ; dead easy, huh ?
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5LF - Move cursor "down" when in VDU 5 mode
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        Push    R14
-        B       Vdu5HT10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5VT - Move cursor "up" when in VDU 5 mode
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        EOR     R6, R6, #6              ; go to -ve Y direction (eventually)
-        B       Vdu5LF
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5CR - Carriage return in VDU 5 mode
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        BSR     GCursorB0
-        B       IEG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5FF - Clear screen in VDU 5 mode
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        BSR     Home
-        B       CLG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5TAB - TAB(X,Y) in VDU 5 mode
-; in:   R0 = X, R1 = Y, R6 = CursorFlags
-        BSR     GCursorBdy
-        EOR     R6, R6, #8
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        BSR     GCursorBdy
-        B       IEG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu5Delete - Delete in VDU 5 mode (already done backspace)
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        ADD     ecfptr, WsPtr, #BgEcfStore ; STORE background colour/ecf
-        MOV     R0, #127                   ; uses hard font for this char
-        B       Vdu5DoChar10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GCursorMove - Move graphics cursor in direction specified by R6
-;       (0,4 = right; 2,6 = left; 8,10 = down; 12,14 = up)
-;       R6 is preserved
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #GCsIX
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0, R1}                    ; R0 = GCsIX; R1 = GCsIY
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #GCharSpacing+8      ; +8 needed to address it
-        LDMDB   R2, {R2, R3}                    ; R2=GCharSpaceX;R3=GCharSpaceY
-        WINDow  R0, R1, R8,R9,R10,R11           ; return LT if outside window
-        ADR     R7, GCMVTab
-        B       DoJumpTable
-        &       GMoveRight-GCMVTab
-        &       GMoveLeft-GCMVTab
-        &       GMoveRight-GCMVTab
-        &       GMoveLeft-GCMVTab
-        &       GMoveDown-GCMVTab
-        &       GMoveDown-GCMVTab
-        &       GMoveUp-GCMVTab
-        &       GMoveUp-GCMVTab
-; Move graphics cursor right if possible - on exit C=0 iff OK to move
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2              ; add on GCharSpaceX
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCsIX]
-        BLT     GMoveOK                 ; if we were outside already
-        TST     R6, #&40                ; or we are in nowrap mode
-        BNE     GMoveOK                 ; then we were OK to move
-        WINDow  R0, R1, R8,R9,R10,R11
-        BGE     GMoveOK                 ; if inside now, then OK
-        SEC
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        CLC
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move graphics cursor left if possible - on exit C=0 iff OK to move
-        SUB     R0, R0, R2              ; subtract off GCharSpaceX
-        B       GMove10
-; Move graphics cursor down if possible - on exit C=0 iff OK to move
-        SUB     R1, R1, R3              ; subtract off GCharSpaceY
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #GCsIY]
-        B       GMove15
-; Move graphics cursor up if possible - on exit C=0 iff OK to move
-        ADD     R1, R1, R3              ; add on GCharSpaceY
-        B       GMove20
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Move graphics cursor to boundary indicated by value of R6 in bits 1-3
-;       (0 or 4 = left, 2 or 6 = right, 8 or 10 = up, 12 or 14 = down)
-;       + R0 character positions in
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        ADR     R7, GCBDYTab
-        B       DoJumpTable
-        &       GCursorLBdy-GCBDYTab
-        &       GCursorRBdy-GCBDYTab
-        &       GCursorLBdy-GCBDYTab
-        &       GCursorRBdy-GCBDYTab
-        &       GCursorUBdy-GCBDYTab
-        &       GCursorUBdy-GCBDYTab
-        &       GCursorDBdy-GCBDYTab
-        &       GCursorDBdy-GCBDYTab
-; Move graphics cursor to left boundary + R0 characters in
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #GWLCol]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #GCharSpaceX]
-        MLA     R0, R2, R0, R7                  ; GCsIX := GWLCol + (X*SpaceX)
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCsIX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move graphics cursor to right boundary + R0 characters in
-; (adjust for character size)
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #GWRCol]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #GCharSizeX]
-        SUB     R7, R2, R7                      ; R7 = SizeX-GWRCol
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #GCharSpaceX]
-        MLA     R0, R2, R0, R7                  ; R0 = SizeX-GWRCol+X*SpaceX
-        RSB     R0, R0, #1                      ; GWRCol-X*SpaceX-(SizeX-1)
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCsIX]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move graphics cursor to up boundary + R0 characters in
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #GCharSpaceY]
-        RSB     R2, R2, #0                      ; -SizeY
-        MLA     R0, R2, R0, R7                  ; GWTRow-Y*SizeY
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCsIY]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Move graphics cursor to down boundary + R0 characters in
-; (adjust for character size)
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #GWBRow]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #GCharSpaceY]
-        MLA     R0, R2, R0, R7                  ; GWBRow+Y*SpaceY
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #GCharSizeY]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1                      ; GWBRow+Y*SpaceY+(SizeY-1)
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCsIY]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClipVdu5 - Add a VDU 5 char to clip box
-; in:   cxl2 = left
-;       cyb2 = top-bottom
-;       cxr2 = right
-;       cyt2 = top
-; out:  All registers preserved
-        ASSERT  (cxl2=R4) :LAND: (cyb2=R3) :LAND: (cxr2=R10) :LAND: (cyt2=R2)
-ClipVdu5 ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3, R4, R10, R14"
-        MOV     R0, cxl2
-        SUB     R1, cyt2, cyb2       ; top-(top-bottom) = bottom
-        MOV     R3, cyt2
-        MOV     R2, cxr2
-        BL      MergeClipBox
-        Pull    "R0-R3, R4, R10, PC"
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vducursoft b/s/vdu/vducursoft
deleted file mode 100644
index e25dc363..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vducursoft
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,712 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduCurSoft
-SlowCursorSpeed * 16
-FastCursorSpeed * 8
-OnFlashTime * 48
-OffFlashTime * 16
-;       InitCursor - initialise cursor shape and address
-InitCursor ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode               ; if teletext mode
-        MOVNE   R0, #&72                        ; then start at 9 (slow flash)
-        MOVEQ   R0, #&67                        ; else start at 7 (slow flash)
-        BL      ProgReg10AndCopy
-        MOV     R0, #1                          ; set to flash immediately
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]     ; AFTER setting CursorSpeed
-                                                ; in case VSYNC happens
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        TEQ     R1, #0                          ; if outputting to sprite
-        MOVNE   R0, #&20                        ; then turn cursor off
-        BLNE    ProgReg10AndCopy
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowMult]           ; 8 or 10 or 16 or 20
-        Pull    R14
-; and drop thru to ...
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MUL     R2, R1, R0
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorEndOffset]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MUL     R2, R1, R0
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorStartOffset]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Cursors are split, so remove output cursor
-DoOutputCursor ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #3                  ; and end after 8 rows
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R0, #Flag_DoubleVertical        ; if double vertical
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, R1                      ; end after 16 rows
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; start on top line
-        BL      EORCursor
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]   ; flashing cursor is at input
-        Pull    R14
-        B       PreWC10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PreWrchCursor - Remove cursors prior to Wrch
-; out:  R6 = new CursorFlags; R5,R7 preserved; others corrupted
-; Need to disable IRQs here to stop Vsync modifying CursorFlags in between
-; us reading it and writing it
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R3, CPSR
-        ORR     R1, R3, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R1
- |
-        SETPSR  I_bit, R1
- ]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOVS    R0, R6, LSL #(32-InWrchBitPosn) ; CS => was already off
-        ORRCC   R6, R6, #InWrchBit              ; protect against vsyncs
-        STRCC   R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]
-        MOV     R0, R0, RRX                     ; shift down + put current
-                                                ; state in top bit
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]
- [ No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R3                      ; restore old I bit
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                         ; already off, so exit
- |
-        MOVCSS  PC, R14                         ; already off, so exit
-                                                ; (restoring I_bit)
-        TEQP    R14, #0                         ; restore old I_bit
- ]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]        ; point to output
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        BNE     DoOutputCursor
-        TST     R6, #ActualState
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; flash cursor is off anyway
-        BIC     R6, R6, #ActualState
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-; and drop thru to EORFlashCursor
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       EORCursor - Exclusive-OR cursor with screen
-; in:   R0 = Start offset from top of cursor
-;       R1 = End+1 offset
-;       R2 = Screen address of appropriate cursor
-;       R6 = CursorFlags
-; out:  R5-R7 preserved; R0-R4, R8-R11 corrupted
-        ASSERT  CursorEndOffset-CursorStartOffset=4
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #CursorStartOffset
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0,R1}
-        CMP     R0, R1
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                 ; top >= bottom, so nowt
-        ADD     R1, R1, R2
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        ASSERT  CursorNbit = CursorFill +4
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #CursorFill
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4, PC}            ; load CursorFill and CursorNbit
-        LDRB    R8, [R0, R2]!
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        STRB    R8, [R0], R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        LDRB    R8, [R0]
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        STRB    R8, [R0], R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     Cursor1loop
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2
-        LDRB    R8, [R0, #1]
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        STRB    R8, [R0, #1]
-        LDRB    R8, [R0]
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        STRB    R8, [R0], R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     Cursor2loop
-        MOV     PC, R14
-    [ TTX256
-        ASSERT  HiResTTX
-        Push    "R0, R1, R14"
-        ADD     R0, R0, #320*1024               ; go to other screen
-        ADD     R1, R1, #320*1024
-        BL      Cursor16bit
-        Pull    "R0, R1, R14"
-        B       Cursor16bit
-    |
-      [ HiResTTX
-        Push    "R0, R1, R14"
-        ADD     R0, R0, #160*1024               ; go to other screen
-        ADD     R1, R1, #160*1024
-        BL      Cursor8bit
-        Pull    "R0, R1, R14"
-        B       Cursor8bit
-      |
-        Push    "R0, R1, R14"
-        ADD     R0, R0, #40*1024                ; go to other screen
-        ADD     R1, R1, #40*1024
-        BL      Cursor4bit
-        Pull    "R0, R1, R14"
-; and drop thru to ...
-      ]
-    ]
-        LDR     R8, [R0, R2]!
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        STR     R8, [R0], R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        LDR     R8, [R0]
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        STR     R8, [R0], R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     Cursor4loop
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2
-        LDMIA   R0, {R8,R9}
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        EOR     R9, R9, R4
-        STMIA   R0, {R8,R9}
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     Cursor8loop
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2
-        LDMIA   R0, {R8-R11}
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        EOR     R9, R9, R4
-        EOR     R10, R10, R4
-        EOR     R11, R11, R4
-        STMIA   R0, {R8-R11}
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     Cursor16loop
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2
-        SUB     R3, R3, #32
-        LDMIA   R0, {R8-R11}
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        EOR     R9, R9, R4
-        EOR     R10, R10, R4
-        EOR     R11, R11, R4
-        STMIA   R0!, {R8-R11}
-        LDMIA   R0, {R8-R11}
-        EOR     R8, R8, R4
-        EOR     R9, R9, R4
-        EOR     R10, R10, R4
-        EOR     R11, R11, R4
-        STMIA   R0!, {R8-R11}
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     Cursor32loop
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PostWrchCursor - Put back cursors after Wrch
-; out:  R6 = new CursorFlags, R5,R7 preserved, all others undefined
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSL #1
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                         ; we're still off, so do nowt
-        Push    R14
-        [       ForceMark
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]
-        TEQ     R0, #0                          ; are we flashing
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorSpeed]       ; force to start of mark state
-        STRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]
-        MOVNE   R0, #ActualState
-        STRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorDesiredState]
-        ]
-        [       RePlot
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorDesiredState]
-        EOR     R1, R1, R6              ; EOR of desired and actual
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #ActualState    ; just get that bit
-        BEQ     PWC10                   ; same, then go home
-        EOR     R6, R1, R6              ; EOR actual bit
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        BL      EORFlashCursor
-        ]
-        BIC     R6, R6, #InWrchBit              ; coming out of wrch now
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        STREQ   R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; return if no output cursor
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #3                  ; and end after 8 rows
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R0, #Flag_DoubleVertical        ; if double vertical
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, R1                      ; end after 16 rows
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; start on top line
-        BL      EORCursor
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; only clear it now ?
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-VsyncCall ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R11,R14"
- [ AssemblePointerV
-        BL      PollPointer
- ]
-        BL      UpdatePointer
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BLNE    TeletextFlashTest               ; if TTX, do other stuff
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorDesiredState]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        LDREQ   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorSpeed]       ; if is zero, reload
-        EOREQ   R1, R1, #ActualState            ; and toggle desired state
-        STREQ   R1, [WsPtr, #CursorDesiredState]
-        STRCS   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]     ; store back unless was frozen
-        TST     R6, #InWrchBit
-        Pull    "R0-R11,PC", NE         ; in wrch, so don't touch screen
-                                        ; or modify CursorFlags
-        EOR     R1, R1, R6              ; EOR of desired and actual
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #ActualState    ; just get that bit
-        Pull    "R0-R11,PC", EQ         ; same, then go home
-        EOR     R6, R1, R6              ; EOR actual bit
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        BL      EORFlashCursor
-        Pull    "R0-R11,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-TeletextFlashTest ROUT
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #TeletextCount]
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BNE     %FT20                           ; count not expired
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
-    [ TTX256
-        ASSERT  HiResTTX
-        EORS    R1, R1, #320*1024               ; switch to other flash bank
-    |
-      [ HiResTTX
-        EORS    R1, R1, #160*1024               ; switch to other flash bank
-      |
-        EORS    R1, R1, #40*1024                ; switch to other flash bank
-      ]
-    ]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
-        MOVEQ   R3, #OnFlashTime
-        MOVNE   R3, #OffFlashTime
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        BL      SetVinit                        ; preserves R3
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #TeletextCount]
-        B       VsyncReturn
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_0_10 - Program cursor start, flash/steady, on/off
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; get parameter
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #Reg10Copy]
-; and drop thru to ...
-        AND     R1, R0, #&60
-        CMP     R1, #&40
-        BCS     IsFlashing
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]       ; freeze the flashing
-        TST     R1, #&20
-        MOVEQ   R2, #ActualState                ; steady cursor
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorDesiredState]
-        B       PR1010
-        TST     R1, #&20
-        MOVEQ   R2, #FastCursorSpeed
-        MOVNE   R2, #SlowCursorSpeed
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorSpeed]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]
-        TEQ     R2, #0                          ; was flashing frozen ?
-                                                ; if not, don't perturb flash
-        MOVEQ   R2, #1                          ; set to flash immediately
-        STREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]
-        AND     R0, R0, #&1F                    ; get start position bits
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode               ; if teletext mode
-        MOVNE   R0, R0, LSR #1                  ; then divide by 2
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R1, #Flag_DoubleVertical        ; if double vertical
-        MOVNE   R0, R0, LSL #1                  ; then double cursor value
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        CMP     R0, R1                          ; is it > rowmult ?
-        MOVHI   R0, R1                          ; set to rowmult if so
-        B       SetCursorTop
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_0_11 - Program cursor end
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; get parameter
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode       ; if teletext
-        MOVNE   R0, R0, LSR #1          ; then divide by 2
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1              ; get end line +1
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R1, #Flag_DoubleVertical ; if double vertical
-        MOVNE   R0, R0, LSL #1           ; then double cursor value
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        CMP     R0, R1
-        MOVHI   R0, R1                  ; if > rowmult, set to rowmult
-        B       SetCursorBottom
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_1 - Program cursor
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R0, #Vdu5Bit
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; none of this nonsense in VDU5 mode
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; get parameter
-        CMP     R1, #1
-        MOVCC   R0, #&20                ; 0 -> just turn off
-        LDRCS   R0, [WsPtr, #Reg10Copy] ; 1,2,3 -> read old state
-        BLS     ProgReg10               ; 0,1 -> program hardware
-        TEQ     R1, #2
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #&60            ; 2 -> steady
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #&60            ; 3 -> slow flashing
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #Reg10Copy] ; save in copy
-        B       ProgReg10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoCursorEdit
-; in:   R0 = &87 => COPY
-;            &88 => cursor left
-;            &89 => cursor right
-;            &8A => cursor down
-;            &8B => cursor up
-; out:  C=0 => doing COPY and valid character
-;       C=1    otherwise
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TEQ     R0, #&87
-        BNE     IsCursorMove
-; COPY character under cursor
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        BEQ     BadCopyExit             ; cursors not split so don't copy
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     BadCopyExit             ; can't copy in VDU5 mode
-        BL      ReadCharacter
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     BadCopyExit
-        BL      VDUBE                   ; is a cursor movement valid ?
-        BNE     DoCE10
-        Push    R0
-        BL      PreWrchCursor
-        BL      InputCursorHT
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    R0
-        CLC
-        Pull    PC
-        BL      BEL                     ; make bell sound
-        SEC
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDUBE - Check if valid to move cursor
-; out:  R0 preserved
-;       R1 = 0 => OK, R1<>0 => OK
-;       R6 = CursorFlags
-;       Z => OK, NZ => not OK
-;       C = 1
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        LDROSB  R1, VDUqueueItems               ; zero if not buffering
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        ANDEQS  R1, R6, #Vdu5Bit                ; zero if not in VDU 5 mode
-; insert check for vdu disabled here
-        CMP     R1, #0                          ; set Z on R1, C:=1
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-        Push    R14
-        BL      VDUBE
-        Pull    PC, NE
-        Push    R0
-        BL      PreWrchCursor                   ; remove both cursors
-        Pull    R0
-        BL      ICM10
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        SEC
-        Pull    PC
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        BNE     AlreadySplit
-        Push    R0
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #Reg10Copy]
-        AND     R0, R0, #&DF                    ; use double flash rate
-        BSR     ProgReg10
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]           ; copy parameters
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        ORR     R6, R6, #CursorsSplit
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        Pull    R0
-        CMP     R0, #&89
-        BCC     InputCursorLeft         ; &88
-        BEQ     InputCursorRight        ; &89
-        CMP     R0, #&8B
-        BCC     InputCursorDown         ; &8A
-; and drop thru to ...
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        LDRLT   R1, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]      ; need signed comparison
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]   ; in case Y went -ve
-        MOVGE   PC, R14
-        B       AddressInputCursor
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        LDRHI   R1, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]
-        STRLS   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        MOVLS   PC, R14
-; and drop thru to ...
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]
-        BL      AddressR0R1
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        Pull    PC
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        BEQ     AddressCursor
-        BSR     AddressInputCursor
-        B       AddressCursor
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      |
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      ]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        LDRLT   R0, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]   ; I do mean GE !
-        MOVGE   PC, R14
-        BSR     AddressInputCursor
-        B       InputCursorUp
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      |
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      ]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        LDRHI   R0, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]
-        STRLS   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        MOVLS   PC, R14
-        BSR     AddressInputCursor
-        B       InputCursorDown
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InputCursorHT - move input cursor "right" after copying
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        BL      InputCursorMove
-        BCC     ICHTExit
-        BL      InputCursorB0
-        BL      AddressInputCursor
-        EOR     R6, R6, #8
-        BL      InputCursorMove
-        BLCS    InputCursorB0
-        Pull    R14
-        B       AddressInputCursor
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdudecl b/s/vdu/vdudecl
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a982a7..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdudecl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduDecl
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver workspace and macro declarations
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   5.9.86
-        GBLL ForceMark                  ; whether we force start of mark state
-ForceMark    SETL   {FALSE}             ; of cursor on exit from WRCH
-        GBLL RePlot                     ; Re-plot cursor after wrch
-RePlot  SETL {TRUE}
-        GBLL UseVLineOnSolidLines       ; When TRUE VLine is assembled and used
-UseVLineOnSolidLines  SETL {TRUE}       ; to plot vertical solid lines
-        GBLL AvoidScreenReads           ; When TRUE, use extra code to avoid
-AvoidScreenReads      SETL {TRUE}       ; reading the screen when we can avoid it
-; Register usage
-; ==============
-StkPtr  RN 13    ;Restore on exit to keep BASIC happy!!
-Link    RN 14
-; Manifest constants
-; ==================
-PhysCursorStartAdr * CursorSoundPhysRAM
-; Reason codes for generalised DAG interface
-HALDAG_VInit   *       0
-HALDAG_VStart  *       1
-HALDAG_VEnd    *       2
-HALDAG_VRender *       3
- [ ModeSelectors
-; OS_ScreenMode reason codes
-ScreenModeReason_SelectMode             *       0
-ScreenModeReason_ReturnMode             *       1
-ScreenModeReason_EnumerateModes         *       2
-ScreenModeReason_SelectMonitorType      *       3
-ScreenModeReason_Limit                  *       4
-; Mode selector format
-                        ^       0
-ModeSelector_Flags      #       4       ; flags word
-ModeSelector_XRes       #       4       ; x-resolution in pixels
-ModeSelector_YRes       #       4       ; y-resolution in pixels
-ModeSelector_PixelDepth #       4       ; pixel depth (=Log2BPP)
-ModeSelector_FrameRate  #       4       ; nominal frame rate (in Hz)
-ModeSelector_ModeVars   #       0       ; start of pairs of (mode var index, value)
-ModeSelectorFlags_FormatMask    *       &FF
-ModeSelectorFlags_ValidFormat   *       1
-ModeSelector_MaxSize    *       ModeSelector_ModeVars+(NumModeVars * 8)+4
-                                        ; maximum size of a mode selector, with each mode variable overridden
-                                        ; plus terminator on end
- ]
-; Macro Definitions
-; =================
-; Macro Sort - Sort two values into increasing order
-        MACRO
-        Sort    $lo, $hi
-        CMP     $hi, $lo
-        EORLT   $lo, $lo, $hi
-        EORLT   $hi, $lo, $hi
-        EORLT   $lo, $lo, $hi
-        MEND
-; Macro SortT - Sort two values into increasing order using a temporary reg
-        MACRO
-        SortT   $lo, $hi, $temp
-        SUBS    $temp, $hi, $lo
-        MOVLT   $hi, $lo
-        ADDLT   $lo, $lo, $temp
-        MEND
-; Macro CompSwap - Compare and sort a pair of coordinates into
-;                    order of increasing Y
-;                  If Y values equal, sort in order of decreasing X
-        MACRO
-        CompSwap $xl,$yl, $xh,$yh
-        CMP     $yh, $yl
-        EORLT   $yl, $yl, $yh
-        EORLT   $yh, $yl, $yh
-        EORLT   $yl, $yl, $yh
-        CMPEQ   $xl, $xh
-        EORLT   $xl, $xl, $xh
-        EORLT   $xh, $xl, $xh
-        EORLT   $xl, $xl, $xh
-        MEND
-; Macro CompSwapT - Compare and sort a pair of coordinates into
-;                    order of increasing Y
-;                   If Y values equal, sort in order of decreasing X
-;                   Uses a temporary register
-        MACRO
-        CompSwapT $xl,$yl, $xh,$yh, $temp
-        SortT   $yl, $yh, $temp
-        CMPEQ   $xl, $xh
-        EORLT   $xl, $xl, $xh
-        EORLT   $xh, $xl, $xh
-        EORLT   $xl, $xl, $xh
-        MEND
-; Macro Difference - rc := ABS(ra-rb)
-;                    Test GE/LT for ra>=rb / ra<rb
-        MACRO
-        Difference $rc,$ra,$rb
-        SUBS $rc,$ra,$rb
-        RSBLT $rc,$rc,#0
-        MEND
-; Macro Least - Select the smallest value (signed)
-        MACRO
-        Least $rc,$ra,$rb
-        CMP $ra,$rb
-       [ $rc = $ra
-       |
-        MOVLE $rc,$ra
-       ]
-       [ $rc = $rb
-       |
-        MOVGT $rc,$rb
-       ]
-        MEND
-; Macro Greatest - Select the largest (signed) value
-        MACRO
-        Greatest $rc,$ra,$rb
-        CMP $ra,$rb
-       [ $rc = $ra
-       |
-        MOVGE $rc,$ra
-       ]
-       [ $rc = $rb
-       |
-        MOVLT $rc,$rb
-       ]
-        MEND
-; Macro PackXtnd - pack 2 bytes into 1 word and sign extend
-        MACRO
-        PackXtnd $result,$hi,$lo
-        [ $lo = $result
-          ADD $result,$lo,$hi,LSL #8
-          MOV $result,$result,LSL #16
-          MOV $result,$result,ASR #16
-        |
-          MOV $result,$hi,LSL #24
-          ORR $result,$lo,$result,ASR #16
-        ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        LoadCoordPair   $x, $y, $basereg, $offset
-        ASSERT  $x < $y
-        [ ($offset) :AND: 3 = 2
-          ADD   $x, $basereg, #($offset)-2
-          LDMIA $x, {$x, $y}                ; (Xh,Xl,??,??) (??,??,Yh,Yl)
-          MOV   $x, $x, ASR #16             ; (Xs,Xs,Xh,Xl)
-          MOV   $y, $y, LSL #16             ;               (Yh,Yl, 0, 0)
-          MOV   $y, $y, ASR #16             ;               (Ys,Ys,Yh,Yl)
-        |
-          [ ($offset) :AND: 3 = 0
-            LDR   $x, [$basereg, #$offset]  ; (Yh,Yl,Xh,Xl)
-          |
-          [ ($offset) :AND: 3 = 1
-            ADD   $x, $basereg, #($offset)-1
-            LDMIA $x, {$x, $y}              ; (Yl,Xh,Xl,??) (??,??,??,Yh)
-            MOV   $x, $x, LSR #8            ; ( 0,Yl,Xh,Xl)
-            ORR   $x, $x, $y, LSL #24       ; (Yh,Yl,Xh,Xl)
-          |
-            ADD   $x, $basereg, #($offset)-3
-            LDMIA $x, {$x, $y}              ; (Xl,??,??,??) (??,Yh,Yl,Xh)
-            MOV   $x, $x, LSR #24           ; ( 0, 0, 0,Xl)
-            ORR   $x, $x, $y, LSL #8        ; (Yh,Yl,Xh,Xl)
-          ]
-          ]
-          MOV   $y, $x, ASR #16             ;               (Ys,Ys,Yh,Yl)
-          MOV   $x, $x, LSL #16             ; (Xh,Xl, 0, 0)
-          MOV   $x, $x, ASR #16             ; (Xs,Xs,Xh,Xl)
-        ]
-        MEND
-; Macro SaveRetAdr - Push R14 to our pseudo stack
-        MACRO
-        SaveRetAdr
-        Push    R14
-        MEND
-; Macro Return - Pull from stack into PC
-        MACRO
-        Return $cond
-        LDM$cond.FD StkPtr!, {PC}
-        MEND
-; Macro SuperMode - Set supervisor mode
-        MACRO
-        SuperMode
-        SWI &16
-        MEND
-; Macro WINDow - Compare coordinate against graphics window
-;                Test GE/LT for within/outside window
-        MACRO
-        WINDow $rx,$ry, $rl,$rb,$rr,$rt
-; ASSERT ($rl < $rb) AND ($rb < $rr) AND ($rr < $rt)
-        ADD $rt,WsPtr,#GWLCol
-        LDMIA $rt,{$rl,$rb,$rr,$rt}
-        CMP $rx,$rl
-        CMPGE $rr,$rx
-        CMPGE $ry,$rb
-        CMPGE $rt,$ry
-        MEND
-; Macro WindowRes - Window a coordinate, giving status word
-;           Result word is as follows:
-;                |      |
-;           1001 | 1000 | 1010
-;                |      |
-;           -----+------+----- GWTRow
-;                |      |
-;           0001 | 0000 | 0010
-;                |      |
-;           -----+------+----- GWBRow
-;                |      |
-;           0101 | 0100 | 0110
-;                |      |
-;              GWLCol GWRCol
-        MACRO
-        WindowRes $result, $rx,$ry, $rl,$rb,$rr,$rt
-; ASSERT ($rl < $rb) AND ($rb < $rr) AND ($rr < $rt)
-        MOV $result,#0
-        ADD $rt,WsPtr,#GWLCol
-        LDMIA $rt,{$rl,$rb,$rr,$rt}
-        CMP $rx,$rl
-        ORRLT $result,$result,#1        ;Set bit 0 if X < window
-        CMP $rr,$rx
-        ORRLT $result,$result,#2        ;Set bit 1 if X > window
-        CMP $ry,$rb
-        ORRLT $result,$result,#4        ;Set bit 2 if Y < window
-        CMP $rt,$ry
-        ORRLT $result,$result,#8        ;Set bit 3 if Y > window
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$lab    EQUB    $var
-        ASSERT  $var >= &00
-        ASSERT  $var <= &FF
-$lab    =       $var
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        OrrEor $d,$s, $or,$eor
-        ORR $d,$s,$or
-        EOR $d,$d,$eor
-        MEND
-        MACRO                           ;Scr:=ScrOR(oraANDmsk)EOR(eorANDmsk)
-        OrrEorMASK $scr,$msk, $ora,$eor, $tmp
-        AND $tmp,$msk,$ora
-        ORR $scr,$scr,$tmp
-        AND $tmp,$msk,$eor
-        EOR $scr,$scr,$tmp
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ORoreorEORoreor  $d,$s, $oo,$eo,$oe,$ee, $tmp
-        OrrEor $tmp,$s, $oo,$eo
-        ORR $d,$d,$tmp
-        OrrEor $tmp,$s, $oe,$ee
-        EOR $d,$d,$tmp
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ORoreorEORoreorMASK  $d,$s,$m, $oo,$eo,$oe,$ee, $tmp
-        OrrEor $tmp,$s, $oo,$eo
-        AND $tmp,$tmp,$m
-        ORR $d,$d,$tmp
-        OrrEor $tmp,$s, $oe,$ee
-        AND $tmp,$tmp,$m
-        EOR $d,$d,$tmp
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ShiftR $d,$e, $r,$rcomp
-        MOV $d,$d,LSR $r
-        ORR $d,$d,$e,LSL $rcomp
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ShiftL $d,$e, $r,$rcomp
-        MOV $e,$e,LSL $rcomp
-        ORR $e,$e,$d,LSR $r
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        BitLOffset $b,$x, $xshftfactor,$npix,$log2bpc
-        AND $b,$x,$npix
-        MOV $b,$b,LSL $log2bpc
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        BitROffset $b,$x, $xshftfactor,$npix,$log2bpc
-        AND $b,$x,$npix
-        ADD $b,$b,#1
-        MOV $b,$b,LSL $log2bpc
-        SUB $b,$b,#1
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        WordOffset $w,$x, $xshftfactor,$npix,$log2bpc
-        MOV $w,$x,ASR $xshftfactor
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        OffsetWordAndBit $o,$b,$x,$tmp
-        LDR $tmp,[WsPtr,#XShftFactor]
-        MOV $o,$x,ASR $tmp                      ;Word offset into scanline
-        LDR $tmp,[WsPtr,#NPix]
-        AND $b,$x,$tmp                          ;Pixel offset into word
-        LDR $tmp,[WsPtr,#Log2BPC]
-        MOV $b,$b,LSL $tmp                      ;Bit offset into word
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$label  ErrorMsg $num,$string
-$label  DCD $num
-        DCB "$string", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MEND
-; Macro when given a register will return the state to indicate
-; if we are in a graphics mode.  Originally lots of code used to simply
-; load NPix and look for a null parameter (fair enough in 1-8 bit per pixel)
-; but now we look at the mode flags, the choice of a new generation!
-        MACRO
-$label  GraphicsMode $scrap
-$label  LDR     $scrap, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     $scrap, #Flag_NonGraphic                ;NE then non-graphic mode!
-        MEND
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdudriver b/s/vdu/vdudriver
deleted file mode 100644
index b220034d..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdudriver
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2450 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduDriver
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Vdu queue, mode, default windows etc.
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   5.9.86
-        GBLL NewStyleEcfs
-NewStyleEcfs   SETL  1=1
-        GBLL    DoVdu23_0_12
-DoVdu23_0_12   SETL  {FALSE}
-        GBLL    BleedinDaveBell
-BleedinDaveBell SETL {TRUE}
-        GBLL    LCDPowerCtrl
-        GET s.vdu.VduDecl
-        GET s.vdu.VduGrafDec
-        MACRO
-        HostVdu
-        Push    "R0,R14"
-        LDR     R0, [R0, -R0]
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        ADREQ   R0, %FT01
-        SWIEQ   OS_CLI
-        Pull    "R0,R14"
-        B       %FT02
-        =       "HOSTVDU", 0
-        ALIGN
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        Print   $string
-        Push    "R0,R14"
-        LDR     R0, [R0, -R0]
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BNE     %FT01
-        SWI     OS_WriteS
-        =       "$string", 0
-        ALIGN
-        SWI     OS_ReadC
-        Pull    "R0,R14",CS
-        SWICS   OS_BreakPt
-        SWI     OS_NewLine
-        Pull    "R0,R14"
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        RMVT    $var, $BW
-        [ "$BW"="B"
-        =       (wk$var-wkstart)*2
-        |
-        [ "$BW"="W"
-        =       (wk$var-wkstart)*2 +1
-        |
-        .... Invalid option on RMVT ....
-        ]
-        ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        RVVT    $var
-        ASSERT  ($var >= 0) :LAND: ($var < &400) :LAND: (($var :AND: 3)=0)
-        =       $var :SHR: 2
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        IssueService
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        MALIGN  $length, $phase
-        LCLA    temp
-        LCLS    string
-temp    SETA    .-ArthurVduDriver
-        [ "$phase"=""
-string  SETS    "ALIGN $length"
-        |
-string  SETS    "ALIGN $length, $phase"
-        ]
-        $string
-temp    SETA    .-ArthurVduDriver-temp
-        [ temp=0
-        !       0, string :CC: " fitted exactly"
-        |
-        !       0, string :CC: " wasted " :CC: :STR: temp
-        ]
-        MEND
-; Macro to load up video bandwidth and video memory size
-        MACRO
-        GetBandwidthAndSize  $bw, $size
-  [ HAL
-        MOV     $size, #0
-        MOV     $bw, #100*1024*1024
-        LDR     $size, [$size, #VideoSize]
-        !       0, "Sort out GetBandwidthAndSize"
-  |
-        MOV     $size, #0
-        LDR     $bw, [$size, #VideoBandwidth]   ; load bandwidth
-        LDR     $size, [$size, #VideoSize]      ; and total amount of video RAM
-  ]
-        MEND
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Vdu status bits
-Vdu2ModeBitPosn *       0
-Vdu2Mode        *       1 :SHL: Vdu2ModeBitPosn
-Windowing       *       1 :SHL: 3
-Shadowing       *       1 :SHL: 4
-; *****************************************************************************
-; *****************************************************************************
-; VduInit - Once only initialisation of Vdu drivers eg after Break
-; =======
-VduInit ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: VDUqueueItems] ;purge queue
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]   ; not blanked
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorCounter]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorDesiredState]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeNumber]  ; make sure pointer off
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeLA]      ; no shape passed to HAL yet
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]         ; 0 bits => on
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduSaveAreaPtr]      ; indicate no save area yet
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ClipBoxEnable]       ; no clip box calculating
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #ExternalFramestore]
- [ :LNOT:UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r4, r9, r12"
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        MOV     r4, r12                       ; temp WsPtr
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_PixelFormats
-        STR     r0, [r4, #HWPixelFormats]
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_Features
-        STR     r0, [r4, #HWVideoFeatures]
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_BufferAlignment
-        STR     r0, [r4, #HWBufferAlign]
-        Pull    "r4, r9, r12"
- ]
-        ;;; sort this out!
-        ! 0, "mjsHAL not doing anything useful with HAL_Video_BufferAlignment"
-        ! 0, "mjsHAL not dealing with lack of h/w pointer"
-        LDR     R0, =RangeC+SpriteReason_SwitchOutputToSprite
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SpriteMaskSelect]
-        MOV     R0, #InitialCursorFlags         ; TMD 25/9/86
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        ADRL    R0, NUL                 ; point to MOV PC,R14
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #WrchNbit]  ; just in case ...
-        ADRL    R0, ExportedHLine
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #HLineAddr]
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GcolOraEorAddr]
-        MOV     R0, #maxmode
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #MaxMode]   ; constant now
-        LDROSB  R0, LastBREAK           ; is it a hard reset ?
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; [no, don't reset font]
-; allocate buffer for Tim's whizzy text expansion.  This now lives
-; in the system heap, unless the claim request fails.  If the request
-; fails then the pointer points at the original buffer in the Vdu
-; driver workspace.
-; This allows the user to access depths upto 16 bit per pixel before
-; strings things things become afoot at the Circle K.
-        LDR     R3, =TextExpandArea_Size
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode        ; allocate buffer for heap data
-        ADDVS   R2, WsPtr, #TextExpand
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        LDR     R3, =ModeSelector_MaxSize+4     ; get block for two overlapping copies
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode                ; of mode selector, 1 word apart
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #KernelModeSelector]
-; now reset soft font from hard font
-        MOV     R1, #1                  ; start at character 1*32
-        STRB    R1, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed]
-                                        ; can't claim memory till a mode change
-        MOV     R2, #7                  ; copy 7 pages
-        BL      DoResetFont
-  [ :LNOT: HAL
-    ;
-    ; mjsHAL - temporary workspace while semi HALised code still in kernel
-    ;
-        MOV     r3, #mjs_thalwk_size
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode          ; this had better succeed!
-        LDR     r4, =mjs_tempHALworkspace
-        STR     r2, [r4, #0]
-        BL      mjs_tempHALworkspace_init
-    ;
-  ]
-;initialise the 6 pointer shape pointers and blocks
-;(shape buffers are 6 * &100 starting at CursorData)
-        ADD     r0, WsPtr, #PointerShapes
-        LDR     r2, =CursorData
-        MOV     r3, #6
-        ADD     r4, WsPtr, #PointerShapeBlocks
-        STR     r4, [r0]                 ; attach pointer to block
-        STR     r2, [r4, #PointerBuffLA]
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        STRB    r1, [r4, #PointerWidth]  ; zero width
-        STRB    r1, [r4, #PointerHeight] ; zero height (no shape)
-        SUB     sp, sp, #3*4             ; room for one entry of OS_Memory page block
-        MOV     r1, sp
-        STR     r2, [r1, #4]             ; provide logical address
-        MOV     r2, #1
-        MOV     r0, #&2200               ; convert logical to physical address
-        SWI     XOS_Memory
-        LDR     r2, [r1, #8]             ; read physical address
-        STR     r2, [r4, #PointerBuffPA]
-        ADD     sp, sp, #3*4
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
-        ADD     r4, r4, #PointerBlkSize
-        ADD     r2, r2, #&100
-        ADD     r0, r0, #4
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-        BNE     %BT02
-; palette space (256 normal + 1 border + 3 pointer = 260), and allowing for Gamma Correction
-;   this space is: blank palette, 260 words
-;                  logical and physical copies of both flash states, 260*4 words
-;                  3 lookup tables for r,g,b mapping, 3*256 bytes
-        MOV     r3, #260*4
-        ADD     r3, r3, #260*4*4 + 3*256
-        BL      ClaimSysHeapNode           ; this had better succeed!
-        STR     r2, [WsPtr, #BlankPalAddr]
-        ADD     r3, r2, #260*4
-        STR     r3, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        ADD     r3, r3, #260*4
-        STR     r3, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-; initialise blank palette to all solid black
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     r4, #260
-04      STR     r3, [r2], #4
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #1
-        BNE     %BT04
-        ADD     r2, r2, #260*4*4   ; r2 -> rgb tables
-; initialise red, green and blue transfer function tables to 1-1 mapping
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #&200]                 ; store in blue table
-        STRB    r0, [r2, #&100]                 ; store in green table
-        STRB    r0, [r2], #1                    ; store in red table, and advance
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        CMP     r0, #256
-        BCC     %BT05
-        BL      SpriteInit
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        RSB     R0, R0, R14
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        BL	SetDisplayScreenStart
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        Pull    PC
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InitialiseMode - Select mode number given by ModeNo variable
-;       Called by MOS once before initialisation, and then afterwards
-;       before printing "RISC OS ..."
-; in:   -
-; out:  All registers may be corrupted (except R13_svc !)
-InitialiseMode Entry
- [ SoftResets
-        MOV     r0, #&FD                ; read last reset type
-        MOV     r1, #0
-        MOV     r2, #&FF
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        CMP     r1, #SoftReset
-        LDREQ   r0, =VduDriverWorkSpace+ModeNo
-        LDREQ   r0, [r0]                ; use previous mode if a soft reset
-        MOVNE   r0, #1                  ; otherwise read configured mode
-        SWINE   XOS_ReadSysInfo
- |
-        MOV     r0, #1                  ; no need to check for soft reset,
-        SWI     XOS_ReadSysInfo         ; always use configured value
- ]
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        MOV     r0, #ScreenModeReason_SelectMode
-        SWI     XOS_ScreenMode
-        EXIT    VC
-        MOV     r0, #114                ; failed, so get rid of any shadow
-        MOV     r1, #1
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+22
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteI+0            ; and if we can't get mode 0, we're really fooked!!!
-        EXIT
-; Vdu -  Main VDU driver entry point
-; ===    Queue up bytes and dispatch via JVec
-; in:   R0 = character to be printed
-; out:  C=1 <=> send character to printer if enabled
-Vdu     ROUT
-        MOV     R11, #0                 ; NB used later in Vdu07 as well
-        LDRB    R10, [R11, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: VDUqueueItems]
-        MOVS    R9, R10, LSL #24        ; move up to top byte (for sign extend)
-        BEQ     Vdu07                   ; not queueing, then start Vdu sequence
-; *****Comment made by DJS: Changing this to fall through if not queueing
-; and branch if queueing might be a good idea - it would speed up all
-; printable characters and simple cursor movements.
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #QOffset]
-        STRB    R0, [R8, R9, ASR #24]   ; add byte to queue
-        ADD     R10, R10, #1            ; move on pointer
-        STRB    R10, [R11, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: VDUqueueItems]
-        CMP     R10, #&100              ; finished sequence ?
-        MOVCC   PC, R14                 ; no, then return (no printing)
-        Push    "R0, R14"
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; exits with R6 = CursorFlags
-        Pull    "R0"
- [ No26bitCode
-        ADR     R14, VduPrintExit
- |
-        MOV     R14, PC
-        ADD     R14, R14, #(VduPrintExit-%BT05-8) ; push address of SEC exit
-                                                  ; (with flags)
- ]
-        Push    R14
-        BL      Vdu05
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        CLC                             ; also clears V
-        Pull    "R14,PC"
-VduPrintExit                             ; exit used if print required
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        SEC                             ; also clears V
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-Vdu05   ROUT
-        TST     R6, #VduDisabled        ; VDU enabled ?
-        LDREQ   PC, [WsPtr, #JVec]      ; yes, then do it (no printing)
-; Queue sequence has just completed, but VDU is disabled
-; Only interesting case is VDU 1 (SOH), which must still print
-; the character if the printer is enabled
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #JVec]
-        ADR     R11, SOH
-        TEQ     R10, R11                ; JVec -> SOH ?
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; no, then return (no printing)
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]  ; in VDU 2 mode ?
-        TST     R1, #Vdu2Mode
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; no, then return
-        Push    R14
-        BL      MOSDoPrint
-        Pull    PC, VC                  ; good exit, so return
-        Pull    R14                     ; bad exit, return with error
-        B       VduBadExit
-; *****************************************************************************
-Vdu07   ROUT
-        AND     R0, R0, #&FF            ; Only look at bottom byte!
-        CMP     R0,#127                 ;If DELETE, change R0 to 32 and
-        MOVEQ   R0,#32                  ;  drop through to control char code
-        CMPNE   R0,#31                  ;Otherwise, branch to printable char
-        BHI     Vdu20                   ;  code if not a control char
-; *****Further desirable change: Make printable characters fall through,
-; control characters take the branch - speeding up printable characters is
-; important!
-        ADR     R10, VduJTb             ; Address of beginning of jump table
-        LDR     R9, [R10, R0, LSL #2]   ; Get routine address from VduJTB
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, #JVec]      ; save address
-        ADD     R10, R10, #(VduQTb-VduJTb)
-        LDRB    R9, [R10, R0]           ; Pick up QQ + length of queue
-        RSBS    R10, R9, #QQ            ; -(length of queue) & test if none
-        STRNEB  R10, [R11, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: VDUqueueItems]
-                                        ; yes, then set up Osbyte variable
-        ADDNE   R9, R9, WsPtr
-        STRNE   R9, [WsPtr, #QOffset]   ; and QOffset
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        Push    "R0,R14"
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; exits with R6 = CursorFlags
-        Pull    "R0"
-        MOV     R14, PC
-        ADD     R14, R14, #(VduPrintExit-%BT10-8) ; push address of SEC exit
-                                                  ; (with flags)
-        Push    R14
-        BL      Vdu10
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        CLC                             ; also clears V
-        Pull    "R14,PC"
-; This is the only byte of a single byte Vdu sequence
-;       R6 = CursorFlags
-;       R11 = 0 (used to index VDUqueueItems)
-Vdu10   ROUT
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit       ; are we cursor editing ?
-        BNE     Vdu15
-; TMD 31/7/87; bug fixed here - chars 8 to 13 should still go to printer if
-; enabled, even if VDU is disabled
-        CMP     R0, #8                  ; is char in range 8-13 ?
-        RSBCSS  R1, R0, #13             ; if so then we want to print it
-        LDRCS   R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        MOVCSS  R1, R1, LSR #(Vdu2ModeBitPosn +1) ; providing printer enabled
-        Pull    R14, CS                 ; so pull old R14
-        TST     R6, #VduDisabled        ; are we disabled
-        LDREQ   PC, [WsPtr, #JVec]      ; enabled, so go get em floyd !
-        TEQ     R0, #6                  ; disabled, so is it ACK (enable VDU)
-        BICEQ   R6, R6, #VduDisabled
-        STREQ   R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-NUL ;Does nothing
-ESC ;Does nothing
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; return anyway
-; *****************************************************************************
-        TEQ     R0, #13                 ; and is it a carriage return ?
-        BNE     Vdu10Continue
-        Push    "R0, R14"
-        BIC     R6, R6, #CursorsSplit   ; then stop cursor editing
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     R1, #1                  ; restore old Reg10Copy
-        BL      CursorOnOff
-        Pull    "R0, R14"
-        B       Vdu10Continue
-; *****************************************************************************
-Vdu20   ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R14"
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; exits with R6 = CursorFlags
-        Pull    "R0"
-        MOV     R14, PC
-        ADD     R14, R14, #(VduPrintExit-%BT05-8) ; push address of SEC exit
-                                                  ; (with flags)
-        Push    R14
-        BL      TimWrch
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        CLC                             ; also clears V
-        Pull    "R14,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-VduJTb                  ; Table of addresses
- & NUL                          ; Does nothing
- & SOH                          ; Next char to printer only
- & STX                          ; Enable printer
- & ETX                          ; Disable printer
- & EOT                          ; Write text at text cursor
- & ENQ                          ; Write text at graphics cursor
- & NUL                          ; Enable VDU drivers
- & BEL                          ; Beep
- & BS                           ; Cursor left
- & HT                           ; Cursor right
- & VduLF                        ; Cursor down
- & VT                           ; Cursor up
- & FF                           ; Clear text area (CLS)
- & VduCR                        ; Carriage return
- & SO                           ; Page mode on
- & SI                           ; Page mode off
- & DLE                          ; Clear graphics area (CLG)
- & DC1                          ; Define text colour (COLOUR)
- & DC2                          ; Define graphics colour and action (GCOL)
- & DC3                          ; Define logical colour
- & VDU20                        ; Restore default logical colours
- & NAK                          ; Disable VDU drivers
- & SYN                          ; Select screen mode (MODE)
- & ETB                          ; Reprogram display character (VDU23,...)
- & CAN                          ; Define graphics window
- & EM                           ; (PLOT k,x,x,y,y)
- & DefaultWindows               ; Restore default windows
- & ESC                          ; Does nothing
- & FS                           ; Define text window
- & GS                           ; Define graphics origin
- & RS                           ; Home cursor to "top left"
- & US                           ; Move text cursor (TAB x,y)
- & Delete                       ; Delete character (127)
-        ASSERT  QQ+9 < 256
-VduQTb          ; QQ + length of queue for each of the above
-        DCB     QQ+0, QQ+1, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0
-        DCB     QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+0
-        DCB     QQ+0, QQ+1, QQ+2, QQ+5, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+1, QQ+9
-        DCB     QQ+8, QQ+5, QQ+0, QQ+0, QQ+4, QQ+4, QQ+0, QQ+2
-        DCB     QQ+0 ; (delete)
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-        &       Wrch1bit-WrchNbitTab
-        &       Wrch2bit-WrchNbitTab
-        &       Wrch4bit-WrchNbitTab
-        &       Wrch8bit-WrchNbitTab
-        &       Wrch16bit-WrchNbitTab
-        &       Wrch32bit-WrchNbitTab
-        &       Wrch1bitDouble-WrchNbitDoubleTab
-        &       Cursor1bit-CursorNbitTab
-        &       Cursor2bit-CursorNbitTab
-        &       Cursor4bit-CursorNbitTab
-        &       Cursor8bit-CursorNbitTab
-        &       Cursor16bit-CursorNbitTab
-        &       Cursor32bit-CursorNbitTab
-; table of susbstitute mode numbers to cater for hardware that might
-; not support all of 1,2,4,8 bpp (bits per pixel) modes
-; indexed by mode number (0..49), pairs of byte values:
-;   bpp    = bits per pixel of this mode number
-;   promo  = promoted mode number (0..49), or &FF if none
-; promoted number is:
-;  1) same resolution at next higher bpp (up to 8), if available, or
-;  2) similar resolution at 8 bpp (8 bpp should be available on most h/w)
-;          bpp promo       mode no.
-      DCB    1,    8     ;  0
-      DCB    2,    9     ;  1
-      DCB    4,   10     ;  2
-      DCB    1,   15     ;  3
-      DCB    1,    1     ;  4
-      DCB    2,    2     ;  5
-      DCB    1,   13     ;  6
-    [ TTX256
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ;  7
-    |
-      DCB    4,   13     ;  7
-    ]
-      DCB    2,   12     ;  8
-      DCB    4,   13     ;  9
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 10
-      DCB    2,   14     ; 11
-      DCB    4,   15     ; 12
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 13
-      DCB    4,   15     ; 14
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 15
-      DCB    4,   24     ; 16
-      DCB    4,   24     ; 17
-      DCB    1,   19     ; 18
-      DCB    2,   20     ; 19
-      DCB    4,   21     ; 20
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 21
-      DCB    4,   36     ; 22
-      DCB    1,   28     ; 23
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 24
-      DCB    1,   26     ; 25
-      DCB    2,   27     ; 26
-      DCB    4,   28     ; 27
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 28
-      DCB    1,   30     ; 29
-      DCB    2,   31     ; 30
-      DCB    4,   32     ; 31
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 32
-      DCB    1,   34     ; 33
-      DCB    2,   35     ; 34
-      DCB    4,   36     ; 35
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 36
-      DCB    1,   38     ; 37
-      DCB    2,   39     ; 38
-      DCB    4,   40     ; 39
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 40
-      DCB    1,   42     ; 41
-      DCB    2,   43     ; 42
-      DCB    4,   28     ; 43
-      DCB    1,   45     ; 44
-      DCB    2,   46     ; 45
-      DCB    4,   15     ; 46
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 47
-      DCB    4,   49     ; 48
-      DCB    8,  &FF     ; 49
-      ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SYN - Perform MODE change
-;       External routine
-; in:   Vdu queue contains mode number
-SYN     ROUT                            ; Select screen mode (MODE)
-        Push    lr
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ]        ; Read mode number from queue
-        BL      ModeChangeSub
-        Pull    lr
-        MOVVC   pc, lr                  ; if no error, exit to Vdu
-                                        ; (which calls PostWrchCursor)
-; else drop thru into ...
-VduBadExit                              ; jumped to if an error in VDU code
-        Push    R0                      ; save error pointer
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        SETV
-        Pull    "R0, R14,PC"
-ModeChangeSub ROUT
-        Push    lr
-        ;If its a common mode number (0..49) consider a possible mode number
-        ;substitution, if hardware does not support given bits per pixel.
-        ;We are vaguely assuming h/w supports at least 8 bpp, otherwise we may
-        ;not be able to find a usable mode number, and later code may not handle
-        ;that well. This is probably ok, 8 bpp is almost universal.
-        ;
-        CMP     r2, #256
-        BHS     mchsub_3
-        AND     r1, r2, #&7F
-        CMP     r1, #50                      ; mode number
-        BHS     mchsub_3
-        Push    "r3, r4"
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_DisplayFeatures
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        TEQ     r4, #0
-        MOVEQ   r4, r1
-        MOVNE   r4, #2_111111
-        Pull    "r0-r2"
- |
-        LDR     r4, [WsPtr, #HWPixelFormats] ; bits 0 to 3 set for 1,2,4,8 bpp supported
- ]
-        ADR     lr, ModePromoTable           ; table of mode promotions
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSL #1
-        LDRB    r3, [lr, r1]                 ; bpp for this mode number (1,2,4,8)
-        TST     r3, r4                       ; supported in h/w?
-        ANDNE   r2, r2, #&80                 ; if yes, take mode number that passed
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, r1, LSR #1
-        BNE     mchsub_2
-        ADD     r1, r1, #1                   ; else look for promotion
-        LDRB    r1, [lr, r1]                 ; new mode number
-        CMP     r1, #&FF                     ; &FF if none
-        BNE     mchsub_1
-        ;alright, dont panic, just try to get a VGA-like mode of any bpp, if not tried already
-        CMP     r1, #28                      ; VGA 8 bpp
-        MOVNE   r1, #25                      ; VGA 1 bpp
-        BNE     mchsub_1
-        Pull    "r3, r4"
-; BKPT &600D
-        MOV     R1, #Service_PreModeChange
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     R1, #0                  ; was service claimed ?
-        BNE     %FT03                   ; no, so continue
-        CMP     R0, #0                  ; service claimed; generate error ?
-        Pull    PC, EQ                  ; no, just exit (V=0 from CMP)
-        B       %FT07                   ; yes, then generate error
-        MOV     R0, R2                  ; put mode (possibly changed) in R0
-        MOV     R2, R0, LSR #7          ; R2 = 0/1 if bit 7 of mode clear/set
-        CMP     r2, #2                  ; if mode number >= 256 then mode selector
-        MOVCS   r2, #0                  ; so no shadow
-        LDROSB  R1, Shadow
-        TEQ     R1, #0                  ; if shadow 0 then force shadow mode
-        MOVEQ   R2, #1
-        BL      FindOKMode              ; out: R1 = mode we are going to use
-        BVS     %FT07
-        TEQ     R0, R1                  ; if substitute mode
-        MOVNE   R2, #0                  ; then don't use shadow
-        CMP     r1, #&100
-        BICCC   r10, r1, #&80
-        MOVCS   r10, r1
-        MOV     R11, R10
-        BL      PushModeInfo
-        BVS     %FT07                   ; [probably duff mode selector]
-        LDR     R11, [R13, #wkScreenSize] ; get screen size for this mode
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize] ; maximum allowed amount
-        Push    R1                      ; save proper mode
-        RSBS    R1, R9, R11, LSL R2     ; extra amount we need
-        BLS     %FT08                   ; enough memory, so skip
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #ExternalFramestore]
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BNE     %FT06                   ; can't grow an external framestore
- ]
-; try to extend the amount of screen memory
-        MOV     R0, #2                  ; expand screen memory
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        BVC     %FT08
-        ADD     R13, R13, #PushedInfoSize + 1*4 ; junk stacked info + mode no.
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_BadMODE
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        SETV                            ; indicate error
-        Pull    PC
- [ STB
-         =       "TV_Mode", 0
-        ALIGN
- ]
-; valid mode and enough memory
-        Pull    R0                      ; restore mode we are using
-        CMP     r0, #&100               ; if not mode selector
-        BICCC   r0, r0, #&80            ; then knock off shadow bit
-        BCC     %FT12
-; it's a mode selector, so copy it to our static mode selector block
-        LDR     r1, [WsPtr, #KernelModeSelector] ; point at block
-        SUBS    r3, r0, r1              ; if r0 -> 1st mode block position
-        TEQNE   r3, #4                  ; or r0 -> 2nd mode block position
-        MOVEQ   r1, r0                  ; then use it in place
-        BEQ     %FT09
-        LDR     r3, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeNo] ; else check if current mode is a mode selector
-        SUB     r3, r3, r1              ; r3 = offset from start of block
-        CMP     r3, #8                  ; if 0 or 4
-        EORCC   r3, r3, #4              ; then make 4 or 0 (ie toggle between them)
-        ADDCC   r1, r1, r3              ; and add on base
-        ASSERT  (ModeSelector_ModeVars+4) :AND: 7 = 0
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        LDR     r6, [r0, r3]            ; copy 1st word - after fixed bit this will be previous var value
-        STR     r6, [r1, r3]
-        ADD     r3, r3, #4
-        LDR     r6, [r0, r3]            ; copy 2nd word - after fixed bit this will be next var index
-        STR     r6, [r1, r3]
-        ADD     r3, r3, #4
-        CMP     r3, #ModeSelector_ModeVars + 4  ; only exit if we've done the essential bit
-        CMPCS   r6, #-1                 ; AND we've had a -1 as the var index (NOT as the value)
-        CMPCC   r3, #ModeSelector_MaxSize ; OR we've gone off the end of our block
-        BCC     %BT10                   ; [we haven't, so loop]
-        CMP     r3, #ModeSelector_MaxSize       ; if we did go off the end
-        MOVCS   r6, #-1
-        STRCS   r6, [r1, #ModeSelector_MaxSize-4] ; then terminate it properly
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; point at static block
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeNo] ; store the new display mode
-; now issue Service_ModeChanging
-        MOV     R1, #Service_ModeChanging
-        BL      IssueModeService
-        [ {FALSE} ;;; LCDPowerCtrl :LAND: :LNOT: STB
-                  ;;; mjsHAL no LCD support
-        ;Switch LCD off here if it is _not_ an LCD mode
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        LDRB    R3, [R3, #LCD_Active]
-        ANDS    R0, R3, #&7F            ;Pick out the lcd mode bits, ignoring the single/dual panel bit
-        Push    "r0-r1"
-        MOVEQ   R0, #0
-        LDREQ   R1, =:NOT:(PortableControl_LCDEnable :OR: PortableControl_BacklightEnable)
-        SWIEQ   XPortable_Control
-        Pull    "r0-r1"
-        ]
-; R13 -> mode variables
-13      LDR     R3, [R13, #wkScreenSize]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #ScreenSize] ; store screensize BEFORE calling
-                                        ; ConvertBankToAddress (was a bug!)
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r0-r4"
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_FramestoreAddress
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        TEQ     r4, #0
-        BNE     %FT581
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #20                 ; round size down to 1MB
-        MOV     r2, r1, LSL #20
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1:SHL:20               ; round addr up to 1MB
-        SUB     r0, r0, #1
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #20                 ; (because of OS_Memory 13 limits)
-        MOV     r1, r0, LSL #20
-        MOV     r0, #13                         ; map in permanently
-        ORR     r0, r0, #1:SHL:8                ; buffered, uncached
-        ORR     r0, r0, #1:SHL:16+1:SHL:17      ; doubly map, access permission specified
-        SWI     XOS_Memory
-        BVS     %FT581
-        STR     r2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        ADD     r3, r3, r2
-        STR     r3, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        MOV     r14, #1
-        B       %FT582
-        MOV     r0, #128+2
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea
-        STRVC   r1, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        ADDVC   r0, r0, r1
-        STRVC   r0, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r4"
-        STRB    r14, [WsPtr, #ExternalFramestore]
- ]
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; Shadowing or not ?
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        BICEQ   R3, R3, #Shadowing
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #Shadowing
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        STRB    R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed] ; only allow ADFS to claim
-                                        ; if non-shadow (simplifies things!)
-        BL      ConvertBankToAddress    ; R3 := default start for this bank
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #DriverBankAddr]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #DisplayBankAddr]
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        STRB    R6, [R6, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX:MemDriver]  ; indicate default
-        STRB    R6, [R6, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX:MemDisplay] ; for both of these
-        LDR     R6, [R13, #wkModeFlags]
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeFlags]
-        MOV     R2, #wkend-wkdispstart  ; number of bytes to do
-        ADD     R1, R13, #wkdispstart
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #PalIndex    ; first display mode variable
-        LDR     R3, [R1], #4            ; copy variables
-        STR     R3, [R4], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #4              ; loop until all done
-        BNE     %BT15
-; now set up other mode variables by calling SwitchOutput
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #VduSaveArea+InitFlag
-        STR     R2, [R3]                ; indicate uninitialised (R2=0)
-        TST     R6, #Flag_Teletext
-        MOVNE   R3, #0                  ; if teletext, then no save area
-        MOVEQ   R3, #1                  ; else MOS's save area
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; just in case
-        MOV     R0, #SpriteReason_SwitchOutputToSprite
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-; now create other variables from simple ones
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #DisplayNColour]
-        ASSERT  YWindLimit = XWindLimit +4
-        ASSERT  DisplayYWindLimit = DisplayXWindLimit +4
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #XWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R0, {R3, R4}
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #DisplayXWindLimit
-        STMIA   R0, {R3, R4}
-        ASSERT  YEigFactor = XEigFactor +4
-        ASSERT  DisplayYEigFactor = DisplayXEigFactor +4
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #XEigFactor
-        LDMIA   R0, {R3, R4}
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #DisplayXEigFactor
-        STMIA   R0, {R3, R4}
-        ASSERT  Log2BPP = Log2BPC +4
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #Log2BPC
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0, R1}                    ; R0 = Log2BPC; R1 = Log2BPP
-        SUB     R3, R3, R0                      ; adjust XEig for double pixels
-        ADD     R3, R3, R1
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #PointerXEigFactor]
-        LDR     R3, [R13, #wkModeFlags]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-; finished doing other variables
- [ :LNOT:UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "R0-R3, R9, R12"                ; preserve registers ready to make HAL call later
-        ADD     R0, R13, #wkwordsize+6*4        ; R0 -> VIDCList3 (we have just pushed 6 regs)
- |
-        ADD     R0, R13, #wkwordsize            ; R0 -> VIDCList3
- ]
-;adjust vertical porch parameters in VIDCList3 for TVVertical (from *TV)
-        LDROSB  R1, TVVertical
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #24          ; sign extend to 32 bits
-        MOV     R1, R1, ASR #24-3        ; and multiply by 8
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R2, #Flag_GapMode        ; gap mode ?
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, R1, ASR #2       ; add on 2 rows if so
-        TST     R2, #Flag_DoubleVertical ; if double vertical
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, R1               ; then double it
-        LDR     R2, [R0, #VIDCList3_VertiBackPorch]
-        SUBS    R2, R2, R1
-        MOVMI   R2, #0
-        STR     R2, [R0, #VIDCList3_VertiBackPorch]   ;subtract from back porch, clamp at 0
-        LDR     R2, [R0, #VIDCList3_VertiFrontPorch]
-        ADDS    R2, R2, R1
-        MOVMI   R2, #0
-        STR     R2, [R0, #VIDCList3_VertiFrontPorch]  ;add to front porch, clamp at 0
-;remember pixel rate (kHz) from VIDCList3
-        LDR     R2, [R0, #VIDCList3_PixelRate]
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #PixelRate]
-;remember DPMSState (if specified) from VIDCList3
-        MOV     R2, #0                      ; DPMSState = 0 if not specified in list
-        ADD     R1, R0, #VIDCList3_ControlList
-20      LDR     R3, [R1], #8                ; loop over the control parameter list
-        CMP     R3, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT30                       ; didn't find the DPMSState entry
-        TEQ     R3, #ControlList_DPMSState
-        BNE     %BT20                       ; next control parameter
-        LDR     R2, [R1, #-4]               ; read DPMSState value
-        AND     R2, R2, #3                  ; only bits 0,1 valid
-        STRB    R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankDPMSState]
-;kernel/HAL split - call the HAL to program video controller for mode,
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        MOV     R4, #GraphicsV_SetMode
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
- |
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_SetMode
-        Pull    "R0-R3, R9, R12"            ; restore registers after HAL call
- ]
-        ADD     R13, R13, #PushedInfoSize       ; junk stacked data
-        ; for backward compatibility, show that video DMA is enabled in
-        ; MEMC soft copy (DON'T call OS_UpdateMEMC, which would also
-        ; make redundant call to HAL)
-        ;
-        SavePSR R2
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit+F_bit, R14
-        LDR     R1, [R0, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        ORR     R1, R1, #(1 :SHL: 10)
-        STR     R1, [R0, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        RestPSR R2
-        BL      SetVendDefault
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]     ; need to reload cos corrupt
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        SUB     R0, R1, R2                      ; R0 = Vstart
-        BL      SetVstart
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeNumber]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorStack]       ; restore cursor on a mode
-        BL      PalInit                 ; set default palette
-        BL      UnblankScreen
-        BL      SetMouseRectangle
-        BL      FF
-        [ {FALSE} ;;; LCDPowerCtrl :LAND: :LNOT: STB
-                  ;;; mjsHAL no LCD support
-        ;Switch the LCD on if LCD mode
-        Push    "r0"
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, #LCD_Active]
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #&7F            ;Check the LCD mode bits only, not the single/dual panel bit
-        LDRNE   R0, =(PortableControl_LCDEnable :OR: PortableControl_BacklightEnable)
-        LDRNE   R1, =:NOT:(PortableControl_LCDEnable :OR: PortableControl_BacklightEnable)
-        SWINE   XPortable_Control
-        Pull    "r0"
-        ]
-        MOV     R1, #Service_ModeChange
-        BL      IssueModeService
-        CLRV                            ; indicate no error
-        Pull    PC                      ; return to caller
-        MakeErrorBlock BadMODE
-        LTORG
-; The following symbols, apart from being used in NColourTable,
-; are also used in constructing mode selectors for mode numbers in VduModes
-NColour_0       *       1
-NColour_1       *       3
-NColour_2       *       15
-NColour_3       *       63
-NColour_4       *       &FFFF
-NColour_5       *       &FFFFFFFF
-        GET     s.vdu.VduModes
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       IssueModeService - Issue service (either ModeChanging or ModeChange)
-; in:   R1 = service code
-; out:  R1 corrupted
-IssueModeService Entry "r2,r3"
-        BL      ReadMonitorType
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeNo]
-        IssueService
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PushModeInfo - Push appropriate mode table and video controller params
-;       onto stack, having generated it by possibly issuing service
-; in:   R10 = mode to try for
-;       R11 = mode to use if service not claimed
-;       R10 and R11 should have bit 7 CLEAR (if mode numbers)
-; out:  If r10 is an invalid mode selector or invalid new format sprite word then
-;         V=1
-;         r0 -> error
-;         stack flat (no pushed info)
-;       else
-;         V=0
-;         Stack holds a mode table (size wkwordsize) and VIDCList
-;         type 3 (size VIDCList3Size) (total size PushedInfoSize)
-;       endif
-;       All other registers preserved
-PushModeInfoAnyMonitor ROUT
-        SUB     sp, sp, #PushedInfoSize
-        Push    "r2-r4,r7-r11, lr"
-        MOV     r3, #-1
-        MOV     r7, #-1                 ; indicate no VIDC stuff necessary
-        CMP     r10, #&100              ; is it a mode selector
-        BCS     PushModeInfoCommonNoService
-        BranchIfKnownMode r10, PushModeInfoCommonNoService
-        B       PushModeInfoCommon
-PushModeInfo ROUT
-        SUB     sp, sp, #PushedInfoSize
-        Push    "r2-r4,r7-r11, lr"
-        MOV     r7, #0                  ; indicate VIDC stuff IS necessary
-        BL      ReadMonitorType
-        MOV     r2, r10                 ; r2 = original mode
-        BL      OfferModeExtension
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; [service claimed]
-        CMP     r2, #&100               ; service not claimed - check if mode selector
-        MOVCC   r10, r11                ; unrecognised mode number, so use substitute
-        BCC     PushModeInfoCommonNoService
-; service not claimed and it's a mode selector - return error "Screen mode not available"
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_ModeNotAvailable
-  [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-  ]
-        B       %FT40
-        MakeErrorBlock ModeNotAvailable
-        TEQ     r4, #0                  ; if r4 returned zero, then a mode selector was used
-                                        ; either initially or after translation from mode number
-        BEQ     %FT35                   ; so no ws list
-        LDR     r2, [r4, #4]!           ; else if claimed, then find ws base mode
-        CMP     r2, #&100               ; if ws base mode is a mode selector, it's invalid
-        ANDCC   r2, r2, #&7F            ; else knock off shadow bit
-        BCC     %FT35
-        MOV     r10, r11                ; invalid ws base mode, so pretend service not responded to
-; and drop thru to PushModeInfoCommonNoService
-        MOV     r2, r10                 ; else use provided mode
-        MOV     r3, #0
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        ADD     r9, sp, #9*4            ; adjust for pushed registers
-        CMP     r2, #&100
-        BCC     %FT45
-        BL      GenerateModeSelectorVars ; also copes with new sprite mode word
-        BVC     %FT55
-; we got an error
-        SETV
-        Pull    "r2-r4,r7-r11,lr"       ; restore registers
-        ADD     sp, sp, #PushedInfoSize ; junk stack frame
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; exit VS, r0 -> error
-        ADRL    r14, Vwstab
-        LDR     r10, [r14, r2, LSL #2]
-        ADD     r14, r14, r10           ; r14 -> mode table
-        MOV     r10, #wkwordsize-4
-        LDR     r2, [r14, r10]
-        STR     r2, [r9, r10]
-        SUBS    r10, r10, #4
-        BCS     %BT50
-; now change any variables specified in workspace block or mode selector overrides
-        TEQ     r4, #0                  ; if service was claimed
-        ADDNE   r4, r4, #4              ; then skip ws base mode
-        BLNE    ProcessModeVarPairs
-; special VIDCListType3 widgetry
-; 1) Set SyncPol_Interlace (according to TVInterlace) if not already specified
-; 2) check for the interlaced flag in the control parameters - if set, set the interlaced
-;    flag in the mode flags
-        TEQ     r3, #0                  ; do we have a VIDC list?
-        BEQ     %FT58
-        LDR     r2, [r3, #0]            ; is it type 3? (actually, it always should be now)
-        TEQ     r2, #3
-        BNE     %FT58
-        LDR     r10, [r3, #VIDCList3_SyncPol]
-        TST     r10, #SyncPol_InterlaceSpecified
-        BNE     %FT56                              ; Interlace already specified
-        LDROSB  R14, TVInterlace
-        TST     R14, #1
-        ORRNE   R10, R10, #SyncPol_InterlaceSpecified                     ; specify as non-interlaced
-        ORREQ   R10, R10, #(SyncPol_InterlaceSpecified+SyncPol_Interlace) ; specify as interlaced
-        STR     R10, [r3, #VIDCList3_SyncPol]
-        ADD     r10, r3, #VIDCList3_ControlList
-57      LDR     r14, [r10], #8          ; loop over the control parameter list
-        CMP     r14, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT58                   ; didn't find the interlaced entry - not interlaced
-        TEQ     r14, #ControlList_Interlaced
-        BNE     %BT57                   ; check the next one then
-        LDR     r14, [r10, #-4]         ; read value
-        TEQ     r14, #0
-        BEQ     %FT58                   ; if zero, not interlaced
-; it's interlaced
-        LDR     r14, [r9, #wkModeFlags]
-        ORR     r14, r14, #Flag_InterlacedMode
-        STR     r14, [r9, #wkModeFlags]
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r0-r2,r4"
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_DisplayFeatures
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        TEQ     r4, #0
-        TSTEQ   r0, #1                          ; bit 0 is h/w scroll support
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r4"
- |
-        LDR     r14, [WsPtr, #HWVideoFeatures]
-        TST     r14, #1                         ; bit 0 is h/w scroll support
- ]
-        LDREQ   r14, [r9, #wkModeFlags]
-        ORREQ   r14, r14, #Flag_HardScrollDisabled
-        STREQ   r14, [r9, #wkModeFlags]
-; hopefully, R7 is still set from up there to be NZ if no VIDC stuff necessary
-        CMP     r7, #0
-        Pull    "r2-r4,r7-r11, pc", NE  ; if no VIDC stuff required, exit (NB V=0 from CMP)
-; mjs Kernel/HAL split
-; pushed video controller info is now hardware independent, it is a VIDCList type 3
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; if no module claimed service
-        MOVEQ   R2, R11                 ; then use provided mode
-        BEQ     %FT62
-        ADD     R14, R9, #wkwordsize    ; R14 -> space for VIDCList3
-        MOV     R10, #VIDCList3Size     ; its a VIDCList3, R10 is max room we have
-        LDR     R8, [R3], #4            ; copy list
-        SUBS    R10, R10, #4
-        MOVEQ   R8, #-1                 ; emergency terminate (source list too long)
-        STR     R8, [R14], #4
-        CMP     R8, #-1
-        BNE     %BT60
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "R2-R4,R7-R11, PC"      ; done
-62                                      ; arrive here if service not claimed, R2 = provided mode number
-        BL      ReadMonitorType         ; get monitor type in R3
-        CMP     R3, #NumMonitorTypes    ; monitor type must be in range
-        CMPCC   R2, #NumModes           ; and mode must be in range
-        MOVCC   R11, #NumModes
-        MLACC   R11, R3, R11, R2        ; then form monitortype*numberofmodes + modenumber
-        MOVCS   R11, #0                 ; if illegal then use mode 0 monitortype 0
-        ADRL    R14, BigVIDCTable       ; point to big table
-        LDR     R11, [R14, R11, LSL #2] ; and load offset
-        CMP     R11, #-1                ; if table offset is valid
-        ADDCC   R3, R14, R11            ; then add to table address (R3 -> VIDCList3 from table)
-        BCC     %BT59                   ; copy it and exit
-        MOV     R11, #0                 ; desperate again, use mode 0 monitortype 0 (this had better have valid entry)
-        B       %BT64
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GenerateModeSelectorVars - Work out mode variables from mode selector
-;                                    or new format sprite mode word
-; Note: the algorithms used to generate these variables are duplicated in
-; s.vdu.vduswis in the OS_ReadModeVariable code.
-; in:   r2 = new format sprite word or pointer to mode selector
-;       r9 -> stack frame to store vars in
-; out:  If valid then
-;           V=0
-;           r0 preserved
-;       else
-;           V=1
-;           r0 -> error
-;       endif
-;       All other registers preserved
-GenerateModeSelectorVars Entry "r0,r1,r3-r8,r10-r12"
-        ASSERT  ModeSelector_Flags = 0
-        ASSERT  ModeSelector_XRes = 4
-        ASSERT  ModeSelector_YRes = 8
-        ASSERT  ModeSelector_PixelDepth = 12
-        TST     r2, #1                          ; is it a new format sprite mode word?
-        BNE     %FT50                           ; [yes, so skip]
-        MOV     r0, r2
-        BL      ValidateModeSelector
-        BVS     %FT95                           ; invalid - return error
-        LDMIB   r2, {r4-r6}                     ; r4 = xres; r5 = yres; r6 = pixdepth
-        STR     r6, [r9, #wkLog2BPC]            ; log2bpc = log2bpp = pixdepth
-        STR     r6, [r9, #wkLog2BPP]
-        ADR     lr, NColourTable
-        LDR     lr, [lr, r6, LSL #2]            ; load NColour value
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkNColour]
-        ADR     lr, PalIndexTable
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, r6]
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkPalIndex]
-        ADR     lr, ECFIndexTable
-        LDRB    lr, [lr, r6]
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkECFIndex]
-        MOV     lr, #0
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkYShftFactor]        ; yshftfactor = 0 (obsolete)
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkModeFlags]          ; modeflags = 0
- [ RogerEXEY
-; TMD 09-Dec-93
-; New algorithms for xeig, yeig from Roger:
-;       xeig = 1: yeig = 1
-;       if yres<xres/2 OR yres<400 then yeig = 2
-;       if (xres<<xeig)<(yres<<yeig) then xeig = 2
-        CMP     r5, r4, LSR #1                  ; if yres < xres/2
-        CMPCS   r5, #400                        ; or yres < 400
-        MOVCC   r7, #2                          ; then yeig = 2
-        MOVCS   r7, #1                          ; else yeig = 1
-        STR     r7, [r9, #wkYEigFactor]
-        MOV     r7, r5, LSL r7                  ; r7 = yres << yeig
-        CMP     r7, r4, LSL #1                  ; if (xres<<1) < (yres<<yeig)
-        MOVHI   r7, #2                          ; then xeig = 2
-        MOVLS   r7, #1                          ; else xeig = 1
-        STR     r7, [r9, #wkXEigFactor]
-        MOV     lr, #1
- |
-        MOV     lr, #1
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkXEigFactor]         ; xeig = 1
-        CMP     r5, r4, LSR #1                  ; if yres < xres/2
-        MOVCC   r7, #2                          ; then yeig = 2
-        MOVCS   r7, #1                          ; else yeig = 1
-        STR     r7, [r9, #wkYEigFactor]
- ]
-        RSB     r7, lr, r4, LSR #3              ; scrrcol = (xres >> 3) -1
-        STR     r7, [r9, #wkScrRCol]
-        RSB     r7, lr, r5, LSR #3              ; scrbrow = (yres >> 3) -1
-        STR     r7, [r9, #wkScrBRow]
-        SUB     r7, r4, #1
-        STR     r7, [r9, #wkXWindLimit]         ; xwindlimit = xres-1
-        SUB     r7, r5, #1
-        STR     r7, [r9, #wkYWindLimit]         ; ywindlimit = yres-1
-        MOV     r7, r4, LSL r6                  ; r7 = xres << pixdepth
-        MOV     lr, r7, LSR #3
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkLineLength]         ; linelen = (xres << pixdepth) >> 3
-        MUL     r7, r5, r7                      ; r7 = (xres * yres) << pixdepth
-        MOV     lr, r7, LSR #3
-        STR     lr, [r9, #wkScreenSize]         ; screensize = ((xres * yres) << pixdepth) >> 3
-        ADD     r4, r2, #ModeSelector_ModeVars  ; now do pairs of mode variables
-        BL      ProcessModeVarPairs
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; store info for new format sprite word in stack frame
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        STR     r0, [r9, #wkYShftFactor]        ; yshftfactor = 0
-        STR     r0, [r9, #wkModeFlags]          ; modeflags = 0
-        MOV     r0, r2, LSR #27                 ; get type
-        CMP     r0, #SpriteType_MAX             ; check for legality - NB type 0 is illegal because r2>=&100
-        MOVCS   r0, #SpriteType_Substitute      ; substitute if unknown
-        ADRL    lr, NSM_bpptable-4
-        LDR     r0, [lr, r0, LSL #2]            ; get the bpp from table
-        STR     r0, [r9, #wkLog2BPC]
-        STR     r0, [r9, #wkLog2BPP]
-        ADR     r1, NColourTable
-        LDR     r1, [r1, r0, LSL #2]
-        STR     r1, [r9, #wkNColour]
-        ADR     r1, PalIndexTable
-        LDRB    r1, [r1, r0]
-        STR     r1, [r9, #wkPalIndex]
-        ADR     r1, ECFIndexTable
-        LDRB    r1, [r1, r0]
-        STR     r1, [r9, #wkECFIndex]
-        MOV     r1, r2, LSL #(31-13)
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #(31-13)+1          ; extract xdpi (bits 1..13)
-        TEQ     r1, #180                        ; 180 => xeig=0
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT70
-        TEQ     r1, #22                         ; 22/23 => xeig=3
-        TEQNE   r1, #23
-        MOVEQ   r1, #3
-        BEQ     %FT70
-        TEQ     r1, #(45 :SHL: 2), 2            ; check if 45   (EQ,CC if so)
-        CMPNE   r1, #90                         ; or 90         (EQ,CS if so)
-        BNE     %FT80
-        MOVCC   r1, #2                          ; 45 => xeig=2
-        MOVCS   r1, #1                          ; 90 => xeig=1
-        STR     r1, [r9, #wkXEigFactor]
-        MOV     r1, r2, LSL #(31-26)
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #(31-26)+14         ; extract ydpi (bits 14..26)
-        TEQ     r1, #180                        ; 180 => yeig=0
-        MOVEQ   r1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT71
-        TEQ     r1, #22                         ; 22/23 => yeig=3
-        TEQNE   r1, #23
-        MOVEQ   r1, #3
-        BEQ     %FT71
-        TEQ     r1, #(45 :SHL: 2), 2            ; check if 45   (EQ,CC if so)
-        CMPNE   r1, #90                         ; or 90         (EQ,CS if so)
-        BNE     %FT80
-        MOVCC   r1, #2                          ; 45 => yeig=2
-        MOVCS   r1, #1                          ; 90 => yeig=1
-        STR     r1, [r9, #wkYEigFactor]
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_Sprite_BadDPI
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        STR     r0, [sp]                        ; update saved r0
-        SETV                                    ; indicate error
-        EXIT
-NColourTable    &       NColour_0, NColour_1, NColour_2
-                &       NColour_3, NColour_4, NColour_5
-PalIndexTable   =       0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
-        ALIGN                                   ; makes ECFIndexTable more accessible
-ECFIndexTable   =       4, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5
-        ALIGN
-        MakeErrorBlock  BadPixelDepth
-        MakeErrorBlock  Sprite_BadDPI
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ValidateModeSelector - Check a mode selector is valid
-; in:   r0 -> mode selector
-; out:  If OK, then
-;         V=0
-;         All registers preserved
-;       else
-;         V=1
-;         r0 -> error
-;         All other registers preserved
-;       endif
-ValidateModeSelector Entry
-        LDR     lr, [r0, #ModeSelector_Flags]
-        AND     lr, lr, #ModeSelectorFlags_FormatMask
-        TEQ     lr, #ModeSelectorFlags_ValidFormat
-        ADRNE   r0, ErrorBlock_BadMSFlags
-        BNE     %FT90
-        LDR     lr, [r0, #ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        CMP     lr, #6
-        ADRCS   r0, ErrorBlock_BadPixelDepth
-        BCS     %FT90
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-  [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-  ]
-        SETV
-        EXIT
-        MakeErrorBlock BadMSFlags
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ProcessModeVarPairs - Modify stacked variable info from
-;                              mode variable (index, value) pairs
-;       Internal routine used to do Service_ModeExtension workspace lists and
-;        mode selectors
-; in:   r4 -> first pair (may be none)
-;       r9 -> stack frame
-; out:  All registers preserved
-ProcessModeVarPairs Entry "r4, r8, r10"
-        ADRL    r14, RMVTab
-        LDR     r10, [r4], #4           ; get next entry in ws table
-        CMP     r10, #-1
-        EXIT    EQ                      ; no more to do
-        CMP     r10, #(SWIRVVTabModeEnd-SWIRVVTab) ; is it a mode variable ?
-        BCS     %BT10                   ; no, then ignore
-        LDRB    r10, [r14, r10]         ; load index out of RMVTab
-        MOVS    r10, r10, LSR #1        ; shift byte/word flag into carry
-        LDR     r8, [r4], #4            ; load value
-        STRCCB  r8, [r9, r10]           ; either store byte
-        STRCS   r8, [r9, r10]           ; or store word
-        B       %BT10
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       OfferModeExtension - Issue mode extension service
-; in:   R2 = mode specifier
-; out:  EQ => service claimed, R3 -> VIDC list, R4 -> workspace list
-;       NE => service not claimed, R3,R4 preserved
-;       All other registers preserved
-OfferModeExtensionAnyMonitor ROUT
-        MOV     r3, #-1
-OfferModeExtension ROUT
-        Push    "r1,r2,r4,r5,r14"
-; TMD 10-Jan-94 - added code here to check for erroneous passing in of a sprite mode word.
-; This prevents data aborts when modules try to index off a bad address.
-; We could have done OS_ValidateAddress, but that would be rather slow, and mode selectors
-; are of indeterminate length.
-; If we detect one of these, we pretend the service wasn't claimed. Hopefully this should
-; ensure that the mode change returns an error.
-; Fixes bug MED-00483.
-        BICS    r14, r2, #&FF                   ; NE if not a mode number
-        TSTNE   r2, #3                          ; NE if not a mode number, but invalid mode selector
-        Pull    "r1,r2,r4,r5,pc", NE            ; so exit NE, pretending that service not claimed
-        GetBandwidthAndSize     r4, r5
-        MOV     r1, #Service_ModeExtension
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     r1, #0                          ; if service claimed
-        CMPNE   r3, #-1                         ; or if "don't care" monitortype
-        BEQ     %FT90                           ; then we can't do any more
-        CMP     r2, #&100                       ; if it's a mode selector
-        BCS     %FT90                           ; then we can't help them either
-        BranchIfNotKnownMode r2, %FA90          ; if we don't recognise screen mode number we can't either
-; it is a known numbered mode, so create a mode selector on the stack that we can pass to service
-        Push    "r6,r7"
-        SUB     sp, sp, #ModeSelector_ModeVars+4        ; make room for block including terminator
-        MOV     r6, #ModeSelectorFlags_ValidFormat
-        STR     r6, [sp, #ModeSelector_Flags]
-        ADRL    r6, FrameRateTable
-        LDRB    r6, [r6, r2]
-        STR     r6, [sp, #ModeSelector_FrameRate]
-        ADRL    r6, Vwstab
-        LDR     r14, [r6, r2, LSL #2]
-        ADD     r6, r6, r14
-        LDR     r14, [r6, #wkLog2BPP]
-        STR     r14, [sp, #ModeSelector_PixelDepth]     ; pixdepth = log2bpp
-        LDR     r7, [r6, #wkLog2BPC]
-        SUB     r14, r7, r14                            ; r14 = log2bpc-log2bpp
-        LDR     r7, [r6, #wkXWindLimit]
-        ADD     r7, r7, #1
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSL r14
-        STR     r7, [sp, #ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     r7, [r6, #wkYWindLimit]
-        ADD     r7, r7, #1
-        STR     r7, [sp, #ModeSelector_YRes]
-        MOV     r7, #-1
-        STR     r7, [sp, #ModeSelector_ModeVars]
-        MOV     r2, sp
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        BEQ     %FT10                                   ; service was claimed
-; not claimed, so try again with -1 as frame rate
-        MOV     r7, #-1
-        STR     r7, [sp, #ModeSelector_FrameRate]
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        ADD     sp, sp, #ModeSelector_ModeVars+4        ; junk mode selector
-        Pull    "r6, r7"
-        CMP     r2, #&100                               ; if we started or ended up with a mode selector
-        MOVCS   r4, #0                                  ; then return r4 = 0 (if claimed)
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        STREQ   r4, [sp, #2*4] ; if service claimed, then return r4 from service, else preserve it
-        Pull    "r1,r2,r4,r5,pc"
- [ STB
-        TEQ     R0, #0                                  ; PortManager starting
-        MOVNE   PC, LR
-    [ {TRUE}
-;;;mjsHAL - may need sorting/HAL split
-;;;         for now, switched out coz kernel doesn't have VIDCControlSoftCopy any more!
-   ! 0, "mjsHAL - svc_PortMan currently broken by kernel/HAL split"
-        MOV     PC, LR
-    |
-; When PortManager restarts, we need to put TV_Mode back. PortMan defaults to
-; output high, but we don't know polarity of bit, so must set either way.
-        Entry   "r0-r1, WsPtr"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlSoftCopy]       ; get saved VIDC control register
-        AND     R0, R0, #CR_VCLK :OR: CR_HCLK :OR: CR_RCLK
-        TEQ     R0, #CR_HCLK                            ; are we using HCLK?
-        MOVNE   R0, #1                                  ; no: TV_Mode = 0
-        MOVEQ   R0, #3                                  ; yes: TV_Mode = 1
-        addr    R1, TV_Mode_string
-        SWI     XPortMan_AccessBit
-        EXIT
-    ]
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; ETB - Redefine character
-; ===   & other stuff
-;       VDU 23,0,r,v,0|         Talk to 6845 !
-;       VDU 23,1,n,m,r,g,b|     Program cursor
-;       VDU 23,2,n1..n8         Ecf pattern 1
-;       VDU 23,3,n1..n8         Ecf pattern 2
-;       VDU 23,4,n1..n8         Ecf pattern 3
-;       VDU 23,5,n1..n8         Ecf pattern 4
-;       VDU 23,6,n1..n8         Dot dash line style
-;       VDU 23,7,m,d,z|         Scroll window directly
-;       VDU 23,8,t1,t2,x1,y1,x2,y2|     Clear block
-;       VDU 23,9,n|             Set 1st flash time
-;       VDU 23,10,n|            Set 2nd flash time
-;       VDU 23,11|              Default Ecf patterns
-;       VDU 23,12,n1..n8        Ecf pattern 1 (simple setting)
-;       VDU 23,13,n1..n8        Ecf pattern 2 (simple setting)
-;       VDU 23,14,n1..n8        Ecf pattern 3 (simple setting)
-;       VDU 23,15,n1..n8        Ecf pattern 4 (simple setting)
-;       VDU 23,16,x,y|          Cursor movement control
-;       VDU 23,17,c,t|          Set colour tints, ECF info, char sizes
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]
-        CMP     R0, #32         ; defining a normal character ?
-        BCS     DefineChar
-        LDR     R2, [PC, R0, LSL #2]
-        ADD     PC, PC, R2      ; enters routine with R0 => byte after 23
-        &       Vdu23_0-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_1-ETBtab-4
-        &       ComplexEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       ComplexEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       ComplexEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       ComplexEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       LineStyle-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_7-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_8-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_9-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_10-ETBtab-4
-        &       DefaultEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       SimpleEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       SimpleEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       SimpleEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       SimpleEcfPattern-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_16-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_17-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_18-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_19-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_20-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_21-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_22-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_23-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_24-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_25-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_26-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_27-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_28-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_29-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_30-ETBtab-4
-        &       Vdu23_31-ETBtab-4
-; NB All other labels for Vdu23 are in TMD files so I don't have to pester RCM
-;Vdu23_18       ; Assigned to Teletext operations
-; Vdu23_27      ; Assigned to Richard (well some of it, anyway)
-; R0 already contains first parameter to VDU23
-        MOV     R10, #UKVDU23V
-        Push    "WsPtr, R14"            ; calling a vector corrupts R12
-        BL      VduQQVec                ; so we have to preserve it
-        Pull    "WsPtr, PC", VC         ; before we return to PostWrchCursor
-; error in UKVDU23 vector, so go to vdu error exit
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        B       VduBadExit
-; *****************************************************************************
-; DLE
-; CLG - Clear graphics window
-; ===
-; On exit, R0..R11 corrupt
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        MOVNE   PC,LR                   ; check for graphics mode (changed by DDV 15/9/92)
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #BgEcfOraEor ; point at background colour
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #GWLCol     ; load window coordinates into
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R3}            ; RectFill's parameter space
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags] ; if clip box is not enabled
-        TST     R6, #ClipBoxEnableBit   ; then goto code directly
-        BEQ     RectFillA
-        Push    R14                     ; else merge graphics window (in R0-R3)
-        BL      MergeClipBox            ; with clip box
-        Pull    R14
-        B       RectFillA
-; *****************************************************************************
-; DC2
-; GCol - Set Graphics action and colour
-; ====
-; On entry, R0 holds GCol action
-;           R1 holds GCol colour, 0..127 means program fg
-;                                 128..255 means program bg
-; In 256-colour modes, the extra colours are accessed via TINT
-GCol    ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]      ; GCol action, eg store, eor etc.
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; GCol colour
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #NColour]   ; number of colours-1
-        TST     R1, #&80
-        AND     R1, R1, R2              ; limit colour to range available
-        STREQ   R0, [WsPtr, #GPLFMD]    ; GCOL(a,0..127) is foreground
-        STREQ   R1, [WsPtr, #GFCOL]
-        STRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #GPLBMD]    ; GCOL(a,128..255) is background
-        STRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #GBCOL]
-                                        ; drop into SetColour to....
-; SetColour - Setup FgEcf & BgEcf, used after GCOL or setting of Ecfs
-; =========   or default palette (does a gcol).
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #GPLFMD]    ; setup FgEcf, maybe solid or Ecf
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #GFCOL]
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #FgEcf
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #GFTint]    ; tint only used in 256 colour modes
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #FgPattern   ; used if OS_SetColour call
-        BL      SetCol10
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #GPLBMD]    ; and BgEcf
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #GBCOL]
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #BgEcf
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #GBTint]
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #BgPattern   ; used if OS_SetColour call
-        BL      SetCol10
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #FgEcf       ; setup FgEcfOraEor
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #BgEcf
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #GPLFMD]
-        BL      SetCol60
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #BgEcf       ; and BgEcfOraEor
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #FgEcf
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #BgEcfOraEor
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #GPLBMD]
-        BL      SetCol60
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #BgEcf       ; and BgEcfStore
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #FgEcf
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #BgEcfStore
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        BL      SetCol60
-        Pull    PC
-; SetCol10 - Internal to SetColour
-;          Build up an Ecf, given action and colour numbers
-; On entry, R0 holds colour (0..255, where 127..255 means 0..127)
-;           R1 holds action (may indicate ecf)
-;           R2 holds address to write data (FgEcf or BgEcf)
-;           R3 holds tint information (only used in 256 colour modes)
-;           R4 holds pointer to suitable pattern table for OS_SetColour call
-SetCol10 ROUT
-        ANDS    R1, R1, #&F0            ; actions >=16 mean Ecf
-        BNE     SetCol30
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #NColour]   ; else use given colour number
-        AND     R0, R0, R4
-        AND     R0, R0, #63             ; another bodge in the house of bodges
-        TST     R4, #&F0                ; if 256 colour (ie 8bpp)
-        BLNE    AddTintToColour         ; then combine tint with colour
-; R0 contains colour number for current mode
-        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        TEQ     LR, #32
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, R0, LSL LR      ; replicate again
-        MOVNE   LR, LR, LSL #1          ; doubling the shift for each pass
-        BNE     %BT10
-        STR     R0, [R2]
-        STR     R0, [R2, #4]
-        STR     R0, [R2, #8]
-        STR     R0, [R2, #12]
-        STR     R0, [R2, #16]
-        STR     R0, [R2, #20]
-        STR     R0, [R2, #24]
-        STR     R0, [R2, #28]
-        Pull    "PC"
-; R1 = ecf number as 16,32,48,64,80,96
-; R2 -> destination
-; R4 -> pattern block (if R1 =96!)
-        CMP     R1, #96                 ; special internal plot?
-        MOVCS   R0, R4                  ; yes, so point at pattern to be copied
-        MOVCS   R3, #1                  ; col step =1
-        MOVCS   R4, #0                  ; row step =0 (already there!)
-        BCS     SetCol35
-        CMP     R1, #80                 ; 80 => giant ecf (>80 does same)
-        ADDCS   R0, WsPtr, #Ecf1        ; then point at ecf0
-        MOVCS   R3, #8                  ; col step=8
-        MOVCS   R4, #(1-8*4)            ; row step, back to 1st ecf on 1 byte
-        BCS     SetCol35
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #(Ecf1-8)
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSR #1      ; else point R0 at Ecf1,2,3 or 4
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix] ; if BitsPerPix <> 'fudged' BitsPerPix
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-        TEQ     R4, R5
-        BNE     SetCol52                ; then double up the pixels
-                                        ; else its a normal Ecf
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; col step=0, same byte each coloum
-        MOV     R4, #1                  ; row step=1
-        MOV     R5, #8                  ; do 8 rows
-        MOV     R6, #4                  ; of 4 columns
-        LDRB    R7, [R0], R3            ; read from source & move by col step
-        STRB    R7, [R2], #1            ; write to dest, update dest pointer
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1
-        BNE     SetCol50
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4              ; step source pointer to next row
-        SUBS    R5, R5, #1
-        BNE     SetCol40
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Double up the pixels for Mode2 etc
-; R0 points to Ecf(n)
-; R2 points to destination
-; Uses
-;     R3  - NColour used as PixMsk
-;     R4  - BitsPerPix
-;     R5  - BytesPerChar (unused)
-;     R6  - byte cntr 7..0
-;     R7  - source byte
-;     R8  - ExtrtShftFact
-;     R9  - InsrtShftFact
-;     R10 - result word
-;     R11 - temp
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #NColour]   ; mask for extracting pixels from ecf
-        TST     R3, #&F0                ; ** if 256 colour mode
-        MOVNE   R3, #&FF                ; ** then use &FF (TMD 25-Mar-87)
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        MOV     R6, #7                  ; 8 bytes/rows to do
-        LDRB    R7, [R0, R6]            ; get byte of Ecf(n)
-        RSB     R8, R4, #8
-        RSB     R9, R4, #32
-        MOV     R10, #0                 ; clear result word
-        AND     R11, R3, R7, ROR R8     ; extract 1 pixel from Ecf
-        ORR     R10, R10, R11, LSL R9   ; double it into result word
-        SUB     R9, R9, R4
-        ORR     R10, R10, R11, LSL R9
-        SUB     R8, R8, R4
-        AND     R8, R8, #7
-        SUBS    R9, R9, R4
-        BGE     SetCol57                ; process next pixel in result word
-        STR     R10, [R2, R6, LSL #2]   ; write expanded word to (Fg/Bg)Ecf
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1
-        BGE     SetCol54                ; process next row/byte
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; Tables of full colours for 2,4 & 16 colour modes (256 colour modes
-; use colour number directly).
-; N.B. these are tables of bytes
-        =       &FF                     ; not used - remove sometime
-                                        ; (DJS comment: don't bother!)
-        =       &00, &FF                ; 2 colour mode
-        =       &00, &55, &AA, &FF      ; 4 colour mode
-        =       &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF      ; not used but cannot be removed
-        =       &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF      ; (8 colour mode!)
-        =       &00, &11, &22, &33      ; 16 colour mode
-        =       &44, &55, &66, &77
-        =       &88, &99, &AA, &BB
-        =       &CC, &DD, &EE, &FF
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetCol60 - Build up an ecf, ORed and EORed appropriate to GCOL action
-;       Internal to SetColour
-; in:   R0 -> ecf colour (FgEcf/BgEcf)
-;       R1 -> transparent colour (BgEcf/FgEcf)
-;       R2 -> destination FgEcfOraEor/BgEcfOraEor/BgEcfStore
-;       R3 = gcol action number (may indicate ecf)
-; uses: R4 = index into ecf (7..0)
-;       R5 = ecf colour word
-;       R6 = transparency mask, set to &FFFFFFFF for NO transparency
-;       R7 -> zgoo..zgee for gcol action
-;       R8 = mask for pixel under examination
-;       R9 = shift factor to move mask to next pixel (BytesPerChar)
-;       R10, R11 temporary
-SetCol60 ROUT
-        MOV     R4, #7                          ; 7..0 words to process
-        AND     R3, R3, #&F                     ; extract action bits
-        AND     R11, R3, #7                     ; 0-7 Store etc
-                                                ; 8-15 ditto with transparency
-        MOV     R11, R11, LSL #2                ; 4 bits for each
-        LDR     R7, =TBscrmasks
-        MOV     R7, R7, ROR R11                 ; relevant bits are in top 4
-        AND     R7, R7, #&F0000000              ; isolate these bits (N,Z,C,V)
-        LDR     R5, [R0, R4, LSL #2]            ; get ecf word
-        TST     R3, #8                          ; if action < 8
-        MOVEQ   R6, #&FFFFFFFF
-        BEQ     SetCol90                        ; then not transparent
-                                                ; else build transparency mask
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb]         ; fetch mask for leftmost pixel
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]      ; shift factor for next pixel
-        LDR     R6, [R1, R4, LSL #2]            ; get 'transparent' colour
-        EOR     R6, R6, R5
-        TST     R6, R8                          ; if pixels the same,
-                                                ; then it's transparent
-        ORRNE   R6, R6, R8                      ; else set mask to plot it
-        MOVS    R8, R8, LSL R9
-        BNE     SetCol80
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R7                      ; put bits into N, Z, C, V
-                                                ;              OO,EO,OE,EE
-        MOVCC   R10, R5                         ; if ORing with &00000000
-        MOVCS   R10, #&FFFFFFFF                 ; if ORing with &FFFFFFFF
-        MVNVS   R10, R10                        ; if EORing with &FFFFFFFF
-;       MOVPL   R5, R5                          ; if ORing with &00000000
-        MOVMI   R5, #&FFFFFFFF                  ; if ORing with &FFFFFFFF
-        MVNEQ   R5, R5                          ; if EORing with &FFFFFFFF
-; now R5 = OR mask, R10 = EOR mask
-        AND     R5, R5, R6                      ; then clear 'transparent'
-        AND     R10, R10, R6                    ; pixels
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #ECFShift]
-        MOV     R5, R5, ROR R11                 ; rotate OR and EOR masks
-        MOV     R10, R10, ROR R11               ; to correct for ECF X origin
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #ECFYOffset]
-        ADD     R11, R11, R4                    ; add on ECF Y offset
-        AND     R11, R11, #7                    ; and wrap
-        ADD     R11, R2, R11, LSL #3
-        STMIA   R11, {R5, R10}                  ; write to (Fg/Bg)EcfOraEor
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
-        BCS     SetCol70
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       AddTintToColour - in 256 colour modes
-;       Internal to SetColour (derived from TMD's FudgeColour)
-; in:   R0 = colour (0..255), where 6 LSBits are used
-;       R3 = tint
-; out:  R0 holds colour byte with tint added
-;       R1-R3 preserved
-;       R4 undefined
-;       PSR preserved
-        !       0,"WARNING: AddTintToColour returns > 8 bit values now, check ECF handling!"
-        Push    "R3,LR"
-        AND     R0, R0, #63             ; extract suitable set of bits
-        AND     R3, R3, #192            ; and another set
-        ORR     R0, R0, R3
-        BL      ConvertGCOLToColourNumber
-        Pull    "R3,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CAN - Define graphics window
-;       External routine
-; in:   The window is given by bytes in the vdu queue, as follows :-
-;         QQ+0 = leftLo
-;         QQ+1 = leftHi
-;         QQ+2 = bottomLo
-;         QQ+3 = bottomHi
-;         QQ+4 = rightLo
-;         QQ+5 = rightHi
-;         QQ+6 = topLo
-;         QQ+7 = topHi
-;       These are relative to the current graphics origin.
-;       The resultant window must obey the following rules :-
-;         RCol >= LCol
-;         TRow >= BRow
-;         LCol >= 0
-;         BRow >= 0
-;         YWindLimit >= TRow
-;         XWindLimit >= RCol
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #GCsX        ; save ECursor away, cos EIG changes it
-        LDMIA   R8, {R6, R7}            ; and we don't want it to!
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+5]      ; rightHi
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+4]      ; rightLo
-;        PackXtnd R0,R0,R1               ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+7]      ; topHi
-;        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+6]      ; topLo
-;        PackXtnd R1,R1,R2               ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-        LoadCoordPair R0, R1, WsPtr, QQ+4 ;Get top right point
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        MOV     R2, #&FF                ; convert external-to-internal
-        BL      EIG                     ; as absolute coordinates
-        MOV     R4, R0                  ; move internal version of top right
-        MOV     R5, R1                  ; out of harm's way
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; leftHi
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]      ; leftLo
-;        PackXtnd R0,R0,R1               ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+3]      ; bottomHi
-;        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; bottomLo
-;        PackXtnd R1,R1,R2               ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-        LoadCoordPair R0, R1, WsPtr, QQ+0 ;Get bottom left point
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        MOV     R2, #&FF                ; convert external-to-internal
-        BL      EIG                     ; as absolute coordinates
-; For a valid window, the following must be true
-        CMP     R4, R0                          ;  RCol >= LCol
-        CMPGE   R5, R1                          ;  TRow >= BRow
-        CMPGE   R0, #0                          ;  LCol >= 0
-        CMPGE   R1, #0                          ;  BRow >= 0
-        LDRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]        ;  YWindLimit >= TRow
-        CMPGE   R2, R5
-        LDRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #XWindLimit]        ;  XWindLimit >= RCol
-        CMPGE   R2, R4
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        STMGEIA R2, {R0,R1, R4,R5}      ; if the new window is OK, update it
-        STMIA   R8, {R6, R7}            ; restore ECursor (EIG corrupted it)
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DefaultWindows - Restore default windows
-;       External routine, and called by mode change + switch output to sprite
-;       Set default text and graphics windows,
-;       Clear graphics origin and both cursors
-DefaultWindows ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        ASSERT  YWindLimit = XWindLimit +4
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #XWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2,R3}     ; R2 := XWindLimit; R3 := YWindLimit
-        STMIA   R4, {R0-R3}     ; zero GWLCol, GWBRow
-                                ; GWRCol:=XWindLimit; GWTRow:=YWindLimit
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #TWLCol      ; zero TWLCol, TWTRow
-        STMIA   R4!, {R0-R3}            ; TWRCol := ScrRCol; TWBRow := ScrBRow
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        STMIA   R4!, {R0-R3}    ; zero OrgX, OrgY, GCsX, GCsY
-        STMIA   R4!, {R0-R3}    ; zero OlderCsX, OlderCsY, OldCsX, OldCsY
-        STMIA   R4!, {R0-R3}    ; zero GCsIX, GCsIY, NewPtX, NewPtY
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]         ; if not outputting to sprite
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #Windowing              ; then indicate no text window
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #Windowing              ; else indicate is text window
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        BL      HomeVdu4                        ; home TEXT cursor
-                                                ; (even in VDU 5 mode)
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GS - Define graphics origin
-;       External routine
-; in:   The origin is given by bytes in the vdu queue, as follows :-
-;         QQ+0 = xLo
-;         QQ+1 = xHi
-;         QQ+2 = yLo
-;         QQ+3 = yHi
-;       The coordinates are in external 16 bit form.
-;       This does not move the windows, but does move the graphics cursor
-GS      ROUT
-        Push    R14
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; xHi
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]      ; xLo
-;        PackXtnd R0,R0,R1               ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-;        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+3]      ; yHi
-;        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; yLo
-;        PackXtnd R1,R1,R2               ; pack 2 bytes and sign extend
-        LoadCoordPair R0, R1, WsPtr, QQ+0
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #OrgX
-        STMIA   R2, {R0,R1}             ; write the new origin
-        BL      IEG                     ; update external cursor
-        Pull    PC
-        LTORG
-; OS_SetColour implementation
-; ------------
-; This call can be used to change the current GCOL/pattern table used for
-; plotting with the VDU primitives.
-; in    R0 = flags / logical operation
-;               bit 0-3 = logical operation
-;               bit 4   = set => bg, else fg flag
-;               bit 5   = set => pattern block supplied
-;               bit 6   = set => set text colour
-;               bit 7   = set => read colour
-;       R1 = colour number / -> pattern block to use
-; out   -
-setcol_LogicOpMask      * &0F
-setcol_FgBgFlag         * &10
-setcol_PatternFlag      * &20
-setcol_TextColour       * &40
-setcol_ReadFlag         * &80
-        ASSERT  WsPtr > 9
-SWISetColour ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R9,WsPtr,R14"
-        VDWS    WsPtr                           ; Obtain base of the VDU driver workspace
-        TST     R0, #setcol_ReadFlag            ; Are we reading?
-        BNE     %FT75
-        TST     R0, #setcol_TextColour          ; Are we changing the text colour?
-        BNE     %FT70
-        AND     R2, R0, #setcol_LogicOpMask     ; Get the logical operation
-        ORR     R2, R2, #&60                    ; Mark as being a special kind of pattern
-        TST     R0, #setcol_FgBgFlag
-        STREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #GPLFMD]            ; Store the relevant logical operation away for fg/bg
-        STRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #GPLBMD]
-        ADDEQ   R3, WsPtr, #FgPattern
-        ADDNE   R3, WsPtr, #BgPattern           ; Setup the pointer to a store for the pattern
-        TST     R0, #setcol_PatternFlag         ; Did the caller specify a pattern block?
-        BNE     %FT50                           ; Yes so don't try to expand colour value to pattern
-        MOV     R2, #1
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]           ; Get the Log2 depth of the mode
-        MOV     R4, R2, ASL R4                  ; R4 = bits per pixel
-        RSB     R2, R2, R2, LSL R4              ; Get a mask to extract only meaningful bits from word
-        AND     R1, R1, R2                      ; Extract bits suitable for this depth of mode
-        TEQ     R4, #32                         ; Do we need to do any more replication
-        ORRNE   R1, R1, R1, LSL R4              ; Yes so or word with itself shifted
-        MOVNE   R4, R4, LSL #1                  ; and double amount to shift next time
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     R2, #8
-        STR     R1, [R3], #4                    ; now copy word 8 times into block
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BNE     %BT20
-        B       %FT60
-        LDMIA   R1,{R0,R2,R4-R9}
-        STMIA   R3,{R0,R2,R4-R9}                ; Copy the pattern into the buffer (assumes word aligned)
-        BL      SetColour                       ; And then setup the internal GCOL tables
-        Pull    "R0-R9,WsPtr,R14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        TST     R0, #setcol_FgBgFlag            ; Store the foreground or background colour?
-        STREQ   R1, [WsPtr, #TextFgColour]
-        STRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; Indicate the text colour needs re-computing!
-        ORR     R0, R0, #TEUpdate
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        B       %BT65                           ; Leave gracefully ....
-        ; Reading the colour...
-        TST     R0, #setcol_TextColour
-        BEQ     %FT80
-        ; Reading text colour
-        TST     R0, #setcol_FgBgFlag
-        LDREQ   R1, [WsPtr, #TextFgColour]
-        LDRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        BIC     R0, R0, #setcol_PatternFlag :OR: setcol_ReadFlag
-        ; Standard exit for reading the colour
-        STMIA   SP, {R0,R1}
-        B       %BT65
-        ; Reading graphics colour
-        TST     R0, #setcol_FgBgFlag
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #GPLFMD]            ; Get the relevant logical operation for fg/bg
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #GPLBMD]
-        ; SetColour setting - copy block
-        ADDEQ   R3, WsPtr, #FgEcf
-        ADDNE   R3, WsPtr, #BgEcf
-        ; Copy the pattern to the user's buffer
-        LDMIA   R3,{R0,R3,R4-R9}
-        STMIA   R1,{R0,R3,R4-R9}
-        ; Construct a suitable reason code
-        AND     R0, R2, #setcol_LogicOpMask
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #setcol_FgBgFlag
-        ORR     R0, R0, #setcol_PatternFlag
-        B       %BT77
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdufont b/s/vdu/vdufont
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d14964a..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdufont
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduFont
-        = &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &00, &18, &00
-        = &6C, &6C, &6C, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &36, &36, &7F, &36, &7F, &36, &36, &00
-        = &0C, &3F, &68, &3E, &0B, &7E, &18, &00
-        = &60, &66, &0C, &18, &30, &66, &06, &00
-        = &38, &6C, &6C, &38, &6D, &66, &3B, &00
-        = &0C, &18, &30, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &0C, &18, &30, &30, &30, &18, &0C, &00
-        = &30, &18, &0C, &0C, &0C, &18, &30, &00
-        = &00, &18, &7E, &3C, &7E, &18, &00, &00
-        = &00, &18, &18, &7E, &18, &18, &00, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &18, &18, &30
-        = &00, &00, &00, &7E, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &18, &18, &00
-        = &00, &06, &0C, &18, &30, &60, &00, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &6E, &7E, &76, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &18, &38, &18, &18, &18, &18, &7E, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &06, &0C, &18, &30, &7E, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &06, &1C, &06, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &0C, &1C, &3C, &6C, &7E, &0C, &0C, &00
-        = &7E, &60, &7C, &06, &06, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &1C, &30, &60, &7C, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &7E, &06, &0C, &18, &30, &30, &30, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &66, &3C, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &66, &3E, &06, &0C, &38, &00
-        = &00, &00, &18, &18, &00, &18, &18, &00
-        = &00, &00, &18, &18, &00, &18, &18, &30
-        = &0C, &18, &30, &60, &30, &18, &0C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &7E, &00, &7E, &00, &00, &00
-        = &30, &18, &0C, &06, &0C, &18, &30, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &0C, &18, &18, &00, &18, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &6E, &6A, &6E, &60, &3C, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &66, &7E, &66, &66, &66, &00
-        = &7C, &66, &66, &7C, &66, &66, &7C, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &60, &60, &60, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &78, &6C, &66, &66, &66, &6C, &78, &00
-        = &7E, &60, &60, &7C, &60, &60, &7E, &00
-        = &7E, &60, &60, &7C, &60, &60, &60, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &60, &6E, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &66, &66, &66, &7E, &66, &66, &66, &00
-        = &7E, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &7E, &00
-        = &3E, &0C, &0C, &0C, &0C, &6C, &38, &00
-        = &66, &6C, &78, &70, &78, &6C, &66, &00
-        = &60, &60, &60, &60, &60, &60, &7E, &00
-        = &63, &77, &7F, &6B, &6B, &63, &63, &00
-        = &66, &66, &76, &7E, &6E, &66, &66, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &7C, &66, &66, &7C, &60, &60, &60, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &66, &66, &6A, &6C, &36, &00
-        = &7C, &66, &66, &7C, &6C, &66, &66, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &60, &3C, &06, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &7E, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &00
-        = &66, &66, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &66, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &18, &00
-        = &63, &63, &6B, &6B, &7F, &77, &63, &00
-        = &66, &66, &3C, &18, &3C, &66, &66, &00
-        = &66, &66, &66, &3C, &18, &18, &18, &00
-        = &7E, &06, &0C, &18, &30, &60, &7E, &00
-        = &7C, &60, &60, &60, &60, &60, &7C, &00
-        = &00, &60, &30, &18, &0C, &06, &00, &00
-        = &3E, &06, &06, &06, &06, &06, &3E, &00
-        = &18, &3C, &66, &42, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00, &FF
-        = &1C, &36, &30, &7C, &30, &30, &7E, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3C, &06, &3E, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &60, &60, &7C, &66, &66, &66, &7C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3C, &66, &60, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &06, &06, &3E, &66, &66, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3C, &66, &7E, &60, &3C, &00
-        = &1C, &30, &30, &7C, &30, &30, &30, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3E, &66, &66, &3E, &06, &3C
-        = &60, &60, &7C, &66, &66, &66, &66, &00
-        = &18, &00, &38, &18, &18, &18, &3C, &00
-        = &18, &00, &38, &18, &18, &18, &18, &70
-        = &60, &60, &66, &6C, &78, &6C, &66, &00
-        = &38, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &3C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &36, &7F, &6B, &6B, &63, &00
-        = &00, &00, &7C, &66, &66, &66, &66, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3C, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &7C, &66, &66, &7C, &60, &60
-        = &00, &00, &3E, &66, &66, &3E, &06, &07
-        = &00, &00, &6C, &76, &60, &60, &60, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3E, &60, &3C, &06, &7C, &00
-        = &30, &30, &7C, &30, &30, &30, &1C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &00, &00, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &18, &00
-        = &00, &00, &63, &6B, &6B, &7F, &36, &00
-        = &00, &00, &66, &3C, &18, &3C, &66, &00
-        = &00, &00, &66, &66, &66, &3E, &06, &3C
-        = &00, &00, &7E, &0C, &18, &30, &7E, &00
-        = &0C, &18, &18, &70, &18, &18, &0C, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &00, &18, &18, &18, &00
-        = &30, &18, &18, &0E, &18, &18, &30, &00
-        = &31, &6B, &46, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF
-        = &66, &00, &3C, &66, &7E, &66, &66, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &3C, &66, &7E, &66, &66, &00
-        = &3F, &66, &66, &7F, &66, &66, &67, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &60, &60, &60, &66, &3C, &60
-        = &0C, &18, &7E, &60, &7C, &60, &7E, &00
-        = &66, &3C, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &66, &00, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &7E, &C3, &9D, &B1, &9D, &C3, &7E, &00
-        = &00, &18, &38, &7F, &38, &18, &00, &00
-        = &00, &18, &1C, &FE, &1C, &18, &00, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &18, &7E, &3C, &18, &00
-        = &00, &18, &3C, &7E, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &30, &18, &3C, &06, &3E, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &30, &18, &3C, &66, &7E, &60, &3C, &00
-        = &66, &00, &3C, &66, &7E, &60, &3C, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &3C, &66, &7E, &60, &3C, &00
-        = &66, &00, &3C, &06, &3E, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &3C, &06, &3E, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3F, &0D, &3F, &6C, &3F, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3C, &66, &60, &66, &3C, &60
-        = &0C, &18, &3C, &66, &7E, &60, &3C, &00
-        = &66, &00, &3C, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &66, &00, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &30, &18, &00, &38, &18, &18, &3C, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &00, &38, &18, &18, &3C, &00
-        = &30, &18, &00, &3C, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &00, &3C, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &30, &18, &00, &66, &66, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &00, &66, &66, &66, &3E, &00
-        = &66, &00, &66, &66, &66, &3E, &06, &3C
-        = &00, &66, &3C, &66, &66, &3C, &66, &00
-        = &3C, &60, &3C, &66, &3C, &06, &3C, &00
-        = &3C, &66, &3C, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &00, &00, &00, &1F, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &1F, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &00, &00, &00, &F8, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &F8, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &00, &00, &00, &FF, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &FF, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &18, &18, &18, &18, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &18, &18, &18, &1F, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &1F, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &18, &18, &18, &F8, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &F8, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &18, &18, &18, &FF, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &FF, &18, &18, &18, &18
-        = &00, &00, &00, &07, &0C, &18, &18, &18
-        = &00, &00, &00, &E0, &30, &18, &18, &18
-        = &18, &18, &0C, &07, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &18, &18, &30, &E0, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &18, &00, &18, &18, &30, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &18, &00, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &00
-        = &36, &6C, &00, &66, &76, &6E, &66, &00
-        = &36, &6C, &00, &7C, &66, &66, &66, &00
-        = &18, &7E, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &00
-        = &18, &7E, &18, &18, &18, &7E, &18, &00
-        = &18, &18, &18, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &30, &18, &0C, &00, &00, &00, &00, &00
-        = &3F, &7B, &7B, &3B, &1B, &1B, &1F, &00
-        = &00, &00, &00, &18, &18, &00, &00, &00
-        = &03, &03, &06, &06, &76, &1C, &0C, &00
-        = &AA, &55, &AA, &55, &AA, &55, &AA, &55
-        = &3E, &63, &67, &6B, &73, &63, &3E, &00
-        = &1C, &36, &63, &63, &7F, &63, &63, &00
-        = &7E, &33, &33, &3E, &33, &33, &7E, &00
-        = &7F, &63, &60, &60, &60, &60, &60, &00
-        = &1C, &1C, &36, &36, &63, &63, &7F, &00
-        = &7F, &33, &30, &3E, &30, &33, &7F, &00
-        = &7E, &66, &0C, &18, &30, &66, &7E, &00
-        = &77, &33, &33, &3F, &33, &33, &77, &00
-        = &3E, &63, &63, &7F, &63, &63, &3E, &00
-        = &3C, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &3C, &00
-        = &63, &66, &6C, &78, &6C, &66, &63, &00
-        = &1C, &1C, &36, &36, &63, &63, &63, &00
-        = &63, &77, &7F, &6B, &63, &63, &63, &00
-        = &63, &73, &7B, &6F, &67, &63, &63, &00
-        = &7E, &00, &00, &3C, &00, &00, &7E, &00
-        = &3E, &63, &63, &63, &63, &63, &3E, &00
-        = &7F, &36, &36, &36, &36, &36, &36, &00
-        = &7E, &33, &33, &3E, &30, &30, &78, &00
-        = &7F, &63, &30, &18, &30, &63, &7F, &00
-        = &7E, &5A, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &00
-        = &66, &66, &66, &3C, &18, &18, &3C, &00
-        = &3E, &08, &3E, &6B, &3E, &08, &3E, &00
-        = &63, &63, &36, &1C, &36, &63, &63, &00
-        = &3E, &08, &6B, &6B, &3E, &08, &3E, &00
-        = &3E, &63, &63, &63, &36, &36, &63, &00
-        = &7F, &63, &63, &36, &36, &1C, &1C, &00
-        = &18, &18, &7E, &18, &18, &00, &7E, &00
-        = &00, &7E, &00, &18, &18, &7E, &18, &18
-        = &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &18, &00
-        = &36, &36, &36, &36, &36, &36, &36, &00
-        = &00, &66, &66, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &00, &3C, &66, &66, &66, &66, &66, &00
-        = &00, &03, &3E, &67, &6B, &73, &3E, &60
-        = &00, &00, &3B, &6E, &66, &6E, &3B, &00
-        = &1E, &33, &33, &3E, &33, &33, &3E, &60
-        = &00, &00, &66, &36, &1C, &18, &30, &30
-        = &3C, &60, &30, &3C, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &1E, &30, &1C, &30, &1E, &00
-        = &3E, &0C, &18, &30, &60, &60, &3E, &06
-        = &00, &00, &7C, &66, &66, &66, &06, &06
-        = &3C, &66, &66, &7E, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &18, &18, &18, &18, &0C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &66, &6C, &78, &6C, &66, &00
-        = &60, &30, &18, &1C, &36, &63, &63, &00
-        = &00, &00, &33, &33, &33, &33, &3E, &60
-        = &00, &00, &63, &33, &1B, &1E, &1C, &00
-        = &3C, &60, &60, &3C, &60, &60, &3E, &06
-        = &00, &00, &3E, &63, &63, &63, &3E, &00
-        = &00, &00, &7F, &36, &36, &36, &36, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3C, &66, &66, &7C, &60, &60
-        = &00, &00, &3F, &66, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &7E, &18, &18, &18, &0C, &00
-        = &00, &00, &73, &33, &33, &33, &1E, &00
-        = &00, &00, &3E, &6B, &6B, &3E, &18, &18
-        = &00, &00, &66, &36, &1C, &1C, &36, &33
-        = &00, &00, &63, &6B, &6B, &3E, &18, &18
-        = &00, &00, &36, &63, &6B, &7F, &36, &00
-        = &38, &0C, &06, &3E, &66, &66, &3C, &00
-        = &00, &31, &6B, &46, &00, &7F, &00, &00
-        = &00, &7E, &00, &7E, &00, &7E, &00, &00
-        = &07, &1C, &70, &1C, &07, &00, &7F, &00
-        = &06, &0C, &7E, &18, &7E, &30, &60, &00
-        = &70, &1C, &07, &1C, &70, &00, &7F, &00
-        = &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF, &FF
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdufontl1 b/s/vdu/vdufontl1
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c6ba12..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdufontl1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduFontL1
-; KJB 990917 - definitions updated from International 1.54
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "space"
-        = &18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&00,&18,&00 ;ISO  "exclamation mark"
-        = &6C,&6C,&6C,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "quotation mark"
-        = &36,&36,&7F,&36,&7F,&36,&36,&00 ;ISO  "number sign"
-        = &0C,&3F,&68,&3E,&0B,&7E,&18,&00 ;ISO  "dollar sign"
-        = &60,&66,&0C,&18,&30,&66,&06,&00 ;ISO  "percent sign"
-        = &38,&6C,&6C,&38,&6D,&66,&3B,&00 ;ISO  "ampersand"
-        = &18,&18,&18,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "apostrophe" (vertical)
-        = &0C,&18,&30,&30,&30,&18,&0C,&00 ;ISO  "left parenthesis"
-        = &30,&18,&0C,&0C,&0C,&18,&30,&00 ;ISO  "right parenthesis"
-        = &00,&18,&7E,&3C,&7E,&18,&00,&00 ;ISO  "asterisk"
-        = &00,&18,&18,&7E,&18,&18,&00,&00 ;ISO  "plus sign"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&18,&18,&30 ;ISO  "comma"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&7E,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "hyphen-minus"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "full stop"
-        = &00,&06,&0C,&18,&30,&60,&00,&00 ;ISO  "solidus"
-        = &3C,&66,&6E,&7E,&76,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "digit zero"
-        = &18,&38,&18,&18,&18,&18,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "digit one"
-        = &3C,&66,&06,&0C,&18,&30,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "digit two"
-        = &3C,&66,&06,&1C,&06,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "digit three"
-        = &0C,&1C,&3C,&6C,&7E,&0C,&0C,&00 ;ISO  "digit four"
-        = &7E,&60,&7C,&06,&06,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "digit five"
-        = &1C,&30,&60,&7C,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "digit six"
-        = &7E,&06,&0C,&18,&30,&30,&30,&00 ;ISO  "digit seven"
-        = &3C,&66,&66,&3C,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "digit eight"
-        = &3C,&66,&66,&3E,&06,&0C,&38,&00 ;ISO  "digit nine"
-        = &00,&00,&18,&18,&00,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "colon"
-        = &00,&00,&18,&18,&00,&18,&18,&30 ;ISO  "semicolon"
-        = &0C,&18,&30,&60,&30,&18,&0C,&00 ;ISO  "less-than sign"
-        = &00,&00,&7E,&00,&7E,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "equals sign"
-        = &30,&18,&0C,&06,&0C,&18,&30,&00 ;ISO  "greater-than sign"
-        = &3C,&66,&0C,&18,&18,&00,&18,&00 ;ISO  "question mark"
-        = &3C,&66,&6E,&6A,&6E,&60,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "commercial at"
-        = &3C,&66,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter A"
-        = &7C,&66,&66,&7C,&66,&66,&7C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter B"
-        = &3C,&66,&60,&60,&60,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter C"
-        = &78,&6C,&66,&66,&66,&6C,&78,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter D"
-        = &7E,&60,&60,&7C,&60,&60,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter E"
-        = &7E,&60,&60,&7C,&60,&60,&60,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter F"
-        = &3C,&66,&60,&6E,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter G"
-        = &66,&66,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter H"
-        = &7E,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter I"
-        = &3E,&0C,&0C,&0C,&0C,&6C,&38,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter J"
-        = &66,&6C,&78,&70,&78,&6C,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter K"
-        = &60,&60,&60,&60,&60,&60,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter L"
-        = &63,&77,&7F,&6B,&6B,&63,&63,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter M"
-        = &66,&66,&76,&7E,&6E,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter N"
-        = &3C,&66,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter O"
-        = &7C,&66,&66,&7C,&60,&60,&60,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter P"
-        = &3C,&66,&66,&66,&6A,&6C,&36,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter Q"
-        = &7C,&66,&66,&7C,&6C,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter R"
-        = &3C,&66,&60,&3C,&06,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter S"
-        = &7E,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter T"
-        = &66,&66,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter U"
-        = &66,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&18,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter V"
-        = &63,&63,&6B,&6B,&7F,&77,&63,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter W"
-        = &66,&66,&3C,&18,&3C,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter X"
-        = &66,&66,&66,&3C,&18,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter Y"
-        = &7E,&06,&0C,&18,&30,&60,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter Z"
-        = &7C,&60,&60,&60,&60,&60,&7C,&00 ;ISO  "left square bracket"
-        = &00,&60,&30,&18,&0C,&06,&00,&00 ;ISO  "reverse solidus"
-        = &3E,&06,&06,&06,&06,&06,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "right square bracket"
-        = &3C,&66,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "circumflex accent"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&FF ;ISO  "low line"
-        = &30,&18,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "grave accent"
-        = &00,&00,&3C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter a"
-        = &60,&60,&7C,&66,&66,&66,&7C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter b"
-        = &00,&00,&3C,&66,&60,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter c"
-        = &06,&06,&3E,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter d"
-        = &00,&00,&3C,&66,&7E,&60,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter e"
-        = &1C,&30,&30,&7C,&30,&30,&30,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter f"
-        = &00,&00,&3E,&66,&66,&3E,&06,&3C ;ISO  "Latin small letter g"
-        = &60,&60,&7C,&66,&66,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter h"
-        = &18,&00,&38,&18,&18,&18,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter i"
-        = &18,&00,&38,&18,&18,&18,&18,&70 ;ISO  "Latin small letter j"
-        = &60,&60,&66,&6C,&78,&6C,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter k"
-        = &38,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter l"
-        = &00,&00,&36,&7F,&6B,&6B,&63,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter m"
-        = &00,&00,&7C,&66,&66,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter n"
-        = &00,&00,&3C,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter o"
-        = &00,&00,&7C,&66,&66,&7C,&60,&60 ;ISO  "Latin small letter p"
-        = &00,&00,&3E,&66,&66,&3E,&06,&07 ;ISO  "Latin small letter q"
-        = &00,&00,&6C,&76,&60,&60,&60,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter r"
-        = &00,&00,&3E,&60,&3C,&06,&7C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter s"
-        = &30,&30,&7C,&30,&30,&30,&1C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter t"
-        = &00,&00,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter u"
-        = &00,&00,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&18,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter v"
-        = &00,&00,&63,&6B,&6B,&7F,&36,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter w"
-        = &00,&00,&66,&3C,&18,&3C,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter x"
-        = &00,&00,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&06,&3C ;ISO  "Latin small letter y"
-        = &00,&00,&7E,&0C,&18,&30,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter z"
-        = &0C,&18,&18,&70,&18,&18,&0C,&00 ;ISO  "left curly bracket"
-        = &18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "vertical line"
-        = &30,&18,&18,&0E,&18,&18,&30,&00 ;ISO  "right curly bracket"
-        = &31,&6B,&46,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "tilde"
-        = &FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF,&FF ;BFNT "Solid block"
-        = &3C,&66,&60,&F8,&60,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "euro sign"
-        = &1C,&36,&00,&63,&6B,&7F,&63,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter W with circumflex"
-        = &1C,&36,&00,&6B,&6B,&7F,&36,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter w with circumflex"
-        = &06,&01,&06,&61,&96,&60,&90,&60 ; "83"
-        = &05,&05,&07,&61,&91,&60,&90,&60 ; "84"
-        = &3C,&66,&00,&66,&3C,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex"
-        = &3C,&66,&00,&66,&66,&3E,&06,&3C ;ISO  "Latin small letter y with circumflex"
-        = &07,&01,&02,&64,&94,&60,&90,&60 ; "87"
-        = &06,&09,&06,&69,&96,&60,&90,&60 ; "88"
-        = &06,&09,&07,&61,&96,&60,&90,&60 ; "89"
-        = &06,&09,&0F,&69,&99,&60,&90,&60 ; "8A"
-        = &0E,&09,&0E,&69,&9E,&60,&90,&60 ; "8B"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&DB,&DB,&00 ;ISO  "horizontal ellipsis"
-        = &F1,&5B,&55,&51,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "trade mark sign"
-        = &C0,&CC,&18,&30,&60,&DB,&1B,&00 ;ISO  "per mille sign"
-        = &00,&00,&3C,&7E,&7E,&3C,&00,&00 ;ISO  "bullet"
-        = &0C,&18,&18,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "left single quotation mark"
-        = &0C,&0C,&18,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "right single quotation mark"
-        = &00,&0C,&18,&30,&30,&18,&0C,&00 ;ISO  "single left-pointing angle quotation mark"
-        = &00,&30,&18,&0C,&0C,&18,&30,&00 ;ISO  "single right-pointing angle quotation mark"
-        = &1B,&36,&36,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "left double quotation mark"
-        = &36,&36,&6C,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "right double quotation mark"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&36,&36,&6C ;ISO  "double low-9 quotation mark"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&3C,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "en dash"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&FF,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "em dash"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&7E,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "minus sign"
-        = &77,&CC,&CC,&CF,&CC,&CC,&77,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital ligature OE"
-        = &00,&00,&6E,&DB,&DF,&D8,&6E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small ligature oe"
-        = &18,&18,&7E,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18 ;ISO  "dagger"
-        = &18,&18,&7E,&18,&7E,&18,&18,&18 ;ISO  "double dagger"
-        = &3C,&66,&60,&F6,&66,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small ligature fi"
-        = &3E,&66,&66,&F6,&66,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small ligature fl"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "no-break space"
-        = &18,&00,&18,&18,&18,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "inverted exclamation mark"
-        = &08,&3E,&6B,&68,&6B,&3E,&08,&00 ;ISO  "cent sign"
-        = &1C,&36,&30,&7C,&30,&30,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "pound sign"
-        = &00,&66,&3C,&66,&66,&3C,&66,&00 ;ISO  "currency sign"
-        = &66,&3C,&18,&18,&7E,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "yen sign"
-        = &18,&18,&18,&00,&18,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "broken bar"
-        = &3C,&60,&3C,&66,&3C,&06,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "section sign"
-        = &66,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "diaeresis"
-        = &3C,&42,&99,&A1,&A1,&99,&42,&3C ;ISO  "copyright sign"
-        = &1C,&06,&1E,&36,&1E,&00,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "feminine ordinal indicator"
-        = &00,&33,&66,&CC,&CC,&66,&33,&00 ;ISO  "left-pointing double angle quotation mark"
-        = &7E,&06,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "not sign"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&7E,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "soft hyphen"
-        = &3C,&42,&B9,&A5,&B9,&A5,&42,&3C ;ISO  "registered sign"
-        = &7E,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "macron"
-        = &3C,&66,&3C,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "degree sign"
-        = &18,&18,&7E,&18,&18,&00,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "plus-minus sign"
-        = &38,&04,&18,&20,&3C,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "superscript two"
-        = &38,&04,&18,&04,&38,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "superscript three"
-        = &0C,&18,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "acute accent"
-        = &00,&00,&33,&33,&33,&33,&3E,&60 ;ISO  "micro sign"
-        = &03,&3E,&76,&76,&36,&36,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "pilcrow sign"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&18,&18,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "middle dot"
-        = &00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&00,&18,&30 ;ISO  "cedilla"
-        = &10,&30,&10,&10,&38,&00,&00,&00 ;ISO  "superscript one"
-        = &1C,&36,&36,&36,&1C,&00,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "masculine ordinal indicator"
-        = &00,&CC,&66,&33,&33,&66,&CC,&00 ;ISO  "right-pointing double angle quotation mark"
-        = &40,&C0,&40,&48,&48,&0A,&0F,&02 ;ISO  "vulgar fraction one quarter"
-        = &40,&C0,&40,&4F,&41,&0F,&08,&0F ;ISO  "vulgar fraction one half"
-        = &E0,&20,&E0,&28,&E8,&0A,&0F,&02 ;ISO  "vulgar fraction three quarters"
-        = &18,&00,&18,&18,&30,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "inverted question mark"
-        = &30,&18,&3C,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter A with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&3C,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter A with acute"
-        = &18,&66,&3C,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter A with circumflex"
-        = &36,&6C,&3C,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter A with tilde"
-        = &66,&00,&3C,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis"
-        = &3C,&66,&3C,&66,&7E,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter A with ring above"
-        = &3F,&66,&66,&7F,&66,&66,&67,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter AE (ash)"
-        = &3C,&66,&60,&60,&60,&66,&3C,&60 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter C with cedilla"
-        = &30,&18,&7E,&60,&7C,&60,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter E with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&7E,&60,&7C,&60,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter E with acute"
-        = &3C,&66,&7E,&60,&7C,&60,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter E with circumflex"
-        = &66,&00,&7E,&60,&7C,&60,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis"
-        = &30,&18,&7E,&18,&18,&18,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter I with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&7E,&18,&18,&18,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter I with acute"
-        = &3C,&66,&7E,&18,&18,&18,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter I with circumflex"
-        = &66,&00,&7E,&18,&18,&18,&7E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis"
-        = &78,&6C,&66,&F6,&66,&6C,&78,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter ETH"
-        = &36,&6C,&66,&76,&7E,&6E,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter N with tilde"
-        = &30,&18,&3C,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter O with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&3C,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter O with acute"
-        = &18,&66,&3C,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter O with circumflex"
-        = &36,&6C,&3C,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter O with tilde"
-        = &66,&00,&3C,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis"
-        = &00,&63,&36,&1C,&1C,&36,&63,&00 ;ISO  "multiply sign"
-        = &3D,&66,&6E,&7E,&76,&66,&BC,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter O with slash"
-        = &30,&18,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter U with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter U with acute"
-        = &3C,&66,&00,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter U with circumflex"
-        = &66,&00,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis"
-        = &0C,&18,&66,&66,&3C,&18,&18,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter Y with acute"
-        = &F0,&60,&7C,&66,&7C,&60,&F0,&00 ;ISO  "Latin capital letter THORN"
-        = &3C,&66,&66,&6C,&66,&66,&6C,&C0 ;ISO  "Latin small letter sharp s"
-        = &30,&18,&3C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter a with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&3C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter a with acute"
-        = &18,&66,&3C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter a with circumflex"
-        = &36,&6C,&3C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter a with tilde"
-        = &66,&00,&3C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter a with diaeresis"
-        = &3C,&66,&3C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter a with ring above"
-        = &00,&00,&3F,&0D,&3F,&6C,&3F,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter ae (ash)"
-        = &00,&00,&3C,&66,&60,&66,&3C,&60 ;ISO  "Latin small letter c with cedilla"
-        = &30,&18,&3C,&66,&7E,&60,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter e with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&3C,&66,&7E,&60,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter e with acute"
-        = &3C,&66,&3C,&66,&7E,&60,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter e with cirumflex"
-        = &66,&00,&3C,&66,&7E,&60,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter e with diaeresis"
-        = &30,&18,&00,&38,&18,&18,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter i with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&00,&38,&18,&18,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter i with acute"
-        = &3C,&66,&00,&38,&18,&18,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter i with circumflex"
-        = &66,&00,&38,&18,&18,&18,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter i with diaeresis"
-        = &18,&3E,&0C,&06,&3E,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter eth"
-        = &36,&6C,&00,&7C,&66,&66,&66,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter n with tilde"
-        = &30,&18,&00,&3C,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter o with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&00,&3C,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter o with acute"
-        = &3C,&66,&00,&3C,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter o with circumflex"
-        = &36,&6C,&00,&3C,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter o with tilde"
-        = &66,&00,&00,&3C,&66,&66,&3C,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter o with diaeresis"
-        = &00,&18,&00,&FF,&00,&18,&00,&00 ;ISO  "divide sign"
-        = &00,&02,&3C,&6E,&76,&66,&BC,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter o with slash"
-        = &30,&18,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter u with grave"
-        = &0C,&18,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter u with acute"
-        = &3C,&66,&00,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter u with circumflex"
-        = &66,&00,&66,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter u with diaeresis"
-        = &0C,&18,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&06,&3C ;ISO  "Latin small letter y with acute"
-        = &60,&60,&7C,&66,&7C,&60,&60,&00 ;ISO  "Latin small letter thorn"
-        = &66,&00,&66,&66,&66,&3E,&06,&3C ;ISO  "Latin small letter y with diaeresis"
-        ASSERT (.-HardFont)=(256-32)*8
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafa b/s/vdu/vdugrafa
deleted file mode 100644
index 82da602f..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafA
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Graphics rectangle, triangle
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   5.9.86
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GenLineParm - Generate a control block for a line
-;       Internal routine, called by TriangleFill, LowerTri, ParallelogramFill,
-;        SegmentLineO5, GenArcParmBlk, GenSegParmBlk, LineDraw
-; in:   R0 (X), R1(Y) hold start of line
-;       R2 (X), R3(Y) hold end of line
-; out:  R0..R6 hold the following control block
-;         R0 - StartX
-;         R1 - StartY
-;         R2 - Bres
-;         R3 - DeltaX
-;         R4 - DeltaY
-;         R5 - StepX (+1/-1) (Equv bit6 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;         R6 - StepY (+1/-1) (Equv bit7 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;         R7 - EndX
-;         R8 - EndY
-GenLineParm ROUT
-        MOV     R7, R2          ; EndX,EndY - might be worth passing them
-        MOV     R8, R3          ;            in R7,R8 not R2,R3
-        SUB     R3, R7, R0      ; Crude deltaX
-        SUB     R4, R8, R1      ; Crude deltaY
-        CMP     R4, R3
-        MOVLT   R2, #0          ; if deltaY >= deltaX R2 := -1
-        MOVGE   R2, #-1         ;                else R2 := 0
-                                ; this is used to fudge the bres
-                                ; variable so lines of grad -1 are
-                                ; the same as lines of grad 1
-        MOVS    R5, R3, ASR #31 ; R5 := SGN(DeltaX)
-        MOVPL   R5, #1
-        RSBMI   R3, R3, #0      ; DeltaX := ABS(DeltaX)
-        MOVS    R6, R4, ASR #31 ; R6 := SGN(DeltaY)
-        MOVPL   R6, #1
-        RSBMI   R4, R4, #0      ; DeltaY := ABS(DeltaY)
-        CMP     R4, R3          ; Bres = MAX(DeltaX,DeltaY) + fudge factor
-        ADDPL   R2, R4, R2
-        ADDMI   R2, R3, R2
-        RSB     R2, R4, R2, ASR #1 ; Bres = Bres/2 - DeltaY
-        MOV     PC, R14         ; Return
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       AdvLineParm - Advance a set of line parameters
-;       Internal routine, called by TrapFill, SegLineStep, ArcLineStep,
-;        LineDraw, InYWind, InXWind
-; in:   R0..R6, (R7,R8) hold a line parameter block
-; out:  R0 (X), R1 (Y) R2 (Bres) updated
-; Format of a control block
-;       R0 - StartX (CurrentX)
-;       R1 - StartY (CurrentY)
-;       R2 - Bres
-;       R3 - DeltaX
-;       R4 - DeltaY
-;       R5 - StepX (+1/-1) (Equv bit6 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;       R6 - StepY (+1/-1) (Equv bit7 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;       R7 - EndX            (Not used in this routine, so)
-;       R8 - EndY            (doesnt need to be passed in)
-AdvLineParm ROUT
-        CMP     R2, #0          ; If Bres +ve, advance in X dirn only
-        ADDLT   R1, R1, R6      ; Advance in Y dirn
-        ADDLTS  R2, R2, R3      ; Add DeltaX to Bres
-                                ; If new Bres +ve advance X as well
-                                ; Advance X
-        SUBGE   R2, R2, R4      ; Sub DeltaY from Bres to advance in X dirn
-        ADDGE   R0, R0, R5      ; Add or subtract 1 dependent on sign DeltaX
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       AdvLineParm_GE - Macro to advance line in XDirn if flags are GE
-;       Used by Triangles,Parallelograms,Arcs etc
-; Use:          CMP R2,#0
-;               AdvLineParm_GE
-; Instead of:   CMP R2,#0
-;               BLGE AdvLineParm
-        MACRO
-        AdvLineParm_GE
-        SUBGE   R2, R2, R4
-        ADDGE   R0, R0, R5
-        MEND
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RectangleFill - Fill a rectangle
-;       External routine, and RectFillA entry point used by BlockCopyMove, CLG
-;        and RectFillB entry point used by PlotMask
-; in:   ICursor & NewPt mark a diagonal of the rectangle
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-RectangleFill ROUT
-        ADD     R11,WsPtr,#GCsIX        ; load ICursor & NewPt
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R3}
-        Push    R14
-        SortT   R0, R2, R11             ; ensure R0 holds the lesser X value
-        SortT   R3, R1, R11             ; ensure R1 holds the higher Y value
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        BL      CheckAcceleration
-        BNE     RectFillC
-; try calling GraphicsV for some acceleration
-; R0 = left, R1 = top, R2 = right, R3 = bottom
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4-R7}             ; GWLCol,GWBRow,GWRCol,GWTRow
-        CMP     R6, R0                  ; Test xcoords against window
-        CMPGE   R2, R4
-        CMPGE   R7, R3                  ; Test ycoords against window
-        CMPGE   R1, R5
-        MOVLT   PC, R14                 ; Quit if above,below,left or right
-        Greatest R0, R0, R4             ; Clip all coords to window
-        Greatest R3, R3, R5
-        Least   R2, R2, R6
-        Least   R1, R1, R7
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]
-        Push    "R0-R4"
-        MOV     R0, #GVRender_Sync
-        MOV     R1, #GVRender_FillRectangle
-        MOV     R2, R13
-        MOV     R4, #GraphicsV_Render
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        TEQ     R4, #GraphicsV_Complete
-        Pull    "R0-R4"
-        Pull    PC, EQ
-; if it didn't claim, we proceed with the pre-clipped coordinates
- ]
-        MOV     R11, R3                 ; place end Y out of harm's way
-        BL      NewHLine
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1              ; step Y down a line
-        CMP     R1, R11
-        BGE     %BT10
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TriangleFill - Triangular area fill
-;       External routine
-; in:   OldCs, ICursor & NewPt are verticies of the triangle
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-TriangleFill ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #OldCsX             ; vertices are OldCs,ICursor
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R5}                    ; and NewPt
-        BL      LowerTri                        ; sort vertices and fill the
-                                                ; lower triangle
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #Vertex2X           ; restart TLine1 to run from
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R3}                    ; Vertex2 to Vertex3
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine1
-TriangleFil5                                    ; entry point from par fill
-        BL      GenLineParm
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R8}                    ; initialise parameter block
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #TEndY]             ; end Y point for both lines
-        BL      TrapFill                        ; fill the upper trapezoid
-        MOV     R0, R9                          ; fill top line LeftX,RightX
-        MOV     R2, R10                         ; leftY already in R1
-        BL      NewHLine
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       LowerTri - Sort 3 vertices and fill the lower triangle between the
-;        points up to but excluding the horizontal through the middle point
-;       Internal routine, called by TriangleFill and ParallelogramFill
-LowerTri ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        CompSwapT R0,R1, R2,R3, R14 ; bubble highest vertex into R4,R5
-        CompSwapT R2,R3 ,R4,R5, R14
-        CompSwapT R0,R1, R2,R3, R14 ; place lowest in R0,R1 and middle in R2,R3
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #Vertex1X
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; save all our vertices
-        MOV     R9, R0                          ; initalise TLeftX,TRightX
-        MOV     R10, R0                         ; to lowest point
-        BL      GenLineParm                     ; Run TLine1 from lowest to
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine1             ; middle point
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R8}
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #TEndY]             ; this line ends first
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #Vertex3X            ; run TLine2 from lowest to
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2, R3}                    ; highest point
-        BL      GenLineParm
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine2
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R8}
-        BL      TrapFill                        ; fill the lower trapezoid
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ParallelogramFill - Fill a parallelogram
-;       External routine
-; in:   OldCs, ICursor & NewPt are 3 vertices of the parallelogram
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-ParallelogramFill ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #OldCsX             ; vertices are OldCs,ICursor
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R5}                    ; and NewPt
-; now calculate Vertex4 from other three
-        ADD     R6, R0, R4      ; Vertex4X := Vertex1X + Vertex3X - Vertex2X
-        SUB     R6, R6, R2
-        ADD     R7, R1, R5      ; Vertex4Y := Vertex1Y + Vertex3Y - Vertex2Y
-        SUB     R7, R7, R3
-        CompSwapT R0,R1, R2,R3, R14 ; Bubble the highest point into R6,R7
-        CompSwapT R2,R3 ,R4,R5, R14
-        CompSwapT R4,R5 ,R6,R7, R14
-        BL      LowerTri        ; sort other vertices and draw lower triangle
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #Vertex2X           ; restart TLine1 to run from
-        LDMIA   R11!, {R0-R3}                   ; Vertex2 to Vertex4
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #TEndY]             ; and indicate line Vertex1 to
-        LDMIA   R11, {R2,R3}                    ; Vertex3 as the next to finish
-        BL      GenLineParm
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine1
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R8}                    ; TLine1 parameter block
-        BL      TrapFill                        ; fill the middle trapezoid
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #Vertex3X           ; restart TLine2 to run from
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R3}                    ; Vertex3 to Vertex4
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine2
-        B       TriangleFil5                    ; Use common code with
-                                                ; triangles to initialise and
-                                                ; fill upper trapezoid
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TrapFill - Fill a trapezoid
-;       Internal routine, called by TriangleFill, LowerTri, ParallelogramFill
-; in:   R9  = TLeftX    }  the line limits for this scanline
-;       R10 = TRightX   }
-; out:  R9,R10 updated
-TrapFill ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine1     ; Advance TLine1 until currentY about
-        BL      TrapLineStep            ; to change, or end of line reached
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine2     ; ditto TLine2
-        BL      TrapLineStep
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #TEndY]
-        CMP     R11, R1                 ; if CurrentY = EndY
-        Pull    PC, EQ                  ; then quit
-        MOV     R0, R9                  ; LeftX
-        MOV     R2, R10                 ; RightX
-                                        ; LeftY already in R1
-        BL      NewHLine                ; Plot current scanline
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine1     ; advance TLine1 to next scanline
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R6}
-        BL      AdvLineParm
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R2}            ; save the changes
-        MOV     R9, R0                  ; assume currentX will be LeftX
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #TLine2     ; advance TLine2 to next scanline
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R6}
-        BL      AdvLineParm
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R2}            ; save the changes
-        CMP     R0, R9                  ; LeftX=Min(CurrentX,CurrentY)
-        MOVGE   R10, R0                 ; RightX=Max(CurrentX,CurrentY)
-        MOVLT   R10, R9
-        MOVLT   R9, R0
-        B       %BT10                   ; continue with next scanline
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TrapLineStep - Step line parameters until CurrentY about to change
-;        or end of line reached - compares CurrentX with line limits
-;        (LeftX,RightX) and widens them if needed
-;       Internal routine, called by TrapFill
-; in:   R9  = LeftX
-;       R10 = RightX
-;       R11 = address of parameter block
-; out:  R0-R8 parameter block for this line
-;       R9, R10 updated
-;       R11 preserved
-TrapLineStep ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R8}            ; get line parameter block
-        CMP     R8, R1                  ; if on last scanline
-        MOVEQ   R0, R7                  ; then set currentX to EndX
-        BEQ     TrapLin20               ;     (bres unchanged, but who cares)
-        CMP     R2, #0                  ; else While bres >= 0 do AdvLineParm
-TrapLin10                               ;      {step until Y about to change}
-        ADDGE   R0, R0, R5
-        SUBGES  R2, R2, R4
-        BGE     TrapLin10
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R2}            ; update the changes to parameter block
-        CMP     R0, R9                  ; LeftX=Min(LeftX,CurrentX)
-        MOVLT   R9, R0
-        CMP     R0, R10
-        MOVGT   R10, R0                 ; RightX=Max(RightX,CurrentX)
-        Pull    PC
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafb b/s/vdu/vdugrafb
deleted file mode 100644
index 45bf1c40..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1120 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafB
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Graphics circle outline, fill, arc, sector & segment
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   5.9.86
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CircleOutline - Circle outline
-;       External routine
-; in:   ICursor is the centre of the circle
-;       NewPt is a point on the circumference
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-CircleOutline ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #GCsIX              ; R0 := CentreX; R1 := CentreY
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R3}                    ; R2 := NewPtX; R3 := NewPtY
-        BL      GenCircleParm                   ; set up parm. block in R0-R7
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #CircleBlk           ; R9 -> saved R0
-        ADD     R11, R9, #5*4                   ; R11 -> saved R5
-        STMIA   R11, {R5-R7}                    ; save R5-R7 once and for all
-        STMIA   R9, {R0-R4}                     ; save R0-R4 before plotting pt
-        SUB     R10, R5, R0                     ; upper left point
-        ADD     R0, R5, R0                      ; upper right point
-        ADD     R1, R6, R1
-        BL      PlotPoint                       ; do upper right point
-        CMP     R10, R0
-        MOVNE   R0, R10                         ; do upper left point
-        BLNE    PlotPoint                       ; unless same as upper right
-        LDMIA   R9, {R0,R1}                     ; reload X, Y
-        CMP     R1, #0                          ; if yPnt=0, skip lower
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; pixel pair
-        LDMIA   R11, {R5,R6}                    ; reload CentreX, CentreY
-        SUB     R10, R5, R0                     ; lower left point
-        ADD     R0, R5, R0                      ; lower right point
-        SUB     R1, R6, R1
-        BL      PlotPoint
-        CMP     R10, R0
-        MOVNE   R0, R10                         ; do lower left point
-        BLNE    PlotPoint                       ; unless same as lower right
-        LDMIA   R9, {R0-R7}                     ; reload the parameter block
-        TEQ     R0, #0                          ; if xPnt=0
-        Pull    PC,EQ                           ; then finish
-        BL      AdvCircleParm                   ; else step to next point
-        B       %BT10                           ; and go round again
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CircleFill - Circular area fill
-;       External routine
-; in:   ICursor is the centre of the circle
-;       NewPt is a point on the circumference
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-CircleFill ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #GCsIX              ; centre is ICursor
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R3}                    ; point is NewPt
-        BL      GenCircleParm                   ; set up parameter block
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CircleBlk          ; in R0-R6
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; save prior to line drawing
-        ADD     R2, R5, R0                      ; RightX = CentreX+xPnt
-        SUB     R11, R6, R1                     ; LowerY = CentreY-yPnt
-        SUB     R0, R5, R0                      ; LeftX  = CentreX-xPnt
-        ADD     R1, R6, R1                      ; UpperY = CentreY+yPnt
-        BL      NewHLine                        ; draw upper slice
-        CMP     R11, R1                         ; unless UpperY=LowerY
-        MOV     R1, R11
-        BLNE    NewHLine                        ; do draw lower slice
-        ADDS    R11, WsPtr, #CircleBlk          ; (C := 0)
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; reload the parameter block
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; finish if xPnt=0
-        BL      AdvCircleParm                   ; else step to next point
-        BCC     %BT20                           ; step until yPnt changes
-        B       %BT10                           ; do next slice
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CircleArc - Circular arc outline
-;       External routine
-; in:   OldCs is the centre of the circle
-;       ICursor is the start of the arc
-;       NewPt is the finishing point of the arc
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-CircleArc ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      GenArcParmBlk
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CircleBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; reload the parameter block
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; save prior to line drawing
-        BL      Reflect
-        BL      UpdateQuadrants
-        LDRB    R8, [WsPtr, #Quad0Draw]         ; if LSBit set, plot this point
-        TST     R8, #1
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint0X]
-        LDRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint0Y]
-        BLNE    PlotPoint
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CircleBlk]         ; if xPnt=0, ignore left pixel
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDRB    R8, [WsPtr, #Quad1Draw]         ; if LSBit set, plot this point
-        TST     R8, #1
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1X]
-        LDRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1Y]
-        BLNE    PlotPoint
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #(CircleBlk+4)]     ; if yPnt=0, skip lower
-        CMP     R0, #0                          ; pixel pair
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        LDRB    R8, [WsPtr, #Quad3Draw]         ; if LSBit set, plot this point
-        TST     R8, #1
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3X]
-        LDRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3Y]
-        BLNE    PlotPoint
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CircleBlk]         ; if xPnt=0, ignore left pixel
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        LDRB    R8, [WsPtr, #Quad2Draw]         ; if LSBit set, plot this point
-        TST     R8,#1
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint2X]
-        LDRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint2Y]
-        BLNE    PlotPoint
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CircleBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; reload the parameter block
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; finish if xPnt=0
-        BL      AdvCircleParm                   ; else step to next point
-        B       %BT10                           ; and go round again
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SegmentFill - Circular segment fill
-;       External routine
-; in:   OldCs is the centre of the circle
-;       ICursor is the start of the segment
-;       NewPt is the finishing point of the segment
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-SegmentFill ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      GenArcParmBlk
-        BL      GenSegParmBlk
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr,#CircleBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; reload the parameter block
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; save prior to line drawing
-        BL      Reflect
-        BL      UpdateQuadrants
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #Quad0StateChange]  ; if any quadrant changes state
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BLNE    SegmentLineOn                   ; try starting segment line
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1X]        ; limits of segment line
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint0X]
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1Y]        ; current scanline
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #UpperSegLinePtr]  ; holds 0 or points at CLine2
-        CMP     R11, #0
-        BLNE    SegLineStep                     ; and advance if active
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1X]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1Y]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint0X]
-        LDRB    R3, [WsPtr, #Quad1Draw]
-        LDRB    R4, [WsPtr, #Quad0Draw]
-        BL      SegmentSlice
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #(CircleBlk+4)]     ; if yPnt=0, skip lower line
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT15
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint2X]        ; limits of segment line
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3X]
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3Y]        ; current scanline
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #LowerSegLinePtr]  ; holds 0 or points at CLine3
-        CMP     R11, #0
-        BLNE    SegLineStep                     ; and advance if active
-        Swap    R7,R8
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3X]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3Y]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint2X]
-        LDRB    R3, [WsPtr, #Quad3Draw]
-        LDRB    R4, [WsPtr, #Quad2Draw]
-        BL      SegmentSlice
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #Quad0StateChange]  ; if any quadrant state changes
-        CMP     R0, #0                          ; left, kill segment line
-        BLNE    SegmentLineOff
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CircleBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; reload the parameter block
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; finish if xPnt=0
-        BL      AdvCircleParm                   ; else step to next point
-        BCS     %BT10                           ; do next slice
-        BCC     %BT20                           ; step until yPnt changes
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SegLineStep - Advance the segment line, limited to be within the circle
-;       Internal routine, called by SegmentFill
-; in:   R7 = left circleX
-;       R8 = right circleX
-;       R9 = current scanline
-;       R11 = pointer to Line (CLine2 or CLine3) (can't hold zero any more)
-SegLineStep ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R6,R10} ; N.B. EndX is in R10
-        CMP     R4, #0          ; if line is horizontal
-        MOVEQ   R9, R10         ; then line limits are in R0 & R10,
-        BEQ     %FT50           ;      R9 := R10 and branch
-                                ; else find limits
-        CMP     R9, R1          ; advance line until currentY = circleY
-        BLNE    AdvLineParm     ; (this usually takes one step)
-        CMP     R9, R1
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MOV     R9, R0          ; assume CurrentX is the left most point
-        CMP     R10, R0         ; if currentX=EndX
-        BEQ     %FT40           ; then no need to advance line
-        CMP     R2, #0          ; else While bres >= 0 do AdvLineParm
-        AdvLineParm_GE          ; this leaves us furthest point on segment
-        CMP     R10, R0
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        CMP     R2, #0          ; line for this scanline in R0
-        BGE     %BT30
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R4}    ; update the line parameter block
-        CMP     R9, R0          ; R9 := LeftX
-        MOVGT   R10, R9
-        MOVGT   R9, R0
-        MOVLE   R10, R0         ; R10 := RightX
-        CMP     R8, R10         ; force R10 into range R7..R8
-        MOVLT   R10, R8
-        CMP     R7, R10
-        MOVGT   R10, R7
-        CMP     R7, R9          ; force R9 into range R7..R8
-        MOVGT   R9, R7
-        CMP     R8, R9
-        MOVLT   R9, R8
-        MOV     R8, R10
-        MOV     R7, R9
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SegmentSlice - Draw a slice of a circular segment
-;       Internal routine, called by SegmentFill
-; in:   R0 = circleX left
-;       R1 = circleY
-;       R2 = circleX right
-;       R3 = left quadrant control word  (TopL or BotR)
-;       R4 = right quadrant control word (TopR or BotL)
-;       R7 = left most point of segment line for this slice
-;       R8 = right most point of segment line for this slice
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-SegmentSlice ROUT
-        TST     R3, #1          ; if both quadrants empty
-        TSTEQ   R4, #1          ; or not at start of segment
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14         ; then return
-        TST     R3, #1          ; if both quadrants to be filled
-        TSTNE   R4, #1          ; or filling below segment line
-        BNE     HLine           ; then draw a slice of circle
-;              0 0              ; ......
-;              1 1              ; (----)
-;              0 1              ;     \)    ;     /) ;  \---)    ;  /---)
-;              1 0              ; (/        ; (\     ; (---/     ; (---\ 
-; From here on, all plotting decisions can be made from
-; the LSBit of one quadrant field
-        TST     R3, #1
-        MOVEQ   R0, R7          ; Draw ---)
-        BEQ     HLine
-        MOV     R2, R8          ; Draw (---
-        B       HLine
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SegmentLineOn - Try to start segment line
-;       Internal routine, called by SegmentFill
-SegmentLineOn ROUT
-        Push    R14
-                                                ; quadrant 0
-        LDRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad0StateChange] ; state change 0..2
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #ArcPoint0X          ; address of point on circle
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #CLine2              ; line block to use if starting
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #UpperSegLinePtr]  ; 0 or ptr to active line
-        BL      SegmentLineO5
-        STRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad0StateChange] ; new state change flag
-        LDRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad1StateChange] ; quadrant 1
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #ArcPoint1X
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #CLine2
-        BL      SegmentLineO5
-        STRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad1StateChange]
-        STR     R11, [WsPtr, #UpperSegLinePtr]  ; unchanged/updated lineptr
-                                                ; lower hemisphere
-        LDRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad2StateChange] ; quadrant 2
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #ArcPoint2X
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #CLine3
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #LowerSegLinePtr]
-        BL      SegmentLineO5
-        STRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad2StateChange]
-        LDRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad3StateChange] ; quadrant 3
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #ArcPoint3X
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #CLine3
-        BL      SegmentLineO5
-        STRB    R10, [WsPtr, #Quad3StateChange]
-        STR     R11, [WsPtr, #LowerSegLinePtr]
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SegmentLineO5 - On state change, start segment line and update
-;        statechange - if line already active, do nothing
-;       Internal routine, called by SegmentLineOn
-; in:   R8  -> CLine(2..3)
-;       R9  -> ArcPoint(0..3)X
-;       R10 = Quad(0..3)StateChange
-;         0 means no change
-;         1 means one line hit
-;         2 means both lines hit
-;       R11 = 0 or pointer to segment line
-; out:  R10 = updated Quad(0..3)StateChange
-;       R11 = 0 or points at newly created line
-SegmentLineO5 ROUT
-        CMP     R10, #0         ; if state unchanged
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14         ; then go home
-        CMP     R11, #0         ; else if segment line active
-        MOVNE   PC, R14         ;      then go home
-        Push    R14             ;      else start the segment line
-        MOV     R11, R8
-        LDMIA   R9, {R0,R1}     ; run from point on circle
-        LDMIA   R11, {R2,R3}    ; to other end
-        BL      GenLineParm
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R8}
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSR #1 ; state1->state0, state2->state1
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SegmentLineOff - Try to kill segment line
-;       Internal routine, called by SegmentFill
-; in:   R0 = stateflags for each quadrant
-; out:  R0 preserved
-;       R1 corrupted
-SegmentLineOff ROUT
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        TST     R0, #&3                         ; if statechange occurred in
-        TSTEQ   R0, #&300                       ; Quad0 or Quad1
-        STRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #UpperSegLinePtr]   ; then kill upper segment line
-        TST     R0, #&30000                     ; if statechange occured in
-        TSTEQ   R0, #&3000000                   ; Quad2 or Quad3
-        STRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #LowerSegLinePtr]   ; then kill lower segment line
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SectorFill - Circular sector (pie) fill
-;       External routine
-; in:   OldCs is the centre of the circle
-;       ICursor is the start of the sector
-;       NewPt is the finishing point of the sector
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupt
-SectorFill ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      GenArcParmBlk
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CircleBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; reload the parameter block
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; save prior to line drawing
-        BL      Reflect
-        BL      UpdateQuadrants
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #(CircleBlk+4)]     ; if yPnt=0, panic
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     SectorFi40
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1X]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1Y]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint0X]
-        LDRB    R3, [WsPtr, #Quad1Draw]
-        LDRB    R4, [WsPtr, #Quad0Draw]
-        BL      SectorSlice
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3X]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint3Y]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint2X]
-        LDRB    R3, [WsPtr, #Quad3Draw]
-        LDRB    R4, [WsPtr, #Quad2Draw]
-        BL      SectorSlice
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CircleBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R7}                    ; reload the parameter block
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; finish if xPnt=0
-        BL      AdvCircleParm                   ; else step to next point
-        BCS     SectorFi10                      ; do next slice
-        BCC     SectorFi30                      ; step until yPnt changes
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CLine0Near]        ; equal to CLine1NearX &
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint0Y]        ; centre of circle
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CLine0Far]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #CLine1Far]
-        Greatest R2, R0,R3              ; draw from rightmost of CLine0, Cline1
-        Greatest R2, R2,R4
-        Least R0, R0,R3                 ; to left most of CLine0, Cline1
-        Least R0, R0,R4
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #Quad0Draw] ; all 4 drawing control bytes
-        TST     R3, #&00000001          ; if Quad0 or
-        TSTEQ   R3, #&01000000          ;    Quad3 fills against circle
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint0X] ; then override R2
-        TST     R3, #&00000100          ; If Quad1 or
-        TSTEQ   R3, #&00010000          ;    Quad2 fills against circle
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #ArcPoint1X] ; then override R0
-        BL      NewHLine                ; draw the line (sorted coords)
-        B       SectorFi20
-; Internal subroutine for sector (pie) fills
-; On entry, R0 - circleX left
-;           R1 - circleY
-;           R2 - circleX right
-;           R3 - left quadrant control word  (TopL or BotR)
-;           R4 - right quadrant control word (TopR or BotL)
-; On exit, R0-R11 corrupt
-        CMP   R4,#&57                           ; (--//)
-        LDREQ R3,[WsPtr,#CLine0Far]
-        LDREQ R4,[WsPtr,#CLine1Near]
-        BEQ DoubleHLine
-        CMP   R3,#&73                           ; (\\--)
-        LDREQ R3,[WsPtr,#CLine0Near]
-        LDREQ R4,[WsPtr,#CLine1Far]
-        BEQ DoubleHLine
-        CMP   R4,#&07                           ; (-\/-)
-        CMPEQ R3,#&03
-        LDREQ R3,[WsPtr,#CLine0Near]
-        LDREQ R4,[WsPtr,#CLine1Near]
-        BEQ DoubleHLine
-        CMP   R4,#&07                           ;    /-)
-        LDREQ R0,[WsPtr,#CLine1Near]
-        BEQ HLine
-        CMP   R3,#&03                           ; (-\ 
-        LDREQ R2,[WsPtr,#CLine0Near]
-        BEQ HLine
-        CMP   R4,#&3A                           ;    /-/
-        LDREQ R0,[WsPtr,#CLine1Near]
-        LDREQ R2,[WsPtr,#CLine0Far]
-        BEQ HLine
-        CMP   R3,#&1E                           ; \-\ 
-        LDREQ R0,[WsPtr,#CLine1Far]
-        LDREQ R2,[WsPtr,#CLine0Near]
-        BEQ HLine
-        CMP   R4,#1                             ; ...--)
-        MOVLT PC,Link                           ;Nothing in either quadrant
-        LDRGT R2,[WsPtr,#CLine0Far]             ; ...--/
-        CMP   R3,#1                             ; (--...
-        LDRGT R0,[WsPtr,#CLine1Far]             ; \--...
-        B HLine
-; Reflect - Generate four point on a circle by
-; =======   reflection about its centre
-; On entry, R0..R7 hold a circle parameter block
-; On exit,  R0 (X), R1  (Y) point in Quadrant0
-;           R2 (X), R3  (Y) point in Quadrant1
-;           R7 (X), R8  (Y) point in Quadrant2
-;           R9 (X), R10 (Y) point in Quadrant3
-;           R11 points at ArcPoint0X
-;           ArcPoint(0..3) updated
-; Format of a circle control block
-;       R0 - xPnt   (CurrentX - relative to centre)
-;       R1 - yPnt   (CurrentY - relative to centre)
-;       R2 - sum (Bres)
-;       R3 - upcnt
-;       R4 - downcnt
-;       R5 - CentreX
-;       R6 - CentreY
-;       R7 - Aspect (pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect)
-        ADD R9,R5,R0    ;Quad 3  CentreX+xPnt   ;Calculate all 4 points
-        SUB R10,R6,R1   ;        CentreY-yPnt   ; by reflection about centre
-        SUB R7,R5,R0    ;Quad 2  CentreX-xPnt
-        SUB R8,R6,R1    ;        CentreY-yPnt
-        SUB R2,R5,R0    ;Quad 1  CentreX-xPnt
-        ADD R3,R6,R1    ;        CentreY+yPnt
-        ADD R0,R5,R0    ;Quad 0  CentreX+xPnt
-        ADD R1,R6,R1    ;        CentreY+yPnt
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#ArcPoint0X
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1, R2,R3, R7,R8, R9,R10} ;And store the lot for later on
-        MOV PC,Link
-;  update lines & quadrant data
-;  use R9  as offset from WsPtr to ArcPoint(0..3)X
-;  use R10 as offset from WsPtr to QuadControl(0..3)
-;  use R11 as address of line parameter block(0..1)
-        SaveRetAdr
-        MOV R0,#0
-        STR R0,[WsPtr,#Quad0StateChange]        ;Clear flags for each quadrant
-        LDR R0,[WsPtr,#Quad0Control]            ;Update the 4 'drawing'
-        STR R0,[WsPtr,#Quad0Draw]               ; control bytes
-                                                ;Start by looking at quadrant 0
-        ADD R10,WsPtr,#Quad0Control             ;Address of control byte
-        ADD R9,WsPtr,#ArcPoint0X                ;Address of point on circle
-        BL UpdateQuadr10
-        ADD R10,R10,#(Quad1Control-Quad0Control)        ;Quadrant 1
-        ADD R9,R9,#(ArcPoint1X-ArcPoint0X)
-        BL UpdateQuadr10
-        ADD R10,R10,#(Quad1Control-Quad0Control)        ;Quadrant 2
-        ADD R9,R9,#(ArcPoint1X-ArcPoint0X)
-        BL UpdateQuadr10
-        ADD R10,R10,#(Quad1Control-Quad0Control)        ;Quadrant 3
-        ADD R9,R9,#(ArcPoint1X-ArcPoint0X)
-        BL UpdateQuadr10
-        Return
-        LDRB R0,[R10]           ;Get control block for quadrant
-        TST R0,#&2              ;If 0 or 1
-        MOVEQ PC,Link           ; then nothing to do
-        SaveRetAdr              ; else update the line
-        LDMIA R9,{R7,R8}                        ;Point on circle in this quad
-        TST R0,#4
-        ADDEQ R11,WsPtr,#CLine0                 ;Load parm blk for line(0/1)
-        ADDNE R11,WsPtr,#CLine1
-        LDMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6}        ;EndX,EndY (R7,R8) not needed
-        BL ArcLineStep
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R8}     ;Update the changes, EndX
-                                                ; used for NearX
-        CMP R7,#1                               ; 'change state' flag
-        MOV R7,#1                               ;Convert to one line hit
-        STRGEB R7,[R10,#(Quad0StateChange-Quad0Control)]
-        LDRB R0,[R10]           ;Get control block for quadrant and look at
-        MOV R0,R0,LSR #3        ; next control field
-        STRGEB R0,[R10]         ;If 'change state' write back next field
-                                                        ;If outside circle
-        TSTEQ R0,#1                                     ; or changing into a
-        STRGTB R0,[R10,#(Quad0Draw-Quad0Control)]       ; plotting state update
-                                                        ; drawing control byte
-        TST R0,#2                               ;If new field doesnt advance a
-        Return EQ                               ; line then quit
-                                                ; else update second line
-        Push R0
-        LDMIA R9,{R7,R8}                        ;Point on circle in this quad
-        TST R0,#4
-        ADDEQ R11,WsPtr,#CLine0                 ;Load parm blk for line(0/1)
-        ADDNE R11,WsPtr,#CLine1
-        LDMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6}        ;EndX,EndY (R7,R8) not needed
-        BL ArcLineStep
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R8}     ;Update the changes, EndX
-                                                ; used for NearX
-        CMP R7,#1                               ; 'change state' flag
-        MOV R7,#2                               ;Convert to both lines hit
-        STRGEB R7,[R10,#(Quad0StateChange-Quad0Control)]
-        Pull R0         ;Use earlier value instead of reloading control block,
-                        ; as whally lines (dy/dx = 0/0) blewup when 2nd line
-                        ; terminated before 1st line. This case should not
-                        ; now get through, but you never now.
-        MOV R0,R0,LSR #3        ;Next field in control field
-        STRGEB R0,[R10]         ;If 'changing state' write this back
-        STRGTB R0,[R10,#(Quad0Draw-Quad0Control)]       ; and update drawing
-                                                        ; control byte
-        Return
-; ArcLineStep - Step line parameter block checking for interception
-; ===========     with circle.
-;               Return first ('near') and last ('far') points of line
-;                 that fall on this scanline, limiting 'far' to the point on
-;                 the circle if interception occurs.
-; On entry, R0..R6 hold a line parameter block (EndX,EndY are not loaded)
-; Format of a line control block
-;           R0 - StartX (CurrentX)
-;           R1 - StartY (CurrentY)
-;           R2 - Bres
-;           R3 - DeltaX
-;           R4 - DeltaY
-;           R5 - StepX (+1/-1) (Equv bit6 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;           R6 - StepY (+1/-1) (Equv bit7 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;                (R7 - EndX            Not used in this routine,)
-;                (R8 - EndY            so not passed in)
-;           R7,R8  CircleX,CircleY
-; On exit,  R0 (X), R1 (Y), R2 (bres) updated
-;           R7 0/1/2 for within/on/outside circle
-;           R8 nearX
-; R9,R10,R11 unused
-        SaveRetAdr
-        CMP R8,R1               ;Advance line until CurrentY = CircleY
-        BLNE AdvLineParm
-        CMP R8,R1               ; {this usually takes one step}
-        BNE ArcLineSt10
-        MOV R8,R0               ;This point is nearX
-                                ; ie the first point on this scanline
- [ No26bitCode
-        SUBS R14,R0,R7          ;If  (CurrentX=CircleX) then farX is on circle
-        TEQNE R5,R14            ;If ((CurrentX-CircleX) EOR StepX is +ve)
- |
-        CMP R0,R7               ;If  (CurrentX=CircleX) then farX is on circle
-        TEQNE R5,PC             ;If ((CurrentX-CircleX) EOR StepX is +ve)
- ]
-                                ;then farX is outside circle
-        MOVPL R0,R7             ;      limit farX to circleX
-        MOVPL R7,#2             ;      set change flag =2 for outside
-        MOVEQ R7,#1             ;                      =1 for on circle
-        Return PL               ;      and return
-        CMP R2,#0               ;While bres >= 0 and within circle AdvLineParm
-ArcLineSt20                     ; this leaves us with farX,farY in R0,R1
-        AdvLineParm_GE
-        CMP R0,R7               ;If (CurrentX=CircleX) then farX is on circle
-        MOVEQ R7,#1             ;      set change flag
-        Return EQ               ;      and return
-                                ; else within circle
-        CMP R2,#0               ;If y about to change, return farX,farY
-        BGE ArcLineSt20         ; else loop back to step the line
-        MOV R7,#0
-        Return
-; Assumes  R9, R10 & R11 are not corrupted over calls to GenLineParm
-        SaveRetAdr
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#OldCsX                   ;Build parm block for a circle
-        LDMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3}                 ; centre OldCs, point on
-        BL GenCircleParm                        ; circumference in ICursor
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#CircleBlk
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7}
-        ADD R10,WsPtr,#CLine0
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#OldCsX
-        LDMIA R11!,{R0,R1,R2,R3}                ;CLine0 gives start of arc
-        BL GenLineParm                          ; (OldCs->ICursor)
-        STMIA R10!,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8}
-; Use StepX and StepY for 'start of arc' line to form the beginnings of
-; an index into the arc control block table
-; StepX & StepY each hold +1 or -1 and the value left in R9 is
-;     R9  | Quad
-;   ------+------
-;    0000 |  0
-;    0100 |  1
-;    1100 |  2
-;    1000 |  3
-        AND R5,R5,#&4                           ;
-        AND R6,R6,#&8                           ; See above for details
-        ORR R9,R6,R5                            ;
-        LDMIA R11,{R2,R3}                       ;CLine1 gives end line of arc
-                                                ; (OldCs->NewPt)
-        CMP R0,R2                               ;If OldCs=NewPt
-        CMPEQ R1,R3                             ; use OldCs->(NewPtX+1,NewPtY)
-        ADDEQ R2,R2,#1                          ; for compatability with Master
-        BL GenLineParm
-        STMIA R10,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8}
-        AND R5,R5,#&4
-        AND R6,R6,#&8
-        ORR R6,R6,R5                            ; 'end of arc'
-        CMP R9,R6               ;If start and end quadrants different
-        ORRNE R9,R9,R6,LSL #2   ;  then index = start OR (end <<2)
-        BNE GenArcPar10         ;  and branch
-                                ;else special case code for index, based
-                                ; on gradients of line
-        LDR R7,[WsPtr,#(CLine0+12)]     ; DeltaX0.DeltaY1
-        LDR R8,[WsPtr,#(CLine1+16)]
-        MUL R0, R7, R8
-        LDR R7,[WsPtr,#(CLine0+16)]     ; DeltaX1.DeltaY0
-        LDR R8,[WsPtr,#(CLine1+12)]
-        MUL R9, R7, R8
-        CMP R0,R9                       ;For gradients <,>,=
-        ORRLT R9,R6,#&40                ; generate index into table
-        ORRGT R9,R6,#&50
-        ORREQ R9,R6,R6,LSL #2
-        ADR R0,GenArcTb                 ; GenArcTb
-        LDR R0,[R0,R9]
-        STR R0,[WsPtr,#Quad0Control]    ;Setup all FOUR control BYTEs
-        Return
-; 00 000 000  &00     no points to be plotted
-; 00 000 001  &01     all points to be plotted
-; 00 001 x10  &0A,0E  plot nothing until line x hits circle then start plotting
-; 00 000 x11  &03,07  plot points until line x hits circle then stop
-; 00 y11 x10  &3A,1E  plot points only between line x and line y
-; 01 y10 x11  &73,57  plot points from x axis to line x, then line y to y axis
- & &0000003A    ; 0->0 (short arc)
- & &01010307    ; 1->0
- & &03000007    ; 3->0
- & &010A0007    ; 2->0
- & &00000E0A    ; 0->1
- & &00001E00    ; 1->1 (short arc)
- & &03000E01    ; 3->1
- & &010A0E01    ; 2->1
- & &0E01010A    ; 0->3
- & &0E010300    ; 1->3
- & &1E000000    ; 3->3 (short arc)
- & &0E0A0000    ; 2->3
- & &0007010A    ; 0->2
- & &00070300    ; 1->2
- & &03070101    ; 3->2
- & &003A0000    ; 2->2 (short arc)
- & &01010157    ; 0->0 (long arc)    grad line0 > grad line1
- & &00001E00    ; 1->1 (short arc)
- & &1E000000    ; 3->3 (short arc)
- & &01570101    ; 2->2 (long arc)
- & &0000003A    ; 0->0 (short arc)   grad line0 < grad line 1
- & &01017301    ; 1->1 (long arc)
- & &73010101    ; 3->3 (long arc)
- & &003A0000    ; 2->2 (short arc)
-        SaveRetAdr
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#CLine1           ;Get all line data except EndX,EndY
-        LDMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6}
-        LDR R11,[WsPtr,#AspectRatio]    ;Frigging non square frigging pixels
-                                        ; 0=Sq, 1=horz, 2=vert
-        CMP R11,#1
-        MOVEQ R3,R3,LSL #1              ;If horz, scale up deltaX
-        MOVGT R4,R4,LSL #1              ;If vert, scale up deltaY
-        [ {TRUE}
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #CircleRadSquare] ; R8 = r2
-        MUL     R9, R3, R3              ; R9 = DX2
-        MUL     R10, R4, R4             ; R10 = DY2
-        ADD     R11, R9, R10            ; R11 = R2
-        MOV     R3, R10
-        BL      DoubleMulDivSquareRoot
-        MOV     R4, R3                  ; R4 = dy
-        MOV     R3, R9
-        BL      DoubleMulDivSquareRoot  ; R3 = dx
-        |
-        MUL R9,R3,R3                    ;R9 := Square(deltaX)
-        MOV R2,R9                       ;R2 := Square(deltaX)
-        LDR R8,[WsPtr,#CircleRadSquare]
-        MUL R3,R9,R8                    ;R3 := Square(radius) * Square(deltaX)
-        MUL R9,R4,R4                    ;R9 := Square(deltaY)
-        ADD R2,R2,R9                    ;R2 := Square(deltaX) + Square(deltaY)
-        MUL R10,R9,R8                   ;R10 := Square(radius) * Square(deltaY)
-        MOV R9,R2
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Use new DivRem macro, not old DIVREM
-; Original code was:
-;        DIVREM R7,R10,R9, R8            ;R7 := (rad^2 * deltaY^2)/R2
-        DivRem R7,R10,R9, R8            ;R7 := (rad^2 * deltaY^2)/R2
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        BL SquareRoot                   ;Iy left in R8
-        MOV R4,R8
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Use new DivRem macro, not old DIVREM
-; Original code was:
-;        DIVREM R7,R3,R2, R8             ;R7 := (rad^2 * deltaX^2)/R2
-        DivRem R7,R3,R2, R8             ;R7 := (rad^2 * deltaX^2)/R2
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        BL SquareRoot                   ;Ix left in R8
-        MOV R3,R8
-        ]
-        LDR R11,[WsPtr,#AspectRatio]    ; 0=Sq, 1=horz, 2=vert
-        CMP R11,#1
-        MOVEQ R3,R3,LSR #1              ;If horz, scale down deltaX
-        MOVGT R4,R4,LSR #1              ;If vert, scale down deltaY
-        CMP R5,#0                       ;If StepX >= 0
-        ADDGE R0,R0,R3                  ; then R0 := StartX+R3
-        SUBLT R0,R0,R3                  ; else R0 := StartX-R3
-        CMP R6,#0                       ;If StepY >= 0
-        ADDGE R1,R1,R4                  ; then R1 := StartY+R4
-        SUBLT R1,R1,R4                  ; else R1 := StartY-R4
-; R0,R1 is the intercept of CLine1 and the circle
-;       so, segment line runs from here to endpoint of CLine0
-        LDR R2,[WsPtr,#CLine0EndX]
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#CLine0EndY]
-        CompSwapT R0,R1, R2,R3, R4       ; Order coords
-; If segment line crosses X axis
-; then initialise both upper & lower segment lines
-; else leave endpoints for later use
-        LDR R4,[WsPtr,#Quad0Control]    ;All 4 control bytes
-        ORR R4,R4,R4,LSR #8             ;If bit1 =0, not in upper hemisphere
-                                        ;If bit9 =0, not in lower hemisphere
-        AND R4,R4,R4,LSR #16
-        TST R4,#2                       ;If bit1 =0
-        BEQ GenSegParmB10               ; then line does not cross X axis
-                                        ; else start both CLine2 & CLine3
-                                        ;      running, so..
-        BL GenLineParm                          ;Initialise CLine2 as the
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#CLine2                   ; upper hemisphere segment line
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8}
-        STR R11,[WsPtr,#UpperSegLinePtr]
-        MOV R2,R0                               ;Run CLine3, in the opposite
-        MOV R3,R1                               ; direction for use as the
-        MOV R0,R7                               ; lower hemisphere segment line
-        MOV R1,R8
-        BL GenLineParm
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#CLine3
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8}
-        STR R11,[WsPtr,#LowerSegLinePtr]
-        Return
-GenSegParmB10                           ;Line does not cross X axis, so..
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#CLine2           ;Upper hemisphere segment line, runs
-        STMIA R11,{R2,R3}               ; to R2,R3  (if it runs at all)
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#CLine3           ;Lower hemisphere segment line, runs
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1}               ; to R0,R1  (if it runs at all)
-        MOV R11,#0                              ;Both lines inactive
-        STR R11,[WsPtr,#UpperSegLinePtr]
-        STR R11,[WsPtr,#LowerSegLinePtr]
-        Return
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoubleMulDivSquareRoot - Compute SQR(a*b/c) in double precision
-; in:   R3 = a
-;       R8 = b
-;       R11 = c
-; out:  R3 = result
-;       R2, R7 corrupted
-DoubleMulDivSquareRoot ROUT
-        Push    "R8-R11,R14"
-        MOV     R2, R3, LSR #16                 ; R2 = ah
-        EOR     R7, R3, R2, LSL #16             ; R7 = al
-        MOV     R9, R8, LSR #16                 ; R9 = bh
-        EOR     R10, R8, R9, LSL #16            ; R10 = bl
-        MUL     R3, R7, R10                     ; R3 =
-        MUL     R14, R7, R9                     ; R14 =
-        MLA     R14, R10, R2, R14               ; R14 = +
-        MUL     R8, R2, R9                      ; R8 =
-        ADDS    R3, R3, R14, LSL #16            ; R3 = lower 32 bits of a.b
-        ADC     R8, R8, R14, LSR #16            ; R8 = upper 32 bits of a.b
-; now do divide of a.b by c
-; we know that a.b < 2^61, so no problem with top bit of a.b
-        MOV     R9, R11                         ; R9 = low 32 bits of shifted c
-        MOV     R10, #0                         ; R10 = hi 32 bits of shifted c
-        ADDS    R9, R9, R9                      ; shift R9,R10 left one place
-        ADC     R10, R10, R10
-        CMP     R9, R3                          ; compare R9,R10 with a.b
-        SBCS    R14, R10, R8
-        BCC     %BT10                           ; if lower then loop
-        MOV     R7, #0                          ; zero result
-        CMP     R3, R9                          ; if a.b >= R9,R10
-        SBCS    R14, R8, R10
-        SUBCS   R3, R3, R9                      ; then a.b -:= R9,R10
-        MOVCS   R8, R14
-        ADC     R7, R7, R7                      ; shift result up with new bit
-        MOVS    R10, R10, LSR #1                ; shift R9,R10 right one bit
-        MOV     R9, R9, RRX
-        BNE     %BT20                           ; for termination, R10 = 0
-        CMP     R9, R11                         ; and R9 < R11
-        BCS     %BT20
-        BL      SquareRoot                      ; in: R7 = arg
-                                                ; out: R8 = result, R9-R11 corrupt
-        MOV     R3, R8
-        Pull    "R8-R11,PC"
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafc b/s/vdu/vdugrafc
deleted file mode 100644
index a088b783..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafC
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Ellipse outline & fill
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   29.9.86
-; EllipseOutline
-; ==============
-; On entry, OldCs is centre of the ellipse
-;           ICursor is a point giving the width of the ellipse
-;           NewPt is the highest/lowest point on the ellipse
-; On exit, R0..R11 corrupt
-        SaveRetAdr
-        BL GenEllParm
-        B EllipseOut20
-        BL AdvEllParm
-                                ; Registers hold
-                                ;   R4 , R5  , R6  , R7  , R8  , R9  , R10
-                                ;  ellY,prevL,prevR,thisL,thisR,nextL,nextR
-        MOV R0,R7               ;Left line runs from thisL rightwards
-        MOV R1,R4
-        Greatest R3,R5,R9
-        SUB R3,R3,#1
-        Greatest R3,R3,R7       ; to max(thisL, max(prevL-1,nextL-1))
-        MOV R2,R8               ;Right line runs from thisR leftwards
-        Least R4,R6,R10
-        ADD R4,R4,#1
-        Least R4,R4,R8          ; to min(thisR, min(prevR+1,nextR+1))
-        BL EllDoubleHLine       ;Any overlap handled by EllDoubleHLine
-        LDR R0,[WsPtr,#EllBlkSliceCnt]
-        CMP R0,#0
-        BGE EllipseOut10
-        B EllipseFi30           ;Use common code with ellipse fill for
-                                ; last scanline
-; EllipseFill
-; ===========
-; On entry, OldCs is centre of the ellipse
-;           ICursor is a point giving the width of the ellipse
-;           NewPt is the highest/lowest point on the ellipse
-; On exit, R0..R11 corrupt
-        SaveRetAdr
-        BL GenEllParm
-        B EllipseFi20
-        BL AdvEllParm
-                                ; Registers hold
-                                ;   R4 , R5  , R6  , R7  , R8  , R9  , R10
-                                ;  ellY,prevL,prevR,thisL,thisR,nextL,nextR
-        MOV R0,R7                       ;Draw slice thisL -> thisR
-        MOV R1,R4
-        MOV R2,R8
-        BL EllHLine
-        LDR R0,[WsPtr,#EllBlkSliceCnt]
-        CMP R0,#0
-        BGE EllipseFi10
-        LDR R0,[WsPtr,#EllNextL]        ;Last slice nextL -> nextR
-        LDR R1,[WsPtr,#EllBlkEllY]
-        ADD R1,R1,#1
-        LDR R2,[WsPtr,#EllNextR]
-        BL EllHLine
-        Return
-; EllHLine - Draw a slice then reflect around ellipse origin
-; ========
-; On entry, R0 (X) - Left point of line
-;           R1 (Y) - Y ordinate of line
-;           R2 (X) - Right point of line
-; On exit,  R0..R11 corrupt
-        SaveRetAdr
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#OldCsX]          ;All points relative to OldCs
-        LDR R4,[WsPtr,#OldCsY]
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllHLineWs       ;Save points given plus centre of
-        STMIA R11,{R0-R4}               ; ellipse for later use
-        ADD R0,R3,R0                    ;OldCsX + LeftX
-        ADD R1,R4,R1                    ;OldCsY + Y
-        ADD R2,R3,R2                    ;OldCsX + RightX
-        BL NewHLine                     ;Draw top slice
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllHLineWs
-        LDMIA R11,{R3-R7}
-        CMP R4,#0                       ;If EllY = 0
-        Return EQ                       ; then quit to prevent double plotting
-                                        ; else reflect around ellipse origin
-        SUB R0,R6,R5                    ;OldCsX - RightY
-        SUB R1,R7,R4                    ;OldCsY - Y
-        SUB R2,R6,R3                    ;OldCsX - LeftY
-        BL NewHLine
-        Return
-; EllDoubleHLine
-; ==============
-; On entry, R0 (X) - Left most point
-;           R1 (Y) - y ordinate of line
-;           R2 (X) - Right most point
-;           R3 (X) - end of left most line
-;           R4 (X) - start of right most line
-        CMP R3,R4                               ;If end of left line overlaps
-                                                ; start of right
-        BGE EllHLine                            ;then draw and reflect R0->R2
-                                                ;else
-        SaveRetAdr
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllDoubleHLineWs
-        STMIA R11,{R0-R4}
-        MOV R2,R3                               ;Draw and reflect R0->R3
-        BL EllHLine
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllDoubleHLineWs
-        LDMIA R11,{R0-R4}
-        MOV R0,R4
-        BL EllHLine                             ;Draw and reflect R4->R2
-        Return
-; GenEllParm - Generate a control block for an ellipse
-; ==========
-; On entry, OldCs is centre of the ellipse
-;           ICursor is a point giving the width of the ellipse
-;           NewPt is the highest/lowest point on the ellipse
-; On exit, EllBlk holds the ellipse parameter block
-;          EllThisL..EllNextR setup
-;          R4      - EllY
-;          R5, R6  - prevL,prevR
-;          R7, R8  - thisL,thisR
-;          R9, R10 - nextL,nextR
-; Format of ellipse parameter block
-; Var      R0 - SliceCnt            count of slices remaining
-;          R1 - EllYSqr             square of current slice height
-;          R2 - OddNo               used to give next EllYSqr value
-;          R3 - XOffset  []    offset in X dirn along shear line
-;          R4 - EllY
-; Const    R5 - ShearX   []    shear factor per scanline
-;          R6 - SliceX   [0bb.b]    axis ratio
-;          R7 - MaxYSqr  [bbbb]
-        SaveRetAdr
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#OldCsX
-        LDMIA R11,{R0,R1, R2,R3, R4,R5}         ;OldCs, ICursor, NewPt
-        SUBS R6,R2,R0
-        RSBLT R6,R6,#0                  ;R6 := ABS(width of slice)
-                                        ;R6 is sliceX (ie maxwidth)
-        SUBS R7,R5,R1
-        MOV R8,R7
-        RSBLT R7,R7,#0                  ;R7 := ABS(height of ellipse)
-; Leave R0,R1,R2 intact upto here
-;       R6 is ABS(width of slice)
-        BEQ EllipseZeroHeight           ;If NewPtY=OldCsY draw a single line
-        SUBS R5,R4,R0
-        EOR R8,R8,R5
-        RSBLT R5,R5,#0                  ;R5 := ABS(shear at top of ellipse)
-; R5 holds shear in x dirn
-; R6 holds width
-; R7 holds height (also shearY)
-; R8 sign bit is slope of shearline
-        MOV R0,R7                       ;Setup SliceCnt
-       ;MOV R7,R0                       ;Div R5,R5,R0 using R7,R9,R10
-        MOV R9,R5,LSL #16
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Use new DivRem macro, not old DIVREM
-; Original code was:
-;        DIVREM R5,R9,R7,R10             ;R5 := totalshear/ellipseheight
-        DivRem R5,R9,R7,R10             ;R5 := totalshear/ellipseheight
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-       ;BIC R5,R5,#&FF                  ;Slugg accuracy for compatability?
-        CMP R8,#0
-        RSBLT R5,R5,#0                  ;Correct for negative slope
-        MOV R7,R0                       ;Div R6,R6,R0 using R7,R9,R10
-        MOV R9,R6,LSL #8
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Use new DivRem macro, not old DIVREM
-; Original code was:
-;        DIVREM R6,R9,R7,R10             ;R6 := slicewidth/ellipseheight
-        DivRem R6,R9,R7,R10             ;R6 := slicewidth/ellipseheight
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-; R5 holds shear per scanline
-; R6 ratio of ellipse axis
-        MUL R7,R0,R0    ;MaxYSqr
-        MOV R1,#0       ;EllYSqr
-        MOV R2,#1       ;Oddno
-        MOV R3,#0       ;XOffset
-        MOV R4,#-2      ;EllY
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllBlk
-        STMIA R11,{R0-R7}
-        BL AdvEllP20                    ;Start by calculating first two slices
-        STR R9,[WsPtr,#EllThisL]        ;Limits passed back in R9,R10
-        STR R10,[WsPtr,#EllThisR]
-        BL AdvEllP20
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllThisL
-        LDMIA R11,{R7,R8}
-        RSB R5,R10,#0                   ;prevL := -nextR
-        RSB R6,R9,#0                    ;prevR := -nextL
-                                        ; Stretch slice if disconnected
-        Least R7,R7,R6                  ; thisL := min(thisL,prevR)
-        Least R7,R7,R10                 ; thisL := min(thisL,nextR)
-        Greatest R8,R8,R5               ; thisR := max(thisR,prevL)
-        Greatest R8,R8,R9               ; thisR := max(thisR,nextL)
-        STMIA R11,{R7,R8,R9,R10}
-        Return                  ; On return, registers hold
-                                ;   R4 , R5  , R6  , R7  , R8  , R9  , R10
-                                ;  ellY,prevL,prevR,thisL,thisR,nextL,nextR
-; EllipseZeroHeight - Draw a single line, no pips
-; =================
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) holds centre of ellipse
-;           R6 is ABS(width of slice/2)
-        ADD R2,R0,R6
-        SUB R0,R0,R6
-        Pull Link                       ;Return address into ellipse code
-        Pull Link                       ;Return address to whoever called
-                                        ; ellipses
-        B NewHLine                      ;Sorted coords
-                                        ;This will return to whoever called
-                                        ; the ellipse code
-; AdvEllParm
-; ==========
-; On entry, R11 points to ellipse parameter block
-; On exit, EllBlk, EllThisL..EllNextR updated
-;          R4      - EllY
-;          R5, R6  - prevL,prevR
-;          R7, R8  - thisL,thisR
-;          R9, R10 - nextL,nextR
-; Format of ellipse parameter block
-; Var      R0 - SliceCnt            count of slices remaining
-;          R1 - EllYSqr             square of current slice height
-;          R2 - OddNo               used to give next EllYSqr value
-;          R3 - XOffset  []    offset in X dirn along shear line
-;          R4 - EllY
-; Const    R5 - ShearX   []    shear factor per scanline
-;          R6 - SliceX   [0bb.b]    axis ratio
-;          R7 - MaxYSqr  [bbbb]
-        SaveRetAdr
-        BL AdvEllP20            ;Advance scanline
-                                ; On return, registers hold
-                                ;   R4 ,   R9  , R10
-                                ;  ellY,  nextL,nextR
-                                ;Shuffle points
-                                ;R9/R10 -> nextLR
-                                ;nextLR -> thisLR - stretch if disconnected
-                                ;thisLR -> prevLR
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllThisL
-        LDMIA R11,{R5,R6, R7,R8}
-                                        ; Stretch slice if disconnected
-        Greatest R8,R8,R9               ; thisR := max(thisR,nextL)
-        Least R7,R7,R10                 ; thisL := min(thisL,nextR)
-        STMIA R11,{R7,R8, R9,R10}
-        Return                  ;   R4 , R5  , R6  , R7  , R8  , R9  , R10
-                                ;  ellY,prevL,prevR,thisL,thisR,nextL,nextR
-        SaveRetAdr
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllBlk
-        LDMIA R11,{R0-R7}       ;Load ellipse parm block
-        SUB R7,R7,R1            ;Sqroot(MaxYSqr-EllYSqr)
-        MOV R11,#24             ;Use 24 instead of 16 iterations in the
-        BL SquareRootAlt        ; SquareRoot routine, gives result [0bb.b]
-                                ;Mult by axis ratio
-        MOV R7,R6               ; [0bb.b] * [0bb.b]
-        MUL R9,R7,R8            ; Result in R9 is []
-        ADD R10,R3,R9           ;NextR   []
-        ADD R10,R10,#&8000
-        MOV R10,R10,ASR #16     ;         [00bb]
-        SUB R9,R3,R9            ;NextL   []
-        ADD R9,R9,#&8000
-        MOV R9,R9,ASR #16       ;         [00bb]
-        ADD R1,R1,R2            ;New value of EllYSqr by adding oddno
-        ADD R2,R2,#2            ;Next oddno in sequence
-        ADD R3,R3,R5            ;XOffSet for next scanline
-        SUB R0,R0,#1            ;Decrement count of slices left
-        ADD R4,R4,#1            ;Increment EllY
-        ADD R11,WsPtr,#EllBlk
-        STMIA R11,{R0,R1,R2,R3,R4}      ;Save updated section
-        Return                  ;   R4 ,   R9  , R10
-                                ;  ellY,  nextL,nextR
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafd b/s/vdu/vdugrafd
deleted file mode 100644
index fe688d74..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafD
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Block Copy and Move
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   2.10.86
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       BlockCopyMove - Copy/Move a rectangular area
-; in:   OldCs marks start of area to copy/move
-;       ICursor marks end of area to copy/move
-;       NewPt is lower left of destination area
-;       R2 = plot number &B8..&BF
-; out:  R0..R11 corrupt
-BlockCopyMove ROUT
-        TST     R2, #3                          ; Do nowt on 'MoveOnly' codes
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        SaveRetAdr
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #BgEcfStore          ; Select 'store' in background
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]           ; to be used by HLine when
-                                                ; clearing source & dest lines
-; Build up source & destination data as follows
-; R0   R1   R2   R3   R4    R5    R6    R7    R8
-; SrcL,SrcB,SrcR,SrcT,DestL,DestB,DestR,DestT,CopyFlag
-        AND     R8, R2, #2                      ; 0/2 means Move/Copy
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #OldCsX
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0,R1, R2,R3, R4,R5}      ; OldCs, ICursor, NewPt
-        SortT   R0, R2, R6                      ; Order SrcL,SrcB,SrcR,SrcT
-        SortT   R1, R3, R6                      ;       R0 , R1 , R2 , R3
-        SUB     R6, R2, R0
-        ADD     R6, R6, R4                      ; DestR := SrcR-SrcL+DestL
-        SUB     R7, R3, R1
-        ADD     R7, R7, R5                      ; DestT := SrcT-SrcB+DestB
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CMSrc
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R7,R8}                 ; Unclipped src & dest areas
-                                                ; and CopyFlag
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R11, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    ClipBlockCopyMove
-; now work out ACTUAL area to copy
-; first, we window destination area
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWLCol]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #GWRCol]
-        SUBS    R8, R10, R4                     ; R8 = GWLCol - DestL
-        ADDGT   R4, R4, R8                      ; if > 0 then DestL := GWLCol
-        ADDGT   R0, R0, R8                      ; and adjust SrcL to match
-        SUBS    R8, R6, R11                     ; R8 = DestR - GWRCol
-        SUBGT   R6, R6, R8                      ; if > 0 then DestR := GWRCol
-        SUBGT   R2, R2, R8                      ; and adjust SrcR to match
-        CMP     R6, R4                          ; check DestR >= DestL
-        BLT     EraseSource                     ; if not then just erase source
-                                                ; if a block move
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #CMDest2L]          ; save horizontal dest coords
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CMDest2R]          ; windowed at dest
-        SUBS    R8, R10, R0                     ; R8 = GWLCol - SrcL
-        ADDGT   R0, R0, R8                      ; if > 0 then SrcL := GWLCol
-        ADDGT   R4, R4, R8                      ; and adjust DestL to match
-        SUBS    R8, R2, R11                     ; R8 = SrcR - GWRCol
-        SUBGT   R2, R2, R8                      ; if > 0 then SrcR := GWRCol
-        SUBGT   R6, R6, R8                      ; and adjust DestR to match
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWBRow]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]
-        SUBS    R8, R10, R5                     ; R8 = GWBRow - DestB
-        ADDGT   R5, R5, R8                      ; if > 0 then DestB := GWBRow
-        ADDGT   R1, R1, R8                      ; and adjust SrcB to match
-        SUBS    R8, R7, R11                     ; R8 = DestT - GWTRow
-        SUBGT   R7, R7, R8                      ; if > 0 then DestT := GWTRow
-        SUBGT   R3, R3, R8                      ; and adjust SrcT to match
-        CMP     R7, R5                          ; check DestT >= DestB
-        BLT     EraseSource                     ; if not then just erase source
-                                                ; if a block move
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #CMDest2B]          ; save vertical dest coords
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #CMDest2T]          ; windowed at dest
-        SUBS    R8, R10, R1                     ; R8 = GWBRow - SrcB
-        ADDGT   R1, R1, R8                      ; if > 0 then SrcB := GWBRow
-        ADDGT   R5, R5, R8                      ; and adjust DestB to match
-        SUBS    R8, R3, R11                     ; R8 = SrcT - GWTRow
-        SUBGT   R3, R3, R8                      ; if > 0 then SrcT := GWTRow
-        SUBGT   R7, R7, R8                      ; and adjust DestT to match
-; now R0-R3 is source windowed both ways
-;     R4-R7 is dest   windowed both ways
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #CMDest3L
-        STMIA   R8, {R4-R7}                     ; save destination windowed
-                                                ; both ways
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        CMP     R2, R0                          ; check SrcR >= SrcL
-        SUBGES  R8, R3, R1                      ; and SrcT >= SrcB (R8=lines-1)
-        BLT     EraseDest                       ; if not, then go to wiping out
-                                                ; destination stage
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #CMVertCount]       ; no. of vertical lines -1
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        BL      CheckAcceleration               ; okay to accelerate?
-        BNE     %FT05
-; not redirected to sprite - try calling GraphicsV for some acceleration
-        Push    "R2"
-        Push    "R8"
-        SUB     R14, R2, R0
-        Push    "R0,R1,R4,R5,R14"               ; srcL,srcB,dstL,dstB,W-1,H-1
-        MOV     R0, #GVRender_Sync
-        MOV     R1, #GVRender_CopyRectangle
-        MOV     R2, R13
-        MOV     R4, #GraphicsV_Render
-        BL      CallGraphicsV                   ; (R0,R1,R2,R4->R4)
-        TEQ     R4, #GraphicsV_Complete         ; did it do it?
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R4"
-        ADD     R13, R13, #3*4
-        Pull    "R2"
-        BEQ     EraseDest                       ; then go straight to erase
- ]
-05      LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #XShftFactor]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        MOV     R8, R6, LSR R10                 ; DestR word offset
-        SUB     R8, R8, R4, LSR R10             ; -DestL word offset
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #CMDestCount]       ; No. of dest words -1
-        AND     R8, R6, R11                     ; R8 = DestR pixel offset
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr,#RAMMaskTb
-        LDR     R8, [R14, R8, LSL #2]           ; R8 = mask for right pixel
-        SUB     R14, R8, #1             ; In rh mask, set all bits lower than
-        ORR     R14, R14, R8            ; pixel, RHM := RHM OR (RHM-1)
-        STR     R14, [WsPtr, #CMRMask]
-        AND     R8, R4, R11                     ; R8 = DestL pixel offset
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb
-        LDR     R8, [R14, R8, LSL #2]           ; R8 = mask for left pixel
-        RSB     R14, R8, #0             ; In lh mask, set all bits higher than
-        ORR     R14, R14, R8            ; pixel, LHM := LHM OR (0-LHM)
-        STR     R14, [WsPtr, #CMLMask]
-        CMP     R0, R4                          ; test whether SrcL >= DestL
-        BLT     SrcHLTDest
-; source is to the right of dest, so start at left hand side
-        AND     R8, R4, R11                     ; R8 = DestL pixel offset
-        AND     R14, R0, R11                    ; R14 = SrcL pixel offset
-        SUB     R11, R14, R8                    ; R11 = Src-Dest pixel offset
-        MOV     R11, R11, LSL R9                ; R11 = Src-Dest bit offset
-        CMP     R11, #0                         ; if rightshift < 0
-        ADDLT   R11, R11, #32                   ; if < 0, correct result
-        MOVGE   R10, #0
-        MOVLT   R10, #-4                        ; and subtract 4 off src addr
-        STR     R11, [WsPtr, #CMRShift]
-        RSB     R11, R11, #32
-        STR     R11, [WsPtr, #CMLShift]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #LineLength]        ; (no longer need DestR)
-        CMP     R1, R5                          ; if SrcB >= DestB
-        RSBGE   R6, R6, #0                      ; then go upwards
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CMVertDir]
-        MOVLT   R1, R3                          ; else go down
-        MOVLT   R5, R7                          ; so use top coords
-        BL      ScreenAddr                      ; R2 = address of src corner
-        ADD     R2, R2, R10
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CMSourceAddr]
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        MOV     R1, R5
-        BL      ScreenAddr                      ; R2 = address of dest corner
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CMDestAddr]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CMStuff
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R6}            ; src,dest,cnt,rtshf,lfshf,rtmsk,ltmsk
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; only one word on a line ?
-        ANDEQ   R5, R5, R6              ; then rightmask:=rightmask AND lftmask
-        LDREQ   R14, [R0], #4           ; and load first word up
-        BEQ     %FT45                   ; and do endword
-; do first word
-        LDMIA   R0!, {R11,R14}          ; load 2 words
-        ShiftR  R11, R14, R3, R4        ; shift them
-        AND     R11, R11, R6            ; AND with leftmask
-        LDR     R10, [R1]               ; load word from dest
-        BIC     R10, R10, R6            ; clear out bits in leftmask
-        ORR     R10, R10, R11           ; OR in new bits
-        STR     R10, [R1], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1              ; decrement count
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; if zero, do finish word
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #7              ; can we do 7 words ?
-        BCC     %FT30                   ; no, then do 1 word at a time
-; do 7 words at a time
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; if rightshf = 0
-        BEQ     %FT60                   ; then do non-shifting version
- [ {TRUE}                               ; TMD optimisation 12-May-93
-        MOV     R5, R14, LSR R3
-        LDMIA   R0!, {R6-R11,R14}
-        ORR     R5, R5, R6, LSL R4
- |
-        MOV     R5, R14
-        LDMIA   R0!, {R6-R11,R14}       ; load next 7 words
-        ShiftR  R5, R6, R3, R4
- ]
-        ShiftR  R6, R7, R3, R4
-        ShiftR  R7, R8, R3, R4
-        ShiftR  R8, R9, R3, R4
-        ShiftR  R9, R10, R3, R4
-        ShiftR  R10, R11, R3, R4
-        ShiftR  R11, R14, R3, R4
-        STMIA   R1!, {R5-R11}
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #7
-        BCS     %BT20
-        ADDS    R2, R2, #7
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; if count expired, do last word
-; do 1 word at a time
-        MOV     R5, R14
-        LDR     R14, [R0], #4
-        ShiftR  R5, R14, R3, R4
-        STR     R5, [R1], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BNE     %BT35
-; do last word
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #CMRMask]   ; load right mask
-; now test if any bits would be used (so we don't go off end of memory)
-        MOV     R11, #&FFFFFFFF
-        TST     R5, R11, LSL R4         ; NE => safe to read from here
-        LDRNE   R11, [R0], #4           ; R14 = left word; R11 = right word
-        ShiftR  R14, R11, R3, R4        ; form single word
-        AND     R14, R14, R5            ; mask source word
-        LDR     R10, [R1]               ; load dest word
-        BIC     R10, R10, R5            ; mask dest word
-        ORR     R10, R10, R14           ; OR two words
-        STR     R10, [R1], #4           ; store back
-; now go on to next row
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #CMVertCount]
-        SUBS    R7, R7, #1
-        BCC     EraseDest               ; finished, so go to erase dest stage
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #CMVertCount]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CMStuff
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R6}            ; load up info again
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #CMVertDir]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R7              ; move source pointer
-        ADD     R1, R1, R7              ; and dest pointer
-        STMIA   R11, {R0,R1}            ; store these back
-        B       %BT10                   ; and loop
-; non-shifting version, for speed
-; do 7 words at a time
-        MOV     R5, R14
-        LDMIA   R0!, {R6-R11,R14}       ; load next 7 words
-        STMIA   R1!, {R5-R11}
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #7
-        BCS     %BT60
-        ADDS    R2, R2, #7
-        BNE     %BT35                   ; count not expired, do last few words
-        B       %BT40                   ; count expired, do last word
-; *****************************************************************************
-; source is to the left of dest, so start at right hand side
-        MOV     R0, R2                          ; rt coords are relevant ones
-        MOV     R4, R6
-        AND     R8, R4, R11                     ; R8 = DestR pixel offset
-        AND     R14, R0, R11                    ; R14 = SrcR pixel offset
-        SUB     R11, R14, R8                    ; R11 = Src-Dest pixel offset
-        MOV     R11, R11, LSL R9                ; R11 = Src-Dest bit offset
-        RSB     R11, R11, #32                   ; R11 = leftshift
-        CMP     R11, #32                        ; if >= 32
-        SUBCS   R11, R11, #32                   ; then put in range
-        MOVCC   R10, #4                         ; else add 4
-        MOVCS   R10, #0                         ; to src addr
-        STR     R11, [WsPtr, #CMLShift]
-        RSB     R11, R11, #32
-        STR     R11, [WsPtr, #CMRShift]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #LineLength]        ; (no longer need R6)
-        CMP     R1, R5                          ; if SrcB >= DestB
-        RSBGE   R6, R6, #0                      ; then go upwards
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CMVertDir]
-        MOVLT   R1, R3                          ; else go down
-        MOVLT   R5, R7                          ; so use top coords
-        BL      ScreenAddr                      ; R2 = address of src corner
-        ADD     R2, R2, R10
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CMSourceAddr]
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        MOV     R1, R5
-        BL      ScreenAddr                      ; R2 = address of dest corner
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CMDestAddr]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CMStuff
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R6}            ; src,dest,cnt,rtshf,lfshf,rtmsk,ltmsk
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; only one word on a line ?
-        ANDEQ   R6, R6, R5              ; then leftmask:=leftmask AND rightmask
-        LDREQ   R5, [R0], #-4           ; and load first word up
-        BEQ     %FT45                   ; and do endword
-; do first word
-        LDMDA   R0!, {R11,R14}          ; load 2 words
-        ShiftL  R11, R14, R3, R4        ; shift them
-        AND     R14, R14, R5            ; AND with rightmask
-        LDR     R10, [R1]               ; load word from dest
-        BIC     R10, R10, R5            ; clear out bits in rightmask
-        ORR     R10, R10, R14           ; OR in new bits
-        STR     R10, [R1], #-4
-        MOV     R5, R11
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1              ; decrement count
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; if zero, do finish word
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #7              ; can we do 7 words ?
-        BCC     %FT30                   ; no, then do 1 word at a time
-; do 7 words at a time
-        TEQ     R4, #0                  ; if leftshf=0
-        BEQ     %FT60                   ; then do non-shifting version
- [ {TRUE}                               ; TMD optimisation 12-May-93
-        MOV     R14, R5, LSL R4
-        LDMDA   R0!, {R5-R11}
-        ORR     R14, R14, R11, LSR R3
- |
-        MOV     R14, R5
-        LDMDA   R0!, {R5-R11}           ; load next 7 words
-        ShiftL  R11, R14, R3, R4
- ]
-        ShiftL  R10, R11, R3, R4
-        ShiftL  R9, R10, R3, R4
-        ShiftL  R8, R9, R3, R4
-        ShiftL  R7, R8, R3, R4
-        ShiftL  R6, R7, R3, R4
-        ShiftL  R5, R6, R3, R4
-        STMDA   R1!, {R6-R11,R14}
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #7
-        BCS     %BT20
-        ADDS    R2, R2, #7
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; if count expired, do last word
-; do 1 word at a time
-        MOV     R14, R5
-        LDR     R5, [R0], #-4
-        ShiftL  R5, R14, R3, R4
-        STR     R14, [R1], #-4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BNE     %BT35
-; do last word
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CMLMask]   ; load left mask
-; now test if any bits would be used (so we don't go off start of memory)
-        MOV     R11, #&FFFFFFFF
-        TST     R6, R11, LSR R3         ; NE => safe to read from here
-        LDRNE   R11, [R0], #-4          ; R11 = left word; R5 = right word
-        ShiftL  R11, R5, R3, R4         ; form single word
-        AND     R5, R5, R6              ; mask source word
-        LDR     R10, [R1]               ; load dest word
-        BIC     R10, R10, R6            ; mask dest word
-        ORR     R10, R10, R5            ; OR two words
-        STR     R10, [R1], #-4          ; store back
-; now go on to next row
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #CMVertCount]
-        SUBS    R7, R7, #1
-        BCC     EraseDest               ; finished, so go to erase dest stage
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #CMVertCount]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #CMStuff
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R6}            ; load up info again
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #CMVertDir]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R7              ; move source pointer
-        ADD     R1, R1, R7              ; and dest pointer
-        STMIA   R11, {R0,R1}            ; store these back
-        B       %BT10                   ; and loop
-; non-shifting version, for speed
-; do 7 words at a time
-        MOV     R14, R5
-        LDMDA   R0!, {R5-R11}           ; load next 8 words
-        MOV     R11, R11
-        ! 0, "Block copy has dummy instruction for XScale weirdness"
-        STMDA   R1!, {R6-R11,R14}
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #7
-        BCS     %BT60
-        ADDS    R2, R2, #7
-        BNE     %BT35                   ; count not expired, do last few words
-        B       %BT40                   ; count expired, do last word
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Erase the area Dest2\Dest3
-EraseDest ROUT
-; first do the flat rectangle
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #CMDest2L
-        LDMIA   R8, {R0-R7}             ; R0..R3 = Dest2; R4..R7 = Dest3
-        BL      EraseDifference
-; and drop thru to ...
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #CMCopyFlag] ; 0 => move, 2 => copy
-        TEQ     R8, #0                  ; is it a move
-        Return  NE                      ; no, then exit
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #CMSrc       ; R0..R3 = unclipped src
-        LDMIA   R8, {R0-R7}             ; R4..R7 = unclipped dest
-; window both source and destination in source domain
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWLCol]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #GWRCol]
-        SUBS    R8, R10, R0             ; R8 = GWLCol - SrcL
-        ADDGT   R0, R0, R8              ; if > 0 then SrcL := GWLCol
-        ADDGT   R4, R4, R8              ; and adjust DestL to match
-        SUBS    R8, R2, R11             ; R8 = SrcR - GWRCol
-        SUBGT   R2, R2, R8              ; if > 0 then SrcR := GWRCol
-        SUBGT   R6, R6, R8              ; and adjust DestR to match
-        CMP     R2, R0                  ; check SrcR >= SrcL
-        Return  LT                      ; if not then nothing to erase
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWBRow]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]
-        SUBS    R8, R10, R1             ; R8 = GWBRow - SrcB
-        ADDGT   R1, R1, R8              ; if > 0 then SrcB := GWBRow
-        ADDGT   R5, R5, R8              ; and adjust DestB to match
-        SUBS    R8, R3, R11             ; R8 = SrcT - GWTRow
-        SUBGT   R3, R3, R8              ; if > 0 then SrcT := GWTRow
-        SUBGT   R7, R7, R8              ; and adjust DestT to match
-        CMP     R3, R1                  ; check SrcT >= SrcB
-        Return  LT                      ; if not then nothing to erase
-; now window the dest coords to the source
-        CMP     R7, R3                  ; if DestT >= SrcT
-        MOVGE   R7, R3                  ; then DestT := SrcT
-        MOVLT   R5, R1                  ; else DestB := SrcB
-        CMP     R6, R2                  ; if DestR >= SrcR
-        MOVGE   R6, R2                  ; then DestR := SrcR
-        MOVLT   R4, R0                  ; else DestL := SrcL
-        Pull    R14
-; and drop thru to ...
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       EraseDifference - Erase the difference between two rectangles with at
-;                         least one vertical and one horizontal shared boundary
-; in:   R0-R3 = larger one
-;       R4-R7 = smaller one
-EraseDifference ROUT
-; first do the flat rectangle
-        CMP     R6, R4                  ; check for Dest3 being null
-        CMPGE   R7, R5
-        BLT     RectFillA               ; if is, just clear Dest2
-        Push    "R0-R7,R14"
-        TEQ     R3, R7                  ; if Dest2T = Dest3T
-        SUBEQ   R3, R5, #1              ; then top = Dest3B -1
-        ADDNE   R1, R7, #1              ; else bottom = Dest3T +1
-        CMP     R3, R1                  ; if top >= bottom
-        BLGE    RectFillA
-; now do the tall rectangle
-        Pull    "R0-R7"
-        TEQ     R3, R7                  ; if Dest2T = Dest3T
-        MOVEQ   R1, R5                  ; then bottom = Dest3B
-        MOVNE   R3, R7                  ; else top = Dest3T
-        TEQ     R0, R4                  ; if Dest2L = Dest3L
-        ADDEQ   R0, R6, #1              ; then left = Dest3R +1
-        SUBNE   R2, R4, #1              ; else right = Dest3L -1
-        CMP     R3, R1                  ; if top >= bottom
-        CMPGE   R2, R0                  ; and right >= left
-        BLGE    RectFillA               ; then fill it
-        Pull    PC
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafdec b/s/vdu/vdugrafdec
deleted file mode 100644
index d7311c39..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafdec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > &.Source.VduGrafDec
-; =======================
-; Graphics workspace and macro declarations
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   5.9.86
-        GBLL UseNewerHLine
-UseNewerHLine SETL 1=1
-; Graphics work space, overlaid in main vdu w/s area
-  ^ GraphicWs
-Line1Blk # 4*9  ;Parameter block for a crudeline
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ GraphicWs
-LineBlk # 4*5  ;Parameter block for a crudeline
-LineEcfBase # 4                                         ; --
-LineEcfIndx # 4                                         ;   |
-LineDeltaY  # 4                                         ;   |
-LineScanStp # 4                                         ; --
-LineEndPtFlags # 4      ;Bit0 set - plot start pt, bit1 set - plot end pt
-LineDotPtr     # 4      ;Holds 0/Adr(LineDotCnt) for Solid/Dotted lines
-DotCycleStartX # 4
-DotCycleStartY # 4
-DotCycleEndX   # 4
-DotCycleEndY   # 4
-DotCycleCount  # 4
-PostCycleCount # 4
-;The following are defined in Hdr.System
-; LineDotCnt     # 4      ;Count down to restarting pattern
-; LineDotPatLSW  # 4      ;Current state of pattern LSWord
-; LineDotPatMSW  # 4      ;   "      "   "     "    MSWord
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ GraphicWs
-TLine1  # 4*9   ;Line parameters used by Tri & Par fill
-TLine2  # 4*9
-TEndY   # 4
-Vertex1X # 4    ;                                        --
-Vertex1Y # 4    ;                                          |
-Vertex2X # 4    ;                                          |
-Vertex2Y # 4    ;                                          |
-Vertex3X # 4    ;                                          |
-Vertex3Y # 4    ;                                          |
-Vertex4X # 4    ;                                          |
-Vertex4Y # 4    ;                                        --
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ GraphicWs
-CircleBlk # 4*8 ;Parameter block for circle arc segments etc   --
-CLine0  # 4*9   ;Line parameters used by Arc, Segment & Sector   |
-CLine1  # 4*9   ;                                              --
-CLine2  # 4*9   ;CLine2 & CLine3 used only for segments
-CLine3  # 4*9   ;
-UpperSegLinePtr # 4     ;Address of CLine2 or 0 - used only for segments
-LowerSegLinePtr # 4     ;Address of CLine3 or 0 - used only for segments
-CircleRadSquare # 4     ;Square of radius of circle
-CLine0EndX * CLine0+7*4
-CLine0EndY * CLine0+8*4
-CLine1EndX * CLine1+7*4
-CLine1EndY * CLine1+8*4
-CLine0Far  * CLine0
-CLine0Near * CLine0EndX
-CLine1Far  * CLine1
-CLine1Near * CLine1EndX
-Quad0Control # 1        ;Control bytes for each quadrant for   --
-Quad1Control # 1        ; Arc, Segment & Sector plotting         |
-Quad2Control # 1        ;                                        |
-Quad3Control # 1        ;                                        |
-                        ;                                        |
-Quad0StateChange # 1    ;Flag to indicate line/circle            |
-Quad1StateChange # 1    ; intersection                           |
-Quad2StateChange # 1    ;                                        |
-Quad3StateChange # 1    ;                                        |
-                        ;                                        |
-Quad0Draw # 1           ;Controls point/line plotting            |
-Quad1Draw # 1           ;                                        |
-Quad2Draw # 1           ;                                        |
-Quad3Draw # 1           ;                                      --
-ArcPoint0X   # 4        ;                                      --
-ArcPoint0Y   # 4        ;                                        |
-ArcPoint1X   # 4        ;                                        |
-ArcPoint1Y   # 4        ;                                        |
-ArcPoint2X   # 4        ;                                        |
-ArcPoint2Y   # 4        ;                                        |
-ArcPoint3X   # 4        ;                                        |
-ArcPoint3Y   # 4        ;                                      --
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ GraphicWs
-EllBlk     # 4*8        ;Parameter block for ellipses
-EllBlkSliceCnt * EllBlk
-EllBlkEllY     * EllBlk + 4*4
-EllPrevL   # 4          ;Slice limits for previous line        --
-EllPrevR   # 4          ;                                        |
-EllThisL   # 4          ;                 current line           |
-EllThisR   # 4          ;                                        |
-EllNextL   # 4          ;                 next line              |
-EllNextR   # 4          ;                                      --
-EllHLineWs # 4*5        ;This could be pushed to the stack
-EllDoubleHLineWs # 4*5  ;This could be pushed to the stack
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ GraphicWs
-CMSrc       # 4*4       ;Unclipped source area                 --
-CMDest      # 4*4       ;Unclipped destination area              |
-CMCopyFlag  # 4         ; 0/2 means Move/Copy area             --
-CMDest2L    # 4         ; destination coords clipped at dest
-CMDest2B    # 4
-CMDest2R    # 4
-CMDest2T    # 4
-CMDest3L    # 4         ; destination coords clipped both ways
-CMDest3B    # 4
-CMDest3R    # 4
-CMDest3T    # 4
-CMStuff # 0             ; these 7 loaded together
-CMSourceAddr # 4        ; source screen address
-CMDestAddr # 4          ; destination screen address
-CMDestCount # 4         ; no. of destination words per line -1
-CMRShift # 4            ; LSR shift factor
-CMLShift # 4            ; LSL shift factor
-CMRMask # 4             ; right mask
-CMLMask # 4             ; left mask
-CMVertCount # 4         ; no. of lines to do -1
-CMVertDir # 4           ; offset to add to source/dest on each line
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ GraphicWs
-LineFillBlk # 4 * 11
-FldLeftXLimit  # 4                              ;--
-FldY           # 4                              ;  |
-FldRightXLimit # 4                              ;--
-FldBoundaryCol  # 4
-FldBoundaryFlag # 4
-FldYWindLimit   # 4
-QueuePtrs       # 4*4   ; head, tail, end, start
-FldSaveArea     # 5*4   ; saved Y, target colour, NPix, zgora, zgeor
-FldSaveY * FldSaveArea +0
-FldStackLevel   # 4
-                [ med_00001_userma
-flood_cda_rma   # 4     ; amount we've changed the rma size by
-                ]
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ GraphicWs
-RetnReg0  # 4           ;Save area for SWI SpriteOp    --
-RetnReg1  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg2  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg3  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg4  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg5  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg6  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg7  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg8  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnReg9  # 4           ;                                |
-RetnLink  # 4           ;                              --
-SprReadNColour  # 4     ;Vdu vars for the mode the     --
-SprWriteNColour # 4     ; the sprite is in               |
-SprBytesPerChar # 4     ;                                |
-SprXShftFactor  # 4     ;                                |
-SprNPix         # 4     ;                                |
-SprLog2BPC      # 4     ;                              --
-NameBuf   # 16          ; 12 char name + gap for good measure
-SpriteWs # 0
-  ^ SpriteWs            ;Sprite plot & ScreenLoad
-SPltWidth   # 4         ;Don't try re-arranging this lot unless
-SPltHeight  # 4         ; you fully understand the code!!
-SPltScrOff  # 4
-SPltMemOff  # 4
-SPltScrAdr  # 4
-SPltColCnt  # 4
-SPltMemAdr  # 4
-SPltShftR   # 4
-SPltShftL   # 4
-SPltMskAdr  # 4
-SPltLMask   # 4
-SPltRMask   # 4
-; SPltzgooPtr # 4
-SPltEcfPtr  # 4
-SPltEcfIndx # 4
-SPltPixPerWord # 4
-SPltBPP     # 4
-SPltMaskBit # 4
-SPltMaskPtr # 4
-SPltMaskRowBit # 4
-SPltMaskRowPtr # 4
-SPltMaskRowLen # 4
-SPltzgooMasks # 16      ; zgoo, zgeo, zgoe, zgee
-ScrLoaHandle  # 4       ;     --
-ScrLoaBufAdr  # 4       ;       |
-ScrLoaBytes   # 4       ;       |
-ScrLoaFilPtr  # 4       ;       |
-ScrLoaFilOfst # 4       ;     --
-ScrLoaAreaCB   # SpriteAreaCBsize
-SPltAction # 4                          ; Plot action used (0 => store)
-SloadModeSel # 48                       ; Mode selector for screenloading new sprites
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-  ^ SpriteWs            ;SGet,SCreate & ScreenSave
-SGetTopLeft # 8         ; top and left of 'on screen' area
-SGetTopMargin     # 4
-SGetBotMargin     # 4
-SGetLWrdMargin    # 4
-SGetLBitMargin    # 4
-SGetRWrdMargin    # 4
-SGetRBitMargin    # 4
-SGetColWCnt  # 4
-SGetRowOfst  # 4
-SGetEcfIndx  # 4
-SGetNext          # 4                               ; --
-SGetName          # 12  ;Name is 3 words (12 chars) ;   |
-SGetWidth         # 4                               ;   |
-SGetHeight        # 4                               ;   |
-SGetLBit          # 4                               ;   |
-SGetRBit          # 4                               ;   |
-SGetImage         # 4                               ;   |
-SGetTrans         # 4                               ;   |
-SGetMode          # 4                               ;   |
-SGetPalette       # 0                               ; --
-        ASSERT @ < EndGraphicWs
-        ^       ScrSavCommon
-ScrSavAreaCB      # SpriteAreaCBsize
-ScrSavSpriteCB    # SpriteCBsize + MaxSpritePaletteSize
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafe b/s/vdu/vdugrafe
deleted file mode 100644
index e899a1c2..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafe
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,995 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafE
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Line Fill L & R and Flood Fill
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   17.10.86
-; *****************************************************************************
-; FillLRnonBg
-; ===========
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) hold point to fill from
-; On exit, R0..R11 corrupt
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #FgEcf
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        B       FillLRnonBg10           ; Fill L <-> R
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #BgEcf
-        MOV     R3, #&80000000
-        SaveRetAdr
-        BL      FillAlong2
-        SUBCS   R1, R1, #1              ; indicate nothing filled by Y-=1
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCsIX]     ; left X
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #GCsIY]     ; Y
-        Return  CS                      ; external new pt hasn't changed
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #NewPtX]    ; right X
-        MOV     R0, R2
-        BL      IEGB                    ; update external version of new NewPt
-        Return                          ; then things get shuffled
-; *****************************************************************************
-; FillLRtoBg    (Really only fill right!)
-; ==========
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) hold point to fill from
-; On exit, R0..R11 corrupt
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #FgEcf
-        MOV     R3, #&80000000
-        B       FillLRtoBg10            ; Fill -> R
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #BgEcf
-        MOV     R3, #&0
-        SaveRetAdr
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCsIX]     ; "left hand point" = given point
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #GCsIY]
-        BL      GenLineFillParm         ; if C=1 (nothing can be plotted)
-        SUBCS   R0, R0, #1              ; then NewPtX-=1 ie NewPtX < GCsIX
-        BLCC    FillLineRightRegs       ; else fill right
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #NewPtX]    ; Convert NewPt(X,Y) (internal) into
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #NewPtY]    ; GCs(X,Y) (external)
-        BL      IEGB
-        Return                          ; On returning, cursors are shuffled
-                                        ; which updates GCsI(X,Y)
-; *****************************************************************************
-; GenLineFillParm
-; ===============
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) hold point to fill from
-;           R2 points to delimiting colour (FgEcf/BgEcf)
-;           R3 fill flag, 0/&80000000 for fill to/to-non
-; On exit, Carry=0, valid parameter setup, R0-R10 contain copy of control block
-;          Carry=1, point outside window, R0 preserved, R1-R10 undefined
-;  Format of control block
-;  R0  - StartX
-;  R1  - DelimitColour
-;  R2  - FillFlag
-;  R3  - ScreenAdr
-;  R4  - PixelMsk
-;  R5  - zgora
-;  R6  - zgeor
-;  R7  - GWLCol
-;  R8  - GWRCol
-;  R9  - BytesPerChar
-;  R10 - NPix
-        WINDow  R0,R1, R7,R8,R9,R10     ; Window(R0,R1) using R7-R10
-                                        ;  gives GE if in window
- [ No26bitCode
-        BGE     %FT01
-        SEC                             ; If point outside window
-        MOV     PC, Link                ;  then quit with carry set
- |
-        ORRLTS  PC, Link, #C_bit        ; If point outside window
-                                        ;  then quit with carry set
- ]
-        Push    "R2,R3,R7,R9,Link"      ; Save colourptr, fillflag
-                                        ; GWLCol, GWRCol
-        BL      ScreenAddr              ; Returns R2 = Addr, R3 = Mask
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        SUB     R9, R9, R1              ; Flip Ycoord
-        AND     R9, R9, #7              ; Line within ecf
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]   ; Base address of ecf pattern
-        ADD     R5, R5, R9, LSL #3
-        LDMIA   R5, {R5, R6}            ; Get zgora,zgeor
-        MOV     R4, R3
-        MOV     R3, R2
-        Pull    "R1,R2,R7,R8,Link"      ; restore other registers
-        LDR     R1, [R1, R9, LSL #2]    ; load delimiting colour
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #LineFillBlk ; now save completed control block
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R10}
-        LDR     R11, [R3]               ; load screen
-        EOR     R11, R11, R1            ; screen EOR boundary
-        TST     R11, R4                 ; just look at this pixel
- [ No26bitCode
-        ; Blimey.
-        MRS     R7, CPSR
-        TEQ     R2, R7, LSL #1          ; N := (Z EOR R2) ie invert test if
-                                        ; stopping on non-colour
-        BICPL   R7, R7, #C_bit          ; point can be filled, exit CC
-        ORRMI   R7, R7, #C_bit          ; point cannot be filled, exit CS
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R7
-        MOV     PC, Link
- |
-        TEQ     R2, PC, LSL #1          ; N := (Z EOR R2) ie invert test if
-                                        ; stopping on non-colour
-        BICPLS  PC, Link, #C_bit        ; point can be filled, exit CC
-        ORRMIS  PC, Link, #C_bit        ; point cannot be filled, exit CS
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; FillLineRight - Fill right from point upto delimiting colour
-; =============    or graphics window
-;  R0  - RightLimitX
-;  R1  - LimitColour
-;  R2  - FillFlag
-;  R3  - ScreenAdr
-;  R4  - PixelMsk
-;  R5  - zgora
-;  R6  - zgeor
-;  R7  - GWLCol /BPC/NPIX
-;  R8  - GWRCol
-;  R9  -          ScreenWord
-;  R10 - NPix
-;  R11 -          MultPixMsk     / temp
-; out:  PSR must be preserved
-FillLineRight ROUT
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #LineFillBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R10}
-        Push    R14
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        Push    "WsPtr, R14"            ; we also need R12 for a temp
- ]
-        RSB     R7, R9, #32             ; shift factor for next pixel position
-        SUB     R0, R8, R0
-        MOV     R11, #0                 ; clear partial word mask
-        LDR     R9, [R3]                ; screen word EOR delimit colour
-        EOR     R14, R9, R1
-        TST     R14, R4                 ; test pixel position for delimiting
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     WsPtr, CPSR
-        TEQ     R2, WsPtr, LSL #1       ; invert condition if necessary
- |
-        TEQ     R2, PC, LSL #1          ; invert condition if necessary
- ]
-        ORRPL   R11, R11, R4            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-        SUBPLS  R0, R0, #1              ; "increment" X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT40                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        TEQ     R4, #0                  ; test for end of word
-        MOV     R4, R4, ROR R7          ; shift pixel mask left
-        BPL     %BT30
-        AND     R14, R5, R11            ; fill partial word, using pixel mask
-        AND     R11, R6, R11            ; in R11
-        ORR     R9, R9, R14
-        EOR     R9, R9, R11
-        STR     R9, [R3], #4
-        CMP     R2, #2                  ; CC => filling until pixel=target
-        BCC     %BT10                   ; so do it slowly (goto next word)
-        RSB     R0, R0, #0              ; make X in range GWLCol-GWRCol .. 0
-        ADDS    R0, R0, R10             ; move R0 to end of word
-        BGT     %FT36                   ; outside window, continue slowly
-        ORR     R14, R1, R5             ; word to store if going fast
-        EOR     R14, R14, R6
-        LDR     R9, [R3]                ; screen word
-        CMP     R9, R1                  ; EOR target colour (CS if EQ)
-        BNE     %FT36
-        STR     R14, [R3], #4
-        ADCS    R0, R0, R10             ; C=1, so add NPix+1
-        BLE     %BT32
-        SUBS    R0, R10, R0             ; R0 back to start of word and negate
-        BGE     %BT10                   ; if still inside, continue slowly
-        B       %FT50
-        AND     R14, R5, R11            ; fill partial word, using pixel mask
-        AND     R11, R6, R11            ; in R11
-        ORR     R9, R9, R14
-        EOR     R9, R9, R11
-        STR     R9, [R3]
-        SUB     R0, R8, R0              ; make back into normal coord again
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1              ; correct end point
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R14
-        Pull    PC
- |
-        Pull    R14
-        MOVS    PC, R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; FillLineLeft - Fill left from point upto delimiting colour
-; ============    or graphics window
-;                N.B. Starts one pixel left of point given, since
-;                      FillLineRight will have already plotted it.
-;  R0  - LeftLimitX
-;  R1  - LimitColour
-;  R2  - FillFlag
-;  R3  - ScreenAdr
-;  R4  - PixelMsk
-;  R5  - zgora
-;  R6  - zgeor
-;  R7  - GWLCol                 } Slightly different from FillLineRight
-;  R8  - GWRCol /BPC/NPIX       }
-;  R9  -          ScreenWord
-;  R10 -          LimitEorScreen / temp
-;  R11 -          MultPixMsk     / temp
-FillLineLeft ROUT
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #LineFillBlk
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R10}
-        Push    R14
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        Push    "WsPtr, R14"            ; also need WsPtr for a temp
- ]
-        MOV     R8, R9                  ; shift factor for next pixel position
-        SUB     R0, R0, R7
-        LDR     R9, [R3]                ; screen word EOR delimit colour
-        EOR     R14, R9, R1
-        MOVS    R11, #0                 ; clear partial word mask (and set PL)
-        B       %FT31
-        MOV     R11, #0                 ; clear partial word mask
-        LDR     R9, [R3]                ; screen word EOR delimit colour
-        EOR     R14, R9, R1
-        TST     R14, R4                 ; test pixel position for delimiting
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     WsPtr, CPSR
-        TEQ     R2, WsPtr, LSL #1       ; invert condition if appropriate
- |
-        TEQ     R2, PC, LSL #1          ; invert condition if appropriate
- ]
-        ORRPL   R11, R11, R4            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-        SUBPLS  R0, R0, #1              ; decrement X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT40                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        MOVS    R4, R4, ROR R8          ; test for end of word
-        BPL     %BT30                   ; loop until mask exhausted
-        AND     R14, R5, R11            ; fill partial word, using pixel mask
-        AND     R11, R6, R11            ; in R11
-        ORR     R9, R9, R14
-        EOR     R9, R9, R11
-        STR     R9, [R3], #-4
-        CMP     R2, #2                  ; CC => filling until pixel=target
-        BCC     %BT10                   ; so do it slowly (goto next word)
-        SUBS    R0, R0, R10             ; move R0 to beginning of word
-        BCC     %FT36                   ; if outside window continue slowly
-        ADD     R10, R10, #1
-        ORR     R14, R1, R5             ; compute target word
-        EOR     R14, R14, R6
-        LDR     R9, [R3]                ; screen word
-        CMP     R9, R1
-        BNE     %FT35                   ; NZ => terminate
-        STR     R14, [R3], #-4
-        SUBS    R0, R0, R10
-        BCS     %BT32
-        SUB     R10, R10, #1
-        ADDS    R0, R0, R10             ; point R0 back to end of word
-        BGE     %BT10                   ; if still inside, continue but slowly
-        B       %FT50
-        AND     R14, R5, R11            ; fill partial word, using pixel mask
-        AND     R11, R6, R11            ; in R11
-        ORR     R9, R9, R14
-        EOR     R9, R9, R11
-        STR     R9, [R3]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R7              ; add GWLCol back on
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1              ; Correct endpoint value
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R14
-        Pull    PC
- |
-        Pull    R14
-        MOVS    PC, R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; FillAlong - Fill left and right from point given
-; =========
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1(Y) hold point to fill from
-; On exit,  R0 (X) End of scan left
-;           R1 (Y) Preserved
-;           R2 (X) End of scan right
-;           Carry set = no fill performed ie outside window or already filled
-;           Carry clear = fill occured
-        ASSERT  FldBoundaryFlag = FldBoundaryCol +4
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #FldBoundaryCol
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2,R3}             ; R2 = colour, R3 = flag
-FillAlong2                              ; entry point when R2, R3 loaded
-        Push    "R1, R14"
-        BL      GenLineFillParm         ; On exit C=1 if nothing can be plotted
-        BLCC    FillLineRightRegs
-        Push    R0                      ; New RightX
-        BLCC    FillLineLeft
-        Pull    R2                      ; Recover RightX
-        Pull    "R1, PC"                ; Recover Y, C=1 <=> fill occured
-; *****************************************************************************
-; FloodFill
-; =========
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) hold point to flood from
-;           R2 Delimit colour, pointer to FgEcf/BgEcf
-;           R3 0/&80000000 for flood until/over
-        ASSERT  FldBoundaryFlag = FldBoundaryCol +4
-        ASSERT  FldY = FldLeftXLimit +4
-        ASSERT  FldRightXLimit = FldLeftXLimit +8
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #FgEcf       ; delimit colour
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; flood until
-        B       FloodFill
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #BgEcf       ; delimit colour
-        MOV     R3, #&80000000          ; flood over
-FloodFill ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        STR     R13, [WsPtr, #FldStackLevel]    ; save stack level !
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr, #FldBoundaryCol
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        STMIA   R14, {R2-R4}            ; store colour, flag, YWindLimit
-        [ med_00001_userma
-        ; the idea here is to try to use between 48k and 128k of rma instead of 16k of
-        ; scratchspace. if there's less than 48k of rma in the first place we go back to
-        ; scratchspace. if there's 128k or more we claim the 128k and proceed. For values
-        ; between 48k and 128k we first grow the rma by 128k-largest_free_space. If this
-        ; results in a lump of 128k now being free we claim it and proceed. If the largest
-        ; free space hasn't grown to 128k we then claim the additional balance needed to
-        ; have 128k available. Should either grow fail, we just use whatever (over 48k)
-        ; was available
-        ;R3-R7 spare at presenet
-        Push    "R0-R2"
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #flood_cda_rma]                     ; set amount to change dyn. area by
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_RMADesc
-        SWI     XOS_Module                                      ; get the largest free space in rma
-        BVC     %FT91                                           ; if that failed, use scratchspace
-        LDR     R3, =FldQueueStart                              ; head ptr (== scratchspace)
-        MOV     R4, R3                                          ; tail ptr
-        ADD     R5, R3, #FldQueueSize                           ; end ptr (== scratchspace size)
-        MOV     R6, R3                                          ; start ptr
-        B       %FT92
-        CMP     R2, #smallest_rma_size                          ; compare against small threshold
-        BLT     use_scratchspace                                ; not enough free - use scratchspace
-        CMP     R2, #largest_rma_size                           ; compare against high threshold
-        BHS     %FT96                                           ; lots free - use largest ceiling value
-        RSB     R1, R2, #largest_rma_size                       ; work out how much more to claim
-        MOV     R0, #1                                          ; rma
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        STRVC   R1, [WsPtr, #flood_cda_rma]                     ; save the amount we grew the rma
-        BVS     %FT94                                           ; if it failed, use the minimum<size<maximum lump
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_RMADesc                      ; reread the largest free space to see if
-        SWI     XOS_Module                                      ; it has risen to maximum
-        BVS     use_scratchspace
-        CMP     R2, #largest_rma_size
-        BHS     %FT96                                           ; it has, so claim the maximum
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #flood_cda_rma]                     ; the free space didn't grow to maximum, so the
-        RSB     R1, R1, #largest_rma_size                       ; largest space wasn't at the end. Do a second
-        MOV     R0, #1                                          ; grow of the rma to make the maximum
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        LDRVC   R0, [WsPtr, #flood_cda_rma]                     ; if it succeeded, update the amount that we
-        ADDVC   R0, R0, R1                                      ; need to shrink the rma by
-        STRVC   R0, [WsPtr, #flood_cda_rma]
-                                                                ; and fall into the claim largest space routine
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_RMADesc
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        BVS     use_scratchspace                                ; find the largest lump now available
-        CMP     R2, #largest_rma_size
-        MOVGT   R3, #largest_rma_size
-        MOVLE   R3, R2                                          ; cap it at the maximum size we want
-        MOV     R0, #ModHandReason_Claim                        ; try to claim it
-        SWI     XOS_Module
-        BVS     use_scratchspace
-        ADD     R5, R2, R3                                      ; do it in a slightly different order so
-        MOV     R3, R2                                          ; we can use the R2 and R3 back from the claim
-        MOV     R4, R3                                          ; (R2=where, R3=size)
-        MOV     R6, R3
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #QueuePtrs
-        STMIA   R7, {R3, R4, R5, R6}    ; initialise queue
-        Pull    "R0-R2"
-        |
-        LDR     R3, =FldQueueStart      ; head ptr
-        MOV     R4, R3                  ; tail ptr
-        ADD     R5, R3, #FldQueueSize   ; end ptr
-        MOV     R6, R3                  ; start ptr
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #QueuePtrs
-        STMIA   R7, {R3, R4, R5, R6}    ; initialise queue
-        ]
-        BL      FillAlong               ; try filling L&R from given point
-        Pull    PC, CS                  ; quit if can't be filled
-        MOV     R3, #3                  ; bit0 => fill up, bit1 => fill down
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr, #FldLeftXLimit
-        STMIA   R14, {R0-R2}            ; store leftX, Y, rightX
-        TST     R3, #1
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]   ; if below Top of window
-        CMP     R10, R1
-        BLE     %FT20
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #FldBoundaryCol      ; R4=target colour ptr,R5=flag,
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4,R5,R6}                  ; R6=YWindLimit
-        ORR     R5, R5, #FillingUpBit   ; fill line above
-        Push    R3
-        BL      CheckAlong              ; (will bomb out if queue explodes)
-        Pull    R3
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr, #FldLeftXLimit
-        LDMIA   R14, {R0,R1}            ; reload leftX, Y
-        TST     R3, #2
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWBRow]   ; if above bottom of window
-        CMP     R1, R10
-        BLE     %FT30
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #FldBoundaryCol      ; R4=target colour ptr,R5=flag,
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4,R5,R6}                  ; R6=YWindLimit
-;        BIC     R5, R5, #FillingUpBit  ; fill line below
-        BL      CheckAlong              ; (will bomb out if queue explodes)
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #QueuePtrs  ; unqueue one item
-        LDMIA   R11, {R3,R4,R5}         ; head,tail,limit
-        TEQ     R3, R4                  ; if queue empty
-        [ med_00001_userma
-        BLEQ    release_memory
-        ]
-        Pull    PC, EQ                  ; then exit
-        [ med_00001_twowords
-        LDR     R1, [R3], #4
-        MOV     R0, R1, LSR #16         ; LeftX
-        MOV     R2, R1
-        EOR     R2, R2, R0, LSL #16     ; RightX (with LeftX EORed out)
-        LDR     R1, [R3], #4            ; Recover Y
-        |
-        LDR     R1, [R3], #4            ; then load word
-        MOV     R2, R1, LSR #21         ; Recover RightX
-        EOR     R1, R1, R2, LSL #21     ; clear those bits out
-        MOV     R0, R1, LSR #10         ; Recover LeftX
-        EOR     R1, R1, R0, LSL #10     ; Recover Y
-        ]
-        TEQ     R3, R5                  ; if at limit
-        LDREQ   R3, [R11, #12]          ; then reload with start
-        STR     R3, [R11, #0]           ; store head ptr back
-        MOV     R3, #2                  ; indicate fill down
-        CMP     R2, R0                  ; if right < left then subtract 1 off
-                                        ; larger and swap
-        SBCCC   R0, R0, R2              ; R0 := large-small-1
-        ADDCC   R2, R0, R2              ; R2 := (large-small-1)+small = large-1
-        SUBCC   R0, R2, R0              ; R0 := (large-1)-(large-small-1)=small
-        MOVCC   R3, #1                  ; and indicate fill up
-        B       %BT10
-; *****************************************************************************
-; CheckAlong - Fill and skip background between LeftXLimit & RightXLimit
-; ==========
-; On entry, R0 LeftXLimit
-;           R1 Y
-;           R4 target colour
-;           R5 fill flag
-;           R6 YWindLimit
-; Exits using R14 if normal termination
-; Exits using FldStackLevel if queue full
-FillingUpBit * 1
-        ASSERT  FldBoundaryFlag = FldBoundaryCol +4
-        ASSERT  FldYWindLimit = FldBoundaryCol +8
-        ASSERT  FldY = FldLeftXLimit +4
-        ASSERT  FldRightXLimit = FldLeftXLimit +8
-CheckAlong ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R5, #FillingUpBit               ; if going up
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, #1                      ; then increment Y
-        SUBEQ   R1, R1, #1                      ; else decrement Y
-        BL      ScreenAddr                      ; R2=screen addr, R3=mask
-        SUB     R6, R6, R1                      ; flip Y
-        AND     R6, R6, #7                      ; ecf offset
-        LDR     R4, [R4, R6, LSL #2]            ; R4=target colour
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]           ; base address of plot ecf
-        ADD     R7, R7, R6, LSL #3              ; R7 -> zgora, zgeor
-        LDMIA   R7, {R10,R11}                   ; R10=zgora, R11=zgeor
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]      ; R6=pixel shift
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #NPix]              ; R9=no. of pixels per word-1
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #FldSaveArea         ; save Y, target colour,
-        STMIA   R7, {R1, R4, R9, R10, R11}      ; NPix, zgora, zgeor
-; test first pixel, to see if we can go left
-        LDR     R7, [R2]
-        EOR     R1, R7, R4
-        TST     R1, R3
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R8, CPSR
-        TEQ     R5, R8, LSL #1          ; PL => it's fillable
- |
-        TEQ     R5, PC, LSL #1          ; PL => it's fillable
- ]
-        RSBMI   R6, R6, #32             ; not fillable, reverse pixel shift
-        LDRMI   R8, [WsPtr, #GWRCol]    ; load right window limit
-        BMI     %FT37                   ; and skip left+right filling bit
-        Push    "R0, R2, R3"            ; save X, screen address, mask
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #GWLCol]
-        SUB     R0, R0, R8              ; make X in range 0..GWRCol-GWLCol
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     R14, #0                 ; clear partial word mask
-        TEQ     R5, #0                  ; get into correct loop
-        BMI     %FT84
-        BPL     %FT64
- |
-        MOVS    R14, #0                 ; clear partial word mask (and set PL)
-        B       %FT14
- ]
-        MOV     R14, #0                 ; clear partial word mask
-        LDR     R7, [R2]                ; R7 = screen
-        EOR     R1, R7, R4
- [ No26bitCode
- ; ***KJB - very cumbersome. Surely a temporary reg somewhere?
-        TEQ     R5, #0                  ; check "not" flag
-        BMI     %FT80
-61      TST     R1, R3                  ; test pixel position for delimiter
-        BEQ     %FT22                   ; NE => it's fillable
-        ORR     R14, R14, R3            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-64      SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT22                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        MOVS    R3, R3, ROR R6          ; test for end of word
-        BPL     %BT61                   ; loop until mask wraps
-        B       %FT89
-80      TST     R1, R3                  ; test pixel position for delimiter
-        BNE     %FT22                   ; EQ => it's fillable
-        ORR     R14, R14, R3            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-84      SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; decrement X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT22                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        MOVS    R3, R3, ROR R6          ; test for end of word
-        BPL     %BT80                   ; loop until mask wraps
- |
-        TST     R1, R3                  ; test pixel position for delimiter
-        TEQ     R5, PC, LSL #1          ; PL => it's fillable
-        ORRPL   R14, R14, R3            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-        SUBPLS  R0, R0, #1              ; decrement X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT22                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        MOVS    R3, R3, ROR R6          ; test for end of word
-        BPL     %BT12                   ; loop until mask wraps
- ]
-        AND     R1, R10, R14            ; R1 := zgora AND pixmask
-        ORR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen OR R1
-        AND     R1, R11, R14            ; R1 := zgeor AND pixmask
-        EOR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen EOR R1
-        STR     R7, [R2], #-4
-        CMP     R5, #2                  ; CC => filling until target
-        BCC     %BT10                   ; so do it slowly (do next word)
-        SUBS    R0, R0, R9              ; move R0 to start of word
-        BCC     %FT20                   ; if outside window continue slowly
-        ADD     R9, R9, #1              ; R9 := pixels per word
-        ORR     R1, R4, R10             ; compute word to plonk on screen
-        EOR     R1, R1, R11
-        LDR     R7, [R2]                ; screen word
-        CMP     R7, R4
-        BNE     %FT18                   ; NZ => terminate
-        STR     R1, [R2], #-4
-        SUBS    R0, R0, R9              ; back another word
-        BCS     %BT16
-        SUB     R9, R9, #1              ; R9 := pixels per word -1
-        ADDS    R0, R0, R9              ; point R0 back to end of word
-        BGE     %BT10                   ; if still inside, continue but slowly
-        B       %FT24                   ; else exit
-        [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
-        MALIGN   16, 0                  ; try to get %FT30 aligned !
-        ]
-        AND     R1, R10, R14            ; R1 := zgora AND pixmask
-        ORR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen OR R1
-        AND     R1, R11, R14            ; R1 := zgeor AND pixmask
-        EOR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen EOR R1
-        STR     R7, [R2]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R8              ; add GWLCol back on
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        Pull    "R1, R2, R3"            ; restore X, screen addr, mask
-        Push    R0                      ; save left-of-line coordinate
-        MOV     R0, R1                  ; R0 = start X
-        RSB     R6, R6, #32             ; reverse pixel shift
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #GWRCol]    ; load right window limit
-; now the filling right part
-        SUB     R0, R8, R0              ; make X in range GWRCol-GWLCol .. 0
-; start of each word
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        LDR     R7, [R2]                ; screen word
-        EOR     R1, R7, R4
- [ No26bitCode
-; ***KJB - very cumbersome. Surely a temporary reg somewhere?
-        TEQ     R5, #0
-        BMI     %FT75
-        TST     R1, R3                  ; test pixel position for delimiter
-        BEQ     %FT34                   ; NE => it's fillable
-        ORR     R14, R14, R3            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; "increment" X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT34                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; test for end of word
-        MOV     R3, R3, ROR R6          ; shift pixel mask
-        BPL     %BT72                   ; loop until mask wraps
-        B       %FT79
-        TST     R1, R3                  ; test pixel position for delimiter
-        BNE     %FT34                   ; EQ => it's fillable
-        ORR     R14, R14, R3            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1              ; "increment" X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT34                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; test for end of word
-        MOV     R3, R3, ROR R6          ; shift pixel mask
-        BPL     %BT75                   ; loop until mask wraps
- |
-        TST     R1, R3                  ; test pixel position for delimiter
-        TEQ     R5, PC, LSL #1          ; PL => it's fillable
-        ORRPL   R14, R14, R3            ; add pixel to partial word mask
-        SUBPLS  R0, R0, #1              ; "increment" X; if on edge of window
-        BMI     %FT34                   ; then give up and plot partial word
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; test for end of word
-        MOV     R3, R3, ROR R6          ; shift pixel mask
-        BPL     %BT28                   ; loop until mask wraps
- ]
-        AND     R1, R10, R14            ; R1 := zgora AND pixmask
-        ORR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen OR R1
-        AND     R1, R11, R14            ; R1 := zgeor AND pixmask
-        EOR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen EOR R1
-        STR     R7, [R2], #4
-        CMP     R5, #2                  ; CC => filling until target
-        BCC     %BT27                   ; so do it slowly (do next word)
-        RSB     R0, R0, #0              ; make X in range GWLCol-GWRCol .. 0
-        ADDS    R0, R0, R9              ; move R0 to end of word
-        BGT     %FT32                   ; outside window, continue slowly
-        ORR     R1, R4, R10             ; word to store if going fast
-        EOR     R1, R1, R11
-        [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
-        ASSERT  ((.-ArthurVduDriver):AND:15) = 0
-        ]
-        LDR     R7, [R2]                ; screen word
-        CMP     R7, R4                  ; EOR target colour (CS if EQ)
-        BNE     %FT32                   ; NZ => terminate
-        STR     R1, [R2], #4
-        ADCS    R0, R0, R9              ; C=1, so add NPix +1
-        BLE     %BT30
-        SUBS    R0, R9, R0              ; R0 back to start of word and negate
-        BGE     %BT27                   ; if still inside, continue slowly
-        B       %FT36                   ; else exit
-        AND     R1, R10, R14            ; R1 := zgora AND pixmask
-        ORR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen OR R1
-        AND     R1, R11, R14            ; R1 := zgeor AND pixmask
-        EOR     R7, R7, R1              ; screen := screen EOR R1
-        STR     R7, [R2]
-        SUB     R0, R8, R0              ; make back into normal coord again
-; now queue this segment
-        Pull    R4                      ; R4 := LH end point
-        SUB     R7, R0, #1              ; R7 := corrected RH end point
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #FldSaveY]  ; reload Y coordinate of THIS segment
-        BL      Queue
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr, #FldLeftXLimit      ; load lxlim, (Y+?), rxlim
-        LDMIA   R14, {R7,R10,R11}
-        EOR     R5, R5, #FillingUpBit   ; invert direction
-        SUB     R7, R7, #2              ; lxlim -2
-        CMP     R4, R7                  ; if leftX <= lxlim-2
-        BLLE    Queue                   ; then Q LH end bit in opposite dir
-        ADD     R4, R11, #2             ; rxlim +2
-        SUB     R7, R0, #1              ; R7 = RH end point
-        CMP     R7, R4                  ; if rightX >= rxlim+2
-        BLGE    Queue                   ; then Q RH end bit in opposite dir
-        EOR     R5, R5, #FillingUpBit   ; invert direction back again
-        SUB     R4, R4, #3              ; rxlim -1
-        CMP     R7, R4                  ; if rightX >= rxlim-1
-        Pull    PC, GE                  ; no point in skipping any more
-; now do the skipping
-; R0 points to first non-fillable pixel; R3=correct mask for this pixel
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #FldSaveArea         ; reload target colour, NPix,
-        LDMIB   R7, {R4, R9, R10, R11}          ; zgora, zgeor
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #FldRightXLimit]
-        LDR     R7, [R2], #4
-        EOR     R7, R7, R4                      ; screen EOR target
-        TST     R7, R3                          ; if pixel is fillable
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        TEQ     R5, R14, LSL #1
- |
-        TEQ     R5, PC, LSL #1
- ]
-        SUBPL   R2, R2, #4                      ; then correct address
-        Push    R0, PL                          ; and push new X coord
-        BPL     %BT26                           ; and go to fill right bit
-        CMP     R0, R1                          ; on limit of segment ?
-        Pull    PC, CS                          ; yes, so give up
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1                      ; step coord
-        TEQ     R3, #0                          ; test for mask wrap
-        MOV     R3, R3, ROR R6                  ; rotate mask to next pixel
-        BPL     %BT40                           ; continue within this word
-        B       %BT38                           ; continue with next word
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Queue - Queue a line segment
-; in:   R1 = Y coordinate of segment
-;       R4 = left X coordinate
-;       R5 = fill flag (Bit0=0/1 => look downwards/upwards)
-;       R7 = right X coordinate
-; out:  R0-R8, R11, R12 preserved
-;       R9,R10 corrupted
-;       exits by pulling stacked R14 if queue was full
-Queue   ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R11,R14"
-        TEQ     R5, R5, LSR #1          ; CS => mangle coords
-        MOVCC   R9, R4
-        MOVCC   R10, R7
-        SUBCS   R9, R7, R4              ; R9 = R-L
-        SUBCS   R10, R7, R9             ; R10 = R-(R-L) = L
-        ADCCS   R9, R9, R10             ; R9 = (R-L)+L+1 = R+1
-        [ med_00001_twowords
-        ; revised packing, expanded to two words, LeftX in 31..16 of word 1,
-        ; RightX in 15..0 of word 1, and Y in 15..0 of word 2
-        MOV     R9, R9, LSL #16         ; shift LeftX up
-        ORR     R9, R9, R10             ; combine in RightX
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #QueuePtrs
-        LDMIA   R0, {R10, R11, R14}     ; head,tail,limit
-        STR     R9, [R11], #4           ; store word at tail and move on
-        STR     R1, [R11], #4           ; store second word
-        |
-        ; pack Y into bits 0..9, L into bits 10..20, R into bits 21..31
-        ORR     R9, R1, R9, LSL #10     ; R9 = Y + (L << 10)
-        ORR     R9, R9, R10, LSL #21    ; R9 = Y + (L << 10) + (R <<21)
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #QueuePtrs
-        LDMIA   R0, {R10, R11, R14}     ; head,tail,limit
-        STR     R9, [R11], #4           ; store word at tail and move on
-        ]
-        TEQ     R11, R14                ; if at limit
-        LDREQ   R11, [R0, #12]          ; then reload with start ptr
-        CMP     R11, R10                ; EQ and CS if queue full
-        STRNE   R11, [R0, #4]           ; store tail ptr back if OK
-        Pull    "R0,R11,PC", NE         ; queue not full, terminate normally
-        [ med_00001_userma
-        BL      release_memory
-        ]
-        LDR     R13, [WsPtr, #FldStackLevel]
-        Pull    PC                      ; else bomb out
-; *****************************************************************************
-        [ med_00001_userma
-        ROUT
-        Push   "R0-R5,lr"
-        ADD    R0, WsPtr, #QueuePtrs
-        LDMIA  R0, {R0-R3}
-        [ med_00001_debug
-        LDR    R0, =med_00001_debug_start
-        STR    R3, [R0], #4
-        STR    R2, [R0], #4
-        LDR    R5, [WsPtr, #flood_cda_rma]
-        STR    R5, [R0]
-        ]
-        LDR    R5, =FldQueueStart
-        CMP    R3, R5                   ; did we use scratchspace ?
-        BEQ    %FT20
-        MOV    R2, R3
-        MOV    R0, #ModHandReason_Free
-        SWI    XOS_Module
-        LDR    R0, [WsPtr, #flood_cda_rma]
-        CMP    R0, #0
-        BEQ    %FT30                    ; no need to shrink rma
-        RSB    R1, R0, #0               ; get the signed negative value
-        MOV    R0, #1                   ; rma
-        SWI    XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        CMP    r0, r0                   ; ensure we return EQ set
-        Pull   "r0-r5,pc"
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugraff b/s/vdu/vdugraff
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eff4a76..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugraff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,906 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > &.Source.VduGrafF
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Solid & Dotted Line drawing routines
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   27.10.86
-; DoOsbyte163_242 - Set dotted line length and return status information
-; ===============
-; We are only interested in OsByte 163,242,0..66
-; OsByte 163,242,0..64 set dotted line length
-;        163,242,0      set default dot pattern and length
-;        163,242,1..64  set specified pattern length
-; OsByte 163,242,65 return graphics status
-;                   returns R1 = &Cn (means GXR on & flood on (for GXR))
-;                                    (means SpriteRom on (for master/compact))
-;                                  n = dotted line length MOD 64
-;                           R2 = number of sprite pages
-; OsByte 163,242,66 return sprite status
-;                   returns R1 = R2 = 0 if no sprite selected
-;                           R1 = current sprite width
-;                           R2 = current sprite height
-; When entered, we know it is FX 163,242,n
-; Exit by MOV PC, R14 if still don't understand (ie n>66)
-; Otherwise exit with Pull PC
-DoOsbyte163_242 ROUT
-        CMP R2,#66
-        MOVHI PC, R14                   ; Not 0..66, so pass it on
-        Push "R3-R12"                   ; Preserve the world
-        VDWS WsPtr                      ; Point R12 at Vdu driver workspace
-        CMP R2,#65
-        BLLT SetPatLength               ; R2 holds 0/1..64    ; PSR preserved
-        BLT OsByte_QuitA
-        BGT OsByte163_242_66
-OsByte163_242_65                        ; OsByte 163,242,65 - graphics status
-        LDR R1,[WsPtr,#DotLineLength]
-        AND R1,R1,#&3F                  ; Dot count MOD 64
-        ORR R1,R1,#&C0                  ; GXR on, Flood on
-        LDR R2,[WsPtr,#SpAreaStart]
-        CMP R2,#0
-        LDRNE R2,[R2,#saEnd]            ; SpriteWS size
-        B OsByte_QuitA
-OsByte163_242_66                        ; OsByte 163,242,66 - sprite status
-        MOV R0,#SpriteReason_ReadSpriteSize
-        LDR R2,=SpChooseName
-        ADD R2,R2,WsPtr                 ; Sprite name ptr
-        SWI XOS_SpriteOp
-        MOVVS R1,#0                     ; If no sprite memory, or no sprite
-        MOVVS R2,#0                     ; chosen, return 0,0 as width,height
-        MOVVC R1,R3                     ; else return width,height in pixels
-        MOVVC R2,R4
-        Pull "R3-R12,PC"                ; restore registers and claim call
-        MACRO
-        WriteToScreen $Adr,$Msk,$Ecf, $a,$b,$c
-        LDMIA $Ecf,{$a,$b}
-        AND $a,$a,$Msk
-        AND $b,$b,$Msk
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP $a,#&FFFFFFFF
-        LDRNE $c,[$Adr]
- |
-        LDR $c,[$Adr]
- ]
-        ORR $c,$c,$a
-        EOR $c,$c,$b
-        STR $c,[$Adr]
-        MEND
-rXCnt    RN 0
-rYCnt    RN 1
-rBres    RN 2
-rDeltaY  RN 3
-rPixShft RN 4
-rScrAdr  RN 5
-rPixMsk  RN 6
-rDotPtr  RN 7
-rEcfPtr  RN 8
-rEcfBase RN 8
-rEcfIndx RN 9
-rDeltaX  RN 10
-rScanStp RN 11
-rDotCnt    RN 9
-rDotPatLSW RN 10
-rDotPatMSW RN 11
-rDOTCnt    RN 10
-; LineDraw - General line drawing routine
-; ========
-; On entry, ICursor is the start point of the line
-;           NewPt is the end point
-;           R2 holds plot code, where bits mean :-
-;              bit 5  clear/set - include/exclude initial point
-;              bit 4  clear/set - solid/dotted line
-;              bit 3  clear/set - include/exclude final point
-;              bit 5  implies   - restart/continue dot pattern
-        TST     R2, #&03                ; if a no action one
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; then do nowt, just shunt coords
-LineDrawDotted ROUT
-        EOR     R11, R2, #&18   ; Flip solid/dotted flag, and final point flag
-                                ; bit 4 set/clear - solid/dotted line
-                                ; bit 3 set/clear - include/exclude final point
-        MOV     R9, #0
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #LineDotCnt
-        TST     R11, #&10
-        STRNE   R9, [WsPtr, #LineDotPtr]        ; Solid line
-        STREQ   R10, [WsPtr, #LineDotPtr]       ; Dotted line
-        TSTEQ   R11, #&20               ; If dotted line & first point included
-        STREQ   R9, [WsPtr, #LineDotCnt] ; then force a restart of the pattern
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, #PostCycleCount]    ; Assume all dots get plotted
-        ADD R0,WsPtr,#GCsIX             ;Start ICursor
-        LDMIA R0,{R0,R1,R2,R3}          ;End NewPt
-        TEQ     R1, R3                  ; If line is horizontal
-        BEQ     TryHLine                ; try to use HLine
-        [ UseVLineOnSolidLines
-        TEQ     R0, R2                  ; If line is vertical
-        BEQ     TryVLine                ; try to use VLine
-        ]
-        SaveRetAdr
-        Difference R4,R0,R2
-        Difference R5,R1,R3
-        Greatest R10,R4,R5
-        ADD R10,R10,#1                  ;Total number of dots on line
-        BL GenLineParm                  ;Generate line control block
-                                        ; in R0..R8
-        TST R11,#&20                    ;If first point excluded
-        SUBNE R10,R10,#1                ; then dec DotCycleCount and
-        BLNE AdvLineParm                ;      advance to first pixel and
-        TST R11,#&08                    ;If last point excluded
-        SUBEQ R10,R10,#1                ; then dec DotCycleCount
-        CMP R10,#0                      ;IF DotCycleCount <= 0
-        Return LE                       ; then nothing to plot
-        STR R10,[WsPtr,#DotCycleCount]
-        STR R11,[WsPtr,#LineEndPtFlags]
-        WINDow R0,R1, R9,R10,R11,R14    ;If start point outside window
-        BLLT LineStartsOutsideWindow    ; then panic {won't return if whole
-                                        ;             line outside window}
-        WINDow R7,R8, R9,R10,R11,R14    ;If end point outside window
-        BLLT LineEndsOutsideWindow      ; then panic as well
-; R0    ,R1    ,R2  ,R3    ,R4    ,R5   ,R6
-; StartX,StartY,Bres,DeltaX,DeltaY,StepX,StepY
-                                        ;Modify StepX (+1/-1 means right/left)
-        CMP R5,#0                       ; to give PixelMask shift factor
-        LDR R5,[WsPtr,#BytesPerChar]    ; "Left"
-        RSBPL R5,R5,#0                  ; "Right"
-                                        ;Modify StepY (+1/-1 means up/down)
-        CMP R6,#0                       ; to give offset to next scan line
-        LDR R6,[WsPtr,#LineLength]      ; "Down"
-        RSBPL R6,R6,#0                  ; "Up"
-        Push "R2-R6"                    ;Bres,DeltaX,DeltaY,StepX,StepY
-        BL ScreenAddr
-        MOV R7,R2                       ;Screen Adr
-        MOV R8,R3                       ;Pixel Mask
-        LDR R9,[WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        SUB R9,R9,R1                    ;subtract Y from YWindLimit
-        AND R9,R9,#7                    ;EcfIndx
-        Pull "R2-R6"                    ;Bres,DeltaX,DeltaY,StepX,StepY
-        LDR R0,[WsPtr,#DotCycleCount]   ;Number of on screen pixels
-        CMP R0,#0                       ; An LPO line starting outside & ending
-        Return LE                       ;  on the window leaves zero dots!
-        LDR R1,[WsPtr,#LineDotPtr]
-        CMP R1,#0
-        BNE DotDashLine
-SolidLine ROUT
-        Push    R12
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]           ; Base address of ECF
-        ADD     R1, R1, R9, LSL #3              ; current address of ECF
-; R0    ,R1     ,R2  ,R3    ,R4    ,R5     ,R6     ,R7    ,R8  ,R9
-; PixCnt,EcfBase,Bres,DeltaX,DeltaY,MskShft,LineStp,ScrAdr,Mask,Indx
-        LDMIA   R1,  {R9, R10}                  ; R9 = zgora; R10 = zgeor
-        MOV     R12, R8
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1                      ; Dec pixel count
-        BEQ     %FT57                           ; if zero, then finish off
-; Advance the screen address and pixel mask one pixel
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; If Bres positive
-        BPL     %FT55                   ; then advance in X dirn only
-                                        ; else advance in Y direction, which
-                                        ; may involve advancing X afterwards
-        AND     R14, R9, R12                    ; R14 = zgora AND pixmask
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP     R14, #&FFFFFFFF
-        LDRNE   R11, [R7]                       ; R11 = word from screen
- |
-        LDR     R11, [R7]                       ; R11 = word from screen
- ]
-        ORR     R11, R11, R14                   ; OR with screen
-        AND     R14, R10, R12                   ; R14 = zgeor AND pixmask
-        EOR     R11, R11, R14                   ; EOR with screen
-        STR     R11, [R7], R6                   ; and store back, moving on
-        CMP     R6, #&80000000          ; C=1 => going up the screen
-        TSTCS   R1, #63                 ; so check being at word 0 of ECF
-        SUBCS   R1, R1, #8              ; and then subtract 2 words
-        ADDCC   R1, R1, #8              ; else add on 2 words first
-        TSTCC   R1, #63                 ; and then test for wrap
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        LDMIA   R1,  {R9, R10}          ; reload zgora and zgeor
-        ADDS    R2, R2, R3              ; Advance Bres, in Y dirn
-        BMI     %BT20                   ; [don't need to move in X direction]
-        MOV     R12, #0                 ; clear total pixel mask
-; Advance in X direction
-        CMP     R5, #&80000000          ; if +ve then RORing, so test if
-        TSTCC   R8, #1                  ; bottom bit set before shifting
-        MOV     R8, R8, ROR R5          ; shift word
-        TSTCS   R8, #1                  ; else test after shifting
-        SUB     R2, R2, R4              ; always advance Bres in X direction
-        ORREQ   R12, R12, R8            ; if not wrapped, OR in new pixel
-        BEQ     %BT30                   ; and loop
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        TEQ     R12, #0
-        BEQ     %FT58
- ]
-        AND     R14, R9, R12                    ; R14 = zgora AND pixmask
- [ AvoidScreenReads
- 	MVNS	R11, R14
-        LDRNE   R11, [R7]                       ; R11 = word from screen
- |
-        LDR     R11, [R7]                       ; R11 = word from screen
- ]
-        ORR     R11, R11, R14                   ; OR with screen
-        AND     R14, R10, R12                   ; R14 = zgeor AND pixmask
-        EOR     R11, R11, R14                   ; EOR with screen
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        STR     R11, [R7]                       ; and store back
-58      SUBCC   R7, R7, #4                      ; increment or decrement
-        ADDCS   R7, R7, #4
- |
-        STRCC   R11, [R7], #-4                  ; and store back
-        STRCS   R11, [R7], #4                   ; incrementing or decrementing
- ]
-        MOV     R12, R8                 ; reset total pixel mask
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        Pull    "R12, PC", LT           ; exit if COMPLETELY finished
-        BEQ     %BT57                   ; if no more to do, then output word!
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; test Bres again
-        BPL     %BT55
-        B       %BT45
-; come here when ECF wraps (ie every eight Y coords)
-        ADDCS   R1, R1, #64             ; if wrap and going up, then add 64
-        SUBCC   R1, R1, #64             ; if wrap and going down, subtract 64
-        LDMIA   R1,  {R9, R10}          ; reload zgora and zgeor
-        ADDS    R2, R2, R3              ; Advance Bres, in Y dirn
-        BMI     %BT20                   ; [don't need to move in X direction]
-        B       %BT50
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TryHLine - Try to use HLine (we already know Y1=Y2)
-; in:   R0 = X1
-;       R1 = R3 = Y
-;       R2 = X2
-;       R11 = plot code EOR &18
-;         bit 3 set => include last point
-;         bit 4 set => solid
-;         bit 5 set => exclude first point
-TryHLine ROUT
-        TST     R11, #&10               ; is it dotted
-        BEQ     CantUseHLineOrVLine     ; yes, then can't use HLine
-        CMP     R2, R0
-        MOVGE   R4, #1
-        MOVLT   R4, #-1
-        TST     R11, #&20               ; if first point excluded
-        ADDNE   R0, R0, R4              ; then move R0 one pixel towards R2
-        TST     R11, #&08               ; if last point excluded
-        SUBEQ   R2, R2, R4              ; then move R2 one pixel towards R0
-        CMP     R2, R0                  ; check order again
-        EORLT   R0, R0, R2              ; make sure R0 <= R2
-        EORLT   R2, R0, R2
-        EORLT   R0, R0, R2
-        RSBLT   R4, R4, #0              ; if swapped, then invert sign of R4
-        TEQNE   R4, #1                  ; if order is now different
-                                        ; (and they're not equal now)
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; then there's nothing to plot
-        B       NewHLine                ; else go and do it!
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TryVLine - Try to use VLine (we already know X1=X2)
-; in:   R0 = R2 = X
-;       R1 = Y1
-;       R3 = Y2
-;       R11 = plot code EOR &18
-;         bit 3 set => include last point
-;         bit 4 set => solid
-;         bit 5 set => exclude first point
-TryVLine ROUT
-        TST     R11, #&10               ; is it dotted
-        BEQ     CantUseHLineOrVLine     ; yes, then can't use VLine (or HLine)
-; now make sure that we are using a solid pattern (not an ECF)
-; this is true if the appropriate GCOL action is < 8
-        AND     R4, R11, #3             ; look at bottom 2 bits of R11
-        CMP     R4, #2                  ; to check which action
-                                        ; (already ruled out 0 (no action))
-        LDRCC   R4, [WsPtr, #GPLFMD]    ; <2 => 1 => foreground action
-        MOVEQ   R4, #4                  ; =2 => 2 => invert action
-        LDRHI   R4, [WsPtr, #GPLBMD]    ; >2 => 3 => background action
-        CMP     R4, #8                  ; is it a solid action
-        BCS     CantUseVLine
-        CMP     R3, R1
-        MOVGE   R4, #1
-        MOVLT   R4, #-1
-        TST     R11, #&20               ; if first point excluded
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, R4              ; then move R1 one pixel towards R3
-        TST     R11, #&08               ; if last point excluded
-        SUBEQ   R3, R3, R4              ; then move R3 one pixel towards R1
-        CMP     R3, R1                  ; check order again
-        EORLT   R1, R1, R3              ; make sure R1 <= R3
-        EORLT   R3, R1, R3
-        EORLT   R1, R1, R3
-        RSBLT   R4, R4, #0              ; if swapped, then invert sign of R4
-        TEQNE   R4, #1                  ; if order is now different
-                                        ; (and they're not equal now)
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; then there's nothing to plot
-        B       NewVLine                ; else go and do it!
-; R0    ,R1    ,R2  ,R3    ,R4    ,R5     ,R6     ,R7    ,R8  ,R9
-; PixCnt,DotPtr,Bres,DeltaX,DeltaY,MskShft,LineStp,ScrAdr,Mask,Indx
-        LDMIA R1,{rDOTCnt,rDOTPatLSW,rDOTPatMSW}
-        CMP rDOTCnt,#0
-        ADDEQ rDOTCnt,WsPtr,#DotLineStyle               ;Restart pattern
-        LDREQ rDOTCnt,[WsPtr,#DotLineLength]
-        SUB rDOTCnt,rDOTCnt,#1
-        MOVS rDOTPatMSW,rDOTPatMSW,LSL #1
-        MOV rDOTPatLSW,rDOTPatLSW,LSL #1
-        STMIA R1,{rDOTCnt,rDOTPatLSW,rDOTPatMSW}
-        BCC DotDash30                           ;Don't plot this dot
-        LDR R10,[WsPtr,#GColAdr]                ;Base address of ECF
-        ADD R10,R10,R9,LSL #3                   ;Address of ECFora & ECFeor
-        WriteToScreen R7,R8,R10, R10,R11,R14
-        SUBS R0,R0,#1                           ;Dec pixel count
-        BEQ DotDash60                           ;Finished on screen
-; Advance the screen address and pixel mask one pixel
-        CMP R2,#0               ;If Bres positive
-        BPL DotDash50           ;then advance in X dirn only
-                                ;else advance in Y direction, which may
-                                ;     involve advancement in X afterwards
-        CMP R6,#0               ;Advance Ecf to next scanline
-        SUBLT R9,R9,#1          ; "Up" = (Old-1) Mod 7
-        ADDGE R9,R9,#1          ; "Doun" = (Old+1) Mod 7
-        AND R9,R9,#7
-        ADD R7,R7,R6                    ;Advance screen address one scanline
-        ADDS R2,R2,R3                   ;Advance Bres, in Y dirn
-        BMI DotDash20                   ;
-                                        ; may now need advancing in X dirn
-; Advance in X direction
-; Rotate PixMsk to next pixel position, altering ScrAdr if we cross to
-;  the next word.
-        TST     R8, R5                  ;If PixMsk at MSEnd of word
-                                        ; and shifting left
-        ADDMI   R7, R7, #4              ;then inc ScrAdr  {PixMsk will wrap}
-        MOVS    R8, R8, ROR R5          ;Move PixMsk
-                                        ;If PixMsk now at MSEnd of word
-        RSBMIS  R11, R5, #0             ; and shift was right
-        SUBMI   R7, R7, #4              ;then dec ScrAdr  {PixMsk wrapped}
-        SUB     R2, R2, R4              ;Advance Bres, in X dirn
-        B       DotDash20
-        LDR R0,[WsPtr,#PostCycleCount]
-        CMP R0,#0
-        BLNE AdvanceDotPattern
-        Return
-        LTORG
- DCD 0 ; *** Inserted for diagnostic purposes !  ***
-; LineEndsOutSideWindow
-; =====================
-        Push "R0-R8,Link"       ;Push whole parameter block
-        ADD R0,WsPtr,#GCsIX             ;Start ICursor
-        LDMIA R0,{R0,R1,R2,R3}          ;End NewPt
-        Swap R0,R2
-        Swap R1,R3
-        BL GenLineParm                  ;Generate line control block
-                                        ; in R0..R8
-        LDR R11,[WsPtr,#LineEndPtFlags]
-        TST R11,#&08                    ;If last point excluded
-        BLEQ AdvLineParm                ; then advance to actual last point
-        Push "R0,R1"                    ;EndX,EndY
-        WindowRes R11,R0,R1, R7,R8,R9,R10       ;R11 := Window(End)
-; R0  ,R1  ,R2  ,R3    ,R4    ,R5   ,R6   ,        ,R11
-; EndX,EndY,Bres,DeltaX,DeltaY,StepX,StepY,        ,WEnd
-        TST R11,#&C                             ;If above/below window
-        BEQ LEO10
-        BL InYWind                              ; then bring Y into window
-        WindowRes R11,R0,R1, R7,R8,R9,R10       ;R11 := Window(NewEnd)
-        TST R11,#&3
-        BEQ LEO20                       ;If start outside X window
-        BL InXWind
-        WindowRes R11,R0,R1, R7,R8,R9,R10       ;R11 := Window(NewEnd)
-        Pull "R9,R10"                           ;EndX,EndY
-        Difference R0,R0,R9
-        Difference R1,R1,R10
-        Greatest R0,R0,R1
-        LDR R1,[WsPtr,#DotCycleCount]
-        SUB R1,R1,R0
-        STR R1,[WsPtr,#DotCycleCount]
-        STR R0,[WsPtr,#PostCycleCount]
-        Pull "R0-R8,PC"
-; LineStartsOutSideWindow
-; =======================
-        Push Link
-        Push "R0,R1"                    ;StartX,StartY
-        Push "R5,R6"
-        WindowRes R10,R0,R1, R5,R6,R9,R14       ;R10 := Window(Start)
-        WindowRes R11,R7,R8, R5,R6,R9,R14       ;R11 := Window(End)
-        Pull "R5,R6"
-        TST R10,R11
-        BNE LineOutsideWindow           ;Line completely outside window
-; R0    ,R1    ,R2  ,R3    ,R4    ,R5   ,R6   ,R7  ,R8    ,R10   ,R11
-; StartX,StartY,Bres,DeltaX,DeltaY,StepX,StepY,EndX,EndY  ,WStart,WEnd
-        TST R10,#&C                             ;If above/below window
-        BEQ LSO10
-        Push R11
-        BL InYWind                              ; then bring Y into window
-        Pull R11
-        Push "R6-R8"
-        WindowRes R10,R0,R1, R6,R7,R8,R9       ;R10 := Window(NewStart)
-        Pull "R6-R8"
-        TST R10,R11
-        BNE LineOutsideWindow           ;Line completely outside window
-        TST R10,#&3
-        BEQ LSO20                       ;If start outside X window
-        Push R11
-        BL InXWind
-        Pull R11
-        Push "R6-R8"
-        WindowRes R10,R0,R1, R6,R7,R8,R9        ;R10 := Window(NewStart)
-        Pull "R6-R8"
-        CMP R10,#0
-        BNE LineOutsideWindow           ;Cannot clip to window
-        Pull "R9,R10"           ;StartX,StartY
-        Push "R0-R8"
-        Difference R0,R0,R9
-        Difference R1,R1,R10
-        Greatest R0,R0,R1
-        BL AdvanceDotPattern
-        Pull "R0-R8"
-        Pull "PC"
-        Pull "R0,R1"                    ;Balance the stack
-        LDR R0,[WsPtr,#DotCycleCount]
-        BL AdvanceDotPattern
-        Pull "Link"
-        Return                          ;To caller of the line routine
-lpStartX  RN 0
-lpStartY  RN 1
-lpBres    RN 2
-lpDeltaX  RN 3
-lpDeltaY  RN 4
-lpStepX   RN 5
-lpStepY   RN 6
-; InYWind - Bring a set of line parameters into the Y window
-; =======
-; On entry, R0-R6 contain a line parameter block
-;       R0 - StartX
-;       R1 - StartY
-;       R2 - Bres
-;       R3 - DeltaX
-;       R4 - DeltaY
-;       R5 - StepX (+1/-1) (Equv bit6 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;       R6 - StepY (+1/-1) (Equv bit7 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;       R7 - EndX
-;       R8 - EndY
-;       R9  - gwbrow
-;       R10 - gwtrow
-; Algorithm:
-;  1. Calculate distance to Y window
-;  2. Change StartY by (distance-1)
-;  3. Add (distance-1)*DeltaX to Bres
-;  4. Divide Bres by DeltaY
-;  5. Subtract (quotient+1)*DeltaY from Bres
-;  6. Change StartX by (quotient+1)
-;  7. Do one more pixel advance by AdvLineParm
-;      (N.B. this is always the Bres -ve case)
-        SaveRetAdr
-        LDR R9,[WsPtr,#GWBRow]
-        LDR R10,[WsPtr,#GWTRow]
-                                        ;(1)
-        CMP lpStepY,#0
-        SUBGE R11,R9,lpStartY
-        SUBLT R11,lpStartY,R10
-        SUB R11,R11,#1                  ;(Distance to window) - 1
-        BL InYW30                       ;Steps 2-6
-        BL AdvLineParm                  ;Step to first pixel in window
-        Return
-; Flags still valid, GE/LT
-; R11 holds distance to window -1
-InYW30                                  ;(2)
-        ADDGE lpStartY,lpStartY,R11             ;StartY := GWBRow-1
-        SUBLT lpStartY,lpStartY,R11             ;StartY := GWTRow+1
-                                        ;(3)
-        MOV R10,lpDeltaX
-        MUL R9,R11,R10
-        ADDS lpBres,lpBres,R9                   ;Bres := Bres+(dist-1)*DeltaX
-                                                ;If lpBres now -ve,
-        MOVLT PC,Link                           ;then don't modify StartX
-                                                ;     (quotient+1 is 0)
-                                                ;else
-        MOV R10,lpDeltaY
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Use new DivRem macro, not old DIVREM
-; Original code was:
-;        DIVREM R11,lpBres,R10,R9
-        DivRem R11,lpBres,R10,R9
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        SUB lpBres,lpBres,lpDeltaY
-        ADD R11,R11,#1                          ; quotient := 1+bres/deltay
-                                        ;(6)
-        CMP lpStepX,#0
-        ADDGE lpStartX,lpStartX,R11
-        SUBLT lpStartX,lpStartX,R11
-        MOV PC,Link
-; InXWind - Bring a set of line parametres into the X window
-; =======
-; On entry, R0-R6 contain a line parameter block
-;       R0 - StartX
-;       R1 - StartY
-;       R2 - Bres
-;       R3 - DeltaX
-;       R4 - DeltaY
-;       R5 - StepX (+1/-1) (Equv bit6 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;       R6 - StepY (+1/-1) (Equv bit7 of Sign in 6502 version)
-;       R7 - EndX
-;       R8 - EndY
-;       R9  - gwlcol
-;       R10 - gwrcol
-; Algorithm:
-;  1. Replace Bres by -Bres-1
-;  2. Swap StartX and StartY
-;  3. Swap DeltaX and DeltaY
-;  3a Swap StepX and StepY
-;  4. Calculate distance to X window
-;  5. Do steps 2-6 of InYWind
-;  6. Repeat steps 1-3
-;  7. Do one more pixel advance by AdvLineParm
-;      (N.B. this is always the Bres +ve case)
-        SaveRetAdr
-        LDR R9,[WsPtr,#GWLCol]
-        LDR R10,[WsPtr,#GWRCol]
-                                        ;(1)
-        MVN lpBres,lpBres
-                                        ;(2)(3)
-        Push "lpStartX,lpDeltaX,lpStepX"
-        Push "lpStartY,lpDeltaY,lpStepY"
-        Pull "lpStartX,lpDeltaX,lpStepX"
-        Pull "lpStartY,lpDeltaY,lpStepY"
-        CMP lpStepY,#0                  ;Really StepX
-        SUBGE R11,R9,lpStartY
-        SUBLT R11,lpStartY,R10
-        SUB R11,R11,#1                  ;(Distance to window) - 1
-        BL InYW30                               ;Steps 2-6
-                                        ;(1)
-        MVN lpBres,lpBres
-                                        ;(2)(3)
-        Push "lpStartX,lpDeltaX,lpStepX"
-        Push "lpStartY,lpDeltaY,lpStepY"
-        Pull "lpStartX,lpDeltaX,lpStepX"
-        Pull "lpStartY,lpDeltaY,lpStepY"
-        BL AdvLineParm                  ;Step to first pixel in window
-        Return
-; rDotPtr    RN 7
-; rDotCnt    RN 9
-; rDotPatLSW RN 10
-; rDotPatMSW RN 11
-; On entry R0 holds number of places to step dot pattern
-        LDR R1,[WsPtr,#DotCycleCount]
-        SUB R1,R1,R0
-        STR R1,[WsPtr,#DotCycleCount]
-        LDR rDotPtr,[WsPtr,#LineDotPtr]
-        CMP rDotPtr,#0
-        MOVEQ PC,Link
-        LDR R1,[WsPtr,#DotLineLength]
-        MOV R2,R1
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Use new DivRem macro, not old DIVREM
-; Original code was:
-;        DIVREM R3,R0,R2,R4              ;R0:=R0 REM DotLineLength
-        DivRem R3,R0,R2,R4              ;R0:=R0 REM DotLineLength
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        LDMIA rDotPtr,{rDotCnt,rDotPatLSW,rDotPatMSW}
-        CMP rDotCnt,R0
-        SUBLT R0,R0,rDotCnt
-        ADDLT rDotCnt,WsPtr,#DotLineStyle               ;Restart pattern
-        LDMLTIA rDotCnt,{rDotPatLSW,rDotPatMSW}
-        LDRLT rDotCnt,[WsPtr,#DotLineLength]
-        SUB rDotCnt,rDotCnt,R0                          ;New value
- [ {TRUE}
-; need special code if R0 > 32
-        RSBS    R1, R0, #32
-        MOVLT   rDotPatMSW, rDotPatLSW
-        MOVLT   rDotPatLSW, #0                          ; probably not necessary
-        SUBLT   R0, R0, #32
-        RSBLT   R1, R0, #32
-        MOV rDotPatMSW,rDotPatMSW,LSL R0
-        ORR rDotPatMSW,rDotPatMSW,rDotPatLSW,LSR R1
-        MOV rDotPatLSW,rDotPatLSW,LSL R0
- |
-; old code
-        RSB R1,R0,#32
-        MOV rDotPatMSW,rDotPatMSW,LSL R0
-        ORR rDotPatMSW,rDotPatMSW,rDotPatLSW,LSR R1
-        MOV rDotPatLSW,rDotPatLSW,LSL R0
- ]
-        STMIA rDotPtr,{rDotCnt,rDotPatLSW,rDotPatMSW}
-        MOV PC,Link
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafg b/s/vdu/vdugrafg
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f2847e..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2678 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > &.Source.VduGrafG
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Sprite stuff
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   10.11.86
-RangeB * 256
-RangeC * 512
-; Macros for various sprite operations
-        MACRO
-        KillSpChoosePtr
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SpChoosePtr]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        CopyDown $to,$from,$bytes, $tmp, $tmp2
-        LDR     $tmp2, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]      ; sprite being output to by Vdu
-        ADD     $tmp, $from, $bytes
-        SUB     $tmp, $tmp, #1                  ; from + bytes -1
-        CMP     $tmp2, $to                      ; if VOTS >= to
-        CMPCS   $tmp, $tmp2                     ; and from+bytes-1 >= VOTS
-        BCC     %FT00
-        Push    "R0, R14"
-        SUB     R0, $to, $from                  ; then adjust address vars
-        BL      AdjustSpriteAddress             ; by offset = to-from
-        Pull    "R0, R14"
-        CMP     $bytes, #0                      ; bytes must be a multiple of 4
-        LDRNE   $tmp, [$from], #4
-        STRNE   $tmp, [$to], #4
-        SUBNES  $bytes, $bytes, #4
-        BNE     %BT01
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        CopyUp $to,$from,$bytes, $tmp, $tmp2
-        LDR     $tmp2, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]      ; sprite being output to by Vdu
-        ADD     $tmp, $to, $bytes
-        SUB     $tmp, $tmp, #1                  ; to + bytes -1
-        CMP     $tmp2, $from                    ; if VOTS >= from
-        CMPCS   $tmp, $tmp2                     ; and to+bytes-1 >= VOTS
-        BCC     %FT00
-        Push    "R0, R14"
-        SUB     R0, $to, $from                  ; then adjust address vars
-        BL      AdjustSpriteAddress             ; by offset = to-from
-        Pull    "R0, R14"
-        SUBS    $bytes, $bytes, #4
-        LDRCS   $tmp, [$from, $bytes]
-        STRCS   $tmp, [$to, $bytes]
-        BHI     %BT01
-        MEND
-; copy R0 bytes from R3 to R2 (R2+:=R0; R3+:=R0)
-; corrupts R0, R4-R11, R14
-; NB not used at present
-        MACRO
-        CopyDownFast
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #9*4
-        LDMCSIA R3!, {R4-R11,R14}
-        STMCSIA R2!, {R4-R11,R14}
-        SUBCSS  R0, R0, #9*4
-        BCS     %BT10
-        ADDS    R0, R0, #9*4
-        LDRNE   R4, [R3], #4
-        STRNE   R4, [R2], #4
-        SUBNES  R0, R0, #4
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ClearWords $from,$words, $tmp
-        MOV     $tmp,#0
-        SUBS    $words, $words, #1
-        STRCS   $tmp, [$from], #4
-        BHI     %BT01
-        MEND
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       AdjustSpriteAddress - Move VduSprite, ScreenStart, CursorAddr and
-;        InputCursorAddr by R0
-;       Internal routine, called by routines that use macros
-;        CopyDown, CopyUp
-; in:   R0 = no. of bytes to add on (can be -ve)
-AdjustSpriteAddress ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        ADD     R14, R14, R0
-        STR     R14, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        ADD     R14, R14, R0
-        STR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        B       AdjustCursorVars        ; update CursorAddr, InputCursorAddr
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SpriteInit - Setup sprite workspace on reset (called whenever break
-;                    is pressed)
-SpriteInit ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        [ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
-        LDR     R0, =SvcTable                   ; intercept SWI SpriteOp
-        ADR     R1, SwiSpriteOp
-        STR     R1, [R0, #(OS_SpriteOp*4)]
-        ADRL    R1, SwiReadPoint                ; might as well catch ReadPoint
-        STR     R1, [R0, #(OS_ReadPoint*4)]     ; here
-        ]
-        BL      ClearSpritePtrName      ; clear SpChoosePtr,SpChooseName
-        Pull    PC
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_27 - SCHOOSE/SGET a numbered sprite
-; in:   QQ?0 = 0 => Select sprite STR$(QQ?1) for plotting
-;       QQ?0 = 1 => Sget an area of screen and put it in sprite STR$(QQ?1)
-Vdu23_27 ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]
-        CMP     R0, #1
-        MOVCC   R3, #SpriteReason_SelectSprite          ; 0-Select sprite
-        MOVEQ   R3, #SpriteReason_GetSprite             ; 1-Pickup sprite
-        MOVHI   PC, R14
-        Push    R14
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]      ; sprite number
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #NameBuf
-        MOV     R2, #4
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        STRB    R0, [R1, R2]            ; $NameBuf := STR$(n)
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; R0 = sprite-op reason code
-        MOV     R2, R1                  ; R2 -> sprite name
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; extension gap size
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp            ; perform operation, ignore errors
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SpritePlot - PLOT &E8-&EF,X,Y
-; in:   R2 = plot code
-; The 2 LSBits of the plot code specify fg/bg colour and action as :-
-;  0 => No effect eqv. of Gcol(5,c)
-;  1 => Plot sprite using foreground Gcol action
-;  2 => Invert eqv. of Gcol(4,c)
-;  3 => Plot mask in background colour and Gcol action
-SpritePlot ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        AND     R3, R2, #3              ; 2 LSBits of plot code
-        CMP     R3, #1
-        MOVCC   R5, #5                  ; gcol action - no effect
-        LDREQ   R5, [WsPtr, #GPLFMD]    ;              foreground
-        MOVHI   R5, #4                  ;              invert or background
-        AND     R5, R5, #&0F            ; knock out any ecf bits
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SpChoosePtr]      ; If ChoosePtr <> 0
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; then use as pointer to sprite
-        MOV     R0, #SpriteReason_SelectSprite ; else select it first
-        LDR     R2, =SpChooseName
-        ADD     R2, R2, WsPtr           ; sprite name ptr
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SpChoosePtr]
-10                                      ; R2 points to the sprite
-        CMP     R3, #3
-        MOVNE   R0, #RangeC+SpriteReason_PutSprite
-        LDREQ   R0, =RangeC+SpriteReason_PlotMask
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #SpAreaStart]
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp            ; perform operation, ignoring errors
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SwiSpriteOp - Entry point for SWI OS_SpriteOp
-; in:   R0 = sprite op reason code
-;       R1 -> sprite area (usually)
-;       R2 -> sprite (usually)
-;       R3..? parameters
-SwiSpriteOp ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BranchNotJustUs %F10, SpriteV, R11, R14
-; we are sole owners of SpriteV, so call our internal routine
-        Push    PC                      ; push address of SwiSpriteReturn
-        B       SpriteVecHandler
-        &       0
-        Pull    R14
-        ORRVS   R14, R14, #V_bit        ; if error, set V_bit in link
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; we are not the sole owners of SpriteV, so call the vector
-        MOV     R10, #SpriteV
-        BL      %FT20
-        Pull    R14
-        ORRVS   R14, R14, #V_bit        ; if error, set V_bit in link
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        CallAVector
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SpriteVecHandler - Default owner of SpriteV
-; in:   R0-R7 contain our entry parameters
-; out:  R0-R7 contain exit parameters
-;       R8-R12 are preserved
-        MACRO
-        SpriteOpDispatch $cond
-        ADD$cond PC, R10, R11, ASR #8
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        SpriteOpEntry   $addr, $flags
-        &       (($addr - SwiSpriteOpCallTb) :SHL: 8) + $flags
-        MEND
-; The end of this code is put before the beginning, so that
-; SpriteDispatchReturn + SVC_mode is within ADR reach of the dispatcher
-BadReasonCode ROUT
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_BadReasonCode
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       %FT20
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_SpriteIsCurrentDest
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       %FT20
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_DoesntExist
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-20                                      ; Exit SWI with error, error code in R0
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        SETV                            ; indicate an error
-; and drop thru to...
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #RetnReg0
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R9}            ; Restore R0-R9
-        MOV     R10, R13                ; Point at old returned registers
-        Push    "R0-R9"                 ; Save new returned registers on stack
-        LDMIA   R10, {R0-R9}            ; Load old returned registers
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R9}            ; and put them in the dump area
-        Pull    "R0-R9"                 ; restore new returned registers
-        ADD     R13, R13, #10*4         ; remove stack frame
-        Pull    "R10-R12,PC"
-        Push    "R10-R12"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, WsPtr       ; Re-enable interupts
-        VDWS    WsPtr                   ; Point R12 at Vdu driver workspace
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #RetnReg0
-        SUB     R13, R13, #10*4         ; Create stack frame for old RetnRegs
-        MOV     R10, R13                ; Keep pointer to this frame
-        Push    "R0-R9"                 ; Save new regs while we copy old ones
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0-R9}            ; Load old regs
-        STMIA   R10, {R0-R9}            ; and push them onto stack
-        Pull    "R0-R9"                 ; Restore new regs
-        STMIA   R11, {R0-R9}            ; Dump R0-R9
-        CMP     R0, #RangeC + &100      ; if top bits out of range
-        BCS     BadReasonCode           ; then error
-        CMP     R0, #RangeB             ; if Range A type
-        LDRCC   R1, [WsPtr, #SpAreaStart] ; then point at MOS sprite area
-        AND     R0, R0, #&FF            ; Kill the range bits
-        CMP     R0, #SpriteReason_BadReasonCode
-        BCS     BadReasonCode
-        ADR     R10, SwiSpriteOpCallTb
- [ No26bitCode
-        ADR     R14, SpriteDispatchReturn ; return address
- |
-        ADR     R14, SpriteDispatchReturn + SVC_mode ; return address
- ]
-        LDR     R11, [R10, R0, LSL #2]  ; load (offset<<8) + flags
-        TST     R11, #SSO_ScreenNotAllowed ; if call can specify screen (R2=0)
-        TEQEQ   R2, #0                  ; and it is specified
-        MOVEQ   R1, #0                  ; then make sprite area ptr 0 as well
-        TSTNE   R11, #SSO_NeedsSomething ; or nothing needed anyway
-        SpriteOpDispatch EQ             ; then dispatch
-        TEQ     R1, #0                  ; else needs sprite area ptr
-        ADREQ   R0, SpriteErr_NoWorkSpace ; so if zero then invalid
-      [ International
-        BLEQ    TranslateError
-      ]
-        BEQ     %BT20
-        TST     R11, #SSO_DangerAreaOp  ; if not a danger area op
-        BEQ     %FT32                   ; then skip
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #VduSpriteArea] ; else check if sprite area is same
-        TEQ     R9, R1
-        BEQ     SpriteIsCurrentDest     ; and error if so
-        TST     R11, #SSO_NeedsSprite   ; if doesn't need sprite
-        BNE     %FT33
-        TEQ     R0,#SpriteReason_CreateSprite
-        BEQ     %FT21
-        TEQ     R0,#SpriteReason_ScreenSave
-        TEQNE   R0,#SpriteReason_GetSprite
-        TEQNE   R0,#SpriteReason_GetSpriteUserCoords
-        SpriteOpDispatch NE             ; let it go if we're not interested in it
-        LDR     R9,[WsPtr, #Log2BPP]    ; fetch the current bpp
-        CMP     R9,#4
-        SpriteOpDispatch CC             ; let it go if below 16bpp
-        CMP     R3,#0
-        BNE     %FT34                   ; bang if it has a palette
-        SpriteOpDispatch                ; then dispatch
-21      ;createsprite. R6=mode number or sprite mode word, or => mode descriptor
-        Push    "R0-R3,R14"
-        MOV     R0,R6
-        MOV     R1,#VduExt_Log2BPP
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        MOVCS   R2,#0
-        CMP     R2,#4
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R14"
-        SpriteOpDispatch CC
-        B       %BT22
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; if sprite ptr is zero it's a boob
-        BEQ     %BT15                   ; so say SpriteDoesntExist
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        CMP     R9, #RangeC             ; if not range C then must look up
-        BCS     %FT35                   ; sprite name and convert to pt4
-        Push    R14
-        BL      SpriteCtrlBlk           ; in: R2 -> name; out: R2 -> sprite
-        Pull    R14
-        BVS     %BT15                   ; no such sprite
-;medusa note.
-;On Medusa masks and palettes for 16/32bpp sprites are in a transient state
-;Medusa will fault 16/32bpp mask/palette operations, in readiness for the
-;introduction of new (more compact) mask/palette formats.
-;another medusa note.
-;Mask operations using 1bpp masks on new format sprites are now being included.
-;However palettes on 16/32bpp are still not allowed.
-;amg 12/11/93, sort out the logic here so that palettes on new format sprites
-;really do get faulted
-;amg 25th May 1994. We now allow palettes on new format sprites of 8bpp
-;and below
-        ; find the sprite type
-        LDR    R9,[R2,#spMode]
-        MOVS   R9,R9,LSR #27            ; put the sprite type at b0
-        BEQ    %FT37                    ; t=0 (ie old format)
-        CMP    R9,#SpriteType_New16bpp  ; check sprite type number
-        BCC    %FT37                    ; despatch if new format and under 8bpp
-        ; so, does it have a palette
-        Push   "R14"                    ; I need another register for CMP
-        ; now check for a palette
-        ADD    R9,R2,#spImage
-        LDMIA  R9,{R9,R14}              ; pick up offsets to mask & image
-        CMP    R9,R14
-        MOVGT  R9,R14                   ; R9->top of palette block
-        SUBS   R9,R9,#spPalette         ; R9 = size of palette block
-        Pull   "R14"
-        BEQ    %FT38                    ; no palette, so no error
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NoMaskOrPaletteAllowedInThisDepth
-        [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-        ]
-        B       %BT20
-37      ;however, until mode selectors work there are some 16/32bpp old modes
-        Push    "R0-R3,R14"             ; save context
-        MOV     R0,R9
-        MOV     R1,#VduExt_Log2BPP
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable    ; read log2bpp for the sprite's mode
-        MOV     R9,R2                   ; and move it for posterity
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R14"
-        CMP     R9,#4
-        BCS     %BT39                   ; log2bpp of 4 = 16bpp, so see if we want to fault it
-        TST     R11, #SSO_DangerOp      ; if a destructive op
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        TEQ     R9, R2
-        BEQ     SpriteIsCurrentDest     ; then stop him!
-        TST     R11, #SSO_NeedsSpriteModeData
-        SpriteOpDispatch EQ
-        Push    "R5-R7, R10, R11, R14"
-        BL      SetupSprModeData
-        Pull    "R5-R7, R10, R11, R14"
-        SpriteOpDispatch VC
-        B       %BT30                   ; Invalid spMode field
-SSO_ScreenNotAllowed    * 1 :SHL: 0
-SSO_NeedsSomething      * 1 :SHL: 1
-SSO_NeedsSprite         * 1 :SHL: 2
-SSO_NeedsSpriteModeData * 1 :SHL: 3
-SSO_DangerOp            * 1 :SHL: 4
-SSO_DangerAreaOp        * 1 :SHL: 5
-Group1  * SSO_ScreenNotAllowed
-Group2  * Group1 + SSO_NeedsSomething
-Group3  * Group2 + SSO_NeedsSprite
-Group4  * Group3 + SSO_NeedsSpriteModeData
-Group5  * SSO_NeedsSomething + SSO_NeedsSprite
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group1
-       [ AssemblingArthur :LOR: Module
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group1
-       |
-        SpriteOpEntry ClaimSpace, Group1        ; *SSpace <size>
-       ]
-        SpriteOpEntry ScreenSave, Group1
-        SpriteOpEntry ScreenLoad, Group1
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group1
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group1
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group1
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group1
-; The following need valid workspace
-        SpriteOpEntry ReadAreaCB, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry ClearSprites, Group2 + SSO_DangerAreaOp   ; *SNew
-        SpriteOpEntry LoadSpriteFile, Group2 + SSO_DangerAreaOp
-                                                ; *SLoad <filename>
-        SpriteOpEntry MergeSpriteFile, Group2 + SSO_DangerAreaOp
-                                                ; *SMerge <filename>
-        SpriteOpEntry SaveSpriteFile, Group2    ; *SSave <filename>
-        SpriteOpEntry ReturnName, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry GetSprite, Group2         ; *SGet <name>
-        SpriteOpEntry CreateSprite, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry GetSpriteUserCoords, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group2
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group2
-; The following need a sprite
-        SpriteOpEntry SelectSprite, Group3      ; *SChoose <n> [<m>]
-        SpriteOpEntry DeleteSprite, Group3 + SSO_DangerOp       ; *SDelete <n>
-        SpriteOpEntry RenameSprite, Group3                      ; *SRename
-        SpriteOpEntry CopySprite, Group3                        ; *SCopy
-        SpriteOpEntry PutSprite, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry CreateMask, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry RemoveMask, Group3 + SSO_DangerOp
-        SpriteOpEntry InsertRow, Group3 + SSO_DangerOp
-        SpriteOpEntry DeleteRow, Group3 + SSO_DangerOp
-        SpriteOpEntry FlipAboutXAxis, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry PutSpriteUserCoords, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group3
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group3
-; The following need sprite mode data
-        SpriteOpEntry ReadSpriteSize, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry ReadPixelColour, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry WritePixelColour, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry ReadPixelMask, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry WritePixelMask, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry InsertCol, Group4 + SSO_DangerOp
-        SpriteOpEntry DeleteCol, Group4 + SSO_DangerOp
-        SpriteOpEntry FlipAboutYAxis, Group4 + SSO_DangerOp
-        SpriteOpEntry PlotMask, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry PlotMaskUserCoords, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4  ; 50            ; PlotMaskScaled
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4  ; 51            ; PaintCharScaled
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4  ; 52            ; PutSpriteScaled
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4  ; 53            ; PutSpriteGreyScaled
-        SpriteOpEntry RemoveLeftHandWastage, Group4
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4                  ; 55 PlotMaskTransformed
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4                  ; 56 PutSpriteTransformed
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4                  ; 57 InsertDeleteRows
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4                  ; 58 InsertDeleteColumns
-        SpriteOpEntry DoesNowt, Group4                  ; 59 pseudo reason used by Wimp
-; The following need (sprite area + sprite) or (anything + 0), meaning screen
-        SpriteOpEntry SwitchOutputToSprite, Group5 ; 60
-        SpriteOpEntry SwitchOutputToMask, Group5   ; 61
-        SpriteOpEntry ReadSaveAreaSize, Group5     ; 62
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetupSprModeData - Set up registers and variables from the sprite mode
-;       Internal routine: called by sprite dispatch, CreateHeader
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-; out:  R0-R5 preserved
-;       R6 = ReadNColour (for a single screen pixel)
-;       R7 = WriteNColour (=R6 except in double pixel modes)
-;       R8 = BytesPerChar }
-;       R9 = XShftFactor  } calculated from Log2BPC which is BitsPerPix
-;       R10 = NPix        }  corrected for double pixel modes
-;       R11 = Log2BPC     }
-;       SprReadNColour..SprLog2BPC setup accordingly
-;       If error, then RetnReg0 updated
-SetupSprModeData ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R11, [R2, #spMode]
- [ ModeSelectors
-        CMP     r11, #&100              ; check for mode selector/new format sprite word
-        BCC     %FT05                   ; [it's a mode number so check for known ones]
-        TST     r11, #1                 ; if it's a new format sprite word
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; then call pushmodeinfo to get info on it
-        B       %FT20                   ; else it's a mode selector, which is illegal as a sprite mode word
- ]
-        BranchIfKnownMode R11, %FA10
-        Push    "R2-R4"
-        MOV     R2, R11
-        BL      OfferModeExtensionAnyMonitor
-        Pull    "R2-R4"
-        BNE     %FT20
-        MOV     R10, R11
-        BL      PushModeInfoAnyMonitor
-        BVS     %FT30                   ; if duff new format sprite word, return error
-        LDR     R11, [R13, #wkModeFlags]
-        TST     R11, #Flag_NonGraphic
-        BNE     %FT15                   ; non-graphic mode
-        LDR     R6, [R13, #wkNColour]                   ; ReadNColour
-        ;changed by amg 12/11/93 to stop it mistaking 16/32bpp for 8
-;        TST     R6, #&F0                                ; 256 colour mode ?
-;        MOVNE   R6, #&FF                                ; then use &FF
-        CMP     R6,#63
-        MOVEQ   R6,#255
-        LDR     R11, [R13, #wkLog2BPC]                  ; Log2BPC
-        ADD     R13, R13, #PushedInfoSize
-        MOV     R7, #1
-        RSB     R9, R11, #5             ; XShftFactor
-        RSB     R10, R7, R7, LSL R9     ; NPix
-        MOV     R8, R7, LSL R11         ; BytesPerChar
-        RSB     R7, R7, R7, LSL R8      ; WriteNColour
-        Push    R5
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #SprReadNColour
-        STMIA   R5, {R6-R11}            ; SprRead..SprLog2BPC
- [ No26bitCode
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "R5, PC"
- |
-        Pull    "R5, R14"
-        BICS    PC, R14, #V_bit
- ]
-        ADD     R13, R13, #PushedInfoSize
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_InvalidSpriteMode
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        SETV
-        Pull    pc
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Blocks for sprite errors
-SpriteErr_NoWorkSpace                       MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NoWorkSpace
-SpriteErr_NoRoom                            MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NoRoom
-SpriteErr_DoesntExist                       MakeErrorBlock Sprite_DoesntExist
-SpriteErr_NoSprites                         MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NoSprites
-SpriteErr_NotGraphics                       MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NotGraphics
-SpriteErr_NotEnoughRoom                     MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NotEnoughRoom
-SpriteErr_BadSpriteFile                     MakeErrorBlock Sprite_BadSpriteFile
-SpriteErr_NoRoomToMerge                     MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NoRoomToMerge
-SpriteErr_Bad2ndPtr                        MakeErrorBlock Sprite_Bad2ndPtr
-SpriteErr_InvalidRowOrCol                   MakeErrorBlock Sprite_InvalidRowOrCol
-SpriteErr_InvalidHeight                     MakeErrorBlock Sprite_InvalidHeight
-SpriteErr_InvalidWidth                      MakeErrorBlock Sprite_InvalidWidth
-SpriteErr_NoRoomToInsert                    MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NoRoomToInsert
-SpriteErr_SpriteAlreadyExists               MakeErrorBlock Sprite_SpriteAlreadyExists
-SpriteErr_InvalidSpriteMode                 MakeErrorBlock Sprite_InvalidSpriteMode
-SpriteErr_BadReasonCode                     MakeErrorBlock Sprite_BadReasonCode
-SpriteErr_CantInTeletext                    MakeErrorBlock Sprite_CantInTeletext
-SpriteErr_InvalidSaveArea                   MakeErrorBlock Sprite_InvalidSaveArea
-SpriteErr_SpriteIsCurrentDest               MakeErrorBlock Sprite_SpriteIsCurrentDest
-SpriteErr_NoMaskOrPaletteAllowedInThisDepth MakeErrorBlock Sprite_NoMaskOrPaletteAllowedInThisDepth
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClearSprites - Clear sprite area (*SNEW)
-;       External routine + dropped thru to
-ClearSprites ROUT
-        LDR     R2, [R1, #saFirst]
-        STR     R2, [R1, #saFree]
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        STR     R2, [R1,#saNumber]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]  ; if rangeb or rangec
-        CMP     R0, #RangeB
-        BHS     DoesNowt                ; exit immediately
-; else its rangea, so drop thru to ...
-ClearSpritePtrName ROUT
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SpChoosePtr]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SpChooseName]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SpChooseName+4]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SpChooseName+8]
-        MOV     R0, #13
-        STRB    R0, [WsPtr, #SpChooseName+12]   ; *SChoose <null name>
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadAreaCB - Read information from sprite area CB into registers
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-; out:  R2 = offset to end of sprite area (ie total size)
-;       R3 = number of sprites in area
-;       R4 = offset to first sprite
-;       R5 = offset to first free word
-ReadAreaCB ROUT
-        LDMIA   R1, {R2,R3,R4,R5}               ; saEnd,saNumber,saFirst,saFree
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #RetnReg2
-        STMIA   R11, {R2,R3,R4,R5}
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SelectSprite - Select a named sprite for use by PLOT &E8..&EF
-;       External routine + called by GetSprite
-; in:   R2 -> sprite CB
-; out:  R0, R9..R11 corrupted
-;       If not using system sprite area, then R2 -> address of sprite
-SelectSprite ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]          ; if not in system sprite area
-        CMP     R0, #RangeB
-        STRCS   R2, [WsPtr, #RetnReg2]          ; return the sprite address
-        Pull    PC, CS
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SpChoosePtr]       ; else store name & address
-        ADD     R14, R2, #spName                ; for use by PLOT
-        LDMIA   R14, {R9,R10,R11}               ; load 12 bytes of name
-        LDR     R14, =SpChooseName
-        ADD     R14, R14, WsPtr                 ; RetnReg2 NOT altered, so user
-        STMIA   R14, {R9,R10,R11}               ; can't poke the workspace
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReturnName - Return name of nth sprite in sprite area as a string
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> buffer
-;       R3 = max buffer length
-;       R4 = sprite number (n)
-; out:  R3 actual string length
-;       RetnReg3 updated
-ReturnName ROUT
-        LDR     R5, [R1, #saNumber]     ; check for 1 <= R4 <= saNumber
-        CMP     R4, #1
-        CMPGE   R5, R4
-        BGE     %FT05
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_DoesntExist ; out of range, so generate error
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError_VClear
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS
-05      LDR     R5, [R1, #saFirst]
-        ADD     R5, R5, R1              ; ptr to 1st sprite
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
-        LDRNE   R6, [R5, #spNext]       ; if not sprite we want
-        ADDNE   R5, R5, R6              ; chain to next one
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     R5, R5, #spName         ; found sprite, R5 -> name
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        MOVLS   R3, #0                  ; if was 0 or 1 then set R3 to 0
-        STRLS   R3, [WsPtr, #RetnReg3]
-        STREQB  R3, [R2]                ; if was 1 then store 0 terminator
-        MOVLS   PC, R14                 ; if was 0 or 1 then exit (assume SUB cleared V)
-        CMP     R3, #SpriteNameSize     ; if length > maximum sprite name len
-        MOVHI   R3, #SpriteNameSize     ; then limit to maximum sprite name len
-; R3 is now maximum number of characters to store, excluding terminator
-        MOV     R6, R2                  ; remember start address
-        LDRB    R4, [R5], #1            ; load a byte from sprite name
-        CMP     R4, #" "                ; if char > " "
-        STRHIB  R4, [R2], #1            ; then store character and inc ptr
-        SUBHIS  R3, R3, #1              ; and decrement character count
-        BHI     %BT20                   ; loop until char<=" " or count expired
-        MOV     R4, #0                  ; store terminating 0
-        STRB    R4, [R2]
-        SUB     R3, R2, R6              ; R3 = no. of characters,
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #RetnReg3]  ; excluding terminator
-        RETURNVC                        ; indicate no error
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RenameSprite - Rename a sprite
-;       External routine (AlreadyExists is used by CopySprite)
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 -> new name
-RenameSprite ROUT
-        Push    "R2, R14"
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      GetName                 ; returns name in R9-R11
-        BL      SpriteCtrlBlk           ; try to find sprite of that name
-        BVC     AlreadyExists
-        Pull    "R2, R14"
-        ADD     R8, R2, #spName
-        STMIA   R8, {R9-R11}
-        KillSpChoosePtr                 ; in case it points to renamed sprite
-        RETURNVC
-AlreadyExists                           ; sprite with new name already exists
-        Pull    "R3, R14"
-        TEQ     R2, R3                  ; if it's the same one, then exit VC
-        RETURNVC                        ; (SRename/SCopy fred fred is allowed)
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_SpriteAlreadyExists
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr,#RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CopySprite - Make a copy of a sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 -> new name
-CopySprite ROUT
-        Push    "R2, R14"               ; save ptr to sprite to be copied
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      GetName                 ; returns new name in R9-R11
-        BL      SpriteCtrlBlk           ; try to find sprite of that name
-        BVC     AlreadyExists           ; [we found one of that name]
-        Pull    R2
-        LDR     R8, [R1, #saFree]
-        ADD     R8, R8, R1              ; address sprite will be copied to
-        ADD     R8, R8, #spName         ; address of its name field
-        BL      AppendSprite            ; copy it
-        STMVCIA R8, {R9-R11}            ; if copy OK, rename it
-        Pull    PC                      ; exit with V clear/set appropriately
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadSpriteSize - Read sprite size and other info
-;       External routine
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-; out:  R1,R2 preserved
-;       R3 = width in pixels
-;       R4 = height in pixels
-;       R5 = 0/1 for solid/transparent
-;       R6 = mode sprite was defined in
-;       RetnReg3..RetnReg6 updated
-ReadSpriteSize ROUT
-        ADD     R3, R2, #spWidth
-        LDMIA   R3, {R3,R4,R5,R6}       ; spWidth,spHeight,spLBit,spRBit
-        ADD     R4, R4, #1              ; R4 := height in pixels
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1              ; R3 := width in words
-        RSB     R3, R5, R3, LSL #5      ; convert to bits and sub LH wastage
-        SUB     R3, R3, #31             ; subtract RH wastage
-        ADD     R3, R3, R6
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SprLog2BPC]
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR R11         ; number of pixels in row
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spImage]
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #spTrans]
-        SUBS    R5, R5, R6
-        MOVNE   R5, #1                  ; if spImage=spTrans then no mask
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #spMode]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #RetnReg3
-        STMIA   R11, {R3-R6}
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadSpriteWidth - Read width of a sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by PlotMask, InsertCol, DeleteCol
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-; out:  R0 = sprite width in pixels
-;       All other registers preserved
-ReadSpriteWidth ROUT
-        Push    "R4-R6, R14"
-        ADD     R0, R2, #spWidth
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0,R4,R5,R6}       ; spWidth,spHeight,spLBit,spRBit
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1              ; width in words
-        RSB     R0, R5, R0, LSL #5
-        SUB     R0, R0, #31
-        ADD     R0, R0, R6              ; total number of bits in row
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SprLog2BPC]
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR R5          ; number of pixels in row
-        Pull    "R4-R6, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DeleteSpriteByName
-;       Internal routine, called by MergeSprite, GetSprite, CreateSprite
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> name of sprite to be deleted
-; out:  All registers preserved
-DeleteSpriteByName ROUT
-        Push    "R2-R4, R14"
-        BL      SpriteCtrlBlk           ; R2: In , SpriteNamePtr
-                                        ;     Out, SpriteCBptr
-        BLVC    DeleteSprite            ; if found, then delete it
-        Pull    "R2-R4, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DeleteSprite
-;       External routine + called by DeleteSpriteByName
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-; out:  All registers preserved
-DeleteSprite ROUT
-        Push    "R0, R3,R4, R14"
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spNext]
-        ADD     R3, R3, R2
-        LDR     R0, [R1, #saFree]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1
-        SUB     R0, R0, R3
-        CopyDown R2, R3, R0, R14, R4
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #saNumber]     ; decrement sprite count
-        SUB     R3, R3, #1
-        STR     R3, [R1, #saNumber]
-        SUB     R3, R2, R1              ; (R2 points to first free location)
-        STR     R3, [R1, #saFree]       ; update saFree
-        KillSpChoosePtr                 ;Because the sprites have moved
-        Pull    "R0, R3,R4, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetName - Read sprite name into buffer, lower cased, padded to 12 chars
-;       Internal routine, called by RenameSprite, CopySprite,
-;        SpriteCtrlBlk, CreateHeader
-; in:   R2 -> sprite name (terminated by char <= 32)
-; out:  Name returned in R9-R11 and NameBuf
-;       All other registers preserved
-GetName ROUT
-        Push    "R2-R5, R14"
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #NameBuf
-        MOV     R4, #SpriteNameSize
-        LDRB    R5, [R2], #1
-        uk_LowerCase R5, R14
-        CMP     R5, #" "
-        STRHIB  R5, [R3], #1
-        SUBHIS  R4, R4, #1              ; loop until char<=32 or done 12 chars
-        BHI     %BT10
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        CMP     R4, #0                  ; pad with 0 or more nulls
-        STRHIB  R5, [R3], #1
-        SUBHIS  R4, R4, #1
-        BHI     %BT20
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #NameBuf
-        LDMIA   R9, {R9-R11}            ; name returned in R9-R11 and NameBuf
-        Pull    "R2-R5, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SpriteCtrlBlk - Search for control block of named sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by sprite dispatch, RenameSprite,
-;        CopySprite, DeleteSpriteByName
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite name
-; out:  V=0 => R2 -> sprite
-;       V=1 => sprite not found
-;              R2 -> first free byte (this fact not used by anyone yet)
-;       All other registers preserved
-SpriteCtrlBlk ROUT
-        Push    "R3-R11, R14"
-        LDMIA   R1, {R3,R4,R5}          ; saEnd, saNumber, saFirst
-        ADD     R3, R5, R1              ; point to first sprite/free space
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; no sprites, exit with R3 pointing
-                                        ; at free space and R4=0
-        BL      GetName                 ; search name in R9-R11 and NameBuf
-        LDMIA   R3, {R5, R6,R7,R8}      ; spNext, spName(0..2)
-        CMP     R6, R9
-        CMPEQ   R7, R10
-        CMPEQ   R8, R11                 ; (V:=0 if equal)
-        BEQ     %FT30                   ; sprite found
-        ADD     R3, R3, R5
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1              ; try next sprite
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SETV                            ; indicate not found
-        MOV     R2, R3                  ; R2 -> sprite or to free space
-        Pull    "R3-R11, PC"
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InternaliseCoords - Convert from external to internal coords
-;                           for sprite plotting
-;       Internal routine called by PutSpriteUserCoords, PlotMaskUserCoords
-; in:   R3 = external X coordinate
-;       R4 = external Y coordinate
-; out:  R3 = internal X coordinate
-;       R4 = internal Y coordinate
-;       R1, R2, R5 preserved
-InternaliseCoords ROUT
-        Push    "R1,R2,R5, R14"
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; put external coordinate in R0,R1
-        MOV     R1, R4
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #GCsX
-        LDMIA   R7, {R8,R9}             ; preserve GCsX,GCsY around EIG
-        MOV     R2, #4                  ; indicate absolute coords
-        BL      EIG
-        STMIA   R7, {R8,R9}             ; restore GcsX,GCsY
-        MOV     R3, R0                  ; internal coord of plotting point
-        MOV     R4, R1
-        Pull    "R1,R2,R5, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PutSpriteUserCoords - Draw sprite to screen using given ext. coords
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area (not used)
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate to plot at
-;       R4 = Y coordinate to plot at
-;       R5 = GCOL action to be used
-PutSpriteUserCoords ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      InternaliseCoords
-        Pull    R14
-        B       PutSpri20
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PutSprite - Draw sprite to screen at NewPt
-;       External routine + PutSpri20 called by PutSpriteUserCoords
-;        (also external)
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area (not used)
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R5 = GCOL action to be used
-; Values held in Ram
-; N.B. The ordering of these variables is VERY important
-;      rearrange at your peril
-; Within the 'memory to screen' drawing loop, WsPtr (R12) points at
-;  ScrAdr, variables either side being loaded/saved in groups using
-;           SPltWidth   }
-;           SPltHeight  }
-;           SPltScrOff  }
-;           SPltMemOff  } LDMDB
-; WsPtr ->  SPltScrAdr    } STMIA
-;           SPltColCnt    } } LDMIB
-;           SPltMemAdr      }
-;           SPltShftR       }
-;           SPltShftL       }
-;           SPltMskAdr
-;           SPltLMask
-;           SPltRMask
-;           SPltzgooPtr
-PutSprite ROUT
-        ASSERT  NewPtY = NewPtX +4
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #NewPtX
-        LDMIA   R3, {R3, R4}            ; plot sprite at NewPt(X,Y)
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        BNE     PutSpriNotGraphics      ; quit with error if not graphics mode
-        Push    "WsPtr, R14"            ; push both so R12,R14 are free for use
-        Push    "R2"                    ; save the pointer to the sprite
-        BL      GenSpritePlotParmBlk
-        Pull    "R11"
-        BVS     SpriteOffScreen
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors       ; assume no error can occur!
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr]
-        TEQ     R6, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        ADD     R6, R6, R5
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr]
-        LDR     R14, [R11, #spMode]
-        MOV     R14,R14,LSR #27
-        ;note: new format 1bpp sprites are thrown at the old routine, since it
-        ;will render them faster
-        CMP     R14, #2
-        BCC     TransPlot               ; it's got transparent bits in it! (
-        BCS     NewTransPlot            ; it's got 1bpp transparent bits in it!!!
-; Plot sprite ignoring transparency mask (if any)
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #SPltzgooMasks
-        LDMIA   R11, {R8-R11}           ; masks for screen access (zgoo..zgee)
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltAction]  ; GCOL action
-        ADD     WsPtr, WsPtr, #SPltScrAdr ; repoint WsPtr at SPltScrAdr
-        LDMIA   WsPtr, {R0-R1,R5-R7}
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BNE     SolPl10                 ; not store, do it slowly
-; SimpleCase
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,(R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11 )
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,(zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee)
-; Plot the first (leftmost) word
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltLMask-SPltScrAdr] ; on leftmost word
-        AND     R3, R2, R4              ; mask down to just the required pixels
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP     R4, #&FFFFFFFF
-        LDRNE   R2, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        BICNE   R2, R2, R4              ; knock out mask bits
-        ORRNE   R3, R2, R3              ; and or sprite bits
- |
-        LDR     R2, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        BIC     R2, R2, R4              ; knock out mask bits
-        ORR     R3, R2, R3              ; and or sprite bits
- ]
-        STR     R3, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     SolPlFast50             ; if all plotted, try next scanline
-                                        ; else try for blocks of 7
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #7
-        BLT     SolPlFast30
-        TEQ     R6, #0                  ; if shift needed, use loop 20
-        BNE     SolPlFast20             ; else loop 15
-;       R0    ,R1         ,R5
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,MemAdr
-        LDMIA   R5!, {R2-R4,R8-R11}     ; read 7 words
-        STMIA   R0!, {R2-R4,R8-R11}     ; write 7 words back to screen
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #7
-        BGE     SolPlFast15
-        B       SolPlFast30
-;       R0    ,R1         ,R5    ,R6   ,R7
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2-R4,R8-R11,R14}  ; 8 words needed, gives 7 after shift
-        ADD     R5, R5, #7*4            ; advance source ptr 7 words
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift right R6 bits
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7            ; we only want result words
-        ShiftR  R4,R8, R6,R7            ; R2-R4, R8-R11
-        ShiftR  R8,R9, R6,R7
-        ShiftR  R9,R10, R6,R7
-        ShiftR  R10,R11, R6,R7
-        ShiftR  R11,R14, R6,R7
-        STMIA   R0!, {R2-R4,R8-R11}     ; write 7 words back to screen
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #7
-        BGE     SolPlFast20
-SolPlFast30                             ; try 1 word at a time
-        ADDS    R1, R1, #7
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL
-; If EQ this is rightmost word
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        BEQ     SolPlFast45             ; if rightmost word, jump out.
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        B       SolPlFast40
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltRMask-SPltScrAdr]
-        AND     R3, R2, R4              ; mask down to just the required pixels
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP     R4, #&FFFFFFFF
-        LDRNE   R2, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        BICNE   R2, R2, R4              ; knock out mask bits
-        ORRNE   R3, R2, R3              ; and or sprite bits
- |
-        LDR     R2, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        BIC     R2, R2, R4              ; knock out mask bits
-        ORR     R3, R2, R3              ; and or sprite bits
- ]
-        STR     R3, [R0], #4
-SolPlFast50                             ; now try the next scanline
-        LDMDB   WsPtr, {R1,R2,R3,R4}    ; R1   ,R2    ,R3    ,R4
-                                        ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        ADD     R5, R5, R4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltHeight-SPltScrAdr]
-        BGE     SolPlFast10             ; plot next scanline
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NotGraphics
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS
-; Complicated case
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee
-; Plot the first (leftmost) word
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        OrrEor  R3,R2, R10,R11          ; form EOR mask
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R8,R9            ; form OR mask
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltLMask-SPltScrAdr] ; on leftmost word
-        AND     R2, R2, R4              ; mask down to just the required pixels
-        AND     R3, R3, R4
-        LDR     R4, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        OrrEor  R4,R4, R2,R3
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     SolPl50                 ; if all plotted, try next scanline
-                                        ; else try for blocks of 4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BLT     SolPl30
-        STMIA   WsPtr, {R0,R1}          ; save ScrAdr,ColCnt
-;       R0    ,R1         ,R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee
-        LDMIA   R5, {R0-R4}             ; 5 words needed, gives 4 after shift
-        ADD     R5, R5, #16             ; advance source ptr 4 words
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr-SPltScrAdr]
-        ShiftR  R0,R1, R6,R7            ; shift R4-R0 right R6 bits
-        ShiftR  R1,R2, R6,R7            ; we only want result words R3-R0
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr]             ; get screen address
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4-R7}             ; get 4 screen words
-        ORoreorEORoreor R4,R0, R8,R9,R10,R11, R14
-        ORoreorEORoreor R5,R1, R8,R9,R10,R11, R14
-        ORoreorEORoreor R6,R2, R8,R9,R10,R11, R14
-        ORoreorEORoreor R7,R3, R8,R9,R10,R11, R14
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr]             ; screen address
-        STMIA   R0!, {R4-R7}            ; write 4 words back to screen
-        LDMIB   WsPtr, {R1,R5-R7}       ; reload anything we shat on
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BGE     SolPl20
-SolPl30                                  ; try 1 word at a time
-        ADDS    R1, R1, #4
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee
-; If EQ this is rightmost word
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        OrrEor  R3,R2, R10,R11          ; form EOR mask
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R8,R9            ; form OR
-        LDREQ   R4, [WsPtr, #SPltRMask-SPltScrAdr] ; if rightmost word,
-        ANDEQ   R2, R2, R4              ; mask down to just the
-        ANDEQ   R3, R3, R4              ; required pixels
-        LDR     R4, [R0]
-        OrrEor  R4,R4, R2,R3
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BGE     SolPl40
-SolPl50                                 ; now try the next scanline
-        LDMDB   WsPtr, {R1,R2,R3,R4}    ; R1   ,R2    ,R3    ,R4
-                                        ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        ADD     R5, R5, R4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltHeight-SPltScrAdr]
-        BGE     SolPl10                 ; plot next scanline
-        B       ComplicatedExit
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NewTransPlot - Plot sprite using 1 bpp transparency mask
-;       Called with R11 -> sprite
-;       TransPlot is used for 1bpp new sprites since it will be faster
-NewTransPlot ROUT
-        ; need to derive: bpp, and 1<<(5-log2bpp)
-        LDR     R10, [R11, #spMode]
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSR #27
-        ADRL    R0, NSM_bpptable-4
-        LDR     R10, [R0, R10, LSL #2]   ; get the log2bpp to R10
-        ;R10=log2bpp, R11=>sprite
-        LDR     R8, [R11, #spWidth]      ; words-1
-        ADD     R9, R8, #1
-        MOV     R9, R9, LSL #2           ; number of bytes per row
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr]
-        LDR     R9, [R11, #spRBit]       ; last bit used
-        ADD     R9, R9, #1               ; change to number of bits
-        MOV     R9, R9, LSR R10          ; number of pixels
-        RSB     R0, R10, #5
-        MOV     R8, R8, LSL R0           ; number of pixels for full words
-        ADD     R8, R8, R9               ; total number of pixels
-        ANDS    R9, R8, #&1F
-        MOVNE   R9, #4
-        BIC     R8, R8, #&1F
-        ADD     R9, R9, R8, LSR #3       ; number of bytes per mask row
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowLen]
-        LDR     R8, [R11, #spImage]
-        LDR     R9, [R11, #spTrans]
-        ADD     R8, R8, R11
-        ADD     R9, R9, R11
-        ;RSB     R0, R10, #5            <- DONE ABOVE
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        MOV     R2, R1, LSL R0          ; r2 holds number of pixels per word
-        MOV     R3, R1, LSL R10         ; r3 holds bits per pixel
-        ADD     WsPtr, WsPtr, #SPltScrAdr       ; repoint WsPtr, at SPltScrAdr
-        LDMIA   WsPtr, {R0-R1,R5-R7,R14}
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltPixPerWord-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltBPP-SPltScrAdr]
-        ; sort out where to begin in 1bpp mask (rewritten Aug '93)
-        MOV     LR, R9                  ; LR = mask pointer
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; R3 = mask bit
-        CMP     R5, R8                  ; R5=>data to plot, R8=>start of sprite
-        BEQ     %FT11                   ; nothing to do, go store R3 & LR
-        BCC     %FT13                   ; start is before sprite data
-        ;R3, R9, r10, R11 free
-        ;R2 comes in holding pix per word
-        ;if R6 is non zero the image will be a word early.
-        MOV     R9, R5                  ; working copy of pointer within sprite
-        CMP     R6, #0
-        ADDNE   R9, R9, #4              ; take out the extra word for now
-        LDR     R11,[WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowLen-SPltScrAdr] ; bytes per mask row
-        SUBS    R10, R9, R8             ; difference in bytes
-        LDR     R8,[WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr-SPltScrAdr] ; loaded with bytes per image row
-        BEQ     %FT13
-        ;is it less than a row of data
-        CMP     R10, R8
-        BCC     %FT12                   ; yes it is
-        ;deal with a row (or more of data)
-        SUB     R10, R10, R8
-        ADD     LR, LR, R11
-        B       %BT14
-12      ;start point is on this row. subtract 4 from difference and add
-        ;pix per word to mask bit/ptr until diff=0
-        CMP     R10, #0
-        BEQ     %FT13
-        SUB     R10, R10, #4
-        ADD     R3, R3, R2
-        CMP     R3, #32
-        SUBCS   R3, R3, #32
-        ADDCS   LR, LR, #4
-        CMP     R10, #0
-        BNE     %BT12
-        ;deal with R6
-        CMP     R6,#0
-        BEQ     %FT11
-        SUBS    R3, R3, R2                ;subtract pix per word
-        ADDMI   R3, R3, #32
-        SUBMI   LR, LR, #4                ;deal with going into previous word
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        ; and save it for the end of row increments
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #SPltzgooMasks-SPltScrAdr
-        LDMIA   R11, {R8-R11}           ; masks for screen access (zgoo..zgee)
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11,    R14
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee,
-; As far as possible this is based on the original transplot.
-; Plot the first (leftmost) word
-        BL      getmaskword
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      getmaskword_noinc
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; we only need result word R2
-        LDMIA   R5, {R3,R4}             ; fetch and shift image
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7            ; shift R4,R3 right R6 places
-        OrrEor  R4,R3, R10,R11          ; form EOR mask
-        OrrEor  R3,R3, R8,R9            ; form OR mask
-        AND     R3, R3, R2              ; clear out any transparent pixels
-        AND     R4, R4, R2
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltLMask-SPltScrAdr] ; on leftmost word
-        AND     R3, R3, R2              ; mask down to just the required pixels
-        AND     R4, R4, R2
-        LDR     R2, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R3,R4
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     NTrnPl50                 ; if all plotted, try next scanline
-                                        ; else try for blocks of 2
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #2
-        BLT     NTrnPl30
-        STMIA   WsPtr, {R0,R1}          ; ScrAdr,ColCnt
-;       R0    ,R1         ,R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11 ,   R14
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee,   MskAdr
-        BL     getmaskword
-        MOV    R0, R3
-        BL     getmaskword
-        MOV    R1, R3
-        BL     getmaskword_noinc
-        MOV    R2, R3
-        ShiftR R0,R1, R6,R7
-        ShiftR R1,R2, R6,R7             ; aligned mask in R0,R1
-        LDMIA  R5, {R2-R4}              ; 3 image words needed, gives 2 after
-        ADD    R5, R5, #8               ; shifting
-        STR    R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr-SPltScrAdr]
-        ShiftR R2,R3, R6,R7
-        ShiftR R3,R4, R6,R7             ; aligned image in R2,R3
-        LDR    R4, [WsPtr]              ; screen address
-        LDMIA  R4, {R4,R5}              ; 2 screen words
-        ORoreorEORoreorMASK R4,R2,R0, R8,R9,R10,R11, R14
-        ORoreorEORoreorMASK R5,R3,R1, R8,R9,R10,R11, R14
-        LDR    R0, [WsPtr]              ; screen address
-        STMIA  R0!, {R4,R5}             ; write 2 words back to screen
-        LDMIB  WsPtr, {R1,R5,R6}        ; reload anything we shat on
-        SUBS   R1, R1, #2
-        BGE    NTrnPl20
-NTrnPl30                                 ; try 1 word at a time
-        ADDS   R1, R1, #2
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee
-; If EQ this is rightmost word
-        BL      getmaskword
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      getmaskword_noinc
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7    ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places, result in R2
-        LDMIA   R5, {R3,R4}     ; fetch and align image
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7    ; shift R4,R3 right R6 places, result in R3
-        OrrEor  R4,R3, R10,R11  ; form EOR mask
-        OrrEor  R3,R3, R8,R9    ; form OR
-        AND     R3, R3, R2      ; clear out transparant pixels
-        AND     R4, R4, R2
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltRMask-SPltScrAdr] ; if rightmost word,
-        ANDEQ   R3, R3, R2              ; mask down to just the
-        ANDEQ   R4, R4, R2              ; required pixels
-        LDR     R2, [R0]
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R3,R4
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BGE     NTrnPl40
-        ; now try the next scanline
-        ; BEWARE ... genspriteplotparmblock returns values for memoff and
-        ; scroff which take account of alignment of screen and sprite data
-        ;
-        ; Do not alter the logic below unless you really know what
-        ; to expect from this routine!!
-        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowLen-SPltScrAdr]
-        ADD     LR, LR, R2
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMDB   WsPtr, {R1,R2,R3,R4}    ; R1   ,R2    ,R3    ,R4
-                                        ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        ADD     R5, R5, R4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltHeight-SPltScrAdr]
-        BGE     NTrnPl10                 ; plot next scanline
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-; get a mask word without incrementing the pointers
-getmaskword_noinc ROUT
-        Push    "R4, R5, LR"
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        BL      getmaskword                             ; preserves flags
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R4,R5,R15}                        ; must preserve flags
-; get a mask word, and increment pointers
-getmaskword ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        Push    "R2,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R14"
-        MRS     R8, CPSR
- |
-        Push    "R2,R4,R5,R6,R7,R14"
- ]
-;R6 -> mask
-;R7 = bit offset
-;return in R3, update R6, R7, restore other registers
-        MOV     R3, #0                   ; initial result
-        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltPixPerWord-SPltScrAdr]  ; pixels per word
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltBPP-SPltScrAdr]    ; bpp
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R4, [R6]                 ; get the mask word
-        CMP     R7, #0
-        LDREQ   R4, [R6]                 ; fetch a new word if required
-        MOV     R5, R4, LSR R7           ; shift desired bit down to bit 0
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #1           ; shift down the result by one bit
-        ORR     R3, R3, R5, LSL #31      ; and put bit 0 in at bit 31
-        ; now use an ASR of bpp-1 to finish off
-        SUB     R5, R2, #1
-        MOV     R3, R3, ASR R5
-        ADD     R7, R7, #1               ; next mask bit
-        CMP     R7, #32                  ; on to next word ?
-        ADDEQ   R6, R6, #4               ; increment mask word pointer
-        MOVEQ   R7, #0                   ; bit pointer back to 0
-                                         ; but don't fetch new word until it is needed!
-        SUBS    LR, LR, #1               ; one pixel done
-        BNE     %BT10
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        ;result in R3, MaskBit/MaskPtr adjusted
- [ No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R8
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R2,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R15} ; must save flags
- |
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R2,R4,R5,R6,R7,R15}^ ; must save flags
- ]
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TransPlot - Plot sprite using transparency mask
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #SPltzgooMasks
-        LDMIA   R11, {R8-R11}           ; masks for screen access (zgoo..zgee)
-        ADD     WsPtr, WsPtr, #SPltScrAdr       ; repoint WsPtr, at SPltScrAdr
-        LDMIA   WsPtr, {R0-R1,R5-R7,R14}
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11,    R14
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee,   MskAdr
-; Plot the first (leftmost) word
-        LDMIA   R14, {R2,R3}            ; fetch and shift mask right R6 places
-        ADD     R14, R14, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; we only need result word R2
-        LDMIA   R5, {R3,R4}             ; fetch and shift image
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7            ; shift R4,R3 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R3
-        OrrEor  R4,R3, R10,R11          ; form EOR mask
-        OrrEor  R3,R3, R8,R9            ; form OR mask
-        AND     R3, R3, R2              ; clear out any transparent pixels
-        AND     R4, R4, R2
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltLMask-SPltScrAdr] ; on leftmost word
-        AND     R3, R3, R2              ; mask down to just the required pixels
-        AND     R4, R4, R2
-        LDR     R2, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R3,R4
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     TrnPl50                 ; if all plotted, try next scanline
-                                        ; else try for blocks of 2
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #2
-        BLT     TrnPl30
-        STMIA   WsPtr, {R0,R1}          ; ScrAdr,ColCnt
-;       R0    ,R1         ,R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11 ,   R14
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee,   MskAdr
-        LDMIA  R14, {R0-R2}             ; 3 mask words, gives 2 after shifting
-        ADD    R14, R14, #8             ; advance mask ptr 2 words
-        ShiftR R0,R1, R6,R7
-        ShiftR R1,R2, R6,R7             ; aligned mask in R0,R1
-        LDMIA  R5, {R2-R4}              ; 3 image words needed, gives 2 after
-        ADD    R5, R5, #8               ; shifting
-        STR    R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr-SPltScrAdr]
-        ShiftR R2,R3, R6,R7
-        ShiftR R3,R4, R6,R7             ; aligned image in R2,R3
-        LDR    R4, [WsPtr]              ; screen address
-        LDMIA  R4, {R4,R5}              ; 2 screen words
-        ORoreorEORoreorMASK R4,R2,R0, R8,R9,R10,R11, R6
-        ORoreorEORoreorMASK R5,R3,R1, R8,R9,R10,R11, R6
-        LDR    R0, [WsPtr]              ; screen address
-        STMIA  R0!, {R4,R5}             ; write 2 words back to screen
-        LDMIB  WsPtr, {R1,R5-R6}        ; reload anything we shat on
-        SUBS   R1, R1, #2
-        BGE    TrnPl20
-TrnPl30                                 ; try 1 word at a time
-        ADDS   R1, R1, #2
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8  ,R9  ,R10 ,R11
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee
-; If EQ this is rightmost word
-        LDMIA   R14, {R2,R3}    ; fetch and align trans mask
-        ADD     R14, R14, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7    ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places, result in R2
-        LDMIA   R5, {R3,R4}     ; fetch and align image
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7    ; shift R4,R3 right R6 places, result in R3
-        OrrEor  R4,R3, R10,R11  ; form EOR mask
-        OrrEor  R3,R3, R8,R9    ; form OR
-        AND     R3, R3, R2      ; clear out transparant pixels
-        AND     R4, R4, R2
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltRMask-SPltScrAdr] ; if rightmost word,
-        ANDEQ   R3, R3, R2              ; mask down to just the
-        ANDEQ   R4, R4, R2              ; required pixels
-        LDR     R2, [R0]
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R3,R4
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BGE     TrnPl40
-TrnPl50                                 ; now try the next scanline
-        LDMDB   WsPtr, {R1,R2,R3,R4}    ; R1   ,R2    ,R3    ,R4
-                                        ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        ADD     R5, R5, R4
-        ADD     R14, R14, R4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltHeight-SPltScrAdr]
-        BGE     TrnPl10                 ; plot next scanline
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PlotMaskUserCoords - Draw a rectangle through a sprite mask
-;                            using given external coordinates
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area (not used)
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate to plot at
-;       R4 = Y coordinate to plot at
-PlotMaskUserCoords ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      InternaliseCoords
-        Pull    R14
-        B       PlotMa20
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PlotNewMask
-; Version of PlotMask for new 1bpp format sprites
-PlotNewMask ROUT
-        LDR     R10, [R2, #spMode]
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSR #27
-        ADRL    R0, NSM_bpptable-4
-        LDR     R10, [R0, R10, LSL #2]          ;get the log2bpp
-        ;derive mask row length
-        ;r10=log2bpp, r2=>sprite
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spWidth]       ; words-1
-        ADD     R9, R8, #1               ; total words for a line of image
-        MOV     R9, R9, LSL #2           ; total bytes for a line of image
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr]
-                                         ; save it for determining mask start position
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spRBit]        ; last bit used
-        ADD     R9, R9, #1               ; change to number of bits
-        MOV     R9, R9, LSR R10          ; number of pixels
-        RSB     R0, R10, #5
-        MOV     R8, R8, LSL R0           ; number of pixels for full words
-        ADD     R8, R8, R9               ; total number of pixels
-        ANDS    R9, R8, #&1F
-        MOVNE   R9, #4
-        BIC     R8, R8, #&1F
-        ADD     R9, R9, R8, LSR #3       ; number of bytes per mask row
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowLen]
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        MOV     R0, R1, LSL R0                  ;number of pixels
-        MOV     R6, R1, LSL R10                 ;bits per pixel
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SPltPixPerWord]
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltBPP]
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #spHeight]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]
-        Least   R0, R0, R10             ; top scanline within window
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        SUB     R0, R10, R0             ; flip Y
-        AND     R0, R0, #7
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfIndx] ; index into Ecf
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, R0, LSL #3
-        ADD     R0, R0, #BgEcfOraEor
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr] ; ptr to ECF for highest row plotted
-        ;STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr] ;temp, to save it
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spImage]
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spTrans]
-        ADD     R8, R8, R2
-        ADD     R9, R9, R2
-        Push    "WsPtr, R14"            ; push both so R12,R14 are free for use
-        Push    "R2"
-        BL      GenSpritePlotParmBlk
-        Pull    "R2"
-        BVS     SpriteOffScreen
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors       ; assume no error can occur!
-        ;LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr]  ;recover pointer to sprite
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spImage]            ;offset to image
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spTrans]            ;offset to mask
-        ADD     R8, R8, R2                    ;change to address of image
-        ADD     R9, R9, R2                    ;change to address of mask
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr]      ;start memory address to plot
-        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr]      ;start mask address to plot
-        TEQ     LR, #0                        ;off screen ?
-        BEQ     SpriteOffScreen               ;so plot nothing
-        ;amg 19/1/94 rip out the original algorithm and replace it with the correct one
-        ;used with newtransplot which correctly handles genspriteplotparmblk's oddities
-        ;now deal with sprites where we aren't starting
-        ;at the beginning....
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltPixPerWord]  ;pick up pixels per word
-        MOV     LR, R9                        ;save mask address
-        MOV     R3, #0                        ;set mask pixel counter to 0
-        CMP     R5, R8                        ;memory address to plot from = image address ?
-        BEQ     %FT11                         ;yes - no fudging needed
-        BCC     %FT13
-        MOV     R9, R5                        ;working copy of plot start within sprite
-        CMP     R6, #0
-        ADDNE   R9, R9, #4                    ;take out the extra word for now
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowLen] ;bytes per mask row
-        SUBS    R10, R9, R8                   ;difference between plot start & sprite start
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr]  ;bytes per image row
-        BEQ     %FT13                         ;no difference
-        ;is it less than a row of data different ?
-        CMP     R10, R8
-        BCC     %FT12                         ;yes, it is
-        ;deal with whole rows
-        SUB     R10, R10, R8                  ;decrease difference by size of image row
-        ADD     LR, LR, R11                   ;increase mask pointer by size of mask row
-        B       %BT14                         ;and loop until less than a row to do
-12      ;start pointer is on this row. reduce the difference and increase the mask start
-        ;point until they match
-        CMP     R10, #0                       ;check for nothing to do
-        BEQ     %FT13
-        SUB     R10, R10, #4                  ;reduce image by a word
-        ADD     R3, R3, R2                    ;increase mask start pixel by the number of
-                                              ;pixels in that word
-        CMP     R3, #32
-        SUBCS   R3, R3, #32
-        ADDCS   LR, LR, #4                    ;get the mask bit back into a word's worth
-        CMP     R10, #0                       ;extra test down here to avoid taking two
-        BNE     %BT12                         ;branches
-13      ;remember R6 ? uncompensate now
-        CMP     R6, #0
-        BEQ     %FT11
-        SUBS    R3, R3, R2                    ;go back by the number of pixels in a word
-        ADDMI   R3, R3, #32
-        SUBMI   LR, LR, #4                    ;deal with going back into previous mask word
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit]     ;starting mask bit to plot
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr]     ;starting mask word to plot
-        ; and save it for the end of row increments
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowBit]
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr]
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr]
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr]
-        ADD     WsPtr, WsPtr, #SPltScrAdr ; repoint WsPtr at SPltScrAdr
-        LDMIA   WsPtr, {R0-R1,R5-R7}
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMIA   R8, {R8,R9}             ; ora,eor for this row
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8 ,R9
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,ora,eor
-;       Plot the first (Leftmost) word
-        BL      getmaskword
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      getmaskword_noinc
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #SPltLMask-SPltScrAdr] ; on leftmost word
-        AND     R2, R2, R10             ; mask down to just the required pixels
-        LDR     R4, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        OrrEorMASK R4,R2, R8,R9, R14
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     %FT50                   ; if all plotted, try next scanline
-                                        ; else try for blocks of 4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BLT     %FT30
-        STMIA   WsPtr, {R0,R1}          ; save ScrAdr,ColCnt
-;       R0    ,R1         ,R5    ,R6   ,R7
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL
-        BL     getmaskword
-        MOV    R0, R3
-        BL     getmaskword
-        MOV    R1, R3
-        BL     getmaskword
-        MOV    R2, R3
-        BL     getmaskword
-        MOV    R8, R3
-        BL     getmaskword_noinc
-        MOV    R4,R3
-        MOV    R3,R8
-        ShiftR  R0,R1, R6,R7            ; shift R4-R0 right R6 bits
-        ShiftR  R1,R2, R6,R7            ; we only want result words R3-R0
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr]             ; get screen address
-        LDMIA   R4, {R8-R11}            ; get 4 screen words
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMIA   R6, {R6,R7}             ; ora,eor for this row
-        OrrEorMASK R8,R0,  R6,R7, R14   ; Scr:=ScrOR(oraANDmsk)EOR(eorANDmsk)
-        OrrEorMASK R9,R1,  R6,R7, R14
-        OrrEorMASK R10,R2, R6,R7, R14
-        OrrEorMASK R11,R3, R6,R7, R14
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr]             ; screen address
-        STMIA   R0!, {R8-R11}           ; write 4 words back to screen
-        LDMIB   WsPtr, {R1,R5-R7}       ; reload anything we shat on
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BGE     %BT20
-30                                      ; try 1 word at a time
-        ADDS    R1, R1, #4
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8 ,R9
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,ora,eor
-; If EQ this is rightmost word
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMIA   R8, {R8,R9}             ; ora,eor for this row
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #SPltRMask-SPltScrAdr]
-        BL      getmaskword
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        BL      getmaskword_noinc
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7    ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places, result in R2
-                                ; we only need result word R2
-        ANDEQ   R2, R2, R10     ; if rightmost word, mask down to just the
-                                ; required pixels
-        LDR     R4, [R0]
-        OrrEorMASK R4,R2, R8,R9, R14
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BGE     %BT40
-50                              ; now try the next scanline
-        ; BEWARE ... genspriteplotparmblock returns values for memoff and
-        ; scroff which take account of alignment of screen and sprite data
-        ;
-        ; Do not alter the logic below unless you really know what
-        ; to expect from this routine!!
-        LDMDB   WsPtr, {R1,R2,R3,R4}    ; R1   ,R2    ,R3    ,R4
-                                        ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowLen-SPltScrAdr]
-        ADD     LR, LR, R2
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     LR, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltMaskRowBit-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMDB   WsPtr, {R1,R2,R3,R4}    ; R1   ,R2    ,R3    ,R4
-                                        ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #(SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr)
-        LDMIA   R10, {R8,R9}    ; EcfPtr,EcfIndx
-        ADD     R8, R8, #8      ; step both to next row in Ecf
-        ADD     R9, R9, #1
-        CMP     R9, #8
-        MOVGE   R9, #0          ; it's a wrap!
-        SUBGE   R8, R8, #(8*8)
-        STMIA   R10, {R8,R9}
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltHeight-SPltScrAdr]
-        BGE     %BT10                   ; plot next scanline
-        SWI XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PlotMask - Draw a rectangle through a sprite mask
-;       External routine + PlotMa20 called by PlotMaskUserCoords
-;        (also external)
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area (not used)
-;       R2 -> sprite
-PlotMask ROUT
-        ASSERT  NewPtY = NewPtX +4
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #NewPtX
-        LDMIA   R3, {R3, R4}            ; plot sprite at NewPt(X,Y)
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        BNE     PutSpriNotGraphics      ; quit with error if not graphics mode
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #GPLBMD]    ; background GCOL action
-        ORR     R5, R5, #8              ; force 'use mask'
-        LDR     R10, [R2, #spImage]
-        LDR     R11, [R2, #spTrans]
-        TEQ     R10, R11                ; spImage=spTrans if no mask
-        BEQ     %FT90                   ; so plot a rectangle
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #spMode]
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #27
-        BNE     PlotNewMask
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #spHeight]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]
-        Least   R0, R0, R10             ; top scanline within window
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        SUB     R0, R10, R0             ; flip Y
-        AND     R0, R0, #7
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfIndx] ; index into Ecf
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, R0, LSL #3
-        ADD     R0, R0, #BgEcfOraEor
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr] ; ptr to ECF for highest row plotted
-        Push    "WsPtr, R14"            ; push both so R12,R14 are free for use
-        BL      GenSpritePlotParmBlk
-        BVS     SpriteOffScreen
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors       ; assume no error can occur!
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr]
-        TEQ     R6, #0
-        BEQ     SpriteOffScreen
-        ADD     R6, R6, R5
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr]
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr]
-        ADD     WsPtr, WsPtr, #SPltScrAdr ; repoint WsPtr at SPltScrAdr
-        LDMIA   WsPtr, {R0-R1,R5-R7}
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMIA   R8, {R8,R9}             ; ora,eor for this row
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8 ,R9
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,ora,eor
-;       Plot the first (Leftmost) word
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #SPltLMask-SPltScrAdr] ; on leftmost word
-        AND     R2, R2, R10             ; mask down to just the required pixels
-        LDR     R4, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        OrrEorMASK R4,R2, R8,R9, R14
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     %FT50                   ; if all plotted, try next scanline
-                                        ; else try for blocks of 4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BLT     %FT30
-        STMIA   WsPtr, {R0,R1}          ; save ScrAdr,ColCnt
-;       R0    ,R1         ,R5    ,R6   ,R7
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL
-        LDMIA   R5, {R0-R4}             ; 5 words needed, gives 4 after shift
-        ADD     R5, R5, #16             ; advance source ptr 4 words
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr-SPltScrAdr]
-        ShiftR  R0,R1, R6,R7            ; shift R4-R0 right R6 bits
-        ShiftR  R1,R2, R6,R7            ; we only want result words R3-R0
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7
-        ShiftR  R3,R4, R6,R7
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr]             ; get screen address
-        LDMIA   R4, {R8-R11}            ; get 4 screen words
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMIA   R6, {R6,R7}             ; ora,eor for this row
-        OrrEorMASK R8,R0,  R6,R7, R14   ; Scr:=ScrOR(oraANDmsk)EOR(eorANDmsk)
-        OrrEorMASK R9,R1,  R6,R7, R14
-        OrrEorMASK R10,R2, R6,R7, R14
-        OrrEorMASK R11,R3, R6,R7, R14
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr]             ; screen address
-        STMIA   R0!, {R8-R11}           ; write 4 words back to screen
-        LDMIB   WsPtr, {R1,R5-R7}       ; reload anything we shat on
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BGE     %BT20
-30                                      ; try 1 word at a time
-        ADDS    R1, R1, #4
-;       R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7   ,R8 ,R9
-;       ScrAdr,ColCnt,     MemAdr,ShftR,ShftL,ora,eor
-; If EQ this is rightmost word
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMIA   R8, {R8,R9}             ; ora,eor for this row
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #SPltRMask-SPltScrAdr]
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7    ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                ; we only need result word R2
-        ANDEQ   R2, R2, R10     ; if rightmost word, mask down to just the
-                                ; required pixels
-        LDR     R4, [R0]
-        OrrEorMASK R4,R2, R8,R9, R14
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BGE     %BT40
-50                              ; now try the next scanline
-        LDMDB   WsPtr, {R1,R2,R3,R4}    ; R1   ,R2    ,R3    ,R4
-                                        ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        ADD     R5, R5, R4
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #(SPltEcfPtr-SPltScrAdr)
-        LDMIA   R10, {R8,R9}    ; EcfPtr,EcfIndx
-        ADD     R8, R8, #8      ; step both to next row in Ecf
-        ADD     R9, R9, #1
-        CMP     R9, #8
-        MOVGE   R9, #0          ; it's a wrap!
-        SUBGE   R8, R8, #(8*8)
-        STMIA   R10, {R8,R9}
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #SPltHeight-SPltScrAdr]
-        BGE     %BT10                   ; plot next scanline
-        SWI XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    "WsPtr, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-; Sprite has no mask or gcol says dont use it, so draw a rectangle
-        Push    R14
-        BL      ReadSpriteWidth         ; on exit R0=width in pixels
-        ADD     R5, R3, R0
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; x0
-        MOV     R1, R4                  ; y0
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spHeight]
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; y1
-        SUB     R2, R5, #1              ; x1
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R4, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    ClipPlotMask
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #BgEcfOraEor ; select Bg colour & action
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]
-        B       RectFillB
-ClipPlotMask ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R7,R10,R11, R14"
-        ADD     R10, R13, #2*4          ; R10 -> last point (R2,R3)
-        MOV     R11, #2                 ; merge two points
-        BL      MergeR11PointsFromR10
-        Pull    "R0-R7,R10,R11, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GenSpritePlotParmBlk - Generate lots of useful variables to help us
-;                              to plot sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by PutSprite, PlotMask, ScreenLoad
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate to plot at
-;       R4 = Y coordinate to plot at
-;       R5 = GCOL action
-GenSpritePlotParmBlk ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        AND     R5, R5, #&F             ; lose any ECF colour bits
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #spImage]
-        LDR     R7, [R2,#spTrans]
-        SUB     R6, R7, R6              ; offset from Image to Trans mask
-                                        ; =0 if no mask
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #SPltAction] ; save action for simple case spotting
-        CMP     R5, #8                  ; if GCOL action < 8
-        MOVLT   R6, #0                  ; plot as solid anyway
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr]
-        AND     R5, R5, #7
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #2          ; 4 bits for each
-        LDR     R6, =TBscrmasks
-        MOV     R6, R6, ROR R5          ; put correct bits in top 4 bits
-        MOV     R7, R6, ASR #31         ; set R7 to 0 or -1 on bit 31
-        MOV     R6, R6, LSL #1
-        MOV     R8, R6, ASR #31         ; set R8 to 0 or -1 on bit 30
-        MOV     R6, R6, LSL #1
-        MOV     R9, R6, ASR #31         ; set R9 to 0 or -1 on bit 29
-        MOV     R6, R6, LSL #1
-        MOV     R10, R6, ASR #31        ; set R10 to 0 or -1 on bit 28
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, #SPltzgooMasks
-        STMIA   R6, {R7-R10}            ; store zgoo, zgeo, zgoe, zgee
-        MOV     R14, R2                 ; leave sprite CB ptr in R14
-        MOV     R0, R3                  ; leave X coord in R0
-        MOV     R1, R4                  ; leave Y coord in R1
-        ADD     R11, R14, #spWidth
-        LDMIA   R11, {R2,R3}            ; Width-1, Height-1
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #GWLCol      ; R4  ,R5  ,R6  ,R7
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4,R5,R6,R7}       ; LCol,BRow,RCol,TRow
-        SUBS    R5, R5, R1
-        MOVLT   R5, #0                  ; no. of rows below window
-        ADD     R1, R1, R3              ; Coord of topLH of sprite
-        SUBS    R7, R1, R7
-        MOVLT   R7, #0                  ; no. of rows above window
-        SUB     R1, R1, R7              ; clipped topLH coord
-        ADD     R5, R5, R7              ; reduction factor for height
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1
-        MOV     R8, R14
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R9, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    ClipSpritePlot
-        MOV     R14, R8
-        MUL     R3, R7, R2              ; word offset into sprite image
-        Push    "R3,R5"                 ; word offset and height reduction
-        Push    R14
-        BL      ScreenAddr
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R4, R2                  ; address of top left corner
-        LDR     R5, [R14, #spImage]
-        ADD     R5, R5, R14             ; address of sprite image
-        Pull    R6
-        ADD     R5, R5, R6, LSL #2
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #XShftFactor]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        BitLOffset R7,R0, R9,R10,R11    ; R7 := bit position to align to
-        WordOffset R8,R0, R9,R10,R11    ; R8 := word offset on line
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #GWRCol]
-        BitROffset R1,R0, R9,R10,R11
-        WordOffset R2,R0, R9,R10,R11
-        Push    "R1,R2"
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #GWLCol]
-        BitLOffset R1,R0, R9,R10,R11
-        WordOffset R2,R0, R9,R10,R11
-        Push    "R1,R2,R8"
-        ADD     R11, R14, #spWidth
-        LDMIA   R11, {R0,R1,R6,R8}      ; Width-1, Height-1, LBit, RBit
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; offset to next row in sprite
-        SUBS    R6, R6, R7              ; no. of bits to shift sprite
-                                        ; before plotting
-                                        ; use R7 as LBit
-        SUBS    R8, R8, R6              ; calculate new RBit
-        ADDLT   R8, R8, #32
-        ADDLT   R3, R3, #4
-        CMP     R8, #32
-        SUBGE   R8, R8, #32
-        SUBGE   R3, R3, #4
-; R9  Offset on line to plot point, R7 LBit
-; R11 Offset on line to GWLCol      R10 bit position
-        Pull    "R10,R11"
-        Pull    R9
-        SUBS    R9, R11, R9
-        SUBLT   R11, R11, R9
-        ADDGT   R4, R4, R9, LSL #2
-        ADDGT   R5, R5, R9, LSL #2
-        ADDGT   R3, R3, R9, LSL #2
-        CMPEQ   R10, R7
-        MOVGT   R7, R10
-; R10 Offset to GWRCol, R9 bit position
-; R11 Offset to RHedge of sprite, R8 RBit
-        ADD     R11, R11, R0
-        SUB     R11, R11, R3, ASR #2
-        Pull    "R9,R10"
-        SUBS    R10, R11, R10
-        ADDGT   R3, R3, R10, LSL #2
-        CMPEQ   R8, R9
-        MOVGT   R8, R9
-        Pull    R10
-        SUBS    R1, R1, R10             ; correct height
-        BLT     %FT20
-        SUBS    R0, R0, R3, ASR #2      ; corrected width
-        BLT     %FT20
-        LDR     R2,[WsPtr,#LineLength]
-        SUB     R2, R2, #4
-        SUB     R2, R2, R0, LSL #2      ; offset to next screen line
-        MOV     R9, #&FFFFFFFE          ; RHand partial word mask
-        MVN     R9, R9, LSL R8
-        MOV     R8, #&FFFFFFFF
-        MOV     R8, R8, LSL R7          ; LHand partial word mask
-        ANDEQ   R8, R8, R9              ; if width=0, combine LH & RH masks
-        MOVEQ   R9, R8
-        CMP     R6, #0
-        ADDLT   R6, R6, #32             ; correct if neg
-        SUBLT   R5, R5, #4
-        RSB     R7, R6, #32             ; its complement
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #SPltWidth
-        STMIA   R11, {R0,R1,R2,R3,R4}   ; SPltWidth..SPltScrAdr
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #SPltColCnt
-        STMIA   R11, {R0,R5,R6,R7}      ; SPltColCnt..SPltShftL
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #SPltMskAdr
-        STMIB   R11, {R8,R9}            ; SPltLMask,SPltRMask
- [ No26bitCode
-        CLRV
-        Pull    PC
- |
-        Pull    R14
-        BICS    PC, R14, #V_bit         ; VC some/all of sprite in window
- ]
- [ No26bitCode
-        SETV
-        Pull    PC
- |
-        Pull    R14
-        ORRS    PC, R14, #V_bit         ; VS sprite completely outside window
- ]
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafh b/s/vdu/vdugrafh
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df775af..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1191 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafH
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Sprite stuff
-; Authors   RManby, TDobson
-; Started   10.11.86
-; ************************************************************
-; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t  (better late than never!)  ***
-; ************************************************************
-; Date       Description
-; ----       -----------
-; 17-Feb-88  Created change list
-;            Fixed bug in SLOAD (errors weren't reported)
-; 08-Apr-88  Changed LoadFile to use open with nodir + mustopen
-; 20-May-88  Changed NoRoomToLoad to NotEnoughRoom
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MergeSpriteFile - Merge sprite file from filing system
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> filename
-MergeSpriteFile ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        KillSpChoosePtr
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #saFree]
-        ADD     R3, R3, R1
-        BL      LoadFile        ; R1 -> sprite area, R2 -> filename
-        Pull    PC, VS          ; R3 -> free space
-        SUB     R2, R3, #4
-        BL      MergeSpriteAreas ; in: R1 -> destination, R2 -> source, V=0
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       LoadSpriteFile - Load sprite file from filing system
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> filename
-LoadSpriteFile ROUT
-        KillSpChoosePtr
-        ADD     R3, R1, #saNumber       ; R3 = load address
-; and drop thru to LoadFile (V will be set/cleared by that routine)
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       LoadFile - Load sprite file to particular address
-;       Internal routine, called by LoadSpriteFile, MergeSpriteFile
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> filename
-;       R3 = load address
-; out:  VS => error during load, R0 -> error
-;       VC => loaded OK, R0 undefined
-;       R1-R11 preserved
-LoadFile ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R6, R14"
- ; new version (07-Dec-89) to help broadcast loader a bit
-        Push    "R2,R3"                 ; filename ptr, load address
-        LDR     R6, [R1, #saEnd]
-        ADD     R6, R6, R1
-        SUB     R6, R6, R3              ; free space = saEnd-LoadAddress
-        MOV     R0, #OSFile_ReadInfo
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; filename ptr
-        SWI     XOS_File                ; OSFILE(5), returns R0 type, R4 length
-        BVS     %FT10                   ; R0 file type, R4 length
-        TEQ     R0, #object_file        ; if not a file
-        BNE     %FT08                   ; then make into suitable error
-        CMP     R6, R4                  ; will file fit in available space ?
-        ADRCCL  R0, SpriteErr_NotEnoughRoom
-      [ International
-        BLCC    TranslateError
-      ]
-        BCC     %FT10
-; There is room to load file, so load the lot
-        MOV     R0, #OSFile_Load
-        Pull    "R1, R2"                ; filename ptr, load address
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; use given address
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        BVS     %FT20
-; TMD 07-Oct-91 (G-RO-9262)
-; New code inserted here
-; Check validity of sprite file
-; R4 = file length from XOS_File above
-; TMD 06-Mar-92 (RP-0589)
-; Validity check weakened to only check that
-; offset to first sprite is < length of file
-        LDR     R3, [sp, #2*4]          ; R3 = load address
-        LDR     R1, [R3, #saFirst-4]    ; offset to first sprite must be < length of file
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        Pull    "R1-R6, PC",CC          ; R0 is corrupt, R1-R11 preserved, V=0
-; it was a bad file, so make it look like an empty sprite area before erroring
-; so that in SLoad case we don't get a naff sprite area.
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [R3, #saNumber-4]
-        MOV     R0, #SpriteAreaCBsize
-        STR     R0, [R3, #saFirst-4]
-        STR     R0, [R3, #saFree-4]
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_BadSpriteFile
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        B       %FT20
-        MOV     R2, R0
-        MOV     R0, #OSFile_MakeError   ; then make into suitable error
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        ADD     R13, R13, #2*4          ; balance stack
-        Pull    "R1-R6, R14"            ; return with error
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS                        ; R1-R11 preserved
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SaveSpriteFile - Save sprite area to filing system
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> filename
-SaveSpriteFile ROUT
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #saNumber]             ; if no sprites
-        TEQ     R3, #0
-        BEQ     %FT10                           ; then quit with error
-        Push    R14
-        ADD     R4, R1, #saNumber               ; save sprite area, excluding
-        LDR     R5, [R1, #saFree]               ; free space or saEnd
-        ADD     R5, R5, R1
-        [ AssemblingArthur :LOR: Module
-        MOV     R0, #OSFile_SaveStamp
-        MOV     R1, R2                          ; filename ptr
-        LDR     R2, =&FF9                       ; type=SpriteFile
-        MOV     R3, #0                          ; junk
-        |
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; normal save
-        MOV     R1, R2                          ; filename ptr
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        ]
-        SWI     XOS_File                        ; save file
-        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    PC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NoSprites
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MergeSpriteAreas - Merge two sprite areas
-;       Internal routine, called by MergeSpriteFile
-; in:   R1 -> destination sprite area
-;       R2 -> source sprite area
-;       V=0
-; out:  All registers preserved
-MergeSpriteAreas ROUT
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; validate R2 (R1 already checked)
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        Push    "R1-R4, R14"
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #saNumber]     ; number of sprites to merge
-        TEQ     R4, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; nothing to merge
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #saFirst]
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-10                                      ; R1 -> dest area CB,
-        BL      MergeSprite             ; R2 -> to sprite CB
-                                        ; return R2 -> next sprite
-        BVS     %FT20                   ; error 'NoRoomToMerge'
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1              ; (V:=0 if becoming zero)
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "R1-R4, PC"             ; exit with V already set up
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_Bad2ndPtr
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MergeSprite - Merge sprite into sprite area
-;       Internal routine, called by MergeSpriteAreas
-; in:   R1 -> destination area
-;       R2 -> source sprite
-; out:  R2 -> past end of source sprite (ie next sprite)
-MergeSprite ROUT
-        Push    "R1, R3-R5, R14"
-        ADD     R2, R2, #spName
-        BL      DeleteSpriteByName      ; in: R1-R2; out: all preserved
-        SUB     R2, R2, #spName
-        LDR     R3, [R1, #saFree]
-        LDR     R5, [R1, #saEnd]
-        SUB     R5, R5, R3              ; amount of free ram in dest area
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spNext]       ; space needed for sprite
-        CMP     R5, R4
-        BCC     %FT10
-        ADD     R3, R3, R1              ; first free locn in dest. area
-        CopyDown R3,R2,R4,R5,R14        ; NB CopyDown will exit with R3 -> end
-                                        ; of dest area
-        LDR     R4, [R1, #saNumber]     ; update number of sprites
-        ADD     R4, R4, #1
-        STR     R4, [R1, #saNumber]
-        SUB     R3, R3, R1              ; and free space offset
-        STR     R3, [R1, #saFree]
-        Pull    "R1, R3-R5, R14"
-        RETURNVC                        ; ignore 'not found' from DeleteSprite
-        Pull    "R1, R3-R5, R14"
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NoRoomToMerge
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       AppendSprite - Append sprite to sprite area
-;       Internal routine, called by CopySprite
-; in:   R1 -> destination area
-;       R2 -> source sprite
-; out:  R2 -> past end of source sprite (ie next sprite)
-AppendSprite ROUT
-        Push    "R1, R3-R5, R14"
-        B       AddSprite
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ExtendHorizontally - Add one column to RHS of the sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by InsertCol
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-ExtendHorizontally ROUT
-        Push    "R3-R6, R9-R11, R14"
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spRBit]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SprBytesPerChar]
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; alter spRBit to include next pixel
-        CMP     R3, #32
-        BCC     %FT20
-                                        ; >=32 means add 1 word to each row
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spHeight]
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1              ; extend by (spHeight+1) words
-        BL      ExtendSprite            ; (space doubled if mask present)
-        Pull    "R3-R6, R9-R11, PC", VS ; no room, then give error
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        BL      MaskOffset              ; use spHeight+1 as row counter,
-        MOVNE   R3, R3, LSL #1          ; doubled if mask present
-        LDRNE   R5, [R2, #spTrans]      ; correct mask ptr, if mask present
-        ADDNE   R5, R5, R3, LSL #1      ; R3 is words*2, hence LSL
-        STRNE   R5, [R2, #spTrans]
-        BL      InsertWords             ; Insert R3 words at position R4 in
-                                        ; sprite, ie at beginning
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spWidth]
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1              ; new spWidth
-        STR     R5, [R2, #spWidth]
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R9, R9, R2              ; to
-        ADD     R10, R9, R3, LSL #2     ; from
-        MOV     R11, R5, LSL #2
-                                        ; move one row
-        CopyDown R9,R10,R11,R14,R6      ; To,From,Size, Temp
-        STR     R4, [R9], #4            ; add 1 word at RH end of row
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BHI     %BT10                   ; next row
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #SprBytesPerChar]
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        STR     R3, [R2, #spRBit]
-        Pull    "R3-R6, R9-R11, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReduceHorizontally - Remove some bits from the RHS of the sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by DeleteCol
-; in:   R0 = number of bits to delete off right hand side
-;       R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-ReduceHorizontally ROUT
-        Push    "R3-R6, R9-R11, R14"
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spRBit]
-        SUBS    R3, R3, R0              ; alter spRBit to exclude those bits
-        ADDCC   R3, R3, #32             ; if underflow then extract whole word
-        STR     R3, [R2, #spRBit]
-        BCS     %FT20
-                                        ; < 0 means remove 1 word per row
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spHeight]
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1              ; remove (spHeight+1) words
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        BL      MaskOffset
-        MOVNE   R3, R3, LSL #1          ; doubled if mask present
-        LDRNE   R5, [R2, #spTrans]      ; correct mask ptr, if mask present
-        SUBNE   R5, R5, R3, LSL #1      ; R3 is words*2, hence LSL
-        STRNE   R5, [R2, #spTrans]
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R9, R9, R2              ; to
-        MOV     R10, R9                 ; from
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spWidth]
-        MOV     R11, R5, LSL #2
-                                        ; move one row
-        CopyDown R9,R10,R11,R14,R6      ; To,From,Size, Temp
-        ADD     R10, R10, #4            ; skip unwanted word
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BHI     %BT10                   ; next row
-; R9 -> past end of this sprite
-; R10 -> next sprite
-        SUB     R3, R10, R9
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #2          ; no. of words to remove
-        SUB     R4, R9, R2
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spImage]
-        SUB     R4, R4, R9              ; byte offset within image
-        BL      RemoveWords
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spWidth]
-        SUB     R5, R5, #1              ; new spWidth
-        STR     R5, [R2, #spWidth]
-        Pull    "R3-R6, R9-R11, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InsertRow - Insert blank row into sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = row number to insert below (0 => bottom, spHeight+1 => above top)
-InsertRow ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R4,R14"
-        MOV     R0, #57                 ; SpriteOp reason code for insert/delete rows
-        ORR     R0, R0, #512            ;Set it to use pointers to user area & sprite
-        MOV     R4, #1                  ; We're only inserting one row! (put 1 in)
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        BVS     %FT20
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVC                        ; exit OK
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVS                        ; exit with error
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DeleteRow - Delete row from sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = row number to remove (0=bottom, spHeight=top)
-DeleteRow ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R4,R14"
-        MOV     R0, #57                 ; SpriteOp reason code for insert/delete rows
-        ORR     R0, R0, #512            ;Set it to use pointers to user area & sprite
-        MVN     R4, #0                  ; We're only removing one row! (put -1 in)
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        BVS     %FT20
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVC                        ; exit OK
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVS                        ; exit with error
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InsertCol - Insert blank column into sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = column to insert at (0 => before left..width => after right)
-InsertCol ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R4,R14"
-        MOV     R0, #58                 ; SpriteOp reason code for insert/delete cols
-        ORR     R0, R0, #512            ;Set it to use pointers to user area & sprite
-        MOV     R4, #1                  ; We're only inserting one column! (put 1 in)
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        BVS     %FT20
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVC                        ; exit OK
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVS                        ; exit with error
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DeleteCol - Delete column from sprite
-;       External routine, and LHWastageEntry called from RemoveLeftHandWastage
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = column number to remove (0 => left, width-1 => right)
-DeleteCol ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R4,R14"
-        MOV     R0, #58                 ; SpriteOp reason code for insert/delete cols
-        ORR     R0, R0, #512            ;Set it to use pointers to user area & sprite
-        MVN     R4, #0                  ; We're only removing one row! (put -1 in)
-        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
-        BVS     %FT20
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVC                        ; exit OK
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R0,R4,R14"
-        RETURNVS                        ; exit with error
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ExtendSprite - Add R3 words to the end of the sprite (R3*2 if mask)
-;       Internal routine, called by ExtendHorizontally, InsertRow, CreateMask,
-;        and ExtendSpriteByR3 called by GetSprite
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = no. of words to insert (gets doubled if mask present)
-ExtendSpriteByR3 ROUT
-        Push    "R3, R8-R11, R14"
-        B       ExtendSprite10
-ExtendSprite ROUT
-        Push    "R3, R8-R11, R14"
-        BL      MaskOffset
-        MOVNE   R3, R3, LSL #1          ; double no. of words if mask present
-        LDR     R10, [R1, #saEnd]
-        LDR     R11, [R1, #saFree]
-        SUB     R10, R10, R3, LSL #2
-        CMP     R10, R11
-        BCC     %FT10
-        LDR     R10, [R2, #spNext]
-        ADD     R10, R10, R2            ; copy source
-        ADD     R9, R10, R3, LSL #2     ; copy destination
-        LDR     R11, [R1, #saFree]
-        ADD     R11, R11, R1
-        SUB     R11, R11, R10           ; size (bytes) to copy
-        CopyUp  R9,R10,R11, R14, R8     ; To,From,Size,Temp, Temp2
-        LDR     R9, [R1, #saFree]
-        ADD     R9, R9, R3, LSL #2
-        STR     R9, [R1, #saFree]       ; update saFree
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spNext]
-        ADD     R9, R9, R3, LSL #2
-        STR     R9, [R2, #spNext]       ; update spNext
-        Pull    "R3, R8-R11, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NoRoomToInsert
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R3, R8-R11, R14"
-        RETURNVS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InsertWords - Insert R3 words into given sprite at specified position
-;       Internal routine, called by ExtendHorizontally, InsertRow
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = number of words to insert
-;       R4 = insertion point (byte offset within sprite image)
-;       NB Assumes ExtendSprite has been called to leave R3 extra words
-;       at the end of the sprite
-; out:  All registers preserved
-InsertWords ROUT
-        Push    "R8-R11, R14"
-        LDR     R10, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R10, R10, R2
-        ADD     R10, R10, R4            ; copy source
-        ADD     R9, R10, R3, LSL #2     ; copy destination
-        LDR     R11, [R2, #spNext]
-        ADD     R11, R11, R2
-        SUB     R11, R11, R9            ; size (bytes) to copy
-        CopyUp  R9,R10,R11, R14,R8      ; To,From,Size,Temp, Temp2
-        Pull    "R8-R11, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClearWords - Clear R3 words in sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by InsertRow, CreateSprite
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = number of words to clear
-;       R4 = byte offset within sprite image to clear from
-; out:  All registers preserved
-ClearWords ROUT
-        Push    "R9-R11, R14"
-        LDR     R10, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R10, R10, R2
-        ADD     R10, R10, R4            ; clear from
-        MOVS    R9, R3
-        MOVNE   R11, #0
-        STRNE   R11, [R10], #4
-        SUBNES  R9, R9, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "R9-R11, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RemoveWords - Delete R3 words from given sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by ReduceHorizontally, DeleteRow, RemoveMask,
-;        GetSprite
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = number of words to remove
-;       R4 = removal point (byte offset within sprite image)
-; out:  All registers preserved
-;       spNext (in sprite) and spFree (in sprite area) updated
-RemoveWords ROUT
-        Push    "R8-R11, R14"
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R9, R9, R2
-        ADD     R9, R9, R4              ; copy destination
-        ADD     R10, R9, R3, LSL #2     ; copy source
-        LDR     R11, [R1, #saFree]
-        ADD     R11, R11, R1
-        SUB     R11, R11, R10           ; size (bytes) to copy
-        CopyDown R9,R10,R11, R14,R8     ; To,From,Size,Temp, temp2
-        SUB     R9, R9, R1
-        STR     R9, [R1, #saFree]       ; update saFree
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spNext]
-        SUB     R9, R9, R3, LSL #2
-        STR     R9, [R2, #spNext]       ; update spNext
-        Pull    "R8-R11, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MaskOffset - Read mask size (0 if absent)
-;       Internal routine, called by ExtendHorizontally, ReduceHorizontally,
-;        InsertRow, DeleteRow, ExtendSprite, FlipAboutXAxis
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-; out:  R0 = 0 if no mask, otherwise mask size
-;       EQ if no mask, NE if mask present
-MaskOffset ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #spImage]
-        LDR     R14, [R2, #spTrans]
-        SUBS    R0, R14, R0             ; offset from Image to Trans mask
-                                        ; =0 if no mask
-        Pull    PC                      ; return EQ/NE for nomask/mask
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadPixelColour - Read colour of a pixel in a given sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate of pixel (0 = left)
-;       R4 = Y coordinate of pixel (0 = bottom)
-; out:  RetnReg5 = colour  (0..NColour) or  0..63
-;       RetnReg6 = tint     0           or  0/64/128/192
-ReadPixelColour ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      SpriteGenAddr           ; returns R6,      R7
-        Pull    PC, VS                  ;         Address, Bit position
-        LDR     R5, [R6]                ; word from sprite
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SprReadNColour]
-        CMP     R6, #63                 ; check for 256 colour
-        MOVEQ   R6, #255
-        AND     R0, R6, R5, LSR R7      ; extract one pixel (bit0..)
-        CMP     R6, #255
-        MOVNE   R2, R0                  ; colour = pixel
-        MOVNE   R3, #0                  ; tint   = 0
-        BNE     %FT10
-        ;now check for size of palette
-        ADD     R2, R2, #spImage        ; point to image/mask start
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2, R3}
-        CMP     R3, R3
-        MOVGT   R3, R3
-        SUB     R2, R2, #spPalette
-        CMP     R2, #&0800
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        ;see comment below - for this call to work we have to temporarily
-        ;set NColour to SprReadNColour
-        LDR     R8,[WsPtr,#NColour]
-        STR     R6,[WsPtr,#NColour]
-        BL      ExtractTintAndColour    ; else extract colour & tint from pixel
-        STR     R8,[WsPtr,#NColour]
-        B       %FT10
-        MOV     R2, R0
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #RetnReg5]  ; pass colour in R5
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #RetnReg6]  ; and tint in R6
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WritePixelColour - Write a pixel in a given sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate of pixel (0 = left)
-;       R4 = Y coordinate of pixel (0 = bottom)
-;       R5 = pixel colour
-;       R6 = tint
-; out:  R1-R11 preserved
-; amg: note. need to handle full palettes differently here - since the GCOL and TINT
-; model should not apply. Check for a full palette on an 8bpp sprite and deal with
-; it accordingly.
-; amg: bug fix to MED-01885. Although ReadPixel and WritePixel use SprReadNColour,
-; then call AddTintToColour which uses NColour - being the screen's value not the
-; sprites. Therefore, the safest fix this near freeze is to simply temporarily change
-; the NColour value for the call, and then restore it.
-WritePixelColour ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R4, R14"
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SprReadNColour]
-        AND     R0, R5, R8              ; limit colour to 0..NColour
-        CMP     R8, #63                 ; check for 256 colours
-        CMPNE   R8, #255
-        BNE     %FT08                   ; despatch non 8bpp
-        ;now need to determine size of 8bpp sprite's palette
-        ADD     R3, R2, #spImage        ; point to image/mask start
-        LDMIA   R3, {R2, R3}            ; fetch them
-        CMP     R2, R3                  ; which is higher
-        MOVGT   R2, R3                  ; use the lesser
-        SUB     R2, R2, #spPalette      ; subtract start offset
-        CMP     R2, #&800
-        MOVNE   R3, R6                  ; then combine
-        ;see comment above - for this call to work we have to temporarily
-        ;set NColour to SprReadNColour
-        LDRNE   R7,[WsPtr,#NColour]
-        STRNE   R8,[WsPtr,#NColour]
-        BLNE    AddTintToColour         ; colour & tint
-        STRNE   R7,[WsPtr,#NColour]
-        B       %FT05                   ; 8 bpp take this branch
-        ADDCC   R0, R0, R8              ; else index into full colour table
-        ADRCCL  R5, TBFullCol
-        LDRCCB  R0, [R5, R0]            ; N.B. a table of bytes
-        BCC     %FT05                   ; 1,2,4 bpp take this branch
-        ; if 16bpp only need to shift round once, if 32bpp not at all
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spMode]
-        MOV     LR, LR, LSR #27
-        CMP     LR, #6
-        MOV     R5, R0
-        BCS     %FT06                   ; 32 bpp takes this branch
-        B       %FT07                   ; and 16 bpp takes this one
-        ORR     R5, R0, R0, LSL #8      ; expand byte value into a word
-        ORR     R5, R5, R5, LSL #16
-        Pull    "R1-R4"
-        BL      SpriteGenAddr           ; returns R6,      R7
-        Pull    PC, VS                  ;         Address, Bit position
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SprWriteNColour]
-        AND     R5, R5, R8              ; limit colour to pixel width
-        LDR     R0, [R6]                ; word from sprite
-        BIC     R0, R0, R8, LSL R7
-        ORR     R0, R0, R5, LSL R7
-        STR     R0, [R6]
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadPixelMask - Read mask state for a pixel in a given sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate of pixel (0 = left)
-;       R4 = Y coordinate of pixel (0 = bottom)
-; out:  RetnReg5 = 0/1 (transparent/solid)
-ReadPixelMask ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spImage]
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #spTrans]
-        SUBS    R5, R6, R5              ; offset from Image to Trans mask
-        MOVEQ   R5, #1                  ; if =0, no mask so pixel is solid
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        BL      SpriteMaskAddr          ; returns R6,      R7
-        Pull    PC, VS                  ;         Address, Bit position
-        LDR     R5, [R6, R5]            ; word from mask
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spMode]       ; check for 1bpp masks
-        MOVS    LR, LR, LSR #27
-        MOVNE   R6, #1
-        LDREQ   R6, [WsPtr, #SprReadNColour]
-        ANDS    R5, R6, R5, LSR R7      ; extract one mask pixel (bit0..)
-        MOVNE   R5, #1
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #RetnReg5]
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WritePixelMask - Write a pixel in the mask for a given sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate of pixel (0 = left)
-;       R4 = Y coordinate of pixel (0 = bottom)
-;       R5 = pixel mask 0/1 (transparent/solid)
-WritePixelMask ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spImage]
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spTrans]
-        SUBS    R9, R9, R8              ; offset from Image to Trans mask
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; if =0, no mask so quit
-        BL      SpriteMaskAddr          ; returns R6,      R7
-        Pull    PC, VS                  ;         Address, Bit position
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spMode]
-        MOVS    LR, LR, LSR #27
-        LDREQ   R8, [WsPtr, #SprWriteNColour]
-        MOVNE   R8, #1                  ; adjust for new format sprites
-        TEQ     R5, #0
-        MOVNE   R5, R8
-        LDR     R0, [R6, R9]            ; word from mask
-        BIC     R0, R0, R8, LSL R7
-        ORR     R0, R0, R5, LSL R7
-        STR     R0, [R6, R9]
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SpriteGenAddr - Generate address for a given (X,Y) position
-;       SpriteMaskAddr - For use on mask (copes with old/new masks)
-;       Internal routine, called by InsertCol, DeleteCol, ReadPixelColour,
-;        WritePixelColour, ReadPixelMask, WritePixelMask
-;       Note that InsertCol and DeleteCol are *not* being altered for the
-;       present round of 1bpp mask work.
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 = X coordinate of pixel (0 = left)
-;       R4 = Y coordinate of pixel (0 = bottom)
-; out:  R6 = address
-;       R7 = bit position of pixel
-;       R1-R5, R8-R11 preserved
-;       V=1 => outside sprite, R0 -> error
-SpriteMaskAddr ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R5, R8-R11, LR"
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spMode]
-        MOVS    LR, LR, LSR #27         ; get the sprite type from the mode word
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; branch: old format, use old routine as is
-        ADD     R5, R2, #spWidth
-        LDMIA   R5, {R5-R8}             ; R5     ,R6      ,R7    ,R8
-                                        ; spWidth,spHeight,spLBit,spRBit
-        SUBS    R4, R6, R4              ; invert Y coord
-        BCC     %FT90                   ; must be in range 0..spHeight
-        BL      GetMaskspWidth          ; change R5 to suit the mask width
-                                        ; and R8 to new last bit used
-        MLA     R0, R5, R4, R4          ; word offset to row = Y*(width+1)
-        ;for new format masks the depth is fixed, so...
-        MOV     R9, #5                  ; XShftFactor
-        MOV     R10, #31                ; SprNPix
-        MOV     R11, #0                 ; Log2BPC
-        B       %FT20                   ; and continue in the old code
-        Push    "R1-R5, R8-R11, LR"
-        ADD     R5, R2, #spWidth
-        LDMIA   R5, {R5-R8}             ; R5     ,R6      ,R7    ,R8
-                                        ; spWidth,spHeight,spLBit,spRBit
-        SUBS    R4, R6, R4              ; invert Y coord
-        BCC     %FT90                   ; must be in range 0..spHeight
-        MLA     R0, R5, R4, R4          ; word offset to row = Y*(width+1)
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #SprXShftFactor]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #SprNPix]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SprLog2BPC]
-        BitLOffset R6,R3, R9,R10,R11
-        WordOffset R3,R3, R9,R10,R11
-; sprite starts LBit bits into word
-; so add LBit to bit offset
-        ADD     R7, R6, R7
-        ADD     R3, R3, R7, LSR #5      ; if offset>=32 then inc word address
-        AND     R7, R7, #31             ; force offset into range 0..31
-        CMP     R3, R5                  ; R3 should now be in range 0..spWidth
-        CMPEQ   R7, R8                  ; if R3=spWidth, then check bit posn
-        BHI     %FT90                   ; is within sprite
-        ADD     R6, R0, R3              ; word offset into sprite
-        ADD     R6, R2, R6, LSL #2
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R6, R6, R8              ; byte address of word in sprite
-        Pull    "R1-R5, R8-R11, LR"
-        RETURNVC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_InvalidRowOrCol
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R1-R5, R8-R11, LR"
-        RETURNVS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetMaskspWidth - convert spWidth for data to spWidth for mask (1bpp masks)
-;       Internal routine, called from spritemaskaddr & switchouputtomask
-; in:   R5 = spWidth (ie width in words-1)
-;       (expects R2->sprite)
-; out:  R5 = spWidth (words -1) for mask data
-;       R8 modified for new last bit used in mask data
-; should only be called for new format sprites, but will cope with old too
-;NOTE: If any changes are made to this routine, please look at the SpriteExtend
-;source too, as there is a very similiar routine there too (in SprAdjSize). WT
-GetMaskspWidth ROUT
-        Push    "R0,LR"
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spMode]       ; fetch the sprite mode
-        MOVS    LR, LR, LSR #27         ; isolate the sprite type and test for =0
-        Pull    "R0,PC",EQ              ; if an old format sprite, return R5 unchanged
-        ; treat any T>max sprites as 32bpp
-        CMP     LR, #SpriteType_MAX
-        MOVCS   LR, #SpriteType_Substitute
-        ; bugfix 9/8/93: get log2bpp this way
-        ADRL    R0, NSM_bpptable-4
-        LDR     LR, [R0, LR, LSL #2]    ; get the log2bpp to LR
-        RSB     LR, LR, #5              ; and change to 5-log2bpp
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL LR          ; number of pixels for full words
-        RSB     LR, LR, #5              ; now switch back to log2bpp
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #spRBit]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        ADD     R5, R5, R0, LSR LR
-        ANDS    LR, R5, #&1F            ; fit exactly in a number of words ?
-        SUB     R8, LR, #1              ; alter the last bit used for the mask data
-                                        ; fix bug MED-01130....
-        AND     R8, R8, #&1F            ; ....bring back into range 00-1F (may be -1 here)
-        MOVNE   LR, #1                  ; if not, add an extra word
-        ADD     R5, LR, R5, LSR #5      ; add the whole number of words
-        SUB     R5, R5, #1              ; returns as words-1
-        Pull    "R0,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RemoveLeftHandWastage - Remove left-hand wastage from a sprite
-;       Internal routine, but made external for testing
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-RemoveLeftHandWastage ROUT
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #spLBit]
-        CMP     R0, #0                  ; is there any wastage ?
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; no, then exit straight away
-        Push    "R1, R2, R14"           ; get stack the same as in DeleteCol
-        LDR     R11, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R11, R11, R2            ; R11 := address of first word
-        MOV     R7, #0                  ; bit position of first pixel
-        STR     R7, [R2, #spLBit]       ; pretend LBit = 0
-        MOV     R10, #0                 ; byte offset from LH end to delete pt.
-        LDR     R9, [R2, #spWidth]
-        MOV     R9, R9, LSL #2          ; byte offset from delete pt to LH end
-                                        ; of next row -4
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spNext]
-        ADD     R8, R8, R2              ; first byte after sprite
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; number of bits to delete
-        RSB     R3, R2, #32                     ; LShft := 32-RShft
-        MOV     R4, #1
-        RSB     R4, R4, R4, LSL R7      ; mask for pixels left of deletion pt.
-        MVN     R5, R4                  ; inclusive & right of extractn. pt.
-; R0,   R1,   R2   ,R3   ,R4   ,R5   ,R6   ,R7     ,R8    ,R9     ,R10   .R11
-;   ,     ,   RShft,LShft,LMask,RMask,     ,WordCnt,EndAdr,WordOff,RowOff,Adr
-; R11 -> LH end of row
-        ADD     R11, R11, R10           ; step to deletion point
-        LDR     R0, [R11]
-        AND     R1, R5, R0, LSR R2      ; extract & shift rightmost pixels
-                                        ; (ie MSBits)
-        AND     R0, R4, R0              ; extract leftmost pixels (ie LSBits)
-        ORR     R0, R0, R1              ; recombine (unwanted pixel removed)
-        LDR     R1, [R11, #4]           ; shift leftmost pixel of next word
-        ORR     R0, R0, R1, LSL R3      ; in at rightmost end of this word
-        STR     R0, [R11], #4           ; NB #4 to cope with naff rowoff (R10)
-        CMP     R9, #0
-        BEQ     %FT30
-        MOV     R7, R9
-        LDMIA   R11,{R0,R1}             ; now do a 1 pixel shift left
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR R2          ; of the rest of the row
-        ORR     R0, R0, R1, LSL R3
-        STR     R0, [R11], #4
-        SUBS    R7, R7, #4
-        BGT     %BT20
-; R11 -> LH end of next row
-        CMP     R8, R11
-        BHI     %BT10                   ; if EndAdr>Adr, do next row
-        MOV     R0, R2                  ; R0 = number of bits to delete
-        LDMFD   R13, {R1,R2}
-        BL      ReduceHorizontally
-        Pull    "R1-R2, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R1-R2, R14"
-        RETURNVS
-; ******************************************************************************
-;        bounce_new_format_masks - object to masks on new format sprites
-;        enter with R2->sprite
-;        either returns with all registers preserved, or VS and R0->error
-bounce_new_format_masks ROUT
-        STMFD   R13!,{R0,R14}
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spMode]       ; fetch the sprites mode
-        MOVS    LR, LR, LSR #27         ; set NE if new format
-        LDMEQFD R13!,{R0,R15}           ; out now if old format
-        BL      MaskOffset              ; returns R0=mask size, EQ if no mask, NE if mask
-        LDMEQFD R13!,{R0,R15}           ; out now if no mask
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NoMaskOrPaletteAllowedInThisDepth
-        [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-        ]
-        SETV
-        STR     R0,[R13]
-        STR     R0,[WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        LDMFD   R13!,{R0,R15}
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafi b/s/vdu/vdugrafi
deleted file mode 100644
index f0ff0666..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafI
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Sprite stuff
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   10.11.86
-; -------
-; 12.04.94   W Turner   Updated to allow the use of 1bpp masks
-; 12.01.95   G Simms    Fixed MED-04130 where New format sprites with
-;                       LH wastage were being created.
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FlipAboutXAxis - Flip sprite about X axis
-;       External routine
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-FlipAboutXAxis ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      MaskOffset
-        MOV     R7, R0                  ; 0/offset for nomask/mask
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spWidth]      ; width-1
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spHeight]     ; height-1
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #spImage]
-        TEQ     R5, #0
-        BEQ     %FT05                   ; nothing to do, if only 1 row
-        ADD     R0, R2, R6              ; R0 -> top row in image
-        ADD     R3, R4, #1              ; width
-        MUL     R1, R5, R3              ; R1 = word offset to bottom row
-        ADD     R1, R0, R1, LSL #2      ; R1 -> bottom row in image
-        Push    "R0-R1, R2, R4-R5, R7"      ; preserve ptrs & mask offset
-        BL      FlipAbX10               ; flip main image
-        Pull    "R0-R1, R2, R4-R5, R7"
-        CMP     R7, #0
-        BEQ     %FT05                   ; No mask so skip this bit
-        ADD     R0, R0, R7              ; Update the start pointer
-        ;If a new format sprite (we know it has a mask)
-        ;redo R1 & call the 'GetMaskspWidth' routine to alter R3
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spMode]       ; Get sprite mode
-        MOVS    R8, R8, LSR #27         ; Isolate sprite type & test for 0
-        ADDEQ   R1, R1, R7              ; Old format, so simple
-        BEQ     %FT04
-        ;Here, we know it is a 1bpp mask
-        MOV     R6, R5                  ; Better keep R5 safe, we'll need it in a bit
-        MOV     R5, R4                  ; The sub wants R4 in r5
-        BL      GetMaskspWidth          ; Update the 'width' if needed
-        ADD     R3, R5, #1              ; R3=width in words
-        MUL     R1, R6, R3              ; R1 = word offset to bottom row
-        ADD     R1, R0, R1, LSL #2      ; R1 -> Bottom row in image
-        BL      FlipAbX10               ; flip mask
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FlipAbX10 - Flip area given ptrs and width
-;       Internal routine, called by FlipAboutXAxis
-; in:   R0 -> top row
-;       R1 -> bottom row
-;       R3 = width in words
-; out:  R0-R2,R4-R11 corrupted
-;       R3 preserved
-FlipAbX10 ROUT
-        SUBS    R2, R3, #4              ; initialise width count
-        BLT     %FT30
-20                                      ; flip in blocks of 4 words
-        LDMIA   R0, {R4-R7}
-        LDMIA   R1, {R8-R11}
-        STMIA   R1!, {R4-R7}
-        STMIA   R0!, {R8-R11}
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #4
-        BGE     %BT20
-        ADDS    R2, R2, #4
-        BLE     %FT50
-40                                      ; do remaining words one by one
-        LDR     R4, [R0]
-        LDR     R8, [R1]
-        STR     R4, [R1], #4
-        STR     R8, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BNE     %BT40
-        SUB     R1, R1, R3, LSL #3      ; point to previous row
-        CMP     R1, R0
-        BHI     %BT10                   ; loop until pointers meet or cross
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; only R3 preserved
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FlipAboutYAxis - Flip a sprite about Y axis
-;       External routine
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-FlipAboutYAxis ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      MaskOffset
-        MOV     R8, R0                  ;Bung result in R8 'till we want it...
-        ADD     R3, R2, #spWidth
-        LDMIA   R3, {R3-R7}     ; R3     ,R4      ,R5    ,R6    ,R7
-                                ; spWidth,spHeight,spLBit,spRBit,spImage
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1              ; use width as row offset (words)
-        MUL     R4, R3, R4              ; R4=width x (height-1) in words
-        ADD     R4, R4, R3              ; R4=width x height in words
-        ADD     R4, R7, R4, LSL #2      ; offset past end of sprite image
-        ADD     R4, R4, R2              ; address past end of image
-        RSB     R5, R5, #31             ; reflect LBit & RBit
-        RSB     R6, R6, #31
-        STR     R5, [R2, #spRBit]       ; new RBit := 31- old LBit
-        STR     R6, [R2, #spLBit]       ; new LBit := 31- old RBit
-        ADD     R0, R2, R7              ; R0 -> start of first row
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SprBytesPerChar]  ; shift factor to
-                                                ; reach next pixel
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #SprWriteNColour]   ; mask for leftmost pixel
-        MOV     R10, R9, ROR R11                ; mask for rightmost pixel
-        Push    "R0, R2, R5-R8"
-        BL      FlipAbY10               ; Do the sprite image
-        Pull    "R0, R2, R5-R8"
-        Push    "R0,R8"
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spMode]       ; Get sprite mode
-        MOVS    R8, R8, LSR #27         ; Isolate sprite type & test for 0
-        BEQ     %FT03                   ; If old format ignore next bit
-        ; If this is a new format sprite we may have to remove any LH
-        ; wastage that was created by the flip.
-        CMP     R6, #0                  ; Is there any LH wastage?
-        BEQ     %FT03                   ; If not skip the next bit.
-        MOV     R8, R6
-        BL      RemLHWastage
-        ; If this is a new format sprite then LH wastage = 0 and the RH wastage
-        ; is the same as it was to start with.
-        RSB     R5, R6, #31             ; restore old RBit
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        STR     R5, [R2, #spRBit]       ; new RBit := 31- old LBit
-        STR     R6, [R2, #spLBit]       ; new LBit := 0
-        Pull    "R0,R8"
-        CMP     R8, #0                  ; Does the sprite have a mask?
-        BEQ     %FT05                   ; Nope, so skip the mask flip!
-        ;Now, is it an old or new sprite?
-        LDR     R1, [R2, #spMode]       ; Get sprite mode
-        ADD     R0, R0, R8              ; R0 points to start of mask
-        MOVS    R1, R1, LSR #27         ; Isolate sprite type & test for 0
-        ADDEQ   R4, R4, R8              ;R4 points to end of mask now
-        BEQ     %FT04                   ;Skip the next bit (it's for new format only)
-        Push    "R5"
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spWidth]
-        BL      GetMaskspWidth
-        ADD     R3, R5, #1              ;R3 is new row offset (words)
-        Pull    "R5"
-        Push    "R8"                    ;Last Bit used for mask, this will enable
-                                        ;us to remove the left hand wastage after
-                                        ;the flip
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spHeight]
-        LDR     R8, [R2, #spTrans]
-        MUL     R4, R3, R4              ; R4=width x (height-1) in words
-        ADD     R4, R4, R3              ; R4=width x height in words
-        ADD     R4, R8, R4, LSL #2      ; offset past end of sprite mask
-        ADD     R4, R4, R2              ; address past end of mask
-        ADD     R0, R2, R8              ; R0 -> start of first row of mask
-;        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SprBytesPerChar]  ; shift factor to
-                                                ; reach next pixel
-;        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #SprWriteNColour]   ; mask for leftmost pixel
-        MOV     R11, #1
-        MOV     R9, #1
-        MOV     R10, R9, ROR R11                ; mask for rightmost pixel
-	Push    "R0"
-        BL      FlipAbY10               ; Now do the mask
-        Pull    "R0"
-        Pull    "R8"                    ; Retrieve last bit used to find LHwastage
-        RSB     R8, R8, #31
-        CMP     R8, #0
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        BL      RemLHWastage
-        B       %FT05
-        BL      FlipAbY10               ; Now do the mask
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FlipAbY10 - Flip area given ptrs and width
-;       Internal routine, called by FlipAboutYAxis
-; N.B. This reflects 'user pixels', ie in double pixel modes it
-;      reflects pairs of screen pixels, this should not matter.
-; ON ENTRY, we have R0, R3-R4, R9-R11
-; ON EXIT, of these, only R0 is corrupted
-; Internally:
-;       R0  RowPtr, R1 LPtr , R2 RPtr , R3 Row offset, R4 EndAdr
-;       R5  LWord , R6 RWord, R7 LTemp, R8 RTemp     , R9 LPixMask
-;       R10 RPixMask, R11 ShftFactor, R14 Cnt
-; R0-R2, R5-R8 get corrupted
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R1, R0                  ; R1 -> left end of row
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3, LSL #2      ; R0 -> past right end of row
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; R2 := R0
-        LDR     R5, [R1]
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #-4]!
-        MOV     R14, #32                ; total number of bits to process
-30                                      ; circular pixel shift of LWord & RWord
-        AND     R7, R5, R9              ; leftmost pixel (LSPart of LWord)
-        AND     R8, R6, R10             ; rightmost pixel (MSPart of RWord)
-        ORR     R5, R8, R5, LSR R11
-        ORR     R6, R7, R6, LSL R11
-        SUBS    R14, R14, R11           ; process next pixel
-        BNE     %BT30                   ; TMD 12-Jan-88 bug fixed here
-                                        ; I had changed RCM's code and put BCS
-        STR     R5, [R1], #4
-        STR     R6, [R2]
-        CMP     R2, R1
-        BHI     %BT20                   ; loop until pointers meet or cross
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        BCC     %BT10                   ; if address < end, reflect next row
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RemLHWastage - Dedicated routine to remove x bits of LH wastage
-;                      after a new format Sprite has been flipped
-;       On Entry:    R0 = Start of data
-;                    R3 = Row Offset
-;                    R4 = End of data
-;                    R8 = No. Bits to Remove
-;       R0  RowPtr, R1 LPtr , R2 RPtr , R3 Row offset, R4 EndAdr
-        Push    "R1,R2,R5-R8,R14"
-;start of loop for each line
-        MOV     R1, R0                  ; R1 -> left end of row
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3, LSL #2      ; R0 -> past right end of row
-        SUB     R2, R0, #4              ; R2 -> last word in row
-                                        ;         (used for loop check)
-        LDR     R5, [R1]                ; load current word
-;Start of loop for each word
-        CMP     R2, R1
-        ;If we have reached the last word then just shift and store
-        MOVEQ   R5, R5, LSR R8
-        STREQ   R5, [R1]
-        BEQ     %FT99
-        ;There are more words left so we need to shift in the LSBits from the next
-        ;word.
-        LDR     R6, [R1, #4]           ; load next word
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSR R8         ; Throw away wastage bits in current word
-        RSB     R14, R8, #32
-        MOV     R7, R6, LSL R14        ; Move LSBs from next word to current
-        ORR     R5, R5, R7
-        STR     R5, [R1],#4            ; store current word
-	MOV     R5, R6                 ; move next word to current word ready for
-	                               ; next loop iteration.
-        B       %BT20
-;        CMP     R2, R1
-;        BHI     %BT20                   ; loop until pointers meet or cross
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        BCC     %BT10                   ; if address < end, reflect next row
-        Pull    "R1,R2,R5-R8,R14"
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafj b/s/vdu/vdugrafj
deleted file mode 100644
index dfac8679..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1331 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafJ
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Sprite stuff
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   10.11.86
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetSpriteUserCoords - Pick up area of screen as sprite using
-;                             given external coordinates
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite name
-;       R3 = 0 => exclude palette data
-;            1 => include palette data
-;       R4,R5 = (X,Y) EXTERNAL coordinates of one corner of box
-;       R6,R7 = (X,Y) EXTERNAL coordinates of opposite corner of box
-GetSpriteUserCoords ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R3, R14"
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #GCsX
-        LDMIA   R8, {R9,R10}            ; preserve GCsX,GCsY around EIG
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        MOV     R1, R5
-        MOV     R2, #4                  ; indicate absolute coord
-        BL      EIG
-        MOV     R4, R0
-        MOV     R5, R1
-        MOV     R0, R6
-        MOV     R1, R7
-        BL      EIG
-        MOV     R6, R0
-        MOV     R7, R1
-        STMIA   R8, {R9,R10}            ; restore GcsX,GCsY
-        Pull    "R1-R3, R14"
-        B       GetSpr05
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetSprite - Pick up area of screen bounded by OldCs and GCsI as sprite
-;       External routine + GetSpr05 called by GetSpriteUserCoords
-;        (also external)
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite name
-;       R3 = 0 => exclude palette data
-;            1 => include palette data
-;       OldCsX,OldCsY = (X,Y) INTERNAL coordinates of one corner of box
-;       GCsIX, GCsIY  = (X,Y) INTERNAL coordinates of opposite corner of box
-GetSprite ROUT
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #OldCsX      ; pickup area given by OldCs
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4-R7}             ; and GCsIX
-        Push    R14
-      [ {TRUE}
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        BNE     %FT70
-      |
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT70                   ; quit with error if not graphics mode
-      ]
-        KillSpChoosePtr
-        SortT   R4, R6, R8              ; R4 ,R5, R6 ,R7 N.B. BotL &
-        SortT   R5, R7, R8              ; sL ,sB, sR ,sT      TopR
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        SUB     R8, R8, R7              ; use inverted sT as index
-        AND     R8, R8, #7              ; into EcfPatternTable
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #SGetEcfIndx]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]  ; needs setting up before CreateHeader
-        Push    R2
-        BL      SpriteCtrlBlk
-        BVC     %FT90           ; sprite already exists, so be clever
-        Pull    R2              ; restore name pointer
-                                ;      R1     ,R2     ,R3       ,R4,R5,R6,R7
-        BL      CreateHeader    ; In : AreaPtr,NamePtr,Palette  ,sl,sb,sr,st
-                                ; Out:                 ImageSize,lx,ty,
-        BVS     %FT80           ; Error, (no room/not a graphics mode)
-        BL      GetSpriteData
-; R1 -> sprite area, R2 -> sprite
-; now add the sprite to the sprite area
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spNext]       ; total size of new sprite
-        LDMIA   R1, {R4-R7}             ; saEnd,saNumber,saFirst,saFree
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        ADD     R7, R7, R3
-        STMIA   R1, {R4-R7}
-; have we made a new format sprite ? if so no left hand wastage is allowed.
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spMode]
-        CMP     R3, #256
-        BLCS    RemoveLeftHandWastage
-        BL      SelectSprite
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NotGraphics
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-80                                      ; return point after an error
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVS
-; come here if sprite already exists
-; we want to extend or reduce existing sprite as necessary
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4            ; throw away stacked name ptr
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        TEQ     R14, R2                 ; if same as vdu output sprite
-        ADREQL  R0, SpriteErr_SpriteIsCurrentDest
-      [ International
-        BLEQ    TranslateError
-      ]
-        BEQ     %BT75                   ; then error
-        ADR     R14, %FT95 + SVC_mode
-        Push    "R1, R14"
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #NameBuf
-        LDMIA   R8, {R9-R11}            ; load 3 words of name
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #SGetName
-        STMIA   R8, {R9-R11}            ; and store in SGetName
-        Push    "R1, R2, R3"            ; save sprite area, sprite, palflag
-        BL      PreCreateHeader
-        Pull    "R1, R2"                ; restore sprite area ptr + sprite ptr
-        BVS     %FT93
-                                        ; R4 = total size of sprite
-        Push    R4                      ; save new size of sprite
-        LDR     R0, [R2, #spNext]
-        SUBS    R3, R4, R0              ; compare required size with existing
-        MOV     R3, R3, ASR #2          ; no. of words to extend/reduce by
-        BEQ     %FT94                   ; [is exactly right already]
-        BHI     %FT92                   ; need to extend sprite
-; need to reduce sprite
-        RSB     R3, R3, #0              ; no. of words to reduce by
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spImage]
-        SUB     R4, R0, R4              ; offset from Image to Next
-        SUB     R4, R4, R3, LSL #2      ; dest. start as offset from spImage
-        BL      RemoveWords
-        RSB     R3, R3, #0              ; put R3 back to no. of words to extend
-        B       %FT94
-; need to extend sprite
-        BL      ExtendSpriteByR3
-        ADDVS   R13, R13, #4*4          ; junk size, palflag,
-                                        ; sprite area, fake return address
-        BVS     %BT80                   ; no room to extend sprite
-        Pull    R4                      ; restore new size of sprite
-        B       PostCreateHeader
-; come back to here after PostCreateHeader exits
-; R1 -> sprite area, R2 -> sprite, R3 = no. of words to extend by
-        BL      GetSpriteData
-        BL      SelectSprite
-; have we made a new format sprite ? if so no left hand wastage is allowed.
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spMode]
-        CMP     R3, #256
-        BLCS    RemoveLeftHandWastage
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-GetSpriteData ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R3, R14"
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        MOV     R1, R5
-        BL      ScreenAddr
-        MOV     R0, R2                          ; screen addr of TopL of area
-        LDMIA   R13, {R4,R5}                    ; R4->sprite area, R5->sprite
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #SGetImage]
-        ADD     R1, R1, R5                      ; memory address
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SGetWidth]
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1                      ; sprite width (words)
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetHeight]        ; height
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #SGetTopMargin]     ; gap above window (rows)
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #SGetBotMargin]     ;     below        (rows)
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #SGetLWrdMargin]   ;     left of      (words)
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SGetRWrdMargin]   ;     right of     (words)
-        SUB     R2, R2, R10
-        SUBS    R2, R2, R11             ; number words in window per scanline
-        BLEQ    PaintSprite             ; Left or Right of window
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        SUB     R3, R3, R8
-        SUBS    R3, R3, R9              ; number of rows in window
-        BLEQ    PaintSprite             ; above or below window
-        BEQ     %FT60
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #LineLength] ; offset from RHend of row to LHend
-        SUB     R14, R14, R2, LSL #2    ; of next row
-        STR     R14, [WsPtr, #SGetRowOfst]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SGetLBitMargin]
-        MOV     R5, #&FFFFFFFF
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL R11         ; LmarginMask
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SGetRBitMargin]
-        MOV     R6, #&FFFFFFFE
-        MVN     R6, R6, LSL R11         ; RmarginMask
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SGetColWCnt] ; if only one word in window per row
-        ANDEQ   R5, R5, R6              ; then combine L&R masks
-        MOVEQ   R6, R5
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #SGetLBitMargin]
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SGetRBitMargin]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SGetTopMargin]     ; paint TopMargin (if any)
-        CMP     R5, #0
-        BLNE    PaintBlock
-; R0    ,R1    ,R2     ,R3    ,R4      ..       R11
-; ScrAdr,MemAdr,ColWCnt,RowCnt,{8 words from screen},
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SGetLWrdMargin] ; paint 1 row of LHmargin (if any)
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        BLNE    PaintRow        ; on exit R6 holds word of BgEcf, if not called
-                                ; R6 is corrupt, but it doesn't matter
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SGetColWCnt] ; on screen word count ( >0 in words)
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SGetLBitMargin]
-        LDR     R4, [R0], #4    ; get first on screen word
-        AND     R4, R4, R5
-        BIC     R6, R6, R5      ; Write BgEcf (or nonsense) to out of window
-        ORR     R4, R4, R6      ; pixels
-        STR     R4, [R1], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BLT     %FT50           ; if all plotted
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #8      ; try for 8 words
-        LDMCSIA R0!, {R4-R11}   ; copy 8 words from screen to memory
-        STMCSIA R1!, {R4-R11}
-        SUBCSS  R2, R2, #8
-        BCS     %BT20
-        ADDS    R2, R2, #8
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr,#SGetEcfIndx]
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, R6, LSL #2
-        LDR     R6, [R6, #BgEcf]        ; BgEcf for this scanline
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr,#SGetRBitMargin]
-        BIC     R6, R6, R5
-        LDR     R4, [R0], #4
-        ANDEQ   R4, R4, R5
-        ORREQ   R4, R4, R6
-        STR     R4, [R1], #4
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        BCS     %BT40
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SGetRWrdMargin]
-        CMP     R4, #0
-        BLNE    PaintRow
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #SGetColWCnt]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SGetRowOfst]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr,#SGetEcfIndx]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4                      ; offset ScrAdr to next row
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        AND     R5, R5, #7
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #SGetEcfIndx]       ; update EcfIndx to next row
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BGT     %BT10                           ; do next screen line
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SGetBotMargin]     ; paint bottom margin (if any)
-        CMP     R5, #0
-        BLNE    PaintBlock
-        Pull    "R1-R3, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PaintSprite - Paint the whole of the sprite in background colour
-;       Internal routine, called by GetSprite when all area is outside window
-; in:   R1 -> first byte in sprite
-PaintSprite ROUT
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SGetHeight]
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1              ; R5 = number of rows in sprite
-; and drop thru to ...
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PaintBlock - Paint a number of rows of the sprite in background colour
-;       Internal routine, called by GetSprite to do area above and below window
-;        and dropped thru to by PaintSprite
-; in:   R1 -> start of first row to paint
-;       R5 = number of rows to do
-; out:  Flags preserved
-PaintBlock ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R4, CPSR
-        Push    "R4,R14"
- |
-        Push    R14
- ]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SGetWidth]
-        ADD     R4, R4, #1
-        BL      PaintRow
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SGetEcfIndx]
-        ADD     R6, R6, #1
-        AND     R6, R6, #7
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SGetEcfIndx]
-        SUBS    R5, R5, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "R4,R14"
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R4
-        MOV     PC,R14
- |
-        Pull    PC,,^                 ; we must preserve the flags
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PaintRow - Paint part of a row in sprite with background colour
-;       Internal routine, called by GetSprite to do areas left+right of window
-;        and by PaintBlock
-; in:   R1 -> first word to paint
-;       R4 = number of words to paint
-; out:  R4 preserved
-PaintRow ROUT
-        Push    R4
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SGetEcfIndx]
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, R6, LSL #2
-        LDR     R6, [R6, #BgEcf]        ; BgEcf for this scanline
-        STR     R6, [R1], #4
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    R4
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CreateSprite - Create a sprite with given attributes
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite name
-;       R3 = 0/1 => exclude/include palette data
-;       R4 = width in pixels
-;       R5 = height in pixels
-;       R6 = mode number of sprite
-CreateSprite ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        KillSpChoosePtr
-        BL      DeleteSpriteByName      ; delete any existing sprite
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]  ; needs setting up before CreateHeader
-        SUB     R6, R4, #1              ; width in pixels-1
-        SUB     R7, R5, #1              ; height-1
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        MOV     R5, #0
-                                        ;      R3     ,R4,R5,R6,R7
-        BL      CreateHeader            ; In : Palette,sl,sb,sr,st
-                                        ; Out: ImageSize
-        Pull    PC, VS                  ; if error, then bomb out
-        MOV     R4, #0                  ; clear R3 words at offset 0 in sprite
-        BL      ClearWords              ; ie clear image to 0
- ; Now add the sprite to the sprite area
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spNext]       ; total size of new sprite
-        LDMIA   R1, {R4-R7}             ; saEnd,saNumber,saFirst,saFree
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        ADD     R7, R7, R3
-        STMIA   R1, {R4-R7}
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CreateHeader - Create a header and info for a sprite
-;       Internal routine, called by GetSprite, CreateSprite, ScreenSave
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite name
-;       R3 = 0/1 => exclude/include palette data
-;       R4,R5 = (X,Y) INTERNAL coordinate of bottom left
-;       R6,R7 = (X,Y) INTERNAL coordinate of top right
-; out:  R1 preserved
-;       R2 -> new sprite
-;       R3 = size of image in words
-;       R4,R5 = (X,Y) INTERNAL coordinate of top left of on screen area
-;       R0, R6-R11 corrupted
-CreateHeader ROUT
-        Push    "R1, R14"
-        Push    R3
-        BL      GetName                 ; name returned in R9-R11
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #SGetName
-        STMIA   R8, {R9-R11}            ; save the name away
-        BL      PreCreateHeader
-        Pull    "R0, R1, PC", VS
-; now the updating the sprite area bit
-        LDR     R1, [R13, #1*4]         ; reload sprite area ptr off stack
-        LDR     R2, [R1, #saFree]
-        LDR     R5, [R1, #saEnd]
-        SUB     R5, R5, R2
-        CMP     R5, R4
-        BCC     %FT10
-        ADD     R2, R2, R1              ; address of new sprite
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #SGetName
-        LDMIA   R5, {R5-R11}
-; R4 spNext, R5-R7 spName(0..2),
-; R8 spWidth, R9 spHeight, R10 spLBit, R11 spRBit
-        STMIA   R2, {R4-R11}            ; write control block for sprite
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SGetImage]
-        STR     R11, [R2, #spImage]
-        STR     R11, [R2, #spTrans]     ; spImage=spTrans ie no mask
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]
- [ {FALSE}      ; TMD 08-Jun-93: SGetMode sanitation done in PreCreateHeader now
-; Previously we simply copied the current SGetMode straight into spmode.
-; With the advent of mode descriptors and the new sprite mode word this
-; has to get a bit more intelligent. New logic is:
-; i) is the value > 256 (unsigned) ? Y - mode descriptor - have to make
-;    a new sprite mode word, N - proceed to next...
-; ii) is this higher than 8bpp ? Y - have to use a new sprite mode word
-;    N - use the mode number
-; Note: Once all the mode descriptor work is complete the second test
-; may be removed, since no 16/32bpp modes will have mode numbers
-; associated with them. However, until then it stays.
-        !       0,"vdugrafj: remove marked section when mode descriptors"
-        !       0,"          work, and no 16/32bpp modes have old mode numbers."
-        CMP     R11, #256
-        BCC     %FT20                    ;branch if under 256
-30      ; this mode is not available in RISC OS 3, so give it a new format
-        ; sprite mode word instead
-        Push    "R0-R3"
-        MOV     R0,R11
-        MOV     R1,#VduExt_Log2BPP
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        MOV     R11,#1                   ;bit 0 is always set
-        ADD     LR, R2, #1               ;turn it into the sprite type
-        ORR     R11, R11, LR, LSL #27    ;and put it into position
-        MOV     R1, #VduExt_XEigFactor
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        MOV     R4, #180
-        MOV     LR, R4, LSR R2           ;convert to a dpi (180 >> eig)
-        ORR     R11, R11, LR, LSL #1     ;and put it into position
-        MOV     R1, #VduExt_YEigFactor
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        MOV     LR, R4, LSR R2           ;convert to a dpi (180 >> eig)
-        ORR     R11, R11, LR, LSL #14    ;and put it into position
-        Pull    "R0-R3"
-        B       %FT40
-20      ;**************************************************************************
-        ;The test and branch below should be removed once mode descriptors are done
-        ;**************************************************************************
-        ; ,---------------- BEGIN REMOVE SECTION ##################################
-        ; v                                                                       #
-        Push    "R0-R3"                  ;                                        #
-        MOV     R0,R11                   ;                                        #
-        MOV     R1,#VduExt_Log2BPP       ;                                        #
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable     ;                                        #
-        CMP     R2, #4                   ;                                        #
-        Pull    "R0-R3"                  ;                                        #
-        BCS     %BT30                    ;over 3 ?, put in a new sprite mode word #
-        ; ^                                                                       #
-        ; '---------------- END REMOVE SECTION ####################################
-        ; it is an old fashioned mode number, so use that to allow RO 3.00/3.10
-        ; to understand this sprite
- ]
-        STR     R11, [R2, #spMode]
-        MOVS    LR, R11, LSR #27         ; do we have an old or new sprite ? EQ=old
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #SGetTopLeft
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4, R5}            ; (R4,R5) = TopLeft of 'on screen' area
-        Pull    R11                     ; R11 = 0/1 for (ex/in)clude palette
-;amg 25th May 1994. We now allow palettes on new format sprites in 8bpp and below
-        CMP     LR,#SpriteType_New16bpp
-        BCS     %FT11                   ; check for new 16/32 bpp
-        TEQ     R11,#0                  ; was a palette wanted in the first place?
-        BLNE    WritePaletteToSprite    ; do it if so
-;        ;only allow palette data to be written if EQ and R11<>0
-;        BNE     %FT11
-;        TEQ     R11, #0
-;        BLNE    WritePaletteToSprite
-        Pull    "R1, R14"
-        RETURNVC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NoRoom
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R0, R1, R14"           ; junk palflag, sprite area ptr
-        RETURNVS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SanitizeSGetMode - Convert SGetMode into a new format sprite word if necessary
-;       If SGetMode is either   a) a mode selector pointer, or
-;                               b) a mode number which has more than 8bpp
-;       then SGetMode is replaced by a suitable sprite mode word
-; amg: 15/10/93: changed to be more keen to generate old format mode numbers. It is
-;                now also called from createsprite, so it will pass through a new
-;                sprite mode word unchanged. Mode numbers will be unchanged. Mode
-;                selectors will be changed to a mode number if one of suitable
-;                eigs and depth exists --- size of screen is *not* taken into
-;                account here.
-; in:   WsPtr -> VDU workspace
-; out:  If OK, then
-;         V=0
-;         All registers preserved
-;       else
-;         V=1
-;         r0 -> error
-;         RetnReg0 -> error
-;       endif
-SanitizeSGetMode Entry "r0-r4,r11"
-        LDR     r11, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]
-        CMP     r11, #&100
-        BCC     %FT20                   ; [not a mode selector or new format sprite word]
-        TST     r11, #1                 ; is it already a new format sprite word?
-        EXIT    NE
-        MOV     r0, r11                 ; r0 -> mode selector
- [ ModeSelectors
-        BL      ValidateModeSelector
-        STRVS   r0, [sp]
-        STRVS   r0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        EXIT    VS
- ]
-; convert to new format sprite word
-        MOV     r4, r11                 ; preserve the mode for later
-        MOV     r11,#1                  ; bit 0 is always set
-        MOV     r1, #VduExt_XEigFactor
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        MOV     lr, #180
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSR r2          ; cope with 45, 90, 180 dpi
-        ORR     r11, r11, lr, LSL #1    ; put into xdpi position
-        MOV     r1, #VduExt_YEigFactor
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        MOV     lr, #180
-        MOV     lr, lr, LSR r2
-        ORR     r11, r11, lr, LSL #14   ; put into ydpi position
-        ;amg: add check for log2bpp=log2bpc
-        MOV     r0, r4
-        MOV     r1, #VduExt_Log2BPC
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        MOV     R3,R2
-        MOV     r0, r4
-        MOV     r1, #VduExt_Log2BPP
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        CMP     R3, R2
-        BNE     %FT20
-        ADD     lr, r2, #1              ; turn it into the sprite type
-        ORR     r11, r11, lr, LSL #27   ; and put it into position
-        STR     r11, [WsPtr, #SGetMode] ; store new value
-        ;now check if we can force it back to a mode number
-        ;if the bpp is > 8 the answer is no
-        CMP     r2, #4
-        EXIT    CS
-        BIC     r0, r11, #&F8000000     ; take off the type information
-        ADR     r1, substitute_list
-        ADD     r2, r1, #12             ; end of list
-        LDR     r3, [r1], #4
-        TEQ     r3, r0
-        BEQ     %FT28
-        TEQ     r1, r2
-        EXIT    EQ                      ; can't do anything with it
-        BNE     %BT27
-        ADD     r1, r1, #8              ; point at modes word, allowing for post inc
-        ADD     r1, r1, r11, LSR #27    ; add in the sprite's type
-        SUB     r1, r1, #1              ; and reduce it by one
-        LDRB    r1, [r1]                ; fetch the right mode number
-        ;if we got 255, we can't save the day
-        CMP     r1,#255
-        STRNE   r1, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]  ; and store it
-        EXIT
-        DCD     &001680B5               ;90 X 90 DPI, X/Y EIG 1 1
-        DCD     &000B40B5               ;90 X 45 DPI, X/Y EIG 1 2
-        DCD     &000B405B               ;45 X 45 DPI, X/Y EIG 2 2
-        ;amg: used to use mode 4 for 2 colour eig 2 x 2 - now doesn't because of
-        ;confusion about double pixels
-        DCD     &1C1B1A19               ;modes  25, 26, 27, 28 for 90 x 90
-        DCD     &0F0C0800               ;modes   0,  8, 12, 15 for 90 x 45
-        DCD     &0D0901FF               ;modes n/a,  1,  9, 13 for 45 x 45
-        MOV     r0, r11                 ; check if bpp for mode is > 8
-        MOV     r1, #VduExt_Log2BPP
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        CMP     r2, #4
-        BCS     %BT15                   ; if so then convert to new format sprite as well
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-PreCreateHeader ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      SanitizeSGetMode        ; convert SGetMode to new format sprite if nec.
-        Pull    PC, VS                  ; duff mode selector
-        ;amg 25th May 1994
-        ;We now allow palettes on new format sprites of 8bpp and below
-;        ;force to no palette space if a new format sprite
-;        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]  ; get the mode
-;        MOVS    LR, LR, LSR #27         ; set NE if new
-;        MOVNE   R3, #0                  ; turn off palette
-        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]   ; get the sprite mode word
-        MOV     LR, LR, LSR #27          ; isolate the sprite type
-        CMP     LR, #SpriteType_New16bpp ; check for 16/32bpp
-        MOVCS   R3, #0                   ; turn off the palette request
-        TEQ     R3, #0                  ; convert R3 into mask to (ex/in)clude
-        MOVNE   R3, #&FF                ; space for palette data
-; amg need more palette space in case it's going to be a full palette
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #&300
-        Push    "R6, R7"                ; preserve R6,R7 over the call
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #SGetNext
-        BL      SetupSprModeData
-;      R6    ,R7    ,R8    ,R9   ,R10 ,R11
-; Out: RdNCol,WrNCol,BytePC,XShft,NPix,Log2BPC
-; amg 26th October 1993 - kill another bit of Arthur compatibility in favour
-; of full palette 8bpp sprites
-;        AND     R6, R6, #63     ; make 64 palette entries like MOS 1.2
-        LDR     R7,[WsPtr,#ModeFlags]
-        TST     R7, #Flag_FullPalette
-        ANDEQ   R6, R6, #63
-        ADD     R6, R6, #1      ; number of palette entries in this mode
-        AND     R3, R3, R6      ; if (palette not wanted) OR (256 colour mode)
-                                ; then R3=0 else R3=number of palette entries
-                                ; N.B. in 256 colour modes we end up ignoring
-                                ;      the palette
-        Pull    "R6,R7"
-        Pull    PC, VS          ; error, not a graphics mode
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSL #3  ; two words per palette entry
-        ADD     R3, R3, #SpriteCBsize
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetImage] ; R0-R3 now free for use
-                                        ; R4 ,R5, R6 ,R7
-                                        ; sL ,sB, sR ,sT
-        SUB     R0, R7, R5              ; height-1
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SGetHeight]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1              ; actual height in rows
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]    ; if SpriteTopRow > GWTopRow
-        SUBS    R2, R7, R1
-        MOVGT   R7, R1                  ; then clip for ScreenAddr's benefit
-        MOVLE   R2, #0
-        Least   R2, R2, R0
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SGetTopMargin] ; number of blank rows at top
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #GWBRow]
-        SUBS    R2, R1, R5
-        MOVLT   R2, #0
-        Least   R2, R2, R0
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SGetBotMargin] ; number of blank rows at bottom
-        WordOffset R0,R4, R9,R10,R11    ; offset to sL
-        WordOffset R1,R6, R9,R10,R11    ;       to sR
-        SUB     R2, R1, R0              ; width-1
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SGetWidth]
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1              ; actual width in words
-        BitLOffset R3,R4, R9,R10,R11    ; LBit
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetLBit]
-        BitROffset R3,R6, R9,R10,R11    ; RBit
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetRBit]
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #GWLCol]
-        Greatest R4,R4,R8
-        WordOffset R3,R4, R9,R10,R11    ; offset to clipL
-        SUB     R3, R3, R0
-        Least   R3,R3,R2
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetLWrdMargin]    ; no. of blank words at left
-        BitLOffset R3,R4, R9,R10,R11
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetLBitMargin]    ; no. of blank words at right
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #GWRCol]
-        Least   R6, R6, R8
-        WordOffset R3,R6, R9,R10,R11    ; offset to clipR
-        SUB     R3, R1, R3
-        Least   R3, R3, R2
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetRWrdMargin]
-        BitROffset R3,R6, R9,R10,R11
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SGetRBitMargin]
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #SGetTopLeft
-        STMIA   R0, {R4, R7}            ; store top & left of 'on screen' area
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #SGetWidth]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #SGetHeight]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1              ; width in words
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1              ; height in words
-        MUL     R3, R1, R0              ; image size in words
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SGetImage]
-        ADD     R4, R4, R3, LSL #2      ; total size in bytes
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Decide mask size
-;       Internal routine called from CreateMask
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-;       R3 =  size of image data (bytes)
-; out:  R3 = size of mask data (words)
-DecideMaskSize ROUT
-        Push "R0-R2,R4-R5,R14"
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spMode]       ; get the sprite mode
-        MOVS    LR, LR, LSR #27         ; isolate the type
-        MOVEQ   R3,R3,LSR #2            ; if T=0 then return the same size as
-        Pull    "R0-R2,R4-R5,R15",EQ    ; the image (but returns in words not
-                                        ; bytes)
-        ADRL    R5, NSM_bpptable-4
-        LDR     R4, [R5, LR, LSL #2]    ; get the log2bpp value
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spWidth]      ; number of words-1 per row
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spRBit]       ; fetch the last bit used
-        ADD     LR, LR, #1              ; turn into a number of bits rather than bit number
-        MOV     LR, LR, LSR R4          ; turn into a number of pixels
-        RSB     R4, R4, #5
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL R4          ; number of pixels on the row for the full words
-        ADD     R5, R5, LR
-        ANDS    LR, R5, #&1F            ; is it a whole number of words
-        MOVNE   LR, #1                  ; if not start at 1 not 0
-        ADD     LR, LR, R5, LSR #5      ; add the number of whole words
-                                        ; now have number of words per mask row
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spHeight]     ; number of rows (minus 1)
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        MUL     R3, LR, R5              ; number of words for the mask
-        Pull "R0-R2,R4-R5,R15"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CreateMask - Add mask to sprite or set existing mask to 'solid'
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-CreateMask ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        KillSpChoosePtr
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spNext]
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spImage]      ; NB Image=Trans if NO mask
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #spTrans]
-        SUB     R3, R4, R6
-        BL      DecideMaskSize          ; returns R3=size of mask (words)
-        TEQ     R5, R6
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; mask exists
-        MOV     R6, R4
-        BL      ExtendSprite
-        ADRVSL  R0, SpriteErr_NotEnoughRoom ; only error is NoRoomToInsert
-      [ International
-        BLVS    TranslateError
-      ]
-        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]  ; correct this to 'Not enough room'
-        Pull    PC, VS
-        STR     R6, [R2, #spTrans]      ; new spTrans := old spNext
-10                                      ; R3 mask size (words), R6 spTrans
-        ADD     R6, R6, R2
-        MOV     R4, #&FFFFFFFF
-        STR     R4, [R6], #4
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BNE     %BT20
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RemoveMask - Remove mask from sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite
-RemoveMask ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        KillSpChoosePtr
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spNext]
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spImage]      ; NB spTrans = spImage, if NO mask
-        LDR     R6, [R2, #spTrans]
-        TEQ     R5, R6
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; no mask so ignore
-        SUB     R3, R4, R6
-        BL      DecideMaskSize          ; returns R3=size in words
-        SUB     R4, R6, R5
-        BL      RemoveWords
-        LDR     R5, [R2, #spImage]      ; spTrans := spImage, ie NO mask
-        STR     R5, [R2, #spTrans]
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WritePaletteToSprite - Write palette information into sprite CB
-;       Internal routine, called by CreateHeader
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-; out:  All registers preserved
-WritePaletteToSprite ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R4, R14"
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #SprReadNColour]    ; highest palette entry
-; amg 26th October 1993 - this bit of Arthur compatibility bites the
-; dust to make screensaving full palette sprites work properly
-;        AND     R0, R0, #63             ; make 63 if 255 like MOS 1.20
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr,#ModeFlags]
-        TST     R4, #Flag_FullPalette
-        ANDEQ   R0, R0, #63
-        ADD     R4, R2, R0, LSL #3
-        ADD     R4, R4, #spPalette      ; ptr to last pal pos in spPalette
-        MOV     R1, #16                 ; read 'normal' colour
-        SWI     XOS_ReadPalette
-        STMIA   R4, {R2,R3}
-        SUB     R4, R4, #8
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #1
-        BCS     %BT10
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       WritePaletteFromSprite - Write palette from information in sprite CB
-;       Internal routine, called by ScreenLoad
-; in:   R2 -> sprite
-; out:  All registers preserved
-WritePaletteFromSprite ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R6, R14"
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]
-        LDR     R1, [R2, #spMode]
-        [ {TRUE} :LAND: ModeSelectors
-        ;logic for this routine
-        ;
-        ;[WsPtr, #ModeNo] is the current mode/ptr to mode selector
-        ;R2 points at sprite data
-        ;[WsPtr, #SloadModeSel] is 36 bytes for building a mode selector for the sprite
-        ;
-        ;sprite mode < 256 ?
-        ;yes: equal to current mode ?
-        ;     yes: already in correct mode. done.
-        ;     no:  change to mode sprite wants, done.
-        ;no:  build a mode selector for the sprite
-        ;     check pixel depth, xres, yres, xdpi and ydpi
-        ;     all identical ?
-        ;     yes: already in suitable mode. done.
-        ;     no:  change mode. done.
-        ;if we do a mode change, remember to re-remove cursors
-        ;amg 15 Oct '93 Screensave is about to be changed to use a representative
-        ;mode number of the eigs and depth (only), so screenload no longer believes
-        ;the screen mode number in the file.
-        ;amg 21 Dec '93 Slight modification - if the screen mode change failed, and
-        ;we have an old screen mode number, use that as a last gasp
-;        CMP     R1, #256
-;        BCS     %FT30                   ;branch if a new format sprite mode word
-;        CMP     R1, R0                  ;are we in the right (old style) mode ?
-;        BEQ     %FT10
-;        MOV     R0,#ScreenModeReason_SelectMode
-;        SWI     XOS_ScreenMode
-;        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]  ;exit on error
-;        Pull    "R0-R6,PC", VS
-;        B       %FT40                   ;otherwise get on with it
-30      ; new format sprite mode word
-        ; build the mode selector at SLoadModeSel
-        MOV     R5, R1                  ;keep the mode number/sprite mode word safe
-        ;do the absolutes first
-        MOV     R3, #-1
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_FrameRate]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+16] ;list terminator after two pairs
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+32] ;list terminator after four pairs
-        MOV     R3, #128
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+20]  ;modeflags value, if needed
-        MOV     R3, #VduExt_NColour
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+24]
-        MOV     R3, #255
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+28]
-        MOV     R3, #1
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_Flags]
-        MOV     R3, #VduExt_XEigFactor
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars]    ; modevar 1 = xeig
-        MOV     R3, #VduExt_YEigFactor
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+8]  ; modevar 2 = Yeig
-        ;now the things from the sprite
-;        MOV     R3, R1, LSR #27         ;sprite type
-;        ADRL    R4, NSM_bpptable-4      ;readmodevar's table
-;        LDR     R3, [R4, R3, LSL #2]    ;word index
-;        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        ;change to calling read mode variable to cope with mode number or sprite mode word
-        MOV     R4, R2                  ;save the sprite pointer
-        MOV     R0, R5                  ;sprite mode word/mode number
-        MOV     R1, #VduExt_Log2BPP
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        MOV     R3, R2
-        ;if log2bpp=3, and size of palette data indicates full palette, we need to force
-        ;a suitable mode
-        CMP     R3, #3
-        BNE     %FT40
-        ADD     LR, R4, #spImage        ;point to image/mask start
-        LDMIA   LR,{R2,LR}              ;fetch them
-        CMP     R2,LR                   ;which is bigger ?
-        MOVGT   R2,LR                   ;use the least
-        SUB     R2,R2,#spPalette        ;and the palette size is...
-        CMP     R2,#&800                ;full entry 256 colour
-        ;change the mode selector so it includes a modeflags word
-        ;(following two words already set up)
-        MOVEQ   R2, #0
-        ;amg 28/4/94 bugfix - following inst wasn't conditional
-        STREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+16]
-        MOV     R2, R4                  ;restore the sprite pointer
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spWidth]      ;number of words
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSL #5          ;convert to a number of bits
-        LDR     LR, [R2, #spRBit]       ;last bit used
-        ADD     LR, LR, #1              ;convert to number of bits
-        ADD     R4, R4, LR              ;combine
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSR R3          ;and convert to pixels
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spHeight]
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_YRes]
-        MOV     R6, R2                  ;save the sprite pointer for later
-        ;that leaves the x and y eig factors, which are derived
-        ;from the dpi
-        MOV     R0, R5                  ;R0 = sprite mode word
-        MOV     R1, #VduExt_XEigFactor
-        SWI     XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        STRCC   R2, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+4]
-        MOVCC   R1, #VduExt_YEigFactor
-        SWICC   XOS_ReadModeVariable
-        STRCC   R2, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_ModeVars+12]
-        BCS     %FT90                   ;we canna take it captain....
-        ;do the comparison which involve the mode selectors first
-        ;depth
-        LDR     LR, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]
-        LDR     R3, [LR, #ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        TEQ     R3, R4
-        BNE     %FT80                   ;need to change mode to new mode selr
-        LDR     R3, [LR, #ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_XRes]
-        TEQ     R3, R4
-        BNE     %FT80                   ;need to change mode to new mode selr
-        LDR     R3, [LR, #ModeSelector_YRes]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_YRes]
-        TEQ     R3, R4
-        BNE     %FT80                   ;need to change mode to new mode selr
-        ;now the eigs
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #XEigFactor]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_Flags+4]
-        TEQ     R3, R4
-        BNE     %FT80                   ;need to change mode to new mode selr
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #YEigFactor]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SloadModeSel+ModeSelector_Flags+12]
-        TEQ     R3, R4
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ;this mode is suitable
-        MOV     R0,#ScreenModeReason_SelectMode
-        ADD     R1,WsPtr,#SloadModeSel
-        SWI     XOS_ScreenMode
-        [ {TRUE}
-        ;ensure we preserve the error pointer in situations where we can't try to
-        ;fall back to the mode number in the sprite header
-        ;if it errored try again if there's a mode number available
-        BVC     %FT40
-        LDR     R1, [R6, #spMode]
-        BICS    R14, R1, #&FF           ; EQ if sprite mode is a number (< 256), (V still set afterwards)
-        MOVEQ   R0, #ScreenModeReason_SelectMode
-        SWIEQ   XOS_ScreenMode          ; if called, will set V appropriately
-        |
-        ;if it errored try again if there's a mode number available
-        BVC     %FT40
-        MOV     R0, #ScreenModeReason_SelectMode
-        LDR     R1, [R6, #spMode]
-        BICS    R14, R1, #&FF           ; EQ if sprite mode is a number (< 256), (V still set afterwards)
-        SWIEQ   XOS_ScreenMode          ; if called, will set V appropriately
-        ]
-        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]  ;exit on error
-        Pull    "R0-R6,PC", VS
-        B       %FT40                   ;otherwise get on with it
-        ADRL    R0,SpriteErr_InvalidSpriteMode
-        [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-        ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        SETV
-        Pull    "R0-R6,PC"
-        |
-        ;as originally done this code tended to compare mode specifiers against new
-        ;sprite mode words, and worse still tried to select a mode from a new sprite
-        ;mode word. the rewrite above takes a more logical approach
-        CMP     R0, R1                  ; if already in correct mode
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; then skip
- [ ModeSelectors
-        MOV     r0, #ScreenModeReason_SelectMode
-        SWI     XOS_ScreenMode
- |
-        MOV     R0, #22
-        SWI     XOS_WriteC
-        MOVVC   R0, R1
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC
- ]
-        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        Pull    "R0-R6,PC", VS
-        ]
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors       ; remove cursors again
-        MOV     R2, R6
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spImage]
-        CMP     R3, #spPalette          ; will clear V if EQ
-        Pull    "R0-R6, PC", EQ         ; no palette data
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-        ADD     R3, R2, #spPalette
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4, LSL #3
-        LDMIA   R3, {R1,R2}
-        MOV     R0, R4
-        BL      SendPalettePair
-        Pull    "R0-R6, PC", VS
-        SUB     R3, R3, #8
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1              ; (V will be cleared by this)
-        BCS     %BT20
-        Pull    "R0-R6, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SendPalettePair - Program palette with flash pair
-;       Internal routine, called by WritePaletteFromSprite
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = first flash colour
-;       R2 = second flash colour
-; out:  R1 corrupted
-SendPalettePair ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3, R14"
-        TEQ     R1, R2                  ; are colours the same ?
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; if not then do in two halves
-        MOV     R3, #16
-        BL      SendPaletteEntry        ; then send with 16
-        Pull    "R0-R3, PC"
-        MOV     R3, #17                 ; else send 1st flash with 17
-        BL      SendPaletteEntry
-        MOVVC   R1, R2
-        MOVVC   R3, #18                 ; then 2nd flash with 18
-        BLVC    SendPaletteEntry
-        Pull    "R0-R3, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SendPaletteEntry - Program one palette entry
-;       Internal routine, called by SendPalettePair
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = physical colour BGRx
-;       R3 = PP field to use
-; out:  All registers preserved
-SendPaletteEntry ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R1, R14"
-        BIC     R1, R1, #&7F            ; clear all bits except sup. bit
-        ORR     R1, R1, R3              ; or in new bits
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL #24         ; move log. col. up to top 8 bits
-        Push    "R0, R1"                ; create an OSWORD block at R13+3
-        MOV     R0, #12
-        ADD     R1, R13, #3             ; R1 -> block
-        SWI     XOS_Word
-        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        ADD     R13, R13, #8
-        Pull    "R0,R1, PC"
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafk b/s/vdu/vdugrafk
deleted file mode 100644
index fd333b01..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafK
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Sprite stuff
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   5.3.87
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ScreenSave - Save screen within graphics window as a sprite file
-;       External routine
-; in:   R2 -> file name
-;       R3 = 0/1 => exclude/include palette data
-ScreenSave ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors
-      [ {TRUE}
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        BNE     %FT20
-      |
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; quit with error if not graphics mode
-      ]
-                                        ; build a temporary sprite area header
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #ScrSavAreaCB
-        MOV     R4, #&7FFFFFFF                  ; size, very large
-        MOV     R5, #1                          ; one sprite
-        LDR     R6, =(ScrSavSpriteCB-ScrSavAreaCB) ;saFirst
-        MOV     R7, R6                          ; saFree=saFirst
-        STMIA   R1, {R4-R7}
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #GWLCol             ; R4 ,R5 ,R6 ,R7
-        LDMIA   R11, {R4,R5,R6,R7}              ; wL ,wB ,wR ,wT
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #SGetMode]  ; needs setting up before CreateHeader
-        Push    R2                      ; preserve file name pointer
-        ; if it is a mode selector mode with >256 colours force it to have no
-        ; palette. CreateHeader will deal with <=256.
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]
-        CMP     R2, #4
-        MOVCS   R3, #0
-        ; amg 25th May 1994. The above is no longer completely true. We still
-        ; don't allow palettes on 16/32bpp. Below that (whether new or old
-        ; format of sprite) palettes are now allowed. No actual code change
-        ; here, but CreateHeader has been changed.
-        ADR     R2, ScrSavSpriteName
-                                        ;      R3     ,R4,R5,R6,R7
-        BL      CreateHeader            ; In : Palette,sl,sb,sr,st
-        ADDVS   sp, sp, #4              ; (if error, junk stacked filename ptr and exit)
-        BVS     %FT35
-                                        ; Out: ImageSize
-                                        ; now add the sprite to the sprite area
-        LDR     R3, [R2, #spNext]       ; total size of new sprite
-        LDMIA   R1, {R4,R5,R6,R7}       ; saEnd,saNumber,saFirst,saFree
-        ADD     R7, R7, R3              ; new saFree
-        MOV     R4, R7
-        STMIA   R1, {R4,R5,R6,R7}
-; Create file to prevent "Can't extend"
-        [ AssemblingArthur :LOR: Module
-        MOV     R0, #OSFile_CreateStamp
-        LDR     R1, [R13, #0]           ; R1 -> filename
-        LDR     R2, =&FF9               ; Type=SpriteFile
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; Junk
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        SUB     R5, R7, #4              ; File size (ie exclude saEnd)
-        SWI     XOS_File
-        |
-        CLRV
-        ]
-        Pull    R1
-        BVS     %FT30
-; OpenUp file and save the Sprite area and sprite headers
-        [ AssemblingArthur :LOR: Module
-        MOV     R0, #open_update :OR: open_mustopen :OR: open_nodir
-        |
-        MOV     R0, #open_write
-        ]
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        BVS     %FT30
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R0, #2                  ; write bytes to file
-        LDR     R2, =(ScrSavAreaCB+saNumber)
-        ADD     R2, R2, WsPtr
-        LDR     R3, =(ScrSavSpriteCB+spImage)
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, R3]
-        ADD     R3, R3, #(SpriteAreaCBsize-saNumber)
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        SWI     XOS_GBPB
-        BVS     %FT40                   ; FileSwitchGotYa !
-        Push    R1
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #GWLCol]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #GWTRow]
-        BL      ScreenAddr              ; R2 = ScrAdr of TopL of area
-        Pull    R1
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #SGetWidth]
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #2           ; width (bytes)
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #SGetHeight] ; height-1
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        SUBS    R7, R7, R5              ; zero then can do as one lump
-        MLAEQ   R5, R6, R5, R5          ; R5 = R5*(R6+1)
-        MOVEQ   R6, #0                  ; only one chunk to do
-; R0    ,R1    ,R2    ,R3    ,R4    ,R5   ,R6    ,R7
-;       ,Handle,ScrAdr,Size  ,      ,Width,RowCnt,RowOfSt
-        MOV     R0, #2
-        MOV     R3, R5
-        SWI     XOS_GBPB
-        BVS     %FT40                   ; something went wrong
-        ADD     R2, R2, R7              ; step to next screen line
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1
-        BGE     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; close file
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        BVS     %FT30
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC                        ; no error, return VC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_NotGraphics
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      |
-        SETV
-      ]
-        B       %FT30
-40                                      ; return point after an error
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]  ; R0 ptr to message, R1 file handle
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; close file
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-30                                      ; return point after an error
-        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]  ; R0 ptr to message
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVS
-        = "screendump", 0
-        ALIGN
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ScreenLoad - Plot sprite file directly into graphics window
-;       External routine
-; in:   R2 -> file name
-ScreenLoad ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        SWI     XOS_RemoveCursors
-        MOV     R0, #open_read+open_mustopen+open_nodir
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        BVS     %FT80
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaHandle]
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R0, #4                          ; read areaCB from file
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #ScrLoaAreaCB+saNumber
-        MOV     R3, #(SpriteAreaCBsize-saNumber)
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        SWI     XOS_GBPB
-        BVS     %FT70                           ; FileSwitchGotYa !
-        MOV     R0, #3                          ; read spriteCB from file
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #ScrLoaSpriteCB
-        MOV     R3, #SpriteCBsize
-        ADD     R3, R3, #MaxSpritePaletteSize
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #(ScrLoaAreaCB+saFirst)]
-        SUB     R4, R4, #4
-        SWI     XOS_GBPB
-        BVS     %FT70
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #ScrLoaSpriteCB
-        BL      WritePaletteFromSprite          ; mode change (if needed)
-        ;branch to 75 rather than 70 because RetnRegR0 is already set up
-        BVS     %FT75                           ; and palette setting
-      [ {TRUE}
-        GraphicsMode R0
-        BNE     %FT60
-      |
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        CMP     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT60                   ; quit with error if not graphics mode
-      ]
-; now check for being able to do it all at once
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #GWLCol              ; R3=GWLCol; R4=GWBRow
-        LDMIA   R0, {R3-R6}                     ; R5=GWRCol; R6=GWTRow
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #ScrLoaSpriteCB
-        ADD     R0, R0, #spWidth                ; R7=width-1; R8=height-1
-        LDMIA   R0, {R7-R10}                    ; R9=LBit; R10=RBit
-        SUB     R5, R5, R3                      ; R5 = window width
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #XWindLimit]
-        TEQ     R0, R5                          ; if window width=full screen
-        TEQEQ   R9, #0                          ; and LBit=0
-        TEQEQ   R10, #31                        ; and RBit=31
-        BNE     %FT05
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1                      ; R5 = screen width in pixels
-        ADD     R7, R7, #1                      ; R7 = sprite width in words
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        MLA     R0, R7, R0, R7                  ; R0 = width*(npix+1)
-        TEQ     R0, R5                          ; and spritewidth=full screen
-        BNE     %FT05
-      [ {TRUE}
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        MOV     R1, R5, LSL R14                 ; bit size of 1 row of pixels
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #3                  ; byte size of 1 row of pixels
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #LineLength]       ; LineLength (in bytes)
-        TEQ     R1, R14                         ; if they differ (eg interlaced mode)
-        BNE     %FT05                           ;   then we can't optimise
-      ]
-; we know we can do it all in one chunk
-; work out screen address and sprite offset
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; if computing clip box
-        TST     R1, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        Push    "R0-R4", NE
-        BLNE    SetClipBoxToFullScreen          ; then set to full screen
-        Pull    "R0-R4", NE                     ; above routine preserves PSR
-        MOV     R7, R7, LSL #2                  ; R7 = line width in bytes
-        ADD     R1, R8, R4                      ; R1 = height-1 + GWBRow = YT
-        SUBS    R9, R1, R6                      ; if YT > GWTRow then
-                                                ; start at row (YT-GWTRow)
-        MOVHI   R1, R6                          ; and YT=GWTRow, else
-        MOVLS   R9, #0                          ; start at row 0 (and YT=YT)
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaAreaCB+saFirst]
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #ScrLoaSpriteCB
-        LDR     R2, [R2, #spImage]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2
-        SUB     R0, R0, #4                      ; R0=offset into file of image
-        MLA     R4, R7, R9, R0                  ; add on vertical wastage*width
-        SUB     R9, R8, R9                      ; R9 = height-1-wastage
-        MLA     R9, R7, R9, R7                  ; number of bytes to transfer
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        BL      ScreenAddr                      ; R2 := screen address
-        MOV     R3, R9
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaHandle]
-        MOV     R0, #3                          ; read from this position
-        SWI     XOS_GBPB
-        BVS     %FT70                           ; if error
-        B       %FT52                           ; no error
-; can't do it all at once; R3 = GWLCol, R4 = GWBRow
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #ScrLoaSpriteCB      ; point at the spriteCB
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        BL      GenSpritePlotParmBlk            ; "plotting" at (GWLCol,GWBRow)
-        BVS     %FT55                           ; off screen (not an error)
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #ScrLoaSpriteCB
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr]        ; convert MemAdr into
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaAreaCB+saFirst]
-        SUB     R4, R4, #4
-        SUB     R4, R4, R2
-        ADD     R4, R4, R5
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaFilPtr]      ; file ptr
-        LDR     R4, [R2, #spWidth]              ; convert spWidth into
-        ADD     R4, R4, #1
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSL #2
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaFilOfst]     ; file ptr offset
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltColCnt]
-        ADD     R4, R4, #2
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSL #2
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaBytes]
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #ScrLoaBuffer
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #SPltMemAdr]
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaBufAdr]
-10                                              ; read row from file
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #ScrLoaHandle
-        LDMIA   R1, {R1,R2,R3,R4}               ; Handle,BufAdr,Bytes,FilPtr
-        MOV     R0, #3
-        SWI     XOS_GBPB
-        BVS     %FT70
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #SPltScrAdr
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0-R1,R5-R7}       ; R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7
-                                        ; ScrAdr,ColCnt,     BufAdr,ShftR,ShftL
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}             ; plot the first (leftmost) word
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltLMask] ; on leftmost word, mask down
-        AND     R2, R2, R3              ; to just the required pixels
-        LDR     R4, [R0]                ; plot 1 word
-        BIC     R4, R4, R3
-        ORR     R4, R4, R2
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BLT     %FT50                   ; if all plotted, try next scanline
-                                        ; else try for blocks of 4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BLT     %FT30
-        ;R0    ,R1         ,R5    ,R6   ,R7
-        ;ScrAdr,ColCnt,    ,BufAdr,ShftR,ShftL
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3,R8-R10}      ; 5 words needed, gives 4 after shift
-        ADD     R5, R5, #16             ; advance source ptr 4 words
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R4-R0 right R6 bits
-        ShiftR  R3,R8, R6,R7            ; we only want result words R3-R0
-        ShiftR  R8,R9, R6,R7
-        ShiftR  R9,R10,R6,R7
-        STMIA   R0!, {R2,R3,R8-R9}      ; write 4 words back to screen
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BGE     %BT20
-30                                      ; try 1 word at a time
-        ADDS    R1, R1, #4
-;R0    ,R1    ,     R5    ,R6   ,R7
-;ScrAdr,ColCnt,     BufAdr,ShftR,ShftL
-; If EQ this is rightmost word
-        BEQ     %FT45
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BGT     %BT40
-        LDMIA   R5, {R2,R3}
-        ADD     R5, R5, #4
-        ShiftR  R2,R3, R6,R7            ; shift R3,R2 right R6 places
-                                        ; we only need result word R2
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #SPltRMask] ; rightmost word, so mask down to
-        AND     R2, R2, R3              ; just the required pixels
-        LDR     R4, [R0]
-        BIC     R4, R4, R3
-        ORR     R4, R4, R2
-        STR     R4, [R0], #4
-50                                      ; now try the next scanline
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #SPltWidth
-        LDMIA   R11, {R1,R2,R3,R4}      ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff
-        ADD     R5, R0, R3
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
-        STMIA   R11, {R1,R2,R3,R4,R5}   ; Width,Height,ScrOff,MemOff,ScrAdr
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #ScrLoaHandle ; R1    ,R2    ,R3   ,R4    ,R5
-        LDMIA   R11, {R1,R2,R3,R4,R5}     ; Handle,BufAdr,Bytes,FilPtr,FilOfst
-        ADD     R4, R4, R5
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #ScrLoaFilPtr]
-        BGE     %BT10                   ; plot next scanline
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; close file
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-        BVS     %FT80
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-        ADRL    R0,SpriteErr_NotGraphics
-      [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
-      ]
-70                                      ; return point after an error
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]  ; R0 ptr to message, R1 file handle
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; close file
-        SWI     XOS_Find
-80                                      ; error, file not open
-        STRVS   R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        SWI     XOS_RestoreCursors
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVS
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafl b/s/vdu/vdugrafl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c74b284..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,700 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafL
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Sprite stuff
-; Author T M Dobson
-; Date   22-Sep-87
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadSaveAreaSize - Read size of a VDU context save area
-; in:   R0 = SpriteReason_ReadSaveAreaSize
-;       R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite (0 => screen (possibly))
-; out:  R3 = size of an area suitable for this sprite
-ReadSaveAreaSize ROUT
-        MOV     R3, #MainSize           ; I was kidding about it depending
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #RetnReg3]  ; on the sprite!
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SwitchOutputToSprite - Make VDU(graphics) output go to a sprite
-;       External routine
-; in:   R0 = SpriteReason_SwitchOutputTo <Sprite or Mask>
-;       R1 -> sprite area
-;       R2 -> sprite (0 => screen)
-;       R3 -> save area for VDU variables relating to sprite
-;        0 => no save area, initialise variables from mode number of sprite
-;             or display mode number
-;        1 => use MOS's save area
-;       First word of save area = 0      => uninitialised save area
-;                                 "VOTS" => initialised save area
-;                                 else error
-; From Medusa onwards, things are further complicated here by the fact that
-; the sprite may have a new sprite mode word rather than a mode number. When
-; the former case occurs calling pushmodeinfoanymonitor doesn't really help
-; very much. Instead, when a sprite mode word is given, it will derive or
-; fudge all the variables that it is really interested from the sprite mode
-; word directly.
-SwitchOutputToSprite ROUT
-SwitchOutputToMask ROUT
-        CMP     R3, #1                  ; check for values 0 and 1
-        MOVCC   R4, #0                  ; R3=0 => no save area, so not inited
-        ADDEQ   R5, WsPtr, #VduSaveArea ; R3=1 => MOS's area
-        MOVHI   R5, R3                  ; else user area
-        LDRCS   R4, [R5, #InitFlag]     ; if is an area, load R4 with init flag
-        LDR     R5, VOTS                ; compare with initialised identifier
-        TEQ     R4, R5                  ; if not initialised
-        TEQNE   R4, #0                  ; and not uninitialised
-        BNE     InvalidSaveArea
-; no more errors can be generated, so update returned registers
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #VduOutputCurrentState
-        LDMIA   R5, {R6-R9}
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #RetnReg0
-        STMIA   R5, {R6-R9}
-        Push    "R0-R4,R14"
-        ASSERT  SpriteMaskSelect = VduOutputCurrentState +0
-        ASSERT  VduSpriteArea    = VduOutputCurrentState + 4
-        ASSERT  VduSprite        = VduOutputCurrentState + 8
-        ORR     R0, R0, #RangeC         ; make R0 into &2nn
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #VduOutputCurrentState
-        STMIA   R5, {R0-R2}
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; remove cursor
-        BL      PackVars                ; save away current vars into save area
-                                        ; (if any)
-        Pull    "R0-R4"
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #VduSaveAreaPtr] ; save new save area ptr
-        TEQ     R2, #0                  ; if switching to screen
-        LDREQ   R9, [WsPtr, #DisplayScreenStart] ; then load up new ScreenStart
-        LDREQ   R11, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeNo] ; and mode number
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; and skip sprite stuff
-; do stuff for switching to sprite
-        Push    R0
-        BL      RemoveLeftHandWastage   ; then remove LH wastage from sprite
-        Pull    R0                      ; (spLBit := 0)
-        ASSERT  spHeight = spWidth +4
-        ASSERT  spLBit   = spWidth +8
-        ASSERT  spRBit   = spWidth +12
-        ASSERT  spImage  = spWidth +16
-        ASSERT  spTrans  = spWidth +20
-        ASSERT  spMode   = spWidth +24
-        ADD     R5, R2, #spWidth        ; R5=width:R6=height:R7=LBit(=0)
-        LDMIA   R5, {R5-R11}            ; R8=RBit:R9=Image:R10=Trans:R11=Mode
-        TEQ     R0, #SpriteReason_SwitchOutputToMask
-        BNE     %FT23
-        MOV     R9, R10                 ; point at mask instead of image
-        MOVS    R0, R11, LSR #27
-        BEQ     %FT23                   ; check for old format masks
-        BL      GetMaskspWidth          ; adjust R5 and R8 to mask dimensions
-        BIC     R11, R11, #&F8000000
-        ORR     R11, R11, #&08000000    ; force it to a type 1 (1bpp) sprite
-        ADD     R9, R9, R2              ; R9 -> sprite data or mask
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        STR     R11, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]           ; new mode number
-        MOV     R10, R11
-        BL      PushModeInfoAnyMonitor
-        MOV     R11, R13
-        TEQ     R2, #0                          ; if outputting to screen
-        LDREQ   R5, [R11, #wkLineLength]        ; then load up values
-        LDREQ   R6, [R11, #wkYWindLimit]        ; from mode table
-        LDREQ   R7, [R11, #wkXWindLimit]
-        LDREQ   R8, [R11, #wkScrRCol]
-        LDREQ   R10, [R11, #wkScrBRow]
-        BEQ     %FT30                           ; and skip more sprite stuff
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #2                  ; R5 = width in bytes
-        ADD     R7, R8, R5, LSL #3              ; R7 = LineLength*8 + spRBit
-        SUB     R7, R7, #31                     ; R7=active area width in bits
-        LDR     R8, [R11, #wkLog2BPC]
-        MOV     R7, R7, LSR R8                  ; R7 = width in pixels
-        MOV     R8, R7, LSR #3                  ; R8 = width in text columns
-        SUB     R7, R7, #1                      ; R7 = max value of GWRCol
-        SUB     R8, R8, #1                      ; R8 = max column number
-        ADD     R10, R6, #1                     ; R10 = no. of pixel rows
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSR #3                ; R10 = number of char rows
-        SUB     R10, R10, #1                    ; R4 = maximum row number
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #XWindLimit]
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]
-        STR     R10, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]
-        LDR     R0,[R11, #wkNColour]
-        STR     R0,[WsPtr, #NColour]            ; copy number of colours -1
-        ADD     R11, R11, #wkmiddle
-        MOV     R0, #wkmidend-wkmiddle  ; number of bytes to do
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #YShftFactor ; first mode variable that we do
-        LDR     R5, [R11], #4           ; copy byte from mode table
-        STR     R5, [R1], #4            ; into word variable
-        SUBS    R0, R0, #4              ; decrement count
-        BNE     %BT40                   ; loop until finished
-        ADD     R13, R13, #PushedInfoSize       ; junked stacked info
-; now create other variables from simple ones
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #XEigFactor]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        ORRNE   R6, R6, #Flag_HardScrollDisabled ; if sprite then disable hard
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        ;if switching to a sprite, check for full palette 8bpp, and set modeflags and
-        ;NColour to suit.
-        TEQ     R2, #0
-        BEQ     %FT65                   ; switching to a sprite ?
-        CMP     R0, #3
-        BNE     %FT65                   ; which is 8bpp ?
-        ADD     R7, R2, #spImage        ; point R7 at the image/mask start pair
-        LDMIA   R7, {R7, LR}            ; fetch them
-        CMP     R7, LR                  ; which is lower
-        MOVGT   R7, LR                  ; use the lowest
-        SUB     R7, R7, #spPalette      ; get the size of the palette
-        CMP     R7, #&800               ; full 8bpp palette ?
-        BNE     %FT65
-        ORR     R6, R6, #Flag_FullPalette
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags] ; set the full palette flag
-        MOV     R7, #255
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #NColour]   ; and set the number of colours
-        TST     R6, #Flag_DoubleVertical
-        ADREQL  R7, WrchNbitTab         ; point to correct table
-        ADRNEL  R7, WrchNbitDoubleTab
-        LDR     R8, [R7, R1, LSL #2]    ; get offset to correct code
-        ADD     R8, R8, R7              ; convert to absolute address
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #WrchNbit]
-        ADRL    R7, CursorNbitTab
-        LDR     R8, [R7, R1, LSL #2]
-        ADD     R8, R8, R7
-        TST     R6, #Flag_Teletext
-        ADRNEL  R8, CursorTeletext
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #CursorNbit]
-        TST     R6, #Flag_NonGraphic
-        MOVEQ   R7, #32                 ; if graphic mode
-        MOVEQ   R7, R7, LSR R1          ; then = (32 >> lbpc)-1
-        SUBEQ   R7, R7, #1
-        MOVNE   R7, #0                  ; else = 0 ;;; NOT REALLY SAFE BET ANYMORE!!!
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        RSB     R7, R1, #5              ; XShftFactor = 5-log2bpc
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #XShftFactor]
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #YEigFactor]
-        SUBS    R7, R5, R7              ; XEigFactor-YEigFactor
-        MOVLT   R7, #2                  ; X<Y => 2 (vert rect)
-        MOVGT   R7, #1                  ; X>Y => 1 (horz rect)
-                                        ; else X=Y => 0 (square)
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #AspectRatio]
-        MOV     R8, #1
-        MOV     R7, R8, LSL R0          ; bpp = 1 << lbpp
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        MOV     R7, R8, LSL R1          ; bpc = 1 << lbpc
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        TST     R6, #Flag_Teletext      ; in teletext mode
-        MOVNE   R7, R7, LSL #1          ; characters are 16 pixels
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      ]
-        TST     R6, #Flag_BBCGapMode    ; is it a BBC gap mode ?
-        MOVNE   R7, #&55                ; yes, then use colour 1
-        BNE     %FT70
-        TEQ     R0, #2                  ; if (1<<2=4) bits per pixel
-        MOVEQ   R7, #&77                ; then use colour 7 for cursor
-        MOVNE   R7, #&FF                ; else use colour 15
-      [ TTX256
-        TST     R6, #Flag_Teletext      ; unless it's teletext
-        MOVNE   R7, #&07                ; in which case still use colour 7
-      ]
-        ORR     R7, R7, R7, LSL #8      ; fill out to whole word
-        ORR     R7, R7, R7, LSL #16
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #CursorFill]
-        TST     R6, #Flag_DoubleVertical
-        MOVEQ   R7, #8                  ; if single vertical then 8 pixels
-        MOVNE   R7, #16                 ; if double vertical then 16 pixels
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #TCharSizeY]
-        TST     R6, #Flag_GapMode
-        ADDNE   R7, R7, R7, LSR #2      ; make 10 or 20 if gap mode
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #TCharSpaceY]
-        MOV     R8, #8
-      [ HiResTTX
-        TST     R6, #Flag_Teletext
-        MOVNE   R8, #16
-      ]
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #TCharSizeX]
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #TCharSpaceX]
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MUL     R7, R8, R7
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-; finished doing other variables
-        SWI     XColourTrans_InvalidateCache    ; let ColourTrans know we've changed mode
-                                                ; so that colours get set up correctly
-        TEQ     R4, #0                  ; initialising from a save area ?
-        BEQ     %FT80                   ; no, then set to defaults
-        BL      UnpackVars
-        BL      AddressCursors
-        BL      ValidateVars
-        BL      PlainBit
-        BL      SetColour
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        ORR     R6, R6, #TEUpdate       ; TextExpand needs updating
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        B       %FT90
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        MOV     R0, #0
-;        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ECFShift]
-;        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ECFYOffset]
-; This needed to be changed to make the bottom left of the screen (rather
-; than the top left) be the default ECF origin.
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        AND     R0, R0, #7
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ECFYOffset]
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ECFShift]
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ClipBoxEnable]
-        STRB    R0, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: VDUqueueItems]
-        MOV     R0, #8
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCharSizeX]        ; chars are 8x8 by default
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCharSizeY]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCharSpaceX]       ; and with 8x8 spacing
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #GCharSpaceY]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        BIC     R0, R0, #(ActualState :OR: Vdu5Bit)
-        BIC     R0, R0, #(CursorsSplit :OR: PageMode :OR: TeletextMode :OR: ClipBoxEnableBit)
-        TST     R1, #Flag_Teletext              ; is it teletext ?
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #TeletextMode           ; yes, then set bit
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        BLNE    TeletextInit                    ; initialise TTX if appropriate
-        BL      InitCursor                      ; initialise cursor after
-                                                ; cursorflags
-        BL      PlainBit                ; also sets up RAMMaskTb
-        BL      DefaultColours          ; N.B. SetColour is called by both
-        BL      DefaultEcfPattern       ; of these.
-        BL      DefaultLineStyle
-        BL      DefaultWindows
-        BL      Home
- [ STB		; Change made by TMD 29-May-96, to stop cursor flashing before interlace module has
-		; fixed up LineLength on Service_SwitchingOutputToSprite
-        MOV     R1, #Service_SwitchingOutputToSprite    ; issue the service *first*
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #VduOutputCurrentState
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2-R5}                             ; load the registers that were in R0-R3 on entry
-        IssueService
-        BL      PostWrchCursor				; it should now be safe to restore the cursor
- |
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        MOV     R1, #Service_SwitchingOutputToSprite    ; call Ran's service
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #VduOutputCurrentState
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2-R5}                             ; load the registers that were in R0-R3 on entry
-        IssueService
- ]
-        Pull    R14
-        RETURNVC
-        ADRL    R0, SpriteErr_InvalidSaveArea
-      [ International
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    "lr"
-      ]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RetnReg0]
-        RETURNVS
-VOTS    =       "VOTS"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Specially saved items
-                        ^       0
-InitFlag                #       4       ; 0 => uninit, "VOTS" => init
-SavedSpoolFileH         #       1       ; an OSBYTE variable
-SavedWrchDest           #       1       ; --------""--------
-SavedVDUqueueItems      #       1       ; --------""--------
-                        #       1       ; padding to word align it
-SavedDataOffset         #       0       ; start of compressed data
-        GBLA    FirstOffset
-        GBLA    NextOffset
-        GBLA    CompressedSize
-        MACRO
-        CompStart
-FirstOffset SETA -1
-NextOffset SETA -1
-CompressedSize SETA 0
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        Compress $v0, $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5, $v6, $v7
-        [ "$v0"<>""
-        Compo $v0
-        ]
-        [ "$v1"<>""
-        Compo $v1
-        ]
-        [ "$v2"<>""
-        Compo $v2
-        ]
-        [ "$v3"<>""
-        Compo $v3
-        ]
-        [ "$v4"<>""
-        Compo $v4
-        ]
-        [ "$v5"<>""
-        Compo $v5
-        ]
-        [ "$v6"<>""
-        Compo $v6
-        ]
-        [ "$v7"<>""
-        Compo $v7
-        ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        Compo   $var
-        [ FirstOffset <> -1
-         [ $var = NextOffset
-NextOffset SETA ($var)+4
-         |
-         DCW FirstOffset
-         DCW NextOffset
-CompressedSize SETA CompressedSize + (NextOffset-FirstOffset)
-FirstOffset SETA $var
-NextOffset SETA ($var)+4
-         ]
-        |
-FirstOffset SETA $var
-NextOffset SETA ($var)+4
-        ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        CompMult $start, $size
-        [ FirstOffset <> -1
-         [ $start = NextOffset
-NextOffset SETA $start + $size
-         |
-         DCW FirstOffset
-         DCW NextOffset
-CompressedSize SETA CompressedSize + (NextOffset-FirstOffset)
-FirstOffset SETA $start
-NextOffset SETA $start + $size
-         ]
-        |
-FirstOffset SETA $start
-NextOffset SETA $start + $size
-        ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        CompRange $start, $end
-        CompMult $start, ($end+4-$start)
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        CompEnd
-        [ FirstOffset <> -1
-        DCW FirstOffset
-        DCW NextOffset
-CompressedSize SETA CompressedSize + (NextOffset-FirstOffset)
-        ]
-        &       -1
-        MEND
-        CompStart
-;        CompMult  FgEcf, 8*4        ; recreated from GCOLs + ecfs by
-;        CompMult  BgEcf, 8*4        ; call to SetColour
-        Compress  GPLFMD, GPLBMD, GFCOL, GBCOL, GWLCol, GWBRow, GWRCol, GWTRow
-        CompRange qqqPad, JVec
-;        Compress  ScreenStart ; worked out from sprite address each time
-        Compress  TWLCol, TWBRow, TWRCol, TWTRow
-        CompRange OrgX, NewPtY
-        Compress  TForeCol, TBackCol, CursorX, CursorY
-;       Compress  CursorAddr, InputCursorAddr - computed from (Input)CursorX,Y
-        Compress  InputCursorX, InputCursorY
-        Compress  VduStatus
-        Compress  CursorDesiredState, CursorStartOffset, CursorEndOffset
-        Compress  CursorCounter, CursorSpeed, Reg10Copy
-;       Compress  CursorFill, CursorNbit - computed from mode variables
-;       Compress  DriverBankAddr - refers to screen always
-        CompRange Ecf1, Ecf4+4
-        CompMult  DotLineStyle, 8
-;       Compress  ModeNo - stored in sprite itself
-        Compress  TFTint, TBTint, GFTint, GBTint
-;       Compress  TotalScreenSize, MaxMode, ScreenEndAddr - refer to screen always
-        Compress  CursorFlags, CursorStack
-        Compress  ECFShift, ECFYOffset
-        Compress  GCharSizeX, GCharSizeY, GCharSpaceX, GCharSpaceY
-;       Compress  TCharSizeX, TCharSizeY        ; recomputed from mode number
-;       Compress  TCharSpaceX, TCharSpaceY      ; each time
-;       CompMult  FgEcfOraEor, 64      ; recreated from GCOLs and ecfs
-;       CompMult  BgEcfOraEor, 64      ; by call to SetColour
-;       CompMult  BgEcfStore, 64       ;
-        Compress  LineDotCnt, LineDotPatLSW, LineDotPatMSW, DotLineLength
-        Compress  BBCcompatibleECFs
-;       Compress  WrchNbit - computed from mode number
-        CompRange ClipBoxEnable, ClipBoxTRow
-        CompMult  FgPattern, 4*8
-        CompMult  BgPattern, 4*8
-        Compress  TextFgColour
-        Compress  TextBgColour
-        CompEnd
-MainSize * CompressedSize + SavedDataOffset
-        ASSERT  MainSize <= SaveAreaSize
-        ! 0, "Space free in VDU save area = ":CC::STR:(SaveAreaSize-MainSize)
-        [ {FALSE}                       ; don't allow teletext mode for now
-        CompStart
-        CompMult  TTXDoubleCounts, 28   ; (25 rounded up to a word)
-        CompMult  TTXMap, 41*25*4
-        CompEnd
-TTXSize * CompressedSize
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PackVars - Pack variables into save area
-PackVars ROUT
-        CLC                             ; clear carry - indicate packing
-        Push    "R0-R4,R14"
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduSaveAreaPtr]
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC", EQ          ; ptr=0 => no area
-        TEQ     R0, #1
-        ADDEQ   R0, WsPtr, #VduSaveArea ; ptr=1 => use MOS's save area
-        BL      DoSpecialVars                   ; process special vars
-        ADD     R0, R0, #SavedDataOffset        ; move on to compressed data
-        ADR     R1, CompressionTable
-        LDR     R2, [R1], #4
-        MVNS    R3, R2                  ; set Z if it was -1 (end of table)
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC", EQ          ; (preserves C)
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, R2, LSR #16          ; R3 = end pointer
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #16
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, R2, LSR #16          ; R2 = start pointer
-        LDRCC   R4, [R2], #4                    ; load a word from vars
-        LDRCS   R4, [R0], #4                    ; or from save area
-        STRCC   R4, [R0], #4                    ; store into save area
-        STRCS   R4, [R2], #4                    ; or into vars
-        TEQ     R2, R3                          ; end of this block ?
-        BNE     %BT20                           ; [no, so loop]
-        B       %BT10                           ; go back for another block
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UnpackVars - Unpack variables from save area
-UnpackVars ROUT
-        SEC                             ; set carry - indicate unpacking
-        B       PackOrUnpack
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoSpecialVars - Pack/unpack special vars: CursorAddr, InputCursorAddr,
-;        (stored relative to ScreenStart); SpoolFileH, WrchDest, VDUqueueItems
-; in:   R0 -> save area
-; out:  R0 preserved
-;       R1-R2 corrupted
-;       Flags preserved
-DoSpecialVars ROUT
-        BYTEWS  R1
-        BCS     %FT10
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #:INDEX: SpoolFileH]
-        STRB    R2, [R0, #SavedSpoolFileH]
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #:INDEX: WrchDest]
-        STRB    R2, [R0, #SavedWrchDest]
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #:INDEX: VDUqueueItems]
-        STRB    R2, [R0, #SavedVDUqueueItems]
-        LDR     R1, VOTS                ; initialised save area identifier
-        STR     R1, [R0, #InitFlag]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; unpack special vars (R1 -> ByteWS)
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #SavedSpoolFileH]
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #:INDEX: SpoolFileH]
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #SavedWrchDest]
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #:INDEX: WrchDest]
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #SavedVDUqueueItems]
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #:INDEX: VDUqueueItems]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ValidateVars - Validate unpacked variables (windows, cursor posns)
-ValidateVars ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ASSERT  ScrBRow = ScrRCol + 4
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #ScrRCol
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4, R5}            ; R4 = ScrRCol; R5 = ScrBRow
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, #TWLCol      ; R0 = TWLCol; R1 = TWBRow
-        LDMIA   R6, {R0-R3}             ; R2 = TWRCol; R3 = TWTRow
-        MOV     R7, #0
-        MOV     R8, R5
-        MOV     R9, R4
-        MOV     R10, #0
-        STMIA   R6, {R7-R10}            ; set up default window
-        BL      FSRegs                  ; and attempt to define text window
-        ASSERT  YWindLimit = XWindLimit + 4
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #XWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R0, {R2, R3}            ; R2 = XWindLimit; R3 = YWindLimit
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #GWLCol      ; R4 = GWLCol; R5 = GWBRow
-        LDMIA   R8, {R4-R7}             ; R6 = GWRCol; R7 = GWTRow
-        CMP     R6, R2                  ; if GWRCol > XWindLimit
-        CMPLS   R7, R3                  ; or GWTRow > YWindLimit
-        MOVHI   R0, #0
-        MOVHI   R1, #0
-        STMHIIA R8, {R0-R3}             ; then set default graphics window
-        Pull    PC
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafv b/s/vdu/vdugrafv
deleted file mode 100644
index c6c87487..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2002 Tematic Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduGrafV
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Default GraphicsV claimant
-; Author K J Bracey
-; Date   30.8.02
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_VSync = 1
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_SetMode = 2
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_SetInterlace = 3
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_SetBlank = 4
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_UpdatePointer = 5
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_SetDMAAddress = 6
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_VetMode = 7
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_DisplayFeatures = 8
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntry = 10
-        ASSERT  GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntries = 11
-MOSGraphicsV ROUT
-        CMP     r4, #11
-        ADDLS   pc, pc, r4, LSL #2
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; reason code not known, so pass it on
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; 0
-        B       GV_VSync                ; 1
-        B       GV_SetMode              ; 2
-        B       GV_SetInterlace         ; 3
-        B       GV_SetBlank             ; 4
-        B       GV_UpdatePointer        ; 5
-        B       GV_SetAddress           ; 6
-        B       GV_VetMode              ; 7
-        B       GV_Features             ; 8
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; 9
-        B       GV_WritePaletteEntry    ; 10
-        B       GV_WritePaletteEntries  ; 11
-GV_VSync        ROUT
- [ {FALSE}
-  [ HAL
-        Push    "lr"
-  ]
-        LDR     WsPtr, =OsbyteVars
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        B       VsyncIRQ_ExtEntry
- |
-; Switch to interrupt mode to process this.
-        ASSERT  No26bitCode
-        LDR     WsPtr, =OsbyteVars
-        MRS     r4, CPSR
-        Push    "lr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, #I32_bit + IRQ32_mode
-        Push    "r4, lr"
-     [ HAL
-        Push    "pc"
-        B       VsyncIRQ_ExtEntry
-        NOP
-     |
-        BL      VsyncIRQ_ExtEntry
-     ]
-        Pull    "r4, lr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r4
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "pc"
- ]
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_SetMode
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_SetInterlace
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_SetBlank
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_UpdatePointer
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_SetDAG
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r1-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_VetMode
-        Pull    "r1-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r0,r1,r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_Features
-        STR     r0, [sp, #0]
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_PixelFormats
-        STR     r0, [sp, #4]
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_BufferAlignment
-        MOV     r2, r0
-        Pull    "r0,r1,r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, lr"
-        mjsAddressHAL WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, pc"
-        Push    "r10,r12,lr"
-        MOV     r10, #GraphicsV
-        BL      CallVector
-        Pull    "r10,r12,pc"
-; Corrupts R9-R11
-; returns EQ if acceleration valid
-        ASSERT  Log2BPP = Log2BPC +4
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #Log2BPC
-        LDMIA   R9, {R9, R10}                   ; R9 = Log2BPC; R10 = Log2BPP
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        TEQ     R9, R10                         ; BPC must equal BPP
-        TEQEQ   R11, #0                         ; Must not be redirected
-        MOV     PC, R14
- ] ; UseGraphicsV
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduhint b/s/vdu/vduhint
deleted file mode 100644
index eeaaaff8..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vduhint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1398 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; vduhint
-; VDU hardware interface
-; part of Kernel/HAL division
-; Author Mike Stephens (mjs)
-; Date   Sep 2000
-; vduhint is currently also a repository for VIDC20/IOMD specific HAL
-; code, as stage 1 of Kernel/HAL split for video code
-; eventually, vduhint should either have any veneer code/defns or
-; should disappear altogether
-; temp mjs versions of macros to call HAL routines are
-; defined in s.Kernel
-; mjsAddressHAL and mjsCallHAL
-; the HAL calls will be ARM ATPCS compliant (HAL API defined in C)
-; for calls from kernel assembler code this means:
-;     r0-r3 (a1-a4) used for up to first 4 args
-;     any further args on stack (SP would need adjusting back after call)
-;     any scalar result of 'C' function in r0 (a1)
-;     HAL w/s pointer must be passed in r9 (SB or static base in ATPCS)
-;     So, register usage:
-;     r0-r3,r12 corrupted (a1-a4,IP)
-;     r4-r8,r10,r11 (v1-v5,v7,v8) preserved by all HAL calls
-;     r9 is HAL w/s pointer (preserved)
-;     r13,r14 are SP,LR as usual!
-; The real routines make calls via symbols that are indices in a jump
-; table - see s.HAL
-; The mjs routines make calls via symbols that are routines still
-; temporarily in kernel, but simulate the same register usage
-  [ HAL
-    ;;; nothing at all here so far in HAL case!
-    ! 0, "vdu.vduhint compiles as empty in HAL case"
-  |
-    ;;; non-HAL case, pseudo HAL code
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; TEMP defn for workspace while code still in kernel
-; layout of workspace block anchored at mjs_tempHALworkspace
-                            ^    0
-mjs_thalwk_start            #    0
-VIDC_Address                #    4   ; so code doesn't need a compile-time constant if in HAL
-IOMD_Address                #    4   ; so code doesn't need a compile-time constant if in HAL
-VIDC_NextPaletteIndex       #    4   ; last index used in setting normal palette entry
-VIDC_SoftPalette0           #    4   ; soft copy of BBGGRRSS for normal palette entry 0
-                                     ; (used to support ReadPaletteEntry)
-VIDC_Interlace              #    4   ; flag from VIDCList3 SyncPol word
-VIDC_VertiDisplaySize       #    4   ; we keep this for vertical pointer clipping
-VIDC_PointerVAdjust         #    4   ; vertical adjust for pointer
-VIDC_PointerHAdjust         #    4   ; horizontal adjust for pointer
-VIDC_ExternalSoftCopy       #    4
-VIDC_FSynSoftCopy           #    4
-VIDC_ControlSoftCopy        #    4
-VIDC_HSWRSoftCopy           #    4   ; horizontal sync width
-VIDC_VSWRSoftCopy           #    4   ; vertical sync width
-IOMD_VInitSoftCopy          #    4
-IOMD_VEndSoftCopy           #    4
-mjs_thalwk_end              #    0
-mjs_thalwk_size * mjs_thalwk_end - mjs_thalwk_start
-mjs_tempHALworkspace_init ROUT
-    Push     "r0, lr"
-    LDR      r0, =mjs_tempHALworkspace
-    LDR      r0, [r0, #0]
-    MOV      lr, #VIDC
-    STR      lr, [r0, #VIDC_Address]
-    MOV      lr, #IOMD_Base
-    STR      lr, [r0, #IOMD_Address]
-    MOV      lr, #-1
-    STR      lr, [r0, #VIDC_NextPaletteIndex]  ; init to invalid
-    MOV      lr, #0
-    STR      lr, [r0, #VIDC_SoftPalette0]
-    STR      lr, [r0, #VIDC_Interlace]
-    Pull     "r0, pc"
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;VIDC20 parameters size (for table of VIDC20 registers)
-VIDC20ParmsSize * (128*4) ; 128 words from 80xxxxxx to FFxxxxxx step 01000000
-; --- VIDC20 Registers ---
-VIDCPalAddress          *       &10000000       ; used in palette programming
-LCDOffsetRegister0      *       &30000000
-LCDOffsetRegister1      *       &31000000
-VIDC20BorderColour      *       &40000000       ; added by mjs
-VIDC20PointerColour     *       &50000000       ; added by mjs
-HorizCycle              *       &80000000
-HorizSyncWidth          *       &81000000
-HorizBorderStart        *       &82000000
-HorizDisplayStart       *       &83000000
-HorizDisplayEnd         *       &84000000
-HorizBorderEnd          *       &85000000
-HorizCursorStart        *       &86000000       ; used in pointer programming
-HorizInterlace          *       &87000000
-VertiCycle              *       &90000000
-VertiSyncWidth          *       &91000000       ; Needed to set up FSIZE register in IOMD
-VertiBorderStart        *       &92000000       ; First register affected by *TV
-VertiDisplayStart       *       &93000000
-VertiDisplayEnd         *       &94000000
-VertiBorderEnd          *       &95000000
-VertiCursorStart        *       &96000000
-VertiCursorEnd          *       &97000000       ; Last register affected by *TV
-VIDCExternal            *       &C0000000
-VIDCFSyn                *       &D0000000
-VIDCControl             *       &E0000000
-VIDCDataControl         *       &F0000000
-; Pseudo-registers used to return additional information to kernel
-PseudoRegisters         *       5               ; number of pseudo-register entries at end of table
-PseudoRegister_HClockSpeed *    &FB000000       ; used to indicate VIDC hclock speed (and use it)
-PseudoRegister_ClockSpeed *     &FC000000       ; used to indicate real VIDC rclock speed
-;no longer used:
-;PseudoRegister_DPMSState *      &FD000000       ; used to return desired DPMS state
-; [ ChrontelSupport
-;PseudoRegister_PixelRate *      &FE000000       ; used to indicate the required pixel rate
-; ]
-; Bits in VCSR, VCER
-CursorSinglePanel       *       0 :SHL: 13
-CursorTopPanel          *       1 :SHL: 13
-CursorBottomPanel       *       1 :SHL: 14
-CursorStraddle          *       3 :SHL: 13
-; Bits in external register
-Ext_HSYNCbits   *       3 :SHL: 16
-Ext_InvertHSYNC *       1 :SHL: 16
-Ext_CompHSYNC   *       2 :SHL: 16
-Ext_InvertCompHSYNC *   3 :SHL: 16
-Ext_VSYNCbits   *       3 :SHL: 18
-Ext_InvertVSYNC *       1 :SHL: 18
-Ext_CompVSYNC   *       2 :SHL: 18
-Ext_InvertCompVSYNC *   3 :SHL: 18
-Ext_HiResMono   *       1 :SHL: 14
-Ext_LCDGrey     *       1 :SHL: 13
-Ext_DACsOn      *       1 :SHL: 12
-Ext_PedsOn      *       7 :SHL: 8
-Ext_PedsShift   *       8
-Ext_ERegShift   *       4
-Ext_ECKOn       *       1 :SHL: 2
-Ext_ERegBits    *       3 :SHL: 0
-Ext_ERegRed     *       0 :SHL: 0
-Ext_ERegGreen   *       1 :SHL: 0
-Ext_ERegBlue    *       2 :SHL: 0
-Ext_ERegExt     *       3 :SHL: 0       ; use this for lowest power
-; Bits in Frequency Synthesizer Register
-FSyn_VShift     *       8
-FSyn_RShift     *       0
-FSyn_ClearV     *       1 :SHL: 15
-FSyn_ForceLow   *       1 :SHL: 14
-FSyn_ClearR     *       1 :SHL: 7
-FSyn_ForceHigh  *       1 :SHL: 6
-FSyn_ResetValue *       FSyn_ClearV :OR: FSyn_ClearR :OR: FSyn_ForceLow :OR: (63 :SHL: FSyn_RShift) :OR: (0 :SHL: FSyn_VShift)           ; value to get PLL working properly
-; Bits in Control Register
-CR_DualPanel    *       1 :SHL: 13
-CR_Interlace    *       1 :SHL: 12
-CR_FIFOLoadShift *      8
-CR_LBPP0        *       0 :SHL: 5
-CR_LBPP1        *       1 :SHL: 5
-CR_LBPP2        *       2 :SHL: 5
-CR_LBPP3        *       3 :SHL: 5
-CR_LBPP4        *       4 :SHL: 5
-CR_LBPP5        *       6 :SHL: 5 ; spot the gap!
-CR_PixelDivShift *      2
-CR_VCLK         *       0 :SHL: 0
-CR_HCLK         *       1 :SHL: 0
-CR_RCLK         *       2 :SHL: 0
-; Bits in Data Control Register
-DCR_VRAMOff     *       0 :SHL: 18
-DCR_VRAMDiv1    *       1 :SHL: 18
-DCR_VRAMDiv2    *       2 :SHL: 18
-DCR_VRAMDiv4    *       3 :SHL: 18
-DCR_BusBits     *       3 :SHL: 16
-DCR_Bus31_0     *       1 :SHL: 16
-DCR_Bus63_32    *       2 :SHL: 16
-DCR_Bus63_0     *       3 :SHL: 16
-DCR_HDis        *       1 :SHL: 13
-DCR_Sync        *       1 :SHL: 12
-DCR_HDWRShift   *       0
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;  void HAL_Video_SetMode(const void *VIDCList3)
-;  program VIDC20 registers from VIDCList3 specification
-;  in: VIDClist -> video mode list (in VIDCList type 3 format)
-;      (and sb (r9) -> HAL workspace)
-HAL_Video_SetMode ROUT
-        Push    "r4, r7,r8,r10,r11, lr"
-        MOV     r3, r0                    ; r3 -> VIDCList3
-        SUB     sp, sp, #VIDC20ParmsSize  ; create workspace for VIDC20 table on stack
-        SUB     r11, sp, #(&80*4)         ; r11 indexes into table workspace (allowing for
-                                          ; VIDC register numbers starting at &80)
-        MOV     r2, #-1                   ; first clear all entries to -1 (means dont program reg)
-        MOV     r4, #VIDC20ParmsSize
-        MOV     r14, sp
-        STR     r2, [r14], #4
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #4
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDR     r2, [r3, #VIDCList3_HorizSyncWidth]
-        BIC     r2, r2, #1                ; must be even
-        SUB     r2, r2, #8                ; horiz parameters start off at n-8
-        ORR     r14, r2, #HorizSyncWidth
-        STR     r14, [r11, #HorizSyncWidth :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_HorizBackPorch]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        BIC     r2, r2, #1
-        SUB     r2, r2, #4                ; HBSR is N-12
-        ORR     r14, r2, #HorizBorderStart
-        STR     r14, [r11, #HorizBorderStart :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_HorizLeftBorder]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        BIC     r2, r2, #1
-        SUB     r2, r2, #6                ; HDSR is N-18
-        ORR     r14, r2, #HorizDisplayStart
-        STR     r14, [r11, #HorizDisplayStart :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_HorizDisplaySize]
-        BIC     r4, r4, #1
-        LDR     r7, [r3, #VIDCList3_PixelDepth]
-        MOV     r10, r4, LSL r7           ; number of bits in one displayed raster (not needed later any more)
-        ANDS    r8, r10, #31              ; if line length not multiple of 32
-        MOVNE   r8, #DCR_HDis             ; then set HDis bit
-        ORR     r8, r8, r10, LSR #5       ; OR in number of words per line
-; Note - the DCR_Bus bits get overridden and the HDWR bits modified further down the line by the mode change code
-; on the basis of how much VRAM we've got, and on whether we have a dual-panel LCD or not...
-        ORR     r8, r8, #DCR_VRAMOff :OR: DCR_Bus31_0 :OR: DCR_Sync
-        ORR     r8, r8, #VIDCDataControl
-        STR     r8, [r11, #VIDCDataControl :SHR: 22]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4                ; HDER is also N-18
-        ORR     r14, r2, #HorizDisplayEnd
-        STR     r14, [r11, #HorizDisplayEnd :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_HorizRightBorder]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        ADD     r2, r2, #6                ; HBER is N-12
-        BIC     r2, r2, #1
-        ORR     r14, r2, #HorizBorderEnd
-        STR     r14, [r11, #HorizBorderEnd :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_HorizFrontPorch]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        ADD     r2, r2, #4                ; HCR is N-8
-        BIC     r2, r2, #3                ; must be mult of 4
-        ORR     r14, r2, #HorizCycle
-        STR     r14, [r11, #HorizCycle :SHR: 22]
-        ADD     r2, r2, #8                ; HIR is N/2
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #1
-        ORR     r14, r2, #HorizInterlace
-        STR     r14, [r11, #HorizInterlace :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r2, [r3, #VIDCList3_VertiSyncWidth]
-        SUB     r2, r2, #2                ; vertical registers are N-2
-        ORR     r14, r2, #VertiSyncWidth
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VertiSyncWidth :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_VertiBackPorch]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        ORR     r14, r2, #VertiBorderStart
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VertiBorderStart :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_VertiTopBorder]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        ORR     r14, r2, #VertiDisplayStart
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VertiDisplayStart :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_VertiDisplaySize]
-        STR     r4, [r9, #VIDC_VertiDisplaySize]        ; save it for cursor clipping
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        ORR     r14, r2, #VertiDisplayEnd
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VertiDisplayEnd :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_VertiBottomBorder]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        ORR     r14, r2, #VertiBorderEnd
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VertiBorderEnd :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_VertiFrontPorch]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4
-        ORR     r14, r2, #VertiCycle
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VertiCycle :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #VIDCList3_SyncPol]
-        TST     r4, #SyncPol_Interlace
-        MOVEQ   r14, #0
-        MOVNE   r14, #1
-        STR     r14, [r9, #VIDC_Interlace]
-        MOV     r14, #VIDCExternal
-        TST     r4, #SyncPol_InvertHSync
-        ORRNE   r14, r14, #Ext_InvertHSYNC
-        TST     r4, #SyncPol_InvertVSync
-        ORRNE   r14, r14, #Ext_InvertVSYNC
-        ORR     r14, r14, #Ext_DACsOn
-        ORR     r14, r14, #Ext_ERegExt
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VIDCExternal :SHR: 22]
-        MOV     r14, #VIDCControl
-        STR     r14, [r11, #VIDCControl :SHR: 22]
-        Push    "r3"
-; Now go through VIDC control parameters list (not all indices can be handled yet)
-        ADD     r3, r3, #VIDCList3_ControlList-8  ; point at 1st entry -8
-        LDR     r4, [r3, #8]!                   ; load next index
-        CMP     r4, #-1                         ; if -1 then end of list
-        BEQ     %FT60                           ; so skip
-        CMP     r4, #0                          ; if non-zero (CS if zero)
-        CMPNE   r4, #ControlList_InvalidReason  ; and if known reason
-        LDRCC   r2, [r3, #4]                    ; then load value
-        BLCC    ProcessControlListItem          ; and process this item
-        B       %BT50                           ; go onto next item in list
-; put a minimum of 4, cos 800 x 600 x 1bpp don't work otherwise
-        &       0                               ; dummy entry (not used)
-        &       0                               ; never use 0
-        &       0                               ; use 1 up to (and including) here
-        &       0                               ; use 2 up to (and including) here
-        &       0                               ; use 3 up to (and including) here
-        &       60000 :SHL: 3                   ; use 4 up to (and including) here
-        &       75000 :SHL: 3                   ; use 5 up to (and including) here
-        &       90000 :SHL: 3                   ; use 6 up to (and including) here
-                                                ; else use 7
-        Pull    "r3"
-        LDR     r0, [r3, #VIDCList3_PixelRate]  ; get pixel rate
-        MOV     r10, r0, LSL r7                 ; peak mem b/w (x 1E3 bits/sec) - save for FIFO calculation
-  ! 0, "mjsHAL - using kernel variable IOSystemType"
- [ MorrisSupport
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, #IOSystemType]
-        TST     R1, #IOST_7500
-        LDREQ   R1, =24000              ;RISC PC clocks VIDC20 at 24MHz
-        MOVNE   R1, #32000              ;Morris clocks VIDC20L at 32Mhz
- |
-        LDR     r1, =rclk       ; eventually will need to replace this if specified in control list
- ]
-        BL      ComputeModuli   ; out: r0 = FSync bits, r1 = CR bits
-        ORR     r0, r0, #VIDCFSyn
-        STR     r0, [r11, #VIDCFSyn :SHR: 22]
-        LDR     r0, [r11, #VIDCControl :SHR: 22]
-        ORR     r0, r0, r1
-        TEQ     r7, #5          ; if 32 bpp, then stick in 6 not 5
-        MOVEQ   r7, #6
-        ORR     r0, r0, r7, LSL #5
-; now work out FIFO load position - r10 is b/w in thousands of bytes/sec
-; do it by means of a binary chop on 3 bits
-        ADR     r4, FIFOLoadTable
-        LDR     r2, [r4, #4*4]                  ; load 0-3/4-7 split
-        CMP     r10, r2
-        MOVLS   r7, #0                          ; if <=, then bottom half
-        MOVHI   r7, #4                          ; else top half
-        ADDHI   r4, r4, #4*4                    ; and advance table pointer
-        LDR     r2, [r4, #2*4]
-        CMP     r10, r2
-        ORRHI   r7, r7, #2
-        ADDHI   r4, r4, #2*4
-        LDR     r2, [r4, #1*4]
-        CMP     r10, r2
-        ORRHI   r7, r7, #1
-        ORR     r0, r0, r7, LSL #CR_FIFOLoadShift
-        STR     r0, [r11, #VIDCControl :SHR: 22]
-        ADD     R0, r11, #(&80*4)           ; R0 -> VIDC20 table (remove offset for reg indices starting at &80)
-        BL      ProgramVIDC20Regs
-        ; now make sure video DMA enabled
-        ;
-        LDR     r7, [r9, #IOMD_Address]
-        LDRB    r8, [r7, #IOMD_VIDCR]
-        AND     r8, r8, #&7F                 ; knock out IOMD_VIDCR_Dup
-        ORR     r8, r8, #IOMD_VIDCR_Enable   ; enable video DMA
-        STRB    r8, [r7, #IOMD_VIDCR]
-        ADD     sp, sp, #VIDC20ParmsSize   ; drop workspace for table
-        Pull    "r4, r7,r8,r10,r11, pc"
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; ProgramVIDC20Regs - program registers from table
-;  entry: r0 -> VIDC table to program into registers
-;         (and r9 -> HAL workspace)
-;  allowed to corrupt any of r0-r4, r7,r8,r10,r11 (only called from HAL_Video_SetMode)
-ProgramVIDC20Regs ROUT
-        Push    "r6, lr"
-        LDR     R4, [R9, #VIDC_Interlace]
-        TST     R4, #1
-        MOVNE   R4, #CR_Interlace
-        MOV     R7, R0                  ; keep copy in R7 in case we go wrong
-        LDR     R3, [R9, #VIDC_Address] ; R3 -> VIDC20 h/w
-        MOV     R1, #(128-PseudoRegisters)*4 ; number of bytes to do (don't program pseudo-registers!)
-        LDR     R2, [R0], #4            ; Get data from table
-        CMP     R2, #-1                 ; unprogrammed register ?
-        BEQ     %FT80                   ; then skip
-        AND     R6, R2, #&FF000000
-        TEQ     R6, #HorizDisplayStart
-        STREQ   R2, [R9, #VIDC_PointerHAdjust]   ; save here for later calculation of adjust
-        TEQ     R6, #VertiDisplayStart          ; test for display start
-        BICEQ   R14, R2, #&FF000000             ; get rid of register bits
-        STREQ   R14, [R9, #VIDC_PointerVAdjust] ; save for pointer programming
-        TEQ     R6, #HorizSyncWidth             ; if h.sync width register
-        STREQ   R2, [R9, #VIDC_HSWRSoftCopy]    ; then save for DPMS stuff
-        TEQ     R6, #VertiSyncWidth             ; likewise v.sync width
-        STREQ   R2, [R9, #VIDC_VSWRSoftCopy]
-        TEQ     R6, #VIDCExternal       ; check for external register (which contains syncs)
-        BNE     %FT50
-   ! 0, "mjsHAL - currently assume vertical sync rather than find out (by HAL call to OS?)"
-;;;mjsHAL old code that operated on NE if composite sync found from SWI OS_ReadSysInfo 1
-;;;     BICNE   R2, R2, #(Ext_HSYNCbits :OR: Ext_VSYNCbits)     ; if composite sync then don't invert syncs
-;;;     ORRNE   R2, R2, #Ext_InvertCompVSYNC :OR: Ext_InvertCompHSYNC ; and force both syncs to be composite (because of lack of
-                                                                ; swap in A540 VIDC card)
-        B       %FT75
-        TEQ     R6, #VIDCFSyn
-        BNE     %FT60
-        LDR     R8, =FSyn_ResetValue    ; set test bits on, and r > v
-        ORR     R8, R8, #VIDCFSyn
-        STR     R8, [R3]
-; we may need some delay in here...
-        LDR     R8, =FSyn_ClearR :OR: FSyn_ClearV :OR: FSyn_ForceLow :OR: FSyn_ForceHigh
-        ORR     R2, R2, R8
-        BIC     R2, R2, #FSyn_ForceHigh ; force test bits on, except this one
-        STR     R2, [R3]
-; we may also need some delay in here...
-        BIC     R2, R2, R8              ; remove test bits
-        B       %FT75
-        TEQ     r6, #VIDCDataControl
-        BNE     %FT65
-   ! 0, "mjsHAL - using kernel variable VRAMWidth"
-        BIC     r2, r2, #DCR_BusBits
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        LDRB    r14, [r14, #VRAMWidth]
-        CMP     r14, #2                 ; if using 64-bit wide VRAM
-        ORRCS   r2, r2, #DCR_Bus63_0    ; then data on all 64 bits
-        ORRCC   r2, r2, #DCR_Bus31_0    ; else for 32-bit wide VRAM or DRAM-only,
-                                        ; data is on low 32 bits
-        BCC     %FT65
-; dual-bank VRAM, so HDWR value needs to be halved
-        MOV     r14, r2, LSL #(31-10)   ; get HDWR bits at top - NB allow bit 10 to be used here!
-        BIC     r2, r2, r14, LSR #(31-10) ; knock off bits
-        TST     r14, #1 :SHL: (31-10)   ; see if bottom bit would get knocked off
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #DCR_HDis       ; if so, then disable HDis mechanism (for eg mode 29)
-        ORREQ   r2, r2, r14, LSR #(31-9) ; otherwise, put bits back one bit further down
-        TEQ     R6, #VIDCControl        ; if control register
-        BNE     %FT75
-; programming control register, so EOR sync/interlace bits, save in soft copy
-; then work out horizontal pointer adjust from HorizDisplayStart
-; (saved in VIDC_PointerHAdjust) and bits-per-pixel in control register
-        EOR     R2, R2, R4                      ; then EOR sync/interlace bits
-        STR     R2, [R9, #VIDC_ControlSoftCopy] ; and save in copy
-; now compute FSIZE properly
-        LDR     R10, [R7, #(&94-&80)*4]  ; get vertidisplayend
-        BIC     R10, R10, #&FF000000
-        LDR     R8, [R7, #(&93-&80)*4]   ; get vertidisplaystart
-        BIC     R8, R8, #&FF000000
-        SUB     R10, R10, R8             ; verti displayed
-        LDR     R8, [R7, #(&90-&80)*4]   ; verti total
-        BIC     R8, R8, #&FF000000
-        SUB     R10, R8, R10
-        ADD     R10, R10, #1             ; vidc parms are n-2, we want n-1
-        LDR     R8,  [R9, #IOMD_Address]
-        STRB    R10, [R8, #IOMD_FSIZE]
-        LDR     R14, [R9, #VIDC_PointerHAdjust] ; R14 = horiz display start (-18)
-        BIC     R14, R14, #&FF000000
-        ADD     R14, R14, #(18-17)              ; horiz cursor start is programmed with n-17
-        STR     R14, [R9, #VIDC_PointerHAdjust]
-        TEQ     R6, #VIDCExternal
-        STREQ   R2, [R9, #VIDC_ExternalSoftCopy]
-        TEQ     R6, #VIDCFSyn
-        STREQ   R2, [R9, #VIDC_FSynSoftCopy]
-        TEQ     R6, #VIDCControl
-        STREQ   R2, [R9, #VIDC_ControlSoftCopy]
-        STR     R2, [R3]                ; stuff it into VIDC20
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #4
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MOV     R2, #VertiCursorStart + 0       ; program cursor start and end
-        STR     R2, [R3]
-        MOV     R2, #VertiCursorEnd + 0         ; to zero
-        STR     R2, [R3]
-        Pull    "r6, pc"
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;       ProcessControlListItem
-; in:   r2  = value for item
-;       r4  = index for item (guaranteed in range)
-;       r11 -> VIDC register array
-; out:  r0-r2, r4, r7, r8, r10 may be corrupted
-;       r3, r9, r11 must be preserved
-ProcessControlListItem Entry
-        LDR     pc, [pc, r4, LSL #2]
-        NOP
-        &       ProcessControlListNOP                   ; 0 - NOP
-        &       ProcessControlListLCDMode               ; 1 - LCD mode
-        &       ProcessControlListLCDDualPanelMode      ; 2 - LCD dual-panel mode
-        &       ProcessControlListLCDOffsetRegister0    ; 3 - LCD offset register 0
-        &       ProcessControlListLCDOffsetRegister1    ; 4 - LCD offset register 1
-        &       ProcessControlListHiResMode             ; 5 - Hi-res mode
-        &       ProcessControlListDACControl            ; 6 - DAC control
-        &       ProcessControlListRGBPedestals          ; 7 - RGB pedestal enables
-        &       ProcessControlListExternalRegister      ; 8 - External register
-        &       ProcessControlListHClockSelect          ; 9 - HClk select/specify
-        &       ProcessControlListNOP                   ; 10 - RClk frequency
-        &       ProcessControlListDPMSState             ; 11 - DPMS state
-        &       ProcessControlListNOP                   ; 12 - Interlaced mode
-  ! 0, "mjsHAL - no LCD support (VIDCList3 control list stuff)"
-        ;;;mjsHAL we have no support
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r1, #Ext_HiResMono              ; bit of a misnomer, it's not nec. mono
-        MOV     r0, #VIDCExternal
-        MOV     r7, r1
-        TEQ     r2, #0                          ; if value non-zero
-        MOVNE   r2, r1                          ; then use value in r1
-        AND     r2, r2, r7                      ; ensure only relevant bits set
-        LDR     lr, [r11, r0, LSR #22]           ; load word from register bank
-        BIC     lr, lr, r7                      ; knock out bits in mask
-        ORR     lr, lr, r2                      ; OR in new bits
-        STR     lr, [r11, r0, LSR #22]           ; and store in array
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r1, #Ext_DACsOn
-        B       %BT05
-        MOV     r0, #VIDCExternal
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSL #Ext_PedsShift
-        MOV     r7, #Ext_PedsOn
-        B       %BT15
-        MOV     r0, #VIDCExternal
-        MOV     r7, #&FF
-        B       %BT15
-        ;;;mjsHAL we have no support
-        EXIT
-        ;;;mjsHAL we have no support
-        EXIT
-        ;;;mjsHAL we have no support
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r0, #PseudoRegister_HClockSpeed ; pseudo-register holding HClock speed
-        ORR     r2, r2, r0                      ; form combined value
-        STR     r2, [r11, r0, LSR #22]           ; store in register
-        EXIT
-        ; no longer used in HAL code (kernel keeps DPMSState)
-        EXIT
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;       ComputeModuli - Work out VCO moduli for a given frequency
-; in:   r0  = desired frequency (kHz)
-;       r1  = rclk frequency (kHz) (normally 24000)
-;       r11 -> VIDC table
-; out:  r0 = bits to put in bits 0..15 of Frequency Synthesizer Register
-;       r1 = bits to put in bits 0..4 of Control Register
-rclk    *       24000           ; Reference clock into VIDC20 (in kHz)
-VCO_Min *       55000           ; minimum VCO frequency (in kHz)
-VCO_Max *      110000           ; maximum VCO frequency (in kHz)
-fpshf   *       11              ; Shift value for fixed point arithmetic
-        ^       0, sp
-BestDInOrOutOfRange     #       4
-BestRInOrOutOfRange     #       4
-BestVInOrOutOfRange     #       4
-BestDInRange            #       4
-BestRInRange            #       4
-BestVInRange            #       4
-BestRangeError          #       4
-ComputeModuliStack      *       :INDEX: @
-ComputeModuli Entry "r2-r12", ComputeModuliStack
-        LDR     r2, [r11, #PseudoRegister_HClockSpeed:SHR:22]           ; are we using HCLK?
-        CMP     r2, #-1
-        BEQ     %FT05                                                   ; -1 => no, use VCLK/RCLK
-        BIC     r1, r2, #&FF000000                                      ; r1 = HCLK frequency
-        SUB     r1, r1, r1, LSR #2                                      ; r1 = HCLK * 3/4
-        CMP     r0, r1
-        MOVLO   r1, #CR_HCLK :OR: ((2-1) :SHL: CR_PixelDivShift)        ; if < 3/4 HCLK, use divide by 2
-        MOVHS   r1, #CR_HCLK :OR: ((1-1) :SHL: CR_PixelDivShift)        ; else use divide by 1
-        LDR     r0, =(63 :SHL: FSyn_RShift) :OR: (1 :SHL: FSyn_VShift)  ; minimum V, maximum R
-        EXIT
-        MOV     r12, #-1                ; smallest error for values in or out of VCO range
-        MOV     r11, #-1                ; smallest error for values in VCO range
-        STR     r11, BestDInRange
-        STR     r11, BestVInRange
-        STR     r11, BestRInRange
-        STR     r11, BestDInOrOutOfRange
-        STR     r11, BestVInOrOutOfRange
-        STR     r11, BestRInOrOutOfRange
-        STR     r11, BestRangeError
-        MOV     r5, r1                  ; r5 = rclk frequency, normally 24000 (32000 on Morris)
-        LDR     r1, =VCO_Min            ; r1 = minimum VCO frequency (in kHz)
-        LDR     r2, =VCO_Max            ; r2 = maximum VCO frequency (in kHz)
-        MOV     r3, #1                  ; r3 = D
-        MOV     r4, #1                  ; r4 = R
-        MUL     r6, r0, r3              ; r6 = xD
-        MUL     r7, r6, r4              ; r7 = xRD
-        ADD     r7, r7, r5, LSR #1      ; r7 = xRD + vref/2
-        DivRem  r8, r7, r5, r9          ; r8 = (xRD + vref/2) DIV vref = V value
-        TEQ     r4, #1                  ; if R=1 then V must be 1, else it's no good
-        BNE     %FT20
-        TEQ     r8, #1
-        BNE     %FT50
-        BEQ     %FT25
-        CMP     r8, #2                  ; if R<>1 then V must be in range 2..64
-        RSBCSS  r7, r8, #64
-        BCC     %FT50                   ; V out of range, so skip
-        MUL     r7, r5, r8              ; r7 = V * vref
-        MOV     r7, r7, LSL #fpshf      ; r7 = (V * vref) << fixedpointshift
-        DivRem  r9, r7, r4, r14         ; r9 = ((V * vref) << fixedpointshift)/R = VCO frequency << fixedpointshift
-        MOV     r6, r9
-        DivRem  r7, r9, r3, r14         ; r7 = output frequency << fixedpointshift
-        SUBS    r7, r7, r0, LSL #fpshf
-        RSBCC   r7, r7, #0              ; r7 = absolute error << fixedpointshift
-        TEQ     r4, #1                  ; if R=1 then no need to check VCO range
-        BEQ     %FT27                   ; because VCO won't be used, so it's a 1st class citizen
-        CMP     r6, r1, LSL #fpshf      ; test if VCO freq >= min
-        RSBCSS  r14, r6, r2, LSL #fpshf ; and <= max
-        BCC     %FT40                   ; not in range, so not a first class citizen
-        CMP     r7, r11
-        BHI     %FT40                   ; worse than the best case for in VCO range, so ignore
-        BCC     %FT30                   ; is definitely better than the best case for in or out
-        LDR     r14, BestRInRange       ; is equal best for in, so check R value
-        CMP     r4, r14                 ; is newR < bestR
-        BCS     %FT40                   ; is greater or equal R value (ie not higher comp. freq., so not best)
-        MOV     r11, r7
-        STR     r3, BestDInRange
-        STR     r4, BestRInRange
-        STR     r8, BestVInRange
-        MOV     r14, #0
-        B       %FT45
-        RSBS    r14, r6, r1, LSL #fpshf ; r14 = min-this, if this<min
-        SUBCC   r14, r6, r2, LSL #fpshf ; else r14 = this-max, ie r14 = how much this is outside range
-        CMP     r7, r12
-        BHI     %FT50                   ; worse than the best case for in or out of VCO range, so ignore
-        BCC     %FT45                   ; is definitely better than the best case for in or out
-        LDR     r9, BestRangeError      ; is equal best for in or out, so check error
-        CMP     r14, r9
-        BCS     %FT50                   ; not lower error, so skip
-        MOV     r12, r7
-        STR     r3, BestDInOrOutOfRange
-        STR     r4, BestRInOrOutOfRange
-        STR     r8, BestVInOrOutOfRange
-        STR     r14, BestRangeError
-  [ :LNOT: DontUseVCO                   ; If we don't use the VCO, R has to be 1
-        ADD     r4, r4, #1
-        CMP     r4, #16                 ; R goes from 2 to 16 (was 2 to 64)
-        BLS     %BT15
-  ]
-        ADD     r3, r3, #1
-        CMP     r3, #8                  ; D goes from 1 to 8
-        BLS     %BT10
-        ADR     r2, BestDInRange
-        LDR     r3, [r2]
-        CMP     r3, #-1
-        ADDEQ   r2, r2, #BestDInOrOutOfRange - BestDInRange
-        LDREQ   r3, [r2]                ; r3 = Best D
-        LDR     r4, [r2, #BestRInRange - BestDInRange]  ; r4 = Best R
-        LDR     r5, [r2, #BestVInRange - BestDInRange]  ; r5 = Best V
-        SUBS    r4, r4, #1              ; values in FSyn are n-1
-  [ VCOstartfix
-        ;do *not* do the very slow trick - this will stall the VCO and it may not restart
-        ;properly later (we don't give a fig for power consumption)
-        MOVEQ   r4, #3
-        MOVEQ   r5, #8                  ; after sub below, (7+1)/(3+1) so VCO runs at twice ref clock
-  |
-        MOVEQ   r4, #63                 ; if R=V=1 then use max R
-        MOVEQ   r5, #2                  ; and min V to make VCO go really slow
-  ]
-        SUB     r5, r5, #1              ; for both v and r
-        ASSERT  FSyn_RShift = 0
-        ORR     r0, r4, r5, LSL #FSyn_VShift
-        SUB     r3, r3, #1              ; D is also stored as n-1
-        MOV     r1, r3, LSL #CR_PixelDivShift
-        ASSERT  CR_VCLK = 0
-        ORREQ   r1, r1, #CR_RCLK        ; if using VCO then set for VCLK, else RCLK
-        EXIT
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry(uint type, uint pcolour, uint index)
-; write palette entry to video controller
-;  type     = 0 for normal palette entry
-;             1 for border colour
-;             2 for pointer colour
-;          >= 3 reserved
-;  pcolour  = palette entry colour in BBGGRRSS format (Blue,Green,Red,Supremacy)
-;  index    = index of entry  (0..255 for normal, 0 for border, 0..3 for pointer)
-;             note that RISC OS only uses 1..3 for pointer (0 is assumed to be transparent)
-;   r9 is workspace pointer, may corrupt r0..r3, r12
-HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry ROUT
-        AND     r12, r1, #&F0               ; 000000S0 (4 MSbits of supremacy)
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #8              ; 00BBGGRR
-        ORR     r1, r1, r12, LSL #20        ; 0SBBGGRR
-        LDR     r12, [r9, #VIDC_Address]
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        BLO     HV_WritePaletteEntry_type0
-        BEQ     HV_WritePalettEntry_type1
-;       else fall through to WritePaletteEntry_type2
-        CMP     r2, #3                      ; index must be in range 0..3
-        MOVHI   pc, lr
-        SUBS    r2, r2, #1                  ; reduce 1..3 to 0..2
-        MOVMI   pc, lr                      ; pointer colour 0 is always transparent on VIDC20
-        ORR     r1, r1,#VIDC20PointerColour ; munge in base address of register
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2, LSL #28         ; add in index (0..2), in bits 28,29 of register
-        STR     r1, [r12]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        ;Note: we only need to hit VIDCPalAddress if the index is not a direct increment
-        ;of the last programmed index
-        ;but, for insurance against permanent misalignment if any rogue accesses avoid this
-        ;interface, we force an update for index 0
-        ;
-        CMP     r2, #255                  ; index must be in range 0..255
-        MOVHI   pc, lr
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        STREQ   r1, [r9, #VIDC_SoftPalette0]
-        LDRNE   r0, [r9, #VIDC_NextPaletteIndex]  ;increment from last index programmed
-        MOVEQ   r0, #-1                           ;forced invalid for index 0
-        TEQ     r0, r2
-        ORRNE   r0, r2, #VIDCPalAddress
-        STRNE   r0, [r12]                 ; only update PalAddress if necessary
-        STR     r1, [r12]                 ; update palette entry
-        ADD     r2, r2, #1
-        AND     r2, r2, #&FF
-        STR     r2, [r9, #VIDC_NextPaletteIndex]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-        CMP     r2, #0                     ; index must be 0
-        MOVNE   pc, lr
-        ORR     r1, r1,#VIDC20BorderColour ; munge in base address of register
-        STR     r1, [r12]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries(uint type, const uint *pcolours, uint index, uint Nentries)
-; write block of palette entries to video controller
-;  type     = 0 for normal palette entry
-;             1 for border colour
-;             2 for pointer colour
-;          >= 3 reserved
-;  pcolours = pointer to block of palette entry colours in BBGGRRSS format (Blue,Green,Red,Supremacy)
-;  index    = start index in palette (for first entry in block)
-;             note that RISC OS only uses 1..3 for pointer (0 is assumed to be transparent)
-;  Nentries = number of entries in block (must be >= 1)
-;   r9 is workspace pointer, may corrupt r0..r3, r12
-HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries ROUT
-        Push    "r4, lr"
-        CMP     r2, #255                    ; all indices in loop must be in range 0..255
-        BHI     %FT20
-        ADD     r4, r2, r3
-        CMP     r4, #256
-        BHI     %FT20
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        BNE     %FT50
-; type 0, try to be efficient
-        LDR     r12, [r9, #VIDC_Address]
-        CMP     r2, #0
-        LDREQ   r0, [r1]
-        STREQ   r0, [r9, #VIDC_SoftPalette0]
-        LDRNE   r0, [r9, #VIDC_NextPaletteIndex]
-        MOVEQ   r0,#-1                      ; insurance! (see comments for WritePaletteEntry_type0)
-        TEQ     r0, r2
-        ORRNE   r0, r2, #VIDCPalAddress
-        STRNE   r0, [r12]                   ; only update PalAddress if necessary
-        ADD     r0, r2, r3
-        AND     r0, r0, #&FF
-        STR     r0, [r9, #VIDC_NextPaletteIndex]
-        MOV     r4, r1
-        LDR     r1, [r4], #4
-        AND     r0, r1, #&F0                ; 000000S0 (4 msbits of supremacy)
-        MOV     r1, r1, LSR #8              ; 00BBGGRR
-        ORR     r1, r1, r0, LSL #20         ; 0SBBGGRR
-        STR     r1, [r12]
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    "r4, pc"
-; not type 0
-        MOV     r4, r1
-        LDR     r1, [r4], #4        ; next pcolour
-        Push    "r2, r3"
-        BL      HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry
-        Pull    "r2, r3"
-        ADD     r2, r2, #1
-        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
-        BNE     %BT60
-        Pull    "r4, pc"
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; uint HAL_Video_ReadPaletteEntry(uint type, uint pcolour, uint index)
-; return the effective palette entry after taking into account any hardware
-; restrictions in the video controller, assuming it was programmed with pcolour
-;  type     = 0 for normal palette entry
-;             1 for border colour
-;             2 for pointer colour
-;          >= 3 reserved
-;  pcolour  = palette entry colour in BBGGRRSS format (Blue,Green,Red,Supremacy)
-;  index    = index of entry  (0..255 for normal, 0 for border, 0..3 for pointer)
-;             note that RISC OS only uses 1..3 for pointer (0 is assumed to be transparent)
-;  returns  : effective BBGGRRSS
-;   r9 is workspace pointer, may corrupt r0..r2, r12
-;  mjs: depending on h/w capabilities, specific HALs may have to
-;       remember current settings (eg. bits per pixel), keep soft copy
-;       of entries or whatever, in their workspace. Because the HAL API
-;       supplies a pcolour, the need to keep a full palette soft copy
-;       in the HAL is minimised
-HAL_Video_ReadPaletteEntry ROUT
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        BNE     HV_ReadPaletteEntry_not_type0
-; type 0
-; only 4 bits of S, and only 16 S entries
-; S for indices 16..255 comes from palette entry 0
-        CMP     r2, #16
-        LDRHS   r12, [r9, #VIDC_SoftPalette0]
-        MOVLO   r12, r1
-        AND     r12, r12, #&000000F0  ; effective S bits
-        BIC     r0, r1, #&000000FF    ; effective BGR bits
-        ORR     r0, r0, r12           ; munge together
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; no special restrictions, just that there are only 4 bits of S
-        BIC     r0, r1, #&0000000F
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void HAL_Video_SetInterlace(uint interlace)
-;  interlace = 0/1 for interlace off/on
-HAL_Video_SetInterlace ROUT
-        LDR     r1, [r9, #VIDC_ControlSoftCopy]
-        BIC     r1, r1, #CR_Interlace
-        TST     r0, #1
-        ORRNE   r1, r1, #CR_Interlace    ; zero => no interlace
-        LDR     r0, [r9, #VIDC_Address]
-        STR     r1, [r0]                ; program VIDC
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void HAL_Video_SetBlank(uint blank, uint DPMS)
-; blank = 0/1 for unblank/blank
-; DMPS  = 0..3 as specified by monitor DPMSState (from mode file)
-;         0 for no DPMS power saving
-; HAL is expected to attempt to turn syncs off according to DPMS, and
-; to turn video DMA off for blank (and therefore on for unblank) if possible.
-; HAL is not expected to do anything else, eg. blank all palette entries.
-; Such things are the responsibility of the OS, and also this call is expected
-; to be fast. May be called with interrupts off.
-HAL_Video_SetBlank ROUT
-        LDR     r3, [r9, #VIDC_Address]
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT50
-; blanking
-        TST     r1, #1                  ; if hsyncs should be off,
-        LDRNE   r2, =HorizSyncWidth + ((1:SHL:14) -1)   ; maximum value in h.sync width register
-        STRNE   r2, [r3]
-        TST     r1, #2                  ; if vsyncs should be off,
-        LDRNE   r2, =VertiSyncWidth + ((1:SHL:13) -1)   ; maximum value in v.sync width register
-        STRNE   r2, [r3]
-        LDR     r2, [r9, #VIDC_ExternalSoftCopy]
-        AND     r1, r1, #3
-        TEQ     r1, #3                                         ; if both syncs off
-        BICEQ   r2, r2, #Ext_HSYNCbits :OR: Ext_VSYNCbits
-        ORREQ   r2, r2, #Ext_InvertHSYNC :OR: Ext_InvertVSYNC  ; set sync signals to low (less power)
-        BIC     r2, r2, #Ext_DACsOn                            ; turn off the DACs
-        STR     r2, [r3]
-        LDR     r0, [r9, #IOMD_Address]
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #IOMD_VIDCR]
-        BIC     r1, r1, #IOMD_VIDCR_Enable   ; disable video DMA
-        STRB    r1, [r0, #IOMD_VIDCR]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; unblanking
-50      LDR     r2, [r9, #VIDC_ExternalSoftCopy]
-        STR     r2, [r3]                                       ; restore DACs and sync type
-        TST     r1, #1                                         ; if hsyncs were turned off,
-        LDRNE   r2, [r9, #VIDC_HSWRSoftCopy]                   ; then restore from soft copy
-        STRNE   r2, [r3]
-        TST     r1, #2                                         ; if vsyncs were turned off,
-        LDRNE   r2, [R9, #VIDC_VSWRSoftCopy]                   ; then restore from soft copy
-        STRNE   r2, [r3]
-        LDR     r0, [r9, #IOMD_Address]
-        LDRB    r1, [r0, #IOMD_VIDCR]
-        ORR     r1, r1, #IOMD_VIDCR_Enable   ; enable video DMA
-        STRB    r1, [r0, #IOMD_VIDCR]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void HAL_Video_SetPowerSave(uint powersave)
-; powersave = 0/1 for power save off/on
-HAL_Video_SetPowerSave ROUT
-        LDR     r1, [r9, #VIDC_Address]
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        BEQ     %FT50
-; power save on
-        LDR     r2, =&C0000003    ;dac off, ereg set to external LUT
-        STR     r2, [r1]
-        LDR     r2, =&D0004000    ;Vclk off, Pcomp=0
-        STR     r2, [r1]
-        LDR     r2, =&E0004049    ;PoDown, Hclk
-        STR     r2, [r1]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; power save off
-        LDR     r2, [R9, #VIDC_ControlSoftCopy]       ;restore from soft copy
-        STR     r2, [r1]
-        LDR     r2, [R9, #VIDC_ExternalSoftCopy]      ;restore from soft copy
-        STR     r2, [r1]
-        LDR     r2, [R9, #VIDC_FSynSoftCopy]          ;restore from soft copy
- [ {TRUE}
-        LDR     R3, =FSyn_ResetValue    ; set test bits on, and r > v
-        ORR     R3, R3, #VIDCFSyn
-        STR     R3, [R1]
-; we may need some delay in here...
-        LDR     R3, =FSyn_ClearR :OR: FSyn_ClearV :OR: FSyn_ForceLow :OR: FSyn_ForceHigh
-        ORR     R2, R2, R3
-        BIC     R2, R2, #FSyn_ForceHigh ; force test bits on, except this one
-        STR     R2, [R1]
-; we may also need some delay in here...
-        BIC     R2, R2, R3              ; remove test bits
- ]
-        STR     r2, [r1]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void HAL_Video_UpdatePointer(uint flags, int x, int y, const shape_t *shape)
-; Update the displayed position of the current pointer shape (or turn
-; shape off)
-; HAL code may need to take note of shape updated flag, and make its
-; own new copies if true. This is to handle cases like dual scan LCD
-; pointer, which typically needs two or more shapes buffers for the
-; hardware. This work should _only_ be done when the updated flag
-; is true, or possibly because provoked by clipping requirements.
-; A simple HAL, using the kernel shape buffer directly, may be able to
-; ignore the updated flag.
-; flags:
-;   bit 0  = pointer display enable (0=off, 1=on)
-;   bit 1  = pointer shape update (0=no change, 1=updated)
-;   bits 2..31 reserved (0)
-; xpos = x position of top left of pointer (xpos = 0 for left of display)
-; ypos = y position of top left of pointer (ypos = 0 for top of display)
-; shape points to shape_t descriptor block:
-;   typedef struct shape_t
-;   {
-;     uint8   width;      /* unpadded width in bytes (see notes) */
-;     uint8   height;     /* in pixels */
-;     uint8   padding[2]; /* 2 bytes of padding for field alignment */
-;     void   *buffLA;     /* logical address of buffer holding pixel data */
-;     void   *buffPA;     /* corresponding physical address of buffer */
-;   }
-; Notes:
-; 1) if flags bit 0 is 0 (pointer off), x, y, shape are undefined
-; 2) the shape data from RISC OS is always padded with transparent pixels
-;    on the rhs, to a width of 32 pixels (8 bytes)
-; 3) pointer clipping is the responsibility of the HAL (eg. may be able to
-;    allow display of pointer in border region on some h/w)
-; 4) buffer for pixel data is aligned to a multiple of 256 bytes or better
-; This call is made by the OS at a time to allow smoothly displayed changes
-; (on a VSync)
-        Push    "r4, r5, lr"
-        LDR     r14, [r9, #VIDC_Address]
-        TST     r0, #1
-        BEQ     %FT90          ; pointer off
-; process x (and assume shape width is padded 32 pixels)
-        LDR     r4, [R9, #VIDC_PointerHAdjust]
-        ADDS    r1, r1, r4
-        MOVLT   r1, #0                    ; x:= x+fudge, clamped to 0
-        CMP     r1, #&4000                ; VIDC has 14 bits for cursor start
-        MOVGE   r1, #&4000
-        SUBGE   r1, r1, #1
-        ORR     r1, r1, #HorizCursorStart
-        STR     r1, [r14]
-; process y
-        LDRB    r4, [r3, #1]              ; height from shape_t block
-        LDR     r5, [r3, #8]              ; buffer physical address from shape_t block
-        CMP     r2, #0                    ; if -ve y
-        BICLT   r2, r2, #1                ; TEMP FUDGE - really ought to have two copies, one offset by 1 row
-                                          ; because VIDC can only cope with 16 byte aligned data pointer
-        ADDLT   r4, r4, r2                ; reduce height
-        SUBLT   r5, r5, r2, LSL #3        ; and advance data pointer (8 bytes per row) to clip pointer to 0
-        MOVLT   r2, #0
-        CMP     r4, #0
-        BLE     %FT90                     ; pointer off if clipped to oblivion
-        LDR     r1, [r9, #VIDC_VertiDisplaySize]
-        SUB     r1, r1, r2                       ; if display_height - y < pointer height
-        CMP     r1, r4
-        MOVLT   r4, r1                           ; clip pointer height
-        CMP     r4, #0
-        BLE     %FT90                            ; pointer off if clipped to oblivion
-        LDR     r1, [R9, #VIDC_PointerVAdjust]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r1                       ; y := y+adjust
-        ORR     r1, r2, #VertiCursorStart
-        STR     r1, [r14]
-        ADD     r2, r2, r4                ; y:= y+height
-        ORR     r1, r2, #VertiCursorEnd
-        STR     r1, [r14]
-        LDR     r14, [r9, #IOMD_Address]
-        STR     r5, [r14, #IOMD_CURSINIT]
-        Pull    "r4, r5, pc"
-; pointer off
-        MOV     r4, #VertiCursorStart
-        STR     r4, [r14]
-        MOV     r4, #VertiCursorEnd
-        STR     r4, [r14]
-        Pull    "r4, r5, pc"
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; void HAL_Video_SetDAG(uint DAG, uint paddr)
-; set Video DMA address generator value to given physical address
-; DAG   = 0 set start address of current video display
-;         1 set start address of total video buffer
-;         2 set end address (exclusive) of total video buffer
-;         all other values reserved
-; paddr = physical address for given DAG
-; Notes:
-; The OS has a video buffer which is >= total display size, and may be using
-; bank switching (several display buffers) or hardware scroll within the
-; total video buffer.
-; DAG=1 will be start address of current total video buffer
-; DAG=2 will be end address (exclusive) of current total video buffer
-; DAG=0 will be start address in buffer for current display
-; HALs should respond as follows:
-; 1) If they have no hardware scroll support, only DAG=0 is significant,
-;    and the end address of the current display is implied by the size
-;    of the current mode. Calls with DAG=1,2 should be ignored.
-; 2) If they support hardware scroll, DAG=0 again defines display start.
-;    DAG=2 defines the last address (exclusive) that should be displayed
-;    before wrapping back (if reached within display size), and DAG=1
-;    defines the address to which accesses should wrap back.
-        LDR     r12, [r9, #IOMD_Address]
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        BHI     %FT40
-; DAG=0 program VInit
-        STR     r1, [r9, #IOMD_VInitSoftCopy]   ; save VInit so that writes to VEnd can check
-        LDR     r2, [r9, #IOMD_VEndSoftCopy]
-        CMP     r1, r2                         ; if VInit >= VEnd then set L bit
-        ORRCS   r1, r1, #IOMD_DMA_L_Bit
-        STR     r1, [r12, #IOMD_VIDINIT]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; DAG=1 program VStart
-20      STR     r1, [r12, #IOMD_VIDSTART]
-        MOV     pc, lr
-   ! 0, "mjsHAL - using kernel variable VRAMWidth"
-; DAG=2 program VEnd
-40      MOV     r2, #0                          ; we must adjust address to that of
-        LDRB    r2, [r2, #VRAMWidth]            ; last DMA fetch, allowing for fetch size
-        CMP     r2, #1
-        MOVLO   r2, #16                         ; DRAM-only, subtract 16 (quadword)
-        MOVEQ   r2, #SAMLength/2                ; 1 bank of VRAM - 1/2 SAM
-        MOVHI   r2, #SAMLength                  ; 2 banks of VRAM - 1/2 SAM * 2
-        SUB     r1, r1, r2
-        STR     r1, [r9, #IOMD_VEndSoftCopy]    ; remember VEnd value
-        LDR     r2, [r9, #IOMD_VInitSoftCopy]   ; load current VInit
-        CMP     r2, r1                          ; if VInit >= VEnd
-        ORRCS   r2, r2, #IOMD_DMA_L_Bit         ; then set L bit
-        STR     r2, [r12, #IOMD_VIDINIT]        ; store VInit
-        STR     r1, [r12, #IOMD_VIDEND]         ; and VEnd
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;mjsHAL - is the mode workspace really generic enough to pass to HAL?
-; int HAL_Video_VetMode(const void *VIDClist, const void *workspace)
-; VIDClist  -> generic video controller list (VIDC list type 3)
-; workspace -> mode workspace (if mode number), or 0
-; returns 0 if OK (may be minor adjusts to VIDClist and/or workspace values)
-;         non-zero if not OK
-HAL_Video_VetMode ROUT
-        MOV   r0,#0    ; do nothing for now
-        MOV   PC,LR
-; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ] ; big HAL if/else switch around whole file
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdumodes b/s/vdu/vdumodes
deleted file mode 100644
index f72cc34a..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdumodes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1111 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Kernel.Source.VduModes
-; general purpose mode macros
-; mjs Kernel/HAL split
-; BigVIDCTable is now in hardware independent format, ie. a VIDC list type 3
-; Macro VIDC_List10 removed - hardware specific, and very old anyway! (VIDC1 is pre Medusa)
-; Macro VIDC_List20 removed - hardware specific, not needed in HAL either
-; Macro VIDC_ListT3 newly defined
-        MACRO
-$label  VIDC_List $lbpp,$hsync,$hbpch,$hlbdr,$hdisp,$hrbdr,$hfpch, $vsync,$vbpch,$vlbdr,$vdisp,$vrbdr,$vfpch,$pixrate,$sp
-$label  VIDC_ListT3 $lbpp,$hsync,$hbpch,$hlbdr,$hdisp,$hrbdr,$hfpch, $vsync,$vbpch,$vlbdr,$vdisp,$vrbdr,$vfpch,$pixrate,$sp
-        MEND
-; format of a VIDC list type 3
-                                ^       4
-VIDCList3_PixelDepth            #       4
-VIDCList3_HorizSyncWidth        #       4
-VIDCList3_HorizBackPorch        #       4
-VIDCList3_HorizLeftBorder       #       4
-VIDCList3_HorizDisplaySize      #       4
-VIDCList3_HorizRightBorder      #       4
-VIDCList3_HorizFrontPorch       #       4
-VIDCList3_VertiSyncWidth        #       4
-VIDCList3_VertiBackPorch        #       4
-VIDCList3_VertiTopBorder        #       4
-VIDCList3_VertiDisplaySize      #       4
-VIDCList3_VertiBottomBorder     #       4
-VIDCList3_VertiFrontPorch       #       4
-VIDCList3_PixelRate             #       4
-VIDCList3_SyncPol               #       4  ; sync polarity/flag bits
-VIDCList3_ControlList           #       0  ; possibly empty list of pairs of index,value words
-; and VIDCList3 is terminated by a -1 word
-; Indices in VIDCList3_ControlList
-                                ^       1
-ControlList_LCDMode             #       1
-ControlList_LCDDualPanelMode    #       1
-ControlList_LCDOffset0          #       1
-ControlList_LCDOffset1          #       1
-ControlList_HiResMode           #       1
-ControlList_DACControl          #       1
-ControlList_RGBPedestals        #       1
-ControlList_ExternalRegister    #       1
-ControlList_HClockSelect        #       1
-ControlList_RClockFrequency     #       1
-ControlList_DPMSState           #       1
-ControlList_Interlaced          #       1
-ControlList_OutputFormat        #       1
-ControlList_InvalidReason       #       0
-; bits/flags in VIDCList3_SyncPol word:
-SyncPol_InvertHSync        *  1
-SyncPol_InvertVSync        *  2
-SyncPol_InterlaceSpecified *  4   ; if set, interlace bit has been specified, else filled in by kernel
-SyncPol_Interlace          *  8   ; set=interlaced, either specified by service call claimant or filled in from *TV by kernel
-; Macro VIDC_ListT3 - for hardware independent table (using 'VIDC' list type 3 format, see PRM 5a-125)
-        MACRO
-$label  VIDC_ListT3 $lbpp,$hsync,$hbpch,$hlbdr,$hdisp,$hrbdr,$hfpch, $vsync,$vbpch,$vlbdr,$vdisp,$vrbdr,$vfpch,$pixrate,$sp
-        LCLA    sp
-        LCLA    dwidth
-        GBLA    framerate
-        LCLA    framepixels
- [ "$sp"=""
-sp      SETA    0                               ; normal sync polarity
- |
-        ASSERT $sp<=3
-sp      SETA    $sp
- ]
-; just to check width is whole number of words (to suit rendering code)
-dwidth  SETA    $hdisp :SHL: $lbpp
-        ASSERT  (dwidth :AND: 31) = 0
-framepixels SETA ($hsync+$hbpch+$hlbdr+$hdisp+$hrbdr+$hfpch)*($vsync+$vbpch+$vlbdr+$vdisp+$vrbdr+$vfpch)
-framerate SETA  ($pixrate*1000+framepixels/2)/framepixels
-F_$label *      framerate       ; set up frame rate symbol
-        &       3                ; format (type 3)
-        &       $lbpp            ; log2 bits per pixel
-; Horizontal (in pixels)
-        &       $hsync           ; sync width
-        &       $hbpch           ; back porch
-        &       $hlbdr           ; left border
-        &       $hdisp           ; display size
-        &       $hrbdr           ; right border
-        &       $hfpch           ; front porch
-; Vertical (in rasters)
-        &       $vsync           ; sync width
-        &       $vbpch           ; back porch
-        &       $vlbdr           ; top border
-        &       $vdisp           ; display size
-        &       $vrbdr           ; bottom border
-        &       $vfpch           ; front porch
-        &       $pixrate         ; pixel rate (kHz)
-        &       sp               ; sync polarity
-        &       -1               ; terminator (no video control parameters)
-        MEND   ; MACRO VIDC_ListT3
-NumMonitorTypes *       9
-NumModes        *       50
-maxmode         *       NumModes-1
-minmode         *       0
-; These macro are used by various routines in the kernel to check for a valid mode number
-; MUST be kept up-to-date with the list of invalid modes between 0 and maxmode
-        MACRO
-        BranchIfKnownMode $reg, $address
-        CMP     $reg, #NumModes
-        BCC     $address                ; then branch
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        BranchIfNotKnownMode $reg, $address
-        CMP     $reg, #NumModes
-        BCS     $address                ; branch if *NOT* known
-        MEND
-;       monitor type 0, 50Hz TV
-        &       VLN_0  - BigVIDCTable   ; 0
-        &       VLN_1  - BigVIDCTable   ; 1
-        &       VLN_2  - BigVIDCTable   ; 2
-        &       VLN_3  - BigVIDCTable   ; 3
-        &       VLN_4  - BigVIDCTable   ; 4
-        &       VLN_5  - BigVIDCTable   ; 5
-        &       VLN_6  - BigVIDCTable   ; 6
- [ HiResTTX
-        &       -1                      ; 7
- |
-        &       VLN_7  - BigVIDCTable   ; 7
- ]
-        &       VLN_8  - BigVIDCTable   ; 8
-        &       VLN_9  - BigVIDCTable   ; 9
-        &       VLN_10 - BigVIDCTable   ; 10
-        &       VLN_11 - BigVIDCTable   ; 11
-        &       VLN_12 - BigVIDCTable   ; 12
-        &       VLN_13 - BigVIDCTable   ; 13
-        &       VLN_14 - BigVIDCTable   ; 14
-        &       VLN_15 - BigVIDCTable   ; 15
-        &       VLN_16 - BigVIDCTable   ; 16
-        &       VLN_17 - BigVIDCTable   ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       VLN_22 - BigVIDCTable   ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       VLN_24 - BigVIDCTable   ; 24
-        &       -1                      ; 25
-        &       -1                      ; 26
-        &       -1                      ; 27
-        &       -1                      ; 28
-        &       -1                      ; 29
-        &       -1                      ; 30
-        &       -1                      ; 31
-        &       -1                      ; 32
-        &       VLN_33 - BigVIDCTable   ; 33
-        &       VLN_34 - BigVIDCTable   ; 34
-        &       VLN_35 - BigVIDCTable   ; 35
-        &       VLN_36 - BigVIDCTable   ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &       -1                      ; 41
-        &       -1                      ; 42
-        &       -1                      ; 43
-        &       -1                      ; 44
-        &       -1                      ; 45
-        &       -1                      ; 46
-        &       -1                      ; 47
-        &       -1                      ; 48
-        &       -1                      ; 49
-;       monitor type 1, multiscan
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*1):SHL:2)
-        &       VLM_0  - BigVIDCTable   ; 0
-        &       VLM_1  - BigVIDCTable   ; 1
-        &       VLM_2  - BigVIDCTable   ; 2
-        &       VLM_3  - BigVIDCTable   ; 3
-        &       VLM_4  - BigVIDCTable   ; 4
-        &       VLM_5  - BigVIDCTable   ; 5
-        &       VLM_6  - BigVIDCTable   ; 6
-        &       VLM_7  - BigVIDCTable   ; 7
-        &       VLM_8  - BigVIDCTable   ; 8
-        &       VLM_9  - BigVIDCTable   ; 9
-        &       VLM_10 - BigVIDCTable   ; 10
-        &       VLM_11 - BigVIDCTable   ; 11
-        &       VLM_12 - BigVIDCTable   ; 12
-        &       VLM_13 - BigVIDCTable   ; 13
-        &       VLM_14 - BigVIDCTable   ; 14
-        &       VLM_15 - BigVIDCTable   ; 15
-        &       VLM_16 - BigVIDCTable   ; 16
-        &       VLM_17 - BigVIDCTable   ; 17
-        &       VLM_18 - BigVIDCTable   ; 18
-        &       VLM_19 - BigVIDCTable   ; 19
-        &       VLM_20 - BigVIDCTable   ; 20
-        &       VLM_21 - BigVIDCTable   ; 21
-        &       VLM_22 - BigVIDCTable   ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       VLM_24 - BigVIDCTable   ; 24
-        &       VLM_25 - BigVIDCTable   ; 25
-        &       VLM_26 - BigVIDCTable   ; 26
-        &       VLM_27 - BigVIDCTable   ; 27
-        &       VLM_28 - BigVIDCTable   ; 28
-        &       VLM_29 - BigVIDCTable   ; 29
-        &       VLM_30 - BigVIDCTable   ; 30
-        &       VLM_31 - BigVIDCTable   ; 31
-        &       VLM_32 - BigVIDCTable   ; 32
-        &       VLM_33 - BigVIDCTable   ; 33 Ovscn
-        &       VLM_34 - BigVIDCTable   ; 34
-        &       VLM_35 - BigVIDCTable   ; 35
-        &       VLM_36 - BigVIDCTable   ; 36
-        &       VLM_37 - BigVIDCTable   ; 37 dtp
-        &       VLM_38 - BigVIDCTable   ; 38
-        &       VLM_39 - BigVIDCTable   ; 39
-        &       VLM_40 - BigVIDCTable   ; 40
-        &       VLM_41 - BigVIDCTable   ; 41 EGA
-        &       VLM_42 - BigVIDCTable   ; 42
-        &       VLM_43 - BigVIDCTable   ; 43
-        &       VLM_44 - BigVIDCTable   ; 44 CGA
-        &       VLM_45 - BigVIDCTable   ; 45
-        &       VLM_46 - BigVIDCTable   ; 46
-        &       VLM_47 - BigVIDCTable   ; 47 PCSoft
-        &       VLM_48 - BigVIDCTable   ; 48 Games mode
-        &       VLM_49 - BigVIDCTable   ; 49 Games mode
-;       monitor type 2, HiRes
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*2):SHL:2)
-        &       -1                      ; 0
-        &       -1                      ; 1
-        &       -1                      ; 2
-        &       -1                      ; 3
-        &       -1                      ; 4
-        &       -1                      ; 5
-        &       -1                      ; 6
-        &       -1                      ; 7
-        &       -1                      ; 8
-        &       -1                      ; 9
-        &       -1                      ; 10
-        &       -1                      ; 11
-        &       -1                      ; 12
-        &       -1                      ; 13
-        &       -1                      ; 14
-        &       -1                      ; 15
-        &       -1                      ; 16
-        &       -1                      ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       -1                      ; 22
-        &       VLH_23 - BigVIDCTable   ; 23
-        &       -1                      ; 24
-        &       -1                      ; 25
-        &       -1                      ; 26
-        &       -1                      ; 27
-        &       -1                      ; 28
-        &       -1                      ; 29
-        &       -1                      ; 30
-        &       -1                      ; 31
-        &       -1                      ; 32
-        &       -1                      ; 33
-        &       -1                      ; 34
-        &       -1                      ; 35
-        &       -1                      ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &       -1                      ; 41
-        &       -1                      ; 42
-        &       -1                      ; 43
-        &       -1                      ; 44
-        &       -1                      ; 45
-        &       -1                      ; 46
-        &       -1                      ; 47
-        &       -1                      ; 48
-        &       -1                      ; 49
-;       monitor type 3, VGA
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*3):SHL:2)
-        &       VgaX_0  - BigVIDCTable  ; 0
-        &       VgaX_1  - BigVIDCTable  ; 1
-        &       VgaX_2  - BigVIDCTable  ; 2
-        &       VgaX_3  - BigVIDCTable  ; 3
-        &       VgaX_4  - BigVIDCTable  ; 4
-        &       VgaX_5  - BigVIDCTable  ; 5
-        &       VgaX_6  - BigVIDCTable  ; 6
-        &       VgaX_7  - BigVIDCTable  ; 7
-        &       VgaX_8  - BigVIDCTable  ; 8
-        &       VgaX_9  - BigVIDCTable  ; 9
-        &       VgaX_10 - BigVIDCTable  ; 10
-        &       VgaX_11 - BigVIDCTable  ; 11
-        &       VgaX_12 - BigVIDCTable  ; 12
-        &       VgaX_13 - BigVIDCTable  ; 13
-        &       VgaX_14 - BigVIDCTable  ; 14
-        &       VgaX_15 - BigVIDCTable  ; 15
-        &       -1                      ; 16
-        &       -1                      ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       -1                      ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       -1                      ; 24
-        &       VLM_25 - BigVIDCTable   ; 25
-        &       VLM_26 - BigVIDCTable   ; 26
-        &       VLM_27 - BigVIDCTable   ; 27
-        &       VLM_28 - BigVIDCTable   ; 28
-        &       -1                      ; 29
-        &       -1                      ; 30
-        &       -1                      ; 31
-        &       -1                      ; 32
-        &       -1                      ; 33
-        &       -1                      ; 34
-        &       -1                      ; 35
-        &       -1                      ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &      VgaX_41 - BigVIDCTable   ; 41 EGA
-        &      VgaX_42 - BigVIDCTable   ; 42
-        &      VgaX_43 - BigVIDCTable   ; 43
-        &      VgaX_44 - BigVIDCTable   ; 44 CGA
-        &      VgaX_45 - BigVIDCTable   ; 45
-        &      VgaX_46 - BigVIDCTable   ; 46
-        &       VLM_47 - BigVIDCTable   ; 47 PCSoft
-        &       VLM_48 - BigVIDCTable   ; 48 Games mode
-        &       VLM_49 - BigVIDCTable   ; 49 Games mode
-;       monitor type 4, SVGA
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*4):SHL:2)
-        &       VgaX_0  - BigVIDCTable  ; 0
-        &       VgaX_1  - BigVIDCTable  ; 1
-        &       VgaX_2  - BigVIDCTable  ; 2
-        &       VgaX_3  - BigVIDCTable  ; 3
-        &       VgaX_4  - BigVIDCTable  ; 4
-        &       VgaX_5  - BigVIDCTable  ; 5
-        &       VgaX_6  - BigVIDCTable  ; 6
-        &       VgaX_7  - BigVIDCTable  ; 7
-        &       VgaX_8  - BigVIDCTable  ; 8
-        &       VgaX_9  - BigVIDCTable  ; 9
-        &       VgaX_10 - BigVIDCTable  ; 10
-        &       VgaX_11 - BigVIDCTable  ; 11
-        &       VgaX_12 - BigVIDCTable  ; 12
-        &       VgaX_13 - BigVIDCTable  ; 13
-        &       VgaX_14 - BigVIDCTable  ; 14
-        &       VgaX_15 - BigVIDCTable  ; 15
-        &       -1                      ; 16
-        &       -1                      ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       -1                      ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       -1                      ; 24
-        &       VLM_25 - BigVIDCTable   ; 25
-        &       VLM_26 - BigVIDCTable   ; 26
-        &       VLM_27 - BigVIDCTable   ; 27
-        &       VLM_28 - BigVIDCTable   ; 28
-        &       VLM_29 - BigVIDCTable   ; 29
-        &       VLM_30 - BigVIDCTable   ; 30
-        &       VLM_31 - BigVIDCTable   ; 31
-        &       VLM_32 - BigVIDCTable   ; 32
-        &       -1                      ; 33
-        &       -1                      ; 34
-        &       -1                      ; 35
-        &       -1                      ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &      VgaX_41 - BigVIDCTable   ; 41 EGA
-        &      VgaX_42 - BigVIDCTable   ; 42
-        &      VgaX_43 - BigVIDCTable   ; 43
-        &      VgaX_44 - BigVIDCTable   ; 44 CGA
-        &      VgaX_45 - BigVIDCTable   ; 45
-        &      VgaX_46 - BigVIDCTable   ; 46
-        &       VLM_47 - BigVIDCTable   ; 47 PCSoft
-        &       VLM_48 - BigVIDCTable   ; 48 Games mode
-        &       VLM_49 - BigVIDCTable   ; 49 Games mode
-;       monitor type 5, LCD
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*5):SHL:2)
-        &       -1                      ; 0
-        &       -1                      ; 1
-        &       -1                      ; 2
-        &       -1                      ; 3
-        &       -1                      ; 4
-        &       -1                      ; 5
-        &       -1                      ; 6
-        &       -1                      ; 7
-        &       -1                      ; 8
-        &       -1                      ; 9
-        &       -1                      ; 10
-        &       -1                      ; 11
-        &       -1                      ; 12
-        &       -1                      ; 13
-        &       -1                      ; 14
-        &       -1                      ; 15
-        &       -1                      ; 16
-        &       -1                      ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       -1                      ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       -1                      ; 24
-        &       LCD_25 - BigVIDCTable   ; 25
-        &       LCD_26 - BigVIDCTable   ; 26
-        &       LCD_27 - BigVIDCTable   ; 27
-        &       LCD_28 - BigVIDCTable   ; 28
-        &       -1                      ; 29
-        &       -1                      ; 30
-        &       -1                      ; 31
-        &       -1                      ; 32
-        &       -1                      ; 33
-        &       -1                      ; 34
-        &       -1                      ; 35
-        &       -1                      ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &       -1                      ; 41
-        &       -1                      ; 42
-        &       -1                      ; 43
-        &       -1                      ; 44
-        &       -1                      ; 45
-        &       -1                      ; 46
-        &       -1                      ; 47
-        &       -1                      ; 48
-        &       -1                      ; 49
-;       monitor type 6, reserved?
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*6):SHL:2)
-        &       -1                      ; 0
-        &       -1                      ; 1
-        &       -1                      ; 2
-        &       -1                      ; 3
-        &       -1                      ; 4
-        &       -1                      ; 5
-        &       -1                      ; 6
-        &       -1                      ; 7
-        &       -1                      ; 8
-        &       -1                      ; 9
-        &       -1                      ; 10
-        &       -1                      ; 11
-        &       -1                      ; 12
-        &       -1                      ; 13
-        &       -1                      ; 14
-        &       -1                      ; 15
-        &       -1                      ; 16
-        &       -1                      ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       -1                      ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       -1                      ; 24
-        &       -1                      ; 25
-        &       -1                      ; 26
-        &       -1                      ; 27
-        &       -1                      ; 28
-        &       -1                      ; 29
-        &       -1                      ; 30
-        &       -1                      ; 31
-        &       -1                      ; 32
-        &       -1                      ; 33
-        &       -1                      ; 34
-        &       -1                      ; 35
-        &       -1                      ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &       -1                      ; 41
-        &       -1                      ; 42
-        &       -1                      ; 43
-        &       -1                      ; 44
-        &       -1                      ; 45
-        &       -1                      ; 46
-        &       -1                      ; 47
-        &       -1                      ; 48
-        &       -1                      ; 49
-;       monitor type 7, file
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*7):SHL:2)
-        &       -1                      ; 0
-        &       -1                      ; 1
-        &       -1                      ; 2
-        &       -1                      ; 3
-        &       -1                      ; 4
-        &       -1                      ; 5
-        &       -1                      ; 6
-        &       -1                      ; 7
-        &       -1                      ; 8
-        &       -1                      ; 9
-        &       -1                      ; 10
-        &       -1                      ; 11
-        &       -1                      ; 12
-        &       -1                      ; 13
-        &       -1                      ; 14
-        &       -1                      ; 15
-        &       -1                      ; 16
-        &       -1                      ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       -1                      ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       -1                      ; 24
-        &       -1                      ; 25
-        &       -1                      ; 26
-        &       -1                      ; 27
-        &       -1                      ; 28
-        &       -1                      ; 29
-        &       -1                      ; 30
-        &       -1                      ; 31
-        &       -1                      ; 32
-        &       -1                      ; 33
-        &       -1                      ; 34
-        &       -1                      ; 35
-        &       -1                      ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &       -1                      ; 41
-        &       -1                      ; 42
-        &       -1                      ; 43
-        &       -1                      ; 44
-        &       -1                      ; 45
-        &       -1                      ; 46
-        &       -1                      ; 47
-        &       -1                      ; 48
-        &       -1                      ; 49
-;       monitor type 8, 60Hz TV
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*8):SHL:2)
-        &       -1                      ; 0
-        &       -1                      ; 1
-        &       -1                      ; 2
-        &       -1                      ; 3
-        &       -1                      ; 4
-        &       -1                      ; 5
-        &       -1                      ; 6
-        &       -1                      ; 7
-        &       -1                      ; 8
-        &       -1                      ; 9
-        &       -1                      ; 10
-        &       -1                      ; 11
-        &       -1                      ; 12
-        &       -1                      ; 13
-        &       -1                      ; 14
-        &       -1                      ; 15
-        &       -1                      ; 16
-        &       -1                      ; 17
-        &       -1                      ; 18
-        &       -1                      ; 19
-        &       -1                      ; 20
-        &       -1                      ; 21
-        &       -1                      ; 22
-        &       -1                      ; 23
-        &       -1                      ; 24
-        &       -1                      ; 25
-        &       -1                      ; 26
-        &       -1                      ; 27
-        &       -1                      ; 28
-        &       -1                      ; 29
-        &       -1                      ; 30
-        &       -1                      ; 31
-        &       -1                      ; 32
-        &       -1                      ; 33
-        &       -1                      ; 34
-        &       -1                      ; 35
-        &       -1                      ; 36
-        &       -1                      ; 37
-        &       -1                      ; 38
-        &       -1                      ; 39
-        &       -1                      ; 40
-        &       -1                      ; 41
-        &       -1                      ; 42
-        &       -1                      ; 43
-        &       VLM_44 - BigVIDCTable   ; 44 CGA
-        &       VLM_45 - BigVIDCTable   ; 45
-        &       VLM_46 - BigVIDCTable   ; 46
-        &       -1                      ; 47
-        &       -1                      ; 48
-        &       -1                      ; 49
-        ASSERT  (.-BigVIDCTable)=((NumModes*NumMonitorTypes):SHL:2)
-VLN_0   VIDC_List 0, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,16,256,16, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 0
-VLN_1   VIDC_List 1, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,16,256,16, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 1
-VLN_2   VIDC_List 2, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,16,256,16, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 2
-VLN_3   VIDC_List 1, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,19,250,19, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 3
-VLN_4   VIDC_List 0, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,16,256,16, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 4
-VLN_5   VIDC_List 1, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,16,256,16, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 5
-VLN_6   VIDC_List 1, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,19,250,19, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 6
- [ :LNOT: HiResTTX
-VLN_7   VIDC_List 2, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,19,250,19, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 7
- ]
-VLN_8   VIDC_List 1, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,16,256,16, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 8
-VLN_9   VIDC_List 2, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,16,256,16, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 9
-VLN_10  VIDC_List 3, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,16,256,16, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 10
-VLN_11  VIDC_List 1, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,19,250,19, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 11
-VLN_12  VIDC_List 2, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,16,256,16, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 12
-VLN_13  VIDC_List 3, 38, 44, 48, 320, 48, 14, 3,19,16,256,16, 2, 8000,0         ; MODE 13
-VLN_14  VIDC_List 2, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,19,250,19, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 14
-VLN_15  VIDC_List 3, 76, 88, 96, 640, 96, 28, 3,19,16,256,16, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 15
-VLN_16  VIDC_List 2,114,132, 96,1056, 96, 42, 3,19,16,256,16, 2,24000,0         ; MODE 16
-VLN_17  VIDC_List 2,114,132, 96,1056, 96, 42, 3,19,19,250,19, 2,24000,0         ; MODE 17
-VLN_22  VIDC_List 2, 76,120,  0, 768,  0, 60, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 22
-VLN_24  VIDC_List 3,114,132, 96,1056, 96, 42, 3,19,16,256,16, 2,24000,0         ; MODE 24
-VLN_33  VIDC_List 0, 76,120,  0, 768,  0, 60, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 33
-VLN_34  VIDC_List 1, 76,120,  0, 768,  0, 60, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 34
-VLN_35  VIDC_List 2, 76,120,  0, 768,  0, 60, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 35
-VLN_36  VIDC_List 3, 76,120,  0, 768,  0, 60, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 36
-VLM_0   VIDC_List 0, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 0
-VLM_1   VIDC_List 1, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 1
-VLM_2   VIDC_List 2, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 2
-VLM_3   VIDC_List 1, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 3
-VLM_4   VIDC_List 0, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 4
-VLM_5   VIDC_List 1, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 5
-VLM_6   VIDC_List 1, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,20,250,20, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 6
- [ TTX256
-VLM_7   VIDC_List 3, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 6,500, 6, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 7
- |
- [ HiResTTX
-VLM_7   VIDC_List 2, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 6,500, 6, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 7
- |
-VLM_7   VIDC_List 2, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,20,250,20, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 7
- ]
- ]
-VLM_8   VIDC_List 1, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 8
-VLM_9   VIDC_List 2, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 9
-VLM_10  VIDC_List 3, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 10
-VLM_11  VIDC_List 1, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 11
-VLM_12  VIDC_List 2, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 12
-VLM_13  VIDC_List 3, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 13
-VLM_14  VIDC_List 2, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 14
-VLM_15  VIDC_List 3, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 15
-VLM_16  VIDC_List 2,108, 72,106,1056,106, 88, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,24000,0         ; MODE 16
-VLM_17  VIDC_List 2,108, 72,106,1056,106, 88, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,24000,0         ; MODE 17
-VLM_18  VIDC_List 0, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 0,512, 0, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 18
-VLM_19  VIDC_List 1, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 0,512, 0, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 19
-VLM_20  VIDC_List 2, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 0,512, 0, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 20
-VLM_21  VIDC_List 3, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 0,512, 0, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 21
-VLM_22  VIDC_List 2, 76, 82,  0, 768,  0, 98, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 22
-VLM_24  VIDC_List 3,108, 72,106,1056,106, 88, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,24000,0         ; MODE 24
-VLM_25  VIDC_List 0, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0, 18, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 25
-VLM_26  VIDC_List 1, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0, 18, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 26
-VLM_27  VIDC_List 2, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0, 18, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 27
-VLM_28  VIDC_List 3, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0, 18, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,25175,3         ; MODE 28
-VLM_29  VIDC_List 0, 72,128,  0, 800,  0, 24, 2,22, 0,600, 0, 1,36000,0         ; MODE 29
-VLM_30  VIDC_List 1, 72,128,  0, 800,  0, 24, 2,22, 0,600, 0, 1,36000,0         ; MODE 30
-VLM_31  VIDC_List 2, 72,128,  0, 800,  0, 24, 2,22, 0,600, 0, 1,36000,0         ; MODE 31
-VLM_33  VIDC_List 0, 76,82,  0, 768,  0, 98, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 33
-VLM_34  VIDC_List 1, 76,82,  0, 768,  0, 98, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 34
-VLM_35  VIDC_List 2, 76,82,  0, 768,  0, 98, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 35
-VLM_36  VIDC_List 3, 76,82,  0, 768,  0, 98, 3,19, 0,288, 0, 2,16000,0         ; MODE 36
-VLM_37  VIDC_List 0,118, 58,  0, 896,  0, 28, 3, 9, 0,352, 0, 0,24000,2         ; DTP 896x352
-VLM_38  VIDC_List 1,118, 58,  0, 896,  0, 28, 3, 9, 0,352, 0, 0,24000,2         ; EGA std
-VLM_39  VIDC_List 2,118, 58,  0, 896,  0, 28, 3, 9, 0,352, 0, 0,24000,2
-VLM_40  VIDC_List 3,118, 58,  0, 896,  0, 28, 3, 9, 0,352, 0, 0,24000,2
-VLM_41  VIDC_List 0, 76, 36,  0, 640,  0, 16, 3, 9, 0,352, 0, 0,16783,2         ; EGA
-VLM_42  VIDC_List 1, 76, 36,  0, 640,  0, 16, 3, 9, 0,352, 0, 0,16783,2
-VLM_43  VIDC_List 2, 76, 36,  0, 640,  0, 16, 3, 9, 0,352, 0, 0,16783,2
-VLM_44  VIDC_List 0, 72,162,  0, 640,  0,146, 3,34, 0,200, 0,25,16000,0         ; CGA
-VLM_45  VIDC_List 1, 72,162,  0, 640,  0,146, 3,34, 0,200, 0,25,16000,0
-VLM_46  VIDC_List 2, 72,162,  0, 640,  0,146, 3,34, 0,200, 0,25,16000,0
-VLM_47  VIDC_List 3, 64, 62,  0, 360,  0, 46, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,16783,3         ; PC Soft
-VLM_48  VIDC_List 2, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0, 10, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,12587,3         ; Games mode
-VLM_49  VIDC_List 3, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0, 10, 2,32, 0,480, 0,11,12587,3         ; Games mode
-; New modes for VIDC20
-VLM_32  VIDC_List 3, 72,128,  0, 800,  0, 24, 2,22, 0,600, 0, 1,36000,0         ; MODE 32 (800 x 600 x 8bpp)
-VLH_23  VIDC_List 2, 52, 46,  2, 288,  2,  2, 3,43, 4,896, 4, 0,24000,0         ; MODE 23
-VgaX_0   VIDC_List 0, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,25175,2         ; TV modes in VGA_350)
-VgaX_1   VIDC_List 1, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,12587,2
-VgaX_2   VIDC_List 2, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,12587,2
-VgaX_3   VIDC_List 1, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,109,0,250, 0,88,25175,2
-VgaX_4   VIDC_List 0, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,25175,2
-VgaX_5   VIDC_List 1, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,12587,2
-VgaX_6   VIDC_List 1, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,109,0,250, 0,88,12587,2
-VgaX_7   VIDC_List 2, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,109,0,250, 0,88,12587,2
-VgaX_8   VIDC_List 1, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,25175,2
-VgaX_9   VIDC_List 2, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,12587,2
-VgaX_10  VIDC_List 3, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,12587,2
-VgaX_11  VIDC_List 1, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,109,0,250, 0,88,25175,2
-VgaX_12  VIDC_List 2, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,25175,2
-VgaX_13  VIDC_List 3, 48, 22,  0, 320,  0,10, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,12587,2
-VgaX_14  VIDC_List 2, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,109,0,250, 0,88,25175,2
-VgaX_15  VIDC_List 3, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,106,0,256, 0,85,25175,2
-VgaX_41  VIDC_List 0, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,58, 0,352, 0,37,25175,2         ; EGA
-VgaX_42  VIDC_List 1, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,58, 0,352, 0,37,25175,2
-VgaX_43  VIDC_List 2, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18, 2,58, 0,352, 0,37,25175,2
-VgaX_44  VIDC_List 0, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18,2,134, 0,200,0,113,25175,2         ; CGA
-VgaX_45  VIDC_List 1, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18,2,134, 0,200,0,113,25175,2
-VgaX_46  VIDC_List 2, 96, 46,  0, 640,  0,18,2,134, 0,200,0,113,25175,2
-LCD_25   VIDC_List 0,  8, 32,  0, 640,  0,16,1,  0, 0,480,0,  0,27000,0
-LCD_26   VIDC_List 1,  8, 32,  0, 640,  0,16,1,  0, 0,480,0,  0,27000,0
-LCD_27   VIDC_List 2,  8, 32,  0, 640,  0,16,1,  0, 0,480,0,  0,27000,0
-LCD_28   VIDC_List 3,  8, 32,  0, 640,  0,16,1,  0, 0,480,0,  0,27000,0
- [ ModeSelectors
-; Table of ideal frame rate for each numbered mode, to put in dummy mode selector
-; if numbered mode number is not directly available on this monitortype
- [ HiResTTX
-        =       F_VLN_0, F_VLN_1, F_VLN_2, F_VLN_3, F_VLN_4, F_VLN_5, F_VLN_6, F_VLM_7
- |
-        =       F_VLN_0, F_VLN_1, F_VLN_2, F_VLN_3, F_VLN_4, F_VLN_5, F_VLN_6, F_VLN_7
- ]
-        =       F_VLN_8, F_VLN_9, F_VLN_10, F_VLN_11, F_VLN_12, F_VLN_13, F_VLN_14, F_VLN_15
-        =       F_VLN_16, F_VLN_17, F_VLM_18, F_VLM_19, F_VLM_20, F_VLM_21, F_VLN_22, F_VLH_23
-        =       F_VLN_24, F_VLM_25, F_VLM_26, F_VLM_27, F_VLM_28, F_VLM_29, F_VLM_30, F_VLM_31
-        =       F_VLM_32, F_VLN_33, F_VLN_34, F_VLN_35, F_VLN_36, F_VLM_37, F_VLM_38, F_VLM_39
-        =       F_VLM_40, F_VLM_41, F_VLM_42, F_VLM_43, F_VLM_44, F_VLM_45, F_VLM_46, F_VLM_47
-        =       F_VLM_48, F_VLM_49
-        ASSERT  . - FrameRateTable = NumModes
-        ALIGN
- ]
- & VW_0  - Vwstab      ; MODE  0
- & VW_1  - Vwstab      ; MODE  1
- & VW_2  - Vwstab      ; MODE  2
- & VW_3  - Vwstab      ; MODE  3
- & VW_4  - Vwstab      ; MODE  4
- & VW_5  - Vwstab      ; MODE  5
- & VW_6  - Vwstab      ; MODE  6
- & VW_7  - Vwstab      ; MODE  7
- & VW_8  - Vwstab      ; MODE  8
- & VW_9  - Vwstab      ; MODE  9
- & VW_10 - Vwstab      ; MODE  10
- & VW_11 - Vwstab      ; MODE  11
- & VW_12 - Vwstab      ; MODE  12
- & VW_13 - Vwstab      ; MODE  13
- & VW_14 - Vwstab      ; MODE  14
- & VW_15 - Vwstab      ; MODE  15
- & VW_16 - Vwstab      ; MODE  16
- & VW_17 - Vwstab      ; MODE  17
- & VW_18 - Vwstab      ; MODE  18
- & VW_19 - Vwstab      ; MODE  19
- & VW_20 - Vwstab      ; MODE  20
- & VW_21 - Vwstab      ; MODE  21
- & VW_22 - Vwstab      ; MODE  22 (new mode for visually handicapped)
- & VW_23 - Vwstab      ; MODE  23
- & VW_24 - Vwstab      ; MODE  24
- & VW_25 - Vwstab      ; MODE  25
- & VW_26 - Vwstab      ; MODE  26
- & VW_27 - Vwstab      ; MODE  27
- & VW_28 - Vwstab      ; MODE  28
- & VW_29 - Vwstab      ; MODE  29 exp
- & VW_30 - Vwstab      ; MODE  30 exp
- & VW_31 - Vwstab      ; MODE  31
- & VW_32 - Vwstab      ; MODE  32
- & VW_33 - Vwstab      ; MODE  33
- & VW_34 - Vwstab      ; MODE  34
- & VW_35 - Vwstab      ; MODE  35
- & VW_36 - Vwstab      ; MODE  36
- & VW_37 - Vwstab      ; MODE  37
- & VW_38 - Vwstab      ; MODE  38
- & VW_39 - Vwstab      ; MODE  39
- & VW_40 - Vwstab      ; MODE  40
- & VW_41 - Vwstab      ; MODE  41
- & VW_42 - Vwstab      ; MODE  42
- & VW_43 - Vwstab      ; MODE  43
- & VW_44 - Vwstab      ; MODE  44
- & VW_45 - Vwstab      ; MODE  45
- & VW_46 - Vwstab      ; MODE  46
- & VW_47 - Vwstab      ; MODE  47
- & VW_48 - Vwstab      ; MODE  48
- & VW_49 - Vwstab      ; MODE  49
-; To change the order of mode variables, change the following:-
-;  a)   The order of the 'wk' labels below
-;  b)   The order of the output variables in macro VWSTAB below
-;  c)   The order of the variables in '$.Hdr.Workspace' and '$.Hdr.NewSpace'
-        ^ 0
-wkstart         # 0
-wkScreenSize    # 4
-wkXWindLimit    # 4
-wkYWindLimit    # 4
-wkLineLength    # 4
-wkNColour       # 4             ; DDV; defined to be a word (17-Sep-92)
-wkmiddle        # 0
-wkYShftFactor   # 4
-wkModeFlags     # 4
-wkXEigFactor    # 4
-wkYEigFactor    # 4
-wkLog2BPC       # 4
-wkLog2BPP       # 4
-wkECFIndex      # 4
-wkmidend        # 0
-wkScrRCol       # 4
-wkScrBRow       # 4
-wkdispstart     # 0
-wkPalIndex      # 4
-wkend           # 0
-wksize * wkend-wkstart
-wkwordsize * (wksize + 3) :AND: :NOT: 3
-wklim * wksize-(wkmiddle-wkstart)
-;VIDC list type 3 size (hardware independent video controller list)
-VIDCList3Size * (64 + 16*8 + 4) ; primary params, up to 16 video control params, terminator
-PushedInfoSize * wkwordsize + VIDCList3Size
-M22S * 1280*976/8  ;  screen size
-M23S * 1152*896/8
-M25S *  640*480/8
-M31S *  800*600/8
-M37S *  896*352/8
-M41S *  640*352/8
-M44S *  640*200/8
-M47S *  360*480/8
-        MACRO
-$label  VWSTAB1 $BaseMode, $ScreenSize,$LineLength,$XWindLimit,$YWindLimit,$YShftFactor,    $XEigFactor,$YEigFactor,$NColour,$ScrRCol,$ScrBRow,$Log2BPC,$Log2BPP,$PalIndex, $ECFIndex,$ModeFlags
-        LCLS    ScrSize
-        LCLA    xres
-        LCLA    yres
-        LCLA    pixdepth
-        LCLA    yeig
-        LCLA    scrsz
-        [ ("$ScreenSize" :RIGHT: 1) = "K"
-ScrSize SETS ("$ScreenSize" :LEFT: ((:LEN: "$ScreenSize")-1))
-scrsz   SETA    $ScrSize * 1024
-        |
-scrsz   SETA    $ScreenSize
-        ]
-        &       scrsz
-        &       $XWindLimit, $YWindLimit, $LineLength, $NColour
-        &       $YShftFactor, $ModeFlags, $XEigFactor, $YEigFactor
-        &       $Log2BPC, $Log2BPP, $ECFIndex
-        &       $ScrRCol, $ScrBRow, $PalIndex
-        ALIGN
- [ MakeModeSelectorsForModeNumbers
-xres    SETA    (($XWindLimit+1):SHL:($Log2BPC)):SHR:($Log2BPP)
-yres    SETA    ($YWindLimit)+1
-pixdepth SETA   $Log2BPP
-  [ yres < xres/2
-yeig    SETA    2
-  |
-yeig    SETA    1
-  ]
-        &       1, xres, yres, pixdepth
-        &       -1                                              ; frame rate (is this going to be OK?)
-  [ {FALSE} ; don't need any of this stuff - we're only getting the VIDC stuff via this mechanism
-   [ ($ModeFlags)<>0
-        &       VduExt_ModeFlags, $ModeFlags
-   ]
-   [ ($ScrRCol) <> (xres :SHR: 3)-1
-        &       VduExt_ScrRCol, $ScrRCol
-   ]
-   [ ($ScrBRow) <> (yres :SHR: 3)-1
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, $ScrBRow
-   ]
-   [ ($NColour) <> NColour_$Log2BPP
-        &       VduExt_NColour, $NColour
-   ]
-   [ ($XEigFactor) <> 1
-        &       VduExt_XEigFactor, $XEigFactor
-   ]
-   [ ($YEigFactor) <> yeig
-        &       VduExt_YEigFactor, $YEigFactor
-   ]
-   [ ($LineLength) <> (xres :SHL: pixdepth) :SHR: 3
-        &       VduExt_LineLength, $LineLength
-   ]
-   [ scrsz <> ((xres * yres) :SHL: pixdepth) :SHR: 3
-        &       VduExt_ScreenSize, scrsz
-   ]
-   [ ($Log2BPC) <> pixdepth
-        &       VduExt_Log2BPC, $Log2BPC
-   ]
-  ]
-        &       -1                                              ; terminator
- ]
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$label  VWSTAB2 $BaseMode, $ScreenSize,$LineLength,$XWindLimit,$YWindLimit,$YShftFactor,    $XEigFactor,$YEigFactor,$NColour,$ScrRCol,$ScrBRow,$Log2BPC,$Log2BPP,$PalIndex, $ECFIndex,$ModeFlags
-        LCLS ScrSize
-        &       0       ; wslist type (default)
-        &       $BaseMode
-        [ ("$ScreenSize" :RIGHT: 1) = "K"
-ScrSize SETS ("$ScreenSize" :LEFT: ((:LEN: "$ScreenSize")-1))
-        &       VduExt_ScreenSize, $ScrSize * 1024
-        |
-        &       VduExt_ScreenSize, $ScreenSize
-        ]
-        &       VduExt_LineLength, $LineLength
-        &       VduExt_XWindLimit, $XWindLimit
-        &       VduExt_YWindLimit, $YWindLimit
-        &       VduExt_YShftFactor, $YShftFactor
-        &       VduExt_XEigFactor, $XEigFactor
-        &       VduExt_YEigFactor, $YEigFactor
-        &       VduExt_NColour, $NColour
-        &       VduExt_ScrRCol, $ScrRCol
-        &       VduExt_ScrBRow, $ScrBRow
-        &       VduExt_Log2BPC, $Log2BPC
-        &       VduExt_Log2BPP, $Log2BPP
-        &       VduExt_ModeFlags, $ModeFlags
-        &       -1
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-$label  VWSTAB $BaseMode, $ScreenSize,$LineLength,$XWindLimit,$YWindLimit,$YShftFactor,    $XEigFactor,$YEigFactor,$NColour,$ScrRCol,$ScrBRow,$Log2BPC,$Log2BPP,$PalIndex, $ECFIndex,$ModeFlags
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-$label  VWSTAB1 $BaseMode, $ScreenSize,$LineLength,$XWindLimit,$YWindLimit,$YShftFactor,    $XEigFactor,$YEigFactor,$NColour,$ScrRCol,$ScrBRow,$Log2BPC,$Log2BPP,$PalIndex, $ECFIndex,$ModeFlags
-        |
-$label  VWSTAB2 $BaseMode, $ScreenSize,$LineLength,$XWindLimit,$YWindLimit,$YShftFactor,    $XEigFactor,$YEigFactor,$NColour,$ScrRCol,$ScrBRow,$Log2BPC,$Log2BPP,$PalIndex, $ECFIndex,$ModeFlags
-        ]
-        MEND
-VW_0    VWSTAB  0, 20K, 80, 639,255,4,1,2, 1, 79, 31,0,0,0,1,0                                             ; MODE 0
-VW_1    VWSTAB  1, 20K, 80, 319,255,4,2,2, 3, 39, 31,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 1
-VW_2    VWSTAB  2, 40K,160, 159,255,5,3,2,15, 19, 31,3,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 2
-VW_3    VWSTAB  3, 40K,160, 639,249,5,1,2, 1, 79, 24,1,1,0,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_BBCGapMode  ; MODE 3
-VW_4    VWSTAB  4, 20K, 80, 319,255,4,2,2, 1, 39, 31,1,0,0,4,0                                             ; MODE 4
-VW_5    VWSTAB  5, 20K, 80, 159,255,4,3,2, 3, 19, 31,2,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 5
-VW_6    VWSTAB  6, 20K, 80, 319,249,4,2,2, 1, 39, 24,1,1,0,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_BBCGapMode  ; MODE 6
- [ TTX256
-VW_7    VWSTAB  7,640K,640, 639,499,5,1,1,63, 39, 24,3,3,4,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_Teletext+Flag_DoubleVertical ; MODE 7
- |
- [ HiResTTX
-VW_7    VWSTAB  7,320K,320, 639,499,5,1,1,15, 39, 24,2,2,4,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_Teletext+Flag_DoubleVertical ; MODE 7
- |
-VW_7    VWSTAB  7, 80K,160, 319,249,5,2,2,15, 39, 24,2,2,4,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_Teletext    ; MODE 7
- ]
- ]
-VW_8    VWSTAB  8, 40K,160, 639,255,5,1,2, 3, 79, 31,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 8
-VW_9    VWSTAB  9, 40K,160, 319,255,5,2,2,15, 39, 31,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 9
-VW_10   VWSTAB 10, 80K,320, 159,255,6,3,2,63, 19, 31,4,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 10
-VW_11   VWSTAB 11, 40K,160, 639,249,5,1,2, 3, 79, 24,1,1,1,2,Flag_GapMode                                  ; MODE 11
-VW_12   VWSTAB 12, 80K,320, 639,255,6,1,2,15, 79, 31,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 12
-VW_13   VWSTAB 13, 80K,320, 319,255,6,2,2,63, 39, 31,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 13
-VW_14   VWSTAB 14, 80K,320, 639,249,6,1,2,15, 79, 24,2,2,2,3,Flag_GapMode                                  ; MODE 14
-VW_15   VWSTAB 15,160K,640, 639,255,7,1,2,63, 79, 31,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 15
-VW_16   VWSTAB 16,132K,528,1055,255,0,1,2,15,131, 31,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 16
-VW_17   VWSTAB 17,132K,528,1055,249,0,1,2,15,131, 24,2,2,2,3,Flag_GapMode                                  ; MODE 17
-VW_18   VWSTAB 18, 40K, 80, 639,511,4,1,1, 1, 79, 63,0,0,0,4,0                                             ; MODE 18
-VW_19   VWSTAB 19, 80K,160, 639,511,5,1,1, 3, 79, 63,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 19
-VW_20   VWSTAB 20,160K,320, 639,511,6,1,1,15, 79, 63,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 20
-VW_21   VWSTAB 21,320K,640, 639,511,7,1,1,63, 79, 63,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 21
-VW_22   VWSTAB 22,108K,384, 767,287,0,0,1,15, 95, 35,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 22
-VW_23   VWSTAB 23,M23S,144,1151,895,0,1,1, 1,143, 55,0,0,5,4,Flag_HiResMono+Flag_DoubleVertical            ; MODE 23
-VW_24   VWSTAB 24,264K,1056,1055,255,0,1,2,63,131,31,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 24
-VW_25 VWSTAB 25,M25S  , 80, 639,479,4,1,1, 1, 79, 59,0,0,0,4,0                                             ; MODE 25
-VW_26 VWSTAB 26,M25S*2,160, 639,479,5,1,1, 3, 79, 59,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 26
-VW_27 VWSTAB 27,M25S*4,320, 639,479,6,1,1,15, 79, 59,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 27
-VW_28 VWSTAB 28,M25S*8,640, 639,479,7,1,1,63, 79, 59,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 28
-VW_29 VWSTAB 29,M31S  ,100, 799,599,0,1,1, 1, 99, 74,0,0,0,4,0                                             ; MODE 29
-VW_30 VWSTAB 30,M31S*2,200, 799,599,0,1,1, 3, 99, 74,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 30
-VW_31 VWSTAB 31,M31S*4,400, 799,599,0,1,1,15, 99, 74,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 31
-VW_32 VWSTAB 32,M31S*8,800, 799,599,0,1,1,63, 99, 74,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 32
-VW_33   VWSTAB 33, 27K, 96, 767,287,0,1,2, 1, 95, 35,0,0,0,4,0                                             ; MODE 33
-VW_34   VWSTAB 34, 54K,192, 767,287,0,1,2, 3, 95, 35,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 34
-VW_35   VWSTAB 35,108K,384, 767,287,0,1,2,15, 95, 35,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 35
-VW_36   VWSTAB 36,216K,768, 767,287,0,1,2,63, 95, 35,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 36
-VW_37 VWSTAB 37,M37S  ,112, 895,351,0,1,2, 1,111, 43,0,0,0,4,0                                             ; MODE 37
-VW_38 VWSTAB 38,M37S*2,224, 895,351,0,1,2, 3,111, 43,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 38
-VW_39 VWSTAB 39,M37S*4,448, 895,351,0,1,2,15,111, 43,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 39
-VW_40 VWSTAB 40,M37S*8,896, 895,351,0,1,2,63,111, 43,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 40
-VW_41 VWSTAB 41,M41S  , 80, 639,351,0,1,2, 1, 79, 43,0,0,0,4,0                                             ; EGA 1,2,4bpp
-VW_42 VWSTAB 42,M41S*2,160, 639,351,0,1,2, 3, 79, 43,1,1,1,2,0                                             ;
-VW_43 VWSTAB 43,M41S*4,320, 639,351,0,1,2,15, 79, 43,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; 640x352
-VW_44 VWSTAB 44,M44S  , 80, 639,199,0,1,2, 1, 79, 24,0,0,0,4,0                                             ; CGA 1,2,4bpp
-VW_45 VWSTAB 45,M44S*2,160, 639,199,0,1,2, 3, 79, 24,1,1,1,2,0                                             ;
-VW_46 VWSTAB 46,M44S*4,320, 639,199,0,1,2,15, 79, 24,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; 640x200
-VW_47 VWSTAB 47,M47S*8,360, 359,479,0,2,2,63, 89, 59,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; PCSoft 360 x 480 x 8bpp
-VW_48 VWSTAB 48,   75K,160, 319,479,0,2,1,15, 39, 59,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; Games 320 x 480 x 4bpp
-VW_49 VWSTAB 49,  150K,320, 319,479,0,2,1,63, 39, 59,3,3,3,5,0                                             ; Games 320 x 480 x 8bpp
-;            $BaseMode               $YShftFactor  $ScrBRow   $ModeFlags
-;               $ScreenSize            $XEigFactor    $Log2BPC
-;                      $LineLength       $YEigFactor    $Log2BPP
-;                           $XWindLimit    $NColour       $PalIndex
-;                                $YWindLimit  $ScrRCol      $ECFIndex
- [ MakeModeSelectorsForModeNumbers
-        GBLA    modecount
-        GBLS    h
-        GBLS    l
-modecount SETA  0
-        ASSERT  NumModes <= 100
-        WHILE   modecount < NumModes
-  [ modecount >= 10
-h       SETS    :CHR:(&30 + modecount/10)
-  |
-h       SETS    ""
-  ]
-l       SETS    :CHR:(&30 + modecount :MOD: 10)
-        &       ModeSelector_VW_$h$l-ModeSelectorTable
-modecount SETA  modecount + 1
-        WEND
-        ! 0,    "Mode selector table at ":CC: :STR: ModeSelectorTable
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdupal10 b/s/vdu/vdupal10
deleted file mode 100644
index ecc07288..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdupal10
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > VduPal10
-; mjs - not used any more (it's pre-Medusa, for goodness sake)
-; Palette programming for VIDC10 (ie VIDC1 or VIDC1a)
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV handler
-; ----------------
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MOSPaletteV - Default owner of PaletteV
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Complete = 0
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Read = 1
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Set = 2
-        ASSERT  paletteV_1stFlashState = 3
-        ASSERT  paletteV_2ndFlashState = 4
-        ASSERT  paletteV_SetDefaultPalette = 5
-        ASSERT  paletteV_BlankScreen = 6
-        CMP     r4, #1
-        MOVCC   pc, lr
-        BEQ     PV_ReadPalette
-        CMP     r4, #3
-        BCC     PV_SetPalette
-        BEQ     PV_1stFlashState
-        CMP     r4, #5
-        BCC     PV_2ndFlashState
-        BEQ     PV_SetDefaultPalette
-        CMP     r4, #7
-        BCC     PV_BlankScreen
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; reason code not known, so pass it on
-; *****************************************************************************
-PV_SetDefaultPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3,r5-r9"
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]  ; the new index 0-5
-        ADR     r1, paldptab
-        LDR     r2, [r1, r0, LSL #2]    ; offset from r1 to start of table
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1              ; point to next item
-        LDR     r5, [r1, r0, LSL #2]    ; offset from r1 to end of table +1
-        ADD     r2, r2, r1              ; r2 -> start of table
-        ADD     r5, r5, r1              ; r5 -> end of table
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; start at palette index 0
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; set both halves
-        LDR     r6, [r2], #4
-        MOVS    r3, r6, LSL #17         ; get 1st half word and set carry if flashing
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #17
-        MOVCC   r4, #0
-        LDRCS   r4, =&FFF               ; flashing so invert 2nd half RGB
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        MOVS    r3, r6, LSL #1          ; get 2nd half word and set carry if flashing
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #17
-        MOVCC   r4, #0
-        LDRCS   r4, =&FFF
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r2, r5
-        BNE     %BT10
-; now ensure all palette entries from 0..15 are initialised
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; set unused (and border) to black
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; no flashing
-        CMP     r0, #16
-        BHS     %FT25
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        B       %BT20
-25      MOV     r2, #0                  ; Set border to black (sup 0)
-        BL      BorderInitEntry
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate PaletteV operation complete
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r5-r9,pc"        ; restore registers and claim vector
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Table of offsets from paldata_pointer to palette data
-        &       paldat1-paldptab        ; 2  Colour Modes
-        &       paldat2-paldptab        ; 4
-        &       paldat4-paldptab        ; 16
-        &       paldat8-paldptab        ; 256
-        &       paldatT-paldptab        ; teletext mode
-        &       paldatHR-paldptab       ; Hi-res mono mode
-        &       paldatend-paldptab      ; end of table marker
-paldat1 ; Data for 1 bit modes - only necessary to program registers 0 and 1
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 1  White
-paldat2 ; Data for 2 bit modes - only necessary to program registers 0..3
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1  Red
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 2  Yellow
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 3  White
-paldat4 ; Data for 4 bit modes - program all registers
-        ; Flashing Colours will be needed here
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1  Red
-        DCW     &00F0           ; 2  Green
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 3  Yellow
-        DCW     &0F00           ; 4  Blue
-        DCW     &0F0F           ; 5  Magenta
-        DCW     &0FF0           ; 6  Cyan
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 7  White
-        DCW     &8000           ; 8  Flashing Black
-        DCW     &800F           ; 9  Flashing Red
-        DCW     &80F0           ; 10 Flashing Green
-        DCW     &80FF           ; 11 Flashing Yellow
-        DCW     &8F00           ; 12 Flashing Blue
-        DCW     &8F0F           ; 13 Flashing Magenta
-        DCW     &8FF0           ; 14 Flashing Cyan
-        DCW     &8FFF           ; 15 Flashing White
-paldat8 ; Data for 8 bit modes - Program all registers
-        ; PP field is 16 for all these, cos not true BBC colours
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0
-        DCW     &0111           ; 1
-        DCW     &0222           ; 2
-        DCW     &0333           ; 3
-        DCW     &0004           ; 4
-        DCW     &0115           ; 5
-        DCW     &0226           ; 6
-        DCW     &0337           ; 7
-        DCW     &0400           ; 8
-        DCW     &0511           ; 9
-        DCW     &0622           ; A
-        DCW     &0733           ; B
-        DCW     &0404           ; C
-        DCW     &0515           ; D
-        DCW     &0626           ; E
-        DCW     &0737           ; F
-paldatT ; Data for teletext mode
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0 Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1 Red
-        DCW     &00F0           ; 2 Green
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 3 Yellow
-        DCW     &0F00           ; 4 Blue
-        DCW     &0F0F           ; 5 Magenta
-        DCW     &0FF0           ; 6 Cyan
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 7 White
-; Colours 8 to 15 have supremacy bit set
-        DCW     &1000           ; 8 Supremacy+ Black
-        DCW     &100F           ; 9            Red
-        DCW     &10F0           ; 10           Green
-        DCW     &10FF           ; 11           Yellow
-        DCW     &1F00           ; 12           Blue
-        DCW     &1F0F           ; 13           Magenta
-        DCW     &1FF0           ; 14           Cyan
-        DCW     &1FFF           ; 15           White
-paldatHR  ; data for Hi-res mono mode
-        DCW     &0000           ; Only red gun necessary
-        DCW     &0111           ; but setting all three makes
-        DCW     &0222           ; reading it more natural
-        DCW     &0333
-        DCW     &0444
-        DCW     &0555
-        DCW     &0666
-        DCW     &0777
-        DCW     &0888
-        DCW     &0999
-        DCW     &0AAA
-        DCW     &0BBB
-        DCW     &0CCC
-        DCW     &0DDD
-        DCW     &0EEE
-        DCW     &0FFF
-        DCW     &0000           ; border black
-        DCW     &0010           ; fixed pointer colours
-        DCW     &0020
-        DCW     &0030
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV call to set palette
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = colour type (16,17,18,24,25)
-;       R2 = BBGGRRS0
-;       R4 = PaletteV reason code
-; out:  R4 = 0, claim vector if recognised
-;       otherwise preserve R4 and pass on
-PV_SetPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        TEQ     r1, #16                 ; if 16 then set both colours
-        MOVEQ   r1, #3
-        BEQ     UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #17                 ; elif 17 then set 1st colour
-        MOVEQ   r1, #1
-        BEQ     UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #18                 ; elif 18 then set 2nd colour
-        MOVEQ   r1, #2
-        BEQ     UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #24                 ; elif 24 then border colour
-        BEQ     BorderColour
-        TEQ     r1, #25                 ; elif 25 then pointer colour
-        BEQ     PointerColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3"
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; else not defined
-; *****************************************************************************
-UpdateNormalColour ROUT
-        LDR     lr, [WsPtr, #DisplayNColour] ; get the mask
-        AND     r0, r0, lr              ; and mask it off
-        AND     r0, r0, #15             ; maximum 15
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "r0-r3, pc"
-BorderInitEntry ENTRY "r0-r3"           ; entry used in default palette setting
-BorderColour ROUT
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]  ; if hi res mono
-        TEQ     r0, #5
-        BICEQ   r2, r2, #&00300000      ; then knock out bits 0,1 of green palette
-        MOV     r0, #16                 ; palette index for border colour
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; both colours
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-; Now test for BBC gap mode (ie 3 or 6)
-; if so then set colour 2 to same as border, and colour 3 to inverse
-        LDR     lr, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeFlags]
-        TST     lr, #Flag_BBCGapMode
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        MOV     r0, #2                  ; make colour 2 (gap) same as border
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r0, #3                  ; make colour 3 inverse gap
-        MVN     r2, r2                  ; invert R, G and B
-        EOR     r2, r2, #&FF            ; but use same supremacy
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "r0-r3, pc"
-PointerColour ROUT
-        LDR     r1, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]  ; if hi res mono, then don't allow
-        TEQ     r1, #5                  ; pointer palette changes
-        ANDNES  r0, r0, #3              ; force pointer colour number in range 1..3
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; zero is invalid
-        ADD     r0, r0, #16             ; form palette index 17..19
-        MOV     r1, #3
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-UpdateSettingAndVIDC ROUT
-        AND     r4, r2, #&F0000000
-        MOV     r3, r4, LSR #(28-8)     ; move blue to bits 8..11
-        AND     r4, r2, #&00F00000
-        ORR     r3, r3, r4, LSR #(20-4) ; move green to bits 4..7
-        AND     r4, r2, #&0000F000
-        ORR     r3, r3, r4, LSR #(12-0) ; move red to bits 0..3
-        AND     r4, r2, #&00000080
-        ORR     r3, r3, r4, LSL #(12-7) ; move sup to bit 12
-        CMP     r0, #16                 ; if not normal colour
-        BCS     %FT10                   ; then OK for hi-res-mono
-        LDR     r4, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]
-        TEQ     r4, #5
-        BEQ     UpdateHiResRGB
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate no EORing between parts
-; and drop thru to ...
-UpdateSettingStraightRGB ENTRY "r2,r5,r6"
-        PHPSEI                          ; protect against IRQs
-        ORR     r3, r3, r0, LSL #26     ; form VIDC register number at top
-        LDRB    r5, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     r5, #0
-        MOVNE   r5, #&00FFFFFF          ; bits to knock out if blanked
-        LDROSB  r2, FlashState          ; 0 => second, 1 => first
-        CMP     r2, #1                  ; C=0 => second, C=1 => first
-        TST     r1, #1
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; skip if not setting 1st colour
-        ADD     r2, WsPtr, #FirPalSetting
-        STR     r3, [r2, r0, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   r2, #VIDC
-        BICCS   r6, r3, r5              ; knock out bits for blanking
-        STRCS   r6, [r2]                ; poke VIDC if setting 1st colour and in 1st state
-        TST     r1, #2
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; skip if not setting 2nd colour
-        ADD     r2, WsPtr, #SecPalSetting
-        EOR     r3, r3, r4              ; toggle requested bits for 2nd half
-        STR     r3, [r2, r0, LSL #2]
-        MOVCC   r2, #VIDC
-        BICCC   r6, r3, r5              ; knock out bits for blanking
-        STRCC   r6, [r2]                ; poke VIDC if setting 2nd colour and in 2nd state
-        PLP
-        EXIT                            ; restore registers, claim vector
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateHiResRGB - Routine to program normal palette for Hi-Res-Mono display
-; in:   r0 = logical colour
-;       r1 = mask of which states to update (bit 0 = 1st flash state, bit 1 = 2nd)
-;       r3 = &0000SBGR
-; out:  r3, r4 may be corrupted
-UpdateHiResRGB ENTRY "r5"
-        PHPSEI
-        Push    "lr"
-        LDROSB  r5, FlashState
-        TEQ     r5, #0                  ; 0 => 2nd state, 1 => 1st state
-        MOVNE   r5, #VIDC               ; 1st state => r5 = VIDC, else = 0
-        TST     r1, #1
-        ADDNE   r4, WsPtr, #FirPalSetting
-        BLNE    UpdateOneHiResSetting
-        EOR     r5, r5, #VIDC           ; 2nd state => r5 = VIDC, else = 0
-        TST     r1, #2
-        ADDNE   r4, WsPtr, #SecPalSetting
-        BLNE    UpdateOneHiResSetting
-        Pull    "lr"
-        PLP
-        EXIT
-UpdateOneHiResSetting ENTRY "r1,r2,r6-r9"
-        LDRB    lr, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     lr, #0
-        MOVNE   lr, #&00FFFFFF          ; if blanked, mask off these bits
-        LDR     r2, =&FFF
-        TEQ     r0, #0
-        MOVEQ   r1, r3                  ; if programming colour 0 then 1st colour is r3
-        LDREQ   r6, [r4, #15*4]         ; and 2nd colour is what's in colour 15
-        LDRNE   r1, [r4, #0*4]          ; else 1st colour is what's in colour 0
-        MOVNE   r6, r3                  ; and 2nd colour is r3
-        EOR     r6, r6, #&008           ; invert bit R3 of colour 15
-        EOR     r6, r6, r1              ; inverted EOR of colours 0 and 15
-        ANDS    r6, r6, #&008           ; just use R3 for black/white
-        MOVNE   r6, r2                  ; if non-zero make BIC mask full RGB else 0
-        ANDS    r1, r1, #&008           ; if colour 0 = white then make EOR mask full RGB else 0
-        MOVNE   r1, r2
-        ADD     r7, r4, #16*4           ; end of table
-        MOV     r8, #0                  ; start
-        LDR     r2, =&04000111          ; amount to add on each time round
-        BIC     r9, r8, r6              ; take value and knock out BIC mask
-        EOR     r9, r9, r1              ; then toggle EOR mask
-        STR     r9, [r4], #4            ; store in soft copy
-        TEQ     r5, #0                  ; if updating VIDC
-        BICNE   r9, r9, lr              ; knock out bits (for blanking)
-        STRNE   r9, [r5]                ; then do it
-        ADD     r8, r8, r2              ; move on to next value
-        TEQ     r4, r7                  ; if not done all 16 entries
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; then loop
-        EXIT
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_ReadPalette - PaletteV read palette handler
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = 16 (read normal colour)
-;            24 (read border colour)
-;            25 (read cursor colour)
-; out:  R2 = first flash setting   (BBGGRRS0), supremacy bit 7
-;       R3 = second flash setting  (BBGGRRS0), supremacy bit 7
-PV_ReadPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r10,r11"
-        LDR     r10, [WsPtr, #DisplayNColour] ; logical colours in this mode -1
-        TEQ     r1, #24                 ; is it reading border palette
-        MOVEQ   r11, #16                ; then set up border index
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; and go
-        TEQ     r1, #25                 ; is it reading pointer palette
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        AND     r11, r0, r10            ; no, then force into suitable range
-        AND     r11, r11, #15           ; only allow 0..15
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]
-        TEQ     r2, #5                  ; if hi res mono
-        TEQEQ   r11, #1                 ; and reading colour 1
-        MOVEQ   r11, #15                ; then read colour 15 instead
-        B       %FT10                   ; always skip
-        ANDS    r11, r0, #3             ; else force logical colour 0..3
-        BEQ     %FT99                   ; and 0 is illegal, so do nothing
-        ADD     r11, r11, #16           ; set up correct index
-        CMP     r11, #16                ; is it normal one (not border/cursor)
-        MOVCSS  r3, #0                  ; no, then don't fudge colours; Z=1
-                                        ; (carry preserved from CMP)
-        ANDCCS  r3, r10, #&F0           ; yes, then fudge if 256 colour mode
-        ADD     r10, WsPtr, #FirPalSetting
-        LDR     r11, [r10, r11, LSL #2]! ; r11 := 1st XX00SBGR
-        BLNE    FudgeRGB
-        AND     lr, r11, #&F00          ; lr  := 1st 00000B00
-        MOV     r2, lr, LSL #20         ; r2  := 1st B0000000
-        AND     lr, r11, #&0F0          ; lr  := 1st 000000G0
-        ORR     r2, r2, lr, LSL #16     ; r2  := 1st B0G00000
-        AND     lr, r11, #&00F          ; lr  := 1st 0000000R
-        ORR     r2, r2, lr, LSL #12     ; r2  := 1st B0G0R000
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSR #4      ; r2  := 1st BBGGRR00
-        AND     lr, r11, #&1000
-        ORR     r2, r2, lr, LSR #5      ; r2  := 1st BBGGRRS0
-        LDR     r11, [r10, #SecPalSetting-FirPalSetting]
-        BLNE    FudgeRGB
-        AND     lr, r11, #&F00          ; lr  := 2nd 00000B00
-        MOV     r3, lr, LSL #20         ; r3  := 2nd B0000000
-        AND     lr, r11, #&0F0          ; lr  := 2nd 000000G0
-        ORR     r3, r3, lr, LSL #16     ; r3  := 2nd B0G00000
-        AND     lr, r11, #&00F          ; lr  := 2nd 0000000R
-        ORR     r3, r3, lr, LSL #12     ; r3  := 2nd B0G0R000
-        ORR     r3, r3, r3, LSR #4      ; r3  := 2nd BBGGRR00
-        AND     lr, r11, #&1000
-        ORR     r3, r3, lr, LSR #5      ; r3  := 2nd BBGGRRS0
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r10, r11, pc"
- [ No26bitCode
-        mrs    ,r4, CPSR
- ]
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&C8          ; knock out top bit R, top 2 bits G
-        BIC     r11, r11, #&800         ; knock out top bit B
-        TST     r0, #&10                ; override top bit of red
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, #&8
-        TST     r0, #&20                ; override next to top bit of green
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, #&40
-        TST     r0, #&40                ; override top bit of green
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, #&80
-        TST     r0, #&80                ; override top bit of blue
-        ORRNE   r11, r11, #&800
- [ No26bitCode
-        msr    ,CPSR_f, r4
- |
-        MOVS    pc, lr
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_1stFlashState - PaletteV routine to set first flash state
-PV_1stFlashState ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        ADD     r0, WsPtr, #FirPalSetting
-        MOV     r1, #15                 ; logical colour
-        LDRB    lr, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     lr, #0
-        MOVEQ   lr, #&FF000000          ; unblanked, just knock off top 8 bits
-        MOVNE   lr, #&FFFFFFFF          ; blanked, knock off all bits!
-        MOV     r2, #VIDC
-        LDR     r3, [r0, r1, LSL #2]
-        BIC     r3, r3, lr              ; get rid of top bits, or all if blanked
-        ORR     r3, r3, r1, LSL #26     ; OR in register number
-        STR     r3, [r2]                ; program VidC
-        SUBS    r1, r1, #1
-        BPL     %BT10
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r3, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_2ndFlashState - PaletteV routine to set second flash state
-PV_2ndFlashState ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        ADD     r0, WsPtr, #SecPalSetting
-        B       DoR0Flash
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateAllPalette - Update all VIDC palette entries
-UpdateAllPalette ENTRY "r0-r3"          ; "r0-r3,lr" stacked ready to branch to code
-        LDROSB  r0, FlashState
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        ADDCS   r0, WsPtr, #FirPalSetting ; FlashState = 1 => 1st state, 0 => 2nd state
-        ADDCC   r0, WsPtr, #SecPalSetting
-        MOV     r1, #19                 ; do 0-15 and border + 3 pointer
-        B       DoAllUpdate
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_BlankScreen - Blank/unblank screen
-; in:   R0 = -1 => read blank state
-;       R0 = 0 => unblank screen
-;       R0 = 1 => blank screen
-; out:  R0 = old state (0=unblanked, 1=blanked)
-;       R4 = 0
-PV_BlankScreen ROUT
-        Push    "r1-r3"
-        LDRB    r3, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        BHI     %FT99
-        TEQ     r0, r3                  ; changing to same state? (carry preserved)
-        BEQ     %FT99                   ; if so, do nothing
-        STRB    r0, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag] ; update new state
-        MOVCC   r0, #(1 :SHL: 10) :OR: (0 :SHL: 8) ; unblank: video DMA on, no refresh
-        MOVCS   r0, #(0 :SHL: 10) :OR: (3 :SHL: 8) ; blank:   video DMA off, continuous refresh
-        MOV     r1, #(1 :SHL: 10) :OR: (3 :SHL: 8) ; bits to modify
-        SWI     XOS_UpdateMEMC
-        PHPSEI  r0, lr                  ; disable IRQs so we don't get a flash in the middle
-        BL      UpdateAllPalette        ; update all palette, including border + pointer
-        PLP     r0                      ; restore old IRQ state
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r1-r3, pc"
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdupal20 b/s/vdu/vdupal20
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc36016..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdupal20
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1167 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > VduPal20
-; mjs Sep 2000
-; not used any more, since kernel/HAL split
-; vdupalxx is the file now used for generic palette programming
-; Palette programming for VIDC20
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV handler
-; ----------------
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MOSPaletteV - Default owner of PaletteV
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Complete = 0
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Read = 1
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Set = 2
-        ASSERT  paletteV_1stFlashState = 3
-        ASSERT  paletteV_2ndFlashState = 4
-        ASSERT  paletteV_SetDefaultPalette = 5
-        ASSERT  paletteV_BlankScreen = 6
-        ASSERT  paletteV_BulkRead = 7
-        ASSERT  paletteV_BulkWrite = 8
-        ASSERT  paletteV_GammaCorrection = 9
- [ LCDInvert
-        ASSERT  paletteV_LCDInvert = 10
- ]
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        ASSERT  paletteV_VIDCDisable = 12
-        ASSERT  paletteV_VIDCRestore = 13
- ]
-        CMP     r4, #1
-        MOVCC   pc, lr
-        BEQ     PV_ReadPalette
-        CMP     r4, #3
-        BCC     PV_SetPalette
-        BEQ     PV_1stFlashState
-        CMP     r4, #5
-        BCC     PV_2ndFlashState
-        BEQ     PV_SetDefaultPalette
-        CMP     r4, #7
-        BCC     PV_BlankScreen
-        BEQ     PV_BulkRead
-        CMP     r4, #9
-        BCC     PV_BulkWrite
-        BEQ     PV_GammaCorrect
- [ LCDInvert
-        CMP     r4, #11
-        BCC     PV_LCDInvert
- ]
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
-        CMP     r4, #13
-        BCC     PV_VIDCDisable
-        BEQ     PV_VIDCRestore
-        MOVEQ   pc, lr
- ]
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; reason code not known, so pass it on
-; *****************************************************************************
-PV_SetDefaultPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3,r5-r9"
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]  ; the new index 0-7
-        ADR     r1, paldptab
-        LDR     r2, [r1, r0, LSL #2]    ; offset from r1 to start of table
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1              ; point to next item
-        LDR     r5, [r1, r0, LSL #2]    ; offset from r1 to end of table +1
-        ADDS    r2, r2, r1              ; r2 -> start of table
-        BICMI   pc, r2, #&80000000      ; if negative then it's a routine
-        ADD     r5, r5, r1              ; r5 -> end of table
-        BIC     r5, r5, #&80000000
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; start at palette index 0
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; set both halves
-        LDR     r6, [r2], #4
-        MOVS    r3, r6, LSL #17         ; get 1st half word and set carry if flashing
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #17
-        MOVCC   r4, #0
-        LDRCS   r4, =&FFF               ; flashing so invert 2nd half RGB
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        MOVS    r3, r6, LSL #1          ; get 2nd half word and set carry if flashing
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #17
-        MOVCC   r4, #0
-        LDRCS   r4, =&FFF
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r2, r5
-        BNE     %BT10
-; now ensure all palette entries from 0..255 are initialised
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; set unused (and border) to black
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; no flashing
-        CMP     r0, #256
-        BHS     FinishDefault
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        B       %BT20
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; set border to black (and setup colours 2,3 in BBC gap modes)
-        BL      BorderInitEntry
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate PaletteV operation complete
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r5-r9,pc"        ; restore registers and claim vector
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Table of offsets from paldata_pointer to palette data
-        &       paldat1-paldptab        ; 2  Colour Modes
-        &       paldat2-paldptab        ; 4
-        &       paldat4-paldptab        ; 16
-        &       (paldat8-paldptab) :OR: &80000000  ; 256 (VIDC10 compatible) - use routine
-        &       paldatT-paldptab        ; teletext mode
-        &       paldatHR-paldptab       ; Hi-res mono mode
-        &       (paldat16-paldptab) :OR: &80000000 ; 16 bpp - use routine
-        &       (paldat32-paldptab) :OR: &80000000 ; 32 bpp (or 256 greys - they're identical!) - use routine
-        &       paldatend-paldptab      ; end of table marker
-paldat1 ; Data for 1 bit modes - only necessary to program registers 0 and 1
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 1  White
-paldat2 ; Data for 2 bit modes - only necessary to program registers 0..3
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1  Red
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 2  Yellow
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 3  White
-paldat4 ; Data for 4 bit modes - program all registers
-        ; Flashing Colours will be needed here
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1  Red
-        DCW     &00F0           ; 2  Green
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 3  Yellow
-        DCW     &0F00           ; 4  Blue
-        DCW     &0F0F           ; 5  Magenta
-        DCW     &0FF0           ; 6  Cyan
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 7  White
-        DCW     &8000           ; 8  Flashing Black
-        DCW     &800F           ; 9  Flashing Red
-        DCW     &80F0           ; 10 Flashing Green
-        DCW     &80FF           ; 11 Flashing Yellow
-        DCW     &8F00           ; 12 Flashing Blue
-        DCW     &8F0F           ; 13 Flashing Magenta
-        DCW     &8FF0           ; 14 Flashing Cyan
-        DCW     &8FFF           ; 15 Flashing White
-; Routine to initialise palette for VIDC10-compatible 8bpp modes
-; Note this must still be in between paldat4 and paldatT
-paldat8 ROUT
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; set both halves of palette
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; starting index
-        AND     r2, r0, #3              ; get tint bits
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #4      ; and duplicate into bits 8,9,12,13,16,17,20,21,24,25,28,29
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #8
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #16
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&FF
-        TST     r0, #4
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00004400
-        TST     r0, #8
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&44000000
-        TST     r0, #&10
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00008800
-        TST     r0, #&20
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00440000
-        TST     r0, #&40
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00880000
-        TST     r0, #&80
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&88000000
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r0, #&100
-        BNE     %BT10
-        B       FinishDefault
-paldatT ; Data for teletext mode
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0 Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1 Red
-        DCW     &00F0           ; 2 Green
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 3 Yellow
-        DCW     &0F00           ; 4 Blue
-        DCW     &0F0F           ; 5 Magenta
-        DCW     &0FF0           ; 6 Cyan
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 7 White
-; Colours 8 to 15 have supremacy bit set
-        DCW     &1000           ; 8 Supremacy+ Black
-        DCW     &100F           ; 9            Red
-        DCW     &10F0           ; 10           Green
-        DCW     &10FF           ; 11           Yellow
-        DCW     &1F00           ; 12           Blue
-        DCW     &1F0F           ; 13           Magenta
-        DCW     &1FF0           ; 14           Cyan
-        DCW     &1FFF           ; 15           White
-paldatHR  ; data for Hi-res mono mode
-        DCW     &0000           ; Only red gun necessary
-        DCW     &0111           ; but setting all three makes
-        DCW     &0222           ; reading it more natural
-        DCW     &0333
-        DCW     &0444
-        DCW     &0555
-        DCW     &0666
-        DCW     &0777
-        DCW     &0888
-        DCW     &0999
-        DCW     &0AAA
-        DCW     &0BBB
-        DCW     &0CCC
-        DCW     &0DDD
-        DCW     &0EEE
-        DCW     &0FFF
-        DCW     &0000           ; border black
-        DCW     &0010           ; fixed pointer colours
-        DCW     &0020
-        DCW     &0030
-paldat16 ROUT
-        ADR     r5, paldat16tab
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; set both halves of palette
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; starting index
-        MOV     r8, r5
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r6, r0
-        LDR     r7, [r8], #4
-        MOVS    r6, r6, LSR #1
-        ORRCS   r2, r2, r7
-        BNE     %BT20
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r0, #&100
-        BNE     %BT10
-        B       FinishDefault
-        &       &00000800       ; palette bit 0
-        &       &00081000       ;             1
-        &       &08102100       ;             2
-        &       &10214200       ;             3
-        &       &21428400       ;             4
-        &       &42840000       ;             5
-        &       &84000000       ;             6
-        &       &00000000       ;             7
-paldat32 ROUT
-        ADR     r5, paldat32tab
-        B       palmetatab
-        &       &01010100       ; palette bit 0
-        &       &02020200       ;             1
-        &       &04040400       ;             2
-        &       &08080800       ;             3
-        &       &10101000       ;             4
-        &       &20202000       ;             5
-        &       &40404000       ;             6
-        &       &80808000       ;             7
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV call to set palette in bulk
-; in:   R0 => list of colours, or 0
-;       R1 =  colour type (16,17,18,24,25) in b24-31 & number to do in b23-b00
-;       R2 => list of palette entries (both flash states if 16, one if 17/18)
-;       R4 = PaletteV reason code
-; out:  R4 = 0, claim vector if recognised
-;       otherwise preserve R4 and pass on
-PV_BulkWrite    ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,R5-R11"          ; pc already stacked
-        ;register usage:
-        ;[R6] colour list
-        ;R7   colour type
-        ;R8   max number
-        ;[R9] palette entries
-        ;R10  loop counter
-        ;R11  colour number
-        MOV     R7,R1,LSR #24
-        BIC     R8,R1,#&FF000000
-        MOV     R6,R0
-        MOV     R9,R2
-        MOV     R10,#0
-        TEQ     R6,#0
-        MOVEQ   R11,R10
-        LDRNE   R11,[R6],#4
-        TEQ     R7,#16
-        TEQNE   R7,#17
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        MOVEQ   R1,#1
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     R7,#16
-        TEQNE   R7,#18
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        MOVEQ   R1,#2
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     R7,#24
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    BorderColour
-        TEQ     R7,#25
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    PointerColour
-        ADD     R10,R10,#1
-        CMP     R10,R8
-        BCC     %BT10
-        MOV     R4,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R5-R11,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV call to set palette
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = colour type (16,17,18,24,25)
-;       R2 = BBGGRRS0
-;       R4 = PaletteV reason code
-; out:  R4 = 0, claim vector if recognised
-;       otherwise preserve R4 and pass on
-;amg 19/4/93 - change this routine to make all the calls subroutines rather
-; than branches. Although it will slow this down a bit, it makes the bulk
-; write a lot simpler and involves less duplication of mungeing code.
-PV_SetPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        TEQ     r1, #16                 ; if 16 then set both colours
-        MOVEQ   r1, #3
-        BEQ     Call_UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #17                 ; elif 17 then set 1st colour
-        MOVEQ   r1, #1
-        BEQ     Call_UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #18                 ; elif 18 then set 2nd colour
-        MOVEQ   r1, #2
-        BEQ     Call_UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #24                 ; elif 24 then border colour
-        BEQ     Call_BorderColour
-        TEQ     r1, #25                 ; elif 25 then pointer colour
-        BEQ     Call_PointerColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3"
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; else not defined
-        BL      UpdateNormalColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-BorderInitEntry Push "r0-r3,lr"           ; entry used in default palette setting
-        BL      BorderColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-        BL      PointerColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-UpdateNormalColour ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        LDR     lr, [WsPtr, #DisplayNColour] ; get the mask
-        TEQ     lr, #63                 ; is it brain-damaged VIDC10-compatible 256 colour mode?
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        AND     r0, r0, lr              ; and mask it off
-        AND     r0, r0, #255            ; definitely no more than 256 palette entries
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "pc"
-        AND     r0, r0, #15             ; starting palette entry
-        LDR     r3, =&88CC8800          ; r3 = bits controlled by bits 4..7 of pixel value
-        BIC     r2, r2, r3
-        TST     r0, #&10                ; test bit 4 (r3,7)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00008800
-        TST     r0, #&20                ; test bit 5 (g2,6)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00440000
-        TST     r0, #&40                ; test bit 6 (g3,7)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00880000
-        TST     r0, #&80                ; test bit 7 (b3,7)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&88000000
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        ADD     r0, r0, #&10
-        CMP     r0, #&100
-        BCC     %BT20
-        B       %BT05
-BorderColour ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        MOV     r0, #&40000000          ; pseudo-palette-index for border colour
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; both colours
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-; Now test for BBC gap mode (ie 3 or 6)
-; if so then set colour 2 to same as border, and colour 3 to inverse
-        LDR     lr, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeFlags]
-        TST     lr, #Flag_BBCGapMode
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        MOV     r0, #2                  ; make colour 2 (gap) same as border
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r0, #3                  ; make colour 3 inverse gap
-        MVN     r2, r2                  ; invert R, G and B
-        EOR     r2, r2, #&FF            ; but use same supremacy
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "pc"
-PointerColour ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #3              ; force pointer colour number in range 1..3
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; zero is invalid
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSL #28         ; move up to top nybble
-        ORR     r0, r0, #&40000000      ; form pseudo-palette-index
-        MOV     r1, #3
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "pc"
-; UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-; in:   r0 = logical colour (border = 4 << 28, pointer colours = 5,6,7 << 28)
-;       r1 = bit mask of which flash states to update (bit 0 set => 1st, bit 1 set => 2nd)
-;       r3 = SBGR
-;       r4 = SBGR to EOR with to go from 1st to 2nd flash state
-; out:  r0,r1,r2,r4 preserved
-;       r3 corrupted
-UpdateSettingStraightRGB EntryS "r2,r5,r6,r7"
-        ANDS    r5, r3, #1 :SHL: 12     ; get supremacy bit in 1st colour
-        MOVNE   r5, #1 :SHL: 27         ; put in r5 in new position
-        AND     r6, r3, #&FF0           ; r6 = 00000BG0
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #8      ; r5 = 0s0BG000
-        AND     r6, r3, #&0FF           ; r6 = 000000GR
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #4      ; r5 = 0s0BGGR0
-        AND     r6, r3, #&00F           ; r6 = 0000000R
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6              ; r5 = 0s0BGGRR
-        AND     r6, r3, #&F00           ; r6 = 00000B00
-        ORR     r3, r5, r6, LSL #12     ; r3 = 0sBBGGRR
-        ANDS    r5, r4, #1 :SHL: 12     ; get supremacy bit in EOR mask
-        MOVNE   r5, #1 :SHL: 27         ; put in r5 in new position
-        AND     r6, r4, #&FF0           ; r6 = 00000BG0
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #8      ; r5 = 0s0BG000
-        AND     r6, r4, #&0FF           ; r6 = 000000GR
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #4      ; r5 = 0s0BGGR0
-        AND     r6, r4, #&00F           ; r6 = 0000000R
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6              ; r5 = 0s0BGGRR
-        AND     r6, r4, #&F00           ; r6 = 00000B00
-        ORR     r4, r5, r6, LSL #12     ; r5 = 0sBBGGRR
-        B       UpdateSettingCommon
-; UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-; in:   r0 = logical colour (border = 4 << 28, pointer colours = 5,6,7 << 28)
-;       r1 = bit mask of which flash states to update (bit 0 set => 1st, bit 1 set => 2nd)
-;       r2 = BBGGRRS0
-; out:  r0, r1, r2 preserved
-;       r3, r4 corrupted
-UpdateSettingAndVIDC ALTENTRY
-        ;amg: changed to handle 4 bits of supremacy
-        MOV     r3, r2, LSR #8          ; r3 = 00bbggrr
-        ANDS    r2, r2, #&F0            ; r2 = 000000s0
-        ORRNE   r3, r3, r2, LSL #20     ; r3 = 0sbbggrr
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate no EORing between parts
-; ... and drop thru to
-; UpdateSettingCommon
-; in:   r0 = logical colour (border = 4 << 28, pointer colours = 5,6,7 << 28)
-;       r1 = bit mask of which flash states to update (bit 0 set => 1st, bit 1 set => 2nd)
-;       r3 = 0sBBGGRR   (s in bits 24-27)
-;       r2, r5, r6, r7, lr stacked
-; out:  r0, r1, r2, r4 preserved
-;       r3 corrupted
-UpdateSettingCommon ROUT
-        PHPSEI                          ; protect against IRQs
-        Push    "r0, r8, r9"
-        MOV     r7, #VIDC
-        TST     r0, #&40000000          ; if border or pointer
-        ORRNE   r3, r3, r0              ; then merge with RGB
-        MOVNE   r0, r0, LSR #28         ; and make r0 into index for soft copy
-        ADDNE   r0, r0, #(256-4)        ; ie 256, 257, 258 or 259
-        ORREQ   r5, r0, #VIDCPalAddress ; else set up palette index register
-        STREQ   r5, [r7]
-        LDRB    r5, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     r5, #0
-        MOVNE   r5, #&0FFFFFFF          ; bits to knock out if blanked (EBBGGRR)
-        LDROSB  r2, FlashState          ; 0 => second, 1 => first
-        CMP     r2, #1                  ; C=0 => second, C=1 => first
-        TST     r1, #1
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; skip if not setting 1st colour
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        ADD     r8, r2, #(256+1+3)*4*4  ; r8 -> rgb transfer tables
-        STR     r3, [r2, r0, LSL #2]!   ; store in logical colour and write back pointer
-        AND     r6, r3, #&FF            ; r6 = red
-        LDRB    r6, [r8, r6]            ; r6 = gamma(red)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> green transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF00          ; r9 = green << 8
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #8]    ; r9 = gamma(green)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #8      ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> blue transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF0000        ; r9 = blue << 16
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #16]   ; r9 = gamma(blue)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #16     ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8) + (gamma(blue)<<16)
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF000000      ; knock out rgb from original
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9              ; and or in new bits
-        STR     r6, [r2, #(256+1+3)*4*2] ; store in physical copy
-        BICCS   r6, r6, r5              ; knock out bits for blanking
-   [ LCDSupport
-        Push    "lr", CS
-        BLCS    Poke_VIDC
-        Pull    "lr", CS
-   |
-        STRCS   r6, [r7]                ; poke VIDC if setting 1st colour and in 1st state
-   ]
-        EOR     r3, r3, r4              ; toggle requested bits for 2nd half
-        TST     r1, #2
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; skip if not setting 2nd colour
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        ADD     r8, r2, #(256+1+3)*4*3  ; r8 -> rgb transfer tables
-        STR     r3, [r2, r0, LSL #2]!   ; store in logical copy and write back
-        AND     r6, r3, #&FF            ; r6 = red
-        LDRB    r6, [r8, r6]            ; r6 = gamma(red)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> green transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF00          ; r9 = green << 8
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #8]    ; r9 = gamma(green)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #8      ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> blue transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF0000        ; r9 = blue << 16
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #16]   ; r9 = gamma(blue)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #16     ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8) + (gamma(blue)<<16)
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF000000      ; knock out rgb from original
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9              ; and or in new bits
-        STR     r6, [r2, #(256+1+3)*4*2] ; store in physical copy
-        BICCC   r6, r6, r5              ; knock out bits for blanking
-   [ LCDSupport
-        Push    "lr", CC
-        BLCC    Poke_VIDC
-        Pull    "lr", CC
-   |
-        STRCC   r6, [r7]                ; poke VIDC if setting 2nd colour and in 2nd state
-   ]
-        PLP
-        Pull    "r0, r8, r9"
-        EXITS                           ; restore registers, claim vector
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PV_BulkRead - Read multiple palette entries with one call
-; in:   R0 => list of colours wanted, or 0 to start with first and increment
-;       R1 =  b24-b31 - colour type: 16/17/18/24/25
-;             b00-b23 - number of colours to do
-;       R2 => memory for first flash state colours (and second if R3=0)
-;       R3 => memory for second flash state colours (if 0, intermingle with R2 instead)
-; out:  all preserved (R4 set to 0 to show call handled)
-; flags used to control routine
-PV_BR_WantFirst *       1               ; doing 16 or 17
-PV_BR_WantSecond *      2               ; doing 16 or 18
-PV_BR_HaveList *        4               ; we have a list of colours
-PV_BR_TwoLists *        8               ; we have two output areas (R2 & R3 valid)
-PV_BR_Border   *        16              ; doing 24
-PV_BR_Mouse    *        32              ; doing 25
-PV_BulkRead ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,R6-R11"             ; return addr already stacked
-        MOV     R6,R1,LSR #24           ; isolate the colour type
-        MOV     R7,#(PV_BR_WantFirst + PV_BR_WantSecond)
-        CMP     R6,#17                  ; do we want both flash states ?
-        BICEQ   R7,R7,#PV_BR_WantSecond ; if 17 only want first flash state
-        CMP     R6,#18
-        BICEQ   R7,R7,#PV_BR_WantFirst  ; if 18 only want second flash state
-        CMP     R6,#24
-        ORREQ   R7,R7,#PV_BR_Border
-        ORRGT   R7,R7,#PV_BR_Mouse
-        ;now set up other control flags
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        ORRNE   R7,R7,#PV_BR_HaveList   ; we have a list of colours
-        CMP     R3,#0
-        ORRNE   R7,R7,#PV_BR_TwoLists   ; we have two output areas
-        ;set up a mask for the number of colours
-        LDR     R8,[WsPtr,#DisplayNColour]
-        TEQ     R8,#63
-        MOVEQ   R8,#255                 ; deal with braindamaged 8BPP case
-        ;the mouse has colours 1-3
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_Mouse
-        MOVNE   R8,#3
-        ;take the colour type off the top of R1, leaving #colours wanted
-        BIC     R1,R1,#&FF000000
-        ; register usage:
-        ; [R0]: colour list
-        ; R1: number of colours
-        ; [R2]: first flash state list
-        ; [R3]: second flash state list
-        ; R7: control flags
-        ; R8: mask for colour number
-        ; R9: loop counter
-        ; R10: misc
-        ; LR: misc
-        MOV     R9,#0
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_HaveList
-        LDRNE   LR,[R0],#4
-        MOVEQ   LR,R9                   ; LR = wanted colour number
-        AND     LR,LR,R8                ; ensure it is sensible
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_Border
-        MOVNE   LR,#256                 ; border is stored as colour 256
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_Mouse
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        TEQ     LR,#0
-        BEQ     %FT50                   ;colour 0 is invalid
-        ADD     LR,LR,#256              ;bring into range (257-259)
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_WantFirst
-        LDRNE   R10,[WsPtr,#FirPalAddr]
-        LDRNE   R10,[R10,LR,LSL#2]      ; xsbbggrr - could be 4 sup. bits
-        MOVNE   R11,R10,LSL #8          ; bbggrr00
-        ANDNE   R10,R10,#&0F000000      ; 0s000000
-        ORRNE   R11,R11,R10,LSR #20     ; bbggrrs0
-        STRNE   R11,[R2],#4
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_WantSecond
-        BEQ     %FT60                   ; have to use a branch here - another TST coming up
-        LDR     R10,[WsPtr,#SecPalAddr]
-        LDR     R10,[R10,LR,LSL#2]      ; xsbbggrr
-        MOV     R11,R10,LSL #8          ; bbggrr00
-        ANDNE   R10,R10,#&0F000000      ; 0s000000
-        ORR     R11,R11,R10,LSR #20     ; bbggrrs0
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_TwoLists
-        STREQ   R11,[R2],#4
-        STRNE   R11,[R3],#4
-60      ADD     R9,R9,#1
-        CMP     R9,R1
-        BCC     %BT30
-        MOV     R4,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R6-R11,PC"          ; return addr already stacked
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_ReadPalette - PaletteV read palette handler
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = 16 (read normal colour)
-;            24 (read border colour)
-;            25 (read cursor colour)
-; out:  R2 = first flash setting   (BBGGRRS0), supremacy bits 4-7
-;       R3 = second flash setting  (BBGGRRS0), supremacy bits 4-7
-PV_ReadPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r10,r11"
-        LDR     r10, [WsPtr, #DisplayNColour] ; logical colours in this mode -1
-        TEQ     r10, #63                ; if bodgy 256 colour mode
-        MOVEQ   r10, #255               ; then use AND mask of 255
-        TEQ     r1, #24                 ; is it reading border palette
-        MOVEQ   r11, #&100              ; then set up border index
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; and go
-        TEQ     r1, #25                 ; is it reading pointer palette
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        AND     r11, r0, r10            ; no, then force into suitable range
-        B       %FT10                   ; always skip
-        ANDS    r11, r0, #3             ; else force logical colour 0..3
-        BEQ     %FT99                   ; and 0 is illegal, so do nothing
-        ADD     r11, r11, #&100         ; set up correct index
-; note no need to fudge 256-colour modes, since we have the correct full 256 entry palette
-; bjga: changed to handle 4 bits of supremacy (BulkRead already does)
-        LDR     r10, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        LDR     r10, [r10, r11, LSL #2] ; r10 := 1st XSBBGGRR
-        MOV     r2, r10, LSL #8         ; r2  := 1st BBGGRR00
-        AND     r10, r10, #&0F000000    ; r10 := 1st 0S000000
-        ORR     r2, r2, r10, LSR #20    ; r2  := 1st BBGGRRS0
-        LDR     r10, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        LDR     r10, [r10, r11, LSL #2] ; r10 := 2nd XSBBGGRR
-        MOV     r3, r10, LSL #8         ; r3  := 2nd BBGGRR00
-        AND     r10, r10, #&0F000000    ; r10 := 2nd 0S000000
-        ORR     r3, r3, r10, LSR #20    ; r3  := 2nd BBGGRRS0
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r10, r11, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_1stFlashState - PaletteV routine to set first flash state
-PV_1stFlashState ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        MOV     r1, #256                ; just update normal palette
-        ADD     r0, r0, #(256+1+3)*4*2  ; move pointer to physical palette copy
-        ADD     r1, r0, r1, LSL #2
-        MOV     r2, #VIDC
-        MOV     r3, #VIDCPalAddress + 0 ; initialise palette address to 0
-        PHPSEI                          ; disable IRQs round this bit
-        STR     r3, [r2]
-        LDRB    r4, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     r4, #0                  ; if unblanked, leave all bits alone
-        MOVNE   r4, #&0FFFFFFF          ; blanked, knock off all bits, except register bits
-        LDR     r3, [r0], #4
-        BIC     r3, r3, r4
-   [ LCDSupport
-        Push    "r6,r7,r14"
-        MOV     r6, r3
-        MOV     r7, r2
-        BL      Poke_VIDC
-        Pull    "r6,r7,r14"
-   |
-        STR     r3, [r2]
-   ]
-        TEQ     r0, r1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        PLP
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r3, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_2ndFlashState - PaletteV routine to set second flash state
-PV_2ndFlashState ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        B       DoR0Flash
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateAllPalette - Update all VIDC palette entries
-UpdateAllPalette Entry "r0-r3"          ; "r0-r3,lr" stacked ready to branch to code
-        LDROSB  r0, FlashState
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        LDRCS   r0, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr] ; FlashState = 1 => 1st state, 0 => 2nd state
-        LDRCC   r0, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        MOV     r1, #260                ; update normal palette and border/pointer
-        B       DoAllUpdate
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_BlankScreen - Blank/unblank screen
-; in:   R0 = -1 => read blank state
-;       R0 = 0 => unblank screen
-;       R0 = 1 => blank screen
-; out:  R0 = old state (0=unblanked, 1=blanked)
-;       R4 = 0
-PV_BlankScreen ROUT
-        Push    "r1-r3"
-        LDRB    r3, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        BHI     %FT99
-        TEQ     r0, r3                  ; changing to same state? (carry preserved)
-        BEQ     %FT99                   ; if so, do nothing
-        STRB    r0, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag] ; update new state
-        MOV     r4, #VIDC
-        LDRB    r0, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankDPMSState]
-        BCC     %FT50
-; blanking
-        TST     r0, #1                  ; if hsyncs should be off,
-        LDRNE   r1, =HorizSyncWidth + ((1:SHL:14) -1)   ; maximum value in h.sync width register
-        STRNE   r1, [r4]
-        TST     r0, #2                  ; if vsyncs should be off,
-        LDRNE   r1, =VertiSyncWidth + ((1:SHL:13) -1)   ; maximum value in v.sync width register
-        STRNE   r1, [r4]
-        LDR     r1, [WsPtr, #VIDCExternalSoftCopy]
-        AND     r0, r0, #3
-        TEQ     r0, #3                                         ; if both syncs off
-        BICEQ   r1, r1, #Ext_HSYNCbits :OR: Ext_VSYNCbits
-        ORREQ   r1, r1, #Ext_InvertHSYNC :OR: Ext_InvertVSYNC  ; set sync signals to low (less power)
-        BIC     r1, r1, #Ext_DACsOn                     ; turn off the DACs
-        STR     r1, [r4]
-        MOV     r0, #(0 :SHL: 10) :OR: (3 :SHL: 8) ; blank:   video DMA off, continuous refresh
-        B       %FT60
-; unblanking
-        LDR     r1, [WsPtr, #VIDCExternalSoftCopy]
-        STR     r1, [r4]                ; restore DACs and sync type
-        TST     r0, #1                  ; if hsyncs were turned off,
-        LDRNE   r1, [WsPtr, #HSWRSoftCopy] ; then restore from soft copy
-        STRNE   r1, [r4]
-        TST     r0, #2                  ; if vsyncs were turned off,
-        LDRNE   r1, [WsPtr, #VSWRSoftCopy] ; then restore from soft copy
-        STRNE   r1, [r4]
-        MOV     r0, #(1 :SHL: 10) :OR: (0 :SHL: 8) ; unblank: video DMA on, no refresh
-        MOV     r1, #(1 :SHL: 10) :OR: (3 :SHL: 8) ; bits to modify
-        SWI     XOS_UpdateMEMC
-        PHPSEI  r0, lr                  ; disable IRQs so we don't get a flash in the middle
-        BL      UpdateAllPalette        ; update all palette, including border + pointer
-        PLP     r0                      ; restore old IRQ state
-        MOV     r0, r3
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r1-r3, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_GammaCorrect - Update gamma correction tables
-; in:   r0 -> red table
-;       r1 -> green table
-;       r2 -> blue table
-; out:  r4 = 0
-PV_GammaCorrect ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3,r5-r8"
-        LDR     r4, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        ADD     r4, r4, #(256+1+3)*4*4          ; point to gamma tables
-        ADD     r3, r4, #256
-        LDR     lr, [r0], #4
-        STR     lr, [r4], #4
-        TEQ     r4, r3
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     r3, r4, #256
-        LDR     lr, [r1], #4
-        STR     lr, [r4], #4
-        TEQ     r4, r3
-        BNE     %BT20
-        ADD     r3, r4, #256
-        LDR     lr, [r2], #4
-        STR     lr, [r4], #4
-        TEQ     r4, r3
-        BNE     %BT30
-; now go through the logical palette, recomputing the physical from it using the new tables
-        SUB     r0, r4, #3*256                  ; r0 -> red table
-        SUB     r1, r4, #2*256                  ; r1 -> green table
-        SUB     r2, r4, #1*256                  ; r2 -> blue table
-        LDR     r4, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]        ; r4 -> start of logical palette
-        ADD     r5, r4, #260*4*2                ; r5 -> start of physical palette
-        MOV     r6, r5                          ; r6 = r5 = end of logical palette
-        LDR     r7, [r4], #4                    ; get word
-        AND     r8, r7, #&FF                    ; r8 = red
-        LDRB    r8, [r0, r8]                    ; r8 = gamma(red)
-        AND     lr, r7, #&FF00                  ; lr = green << 8
-        LDRB    lr, [r1, lr, LSR #8]            ; lr = gamma(green)
-        ORR     r8, r8, lr, LSL #8              ; r8 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8)
-        AND     lr, r7, #&FF0000                ; lr = blue << 16
-        LDRB    lr, [r2, lr, LSR #16]           ; lr = gamma(blue)
-        ORR     r8, r8, lr, LSL #16             ; r8 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8) + (gamma(blue)<<16)
-        AND     lr, r7, #&FF000000              ; lr = other bits
-        ORR     r8, r8, lr                      ; r8 = gamma-corrected combined value
-        STR     r8, [r5], #4                    ; store word
-        TEQ     r4, r6
-        BNE     %BT40
-        BL      UpdateAllPalette
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r5-r8, pc"
- [ LCDInvert
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_LCDInvert - Invert the LCD palette
-; in:   r0 = inversion state to use (0=uninverted, 1=inverted)
-; out:  r4 = 0
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        STRB    r0, [r4, #LCD_Inverted]
-        BL      UpdateAllPalette
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "pc"
- ]
- [ StorkPowerSave
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ROUT
-        Push    "r2"
-        MOV     r4, #VIDC
-        LDR     r2, =&C0000003    ;dac off, ereg set to external LUT
-        STR     r2, [r4]
-        LDR     r2, =&D0004000    ;Vclk off, Pcomp=0
-        STR     r2, [r4]
-        LDR     r2, =&E0004049    ;PoDown, Hclk
-        STR     r2, [r4]
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r2, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ROUT
-        Push    "r2,r3,R8"
-        MOV     r3, #VIDC
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlSoftCopy]       ;restore from soft copy
-        STR     r2, [r3]
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #VIDCExternalSoftCopy]      ;restore from soft copy
-        STR     r2, [r3]
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #VIDCFSynSoftCopy]          ;restore from soft copy
- [ 1 = 1
-        LDR     R8, =FSyn_ResetValue    ; set test bits on, and r > v
-        STR     R8, [R3]
-; we may need some delay in here...
-        LDR     R8, =FSyn_ClearR :OR: FSyn_ClearV :OR: FSyn_ForceLow :OR: FSyn_ForceHigh
-        ORR     R2, R2, R8
-        BIC     R2, R2, #FSyn_ForceHigh ; force test bits on, except this one
-        STR     R2, [R3]
-; we may also need some delay in here...
-        BIC     R2, R2, R8              ; remove test bits
- ]
-        STR     r2, [r3]
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r2,r3,R8, pc"
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Poke_VIDC
-; in:   r6 = CRT palette VIDC entry &AeBbGgRr (where A is the VIDC register 'address')
-;       r7 = address to poke
-; out:  all registers preserved
-; NOTE: If LCD_Active in the KernelWS != 0, the value bunged into VIDC is the
-; value required by the greyscaler to approximate the luminance of r6 on entry.
-        EntryS  "r0-r4"
- [ :LNOT: STB
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDRB    r0, [r0, #LCD_Active]
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        STREQ   r6,[r7]         ;Ho hum, it's a CRT, so no mucking about
-        EXITS   EQ
- ]
-        MOV     r0, #&0f
-        AND     r4, r0, r6, LSR #28     ;r4 = VIDC register 'address' (in bottom 4 bits)
-        MOV     r0, #&ff
-        AND     r2, r0, r6, LSR #16     ;r2 = blue
-        AND     r1, r0, r6, LSR #8      ;r1 = green
-        ADD     r2, r2, r1, LSL #2      ;r2 = 4green + blue
-        AND     r1, r0, r6              ;r1 = red
-        ADD     r2, r2, r1, LSL #1      ;r2 = 4green + 2red + blue  - _Very_ approx CIE weightings!
- [ :LNOT: STB
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        LDRB    r0, [r0, #LCD_Inverted]
-        CMP     r0, #0
-        MOVNE   r0, #255
-        RSBNE   r0, r0, r0, LSL #3      ;Move 1785 into R0
-        RSBNE   r2, r2, r0
- ]
-        ADR     r3, NewPalTab           ; perform binary chop using table (lifted from PortableA4 module, with added comments)
-        LDR     r0, [r3, #8*4]                  ;read the middle table value
-        CMP     r2, r0
-        ADDCC   r1, r3, #0*4
-        ADDCS   r1, r3, #8*4
-        LDR     r0, [r1, #4*4]
-        CMP     r2, r0
-        ADDCS   r1, r1, #4*4
-        LDR     r0, [r1, #2*4]
-        CMP     r2, r0
-        ADDCS   r1, r1, #2*4
-        LDR     r0, [r1, #1*4]
-        CMP     r2, r0
-        ADDCS   r1, r1, #1*4
-        SUB     r3, r1, r3
-        MOV     r2, r3, LSR #2          ;R2 is now in the range 0-14
-        CMP     r2, #7
-        ADDGT   r2, r2, #1              ;Now R2 in range 0-7,9-15
-        AND     r2, r2, #&0f            ;Just to be on the safe side....
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #8
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #16     ;Now &0x0x0x0x (where x is 0-7,9-15)
-        ORR     r2, r2, r4, LSL #28     ;Now &Ax0x0x0x (A is the VIDC address)
-        STR     r2, [r7]                ;And into the VIDC we go!
-        EXITS
-        DCD     0, 119, 238, 357, 476, 595, 714, 833, 953, 1072, 1191, 1310, 1429, 1548, 1667, -1
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdupalette b/s/vdu/vdupalette
deleted file mode 100644
index cd6e8cc9..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdupalette
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > VduPalette
-; =======================
-; Vdu driver code - Palette setting (VIDC independent parts)
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Routines above PaletteV
-; -----------------------
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PalInit - Restore default palette for the displayed mode
-; out:  R6 is preserved (may contain CursorFlags)
-PalInit ROUT
-        MOV     r4, #paletteV_SetDefaultPalette
-        B       CallPaletteV
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UnblankScreen - Unblank screen (called on mode change)
-UnblankScreen ROUT
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        MOV     r4, #paletteV_BlankScreen
-        B       CallPaletteV
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoSetPalette - Entry point for OSWORD 12 (program palette)
-; in:   R1 -> Control block
-;       [R1, #0] = logical colour
-;       [R1, #1] = physical colour or action
-;       [R1, #2] = red
-;       [R1, #3] = green
-;       [R1, #4] = blue
-;       R12 -> VDUWS
-;       R0-R4, R11, R12 may be corrupted
-        Push    "R5-R10,R14"
-        BL      SetPal
-        Pull    "R5-R10,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DC3 - Entry point for VDU 19 (program palette)
-; in:   QQ+0..QQ+4 contain the parameters in the same format as OSWORD
-DC3     ROUT
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #QQ          ; Point R1 at the queued data
-                                        ; and drop thru to Palette OSWORD code
-SetPal  EntryS
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeFlags]
-        TST     R6, #Flag_Teletext      ; if teletext mode
-        EXITS   NE                      ; then ignore VDU 19
-; Now we must check for BBC style colours (VDU 19,n,0..15,...) and map these onto
-; 16 or (17 and 18)
-        MOV     lr, r1
-        LDRB    r0, [lr, #0]            ; r0 = logical colour
-        LDRB    r1, [lr, #1]
-        AND     r2, r1, #&80            ; r2 = sup bit
-        BIC     r1, r1, #&80            ; r1 = type of colour
-        CMP     r1, #16                 ; r1 < 16 => BBC style colour
-        BCS     %FT10
-        TST     r1, #1                  ; bit 0 set => red full on
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&0000FF00
-        TST     r1, #2                  ; bit 1 set => green full on
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00FF0000
-        TST     r1, #4                  ; bit 2 set => blue full on
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&FF000000
-        LDRB    lr, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]
-        CMP     lr, #3                  ; only flash colours if PalIndex = 0, 1 or 2
-        BICCS   r1, r1, #8
-        TST     r1, #8
-        MOVEQ   r1, #16
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; not a flashing colour, so just set it once
-        MOV     r1, #17                 ; set first flash colour
-        BL      CallSetPalette
-        MVN     r2, r2                  ; then toggle all bits of R, G and B
-        EOR     r2, r2, #&FF            ; (don't toggle supremacy)
-        MOV     r1, #18                 ; set second flash colour
-        B       %FT20
-        LDRB    r3, [lr, #2]            ; r3 = red
-        ORR     r2, r2, r3, LSL #8      ; r2 = &0000RRS0
-        LDRB    r3, [lr, #3]            ; r3 = green
-        ORR     r2, r2, r3, LSL #16     ; r2 = &00GGRRS0
-        LDRB    r3, [lr, #4]            ; r3 = blue
-        ORR     r2, r2, r3, LSL #24     ; r2 = &BBGGRRS0
-        BL      CallSetPalette
-        EXITS
-        MOV     r4, #paletteV_Set
-        EntryS  r9
-        MOV     r9, #PaletteV
-        SWI     XOS_CallAVector
-        EXITS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIReadPalette - SWI ReadPalette handler
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = 16 (read normal colour)
-;            24 (read border colour)
-;            25 (read cursor colour)
-; out:  R2 = first flash setting   (B0G0R0PP), supremacy bit 7
-;       R3 = second flash setting  (B0G0R0PP), supremacy bit 7
-;       R10-R12 corrupted (preserved by Sam), all others preserved
-SWIReadPalette Entry "r4"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        MOV     r4, #paletteV_Read
-        BL      CallPaletteV
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&7F            ; knock out any weird bits
-        BIC     r3, r3, #&7F
-        ORR     r2, r2, r1              ; put in nominal PP field
-        ORR     r3, r3, r1
-        TEQ     r1, #16                 ; if reading normal colour
-        BNE     %FT10
-        TEQ     r2, r3                  ; and colours different
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #1              ; then make 1st PP field 17
-        ORRNE   r3, r3, #2              ; and 2nd PP field 18
-        PullEnv
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoReadPalette - Entry point from OSWORD 11 (read palette)
-; in:   R1 -> control block
-;       [R1, #0] = logical colour to read
-; out:  [R1, #1] (bits 0..6) = physical colour 0..15 or 16; (bit 7) = supremacy
-;       [R1, #2] = red   (in bits 4..7)
-;       [R1, #3] = green (-----""-----)
-;       [R1, #4] = blue  (-----""-----)
-;       R0-R4, R11, R12 can be corrupted
-DoReadPalette Entry
-        MOV     r4, r1                  ; save pointer to block
-        LDRB    r0, [r4]                ; r0 = logical colour
-        MOV     r1, #16
-        SWI     XOS_ReadPalette
-        LDROSB  r0, FlashState
-        CMP     r0, #1                  ; CS => 1st state, CC => 2nd state
-        MOVCC   r2, r3                  ; r2 = current state
-        MOV     r1, #4
-        STRB    r2, [r4, #1]!           ; store 4 bytes of data in block, starting R1+1
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #8
-        SUBS    r1, r1, #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoFirstFlash - Set palette to first palette setting
-;                      Called in either SVC or IRQ mode
-DoFirstFlash EntryS "r0,r4"
-        MOV     r4, #paletteV_1stFlashState
-        MRS     r0, CPSR
-        ORR     r1, r0, #I32_bit + SVC_mode     ; to SVC26/32 mode
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r1
-        Push    "lr"
-        BL      CallPaletteV
-        Pull    "lr"
-        MSR     CPSR_c, r0
-        EXITS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoSecondFlash - Set palette to second palette setting
-;                       Called in either SVC or IRQ mode
-DoSecondFlash ALTENTRY
-        MOV     r4, #paletteV_2ndFlashState
-        B       SetFlashState
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdupalxx b/s/vdu/vdupalxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a8fc1b..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdupalxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1129 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; vdupalxx
-; mjs Sep 2000
-; Palette programming for generic video controller, delegating h/w
-; specifics to HAL calls. Think of any 'VIDC' references here as for a
-; generic video controller.
-; Format of a 32-bit palette entry in soft palette tables (eg. FirPalAddr) and
-; for calls to HAL is:
-; ie. 8-8-8-8 bits for Blue-Green-Red-Supremacy
-; 'Supremacy' is expected to be 0=solid .. 255=transparent
-; [pre-HAL, Medusa kernels used a soft palette format of 0SBBGGRR, being VIDC20-ish]
-; soft palette tables are indexed by 0..259, where:
-;   0..255    are normal (display) palette entries
-;             type 0, index 0..255 for HAL calls
-;   256       is border entry
-;             type 1, index 0 for HAL calls
-;   257..259  are pointer palette entries
-;             type 2, index 1..3 for HAL calls (HAL index 0 assumed to
-;             correspond to transparent, and not used)
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV handler
-; ----------------
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MOSPaletteV - Default owner of PaletteV
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Complete = 0
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Read = 1
-        ASSERT  paletteV_Set = 2
-        ASSERT  paletteV_1stFlashState = 3
-        ASSERT  paletteV_2ndFlashState = 4
-        ASSERT  paletteV_SetDefaultPalette = 5
-        ASSERT  paletteV_BlankScreen = 6
-        ASSERT  paletteV_BulkRead = 7
-        ASSERT  paletteV_BulkWrite = 8
-        ASSERT  paletteV_GammaCorrection = 9
- [ LCDInvert
-        ASSERT  paletteV_LCDInvert = 10
- ]
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        ASSERT  paletteV_VIDCDisable = 12
-        ASSERT  paletteV_VIDCRestore = 13
- ]
-        CMP     r4, #13
-        ADDLS   pc, pc, r4, LSL #2
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; reason code not known, so pass it on
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; 0
-        B       PV_ReadPalette          ; 1
-        B       PV_SetPalette           ; 2
-        B       PV_1stFlashState        ; 3
-        B       PV_2ndFlashState        ; 4
-        B       PV_SetDefaultPalette    ; 5
-        B       PV_BlankScreen          ; 6
-        B       PV_BulkRead             ; 7
-        B       PV_BulkWrite            ; 8
-        B       PV_GammaCorrect         ; 9
- [ LCDInvert
-        B       PV_LCDInvert            ; 10
- |
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; 10
- ]
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; 11
- [ StorkPowerSave
-        B       PV_VIDCDisable          ; 12
-        B       PV_VIDCRestore          ; 13
- |
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; 12
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; 13
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-PV_SetDefaultPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3,r5-r9"
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #PalIndex]  ; the new index 0-7
-        ADR     r1, paldptab
-        LDR     r2, [r1, r0, LSL #2]    ; offset from r1 to start of table
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1              ; point to next item
-        LDR     r5, [r1, r0, LSL #2]    ; offset from r1 to end of table +1
-        TST     r2, #&80000000          ; if bit 31 set, it's a routine
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&80000000      ; clear that flag
-        ADD     r2, r2, r1              ; r2 -> start of table
-        MOVNE   pc, r2                  ; or call routine
-        BIC     r5, r5, #&80000000      ; clear routine flag
-        ADD     r5, r5, r1              ; r5 -> end of table
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; start at palette index 0
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; set both halves
-        LDR     r6, [r2], #4
-        MOVS    r3, r6, LSL #17         ; get 1st half word and set carry if flashing
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #17
-        MOVCC   r4, #0
-        LDRCS   r4, =&FFF               ; flashing so invert 2nd half RGB
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        MOVS    r3, r6, LSL #1          ; get 2nd half word and set carry if flashing
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSR #17
-        MOVCC   r4, #0
-        LDRCS   r4, =&FFF
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r2, r5
-        BNE     %BT10
-; now ensure all palette entries from 0..255 are initialised
-        MOV     r3, #0                  ; set unused (and border) to black
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; no flashing
-        CMP     r0, #256
-        BHS     FinishDefault
-        BL      UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        B       %BT20
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; set border to black (and setup colours 2,3 in BBC gap modes)
-        BL      BorderInitEntry
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate PaletteV operation complete
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r5-r9,pc"        ; restore registers and claim vector
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Table of offsets from paldata_pointer to palette data
-        &       paldat1-paldptab        ; 2  Colour Modes
-        &       paldat2-paldptab        ; 4
-        &       paldat4-paldptab        ; 16
-        &       (paldat8-paldptab) :OR: &80000000  ; 256 (VIDC10 compatible) - use routine
-        &       paldatT-paldptab        ; teletext mode
-        &       paldatHR-paldptab       ; Hi-res mono mode
-        &       (paldat16-paldptab) :OR: &80000000 ; 16 bpp - use routine
-        &       (paldat32-paldptab) :OR: &80000000 ; 32 bpp (or 256 greys - they're identical!) - use routine
-        &       paldatend-paldptab      ; end of table marker
-paldat1 ; Data for 1 bit modes - only necessary to program registers 0 and 1
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 1  White
-paldat2 ; Data for 2 bit modes - only necessary to program registers 0..3
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1  Red
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 2  Yellow
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 3  White
-paldat4 ; Data for 4 bit modes - program all registers
-        ; Flashing Colours will be needed here
-;               FSBGR
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0  Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1  Red
-        DCW     &00F0           ; 2  Green
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 3  Yellow
-        DCW     &0F00           ; 4  Blue
-        DCW     &0F0F           ; 5  Magenta
-        DCW     &0FF0           ; 6  Cyan
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 7  White
-        DCW     &8000           ; 8  Flashing Black
-        DCW     &800F           ; 9  Flashing Red
-        DCW     &80F0           ; 10 Flashing Green
-        DCW     &80FF           ; 11 Flashing Yellow
-        DCW     &8F00           ; 12 Flashing Blue
-        DCW     &8F0F           ; 13 Flashing Magenta
-        DCW     &8FF0           ; 14 Flashing Cyan
-        DCW     &8FFF           ; 15 Flashing White
-; Routine to initialise palette for VIDC10-compatible 8bpp modes
-; Note this must still be in between paldat4 and paldatT
-paldat8 ROUT
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; set both halves of palette
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; starting index
-        AND     r2, r0, #3              ; get tint bits
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #4      ; and duplicate into bits 8,9,12,13,16,17,20,21,24,25,28,29
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #8
-        ORR     r2, r2, r2, LSL #16
-        BIC     r2, r2, #&FF
-        TST     r0, #4
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00004400
-        TST     r0, #8
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&44000000
-        TST     r0, #&10
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00008800
-        TST     r0, #&20
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00440000
-        TST     r0, #&40
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00880000
-        TST     r0, #&80
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&88000000
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r0, #&100
-        BNE     %BT10
-        B       FinishDefault
-paldatT ; Data for teletext mode
-        DCW     &0000           ; 0 Black
-        DCW     &000F           ; 1 Red
-        DCW     &00F0           ; 2 Green
-        DCW     &00FF           ; 3 Yellow
-        DCW     &0F00           ; 4 Blue
-        DCW     &0F0F           ; 5 Magenta
-        DCW     &0FF0           ; 6 Cyan
-        DCW     &0FFF           ; 7 White
-; Colours 8 to 15 have supremacy bit set
-        DCW     &1000           ; 8 Supremacy+ Black
-        DCW     &100F           ; 9            Red
-        DCW     &10F0           ; 10           Green
-        DCW     &10FF           ; 11           Yellow
-        DCW     &1F00           ; 12           Blue
-        DCW     &1F0F           ; 13           Magenta
-        DCW     &1FF0           ; 14           Cyan
-        DCW     &1FFF           ; 15           White
-paldatHR  ; data for Hi-res mono mode
-        DCW     &0000           ; Only red gun necessary
-        DCW     &0111           ; but setting all three makes
-        DCW     &0222           ; reading it more natural
-        DCW     &0333
-        DCW     &0444
-        DCW     &0555
-        DCW     &0666
-        DCW     &0777
-        DCW     &0888
-        DCW     &0999
-        DCW     &0AAA
-        DCW     &0BBB
-        DCW     &0CCC
-        DCW     &0DDD
-        DCW     &0EEE
-        DCW     &0FFF
-        DCW     &0000           ; border black
-        DCW     &0010           ; fixed pointer colours
-        DCW     &0020
-        DCW     &0030
-paldat16 ROUT
-        ADR     r5, paldat16tab
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; set both halves of palette
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; starting index
-        MOV     r8, r5
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        MOV     r6, r0
-        LDR     r7, [r8], #4
-        MOVS    r6, r6, LSR #1
-        ORRCS   r2, r2, r7
-        BNE     %BT20
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        ADD     r0, r0, #1
-        TEQ     r0, #&100
-        BNE     %BT10
-        B       FinishDefault
-        &       &00000800       ; palette bit 0
-        &       &00081000       ;             1
-        &       &08102100       ;             2
-        &       &10214200       ;             3
-        &       &21428400       ;             4
-        &       &42840000       ;             5
-        &       &84000000       ;             6
-        &       &00000000       ;             7
-paldat32 ROUT
-        ADR     r5, paldat32tab
-        B       palmetatab
-        &       &01010100       ; palette bit 0
-        &       &02020200       ;             1
-        &       &04040400       ;             2
-        &       &08080800       ;             3
-        &       &10101000       ;             4
-        &       &20202000       ;             5
-        &       &40404000       ;             6
-        &       &80808000       ;             7
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV call to set palette in bulk
-; in:   R0 => list of colours, or 0
-;       R1 =  colour type (16,17,18,24,25) in b24-31 & number to do in b23-b00
-;       R2 => list of palette entries (both flash states if 16, one if 17/18)
-;       R4 = PaletteV reason code
-; out:  R4 = 0, claim vector if recognised
-;       otherwise preserve R4 and pass on
-PV_BulkWrite    ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,R5-R11"          ; pc already stacked
-        ;register usage:
-        ;[R6] colour list
-        ;R7   colour type
-        ;R8   max number
-        ;[R9] palette entries
-        ;R10  loop counter
-        ;R11  colour number
-        MOV     R7,R1,LSR #24
-        BIC     R8,R1,#&FF000000
-        MOV     R6,R0
-        MOV     R9,R2
-        MOV     R10,#0
-        TEQ     R6,#0
-        MOVEQ   R11,R10
-        LDRNE   R11,[R6],#4
-        TEQ     R7,#16
-        TEQNE   R7,#17
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        MOVEQ   R1,#1
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     R7,#16
-        TEQNE   R7,#18
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        MOVEQ   R1,#2
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     R7,#24
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    BorderColour
-        TEQ     R7,#25
-        MOVEQ   R0,R11
-        LDREQ   R2,[R9],#4
-        BLEQ    PointerColour
-        ADD     R10,R10,#1
-        CMP     R10,R8
-        BCC     %BT10
-        MOV     R4,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R5-R11,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PaletteV call to set palette
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = colour type (16,17,18,24,25)
-;       R2 = BBGGRRSS
-;       R4 = PaletteV reason code
-; out:  R4 = 0, claim vector if recognised
-;       otherwise preserve R4 and pass on
-;amg 19/4/93 - change this routine to make all the calls subroutines rather
-; than branches. Although it will slow this down a bit, it makes the bulk
-; write a lot simpler and involves less duplication of mungeing code.
-PV_SetPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3"
-        TEQ     r1, #16                 ; if 16 then set both colours
-        MOVEQ   r1, #3
-        BEQ     Call_UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #17                 ; elif 17 then set 1st colour
-        MOVEQ   r1, #1
-        BEQ     Call_UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #18                 ; elif 18 then set 2nd colour
-        MOVEQ   r1, #2
-        BEQ     Call_UpdateNormalColour
-        TEQ     r1, #24                 ; elif 24 then border colour
-        BEQ     Call_BorderColour
-        TEQ     r1, #25                 ; elif 25 then pointer colour
-        BEQ     Call_PointerColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3"
-        MOV     pc, lr                  ; else not defined
-        BL      UpdateNormalColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-BorderInitEntry Push "r0-r3,lr"           ; entry used in default palette setting
-        BL      BorderColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-        BL      PointerColour
-        Pull    "r0-r3,pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-UpdateNormalColour ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        LDR     lr, [WsPtr, #DisplayNColour] ; get the mask
-        TEQ     lr, #63                 ; is it brain-damaged VIDC10-compatible 256 colour mode?
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        AND     r0, r0, lr              ; and mask it off
-        AND     r0, r0, #255            ; definitely no more than 256 palette entries
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "pc"
-        AND     r0, r0, #15             ; starting palette entry
-        LDR     r3, =&88CC8800          ; r3 = bits controlled by bits 4..7 of pixel value
-        BIC     r2, r2, r3
-        TST     r0, #&10                ; test bit 4 (r3,7)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00008800
-        TST     r0, #&20                ; test bit 5 (g2,6)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00440000
-        TST     r0, #&40                ; test bit 6 (g3,7)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&00880000
-        TST     r0, #&80                ; test bit 7 (b3,7)
-        ORRNE   r2, r2, #&88000000
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        ADD     r0, r0, #&10
-        CMP     r0, #&100
-        BCC     %BT20
-        B       %BT05
-BorderColour ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        MOV     r0, #256                ; pseudo-palette-index for border colour
-        MOV     r1, #3                  ; both colours
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-; Now test for BBC gap mode (ie 3 or 6)
-; if so then set colour 2 to same as border, and colour 3 to inverse
-        LDR     lr, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeFlags]
-        TST     lr, #Flag_BBCGapMode
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        MOV     r0, #2                  ; make colour 2 (gap) same as border
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r0, #3                  ; make colour 3 inverse gap
-        MVN     r2, r2                  ; invert R, G and B
-        EOR     r2, r2, #&FF            ; but use same supremacy
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "pc"
-PointerColour ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        ANDS    r0, r0, #3              ; force pointer colour number in range 1..3
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; zero is invalid
-        ADD     r0, r0, #256            ; index in range 257..259
-        MOV     r1, #3
-        BL      UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate successful PaletteV op
-        Pull    "pc"
-; UpdateSettingStraightRGB
-; in:   r0 = index (0..255 for normal, 256 for border, 257..259 for pointer)
-;       r1 = bit mask of which flash states to update (bit 0 set => 1st, bit 1 set => 2nd)
-;       r3 = SBGR
-;       r4 = SBGR to EOR with to go from 1st to 2nd flash state
-; out:  r0,r1,r2,r4 preserved
-;       r3 corrupted
-UpdateSettingStraightRGB EntryS "r2,r5,r6,r7"
-        ANDS    r5, r3, #1 :SHL: 12     ; get supremacy bit (s) in 1st colour
-        MOVNE   r5, #&FF                ; r5 = 000000SS
-        AND     r6, r3, #&FF0           ; r6 = 00000BG0
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #16     ; r5 = 0BG000SS
-        AND     r6, r3, #&0FF           ; r6 = 000000GR
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #12     ; r5 = 0BGGR0SS
-        AND     r6, r3, #&00F           ; r6 = 0000000R
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #8      ; r5 = 0BGGRRSS
-        AND     r6, r3, #&F00           ; r6 = 00000B00
-        ORR     r3, r5, r6, LSL #20     ; r3 = BBGGRRSS
-        ANDS    r5, r4, #1 :SHL: 12     ; get supremacy bit (s) in EOR mask
-        MOVNE   r5, #&FF                ; r5 = 000000SS
-        AND     r6, r4, #&FF0           ; r6 = 00000BG0
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #16     ; r5 = 0BG000SS
-        AND     r6, r4, #&0FF           ; r6 = 000000GR
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #12     ; r5 = 0BGGR0SS
-        AND     r6, r4, #&00F           ; r6 = 0000000R
-        ORR     r5, r5, r6, LSL #8      ; r5 = 0BGGRRSS
-        AND     r6, r4, #&F00           ; r6 = 00000B00
-        ORR     r4, r5, r6, LSL #20     ; r4 = BBGGRRSS
-        B       UpdateSettingCommon
-; UpdateSettingAndVIDC
-; in:   r0 = index (0..255 for normal, 256 for border, 257..259 for pointer)
-;       r1 = bit mask of which flash states to update (bit 0 set => 1st, bit 1 set => 2nd)
-;       r2 = BBGGRRSS
-; out:  r0, r1, r2 preserved
-;       r3, r4 corrupted
-UpdateSettingAndVIDC ALTENTRY
-        MOV     r3, r2
-        MOV     r4, #0                  ; indicate no EORing between parts
-; ... and drop thru to
-; UpdateSettingCommon
-; in:   r0 = index (0..255 for normal, 256 for border, 257..259 for pointer)
-;       r1 = bit mask of which flash states to update (bit 0 set => 1st, bit 1 set => 2nd)
-;       r3 = BBGGRRSS
-;       r4 = BBGGRRSS to EOR with to go from 1st to 2nd flash state
-;       r2, r5, r6, r7, lr stacked
-; out:  r0, r1, r2, r4 preserved
-;       r3 corrupted
-UpdateSettingCommon ROUT
-        PHPSEI                          ; protect against IRQs
-        Push    "r8, r9"
-        LDRB    r5, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     r5, #0
-        MOVNE   r5, #&FFFFFFFF          ; bits to knock out if blanked
-        LDROSB  r2, FlashState          ; 0 => second, 1 => first
-        CMP     r2, #1                  ; C=0 => second, C=1 => first
-        TST     r1, #1
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; skip if not setting 1st colour
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        ADD     r8, r2, #(256+1+3)*4*4  ; r8 -> rgb transfer tables
-        STR     r3, [r2, r0, LSL #2]!   ; store in logical colour and write back pointer
-        AND     r6, r3, #&0000FF00      ; r6 = red << 8
-        LDRB    r6, [r8, r6, LSR #8]    ; r6 = gamma(red)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> green transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&00FF0000      ; r9 = green << 16
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #16]   ; r9 = gamma(green)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #8      ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> blue transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF000000      ; r9 = blue << 24
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #24]   ; r9 = gamma(blue)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #16     ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8) + (gamma(blue)<<16)
-        AND     r9, r3, #&000000FF      ; knock out rgb from original
-        ORR     r6, r9, r6, LSL #8      ; and or in new bits
-        STR     r6, [r2, #(256+1+3)*4*2] ; store in physical copy
-        BCC     %FT10                   ; only hit hardware if flash state = first
-;;; old code had possible LCD greyscale munging, not supported in interim s.vduhint code
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r0-r2,r4,lr"
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntry
-        BIC     r1, r6, r5                ; r1 = palette colour after knocking out blanking bits
-        AND     r2, r0, #255              ; reduced index (0..255 normal, 0 border, 1..3 pointer)
-        CMP     r0, #256                  ; HI if pointer
-        MOVLS   r0, r0, LSR #8            ; type 0=normal, 1=border
-        MOVHI   r0, #2                    ; type 2=pointer
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r4,lr"
- |
-        Push    "r0-r3, r12, lr"
-        BIC     r1, r6, r5                ; r1 = palette colour after knocking out blanking bits
-        AND     r2, r0, #255              ; reduced index (0..255 normal, 0 border, 1..3 pointer)
-        CMP     r0, #256                  ; HI if pointer
-        MOVLS   r0, r0, LSR #8            ; type 0=normal, 1=border
-        MOVHI   r0, #2                    ; type 2=pointer
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r12, lr"
- ]
-        EOR     r3, r3, r4              ; toggle requested bits for 2nd half
-        TST     r1, #2
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; skip if not setting 2nd colour
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        ADD     r8, r2, #(256+1+3)*4*3  ; r8 -> rgb transfer tables
-        STR     r3, [r2, r0, LSL #2]!   ; store in logical copy and write back
-        AND     r6, r3, #&0000FF00      ; r6 = red << 8
-        LDRB    r6, [r8, r6, LSR #8]    ; r6 = gamma(red)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> green transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&00FF0000      ; r9 = green << 16
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #16]   ; r9 = gamma(green)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #8      ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8)
-        ADD     r8, r8, #&100           ; r8 -> blue transfer
-        AND     r9, r3, #&FF000000      ; r9 = blue << 24
-        LDRB    r9, [r8, r9, LSR #24]   ; r9 = gamma(blue)
-        ORR     r6, r6, r9, LSL #16     ; r6 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8) + (gamma(blue)<<16)
-        AND     r9, r3, #&000000FF      ; knock out rgb from original
-        ORR     r6, r9, r6, LSL #8      ; and or in new bits
-        STR     r6, [r2, #(256+1+3)*4*2] ; store in physical copy
-        BCS     %FT20                   ; only hit hardware if flash state = second
-;;; old code had possible LCD greyscale munging, not supported in interim s.vduhint code
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r0-r2,r4,lr"
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntry
-        BIC     r1, r6, r5                ; r1 = palette colour after knocking out blanking bits
-        AND     r2, r0, #255              ; reduced index (0..255 normal, 0 border, 1..3 pointer)
-        CMP     r0, #256                  ; HI if pointer
-        MOVLS   r0, r0, LSR #8            ; type 0=normal, 1=border
-        MOVHI   r0, #2                    ; type 2=pointer
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        Pull    "r0-r2,r4,lr"
- |
-        Push    "r0-r3, r12, lr"
-        BIC     r1, r6, r5                ; r1 = palette colour after knocking out blanking bits
-        AND     r2, r0, #255              ; reduced index (0..255 normal, 0 border, 1..3 pointer)
-        CMP     r0, #256                  ; HI if pointer
-        MOVLS   r0, r0, LSR #8            ; type 0=normal, 1=border
-        MOVHI   r0, #2                    ; type 2=pointer
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r12, lr"
- ]
-        PLP
-        Pull    "r8, r9"
-        EXITS                           ; restore registers, claim vector
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PV_BulkRead - Read multiple palette entries with one call
-; in:   R0 => list of colours wanted, or 0 to start with first and increment
-;       R1 =  b24-b31 - colour type: 16/17/18/24/25
-;             b00-b23 - number of colours to do
-;       R2 => memory for first flash state colours (and second if R3=0)
-;       R3 => memory for second flash state colours (if 0, intermingle with R2 instead)
-; out:  all preserved (R4 set to 0 to show call handled)
-; flags used to control routine
-PV_BR_WantFirst *       1               ; doing 16 or 17
-PV_BR_WantSecond *      2               ; doing 16 or 18
-PV_BR_HaveList *        4               ; we have a list of colours
-PV_BR_TwoLists *        8               ; we have two output areas (R2 & R3 valid)
-PV_BR_Border   *        16              ; doing 24
-PV_BR_Mouse    *        32              ; doing 25
-PV_BulkRead ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,R6-R11"             ; return addr already stacked
-        MOV     R6,R1,LSR #24           ; isolate the colour type
-        MOV     R7,#(PV_BR_WantFirst + PV_BR_WantSecond)
-        CMP     R6,#17                  ; do we want both flash states ?
-        BICEQ   R7,R7,#PV_BR_WantSecond ; if 17 only want first flash state
-        CMP     R6,#18
-        BICEQ   R7,R7,#PV_BR_WantFirst  ; if 18 only want second flash state
-        CMP     R6,#24
-        ORREQ   R7,R7,#PV_BR_Border
-        ORRGT   R7,R7,#PV_BR_Mouse
-        ;now set up other control flags
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        ORRNE   R7,R7,#PV_BR_HaveList   ; we have a list of colours
-        CMP     R3,#0
-        ORRNE   R7,R7,#PV_BR_TwoLists   ; we have two output areas
-        ;set up a mask for the number of colours
-        LDR     R8,[WsPtr,#DisplayNColour]
-        TEQ     R8,#63
-        MOVEQ   R8,#255                 ; deal with braindamaged 8BPP case
-        ;the mouse has colours 1-3
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_Mouse
-        MOVNE   R8,#3
-        ;take the colour type off the top of R1, leaving #colours wanted
-        BIC     R1,R1,#&FF000000
-        ; register usage:
-        ; [R0]: colour list
-        ; R1: number of colours
-        ; [R2]: first flash state list
-        ; [R3]: second flash state list
-        ; R7: control flags
-        ; R8: mask for colour number
-        ; R9: loop counter
-        ; R10: misc
-        ; LR: misc
-        MOV     R9,#0
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_HaveList
-        LDRNE   LR,[R0],#4
-        MOVEQ   LR,R9                   ; LR = wanted colour number
-        AND     LR,LR,R8                ; ensure it is sensible
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_Border
-        MOVNE   LR,#256                 ; border is stored as colour 256
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_Mouse
-        BEQ     %FT40
-        TEQ     LR,#0
-        BEQ     %FT50                   ;colour 0 is invalid
-        ADD     LR,LR,#256              ;bring into range (257-259)
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_WantFirst
-        LDRNE   R10,[WsPtr,#FirPalAddr]
-        LDRNE   R11,[R10,LR,LSL#2]      ; BBGGRRSS
-        STRNE   R11,[R2],#4
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_WantSecond
-        BEQ     %FT60                   ; have to use a branch here - another TST coming up
-        LDR     R10,[WsPtr,#SecPalAddr]
-        LDR     R11,[R10,LR,LSL#2]      ; BBGGRRSS
-        TST     R7,#PV_BR_TwoLists
-        STREQ   R11,[R2],#4
-        STRNE   R11,[R3],#4
-60      ADD     R9,R9,#1
-        CMP     R9,R1
-        BCC     %BT30
-        MOV     R4,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R6-R11,PC"          ; return addr already stacked
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_ReadPalette - PaletteV read palette handler
-; in:   R0 = logical colour
-;       R1 = 16 (read normal colour)
-;            24 (read border colour)
-;            25 (read cursor colour)
-; out:  R2 = first flash setting   (BBGGRRSS)
-;       R3 = second flash setting  (BBGGRRSS)
-PV_ReadPalette ROUT
-        Push    "r10,r11"
-        LDR     r10, [WsPtr, #DisplayNColour] ; logical colours in this mode -1
-        TEQ     r10, #63                ; if bodgy 256 colour mode
-        MOVEQ   r10, #255               ; then use AND mask of 255
-        TEQ     r1, #24                 ; is it reading border palette
-        MOVEQ   r11, #&100              ; then set up border index
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; and go
-        TEQ     r1, #25                 ; is it reading pointer palette
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        AND     r11, r0, r10            ; no, then force into suitable range
-        B       %FT10                   ; always skip
-        ANDS    r11, r0, #3             ; else force logical colour 0..3
-        BEQ     %FT99                   ; and 0 is illegal, so do nothing
-        ADD     r11, r11, #&100         ; set up correct index
-; note no need to fudge 256-colour modes, since we have the correct full 256 entry palette
-        LDR     r10, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        LDR     r2, [r10, r11, LSL #2]  ; r2 := 1st BBGGRRSS
-        LDR     r10, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        LDR     r3, [r10, r11, LSL #2]  ; r3 := 2nd BBGGRRSS
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r10, r11, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_1stFlashState - PaletteV routine to set first flash state
-PV_1stFlashState ROUT
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Entry   "r0-r3"
- |
-        Entry   "r0-r3, r9, r10, r12"
- ]
-        LDRB    r1, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        LDREQ   r1, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #(256+1+3)*4*2     ; move pointer to physical palette copy
-        LDRNE   r1, [WsPtr, #BlankPalAddr]
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; type 0 (normal)
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; start at entry 0
-        MOV     r3, #256                ; 256 entries
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntries
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
- |
-        PHPSEI  r10                     ; disable IRQs round this bit
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries
-        PLP     r10
-        MOV     r4, #0
- ]
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_2ndFlashState - PaletteV routine to set second flash state
-PV_2ndFlashState ROUT
-        ALTENTRY
-        LDRB    r1, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        LDREQ   r1, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        ADDEQ   r1, r1, #(256+1+3)*4*2  ; move pointer to physical palette copy
-        LDRNE   r1, [WsPtr, #BlankPalAddr]
-        B       DoR0Flash
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateAllPalette - Update all VIDC palette entries
-UpdateAllPalette ROUT
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Entry   "r0-r3, r10-r11"
- |
-        Entry   "r0-r3, r9, r10-r12"
-        mjsAddressHAL
- ]
-;sort out which palette to use
-        LDROSB  r0, FlashState
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        LDRCS   r1, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]   ; FlashState = 1 => 1st state, 0 => 2nd state
-        LDRCC   r1, [WsPtr, #SecPalAddr]
-        ADD     r1, r1, #(256+1+3)*4*2     ; move pointer to physical palette copy
-        LDRB    r10, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        TEQ     r10, #0
-        LDRNE   r1, [WsPtr, #BlankPalAddr] ; blank palette after all
-        ADD     r10, r1, #256*4            ; pointer to border colour
-        PHPSEI  r11                        ; disable IRQs round this bit
- [ UseGraphicsV
-;first, the normal colours
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; type 0 (normal)
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; start at entry 0
-        MOV     r3, #256                ; 256 entries
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntries
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-;next, border colour
-        LDR     r1, [r10]               ; border colour
-        MOV     r0, #1                  ; type 1
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; index 0
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntry
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-;finally, pointer colours
-        ADD     r1, r10, #4             ; pointer to pointer colours (oh yes)
-        MOV     r0, #2                  ; type 2
-        MOV     r2, #1                  ; start at index 1
-        MOV     r3, #3                  ; 3 entries
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_WritePaletteEntries
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
- |
-;first, the normal colours
-        MOV     r0, #0                  ; type 0 (normal)
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; start at entry 0
-        MOV     r3, #256                ; 256 entries
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries
-;next, border colour
-        LDR     r1, [r10]               ; border colour
-        MOV     r0, #1                  ; type 1
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; index 0
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntry
-;finally, pointer colours
-        ADD     r1, r10, #4             ; pointer to pointer colours (oh yes)
-        MOV     r0, #2                  ; type 2
-        MOV     r2, #1                  ; start at index 1
-        MOV     r3, #3                  ; 3 entries
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_WritePaletteEntries
- ]
-        PLP     r11
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_BlankScreen - Blank/unblank screen
-; in:   R0 = -1 => read blank state
-;       R0 = 0 => unblank screen
-;       R0 = 1 => blank screen
-; out:  R0 = old state (0=unblanked, 1=blanked)
-;       R4 = 0
-PV_BlankScreen ROUT
-        Push    "r1-r3, r9"
-        LDRB    r4, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]
-        CMP     r0, #1
-        BHI     %FT99                   ; just reading
-        TEQ     r0, r4                  ; changing to same state?
-        BEQ     %FT99                   ; if so, do nothing
-        AND     r0, r0, #1
-        STRB    r0, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankFlag]      ; update new state
-        LDRB    r1, [WsPtr, #ScreenBlankDPMSState]
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_SetBlank
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
- |
-        Push    "r0, r12"
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL HAL_Video_SetBlank
-        Pull    "r0, r12"
- ]
-        ; for backward compatibility, show video DMA state in
-        ; MEMC soft copy (DON'T call OS_UpdateMEMC, which would also
-        ; make redundant call to HAL)
-        ;
-        SavePSR r2
-        MOV     r9, #0
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit+F_bit, r14
-        LDR     r1, [r9, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        TEQ     r0, #1
-        BICEQ   r1, r1, #(1 :SHL: 10)
-        ORRNE   r1, r1, #(1 :SHL: 10)
-        STR     r1, [r9, #MEMC_CR_SoftCopy]
-        RestPSR r2
-        BL      UpdateAllPalette        ; update all palette, including border + pointer
-        MOV     r0, r4
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r1-r3, r9, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_GammaCorrect - Update gamma correction tables
-; in:   r0 -> red table
-;       r1 -> green table
-;       r2 -> blue table
-; out:  r4 = 0
-PV_GammaCorrect ROUT
-        Push    "r0-r3,r5-r8"
-        LDR     r4, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]
-        ADD     r4, r4, #(256+1+3)*4*4          ; point to gamma tables
-        ADD     r3, r4, #256
-        LDR     lr, [r0], #4
-        STR     lr, [r4], #4
-        TEQ     r4, r3
-        BNE     %BT10
-        ADD     r3, r4, #256
-        LDR     lr, [r1], #4
-        STR     lr, [r4], #4
-        TEQ     r4, r3
-        BNE     %BT20
-        ADD     r3, r4, #256
-        LDR     lr, [r2], #4
-        STR     lr, [r4], #4
-        TEQ     r4, r3
-        BNE     %BT30
-; now go through the logical palette, recomputing the physical from it using the new tables
-        SUB     r0, r4, #3*256                  ; r0 -> red table
-        SUB     r1, r4, #2*256                  ; r1 -> green table
-        SUB     r2, r4, #1*256                  ; r2 -> blue table
-        LDR     r4, [WsPtr, #FirPalAddr]        ; r4 -> start of logical palette
-        ADD     r5, r4, #260*4*2                ; r5 -> start of physical palette
-        MOV     r6, r5                          ; r6 = r5 = end of logical palette
-        LDR     r7, [r4], #4                    ; get word
-        AND     r8, r7, #&0000FF00              ; r8 = red << 8
-        LDRB    r8, [r0, r8, LSR #8]            ; r8 = gamma(red)
-        AND     lr, r7, #&00FF0000              ; lr = green << 16
-        LDRB    lr, [r1, lr, LSR #16]           ; lr = gamma(green)
-        ORR     r8, r8, lr, LSL #8              ; r8 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8)
-        AND     lr, r7, #&FF000000              ; lr = blue << 24
-        LDRB    lr, [r2, lr, LSR #24]           ; lr = gamma(blue)
-        ORR     r8, r8, lr, LSL #16             ; r8 = gamma(red) + (gamma(green)<<8) + (gamma(blue)<<16)
-        AND     lr, r7, #&000000FF              ; lr = 000000SS
-        ORR     r8, lr, r8, LSL #8              ; r8 = gamma-corrected BBGGRRSS value
-        STR     r8, [r5], #4                    ; store word
-        TEQ     r4, r6
-        BNE     %BT40
-        BL      UpdateAllPalette
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r3,r5-r8, pc"
- [ LCDInvert
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PV_LCDInvert - Invert the LCD palette
-; in:   r0 = inversion state to use (0=uninverted, 1=inverted)
-; out:  r4 = 0
-        ;;;mjsHAL not supported
-        ;;;
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "pc"
- ]
- [ StorkPowerSave
-; *****************************************************************************
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, r12"
-        MOV     r0, #1
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_SetPowerSave
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, r12, pc"
-; *****************************************************************************
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9, r12"
-        MOV     r0, #0
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_SetPowerSave
-        MOV     r4, #0
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9, r12, pc"
- ]   ; StorkPowerSave
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduplot b/s/vdu/vduplot
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cf8dfe2..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vduplot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1611 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduPlot
-; =======================
-; Vdu graphics code - Entry point for plotting & low level primitives
-;                     & Ecf pattern setting
-; Author R C Manby
-; Date   5.9.86
-; *****************************************************************************
-; EM
-; PLOT - Graphics operation, eg triangle, line etc.
-; ====
-; The plot operation, and the co-ordinate to plot at given by bytes
-;  in the vdu queue, as follows
-;  QQ+0 - plot number
-;  QQ+1 - xLo
-;  QQ+2 - xHi
-;  QQ+3 - yLo
-;  QQ+4 - yHi
-; The co-ordinate is in external 16 bit form.
-; If 2 or 3 are required, they are taken from ICursor & OldCs
-; Also, both PLOT and EntryFromSWIPlot are entered with R6 = CursorFlags
-      [ {TRUE}
-        GraphicsMode R0                 ; Quit if not a graphics mode
-        MOVNE   PC, Link
-      |
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        CMP     R0, #0                  ; Quit if not a graphics mode
-        MOVEQ   PC, Link
-      ]
-        ASSERT  ((QQ+1):AND:3)=0
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]      ; R2 = xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi
-        MOV     R0, R2, LSL #16         ; R0 = 0  ,0  ,xlo,xhi
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR #16         ; R0 = xlo,xhi,sgn,sgn
-        MOV     R1, R2, ASR #16         ; R1 = ylo,yhi,sgn,sgn
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]      ; plot mode
-        MOV     R9, #0                  ; indicate coming from VDU Plot
-        SaveRetAdr
-; now convert to internal coords (modified EIG code)
-        ASSERT  OrgY = OrgX +4
-        ASSERT  GCsX = OrgX +8
-        ASSERT  GCsY = OrgX +12
-        ASSERT  YEigFactor = XEigFactor +4
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #OrgX
-        LDMIA   R3!, {R4-R5}            ; R4 = OrgX: R5 = OrgY
-        TST     R2, #4                  ; If bit2 is clear, then relative
-        LDMEQIA R3, {R7-R8}             ; so load old cursor position
-        ADDEQ   R0, R0, R7              ; and add
-        ADDEQ   R1, R1, R8
-        STMIA   R3, {R0-R1}             ; store new coords in GCsX,GCsY
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #XEigFactor
-        LDMIA   R3, {R7-R8}             ; R7 = XEigFactor: R8 = YEigFactor
-        ADD     R0, R0, R4              ; add on origin
-        ADD     R1, R1, R5
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR R7          ; and shift down
-        MOV     R1, R1, ASR R8
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #NewPtX
-        STMIA   R3, {R0-R1}
-; The 2 LSBits of the plot code specify fg/bg colour and action as :-
-;  0 No effect eqv. of Gcol(5,c)
-;  1 Foreground colour using foreground Gcol action
-;  2 Invert eqv. of Gcol(4,c)
-;  3 Background colour using background Gcol action
-; *****Change made by DJS
-;   Original code was:
-;        MOV     R3, R2, LSL #30         ; put bottom 2 bits into top 2 bits
-;        CMP     R3, #&40000000          ; set lots of flags
-;        ADDMI   R4, WsPtr, #BgEcfOraEor ; if 0 or 3
-;        ADRCC   R4, NoEffect            ; if 0
-;        ADDEQ   R4, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor ; if 1
-;        ADRVS   R4, Invert              ; if 2
-        MOVS    R3, R2, LSL #31         ;Put bit 1 in C, NOT(bit 0) in Z
-        ADR     R4, NoEffect            ; if 0, 1, 2 or 3
-        ADDNE   R4, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor ; if 1 or 3
-        ADRCS   R4, Invert              ; if 2 or 3
-        ADDHI   R4, WsPtr, #BgEcfOraEor ; if CS & NE - i.e. 3
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]   ; save address of Ecf to plot with
-        TST     R6, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    DoPlotClipBox
-	BIC	R11, R2, #2_111		; ARMv4 says we have to keep bits 1:0 of PC =0
- [ No26bitCode
-        ADR     R14, CTidy              ; set up return address
- |
-        ADR     R14, CTidy + SVC_mode   ; set up return address
- ]
-                                        ; R0=X, R1=Y, R2=plot code
-        ADD     PC, PC, R11, LSR #1     ; jump to branch
-        &       0                       ; dummy word
- B LineDrawSolid           ;   0 - Solid line
- B LineDrawSolid           ;   8 - Solid line, endpoint omitted
- B LineDrawDotted          ;  16 - Dot-dash line, restart pattern
- B LineDrawDotted          ;  24 - Dot-dash line, restart pattern,
-                           ;        endpoint omitted
- B LineDrawSolid           ;  32 - Solid extension line
- B LineDrawSolid           ;  40 - Solid extension line, endpoint omitted
- B LineDrawDotted          ;  48 - Dot-dash extension line, continue pattern
- B LineDrawDotted          ;  56 - Dot-dash extension line, continue pattern,
-                           ;        endpoint omitted
- B PlotPoint               ;  64 - Point plot
- B FillLRnonBg             ;  72 - Line fill L&R, upto non-background
- B TriangleFill            ;  80 - Triangle fill
- B FillLRtoBg              ;  88 - Fill right, upto background
- B RectangleFill           ;  96 - Rectangle fill
- B FillLRtoFg              ; 104 - Line fill L&R, upto foreground
- B ParallelogramFill       ; 112 - Parallelogram Fill
- B FillLRnonFg             ; 120 - Fill right, upto non-foreground
- B FloodNonBg              ; 128 - Flood to non-bg (ie over bg)
- B FloodToFg               ; 136 - Flood to fg (ie over non-fg)
- B CircleOutline           ; 144 - Circle outline
- B CircleFill              ; 152 - Circle fill
- B CircleArc               ; 160 - Circular arc outline
- B SegmentFill             ; 168 - Segment fill
- B SectorFill              ; 176 - Sector (pie) fill
- B BlockCopyMove           ; 184 - Block copy/move
- B EllipseOutline          ; 192 - Ellipse outline
- B EllipseFill             ; 200 - Ellipse fill
- B   NYA                   ; 208 - Unassigned
- B   NYA                   ; 216 - Unassigned
- B   NYA                   ; 224 - Unassigned
- B SpritePlot              ; 232 - Sprite plot
- B   NYA                   ; 240 - Assigned to applications
- B   NYA                   ; 248 - Assigned to applications
-CTidy                           ; The "normal" return point after a plot
-                                ; operation, any call that does not want
-                                ; the cursors moving should pull return
-                                ; address off the stack
-                                ; Shuffle the cursors along
-                                ;  NewPt -> ICursor -> OldCs -> OlderCs
-                                ;
-                                ; ECursor was set earlier by EIG
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #OldCsX
-        LDMIA   R0, {R1,R2, R3,R4, R5,R6} ; OldCs(X,Y) ICursor(X,Y) NewPt(X,Y)
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #OlderCsX
-        STMIA   R0, {R1,R2, R3,R4, R5,R6}
-        Return
-        MOV     R0, R2                  ; R0 := plot code
-        MOV     R10, #UKPLOTV
-        Push    "R9, WsPtr, R14"        ; save SWIPlot indicator, WsPtr + link
-        BL      VduQQVec
-        Pull    "R9, WsPtr, PC", VC     ; return to CTidy if no error
-; error in UKPLOTV
-        Pull    "R9, WsPtr"     ; restore SWIPlot indicator and WsPtr
-        ADD     R13, R13, #8    ; throw away return to CTidy
-                                ; and return address stacked by PLOT
-        TEQ     R9, #0          ; called from Wrch ?
-        BEQ     VduBadExit      ; yes, then go to error exit code
-        B       SWIPlotBadExit  ; no, then go to SWIPlot error exit
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #QQ
-        CallAVector
-; Words for forming ZGORA & ZGEOR for colour actions 0 to 7, where
-;  0=Store, 1=OR, 2=AND, 3=EOR, 4=Inverse, 5=No change,
-;  6=And Not(colour) ie BIC,   7=Or Not(colour)
-; The values correspond to TBzgoo etc on the 6502 and are stored
-; in the following order zgoo,zgeo,zgoe,zgee to allow LDM to be used
-;                         Action
-;                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-; TBzgoo  OR the  OR :- F,0,0,F,F,F,0,0
-; TBzgeo EOR the  OR :- 0,0,F,F,F,F,0,F
-; TBzgoe  OR the EOR :- 0,F,0,0,F,F,0,F
-; TBzgee EOR the EOR :- F,F,F,0,0,F,0,F
-TBscrmasks      *       2_10010111000011111110110001010011
-        [ {FALSE}
- & &FFFFFFFF    ;Store colour to screen  ( OR the  OR)
- & &00000000    ;                        (EOR the  OR)
- & &00000000    ;                        ( OR the EOR)
- & &FFFFFFFF    ;                        (EOR the EOR)
- & &00000000    ;OR colour to screen
- & &00000000
- & &00000000    ;AND
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &FFFFFFFF    ;Invert
- & &00000000
- & &FFFFFFFF    ;No change
- & &00000000    ;BIC (ie AND NOTcol)
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000    ;OR NOTcol
-        ]
-        MALIGN  64      ; Invert and NoEffect must be aligned to a multiple
-                        ; of 64 for line drawing routines (TMD)
-                        ;Interleaved zgora & zgeor values to give invert
-                        ; and no effect plotting, used when plot code
-Invert                  ; overrides Fg/Bg Gcol colour and action.
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
- & &00000000
-; *****************************************************************************
-; EIG - External to internal graphic coordinate conversion
-; ===
-; Convert external coordinates (either relative or absolute) into
-; internal ones. No windowing is done.
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) hold coordinate (external co-ords)
-;           R2 holds plot mode, where bit2 = 0 for relative (add ECursor)
-;                                          = 1 for absolute (add origin)
-; On exit,  R0 (X), R1 (Y) hold internal representation
-;           R2 preserved
-;           R3 corrupt
-;           The external cursor (GCsX,GCsY) is updated to the new point,
-;           hence in triangle relative mode, the points are relative to
-;           the last point specified, not the original.
-                                ;Do Ycoord first
-        TST R2,#4               ;If bit2 is clear
-        LDREQ R3,[WsPtr,#GCsY]  ;then co-ord is relative
-        ADDEQ R1,R1,R3          ;     so add previous cursor (ext. rep.)
-        STR R1,[WsPtr,#GCsY]    ;Update previous cursor
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#OrgY]    ;Add origin
-        ADD R1,R1,R3
-        LDR R3, [WsPtr, #YEigFactor]
-        MOV R1,R1,ASR R3        ;Transform 0-1023 to 0-255 or 0-511
-                                ;Do Xcoord
-        LDREQ R3,[WsPtr,#GCsX]  ;If relative then
-        ADDEQ R0,R0,R3          ;  add previous cursor (ext. rep.)
-        STR R0,[WsPtr,#GCsX]    ;Update previous cursor
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#OrgX]    ;Add origin
-        ADD R0,R0,R3
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#XEigFactor]
-        MOV R0,R0,ASR R3        ;Transform 0-1279 to 0-639/0-319/0-159
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV PC,R14
- |
-        MOVS PC,R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; IEG - Inverse of EIG. Convert ICursor to ECursor
-; ===
-; On exit, R0 (X), R1 (Y) holds ECursor, ECursor updated
-;       R2, R3 hold XEigFactor, YEigFactor
-;       R4, R5 corrupt
-        ASSERT  GCsIY = GCsIX +4
-        ASSERT  YEigFactor = XEigFactor +4
-        ASSERT  OrgY = OrgX +4
-        ASSERT  GCsY = GCsX +4
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #GCsIX
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0,R1}             ; load graphics cursor (internal)
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #XEigFactor
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2, R3}            ; R2 = XEigFactor; R3 = YEigFactor
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #OrgX
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4, R5}            ; R4 = OrgX; R5 = OrgY
-        RSB     R0, R4, R0, LSL R2      ; R0 = (X << XEigFactor)-OrgX
-        RSB     R1, R5, R1, LSL R3      ; R1 = (Y << YEigFactor)-OrgY
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #GCsX
-        STMIA   R4, {R0,R1}             ; write graphics cursor (external)
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV PC,R14
- |
-        MOVS PC,R14
- ]
-        [ {FALSE}
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Window - Check a coordinate against the graphics window
-; ======
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) holds coordinate to window
-; On exit,  R0,R1 preserved,
-;           R3 corrupt
-;           R2 holds result, as follows:
-;                |      |
-;           1001 | 1000 | 1010
-;                |      |
-;           -----+------+-----
-;                |      |
-;           0001 | 0000 | 0010
-;                |      |
-;           -----+------+-----
-;                |      |
-;           0101 | 0100 | 0110
-;                |      |
-        MOV R2,#0
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#GWBRow]          ;Test ycoord against window
-        CMP R1,R3
-        ORRLT R2,R2,#4                  ;Set bit 2 if Y < window
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#GWTRow]
-        CMP R3,R1
-        ORRLT R2,R2,#8                  ;Set bit 3 if Y > window
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#GWLCol]          ;Test xcoord against window
-        CMP R0,R3
-        ORRLT R2,R2,#1                  ;Set bit 0 if X < window
-        LDR R3,[WsPtr,#GWRCol]
-        CMP R3,R0
-        ORRLT R2,R2,#2                  ;Set bit 1 if X > window
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV PC,R14
- |
-        MOVS PC,R14                     ;Return to whence we came
- ]
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; ScreenAddr - Generate screen address of coordinate
-; ==========
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) holds coordinate - must be within graphics window
-; On exit,  R0,R1 preserved,
-;           R2 holds word address
-;           R3 holds pixel mask
-;           R7,R8 corrupt
-        ASSERT  LineLength = YWindLimit +4
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #YWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R7, {R7,R8}                     ; R7=YWindLimit,R8=LineLength
-        SUB     R2, R7, R1                      ; flip ycoord into R2
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]       ; add the screen start
-        MLA     R2, R8, R2, R7                  ; to Ycoord * bytes per row
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #XShftFactor]       ; R7 := 2,3,4 or 5
-        MOV     R8, R0, ASR R3                  ; R8 := word offset
-        ADD     R2, R2, R8, LSL #2              ; add on to screen address
-        EOR     R7, R0, R8, LSL R3              ; R7 := pixel offset
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb
-        LDR     R3, [R3, R7, LSL #2]            ; R3 := mask for this pixel
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     PC, R14
- |
-        MOVS    PC, R14                         ; and return
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; PlotPoint - Plot a point in the current colour
-; =========
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) holds coordinate of point
-; On exit,  R0,R1 preserved
-;           R2-R8 corrupt
-;           R9-R11 preserved
-        WINDow  R0,R1, R2,R3,R4,R5
-        MOVLT   PC, R14                         ; If outside window, give up
-        ASSERT  LineLength = YWindLimit +4
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #YWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R7, {R7,R8}                     ; R7=YWindLimit; R8=LineLength
-        SUB     R2, R7, R1                      ; flip ycoord into R2
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        ASSERT  GColAdr = XShftFactor +4
-;        ASSERT  ScreenStart = XShftFactor +8
-;        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #XShftFactor         ; R4=XShftFactor; R5=GColAdr
-;        LDMIA   R4, {R4, R5, R7}                ; R7=ScreenStart
-;        MLA     R2, R8, R2, R7                  ; R2=ScreenStart+Y*LineLength
-;        MOV     R8, R0, ASR R4                  ; R8 := XCoord DIV 4,8,16
-;                                                ;   or 32
-;        EOR     R7, R0, R8, LSL R4              ; R7 := pixel offset in word
-;        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb
-;        LDR     R3, [R3, R7, LSL #2]            ; R3 := mask for this pixel
-;        EOR     R6, R1, #7                      ; flip Ycoord
-;        AND     R6, R6, #7                      ; line within ecf
-; This does not calculate the ecf line correctly, resulting in bugs if (e.g.)
-; a destination sprite is not a multiple of 8 pixels high.
-        AND     R6, R2, #7                      ; R6 := line with ecf
-        ASSERT  GColAdr = XShftFactor +4
-        ASSERT  ScreenStart = XShftFactor +8
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #XShftFactor         ; R4=XShftFactor; R5=GColAdr
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4, R5, R7}                ; R7=ScreenStart
-        MLA     R2, R8, R2, R7                  ; R2=ScreenStart+Y*LineLength
-        MOV     R8, R0, ASR R4                  ; R8 := XCoord DIV 4,8,16 or 32
-        EOR     R7, R0, R8, LSL R4              ; R7 := pixel offset in word
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb
-        LDR     R3, [R3, R7, LSL #2]            ; R3 := mask for this pixel
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        ADD     R5, R5, R6, LSL #3
-        LDMIA   R5, {R5, R6}                    ; get zgora,zgeor
-        AND     R5, R5, R3                      ; mask zgora
-        AND     R6, R6, R3                      ; & zgeor for this pixel
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP     R5, #&FFFFFFFF
-        LDRNE   R7, [R2, R8, LSL #2]
- |
-        LDR     R7, [R2, R8, LSL #2]
- ]
-        ORR     R7, R7, R5                      ; and hit the screen
-        EOR     R7, R7, R6
-        STR     R7, [R2, R8, LSL #2]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-; ComplexEcfPattern
-; =================
-; On entry, R0 holds pattern number, where 2..6 means Ecf1..4
-; Vdu queue holds
-;          QQ+0  pattern number
-;          QQ+1  pattern bytes 0
-;           |                  |
-;          QQ+8                7
-; ComplexEcfPat10 is an entry point from simple Ecf setting for 8 bpp modes
-;                 ie simple=complex in 8 bpp modes
-;                 R1 points to Ecf(n) to be programmed.
-; Corrupts R0..R3
-ComplexEcfPattern ROUT                  ; R0 holds 2,3,4,5 for Ecfs 1,2,3,4
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #(Ecf1-2*8)
-        ADD     R1, R1, R0, LSL #3      ; point R1 at Ecf(n)
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #(QQ+1)
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #BBCcompatibleECFs] ; if in BBC mode
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BEQ     ComplexEcfPat20                 ; then unmangle the interleaved
-                                                ;      pixels
-        LDMIA   R0, {R2,R3}                     ; else (native) use as given
-        STMIA   R1, {R2,R3}
-        B       SetColour       ; update FgEcf & BgEcf incase they use this Ecf
-; R1 points at Ecf(n)
-; R0 points at QQ+1
-; Uses R2 - pointer into InterleaveTB(BitsPerPix)
-;      R3 - byte to process 7..0
-;      R4 - #1
-;      R5 - bit within byte to process 7..0
-;      R6 - result byte
-;      R7 - byte from queue
-;      R8 - bit mask from InterleaveTB(BitsPerPix,R5)
-        ADR     R2, InterleaveTB
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]   ; 0,1,2,3 means 1,2,4,8 bits per pixel
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3, LSL #3      ; point R2 at entry in interleave table
-        MOV     R3, #7                  ; 7..0 bytes to process
-        MOV     R4, #1
-        MOV     R5, #7                  ; 7..0 bits per byte
-        MOV     R6, #0                  ; clear result byte
-        LDRB    R7, [R0, R3]            ; byte from queue
-        LDRB    R8, [R2, R5]
-        TST     R8, R7
-        ORRNE   R6, R6, R4, LSL R5      ; set bit in result byte
-        SUBS    R5, R5, #1
-        BGE     ComplexEcfPat40         ; process next bit
-        STRB    R6, [R1, R3]            ; write de-interleaved byte to Ecf(n)
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BGE     ComplexEcfPat30         ; process next byte from queue
-        B       SetColour       ; update FgEcf & BgEcf incase they use this Ecf
-; InterleaveTB - Values used to unpack BBC style interleaved pixels
-; 1 bit  per pixel eg Mode 0 & 4 - Log2BPP is 0
-        =       &80, &40, &20, &10, &08, &04, &02, &01
-; 2 bits per pixel eg Mode 1 & 5 - Log2BPP is 1
-        =       &08, &80, &04, &40, &02, &20, &01, &10
-; 4 bits per pixel eg Mode 2 - Log2BPP is 2
-        =       &02, &08, &20, &80, &01, &04, &10, &40
-; 8 bits per pixel - no effect - Log2BPP is 3
-        =       &01, &02, &04, &08, &10, &20, &40, &80
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-; LineStyle - Setup dotted line style (does not affect repeat length)
-; =========
-; Corrupts R0..R3
-LineStyle ROUT
-        MOV     R3, #8                          ; Copy 8 bytes in reverse order
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #QQ+9
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #DotLineStyle        ; from Queue into DotLineStyle
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #-1]!
-        STRB    R0, [R2], #1
-        SUBS    R3, R3, #1
-        BNE     LineSty10
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        LTORG   ;limited offsets
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DefaultLineStyle - Setup default line style and length
-;       Internal routine, called by mode change, SwitchOutputToSprite and
-;        FX163,242,n code
-; out:  Can corrupt R0-R3,
-;       PSR preserved
-DefaultLineStyle ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R3, CPSR
- ]
-        MOV     R0, #8                  ; dot pattern repeats after 8 pixels
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DotLineLength]
-        LDR     R0, =&AAAAAAAA          ; on-off pattern
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DotLineStyle+0] ; 64 bits of pattern
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #DotLineStyle+4]
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; force a restart of the pattern
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #LineDotCnt] ; if the user does a "continue"
- [ No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R3
-        MOV     PC, R14
- |
-        MOVS    PC, R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetPatLength - Set dotted line repeat length
-;       Internal routine, called by DoOsbyte163_242
-; in:   R2 = 1..64 => set pattern length to this
-;            0     => set default length and pattern
-; out:  Can corrupt R0-R3,
-;       PSR preserved
-SetPatLength ROUT
- [ No26bitCode
-        MRS     R3, CPSR
- ]
-        CMP     R2, #0
-        BEQ     DefaultLineStylePSRready
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #DotLineLength]     ; 1..64
-        MOV     R2, #0                          ; force restart of the pattern
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #LineDotCnt]        ; if the user does a "continue"
- [ No26bitCode
-        MSR     CPSR_f, R3
-        MOV     PC, R14
- |
-        MOVS    PC, R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DefaultEcfPattern - Setup all 4 ecf patterns for this mode
-;       (does not affect line style)
-;       Internal routine, called by mode change, SwitchOutputToSprite and
-;        VDU 23_11
-DefaultEcfPattern ROUT
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #BBCcompatibleECFs] ;Select BBC compatible ECF mode
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ECFIndex]
-        ADR     R1, DefEcfTb
-        ADD     R0, R1, R0, LSL #4      ; 16 bytes per entry
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #Ecf1
-        LDMIA   R0, {R2,R4,R6,R8}       ; Get all four patterns for each mode
-        LDMIA   R0, {R3,R5,R7,R9}       ; duplicate top half into bottom half
-        STMIA   R1, {R2-R9}             ; Write all 4 Ecfs
-        B       SetColour       ; update FgEcf & BgEcf in case they are Ecfs
-DefEcfTb        ; Table of default ECFs, indexed by ECFIndex (a mode variable)
-; Modes 3,6,7
- & 0
- & 0
- & 0
- & 0
-; Mode 0
- & &00330033     ;Dark grey      (3 black, 1 white)
- & &CC33CC33     ;Grey           (2 black, 2 white)
- & &CCFFCCFF     ;Light grey     (1 black, 3 white)
- & &030C30C0     ;Hatching
-; Modes 1,5,8,11,19
- & &55665566     ;Red orange     (3 red, 1 yellow)
- & &99669966     ;Orange         (2 red, 2 yellow)
- & &99AA99AA     ;Yellow orange  (1 red, 3 yellow)
- & &BBEEBBEE     ;Cream          (2 white, 2 yellow)
-; Modes 2,9,12,14,16,17,20(,21)
- & &31133113     ;Orange         (2 red, 2 yellow)
- & &51155115     ;Pink           (2 red, 2 magenta)
- & &32233223     ;Yellow green   (2 green, 2 yellow)
- & &37733773     ;Cream          (2 white, 2 yellow)
-; Modes 4,18,22,23
- & &00550055     ;Dark grey      (3 black, 1 white)
- & &AA55AA55     ;Grey           (2 black, 2 white)
- & &AAFFAAFF     ;Light grey     (1 black, 3 white)
- & &11224488     ;Hatching
-; Modes 10,13,15
- & &FFFEFDFC     ;Its runnier than yoy'll lik itt
- & &00010203
- & &20212223
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SimpleEcfPattern - Setup simple ecf pattern
-;       Internal routine, called by VDU23_12..15
-; in:   R0 = 12..15 for ecfs 1..4
-;       Vdu queue holds
-;          QQ+0  pattern number
-;          QQ+1  pattern bytes 0
-;           |                  |
-;          QQ+8                7
-SimpleEcfPattern ROUT
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #(Ecf1-12*8)
-        ADD     R1, R1, R0, LSL #3      ; Point R1 at ECF(n)
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #(QQ+1)      ; Point R2 at first colour in queue
-        ADR     R3, SimpEcfTb
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #ECFIndex]
-        LDRB    R10, [R3, R4]           ; Mask for this mode
-        CMP     R10, #&FF
-        BEQ     SimplEc20               ; 256 colour modes are different
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-        ADRL    R4, TBFullCol           ; Base of full colour table (of bytes)
-        ADD     R4, R4, R5              ; Access to table is always
-                                        ; TBFullCol(NColour+(byte AND NColour))
-                                        ; so add NColour in now !
-        MOV     R7, #4                  ; There are 4 pairs of bytes in queue
-        LDRB    R6, [R2], #1            ; Get first colour of pair from queue
-        AND     R6, R6, R5              ; (byte AND NColour)
-        LDRB    R6, [R4, R6]            ; The full byte for this colour
-        AND     R6, R6, R10             ; Extract required pixels
-        LDRB    R9, [R2], #1            ; Get next colour of pair from queue
-        AND     R9, R9, R5              ; (byte AND Ncolour)
-        LDRB    R9, [R4, R9]
-        BIC     R9, R9, R10             ; Extract required pixels and
-        ORR     R6, R6, R9              ; build into final pattern
-        STRB    R6, [R1, #4]            ; Replicate pattern in both halves
-        STRB    R6, [R1], #1            ; of ECF
-        SUBS    R7, R7, #1
-        BNE     SimplEc10
-        B       SetColour       ; update FgEcf & BgEcf in case they use this
-; R1 -> ECF(n)
-; R2 -> first colour in queue
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R5, #8
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], #1            ; Get byte from queue
-        AND     R3, R0, #&C0            ; Extract Tint
-        AND     R0, R0, #&3F            ;         Colour
-        BL      AddTintToColour         ; Recombine in our funny fashion
-        STRB    R0, [R1], #1            ; And store in the Ecf
-        SUBS    R5, R5, #1
-        BNE     SimplEc30
-        Pull    R14
-        B       SetColour       ; Update FgEcf & BgEcf incase they use this Ecf
-SimpEcfTb       ; Table of masks for simple ECFs, indexed by ECFIndex
-                ; (bit set => use left pixel, bit clear => use right pixel)
-        =       &00     ; Modes 3,6,7
-        =       &33     ; Mode 0
-        =       &33     ; Modes 1,5,8,11,19
-        =       &0F     ; Modes 2,9,12,14,16,17,20
-        =       &55     ; Modes 4,18,21,22
-        =       &FF     ; Modes 10,13,15
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ExportedHLine - Routine exported via VDU variable HLineAddr
-; in:   R0,R2 = X coords in some order (internal coords)
-;       R1 = Y coord (internal coord)
-;       R3 = 0 => no effect
-;       R3 = 1 => foreground colour/action
-;       R3 = 2 => invert
-;       R3 = 3 => background colour/action
-;       R3 >= 4 => R3 -> eight word pairs
-ExportedHLine ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R2,R4-R10,WsPtr,R14"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        CMP     R3, #4
-        BCS     %FT10
-; *****Change made by DJS
-;   Original code was:
-;        MOV     R3, R3, LSL #30         ; put bottom 2 bits into top 2 bits
-;        CMP     R3, #&40000000          ; set lots of flags
-;        ADDMI   R3, WsPtr, #BgEcfOraEor ; if 0 or 3
-;        ADRCC   R3, NoEffect            ; if 0
-;        ADDEQ   R3, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor ; if 1
-;        ADRVS   R3, Invert              ; if 2
-        MOVS    R3, R3, LSL #31         ;Put bit 1 in C, NOT(bit 0) in Z
-        ADR     R3, NoEffect            ; if 0, 1, 2 or 3
-        ADDNE   R3, WsPtr, #FgEcfOraEor ; if 1 or 3
-        ADRCS   R3, Invert              ; if 2 or 3
-        ADDHI   R3, WsPtr, #BgEcfOraEor ; if CS & NE - i.e. 3
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #GColAdr]   ; save address of Ecf to plot with
-        BL      HLine
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "R0,R2,R4-R10,WsPtr,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-; NewHLine - Horizontal line draw   an even newer version what does 8 words
-; ========                          at a time if it can
-; On entry, R0 (X), R1 (Y) holds coordinate of point
-;           R2             holds right hand XCoord
-; On exit,  R3 preserved
-;           R4..R10 corrupt
-;           PSR preserved
-; N.B. R11 WILL BE PRESERVED - This is assumed by rectangle fill and all circle
-;                              operations
-        SortT   R0, R2, R4              ; Sort the Xcoord into order R0<=R2
-NewHLine ROUT                           ; Entry point for sorted Xcoords
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4-R7}             ; GWLCol,GWBRow,GWRCol,GWTRow
-        CMP     R7, R1                  ; Test ycoord against window
-        CMPGE   R1, R5
-        CMPGE   R6, R0                  ; Test xcoords against window
-        CMPGE   R2, R4
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOVLT   PC, R14                 ; Quit if above,below,left or right
- |
-        MOVLTS  PC, R14                 ; Quit if above,below,left or right
- ]
-                                        ; of window
-        Greatest R0, R0, R4             ; If start of line to left of window
-                                        ; pull to window edge
-        Least   R2, R2, R6              ; If end of line to right of window
-                                        ; pull to window edge
-        Push    "R0-R3,R11,Link"
-; Now, R0 holds Start (leftX), R1 holds Y and R2 holds End (rightX)
-; Now pick up ecf word and form the ZGORA & ZGEOR masks
-        ASSERT  LineLength = YWindLimit +4
-        ASSERT  GColAdr = XShftFactor +4
-        ASSERT  ScreenStart = XShftFactor +8
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #YWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R11, {R10-R11}          ; R10 = YWindLimit; R11 = LineLength
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #XShftFactor
-        LDMIA   R9, {R7-R9}             ; R7 = XShftFactor; R8 = GColAdr
-                                        ; R9 = ScreenStart
-        SUB     R1, R10, R1             ; flip ycoord into R1
-        AND     R6, R1, #7              ; R6 = line within ecf
-        ADD     R8, R8, R6, LSL #3      ; R8 -> zgora, zgeor
-        LDMIA   R8, {R8, R10}           ; R8 = zgora; R10 = zgeor
-        MLA     R9, R11, R1, R9         ; R9 -> start of this scan line
-        MOV     R6, R0, LSR R7          ; R6 = X1Coord word offset
-        MOV     R11, R2, LSR R7         ; R11 = X2Coord word offset
-        ADD     R9, R9, R6, LSL #2      ; R9 = address of lefthand word
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        EOR     R4, R0, R6, LSL R7      ; R4 = X1 pixel offset
-;        EOR     R5, R2, R11, LSL R7     ; R5 = X2 pixel offset
-;        SUBS    R11, R11, R6            ; R11 = number of words -1
-;                                        ; and set Z on it
-;        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb   ; R7 -> MaskTb for this mode
-;        LDR     R6, [R7, R4, LSL #2]    ; R6 = left mask
-;        LDR     R14, [R7, R5, LSL #2]   ; R14 = right mask
-;        SUB     R7, R14, #1             ; in right mask set all bits lower
-;        ORR     R14, R14, R7            ; by RM = RM OR (RM-1)
-;        RSB     R7, R6, #0              ; in left mask, set all bits higher
-;        ORR     R6, R6, R7              ; by LM = LM OR (-LM)
-; The following code is shorter and faster.
-        SUBS    R11, R11, R6            ; R11 = number of words -1
-                                        ; and set Z on it
-        RSB     R7, R7, #5              ; R7 = Log2BPC (quicker than loading!)
-        MOV     R14, #31                ; constant to extract bit offsets
-        AND     R4, R14, R0, LSL R7     ; R4 = start of X1 pixel offset
-        AND     R5, R14, R2, LSL R7     ; R5 = start of X2 pixel offset
-        MOV     R14, #-1                ; Useful both as -1 and as &FFFFFFFF
-        SUB     R5, R5, R14, LSL R7     ; R5 = end of X2 pixel offset
-        MOV     R6, R14, LSL R4         ; R6 = left mask
-        MVN     R14, R14, LSL R5        ; R14 = right mask
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        ANDEQ   R14, R14, R6            ; if start word = end word
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; then combine masks
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        AND     R1, R8, R6              ; zgora AND left mask
-        CMP     R1, #&FFFFFFFF
-        LDRNE   R0, [R9]                ; do left hand word of line
- |
-        LDR     R0, [R9]                ; do left hand word of line
-        AND     R1, R8, R6              ; zgora AND left mask
- ]
-        AND     R2, R10, R6             ; zgeor AND left mask
-        ORR     R0, R0, R1              ; screen OR or mask
-        EOR     R0, R0, R2              ; EOR eor mask
-        STR     R0, [R9], #4            ; store to screen
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #1            ; decrement word count, if =0
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; then plot RH partial word
-        CMP     R8, #-1                 ; if R8 = -1 then store action
-        BNE     %FT05                   ; else do it the slow way
-        MVN     R0, R10                 ; R0 = word of colour to plot
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R2, R0
-        MOV     R3, R0
-        ADDS    R8, R8, R11, LSR #3     ; R8 = (no. of words DIV 8)-1
-        BCC     %FT60                   ; must be fewer than 8
-        MOV     R4, R0
-        MOV     R5, R0
-        MOV     R6, R0
-        MOV     R7, R0
-; *****Additional message inserted by DJS
-        [       ((.-KernelBase) :AND: 15) = 12
-        !       0, "HLine critical loop has bad alignment for running in RAM"
-        ]
-; *****End of message inserted by DJS
-        STMCSIA R9!, {R0-R7}            ; write 8 words to screen if >=0
-        STMHIIA R9!, {R0-R7}            ; write 8 words to screen if > 0
-        SUBS    R8, R8, #2              ; try for another 16
-        BCS     %BT50
-        TST     R11, #4                 ; can we do 4 words ?
-        STMNEIA R9!, {R0-R3}            ; write 4 words to screen
-        TST     R11, #2                 ; can we do 2 words ?
-        STMNEIA R9!, {R0-R1}            ; write 2 words to screen
-        TST     R11, #1                 ; can we do 1 word ?
-        STMNEIA R9!, {R0}               ; write 1 word to screen
-        AND     R10, R10, R14           ; do partial word at end
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP     R14, #&FFFFFFFF
-        LDRNE   R0, [R9]
- |
-        LDR     R0, [R9]
- ]
-        OrrEor  R0,R0, R14,R10
-        STR     R0, [R9],#4
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC"
- |
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC",,^       ; pretty certain flag preservation not required
- ]
-; code for when not store action
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #8            ; else try for 8 words at a time
-        BMI     %FT20                   ; failed, so try for 4 at a time
-        LDMIA   R9, {R0-R7}
-        OrrEor  R0,R0, R8,R10           ; Write 8 words to screen
-        OrrEor  R1,R1, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R3,R3, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R4,R4, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R5,R5, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R6,R6, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R7,R7, R8,R10
-        STMIA   R9!, {R0-R7}
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #8            ; try for another 8
-        BPL     %BT10
-        ADDS    R11, R11, #4            ; can we do 4 words ?
-        BMI     %FT30                   ; no, then do 1 word at a time
-        LDMIA   R9, {R0-R3}
-        OrrEor  R0,R0, R8,R10           ; Write 4 words to screen
-        OrrEor  R1,R1, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R2,R2, R8,R10
-        OrrEor  R3,R3, R8,R10
-        STMIA   R9!, {R0-R3}
-        SUB     R11, R11, #4
-        ADDS    R11, R11, #4            ; Correct for earlier SUB #4
-40                                      ; Plot single words
-        ANDEQ   R8, R8, R14             ; If EQ, this is RH word,
-        ANDEQ   R10, R10, R14           ; so mask down to required pixels
-        LDR     R0, [R9]
-        OrrEor  R0,R0, R8,R10
-        STR     R0, [R9],#4
-        SUBS    R11,R11,#1
-        BPL     %BT40
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC"
- |
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC",,^
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NewVLine - Vertical line draw for non-dotted solid pattern lines
-; in:   R0 = R2 = X coord
-;       R1 = bottom Y coord
-;       R3 = top Y coord
-; out:  R4-R10 corrupt
-;       PSR preserved
-NewVLine ROUT                           ; Entry point for sorted Ycoords
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4-R7}             ; GWLCol,GWBRow,GWRCol,GWTRow
-        CMP     R7, R1                  ; Test ycoord against window
-        CMPGE   R3, R5
-        CMPGE   R6, R0                  ; Test xcoords against window
-        CMPGE   R2, R4
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOVLT   PC, R14                 ; Quit if above,below,left or right
-                                        ; of window
- |
-        MOVLTS  PC, R14                 ; Quit if above,below,left or right
-                                        ; of window
- ]
-        Greatest R1, R1, R5             ; If bottom of line below window
-                                        ; pull to window edge
-        Least   R3, R3, R7              ; If top of line above window
-                                        ; pull to window edge
-        Push    "R0-R3,R11,Link"
-; Now, R0 holds X, R1 holds bottom Y and R3 holds top Y
-; Now pick up ecf word and form the ZGORA & ZGEOR masks
-        ASSERT  LineLength = YWindLimit +4
-        ASSERT  GColAdr = XShftFactor +4
-        ASSERT  ScreenStart = XShftFactor +8
-        ADD     R11, WsPtr, #YWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R11, {R10-R11}          ; R10 = YWindLimit; R11 = LineLength
-        ADD     R9, WsPtr, #XShftFactor
-        LDMIA   R9, {R7-R9}             ; R7 = XShftFactor; R8 = GColAdr
-                                        ; R9 = ScreenStart
-        SUB     R1, R3, R1              ; R1 = number of dots to do -1
-        SUB     R3, R10, R3             ; R3 = flipped top ycoord
-        MLA     R9, R11, R3, R9         ; R9 -> start of this scan line
-        LDMIA   R8, {R8, R10}           ; R8 = zgora; R10 = zgeor
-                                        ; (no need to index with Y cos we
-                                        ; know there's no ECF pattern)
-        MOV     R6, R0, LSR R7          ; R6 = X coord word offset
-        ADD     R9, R9, R6, LSL #2      ; R9 = address of top word
-        EOR     R4, R0, R6, LSL R7      ; R4 = X pixel offset
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb   ; R7 -> MaskTb for this mode
-        LDR     R6, [R7, R4, LSL #2]    ; R6 = pixel mask
-        AND     R8, R8, R6              ; zgora = zgora AND pixelmask
-        AND     R10, R10, R6            ; zgeor = zgeor AND pixelmask
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-        CMP     R8, #&FFFFFFFF
-        BEQ     %FT20
- ]
-; now do the plotting
-        LDR     R6, [R9]
-        ORR     R6, R6, R8
-        EOR     R6, R6, R10
-        STR     R6, [R9], R11
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BPL     %BT10
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC"
- |
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC",,^
- ]
- [ AvoidScreenReads
-20      MVN     R6, R10
-25      STR     R6, [R9], R11
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BPL     %BT25
- [ No26bitCode
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC"
- |
-        Pull    "R0-R3,R11,PC",,^
- ]
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-; DoubleHLine - Draw 2 horizontal lines
-; ===========
-; On entry, R0 (X) - Left most point
-;           R1 (Y) - y ordinate of line
-;           R2 (X) - Right most point
-;           R3 (X) - end of left most line
-;           R4 (X) - start of right most line
-; On exit,  R0..R10 preserved  } subject
-;           R11 corrupt        }  to change
-        Push    "R0-R10, R14"
-        MOV     R2, R3                  ; draw left line, R0->R3 inc.
-        BL      HLine
-        LDMIB   R13, {R1-R4}
-        MOV     R0, R4                  ; draw right line, R4->R2 inc.
-        BL      HLine
-        Pull    "R0-R10, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ExtractTintAndColour - Convert 256-colour mode byte value into
-;        colour and tint
-;       Internal routine, called by ReadPixelColour, SwiReadPoint
-; in:   R0 = single screen pixel (ie 'half' user pixel in double modes)
-; out:  R0 corrupt
-;       R2 = colour value (GCOL a,colour)
-;       R3 = tint Vdu 23,17 etc
-ExtractTintAndColour ROUT
-                                        ; R0 := B3 G3 G2 R3 B2 R2 T1 T0
-        MOV     R3, R0, LSL #6          ; R3 := T1 T0  0  0  0  0  0  0
-        AND     R3, R3, #&C0
-        AND     R2, R0, #&84            ; R2 := B3  0  0  0  0 R2  0  0
-        TST     R0, #8
-        ORRNE   R2, R2, #&40            ; R2 := B3 B2  0  0  0 R2  0  0
-        AND     R0, R0, #&70            ; R0 :=  0 G3 G2 R3  0  0  0  0
-        ORR     R2, R2, R0, LSR #1      ; R2 := B3 B2 G3 G2 R3 R2  0  0
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSR #2          ; R2 :=  0  0 B3 B2 G3 G2 R3 R2
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SwiReadPoint - Read colour of screen pixel
-;       External routine - entry point for SWI OS_ReadPoint
-; in:   R0, R1 = X, Y coordinate of point
-; out:  R2 = colour (as in GCOL a,colour)       } -1 if off screen
-;       R3 = tint value (as in VDU 23,17 etc)   }  0 if off screen
-;       R4 = 0/-1 for On/Off screen
-;       R0,R1, R5-R9 preserved (R10-R12 preserved by MOS)
-SwiReadPoint ROUT
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, WsPtr       ; re-enable interrupts
-        VDWS    WsPtr                   ; point R12 at vdu driver workspace
-      [ {TRUE}
-        GraphicsMode R10                ; if not a graphics mode then give up now!
-        BNE     %FT20
-      |
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #NPix]     ; if not a graphics mode then
-        CMP     R10, #0                 ; indicate off screen
-        BEQ     %FT20
-      ]
-        Push    "R0-R9, R14"            ; save registers
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #GCsX
-        LDMIA   R7, {R8,R9}             ; preserve GCsX,GCsY around EIG
-        MOV     R2, #4                  ; absolute coord
-        BL      EIG
-        STMIA   R7, {R8,R9}             ; restore GcsX,GCsY
-        WINDow  R0,R1, R2,R3,R4,R5
-        BLT     %FT10                   ; outside window
-        Push    "R0,R1"                 ; save internal coords
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; remove any split cursors etc
-        Pull    "R0,R1"
-                                        ;     R0,R1,R2 ,R3 ,R4 ,R5 ,R6 ,R7 ,R8
-        BL      ScreenAddr              ; in :X ,Y
-                                        ; out:X ,Y ,Adr,Msk,   ,   ,   ,crp,crp
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-;amg - changes here to cope with 16/32bpp which will also return an NCOL with b4-b7 set
-;        TST     R8, #&F0                ; if NColour=63
-;        MOVNE   R8, #&FF                ; then use 255
-        CMP     R8,#63
-        MOVEQ   R8,#255
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #XShftFactor]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #NPix]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        BitLOffset R7,R0, R9,R10,R11    ; R7 := bit position to align to
-        LDR     R0, [R2]
-        AND     R0, R8, R0, LSR R7      ; extract one pixel
-        TEQ     R8,#255
-        MOVNE   R2,R0
-        MOVNE   R3,#0
-        BLEQ    ExtractTintAndColour
-;        TST     R8, #&F0                ; if not a 256 colour mode
-;        MOVEQ   R2, R0                  ; colour = pixel
-;        MOVEQ   R3, #0                  ; tint   = 0
-;        BLNE    ExtractTintAndColour    ; else extract colour & tint from pixel
-        MOV     R4, #0                  ; indicate on screen
-        ADD     R0, R13, #2*4           ; point to stacked R2
-        STMIA   R0, {R2-R4}
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R0-R9, R14"            ; restore R0-R9 & return address
-        BIC     R14, R14, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Pull    "R0-R9, R14"            ; restore R0-R9 & return address
-        MOV     R2, #-1
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        MOV     R4, #-1
-        BIC     R14, R14, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GenCircleParm - Generate a control block for a circle
-;       Internal routine, called by CircleOutline, CircleFill, GenArcParmBlk
-; in:   R0 (X), R1(Y) centre of circle
-;       R2 (X), R3(Y) point on circumference
-; out:  R0-R7 hold the following control block
-;         R0 - xPnt   (CurrentX - relative to centre)
-;         R1 - yPnt   (CurrentY - relative to centre)
-;         R2 - sum (Bres)
-;         R3 - upcnt
-;         R4 - downcnt
-;         R5 - CentreX
-;         R6 - CentreY
-;         R7 - Aspect (pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect)
-;       R8-R11 undefined
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #AspectRatio]
-        SUB     R7, R2, R0
-        TST     R11, #1                 ; if pixels are horz rects, adjust
-        MOVNE   R7, R7, LSL #1          ; x distance
-        MUL     R2, R7, R7              ; R2 = (x-cx)^2
-        SUB     R7, R3, R1
-        TST     R11, #2                 ; if pixels are vert rects, adjust
-        MOVNE   R7, R7, LSL #1          ; y distance
-        MLA     R2, R7, R7, R2          ; rawradsqr=(x-cx)^2 + (y-cy)^2
-        MOV     R7, R2
-        BL      SquareRoot
-        ADD     R2, R2, R8              ; radsqr=rawradsqr+rawrad
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CircleRadSquare]   ; needed in seg. line calc
-        MOV     R7, R2
-        BL      SquareRoot
-        MOV     R4, R8                  ; R4=rad, R2=radsqr
-; Now build the parameter block proper
-;  R0 = CentreX, R1 = CentreY, R2 = radsqr, R4 = rad
-        MUL     R9, R4, R4              ; R9=rad*rad
-        SUB     R2, R2, R9              ; Sum=radsqu-rad*rad
-        MOV     R5, R0                  ; CentreX
-        MOV     R6, R1                  ; CentreY
-        MOV     R0, R4                  ; xPnt starts at rad
-        ADD     R4, R4, R4
-        SUB     R4, R4, #1              ; downcnt = 2*rad-1
-        MOV     R1, #0                  ; yPnt starts at 0
-        MOV     R3, #1                  ; upcnt = 1
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr,#AspectRatio] ; taking account of pixel shape
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R11, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    ClipCircle
-        CMP     R7, #1
-        MOVEQ   R0, R0, ASR #1          ; if horz pixel (ie like mode2)
-        ADDEQ   R2, R2, R4
-        SUBEQ   R4, R4, #2
-        SUBGT   R2, R2, R3              ; if vert pixel (ie like mode0)
-        ADDGT   R3, R3, #2
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       AdvCircleParm - Advance a set of circle parameters
-;       Internal routine, called by CircleOutline, CircleFill, CircleArc,
-;        SegmentFill, SectorFill
-; in:   R0..R7 hold a circle parameter block
-; out:  R0 (X), R1 (Y) updated
-;       C=1 <=> R1 (Y) has changed
-;       Z preserved
-;       Format of a control block
-;         R0 - xPnt   (CurrentX - relative to centre)
-;         R1 - yPnt   (CurrentY - relative to centre)
-;         R2 - sum (Bres)
-;         R3 - upcnt
-;         R4 - downcnt
-;         R5 - CentreX
-;         R6 - CentreY
-;         R7 - Aspect (pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect)
-AdvCircleParm ROUT
-        CMP     R2, R3                  ; if sum >= upcnt advance Y only
-        BGE     %FT10
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1              ; else step xPnt inward one point
-        ADD     R2, R2, R4              ; Sum := Sum + DownCnt
-        SUB     R4, R4, #2              ; DownCnt = next lower odd number
-        TST     R7, #1                  ; if pixels are horizontal rectangles
-        ADDNE   R2, R2, R4              ; modify sum again, so x steps at
-        SUBNE   R4, R4, #2              ; half normal rate
-        CMP     R2, R3
- [ No26bitCode
-        BGE     %FT10
-        CLC                             ; if not doing Y, indicate with C=0
-        MOV     PC, R14
- |
-        BICLTS  PC, R14, #C_bit         ; if not doing Y, indicate with C=0
- ]
-                                        ; if sum >= upcnt then advance Y
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1              ; step yPnt up a line
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3              ; Sum := Sum - UpCnt
-        ADD     R3, R3, #2              ; UpCnt = next higher odd number
-        TST     R7, #2                  ; if pixels are vertical rectangles
-        SUBNE   R2, R2, R3              ; modify sum again, so y steps
-        ADDNE   R3, R3, #2              ; at half normal rate
- [ No26bitCode
-        SEC                             ; Y modified, so return C=1
-        MOV     PC, R14
- |
-        ORRS    PC, R14, #C_bit         ; Y modified, so return C=1
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SquareRoot - Calculate the square root of a 32-bit number
-;       Internal routine, called by GenSegParmBlk, GenCircleParm
-;       SquareRootAlt is a alternative routine which specifies the precision
-;        of the result in R11 (SquareRoot produces a 16-bit result)
-; in:   R7 = number to squareroot
-; out:  R8 = result
-;       R9-R11 corrupted
-;         R9 temp
-;         R10 sqdiff
-;         R11 counter
-SquareRoot ROUT
-        MOV     R11, #16                ; 16 bit result
-        MOV     R8, #0                  ; result=0
-        MOV     R10, #0                 ; sqdiff=0
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        ADDS    R7, R7, R7              ; (sqdiff,number) = (sqdiff,number)*4
-;        ADC     R10, R10, R10
-;        ADDS    R7, R7, R7
-;        ADCS    R10, R10, R10           ; (C:=0 we hope!)
-        MOVS    R10, R10, LSL #2        ; C:=0 (we hope!) while doing (sqdiff,
-        ORR     R10, R10, R7, LSR #30   ;   number) := (sqdiff, number) * 4
-        MOV     R7, R7, LSL #2
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        SBCS    R9, R10, R8, LSL #2     ; C=0 here, so try to subtract
-                                        ; result*4 +1 from sqdiff
-        MOVCS   R10, R9                 ; if successful then shift in a "1" bit
-        ADC     R8, R8, R8              ; else shift in a "0" bit
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #1            ; decrement loop counter
-        BNE     %BT10
- [ No26bitCode
-        MOV     PC, R14
- |
-        MOVS    PC, R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoOsWord13 - Read graphics cursors (in external coords)
-; in:   R1 -> control block
-; out:  [R1+0..1] = old cursor X
-;       [R1+2..3] = old cursor Y
-;       [R1+4..5] = current cursor X
-;       [R1+6..7] = current cursor Y
-        ASSERT  OldCsY = OldCsX +4
-        ASSERT  YEigFactor = XEigFactor +4
-        ASSERT  OrgY = OrgX +4
-        ASSERT  GCsY = GCsX +4
-DoOsWord13 ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R6"
-        MOV     R6, R1                  ; pointer to control block
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #OldCsX
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0, R1}
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #XEigFactor
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2, R3}            ; R2 = XEigFactor; R3 = YEigFactor
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #OrgX
-        LDMIA   R4, {R4, R5}            ; R4 = OrgX; R5 = OrgY
-        RSB     R0, R4, R0, LSL R2      ; R0 = (X << XEigFactor)-OrgX
-        RSB     R1, R5, R1, LSL R3      ; R1 = (Y << YEigFactor)-OrgY
-        STRB    R0, [R6], #1
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #8
-        STRB    R0, [R6], #1
-        STRB    R1, [R6], #1
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #8
-        STRB    R1, [R6], #1
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #GCsX
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0, R1}            ; get current cursor
-        STRB    R0, [R6], #1
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #8
-        STRB    R0, [R6], #1
-        STRB    R1, [R6], #1
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSR #8
-        STRB    R1, [R6], #1
-        Pull    "R0-R6"
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        LTORG
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdupointer b/s/vdu/vdupointer
deleted file mode 100644
index 8243d9a4..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vdupointer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduPointer
-; mjs Sep 2000
-; kernel/HAL split
-; display pointer updating is no longer VIDC/IOMD specific
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoPointerStuff - Entry point for OSWORD nn
-; in:   R1 -> control block
-;       [R1, #0] : Reason code
-;       Reason code 0 - Define pointer size, shape and active point
-;       [R1, #1] : Shape number (1..4)
-;       [R1, #2] : Width (w) in bytes (0..8)
-;       [R1, #3] : Height (h) in pixels (0..32)
-;       [R1, #4] : ActiveX in pixels from left (0..w*4-1)
-;       [R1, #5] : ActiveY in pixels from top (0..h-1)
-;       [R1, #6..9] : Pointer (P) to data
-;       [P, #0..w*h-1] : Data bytes in rows from top to bottom,
-;       left to right in each row.
-;       Reason code 1 - Define mouse coordinate bounding box
-;       [R1, #1..2] : left      ; all treated as
-;       [R1, #3..4] : bottom    ; signed 16-bit values,
-;       [R1, #5..6] : right     ; relative to screen origin at the time
-;       [R1, #7..8] : top       ; the command is issued
-;       If (left > right) or (bottom > top) then the command is ignored
-;       An infinite box can be obtained by setting
-;       left=&8000, right=&7FFF, bottom=&8000, top=&7FFF
-;       If the current mouse position is outside the box, it is moved to
-;       the nearest point inside the box
-;       The mouse buffer is NOT flushed - any buffered coords will be moved
-;       inside the bounding box when they are read.
-;       Reason code 2 - Define mouse multipliers
-;       [R1, #1] : X multiplier         ; both treated as
-;       [R1, #2] : Y multiplier         ; signed 8-bit values
-;       Reason code 3 - Set mouse position
-;       [R1, #1..2] : X position        ; both treated as
-;       [R1, #3..4] : Y position        ; signed 16-bit values
-;       The mouse buffer is flushed
-;       Reason code 4 - Read mouse position (not buffered)
-;       out: [R1, #1..2] : X position   ; both treated as
-;            [R1, #3..4] : Y position   ; signed 16-bit values
-;       Reason code 5 - Set pointer position
-;       [R1, #1..2] : X position        ; both treated as
-;       [R1, #3..4] : Y position        ; signed 16-bit values
-;       Reason code 6 - Read pointer position
-;       out: [R1, #1..2] : X position   ; both treated as
-;            [R1, #3..4] : Y position   ; signed 16-bit values
-DoPointerStuff ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #0]
-        CMP     R0, #7
-        LDRCC   PC, [PC, R0, LSL #2]
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; ***** WHY NO ERROR????????
-        DCD     DoDefinePointer
-        DCD     DoMouseBox
-        DCD     SetMouseMult
-        DCD     SetMousePosn
-        DCD     ReadMousePosn
-        DCD     SetPointerPosn
-        DCD     ReadPointerPosn
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ; We allow interrupts during time we copy shape, but we copy into a
-        ; holding descriptor, so shape will never be displayed (whether its the
-        ; current one, or becomes the current one with an OSByte 6A) until the
-        ; vsync after we have a complete definition.
-        ;
-        ; We have two holding buffers, so that we can always choose a holding
-        ; buffer that is not currently being used for display by the HAL,
-        ; despite multiple definitions between vsyncs. This all assumes we
-        ; are never re-entered, but the documentation for OS_Word 21,0 says
-        ; re-entrancy undefined anyway - should really say not re-entrant.
-        Push    "R1-R7, R14"
-        ; interrupts still off for critical choosing of buffer
-        ;
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, #PointerShapesH
-        MOV     R7, #0                          ; try holding shape 1
-        LDR     R14, [R6, R7, LSL #2]           ; R14 -> shape
-        LDR     R2, [R14, #PointerBuffLA]       ; shape buffer we propose to use
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeLA]    ; shape buffer owned by HAL
-        TEQ     R0, R2                          ; identical?
-        MOVEQ   R7, #1                          ; alright then, holding shape 2
-        LDREQ   R14, [R6, R7, LSL #2]           ; R14 -> shape
-        ; now R7 = holding shape index (0,1), R14 -> shape, not owned by HAL
-        CLRPSR  I_bit, R0                       ; re-enable interrupts
-        LDRB    R6, [R1, #1]                    ; shape number we're defining
-        SUB     R6, R6, #1
-        CMP     R6, #4                          ; now in range 0..3 ?
-        BCS     %FT90                           ; bad shape number
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #2]                    ; R0 = width (bytes)
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #3]                    ; R2 = height
-        LDRB    R3, [R1, #4]                    ; R3 = ActiveX
-        LDRB    R4, [R1, #5]                    ; R4 = ActiveY
-        CMP     R2, #0                          ; C=1 if EQ
-        STREQB  R2, [R14, #PointerWidth]
-        STREQB  R2, [R14, #PointerHeight]
-        BEQ     %FT80                           ; empty shape (off)
-        CMP     R0, #0                          ; C=1 if EQ
-        STREQB  R0, [R14, #PointerWidth]
-        STREQB  R0, [R14, #PointerHeight]
-        CMPNE   R0, #8+1
-        BCS     %FT90                           ; bad width
-        CMP     R2, #32+1                       ; C=1 => bad height
-        CMPCC   R3, R0, LSL #2                  ; ActiveX >= (width * 4) ?
-        CMPCC   R4, R2                          ; ActiveY >= height
-        BCS     %FT90                           ; bad definition
-        STRB    R0, [R14, #PointerWidth ]       ; actual width in bytes, before padding to constant 8
-        STRB    R2, [R14, #PointerHeight]
-        STRB    R3, [R14, #PointerActiveX]
-        STRB    R4, [R14, #PointerActiveY]
-        ADD     R4, R1, #6
-        LDW     R1, R4, R3, R5                  ; load word from
-                                                ; unknown alignment
-; Now R1 -> user's data
-        LDR     R3, [R14, #PointerBuffLA]       ; R3 -> buffer to receive shape
-        ADD     R4, R3, R0                      ; terminating R3 for this row
-        LDRB    R5, [R1], #1
-        STRB    R5, [R3], #1                    ; store to buffer
-        CMP     R3, R4                          ; still within user data
-        BCC     %BT30                           ; for this row ?
-; now fill up rest of row
-        MOV     R5, #0
-        TST     R3, #7                          ; are we on a multiple of 8
-        BNE     %BT40                           ; no, then store 0
-        SUBS    R2, R2, #1                      ; done all rows ?
-        BNE     %BT20                           ; no, then loop
-        ; we now have a completely defined shape in a holding buffer
-        ;
-        PHPSEI  R0                              ; disable interrupts for critical shape logic
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #PointerShapes
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #PointerShapesH
-        LDR     R1, [R3, R6, LSL #2]            ; swap the holding shape (R7=0,1) into
-        LDR     R2, [R4, R7, LSL #2]            ; the shape we've just defined (R6 = 0..3)
-        STR     R2, [R3, R6, LSL #2]
-        STR     R1, [R4, R7, LSL #2]
-        PLP     R0                              ; restore interrupts
-        Pull    "R1-R7,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetMouseRectangle - Called on mode change to set appropriate mouse
-;                           rectangle and mouse position
-; in:   WsPtr -> VDWS
-SetMouseRectangle ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ASSERT  DisplayYWindLimit = DisplayXWindLimit +4
-        ASSERT  DisplayXEigFactor = DisplayXWindLimit +8
-        ASSERT  DisplayYEigFactor = DisplayXWindLimit +12
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #DisplayXWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2-R5}
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1              ; XWindLimit+1
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL R4          ; (XWindLimit+1) << XEigFactor
-        SUB     R4, R2, #1              ; ((XWindLimit+1) << XEigFactor)-1
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSR #1          ; centre x of window
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1              ; YWindLimit+1
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSL R5          ; (YWindLimit+1) << YEigFactor
-        SUB     R5, R3, #1              ; ((YWindLimit+1) << YEigFactor)-1
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #1          ; centre y of window
-        BL      SetMousePosnRegs
-        MOV     R2, #0                  ; left = 0
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; bottom = 0
-        Push    "R1-R6"
-        B       DoMouseBoxRegs
-DoMouseBox ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R6, R14"
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #1]            ; R2 = left
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #2]
-        ORR     R2, R2, R0, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R3, [R1, #3]            ; R3 = bottom
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #4]
-        ORR     R3, R3, R0, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R4, [R1, #5]            ; R4 = right
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #6]
-        ORR     R4, R4, R0, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R5, [R1, #7]            ; R5 = top
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #8]
-        ORR     R5, R5, R0, LSL #8
-; now add on graphics origin
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #OrgX]
-        ADD     R2, R2, R0
-        ADD     R4, R4, R0
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #OrgY]
-        ADD     R3, R3, R0
-        ADD     R5, R5, R0
-; now sign extend all coords
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #16
-        MOV     R2, R2, ASR #16
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSL #16
-        MOV     R3, R3, ASR #16
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSL #16
-        MOV     R4, R4, ASR #16
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #16
-        MOV     R5, R5, ASR #16
-; now check right >= left and top >= bottom
-        CMP     R4, R2
-        CMPGE   R5, R3
-        BLT     %FT10                   ; bad definition
-; everything seems OK, so disable IRQs while we update vars
-        MRS     R14, CPSR
-        ORR     R0, R14, #I32_bit
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R0
-        Push    R11
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        ADR     R0, MouseBounds
-        STMIA   R0, {R2-R5}
-; check mouse position is within box
-        LDR     R0, MouseX
-        CMP     R0, R2                  ; if X < left
-        STRLT   R2, MouseX              ; then X := left
-        CMP     R4, R0                  ; if right < X
-        STRLT   R4, MouseX              ; then X := right
-        LDR     R0, MouseY
-        CMP     R0, R3                  ; if Y < bottom
-        STRLT   R3, MouseY              ; then Y := bottom
-        CMP     R5, R0                  ; if top < Y
-        STRLT   R5, MouseY              ; then Y := top
-        Pull    R11
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R14             ; restore old IRQ state
-        Pull    "R1-R6, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdatePointer - Called on vsync to update pointer position
-; in:   WsPtr (R12) -> VduDriverWorkSpace
-UpdatePointer ROUT
-        LDRB    R5, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeNumber]
-        TST     R5, #&80                   ; pointer unlinked if bit 7 set
-        LDREQ   R6, MouseX
-        STREQ   R6, [WsPtr, #PointerX]
-        LDREQ   R6, MouseY
-        STREQ   R6, [WsPtr, #PointerY]
-        ANDS    R5, R5, #&7F                 ; clear bit 7 and set Z if 0 ie off
-        BNE     %FT20
-        MOV     R0, #0                       ; flags = 0 (pointer off)
-        MOV     R1, #0                       ; x = 0
-        MOV     R2, #0                       ; y = 0
-        MOV     R3, #0                       ; shape descriptor = NULL
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeLA] ; NULL passed as last buffer address
-        B       %FT40
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #PointerShapes-4
-        LDR     R3, [R3, R5, LSL #2]         ; R3 -> current shape block (R5 = shape 1..4)
-        LDRB    R0, [R3, #PointerHeight]     ; height of 0 switches pointer off
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        BEQ     %BT10
-        MOV     R0, #1                       ; R0 = flags, set pointer on (bit 0 = 1)
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeLA] ; last shape buffer given to HAL
-        LDR     R4, [R3, #PointerBuffLA]     ; shape buffer we're about to give
-        TEQ     R1, R4                       ; same as last time?
-        STRNE   R4, [WsPtr, #PointerShapeLA] ; update
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #2                   ; flag new shape (bit 1 = 1)
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #PointerX]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #PointerXEigFactor]
-        MOV     R1, R1, ASR R4                     ; R1 = pointer x, pixels
-        LDRB    R4, [R3, #PointerActiveX]
-        SUB     R1, R1, R4                         ; R1 = pointer x, adjusted for active point
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #PointerY]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #DisplayYEigFactor]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #DisplayYWindLimit]    ; R5 = display height -1
-        SUB     R2, R5, R2, ASR R4                 ; R2 = pointer y, pixels, inverted
-        LDRB    R4, [R3, #PointerActiveY]
-        SUB     R2, R2, R4                         ; R2 = pointer y, adjusted for active point
-        ; and its up to the HAL to handle clipping according to h/w capabilities
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "LR"
-        MOV     R4, #GraphicsV_UpdatePointer
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        Pull    "PC"
- |
-        Push    "R9, R12, LR"
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL     HAL_Video_UpdatePointer
-        Pull    "R9, R12, PC"
- ]
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-SetMouseMult ROUT
-        Push    "R11,R14"
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #1]
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASL #24         ; sign extend to 32 bits
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR #24
-        STR     R0, MouseXMult
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #2]
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASL #24         ; sign extend to 32 bits
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR #24
-        STR     R0, MouseYMult
-        Pull    "R11,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetCoordPair - get pair of 2-byte coords from R1+1..R1+4
-;       adds on graphics origin and sign extends to 32 bits
-;       and puts X into R2, Y into R3
-GetCoordPair ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #1]            ; get X coordinate
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #2]
-        ORR     R0, R0, R2, LSL #8
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #OrgX]      ; add on origin
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASL #16         ; sign extend 16 to 32
-        MOV     R2, R0, ASR #16
-        LDRB    R0, [R1, #3]            ; get Y coordinate
-        LDRB    R3, [R1, #4]
-        ORR     R0, R0, R3, LSL #8
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #OrgY]      ; add on origin
-        ADD     R0, R0, R3
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASL #16         ; sign extend 16 to 32
-        MOV     R3, R0, ASR #16
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-SetMousePosn ROUT
-        Push    "R2, R3, R11, R14"
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        BL      GetCoordPair
-; now check point is within bounding box
-        LDR     R0, MouseBoundLCol
-        CMP     R2, R0
-        LDRGE   R0, MouseBoundRCol
-        CMPGE   R0, R2
-        LDRGE   R0, MouseBoundBRow
-        CMPGE   R3, R0
-        LDRGE   R0, MouseBoundTRow
-        CMPGE   R0, R3
-        BLGE    SetMousePosnRegs
-        Pull    "R2, R3, R11, PC"
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        STR     R2, MouseX
-        STR     R3, MouseY
-        B       FlushMouse
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       StoreCoordPair - Stores X,Y coords in R2,R3 in R1+1..R1+4
-;       subtracts graphics origin
-StoreCoordPair ROUT
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #OrgX]      ; subtract off origin
-        SUB     R2, R2, R0
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #1]            ; store lo-byte of X
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #2]            ; store hi-byte of X
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #OrgY]      ; subtract off origin
-        SUB     R3, R3, R0
-        STRB    R3, [R1, #3]            ; store lo-byte of Y
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #8
-        STRB    R3, [R1, #4]            ; store hi-byte of Y
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-ReadMousePosn ROUT
- [ AssemblePointerV :LAND: {TRUE}
-        Push    "r0-r3, r9-r11, lr"
-        BL      PollPointer             ; update mouse position on a read
-        LDR     r1, [sp, #1*4]          ; reload pointer to buffer
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        LDR     R2, MouseX              ; get mouse X
-        LDR     R3, MouseY              ; get mouse Y
-        BL      StoreCoordPair
-        Pull    "r0-r3, r9-r11, pc"
- |
-        Push    "R2, R3, R11, R14"
-        MOV     R11, #KeyWorkSpace
-        LDR     R2, MouseX              ; get mouse X
-        LDR     R3, MouseY              ; get mouse Y
-        BL      StoreCoordPair
-        Pull    "R2, R3, R11, PC"
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-SetPointerPosn ROUT
-        Push    "R2, R3, R14"
-        BL      GetCoordPair
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #PointerX]
-        STR     R3, [WsPtr, #PointerY]
-        Pull    "R2, R3, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-ReadPointerPosn ROUT
-        Push    "R2, R3, R14"
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #PointerX]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #PointerY]
-        BL      StoreCoordPair
-        Pull    "R2, R3, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FlushMouse - Flush mouse buffer
-; out:  All registers preserved
-FlushMouse ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R2, R14"
-        MOV     R0, #21
-        MOV     R1, #Buff_Mouse
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduswis b/s/vdu/vduswis
deleted file mode 100644
index 420d3138..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vduswis
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2102 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduSWIs
-        MACRO
-        BranchNotJustUs $label, $vector, $tmp1, $tmp2
-        MOV     R11, #0
-         [ $tmp1=R11
-         LDR     R12, [R11, #VecPtrTab+$vector*4]! ; load vector node
-         |
-         LDR     R12, [R11, #VecPtrTab+$vector*4]  ; load vector, leave R11=0
-         ]
-        CMP     R12, #&FC000000                    ; fudge
-        BCC     $label
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        BranchNotJustUsWrch $label
-        BranchNotJustUs $label, WrchV, R11, R14
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        SWIEntry $swiname
-        &       OS_$swiname
-        &       SWI$swiname-(.+4)
-        MEND
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIRVV - SWI ReadVduVariables handler
-; in:   R0 -> input block
-;       R1 -> output block
-; out:  All registers preserved
-;       The input block consists of a string of words, terminated by -1
-;       Each word indicates which VDU variable to read.
-;       The (word) values of these variables are put in sequence into the
-;       output block (no terminator is put in this block). Invalid variables
-;       are returned as zero.
-SWIReadVduVariables                     ; alternative symbol used for init'ing
-        TST     R0, #3                  ; input block not aligned
-        TSTEQ   R1, #3                  ; or output block not aligned
-        ExitSWIHandler NE               ; then exit
-        Push    R9
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        MOV     R10, #0                 ; offset into both blocks
-        LDR     R11, [R0, R10]
-        CMP     R11, #-1                ; end of block ?
-        Pull    R9, EQ
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        CMP     R11, #&100              ; is it fudged "code" variable
-        BCS     %FT30                   ; yes, then use special code
-        CMP     R11, #(SWIRVVTabModeEnd-SWIRVVTab) ; a mode variable
-        ADRCC   R9, SWIRVVTab           ; if so then point to them
-        BCC     %FT20
-        SUB     R11, R11, #&80          ; base for non-mode variables
-        CMP     R11, #(SWIRVVTabEnd-SWIRVVTabModeEnd)
-        ADRCCL  R9, SWIRVVTabModeEnd
-        LDRCCB  R11, [R9, R11]          ; yes, then load offset
-        LDRCC   R11, [WsPtr, R11, LSL #2] ; and then load variable
-        MOVCS   R11, #0                 ; no, then put zero in it
-        STR     R11, [R1, R10]
-        ADD     R10, R10, #4
-        B       %BT10
-; Special code to read window width for Bruce et al.
-        SUB     R11, R11, #&100
-        CMP     R11, #2                 ; 0 => WindowWidth, 1 => WindowHeight
-        BCS     %BT20                   ; not one of those, so illegal
-        Push    "R0-R7"
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        ADDEQ   R4, WsPtr, #TWLCol      ; if VDU 4 mode, use text window
-        ADDNE   R4, WsPtr, #GWLCol      ; else use graphics window
-        LDMIA   R4, {R0-R3}
-        SUB     R0, R2, R0              ; R0 = horizontal width -1
-        SUB     R1, R1, R3              ; R1 = vertical height -1
-        BEQ     %FT32
-        ADD     R2, WsPtr, #GCharSizes  ; R2=GCharSizeX; R3=GCharSizeY
-        LDMIA   R2, {R2-R5}             ; R4=GCharSpaceX; R5=GCharSpaceY
-        TST     R6, #2                  ; if going from right to left
-        SUBNE   R2, R2, #1              ; then width reduction = sizex-1
-        MOVEQ   R2, #0                  ; else 0
-        TST     R6, #4                  ; if going from bottom to top
-        RSBNE   R3, R3, #1              ; then -height reduction = 1-sizey
-        MOVEQ   R3, #0                  ; else 0
-        SUB     R7, R0, R2              ; R7 = width-1-(width reduction)
-        DivRem  R0, R7, R4, R2          ; R0 = (width-(1 or sizex))DIV spacex
-        SUB     R7, R3, R1              ; R7 = height-(1-height reduction)
-        DivRem  R1, R7, R5, R3          ; R1 = (height-(1 or sizey))DIV spacey
-        TST     R6, #8                  ; are X and Y reversed ?
-        EORNE   R0, R0, R1              ; yes, then swap
-        EORNE   R1, R0, R1
-        EORNE   R0, R0, R1
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     %FT35
-        TST     R6, #1                  ; is it "81 column mode ?" and VDU 4
-        ADDNE   R0, R0, #1              ; yes, then extra column
-        TEQ     R11, #0                 ; reading width ?
-        MOVEQ   R11, R0                 ; yes, then use X
-        MOVNE   R11, R1                 ; no, use Y
-        Pull    "R0-R7"                 ; restore registers
-        B       %BT25                   ; and store result away
-; Note these first variables should be the same as in SWI ReadModeVariable
-        RVVT    ModeFlags
-        RVVT    ScrRCol
-        RVVT    ScrBRow
-        RVVT    NColour
-        RVVT    XEigFactor
-        RVVT    YEigFactor
-        RVVT    LineLength
-        RVVT    ScreenSize
-        RVVT    YShftFactor
-        RVVT    Log2BPP
-        RVVT    Log2BPC
-        RVVT    XWindLimit
-        RVVT    YWindLimit
-        RVVT    GWLCol
-        RVVT    GWBRow
-        RVVT    GWRCol
-        RVVT    GWTRow
-        RVVT    TWLCol
-        RVVT    TWBRow
-        RVVT    TWRCol
-        RVVT    TWTRow
-        RVVT    OrgX
-        RVVT    OrgY
-        RVVT    GCsX
-        RVVT    GCsY
-        RVVT    OlderCsX
-        RVVT    OlderCsY
-        RVVT    OldCsX
-        RVVT    OldCsY
-        RVVT    GCsIX
-        RVVT    GCsIY
-        RVVT    NewPtX
-        RVVT    NewPtY
-        RVVT    ScreenStart
-        RVVT    DisplayStart
-        RVVT    TotalScreenSize
-        RVVT    GPLFMD
-        RVVT    GPLBMD
-        RVVT    GFCOL
-        RVVT    GBCOL
-        RVVT    TForeCol
-        RVVT    TBackCol
-        RVVT    GFTint
-        RVVT    GBTint
-        RVVT    TFTint
-        RVVT    TBTint
-        RVVT    MaxMode
-        RVVT    GCharSizeX
-        RVVT    GCharSizeY
-        RVVT    GCharSpaceX
-        RVVT    GCharSpaceY
-        RVVT    HLineAddr
-        RVVT    TCharSizeX
-        RVVT    TCharSizeY
-        RVVT    TCharSpaceX
-        RVVT    TCharSpaceY
-        RVVT    GcolOraEorAddr
-        RVVT    VIDCClockSpeed
-        RVVT    PixelRate
-        ALIGN
-        [ {FALSE}
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWISetVduVariables - SWI OS_SetVduVariables handler
-; in:   R0 -> block of variable numbers (word aligned)
-;       R1 -> block of variable values (word aligned)
-; out:  All registers preserved
-;       The block pointed to by R0 consists of a string of words, terminated
-;       by -1. Each word indicates which variable to write. The corresponding
-;       value in the R1 block is written to this variable. Invalid variables
-;       are ignored.
-SWISetVduVariables ROUT
-        TST     R0, #3                  ; index block not aligned
-        TSTEQ   R1, #3                  ; or value block not aligned
-        ExitSWIHandler NE               ; then exit
-        Push    R9
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        MOV     R10, #0                 ; offset into both blocks
-        LDR     R11, [R0, R10]
-        CMP     R11, #-1                ; end of block ?
-        Pull    R9, EQ
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-        TEQ     R11, #VduExt_XEigFactor
-        TEQNE   R11, #VduExt_YEigFactor
-        BNE     %FT25
-        CMP     R11, #(SWIRVVTabModeEnd-SWIRVVTab) ; a mode variable
-        ADRCC   R9, SWIRVVTab           ; if so then point to them
-        SUBCS   R11, R11, #&80          ; base for non-mode variables
-        ADRCS   R9, SWIRVVTabModeEnd
-        LDRB    R11, [R9, R11]          ; yes, then load offset
-        LDR     R9, [R1, R10]           ; load value
-        STR     R9, [WsPtr, R11, LSL #2] ; store in variable
-        Push    "R0-R5,R14"
-        BL      IEG                     ; update ext. cursor
-                                        ; on exit, R2=XEigFactor, R3=YEigFactor
-        SUBS    R0, R2, R3              ; XEigFactor-YEigFactor
-        MOVLT   R0, #2                  ; X<Y => 2 (vert rect)
-        MOVGT   R0, #1                  ; X>Y => 1 (horz rect) else 0 (square)
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #AspectRatio]
-; mouse bounding box, mouse position ???
-        Pull    "R0-R5,R14"
-        ADD     R10, R10, #4
-        B       %BT10
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIReadModeVar - Handler for SWI OS_ReadModeVariable
-; in:   R0 = screen mode you want the information for, -1 => current mode
-;       R1 = number of variable to read
-; out:  R2 = value of variable
-; Note: the algorithms used to derive the variables for mode selectors
-; are duplicated in source.vdudriver, in GenerateModeSelectorVars
-SWIReadModeVar ROUT
-SWIReadModeVariable                     ; alternative symbol used for init'ing
-        Push    "R0,R1,R14"
-        CMP     R1, #(RMVTabEnd-RMVTab) ; valid variable number ?
-        BCS     BadReadModeVar          ; no, then exit
-        ; AMG - note that the new sprite mode word code assumes that this
-        ;       test has been done!
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-; AMG - add readmodevariable returns for new format sprite mode words. Much of
-;       this is munging the word passed in. A new sprite mode word can be
-;       distinguished from a pointer to a mode selector structure because
-;       b0 will be set in the new sprite mode word. 11/3/93
-; TMD - serious optimisation introduced 17-Feb-93
-; TMD - additional optimisation for current mode added 16-Mar-93
-; AMG - Fix bug MED-00414 ... need to support eig=0 modes here 26-Oct-93
-        LDR     r11, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]   ; get current mode
-        CMP     r0, #-1                 ; if explicitly asking for current mode
-        BEQ     RMVForCurrentMode       ; then use optimised code
-        CMP     r0, #&100
-        BCC     %FT11                   ; an old style mode number, branch past
-                                        ; the new code below
-        TST     r0, #&01
-        BNE     NewSpriteModeWord       ; b0 set, so it is a NewSpriteModeWord
-                                        ; rather than a pointer to a mode selector
-; it's a mode selector, so check if valid first
-        BL      ValidateModeSelector
-        BVS     BadReadModeVar
-; check if variable is in workspace list
-        ADD     r10, r0, #ModeSelector_ModeVars         ; point at list
-        BL      CheckWorkspaceList                      ; check list
-        BCC     GoodReadModeVar                         ; [it was in list, so exit]
-; not in list, so deduce from other parms
-; (we know the variable number is in range)
-        LDR     pc, [pc, r1, LSL #2]
-        NOP
-        &       RMVMS_ModeFlags
-        &       RMVMS_ScrRCol
-        &       RMVMS_ScrBRow
-        &       RMVMS_NColour
-        &       RMVMS_XEigFactor
-        &       RMVMS_YEigFactor
-        &       RMVMS_LineLength
-        &       RMVMS_ScreenSize
-        &       RMVMS_YShftFactor
-        &       RMVMS_Log2BPP
-        &       RMVMS_Log2BPC
-        &       RMVMS_XWindLimit
-        &       RMVMS_YWindLimit
-        MOV     r2, #0                                  ; default modeflags, yshftfactor = 0
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_XRes]            ; default scrcol = (xres>>3)-1
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #3
-        SUB     r2, r2, #1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_YRes]            ; default scrbrow = (yres>>3)-1
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #3
-        SUB     r2, r2, #1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        CMP     r2, #6                                  ; if pixel depth is sensible
-        ADRCCL  r11, NColourTable                       ; then lookup in table
-        LDRCC   r2, [r11, r2, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   r2, #1                                  ; else return 1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-; TMD 09-Dec-93
-; New algorithms for xeig, yeig from Roger:
-;       xeig = 1: yeig = 1
-;       if yres<xres/2 OR yres<400 then yeig = 2
-;       if (xres<<xeig)<(yres<<yeig) then xeig = 2
- [ RogerEXEY
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     r11, [r0, #ModeSelector_YRes]
-        CMP     r11, r2, LSR #1                         ; if yres < xres/2
-        CMPCS   r11, #400                               ; or yres < 400
-        MOVCC   r11, r11, LSL #2                        ; then yeig = 2
-        MOVCS   r11, r11, LSL #1                        ; else yeig = 1
-        CMP     r11, r2, LSL #1                         ; if (xres<<1) < (yres<<yeig)
-        MOVHI   r2, #2                                  ; then xeig = 2
-        MOVLS   r2, #1                                  ; else xeig = 1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     r11, [r0, #ModeSelector_YRes]
-        CMP     r11, r2, LSR #1                         ; if yres < xres/2
-        CMPCS   r11, #400                               ; or yres < 400
-        MOVCC   r2, #2                                  ; then yeig = 2
-        MOVCS   r2, #1                                  ; else yeig = 1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
- |
-        MOV     r2, #1                                  ; default xeig = 1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     r11, [r0, #ModeSelector_YRes]
-        CMP     r11, r2, LSR #1                         ; if yres < xres/2
-        MOVCC   r2, #2                                  ; then yeig = 2
-        MOVCS   r2, #1                                  ; else yeig = 1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
- ]
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     r11, [r0, #ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        CMP     r11, #6                                 ; if out of range
-        MOVCS   r11, #0                                 ; use log2bpp=0
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSL r11
-        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #3                          ; ll = (xres << pixdepth) >> 3
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_XRes]
-        LDR     r11, [r0, #ModeSelector_YRes]
-        MUL     r2, r11, r2                             ; xres * yres
-        B       RMVMS_ShiftByPixDepthMinus3
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_PixelDepth]
-        CMP     r2, #6                                  ; range check
-        MOVCS   r2, #0
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_XRes]            ; default xwindlimit = xres-1
-        SUB     r2, r2, #1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        LDR     r2, [r0, #ModeSelector_YRes]            ; default ywindlimit = yres-1
-        SUB     r2, r2, #1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        CMP     r0, r11                 ; if implicitly asking for current mode (and mode <> mode selector)
-        BEQ     RMVForCurrentMode       ; then use optimised code
-        BIC     r11, r0, #&80           ; clear shadow bit
-        BranchIfKnownMode r11, %FA50
-; not known mode, so look
-        Push    "r2-r4"
-        MOV     r2, r11
-        BL      OfferModeExtensionAnyMonitor
-        MOVEQ   r11, r4                 ; if service responded to, save pointer to workspace list
-        Pull    "r2-r4"
-        BNE     BadReadModeVar          ; exit if mode not known about
-; now search down list checking for variable number
-        ADD     r10, r11, #8            ; skip list type and base mode
-        BL      CheckWorkspaceList      ; look up variable in list
-        BCC     GoodReadModeVar         ; if there then exit
-; not in workspace list provided, so use base mode to look up in MOS's table
-        LDR     r11, [r11, #4]          ; load workspace list base mode
-        BranchIfKnownMode r11, %FA50
-; panic - base mode unrecognised
-; existing code simply loads off end of table! - instead of that, return value zero
-; alternatively we could return carry set, but that might cause backward compatibility problems (maybe)
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        ADR     r10, RMVTab
-        LDRB    r10, [r10, r1]          ; R10 = offset in each mode table * 2
-                                        ; if bit 0 set, then word value
-        ADRL    r14, Vwstab
-        LDR     r11, [r14, r11, LSL #2] ; get offset to table for this mode
-        ADD     r11, r11, r14           ; convert to pointer
-        MOVS    r10, r10, LSR #1        ; put byte/word flag into carry
-        LDRCCB  r2, [r11, r10]          ; load either a byte
-        LDRCS   r2, [r11, r10]          ; or a word out of table
-; and drop thru to GoodModeVar
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R14"
-        BIC     R14, R14, #C_bit        ; indicate successful read
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R14"
-        ORR     R14, R14, #C_bit        ; indicate bad read
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; CheckWorkspaceList - Check a mode variable (index, value) list for a match
-; in:   r1 = variable number
-;       r10 -> list
-; out:  If match found, then
-;         r2 = value
-;         C=0
-;       else
-;         C=1
-;       endif
-;       r10 corrupted in both cases
-CheckWorkspaceList Entry
-        LDR     r14, [r10], #8          ; load next index (and skip index+value)
-        CMP     r14, #-1                ; if end of list
-        EXIT    EQ                      ; then not in workspace list, so exit (C=1 from CMP)
-        TEQ     r14, r1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDR     r2, [r10, #-4]          ; load value of variable
-        CLC                             ; clear carry
-        EXIT
-        ADR     r10, MVToVVTable
-        LDR     r10, [r10, r1, LSL #2]
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, r10]
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        &       ModeFlags
-        &       ScrRCol
-        &       ScrBRow
-        &       NColour
-        &       XEigFactor
-        &       YEigFactor
-        &       LineLength
-        &       ScreenSize
-        &       YShftFactor
-        &       Log2BPP
-        &       Log2BPC
-        &       XWindLimit
-        &       YWindLimit
-; Note these should be the same as the first few in SWI ReadVduVariables
-        RMVT    ModeFlags, W    ; was B
-        RMVT    ScrRCol, W      ; was B
-        RMVT    ScrBRow, W      ; was B
-        RMVT    NColour, W
-        RMVT    XEigFactor, W   ; was B
-        RMVT    YEigFactor, W   ; was B
-        RMVT    LineLength, W
-        RMVT    ScreenSize, W
-        RMVT    YShftFactor, W  ; was B
-        RMVT    Log2BPP, W      ; was B
-        RMVT    Log2BPC, W      ; was B
-        RMVT    XWindLimit, W
-        RMVT    YWindLimit, W
-        ALIGN
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NewSpriteModeWord, called from ReadModeVariable
-; in:   R0 = new sprite mode word
-;       R1 = number of variable to read
-;       (R0,R1,R14 stacked)
-; out:  R2 = value of variable
-; Return parameters as follows:
-; (Unknown types will return an error. Invalid mode variable numbers will already
-;  have been weeded out at the entry to ReadModeVariable)
-;        0 ModeFlags          Error
-;        1 ScrRCol            Error
-;        2 ScrBRow            Error
-;        3 NColour            derived from bpp passed in (255 for 8bpp)
-;        4 XEigFactor         returns 0,1,2 for 180,90,45 dpi, error otherwise
-;        5 YEigFactor         as XEigFactor
-;        6 LineLength         Error
-;        7 ScreenSize         Error
-;        8 YShftFactor        Error
-;        9 Log2BPP            returns 0,1,2,3,4,5 for T=1-6, error otherwise
-;       10 Log2BPC            as Log2BPP
-;       11 XWindLimit         Error
-;       12 YWindLimit         Error
-NewSpriteModeWord ROUT
-; validate the sprite type. Types 1-6 only at present. Type 0 is a
-; mode number, but if it comes this way, it's bad, since mode >= 256
-        MOVS    r14, r0, LSR #27        ; shift type word into b4-b0
-        BEQ     BadReadModeVar          ; zero is bad cos mode >= 256
-        ;if it's an unknown one, apply a substitute
-        CMP     r14, #SpriteType_MAX
-        MOVCS   r14, #SpriteType_Substitute
-; it's a valid type, now branch by the mode variable number
-        ADR     r2, NewSpriteModeWordRoutines
-        ADD     pc, r2, r1, LSL #2      ; and despatch it
-        B       NSM_modeflags  ;        0 ModeFlags             (zero)
-        B       BadReadModeVar ;        1 ScrRCol               Error
-        B       BadReadModeVar ;        2 ScrBRow               Error
-        B       NSM_ncol       ;        3 NColour
-        B       NSM_xeig       ;        4 XEigFactor
-        B       NSM_yeig       ;        5 YEigFactor
-        B       BadReadModeVar ;        6 LineLength            Error
-        B       BadReadModeVar ;        7 ScreenSize            Error
-        B       NSM_yshftfactor ;       8 YShftFactor           (zero)
-        B       NSM_bpp        ;        9 Log2BPP
-        B       NSM_bpp        ;       10 Log2BPC               as Log2BPP
-        B       BadReadModeVar ;       11 XWindLimit            Error
-        B       BadReadModeVar ;       12 YWindLimit            Error
-; entry conditions here
-; r14 - sprite type in b0-b6 for a word offset
-; r0  - mode word
-; r1  - mode variable (no longer needed at this point)
-NSM_ncol ; r14 is already the type bits shifted down to b0-b6, ie a word offset
-        ADRL    r2, NColourTable -4     ; results table (adjust for T=0 never occurring here)
-        LDR     r2, [r2, r14, LSL #2]   ; pull the correct value
-        CMP     r2, #63
-        MOVEQ   r2, #255                ; make sure we return 255 not 63
-        B       GoodReadModeVar         ; and return happily
-        ADR     r2, NSM_bpptable-4      ; (adjusted for T=0 never occurring here)
-        LDR     r2, [r2, r14, LSL #2]
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-         ; note, yes - I know this could be type-1, but at some point some new type
-         ; will break the relationship so it's a table from day 1 to cope with this
-        &       0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-        &       &00001FFF
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #14         ; move ydpi into b0-b12
-        B       %FT10
-        MOV     r0, r0, LSR #1          ; move xdpi into b0-b12
-        LDR     r14, =&00001FFF         ; mask for dpi bits
-        AND     r0, r0, r14
-        CMP     r0, #180
-        MOVEQ   r2, #0
-        BEQ     GoodReadModeVar
-        CMP     r0, #22
-        CMPNE   r0, #23
-        MOVEQ   r2, #3
-        BEQ     GoodReadModeVar
-        TEQ     r0, #(45 :SHL: 2), 2    ; check if 45   (EQ,CC if so)
-        CMPNE   r0, #90                 ; or 90         (EQ,CS if so)
-        BNE     BadReadModeVar
-        MOVCC   r2, #2                  ; 45 => xeig=2
-        MOVCS   r2, #1                  ; 90 => xeig=1
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-        MOV     r2, #0                  ; both these return zero
-        B       GoodReadModeVar
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWICheckModeValid - The 'Can I get into this mode?' call
-; in:   r0 = mode you want to get into (may be pointer to mode selector)
-; out:  C=0 => yes you can, r0 preserved
-;       C=1 => no you can't ...
-;         r0 = -1 => ... because the mode doesn't exist
-;           r1 = substitute mode
-;           r1 = -2 => not enough memory for even the substitute mode !
-;         r0 = -2 => ... because not enough memory
-SWICheckModeValid ROUT
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        Push    "r1,r9,lr"
-        BL      FindOKMode              ; out: r1 = substitute mode
-        BVS     %FT90
-        CMP     r1, #&100               ; if it's a mode number
-        BICCC   r10, r1, #&80           ; then knock off shadow bit
-        MOVCS   r10, r1                 ; else don't
-        MOV     r11, r10
-        BL      PushModeInfo
-        BVS     %FT90
-        LDR     r11, [r13, #wkScreenSize] ; get screen size for this mode
-        ADD     r13, r13, #PushedInfoSize ; junk stacked mode table + VIDC info
-        MOV     r10, r1, LSR #7         ; 'shadow' bit (NB will be 0 or 1)
-        CMP     r10, #2                 ; except if its a mode selector
-        MOVCS   r10, #0                 ; in which case no shadow
-        LDROSB  r9, Shadow
-        TEQ     r0, r1                  ; if substitute different from original
-        MOV     r0, r1                  ; (always set r0 to be substitute mode)
-        MOVNE   r14, #-1                ; then indicate original is silly
-        MOVEQ   r14, #0                 ; else indicate sensible
-        TEQEQ   r9, #0                  ; and if shadow 0
-        MOVEQ   r10, #1                 ; then force shadow mode
-        LDR     r9, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize] ; maximum allowed amount
-        CMP     r9, r11, LSL r10        ; compare with this (*2 if shadow)
-                                        ; C=0 => No room
-        TEQ     r14, #0                 ; NZ => silly, CC => no room
-        MOV     r1, #-2                 ; for if silly mode and bad space
-        Pull    r1, EQ                  ; if not silly, restore old R1
-        ADDNE   r13, r13, #4            ; else junk stacked R1
-        MOVHI   r1, r0                  ; silly mode, ok space, R1=subst. mode
-        MOVCC   r0, #-2                 ; if no room, indicate it
-        MOVNE   r0, #-1                 ; but silly overrides this
-        Pull    "r9, r14"
-        CMP     r0, #-2                 ; C=1 => bad exit
-        BICCC   r14, r14, #C_bit
-        ORRCS   r14, r14, #C_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; exit point in case of error from FindOKMode or PushModeInfo
-        Pull    "r1, r9, r14"
-        MOV     r0, #-1                 ; indicate no such mode
-        MOV     r1, #-2                 ; and no substitute mode
-        ORR     r14, r14, #C_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FindOKMode - Convert mode number into an appropriate one for
-;                    this monitor type
-; in:   r0 = original mode specifier
-; out:  If no error, then
-;         r0 preserved
-;         r1 = appropriate mode specifier
-;         V = 0
-;       else
-;         r0 -> error
-;         r1 corrupted
-;         V = 1
-;       endif
-;       All other registers preserved
-FindOKMode ROUT
-        Push    "r0,r2-r4,r10,r11,lr"
-        BL      ReadMonitorType
-        CMP     r0, #&100               ; if it's a mode number
-        BICCC   r2, r0, #&80            ; then knock off shadow bit
-        MOVCS   r2, r0                  ; else don't
-        BL      OfferModeExtension
-        BNE     %FT05
-; service claimed
-; mjs Kernel/HAL split
-; call HAL vetting routine to possibly disallow mode
-        Push "r0-r3, r9, r12"
-        MOV   r0,r3
-        MOV   r1,r4
-        ;we'll do the vet on whether h/w supports the pixel depth ourselves
-        LDR   r2,[r0,#VIDCList3_PixelDepth]
-        MOV   r3,#1
-        MOV   r3,r3,LSL r2                 ; bits per pixel
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push  "r0-r2,r4"
-        MOV   r4,#GraphicsV_DisplayFeatures
-        BL    CallGraphicsV
-        TEQ   r4,#0
-        TSTEQ r3,r1
-        Pull  "r0-r2,r4"
- |
-        LDR   r2,[WsPtr,#HWPixelFormats]
-        TST   r3,r2
- ]
-        MOVEQ r0,#1
-        BEQ   %FT04                        ; not supported
-        ;now any vet the HAL might want to do
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push  "r4"
-        MOV   r4, #GraphicsV_VetMode
-        BL    CallGraphicsV
-        TEQ   r4, #0
-        MOVNE r0, #0
-        Pull  "r4"
- |
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_VetMode
- ]
-        CMP   r0,#0
-        Pull "r0-r3,r9,r12"
-        BNE   %FT05         ; HAL says "Oi, Kernel, No!"
-; service claimed and happy HAL so return with this mode
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "r0,r2-r4,r10,r11,pc"
-; not claimed, so r2 (=mode without shadow) and r3 (=monitortype) are preserved
-        Pull    "r0"
-        CMP     r0, #&100               ; if a mode selector and not responded to
-        BCS     %FT30                   ; then return error
-        MOV     r10, r2                 ; mode without shadow bits
-        MOV     r1, r0                  ; start from existing mode
-        CMP     r3, #NumMonitorTypes    ; monitor type must be in range
-        BCS     %FT10                   ; if not then must issue service
-        CMPCC   r10, #NumModes          ; and mode must be in range
-        MOVCC   r11, #NumModes
-        MLACC   r11, r3, r11, r10       ; then form monitortype*numberofmodes + modenumber
-        ADRCCL  r14, BigVIDCTable       ; point to big table
-        LDRCC   r11, [r14, r11, LSL #2] ; and load offset
-        CMPCC   r11, #-1                ; CS if mode number or monitor type out of range, or if not known in table
-        BCC     %FT20                   ; else it's known about, so OK
-; known monitor type, but unknown mode, so find substitute
-        ADR     r14, SubstModeTable
-        LDR     r11, [r14, r3, LSL #2]
-        TEQ     r11, #0                 ; if r0=0, monitor type is actually unknown - issue service call
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        ADD     r1, r11, r14
-        BL      FindSubstitute
-        Pull    "r2-r4,r10,r11, pc"     ; exit VC or VS
-; unknown monitor type, so offer service
-        MOV     r2, r10
-        MOV     r1, #Service_ModeTranslation
-        IssueService
-        TEQ     r1, #0
-        MOVEQ   r1, r2                  ; if claimed, then use module's mode
-        BEQ     %FT20
-; unknown monitor type
-; if monitor type 7 (file), use substitution table for VGA (reasonable assumption)
-        TEQ     r3, #7
-        ADREQ   r1, SubstType3
-        BEQ     %BT05
-        MOV     r1, #0                  ; else panic and use mode 0
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "r2-r4,r10,r11, pc"
-        ADRL    r0, ErrorBlock_ModeNotAvailable ; then return error
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError
- ]
-        SETV                            ; error exit
-        Pull    "r2-r4,r10,r11, pc"
-        &       SubstType01-SubstModeTable
-        &       SubstType01-SubstModeTable
-        &       SubstType2-SubstModeTable
-        &       SubstType3-SubstModeTable
-        &       SubstType4-SubstModeTable
-        &       0
-        &       0
-        &       0
-        &       SubstType8-SubstModeTable
-        =        0,  8, 12, 15
-        =       23, 23, 23, 23
-        =       25, 26, 27, 28
-        =       29, 30, 31, 32
-        =       44, 45, 46, 46
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FindSubstitute - Find substitute mode with right no. of bpp
-; in:   r1 -> table of 4 bytes; subst. modes for 1, 2, 4, 8 bpp respectively
-;       r10 = mode specifier to be tested (shadow bit clear)
-; out:  If no error, then
-;         r0 preserved
-;         r1 = substitute mode
-;         V=0
-;       else
-;         r0 -> error
-;         r1 preserved
-;       endif
-;       r11 corrupted, all other registers preserved
-FindSubstitute Entry
-        MOV     r11, #0
-        BL      PushModeInfoAnyMonitor
-        EXIT    VS                              ; if error, then exit now
-        LDR     r11, [r13, #wkLog2BPP]
-        ADD     r13, r13, #PushedInfoSize
-        CMP     r11, #4
-        MOVCS   r11, #0
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r0-r4"
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_DisplayFeatures
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        TEQ     r4, #0
-        MOVEQ   r2, r1
-        MOVNE   r2, #2_111111
- |
-        Push    "r2, r3"
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #HWPixelFormats]    ; see if h/w supports this BPP
- ]
-        MOV     r3, #1
-        MOV     r3, r3, LSL r11
-        TST     r2, r3
-        MOVEQ   r11, #3                         ; if not, use 8 BPP (assumed best chance for a mode number)
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Pull    "r0-r4"
- |
-        Pull    "r2, r3"
- ]
-        LDRB    r1, [r1, r11]
-        CLRV
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadMonitorType - Read monitor type
-; out:  R3 = monitor type
-;       All other registers preserved
-ReadMonitorType Entry "r0-r2"
-        MOV     r0, #1
-        SWI     XOS_ReadSysInfo         ; out: r0 = mode, r1 = monitortype, r2 = sync
-        MOV  r3, r1                  ; move into r3
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIClaimScreenMemory - Claim unused screen memory (for ADFS etc.)
-; in:   R0 = 0 => release, 1 => claim
-;       R1 = length you require
-; out:  (for claim)
-;       C=0 => success
-;         R1 = actual length
-;         R2 = address
-;       C=1 => failure
-;         R1 = length you could have
-SWIClaimScreenMemory ROUT
-        MRS     R11, CPSR               ; disable IRQs, so can be called from
-        ORR     R11, R11, #I32_bit      ; an IRQ routine
-        MSR     CPSR_c, R11
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; 0 => release
-        STREQB  R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed] ; indicate free again
-        ExitSWIHandler EQ
-; is claim
-        LDRB    R10, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed]
-        TEQ     R10, #0                 ; already claimed (NZ)
-        MOVNE   R1, #0                  ; indicate you could have zero bytes
-        BNE     %FT10                   ; failure exit
-        LDRB    R10, [WsPtr, #ExternalFramestore]
-        TEQ     R10, #0
-        BNE     %FT15
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #ScreenSize]
-        SUB     R10, R10, R11           ; amount available
-        CMP     R1, R10                 ; is this enough
-        MOV     R1, R10                 ; tell him how much he could have
-        BHI     %FT10                   ; if not enough, then exit
-        MOV     R10, #1                 ; indicate now claimed
-        STRB    R10, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        ADD     R2, R2, R11             ; R2 -> start of usable area
-        BIC     R14, R14, #C_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ORR     R14, R14, #C_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; using external framestore - they can have the whole screen memory DA
-        Push    "R0,R1,R14"
-        MOV     R0, #2
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea     ; R0 -> start, R1 = len
-        MOVVC   R10, R0
-        MOVVC   R11, R1
-        MOVVS   R11, #0
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R14"
-        CMP     R1, R11                 ; is this enough
-        MOV     R1, R11                 ; tell him how much he could have
-        BHI     %BT10                   ; if not enough, then exit
-        MOV     R11, #1                 ; indicate now claimed
-        STRB    R11, [WsPtr, #ScreenMemoryClaimed]
-        MOV     R2, R10
-        BIC     R14, R14, #C_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIPlot - PLOT R0,R1,R2
-; in:   R0 = plot code
-;       R1 = X coordinate
-;       R2 = Y coordinate
-; out:  -
-        CMP     R0, #256                ; is plot code >= 256 ?
-        ExitSWIHandler CS               ; yes, then do nothing
-                                        ; (for future expansion)
-        BranchNotJustUs %F10, WrchV, R12, R12
-        LDRB    R12, [R11, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: WrchDest]
-        LDRB    R10, [R11, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: SpoolFileH]
-        ORRS    R10, R10, R12
-        LDREQB  R10, [R11, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: VDUqueueItems]
-        TEQEQ   R10, #0
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        LDREQ   R10, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TSTEQ   R10, #VduDisabled       ; if VDU disabled, go thru normal stuff
-        LDREQ   R10, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags] ; if non-graphic, then send
-        TSTEQ   R10, #Flag_NonGraphic   ; thru normal chans
-        BNE     %FT10
-        Push    "R0-R9,R14"
- [ No26bitCode
-        BL      PreWrchCursor
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R14         ; interrupts on
- |
-        ADR     R14, %FT05 + SVC_mode   ; R14 will have I_bit clear
-; TMD 16-May-89: Next instruction used to be B PreWrchCursor2, a secondary
-; entry point that didn't disable IRQs as they were assumed to be already
-; off. However this caused a bug in RISC OS 2.00, since SWIs are now entered
-; with the IRQ state of the caller, so this has now been changed back to
-; use the primary entry point (PreWrchCursor) which does disable them.
-        B       PreWrchCursor           ; this exits by MOVS PC, R14 so it
-                                        ; clears the I_bit for us
-; PreWrchCursor  also exits with R6 = CursorFlags, needed for the
-; EntryFromSWIPlot routine to do clip window calculations if necessary
- ]
-        LDMFD   R13, {R0-R2}
-        MOV     R3, R0                  ; save plot code
-        MOV     R0, R1, LSL #16
-        MOV     R0, R0, ASR #16         ; R0 := sign extended X coord
-        MOV     R1, R2, LSL #16
-        MOV     R1, R1, ASR #16         ; R1 := sign extended Y coord
-        MOV     R2, R3
-        MOV     R9, #1                  ; indicate entry from SWI Plot
-        BL      EntryFromSWIPlot
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R0-R9,R14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        STR     R0, [R13]               ; save error block pointer in saved R0
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R0-R9,R14"
-        ORR     R14, R14, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Push    "R0,R14"
-        SWI     XOS_WriteI+25           ; send 25
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC              ; send plot code
-        ANDVC   R0, R1, #&FF
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC              ; send X (lo)
-        MOVVC   R0, R1, LSR #8
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC              ; send X (hi)
-        ANDVC   R0, R2, #&FF
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC              ; send Y (lo)
-        MOVVC   R0, R2, LSR #8
-        SWIVC   XOS_WriteC              ; send Y (hi)
-        Pull    "R0,R14", VC            ; if no error, pull stacked R0 and R14
-        ExitSWIHandler VC
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4            ; if error, junk stacked R0
-        Pull    "R14"
-        ORR     R14, R14, #V_bit        ; and set V bit in link
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIRemoveCursors - Remove input and output cursors for screen bashing
-; out:  All registers preserved (R10-R12 preserved by Sam)
-        Push    "R0-R4,R6,R8-R9,R14"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      PreWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R0-R4,R6,R8-R9,R14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIRestoreCursors - Restore input and output cursors after screen bash
-; out:  All registers preserved (R10-R12 preserved by Sam)
-        Push    "R0-R4,R6,R8-R9,R14"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R0-R4,R6,R8-R9,R14"
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIWriteN - Write R1 bytes from address R0 to wrch
-; in:   R0 -> string
-;       R1 -> number of chars to print
-; out:  -
-        Push    "R0,R1,R14"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R14             ; enable interrupts
-        BranchNotJustUsWrch %F70
-; R11 now points to either vector node or 1st address on chain, as appropriate
-; R12 holds current value of this location, to be checked each time
-        MOV     R10, R0
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        BCC     %FT90                   ; count has expired (V=0)
-  [ StrongARM
-        LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-        Push    PC                      ; need to get to %FT20 - push PC+12 (old ARM) or PC+8 (StrongARM)
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        B       PMFWrchDirect
-        |
-        LDR     PC, =(MOSDriver + MOSPMFWrch)
-        ]
-        MOV     R0,R0                   ; NOP for PC+8 case
-  |
-        Push    PC                      ; push address of %FT20
-        LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        B       PMFWrchDirect
-        |
-        LDR     PC, =(MOSDriver + MOSPMFWrch)
-        ]
-  ]
-        BVS     %FT90
-        LDR     R0, [R11]
-        TEQ     R0, R12                 ; vector still the same ?
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; yes, then loop
-        B       %FT75                   ; no, do rest with wrch
-        ADDS    R10, R0, #0             ; R10 := R0 and V := 0
-        ADD     R11, R10, R1
-        TEQ     R10, R11
-        LDRNEB  R0, [R10], #1
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        MOVVS   R10, R11
-        TEQ     R10, R11
-        BNE     %BT80
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R14", VC         ; if no error, pull stacked R0,R1 & R14
-        ExitSWIHandler VC
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4            ; if error, junk stacked R0
-        Pull    "R1,R14"
-        ORR     R14, R14, #V_bit        ; and set V bit in link
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIWrite0 - Write a zero-terminated string pointed to by R0
-; in:   R0 -> string
-; out:  R0 -> char after the zero
-        Push    "R14"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R10                 ; enable interrupts
-        MOV     R10, R0                         ; R10 -> string
-        BranchNotJustUsWrch %F70
-; R11 now points to either vector node or 1st address on chain, as appropriate
-; R12 holds current value of this location, to be checked each time
-        LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-        CMP     R0, #0
-  [ StrongARM
-        BEQ     %FT80                   ; no more characters
-        Push    PC, NE                  ; need to get to %FT20 - push PC+12 (old ARM) or PC+8 (StrongARM)
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        BNE     PMFWrchDirect
-        |
-        LDRNE   PC, =(MOSDriver + MOSPMFWrch)
-        ]
-        MOV     R0,R0                   ;NOP for PC+8
-  |
-        Push    PC, NE                  ; push address of %FT20
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-        BNE     PMFWrchDirect
-        |
-        LDRNE   PC, =(MOSDriver + MOSPMFWrch)
-        ]
-        B       %FT80                   ; no more characters
-  ]
-        BVS     %FT80
-        LDR     R0, [R11]
-        TEQ     R0, R12                 ; vector still the same ?
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; yes, then loop
-                                        ; no, then drop thru
-                                        ; and do rest with Wrch
-        LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-        CMP     R0, #0                  ; (V:=0)
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        BGT     %BT70                   ; branch if no error and not terminated
-        MOVVC   R0, R10                 ; if no error, R0 -> char after zero
-        Pull    "R14"
-        ORRVS   R14, R14, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIWriteS - Write a zero-terminated in-line string
-; in:   R14 -> first char of string (but has PSR bits in it)
-; out:  -
-        Push    "R0, R14"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, R10                 ; enable interrupts
-; return address is on the stack, above our R0, R14, and SWI number
-        LDR     R10, [R13, #12]
-        BranchNotJustUsWrch %F70
-; R11 now points to either vector node or 1st address on chain, as appropriate
-; R12 holds current value of this location, to be checked each time
-        LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-        CMP     R0, #0
-  [ StrongARM
-        BEQ     %FT80                   ; no more characters
-        Push    PC, NE                  ; need to get to %FT20 - push PC+12 (old ARM) or PC+8 (StrongARM)
-        BNE     PMFWrchDirect
-        MOV     R0,R0                   ;NOP for PC+8
-  |
-        Push    PC, NE                  ; push address of %FT20
-        BNE     PMFWrchDirect
-        B       %FT80                   ; no more characters
-  ]
-        BVS     %FT80
-        LDR     R0, [R11]
-        TEQ     R0, R12                 ; vector still the same ?
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; yes, then loop
-                                        ; no, then drop thru
-                                        ; and do rest with Wrch
-        LDRB    R0, [R10], #1
-        CMP     R0, #0                  ; (V:=0)
-        SWINE   XOS_WriteC
-        BGT     %BT70                   ; branch if no error and not terminated
-        BVS     %FT90
-        Pull    "R0, R14"
-  [ No26bitCode
-        TST     R14, #T32_bit
-        ADDNE   R10, R10, #1            ; if Thumb
-        BICNE   R10, R10, #1            ; round up to next halfword boundary
-        ADDEQ   R10, R10, #3            ; else
-        BICEQ   R10, R10, #3            ; round up to next word boundary
-  |
-        ADD     R10, R10, #3
-        BIC     R10, R10, #3            ; round up to next word boundary
-  ]
-        STR     R10, [R13, #4]          ; Poke new address into stack
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Pull    "R11, R14"              ; junk the stacked R0
-        ORR     R14, R14, #V_bit
-        LDRB    R11, [R10], #1          ; skip to the zero terminator
-        TEQ     R11, #0
-        BNE     %BT95
-        B       %BT85
-        [ AssemblingArthur
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RemovePages - Called by MOS when ChangeDynamicArea reduces the
-;                     amount of screen memory
-; in:   R0 = - number of bytes being removed
-;       R4 = current size
-; out:  All registers preserved
-RemovePages ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R8,R12,R14"
-        BL      InsertRemovePagesCommon
-        BNE     RemovePages_ExternalFramestore
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        ADD     R2, R0, R14             ; end of remaining screen memory
-; display starts in pages that remain
-        SUB     R5, R3, R0              ; new DisplayStart
-        CMP     R5, R14                 ; if off end of 1st copy
-        SUBCS   R5, R5, R4              ; then repeatedly subtract off new size
-        BCS     %BT05                   ; until in range
-        Push    "R0-R2"
-        MOV     R0, R5                  ; put new display start in r0
-        BL      SetVinit                ; this updates DisplayStart
-        Pull    "R0-R2"
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; end of area to copy +1
-        CMP     R3, R2
-        BLS     %FT20                   ; nothing to copy
-        SUB     R4, R3, R0              ; destination end
-        LDMDB   R3!, {R5-R8}            ; load 4 words (minimum amount)
-        STMDB   R4!, {R5-R8}            ; store 4 words
-        TEQ     R3, R2
-        BNE     %BT10
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #DisplayScreenStart]
-        SUB     R0, R4, R0
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        CMP     R0, R14                 ; ensure displayscreenstart in range too
-        SUBCS   R0, R0, R3
-        BCS     %BT25
-        BL      NewScreenStart
-        BL      SetVendDefault
-        Pull    "R0-R8,R12,PC"
-; in:   R0 = - number of bytes being removed
-;       R4 = current size
- [ {FALSE}
-; Should do the copy, but need access to address
-        ADD     R3, R3, R4              ; end of area to copy +1
-        CMP     R3, R2
-        BLS     %FT20                   ; nothing to copy
-        SUB     R4, R3, R0              ; destination end
-        LDMDB   R3!, {R5-R8}            ; load 4 words (minimum amount)
-        STMDB   R4!, {R5-R8}            ; store 4 words
-        TEQ     R3, R2
-        BNE     %BT10
- ]
-        Pull    "R0-R8,R12,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       InsertPages - Called by MOS when ChangeDynamicArea increases the
-;                     amount of screen memory
-; in:   R0 = number of bytes being added
-;       R4 = new size
-InsertPages ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R8,R12,R14"
-        BL      InsertRemovePagesCommon
-        BNE     InsertPages_ExternalFramestore
-        SUB     R5, R3, R0              ; new DisplayStart
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        ADD     R2, R3, R1              ; end of block to copy
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        SUB     R4, R3, R0
-        TEQ     R3, R2
-        LDMNEIA R3!, {R5-R8}
-        STMNEIA R4!, {R5-R8}
-        BNE     %BT10
-        B       InsertRemovePagesExit
-; Should do copy here
-        B       InsertRemovePages_ExternalFramestoreExit
-; *****************************************************************************
-InsertRemovePagesCommon ROUT
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ExternalFramestore]
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]   ; old size
-        MOV     R4, #0
-        STRB    R4, [R4, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX:MemDriver]  ; indicate default
-        STRB    R4, [R4, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX:MemDisplay] ; for both of these
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #VduStatus] ; not shadowing any more
-        BIC     R4, R4, #Shadowing
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        ADD     R4, R1, R0              ; length of remaining screen memory
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize] ; new size
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        RSB     R5, R4, R3              ; start of remaining screen memory
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #DriverBankAddr]
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #DisplayBankAddr]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SWIChangedBox - Entry point for SWI OS_ChangedBox
-; in:   R0 = 0 => disable clip box calculations
-;            1 => enable clip box calculations
-;            2 => reset clip box to null
-;            -1 => do nothing
-; out:  R0 = old enable state (0 => disabled, 1 => enabled)
-;       R1 -> clipbox info, consisting of 5 words
-;        [R1, #0] = disable/enable flag (in bit 0)
-;        [R1, #4] = internal X-coord of left edge of box
-;        [R1, #8] = internal Y-coord of bottom edge of box
-;        [R1, #12] = internal X-coord of right edge of box
-;        [R1, #16] = internal Y-coord of top edge of box
-SWIChangedBox ROUT
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        MOV     R1, WsPtr
-        LDR     R10, [R1, #ClipBoxEnable]! ; R10 = old state, R1 -> state
-        CMP     R0, #2                  ; known reason ?
-        BHI     %FT10                   ; no, then just read state
-        BEQ     %FT20                   ; reset rectangle to null
-        STR     R0, [R1]                ; then store R0 in ClipBoxEnable
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit, R11 ; disable IRQs to update CursorFlags
-        TST     R0, #1
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     R0, R10                 ; R0 = old state
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        Push    "R4-R7"
-        ADR     R0, NullRectangle
-        LDMIA   R0, {R4-R7}
-        STMIB   R1, {R4-R7}             ; store over coordinates
-        Pull    "R4-R7"
-        B       %BT10
-        &       &7FFFFFFF, &7FFFFFFF, &80000000, &80000000
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetClipBoxToFullScreen - Called by FF
-; in:   WsPtr -> VduDriverWorkSpace
-; out:  R0-R4 corrupted
-;       PSR preserved
-        ASSERT  YWindLimit = XWindLimit +4
-SetClipBoxToFullScreen ROUT
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #XWindLimit
-        LDMIA   R4, {R2, R3}
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #ClipBoxCoords
-        STMIA   R4, {R0-R3}
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       MergeClipBox - Merge a given rectangle into clip box
-; in:   R0..R3 = Left, bottom, right, top of rectangle to merge
-;       WsPtr -> VduDriverWorkSpace
-; out:  All registers preserved
-MergeClipBox ROUT
-        Push    "R4-R8, R14"
-        ADD     R8, WsPtr, #ClipBoxCoords
-        LDMIA   R8, {R4-R7}
-        BL      MergeClipBoxes
-        STMIA   R8, {R4-R7}
-        Pull    "R4-R8, PC"
-MergeClipBoxes ROUT
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        MOVLT   R4, R0
-        CMP     R1, R5
-        MOVLT   R5, R1
-        CMP     R2, R6
-        MOVGT   R6, R2
-        CMP     R3, R7
-        MOVGT   R7, R3
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoPlotClipBox - Compute clip box for a PLOT command
-; in:   R2 = plot code
-; out:  R0-R2 preserved
-DoPlotClipBox ROUT
-        TST     R2, #3                  ; (R2 AND 3)=0 => move operation
-        ADRNE   R11, ClipBoxPlotTable
-        LDRNEB  R11, [R11, R2, LSR #3]  ; get 'type' of this plot
-        TEQNE   R11, #0                 ; 0 => don't change clip window
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        Push    "R0-R2, R14"
-        CMP     R11, #3                 ; if 1..3
-        BLS     ClipLastR11Points       ; then use last R11 points
-        CMP     R11, #ClipIndex_Ellipse
-        BCC     ClipFullWindow          ; flood fill => merge graphics window
-        BEQ     ClipEllipse
-        CMP     R11, #ClipIndex_LineFill
-        BCC     ClipParallelogram
-        BEQ     ClipLineFill
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-ClipIndex_FloodFill     * 4
-ClipIndex_Ellipse       * 5
-ClipIndex_Parallelogram * 6
-ClipIndex_LineFill      * 7
-        =       2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2         ; 00..38 line drawing
-        =       1                       ; 40 point plot
-        =       ClipIndex_LineFill      ; 48 line fill
-        =       3                       ; 50 triangle
-        =       ClipIndex_LineFill      ; 58 line fill
-        =       2                       ; 60 rectangle fill
-        =       ClipIndex_LineFill      ; 68 line fill
-        =       ClipIndex_Parallelogram ; 70 parallelogram
-        =       ClipIndex_LineFill      ; 78 line fill
-        =       ClipIndex_FloodFill     ; 80 flood fill
-        =       ClipIndex_FloodFill     ; 88 flood fill
-        =       0,0,0,0,0               ; 90..B0 circle things
-                                        ; (done in GenCircleParm)
-        =       0                       ; B8 block copy/move (done in code)
-        =       ClipIndex_Ellipse       ; C0 ellipse outline
-        =       ClipIndex_Ellipse       ; C8 ellipse fill
-        =       0, 0, 0                 ; D0..E0 do nothing
-        =       0                       ; E8 sprite plot (done in SWI SpriteOp)
-        =       0, 0                    ; F0,F8 do nothing
-        ALIGN
-ClipLastR11Points ROUT
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #NewPtX
-        BL      MergeR11PointsFromR10
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-MergeR11PointsFromR10 ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        LDMIA   R10, {R4,R5}            ; get last point
-        MOV     R6, R4                  ; right=left
-        MOV     R7, R5                  ; top=bottom
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #1
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        LDMDB   R10!, {R0,R1}           ; get another point (X,Y)
-        MOV     R2, R0
-        MOV     R3, R1
-        BL      MergeClipBoxes
-        SUBS    R11, R11, #1            ; one less point to do
-        BNE     %BT05
-; now clip this to graphics window
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        LDMIA   R10, {R0-R3}
-        CMP     R4, R0
-        MOVGE   R0, R4
-        CMP     R5, R1
-        MOVGE   R1, R5
-        CMP     R6, R2
-        MOVLE   R2, R6
-        CMP     R7, R3
-        MOVLE   R3, R7
-        CMP     R2, R0
-        CMPGE   R3, R1
-        BLGE    MergeClipBox            ; if R>=L and T>=B then merge
-        Pull    PC
-ClipLineFill ROUT
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #GWLCol
-        LDMIA   R10, {R0-R3}
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #NewPtX
-        LDMIA   R10, {R4-R5}
-        CMP     R4, R0                  ; if point is inside window
-        CMPGE   R2, R4
-        CMPGE   R5, R1
-        CMPGE   R3, R5
-        MOVGE   R1, R5                  ; then top=bottom=Y
-        MOVGE   R3, R5                  ; and left=GWLCol, right=GWRCol
-        BLGE    MergeClipBox
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-ClipParallelogram ROUT
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #OldCsX
-        LDMIA   R10, {R0-R5}            ; load up last 3 points
-        ADD     R6, R0, R4              ; 4th point = 1st + 3rd - 2nd
-        SUB     R6, R6, R2
-        ADD     R7, R1, R5
-        SUB     R7, R7, R3
-        Push    "R0-R7"                 ; stack all four points
-        ADD     R10, R13, #6*4          ; point R10 at last point
-        MOV     R11, #4                 ; 4 points to merge
-        BL      MergeR11PointsFromR10
-        ADD     R13, R13, #8*4          ; junk stacked points
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-ClipEllipse ROUT
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #OldCsX
-        LDMIA   R10, {R0-R5}            ; last 3 points (AX,AY,BX,BY,CX,CY)
-        SUB     R6, R2, R0              ; R6 = BX-AX
-        ADD     R0, R0, R2              ; R0 = AX+BX
-        SUB     R0, R0, R4              ; R0 = AX+BX-CX
-        ADD     R2, R4, R6              ; R2 = CX+BX-AX
-        SUB     R4, R4, R6              ; R4 = CX-(BX-AX) = CX+AX-BX
-        RSB     R1, R5, R1, LSL #1      ; R1 = 2*AY-CY
-        MOV     R3, R5                  ; R3 = CY
-        B       ClipParallelRegs
-ClipFullWindow ROUT
-        ADD     R10, WsPtr, #GWLCol     ; merge graphics window with
-        LDMIA   R10, {R0-R3}            ; clip rectangle (which can be larger)
-        BL      MergeClipBox
-        Pull    "R0-R2, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClipBlockCopyMove - Calculate clip box for block copy/move
-; in:   R0-R7 = SrcL, SrcB, SrcR, SrcT, DestL, DestB, DestR, DestT
-;       R8 = 0 => move, 2 => copy
-; out:  R0-R7 preserved
-;       R8-R11 undefined
-ClipBlockCopyMove ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R7, R14"
-        ADD     R10, R13, #6*4          ; R10 -> last point (DestR,DestT)
-        RSB     R11, R8, #4             ; R11 = 4 if move, 2 if copy
-                                        ; (number of points to merge)
-        BL      MergeR11PointsFromR10
-        Pull    "R0-R7, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClipCircle - Add circle bounding box to clip box
-; in:   R0 = radius of circle in square pixels
-;       R5, R6 = CentreX, CentreY
-;       R7 = AspectRatio (0 => square, 1 => flat rect, 2 => tall rect)
-; out:  R0-R7 preserved
-;       R8-R11 undefined
-ClipCircle ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R7,R14"
-        CMP     R7, #1
-        MOVEQ   R8, R0, LSR #1          ; if flat then dX = rad/2
-        MOVNE   R8, R0                  ; else dX = rad
-        MOVHI   R9, R0, LSR #1          ; if tall then dY = rad/2
-        MOVLS   R9, R0                  ; else dY = rad
-        SUB     R0, R5, R8              ; left
-        SUB     R1, R6, R9              ; bottom
-        ADD     R2, R5, R8              ; right
-        ADD     R3, R6, R9              ; top
-        Push    "R0-R3"
-        ADD     R10, R13, #2*4          ; point R10 at last point
-        MOV     R11, #2                 ; 2 points to merge
-        BL      MergeR11PointsFromR10
-        ADD     R13, R13, #4*4          ; junk stacked points
-        Pull    "R0-R7,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClipCursorCell - Add current cursor cell to clip box
-; in:   -
-; out:  All registers preserved
-ClipCursorCell ROUT
-        ASSERT  CursorY = CursorX +4
-        Push    "R0-R3, R14"
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #CursorX
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0, R1}
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; RCol = LCol
-        MOV     R3, R1                  ; TRow = BRow
-        BL      ClipTextArea
-        Pull    "R0-R3, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClipTextArea - Add a text area to the clip box
-; in:   R0 = LCol of area
-;       R1 = BRow of area
-;       R2 = RCol of area
-;       R3 = TRow of area
-; out:  All registers preserved
-ClipTextArea ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3, R14"
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL #3                  ; left = LCol*8
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #3
-        ADD     R2, R2, #7                      ; right = RCol*8 + 7
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        MUL     R3, R14, R3                     ; TRow * RowMult
-        MLA     R1, R14, R1, R14                ; (BRow+1) * RowMult
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        SUB     R3, R14, R3             ; top = YWindLimit-TRow*RowMult
-        SUB     R1, R14, R1
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1              ; bot = YWindLimit-(BRow+1)*Mult+1
-        BL      MergeClipBox
-        Pull    "R0-R3, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClipScroll - Add clip box when scrolling
-; in:   R0 = 0 => add text window
-;       R0 <> 0 => set to full screen
-; out:  All registers preserved
-ClipScroll ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R4, R14"
-        CMP     R0, #1                  ; if scrolling screen
-        BLCS    SetClipBoxToFullScreen  ; set to full screen
-        ADDCC   R4, WsPtr, #TWLCol      ; else add text window
-        LDMCCIA R4, {R0-R3}
-        BLCC    ClipTextArea
-        Pull    "R0-R4, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ClipSpritePlot - Compute and merge sprite plot bounding box
-; in:   R0 = unclipped X-coord (internal)
-;       R1 = clipped topY (internal)
-;       R2 = width of sprite in words
-;       R3 = height of sprite -1
-;       R4 = GWLCol
-;       R5 = height reduction
-;       R6 = GWRCol
-;       R8 -> sprite
-; out:  All registers preserved
-ClipSpritePlot ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R11, R14"
-        ADD     R9, R8, #spLBit
-        LDMIA   R9, {R9, R10}           ; R9 = spLBit; R10 = spRBit
-        ADD     R2, R9, R2, LSL #5      ; R2 = width*32+spLBit
-        RSB     R10, R10, #32           ; R10 = 32-spRBit
-        SUB     R2, R2, R10             ; R2 = width in bits-1
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        ADD     R2, R0, R2, LSR R9      ; R2 = unclipped rightX
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        MOVLT   R0, R4                  ; R0 = clipped leftX
-        CMP     R2, R6
-        MOVGT   R2, R6                  ; R2 = clipped rightX
-        SUB     R3, R3, R5              ; R3 = no. of lines on screen -1
-        SUB     R1, R1, R3              ; R1 = clipped botY
-        ADD     R3, R1, R3              ; R3 = clipped topY
-        CMP     R2, R0                  ; if right>=left
-        CMPGE   R3, R1                  ; and top>=bot
-        BLGE    MergeClipBox            ; then add rectangle
-        Pull    "R0-R11, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ScreenModeSWI - Entry point for SWI OS_ScreenMode
-; in:   r0 = reason code
-;       Other registers depend on reason code
-; out:  Depends on reason code
-ScreenModeSWI Entry
-        BL      ScreenModeSub
-        PullEnv
-        ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_SelectMode = 0
-        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_ReturnMode = 1
-        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_EnumerateModes = 2
-        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_SelectMonitorType = 3
-        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_Limit = 4
-        CMP     r0, #ScreenModeReason_Limit
-        ADDCC   pc, pc, r0, LSL #2
-        B       ScreenMode_Unknown
-        B       ScreenMode_SelectMode
-        B       ScreenMode_ReturnMode
-        B       ScreenMode_EnumerateModes
-        B       ScreenMode_SelectMonitorType
-; unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_ScreenModeBadReason
-      [ International
-        Push    lr
-        BL      TranslateError
-        Pull    lr
-      ]
-        SETV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-; Temporary error blocks, so we don't have to claim Hdr:NewErrors every 5 mins.
-        &       0
-        =       "Zonk:Unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code", 0
-        ALIGN
-;       ScreenMode_SelectMode - Select a screen mode
-;       Internal routine called by ScreenModeSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (0)
-;       r1 = mode specifier
-; out:  r10-r12 may be corrupted
-;       All other registers preserved
-ScreenMode_SelectMode Entry "r0-r9"
-        WritePSRc SVC_mode, WsPtr       ; enable IRQs
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; remove cursor
-        LDR     r2, [sp, #1*4]          ; reload mode specifier
-        BL      ModeChangeSub           ; perform mode change
-        BVS     %FT90
-        BL      PostWrchCursor          ; if no error, then restore cursor
-        CLRV                            ; indicate no error
-        EXIT                            ; and exit
-        STR     r0, [sp]                ; overwrite stacked r0 with error ptr
-        BL      PostWrchCursor          ; restore cursor
-        SETV                            ; indicate error
-        EXIT                            ; and exit
-;       ScreenMode_ReturnMode - Return current screen mode specifier
-;       Internal routine called by ScreenModeSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (1)
-; out:  r1 = mode specifier
-;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
-;       All other registers preserved
-ScreenMode_ReturnMode ROUT
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        LDR     r1, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]
-        CLRV
-        MOV     pc, lr
-;       ScreenMode_EnumerateModes - Enumerate screen modes
-;       Internal routine called by ScreenModeSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (2)
-;       r2 = enumeration index (0 to start from beginning)
-;       r6 -> block to return data into, or 0 to just count entries
-;       r7 = size of block if r6<>0, or zero if r6=0
-; out:  r1 = 0 if service claimed, otherwise r1<>0
-;       r2 = updated enumeration index
-;       r6 = updated block pointer
-;       r7 = size of remaining free area in block
-;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
-;       All other registers are preserved
-ScreenMode_EnumerateModes Entry "r3-r5"
-        MOV     r1, #Service_EnumerateScreenModes
-        BL      ReadMonitorType
-        GetBandwidthAndSize     r4, r5
-        BL      Issue_Service
-        EXIT
-;       ScreenMode_SelectMonitorType - Select current monitor type
-;       Internal routine called by ScreenModeSWI
-; in:   r0 = reason code (3)
-;       r1 = monitor type to set, or -1 to restore from configured value
-; out:  r10-r12 may be corrupted
-;       All other registers preserved
-ScreenMode_SelectMonitorType Entry "r0"
-        VDWS    WsPtr
-        CMP     r1, #-1                                 ; if not restoring configured value
-        BNE     %FT10                                   ; then skip
-        BL      Read_Configd_MonitorType                ; else read CMOS value (returns in r0)
-        MOV     r1, r0
-        STR     r1, [WsPtr, #CurrentMonitorType]        ; update current value
-        EXIT
-;;;mjsHAL - VIDCDividerSWI is horrible VIDC specific API, compiled out
-; Should not cause any problems on any machine.  STB flag just to be safe though.
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VIDCDividerSWI - Entry point for SWI OS_VIDCDivider
-; in:   r0 = Value for divider - 1
-; out:  r0 = Preserved or error if V set
-VIDCDividerSWI  Entry "r0-r1,WsPtr"
-        CMP     r0, #8                                  ; Check the value is in range.
-        BCC     %FT10                                   ; Continue if so.
-        PullEnv                                         ; Else return an error.
-        ADR     r0, ErrorBlock_BadVIDCDivider           ; Get address of error.
- [ International
-        BL      TranslateError                          ; Translate the error.
- ]
-        ORR     lr, lr, #V_bit                          ; Return with V bit set.
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        VDWS    WsPtr                                   ; Get the VDU work space.
-        LDR     r1, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlSoftCopy]       ; Get the old control register value.
-        BIC     r1, r1, #7:SHL:CR_PixelDivShift         ; Mask out the old divider.
-        ORR     r1, r1, r0, LSL #CR_PixelDivShift       ; ORR in the new...
-        STR     r1, [WsPtr, #VIDCControlSoftCopy]       ; Write back to work space.
-        MOV     r0, #VIDC
-        STR     r1, [r0, #0]                            ; Write to VIDC also.
-        PullEnv                                         ; Done.
-        ExitSWIHandler
-        &       0
-        =       "BadVIDCDiv:Bad VIDC divider value.", 0
- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduttx b/s/vdu/vduttx
deleted file mode 100644
index d8992c59..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vduttx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1834 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduTTX
-;       Teletext (MODE 7) emulation
-;       ---------------------------
-;       Author          Tim Dobson
-;       Started         24-Feb-87
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Teletext control codes
-TTX_AlphaRed     *      &01
-TTX_AlphaGreen   *      &02
-TTX_AlphaYellow  *      &03
-TTX_AlphaBlue    *      &04
-TTX_AlphaMagenta *      &05
-TTX_AlphaCyan    *      &06
-TTX_AlphaWhite   *      &07
-TTX_Flash        *      &08
-TTX_Steady       *      &09
-TTX_EndBox       *      &0A
-TTX_StartBox     *      &0B
-TTX_NormalHeight *      &0C
-TTX_DoubleHeight *      &0D
-TTX_GraphRed     *      &11
-TTX_GraphGreen   *      &12
-TTX_GraphYellow  *      &13
-TTX_GraphBlue    *      &14
-TTX_GraphMagenta *      &15
-TTX_GraphCyan    *      &16
-TTX_GraphWhite   *      &17
-TTX_Conceal      *      &18
-TTX_Contiguous   *      &19
-TTX_Separated    *      &1A
-TTX_BlackBackgd  *      &1C
-TTX_NewBackgd    *      &1D
-TTX_HoldGraph    *      &1E
-TTX_RelGraph     *      &1F
-TTXGraphContFontA * TTXSoftFonts +0    ; Contiguous graphics font (&20-&3F)
-TTXGraphSepaFontA * TTXSoftFonts +&140 ; Separated graphics font  (&20-&3F)
-TTXGraphContFontB * TTXSoftFonts +&280 ; Contiguous graphics font (&60-&7F)
-TTXGraphSepaFontB * TTXSoftFonts +&3C0 ; Separated graphics font  (&60-&7F)
-; Bits in the map
-;       Bits 0-7        8 bit character
-;       Bit  8          0 => Alpha, 1 => Graphics
-;       Bit  9          0 => Contiguous, 1 => Separated
-;       Bit  10         0 => Steady, 1 => Flash
-;       Bit  11         0 => Release, 1 => Hold
-;       Bit  12         0 => Reveal, 1 => Conceal
-;       Bits 13-14      Bit 13  Bit 14
-;                       0       0       Single Height
-;                       1       0       Undefined
-;                       0       1       Double Height Top
-;                       1       1       Double Height Bottom
-;       Bit  15         1 => Pending Start Box
-;       Bit  16         1 => Pending End Box
-;       Bits 17-19      Foreground colour
-;       Bit  20         0 => Unboxed, 1 => Boxed
-;       Bits 21-23      Background colour
-;       Bit  24         0 => Unboxed, 1 => Boxed
-;       Bits 25-29,31   Held graphic
-;       Bit  30         0 => Held graphic contiguous, 1 => separated
-MapBit_Char     *       1 :SHL: 0
-MapBit_Graph    *       1 :SHL: 8
-MapBit_Separated *      1 :SHL: 9
-MapBit_Flash    *       1 :SHL: 10
-MapBit_Hold     *       1 :SHL: 11
-MapBit_Conceal  *       1 :SHL: 12
-MapBit_Bottom   *       1 :SHL: 13
-MapBit_Double   *       1 :SHL: 14
-MapBit_PendingStart *   1 :SHL: 15
-MapBit_PendingEnd *     1 :SHL: 16
-MapBit_ForeMask *       7 :SHL: 17
-MapBit_BackMask *       7 :SHL: 21
-MapBits_Boxed   *       (1 :SHL: 20) :OR: (1 :SHL: 24)
-MapBit_HeldMask *       &7F :SHL: 25
-MapBit_HeldSeparated *  1 :SHL: 30
-MapForeShift    *       17
-MapBackShift    *       21
-MapHeldShift    *       25
-MapBit_Default  *       (7 :SHL: MapForeShift)+32 ; default at start of line
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TeletextInit - Initialise teletext workspace
-;       Called when MODE 7 (or 135) is selected
-TeletextInit ROUT
-        MOV     R0, #1                          ; set to flash immediately
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #TeletextCount]
-        MOV     R0, #TTXFlag_Conceal
-        ORR     R0, R0, #TTXFlag_FgTransBIC :OR: TTXFlag_BgTransBIC
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-      [ :LNOT: HiResTTX
-; compute the graphics fonts
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TTXSoftFonts ; R0 -> contiguous font
-        MOV     R2, #&20                ; R2 = character number
-        MOV     R3, #0                  ; R3 = byte to store
-        ADD     R1, R0, #&140           ; R1 -> separated font
-        TST     R2, #1                  ; top left
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #&F0
-        TST     R2, #2                  ; top right
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #&0F
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1            ; 3 pixel rows for top
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        AND     R3, R3, #&77            ; do separated
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        TST     R2, #4                  ; middle left
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #&F0
-        TST     R2, #8                  ; middle right
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #&0F
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1            ; 4 pixel rows for middle
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        AND     R3, R3, #&77            ; do separated
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        TST     R2, #&10                ; bottom left
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #&F0
-        TST     R2, #&40                ; bottom right
-        ORRNE   R3, R3, #&0F
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1            ; 3 pixel rows for bottom
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R0], #1
-        AND     R3, R3, #&77            ; do separated
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        STRB    R3, [R1], #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1
-        TEQ     R2, #&40                ; if at end of 1st part
-        MOVEQ   R2, #&60                ; then start 2nd
-        ADDEQ   R0, R0, #&140           ; skipping separated already done
-        BEQ     %BT10                   ; and resetting R1 too
-        TEQ     R2, #&80                ; finished
-        BNE     %BT20
-      ]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_18 - Miscellaneous Teletext operations
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]
-        CMP     R2, #(Vdu23_18_TabEnd - Vdu23_18_TabStart) / 4
-        ADDCC   PC, PC, R2, LSL #2
-        B       UnknownVdu23
-        B       Vdu23_18_0
-        B       Vdu23_18_1
-        B       Vdu23_18_2
-        B       Vdu23_18_3
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_18_0 - Set transparency
-Vdu23_18_0 ROUT
-        Push    "R14"
-        LDRB    R5, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]
-        AND     R5, R5, #3
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        AND     R14, R6, #TTXFlag_TransModeMask
-        TEQ     R14, R5, LSL #TTXFlag_TransModeShift
-        Pull    "PC", EQ                ; fast exit if nothing's changed
-        ; Because the border is being reprogrammed, switches in and out of mode 0 (solid)
-        ; look messy unless we reprogram the palette too (on the non-solid side of the switch)
-        TEQ     R5, #0                  ; switching into mode 0?
-        ADREQ   R2, TTXPalette_Solid    ; if so, program a solid palette
-        MOVEQ   R7, #0                  ; use a black border
-        BLEQ    SetTTXPalette
-        ; Munge the TTXFlags to match the transparency mode
-        ORR     R6, R6, #TTXFlag_FgTransEOR :OR: TTXFlag_BgTransEOR
-        ORR     R6, R6, #TTXFlag_FgTransBIC :OR: TTXFlag_BgTransBIC
-        TEQ     R5, #3                  ; already adjusted for mode 3 (transparent)
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        TEQ     R5, #2                  ; in modes 0 (solid) and 1 (mix)
-        BICNE   R6, R6, #TTXFlag_FgTransEOR ; we just clear the fg transparency bit
-        BICEQ   R6, R6, #TTXFlag_FgTransBIC ; in mode 2 (box) we just toggle it
-        TEQ     R5, #0                  ; in modes 1 (mix) and 2 (box)
-        BICNE   R6, R6, #TTXFlag_BgTransBIC ; we just toggle the bg transparency bit
-        BICEQ   R6, R6, #TTXFlag_BgTransEOR ; in mode 0 (solid) we just clear it
-        ; Move the mode bits from TTXFlags to R7, and then from R5 to TTXFlags
-        MOV     R7, R6
-        BIC     R6, R6, #TTXFlag_TransModeMask
-        ORR     R6, R6, R5, LSL #TTXFlag_TransModeShift
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        ; Redraw the screen
-        Push    "R7"
-        BL      RefreshBitmap
-        Pull    "R7"
-        ; Deal with the opposite palette programming case (switching away from mode 0)
-        TST     R7, #TTXFlag_TransModeMask
-        ADREQ   R2, TTXPalette_Mixed    ; use a mixed palette for all other modes
-        MOVEQ   R7, #&FF                ; and they all have a transparent border, too
-        BLEQ    SetTTXPalette
-        Pull    "PC"
-        Push    "R14"
-        ; Set 1st flash states
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; start at colour 0
-        MOV     R1, #16                 ; program 16 colours
-        ORR     R1, R1, #17:SHL:24      ; program 1st flash state
-        MOV     R4, #paletteV_BulkWrite
-        BL      CallPaletteV
-        ; Set 2nd flash states
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; start at colour 0
-        MOV     R1, #16                 ; program 16 colours
-        ORR     R1, R1, #18:SHL:24      ; program 2nd flash state
-        MOV     R4, #paletteV_BulkWrite
-        BL      CallPaletteV
-        ; Set up the border colour
-        MOV     R0, #0                  ; logical colour 0
-        MOV     R1, #24                 ; type 24 (border)
-        MOV     R2, R7                  ; palette entry passed in R7
-        MOV     R4, #paletteV_Set
-        BL      CallPaletteV
-        Pull    "PC"
-        &       &00000000       ; black
-        &       &0000FF00       ; red
-        &       &00FF0000       ; green
-        &       &00FFFF00       ; yellow
-        &       &FF000000       ; blue
-        &       &FF00FF00       ; magenta
-        &       &FFFF0000       ; cyan
-        &       &FFFFFF00       ; white
-        &       &00000000       ; black
-        &       &0000FF00       ; red
-        &       &00FF0000       ; green
-        &       &00FFFF00       ; yellow
-        &       &FF000000       ; blue
-        &       &FF00FF00       ; magenta
-        &       &FFFF0000       ; cyan
-        &       &FFFFFF00       ; white
-        &       &000000FF       ; transparent
-        &       &0000FFFF       ; transparent
-        &       &00FF00FF       ; transparent
-        &       &00FFFFFF       ; transparent
-        &       &FF0000FF       ; transparent
-        &       &FF00FFFF       ; transparent
-        &       &FFFF00FF       ; transparent
-        &       &FFFFFFFF       ; transparent
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_18_1 - Suspend/resume bitmap updates
-Vdu23_18_1 ROUT
-        Push    "R14"
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TST     R0, #1                          ; bit 0 of 3rd parameter
-        BICEQ   R2, R1, #TTXFlag_Suspend        ; determines new setting of suspend flag
-        ORRNE   R2, R1, #TTXFlag_Suspend
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        BICS    R14, R1, R2                     ; if coming out of suspension
-        BLNE    RefreshBitmap                   ; then redraw screen
-        Pull    "PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_18_2 - Reveal/conceal
-Vdu23_18_2 ROUT
-        Push    "R14"
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TST     R0, #1                          ; bit 0 of 3rd parameter
-        ORREQ   R1, R1, #TTXFlag_Conceal        ; determines new setting of reveal flag
-        BICNE   R1, R1, #TTXFlag_Conceal
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TST     R1, #TTXFlag_Suspend            ; unless suspended,
-        BLEQ    RefreshBitmap                   ; redraw the screen
-        Pull    "PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Vdu23_18_3 - Enable/disable black foreground control codes
-Vdu23_18_3 ROUT
-        Push    "R14"
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TST     R0, #1                          ; bit 0 of 3rd parameter
-        BICEQ   R2, R1, #TTXFlag_BlackEnable    ; determines new setting of blackenable flag
-        ORRNE   R2, R1, #TTXFlag_BlackEnable
-        EOR     R1, R1, R2
-        TST     R1, #TTXFlag_BlackEnable        ; has blackenable changed?
-        Pull    "PC", EQ                        ; if not, then exit
-        Push    "R2"                            ; save R2 for later
-        ORR     R2, R2, #TTXFlag_Suspend        ; temporarily suspend bitmap update
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; start at left
-        MOV     R1, #0                          ; start at top
-        ADRL    R2, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R2, [R2]                        ; R2 -> start of map
-        ADD     R7, R2, #4*1                    ; R7 -> map entry for first real char
-        ADD     R5, R2, #4*40                   ; R5 -> map entry for last char on first line
-        MOV     R11, #0                         ; R11 = top line
-        MOV     R10, #25                        ; R10 = bottom line + 1
-        ADR     R14, %FT50
-        Push    "R14"                           ; set up return address on stack
-        B       TTXScanZap2                     ; recalculate the map
-        Pull    "R2"                            ; retrieve the final TTXFlags
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]          ; save them
-        TST     R2, #TTXFlag_Suspend            ; and unless we were suspended on entry
-        BLEQ    RefreshBitmap                   ; then redraw the screen
-        Pull    "PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       RefreshBitmap - Brings bitmap up-to-date with TTXMap
-RefreshBitmap ROUT
-        Push    "R14"
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        BL      AddressR0R1             ; R2 -> top-left character in bitmap
-        MOV     R6, #0                  ; R6 is line number: 0 <= R11 <= 24
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        ADRL    R8, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R4, [R8, R6, LSL #2]    ; R4 -> map entry for magic 0th character
-        ADD     R5, R4, #40*4           ; R5 -> last map entry on line
-        LDR     R1, [R4], #4            ; load map entry for previous character
-        LDR     R0, [R4]                ; load map entry for current character
-        BIC     R1, R1, #&FF
-        AND     R0, R0, #&FF
-        ORR     R0, R1, R0              ; construct R0 and R1 as required by DoPreControl
-        AND     R1, R0, #&7F
-        CMP     R1, #&20                ; is it a control char
-        BLCC    DoPreControl            ; [do pre-control things]
-        BL      UpdateHeldBits
-        BL      TTXPaintChar            ; paint it to the screen
-    [ TTX256
-        ASSERT  HiResTTX
-        ADD     R2,R2, #16
-    |
-      [ HiResTTX
-        ADD     R2, R2, #8
-      |
-        ADD     R2, R2, #4              ; move to next char on same line
-      ]
-    ]
-        CMP     R4, R5
-        BCC     %BT20
-    [ TTX256
-        ASSERT  HiResTTX
-        SUB     R2, R2, #640
-    |
-      [ HiResTTX
-        SUB     R2, R2, #320
-      |
-        SUB     R2, R2, #160            ; move back to start of this line
-      ]
-    ]
-        ADD     R2, R2, R7              ; and drop down to start of next line
-        ADD     R6, R6, #1
-        CMP     R6, #24
-        BLS     %BT10
-        Pull    "PC"
- [ HiResTTX
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ComputeGraphic - Called on a character-by-character basis
-;       Generates a graphic character on the fly
-ComputeGraphic ROUT
-        Push    "R1,mask,R10,R14"
-        ; R1 -> space to build character in
-        ; R3 = character: bits 0-4,6 are block flags, bit 5 is separated flag
-        ; mask (R4), R10, R14 corrupted
-        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-        ORR     mask, mask, mask, LSR #16       ; mask for setting left-hand blocks (shift for right-hand)
-        MOV     R10, #&C0000000
-        ORR     R10, R10, R10, LSR #16
-        ORR     R10, R10, R10, LSR #8           ; mask for separated graphics vertical lines
-        MOV     R14, #0                         ; holds each word of the character as we build it up
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:0
-        ORRNE   R14, R14, mask
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:1
-        ORRNE   R14, R14, mask, LSR #8
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:5
-        BICNE   R14, R14, R10
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4                   ; first 4 lines identical
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4
-        MOVNE   R14, #0                         ; if separated, then 2 horizontal lines, else same as above
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:2
-        ORRNE   R14, R14, mask
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:3
-        ORRNE   R14, R14, mask, LSR #8
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:5
-        BICNE   R14, R14, R10
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4                   ; 8 lines total for middle blocks
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4
-        MOVNE   R14, #0
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4
-        MOV     R14, #0
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:4
-        ORRNE   R14, R14, mask
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:6
-        ORRNE   R14, R14, mask, LSR #8
-        TST     R3, #1:SHL:5
-        BICNE   R14, R14, R10
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4                   ; 6 lines total for bottom blocks
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4
-        MOVNE   R14, #0
-        STR     R14, [R1], #4
-        Pull    "R1,mask,R10,PC"
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXFastCLS - Called when clearing whole screen
-;       Clears the teletext map to default
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TTXMap      ; R0 -> map
-        ADD     R1, R0, #TTXMapSize-4   ; R1 -> last word of map
-        LDR     R2, =MapBit_Default     ; R2 = default status at start of line
-        STR     R2, [R0], #4
-        CMP     R0, R1
-        BLS     %BT10
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts   ; zero double counts on each line
-        ADD     R1, R0, #25
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        STRB    R2, [R0], #1
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     %BT20
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXUpdateColours - Update colour table for new colours
-; in:   R5 = new foregd colour
-;       R6 = new backgd colour
-; out:  R0, R2 preserved
-TTXUpdateColours ROUT
-        Push    "R0,R2,R14"
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr, #TForeCol
-        STMIA   R14, {R5,R6}
-        MOV     fore, R5
-        MOV     back, R6
-        LDR     bpp, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        BL      SetColours
-        Pull    "R0,R2,PC"
- [ :LNOT: HiResTTX
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PrintDoubleHeight - Process font for double height
-; in:   R0 = char + attributes
-;       tophalf    contains bytes 0123
-;       bottomhalf contains bytes 4567
-;       R10        contains bytes xx89
-;       We know that at least one of MapBit_Bottom or MapBit_Double is set
-PrintDoubleHeight ROUT
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Double              ; if not double height,
-        MOVEQ   tophalf, #0                     ; then must be single height
-        MOVEQ   bottomhalf, #0                  ; part on line below double,
-        MOVEQ   R10, #0                         ; so make it invisible
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Bottom
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; [bottom half of double]
-        [ 1=1 ;                 0 1              2 3         4
-; do top half, we want tophalf=0112, bottomhalf=2334, R10=xx45
-        MOV     R10, bottomhalf, LSL #16        ; R10 := o o 4 5
-        ORR     R10, R10, R10, LSL #8           ; R10 := o o 4 4/5
-        AND     R3, tophalf, #&FF000000         ; R3 := o o o 3
-        ORR     bottomhalf, R3, bottomhalf, LSL #24 ; bot := o o o 3/4
-        MOV     R3, tophalf, LSR #16            ; R3 := 2 3 o o
-        ORR     R3, R3, R3, LSL #8              ; R3 := 2 2/3 3 o
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, R3      ; bot := 2 2/3 3 3/4
-        MOV     tophalf, tophalf, LSL #16       ; top := o o 0 1
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, tophalf, LSR #8 ; top := o 0 0/1 1
-        MOV     tophalf, tophalf, LSR #8        ; top := 0 0/1 1 o
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, bottomhalf, LSL #24 ; top := 0 0/1 1 2
-        AND     R3, tophalf, #&00FF0000         ; R3 := o o 1 o
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, R3, LSL #8    ; top := 0 0/1 1 1/2
-        MOV     PC, R14
-10 ;                               5 6              7 8         9
-; do bottom half, we want tophalf=5667, bottomhalf=7889, R10=xx9o
-        AND     tophalf, bottomhalf, #&FF000000 ; top := o o o 7
-        MOV     R3, bottomhalf, LSL #8          ; R3 := o 4 5 6
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #16                 ; R3 := 5 6 o o
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, R3            ; top := 5 6 o 7
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, R3, LSL #8    ; top := 5 5/6 6 7
-        AND     R3, R3, #&0000FF00              ; R3 := o 6 o o
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, R3, LSL #16   ; top := 5 5/6 6 6/7
-        MOV     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSR #24 ; bot := 7 o o o
-        AND     R3, R10, #&00FF0000             ; R3 := o o 8 o
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, R3, LSR #8 ; bot := 7 8 o o
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSL #8 ; bot := 7 7/8 8 o
-        ORR     R3, R10, R10, LSL #8            ; R3 := x x x 8/9
-        AND     R3, R3, #&FF000000              ; R3 := o o o 8/9
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, R3      ; bot := 7 7/8 8 8/9
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSR #24               ; R10 := 9 o o o
-        ORR     R10, R10, R10, LSL #8           ; R10 := 9 9 o o
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSL #16               ; R10 := o o 9 9
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        |
-; do top half, we want tophalf=0011, bottomhalf=2233, R10=xx44
-        MOV     R10, bottomhalf, LSL #24        ; R10 := ooo4
-        ORR     R10, R10, R10, LSR #8           ; R10 := oo44
-        AND     bottomhalf, tophalf, #&00FF0000 ; bottom := oo2o
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, tophalf, LSR #24 ; bottom := 3o2o
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSL #8 ; bottom := 3322
-        MOV     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, ROR #16 ; bottom := 2233
-        AND     R3, tophalf, #&0000FF00         ; R3 := o1oo
-        AND     tophalf, tophalf, #&FF          ; top := 0ooo
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, R3, LSL #8    ; top := 0o1o
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, tophalf, LSL #8 ; top := 0011
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; do bottom half, we want tophalf=5566, bottomhalf=7788, R10=xx99
-        AND     tophalf, bottomhalf, #&0000FF00         ; top := o5oo
-        MOV     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSR #16         ; bot := 67oo
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, bottomhalf, LSL #24   ; top := o5o6
-        ORR     tophalf, tophalf, tophalf, LSR #8       ; top := 5566
-        MOV     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSR #8          ; bot := 7ooo
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSR #16                       ; R10 := 89oo
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, R10, LSL #16    ; bot := 7o89
-        BIC     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, #&FF000000      ; bot := 7o8o
-        ORR     bottomhalf, bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSL #8 ; bot := 7788
-        BIC     R10, R10, #&FF                          ; R10 := o9oo
-        ORR     R10, R10, R10, LSR #8                   ; R10 := 99oo
-        MOV     R10, R10, LSL #16                       ; R10 := oo99
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ]
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXWrch - Print a character in the range &20-&FF
-; in:   R0 = character
-; out:  cursor has been moved on if appropriate
-        Push    R14
-        BL      TTXDoChar
-        Pull    R14
-        B       PostCharMove
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXDoChar - Print a character (don't move cursor)
-; in:   R0 = character
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R3, R0
-        TEQ     R3, #"#"                        ; swap around the three
-        MOVEQ   R0, #"_"                        ; old favourites
-        TEQ     R3, #"_"
-        MOVEQ   R0, #"`"
-        TEQ     R3, #"`"
-        MOVEQ   R0, #"#"
-        LDR     R11, [WsPtr, #CursorY]          ; R11 = current Y position
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CursorX]           ; R3=start X posn on this line
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]        ; screen address
-        MOV     R4, #0                          ; Xmin and
-        MOV     R5, #0                          ; Xmax are irrelevant
-        MOV     R10, #0                         ; Ymax always <= Y so no zap
-        ADRL    R1, TTXLineStarts               ; R1 -> table of line starts
-        LDR     R8, [R1, R11, LSL #2]           ; R8 -> map entry at st.of line
-        ADD     R7, R8, #40*4                   ; R7 -> end of this line
-        LDR     R1, [R8, R3, LSL #2]!           ; R1 = prev. char+attr
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts
-        LDRB    R9, [R3, R11]                   ; R9 = no. of dbls on this line
-        BIC     R1, R1, #&FF                    ; clear char bits
-        ORR     R0, R1, R0                      ; store new char
-        AND     R1, R0, #&7F                    ; just look at char bits
-        Push    R14
-        CMP     R1, #&20                        ; is it a control char
-        BLCC    DoPreControl                    ; [do pre-control things]
-        BL      UpdateHeldBits                  ; this needs doing irrespective of suspension
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TST     R14, #TTXFlag_Suspend
-        BLEQ    TTXPaintChar
-        BIC     R0, R0, #(MapBit_PendingStart :OR: MapBit_PendingEnd)
-        CMP     R1, #&20
-        BLCC    DoPostControl                   ; [do post-control things]
-        Pull    R14                             ; restore zap flag
-        LDR     R1, [R8, #4]!                   ; get old character
-        STR     R0, [R8]                        ; store character away
-        AND     R3, R1, #&7F                    ; if overwriting double height
-        TEQ     R3, #TTX_DoubleHeight
-        SUBEQ   R9, R9, #1                      ; then one less
-        EOR     R1, R0, R1                      ; get difference
-        BIC     R3, R1, #&FF                    ; difference in attributes
-        MOV     R1, R0                          ; R1 = prev char + new attr
-        CMP     R11, R10                        ; if Y >= Ymax
-        BCS     %FT20                           ; then load from map
-        CMPCC   R8, R5                          ; else if X <= Xmax
-        MOVLS   R3, #1                          ; then pretend attr different
-        CMPCC   R4, R8                          ; if Xmin < X < Xmax
-        CMPCC   R14, #1                         ; and we're zapping (not scan)
-        MOVCC   R0, #32                         ; then zap to space
-        LDRCSB  R0, [R8, #4]                    ; else load from map
-        TEQ     R3, #0                          ; if attributes different
-        TEQNE   R8, R7                          ; and not at end of line
-    [ TTX256
-        ASSERT  HiResTTX
-        ADDNE   R2, R2, #16
-    |
-      [ HiResTTX
-        ADDNE   R2, R2, #8
-      |
-        ADDNE   R2, R2, #4                      ; then move to next char
-      ]
-    ]
-        BNE     %BT10                           ; and loop
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts
-        STRB    R9, [R3, R11]                   ; update no. of doubles
-        ADD     R11, R11, #1                    ; go to next line
-        TEQ     R11, #25                        ; if off bottom of screen
-        Pull    PC, EQ                          ; then finished
-        MOVS    R3, R9                          ; if no doubles
-                                                ; then next line is top line
-        EORNE   R3, R1, #MapBit_Bottom          ; else next line is opposite
-                                                ; to this line
-        LDR     R1, [R7, #4]                    ; get dummy word on next line
-        EOR     R3, R1, R3                      ; difference
-        ANDS    R3, R3, #MapBit_Bottom          ; difference in 'bottom' bit
-        EORNE   R1, R1, #MapBit_Bottom          ; if different then toggle bit
-        STR     R1, [R7, #4]!                   ; always store back
-        BNE     %FT30                           ; and do another row
-        CMP     R11, R10                        ; else if finished zap
-        Pull    PC, CS                          ; then exit
-; now compute new R2
-        SUB     R3, R7, R8                      ; (no. of chars before eol) * 4
-        RSB     R3, R3, #160                    ; (current char number) * 4
-    [ TTX256
-        ASSERT  HiResTTX
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3, LSL #2              ; back to start of old line
-    |
-      [ HiResTTX
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3, LSL #1              ; back to start of old line
-      |
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3                      ; back to start of old line
-      ]
-    ]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3                      ; move down a row
-        MOV     R8, R7                          ; R8 -> dummy char on new line
-        ADD     R7, R7, #40*4                   ; R7 -> last char on new line
-        ADD     R4, R4, #41*4                   ; move Xmin to next line
-        ADD     R5, R5, #41*4                   ; move Xmax to next line
-        CMP     R11, R10                        ; if Y < Ymax
-        CMPCC   R8, R5                          ; and X < Xmax
-        CMPCC   R4, R8                          ; if also Xmin < X
-        CMPCC   R14, #1                         ; & we're zapping not scanning
-        MOVCC   R0, #32                         ; then zap to space
-        LDRCSB  R0, [R8, #4]                    ; else load from map
-        B       %BT08
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXClearBox - Fill a rectangle with spaces, and update screen
-; in:   R0 = left column
-;       R1 = bottom row
-;       R2 = right column
-;       R3 = top row
-;       Return address already stacked
-        ADD     R10, R1, #1                     ; R10 := bottom +1
-        MOV     R11, R3                         ; R11 := top
-        ADD     R5, R2, #1                      ; R5 := right + 1
-        MOV     R1, R3
-        BL      AddressR0R1                     ; R2 := address(topleft)
-                                                ; R1, R3, R4 corrupted
-        MOV     R3, R0                          ; R3 := left
-        ADRL    R4, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R0, [R4, R11, LSL #2]           ; R0 -> dummy(top)
-        ADD     R5, R0, R5, LSL #2              ; R5 := map(topright)
-        ADD     R4, R0, R3, LSL #2              ; R4 := map(topleft)-4
-        SUB     R4, R4, #4                      ; R4 := map(topleft)-8
-        MOV     R0, #32                         ; start with a space
-        MOV     R14, #0                         ; indicate zapping
-        B       TTXScanZap                      ; go and do it
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXHardScrollUp - Scroll teletext screen upwards
-TTXHardScrollUp ROUT
-; first scroll map up
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; save real RowLength
-        Push    "R0, R6, R14"                   ; and save CursorFlags
-        MOV     R0, #1                          ; pretend rowmult = 1
-        LDR     R2, TTXLineStarts               ; R2 -> TTXMap
-        MOV     R5, #41*4                       ; R5 = no. of bytes horiz
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; pretend rowlength
-        MOV     R6, #25                         ; no. of 'pixel' rows
-        MOV     R7, R5                          ; linelength
-        BL      SoftScrollUp2
-        Pull    "R0, R6"
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; restore RowLength
-; now 'scroll' DoubleCounts
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts
-        ADD     R1, R0, #24
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #1]
-        STRB    R2, [R0], #1
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     %BT10
-; now see if top line was a 'bottom' row
-; if so, we need to rescan from the top
-        LDR     R8, TTXLineStarts               ; R8 -> top left map
-        LDR     R1, [R8]                        ; R1 = dummy word
-        TST     R1, #MapBit_Bottom              ; if not bottom
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; then OK
-        BIC     R1, R1, #MapBit_Bottom          ; make into a 'top' line
-        STR     R1, [R8]                        ; store back
-        LDRB    R0, [R8, #4]                    ; R0 = first char
-        MOV     R3, #0                          ; X = 0
-        MOV     R11, #0                         ; Y = 0
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]       ; screen address for top-left
-        ADR     R14, %FT20
-        Push    R14
-        B       TTXScanFromHere
-; now see if new bottom line should be a 'bottom' or a 'top' line
-        ADRL    R0, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R0, [R0, #23*4]                 ; R0 -> dummy word on line 23
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts+23] ; no. of dbls on line 23
-        TEQ     R1, #0                          ; if R1=0 then line 24 is 'top'
-        LDRNE   R1, [R0]                        ; else line 24 is opposite
-        EORNE   R1, R1, #MapBit_Bottom          ; of line 23
-        ANDNE   R1, R1, #MapBit_Bottom
-        LDR     R2, [R0, #41*4]                 ; R2 = dummy word on line 24
-        BIC     R2, R2, #MapBit_Bottom          ; clear that bit
-        ORR     R2, R2, R1                      ; OR in new bit
-        STR     R2, [R0, #41*4]                 ; and store back
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXSoftScrollUp - Scroll screen up by software in teletext mode
-TTXSoftScrollUp ROUT
-; first scroll map up
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; save real RowLength
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]            ; top row
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]            ; bottom row
-        ADRL    R2, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R2, [R2, R1, LSL #2]            ; R2 -> dummy char top row
-        ADD     R2, R2, #4                      ; R2 -> 0th char top row
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        Push    "R0-R6,R14"                     ; and save CursorFlags
-        ADD     R2, R2, R4, LSL #2              ; R2 -> top left char
-        SUB     R5, R5, R4
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1                      ; R5 = no. of chars wide
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #2                  ; R5 = no. of bytes / line
-        SUB     R6, R3, R1
-        ADD     R6, R6, #1                      ; R6 = no. of 'pixel' rows
-        MOV     R7, #41*4                       ; R7 = line length
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; pretend row length
-        MOV     R0, #1                          ; pretend rowmult =1
-        BL      SoftScrollUp2
-        Pull    "R0-R6"
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; restore RowLength
-; now R1=top row, R2 -> char 0 on row R1, R3=bottom row, R4=left, R5=right
-; now clear bottom row
-        ADRL    R7, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R7, [R7, R3, LSL #2]            ; R7 -> dummy word(bottom)
-        ADD     R8, R7, R5, LSL #2              ; R8 -> char before bottom rt
-        ADD     R7, R7, R4, LSL #2              ; R7 -> char before bottom left
-        MOV     R0, #32
-        STRB    R0, [R7, #4]!                   ; zap to space
-        CMP     R7, R8                          ; if <= char before bottom rt
-        BLS     %BT30                           ; then loop
-        MOV     R9, R2
-        BL      CountDoubles
-; now rescan from top of window
-        ADD     R10, R3, #1                     ; R10 = bottom + 1
-        MOV     R11, R1                         ; R11 = top
-        ADD     R7, R2, R4, LSL #2              ; R7 = map(left,top)
-        ADD     R5, R2, R5, LSL #2              ; R5 = map(right,top)
-        MOV     R0, R4                          ; R0 = left
-        BL      AddressR0R1                     ; R2 = screen(left,top)
-                                                ; (R1,R3,R4 corrupted)
-        SUB     R4, R7, #8                      ; R4 = map(left,top)-8
-        MOV     R3, R0                          ; R3 = left
-        LDRB    R0, [R4, #8]                    ; R0 = first char
-        MOV     R14, #1                         ; scan not zap
-        B       TTXScanZap
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       CountDoubles - Count double height characters in a range of rows
-; in:   R1 = top row to count
-;       R3 = bottom row to count
-;       R9 -> map(0,top)
-; out:  R1-R6 preserved
-CountDoubles ROUT
-        ADD     R7, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts
-        ADD     R7, R7, R1                      ; R7 -> current double count
-        MOV     R11, R1
-        ADD     R8, R9, #40*4                   ; R8 -> dummy char next row
-        MOV     R10, #0                         ; count so far
-        LDR     R0, [R9], #4                    ; load char word
-        AND     R0, R0, #&7F                    ; only look at bottom 7 bits
-        TEQ     R0, #TTX_DoubleHeight           ; if double height
-        ADDEQ   R10, R10, #1                    ; then increment count
-        TEQ     R9, R8                          ; if not at end of row
-        BNE     %BT20                           ; then loop
-        STRB    R10, [R7], #1                   ; store double count
-        ADD     R9, R9, #4                      ; skip dummy char
-        ADD     R11, R11, #1                    ; goto next row
-        CMP     R11, R3                         ; if <= bottom
-        BLS     %BT10                           ; then loop
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXHardScrollDown - Scroll teletext screen downwards
-TTXHardScrollDown ROUT
-; first scroll map down
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; save real RowLength
-        Push    "R0, R6, R14"                   ; and save CursorFlags
-        MOV     R0, #1                          ; pretend rowmult = 1
-        LDR     R2, TTXLineStarts+24*4          ; R2 -> dummy char on bottom
-        MOV     R5, #41*4                       ; R5 = no. of bytes horiz
-        STR     R5, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; pretend rowlength
-        MOV     R6, #25                         ; no. of 'pixel' rows
-        MOV     R7, R5                          ; linelength
-        BL      SoftScrollDown2
-        Pull    "R0, R6"
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; restore RowLength
-; now 'scroll' DoubleCounts
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts
-        ADD     R1, R0, #24
-        LDRB    R2, [R1, #-1]
-        STRB    R2, [R1], #-1
-        TEQ     R1, R0
-        BNE     %BT10
-; now make top row a 'top' row
-        LDR     R0, TTXLineStarts               ; R0 -> top line dummy word
-        LDR     R1, [R0]                        ; R1 = dummy word
-        BIC     R1, R1, #MapBit_Bottom          ; clear 'bottom' bit
-        STR     R1, [R0]                        ; and store back
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXSoftScrollDown - Scroll screen down by software in teletext mode
-TTXSoftScrollDown ROUT
-; first scroll map down
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; save real RowLength
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]            ; top row
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]            ; bottom row
-        ADR     R2, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R2, [R2, R3, LSL #2]            ; R2 -> dummy char bottom row
-        ADD     R2, R2, #4                      ; R2 -> 0th char bottom row
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        Push    "R0-R6,R14"                     ; and save CursorFlags
-        ADD     R2, R2, R4, LSL #2              ; R2 -> bottom left char
-        SUB     R5, R5, R4
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1                      ; R5 = no. of chars wide
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #2                  ; R5 = no. of bytes / line
-        SUB     R6, R3, R1
-        ADD     R6, R6, #1                      ; R6 = no. of 'pixel' rows
-        MOV     R7, #41*4                       ; R7 = line length
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; pretend row length
-        MOV     R0, #1                          ; pretend rowmult =1
-        BL      SoftScrollDown2
-        Pull    "R0-R6"
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowLength]         ; restore RowLength
-; now R1=top row, R2 -> char 0 on row R3, R3=bottom row, R4=left, R5=right
-; now clear top row
-        ADR     R7, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R7, [R7, R1, LSL #2]            ; R7 -> dummy word(top)
-        ADD     R8, R7, R5, LSL #2              ; R8 -> char before top rt
-        ADD     R7, R7, R4, LSL #2              ; R7 -> char before top left
-        MOV     R0, #32
-        STRB    R0, [R7, #4]!                   ; zap to space
-        CMP     R7, R8                          ; if <= char before bottom rt
-        BLS     %BT30                           ; then loop
-        SUB     R9, R8, R5, LSL #2              ; R9 -> dummy word(top)
-        ADD     R9, R9, #4                      ; R9 -> map(0,top)
-        MOV     R2, R9
-        B       CountAndRescan                  ; count doubles and rescan
-                                                ; from top of window
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXScrollLeft - Scroll left (by software) in Teletext mode
-; in:   R0 bit0=0 => scroll window
-;               1 => scroll screen
-TTXScrollLeft ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      TTXSideScroll1
-        MOV     R5, R0                          ; R5 = left = column to check
-                                                ; for double height chars
-        BL      TTXSideScroll2                  ; do second part
-        BL      ScrollLeft2
-; now store spaces in right hand column
-        Pull    "R0-R3, R6, R9"
-        ADD     R4, R9, R2, LSL #2              ; R4 -> map(right,top)
-        MOV     R7, R3                          ; R7 = current row
-        MOV     R8, #32                         ; poke spaces
-        STRB    R8, [R4], #41*4                 ; store space and move down
-        ADD     R7, R7, #1                      ; next row
-        CMP     R7, R1                          ; if row <= bottom
-        BLS     %BT20                           ; then loop
-; now rescan from top of window/screen
-        ADD     R10, R1, #1                     ; R10 = bottom+1
-        MOV     R11, R3                         ; R11 = top
-        ADD     R7, R9, R0, LSL #2              ; R7 -> map(left,top)
-        ADD     R5, R9, R2, LSL #2              ; R5 -> map(right,top)
-        MOV     R1, R3                          ; R1 = top
-        B       TTXScanZap2
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXScrollRight - Scroll right (by software) in Teletext mode
-; in:   R0 bit0=0 => scroll window
-;               1 => scroll screen
-TTXScrollRight ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        BL      TTXSideScroll1
-        MOV     R5, R2                          ; R5 = right = column to check
-                                                ; for double height chars
-        BL      TTXSideScroll2
-        BL      ScrollRight2
-; now store spaces in left hand column
-        Pull    "R0-R3, R6, R9"
-        ADD     R4, R9, R0, LSL #2              ; R4 -> map(left,top)
-        B       TTXSideScroll3
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXSideScroll1 - Do first part of sideways scroll
-TTXSideScroll1 ROUT
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-; C=0 => scroll window
-        ADDCC   R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; R0 = left, R1 = bottom
-        LDMCCIA R0, {R0-R3}                     ; R2 = right, R3 = top
-; C=1 => scroll screen
-        MOVCS   R0, #0                          ; left
-        LDRCS   R1, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]           ; bottom
-        LDRCS   R2, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]           ; right
-        MOVCS   R3, #0                          ; top
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXSideScroll2 - Do second part of sideways scroll
-; in:   R5 = left or right hand column for left or right scroll respectively
-TTXSideScroll2 ROUT
-; first check char R5 on each line and decrement double count if a double
-        ADR     R4, TTXLineStarts
-        LDR     R4, [R4, R3, LSL #2]            ; R4 -> map(dummy,top)
-        ADD     R9, R4, #4                      ; R9 -> map(0,top)
-        ADD     R4, R9, R5, LSL #2              ; R4 -> map(left or right,top)
-        ADD     R5, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts
-        MOV     R7, R3                          ; R7 = current row
-        LDR     R8, [R4], #41*4                 ; get char+attr
-        AND     R8, R8, #&7F
-        TEQ     R8, #TTX_DoubleHeight           ; test if double height char
-        LDREQB  R8, [R5, R7]                    ; if so then load double count
-        SUBEQ   R8, R8, #1                      ; decrement it
-        STREQB  R8, [R5, R7]                    ; and store back
-        ADD     R7, R7, #1                      ; next row
-        CMP     R7, R1                          ; if row <= bottom
-        BLS     %BT10                           ; then loop
-; now scroll map
-        Push    "R0-R3, R6, R9"
-        SUB     R5, R2, R0                      ; R5 = right-left
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1                      ; R5 = right-left+1
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL #2                  ; R5 = (right-left+1)*4
-        ADD     R2, R9, R0, LSL #2              ; R2 -> map(left,top)
-        SUB     R6, R1, R3                      ; R6 = bottom-top
-        ADD     R6, R6, #1                      ; R6 = bottom-top+1
-        MOV     R7, #41*4                       ; linelength
-        MOV     R9, #4                          ; no. of bytes to scroll by
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       UpdateHeldBits - change the held graphic bits of R0 if necessary
-;       TTXPaintChar used to have this functionality
-UpdateHeldBits ROUT
-        TST     R0, #&60 :OR: MapBit_Hold       ; if a control code and not holding,
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #MapBit_HeldMask        ; clear mask
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Graph
-        TSTNE   R0, #&20                        ; if not a graphic character,
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; preserve the bits that were copied from the previous character
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_HeldMask        ; else copy the character to the held graphic bits
-        ORR     R0, R0, R0, LSL #MapHeldShift
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Separated
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #MapBit_HeldSeparated
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #MapBit_HeldSeparated
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TTXPaintChar - Paint char according to attributes
-; in:   R0 = character + attributes word
-;       R2 -> screen (for the time being)
-; out:  R0,R2 preserved
-TTXPaintChar ROUT
-        Entry   "R1,R4-R11"
-        VDWS    WsPtr                           ; for now
-; first set up the colours
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #TForeCol
-        LDMIA   R1, {R1, R3}                    ; R1 = TForeCol; R3 = TBackCol
-        MOV     R4, #&0F
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        BIC     R5, R0, R14                     ; apply BIC masks
-        EOR     R14, R5, R14, LSL #8            ; apply EOR masks
-        AND     R5, R4, R14, LSR #MapForeShift  ; R5 = new foregd colour
-        AND     R6, R4, R14, LSR #MapBackShift  ; R6 = new backgd colour
-        TEQ     R1, R5                          ; if foregd different
-        TEQEQ   R3, R6                          ; or backgd different
-        BLNE    TTXUpdateColours                ; then update colour table
-      [ HiResTTX
-        ADR     R1, TTXHardFont-32*40           ; R1 -> base for font
-      |
-        ADR     R1, TTXHardFont-32*10           ; R1 -> base for font
-      ]
-        MOVS    R3, R0, LSL #26                 ; C := bit6, N := bit5
-        AND     R3, R0, #&7F                    ; R3 = char
-        BMI     %FT10                           ; [&20-&3F or &60-&7F]
-        BCS     %FT20                           ; [&40-&5F (definitely Alpha)]
-; control code, so display as space or held graphic
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Hold                ; zero if not holding
-        MOVEQ   R3, #&20                        ; pretend to be space
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; [display as space]
-; next instruction assumes no valid bits above held graphic bits
-        MOV     R3, R0, LSR #MapHeldShift       ; R3 = char to display
-        B       %FT30                           ; [display as held graphic]
-; char in range &20-&3F or &60-&7F, so check for alpha/graphics
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Graph               ; in graphics mode
-        BEQ     %FT20                           ; [no, so definitely Alpha]
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Separated           ; separated graphics ?
-        BICEQ   R3, R3, #&20                    ; no, then make &00-&1F,&40-&5F
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #TTXSoftFonts
-      [ HiResTTX
-        TST     R3, #&5F                        ; if a space
-        ADREQ   R1, TTXHardFont                 ; then just use the hard font, for speed
-        BLNE    ComputeGraphic                  ; else generate the bitmap
-        B       %FT40
-        ADD     R1, R1, R3, LSL #5              ; add 32*char
-        ADD     R1, R1, R3, LSL #3              ; add 8*char
-      |
-        ADD     R1, R1, R3, LSL #3              ; add 8*char
-        ADD     R1, R1, R3, LSL #1              ; add 2*char
-      ]
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Conceal             ; concealing ?
-        LDRNE   R14, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TSTNE   R14, #TTXFlag_Conceal           ; and reveal is off?
-        ADRNE   R1, TTXHardFont                 ; yes, then display as space
- [ :LNOT: HiResTTX
-; now load font bytes
-; 0..3 into tophalf
-; 4..7 into bottomhalf
-; 8..9 into R10 (top 2 bytes)
-        TST     R1, #2                          ; starting on a word bdy ?
-        SUBNE   R1, R1, #2                      ; if not, move back
-        LDMIA   R1, {tophalf, bottomhalf, R10}  ; yes, so load all 3 up
-        MOVEQ   R10, R10, LSL #16
-        MOVNE   tophalf, tophalf, LSR #16
-        ORRNE   tophalf, tophalf, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        MOVNE   bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSR #16
-        ORRNE   bottomhalf, bottomhalf, R10, LSL #16
-        TST     R0, #(MapBit_Bottom :OR: MapBit_Double)
-        BLNE    PrintDoubleHeight
-        LDR     bigfont, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-        LDR     linelen, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        Push    "R0, screen"
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; indicate 10 rows
-        BL      Wrch4bitTTX                     ; do 1st bank
-        LDMFD   R13, {R0, screen}               ; restore char + scr. addr
-        ADD     screen, screen, #40*1024
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Flash
-        MOVNE   mask, #0                        ; flash => 2nd bank is space
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        BL      Wrch4bitTTX
-        Pull    "R0, screen"
-        EXIT
- |
-; here we do the two screen banks in an outer loop and have a
-; 5-stage inner loop each time plotting 4 rows (1/5th of the character)
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Bottom              ; for bottom-half characters
-        ADDNE   R1, R1, #2*10                   ; start half-way through the character
-        LDR     bigfont, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-        LDR     linelen, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-      [ TTX256
-        SUB     linelen, linelen, #8            ; adjust line offset to account for writing 2 words/line
-        Push    "R1, screen"
-        BL      Wrch8bitTTX                     ; do 1st bank
-        LDMFD   R13, {R1, screen}               ; restore pointers to character and screen address
-        ADD     screen, screen, #320*1024       ; point to 2nd bank
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Flash
-        MOVNE   mask, #0                        ; flash => 2nd bank is space
-        BL      Wrch8bitTTX                     ; do 2nd bank
-        Pull    "R1, screen"
-      |
-        SUB     linelen, linelen, #4            ; adjust line offset to account for writing 2 words/line
-        Push    "R1, screen"
-        BL      Wrch4bitTTX                     ; do 1st bank
-        LDMFD   R13, {R1, screen}               ; restore pointers to character and screen address
-        ADD     screen, screen, #160*1024       ; point to 2nd bank
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Flash
-        MOVNE   mask, #0                        ; flash => 2nd bank is space
-        BL      Wrch4bitTTX                     ; do 2nd bank
-        Pull    "R1, screen"
-      ]
-        EXIT
- [ TTX256
-Wrch8bitTTX ROUT
- |
-Wrch4bitTTX ROUT
- ]
-        MOV     R7, #4                          ; do each plot in 5 stages; R7 holds stage number
-01      TST     R0, #MapBit_Double
-        LDMEQIA R1!, {tophalf, bottomhalf}      ; single height characters, load 4 rows
-        LDRNE   tophalf, [R1], #4               ; double height characters, load 2 rows
-        MOVNE   bottomhalf, tophalf, LSR #16    ; and double up
-        ORRNE   bottomhalf, bottomhalf, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        MOVNE   tophalf, tophalf, LSL #16
-        ORRNE   tophalf, tophalf, tophalf, LSR #16
-        AND     byte, R0, #(MapBit_Double :OR: MapBit_Bottom) ; byte is used here as a scratch register
-        TEQ     byte, #MapBit_Bottom            ; if single height on line below top-half double height,
-        MOVEQ   tophalf, #0                     ; make it invisible
-        MOVEQ   bottomhalf, #0
- [ TTX256
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
- |
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], #4
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], #4
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], #4
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], #4
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
- ]
-        SUBS    R7, R7, #1
-        BPL     %BT01
-        MOV     PC, R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-        GBLA    lineno
-lineno  SETA    0
-        WHILE   lineno < 25
-        &       VduDriverWorkSpace+TTXMap+4*41*lineno
-lineno  SETA    lineno +1
-        WEND
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoPreControl  - Process 'at'    action of control char
-;       DoPostControl - Process 'after' action of control char
-; in:   R0 = new char + attributes of current previous char
-;       R1 = new char AND &7F
-;       (0 <= R1 <= 31)
-DoPreControl ROUT
-        ADD     PC, PC, R1, LSL #3
-DoPostControl ROUT
-        ADD     PC, PC, R1, LSL #3
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &00 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaBlack            ; &00 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &01 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaColour           ; &01 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &02 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaColour           ; &02 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &03 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaColour           ; &03 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &04 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaColour           ; &04 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &05 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaColour           ; &05 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &06 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaColour           ; &06 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &07 Pre
-        B       DoAlphaColour           ; &07 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &08 Pre
-        B       DoFlash                 ; &08 Post
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_Flash   ; &09 Pre       ; clear flash mode
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &09 Post
-        B       DoPreEndBox             ; &0A Pre
-        B       DoPostEndBox            ; &0A Post
-        B       DoPreStartBox           ; &0B Pre
-        B       DoPostStartBox          ; &0B Post
-        B       DoSingleHeight          ; &0C Pre
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &0C Post
-        B       DoDoubleHeight          ; &0D Pre
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &0D Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &0E Pre
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &0E Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &0F Pre
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &0F Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &10 Pre
-        B       DoGraphBlack            ; &10 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &11 Pre
-        B       DoGraphColour           ; &11 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &12 Pre
-        B       DoGraphColour           ; &12 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &13 Pre
-        B       DoGraphColour           ; &13 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &14 Pre
-        B       DoGraphColour           ; &14 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &15 Pre
-        B       DoGraphColour           ; &15 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &16 Pre
-        B       DoGraphColour           ; &16 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &17 Pre
-        B       DoGraphColour           ; &17 Post
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_Conceal ; &18 Pre       ; set conceal mode
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &18 Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &19 Pre
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_Separated ; &19 Post    ; clear separated
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &1A Pre
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_Separated ; &1A Post    ; set separated
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &1B Pre
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &1B Post
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_BackMask ; &1C Pre      ; clear backgd colour
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &1C Post
-        B       DoNewBackgd             ; &1D Pre
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &1D Post
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_Hold    ; &1E Pre       ; set hold graph mode
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &1E Post
-        MOV     PC, R14                 ; &1F Pre
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_Hold    ; &1F Post      ; clear hold graph mode
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TST     R3, #TTXFlag_BlackEnable        ; unless enabled,
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; do nothing
-        ; drop through...
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_HeldMask        ; clear held graphic
-        BIC     R0, R0, #(MapBit_ForeMask :OR: MapBit_Conceal)
-                                                ; clear colour + conceal
-        ORR     R0, R0, R1, LSL #MapForeShift   ; put in new colour
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_Graph           ; set alpha mode
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #TTXFlags]
-        TST     R3, #TTXFlag_BlackEnable        ; unless enabled,
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; do nothing
-        ; drop through...
-        BIC     R0, R0, #(MapBit_ForeMask :OR: MapBit_Conceal)
-                                                ; clear colour + conceal
-        AND     R3, R1, #&07                    ; ensure only colour bits
-        ORR     R0, R0, R3, LSL #MapForeShift   ; put in new colour
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_Graph           ; set graph mode
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_Flash           ; set flash mode
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        AND     R3, R0, #MapBit_ForeMask        ; R5 = fore colour
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_BackMask        ; clear old backgd
-        ORR     R0, R0, R3, LSL #(MapBackShift-MapForeShift) ; new backgd
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Double              ; if currently single height
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #MapBit_HeldMask        ; then cancel held graphic
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_Double          ; set double height mode
-        ADD     R9, R9, #1                      ; one more double char
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_Double              ; if currently double height
-        BICNE   R0, R0, #MapBit_HeldMask        ; then cancel held graphic
-        BIC     R0, R0, #MapBit_Double          ; set single height mode
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_PendingStart        ; if prev char was start box
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #MapBits_Boxed          ; then start boxed area
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_PendingStart    ; "Previous char is Start Box"
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        TST     R0, #MapBit_PendingEnd          ; if prev char was end box
-        BICNE   R0, R0, #MapBits_Boxed          ; then end boxed area
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        ORR     R0, R0, #MapBit_PendingEnd      ; "Previous char is End Box"
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
- [ HiResTTX
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; space
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0300,&0000,&0000,&0300,&0300,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; !
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; "
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&03F0,&07F8,&0E1C,&0C0C,&0C00,&0C00,&3F80,&3F80,&0C00,&0C00,&0C00,&0C00,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; £
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&399C,&318C,&3180,&3980,&1FF0,&0FF8,&019C,&018C,&318C,&399C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; $
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3C00,&3C0C,&3C1C,&3C38,&0070,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0E00,&1C3C,&383C,&303C,&003C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; %
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0E00,&1F00,&3B80,&3180,&3380,&3F00,&1E00,&1F00,&3F8C,&31DC,&30F8,&3878,&1FFC,&0FCC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; &
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; '
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0060,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0600,&0600,&0600,&0600,&0700,&0380,&01C0,&00E0,&0060,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; (
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0600,&0700,&0380,&01C0,&00E0,&0060,&0060,&0060,&0060,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0600,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; )
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0180,&318C,&399C,&1DB8,&0FF0,&07E0,&03C0,&03C0,&07E0,&0FF0,&1DB8,&399C,&318C,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; *
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; +
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0380,&0300,&0000,&0000 ; ,
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; -
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; .
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0018,&0038,&0070,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0E00,&1C00,&1800,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; /
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&03C0,&07E0,&0E70,&1C38,&381C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1C38,&0E70,&07E0,&03C0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 0
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0F80,&0F80,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 1
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&000C,&001C,&07F8,&0FF0,&1C00,&3800,&3000,&3000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 2
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&001C,&0038,&0070,&00E0,&01F8,&01FC,&000C,&000C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 3
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0070,&00F0,&01F0,&03B0,&0730,&0E30,&1C30,&3830,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0030,&0030,&0030,&0030,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 4
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3000,&3000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&001C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 5
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&01F0,&07F0,&0F00,&1C00,&3800,&3000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 6
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&000C,&001C,&0038,&0070,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0600,&0600,&0600,&0600,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 7
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 8
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&300C,&380C,&1FFC,&0FFC,&000C,&001C,&0038,&00F0,&0FE0,&0F80,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; 9
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; :
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0380,&0300,&0000,&0000 ; ;
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0060,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0E00,&1C00,&1C00,&0E00,&0700,&0380,&01C0,&00E0,&0060,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; <
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; =
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0600,&0700,&0380,&01C0,&00E0,&0070,&0038,&0038,&0070,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0600,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; >
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FE0,&1FF0,&3838,&3018,&0038,&0070,&00E0,&01C0,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; ?
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&31FC,&31FC,&318C,&318C,&31FC,&31FC,&3000,&3800,&1FF0,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; @
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0180,&03C0,&07E0,&0E70,&1C38,&381C,&300C,&300C,&3FFC,&3FFC,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; A
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&301C,&3FF8,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&301C,&3FF8,&3FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; B
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; C
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&301C,&3FF8,&3FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; D
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3FF0,&3FF0,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; E
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3FF0,&3FF0,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; F
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&303C,&303C,&300C,&380C,&1FFC,&0FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; G
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&3FFC,&3FFC,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; H
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; I
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; J
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&1818,&1838,&1870,&18E0,&19C0,&1B80,&1F00,&1F00,&1B80,&19C0,&18E0,&1870,&1838,&1818,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; K
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; L
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&381C,&3C3C,&3E7C,&37EC,&33CC,&318C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; M
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&380C,&3C0C,&3E0C,&370C,&338C,&31CC,&30EC,&307C,&303C,&301C,&300C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; N
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; O
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&301C,&3FF8,&3FF0,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; P
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&30CC,&30EC,&3078,&3838,&1FFC,&0FCC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; Q
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&301C,&3FF8,&3FF0,&31C0,&30E0,&3070,&3038,&301C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; R
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&3000,&3800,&1FF0,&0FF8,&001C,&000C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; S
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; T
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; U
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1818,&1C38,&0C30,&0E70,&07E0,&03C0,&03C0,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; V
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&3FFC,&1FF8,&0E70,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; W
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1C38,&0E70,&07E0,&03C0,&03C0,&07E0,&0E70,&1C38,&381C,&300C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; X
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1C38,&0E70,&07E0,&03C0,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; Y
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&001C,&0038,&0070,&00E0,&01C0,&0380,&0700,&0E00,&1C00,&3800,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; Z
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0300,&0700,&0E00,&1C00,&3FFC,&3FFC,&1C00,&0E00,&0700,&0300,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; ˆ
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&31F0,&31F8,&000C,&000C,&0018,&0070,&00C0,&0180,&01FC,&01FC ; ½
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&00C0,&00E0,&0070,&0038,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0038,&0070,&00E0,&00C0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; ‰
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&03C0,&07E0,&0FF0,&1DB8,&1998,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; ‹
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0630,&0630,&0630,&0630,&1FFC,&1FFC,&0630,&0630,&1FFC,&1FFC,&0630,&0630,&0630,&0630,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; #
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&FFFF,&FFFF,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; ˜
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&1FF0,&1FF8,&001C,&000C,&1FFC,&3FFC,&300C,&300C,&3FFC,&1FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; a
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&301C,&3FF8,&3FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; b
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0FFC,&1FFC,&3800,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3800,&1FFC,&0FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; c
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C,&0FFC,&1FFC,&380C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&380C,&1FFC,&0FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; d
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3000,&3800,&1FF8,&0FF8,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; e
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0030,&00F0,&01C0,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; f
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0FFC,&1FFC,&380C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&380C,&1FFC,&0FFC,&000C,&001C,&0FF8,&0FF0 ; g
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; h
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0F80,&0F80,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; i
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0380,&0F00,&0C00 ; j
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1818,&1838,&18F0,&1BC0,&1F80,&1F80,&19C0,&18F0,&1838,&1818,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; k
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0F80,&0F80,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; l
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&3E30,&3FF8,&33FC,&318C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; m
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; n
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0FF0,&1FF8,&381C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1FF8,&0FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; o
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&3FF0,&3FF8,&301C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&301C,&3FF8,&3FF0,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000 ; p
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0FFC,&1FFC,&380C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&380C,&1FFC,&0FFC,&000C,&000C,&000C,&000C ; q
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&31FC,&33FC,&3E00,&3C00,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&3000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; r
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0FFC,&1FFC,&3000,&3000,&1FF0,&0FF8,&000C,&000C,&3FF8,&3FF0,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; s
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0FF0,&0FF0,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&0180,&01C0,&00F0,&0030,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; t
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&380C,&1FFC,&0FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; u
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&381C,&1818,&1C38,&0E70,&07E0,&03C0,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; v
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&318C,&318C,&318C,&3FFC,&1FF8,&0E70,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; w
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&300C,&381C,&1E78,&0FF0,&03C0,&03C0,&0FF0,&1E78,&381C,&300C,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; x
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&300C,&380C,&1FFC,&0FFC,&000C,&001C,&0FF8,&0FF0 ; y
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0038,&00F0,&01E0,&0780,&0F00,&1C00,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; z
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1800,&1818,&1838,&00F8,&0198,&0318,&0318,&03F8,&03F8,&0018,&0018 ; ¼
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0C60,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; ||
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3E00,&3F00,&0180,&0180,&3F00,&3F00,&0180,&0180,&3F0C,&3E1C,&007C,&00CC,&018C,&018C,&01FC,&01FC,&000C,&000C ; ¾
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0180,&0180,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; ÷
-        DCW     &0000,&0000,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&3FFC,&0000,&0000,&0000,&0000 ; block
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-        =       &00,&02,&02,&02,&02,&02,&22,&1C,&00,&00 ; J
-        =       &00,&22,&24,&28,&30,&28,&24,&22,&00,&00 ; K
-        =       &00,&20,&20,&20,&20,&20,&20,&3E,&00,&00 ; L
-        =       &00,&22,&36,&2A,&22,&22,&22,&22,&00,&00 ; M
-        =       &00,&22,&22,&32,&2A,&26,&22,&22,&00,&00 ; N
-        =       &00,&1C,&22,&22,&22,&22,&22,&1C,&00,&00 ; O
-        =       &00,&3C,&22,&22,&3C,&20,&20,&20,&00,&00 ; P
-        =       &00,&1C,&22,&22,&22,&2A,&24,&1A,&00,&00 ; Q
-        =       &00,&3C,&22,&22,&3C,&28,&24,&22,&00,&00 ; R
-        =       &00,&1C,&22,&20,&1C,&02,&22,&1C,&00,&00 ; S
-        =       &00,&3E,&08,&08,&08,&08,&08,&08,&00,&00 ; T
-        =       &00,&22,&22,&22,&22,&22,&22,&1C,&00,&00 ; U
-        =       &00,&22,&22,&22,&14,&14,&08,&08,&00,&00 ; V
-        =       &00,&22,&22,&22,&2A,&2A,&2A,&14,&00,&00 ; W
-        =       &00,&22,&22,&14,&08,&14,&22,&22,&00,&00 ; X
-        =       &00,&22,&22,&14,&08,&08,&08,&08,&00,&00 ; Y
-        =       &00,&3E,&02,&04,&08,&10,&20,&3E,&00,&00 ; Z
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-        =       &00,&20,&20,&3C,&22,&22,&22,&3C,&00,&00 ; b
-        =       &00,&00,&00,&1E,&20,&20,&20,&1E,&00,&00 ; c
-        =       &00,&02,&02,&1E,&22,&22,&22,&1E,&00,&00 ; d
-        =       &00,&00,&00,&1C,&22,&3E,&20,&1C,&00,&00 ; e
-        =       &00,&04,&08,&08,&1C,&08,&08,&08,&00,&00 ; f
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-        =       &00,&00,&00,&34,&2A,&2A,&2A,&2A,&00,&00 ; m
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-        =       &00,&00,&00,&1C,&22,&22,&22,&1C,&00,&00 ; o
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-        =       &00,&00,&00,&16,&18,&10,&10,&10,&00,&00 ; r
-        =       &00,&00,&00,&1E,&20,&1C,&02,&3C,&00,&00 ; s
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-        =       &00,&00,&00,&22,&22,&22,&22,&1E,&00,&00 ; u
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- ]
-        END
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduwrch b/s/vdu/vduwrch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e51a9e8..00000000
--- a/s/vdu/vduwrch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3340 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > $.Source.VduWrch
-;       Text printing etc.
-;       ------------------
-;       Author          Tim Dobson
-;       Started         01-Sep-86
-;       Status          Mostly Arm-less
-; *****************************************************************************
-; CursorFlags bits
-; Bit   0       '81 column' mode
-; Bits  1-3     Cursor movement directions
-; Bit   4       Wrap instead of scroll in VDU4 mode
-; Bit   5       Don't move cursor after printing character
-; Bit   6       Don't wrap in VDU 5 mode
-; Bit   7       Unused but could be set by user
-; Bit   8       When in Wrch or screen update operation, set to 1 and forms
-;               part of mask for ROR #10.
-;               Otherwise is set to 0.
-;               Tested by cursor code to see if it can update CursorFlags.
-; Bits  9-17    Set to 101111000 so we can TST CursorFlags with itself ROR #10
-;               to test for OR of C81Bit, Vdu5Bit, silly movement bits in 1 go
-;               in order to optimise the case when none of these are present
-; Bit   18      Set when cursors are split - since bit 8 is set this triggers
-; Bit   19      Set when in teletext mode
-; Bit   20      Set when in page mode
-; Bit   21      Set when clip box calculations are enabled - this triggers
-; Bits  22-24   Unused, but probably have to be zero because of ROR #10
-; Bit   25      Actual cursor state  (1 => cursor is on screen)
-; Bit   26      Set if VDU disabled
-; Bits  27-28   Unused, but probably have to be zero because of ROR #10
-; Bit   29      TextExpand not up-to-date
-; Bit   30      VDU 5 mode
-; Bit   31      In the '81st' column
-InWrchBitPosn * 8
-InWrchBit        *  1 :SHL: InWrchBitPosn
-CursorsSplit     *  1 :SHL: 18
-TeletextMode     *  1 :SHL: 19
-PageMode         *  1 :SHL: 20
-ClipBoxEnableBit *  1 :SHL: 21
-ActualState      *  1 :SHL: 25
-VduDisabled      *  1 :SHL: 26
-TEUpdate         *  1 :SHL: 29
-Vdu5Bit          *  1 :SHL: 30
-C81Bit           *  1 :SHL: 31
-InitialCursorFlags * (&1E :SHL: 10) :OR: (C81Bit :SHR: (32-10))
-; The TST R6, R6, ROR #10 returns non-zero if
-;       C81Bit OR Vdu5 OR (any of bits 1-4) OR CursorsSplit
-;       OR ClipBoxEnableBit OR (TEUpdate AND bit7) OR Teletext
-; The last two of these are slightly undesirable, but fairly harmless since:
-;   (a) bit 7 is not normally set, and TEUpdate is only set when a colour
-;       change happens.
-;   (b) Teletext mode takes quite a long time anyway.
-; NB We don't believe that the TST needs to detect Teletext mode, but if you
-; want to stop it doing so, it's on your own head. Check everything carefully!
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Set default logical and physical colours
-bpp     RN      0
-fore    RN      1
-back    RN      2
-tabaddr RN      3
-index   RN      4
-source  RN      5
-dest    RN      6
-col     RN      7
-orrbits RN      8
-addbits RN      9
-bit0    RN      10
-hiaddr  RN      4
-loaddr  RN      5
-; dest          6
-hiword  RN      7       ; must be higher number than dest (for Colour16Bit)
-loword  RN      8
-cbyte   RN      9
-spare1  RN      10
-spare2  RN      11
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VDU 20 - Set default colours (if output mode not teletext)
-;        and palette (if display mode not teletext)
-;       External routine, and DefaultColours called by mode change
-;        and SwitchOutputToSprite
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags (for output mode)
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayModeFlags]  ; if display mode is
-        TST     R0, #Flag_Teletext              ; not teletext, then restore
-        BNE     %FT10                           ; default palette
-        Push    R14
-        BL      PalInit                         ; R6 is preserved over the call
-        Pull    R14
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode               ; if output mode is teletext
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; then don't reset colours
-; else drop thru to ...
-DefaultColours ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        ASSERT  GFCOL = GPLFMD +8
-        ASSERT  GBCOL = GPLFMD +12
-        ASSERT  TBTint = TFTint +4
-        ASSERT  GFTint = TFTint +8
-        ASSERT  GBTint = TFTint +12
-        ASSERT  TBackCol = TForeCol +4
-        ASSERT  back > fore
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; foreground action := store
-        MOV     R1, #0                          ; background action := store
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #NColour]   ; GCOL(0,(NColour AND 7)) except
-        TST     R2, #&F0                ; for 256 colour modes
-        ANDEQ   R2, R2, #7              ; when we use colour 63 (=NColour)
-        MOV     R3, #0                          ; background colour := black
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #GPLFMD      ; store GPLFMD, GPLBMD, GFCOL, GBCOL
-        STMIA   R4, {R0-R3}
-        MOV     R0, #&FF                ; R0 = TFTint := &FF; R1 = TBTint := 0
-        MOV     R2, #&FF                ; R2 = GFTint := &FF; R3 = GBTint := 0
-        ADD     R4, WsPtr, #TFTint
-        STMIA   R4, {R0-R3}
-        BL      SetColour                       ; Update FgEcf & BgEcf
-        LDR     bpp, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        LDR     fore, [WsPtr, #NColour]         ; Number of colours allowed -1
-        TEQ     fore, #63                       ; are we in bodgy 256 colour mode?
-        MOVEQ   fore, #255                      ; then use colour 255 (cringe!)
-        TEQ     fore, #15                       ; 16 colour mode
-        MOVEQ   fore, #7                        ; Default is 7 for this depth of mode
- [ {TRUE} ; TMD 25-Jun-93 - change default text colour in 16bpp to &7FFF, and 32bpp to &00FFFFFF
-        LDR     r14, =&FFFF
-        CMP     fore, r14
-        BICEQ   fore, fore, #&8000              ;     &FFFF     ->      &7FFF
-        BICHI   fore, fore, #&FF000000          ; &FFFFFFFF     ->  &00FFFFFF
- ]
-        MOV     back, #0
-        ADD     R14, WsPtr, #TForeCol
-        STMIA   R14, {fore, back}               ; save fgd + bgd text colours
-        Pull    R14
-;       and drop thru to ...
-SetColours ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R8, back, ROR bpp               ; move bits to top of word
-        MOV     R9, fore, ROR bpp
-        LDR     bpp, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]     ; fudge some more bits
-        ORR     back, R8, back, ROR bpp
-        ORR     fore, R9, fore, ROR bpp
-        MOV     LR, bpp
-        TEQ     LR, #32                         ; have we finished replicating through word yet?
-        ORRNE   back, back, back, LSR LR        ;   if not then expand again through the word
-        ORRNE   fore, fore, fore, LSR LR
-        MOVNE   LR, LR, LSL #1                  ; double the shift ready for the next pass
-        BNE     %BT10                           ;   and loop again!
-        STR     fore, [WsPtr, #TextFgColour]
-        STR     back, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]    ; store bit expanded fore / background colour
-;       New colour change code
-;       entered with fore, back expanded to <bytes_per_char> bits
-;       and bpp set to be <bytes_per_char>
-        TEQ     bpp, #16
-        BEQ     Colour16Bit     ; can't optimise
-        TEQ     bpp, #32
-        BEQ     Colour32Bit     ; cannie optimise captin!
-        EOR     fore, fore, back                ; so we can AND and EOR
-        LDR     loaddr, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        ADD     dest, loaddr, bpp, LSL #8       ; end+1 destination addr
-        MOV     hiaddr, dest                    ; TextPlain now moves around,
-                                                ; depending on bytes-per-char
-        LDR     cbyte, [hiaddr], #4
-        AND     cbyte, cbyte, fore
-        EOR     cbyte, cbyte, back
-        STR     cbyte, [loaddr], #4
-        TEQ     loaddr, dest
-        BNE     %BT10
-        Pull    PC
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Colour16Bit - Set up colour table for MODE 10
-;       Entered with R14 already pushed
-        LDR     tabaddr, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        ADR     hiaddr, C16BTab
-        ADD     R10, hiaddr, #128
-        ADR     loaddr, C16BTab
-        LDMIA   hiaddr, {dest, hiword}
-        BL      OutputColour
-        MOV     dest, hiword
-        BL      OutputColour
-        LDMIA   loaddr!, {dest, loword}
-        BL      OutputColour
-        MOV     dest, loword
-        BL      OutputColour
-        TEQ     loaddr, R10
-        BNE     C16B30
-        ADD     hiaddr, hiaddr, #8
-        TEQ     hiaddr, R10
-        BNE     C16B20
-        Pull    PC
-        &       &00000000, &00000000
-        &       &00000000, &FFFF0000
-        &       &00000000, &0000FFFF
-        &       &00000000, &FFFFFFFF
-        &       &FFFF0000, &00000000
-        &       &FFFF0000, &FFFF0000
-        &       &FFFF0000, &0000FFFF
-        &       &FFFF0000, &FFFFFFFF
-        &       &0000FFFF, &00000000
-        &       &0000FFFF, &FFFF0000
-        &       &0000FFFF, &0000FFFF
-        &       &0000FFFF, &FFFFFFFF
-        &       &FFFFFFFF, &00000000
-        &       &FFFFFFFF, &FFFF0000
-        &       &FFFFFFFF, &0000FFFF
-        &       &FFFFFFFF, &FFFFFFFF
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Colour32Bit - Set up colour table for MODE 48 (32 bit per pixel)
-;       Entered with R14 already pushed
-        LDR     tabaddr, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        MOV     dest, #0
-; Expand the value in in 'hiaddr' so that each bit is stored as a word
-; zero bits are stored in the background and non-zero bits are stored in
-; foreground.  This is indexed when expanding the 1BPP VDU font out to
-; the current depth.
-        TST     dest, #1 <<7
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        TST     dest, #1 <<6
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        TST     dest, #1 <<5
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        TST     dest, #1 <<4
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        TST     dest, #1 <<3
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        TST     dest, #1 <<2
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        TST     dest, #1 <<1
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        TST     dest, #1 <<0
-        STREQ   back, [tabaddr], #4
-        STRNE   fore, [tabaddr], #4
-        ADD     dest, dest, #1
-        TEQ     dest, #256
-        BNE     C32B20
-        Pull    "PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Fast CLS used when no text window defined
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CheckTEUpdate
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode               ; teletext mode ?
-        LDREQ   R0, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        BEQ     %FT10                           ; and skip
-        BL      TTXFastCLS                      ; else clear teletext map
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; and clear to zero
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        B       %FT15
- ]
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        BL      CheckAcceleration
-        BNE     %FT15
-        MOV     R11, R13                        ; try to do an accelerated
-        BIC     R13, R13, #63                   ; rectangle fill - need an
-        MOV     R1, #&FFFFFFFF                  ; alignedOraEor block
-        MVN     R2, R0
-        MOV     R3, R1
-        MOV     R4, R2
-        Push    "R1-R4"
-        Push    "R1-R4"
-        Push    "R1-R4"
-        Push    "R1-R4"
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; left
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]        ; top
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #XWindLimit]        ; right (okay because checked BPC=BPP)
-        MOV     R3, #0                          ; bottom
-        MOV     R4, R13                         ; colour block
-        Push    "R0-R4"
-        MOV     R0, #GVRender_Sync
-        MOV     R1, #GVRender_FillRectangle
-        MOV     R2, R13
-        MOV     R4, #GraphicsV_Render
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        MOV     R13, R11
-        TEQ     R4, #GraphicsV_Complete
-        Pull    PC, EQ
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
- ]
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R2, R0
-        MOV     R3, R0
-        MOV     R4, R0
-        MOV     R5, R0
-        MOV     R6, R0
-        MOV     R7, R0
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #ScreenSize]        ; screen size in bytes
-        SUBS    R9, R9, #256                    ; if another 256 to do
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}                  ; a bit excessive, I know !
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0 - R7}
-        BHI     %BT20                           ; only loop if more to do
-        ADDCC   R9, R9, #256                    ; add back the last 256
-        SUBS    R9, R9, #4
-        STMCSIA R8!, {R0}
-        BHI     %BT30
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Home cursor to "top left"
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        B       TabR0R1
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Address text cursor position
-; in:   R0 = X position
-;       R1 = Y position
-; out:  CursorAddr contains screen address
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        Push    R14
-        BL      AddressR0R1
-        STR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        Pull    PC
-;       Calculate cursor address
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        B       CTADDR10
-;       Address an X,Y text position in R0,R1
-;       R2 is screen address on exit
-;       R1, R3, R4 corrupted; R0, R5-R13 preserved
-AddressR0R1     ROUT
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R2, #Flag_Teletext
-        ADDNE   R3, R3, #1
-      ]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart] ; start address of top of screen
-        ADD     R2, R2, R0, LSL R3        ; add in X offset
-        MLA     R2, R4, R1, R2            ; add in Y*RowLength
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Write character in R0 (>=32) to the screen
-;       R6 = CursorFlags on entry
-font    RN      1
-screen  RN      2
-bigfont RN      3
-mask    RN      4
-tophalf RN      5
-bottomhalf RN   6
-lbpp    RN      7
-byte    RN      8
-scrbyte RN      9
-scrbyte2 RN     10
-linelen RN      11
-; *****Comment by DJS: Given we want applications to use the windowing world,
-;   shouldn't we be optimising VDU 5 characters a bit more here? - even if it
-;   makes VDU 4 characters a bit less optimal?
-TimWrch ROUT
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]         ; test all silly flags at once
-        TST     R1, #Vdu2Mode
-        TSTEQ   R6, #(VduDisabled :OR: TEUpdate :OR: C81Bit :OR: Vdu5Bit)
-        TSTEQ   R6, #(TeletextMode :OR: ClipBoxEnableBit)
-        ADDEQ   font, WsPtr, #(Font-32*8)
-        ADDEQ   font, font, R0, LSL #3
-        LDMEQIA font, {tophalf, bottomhalf}
-        Push    R14, EQ
-        ADREQ   R14, %FT15
-        LDREQ   screen, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        LDREQ   bigfont, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        LDREQ   linelen, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        LDREQ   PC, [WsPtr, #WrchNbit]
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Moved the following code down to a place where we don't have to branch
-; around it!
-;        B       %FT20
-;        Pull    R14
-;        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-;        TST     R6, #32                         ; move cursor after char ?
-;        BEQ     CHT                             ; move "right" & test for C81
-;        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-; if printing enabled then we want to print this character,
-; so pull the old R14 off the stack
-        TST     R1, #Vdu2Mode
-        Pull    R14, NE                         ; in VDU 2 mode, so pull R14
-        TST     R6, #VduDisabled                ; if VDU disabled
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; then don't print it
-        TST     R6, #TEUpdate                   ; if colours need updating
-        BNE     %FT30                           ; then do it + return to %25
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5Wrch
-        TST     R6, #C81Bit
-        BNE     %FT40
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BNE     TTXWrch
-        TST     R6, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BEQ     %BT10                           ; must enter with EQ
-; now update clip box
-        Push    R14
-        BL      ClipCursorCell
-        Pull    R14
-        TST     R0, #0                          ; set EQ
-        B       %BT10
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Code moved down from above.
-        Pull    R14
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #32                         ; move cursor after char ?
-        BEQ     CHT                             ; move "right" & test for C81
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        Push    "R0,R14"
-        BL      ReallySetColours                ; update colour table
-        Pull    "R0,R14"
-        B       %BT25
-        Push    "R0, R14"
-        BL      RCRLFR6                         ; do pending CRLF
-        Pull    "R0, R14"
-        B       %BT35
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Write character in 1 bit-per-pixel mode
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, tophalf, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, bottomhalf, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-; There is no need to use "mask" at all in this...
-        MOV     byte, tophalf, LSL #24
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, tophalf, LSL #16
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, tophalf, LSL #8
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, tophalf, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, bottomhalf, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        [ 1=0 ; *** No 1 bpc non-BBC gap modes at present ***
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]         ; now test for non-BBC gap mode
-        AND     R0, R0, #(Flag_GapMode :OR: Flag_BBCGapMode) ; we want R0=0 iff
-        EORS    R0, R0, #Flag_GapMode           ; (gapmode AND NOT bbcgapmode)
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont]              ; store backgd in next 2
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, tophalf, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, bottomhalf, LSR #24]
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-; As above, "mask" is not needed.
-        MOV     byte, tophalf, LSL #24
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, tophalf, LSL #16
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, tophalf, LSL #8
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, tophalf, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     byte, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont, bottomhalf, LSR #24]
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        [ 1=0 ; *** No 1 bpc non-BBC gap modes at present ***
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]         ; now test for non-BBC gap mode
-        AND     R0, R0, #(Flag_GapMode :OR: Flag_BBCGapMode) ; we want R0=0 iff
-        EORS    R0, R0, #Flag_GapMode           ; (gapmode AND NOT bbcgapmode)
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont]              ; store backgd in next 2
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****Change made by DJS
-; Original code was:
-;        MOV     mask, #&FE000000
-;        SUB     linelen, linelen, #1
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, tophalf, LSR #1
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, tophalf, LSR #9
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, tophalf, LSR #17
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, tophalf, LSR #25
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, bottomhalf, LSR #1
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, bottomhalf, LSR #9
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, bottomhalf, LSR #17
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-;        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
-;        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #23]
-;        MOVS    byte, bottomhalf, LSR #25
-;        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-;        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-;        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-; Messing around with this a bit, I found the following shorter & faster
-; code:
-        MOV     mask, #&7F
-        SUB     linelen, linelen, #1
-        ANDS    byte, mask, tophalf, LSR #1             ;C := bit 0 of tophalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ANDS    byte, mask, tophalf, LSR #9             ;C := bit 8 of tophalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ANDS    byte, mask, tophalf, LSR #17            ;C := bit 16 of tophalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ANDS    byte, mask, tophalf, LSR #25            ;C := bit 24 of tophalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ANDS    byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSR #1          ;C := bit 0 of b'half
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ANDS    byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSR #9          ;C := bit 8 of b'half
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ANDS    byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSR #17         ;C := bit 16 of b'half
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        ANDS    byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSR #25         ;C := bit 24 of b'half
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSL #2]
-        MOVCS   scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #16
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        MOV     scrbyte, scrbyte, LSR #8
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-; *****End of change made by DJS
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]         ; now test for non-BBC gap mode
-        AND     R0, R0, #(Flag_GapMode :OR: Flag_BBCGapMode) ; we want R0=0 iff
-        EORS    R0, R0, #Flag_GapMode           ; (gapmode AND NOT bbcgapmode)
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        LDRB    scrbyte, [bigfont]              ; store backgd in next 2
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], #1
-        STRB    scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        MOV     R10, #0                         ; extra rows are 0 if not TTX
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]         ; now test for non-BBC gap mode
-        AND     R0, R0, #(Flag_GapMode :OR: Flag_BBCGapMode) ; we want R0=0 iff
-        EOR     R0, R0, #Flag_GapMode           ; (gapmode AND NOT bbcgapmode)
-        MOV     mask, #&FF000000                ; don't set mask in Wrch4bitTTX
-      [ :LNOT: HiResTTX
-      ]
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        TEQ     R0, #0
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        AND     byte, mask, R10, LSL #8
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22] ;get 1st extra (0 or for TTX)
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, R10
-        LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22] ;get 2nd extra (0 or for TTX)
-        STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
-        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        [ 1=0 ; *** No 8 bpc non-BBC gap modes at present ***
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]         ; now test for non-BBC gap mode
-        AND     R0, R0, #(Flag_GapMode :OR: Flag_BBCGapMode) ; we want R0=0 iff
-        EORS    R0, R0, #Flag_GapMode           ; (gapmode AND NOT bbcgapmode)
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        LDMIA   bigfont, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}    ; store backgd in next 2
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-        SUB     linelen, linelen, #16
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #20
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        LDMIA   byte!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        [ 1=0 ; *** No 16 bpc non-BBC gap modes at present ***
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]         ; now test for non-BBC gap mode
-        AND     R0, R0, #(Flag_GapMode :OR: Flag_BBCGapMode) ; we want R0=0 iff
-        EORS    R0, R0, #Flag_GapMode           ; (gapmode AND NOT bbcgapmode)
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        LDMIA   bigfont, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}    ; store backgd in next 2
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
-        ]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Write a character at 32 bit per pixel
-; NB: This code assumes that we have no concept of gap modes.
-        Push    "R0-R1,R5-R7,R9-R10,R12,LR"
-        MOV     mask, #&FF000000
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R6,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        LDR     bottomhalf, [SP, #4*3]                  ; restore 'bottomhalf' (R6 pushed onto stack)
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
-        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #19
-        LDMIA   byte,   {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        STMIA   screen, {R0,R1, R5,R7, R9,R10, R12,LR}
-        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
-        Pull    "R0-R1,R5,R6,R7,R9-R10,R12,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       BS - Backspace
-;       move cursor "left"
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        TST     R6, R6, ROR #10                 ; test &1E or C81Bit or Vdu5
-        BNE     SpecialBS
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      |
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      ]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1                      ; no Master wazerks yet !
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        STRGE   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]           ; I do mean GE !
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        MOVGE   PC, R14
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: PageModeLineCount]
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        SUBNE   R1, R1, #1
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: PageModeLineCount]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        BGE     CursorR0R1
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        BSR     ScrollDown
-        B       AddressCursor
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Horizontal TAB - ie move cursor "right"
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        TST     R6, R6, ROR #10 ; test for &1E or C81Bit or Vdu5
-        BNE     SpecialHT
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]
-      |
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-      ]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R0, R4
-        STRLS   R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        STRLS   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        MOVLS   PC, R14
-        BSR     PageTest
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        BLS     CursorR0R1                       ; not on bottom line
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        BSR     ScrollUp
-        B       AddressCursor                    ; re-address cursor position
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VduLF - Line feed
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5LF
-        BSR     PageTest                ; check for CTRL/SHIFT, page mode
-        TST     R6, R6, ROR #10
-        BNE     SpecialLF
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1                      ; no Master wazerks
-        ADD     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        STRLS   R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        STRLS   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        MOVLS   PC, R14
-        BSR     ScrollUp
-        B       AddressCursor
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VT - Cursor up
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5VT
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R1, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: PageModeLineCount]
-        TEQ     R1, #0
-        SUBNE   R1, R1, #1
-        STRB    R1, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: PageModeLineCount]
-        TST     R6, R6, ROR #10
-        BNE     SpecialVT
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]
-        SUB     R1, R1, #1
-        SUB     R2, R2, R3
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        STRGE   R1, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        STRGE   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        MOVGE   PC, R14
-        BSR     ScrollDown
-        B       AddressCursor
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       VduCR - Carriage return
-;       move to "left" boundary
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-; out:  R6 = updated CursorFlags
-CR10                            ; entry point for releasing pending CRLF
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5CR
-        BIC     R6, R6, #C81Bit                 ; destroy pending CRLF
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CursorB0                        ; preserves R6
-        BL      AddressCursor                   ; preserves R6
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FS - Define text window
-FS      ROUT
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]              ; left
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]              ; bottom
-        LDRB    R2, [WsPtr, #QQ+2]              ; right
-        LDRB    R3, [WsPtr, #QQ+3]              ; top
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]           ; max right
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]           ; max bottom
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        ORR     R6, R6, #Windowing              ; we are windowing
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-; Secondary entry point, for validating unpacked context variables
-; NB doesn't want to set windowing bit
-        CMP     R2, R0                          ; right >= left
-        CMPCS   R4, R2                          ; max right >= right
-        CMPCS   R1, R3                          ; bottom >= top
-        CMPCS   R5, R1                          ; max bottom >= bottom
-        MOVCC   PC, R14                         ; invalid window
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, #TWLCol
-        STMIA   R6, {R0-R3}                     ; write new window settings
-; now check for input cursor being outside window
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        BEQ     %FT10                           ; [cursors not split]
-        ASSERT  InputCursorY = InputCursorX +4
-        ADD     R6, WsPtr, #InputCursorX        ; R6 := InputCursorX
-        LDMIA   R6, {R6, R7}                    ; R7 := InputCursorY
-        CMP     R6, R0                          ; X >= left
-        CMPCS   R2, R6                          ; right >= X
-        CMPCS   R7, R3                          ; Y >= top
-        CMPCS   R1, R7                          ; bottom >= Y
-        BCS     %FT10                           ; [not outside window]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorX]           ; get output cursor posn
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        Push    "R0-R4, R6, R7, R14"            ; save window and output cursor
-        BL      HomeVdu4                        ; Home output cursor
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorX]           ; Copy output ...
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]      ; ... to input
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        Pull    "R0-R4, R6, R7, R14"            ; restore old registers
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        STR     R7, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        STR     R4, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-; now check output cursor is inside window
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorX]           ; get output cursor posn
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        CMP     R6, R0                          ; X >= left
-        CMPCS   R2, R6                          ; right >= X
-        CMPCS   R7, R3                          ; Y >= top
-        CMPCS   R1, R7                          ; bottom >= Y
-        MOVCS   PC, R14                         ; cursor inside window
-; and drop thru to ...
-HomeVdu4                                        ; home TEXT cursor, even in
-                                                ; VDU 5 mode
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; move to "0,0"
-        MOV     R1, #0
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        B       TabR0R1NotVdu5                  ; (destroys any pending CRLF)
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TCOL - Set text colour (foreground or background)
-        ASSERT  TBackCol = TForeCol +4
-        ASSERT  back > fore
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode               ; if in teletext
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                         ; then ignore
-        LDR     bpp, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        ADD     fore, WsPtr, #TForeCol
-        LDMIA   fore, {fore, back}
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-        LDRB    R4, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]              ; get colour specified
-        CMP     R4, #128                        ; C=1 => set background
-        AND     R4, R4, R3
-        AND     R4, R4, #63                     ; oh no not again!
-        STRCC   R4, [WsPtr, #TForeCol]
-        STRCS   R4, [WsPtr, #TBackCol]
-        MOVCC   R5, fore
-        MOVCS   R5, back                        ; R5 is old appropriate colour
-        MOVCC   fore, R4
-        MOVCS   back, R4
-        BCS     %FT31                           ; branch for background
-        ; amg: only update the appropriate one
-        CMP     R4,R5
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        Push    "LR"
-        BL      CompileTextFg
-        Pull    "LR"
-        B       %FT32
-        CMP     R4, R5
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; same as last time
-        Push    "LR"
-        BL      CompileTextBg                   ; ensure that TextBg is kosher
-        Pull    "LR"                            ;   preserving the return address
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        ORR     R6, R6, #TEUpdate
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #TEUpdate
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14
-        BIC     R6, R6, #TEUpdate
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; clear update flag
-        Push    "R6, R14"
-        LDR     bpp, [WsPtr, #BitsPerPix]
-        LDR     fore, [WsPtr, #TextFgColour]
-        LDR     back, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        BL      SetColours
-        Pull    "R6, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       FF - Clear text window (CLS)
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5FF
-        STROSB  R0, PageModeLineCount, R0       ; zero page mode line count
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        TST     R0, #Windowing
-        BNE     SlowCLS                         ; windowing, so do slowly
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    SetClipBoxToFullScreen
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DriverBankAddr]    ; set driver's screen start
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-	BL      SetDisplayScreenStart
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayBankAddr]
-        BL      SetVinit                        ; program Vinit
-                                                ; (and set DisplayStart)
-        BL      Home       ; home cursor after ScreenStart initialised
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        BLNE    AddressInputCursor
-        Pull    R14
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R0, #Flag_BBCGapMode            ; if not BBC gap mode
-        BEQ     FastCLS                         ; then use fast code
-        BSR     Home
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; R0 := TWLCol; R1 := TWBRow
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0-R3}                     ; R2 := TWRCol; R3 := TWTRow
-;       and drop thru to ...
-;       ClearBox - Clears a box of text chars on the screen
-; in:   R0 = left column
-;       R1 = bottom row
-;       R2 = right column
-;       R3 = top row
-ClearBox ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #ClipBoxEnableBit
-        BLNE    ClipTextArea
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BNE     TTXClearBox
-        BL      GetBoxInfo
-        Pull    R14
-        STR     R8, [WsPtr, #RowsToDo]
-        LDR     R9, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R9, #TEUpdate
-        BNE     %FT99
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R1, #Flag_BBCGapMode    ; is it a BBC gap mode ?
-        LDRNE   R1, =&AAAAAAAA          ; use colour 2 for gaps if so
-        MOVEQ   R1, R8                  ; else use background colour
-        EOR     R1, R1, R8              ; EOR toggle for colour
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #EORtoggle]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowMult]   ; 8 or 10
-        MOV     R6, #0
-        MOV     R9, R8
-        MOV     R10, R8
-        MOV     R11, R8
-        MOV     R1, R2                  ; R1 is current address
-        ADD     R3, R2, R5              ; R3 is byte after last one
-        CMP     R1, R3
-        BEQ     DoneLine
-        TST     R1, #3
-        STRNEB  R8, [R1], #1            ; store if not on word boundary
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SUB     R4, R3, R1              ; number of bytes left on this line
-        MOV     R4, R4, LSR #4          ; number of 4-words left on this line
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1              ; C=0 if 0, C=1 if >0
-        STMHIIA R1!, {R8-R11}           ; done if R4 > 0
-        STMCSIA R1!, {R8-R11}           ; done if R4 >= 0
-        SUBCSS  R4, R4, #2              ; this code dropped thru if R4 was 0
-        BCS     %BT14
-        BIC     R4, R3, #3
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        STRNE   R8, [R1], #4
-        BNE     %BT20
-        CMP     R1, R3
-        STRNEB  R8, [R1], #1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        ADD     R2, R2, R7
-        ADD     R6, R6, #1
-        CMP     R6, #8
-        BCC     ClearLine
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #EORtoggle]
-        EOREQ   R8, R8, R1
-        CMP     R6, R0
-        BCC     ClearLineNew
-        EOR     R8, R8, R1
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #RowsToDo]
-        SUBS    R1, R1, #1
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #RowsToDo]
-        BNE     ClearRow
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        Push    "R2, R5-R7, R14"
-        MOV     R6, R9
-        BL      ReallySetColours
-        Pull    "R2, R5-R7, R14"
-        B       %BT05
-        LTORG
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       GetWindowInfo - sets up some info for current text window
-;       GetBoxInfo - sets up some info for a given box
-; in:   R0 = left
-;       R1 = bottom
-;       R2 = right
-;       R3 = top
-; out:  R2 = address of top left
-;       R5 = number of bytes horizontally
-;       R6 = number of pixel rows vertically
-;       R7 = LineLength
-;       R8 = number of character rows vertically
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; R0 := TWLCol; R1 := TWBRow
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0-R3}                     ; R2 := TWRCol; R3 := TWTRow
-        SUB     R5, R2, R0
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1                      ; number of chars horiz
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]           ; should be log2 bytes/char
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL R6                  ; number of bytes horiz
-        SUB     R6, R1, R3
-        ADD     R8, R6, #1                      ; number of char rows vert
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        MOV     R6, R8, LSL #3                  ; *8
-        TST     R7, #Flag_GapMode               ; if gap mode
-        ADDNE   R6, R6, R8, LSL #1              ; (+*2) = *10
-        TST     R7, #Flag_DoubleVertical        ; if double mode
-        ADDNE   R6, R6, R6                      ; then double
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        MOV     R1, R3                          ; prepare to address top left
-        B       AddressR0R1
- [ UseGraphicsV
-;       TextWindowToGraphics - current text window converted to graphics
-;       TextBoxToGraphics - given text box converted to graphics coordinates
-; in:   R0 = left
-;       R1 = bottom
-;       R2 = right
-;       R3 = top
-; out:  R0-R3 converted to internal graphics coordinates
-;       R5 = number of pixels horizontally
-;       R6 = number of pixel rows vertically
-;       R7 = row height in pixels
-;       R8 = number of character rows vertically
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        B       TextBoxToGraphics
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; R0 := TWLCol; R1 := TWBRow
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0-R3}                     ; R2 := TWRCol; R3 := TWTRow
-        SUB     R5, R2, R0
-        ADD     R5, R5, #1                      ; number of chars horiz
-      [ HiResTTX
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]         ; bytes/char (not log2)
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]           ; log2 bits/pixel
-        MUL     R0, R6, R0                      ; number of bytes horiz
-        MUL     R5, R6, R5
-        SUB     R7, R7, #3                      ; log2 bytes/pixel
-      |
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]           ; should be log2 bytes/char
-        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]           ; should be log2 bits/pixel
-        ADD     R6, R6, #3
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL R6                  ; number of bits horiz
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSL R6
-      ]
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSR R7                  ; number of pixels horiz
-        MOV     R5, R5, LSR R7
-        ADD     R2, R0, R5                      ; recalculate right coord
-        SUB     R2, R2, #1
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        MOV     R7, #8                          ; 8 pixels high
-        TST     R6, #Flag_GapMode               ; if gap mode
-        MOVNE   R7, #10                         ; then 10 pixels high
-        TST     R6, #Flag_DoubleVertical        ; if double mode
-        ADDNE   R7, R7, R7                      ; then double
-        SUB     R8, R1, R3
-        ADD     R8, R8, #1                      ; number of char rows vert
-        MUL     R3, R7, R3                      ; convert top to pixels (from top)
-        MUL     R6, R7, R8                      ; convert height to pixels
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #YWindLimit]
-        SUB     R3, R1, R3                      ; Y-flip coordinate (bottom-left = 0,0)
-        SUB     R1, R3, R6                      ; recalculate bottom coord
-        ADD     R1, R1, #1
-        MOV     PC, R14
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       US - TAB(X,Y)
-        LDRB    R0, [WsPtr, #QQ+0]
-        LDRB    R1, [WsPtr, #QQ+1]
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        BNE     Vdu5TAB
-        LDR     R9,  [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        LDR     R10, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        Push    "R0,R9,R10"             ; save old X,Y in case it doesn't work
-        EOR     R6, R6, #8              ; update Y position
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        BSR     CursorBdy
-        EOR     R6, R6, #8              ; now try X position
-        Pull    R0
-        BSR     CursorBdyCheck
-        MOV     R7, #0                  ; will be clearing C81Bit
-        BCS     US10                    ; was in window, so OK
-        TEQ     R6, R6, LSR #1          ; are we in 81 column mode
-                                        ; (just want to set carry)
-        BCC     US20                    ; can't do it
-        SUB     R0, R0, #1              ; could be attempt to move to col 81
-        BSR     CursorBdyCheck
-        BCC     US20                    ; still can't do it
-        MOV     R7, #C81Bit             ; set C81Bit
-        BIC     R6, R6, #C81Bit
-        ORR     R6, R6, R7
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        Pull    "R9,R10"
-        STRCC   R9,  [WsPtr, #CursorX]  ; couldn't do it, so restore position
-        STRCC   R10, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        B       AddressCursor
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ScrollUp - Scroll the current text window up
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        TST     R0, #Windowing
-        BNE     SoftScrollUp
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R1, #Flag_HardScrollDisabled
-        BNE     HardScrollSpriteUp
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayScreenStart]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1
-        CMP     R0, R14
-        SUBCS   R0, R0, R2
-        BL      SetDisplayScreenStart
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1
-        CMP     R0, R14
-        SUBCS   R0, R0, R2
-        BL      SetVinit                ; program vinit and set DisplayStart
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BLNE    TTXHardScrollUp
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; Don't use window coords -
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]           ; code also used in VDU23,7
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]
-        MOV     R3, R1
-        B       ClearBox
-; Code to scroll whole 'screen' up, when hard scroll disabled
-; (ie outputting to sprite)
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BNE     TTXSoftScrollUp
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        BL      TryCopyScreenUp
-        Pull    R14,EQ
-        BEQ     ClearBottomScreenLine
- ]
-        BL      GetScreenInfo           ; get box info for whole 'screen'
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        BL      SoftScrollUp2
-        Pull    R14
-        B       ClearBottomScreenLine
-; Clear bottom line of window
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; R0 := TWLCol; R1 := TWBRow
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0-R2}                     ; R2 := TWRCol
-        MOV     R3, R1                          ; R3 := TWBRow
-        B       ClearBox
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BNE     TTXSoftScrollUp
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        BL      TryCopyWindowUp
-        Pull    R14, EQ
-        BEQ     ClearBottomLine
- ]
-        BL      GetWindowInfo
-;       R2 = address of top left
-;       R5 = number of bytes horizontally
-;       R6 = number of pixel rows in box
-;       R7 = linelength
-;       R8 = number of character rows in box
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        BL      SoftScrollUp2
-        Pull    R14
-        B       ClearBottomLine
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SoftScrollUp2 - Called by SoftScrollUp and by Teletext to scroll map
-; in:   R0 = RowMult
-;       R2 = screen address of top left of area to scroll
-;       R5 = number of bytes horizontally
-;       R6 = number of pixel rows vertically
-;       R7 = linelength
-SoftScrollUp2 ROUT
-        SUBS    R6, R6, R0              ; scroll number of rows-1
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; single row window, nowt to scroll
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        ADD     R0, R1, R3              ; R0 -> line below
-        ADD     R3, R2, R5              ; R3 -> byte after last one on upper
-        CMP     R1, R3
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; finished
-        TST     R1, #3                  ; if not word aligned
-        LDRNEB  R8, [R0], #1            ; then copy a byte
-        STRNEB  R8, [R1], #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SUB     R4, R3, R1              ; number of bytes left on this line
-        MOVS    R4, R4, LSR #4          ; number of 4-words left on this line
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1              ; C=0 if 0, C=1 if >0
-        LDMHIIA R0!, {R8-R11}           ; this code dropped thru if was 0
-        STMHIIA R1!, {R8-R11}
-        LDMCSIA R0!, {R8-R11}
-        STMCSIA R1!, {R8-R11}
-        SUBCSS  R4, R4, #2
-        BCS     %BT14
-        BIC     R4, R3, #3
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        LDRNE   R8, [R0], #4
-        STRNE   R8, [R1], #4
-        BNE     %BT20
-        CMP     R1, R3
-        LDRNEB  R8, [R0], #1
-        STRNEB  R8, [R1], #1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        ADD     R2, R2, R7
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1
-        BNE     ScrollLineUp
-        MOV     PC, R14
- [ UseGraphicsV
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       TryCopyScreenUp - use GraphicsV to copy screen up
-; in:   nothing
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupted
-;       Z flag set if successful
-        Push    R14
-        BL      CheckAcceleration
-        Pull    PC, NE                  ; return with Z clear (unsuccessful)
-        BL      ScreenToGraphics
-        SUB     R4, R2, R0              ; width-1
-        SUB     R5, R3, R1              ; height-1
-        SUBS    R5, R5, R7              ; less one row
-        Pull    PC,MI                   ; return with Z clear (unsuccessful)
-        MOV     R2, R0                  ; dstL=srcL
-        ADD     R3, R1, R7              ; dstB=srcB +1row
-        Push    "R0-R5"
-        MOV     R0, #3
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        MOV     R2, R13
-        MOV     R4, #GraphicsV_Render
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        ADD     R13, R13, #6*4
-        TEQ     R4, #GraphicsV_Complete
-        Pull    PC
-; .............................................................................
-;       TryCopyWindowUp - use GraphicsV to copy window up
-; in:   nothing
-; out:  R0-R11 corrupted
-;       Z flag set if successful
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduSprite]
-        TEQ     R0, #0                  ; don't try it if outputting to sprite
-        MOVNE   PC, R14                 ; return with Z clear (unsuccessful)
-        Push    R14
-        ADR     R14, TryCopyUpCommon
-        B       TextWindowToGraphics
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ScrollDown - Scroll the current text window down
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        TST     R0, #Windowing
-        BNE     SoftScrollDown
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R1, #Flag_HardScrollDisabled
-        BNE     HardScrollSpriteDown
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayScreenStart]
-        SUB     R0, R0, R1                      ; down one row
-        ADD     R3, R0, R2
-        CMP     R3, R14                         ; if < then need wrap
-        MOVCC   R0, R3
-        BL      SetDisplayScreenStart
-        LDR     R14, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        STR     R0, [WsPtr, #ScreenStart]
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        SUB     R0, R0, R1
-        ADD     R3, R0, R2
-        CMP     R3, R14
-        MOVCC   R0, R3
-        BL      SetVinit                ; program vinit and set DisplayStart
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BLNE    TTXHardScrollDown
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R0, #0                          ; don't use window coords -
-        MOV     R1, #0                          ; code also used by VDU23,7
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ScrRCol]
-        MOV     R3, #0
-        B       ClearBox
-; Code to scroll whole 'screen' down, when hard scroll disabled
-; (ie outputting to sprite)
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BNE     TTXSoftScrollDown
-        BL      GetScreenInfo           ; get box info for whole 'screen'
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ScrBRow]
-        BL      AddressR0R1             ; R2 -> top line of bottom left char
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        BL      SoftScrollDown2
-        Pull    R14
-        B       ClearTopScreenLine
-; Clear top line of window
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; R0 := TWLCol; (R1 := TWBRow)
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0-R3}                     ; R2 := TWRCol; R3 := TWTRow
-        MOV     R1, R3                          ; R1 := TWTRow
-        B       ClearBox
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BNE     TTXSoftScrollDown
-        BL      GetWindowInfo
-;       R2 = address of top left
-;       R5 = number of bytes horizontally
-;       R6 = number of pixel rows in box
-;       R7 = linelength
-;       R8 = number of character rows in box
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, #TWLCol              ; R0 := TWLCol; R1 := TWBRow
-        LDMIA   R0, {R0-R1}
-        BL      AddressR0R1             ; R2 -> top line of bottom left char
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #RowMult]
-        BL      SoftScrollDown2
-        Pull    R14
-        B       ClearTopLine
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SoftScrollDown2 - Called by SoftScrollDown and by TTX to scroll map
-; in:   R0 = RowMult
-;       R2 = screen address of top line of bottom left char
-;       R5 = number of bytes horizontally
-;       R6 = number of pixel rows vertically
-;       R7 = linelength
-SoftScrollDown2 ROUT
-        SUBS    R6, R6, R0              ; scroll number of rows-1
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                 ; single row window, nowt to scroll
-        SUB     R2, R2, R7              ; R2 -> bottom line of next-to-bottom
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        ADD     R2, R2, R1              ; R2 -> bottom line of bottom
-        MOV     R1, R2
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
-        SUB     R0, R1, R3              ; R0 -> line above,needs fudging
-        ADD     R3, R2, R5              ; R3 -> byte after last one on upper
-        CMP     R1, R3
-        BEQ     %FT40                   ; finished
-        TST     R1, #3
-        LDRNEB  R8, [R0], #1
-        STRNEB  R8, [R1], #1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        SUB     R4, R3, R1              ; number of bytes left on this line
-        MOVS    R4, R4, LSR #4          ; number of 4-words left on this line
-        SUBS    R4, R4, #1              ; C=0 if 0, C=1 if >0
-        LDMHIIA R0!, {R8-R11}           ; this code dropped thru if was 0
-        STMHIIA R1!, {R8-R11}
-        LDMCSIA R0!, {R8-R11}
-        STMCSIA R1!, {R8-R11}
-        SUBCSS  R4, R4, #2
-        BCS     %BT14
-        BIC     R4, R3, #3
-        CMP     R1, R4
-        LDRNE   R8, [R0], #4
-        STRNE   R8, [R1], #4
-        BNE     %BT20
-        CMP     R1, R3
-        LDRNEB  R8, [R0], #1
-        STRNEB  R8, [R1], #1
-        BNE     %BT30
-        SUB     R2, R2, R7
-        SUBS    R6, R6, #1
-        BNE     ScrollLineDown
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SetVinit       - Program Vinit with address in R0
-;       SetVstart      - Program Vstart with address in R0
-;       SetVendDefault - Program Vend with end address for TotalScreenSize
-; out:  R0-R2 corrupted
-; mjs Oct 2000 kernel/HAL split
-; these routines now call HAL_Video_SetDAG
-; Note that the addresses provided are logical addresses for the software mapping
-; of the display, and this starts at (ScreenEndAddr - TotalScreenSize) for
-; wonderful historical reasons (h/w scroll, two mappings, blah, blah) - see eg. PRM 1-354
-; To get physical address for the HAL, we subtract this software mapping start
-; address and add the physical address of the start of video memory.
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        SUB     r1, r0, r2
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2                      ; now we have offset of Vstart in video RAM
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #VideoPhysAddr]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2                      ; now we have physical address of Vstart
-        MOV     r0, #HALDAG_VStart
-        B       Do_HALDAG
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #VideoPhysAddr]
-        LDR     r1, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2                      ; physical address of Vend
-        MOV     r0, #HALDAG_VEnd
-        B       Do_HALDAG
-        Push    "r0-r2,lr"
-        BL      SetVrender
-        Pull    "r0-r2,pc"
-        STR     r0, [WsPtr, #DisplayScreenStart]
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        SUB     r1, r0, r2
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2                      ; now we have offset of Vrender in video RAM
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0                      ; add on teletext bank offset
-        CMP     r1, r2                          ; if out of range
-        SUBCS   r1, r1, r2                      ; then subtract total size
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #VideoPhysAddr]        ; now we have physical address
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2
-        MOV     r0, #HALDAG_VRender
-        B       Do_HALDAG
-        STR     r0, [WsPtr, #DisplayStart]
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        SUB     r1, r0, r2
-        LDR     r2, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2                      ; now we have offset of Vinit in video RAM
-        LDR     r0, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
-        ADD     r1, r1, r0                      ; add on teletext bank offset
-        CMP     r1, r2                          ; if out of range
-        SUBCS   r1, r1, r2                      ; then subtract total size
-        MOV     r2, #0
-        LDR     r2, [r2, #VideoPhysAddr]        ; now we have physical address
-        ADD     r1, r1, r2
-        MOV     r0, #HALDAG_VInit
- [ UseGraphicsV
-        Push    "r4, lr"
-        MOV     r4, #GraphicsV_SetDMAAddress
-        BL      CallGraphicsV
-        Pull    "r4, pc"
- |
-        Push    "r3, r9, r12, lr"               ; we can corrupt r0-r2
-        mjsAddressHAL
-        mjsCallHAL    HAL_Video_SetDAG
-        Pull    "r3, r9, r12, pc"
- ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ConvertBankToAddress - Convert bank number into default start address
-; in:   R2 = screen bank number (0..n)
-; out:  R3 = default start address for that bank
-;       R0-R2 preserved
-;       R4,R5 corrupted
-ConvertBankToAddress ROUT
-        MOV     R4, R2
-        LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #TotalScreenSize]
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #ScreenEndAddr]
-        RSB     R3, R3, R5                      ; R3 := start of all screen mem
-        LDR     R5, [WsPtr, #ScreenSize]
-        MOVS    R4, R4, LSR #1                  ; add on R4*ScreenSize
-        ADDCS   R3, R3, R5
-        ADD     R5, R5, R5
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Delete - delete a character
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-Delete  ROUT
-        Push    R14
-        TST     R6, #TEUpdate                   ; if colours dirty
-        BLNE    ReallySetColours                ; then update them
-        TST     R6, #32                         ; Bit 5 set => no cursor move
-        BLEQ    BS
-        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]       ; reload in case BS corrupts it
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        TSTEQ   R6, #(TeletextMode :OR: ClipBoxEnableBit)
-        BNE     %FT20
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     tophalf, #0                     ; Print with space
-        MOV     bottomhalf, #0
-        LDR     screen, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]
-        LDR     bigfont, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        LDR     linelen, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        LDR     PC, [WsPtr, #WrchNbit]
-        TST     R6, #Vdu5Bit
-        Pull    R14, NE
-        BNE     Vdu5Delete
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        MOVNE   R0, #32                         ; wipe out with space
-        Pull    R14, NE
-        BNE     TTXDoChar
-        BL      ClipCursorCell                  ; must be ClipBoxEnable
-        B       %BT10                           ; so clip cursor and continue
-      [ {FALSE}
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       Convert colours if in 256 colour mode
-; in:   bpp = BitsPerPix
-;       fore = foreground colour (in 'user' format)
-;       back = background colour (-------""-------)
-; out:  fore, back = adjusted colours (if necessary)
-        CMP     bpp, #8
-        MOVNE   PC, R14
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     col, fore
-        LDR     index, [WsPtr, #TFTint]
-        BL      FudgeColour
-        MOV     fore, col
-        MOV     col, back
-        LDR     index, [WsPtr, #TBTint]
-        BL      FudgeColour
-        MOV     back, col
-        Pull    PC
-FudgeColour                             ; col   =   0  0 B3 B2 G3 G2 R3 R2
-                                        ; index =  t1 t0  0  0  0  0  0  0
-        MOV     R3, col, LSL #2         ; R3 :=  B3 B2 G3 G2 R3 R2  0  0
-        AND     R3, R3, #&84            ; R3 :=  B3  0  0  0  0 R2  0  0
-        MOVS    col, col, LSL #28       ; C :=   B2
-        MOV     col, col, LSR #29       ; col :=  0  0  0  0  0 G3 G2 R3
-        ORR     col, R3, col, LSL #4    ; col := B3 G3 G2 R3  0 R2  0  0
-        ORRCS   col, col, #&08          ; col := B3 G3 G2 R3 B2 R2  0  0
-        ORR     col, col, index, LSR #6 ; col := B3 G3 G2 R3 B2 R2 T1 T0
-        MOV     PC, R14
-      ]
-; *****************************************************************************
-PlainBit ROUT
-; first set up RAMMaskTb
-        ASSERT  bpp=0
-        LDR     bpp, [WsPtr, #BytesPerChar]
-        MOV     R1, #1
-        RSB     R1, R1, R1, LSL bpp      ; first form mask for leftmost pixel
-                                         ; = (2^BytesPerChar)-1
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #RAMMaskTb
-        STR     R1, [R3], #4            ; store mask
-        MOVS    R1, R1, LSL bpp         ; shift to next pixel
-        BNE     %BT10                   ; loop until all shifted out
-; DDV: Original code used to read:
-;       TEQ     bpp, #16
-;       MOVEQ   PC, R14     ; nothing to do on a mode change in this mode
-; In 32 bit per pixel modes this used to cause an overflow, new function
-; drops out if the bpp >= 16.
-        CMP     bpp, #16
-        MOVGT   PC, R14     ; nothing to do on a mode change in this mode
-        Push    R14
-        LDR     tabaddr, [WsPtr, #TextExpandArea]
-        ADD     tabaddr, tabaddr, bpp, LSL #8   ; TextPlain now dynamic
-        MOV     dest, #&80000000
-        CMP     bpp, #4
-        BHI     Plain8Bit
-        BEQ     Plain4Bit
-        CMP     bpp, #1
-        BHI     Plain2Bit
-        ADR     hiaddr, P1BTab
-        ADD     R10, hiaddr, #8                ; end address
-        LDR     hiword, [hiaddr], #4
-        ADR     loaddr, P1BTab
-        LDR     loword, [loaddr], #4
-        MOV     cbyte, hiword, LSL #28
-        ORR     dest, cbyte, dest, LSR #4
-        MOV     cbyte, loword, LSL #28
-        ORRS    dest, cbyte, dest, LSR #4
-        BLCS    OutputNoColour
-        MOVS    loword, loword, LSR #4
-        BNE     P1B40
-        TEQ     loaddr, R10
-        BNE     P1B30
-        MOVS    hiword, hiword, LSR #4
-        BNE     P1B25
-        TEQ     hiaddr, R10
-        BNE     P1B20
-        Pull    PC
-        AND     cbyte, dest, fore
-        BIC     dest, back, dest
-        ORR     dest, dest, cbyte
-        STR     dest, [tabaddr], #4
-        MOV     dest, #&80000000
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        &       &E6A2C480
-        &       &F7B3D591
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ADR     hiaddr, P2BTab
-        ADD     R10, hiaddr, #16
-        LDR     hiword, [hiaddr], #4
-        ADR     loaddr, P2BTab
-        LDR     loword, [loaddr], #4
-        MOV     cbyte, hiword, LSL #24
-        ORR     dest, cbyte, dest, LSR #8
-        MOV     cbyte, loword, LSL #24
-        ORRS    dest, cbyte, dest, LSR #8
-        BLCS    OutputNoColour
-        MOVS    loword, loword, LSR #8
-        BNE     P2B40
-        TEQ     loaddr, R10
-        BNE     P2B30
-        MOVS    hiword, hiword, LSR #8
-        BNE     P2B25
-        TEQ     hiaddr, R10
-        BNE     P2B20
-        Pull    PC
-        &       &F030C000
-        &       &FC3CCC0C
-        &       &F333C303
-        &       &FF3FCF0F
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ADR     hiaddr, P4BTab
-        ADD     R10, hiaddr, #32
-        LDR     hiword, [hiaddr], #4
-        ADR     loaddr, P4BTab
-        LDR     loword, [loaddr], #4
-        MOV     cbyte, hiword, LSL #16
-        ORR     dest, cbyte, dest, LSR #16
-        MOV     cbyte, loword, LSL #16
-        ORRS    dest, cbyte, dest, LSR #16
-        BLCS    OutputNoColour
-        MOVS    loword, loword, LSR #16
-        BNE     P4B40
-        TEQ     loaddr, R10
-        BNE     P4B30
-        MOVS    hiword, hiword, LSR #16
-        BNE     P4B25
-        TEQ     hiaddr, R10
-        BNE     P4B20
-        Pull    PC
-        &       &F0000000
-        &       &FF000F00
-        &       &F0F000F0
-        &       &FFF00FF0
-        &       &F00F000F
-        &       &FF0F0F0F
-        &       &F0FF00FF
-        &       &FFFF0FFF
-; *****************************************************************************
-        ADR     hiaddr, P8BTab
-        ADD     R10, hiaddr, #64
-        LDR     hiword, [hiaddr], #4
-        ADR     loaddr, P8BTab
-        MOV     dest, hiword
-        BL      OutputNoColour
-        LDR     dest, [loaddr], #4
-        BL      OutputNoColour
-        TEQ     loaddr, R10
-        BNE     P8B30
-        TEQ     hiaddr, R10
-        BNE     P8B20
-        Pull    PC
-        &       &00000000
-        &       &FF000000
-        &       &00FF0000
-        &       &FFFF0000
-        &       &0000FF00
-        &       &FF00FF00
-        &       &00FFFF00
-        &       &FFFFFF00
-        &       &000000FF
-        &       &FF0000FF
-        &       &00FF00FF
-        &       &FFFF00FF
-        &       &0000FFFF
-        &       &FF00FFFF
-        &       &00FFFFFF
-        &       &FFFFFFFF
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       ReadCharacter - Read character at (input) text cursor position
-; out:  R0 = character, 0 if unrecognised
-        Push    R14
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; remove both cursors
-        BL      CheckTEUpdate           ; update TextExpand if necessary
-                                        ; R6 = CursorFlags on exit
-        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
-        BNE     TTXReadCharacter
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorAddr]        ; point to correct address
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorAddr]
-        LDR     R4, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        LDR     R8, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        TST     R1, #Flag_DoubleVertical
-        BNE     RdCh1BitDouble
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]
-        CMP     R1, #1
-        BCC     RdCh1Bit
-        BEQ     RdCh2Bit
-        CMP     R1, #3
-        BCC     RdCh4Bit
-        BEQ     RdCh8Bit
-        CMP     R1, #4
-        BEQ     RdCh16Bit
-; Read character from cursor position for 32 bit per pixel
-; in    R2 -> cursor address
-;       R4 = background colour
-;       R8 = line length to be used
-; out   R6 = first four bytes of char defn
-;       R7 = last four bytes of char defn
-; used  R0,R1,R3,R5,R9,R10,R11,LR = loading screen data!
-        MACRO
-        ConvertTo1BPP $source, $dest, $bit
-        EORS    $source, $source, R4
-        ORRNE   $dest, $dest, #$bit
-        MEND
-        Push    "R0-R1,R3,R5,R9,R10-R12"
-        BL      RdCh32Bit_GetData
-        MOV     R6,R7
-        BL      RdCh32Bit_GetData
-        Pull    "R0-R1,R3,R5,R9,R10-R12"
-        B       RDCH14
-; ***********************************************************************
-        MOV     R7, #1:SHL:31
-        MOVS    R7, R7, LSR #8
-        LDMIA   R2,{R0,R1,R3,R5,R9,R10,R11,R12}
-        ConvertTo1BPP R0,  R7, 1<<31
-        ConvertTo1BPP R1,  R7, 1<<30
-        ConvertTo1BPP R3,  R7, 1<<29
-        ConvertTo1BPP R5,  R7, 1<<28
-        ConvertTo1BPP R9,  R7, 1<<27
-        ConvertTo1BPP R10, R7, 1<<26
-        ConvertTo1BPP R11, R7, 1<<25
-        ConvertTo1BPP R12, R7, 1<<24
-        ADD     R2, R2, R8
-        BCC     RdCh32Bit_Loop
-        MOV     PC,LR
-        ADD     R2, R2, #12
-        ADD     R5, R2, R8, LSL #2              ; half way
-        ADD     R3, R2, R8, LSL #3              ; one-after-finishing R2
-        ADD     R8, R8, #12
-        MOV     R7, #0
-        LDR     R1, [R2], #-4
-        EOR     R1, R1, R4
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #16
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        LDR     R1, [R2], #-4
-        EOR     R1, R1, R4
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #16
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        LDR     R1, [R2], #-4
-        EOR     R1, R1, R4
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #16
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        LDR     R1, [R2], R8
-        EOR     R1, R1, R4
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #16
-        CMP     R1, #&00010000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        TEQ     R2, R5                          ; half-way, so copy out word
-        MOVEQ   R6, R7                          ; top word
-        MOVEQ   R7, #0
-        TEQ     R2, R3                          ; finished ?
-        BNE     RDCH90
-        BEQ     RDCH14
-        ADD     R2, R2, #4
-        ADD     R5, R2, R8, LSL #2              ; half way
-        ADD     R3, R2, R8, LSL #3              ; one-after-finishing R2
-        MOV     R7, #0
-        ADD     R8, R8, #4                      ; alternate between -4 and LL+4
-        MVN     R9, R8
-        EOR     R9, R9, #3                      ; thing to EOR R8 with
-        EOR     R8, R8, R9
-        LDR     R1, [R2], R8
-        EOR     R1, R1, R4
-        CMP     R1, #&01000000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #8
-        ORR     R1, R1, #1                      ; dummy bit
-        CMP     R1, #&01000000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #8
-        CMP     R1, #&01000000                  ; Z => finish, C = output bit
-        BNE     RDCH88
-        TEQ     R2, R5                          ; half-way, so copy out word
-        MOVEQ   R6, R7                          ; top word
-        MOVEQ   R7, #0
-        TEQ     R2, R3                          ; finished ?
-        BNE     RDCH84
-        BEQ     RDCH14
-        ADD     R5, R2, R8, LSL #2              ; half way
-        ADD     R3, R2, R8, LSL #3              ; one-after-finishing R2
-        MOV     R7, #0
-        LDR     R1, [R2], R8
-        EOR     R1, R1, R4
-        CMP     R1, #&10000000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #4
-        ORR     R1, R1, #1                      ; dummy bit
-        CMP     R1, #&10000000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #4
-        CMP     R1, #&10000000                  ; Z => finish, C = output bit
-        BNE     RDCH48
-        TEQ     R2, R5                          ; half-way, so copy out word
-        MOVEQ   R6, R7                          ; top word
-        MOVEQ   R7, #0
-        TEQ     R2, R3                          ; finished ?
-        BNE     RDCH44
-        BEQ     RDCH14
-        ANDS    R0, R2, #3
-        EOR     R2, R2, R0                      ; make R2 -> word boundary
-        MOVNE   R0, #16                         ; shift adjust
-        ADD     R5, R2, R8, LSL #2              ; half way
-        ADD     R3, R2, R8, LSL #3              ; one-after-finishing R2
-        MOV     R7, #0
-        LDR     R1, [R2], R8
-        EOR     R1, R1, R4
-        MOV     R1, R1, ROR R0
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #16                 ; important bits at top
-        ORR     R1, R1, #&4000                  ; dummy bit
-        CMP     R1, #&40000000
-        MOV     R7, R7, RRX
-        MOV     R1, R1, LSL #2
-        CMP     R1, #&40000000                  ; Z => finish, C = output bit
-        BNE     RDCH28
-        TEQ     R2, R5                          ; half-way, so copy out word
-        MOVEQ   R6, R7                          ; top word
-        MOVEQ   R7, #0
-        TEQ     R2, R3                          ; finished ?
-        BNE     RDCH24
-        BEQ     RDCH14
-        LDRB    R6, [R2], R8
-        MOV     R6, R6, LSL #24
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        ORR     R6, R6, R0, LSL #16
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        ORR     R6, R6, R0, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        ORR     R0, R6, R0
-        EOR     R0, R0, R4                      ; make background zero
-        MOV     R6, #1                          ; now invert order of bits
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-        ADCS    R6, R6, R6
-        BCC     RDCH10
-        LDRB    R7, [R2], R8
-        MOV     R7, R7, LSL #24
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        ORR     R7, R7, R0, LSL #16
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        ORR     R7, R7, R0, LSL #8
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        ORR     R0, R7, R0
-        EOR     R0, R0, R4
-        MOV     R7, #1                          ; now invert order of bits
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-        ADCS    R7, R7, R7
-        BCC     RDCH12
-        MOV     R0, #32
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, # Font
-        LDMIA   R1!, {R2,R3}
-        TEQ     R2, R6
-        TEQEQ   R3, R7
-        BEQ     RDCH17                          ; successful match
-        ADD     R0, R0, #1
-        TEQ     R0, #127
-        ADDEQ   R0, R0, #1
-        ADDEQ   R1, R1, #8
-        ANDS    R0, R0, #&FF                    ; 0 if finished
-        BNE     RDCH16
-        Push    R0                              ; save char
-        BL      PostWrchCursor
-        Pull    "R0, PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-RdCh1BitDouble                                  ; double height mode
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        LDRB    R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQ     R0, R3
-        MOVEQ   R6, R0, LSL #24
-        LDREQB  R0, [R2], R8
-        LDREQB  R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQEQ   R0, R3
-        ORREQ   R6, R6, R0, LSL #16
-        LDREQB  R0, [R2], R8
-        LDREQB  R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQEQ   R0, R3
-        ORREQ   R6, R6, R0, LSL #8
-        LDREQB  R0, [R2], R8
-        LDREQB  R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQEQ   R0, R3
-        ORREQ   R0, R6, R0
-        MOVNE   R0, #0                          ; indicate bad character
-        BNE     RDCH17                          ; and branch
-        EOR     R0, R0, R4                      ; make background zero
-        MOV     R6, #1                          ; now invert order of bits
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-        ADCS    R6, R6, R6
-        BCC     RDCH10D
-        LDRB    R0, [R2], R8
-        LDRB    R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQ     R0, R3
-        MOVEQ   R7, R0, LSL #24
-        LDREQB  R0, [R2], R8
-        LDREQB  R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQEQ   R0, R3
-        ORREQ   R7, R7, R0, LSL #16
-        LDREQB  R0, [R2], R8
-        LDREQB  R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQEQ   R0, R3
-        ORREQ   R7, R7, R0, LSL #8
-        LDREQB  R0, [R2], R8
-        LDREQB  R3, [R2], R8
-        TEQEQ   R0, R3
-        ORREQ   R0, R7, R0
-        MOVNE   R0, #0                          ; indicate bad character
-        BNE     RDCH17                          ; and branch
-        EOR     R0, R0, R4
-        MOV     R7, #1                          ; now invert order of bits
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSR #1
-        ADCS    R7, R7, R7
-        BCC     RDCH12D
-        B       RDCH14
-; *****************************************************************************
-        TST     R6, #CursorsSplit
-        ADRL    R1, TTXLineStarts
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorY]
-        LDR     R1, [R1, R2, LSL #2]
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #InputCursorX]
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1                      ; skip dummy
-        LDRB    R1, [R1, R2, LSL #2]
-        MOV     R0, R1
-        TEQ     R1, #"#"                        ; not those again !
-        MOVEQ   R0, #"`"
-        TEQ     R1, #"`"
-        MOVEQ   R0, #"_"
-        TEQ     R1, #"_"
-        MOVEQ   R0, #"#"
-        B       RDCH17
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoOSBYTE87 - OSBYTE &87 entry point
-; in:   -
-; out:  R0 = &87
-;       R1 = character at text cursor, 0 if unrecognised
-;       R2 = screen mode
-        Push    "R3-R11,R14"
-        BL      ReadCharacter
-        MOV     R1, R0
-        MOV     R0, #&87
-        LDR     R2, [WsPtr, #ModeNo]
-        CMP     R0, #0                          ; clear V for any wallies!
-        Pull    "R3-R11,PC"
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       PageTest - check for CTRL/SHIFT, page mode
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        Push    R14
-        BL      Page_ProcessCallbacks   ; give callbacks at least one chance per line
-        CLC                             ; don't set leds first time
-        BL      CtrlShiftTest           ; on exit, C=CTRL, N=SHIFT
-        BCC     Page20                  ; CTRL up, then branch
-        BPL     Page20                  ; SHIFT up, then branch
-; CTRL and SHIFT are down
-        BL      ClearLines              ; CTRL+SHIFT down, so clear lines
-        BL      PostWrchCursor          ; we may be some time, so enable cursor
-        SEC                             ; set leds
-        BL      CtrlShiftTest
-        BCC     Page18
-        BLMI    Page_ProcessCallbacksIdle
-        BMI     CSWaitLoop              ; and wait for change (NB C=1 now)
- [ {FALSE}
-        BL      LEDsOff                 ; put LEDs back to normal
- ]
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; get rid of cursor again
-; CTRL and SHIFT are not both down
-        CLC                             ; don't set leds first time
-        BL      CtrlShiftTest
-        BCC     Page40                  ; [CTRL not down]
-; CTRL down, so wait for auto repeat delay time before continuing
-        BL      PostWrchCursor          ; we may be some time, so enable cursor
-        LDROSB  R1, KeyRepRate
-        STROSB  R1, CentiCounter, R0
-        CLC
-        BL      CtrlShiftTest
-        BCC     Page35                  ; CTRL no longer down
-        LDROSB  R1, CentiCounter
-        CMP     R1, #1
-        BLCS    Page_ProcessCallbacksIdle
-        BCS     Page30                  ; loop with carry set
-        BL      PreWrchCursor           ; remove cursor again
-; CTRL not down, test for page mode
-        EOR     R0, R6, #PageMode
-        TST     R0, #(PageMode :OR: CursorsSplit)
-        Pull    PC, NE                  ; cursors split or not in page mode
-        LDROSB  R3, PageModeLineCount
-        BL      BotRowCheck             ; are we on bottom row ?
-        BNE     IncLinesExit
-        TST     R6, #8
-        LDREQ   R0, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        LDREQ   R1, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        LDRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        SUB     R0, R0, R1              ; get number of lines in window
-        SUB     R0, R0, R0, LSR #2      ; * 3/4 (rounded up)
-        CMP     R0, R3                  ; does PageModeLineCount exceed this ?
-        BCC     Page50                  ; yes, then wait until SHIFT up
-        ADD     R3, R3, #1
-        STROSB  R3, PageModeLineCount, R0
-        Pull    PC
-Page50                                  ; NB C=0 on entry from above
-        BL      CtrlShiftTest
-        BMI     Page55
-; Waiting for shift
-        BL      PostWrchCursor          ; put cursor back on for now
-        SEC
-        BL      CtrlShiftTest
-        BLPL    Page_ProcessCallbacksIdle
-        BPL     PageWaitLoop
-        BL      PreWrchCursor
-        Pull    R14
-        MOV     R0, #1                  ; fudge for MASTER compatibility
-        STROSB  R0, PageModeLineCount, R1
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        TST     R6, #2
-        LDREQ   R1, [WsPtr, #TWRCol]
-        LDRNE   R1, [WsPtr, #TWLCol]
-        TST     R6, #4
-        LDREQ   R0, [WsPtr, #TWBRow]
-        LDRNE   R0, [WsPtr, #TWTRow]
-        TST     R6, #8
-        EORNE   R0, R0, R1              ; swap R0, R1
-        EORNE   R1, R0, R1
-        EORNE   R0, R0, R1
-        LDREQ   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorY]
-        LDRNE   R2, [WsPtr, #CursorX]
-        TEQ     R0, R2
-        MOV     PC, R14
-CtrlShiftTest ROUT
-	BCC     %FT05
- [ {FALSE}
-        Push    R14
-        BL      LEDsOn
-        Pull    R14
- ]
-05      MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R0, [R0, #ESC_Status]
-        TST     R0, #&40                ; escape condition ?
-        LDROSB  R0, KeyBdStatus         ; (preserves PSR)
-        BEQ     %FT10                   ; [no escape]
-        Push    R14
-        BIC     R0, R0, #KBStat_ScrollLock ; escape, so cancel scroll lock
-        STROSB  R0, KeyBdStatus, R14    ; and store back
-        MOV     R0, #&20                ; pretend shift down, ctrl up
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSL #(32-6)     ; C=CTRL, N=SHIFT
-        Pull    PC
-        TST     R0, #&08                ; shift bit
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #&20            ; move it to bit below ctrl (bit 6)
-        BICEQ   R0, R0, #&20
-        TST     R0, #KBStat_ScrollLock  ; if scroll lock on
-        ORRNE   R0, R0, #&60            ; then pretend ctrl and shift down
-        MOVS    R0, R0, LSL #(32-6)     ; C=CTRL, N=SHIFT
-        MOV     PC, R14
-        Entry
-        ; See if there are any pending callbacks
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R14, [R0, #CallBack_Flag]
-        TST     R14, #CBack_VectorReq
-        BLNE    process_callback_chain
-        EXIT
-        EntryS                          ; routine must preserve flags
-        ; See if there are any pending callbacks
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        LDRB    R14, [R0, #CallBack_Flag]
-        TST     R14, #CBack_VectorReq
-        BLNE    process_callback_chain
-        ; Now they're dealt with, we have nothing else to do, so call Idle
-      [ StorkPowerSave
-        LDR     R14, [r0, #PortableFlags]
-        TST     R14, #PortableFeature_Idle
-        SWINE   XPortable_Idle
-      ]
-        EXITS
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SO - Page mode on
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        MOV     R0, #0
-        STRB    R0, [R0, #OsbyteVars + :INDEX: PageModeLineCount]
-        ORR     R6, R6, #PageMode
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       SI - Page mode off
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        BIC     R6, R6, #PageMode
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoResetFont - Reset some or all of the soft font from the hard font
-; in:   R1*32 = start character, R2 = number of pages to copy
-;       NB no range checking is done on these numbers
-DoResetFont     ROUT
-        ADRL    R0, HardFont-32*8
-        ADD     R3, WsPtr, #(Font-32*8)
-        ADD     R0, R0, R1, LSL #8      ; start source
-        ADD     R3, R3, R1, LSL #8      ; start dest
-        ADD     R1, R0, R2, LSL #8      ; end source
-        LDR     R2, [R0], #4
-        STR     R2, [R3], #4
-        TEQ     R0, R1
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       DoReadFont - Read character font
-; in:   R1 -> control block
-;       [R1, #0] = character to read (2..5 => read ecf, 6=> read dotdash)
-; out:  [R1, #1..8] = font for that character
-        LDRB    R0, [R1]
-        CMP     R0, #32
-        ADD     R0, WsPtr, R0, LSL #3
-        ADDCS   R0, R0, #(Font-32*8)           ; R0 -> font
-        ADDCC   R0, R0, #(Ecf1-2*8)
-        LDMIA   R0, {R2,R3}
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #1]
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #2]
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #3]
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #4]
-        STRB    R3, [R1, #5]
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #8
-        STRB    R3, [R1, #6]
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #8
-        STRB    R3, [R1, #7]
-        MOV     R3, R3, LSR #8
-        STRB    R3, [R1, #8]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       NAK - Disable VDU
-; in:   R6 = CursorFlags
-        ORR     R6, R6, #VduDisabled
-        STR     R6, [WsPtr, #CursorFlags]
-        MOV     PC, R14
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       STX - Turn printer on
-;       ETX - Turn printer off
-; in:   R0 = 2 or 3
-; insert code here to call UPTVEC or NETVEC
-; (probably need to restore cursor while doing so in case of 'Not listening')
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        TEQ     R0, #2                          ; turning on ?
-        ORREQ   R1, R1, #Vdu2Mode               ; yes, then set bit
-        BICNE   R1, R1, #Vdu2Mode               ; no, then clear bit
-        STR     R1, [WsPtr, #VduStatus]
-        MOVEQ   PC, R14                         ; exit if not turning off
-        Push    R14
-        MOV     R0, #&7B                        ; make printer dormant
-        SWI     XOS_Byte
-        Pull    PC, VC
-; bad exit from the OSBYTE
-        Pull    R14
-        B       VduBadExit
-; *****************************************************************************
-;       BEL - Do VDU 7
-; in:   BELLchannel, BELLinfo, BELLfreq, BELLdur contain info for bell
-;       BELLinfo:       Bits 0,1        S bits
-;                       Bit  2          H bit
-;                       Bits 3-6        (envelope-1) OR (volume+15)
-;                       Bit  7          0 => envelope, 1 => volume
-; out:  SOUND &HFSC, A, P, D
-        Push    R14
-        BYTEWS  R0
-        ADD     R1, WsPtr, #(BeepBlock :AND: &FF)
-        ADD     R1, R1, #(BeepBlock :AND: &FF00)
-        MOV     R2, #0
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #5]                    ; zero hi-byte of pitch
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #7]                    ; zero hi-byte of duration
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #:INDEX: BELLchannel]  ; copy channel
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #0]                    ; into OSWORD block
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #:INDEX: BELLinfo]     ; get info
-        AND     R3, R2, #7                      ; bit 2 of R3 is H, bits 0,1=S
-        TST     R3, #4
-        EORNE   R3, R3, #(4 :EOR: &10)          ; put H into bit 4
-        STRB    R3, [R1, #1]                    ; store H and S
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSL #24
-        MOV     R2, R2, ASR #(24+3)             ; shift down, sign extending
-        ADD     R2, R2, #1
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #2]                    ; store lo-byte of env/vol
-        MOV     R2, R2, LSR #8
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #3]                    ; store hi-byte of env/vol
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #:INDEX: BELLfreq]
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #4]                    ; copy pitch
-        LDRB    R2, [R0, #:INDEX: BELLdur]
-        STRB    R2, [R1, #6]                    ; copy duration
-        MOV     R0, #7                          ; OSWORD SOUND
-        SWI     XOS_Word
-        Pull    PC
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Compile the text fg / bg (and tint info if required) into a sensible set of
-; colour words.
-; The routines take the TextFg and TextBg colours, if NColour >= 63 then
-; we attempt to combine the tint information, this is then passed onto
-; ColourTrans to force the colour change.
-; in    -
-; out   [TextFgColour] / [TextBgColour] updated to contain new values
-; amg: 30/11/93 split these into separate routines to sort out a problem.
-; When OS_SetColour was being used for text colours in >=8bpp TForeCol/TBackCol
-; and TForeTint/TBackTint went out of step. Thus when a VDU 17 or VDU 23,17,0 | 1
-; came along both fore and back text colours were getting changed. This solution
-; is not perfect, since doing a TINT command before a colour change will still
-; go wrong but I consider that worth leaving against the alternative of changing
-; the function of this area of the code by having some magic value.
-CompileTextBg ROUT
-        Entry   "R0-R1"
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-        CMP     R1, #63                         ; is this a daft mode?
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #TBackCol]
-        LDRCS   LR, [WsPtr, #TBTint]
-        ANDCS   LR, LR, #&C0                    ; only look at 2 bits of tint
-        ORRCS   R0, R0, LR                      ; combine tint value to bg colour
-        BLCS    ConvertGCOLToColourNumber
-        STRVC   R0, [WsPtr, #TextBgColour]
-        EXIT
-CompileTextFg   ROUT
-        Entry   "R0-R1"
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-        CMP     R1, #63                         ; is this a daft mode?
-        LDR     R0, [WsPtr, #TForeCol]
-        LDRCS   LR, [WsPtr, #TFTint]
-        ANDCS   LR, LR, #&C0                    ; only look at 2 bits of tint
-        ORRCS   R0, R0, LR                      ; combine in the tint value
-        BLCS    ConvertGCOLToColourNumber       ; convert colour using ColourTrans
-        STRVC   R0, [WsPtr, #TextFgColour]      ;   store the value away - assume it worked!?!@?
-        EXIT
-; *****************************************************************************
-; Convert a GCOL including Tint information to a physical colour, returning
-; the colour number.  This is used for backwards compatibility with the
-; existing 8 bit interfaces providided within the kernel.
-; in    R0 = GCOL ( + tint ) := t t b b g g r r
-; out   R0 = colour number (at current depth)
-;       V set if no ColourTrans module.
-; don't call CTrans if in 8bpp since otherwise GCOL numbers vary with
-; palette changes!
-ConvertGCOLToColourNumber ROUT
-        EntryS  "R1-R2"
-        LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #NColour]
-        CMP     R1, #63
-        CMPNE   R1, #255
-        BEQ     %FT20
-        AND     LR, R0, #4_3000                 ; extract the tint information
-        MOV     R0, R0, LSL #14                 ; convert to a sensible bit location
-        AND     R2, R0, #4_0003 :SHL: 14        ; extract the red
-        ORR     R2, R2, LR, LSL #6              ; and then combine the tint information
-        AND     R1, R0, #4_0030 :SHL: 14        ; extract the green
-        ORR     R2, R2, R1, LSL #6
-        ORR     R2, R2, LR, LSL #14             ; and combine with tint and green
-        AND     R1, R0, #4_0300 :SHL: 14        ; finally extract the blue component
-        ORR     R2, R2, R1, LSL #12
-        ORR     R2, R2, LR, LSL #22             ; combine in the tint and blue
-        ORR     R0, R2, R2, LSR #4              ; ensure physcial colour yields pure-white!
-        SWI     XColourTrans_ReturnColourNumber
-        EXITS
-        MOV     r1, r0, LSR #6                  ; r1 =   0  0  0  0  0  0 T1 T0
-        AND     r2, r0, #2_00100001             ; r2 =   0  0 B3  0  0  0  0 R2
-        ORR     r1, r1, r2, LSL #2              ; r1 =  B3  0  0  0  0 R2 T1 T0
-        AND     r2, r0, #2_00010000             ; r2 =   0  0  0 B2  0  0  0  0
-        ORR     r1, r1, r2, LSR #1              ; r1 =  B3  0  0  0 B2 R2 T1 T0
-        AND     r2, r0, #2_00001110             ; r2 =   0  0  0  0 G3 G2 R3  0
-        ORR     r0, r1, r2, LSL #3              ; r0 =  B3 G3 G2 R3 B2 R2 T1 T0
-        EXITS
-        LTORG
-        END