; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; ; !Help support GBLL interactive_help interactive_help SETL {TRUE} ; Don't be paranoid at all after an upcall modified file GBLL less_upcall_paranoia less_upcall_paranoia SETL {TRUE} ; stamp option GBLL stamp_option stamp_option SETL {TRUE} ; disallow recursive copies GBLL disallow_recursive_copies disallow_recursive_copies SETL {TRUE} ; disallow very long path names GBLL disallow_longpaths disallow_longpaths SETL {TRUE} ; Opendir/Closedir request order GBLL opendir_request_order opendir_request_order SETL {TRUE} ; action window handling GBLL actionwind actionwind SETL {TRUE} ; Handling of *filer_opendir with position and displaymode GBLL openat openat SETL {TRUE} ; Centralise handling of directory viewer wrapping GBLL centralwrap centralwrap SETL {TRUE} ; Correct handling of dvr_rhsgap GBLL bug1596 bug1596 SETL {TRUE} ; Drag to Icon bar Data_Opens applications and files GBLL dragtobar dragtobar SETL {TRUE} ; Default directory window width of four columns? GBLL fourcolumnwidth fourcolumnwidth SETL {TRUE} ; Message_FilerSelection with extra pointer information? GBLL NewMessageFilerSelection NewMessageFilerSelection SETL {TRUE} ; Shift-EXTend-close on a directory viewer leaves child open, and ; opens parent GBLL shfextclose shfextclose SETL {TRUE} ; Allow set type on files GBLL settype settype SETL {TRUE} ; Dragging a sprite rather than an outline GBLL DragASprite DragASprite SETL {TRUE} ; Use open directory icons for open directories, GBLL ShowOpenDirs ShowOpenDirs SETL {TRUE} ; Add "Set directory" menu item GBLL AddSetDirectory AddSetDirectory SETL {TRUE} ; If "Set directory" comes before "Open parent" GBLL SetDirectoryComesFirst SetDirectoryComesFirst SETL {TRUE} ; Change the 16bit filename offset into a 32 bit one GBLL not_16bit_offsets not_16bit_offsets SETL {TRUE} GBLL includeresources [ :DEF: standalone includeresources SETL standalone | includeresources SETL {FALSE} ] ; Support for TinyDirs GBLL hastiny hastiny SETL {FALSE} ; This is NOT implemented properly and is just a quick hack for GBartram GBLL fonthack fonthack SETL {FALSE} ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Ursula flags ; Using Ursula wimp? GBLL ursulawimp ursulawimp SETL {TRUE} ; Autoscrolling windows? GBLL autoscroll autoscroll SETL ursulawimp ; MenuClearsSelection ; If set, then if a click with Menu on a file in a different viewer will remove ; the selection in any other viewer and select the new file. GBLL MenuClearsSelection MenuClearsSelection SETL {TRUE} ; OptionsAreInRAM ; If set, use RAM instead of CMOS to store options GBLL OptionsAreInRAM OptionsAreInRAM SETL {TRUE} ; AltRenaming - do Alt + Click renaming of files ; Don't trust this - some AltRenaming stuff isn't conditional on it. GBLL AltRenaming AltRenaming SETL {TRUE} ; Ursula DragASprite GBLL ursuladragasprite ursuladragasprite SETL {TRUE} ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Retain or clear selections after file actions GBLL retainsel retainsel SETL {TRUE} GBLL clearsel_copymove GBLL clearsel_file_access GBLL clearsel_file_copy GBLL clearsel_file_count GBLL clearsel_file_delete GBLL clearsel_file_help GBLL clearsel_file_find GBLL clearsel_file_rename GBLL clearsel_file_stamp GBLL clearsel_file_settype GBLL clearsel_newdir clearsel_copymove SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {TRUE} clearsel_file_access SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_file_copy SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_file_count SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_file_delete SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_file_help SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {TRUE} clearsel_file_find SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_file_rename SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_file_stamp SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_file_settype SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} clearsel_newdir SETL (:LNOT: retainsel) :LOR: {FALSE} ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Emit and incompatibility warnings [ ursulawimp ! 0, "" ! 0, "WARNING - This version only suitable for use with Ursula WIMP or later" | ! 0, "" ! 0, "WARNING - Why aren't you using the Ursula WIMP?" ] [ includeresources ! 0, "" ! 0, "WARNING - Filer includes own resources, please turn off." ] ! 0, "" END