NoConfD:No CD-ROM drives configured
NoAlign:Area not word aligned
DrvNSup:CD-ROM drive not supported
ModNSup:CD mode not supported
CntPlay:Cannot play that data
DrvEmpt:CD-ROM drive empty
NoDrive:No CD-ROM drive present
BadMode:Bad addressing mode
BadMins:Bad minutes
BadSecs:Bad seconds
BadBlks:Bad blocks
PhysBad:Physical block bad
DLocked:CD-ROM drive drawer locked
BadData:Data in wrong mode
NoSubCh:Sub-channel not supported
BadDvID:Bad device id
BadCard:Bad card number
BadLUNN:Bad LUN number
NotAudi:Not an audio track
BadDisc:Compact disc is faulty
BadAddr:Not an addressable block
NotSupp:Drive does not support that
DrNPres:Soft-load driver not present
SWINSup:Soft-load driver does not support this CD_ SWI
NoMoreD:No more drivers can be added
NotRegd:Not registered
UnkCDOp:Unknown CD operation