Mouse:USB mouse


NoDevice:No such USB device
NoInterface:Couldn't find interface
NoEndpoint:Cannot find a valid endpoint
EndpointUsed:Endpoint in use
BadPipe:Couldn't open pipe
BadXfer:Couldn't allocate transfer
NoStream:No such stream
BadRequest:Bad request
XferFailed:USB transfer failed: %0
NotRootP:Not allowed on root hub


CC00:Normal Completion
CC01:In Progress
CC02:Pending requests
CC03:Not started
CC04:Invalid value
CC05:No memory
CC07:Bad address
CC08:In use
CC09:No address
CC10:Set address failed
CC11:No power
CC12:Too deep
CC13:IO Error
CC14:Not configured
CC16:Short transfer


HUSBDBG:*USBDebug sets the debug level for general usb, hub and mouse output.�
SUSBDBG:*USBDebug <usb> [<hub> [<mouse>]]�
HUSBBUS:*USBBuses shows a list of the USB buses attached to the computer.�
SUSBBUS:Syntax: *USBBuses�
HUSBDEV:*USBDevices shows a list of the USB devices attached to the computer.�
SUSBDEV:Syntax: *USBDevices�
HUSBDIN:*USBDevInfo shows information on a USB device as listed by USBDevices.�
SUSBDIN:Syntax: *USBDevInfo <device>�
HUSBCIN:*USBConfInfo shows configuration information for a USB device as listed by USBDevices.�
SUSBCIN:Syntax: *USBConfInfo <device>�
HUSBCON:*USBSetConfig sets the configuration of a USB device as listed by USBDevices.�
SUSBCON:Syntax: *USBSetConfig <device> <config>�
HUSBINT:*USBSetInterface sets the alternate setting for an interface on a USB device.�
SUSBINT:Syntax: *USBSetInterface <device> <interface> <setting>�
HUSBDIS:*USBDiscover forces a search for new devices on all buses.�
SUSBDIS:Syntax: *USBDiscover�
HUSBRES:*USBReset forces the resetting of a device by disconnecting it in software, and making the hub driver start the port again.�
SUSBRES:Syntax: *USBReset�