• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Unstamped files (marked by DOS with a time and date of 0x0000) will now return... · beff2f0f
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Unstamped files (marked by DOS with a time and date of 0x0000) will now return 01-Jan-1900 rather than very late at night on 31-Dec-1979.
    Can now set the RISC OS type to 0x000 (previously this would then have been
    stamped as 0xFE4 since 0x000 was used as a magic 'no filetype found' marker.
    Will now try to use MimeMap if no 'dosmap'ping was found,in this way dosmap
    overrides MimeMap for DOSFS - if neither offer a match,0xFE4 is used.
    Updated messages to reflect this.
    Discs formatted under DOSFS will now set the OEM vendor id to "DOSFS   ".
    Version 0.67. Tagged as 'DOSFS-0_67'