• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    [415] Report dir full when hitting dir size limit · 9361961f
    Robert Sprowson authored
    FileCore would allow objects to be added to BigDir extensible directories until eventually failing and leaving an unopenable broken directory behind.
    In fact, the on disc directory was sound, but after updating the parent in GrowBigDir it would reload the child into the dir cache with FindDir, FindDir called SanityCheckBigDirHeader which was rejecting BigDir's of exactly 4MB that was created moments earlier.
    Now, during the initial attempt grow, a check is made for exceeding BigDirMaxSize before trying to enlarge the dynamic area (while it would be possible to translate the error from maxing out the dynamic area, there could be situations where there genuinely isn't enough memory to enlarge the area) and a more polite "Dir full" error returned.
    Tested with an initially empty drive (so the dynamic area must grow) and with one that previously created a maximal directory (dynamic area already large enough).
    Also tightened up a couple of places loading byte w...
FileCore45 36.3 KB