• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add support for 'PostDesk' shutdown scripts · 2ad3fd32
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Useful for small clearup activities on each shutdown. As we're trying to shut down the range of things looked for is very small compared with the PreDesk directory: no sprites, no apps (or directories), no utilities, no BASIC, no modules. Keep it simple and fast!
    * If Choices:Boot.PostDesk is present, any obey files within it are obey'd
    * Swap false/true to {FALSE} and {TRUE}
    * TaskManager_Shutdown flag bit 7 can skip the shutdown scripts
    * Simplified evaluation of Boot$OSVersion
    * Changed pre RISC OS 3.50 reset to actually do a reset rather than just reenter the desktop
    * Shared a few constant strings
    Version 1.37. Tagged as 'Switcher-1_37'
Switcher 218 KB