diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index c5f607cd23ab3dc1879aa81ee9bc115bbbf3d94c..1f3dca796057b324bb1c90d7d0250606acdb7f49 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
 hdr/** gitlab-language=armasm linguist-language=armasm linguist-detectable=true
 s/** gitlab-language=armasm linguist-language=armasm linguist-detectable=true
-*,ffb gitlab-language=bbcbasic linguist-language=bbcbasic linguist-detectable=true
-**/c/** gitlab-language=c linguist-language=c linguist-detectable=true
diff --git a/BlackLog b/BlackLog
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index e9a75ae1fb3f1ffba0cce4a0ed23223ddc877286..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/BlackLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1311 +0,0 @@
-*                                                                         *
-*  Project: RiscOS                                                        *
-*                                                                         *
-*  Module:  Wimp                                                          *
-*                                                                         *
-*  Created: Wed 24-Oct-90      By: Ran Mokady                             *
-*                                                                         *
-*  First version: 2.80                                                    *
-*                                                                         *
-*    Copyright:    (C) 1990, Acorn Computers Ltd., Cambridge, England.    *
-*                                                                         *
-The WIMP.
-Change Log:
-Version 2.01
- *  Pending slot is now scanned on screen remapping
-Version 2.02
- *  Wimp objects to > 256 pages, not >= 256
-Version 2.03
- *  Message block too small is now checked for
-Version 2.04
- *  Up-to-date value of CAOPointer is now read in OS_ChangeDynamic
-     - don't store CAOPointer in Service_NewApplication
-     - don't overwrite CAOPointer in Wimp_Initialise
-Version 2.05
- *  Doesn't give address exception if 0 pages on startup any more
-Version 2.06
- *  Wimp_ReportError <escape> now returns R1=1 or 2 as appropriate
-Version 2.07
- *  Enable interrupts in Service_MemoryMoved (MOS bug)
-Version 2.08
- *  Implement 2-way scrolling (drag_scrollboth)
-Version 2.09
- *  Errors in Wimp_Poll are reported internally
- *  Disables escape conditions explicitly when Wimp_Poll is called
-Version 2.10
- *  Remember pointer position over a mode change
- *  Use separate buffers for errors and starttask
-    (Problems if task causes an upcall)
- *  Report error if window deleted while dragging
- *  Stop dragging menu / dbox if menus closed
- *  *Help WimpSlot message altered slightly
- *  Move dynamic error block up 4 bytes
-    (It's overlaid on the error handler's buffer!)
- *  Ensure that Wimp_CreateMenu can return an error
- *  Check for errors while creating menu icons
- *  Delete menu window if error while creating icons
- *  Correct behaviour of caret / menu selection
-Version 2.11
- *  Switch off pointer during 2-D scrolling
-Version 2.12
- *  Return child's task handle from Wimp_StartTask (0 if dead)
-Version 2.13
- *  Issue Open_Window_Requests after a mode change later on (ie. on the next
-    call to Wimp_Poll).  This allows the window structure to be rearranged
-    on receipt of the Mode_Change message.
-Version 2.14
- *  Bugfix to the above: a copy of the window list is made, in case
-    'backdrop' windows cause the window ordering to change, and the
-    background and iconbar windows are opened before the Mode_Change message
-    is returned, for compatibility.
-Version 2.15
- *  Pointer readjustment when dragged window's extent changes is now fixed
-    properly (eg. when dragging Filer windows around, the pointer remains
-    over the resize box as it should).
-Version 2.16
- *  WimpFlags CMOS bit 5 set => windows are allowed to go off the
-    bottom-right of the screen when being dragged by the title bar and when
-    Wimp_OpenWindow is called on them, unless bit 13 of the window flags is
-    set.  Bit 14 of the window flags acts similarly, but is cancelled after
-    the next call to Wimp_OpenWindow relating to that window.
- *  Menus automatically have bit 13 of their windowflags set, as well as
-    dboxes (ie. windows which are opened using Wimp_CreateMenu or
-    Wimp_CreateSubMenu).
- *  When a window is toggled to full size, or when it is being reopened
-    because a mode change has occurred, the Wimp sets bit 14 of the window
-    flags first (so the next Wimp_OpenWindow will cause it to be kept on the
-    screen).
- *  Window extent supplied in Wimp_CreateWindow and Wimp_SetExtent is
-    automatically rounded to pixels by the Wimp.
- *  Double-click with different buttons is not allowed any more
- *  Fix bug: iconbar scrolls if the pointer is moved over either end, even
-    if a drag is in progress at the time
-Version 2.17
- *  Fix bug: scroll bar dragging when window is partly off-screen
- *  Change pointer shape during double-click period
- *  Cancel double-click as soon as ptr moves away
- *  Cancel double-click if Wimp_DragBox is called
-Version 2.18
- *  Fix bug: double-click ptr was not reset if shape <> 1
- *  If the menu-owning application knows about Wimp 2.18 (ie.
-    Wimp_Initialise was called with R0 >= 218, R1 = "TASK"), then messages
-    destined for menu windows are forwarded to the menu owner task.
- *  Wimp_GetMenuState can be called to determine the current state of the
-    menu tree (null tree if you are not the menu owner).  It can also
-    determine the menu tree corresponding to a given window/icon if the
-    window is a menu or an open dialogue box.
-Version 2.19
- *  Increase drag timeout period from 0.2 seconds to 0.5 seconds
- *  Report a drag button event immediately if the button is held down and
-    the mouse is moved by 16 OS units or more (as for double-click
-    cancellation).
-Version 2.20
- *  Mode_Change message and reopen-window messages are only sent after a
-    mode change if an old-style task was not active when the call to
-    Wimp_SetMode was made, or at any time after that prior to the next
-    Wimp_Poll.  This is so that old-style tasks do not get new-style windows
-    being reopened on top of them, if they execute Wimp_SetMode in their
-    !Run sequence (some programs such as !Delta execute Wimp_SetMode (R0=12)
-    to try to get the RISC OS Wimp to behave in a more compatible way with
-    the Arthur 1.20 version).
- *  Wimp_SetMode is now allowed while a command window is pending, without
-    activating it, and if the command window was already active before the
-    mode change, a VDU 4 is executed afterwards (to keep the text visible).
- *  *Wimp_SetMode <number> now causes SWI XWimp_SetMode to be called with
-    the number supplied.  This command can be put into !Run files by users
-    for convenience (eg. if they prefer a certain package to work in a
-    particular mode).  The default !Run files of packages should not cause
-    the mode to change.
-Version 2.21
- *  New parameters to Wimp_CreateIcon allowed:
-        [R1,#0] = -3 => create icon on iconbar to left of icon handle R0
-                  -4 => create icon on iconbar to right of icon handle R0
-        R0 = handle of icon to open next to, if [R1,#0] = -3 or -4
-        R0 = -1 => create icon at extreme left (-3) or right (-4)
-    This allows icons to be recreated and deleted (in order to change their
-    width, for example) such that they stay in the same relative position on the
-    iconbar.
-Version 2.22
- *  BUG FIX: Wimp 2.21 preserves R10 (handle) over calls to 'openiconbar',
-    which means that the value of 'handle' is not set up correctly for the
-    next call to 'recalcposns' after a mode change.  This in turn results in
-    OS memory being scrambled, and address exceptions occurring etc.
-Version 2.23
- *  If application sets R0 >= 223 when calling Wimp_Initialise, then
-    Wimp_Poll or Wimp_PollIdle with R0 bit 13 clear, bit 22 set => R3 ->
-    poll word (must NOT be in application space).  If R0 bit 23 is also set,
-    then the word is scanned by the Wimp at the start of the Wimp_Poll loop;
-    otherwise it is not scanned until just before the Wimp is about to read
-    the mouse (ie. after all messages have been delivered and
-    Redraw_Window_Requests sent).  If the Wimp finds that the word is
-    non-zero, then it will return R0=13 from Wimp_Poll, with [R1,#0] =
-    address of poll word, [R1,#4] = contents.
-Version 2.24
- *  Fix bug: the above stuff did not work for Wimp_PollIdle (the error "Bad
-    parameter passed to Wimp in R0" was returned, even if no bits above bit
-    23 were set in R0.
-Version 2.25
- *  "*Wimp_SetMode" command changed to "*WimpMode".
-Version 2.26
- *  Wimp automatically sets bit 14 of window flags on Wimp_CreateWindow and
-    Wimp_SetExtent.  This forces new windows to be initially on-screen, but
-    allows them to be dragged off subsequently.
-Version 2.27
- *  Menus and dboxes now get bit 14 set, rather than bit 13.  This allows
-    them to be dragged off-screen after initial opening.
-Version 2.28
- *  Bit 7 of R1 set on entry to Wimp_ReportError suppresses the 'beep' that
-    would normally occur if bit 4 of the WimpFlags was clear.
-Version 2.29
- *  Drag movement limit increased from 16 to 32 OS units.
-Version 2.30
- *  Double-click movement limit increased from 16 to 32 OS units.
- *  Extra sprites added: file_fea and small_fea.
-Version 2.31
- *  Sprites taken out of Wimp and put into Desktop module
- *  Also spots when the Desktop module dies or re-inits
-Version 2.32
- *  Don't give error on initialisation if ROM sprites can't be found
-Version 2.33
- *  Fix problem with *WimpPalette opening the command window
- *  Fix syntax message for *WimpMode <n>
-Version 2.34
- *  Make *IconSprites look for <file>23 if in mono mode
- *  Pick up DeskFS:$.Sprites or DeskFS:$.Sprites23 for ROM sprite area
- *  Add Wimp_ReadSysInfo R0=1 => R0=current Wimp mode
-Version 2.35
- *  Fix bug: OpenWindowRequest messages should always be dealt with by the
-    Wimp, rather than going to the menu owner (even if he says he knows
-    about recent Wimps).
-Version 2.36
- *  Message_ModeChange, and window re-opening, is only performed after
-    Wimp_SetMode if the new mode is different from the last mode for which a
-    message was returned.
- *  Iconbar doesn't scroll on a mode change
- *  Escape in a Wimp_ReportError box causes the non-highlighted box to be
-    selected, or the only box if it is highlighted.  Any other key selects
-    the highlighted box, or the only box if it isn't highlighted.
- *  Maximum number of created windows increased to 256
- *  "Bad Wimp mode" error returned for Wimp_SetMode to double-pixel modes
-Version 2.37
- *  If R0 >= 223 on Wimp_Initialise, then Wimp_Poll(Idle) with bit 24 set =>
-    save / restore FP registers.
-Version 2.38
- *  Window flags bit 14 (force onto screen once only) moved to bit 21
- *  Window flags bit 14 set => drag ignores extent x1
- *  Window flags bit 15 set => drag ignores extent y0
-Version 2.39
- *  Use double-width VDU-5 caret if pixel width <= 2 OS units
- *  Use double-width font caret if caret height > 12 pixel-widths
-Version 2.40
- *  Fix bug: don't re-open backdrop and iconbar if same mode
-Version 2.41
- *  Fix bug: the following calls should accept window -2:
-             Wimp_GetWindowState     Wimp_GetWindowInfo
-             Wimp_GetWindowOutline   Wimp_ForceRedraw
-             Wimp_DragBox            Wimp_WhichIcon
- *  Caret made single-width again
- *  Free pool converted to words, so > 256 pages are allowed
-Version 2.42
- *  Default action of f11 is to toggle the iconbar between front and back
-Version 2.43
- *  Fix bug: Wimp_ForceRedraw with handle -2 didn't redraw the iconbar
-Version 2.44
- *  *WimpMode <n> doesn't do anything if mode is already current.
-Version 2.45
- *  Change f11 behaviour to toggle the 'back' bit of the iconbar
- *  Wimp_GetWindowInfo now accepts R1 bit 0 set => don't return the icon
-    definitions (ie. just return the window header).  R1 bits 0..1 are
-    cleared before R1 is used as a pointer.
- *  Wimp_LoadTemplate now accepts R1<=0 => just return R1 = size of buffer
-    required, R2 = size of indirected data
-Version 2.46
- *  Fix bug: Wimp_LoadTemplate mustn't check for R1 >= &8000.
-Version 2.47
- *  Make Wimp_OpenWindow prevent windows getting bigger than the screen size
-    even if they're not being forced onto the screen.
-Version 2.48
- *  If ptr_default sprite has its own palette, don't use Wimp palette
-    on mode change.
-Version 2.49
- *  Ignore clicks on greyed-out menu items
- *  Return Message_MenusDeleted if menus deleted
- *  Return mouse clicks via messages if message queue non-empty
-Version 2.50
- *  Look at ModeFlags HiResMono bit rather than Log2BPP = 0 to decide
-    whether to use DeskFS:$.Sprites or DeskFS:$.Sprites23 when Wimp starts
-    up, and whether to look for <name>23 in *IconSprites.
- *  Wimp_OpenWindow forces the window on screen if it was previously closed.
-Version 2.51
- *  Make menu disappear if SELECT clicked on grey item
-Version 2.52
- *  Allow interactive help to 'see' greyed-out menu items
- *  Setting menu flags bit 4 allows you to see submenus of grey items.
-Version 2.53
- *  Issue Service_WimpPalette on Wimp_SetPalette
- *  Return R2 = sender's task handle from Wimp_Poll(Idle) if task knows
-    about Wimp 2.53.
-Version 2.54
- *  Fix bugs: Call int_sendmessage_fromwimp rather than int_sendmessage to
-    give taskhandle 0 on return from Wimp_Poll.
-Version 2.55
- *  Fix bug: *Iconsprites in mode 23 used wrong R2, giving "Bad file name ''".
-Version 2.56
- *  Issue Message_MenusDeleted when escape kills menus
-Version 2.57
- *  *IconSprites tries <filename>20 if <= 2 OS units per ypix
-Version 2.58
- *  *IconSprites tries <filename><x><y><bpp>, then <filename>
-    It also uses the values cached on startup
- *  Wimp_ReadSysInfo (2) returns ptr to xeig,yeig,log2bpp
-Version 2.59
- *  *WimpTask works from a dead task, by entering the Wimp as an
-    application, initialising and then doing the SWI Wimp_StartTask.  It
-    then exits via OS_Exit.
-Version 2.60
- *  *IconSprites now puts <x><y> or "23" on the end of the filename.
- *  Wimp_ReadSysInfo (2) returns ptr to suffix
-Version 2.61
- *  Implement Wimp$State ("desktop" or "commands")
- *  Wimp_ReadSysInfo (3) returns state of commandflag
-Version 2.62
- *  Wimp_ReadSysInfo (3) returns 0=commands, 1=desktop
- *  f11 causes iconbar to come to front if covered, and to the back
-    otherwise.  When coming to the front, the backwindow bit is cleared, and
-    when going to the back,it is set.
-Version 2.63
- *  Still send Message_ModeChange even if same mode, and still re-open
-    windows, but don't force windows onto screen u nless screen size smaller
-    in x or y.
-Version 2.64
- *  Fix FP register saving, and set status=&70000 if not saved
- *  Fix scrolled menu dotted line redrawing
- *  Don't send iconbar to back on mode change
- *  Use OS_CheckModeValid when checking for HiResMono modes initially
- *  Clear bottom bits of palette entries in Wimp_ReadPalette
-Version 2.65
- *  Don't send Message_SlotSize if slot is same size
- *  Report memory full errors in Wimp_SlotSize correctly
- *  Make OS_ChangeDynamicArea and findpages work with 16Mb
- *  Allow pointer to go off bottom-right in size dragging (this in fact
-    causes the window to expand in the other direction).
- *  Fix bug: don't zero bottom bytes in Wimp_ReadPalette
- *  Avoid 16-bit overflow when setting the pointer bounding box.  This gets
-    round a problem with unbounded windows with extent > 2^16, where the
-    size drag bounds can be too big.
-Version 2.66
- *  Fix bug: Wimp_SlotSize corrupted R4 on exit!
-Version 2.67
- *  Fix bug: Wimp_LoadTemplate didn't count indirected data properly
- *  Fix bug: turn double-click ptr off if pending window deleted
- *  Fix bug: allow validation string pointer = 1 and indirected text size <=
-    0 in templates.  This allows for indirected sprite icons, where the
-    'validation string' pointer is in fact the sprite area CB ptr (0 =>
-    system sprites, 1 => Wimp pool).
-Version 2.68
- *  Add "-next" parameter to *WimpSlot command
- *  Make "-min parameter to *WimpSlot optional
-Version 2.69
- *  Altered default Wimp palette so that the bottom two bits of R,G and B
-    are equal (for all but colour 8).  This helps the Wimp and ColourTrans
-    to agree about the colours in 256-colour modes, and also results in
-    better matching colours from the Wimp.
-Version 2.70
- *  Changed to use ResourceFS
- *  Included resource files inside module
- *  Accesses resources via WindowManager$Path
-Version 2.71
- *  Implement *WimpWriteDir for changing to Hebrew mode
- *  Menus with title starting "\" are reversed
- *  Wimp_ReadSysInfo (4) returns current write direction
-Version 2.72
- *  Fix bug: didn't initialise ROM sprites if loaded after ResourceFS
-Version 2.73
- *  Added Wimp_CreateIcon window handles -5 to -8 (prioritised)
-Version 2.74
- *  Fix bug: iconbar extent should be pixel-aligned
-Version 2.75
- *  Fix bug: return click from menu icon if clicked as the mouse enters
-Version 2.76
- *  Icons stored separately from windows. This allows window structs to stay still.
- *  Pass reason code messages <= CloseRequest through the message system
-    under task ID 'pmiW' ("Wimp"), this enables mode change to send open
-    messages for all windows.
- *  Send messages for all windows being opened after a mode change, and stop
-    using the stack to hold the window stacking order for this operation.
- *  Implement infinite windows.
- *  Backwindow bit slightly changed in meaning: now, the frontmost back
-    window determines where windows opened behind window -2 get opened; if a
-    specific window handle is given, even if that window is behind a back
-    window, then the opened window will open behind the window specified.
-Version 2.77
- *  Handle rectangle area full redraw screen better.
-Version 2.78
- *  Fix bug: address exception when clicking on greyed-out menu item
-Version 2.79
- *  Iconize messages implemented.
-Version: 2.80 Wed 24-Oct-90        Ran Mokady                    
- *  Fix bug, address exception when task died while pointer in one of
-    its windows.
-Version: 2.84 Sun 28-Oct-90        Ran Mokady                    
- *  2.81    Changed number of tasks to 128.
- *  2.82    F11 action (Toggle iconbar) moved to F12.
- *  2.83    Fixed bug, drag user sprite called move address first 
-             now calls plot first.
- *  Centre error box on screen.
- *  Fixed bug in 3d writable icons, colour now forced only if icon has a border.
- *  Fixed bug in 3d icons, wrong colours in 8bpp modes.
- *  Added r3-> list of messages expected if task knows about version 284 or later.
- *  Moved task priority and message list code to be conditional on Version >= 284
-    and not on Swapping.
- *  Shift-Full_Size toggle to max size that doesn't hide icon bar.
-Version: 2.85 Mon 12-Nov-90        Ran Mokady                    
-* Added border (B) and pointer (P) commands to validation string of
-  indirected icons.
-Version: 2.87 Tue 12-Mar-91        Ran Mokady                    
- 02-Jan-91    2.86    Read timeouts and distances from CMOS RAM.
-                      Added auto submenu opening.
- 05-Mar-91    2.87    Fixed bug in messages lists (blocked all messages if
-                      message list was present!).
-                      Uses OS_ReadSysInfo to read configured mode/Wimpmode.
-                      (Now in same byte).
-Version: 2.89 Tue 16-Apr-91        Ran Mokady                    
-   2.88    Fixed bug: Now Uses OS_ReadSysInfo to read configured
-                      mode in both places where it is read.
-   2.89    Added sysflags_nobounds to enable all windows be opened off screen 
-           in all directions.
-         *     Fixed bug in NewLook stuff that changed graphics clip window
-               while dragging without instant effects enabled.
-         *     Added UserBars flag to enable the use of sprites for all the window 
-               tools including the scroll bars.
-         *     Removed *Configure wimpmode.
-         *     Changed template loading to use OS_File, and fall back
-               to OS_GBPB if the OS_File fails.
-         *     Moved toggle icon bar to Shift+F12
-Version: 2.90 Fri 03-May-91        Ran Mokady                    
- 24-Apr-91    2.90    Cache UserBars sprites on init and mode changes.
-                *     Divided UserBars title sprite into two.
-                *     Read configured mode when first task starts.
-                *     Fixed a number of positioning bugs in UserBars stuff
-                *     Added slowdown code for portable.
-                *     Allow use of 2.00 code if sprites not present for
-                      title and scroll bars.
-                *     Allow aliasing of pressed sprites to no-pressed sprires if
-                      pressed sprite not present.
-Version: 2.92 Tue 28-May-91        Ran Mokady                    
- 06-May-91    2.91    Changed delay configuration units to 1/10 sec.
-                *     Added WimpMenuDragDelay
-                *     Fixed bug: horizontal scroll bar vanished in 8bpp modes when 
-                      y0 was 0 (R7 was set to 0 on entry to getspriteinfo).  
- 28-May-91    2.92    Added K command in validation string
-                *     Wimp now looks sprites up in Wimp pool if not found in window's
-                *
-Version: 2.93 Sat 01-Jun-91        Ran Mokady                    
-                *       Bug fixes
-Version: 2.94 Thu 13-Jun-91        Ran Mokady                    
-                *       Bug fixes
-Version: 2.95 Mon 22-Jul-91        Ran Mokady                    
-                *     Fixed bug, Wimp_ReportError stiffed machine if R1=0 on entry and in text mode.
-                *     Fixed bug, !Madness made icon bar move.
-                *     Added SWI Wimp_AddMessages
-                *     Wimp_Initialise now only reports an error if passed in version is <200 or > 300
-                      if 200 < version < 300 then  200 is used as the version number.
-                *     Error boxes now only respond to <CR> and <Esc>.
-Version: 2.96 Wed 07-Aug-91        Ran Mokady                    
-                *       Bug fixes
-                *       Revert to old RISC OS 2.00 palette.
-Version: 2.97 Wed 28-Aug-91        Ran Mokady                    
-                *       Bug fixes
-                *       Added redraw filters.
-Version: 3.00 Tue 17-Sep-91        Ran Mokady                    
-Release version ?
-Version: 3.01 Mon 25-Nov-91        Ran Mokady                    
-                * Added Perth power management support.
-                * Bug fixes
-Version: 3.02 Wed 11-Dec-91        David De Vorchik              
- 26-Nov-91            Modified to use ColourTrans for colour mapping
- 29-Nov-91            Fix bug: WimpSlot now accepts 6 parameters ie: "-min <n>k -max <n>k -next <n>k"
- 30-Nov-91            Uses ColourTrans for setting GCOLs.
- 30-Nov-91            Wimp_ReadPixTrans now uses dynamic workspace.
- 30-Nov-91            Check dither CMOS on mode change and set a suitable workspace location.
- 03-Dec-91            Implement Wimp_SetColourMapping.
- 05-Dec-91            Optimised for 1:1 mapping on colours - sets needsfactors.
- 05-Dec-91            Inversion and greying of sprites re-introduced.
- 05-Dec-91            Bug fix: When looking for a sprite tries the wimp pool if all fails.
- 05-Dec-91            Bug fix: User gadgets now plot using correct mappings - also optimised for space.
- 05-Dec-91            Bug fix: Wimp_ReadPalette reads the mapping palette if applied.
- 05-Dec-91            Bug fix: Remapping colours works correctly.
- 06-Dec-91            Bug fix: Wimp_ReadPalette now returns the pointer colours if remapping applied.
- 06-Dec-91            Bug fix: Screen redraw if Log2BPP >=8 and remapping is *not* applied on setting the palette.
- 06-Dec-91            Consistent and improved greying and inversion of sprites.
- 09-Dec-91            New caret plotting introduced.
- 11-Dec-91    3.02    Bug fix: Caret inversion colours corrected.
-                      Added new sprites.
-Version: 3.04 Wed 15-Jan-92        David De Vorchik              
- 30-Dec-91            Bug fix: Die entry when reporting Wimp cannot die error message.
- 10-Jan-92    3.03    In monochrome modes always dither Wimp colours 0-7.
- 10-Jan-92            Wimp_ReadPalette works properly; R2 =TRUE means return full 24bit values.
- 10-Jan-92            Wimp_SetPalette works properly; R2 =TRUE means user specifing full 24bit values.
- 10-Jan-92            Bug fix: recalcpalette no longer forces redraw of the screen unless really needed.
- 10-Jan-92            Bug fix: Wimp_ReadPalette returns GCOL in bottom eight bits.
- 14-Jan-92            Experiment with new inversion code and ColourTrans functions.
- 14-Jan-92            Recoded the despatch of Wimp_ReadSysInfo reason codes.
- 15-Jan-92    3.04    Bug fix: When setting palette preserve supremacy bits.
-Version: 3.05 Thu 23-Jan-92        David De Vorchik              
- 15-Jan-92            Bug fix: Screen update in 8BPP modes when palette changed.
- 18-Jan-92            Dot dash line rotation speed now based on timer, rather than internal counter.
- 23-Jan-92    3.05    Tweeked the rotation speed of the line, tad faster.
-Version: 3.06 Thu 27-Feb-92        David De Vorchik              
-  7-Feb-92            Service_WimpSpritesMoved added - R2,R3 -> ROM, RAM sprite pools.
-  7-Feb-92            Added sprite name caching routines.
-  7-Feb-92            Intergrated the use of sprite name cache.
-  7-Feb-92            Improved sorting performed on the sprite list.
-  7-Feb-92            Removed lots of conditional assembly from Wimp01.
-  8-Feb-92            Removed more conditional assembly, sorted out internationalised code and service trapping.
- 12-Feb-92            Bug fix: Message token lookup for media search boxes.
- 12-Feb-92            Bug fix: Wimp_ReportError getting the title bar wrong.
- 12-Feb-92            Now uses OS_FindMemMapEntries rather than its own *SLOW* implementation.
- 12-Feb-92            Wimp_RemoveMessages added.
- 12-Feb-92            Improved seaching of messages list - now stored on a per-task basis.
- 12-Feb-92            Bug fix: duplicate removal on sprite list sort is biased towards RAM pool.
- 13-Feb-92            More conditional code removed (Wimp06).
- 13-Feb-92            Icon borders tidyied and added back in.
- 14-Feb-92            Template loading catches resources: objects.
- 15-Feb-92            Bug fix: caching sprites gets correct prefix.
- 16-Feb-92            Indirected menu titles implemented for long application titles.
- 16-Feb-92            Bug fix: indirected title bars and wimp created sub-menus.
- 16-Feb-92            Bug fix: Rogers palette problems - not converted properly.
- 18-Feb-92            Changed the reseting of filters to a default state, and issuing of Service_RegisterFilters
- 18-Feb-92            Re-ordered filter despatch workspace; now called using LDMIA Rx,{WP,PC} - coded to macro.
- 18-Feb-92            Wimp_ReadSysInfo (5) get current task + version of task.
- 19-Feb-92            Bug fix: all filters passed R2 contain task handle.
- 23-Feb-92            Only plot the icon borders if task specified Wimp version >= 306, solves clash of validation strings.
- 23-Feb-92            Added *ToolSprites command to allow loading of sprite borders for windows.
- 24-Feb-92            Caching of the tool sprites information added.
- 24-Feb-92            Bug fix: border sprites not seen by Wimp_PlotIcon / Wimp_SpriteOp - saves confusion.
- 25-Feb-92            Finished new tools sprites routines.
- 25-Feb-92            Changed syntax of ToolSprites to allow no parameters - meaning default set from WindowManger:Tools.
- 25-Feb-92            Bug fix: excessive recaching of sprite border pointers - only does once on a mode change.
- 25-Feb-92            Bug fix: does not reprogram the VDU 5 glyphs if the tool sprites are present.
- 26-Feb-92            Bug fix: slot size genertes the correct error if not enough memory - not gobbldy gook!
- 26-Feb-92            Bug fix: source clipping works properly on window gadgets.
- 26-Feb-92            Further optimisation of dofunkytitle, dofunkyhscroll and dofunkyvscroll.
- 26-Feb-92            Now keeps SpriteOp paramaters cached to save recalculating them.
- 26-Feb-92            Some more conditional code removed.
- 26-Feb-92            Bug fix: pre-scroll offset for scroll bars adjusted by borders properly.
- 26-Feb-92    3.06    If not sprite tools loaded then falls back to VDU 5 style glyphs, including reprogramming welsh doofers.
-                        **** BASICLY MADE IT GO LOTS FASTER *****
-Version: 3.07 Thu 27-Feb-92        Ran Mokady                    
-Removed check for task version on icon plotting.
-Version: 3.08 Thu 12-Mar-92        Lawrence Rust                 
- 11-Mar-92    3.08    Fix help message for WimpMenuDragDelay - fixes G-RO-8313
- 12-Mar-92            Messages flag is initialised immediately after claiming ws to ensure
-                        if errors are looked up during init (eg in ValidateMode) no address
-                        exceptions occur (e.g. if invalid configured screen mode).
-                        Fixes RP-0725 and RP-1679
-Version: 3.09 Thu 19-Mar-92        Lawrence Rust                 
- 19-Mar-92     3.09   LRust - Redraw of pressed gadgets fixed to not leave in pressed state
-                        *help text for WimpDragDelay etc. tidied.
-                        Iconsprites now no longer merges the window border tools.
-                          This speeds up *iconsprites and prevents address exceptions
-                          caused by cached toolsprites having moved.
-                        Wimp_SetCaretPosition now pages in task losing caret if icon
-                          has indirected data.
-Version: 3.10 Thu 02-Apr-92        Lawrence Rust                 
- * Fixed caret positioning in writable icons by ensuring that
-  drawicon_system in Wimp04 adjusts for borders before calling
-  findtextorigin - thus text is correctly aligned in bordered icons.
- * Menu titles can be indirected using bit8 of the first menu item
- * KA validation string now causes caret to move to the same character
-   position within the new icon when up or down arrow pressed.
- * Fixed bug RP-2025, adjust drag scroll bars without instant vertical effects
-   erroneously called a user drag routine, and went BANG!!
- * Fix RP-1809, Wimp_ReportError now forces VDU output back to the
-   screen before drawing the error box, and restores re-direction and
-   other states on exit
- * Fixed RP-1913, Wimp_Initialise now accepts any control character to
-   terminate the task descriptor string.  Subr Count0 fixed to do this.
- * Fix RP-1537.  *WimpPalette now checks that there are exactly 16 palette
-   entries in the file, thus avoiding problems with the 256 colour variety
- * KA validation string cause up/down arrow to move to end of new field,
-   fixes G-RO-7130, RP-1168
- * Sprite highlighting changed again! fixes RR-1674 and Rp-1402 
- * Sprite graying changed again! fixes RP-2094
- * Initptrs now preserves R0, preventing R0 from being corrupted on Service_Reset
- * Fix RP-2148 and RP-2150 - F command in validation specifying font colours
-   now accepts lowercase hex colour numbers.
- * Fix RP-2153 - Mode change now uses default colour mappings for the mode to ensure
-   the physical palette isn't changed by use of Wimp_SetColourMapping to alter
-   logical colour mapping.  In addition Wimp_SetColourMapping also forces
-   re-caching of tool sprites to ensure the cached palette is correct.
- * Fix die entry if tasks are active to restore R12 after (and not before!)
-   translating the CantKill error.
- * Respond to service_InvalidateCache
- * Add reason code 7 to ReadSysInfo to return Wimp version
-Version: 3.11 Tue 07-Apr-92        Lawrence Rust                 
- * 3D scroll bar routines fixed to only plot icons if clipping rectangle is
-   non null.  Pressed hscroll bars drawn correctly.  Fixes RP-1766 and other
-   3D tool complaints.
- * Service_InvalidateCache disposes of tool_list only, redrawing window with
-   empty tool_list calls maketoollist to re-cache tool info.
-Version: 3.12 Thu 16-Apr-92        Lawrence Rust                 
-* ExitPoll only calls post filter if event in R0 is valid (ie not when
-  R0 is setup for Wimp_StartTask.
-* ExitPoll call to portable module for non null events optimised.
-* Recoded scanpollwords to use a packed list of pollword tasks to improve
-   search time.  Fixes G-RO-7574
-* Submenus now displayed immediately to right of arrow (left in hebrew), not
-   to right of window, in case title wider than item.
-* Fixed template loading to correctly preserve file handle if insufficient
-   RMA to cache the file.  Fixes RO-8608 (Acorn DTP not starting on 1 Mb machine).
-* Wimp_ReportError correctly returns cancel if escape pressed with highlight on ok
-Version: 3.13 Thu 23-Apr-92        Ran Mokady                    
-* Remove input focus from iconized windows.
-Version: 3.14 Fri 24-Apr-92        Ran Mokady                    
-* Fixed redraw bug, caret size now takes into account the icon border.
-Version: 3.15 Fri 24-Apr-92        Ran Mokady                    
-* Stop text in non indirected sprite and text icons from being printed if an
-  error occurs when plotting the sprite. Fixes bug in !PinPoint.
-* Pass correct registers to blockcopy filter.
-* Call rectangle filter when system area of window is being drawn.
-Version: 3.16 Thu 30-Apr-92        Lawrence Rust                 
-* Fixed address exception during mode change with little RMA
-  VDU 5 glyphs correctly used for undefined toolsprites
-Version: 3.20 Tue 23-Mar-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* Outline system font implemented: Wimp$font, Wimp$fontsize, Wimp$fontwidth
-  control appearance of font used in menus and icons in general.
-* Menu width calculated automatically to maximum width of menu items, except
-  when a writeable field exists when stated width is used as a minimum.
-* Improved background filling for inverted and sprite+text icons.
-* Support Wimp_ReadSysInfo (Reason 8) returning system font handle in R0 and 
-  symbol font handle in R1.
-* 'Kar' bug fixed.
-* Wimp now sends message when system font changes. 
-* Added new SWI, Wimp_GetIconInfo. 
-* Creating icons on icon bar, automatically widen if text (in current system font) 
-  doesn't fit- NOTE, if fontwidth changes during desktop use, it is not updated.
-* Implemented prototype features for tiling window backdrops and slab in/out
-  of border 1 sprite icons.
-Version: 3.22 Thu 15-Jul-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* various improvements to outline system font. See spec
-* new error system allowing severity and extension through service calls
-* Medusa memory management support                 
-* watchdog to kill off rogue tasks
-* New SWI's: ResizeIcon, SetWatchdogState and Extend (direct calling mechanism)
-* Speedups and bug fixes.
-Version: 3.23 Fri 20-Aug-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* CMOS configuration for desktop font.
-* GetIconInfo SWI now TextOp
-* Return and escape can be used on error boxes with custom buttons
-* deleted writables with KRANT validation now ignored when using arrow keys
-* various bug fixes
-Version: 3.24 Fri 27-Aug-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* (O Love) Altered error messages
-* Added CMOS control for tiling of window backgrounds.
-* various bug fixes
-Version: 3.25 Fri 03-Sep-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* Added different tile depth support
-* rearranged sources
-* auto menu width no takes sprites into account
-Version: 3.27 Fri 17-Sep-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* altered window furniture code - should be more efficient
-* made DA sprite area on medusa more efficient
-* can *WimpMode outside of desktop
-* fixed a few bugs incl. grey modes
-Version: 3.28 Thu 30-Sep-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* WrCh vector now released on Service_ModeChange - catches 'single tasking'
-  apps that change screen mode with OS_ScreenMode rather than VDU 22.
-Version: 3.29 Thu 30-Sep-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* updated to cope with increased sprite op reason code.
-Version: 3.30 Mon 04-Oct-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* updated !WIMPSymbol.
-Version: 3.31 Wed 06-Oct-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* tweaked darwin.
-* reorganised sources - can now build with outlinefont off.
-* speeded up mode changes
-* fixed some selected icon problems.
-Version: 3.32 Fri 08-Oct-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* On Medusa memory is returned when exiting desktop.
-* workaround for toolsprites code causing lots of 'can't find sprite'
-Version: 3.33 Mon 11-Oct-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* now uses look up table for program errors
-* few memory fixes.
-* caret is red on 16/32 bit modes.
-Version: 3.34 Tue 19-Oct-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* yet more memory fixes.
-* error block now copied so message trans overwritting buffers is ok.
-Version: 3.36 Wed 03-Nov-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* and some more memory fixes!
-* fixed line across the screen from an error box bug
-* increased minimum scrollbar height and fixed cannot scroll to end bug.
-Version: 3.37 Thu 18-Nov-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* more memory fixes.
-* fixed MED-01061
-* fixed MED-00973
-* fixed MED-01097
-* fixed MED-00297
-* fixed MED-01103
-Version: 3.38 Wed 01-Dec-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* fixed MED-00967/8
-* fixed MED-00974
-* altered icon selection (faster, sprites slightly different colours)
-* fixed MED-00966
-* ALT-BREAK now used for watchdog
-* fixed MED-01342
-* fixed MED-01346
-* fixed MED-01431
-Version: 3.39 Thu 09-Dec-93        Neil Kelleher                 
-* fixed MED-01406
-* fixed MED-00776
-* Fixed MED-01228
-* Fixed MED-01588
-* Fixed MED-00414
-Version: 3.40 Wed 12-Jan-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* Stopped acknowledging messages from deleting events : fixes MED-00003 and
-  MED-00985.
-* fixed MED-00943, better handling for iconbar icons with variable text
-* fixed MED-00946
-* recoded tiling.
-* fixed MED-01364
-* fixed MED-01418
-* fixed MED-01711
-* fixed MED-01818
-* fixed MED-01894
-* fixed MED-02090,1,2122,2146,2202
-* fixed MED-02095
-Version: 3.41 Thu 20-Jan-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* fixed MED-00240
-* fixed MED-00563
-* fixed MED-02050
-* fixed MED-01910
-* Tweaked memory management and tiling.
-Version: 3.42 Fri 21-Jan-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* Improved font manager death recovery
-* fixed (MED-00114) toolsprite probs.
-* Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory works on machines with more than 28 meg.
-* tweaked error box templates
-Version: 3.44 Mon 31-Jan-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* W_CFM now returns free pool EEK!!!
-* fixed MED-01852
-* fixed MED-02443
-* fixed MED-02497
-* fixed MED-01910
-Version: 3.45 Thu 03-Feb-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* improved FM death recovery (now loses fonts so that useage should go down to zero)
-* custom buttons get correct border if they are a default (ie. no ok or cancel)
-* fixed load template giving spurious errors (affected Magpie and Junior Pinpoint)
-* fixed MED-02285
-* fixed MED-02269
-Version: 3.46 Tue 08-Feb-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* fixed MED-01796
-* improved Watchdog to cope with special circumstances such as a running
-Print Job or output switched to sprite.
-* improved font preservation (when to do it/ when not to)
-* fixed menu delay offset bug.
-Version: 3.47 Wed 09-Feb-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* Thought about font preservation and removed it for now.
-Version: 3.48 Fri 11-Feb-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* Fixed MED-02301, substantially changed unfilled text only icons
-* Fixed MED-02598
-* Fixed bug that could cause program errors to go wrong themselves
-* fixed tiling bug - only occurred when a window had a custom sprite
-* put in (different) font preservation checking
-* Added 'vertical justification' bit to TestOp, Wimp_RenderText
-Version: 3.49 Wed 16-Feb-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* Fixed W_CFM (asking for lots of memory didn't fail)
-* Added extra FM abuse security (eg. MED-00669)
-Version: 3.50 Thu 17-Feb-94        Neil Kelleher                 
-* changed Sprite Op's 'can't do that in this depth' error to User one.
-                      MEDUSA - RISC OS 3.50 build
-*                                                                         *
-*  Project: Black                                                         *
-*                                                                         *
-*  Module:  Wimp                                                          *
-*                                                                         *
-*  Created: Tue 21-Jun-94      By: Aideen McConville                      *
-*                                                                         *
-*  First version: 3.50                                                    *
-*                                                                         *
-*    Copyright:    (C) 1994, Acorn Computers Ltd., Cambridge, England.    *
-*                                                                         *
-Change Log:
-Version: 3.50 Tue 21-Jun-94        Aideen McConville             
-Moved to new source tree.
-Version: 3.51 Thu 21-Apr-94        Richard Manby
-* added power saving code for Stork
-Version: 3.52 Tue 02-Aug-94        Aideen McConville             
-* Updated hdr.Wimp (from Neil Kelleher)
-  Contains new reason codes.
-Version: 3.53 Thu 18-Aug-94        Steve Cormie                  
-* Fixed MED-03541: BadParameters token (which did not appear in any Messages
-  file) replaced with BadParm.
-* Fixed MED-03390: button texts Quit, Continue and OK (for error dialogue)
-  were not looked up in Messages file.
-Version: 3.54 Tue 13-Sep-94        Steve Cormie                  
-* Fixed MED-03700: various messages now looked up.
-Version: 3.55 Tue 27-Sep-94        Steve Cormie                  
-* Fixed MED-03711 and MED-01949: long error messages were being copied over
-  workspace causing data aborts.
-* Fixed MED-03346: convert ROM patch to source fix, prevent Wimp accessing
-  info on taskhandle 0.
-* Fixed MED-03135: convert WimpUtils module patch into source fix, workspace
-  pointer corrupted before attempting to read from workspace.
-Version: 3.56 Wed 28-Sep-94        Alan Glover                   
-* Fixed MED-03674: could make windows disappear because they were being
-  opened behind an iconised window. (s.wimp03)
-* Fixed MED-03233: change name of information sprite (should be information
-  was info1) (sprites)
-* Fixed MED-03145: key names were getting right justified if they appeared
-  in writable menu icons. (s.wimp05)
-* Fixed MED-03087: finally, really, at last fix nager:sprites22 - change the
-  buffer in which the command to load wimp sprites from away from the error
-  buffer! (s.wimp01)
-Version: 3.57 Tue 18-Oct-94        Aideen McConville             
-* Fixed MED-03691: Wimp 3.57 onwards will expect its Templates to be in
-                   'Templates' (s.Iconbar, s.Wimp08, Makefile)
-* Also corrected Makefile which was copying 2D tools to Resources.
-Version: 3.58 Thu 20-Oct-94        Alan Glover                   
-* Fixed MED-03800: Avoid an interaction whereby the wimp would obtain a
-                   translation table from ColourTrans, and then discard
-                   it before it got around to using it. (Affected 16/32bpp
-                   sprites in filer windows in 256 (and less) colour modes)
-                   (s.wimp01, s.wimp04)
-Version: 3.59 Sat 29-Oct-94        Aideen McConville             
-* Added sprites from !Draw (DXF) and !Printers to Wimp Sprites.
-  Also updated Sprites22 and Sprites23 with !Printer sprites.
-* Moved Sprites, Sprites22, Sprites23, Tools and Tools3d to UK directory.
-  (updated Makefile and s.wimp08 accordingly).
-Version: 3.60 Mon 31-Oct-94        Steve Cormie                  
-* Added directed comments to Messages file for message tokenisation.
-* Moved command help/syntax from Global.Messages to Messages file.
-Version: 3.61 Wed 21-Dec-94        Steve Cormie                  
-* Fixed MED-03323: Don't fill 0 sized icons.
-* Fixed MED-03865: Changed "Wimp Sprite Pool" to "Wimp sprite pool".
-Version: 3.62 Mon 16-Jan-95        Aideen McConville             
-* Fixed MED-04107: Added JPEG filetype sprite (c85) to Resources.UK.Sprites[22]
-                   Also added Resource filetype (fae).
-Version: 3.63 Wed 18-Jan-95        Steve Cormie                  
-* Implemented correct fix for MED-03674 (also fixes MED-04376 which resulted
-  from the fix in version 3.56).
-Version: 3.64 Thu 16-Feb-95        Alan Glover                   
-* Looks like 28 Sep '94 was a **bad** day for coding. Fix bug MED-04476,
-  which arose from the previous fix for MED-03145. Symptom was Edit>Create>Text
-  gave a window without input focus. This was because the caret had got stuck
-  in the menu structure!
-Version: 3.65 Fri 24-Feb-95        Steve Cormie                  
-* Fix for MED-04690: Added sprites file_be8, small_be8 and file_ff0 (were in
-  CDFSFiler sprite files).
-Version: 3.66 Mon 06-Mar-95        Aideen McConville             
-* Fixed MED-04771: Shared disc sprites included in Wimp.Sprites[22]
-                   AUNMsgs also updated (0.03)
-                      Black - RISC OS 3.60 (4.28) build
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Sprites,ff9 b/Resources/UK/Sprites,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index b74ad70c416d0c7f8dafbb1bcc3a2b913814bee6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Sprites,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Sprites22,ff9 b/Resources/UK/Sprites22,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index b3ccf18b78a432523b9669790b088fd1ebe40ec4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Sprites22,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Sprites23,ff9 b/Resources/UK/Sprites23,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index 3736642c489e4fce029ed93b259fc4602b1cb284..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Sprites23,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Template3D,fec b/Resources/UK/Template3D,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index af6ae5e6c43138585ca1955d64cb45d4bb6a4442..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Template3D,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Templates,fec b/Resources/UK/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e56a2ffd4eeb1e8befe9594adc306f1d50dbc52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Tools,ff9 b/Resources/UK/Tools,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index 298d22d65559f3ffbb73029d3c857331a75f0ce2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Tools,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Resources/UK/Tools3d,ff9 b/Resources/UK/Tools3d,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index 30149ceb56805c5938108f62c4513528d1c6d52d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Tools3d,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Double/!Run,feb b/Test/!Double/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 144aa953c633d1421c4fbe74dd4a083766e291d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Double/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| > !Run file for !MenuTree
-WimpSlot -min 640k -max 640k
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!Double/!RunImage,ffb b/Test/!Double/!RunImage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b083bd1becba1234c9198eff05812ff5150e376..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Double/!RunImage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Double/Templates,fec b/Test/!Double/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cbb6d9de168733125a57cea59660f4f9a0f626c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Double/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!ManyWinds/!Run,feb b/Test/!ManyWinds/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 144aa953c633d1421c4fbe74dd4a083766e291d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!ManyWinds/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| > !Run file for !MenuTree
-WimpSlot -min 640k -max 640k
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!ManyWinds/!RunImage,ffb b/Test/!ManyWinds/!RunImage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ddd872016970bbe8022afbf55e904fe7cf5983c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!ManyWinds/!RunImage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!ManyWinds/Templates,fec b/Test/!ManyWinds/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index ce6826cc27528a49735a38b5778714e36a2b8754..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!ManyWinds/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!MenuTree/!Run,feb b/Test/!MenuTree/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 144aa953c633d1421c4fbe74dd4a083766e291d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!MenuTree/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| > !Run file for !MenuTree
-WimpSlot -min 640k -max 640k
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!MenuTree/!RunImage,ffb b/Test/!MenuTree/!RunImage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2668b3bab6452d9818b104e9000902b15f97b7de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!MenuTree/!RunImage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!MenuTree/Templates,fec b/Test/!MenuTree/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bf0d4fd5bde632298531a302fd2c07fc57c68da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!MenuTree/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Monitor/!Boot,feb b/Test/!Monitor/!Boot,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b2a9da4027f7b2502840e8de523053baf73b8f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Monitor/!Boot,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-Set Monitor$Dir <Obey$Dir>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/!Monitor/!Run,feb b/Test/!Monitor/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index c36371206c69f9243d09b87948cc218131ee64ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Monitor/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-Set Monitor$Dir <Obey$Dir>
-Wimpslot -min 64K -max 64K
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!Monitor/!runimage,ff8 b/Test/!Monitor/!runimage,ff8
deleted file mode 100644
index 2abac1bc1e1b845d4f94150a645fe3e4379b5ca9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Monitor/!runimage,ff8 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Monitor/Templates,fec b/Test/!Monitor/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c5d2921983e37eb2c04ff036e1c2d739bba7ca7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Monitor/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Monitor/c/Monitor b/Test/!Monitor/c/Monitor
deleted file mode 100644
index 6934bf381e8543f1cf5de1c91feae5480d42eb82..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Monitor/c/Monitor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* Monitor messages comming in */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "wimp.h"
-#include "wimpt.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "win.h"
-#include "template.h"
-#include "dbox.h"
-#include "alarm.h"
-#include "res.h"
-#include "akbd.h"
-#include "kernel.h"
-#include "swis.h"
-int start_time =0;
-int messages =0;
-int my_task;
-BOOL unknown_event(wimp_eventstr *e, void *handle)
- dbox d = (dbox) handle;
- int av=alarm_timedifference(start_time,alarm_timenow());
- static int ov=0;
- if (ov==0) ov=av-101;
- if ( (e->e==wimp_ENULL) && akbd_pollsh() )  /* Shift pressed on a null event */
- {
-  _kernel_swi_regs r;
-  r.r[0]=my_task;
-  wimpt_noerror( (os_error *) _kernel_swi(XOS_Bit | 0x816c1 ,&r,&r); /* Get character at pointer */
- }
- if (e->e==wimp_ESEND)
- {
-  if (e->data.msg.action == 0x816c0)
-  {
-   werr(0,"Character found %c (%i)",e->data.msg.data.words[0],e->data.msg.data.words[0]);
-   wimp_processkey(e->data.msg.data.words[0]);
-  }
-  char   strbuf [100];
-  sprintf(strbuf,"%x",e->data.msg.hdr.action);
-  dbox_setfield(d,3,strbuf);
-  dbox_setnumeric(d,5,++messages);
- }
- if (av-ov >= 100)
- {
-  ov=av;
-  if (av >= 6000) av = messages / (av / 6000);
-     else av=messages;
-  dbox_setnumeric(d,1,av);
- }
- return TRUE;
-int main()
- dbox d;
- /* Start a wimp task */
- wimpt_wimpversion(275);
- my_task=wimpt_init("Monitor");
- res_init("Monitor");
- template_init();
- dbox_init();
- alarm_init();
- start_time=alarm_timenow();
- d=dbox_new("Monitor");
- dbox_showstatic(d);
- win_add_unknown_event_processor(unknown_event,d) ;
- event_setmask(0);
- while (1)
- {
-  event_process();
-  if (wimpt_last_event()->e==wimp_ECLOSE) exit(0);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/Test/!Open/!Run,feb b/Test/!Open/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 144aa953c633d1421c4fbe74dd4a083766e291d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Open/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| > !Run file for !MenuTree
-WimpSlot -min 640k -max 640k
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!Open/!RunImage,ffb b/Test/!Open/!RunImage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 450c8fa46d2c8bb2bf0037c81be7d6e359958bbf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Open/!RunImage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Open/Templates,fec b/Test/!Open/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index f97394d10241347c8be71a3d450b5eaf8e9d63b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Open/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Redraw/!Run,feb b/Test/!Redraw/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 144aa953c633d1421c4fbe74dd4a083766e291d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Redraw/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| > !Run file for !MenuTree
-WimpSlot -min 640k -max 640k
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!Redraw/!RunImage,ffb b/Test/!Redraw/!RunImage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 999f13cd88c43fd7cabd70a0eb1e4af2faff89a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Redraw/!RunImage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Redraw/Templates,fec b/Test/!Redraw/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index f97394d10241347c8be71a3d450b5eaf8e9d63b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Redraw/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Redraw2/!Run,feb b/Test/!Redraw2/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index a312febcad5d078b79f31c1114d5ec717f6db62b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Redraw2/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| > !Run file for !MenuTree
-*IconSprites <Obey$Dir>.sprites
-WimpSlot -min 640k -max 640k
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!Redraw2/!RunImage,ffb b/Test/!Redraw2/!RunImage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 999f13cd88c43fd7cabd70a0eb1e4af2faff89a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Redraw2/!RunImage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Redraw2/Sprites,ff9 b/Test/!Redraw2/Sprites,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index 558f3ee23159c03c1e83afd7ade711c0c266dde2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Redraw2/Sprites,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Redraw2/Templates,fec b/Test/!Redraw2/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index f218c58d5be606a747d08e6c29645cda2c127eb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Redraw2/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Test/!Boot,feb b/Test/!Test/!Boot,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ab441eb25b95f9e7f5ef70ceeb50142c22a1fe7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Test/!Boot,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-| boot file for wexample application
-Iconsprites <Obey$Dir>.!Sprites
diff --git a/Test/!Test/!RUNIMAGE,ff8 b/Test/!Test/!RUNIMAGE,ff8
deleted file mode 100644
index e6903d07a4bd4f143f9ac605e78a63274059088d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Test/!RUNIMAGE,ff8 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Test/!Run,feb b/Test/!Test/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3be08f344bce1f67cd4e210ed60cd6de847f3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Test/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-RMEnsure SharedCLibrary 3.50 RMLoad System:Modules.Clib
-RMEnsure SharedCLibrary 3.50 Error You need Clib 3.50 or later
-*WimpSlot -min 64k -max 64k
-*IconSprites <Obey$Dir>.!Sprites
-*Set Test$Dir <Obey$Dir>
-*Run <Test$Dir>.!RunImage %*0
diff --git a/Test/!Test/!Sprites,ff9 b/Test/!Test/!Sprites,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index c0c2582d6642f644b517eb8bedb0a9b6bdf244c5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Test/!Sprites,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Test/Templates,fec b/Test/!Test/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 630178bb2f016eb64e95fdfc08112e37c45d7b61..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Test/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Test/Templates1,fec b/Test/!Test/Templates1,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 886731ada329e5df914e85b877beea45a7ca21d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Test/Templates1,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Test/sprites,ff9 b/Test/!Test/sprites,ff9
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e800a81adc79ac343518d80954febda8c5bb8cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Test/sprites,ff9 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Valid/!Boot,feb b/Test/!Valid/!Boot,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 77bb52831371e447b1560a6a9c643f814bec41cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Valid/!Boot,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-Set Valid$Dir <Obey$Dir>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Test/!Valid/!Run,feb b/Test/!Valid/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f4534fe2e459c2b3948cac9620ba438580ebe88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!Valid/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-Set Valid$Dir <Obey$Dir>
-Wimpslot -min 64K -max 64K
-Run <Obey$Dir>.!RunImage
diff --git a/Test/!Valid/!RunImage,ffb b/Test/!Valid/!RunImage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e288dc632fd8f222dc750dd404814af79b0d01..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Valid/!RunImage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!Valid/Templates,fec b/Test/!Valid/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index cf47b6e7f82e5109310121662a0166818244b859..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!Valid/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!WimpBUG/!Run,feb b/Test/!WimpBUG/!Run,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a46f447f6d0b48dfb6089cc57691fd32947c55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/!WimpBUG/!Run,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-Set WimpBUG$Dir <Obey$Dir>
-WimpSlot -min 32k -max 32k
-Run <WimpBUG$Dir>.!Runimage
diff --git a/Test/!WimpBUG/!Runimage,ffb b/Test/!WimpBUG/!Runimage,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index fd84a1ba965a1573fdfbc3e618250d94d55bd12e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!WimpBUG/!Runimage,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/!WimpBUG/Templates,fec b/Test/!WimpBUG/Templates,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a06201b248c83f9e729e32e9c1b6d07f930465f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/!WimpBUG/Templates,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/Arrows,aff b/Test/Arrows,aff
deleted file mode 100644
index f3214823dc1b60e26d2801a76f7630159ecbdaea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/Arrows,aff and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/FontTest,fec b/Test/FontTest,fec
deleted file mode 100644
index 4195431b309d5b815c1cd6760f105fa21e3155f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/FontTest,fec and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/GrabMem,ffb b/Test/GrabMem,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 517c74a466a30dbbaa6bfc572daf7aa713207792..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/GrabMem,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/PlotIcon,ffb b/Test/PlotIcon,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8189a04de7b4a7dd26f60e39c635d821b98f6bd9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/PlotIcon,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/PollWord,ffb b/Test/PollWord,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 47dd4253ef44ef25ca0298fd5fd57ffc33a02a74..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/PollWord,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/ShowSpr,ffb b/Test/ShowSpr,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cf9d25c17f301aeaac9015d1c3e78c59ae04b88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/ShowSpr,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/TestMsg,ffb b/Test/TestMsg,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index ebed7da7ec6e6191777e1b1ef4040e85229692ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/TestMsg,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/TwoTasks,ffb b/Test/TwoTasks,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dada22523981594707d0ab419df297aaaa03459..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/TwoTasks,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/WimpInit,ffb b/Test/WimpInit,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index b20f8564d2c2339f3f13c9f7ebe8322194fbc931..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/WimpInit,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git "a/Test/[\210\211\243\212\213]" "b/Test/[\210\211\243\212\213]"
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/Test/swap,ffb b/Test/swap,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 69e3ca171a6cd7ee59e0bb79e65de9b1a8938199..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/swap,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/test1,feb b/Test/test1,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a9ed6c3f41adeabb33ea7bb75ff1c27580ad3a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/test1,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-announce âââthis is a very long message to appear in an error box, but of course the system ought to be able to cope with something even longer than thisààà
diff --git a/Test/test2,feb b/Test/test2,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index eb7aeabbdd5347ef6a51faef5b2ba39c25f5c7d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/test2,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-announce âââthisisaverylongmessagetoappearinanerrorbox,butofcoursethesystemoughttobeabletocopewithsomethingevenlongerthanthisààà
diff --git a/Test/trans,feb b/Test/trans,feb
deleted file mode 100644
index 783ff65d5339ebac11ff1d89e874c6400c0155d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Test/trans,feb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-| You may obtain a copy of the License at
-|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-| limitations under the License.
-wimptask taskwindow basic <obey$dir>.trans1
-wimptask taskwindow basic <obey$dir>.trans2
diff --git a/Test/trans1,ffb b/Test/trans1,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5771935c98fa418018842cc147443e3518715918..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/trans1,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Test/trans2,ffb b/Test/trans2,ffb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d6b34baa816ab3e8cf3343e1320641877d31784..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Test/trans2,ffb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/s/W08_oldway b/s/W08_oldway
deleted file mode 100644
index 9422b444491cce5a6404f72d7ed90056f7afc19b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/s/W08_oldway
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2562 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.W08_oldway
-;old way of doing things (Wimp does task memory management)
-;only used if UseAMBControl is false
-;; Switcher routines
-; Wimp_SlotSize
-; Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory
-; Wimp_TransferBlock
-; findpages             look for application memory & set up free pool
-; testapplication       see if the application space is in use
-; restorepages          put the rest of the pages back after the current slot
-; allocateslot          transfer pages from free pool to a slot array
-; deallocateslot        transfer pages from a slot array to free pool
-; mapslotin             map pages in a slot into application space
-; mapslotout            map pages in a slot out of the way
-; initdynamic           intercept SWI table entry
-; resetdynamic          unintercept SWI table entry
-; My_ChangeDynamic      stack the applications to fill up application space
-; servicememory         accept/refuse to allow memory to be moved
-; servicememorymoved    unstack the applications and recover!
-; Data structures:
-; task table -> task block (or task_unused if task dead)
-; task block -> slot block for task
-; freepool -> slot block for free pool (with room for all pages)
-; slot block = { page, addr, protection }* -1 -1
-;              (suitable for OS_ReadMemMapEntries and OS_FindMemMapEntries)
-; freepoolbase, orig_applicationspacesize delimit the free pool
-  [ :LNOT: UseAMBControl
-; Set/Read current Wimp slot size
-; Entry:  R0 = new 'current' slot size in bytes (<0 ==> no change)
-;         R1 = new 'next' slot size in bytes (<0 ==> no change)
-; Exit:   R0 = actual 'current' slot size
-;         R1 = actual 'next' slot size
-;         R2 = total amount of free memory 'owned' by the Wimp
-;              if R2 < R1, the next slot will not be allocated in full
-;              when no tasks are running, R2 will be 0
-;         if R0>=0 on entry, pages may be remapped and MemoryLimit changed
-SWIWimp_SlotSize  ROUT
-        MyEntry "SlotSize"
-        MOV     R4,R0                   ; R4 = new current slot size
-        MOV     R2,R1                   ; R2 = proposed slot size
-        SWI     XOS_ReadMemMapInfo
-        CMP     R2,#0                   ; if -ve, just read current value
-        LDRLT   R3,slotsize
-        BLT     %FT01
-        ADD     R2,R2,R0                ; R2 = (R2+size-1) DIV size * size
-        SUB     R2,R2,#1
-        DivRem  R3,R2,R0, R14
-        STR     R3,slotsize             ; [slotsize] = no of pages
-        LDR     R2,orig_applicationspacesize
-        LDR     R14,freepoolbase
-        SUB     R2,R2,R14               ; R2 = total free memory
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BNE     %FT02
-        Push    "R0-R1"
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea     ; memory in free pool
-        MOV     R2,R1
-        Pull    "R0-r1"
-        ]
-        MUL     R1,R3,R0                ; R1 = next slot size
-        [ false                         ; MED-00946
-        CMP     R1,R2
-        MOVGT   R1,R2                   ; can't be more memory in next than freepool
-        ]
-        STMIA   sp,{R1,R2}              ; ensure calling task gets new values
-; transfer pages between current slot and free pool
-; on exit R0 = actual current slot size (whether or not memory could be moved)
-        CMP     R4,#-1                  ; R4 = proposed new current slot size
-        [ Medusa
-        BLE     returnmemsize
-        MedusaOS
-; under Medusa [freepool] has no meaning
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        LDR     R14,freepool
-        CMP     R14,#0                  ; do nothing if R4<0 or no free pool
-        BLE     returnmemsize
-        |
-        LDRGT   R14,freepool
-        CMPGT   R14,#0
-        BLE     returnmemsize
-        ]
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R3,R1                   ; R3 --> end of current slot
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        TEQ     R1,R3
-        BNE     returnmemsize           ; fixed - memory cannot be paged
-        LDR     R0,pagesize             ; R0 = page size
-        SUB     R14,R0,#1
-        ADD     R4,R4,R14
-        BIC     R4,R4,R14               ; round up to nearest page boundary
-        SUB     R4,R3,R4
-        SUB     R4,R4,#ApplicationStart ; R4 = amount to transfer into pool
-        LDR     R5,taskhandle           ; obtain R5 --> task block
-        LDR     R5,[wsptr,R5]
-        TST     R5,#task_unused
-        LDRNE   R5,pendingtask
-        TST     R5,#task_unused
-        BNE     returnmemsize           ; no current task (?)
-        LDR     R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]   ; R2 --> slot (if any)
-        CMP     R2,#0
-        BLLE    getnullslot
-        STRVC   R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        BVS     ExitWimp                ; exit if unable to claim block
-        LDR     R0,pagesize             ; R0 = page size
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        LDR     R14,[R2],#12
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        ADDGE   R1,R1,R0                ; R1 = total amount of memory in slot
-        BGE     %BT01
-        SUB     R2,R2,#12               ; R2 --> terminator of slot block
-        CMP     R4,#0
-        BEQ     returnmemsize           ; don't bother with message if same size
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        CMP     R4,#0                   ; flags have been dumped
-        RSBLT   R4,R4,#0
-        B       %FT04
-        Push    "R0-R3"
-; there may be more memory in the slot than memory limit, app space suggest.
-        ADD     R1,R1,#ApplicationStart
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        Push    "R1"
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        Pull    "R1"
-        MOV     R0,#14
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-; if running under Medusa then the CAO needs to be moved to the module area, otherwise
-; the CDA call will fail.
-        MOV     R0,#15
-        MOV     R1,#&08000000
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        BVS     %FT03                   ; can't change cao, try and shift memory anyway.
-        MOV     R2,R1
-        MOV     R0,#6                   ; freepool
-        MOV     R1,R4                   ; number of bytes to alter free pool by
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        Push    "R1"
-        MOV     R1,R2
-        MOV     R0,#15
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; put cao back where it was.
-        Pull    "R1"
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3",EQ
-        BEQ     returnmemsize           ; no change
-        CMP     R4,#0                   ; sets conditionals for below
-        MOV     R4,R1
-        Pull    "R0-R3"
-        B       %FT04
-        MOV     R0,#6                   ; freepool
-        MOV     R1,R4                   ; number of bytes to alter free pool by
-        SWI     OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3",EQ
-        BEQ     returnmemsize           ; no change
-        CMP     R4,#0                   ; sets conditionals for below
-        MOV     R4,R1
-        Pull    "R0-R3"
-        |
-        RSBLT   R4,R4,#0
-; R4 now positive, flags reflect actual change
-        ]
-        BLT     growapp
-; shrink application space by R4 bytes (already a whole number of pages)
-        CMP     R4,R1                   ; always move as much as possible
-        MOVGT   R4,R1
-        MOV     R3,R2                   ; R3 --> terminator
-        CMP     R4,#0
-        SUBGT   R2,R2,#12
-        SUBGT   R1,R1,R0                ; used later for OS_ChangeEnvironment
-        SUBGTS  R4,R4,R0
-        BGT     %BT01
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BLNE    maptofreepool           ; R2 --> last part of slot
-        ]
-        MOV     R14,#-1
-        STR     R14,[R2]                ; terminator
-        LDR     R14,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R2,R14
-        BGE     %FT01
-        MOV     R2,R14                  ; if null block, delete it!
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_Free
-        BL     XROS_Module
-        MOV     R2,#nullptr
-        B       %FT02
-        SUB     R3,R2,R3                ; R3 = amount to change block by (-ve)
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_ExtendBlock
-        LDR     R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        BL     XROS_Module
-        STRVC   R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BNE     setcurslot
-        MOV     R5,R1                           ; used in the switcher message
-        BEQ     sendmemmessage
-; SafeChangeDynamic
-; if running under Medusa then the CAO needs to be moved high, otherwise
-; the CDA call will fail.
-; Entry : R4 number of bytes to move (signed), R0-R3 possibly corrupt
-; Exit  : R1 number of bytes actually moved (unsigned)
-        Push    "lr"
-        MOV     R0,#15
-        MOV     R1,#&08000000
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        BVS     %FT03                   ; can't change cao, try and shift memory anyway.
-        MOV     R2,R1
-        MOV     R0,#6                   ; freepool
-        MOV     R1,R4                   ; number of bytes to alter free pool by
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        Push    "R1"
-        MOV     R1,R2
-        MOV     R0,#15
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; put cao back where it was.
-        Pull    "R1,PC"
-        MOV     R0,#6                   ; freepool
-        MOV     R1,R4                   ; number of bytes to alter free pool by
-        SWI     OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        Pull    "PC"
-; grow an app under the medusa kernel
-; R4 is byte change, R2 is slot terminator, R0 page size, R5 task pointer, R1 is slot size
-        TEQ     R4,#0
-        BEQ     returnmemsize                   ; this takes account of the case where the
-                                                ; slot cannot grow due to memory constraints.
-        Push    "R0,R1,R4"
-        MOV     R3,#0
-        ADD     R3,R3,#12
-        SUBS    R4,R4,R0
-        BNE     %BT01
-; need to extend slot ptr by R3
-        LDR     R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_ExtendBlock
-        BL      XROS_Module
-        BVC     %FT03
-; oh, dear we need to shrink the app by one page size and try again
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        LDR     R1,[SP]
-        Push    "R0-R4"
-        MOV     R4,R1
-        BL      SafeChangeDynamic
-        Pull    "R0-R4"
-;        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-; alert alert, something quite awful has happened
-; you know, i used to wonder what sort of bozzos put comments in like these, now
-; i understand...
-        ADDVS   SP,SP,#12               ; skip rubbish
-        BVS     ExitWimp
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R4"
-        SUB     R4,R4,R0
-        B       medusagrowapp           ; try again with smaller slot.
-        STR     R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        Pull    "R0,R1,R4"
-        MOV     R3,#ApplicationStart
-        Push    "R4"
-        MOV     R4,R1
-        LDR     R0,pagesize
-        MOV     R1,#0
-; first R1 bytes (original slot) probably have the correct page number
-        CMP     R4,#0
-        BEQ     %FT06
-        ADD     R2,R2,#4
-        STR     R3,[R2],#8                      ; address
-        ADD     R3,R3,R0
-        SUBS    R4,R4,R0
-        BNE     %BT05
-; next R4 bytes are new and so we have no idea what page number they are, set them to zero.
-        Pull    "R4"
-        CMP     R4,#0
-        BEQ     %FT09
-        Push    "R2"
-        STR     R1,[R2],#4                      ; page no.
-        STR     R3,[R2],#4                      ; address
-        STR     R1,[R2],#4                      ; protection
-        ADD     R3,R3,R0
-        SUBS    R4,R4,R0
-        BNE     %BT08
-        MOV     R0,#-1
-        STR     R0,[R2]
-        Pull    "R0"
-        SWI     XOS_FindMemMapEntries           ; only find entries for new pages
-        SUB     R5,R3,#ApplicationStart          ; used in message to switcher
-        B       sendmemmessage
-        ] ; Medusa
-; grow application space by R4 bytes (already a whole number of pages)
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BEQ     medusagrowapp           ; R4 already contains max moveable
-        ]       ;Medusa
-        LDR     R3,orig_applicationspacesize
-        LDR     R14,freepoolbase
-        SUB     R3,R3,R14               ; R3 = amount of memory available
-        CMP     R4,R3
-        MOVGT   R4,R3                   ; max amount moveable
-        Push    "R1,R2,R4"
-        MOV     R3,#0
-        SUBS    R4,R4,R0
-        ADDGE   R3,R3,#12
-        BGT     %BT01
-        LDR     R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        MOV     R1,R2
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_ExtendBlock
-        BL      XROS_Module
-        STRVC   R2,[R5,#task_slotptr]
-        SUBVC   R14,R2,R1               ; amount block has moved by
-        MOVVC   R6,R2                   ; R6 --> new block
-        Pull    "R1,R2,R4"
-        BVS     ExitWimp                ; nothing updated yet, so just exit
-        ADD     R2,R2,R14               ; R2 --> end of block (moved!)
-        LDR     R3,orig_applicationspacesize  ; DO IT AGAIN!!!
-        LDR     R14,freepoolbase              ; - may have changed !!!
-        SUB     R3,R3,R14               ; R3 = amount of memory available
-        CMP     R4,R3
-        MOVGT   R4,R3                   ; max amount moveable
-        LDR     R0,pagesize
-        DivRem  R5,R4,R0, R14           ; R5 = number of pages to move
-        MOV     R3,R1                   ; R3 = size of slot so far
-        BL      mapfromfreepool         ; on exit R1 = memory transferred
-        MOV     R0,R6                   ; R0 --> new slot block
-        BL      mapin                   ; map in whole slot (corrupts R2)
-        ADD     R1,R1,R3                ; R1 = total memory in new slot
-        MOV     R5,R1                   ; R5 = current slot size (for later)
-        ADD     R1,R1,#ApplicationStart
-        BL      setmemsize              ; R1 = end of memory for slot
-; send round a broadcast, to be picked up by the Switcher
-; NB this can only be done if the task is alive (otherwise it has no handle)
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        LDR     R14,[wsptr,R14]
-        TST     R14,#task_unused
-        ASSERT  ms_data=20
-        MOVEQ   R0,#28                  ; 28 byte block
-        MOVEQ   R3,#0                   ; your ref
-        LDREQ   R4,=Message_SlotSize
-        LDREQ   R6,[sp,#0*4]            ; next slot size (already on stack)
-        Push    "R0-R6"
-        MOVEQ   R0,#User_Message        ; don't bother getting reply
-        MOVEQ   R1,sp
-        MOVEQ   R2,#0                   ; broadcast
-        BLEQ    int_sendmessage         ; fills in sender, myref
-        ADD     sp,sp,#28
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit         ; may not actually be full slot size
-        MOV     R1,#0                   ; (eg. if Twin is running above)
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        SUBVC   R0,R1,#ApplicationStart ; R0 = actual slot size
-        B       ExitWimp
-        LTORG
-        Push    "LR"
-        MOV     R3,#4                   ; we need 2 terminators
-        BL      claimblock
-        MOVVC   R14,#-1                 ; terminator
-        STRVC   R14,[R2]
-        Pull    "PC"
-; Claim free memory pages
-; Entry:  R0 = 0 for release, 1 for claim
-;         R1 = length required
-; Exit:   R1 = length available
-;         R2 = start address
-;         R2 = 0 means memory could not be claimed (no need to release)
-; Can't:  if not enough free memory
-;         if claimed already
-;         if in the middle of a remapping operation
-mem_remapped    *       2_0001
-mem_claimed     *       2_0010
-        DCB     "Wimp"
- [ :LNOT: FreePoolWCF
-        DCB     "WDA",0                 ; SMC: add WDA:Wimp Dynamic Area to Wimp.Messages file.
- ]
-        ALIGN
-SWIWimp_ClaimFreeMemory  ROUT
-        MyEntry "ClaimFreeMemory"
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BNE     %FT02
-        [ :LNOT: FreePoolWCF
-        MOV     R5,R1
-        LDR     R1,wimparea
-        ]
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        BNE     %FT01
-; free
-        [ FreePoolWCF
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        ADRL    R14,freepoolinuse
-        STRB    R0,[R14]
-        B       ExitWimp
-        |
-        MOV     R0,#1
-        STRB    R0,memoryOK
-        MOV     R0,R1
-        MOV     R1,#-&8000000                   ; shrink area
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        STRB    R0,memoryOK
-        CLRV
-        B       ExitWimp
-        ]
-; claim
-        [ FreePoolWCF
-        ADRL    R4,freepoolinuse
-        LDRB    R0,[R4]
-        TEQ     R0,#0
-        |
-        MOV     R0,R1
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea
-        TEQ     R1,#0
-        ]
-        MOVNE   R0,#0
-        STRNE   R0,[SP]
-        STRNE   R0,[SP,#4]
-        BNE     ExitWimp                              ; already 'claimed'
-        [ FreePoolWCF
-        MOV     R5,R1                                   ; preserve the amount asked for
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea
-        MOVVS   R0,#0                                   ; Shouldn't happen
-        MOVVS   R1,#0
-        CMP     R5,R1                                   ; set HI if R5 <0 or R5>R1
-        MOVHI   R0,#0
-        MOVLS   R2,#1
-        STRLSB  R2,[R4]                                 ; mark free pool in use
-        STR     R0,[SP,#4]                              ; return values
-        STR     R1,[SP]
-        B       ExitWimp
-        [ false
-        CMP     R5,#0                                   ; asked for -ve amount
-        CMPGE   R1,R5                                   ; not enough ?
-        MOVLT   R3,R1
-        MOVLT   R4,#0                                   ; no address as claim 'failed'
-        BLT     %FT01
-        CLRV
-        MOV     R1,#1
-        STRB    R1,[R4]                                ; mark free pool as in use
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea
-        MOVVS   R4,#0                                   ; shouldn't happen
-        MOVVC   R3,R1
-        MOVVC   R4,R0                                   ; start address of free pool
-        B       %FT01
-        ]
-        |
-        MOV     R1,#1
-        STRB    R1,memoryOK
-        MOV     R1,R5
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        SETV    LT
-        LDRVC   R0,wimparea
-        SWIVC   XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        MOV     R4,#0
-        STRB    R4,memoryOK
-        MOVVS   R0,#6                           ; freepool, just size!!!
-        LDRVC   R0,wimparea                     ; our area
-        MOV     R2,#0
-        CLRV
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea
-        TEQ     R2,#0
-        MOV     R3,R1
-        MOVNE   R4,R0                           ; no start if claim failed
-        CLRV
-        B       %FT01
-        ]
-        ]
-        TEQ     R0,#0
-        LDRB    R5,memoryOK             ; always load R5
-        BICEQ   R5,R5,#mem_claimed
-        STREQB  R5,memoryOK
-        BEQ     ExitWimp
-        MOV     R3,#0                   ; R3=0  no memory available
-        MOV     R4,#0                   ; R4=0  can't claim
-        TEQ     R5,#0
-        BNE     %FT01                   ; can't claim (nasty business going on)
-        LDR     R14,freepool
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        BLE     %FT01                   ; can't claim (no free pool)
-        LDR     R3,orig_applicationspacesize
-        LDR     R4,freepoolbase
-        SUB     R3,R3,R4                ; R3 = length available
-        ADD     R14,R3,#1
-        CMP     R1,R14                  ; C=1 ==> too long!
-        MOVCS   R4,#0                   ; address = 0 if carry set
-        ORRCC   R5,R5,#mem_claimed
-        STRCCB  R5,memoryOK
-        STMIA   sp,{R3,R4}              ; R1,R2 on return = length,addr
-        B       ExitWimp
-        TST     R0,#1
-        MOVNES  PC,lr                   ; not insterested in postshrink/grow
-        SETV
-; must be a pre shrink/grow, allow this if it was caused by the claim above
-        Push    R0
-        LDRB    R0,memoryOK
-        TEQ     R0,#0
-        Pull    R0
-        CLRV    NE
-        MOVVC   PC,lr
-        CMP     R0,#2
-        MOVEQ   R3,#0
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        SETV
-        MOV     PC,lr
-; Transfer memory from one application to another
-; Entry:  R0 = task handle of source
-;         R1 --> source buffer
-;         R2 = task handle of destination
-;         R3 --> destination buffer
-;         R4 = buffer length
-;         buffer addresses and length are byte-aligned (not nec. word-aligned)
-;         the buffer addresses are validated to ensure they are in range
-; Errors: "Invalid task handle"
-;         "Wimp transfer out of range"
-SWIWimp_TransferBlock  ROUT
-        MyEntry "TransferBlock"
-        Push    "R0-R4"
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit         ; force this field to be up-to-date
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        LDR     R14,[wsptr,R14]
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        STRGT   R1,[R14,#task_environment+12*MemoryLimit]
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        LDMEQIA SP,{R0-R4}                      ; leave them on the stack
-        LDMNEIA SP!,{R0-R4}
-        |
-        Pull    "R0-R4"
-        ]
-        BL      validtask_alive
-        MOVVC   R7,R6                   ; R7 --> dest task block
-        MOVVC   R2,R0
-        [ Medusa
-        Push    "R5"
-        ]
-        BLVC    validtask_alive         ; R6 --> source task block
-        BVC     %FT05
-        [ Medusa
-        ADD     SP,SP,#4                ; the push above was non-conditional
-        ]
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        ADDEQ   SP,SP,#20
-        SETV                            ; want an error
-        ]
-        B       ExitWimp
-        SUBS    R10,R4,#0               ; length must be >= 0
-        BNE     %FT07                   ; ignore zero length now!
-        [ Medusa
-        ADD     SP,SP,#4
-        MedusaOS
-        ADDEQ   SP,SP,#20
-        ; no error so don't set V
-        ]
-        B       ExitWimp
-        SUBGES  R8,R1,#ApplicationStart ; buffer start >= &8000
-        SUBGES  R9,R3,#ApplicationStart ; R8,R9 = offsets into domain
-        BLT     err_badtransfer
-        [ Medusa :LAND: sixteenmeg
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVEQ   R11,#16*1024*1024
-        LDRNE   R11,orig_applicationspacesize
-        |
-        LDR     R11,orig_applicationspacesize
-        ]
-        CMP     R1,R11                  ; not in application space?
-        ADDGE   R8,R8,#ApplicationStart ; make absolute again
-        BGE     %FT11
-        LDR     R14,[R6,#task_environment+12*MemoryLimit]
-        ADD     R0,R1,R4
-        CMP     R0,R14
-        BGT     err_badtransfer
-        CMP     R3,R11                  ; not in application space?
-        ADDGE   R9,R9,#ApplicationStart ; make absolute again
-        BGE     %FT01
-        LDR     R14,[R7,#task_environment+12*MemoryLimit]
-        ADD     R2,R3,R4
-        CMP     R2,R14
-        BGT     err_badtransfer
-; map all slots into memory space, copy the data, then unmap them
-; NOTE: make sure the slots are mapped out before exitting!!!
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; R1 --> end of current slot
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-; orignal calling values are still on the stack
-        BNE     %FT03
-        CMP     R6,R7                   ; are the tasks the same?
-        BEQ     %FT02
-        CMP     R10,#7*1024*1024
-        BLT     %FT02
-; ok we're doing a BIG transfer, so split it up
-        MOV     R10,#7*1024*1024        ; 7 meg, leave a bit of breathing space
-        ADD     R0,SP,#4
-        LDMIA   R0,{R0-R4}
-        ADD     R1,R1,#7*1024*1024      ; we'll carry on but only do 7 megs worth
-        ADD     R3,R3,#7*1024*1024      ; then recall the routine, but starting 7 meg
-        SUB     R4,R4,#7*1024*1024      ; further on.
-        SWI     XWimp_TransferBlock
-; this will cycle through as many times as required
-; now if the ammount to copy+ R1 > app space, or 2* copy if neither task is the current task
-; then part or all of current task must be paged out.
-        MOV     R0,R1
-        LDR     R1,taskhandle
-        LDR     R2,pagesize
-        LDR     R4,[SP]                 ; task handle
-        CMP     R1,R4
-        BEQ     onetask_currentr4       ; one of the tasks is the current task
-        CMP     R1,R5
-        BEQ     onetask_currentr5
-        CMP     R8,R11
-        ADDLT   R0,R0,R10
-        ADDLT   R0,R0,R2                ; just in case copy is over a page
-        CMP     R9,R11
-        ADDLT   R0,R0,R10
-        ADDLT   R0,R0,R10
-        [ sixteenmeg
-        CMP     R0,#16*1024*1024
-        |
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVNE   R14,#16*1024*1024
-        LDREQ   R14,orig_applicationspacesize
-        CMP     R0,R14
-        ]
-        BLT     %FT03
-; since the copy must take place in application space (on ARM 3 its the only place! and on
-; ARM 600 a level 2 page table would be required- 24K) we have to make some room by paging
-; out part of the current task. For simplicity, we page the whole of the task out on the
-; assumption that it is only rare circumstances that will bring us here. It's also
-; potentially dangerous paging out bits of the current task, eg. if an exception occurs
-; the Environment may point to somewhere that we've paged a different bit of memory to.
-; Another complication with selective paging of the current task is that the bit we choose
-; to page out may be required in the copy, obviously we need to do more work to make sure
-; we don't fall over in these situations.
-        Push    "R1"                    ; save task handle
-        BL      mapslotout              ; map out CT
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        STR     R0,taskhandle
-        ADD     R0,SP,#4
-        LDMIA   R0,{R0-R4}
-        SWI     XWimp_TransferBlock     ; do it again, only this time there is no current task
-        Pull    "R1"
-        STR     R1,taskhandle           ; return to how it all was
-        BL      mapslotin
-        ADD     SP,SP,#24
-        B       ExitWimp
-; this is potentially dodgy as the bit we want to map out of the way may actually be in
-; the transfer range
-        CMP     R5,R4
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        CMP     R8,R11                  ; we only need to woryy about space if the copy
-                                        ; is actually in the tasks app space
-        BLT     onetaskcurrent
-        B       %FT03
-        CMP     R5,R4
-        BEQ     %FT03
-        CMP     R9,R11
-        ADDLT   R0,R0,R10
-        ADDLT   R0,R0,R2                ; just in case copy is over a page
-        [ sixteenmeg
-        CMP     R0,#16*1024*1024
-        |
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVNE   R14,#16*1024*1024
-        LDREQ   R14,orig_applicationspacesize
-        CMP     R0,R14
-        ]
-        BLT     %FT03
-        B       makespacefromct
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; R1 --> end of current slot
-        Pull    "R4"
-        MedusaOS
-        ADDEQ   SP,SP,#20               ; will always be original values on stack
-        MOV     R2,R1
-        LDR     R3,taskhandle
-        CMP     R8,R11                  ; do we need it paged in ?
-        BGE     %FT04
-        CMP     R3,R5
-        ADDEQ   R8,R8,#ApplicationStart
-        BEQ     %FT04
-        LDR     R0,[R6,#task_slotptr]
-        MOV     R1,R8
-        MOV     R8,R2
-        BL      mapenoughslot
-        ADD     R8,R8,R0
-        CMP     R9,R11
-        BGE     %FT06
-        CMP     R3,R4
-        ADDEQ   R9,R9,#ApplicationStart
-        BEQ     %FT06
-        LDR     R0,[R7,#task_slotptr]
-        MOV     R1,R9
-        MOV     R9,R2
-        BL      mapenoughslot           ; page in only whats required for the copy
-        ADD     R9,R9,R0
-        |
-        BL      rackupslots             ; In: R1= bit; Out: trashes R0-R4
-        CMP     R8,R11
-        LDRLT   R14,[R6,#task_slotptr]  ; must be a slot here if address valid
-        LDRLT   R14,[R14,#4]            ; get address of first page
-        ADDLT   R8,R8,R14               ; R8 --> source buffer
-        CMP     R9,R11
-        LDRLT   R14,[R7,#task_slotptr]  ; must be a slot here if address valid
-        LDRLT   R14,[R14,#4]            ; get address of first page
-        ADDLT   R9,R9,R14               ; R9 --> destination buffer
-        ]
-; copy data in the correct order, in case source task = destination
-        TST     R8,#3
-        TSTEQ   R9,#3
-        TSTEQ   R10,#3
-        BEQ     wordcopy                ; word aligned, yipee!!!
-        CMP     R8,R9
-        BGE     %FT02
-        ADD     R8,R8,R10
-        ADD     R9,R9,R10
-        LDRB    R14,[R8,#-1]!           ; descending copy if source < dest
-        STRB    R14,[R9,#-1]!
-        SUBS    R10,R10,#1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        B       %FT03
-        LDRB    R14,[R8],#1             ; ascending copy if source >= dest
-        STRB    R14,[R9],#1
-        SUBS    R10,R10,#1
-        BNE     %BT02
-        [ Medusa
-        LDR     R2,taskhandle           ; page out the bits we paged in, unless CT
-        CMP     R2,R5
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        LDR     R0,[R6,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R0,#-1
-        BLNE    mapout
-        CMP     R2,R4
-        BEQ     %FT10
-        LDR     R0,[R7,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R0,#-1
-        BLNE    mapout
-        |
-        BL      unrackslots
-        ]
-        B       ExitWimp
-        CMP     R8,R9
-        BGE     %FT02
-        ADD     R8,R8,R10
-        ADD     R9,R9,R10
-        LDR     R14,[R8,#-4]!           ; descending copy if source < dest
-        STR     R14,[R9,#-4]!
-        SUBS    R10,R10,#4
-        BNE     %BT01
-        B       %BT03
-        LDR     R14,[R8],#4             ; ascending copy if source >= dest
-        STR     R14,[R9],#4
-        SUBS    R10,R10,#4
-        BNE     %BT02
-        B       %BT03
-        [ Medusa
-; maps only the pages that are required for the copy to address R2, slot R0, length R10
-; domain offset R1
-        Push    "R0-R1,R3-R5,lr"
-        LDR     R3,pagesize
-        SUB     R3,R3,#1
-        BIC     R1,R1,R3
-        ADD     R3,R3,#1
-; find start of block
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        BEQ     %FT05
-        LDR     R14,[R0],#12
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        BLT     err_badtransfer2
-        SUBS    R1,R1,R3
-        BNE     %BT02
-; R0 now points to start of slot that is involved in the copy
-        MOV     R4,R0
-        LDR     R1,[SP,#4]              ; domain offset again
-        SUB     R5,R3,#1
-        AND     R1,R1,R5                ; offset from page
-        STR     R1,[SP]                 ; R0 on return
-        ADD     R1,R1,R10
-        ADD     R1,R1,R5
-        BIC     R1,R1,R5                ; no. of pages required x pagesize
-        LDR     R14,[R4],#12
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        BLT     err_badtransfer2
-        SUBS    R1,R1,R3
-        BNE     %BT09
-        LDR     R5,[R4]                 ; temporarily shorten the slot block
-        MOV     R14,#-1                 ; this way we don't need to make a new block
-        STR     R14,[R4]                ; which may require memory we don't have.
-        BL      mapslot
-        STR     R5,[R4]                 ; put it back as it was
-        Pull    "R0-R1,R3-R5,PC"
-        MyXError        WimpBadSlot
-        B               medusa_exit_trb2         ; task handle no longer on stack
-        MakeErrorBlock  WimpBadSlot
-        ]
-        MyXError  WimpBadTransfer
-        B         medusa_exit_trb
-        MakeErrorBlock WimpBadTransfer
-; free pool set up on entry (unless application memory is already in use)
-;   order of pages in the free pool is unimportant
-; Read in table of all OS pages
-; work out which ones are in application space
-; put them into free pool list
-; Data structures:
-; slot table:  list of 3-word entries (as passed to OS_ReadMemMapEntries)
-; free pool:   list of 3-word entries (enough room for all pages in machine)
-;              pages are used as in a LIFO stack, with lower addresses last
-; Exit:  if application space used, [freepool] = -1
-;                              else [freepool] --> free pool block
-        DCB     "FindPages"
-findpages       ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R11,LR"
-        MOV     R14,#nullptr
-        STR     R14,freepool            ; lock application memory
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        STR     R14,inithandle          ; this task slot "owns" the memory
-        SWI     XOS_ReadMemMapInfo      ; R0 = page size, R1 = no of pages
-        Pull    "R1-R11,PC",VS
-        STR     R0,pagesize
-        STR     R1,npages               ; used later
-; under the Medusa kernel, try and shrink app space by as much as possible
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BNE     %FT01
-        MOV     R0,#6                   ; free pool
-        MOV     R1,#&10000000           ; try and shrink app space
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-; this sets up memory limit/ app space size as well
-        [ :LNOT: sixteenmeg
-        MOV     R0,#-1
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea
-        ADDVC   R5,R0,R2
-        STRVC   R5,orig_applicationspacesize
-         [ :LNOT: FreePoolWCF
-; create dynamic area for Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory
-        ADRL    R0,wimpareastring       ; Look up name for Wimp dynamic area.
-        ADR     R2,errorbuffer          ; Use safe place for temporary string (copied by OS_DynamicArea).
-        MOV     R3,#256
-        BL      LookupToken1
-        MOVVC   R8,R2
-        ADRVSL  R8,wimpareastring       ; If look up fails then create something anyway.
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        LDR     R1,wimparea
-        MOV     R2,#0
-        MOV     R3,#-1
-        MOV     R4,#128                 ; not dragable
-        MOV     R5,#-1
-        ADRL    R6,wimp_area_handler
-        MOV     R7,R12
-        SWI     XOS_DynamicArea
-; ignore errors
-         ]
-        ]
-        CLRV
-        Pull    "R1-R11,PC"
-        ]
-; if application space in use, we can't construct a free pool
-; but we must still read orig_memorylimit and orig_applicationspacesize
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOVVC   R3,R1                           ; R3 --> real end of memory
-        STRVC   R3,orig_applicationspacesize
-        MOVVC   R0,#MemoryLimit
-        MOVVC   R1,#0
-        SWIVC   XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        STRVC   R1,orig_memorylimit
-        TEQ     R1,R3                   ; preserves V
-        Pull    "R1-R11,PC",NE          ; these must be equal on entry
-        BLVC    testapplication         ; CC ==> space is in use
-        Pull    "R1-R11,PC",VS
-        Pull    "R1-R11,PC",CC          ; we'll get back to this later if used
-; allocate a "free pool" block, with 12 bytes per page
-        LDR     R3,npages
-        MOV     R3,R3,LSL #2            ; multiply by 12
-        ADD     R3,R3,R3,LSL #1
-        ADD     R3,R3,#4                ; leave room for terminator
-        BL      claimblock
-        STRVC   R2,freepool
-; construct free pool array by calling OS_FindMemMapEntries
-        MOVVC   R1,#ApplicationStart
-        STRVC   R1,freepoolbase         ; base address of free pages
-        LDRVC   R1,orig_applicationspacesize
-        BLVC    findfreepool
-        MOVVC   R1,#2                   ; protect against USR mode access
-        BLVC    setslotaccess
-; I don't know what this is doing here!
-        MOVVC   R14,#0
-        STRVCB  R14,memoryOK            ; it's had it by now anyway!
-; now protect all these pages, keeping them just below orig_memlimit
-; and set MemoryLimit small
-        MOVVC   R1,#ApplicationStart
-        BLVC    setmemsize              ; sets ACTUAL handlers (current task)
-        LDRVC   R0,freepool
-        SWIVC   XOS_SetMemMapEntries
-        Pull    "R1-R11,PC"
-; In    R1 = application space size (one after end of free pool)
-;       R2 -> free pool page table
-;       [freepoolbase] = start of free pool
-; Out   free pool table filled in (lowest address last in list)
-;       [freepoolbase] updated if less than application space size
-;       [freepoolpages] set up
-        DCB     "FindFreePool"
-findfreepool    ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R5,LR"
-        LDR     R3,freepoolbase
-        CMP     R3,R1
-        MOVGT   R3,R1
-        STRGT   R3,freepoolbase
-        MOV     R4,#0                   ; R4 = no of pages so far
-        MOV     R0,#0                   ; R0 = probable page no (don't know)
-        LDR     R5,pagesize
-01      SUB     R1,R1,R5                ; R1 = address of next page
-        CMP     R1,R3
-        STMGEIA R2!,{R0,R1,R14}         ; page no, address, access (undefined)
-        ADDGE   R4,R4,#1
-        BGE     %BT01
-        STR     R4,freepoolpages
-        MOV     R14,#-1
-        STR     R14,[R2]                ; terminator
-        LDR     R0,[sp,#1*4]
-        SWI     XOS_FindMemMapEntries   ; find relevent pages
-        Pull    "R1-R5,PC"
-; In    R1 = page protection level required
-;       R2 -> slot block
-; Out   page protection level set, array updated
-;       R0 corrupted
-setslotaccess   ROUT
-        Push    "R2,LR"
-01      LDR     R14,[R2],#12            ; unless terminator,
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        STRGE   R1,[R2,#-4]             ; fill in access field
-        BGE     %BT01
-        LDR     R0,[sp]
-        SWI     XOS_SetMemMapEntries
-        Pull    "R2,PC"
-; testapplication
-; works out whether application space is in use
-; Entry: [orig_memorylimit] = upper bound of memory used by application
-;                             if &8000, then application space is not in use
-; Exit:  CC ==> memory in use
-; Method:
-;    1. If CAO pointer < MemoryLimit, then application memory is in use.
-;    2. Issue Service_Memory: R0 = large - if anyone objects, memory is in use
-ApplicationStart  *  &8000
-IsAnybodyThere    *  -64*&100000        ; large negative number
-                                        ; NB: this number is checked for by ShellCLI
-testapplication ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R3,LR"
-        [ Medusa :LAND: sixteenmeg
-        MedusaOS
-        LDRNE   R1,orig_applicationspacesize    ; watch out for Twin etc!
-        MOVEQ   R1,#16*1024*1024                ; boo hiss
-        |
-        LDR     R1,orig_applicationspacesize    ; watch out for Twin etc!
-        ]
-        BL      readCAOpointer                  ; use OS_ChangeEnvironment
-        CMP     R2,R1                           ; below memorylimit?
-        Pull    "R1-R3,PC",CC
-        MOV     R1,#Service_Memory
-        MOV     R0,#IsAnybodyThere      ; 64 megabytes should be enough!
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-        CMPVC   R1,#1                   ; CC ==> service was claimed
-        Pull    "R1-R3,PC"
-; Out   R2 = CAO pointer (read using OS_ChangeEnvironment)
-readCAOpointer  ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R3,LR"
-        MOV     R0,#CAOPointer
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        STR     R1,[sp,#2*4]
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",,^           ; assume no errors
-; restorepages
-; put back the free pool when the last task dies - do not disturb current stuff
-; Entry:  all tasks dead
-;         use OS_ChangeEnvironment to set/read end of application memory
-;         free pool block indicates remaining spare pages
-; Exit:   all pages replaced in application space
-;         memorylimit increased if appropriate
-;         free pool block released
-restorepages    ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R7,LR"
-        BL      deletependingtask       ; not interested in this task
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVEQ   R4,#-&10000000            ; shrink freepool as much as we can
-        BLEQ    SafeChangeDynamic
-        Pull    "R1-R7,PC",EQ
-        ]
-;                                       ; just add to the pages present
-        LDR     R6,freepool
-        CMP     R6,#0
-        BLE     go_restorememlimit      ; NB: orig_ values MUST BE CORRECT!
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; R1 = current memory limit
-; free pool is already in the right place - just set access bits to 0
-        LDR     R2,freepool
-        MOV     R1,#0                   ; 0 => USR mode read/write access
-        BL      setslotaccess           ; R2 -> free pool still
-        MOV     R14,#nullptr2           ; application space NOT in use by Wimp
-        STR     R14,freepool            ; NB only applies if not used on entry
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_Free
-        BL     XROS_Module              ; ignore errors from here
-        BL      restorememlimit
-        Pull    "R1-R7,PC"
-restorememlimit ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit
-        LDR     R1,orig_memorylimit
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        LDR     R1,orig_applicationspacesize
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        Pull    "PC",,^                 ; must preserve flags
-; allocateslot
-; take pages from the free pool, and construct a page array block
-; Entry:  [taskhandle] = current task
-;         [slotsize] = max no of pages to use in new slot
-; Exit:   taskhandle->task_slotptr --> block (suitable for OS_SetMemMapEntries)
-;         pages transferred from the free pool to the slot
-;         [freepoolbase] updated
-;         slot size = 0 if no free pool (ie. all used up)
-;         MemoryLimit updated to reflect the amount of memory available
-        DCB     "AllocateSlot"
-allocateslot    ROUT
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BNE     %FT99
-        Push    "R0-R4,lr"
-        MOV     R0,#14
-        MOV     R1,#ApplicationStart
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        MOV     R1,#ApplicationStart
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        LDR     R0,slotsize
-        LDR     R3,pagesize
-        MUL     R1,R3,R0                ; usually R0 < R3
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        RSB     R1,R1,#0                ; shrinking free pool
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        [ false
-        MOVVS   R4,#0
-        STRVS   R4,slotsize
-        ]
-;        ADDVS   SP,SP,#4
-;        Pull    "R1-R4,PC",VS          sadly this may 'succeed' but return an error
-        CLRV
-        CMP     R1,#0
-;        SETV    EQ
-;hmmm no error block...
-;       Pull    "R0-R4,PC",VS           ; couldn't allocate any memory
-        BNE     %FT01
-        [ false
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R0,#14
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; reset env
-        ]
-        BL      setdefaulthandlers
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-        MOV     R0,#15
-        Pull    R1
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; reset env
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-        Push    R1
-        MOV     R0,#15
-        MOV     R1,#ApplicationStart
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; lower the cao so that claiming RMA doesn't lose pages
-        Pull    R14
-        Push    R1
-        MOV     R1,R14
-; R1 is actual allocation
-        DivRem  R4,R1,R3,R14
-        ADD     R4,R4,R4, LSL #1        ; x3
-        MOV     R4,R4, LSL #2           ; x4
-        ADD     R3,R4,#4
-        TEQ     R3,#0
-        BEQ     nomemoryinslot2
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_Claim
-        BL      XROS_Module
-; R2 is block or error
-        BVC     %FT03
-        [ false
-        LDR     lr,pagesize
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        MOV     R1,lr
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeDynamicArea   ; grow free pool by a page
-        |
-        Push    "R0-R4"
-        LDR     R4,pagesize
-        BL      SafeChangeDynamic
-        Pull    "R0-R4"
-        ]
-        SUB     R3,R3,#12
-        B       %BT02
-        MOV     R0,#15
-        Pull    R1
-        Push    "R2-R3"
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; reset cao
-        Pull    "R2-R3"
-        LDR     lr,pagesize             ; SWI will have corrupted this
-        ADD     R4,R2,R3                ; end of block
-        SUB     R4,R4,#4
-        Push    "r2"
-        MOV     R3,#ApplicationStart
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        STR     R0,[R2],#4
-        STR     R3,[R2],#4
-        STR     R0,[R2],#4              ; set protection level.
-        ADD     R3,R3,lr
-        CMP     R2,R4
-        BLT     %BT04
-        MOV     R0,#-1
-        STR     R0,[R2]
-        Pull    "R0"
-        SWI     XOS_FindMemMapEntries
-        LDRVC   R1,taskhandle
-        LDRVC   R1,[wsptr,R1]
-        STRVC   R0,[R1,#task_slotptr]
-        STR     R0,[SP]                 ; just in case anything uses this
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-        ]
-        Push    "R1-R7,LR"
-        LDRB    R14,memoryOK            ; if free space in use, can't allocate
-        TEQ     R14,#0
-        MOVNE   R7,#0
-        LDREQ   R7,freepoolpages        ; number of pages in free pool
-        LDR     R5,slotsize             ; max no of pages
-        CMP     R5,R7
-        MOVGT   R5,R7                   ; now R5 = actual no of pages to use
-        CMP     R5,#0
-        MOVLE   R1,#ApplicationStart
-        BLE     gosetmemsize            ; no pages allocated
-; allocate a heap block of the correct size
-        ADD     R3,R5,R5,LSL #1         ; R3 = 3 * no of pages
-        MOV     R3,R3,LSL #2            ; R3 = 12 * no of pages
-        ADD     R3,R3,#4                ; leave room for terminator
-        BL      claimblock
-        Pull    "R1-R7,PC",VS
-; NB: pages may have been remapped because of that call - check here!
-        LDR     R7,freepoolpages        ; R7 = number of free pages
-        CMP     R5,R7
-        MOVGT   R5,R7                   ; now R5 = actual no of pages to use
-; construct block by transferring pages from the free pool
-; R2 --> new block, R5 = no of pages, R6-->free pool, R7 = free pool sp
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle          ; must be a live task!
-        LDR     R1,[wsptr,R14]          ; R1 --> task block
-        STR     R2,[R1,#task_slotptr]
-        BL      mapfromfreepool         ; R5 = number of pages to grab
-        ADD     R1,R1,#ApplicationStart ; R1 --> end of application memory
-        MOV     R0,R2
-        BL      mapin                   ; map pages in (corrupts R2)
-        LDR     R14,freepool            ;; Wimp 1.89o onwards
-        CMP     R14,#nullptr            ;;
-        LDREQ   R0,taskhandle           ;; if this is the "owner" slot,
-        LDREQ   R14,inithandle          ;; it can have the application memory
-        CMPEQ   R0,R14                  ;;
-        BLEQ    restorememlimit         ;; (preserves flags)
-        BLNE    setmemsize              ;; otherwise it gets none.
-        Pull    "R1-R7,PC"
-; Entry:  R2 --> slot block
-;         R5 = number of pages required
-; Exit:   R1 = amount of memory transferred
-;         slot block, [freepoolbase], free pool sp updated
-;         pages are not actually mapped in yet, and addresses are un-initialised
-mapfromfreepool ROUT
-        Push    "R2-R7,LR"
-        LDR     R7,freepoolpages        ; R7 = number of pages in free pool
-        SUB     R14,R7,R5
-        STR     R14,freepoolpages       ; update [freepoolpages]
-        ADD     R7,R7,R7,LSL #1
-        LDR     R14,freepool
-        ADD     R7,R14,R7,LSL #2        ; R7 -> terminator of free pool
-        MOV     R4,#0                   ; R4 = page protection level (always 0)
-01      SUBS    R5,R5,#1
-        LDRPL   R0,[R7,#-12]!           ; R0 = page no
-        STMPLIA R2!,{R0,R3,R4}          ; page no, address (uninit), access
-        BPL     %BT01
-        MOV     R14,#-1
-        STR     R14,[R2]                ; slot block terminator
-        STR     R14,[R7]                ; free pool terminator
-; update [freepoolbase] and R1
-        LDR     R0,pagesize             ; R0 = page size
-        LDR     R5,[sp,#3*4]
-        MUL     R1,R0,R5                ; R1 = amount of memory transferred
-        LDR     R14,freepoolbase
-        ADD     R14,R14,R1              ; update [freepoolbase]
-        STR     R14,freepoolbase
-        Pull    "R2-R7,PC"
-; setmemsize
-; sets up MemoryLimit and ApplicationSpaceSize for (polltaskhandle) task
-; NB: these values apply to the CALLING task (so OS_ChangeEnvironment is used)
-; Entry:  R1 = new memorylimit / applicationspacesize
-; Exit:   OS_ChangeEnvironment used to change OS versions of these variables
-;         if task is alive, its copies are also updated
-;         R1 = old memorylimit
-setmemsize      ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        Push    "R1"
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOVVC   R0,#MemoryLimit
-        Pull    "R1"
-        SWIVC   XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        Pull    "PC"
-; deallocateslot
-; returns pages from a used slot to the free pool
-; Entry:  [taskhandle] = current task
-; Exit:   slot block deallocated (if any)
-;         taskhandle->task_slotptr = null
-;         pages put back into free pool (NB block never needs extension)
-deallocateslot  ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R2,LR"
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        LDR     R1,[wsptr,R14]          ; R1 --> task block
-        LDR     R2,[R1,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R2,#0
-        MOVGT   R14,#nullptr
-        STRGT   R14,[R1,#task_slotptr]
-        [ Medusa
-        BLE     %FT03
-        MedusaOS
-        BEQ     %FT01
-        BL      deallocate
-        B       %FT03
-; first find out how much memory is really in the slot
-        Push    "R2-R3"
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        LDR     R1,pagesize
-        LDR     R14,[R2],#12
-        CMP     R14,#-1
-        ADDNE   R0,R0,R1
-        BNE     %BT02
-; R0 bytes in slot, update environment
-        ADD     R1,R0,#ApplicationStart
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        Push    "R1"
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        LDR     R1,[SP]
-        MOV     R0,#14
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        Pull    "R1"
-        Push    "R4"
-        SUB     R4,R1,#ApplicationStart
-        BL      SafeChangeDynamic
-        Pull    "R4"
-        Pull    "R2-R3"
-        CLRV
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_Free
-        BL     XROS_Module              ; free the slot
-        |
-        BLGT    deallocate              ; R2 --> block to deallocate from
-        ]
-        Pull    "R1-R2,PC",,^           ; preserve flags
-; Entry:  R2 --> slot block
-; Exit:   pages mapped into free pool etc. (maptofreepool called)
-;         slot block deallocated
-deallocate      ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        BNE     %FT50
-        CMP     R2,#0
-        Pull    "PC",LE                 ; return if invalid slot pointer
-        Push    "R0-R4"
-        BL      mapslotout              ; map current task out of the way
-        LDR     R0,pagesize
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        MOV     R3,R2
-        LDR     R14,[R3],#12
-        CMP     R14,#-1
-        ADDNE   R1,R1,R0
-        BNE     %BT01
-; R1 is now size of block in bytes
-        ADD     R1,R1,#ApplicationStart
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        Push    "R1"
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; set up suitable environment
-        MOV     R3,R1
-        Pull    "R1"
-        MOV     R0,#14
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        MOV     R4,R1
-        MOV     R0,R2
-        Push    "R2-R4"
-        BL      mapin                   ; map in area to be free'd
-        MOV     R4,#&10000000
-        BL      SafeChangeDynamic
-        Pull    "R2-R4"
-        CLRV
-        MOV     R0,#ModHandReason_Free
-        BL     XROS_Module              ; free the slot
-        MOV     R1,R4
-        MOV     R0,#14
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; return environment to how it was
-        MOV     R1,R3
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        BL      mapslotin               ; put current task back
-        Pull    "R0-R4,PC"
-        ]
-        BL      maptofreepool
-        CMP     R2,#0
-        MOVGT   R0,#ModHandReason_Free
-        BLGT   XROS_Module
-        Pull    "PC"
-; Entry:  R2 --> slot block
-; Exit:   pages mapped to base of free pool
-;         page numbers put into free pool (lowest page last)
-;         [freepoolbase] updated
-maptofreepool   ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R7,LR"
-        CMP     R2,#0
-        Pull    "R1-R7,PC",LE           ; no block!
-        LDR     R6,freepool
-        LDR     R7,freepoolpages        ; R7 = number of pages in free pool
-        ADD     R6,R6,R7,LSL #2
-        ADD     R6,R6,R7,LSL #3         ; R6 -> terminators of free pool
-        MOV     R0,R6                   ; R0 -> block for OS_SetMemMapEntries
-        LDR     R1,pagesize
-        LDR     R4,freepoolbase         ; R4 -> next address
-        MOV     R5,#2                   ; R5 = protection level
-01      LDR     R3,[R2],#12             ; R3 = page number
-        CMP     R3,#0
-        SUBGE   R4,R4,R1
-        STMGEIA R6!,{R3,R4,R5}          ; page number, address, protection level
-        ADDGE   R7,R7,#1
-        BGE     %BT01
-        STR     R4,freepoolbase
-        STR     R7,freepoolpages
-        MOV     R14,#-1
-        STR     R14,[R6]                ; terminator
-        SWI     XOS_SetMemMapEntries
-        Pull    "R1-R7,PC"              ; don't alter memorylimit
-; mapslotin
-; all pages in a slot are put into the application space (&8000)
-; Entry:  [taskhandle] = current task
-; Exit:   pages mapped in
-;         handlers (eg. MemoryLimit) are also set up from task data
-mapslotin       ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R4,LR"
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        LDR     R1,[wsptr,R14]          ; R1 --> task block
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        Pull    "R1-R4,PC",LE           ; task is dead (shouldn't happen)
-        LDR     R0,[R1,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R0,#0                   ; no slot allocated
-        BLGT    mapin                   ; (corrupts R2)
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        LDR     R4,[wsptr,R14]          ; NB task cannot be dead
-        ADD     R4,R4,#task_environment
-        MOV     R0,#0                   ; handler number
-        LDMIA   R4!,{R1-R3}             ; restore task handler data
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        ADD     R0,R0,#1
-        CMP     R0,#MaxEnvNumber
-        BCC     %BT01
-        Pull    "R1-R4,PC"
-; Entry:  R0 --> block suitable for passing to OS_SetMemMapEntries
-; Exit:   the pages in the block are mapped into the application area
-mapin   ROUT
-        MOV     R2,#ApplicationStart
-; Entry:  R0 --> page map block
-;         R2 --> start address of place to map pages to
-; Exit:   R2 --> after the memory
-mapslot         ROUT
-        Push    "R1,R3,LR"
-        LDR     R3,pagesize
-        MOV     R1,R0
-        LDR     R14,[R1],#4
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        STRGE   R2,[R1],#8              ; next page
-        ADDGE   R2,R2,R3
-        BGE     %BT01
-        SWI     XOS_SetMemMapEntries
-        Pull    "R1,R3,PC"
-; mapslotout
-; all pages in a slot are put out of the way
-; Entry:  [taskhandle] = current task
-; Exit:   pages mapped out
-mapslotout      ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R6,LR"
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        LDR     R6,[wsptr,R14]          ; R6 --> task block
-        CMP     R6,#0
-        Pull    "R1-R6,PC",LE           ; task is dead already
-        ADD     R5,R6,#task_environment
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        TEQ     R0,#EscapeHandler       ; we must replace these now,
-        TEQNE   R0,#EventHandler        ; since they are dangerous!
-        MOVNE   R1,#0
-        MOVNE   R2,#0
-        MOVNE   R3,#0
-        SWIEQ   XOS_ReadDefaultHandler  ; replace with 'kosher' handlers
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; set, and read original settings
-        STMIA   R5!,{R1-R3}             ; old data
-        ADD     R0,R0,#1
-        CMP     R0,#MaxEnvNumber
-        BCC     %BT01
-        LDR     R0,[R6,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R0,#0                   ; R0 --> slot block
-        BLGT    mapout                  ; NB do this afterwards!
-        Pull    "R1-R6,PC"
-; Entry:  R0 --> block suitable for passing to OS_SetMemMapEntries
-; Exit:   all pages referenced in the block are mapped out of the way
-mapout  ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R3,LR"
-        MOV     R2,#-1                  ; map out of the way
-        LDR     R3,pagesize
-        MOV     R1,R0
-        LDR     R14,[R1],#4
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        STRGE   R2,[R1],#8              ; next page
-        BGE     %BT01
-        SWI     XOS_SetMemMapEntries
-        Pull    "R1-R3,PC"
-;; *WimpSlot command (for changing amount of application space)
-                ^       0
-vec_min         #       4               ; fields in output vector
-vec_max         #       4
-vec_next        #       4
-ss_outputvec    *       &100
-Keydef  DCB     "min,max,next", 0       ; -min no longer compulsory
-        ALIGN
-WimpSlot_Code   ROUT
-        Push    "R11,R12,LR"
-        LDR     wsptr,[R12]
-        MOV     R11,sp                  ; remember stack for later
-        SUB     sp,sp,#ss_outputvec     ; local workspace
-; scan the comand line by calling OS_ReadArgs
-        MOV     R1,R0                   ; R1 = input string
-        ADR     R0,Keydef               ; R0 = key definition string
-        MOV     R2,sp                   ; R2 = output vector
-        MOV     R3,#ss_outputvec        ; R3 = max output vector length
-        SWI     XOS_ReadArgs
-        BVS     %FT99
-; scan the resulting vector for known fields
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        SUB     R3,R1,#ApplicationStart ; R3 = current amount of memory
-        LDR     R1,[sp,#vec_min]
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        BLE     %FT01
-        BL      getminmax               ; R0 = min memory
-        BVS     %FT99
-        CMP     R0,R3
-        BLE     %FT01
-        Push    "R0"                    ; R0 = new current slot size
-        MOV     R1,#-1                  ; leave next slot alone
-        SWI     XWimp_SlotSize
-        Pull    "R1"
-        BVS     %FT99
-        CMP     R0,R1                   ; R0=actual size, R1=required size
-        BLT     err_notenoughmemory
-        MOV     R3,R0                   ; R3 = new amount of memory
-        LDR     R1,[sp,#vec_max]
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        BLE     %FT02
-        BL      getminmax               ; R0 = max memory
-        BVS     %FT99
-        CMP     R0,R3
-        MOVLT   R1,#-1                  ; leave next slot alone
-        SWILT   XWimp_SlotSize
-        LDR     R1,[sp,#vec_next]
-        CMP     R1,#0
-        BLE     %FT99
-        BL      getminmax               ; R0 = new next slot size
-        MOVVC   R1,R0
-        MOVVC   R0,#-1                  ; leave current slot alone
-        SWIVC   XWimp_SlotSize
-        MOV     sp,R11
-        Pull    "R11,R12,PC"
-        MOV     R0,R1,ASR #10           ; R0 = size in K
-        SUB     SP,SP,#32               ; allocate buffer big enough
-        MOV     R1,SP
-        MOV     R2,#20
-        SWI     XOS_BinaryToDecimal     ; convert to a string
-        ADDVS   SP,SP,#32
-        BVS     %BT99                   ; (exit if it errored)
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        STRB    R0,[R1,R2]              ; terminate the string
-        Push    "R4,R5"
-        MOV     R4,R1                   ; -> string to use
-        MOV     R5,#0
-        MOV     R3,#(?errordynamic)-4
-        ADRL    R2,errordynamic+4       ; -> buffer to fill in
-        ADR     R0,errmem
-        BL      LookupToken
-        Pull    "R4,R5"
-        ADD     SP,SP,#32               ; balance the stack
-        ADRL    R0,errordynamic
-        LDR     R1,=ErrorNumber_ChDynamNotAllMoved
-        STR     R1,[R0]
-        SETV
-        B       %BT99                   ; exit having setup the error block
-errmem  DCB     "ErrMem",0
-        ALIGN
-; Entry:  R1 --> string
-; Exit:   R0 = parameter value (number)
-; Errors: "Bad number"
-getminmax       ROUT
-        Push    "R1-R3,LR"
-        MOV     R0,#10
-        SWI     XOS_ReadUnsigned
-        Pull    "R1-R3,PC",VS
-        LDRB    R3,[R1]                 ; if terminator is "K" or "k",
-        UpperCase R3, R14
-        TEQ     R3,#"K"
-        ADDEQ   R1,R1,#1
-        MOVEQ   R2,R2,LSL #10           ; multiply by 1024
-        LDRB    R14,[R1]                ; check terminator
-        RSBS    R14,R14,#" "+1          ; ensure GT set if OK
-        MyXError BadNumb,LE
-        MOVVC   R0,R2                   ; R0 = answer
-        Pull    "R1-R3,PC"
-        MakeInternatErrorBlock BadNumb,,BadParm
-;; Stuff to deal with OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-; intercept OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-initdynamic     ROUT
-        [ :LNOT: FreePoolWCF
-        [ Medusa
-         [ true
-        Push    "R0-R2,lr"
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea             ; is there a kernel free pool
-        Pull    "R0-R2,lr"
-        MOVVCS  PC,lr
-        CLRV
-        |
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVEQS PC,lr
-         ]
-        ]
-        ]
-        Push    "R1-R4,LR"
-        ADR     R0,RAM_SWIEntry
-        LDR     R1,copyofRAMcode+0
-        LDR     R2,copyofRAMcode+4
-        ADR     R3,My_ChangeDynamic
-        LDR     R14,=SvcTable + 4 * OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        LDR     R4,[R14]                        ; R4 = old SWI entry
-        TEQ     R4,R0
-        Pull    "R1-R4,PC",EQ                   ; if already in, forget it!
-        STMIA   R0,{R1-R4}
-        STR     R0,[R14]                        ; R0 = RAM_SWIEntry
-  [ StrongARM
-    ;synchronise with respect to modified code at RAM_SWIEntry
-        MOV     R1,R0                           ; start address
-        ADD     R2,R1,#4                        ; end address (inclusive) for 2 words (other 2 are addresses)
-        MOV     R0,#1                           ; means R1,R2 specify range
-        SWI     XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas        ; do the necessary
-  ]
-        Pull    "R1-R4,PC"
-        SUB     R12,PC,#:INDEX:RAM_SWIEntry+8
-        LDR     PC,[PC,#-4]
-        ASSERT  (.-copyofRAMcode = 8)
-        ASSERT  (OScopy_ChangeDynamic-RAM_SWIEntry = 12)
-resetdynamic    ROUT
-       [ :LNOT: FreePoolWCF
-        [ Medusa
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVEQS PC,lr
-        ]
-       ]
-        Push    "R1,LR"
-; happy note for StrongARM - this is not a code modification (vector address change only)
-        LDR     R1,=SvcTable + 4 * OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-        LDR     R14,OScopy_ChangeDynamic
-        STR     R14,[R1]
-        Pull    "R1,PC"
-        LTORG
-; OS_ChangeDynamicArea
-; Entry:  R0 = area to move (0=system heap, 1=RMA, 2=screen)
-;         R1 = amount to move (+ve ==> take away from application space)
-; Exit:   R1 = amount actually moved
-; Errors: not all bytes moved (0 moved if R1 was +ve)
-;  if freepool < 0 or CAO pointer <> Wimp,
-;  then just pass it on
-;  else if not enough free pool memory, grab some from current slot
-;       map all pages into the application space
-;       reset ApplicationSpaceSize/MemoryLimit to their original values
-;       branch to the OS code
-        LTORG
-My_ChangeDynamic  ROUT
-        Push    "R0-R5,LR"
-        [ Medusa :LAND: FreePoolWCF
-        MedusaOS
-        BNE     %FT05
-        ADRL    R14,freepoolinuse
-        LDRB    R2,[R14]
-        TEQ     R2,#0
-        BEQ     goto_osentry
-; free pool is in use by WCF, must trap with 'memory cannot be moved'
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        ADD     SP,SP,#8
-        MyXError ChDynamNotAllMoved
-        Pull    "R2-R5,lr"
-        ORR     lr,lr,#V_bit                    ; note 26 bit mode only!!!!
-        LDR     PC,=BranchToSWIExit
-        MakeInternatErrorBlock ChDynamNotAllMoved,,ErrNoMv
-        LTORG
-        ]
-; if freepool>0, the Wimp MUST be in control
-        LDR     R14,freepool
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        BLE     goto_osentry
-        MOV     R14,#IRQsema            ; if in IRQ, forget it!
-        LDR     R14,[R14]
-        TEQ     R14,#0
-        BNE     goto_osentry
-        LDRB    R14,memoryOK            ; check for re-entrancy
-        TST     R14, #mem_remapped
-        BNE     goto_osentry            ; shouldn't ever happen
-        TST     R14, #mem_claimed       ; if free memory claimed
-        BNE     noslot                  ; then continue, but trap it in Service_Memory
-; work out if the current free pool is sufficient to meet the demand
-; if not, see whether the current application would like to give some up
-        LDR     R14,freepoolpages       ; R14 = number of free pages
-        LDR     R0,pagesize
-        MUL     R14,R0,R14              ; R14 = free memory
-        LDR     R1,[sp,#4]
-        SUBS    R14,R14,R1              ; R14 = extra needed (if -ve)
-        BGE     noslot
-        SUB     R0,R0,#1                ; round to next lower page boundary
-        BIC     R0,R14,R0               ; assume pagesize = 2^n
-        BL      readCAOpointer          ; OS_ChangeEnvironment -> R2
-        LDR     R14,orig_applicationspacesize
-        CMP     R2,R14
-        BCC     noslot                  ; can't do it
-        ADRL    R14,Module_BaseAddr
-        TEQ     R2,R14
-        BEQ     %FT02                   ; OK if Wimp active - don't even ask!
-        MOV     R1,#Service_Memory      ; R0 = amount to change area by
-        SWI     XOS_ServiceCall
-        CMP     R1,#0                   ; clear V!
-        BEQ     noslot                  ; can't do it
-        Push    "R0"                    ; amount to move (-ve)
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        MOV     R1,#0
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; R1 = size of current slot
-        Pull    "R0"
-        SUB     R1,R1,#ApplicationStart ; convert from end address to SIZE
-        ADDS    R0,R1,R0                ; R0 = new slot size (if -ve, ignore)
-        MOVGE   R1,#-1
-        SWIGE   XWimp_SlotSize          ; I hope this works!
-; map all slots into application space
-        MOV     R0,#CAOPointer          ; Wimp active during OS_ChangeDynamic
-        ADRL    R1,Module_BaseAddr
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        STR     R1,oldCAOpointer        ;; MUST RESTORE CAOPOINTER !!!
-; swap total memory limits with local ones
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit
-        LDR     R1,orig_memorylimit
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        STR     R1,orig_memorylimit             ; swap these over
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize
-        LDR     R1,orig_applicationspacesize
-        STR     R1,oldapplimit                  ; used later
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment
-        STR     R1,orig_applicationspacesize    ; swap these over
-; map all slots into the area above the current one
-        BL      rackupslots             ; R1 --> address to start from
-                                        ; current task is left alone
-; free pool is already present at the top end of the memory
-; check that we now have a contiguous block of memory
-        LDRB    R14,memoryOK
-        ORR     R14,R14,#mem_remapped   ; set flag for Service_Memory
-        STRB    R14,memoryOK
-        Pull    "R0-R5,LR"
-        LDR     PC,OScopy_ChangeDynamic
-; Entry:  R1 --> address to start putting slots at
-; Exit:   all slots mapped into application space, not overlapping
-;         R2 --> end address of slots
-;         R0,R1,R3,R4 trashed
-rackupslots     ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        MOV     R2,R1                           ; start mapping from here
-        ADRL    R1,taskpointers
-        LDR     R3,taskhandle           ; this one's been done already
-        ADD     R3,wsptr,R3
-        MOV     R4,#maxtasks
-        TEQ     R1,R3                   ; is this the current task?
-        LDR     R14,[R1],#4             ; NB always increment R1
-        TEQNE   R14,#task_unused
-        LDRNE   R0,[R14,#task_slotptr]
-        MOVEQ   R0,#nullptr
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        BLGT    mapslot                 ; updates [R0..], R2
-        SUBS    R4,R4,#1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        Pull    "PC"
-; Entry:  all slots mapped into application space, consecutively
-; Exit:   all slots except the current one are mapped out
-;         R0-R4 trashed
-unrackslots     ROUT
-        Push    "LR"
-        ADRL    R1,taskpointers
-        LDR     R3,taskhandle           ; leave this one alone
-        ADD     R3,wsptr,R3
-        MOV     R4,#maxtasks
-        TEQ     R1,R3                   ; is this the current task?
-        LDR     R14,[R1],#4             ; NB always increment R1
-        TEQNE   R14,#task_unused
-        LDRNE   R0,[R14,#task_slotptr]
-        MOVEQ   R0,#nullptr
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        BLGT    mapout
-        SUBS    R4,R4,#1
-        BNE     %BT01
-        Pull    "PC"
-        [ Medusa
-; Service_PagesSafe interception
-; Entry:  R2    No. of pages to move
-;         R3    page list before move
-;         R4    page list after move
-        DCB     "PagesSafe"
-        Push    "R0-r8,lr"
-;        SWI     &107                    ; beep when this happens
-        MOV     R0,#0
-        ADD     R5,R2,#1
-        MOV     R8,R4
-        MOV     R4,R3
-        SUBS    R5,R5,#1
-        BEQ     %FT09
-        LDR     R6,[R4],#12
-        CMP     R6,#-1
-        BEQ     %FT09
-        LDR     R7,[R8],#12              ; 3-word entries
-        MOV     R0,#-1
-        ADRL    R3,taskpointers
-        ADD     R0,R0,#1
-        CMP     R0,#maxtasks
-        BEQ     %FT11
-        LDR     R2,[R3,R0, LSL #2]
-        TEQ     R2,#task_unused
-        BEQ     %BT03
-        LDR     R2,[R2,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R2,#-1
-        BEQ     %BT03
-        LDR     R1,[R2],#12
-        CMP     R1,#-1
-        BEQ     %BT03
-        CMP     R1,R6
-        BNE     %BT05
-        STR     R7,[R2,#-12]
-        B       %BT01
-        Pull    "R0-R8,PC"
-; just in case 1-tasking & task isn't in the list
-        LDR     R0,taskhandle
-        LDR     R2,singletaskhandle
-        CMP     R0,R2
-        BNE     %BT01
-        LDR     R0,pendingtask
-        CMP     R0,#1
-        BLT     %BT01
-        LDR     R2,[R0,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R2,#-1
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        LDR     R1,[R2],#12
-        CMP     R1,#-1
-        BEQ     %BT01
-        CMP     R1,R6
-        BNE     %BT13
-        STR     R7,[R2,#-12]
-        B       %BT01
-        ]
-; Service_Memory interception
-; Entry:  R0 = amount application space would be altered by
-;         R2 = CAO pointer
-servicememory   ROUT
-        [ Medusa
-         [ true
-        Push    "R0-R2,lr"
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea             ; is there a kernel free pool
-        Pull    "R0-R2,lr"
-;        BVC     medusaaboutto
-        MOVVCS  PC,lr
-        CLRV
-        |
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVEQS  PC,lr
-         ]
-        ]
-        Push    "R0-R3,LR"
-        Debug   dy,"Service_Memory: CAO pointer, amount to move =",R2,R0
-        LDR     R14,freepool            ;; Wimp 1.89o onwards
-        CMP     R14,#nullptr            ;;
-        BNE     %FT01                   ;; only allow paging if
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle          ;; the "owner" slot is active
-        LDR     R1,inithandle           ;;
-        TEQ     R1, R14                 ;; TMD: actually do the comparison!
-        BNE     serviceclaim            ;;
-        LDRB    R14, memoryOK           ; if free memory has been claimed
-        TST     R14, #mem_claimed       ; then refuse to move memory
-        BNE     serviceclaim
-        ADRL    R14,Module_BaseAddr
-        TEQ     R2,R14                  ; are we in control?
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",NE
-        TEQ     R0,#IsAnybodyThere      ; if this is the Wimp, allow it
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",EQ
-        LDR     R14,freepool            ; is there a free pool?
-        CMP     R14,#nullptr
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",LT           ; freepool=-2 ==> OK (not running)
-        LDRNEB  R14,memoryOK            ; if not remapped already, stop this!
-        TSTNE   R14,#mem_remapped       ; (usually because memory claimed)
-        BEQ     serviceclaim
-        LDR     R1,oldapplimit          ; orig_applicationspacesize is wrong
-        LDR     R0,[sp]                 ; (has been swapped with local one)
-        ADD     R0,R1,R0                ; proposed new end-of-memory
-        LDR     R14,freepoolbase
-        CMP     R0,R14
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",CS
-        MOV     R14,#0
-        STR     R14,[sp,#1*4]           ; claim service if not enough memory
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC"
-        Push    "R0,lr"
-        ADRL    R0,Module_BaseAddr
-        TEQ     R0,R2
-        Pull    "R0,PC",NE
-        LDR     R0,inithandle
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        TEQ     R0,R14
-        MOVNE   R1,#0
-        Pull    "R0,PC",,^
-        ; page may have been taken out of application space
-        ; the slot block must be updated.
-        Push    "R0-R3,lr"
-        ; first check pending task
-        LDR     R14,pendingtask
-        MOVS    R0,R14,ASR #31
-        LDREQ   R0,[R14,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        SWIGT   XOS_FindMemMapEntries
-        BGT     %FT05
-        LDR     R14,taskhandle
-        CMP     R14,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",EQ,^
-        LDR     R14,[wsptr,R14]
-        MOVS    R0,R14,ASR #31
-        LDREQ   R0,[R14,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        SWIGT   XOS_FindMemMapEntries
-        Pull    "R0-R3,PC",,^
-; Service_MemoryMoved interception
-; Put pages back into their proper positions
-servicememorymoved  ROUT
-        [ Medusa
-         [ true
-        Push    "R0-R2,lr"
-        MOV     R0,#6
-        SWI     XOS_ReadDynamicArea             ; is there a kernel free pool
-        Pull    "R0-R2,lr"
-        BVC     medusaservicemem
-        CLRV
-        |
-        MedusaOS
-        MOVEQS  PC,lr
-         ]
-        ]
-        Push    "R0-R7,R10-R11,LR"
-        MOV     R14,#IRQsema            ; if in IRQ, forget it!
-        LDR     R14,[R14]
-        TEQ     R14,#0
-        Pull    "R0-R7,R10-R11,PC",NE,^
-        TEQP    PC,#SVC_mode            ; enable interrupts (bug in MOS)
-        LDR     R14,freepool            ; no messing about if no free pool
-        CMP     R14,#nullptr
-        Pull    "R0-R7,R10-R11,PC",LT,^ ; Wimp not involved at all
-        BNE     %FT01                   ; Wimp has a free pool to maintain
-        LDR     R0,taskhandle                ;; Wimp 1.89o onwards
-        LDR     R14,inithandle               ;;
-        TEQ     R0,R14                       ;; update these if "owner" slot
-        Pull    "R0-R7,R10-R11,PC",NE,^      ;; is being altered
-;                                            ;;
-        MOV     R0,#ApplicationSpaceSize     ;; restorepages uses these later
-        MOV     R1,#0                        ;;
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment        ;;
-        STRVC   R1,orig_applicationspacesize ;;
-        MOV     R0,#MemoryLimit              ;;
-        MOV     R1,#0                        ;;
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment        ;;
-        STRVC   R1,orig_memorylimit          ;;
-                                             ;;
-        Pull    "R0-R7,R10-R11,PC",,^        ;;
-        LDRB    R14,memoryOK            ; if not remapped, forget it
-        TST     R14,#mem_remapped
-        Pull    "R0-R7,R10-R11,PC",EQ,^
-; restore correct CAO pointer (forced to be Wimp during OS_ChangeDynamic)
-        MOV     R0,#CAOPointer
-        LDR     R1,oldCAOpointer
-        SWI     XOS_ChangeEnvironment   ; ignore errors
-; scan all slots to see if the memory has moved
-        ADRL    R5,taskpointers
-        MOV     R4,#maxtasks
-        LDR     R14,[R5],#4
-        MOVS    R0,R14,ASR #31          ; R0 = 0 (OK) or -1 (no slot)
-        LDREQ   R0,[R14,#task_slotptr]
-        CMP     R0,#0
-        SWIGT   XOS_FindMemMapEntries   ; R10 --> new map, R0 --> slot
-        SUBS    R4,R4,#1                ; clears V
-        BNE     %BT01
-; don't forget the 'pending' slot
-        LDR     R14,pendingtask         ;; this was missing in Risc OS 2.00
-        MOVS    R0,R14,ASR #31          ;;
-        LDREQ   R0,[R14,#task_slotptr]  ;; essential for screen remapping
-        CMP     R0,#0                   ;;
-        SWIGT   XOS_FindMemMapEntries   ;;
-; restore the current orig_applicationspacesize/memorylimit for this slot
-        BL      restorememlimit
-        LDR     R3,oldapplimit
-        STR     R1,orig_memorylimit             ; these must be equal
-        STR     R1,orig_applicationspacesize
-; reconstruct the free slot by entering the expected addresses
-; note that sometimes more than just the free pool will have been removed
-        LDR     R2,freepool             ; R1 -> end of memory, R2 -> free slot
-        BL      findfreepool            ; fills in free pool
-        MOV     R1,#2                   ; no USR mode read/write
-        BL      setslotaccess
-; map out all applications except the current one
-; NB: this is important so that pages cannot coincide later
-        BL      unrackslots
-        LDRB    R14,memoryOK
-        BIC     R14,R14,#mem_remapped   ; should be alright again now!
-        STRB    R14,memoryOK
-        Pull    "R0-R7,R10-R11,PC",,^
-;; Neil's debugging routines
-      [ debug
-        InsertNDRDebugRoutines
-      ]
-;; Resource files
-        DCD     16,0,16,16              ; null area just in case
-      [ standalone
-        ResourceFile    Resources.<Locale>.Messages,     Resources.Wimp.Messages
-      [ NewErrorSystem
-        ResourceFile    Resources.<Locale>.Template3D,   Resources.Wimp.Templates  ; AMcC 18-Oct-94 was Template3D
-        |
-        ResourceFile    Resources.<Locale>.Templates,    Resources.Wimp.Templates
-      ]
-      ]
-        [ false
-        ResourceFile    Resources.<Locale>.Sprites,      Resources.Wimp.Sprites
-        ResourceFile    Resources.<Locale>.Tools,        Resources.Wimp.Tools
-        ]
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!WIMPSym.WIMPSymbol.Encoding,   Fonts.WIMPSymbol.Encoding
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!WIMPSym.WIMPSymbol.f240x120,   Fonts.WIMPSymbol.f240x120
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!WIMPSym.WIMPSymbol.IntMetrics, Fonts.WIMPSymbol.IntMetrics
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!WIMPSym.WIMPSymbol.Outlines,   Fonts.WIMPSymbol.Outlines
-      [ :LNOT: NoDarwin
-        [ RealDarwin
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!Darwin.Darwin.f240x120,    Fonts.Darwin.Medium.f240x120
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!Darwin.Darwin.IntMetrics,  Fonts.Darwin.Medium.IntMetrics
-        |
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!Homerton.homerton.IntMetric0,  Fonts.Darwin.Medium.IntMetric0
-        ResourceFile    Resources.!Homerton.homerton.Outlines0, Fonts.Darwin.Medium.Outlines0
-        ]
-      ]
-        [ standalone :LAND: false
-        ResourceFile    Resources.desktop,      Resources.Desktop.Messages
-        ]
-        DCD     0
-  ] ; :LNOT: UseAMBControl
-        END