; Copyright 2003 Tematic Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
defaultHostID   EQU 7
maxDeviceID     EQU 7           ;Host/Target DeviceID's are 0..7

minCDBLen       EQU 3           ;Imposed by LoadCDBregisters
maxCDBLen       EQU 12          ;SBIC has 12 CDB registers

DeviceIDMask    EQU 7
DeviceIDShft    EQU 0
CardIDMask      EQU &18
CardIDShft      EQU 3
LUNIDMask       EQU &E0
LUNIDShft       EQU 5

PAGESIZE        EQU 4096        ;SRAM is 64K in 16 x 4K pages
PANICPAGE       EQU 0           ;Page  0      used to sink/source unwanted data
PAGEBITS        EQU &0000FFFE   ;Pages 1..15, initially marked as unallocated
                                ;Pages 16..31 don't exist, marked as allocated

                ASSERT (PAGESIZE = (1 :SHL: Log2PAGESIZE))

CMDCOUNT        EQU 16          ;Number of queued commands
CMDBITS         EQU &0000FFFF   ;

                ASSERT (CMDBITS = (1 :SHL: CMDCOUNT)-1)

UnixAccessKey   EQU &FC000003   ;Magic value that allows UNIX to break the
                                ; AccessKey system. ONLY allowed on SWI SCSI_Op
                                ; If the user of this key corrupts your DISC
                                ; DON'T COME CRYING TO ME.
RCsoftcopyadr * &9A

LF      *   10
CR      *   13
SPACE   *   32

EscapeBit       EQU &40         ;This bit indicates escape pressed

IDLE            EQU &00000000
RUNNING         EQU &00000004
STALLED         EQU &00000008
WAITING         EQU &00000010
INITIALISED     EQU &00000040
ERROR           EQU &00000080

; Register names
; ==============
rPAGESLOTptr    RN 7
rCMDptr         RN 8
rDEVICEptr      RN 9
rPODULEptr      RN 10
rDMACptr        RN 11
;WsPtr          RN 12
StkPtr          RN 13
Link            RN 14
;PC             RN 15

; Access to stacked registers - TO BE USED WITH CAUTION!
; ===========================

 ^ 0,StkPtr
StackedR0   # 4
StackedR1   # 4
StackedR2   # 4
StackedR3   # 4
StackedR4   # 4
StackedR5   # 4
StackedR6   # 4
StackedR7   # 4

; Podule             SRAMptr    DMACptr        PODULEptr
;  0      03240000   03000000   03003000       03343000
;  1      03244000
;  2      03248000
;  3      0324C000
Podule0SlowAccess       EQU &03240000
PoduleSpeedMask         EQU &00180000

SRAMptrRel   EQU &03000000 - Podule0SlowAccess
DMACptrRel   EQU &03003000 - Podule0SlowAccess
PODULEptrRel EQU &03343000 - Podule0SlowAccess

; Podule registers
; Both memory mapped, accessed by +ve/-ve offsets off rPODULEptr (R10)
 ^ -4,rPODULEptr

PR_IntStat # 0                  ;Read : Interrupt status
PR_ClrInt  # 4                  ;Write: Clear DMAC interrupt
PR_PageReg # 0                  ;Write: PageRegister/IntEnable/UserReset

Pod_IRQ                 EQU &01 ;Podule IRQ (Set if TC_IRQ or SB_IRQ)
TC_IRQ                  EQU &02 ; DMAC terminal count
SB_IRQ                  EQU &08 ; SBIC interrupting

Pod_EnableInts          EQU &40
Pod_ForceReset          EQU &80

; SBIC registers, commands and status bits
; SBIC registers
 ^ -8,rDMACptr
                                ;    bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
SBICauxstat     # 0             ; RO  INT  LCI  BSY  CIP    0    0   PE  DBR
SBICaddress     # 4             ; WO  Register selection address
SBICindirect    # 4             ; Read/write register given by address register
; Register indicators, must be written to SBIC address register (see wrSBIC
;  & rdSBIC macros)
;                               ;    bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
SR_OwnID                EQU &00 ; RW  FS1  FS0    0  EHP  EAF  ID2  ID1  ID0
SR_Control              EQU &01 ; RW  DM2  DM1  DM0  HHP  EDI  IDI   HA  HSP
SR_Timeout              EQU &02 ; RW  timeout period value = Tper*Ficlk/80d
SR_CDB                  EQU &03
SR_TargetLUN            EQU &0F ; RW  TLV  DOK    0    0    0  TL2  TL1  TL0
SR_Phase                EQU &10
SR_SyncXfer             EQU &11
SR_CountHi              EQU &12 ; RW  Transfer count MSB
SR_CountMd              EQU &13
SR_CountLo              EQU &14 ; RW  Transfer count LSB
SR_DestID               EQU &15 ;     SCC  DPD    0    0    0  DI2  DI1  DI0
SR_SourceID             EQU &16 ; RW   ER   ES  DSP    0  SIV  SI2  SI1  SI0
SR_SCSIstat             EQU &17
SR_Command              EQU &18
SR_Data                 EQU &19
; SBIC commands - Actioned by writing to SBIC command register (SR_Command)
SC_Reset                EQU &00 ; Level 1
SC_Abort                EQU &01 ;       1
SC_AssertATN            EQU &02 ;       1
SC_NegateACK            EQU &03 ;       1
SC_Disconnect           EQU &04 ;       1
SC_Sel_withATN          EQU &06 ; Level 2
SC_Sel_Tx_withATN       EQU &08 ;       2
SC_Sel_Tx_woATN         EQU &09 ;       2
SC_SetIDI               EQU &0F ;       2
SC_Transfer_Info        EQU &20 ;       2
SC_Transfer_Info_SBT    EQU &A0 ;       2
; Host status - Indicates cause of most recent SBIC interrupt, read from SCSI
;               status register (SR_SCSIstat)
; Format: 1 byte: iiiiqqqq (1=interrupt type bits, q=qualifier bits)
HOST_Type_Mask          EQU 2_11110000  ;Mask to extract interrupt type
HOST_RESET              EQU 2_00000001  ;Reset - advanced features enabled
HOST_COMPLETE           EQU 2_00010000
HOST_PAUSED             EQU 2_00100000
HOST_TERMINATED         EQU 2_01000000
HOST_SERVICE            EQU 2_10000000
HOST_Qualifier_Mask     EQU 2_00001111  ;Mask to extract qualifier
HOST_TIMEOUT            EQU 2_01000010
; SBIC general status bits - Read from SBIC auxiliary status register
;                            (SBIXauxstat)
DBR                     EQU &01 ;Data Buffer Ready
PE                      EQU &02 ;Parity Error
CIP                     EQU &10 ;Command In Progress
BSY                     EQU &20 ;BuSY - Level II command executing
LCI                     EQU &40 ;Last Command Ignored
INT                     EQU &80 ;INTerrupt pending
; Bits in SR_OwnID
EAF             EQU &08         ;Enable Advanced Features
;EHP            EQU &10         ;Enable Host Parity
; Bits in SR_Control
IDI             EQU &04         ;Intermediate Disconnect Interrupt
;EDI            EQU &08         ;Ending Disconnect Interrupt
DMAmode         EQU &20         ;SBIC burst DMA mode
; Bits in SR_DestID
DPD             EQU &40         ;Data Phase Direction, set for DataIn expected
; Bits in SR_SourceID
ER              EQU &80         ;Enable reselection
SIV             EQU &08         ;Source ID valid
SyncMode        EQU &20         ;REQ/ACK pulse width of 1 cycle
SelectTimeout   EQU 10          ;SBIC 100mS timeout on select phase

; DMAC registers and control bits
; DMAC registers - memory mapped, accessed by +ve offsets off rDMACptr (R11)
 ^ 0,rDMACptr
DR_Initialise #  &200 ; 000
DR_Channel    # -&1FC ; 200
DR_TxCntLo    #  &200 ; 004
DR_TxCntHi    # -&1FC ; 204
DR_TxAdrLo    #  &200 ; 008
DR_TxAdrMd    # -&1FC ; 208
DR_TxAdrHi    #  &200 ; 00C
DR_Unused     # -&1FC ; 20C
DR_DevCon1    #  &200 ; 010
DR_DevCon2    # -&1FC ; 210
DR_ModeCon    #  &200 ; 014
DR_Status     # -&1FC ; 214
DR_TempLo     #  &200 ; 018
DR_TempHi     # -&1FC ; 218
DR_Request    #  &200 ; 01C
DR_Mask       # -&1FC ; 21C
dmac_bits       EQU &01         ;Active, 8bit mode
ctrl1           EQU &60         ;Active low DRQ/DACK, extended write
ctrl2           EQU &01         ;Bus hold between cycles

clr_mask        EQU &0E         ;Channel 0 may interrupt
set_mask        EQU &0F         ;Set all DRQ masks
dma_rd_mode     EQU &04         ;Demand mode, read
dma_wr_mode     EQU &08         ;Demand mode, write

; SCSI command, message and status bytes
; SCSI commands - Operation codes held in the 1st byte of a CDB (command
;                 descriptor block).
C_INQUIRY               EQU &12
INQUIRY_BLK_SIZE        EQU 5           ;Used by 'Determine Device'

READCAPACITY_BLK_SIZE   EQU 8           ;Used by 'Determine Device'

REQUESTSENSE_BLK_SIZE   EQU &08         ;Space for 8 bytes of extended sense
; SCSI Message codes - In = Target to initiator, Out = Initiator to Target
MESSAGE_DISCONNECT              EQU &04 ; In
MESSAGE_ABORT                   EQU &06 ;    Out
MESSAGE_REJECT                  EQU &07 ; In Out
MESSAGE_NOOPERATION             EQU &08 ;    Out
; Target status - Returned by the Target during the status phase of command
; Format: 1 byte: rvvSSSSv (r=reserved, v=vendor unique, S=status bit)
TARGET_Mask                     EQU 2_10011110  ;Mask to extract status bits
TARGET_GOOD                     EQU 2_00000000
TARGET_CHECK_CONDITION          EQU 2_00000010
TARGET_BUSY                     EQU 2_00001000
; Pseudo target status values
TARGET_TIMEOUT                  EQU &0100       ;Timeout during selection
                                                ;We sent MESSAGE_ABORT
TARGET_TIMEOUT2                 EQU &0200       ; cos operation took too long
TARGET_ESCAPED                  EQU &0300       ; cos user pressed escape
TARGET_ABORTOP                  EQU &0400       ; cos user did AbortOp
TARGET_ABORTDEVICE              EQU &0500       ; cos user did AbortDevice
                                                ;We sent MESSAGE_BUSDEVICERESET
TARGET_RESET                    EQU &0600       ; cos user did ResetDevice
TARGET_UNEXPECTEDDISCONNECT     EQU &0700       ;Target dropped dead!!!

; Misc records - RamRec, PtrRec and CmdRec
; The SRAM is visible as 16 x 4K pages (PAGECOUNT x PAGELEN),
; Data transfer between MainRam & SRAM is by a fast data copier using LDM/STM
; in chunks of PAGELEN bytes or less.
; Data transfer between SRAM & SBIC uses the DMAC controler and is in chunks
; of PAGELEN bytes or less.
; For each slot, we maintain a record of the MainRam address,SRAMpage,
; SRAMoffset and Block size of a chunk.
; For each device, we maintain a circular queue indicating slots allocated to
; that device.
; Consider the READ case (Target->Host)
;   The DMAC, if running, fills the slot whose number is held in DMACram.
;   On completion of that chunk (terminal count interrupt), DMACram is
;   queued. If there is further data to transfer and a page can be claimed
;   to DMA it into, that page number is written into DMACram and the DMAC
;   restarted, if not the DMAC status is set to IDLE or STALLED as appropriate.
;   The copier will run for as long as QStart<>QEnd and will copy the page
;   whose slot number appears at QStart. On completion of that page, QStart is
;   advanced. When QStart=QEnd, the copier status is set to IDLE or STALLED
;   as appropriate.
;   The slots freed by the copier will allow a stalled DMAC to be restarted and
;   slots filled by the DMAC may allow a stalled Copier to be restarted.

    ^ 0,rPAGESLOTptr
RamTxAdr        # 4             ;Main memory Src/Dst address
RamBlkSz        # 4             ;BlockSize
RamOffset       # 4             ;SRAM offset (0/1/2/3)
RamPage         # 4             ;SRAM page
RamRecSize      # 0
; A SCSI pointer record, used by SavedPointers,CurrentPointers & FuturePointers
    ^ 0
ScatPtr         # 4
EntAdr          # 4
EntCnt          # 4
TtlCnt          # 4
PtrRecSize      # 0
; Commands are queued, and start executing in chronological order,
; if a device allows disconnection, it may disconnect, allowing a
; later command (for a different device) to be started.
; Although commands are started in order, they may complete and hence be
; removed from the queue in any order.
    ^ 0,rCMDptr
CmdDevID        # 4             ;                 } Copy of SCSIop
CmdCDBLen       # 4             ;                 }
CmdCDB          # 12            ;N.B. Copy of CDB }
CmdXferPtr      # 4             ;                 }
CmdXferLen      # 4             ;                 }  parameters
 [ soft
CmdCallbackR5   # 4             ;                 }
CmdTimeout      # 4             ;                 }
CmdCallbackAdr  # 4             ;                 }
CmdCallbackR12  # 4             ;                 }

CmdRtR3         # 4             ; }
CmdRtR4         # 4             ; }

CmdStat         # 4             ;Waiting/Initialising/Initialised/Running/Idle
;CmdCtl          # 4             ;Send message/Execute CDB/Request sense
CmdOpID         # 4             ;Command ID returned to user
CmdNxt          # 4             ;Link to next command (chronological order)

spare0          # 4

CmdRecSize      # 0
                ASSERT ((:INDEX: CmdRecSize) = (1 :SHL: Log2CMDRECSIZE))

; Workspace for SCSI device
    ^ 0,rDEVICEptr
DeviStat        # 4             ;absent/idle/running
CopyStat        # 4             ;       idle/running/stalled
DMACStat        # 4             ;       idle/running/stalled
SBICStat        # 4             ;       idle/running
Connected       # 4             ;0/~0 for disconnected/connected

MessageIn       # 4             ;Last message we received
MessageOut      # 4             ;Last message we managed to send
TargStat        # 4             ;Copied from SBIC TargetLUN register on
                                ; completion of 'Select-And-Transfer'
HostStat        # 4             ;Copied from SBIC SCSI status register
HostStat1       # 4             ;Previous value
 [ debug
HostStat2       # 4
HostStat3       # 4
HostStat4       # 4
HostStat5       # 4
HostStat6       # 4
HostStat7       # 4
 [ debug
;IntStat         # 4
HostAuxStat     # 4             ;
;HostPhase       # 4

CpyCtl          # 4
CpyAdr          # 4  ;>>>not needed??? ;Main memory address to copy to/from
CpyCnt          # 4             ;Transfer size loaded into SBIC
CpyFail         # 4             ;Amount NOT transfered

SavedPointers   # 0     ;SavedPointers
SavdScatPtr     # 4     ;
SavdEntAdr      # 4     ;
SavdEntCnt      # 4     ;
SavdTtlCnt      # 4     ; see PtrRecSize

CurrentPointers # 0     ;CurrentPointers
CurrScatPtr     # 4     ;        ;Pointer to next Address/Length pair to use
CurrEntAdr      # 4     ;
CurrEntCnt      # 4     ;
CurrTtlCnt      # 4     ; see PtrRecSize

FuturePointers  # 0     ;FuturePointers
FutrScatPtr     # 4     ;Used only when writing,
FutrEntAdr      # 4     ; to allow data to be copied to SRAM
FutrEntCnt      # 4     ; before the DMAC needs it.
FutrTtlCnt      # 4     ; see PtrRecSize

DemandSlot      # :INDEX: RamRecSize

Timeout         # 4
QStart          # 4             ; } Offsets to Queue0..Queue19
QEnd            # 4             ; } Queue bigger than number of pages to
Queue0          # (PAGECOUNT+4)*4 ; } prevent full/empty ambiguity
QueuePastIt     # 0
DMACram         # 4             ;If reading, this is the RAM page (0..15), that
                                ;            the DMAC is filling.
                                ;If writing, this is the RAM page the DMAC is
                                ;            emptying.
CMDptr          # 4             ;Pointer to current CmdRec

FakeScatterAdr  # 4             ;If user didn't supply a scatter list, dump
FakeScatterLen  # 4             ; address & len here and use this

SenseBlk        # REQUESTSENSE_BLK_SIZE ;Good place to put Sense Data if doing
                                ; automatic Request sense on check condition

PendingCnt      # 4             ;Number of commands queued for this device
SoftClearDevCBEnd # 0   ;Extent of clearing/initialise for 'soft' initialise

 [ :LNOT:soft
ReleaseCallAdr  # 4
ReleaseCallR12  # 4
AccessKey       # 4

ControlTimeout  # 4
ControlBits     # 4

HoldCmd         # 4             ;Used to hold SBIC state around MessageIN
HoldPhase       # 4             ; MessageOut phases
HoldCount       # 4
 [ bugfix2
Suppress        # 4             ;Bit mask of messages (out) to be suppressed
                                ; normally zero, holds CTL_Suppress after
                                ; MESSAGE_COMMANDCOMPLETE received
HardClearDevCBEnd # 0   ;Extent of clearing/initialise for 'hard' initialise
deviceRecSize   # 0

; Workspace for ONE SCSI card
    ^ 0,WsPtr
DEVICEptr       # 4             ;0 or ->DevCB(0..7)
PODULEptr       # 4             ;Typicaly &03343000 (for slot 0)
DMACptr         # 4             ;Typicaly &03003000 (for slot 0)
SRAMptr         # 4             ;Typicaly &03000000 (for slot 0)
HostID          # 4             ;0..7, typicaly 7

ClearWSStart    # 0

OperationID     # 4             ;Next operation ID to be issued
Lockout         # 4
QuadDump        # 16

RamMap          # 4             ;Bit vector of RAM pages in use
Ram0            # (PAGECOUNT * :INDEX: RamRecSize)
                                ;16 slots, one slot per page of SRAM
FirstCmd        # 4
CmdMap          # 4
Cmd0            # (CMDCOUNT * :INDEX: CmdRecSize)

ClearWSEnd      # 0

DevCB0          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize
DevCB1          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize
DevCB2          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize
DevCB3          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize
DevCB4          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize
DevCB5          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize
DevCB6          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize
DevCB7          # :INDEX: deviceRecSize

Cardworkspacesize # 0

; Workspace for upto 4 SCSI cards
    ^ 0,WsPtr
ListEntry0      # 4
ListEntry1      # 4
ListEntry2      # 4
ListEntry3      # 4
ListHighestTerm # 4

maxCardID       # 4             ;0/1/2/3 for 1/2/3/4 SCSI cards

SCSIstubsize    # 0

LogicalCard0    # :INDEX: Cardworkspacesize
LogicalCard1    # :INDEX: Cardworkspacesize
LogicalCard2    # :INDEX: Cardworkspacesize
LogicalCard3    # :INDEX: Cardworkspacesize

SCSIworkspacesize # 0

; Control bits in R0 for SWI SCSI_Op
CTL_TXNONE                      EQU &00 :SHL: 24
CTL_TXREAD                      EQU &01 :SHL: 24
CTL_TXWRITE                     EQU &02 :SHL: 24
CTL_TXRESERVED                  EQU &03 :SHL: 24
CTL_SCATTER                     EQU &01 :SHL: 26
CTL_NOESCAPE                    EQU &01 :SHL: 27
CTL_RETRYONTIMEOUT              EQU &01 :SHL: 28
CTL_BACKGROUND                  EQU &01 :SHL: 29
;>>>Would extra bits for inhibit disconnect and 'this is a message' be useful
;>>>(possibly for internal use only)?
CTL_INHIBITIDENTIFY             EQU &01 :SHL: 20
CTL_REJECTQUEUEFULL             EQU &01 :SHL: 18
CTL_DOINGRESET                  EQU &01 :SHL: 15
CTL_DOINGABORTOP                EQU &01 :SHL: 13
CTL_DOINGTIMEOUT2               EQU &01 :SHL: 11
; Composite flags for communication at the simplest level,
;   ie no disconnection or identify message.
CTL_DumbDeviceTXREAD            EQU CTL_DumbDeviceTXNONE     :OR: CTL_TXREAD
CTL_DumbDeviceTXWRITE           EQU CTL_DumbDeviceTXNONE     :OR: CTL_TXWRITE
; Composite flags for sending messages
; Actions to be suppressed once MESSAGE_COMMANDCOMPLETE is received

; Internally the device driver always runs SCSI transfers as background tasks
; that perform a callback on completion/error. The 'foreground' transfers are
; acheived by setting up an internal background handler and looping in the
; foreground until the callback handler indicates completion by writing to
; a block allocated on the stack. The format of this block is:-
    ^ 0
CallBkR0        # 4     ;0 or ->error block
CallBkR1        # 4     ;0 or error number
CallBkR2        # 4     ;     logical address on device where error occured

CallRtR3        # 4     ;
CallRtR4        # 4     ;

CallBkStat      # 4     ;RUNNING/IDLE/ERROR

CallBkRecSize   # 0
