#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Components file for OMAP3 build #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %BaseAddress 0xFC000000 %Image Build$ImageName %Log Build$ImageName %Messages Sources.Internat.Messages %Joiner BigSplit2 %JoinerFormat BigSplit # BBE Support BuildApps BuildExport BuildSystem -options COMPONENTFILE=OMAP3 COMPONENTFILE2=Universal BuildEnvironment -options ENVFILE=OMAP3 BuildModules BuildTools #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # some headers # HdrSrc -type EXP #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # we need the following exported for swis.h generation # change the type to EXP # DDEUtils -type EXP Econet -type EXP DDT -type EXP HostFS -type EXP SCSIDriver -type EXP PCCardFS -type EXP PDriver -type EXP PDumperDM -type EXP MakePSFont -type EXP # kernel is first module in ROM seen as the UtilityModule HAL_OMAP3 Kernel -at 0xFC010000 Podule -type EXP PCI FileSwitch ResourceFS TerritoryManager Messages MessageTrans UK WindowManager -options OPTIONS=Ursula Desktop SharedRISC_OSLib TaskManager ADFSFiler ARM BASIC105 BASIC64 BASICTrans BufferManager ColourTrans Debugger #DADebug -options ROMSupport=TRUE DeviceFS RTSupport # USB drivers - debug #USBDriver -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " CDEBUG="-DDEBUGLIB -DUSB_DEBUG -DOHCI_DEBUG -DEHCI_DEBUG" #EHCIDriver -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " CDEBUG="-DDEBUGLIB -DUSB_DEBUG -DOHCI_DEBUG -DEHCI_DEBUG" #OHCIDriver -type EXP -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " CDEBUG="-DDEBUGLIB -DUSB_DEBUG -DOHCI_DEBUG -DEHCI_DEBUG" #OHCIHeaders -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " CDEBUG="-DDEBUGLIB -DUSB_DEBUG -DOHCI_DEBUG -DEHCI_DEBUG" #MUSBDriver -options COPTIONS="-fn -g -DDEBUGLIB -DMUSB_DEBUG" CDEBUG="-DDEBUGLIB -DMUSB_DEBUG" # USB drivers - non-debug USBDriver -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " EHCIDriver -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " OHCIDriver -type EXP -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " OHCIHeaders -options CFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " -DRHENIUM CMHGFLAGS="-DRHENIUM " MUSBDriver -options DisplayManager DMAManager DragASprite DragAnObj DrawMod BBCEconet FileCore ADFS -type EXP RamFS Filer FilerSWIs FSLock FontManager FPEmulator -options FPE_APCS=3/32bit System=Iyonix Free Hourglass IIC International InternationalKeyboard -options KEYBOARD=All ITable NetFS NetFiler NetPrint NetStatus NetUtils Obey Pinboard PipeFS RAMFSFiler ResourceFiler ROMFonts ScreenBlanker ScrSaver -options SCRSAVERAPP=No #DualSerial SerialDeviceDriver -type EXP #SerialDeviceSupport #SerialMouse ShellCLI SoundDMA_Tungsten -type EXP #SoundControl #SoundChannels #SoundScheduler SpriteExtend SpriteUtils Squash SuperSample SystemDevices TaskWindow WindowUtils FilterManager #WaveSynth #StringLib #Percussion Filer_Action DOSFS -options PCMCIA=TRUE SCSISwitch SCSISoftUSB SCSIFS SCSIFiler -options ASFLAGS="-PD \"SCSI SETL {TRUE}\"" ColourPicker ScreenModes DrawFile BootCommands AUNMsgs MManager Internet Resolver Net BootNet Freeway ShareFS MimeMap LanManFS -options OPTIONS=-DCHECK_ARMBOOT_EXISTS ROMSPRITES=TRUE DHCP -options OPTIONS=-DMINIMUM_OPTIONS_LENGTH=4 Edit Draw Paint Alarm Chars Help2 #RTCAdjust # # Toolbox Modules/Libs # tboxlib ToolboxLib -type EXP TinyStubs Toolbox Window ToolAction Menu IconBar ColourDbox ColourMenu DCS_Quit FileInfo FontDbox FontMenu PrintDbox ProgInfo SaveAs Scale Gadgets # # CDFS # #CDFSDriver #ATAPI #CDFS #CDFSFiler InetRes -options TYPE=EmergencyUtils # some libraries and bits # callx AsmUtils -type EXP TCPIPheaders -type EXP socklib inetlib unixlib UnicodeLib -type EXP OSLib DeskLib ModMallocLib PlainArgvLib RemoteDebug PDebug DDTLib Wild Trace DebugLib Portable -type EXP NVRAM -type EXP PortManager -type EXP ABRelease # end