• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add support for 24 (and 32) bpp PCX files · 43ad8e7b
    Robert Sprowson authored
    ChangeFSI's slightly lapse check of >= 8bpp header vetting for PCX meant it would try to load such files and fail with an EOF error.
    * Change header parsing to correctly deduce a 24 or 32bpp PCX is being handled, select the appropriate decoder
    * Add a sample 4 plane 8 bit PCX to the tests directory, created with ImageMagick
    * Docs updated
    Note that is seems highly unlikely from inspection of the code that 5/6/7bpp PCX files will come out the right colour since the PCX file format header only has space for 16 palette entries but ChangeFSI will continue reading off the end of the table into the start of the image data. However, no examples of 5/6/7bpp images could be found in the wild, so let sleeping dogs lie.
    Version 1.53. Tagged as 'ChangeFSI-1_53'