• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Prised out the last remaining IOMD assumptions,now follows a policy of... · 1d45f6e2
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Prised out the last remaining IOMD assumptions,now follows a policy of autodetection described in "Docs.Policy",which included eliminating some static tables which were produced at runtime.
    The static tables are now all in s.Tables.
    The podule node list is generated at run time since so many of the node
    entries needed correction depending on where "SSpaceStart" is.
    Though not explicitly mentioned in the PRMs,where an IO area doesn't
    exist for a given IOMD varient zero is returned by Podule_ReadInfo to
    denote it does not exist
    Support for Podule_SetSpeed helpers added,thus IOMD abstracting the way
    you set EASI cycle speeds.
    Version 1.60. Tagged as 'Podule-1_60'
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