• Ben Avison's avatar
    Support for FileCore API relaxations · ff4a4d5b
    Ben Avison authored
      * Previously, SCSIFS always set the "No directory state" startup option
        bit in FileCore_Create, even though from the PRM's description of the
        *Configure Dir/NoDir options, it should have been setting it according
        to the shared bit in CMOS byte &0B. However, since RISC OS 3.00, FileCore
        has not done anything with this information, so I'm retiring the bit.
      * No longer passes hard disc map sizes in R6 to FileCore_Create. This means
        it no longer reads them from CMOS, and nor does it update the CMOS when
        discs are mounted. This is safe because FileCore hasn't actually used
        these values since RISC OS 4.00. For consistency with ADFS (which stopped
        using its equivalent CMOS at RISC OS 5.00) the code is switched out via
        the BigDisc switch. This means we can free up a whole 4 bytes of CMOS!
      Tested briefly via a softload on an OMAP3 machine.
    Version 1.25. Tagged as 'SCSIFS-1_25'
ScsiFs15 19.8 KB