; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
        SUBT    > Sources.FSControl

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; +                                                                           +
; +                     F S C O N T R O L    S W I                            +
; +                                                                           +
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; FSControlEntry. Vectored SWI level entry
; ==============
; Perform various actions in FileSwitch analogous to JMI (FSCV) on BBC micro

; Filename parameters are all GSTRANSed in the standard Filing System way

; In    r0 = action requested, various parms (NB. Not r0b)

; Out   VC: Action performed, r0 preserved (frequently)
;       VS: Something terrible has happened, r0 -> error block

FSControlEntry ROUT

 [ debugcontrolentry
 DREG r0,"Doing FSControl ",cc
 DREG r1," arg1 ",cc
 DREG sp,", sp = "
        CMP     r0, #FSControl_Max
        JTAB    r0, LO, FSControl       ; Good rc if LO
        B       FSControl_BadReason

                                  ; Check reason codes against &.Hdr.File

        JTE     DirEntry,                FSControl_Dir
        JTE     LibEntry,                FSControl_Lib
        JTE     StartApplicEntry,        FSControl_StartApplication
        JTE     RunTypeEntry,            FSControl_RunType
        JTE     RunEntry,                FSControl_Run
        JTE     CatEntry,                FSControl_Cat
        JTE     CatEntry,                FSControl_Ex   ; Same as Cat
        JTE     CatEntry,                FSControl_LCat
        JTE     CatEntry,                FSControl_LEx
        JTE     InfoEntry,               FSControl_Info ; Same as Cat
        JTE     OptEntry,                FSControl_Opt
        JTE     SetFromNameEntry,        FSControl_StarMinus
        JTE     AddFSEntry,              FSControl_AddFS
        JTE     LookupFSEntry,           FSControl_LookupFS
        JTE     SelectFSEntry,           FSControl_SelectFS
        JTE     BootupFSEntry,           FSControl_BootupFS
        JTE     RemoveFSEntry,           FSControl_RemoveFS
        JTE     AddSecondaryFSEntry,     FSControl_AddSecondaryFS
        JTE     ReadFileTypeEntry,       FSControl_ReadFileType
        JTE     RestoreCurrEntry,        FSControl_RestoreCurrent
        JTE     ReadTempModEntry,        FSControl_ReadModuleBase
        JTE     ReadFSHandle,            FSControl_ReadFSHandle
        JTE     ShutFilesEntry,          FSControl_Shut
        JTE     ShutDownEntry,           FSControl_ShutDown
        JTE     AccessEntry,             FSControl_Access
        JTE     RenameEntry,             FSControl_Rename
 [ hascopy
        JTE     CopyEntry,               FSControl_Copy
        JTE     FSControl_BadReason
 [ haswipe
        JTE     WipeEntry,               FSControl_Wipe
        JTE     FSControl_BadReason
 [ hascount
        JTE     CountEntry,              FSControl_Count
        JTE     FSControl_BadReason
        JTE     FSControl_BadReason,     FSControl_CreateHandle
        JTE     ReadSecModEntry,         FSControl_ReadSecondaryModuleBase
        JTE     FileTypeFromStringEntry, FSControl_FileTypeFromString
        JTE     InfoEntry,               FSControl_FileInfo
        JTE     ReadFSNameEntry,         FSControl_ReadFSName
        JTE     FSControl_BadReason,     FSControl_SetContexts

        ; New reason codes introduced since 1.70
        JTE     AddImageFSEntry,         FSControl_RegisterImageFS
        JTE     RemoveImageFSEntry,      FSControl_DeRegisterImageFS
        JTE     CanonicalisePathEntry,   FSControl_CanonicalisePath
        JTE     InfoToFileTypeEntry,     FSControl_InfoToFileType
        JTE     URDEntry,                FSControl_URD
        JTE     BackEntry,               FSControl_Back
        JTE     DefectListEntry,         FSControl_DefectList
        JTE     AddDefectEntry,          FSControl_AddDefect
        JTE     NoDirEntry,              FSControl_NoDir
        JTE     NoURDEntry,              FSControl_NoURD
        JTE     NoLibEntry,              FSControl_NoLib
        JTE     UsedSpaceMapEntry,       FSControl_UsedSpaceMap
        JTE     ReadBootOptionEntry,     FSControl_ReadBootOption
        JTE     WriteBootOptionEntry,    FSControl_WriteBootOption
        JTE     ReadFreeSpaceEntry,      FSControl_ReadFreeSpace
        JTE     NameDiscEntry,           FSControl_NameDisc
        JTE     StampImageEntry,         FSControl_StampImage
        JTE     ObjectAtOffsetEntry,     FSControl_ObjectAtOffset
        JTE     SetDirEntry,             FSControl_SetDir
        JTE     ReadDirEntry,            FSControl_ReadDir
        JTE     ReadFreeSpace64Entry,    FSControl_ReadFreeSpace64
        JTE     DefectList64Entry,       FSControl_DefectList64
        JTE     AddDefect64Entry,        FSControl_AddDefect64

        ; New reason code introduced since 2.73
        JTE     EnumerateHandlesEntry,   FSControl_EnumerateHandles

FSControl_Max * (.-$JumpTableName) :SHR: 2


        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_BadFSControlReason
        BL      copy_error
 [ No26bitCode
        Pull    pc                              ; copy_error sets V
        Pull    lr
        ORRS    pc, lr, #V_bit

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; RunEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ========
; Run a file from the temporary Filing System

; In    r1 -> filename (space, CtrlChar term) and command line (CtrlChar term)

; Out   if it doesn't return:
;            current FS restored, program running or aborted
;       if it does return:
;            VC: file has been run ok (eg. *EXECed OR PIC transient)
;            VS: error in running or file returned badly

RunTypeEntry ; for the mo.

RunEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r3"

 [ debugrun
 DREG sp,"run sp in = "
        BL      FS_SkipSpaces           ; Saves code to have this here
                                        ; Allows */ fred etc.
        BCC     %FA99                   ; [*/ with no arg]

        ADR     r0, CommandLine
        BL      SGetLinkedString        ; May have spaces in it, so watch out !
        BVS     %FA98                   ; Nothing to deallocate

 [ debugrun
 DSTRING r1,"Trying to run "
        BL      SkipOverNameAndSpaces
        STR     r1, commandtailptr

        LDR     r1, CommandLine
        BL      TryRunningFile

        BL      SFreeCommandLine


99      addr    r0, ErrorBlock_BadCommand
        BL      CopyError
        B       %BT98

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; TryRunningFile
; ==============
; Split off from main RUN entry for ease of error handling / exiting

; In    r1 -> filename (space, CtrlChar term) and command line (CtrlChar term)

; Out   if it doesn't return:
;            current FS restored, program running or aborted
;       if it does return:
;            VS: error has been set
;            VC: file has been run ok (eg. *EXECed OR PIC transient)

TryRunningFile Entry "r0-r6,fscb" ; Try not to keep too much stacked for RUN

 [ debugrun
        DSTRING r1, "tryrunning "
        ; Process the path.
        ; Result is definitely a pure file.
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessToPathForRun
        BVS     RunExit

 [ debugrun
        DREG r0, "ft after business is "

        ; Translate L=0or-1 and E=-1 to L=&fffffeff and E=-1 for old style command files
        CMP     r2, #0
        CMPNE   r2, #-1
        CMPEQ   r3, #-1
        LDREQ   r2, =&FFFFFE00+&FF

        ; Is the file typed?
        BL      IsFileTyped
        BNE     Run_UndatedFile

        MOV     r0, r2, ASR #8          ; File type now in the lowest 12 bits
        CMP     r0, #&FFFFFFF8          ; Type FF8 ?
        BEQ     Run_Absolute8000File
        CMP     r0, #&FFFFFFFC          ; Type FFC ?
        BEQ     Run_TransientFile

; .............................................................................
; In    r2 = load address to decode

; If a temporary filing system was specified,
; and [FullFilename] doesn't contain a filing system prefix,
; then prefix FullFilename with the temporary filing system name.


        LDR     r3, commandtailptr      ; Can supply a command tail to append
        ADR     r4, RunActionPrefix
        addr    r5, ErrorBlock_UnknownRunAction
        BL      ReadActionVariable      ; Leaves r0 -> action vbl (pushed)
        BVS     RunExit_FF

 [ debugrun
        DSTRING r0, "OS_CLI on "
        LDR     r14, globalerror
        TEQ     r14, #0
        BEQ     %FT01
        DLINE   "Error given before OS_CLI"
        B       %FT02
        DLINE   "No error before OS_CLI"

        SWI     XOS_CLI
        BLVS    CopyErrorExternal
 [ debugrun
        LDR     r14, globalerror
        TEQ     r14, #0
        BEQ     %FT01
        DLINE   "Error given after OS_CLI"
        B       %FT02
        DLINE   "No error after OS_CLI"

        ADR     r0, ActionVariable
        BL      SFreeLinkedArea         ; Accumulate V

; .............................................................................


        CMPVC   r0, r0                  ; EQ -> file run ok

; .............................................................................
; In    CommandLine, PassedFilename, FullFilename and SpecialField
;       to be deallocated


        BL      JunkFileStrings



RunActionPrefix         DCB     "Alias$@RunType_" ; Shared zero with ...
        DCB     0


; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Type FF8


        MOV     r2, #&8000              ; Load at &8000
        MOV     r3, r2                  ; And execute it there

; .............................................................................


 [ debugrun
 DREG r3,"Running file at &"
        CMP     r2, #&8000              ; Can't load anything below 32K now
        BLO     %FA92
;        BIC     r3, r3, #ARM_CC_Mask    ; Form sensible ARM address for exec
        ADD     r5, r2, r4              ; Does exec address live in the code ?
        SUB     r14, r5, #1             ; Stops zero length files running too
        CMP     r3, r2                  ; ie. start <= exec < (start+length)
        RSBGES  r14, r3, r14
        BLT     %FA93                   ; LT -> not in range (ie. not in code)

        BL      ValidateR2R5_WriteToCoreCodeLoad
        BVS     RunExit_FF

        MOV     r7, r4
        MOV     r4, r2
        LDR     r5, PassedFilename
        addr    r0, anull               ; Null command tail fudge
        MOV     r2, r3                  ; CAO address := entry point of file
        LDR     r3, CommandLine
        BL      StartUpTheApplication   ; Which restores current FS
        BVS     RunExit_FF

 [ AssemblingArthur
        LDR     r0, =EnvString          ; r0 -> copy of run string
        LDR     r0, EnvStringAddr       ; r0 -> copy of run string
        MOV     r1, r0                  ; NB. Our strings are all dead now
        BL      SkipOverNameAndSpaces   ; r1 -> copy of command tail

        LDR     r10, SVCSTK             ; remember top of stack

        ;Check whether it's a squeezed app.
        CMP     r2, #&8000
        BNE     %FT77                   ;Not an 'APP' (type FF8)

 [ StrongARM

        LDR     lr, [r2]

        ;To save unnecessary hassle, weed out the uncompressed cases...
        MOV     r3,     #&E1000000
        ORR     r3, r3, #&00A00000      ; Gives us 'MOV R0,R0' in R5
        TEQ     lr, #&FB000000          ; BLNV 0 at &8000? If so, it's C rel 5 vintage.
        TEQNE   lr, R3                  ; MOV R0,R0?
        MOVEQ   r3, r7                  ; Bung the code size in R3.
        BEQ     %FT76                   ; Not compressed, so skip the pre-decompression call

        [ debugsarm
        DLINE "It's a compressed App"

  [ {FALSE} ; leave this up to client module(s)
        ;Are we on a StrongARM?
        MOV     r0, #0
        SWI     XOS_PlatformFeatures
        TST     r0, #1                  ; Is the 'synchronise code areas' bit set?
        ;If so, turn the caches & WB off...
        MOVNE   r2, #&FFFFFFF9          ; Caches/WB off
        MOVEQ   r2, #-1                 ; Leave 'em as-is
        MOV     r0, #0
        MOV     r1, #0
        SWI     XOS_MMUControl
        Push    "r1"                    ; Remember the old cache setting

        ; Check memory before decompression, since decompression code is dumb
        MOV     r2, #&8000
        BL      CheckAIFMemoryLimit     ; Ignore any returned error since nonstandard compression may confuse our memory usage calculations

        MOV     r0, #0                  ; Pre-decompression service call
        MOV     r1, #Service_UKCompression
        MOV     r3, r7
        MOV     r4, #&8000
        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall         ; A claimant of this does the decompression

  [ {FALSE} ; leave this up to client module(s)
        ;Switch the caches back to the previous state and fire off another service call.
        Pull    "r1"
        MOV     r0, #0
        MOV     r2, #0
        SWI     XOS_MMUControl

76      MOV     r0, #1                  ; Post-decompression service call
        MOV     r1, #Service_UKCompression
        MOV     r2, #&8000
        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall

        ;unsqueezer or patcher(s) are responsible for any code synchronising which
        ;is neccessary for internal code/poking handling, but we do a Synchronise here
        ;to sync with the finally unsqueezed and patched up code
        MOV     r0, #0
        SWI     XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas

        BL      CheckAIFMemoryLimit
        BVC     %FT71
        ; /* dead here - need to generate an error */
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_CoreNotWriteable
        MOV     r1, #0
        SWI     XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup
        SWI     OS_GenerateError

 [ StrongARM
        ;Finally, prepare to run the thing!
        MOV     r2, r4                  ; We're gonna jump in where we're told!.

        MOV     sp, r10                 ; Flatten superstack, we don't return

        WritePSRc 0, r12                ; USR mode, all ints on
        MOV     r12, #&80000000         ; Cause address extinction if used
        MOV     r13, #&80000000         ; (keep 1.20 compat capable)
        ADR     lr, ReturnFromAbsoluteCode
        MOV     pc, r2                  ; Go to it !

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Type FFC

; Offsets in transient PIC RMA block

                        ^       0
transient_savearea      #       4*6     ; SaveArea for r6-r9, r13_usr, r14_usr
transient_code          #       0

transient_ws * &0400


; Claim a RMA block for the transient

        ADD     r5, r4, #transient_code ; Need length of file + my block size
        ADD     r5, r5, #3              ; Word align for wp,sp_usr below
        BIC     r5, r5, #3              ; Remember r5: used for ws below !
        ADD     r3, r5, #transient_ws   ; Plus some workspace for it

        BL      SGetLinkedTransientArea
        BVS     RunExit_FF
        BEQ     %FA94                   ; No room ?

; Need to preserve any registers that haven't been saved for EXIT so that
; transients may call other transients, preserving all registers + state
; Use a save area on the front of the code block for these.
; r10-r12 assumed to be preserved by the main SWI handler.

        ASSERT  transient_savearea = 0
  [ SASTMhatbroken
        STMIA   r2!,{r6-r9}
        STMIA   r2, {r13,r14}^   ; Must preserve r13_usr and r14_usr
        SUB     r2, r2, #4*4     ; r0-r5 already stacked
        STMIA   r2, {r6-r9, r13-r14}^   ; Must preserve r13_usr and r14_usr
                                        ; r0-r5 already stacked
        ; Load the code after the info block
        MOV     r0, #object_file
        ADD     r3, r2, #transient_code
 [ StrongARM
        [ debugsarm
        DLINE   "Loading a StrongARM transient"
        MOV     r2, #1
        STRB    r2, codeflag
        LDR     r2, PassedFilename
        BL      int_DoLoadFile
        BVS     %FT88

        LDR     r0, CommandLine
        addr    r1, %BA66               ; Null command tail fudge (shared)
        BL      CopyCommandLineAndReadTime

; Don't flatten superstack for PIC objects as they return to me !

        Push    "fp, wp"                ; Need to remember these for return

        LDR     r0, CommandLine
        LDR     r1, commandtailptr

        WritePSRc 0, wp                 ; USR mode, all ints on
        ADD     r5, r3, r5              ; r12 -> transient workspace. Not bank
        SUB     wp, r5, #transient_code ; Must correct as r5 = info + code
                                        ; and r2 = code^
        ADD     sp, wp, #transient_ws   ; r13 -> small stack in the above ws
        ADR     lr, ReturnFromPIC       ; No point in having mode bits set
        MOV     pc, r3                  ; Go to it !

; Failed to load transient after allocating space

88      LDR     r0, globalerror         ; fp is valid, of course ...
        MOV     r1, #V_bit
        B       DeleteTransient

; *****************************************************************************
; Foulup time during runs

92      addr    r0, ErrorBlock_ExecAddrTooLow
        B       %FT98

93      addr    r0, ErrorBlock_ExecAddrNotInCode
        B       %FT98

94      addr    r0, ErrorBlock_NoRoomForTransient

98      BL      CopyError               ; VSet too
        B       RunExit_FF


CheckAIFMemoryLimit ROUT
        Entry   "r5"
        ; Check absolute AIF memory limits
        ; R2 = &8000
        ; R0-R1 corruptible
        ; V set/clear on exit for bad/good
        LDR     lr, [r2, #&0C]
        AND     lr, lr, #&FF000000
        TEQ     lr, #&EB000000          ; is this instruction a branch
        BNE     %FT90                   ; nope - not executable AIF then
        LDR     lr, [r2, #&10]!         ; should be SWI OS_Exit (&EF000011 for AIF), R2 := R2 + 16
        SUB     lr, lr, #&EF000000
        TEQ     lr, #&00000011          ; OS_Exit check worked?
        LDMEQIB r2, {r0,r1,r5,lr}       ; load RO size, RW size, Debug size, ZI size
        MOV     r2, #&8000              ; R2 := &8000 like it was before
        BNE     %FT90                   ; not AIF then

        ADD     lr, lr, r5              ; lr := debug + zero init
        ADD     r0, r0, r1              ; R0 := read only + read write
        ADD     r0, r0, lr              ; R0 := read only + read write + debug + zero init
        ADD     r0, r0, #&2000          ; 8K extra to avoid "Not enough memoy for C library" from silly C stubs
        ADD     r5, r2, r0              ; R5 := base address + size required
        BL      ValidateR2R5_WriteToCoreCodeLoad

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; This is where position independent code will return to if it does MOV pc, lr

; Error may be in transient's workspace, so copy before deleting block


        SavePSR r1                      ; Remember V, you whalley (SWI clears)

        SWI     XOS_EnterOS             ; Get back to superstate in all cases

        Pull    "fp, wp"                ; Sanity slowly restoring ...

; .............................................................................
; In    fp, wp valid
;       r1 = psr
;       r0 -> error block if r1 has V set


; Delink this block from the transient list now that it has returned

; Restore saved registers from the block

        LDR     r2, TransientBlock
        LDMIA   r2, {r6-r9, r13-r14}^   ; Writing to r13,r14_usr

        TST     r1, #V_bit              ; Did it report error ?
        BLNE    CopyErrorExternal

        ADR     r0, TransientBlock
        BL      SFreeLinkedArea         ; Accumulates V

        B       Run_Common_NoCopy       ; Lots of deallocation there

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; This is where absolute code will return to if it does MOV pc, lr
; If it did an Exit then the guy with the exit handler has it !
; We'd better do the SWI Exit for it; as the superstack is flat we can't return
; In    r0-r2 optionally set such that a return code may be set by called code


        SWI     OS_Exit

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ReadActionVariable
; ==================
; Reads Alias$@xxxType_ttt for given ttt and substitutes filename and cmdline
; into the variable as read.

; In    r1 = path tail
;       r2 = load address to decode (000ttt00)
;       r3 -> command tail to append after FullFilename
;       r4 -> variable prefix, eg 'Alias$@LoadType_'
;       r5 -> bit of text to put in error if variable unset
;       r6 = special/scb
;       fscb^ set
; filename plugged in is canonical form

; Out   VC: r0 -> string to do with as you wish
;       string is in ActionVariable, just dying to be freed

ReadActionVariable Entry "r1-r4, r6" ; r0 result

 [ debugcontrol :LOR: debugrun
        DREG    r2, "Action variable for load=",cc
        DSTRING r3, " with command tail ",cc
        DSTRING r4, " onto variable with prefix ",cc
        DSTRING r5, " with error text "

             ^  0, sp
rav_varname  #  32                      ; Variable name is small
                                        ; as it might be a macro variable
rav_size     *  :INDEX: @

        SUB     sp, sp, #rav_size       ; Room for the variable string + result

        ADR     r3, rav_varname
05      LDRB    r14, [r4], #1           ; Copy variable name in
        TEQ     r14, #0
        STRNEB  r14, [r3], #1           ; No terminator; leave r3 -> next byte
        BNE     %BT05

        MOV     r2, r2, LSR #8          ; Shift -> 00000ttt for common code
        BL      ConvertHex3

; Get alias$@runtype_xxx filename commandline in a buffer

        ADR     r0, rav_varname         ; Point at string again
        MOV     r3, #0

20      MOV     r2, #-1
        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal          ; Does it exist ? VSet misleading

        CMP     r4, #VarType_Number     ; Set if it's a number (that's silly)
        BEQ     %BT20                   ; Loop if so (maybe others)

        MOVS    r2, r2                  ; -ve -> exists
        BPL     %FA90                   ; [nope, -> Unknown run type]

; Variable exists, so copy RunType_xxx filename commandline to buffer

        LDR     r1, =ScratchSpace
        ADR     r2, rav_varname + (:LEN: "Alias$")
        BL      strcpy_advance

        ADR     r2, s_space
        BL      strcpy_advance

        RSB     r3, r1, #ScratchSpace + ?ScratchSpace
        MOV     r2, r1
        LDR     r1, [sp, #rav_size + 0*4]       ; r1 in
        BL      int_ConstructFullPathWithError
        BVS     %FT88

        MOV     r1, #ScratchSpace
        LDR     r2, [sp, #rav_size+4*2] ; Rest of line from caller r3
        BL      AppendStringIfNotNull

 [ debugrun
 DSTRING r1, "Substituted string is "
        ADR     r0, ActionVariable      ; Wop this into a string
        BL      SGetLinkedString        ; May have spaces in it
        LDRVC   r0, ActionVariable      ; And return a pointer to it. Phew !

88      ADD     sp, sp, #rav_size

s_space DCB     " ", 0                  ; insert before filing system name
s_colon DCB     ":", 0                  ; insert after filing system name
s_hash  DCB     "#", 0                  ; Inserted before special field

90      MOV     r0, r5                  ; Stick the appropriate bit in
        BL      CopyError
        B       %BT88                   ; Get out

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; In    r2 =  number
;       r3 -> core

; Out   r2, r3 preserved
;       core contains 'abc', 0

ConvertHex3 Entry "r1"

        MOV     r1, #8                  ; MSN at base bit 8
        BL      NibbleToText
        STRB    r1, [r3, #0]
        MOV     r1, #4                  ; CSN at base bit 4
        BL      NibbleToText
        STRB    r1, [r3, #1]
        MOV     r1, #0                  ; LSN at base bit 0
        STRB    r1, [r3, #3]            ; Terminate string too
        BL      NibbleToText
        STRB    r1, [r3, #2]

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; In    r1 = bitfield base
;       r2 = number

; Out   r1 = nibble at bitfield converted to base 16

NibbleToText Entry

        MOV     r1, r2, ROR r1
        AND     r1, r1, #15
        CMP     r1, #10
        ADDLO   r1, r1, #"0"
        ADDHS   r1, r1, #"A"-10

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; StartApplicEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ================

; In    r1 -> command tail to append to EnvString
;       r2 = CAO ptr to write
;       r3 -> command name (first bit) to copy to EnvString

StartApplicEntry NewSwiEntry "r0"
 [ debugrun
        DLINE   "StartApplicEntry"

        MOV     r0, r1
        MOV     r1, #0
        BL      StartUpTheApplication
 [ debugrun
        LDR     r14, globalerror
        TEQ     r14, #0
        BEQ     %FT01
        DLINE   "Globalerror at end of startapplicentry"
        B       %FT02
        DLINE   "No error after startapplicentry"

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; StartUpTheApplication
; =====================

; In    r0 -> command tail to append to EnvString
;       r1 -> file to load (at fileblock_load) if non zero
;       r2 =  CAO ptr to write
;       r3 -> command name (first bit) to copy to EnvString
;       r4 = address to load file to if r1!=0
;       r5 -> filename to quote on error if r1!=0
;       r6 = file handle/special field^ if r1!=0
;       r7 = length of file if r1!=0
;       fscb^ if r1!=0

; Out   VC: all ready to go
;       else error raised with OS_GenerateError as application destroyed
;       All linked areas in this domain freed
;       Current FS restored

StartUpTheApplication Entry "r0-r7,fscb"

        ; Copy command line *before* UpCalling etc to ensure it
        ; doesn't get destroyed before needed
        MOV     r1, r0
        MOV     r0, r3
        BL      CopyCommandLineAndReadTime

 [ debugrun
 DREG r2,"StartUpTheApplication: CAO ",cc
 DSTRING r1, ", filename ",cc
 DSTRING r3, ", ComName ",cc
 DSTRING r0, ", ComTail "
        MOV     r0, #UpCall_NewApplication
        SWI     XOS_UpCall              ; After application gets called
        CMP     r0, #UpCall_Claimed     ; to release handlers we can't give
        BEQ     %FA95                   ; it a VSet return - it's not there

        MOV     r1, #Service_NewApplication
        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall         ; Can never give error
        CMP     r1, #Service_Serviced
        BEQ     %FA96                   ; Must give serious exception type err

 ; try out the pervy scheme for removing handlers
        Push   "r0-r5"
        MOV     r0, #MemoryLimit
        MOV     r1, #0
        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
        MOV     r5, r1
        MOV     r0, #ExitHandler
        MOV     r1, #0
        MOV     r2, #0
        MOV     r3, #0
        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
        CMP     r1, r5
        BLT     application_is_shelling
        MOV     r0, #UndefinedHandler
        MOV     r1, #0
        MOV     r2, #0
        MOV     r3, #0
        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
        CMP     r1, r5
        SWILT   XOS_ReadDefaultHandler
        SWILT   XOS_ChangeEnvironment
        ADD     r0, r0, #1
        CMP     r0, #ExceptionDumpArea
        MOVEQ   r0, #UpCallHandler
        CMP     r0, #UpCallHandler
        BLS     remove_naff_handlers

 ASSERT UpCallHandler+1=MaxEnvNumber  ; any added handlers need consideration

        Pull   "r0-r5"

        LDR     r1, [sp, #4]            ; Use passed name as flag
        CMP     r1, #0                  ; Sam calling ? VClear
        BEQ     %FT10

        ; Load file as requested
        ADD     r14, sp, #4*4
        LDMIA   r14, {r3,r5-r7,fscb}
        MOV     r0, #object_file
        MOV     r2, r5
 [ StrongARM
        [ debugsarm
        DLINE   "Loading a StrongARM app"
        MOV     r4, #1
        STRB    r4, codeflag
        MOV     r4, r7
        BL      int_DoLoadFile
        BVS     %FT97

        ; Restore r2,r3 afterwards
        ADD     r14, sp, #2*4
        LDMIA   r14, {r2,r3}

; Can now set CAO, copy the string + read time for GetEnv

        MOV     r0, #CAOPointer
        MOV     r1, r2
 [ debugrun
        DREG    r2, "Setting CAO pointer to "
        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment

        BL      SFreeAllLinkedAreas     ; Only in the current domain

        ; Restore TempFS to be CurrentFS
        BL      ReadCurrentFS
        MOVVC   r2, r0
        BL      SetTempFS

95      addr    r0, ErrorBlock_CantStartApplication ; UpCall claimed
        BL      CopyError

96      addr    r0, ErrorBlock_CantStartApplication ; Service claimed
        BL      CopyError

97      BL      SFreeAllLinkedAreas     ; Only in the current domain

        ; Restore TempFS to be CurrentFS
        BL      ReadCurrentFS
        MOVVC   r2, r0
        BL      SetTempFS

        LDR     r0, globalerror         ; Must explode as application has
        SWI     OS_GenerateError        ; got its hooks out

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; In    r0 -> command first bit
;       r1 -> command tail to append

CopyCommandLineAndReadTime Entry "r0-r2"

 [ debugrun
 DSTRING r0, "CopyCommandLineAndReadTime: First bit ",cc
 DSTRING r1, ", command tail "
 [ AssemblingArthur
        LDR     r1, =EnvString
        LDR     r1, EnvStringAddr
        MOV     r2, r0                  ; Command name^
        BL      strcpy
        LDR     r2, [sp, #4]            ; Append command tail to that
        BL      AppendStringIfNotNull
 [ debugrun
 DSTRING r1, "EnvString now "

        MOV     r0, #14
 [ AssemblingArthur
        LDR     r1, =EnvTime
        LDR     r1, EnvTimeAddr
        MOV     r14, #3
        STR     r14, [r1]
        SWI     XOS_Word                ; ReadTime shouldn't give error
        CLRV                            ; So make like it didn't !


; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; In    r2 -> string (CtrlChar term) to append to r1 string

AppendStringIfNotNull Entry "r2"

 [ debugrun
 DSTRING r2, "AppendStringIfNotNull: "
        CMP     r2, #1
        LDRHSB  r14, [r2]               ; Is string empty ?
        CMPHS   r14, #space
        ADRHS   r2, %FT90               ; space
        BLHS    strcat
        LDRHS   r2, [sp]                ; string
        BLHS    strcat
        DCB     space, 0

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
;                       Ones that can be commoned up
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; LibEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ========

; In    r1 -> command tail

LibEntry NewSwiEntry "r0,r2,r7,fscb" ; FSFunc only preserves r6 up
        ; LibD = user's request
        MOV     r2, #Dir_Library
        BL      ChangeDirectory

; .............................................................................
; CatEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ========

; In    r1 -> command tail (for Cat, Ex, Info)

CatEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r7,fscb"

        ; Set up a mask for Cat/Ex
        TEQ     r0, #FSControl_Cat
        TEQNE   r0, #FSControl_LCat
        MOVEQ   r7, #fsextra_FSDoesCat
        MOVNE   r7, #fsextra_FSDoesEx

        TEQ     r0, #FSControl_Cat
        TEQNE   r0, #FSControl_Ex
        MOVEQ   r5, #0                          ; Relative to @ (default)
        MOVNE   r5, #TopPath_RelativeToLib      ; Relative to %
        MOV     r2, #NULL
        addr    r3, anull
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessForDirectoryRead
        BVS     %FT90

        LDR     lr, [fscb, #fscb_extra]
        TST     lr, r7
        BNE     %FT20

        BL      int_CatExTitle
        BVS     %FT80

        ; Set up the parameters
        TEQ     r7, #fsextra_FSDoesCat
        MOVEQ   r0, #0                  ; Cat-style body
        MOVNE   r0, #1                  ; Ex-style body
        addr    r2, fsw_wildstar
        BL      int_CatExBody
        B       %FT80

        ; FS does the operation - send it through
        TEQ     r7, #fsextra_FSDoesCat
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_Cat
        MOVNE   r0, #fsfunc_Ex
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given

        BL      JunkFileStrings

; .............................................................................
; InfoEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ==========

; In    r1 -> command tail

; Performs *Info or *FileInfo

InfoEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r8,fscb"

        BL      Process_WildPathnameMustExist
        BVS     %FT97
        TEQ     r7, #NULL
        BEQ     %FT10

        ; Wildcard enumeration required
        MOV     r2, r7
        LDR     r14, [fp, #0]
        TEQ     r14, #FSControl_Info
        MOVEQ   r0, #1                  ; Ex-style body
        MOVNE   r0, #2                  ; FileInfo-style body
        BL      int_CatExBody
        BL      JunkFileStrings
        B       %FT97

        ; Check for FileInfo on filing systems which do it themselves
        LDR     r14, [fp, #0]
        TEQ     r14, #FSControl_Info
        LDRNE   r14, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TSTNE   r14, #fsinfo_fileinfo
        BEQ     %FT15

        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_FileInfo
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        B       %FT95

        ; It's an absolute or non-wildcard which needs Infoing, so
        ; let's do it by hand

        GetLumpOfStack r8, #CatStringSpace, #CatStringSpace, #2048, %FA80

        ; Find the last . in the tail to get a leaf name
        MOV     r6, r1
        LDRB    r14, [r6], #1
        TEQ     r14, #"."
        MOVEQ   r1, r6
        TEQ     r14, #0
        BNE     %BT20

        ; Construct the cat and FileInfo parts in the stack buffer
        MOV     r6, sp
        ADD     r7, r6, r8

 [ CatExLong
        Push    "r8,r10"

	Push	"r0-r4"

        SUB     sp, sp, #16
        MOV     r2, #15
        MOV     r1, sp
        MOV     r3, #0
        MOV     r4, #3                          ; we want to convert it to a string (so that Macros will be sorted)

        ADRL     r0, CatExMaxWidthStr            ; variable name

        SWI     XOS_ReadVarVal                  ; get the variable back

 [ debugcontrol
        DREG    r1, "ptr: "

        MOVVS   r2, #255                        ; maximum limit
        BVS     %FT30                           ; variable not found or too long - ignore it

        CMPS    r4, #1

        LDREQ   r2, [sp]
        BEQ     %FT30

        ; convert its value

        MOV     r0, #0                          ; terminate the string
        STRB    r0, [sp, r2]                    ;

        MOV     r0, #10+(1<<30)                 ; base 10, restrict range 0-255
        MOV     r1, sp

 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "string: "

        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned                ; get the value

 [ debugcontrol
        DREG    r2, "converted to: "

        MOVVS   r2, #255

30      ; here, r2 should contain the max width, or zero
        ADD     sp, sp, #16

        CMPS    r2, #255
        MOVHI   r2, #255

        MOVS    r2, r2
        MOVMI   r2, #12

 [ debugcontrol
        DREG    r2, "init width: "

        ; now compare screen with and entry width

	SUB	sp, sp, #4
        ADRL    r0, CatExBody_WindBlock
        MOV	r1, sp
        SWI     XOS_ReadVduVariables
	LDRVC	r0, [sp]
	ADD	sp, sp, #4
	STRVS	r0, [sp]
        BVS     %FT40

        LDR     r14, [fp, #0]

        TEQ     r14, #FSControl_Info
        SUBEQ   r0, r0, #63-12
        TEQ     r14, #FSControl_FileInfo
        SUBEQ   r0, r0, #68-12

 [ debugcontrol
        DREG    r0, "width available from screen "

	LDR	r1, [sp, #4]
	BL	strlen

        CMPS    r3, r0
        MOVGT   r3, r0

        CMPS    r3, r2                          ; set the min width
        MOVGT   r3, r2

        CMPS    r3, #CatExMinWidth              ; and if it's <12, make it 12
        MOVLT   r3, #CatExMinWidth

        MOV     r10, R3        			; and now we have a width!

	STRVS	r0, [sp]
	Pull	"r0-r4"
	BVS	%FT60
	Push	"R8"


        LDR     r14, [fp, #0]
        TEQ     r14, #FSControl_Info
        MOVEQ   r8, #1                  ; Ex item
        TEQ     r14, #FSControl_FileInfo
        MOVEQ   r8, #2                  ; FileInfo item
        BL      int_CatExItem

 [ CatExLong
        Pull    "r8,r10"
        Pull    "r8"

        ; output them
        MOVVC   r0, sp
        SWIVC   XOS_Write0
        SWIVC   XOS_NewLine
        ADD     sp, sp, r8
        B       %FT85

        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_NotEnoughStackForFSEntry
        BL      CopyError
        B       %FT95

        BLVS    CopyErrorExternal

        BL      JunkFileStrings

; .............................................................................
; AccessEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ===========
; The attribute string is not checked and may contain any old junk, and should
; be assumed to be space or CtrlChar terminated

; In    r1 -> filename
;       r2 -> attribute string (space terminated)
AccessEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r9,fscb"
 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "Access ",cc
        DSTRING r2, " to "
        MOV     r9, r2

        ; Find the file(s)
        BL      Process_WildPathnameMustExist
        SwiExit VS
 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "Tail from process etc is "
        DSTRING r7, "Leaf from .. is�"

        LDR     lr, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TST     lr, #fsinfo_giveaccessstring
        MOVNE   r8, r9
        BNE     %FT30

        ; Process the access string syntax: [lLwWrR]*/[wWrR]*
        MOV     r8, #0
        LDRB    r14, [r9], #1
        CMP     r14, #space
        TEQHI   r14, #delete
        BLS     %FT30
        TEQ     r14, #"l"
        TEQNE   r14, #"L"
        ORREQ   r8, r8, #locked_attribute
        BEQ     %BT10
        TEQ     r14, #"w"
        TEQNE   r14, #"W"
        ORREQ   r8, r8, #write_attribute
        BEQ     %BT10
        TEQ     r14, #"r"
        TEQNE   r14, #"R"
        ORREQ   r8, r8, #read_attribute
        BEQ     %BT10
        TEQ     r14, #"/"
        BNE     %FT95

        LDRB    r14, [r9], #1
        CMP     r14, #space
        TEQHI   r14, #delete
        BLS     %FT30
        TEQ     r14, #"w"
        TEQNE   r14, #"W"
        ORREQ   r8, r8, #public_write_attribute
        BEQ     %BT20
        TEQ     r14, #"r"
        TEQNE   r14, #"R"
        ORREQ   r8, r8, #public_read_attribute
        BEQ     %BT20
        B       %FT95

 [ debugcontrol
        DREG    r8, "Access value calculated is "

        TEQ     r7, #NULL
        BNE     %FT40

        LDR     lr, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TST     lr, #fsinfo_giveaccessstring
        BNE     %FT35

        ; Set access, single object, using fsfile_WriteInfo
        MOV     r5, r8
        MOV     r0, #fsfile_WriteInfo
        BL      CallFSFile_Given
        B       %FT72

        ; Set access, single object, using *Access entry
        MOV     r2, r8
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_Access
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        B       %FT72

        ; Wildcard operation
        GetLumpOfStack r5, #CatSpace, #CatSpace, #2048, %FA90

        MOV     r4, #0
        ADD     r14, sp, r5
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_ReadDirEntriesInfo
        MOV     r2, sp
        MOV     r3, #CatSpace + CatSpaceAdjustForNFS
        Push    "r1,r5"
        MOV     r5, #CatSpace + CatSpaceAdjustForNFS
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        Pull    "r1,r5"
        BVS     %FT85

 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "Tail after read entries is "
        DSTRING r7, "Leaf after read entries is�"
        TEQ     r3, #0
        BEQ     %FT75

        Push    "r1,r3,r4,r5"
        ADD     r1, sp, #4*4
        ; Fill the buffer on the stack

        ; pick out load, execute, length, Attributes, objecttype, advancing r1 to the object name
        LDMIA   r1!, {r2,r3,r4,r5,r14}

        MOV     r0, r2
        MOV     r2, r7
        BL      WildMatch
        BNE     %FT60
        MOV     r2, r0

        ; Construct <Tail>.<leaf> on a new piece of linked string
        SUB     sp, sp, #4
        Push    "r1,r2,r3"
 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "leaf for strlen is "
        BL      strlen                  ; <leaf>
        LDR     r1, [sp, #3*4 + 4 + 0*4]
 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "tail for strlen is "
        BL      strlen_accumulate       ; <Tail>
        ADD     r3, r3, #1 + 1          ; 1 for the ., and one for the terminator
        ADD     r0, sp, #3*4
 [ debugheap
        DLINE   "AccessEntry:",cc
        BL      SGetLinkedArea
        ADDVS   sp, sp, #3*4 + 4
        BVS     %FT65
        Swap    r1, r2
 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r2, "tail for strcpy is "
        ; If in root dir of partition then tail will be nul
        LDRB    r14, [r2]
        TEQ     r14, #0
        BLNE    strcpy_advance          ; <Tail>
        MOVNE   r2, #"."
        STRNEB  r2, [r1], #1            ; .
        LDR     r2, [sp, #0*4]
 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r2, "leaf for strcpy is "
        BL      strcpy                  ; <Leaf>
        Pull    "r1,r2,r3"

        ; Having constructed <Tail>.<Leaf> change its access.
        Push    "r1"

        LDR     r1, [sp, #1*4]          ; <Tail>.<Leaf>

        LDR     lr, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TST     lr, #fsinfo_giveaccessstring
        BNE     %FT56

        MOV     r0, #fsfile_WriteInfo
 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "Path for WriteInfo is "
        MOV     r5, r8
        BL      CallFSFile_Given
        B       %FT58

        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_Access
        MOV     r2, r8
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given

        Pull    "r1"
        MOV     r0, sp
        BL      SFreeLinkedArea
        ADD     sp, sp, #4
        BVS     %FT65

        ; Advance to the next item (skip over the name and round up to a word)
        ADD     r3, r1, #1 + 3          ; 1 for the nul terminator, 3 for the rounding
        BL      strlen_accumulate
        BIC     r1, r3, #3

        ; Any more items in this batch?
        LDR     r3, [sp, #1*4]
        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
        STR     r3, [sp, #1*4]
        BNE     %BT55

        ; General end of Push - BVS for those error branches
        Pull    "r1,r3,r4,r5"
        BVS     %FT85

        CMP     r4, #-1
        BNE     %BT50

        ; Drop the stack chunk used for reading the entries
        ADD     sp, sp, r5

        ; No more items to read
        BL      JunkFileStrings

        ; No items read

        ; Was it the end?
        CMP     r4, #-1
        BEQ     %BT70

        ; Wasn't end, so must be buffer overflow
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
        BL      CopyError
        B       %BT70

        ; Not enough stack for *Access
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_NotEnoughStackForFSEntry
        BL      CopyError
        B       %BT72

        ; Bad access attributes
        addr    r0, MagicErrorBlock_BadAccessAttributes
        LDR     r1, [fp, #2*4]          ; r2 in
        BL      MagicCopyError

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; DirEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ========

; In    r1 -> command tail
PSDPath DCB "\\", 0

        ADR     r1, PSDPath

DirEntry NewSwiEntry "r0,r2,r7,fscb"

 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "Setting CSD to "

        MOV     r2, #Dir_Current
        BL      ChangeDirectory
        SwiExit VS
        TEQ     r7, #0
        SwiExit EQ
        MOV     r2, fscb
        BL      SetCurrentFS
        BL      SetTempFS

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; CanonicalisePathEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; =====================
; In    r1 -> filename to be canonicalised
;       r2 = pointer to buffer to be filled in
;       r3 = Pointer to system variable name of path to use, or 0 if none
;       r4 = Pointer to default path to use if no system variable is specified
;               or if that variable doesn't exist, or 0 if no path is the default
;       r5 = buffer length
; Out   r5 = space left in buffer including the
;               terminator.
CanonicalisePathEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r6,fscb"
 [ debugcontrolentry
        DSTRING r1, "CanonicalisePath(",cc
        DREG    r2, ",",cc
        DSTRING r3, ",",cc
        DSTRING r4, ",",cc
        DREG    r5, ",",cc
        DLINE   ""
        ADR     r0, PassedFilename
        MOV     r2, r3
        MOVS    r3, r4
        addr    r3, anull, EQ
        ADR     r4, FullFilename
        MOV     r5, #TopPath_Canonicalise
        ADR     r6, SpecialField
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessToPath
        SwiExit VS
        LDR     r2, [fp, #2*4]
        LDR     r3, [fp, #5*4]
        BL      int_ConstructFullPath
        STR     r3, [fp, #5*4]
        BL      JunkFileStrings

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; InfoToFileTypeEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ===================
; In    r1 -> filename
;       r2 = load address
;       r3 = execute address
;       r4 = length
;       r5 = attributes
;       r6 = objecttype
; Out   r2 = filetype
;       Special file types:
;       -1      untyped
;       &1000   directory
;       &2000   application
InfoToFileTypeEntry NewSwiEntry
        BL      InfoToFileType

; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; InfoToFileType
; In    r1 -> filename
;       r2 = load address
;       r3 = execute address
;       r4 = length
;       r5 = attributes
;       r6 = objecttype
; Out   r2 = filetype
;       Special file types:
;       -1      untyped
;       &1000   directory
;       &2000   application
InfoToFileType Entry "r3"
        TEQ     r6, #object_file
        BNE     %FT10

        ; It's a file
        BL      IsFileTyped
        BLEQ    ExtractFileType
        MOVNE   r2, #-1

        ; It's not a file
        TST     r6, #object_directory
        MOVEQ   r2, #-1                 ; Not a directory
        BEQ     %FT20

        ; It's a directory, check leaf for starting with a !
        BL      strlen
        LDRB    r14, [r1, r3]
        TEQ     r14, #"."
        BEQ     %FT15
        SUBS    r3, r3, #1
        BPL     %BT12
        ADD     r3, r3, #1
        LDRB    r14, [r1, r3]
        TEQ     r14, #"!"
        MOVEQ   r2, #&2000
        MOVNE   r2, #&1000


; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; URDEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ========

; In    r1 -> command tail

URDEntry NewSwiEntry "r2,r7,fscb"

        MOV     r2, #Dir_UserRoot
        BL      ChangeDirectory


; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; NoURDEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ==========
; NoLibEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ==========
; NoDirEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ==========

; In    r1 -> command tail

NoDirEntry NewSwiEntry "r0,r2,fscb"

        TEQ     r0, #FSControl_NoDir
        MOVEQ   r2, #Dir_Current
        TEQ     r0, #FSControl_NoURD
        MOVEQ   r2, #Dir_UserRoot
        TEQ     r0, #FSControl_NoLib
        MOVEQ   r2, #Dir_Library

        BL      ReadTempFS
        TEQVS   r0, r0          ; set EQ if VS
        TEQVC   r0, #Nowt
        MOVNE   fscb, r0
        BLNE    UnsetDir        ; If VC and NE


; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
;                   Ones that can't really be commoned up
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; OptEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ========
; Filing System action control

; In    r1 = first parm, r2 = second parm

OptEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r5, r6, fscb" ; FSFunc only preserves r6 up

        BL      ReadTempFS
        BVS     %FA90
        MOV     fscb, r0
        TEQ     fscb, #Nowt             ; Give 'No sel FS' error lower down
        BEQ     %FT10

        CMP     r1, #1                  ; Keep a note of OPT 1 setting ?
        MOVLO   r2, #0                  ; Default setting is 0 / CMOS ?
        STRLSB  r2, [fscb, #fscb_opt1]  ; Keep a note of/Reset OPT 1 setting ?
        BEQ     %FA90 ; SwiExit         ; Don't tell Filing System EVER

10      MOV     r0, #fsfunc_Opt         ; Numeric arguments
        MOV     r6, #0                  ; Use current context
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given        ; Use fscb^


; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; RenameEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ===========

; In    r1 -> path to rename
;       r2 -> new name for file(s)

RenameEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r8,scb,fscb"

 [ debugcontrol
	DSTRING	r1, "source pathname: "
	DSTRING	r2, "new pathname: "

        ; Do business to source and check it exists
        ADR     r0, PassedFilename
        MOV     r2, #NULL
        addr    r3, anull
        ADR     r4, FullFilename
        MOV     r5, #TopPath_NoMultiParts
        ADR     r6, SpecialField
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessToPath
        SwiExit VS
        TEQ     r0, #object_nothing
        BEQ     %FT90

        ; Hold source fscb, special and path tail for a while
        MOV     r7, r6
        MOV     r8, fscb
        MOV     r9, r1          ; r9 is also scb which isn't needed yet

        ; Do business to destination and check it doesn't exist
        LDR     r1, [fp, #2*4]          ; r2 in
        ADR     r0, PassedFilename2
        MOV     r2, #NULL
        addr    r3, anull
        ADR     r4, FullFilename2
        MOV     r5, #TopPath_NoMultiParts
        ADR     r6, SpecialField2
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessToPath
        BVS     %FT95

        ; Check the fscbs match
        TEQ     r8, fscb
        BNE     %FT75

        ; r8 now freed as its the same as fscb

        ; Hold destination path tail in r8
        MOV     r8, r1

        ; Check the special fields match

        LDRB    r14, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TEQ     r14, #0
        BEQ     %FT10

        ; Check special fields on ordinary filing systems
        MOV     r1, r6
        MOV     r2, r7
        BL      strcmp
        B       %FT20

        ; Check special fields on MultiFS filing systems
        TEQ     r6, r7

        BNE     %FT75           ; Branch on special field mismatch

        ; As the special fields match there is no need to worry about their order
        ; In fact, at the moment the special fields are the wrong way round!

        ; Now we know the fscb and special fields match, check for rename to existing, different
        ; object
        MOV     r1, r9          ; source path tail
        MOV     r2, r8          ; Destination path tail
        TEQ     r0, #object_nothing
        BLNE    strcmp
        BNE     %FT85           ; Branch if destination exists and it isn't the source

        BL      TryGetFileClosed
        BVS     %FT94

        ; Filing systems and special fields match - do the rename
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_Rename
        Push    "r2-r5"
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        Pull    "r2-r5"
        BVS     %FT94

        ; Check if FS managed it
        TEQ     r1, #0
        BNE     %FT75

        ; The rename has worked - sort out the carnage to the internals of FileSwitch!

        ; Move source and destination tail down to r1 and r2
        MOV     r1, r9          ; source path tail
        MOV     r2, r8          ; Destination path tail

        BL      SortOutRenameCarnage

        B       %FT94

        ; Special fields don't match
        ; Filing systems don't match
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_BadRename
        BL      CopyError
        B       %FT94

        ; Destination is found
        addr    r0, MagicErrorBlock_RenameDestinationFound
        LDR     r1, PassedFilename2
        BL      MagicCopyError

        ; Exit if both sets of path strings are still allocated
        ADR     r0, SpecialField2
        BL      SFreeLinkedString
        ADR     r0, FullFilename2
        BL      SFreeLinkedString
        ADR     r0, PassedFilename2
        BL      SFreeLinkedString
        B       %FT95

        ; Source not found
        LDR     r1, PassedFilename
        BL      SetMagicPlainNotFound

        BL      JunkFileStrings

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; SortOutRenameCarnage
; ====================
; Sorts out the carnage to FileSwitch's internals after a rename has happened.
; Used by Rename and NameDisc.

; In
; r1 = source path tail
; r2 = destination path tail
; r6 = special of renamed
; fscb = fscb of renamed
; Out
; FileSwitch's internals updated to keep up-to-date with the change

SortOutRenameCarnage Entry "r0,r3,r4,scb"

        ; For each open file check whether it's one that's been renamed, and change its name if it is

        MOV     r0, #MaxHandle          ; Allocate handles from MaxHandle..1
        ADRL    r3, UnallocatedStream   ; Indicator of unused stream
        ADR     r4, streamtable
10      LDR     scb, [r4, r0, LSL #2]   ; Empty slot found ?
        TEQ     scb, r3
        BLNE    SortOutRenameCarnage_OneFile
        SUBS    r0, r0, #1
        BNE     %BT10                   ; If reached handle 0 that's all

        ; For each of the relevant directory system variables check whether it needs changing

        BL      SortOutRenameCarnage_TheDirs


; SortOutRenameCarnage_OneFile
; ============================
; Subroutine of SortOutRenameCarnage which deals with a single file
; In    r1 = source tail of renamed
;       r2 = destination tail of renamed
;       r6 = special of renamed
;       scb -> candidate renamee
;       fscb = fscb of renamed
; Out   If has been renamed, then contents of scb have been updated
SortOutRenameCarnage_OneFile Entry "r0-r3"

        ; Check fscb
        LDR     r14, scb_fscb
        TEQ     r14, fscb
        EXIT    NE              ; Exit if fscb mismatches

 [ debugcontrol
 DREG   scb, "scb ",cc
 DLINE  " matched fscb"

        ; Check special field
        LDR     r2, scb_special         ; Don't care if we trample r1 & r2 - they're on the stack
        LDRB    r14, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TEQ     r14, #0
        BEQ     %FT10

        ; Special field check for non-MultiFS
        MOV     r1, r6
 [ debugcontrol
 DSTRING r1, "Comparing special ",cc
 DSTRING r2, " against "
        BL      strcmp
        B       %FT50

        ; Special field check for a MultiFS
 [ debugcontrol
 DREG   r1, "Comparing special ",cc
 DREG   r2, " against "
        TEQ     r2, r6

        EXIT    NE              ; Exit if special mismatches

        ; It's an fscb and special field match - now check the names
        LDR     r1, [sp, #1*4]          ; Source path tail
        LDR     r2, scb_path
 [ debugcontrol
 DSTRING r1, "Comparing path ",cc
 DSTRING r2, " against "
        BL      IsAChild_advance
        EXIT    NE              ; Exit if rename source path mismatches file's name

        ; It's been renamed - change the path
        MOV     r1, r2
 [ debugcontrol
 DSTRING r1, "Accumulating path tail "
        BL      strlen                  ; Length of scb's name's tail
        LDR     r1, [sp, #2*4]          ; Destination path tail
 [ debugcontrol
 DSTRING r1, "Accumulating rename destination "
        BL      strlen_accumulate       ; + length of destination
        ADD     r3, r3, #1              ; + 1 for the terminator
        MOV     r0, r2                  ; preserve path tail
        BL      SMustGetArea
        EXIT    VS                      ; failed to get new area

 [ debugcontrol
 DREG   r2, "Got area "

        MOV     r1, r2                  ; Start of new area for copying into
        MOV     r3, r2                  ; for storing as a replacement
        LDR     r2, [sp, #2*4]          ; destination path tail
 [ debugcontrol
 DSTRING r2, "Appending "
        BL      strcpy_advance          ; Copy destination name
        MOV     r2, r0
 [ debugcontrol
 DSTRING r2, "Appending "
        BL      strcpy_advance          ; Copy path tail
        LDR     r2, scb_path
 [ debugcontrol
 DREG   r2, "Freeing old path "
        BL      SFreeArea               ; free the old tail
        MOVVS   r2, r3
        BLVS    SFreeArea               ; if error free the new tail
 [ debugcontrol
 BVS    %FT01
 DREG   r3, "Storing new path "
        STRVC   r3, scb_path            ; if no error store the new tail

        EXIT                            ; return

; SortOutRenameCarnage_TheDirs
; ============================
; Subroutine of SortOutRenameCarnage which deals with the dirs
; In    r1 = source tail of renamed
;       r2 = destination tail of renamed
;       r6 = special of renamed
;       fscb = fscb of renamed
; Out   If has been renamed, then dirs updated
SortOutRenameCarnage_TheDirs Entry "r0-r4,r8"
        MOV     r8, sp

        ; Construct on the stack a suitable prefix
        MOV     r2, #Nowt
        MOV     r3, #0
        BL      int_ConstructPathWithoutFS
        RSB     r3, r3, #3 + 1
        BIC     r3, r3, #3
        SUB     sp, sp, r3
        MOV     r2, sp
        BL      int_ConstructPathWithoutFS
        MOV     r0, sp

        ; Construct on the stack a new prefix
        LDR     r1, [r8, #2*4]
        MOV     r2, #Nowt
        MOV     r3, #0
        BL      int_ConstructPathWithoutFS
        RSB     r3, r3, #3 + 1
        BIC     r3, r3, #3
        SUB     sp, sp, r3
        MOV     r2, sp
        BL      int_ConstructPathWithoutFS

        MOV     r1, r0
        MOV     r2, sp
        ADD     r3, fscb, #fscb_name

        BL      AlterMatchingDirs

        MOV     sp, r8

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; DefectListEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ===============

; In    r1 -> path for defect list to assessed
;       r2 -> buffer to fill
;       r5 = buffer length

; Out   regs preserved

; AddDefectEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ==============

; In    r1 = path for defect
;       r2 = defect address

; Out   regs preserved

; ReadFreeSpaceEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ==================

; In    r0 = 49
;       r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose free space is to be read

; Out   r0 = free space
;       r1 = biggest creatable object
;       r2 = disc size

; ReadFreeSpace64Entry. Top level FSControl entry
; ====================

; In    r0 = 55
;       r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose free space is to be read

; Out   r0 = free space (low)
;       r1 = free space (high)
;       r2 = largest creatable object
;       r3 = disc size (low)
;       r4 = disc size (high)

; DefectList64Entry.  Top level FSControl entry
; ==================

; In    r0 = 56
;       r1 -> path for defect list
;       r2 -> buffer to fill
;       r5 = buffer length

; Out   r1 = number of defects returned

; AddDefect64Entry.  Top level FSControl entry
; =================

; In    r0 = 57
;       r1 -> path for defect
;       r2 = ls word of byte offset to defect
;       r3 = ms word of byte offset to defect

; Out   all preserved

; UsedSpaceMapEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; =================

; In    r0 = 46
;       r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of image
;       r2 = start of buffer in memory
;       r5 = buffer length

; Out   regs preserved

; StampImageEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ===============

; In    r1 = path of file on disc to be image-stamped
;       r2 = sub-reason:
;               0       Stamp on next update
;               1       Stamp now

; Out   regs preserved

; ObjectAtOffsetEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ===================

; In    r1 = path of file on disc to be searched
;       r2 = offset into image
;       r3 = pointer to buffer for name
;       r4 = buffer length

; Out   r2 = kind of thing found:
;               0       free/defect/off end of image
;               1       allocated, not a file or directory
;               2       found, unique owner
;               3       found, shared
;       buffer filled with found file/directory name

        NewSwiEntry "r0-r6,fscb"
        MOV     r2, #0
        addr    r3, anull
        MOV     r5, #TopPath_WantPartition
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessForDirectoryRead
        SwiExit VS
        LDR     r0, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TST     r0, #&ff
        BEQ     %FT10
        TST     r0, #fsinfo_multifsextensions
        BNE     %FT10
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_UnsupportedFSEntry
        BL      CopyError
        B       %FT90

        LDR     r2, [fp, #2*4]          ; buffer/defect address
        LDR     r3, [fp, #3*4]          ; top32 of defect addr for AddDefect64
        LDR     r5, [fp, #5*4]          ; buffer size
        LDR     lr, [fp, #0*4]          ; Op
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_DefectList
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_DefectList
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_AddDefect
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_AddDefect
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_ReadFreeSpace
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_ReadFreeSpace
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_ReadFreeSpace64
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_ReadFreeSpace64
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_StampImage
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_StampImage
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_UsedSpaceMap
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_UsedSpaceMap
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_ObjectAtOffset
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_ObjectAtOffset
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_DefectList64
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_DefectList64
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_AddDefect64
        MOVEQ   r0, #fsfunc_AddDefect64

        TEQ     r0, #fsfunc_UsedSpaceMap
        BNE     %FT20

        ; Zero out the buffer for UsedSpaceMap
        MOV     lr, #0
        MOV     r4, #0
        STRB    r4, [r2, lr]
        ADD     lr, lr, #1
        CMP     lr, r5
        BLO     %BT15

        TEQ     r0, #fsfunc_ObjectAtOffset
        BNE     %FT60

        LDR     r3, [fp, #3*4]          ; buffer
        LDR     r4, [fp, #4*4]          ; length

        ; Push into the buffer the path prefix
        Push    "r2"
        BL      fscbscbTofscb
        ADD     r2, r2, #fscb_name
        SUBS    r4, r4, #1
        ADDLS   sp, sp, #1*4
        BLS     %FT55
        LDRB    lr, [r2], #1
        STRB    lr, [r3], #1
        TEQ     lr, #0
        BNE     %BT25
        Pull    "r2"

        SUBS    r4, r4, #1
        BLS     %FT55
        MOV     lr, #":"
        STRB    lr, [r3, #-1]

        LDRB    lr, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TEQ     lr, #0
        BEQ     %FT45

 [ debugcontrol
        DLINE   "Prefix for non-MultiFS"

        ; Ordinary filing system
        Push    "r0,r1"

        ; Copy prefix up to absolute

        SUBS    r4, r4, #1
        ADDLS   sp, sp, #2*4
        BLS     %FT55
        LDRB    r0, [r1], #1
        STRB    r0, [r3], #1
        TEQ     r0, #0
        BLNE    IsAbsolute
        BNE     %BT40

        Pull    "r0,r1"
 [ debugcontrol
        MOV     lr, #0
        STRB    lr, [r3]
        Push    "r3"
        LDR     r3, [fp, #3*4]
        DSTRING r3, "String prefix is "
        Pull    "r3"
        B       %FT60

 [ debugcontrol
        DLINE   "Prefix for MultiFS"

        ; Processing for a MultiFS
        Push    "r1,r2,r3"
        MOV     r2, r3
        LDR     lr, FullFilename
        SUB     r3, r1, lr
        LDRB    r1, [r1]
        TEQ     r1, #0
        SUBNE   r3, r3, #1
        MOV     r1, lr
        SUBS    r4, r4, r3
        ADDLS   sp, sp, #3*4
        BLS     %FT55
        LDR     lr, [sp, #2*4]
        ADD     lr, lr, r3
        STR     lr, [sp, #2*4]
        BL      MoveBytes
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_ObjectAtOffset

        Pull    "r1,r2,r3"
 [ debugcontrol
        MOV     lr, #0
        STRB    lr, [r3]
        Push    "r3"
        LDR     r3, [sp, #3*4 + 1*4]
        DSTRING r3, "String prefix is "
        Pull    "r3"
        B       %FT60

        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_BuffOverflow
        BL      CopyError
        B       %FT90

        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        BVS     %FT90

        ; Return parameters in ReadFreeSpace
        LDR     lr, [fp, #0*4]          ; Op

        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_ReadFreeSpace
        STMEQIA fp, {r0,r1,r2}
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_ReadFreeSpace64
        STMEQIA fp, {r0-r4}
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_ObjectAtOffset
        STREQ   r2, [fp, #2*4]
        TEQ     lr, #FSControl_DefectList64
        STREQ   r1, [fp, #1*4]

        BL      JunkFileStrings

; EnumerateHandlesEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; =====================

; In    r0 = 58
;       r1 = last handle enumerated, or -1 to start

; Out   r0 = stream status word
;       r1 = handle number, or -1 for no more
;       r2 = filing system info word

        NewSwiEntry "scb"
        ADD     r1, r1, #1
        CMP     r1, #MaxHandle
        MOVHI   r1, #-1
        BHI     %FT90

        ADR     r14, streamtable
        LDR     scb, [r14, r1, LSL #2]
        ADRL    r14, UnallocatedStream
        CMP     scb, r14
        BEQ     %BT10

        LDR     r0, scb_status
        LDR     r14, scb_fscb
        LDR     r2, [r14, #fscb_info]

; NameDiscEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; =============

; In    r1 = path of file on disc to be renamed
;       r2 = new name for disc

; Out   regs preserved

        NewSwiEntry "r0-r6,fscb"

        ; Check new disc name is OK
        MOV     r3, r2
        B       %FT07
        BL      IsBad
        BEQ     %FT95
        LDRB    r0, [r3], #1
        TEQ     r0, #0
        BNE     %BT05

        ; Check name isn't too short or long
        ; Length allowed: 2 to 10
        SUB     r14, r3, r2
        CMP     r14, #10+1
        RSBLSS  r14, r14, #2+1
        BHI     %FT95

        ; Find the destination
        MOV     r2, #0
        addr    r3, anull
        MOV     r5, #TopPath_WantPartition
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessForDirectoryRead
        SwiExit VS
        LDR     r0, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TST     r0, #&ff
        BEQ     %FT10
        TST     r0, #fsinfo_multifsextensions
        BNE     %FT10
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_UnsupportedFSEntry
        BL      CopyError
        B       %FT90

        LDR     r2, [fp, #2*4]          ; new disc name
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_NameDisc

 [ debugmultifs
        DSTRING r1, "Calling namedisc from ",cc
        DSTRING r2, " to ",cc
        DREG    r1, " r1=",cc
        DREG    r2, " r2=",cc
        ; Save regs as some filing systems (DOSFS) trash them!!
        Push    "r1,r2,r6,fscb"
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        Pull    "r1,r2,r6,fscb"
 [ debugmultifs
        DLINE   "return from namedisc ",cc
        DREG    r1, " r1=",cc
        DREG    r2, " r2=",cc
        BVS     %FT90

        ; Now check if we've just renamed the root object MultiFS-style in which
        ; case we want to inform the 'parent' filing system too.
        ; Whilst we doing these sort of checks sort out FileSwitch's internals too.
        LDRB    lr, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TEQ     lr, #0
        BLNE    NameDiscSortOutCarnage
        BNE     %FT90

        ; Reject if path tail is non-nul
        LDRB    lr, [r1]
        TEQ     lr, #0
        BNE     %FT90

        Push    "r1,r6,fscb"

 [ debugmultifs
        DLINE   "Considering informing parent"

        ; ToParent
        LDR     r1, [r6, #:INDEX:scb_path]
        LDR     fscb, [r6, #:INDEX:scb_fscb]
        LDR     r6, [r6, #:INDEX:scb_special]

        ; reject if parent is a MultiFS or an ordinary FS which can't handle MultiFS stuff
        LDR     lr, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TST     lr, #&ff
        TSTNE   lr, #fsinfo_multifsextensions
        BEQ     %FT80

        ; reject if parent path doesn't end in "$"
        BL      strlen
        SUB     r3, r3, #1
        LDRB    lr, [r1, r3]
        TEQ     lr, #"$"
        BNE     %FT80

        ; OK, parent is a MultiFS-handling ordinary filing system and the
        ; path ended in $, so lets tell the parent about the rename.

        ; Make a copy of the path which will get freed in NameDiscSortOutCarnage
        ADD     r3, r3, #1 + 1 + 3      ; 1 for the SUB above, 1 for \0 and 3 for round-up
        BIC     r3, r3, #3
        SUB     sp, sp, r3
        MOV     r0, r2
        MOV     r2, r1
        MOV     r1, sp
        BL      strcpy
        MOV     r2, r0

        BL      NameDiscSortOutCarnage

 [ debugmultifs
        DSTRING r1, "Informing parent of namedisc from ",cc
        DSTRING r2, " to "
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_NameDisc
        Push    "r3"
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        Pull    "r3"

        ADD     sp, sp, r3

        Pull    "r1,r6,fscb"

        BL      JunkFileStrings

        MOV     r1, r2
        addr    r0, MagicErrorBlock_BadDiscName
        BL      MagicCopyError

; NameDiscSortOutCarnage
; ======================
; In
; r1 = path tail on non-MultiFS where namedisc worked
; r2 = new disc name
; r6 = special
; fscb set
; Out
NameDiscSortOutCarnage Entry "r1,r2,r3,r4,r5"

 [ debugmultifs
        DSTRING r1, "NameDiscSortOutCarnage from ",cc
        DSTRING r2, " to "

        ; Construct new name on stack
        MOV     r1, r2
        BL      strlen
        ADD     r3, r3, #4+3    ; 4 for : prefix and .$\0 postfile
        BIC     r3, r3, #3
        SUB     sp, sp, r3

        MOV     r1, sp
        MOV     lr, #":"
        STRB    lr, [r1], #1
        BL      strcpy_advance
        MOV     lr, #"."
        STRB    lr, [r1], #1
        MOV     lr, #"$"
        STRB    lr, [r1], #1
        MOV     lr, #0
        STRB    lr, [r1], #1

        ; Terminate the source after the .$
        LDR     r1, [sp, r3]
        MOV     r4, r1
        LDRB    lr, [r4], #1
        TEQ     lr, #0
        MOVEQ   r4, #0
        BEQ     %FT20
        TEQ     lr, #"$"
        BNE     %BT10

        LDRB    r5, [r4]
        MOV     lr, #0
        STRB    lr, [r4]

        MOV     r2, sp
 [ debugmultifs
        DSTRING r1, "SortOutRenameCarnage on ",cc
        DSTRING r2, " to ",cc
        DREG    r1, " r1=",cc
        DREG    r2, " r2="
        DREG    r4, " r4=",cc
        DREG    r5, " r5="
        BL      SortOutRenameCarnage
 [ debugmultifs
        DSTRING r1, "return from SortOutRenameCarnage on ",cc
        DSTRING r2, " to ",cc
        DREG    r1, " r1=",cc
        DREG    r2, " r2="
        DREG    r4, " r4=",cc
        DREG    r5, " r5="

        ; Restore the rest of the path tail to the source
        TEQ     r4, #0
        STRNEB  r5, [r4]

        ADD     sp, sp, r3

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ReadBootOptionEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ===================

; In    r1 = path for boot option

; Out   regs preserved, except
;       r2 = boot option

        NewSwiEntry     "r0,r1,r3-r6,fscb"
        BL      faff_boot_option_startup
        BVS     %FT95
        BL      int_ReadBootOptionGiven
        BL      JunkFileStrings

; =======================
; int_ReadBootOptionGiven
; =======================

; In    r0 <> 0 means FS which understands fsfunc_ReadBootOption
;       r1 = path tail
;       r6 = special
;       fscb

; Out   regs preserved, except
;       r2 = boot option

int_ReadBootOptionGiven Entry   "r0,r1,r3-r5"           ; Don't trust the lower layers AT ALL

        TEQ     r0, #0
        BEQ     %FT50

 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "Read boot option new style using tail "

        ; Fs understands sensible FSControls
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_ReadBootOption
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        B       %FT90

 [ debugcontrol
        DLINE   "Reading boot option old style"
        ; Fs old style brain damaged

        ; Carve stack chunk for name and boot option of disc
        SUB     sp, sp, #64             ; should be enough

        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_ReadDiscName
        MOV     r2, sp
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        LDRVCB  r2, [sp, #0]
        ADDVC   r2, r2, #1
        LDRVCB  r2, [sp, r2]
        MOVVS   r2, #0

        ; Discard any error
        MOV     lr, #0
        STR     lr, globalerror

        ADD     sp, sp, #64

 [ debugcontrol
        DREG    r2, "Boot option is "
        STRVS   r0, [sp]        ; SBP: 02-Mar-95 pass back error ptr to avoid mess

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; WriteBootOptionEntry. Top level FSControl entry
; ====================

; In    r1 = path for boot option
;       r2 = boot option

; Out   regs preserved

        NewSwiEntry     "r0-r6,fscb"
        BL      faff_boot_option_startup
        BVS     %FT95

        LDR     r2, [fp, #2*4]
        TEQ     r0, #0
        BEQ     %FT50

        ; Fs understands sensible FSControls
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_WriteBootOption
        B       %FT90

        ; Fs old style brain damaged
        ; Use *OPT 4,n to set boot option
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_Opt
        MOV     r1, #4
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        BL      JunkFileStrings

; ========================
; faff_boot_option_startup
; ========================

; In    r1 = path for boot option

; Out   r0 <> 0 for good FSs and =0 for bad FSs
;       r1 = path to send to FS
;       r6 = special
;       fscb

        Entry   "r2-r5"

        ; Standard PathMunge sequence
        MOV     r2, #0
        addr    r3, anull
        MOV     r5, #TopPath_WantPartition
        BL      TopPath_DoBusinessForDirectoryRead
        EXIT    VS

        BL      faff_boot_option_startup_given

        BLVS    JunkFileStrings


; ==============================
; faff_boot_option_startup_given
; ==============================

; In    r1 = path tail for directory
;       r6 = special
;       fscb

; Out   r0 <> 0 for good FSs and =0 for bad FSs

faff_boot_option_startup_given Entry "r2,r3"

        ; Check if FS supports the entry
        LDR     r0, [fscb, #fscb_info]
        TST     r0, #&ff
        MOVEQ   r0, #1          ; not bad old FS
        BEQ     %FT90
        TST     r0, #fsinfo_multifsextensions
        BNE     %FT90

        ; Duff old FS

 [ debugcontrol
        DLINE   "Duff old FS"

        ; Truncate after the absolute
        ; The path *will* contain an absolute
        MOV     r2, r1
        LDRB    r0, [r2], #1
        BL      IsAbsolute
        BNE     %BT10
        MOV     r0, #0
        LDRB    r3, [r2]
        STRB    r0, [r2]

 [ debugcontrol
        DSTRING r1, "Setting dir to "
        ; Now set the directory to that
        MOV     r0, #fsfunc_Dir
        Push    "r0-r5"
        BL      CallFSFunc_Given
        Pull    "r0-r5"
        STRB    r3, [r2]

        ; Ignore any error - it probably doesn't matter
        MOV     r3, #0
        STR     r3, globalerror

        ; Duff FS indicator, and the opt interfaces allow no context
        MOV     r0, #0

 [ debugcontrol
        DLINE   "Finished initial faff"

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; SetDirEntry Top level FSControl entry
; ===========
; On entry
;  r0 = 53
;  r1 = pointer to rest of path
;  r2 = which directory to set
;  r3 = filing system
;  r6 = pointer to special field

; On exit
;  registers preserved

        NewSwiEntry     "r0-r6,fscb"

        ; Sanity check the directory specified
        TEQ     r2, #Dir_Current
        TEQNE   r2, #Dir_Previous
        TEQNE   r2, #Dir_UserRoot
        TEQNE   r2, #Dir_Library
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_BadSetDirDir, NE
        BLNE    CopyError
        BVS     %FT95

        ; Check the filing system name
        MOV     r0, #1
        MOV     r1, r3
        BL      LookupFSName
        BVS     %FT95
        TEQ     fscb, #Nowt
        LDREQ   r1, [fp, #3*4]
        BLEQ    SetMagicFSDoesntExist
        BVS     %FT95

        LDR     r1, [fp, #1*4]
        TEQ     r1, #0
        BEQ     %FT80
        BL      SetDirFromObject
        B       %FT95
        BL      int_UnsetDir


; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ReadDirEntry Top level FSControl entry
; ============
; On entry
;  r0 = 54
;  r1 = pointer to buffer
;  r2 = which directory to read
;  r3 = filing system
;  r5 = size of buffer
;On exit
;  r1 = 0 if directory unset, else points to start of rest of path if managed
;        to be placed into buffer.
;  r5 reduced by length total size of directory string including terminator
;  r6 = pointer to special field or 0 if not present

        NewSwiEntry     "r0-r6,fscb"

        ; Sanity check the directory specified
        TEQ     r2, #Dir_Current
        TEQNE   r2, #Dir_Previous
        TEQNE   r2, #Dir_UserRoot
        TEQNE   r2, #Dir_Library
        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_BadSetDirDir, NE
        BLNE    CopyError
        BVS     %FT95

        ; Check the filing system name
        MOV     r0, #1
        MOV     r1, r3
        BL      LookupFSName
        BVS     %FT95
        TEQ     fscb, #Nowt
        LDREQ   r1, [fp, #3*4]
        BLEQ    SetMagicFSDoesntExist
        BVS     %FT95

        LDR     r1, [fp, #1*4]
        BL      SimpleReadDir
        BVS     %FT95

        STR     r5, [fp, #5*4]

        CMP     r5, #0
        BLT     %FT95

        TEQ     r1, #0
        BEQ     %FT80

        LDRB    lr, [r1]
        TEQ     lr, #"#"
        MOVNE   r6, #0
        BNE     %FT70

        ADD     r6, r1, #1
        LDRB    lr, [r1, #1]!
        TEQ     lr, #":"
        TEQNE   lr, #0
        BNE     %BT20

        TEQ     lr, #0
        MOVNE   lr, #0
        STRNEB  lr, [r1], #1

        STR     r6, [fp, #6*4]

        STR     r1, [fp, #1*4]

