• Steve Revill's avatar
    Many changes and improvements to Alarm. · 3c7a139d
    Steve Revill authored
      Style guide issues:
      * Fixed window menus to open at x-64,y instead of x-64,y+32
      * Pressing return in dialogue boxes causes the default button to be pressed
      * Changed 'Setup...' to 'Choices...' on iconbar menu.
      * Dialogue windows now have a Cancel button rather than a wimp close box.
      Set Alarm window changes:
      * Window redesigned.
      * Old behaviour (which was broken in 2.75) of clicking on the "Repeating
      * Alarm" icon expanding the window, has been reinstated.
      * Year, date, hour and minute icons are now directly editable.
      * New icons show the difference between the current time and the alarm you
        are setting.
      Fixed broken messages file, added a warning to hopefully stop it happening
      When the 'code' file isn't present, an error is generated; unfortunately
      this was translated via MsgTrans (the problem being the messages file
      hadn't been opened yet). This has now been fixed.
      Iconbar icon now uses desktop font, and has a fixed position on the
      The Alarm$Options settings are saved in <Choices$Write>.Boot.Predesk.Alarm,
      so the user defined format is preserved over resets.
      Extensions to the user definede format:
        ~AH Analogue hours display.
        ~AM Analogue minutes display.
        ~AS Analogue seconds display.
        ~IN Alternating ':'/'.' indicator previously used by HH:MM format.
        You can now include system variables in the string. Alarm provides
        <Alarm$Free> which is the current free memory in the computer.
      Error changes:
      * Message_DataOpen is acknowledged straight away. Which prevents the
        situation of an error occuring, the OS running another copy of Alarm
        and then generating the same error again.
      * Errors 108D4 and 108D5 are ignored, as recommended on PRM3-64
      * Error windows now use the extensions provided by RO3.5
      Choosing "Set clock..." from the iconbar menu, will run the !TimeSetup
      configure plug-in if available.
      Tested on RiscPC RO402, RiscPC RO606, Underemulation on RO311 + universal
      boot & nested window manager.
      Changes by James Lampard.
    Version 2.76. Tagged as 'Alarm-2_76'
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