#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Components file for iMx6 build #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %BaseAddress 0xFC000000 %Image Build$ImageName %Log Build$ImageName %Messages Sources.Internat.Messages %Joiner romlinker %JoinerFormat romlinker %noimagesize # BBE Support BuildApps BuildExport BuildSystem -options COMPONENTFILE=iMx6 COMPONENTFILE2=Universal BuildEnvironment -options ENVFILE=iMx6 BuildModules BuildTools #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # some headers # HdrSrc -type EXP #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # we need the following exported for swis.h generation # change the type to EXP # CompressPNG -type EXP DDEUtils -type EXP Econet -type EXP DDT -type EXP HostFS -type EXP SCSIDriver -type EXP PCCardFS -type EXP PDriver -type EXP PDumperDM -type EXP MakePSFont -type EXP # kernel is first module in ROM seen as the UtilityModule HAL_iMx6 Kernel -at 0xFC018000 -options ASFLAGS="-PD \"CMOS_Override SETS \\\"= FileLangCMOS,fsnumber_SCSIFS,SCSIFSDrivesCMOS,&20\\\"\"" Podule -type EXP PCI FileSwitch ResourceFS TerritoryManager Messages MessageTrans UK WindowManager -options OPTIONS=Ursula TaskManager # Desktop is the 11th module (default language) Desktop SharedRISC_OSLib ScreenModes IMXVideo BASIC105 BASIC64 BASICVFP BufferManager ColourTrans Debugger ##DADebug DeviceFS PortableHAL International InternationalKeyboard -options KEYBOARD=All RTSupport ## USB drivers - debug #USBDriver -options DEBUG=TRUE #EHCIDriver -options DEBUG=TRUE # USB drivers - non-debug USBDriver EHCIDriver DisplayManager DMAManager DragASprite DragAnObj DrawMod BBCEconet FileCore ADFS -type EXP RamFS Filer FilerSWIs FontManager FPEmulator -options FPE_APCS=3/32bit FPEANCHOR=High VFPSupport Free Hourglass IIC ITable Obey Pinboard PipeFS RAMFSFiler ResourceFiler ROMFonts SpriteExtend ShellCLI BlendTable SpriteUtils Squash SuperSample SystemDevices TaskWindow WindowUtils FilterManager ColourPicker DrawFile Filer_Action DOSFS -options PCMCIA=TRUE SCSISwitch SCSISoftUSB SCSIFS SCSIFiler -options ASFLAGS="-PD \"SCSI SETL {TRUE}\"" TEMPLATES=yes ScreenBlanker ScrSaver -options SCRSAVERAPP=No DualSerial SerialDeviceDriver -type EXP SerialDeviceSupport ##SerialMouse FSLock SoundDMA_HAL SoundControl SoundChannels SoundScheduler WaveSynth StringLib Percussion SharedSnd SDIODriver SDFS SDFSFiler -options ASFLAGS="-PD \"SDFS SETL {TRUE}\"" TEMPLATES=yes SDCMOS -options MYASFLAGS="-pd \"StoreAtDiscAddress SETA &20001200\"" # SPIDriver #NetFS #NetFiler #NetPrint #NetStatus #NetUtils RTC BootCommands WindowScroll MManager Internet Resolver Net BootNet Freeway ShareFS MimeMap LanManFS -options OPTIONS=-DCHECK_ARMBOOT_EXISTS ROMSPRITES=TRUE DHCP -options OPTIONS=-DMINIMUM_OPTIONS_LENGTH=4 Edit Draw Paint Alarm Chars Help2 # # Toolbox Modules/Libs # tboxlib ToolboxLib -type EXP Toolbox Window ToolAction Menu Iconbar ColourDbox ColourMenu DCS_Quit FileInfo FontDbox FontMenu PrintDbox ProgInfo SaveAs Scale Gadgets # # CDFS # CDFSDriver CDFSSoftSCSI CDFS CDFSFiler UnSqzAIF InetRes -options TYPE=EmergencyUtils EtherTH AHCIDriver GPIO -type EXP # some libraries and bits # callx AsmUtils -type EXP TCPIPheaders -type EXP socklib inetlib unixlib UnicodeLib -type EXP ConfigLib -type EXP OSLib DeskLib ModMallocLib PlainArgvLib RemoteDebug PDebug DDTLib Wild Trace DebugLib SyncLib NVRAM -type EXP PortManager -type EXP SDCreate -options INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.ABRelease ABRelease # end