• Jeffrey Lee's avatar
    Add VFPv2 support code · a5596610
    Jeffrey Lee authored
      This update adds the support code necessary to allow the VFPv2 coprocessor in the Raspberry Pi to be used in its full IEEE-compliant mode, and to add support for the generation of errors on VFP match exceptions (division by zero, etc.)
      SoftFloat Release 2b (http://www.jhauser.us/arithmetic/SoftFloat.html) is used to perform the floating point calculations in software, ensuring their accuracy.
      As with FPEmulator, the support code will only be included on machines which require it; at the moment this decision is handled by the makefile, based around the target machine type.
      Note that the current version of the support code does not implement default NaN or flush-to-zero mode, so it is not a fully accurate emulation of the hardware.
      Also added a new SWI, VFPSupport_ExceptionDump, for creating and reading a VFP context exception dump, and a new reason code to VFPSupport_Features to query which exception enable bits are supported
      File changes:
      - Makefile - Rewritten...
Instructions 15.9 KB