• Ben Avison's avatar
    Support the Raspberry Pi model B+ · eb6c6a2c
    Ben Avison authored
      There's some questionable code in DoSwi[Sector]DiscOp[64] where it calls
      PollChange in an apparent attempt to support the ADFS floppy state machine.
      In the no-card-detect SDFS case, we can detect from a card's state whether
      it has been changed or not; to be able to signal this to software that
      cares about such things, we increment the sequence number late in the
      process. The downside is that when the card *has* changed, two consecutive
      PollChanged calls will differ from the steady state: the first because
      MaybeChanged is signalled, the second because the sequence number
      mismatches. DetermineDiscType didn't handle this gracefully, ending up
      pointing off the internal array of disc records, resulting in a string of
      gibberish when canonicalising a drive-based file spec. Fixed by having
      DetermineDiscType double-check that the drive is not empty.
      Fixed UpCall_MediaNotPresent and UpCall_MediaNotKnown to actually use the
      media type string from MiscOp 4. For example, you'll now see "Please insert
      card 'RISCOSpi'" being generated by the Wimp under SDFS.
      Improved documentation of MiscOps 4 and 5.
      Already in use in RC12a.
    Version 3.64. Tagged as 'FileCore-3_64'
FileCore30 42.5 KB