• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add support for type 10 (64k colour) sprites and those with wide masks · 41d2f57d
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Sprite type 10 is now accepted as an input format, by defining the appropriate 5:6:5 colour lookup tables.
    Sprites with wide masks (8b alpha channels) are now also accepted, though like binary masks the mask is simply ignored. Previously these fell into a signed < 256 trap and were being mistaken for numbered modes which the OS then choked on.
    When showing the mode number in the "About this image" dialogue the number is now given in hex if it's not a numbered mode (0-255), this is fractionally more useful than decimal.
    Enlarged the "About this image" display fields per the Style Guide.
    Corrected the comments in the colour mapping code (lines 6551-6552, 7043-7044).
    Version 1.55. Tagged as 'ChangeFSI-1_55'
Formats 29 KB