• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Removed unused HelpTokens · 7b6ba822
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Removed unused oInterface
    Implemented PCI_MemoryRead,PCI_MemoryWrite,PCI_EnumerateFunctions.
    Resync'd docs with implementation,tidied them up,and expanded some of
    the descriptions.
    Swapped a couple of BHS for BHI so that PCI_FindByXXX can find the last
    thing in the list now.
    Added new service calls to lookup name and vendor strings.
    Added vendor string reason to ReadInfo.
    Now *PCIDEVICES and *PCIINFO report the vendor string and description if
    available,else default to the class code.
    Version 0.02. Tagged as 'PCI-0_02'