; Copyright 2019 RISC OS Open Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > Wimp.s.CBTask

 [ CnP
; Clipboard Task
; In order to participate in Clipboard messaging and such we run a Wimp Task
; The pollword is used to signal things that need attention from the Wimp if necessary
; It also keeps a chunk of things running in User mode rather than SVC mode

                       ^ 0
clipboard_pw_clear     # 1 ; placeholder so 0 isn't used
clipboard_pw_copydata  # 1 ; copy data to clipboard from icon
clipboard_pw_pastedata # 1 ; paste data from clipboard to icon
clipboard_pw_cutdata   # 1 ; cut data from icon to clipboard
clipboard_pw_dragstart # 1 ; start dragging text from an icon to elsewhere
clipboard_pw_dragabort # 1 ; Escape pressed: abort drag
clipboard_pw_maxval    # 0

clipboard_pw_dataload_flag * 256 ; set if there's also a message_dataload to handle

; state flags

CNPTRUE         * 1
CNPFALSE        * 0
rTRUE           RN 9
rFALSE          RN 8


        DCD     Message_DataSave
        DCD     Message_DataSaveAck
        DCD     Message_DataLoad
        DCD     Message_DataLoadAck
        DCD     Message_RAMFetch
        DCD     Message_RAMTransmit
        DCD     Message_ClaimEntity
        DCD     Message_DataRequest
        DCD     Message_Dragging
        DCD     Message_DragClaim
        DCD     0

cbtask_wimpver DCD 310
cbtask_TASK    DCB "TASK"
cbtask_token   DCB "ClipMgr:Clipboard Manager", 0

; Start of main Clipboard Task code
; need to set up workspace and bits
        SWI     XWimp_CloseDown

        LDR     R11,clipboard_spritearea_addr
        TEQ     R11,#0
        MOVEQ   R14,#0
        MOVNE   R14,#2
        STR     R14,[R6]                ; adjust clipboard_taskhandle so we don't get stuck in a loop if there's an issue
        SWIEQ   OS_Exit                 ; no workspace, so exit early

        ADD     R13,R11,#cbtask_stacklimit ; give ourselves a wee stack
        BL      GetMessages             ; ensure messagetrans set up

        ; initialise task
        ADRL    R0,message_block
        ADR     R1,cbtask_token         ; task name
        MOV     R2,#0
        SWI     MessageTrans_Lookup
        LDR     R0,cbtask_wimpver
        LDR     R1,cbtask_TASK
        ADR     R3,cbtask_messagelist
        SWI     Wimp_Initialise
        ADRL    R2,clipboard_taskhandle
        STR     R1,[R2]

        ; initialise variables
        ADD     R13,R11,#cbtask_stacklimit ; give ourselves a wee stack

        MOV     R2,#CNPFALSE
        STRB    R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_claiming]
        STRB    R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragging]
        ADRL    R3,clipboard_pollword
        STR     R2,[R3]

        ; main loop

        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ADRL    R3,clipboard_pollword

        LDRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragging]
        CMP     R14,#0                  ; are we dragging?
        BNE     %FT01

        LDR     R0,=flag_pollword :OR: flag_pollfast :OR: null_bit ; we want poll word & no null events
        SWI     Wimp_Poll
        B       %FT02
        SWI     XOS_ReadMonotonicTime
        ADD     R2,R0,#25
        LDR     R0,=flag_pollword :OR: flag_pollfast ; we want poll word & null events
        SWI     Wimp_PollIdle
        TEQ     R0,#No_Reason
        BEQ     cbtask_idle

        TEQ     R0,#User_Dragbox
        BEQ     cbtask_drag_end

        TEQ     R0,#PollWord_NonZero
        BEQ     cbtask_pollword_nonzero

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message
        TEQNE   R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        BEQ     cbtask_message

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message_Acknowledge
        BEQ     cbtask_message_bounced

        B       cbtask_poll

        ADRL    R0,clipboard_pollword
        LDR     R1,[R0]

        TST     R1,#clipboard_pw_dataload_flag
        BNE     cbtask_pw_dataload

        CMP     R1,#clipboard_pw_maxval
        MOV     R9,#0
        STR     R9,[R0]
        ADDLT   PC,PC,R1,LSL #2
        B       cbtask_poll

        B       cbtask_poll             ; zero entry if already handled
        B       cbtask_copydata
        B       cbtask_pastedata
        B       cbtask_cutdata
        B       cbtask_startdrag
        B       cbtask_abortdrag

        ; message_dataload needs to be intercepted as it wasn't handled by the client task
        BIC     R1,R1,#clipboard_pw_dataload_flag
        STR     R1,[R0]                 ; clear our bit, but leave any other reason code for further processing

        ; shunt the message from the store to our poll block
        ADD     R0,R11,#cnp_message_dataload_park
        LDR     R1,[R0]
        TEQ     R1,#0
        BEQ     cbtask_poll             ; shouldn't be called with no queued messsage, but just in case

        ADD     R2,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R3,[R0],#4
        STR     R3,[R2],#4
        SUBS    R1,R1,#4
        BNE     %BT00

        ; and handle the dataload
        B       cbtask_dataload_rx

        ; data has been copied already
        BL      cbtask_claim_clipboard
        B       cbtask_poll

        ; claim the clipboard
        MOV     R0,#24
        MOV     R1,#0
        MOV     R2,#0
        MOV     R3,#0
        MOV     R4,#Message_ClaimEntity
        MOV     R5,#4
        ADD     R9,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        STMIA   R9,{R0-R5}

        MOV     R0,#User_Message
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R2,#0
        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage
        BVS     cbtask_report_error
        MOV     PC,R14
        ; data has already been cut and transferred to clipboard store
        BL      cbtask_claim_clipboard
        B       cbtask_poll

        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]

        TEQ     R0,#Message_Quit
        BEQ     cbtask_messagequit_rx

        TEQ     R0,#Message_DataSave
        BEQ     cbtask_datasave_rx

        TEQ     R0,#Message_ClaimEntity
        BEQ     cbtask_claimentity_rx

        TEQ     R0,#Message_DataRequest
        BEQ     cbtask_datarequest_rx

        TEQ     R0,#Message_DataLoad
        BEQ     cbtask_dataload_rx

        TEQ     R0,#Message_Dragging
        BEQ     cbtask_message_dragging_rx

        TEQ     R0,#Message_DragClaim
        BEQ     cbtask_message_dragclaim_rx

        B       cbtask_poll

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Message_Quit received

        ; close existing instance
        ADRL    R5,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R0,[R5]
        LDR     R1,cbtask_TASK
        SWI     XWimp_CloseDown

        MOV     R0,#0
        STR     R0,[R5]
        SWI     OS_Exit
        ; STOP

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Message_ClaimEntity received
; Free data if someone else has the clipboard now

        ; was it us?
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]  ; task handle of sender
        ADRL    R2,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R2,[R2]
        TEQ     R0,R2
        BEQ     cbtask_poll             ; it was us, so ignore
        ; was it a clipboard claim?
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msClaimEntity_flags]
        TST     R0,#4
        BEQ     cbtask_poll
        ; release our claim
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_clipdata
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        B       cbtask_poll

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Message_DataRequest received
; Someone wants some data from us
; Do we have any to offer?

        DCB     "FileSe:Selection",0    ; messagetrans token & default text

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_clipdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_size
        CMP     R0,#0
        BEQ     cbtask_poll             ; nothing to see here

        MOV     R8,R0

        ; is the clipboard being sent?
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msDataRequest_flags]
        TEQ     R0,#4
        BNE     cbtask_poll             ; no, ignore

        ; can we service this request?  We only export text (&FFF)
        ADD     R0,R1,#msDataRequest_filetypes
        ADD     R2,R1,#256
        LDR     R4,=FileType_Text
        LDR     R3,[R0],#4
        TEQ     R3,R4
        BEQ     %FT02
        TEQ     R0,R2
        CMPNE   R3,#msDataRequest_filetypes_end
        BEQ     cbtask_poll             ; reached end of the list, so abort

        B       %BT01                   ; look at the next entry
        ; requesting task can handle text files
        ; set up datarequest reply
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_myref]
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_yourref]

        MOV     R10,#clipboard_flexblock_clipdata

; Run a datasave
; On entry, r1 -> message block with ms_taskhandle and your_ref set up
;           r3  = filetype
;           r8  = size of data to export
;           r10 = flexblock to use for data source
        MOV     R0,#Message_DataSave
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        STR     R8,[R1,#msDataTransfer_filesize]
        STR     R3,[R1,#msDataTransfer_filetype]

        MOV     R9,R1
        ADRL    R0,message_block
        ADD     R2,R1,#msDataTransfer_filename
        ADR     R1,FileSe
        MOV     R3,#(256-msDataTransfer_filename)
        MOV     R4,#0
        MOV     R5,#0
        MOV     R6,#0
        MOV     R7,#0
        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished

        ADD     R3,R3,#1+msDataTransfer_filename+3 ; includes terminator
        BIC     R3,R3,#3
        STR     R3,[R9,#ms_size]        ; message size

        MOV     R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        MOV     R1,R9
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]

        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished

        ; we've sent the message.  However, if the source window has mysteriously disappeared then we need to back out.
        ; if we back out after the datasave, the recipient should have cleared ghost carets etc.
        TEQ     R10,#clipboard_flexblock_clipdata     ; if it's from the clipboard then there's no source window
        LDRNE   R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_window]
        SUBNE   R1,R13,#36
        STRNE   R0,[R1]
        SWINE   XWimp_GetWindowState
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished   ; bail out if can't get window state (ie bad window handle now)

        ; poll wimp for replies to this
        MOV     R0,#null_bit
        MOV     R1,R9
        SWI     XWimp_Poll
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message_Acknowledge
        MOVEQ   R9,#CNPFALSE
        BEQ     cbtask_export_finished  ; message bounced, so abort
        TEQ     R0,#User_Message
        TEQNE   R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        BNE     %BT01

        ; which message did we get?
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        TEQ     R0,#Message_RAMFetch
        BEQ     cbtask_paste_ramxfer

        TEQ     R0,#Message_DataSaveAck
        BEQ     cbtask_paste_filexfer

        ; all done.  Back to the normal loop.
        MOV     R9,#CNPTRUE
        B       cbtask_export_finished

; On entry, R1 -> message block containing DataSaveAck detail
;           R10 = flex block to export
        ; write data to file
        MOV     R7,R1

        MOV     R0,R10
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr_size
        MOV     R8,R0
        MOV     R9,R1

        MOV     R0,#OSFile_SaveStamp
        ADD     R1,R7,#msDataTransfer_filename
        LDR     R2,=FileType_Text
        MOV     R4,R8
        ADD     R5,R4,R9
        SWI     XOS_File
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished

        ; now inform recipient of what we've done
        MOV     R0,#Message_DataLoad
        STR     R0,[R7,#ms_action]
        MOV     R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        LDR     R1,[R7,#ms_myref]
        STR     R1,[R7,#ms_yourref]
        STR     R9,[R7,#msDataTransfer_filesize]
        MOV     R1,R7
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        SWI     Wimp_SendMessage

        ; all done
        MOV     R9,#CNPTRUE
        B       cbtask_export_finished

; On entry, R1 -> message block containing RAMFetch detail
;           r10 = flex block containing data
        MOV     R7,R1

        ; start a loop of data copy bits
        MOV     R0,R10
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr_size
        MOV     R8,R0
        MOV     R9,R1

        ; now r7 = pollblock / message
        ;     r8 = pointer to base of remaining data
        ;     r9 = amount of data remaining to copy
        ; send requested amount of data (up to the amount of data remaining)
        LDR     R0,[R7,#msRAMFetch_length]
        CMP     R0,R9                   ; how much can the client receive?
        MOVLE   R4,R0
        MOVGT   R4,R9

        TEQ     R4,#0
        MOVNE   R1,R8
        LDRNE   R2,[R7,#ms_taskhandle]
        LDRNE   R3,[R7,#msRAMFetch_buffer]
        ADRNEL  R0,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDRNE   R0,[R0]
        SWINE   XWimp_TransferBlock     ; move data if anything to move (length non-0)
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished

        ; send message to recipient
        MOV     R0,#Message_RAMTransmit
        STR     R0,[R7,#ms_action]
        MOV     R0,#28
        STR     R0,[R7,#ms_size]
        LDR     R0,[R7,#ms_myref]
        STR     R0,[R7,#ms_yourref]
        STR     R4,[R7,#msRAMTransmit_length]
        ADD     R8,R8,R4
        SUB     R9,R9,R4                ; move pointer and adjust remaining data

        TEQ     R4,#0
        MOVEQ   R0,#User_Message
        MOVNE   R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        MOV     R1,R7
        LDR     R2,[R7,#ms_taskhandle]
        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage       ; inform recipient
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished
        TEQ     R4,#0
        MOVEQ   R9,#CNPTRUE
        BEQ     cbtask_export_finished  ; nothing to do now, so exit

        MOV     R0,#null_bit
        MOV     R1,R7
        SWI     Wimp_Poll

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message_Acknowledge ; bounced message -> abort
        MOVEQ   R9,#CNPTRUE
        BEQ     cbtask_export_finished

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message
        TEQNE   R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        BNE     %BT02

        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        TEQ     R0,#Message_RAMFetch
        MOVNE   R9,#CNPFALSE
        BNE     cbtask_export_finished  ; wrong message, abort
        B       %BT01                   ; go round for another transmission


; Request data from external clipboard to copy to the current icon

        ; send message_datarequest to see who has any data for us
        ADD     R9,R11,#cbtask_pollblock

        MOV     R0,#44
        MOV     R1,#0
        MOV     R2,#0
        MOV     R3,#0
        MOV     R4,#Message_DataRequest
        STMIA   R9!,{R0-R4}
        LDR     R0,caretdata            ; window
        LDR     R1,caretdata+careticon  ; icon
        MOV     R2,#0
        MOV     R3,#0
        MOV     R4,#4                   ; send data from clipboard
        LDR     R5,=FileType_Text
        MOV     R6,#msDataRequest_filetypes_end
        STMIA   R9,{R0-R6}

        MOV     R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        MOV     R2,#0
        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        ; now await a return.  It will be either bounced or a message_Datasave
        ; note that datasave to an icon is intercepted and redirected to us

        ; first poll loop to get the bounce/datasave
        MOV     R0,#null_bit
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        SWI     XWimp_Poll
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message_Acknowledge ; bounced message -> abort
        BEQ     cbtask_poll

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message
        TEQNE   R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        BNE     %BT01

        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        TEQ     R0,#Message_DataSave
        BNE     %BT01                   ; wrong message -> try again

        BL      cbtask_datasave_transfer_perform

        ; transfer all done
        ; r6 is amount of data received
        ; r8,r9=window, icon handle to receive the data
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        BL      cbtask_insert_text_into_icon
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size

        B       cbtask_poll

        Push    "R0,R14"
        ; flexblock handle in R0 contains the data to paste
        ; r8,r9=window, icon handle to receive the data
        ; we need to do validation checks and things now.

        ; get validation string
        MOV     R0,#WimpExtend_GetValidationString
        MOV     R1,R8
        MOV     R2,R9
        MOV     R3,#0
        MOV     R4,#0
        SWI     XWimp_Extend
        BVS     %FT89

        ; R4 is -ve buffer size or 0 if no validation string
        TEQ     R4,#0
        MOVEQ   R3,#0
        BEQ     %FT70
        RSB     R1,R4,#0
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_validation
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        BVS     %FT88

        ; get the validation info
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_validation
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr
        MOV     R3,R0
        MOV     R0,#WimpExtend_GetValidationString
        MOV     R1,R8
        MOV     R2,R9
        RSB     R4,R4,#0
        SWI     XWimp_Extend
        BVS     %FT89

        ; now we can test the validation string against the text to be pasted
        ; r3->validation string
        LDR     R0,[sp]                 ; flexblock handle
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr_size
        BL      clipboard_paste_clamp_length       ; adjust for any terminator in the buffer
        MOV     R10,R0

        BL      clipboard_paste_check_validation   ; ensure validation OK
        TEQ     R0,#0
        BNE     %FT71

        ; invalid paste
        SWI     XOS_WriteI+7
        B       %FT89
        MOV     R0,R10
        Abs     R10,R8
        MOV     R6,R9

        ; get a copy of the icon text to play with
        MOV     R7,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        BL      cbtask_get_icon_text
        BVS     %FT88

        ; returns r2->icon text, r7->max buffer size

      [ UTF8
        ; get max UTF8 length if applicable
        Push    "R8"
        AcceptLoosePointer_NegOrZero r3,-1
        CMP     R3,R3,ASR #31
        MOVEQ   R8,#bignum
        BEQ     %FT21                   ; no validation string present

        Push    "R0-R3"
        MOV     R2, #WimpValidation_CharLimit  ; find "U" command, if any
        BL      findcommand
        MOVNE   R8,#bignum
        BNE     %FT20
        MOV     R0,#10
        MOV     R1,R3
        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
        MOVVS   R8,#bignum
        MOVVC   R8,R2
        Pull    "R0-R3"                 ; leave r8 for later
        ; R8 now contains max UTF8 length.  Can be huge in which case
        ; buffer length is used instead (R7)

        ; make a hole to receive the data
        BL      clipboard_paste_move_data
        ; returns r1 as the size of the hole made

        TEQ     R1,#0
        BEQ     %FT22

        ; copy data into the icon
      [ UTF8
        LDR     R0,[sp,#4]              ; get flexblock handle of clipboard data
        LDR     R0,[sp]
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr
        BL      clipboard_paste_copy_data

        ; return icon text to original place
        BL      cbtask_put_icon_text

        ; set the selection to the inserted text
        LDR     R14,[R10,#w_seldata]
        TEQ     R14,R6
        LDREQ   R5,[R10,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]
        LDRNE   R5,caretdata+caretindex ; get start point
        MOV     R2,R6
        ADD     R6,R5,R1                ; set end point
        MOV     R4,#crf_selection
        Rel     R0,R10
        MOV     R1,R2
        MOV     R2,#0
        MOV     R3,#0
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        MOV     R4,#-1
        MOV     R5,R6
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition  ; for later, main caret is at RHS of selection

      [ UTF8
        Pull    "R8"
        B       %FT89                   ; free up resources
        ; no insert performed (no room)
        ; reset caret
        Rel     R0,R10
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R2,#0
        MOV     R3,#0
        MOV     R4,#-1
        LDR     R5,caretdata+caretindex
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

      [ UTF8
        Pull    "R8"
        B       %FT89                   ; free up resources
        ; report error
        BL      cbtask_report_error
        SavePSR R2                      ; preserve V if we hit this due to an error
        ; tidy up and return
        ; offload store from top to bottom (reduces data copying)
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_validation
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        RestPSR R2,,f

        Pull    "R0,PC"

        Push    "R14"
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msDataTransfer_filetype]
        LDR     R2,=FileType_Text

        TEQ     R0,R2
        Pull    "R14",NE
        BNE     cbtask_poll             ; we can only do text

        ; request storage space for estimated data size
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata ; is empty else we'd have the clipboard ourselves
        LDR     R1,[R1,#msDataTransfer_filesize]
        ADD     R1,R1,#8                ; allow padding
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        ADRVSL  R0,ErrorBlock_WimpNoClaim
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error_msgtrans
        Pull    "R14",VS
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        ; start up data transfer protocol
        MOV     R7,R1                   ; keep buffer size for later

        ; preserve window/icon handles as we'll need later on
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R8,[R1,#msDataTransfer_window]
        LDR     R9,[R1,#msDataTransfer_icon]

        ; send Message_RAMFetch first

        MOV     R6,#0                   ; number of bytes we have received so far

        SUB     R0,R7,R6                ; number of bytes free
        CMP     R0,#0                   ; out of store!  estimate was wrong, allocate more storage
        BNE     %FT21

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        ADD     R1,R7,#256              ; ask for 256 bytes more (icons aren't huge, so should be plenty.  Get more if need to.)
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        ADRVSL  R0,ErrorBlock_WimpNoClaim
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error_msgtrans
        Pull    "R14",VS
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        ADD     R7,R7,#256              ; we have more buffer now
        SUB     R0,R7,R6
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        STR     R0,[R1,#msRAMTransmit_length]

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr
        ADD     R0,R0,R6
        STR     R0,[R1,#msRAMFetch_buffer]

        MOV     R0,#Message_RAMFetch
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        MOV     R0,#28
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_size]
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_myref]
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_yourref]

        MOV     R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        Pull    "R14",VS
        BVS     cbtask_poll
        ; poll wimp for the reply.  It should be a RAMTransmit or a bounce
        MOV     R0,#null_bit
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        SWI     Wimp_Poll

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message_Acknowledge
        BEQ     %FT50                   ; bounced message, so try file transfer protocol instead

        TEQ     R0,#User_Message
        TEQNE   R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        BNE     %BT22

        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        TEQ     R0,#Message_RAMTransmit
        Pull    "R14",NE
        BNE     cbtask_poll             ; out of sequence, so bail out

        ; did we get enough data?
        SUB     R0,R7,R6                ; amount we asked for
        LDR     R2,[R1,#msRAMTransmit_length]
        ADD     R6,R6,R2
        CMP     R2,R0
        BGE     %BT20                   ; request the next chunk

        ; buffer underfilled, so we've finished the transfer
        ; adjust the block size to reflect the correct data length
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        MOV     R1,R6                   ; bytes received
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        Pull    "PC"

        ; start file transfer protocol as RAM one wasn't completed

        ; free clipboard block
        ; send datasaveack
        STR     R8,[R1,#msDataTransfer_window]
        STR     R9,[R1,#msDataTransfer_icon]
        MOV     R0,#-1
        STR     R0,[R1,#msDataTransfer_filesize] ; mark as 'unsafe'
        ADD     R0,R1,#msDataTransfer_filename
        ADRL    R1,cbtask_datafilename
        ADRL    R2,cbtask_datafilename_end
        BL      cbtask_copy

        MOV     R0,#User_Message
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        SWI     Wimp_SendMessage

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size ; free up for now; if we get no reply then we'd have a leak
        Pull    "R14"
        B       cbtask_poll             ; may not get a dataload, leave hanging....

        ; retrieve icon text from a task so we can play with it
        ; entry: r10->window data
        ;        r6=icon handle
        ;        r7=flex block to use
        ; exit:  r2->icon text
        ;        r7:max buffer size

        Push    "R0,R1,R3-R5,R14"
        MOV     R5,R7
        LDR     R0,[R10,#w_icons]
        ADD     R0,R0,R6,LSL #i_shift   ; r0->icon definition
        LDR     R1,[R0,#i_flags]
        TST     R1,#if_indirected       ; indirected data?
        ADDEQ   R2,R0,#i_data
        MOVEQ   R7,#12
        Pull    "R0,R1,R3-R5,PC",EQ     ; no, use in situ

        LDR     R2,[R0,#i_data]         ; buffer pointer
        LDR     R7,[R0,#i_data+8]       ; buffer length
        MOV     R0,R5
        MOV     R1,R7
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        ADDVS   sp,sp,#4
        Pull    "R1,R3-R5,PC",VS

        ; copy the data
        MOV     R0,R5
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr
        MOV     R3,R0                   ; destination buffer
        MOV     R4,R7                   ; buffer length
        MOV     R1,R2                   ; source pointer
        ADRL    R2,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R2,[R2]                 ; destination task (us)
        LDR     R0,[R10,#w_taskhandle]
        CMP     R0,#-1                  ; menu windows don't have a task handle attached
        LDREQ   R0,menutaskhandle       ; so we get the menu owner's handle to use instead
        LDR     R14,[wsptr,R0]
        LDR     R14,[R14,#task_flagword]
        MOV     R14,R14,LSR #flag_versionbit
        ORR     R0,R0,R14,LSL #flag_versionbit ; generate task handle for source task
        SWI     XWimp_TransferBlock
        ADDVS   sp,sp,#4
        Pull    "R1,R3-R5,PC",VS

        MOV     R2,R3
        Pull    "R0,R1,R3-R5,PC"

        ; entry: r10->window data
        ;        r2->icon text
        ;        r6->icon handle
        Push    "R0-R6,R14"
        LDR     R0,[R10,#w_icons]
        ADD     R0,R0,R6,LSL #i_shift   ; r0->icon definition
        LDR     R1,[R0,#i_flags]
        TST     R1,#if_indirected       ; indirected data?
        Pull    "R0-R6,PC",EQ           ; if not, return as modified in situ

        LDR     R3,[R0,#i_data]         ; buffer pointer
        LDR     R4,[R0,#i_data+8]       ; buffer length
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr
        MOV     R1,R0
        ADRL    R0,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R0,[R0]

        LDR     R2,[R10,#w_taskhandle]
        CMP     R2,#-1                  ; menu windows don't have an attached taskhandle
        LDREQ   R2,menutaskhandle       ; so look at the menu's owner instead
        LDR     R14,[wsptr,R2]
        LDR     R14,[R14,#task_flagword]
        MOV     R14,R14,LSR #flag_versionbit
        ORR     R2,R2,R14,LSL #flag_versionbit ; generate task handle for dest task
        SWI     XWimp_TransferBlock
        STRVS   r0,[sp]
        Pull    "R0-R6,PC"

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Message_DataLoad received

        ; we have a dataload for an icon
        ; get size of file
        MOV     R0,#OSFile_ReadInfo
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ADD     R1,R1,#msDataTransfer_filename
        MOV     R8,R1
        SWI     XOS_File
        BLVS    cbtask_bounce_message
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        ; allocate store
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        MOV     R1,R4
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        BLVS    cbtask_bounce_message
        ADRVSL  R0,ErrorBlock_WimpNoClaim
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll
        ; load file
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_pastedata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr
        MOV     R2,R0
        MOV     R3,#0
        MOV     R0,#OSFile_Load
        MOV     R1,R8                   ; name again
        SWI     XOS_File
        BLVS    cbtask_bounce_message
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll
        MOV     R6,R4                   ; file length

        ; delete file if applicable
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_yourref]
        TEQ     R0,#0
        MOVNE   R0,#OSFile_Delete
        MOVNE   R1,R8
        SWINE   XOS_File

        ; send Ack
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        MOV     R0,#Message_DataLoadAck
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_myref]
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_yourref]
        MOV     R0,#User_Message
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        ; clear stored message buffer if need be
        ADD     R1,R11,#cnp_message_dataload_park
        MOV     R8,#0
        STR     R8,[R1]

        ; paste into icon
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R8,[R1,#msDataTransfer_window]
        LDR     R9,[R1,#msDataTransfer_icon]

        ; does this icon actually have the caret?
        ; if not, we need to set it
        LDR     R0,caretdata+caretwindow
        TEQ     R8,R0
        BNE     %FT01
        LDR     R0,caretdata+careticon
        TEQ     R9,R0
        BEQ     %FT02
        ; move caret ready for the paste op
        ; see if we can set it to the drag coords
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R2,[R1,#msDataTransfer_x]   ; screen coord
        LDR     R3,[R1,#msDataTransfer_y]   ; screen coord

        MOV     R0,R8
        BL      cbtask_dragging_x_to_work_x

        MOV     R4,#0
        MOV     R5,#-1
        MOV     R1,R9
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll
        ; do we have a selection?
        ; if so, are we landing inside the selection or not?
        Abs     R10,R8
        LDR     R14,[R10,#w_seldata+wselicon]
        TEQ     R14,R9
        BNE     cbtask_pastedata_perform_noxfer ; no selection, carry on

        ; are we inside?
        LDR     R5,caretdata+caretindex
        LDR     R14,[R10,#w_seldata+wsellowindex] ; low bound
        CMP     R5,R14
        BLT     %FT03                   ; outside selection, so clear
        LDR     R14,[R10,#w_seldata+wselhighindex] ; high bound
        CMP     R5,R14
        BLE     cbtask_pastedata_perform_noxfer ; and carry on with the pasting
        ; clear selection
        MOV     R0,R8
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R4,#crf_selection
        MOV     R6,R5
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition
        B       cbtask_pastedata_perform_noxfer

        DCB     "<Wimp$Scrap>",0

        ; if we've handled an intercept message we need to fake a bounce
        ADD     R1,R11,#cnp_message_dataload_park
        LDR     R2,[R1]
        TEQ     R2,#0
        MOVEQ   PC,R14               ; there wasn't anything stored

        MOV     R9,R0                ; store for later
        MOV     R0,#User_Message_Acknowledge
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage    ; send the bounce

        MOV     R0,#0
        ADD     R1,R11,#cnp_message_dataload_park
        STR     R0,[R1]              ; clear the stored message

        MOV     R9,R0
        SETV                         ; return the error from before
        MOV     PC,R14

; On entry r0 -> dest
;          r1 -> src
;          r2 -> end
        Push    "R0-R2,R14"
        LDRB    R14,[R1],#1
        STRB    R14,[R0],#1
        TEQ     R1,R2
        BNE     %BT01
        Pull    "R0-R2,PC"

        ; R0->error block
        ADRL    R1,message_block
        MOV     R2,#0
        MOV     R3,#0
        SWI     XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup
        ; R0->error block
        Push    "R0"
        ADRL    R0,message_block
        ADRL    R1,cbtask_token         ; Nice "Message from..."
        MOV     R2,#0
        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
        Pull    "R0"
        MOV     R1,#2
        SWI     XWimp_ReportError
        MOV     PC,R14

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Message_Dragging received

; initially, it will have been redirected to our task by the Wimp
; the destination has already been confirmed to be a valid writable icon
; and the filetype list is confirmed to contain FileType_Text
; for subsequent calls, they may be directed straight to the task so
; we still need to check for changes in window handle and icon handle
; (although the filetype list should be constant)

        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock

        MOV     rFALSE,#CNPFALSE
        MOV     rTRUE,#CNPTRUE

        ; if claiming is 'false',
        LDRB    R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_claiming]
        TEQ     R0,#CNPFALSE
        BNE     %FT50
        ; if flags bit 4 is clear,
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msDragging_flags]
        TST     R0,#msDragging_flags_dragaborting
        BNE     cbtask_poll
        ; start claim
        ; set claiming to 'true'
        STRB    rTRUE,[R11,#cbtask_var_claiming]

        ADD     R7,R1,#msDragging_windowhandle ; need this just below...
        ; start autoscrolling
        MOV     R0,#af_scrollicon :OR: af_horizontal
        ADD     R1,R1,#msDragging_windowhandle
        SWI     XWimp_AutoScroll
        LDMIA   R7,{R0,R1,R2,R3}        ; gets window handle,icon handle,x,y
        STR     R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimed_windowhandle]
        STR     R1,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimed_iconhandle]
        BL      cbtask_dragging_x_to_work_x
        STR     R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_last_x]
        LDR     R3,ghostcaretscrollxoverride ; use last scroll position
        STR     R3,[R11,#cbtask_var_last_scrollx]
        MOV     R4,#crf_ghostcaret :OR: crf_nocentre
        MOV     R5,#-2
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition
        STRB    rTRUE,[R11,#cbtask_var_ghostcaret]

        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ; reply with Message_DragClaim (message type 17), using pointer_altered and ghost_caret to determine the flags.
        MOV     R0,#Message_DragClaim
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]

        MOV     R0,#msDragClaim_filetypes+8
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_size]

        ; do we remove dragbox?
        LDR     R0,ghostcaretdata+ghostcaretflags
        TST     R0,#crf_invisible
        MOVEQ   R0,#msDragClaim_flags_removedragbox
        MOVNE   R0,#0
        STR     R0,[R1,#msDragClaim_flags]

        LDR     R0,=FileType_Text
        STR     R0,[R1,#msDragClaim_filetypes]
        MOV     R0,#msDragClaim_filetypes_end
        STR     R0,[R1,#msDragClaim_filetypes+4]

        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_myref]
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_yourref]

        MOV     R0,#User_Message
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        ; was the originator us?
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R14,[R14]
        TEQ     R2,R14
        BEQ     cbtask_message_dragclaim_rx
        SWINE   XWimp_SendMessage
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        B       cbtask_poll
       ; else,
       ; if flags bit 4 is clear AND (claiming task owns the window/icon handle in Message_Dragging OR autoscrolling is 'true'),
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msDragging_flags]
        TST     R0,#msDragging_flags_dragaborting
        BNE     %FT80                   ; bit 4 set, so release claim

        ; do we 'own' the window/icon?
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msDragging_windowhandle]
        LDR     R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimed_windowhandle]
        CMP     R0,R2
        LDREQ   R0,[R1,#msDragging_iconhandle]
        LDREQ   R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimed_iconhandle]
        CMPEQ   R0,R2
        BNE     %FT80                   ; no, so release the claim
        ; update claim
        ; set ghost caret
        ADD     R7,R1,#msDragging_windowhandle
        LDMIA   R7,{R0,R1,R2,R3}        ; gets window handle,icon handle,x,y
        STR     R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimed_windowhandle]
        STR     R1,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimed_iconhandle]
        BL      cbtask_dragging_x_to_work_x
        LDR     R4,[R11,#cbtask_var_last_x]
        CMP     R4,R2                   ; same position as last time?
        LDR     R3,ghostcaretscrollxoverride
        LDREQ   R5,[R11,#cbtask_var_last_scrollx]
        CMPEQ   R3,R5                   ; scroll pos moved?
        STRNE   R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_last_x] ; if moved position or mouse pointer, redraw the ghost caret
        STRNE   R3,[R11,#cbtask_var_last_scrollx]
        MOVNE   R4,#crf_ghostcaret :OR: crf_nocentre
        MOVNE   R5,#-2
        SWINE   XWimp_SetCaretPosition
        STRB    rTRUE,[R11,#cbtask_var_ghostcaret]

        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ; reply with Message_DragClaim (message type 17), using pointer_altered and ghost_caret to determine the flags.
        MOV     R0,#Message_DragClaim
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]

        MOV     R0,#msDragClaim_filetypes+8
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_size]

        ; do we remove dragbox?
        LDR     R0,ghostcaretdata+ghostcaretflags
        TST     R0,#crf_invisible
        MOVEQ   R0,#msDragClaim_flags_removedragbox
        MOVNE   R0,#0
        STR     R0,[R1,#msDragClaim_flags]

        LDR     R0,=FileType_Text
        STR     R0,[R1,#msDragClaim_filetypes]
        MOV     R0,#msDragClaim_filetypes_end
        STR     R0,[R1,#msDragClaim_filetypes+4]

        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_myref]
        STR     R0,[R1,#ms_yourref]

        MOV     R0,#User_Message
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]

        ; was the originator us?
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R14,[R14]
        TEQ     R2,R14
        BEQ     cbtask_message_dragclaim_rx

        SWINE   XWimp_SendMessage
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        B       cbtask_poll
        ; release claim
        ; set claiming to 'false';
        STRB    rFALSE,[R11,#cbtask_var_claiming]
        ; stop autoscroll
        MOV     R0,#af_scrollicon
        SWI     XWimp_AutoScroll
        ;       if ghost_caret is 'true', undraw the old ghost caret;
        LDRB    R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_ghostcaret]
        CMP     R0,#CNPTRUE
        MOVEQ   R0,#-1
        LDREQ   R2,cbtask_TASK3
        MOVEQ   R4,#crf_ghostcaret
        SWIEQ   XWimp_SetCaretPosition
        STRB    rFALSE,[R11,#cbtask_var_ghostcaret]
        ;       let Message_Dragging bounce (i.e. don't reply to it).

        ; if we originated it, we'll need to let ourself know manually
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R14,[R14]
        LDR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        TEQ     R2,R14
        BNE     cbtask_poll
        B       cbtask_message_dragging_bounced_int


; convert screen x to work area x
; On entry r0 = window handle
;          r2 = X coord to change
        Push    "R0-R1,R14"

        Abs     R1,R0
        LDR     R0,[R1,#w_scx]
        ADD     R2,R2,R0
        LDR     R0,[R1,#w_wax0]
        SUB     R2,R2,R0
        Pull    "R0-R1,PC"

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Message_DataSave received

        ; we have received a datasave.  We need to see if it's an enhanced one or not.
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_yourref]
        TEQ     R0,#0
        LDRNEB  R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_claiming]
        TEQNE   R0,#CNPFALSE
        BEQ     %FT50                   ; simple drop, not enhanced one

        ; enhanced drag/drop
        ; clear states
        MOV     R0,#CNPFALSE
        STRB    R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_claiming]

        ; if ghost_caret is 'true', undraw the old ghost caret;
        LDRB    R1,[R11,#cbtask_var_ghostcaret]
        TEQ     R1,#CNPTRUE
        BNE     %FT50                   ; if no caret, make up an insert point from the x/y coords of the datasave message

        STRB    R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_ghostcaret] ; =FALSE
        MOV     R0,#af_scrollicon
        SWI     XWimp_AutoScroll
        ; need to know where we're inserting...
        LDR     R5,ghostcaretdata+ghostcaretindex    ; string index for caret
        MOV     R0,#-1
        LDR     R2,cbtask_TASK3
        MOV     R4,#crf_ghostcaret
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        ; prepare for wimp_setcaretposition...
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msDataTransfer_window]
        LDR     R1,[R1,#msDataTransfer_icon]
        MOV     R4,#-1
        B       %FT51
        ; simple drop : import data to position if possible
        ; determine data insert point from message x/y coords
        LDR     R0,[R1,#msDataTransfer_window]
        LDR     R2,[R1,#msDataTransfer_x]
        LDR     R3,[R1,#msDataTransfer_y]
        LDR     R1,[R1,#msDataTransfer_icon]
        MOV     R5,#-1
        ; set caret position ready to receive data
        MOV     R9,R1                   ; window/icon handles for pastedata_perform below
        MOV     R8,R0                   ; ditto
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        ; see where we ended up indexwise
        LDR     R5,caretdata+caretindex

        ; is there a selection?
        ; if so, is the caret now within it?
        Abs     R1,R8
        LDR     R0,[R1,#w_seldata+wselicon]
        CMP     R0,#0
        BLT     %FT52                   ; no icon, so no selection to worry about

        LDR     R0,[R1,#w_seldata+wselhighindex]   ; high bound
        CMP     R5,R0
        BGT     %FT52

        LDR     R0,[R1,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]   ; low bound
        CMP     R0,R5
        BLE     %FT54
        ; remove selection
        MOV     R0,R8
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R4,#crf_selection
        MOV     R6,R5
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition  ; clear it...
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ; get data and paste to caret position

        B       cbtask_pastedata_perform

        DCB     "TASK"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Drag and Drop: Drag end for sending data

        ; At drag start,
        ;    enable null events every 0.25 seconds;
        MOV     R14,#1
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragging]

        ; mark the window we're dragging from

        ; call Wimp_DragBox (with a drag type of 5), DragASprite_Start or DragAnObject_Start as appropriate
        ; (remember to use the dragbox if CMOS states that dragged sprites/objects must not be used);
        BL      cbtask_drag_setupbox    ; set up the drag box and screen coords

        ; returns also mouse coords in r7,r8 (x,y)
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        MOV     R0,#0
        STR     R0,[R1,#dr_handle]

        MOV     R0,#drag_user
        STR     R0,[R1,#dr_type]

        ADD     R0,R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_box_os
        LDMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}
        ADD     R2,R2,R7
        ADD     R4,R4,R7
        ADD     R3,R3,R8
        ADD     R5,R5,R8
        ADD     R0,R1,#dr_initbox
        STMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}

        ADD     R0,R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_parent
        LDMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}
        ADD     R0,R1,#dr_parentbox
        STMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}

        SWI     XWimp_DragBox

        ; program pointer shape to ptr_drop;
        BL      cbtask_set_ptr_drop
        ; set shift_pressed to indicate current status of the Shift keys;
        MOV     R0,#OsByte_INKEY
        MOV     R1,#255
        MOV     R2,#255
        SWI     XOS_Byte
        ASSERT  CNPTRUE = 1
        MOV     R1,R1,LSR #7            ; make true/false
        STRB    R1,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]
        ; set claimant to 'none' (-1 is a suitable invalid task handle for this purpose);
        MOV     R14,#-1
        STR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimant]
        ; set drag_finished to 'false';
        MOV     R14,#CNPFALSE
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_finished]

        ; set drag_aborted to 'false';
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_aborted]
        ; set lastref to 'none' (0 is suitable for this purpose).
        MOV     R14,#0
        STR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_lastref]

        B       cbtask_poll

        Push    "R14"
        SUB     R1,R13,#20
        SWI     XWimp_GetPointerInfo
        LDR     R7,[R1,#0]              ; pointer x
        LDR     R8,[R1,#4]              ; pointer y
        LDR     R10,[R1,#12]            ; window handle
        STR     R10,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_window] ; keep this for later
        Abs     R10,R10
        LDR     R9,[R10,#w_seldata+wselicon]   ; icon handle of selected text
        STR     R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_icon] ; keep this for later, too
        LDR     R4,[R10,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]  ; low bound of selected text
        STR     R4,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_low_bound]
        LDR     R4,[R10,#w_seldata+wselhighindex]  ; high bound
        STR     R4,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_high_bound]
        LDR     R0,[R10,#w_icons]
        ADD     R9,R0,R9,LSL #i_shift

        ; work out drag box coords for icon text
        ; get icon bounding box
        LDMIA   R9,{R3,R4,R5,R6}

        ; adjust y coords to selection
        ADD     R4,R4,#4
        SUB     R6,R6,#4

        ; work out text origin/offset
        ;w_seldata+wselxoff = caretx
        ;w_seldata+wselwidth=selection width
        ADRL    R0,selection_text_origin
        LDR     R0,[R0]
        LDR     R1,[R10,#w_seldata+wselxoff]
        ADD     R0,R0,R1                ; origin + left offset of selection
        ADD     R3,R3,R0
        LDR     R0,[R10,#w_seldata+wselwidth]
        ADD     R5,R3,R0

        ; convert to screen coords
        ;work area x - scroll_offset_x+vis_min_x = screen_x
        ;work area y - scroll_offset_y+vis_max_y = screen_y
        LDR     R0,[R10,#w_scx]         ; scroll x
        LDR     R1,[R10,#w_wax0]
        SUB     R0,R1,R0
        SUB     R0,R0,R7                ; adjust for mouse X
        ADD     R3,R3,R0
        ADD     R5,R5,R0
        STR     R3,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_parent]

        LDR     R0,scrx1
        LDR     R1,scrx0
        SUB     R0,R0,R1                ; screen width
        ADD     R0,R0,R5
        STR     R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_parent+8]
        LDR     R0,[R10,#w_scy]
        LDR     R1,[R10,#w_way1]
        SUB     R0,R1,R0
        SUB     R0,R0,R8                ; adjust for mouse y
        ADD     R4,R4,R0
        ADD     R6,R6,R0
        STR     R4,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_parent+4]

        LDR     R0,scry1
        LDR     R1,scry0
        SUB     R0,R0,R1
        ADD     R0,R0,R6
        STR     R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_parent+12]

        ADD     R0,R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_box_os
        STMIA   R0,{R3-R6}              ; store our box info

        ; sort out millipoint versions
        MOV     R0,#400
        MUL     R3,R0,R3
        MUL     R4,R0,R4
        MUL     R5,R0,R5
        MUL     R6,R0,R6
        ADD     R0,R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_box_mpt
        STMIA   R0,{R3-R6}
        Pull    "PC"

        ; if OS doesn't support mask indicating active point, make sure it's at bottom left
        MOV     R0,#SpriteReason_ReadSpriteSize
        ADR     R2,cbtask_ptr_drop_name
        SWI     XWimp_SpriteOp

        MOV     R5,R4                   ; bottom
        MOV     R0,#SpriteReason_SetPointerShape
        ADR     R2,cbtask_ptr_drop_name
        MOV     R3,#2
        MOV     R4,#0                   ; left
        MOV     R6,#0
        MOV     R7,#0
        SWI     XWimp_SpriteOp

        MOVVC   R0,#OsByte_SelectPointer
        MOVVC   R1,#2
        SWIVC   XOS_Byte
        MOV     PC,R14

        MOV     R0,#OsByte_SelectPointer
        MOV     R1,#1
        SWI     XOS_Byte
        MOV     PC,R14

        DCB     "ptr_drop",0

; At drag abort (when Escape pressed during a drag),

        ; disable null events;
        MOV     R14,#CNPFALSE
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragging]

        ; call Wimp_DragBox -1, DragASprite_Stop or DragAnObject_Stop as appropriate
        ; (or Wimp_DragBox -1 if old_dragclaim_flags has bit 1 set)
        MOV     R1,#-1
        SWI     XWimp_DragBox
        ; program pointer shape to ptr_default
        BL      cbtask_reset_ptr_drop
        ; set drag_finished and drag_aborted to 'true'
        MOV     R14,#CNPTRUE
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_finished]
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_aborted]

        MOV     R14,#0
        STR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_window]

        ; proceed as for a null event...
        B       cbtask_idle

; At drag end (when User_Drag_Box event is received), drag operation has ended

        ; disable null events;
        MOV     R14,#CNPFALSE
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_dragging]
        ; if necessary, call DragASprite_Stop or DragAnObject_Stop
        ; program pointer shape to ptr_default
        BL      cbtask_reset_ptr_drop
        ; set drag_finished to 'true'
        MOV     R14,#CNPTRUE
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_finished]

        ; if drag ended in the same window, then reverse the effect of Shift (ie move is preferred rather than copy)
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64
        SWI     XWimp_GetPointerInfo
        LDR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+12] ; get window handle
        LDR     R1,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_window]
        TEQ     R14,R1
        LDREQB  R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]
        EOREQ   R9,R9,#1
        STREQB  R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]

        ; proceed as for a null event...

        ; Wimp_Poll returns idle when we're dragging so we can update things
        ; At null events,
        ;    construct Message_Dragging using data from Wimp_GetPointerInfo and the value of drag_aborted;
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64
        SWI     XWimp_GetPointerInfo

        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        MOV     R14,#64
        STR     R14,[R1,#ms_size]
        LDR     R2,[R1,#12+64]          ; window handle
        LDR     R3,[R1,#16+64]          ; icon handle
        LDR     R4,[R1,#0+64]           ; X
        LDR     R5,[R1,#4+64]           ; Y
        ADD     R0,R1,#msDragging_windowhandle
        STMIA   R0!,{R2-R5}

        ; flags
        MOV     R2,#msDragging_flags_fromselection
        LDRB    R6,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]
        TEQ     R6,#CNPFALSE
        ORRNE   R2,R2,#msDragging_flags_deletesource
        LDRB    R6,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_aborted]
        TEQ     R6,#CNPFALSE
        ORRNE   R2,R2,#msDragging_flags_dragaborting

        ; bounding box
        ADD     R14,R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_box_mpt
        LDMIA   R14,{R3-R6}

        ; filetypes
        LDR     R7,=FileType_Text
        MOV     R8,#-1
        STMIA   R0!,{R2-R8}
        ; if claimant is 'none', send message type 17/18 to window owner with your_ref = 0;
        LDR     R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimant]
        CMP     R2,#-1
        MOVNE   R0,#User_Message_Recorded
        LDRNE   R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_lastref]
        BNE     %FT10
        LDR     R2,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+12] ; window handle
        CMP     R2,#0
        BLT     cbtask_poll             ; no valid window handle

        ; are we about to send to a writable icon?  If so, we can do things internally instead
        LDR     R3,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+16] ; icon handle
        CMP     R3,#0
        BLT     %FT09                   ; not a valid icon, so continue
        Abs     R10,R2
        LDR     R14,[R10,#w_nicons]
        CMP     R3,R14
        BGE     %FT09                   ; not a valid icon, so continue
        LDR     R10,[R10,#w_icons]
        ADD     R10,R10,R3,LSL #i_shift
        LDR     R14,[R10,#i_flags]
        AND     R14,R14,#if_buttontype
        CMP     R14,#ibt_writeable :SHL: ib_buttontype
        CMPNE   R14,#ibt_dwritable :SHL: ib_buttontype
        BNE     %FT09                   ; not a writable icon, so continue as normal

        ; we are sending to a writeable icon, so bypass the sending stuff
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R2,[R14]                ; redirect to us

        MOV     R0,#User_Message
        LDRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_finished] ; make it User_Message_Recorded if drag finished
        ADD     R0,R0,R14
        MOV     R14,#0                  ; your_ref
        ; else, send message type 18 to claimant with your_ref = lastref.
        STR     R14,[R1,#ms_yourref]

        MOV     R14,#Message_Dragging
        STR     R14,[R1,#ms_action]
        ; if claimant is 'us' then we can move directly to processing the message block
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R14,[R14]
        TEQ     R2,R14
        STREQ   R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]  ; update message block as Wimp won't get a chance to do it
        BEQ     cbtask_message_dragging_rx ; internal redirection

        SWINE   XWimp_SendMessage        ; send to the external task
        BVS     cbtask_report_error
        B       cbtask_poll

        ; which message has bounced?
        LDR     R0,[R1,#ms_action]
        TEQ     R0,#Message_Dragging
        BNE     cbtask_poll

        ; Message_Dragging has bounced....

        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64
        SWI     XWimp_GetPointerInfo

        ; When Message_Dragging bounces,
        ;     if claimant is not 'none',
        LDR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimant]
        CMP     R14,#-1
        BEQ     %FT50
        ;        claimant is releasing claim (including when claimant doesn't reply because the drag is aborting)
        ;        if drag_finished is 'false',
        LDRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_finished]
        TEQ     R14,#CNPFALSE
        BNE     %FT30
        ;            if old_dragclaim_flags bit 0 is set, program the pointer shape to ptr_drop;
        LDR     R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_old_dragclaim_flags]
        TST     R9,#msDragClaim_flags_otherptrshape
        BLNE    cbtask_set_ptr_drop
        ;            if old_dragclaim_flags bit 1 is set, call Wimp_DragBox (with a
        ;            drag type of 5), DragASprite_Start or DragAnObject_Start as appropriate.
        TST     R9,#msDragClaim_flags_removedragbox
        BEQ     %FT30

        ; set up dragbox
        MOV     R0,#5
        BL      cbtask_redo_dragbox
        ;        set claimant to 'none';
        MOV     R9,#-1
        STR     R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimant]
        ;        set lastref to 'none';
        MOV     R9,#0
        STR     R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_lastref]
        ;        resend Message_Dragging as message type 17/18 to the window
        ;        owner (preserving the flags, and with your_ref = 0).
        LDR     R2,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+12] ; window handle from earlier getpointerinfo call
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        STR     R9,[R1,#ms_yourref]
        MOV     R0,#User_Message
        LDRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_finished]
        ADD     R0,R0,R14               ; make it User_Message_Recorded if drag finished
        ; redirect internally if we're going to a writable icon?
        CMP     R2,#0
        BLT     cbtask_poll             ; no window
        LDR     R3,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+16] ; icon handle
        CMP     R3,#0
        BLT     %FT09                   ; not a valid icon, so continue
        Abs     R10,R2
        LDR     R14,[R10,#w_nicons]
        CMP     R3,R14
        BGE     %FT09                   ; not a valid icon, so continue
        LDR     R10,[R10,#w_icons]
        ADD     R10,R10,R3,LSL #i_shift
        LDR     R14,[R10,#i_flags]
        AND     R14,R14,#if_buttontype
        CMP     R14,#ibt_writeable :SHL: ib_buttontype
        CMPNE   R14,#ibt_dwritable :SHL: ib_buttontype
        BNE     %FT09                   ; not a writable icon, so continue as normal

        ; we are sending to a writeable icon, so bypass the sending stuff
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R2,[R14]                ; redirect to us
        STR     R2,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        B       cbtask_message_dragging_rx
        SWI     XWimp_SendMessage
        B       cbtask_poll
        ;    else,
        ;        (no claimant is in effect AND drag has finished) OR the drag is aborting
        ;        if drag_finished is 'true' (this comparison is not strictly necessary, since
        ;        drag_aborted also implies drag_finished),
        ;            if drag_aborted is 'false',
        LDRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_aborted]
        TEQ     R14,#CNPFALSE
        BNE     cbtask_poll
        ;                initiate simple drop operation (send Message_DataSave to window owner,
        ;                using native data type and your_ref = 0).
        LDR     R2,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+12] ; window handle from earlier getpointerinfo call
        MOV     R3,#0                   ; your_ref
        MOV     R14,#0
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_delete_source]
        B       cbtask_send_message_datasave ; shouldn't require internal checks as we would have a valid claimant if it were us

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Message_DragClaim received

        ;    if drag_finished is 'true',
        LDRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_finished]
        TEQ     R14,#CNPTRUE
        BNE     %FT50
        ;        drag has ended successfully while a claim is in force
        ;        if drag_aborted is 'false' (this comparison is not strictly necessary,
        ;        since the claiming task is not supposed to reply when the drag is being aborted),
        LDRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_drag_aborted]
        TEQ     R14,#CNPFALSE
        BNE     cbtask_poll
        ;            initiate enhanced drop operation (send Message_DataSave to claimant, using
        ;            first possible data type in the list, or the native data type if none are possible,
        ;            and using your_ref = my_ref of the Message_DragClaim, then delete the source data
        ;            if shift_pressed and the new window/icon handles (or the trashcan flag bit
        ;            in Message_DragClaim) indicate as such.
        LDR     R2,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimant]
        LDR     R3,[R1,#ms_myref]
        LDR     R14,[R1,#msDragClaim_flags]
        TST     R14,#msDragClaim_flags_trashcan
        MOVNE   R14,#CNPTRUE
        MOVEQ   R14,#CNPFALSE
        STRB    R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_delete_source] ; do we need to delete source when successful?
        ; are we the claimant?
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_taskhandle
        LDR     R14,[R14]
        TEQ     R2,R14
        BNE     cbtask_send_message_datasave
        BEQ     cbtask_dragdrop_internal_xfer
        ;    else,
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64
        SWI     XWimp_GetPointerInfo
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ;        drag is continuing AND (a claim is in force, or a claim is starting)
        ;        if lastref != 'none',
        LDR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_lastref]
        TEQ     R14,#0
        BEQ     %FT70
        ;            claim is continuing, not just starting
        ;            if old_dragclaim_flags bit 0 is set, but the new Message_DragClaim flags bit 0
        ;            is clear, program the pointer shape to ptr_drop;
        LDR     R8,[R11,#cbtask_var_old_dragclaim_flags]
        LDR     R9,[R1,#msDragClaim_flags]
        TST     R8,#msDragClaim_flags_otherptrshape
        BEQ     %FT51
        TST     R9,#msDragClaim_flags_otherptrshape
        BLEQ    cbtask_set_ptr_drop
        ;            if old_dragclaim_flags bit 1 is set, but the new Message_DragClaim flags
        ;            bit 1 is clear, call Wimp_DragBox (with a drag type of 5), DragASprite_Start
        ;            or DragAnObject_Start as appropriate.
        TST     R8,#msDragClaim_flags_removedragbox
        BEQ     %FT70
        TST     R9,#msDragClaim_flags_removedragbox
        MOVEQ   R0,#5                   ; dragbox type 5
        BLEQ    cbtask_redo_dragbox
        B       %FT90
        ;            if old_dragclaim_flags bit 1 is clear, but the new Message_DragClaim flags
        ;            bit 1 is set, call DragASprite_Stop or DragAnObject_Stop if necessary,
        ;            then call Wimp_DragBox with a drag type of 7.
        TST     R9,#msDragClaim_flags_removedragbox
        MOVNE   R0,#7
        BLNE    cbtask_redo_dragbox
        ;        else,
        ;            claim is just starting
        ;            if Message_DragClaim flags bit 1 is set, call DragASprite_Stop or
        ;            DragAnObject_Stop if necessary, then call Wimp_DragBox with a drag type of 7.
        ; [already done just above in %70]

        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ;        set claimant to task handle in Message_DragClaim;
        LDR     R14,[R1,#ms_taskhandle]
        STR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_claimant]
        ;        set lastref to my_ref of Message_DragClaim;
        LDR     R14,[R1,#ms_myref]
        STR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_lastref]
        ;        set old_dragclaim_flags to flags word from Message_DragClaim.
        LDR     R14,[R1,#msDragClaim_flags]
        STR     R14,[R11,#cbtask_var_old_dragclaim_flags]

        B       cbtask_poll

; on entry,r0=drag type
;          cbtask_pollblock+64 has a reply from wimp_getpointerinfo
        Push    "R0-R8,R14"
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+32
        STR     R0,[R1,#dr_type]
        MOV     R0,#0
        STR     R0,[R1,#dr_handle]

        ADD     R0,R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_box_os
        LDMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}
        LDR     R7,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+0] ; mouse X from above getpointerinfo call
        LDR     R8,[R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64+4] ; mouse Y from above getpointerinfo call
        ADD     R2,R2,R7
        ADD     R4,R4,R7
        ADD     R3,R3,R8
        ADD     R5,R5,R8
        ADD     R0,R1,#dr_initbox
        STMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}

        ADD     R0,R11,#cbtask_var_dragbox_parent
        LDMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}
        ADD     R0,R1,#dr_parentbox
        STMIA   R0,{R2,R3,R4,R5}
        SWI     XWimp_DragBox
        Pull    "R0-R8,PC"

        ADD     R7,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        ; r2=destination window handle or task handle
        ; r3=your_ref to use in the message
        STR     R2,[R7,#ms_taskhandle]
        STR     R3,[R7,#ms_yourref]

        ; fill in the mouse details for the destination
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock+64
        SWI     XWimp_GetPointerInfo

        LDMIA   R1!,{R2,R3,R4,R5,R6}    ; get x/y/buttons/window/icon/
        ADD     R7,R7,#msDataTransfer_window
        STMIA   R7!,{R5,R6}             ; store window/icon only
        STMIA   R7,{R2,R3}              ; store x/y only

        BL      cbtask_get_selected_text ; transfers text to clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BVS     cbtask_poll
        ; do the datasave stuff
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        LDR     R3,=FileType_Text
        MOV     R10,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        B       cbtask_run_datasave

        Push    "R14"
        ; obtain the data we want to send so we can work out length etc
        ; get pointer to icon data
        LDR     R10,selectionwindow     ; selection window handle
        Abs     R10,R10
        LDR     R6,[R10,#w_seldata+wselicon]   ; icon handle of selected text
        MOV     R7,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      cbtask_get_icon_text
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        ; we have the icon text.  Now adjust so we just have the selected text.
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr
        LDR     R6,[R10,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]  ; start index of selection
        LDR     R7,[R10,#w_seldata+wselhighindex]  ; end index of selection

        ADD     R6,R6,R0                ; now pointer in icon text
        ADD     R7,R7,R0                ; ditto

        CMP     R6,R0                   ; does selection start at the beginning anyway?
        BNE     %FT20

        ; no need to move anything.
        ; shrink the block
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        SUB     R1,R7,R6
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr_size

        Pull    "PC"
        ; move data down to the start of the flexblock
        ; r0=dest pointer (ie start of block)
        ; r6=source ptr
        ; r7=end ptr
        MOV     R5,R0
        LDRB    R14,[R6],#1
        STRB    R14,[R0],#1
        TEQ     R6,R7
        BNE     %BT21
        ; resize
        SUB     R1,R0,R5                ; r1 now is block length
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr_size

        Pull    "PC"

        ; we have completed (or aborted) a data export
        ; if V set, then an error has happened and needs to be reported; r0-> error block
        ; R9=TRUE if all was OK
        ; tidy up if need be
        MOVVS   R9,#CNPFALSE            ; definitely an abort in this case
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        CMP     R10,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BNE     cbtask_poll

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size

        TEQ     R9,#CNPTRUE             ; did we exit on completion, or was it an abort?
        BNE     cbtask_poll

        ; do we need to delete the source data?
        LDRB    R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]
        LDRB    R8,[R11,#cbtask_var_delete_source]

        TEQ     R9,#CNPFALSE
        TEQEQ   R8,#CNPFALSE
        BEQ     cbtask_poll             ; no, so continue with main loop

        ; cut the data from the source icon
        LDR     R10,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_window] ; window handle that had the original selection
        Abs     R10,R10
        LDR     R6,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_icon] ; icon handle that had the original selection
        MOV     R7,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        BL      cbtask_get_icon_text
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll

        ; r2->icon text
        ; r7=max buffer size
        LDR     R8,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_low_bound]
        LDR     R9,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_high_bound] ; get selection bound

        ; we now have the icon data.  Adjust it.
        ADD     R8,R8,R2
        ADD     R9,R9,R2
        ADD     R7,R2,R7                ; max offset
        ; cut out the selection
        LDRB    R0,[R9],#1
        STRB    R0,[R8],#1
        CMP     R0,#32
        BLT     %FT32
        TEQ     R9,R7
        BNE     %BT31
        ; send it back whence it came

        BL      cbtask_put_icon_text
        BLVS    cbtask_report_error
        BVS     cbtask_poll
        ; do we need to move the caret?
        ; is the main caret in this icon still?
        LDR     R0,caretdata+caretwindow
        Abs     R1,R0
        TEQ     R1,R10
        LDREQ   R1,caretdata+careticon
        TEQEQ   R1,R6
        BNE     %FT39                   ; different icon/window
        MOV     R4,#-1
        LDR     R5,[R10,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        ; the selection will vanish as the buffer has changed
        ; redraw the icon
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        Rel     R2,R10
        MOV     R3,R6
        MOV     R4,#0
        MOV     R5,#0
        STMIA   R1,{R2-R5}
        SWI     XWimp_SetIconState

        ; tidy up
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        B       cbtask_poll


        ; we've completed a drag from a writeable icon to a writeable icon
        MOV     R0,#CNPFALSE
        STRB    R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_claiming]
        STRB    R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_ghostcaret]
        MOV     R0,#af_scrollicon
        SWI     XWimp_AutoScroll        ; stop autoscroll

        BL      cbtask_get_selected_text ; transfers text to clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        MOVVS   R9,#CNPFALSE
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished

        LDR     R7,ghostcaretdata+ghostcaretindex    ; text insert position
        LDR     R8,ghostcaretdata+ghostcaretwindow   ; window
        LDR     R9,ghostcaretdata+ghostcareticon     ; icon
        ; remove ghost caret
        MOV     R0,#-1
        LDR     R2,cbtask_TASK3
        MOV     R4,#crf_ghostcaret
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        ; is the source window still valid?
        LDR     R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_window]
        SUB     R1,R13,#36
        STR     R0,[R1]
        SWI     XWimp_GetWindowState
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished

        ; did we land in the original icon?
        LDR     R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_window]
        TEQ     R0,R8
        LDREQ   R0,[R11,#cbtask_var_source_icon]
        TEQEQ   R0,R9
        BEQ     %FT70                   ; source and destination are the same, so do things a little differently

        ; is there a selection?
        ; if so, have we landed inside it or not?
        ; if not, we need to remove the selection
        Abs     R0,R8
        LDR     R1,[R0,#w_seldata+wselicon]

        TEQ     R1,R9
        BNE     %FT54                   ; doesn't match the ghost icon

        LDR     R1,[R0,#w_seldata+wselhighindex]   ; high bound
        CMP     R7,R1
        BGT     %FT52

        LDR     R1,[R0,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]   ; low bound
        CMP     R1,R7
        BLE     %FT54
        ; remove selection
        MOV     R0,R8
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R4,#crf_selection
        MOV     R5,#0
        MOV     R6,#0
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition  ; clear it
        ; we need to set a caret to our insert point
        MOV     R0,R8
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R4,#-1
        MOV     R5,R7
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition
        ; put text to dest icon
        MOV     R10,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata ; source flexblock
        MOVVC   R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BLVC    cbtask_insert_text_into_icon
        MOVVS   R9,#CNPFALSE

        ; delete selection from source icon if necessary,  tidy up
        MOVVC   R9,#CNPTRUE
        MOV     R10,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        B       cbtask_export_finished
        ; source and destination icons are the same
        ; invert the copy/move option (shift)
        LDRB    R10,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]
        EOR     R10,R10,#1
        STRB    R10,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]

        ; no need to check validation string as the data source has already been checked
        ; only need to check length if copying as the buffer size is constant otherwise
        ; did we end up inside the original selection?
        ; R7 = destination index
        Abs     R10,R8
        LDR     R3,[R10,#w_seldata+wselhighindex]
        CMP     R7,R3
        BGT     %FT80

        LDR     R1,[R10,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]
        CMP     R7,R1
        MOVGE   R9,#CNPFALSE
        MOVGE   R10,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BGE     cbtask_export_finished  ; we're inside the selection, so just carry on unchanged

        ; destination lower than source

        ; get icon text
        ; R10->window data
        ; R1=selection low index
        ; R3=selection high index
        LDRB    R5,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]
        TEQ     R5,#CNPTRUE
        BEQ     %FT90

        MOV     R8,R7
        MOV     R7,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        MOV     R6,R9
        BL      cbtask_get_icon_text
        BVS     cbtask_export_finished
        ; R2->icontext now

        ; move text upwards to fit
        ADD     R5,R2,R3 ; R5-> end of selection, ie place to start copying as we go backwards
        SUB     R4,R3,R1 ; R4=selection size, ie number of bytes to shift by
        SUB     R6,R5,R4 ; R6-> source to copy
        ; bytes to copy=low dest - insert index
        SUB     R7,R1,R8 ; bytes to copy = low sel extent - insert index

        SUB     R6,R6,#1
        SUB     R5,R5,#1
        LDRB    R0,[R6],#-1
        STRB    R0,[R5],#-1
        SUBS    R7,R7,#1
        BNE     %BT71

        ; now copy the selection back in again
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr_size

        ADD     R3,R2,R8
        LDRB    R4,[R0],#1
        STRB    R4,[R3],#1
        SUBS    R1,R1,#1
        BNE     %BT72

        ; send the updated piece back
        MOV     R6,R9
        BL      cbtask_put_icon_text
        ; set caret position
        MOV     R5,R8
        Rel     R0,R10
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R4,#-1
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        ; redraw the icon
        ADD     R1,R11,#cbtask_pollblock
        Rel     R2,R10
        MOV     R3,R6
        MOV     R4,#0
        MOV     R5,#0
        STMIA   R1,{R2-R5}
        SWI     XWimp_SetIconState

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        MOV     R1,#0
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size

        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_set_block_size
        B       cbtask_poll
        ; destination higher than source
        LDRB    R5,[R11,#cbtask_var_shift_pressed]
        TEQ     R5,#CNPTRUE
        BEQ     %FT90

        LDR     R1,[R10,#w_seldata+wsellowindex]

        ; get icon text
        ; R10->window data
        ; R1=selection low index
        ; R3=selection high index
        MOV     R8,R7
        MOV     R7,#clipboard_flexblock_icontext
        MOV     R6,R9
        BL      cbtask_get_icon_text

        ADD     R5,R2,R3 ; R5 -> end of selection, source of the data to copy
        ADD     R6,R2,R1 ; R6 -> start of selection, destination of the data to copy
        SUB     R7,R8,R3 ; bytes to copy = insert index - selection end
        LDRB    R0,[R5],#1
        STRB    R0,[R6],#1
        SUBS    R7,R7,#1
        BNE     %BT81

        ; now copy the selection back in again
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BL      clipboard_flex_get_block_addr_size
        LDRB    R4,[R0],#1
        STRB    R4,[R6],#1
        SUBS    R1,R1,#1
        BNE     %BT82

        MOV     R6,R9
        BL      cbtask_put_icon_text

        ; continue by setting caret, etc, shared with the other copy code
        B       %BT78
        ; shift pressed, so we copy the data
        ; R7=insert index
        ; R8=window
        ; R9=icon

        ; clear the selection
        MOV     R0,R8
        MOV     R1,R9
        MOV     R4,#crf_selection
        MOV     R5,R6
        SWI     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        ; set main caret to the target position
        MOVVC     R0,R8
        MOVVC     R1,R9
        MOVVC     R4,#-1
        MOVVC     R5,R7
        SWIVC     XWimp_SetCaretPosition

        MOV     R10,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        MOVVC   R0,#clipboard_flexblock_dragdata
        BLVC    cbtask_insert_text_into_icon
        MOVVS   R9,#CNPFALSE
        MOVVC   R9,#CNPTRUE
        B       cbtask_export_finished

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; allow abort of a drag if the source window/icon is about to vanish
; (ie Wimp_DeleteIcon or Wimp_DeleteWindow)

; On entry, handle=window handle (internal); R2=icon that is going or -1 if window is being deleted
        Push    "R0,lr"
        ; is there a clipboard available?
        LDR     R14,clipboard_spritearea_addr
        TEQ     R14,#0
        Pull    "R0,PC",EQ

        ; are we dragging anything at the moment?
        LDRB    R0,[R14,#cbtask_var_dragging]
        TEQ     R0,#1
        Pull    "R0,PC",NE

        ; same window?
        LDR     R0,[R14,#cbtask_var_source_window]
        Abs     R0,R0
        TEQ     R0,handle
        Pull    "R0,PC",NE

        ; if the icon isn't -1, check it too
        CMP     R2,#-1
        LDRNE   R0,[R14,#cbtask_var_source_icon]
        TEQNE   R0,R2
        Pull    "R0,PC",NE

        ; stop the drag
        MOV     R0,#clipboard_pw_dragabort
        ADRL    R14,clipboard_pollword
        STR     R0,[R14]
        Pull    "R0,PC"