• John Ballance's avatar
    Update GPIODevice to contain entry points for iMx6 with API 0.1 with single... · e8147082
    John Ballance authored
    Update GPIODevice to contain entry points for iMx6 with API 0.1 with single pin based calls, and initial entry points for API 0.2 with register wide calls.
      iMx6 has GPIO calls in the HAL that are based on single pin calls, cf those in OMAP3/4
      which (in iMx6 case) are exposed via the GPIO HAPDevice. These are modelled on calls
      in the OMAP series HALs, though these latter are not yet exposed.
      Ongoing work in other HALs provides an extended series of register wide calls. Initial
      entry points for these are also provided.
     tested on iMx6
    Version 0.63. Tagged as 'GPIO-0_63'
GPIODevice 6.5 KB