From 14056f155e685fcc7dc06e6068e070e07174b747 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ROOL <>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2019 14:51:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Fix for abort on pasting into writeable menus

  Menu windows don't store the task handle in their datablock, so an incorrect one was used as part of the data transfer sequence.
  Also, minor fix for Message_ClaimEntity when bit 2 was clear (bits 0,1 set). The response meant that, for example, Alt-click to rename, select text in writeable and press ^C - copied to clipboard, but writeable is removed.
  Submission for Clipboard Support bounty.
 s/CBTask | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/s/CBTask b/s/CBTask
index 2790d0f..000046d 100644
--- a/s/CBTask
+++ b/s/CBTask
@@ -251,6 +251,10 @@ cbtask_claimentity_rx
         LDR     R2,[R2]
         TEQ     R0,R2
         BEQ     cbtask_poll             ; it was us, so ignore
+        ; was it a clipboard claim?
+        LDR     R0,[R1,#msClaimEntity_flags]
+        TST     R0,#4
+        BEQ     cbtask_poll
         ; release our claim
         MOV     R0,#clipboard_flexblock_clipdata
         MOV     R1,#0
@@ -866,6 +870,8 @@ cbtask_get_icon_text
         ADRL    R2,clipboard_taskhandle
         LDR     R2,[R2]                 ; destination task (us)
         LDR     R0,[R10,#w_taskhandle]
+        CMP     R0,#-1                  ; menu windows don't have a task handle attached
+        LDREQ   R0,menutaskhandle       ; so we get the menu owner's handle to use instead
         LDR     R14,[wsptr,R0]
         LDR     R14,[R14,#task_flagword]
         MOV     R14,R14,LSR #flag_versionbit
@@ -897,6 +903,8 @@ cbtask_put_icon_text
         LDR     R0,[R0]
         LDR     R2,[R10,#w_taskhandle]
+        CMP     R2,#-1                  ; menu windows don't have an attached taskhandle
+        LDREQ   R2,menutaskhandle       ; so look at the menu's owner instead
         LDR     R14,[wsptr,R2]
         LDR     R14,[R14,#task_flagword]
         MOV     R14,R14,LSR #flag_versionbit