• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Made use of "PoduleReadOnly" and "AddressRange" loader error messages, added to messages file. · e05681e4
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Network and ExtROM internal loaders now return full message strings
    rather than the "Bad" token!
    Presence of absence of ExtROMs/EASI/NIC/IOC and MEMC podule support is
    deduced at runtime,and the logical addresses requested from the Kernel
    by OS_Memory.EASI,ExtROMs and NIC remain assembly time options though
    just to reduce the size of the module a bit.
    An assortment of internal variables have been altered to have 0 or -1 as
    their unused value rather than &80000000 as this may be a candidate for
    genuine loader addresses in future.
    First pass at removing IOMD specific assumptions in the module.
    Version 1.59. Tagged as 'Podule-1_59'
MsgCode 11.2 KB