SUBT > Sources.HelpSrc [ International_Help <> 0 Access_Help = "HFLSACC",0 Access_Syntax = "SFLSACC",0 Cat_Help = "HFLSCAT",0 Cat_Syntax = "SFLSCAT",0 CDir_Help = "HFLSCDR",0 CDir_Syntax = "SFLSCDR",0 [ hascopy Copy_Help = "HFLSCPY",0 Copy_Syntax = "SFLSCPY",0 ] [ hascount Count_Help = "HFLSCNT",0 Count_Syntax = "SFLSCNT",0 ] Dir_Help = "HFLSDIR",0 Dir_Syntax = "SFLSDIR",0 EnumDir_Help = "HFLSEDR",0 EnumDir_Syntax = "SFLSEDR",0 Ex_Help = "HFLSEX",0 Ex_Syntax = "SFLSEX",0 FileInfo_Help = "HFLSFIN",0 FileInfo_Syntax = "SFLSFIN",0 Info_Help = "HFLSINF",0 Info_Syntax = "SFLSINF",0 LCat_Help = "HFLSLCT",0 LCat_Syntax = "SFLSLCT",0 LEx_Help = "HFLSLEX",0 LEx_Syntax = "SFLSLEX",0 Lib_Help = "HFLSLIB",0 Lib_Syntax = "SFLSLIB",0 Rename_Help = "HFLSREN",0 Rename_Syntax = "SFLSREN",0 Run_Help = "HFLSRUN",0 Run_Syntax = "SFLSRUN",0 SetType_Help = "HFLSSTY",0 SetType_Syntax = "SFLSSTY",0 Shut_Help = "HFLSSHT",0 Shut_Syntax = "SFLSSHT",0 ShutDown_Help = "HFLSSHD",0 ShutDown_Syntax = "SFLSSHD",0 Stamp_Help = "HFLSSTM",0 Stamp_Syntax = "SFLSSTM",0 Up_Help = "HFLSUP",0 Up_Syntax = "SFLSUP",0 [ haswipe Wipe_Help = "HFLSWIP",0 Wipe_Syntax = "SFLSWIP",0 ] Back_Help = "HFLSBCK",0 Back_Syntax = "SFLSBCK",0 URD_Help = "HFLSURD",0 URD_Syntax = "SFLSURD",0 NoDir_Help = "HFLSNDR",0 NoDir_Syntax = "SFLSNDR",0 NoURD_Help = "HFLSNUR",0 NoURD_Syntax = "SFLSNUR",0 NoLib_Help = "HFLSNLB",0 NoLib_Syntax = "SFLSNLB",0 FileSystem_Help = "HFLSCFS",0 FileSystem_Syntax = "SFLSCFS",0 Truncate_Help = "HFLSCTR",0 Truncate_Syntax = "SFLSCTR",0 | Access_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " changes the attributes of all objects matching the" = " wildcarded specification." = 13,"Attributes:" = 13,"L(ock)",9,9 = "Lock object against deletion" = 13,"R(ead)",9,9 = "Read permission" = 13,"W(rite)",9,9 = "Write permission" = 13,"/R,/W,/RW",9 = "Public read and write permission" = 13 Access_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <object> [<attributes>]",0 Cat_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " lists all the objects in a directory" = " (default is current directory)." = 13 Cat_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<directory>]",0 CDir_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " creates a directory of given name" = " (and size on Net only)." = 13 CDir_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <directory> [<size in entries>]",0 [ hascopy Copy_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " copies one or more objects that match the given" = " wildcarded specification between directories." = " Options are taken from the system variable Copy$Options " = " and those given to the command." = 13,"Options: (use ~ to force off,eg. ~C)" = 13,"A(ccess)",9 = "Force destination access to same as source {on}" = 13,"C(onfirm)",9 = "Prompt for confirmation of each copy {on}" = 13,"D(elete)",9 = "Delete the source object after copy {off}" = 13,"F(orce)",9,9 = "Force overwriting of existing objects {off}" = 13,"L(ook)",9,9 = "Look at destination before loading source file {off}" = 13,"N(ewer)",9,9 = "Copy only if source is more recent than destination {off}" = 13,"P(rompt)",9 = "Prompt for the disc to be changed as needed in copy {off}" = 13,"Q(uick)",9,9 = "Use application workspace to speed file transfer {off}" = 13,"R(ecurse)",9 = "Copy subdirectories and contents {off}" = 13,"S(tamp)",9,9 = "Restamp datestamped files after copying {off}" = 13,"sT(ructure)",9 = "Copy only the directory structure {off}" = 13,"V(erbose)",9 = "Print information on each object copied {on}" = 13 Copy_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <source spec> <destination spec> [<options>]",0 ] [ hascount Count_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " adds up the size of one or more files that" = " match the given wildcarded specification." = " Options are taken from the system variable Count$Options " = " and those given to the command." = 13,"Options: (use ~ to force off,eg. ~R)" = 13,"C(onfirm)",9 = "Prompt for confirmation of each count {off}" = 13,"R(ecurse)",9 = "Count subdirectories and contents {on}" = 13,"V(erbose)",9 = "Print information on each file counted {off}" = 13 Count_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <file spec> [<options>]",0 ] Dir_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " selects a directory as the current directory" = " (default is user root directory)." = 13 Dir_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<directory>]",0 EnumDir_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " creates a file of filenames from a directory that" = " match the supplied wildcarded specification (default is *)." = 13 EnumDir_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <directory> <output file> [<pattern>]",0 Ex_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " lists all the objects in a directory together" = " with their file information (default is current directory)." = 13 Ex_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<directory>]",0 FileInfo_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " yields the full file information of an object." = 13 FileInfo_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <object>",0 Info_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " lists the file information of all objects matching" = " the given wildcarded specification." = 13 Info_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <object>",0 LCat_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " lists all the objects in a subdirectory relative to " = " the library (default is current library)." = 13 LCat_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<directory>]",0 LEx_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " lists all the objects in a subdirectory of" = " the library together with their file information" = " (default is current library)." = 13 LEx_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<directory>]",0 Lib_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " selects a directory as the current library" = " (default is filing system dependent)." = 13 Lib_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<directory>]",0 Rename_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " changes the name of an object." = " It cannot be used to move objects between filing systems or" = " between discs on the same filing system;" = " *Copy with the D(elete) option must be used instead." = 13 Rename_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <object> <new name>",0 Run_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " loads and executes the named file," = " passing optional parameters to it." = 13 Run_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <filename> [<parameters>]",0 SetType_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " sets the file type of the named file to the given" = " textual file type or hexadecimal number. If the file is" = " not already datestamped then it is also stamped with the" = " current time and date." = 13 = """*Show File$Type*"" displays currently known file types." = 13 SetType_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <filename> <file type>",0 Shut_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " closes all open files on all filing systems." = 13 Shut_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = "",0 ShutDown_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " closes all open files on all filing systems," = " logs off file servers and causes hard discs to be parked." = 13 ShutDown_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = "",0 Stamp_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " sets the datestamp on a file to the current time and date." = " If the file is not already datestamped then it is given" = " file type Data (&FFD)." = 13 Stamp_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <filename>",0 Up_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " moves the current directory up the directory" = " structure by the specified number of levels." = 13 Up_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<levels>]",0 [ haswipe Wipe_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " deletes one or more objects that match" = " the given wildcard specification." = " Options are taken from the system variable Wipe$Options " = " and those given to the command." = 13,"Options: (use ~ to force off,eg. ~V)" = 13,"C(onfirm)",9 = "Prompt for confirmation of each deletion {on}" = 13,"F(orce)",9,9 = "Force deletion of locked objects {off}" = 13,"R(ecurse)",9 = "Delete subdirectories and contents {off}" = 13,"V(erbose)",9 = "Print information on each object deleted {on}" = 13 = "See also *Delete." = 13 Wipe_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <file spec> [<options>]",0 ] Back_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " swaps the current and previous directories." = 13 Back_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = 0 URD_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " selects a directory as the user root directory" = " (default restores the URD to & or $ as appropriate)." = 13 URD_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<directory>]",0 NoDir_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " unsets the currently selected directory on the temporary filing system." = 13 NoDir_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = 0 NoURD_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " unsets the user root directory on the temporary filing system." = 13 NoURD_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = 0 NoLib_Help = "*" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " unsets the library directory on the temporary filing system." = 13 NoLib_Syntax = "Syntax: *" = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = 0 FileSystem_Help = "*Configure " = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " sets the default filing system." = 13 FileSystem_Syntax = "Syntax: *Configure " = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " <fs name>|<fs number>",0 Truncate_Help = "*Configure " = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " sets whether filenames should be truncated when too long." = 13 Truncate_Syntax = "Syntax: *Configure " = TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " On|Off",0 ] ALIGN END