• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add support for 32bpp Sun raster files · d1156009
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Fix support for 24bpp RLE compressed Sun raster files
    The former is merely 24b data on 32b boundaries (the format doesn't support transparency), so this need not be rejected by ChangeFSI.
    The latter caused a data abort because the decoder assumed all RLE data could be handled by FN1100 but in the 24bpp case there's 3 times more data than expected so you fall off the end of memory.
    Test image for type 3 Sun rasters produced as these seem hard to find.
    Now correctly decodes all the sample images at
    Docs updated.
    Version 1.48. Tagged as 'ChangeFSI-1_48'
VersionNum 809 Bytes