• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Remove conflicting save desktop settings · 7b3c022c
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Saving the desktop boot file results in some conflicting settings. Since to be able to save it you must have a writable medium, you also have <Choices$Write> so you should be using !Configure.
    Remove the ChangeDynamicArea lines from being written
    * FontSize - this was specifically mentioned as conflicting in the RISC OS 3.60 User Guide, in the memory dialogue of old !Configure or Font setup plugin now.
    * SpriteSize - deprecated in the RISC OS 3.10 PRM, so don't encourage it to be non zero on boot up
    * RamFsSize - likewise in the memory dialogue of old !Configure or Disc setup plugin now.
    Still writes the WimpSlot size, since there's no corresponding !Configure item for that and it can be resized before every app starts anyway.
    Version 1.48. Tagged as 'Switcher-1_48'
Switcher 219 KB