• Ben Avison's avatar
    New build variant, and some bugfixes for the SCSI variant. · 7803e2ec
    Ben Avison authored
      * Added the ability to build SDFSFiler. Interrim sprite kindly furnished
        by Steve Revill.
      * Backup menu item is now always shaded for SCSIFS (and SDFS) since these
        filing systems are not currently supported by the backup code.
      * Share menu is shaded for SCSI::5 - SCSI::7 since there are no CMOS bits
        for those drives.
      * Fixed a bug where selecting "Not shared" for SCSI::4 didn't update CMOS.
      Tested on a beagleboard.
    Version 1.04. Tagged as 'ADFSFiler-1_04'